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"tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_extra/0001_squashed_0002.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_extra/0002_second.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_extra/0003_third.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_ref_squashed/app1/1_auto.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_ref_squashed/app1/2_auto.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_ref_squashed/app1/2_squashed_3.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_ref_squashed/app1/3_auto.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_ref_squashed/app1/4_auto.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_ref_squashed/app2/1_auto.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_ref_squashed/app2/1_squashed_2.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_squashed_ref_squashed/app2/2_auto.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_unmigdep/0001_initial.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations2/test_migrations_2/0001_initial.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations2/test_migrations_2_first/0001_initial.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations2/test_migrations_2_first/0002_second.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations2/test_migrations_2_no_deps/0001_initial.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/array_default_migrations/0001_initial.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/array_default_migrations/0002_integerarraymodel_field_2.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/array_index_migrations/0001_initial.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/migrations/0001_setup_extensions.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/migrations/0002_create_test_models.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_framework/migrations/0001_initial.py", + [ + "Migration" + ] + ] + ], + "LogEntryManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntryManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Meta": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/base_user.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUser", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "Permission", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "PermissionsMixin", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AbstractUser", 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"test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation", + "Model1", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation", + "Model2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "Product", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintProduct", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintConditionProduct", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintDeferrable", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintInclude", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "ProxyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "Answer", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "Post", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_pointing_to_swapped_model", + "SwappedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_columns/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_columns/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "FastCarAsBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "FastCarAsDefault", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "AbstractPerson", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/models.py", + [ + "Employee", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/models.py", + [ + "Business", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/datatypes/models.py", + [ + "Donut", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "ChildProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "RefreshPrimaryProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "ProxyRelated", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Proxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "AvatarProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Photo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "FooFileProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "OrderedPerson", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Experiment", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Category", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "ProxySpy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_model_package/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Plant", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Parent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "CommonFeature", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Widget", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "WidgetProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Store", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "BaseNKModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/models.py", + [ + "ProxyCounter", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ArticleTranslation", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/customers.py", + [ + "Address", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/customers.py", + [ + "Customer", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "SlugPage", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Group", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Membership", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTests", + "ArticleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelCheckTests", + "test_check_composite_foreign_object", + "Parent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelCheckTests", + "test_check_subset_composite_foreign_object", + "Parent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "ChoiceOptionModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "OptionalMultiChoiceModelForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldExclusionForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyCharLabelChoiceForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyIntegerLabelChoiceForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyCharLabelNoneChoiceForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_boundary_conditions", + "BoundaryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_formfield_initial", + "DefaultsForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_formfield_initial", + "ExcludingForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests", + "test_invalid_loading_order", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests", + "test_valid_loading_order", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/views.py", + [ + "ArticleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/models.py", + [ + "PhoneNumber", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "MediaForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "MediaForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_fieldsets", + "MediaForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_formsets_with_inlines_returns_tuples", + "MediaForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "TaggedItem", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "TaggedItemForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "LinkProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "HasLinks", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "B", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "C", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "D", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/forms.py", + [ + "AuthorForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Artist", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "SimpleModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/models.py", + [ + "City", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "City", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "PennsylvaniaCity", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "State", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "City", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "County", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "City", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "Interstate", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "ICity1", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "ICity2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/models.py", + [ + "RasterModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/models.py", + [ + "RasterRelatedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "SimpleModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/forms.py", + [ + "CompanyForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/models.py", + [ + "Company", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/indexes/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/indexes/models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherSingleList", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poem", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "SpecialName", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldColumnType", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogether", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "Reporter", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "ArticleReporter", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "Comment", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_non_iterable", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_non_list", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_list_containing_non_iterable", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_non_iterable", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_list_containing_non_iterable", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_non_list", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_valid_model", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_name_constraints", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_max_name_length", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_condition", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_condition_required_db_features", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_include", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_include_required_db_features", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_fk", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_non_iterable", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_just_ordering_no_errors", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_just_order_with_respect_to_no_errors", + "Answer", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_with_order_with_respect_to", + "Answer", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_non_valid", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_foreignkey_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_related_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_related_model_field", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_non_related_field", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_two_related_model_field", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_multiple_times_to_model_fields", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_allows_registered_lookups", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_lookup_not_transform", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_related_model_pk", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_foreignkey_field", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_swappable_missing_app_name", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_swappable_missing_app", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked", + "A2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked", + "C2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked", + "Intermediate", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_to_concrete_and_proxy_allowed", + "ThroughProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_lazy_reference_checks", + "DummyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_json_field_value", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_check_jsonfield_required_db_features", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_check_constraints", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_check_constraints_required_db_features", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_condition", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_condition_required_db_features", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_deferrable_unique_constraint", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_deferrable_unique_constraint_required_db_features", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_fk", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_include", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_include_required_db_features", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Child", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_fk", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_abstract_model", + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_m2m_to_abstract_model", + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_partially_unique_field", + "Target", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint", + "Target", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_partially_unique_field", + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint", + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_not_swapped_model", + "SwappableModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_referencing_to_swapped_model", + "SwappedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_superset_foreign_object", + "Parent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_intersection_foreign_object", + "Parent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Season", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_bulk_non_unique_meta_constaint", + "Model", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/models.py", + [ + "Issue", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_multiple/models.py", + [ + "Category", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_multiple/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "BadModelWithSplit", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/models.py", + [ + "Part", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/models.py", + [ + "Car", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Membership", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "CustomMembership", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Employee", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Ingredient", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Recipe", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Driver", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "ProxiedIndividualCompetitor", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "AbstractBase1", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "AbstractBase2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "AbstractBase3", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_swappable_manager", + "SwappableModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_custom_swappable_manager", + "SwappableModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_explicit_swappable_manager", + "SwappableModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance", + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance", + "ProxyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "PlainModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "ProxyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "PlainModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "ProxyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_manager_no_duplicates", + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "Publication", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "AbstractArticle", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migration_test_data_persistence/models.py", + [ + "Unmanaged", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/migrated_unapplied_app/models.py", + [ + "OtherAuthor", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "UnicodeModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "UnserializableModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_not_null_addition", + "SillyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_not_null_alteration", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_no_model_rename", + "RenamedModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_no_field_rename", + "SillyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_dry_run", + "SillyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_dry_run_verbosity_3", + "SillyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_migrations_modules_path_not_exist", + "SillyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_auto_now_add_interactive", + "Entry", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "AuthorProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "SubAuthor", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "Food", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "FoodNoManagers", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "FoodNoDefaultManager", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "FoodOrderedManagers", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager_added_to_the_model_state", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager_named_objects_with_false_migration_flag", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_no_duplicate_managers", + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_no_duplicate_managers", + "Boss", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_base_manager", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_base_manager", + "Author2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_inheritance", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_inheritance", + "Novel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "FooBar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "AbstractSubFooBar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "SubFooBar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "A", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "B", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "C", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "D", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "E", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "F", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_unique_app_labels", + "A", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_unique_app_labels", + "B", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_add_relations", + "A", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_add_relations", + "B", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_add_relations", + "C", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_remove_relations", + "A", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_remove_relations", + "B", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_self_relation", + "A", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error", + "Publisher", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error", + "Magazine", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_real_apps", + "TestModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_ignore_order_wrt", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_ignore_order_wrt", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_choices_iterator", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable_from_abstract", + "SearchableLocation", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable_from_abstract", + "Station", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable_from_abstract", + "BusStation", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_custom_manager_swappable", + "Food", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_order_with_respect_to_private_field", + "PrivateFieldModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_abstract_model_children_inherit_indexes", + "Abstract", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_explicit_index_name", + "TestModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_from_model_constraints", + "ModelWithConstraints", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "AbstractPersonWithHeight", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "JSONModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "NullableJSONModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_pending_operations", + "AbstractForeignKeyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "AbstractReferent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "Referred", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "ConcreteReferent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_pending_operations", + "AbstractManyToManyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "AbstractReferent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "Referred", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "Through", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "ConcreteReferent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_overriding_inherited_FIELD_display", + "Base", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Writer", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Price", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Triple", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Inventory", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "BookXtra", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "ExplicitPK", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield", + "ModelChoiceForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_multiplemodelchoicefield", + "ArticleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPKForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "if_test_images_", + "ImageFileForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "if_test_images_", + "OptionalImageFileForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "if_test_images_", + "NoExtensionImageFileForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ProductForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "PriceForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "BookForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "DerivedBookForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ExplicitPKForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "PostForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "DerivedPostForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomWriterForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCategoryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ArticleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "RoykoForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ArticleStatusForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "InventoryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomFieldForExclusionForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "TextFileForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "BigIntForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormWithMedia", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomErrorMessageForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_empty_fields_on_modelform", + "EmptyPersonForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_with_null_foreign_key_field", + "FormForTestingIsValid", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_false_with_null_true_foreign_key_field", + "AwardForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_foreign_key_with_radio", + "BookForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_non_blank_foreign_key_with_radio", + "AwardForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_missing_fields_attribute", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "MissingFieldsForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_field_model_form", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "ExtraPersonForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_declared_field_model_form", + "ExtraPersonForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field", + "ReplaceField", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field_variant_2", + "ReplaceField", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field_variant_3", + "ReplaceField", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_override_field", + "WriterForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_limit_nonexistent_field", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "InvalidCategoryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_limit_fields_with_string", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "CategoryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_fields", + "ExcludeFields", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_nonexistent_field", + "ExcludeFields", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_fields_with_string", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "CategoryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_and_validation", + "PriceFormWithoutQuantity", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_and_validation", + "PriceFormWithoutQuantity_1", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_confused_form", + "ConfusedForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_mixmodel_form", + "MixModelForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_invalid_meta_model", + "InvalidModelForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_subclassmeta_form", + "SomeCategoryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_subclassmeta_form", + "SubclassMeta", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_orderfields_form", + "OrderFields", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_orderfields2_form", + "OrderFields2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_populated_on_optional_field", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_non_empty_value_in_cleaned_data", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_optional_checkbox_input", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_checkboxselectmultiple", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_selectmultiple", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_prefixed_form_with_default_field", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_splitdatetime_field", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_filefield", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_selectdatewidget", + "PubForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "IncompleteCategoryFormWithFields", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "IncompleteCategoryFormWithExclude", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_together_exclusion", + "BookForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_multiple_field_unique_together", + "TripleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_for_date_in_exclude", + "DateTimePostForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_for_date_with_nullable_date", + "FlexDatePostForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_message", + "CustomProductForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_together_message", + "CustomPriceForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_for_date_message", + "CustomPostForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_subset_fields", + "PartialArticleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_subset_fields", + "PartialArticleFormWithSlug", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_custom_form_fields", + "ShortCategory", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_recleaning_model_form_instance", + "AuthorForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_to_field_name_with_initial_data", + "ArticleCategoriesForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_modelform_onetoonefield", + "ImprovedArticleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_modelform_onetoonefield", + "ImprovedArticleWithParentLinkForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_modelform_subclassed_model", + "BetterWriterForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_onetoonefield", + "WriterProfileForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_assignment_of_none", + "AuthorForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_assignment_of_none_null_false", + "AuthorForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_full_clear", + "DocumentForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_clear_and_file_contradiction", + "DocumentForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_render_empty_file_field", + "DocumentForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_custom_file_field_save", + "CFFForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_file_field_multiple_save", + "PhotoForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_file_path_field_blank", + "FPForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_url_on_modelform", + "HomepageForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_modelform_non_editable_field", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "InvalidArticleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_http_prefixing", + "HomepageForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_foreignkeys_which_use_to_field", + "CategoryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_iterable_model_m2m", + "ColourfulItemForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_callable_field_default", + "PublicationDefaultsForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests", + "test_override_clean", + "TripleFormWithCleanOverride", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests", + "test_model_form_clean_applies_to_model", + "CategoryForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_form_subclass_inheritance", + "ModelForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal", + "ModelForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal_name_clashes", + "MyForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "StumpJokeForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "StumpJokeWithCustomFieldForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_baseform_with_widgets_in_meta", + "BaseForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_custom_callback", + "BaseForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_inherit_after_custom_callback", + "BaseForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_applies_localize_to_some_fields", + "PartiallyLocalizedTripleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_applies_localize_to_all_fields", + "FullyLocalizedTripleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_refuses_arbitrary_string", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "BrokenLocalizedTripleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "BookWithOptionalAltEditor", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Price", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Revision", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_form", + "PostForm1", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_form", + "PostForm2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_callable_defaults", + "MembershipForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inlineformset_with_arrayfield", + "BookForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "UserSiteForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests", + "CustomDeleteUserForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/models.py", + [ + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_name_auto_generation_with_quoted_db_table", + "QuotedDbTable", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "CommonInfo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Student", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Attachment", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Rating", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "NamedURL", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "GrandParent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_single_parent", + "AbstractBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_single_parent", + "AbstractDescendant", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_inherited_field", + "ParentA", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_inherited_field", + "ParentB", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_concrete_inherited_field", + "AbstractParent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_virtual_field", + "RelatedModelAbstract", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_virtual_field", + "ModelAbstract", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_cannot_override_indirect_abstract_field", + "AbstractBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_field_with_attr", + "AbstractBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_overriding_field_removed_by_concrete_model", + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadowed_fkey_id", + "AbstractBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadow_related_name_when_set_to_none", + "AbstractBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_reverse_foreign_key", + "AbstractBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multi_inheritance_field_clashes", + "AbstractBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multi_inheritance_field_clashes", + "AbstractDescendant", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_one2one_relation_auto_field_clashes", + "AbstractParent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro", + "AbstractModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_parent_link", + "B", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name", + "Referenced", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name", + "AbstractReferent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name", + "Referent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name", + "Referent_3", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Place", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "ParkingLot4", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Evaluation", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "AuditBase", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "CertificationAudit", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "AbstractEvent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Station", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inherited_unique_field_with_form", + "ProfileForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "AbstractPerson", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "ProxyPerson", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "Store", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "EditorStore", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/tablespaces.py", + [ + "Scientist", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/tablespaces.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "Band", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "AdminBandForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "AdminConcertForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_formfield_override_readonly", + "AdminBandForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "AdminBandForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "AdminConcertForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_form_exclude_kwarg_override", + "AdminBandForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_exclude_kwarg_override", + "AdminConcertForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_fields", + "AdminConcertForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_exclude", + "AdminConcertForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_regression_for_ticket_15820", + "CustomConcertForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field", + "AdminConcertForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field", + "AdminConcertForm_3", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Review", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Pet", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "UserProfile", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "Comment", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Comment", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/or_lookups/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Answer", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Post", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Component", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "OrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_duplicate_order_field", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "OrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_duplicate_order_field", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "OrderedByAuthorArticle", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "OrderedByFArticle", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "Reference", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarraywidget_value_omitted_from_data", + "Form", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarrayfield_has_changed", + "Form", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarrayfield_remove_trailing_nulls_has_changed", + "Form", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "FavoriteAuthors", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "AuthorAddress", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Reader", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Qualification", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Teacher", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Department", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "TaggedItem", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Bookmark", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Comment", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "House", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Room", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Employee", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Author2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/app1/models.py", + [ + "ProxyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "ProxyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "ConcreteModelSubclassProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Abstract", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "MyPerson", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ManagerMixin", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "OtherPerson", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "MyPersonProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "UserProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "AnotherUserProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "UserProxyProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "MultiUserProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "StateProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ProxyTrackerUser", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ProxyBug", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ProxyProxyBug", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ProxyImprovement", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_abstract_base_with_model_fields", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "NoAbstract", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_too_many_concrete_classes", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "TooManyBases", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_no_base_classes", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "NoBaseClasses", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_new_fields", + "NoNewFields", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_swappable", + "SwappableModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_swappable", + "with_self_assertRaises_Ty", + "ProxyModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ProxyCategory", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Note", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ExtraInfo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ranking", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Cover", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Valid", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LoopX", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LoopY", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LoopZ", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CustomPk", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SingleObject", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "RelatedObject", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Plaything", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ProxyObjectA", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ProxyObjectB", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "NullableName", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Order", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "OrderItem", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Individual", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "RelatedIndividual", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldNullable", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "AbstractEvent", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_model_pickle_dynamic", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reserved_names/models.py", + [ + "Thing", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorCharFieldWithIndex", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorTextFieldWithIndex", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithDefaultHeight", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithEvenLongerName", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithIndexedName", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithUniqueName", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWeak", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWithLongName", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWithO2O", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWithSlug", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWithoutAuthor", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookForeignObj", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "IntegerPK", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Note", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "NoteRename", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "TagIndexed", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "TagM2MTest", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "TagUniqueRename", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Thing", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Node", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_inline_fk_index_update_data", + "Node", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_char_field_pk_to_auto_field", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_fk_to_proxy", + "AuthorProxy", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_fk_to_proxy", + "AuthorRef", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_no_db_constraint_added_during_primary_key_change", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_no_db_constraint_added_during_primary_key_change", + "BookWeak", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_db_constraint", + "LocalAuthorWithM2M", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_auto_field_quoted_db_column", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_primary_key_quoted_db_table", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_with_custom_db_type", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_array_field_decrease_base_field_length", + "ArrayModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_array_field_decrease_nested_base_field_length", + "ArrayModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_to_fk", + "LocalBook", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_smallint_pk_to_smallautofield_pk", + "SmallIntegerPK", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_int_pk_to_int_unique", + "Transitional", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_int_pk_to_int_unique", + "IntegerUnique", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename_referenced_field", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename_referenced_field", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_create", + "LocalBookWithM2M", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_create_through", + "LocalTagThrough", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_create_through", + "LocalBookWithM2MThrough", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m", + "LocalAuthorWithM2M", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_through_alter", + "LocalAuthorTag", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_through_alter", + "LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_repoint", + "LocalBookWithM2M", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model", + "LocalTagM2MTest", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model", + "LocalM2M", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_no_unnecessary_fk_drops", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_no_unnecessary_fk_drops", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_and_reverse_m2m", + "Tag", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_and_reverse_m2m", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_db_table", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_db_table", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_foreign_key_quoted_db_table", + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_foreign_key_quoted_db_table", + "Book", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_creation_with_db_table_double_quotes", + "Student", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_creation_with_db_table_double_quotes", + "Document", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_field_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_field_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_table_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block", + "Foo", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_table_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block", + "Bar", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Base", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "CategoryMetaData", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Category", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Author", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Actor", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Movie", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "ProxyBaseModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "ProxyProxyBaseModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "Tag", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "Anchor", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_framework/models.py", + [ + "AbstractArticle", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/swappable_models/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/models.py", + [ + "Entry", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/models.py", + [ + "CustomUser", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/forms.py", + [ + "EventModelForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/forms.py", + [ + "EventLocalizedModelForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/models.py", + [ + "Reporter", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "A01", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "B01", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "C01", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "A02", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "B02", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "C02", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Intermediate", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Proxy1", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Proxy2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Unmanaged1", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Unmanaged2", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/models.py", + [ + "ProxyEmployee", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherModel", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "ArticleForm", + "Meta" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/models.py", + [ + "BaseArticle", + "Meta" + ] + ] + ], + "LogEntry": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry" + ] + ] + ], + "IncorrectLookupParameters": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "IncorrectLookupParameters" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModelAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "BaseModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "ModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_total_ordering_optimization", + "ModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_total_ordering_optimization_meta_constraints", + "ModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteProtectedModelForm": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "InlineModelAdmin", + "get_formset", + "DeleteProtectedModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineModelAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "InlineModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "StackedInline": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "StackedInline" + ] + ] + ], + "TabularInline": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "TabularInline" + ] + ] + ], + "AlreadyRegistered": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/sites.py", + [ + "AlreadyRegistered" + ] + ] + ], + "NotRegistered": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/sites.py", + [ + "NotRegistered" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminSite": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/sites.py", + [ + "AdminSite" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultAdminSite": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/sites.py", + [ + "DefaultAdminSite" + ] + ] + ], + "ResultList": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_list.py", + [ + "ResultList" + ] + ] + ], + "InclusionAdminNode": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/templatetags/base.py", + [ + "InclusionAdminNode" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminLogNode": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/templatetags/log.py", + [ + "AdminLogNode" + ] + ] + ], + "CSPMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/tests.py", + [ + "CSPMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminSeleniumTestCase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/tests.py", + [ + "AdminSeleniumTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + 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"tests/generic_inline_admin/models.py", + [ + "Media" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormWithMedia", + "Media" + ] + ] + ], + "FilteredSelectMultiple": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "FilteredSelectMultiple" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminDateWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "AdminDateWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminTimeWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "AdminTimeWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminSplitDateTime": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "AdminSplitDateTime" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminRadioSelect": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "AdminRadioSelect" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminFileWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "AdminFileWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyRawIdWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "ManyToManyRawIdWidget" + ] + ] + 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"django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "CryptPasswordHasher" + ] + ] + ], + "Command": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/changepassword.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/management/commands/remove_stale_contenttypes.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/management/commands/ogrinspect.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/management/commands/clearsessions.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/management/commands/ping_google.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/findstatic.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + 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"tests/bash_completion/management/commands/test_command.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/common_args.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/dance.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/hal.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/mutually_exclusive_required.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/no_system_checks.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/no_translations.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/required_option.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/reverse_url.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/set_option.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/specific_system_checks.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser_dest.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser_required.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/transaction.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_invalid", + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_warning", + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_true", + "Command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_false", + "Command" + ] + ] + ], + "NotRunningInTTYException": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py", + [ + "NotRunningInTTYException" + ] 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"GroupManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "GroupManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Group": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/regex_helper.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_docs/models.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_two_m2m_through_same_relationship", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_from", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_to", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_with_foreign_key_to_wrong_model", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_missing_foreign_key", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_missing_relationship_model", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_missing_relationship_model_on_model_check", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_through_isolate_apps_model", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_unique_m2m", + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ] + ], + "UserManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "UserManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/no_password.py", + [ + "UserManager" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionsMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "PermissionsMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractUser": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AbstractUser" + ] + ] + ], + "User": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reverse_lookup/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ] + ], + "AnonymousUser": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser" + ] + ] + ], + "MinimumLengthValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "MinimumLengthValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "CommonPasswordValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "CommonPasswordValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "NumericPasswordValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "NumericPasswordValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordResetTokenGenerator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/tokens.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTokenGenerator" + ] + ] + ], + "ASCIIUsernameValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/validators.py", + [ + "ASCIIUsernameValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "UnicodeUsernameValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/validators.py", + [ + "UnicodeUsernameValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "SuccessURLAllowedHostsMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "SuccessURLAllowedHostsMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginView": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "LoginView" + ] + ] + ], + "LogoutView": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "LogoutView" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordContextMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordContextMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordResetView": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetView" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordResetDoneView": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetDoneView" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordResetConfirmView": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetConfirmView" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordResetCompleteView": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetCompleteView" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordChangeView": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeView" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordChangeDoneView": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeDoneView" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInlineModelAdminChecks": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/admin.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminChecks" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInlineModelAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/admin.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericStackedInline": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/admin.py", + [ + "GenericStackedInline" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericTabularInline": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/admin.py", + [ + "GenericTabularInline" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentTypesConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/apps.py", + [ + "ContentTypesConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericForeignKey": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericRel": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRel" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericRelation": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseGenericManyToOneDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "ReverseGenericManyToOneDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericRelatedObjectManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "create_generic_related_manager", + "GenericRelatedObjectManager" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseGenericInlineFormSet": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/forms.py", + [ + "BaseGenericInlineFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "RenameContentType": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/management/__init__.py", + [ + "RenameContentType" + ] + ] + ], + "NoFastDeleteCollector": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/management/commands/remove_stale_contenttypes.py", + [ + "NoFastDeleteCollector" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentTypeManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py", + [ + "ContentTypeManager" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentType": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py", + [ + "ContentType" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatPageAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/flatpages/admin.py", + [ + "FlatPageAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatPagesConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/flatpages/apps.py", + [ + "FlatPagesConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageForm": [ + [ + "django/contrib/flatpages/forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageFallbackMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/contrib/flatpages/middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageFallbackMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatPage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/flatpages/models.py", + [ + "FlatPage" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatPageSitemap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/flatpages/sitemaps.py", + [ + "FlatPageSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageNode": [ + [ + "django/contrib/flatpages/templatetags/flatpages.py", + [ + "FlatpageNode" + ] + ] + ], + "OLMap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/admin/options.py", + [ + "GeoModelAdmin", + "get_map_widget", + "OLMap" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoModelAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/admin/options.py", + [ + "GeoModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "OSMGeoAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/admin/options.py", + [ + "OSMGeoAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "OpenLayersWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/admin/widgets.py", + [ + "OpenLayersWidget" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "OpenLayersWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "GISConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/apps.py", + [ + "GISConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "WKTAdapter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/base/adapter.py", + [ + "WKTAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseSpatialFeatures": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/base/features.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialFeatures" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialRefSysMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/base/models.py", + [ + "SpatialRefSysMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseSpatialOperations": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseWrapper": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseFeatures": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures" + ] + ] + ], + "MySQLIntrospection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "MySQLIntrospection" + ] + ] + ], + "MySQLOperations": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "MySQLGISSchemaEditor": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "MySQLGISSchemaEditor" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleSpatialAdapter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/adapter.py", + [ + "OracleSpatialAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleIntrospection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "OracleIntrospection" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleGeometryColumns": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/models.py", + [ + "OracleGeometryColumns" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleSpatialRefSys": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/models.py", + [ + "OracleSpatialRefSys" + ] + ] + ], + "SDOOperator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "SDOOperator" + ] + ] + ], + "SDODWithin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "SDODWithin" + ] + ] + ], + "SDODisjoint": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "SDODisjoint" + ] + ] + ], + "SDORelate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "SDORelate" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleOperations": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "OracleOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleGISSchemaEditor": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "OracleGISSchemaEditor" + ] + ] + ], + "PostGISAdapter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/adapter.py", + [ + "PostGISAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "PostGISIntrospection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/introspection.py", + [ + "PostGISIntrospection" + ] + ] + ], + "PostGISGeometryColumns": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/models.py", + [ + "PostGISGeometryColumns" + ] + ] + ], + "PostGISSpatialRefSys": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/models.py", + [ + "PostGISSpatialRefSys" + ] + ] + ], + "PostGISOperator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperator" + ] + ] + ], + "ST_Polygon": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "ST_Polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "PostGISOperations": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "PostGISSchemaEditor": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/schema.py", + [ + "PostGISSchemaEditor" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatiaLiteAdapter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/adapter.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatiaLiteClient": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/client.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteClient" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoFlexibleFieldLookupDict": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/introspection.py", + [ + "GeoFlexibleFieldLookupDict" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatiaLiteIntrospection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/introspection.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteIntrospection" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialiteGeometryColumns": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/models.py", + [ + "SpatialiteGeometryColumns" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialiteSpatialRefSys": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/models.py", + [ + "SpatialiteSpatialRefSys" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialiteNullCheckOperator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatialiteNullCheckOperator" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatiaLiteOperations": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialiteSchemaEditor": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/schema.py", + [ + "SpatialiteSchemaEditor" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialOperator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "SpatialOperator" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoAggregate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "GeoAggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "Collect": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Collect" + ] + ] + ], + "Extent": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Extent" + ] + ] + ], + "Extent3D": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Extent3D" + ] + ] + ], + "MakeLine": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "MakeLine" + ] + ] + ], + "Union": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Union" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Union" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseSpatialField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField" + ] + ] + ], + "GeometryField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "GeometryField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/fields.py", + [ + "GeometryField" + ] + ] + ], + "PointField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "PointField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/fields.py", + [ + "PointField" + ] + ] + ], + "LineStringField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "LineStringField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/fields.py", + [ + "LineStringField" + ] + ] + ], + "PolygonField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "PolygonField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/fields.py", + [ + "PolygonField" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiPointField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "MultiPointField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/fields.py", + [ + "MultiPointField" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiLineStringField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "MultiLineStringField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/fields.py", + [ + "MultiLineStringField" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiPolygonField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "MultiPolygonField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/fields.py", + [ + "MultiPolygonField" + ] + ] + ], + "GeometryCollectionField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "GeometryCollectionField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/fields.py", + [ + "GeometryCollectionField" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtentField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "ExtentField" + ] + ] + ], + "RasterField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "RasterField" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoFuncMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeoFuncMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoFunc": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeoFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "GeomOutputGeoFunc": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeomOutputGeoFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLiteDecimalToFloatMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "SQLiteDecimalToFloatMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleToleranceMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "OracleToleranceMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "Area": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Area" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/measure.py", + [ + "Area" + ] + ] + ], + "Azimuth": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Azimuth" + ] + ] + ], + "AsGeoJSON": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "AsGeoJSON" + ] + ] + ], + "AsGML": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "AsGML" + ] + ] + ], + "AsKML": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "AsKML" + ] + ] + ], + "AsSVG": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "AsSVG" + ] + ] + ], + "AsWKB": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "AsWKB" + ] + ] + ], + "AsWKT": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "AsWKT" + ] + ] + ], + "BoundingCircle": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "BoundingCircle" + ] + ] + ], + "Centroid": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Centroid" + ] + ] + ], + "Difference": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Difference" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceResultMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "DistanceResultMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "Distance": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Distance" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/measure.py", + [ + "Distance" + ] + ] + ], + "Envelope": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Envelope" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/envelope.py", + [ + "Envelope" + ] + ] + ], + "ForcePolygonCW": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "ForcePolygonCW" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoHash": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeoHash" + ] + ] + ], + "GeometryDistance": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeometryDistance" + ] + ] + ], + "Intersection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "IsValid": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "IsValid" + ] + ] + ], + "Length": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Length" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Length" + ] + ] + ], + "LineLocatePoint": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "LineLocatePoint" + ] + ] + ], + "MakeValid": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "MakeValid" + ] + ] + ], + "MemSize": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "MemSize" + ] + ] + ], + "NumGeometries": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "NumGeometries" + ] + ] + ], + "NumPoints": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "NumPoints" + ] + ] + ], + "Perimeter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Perimeter" + ] + ] + ], + "PointOnSurface": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "PointOnSurface" + ] + ] + ], + "Reverse": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Reverse" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "Scale": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Scale" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapToGrid": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "SnapToGrid" + ] + ] + ], + "SymDifference": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "SymDifference" + ] + ] + ], + "Transform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Transform" + ] + ] + ], + "Translate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Translate" + ] + ] + ], + "RasterBandTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "RasterBandTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "GISLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GISLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "OverlapsLeftLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "OverlapsLeftLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "OverlapsRightLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "OverlapsRightLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "OverlapsBelowLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "OverlapsBelowLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "OverlapsAboveLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "OverlapsAboveLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "LeftLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "LeftLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "RightLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "RightLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "StrictlyBelowLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "StrictlyBelowLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "StrictlyAboveLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "StrictlyAboveLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "SameAsLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "SameAsLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "BBContainsLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "BBContainsLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "BBOverlapsLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "BBOverlapsLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainedLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "ContainedLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainsLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "ContainsLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainsProperlyLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "ContainsProperlyLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "CoveredByLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "CoveredByLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "CoversLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "CoversLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "CrossesLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "CrossesLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "DisjointLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DisjointLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "EqualsLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "EqualsLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "IntersectsLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IntersectsLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "OverlapsLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "OverlapsLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "RelateLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "RelateLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "TouchesLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "TouchesLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "WithinLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "WithinLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceLookupBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceLookupBase" + ] + ] + ], + "DWithinLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DWithinLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceLookupFromFunction": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceLookupFromFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceGTLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceGTLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceGTELookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceGTELookup" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceLTLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceLTLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceLTELookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceLTELookup" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialProxy": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/proxy.py", + [ + "SpatialProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "AreaField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "AreaField" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "DistanceField" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoFeedMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoRSSFeed": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoRSSFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoAtom1Feed": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoAtom1Feed" + ] + ] + ], + "W3CGeoFeed": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "W3CGeoFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "Feed": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "Feed" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseGeometryWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "BaseGeometryWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "OSMWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "OSMWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "GDALBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/base.py", + [ + "GDALBase" + ] + ] + ], + "DataSource": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/datasource.py", + [ + "DataSource" + ] + ] + ], + "Driver": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/driver.py", + [ + "Driver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Driver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/models.py", + [ + "Driver" + ] + ] + ], + "OGREnvelope": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/envelope.py", + [ + "OGREnvelope" + ] + ] + ], + "GDALException": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/error.py", + [ + "GDALException" + ] + ] + ], + "SRSException": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/error.py", + [ + "SRSException" + ] + ] + ], + "Feature": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/feature.py", + [ + "Feature" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Feature" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Feature" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "Feature" + ] + ] + ], + "Field": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "Field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "Field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "Nested", + "Field" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTInteger": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTInteger" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTReal": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTReal" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTString": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTString" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTWideString": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTWideString" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTBinary": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTBinary" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTDate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTDate" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTDateTime": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTDateTime" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTTime": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTTime" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTInteger64": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTInteger64" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTIntegerList": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTIntegerList" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTRealList": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTRealList" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTStringList": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTStringList" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTWideStringList": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTWideStringList" + ] + ] + ], + "OFTInteger64List": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "OFTInteger64List" + ] + ] + ], + "OGRGeometry": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry" + ] + ] + ], + "Point": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "Point" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/point.py", + [ + "Point" + ] + ] + ], + "LineString": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "LineString" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/linestring.py", + [ + "LineString" + ] + ] + ], + "LinearRing": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "LinearRing" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/linestring.py", + [ + "LinearRing" + ] + ] + ], + "Polygon": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "Polygon" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/polygon.py", + [ + "Polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "GeometryCollection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "GeometryCollection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "GeometryCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiPoint": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "MultiPoint" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "MultiPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiLineString": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "MultiLineString" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "MultiLineString" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiPolygon": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "MultiPolygon" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "MultiPolygon" + ] + ] + ], + "OGRGeomType": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geomtype.py", + [ + "OGRGeomType" + ] + ] + ], + "Layer": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/layer.py", + [ + "Layer" + ] + ] + ], + "gdal_char_p": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/generation.py", + [ + "gdal_char_p" + ] + ] + ], + "GDALBand": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand" + ] + ] + ], + "BandList": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "BandList" + ] + ] + ], + "GDALRasterBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/base.py", + [ + "GDALRasterBase" + ] + ] + ], + "TransformPoint": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/source.py", + [ + "TransformPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "GDALRaster": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/source.py", + [ + "GDALRaster" + ] + ] + ], + "AxisOrder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py", + [ + "AxisOrder" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialReference": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py", + [ + "SpatialReference" + ] + ] + ], + "CoordTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py", + [ + "CoordTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoIP2Exception": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geoip2/base.py", + [ + "GeoIP2Exception" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoIP2": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geoip2/base.py", + [ + "GeoIP2" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/base.py", + [ + "GEOSBase" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSCoordSeq": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/coordseq.py", + [ + "GEOSCoordSeq" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSException": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/error.py", + [ + "GEOSException" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSGeometryBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase" + ] + ] + ], + "LinearGeometryMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "LinearGeometryMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSGeometry": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometry" + ] + ] + ], + "WKBReader": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/io.py", + [ + "WKBReader" + ] + ] + ], + "WKTReader": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/io.py", + [ + "WKTReader" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSGeom_t": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/libgeos.py", + [ + "GEOSGeom_t" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSPrepGeom_t": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/libgeos.py", + [ + "GEOSPrepGeom_t" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSCoordSeq_t": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/libgeos.py", + [ + "GEOSCoordSeq_t" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSContextHandle_t": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/libgeos.py", + [ + "GEOSContextHandle_t" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSFuncFactory": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/libgeos.py", + [ + "GEOSFuncFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "ListMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "PreparedGeometry": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prepared.py", + [ + "PreparedGeometry" + ] + ] + ], + "CsInt": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/coordseq.py", + [ + "CsInt" + ] + ] + ], + "CsOperation": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/coordseq.py", + [ + "CsOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "CsOutput": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/coordseq.py", + [ + "CsOutput" + ] + ] + ], + "geos_char_p": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/geom.py", + [ + "geos_char_p" + ] + ] + ], + "GeomOutput": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/geom.py", + [ + "GeomOutput" + ] + ] + ], + "IntFromGeom": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/geom.py", + [ + "IntFromGeom" + ] + ] + ], + "StringFromGeom": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/geom.py", + [ + "StringFromGeom" + ] + ] + ], + "WKTReader_st": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKTReader_st" + ] + ] + ], + "WKTWriter_st": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKTWriter_st" + ] + ] + ], + "WKBReader_st": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKBReader_st" + ] + ] + ], + "WKBWriter_st": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKBWriter_st" + ] + ] + ], + "WKBReadFunc": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKBReadFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "WKBWriteFunc": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKBWriteFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "WKBWriterGet": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKBWriterGet" + ] + ] + ], + "WKBWriterSet": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKBWriterSet" + ] + ] + ], + "IOBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "IOBase" + ] + ] + ], + "_WKTReader": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "_WKTReader" + ] + ] + ], + "_WKBReader": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "_WKBReader" + ] + ] + ], + "WKTWriter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKTWriter" + ] + ] + ], + "WKBWriter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "WKBWriter" + ] + ] + ], + "ThreadLocalIO": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/io.py", + [ + "ThreadLocalIO" + ] + ] + ], + "DblFromGeom": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/misc.py", + [ + "DblFromGeom" + ] + ] + ], + "UnaryPredicate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/predicates.py", + [ + "UnaryPredicate" + ] + ] + ], + "BinaryPredicate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/predicates.py", + [ + "BinaryPredicate" + ] + ] + ], + "PreparedPredicate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/prepared.py", + [ + "PreparedPredicate" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSContextHandle": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/threadsafe.py", + [ + "GEOSContextHandle" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSContext": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/threadsafe.py", + [ + "GEOSContext" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSFunc": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/threadsafe.py", + [ + "GEOSFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "Topology": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/topology.py", + [ + "Topology" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerOptionAction": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/management/commands/ogrinspect.py", + [ + "LayerOptionAction" + ] + ] + ], + "ListOptionAction": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/management/commands/ogrinspect.py", + [ + "ListOptionAction" + ] + ] + ], + "MeasureBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/measure.py", + [ + "MeasureBase" + ] + ] + ], + "CPointerBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/ptr.py", + [ + "CPointerBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Serializer": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/serializers/geojson.py", + [ + "Serializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "Serializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/json.py", + [ + "Serializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/python.py", + [ + "Serializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/pyyaml.py", + [ + "Serializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "Serializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "Serializer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerAPITests", + "test_stream_class", + "Serializer" + ] + ] + ], + "Deserializer": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/serializers/geojson.py", + [ + "Deserializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "Deserializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "Deserializer" + ] + ] + ], + "KMLSitemap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/sitemaps/kml.py", + [ + "KMLSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "KMZSitemap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/sitemaps/kml.py", + [ + "KMZSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerMapError": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/utils/layermapping.py", + [ + "LayerMapError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidString": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/utils/layermapping.py", + [ + "InvalidString" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDecimal": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/utils/layermapping.py", + [ + "InvalidDecimal" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInteger": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/utils/layermapping.py", + [ + "InvalidInteger" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingForeignKey": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/utils/layermapping.py", + [ + "MissingForeignKey" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerMapping": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/utils/layermapping.py", + [ + "LayerMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "HumanizeConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/humanize/apps.py", + [ + "HumanizeConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalTimeFormatter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/humanize/templatetags/humanize.py", + [ + "NaturalTimeFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageFailure": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/api.py", + [ + "MessageFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "MessagesConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/apps.py", + [ + "MessagesConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/middleware.py", + [ + "MessageMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "Message": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/base.py", + [ + "Message" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "Message" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseStorage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/base.py", + [ + "BaseStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageEncoder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/cookie.py", + [ + "MessageEncoder" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageDecoder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/cookie.py", + [ + "MessageDecoder" + ] + ] + ], + "CookieStorage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/cookie.py", + [ + "CookieStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "FallbackStorage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionStorage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/session.py", + [ + "SessionStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "SuccessMessageMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/views.py", + [ + "SuccessMessageMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayAgg": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "ArrayAgg" + ] + ] + ], + "BitAnd": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "BitAnd" + ] + ] + ], + "BitOr": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "BitOr" + ] + ] + ], + "BoolAnd": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "BoolAnd" + ] + ] + ], + "BoolOr": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "BoolOr" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONBAgg": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "JSONBAgg" + ] + ] + ], + "StringAgg": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "StringAgg" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderableAggMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/mixins.py", + [ + "OrderableAggMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "StatAggregate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "StatAggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "Corr": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "Corr" + ] + ] + ], + "CovarPop": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "CovarPop" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrAvgX": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrAvgX" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrAvgY": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrAvgY" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrCount": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrCount" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrIntercept": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrIntercept" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrR2": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrR2" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrSlope": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrSlope" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrSXX": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrSXX" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrSXY": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrSXY" + ] + ] + ], + "RegrSYY": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrSYY" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgresConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/apps.py", + [ + "PostgresConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "ExclusionConstraint": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayCastRHSMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayCastRHSMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayContains": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayContains" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayContainedBy": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayContainedBy" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayExact": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayExact" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayOverlap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayOverlap" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayLenTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayLenTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayInLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayInLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "IndexTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexTransformFactory": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "IndexTransformFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "SliceTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "SliceTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "SliceTransformFactory": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "SliceTransformFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "CIText": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/citext.py", + [ + "CIText" + ] + ] + ], + "CICharField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/citext.py", + [ + "CICharField" + ] + ] + ], + "CIEmailField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/citext.py", + [ + "CIEmailField" + ] + ] + ], + "CITextField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/citext.py", + [ + "CITextField" + ] + ] + ], + "HStoreField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "KeyTransform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/jsonb.py", + [ + "KeyTransform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformFactory": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "KeyTransformFactory" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "KeysTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "KeysTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuesTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "ValuesTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/jsonb.py", + [ + "JSONField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/jsonb.py", + [ + "JSONField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "JSONField" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTextTransform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/jsonb.py", + [ + "KeyTextTransform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTextTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeBoundary": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeBoundary" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeOperators": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeOperators" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeField" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerRangeField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "IntegerRangeField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "IntegerRangeField" + ] + ] + ], + "BigIntegerRangeField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "BigIntegerRangeField" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalRangeField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DecimalRangeField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "DecimalRangeField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeRangeField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DateTimeRangeField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "DateTimeRangeField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateRangeField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DateRangeField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "DateRangeField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeRangeContains": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DateTimeRangeContains" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeContainedBy": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeContainedBy" + ] + ] + ], + "FullyLessThan": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "FullyLessThan" + ] + ] + ], + "FullGreaterThan": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "FullGreaterThan" + ] + ] + ], + "NotLessThan": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "NotLessThan" + ] + ] + ], + "NotGreaterThan": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "NotGreaterThan" + ] + ] + ], + "AdjacentToLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "AdjacentToLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeStartsWith": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeStartsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeEndsWith": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeEndsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "IsEmpty": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "IsEmpty" + ] + ] + ], + "LowerInclusive": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "LowerInclusive" + ] + ] + ], + "LowerInfinite": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "LowerInfinite" + ] + ] + ], + "UpperInclusive": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "UpperInclusive" + ] + ] + ], + "UpperInfinite": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "UpperInfinite" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeSetter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/utils.py", + [ + "AttributeSetter" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleArrayField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/array.py", + [ + "SimpleArrayField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inlineformset_with_arrayfield", + "SimpleArrayField" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitArrayWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/array.py", + [ + "SplitArrayWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitArrayField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/array.py", + [ + "SplitArrayField" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenRangeWidget": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "HiddenRangeWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseRangeField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "BaseRangeField" + ] + ] + ], + "RandomUUID": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/functions.py", + [ + "RandomUUID" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactionNow": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/functions.py", + [ + "TransactionNow" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgresIndex": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "PostgresIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "BloomIndex": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "BrinIndex": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BrinIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "BTreeIndex": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BTreeIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "GinIndex": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "GinIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "GistIndex": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "GistIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "HashIndex": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "HashIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "SpGistIndex": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "SpGistIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "DataContains": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "DataContains" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "DataContains" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainedBy": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "ContainedBy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "ContainedBy" + ] + ] + ], + "Overlap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "Overlap" + ] + ] + ], + "HasKey": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "HasKey" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKey" + ] + ] + ], + "HasKeys": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "HasKeys" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "HasAnyKeys": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "HasAnyKeys" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasAnyKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "Unaccent": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "Unaccent" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchLookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "SearchLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "TrigramSimilar": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "TrigramSimilar" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "BloomExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "BloomExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "BtreeGinExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "BtreeGinExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "BtreeGistExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "BtreeGistExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "CITextExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CITextExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "CryptoExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CryptoExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "HStoreExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "HStoreExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "TrigramExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "TrigramExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "UnaccentExtension": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "UnaccentExtension" + ] + ] + ], + "NotInTransactionMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "NotInTransactionMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "AddIndexConcurrently": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrently" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveIndexConcurrently": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "RemoveIndexConcurrently" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchVectorExact": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorExact" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchVectorField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorField" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchQueryField": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQueryField" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchVectorCombinable": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorCombinable" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchVector": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVector" + ] + ] + ], + "CombinedSearchVector": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "CombinedSearchVector" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchQueryCombinable": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQueryCombinable" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchQuery": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "CombinedSearchQuery": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "CombinedSearchQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchRank": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchRank" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchHeadline": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadline" + ] + ] + ], + "TrigramBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "TrigramBase" + ] + ] + ], + "TrigramSimilarity": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "TrigramSimilarity" + ] + ] + ], + "TrigramDistance": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "TrigramDistance" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeSerializer": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/serializers.py", + [ + "RangeSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayMaxLengthValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/validators.py", + [ + "ArrayMaxLengthValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayMinLengthValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/validators.py", + [ + "ArrayMinLengthValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "KeysValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/validators.py", + [ + "KeysValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeMaxValueValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/validators.py", + [ + "RangeMaxValueValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeMinValueValidator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/validators.py", + [ + "RangeMinValueValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "RedirectAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/redirects/admin.py", + [ + "RedirectAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "RedirectsConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/redirects/apps.py", + [ + "RedirectsConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "RedirectFallbackMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/contrib/redirects/middleware.py", + [ + "RedirectFallbackMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "Redirect": [ + [ + "django/contrib/redirects/models.py", + [ + "Redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionsConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/apps.py", + [ + "SessionsConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateError": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "CreateError" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateError": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "UpdateError" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionBase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionStore": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cache.py", + [ + "SessionStore" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cached_db.py", + [ + "SessionStore" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/file.py", + [ + "SessionStore" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/signed_cookies.py", + [ + "SessionStore" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/models.py", + [ + "SessionStore" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/session.py", + [ + "SessionStore" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseSessionManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/base_session.py", + [ + "BaseSessionManager" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractBaseSession": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/base_session.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseSession" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSessionKey": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSessionKey" + ] + ] + ], + "SuspiciousSession": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/exceptions.py", + [ + "SuspiciousSession" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/middleware.py", + [ + "SessionMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/models.py", + [ + "SessionManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Session": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/models.py", + [ + "Session" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/models.py", + [ + "Session" + ] + ] + ], + "PickleSerializer": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/serializers.py", + [ + "PickleSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "SitemapNotFound": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "SitemapNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "Sitemap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "Sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericSitemap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "SiteMapsConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/apps.py", + [ + "SiteMapsConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "SiteAdmin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/admin.py", + [ + "SiteAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/admin.py", + [ + "SiteAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "SitesConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/apps.py", + [ + "SitesConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "CurrentSiteManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/managers.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CurrentSiteMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/middleware.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "SiteManager": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/models.py", + [ + "SiteManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Site": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/models.py", + [ + "Site" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Site" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "Site" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_package/models/article.py", + [ + "Site" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestSite": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/requests.py", + [ + "RequestSite" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticFilesConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/apps.py", + [ + "StaticFilesConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseFinder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "BaseFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemFinder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "FileSystemFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "AppDirectoriesFinder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "AppDirectoriesFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseStorageFinder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "BaseStorageFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultStorageFinder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "DefaultStorageFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticFilesHandler": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "ASGIStaticFilesHandler": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "ASGIStaticFilesHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticFilesStorage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "StaticFilesStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "HashedFilesMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ManifestFilesMixin": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ManifestFilesMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ManifestStaticFilesStorage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ManifestStaticFilesStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfiguredStorage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ConfiguredStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticLiveServerTestCase": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/testing.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SyndicationConfig": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/apps.py", + [ + "SyndicationConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "FeedDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "FeedDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/__init__.py", + [ + "CacheHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultCacheProxy": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/__init__.py", + [ + "DefaultCacheProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCacheBackendError": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "InvalidCacheBackendError" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheKeyWarning": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "CacheKeyWarning" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCacheKey": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "InvalidCacheKey" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache" + ] + ] + ], + "Options": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "Options" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheEntry": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCache", + "__init__", + "CacheEntry" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCache" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "DummyCache" + ] + ] + ], + "FileBasedCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache" + ] + ] + ], + "LocMemCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseMemcachedCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedCache" + ] + ] + ], + "MemcachedCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "MemcachedCache" + ] + ] + ], + "PyLibMCCache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "PyLibMCCache" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckMessage": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/messages.py", + [ + "CheckMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "Debug": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/messages.py", + [ + "Debug" + ] + ] + ], + "Info": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/messages.py", + [ + "Info" + ] + ] + ], + "Warning": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/messages.py", + [ + "Warning" + ] + ] + ], + "Error": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/messages.py", + [ + "Error" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "Error" + ] + ] + ], + "Critical": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/messages.py", + [ + "Critical" + ] + ] + ], + "Tags": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/registry.py", + [ + "Tags" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckRegistry": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/registry.py", + [ + "CheckRegistry" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "FieldDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "AppRegistryNotReady": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "AppRegistryNotReady" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "ObjectDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleObjectsReturned": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "MultipleObjectsReturned" + ] + ] + ], + "SuspiciousOperation": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "SuspiciousOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "SuspiciousMultipartForm": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "SuspiciousMultipartForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SuspiciousFileOperation": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "SuspiciousFileOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "DisallowedHost": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "DisallowedHost" + ] + ] + ], + "DisallowedRedirect": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "DisallowedRedirect" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyFieldsSent": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyFieldsSent" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestDataTooBig": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RequestDataTooBig" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestAborted": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RequestAborted" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionDenied": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "PermissionDenied" + ] + ] + ], + "ViewDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "ViewDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "MiddlewareNotUsed": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "MiddlewareNotUsed" + ] + ] + ], + "ImproperlyConfigured": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "ImproperlyConfigured" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldError": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "FieldError" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationError": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyResultSet": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyResultSet" + ] + ] + ], + "SynchronousOnlyOperation": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "SynchronousOnlyOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "File": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "File" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerAPITests", + "test_stream_class", + "File" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentFile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "ContentFile" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/images.py", + [ + "ImageFile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "ImageFile" + ] + ] + ], + "_OFFSET": [ + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "_OFFSET" + ] + ] + ], + "_OFFSET_UNION": [ + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "_OFFSET_UNION" + ] + ] + ], + "OVERLAPPED": [ + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "OVERLAPPED" + ] + ] + ], + "Storage": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/models.py", + [ + "Storage" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemStorage": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultStorage": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "DefaultStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "TemporaryFile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/temp.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "TemporaryFile" + ] + ] + ], + "UploadedFile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "UploadedFile" + ] + ] + ], + "TemporaryUploadedFile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "TemporaryUploadedFile" + ] + ] + ], + "InMemoryUploadedFile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "InMemoryUploadedFile" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleUploadedFile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "SimpleUploadedFile" + ] + ] + ], + "UploadFileException": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "UploadFileException" + ] + ] + ], + "StopUpload": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "StopUpload" + ] + ] + ], + "SkipFile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "SkipFile" + ] + ] + ], + "StopFutureHandlers": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "StopFutureHandlers" + ] + ] + ], + "FileUploadHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "FileUploadHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "TemporaryFileUploadHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "TemporaryFileUploadHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "MemoryFileUploadHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "MemoryFileUploadHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "FileProxyMixin": [ + [ + "django/core/files/utils.py", + [ + "FileProxyMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ASGIRequest": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/asgi.py", + [ + "ASGIRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "ASGIHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/asgi.py", + [ + "ASGIHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/base.py", + [ + "BaseHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "LimitedStream": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", + [ + "LimitedStream" + ] + ] + ], + "WSGIRequest": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", + [ + "WSGIRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "WSGIHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", + [ + "WSGIHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseEmailBackend": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailBackend": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/console.py", + [ + "EmailBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "EmailBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "EmailBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "EmailBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/smtp.py", + [ + "EmailBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/custombackend.py", + [ + "EmailBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BadHeaderError": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "BadHeaderError" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "BadHeaderError" + ] + ] + ], + "MIMEMixin": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "MIMEMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeMIMEMessage": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "SafeMIMEMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeMIMEText": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "SafeMIMEText" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeMIMEMultipart": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "SafeMIMEMultipart" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailMessage": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "EmailMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailMultiAlternatives": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "EmailMultiAlternatives" + ] + ] + ], + "CachedDnsName": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/utils.py", + [ + "CachedDnsName" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagementUtility": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "ManagementUtility" + ] + ] + ], + "CommandError": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "CommandError" + ] + ] + ], + "SystemCheckError": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "SystemCheckError" + ] + ] + ], + "CommandParser": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "CommandParser" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoHelpFormatter": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "DjangoHelpFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "OutputWrapper": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "OutputWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseCommand": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand" + ] + ] + ], + "AppCommand": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "AppCommand" + ] + ] + ], + "LabelCommand": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "LabelCommand" + ] + ] + ], + "Style": [ + [ + "django/core/management/color.py", + [ + "Style" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyModelWarning": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/dumpdata.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWarning" + ] + ] + ], + "SingleZipReader": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "SingleZipReader" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslatableFile": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "TranslatableFile" + ] + ] + ], + "BuildFile": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "BuildFile" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateCommand": [ + [ + "django/core/management/templates.py", + [ + "TemplateCommand" + ] + ] + ], + "UnorderedObjectListWarning": [ + [ + "django/core/paginator.py", + [ + "UnorderedObjectListWarning" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPage": [ + [ + "django/core/paginator.py", + [ + "InvalidPage" + ] + ] + ], + "PageNotAnInteger": [ + [ + "django/core/paginator.py", + [ + "PageNotAnInteger" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyPage": [ + [ + "django/core/paginator.py", + [ + "EmptyPage" + ] + ] + ], + "Paginator": [ + [ + "django/core/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator" + ] + ] + ], + "Page": [ + [ + "django/core/paginator.py", + [ + "Page" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Page" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Page" + ] + ] + ], + "BadSerializer": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "BadSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializerDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "SerializerDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializationError": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "SerializationError" + ] + ] + ], + "DeserializationError": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "DeserializationError" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MDeserializationError": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "M2MDeserializationError" + ] + ] + ], + "ProgressBar": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "ProgressBar" + ] + ] + ], + "DeserializedObject": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "DeserializedObject" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoJSONEncoder": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/json.py", + [ + "DjangoJSONEncoder" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoSafeDumper": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/pyyaml.py", + [ + "DjangoSafeDumper" + ] + ] + ], + "DefusedExpatParser": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "DefusedExpatParser" + ] + ] + ], + "DefusedXmlException": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "DefusedXmlException" + ] + ] + ], + "DTDForbidden": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "DTDForbidden" + ] + ] + ], + "EntitiesForbidden": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "EntitiesForbidden" + ] + ] + ], + "ExternalReferenceForbidden": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "ExternalReferenceForbidden" + ] + ] + ], + "WSGIServer": [ + [ + "django/core/servers/basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIServer" + ] + ] + ], + "ThreadedWSGIServer": [ + [ + "django/core/servers/basehttp.py", + [ + "ThreadedWSGIServer" + ] + ] + ], + "ServerHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/servers/basehttp.py", + [ + "ServerHandler" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "ServerHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "WSGIRequestHandler": [ + [ + "django/core/servers/basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "BadSignature": [ + [ + "django/core/signing.py", + [ + "BadSignature" + ] + ] + ], + "SignatureExpired": [ + [ + "django/core/signing.py", + [ + "SignatureExpired" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONSerializer": [ + [ + "django/core/signing.py", + [ + "JSONSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "Signer": [ + [ + "django/core/signing.py", + [ + "Signer" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestampSigner": [ + [ + "django/core/signing.py", + [ + "TimestampSigner" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "RegexValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "URLValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "URLValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "EmailValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "BaseValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxValueValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "MaxValueValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "MinValueValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "MinValueValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "MinLengthValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "MinLengthValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxLengthValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "MaxLengthValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "DecimalValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "FileExtensionValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "FileExtensionValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "ProhibitNullCharactersValidator": [ + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "ProhibitNullCharactersValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultConnectionProxy": [ + [ + "django/db/__init__.py", + [ + "DefaultConnectionProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseWrapper": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseClient": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/client.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseClient" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseCreation": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseFeatures": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/features.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseFeatures" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseOperations": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseDatabaseValidation": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/validation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseValidation" + ] + ] + ], + "Reference": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Reference" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "Reference" + ] + ] + ], + "Table": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Table" + ] + ] + ], + "TableColumns": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableColumns" + ] + ] + ], + "Columns": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Columns" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexName": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "IndexName" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexColumns": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "IndexColumns" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKeyName": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyName" + ] + ] + ], + "Statement": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Statement" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseOperations": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseClient": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseCreation": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseIntrospection": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyDatabaseFeatures": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/features.py", + [ + "DummyDatabaseFeatures" + ] + ] + ], + "CursorWrapper": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLCompiler": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLInsertCompiler": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLInsertCompiler" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLInsertCompiler" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLDeleteCompiler": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLDeleteCompiler" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLDeleteCompiler" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLUpdateCompiler": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLUpdateCompiler" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLUpdateCompiler" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLAggregateCompiler": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLAggregateCompiler" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLAggregateCompiler" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseSchemaEditor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseValidation": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/validation.py", + [ + "DatabaseValidation" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/validation.py", + [ + "DatabaseValidation" + ] + ] + ], + "_UninitializedOperatorsDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "_UninitializedOperatorsDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleParam": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "OracleParam" + ] + ] + ], + "VariableWrapper": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "VariableWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor" + ] + ] + ], + "IntervalToSeconds": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/functions.py", + [ + "IntervalToSeconds" + ] + ] + ], + "SecondsToInterval": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/functions.py", + [ + "SecondsToInterval" + ] + ] + ], + "InsertVar": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/utils.py", + [ + "InsertVar" + ] + ] + ], + "Oracle_datetime": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/utils.py", + [ + "Oracle_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "BulkInsertMapper": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/utils.py", + [ + "BulkInsertMapper" + ] + ] + ], + "CursorDebugWrapper": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "CursorDebugWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorDebugWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLiteCursorWrapper": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "SQLiteCursorWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "FlexibleFieldLookupDict": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "FlexibleFieldLookupDict" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationAutodetector": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector" + ] + ] + ], + "AmbiguityError": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AmbiguityError" + ] + ] + ], + "BadMigrationError": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadMigrationError" + ] + ] + ], + "CircularDependencyError": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "CircularDependencyError" + ] + ] + ], + "InconsistentMigrationHistory": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "InconsistentMigrationHistory" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidBasesError": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidBasesError" + ] + ] + ], + "IrreversibleError": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "IrreversibleError" + ] + ] + ], + "NodeNotFoundError": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "NodeNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationSchemaMissing": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "MigrationSchemaMissing" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidMigrationPlan": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidMigrationPlan" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationExecutor": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "Node": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "Node" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Node" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/tree.py", + [ + "Node" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Node" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Node" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Node" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_inline_fk_index_update_data", + "Node" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyNode": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "DummyNode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest", + "DummyNode" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationGraph": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationLoader": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "SwappableTuple": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/migration.py", + [ + "SwappableTuple" + ] + ] + ], + "Operation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldOperation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "FieldOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "AddField": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AddField" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveField": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RemoveField" + ] + ] + ], + "AlterField": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AlterField" + ] + ] + ], + "RenameField": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelOperation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "ModelOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateModel": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "CreateModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteModel": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "DeleteModel" + ] + ] + ], + "RenameModel": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelOptionOperation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "ModelOptionOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "AlterModelTable": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelTable" + ] + ] + ], + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "AlterUniqueTogether": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterUniqueTogether" + ] + ] + ], + "AlterIndexTogether": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterIndexTogether" + ] + ] + ], + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo" + ] + ] + ], + "AlterModelOptions": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelOptions" + ] + ] + ], + "AlterModelManagers": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelManagers" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexOperation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "IndexOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "AddIndex": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveIndex": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "AddConstraint": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveConstraint": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "SeparateDatabaseAndState": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "SeparateDatabaseAndState" + ] + ] + ], + "RunSQL": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunSQL" + ] + ] + ], + "RunPython": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunPython" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationOptimizer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/optimizer.py", + [ + "MigrationOptimizer" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationQuestioner": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "MigrationQuestioner" + ] + ] + ], + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner" + ] + ] + ], + "NonInteractiveMigrationQuestioner": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "NonInteractiveMigrationQuestioner" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationRecorder": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "BaseSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseSequenceSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "BaseSequenceSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseSimpleSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "BaseSimpleSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoicesSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "ChoicesSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DateTimeSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "DatetimeDatetimeSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DatetimeDatetimeSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DecimalSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "DeconstructableSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DeconstructableSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "DictionarySerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DictionarySerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "EnumSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "EnumSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "FloatSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "FrozensetSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "FrozensetSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctionTypeSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "FunctionTypeSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctoolsPartialSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "FunctoolsPartialSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "IterableSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "IterableSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFieldSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "ModelFieldSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelManagerSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "ModelManagerSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "OperationSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "RegexSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "SequenceSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "SequenceSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "SetSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "SetSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "SettingsReferenceSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "SettingsReferenceSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "TupleSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "TupleSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "TypeSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDSerializer": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "UUIDSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "ProjectState": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState" + ] + ] + ], + "AppConfigStub": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "AppConfigStub" + ] + ] + ], + "StateApps": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "StateApps" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelState": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ModelState" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "ModelState" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexObject": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/utils.py", + [ + "RegexObject" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationWriter": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriter" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationWriter": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "MigrationWriter" + ] + ] + ], + "Aggregate": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "Avg": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Avg" + ] + ] + ], + "Count": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Count" + ] + ] + ], + "Max": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Max" + ] + ] + ], + "Min": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Min" + ] + ] + ], + "StdDev": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "StdDev" + ] + ] + ], + "Sum": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Sum" + ] + ] + ], + "Variance": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Variance" + ] + ] + ], + "Deferred": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Deferred" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelBase": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "ModelBase" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelStateFieldsCacheDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "ModelStateFieldsCacheDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "Model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_total_ordering_optimization", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_total_ordering_optimization_meta_constraints", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_no_collision_for_proxy_models", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_in_same_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_in_same_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedField", + "test_default_details", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedField", + "test_user_specified_details", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestRemovedField", + "test_default_details", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestRemovedField", + "test_user_specified_details", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_multi_db.py", + [ + "TestMultiDBChecks", + "test_checks_called_on_the_default_database", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_invalid_content_type_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_content_type_field_pointing_to_wrong_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_field_name_ending_with_underscore", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_generic_foreign_key_checks_are_performed", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_valid_self_referential_generic_relationship", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_pointing_to_swapped_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_str", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_backend_specific.py", + [ + "BackendSpecificChecksTests", + "test_check_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_custom_fields.py", + [ + "CustomFieldTest", + "test_none_column", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_non_iterable", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_non_list", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_list_containing_non_iterable", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_non_iterable", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_list_containing_non_iterable", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_non_list", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_valid_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_name_constraints", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_max_name_length", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_condition", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_condition_required_db_features", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_include", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_include_required_db_features", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_fk", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_ending_with_underscore", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_including_separator", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_pk", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_db_column_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_id_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_unique_primary_key", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_non_iterable", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_just_ordering_no_errors", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_non_valid", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_foreignkey_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_related_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_allows_registered_lookups", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_lookup_not_transform", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_property_and_related_field_accessor_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_single_primary_key", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_swappable_missing_app_name", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_swappable_missing_app", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_json_field_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_check_jsonfield", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_check_jsonfield_required_db_features", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_check_constraints", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_check_constraints_required_db_features", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_condition", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_condition_required_db_features", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_deferrable_unique_constraint", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_deferrable_unique_constraint_required_db_features", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_fk", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_include", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_include_required_db_features", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_missing_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_m2m_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_fk", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "AutoFieldTests", + "test_valid_case", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "AutoFieldTests", + "test_primary_key", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "AutoFieldTests", + "test_max_length_warning", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_valid_default_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_str_default_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_valid_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_missing_max_length", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_negative_max_length", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_bad_max_length_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_str_max_length_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_str_max_length_type", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_non_iterable_choices", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_non_iterable_choices_two_letters", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_containing_non_pairs", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_containing_lazy", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_lazy_choices", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group_non_pairs", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group_bad_structure", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group_lazy", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_in_max_length", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_bad_db_index_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_bad_validators", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_too_long_char_field_under_mysql", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateFieldTests", + "test_auto_now_and_auto_now_add_raise_error", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_required_attributes", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_negative_max_digits_and_decimal_places", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_bad_values_of_max_digits_and_decimal_places", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_decimal_places_greater_than_max_digits", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_valid_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_valid_default_case", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_valid_case", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_primary_key", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_upload_to_starts_with_slash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_upload_to_callable_not_checked", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTests", + "test_forbidden_files_and_folders", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_non_nullable_blank", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests", + "test_pillow_installed", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_max_length_warning", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests", + "test_max_length_warning", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_invalid_default", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_valid_default", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_valid_default_none", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_valid_callable_default", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_valid_foreign_key_without_accessor", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_missing_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_isolate_apps_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_to_missing_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_to_isolate_apps_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_with_limit_choices_auto_created_no_warning", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_with_useless_options", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_abstract_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_m2m_to_abstract_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_non_unique_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_non_unique_field_under_explicit_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_partially_unique_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_on_delete_set_null_on_non_nullable_field", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_on_delete_set_default_without_default_value", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_nullable_primary_key", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_not_swapped_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_referencing_to_swapped_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_invalid_related_query_name", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "_test_accessor_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_clash_between_accessors", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m_with_inheritance", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests", + "_test_reverse_query_name_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests", + "_test_explicit_related_name_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "_test_explicit_related_query_name_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_clash_between_accessors", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_accessor_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_reverse_query_name_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_clash_under_explicit_related_name", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_valid_model", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKClashTests", + "test_accessor_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKClashTests", + "test_reverse_query_name_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKClashTests", + "test_clash_under_explicit_related_name", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ComplexClashTests", + "test_complex_clash", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_bulk_non_unique_meta_constaint", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "BasicTests", + "test_get_field_display", + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_choices_tuple_list", + "Model" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseConstraint": [ + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "BaseConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckConstraint": [ + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "CheckConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "Deferrable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "Deferrable" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueConstraint": [ + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "ProtectedError": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "ProtectedError" + ] + ] + ], + "RestrictedError": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "RestrictedError" + ] + ] + ], + "Collector": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "Collector" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Collector" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoicesMeta": [ + [ + "django/db/models/enums.py", + [ + "ChoicesMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "Choices": [ + [ + "django/db/models/enums.py", + [ + "Choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "Choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "Choices" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerChoices": [ + [ + "django/db/models/enums.py", + [ + "IntegerChoices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_choices", + "IntegerChoices" + ] + ] + ], + "TextChoices": [ + [ + "django/db/models/enums.py", + [ + "TextChoices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_choices", + "TextChoices" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLiteNumericMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "SQLiteNumericMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "Combinable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseExpression": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "Expression": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Expression" + ] + ] + ], + "CombinedExpression": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "CombinedExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "DurationExpression": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "DurationExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "TemporalSubtraction": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "TemporalSubtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "F": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "F" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "F" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolvedOuterRef": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ResolvedOuterRef" + ] + ] + ], + "OuterRef": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OuterRef" + ] + ] + ], + "Func": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Func" + ] + ] + ], + "Value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Value" + ] + ] + ], + "DurationValue": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "DurationValue" + ] + ] + ], + "RawSQL": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "RawSQL" + ] + ] + ], + "Star": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Star" + ] + ] + ], + "Random": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Random" + ] + ] + ], + "Col": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Col" + ] + ] + ], + "Ref": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Ref" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionList": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionList" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionWrapper": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "When": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "When" + ] + ] + ], + "Case": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Case" + ] + ] + ], + "Subquery": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "Exists": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Exists" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderBy": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy" + ] + ] + ], + "Window": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Window" + ] + ] + ], + "WindowFrame": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "WindowFrame" + ] + ] + ], + "RowRange": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "RowRange" + ] + ] + ], + "ValueRange": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ValueRange" + ] + ] + ], + "Empty": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Empty" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "Empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/empty/models.py", + [ + "Empty" + ] + ] + ], + "NOT_PROVIDED": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "NOT_PROVIDED" + ] + ] + ], + "BooleanField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BooleanField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "BooleanField" + ] + ] + ], + "CharField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "CharField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "CharField" + ] + ] + ], + "CommaSeparatedIntegerField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "CommaSeparatedIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeCheckMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeCheckMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "DateField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "DateField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "DateTimeField" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "DecimalField" + ] + ] + ], + "DurationField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DurationField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "DurationField" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "EmailField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "EmailField" + ] + ] + ], + "FilePathField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FilePathField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "FilePathField" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FloatField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "FloatField" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegerField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "IntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "BigIntegerField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BigIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "IPAddressField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IPAddressField" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericIPAddressField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressField" + ] + ] + ], + "NullBooleanField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "NullBooleanField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "NullBooleanField" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveIntegerRelDbTypeMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerRelDbTypeMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveBigIntegerField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveBigIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveIntegerField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveSmallIntegerField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveSmallIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "SlugField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SlugField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "SlugField" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallIntegerField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SmallIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "TextField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TextField" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "TimeField" + ] + ] + ], + "URLField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "URLField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "URLField" + ] + ] + ], + "BinaryField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BinaryField" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "UUIDField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "UUIDField" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoFieldMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoFieldMeta": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoField" + ] + ] + ], + "BigAutoField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BigAutoField" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallAutoField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SmallAutoField" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldFile": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile" + ] + ] + ], + "FileDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "FileField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "FileField" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFileDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageFileDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldFile": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageFieldFile" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageField" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "ImageField" + ] + ] + ], + "HasKeyLookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKeyLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONExact": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONExact" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformTextLookupMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformTextLookupMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "CaseInsensitiveMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformIsNull": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformIsNull" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformExact": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformExact" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformIExact": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformIExact" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformIContains": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformIContains" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformContains": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformContains" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformStartsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformStartsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformIStartsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformIStartsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformEndsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformEndsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformIEndsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformIEndsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformRegex": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformRegex" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformIRegex": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformIRegex" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformNumericLookupMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformNumericLookupMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformLt": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformLt" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformLte": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformLte" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformGt": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformGt" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyTransformGte": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformGte" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldCacheMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/mixins.py", + [ + "FieldCacheMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckFieldDefaultMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/mixins.py", + [ + "CheckFieldDefaultMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderWrt": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/proxy.py", + [ + "OrderWrt" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignObject": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKey": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey" + ] + ] + ], + "OneToOneField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "OneToOneField" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyField": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKeyDeferredAttribute": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyDeferredAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "ForwardManyToOneDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardManyToOneDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "ForwardOneToOneDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardOneToOneDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseOneToOneDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseOneToOneDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseManyToOneDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseManyToOneDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedManager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_reverse_many_to_one_manager", + "RelatedManager" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ManyToManyDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyRelatedManager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiColSource": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "MultiColSource" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedIn": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedIn" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedLookupMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedExact": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedExact" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedLessThan": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedLessThan" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedGreaterThan": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedGreaterThan" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedGreaterThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedGreaterThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedLessThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedLessThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedIsNull": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedIsNull" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignObjectRel": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToOneRel": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ManyToOneRel" + ] + ] + ], + "OneToOneRel": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "OneToOneRel" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyRel": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyRel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_no_clash_for_hidden_related_name", + "ManyToManyRel" + ] + ] + ], + "Cast": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Cast" + ] + ] + ], + "Coalesce": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Coalesce" + ] + ] + ], + "Greatest": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Greatest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_expression_on_aggregation", + "Greatest" + ] + ] + ], + "Least": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Least" + ] + ] + ], + "NullIf": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "NullIf" + ] + ] + ], + "TimezoneMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TimezoneMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "Extract": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "Extract" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractYear": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractYear" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractIsoYear": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractIsoYear" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractMonth": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractMonth" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractDay": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractDay" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractWeek": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractWeek" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractWeekDay": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractWeekDay" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractIsoWeekDay": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractIsoWeekDay" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractQuarter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractQuarter" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractHour": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractHour" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractMinute": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractMinute" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractSecond": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "ExtractSecond" + ] + ] + ], + "Now": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "Now" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncBase": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Trunc": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "Trunc" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncYear": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncYear" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncQuarter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncQuarter" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncMonth": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncMonth" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncWeek": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncWeek" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncDay": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncDay" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncDate": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncDate" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncTime": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncTime" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncHour": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncHour" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncMinute": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncMinute" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncSecond": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncSecond" + ] + ] + ], + "Abs": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Abs" + ] + ] + ], + "ACos": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "ACos" + ] + ] + ], + "ASin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "ASin" + ] + ] + ], + "ATan": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "ATan" + ] + ] + ], + "ATan2": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "ATan2" + ] + ] + ], + "Ceil": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Ceil" + ] + ] + ], + "Cos": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Cos" + ] + ] + ], + "Cot": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Cot" + ] + ] + ], + "Degrees": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Degrees" + ] + ] + ], + "Exp": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Exp" + ] + ] + ], + "Floor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Floor" + ] + ] + ], + "Ln": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Ln" + ] + ] + ], + "Log": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Log" + ] + ] + ], + "Mod": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Mod" + ] + ] + ], + "Pi": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Pi" + ] + ] + ], + "Power": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Power" + ] + ] + ], + "Radians": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Radians" + ] + ] + ], + "Round": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Round" + ] + ] + ], + "Sign": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Sign" + ] + ] + ], + "Sin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Sin" + ] + ] + ], + "Sqrt": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Sqrt" + ] + ] + ], + "Tan": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Tan" + ] + ] + ], + "FixDecimalInputMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/mixins.py", + [ + "FixDecimalInputMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "FixDurationInputMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/mixins.py", + [ + "FixDurationInputMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "NumericOutputFieldMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/mixins.py", + [ + "NumericOutputFieldMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "BytesToCharFieldConversionMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "BytesToCharFieldConversionMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "MySQLSHA2Mixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "MySQLSHA2Mixin" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleHashMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "OracleHashMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgreSQLSHAMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLSHAMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "Chr": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Chr" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcatPair": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "ConcatPair" + ] + ] + ], + "Concat": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Concat" + ] + ] + ], + "Left": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Left" + ] + ] + ], + "Lower": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Lower" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_custom_functions_can_ref_other_functions", + "Lower" + ] + ] + ], + "LPad": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "LPad" + ] + ] + ], + "LTrim": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "LTrim" + ] + ] + ], + "MD5": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "MD5" + ] + ] + ], + "Ord": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Ord" + ] + ] + ], + "Repeat": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Repeat" + ] + ] + ], + "Replace": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Replace" + ] + ] + ], + "Right": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Right" + ] + ] + ], + "RPad": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "RPad" + ] + ] + ], + "RTrim": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "RTrim" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA1": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "SHA1" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA224": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "SHA224" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA256": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "SHA256" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA384": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "SHA384" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA512": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "SHA512" + ] + ] + ], + "StrIndex": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "StrIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "Substr": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Substr" + ] + ] + ], + "Trim": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Trim" + ] + ] + ], + "Upper": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Upper" + ] + ] + ], + "CumeDist": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "CumeDist" + ] + ] + ], + "DenseRank": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "DenseRank" + ] + ] + ], + "FirstValue": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "FirstValue" + ] + ] + ], + "LagLeadFunction": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "LagLeadFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "Lag": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "Lag" + ] + ] + ], + "LastValue": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "LastValue" + ] + ] + ], + "Lead": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "Lead" + ] + ] + ], + "NthValue": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "NthValue" + ] + ] + ], + "Ntile": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "Ntile" + ] + ] + ], + "PercentRank": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "PercentRank" + ] + ] + ], + "Rank": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "Rank" + ] + ] + ], + "RowNumber": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "RowNumber" + ] + ] + ], + "Index": [ + [ + "django/db/models/indexes.py", + [ + "Index" + ] + ] + ], + "Lookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "BuiltinLookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "BuiltinLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgresOperatorLookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "PostgresOperatorLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "Exact": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Exact" + ] + ] + ], + "IExact": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IExact" + ] + ] + ], + "GreaterThan": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GreaterThan" + ] + ] + ], + "GreaterThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GreaterThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "LessThan": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "LessThan" + ] + ] + ], + "LessThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "LessThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerFieldFloatRounding": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldFloatRounding" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerGreaterThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IntegerGreaterThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerLessThan": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IntegerLessThan" + ] + ] + ], + "In": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "In" + ] + ] + ], + "PatternLookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "PatternLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "Contains": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Contains" + ] + ] + ], + "IContains": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IContains" + ] + ] + ], + "StartsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "StartsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "IStartsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IStartsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "EndsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "EndsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "IEndsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IEndsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "Range": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Range" + ] + ] + ], + "IsNull": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IsNull" + ] + ] + ], + "Regex": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Regex" + ] + ] + ], + "IRegex": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IRegex" + ] + ] + ], + "YearLookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "YearExact": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearExact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearExact" + ] + ] + ], + "YearGt": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearGt" + ] + ] + ], + "YearGte": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearGte" + ] + ] + ], + "YearLt": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearLt" + ] + ] + ], + "YearLte": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearLte" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLte" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDTextMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDTextMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDIExact": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDIExact" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDContains": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDContains" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDIContains": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDIContains" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDStartsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDStartsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDIStartsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDIStartsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDEndsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDEndsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDIEndsWith": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDIEndsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseManager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Manager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "Manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_class_definition_warnings", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_get_new_defined", + "Manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_get_old_defined", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationInstanceCheckTest", + "test_warning", + "Manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "Manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyThing", + "Manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalPKWithDefault", + "Manager" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagerDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "ManagerDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyManager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "EmptyManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "EmptyManager" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseIterable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "BaseIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelIterable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "ModelIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuesIterable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "ValuesIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuesListIterable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "ValuesListIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "NamedValuesListIterable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "NamedValuesListIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatValuesListIterable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "FlatValuesListIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "QuerySet": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceCheckMeta": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "InstanceCheckMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyQuerySet": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "EmptyQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "RawQuerySet": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "Prefetch": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "Prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedPopulator": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RelatedPopulator" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidQueryType": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryType" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidQuery": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "InvalidQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "Q": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "Q" + ] + ] + ], + "DeferredAttribute": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "DeferredAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "RegisterLookupMixin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "FilteredRelation": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "FilteredRelation" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelSignal": [ + [ + "django/db/models/signals.py", + [ + "ModelSignal" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiJoin": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiJoin" + ] + ] + ], + "Join": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "Join" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Join" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseTable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "BaseTable" + ] + ] + ], + "RawQuery": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "RawQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "Query": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query" + ] + ] + ], + "JoinPromoter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "JoinPromoter" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteQuery": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "DeleteQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateQuery": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "UpdateQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "InsertQuery": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "InsertQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "AggregateQuery": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "AggregateQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "WhereNode": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode" + ] + ] + ], + "NothingNode": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "NothingNode" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraWhere": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "ExtraWhere" + ] + ] + ], + "SubqueryConstraint": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "SubqueryConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactionManagementError": [ + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "TransactionManagementError" + ] + ] + ], + "Atomic": [ + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "Atomic" + ] + ] + ], + "InterfaceError": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "InterfaceError" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseError": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "DatabaseError" + ] + ] + ], + "DataError": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "DataError" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationalError": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "OperationalError" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrityError": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "IntegrityError" + ] + ] + ], + "InternalError": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "InternalError" + ] + ] + ], + "ProgrammingError": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ProgrammingError" + ] + ] + ], + "NotSupportedError": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "NotSupportedError" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseErrorWrapper": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "DatabaseErrorWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "ConnectionDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "ConnectionHandler": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "ConnectionRouter": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "Signal": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "Signal" + ] + ] + ], + "BoundField": [ + [ + "django/forms/boundfield.py", + [ + "BoundField" + ] + ] + ], + "BoundWidget": [ + [ + "django/forms/boundfield.py", + [ + "BoundWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseTemporalField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "BaseTemporalField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeFormatsIterator": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "DateTimeFormatsIterator" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "RegexField" + ] + ] + ], + "CallableChoiceIterator": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "CallableChoiceIterator" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "ChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "TypedChoiceField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleChoiceField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "MultipleChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "TypedMultipleChoiceField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "ComboField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "ComboField" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiValueField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "MultiValueField" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitDateTimeField": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeField" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidJSONInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "InvalidJSONInput" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONString": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "JSONString" + ] + ] + ], + "DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass": [ + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseForm": [ + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_baseform_with_widgets_in_meta", + "BaseForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_custom_callback", + "BaseForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_inherit_after_custom_callback", + "BaseForm" + ] + ] + ], + "Form": [ + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "Form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/__init__.py", + [ + "FormFieldAssertionsMixin", + "assertWidgetRendersTo", + "Form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_form_subclass_inheritance", + "Form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal", + "Form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarraywidget_value_omitted_from_data", + "Form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarrayfield_has_changed", + "Form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarrayfield_remove_trailing_nulls_has_changed", + "Form" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagementForm": [ + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", + [ + "ManagementForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseFormSet": [ + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormOptions": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelFormOptions" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormMetaclass": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelFormMetaclass" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModelForm": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelForm": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_form_subclass_inheritance", + "ModelForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal", + "ModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModelFormSet": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseInlineFormSet": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseInlineFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineForeignKeyField": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "InlineForeignKeyField" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelChoiceIteratorValue": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceIteratorValue" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelChoiceIterator": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceIterator" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelChoiceField": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelMultipleChoiceField": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseRenderer": [ + [ + "django/forms/renderers.py", + [ + "BaseRenderer" + ] + ] + ], + "EngineMixin": [ + [ + "django/forms/renderers.py", + [ + "EngineMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoTemplates": [ + [ + "django/forms/renderers.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplates" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/backends/django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplates" + ] + ] + ], + "Jinja2": [ + [ + "django/forms/renderers.py", + [ + "Jinja2" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/backends/jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplatesSetting": [ + [ + "django/forms/renderers.py", + [ + "TemplatesSetting" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorDict": [ + [ + "django/forms/utils.py", + [ + "ErrorDict" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorList": [ + [ + "django/forms/utils.py", + [ + "ErrorList" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaOrderConflictWarning": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "MediaOrderConflictWarning" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaDefiningClass": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "MediaDefiningClass" + ] + ] + ], + "Widget": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "Widget" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Widget" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Widget" + ] + ] + ], + "Input": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "Input" + ] + ] + ], + "TextInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "TextInput" + ] + ] + ], + "NumberInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "NumberInput" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "EmailInput" + ] + ] + ], + "URLInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "URLInput" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "PasswordInput" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "HiddenInput" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleHiddenInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInput" + ] + ] + ], + "FileInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "FileInput" + ] + ] + ], + "ClearableFileInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInput" + ] + ] + ], + "Textarea": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "Textarea" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeBaseInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "DateTimeBaseInput" + ] + ] + ], + "DateInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "DateInput" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "DateTimeInput" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "TimeInput" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckboxInput": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "CheckboxInput" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceWidget": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "ChoiceWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "Select": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "Select" + ] + ] + ], + "NullBooleanSelect": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelect" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectMultiple": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "SelectMultiple" + ] + ] + ], + "RadioSelect": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "RadioSelect" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckboxSelectMultiple": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultiple" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiWidget": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "MultiWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitDateTimeWidget": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitHiddenDateTimeWidget": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "SplitHiddenDateTimeWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectDateWidget": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiPartParserError": [ + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "MultiPartParserError" + ] + ] + ], + "InputStreamExhausted": [ + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "InputStreamExhausted" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiPartParser": [ + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "MultiPartParser" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyStream": [ + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "LazyStream" + ] + ] + ], + "ChunkIter": [ + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "ChunkIter" + ] + ] + ], + "InterBoundaryIter": [ + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "InterBoundaryIter" + ] + ] + ], + "BoundaryIter": [ + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "BoundaryIter" + ] + ] + ], + "Parser": [ + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "Parser" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/html.py", + [ + "Parser" + ] + ] + ], + "UnreadablePostError": [ + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "UnreadablePostError" + ] + ] + ], + "RawPostDataException": [ + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "RawPostDataException" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpRequest": [ + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "HttpRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpHeaders": [ + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "HttpHeaders" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryDict": [ + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "QueryDict" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaType": [ + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "MediaType" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseBase": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBase" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponse": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamingHttpResponse": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "StreamingHttpResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FileResponse": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "FileResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseRedirectBase": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseRedirectBase" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseRedirect": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseRedirect" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponsePermanentRedirect": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponsePermanentRedirect" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseNotModified": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseNotModified" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseBadRequest": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBadRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseNotFound": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseForbidden": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseForbidden" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseNotAllowed": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseNotAllowed" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseGone": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseGone" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseServerError": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseServerError" + ] + ] + ], + "Http404": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "Http404" + ] + ] + ], + "JsonResponse": [ + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "JsonResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateCacheMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/cache.py", + [ + "UpdateCacheMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "FetchFromCacheMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/cache.py", + [ + "FetchFromCacheMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/cache.py", + [ + "CacheMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "XFrameOptionsMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/clickjacking.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "CommonMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/common.py", + [ + "CommonMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/common.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "CsrfViewMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "GZipMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/gzip.py", + [ + "GZipMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionalGetMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/http.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "LocaleMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/locale.py", + [ + "LocaleMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityMiddleware": [ + [ + "django/middleware/security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseEngine": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEngine" + ] + ] + ], + "Template": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/django.py", + [ + "Template" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "Template" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/backends/jinja2.py", + [ + "Template" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Template" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateStrings": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStrings" + ] + ] + ], + "Origin": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/jinja2.py", + [ + "Origin" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Origin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "Origin" + ] + ] + ], + "TokenType": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "TokenType" + ] + ] + ], + "VariableDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "VariableDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "Token": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Token" + ] + ] + ], + "Lexer": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Lexer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/jslex.py", + [ + "Lexer" + ] + ] + ], + "DebugLexer": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "DebugLexer" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterExpression": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "FilterExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "Variable": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Variable" + ] + ] + ], + "NodeList": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "NodeList" + ] + ] + ], + "TextNode": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "TextNode" + ] + ] + ], + "VariableNode": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "VariableNode" + ] + ] + ], + "ContextPopException": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "ContextPopException" + ] + ] + ], + "ContextDict": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "ContextDict" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseContext": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "BaseContext" + ] + ] + ], + "Context": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "Context" + ] + ] + ], + "RenderContext": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "RenderContext" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestContext": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "RequestContext" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoEscapeControlNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "AutoEscapeControlNode" + ] + ] + ], + "CommentNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "CommentNode" + ] + ] + ], + "CsrfTokenNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "CsrfTokenNode" + ] + ] + ], + "CycleNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "CycleNode" + ] + ] + ], + "DebugNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "DebugNode" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "FilterNode" + ] + ] + ], + "FirstOfNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "FirstOfNode" + ] + ] + ], + "ForNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "ForNode" + ] + ] + ], + "IfChangedNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "IfChangedNode" + ] + ] + ], + "IfEqualNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "IfEqualNode" + ] + ] + ], + "IfNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "IfNode" + ] + ] + ], + "LoremNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "LoremNode" + ] + ] + ], + "RegroupNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "RegroupNode" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "LoadNode" + ] + ] + ], + "NowNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "NowNode" + ] + ] + ], + "ResetCycleNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "ResetCycleNode" + ] + ] + ], + "SpacelessNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "SpacelessNode" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateTagNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "TemplateTagNode" + ] + ] + ], + "URLNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "URLNode" + ] + ] + ], + "VerbatimNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "VerbatimNode" + ] + ] + ], + "WidthRatioNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "WidthRatioNode" + ] + ] + ], + "WithNode": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "WithNode" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateLiteral": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "TemplateLiteral" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateIfParser": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "TemplateIfParser" + ] + ] + ], + "Engine": [ + [ + "django/template/engine.py", + [ + "Engine" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/template/exceptions.py", + [ + "TemplateDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateSyntaxError": [ + [ + "django/template/exceptions.py", + [ + "TemplateSyntaxError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTemplateLibrary": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "InvalidTemplateLibrary" + ] + ] + ], + "Library": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library" + ] + ] + ], + "TagHelperNode": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "TagHelperNode" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleNode": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "SimpleNode" + ] + ] + ], + "InclusionNode": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "InclusionNode" + ] + ] + ], + "BlockContext": [ + [ + "django/template/loader_tags.py", + [ + "BlockContext" + ] + ] + ], + "BlockNode": [ + [ + "django/template/loader_tags.py", + [ + "BlockNode" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtendsNode": [ + [ + "django/template/loader_tags.py", + [ + "ExtendsNode" + ] + ] + ], + "IncludeNode": [ + [ + "django/template/loader_tags.py", + [ + "IncludeNode" + ] + ] + ], + "Loader": [ + [ + "django/template/loaders/app_directories.py", + [ + "Loader" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/loaders/base.py", + [ + "Loader" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/loaders/cached.py", + [ + "Loader" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/loaders/filesystem.py", + [ + "Loader" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/loaders/locmem.py", + [ + "Loader" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentNotRenderedError": [ + [ + "django/template/response.py", + [ + "ContentNotRenderedError" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTemplateResponse": [ + [ + "django/template/response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateResponse": [ + [ + "django/template/response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "TokenBase": [ + [ + "django/template/smartif.py", + [ + "TokenBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Operator": [ + [ + "django/template/smartif.py", + [ + "infix", + "Operator" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/smartif.py", + [ + "prefix", + "Operator" + ] + ] + ], + "Literal": [ + [ + "django/template/smartif.py", + [ + "Literal" + ] + ] + ], + "EndToken": [ + [ + "django/template/smartif.py", + [ + "EndToken" + ] + ] + ], + "IfParser": [ + [ + "django/template/smartif.py", + [ + "IfParser" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTemplateEngineError": [ + [ + "django/template/utils.py", + [ + "InvalidTemplateEngineError" + ] + ] + ], + "EngineHandler": [ + [ + "django/template/utils.py", + [ + "EngineHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/cache.py", + [ + "CacheNode" + ] + ] + ], + "GetAvailableLanguagesNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/i18n.py", + [ + "GetAvailableLanguagesNode" + ] + ] + ], + "GetLanguageInfoNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/i18n.py", + [ + "GetLanguageInfoNode" + ] + ] + ], + "GetLanguageInfoListNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/i18n.py", + [ + "GetLanguageInfoListNode" + ] + ] + ], + "GetCurrentLanguageNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/i18n.py", + [ + "GetCurrentLanguageNode" + ] + ] + ], + "GetCurrentLanguageBidiNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/i18n.py", + [ + "GetCurrentLanguageBidiNode" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslateNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/i18n.py", + [ + "TranslateNode" + ] + ] + ], + "BlockTranslateNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/i18n.py", + [ + "BlockTranslateNode" + ] + ] + ], + "LanguageNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/i18n.py", + [ + "LanguageNode" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalizeNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/l10n.py", + [ + "LocalizeNode" + ] + ] + ], + "PrefixNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/static.py", + [ + "PrefixNode" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/static.py", + [ + "StaticNode" + ] + ] + ], + "datetimeobject": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/tz.py", + [ + "datetimeobject" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalTimeNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/tz.py", + [ + "LocalTimeNode" + ] + ] + ], + "TimezoneNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/tz.py", + [ + "TimezoneNode" + ] + ] + ], + "GetCurrentTimezoneNode": [ + [ + "django/templatetags/tz.py", + [ + "GetCurrentTimezoneNode" + ] + ] + ], + "RedirectCycleError": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "RedirectCycleError" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePayload": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "FakePayload" + ] + ] + ], + "ClientHandler": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "ClientHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncClientHandler": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "AsyncClientHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestFactory": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "RequestFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncRequestFactory": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "AsyncRequestFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "ClientMixin": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "ClientMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "Client": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "Client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_case/models.py", + [ + "Client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Client" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncClient": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "AsyncClient" + ] + ] + ], + "Element": [ + [ + "django/test/html.py", + [ + "Element" + ] + ] + ], + "RootElement": [ + [ + "django/test/html.py", + [ + "RootElement" + ] + ] + ], + "HTMLParseError": [ + [ + "django/test/html.py", + [ + "HTMLParseError" + ] + ] + ], + "DebugSQLTextTestResult": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DebugSQLTextTestResult" + ] + ] + ], + "PDBDebugResult": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "PDBDebugResult" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoteTestResult": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "RemoteTestResult" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoteTestRunner": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "RemoteTestRunner" + ] + ] + ], + "ParallelTestSuite": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "ParallelTestSuite" + ] + ] + ], + "DiscoverRunner": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner" + ] + ] + ], + "SeleniumTestCaseBase": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCaseBase" + ] + ] + ], + "SeleniumTestCase": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "_AssertNumQueriesContext": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_AssertNumQueriesContext" + ] + ] + ], + "_AssertTemplateUsedContext": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_AssertTemplateUsedContext" + ] + ] + ], + "_AssertTemplateNotUsedContext": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_AssertTemplateNotUsedContext" + ] + ] + ], + "_DatabaseFailure": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_DatabaseFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTestCase": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactionTestCase": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestData": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestData" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCase": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckCondition": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "CheckCondition" + ] + ] + ], + "QuietWSGIRequestHandler": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "QuietWSGIRequestHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "FSFilesHandler": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "FSFilesHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "_StaticFilesHandler": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_StaticFilesHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "_MediaFilesHandler": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_MediaFilesHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerThread": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerThread" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerTestCase": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializeMixin": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SerializeMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "Approximate": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "Approximate" + ] + ] + ], + "ContextList": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "ContextList" + ] + ] + ], + "_TestState": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "_TestState" + ] + ] + ], + "TestContextDecorator": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "TestContextDecorator" + ] + ] + ], + "override_settings": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "override_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_settings": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "modify_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "override_system_checks": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "override_system_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "CaptureQueriesContext": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContext" + ] + ] + ], + "ignore_warnings": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "ignore_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "override_script_prefix": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "override_script_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "LoggingCaptureMixin": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "LoggingCaptureMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "isolate_apps": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "isolate_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "IntConverter": [ + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "IntConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "StringConverter": [ + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "StringConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDConverter": [ + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "UUIDConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "SlugConverter": [ + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "SlugConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "PathConverter": [ + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "PathConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "Resolver404": [ + [ + "django/urls/exceptions.py", + [ + "Resolver404" + ] + ] + ], + "NoReverseMatch": [ + [ + "django/urls/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoReverseMatch" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverMatch": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "ResolverMatch" + ] + ] + ], + "LocaleRegexDescriptor": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckURLMixin": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "CheckURLMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexPattern": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "RegexPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "RoutePattern": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "RoutePattern" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalePrefixPattern": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "LocalePrefixPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "URLPattern": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "URLResolver": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver" + ] + ] + ], + "ArchiveException": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "ArchiveException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnrecognizedArchiveFormat": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "UnrecognizedArchiveFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "Archive": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "Archive" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseArchive": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "BaseArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "TarArchive": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "TarArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "ZipArchive": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "ZipArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseReloader": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader" + ] + ] + ], + "StatReloader": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloader" + ] + ] + ], + "WatchmanUnavailable": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanUnavailable" + ] + ] + ], + "WatchmanReloader": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseConverter": [ + [ + "django/utils/baseconv.py", + [ + "BaseConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAlgorithm": [ + [ + "django/utils/crypto.py", + [ + "InvalidAlgorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedSet": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "OrderedSet" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiValueDictKeyError": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictKeyError" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiValueDict": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict" + ] + ] + ], + "ImmutableList": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "ImmutableList" + ] + ] + ], + "DictWrapper": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "DictWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "CaseInsensitiveMapping": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "Formatter": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "Formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeFormat": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "DateFormat": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "date": [ + [ + "django/utils/datetime_safe.py", + [ + "date" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime": [ + [ + "django/utils/datetime_safe.py", + [ + "datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "time": [ + [ + "django/utils/datetime_safe.py", + [ + "time" + ] + ] + ], + "classonlymethod": [ + [ + "django/utils/decorators.py", + [ + "classonlymethod" + ] + ] + ], + "RemovedInDjango40Warning": [ + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "RemovedInDjango40Warning" + ] + ] + ], + "RemovedInDjango41Warning": [ + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "RemovedInDjango41Warning" + ] + ] + ], + "warn_about_renamed_method": [ + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "warn_about_renamed_method" + ] + ] + ], + "RenameMethodsBase": [ + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsBase" + ] + ] + ], + "DeprecationInstanceCheck": [ + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "DeprecationInstanceCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "MiddlewareMixin": [ + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "MiddlewareMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoUnicodeDecodeError": [ + [ + "django/utils/encoding.py", + [ + "DjangoUnicodeDecodeError" + ] + ] + ], + "SyndicationFeed": [ + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "Enclosure": [ + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "Enclosure" + ] + ] + ], + "RssFeed": [ + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "RssFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "RssUserland091Feed": [ + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "RssUserland091Feed" + ] + ] + ], + "Rss201rev2Feed": [ + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "Rss201rev2Feed" + ] + ] + ], + "Atom1Feed": [ + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "Atom1Feed" + ] + ] + ], + "cached_property": [ + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "cached_property" + ] + ] + ], + "classproperty": [ + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "classproperty" + ] + ] + ], + "Promise": [ + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "Promise" + ] + ] + ], + "__proxy__": [ + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "lazy", + "__proxy__" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyObject": [ + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "LazyObject" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleLazyObject": [ + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObject" + ] + ] + ], + "MLStripper": [ + [ + "django/utils/html.py", + [ + "MLStripper" + ] + ] + ], + "Tok": [ + [ + "django/utils/jslex.py", + [ + "Tok" + ] + ] + ], + "JsLexer": [ + [ + "django/utils/jslex.py", + [ + "JsLexer" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminEmailHandler": [ + [ + "django/utils/log.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "CallbackFilter": [ + [ + "django/utils/log.py", + [ + "CallbackFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "RequireDebugFalse": [ + [ + "django/utils/log.py", + [ + "RequireDebugFalse" + 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"Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_related_field_has_invalid_related_name", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_related_field_has_valid_related_name", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_to_fields_exist", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m_with_inheritance", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ComplexClashTests", + "test_clash_parent_link", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_superset_foreign_object", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_intersection_foreign_object", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_non_local_to_field", + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mutually_referential/models.py", + [ + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Parent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/multi_table.py", + [ + "Parent" + ] + ] + ], + "Child": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelCheckTests", + "test_check_composite_foreign_object", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelCheckTests", + "test_check_subset_composite_foreign_object", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_field_name_clash_with_child_accessor", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_multiinheritance_clash", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_inheritance_clash", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_multigeneration_inheritance", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_related_model_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_non_related_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_two_related_model_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_multiple_times_to_model_fields", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_related_model_pk", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_foreignkey_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_to_fields_exist", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_to_fields_not_checked_if_related_model_doesnt_exist", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m_with_inheritance", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ComplexClashTests", + "test_clash_parent_link", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_superset_foreign_object", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_intersection_foreign_object", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_non_local_to_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_overriding_inherited_FIELD_display", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_inherited_field", + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mutually_referential/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/multi_table.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/string_lookup/models.py", + [ + "Child" + ] + ] + ], + "Genre": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Genre" + ] + ] + ], + "Band": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Band" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Band" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Band" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "Band" + ] + ] + ], + "Musician": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Musician" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_subclassing_forms", + "Musician" + ] + ] + ], + "Concert": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Concert" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "Concert" + ] + ] + ], + "Membership": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Membership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_many_to_many.py", + [ + "Membership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Membership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_two_m2m_through_same_relationship", + "Membership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Membership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Membership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Membership" + ] + ] + ], + "Quartet": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Quartet" + ] + ] + ], + "ChordsMusician": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "ChordsMusician" + ] + ] + ], + "ChordsBand": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "ChordsBand" + ] + ] + ], + "Invitation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Invitation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_invalid_order", + "Invitation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_invalid_field", + "Invitation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_explicit_field_names", + "Invitation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Invitation" + ] + ] + ], + "Swallow": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "Swallow" + ] + ] + ], + "SwallowOneToOne": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "SwallowOneToOne" + ] + ] + ], + "UnorderedObject": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "UnorderedObject" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "UnorderedObject" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedObjectManager": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "OrderedObjectManager" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedObject": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "OrderedObject" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomIdUser": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "CustomIdUser" + ] + ] + ], + "CharPK": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/models.py", + [ + "CharPK" + ] + ] + ], + "DateHierarchyTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/test_date_hierarchy.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedByFBandAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_specified_ordering_by_f_expression", + "OrderedByFBandAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_specified_ordering_by_f_expression_without_asc_desc", + "OrderedByFBandAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "GetListSelectRelatedAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_get_select_related_custom_method", + "GetListSelectRelatedAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "UnorderedObjectAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_deterministic_order_for_unordered_model", + "UnorderedObjectAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "UnorderedObjectAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedObjectAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_deterministic_order_for_model_ordered_by_its_manager", + "OrderedObjectAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "Related": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_total_ordering_optimization", + "Related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_total_ordering_optimization_meta_constraints", + "Related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_non_local_to_field", + "Related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Related" + ] + ] + ], + "ChangeListTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetAdminLogTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "GetAdminLogTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SeleniumTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Album": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "Album" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Album" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Album" + ] + ] + ], + "Song": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "Song" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Song" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Song" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "Song" + ] + ] + ], + "TwoAlbumFKAndAnE": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "TwoAlbumFKAndAnE" + ] + ] + ], + "Author": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_columns/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_not_null_alteration", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager_added_to_the_model_state", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager_named_objects_with_false_migration_flag", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_base_manager", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_ignore_order_wrt", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_choices_iterator", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/raw_query/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_no_db_constraint_added_during_primary_key_change", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename_referenced_field", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_no_unnecessary_fk_drops", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_db_table", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_foreign_key_quoted_db_table", + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/models.py", + [ + "Author" + ] + ] + ], + "Book": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migration_test_data_persistence/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_inheritance", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_ignore_order_wrt", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/raw_query/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename_referenced_field", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_no_unnecessary_fk_drops", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_and_reverse_m2m", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_db_table", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_foreign_key_quoted_db_table", + "Book" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/models.py", + [ + "Book" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorsBooks": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "AuthorsBooks" + ] + ] + ], + "State": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "State" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "State" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "State" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "State" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "State" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "State" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "State" + ] + ] + ], + "City": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_for_update/models.py", + [ + "City" + ] + ] + ], + "Influence": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "Influence" + ] + ] + ], + "SongForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_non_model_fields", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_non_model_first_field", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_multiple_choice", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_hidden_data", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multiple_choice_checkbox", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_checkbox_auto_id", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multiple_choice_list_data", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multiple_hidden", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_empty_permitted", + "SongForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_extracting_hidden_and_visible", + "SongForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidFields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "ValidFields" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraFieldForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "ValidFormFieldsets", + "get_form", + "ExtraFieldForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidFormFieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "ValidFormFieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "MyAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "MyAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_fk_exclusion", + "MyAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inline_self_check", + "MyAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inline_with_specified", + "MyAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/apps/apps.py", + [ + "MyAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthenticationMiddlewareSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "AuthenticationMiddlewareSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageMiddlewareSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "MessageMiddlewareSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelBackendSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "ModelBackendSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionMiddlewareSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomAdminSite": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_custom_adminsite", + "CustomAdminSite" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_default_site/sites.py", + [ + "CustomAdminSite" + ] + ] + ], + "MyBookAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_allows_checks_relying_on_other_modeladmins", + "MyBookAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "MyAuthorAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_allows_checks_relying_on_other_modeladmins", + "MyAuthorAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "SongAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_field_name_not_in_list_display", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_list_editable_not_a_list_or_tuple", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_list_editable_missing_field", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_and_editable", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_editable", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_valid_generic_inline_model_admin", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_generic_model", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_bad_ct_field", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_bad_fk_field", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_gfk_ct_field", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_gfk_fk_field", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_on_method", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_on_modeladmin", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_dynamic_attribute_on_modeladmin", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_method_on_model", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_nonexistent_field", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_fields_not_list_or_tuple", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_extra", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_lambda", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "setUp", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_custom_queryset_still_wins", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_autocomplete_fields", + "SongAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "NotATupleAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_fieldsets_fields_non_tuple", + "NotATupleAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_nonfirst_fieldset", + "NotATupleAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludedFields1": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_values", + "ExcludedFields1" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludedFields2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_duplicate_values", + "ExcludedFields2" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludedFieldsInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_in_inline", + "ExcludedFieldsInline" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludedFieldsAlbumAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_in_inline", + "ExcludedFieldsAlbumAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "SongInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_inline_model_admin", + "SongInline" + ] + ] + ], + "AlbumAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_inline_model_admin", + "AlbumAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "AlbumAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_formfield_overrides_for_custom_field", + "AlbumAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/widgetadmin.py", + [ + "AlbumAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "InfluenceInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_valid_generic_inline_model_admin", + "InfluenceInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_bad_ct_field", + "InfluenceInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_bad_fk_field", + "InfluenceInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_gfk_ct_field", + "InfluenceInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_gfk_fk_field", + "InfluenceInline" + ] + ] + ], + "BookInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_generic_model", + "BookInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "BookInline" + ] + ] + ], + "RawIdNonexistentAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_app_label_in_admin_checks", + "RawIdNonexistentAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "TwoAlbumFKAndAnEInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_fk_exclusion", + "TwoAlbumFKAndAnEInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inline_self_check", + "TwoAlbumFKAndAnEInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inline_with_specified", + "TwoAlbumFKAndAnEInline" + ] + ] + ], + "CitiesInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inlines_property", + "CitiesInline" + ] + ] + ], + "StateAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inlines_property", + "StateAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "StateAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CityInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_nonexistent_field_on_inline", + "CityInline" + ] + ] + ], + "BookAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_graceful_m2m_fail", + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_explicit_through_override", + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_ordering", + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_ordering_reverse", + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_default_ordering", + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedonlyfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_ordering", + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedonlyfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_default_ordering", + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/customadmin.py", + [ + "BookAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "BookAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldsetBookAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_cannot_include_through", + "FieldsetBookAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedFieldsAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_nested_fields", + "NestedFieldsAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedFieldsetAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_nested_fieldsets", + "NestedFieldsetAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorsInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_explicit_through_override", + "AuthorsInline" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldsOnFormOnlyAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_non_model_fields", + "FieldsOnFormOnlyAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_non_model_first_field", + "FieldsOnFormOnlyAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "MyModelAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_check_sublists_for_duplicates", + "MyModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_check_fieldset_sublists_for_duplicates", + "MyModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "assertFormfield", + "MyModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "BookAdminWithListFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_list_filter_works_on_through_field_even_when_apps_not_ready", + "BookAdminWithListFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "SystemChecksTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "Action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_custom_urls/models.py", + [ + "Action" + ] + ] + ], + "ActionAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_custom_urls/models.py", + [ + "ActionAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "Person": [ + [ + "tests/admin_custom_urls/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_docs/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_registration/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_construction", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_hidden_widget", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changed_data", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_subclassing_forms", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_prefixes", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_class_prefix", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_null_boolean", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_html_required_html_classes", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_list_with_hidden_field_errors_has_correct_class", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_list_with_non_field_errors_has_correct_class", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_two_m2m_through_same_relationship", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_from", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_to", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_with_foreign_key_to_wrong_model", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_missing_foreign_key", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_missing_relationship_model", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_missing_relationship_model_on_model_check", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_through_isolate_apps_model", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_too_many_foreign_keys_in_self_referential_model", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_unique_m2m", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_non_unique_fields", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_partially_unique_field", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_on_delete_set_null_on_non_nullable_field", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_on_delete_set_default_without_default_value", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_no_duplicate_managers", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "else_", + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/properties/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/save_delete_hooks/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_for_update/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/servers/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/models.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "Person" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_custom_urls/models.py", + [ + "PersonAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_prevent_double_registration_for_custom_admin", + "PersonAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PersonAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "Car": [ + [ + "tests/admin_custom_urls/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/models.py", + [ + "Car" + ] + ] + ], + "CarAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_custom_urls/models.py", + [ + "CarAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/widgetadmin.py", + [ + "CarAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminCustomUrlsTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_custom_urls/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomUrlsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MyCustomAdminConfig": [ + [ + "tests/admin_default_site/apps.py", + [ + "MyCustomAdminConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomAdminSiteTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_default_site/tests.py", + [ + "CustomAdminSiteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultAdminSiteTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_default_site/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultAdminSiteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Company": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/models.py", + [ + "Company" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Company" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/models.py", + [ + "Company" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Company" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Company" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/models.py", + [ + "Company" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Company" + ] + ] + ], + "Family": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/models.py", + [ + "Family" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Family" + ] + ] + ], + "XViewMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_middleware.py", + [ + "XViewMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtils": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestUtils" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestUtils" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminDocViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_views.py", + [ + "AdminDocViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminDocViewWithMultipleEngines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_views.py", + [ + "AdminDocViewWithMultipleEngines" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelDetailView": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_views.py", + [ + "TestModelDetailView" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_views.py", + [ + "CustomField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_custom_boundfield", + "CustomField" + ] + ] + ], + "DescriptionLackingField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_views.py", + [ + "DescriptionLackingField" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFieldType": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_views.py", + [ + "TestFieldType" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminDocViewFunctionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_views.py", + [ + "AdminDocViewFunctionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDataMixin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminDocsSimpleTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/tests.py", + [ + "AdminDocsSimpleTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminDocsTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/tests.py", + [ + "AdminDocsTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "XViewClass": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/views.py", + [ + "XViewClass" + ] + ] + ], + "XViewCallableObject": [ + [ + "tests/admin_docs/views.py", + [ + "XViewCallableObject" + ] + ] + ], + "Department": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/models.py", + [ + "Department" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Department" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_lookup_allowed_onetoone", + "Department" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Department" + ] + ] + ], + "Employee": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_window/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_lookup_allowed_onetoone", + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/models.py", + [ + "Employee" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedItem": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/models.py", + [ + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_missing_content_type_field", + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_missing_object_id_field", + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_valid_generic_relationship", + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_valid_generic_relationship_with_explicit_fields", + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_missing_generic_foreign_key", + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_field_name_ending_with_underscore", + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "TaggedItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "TaggedItem" + ] + ] + ], + "Bookmark": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/models.py", + [ + "Bookmark" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Bookmark" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_valid_generic_relationship", + "Bookmark" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_valid_generic_relationship_with_explicit_fields", + "Bookmark" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_missing_generic_foreign_key", + "Bookmark" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Bookmark" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Bookmark" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "NotNinetiesListFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "NotNinetiesListFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilterWithTitleAndParameter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterWithTitleAndParameter" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilterWithoutTitle": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterWithoutTitle" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilterWithoutParameter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterWithoutParameter" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilterWithNoneReturningLookups": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterWithNoneReturningLookups" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilterWithFailingQueryset": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterWithFailingQueryset" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilterWithQuerysetBasedLookups": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterWithQuerysetBasedLookups" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilterParameterEndsWith__In": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterParameterEndsWith__In" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeListFilterParameterEndsWith__Isnull": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterParameterEndsWith__Isnull" + ] + ] + ], + "DepartmentListFilterLookupWithNonStringValue": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DepartmentListFilterLookupWithNonStringValue" + ] + ] + ], + "DepartmentListFilterLookupWithUnderscoredParameter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DepartmentListFilterLookupWithUnderscoredParameter" + ] + ] + ], + "DepartmentListFilterLookupWithDynamicValue": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DepartmentListFilterLookupWithDynamicValue" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "CustomUserAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls_custom_user_admin.py", + [ + "CustomUserAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "BookAdmin2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "BookAdmin2" + ] + ] + ], + "BookAdminWithTupleBooleanFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "BookAdminWithTupleBooleanFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "BookAdminWithUnderscoreLookupAndTuple": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "BookAdminWithUnderscoreLookupAndTuple" + ] + ] + ], + "BookAdminWithCustomQueryset": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "BookAdminWithCustomQueryset" + ] + ] + ], + "BookAdminRelatedOnlyFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "BookAdminRelatedOnlyFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeFilterBookAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeFilterBookAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "NotNinetiesListFilterAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "NotNinetiesListFilterAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithoutTitle": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithoutTitle" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithoutParameter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithoutParameter" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithNoneReturningLookups": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithNoneReturningLookups" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithFailingQueryset": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithFailingQueryset" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithQuerysetBasedLookups": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeFilterBookAdminWithQuerysetBasedLookups" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeFilterBookAdminParameterEndsWith__In": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeFilterBookAdminParameterEndsWith__In" + ] + ] + ], + "DecadeFilterBookAdminParameterEndsWith__Isnull": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeFilterBookAdminParameterEndsWith__Isnull" + ] + ] + ], + "EmployeeAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "EmployeeAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "DepartmentFilterEmployeeAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DepartmentFilterEmployeeAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "DepartmentFilterUnderscoredEmployeeAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DepartmentFilterUnderscoredEmployeeAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "DepartmentFilterDynamicValueBookAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DepartmentFilterDynamicValueBookAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "BookmarkAdminGenericRelation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "BookmarkAdminGenericRelation" + ] + ] + ], + "BookAdminWithEmptyFieldListFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "BookAdminWithEmptyFieldListFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "DepartmentAdminWithEmptyFieldListFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DepartmentAdminWithEmptyFieldListFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "BookmarkChoicesAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_choicesfieldlistfilter_has_none_choice", + "BookmarkChoicesAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "EmployeeAdminWithOrdering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_ordering", + "EmployeeAdminWithOrdering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_ordering_reverse", + "EmployeeAdminWithOrdering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedonlyfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_ordering", + "EmployeeAdminWithOrdering" + ] + ] + ], + "EmployeeAdminReverseRelationship": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedonlyfieldlistfilter_foreignkey_reverse_relationships", + "EmployeeAdminReverseRelationship" + ] + ] + ], + "UserAdminReverseRelationship": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_relatedonlyfieldlistfilter_manytomany_reverse_relationships", + "UserAdminReverseRelationship" + ] + ] + ], + "EmployeeAdminWithEmptyFieldListFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_emptylistfieldfilter_non_empty_field", + "EmployeeAdminWithEmptyFieldListFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "ListFiltersTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAutoPKBookTabularInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "NonAutoPKBookTabularInline" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAutoPKBookChildTabularInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "NonAutoPKBookChildTabularInline" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAutoPKBookStackedInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "NonAutoPKBookStackedInline" + ] + ] + ], + "EditablePKBookTabularInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "EditablePKBookTabularInline" + ] + ] + ], + "EditablePKBookStackedInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "EditablePKBookStackedInline" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "AuthorAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AuthorAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "InnerInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "InnerInline" + ] + ] + ], + "HolderAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "HolderAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadOnlyInlineInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "ReadOnlyInlineInline" + ] + ] + ], + "InnerInline2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "InnerInline2" + ] + ] + ], + "InnerInline2Tabular": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "InnerInline2Tabular" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomNumberWidget": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "CustomNumberWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "InnerInline3": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "InnerInline3" + ] + ] + ], + "TitleForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "TitleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TitleInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "TitleInline" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner4StackedInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "Inner4StackedInline" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner4TabularInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "Inner4TabularInline" + ] + ] + ], + "Holder4Admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "Holder4Admin" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner5StackedInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "Inner5StackedInline" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner5TabularInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "Inner5TabularInline" + ] + ] + ], + "Holder5Admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "Holder5Admin" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineWeakness": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "InlineWeakness" + ] + ] + ], + "WeaknessForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "WeaknessForm" + ] + ] + ], + "WeaknessInlineCustomForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "WeaknessInlineCustomForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FootNoteForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "FootNoteForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FootNoteNonEditableInlineCustomForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "FootNoteNonEditableInlineCustomForm" + ] + ] + ], + "QuestionInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "QuestionInline" + ] + ] + ], + "PollAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "PollAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ChapterInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "ChapterInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ChapterInline" + ] + ] + ], + "NovelAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "NovelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadOnlyChapterInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "ReadOnlyChapterInline" + ] + ] + ], + "NovelReadonlyChapterAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "NovelReadonlyChapterAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ConsigliereInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "ConsigliereInline" + ] + ] + ], + "SottoCapoInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "SottoCapoInline" + ] + ] + ], + "ProfileInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "ProfileInline" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildModel1Inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "ChildModel1Inline" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildModel2Inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "ChildModel2Inline" + ] + ] + ], + "BinaryTreeAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "BinaryTreeAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "SightingInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "SightingInline" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeChildModelForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "SomeChildModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeChildModelInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "SomeChildModelInline" + ] + ] + ], + "StudentInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "StudentInline" + ] + ] + ], + "TeacherAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "TeacherAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "Teacher": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Teacher" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Teacher" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Teacher" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAutoPKBook": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "NonAutoPKBook" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAutoPKBookChild": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "NonAutoPKBookChild" + ] + ] + ], + "EditablePKBook": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "EditablePKBook" + ] + ] + ], + "Holder": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Holder" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Inner" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_queries/models.py", + [ + "Inner" + ] + ] + ], + "Holder2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Holder2" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Inner2" + ] + ] + ], + "Holder3": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Holder3" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner3": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Inner3" + ] + ] + ], + "Holder4": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Holder4" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner4Stacked": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Inner4Stacked" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner4Tabular": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Inner4Tabular" + ] + ] + ], + "Holder5": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Holder5" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner5Stacked": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Inner5Stacked" + ] + ] + ], + "Inner5Tabular": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Inner5Tabular" + ] + ] + ], + "OutfitItem": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "OutfitItem" + ] + ] + ], + "Fashionista": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Fashionista" + ] + ] + ], + "ShoppingWeakness": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "ShoppingWeakness" + ] + ] + ], + "TitleCollection": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "TitleCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "Title": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Title" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Title" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Title" + ] + ] + ], + "Poll": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Poll" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/models.py", + [ + "Poll" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_queries/models.py", + [ + "Poll" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reverse_lookup/models.py", + [ + "Poll" + ] + ] + ], + "Question": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Question" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Question" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "Question" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_just_order_with_respect_to_no_errors", + "Question" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_with_order_with_respect_to", + "Question" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Question" + ] + ] + ], + "Novel": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Novel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_inheritance", + "Novel" + ] + ] + ], + "NovelReadonlyChapter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "NovelReadonlyChapter" + ] + ] + ], + "Chapter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Chapter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Chapter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Chapter" + ] + ] + ], + "FootNote": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "FootNote" + ] + ] + ], + "CapoFamiglia": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "CapoFamiglia" + ] + ] + ], + "Consigliere": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Consigliere" + ] + ] + ], + "SottoCapo": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "SottoCapo" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadOnlyInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "ReadOnlyInline" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentModelWithCustomPk": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "ParentModelWithCustomPk" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildModel1": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "ChildModel1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/models.py", + [ + "ChildModel1" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildModel2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "ChildModel2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/models.py", + [ + "ChildModel2" + ] + ] + ], + "BinaryTree": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "BinaryTree" + ] + ] + ], + "LifeForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "LifeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraTerrestrial": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "ExtraTerrestrial" + ] + ] + ], + "Sighting": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Sighting" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeParentModel": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "SomeParentModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeChildModel": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "SomeChildModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ProfileCollection": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "ProfileCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "Profile": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "Profile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Profile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Profile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Profile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Profile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/models.py", + [ + "Profile" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTemplates": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/test_templates.py", + [ + "TestTemplates" + ] + ] + ], + "MinNumInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_min_num", + "MinNumInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_custom_min_num", + "MinNumInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_min_num_param", + "MinNumInline" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInlineMedia": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineMedia" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInlineAdminForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineAdminForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInlineProtectedOnDelete": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineProtectedOnDelete" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInlinePermissions": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions" + ] + ] + ], + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions" + ] + ] + ], + "SongInlineDefaultOrdering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/models.py", + [ + "SongInlineDefaultOrdering" + ] + ] + ], + "SongInlineNewOrdering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/models.py", + [ + "SongInlineNewOrdering" + ] + ] + ], + "DynOrderingBandAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/models.py", + [ + "DynOrderingBandAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "MockRequest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "MockRequest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "MockRequest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_get_actions_respects_permissions", + "MockRequest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "MockRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "MockSuperUser": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "MockSuperUser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "MockSuperUser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "MockSuperUser" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAdminOrdering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestAdminOrdering" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInlineModelAdminOrdering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineModelAdminOrdering" + ] + ] + ], + "NoOrderingBandAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_admin_with_no_ordering_fallback_to_model_ordering", + "NoOrderingBandAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticOrderingBandAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_admin_ordering_beats_model_ordering", + "StaticOrderingBandAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_custom_queryset_still_wins", + "StaticOrderingBandAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering" + ] + ] + ], + "Traveler": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/models.py", + [ + "Traveler" + ] + ] + ], + "Location": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/models.py", + [ + "Location" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Location" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Location" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Location" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "Location" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Location" + ] + ] + ], + "Place": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/models.py", + [ + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_onetoone_with_parent_model", + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_onetoone_with_explicit_parent_link_parent_model", + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Place" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Place" + ] + ] + ], + "NameAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "NameAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_autocomplete_fields", + "NameAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomSite": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "CustomSite" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRegistration": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRegistrationDecorator": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistrationDecorator" + ] + ] + ], + "Foo": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/another_app_waiting_migration/models.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/complex_app/models/foo.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/models.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_construction", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_warning_when_unique_true_on_fk", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_to_python", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_fk_to_fk_get_col_output_field", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_recursive_fks_get_col", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadowed_fkey_id", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadow_related_name_when_set_to_none", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_reverse_foreign_key", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "OrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_duplicate_order_field", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_char_field_pk_to_auto_field", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_auto_field_quoted_db_column", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_primary_key_quoted_db_table", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_with_custom_db_type", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_field_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_table_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/string_lookup/models.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests_inheritance.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/models.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_set_name_not_called", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_getter", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_override_getter", + "Foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelRaisingMessages": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/app_raising_messages/models.py", + [ + "ModelRaisingMessages" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/app_raising_warning/models.py", + [ + "ModelRaisingMessages" + ] + ] + ], + "Bar": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/app_waiting_migration/models.py", + [ + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/complex_app/models/bar.py", + [ + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/models.py", + [ + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_to_python", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_fk_to_fk_get_col_output_field", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_recursive_fks_get_col", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadow_related_name_when_set_to_none", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "OrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_duplicate_order_field", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_field_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_table_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/string_lookup/models.py", + [ + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/models.py", + [ + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_getter", + "Bar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_class", + "Bar" + ] + ] + ], + "UserProfile": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/app_with_import/models.py", + [ + "UserProfile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "UserProfile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "UserProfile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "UserProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "DeprecationTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/test_django_admin_py.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_json_deprecation.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminScriptTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoAdminNoSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminNoSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageManuallyConfiguredSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageManuallyConfiguredSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageNoSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageNoSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageDefaultSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageMinimalSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageAlternateSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageMultipleSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageSettingsWithSettingsErrors": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageSettingsWithSettingsErrors" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageCheck": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageRunserver": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageRunserverMigrationWarning": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserverMigrationWarning" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageRunserverEmptyAllowedHosts": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserverEmptyAllowedHosts" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageTestserver": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageTestserver" + ] + ] + ], + "ColorCommand": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ColorCommand" + ] + ] + ], + "CommandTypes": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes" + ] + ] + ], + "Discovery": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "Discovery" + ] + ] + ], + "ArgumentOrder": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ArgumentOrder" + ] + ] + ], + "StartProject": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject" + ] + ] + ], + "StartApp": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartApp" + ] + ] + ], + "DiffSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DiffSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "Dumpdata": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "Dumpdata" + ] + ] + ], + "MainModule": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "MainModule" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoAdminSuggestions": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSuggestions" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleAdminForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdminForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleInline" + ] + ] + ], + "Article": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/basic/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_columns/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_methods/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dates/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/datetimes/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/field_defaults/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_model_package/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/indexes/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_intermediary/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_multiple/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/tablespaces.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_package/models/article.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/or_lookups/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/pagination/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/string_lookup/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/swappable_models/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/models.py", + [ + "Article" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleProxy": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "ArticleProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "Guest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Guest" + ] + ] + ], + "EventGuide": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "EventGuide" + ] + ] + ], + "Vehicle": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Vehicle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "Vehicle" + ] + ] + ], + "VehicleMixin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "VehicleMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "LogEntryTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedObjectsTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MockModelAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_values_from_lookup_field", + "MockModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_field", + "MockModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_property", + "MockModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_field_form_argument", + "ArticleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTests", + "ArticleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "ArticleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/views.py", + [ + "ArticleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_multiplemodelchoicefield", + "ArticleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ArticleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "ArticleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MyForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_safestring_in_field_label", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_construction", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_validators_independence", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_initial_called_once", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_hidden_initial_gets_id", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_dict", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_dict_as_json_escape_html", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_use_required_attribute_true", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_use_required_attribute_false", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_form_media", + "MyForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal_name_clashes", + "MyForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MyForm_1": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_safestring_in_field_label", + "MyForm_1" + ] + ] + ], + "UtilsTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ChapterXtra1Admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ChapterXtra1Admin" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleAdmin2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin2" + ] + ] + ], + "RowLevelChangePermissionModelAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "RowLevelChangePermissionModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomArticleAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CustomArticleAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ThingAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ThingAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "InquisitionAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "InquisitionAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "SketchAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "SketchAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "FabricAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FabricAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePersonModelFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "BasePersonModelFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FooAccountAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FooAccountAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "BarAccountAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "BarAccountAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonaAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PersonaAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "SubscriberAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "SubscriberAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ExternalSubscriberAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ExternalSubscriberAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PodcastAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PodcastAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "VodcastAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "VodcastAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ChildInline" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModelAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "EmptyModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "OldSubscriberAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "OldSubscriberAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PictureInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PictureInline" + ] + ] + ], + "GalleryAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "GalleryAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PictureAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PictureAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "LanguageAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "LanguageAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "RecommendationAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "RecommendationAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "WidgetInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "WidgetInline" + ] + ] + ], + "DooHickeyInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "DooHickeyInline" + ] + ] + ], + "GrommetInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "GrommetInline" + ] + ] + ], + "WhatsitInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "WhatsitInline" + ] + ] + ], + "FancyDoodadInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FancyDoodadInline" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoryAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CategoryAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoryInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CategoryInline" + ] + ] + ], + "CollectorAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CollectorAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "LinkInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "LinkInline" + ] + ] + ], + "SubPostInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "SubPostInline" + ] + ] + ], + "PrePopulatedPostAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PrePopulatedPostAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PrePopulatedPostReadOnlyAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PrePopulatedPostReadOnlyAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PostAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PostAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldOverridePostForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FieldOverridePostForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldOverridePostAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FieldOverridePostAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomChangeList": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CustomChangeList" + ] + ] + ], + "GadgetAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "GadgetAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ToppingAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ToppingAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PizzaAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PizzaAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "StudentAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "StudentAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadOnlyPizzaAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ReadOnlyPizzaAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkHourAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "WorkHourAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "FoodDeliveryAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FoodDeliveryAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CoverLetterAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CoverLetterAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PaperAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PaperAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ShortMessageAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ShortMessageAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "TelegramAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "TelegramAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "StoryForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "StoryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "StoryAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "StoryAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherStoryAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "OtherStoryAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ComplexSortedPersonAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ComplexSortedPersonAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PluggableSearchPersonAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PluggableSearchPersonAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "QuestionAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "QuestionAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AnswerAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "AnswerAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PrePopulatedPostLargeSlugAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PrePopulatedPostLargeSlugAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminOrderedFieldAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedFieldAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminOrderedModelMethodAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedModelMethodAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminOrderedAdminMethodAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedAdminMethodAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminOrderedCallableAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedCallableAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ReportAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ReportAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTemplateBooleanFieldListFilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CustomTemplateBooleanFieldListFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTemplateFilterColorAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CustomTemplateFilterColorAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedPrepopulatedInline1": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "RelatedPrepopulatedInline1" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedPrepopulatedInline2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "RelatedPrepopulatedInline2" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedPrepopulatedInline3": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "RelatedPrepopulatedInline3" + ] + ] + ], + "MainPrepopulatedAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "MainPrepopulatedAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "UndeletableObjectAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "UndeletableObjectAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "UnchangeableObjectAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "UnchangeableObjectAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeErrorRaisingAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "AttributeErrorRaisingAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomManagerAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CustomManagerAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageTestingAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "MessageTestingAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceList": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ChoiceList" + ] + ] + ], + "DependentChildAdminForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "DependentChildAdminForm" + ] + ] + ], + "DependentChildInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "DependentChildInline" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentWithDependentChildrenAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ParentWithDependentChildrenAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "FormWithoutHiddenField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FormWithoutHiddenField" + ] + ] + ], + "FormWithoutVisibleField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FormWithoutVisibleField" + ] + ] + ], + "FormWithVisibleAndHiddenField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FormWithVisibleAndHiddenField" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModelVisibleAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "EmptyModelVisibleAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModelHiddenAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "EmptyModelHiddenAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModelMixinAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "EmptyModelMixinAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CityInlineAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CityInlineAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "StateAdminForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "StateAdminForm" + ] + ] + ], + "RestaurantInlineAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "RestaurantInlineAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CityAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "CityAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkerAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "WorkerAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkerInlineAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "WorkerInlineAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "RestaurantAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "RestaurantAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "FunkyTagAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "FunkyTagAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineReferenceInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "InlineReferenceInline" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineRefererAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "InlineRefererAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PlotReadonlyAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PlotReadonlyAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "GetFormsetsArgumentCheckingAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "GetFormsetsArgumentCheckingAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleAdmin6": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin6" + ] + ] + ], + "ActorAdmin6": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ActorAdmin6" + ] + ] + ], + "ChapterAdmin6": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ChapterAdmin6" + ] + ] + ], + "ColorAdmin6": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ColorAdmin6" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleAdmin9": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin9" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionAdminAuthenticationForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/custom_has_permission_admin.py", + [ + "PermissionAdminAuthenticationForm" + ] + ] + ], + "HasPermissionAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/custom_has_permission_admin.py", + [ + "HasPermissionAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "Admin2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/customadmin.py", + [ + "Admin2" + ] + ] + ], + "UserLimitedAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/customadmin.py", + [ + "UserLimitedAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPwdTemplateUserAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/customadmin.py", + [ + "CustomPwdTemplateUserAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomAdminAuthenticationForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/forms.py", + [ + "CustomAdminAuthenticationForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaActionForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/forms.py", + [ + "MediaActionForm" + ] + ] + ], + "Section": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Section" + ] + ] + ], + "Promo": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Promo" + ] + ] + ], + "ChapterXtra1": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ChapterXtra1" + ] + ] + ], + "ChapterXtra2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ChapterXtra2" + ] + ] + ], + "RowLevelChangePermissionModel": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "RowLevelChangePermissionModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomArticle": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "CustomArticle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_framework/models.py", + [ + "CustomArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithStringPrimaryKey": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ModelWithStringPrimaryKey" + ] + ] + ], + "Color": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Color" + ] + ] + ], + "Color2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Color2" + ] + ] + ], + "Thing": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Thing" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Thing" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reserved_names/models.py", + [ + "Thing" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Thing" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/models.py", + [ + "Thing" + ] + ] + ], + "Actor": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Actor" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Actor" + ] + ] + ], + "Inquisition": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Inquisition" + ] + ] + ], + "Sketch": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Sketch" + ] + ] + ], + "Character": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Character" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Character" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "Character" + ] + ] + ], + "StumpJoke": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "StumpJoke" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "StumpJoke" + ] + ] + ], + "Fabric": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Fabric" + ] + ] + ], + "Persona": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Persona" + ] + ] + ], + "Account": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Account" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/models.py", + [ + "Account" + ] + ] + ], + "FooAccount": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "FooAccount" + ] + ] + ], + "BarAccount": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "BarAccount" + ] + ] + ], + "Subscriber": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Subscriber" + ] + ] + ], + "ExternalSubscriber": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ExternalSubscriber" + ] + ] + ], + "OldSubscriber": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "OldSubscriber" + ] + ] + ], + "Podcast": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Podcast" + ] + ] + ], + "Vodcast": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Vodcast" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModel": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "EmptyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Gallery": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Gallery" + ] + ] + ], + "Picture": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Picture" + ] + ] + ], + "Language": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Language" + ] + ] + ], + "TitleTranslation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "TitleTranslation" + ] + ] + ], + "Recommender": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Recommender" + ] + ] + ], + "Recommendation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Recommendation" + ] + ] + ], + "DooHickey": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "DooHickey" + ] + ] + ], + "Grommet": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Grommet" + ] + ] + ], + "Whatsit": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Whatsit" + ] + ] + ], + "Doodad": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Doodad" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_callable", + "Doodad" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_alters_data", + "Doodad" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_do_not_call", + "Doodad" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_do_not_call_and_alters_data", + "Doodad" + ] + ] + ], + "FancyDoodad": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "FancyDoodad" + ] + ] + ], + "Category": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dates/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/datetimes/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_multiple/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/models.py", + [ + "Category" + ] + ] + ], + "Link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Link" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Link" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Link" + ] + ] + ], + "PrePopulatedPost": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "PrePopulatedPost" + ] + ] + ], + "PrePopulatedSubPost": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "PrePopulatedSubPost" + ] + ] + ], + "Post": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "Post" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldOverridePost": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "FieldOverridePost" + ] + ] + ], + "Gadget": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Gadget" + ] + ] + ], + "Villain": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Villain" + ] + ] + ], + "SuperVillain": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "SuperVillain" + ] + ] + ], + "FunkyTag": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "FunkyTag" + ] + ] + ], + "Plot": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Plot" + ] + ] + ], + "PlotDetails": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "PlotDetails" + ] + ] + ], + "PlotProxy": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "PlotProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretHideout": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "SecretHideout" + ] + ] + ], + "SuperSecretHideout": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "SuperSecretHideout" + ] + ] + ], + "CyclicOne": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "CyclicOne" + ] + ] + ], + "CyclicTwo": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "CyclicTwo" + ] + ] + ], + "Topping": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Topping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Topping" + ] + ] + ], + "Pizza": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Pizza" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Pizza" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadablePizza": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ReadablePizza" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadOnlyPizza": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ReadOnlyPizza" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkHour": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "WorkHour" + ] + ] + ], + "Answer": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Answer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "Answer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_just_order_with_respect_to_no_errors", + "Answer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_with_order_with_respect_to", + "Answer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Answer" + ] + ] + ], + "Answer2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Answer2" + ] + ] + ], + "Reservation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Reservation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/models.py", + [ + "Reservation" + ] + ] + ], + "FoodDelivery": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "FoodDelivery" + ] + ] + ], + "CoverLetter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "CoverLetter" + ] + ] + ], + "Paper": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Paper" + ] + ] + ], + "ShortMessage": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ShortMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "Telegram": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Telegram" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherStory": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "OtherStory" + ] + ] + ], + "ComplexSortedPerson": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ComplexSortedPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "PluggableSearchPerson": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "PluggableSearchPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "PrePopulatedPostLargeSlug": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "PrePopulatedPostLargeSlug" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminOrderedField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedField" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminOrderedModelMethod": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedModelMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminOrderedAdminMethod": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedAdminMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminOrderedCallable": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedCallable" + ] + ] + ], + "Report": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Report" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Report" + ] + ] + ], + "MainPrepopulated": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "MainPrepopulated" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedPrepopulated": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "RelatedPrepopulated" + ] + ] + ], + "UndeletableObject": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "UndeletableObject" + ] + ] + ], + "UnchangeableObject": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "UnchangeableObject" + ] + ] + ], + "UserMessenger": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "UserMessenger" + ] + ] + ], + "Simple": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Simple" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentWithDependentChildren": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ParentWithDependentChildren" + ] + ] + ], + "DependentChild": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "DependentChild" + ] + ] + ], + "_Manager": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "_Manager" + ] + ] + ], + "FilteredManager": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "FilteredManager" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModelVisible": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "EmptyModelVisible" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModelHidden": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "EmptyModelHidden" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModelMixin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "EmptyModelMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "Restaurant": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant" + ] + ] + ], + "Worker": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Worker" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Worker" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Worker" + ] + ] + ], + "ReferencedByParent": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ReferencedByParent" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentWithFK": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ParentWithFK" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildOfReferer": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ChildOfReferer" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineReferer": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "InlineReferer" + ] + ] + ], + "ReferencedByInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ReferencedByInline" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineReference": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "InlineReference" + ] + ] + ], + "Recipe": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Recipe" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "Ingredient": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Ingredient" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Ingredient" + ] + ] + ], + "RecipeIngredient": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "RecipeIngredient" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "RecipeIngredient" + ] + ] + ], + "NotReferenced": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "NotReferenced" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitlyProvidedPK": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ExplicitlyProvidedPK" + ] + ] + ], + "ImplicitlyGeneratedPK": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ImplicitlyGeneratedPK" + ] + ] + ], + "ReferencedByGenRel": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ReferencedByGenRel" + ] + ] + ], + "GenRelReference": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "GenRelReference" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentWithUUIDPK": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "ParentWithUUIDPK" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedWithUUIDPKModel": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "RelatedWithUUIDPKModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Authorship": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Authorship" + ] + ] + ], + "UserProxy": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "UserProxy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/proxy.py", + [ + "UserProxy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "UserProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminActionsTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminActionsPermissionTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsPermissionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SiteEachContextTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_adminsite.py", + [ + "SiteEachContextTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SiteActionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_adminsite.py", + [ + "SiteActionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorshipInline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AuthorshipInline" + ] + ] + ], + "DistinctQuestionAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests", + "test_search_use_distinct", + "DistinctQuestionAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptySearchAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests", + "test_missing_search_fields", + "EmptySearchAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminAuthenticationFormTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminAuthenticationFormTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminHistoryViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_history_view.py", + [ + "AdminHistoryViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Router": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_multidb.py", + [ + "Router" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_admin_multidb.py", + [ + "Router" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiDatabaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDatabaseTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_admin_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDatabaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminSiteWithSidebar": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "AdminSiteWithSidebar" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminSiteWithoutSidebar": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "AdminSiteWithoutSidebar" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminSidebarTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "AdminSidebarTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminTemplateTagsTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "AdminTemplateTagsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminFieldExtractionMixin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFieldExtractionMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewBasicTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewBasicTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminCustomTemplateTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewFormUrlTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewFormUrlTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminJavaScriptTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminJavaScriptTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SaveAsTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SaveAsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModelAdminTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewPermissionsTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewProxyModelPermissionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewProxyModelPermissionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewsNoUrlTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewsNoUrlTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGenericRelations": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestGenericRelations" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SecureViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SecureViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewUnicodeTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewUnicodeTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewListEditable": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminSearchTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminSearchTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminInheritedInlinesTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInheritedInlinesTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCustomChangeList": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestCustomChangeList" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInlineNotEditable": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineNotEditable" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminCustomQuerysetTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomQuerysetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminInlineFileUploadTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineFileUploadTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminInlineTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NeverCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "NeverCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PrePopulatedTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "PrePopulatedTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadonlyTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "ReadonlyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LimitChoicesToInAdminTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToInAdminTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RawIdFieldsTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "RawIdFieldsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UserAdminTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "UserAdminTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GroupAdminTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "GroupAdminTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CSSTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CSSTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminDocsTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminDocsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidXHTMLTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "ValidXHTMLTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminCustomSaveRelatedTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomSaveRelatedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewLogoutTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewLogoutTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminUserMessageTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NamespacedAdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "NamespacedAdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLabelVisibility": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminViewOnSiteTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineAdminViewOnSiteTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "InlineAdminViewOnSiteTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GetFormsetsWithInlinesArgumentTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "GetFormsetsWithInlinesArgumentTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MyFileField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "MyFileField" + ] + ] + ], + "Member": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Member" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Member" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsafeLimitChoicesTo": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "UnsafeLimitChoicesTo" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenInventoryManager": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "HiddenInventoryManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Inventory": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Inventory" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Inventory" + ] + ] + ], + "CarTire": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "CarTire" + ] + ] + ], + "Honeycomb": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Honeycomb" + ] + ] + ], + "Bee": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Bee" + ] + ] + ], + "Individual": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Individual" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Individual" + ] + ] + ], + "Advisor": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Advisor" + ] + ] + ], + "Student": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "Student" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Student" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Student" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Student" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Student" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_creation_with_db_table_double_quotes", + "Student" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Student" + ] + ] + ], + "School": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/models.py", + [ + "School" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/models.py", + [ + "School" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "School" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "School" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "School" + ] + ] + ], + "AlbumForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "AlbumForm" + ] + ] + ], + "NotRequiredBandForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "NotRequiredBandForm" + ] + ] + ], + "RequiredBandForm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "RequiredBandForm" + ] + ] + ], + "AutocompleteMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "AutocompleteMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MemberAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_formfield_overrides_for_datetime_field", + "MemberAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdvisorAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_m2m_widgets", + "AdvisorAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldWithRequestTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldWithRequestTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminForeignKeyWidgetChangeList": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminForeignKeyWidgetChangeList" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminForeignKeyRawIdWidget": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminForeignKeyRawIdWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "FilteredSelectMultipleWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredSelectMultipleWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminDateWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminDateWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminTimeWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTimeWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminSplitDateTimeWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminSplitDateTimeWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminURLWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminURLWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminUUIDWidgetTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUUIDWidgetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminFileWidgetTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFileWidgetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyRawIdWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyRawIdWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomWidget": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_custom_widget_render", + "CustomWidget" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_widget_delegates_value_omitted_from_data", + "CustomWidget" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "CustomWidget" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "CustomWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminWidgetSeleniumTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminWidgetSeleniumTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimePickerSeleniumTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerSeleniumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimePickerShortcutsSeleniumTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerShortcutsSeleniumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimePickerAltTimezoneSeleniumTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerAltTimezoneSeleniumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HorizontalVerticalFilterSeleniumTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "HorizontalVerticalFilterSeleniumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminRawIdWidgetSeleniumTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminRawIdWidgetSeleniumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedFieldWidgetSeleniumTests": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetSeleniumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WidgetAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/widgetadmin.py", + [ + "WidgetAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "CarTireAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/widgetadmin.py", + [ + "CarTireAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "SchoolAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/widgetadmin.py", + [ + "SchoolAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "Publisher": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/models.py", + [ + "Publisher" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Publisher" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/models.py", + [ + "Publisher" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Publisher" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error", + "Publisher" + ] + ] + ], + "Store": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/models.py", + [ + "Store" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Store" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/models.py", + [ + "Store" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Store" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "Store" + ] + ] + ], + "FilteredAggregateTests": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyMax": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotated_aggregate_over_annotated_aggregate", + "MyMax" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_multi_arg_aggregate", + "MyMax" + ] + ] + ], + "MySum": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_add_implementation", + "MySum" + ] + ] + ], + "AggregateTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ItemTag": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "ItemTag" + ] + ] + ], + "Entries": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Entries" + ] + ] + ], + "Clues": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Clues" + ] + ] + ], + "WithManualPK": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "WithManualPK" + ] + ] + ], + "HardbackBook": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "HardbackBook" + ] + ] + ], + "Alfa": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Alfa" + ] + ] + ], + "Bravo": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Bravo" + ] + ] + ], + "Charlie": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "Charlie" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfRefFK": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/models.py", + [ + "SelfRefFK" + ] + ] + ], + "MyAggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_allow_distinct", + "MyAggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "DistinctAggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_allow_distinct", + "DistinctAggregate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_distinct_aggregation", + "DistinctAggregate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_distinct_aggregation_multiple_args_no_distinct", + "DistinctAggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "AggregationTests": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "JoinPromotionTests": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "JoinPromotionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfReferentialFKTests": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DepartmentStore": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/models.py", + [ + "DepartmentStore" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/models.py", + [ + "Ticket" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "NotInstalledModel": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/not_installed/models.py", + [ + "NotInstalledModel" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedModel": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/not_installed/models.py", + [ + "RelatedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "RelatedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "RelatedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "RelatedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MRelatedModel": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/not_installed/models.py", + [ + "M2MRelatedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "EggLoadingTest": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "EggLoadingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GetModelsTest": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "GetModelsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MyAuth": [ + [ + "tests/apps/apps.py", + [ + "MyAuth" + ] + ] + ], + "BadConfig": [ + [ + "tests/apps/apps.py", + [ + "BadConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "NotAConfig": [ + [ + "tests/apps/apps.py", + [ + "NotAConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchApp": [ + [ + "tests/apps/apps.py", + [ + "NoSuchApp" + ] + ] + ], + "PlainAppsConfig": [ + [ + "tests/apps/apps.py", + [ + "PlainAppsConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "RelabeledAppsConfig": [ + [ + "tests/apps/apps.py", + [ + "RelabeledAppsConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomConfig": [ + [ + "tests/apps/default_config_app/apps.py", + [ + "CustomConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "TotallyNormal": [ + [ + "tests/apps/models.py", + [ + "TotallyNormal" + ] + ] + ], + "SoAlternative": [ + [ + "tests/apps/models.py", + [ + "SoAlternative" + ] + ] + ], + "NSAppConfig": [ + [ + "tests/apps/namespace_package_base/nsapp/apps.py", + [ + "NSAppConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyA": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_lazy_model_operation", + "LazyA" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyB": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_lazy_model_operation", + "LazyB" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyC": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_lazy_model_operation", + "LazyC" + ] + ] + ], + "AppsTests": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Stub": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "Stub" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_no_clash_for_hidden_related_name", + "Stub" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "Stub" + ] + ] + ], + "MyAppConfig": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_path_set_explicitly", + "MyAppConfig" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_explicit_path_overrides", + "MyAppConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "AppConfigTests": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NamespacePackageAppTests": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "NamespacePackageAppTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SignalHandler": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_request_lifecycle_signals_dispatched_with_thread_sensitive", + "SignalHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "ASGITest": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleModel": [ + [ + "tests/async/models.py", + [ + "SimpleModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/models.py", + [ + "SimpleModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "SimpleModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "SimpleModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheTest": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "CacheTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseConnectionTest": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseConnectionTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncUnsafeTest": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncUnsafeTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordResetConfirmClient": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/client.py", + [ + "PasswordResetConfirmClient" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPermissionsUserManager": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_permissions.py", + [ + "CustomPermissionsUserManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPermissionsUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_permissions.py", + [ + "with_RemoveGroupsAndPermi", + "CustomPermissionsUser" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserManager": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUserManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/models.py", + [ + "CustomUser" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveGroupsAndPermissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "RemoveGroupsAndPermissions" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserWithoutIsActiveField": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUserWithoutIsActiveField" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtensionUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "with_RemoveGroupsAndPermi", + "ExtensionUser" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserNonUniqueUsername": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/invalid_models.py", + [ + "CustomUserNonUniqueUsername" + ] + ] + ], + "IsActiveTestUser1": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/is_active.py", + [ + "IsActiveTestUser1" + ] + ] + ], + "MinimalUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/minimal.py", + [ + "MinimalUser" + ] + ] + ], + "NoPasswordUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/no_password.py", + [ + "NoPasswordUser" + ] + ] + ], + "Concrete": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/proxy.py", + [ + "Concrete" + ] + ] + ], + "Proxy": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/proxy.py", + [ + "Proxy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/uuid_pk.py", + [ + "with_RemoveGroupsAndPermi", + "UUIDUser" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomEmailFieldUserManager": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_custom_email_field.py", + [ + "CustomEmailFieldUserManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomEmailField": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_custom_email_field.py", + [ + "CustomEmailField" + ] + ] + ], + "Email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_foreign_key.py", + [ + "Email" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Email" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserWithFKManager": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_foreign_key.py", + [ + "CustomUserWithFKManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserWithFK": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_foreign_key.py", + [ + "CustomUserWithFK" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerUsernameUserManager": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_integer_username.py", + [ + "IntegerUsernameUserManager" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerUsernameUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_integer_username.py", + [ + "IntegerUsernameUser" + ] + ] + ], + "UserWithDisabledLastLoginField": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_last_login_attr.py", + [ + "UserWithDisabledLastLoginField" + ] + ] + ], + "Organization": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_many_to_many.py", + [ + "Organization" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Organization" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserWithM2MManager": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_many_to_many.py", + [ + "CustomUserWithM2MManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserWithM2M": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_many_to_many.py", + [ + "CustomUserWithM2M" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserWithM2MThrough": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_many_to_many.py", + [ + "CustomUserWithM2MThrough" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SimpleBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CountingMD5PasswordHasher": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "CountingMD5PasswordHasher" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModelBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtensionUserModelBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ExtensionUserModelBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPermissionsUserModelBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "CustomPermissionsUserModelBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserModelBackendAuthenticateTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "CustomUserModelBackendAuthenticateTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDUserTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "UUIDUserTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "UUIDUserTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestObj": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "TestObj" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "TestObj" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "TestObj" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleRowlevelBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SimpleRowlevelBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RowlevelBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "RowlevelBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AnonymousUserBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NoBackendsTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "NoBackendsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "InActiveUserBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "InActiveUserBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionDeniedBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NewModelBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "NewModelBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ChangedBackendSettingsTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ChangedBackendSettingsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeErrorBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "TypeErrorBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SkippedBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SkippedBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SkippedBackendWithDecoratedMethod": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SkippedBackendWithDecoratedMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthenticateTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AuthenticateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImproperlyConfiguredUserModelTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ImproperlyConfiguredUserModelTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ImportedModelBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ImportedModelBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModelBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "CustomModelBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "CustomModelBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherModelBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "OtherModelBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ImportedBackendTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ImportedBackendTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectingBackendTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SelectingBackendTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AllowAllUsersModelBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AllowAllUsersModelBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGetUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "TestGetUser" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserNonListRequiredFields": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_required_fields_is_list", + "CustomUserNonListRequiredFields" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserBadRequiredFields": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_username_not_in_required_fields", + "CustomUserBadRequiredFields" + ] + ] + ], + "BadUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_is_anonymous_authenticated_methods", + "BadUser" + ] + ] + ], + "UserModelChecksTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Checked": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_clashing_default_permissions", + "Checked" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_non_clashing_custom_permissions", + "Checked" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_clashing_custom_permissions", + "Checked" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_verbose_name_max_length", + "Checked" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_custom_permission_name_max_length", + "Checked" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_custom_permission_codename_max_length", + "Checked" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_empty_default_permissions", + "Checked" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MockUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "MockUser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "MockUser" + ] + ] + ], + "EQLimiterObject": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "PermWrapperTests", + "EQLimiterObject" + ] + ] + ], + "PermWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "PermWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthContextProcessorTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "AuthContextProcessorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CallableView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredTestCase", + "test_callable", + "CallableView" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginRequiredTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserCreationForm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_custom_form", + "CustomUserCreationForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_custom_form_with_different_username_field", + "CustomUserCreationForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_custom_form_hidden_username_field", + "CustomUserCreationForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_user_create_form_validates_password_with_all_data", + "CustomUserCreationForm" + ] + ] + ], + "UserCreationFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthenticationFormWithInactiveUsersOkay": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_custom_login_allowed_policy", + "AuthenticationFormWithInactiveUsersOkay" + ] + ] + ], + "PickyAuthenticationForm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_custom_login_allowed_policy", + "PickyAuthenticationForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomAuthenticationForm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_label", + "CustomAuthenticationForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_label_not_set", + "CustomAuthenticationForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_label_empty_string", + "CustomAuthenticationForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_integer_username", + "CustomAuthenticationForm" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthenticationFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SetPasswordFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "SetPasswordFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordChangeFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MyUserForm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_bug_14242", + "MyUserForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserChangeForm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_custom_form", + "CustomUserChangeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "UserChangeFormWithoutPassword": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_password_excluded", + "UserChangeFormWithoutPassword" + ] + ] + ], + "UserChangeFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomEmailPasswordResetForm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_custom_email_constructor", + "CustomEmailPasswordResetForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordResetFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadOnlyPasswordHashTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "ReadOnlyPasswordHashTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminPasswordChangeFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminPasswordChangeFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ModWsgiHandlerTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_handlers.py", + [ + "ModWsgiHandlerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "PBKDF2SingleIterationHasher": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "PBKDF2SingleIterationHasher" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtilsHashPass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePasswordHasherTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtilsHashPassArgon2": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPassArgon2" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_getpass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "mock_inputs", + "inner", + "wrapped", + "mock_getpass" + ] + ] + ], + "MockTTY": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "MockTTY" + ] + ] + ], + "MockInputTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "MockInputTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetDefaultUsernameTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "GetDefaultUsernameTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiDBChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "MultiDBChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStdin": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_skip_if_not_in_TTY", + "FakeStdin" + ] + ] + ], + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiDBCreatesuperuserTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "MultiDBCreatesuperuserTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "CreatePermissionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatePermissionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAuthenticationMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "TestAuthenticationMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyModelWithDifferentAppLabelTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithDifferentAppLabelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyModelWithSameAppLabelTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithSameAppLabelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiDBProxyModelAppLabelTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "MultiDBProxyModelAppLabelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AlwaysTrueMixin": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AlwaysTrueMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "AlwaysFalseMixin": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AlwaysFalseMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyResponseView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "EmptyResponseView" + ] + ] + ], + "AlwaysTrueView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AlwaysTrueView" + ] + ] + ], + "AlwaysFalseView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AlwaysFalseView" + ] + ] + ], + "StackedMixinsView1": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "StackedMixinsView1" + ] + ] + ], + "StackedMixinsView2": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "StackedMixinsView2" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_custom_redirect_url", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_custom_redirect_parameter", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_no_redirect_parameter", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_raise_exception", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_raise_exception_custom_message", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_raise_exception_custom_message_function", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredMixinTests", + "test_login_required", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "test_many_permissions_pass", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "test_single_permission_pass", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "test_permissioned_denied_redirect", + "AView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "test_permissioned_denied_exception_raised", + "AView" + ] + ] + ], + "UserPassesTestTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginRequiredMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalKeysTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "NaturalKeysTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadDataWithoutNaturalKeysTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "LoadDataWithoutNaturalKeysTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadDataWithNaturalKeysTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "LoadDataWithNaturalKeysTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadDataWithNaturalKeysAndMultipleDatabasesTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "LoadDataWithNaturalKeysAndMultipleDatabasesTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "UserManagerTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractBaseUserTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUserTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractUserTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractUserTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "UserWithPermTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "IsActiveTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IsActiveTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCreateSuperUserSignals": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "TestCreateSuperUserSignals" + ] + ] + ], + "AnonymousUserTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GroupTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "GroupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "PermissionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Mocked": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_timeout", + "Mocked" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoteUserTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoteUserNoCreateBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserNoCreateBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoteUserNoCreateTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserNoCreateTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AllowAllUsersRemoteUserBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "AllowAllUsersRemoteUserBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomRemoteUserBackend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "CustomRemoteUserBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoteUserCustomTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserCustomTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomHeaderMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "CustomHeaderMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomHeaderRemoteUserTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "CustomHeaderRemoteUserTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PersistentRemoteUserTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "PersistentRemoteUserTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SignalTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthTemplateTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MockedPasswordResetTokenGenerator": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "MockedPasswordResetTokenGenerator" + ] + ] + ], + "TokenGeneratorTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "TokenGeneratorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "Validator": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_changed_with_custom_validator", + "Validator" + ] + ] + ], + "AmpersandValidator": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_validators_help_text_html_escaping", + "AmpersandValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordValidationTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MinimumLengthValidatorTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "MinimumLengthValidatorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidatorTest", + "test_validate_property", + "TestUser" + ] + ] + ], + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidatorTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidatorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CommonPasswordValidatorTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "CommonPasswordValidatorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NumericPasswordValidatorTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "NumericPasswordValidatorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UsernameValidatorsTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UsernameValidatorsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthViewsTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "AuthViewsTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthViewNamedURLTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "AuthViewNamedURLTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordResetTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserPasswordResetTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "CustomUserPasswordResetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDUserPasswordResetTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "UUIDUserPasswordResetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ChangePasswordTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionAuthenticationTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "SessionAuthenticationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginURLSettings": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginRedirectUrlTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectUrlTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RedirectToLoginTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "RedirectToLoginTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LogoutThenLoginTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutThenLoginTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginSuccessURLAllowedHostsTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginSuccessURLAllowedHostsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LogoutTest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ChangelistTests": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomRequestAuthenticationForm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "CustomRequestAuthenticationForm" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecuteWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDbSignatureTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbSignatureTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbSignatureTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDbCreationTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbCreationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeserializeDbFromString": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDeserializeDbFromString" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDatabaseFeatures": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_features.py", + [ + "TestDatabaseFeatures" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_introspection.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseOperationTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SqlFlushTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SqlFlushTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyStr": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_schema.py", + [ + "SchemaEditorTests", + "test_effective_default_callable", + "MyStr" + ] + ] + ], + "MyCharField": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_schema.py", + [ + "SchemaEditorTests", + "test_effective_default_callable", + "MyCharField" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaEditorTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_schema.py", + [ + "SchemaEditorTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_schema.py", + [ + "SchemaEditorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Square": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Square" + ] + ] + ], + "SchoolClass": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "SchoolClass" + ] + ] + ], + "VeryLongModelNameZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "VeryLongModelNameZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" + ] + ] + ], + "Tag": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_and_reverse_m2m", + "Tag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "Tag" + ] + ] + ], + "Reporter": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Reporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "Reporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_intermediary/models.py", + [ + "Reporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Reporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/models.py", + [ + "Reporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/models.py", + [ + "Reporter" + ] + ] + ], + "ReporterProxy": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "ReporterProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "Item": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ] + ], + "Object": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "Object" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectReference": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "ObjectReference" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectSelfReference": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "ObjectSelfReference" + ] + ] + ], + "CircularA": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "CircularA" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "CircularA" + ] + ] + ], + "CircularB": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "CircularB" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "CircularB" + ] + ] + ], + "RawData": [ + [ + "tests/backends/models.py", + [ + "RawData" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseCreationTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFeatures": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_features.py", + [ + "TestFeatures" + ] + ] + ], + "ParsingTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MySQLOperationsTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperationsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IsolationLevelTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseSequenceTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseSequenceTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseSequenceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationsTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Tests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "Tests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactionalTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "TransactionalTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgreSQLOperationsTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_operations.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLOperationsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres" + ] + ] + ], + "IntrospectionTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLiteOperationsTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_operations.py", + [ + "SQLiteOperationsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "SchemaTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LastExecutedQueryTest": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest" + ] + ] + ], + "EscapingChecks": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingChecks" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingChecks" + ] + ] + ], + "EscapingChecksDebug": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingChecksDebug" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingChecksDebug" + ] + ] + ], + "ThreadSharing": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadSharing" + ] + ] + ], + "TableTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ColumnsTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ColumnsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKeyNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MockReference": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "MockReference" + ] + ] + ], + "StatementTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "StatementTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CursorWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateQuotingTest": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "DateQuotingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterHandlingTest": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ParameterHandlingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LongNameTest": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LongNameTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SequenceResetTest": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "SequenceResetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ConnectionCreatedSignalTest": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionCreatedSignalTest" + ] + ] + ], + "BackendTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "FkConstraintsTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "FkConstraintsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ThreadTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MySQLPKZeroTests": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "MySQLPKZeroTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DBConstraintTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "DBConstraintTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomBaseModel": [ + [ + "tests/base/models.py", + [ + "CustomBaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "MyModel": [ + [ + "tests/base/models.py", + [ + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "BasicTests", + "test_get_field_display", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "BasicTests", + "test_get_field_display_nested_array", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_field_checks", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_invalid_base_fields", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_invalid_default", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_valid_default", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_valid_default_none", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_nested_field_checks", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_choices_tuple_list", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_invalid_default", + "MyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_valid_default", + "MyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "BashCompletionTests": [ + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FeaturedArticle": [ + [ + "tests/basic/models.py", + [ + "FeaturedArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleSelectOnSave": [ + [ + "tests/basic/models.py", + [ + "ArticleSelectOnSave" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfRef": [ + [ + "tests/basic/models.py", + [ + "SelfRef" + ] + ] + ], + "PrimaryKeyWithDefault": [ + [ + "tests/basic/models.py", + [ + "PrimaryKeyWithDefault" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildPrimaryKeyWithDefault": [ + [ + "tests/basic/models.py", + [ + "ChildPrimaryKeyWithDefault" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelInstanceCreationTests": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_emptyqs_customqs", + "CustomQuerySet" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "CustomQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "NoHash": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_missing_hash_not_inherited", + "NoHash" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentHash": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_specified_parent_hash_inherited", + "ParentHash" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelTest": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelLookupTest": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelLookupTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcurrentSaveTests": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ConcurrentSaveTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagerTest": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ManagerTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "SelectOnSaveTests", + "test_select_on_save_lying_update", + "FakeQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectOnSaveTests": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "SelectOnSaveTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelRefreshTests": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyHandler": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "DummyHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "FileWrapperHandler": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "FileWrapperHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "WSGIFileWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "WSGIFileWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WriteChunkCounterHandler": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "WriteChunkCounterHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "ServerHandlerChunksProperly": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "ServerHandlerChunksProperly" + ] + ] + ], + "Country": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_two_m2m_through_same_model_with_different_through_fields", + "Country" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_for_update/models.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyCountry": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "ProxyCountry" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyProxyCountry": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "ProxyProxyCountry" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyMultiCountry": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "ProxyMultiCountry" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyMultiProxyCountry": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "ProxyMultiProxyCountry" + ] + ] + ], + "Pizzeria": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "Pizzeria" + ] + ] + ], + "TwoFields": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "TwoFields" + ] + ] + ], + "NoFields": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "NoFields" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallAutoFieldModel": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "SmallAutoFieldModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "SmallAutoFieldModel" + ] + ] + ], + "BigAutoFieldModel": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "BigAutoFieldModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "BigAutoFieldModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NullableFields": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/models.py", + [ + "NullableFields" + ] + ] + ], + "BulkCreateTests": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CloseHookMixin": [ + [ + "tests/cache/closeable_cache.py", + [ + "CloseHookMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheClass": [ + [ + "tests/cache/closeable_cache.py", + [ + "CacheClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/liberal_backend.py", + [ + "CacheClass" + ] + ] + ], + "LiberalKeyValidationMixin": [ + [ + "tests/cache/liberal_backend.py", + [ + "LiberalKeyValidationMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "C": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "C" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests", + "test_valid_loading_order", + "C" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "C" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_to_concrete_and_proxy_allowed", + "C" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "C" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_add_relations", + "C" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_parent_link", + "C" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "C" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/models.py", + [ + "C" + ] + ] + ], + "Unpicklable": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "Unpicklable" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DBCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DBCacheWithTimeZoneTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheWithTimeZoneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DBCacheRouter": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateCacheTableForDBCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CreateCacheTableForDBCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PicklingSideEffect": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "PicklingSideEffect" + ] + ] + ], + "LocMemCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "LocMemCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseMemcachedTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MemcachedCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "MemcachedCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PyLibMCCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "PyLibMCCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileBasedCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileBasedCachePathLibTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCachePathLibTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomCacheKeyValidationTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCacheKeyValidationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheClosingTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheClosingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheUtils": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils" + ] + ] + ], + "PrefixedCacheUtils": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "PrefixedCacheUtils" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheHEADTest": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHEADTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheI18nTest": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PrefixedCacheI18nTest": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "PrefixedCacheI18nTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithTemplateResponse": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestWithTemplateResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheHandlerTest": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHandlerTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_async_checks.py", + [ + "AsyncCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckCacheSettingsAppDirsTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_caches.py", + [ + "CheckCacheSettingsAppDirsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_database.py", + [ + "DatabaseCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyRouter": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "EmptyRouter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "EmptyRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "Model1": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_in_same_app", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_in_same_app_database_routers_installed", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_across_apps", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_across_apps_database_routers_installed", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_in_different_models", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_abstract_model", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_across_apps", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_in_different_models", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_abstract_model", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_across_apps", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation", + "Model1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Model1" + ] + ] + ], + "Model2": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_in_same_app", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_in_same_app_database_routers_installed", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_across_apps", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_across_apps_database_routers_installed", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_in_different_models", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_abstract_model", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_across_apps", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_in_different_models", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_abstract_model", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_across_apps", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_containing_non_pairs", + "Model2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Model2" + ] + ] + ], + "Unmanaged": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_no_collision_for_unmanaged_models", + "Unmanaged" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migration_test_data_persistence/models.py", + [ + "Unmanaged" + ] + ] + ], + "Managed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_no_collision_for_unmanaged_models", + "Managed" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyModel": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_no_collision_for_proxy_models", + "ProxyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "ProxyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance", + "ProxyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "ProxyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "ProxyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/app1/models.py", + [ + "ProxyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "ProxyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_swappable", + "with_self_assertRaises_Ty", + "ProxyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateDBTableTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractModel": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_abstract_model", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_abstract_model", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_abstract_model", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_m2m_to_abstract_model", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_manager_no_duplicates", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/models.py", + [ + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_overriding_field_removed_by_concrete_model", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro", + "AbstractModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ConstraintNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyField": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedField", + "test_default_details", + "MyField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedField", + "test_user_specified_details", + "MyField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestRemovedField", + "test_default_details", + "MyField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestRemovedField", + "test_user_specified_details", + "MyField" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeprecatedField": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedField" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRemovedField": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestRemovedField" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRouter": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_multi_db.py", + [ + "TestRouter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "TestRouter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "TestRouter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/routers.py", + [ + "TestRouter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "TestRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherModel": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_multi_db.py", + [ + "TestMultiDBChecks", + "test_checks_called_on_the_other_database", + "OtherModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_isolate_apps_model", + "OtherModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_to_isolate_apps_model", + "OtherModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMultiDBChecks": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_multi_db.py", + [ + "TestMultiDBChecks" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckSessionCookieSecureTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieSecureTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckSessionCookieHttpOnlyTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieHttpOnlyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckCSRFMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckCSRFMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckCSRFCookieSecureTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckCSRFCookieSecureTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckSecurityMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecurityMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckStrictTransportSecuritySubdomainsTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecuritySubdomainsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityPreloadTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityPreloadTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckXFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckXFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckXFrameOptionsDenyTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckXFrameOptionsDenyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckContentTypeNosniffTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckContentTypeNosniffTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckSSLRedirectTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSSLRedirectTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckSecretKeyTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecretKeyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckDebugTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckDebugTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckAllowedHostsTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckAllowedHostsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckReferrerPolicyTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckReferrerPolicyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckTemplateSettingsAppDirsTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateSettingsAppDirsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckTemplateStringIfInvalidTest": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateStringIfInvalidTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckUrlConfigTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdatedToPathTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "UpdatedToPathTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckCustomErrorHandlersTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckCustomErrorHandlersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckURLSettingsTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckURLSettingsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyObj": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "DummyObj" + ] + ] + ], + "SystemCheckFrameworkTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SystemCheckFrameworkTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckCommandTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SilencingCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SilencingCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithAttributeCalledCheck": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckFrameworkReservedNamesTests", + "test_model_check_method_not_shadowed", + "ModelWithAttributeCalledCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithFieldCalledCheck": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckFrameworkReservedNamesTests", + "test_model_check_method_not_shadowed", + "ModelWithFieldCalledCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithRelatedManagerCalledCheck": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckFrameworkReservedNamesTests", + "test_model_check_method_not_shadowed", + "ModelWithRelatedManagerCalledCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithDescriptorCalledCheck": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckFrameworkReservedNamesTests", + "test_model_check_method_not_shadowed", + "ModelWithDescriptorCalledCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckFrameworkReservedNamesTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckFrameworkReservedNamesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ChecksRunDuringTests": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "ChecksRunDuringTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionalGet": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet" + ] + ] + ], + "Product": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "Product" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Product" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Product" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Product" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "Product" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueConstraintProduct": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintProduct" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueConstraintConditionProduct": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintConditionProduct" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueConstraintDeferrable": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintDeferrable" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueConstraintInclude": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintInclude" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildModel": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/models.py", + [ + "ChildModel" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseConstraintTests": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "BaseConstraintTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckConstraintTests": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueConstraintTests": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemeIncludedURL": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "SchemeIncludedURL" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteModel": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "ConcreteModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro", + "ConcreteModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "ConcreteModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FooWithoutUrl": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "FooWithoutUrl" + ] + ] + ], + "FooWithUrl": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "FooWithUrl" + ] + ] + ], + "FooWithBrokenAbsoluteUrl": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "FooWithBrokenAbsoluteUrl" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithNullFKToSite": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "ModelWithNullFKToSite" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithM2MToSite": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/models.py", + [ + "ModelWithM2MToSite" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericForeignKeyTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Replacement": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_pointing_to_swapped_model", + "Replacement" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_referencing_to_swapped_model", + "Replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "SwappedModel": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_pointing_to_swapped_model", + "SwappedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_referencing_to_swapped_model", + "SwappedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidBookmark": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_field_name_ending_with_underscore", + "InvalidBookmark" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericRelationTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelCreatedOnTheFly": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_get_for_model_create_contenttype", + "ModelCreatedOnTheFly" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentTypesTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentTypesMultidbTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesMultidbTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentTypeOperationsTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderWithRespectToGFKTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_order_with_respect_to.py", + [ + "OrderWithRespectToGFKTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentTypesViewsTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentTypesViewsSiteRelTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsSiteRelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ShortcutViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ShortcutViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DebugObject": [ + [ + "tests/context_processors/models.py", + [ + "DebugObject" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestContextProcessorTests": [ + [ + "tests/context_processors/tests.py", + [ + "RequestContextProcessorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DebugContextProcessorTests": [ + [ + "tests/context_processors/tests.py", + [ + "DebugContextProcessorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestContextProcessor": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/test_context_processor.py", + [ + "TestContextProcessor" + ] + ] + ], + "TestingHttpRequest": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestingHttpRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "CsrfPostRequest": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_post_data_read_failure", + "CsrfPostRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CsrfInErrorHandlingViewsTests": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfInErrorHandlingViewsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomColumnsTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MySQLUnixTimestamp": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/models.py", + [ + "MySQLUnixTimestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "Div3Lookup": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Div3Lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "Div3Transform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Div3Transform" + ] + ] + ], + "Div3BilateralTransform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Div3BilateralTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "Mult3BilateralTransform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Mult3BilateralTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "LastDigitTransform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LastDigitTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "UpperBilateralTransform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "UpperBilateralTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "YearTransform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "Exactly": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Exactly" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLFuncMixin": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "SQLFuncMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLFuncLookup": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "SQLFuncLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLFuncTransform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "SQLFuncTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLFuncFactory": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "SQLFuncFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModel": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModel" + ] + ] + ], + "InMonth": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "InMonth" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeTransform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimeTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "LookupTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BilateralTransformTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "BilateralTransformTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeLookupTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimeLookupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomYearExact": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "test_custom_implementation_year_exact", + "None_1", + "CustomYearExact" + ] + ] + ], + "YearLteTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TrackCallsYearTransform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "TrackCallsYearTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "LookupTransformCallOrderTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTransformCallOrderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomisedMethodsTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomisedMethodsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SubqueryTransformTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTransformTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "PersonManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "PersonManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_no_duplicate_managers", + "PersonManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "PersonManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "PersonManager" + ] + ] + ], + "PublishedBookManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "PublishedBookManager" + ] + ] + ], + "AnnotatedBookManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "AnnotatedBookManager" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseCustomManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "BaseCustomManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomInitQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "CustomInitQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "DeconstructibleCustomManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "DeconstructibleCustomManager" + ] + ] + ], + "FunPeopleManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "FunPeopleManager" + ] + ] + ], + "BoringPeopleManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "BoringPeopleManager" + ] + ] + ], + "FunPerson": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "FunPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "FastCarManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "FastCarManager" + ] + ] + ], + "FastCarAsBase": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "FastCarAsBase" + ] + ] + ], + "FastCarAsDefault": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "FastCarAsDefault" + ] + ] + ], + "RestrictedManager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "RestrictedManager" + ] + ] + ], + "RestrictedModel": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "RestrictedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "OneToOneRestrictedModel": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "OneToOneRestrictedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractPerson": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "AbstractPerson" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "AbstractPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonFromAbstract": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "PersonFromAbstract" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomManagerTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCars": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "TestCars" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomManagersRegressTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagersRegressTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "MethodsTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_methods/tests.py", + [ + "MethodsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestOperation": [ + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/more_operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "ArgsOperation": [ + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "ArgsOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "KwargsOperation": [ + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "KwargsOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "ArgsKwargsOperation": [ + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "ArgsKwargsOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpandArgsOperation": [ + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "ExpandArgsOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWrapper": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/fields.py", + [ + "MyWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "MyAutoField": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/fields.py", + [ + "MyAutoField" + ] + ] + ], + "Business": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/models.py", + [ + "Business" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicCustomPKTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPKTests": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPKTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Donut": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/models.py", + [ + "Donut" + ] + ] + ], + "RumBaba": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/models.py", + [ + "RumBaba" + ] + ] + ], + "DataTypesTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/tests.py", + [ + "DataTypesTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "Comment": [ + [ + "tests/dates/models.py", + [ + "Comment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/datetimes/models.py", + [ + "Comment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "Comment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Comment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "Comment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Comment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Comment" + ] + ] + ], + "DatesTests": [ + [ + "tests/dates/tests.py", + [ + "DatesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimesTests": [ + [ + "tests/datetimes/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CastTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CoalesceTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_coalesce.py", + [ + "CoalesceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GreatestTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LeastTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NullIfTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_nullif.py", + [ + "NullIfTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateFunctionTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NowTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AbsTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_abs.py", + [ + "AbsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ACosTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_acos.py", + [ + "ACosTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ASinTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_asin.py", + [ + "ASinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ATanTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan.py", + [ + "ATanTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ATan2Tests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan2.py", + [ + "ATan2Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "CeilTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ceil.py", + [ + "CeilTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CosTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cos.py", + [ + "CosTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CotTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cot.py", + [ + "CotTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DegreesTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_degrees.py", + [ + "DegreesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_exp.py", + [ + "ExpTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FloorTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_floor.py", + [ + "FloorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LnTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ln.py", + [ + "LnTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LogTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_log.py", + [ + "LogTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_mod.py", + [ + "ModTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PiTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_pi.py", + [ + "PiTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PowerTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_power.py", + [ + "PowerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RadiansTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_radians.py", + [ + "RadiansTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RoundTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_round.py", + [ + "RoundTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SignTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sign.py", + [ + "SignTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SinTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sin.py", + [ + "SinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SqrtTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sqrt.py", + [ + "SqrtTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TanTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_tan.py", + [ + "TanTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Fan": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/models.py", + [ + "Fan" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "Fan" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_m2m_field_argument_validation", + "Fan" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_invalid_order", + "Fan" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_invalid_field", + "Fan" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_explicit_field_names", + "Fan" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Fan" + ] + ] + ], + "DTModel": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/models.py", + [ + "DTModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalModel": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/models.py", + [ + "DecimalModel" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerModel": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/models.py", + [ + "IntegerModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "IntegerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatModel": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/models.py", + [ + "FloatModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "FloatModel" + ] + ] + ], + "UpperBilateral": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/tests.py", + [ + "UpperBilateral" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctionTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/tests.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_addslashes.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_capfirst.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_center.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default_if_none.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsort.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsortreversed.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_divisibleby.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escape.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_filesizeformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_first.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_get_digit.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_iriencode.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_ljust.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_lower.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_make_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_phone2numeric.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_rjust.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slugify.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_stringformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_striptags.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timeuntil.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_title.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_truncatechars_html.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_truncatewords.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_truncatewords_html.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_upper.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlencode.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlizetrunc.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_wordcount.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_wordwrap.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_yesno.py", + [ + "FunctionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ChrTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_chr.py", + [ + "ChrTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcatTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_concat.py", + [ + "ConcatTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LeftTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_left.py", + [ + "LeftTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LengthTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LowerTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_lower.py", + [ + "LowerTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_lower.py", + [ + "LowerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MD5Tests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_md5.py", + [ + "MD5Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "OrdTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_ord.py", + [ + "OrdTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PadTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_pad.py", + [ + "PadTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RepeatTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_repeat.py", + [ + "RepeatTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReplaceTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_replace.py", + [ + "ReplaceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_reverse.py", + [ + "ReverseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RightTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_right.py", + [ + "RightTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA1Tests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha1.py", + [ + "SHA1Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA224Tests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha224.py", + [ + "SHA224Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA256Tests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha256.py", + [ + "SHA256Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA384Tests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha384.py", + [ + "SHA384Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "SHA512Tests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha512.py", + [ + "SHA512Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "StrIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_strindex.py", + [ + "StrIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SubstrTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_substr.py", + [ + "SubstrTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TrimTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_trim.py", + [ + "TrimTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UpperTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_upper.py", + [ + "UpperTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_upper.py", + [ + "UpperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/window/test_validation.py", + [ + "ValidationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DBTypeCasts": [ + [ + "tests/db_typecasts/tests.py", + [ + "DBTypeCasts" + ] + ] + ], + "ConnectionHandlerTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_utils/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandlerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseErrorWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseErrorWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadBackendTests": [ + [ + "tests/db_utils/tests.py", + [ + "LoadBackendTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_mysql.py", + [ + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "OracleDbshellTests": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_oracle.py", + [ + "OracleDbshellTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SqliteDbshellCommandTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_sqlite.py", + [ + "SqliteDbshellCommandTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DbshellCommandTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/tests.py", + [ + "DbshellCommandTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyUser": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_user_passes_test_composition", + "DummyUser" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyRequest": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_user_passes_test_composition", + "DummyRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "DecoratorsTest": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ClsDec": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "ClsDec" + ] + ] + ], + "Test": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_signature", + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_argumented", + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors", + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_class_decoration", + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_invalid_non_callable_attribute_decoration", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_invalid_method_name_to_decorate", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/pattern_tests.py", + [ + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests/tests.py", + [ + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_bytes", + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_str", + "Test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding_deprecations.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_text", + "Test" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPlain": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "TestPlain" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMethodAndClass": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "TestMethodAndClass" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFunctionIterable": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "TestFunctionIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMethodIterable": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "TestMethodIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "MyClass": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_new_attribute", + "MyClass" + ] + ] + ], + "TestIterable": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_bad_iterable", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "TestIterable" + ] + ] + ], + "bound_wrapper": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors", + "bound_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "descriptor_wrapper": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors", + "descriptor_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFirst": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_tuple_of_decorators", + "TestFirst" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSecond": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_tuple_of_decorators", + "TestSecond" + ] + ] + ], + "MethodDecoratorTests": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "XFrameOptionsDecoratorsTests": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsDecoratorsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NeverCacheDecoratorTest": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "NeverCacheDecoratorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "Secondary": [ + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "Secondary" + ] + ] + ], + "Primary": [ + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "Primary" + ] + ] + ], + "BigChild": [ + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "BigChild" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildProxy": [ + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "ChildProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "RefreshPrimaryProxy": [ + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "RefreshPrimaryProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertionMixin": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "AssertionMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "DeferTests": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BigChildDeferTests": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "BigChildDeferTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDefer2": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "TestDefer2" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedItem": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "RelatedItem" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyRelated": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "ProxyRelated" + ] + ] + ], + "Leaf": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Leaf" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolveThis": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "ResolveThis" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleItem": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "SimpleItem" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecialFeature": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "SpecialFeature" + ] + ] + ], + "OneToOneItem": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "OneToOneItem" + ] + ] + ], + "ItemAndSimpleItem": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "ItemAndSimpleItem" + ] + ] + ], + "Request": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Request" + ] + ] + ], + "Base": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "Base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_overriding_inherited_FIELD_display", + "Base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/string_lookup/models.py", + [ + "Base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class", + "Base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class_override", + "Base" + ] + ] + ], + "Derived": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/models.py", + [ + "Derived" + ] + ] + ], + "DeferRegressionTest": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DeferAnnotateSelectRelatedTest": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferAnnotateSelectRelatedTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "P": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "P" + ] + ] + ], + "R": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "R" + ] + ] + ], + "S": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "S" + ] + ] + ], + "T": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "T" + ] + ] + ], + "U": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "U" + ] + ] + ], + "RChild": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "RChild" + ] + ] + ], + "RChildChild": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "RChildChild" + ] + ] + ], + "A": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "BasicFieldsTests", + "test_cooperative_multiple_inheritance", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests", + "test_invalid_loading_order", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_to_concrete_and_proxy_allowed", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_unique_app_labels", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_add_relations", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_remove_relations", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_self_relation", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_parent_link", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_init_subclass", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_set_name", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/models.py", + [ + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_reuse_same_name", + "A" + ] + ] + ], + "B": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests", + "test_invalid_loading_order", + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_unique_app_labels", + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_add_relations", + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_remove_relations", + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_parent_link", + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_init_subclass", + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/models.py", + [ + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/models.py", + [ + "B" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_reuse_same_name", + "B" + ] + ] + ], + "M": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "M" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "GetUniqueCheckTests", + "test_unique_together_normalization", + "for_unique_together_norm", + "M" + ] + ] + ], + "MR": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "MR" + ] + ] + ], + "MRNull": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "MRNull" + ] + ] + ], + "Avatar": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "Avatar" + ] + ] + ], + "AvatarProxy": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "AvatarProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenUser": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "HiddenUser" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenUserProfile": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "HiddenUserProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MTo": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "M2MTo" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MFrom": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "M2MFrom" + ] + ] + ], + "RelToBase": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "RelToBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Referrer": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "Referrer" + ] + ] + ], + "SecondReferrer": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "SecondReferrer" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteTop": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "DeleteTop" + ] + ] + ], + "B1": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "B1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_b/models.py", + [ + "B1" + ] + ] + ], + "B2": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "B2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_b/models.py", + [ + "B2" + ] + ] + ], + "B3": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "B3" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_b/models.py", + [ + "B3" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteBottom": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "DeleteBottom" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericB1": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "GenericB1" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericB2": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "GenericB2" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericDeleteBottom": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "GenericDeleteBottom" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericDeleteBottomParent": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "GenericDeleteBottomParent" + ] + ] + ], + "OnDeleteTests": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DeletionTests": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FastDeleteTests": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Award": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Award" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Award" + ] + ] + ], + "AwardNote": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "AwardNote" + ] + ] + ], + "Toy": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Toy" + ] + ] + ], + "PlayedWith": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "PlayedWith" + ] + ] + ], + "PlayedWithNote": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "PlayedWithNote" + ] + ] + ], + "Contact": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Contact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/customers.py", + [ + "Contact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/models.py", + [ + "Contact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Contact" + ] + ] + ], + "Researcher": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Researcher" + ] + ] + ], + "Food": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Food" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "Food" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_custom_manager_swappable", + "Food" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Food" + ] + ] + ], + "Eaten": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Eaten" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Eaten" + ] + ] + ], + "Policy": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Policy" + ] + ] + ], + "Version": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Version" + ] + ] + ], + "Image": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Image" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "Image" + ] + ] + ], + "Photo": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Photo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Photo" + ] + ] + ], + "FooImage": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "FooImage" + ] + ] + ], + "FooFile": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "FooFile" + ] + ] + ], + "FooPhoto": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "FooPhoto" + ] + ] + ], + "FooFileProxy": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "FooFileProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "OrgUnit": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "OrgUnit" + ] + ] + ], + "Login": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "Login" + ] + ] + ], + "House": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "House" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "House" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedPerson": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/models.py", + [ + "OrderedPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteLockingTest": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteLockingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteCascadeTests": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteCascadeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteCascadeTransactionTests": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteCascadeTransactionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LargeDeleteTests": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "LargeDeleteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyDeleteTest": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyDeleteTest" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket19102Tests": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19102Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteTests": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MiddlewareMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/test_middleware_mixin.py", + [ + "MiddlewareMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RenameManagerMethods": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameManagerMethods" + ] + ] + ], + "Renamed": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed", + "Renamed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_renamed_subclass_deprecated", + "Renamed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed_and_mixins", + "Renamed" + ] + ] + ], + "Deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Deprecated" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_renamed_subclass_deprecated", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Deprecated" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed_and_mixins", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "RenamedMixin": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed_and_mixins", + "RenamedMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "DeprecatedMixin": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed_and_mixins", + "DeprecatedMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "RenameMethodsTests": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DeprecationInstanceCheckTest": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationInstanceCheckTest" + ] + ] + ], + "Callable": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "Callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMiscTests", + "test_wrap_callable_instance", + "Callable" + ] + ] + ], + "sender": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_cached_garbaged_collected", + "sender" + ] + ] + ], + "DispatcherTests": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReceiverTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "ReceiverTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "Celebrity": [ + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "Celebrity" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Celebrity" + ] + ] + ], + "Staff": [ + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "Staff" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Staff" + ] + ] + ], + "StaffTag": [ + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "StaffTag" + ] + ] + ], + "DistinctOnTests": [ + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/tests.py", + [ + "DistinctOnTests" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyModelTests": [ + [ + "tests/empty/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyModelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CoreCommandsNoOutputTests": [ + [ + "tests/empty_models/test_commands.py", + [ + "CoreCommandsNoOutputTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoteEmployee": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "RemoteEmployee" + ] + ] + ], + "Number": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Number" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "Number" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Number" + ] + ] + ], + "Experiment": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "Result": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Result" + ] + ] + ], + "Time": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Time" + ] + ] + ], + "SimulationRun": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "SimulationRun" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDPK": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "UUIDPK" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "UUIDPK" + ] + ] + ], + "UUID": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "UUID" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingAliasFunc": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "MissingAliasFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "GetGroupByColsTest": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "GetGroupByColsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuesExpressionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_queryset_values.py", + [ + "ValuesExpressionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncA": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_explicit_output_field", + "FuncA" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncB": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_explicit_output_field", + "FuncB" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicExpressionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IterableLookupInnerExpressionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "IterableLookupInnerExpressionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModel": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleExpressionTests", + "test_equal", + "TestModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleExpressionTests", + "test_hash", + "TestModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/models.py", + [ + "TestModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_manager_no_duplicates", + "TestModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_real_apps", + "TestModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_explicit_index_name", + "TestModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_field_accessible_via_instance", + "TestModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/models.py", + [ + "TestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleExpressionTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleExpressionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionsNumericTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsNumericTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionOperatorTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FTimeDeltaTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValueTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldTransformTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FieldTransformTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReprTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ReprTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CombinableTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "CombinableTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CaseTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/models.py", + [ + "CaseTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "O2OCaseTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/models.py", + [ + "O2OCaseTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FKCaseTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/models.py", + [ + "FKCaseTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CaseExpressionTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CaseDocumentationExamples": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseDocumentationExamples" + ] + ] + ], + "CaseWhenTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseWhenTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Classification": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/models.py", + [ + "Classification" + ] + ] + ], + "WindowFunctionTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WindowUnsupportedTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowUnsupportedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NonQueryWindowTests": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RevisionableModel": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/models.py", + [ + "RevisionableModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Order": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/models.py", + [ + "Order" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Order" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Order" + ] + ] + ], + "TestObject": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/models.py", + [ + "TestObject" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests", + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_silent", + "TestObject" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraRegressTests": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldDeconstructionTests": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultTests": [ + [ + "tests/field_defaults/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "DefaultTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTypedField": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/fields.py", + [ + "CustomTypedField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDeferredAttribute": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/fields.py", + [ + "CustomDeferredAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDescriptorField": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/fields.py", + [ + "CustomDescriptorField" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDbType": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/tests.py", + [ + "TestDbType" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDescriptorModel": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/tests.py", + [ + "DescriptorClassTest", + "test_descriptor_class", + "CustomDescriptorModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DescriptorClassTest": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/tests.py", + [ + "DescriptorClassTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomValidNameStorage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/models.py", + [ + "CustomValidNameStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "CallableStorage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/models.py", + [ + "CallableStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSS3Storage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/test_generate_filename.py", + [ + "AWSS3Storage" + ] + ] + ], + "GenerateFilenameStorageTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/test_generate_filename.py", + [ + "GenerateFilenameStorageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetStorageClassTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "GetStorageClassTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemStorageTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileStorageTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomStorage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "CustomStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomStorageTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "CustomStorageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OverwritingStorage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "OverwritingStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "OverwritingStorageTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "OverwritingStorageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DiscardingFalseContentStorage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "DiscardingFalseContentStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "DiscardingFalseContentStorageTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "DiscardingFalseContentStorageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileFieldStorageTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NotStorage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "test_callable_base_class_error_raises", + "NotStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "GetStorage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "test_callable_class_storage_file_field", + "GetStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SlowFile": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "SlowFile" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSaveRaceConditionTest": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileSaveRaceConditionTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FileStoragePermissions": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePermissions" + ] + ] + ], + "FileStoragePathParsing": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePathParsing" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentFileStorageTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileStorageTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "FileLikeObjectTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileLikeObjectTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "FileModel": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/models.py", + [ + "FileModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "FileModel" + ] + ] + ], + "POSTAccessingHandler": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_file_error_blocking", + "POSTAccessingHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "FileUploadTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectoryCreationTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "DirectoryCreationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiParserTests": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "MultiParserTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QuotaUploadHandler": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "QuotaUploadHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUploadError": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "CustomUploadError" + ] + ] + ], + "ErroringUploadHandler": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "ErroringUploadHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "FileTests": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoNameFileTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "NoNameFileTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentFileTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "InMemoryUploadedFileTests": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "InMemoryUploadedFileTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TemporaryUploadedFileTests": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "TemporaryUploadedFileTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileWrapper": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "DimensionClosingBug", + "test_closing_of_filenames", + "FileWrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "WSGITest", + "test_file_wrapper", + "FileWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "DimensionClosingBug": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "DimensionClosingBug" + ] + ] + ], + "InconsistentGetImageDimensionsBug": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "InconsistentGetImageDimensionsBug" + ] + ] + ], + "GetImageDimensionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "GetImageDimensionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileMoveSafeTests": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileMoveSafeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SpooledTempTests": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "SpooledTempTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Editor": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/models.py", + [ + "Editor" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Editor" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "Editor" + ] + ] + ], + "Borrower": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/models.py", + [ + "Borrower" + ] + ] + ], + "RentalSession": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/models.py", + [ + "RentalSession" + ] + ] + ], + "FilteredRelationTests": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FilteredRelationAggregationTests": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationAggregationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Blog": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Blog" + ] + ] + ], + "SpyManager": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "SpyManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Spy": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Spy" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxySpy": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "ProxySpy" + ] + ] + ], + "Visa": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Visa" + ] + ] + ], + "PrimaryKeyUUIDModel": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "PrimaryKeyUUIDModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "PrimaryKeyUUIDModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalKeyManager": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyManager" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalKeyThing": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyThing" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyThing" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCaseFixtureLoadingTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "TestCaseFixtureLoadingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SubclassTestCaseFixtureLoadingTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "SubclassTestCaseFixtureLoadingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DumpDataAssertMixin": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "DumpDataAssertMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "FixtureLoadingTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NonexistentFixtureTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "NonexistentFixtureTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FixtureTransactionTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureTransactionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ForwardReferenceTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "ForwardReferenceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CircularReferenceTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "CircularReferenceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SampleTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_model_package/tests.py", + [ + "SampleTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "FixtureTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_model_package/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureTestCase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "Animal": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Animal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Animal" + ] + ] + ], + "Plant": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Plant" + ] + ] + ], + "Stuff": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Stuff" + ] + ] + ], + "Absolute": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Absolute" + ] + ] + ], + "Channel": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Channel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Channel" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecialArticle": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "SpecialArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "CommonFeature": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "CommonFeature" + ] + ] + ], + "WidgetProxy": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "WidgetProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "TestManager": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "TestManager" + ] + ] + ], + "NKManager": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "NKManager" + ] + ] + ], + "NKChild": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "NKChild" + ] + ] + ], + "RefToNKChild": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "RefToNKChild" + ] + ] + ], + "Circle1": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Circle1" + ] + ] + ], + "Circle2": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Circle2" + ] + ] + ], + "Circle3": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Circle3" + ] + ] + ], + "Circle4": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Circle4" + ] + ] + ], + "Circle5": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Circle5" + ] + ] + ], + "Circle6": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Circle6" + ] + ] + ], + "ExternalDependency": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "ExternalDependency" + ] + ] + ], + "Thingy": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Thingy" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MToSelf": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MToSelf" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseNKModel": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "BaseNKModel" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MSimpleA": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MSimpleA" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MSimpleB": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MSimpleB" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MSimpleCircularA": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MSimpleCircularA" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MSimpleCircularB": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MSimpleCircularB" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MComplexA": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MComplexA" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MComplexB": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MComplexB" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MThroughAB": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MThroughAB" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MComplexCircular1A": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MComplexCircular1A" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MComplexCircular1B": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MComplexCircular1B" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MComplexCircular1C": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MComplexCircular1C" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MCircular1ThroughAB": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MCircular1ThroughAB" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MCircular1ThroughBC": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MCircular1ThroughBC" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MCircular1ThroughCA": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MCircular1ThroughCA" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MComplexCircular2A": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MComplexCircular2A" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MComplexCircular2B": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MComplexCircular2B" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MCircular2ThroughAB": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MCircular2ThroughAB" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFixtures": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTicket11101": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestTicket11101" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLoadFixtureFromOtherAppDirectory": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestLoadFixtureFromOtherAppDirectory" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageCSRFTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageAdminFormTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageMiddlewareAppendSlashTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareAppendSlashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageModelTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FlatpageModelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpagesSitemapTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_sitemaps.py", + [ + "FlatpagesSitemapTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FlatpageViewAppendSlashTests": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewAppendSlashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Counter": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/models.py", + [ + "Counter" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritedCounter": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/models.py", + [ + "InheritedCounter" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyCounter": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/models.py", + [ + "ProxyCounter" + ] + ] + ], + "SubCounter": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/models.py", + [ + "SubCounter" + ] + ] + ], + "WithCustomPK": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/models.py", + [ + "WithCustomPK" + ] + ] + ], + "ForceTests": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/tests.py", + [ + "ForceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritanceTests": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleTranslationDescriptor": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ArticleTranslationDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "ColConstraint": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ColConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "ActiveTranslationField": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ActiveTranslationField" + ] + ] + ], + "ActiveTranslationFieldWithQ": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ActiveTranslationFieldWithQ" + ] + ] + ], + "NewsArticle": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "NewsArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleTranslation": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ArticleTranslation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/indexes/models.py", + [ + "ArticleTranslation" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleTag": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ArticleTag" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleIdea": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ArticleIdea" + ] + ] + ], + "Address": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/customers.py", + [ + "Address" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Address" + ] + ] + ], + "Customer": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/customers.py", + [ + "Customer" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomForeignObjectRel": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "CustomForeignObjectRel" + ] + ] + ], + "StartsWithRelation": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "StartsWithRelation" + ] + ] + ], + "BrokenContainsRelation": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "BrokenContainsRelation" + ] + ] + ], + "SlugPage": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "SlugPage" + ] + ] + ], + "Friendship": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Friendship" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Friendship" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLookupQuery": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_agnostic_order_trimjoin.py", + [ + "TestLookupQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "RestrictedConditionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_empty_join.py", + [ + "RestrictedConditionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsTests": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiColumnFKTests": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestExtraJoinFilterQ": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestExtraJoinFilterQ" + ] + ] + ], + "FormFieldAssertionsMixin": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/__init__.py", + [ + "FormFieldAssertionsMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ComplexField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "BasicFieldsTests", + "test_cooperative_multiple_inheritance", + "ComplexField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "ComplexField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "ComplexField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomChoiceField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "BasicFieldsTests", + "test_field_deepcopies_widget_instance", + "CustomChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "TestForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "BasicFieldsTests", + "test_field_deepcopies_widget_instance", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_subclassing_errorlist", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_invalid_index", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_bool", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_html_output_with_hidden_input_field_errors", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_hidden_widget", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_order", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_explicit_field_order", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_escaping", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_label", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_django_html_escaping", + "TestForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "TestForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "BasicFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DisabledFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "DisabledFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BooleanFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "StringWrapper": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_clean_non_string", + "StringWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "CharFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceFieldForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_callable_may_evaluate_to_different_values", + "ChoiceFieldForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ComboFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_combofield.py", + [ + "ComboFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GetDate": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datefield.py", + [ + "GetDate" + ] + ] + ], + "GetDateShowHiddenInitial": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datefield.py", + [ + "DateFieldTest", + "test_l10n_date_changed", + "GetDateShowHiddenInitial" + ] + ] + ], + "DateFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datefield.py", + [ + "DateFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DurationFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "DurationFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_emailfield.py", + [ + "EmailFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FileFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FilePathFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericIPAddressFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MyIntegerField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_subclass", + "MyIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomJSONField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_custom_widget_attribute", + "CustomJSONField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_custom_empty_values", + "CustomJSONField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDecoder": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_custom_encoder_decoder", + "CustomDecoder" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_formfield_disabled", + "JSONForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_redisplay_wrong_input", + "JSONForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_custom_empty_values", + "JSONForm" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleChoiceFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "MultipleChoiceFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ComplexMultiWidget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "ComplexMultiWidget" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "ComplexMultiWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "ComplexFieldForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "ComplexFieldForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_clean_disabled_multivalue", + "ComplexFieldForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiValueFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenNullBooleanForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_2", + "HiddenNullBooleanForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_3", + "HiddenNullBooleanForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MySQLNullBooleanForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_4", + "MySQLNullBooleanForm" + ] + ] + ], + "NullBooleanFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SlugFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_slugfield.py", + [ + "SlugFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitDateTimeFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_splitdatetimefield.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TypedChoiceFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "URLFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_urlfield.py", + [ + "URLFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_uuidfield.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "BoundaryModel": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "BoundaryModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Defaults": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "Defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceModel": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "ChoiceModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceOptionModel": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "ChoiceOptionModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceFieldModel": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldModel" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionalMultiChoiceModel": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "OptionalMultiChoiceModel" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertFormErrorsMixin": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "AssertFormErrorsMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomErrorList": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_subclassing_errorlist", + "CustomErrorList" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_error_class", + "CustomErrorList" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_error_messages_escaping", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_label_has_required_css_class", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_label_tag", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_label_tag_no_id", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_label_tag_custom_widget_id_for_label", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_empty_label", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_id_for_label", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_id_for_label_override_by_attrs", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_widget_type", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_label_tag_override", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_name", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_without_css_classes", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_with_css_class", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_name_with_hidden_input", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_name_with_hidden_input_and_non_matching_row_ender", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests", + "test_lazy_labels", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests", + "test_non_ascii_label", + "SomeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests", + "test_non_ascii_choices", + "SomeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeForm_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_error_messages_escaping", + "SomeForm_1" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeForm_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_error_messages_escaping", + "SomeForm_2" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelChoiceFieldErrorMessagesTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldErrorMessagesTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonNew": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PersonNew" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiValueDictLike": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictLike" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionalPersonForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_optional_data", + "OptionalPersonForm" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionalPersonForm_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_optional_data", + "OptionalPersonForm_1" + ] + ] + ], + "SignupForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_various_boolean_values", + "SignupForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ContactForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_widget_output", + "ContactForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/forms.py", + [ + "ContactForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/urls.py", + [ + "ContactForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ContactForm_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_widget_output", + "ContactForm_1" + ] + ] + ], + "FrameworkForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_choices", + "FrameworkForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_radio", + "FrameworkForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FrameworkForm_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_choices", + "FrameworkForm_1" + ] + ] + ], + "FrameworkForm_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_choices", + "FrameworkForm_2" + ] + ] + ], + "FrameworkForm_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_choices", + "FrameworkForm_3" + ] + ] + ], + "FrameworkForm_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_choices", + "FrameworkForm_4" + ] + ] + ], + "BeatleForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_iterable_boundfield", + "BeatleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_iterable_boundfield_id", + "BeatleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_iterable_boundfield_select", + "BeatleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_noniterable_boundfield", + "BeatleForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_slice", + "BeatleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SongForm_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_multiple_choice", + "SongForm_1" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_disabled_fields", + "PersonForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_get_initial_for_field", + "PersonForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_value_disabled_callable_initial", + "PersonForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonFormFieldInitial": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_disabled_fields", + "PersonFormFieldInitial" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_hidden_data", + "MessageForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SongFormHidden": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multiple_hidden", + "SongFormHidden" + ] + ] + ], + "EscapingForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_escaping", + "EscapingForm" + ] + ] + ], + "UserRegistration": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_validating_multiple_fields", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_has_error", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_html_attributes", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_specifying_labels", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_initial_data", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_initial_data", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_callable_initial_data", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_values", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_help_text", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_basic_processing_in_view", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_templates_with_forms", + "UserRegistration" + ] + ] + ], + "UserRegistration_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_validating_multiple_fields", + "UserRegistration_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_html_attributes", + "UserRegistration_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_initial_data", + "UserRegistration_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_callable_initial_data", + "UserRegistration_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_help_text", + "UserRegistration_1" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_update_error_dict", + "CodeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MyForm_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_construction", + "MyForm_2" + ] + ] + ], + "Person_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_construction", + "Person_3" + ] + ] + ], + "Person_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_construction", + "Person_4" + ] + ] + ], + "Person_5": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_construction", + "Person_5" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFormParent": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_explicit_field_order", + "TestFormParent" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFormRemove": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_explicit_field_order", + "TestFormRemove" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFormMissing": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_explicit_field_order", + "TestFormMissing" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFormInit": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_explicit_field_order", + "TestFormInit" + ] + ] + ], + "Questions": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_specifying_labels", + "Questions" + ] + ] + ], + "UserRegistration_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_specifying_labels", + "UserRegistration_2" + ] + ] + ], + "UserRegistration_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_specifying_labels", + "UserRegistration_3" + ] + ] + ], + "FavoriteForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_label_suffix", + "FavoriteForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PedanticField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changed_data", + "PedanticField" + ] + ] + ], + "Person2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changed_data", + "Person2" + ] + ] + ], + "SampleForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_custom_boundfield", + "SampleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenInputWithoutMicrosec": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_initial_datetime_values", + "HiddenInputWithoutMicrosec" + ] + ] + ], + "TextInputWithoutMicrosec": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_initial_datetime_values", + "TextInputWithoutMicrosec" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_initial_datetime_values", + "DateTimeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_datetime_clean_initial_callable_disabled", + "DateTimeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_datetime_changed_data_callable_with_microseconds", + "DateTimeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "Person_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_subclassing_forms", + "Person_2" + ] + ] + ], + "Instrument": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_subclassing_forms", + "Instrument" + ] + ] + ], + "Beatle": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_subclassing_forms", + "Beatle" + ] + ] + ], + "Person_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_prefixes", + "Person_1" + ] + ] + ], + "FileForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_file_fields", + "FileForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_filefield_initial_callable", + "FileForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_filefield_with_fileinput_required", + "FileForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestEmptyFormSet", + "test_empty_formset_is_multipart", + "FileForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PriceForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_empty_permitted", + "PriceForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "PriceForm" + ] + ] + ], + "EventForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_label_split_datetime_not_displayed", + "EventForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/forms.py", + [ + "EventForm" + ] + ] + ], + "NameField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_field_validation", + "NameField" + ] + ] + ], + "NameForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_field_validation", + "NameForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoicesField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_deep_copy", + "ChoicesField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateAgeField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_initial_data", + "DateAgeField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateAgeForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_initial_data", + "DateAgeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PhoneField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_optional_subfields", + "PhoneField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomIdForLabelTextInput": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_label_tag_custom_widget_id_for_label", + "CustomIdForLabelTextInput" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyIdForLabelTextInput": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_label_tag_custom_widget_id_for_label", + "EmptyIdForLabelTextInput" + ] + ] + ], + "DivErrorList": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_errorlist_override", + "DivErrorList" + ] + ] + ], + "CommentForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_errorlist_override", + "CommentForm" + ] + ] + ], + "UserForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_accessing_clean", + "UserForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changing_cleaned_data_nothing_returned", + "UserForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changing_cleaned_data_in_clean", + "UserForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestFieldWithValidators", + "test_all_errors_get_reported", + "UserForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestFieldWithValidators", + "test_field_validators_can_be_any_iterable", + "UserForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FormWithoutFile": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multipart_encoded_form", + "FormWithoutFile" + ] + ] + ], + "FormWithFile": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multipart_encoded_form", + "FormWithFile" + ] + ] + ], + "FormWithImage": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multipart_encoded_form", + "FormWithImage" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_html_safe", + "SimpleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_only_hidden_fields", + "HiddenForm" + ] + ] + ], + "DataForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_named_data", + "DataForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomCharField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_deep_copy_error_messages", + "CustomCharField" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomRenderer": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "CustomRenderer" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_attribute_instance", + "CustomForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_attribute_class", + "CustomForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_attribute_override", + "CustomForm" + ] + ] + ], + "RendererTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FavoriteDrinkForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FavoriteDrinkForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseFavoriteDrinksFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFavoriteDrinksFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomKwargForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "CustomKwargForm" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamicBaseFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_form_kwargs_formset_dynamic", + "DynamicBaseFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_with_deletion_remove_deletion_flag", + "CheckForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_validate_max_ignores_forms_marked_for_deletion", + "CheckForm" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderingAttributFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formsets_with_order_custom_widget", + "OrderingAttributFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderingMethodFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formsets_with_order_custom_widget", + "OrderingMethodFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseReverseFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_iteration", + "BaseReverseFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitDateTimeForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_splitdatetimefield", + "SplitDateTimeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "AnotherChoice": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_calls_forms_is_valid", + "AnotherChoice" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseCustomFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_non_form_errors_run_full_clean", + "BaseCustomFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsFormsetTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsetAsTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsetAsTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestIsBoundBehavior": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestIsBoundBehavior" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyFsetWontValidate": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestEmptyFormSet", + "test_empty_formset_is_valid", + "EmptyFsetWontValidate" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestEmptyFormSet", + "test_empty_formset_media", + "MediaForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "MediaForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "MediaForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_fieldsets", + "MediaForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_formsets_with_inlines_returns_tuples", + "MediaForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEmptyFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestEmptyFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "AllValidTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "AllValidTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CopyForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests", + "test_select_translated_text", + "CopyForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsI18nTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalizedTimeTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedTimeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTimeInputFormatsTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomTimeInputFormatsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTimeFormatTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleTimeFormatTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalizedDateTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDateInputFormatsTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateInputFormatsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleDateFormatTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateFormatTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalizedDateTimeTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTimeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleDateTimeFormatTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateTimeFormatTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_construction", + "MyWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_dsl", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_combine_media", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_property_parent_references", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_from_property", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_extends", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_single_type", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_multi_widget", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_form_media", + "MyWidget1" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_combine_media", + "MyWidget2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_multi_widget", + "MyWidget2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_form_media", + "MyWidget2" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_combine_media", + "MyWidget3" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_multi_widget", + "MyWidget3" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_form_media", + "MyWidget3" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_combine_media", + "MyWidget4" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_property", + "MyWidget4" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_from_property", + "MyWidget4" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget5": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_property", + "MyWidget5" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget6": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_property_parent_references", + "MyWidget6" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget7": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance", + "MyWidget7" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget8": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance", + "MyWidget8" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget9": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_from_property", + "MyWidget9" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget10": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_from_property", + "MyWidget10" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget11": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_extends", + "MyWidget11" + ] + ] + ], + "MyWidget12": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_single_type", + "MyWidget12" + ] + ] + ], + "MultimediaWidget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_multi_media", + "MultimediaWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "MyMultiWidget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_multi_widget", + "MyMultiWidget" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MyMultiWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "AnotherForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_form_media", + "AnotherForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FormWithMedia": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_form_media", + "FormWithMedia" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsMediaTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SharedTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_renderers.py", + [ + "SharedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseTemplateRendererTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_renderers.py", + [ + "BaseTemplateRendererTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoTemplatesTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_renderers.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Jinja2Tests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_renderers.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplatesSettingTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_renderers.py", + [ + "TemplatesSettingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "VeryBadError": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase", + "test_validation_error", + "VeryBadError" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsUtilsTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFieldWithValidators": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestFieldWithValidators" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveWidgetTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "LiveWidgetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionalMultiChoiceModelForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "OptionalMultiChoiceModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoiceFieldExclusionForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldExclusionForm" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyCharLabelChoiceForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyCharLabelChoiceForm" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyIntegerLabelChoiceForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyIntegerLabelChoiceForm" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyCharLabelNoneChoiceForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyCharLabelNoneChoiceForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTicket14567": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestTicket14567" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormCallableModelDefault": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormCallableModelDefault" + ] + ] + ], + "BoundaryForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_boundary_conditions", + "BoundaryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultsForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_formfield_initial", + "DefaultsForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludingForm": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_formfield_initial", + "ExcludingForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsModelTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "D": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests", + "test_valid_loading_order", + "D" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "D" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "D" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/models.py", + [ + "D" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedModelFormTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyExclusionTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyExclusionTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyLabelTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyLabelTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleFormView": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/views.py", + [ + "ArticleFormView" + ] + ] + ], + "WidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/base.py", + [ + "WidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckboxInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeFieldFile": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "FakeFieldFile" + ] + ] + ], + "StrangeFieldFile": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_html_escaped", + "StrangeFieldFile" + ] + ] + ], + "FailingURLFieldFile": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_html_does_not_mask_exceptions", + "FailingURLFieldFile" + ] + ] + ], + "URLFieldFile": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_url_as_property", + "URLFieldFile" + ] + ] + ], + "NoURLFieldFile": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_return_false_if_url_does_not_exists", + "NoURLFieldFile" + ] + ] + ], + "ClearableFileInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DateInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_dateinput.py", + [ + "DateInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_datetimeinput.py", + [ + "DateTimeInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FileInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_fileinput.py", + [ + "FileInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_hiddeninput.py", + [ + "HiddenInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "InputTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_input.py", + [ + "InputTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleHiddenInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiplehiddeninput.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DeepCopyWidget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "DeepCopyWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NullBooleanSelectTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NumberInputTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_numberinput.py", + [ + "NumberInputTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_passwordinput.py", + [ + "PasswordInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RadioSelectTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_radioselect.py", + [ + "RadioSelectTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GetNotRequiredDate": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_selectdate_required", + "GetNotRequiredDate" + ] + ] + ], + "GetRequiredDate": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_selectdate_required", + "GetRequiredDate" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectDateWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectMultipleTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitDateTimeWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splitdatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitHiddenDateTimeWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splithiddendatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitHiddenDateTimeWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TextareaTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textarea.py", + [ + "TextareaTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TextInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeInputTest": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_timeinput.py", + [ + "TimeInputTest" + ] + ] + ], + "WidgetTests": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_widget.py", + [ + "WidgetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Cash": [ + [ + "tests/from_db_value/models.py", + [ + "Cash" + ] + ] + ], + "CashField": [ + [ + "tests/from_db_value/models.py", + [ + "CashField" + ] + ] + ], + "CashModel": [ + [ + "tests/from_db_value/models.py", + [ + "CashModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FromDBValueTest": [ + [ + "tests/from_db_value/tests.py", + [ + "FromDBValueTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/admin.py", + [ + "MediaInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "MediaInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "MediaInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_fieldsets", + "MediaInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_formsets_with_inlines_returns_tuples", + "MediaInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_inline_instances_override_get_inlines", + "MediaInline" + ] + ] + ], + "EpisodeAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/admin.py", + [ + "EpisodeAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "EpisodeAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "EpisodeAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_formsets_with_inlines_returns_tuples", + "EpisodeAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_inline_instances_override_get_inlines", + "EpisodeAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "PhoneNumberInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/admin.py", + [ + "PhoneNumberInline" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaPermanentInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/admin.py", + [ + "MediaPermanentInline" + ] + ] + ], + "Episode": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/models.py", + [ + "Episode" + ] + ] + ], + "PhoneNumber": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/models.py", + [ + "PhoneNumber" + ] + ] + ], + "EpisodePermanent": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/models.py", + [ + "EpisodePermanent" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericAdminViewTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericAdminViewTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_extra_param", + "ExtraInline" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNumInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_max_num_param", + "MaxNumInline" + ] + ] + ], + "GetExtraInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_get_extra", + "GetExtraInline" + ] + ] + ], + "GetMinNumInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_get_min_num", + "GetMinNumInline" + ] + ] + ], + "GetMaxNumInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_get_max_num", + "GetMaxNumInline" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInlineAdminWithUniqueTogetherTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminWithUniqueTogetherTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NoInlineDeletionTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "NoInlineDeletionTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaInline_3": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "MediaInline_3" + ] + ] + ], + "EpisodeAdmin_4": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "EpisodeAdmin_4" + ] + ] + ], + "AlternateInline": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_formsets_with_inlines_returns_tuples", + "AlternateInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_inline_instances_override_get_inlines", + "AlternateInline" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuableTaggedItem": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "ValuableTaggedItem" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractComparison": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "AbstractComparison" + ] + ] + ], + "Comparison": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Comparison" + ] + ] + ], + "Vegetable": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Vegetable" + ] + ] + ], + "Carrot": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Carrot" + ] + ] + ], + "Mineral": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Mineral" + ] + ] + ], + "GeckoManager": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "GeckoManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Gecko": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Gecko" + ] + ] + ], + "Rock": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Rock" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuableRock": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "ValuableRock" + ] + ] + ], + "ManualPK": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "ManualPK" + ] + ] + ], + "ForProxyModelModel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "ForProxyModelModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ForConcreteModelModel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "ForConcreteModelModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteRelatedModel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "ConcreteRelatedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyRelatedModel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "AllowsNullGFK": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "AllowsNullGFK" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedItemForm": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "TaggedItemForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BadModel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_incorrect_content_type", + "BadModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SaveTestForm": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_save_new_uses_form_save", + "SaveTestForm" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInlineFormsetTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericRelationsTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyRelatedModelTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModelTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInitWithNoneArgument": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "TestInitWithNoneArgument" + ] + ] + ], + "LinkProxy": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "LinkProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "Cafe": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Cafe" + ] + ] + ], + "CharLink": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "CharLink" + ] + ] + ], + "TextLink": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "TextLink" + ] + ] + ], + "OddRelation1": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "OddRelation1" + ] + ] + ], + "OddRelation2": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "OddRelation2" + ] + ] + ], + "Note": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Note" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Note" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Note" + ] + ] + ], + "Developer": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Developer" + ] + ] + ], + "Team": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Team" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Team" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Team" + ] + ] + ], + "Guild": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Guild" + ] + ] + ], + "Board": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Board" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecialGenericRelation": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "SpecialGenericRelation" + ] + ] + ], + "HasLinks": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "HasLinks" + ] + ] + ], + "HasLinkThing": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "HasLinkThing" + ] + ] + ], + "Content": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "Content" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorForm": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/forms.py", + [ + "AuthorForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_recleaning_model_form_instance", + "AuthorForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_assignment_of_none", + "AuthorForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_assignment_of_none_null_false", + "AuthorForm" + ] + ] + ], + "Artist": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Artist" + ] + ] + ], + "DoesNotExistQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "DoesNotExistQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigning": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "BookSigning" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "SimpleView" + ] + ] + ], + "SimplePostView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "SimplePostView" + ] + ] + ], + "PostOnlyView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "PostOnlyView" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomizableView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "CustomizableView" + ] + ] + ], + "DecoratedDispatchView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "DecoratedDispatchView" + ] + ] + ], + "AboutTemplateView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "AboutTemplateView" + ] + ] + ], + "AboutTemplateAttributeView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "AboutTemplateAttributeView" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "InstanceView" + ] + ] + ], + "SetAttributeMixin": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_overridden_setup", + "SetAttributeMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckSetupView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_overridden_setup", + "CheckSetupView" + ] + ] + ], + "TestView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_not_calling_parent_setup_error", + "TestView" + ] + ] + ], + "ViewTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateViewTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RedirectViewTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GetContextDataTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "GetContextDataTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UseMultipleObjectMixinTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "UseMultipleObjectMixinTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixinTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixinTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ArchiveIndexViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "YearArchiveViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MonthArchiveViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WeekArchiveViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DayArchiveViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DayArchiveViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateDetailViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FormContext": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_deferred_queryset_template_name", + "FormContext" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_deferred_queryset_context_object_name", + "FormContext" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests", + "test_get_context_data", + "FormContext" + ] + ] + ], + "DetailViewTest": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFormMixin": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests", + "test_get_prefix", + "TestFormMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests", + "test_get_form", + "TestFormMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "FormClassTestFormMixin": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests", + "test_get_form", + "FormClassTestFormMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "FormMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicFormTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "BasicFormTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "ModelFormMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyCreateView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_view_with_restricted_fields", + "MyCreateView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_view_all_fields", + "MyCreateView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_view_without_explicit_fields", + "MyCreateView" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_define_both_fields_and_form_class", + "MyCreateView" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "DeleteViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ListViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTemplateView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "CustomTemplateView" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "ObjectDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "ArtistDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "ArtistDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorCustomDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorCustomDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "PageDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "PageDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "DictList": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "DictList" + ] + ] + ], + "ArtistList": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "ArtistList" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorList": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorList" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorListGetQuerysetReturnsNone": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorListGetQuerysetReturnsNone" + ] + ] + ], + "BookList": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookList" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorListCustomPaginator": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorListCustomPaginator" + ] + ] + ], + "ContactView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "ContactView" + ] + ] + ], + "ArtistCreate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "ArtistCreate" + ] + ] + ], + "NaiveAuthorCreate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "NaiveAuthorCreate" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateResponseWithoutTemplate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseWithoutTemplate" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorCreate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorCreate" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecializedAuthorCreate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "SpecializedAuthorCreate" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorCreateRestricted": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorCreateRestricted" + ] + ] + ], + "ArtistUpdate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "ArtistUpdate" + ] + ] + ], + "NaiveAuthorUpdate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "NaiveAuthorUpdate" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorUpdate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorUpdate" + ] + ] + ], + "OneAuthorUpdate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "OneAuthorUpdate" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecializedAuthorUpdate": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "SpecializedAuthorUpdate" + ] + ] + ], + "NaiveAuthorDelete": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "NaiveAuthorDelete" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorDelete": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorDelete" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecializedAuthorDelete": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "SpecializedAuthorDelete" + ] + ] + ], + "BookConfig": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "BookArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookYearArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookYearArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookMonthArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookMonthArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWeekArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookWeekArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookDayArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookDayArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookTodayArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookTodayArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorGetQuerySetFormView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorGetQuerySetFormView" + ] + ] + ], + "BookDetailGetObjectCustomQueryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookDetailGetObjectCustomQueryset" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomMultipleObjectMixinView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "CustomMultipleObjectMixinView" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomContextView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "CustomContextView" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomSingleObjectView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "CustomSingleObjectView" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigningConfig": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookSigningConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigningArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookSigningArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigningYearArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookSigningYearArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigningMonthArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookSigningMonthArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigningWeekArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookSigningWeekArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigningDayArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookSigningDayArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigningTodayArchive": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookSigningTodayArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "BookArchiveWithoutDateField": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookArchiveWithoutDateField" + ] + ] + ], + "BookSigningDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "BookSigningDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "NonModel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "NonModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NonModelDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "NonModelDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectDoesNotExistDetail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "ObjectDoesNotExistDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "LateValidationView": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "LateValidationView" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexErrorQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/models.py", + [ + "IndexErrorQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexErrorArticle": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/models.py", + [ + "IndexErrorArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "EarliestOrLatestTests": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "EarliestOrLatestTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFirstLast": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "TestFirstLast" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleManager": [ + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/models.py", + [ + "ArticleManager" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeErrorManager": [ + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/models.py", + [ + "AttributeErrorManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomClass": [ + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/tests.py", + [ + "GetObjectOr404Tests", + "test_bad_class", + "CustomClass" + ] + ] + ], + "GetObjectOr404Tests": [ + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/tests.py", + [ + "GetObjectOr404Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultPerson": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "DefaultPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "ManualPrimaryKeyTest": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "ManualPrimaryKeyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GetOrCreateTests": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs" + ] + ] + ], + "GetOrCreateTransactionTests": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTransactionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetOrCreateThroughManyToMany": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateThroughManyToMany" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateOrCreateTests": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NamedModel": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SouthTexasCity": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "SouthTexasCity" + ] + ] + ], + "SouthTexasCityFt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "SouthTexasCityFt" + ] + ] + ], + "AustraliaCity": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "AustraliaCity" + ] + ] + ], + "CensusZipcode": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "CensusZipcode" + ] + ] + ], + "SouthTexasZipcode": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "SouthTexasZipcode" + ] + ] + ], + "Interstate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "Interstate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "Interstate" + ] + ] + ], + "SouthTexasInterstate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "SouthTexasInterstate" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DistanceFunctionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DriverTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_driver.py", + [ + "DriverTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DataSourceTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPoint": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "TestPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "EnvelopeTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest" + ] + ] + ], + "OGRGeomTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GDALRasterTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GDALBandTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSRS": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "TestSRS" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialRefTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GDALTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/tests.py", + [ + "GDALTest" + ] + ] + ], + "City3D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "City3D" + ] + ] + ], + "Interstate2D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "Interstate2D" + ] + ] + ], + "Interstate3D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "Interstate3D" + ] + ] + ], + "InterstateProj2D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "InterstateProj2D" + ] + ] + ], + "InterstateProj3D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "InterstateProj3D" + ] + ] + ], + "Polygon2D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "Polygon2D" + ] + ] + ], + "Polygon3D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "Polygon3D" + ] + ] + ], + "Point2D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "Point2D" + ] + ] + ], + "Point3D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "Point3D" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiPoint3D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "MultiPoint3D" + ] + ] + ], + "Geo3DLoadingHelper": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DLoadingHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "Geo3DTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DTest" + ] + ] + ], + "Geo3DFunctionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DFunctionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UnmodifiableAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/admin.py", + [ + "UnmodifiableAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoAdminTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/tests.py", + [ + "GeoAdminTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGeoRSS1": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoRSS1" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGeoRSS2": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoRSS2" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGeoAtom1": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoAtom1" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGeoAtom2": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoAtom2" + ] + ] + ], + "TestW3CGeo1": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestW3CGeo1" + ] + ] + ], + "TestW3CGeo2": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestW3CGeo2" + ] + ] + ], + "TestW3CGeo3": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestW3CGeo3" + ] + ] + ], + "CountryWebMercator": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "CountryWebMercator" + ] + ] + ], + "PennsylvaniaCity": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "PennsylvaniaCity" + ] + ] + ], + "Track": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "Track" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiFields": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "MultiFields" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueTogetherModel": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Truth": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "Truth" + ] + ] + ], + "MinusOneSRID": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "MinusOneSRID" + ] + ] + ], + "NonConcreteField": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "NonConcreteField" + ] + ] + ], + "NonConcreteModel": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "NonConcreteModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyPointModel": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "ManyPointModel" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoExpressionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_expressions.py", + [ + "GeoExpressionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoFeedTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GISFunctionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaIndexesTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoRegressionTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", + [ + "GeoRegressionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoJSONSerializerTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_serializers.py", + [ + "GeoJSONSerializerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoSitemapTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_sitemaps.py", + [ + "GeoSitemapTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoModelTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoLookupTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoQuerySetTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "Zipcode": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "Zipcode" + ] + ] + ], + "County": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "County" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "County" + ] + ] + ], + "GeographyTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GeographyFunctionTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyFunctionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSCoordSeqTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_coordseq.py", + [ + "GEOSCoordSeqTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NotAGeometry": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_errors", + "NotAGeometry" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtendedPolygon": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_subclassing", + "ExtendedPolygon" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSMutationTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "GEOSMutationTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GEOSIOTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UserListA": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "UserListA" + ] + ] + ], + "UserListB": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "UserListB" + ] + ] + ], + "ListMixinTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ListMixinTestSingle": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTestSingle" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrateTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoRasterSupportTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "NoRasterSupportTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AllOGRFields": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/models.py", + [ + "AllOGRFields" + ] + ] + ], + "Fields3D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/models.py", + [ + "Fields3D" + ] + ] + ], + "InspectDbTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDbTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OGRInspectTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "OGRInspectTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CountyFeat": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "CountyFeat" + ] + ] + ], + "CityBase": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "CityBase" + ] + ] + ], + "ICity1": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "ICity1" + ] + ] + ], + "ICity2": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "ICity2" + ] + ] + ], + "Invalid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "Invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "HasNulls": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "HasNulls" + ] + ] + ], + "DoesNotAllowNulls": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "DoesNotAllowNulls" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerMapTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherRouter": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "OtherRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerMapRouterTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapRouterTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RasterModel": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/models.py", + [ + "RasterModel" + ] + ] + ], + "RasterRelatedModel": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/models.py", + [ + "RasterRelatedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "RasterFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AugmentedLocation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "AugmentedLocation" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectoryEntry": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryEntry" + ] + ] + ], + "Parcel": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "Parcel" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedGeoModelTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDS": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "TestDS" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGeom": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "TestGeom" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGeomSet": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "TestGeomSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "FieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GeometryFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PointForm": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_field_with_text_widget", + "PointForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_field_string_value", + "PointForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_pointfield", + "PointForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_multipointfield", + "PointForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "OSMWidgetTest", + "test_osm_widget", + "PointForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "OSMWidgetTest", + "test_default_lat_lon", + "PointForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryWidgetTests", + "test_custom_serialization_widget", + "PointForm" + ] + ] + ], + "GeometryFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LineStringForm": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_linestringfield", + "LineStringForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_multilinestringfield", + "LineStringForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PolygonForm": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_polygonfield", + "PolygonForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_multipolygonfield", + "PolygonForm" + ] + ] + ], + "GeometryForm": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_geometrycollectionfield", + "GeometryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecializedFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "OSMWidgetTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "OSMWidgetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomGeometryWidget": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryWidgetTests", + "test_custom_serialization_widget", + "CustomGeometryWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "GeometryWidgetTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryWidgetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoIPTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFunc": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "test_mutation", + "wrapper", + "test", + "TestFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncTestMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AreaTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NullPointerException": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_ptr.py", + [ + "CPointerBaseTests", + "test", + "NullPointerException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGeom1": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_ptr.py", + [ + "CPointerBaseTests", + "test", + "FakeGeom1" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGeom2": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_ptr.py", + [ + "CPointerBaseTests", + "test", + "FakeGeom2" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGeom": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_ptr.py", + [ + "CPointerBaseTests", + "test_destructor_catches_importerror", + "FakeGeom" + ] + ] + ], + "CPointerBaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_ptr.py", + [ + "CPointerBaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SpatialRefSysTest": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_spatialrefsys.py", + [ + "SpatialRefSysTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeConnection": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "if_HAS_POSTGRES_", + "FakeConnection" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePostGISOperations": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "if_HAS_POSTGRES_", + "FakePostGISOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPostGISVersionCheck": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestPostGISVersionCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncTestMixin": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ExceptionHandlerTests": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/test_exception.py", + [ + "ExceptionHandlerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerTests": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactionsPerRequestTests": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "TransactionsPerRequestTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SignalsTests": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "SignalsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerRequestTests": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ScriptNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "ScriptNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncHandlerRequestTests": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncHandlerRequestTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MiddlewareAccessingContent": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests_custom_error_handlers.py", + [ + "MiddlewareAccessingContent" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomErrorHandlerTests": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests_custom_error_handlers.py", + [ + "CustomErrorHandlerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoResponse": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "NoResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CoroutineClearingView": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "CoroutineClearingView" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryDictTests": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseTests": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDjangoJSONEncoder": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_custom_encoder", + "CustomDjangoJSONEncoder" + ] + ] + ], + "JsonResponseTests": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamingHttpResponseTests": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "StreamingHttpResponseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileCloseTests": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "FileCloseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CookieTests": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MockDateTime": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MockDateTime" + ] + ] + ], + "naive": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturaltime", + "naive" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_naive_datetime_with_tzinfo_attribute", + "naive" + ] + ] + ], + "DocumentedMockDateTime": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturaltime_as_documented", + "DocumentedMockDateTime" + ] + ] + ], + "HumanizeTests": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ContentTypeTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/contenttypes/tests.py", + [ + "ContentTypeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nForm": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/forms.py", + [ + "I18nForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectDateForm": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/forms.py", + [ + "SelectDateForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CompanyForm": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/forms.py", + [ + "CompanyForm" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadingAppConfig": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/loading_app/apps.py", + [ + "LoadingAppConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "PermanentRedirectLocaleMiddleWare": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "PermanentRedirectLocaleMiddleWare" + ] + ] + ], + "URLTestCaseBase": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTestCaseBase" + ] + ] + ], + "URLPrefixTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLPrefixTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLDisabledTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLDisabledTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestURLConfTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLConfTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PathUnusedTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "PathUnusedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLTranslationTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTranslationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLNamespaceTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLNamespaceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLRedirectTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLVaryAcceptLanguageTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLVaryAcceptLanguageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLRedirectWithoutTrailingSlashTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectWithoutTrailingSlashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLRedirectWithoutTrailingSlashSettingTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectWithoutTrailingSlashSettingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLResponseTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLRedirectWithScriptAliasTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectWithScriptAliasTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageCompilationTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "MessageCompilationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PoFileTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "PoFileTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PoFileContentsTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "PoFileContentsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocaleCompilationTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleCompilationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludedLocaleCompilationTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleCompilationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IgnoreDirectoryCompilationTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "IgnoreDirectoryCompilationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CompilationErrorHandling": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "CompilationErrorHandling" + ] + ] + ], + "ProjectAndAppTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "ProjectAndAppTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FuzzyTranslationTest": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "FuzzyTranslationTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AppCompilationTest": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "AppCompilationTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PathLibLocaleCompilationTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "PathLibLocaleCompilationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractorTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicExtractorTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "JavascriptExtractorTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "JavascriptExtractorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IgnoredExtractorTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "IgnoredExtractorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SymlinkExtractorTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "SymlinkExtractorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CopyPluralFormsExtractorTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CopyPluralFormsExtractorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoWrapExtractorTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "NoWrapExtractorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocationCommentsTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "LocationCommentsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "KeepPotFileExtractorTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "KeepPotFileExtractorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocaleExtractionTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleExtractionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomLayoutExtractionTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CustomLayoutExtractionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSettingsExtractionTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "NoSettingsExtractionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslatableFileTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_management.py", + [ + "TranslatableFileTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FrenchTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "FrenchTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtractingStringsWithPercentSigns": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "ExtractingStringsWithPercentSigns" + ] + ] + ], + "RenderingTemplatesWithPercentSigns": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "RenderingTemplatesWithPercentSigns" + ] + ] + ], + "AppModuleStub": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "AppModuleStub" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationLoadingTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationLoadingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "sideeffect_str": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationThreadSafetyTests", + "setUp", + "sideeffect_str" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationThreadSafetyTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationThreadSafetyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FormattingTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MiscTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MiscTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolutionOrderI18NTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "ResolutionOrderI18NTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AppResolutionOrderI18NTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "AppResolutionOrderI18NTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalePathsResolutionOrderI18NTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "LocalePathsResolutionOrderI18NTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoFallbackResolutionOrderI18NTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoFallbackResolutionOrderI18NTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationFallbackI18NTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFallbackI18NTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModels": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestModels" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLanguageInfo": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestLanguageInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "LocaleMiddlewareTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "LocaleMiddlewareTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UnprefixedDefaultLanguageTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "UnprefixedDefaultLanguageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CountrySpecificLanguageTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "CountrySpecificLanguageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationFilesMissing": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFilesMissing" + ] + ] + ], + "NonDjangoLanguageTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "NonDjangoLanguageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WatchForTranslationChangesTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "WatchForTranslationChangesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationFileChangedTests": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFileChangedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "POFileAssertionMixin": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/utils.py", + [ + "POFileAssertionMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "RunInTmpDirMixin": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/utils.py", + [ + "RunInTmpDirMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "CurrentTranslation": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/models.py", + [ + "CurrentTranslation" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexTogetherSingleList": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherSingleList" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexedArticle": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/models.py", + [ + "if_connection_vendor_", + "IndexedArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexedArticle2": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/models.py", + [ + "IndexedArticle2" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaIndexesNotPostgreSQLTests": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesNotPostgreSQLTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PartialIndexConditionIgnoredTests": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "PartialIndexConditionIgnoredTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaIndexesMySQLTests": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesMySQLTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PartialIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "PartialIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CoveringIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "CoveringIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CoveringIndexIgnoredTests": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "CoveringIndexIgnoredTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Poet": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poet" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poet" + ] + ] + ], + "Poem": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poem" + ] + ] + ], + "PoemModelForm": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_fk_in_all_formset_forms", + "PoemModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest" + ] + ] + ], + "People": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "People" + ] + ] + ], + "PeopleData": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "PeopleData" + ] + ] + ], + "PeopleMoreData": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "PeopleMoreData" + ] + ] + ], + "DigitsInColumnName": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "DigitsInColumnName" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecialName": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "SpecialName" + ] + ] + ], + "ColumnTypes": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "ColumnTypes" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONFieldColumnType": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldColumnType" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueTogether": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogether" + ] + ] + ], + "InspectDBTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "InspectDBTransactionalTests": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTransactionalTests" + ] + ] + ], + "District": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "District" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "District" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleReporter": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "ArticleReporter" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckConstraintModel": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/models.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintModel" + ] + ] + ], + "BackendSpecificChecksTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_backend_specific.py", + [ + "BackendSpecificChecksTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoColumnField": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_custom_fields.py", + [ + "CustomFieldTest", + "test_none_column", + "NoColumnField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_custom_fields.py", + [ + "CustomFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "IPAddressModel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "DeprecatedFieldsTests", + "test_IPAddressField_deprecated", + "IPAddressModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CommaSeparatedIntegerModel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "DeprecatedFieldsTests", + "test_CommaSeparatedIntegerField_deprecated", + "CommaSeparatedIntegerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NullBooleanFieldModel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "DeprecatedFieldsTests", + "test_nullbooleanfield_deprecated", + "NullBooleanFieldModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DeprecatedFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "DeprecatedFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexTogetherTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueTogetherTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Target": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_fk", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_inheritance_clash", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_id_clash", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_fk", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_fk", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_valid_foreign_key_without_accessor", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_non_unique_field", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_non_unique_field_under_explicit_model", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_partially_unique_field", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_invalid_related_query_name", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "_test_accessor_clash", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_clash_between_accessors", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m_with_inheritance", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests", + "_test_reverse_query_name_clash", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests", + "_test_explicit_related_name_clash", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "_test_explicit_related_query_name_clash", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ComplexClashTests", + "test_complex_clash", + "Target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Target" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexesTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "IndexesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "VeryLongModelNamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_M2M_long_column_name", + "VeryLongModelNamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithLongField": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_M2M_long_column_name", + "ModelWithLongField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_local_field_long_column_name", + "ModelWithLongField" + ] + ] + ], + "m2msimple": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_M2M_long_column_name", + "m2msimple" + ] + ] + ], + "m2mcomplex": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_M2M_long_column_name", + "m2mcomplex" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldNamesTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Mother": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_multiinheritance_clash", + "Mother" + ] + ] + ], + "Father": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_multiinheritance_clash", + "Father" + ] + ] + ], + "GrandParent": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_multigeneration_inheritance", + "GrandParent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "GrandParent" + ] + ] + ], + "GrandChild": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_multigeneration_inheritance", + "GrandChild" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "GrandChild" + ] + ] + ], + "ShadowingFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RelationModel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_non_valid", + "RelationModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "RelationModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_virtual_field", + "RelationModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Parent2": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_two_related_model_field", + "Parent2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "Parent2" + ] + ] + ], + "Parent1": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_two_related_model_field", + "Parent1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "Parent1" + ] + ] + ], + "_Model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_name_beginning_with_underscore", + "_Model" + ] + ] + ], + "Model_": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_name_ending_with_underscore", + "Model_" + ] + ] + ], + "Test__Model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_name_contains_double_underscores", + "Test__Model" + ] + ] + ], + "ShippingMethod": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_two_m2m_through_same_model_with_different_through_fields", + "ShippingMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "ShippingMethodPrice": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_two_m2m_through_same_model_with_different_through_fields", + "ShippingMethodPrice" + ] + ] + ], + "ParkingLot": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_onetoone_with_parent_model", + "ParkingLot" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_onetoone_with_explicit_parent_link_parent_model", + "ParkingLot" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "ParkingLot" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "ParkingLot" + ] + ] + ], + "Baz": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash", + "Baz" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed", + "Baz" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_fk_to_fk_get_col_output_field", + "Baz" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "Baz" + ] + ] + ], + "A1": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked", + "A1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_a/models.py", + [ + "A1" + ] + ] + ], + "C1": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked", + "C1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_c/models.py", + [ + "C1" + ] + ] + ], + "A2": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked", + "A2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_a/models.py", + [ + "A2" + ] + ] + ], + "C2": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked", + "C2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_c/models.py", + [ + "C2" + ] + ] + ], + "Intermediate": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked", + "Intermediate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "Intermediate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Intermediate" + ] + ] + ], + "Through": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_to_concrete_and_proxy_allowed", + "Through" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "Through" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/models.py", + [ + "Through" + ] + ] + ], + "ThroughProxy": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_to_concrete_and_proxy_allowed", + "ThroughProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyModel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_lazy_reference_checks", + "DummyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyClass": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_lazy_reference_checks", + "DummyClass" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherModelTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ConstraintsTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "AutoFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_autofield.py", + [ + "AutoFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BinaryFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_binaryfield.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ThingItem": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_iterable_of_iterable_choices", + "ThingItem" + ] + ] + ], + "Things": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_iterable_of_iterable_choices", + "Things" + ] + ] + ], + "ThingWithIterableChoices": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_iterable_of_iterable_choices", + "ThingWithIterableChoices" + ] + ] + ], + "CharFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FilePathFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TextFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_textfield.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelM2M": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_with_limit_choices_auto_created_no_warning", + "ModelM2M" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_with_useless_options", + "ModelM2M" + ] + ] + ], + "ThroughModel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_with_useless_options", + "ThroughModel" + ] + ] + ], + "AmbiguousRelationship": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_from", + "AmbiguousRelationship" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_to", + "AmbiguousRelationship" + ] + ] + ], + "WrongModel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_with_foreign_key_to_wrong_model", + "WrongModel" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRelationship": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_with_foreign_key_to_wrong_model", + "InvalidRelationship" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_missing_foreign_key", + "InvalidRelationship" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_too_many_foreign_keys_in_self_referential_model", + "InvalidRelationship" + ] + ] + ], + "GroupMember": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_through_isolate_apps_model", + "GroupMember" + ] + ] + ], + "MMembership": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_non_unique_fields", + "MMembership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_partially_unique_field", + "MMembership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint", + "MMembership" + ] + ] + ], + "SwappableModel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_not_swapped_model", + "SwappableModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_swappable_manager", + "SwappableModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_custom_swappable_manager", + "SwappableModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_explicit_swappable_manager", + "SwappableModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_swappable", + "SwappableModel" + ] + ] + ], + "RelativeFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Another": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "_test_accessor_clash", + "Another" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests", + "_test_reverse_query_name_clash", + "Another" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests", + "_test_explicit_related_name_clash", + "Another" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "_test_explicit_related_query_name_clash", + "Another" + ] + ] + ], + "FKRel": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_no_clash_for_hidden_related_name", + "FKRel" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessorClashTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfReferentialFKClashTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKClashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ComplexClashTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ComplexClashTests" + ] + ] + ], + "M2mThroughFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Tournament": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/models.py", + [ + "Tournament" + ] + ] + ], + "Organiser": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/models.py", + [ + "Organiser" + ] + ] + ], + "Pool": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/models.py", + [ + "Pool" + ] + ] + ], + "PoolStyle": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/models.py", + [ + "PoolStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyHandler": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/logconfig.py", + [ + "MyHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "MyEmailBackend": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/logconfig.py", + [ + "MyEmailBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_connection_timeout_custom", + "MyEmailBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomExceptionReporter": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/logconfig.py", + [ + "CustomExceptionReporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/views.py", + [ + "CustomExceptionReporter" + ] + ] + ], + "LoggingFiltersTest": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LoggingFiltersTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SetupDefaultLoggingMixin": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDefaultLoggingMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultLoggingTests": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultLoggingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoggingAssertionMixin": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LoggingAssertionMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerLoggingTests": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nLoggingTests": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "I18nLoggingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CallbackFilterTest": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CallbackFilterTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagerEmailHandler": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_customize_send_mail_method", + "ManagerEmailHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminEmailHandlerTest": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SettingsConfigTest": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsConfigTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SetupConfigureLogging": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SetupConfigureLogging" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityLoggerTest": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecurityLoggerTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SettingsCustomLoggingTest": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsCustomLoggingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LogFormattersTests": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LogFormattersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UncaughtException": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "UncaughtException" + ] + ] + ], + "Alarm": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "NulledTextField": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "NulledTextField" + ] + ] + ], + "NulledTransform": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "NulledTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "IsNullWithNoneAsRHS": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "IsNullWithNoneAsRHS" + ] + ] + ], + "Season": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Season" + ] + ] + ], + "Game": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Game" + ] + ] + ], + "Player": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Player" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Player" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Player" + ] + ] + ], + "Stock": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Stock" + ] + ] + ], + "Freebie": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Freebie" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalFieldLookupTests": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldLookupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "YearLookupTests": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_lookups.py", + [ + "YearLookupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeFieldLookupTests": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldLookupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Issue": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/models.py", + [ + "Issue" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Issue" + ] + ] + ], + "StringReferenceModel": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/models.py", + [ + "StringReferenceModel" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedObjectTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedObjectUnicodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectUnicodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Writer": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_intermediary/models.py", + [ + "Writer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Writer" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MIntermediaryTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_intermediary/tests.py", + [ + "M2MIntermediaryTests" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MMultipleTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_multiple/tests.py", + [ + "M2MMultipleTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Colleague": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/models.py", + [ + "Colleague" + ] + ] + ], + "RecursiveM2MTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RecursiveSymmetricalM2MThroughTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveSymmetricalM2MThroughTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfRefer": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "SelfRefer" + ] + ] + ], + "TagCollection": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "TagCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "Entry": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "Entry" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_auto_now_add_interactive", + "Entry" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/models.py", + [ + "Entry" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfReferChild": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "SelfReferChild" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfReferChildSibling": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "SelfReferChildSibling" + ] + ] + ], + "Line": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "Line" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "Line" + ] + ] + ], + "Worksheet": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "Worksheet" + ] + ] + ], + "BadModelWithSplit": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "BadModelWithSplit" + ] + ] + ], + "RegressionModelSplit": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "RegressionModelSplit" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MRegressionTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Part": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/models.py", + [ + "Part" + ] + ] + ], + "SportsCar": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/models.py", + [ + "SportsCar" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManySignalsTest": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomMembership": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "CustomMembership" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNoDefaultsOrNulls": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "TestNoDefaultsOrNulls" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonSelfRefM2M": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "PersonSelfRefM2M" + ] + ] + ], + "SymmetricalFriendship": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "SymmetricalFriendship" + ] + ] + ], + "Relationship": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Relationship" + ] + ] + ], + "M2mThroughTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests" + ] + ] + ], + "M2mThroughReferentialTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests" + ] + ] + ], + "M2mThroughToFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughToFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UserMembership": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "UserMembership" + ] + ] + ], + "CarDriver": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "CarDriver" + ] + ] + ], + "Competitor": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Competitor" + ] + ] + ], + "IndividualCompetitor": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "IndividualCompetitor" + ] + ] + ], + "CompetingTeam": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "CompetingTeam" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxiedIndividualCompetitor": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "ProxiedIndividualCompetitor" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiTableTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/test_multitable.py", + [ + "MultiTableTests" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MThroughTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MThroughSerializationTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughSerializationTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ToFieldThroughTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ThroughLoadDataTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ThroughLoadDataTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToOneRecursiveTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneRecursiveTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleManyToOneRecursiveTests": [ + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "MultipleManyToOneRecursiveTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SendTestEmailManagementCommand": [ + [ + "tests/mail/test_sendtestemail.py", + [ + "SendTestEmailManagementCommand" + ] + ] + ], + "HeadersCheckMixin": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "HeadersCheckMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "MailTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MailTimeZoneTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTimeZoneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PythonGlobalState": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "PythonGlobalState" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseEmailBackendTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocmemBackendTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "LocmemBackendTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileBackendTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileBackendPathLibTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendPathLibTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ConsoleBackendTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "ConsoleBackendTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSMTPChannel": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeSMTPChannel" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSMTPServer": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeSMTPServer" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAUTHSMTPConnection": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeAUTHSMTPConnection" + ] + ] + ], + "SMTPBackendTestsBase": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTestsBase" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomEmailBackend": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_server_login", + "CustomEmailBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SMTPBackendTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SMTPBackendStoppedServerTests": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendStoppedServerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OnlyFred": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "OnlyFred" + ] + ] + ], + "OnlyBarney": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "OnlyBarney" + ] + ] + ], + "Value42": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Value42" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractBase1": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "AbstractBase1" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractBase2": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "AbstractBase2" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractBase3": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "AbstractBase3" + ] + ] + ], + "Child1": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_abstract_model_children_inherit_indexes", + "Child1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "Child1" + ] + ] + ], + "Child2": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_abstract_model_children_inherit_indexes", + "Child2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "Child2" + ] + ] + ], + "Child3": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child3" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "Child3" + ] + ] + ], + "Child4": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child4" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "Child4" + ] + ] + ], + "Child5": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child5" + ] + ] + ], + "Child6": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child6" + ] + ] + ], + "Child7": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child7" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagersRegressionTests": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomManager": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance", + "CustomManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "CustomManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "CustomManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_manager_no_duplicates", + "CustomManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CustomManager" + ] + ] + ], + "PlainModel": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance", + "PlainModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "PlainModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "PlainModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithAbstractParent": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance", + "ModelWithAbstractParent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "ModelWithAbstractParent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "ModelWithAbstractParent" + ] + ] + ], + "MTIModel": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance", + "MTIModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance", + "MTIModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance", + "MTIModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TestManagerInheritance": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "Publication": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "Publication" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Publication" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_package/models/publication.py", + [ + "Publication" + ] + ] + ], + "NoDeletedArticleManager": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "NoDeletedArticleManager" + ] + ] + ], + "UserArticle": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "UserArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractArticle": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "AbstractArticle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_framework/models.py", + [ + "AbstractArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritedArticleA": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "InheritedArticleA" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritedArticleB": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "InheritedArticleB" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyTests": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "First": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "First" + ] + ] + ], + "Second": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Second" + ] + ] + ], + "Third": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Third" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildNullableParent": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "ChildNullableParent" + ] + ] + ], + "ToFieldChild": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "ToFieldChild" + ] + ] + ], + "Record": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Record" + ] + ] + ], + "Relation": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Relation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "Relation" + ] + ] + ], + "SchoolManager": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "SchoolManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "SchoolManager" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToOneTests": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToOneNullTests": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonWithDefaultMaxLengths": [ + [ + "tests/max_lengths/models.py", + [ + "PersonWithDefaultMaxLengths" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonWithCustomMaxLengths": [ + [ + "tests/max_lengths/models.py", + [ + "PersonWithCustomMaxLengths" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxLengthArgumentsTests": [ + [ + "tests/max_lengths/tests.py", + [ + "MaxLengthArgumentsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxLengthORMTests": [ + [ + "tests/max_lengths/tests.py", + [ + "MaxLengthORMTests" + ] + ] + ], + "override_settings_tags": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "override_settings_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyStorage": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "DummyStorage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "DummyStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiTests": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "ApiTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomRequest": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "CustomRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomRequestApiTests": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "CustomRequestApiTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FallbackTests": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MiddlewareTests": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SuccessMessageMixinTests": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "SuccessMessageMixinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionTests": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_session.py", + [ + "SessionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ContactFormViewWithMsg": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/urls.py", + [ + "ContactFormViewWithMsg" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MyCommonMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_response_redirect_class_subclass", + "MyCommonMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "CommonMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SubclassedMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_custom_request_checker", + "SubclassedMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherXFrameOptionsMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_is_extendable", + "OtherXFrameOptionsMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GZipMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "BaseMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ProcessExceptionMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessExceptionMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncProcessExceptionMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "AsyncProcessExceptionMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ProcessExceptionLogMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessExceptionLogMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ProcessExceptionExcMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessExceptionExcMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ProcessViewMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessViewMiddleware" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "ProcessViewMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncProcessViewMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "AsyncProcessViewMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ProcessViewNoneMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessViewNoneMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ProcessViewTemplateResponseMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessViewTemplateResponseMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateResponseMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncTemplateResponseMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "AsyncTemplateResponseMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "LogMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "LogMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "NoTemplateResponseMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "NoTemplateResponseMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncNoTemplateResponseMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "AsyncNoTemplateResponseMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "NotFoundMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "NotFoundMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "PaymentMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "PaymentMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "SyncAndAsyncMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "SyncAndAsyncMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "DecoratedPaymentMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "DecoratedPaymentMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "NotSyncOrAsyncMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "NotSyncOrAsyncMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "RootUrlconfTests": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "RootUrlconfTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MyMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "MyMiddlewareWithExceptionMessage": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MyMiddlewareWithExceptionMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "MiddlewareNotUsedTests": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareNotUsedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncMiddlewareTests": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncMiddlewareTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomHttpResponse": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/views.py", + [ + "exception_in_render", + "CustomHttpResponse" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/views.py", + [ + "async_exception_in_render", + "CustomHttpResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Receiver": [ + [ + "tests/migrate_signals/tests.py", + [ + "Receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "OneTimeReceiver": [ + [ + "tests/migrate_signals/tests.py", + [ + "OneTimeReceiver" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrateSignalTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrate_signals/tests.py", + [ + "MigrateSignalTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationDataPersistenceTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/migration_test_data_persistence/tests.py", + [ + "MigrationDataPersistenceTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationDataNormalPersistenceTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/migration_test_data_persistence/tests.py", + [ + "MigrationDataNormalPersistenceTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "A3": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_a/models.py", + [ + "A3" + ] + ] + ], + "A4": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_a/models.py", + [ + "A4" + ] + ] + ], + "C3": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/lookuperror_c/models.py", + [ + "C3" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherAuthor": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/migrated_unapplied_app/models.py", + [ + "OtherAuthor" + ] + ] + ], + "SillyModel": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/unmigrated_app/models.py", + [ + "SillyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_not_null_addition", + "SillyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_no_field_rename", + "SillyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_dry_run", + "SillyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_dry_run_verbosity_3", + "SillyModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_migrations_modules_path_not_exist", + "SillyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "UnmigratedModel": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/unmigrated_app_simple/models.py", + [ + "UnmigratedModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "UnmigratedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Classroom": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/unmigrated_app_syncdb/models.py", + [ + "Classroom" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Classroom" + ] + ] + ], + "Lesson": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/unmigrated_app_syncdb/models.py", + [ + "Lesson" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModelBase": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "CustomModelBase" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithCustomBase": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "ModelWithCustomBase" + ] + ] + ], + "UnicodeModel": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "UnicodeModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Unserializable": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "Unserializable" + ] + ] + ], + "UnserializableModel": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "UnserializableModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FoodQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "FoodQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseFoodManager": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "BaseFoodManager" + ] + ] + ], + "FoodManager": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "FoodManager" + ] + ] + ], + "NoMigrationFoodManager": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "NoMigrationFoodManager" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultOtherRouter": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/routers.py", + [ + "DefaultOtherRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "DeconstructibleObject": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "DeconstructibleObject" + ] + ] + ], + "AutodetectorTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AutodetectorSuggestNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorSuggestNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrationTestBase": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationTestBase": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "OperationTestBase" + ] + ] + ], + "RenamedModel": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_no_model_rename", + "RenamedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "MakeMigrationsTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SquashMigrationsTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AppLabelErrorTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExceptionTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "ExceptionTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExceptionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecutorTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeLoader": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "FakeLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMigration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "FakeMigration" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecutorUnitTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorUnitTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "NodeTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RecorderTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "RecorderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "LoaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PycLoaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "PycLoaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AgnosticRouter": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "AgnosticRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrateNothingRouter": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MigrateNothingRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrateEverythingRouter": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MigrateEverythingRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrateWhenFooRouter": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MigrateWhenFooRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiDBOperationTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Mixin": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "Mixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal", + "Mixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Mixin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro", + "Mixin" + ] + ] + ], + "SwappableOperationTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "SwappableOperationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCreateModel": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "TestCreateModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldOperationTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "FieldOperationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OptimizerTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QuestionerTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_questioner.py", + [ + "QuestionerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorProxy": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "AuthorProxy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_fk_to_proxy", + "AuthorProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "SubAuthor": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "SubAuthor" + ] + ] + ], + "FoodNoManagers": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "FoodNoManagers" + ] + ] + ], + "FoodNoDefaultManager": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "FoodNoDefaultManager" + ] + ] + ], + "FoodOrderedManagers": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create", + "FoodOrderedManagers" + ] + ] + ], + "BossManager": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_no_duplicate_managers", + "BossManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Boss": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_no_duplicate_managers", + "Boss" + ] + ] + ], + "Author2": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_base_manager", + "Author2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Author2" + ] + ] + ], + "FooBar": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "FooBar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_overriding_FIELD_display", + "FooBar" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests_inheritance.py", + [ + "FooBar" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractSubFooBar": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "AbstractSubFooBar" + ] + ] + ], + "SubFooBar": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance", + "SubFooBar" + ] + ] + ], + "E": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies", + "E" + ] + ] + ], + "Magazine": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error", + "Magazine" + ] + ] + ], + "StateTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchableLocation": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable_from_abstract", + "SearchableLocation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "SearchableLocation" + ] + ] + ], + "Station": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable_from_abstract", + "Station" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Station" + ] + ] + ], + "BusStation": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable_from_abstract", + "BusStation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "BusStation" + ] + ] + ], + "PrivateFieldModel": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_order_with_respect_to_private_field", + "PrivateFieldModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Abstract": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_abstract_model_children_inherit_indexes", + "Abstract" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Abstract" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelWithConstraints": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_from_model_constraints", + "ModelWithConstraints" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelStateTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedModelsTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DeconstructibleInstances": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "DeconstructibleInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "Money": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "Money" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModel1": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "TestModel1" + ] + ] + ], + "TextEnum": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "TextEnum" + ] + ] + ], + "TextTranslatedEnum": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "TextTranslatedEnum" + ] + ] + ], + "BinaryEnum": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "BinaryEnum" + ] + ] + ], + "IntEnum": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "IntEnum" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationWriterTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedEnum": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "NestedEnum" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedChoices": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "NestedChoices" + ] + ] + ], + "DateChoices": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_choices", + "DateChoices" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModel2": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_local_function_reference", + "TestModel2" + ] + ] + ], + "ComplexSerializer": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_register_serializer", + "ComplexSerializer" + ] + ] + ], + "WriterTests": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Suit": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "Suit" + ] + ] + ], + "YearInSchool": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "YearInSchool" + ] + ] + ], + "Gender": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "Gender" + ] + ] + ], + "BlankStr": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_textchoices_blank_value", + "BlankStr" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArgumentEnum": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_invalid_definition", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "InvalidArgumentEnum" + ] + ] + ], + "Fruit": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_invalid_definition", + "None_1", + "Fruit" + ] + ] + ], + "ChoicesTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Separator": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "Separator" + ] + ] + ], + "Constants": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "Constants" + ] + ] + ], + "Set": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "Set" + ] + ] + ], + "MoonLandings": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "MoonLandings" + ] + ] + ], + "DateAndTime": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "DateAndTime" + ] + ] + ], + "MealTimes": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "MealTimes" + ] + ] + ], + "Frequency": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "Frequency" + ] + ] + ], + "IPv4Address": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "IPv4Address" + ] + ] + ], + "IPv6Address": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "IPv6Address" + ] + ] + ], + "IPv4Network": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "IPv4Network" + ] + ] + ], + "IPv6Network": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "IPv6Network" + ] + ] + ], + "Boolean": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "CustomChoicesTests", + "test_bool_unsupported", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "Timezone": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "CustomChoicesTests", + "test_timezone_unsupported", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "Identifier": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "CustomChoicesTests", + "test_uuid_unsupported", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Identifier" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomChoicesTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "CustomChoicesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Whiz": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "Whiz" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/string_lookup/models.py", + [ + "Whiz" + ] + ] + ], + "WhizDelayed": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "WhizDelayed" + ] + ] + ], + "WhizIter": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "WhizIter" + ] + ] + ], + "WhizIterEmpty": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "WhizIterEmpty" + ] + ] + ], + "Choiceful": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "Choiceful" + ] + ] + ], + "BigD": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "BigD" + ] + ] + ], + "BigS": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "BigS" + ] + ] + ], + "UnicodeSlugField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "UnicodeSlugField" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "AutoModel" + ] + ] + ], + "BigAutoModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "BigAutoModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallAutoModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "SmallAutoModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallIntegerModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "SmallIntegerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "BigIntegerModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "BigIntegerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveBigIntegerModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "PositiveBigIntegerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveSmallIntegerModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "PositiveSmallIntegerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveIntegerModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NullBooleanModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "NullBooleanModel" + ] + ] + ], + "BooleanModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "BooleanModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "DateTimeModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DurationModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "DurationModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NullDurationModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "NullDurationModel" + ] + ] + ], + "PrimaryKeyCharModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "PrimaryKeyCharModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FksToBooleans": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "FksToBooleans" + ] + ] + ], + "FkToChar": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "FkToChar" + ] + ] + ], + "RenamedField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "RenamedField" + ] + ] + ], + "VerboseNameField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "VerboseNameField" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericIPAddress": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddress" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalLessThanOne": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "DecimalLessThanOne" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldClassAttributeModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "FieldClassAttributeModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DataModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "DataModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Document": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "Document" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Document" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_creation_with_db_table_double_quotes", + "Document" + ] + ] + ], + "TestImageFieldFile": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "TestImageFieldFile" + ] + ] + ], + "TestImageField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "TestImageField" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractPersonWithHeight": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "AbstractPersonWithHeight" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonWithHeight": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "PersonWithHeight" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonWithHeightAndWidth": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "PersonWithHeightAndWidth" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonDimensionsFirst": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "PersonDimensionsFirst" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonTwoImages": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "if_Image_", + "PersonTwoImages" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomJSONDecoder": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "CustomJSONDecoder" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "JSONModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NullableJSONModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "NullableJSONModel" + ] + ] + ], + "AllFieldsModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "AllFieldsModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToMany": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "ManyToMany" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "UUIDModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NullableUUIDModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "NullableUUIDModel" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedToUUIDModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "RelatedToUUIDModel" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDChild": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "UUIDChild" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDGrandchild": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "UUIDGrandchild" + ] + ] + ], + "BigAutoFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_autofield.py", + [ + "BigAutoFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallAutoFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_autofield.py", + [ + "SmallAutoFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoFieldInheritanceTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_autofield.py", + [ + "AutoFieldInheritanceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BooleanFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "ValidationTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ValidationTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCharField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "TestCharField" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSaveLoad": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad" + ] + ] + ], + "TestQuerying": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSerialization": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestSerialization" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSerialization" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSerialization" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSerialization" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestSerialization" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSerialization" + ] + ] + ], + "TestValidation": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestValidation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestValidation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestValidation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestValidation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidation" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFormField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestFormField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestFormField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldFlagsTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFloatField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "TestFloatField" + ] + ] + ], + "FKUniqueTrue": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_warning_when_unique_true_on_fk", + "FKUniqueTrue" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractForeignKeyModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_pending_operations", + "AbstractForeignKeyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractReferent": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "AbstractReferent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "AbstractReferent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name", + "AbstractReferent" + ] + ] + ], + "Referred": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "Referred" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "Referred" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteReferent": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "ConcreteReferent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved", + "ConcreteReferent" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKeyTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldTestMixin": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTestMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldNoDimensionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldNoDimensionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldOneDimensionTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldOneDimensionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldDimensionsFirstTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldDimensionsFirstTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFieldUsingFileTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldUsingFileTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TwoImageFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "TwoImageFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallIntegerFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "SmallIntegerFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BigIntegerFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "BigIntegerFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveSmallIntegerFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "PositiveSmallIntegerFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveIntegerFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveBigIntegerFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "PositiveBigIntegerFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyTransform": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_get_transforms", + "MyTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMethods": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestMethods" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestMethods" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractManyToManyModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_pending_operations", + "AbstractManyToManyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyFieldDBTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldDBTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PromiseTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SlugFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_slugfield.py", + [ + "SlugFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAsPrimaryKey": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKey" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAsPrimaryKeyTransactionTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKeyTransactionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Nested": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "Nested" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetFieldDisplayTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetChoicesTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetChoicesOrderingTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesOrderingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetChoicesLimitChoicesToTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesLimitChoicesToTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImprovedArticle": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "ImprovedArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "ImprovedArticleWithParentLink": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "ImprovedArticleWithParentLink" + ] + ] + ], + "BetterWriter": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "BetterWriter" + ] + ] + ], + "PublicationDefaults": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "PublicationDefaults" + ] + ] + ], + "Author1": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Author1" + ] + ] + ], + "WriterProfile": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "WriterProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "TextFile": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "TextFile" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomFileField": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "CustomFileField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomFF": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "CustomFF" + ] + ] + ], + "FilePathModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "FilePathModel" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionalImageFile": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "OptionalImageFile" + ] + ] + ], + "NoExtensionImageFile": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "NoExtensionImageFile" + ] + ] + ], + "Homepage": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Homepage" + ] + ] + ], + "Price": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Price" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Price" + ] + ] + ], + "Triple": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Triple" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleStatus": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "ArticleStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "BookXtra": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "BookXtra" + ] + ] + ], + "DerivedBook": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "DerivedBook" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitPK": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "ExplicitPK" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimePost": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "DateTimePost" + ] + ] + ], + "DerivedPost": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "DerivedPost" + ] + ] + ], + "BigInt": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "BigInt" + ] + ] + ], + "MarkupField": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "MarkupField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomFieldForExclusionModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "CustomFieldForExclusionModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FlexibleDatePost": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "FlexibleDatePost" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "FlexibleDatePost" + ] + ] + ], + "Colour": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Colour" + ] + ] + ], + "ColourfulItem": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "ColourfulItem" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomErrorMessage": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "CustomErrorMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "StrictAssignmentFieldSpecific": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "StrictAssignmentFieldSpecific" + ] + ] + ], + "StrictAssignmentAll": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "StrictAssignmentAll" + ] + ] + ], + "NullableUniqueCharFieldModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "NullableUniqueCharFieldModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelChoiceForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_deepcopies_widget", + "ModelChoiceForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_result_cache_not_shared", + "ModelChoiceForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_queryset_none", + "ModelChoiceForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_no_extra_query_when_accessing_attrs", + "ModelChoiceForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield", + "ModelChoiceForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield_initial_model_instance", + "ModelChoiceForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModelChoiceIterator": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_overridable_choice_iterator", + "CustomModelChoiceIterator" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_custom_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget", + "CustomModelChoiceIterator" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModelChoiceField": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_overridable_choice_iterator", + "CustomModelChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomCheckboxSelectMultiple": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget", + "CustomCheckboxSelectMultiple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_custom_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget", + "CustomCheckboxSelectMultiple" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModelMultipleChoiceField": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget", + "CustomModelMultipleChoiceField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_custom_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget", + "CustomModelMultipleChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModelChoiceValue": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_custom_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget", + "CustomModelChoiceValue" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoriesForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_num_queries", + "CategoriesForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelChoiceFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDPKForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPKForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormBaseTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_uuid.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFileForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "if_test_images_", + "ImageFileForm" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionalImageFileForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "if_test_images_", + "OptionalImageFileForm" + ] + ] + ], + "NoExtensionImageFileForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "if_test_images_", + "NoExtensionImageFileForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ProductForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ProductForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BookForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "BookForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_foreign_key_with_radio", + "BookForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_together_exclusion", + "BookForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inlineformset_with_arrayfield", + "BookForm" + ] + ] + ], + "DerivedBookForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "DerivedBookForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitPKForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ExplicitPKForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PostForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "PostForm" + ] + ] + ], + "DerivedPostForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "DerivedPostForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomWriterForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomWriterForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseCategoryForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCategoryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "RoykoForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "RoykoForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleStatusForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ArticleStatusForm" + ] + ] + ], + "InventoryForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "InventoryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectInventoryForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "SelectInventoryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomFieldForExclusionForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomFieldForExclusionForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TextFileForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "TextFileForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BigIntForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "BigIntForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormWithMedia": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormWithMedia" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomErrorMessageForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomErrorMessageForm" + ] + ] + ], + "NoModelModelForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_no_model_class", + "NoModelModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyPersonForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_empty_fields_on_modelform", + "EmptyPersonForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FormForTestingIsValid": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_with_null_foreign_key_field", + "FormForTestingIsValid" + ] + ] + ], + "AwardForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_false_with_null_true_foreign_key_field", + "AwardForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_non_blank_foreign_key_with_radio", + "AwardForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingFieldsForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_missing_fields_attribute", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "MissingFieldsForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraFields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_fields", + "ExtraFields" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraPersonForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_field_model_form", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "ExtraPersonForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_declared_field_model_form", + "ExtraPersonForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ReplaceField": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field", + "ReplaceField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field_variant_2", + "ReplaceField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field_variant_3", + "ReplaceField" + ] + ] + ], + "WriterForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_override_field", + "WriterForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_show_hidden_initial", + "WriterForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_show_hidden_initial_changed_queries_efficiently", + "WriterForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_clean_does_deduplicate_values", + "WriterForm" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCategoryForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_limit_nonexistent_field", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "InvalidCategoryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoryForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_limit_fields_with_string", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "CategoryForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_fields_with_string", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "CategoryForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_foreignkeys_which_use_to_field", + "CategoryForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests", + "test_model_form_clean_applies_to_model", + "CategoryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludeFields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_fields", + "ExcludeFields" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_nonexistent_field", + "ExcludeFields" + ] + ] + ], + "PriceFormWithoutQuantity": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_and_validation", + "PriceFormWithoutQuantity" + ] + ] + ], + "PriceFormWithoutQuantity_1": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_and_validation", + "PriceFormWithoutQuantity_1" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfusedForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_confused_form", + "ConfusedForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MixModelForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_mixmodel_form", + "MixModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BadForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_bad_form", + "BadForm" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidModelForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_invalid_meta_model", + "InvalidModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SubCategoryForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_subcategory_form", + "SubCategoryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeCategoryForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_subclassmeta_form", + "SomeCategoryForm" + ] + ] + ], + "SubclassMeta": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_subclassmeta_form", + "SubclassMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderFields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_orderfields_form", + "OrderFields" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderFields2": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_orderfields2_form", + "OrderFields2" + ] + ] + ], + "PubForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_populated_on_optional_field", + "PubForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_non_empty_value_in_cleaned_data", + "PubForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_optional_checkbox_input", + "PubForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_checkboxselectmultiple", + "PubForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_selectmultiple", + "PubForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_prefixed_form_with_default_field", + "PubForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_splitdatetime_field", + "PubForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_filefield", + "PubForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_selectdatewidget", + "PubForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FieldOverridesByFormMetaForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFieldOverridesByFormMeta": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "TestFieldOverridesByFormMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "IncompleteCategoryFormWithFields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "IncompleteCategoryFormWithFields" + ] + ] + ], + "IncompleteCategoryFormWithExclude": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "IncompleteCategoryFormWithExclude" + ] + ] + ], + "TripleForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_multiple_field_unique_together", + "TripleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimePostForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_for_date_in_exclude", + "DateTimePostForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FlexDatePostForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_for_date_with_nullable_date", + "FlexDatePostForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomProductForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_message", + "CustomProductForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPriceForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_together_message", + "CustomPriceForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPostForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_for_date_message", + "CustomPostForm" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "UniqueTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PartialArticleForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_subset_fields", + "PartialArticleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PartialArticleFormWithSlug": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_subset_fields", + "PartialArticleFormWithSlug" + ] + ] + ], + "ShortCategory": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_custom_form_fields", + "ShortCategory" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormBasicTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelMultipleChoiceForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_field_22745", + "ModelMultipleChoiceForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleCategoriesForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_to_field_name_with_initial_data", + "ArticleCategoriesForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImprovedArticleForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_modelform_onetoonefield", + "ImprovedArticleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ImprovedArticleWithParentLinkForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_modelform_onetoonefield", + "ImprovedArticleWithParentLinkForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BetterWriterForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_modelform_subclassed_model", + "BetterWriterForm" + ] + ] + ], + "WriterProfileForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_onetoonefield", + "WriterProfileForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DocumentForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_full_clear", + "DocumentForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_clear_and_file_contradiction", + "DocumentForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_render_empty_file_field", + "DocumentForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CFFForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_custom_file_field_save", + "CFFForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PhotoForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_file_field_multiple_save", + "PhotoForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FPForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_file_path_field_blank", + "FPForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FileAndImageFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HomepageForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_url_on_modelform", + "HomepageForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_http_prefixing", + "HomepageForm" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArticleForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_modelform_non_editable_field", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "InvalidArticleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelOtherFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ColorModelChoiceField": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_prefetch_related_queryset", + "ColorModelChoiceField" + ] + ] + ], + "ColourfulItemForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_iterable_model_m2m", + "ColourfulItemForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PublicationDefaultsForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_callable_field_default", + "PublicationDefaultsForm" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherModelFormTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormCustomErrorTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormCustomErrorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TripleFormWithCleanOverride": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests", + "test_override_clean", + "TripleFormWithCleanOverride" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomCleanTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Form2": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal", + "Form2" + ] + ] + ], + "SubForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal_name_clashes", + "SubForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormInheritanceTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "StumpJokeForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "StumpJokeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomFieldWithQuerysetButNoLimitChoicesTo": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomFieldWithQuerysetButNoLimitChoicesTo" + ] + ] + ], + "StumpJokeWithCustomFieldForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "StumpJokeWithCustomFieldForm" + ] + ] + ], + "LimitChoicesToTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritedForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_inherit_after_custom_callback", + "InheritedForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FormFieldCallbackTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PartiallyLocalizedTripleForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_applies_localize_to_some_fields", + "PartiallyLocalizedTripleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FullyLocalizedTripleForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_applies_localize_to_all_fields", + "FullyLocalizedTripleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "BrokenLocalizedTripleForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_refuses_arbitrary_string", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "BrokenLocalizedTripleForm" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalizedModelFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomMetaclass": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomMetaclass" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomMetaclassForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomMetaclassForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomMetaclassTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomMetaclassTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "StrictAssignmentTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "StrictAssignmentTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelToDictTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelToDictTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BetterAuthor": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "BetterAuthor" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWithCustomPK": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "BookWithCustomPK" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWithOptionalAltEditor": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "BookWithOptionalAltEditor" + ] + ] + ], + "AlternateBook": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "AlternateBook" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorMeeting": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "AuthorMeeting" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPrimaryKey": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "CustomPrimaryKey" + ] + ] + ], + "Owner": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Owner" + ] + ] + ], + "OwnerProfile": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "OwnerProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "MexicanRestaurant": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "MexicanRestaurant" + ] + ] + ], + "ClassyMexicanRestaurant": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "ClassyMexicanRestaurant" + ] + ] + ], + "Repository": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Repository" + ] + ] + ], + "Revision": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Revision" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDPKParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "UUIDPKParent" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDPKChild": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "UUIDPKChild" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildWithEditablePK": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "ChildWithEditablePK" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoPKChildOfUUIDPKParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "AutoPKChildOfUUIDPKParent" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoPKParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "AutoPKParent" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDPKChildOfAutoPKParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "UUIDPKChildOfAutoPKParent" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentWithUUIDAlternateKey": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "ParentWithUUIDAlternateKey" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildRelatedViaAK": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "ChildRelatedViaAK" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineFormsetTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/test_uuid.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PoetForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_save_method", + "PoetForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PostForm1": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_form", + "PostForm1" + ] + ] + ], + "PostForm2": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_form", + "PostForm2" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseAuthorFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_queryset_init", + "BaseAuthorFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "PoemForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_save_method", + "PoemForm" + ] + ] + ], + "PoemForm2": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_save_method_related_instance", + "PoemForm2" + ] + ] + ], + "MembershipForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_callable_defaults", + "MembershipForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormsetTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "UserSite": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "UserSite" + ] + ] + ], + "UserPreferences": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "UserPreferences" + ] + ] + ], + "ProfileNetwork": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "ProfileNetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "Network": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "Network" + ] + ] + ], + "Host": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "Host" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsetTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormsetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UserSiteForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "UserSiteForm" + ] + ] + ], + "Callback": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "Callback" + ] + ] + ], + "FormfieldCallbackTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldCallbackTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseCustomDeleteFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCustomDeleteFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseCustomDeleteModelFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests", + "BaseCustomDeleteModelFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDeleteUserForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests", + "CustomDeleteUserForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RedeleteTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RedeleteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QuotedDbTable": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_name_auto_generation_with_quoted_db_table", + "QuotedDbTable" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleIndexesTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CommonInfo": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "CommonInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "Attachment": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "Chef": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Chef" + ] + ] + ], + "Rating": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Rating" + ] + ] + ], + "ItalianRestaurant": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "ItalianRestaurant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "ItalianRestaurant" + ] + ] + ], + "Supplier": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "Supplier" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Supplier" + ] + ] + ], + "NamedURL": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "NamedURL" + ] + ] + ], + "MixinModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "MixinModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SubBase": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "SubBase" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractBase": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_single_parent", + "AbstractBase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_cannot_override_indirect_abstract_field", + "AbstractBase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_field_with_attr", + "AbstractBase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadowed_fkey_id", + "AbstractBase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadow_related_name_when_set_to_none", + "AbstractBase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_reverse_foreign_key", + "AbstractBase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multi_inheritance_field_clashes", + "AbstractBase" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractDescendant": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_single_parent", + "AbstractDescendant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multi_inheritance_field_clashes", + "AbstractDescendant" + ] + ] + ], + "DerivedChild": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_single_parent", + "DerivedChild" + ] + ] + ], + "DerivedGrandChild": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_single_parent", + "DerivedGrandChild" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentA": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_inherited_field", + "ParentA" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentB": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_inherited_field", + "ParentB" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_concrete_inherited_field", + "ConcreteParent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_one2one_relation_auto_field_clashes", + "ConcreteParent" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_concrete_inherited_field", + "AbstractParent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_one2one_relation_auto_field_clashes", + "AbstractParent" + ] + ] + ], + "FirstChild": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_concrete_inherited_field", + "FirstChild" + ] + ] + ], + "AnotherChild": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_concrete_inherited_field", + "AnotherChild" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedModelAbstract": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_virtual_field", + "RelatedModelAbstract" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelAbstract": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_virtual_field", + "ModelAbstract" + ] + ] + ], + "OverrideRelatedModelAbstract": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_virtual_field", + "OverrideRelatedModelAbstract" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtendModelAbstract": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_virtual_field", + "ExtendModelAbstract" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteDescendant": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_cannot_override_indirect_abstract_field", + "ConcreteDescendant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multi_inheritance_field_clashes", + "ConcreteDescendant" + ] + ] + ], + "Descendant": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_cannot_override_indirect_abstract_field", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Descendant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_field_with_attr", + "Descendant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadowed_fkey_id", + "Descendant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_reverse_foreign_key", + "Descendant" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_one2one_relation_auto_field_clashes", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Descendant" + ] + ] + ], + "RemovedAbstractModelField": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_overriding_field_removed_by_concrete_model", + "RemovedAbstractModelField" + ] + ] + ], + "OverrideRemovedFieldByConcreteModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_overriding_field_removed_by_concrete_model", + "OverrideRemovedFieldByConcreteModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteBase": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multi_inheritance_field_clashes", + "ConcreteBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Mixin2": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro", + "Mixin2" + ] + ] + ], + "DescendantMixin": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro", + "DescendantMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteModel2": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro", + "ConcreteModel2" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractInheritanceTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ClassAttr": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_set_name", + "ClassAttr" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelInheritanceTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelInheritanceDataTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Referenced": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name", + "Referenced" + ] + ] + ], + "Referent": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name", + "Referent" + ] + ] + ], + "Referent_3": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name", + "Referent_3" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritanceUniqueTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceUniqueTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ParkingLot3": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "ParkingLot3" + ] + ] + ], + "ParkingLot4": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "ParkingLot4" + ] + ] + ], + "ParkingLot4A": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "ParkingLot4A" + ] + ] + ], + "ParkingLot4B": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "ParkingLot4B" + ] + ] + ], + "Wholesaler": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Wholesaler" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfRefParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "SelfRefParent" + ] + ] + ], + "SelfRefChild": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "SelfRefChild" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleWithAuthor": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "ArticleWithAuthor" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MBase": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MBase" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MChild": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "M2MChild" + ] + ] + ], + "Evaluation": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Evaluation" + ] + ] + ], + "QualityControl": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "QualityControl" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseM": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "BaseM" + ] + ] + ], + "DerivedM": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "DerivedM" + ] + ] + ], + "AuditBase": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "AuditBase" + ] + ] + ], + "CertificationAudit": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "CertificationAudit" + ] + ] + ], + "InternalCertificationAudit": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "InternalCertificationAudit" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractEvent": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "AbstractEvent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "AbstractEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "BirthdayParty": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "BirthdayParty" + ] + ] + ], + "BachelorParty": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "BachelorParty" + ] + ] + ], + "MessyBachelorParty": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "MessyBachelorParty" + ] + ] + ], + "TrainStation": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "TrainStation" + ] + ] + ], + "Politician": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Politician" + ] + ] + ], + "Congressman": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Congressman" + ] + ] + ], + "Senator": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/models.py", + [ + "Senator" + ] + ] + ], + "ProfileForm": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inherited_unique_field_with_form", + "ProfileForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelInheritanceTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceOnlyDescriptor": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "InstanceOnlyDescriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePerson": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "BasePerson" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyPerson": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "ProxyPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonThroughProxySubclass": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "PersonThroughProxySubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "Relating": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "Relating" + ] + ] + ], + "CommonAncestor": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "CommonAncestor" + ] + ] + ], + "FirstParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "FirstParent" + ] + ] + ], + "SecondParent": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "SecondParent" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionsBaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "OptionsBaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LabelTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "LabelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DataTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "DataTests" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "M2MTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedObjectsTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PrivateFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "PrivateFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetFieldByNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldByNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RelationTreeTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelationTreeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentListTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "ParentListTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PropertyNamesTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "PropertyNamesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReturningFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "ReturningFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BookStore": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "BookStore" + ] + ] + ], + "EditorStore": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/models/default_related_name.py", + [ + "EditorStore" + ] + ] + ], + "ScientistRef": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/models/tablespaces.py", + [ + "ScientistRef" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticleRef": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/models/tablespaces.py", + [ + "ArticleRef" + ] + ] + ], + "Scientist": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/models/tablespaces.py", + [ + "Scientist" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultRelatedNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TablespacesTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Advertisement": [ + [ + "tests/model_package/tests.py", + [ + "Advertisement" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelPackageTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_package/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPackageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Movie": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Movie" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/models.py", + [ + "Movie" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Movie" + ] + ] + ], + "Party": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Party" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAutoPK": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "NonAutoPK" + ] + ] + ], + "Model3": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Model3" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingDjangoVersion": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_missing_django_version_unpickling", + "MissingDjangoVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "DifferentDjangoVersion": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_unsupported_unpickle", + "DifferentDjangoVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "PickledModel": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_with_getstate", + "PickledModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelPickleTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HorseBase": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_metaclass_can_access_attribute_dict", + "HorseBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Horse": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_metaclass_can_access_attribute_dict", + "Horse" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelTests": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelValidationTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelValidationTest" + ] + ] + ], + "EvaluateMethodTest": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "EvaluateMethodTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "ValidationTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationTestInlineModel": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "ValidationTestInlineModel" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminBase": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_inheritance", + "AdminBase" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminA": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_inheritance", + "AdminA" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminB": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_inheritance", + "AdminB" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminActionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "CheckTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_non_iterable_item", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_item_not_a_pair", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_second_element_of_item_not_a_dict", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_missing_fields_key", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_specified_both_fields_and_fieldsets", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_duplicate_fields", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_duplicate_fields_in_fieldsets", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsCheckTests", + "test_duplicate_fields_in_fields", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsCheckTests", + "test_inline", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_not_dictionary", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_invalid_value", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_not_list_or_tuple", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_not_dictionary", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_missing_field_again", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_one_to_one_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_invalid_field_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_field_accessible_via_instance", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_missing_in_list_display", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_None_is_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_list_display_links_check_skipped_if_get_list_display_overridden", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_list_display_link_checked_for_list_tuple_if_get_list_display_overridden", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_list_filter_validation", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_list_filter_class", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_callable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_callable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter_again", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter_again_again", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_list_filter_is_func", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_associated_with_field_name", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListPerPageCheckTests", + "test_not_integer", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListPerPageCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListMaxShowAllCheckTests", + "test_not_integer", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListMaxShowAllCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SearchFieldsCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_related_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_related_invalid_field_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_random_marker_not_alone", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_valid_random_marker_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_valid_complex_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_invalid_expression", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_valid_expression", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListSelectRelatedCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListSelectRelatedCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveAsCheckTests", + "test_not_boolean", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveAsCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveOnTopCheckTests", + "test_not_boolean", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveOnTopCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_not_correct_inline_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_not_model_admin", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_missing_model_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_model_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_model", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_callable", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FkNameCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FkNameCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ExtraCheckTests", + "test_not_integer", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ExtraCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MaxNumCheckTests", + "test_not_integer", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MaxNumCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MinNumCheckTests", + "test_not_integer", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MinNumCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_deleted_objects_with_custom_has_delete_permission", + "TestModelAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "RawIdCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelAdmin_1": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_missing_fields_key", + "TestModelAdmin_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable", + "TestModelAdmin_1" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldsetsCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationTestInline": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsCheckTests", + "test_inline", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_not_model_admin", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_missing_model_field", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_model_type", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_model", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FkNameCheckTests", + "test_missing_field", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FkNameCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ExtraCheckTests", + "test_not_integer", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ExtraCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MaxNumCheckTests", + "test_not_integer", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MaxNumCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MinNumCheckTests", + "test_not_integer", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MinNumCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "ValidationTestInline" + ] + ] + ], + "FieldsCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeForm": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type", + "FakeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelAdminWithNoForm": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type", + "TestModelAdminWithNoForm" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminBandForm": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "AdminBandForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "AdminBandForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_formfield_override_readonly", + "AdminBandForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "AdminBandForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_validation", + "AdminBandForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_form_exclude_kwarg_override", + "AdminBandForm" + ] + ] + ], + "FormCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterVerticalCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RadioFieldsCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PositionField": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_field_accessible_via_instance", + "PositionField" + ] + ] + ], + "ListDisplayTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RandomClass": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter", + "RandomClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter_again", + "RandomClass" + ] + ] + ], + "AwesomeFilter": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter_again_again", + "AwesomeFilter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_valid_case", + "AwesomeFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "ListFilterTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ListPerPageCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListPerPageCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ListMaxShowAllCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListMaxShowAllCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchFieldsCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SearchFieldsCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateHierarchyCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderingCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ListSelectRelatedCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListSelectRelatedCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SaveAsCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveAsCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SaveOnTopCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveOnTopCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SomethingBad": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_model_type", + "SomethingBad" + ] + ] + ], + "InlinesCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FkNameCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FkNameCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ExtraCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNumCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MaxNumCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MinNumCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MinNumCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type", + "FakeFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationTestInlineWithoutFormsetClass": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_inline_without_formset_class", + "ValidationTestInlineWithoutFormsetClass" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelAdminWithoutFormsetClass": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_inline_without_formset_class", + "TestModelAdminWithoutFormsetClass" + ] + ] + ], + "RealModelFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "RealModelFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FormsetCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ProductAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_links_is_none", + "ProductAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_first_item_same_as_list_editable_first_item", + "ProductAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_first_item_in_list_editable", + "ProductAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_first_item_same_as_list_editable_no_list_display_links", + "ProductAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_first_item_in_list_editable_no_list_display_links", + "ProductAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_both_list_editable_and_list_display_links", + "ProductAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ListDisplayEditableTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Admin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e036", + "Admin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e037", + "Admin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e38", + "Admin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e039", + "Admin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_is_onetoone", + "Admin" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSearchFieldsAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e040", + "NoSearchFieldsAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AutocompleteAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e040", + "AutocompleteAdmin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_is_valid", + "AutocompleteAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchFieldsAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_is_valid", + "SearchFieldsAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "AutocompleteFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ActionsCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ActionsCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InlineBandAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_fieldsets", + "InlineBandAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "EmployeeProfile": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_lookup_allowed_onetoone", + "EmployeeProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "EmployeeInfo": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_lookup_allowed_onetoone", + "EmployeeInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "EmployeeProfileAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_lookup_allowed_onetoone", + "EmployeeProfileAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "BandAdmin_1": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_field_arguments_restricted_on_form", + "BandAdmin_1" + ] + ] + ], + "BandAdmin_2": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_field_arguments_restricted_on_form", + "BandAdmin_2" + ] + ] + ], + "BandAdmin_3": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_field_arguments_restricted_on_form", + "BandAdmin_3" + ] + ] + ], + "BandAdmin_4": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_field_arguments_restricted_on_form", + "BandAdmin_4" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "BandAdmin_4" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "BandAdmin_4" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminConcertForm": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "AdminConcertForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "AdminConcertForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_exclude_kwarg_override", + "AdminConcertForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_fields", + "AdminConcertForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_exclude", + "AdminConcertForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_queryset_override", + "AdminConcertForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field", + "AdminConcertForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcertInline": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_exclude_kwarg_override", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_fields", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_exclude", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_raw_id_fields_widget_override", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_regression_for_ticket_15820", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "test_inline_has_add_permission_uses_obj", + "ConcertInline" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcertAdminWithForm": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_queryset_override", + "ConcertAdminWithForm" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomConcertForm": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_regression_for_ticket_15820", + "CustomConcertForm" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcertAdmin_2": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field", + "ConcertAdmin_2" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminConcertForm_3": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field", + "AdminConcertForm_3" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcertAdmin_4": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field", + "ConcertAdmin_4" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherSongAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_autocomplete_fields", + "OtherSongAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelAdminTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MockViewUser": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "MockViewUser" + ] + ] + ], + "MockAddUser": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "MockAddUser" + ] + ] + ], + "MockChangeUser": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "MockChangeUser" + ] + ] + ], + "MockDeleteUser": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "MockDeleteUser" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelAdminPermissionTests": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Review": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Review" + ] + ] + ], + "BookManager": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "BookManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Pet": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Pet" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Pet" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "AuthRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "WriteRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "WriteRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ConnectionRouterTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionRouterTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "RouterTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "AuthTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "AntiPetRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "AntiPetRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "PickleQuerySetTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "PickleQuerySetTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseReceiver": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseReceiver" + ] + ] + ], + "WriteToOtherRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "WriteToOtherRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "SignalTests": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeErrorRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "AttributeErrorRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "RouterAttributeErrorTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterAttributeErrorTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelMetaRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMetaRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "RouterModelArgumentTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterModelArgumentTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SyncOnlyDefaultDatabaseRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "SyncOnlyDefaultDatabaseRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "MigrateTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "MigrateTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "RouterUsed": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterUsed" + ] + ] + ], + "WriteCheckRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "WriteCheckRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteForWriteTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "NoRelationRouter": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "NoRelationRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "RelationAssignmentTests": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RelationAssignmentTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MutuallyReferentialTests": [ + [ + "tests/mutually_referential/tests.py", + [ + "MutuallyReferentialTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Screening": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/models.py", + [ + "Screening" + ] + ] + ], + "ScreeningNullFK": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/models.py", + [ + "ScreeningNullFK" + ] + ] + ], + "Package": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/models.py", + [ + "Package" + ] + ] + ], + "PackageNullFK": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/models.py", + [ + "PackageNullFK" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedForeignKeysTests": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "NestedForeignKeysTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DeeplyNestedForeignKeysTests": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "DeeplyNestedForeignKeysTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoModelTests": [ + [ + "tests/no_models/tests.py", + [ + "NoModelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SystemDetails": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "SystemDetails" + ] + ] + ], + "SystemInfo": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "SystemInfo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/models.py", + [ + "SystemInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "Forum": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "Forum" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/models.py", + [ + "Forum" + ] + ] + ], + "PropertyValue": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "PropertyValue" + ] + ] + ], + "Property": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "Property" + ] + ] + ], + "NullFkTests": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk/tests.py", + [ + "NullFkTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NullFkOrderingTests": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "NullFkOrderingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OuterA": [ + [ + "tests/null_queries/models.py", + [ + "OuterA" + ] + ] + ], + "OuterB": [ + [ + "tests/null_queries/models.py", + [ + "OuterB" + ] + ] + ], + "NullQueriesTests": [ + [ + "tests/null_queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullQueriesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UndergroundBar": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "UndergroundBar" + ] + ] + ], + "Waiter": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Waiter" + ] + ] + ], + "Favorites": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Favorites" + ] + ] + ], + "ManualPrimaryKey": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "ManualPrimaryKey" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiModel": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "MultiModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Pointer": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Pointer" + ] + ] + ], + "Pointer2": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Pointer2" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenPointer": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "HiddenPointer" + ] + ] + ], + "ToFieldPointer": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "ToFieldPointer" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectorManager": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "DirectorManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Director": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Director" + ] + ] + ], + "OneToOneTests": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OrLookupsTests": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Entity": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Entity" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_for_update/models.py", + [ + "Entity" + ] + ] + ], + "Dimension": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "Component": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Component" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderWithRespectToBaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "OrderWithRespectToBaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderWithRespectToTests": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "OrderWithRespectToTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestOrderWithRespectToOneToOnePK": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "TestOrderWithRespectToOneToOnePK" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedByAuthorArticle": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "OrderedByAuthorArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedByFArticle": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "OrderedByFArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildArticle": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/models.py", + [ + "ChildArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderingTests": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidAdjacentNumsPage": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/custom.py", + [ + "ValidAdjacentNumsPage" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidAdjacentNumsPaginator": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/custom.py", + [ + "ValidAdjacentNumsPaginator" + ] + ] + ], + "CountContainer": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "test_paginate_misc_classes", + "CountContainer" + ] + ] + ], + "LenContainer": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "test_paginate_misc_classes", + "LenContainer" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeErrorContainer": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "test_count_does_not_silence_attribute_error", + "AttributeErrorContainer" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeErrorContainer": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "test_count_does_not_silence_type_error", + "TypeErrorContainer" + ] + ] + ], + "PaginationTests": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectList": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests", + "test_paginating_unordered_object_list_raises_warning", + "ObjectList" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelPaginationTests": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgreSQLSimpleTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/__init__.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLSimpleTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgreSQLTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/__init__.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgreSQLWidgetTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/__init__.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLWidgetTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyArrayField": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/fields.py", + [ + "try_", + "except_ImportError_", + "DummyArrayField" + ] + ] + ], + "EnumField": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/fields.py", + [ + "EnumField" + ] + ] + ], + "TagField": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "TagField" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgreSQLModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLModel" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerArrayModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "IntegerArrayModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NullableIntegerArrayModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "NullableIntegerArrayModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CharArrayModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "CharArrayModel" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeArrayModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "DateTimeArrayModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedIntegerArrayModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "NestedIntegerArrayModel" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherTypesArrayModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "OtherTypesArrayModel" + ] + ] + ], + "HStoreModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "HStoreModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayEnumModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "ArrayEnumModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CharFieldModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "CharFieldModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TextFieldModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "TextFieldModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Scene": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "Scene" + ] + ] + ], + "CITestModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "CITestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "LineSavedSearch": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "LineSavedSearch" + ] + ] + ], + "RangesModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "RangesModel" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeLookupsModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "RangeLookupsModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayFieldSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "ArrayFieldSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "AggregateTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "AggregateTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "StatTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "StatTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NowTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "NowTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "UUIDTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Room": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "Room" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Room" + ] + ] + ], + "HotelReservation": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "HotelReservation" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGeneralAggregate": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAggregateDistinct": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestAggregateDistinct" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeFunc": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_alias_is_required", + "SomeFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStatisticsAggregate": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgresConfigTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_apps.py", + [ + "PostgresConfigTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "BasicTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "BasicTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEnum": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_enum_lookup", + "TestEnum" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDateTimeExactQuerying": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestDateTimeExactQuerying" + ] + ] + ], + "TestOtherTypesExactQuerying": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestOtherTypesExactQuerying" + ] + ] + ], + "TestChecks": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestChecks" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestChecks" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMigrations": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestMigrations" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSimpleFormField": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitForm": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_valid", + "SplitForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_required", + "SplitForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_remove_trailing_nulls", + "SplitForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_remove_trailing_nulls_not_required", + "SplitForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_required_field", + "SplitForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_rendering", + "SplitForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_using_split_datetime_widget", + "SplitForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSplitFormField": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSplitFormWidget": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "BulkSaveTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkSaveTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CITextTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_citext.py", + [ + "CITextTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TsTzRange": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_range_overlaps_custom", + "TsTzRange" + ] + ] + ], + "ExclusionConstraintTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTransactionNow": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_functions.py", + [ + "TestTransactionNow" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRandomUUID": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_functions.py", + [ + "TestRandomUUID" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "SimpleTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/str/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HStoreFormTest": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_field_has_changed", + "HStoreFormTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestValidator": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexTestMixin": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "IndexTestMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "BloomIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BrinIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BrinIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BTreeIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BTreeIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GinIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "GinIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GistIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "GistIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HashIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "HashIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SpGistIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SpGistIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgresIntegrationTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_integration.py", + [ + "PostgresIntegrationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InspectDBTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_introspection.py", + [ + "InspectDBTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PostgreSQLJSONModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_json_deprecation.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_model_field_deprecation_message", + "PostgreSQLJSONModel" + ] + ] + ], + "AddIndexConcurrentlyTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrentlyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveIndexConcurrentlyTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "RemoveIndexConcurrentlyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoExtensionRouter": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "NoExtensionRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateExtensionTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtensionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRangeContainsLookup": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestRangeContainsLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestQueryingWithRanges": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges" + ] + ] + ], + "TestValidators": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestValidators" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidators" + ] + ] + ], + "SplitDateTimeRangeField": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_using_split_datetime_widget", + "SplitDateTimeRangeField" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeRangeForm": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_form_as_table", + "DateTimeRangeForm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_form_initial_data", + "DateTimeRangeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeForm": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_rendering", + "RangeForm" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWidget": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "GrailTestData": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "GrailTestData" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleSearchTest": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SimpleSearchTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchVectorFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchConfigTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchConfigTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleFieldsTest": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCombinations": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRankingAndWeights": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchVectorIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchQueryTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchQueryTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SearchHeadlineTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OIDTests": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "OIDTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TrigramTest": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_trigram.py", + [ + "TrigramTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TrigramTextFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_trigram.py", + [ + "TrigramTextFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UnaccentTest": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_unaccent.py", + [ + "UnaccentTest" + ] + ] + ], + "UnaccentTextFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_unaccent.py", + [ + "UnaccentTextFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorWithAge": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithAge" + ] + ] + ], + "FavoriteAuthors": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "FavoriteAuthors" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorAddress": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "AuthorAddress" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWithYear": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "BookWithYear" + ] + ] + ], + "Bio": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Bio" + ] + ] + ], + "Reader": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Reader" + ] + ] + ], + "BookReview": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "BookReview" + ] + ] + ], + "Qualification": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Qualification" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelIterableSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "ModelIterableSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "TeacherQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "TeacherQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "TeacherManager": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "TeacherManager" + ] + ] + ], + "LessonEntry": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "LessonEntry" + ] + ] + ], + "WordEntry": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "WordEntry" + ] + ] + ], + "Flea": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Flea" + ] + ] + ], + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDPrefetchRelated": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelated" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDPrefetchRelatedLookups": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelatedLookups" + ] + ] + ], + "PrefetchRelatedTests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RawQuerySetTests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "RawQuerySetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPrefetchTests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultManagerTests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultManagerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiTableInheritanceTest": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKeyToFieldTest": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyToFieldTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LookupOrderingTest": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "LookupOrderingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "NullableTest": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "NullableTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiDbTests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiDbTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket19607Tests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19607Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket21410Tests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket21410Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket21760Tests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket21760Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectPrefetchedObjectCacheReuseTests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DirectPrefetchedObjectCacheReuseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadPrefetchedObjectsCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "ReadPrefetchedObjectsCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStartProjectSettings": [ + [ + "tests/project_template/test_settings.py", + [ + "TestStartProjectSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "PropertyTests": [ + [ + "tests/properties/tests.py", + [ + "PropertyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NiceModel": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/app2/models.py", + [ + "NiceModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteModelSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "ConcreteModelSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcreteModelSubclassProxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "ConcreteModelSubclassProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyModelInheritanceTests": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelInheritanceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiTableInheritanceProxyTest": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceProxyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SubManager": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "SubManager" + ] + ] + ], + "MyPerson": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "MyPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagerMixin": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ManagerMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherPerson": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "OtherPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "StatusPerson": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "StatusPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "MyPersonProxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "MyPersonProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "LowerStatusPerson": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "LowerStatusPerson" + ] + ] + ], + "AnotherUserProxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "AnotherUserProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "UserProxyProxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "UserProxyProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiUserProxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "MultiUserProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "StateProxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "StateProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseUser": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "BaseUser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "BaseUser" + ] + ] + ], + "TrackerUser": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "TrackerUser" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyTrackerUser": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ProxyTrackerUser" + ] + ] + ], + "Bug": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Bug" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyBug": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ProxyBug" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyProxyBug": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ProxyProxyBug" + ] + ] + ], + "Improvement": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Improvement" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyImprovement": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "ProxyImprovement" + ] + ] + ], + "NoAbstract": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_abstract_base_with_model_fields", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "NoAbstract" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyBases": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_too_many_concrete_classes", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "TooManyBases" + ] + ] + ], + "NoBaseClasses": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_no_base_classes", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "NoBaseClasses" + ] + ] + ], + "NoNewFields": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_new_fields", + "NoNewFields" + ] + ] + ], + "AlternateModel": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_swappable", + "AlternateModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyModelTests": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyModelAdminTests": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelAdminTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DumbCategory": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "DumbCategory" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyCategory": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ProxyCategory" + ] + ] + ], + "NamedCategory": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "NamedCategory" + ] + ] + ], + "Annotation": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimePK": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "DateTimePK" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraInfo": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ExtraInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "ReportComment": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ReportComment" + ] + ] + ], + "Ranking": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ranking" + ] + ] + ], + "Cover": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Cover" + ] + ] + ], + "Valid": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Valid" + ] + ] + ], + "X": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "X" + ] + ] + ], + "Y": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Y" + ] + ] + ], + "LoopX": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LoopX" + ] + ] + ], + "LoopY": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LoopY" + ] + ] + ], + "LoopZ": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LoopZ" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedModel": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ManagedModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Detail": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Detail" + ] + ] + ], + "MemberManager": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "MemberManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPk": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CustomPk" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPkTag": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CustomPkTag" + ] + ] + ], + "TvChef": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "TvChef" + ] + ] + ], + "LeafA": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LeafA" + ] + ] + ], + "LeafB": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LeafB" + ] + ] + ], + "ReservedName": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ReservedName" + ] + ] + ], + "SharedConnection": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SharedConnection" + ] + ] + ], + "PointerA": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "PointerA" + ] + ] + ], + "PointerB": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "PointerB" + ] + ] + ], + "SingleObject": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SingleObject" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedObject": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "RelatedObject" + ] + ] + ], + "Plaything": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Plaything" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectA": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ObjectA" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyObjectA": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ProxyObjectA" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildObjectA": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ChildObjectA" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectB": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ObjectB" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyObjectB": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ProxyObjectB" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectC": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ObjectC" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleCategory": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SimpleCategory" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecialCategory": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SpecialCategory" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoryItem": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CategoryItem" + ] + ] + ], + "MixedCaseFieldCategoryItem": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "MixedCaseFieldCategoryItem" + ] + ] + ], + "MixedCaseDbColumnCategoryItem": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "MixedCaseDbColumnCategoryItem" + ] + ] + ], + "OneToOneCategory": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "OneToOneCategory" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoryRelationship": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CategoryRelationship" + ] + ] + ], + "CommonMixedCaseForeignKeys": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CommonMixedCaseForeignKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "NullableName": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "NullableName" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelD": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ModelD" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelC": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ModelC" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelB": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ModelB" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelA": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ModelA" + ] + ] + ], + "Job": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Job" + ] + ] + ], + "JobResponsibilities": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "JobResponsibilities" + ] + ] + ], + "Responsibility": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Responsibility" + ] + ] + ], + "FK1": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "FK1" + ] + ] + ], + "FK2": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "FK2" + ] + ] + ], + "FK3": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "FK3" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseA": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "BaseA" + ] + ] + ], + "Program": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Program" + ] + ] + ], + "Paragraph": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Paragraph" + ] + ] + ], + "MyObject": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "MyObject" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderItem": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "OrderItem" + ] + ] + ], + "Task": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Task" + ] + ] + ], + "StaffUser": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "StaffUser" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket21203Parent": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ticket21203Parent" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket21203Child": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ticket21203Child" + ] + ] + ], + "Employment": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Employment" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket23605AParent": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ticket23605AParent" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket23605A": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ticket23605A" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket23605B": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ticket23605B" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket23605C": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ticket23605C" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedIndividual": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "RelatedIndividual" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDbColumn": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CustomDbColumn" + ] + ] + ], + "CreatedField": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CreatedField" + ] + ] + ], + "ReturningModel": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ReturningModel" + ] + ] + ], + "NonIntegerPKReturningModel": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "NonIntegerPKReturningModel" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONFieldNullable": [ + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldNullable" + ] + ] + ], + "BulkUpdateNoteTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BulkUpdateTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReturningValuesTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_db_returning.py", + [ + "ReturningValuesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidQueryTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplainTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplainUnsupportedTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainUnsupportedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QuerySetIteratorTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_iterator.py", + [ + "QuerySetIteratorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QuerySetSetOperationTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestQuery": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "Queries1Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Queries2Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries2Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Queries3Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries3Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Queries4Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Queries5Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries5Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectRelatedTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SubclassFKTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubclassFKTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPkTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPkTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NullableRelOrderingTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullableRelOrderingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DisjunctiveFilterTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctiveFilterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Queries6Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "RawQueriesTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueriesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GeneratorExpressionTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "GeneratorExpressionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ComparisonTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ComparisonTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExistsSql": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExistsSql" + ] + ] + ], + "QuerysetOrderedTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerysetOrderedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SubqueryTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QuerySetBitwiseOperationTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetBitwiseOperationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CloneTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "CloneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyQuerySetTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyQuerySetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuesQuerysetTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms" + ] + ] + ], + "WeirdQuerysetSlicingTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WeirdQuerysetSlicingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "EscapingTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ToFieldTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IsNullTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "IsNullTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionalTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UnionTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultValuesInsertTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultValuesInsertTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludeTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExcludeTest17600": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600" + ] + ] + ], + "Exclude15786": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Exclude15786" + ] + ] + ], + "NullInExcludeTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullInExcludeTest" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyStringsAsNullTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyStringsAsNullTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyQueryCleanupTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyQueryCleanupTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MockCompiler": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest", + "MockCompiler" + ] + ] + ], + "WhereNodeTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest" + ] + ] + ], + "QuerySetExceptionTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetExceptionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseJoinTrimmingTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseJoinTrimmingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "JoinReuseTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DisjunctionPromotionTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyExcludeTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyExcludeTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RelabelCloneTest": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RelabelCloneTest" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket20101Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket20101Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyStringPromotionTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyStringPromotionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuesSubqueryTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesSubqueryTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DoubleInSubqueryTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DoubleInSubqueryTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket18785Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket18785Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket20788Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket20788Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket12807Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket12807Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedLookupTypeTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupTypeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket14056Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket14056Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket20955Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket20955Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket21203Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket21203Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValuesJoinPromotionTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesJoinPromotionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ForeignKeyToBaseExcludeTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyToBaseExcludeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseM2MCustomPkTests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseM2MCustomPkTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket22429Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket22429Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket23605Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket23605Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTicket24279": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "TestTicket24279" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInvalidValuesRelation": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "TestInvalidValuesRelation" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTicket24605": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "TestTicket24605" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket23622Tests": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket23622Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "Numbers": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "Numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "PreviousDjangoVersionQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "PreviousDjangoVersionQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingDjangoVersionQuerySet": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "MissingDjangoVersionQuerySet" + ] + ] + ], + "Happening": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "Happening" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeModel": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "Container", + "SomeModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Container": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "Container" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MModel": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "M2MModel" + ] + ] + ], + "MyEvent": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "MyEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "Edition": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "Edition" + ] + ] + ], + "PickleabilityTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "InLookupTests": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "InLookupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BookFkAsPk": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/models.py", + [ + "BookFkAsPk" + ] + ] + ], + "Coffee": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/models.py", + [ + "Coffee" + ] + ] + ], + "MixedCaseIDColumn": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/models.py", + [ + "MixedCaseIDColumn" + ] + ] + ], + "Reviewer": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/models.py", + [ + "Reviewer" + ] + ] + ], + "FriendlyAuthor": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/models.py", + [ + "FriendlyAuthor" + ] + ] + ], + "RawQueryTests": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RedirectTests": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OverriddenRedirectFallbackMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverriddenRedirectFallbackMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "OverriddenRedirectMiddlewareTests": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverriddenRedirectMiddlewareTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaTypeTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "MediaTypeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AcceptHeaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "AcceptHeaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeFormPostTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeFormPostTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeMultipartPostTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeMultipartPostTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeGetTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeGetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsGet": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsGet" + ] + ] + ], + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsMultipartPost": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsMultipartPost" + ] + ] + ], + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsFormPost": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsFormPost" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeprecatedIsAjax": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_is_ajax_deprecations.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedIsAjax" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplodingBytesIO": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_POST_connection_error", + "ExplodingBytesIO" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_FILES_connection_error", + "ExplodingBytesIO" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestsTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HostValidationTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HostValidationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BuildAbsoluteURITests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "BuildAbsoluteURITests" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestHeadersTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestHeadersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpHeadersTests": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HttpHeadersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReservedNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/reserved_names/tests.py", + [ + "ReservedNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UnimportantThing": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/models.py", + [ + "UnimportantThing" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolveUrlTests": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SetCookieTests": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteCookieTests": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "DeleteCookieTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileResponseTests": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_fileresponse.py", + [ + "FileResponseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpResponseBaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseLookupTests": [ + [ + "tests/reverse_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLookupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ActionSelenium": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "ActionSelenium" + ] + ] + ], + "SaveDeleteHookTests": [ + [ + "tests/save_delete_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "SaveDeleteHookTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomManyToManyField": [ + [ + "tests/schema/fields.py", + [ + "CustomManyToManyField" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritedManyToManyField": [ + [ + "tests/schema/fields.py", + [ + "InheritedManyToManyField" + ] + ] + ], + "MediumBlobField": [ + [ + "tests/schema/fields.py", + [ + "MediumBlobField" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorCharFieldWithIndex": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorCharFieldWithIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorTextFieldWithIndex": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorTextFieldWithIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorWithDefaultHeight": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithDefaultHeight" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorWithEvenLongerName": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithEvenLongerName" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorWithIndexedName": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithIndexedName" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorWithUniqueName": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithUniqueName" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithIndexedNameAndBirthday" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "AuthorWithUniqueNameAndBirthday" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWeak": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWeak" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_no_db_constraint_added_during_primary_key_change", + "BookWeak" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWithLongName": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWithLongName" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWithO2O": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWithO2O" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWithSlug": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWithSlug" + ] + ] + ], + "BookWithoutAuthor": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookWithoutAuthor" + ] + ] + ], + "BookForeignObj": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "BookForeignObj" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerPK": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "IntegerPK" + ] + ] + ], + "NoteRename": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "NoteRename" + ] + ] + ], + "TagIndexed": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "TagIndexed" + ] + ] + ], + "TagM2MTest": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "TagM2MTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TagUniqueRename": [ + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "TagUniqueRename" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaLoggerTests": [ + [ + "tests/schema/test_logging.py", + [ + "SchemaLoggerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorRef": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_fk_to_proxy", + "AuthorRef" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalAuthorWithM2M": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_db_constraint", + "LocalAuthorWithM2M" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m", + "LocalAuthorWithM2M" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTransformField": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_field_default_transform", + "TestTransformField" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrayModel": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_array_field_decrease_base_field_length", + "ArrayModel" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_array_field_decrease_nested_base_field_length", + "ArrayModel" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalBook": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_to_fk", + "LocalBook" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallIntegerPK": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_smallint_pk_to_smallautofield_pk", + "SmallIntegerPK" + ] + ] + ], + "Transitional": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_int_pk_to_int_unique", + "Transitional" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerUnique": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_int_pk_to_int_unique", + "IntegerUnique" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalBookWithM2M": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_create", + "LocalBookWithM2M" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_repoint", + "LocalBookWithM2M" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalTagThrough": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_create_through", + "LocalTagThrough" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalBookWithM2MThrough": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_create_through", + "LocalBookWithM2MThrough" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalAuthorTag": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_through_alter", + "LocalAuthorTag" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_through_alter", + "LocalAuthorWithM2MThrough" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalTagM2MTest": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model", + "LocalTagM2MTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalM2M": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model", + "LocalM2M" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeError": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_context_manager_exit", + "SomeError" + ] + ] + ], + "EUCountry": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/models.py", + [ + "EUCountry" + ] + ] + ], + "EUCity": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/models.py", + [ + "EUCity" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonProfile": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/models.py", + [ + "PersonProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectForUpdateTests": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Domain": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Domain" + ] + ] + ], + "Kingdom": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Kingdom" + ] + ] + ], + "Phylum": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Phylum" + ] + ] + ], + "Klass": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Klass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/views.py", + [ + "Klass" + ] + ] + ], + "Genus": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Genus" + ] + ] + ], + "Species": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "Species" + ] + ] + ], + "HybridSpecies": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/models.py", + [ + "HybridSpecies" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectRelatedValidationTests": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedValidationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UserStatResult": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "UserStatResult" + ] + ] + ], + "UserStat": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "UserStat" + ] + ] + ], + "StatDetails": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "StatDetails" + ] + ] + ], + "AdvancedUserStat": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "AdvancedUserStat" + ] + ] + ], + "LinkedList": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/models.py", + [ + "LinkedList" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseSelectRelatedValidationTests": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedValidationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Building": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Building" + ] + ] + ], + "Device": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Device" + ] + ] + ], + "Port": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Port" + ] + ] + ], + "Connection": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Connection" + ] + ] + ], + "TUser": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "TUser" + ] + ] + ], + "Organizer": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Organizer" + ] + ] + ], + "Class": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property", + "Class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_auto_name", + "Class" + ] + ] + ], + "Enrollment": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Enrollment" + ] + ] + ], + "ClientStatus": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "ClientStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "SpecialClient": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "SpecialClient" + ] + ] + ], + "Fowl": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Fowl" + ] + ] + ], + "Hen": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Hen" + ] + ] + ], + "Chick": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Chick" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectRelatedRegressTests": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoryMetaDataManager": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "CategoryMetaDataManager" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoryMetaData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "CategoryMetaData" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorProfile": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "AuthorProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "Score": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Score" + ] + ] + ], + "TeamField": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "TeamField" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "BaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyBaseModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "ProxyBaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyProxyBaseModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "ProxyProxyBaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ComplexModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "ComplexModel" + ] + ] + ], + "BinaryData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "BinaryData" + ] + ] + ], + "BooleanData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "BooleanData" + ] + ] + ], + "CharData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "CharData" + ] + ] + ], + "DateData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "DateData" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimeData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "DateTimeData" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "DecimalData" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "EmailData" + ] + ] + ], + "FileData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FileData" + ] + ] + ], + "FilePathData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FilePathData" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FloatData" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "IntegerData" + ] + ] + ], + "BigIntegerData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "BigIntegerData" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericIPAddressData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressData" + ] + ] + ], + "NullBooleanData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "NullBooleanData" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveBigIntegerData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "PositiveBigIntegerData" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveIntegerData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerData" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveSmallIntegerData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "PositiveSmallIntegerData" + ] + ] + ], + "SlugData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "SlugData" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "SmallData" + ] + ] + ], + "TextData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "TextData" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "TimeData" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "GenericData" + ] + ] + ], + "Anchor": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "Anchor" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueAnchor": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "UniqueAnchor" + ] + ] + ], + "FKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FKData" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "M2MData" + ] + ] + ], + "O2OData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "O2OData" + ] + ] + ], + "FKSelfData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FKSelfData" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MSelfData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "M2MSelfData" + ] + ] + ], + "FKDataToField": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FKDataToField" + ] + ] + ], + "FKDataToO2O": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FKDataToO2O" + ] + ] + ], + "M2MIntermediateData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "M2MIntermediateData" + ] + ] + ], + "BooleanPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "BooleanPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "CharPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "CharPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "DatePKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "DatePKData" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTimePKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "DateTimePKData" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "DecimalPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "EmailPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "FilePathPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FilePathPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FloatPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegerPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "IntegerPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericIPAddressPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveIntegerPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "PositiveSmallIntegerPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "PositiveSmallIntegerPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "SlugPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "SlugPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "SmallPKData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "SmallPKData" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "UUIDData" + ] + ] + ], + "UUIDDefaultData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "UUIDDefaultData" + ] + ] + ], + "FKToUUID": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "FKToUUID" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoNowDateTimeData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "AutoNowDateTimeData" + ] + ] + ], + "ModifyingSaveData": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "ModifyingSaveData" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractBaseModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritAbstractModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "InheritAbstractModel" + ] + ] + ], + "InheritBaseModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "InheritBaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitInheritBaseModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "ExplicitInheritBaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "LengthModel": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "LengthModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentManager": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/multi_table.py", + [ + "ParentManager" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalKeyAnchorManager": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyAnchorManager" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalKeyAnchor": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyAnchor" + ] + ] + ], + "FKDataNaturalKey": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "FKDataNaturalKey" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalPKWithDefault": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalPKWithDefault" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializerDataTests": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "SerializerDataTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeserializedObjectTests": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_deserializedobject.py", + [ + "TestDeserializedObjectTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ScoreDecimal": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_custom_encoder", + "ScoreDecimal" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomJSONEncoder": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_custom_encoder", + "CustomJSONEncoder" + ] + ] + ], + "JsonSerializerTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "JsonSerializerTransactionTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTransactionTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoJSONEncoderTests": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "DjangoJSONEncoderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NaturalKeySerializerTests": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "NaturalKeySerializerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "XmlSerializerTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_xml.py", + [ + "XmlSerializerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "XmlSerializerTransactionTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_xml.py", + [ + "XmlSerializerTransactionTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "YamlImportModuleMock": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "YamlImportModuleMock" + ] + ] + ], + "NoYamlSerializerTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "NoYamlSerializerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "YamlSerializerTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "YamlSerializerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "YamlSerializerTransactionTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "YamlSerializerTransactionTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializerRegistrationTests": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializersTestBase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializerAPITests": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerAPITests" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializersTransactionTestBase": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTransactionTestBase" + ] + ] + ], + "UnclosableBytesIO": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase", + "test_strips_underscore_headers", + "UnclosableBytesIO" + ] + ] + ], + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerThreadTest": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_liveserverthread.py", + [ + "LiveServerThreadTest" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerBase": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerBase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "LiveServerBase" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerAddress": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerAddress" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerSingleThread": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerSingleThread" + ] + ] + ], + "SingleThreadLiveServerTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "SingleThreadLiveServerTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerViews": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews" + ] + ] + ], + "SingleTreadLiveServerViews": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "SingleTreadLiveServerViews" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerDatabase": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerDatabase" + ] + ] + ], + "LiveServerPort": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerPort" + ] + ] + ], + "LiverServerThreadedTests": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiverServerThreadedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomSession": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/models.py", + [ + "CustomSession" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionTestsMixin": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseSessionTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseSessionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseSessionWithTimeZoneTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseSessionWithTimeZoneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomDatabaseSessionTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CustomDatabaseSessionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheDBSessionTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheDBSessionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheDBSessionWithTimeZoneTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheDBSessionWithTimeZoneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSessionTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSessionPathLibTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionPathLibTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheSessionTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheSessionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionMiddlewareTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CookieSessionTests": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CookieSessionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "FullyDecoratedTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ClassDecoratedTestCaseSuper": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratedTestCaseSuper" + ] + ] + ], + "ClassDecoratedTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratedTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ParentDecoratedTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ParentDecoratedTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ChildDecoratedTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ChildDecoratedTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTestCaseSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_class_decorator", + "SimpleTestCaseSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "UnittestTestCaseSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_class_decorator", + "UnittestTestCaseSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "SettingsTests": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestComplexSettingOverride": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestComplexSettingOverride" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyRequest": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest", + "test_xheader_preferred_to_underlying_request", + "ProxyRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest" + ] + ] + ], + "IsOverriddenTest": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "IsOverriddenTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListSettings": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestListSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "SettingChangeEnterException": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingChangeEnterException" + ] + ] + ], + "SettingChangeExitException": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingChangeExitException" + ] + ] + ], + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaURLStaticURLPrefixTest": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MediaURLStaticURLPrefixTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ShellCommandTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/shell/tests.py", + [ + "ShellCommandTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "RenderTests": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/tests.py", + [ + "RenderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SignalDeprecationTests": [ + [ + "tests/signals/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "SignalDeprecationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseSignalSetup": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "BaseSignalSetup" + ] + ] + ], + "PostDeleteHandler": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_delete_signals", + "PostDeleteHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "Handler": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_disconnect_in_dispatch", + "Handler" + ] + ] + ], + "Created": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "test_not_loaded_model", + "try_", + "Created" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "test_disconnect", + "Created" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyModelRefTests": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SignedCookieTest": [ + [ + "tests/signed_cookies_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SignedCookieTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSigner": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTimestampSigner": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestTimestampSigner" + ] + ] + ], + "SitemapTestsBase": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/base.py", + [ + "SitemapTestsBase" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/models.py", + [ + "I18nTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericViewsSitemapTests": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_generic.py", + [ + "GenericViewsSitemapTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HTTPSitemapTests": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HTTPSSitemapTests": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_https.py", + [ + "HTTPSSitemapTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HTTPSDetectionSitemapTests": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_https.py", + [ + "HTTPSDetectionSitemapTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PingGoogleTests": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleSitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "SimpleSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "SimplePagedSitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "SimplePagedSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleI18nSitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "SimpleI18nSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptySitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "EmptySitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "FixedLastmodSitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "FixedLastmodSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "FixedLastmodMixedSitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "FixedLastmodMixedSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "FixedNewerLastmodSitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "FixedNewerLastmodSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "DateSiteMap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "DateSiteMap" + ] + ] + ], + "TimezoneSiteMap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "TimezoneSiteMap" + ] + ] + ], + "HTTPSSitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/https.py", + [ + "HTTPSSitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "SyndicatedArticle": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/models.py", + [ + "SyndicatedArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "ExclusiveArticle": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/models.py", + [ + "ExclusiveArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "SitesFrameworkTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArticle": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteManagerChecksTests", + "test_invalid_name", + "InvalidArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfusedArticle": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteManagerChecksTests", + "test_invalid_field_type", + "ConfusedArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "CurrentSiteManagerChecksTests": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteManagerChecksTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SitesFrameworkTests": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestSiteTests": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestSiteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "JustOtherRouter": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "JustOtherRouter" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateDefaultSiteTests": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MiddlewareTest": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTest" + ] + ] + ], + "IgnorePatternsAppConfig": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/apps/staticfiles_config.py", + [ + "IgnorePatternsAppConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseStaticFilesMixin": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "BaseStaticFilesMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticFilesTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "StaticFilesTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "CollectionTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "CollectionTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDefaults": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "TestDefaults" + ] + ] + ], + "PathNotImplementedStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "PathNotImplementedStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "NeverCopyRemoteStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "NeverCopyRemoteStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryStringStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "QueryStringStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "SimpleStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtraPatternsStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "ExtraPatternsStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "NoneHashStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "NoneHashStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "Finder1": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders", + "get_finders", + "Finder1" + ] + ] + ], + "Finder2": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders", + "get_finders", + "Finder2" + ] + ] + ], + "Finder3": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders", + "get_finders", + "Finder3" + ] + ] + ], + "Finder4": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders", + "get_finders", + "Finder4" + ] + ] + ], + "FindersCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFinders": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestFinders" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFileSystemFinder": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestFileSystemFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAppDirectoriesFinder": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestAppDirectoriesFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDefaultStorageFinder": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestDefaultStorageFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMiscFinder": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestMiscFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticTestStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "StaticTestStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticFilesFormsMediaTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "StaticFilesFormsMediaTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestASGIStaticFilesHandler": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_handlers.py", + [ + "TestASGIStaticFilesHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticLiveServerChecks": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerChecks" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticLiveServerView": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerView" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNoFilesCreated": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestNoFilesCreated" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRunserver": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestRunserver" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFindStatic": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestFindStatic" + ] + ] + ], + "TestConfiguration": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionHelpSubcommand": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionHelpSubcommand" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollection": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionPathLib": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionPathLib" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionVerbosity": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionVerbosity" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionClear": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionClear" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInteractiveMessages": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestInteractiveMessages" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionExcludeNoDefaultIgnore": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionExcludeNoDefaultIgnore" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionCustomIgnorePatterns": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionCustomIgnorePatterns" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionDryRun": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionDryRun" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionDryRunManifestStaticFilesStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionDryRunManifestStaticFilesStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionFilesOverride": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionFilesOverride" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionOverwriteWarning": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionOverwriteWarning" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionNonLocalStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionNonLocalStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionNeverCopyStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionNeverCopyStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionLinks": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionLinks" + ] + ] + ], + "TestHashedFiles": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles" + ] + ] + ], + "TestExtraPatternsStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestExtraPatternsStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionManifestStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionNoneHashStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionNoneHashStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionSimpleStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionSimpleStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomStaticFilesStorage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "CustomStaticFilesStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStaticFilePermissions": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestStaticFilePermissions" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCollectionHashedFilesCache": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionHashedFilesCache" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTemplateTag": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "TestTemplateTag" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckSettingsTests": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "CheckSettingsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestServeStatic": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestServeStatic" + ] + ] + ], + "TestServeDisabled": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestServeDisabled" + ] + ] + ], + "TestServeStaticWithDefaultURL": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestServeStaticWithDefaultURL" + ] + ] + ], + "TestServeStaticWithURLHelper": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestServeStaticWithURLHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "InternationalArticle": [ + [ + "tests/str/models.py", + [ + "InternationalArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "Default": [ + [ + "tests/str/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_defaults", + "Default" + ] + ] + ], + "StringLookupTests": [ + [ + "tests/string_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "StringLookupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AlternateArticle": [ + [ + "tests/swappable_models/models.py", + [ + "AlternateArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "SwappableModelTests": [ + [ + "tests/swappable_models/tests.py", + [ + "SwappableModelTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRss2Feed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2Feed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRss2FeedWithGuidIsPermaLinkTrue": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2FeedWithGuidIsPermaLinkTrue" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRss2FeedWithGuidIsPermaLinkFalse": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2FeedWithGuidIsPermaLinkFalse" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRss091Feed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss091Feed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNoPubdateFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestNoPubdateFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAtomFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestAtomFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLatestFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestLatestFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "ArticlesFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "ArticlesFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSingleEnclosureRSSFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestSingleEnclosureRSSFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMultipleEnclosureRSSFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestMultipleEnclosureRSSFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TemplateFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateContextFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TemplateContextFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLanguageFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestLanguageFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "NaiveDatesFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "NaiveDatesFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TZAwareDatesFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TZAwareDatesFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFeedUrlFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestFeedUrlFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "MyCustomAtom1Feed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "MyCustomAtom1Feed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCustomFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestCustomFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSingleEnclosureAtomFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestSingleEnclosureAtomFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMultipleEnclosureAtomFeed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestMultipleEnclosureAtomFeed" + ] + ] + ], + "FeedTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FeedTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SyndicationFeedTest": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateStringsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateUtilsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TemplateUtilsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateLoaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AddTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "AddTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AddslashesTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_addslashes.py", + [ + "AddslashesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoescapeStringfilterTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeStringfilterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CapfirstTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_capfirst.py", + [ + "CapfirstTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CenterTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_center.py", + [ + "CenterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ChainingTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CutTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "CutTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultIfNoneTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "DefaultIfNoneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "EscapeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escape.py", + [ + "EscapeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "EscapejsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "EscapejsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FirstTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_first.py", + [ + "FirstTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatformatTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FloatformatTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatWrapper": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_float_dunder_method", + "FloatWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "ForceEscapeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IriencodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_iriencode.py", + [ + "IriencodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "JoinTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "JsonScriptTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_json_script.py", + [ + "JsonScriptTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LastTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_last.py", + [ + "LastTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LengthIsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LinebreaksTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "LinebreaksTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LinebreaksbrTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "LinebreaksbrTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LinenumbersTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "LinenumbersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LjustTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_ljust.py", + [ + "LjustTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MakeListTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_make_list.py", + [ + "MakeListTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Phone2numericTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_phone2numeric.py", + [ + "Phone2numericTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PluralizeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "PluralizeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RandomTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_random.py", + [ + "RandomTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RjustTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_rjust.py", + [ + "RjustTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_safe.py", + [ + "SafeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeseqTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_safeseq.py", + [ + "SafeseqTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SliceTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "SliceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SlugifyTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slugify.py", + [ + "SlugifyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "StringformatTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_stringformat.py", + [ + "StringformatTests" + ] + ] + ], + "StriptagsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_striptags.py", + [ + "StriptagsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TimesinceTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TimeuntilTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timeuntil.py", + [ + "TimeuntilTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TitleTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_title.py", + [ + "TitleTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncatecharsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_truncatechars.py", + [ + "TruncatecharsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TruncatewordsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_truncatewords.py", + [ + "TruncatewordsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UnorderedListTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "UnorderedListTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ULItem": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_ulitem", + "ULItem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_ulitem_autoescape_off", + "ULItem" + ] + ] + ], + "UrlencodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlencode.py", + [ + "UrlencodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UrlizeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "UrlizeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UrlizetruncTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlizetrunc.py", + [ + "UrlizetruncTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WordcountTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_wordcount.py", + [ + "WordcountTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WordwrapTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_wordwrap.py", + [ + "WordwrapTests" + ] + ] + ], + "YesNoTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_yesno.py", + [ + "YesNoTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TimezoneTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/timezone_utils.py", + [ + "TimezoneTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/base.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nBlockTransTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationBlockTranslateTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "TranslationBlockTranslateTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationBlockTransnTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "TranslationBlockTransnTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTranslateTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTranslateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTransTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTransTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MiscBlockTranslationTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MiscBlockTranslationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nFiltersTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_filters.py", + [ + "I18nFiltersTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetAvailableLanguagesTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_available_languages.py", + [ + "GetAvailableLanguagesTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nGetCurrentLanguageTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_current_language.py", + [ + "I18nGetCurrentLanguageTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nGetCurrentLanguageBidiTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_current_language_bidi.py", + [ + "I18nGetCurrentLanguageBidiTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nGetLanguageInfoTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info.py", + [ + "I18nGetLanguageInfoTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "GetLanguageInfoListTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info_list.py", + [ + "GetLanguageInfoListTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nLanguageTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_language.py", + [ + "I18nLanguageTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nTransTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationTransTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "TranslationTransTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TranslationTranslateTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "TranslationTranslateTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocaleActivationTranslateTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTranslateTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalizeNodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "LocalizeNodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nStringLiteralTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "I18nStringLiteralTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoescapeTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicSyntaxTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BuiltinsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_builtins.py", + [ + "BuiltinsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CommentSyntaxTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CycleTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExceptionsTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "ExceptionsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtendsNodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsNodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterSyntaxTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FirstOfTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ForTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ForNodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForNodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IfTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IfNodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfNodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IfChangedTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_changed.py", + [ + "IfChangedTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IfChangedTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_changed.py", + [ + "IfChangedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IfEqualTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfEqualTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IfNotEqualTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfNotEqualTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IncludeTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IncludeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStringTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ListIndexTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_list_index.py", + [ + "ListIndexTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoremTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_lorem.py", + [ + "LoremTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultilineTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_multiline.py", + [ + "MultilineTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NamedEndblockTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_named_endblock.py", + [ + "NamedEndblockTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NowTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NumpyTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_numpy.py", + [ + "NumpyTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RegroupTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ResetCycleTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SetupTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_setup.py", + [ + "SetupTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_simple_tag.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SpacelessTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_spaceless.py", + [ + "SpacelessTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_template_tag.py", + [ + "TemplateTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UrlTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "VerbatimTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_verbatim.py", + [ + "VerbatimTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WidthRatioTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WithTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WithNodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithNodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CounterNode": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "CounterNode" + ] + ] + ], + "BadNode": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/tag_27584.py", + [ + "BadNode" + ] + ] + ], + "EchoNode": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/testtags.py", + [ + "EchoNode" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests" + ] + ] + ], + "VariableDoesNotExistTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "VariableDoesNotExistTests" + ] + ] + ], + "VariableTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "VariableTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CallableVariablesTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ContextTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ContextTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestContextTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "RequestContextTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomFilterTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "CustomFilterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TagTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TagTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "InclusionTagTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateTagLoadingTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TemplateTagLoadingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RenderToStringTest": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "RenderToStringTest" + ] + ] + ], + "GetDefaultTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "GetDefaultTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtendsBehaviorTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IncludeRelativeBehaviorTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "IncludeRelativeBehaviorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtendsMixedBehaviorTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsMixedBehaviorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterRegistrationTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "FilterRegistrationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "InclusionTagRegistrationTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "InclusionTagRegistrationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTagRegistrationTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "SimpleTagRegistrationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TagRegistrationTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "TagRegistrationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CachedLoaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "CachedLoaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemLoaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AppDirectoriesLoaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "AppDirectoriesLoaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocmemLoaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "LocmemLoaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SilentDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests", + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_silent", + "TestObject", + "SilentDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "VariableResolveLoggingTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NodelistTest": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "NodelistTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TextNodeTest": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "TextNodeTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorIndexTest": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "ErrorIndexTest" + ] + ] + ], + "OriginTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_origin.py", + [ + "OriginTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "ParserTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateResponseTest": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomURLConfTest": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "CustomURLConfTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SmartIfTests": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_smartif.py", + [ + "SmartIfTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeException": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeException" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeOtherException": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeOtherException" + ] + ] + ], + "ShouldNotExecuteException": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "ShouldNotExecuteException" + ] + ] + ], + "SomeClass": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherClass": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "OtherClass" + ] + ] + ], + "SilentGetItemClass": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SilentGetItemClass" + ] + ] + ], + "SilentAttrClass": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SilentAttrClass" + ] + ] + ], + "UTF8Class": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "UTF8Class" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsafeClass": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "UnsafeClass" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeClass": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SafeClass" + ] + ] + ], + "TestClientBackend": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/auth_backends.py", + [ + "TestClientBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BackendWithoutGetUserMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/auth_backends.py", + [ + "BackendWithoutGetUserMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionalContentTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/test_conditional_content_removal.py", + [ + "ConditionalContentTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePayloadTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/test_fakepayload.py", + [ + "FakePayloadTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ClientTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest" + ] + ] + ], + "CSRFEnabledClientTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "CSRFEnabledClientTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTestClient": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestClient" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTestClientTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestClientTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestFactoryTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncClientTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncClientTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AsyncRequestFactoryTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncRequestFactoryTest" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseTestFormSet": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "BaseTestFormSet" + ] + ] + ], + "_ViewManager": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "_ViewManager" + ] + ] + ], + "TwoArgException": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "TwoArgException" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomUserBackend": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/auth_backends.py", + [ + "CustomUserBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertContainsTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertTemplateUsedTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertRedirectsTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertFormErrorTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormErrorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertFormsetErrorTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LoginTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "LoginTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionEngineTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionEngineTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLEscapingTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "URLEscapingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateExceptionTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateExceptionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "UrlconfSubstitutionTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "UrlconfSubstitutionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "zzUrlconfSubstitutionTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "zzUrlconfSubstitutionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestMethodTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestMethodStringDataTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryStringTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "QueryStringTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PayloadEncodingTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "PayloadEncodingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyFile": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DummyFile" + ] + ] + ], + "UploadedFileEncodingTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "UploadedFileEncodingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestHeadersTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestHeadersTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ReadLimitedStreamTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ReadLimitedStreamTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestFactoryStateTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryStateTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestFactoryEnvironmentTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryEnvironmentTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTestException": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "CustomTestException" + ] + ] + ], + "TestValidationError": [ + [ + "tests/test_exceptions/test_validation_error.py", + [ + "TestValidationError" + ] + ] + ], + "ThroughBase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/models.py", + [ + "ThroughBase" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomOptionsTestRunner": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/runner.py", + [ + "CustomOptionsTestRunner" + ] + ] + ], + "PassingTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "PassingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FailingTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "FailingTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "ErrorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PassingSubTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "PassingSubTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FailingSubTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "FailingSubTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorSubTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "ErrorSubTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDebugSQL": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL" + ] + ] + ], + "DiscoverRunnerTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ExceptionThatFailsUnpickling": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_parallel.py", + [ + "ExceptionThatFailsUnpickling" + ] + ] + ], + "ParallelTestRunnerTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_parallel.py", + [ + "ParallelTestRunnerTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SampleFailingSubtest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_parallel.py", + [ + "SampleFailingSubtest" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoteTestResultTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_parallel.py", + [ + "RemoteTestResultTest" + ] + ] + ], + "DependencyOrderingTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "DependencyOrderingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MockTestRunner": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "MockTestRunner" + ] + ] + ], + "ManageCommandTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCommandTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsSettingsTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsSettingsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsCmdlineTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsCmdlineTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticket17477RegressionTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket17477RegressionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SQLiteInMemoryTestDbs": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "SQLiteInMemoryTestDbs" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyBackendTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "DummyBackendTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AliasedDefaultTestSetupTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "AliasedDefaultTestSetupTest" + ] + ] + ], + "SetupDatabasesTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDatabasesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoIncrementResetTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "AutoIncrementResetTest" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyDefaultDatabaseTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyDefaultDatabaseTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RunTestsExceptionHandlingTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "RunTestsExceptionHandlingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WriteToStdoutStderrTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/buffer/tests_buffer.py", + [ + "WriteToStdoutStderrTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "NoDatabaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/databases/tests.py", + [ + "NoDatabaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultDatabaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/databases/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultDatabaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherDatabaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/databases/tests.py", + [ + "OtherDatabaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AllDatabasesTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/databases/tests.py", + [ + "AllDatabasesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestVanillaUnittest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests_sample.py", + [ + "TestVanillaUnittest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDjangoTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests_sample.py", + [ + "TestDjangoTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestZimpleTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests_sample.py", + [ + "TestZimpleTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests_sample.py", + [ + "EmptyTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoCase1": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoCase1" + ] + ] + ], + "DjangoCase2": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoCase2" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleCase1": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleCase1" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleCase2": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleCase2" + ] + ] + ], + "UnittestCase1": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "UnittestCase1" + ] + ] + ], + "UnittestCase2": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "UnittestCase2" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests.py", + [ + "TaggedTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "FooBase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests_inheritance.py", + [ + "FooBase" + ] + ] + ], + "PossessedCar": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/models.py", + [ + "PossessedCar" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "ErrorTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "DebugInvocationTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "NonDeepCopyAble": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "NonDeepCopyAble" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDataTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SetupTestDataIsolationTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "SetupTestDataIsolationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSerializedRollbackInhibitsPostMigrate": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_transactiontestcase.py", + [ + "TestSerializedRollbackInhibitsPostMigrate" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactionTestCaseDatabasesTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_transactiontestcase.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCaseDatabasesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DisallowedDatabaseQueriesTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_transactiontestcase.py", + [ + "DisallowedDatabaseQueriesTests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DisallowedDatabaseQueriesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SkipTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_unless_db_feature", + "SkipTestCase" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_if_db_feature", + "SkipTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SkippingTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "NotSkippedTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_skip_class_unless_db_feature", + "NotSkippedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SkippedTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_skip_class_unless_db_feature", + "SkippedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SkippedTestsSubclass": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_skip_class_unless_db_feature", + "SkippedTestsSubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingDatabases": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_missing_default_databases", + "MissingDatabases" + ] + ] + ], + "SkippingClassTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertNumQueriesTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertNumQueriesUponConnectionTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesUponConnectionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertQuerysetEqualTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertQuerysetEqualTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CaptureQueriesContextManagerTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContextManagerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertNumQueriesContextManagerTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesContextManagerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertTemplateUsedContextManagerTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedContextManagerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HTMLEqualTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests" + ] + ] + ], + "JSONEqualTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "JSONEqualTests" + ] + ] + ], + "XMLEqualTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SkippingExtraTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingExtraTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertRaisesMsgTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRaisesMsgTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertWarnsMessageTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertWarnsMessageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyCustomField": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFieldOutputTests", + "test_custom_required_message", + "MyCustomField" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertFieldOutputTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFieldOutputTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertURLEqualTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertURLEqualTests" + ] + ] + ], + "FirstUrls": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "FirstUrls" + ] + ] + ], + "SecondUrls": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SecondUrls" + ] + ] + ], + "SetupTestEnvironmentTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SetupTestEnvironmentTests" + ] + ] + ], + "OverrideSettingsTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MyException": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestBadSetUpTestData", + "MyException" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestRaiseLastException", + "test_raises_exception", + "MyException" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestRaiseLastException", + "test_raises_custom_exception", + "MyException" + ] + ] + ], + "TestBadSetUpTestData": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestBadSetUpTestData" + ] + ] + ], + "AllowedDatabaseQueriesTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AllowedDatabaseQueriesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseAliasTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseAliasTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ClassDecoration": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_class_decoration", + "ClassDecoration" + ] + ] + ], + "MethodDecoration": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_method_decoration", + "MethodDecoration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_nested", + "MethodDecoration" + ] + ] + ], + "ContextManager": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_context_manager", + "with_isolate_apps_test_u", + "ContextManager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_nested", + "with_isolate_apps_test_u", + "ContextManager" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedContextManager": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_nested", + "with_isolate_apps_test_u", + "with_isolate_apps_test_u", + "NestedContextManager" + ] + ] + ], + "IsolatedAppsTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DoNothingDecorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DoNothingDecorator" + ] + ] + ], + "ExceptionInSetUp": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestContextDecoratorTests", + "test_exception_in_setup", + "ExceptionInSetUp" + ] + ] + ], + "TestContextDecoratorTests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestContextDecoratorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestampAdmin": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/admin.py", + [ + "TimestampAdmin" + ] + ] + ], + "EventSplitForm": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/forms.py", + [ + "EventSplitForm" + ] + ] + ], + "EventLocalizedForm": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/forms.py", + [ + "EventLocalizedForm" + ] + ] + ], + "EventModelForm": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/forms.py", + [ + "EventModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "EventLocalizedModelForm": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/forms.py", + [ + "EventLocalizedModelForm" + ] + ] + ], + "MaybeEvent": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/models.py", + [ + "MaybeEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionEvent": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/models.py", + [ + "SessionEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "Timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/models.py", + [ + "Timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "AllDayEvent": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/models.py", + [ + "AllDayEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "LegacyDatabaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NewDatabaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ForcedTimeZoneDatabaseTests": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "ForcedTimeZoneDatabaseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializationTests": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LegacyFormsTests": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyFormsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NewFormsTests": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AdminTests": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ForcedError": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "ForcedError" + ] + ] + ], + "TestConnectionOnCommit": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit" + ] + ] + ], + "AtomicTests": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AtomicInsideTransactionTests": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicInsideTransactionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AtomicWithoutAutocommitTests": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicWithoutAutocommitTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AtomicMergeTests": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMergeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AtomicErrorsTests": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicErrorsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AtomicMySQLTests": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMySQLTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AtomicMiscTests": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMiscTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAutocommitTests": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "NonAutocommitTests" + ] + ] + ], + "A01": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "A01" + ] + ] + ], + "B01": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "B01" + ] + ] + ], + "C01": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "C01" + ] + ] + ], + "A02": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "A02" + ] + ] + ], + "B02": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "B02" + ] + ] + ], + "C02": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "C02" + ] + ] + ], + "Proxy1": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Proxy1" + ] + ] + ], + "Proxy2": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Proxy2" + ] + ] + ], + "Unmanaged1": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Unmanaged1" + ] + ] + ], + "Unmanaged2": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Unmanaged2" + ] + ] + ], + "Managed1": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/models.py", + [ + "Managed1" + ] + ] + ], + "ManyToManyUnmanagedTests": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyUnmanagedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DataPoint": [ + [ + "tests/update/models.py", + [ + "DataPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedPoint": [ + [ + "tests/update/models.py", + [ + "RelatedPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleTest": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdvancedTests": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyEmployee": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/models.py", + [ + "ProxyEmployee" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Base64Converter": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/converters.py", + [ + "Base64Converter" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamicConverter": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/converters.py", + [ + "DynamicConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexPatternTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/test_resolvers.py", + [ + "RegexPatternTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RoutePatternTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/test_resolvers.py", + [ + "RoutePatternTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverCacheTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/test_resolvers.py", + [ + "ResolverCacheTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SimplifiedURLTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ConverterTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConverterTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SameNameTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SameNameTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterRestrictionTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ParameterRestrictionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ConversionExceptionTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ViewContainer": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/method_view_urls.py", + [ + "ViewContainer" + ] + ] + ], + "ChangeURLconfMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ChangeURLconfMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "NullChangeURLconfMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "NullChangeURLconfMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseInnerInResponseMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ReverseInnerInResponseMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseOuterInResponseMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ReverseOuterInResponseMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseInnerInStreaming": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ReverseInnerInStreaming" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseOuterInStreaming": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ReverseOuterInStreaming" + ] + ] + ], + "View3": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/nested_urls.py", + [ + "View3" + ] + ] + ], + "LocaleRegexDescriptorTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/test_localeregexdescriptor.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LocaleRegexDescriptorPathLibTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/test_localeregexdescriptor.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptorPathLibTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoURLPatternsTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NoURLPatternsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLPatternReverse": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseLazyTest": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLazyTest" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseLazySettingsTest": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLazySettingsTest" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeObj": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseShortcutTests", + "test_redirect_to_object", + "FakeObj" + ] + ] + ], + "ReverseShortcutTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseShortcutTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NamespaceTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestURLconfTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorHandlerResolutionTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ErrorHandlerResolutionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultErrorHandlerTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultErrorHandlerTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NoRootUrlConfTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NoRootUrlConfTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverMatchTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverMatchTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ErroneousViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ErroneousViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ViewLoadingTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "LookaheadTests": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "LookaheadTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLObject": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/utils.py", + [ + "URLObject" + ] + ] + ], + "ViewClass": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "ViewClass" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyRedirectView": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "LazyRedirectView" + ] + ] + ], + "CommandTests": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CommandRunTests": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandRunTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CategoryInfo": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/models.py", + [ + "CategoryInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "TestArchive": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_archive.py", + [ + "TestArchive" + ] + ] + ], + "TestIterModulesAndFiles": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCommonRoots": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestCommonRoots" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSysPathDirectories": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestSysPathDirectories" + ] + ] + ], + "GetReloaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "GetReloaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "RunWithReloaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "RunWithReloaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "StartDjangoTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StartDjangoTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCheckErrors": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestCheckErrors" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRaiseLastException": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestRaiseLastException" + ] + ] + ], + "RestartWithReloaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "RestartWithReloaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ReloaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "ReloaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "IntegrationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseReloaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestException": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_update_watches_raises_exceptions", + "TestException" + ] + ] + ], + "WatchmanReloaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "StatReloaderTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloaderTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestBaseConv": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_baseconv.py", + [ + "TestBaseConv" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtilsCryptoMisc": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "TestUtilsCryptoMisc" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtilsCryptoPBKDF2": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "TestUtilsCryptoPBKDF2" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedSetTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "OrderedSetTests" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiValueDictTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ImmutableListTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "ImmutableListTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DictWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "DictWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateFormatTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DateParseTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DateParseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DurationParseTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DatetimeTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datetime_safe.py", + [ + "DatetimeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ClassProcessView": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "ClassProcessView" + ] + ] + ], + "FullMiddleware": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "FullMiddleware" + ] + ] + ], + "DecoratorFromMiddlewareTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "DecoratorFromMiddlewareTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDurationString": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestDurationString" + ] + ] + ], + "TestParseDurationRoundtrip": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseDurationRoundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "TestISODurationString": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestISODurationString" + ] + ] + ], + "TestParseISODurationRoundtrip": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseISODurationRoundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDurationMicroseconds": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestDurationMicroseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "MyString": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_str_exception", + "MyString" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEncodingUtils": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRFC3987IEncodingUtils": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestRFC3987IEncodingUtils" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeprecatedEncodingUtils": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding_deprecations.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedEncodingUtils" + ] + ] + ], + "FeedgeneratorTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Klazz": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class", + "Klazz" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class_override", + "Klazz" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_object_to_string", + "Klazz" + ] + ] + ], + "SubClass": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "assertCachedPropertyWorks", + "with_self_subTest_attr_at", + "SubClass" + ] + ] + ], + "ReusedCachedProperty": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_reuse_different_names", + "with_self_assertRaises_Ru", + "ReusedCachedProperty" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctionalTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Unhashable": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_hashable.py", + [ + "TestHashable", + "test_unhashable", + "Unhashable" + ] + ] + ], + "TestHashable": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_hashable.py", + [ + "TestHashable" + ] + ] + ], + "HtmlClass": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe", + "HtmlClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_defines_html_error", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "HtmlClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_doesnt_define_str", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "HtmlClass" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseClass": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_subclass", + "BaseClass" + ] + ] + ], + "Subclass": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_subclass", + "Subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtilsHtml": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml" + ] + ] + ], + "IterableWithStr": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_custom_iterable_not_doseq", + "IterableWithStr" + ] + ] + ], + "URLEncodeTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Base36IntTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "Base36IntTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IsSafeURLTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "IsSafeURLTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLSafeBase64Tests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLSafeBase64Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLQuoteTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLQuoteTests" + ] + ] + ], + "IsSameDomainTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "IsSameDomainTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ETagProcessingTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "ETagProcessingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpDateProcessingTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HttpDateProcessingTests" + ] + ] + ], + "EscapeLeadingSlashesTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "EscapeLeadingSlashesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestInspectMethods": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtilsIPv6": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_ipv6.py", + [ + "TestUtilsIPv6" + ] + ] + ], + "JsTokensTest": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_jslex.py", + [ + "JsTokensTest" + ] + ] + ], + "JsToCForGettextTest": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_jslex.py", + [ + "JsToCForGettextTest" + ] + ] + ], + "AdHocLazyObject": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "lazy_wrap", + "AdHocLazyObject" + ] + ] + ], + "IterObject": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_iter", + "IterObject" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyObjectTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseBaz": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "BaseBaz" + ] + ] + ], + "BazProxy": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "BazProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleLazyObjectPickleTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectPickleTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "LoremIpsumTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SiteMock": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module/__init__.py", + [ + "SiteMock" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultLoader": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "DefaultLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "EggLoader": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "EggLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "ModuleImportTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "ModuleImportTests" + ] + ] + ], + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFinder": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "TestFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLoader": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "TestLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomLoader": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "CustomLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "EuroDecimal": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat", + "test_decimal_subclass", + "EuroDecimal" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNumberFormat": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeJoinTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_os_utils.py", + [ + "SafeJoinTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ToPathTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_os_utils.py", + [ + "ToPathTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NormalizeTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_regex_helper.py", + [ + "NormalizeTests" + ] + ] + ], + "customescape": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "customescape" + ] + ] + ], + "Obj": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_object_implementing_dunder_str", + "Obj" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeStringContainer": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_decorator_does_not_affect_dunder_html", + "SafeStringContainer" + ] + ] + ], + "SafeStringTest": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtilsSimpleLazyObjectDjangoTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_simplelazyobject.py", + [ + "TestUtilsSimpleLazyObjectDjangoTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TermColorTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUtilsText": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText" + ] + ] + ], + "TimezoneTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TopologicalSortTests": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_topological_sort.py", + [ + "TopologicalSortTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationAssertions": [ + [ + "tests/validation/__init__.py", + [ + "ValidationAssertions" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelToValidate": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "ModelToValidate" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueFieldsModel": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "UniqueFieldsModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomPKModel": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "CustomPKModel" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueForDateModel": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "UniqueForDateModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomMessagesModel": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "CustomMessagesModel" + ] + ] + ], + "UniqueErrorsModel": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "UniqueErrorsModel" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericIPAddressTestModel": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressTestModel" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericIPAddrUnpackUniqueTest": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddrUnpackUniqueTest" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleAutoFields": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "MultipleAutoFields" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomMessagesTests": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_custom_messages.py", + [ + "CustomMessagesTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationMessagesTest": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest" + ] + ] + ], + "PickableValidationErrorTestCase": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_picklable.py", + [ + "PickableValidationErrorTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "GetUniqueCheckTests": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "GetUniqueCheckTests" + ] + ] + ], + "PerformUniqueChecksTest": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "PerformUniqueChecksTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelsWithValidators": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestModelsWithValidators" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModelValidationTests": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelFormsTests": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "TestValidatorEquality": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality" + ] + ] + ], + "VersionTests": [ + [ + "tests/version/tests.py", + [ + "VersionTests" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseArticle": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/models.py", + [ + "BaseArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "UrlArticle": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/models.py", + [ + "UrlArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "DateArticle": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/models.py", + [ + "DateArticle" + ] + ] + ], + "CsrfViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "WithoutEmptyPathUrls": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "WithoutEmptyPathUrls" + ] + ] + ], + "WrappedCallable": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "CallableSettingWrapperTests", + "test_repr", + "WrappedCallable" + ] + ] + ], + "CallableSettingWrapperTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "CallableSettingWrapperTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DebugViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DebugViewQueriesAllowedTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewQueriesAllowedTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NonDjangoTemplatesDebugViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "NonDjangoTemplatesDebugViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "NonUtf8Output": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_non_utf8_values_handling", + "try_", + "NonUtf8Output" + ] + ] + ], + "OomOutput": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_unprintable_values_handling", + "try_", + "OomOutput" + ] + ] + ], + "LargeOutput": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_too_large_values_handling", + "try_", + "LargeOutput" + ] + ] + ], + "BrokenEvaluation": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_ignore_traceback_evaluation_exceptions", + "BrokenEvaluation" + ] + ] + ], + "ExceptionUser": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_exception_fetching_user", + "ExceptionUser" + ] + ] + 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"NonHTMLResponseExceptionReporterFilter": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "NonHTMLResponseExceptionReporterFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "DecoratorsTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultsTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_defaults.py", + [ + "DefaultsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "SetLanguageTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "SetLanguageTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18NViewTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests" + ] + ] + ], + "I18nSeleniumTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18nSeleniumTests" + ] + ] + ], + "URLHandling": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_specials.py", + [ + "URLHandling" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTests" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticHelperTest": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticHelperTest" + ] + ] + ], + "StaticUtilsTests": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticUtilsTests" + ] + ] + ], + "Http404View": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/views.py", + [ + "Http404View" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsafeExceptionReporterFilter": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/views.py", + [ + "UnsafeExceptionReporterFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "WSGITest": [ + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "WSGITest" + ] + ] + ], + "GetInternalWSGIApplicationTest": [ + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "GetInternalWSGIApplicationTest" + ] + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/django__django-13033/blocks_by_function_name.json b/django__django-13033/blocks_by_function_name.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..baae313c48857c3cef06a55a0a5630e8fe4a1c8a --- /dev/null +++ b/django__django-13033/blocks_by_function_name.json @@ -0,0 +1,199731 @@ +{ + "setup": [ + [ + "django/__init__.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/base.py", + [ + "View", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "docs/_ext/djangodocs.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_overridden_setup", + "SetAttributeMixin", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_not_calling_parent_setup_error", + "TestView", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ] + ], + "__repr__": [ + [ + "django/apps/config.py", + [ + "AppConfig", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/conf/__init__.py", + [ + "LazySettings", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/conf/__init__.py", + [ + "Settings", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/conf/__init__.py", + [ + "UserSettingsHolder", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/templatetags/log.py", + [ + "AdminLogNode", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/context_processors.py", + [ + "PermLookupDict", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/source.py", + [ + "GDALRaster", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geoip2/base.py", + [ + "GeoIP2", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/measure.py", + [ + "MeasureBase", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/checks/messages.py", + [ + "CheckMessage", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "UploadedFile", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + 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"tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_too_large_values_handling", + "try_", + "LargeOutput", + "__repr__" + ] + ] + ], + "_path_from_module": [ + [ + "django/apps/config.py", + [ + "AppConfig", + "_path_from_module" + ] + ] + ], + "create": [ + [ + "django/apps/config.py", + [ + "AppConfig", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/filters.py", + [ + "FieldListFilter", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "create_generic_related_manager", + "GenericRelatedObjectManager", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cache.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/file.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + 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+ [ + "MediaDefiningClass", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCaseBase", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "ImmutableList", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/deconstruct.py", + [ + "deconstructible", + "decorator", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsBase", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomMetaclass", + "__new__" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup": [ + [ + "django/conf/__init__.py", + [ + "LazySettings", + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/sites.py", + [ + "DefaultAdminSite", + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ConfiguredStorage", + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "DefaultStorage", + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "LazyObject", + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObject", + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "lazy_wrap", + "AdHocLazyObject", + "_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattr__": [ + [ + "django/conf/__init__.py", + [ + "LazySettings", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/conf/__init__.py", + [ + "UserSettingsHolder", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/base/features.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialFeatures", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/measure.py", + [ + "MeasureBase", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/__init__.py", + [ + "DefaultCacheProxy", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "OutputWrapper", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/__init__.py", + [ + "DefaultConnectionProxy", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "VariableWrapper", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + 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"tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_url_as_property", + "URLFieldFile", + "url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "QueryStringStorage", + "url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "StaticTestStorage", + "url" + ] + ] + ], + "i18n_patterns": [ + [ + "django/conf/urls/i18n.py", + [ + "i18n_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "is_language_prefix_patterns_used": [ + [ + "django/conf/urls/i18n.py", + [ + "is_language_prefix_patterns_used" + ] + ] + ], + "static": [ + [ + "django/conf/urls/static.py", + [ + "static" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/context_processors.py", + [ + "static" + ] + ], + [ + "django/templatetags/static.py", + [ + "static" + ] + ] + ], + "autodiscover": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/__init__.py", + [ + "autodiscover" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_selected": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/actions.py", + [ + "delete_selected" + ] + ] + ], + "_issubclass": [ + [ + 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"tests/admin_scripts/app_raising_messages/models.py", + [ + "ModelRaisingMessages", + "check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/app_raising_warning/models.py", + [ + "ModelRaisingMessages", + "check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "TestFirstLast", + "test_index_error_not_suppressed", + "check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_driver.py", + [ + "DriverTest", + "test_registered", + "check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders", + "get_finders", + "Finder1", + "check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders", + "get_finders", + "Finder2", + "check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders", + "get_finders", + "Finder3", + "check" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_autocomplete_fields": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/checks.py", + [ + "BaseModelAdminChecks", 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"tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilter", + "queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "NotNinetiesListFilter", + "queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DecadeListFilterWithFailingQueryset", + "queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "DepartmentListFilterLookupWithNonStringValue", + "queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "expected_parameters": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/filters.py", + [ + "ListFilter", + "expected_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/filters.py", + [ + "SimpleListFilter", + "expected_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/filters.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldListFilter", + "expected_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/filters.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldListFilter", + "expected_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/filters.py", + [ + "ChoicesFieldListFilter", + "expected_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/filters.py", + [ + 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+ "confirm_login_allowed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_custom_login_allowed_policy", + "PickyAuthenticationForm", + "confirm_login_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "__iter__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "AdminForm", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "Fieldset", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "Fieldline", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "InlineAdminFormSet", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "InlineAdminForm", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "InlineFieldset", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/context_processors.py", + [ + "PermLookupDict", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/context_processors.py", + [ + "PermWrapper", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/layer.py", + [ + "Layer", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "BandList", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "GeometryCollection", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/coordseq.py", + [ + "GEOSCoordSeq", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/linestring.py", + [ + "LineString", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/point.py", + [ + "Point", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/polygon.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/base.py", + [ + "BaseStorage", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/utils.py", + [ + "FileProxyMixin", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "Deserializer", 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"tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_custom_iterable_not_doseq", + "IterableWithStr", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_iter", + "IterObject", + "__iter__" + ] + ] + ], + "errors": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "AdminForm", + "errors" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "Fieldline", + "errors" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "AdminField", + "errors" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/boundfield.py", + [ + "BoundField", + "errors" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "errors" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFormSet", + "errors" + ] + ] + ], + "non_field_errors": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + [ + "AdminForm", + "non_field_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "non_field_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "media": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/helpers.py", + 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"__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/datetimes/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/datetimes/models.py", + [ + "Comment", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "Primary", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "Celebrity", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "Staff", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/models.py", + [ + "StaffTag", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Employee", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Company", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Number", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Time", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "SimulationRun", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/extra_regress/models.py", + [ + "TestObject", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/field_defaults/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Category", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Blog", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Visa", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyThing", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_model_package/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Animal", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Stuff", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Widget", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Store", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "NKChild", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "RefToNKChild", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "BaseNKModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "SlugPage", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Country", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Group", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/person.py", + [ + "Membership", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_clean_non_string", + "StringWrapper", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "ChoiceOptionModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_subclassing_errorlist", + "CustomErrorList", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_errorlist_override", + "DivErrorList", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase", + "test_validation_error", + "VeryBadError", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "FakeFieldFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_html_escaped", + "StrangeFieldFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_html_does_not_mask_exceptions", + "FailingURLFieldFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_url_as_property", + "URLFieldFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_return_false_if_url_does_not_exists", + "NoURLFieldFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/models.py", + [ + "Media", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "TaggedItem", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Comparison", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Animal", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Vegetable", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "Mineral", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Artist", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/models.py", + [ + "City", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/models.py", + [ + "County", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_subclassing", + "ExtendedPolygon", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "UserListA", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/models.py", + [ + "NamedModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/models.py", + [ + "RasterModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/models.py", + [ + "RasterRelatedModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "Location", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "City", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/models.py", + [ + "Parcel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poet", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poem", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Alarm", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "Season", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/models.py", + [ + "Issue", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_intermediary/models.py", + [ + "Reporter", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_multiple/models.py", + [ + "Category", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_multiple/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "SelfRefer", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "TagCollection", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "Entry", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "Line", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "Membership", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/models.py", + [ + "CustomMembership", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Car", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "Driver", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/models.py", + [ + "CarDriver", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/models.py", + [ + "Category", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Parent", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child1", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child2", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child3", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child4", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "Child5", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "RelatedModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/models.py", + [ + "RelationModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "Publication", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/models.py", + [ + "User", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Reporter", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "District", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Category", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Relation", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/models.py", + [ + "UnicodeModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Category", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Writer", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Publication", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "WriterProfile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "TextFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "ImageFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "OptionalImageFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "NoExtensionImageFile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Product", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Price", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Inventory", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "ExplicitPK", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Post", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "DateTimePost", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "BigInt", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Colour", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Character", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_custom_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget", + "CustomModelChoiceValue", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "BookWithCustomPK", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "BookWithOptionalAltEditor", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "AlternateBook", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "AuthorMeeting", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Place", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Owner", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "OwnerProfile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Product", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Price", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Revision", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Player", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poet", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Poem", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Post", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/models.py", + [ + "Host", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/models.py", + [ + "CommonInfo", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/models.py", + [ + "Worker", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "Band", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "Song", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Review", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/null_fk/models.py", + [ + "Post", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Place", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Restaurant", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "Waiter", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/models.py", + [ + "MultiModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/or_lookups/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Answer", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/models.py", + [ + "Post", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/pagination/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Reader", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Teacher", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "User", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "State", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "BaseUser", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "Issue", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "NamedCategory", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Note", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Annotation", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ExtraInfo", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Report", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Ranking", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Cover", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Number", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ManagedModel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Celebrity", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "LeafA", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ReservedName", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SharedConnection", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SingleObject", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Plaything", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Food", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Eaten", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Node", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ObjectA", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ObjectB", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "ObjectC", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SimpleCategory", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "SpecialCategory", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "CategoryItem", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "OneToOneCategory", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Responsibility", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Identifier", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Order", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "OrderItem", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Task", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Staff", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "StaffUser", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/models.py", + [ + "Company", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reserved_names/models.py", + [ + "Thing", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/save_delete_hooks/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/models.py", + [ + "Thing", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Port", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "CategoryMetaData", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Category", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Author", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Article", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "AuthorProfile", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Actor", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Movie", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Team", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Player", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyThing", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/models.py", + [ + "Author", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/str/models.py", + [ + "InternationalArticle", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/models.py", + [ + "Entry", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_ulitem", + "ULItem", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_ulitem_autoescape_off", + "ULItem", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "UTF8Class", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "UnsafeClass", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SafeClass", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/models.py", + [ + "Reporter", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_str_exception", + "MyString", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_bytes", + "Test", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_str", + "Test", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding_deprecations.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_text", + "Test", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_object_to_string", + "Klazz", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe", + "HtmlClass", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_subclass", + "BaseClass", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_subclass", + "Subclass", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_custom_iterable_not_doseq", + "IterableWithStr", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_object_implementing_dunder_str", + "Obj", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "User", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_exception_fetching_user", + "ExceptionUser", + "__str__" + ] + ] + ], + "is_addition": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry", + "is_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "is_change": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry", + "is_change" + ] + ] + ], + "is_deletion": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry", + "is_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "get_change_message": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry", + "get_change_message" + ] + ] + ], + "get_edited_object": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry", + "get_edited_object" + ] + ] + ], + "get_admin_url": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/models.py", + [ + "LogEntry", + "get_admin_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_content_type_for_model": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "get_content_type_for_model" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ul_class": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "get_ul_class" + ] + ] + ], + "formfield_for_dbfield": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "BaseModelAdmin", + "formfield_for_dbfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/admin/options.py", + [ + "GeoModelAdmin", + "formfield_for_dbfield" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_m2m_initial_callable", + "formfield_for_dbfield" + ] + ] + ], + "formfield_for_choice_field": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "BaseModelAdmin", + "formfield_for_choice_field" + ] + ] + ], + "get_field_queryset": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "BaseModelAdmin", + "get_field_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "formfield_for_foreignkey": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "BaseModelAdmin", + "formfield_for_foreignkey" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_custom_queryset_still_wins", + "SongAdmin", + "formfield_for_foreignkey" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/widgetadmin.py", + [ + "CarTireAdmin", + "formfield_for_foreignkey" + ] + ] + ], + "formfield_for_manytomany": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "BaseModelAdmin", + "formfield_for_manytomany" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/admin.py", + [ + "GroupAdmin", + "formfield_for_manytomany" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_custom_queryset_still_wins", + "SongAdmin", + "formfield_for_manytomany" + ] + ] + ], + "get_autocomplete_fields": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "BaseModelAdmin", + "get_autocomplete_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_autocomplete_fields", + "OtherSongAdmin", + "get_autocomplete_fields" + ] + ] 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"FunPeopleManager", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "BoringPeopleManager", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "FastCarManager", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "RestrictedManager", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/models.py", + [ + "SpyManager", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/models.py", + [ + "GeckoManager", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorListGetQuerysetReturnsNone", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "AuthorGetQuerySetFormView", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "ObjectDoesNotExistDetail", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/models.py", + [ + "ArticleManager", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/models.py", + [ + "AttributeErrorManager", + "get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + 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"tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_get_min_num", + "GetMinNumInline", + "get_min_num" + ] + ] + ], + "get_max_num": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "InlineModelAdmin", + "get_max_num" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "BinaryTreeAdmin", + "get_max_num" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_get_max_num", + "GetMaxNumInline", + "get_max_num" + ] + ] + ], + "hand_clean_DELETE": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "InlineModelAdmin", + "get_formset", + "DeleteProtectedModelForm", + "hand_clean_DELETE" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admin/options.py", + [ + "InlineModelAdmin", + "get_formset", + "DeleteProtectedModelForm", + "is_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "is_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFormSet", + "is_valid" + ] + ], + [ + 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+ ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessViewNoneMiddleware", + "process_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessViewTemplateResponseMiddleware", + "process_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ReverseInnerInStreaming", + "process_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ReverseOuterInStreaming", + "process_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "ProcessViewMiddleware", + "process_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "process_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "FullMiddleware", + "process_view" + ] + ] + ], + "get_view_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admindocs/utils.py", + [ + "get_view_name" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_docstring": [ + [ + "django/contrib/admindocs/utils.py", + [ + "parse_docstring" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_rst": [ + [ + 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"django/contrib/auth/__init__.py", + [ + "update_session_auth_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_view": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/admin.py", + [ + "UserAdmin", + "_add_view" + ] + ] + ], + "user_change_password": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/admin.py", + [ + "UserAdmin", + "user_change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "get_user_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackend", + "get_user_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "PermissionsMixin", + "get_user_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "get_user_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SimpleBackend", + "get_user_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "get_group_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ 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"tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUser", + "get_all_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SimpleRowlevelBackend", + "get_all_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "user_can_authenticate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackend", + "user_can_authenticate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "AllowAllUsersModelBackend", + "user_can_authenticate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "AllowAllUsersRemoteUserBackend", + "user_can_authenticate" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_user_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackend", + "_get_user_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_group_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackend", + "_get_group_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackend", + "_get_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "has_module_perms": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackend", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "PermissionsMixin", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "MockSuperUser", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUser", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SimpleRowlevelBackend", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackend", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "MockUser", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "MockUser", + "has_module_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "with_perm": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackend", + "with_perm" + ] 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"get_by_natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/models.py", + [ + "NKManager", + "get_by_natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/models.py", + [ + "PersonManager", + "get_by_natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "CategoryMetaDataManager", + "get_by_natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/multi_table.py", + [ + "ParentManager", + "get_by_natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyAnchorManager", + "get_by_natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyThing", + "Manager", + "get_by_natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalPKWithDefault", + "Manager", + "get_by_natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "save": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/base_user.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUser", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationForm", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/forms.py", + 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"BaseSessionManager", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sites/requests.py", + [ + "RequestSite", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "DeserializedObject", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelForm", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelFormSet", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/models.py", + [ + "NonAutoPKBook", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/extra_regress/models.py", + [ + "RevisionableModel", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_save_new_uses_form_save", + "SaveTestForm", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "Photo", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_save_method", + "PoetForm", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_save_method", + "PoemForm", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_save_method_related_instance", + "PoemForm2", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/save_delete_hooks/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "ModifyingSaveData", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/session.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "save" + ] + ] + ], + "get_username": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/base_user.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUser", + "get_username" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "get_username" + ] + ] + ], + "clean": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/base_user.py", + [ + 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"tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_html_output_with_hidden_input_field_errors", + "TestForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_basic_processing_in_view", + "UserRegistration", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_templates_with_forms", + "UserRegistration", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_dict", + "MyForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_dict_as_json_escape_html", + "MyForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_list_with_non_field_errors_has_correct_class", + "Person", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_accessing_clean", + "UserForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changing_cleaned_data_nothing_returned", + "UserForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changing_cleaned_data_in_clean", + "UserForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFavoriteDrinksFormSet", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_non_form_errors_run_full_clean", + "BaseCustomFormSet", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestEmptyFormSet", + "test_empty_formset_is_valid", + "EmptyFsetWontValidate", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "CustomErrorMessage", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_not_populated_on_non_empty_value_in_cleaned_data", + "PubForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests", + "test_override_clean", + "TripleFormWithCleanOverride", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests", + "test_model_form_clean_applies_to_model", + "CategoryForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/models.py", + [ + "Book", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "TestForm", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "BaseTestFormSet", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "ModelToValidate", + "clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "clean" + ] + ] + ], + "natural_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/base_user.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUser", + "natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "Permission", + "natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py", + [ + "ContentType", + "natural_key" + ] + ], + [ + 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"tests/serializers/models/natural.py", + [ + "NaturalPKWithDefault", + "natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "is_anonymous": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/base_user.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUser", + "is_anonymous" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "is_anonymous" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_is_anonymous_authenticated_methods", + "BadUser", + "is_anonymous" + ] + ] + ], + "is_authenticated": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/base_user.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUser", + "is_authenticated" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "is_authenticated" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_is_anonymous_authenticated_methods", + "BadUser", + "is_authenticated" + ] + ] + ], + "set_password": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/base_user.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUser", + "set_password" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + 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"tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_iteration", + "BaseReverseFormSet", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests", + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_silent", + "TestObject", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SilentGetItemClass", + "__getitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "__bool__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/context_processors.py", + [ + "PermLookupDict", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/measure.py", + [ + "MeasureBase", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "ContentFile", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + 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"AuthenticationForm", + "get_invalid_login_error" + ] + ] + ], + "send_mail": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetForm", + "send_mail" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/__init__.py", + [ + "send_mail" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/log.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandler", + "send_mail" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_custom_email_constructor", + "CustomEmailPasswordResetForm", + "send_mail" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_customize_send_mail_method", + "ManagerEmailHandler", + "send_mail" + ] + ] + ], + "get_users": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetForm", + "get_users" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_new_password2": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/forms.py", + [ + "SetPasswordForm", + "clean_new_password2" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_old_password": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/forms.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeForm", + "clean_old_password" + ] + ] + ], + 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[ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "get_hasher" + ] + ] + ], + "identify_hasher": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "identify_hasher" + ] + ] + ], + "mask_hash": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "mask_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_library": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasher", + "_load_library" + ] + ] + ], + "salt": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasher", + "salt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher", + "salt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher", + "salt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher", + "salt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "CryptPasswordHasher", + "salt" + ] + ] + ], + "verify": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "PBKDF2PasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "Argon2PasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "SHA1PasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "MD5PasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "CryptPasswordHasher", + "verify" + ] + ] + ], + "encode": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "PBKDF2PasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "Argon2PasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "SHA1PasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "MD5PasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "CryptPasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/base_session.py", + [ + "BaseSessionManager", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "QueryDict", + "urlencode", + "if_safe_", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "QueryDict", + "urlencode", + "if_safe_", + "else_", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/baseconv.py", + [ + "BaseConverter", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "CountingMD5PasswordHasher", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_custom_encoder", + "CustomDjangoJSONEncoder", + "encode" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_summary": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "PBKDF2PasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "Argon2PasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "SHA1PasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "MD5PasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "CryptPasswordHasher", + "safe_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "must_update": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasher", + "must_update" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "PBKDF2PasswordHasher", + "must_update" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "Argon2PasswordHasher", + "must_update" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher", + "must_update" + ] + ] + ], + "harden_runtime": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "PBKDF2PasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "Argon2PasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "BCryptSHA256PasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "SHA1PasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "MD5PasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "CryptPasswordHasher", + "harden_runtime" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/hashers.py", + [ + "Argon2PasswordHasher", + "_decode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/cookie.py", + [ + "CookieStorage", + "_decode" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_all_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_all_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_builtin_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_builtin_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "create_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/__init__.py", + [ + "create_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_system_username": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/__init__.py", + [ + "get_system_username" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_username": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/__init__.py", + [ + "get_default_username" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_pass": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/changepassword.py", + [ + "Command", + "_get_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "add_arguments": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/changepassword.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/management/commands/remove_stale_contenttypes.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/management/commands/ogrinspect.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/management/commands/ping_google.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/findstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/runserver.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "DjangoHelpFormatter", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "AppCommand", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "LabelCommand", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/check.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/compilemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/createcachetable.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/dbshell.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/diffsettings.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/dumpdata.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/flush.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemigrations.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/migrate.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/runserver.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sendtestemail.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/shell.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/showmigrations.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sqlflush.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sqlmigrate.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sqlsequencereset.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/squashmigrations.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/test.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/testserver.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/templates.py", + [ + "TemplateCommand", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/management/commands/base_command.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/management/commands/custom_startproject.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bash_completion/management/commands/test_command.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/runner.py", + [ + "CustomOptionsTestRunner", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/common_args.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/dance.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/hal.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/mutually_exclusive_required.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/required_option.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/set_option.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser_dest.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser_required.py", + [ + "Command", + "add_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "handle": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/changepassword.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/management/commands/remove_stale_contenttypes.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/management/commands/ogrinspect.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/management/commands/clearsessions.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/management/commands/ping_google.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "AppCommand", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "LabelCommand", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/check.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/compilemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/createcachetable.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/dbshell.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/diffsettings.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/dumpdata.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/flush.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemigrations.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/migrate.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/runserver.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sendtestemail.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/shell.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/showmigrations.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sqlflush.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sqlmigrate.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/squashmigrations.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/startapp.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/startproject.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/test.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/testserver.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/templates.py", + [ + "TemplateCommand", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/servers/basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandler", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/complex_app/management/commands/duplicate.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/management/commands/base_command.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/management/commands/noargs_command.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/simple_app/management/commands/duplicate.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ColorCommand", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_custom_stdout", + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_custom_stderr", + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bash_completion/management/commands/test_command.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/common_args.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/dance.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/hal.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/mutually_exclusive_required.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/no_system_checks.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/no_translations.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/required_option.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/reverse_url.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/set_option.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/specific_system_checks.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser_dest.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/subparser_required.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/management/commands/transaction.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_true", + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_false", + "Command", + "handle" + ] + ] + ], + "execute": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py", + [ + "Command", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "ManagementUtility", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/runserver.py", + [ + "Command", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sqlmigrate.py", + [ + "Command", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "SQLiteCursorWrapper", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorDebugWrapper", + "execute" + ] + ] + ], + "get_input_data": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py", + [ + "Command", + "get_input_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_input_message": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py", + [ + "Command", + "_get_input_message" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_username": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/management/commands/createsuperuser.py", + [ + "Command", + "_validate_username" + ] + ] + ], + "process_request": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/middleware.py", + [ + "AuthenticationMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/middleware.py", + [ + "RemoteUserMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/messages/middleware.py", + [ + "MessageMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/middleware.py", + [ + "SessionMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sites/middleware.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/middleware/cache.py", + [ + "FetchFromCacheMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/middleware/common.py", + [ + "CommonMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/middleware/locale.py", + [ + "LocaleMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "django/middleware/security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MyMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MyMiddlewareWithExceptionMessage", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ChangeURLconfMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "NullChangeURLconfMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "FullMiddleware", + "process_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_invalid_user": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/middleware.py", + [ + "RemoteUserMiddleware", + "_remove_invalid_user" + ] + ] + ], + "update_proxy_model_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/migrations/0011_update_proxy_permissions.py", + [ + "update_proxy_model_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "revert_proxy_model_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/migrations/0011_update_proxy_permissions.py", + [ + "revert_proxy_model_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_login_url": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixin", + "get_login_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_permission_denied_message": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixin", + "get_permission_denied_message" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_raise_exception_custom_message_function", + "AView", + "get_permission_denied_message" + ] + ] + ], + "get_redirect_field_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixin", + "get_redirect_field_name" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_no_permission": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixin", + "handle_no_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "get_permission_required": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionRequiredMixin", + "get_permission_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestMixin", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_lazy_model_operation", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AlwaysTrueMixin", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AlwaysFalseMixin", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_unless_db_feature", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_if_db_feature", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesTests", + "test_assert_num_queries", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesTests", + "test_assert_num_queries_with_client", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_jslex.py", + [ + "make_function", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_jslex.py", + [ + "make_function_1", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_reporting_frames_for_cyclic_reference", + "try_", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTests", + "test_sensitive_variables_not_called", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "test_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTests", + "test_sensitive_post_parameters_not_called", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "test_func" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_func": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestMixin", + "get_test_func" + ] + ] + ], + "update_last_login": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "update_last_login" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_user": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "UserManager", + "_create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/no_password.py", + [ + "UserManager", + "_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "UserManager", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUserManager", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_custom_email_field.py", + [ + "CustomEmailFieldUserManager", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_integer_username.py", + [ + "IntegerUsernameUserManager", + "create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_superuser": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "UserManager", + "create_superuser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_permissions.py", + [ + "CustomPermissionsUserManager", + "create_superuser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUserManager", + "create_superuser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/no_password.py", + [ + "UserManager", + "create_superuser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_foreign_key.py", + [ + "CustomUserWithFKManager", + "create_superuser" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/with_many_to_many.py", + [ + "CustomUserWithM2MManager", + "create_superuser" + ] + ] + ], + "_user_get_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "_user_get_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "_user_has_perm": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "_user_has_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "_user_has_module_perms": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "_user_has_module_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "has_perms": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "PermissionsMixin", + "has_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "has_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUser", + "has_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "get_full_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AbstractUser", + "get_full_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_docs/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "get_full_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_short_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AbstractUser", + "get_short_name" + ] + ] + ], + "email_user": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AbstractUser", + "email_user" + ] + ] + ], + "__eq__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/base/adapter.py", + [ + "WKTAdapter", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/adapter.py", + [ + "PostGISAdapter", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/envelope.py", + [ + "Envelope", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/feature.py", + [ + "Feature", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geomtype.py", + [ + "OGRGeomType", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixin", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/measure.py", + [ + "MeasureBase", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/base.py", + [ + "Message", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/validators.py", + [ + "KeysValidator", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/__init__.py", + [ + "DefaultCacheProxy", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/checks/messages.py", + [ + "CheckMessage", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "TranslatableFile", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "RegexValidator", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "EmailValidator", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "BaseValidator", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "DecimalValidator", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "FileExtensionValidator", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "ProhibitNullCharactersValidator", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/__init__.py", + [ + "DefaultConnectionProxy", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "Node", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/migration.py", + [ + "Migration", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ModelState", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/utils.py", + [ + "RegexObject", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "CheckConstraint", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraint", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "F", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/indexes.py", + [ + "Index", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "Prefetch", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "FilteredRelation", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "Join", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceIteratorValue", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/utils.py", + [ + "ErrorList", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Origin", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "BaseContext", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/html.py", + [ + "Element", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "Approximate", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMapping", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "lazy", + "__proxy__", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/tree.py", + [ + "Node", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "PermWrapperTests", + "EQLimiterObject", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_missing_hash_not_inherited", + "NoHash", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_specified_parent_hash_inherited", + "ParentHash", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/fields.py", + [ + "MyWrapper", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "Tag", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "Foo", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "BaseBaz", + "__eq__" + ] + ] + ], + "__hash__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/base/adapter.py", + [ + "WKTAdapter", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/adapter.py", + [ + "PostGISAdapter", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "Node", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/migration.py", + [ + "Migration", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "F", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "Prefetch", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/html.py", + [ + "Element", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "lazy", + "__proxy__", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/tree.py", + [ + "Node", + "__hash__" + ] + ] + ], + "__int__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "__int__" + ] + ] + ], + "delete": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cache.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cached_db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/file.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/signed_cookies.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sites/requests.py", + [ + "RequestSite", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "DummyCache", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedCache", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "MemcachedCache", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "delete" + ] + 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"tests/test_client_regress/session.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "delete" + ] + ] + ], + "groups": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "groups" + ] + ] + ], + "user_permissions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUser", + "user_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_password_validators": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "get_default_password_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "get_password_validators": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "get_password_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_password": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "validate_password" + ] + ] + ], + "password_changed": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "password_changed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_changed_with_custom_validator", + "Validator", + "password_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "password_validators_help_texts": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "password_validators_help_texts" + ] + ] + ], + "_password_validators_help_text_html": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "_password_validators_help_text_html" + ] + ] + ], + "validate": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "MinimumLengthValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "CommonPasswordValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "NumericPasswordValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py", + [ + "SpatialReference", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/array.py", + [ + "SimpleArrayField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMixin", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "Field", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "FloatField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "BooleanField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "NullBooleanField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "ChoiceField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "MultipleChoiceField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "MultiValueField", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceField", + "validate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_help_text": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "MinimumLengthValidator", + "get_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidator", + "get_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "CommonPasswordValidator", + "get_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/password_validation.py", + [ + "NumericPasswordValidator", + "get_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_validators_help_text_html_escaping", + "AmpersandValidator", + "get_help_text" + ] + ] + ], + "make_token": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/tokens.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTokenGenerator", + "make_token" + ] + ] + ], + "check_token": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/tokens.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTokenGenerator", + "check_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_token_with_timestamp": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/tokens.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTokenGenerator", + "_make_token_with_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_hash_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/tokens.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTokenGenerator", + "_make_hash_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_num_seconds": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/tokens.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTokenGenerator", + "_num_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "_now": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/tokens.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTokenGenerator", + "_now" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_timeout", + "Mocked", + "_now" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "MockedPasswordResetTokenGenerator", + "_now" + ] + ] + ], + "get_success_url_allowed_hosts": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "SuccessURLAllowedHostsMixin", + "get_success_url_allowed_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "get_success_url": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "LoginView", + "get_success_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "FormMixin", + "get_success_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "ModelFormMixin", + "get_success_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "DeletionMixin", + "get_success_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "SpecializedAuthorCreate", + "get_success_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "SpecializedAuthorUpdate", + "get_success_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_redirect_url": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "LoginView", + "get_redirect_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/base.py", + [ + "RedirectView", + "get_redirect_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_form_class": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "LoginView", + "get_form_class" + 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"LoginView", + "form_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetView", + "form_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetConfirmView", + "form_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeView", + "form_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/messages/views.py", + [ + "SuccessMessageMixin", + "form_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "FormMixin", + "form_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "ModelFormMixin", + "form_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/views.py", + [ + "LateValidationView", + "form_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "post": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "LogoutView", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "RequestFactory", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "Client", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/base.py", + [ + "RedirectView", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "ProcessFormView", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "BaseCreateView", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "BaseUpdateView", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/generic/edit.py", + [ + "DeletionMixin", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/client.py", + [ + "PasswordResetConfirmClient", + "post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "PostOnlyView", + "post" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_page": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "LogoutView", + "get_next_page" + ] + ] + ], + "logout_then_login": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "logout_then_login" + ] + ] + ], + "redirect_to_login": [ + [ + "django/contrib/auth/views.py", + [ + "redirect_to_login" + ] + ] + ], + "check_generic_foreign_keys": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/checks.py", + [ + "check_generic_foreign_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "check_model_name_lengths": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/checks.py", + [ + "check_model_name_lengths" + ] + ] + ], + "contribute_to_class": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "GeometryField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "RasterField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMixin", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ActiveTranslationField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "StartsWithRelation", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_field_accessible_via_instance", + "PositionField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/fields.py", + [ + "CustomManyToManyField", + "contribute_to_class" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filter_kwargs_for_object": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "get_filter_kwargs_for_object" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_filter_kwargs_for_object" + ] + ] + ], + "get_forward_related_filter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "get_forward_related_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "get_forward_related_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_field_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "_check_field_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sites/managers.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteManager", + "_check_field_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_check_field_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_object_id_field": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "_check_object_id_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_content_type_field": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "_check_content_type_field" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cache_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "get_cache_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/mixins.py", + [ + "FieldCacheMixin", + "get_cache_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "get_cache_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "get_cache_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_content_type": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "get_content_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "get_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "gfk_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "get_prefetch_queryset", + "gfk_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_prefetch_queryset": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "get_prefetch_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "create_generic_related_manager", + "GenericRelatedObjectManager", + "get_prefetch_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardManyToOneDescriptor", + "get_prefetch_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseOneToOneDescriptor", + "get_prefetch_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_reverse_many_to_one_manager", + "RelatedManager", + "get_prefetch_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager", + "get_prefetch_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "__get__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/proxy.py", + [ + "SpatialProxy", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "_UninitializedOperatorsDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "ModelStateFieldsCacheDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardManyToOneDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseOneToOneDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseManyToOneDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "ManagerDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "DeferredAttribute", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestData", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "CheckCondition", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/decorators.py", + [ + "classonlymethod", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "cached_property", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "classproperty", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors", + "bound_wrapper", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors", + "descriptor_wrapper", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/fields.py", + [ + "CustomDeferredAttribute", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "InstanceOnlyDescriptor", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_field_accessible_via_instance", + "PositionField", + "__get__" + ] + ] + ], + "__set__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKey", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/proxy.py", + [ + "SpatialProxy", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileDescriptor", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageFileDescriptor", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyDeferredAttribute", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardManyToOneDescriptor", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardOneToOneDescriptor", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseOneToOneDescriptor", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseManyToOneDescriptor", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/fields.py", + [ + "CustomDeferredAttribute", + "__set__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ArticleTranslationDescriptor", + "__set__" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_matching_generic_foreign_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "_is_matching_generic_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_generic_foreign_key_existence": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "_check_generic_foreign_key_existence" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_related_fields": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "resolve_related_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "resolve_related_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "resolve_related_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_path_info_with_parent": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "_get_path_info_with_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "get_path_info": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "get_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", + [ + "get_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "get_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "get_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "StartsWithRelation", + "get_path_info" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reverse_path_info": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "get_reverse_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_reverse_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "get_reverse_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "get_reverse_path_info" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "StartsWithRelation", + "get_reverse_path_info" + ] + ] + ], + "value_to_string": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DurationField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BinaryField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "TeamField", + "value_to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "make_generic_foreign_order_accessors": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "contribute_to_class", + "if_not_cls__meta_abstract", + "make_generic_foreign_order_accessors" + ] + ] + ], + "set_attributes_from_rel": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "set_attributes_from_rel" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "set_attributes_from_rel" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "set_attributes_from_rel" + ] + ] + ], + "get_internal_type": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "ExtentField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "AreaField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "DistanceField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/citext.py", + [ + "CIText", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BooleanField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "CharField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DurationField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FilePathField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FloatField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegerField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BigIntegerField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IPAddressField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "NullBooleanField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveBigIntegerField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveSmallIntegerField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SlugField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SmallIntegerField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TextField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BinaryField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "UUIDField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BigAutoField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SmallAutoField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/fields.py", + [ + "CustomManyToManyField", + "get_internal_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_extra_restriction": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "get_extra_restriction" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_extra_restriction" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "get_extra_restriction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ActiveTranslationField", + "get_extra_restriction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "StartsWithRelation", + "get_extra_restriction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "BrokenContainsRelation", + "get_extra_restriction" + ] + ] + ], + "bulk_related_objects": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelation", + "bulk_related_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "related_manager_cls": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "ReverseGenericManyToOneDescriptor", + "related_manager_cls" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseManyToOneDescriptor", + "related_manager_cls" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ManyToManyDescriptor", + "related_manager_cls" + ] + ] + ], + "__call__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "create_generic_related_manager", + "GenericRelatedObjectManager", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/libgeos.py", + [ + "GEOSFuncFactory", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prototypes/threadsafe.py", + [ + "GEOSFunc", + "__call__" + ] + 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"django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "DatabaseErrorWrapper", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "ClientHandler", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "AsyncClientHandler", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_DatabaseFailure", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "FSFilesHandler", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "TestContextDecorator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "warn_about_renamed_method", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "MiddlewareMixin", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_docs/views.py", + [ + "XViewCallableObject", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + 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+ "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseReceiver", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest", + "MockCompiler", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "ActionSelenium", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_delete_signals", + "PostDeleteHandler", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_disconnect_in_dispatch", + "Handler", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_callable", + "Doodad", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_alters_data", + "Doodad", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_do_not_call", + "Doodad", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_do_not_call_and_alters_data", + "Doodad", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingExtraTests", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMiscTests", + "test_wrap_callable_instance", + "Callable", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "ViewClass", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "ClassProcessView", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "CallableSettingWrapperTests", + "test_repr", + "WrappedCallable", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_callable_settings_forbidding_to_set_attributes", + "CallableSettingWithSlots", + "__call__" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_rel_filters": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "create_generic_related_manager", + "GenericRelatedObjectManager", + "_apply_rel_filters" 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"add", + "check_and_update_obj" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_reverse_many_to_one_manager", + "RelatedManager", + "add", + "check_and_update_obj" + ] + ] + ], + "add": [ + [ + "django/contrib/contenttypes/fields.py", + [ + "create_generic_related_manager", + "GenericRelatedObjectManager", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "GeometryCollection", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/base.py", + [ + "BaseStorage", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "DummyCache", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + 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[ + "OracleIntrospection", + "get_geometry_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/introspection.py", + [ + "PostGISIntrospection", + "get_geometry_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/introspection.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteIntrospection", + "get_geometry_type" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_spatial_index": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "MySQLIntrospection", + "supports_spatial_index" + ] + ] + ], + "select": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperations", + "select" + ] + ] + ], + "from_text": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperations", + "from_text" + ] + ] + ], + "gis_operators": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperations", + "gis_operators" + ] + ] + ], + "unsupported_functions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperations", + "unsupported_functions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "unsupported_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "converter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperations", + "get_geometry_converter", + "converter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "OracleOperations", + "get_geometry_converter", + "converter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "get_geometry_converter", + "converter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "get_geometry_converter", + "converter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "url_converter", + "converter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "get_decimalfield_converter", + "if_isinstance_expression_", + "converter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "get_decimalfield_converter", + "if_isinstance_expression_", + "else_", + "converter" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_default": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "MySQLGISSchemaEditor", + "skip_default" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "skip_default" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "skip_default" + ] + ] + ], + "column_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "MySQLGISSchemaEditor", + "column_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "OracleGISSchemaEditor", + "column_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/schema.py", + [ + "SpatialiteSchemaEditor", + "column_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "column_sql" + ] + ] + 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"SpatialiteSchemaEditor", + "add_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "add_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "add_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "add_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "add_field" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_field": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "MySQLGISSchemaEditor", + "remove_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "OracleGISSchemaEditor", + "remove_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/schema.py", + [ + "SpatialiteSchemaEditor", + "remove_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "remove_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "remove_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "remove_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_spatial_index_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "MySQLGISSchemaEditor", + "_create_spatial_index_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "OracleGISSchemaEditor", + "_create_spatial_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "create_spatial_indexes": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "MySQLGISSchemaEditor", + "create_spatial_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "_fix_polygon": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/adapter.py", + [ + "OracleSpatialAdapter", + "_fix_polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "_fix_geometry_collection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/adapter.py", + [ + "OracleSpatialAdapter", + "_fix_geometry_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "table_name_col": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/models.py", + [ + "OracleGeometryColumns", + "table_name_col" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/models.py", + [ + "PostGISGeometryColumns", + "table_name_col" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/models.py", + [ + "SpatialiteGeometryColumns", + "table_name_col" + ] + ] + ], + "geom_col_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/models.py", + [ + "OracleGeometryColumns", + "geom_col_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/models.py", + [ + "PostGISGeometryColumns", + "geom_col_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/models.py", + [ + "SpatialiteGeometryColumns", + "geom_col_name" + ] + ] + ], + "wkt": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/models.py", + [ + "OracleSpatialRefSys", + "wkt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/models.py", + [ + "PostGISSpatialRefSys", + "wkt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/models.py", + [ + "SpatialiteSpatialRefSys", + "wkt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/envelope.py", + [ + "Envelope", + "wkt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "wkt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/srs.py", + [ + "SpatialReference", + "wkt" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "wkt" + ] + ] + ], + "check_relate_argument": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "SDORelate", + "check_relate_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "as_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "SDORelate", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperator", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatialiteNullCheckOperator", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "SpatialOperator", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "GeoAggregate", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeoFuncMixin", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Area", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Length", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "RasterBandTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GISLookup", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceLookupFromFunction", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/mixins.py", + [ + "OrderableAggMixin", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayLenTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "IndexTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "SliceTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "KeyTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeBoundary", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorExact", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchConfig", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVector", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQuery", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadline", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLDeleteCompiler", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Aggregate", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "CombinedExpression", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "DurationExpression", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "TemporalSubtraction", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ResolvedOuterRef", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Func", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Value", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "DurationValue", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "RawSQL", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Star", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Random", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Col", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Ref", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionWrapper", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "When", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Case", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Exists", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Window", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "WindowFrame", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "DataContains", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "ContainedBy", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKeyLookup", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedIn", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupMixin", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Cast", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "Extract", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncBase", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncDate", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncTime", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "BuiltinLookup", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Exact", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "In", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IsNull", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Regex", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearLookup", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "FilteredRelation", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLInsertCompiler", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLDeleteCompiler", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLUpdateCompiler", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLAggregateCompiler", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "Join", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "BaseTable", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "NothingNode", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "ExtraWhere", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "SubqueryConstraint", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotated_aggregate_over_annotated_aggregate", + "MyMax", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_multi_arg_aggregate", + "MyMax", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Div3Lookup", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Div3Transform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Mult3BilateralTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LastDigitTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "UpperBilateralTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearExact", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLte", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "SQLFuncMixin", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "InMonth", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimeTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "TrackCallsYearTransform", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ColConstraint", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "test_mutation", + "wrapper", + "test", + "TestFunc", + "as_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest", + "DummyNode", + "as_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_insert_params": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "OracleOperations", + "modify_insert_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "modify_insert_params" + ] + ] + ], + "run_geometry_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "OracleGISSchemaEditor", + "run_geometry_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "__conform__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/adapter.py", + [ + "PostGISAdapter", + "__conform__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/adapter.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteAdapter", + "__conform__" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/adapter.py", + [ + "PostGISAdapter", + "prepare" + ] + ] + ], + "getquoted": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/adapter.py", + [ + "PostGISAdapter", + "getquoted" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_database": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "prepare_database" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "prepare_database" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "prepare_database" + ] + ] + ], + "get_field_type": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/introspection.py", + [ + "PostGISIntrospection", + "get_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command", + "get_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command", + "get_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_field_type" + ] + ] + ], + "check_raster": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperator", + "check_raster" + ] + ] + ], + "output_field": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "ST_Polygon", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "GeoAggregate", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeomOutputGeoFunc", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Area", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "DistanceResultMixin", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "ArrayAgg", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "IndexTransform", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeStartsWith", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeEndsWith", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearTransform", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "SQLFuncMixin", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimeTransform", + "output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "TrackCallsYearTransform", + "output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "function_names": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "function_names" + ] + ] + ], + "spatial_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "spatial_version" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "spatial_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_postgis_func": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "_get_postgis_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "if_HAS_POSTGRES_", + "FakePostGISOperations", + "_get_postgis_func" + ] + ] + ], + "postgis_geos_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "postgis_geos_version" + ] + ] + ], + "postgis_lib_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "postgis_lib_version" + ] + ] + ], + "postgis_proj_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "postgis_proj_version" + ] + ] + ], + "postgis_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "postgis_version" + ] + ] + ], + "postgis_full_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "postgis_full_version" + ] + ] + ], + "postgis_version_tuple": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "postgis_version_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "proj_version_tuple": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "proj_version_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_raster": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "parse_raster" + ] + ] + ], + "distance_expr_for_lookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "distance_expr_for_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "_normalize_distance_lookup_arg": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/operations.py", + [ + "PostGISOperations", + "_normalize_distance_lookup_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "pack": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/pgraster.py", + [ + "pack" + ] + ] + ], + "unpack": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/pgraster.py", + [ + "unpack" + ] + ] + ], + "chunk": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/pgraster.py", + [ + "chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "from_pgraster": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/pgraster.py", + [ + "from_pgraster" + ] + ] + ], + "to_pgraster": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/pgraster.py", + [ + "to_pgraster" + ] + ] + ], + "_field_should_be_indexed": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/schema.py", + [ + "PostGISSchemaEditor", + "_field_should_be_indexed" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_field_should_be_indexed" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_field_should_be_indexed" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_field_should_be_indexed" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_index_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/schema.py", + [ + "PostGISSchemaEditor", + "_create_index_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_index_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_index_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_alter_column_type_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/postgis/schema.py", + [ + "PostGISSchemaEditor", + "_alter_column_type_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_column_type_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_column_type_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_column_type_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "get_new_connection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "get_new_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "get_new_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "get_new_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "get_new_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "get_new_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "get_new_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_area_geodetic": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supports_area_geodetic" + ] + ] + ], + "get_constraints": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/introspection.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteIntrospection", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "get_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_spatialite_func": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "_get_spatialite_func" + ] + ] + ], + "geos_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "geos_version" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/libgeos.py", + [ + "geos_version" + ] + ] + ], + "proj_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "proj_version" + ] + ] + ], + "lwgeom_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "lwgeom_version" + ] + ] + ], + "spatialite_version": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "spatialite_version" + ] + ] + ], + "spatialite_version_tuple": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/operations.py", + [ + "SpatiaLiteOperations", + "spatialite_version_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_geometry_metadata": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/schema.py", + [ + "SpatialiteSchemaEditor", + "remove_geometry_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "alter_db_table": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/spatialite/schema.py", + [ + "SpatialiteSchemaEditor", + "alter_db_table" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "alter_db_table" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "alter_db_table" + ] + ] + ], + "default_template": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "SpatialOperator", + "default_template" + ] + ] + ], + "as_oracle": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "GeoAggregate", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "OracleToleranceMixin", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "AsGeoJSON", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "AsGML", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "BoundingCircle", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "IsValid", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "DataContains", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "ContainedBy", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKeyLookup", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransform", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformIsNull", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformExact", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Cast", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Coalesce", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "NullIf", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Ceil", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Cot", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Degrees", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Pi", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Radians", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/mixins.py", + [ + "FixDurationInputMixin", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "OracleHashMixin", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Chr", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Left", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Repeat", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Reverse", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "SHA224", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Substr", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Div3Lookup", + "as_oracle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Div3Transform", + "as_oracle" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_expression": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "GeoAggregate", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeoFuncMixin", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/mixins.py", + [ + "OrderableAggMixin", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVector", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Aggregate", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "CombinedExpression", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "F", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ResolvedOuterRef", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OuterRef", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Func", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Value", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "RawSQL", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Ref", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "When", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Case", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "Extract", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncBase", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "Q", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "FilteredRelation", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "RegroupNode", + "resolve_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Extent", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Extent3D", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "ArrayAgg", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "JSONBAgg", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/general.py", + [ + "StringAgg", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/statistics.py", + [ + "RegrCount", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Count", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TruncBase", + "convert_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "BytesToCharFieldConversionMixin", + "convert_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_srid_info": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "get_srid_info" + ] + ] + ], + "deconstruct": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "GeometryField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BrinIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BTreeIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "GinIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "GistIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "HashIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "SpGistIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AddField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RemoveField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AlterField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "DeleteModel", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelTable", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelOptions", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelManagers", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveIndex", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddConstraint", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveConstraint", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "SeparateDatabaseAndState", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunSQL", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunPython", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "BaseConstraint", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "CheckConstraint", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraint", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "EmailField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FilePathField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IPAddressField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "NullBooleanField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SlugField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "URLField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BinaryField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "UUIDField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMixin", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "OneToOneField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/indexes.py", + [ + "Index", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "Q", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/deconstruct.py", + [ + "deconstructible", + "decorator", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/more_operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "ArgsOperation", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "KwargsOperation", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "ArgsKwargsOperation", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "ExpandArgsOperation", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "DeconstructibleObject", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "DeconstructibleInstances", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "Money", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/fields.py", + [ + "try_", + "except_ImportError_", + "DummyArrayField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "TeamField", + "deconstruct" + ] + ] + ], + "db_type": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "RasterField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/citext.py", + [ + "CIText", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "IntegerRangeField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "BigIntegerRangeField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DecimalRangeField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DateTimeRangeField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DateRangeField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQueryField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/fields.py", + [ + "CustomTypedField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "NonConcreteField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_custom_fields.py", + [ + "CustomFieldTest", + "test_none_column", + "NoColumnField", + "db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/fields.py", + [ + "MediumBlobField", + "db_type" + ] + ] + ], + "units_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "units_name" + ] + ] + ], + "geodetic": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "geodetic" + ] + ] + ], + "get_placeholder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "get_placeholder" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "get_placeholder" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BinaryField", + "get_placeholder" + ] + ] + ], + "get_srid": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "get_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "get_db_prep_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "AreaField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "DistanceField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DurationField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BinaryField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "UUIDField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMixin", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/fields.py", + [ + "MyAutoField", + "get_db_prep_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_raster_prep_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "get_raster_prep_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_prep_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "BaseSpatialField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "AreaField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "DistanceField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BooleanField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "CharField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FilePathField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FloatField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegerField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IPAddressField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TextField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "UUIDField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/models.py", + [ + "NulledTextField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/fields.py", + [ + "EnumField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "TagField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_field_default_transform", + "TestTransformField", + "get_prep_value" + ] + ] + ], + "formfield": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "GeometryField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BooleanField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "CharField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DurationField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "EmailField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FilePathField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FloatField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegerField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BigIntegerField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveBigIntegerField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveSmallIntegerField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SlugField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TextField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "URLField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "UUIDField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMixin", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "OneToOneField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "MarkupField", + "formfield" + ] + ] + ], + "select_format": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "GeometryField", + "select_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "ExtentField", + "select_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "select_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Exists", + "select_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "select_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "select_format" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_connection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "RasterField", + "_check_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "from_db_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "RasterField", + "from_db_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "AreaField", + "from_db_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/sql/conversion.py", + [ + "DistanceField", + "from_db_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "from_db_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/fields.py", + [ + "MyAutoField", + "from_db_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/from_db_value/models.py", + [ + "CashField", + "from_db_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/models.py", + [ + "TagField", + "from_db_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "TeamField", + "from_db_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields.py", + [ + "RasterField", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomField", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "TrackCallsYearTransform", + "get_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "geo_field": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeoFuncMixin", + "geo_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_param": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeoFuncMixin", + "_handle_param" + ] + ] + ], + "as_sqlite": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "SQLiteDecimalToFloatMixin", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Area", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Distance", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Length", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Perimeter", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Translate", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "SQLiteNumericMixin", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKeyLookup", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransform", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformIsNull", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Cast", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Greatest", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Least", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "ATan2", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/math.py", + [ + "Log", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Chr", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "ConcatPair", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Left", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Ord", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Substr", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_expression_on_aggregation", + "Greatest", + "as_sqlite" + ] + ] + ], + "source_is_geography": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "DistanceResultMixin", + "source_is_geography" + ] + ] + ], + "as_postgresql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Distance", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Length", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "Perimeter", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DateTimeRangeContains", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKeyLookup", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransform", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Cast", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "Now", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/mixins.py", + [ + "FixDecimalInputMixin", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLSHAMixin", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "StrIndex", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "PostgresOperatorLookup", + "as_postgresql" + ] + ] + ], + "as_mysql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/functions.py", + [ + "GeoHash", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKeyLookup", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransform", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/comparison.py", + [ + "Cast", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/mixins.py", + [ + "FixDurationInputMixin", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "MySQLSHA2Mixin", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Chr", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "ConcatPair", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Length", + "as_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Ord", + "as_mysql" + ] + ] + ], + "process_rhs_params": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GISLookup", + "process_rhs_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceLookupBase", + "process_rhs_params" + ] + ] + ], + "process_band_indices": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GISLookup", + "process_band_indices" + ] + ] + ], + "get_db_prep_lookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GISLookup", + "get_db_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "get_db_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "FieldGetDbPrepValueMixin", + "get_db_prep_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "process_rhs": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GISLookup", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "RelateLookup", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DWithinLookup", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayCastRHSMixin", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "DateTimeRangeContains", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeContainedBy", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorExact", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONExact", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMixin", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformExact", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformNumericLookupMixin", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Exact", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IExact", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "In", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "PatternLookup", + "process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "UUIDTextMixin", + "process_rhs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rhs_op": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "GISLookup", + "get_rhs_op" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "BuiltinLookup", + "get_rhs_op" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "In", + "get_rhs_op" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "PatternLookup", + "get_rhs_op" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Range", + "get_rhs_op" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "Exactly", + "get_rhs_op" + ] + ] + ], + "process_distance": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DistanceLookupBase", + "process_distance" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "DWithinLookup", + "process_distance" + ] + ] + ], + "georss_coords": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedMixin", + "georss_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "add_georss_point": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedMixin", + "add_georss_point" + ] + ] + ], + "add_georss_element": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedMixin", + "add_georss_element" + ] + ] + ], + "rss_attributes": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoRSSFeed", + "rss_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "W3CGeoFeed", + "rss_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "RssFeed", + "rss_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "add_item_elements": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoRSSFeed", + "add_item_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoAtom1Feed", + "add_item_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "W3CGeoFeed", + "add_item_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeed", + "add_item_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "RssUserland091Feed", + "add_item_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "Rss201rev2Feed", + "add_item_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "Atom1Feed", + "add_item_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "MyCustomAtom1Feed", + "add_item_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "add_root_elements": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoRSSFeed", + "add_root_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoAtom1Feed", + "add_root_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "W3CGeoFeed", + "add_root_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeed", + "add_root_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "RssFeed", + "add_root_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "Atom1Feed", + "add_root_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "MyCustomAtom1Feed", + "add_root_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "root_attributes": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "GeoAtom1Feed", + "root_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeed", + "root_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/feedgenerator.py", + [ + "Atom1Feed", + "root_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "MyCustomAtom1Feed", + "root_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "feed_extra_kwargs": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "Feed", + "feed_extra_kwargs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed", + "feed_extra_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "item_extra_kwargs": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/feeds.py", + [ + "Feed", + "item_extra_kwargs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed", + "item_extra_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "serialize": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "BaseGeometryWidget", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "OpenLayersWidget", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/serializers.py", + [ + "RangeSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "BaseSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "BaseSequenceSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "BaseSimpleSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "ChoicesSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DateTimeSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DatetimeDatetimeSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DecimalSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DeconstructableSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DictionarySerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "EnumSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "FloatSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "FunctionTypeSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "FunctoolsPartialSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "IterableSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "ModelFieldSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "ModelManagerSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "OperationSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "RegexSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "SettingsReferenceSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "TypeSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "UUIDSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriter", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "MigrationWriter", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponse", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryWidgetTests", + "test_custom_serialization_widget", + "CustomGeometryWidget", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "serialize" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_register_serializer", + "ComplexSerializer", + "serialize" + ] + ] + ], + "deserialize": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "BaseGeometryWidget", + "deserialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "OpenLayersWidget", + "deserialize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "deserialize" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryWidgetTests", + "test_custom_serialization_widget", + "CustomGeometryWidget", + "deserialize" + ] + ] + ], + "__len__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/datasource.py", + [ + "DataSource", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/feature.py", + [ + "Feature", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "LineString", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + 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"CharFieldTests", + "test_iterable_of_iterable_choices", + "ThingItem", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "test_paginate_misc_classes", + "LenContainer", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/data.py", + [ + "LengthModel", + "__len__" + ] + ] + ], + "layer_count": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/datasource.py", + [ + "DataSource", + "layer_count" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_registered": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/driver.py", + [ + "Driver", + "ensure_registered" + ] + ] + ], + "driver_count": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/driver.py", + [ + "Driver", + "driver_count" + ] + ] + ], + "_from_sequence": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/envelope.py", + [ + "Envelope", + "_from_sequence" + ] + ] + ], + "expand_to_include": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/envelope.py", + [ + "Envelope", + "expand_to_include" + ] + ] + ], + "min_x": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/envelope.py", + [ + "Envelope", + "min_x" + ] + ] + ], + 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"django/contrib/gis/gdal/layer.py", + [ + "Layer", + "num_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "geom": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/feature.py", + [ + "Feature", + "geom" + ] + ] + ], + "geom_type": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/feature.py", + [ + "Feature", + "geom_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "geom_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/layer.py", + [ + "Layer", + "geom_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "geom_type" + ] + ] + ], + "as_double": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "Field", + "as_double" + ] + ] + ], + "as_int": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "Field", + "as_int" + ] + ] + ], + "as_string": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/field.py", + [ + "Field", + "as_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "MIMEMixin", + "as_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "MigrationWriter", + "as_string" + ] + 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+ ] + ] + ], + "__getstate__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ManyToOneRel", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "Prefetch", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponse", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "Unpicklable", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "PicklingSideEffect", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_with_getstate", + "PickledModel", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "PreviousDjangoVersionQuerySet", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "MissingDjangoVersionQuerySet", + "__getstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "__setstate__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "__setstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "_from_wkb": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "_from_wkb" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "_from_wkb" + ] + ] + ], + "_from_json": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "_from_json" + ] + ] + ], + "from_bbox": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "from_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/polygon.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "from_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "from_json": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "from_json" + ] + ] + ], + "from_gml": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "from_gml" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "from_gml" + ] + ] + ], + "__or__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", 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"clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "RawQuery", + "clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "UpdateQuery", + "clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "clone" + ] + ] + ], + "close_rings": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "close_rings" + ] + ] + ], + "transform": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/source.py", + [ + "GDALRaster", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "setup_joins", + "for_name_in_transforms_", + "transform" + ] + ] + ], + "_topology": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "_topology" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "_topology" + ] + ] + ], + "intersects": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "intersects" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "intersects" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/prepared.py", + [ + "PreparedGeometry", + "intersects" + ] + ] + ], + "equals": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "equals" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "equals" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "Join", + "equals" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "BaseTable", + "equals" + ] + ] + ], + "disjoint": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/geometries.py", + [ + "OGRGeometry", + "disjoint" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "disjoint" + ] + ], + [ + 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"django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand", + "max" + ] + ] + ], + "mean": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand", + "mean" + ] + ] + ], + "std": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand", + "std" + ] + ] + ], + "nodata_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand", + "nodata_value" + ] + ] + ], + "nodata_value_11": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand", + "nodata_value_11" + ] + ] + ], + "datatype": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand", + "datatype" + ] + ] + ], + "color_interp": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand", + "color_interp" + ] + ] + ], + "data": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py", + [ + "GDALBand", + "data" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/boundfield.py", + [ + "BoundField", + "data" + ] + ] + ], + "metadata": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/base.py", + [ + 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"django/contrib/gis/geoip2/resources.py", + [ + "Country" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_collection": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "GeometryCollection", + "_create_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_single_internal": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "GeometryCollection", + "_get_single_internal" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/polygon.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "_get_single_internal" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_single_external": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "GeometryCollection", + "_get_single_external" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/linestring.py", + [ + "LineString", + "_get_single_external" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/point.py", + [ + "Point", + "_get_single_external" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/polygon.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "_get_single_external" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "UserListA", + "_get_single_external" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_list": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/collections.py", + [ + "GeometryCollection", + "_set_list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/linestring.py", + [ + "LineString", + "_set_list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/point.py", + [ + "Point", + "_set_list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/polygon.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "_set_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "UserListA", + "_set_list" + ] + ] + ], + "__setitem__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/coordseq.py", + [ + "GEOSCoordSeq", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixin", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "SafeMIMEMessage", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "SafeMIMEText", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "SafeMIMEMultipart", + 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+ ] + ] + ], + "equals_exact": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "equals_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "relate_pattern": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "relate_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "srid_45": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "srid_45" + ] + ] + ], + "hexewkb": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "hexewkb" + ] + ] + ], + "ewkb": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "ewkb" + ] + ] + ], + "prepared": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "prepared" + ] + ] + ], + "_ogr_ptr": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "_ogr_ptr" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/point.py", + [ + "Point", + "_ogr_ptr" + ] + ] + ], + "ogr": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/geometry.py", + [ + "GEOSGeometryBase", + "ogr" + ] + ] + ], + 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"test_assert_raises_message", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertWarnsMessageTests", + "test_callable", + "func" + ] + ] + ], + "geos_version_tuple": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/libgeos.py", + [ + "geos_version_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_single": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/linestring.py", + [ + "LineString", + "_set_single" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/point.py", + [ + "Point", + "_set_single" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "UserListB", + "_set_single" + ] + ] + ], + "array": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/linestring.py", + [ + "LineString", + "array" + ] + ] + ], + "__delitem__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/gis/geos/mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixin", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandler", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + 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"django/contrib/messages/storage/cookie.py", + [ + "CookieStorage", + "_store", + "if_self_max_cookie_size_", + "stored_length" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_hash": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/cookie.py", + [ + "CookieStorage", + "_legacy_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/cookie.py", + [ + "CookieStorage", + "_encode" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_decode": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/cookie.py", + [ + "CookieStorage", + "_legacy_decode" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "_legacy_decode" + ] + ] + ], + "serialize_messages": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/session.py", + [ + "SessionStorage", + "serialize_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "deserialize_messages": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/storage/session.py", + [ + "SessionStorage", + "deserialize_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "get_level_tags": [ + [ + "django/contrib/messages/utils.py", + [ + "get_level_tags" + ] + ] + ], + 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"django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "When", + "set_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Case", + "set_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery", + "set_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy", + "set_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Window", + "set_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "WindowFrame", + "set_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "set_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "set_source_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_source_expressions": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/mixins.py", + [ + "OrderableAggMixin", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchConfig", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Aggregate", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "CombinedExpression", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Func", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Ref", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionWrapper", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "When", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Case", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Window", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "WindowFrame", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "get_source_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_ordering_expressions_index": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/aggregates/mixins.py", + [ + "OrderableAggMixin", + "_get_ordering_expressions_index" + ] + ] + ], + "uninstall_if_needed": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/apps.py", + [ + "uninstall_if_needed" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_expression_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint", + "_get_expression_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_condition_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint", + "_get_condition_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraint", + "_get_condition_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/indexes.py", + [ + "Index", + "_get_condition_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "constraint_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint", + "constraint_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "BaseConstraint", + "constraint_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "CheckConstraint", + "constraint_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraint", + "constraint_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "create_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint", + "create_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "PostgresIndex", + "create_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "BaseConstraint", + "create_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "CheckConstraint", + "create_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraint", + "create_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/indexes.py", + [ + "Index", + "create_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_sql": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraint", + "remove_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "BaseConstraint", + "remove_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "CheckConstraint", + "remove_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/constraints.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraint", + "remove_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/indexes.py", + [ + "Index", + "remove_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "model": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeField", + "model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseSessionTests", + "model" + ] + ] + ], + "model_1": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "model_1" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeField", + "model_1" + ] + ] + ], + "_choices_is_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "_choices_is_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeField", + "_choices_is_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_choices_is_value" + ] + ] + ], + "set_attributes_from_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "set_attributes_from_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeField", + "set_attributes_from_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "set_attributes_from_name" + ] + ] + ], + "cast_db_type": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "cast_db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "cast_db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "CharField", + "cast_db_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_from_db_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "_from_db_value" + ] + ] + ], + "run_validators": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayField", + "run_validators" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/array.py", + [ + "SimpleArrayField", + "run_validators" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "run_validators" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "Field", + "run_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "get_prep_lookup": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/array.py", + [ + "ArrayInLookup", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeContainedBy", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "HasKeys", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "HasKeys", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedIn", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupMixin", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldFloatRounding", + "get_prep_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "process_lhs": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/fields/ranges.py", + [ + "RangeContainedBy", + "process_lhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/lookups.py", + [ + "SearchLookup", + "process_lhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONExact", + "process_lhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMixin", + "process_lhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransformExact", + "process_lhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "process_lhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "BuiltinLookup", + "process_lhs" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_value": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/array.py", + [ + "SimpleArrayField", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/hstore.py", + [ + "HStoreField", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "BaseRangeField", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLInsertCompiler", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "Field", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "DateTimeField", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "DurationField", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "UUIDField", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + 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[ + "MyMultiWidget", + "decompress" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "ComplexMultiWidget", + "decompress" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "decompress" + ] + ] + ], + "compress": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/forms/ranges.py", + [ + "BaseRangeField", + "compress" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "MultiValueField", + "compress" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeField", + "compress" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "ComplexField", + "compress" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_field_validation", + "NameField", + "compress" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_optional_subfields", + "PhoneField", + "compress" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "ComplexField", + "compress" + ] + ] + ], + "max_name_length": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "PostgresIndex", + "max_name_length" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "max_name_length" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "max_name_length" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "max_name_length" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "max_name_length" + ] + ] + ], + "check_supported": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "PostgresIndex", + "check_supported" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BrinIndex", + "check_supported" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "GistIndex", + "check_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "get_with_params": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "PostgresIndex", + "get_with_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndex", + "get_with_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BrinIndex", + "get_with_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "BTreeIndex", + "get_with_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "GinIndex", + "get_with_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "GistIndex", + "get_with_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "HashIndex", + "get_with_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/indexes.py", + [ + "SpGistIndex", + "get_with_params" + ] + ] + ], + "state_forwards": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtension", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AddField", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RemoveField", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AlterField", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "DeleteModel", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelTable", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelOptions", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelManagers", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddIndex", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveIndex", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddConstraint", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveConstraint", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "SeparateDatabaseAndState", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunSQL", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunPython", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/more_operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "state_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "state_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "database_forwards": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtension", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrently", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "RemoveIndexConcurrently", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AddField", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RemoveField", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AlterField", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "DeleteModel", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelTable", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelOptions", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelManagers", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddIndex", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveIndex", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddConstraint", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveConstraint", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "SeparateDatabaseAndState", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunSQL", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunPython", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/more_operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "database_forwards" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "database_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "database_backwards": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtension", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrently", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "RemoveIndexConcurrently", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AddField", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RemoveField", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AlterField", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "DeleteModel", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelTable", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelOptions", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelManagers", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddIndex", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveIndex", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddConstraint", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveConstraint", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "SeparateDatabaseAndState", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunSQL", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunPython", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/more_operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "database_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "database_backwards" + ] + ] + ], + "extension_exists": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtension", + "extension_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "describe": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtension", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrently", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "RemoveIndexConcurrently", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AddField", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RemoveField", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AlterField", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "DeleteModel", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelTable", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelOptions", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelManagers", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddIndex", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveIndex", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddConstraint", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveConstraint", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "SeparateDatabaseAndState", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunSQL", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunPython", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "CheckURLMixin", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "LocalePrefixPattern", + "describe" + ] + ] + ], + "migration_name_fragment": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtension", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AddField", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RemoveField", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AlterField", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "DeleteModel", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelTable", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelOptions", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterModelManagers", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddIndex", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveIndex", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AddConstraint", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RemoveConstraint", + "migration_name_fragment" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_not_in_transaction": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/operations.py", + [ + "NotInTransactionMixin", + "_ensure_not_in_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "from_parameter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchConfig", + "from_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "_combine": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorCombinable", + "_combine" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQueryCombinable", + "_combine" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "_combine" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "Q", + "_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "__ror__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQueryCombinable", + "__ror__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__ror__" + ] + ] + ], + "__rand__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQueryCombinable", + "__rand__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__rand__" + ] + ] + ], + "__invert__": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/search.py", + [ + "SearchQuery", + "__invert__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Exists", + "__invert__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "Q", + "__invert__" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hstore_oids": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/signals.py", + [ + "get_hstore_oids" + ] + ] + ], + "get_citext_oids": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/signals.py", + [ + "get_citext_oids" + ] + ] + ], + "register_type_handlers": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/signals.py", + [ + "register_type_handlers" + ] + ] + ], + "prefix_validation_error": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/utils.py", + [ + "prefix_validation_error" + ] + ] + ], + "compare": [ + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/validators.py", + [ + "RangeMaxValueValidator", + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/postgres/validators.py", + [ + "RangeMinValueValidator", + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "BaseValidator", + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "MaxValueValidator", + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "MinValueValidator", + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "MinLengthValidator", + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/validators.py", + [ + "MaxLengthValidator", + "compare" + ] + ] + ], + "key_salt": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "key_salt" + ] + ] + ], + "setdefault": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "setdefault" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "QueryDict", + "setdefault" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBase", + "setdefault" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "BaseContext", + "setdefault" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "setdefault" + ] + ] + ], + "set_test_cookie": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "set_test_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cookie_worked": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "test_cookie_worked" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_test_cookie": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "delete_test_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "_hash": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "has_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache", + "has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "DummyCache", + "has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "has_key" + ] + ] + ], + "keys": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "keys" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "ContextList", + "keys" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/translation/trans_real.py", + [ + "TranslationCatalog", + "keys" + ] + ] + ], + "values": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "values" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/enums.py", + [ + "ChoicesMeta", + "values" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "values" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "values" + ] + ] + ], + "is_empty": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "is_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "is_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_new_session_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "_get_new_session_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_or_create_session_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "_get_or_create_session_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_session_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "_validate_session_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_session_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "_get_session_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/signed_cookies.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "_get_session_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_session_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "_set_session_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_session": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "_get_session" + ] + ] + ], + "get_session_cookie_age": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "get_session_cookie_age" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/models.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "get_session_cookie_age" + ] + ] + ], + "get_expiry_age": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "get_expiry_age" + ] + ] + ], + "get_expiry_date": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "get_expiry_date" + ] + ] + ], + "set_expiry": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "set_expiry" + ] + ] + ], + "get_expire_at_browser_close": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "get_expire_at_browser_close" + ] + ] + ], + "flush": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "flush" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cached_db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "flush" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder", + "flush" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBase", + "flush" + ] + ] + ], + "cycle_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "cycle_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/signed_cookies.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "cycle_key" + ] + ] + ], + "exists": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cache.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cached_db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/file.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/signed_cookies.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "DummyStorage", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "PathNotImplementedStorage", + "exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/session.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "exists" + ] + ] + ], + "load": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cache.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cached_db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/file.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/signed_cookies.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/session.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "load" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_expired": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/base.py", + [ + "SessionBase", + "clear_expired" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cache.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "clear_expired" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "clear_expired" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/file.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "clear_expired" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/signed_cookies.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "clear_expired" + ] + ] + ], + "cache_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cache.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "cache_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/cached_db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "cache_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/loaders/cached.py", + [ + "Loader", + "cache_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_model_class": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "get_model_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/models.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "get_model_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_session_from_db": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "_get_session_from_db" + ] + ] + ], + "create_model_instance": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/db.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "create_model_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "create_model_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/models.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "create_model_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_storage_path": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/file.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "_get_storage_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_to_file": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sessions/backends/file.py", + [ + "SessionStore", + "_key_to_file" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "_key_to_file" + ] + ] + ], + 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"django/contrib/sessions/serializers.py", + [ + "PickleSerializer", + "loads" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/signing.py", + [ + "JSONSerializer", + "loads" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/signing.py", + [ + "loads" + ] + ] + ], + "ping_google": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "ping_google" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_sitemap_full_url": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_sitemap_full_url" + ] + ] + ], + "__get": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "Sitemap", + "__get" + ] + ] + ], + "paginator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "Sitemap", + "paginator" + ] + ] + ], + "_urls": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "Sitemap", + "_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "lastmod": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericSitemap", + "lastmod" + ] + ] + ], + "x_robots_tag": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/views.py", + [ + "x_robots_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "sitemap": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sitemaps/views.py", + [ + "sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "create_default_site": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/management.py", + [ + "create_default_site" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_field_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/managers.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteManager", + "_get_field_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_check_table_uniqueness", + "if_model_and_model__meta_", + "if_model__meta_auto_creat", + "_get_field_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_simple_domain_name_validator": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/models.py", + [ + "_simple_domain_name_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_site_by_id": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/models.py", + [ + "SiteManager", + "_get_site_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_site_by_request": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/models.py", + [ + "SiteManager", + "_get_site_by_request" + ] + ] + ], + "get_current": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/models.py", + [ + "SiteManager", + "get_current" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_site_cache": [ + [ + "django/contrib/sites/models.py", + 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"django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "BaseStorageFinder", + "list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "Archive", + "list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "BaseArchive", + "list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "TarArchive", + "list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "ZipArchive", + "list" + ] + ] + ], + "find_location": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "FileSystemFinder", + "find_location" + ] + ] + ], + "find_in_app": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "AppDirectoriesFinder", + "find_in_app" + ] + ] + ], + "get_finders": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "get_finders" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders", + "get_finders" + ] + ] + ], + "get_finder": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/finders.py", + [ + "get_finder" + ] + ] + ], + "load_middleware": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin", + "load_middleware" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/handlers/base.py", + [ + "BaseHandler", + "load_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "get_base_url": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin", + "get_base_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_StaticFilesHandler", + "get_base_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_MediaFilesHandler", + "get_base_url" + ] + ] + ], + "_should_handle": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin", + "_should_handle" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "FSFilesHandler", + "_should_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "file_path": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin", + "file_path" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "FSFilesHandler", + "file_path" + ] + ] + ], + "serve": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin", + "serve" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/views.py", + [ + "serve" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "FSFilesHandler", + "serve" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/static.py", + [ + "serve" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/handlers/base.py", + [ + "BaseHandler", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "FSFilesHandler", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_login_csrf_rotate", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_write_unpicklable_object", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_middleware", + "set_cache", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_middleware", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "response", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_slashless_resource", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_slashless_resource_custom_urlconf", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_length_header_added", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_length_header_not_added_for_streaming_response", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_length_header_not_changed", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_etag_streaming_response", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_etag_response_empty_content", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_none_match_and_redirect", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_none_match_and_client_error", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_modified_since_and_redirect", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_modified_since_and_client_error", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_not_modified_headers", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_file_response", + "with_open___file___rb_", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_strong_etag_modified", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_weak_etag_not_modified", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_etag_match", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTest", + "test_request", + "get_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_async": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/handlers.py", + [ + "StaticFilesHandlerMixin", + "get_response_async" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/handlers/base.py", + [ + "BaseHandler", + "get_response_async" + ] + ] + ], + "set_options": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "set_options" + ] + ] + ], + "log": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "log" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "log" + ] + ] + ], + "is_local_storage": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "is_local_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_dir": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "clear_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_file": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "delete_file" + ] + ] + ], + "link_file": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "link_file" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_file": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/collectstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "copy_file" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_label": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/findstatic.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle_label" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "LabelCommand", + "handle_label" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/management/commands/label_command.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle_label" + ] + ] + ], + "get_handler": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/management/commands/runserver.py", + [ + "Command", + "get_handler" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/runserver.py", + [ + "Command", + "get_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "path": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "StaticFilesStorage", + "path" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "path" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "path" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "TranslatableFile", + "path" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "BuildFile", + "path" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "MigrationWriter", + "path" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "path" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "PathNotImplementedStorage", + "path" + ] + ] + ], + "file_hash": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "file_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "SimpleStorage", + "file_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "NoneHashStorage", + "file_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "hashed_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "hashed_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_url": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "_url" + ] + ] + ], + "url_converter": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "url_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "post_process": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "post_process" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ManifestFilesMixin", + "post_process" + ] + ] + ], + "path_level": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "_post_process", + "path_level" + ] + ] + ], + "_post_process": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "_post_process" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "clean_name" + ] + ] + ], + "hash_key": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "hash_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_stored_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "_stored_name" + ] + ] + ], + "stored_name": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "HashedFilesMixin", + "stored_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ManifestFilesMixin", + "stored_name" + ] + ] + ], + "read_manifest": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ManifestFilesMixin", + "read_manifest" + ] + ] + ], + "load_manifest": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ManifestFilesMixin", + "load_manifest" + ] + ] + ], + "save_manifest": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py", + [ + "ManifestFilesMixin", + "save_manifest" + ] + ] + ], + "staticfiles_urlpatterns": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/urls.py", + [ + "staticfiles_urlpatterns" + ] + ] + ], + "matches_patterns": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/utils.py", + [ + "matches_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "get_files": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/utils.py", + [ + "get_files" + ] + ] + ], + "check_settings": [ + [ + "django/contrib/staticfiles/utils.py", + [ + "check_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "check_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "check_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "add_domain": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "add_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "item_title": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed", + "item_title" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TemplateFeed", + "item_title" + ] + ] + ], + "item_description": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed", + "item_description" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2Feed", + "item_description" + ] + ] + ], + "item_link": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed", + "item_link" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoRSS1", + "item_link" + ] + ] + ], + "item_enclosures": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed", + "item_enclosures" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestMultipleEnclosureRSSFeed", + "item_enclosures" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestMultipleEnclosureAtomFeed", + "item_enclosures" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_dynamic_attr": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed", + "_get_dynamic_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "get_feed": [ + [ + "django/contrib/syndication/views.py", + [ + "Feed", + "get_feed" + ] + ] + ], + "get_asgi_application": [ + [ + "django/core/asgi.py", + [ + "get_asgi_application" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_cache": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/__init__.py", + [ + "_create_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "all": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/__init__.py", + [ + "CacheHandler", + "all" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "all" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "all" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandler", + "all" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/utils.py", + [ + "EngineHandler", + "all" + ] + ] + ], + "close_caches": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/__init__.py", + [ + "close_caches" + ] + ] + ], + "default_key_func": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "default_key_func" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_func": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "get_key_func" + ] + ] + ], + "get_backend_timeout": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "get_backend_timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedCache", + "get_backend_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "make_key": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "make_key" + ] + ] + ], + "touch": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "touch" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache", + "touch" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "DummyCache", + "touch" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "touch" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "touch" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "MemcachedCache", + "touch" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "PyLibMCCache", + "touch" + ] + ] + ], + "get_many": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "get_many" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache", + "get_many" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedCache", + "get_many" + ] + ] + ], + "get_or_set": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "get_or_set" + ] + ] + ], + "incr": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "incr" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "incr" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedCache", + "incr" + ] + ] + ], + "decr": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + 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"django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "incr_version" + ] + ] + ], + "decr_version": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "decr_version" + ] + ] + ], + "close": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseCache", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedCache", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py", + [ + "PyLibMCCache", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "ContentFile", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/temp.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "TemporaryFile", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "TemporaryUploadedFile", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackend", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "EmailBackend", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/smtp.py", + [ + "EmailBackend", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/servers/basehttp.py", + [ + "ServerHandler", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "LazyStream", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "HttpRequest", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBase", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "Archive", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "TarArchive", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "ZipArchive", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/closeable_cache.py", + [ + "CloseHookMixin", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "DimensionClosingBug", + "test_closing_of_filenames", + "FileWrapper", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_use_as_contextmanager", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase", + "test_strips_underscore_headers", + "UnclosableBytesIO", + "close" + ] + ] + ], + "memcache_key_warnings": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/base.py", + [ + "memcache_key_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "_base_set": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache", + "_base_set" + ] + ] + ], + "_base_delete_many": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache", + "_base_delete_many" + ] + ] + ], + "_cull": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/db.py", + [ + "DatabaseCache", + "_cull" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "_cull" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "_cull" + ] + ] + ], + "_write_content": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "_write_content" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "_createdir": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "_createdir" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_expired": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "_is_expired" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_cache_files": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/filebased.py", + [ + "FileBasedCache", + "_list_cache_files" + ] + ] + ], + "_set": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "_set" + ] + ] + ], + "_has_expired": [ + [ + "django/core/cache/backends/locmem.py", + [ + "LocMemCache", + "_has_expired" + ] + ] + 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"check_all_models": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/model_checks.py", + [ + "check_all_models" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_operation": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/model_checks.py", + [ + "_check_lazy_references", + "extract_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "app_model_error": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/model_checks.py", + [ + "_check_lazy_references", + "app_model_error" + ] + ] + ], + "field_error": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/model_checks.py", + [ + "_check_lazy_references", + "field_error" + ] + ] + ], + "signal_connect_error": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/model_checks.py", + [ + "_check_lazy_references", + "signal_connect_error" + ] + ] + ], + "default_error": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/model_checks.py", + [ + "_check_lazy_references", + "default_error" + ] + ] + ], + "build_error": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/model_checks.py", + [ + "_check_lazy_references", + "build_error" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_lazy_references": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/model_checks.py", + [ + "_check_lazy_references" + ] + 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"check_xframe_options_middleware": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_xframe_options_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "check_sts": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_sts" + ] + ] + ], + "check_sts_include_subdomains": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_sts_include_subdomains" + ] + ] + ], + "check_sts_preload": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_sts_preload" + ] + ] + ], + "check_content_type_nosniff": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_content_type_nosniff" + ] + ] + ], + "check_ssl_redirect": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_ssl_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "check_secret_key": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "check_debug": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_debug" + ] + ] + ], + "check_xframe_deny": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_xframe_deny" + ] + ] + ], + "check_allowed_hosts": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_allowed_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "check_referrer_policy": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/base.py", + [ + "check_referrer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_csrf_middleware": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/csrf.py", + [ + "_csrf_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "check_csrf_middleware": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/csrf.py", + [ + "check_csrf_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "check_csrf_cookie_secure": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/csrf.py", + [ + "check_csrf_cookie_secure" + ] + ] + ], + "add_session_cookie_message": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/sessions.py", + [ + "add_session_cookie_message" + ] + ] + ], + "add_httponly_message": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/sessions.py", + [ + "add_httponly_message" + ] + ] + ], + "check_session_cookie_secure": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/sessions.py", + [ + "check_session_cookie_secure" + ] + ] + ], + "check_session_cookie_httponly": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/sessions.py", + [ + "check_session_cookie_httponly" + ] + ] + ], + "_session_middleware": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/sessions.py", + [ + "_session_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "_session_app": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/security/sessions.py", + [ + "_session_app" + ] + ] + ], + "check_setting_app_dirs_loaders": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/templates.py", + [ + "check_setting_app_dirs_loaders" + ] + ] + ], + "check_string_if_invalid_is_string": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/templates.py", + [ + "check_string_if_invalid_is_string" + ] + ] + ], + "check_setting_language_code": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/translation.py", + [ + "check_setting_language_code" + ] + ] + ], + "check_setting_languages": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/translation.py", + [ + "check_setting_languages" + ] + ] + ], + "check_setting_languages_bidi": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/translation.py", + [ + "check_setting_languages_bidi" + ] + ] + ], + "check_language_settings_consistent": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/translation.py", + [ + "check_language_settings_consistent" + ] + ] + ], + "check_url_config": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/urls.py", + [ + "check_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "check_resolver": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/urls.py", + [ + "check_resolver" + ] + ] + ], + "check_url_namespaces_unique": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/urls.py", + [ + "check_url_namespaces_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_all_namespaces": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/urls.py", + [ + "_load_all_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "get_warning_for_invalid_pattern": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/urls.py", + [ + "get_warning_for_invalid_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "check_url_settings": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/urls.py", + [ + "check_url_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "E006": [ + [ + "django/core/checks/urls.py", + [ + "E006" + ] + ] + ], + "message_dict": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError", + "message_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "update_error_dict": [ + [ + "django/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError", + "update_error_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "chunks": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File", + "chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "InMemoryUploadedFile", + "chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "SlowFile", + "chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "multiple_chunks": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File", + "multiple_chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "InMemoryUploadedFile", + "multiple_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "__enter__": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/temp.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "TemporaryFile", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackend", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "Atomic", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "DatabaseErrorWrapper", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "ContextDict", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_AssertTemplateUsedContext", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "TestContextDecorator", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContext", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "Archive", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/timezone.py", + [ + "override", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/translation/__init__.py", + [ + "override", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "RemoveGroupsAndPermissions", + "__enter__" + ] + ] + ], + "__exit__": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "File", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/temp.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "TemporaryFile", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/mail/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackend", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "Atomic", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "DatabaseErrorWrapper", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "ContextDict", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_AssertNumQueriesContext", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_AssertTemplateUsedContext", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "TestContextDecorator", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContext", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "Archive", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/timezone.py", + [ + "override", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/translation/__init__.py", + [ + "override", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "RemoveGroupsAndPermissions", + "__exit__" + ] + ] + ], + "endswith_cr": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "endswith_cr" + ] + ] + ], + "endswith_lf": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "endswith_lf" + ] + ] + ], + "equals_lf": [ + [ + "django/core/files/base.py", + [ + "equals_lf" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_image_dimensions": [ + [ + "django/core/files/images.py", + [ + "ImageFile", + "_get_image_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_image_dimensions": [ + [ + "django/core/files/images.py", + [ + "get_image_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "_fd": [ + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "_fd" + ] + ] + ], + "lock": [ + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "lock" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "else_", + "try_", + "except_ImportError_Attr", + "lock" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "else_", + "try_", + "else_", + "lock" + ] + ] + ], + "unlock": [ + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "unlock" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "else_", + "try_", + "except_ImportError_Attr", + "unlock" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/locks.py", + [ + "if_os_name_nt_", + "else_", + "try_", + "else_", + "unlock" + ] + ] + ], + "_samefile": [ + [ + "django/core/files/move.py", + [ + "_samefile" + ] + ] + ], + "file_move_safe": [ + [ + "django/core/files/move.py", + [ + "file_move_safe" + ] + ] + ], + "get_valid_name": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "get_valid_name" + 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"tests/file_storage/test_generate_filename.py", + [ + "AWSS3Storage", + "generate_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "listdir": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "listdir" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "listdir" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "PathNotImplementedStorage", + "listdir" + ] + ] + ], + "get_accessed_time": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "get_accessed_time" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "get_accessed_time" + ] + ] + ], + "get_created_time": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "get_created_time" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "get_created_time" + ] + ] + ], + "get_modified_time": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "Storage", + "get_modified_time" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "get_modified_time" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "DummyStorage", + "get_modified_time" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "NeverCopyRemoteStorage", + "get_modified_time" + ] + ] + ], + "_clear_cached_properties": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "_clear_cached_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "_value_or_setting": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "_value_or_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "base_location": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "base_location" + ] + ] + ], + "base_url": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "base_url" + ] + ] + ], + "file_permissions_mode": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "file_permissions_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "directory_permissions_mode": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "directory_permissions_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "_open": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "_open" + ] + ] + ], + "_datetime_from_timestamp": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorage", + "_datetime_from_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "get_storage_class": [ + [ + "django/core/files/storage.py", + [ + "get_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_name": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "UploadedFile", + "_get_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_name": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "UploadedFile", + "_set_name" + ] + ] + ], + "temporary_file_path": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "TemporaryUploadedFile", + "temporary_file_path" + ] + ] + ], + "from_dict": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadedfile.py", + [ + "SimpleUploadedFile", + "from_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_raw_input": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "FileUploadHandler", + "handle_raw_input" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "MemoryFileUploadHandler", + "handle_raw_input" + ] + ] + ], + "new_file": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "FileUploadHandler", + "new_file" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "TemporaryFileUploadHandler", + "new_file" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "MemoryFileUploadHandler", + "new_file" + ] + ] + ], + "receive_data_chunk": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "FileUploadHandler", + "receive_data_chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "TemporaryFileUploadHandler", + "receive_data_chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "MemoryFileUploadHandler", + "receive_data_chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_uploads/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "QuotaUploadHandler", + "receive_data_chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_uploads/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "ErroringUploadHandler", + "receive_data_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "file_complete": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "FileUploadHandler", + "file_complete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "TemporaryFileUploadHandler", + "file_complete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "MemoryFileUploadHandler", + "file_complete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_uploads/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "QuotaUploadHandler", + "file_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_complete": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "FileUploadHandler", + "upload_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "load_handler": [ + [ + "django/core/files/uploadhandler.py", + [ + "load_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "readable": [ + [ + "django/core/files/utils.py", + [ + "FileProxyMixin", + "readable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBase", + "readable" + ] + ] + ], + "writable": [ + [ + "django/core/files/utils.py", + [ + "FileProxyMixin", + "writable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBase", + "writable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponse", + "writable" + ] + ] + ], + "seekable": [ + [ + "django/core/files/utils.py", + [ + "FileProxyMixin", + "seekable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/response.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBase", + "seekable" + ] + ] + ], + "GET": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/asgi.py", + [ + "ASGIRequest", + "GET" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", + [ + "WSGIRequest", + "GET" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_scheme": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/asgi.py", + [ + "ASGIRequest", + "_get_scheme" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", + [ + "WSGIRequest", + "_get_scheme" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "HttpRequest", + "_get_scheme" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest", + "test_xheader_preferred_to_underlying_request", + "ProxyRequest", + "_get_scheme" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_post": [ + [ + "django/core/handlers/asgi.py", + [ + "ASGIRequest", + "_get_post" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/handlers/wsgi.py", + [ 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"EmailMultiAlternatives", + "_create_message" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_attachments": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "EmailMessage", + "_create_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_mime_attachment": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "EmailMessage", + "_create_mime_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_attachment": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "EmailMessage", + "_create_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_list_header_if_not_empty": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "EmailMessage", + "_set_list_header_if_not_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_alternative": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "EmailMultiAlternatives", + "attach_alternative" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_alternatives": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/message.py", + [ + "EmailMultiAlternatives", + "_create_alternatives" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fqdn": [ + [ + "django/core/mail/utils.py", + [ + "CachedDnsName", + "get_fqdn" + ] + ] + ], + "find_commands": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "find_commands" + ] + ] + ], + "load_command_class": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "load_command_class" + ] + ] + ], + "get_commands": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "get_commands" + ] + ] + ], + "call_command": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "call_command" + ] + ] + ], + "main_help_text": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "ManagementUtility", + "main_help_text" + ] + ] + ], + "fetch_command": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "ManagementUtility", + "fetch_command" + ] + ] + ], + "autocomplete": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "ManagementUtility", + "autocomplete" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_from_command_line": [ + [ + "django/core/management/__init__.py", + [ + "execute_from_command_line" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_args": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "CommandParser", + "parse_args" + ] + ] + ], + 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"OutputWrapper", + "style_func" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/color.py", + [ + "make_style", + "for_role_in_termcolors_PA", + "if_color_settings_", + "else_", + "style_func" + ] + ] + ], + "style_func_1": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "OutputWrapper", + "style_func_1" + ] + ] + ], + "isatty": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "OutputWrapper", + "isatty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "MockTTY", + "isatty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_skip_if_not_in_TTY", + "FakeStdin", + "isatty" + ] + ] + ], + "get_version": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand", + "get_version" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/version.py", + [ + "get_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_parser": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand", + "create_parser" + ] + ] + ], + "print_help": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand", + "print_help" + ] + ] + ], + "run_from_argv": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand", + "run_from_argv" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/test.py", + [ + "Command", + "run_from_argv" + ] + ] + ], + "check_migrations": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "BaseCommand", + "check_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_app_config": [ + [ + "django/core/management/base.py", + [ + "AppCommand", + "handle_app_config" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/management/commands/sqlsequencereset.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle_app_config" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/management/commands/app_command.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle_app_config" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_color": [ + [ + "django/core/management/color.py", + [ + "supports_color" + ] + ] + ], + "make_style": [ + [ + "django/core/management/color.py", + [ + "make_style" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/termcolors.py", + [ + "make_style" + ] + ] + ], + "no_style": [ + [ + "django/core/management/color.py", + [ + "no_style" + ] + ] + ], + "color_style": [ + [ + "django/core/management/color.py", + [ + "color_style" + ] + ] + ], + "has_bom": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/compilemessages.py", + [ + "has_bom" + ] + ] + ], + "is_writable": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/compilemessages.py", + [ + "is_writable" + ] + ] + ], + "compile_messages": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/compilemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "compile_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "create_table": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/createcachetable.py", + [ + "Command", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "create_table" + ] + ] + ], + "module_to_dict": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/diffsettings.py", + [ + "module_to_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "output_hash": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/diffsettings.py", + [ + "Command", + "output_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "output_unified": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/diffsettings.py", + [ + "Command", + "output_unified" + ] + ] + ], + "get_objects": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/dumpdata.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle", + "get_objects" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "serialize_db_to_string", + "get_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "table2model": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle_inspection", + "table2model" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_inspection": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command", + "handle_inspection" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_col_name": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command", + "normalize_col_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_meta": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/inspectdb.py", + [ + "Command", + "get_meta" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "get_meta" + ] + ] + ], + "loaddata": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "Command", + "loaddata" + ] + ] + ], + "load_label": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "Command", + "load_label" + ] + ] + ], + "find_fixtures": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "Command", + "find_fixtures" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_dirs": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "Command", + "fixture_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_name": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "Command", + "parse_name" + ] + ] + ], + "humanize": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", + [ + "humanize" + ] + ] + ], + "check_programs": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "check_programs" + ] + ] + ], + "is_templatized": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "BuildFile", + "is_templatized" + ] + ] + ], + "work_path": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "BuildFile", 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"build_potfiles" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_potfiles": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "remove_potfiles" + ] + ] + ], + "find_files": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "find_files" + ] + ] + ], + "process_files": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "process_files" + ] + ] + ], + "process_locale_dir": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "process_locale_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "write_po_file": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "write_po_file" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_plural_forms": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemessages.py", + [ + "Command", + "copy_plural_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "write_migration_files": [ + [ + "django/core/management/commands/makemigrations.py", + [ + "Command", + "write_migration_files" + ] + ] + ], + "all_items_equal": [ + [ + 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"django/core/management/templates.py", + [ + "TemplateCommand", + "download" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "download" + ] + ] + ], + "splitext": [ + [ + "django/core/management/templates.py", + [ + "TemplateCommand", + "splitext" + ] + ] + ], + "extract": [ + [ + "django/core/management/templates.py", + [ + "TemplateCommand", + "extract" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "extract" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "Archive", + "extract" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "BaseArchive", + "extract" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "TarArchive", + "extract" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "ZipArchive", + "extract" + ] + ] + ], + "is_url": [ + [ + "django/core/management/templates.py", + [ + "TemplateCommand", + "is_url" + ] + ] + ], + "make_writeable": [ + [ + "django/core/management/templates.py", + [ + "TemplateCommand", + "make_writeable" + ] + ] + ], + "popen_wrapper": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "popen_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_extensions": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "handle_extensions" + ] + ] + ], + "find_command": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "find_command" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_secret_key": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "get_random_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_apps_and_model_labels": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "parse_apps_and_model_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "get_command_line_option": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "get_command_line_option" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_path_patterns": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "normalize_path_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "ignore": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "is_ignored_path", + "ignore" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/base.py", + [ + "ignore" + ] + ] + ], + "is_ignored_path": [ + [ + "django/core/management/utils.py", + [ + "is_ignored_path" 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"django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "unregister_serializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "MigrationWriter", + "unregister_serializer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_serializer": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "get_serializer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_serializer_formats": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "get_serializer_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "get_public_serializer_formats": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "get_public_serializer_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "get_deserializer": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "get_deserializer" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_serializers": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "_load_serializers" + ] + ] + ], + "sort_dependencies": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/__init__.py", + [ + "sort_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "WithData": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "DeserializationError", + "WithData" + ] + ] + ], + "end_object": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "end_object" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/json.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "end_object" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/python.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "end_object" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "end_object" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_fk_field": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "handle_fk_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/python.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "handle_fk_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "handle_fk_field" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_m2m_field": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "handle_m2m_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/python.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "handle_m2m_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "handle_m2m_field" + ] + ] + ], + "getvalue": [ + [ + 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"django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "InterBoundaryIter", + "__next__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/multipartparser.py", + [ + "BoundaryIter", + "__next__" + ] + ] + ], + "save_deferred_fields": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "DeserializedObject", + "save_deferred_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "build_instance": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "build_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "m2m_convert": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "deserialize_m2m_values", + "if_hasattr_model__default", + "m2m_convert" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "deserialize_m2m_values", + "if_hasattr_model__default", + "else_", + "m2m_convert" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "Deserializer", + "_handle_m2m_field_node", + "if_hasattr_default_manage", + "m2m_convert" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/xml_serializer.py", + [ + "Deserializer", + "_handle_m2m_field_node", + "if_hasattr_default_manage", + "else_", + "m2m_convert" + ] + ] + ], + "deserialize_m2m_values": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "deserialize_m2m_values" + ] + ] + ], + "deserialize_fk_value": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/base.py", + [ + "deserialize_fk_value" + ] + ] + ], + "Deserializer": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/json.py", + [ + "Deserializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/python.py", + [ + "Deserializer" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/pyyaml.py", + [ + "Deserializer" + ] + ] + ], + "_value_from_field": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/python.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "_value_from_field" + ] + ] + ], + "m2m_value": [ + [ + "django/core/serializers/python.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "handle_m2m_field", + "if_field_remote_field_thr", + "if_self_use_natural_forei", + "m2m_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/core/serializers/python.py", + [ + "Serializer", + "handle_m2m_field", + "if_field_remote_field_thr", + "if_self_use_natural_forei", + "else_", + "m2m_value" + ] + ] + ], + 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[ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "ensure_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_cursor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_prepare_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "_cursor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "_commit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_commit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "_rollback": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "_close": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_close" + ] + ] + ], + "cursor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "commit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "commit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "commit" + ] + ] + ], + "rollback": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "_savepoint": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_savepoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_savepoint_rollback": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_savepoint_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "_savepoint_commit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_savepoint_commit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_savepoint_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "_savepoint_allowed": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_savepoint_allowed" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_savepoint_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "savepoint": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "savepoint" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "savepoint" + ] + ] + ], + "savepoint_rollback": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "savepoint_rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "savepoint_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "savepoint_commit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "savepoint_commit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "savepoint_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_savepoints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "clean_savepoints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "clean_savepoints" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_autocommit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_set_autocommit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_set_autocommit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_set_autocommit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_set_autocommit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_set_autocommit" + ] + ] + ], + "get_autocommit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "get_autocommit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "get_autocommit" + ] + ] + ], + "set_autocommit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "set_autocommit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "set_autocommit" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rollback": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "get_rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "get_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "set_rollback": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "set_rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "set_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_no_atomic_block": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "validate_no_atomic_block" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_no_broken_transaction": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "validate_no_broken_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "constraint_checks_disabled": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "constraint_checks_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_constraint_checking": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "disable_constraint_checking" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "disable_constraint_checking" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "disable_constraint_checking" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_constraint_checking": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "enable_constraint_checking" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "enable_constraint_checking" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "enable_constraint_checking" + ] + ] + ], + "check_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "check_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "check_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "check_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "check_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "check_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "is_usable": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "is_usable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "is_usable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "is_usable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "is_usable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "is_usable" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "is_usable" + ] + ] + ], + "close_if_unusable_or_obsolete": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "close_if_unusable_or_obsolete" + ] + ] + ], + "allow_thread_sharing": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "allow_thread_sharing" + ] + ] + ], + "inc_thread_sharing": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "inc_thread_sharing" + ] + ] + ], + "dec_thread_sharing": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "dec_thread_sharing" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_thread_sharing": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "validate_thread_sharing" + ] + ] + ], + "wrap_database_errors": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "wrap_database_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "chunked_cursor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "chunked_cursor" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "chunked_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "make_debug_cursor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "make_debug_cursor" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "make_debug_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "make_cursor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "make_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "temporary_connection": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "temporary_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodb_cursor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "_nodb_cursor" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "_nodb_cursor" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_nodb_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "schema_editor": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "schema_editor" + ] + ] + ], + "on_commit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "on_commit" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "on_commit" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_transaction_in_hook", + "on_commit" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_hook_in_hook", + "on_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "run_and_clear_commit_hooks": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "run_and_clear_commit_hooks" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_wrapper": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "execute_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "copy": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/base.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseWrapper", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Func", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Case", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/utils.py", + [ + "ErrorList", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/http/request.py", + [ + "QueryDict", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMapping", + "copy" + ] + ] + ], + "runshell": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/client.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseClient", + "runshell" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient", + "runshell" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient", + "runshell" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient", + "runshell" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient", + "runshell" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "create_test_db" + ] + ] + ], + "set_as_test_mirror": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "set_as_test_mirror" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "set_as_test_mirror" + ] + ] + ], + "serialize_db_to_string": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "serialize_db_to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "deserialize_db_from_string": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "deserialize_db_from_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_database_display_str": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "_get_database_display_str" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_test_db_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "_get_test_db_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_get_test_db_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_get_test_db_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_create_test_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "_execute_create_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_execute_create_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_execute_create_test_db" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "_create_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_create_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_create_test_db" + ] + ] + ], + "clone_test_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "clone_test_db" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_db_clone_settings": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "get_test_db_clone_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "get_test_db_clone_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "_clone_test_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "_clone_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_clone_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_clone_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_clone_test_db" + ] + ] + ], + "destroy_test_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "destroy_test_db" + ] + ] + ], + "_destroy_test_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "_destroy_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_destroy_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_destroy_test_db" + ] + ] + ], + "sql_table_creation_suffix": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "sql_table_creation_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "sql_table_creation_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "sql_table_creation_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_signature": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/creation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseCreation", + "test_db_signature" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "test_db_signature" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "test_db_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_explaining_query_execution": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/features.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseFeatures", + "supports_explaining_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_transactions": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/features.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseFeatures", + "supports_transactions" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supports_transactions" + ] + ] + ], + "allows_group_by_selected_pks_on_model": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/features.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseFeatures", + "allows_group_by_selected_pks_on_model" + ] + ] + ], + "identifier_converter": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "identifier_converter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "identifier_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_names": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "table_names", + "get_names" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "get_names" + ] + ] + ], + "table_names": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "table_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table_list": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_list" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table_description": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_description" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_description" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_description" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_description" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_description" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "get_table_description" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "get_table_description" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "get_table_description" + ] + ] + ], + "get_migratable_models": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_migratable_models" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionRouter", + "get_migratable_models" + ] + ] + ], + "django_table_names": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "django_table_names" + ] + ] + ], + "installed_models": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "installed_models" + ] + ] + ], + "sequence_list": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "sequence_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sequences": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_sequences" + ] + ] + ], + "get_relations": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_relations" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_relations" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_relations" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_relations" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_key_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_key_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_key_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_key_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_key_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "get_primary_key_column": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/introspection.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseIntrospection", + "get_primary_key_column" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_primary_key_column" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_primary_key_column" + ] + ] + ], + "autoinc_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "autoinc_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "bulk_batch_size": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "bulk_batch_size" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "bulk_batch_size" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "bulk_batch_size" + ] + ] + ], + "cache_key_culling_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "cache_key_culling_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "cache_key_culling_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "unification_cast_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "unification_cast_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "unification_cast_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "date_extract_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "date_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_extract_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "date_interval_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "date_interval_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_interval_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_interval_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "date_trunc_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "date_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "date_trunc_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime_cast_date_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_date_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_date_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_date_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_date_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_date_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime_cast_time_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_time_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_time_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_time_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_time_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_cast_time_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime_extract_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "datetime_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_extract_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime_trunc_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "datetime_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "datetime_trunc_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "time_trunc_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "time_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "time_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "time_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "time_trunc_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "time_trunc_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "time_extract_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "time_extract_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "time_extract_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "json_cast_text_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "json_cast_text_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "json_cast_text_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "deferrable_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "deferrable_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "deferrable_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "deferrable_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "distinct_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "distinct_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "distinct_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "fetch_returned_insert_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "fetch_returned_insert_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "fetch_returned_insert_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "field_cast_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "field_cast_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "field_cast_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "force_no_ordering": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "force_no_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "force_no_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "for_update_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "for_update_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_limit_offset_params": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "_get_limit_offset_params" + ] + ] + ], + "limit_offset_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "limit_offset_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "limit_offset_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "to_string": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "last_executed_query", + "to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "Team", + "to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "last_executed_query": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "last_executed_query" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "last_executed_query" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "last_executed_query" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "last_executed_query" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "last_executed_query" + ] + ] + ], + "last_insert_id": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "last_insert_id" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "last_insert_id" + ] + ] + ], + "lookup_cast": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "lookup_cast" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "lookup_cast" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "lookup_cast" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "lookup_cast" + ] + ] + ], + "max_in_list_size": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "max_in_list_size" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "max_in_list_size" + ] + ] + ], + "no_limit_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "no_limit_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "no_limit_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "no_limit_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "no_limit_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "no_limit_value" + ] + ] + ], + "pk_default_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "pk_default_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "pk_default_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "pk_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_sql_script": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "prepare_sql_script" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "prepare_sql_script" + ] + ] + ], + "process_clob": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "process_clob" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "process_clob" + ] + ] + ], + "return_insert_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "return_insert_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "return_insert_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "return_insert_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "return_insert_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "compiler": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "compiler" + ] + ] + ], + "quote_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "quote_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "quote_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "quote_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "quote_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "quote_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "quote_name" + ] + ] + ], + "random_function_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "random_function_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "random_function_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "random_function_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "regex_lookup": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "regex_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "regex_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "regex_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "savepoint_create_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "savepoint_create_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "savepoint_commit_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "savepoint_commit_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "savepoint_rollback_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "savepoint_rollback_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "set_time_zone_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "set_time_zone_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "set_time_zone_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_sql_flush": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "execute_sql_flush" + ] + ] + ], + "sequence_reset_by_name_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "sequence_reset_by_name_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "sequence_reset_by_name_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "sequence_reset_by_name_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "sequence_reset_by_name_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "sequence_reset_by_name_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "sequence_reset_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "sequence_reset_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "sequence_reset_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "sequence_reset_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "start_transaction_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "start_transaction_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "start_transaction_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "end_transaction_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "end_transaction_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "tablespace_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "tablespace_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "tablespace_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "tablespace_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "prep_for_like_query": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "prep_for_like_query" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_autopk_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "validate_autopk_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "validate_autopk_value" + ] + ] + ], + "adapt_unknown_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "adapt_unknown_value" + ] + ] + ], + "adapt_datefield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "adapt_datefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_datefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_datefield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "adapt_datetimefield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "adapt_datetimefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_datetimefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_datetimefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_datetimefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_datetimefield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "adapt_timefield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "adapt_timefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_timefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_timefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_timefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_timefield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "adapt_decimalfield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "adapt_decimalfield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "adapt_ipaddressfield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "adapt_ipaddressfield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "adapt_ipaddressfield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "year_lookup_bounds_for_date_field": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "year_lookup_bounds_for_date_field" + ] + ] + ], + "year_lookup_bounds_for_datetime_field": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "year_lookup_bounds_for_datetime_field" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_durationfield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "convert_durationfield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "conditional_expression_supported_in_where_clause": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "conditional_expression_supported_in_where_clause" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "conditional_expression_supported_in_where_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "combine_expression": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "combine_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "combine_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "combine_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "combine_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "combine_duration_expression": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "combine_duration_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "combine_duration_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "binary_placeholder_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "binary_placeholder_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "binary_placeholder_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "integer_field_range": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "integer_field_range" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "integer_field_range" + ] + ] + ], + "subtract_temporals": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "subtract_temporals" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "subtract_temporals" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "subtract_temporals" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "subtract_temporals" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "subtract_temporals" + ] + ] + ], + "window_frame_start": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "window_frame_start" + ] + ] + ], + "window_frame_end": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "window_frame_end" + ] + ] + ], + "window_frame_rows_start_end": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "window_frame_rows_start_end" + ] + ] + ], + "window_frame_range_start_end": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "window_frame_range_start_end" + ] + ] + ], + "explain_query_prefix": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "explain_query_prefix" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "explain_query_prefix" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "explain_query_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_statement": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "insert_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "insert_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "insert_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "ignore_conflicts_suffix_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/operations.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseOperations", + "ignore_conflicts_suffix_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "ignore_conflicts_suffix_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_relevant_relation": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "_is_relevant_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_related_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "_all_related_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "_related_non_m2m_objects": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "_related_non_m2m_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "table_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "table_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_default": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "prepare_default" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "prepare_default" + ] + ] + ], + "_column_default_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_column_default_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_column_default_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_effective_default": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_effective_default" + ] + ] + ], + "effective_default": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "effective_default" + ] + ] + ], + "quote_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "quote_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "quote_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "quote_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "quote_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "quote_value" + ] + ] + ], + "add_index": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "add_index" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "add_index" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_index": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "remove_index" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "remove_index" + ] + ] + ], + "add_constraint": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "add_constraint" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "add_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_constraint": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "remove_constraint" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "remove_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "alter_unique_together": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "alter_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "alter_index_together": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "alter_index_together" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_composed_index": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_composed_index" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_composed_index" + ] + ] + ], + "alter_db_tablespace": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "alter_db_tablespace" + ] + ] + ], + "alter_field": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "alter_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "alter_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "alter_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_alter_field": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_alter_column_null_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_column_null_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_alter_column_default_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_column_default_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_alter_many_to_many": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_many_to_many" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_many_to_many" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_index_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_index_tablespace_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_get_index_tablespace_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_index_condition_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_index_condition_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_index_include_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_index_include_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "create_index_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_index_sql", + "create_index_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "setUp", + "create_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_index_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_index_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_index_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_index_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_index_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_index_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "_model_indexes_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_model_indexes_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_field_indexes_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_field_indexes_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_field_indexes_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_field_became_primary_key": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_field_became_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_unique_should_be_added": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_unique_should_be_added" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_unique_should_be_added" + ] + ] + ], + "_rename_field_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_rename_field_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_rename_field_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_fk_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_fk_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "create_fk_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_fk_constraint_name", + "create_fk_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_fk_constraint_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_fk_constraint_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_fk_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_fk_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_deferrable_constraint_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_deferrable_constraint_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_unique_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_unique_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "create_unique_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_unique_sql", + "create_unique_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_unique_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_unique_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_unique_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_unique_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_check_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_check_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_check_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_check_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_check_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_constraint_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_constraint_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_constraint_names": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_constraint_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_primary_key": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_primary_key_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_primary_key_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_primary_key_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_delete_primary_key_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_procedure": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/schema.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor", + "remove_procedure" + ] + ] + ], + "check_field": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/base/validation.py", + [ + "BaseDatabaseValidation", + "check_field" + ] + ] + ], + "references_table": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Reference", + "references_table" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Table", + "references_table" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyName", + "references_table" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Statement", + "references_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "MockReference", + "references_table" + ] + ] + ], + "references_column": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Reference", + "references_column" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableColumns", + "references_column" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyName", + "references_column" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Statement", + "references_column" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "MockReference", + "references_column" + ] + ] + ], + "rename_table_references": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Reference", + "rename_table_references" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Table", + "rename_table_references" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyName", + "rename_table_references" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Statement", + "rename_table_references" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "MockReference", + "rename_table_references" + ] + ] + ], + "rename_column_references": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Reference", + "rename_column_references" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableColumns", + "rename_column_references" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyName", + "rename_column_references" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Statement", + "rename_column_references" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "MockReference", + "rename_column_references" + ] + ] + ], + "col_str": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "Columns", + "__str__", + "col_str" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/ddl_references.py", + [ + "IndexColumns", + "__str__", + "col_str" + ] + ] + ], + "complain": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/dummy/base.py", + [ + "complain" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "ImmutableList", + "complain" + ] + ] + ], + "executemany": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "executemany" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "executemany" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "SQLiteCursorWrapper", + "executemany" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "executemany" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorDebugWrapper", + "executemany" + ] + ] + ], + "display_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "display_name" + ] + ] + ], + "data_type_check_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "data_type_check_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "mysql_server_info": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "mysql_server_info" + ] + ] + ], + "mysql_version": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "mysql_version" + ] + ] + ], + "mysql_is_mariadb": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "mysql_is_mariadb" + ] + ] + ], + "sql_mode": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "sql_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "settings_to_cmd_args": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient", + "settings_to_cmd_args" + ] + ] + ], + "as_subquery_condition": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "as_subquery_condition" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "as_subquery_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_clone_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_clone_db" + ] + ] + ], + "_mysql_storage_engine": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "_mysql_storage_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "update_can_self_select": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "update_can_self_select" + ] + ] + ], + "can_introspect_foreign_keys": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "can_introspect_foreign_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "introspected_field_types": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "introspected_field_types" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "introspected_field_types" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "introspected_field_types" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "introspected_field_types" + ] + ] + ], + "can_return_columns_from_insert": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "can_return_columns_from_insert" + ] + ] + ], + "has_zoneinfo_database": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "has_zoneinfo_database" + ] + ] + ], + "is_sql_auto_is_null_enabled": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "is_sql_auto_is_null_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_over_clause": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supports_over_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_column_check_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supports_column_check_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "can_introspect_check_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "can_introspect_check_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "has_select_for_update_skip_locked": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "has_select_for_update_skip_locked" + ] + ] + ], + "has_select_for_update_nowait": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "has_select_for_update_nowait" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_explain_analyze": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supports_explain_analyze" + ] + ] + ], + "supported_explain_formats": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supported_explain_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "ignores_table_name_case": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "ignores_table_name_case" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_default_in_lead_lag": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supports_default_in_lead_lag" + ] + ] + ], + "supports_json_field": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supports_json_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "supports_json_field" + ] + ] + ], + "can_introspect_json_field": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "can_introspect_json_field" + ] + ] + ], + "to_int": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_table_description", + "to_int" + ] + ] + ], + "get_storage_engine": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "get_storage_engine" + ] + ] + ], + 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"DatabaseOperations", + "fetch_returned_insert_rows" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "fetch_returned_insert_rows" + ] + ] + ], + "format_for_duration_arithmetic": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "format_for_duration_arithmetic" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "format_for_duration_arithmetic" + ] + ] + ], + "bulk_insert_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "bulk_insert_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "bulk_insert_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "bulk_insert_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "bulk_insert_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_booleanfield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_booleanfield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_booleanfield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_booleanfield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_datetimefield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_datetimefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_datetimefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_datetimefield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_uuidfield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_uuidfield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_uuidfield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_uuidfield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "sql_delete_check": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "sql_delete_check" + ] + ] + ], + "sql_rename_column": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "sql_rename_column" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_limited_data_type": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_is_limited_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_supports_limited_data_type_defaults": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_supports_limited_data_type_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_field_new_type_null_status": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_set_field_new_type_null_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_sql_mode": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/validation.py", + [ + "DatabaseValidation", + "_check_sql_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "check_field_type": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/mysql/validation.py", + [ + "DatabaseValidation", + "check_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/validation.py", + [ + "DatabaseValidation", + "check_field_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_environment": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "_setup_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "wrap_oracle_errors": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "wrap_oracle_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "_dsn": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_dsn" + ] + ] + ], + "_connect_string": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_connect_string" + ] + ] + ], + "oracle_version": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "oracle_version" + ] + ] + ], + "bind_parameter": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "VariableWrapper", + "bind_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/utils.py", + [ + "InsertVar", + "bind_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "_output_number_converter": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "_output_number_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_decimal_converter": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "_get_decimal_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "_output_type_handler": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "_output_type_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_params": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "_format_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_guess_input_sizes": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "_guess_input_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "_param_generator": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "_param_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "_fix_for_params": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "_fix_for_params" + ] + ] + ], + "var": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "var" + ] + ] + ], + "arrayvar": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/base.py", + [ + "FormatStylePlaceholderCursor", + "arrayvar" + ] + ] + ], + "_maindb_connection": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_maindb_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "_switch_to_test_user": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_switch_to_test_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_objects_preventing_db_destruction": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_handle_objects_preventing_db_destruction" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_test_db_creation": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_execute_test_db_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_user": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_create_test_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_test_db_destruction": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_execute_test_db_destruction" + ] + ] + ], + "_destroy_test_user": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_destroy_test_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_statements": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_execute_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_allow_fail_statements": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_execute_allow_fail_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_test_db_params": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_get_test_db_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_settings_get": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_settings_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_create": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_create" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_user_create": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_user_create" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_user": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_passwd": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_passwd" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "_test_database_passwd" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_datafile": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_datafile" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp_datafile": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp_datafile" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_maxsize": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_maxsize" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp_maxsize": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp_maxsize" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_size": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp_size": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_extsize": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_extsize" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp_extsize": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_tblspace_tmp_extsize" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_database_oracle_managed_files": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_test_database_oracle_managed_files" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_textfield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_textfield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_binaryfield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_binaryfield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_datefield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_datefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_datefield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_timefield_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_timefield_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_timefield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_empty_string": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_empty_string" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_empty_bytes": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "convert_empty_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "prep_for_iexact_query": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "prep_for_iexact_query" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "prep_for_iexact_query" + ] + ] + ], + "__foreign_key_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "__foreign_key_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "_foreign_key_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "_foreign_key_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_no_autofield_sequence_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "_get_no_autofield_sequence_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_sequence_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "_get_sequence_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_alter_field_type_workaround": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_alter_field_type_workaround" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "normalize_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_temp_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_generate_temp_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_identity_column": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_is_identity_column" + ] + ] + ], + "_drop_identity": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_drop_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_value": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/utils.py", + [ + "InsertVar", + "get_value" + ] + ] + ], + "from_datetime": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/oracle/utils.py", + [ + "Oracle_datetime", + "from_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "psycopg2_version": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "psycopg2_version" + ] + ] + ], + "tzinfo_factory": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "tzinfo_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "pg_version": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "pg_version" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_expert": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "CursorDebugWrapper", + "copy_expert" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_to": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/base.py", + [ + "CursorDebugWrapper", + "copy_to" + ] + ] + ], + "runshell_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/client.py", + [ + "DatabaseClient", + "runshell_db" + ] + ] + ], + "_quote_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_quote_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_database_create_suffix": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_get_database_create_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "_database_exists": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "_database_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "is_postgresql_10": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "is_postgresql_10" + ] + ] + ], + "is_postgresql_11": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "is_postgresql_11" + ] + ] + ], + "is_postgresql_12": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/features.py", + [ + "DatabaseFeatures", + "is_postgresql_12" + ] + ] + ], + "_field_data_type": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_field_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_field_base_data_types": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_field_base_data_types" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_like_index_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/postgresql/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_create_like_index_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "decoder": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "decoder" + ] + ] + ], + "none_guard": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "none_guard" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aggregate": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "list_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "check_sqlite_version": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "check_sqlite_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_start_transaction_under_autocommit": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "_start_transaction_under_autocommit" + ] + ] + ], + "is_in_memory_db": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapper", + "is_in_memory_db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreation", + "is_in_memory_db" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_query": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "SQLiteCursorWrapper", + "convert_query" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_datetime_parse": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_datetime_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_date_trunc": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_date_trunc" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_time_trunc": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_time_trunc" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_datetime_cast_date": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_datetime_cast_date" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_datetime_cast_time": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_datetime_cast_time" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_datetime_extract": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_datetime_extract" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_datetime_trunc": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_datetime_trunc" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_time_extract": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_time_extract" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_format_dtdelta": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_format_dtdelta" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_time_diff": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_time_diff" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_timestamp_diff": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_timestamp_diff" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_regexp": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_regexp" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_lpad": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_lpad" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_rpad": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_rpad" + ] + ] + ], + "_sqlite_json_contains": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py", + [ + "_sqlite_json_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "get_field_size": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "get_field_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_foreign_key_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "_get_foreign_key_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_column_or_constraint_definition": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "_parse_column_or_constraint_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_table_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseIntrospection", + "_parse_table_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_tznames_to_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "_convert_tznames_to_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "_quote_params_for_last_executed_query": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "_quote_params_for_last_executed_query" + ] + ] + ], + "__references_graph": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "__references_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "_references_graph": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "_references_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "get_decimalfield_converter": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperations", + "get_decimalfield_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_referenced_by_fk_constraint": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_is_referenced_by_fk_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "is_self_referential": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_remake_table", + "is_self_referential" + ] + ] + ], + "_remake_table": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/sqlite3/schema.py", + [ + "DatabaseSchemaEditor", + "_remake_table" + ] + ] + ], + "callproc": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "callproc" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_with_wrappers": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "_execute_with_wrappers" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "_execute" + ] + ] + ], + "_executemany": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapper", + "_executemany" + ] + ] + ], + "debug_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "CursorDebugWrapper", + "debug_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "typecast_date": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "typecast_date" + ] + ] + ], + "typecast_time": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "typecast_time" + ] + ] + ], + "typecast_timestamp": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "typecast_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "split_identifier": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "split_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "truncate_name": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "truncate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "names_digest": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "names_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "format_number": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "format_number" + ] + ] + ], + "strip_quotes": [ + [ + "django/db/backends/utils.py", + [ + "strip_quotes" + ] + ] + ], + "changes": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "changes" + ] + ] + ], + "deep_deconstruct": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "deep_deconstruct" + ] + ] + ], + "only_relation_agnostic_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "only_relation_agnostic_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "_detect_changes": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_detect_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_field_lists": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_prepare_field_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_through_model_map": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_generate_through_model_map" + ] + ] + ], + "_resolve_dependency": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_resolve_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_migration_list": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_build_migration_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_sort_migrations": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_sort_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "_optimize_migrations": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_optimize_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "check_dependency": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "check_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "add_operation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "add_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "swappable_first_key": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "swappable_first_key" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_renamed_models": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_renamed_models" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_created_models": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_created_models" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_created_proxies": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_created_proxies" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_deleted_models": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_deleted_models" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_deleted_proxies": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_deleted_proxies" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_renamed_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_renamed_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_added_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_added_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_added_field": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_generate_added_field" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_removed_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_removed_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_removed_field": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_generate_removed_field" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_altered_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_altered_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "create_altered_indexes": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "create_altered_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_added_indexes": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_added_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_removed_indexes": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_removed_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_altered_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "create_altered_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_added_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_added_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_removed_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_removed_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_dependencies_for_foreign_key": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_get_dependencies_for_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_altered_foo_together": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_generate_altered_foo_together" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_altered_unique_together": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_altered_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_altered_index_together": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_altered_index_together" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_altered_db_table": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_altered_db_table" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_altered_options": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_altered_options" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_altered_order_with_respect_to": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_altered_order_with_respect_to" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_altered_managers": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "generate_altered_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "arrange_for_graph": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "arrange_for_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "_trim_to_apps": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "_trim_to_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "suggest_name": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "suggest_name" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_number": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/autodetector.py", + [ + "MigrationAutodetector", + "parse_number" + ] + ] + ], + "migration_plan": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "migration_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_project_state": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "_create_project_state" + ] + ] + ], + "migrate": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "migrate" + ] + ] + ], + "_migrate_all_forwards": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "_migrate_all_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "_migrate_all_backwards": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "_migrate_all_backwards" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_migration": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "apply_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "record_migration": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "record_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "unapply_migration": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "unapply_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "check_replacements": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "check_replacements" + ] + ] + ], + "should_skip_detecting_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "detect_soft_applied", + "should_skip_detecting_model" + ] + ] + ], + "detect_soft_applied": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/executor.py", + [ + "MigrationExecutor", + "detect_soft_applied" + ] + ] + ], + "add_child": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "Node", + "add_child" + ] + ] + ], + "add_parent": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "Node", + "add_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_error": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "DummyNode", + "raise_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_atomic_operation/0001_initial.py", + [ + "raise_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_non_atomic/0001_initial.py", + [ + "raise_error" + ] + ] + ], + "add_node": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "add_node" + ] + ] + ], + "add_dummy_node": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "add_dummy_node" + ] + ] + ], + "add_dependency": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "add_dependency" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "Collector", + "add_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_replaced_nodes": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "remove_replaced_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_replacement_node": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "remove_replacement_node" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_consistency": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "validate_consistency" + ] + ] + ], + "forwards_plan": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "forwards_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "backwards_plan": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "backwards_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "iterative_dfs": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "iterative_dfs" + ] + ] + ], + "root_nodes": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "root_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "leaf_nodes": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "leaf_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_not_cyclic": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "ensure_not_cyclic" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodes_and_edges": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "_nodes_and_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_plan": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "_generate_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "make_state": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/graph.py", + [ + "MigrationGraph", + "make_state" + ] + ] + ], + "migrations_module": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "migrations_module" + ] + ] + ], + "load_disk": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "load_disk" + ] + ] + ], + "get_migration": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "get_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_migration_by_prefix": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "get_migration_by_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "check_key": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "check_key" + ] + ] + ], + "add_internal_dependencies": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "add_internal_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "add_external_dependencies": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "add_external_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "build_graph": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "build_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "check_consistent_history": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "check_consistent_history" + ] + ] + ], + "detect_conflicts": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "detect_conflicts" + ] + ] + ], + "project_state": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "project_state" + ] + ] + ], + "collect_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/loader.py", + [ + "MigrationLoader", + "collect_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "mutate_state": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/migration.py", + [ + "Migration", + "mutate_state" + ] + ] + ], + "apply": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/migration.py", + [ + "Migration", + "apply" + ] + ] + ], + "unapply": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/migration.py", + [ + "Migration", + "unapply" + ] + ] + ], + "swappable_dependency": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/migration.py", + [ + "swappable_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "references_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "references_model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "FieldOperation", + "references_model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "ModelOperation", + "references_model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel", + "references_model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "DeleteModel", + "references_model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "references_model" + ] + ] + ], + "references_field": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "references_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "FieldOperation", + "references_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "references_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation", + "references_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterOrderWithRespectTo", + "references_field" + ] + ] + ], + "allow_migrate_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "allow_migrate_model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionRouter", + "allow_migrate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "reduce": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/base.py", + [ + "Operation", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "FieldOperation", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AddField", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RemoveField", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "AlterField", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "ModelOperation", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "CreateModel", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "ModelOptionOperation", + "reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "model_name_lower": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "FieldOperation", + "model_name_lower" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "IndexOperation", + "model_name_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "name_lower": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "FieldOperation", + "name_lower" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "ModelOperation", + "name_lower" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ModelState", + "name_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "is_same_model_operation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "FieldOperation", + "is_same_model_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "is_same_field_operation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "FieldOperation", + "is_same_field_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "old_name_lower": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "old_name_lower" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "old_name_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "new_name_lower": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/fields.py", + [ + "RenameField", + "new_name_lower" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "RenameModel", + "new_name_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_for_duplicates": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "_check_for_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "option_value": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/models.py", + [ + "AlterTogetherOptionOperation", + "option_value" + ] + ] + ], + "reversible": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunSQL", + "reversible" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunPython", + "reversible" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/more_operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "reversible" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "reversible" + ] + ] + ], + "_run_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunSQL", + "_run_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "noop": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/special.py", + [ + "RunPython", + "noop" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_can_defer_constraint_checks", + "noop" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_cannot_defer_constraint_checks", + "noop" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "LargeDeleteTests", + "test_large_deletes", + "noop" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "noop" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_relation": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/utils.py", + [ + "resolve_relation" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "resolve_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "field_references": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/utils.py", + [ + "field_references" + ] + ] + ], + "get_references": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/utils.py", + [ + "get_references" + ] + ] + ], + "field_is_referenced": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/operations/utils.py", + [ + "field_is_referenced" + ] + ] + ], + "optimize": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/optimizer.py", + [ + "MigrationOptimizer", + "optimize" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "optimize" + ] + ] + ], + "optimize_inner": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/optimizer.py", + [ + "MigrationOptimizer", + "optimize_inner" + ] + ] + ], + "ask_initial": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "MigrationQuestioner", + "ask_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "ask_not_null_addition": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "MigrationQuestioner", + "ask_not_null_addition" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_not_null_addition" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "NonInteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_not_null_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "ask_not_null_alteration": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "MigrationQuestioner", + "ask_not_null_alteration" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_not_null_alteration" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "NonInteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_not_null_alteration" + ] + ] + ], + "ask_rename": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "MigrationQuestioner", + "ask_rename" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_rename" + ] + ] + ], + "ask_rename_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "MigrationQuestioner", + "ask_rename_model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_rename_model" + ] + ] + ], + "ask_merge": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "MigrationQuestioner", + "ask_merge" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "ask_auto_now_add_addition": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "MigrationQuestioner", + "ask_auto_now_add_addition" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_auto_now_add_addition" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "NonInteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "ask_auto_now_add_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "_boolean_input": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "_boolean_input" + ] + ] + ], + "_choice_input": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "_choice_input" + ] + ] + ], + "_ask_default": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/questioner.py", + [ + "InteractiveMigrationQuestioner", + "_ask_default" + ] + ] + ], + "Migration": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder", + "Migration" + ] + ] + ], + "migration_qs": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder", + "migration_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "has_table": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder", + "has_table" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_schema": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder", + "ensure_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "applied_migrations": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder", + "applied_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "record_applied": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder", + "record_applied" + ] + ] + ], + "record_unapplied": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/recorder.py", + [ + "MigrationRecorder", + "record_unapplied" + ] + ] + ], + "_format": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "BaseSequenceSerializer", + "_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "FrozensetSerializer", + "_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "SequenceSerializer", + "_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "SetSerializer", + "_format" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "TupleSerializer", + "_format" + ] + ] + ], + "serialize_deconstructed": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DeconstructableSerializer", + "serialize_deconstructed" + ] + ] + ], + "_serialize_path": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "DeconstructableSerializer", + "_serialize_path" + ] + ] + ], + "serializer_factory": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/serializer.py", + [ + "serializer_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_app_label_and_model_name": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "_get_app_label_and_model_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_related_models": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "_get_related_models" + ] + ] + ], + "get_related_models_tuples": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "get_related_models_tuples" + ] + ] + ], + "get_related_models_recursive": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "get_related_models_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "add_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "add_model" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "remove_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_reload_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "_find_reload_model" + ] + ] + ], + "reload_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "reload_model" + ] + ] + ], + "reload_models": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "reload_models" + ] + ] + ], + "_reload": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "_reload" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_delayed_apps_cache": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "clear_delayed_apps_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "apps": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "apps" + ] + ] + ], + "concrete_apps": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "concrete_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "from_apps": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ProjectState", + "from_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "bulk_update": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "StateApps", + "bulk_update" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "bulk_update" + ] + ] + ], + "render_multiple": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "StateApps", + "render_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "unregister_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "StateApps", + "unregister_model" + ] + ] + ], + "flatten_bases": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ModelState", + "from_model", + "flatten_bases" + ] + ] + ], + "from_model": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ModelState", + "from_model" + ] + ] + ], + "construct_managers": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ModelState", + "construct_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_index_by_name": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ModelState", + "get_index_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_constraint_by_name": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/state.py", + [ + "ModelState", + "get_constraint_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_migration_name_timestamp": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/utils.py", + [ + "get_migration_name_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "_write": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriter", + "serialize", + "_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "WriteChunkCounterHandler", + "_write" + ] + ] + ], + "unindent": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriter", + "unindent" + ] + ] + ], + "basedir": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "MigrationWriter", + "basedir" + ] + ] + ], + "filename": [ + [ + "django/db/migrations/writer.py", + [ + "MigrationWriter", + "filename" + ] + ] + ], + "get_source_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Aggregate", + "get_source_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "get_source_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "When", + "get_source_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "default_alias": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Aggregate", + "default_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_by_cols": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Aggregate", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ResolvedOuterRef", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Value", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "RawSQL", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Col", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Ref", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionWrapper", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "When", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Window", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "WindowFrame", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "MissingAliasFunc", + "get_group_by_cols" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_repr_options": [ + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Aggregate", + "_get_repr_options" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "StdDev", + "_get_repr_options" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/aggregates.py", + [ + "Variance", + "_get_repr_options" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Func", + "_get_repr_options" + ] + ] + ], + "subclass_exception": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "subclass_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "_has_contribute_to_class": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "_has_contribute_to_class" + ] + ] + ], + "add_to_class": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "ModelBase", + "add_to_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_base_manager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "ModelBase", + "_base_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "_default_manager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "ModelBase", + "_default_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "from_db": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "from_db" + ] + ] + ], + "__reduce__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardManyToOneDescriptor", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseOneToOneDescriptor", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "lazy", + "__proxy__", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "LazyObject", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_missing_django_version_unpickling", + "MissingDjangoVersion", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_unsupported_unpickle", + "DifferentDjangoVersion", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "BaseBaz", + "__reduce__" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_pk_val": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_get_pk_val" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_pk_val": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_set_pk_val" + ] + ] + ], + "get_deferred_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "get_deferred_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "refresh_from_db": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "refresh_from_db" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/models.py", + [ + "RefreshPrimaryProxy", + "refresh_from_db" + ] + ] + ], + "serializable_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "serializable_value" + ] + ] + ], + "save_base": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "save_base" + ] + ] + ], + "_save_parents": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_save_parents" + ] + ] + ], + "_save_table": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_save_table" + ] + ] + ], + "_do_update": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_do_update" + ] + ] + ], + "_do_insert": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_do_insert" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_FIELD_display": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_get_FIELD_display" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_next_or_previous_by_FIELD": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_get_next_or_previous_by_FIELD" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_next_or_previous_in_order": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ 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"unique_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "full_clean": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "full_clean" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "full_clean" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFormSet", + "full_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "clean_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_swappable": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_swappable" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_managers": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_m2m_through_same_relationship": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_m2m_through_same_relationship" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_id_field": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_id_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_field_name_clashes": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_field_name_clashes" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_column_name_clashes": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_column_name_clashes" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_model_name_db_lookup_clashes": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_model_name_db_lookup_clashes" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_property_name_related_field_accessor_clashes": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_property_name_related_field_accessor_clashes" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_single_primary_key": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_single_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_index_together": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_index_together" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_unique_together": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_indexes": [ + [ + "django/db/models/base.py", + [ + "Model", + "_check_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + 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"django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "PROTECT" + ] + ] + ], + "RESTRICT": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "RESTRICT" + ] + ] + ], + "set_on_delete": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "SET", + "if_callable_value_", + "set_on_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "SET", + "if_callable_value_", + "else_", + "set_on_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "SET": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "SET" + ] + ] + ], + "SET_NULL": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "SET_NULL" + ] + ] + ], + "SET_DEFAULT": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "SET_DEFAULT" + ] + ] + ], + "DO_NOTHING": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "DO_NOTHING" + ] + ] + ], + "get_candidate_relations_to_delete": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "get_candidate_relations_to_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "add_field_update": [ + [ + "django/db/models/deletion.py", + [ + "Collector", + "add_field_update" + ] + ] + ], + "add_restricted_objects": [ 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"django/db/models/enums.py", + [ + "TextChoices", + "_generate_next_value_" + ] + ] + ], + "__neg__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__neg__" + ] + ] + ], + "__mod__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__mod__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/functional.py", + [ + "lazy", + "__proxy__", + "__mod__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/translation/__init__.py", + [ + "lazy_number", + "if_isinstance_number_int", + "else_", + "NumberAwareString", + "__mod__" + ] + ] + ], + "__pow__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__pow__" + ] + ] + ], + "bitand": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "bitand" + ] + ] + ], + "bitleftshift": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "bitleftshift" + ] + ] + ], + "bitrightshift": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "bitrightshift" + ] + ] + ], + "bitxor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "bitxor" + ] + ] + ], + "bitor": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "bitor" + ] + ] + ], + "__rsub__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__rsub__" + ] + ] + ], + "__rtruediv__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__rtruediv__" + ] + ] + ], + "__rmod__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__rmod__" + ] + ] + ], + "__rpow__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Combinable", + "__rpow__" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_expressions": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "_parse_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "contains_aggregate": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "contains_aggregate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "contains_aggregate" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "contains_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "contains_over_clause": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "contains_over_clause" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "contains_over_clause" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "contains_over_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "contains_column_references": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "contains_column_references" + ] + ] + ], + "conditional": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "conditional" + ] + ] + ], + "field": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "StartsWithRelation", + "field" + ] + ] + ], + "_output_field_or_none": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "_output_field_or_none" + ] + ] + ], + "_resolve_output_field": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "_resolve_output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery", + "_resolve_output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Window", + "_resolve_output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/mixins.py", + [ + "NumericOutputFieldMixin", + "_resolve_output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "LagLeadFunction", + "_resolve_output_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/window.py", + [ + "NthValue", + "_resolve_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_value_noop": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "_convert_value_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "get_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "MultiColSource", + "get_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "get_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin", + "get_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomField", + "get_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "TrackCallsYearTransform", + "get_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "relabeled_clone": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ResolvedOuterRef", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OuterRef", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Col", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Ref", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "MultiColSource", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "Join", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "BaseTable", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "relabeled_clone" + ] + ] + ], + "asc": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "asc" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "F", + "asc" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy", + "asc" + ] + ] + ], + "desc": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "desc" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "F", + "desc" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy", + "desc" + ] + ] + ], + "reverse_ordering": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "reverse_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "OrderBy", + "reverse_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "identity": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "BaseExpression", + "identity" + ] + ] + ], + "compile": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "DurationExpression", + "compile" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "compile" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest", + "MockCompiler", + "compile" + ] + ] + ], + "external_aliases": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "Subquery", + "external_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "window_frame_start_end": [ + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "WindowFrame", + "window_frame_start_end" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "RowRange", + "window_frame_start_end" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/expressions.py", + [ + "ValueRange", + "window_frame_start_end" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_field": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "_load_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_empty": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "return_None": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "return_None" + ] + ] + ], + "_description": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_description" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_choices": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_check_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_db_index": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_check_db_index" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_null_allowed_for_primary_keys": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_check_null_allowed_for_primary_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_backend_specific_checks": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_check_backend_specific_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_validators": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_check_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_deprecation_details": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_check_deprecation_details" + ] + ] + ], + "get_col": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_col" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "get_col" + ] + ] + ], + "cached_col": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "cached_col" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pk_value_on_save": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_pk_value_on_save" + ] + ] + ], + "validators": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "validators" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "validators" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegerField", + "validators" + ] + ] + ], + "db_type_parameters": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "db_type_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "db_check": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "db_check" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "db_check" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "db_check" + ] + ] + ], + "rel_db_type": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "rel_db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerRelDbTypeMixin", + "rel_db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoField", + "rel_db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BigAutoField", + "rel_db_type" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "SmallAutoField", + "rel_db_type" + ] + ] + ], + "db_parameters": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "db_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "db_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "db_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "db_type_suffix": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "db_type_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "unique": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "unique" + ] + ] + ], + "db_tablespace": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "db_tablespace" + ] + ] + ], + "db_returning": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "db_returning" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attname": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_attname" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "get_attname" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "CustomForeignObjectRel", + "get_attname" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attname_column": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_attname_column" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_attname_column" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "get_attname_column" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/models.py", + [ + "NonConcreteField", + "get_attname_column" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_save": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "pre_save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "pre_save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeField", + "pre_save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField", + "pre_save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "pre_save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/fields.py", + [ + "MyAutoField", + "pre_save" + ] + ] + ], + "get_db_prep_save": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_db_prep_save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "get_db_prep_save" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "get_db_prep_save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/fields.py", + [ + "MyAutoField", + "get_db_prep_save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/models/base.py", + [ + "TeamField", + "get_db_prep_save" + ] + ] + ], + "has_default": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "has_default" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_default" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BinaryField", + "get_default" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "get_default" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/engine.py", + [ + "Engine", + "get_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_field_default_transform", + "TestTransformField", + "get_default" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_get_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_schema.py", + [ + "SchemaEditorTests", + "test_effective_default_callable", + "MyCharField", + "_get_default" + ] + ] + ], + "get_choices": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "get_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "get_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_choices_constructor_generator", + "get_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter_again_again", + "AwesomeFilter", + "get_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_valid_case", + "AwesomeFilter", + "get_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_flatchoices": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "_get_flatchoices" + ] + ] + ], + "save_form_data": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "save_form_data" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "save_form_data" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "OneToOneField", + "save_form_data" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "save_form_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "SpecialGenericRelation", + "save_form_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "CustomFileField", + "save_form_data" + ] + ] + ], + "value_from_object": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "Field", + "value_from_object" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "value_from_object" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_max_length_attribute": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "CharField", + "_check_max_length_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_mutually_exclusive_options": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeCheckMixin", + "_check_mutually_exclusive_options" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_fix_default_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeCheckMixin", + "_check_fix_default_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateField", + "_check_fix_default_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DateTimeField", + "_check_fix_default_value" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "TimeField", + "_check_fix_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_decimal_places": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "_check_decimal_places" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_max_digits": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "_check_max_digits" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_decimal_places_and_max_digits": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "_check_decimal_places_and_max_digits" + ] + ] + ], + "context": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "DecimalField", + "context" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_allowing_files_or_folders": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "FilePathField", + "_check_allowing_files_or_folders" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_max_length_warning": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegerField", + "_check_max_length_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_blank_and_null_values": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressField", + "_check_blank_and_null_values" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_str_default_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "BinaryField", + "_check_str_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_primary_key": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMixin", + "_check_primary_key" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "_check_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_subclasses": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMeta", + "_subclasses" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryType", + "_subclasses" + ] + ] + ], + "__instancecheck__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMeta", + "__instancecheck__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "InstanceCheckMeta", + "__instancecheck__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryType", + "__instancecheck__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "DeprecationInstanceCheck", + "__instancecheck__" + ] + ] + ], + "__subclasscheck__": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", + [ + "AutoFieldMeta", + "__subclasscheck__" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryType", + "__subclasscheck__" + ] + ] + ], + "_require_file": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "_require_file" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_file": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "_get_file" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "CollectionTestCase", + "_get_file" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestFindStatic", + "_get_file" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_file": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "_set_file" + ] + ] + ], + "_del_file": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FieldFile", + "_del_file" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_upload_to": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "FileField", + "_check_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_image_library_installed": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageField", + "_check_image_library_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "update_dimension_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/files.py", + [ + "ImageField", + "update_dimension_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_supported": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "JSONField", + "_check_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "compile_json_path": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "compile_json_path" + ] + ] + ], + "preprocess_lhs": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/json.py", + [ + "KeyTransform", + "preprocess_lhs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cached_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/mixins.py", + [ + "FieldCacheMixin", + "get_cached_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_cached": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/mixins.py", + [ + "FieldCacheMixin", + "is_cached" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardManyToOneDescriptor", + "is_cached" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseOneToOneDescriptor", + "is_cached" + ] + ] + ], + "set_cached_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/mixins.py", + [ + "FieldCacheMixin", + "set_cached_value" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cached_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/mixins.py", + [ + "FieldCacheMixin", + "delete_cached_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_default": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/mixins.py", + [ + "CheckFieldDefaultMixin", + "_check_default" + ] + ] + ], + "lazy_related_operation": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "lazy_related_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "related_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "related_model" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "related_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_related_name_is_valid": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "_check_related_name_is_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_related_query_name_is_valid": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "_check_related_query_name_is_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_relation_model_exists": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "_check_relation_model_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_referencing_to_swapped_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "_check_referencing_to_swapped_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_clashes": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "_check_clashes" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_related_class": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "contribute_to_class", + "if_not_cls__meta_abstract", + "resolve_related_class" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reverse_related_filter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "get_reverse_related_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "swappable_setting": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "swappable_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "do_related_class": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "do_related_class" + ] + ] + ], + "get_limit_choices_to": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "get_limit_choices_to" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceField", + "get_limit_choices_to" + ] + ] + ], + "related_query_name": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "related_query_name" + ] + ] + ], + "target_field": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "RelatedField", + "target_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "target_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "target_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_to_fields_exist": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "_check_to_fields_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_unique_target": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "_check_unique_target" + ] + ] + ], + "related_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "related_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "reverse_related_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "reverse_related_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "local_related_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "local_related_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "foreign_related_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "foreign_related_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "CustomForeignObjectRel", + "foreign_related_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "get_local_related_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_local_related_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_foreign_related_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_foreign_related_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_value_for_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_instance_value_for_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "get_joining_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_joining_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "get_joining_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/empty_join.py", + [ + "StartsWithRelation", + "get_joining_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reverse_joining_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_reverse_joining_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "get_extra_descriptor_filter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_extra_descriptor_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ActiveTranslationField", + "get_extra_descriptor_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/models/article.py", + [ + "ActiveTranslationFieldWithQ", + "get_extra_descriptor_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lookups": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "get_lookups" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin", + "get_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "contribute_to_related_class": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignObject", + "contribute_to_related_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "contribute_to_related_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "contribute_to_related_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_on_delete": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "_check_on_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_unique": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "_check_unique" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "OneToOneField", + "_check_unique" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_check_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_empty_strings": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ForeignKey", + "convert_empty_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "set_managed": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "create_many_to_many_intermediary_model", + "set_managed" + ] + ] + ], + "create_many_to_many_intermediary_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "create_many_to_many_intermediary_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_ignored_options": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_check_ignored_options" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_relationship_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_check_relationship_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_table_uniqueness": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_check_table_uniqueness" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_path_info": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_get_path_info" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_m2m_db_table": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_get_m2m_db_table" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_m2m_attr": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_get_m2m_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_m2m_reverse_attr": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "_get_m2m_reverse_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_through_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyField", + "contribute_to_class", + "if_not_cls__meta_abstract", + "if_self_remote_field_thro", + "resolve_through_model" + ] + ] + ], + "RelatedObjectDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ForwardManyToOneDescriptor", + "RelatedObjectDoesNotExist" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseOneToOneDescriptor", + "RelatedObjectDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_set_deprecation_msg_params": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ReverseManyToOneDescriptor", + "_get_set_deprecation_msg_params" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ManyToManyDescriptor", + "_get_set_deprecation_msg_params" + ] + ] + ], + "create_reverse_many_to_one_manager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_reverse_many_to_one_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "through": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "ManyToManyDescriptor", + "through" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_remove_filters": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager", + "_build_remove_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_target_ids": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager", + "_get_target_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_missing_target_ids": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager", + "_get_missing_target_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_add_plan": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager", + "_get_add_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_items": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager", + "_add_items" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_items": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager", + "ManyRelatedManager", + "_remove_items" + ] + ] + ], + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py", + [ + "create_forward_many_to_many_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "get_normalized_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/related_lookups.py", + [ + "get_normalized_value" + ] + ] + ], + "hidden": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "remote_field": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "remote_field" + ] + ] + ], + "many_to_many": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "many_to_many" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "many_to_many" + ] + ] + ], + "many_to_one": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "many_to_one" + ] + ] + ], + "one_to_many": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "one_to_many" + ] + ] + ], + "one_to_one": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "one_to_one" + ] + ] + ], + "set_field_name": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "set_field_name" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ManyToOneRel", + "set_field_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_accessor_name": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ForeignObjectRel", + "get_accessor_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_related_field": [ + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ManyToOneRel", + "get_related_field" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/fields/reverse_related.py", + [ + "ManyToManyRel", + "get_related_field" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tzname": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py", + [ + "TimezoneMixin", + "get_tzname" + ] + ] + ], + "coalesce": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "ConcatPair", + "coalesce" + ] + ] + ], + "_paired": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Concat", + "_paired" + ] + ] + ], + "get_substr": [ + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Left", + "get_substr" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/functions/text.py", + [ + "Right", + "get_substr" + ] + ] + ], + "set_name_with_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/indexes.py", + [ + "Index", + "set_name_with_model" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_bilateral_transforms": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "apply_bilateral_transforms" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_process_rhs": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "batch_process_rhs" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin", + "batch_process_rhs" + ] + ] + ], + "rhs_is_direct_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "rhs_is_direct_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_summary": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Lookup", + "is_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "is_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "lhs": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Transform", + "lhs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bilateral_transforms": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "Transform", + "get_bilateral_transforms" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_expression_parameter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "FieldGetDbPrepValueIterableMixin", + "resolve_expression_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "split_parameter_list_as_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "In", + "split_parameter_list_as_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "year_lookup_bounds": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearLookup", + "year_lookup_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "get_direct_rhs_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearLookup", + "get_direct_rhs_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/lookups.py", + [ + "YearExact", + "get_direct_rhs_sql" + ] + ] + ], + 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"create_method" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_queryset_methods": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "_get_queryset_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "from_queryset": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "from_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_creation_counter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "_set_creation_counter" + ] + ] + ], + "db_manager": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "db_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "db": [ + [ + "django/db/models/manager.py", + [ + "BaseManager", + "db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "db" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet", + "db" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_together": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "normalize_together" + ] + ] + ], + "make_immutable_fields_list": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "make_immutable_fields_list" + ] + ] + ], + "label": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ 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+ "get_path_to_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "get_path_from_parent": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "get_path_from_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "_populate_directed_relation_graph": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "_populate_directed_relation_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "_relation_tree": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "_relation_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "_expire_cache": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "_expire_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "_get_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "total_unique_constraints": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "total_unique_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "_property_names": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "_property_names" + ] + ] + ], + "db_returning_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/options.py", + [ + "Options", + "db_returning_fields" + ] + ] + ], + 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"QuerySet", + "_raw_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "_update": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "SelectOnSaveTests", + "test_select_on_save_lying_update", + "FakeQuerySet", + "_update" + ] + ] + ], + "_prefetch_related_objects": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_prefetch_related_objects" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet", + "_prefetch_related_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "explain": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "explain" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "explain" + ] + ] + ], + "raw": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "raw" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_raw_lock_not_available", + "raw" + ] + ] + ], + "_values": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_values" + ] + ] + ], + "values_list": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "dates": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "dates" + ] + ] + ], + "datetimes": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "none": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "none" + ] + ] + ], + "filter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/log.py", + [ + "CallbackFilter", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/log.py", + [ + "RequireDebugFalse", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/log.py", + [ + "RequireDebugTrue", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "CustomQuerySet", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "BaseCustomManager", + "filter" + ] + ] + ], + "exclude": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "exclude" + ] + ] + 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+ "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "distinct": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "extra": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "extra" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ReportAdmin", + "extra" + ] + ] + ], + "defer": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "defer" + ] + ] + ], + "only": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "only" + ] + ] + ], + "using": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "using" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet", + "using" + ] + ] + ], + "ordered": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "ordered" + ] + ] + ], + "_insert": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_insert" + ] + ] + ], + "_batched_insert": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_batched_insert" + ] + ] + ], + "_chain": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "_fetch_all": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_fetch_all" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet", + "_fetch_all" + ] + ] + ], + "_next_is_sticky": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_next_is_sticky" + ] + ] + ], + "_merge_sanity_check": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_merge_sanity_check" + ] + ] + ], + "_merge_known_related_objects": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_merge_known_related_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_hints": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_add_hints" + ] + ] + ], + "_has_filters": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_has_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_values_are_expressions": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_validate_values_are_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "_not_support_combined_queries": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "QuerySet", + "_not_support_combined_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_model_init_order": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet", + "resolve_model_init_order" + ] + ] + ], + "columns": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet", + "columns" + ] + ] + ], + "model_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "RawQuerySet", + "model_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "add_prefix": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "Prefetch", + "add_prefix" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "add_prefix" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFormSet", + "add_prefix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_prefixes", + "Person_1", + "add_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "get_current_prefetch_to": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "Prefetch", + "get_current_prefetch_to" + ] + ] + ], + "get_current_to_attr": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "Prefetch", + "get_current_to_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "get_current_queryset": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "Prefetch", + "get_current_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_prefetch_lookups": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "normalize_prefetch_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "prefetch_related_objects": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "prefetch_related_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "get_prefetcher": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "get_prefetcher" + ] + ] + ], + "prefetch_one_level": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "prefetch_one_level" + ] + ] + ], + "get_related_populators": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query.py", + [ + "get_related_populators" + ] + ] + ], + "__warn": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryType", + "__warn" + ] + ] + ], + "subclasses": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "subclasses" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_parent_chain": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "DeferredAttribute", + "_check_parent_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_lookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin", + "_get_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_dicts": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin", + "merge_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "_clear_cached_lookups": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin", + "_clear_cached_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "register_lookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin", + "register_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "register_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "_unregister_lookup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "RegisterLookupMixin", + "_unregister_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "select_related_descend": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "select_related_descend" + ] + ] + ], + "refs_expression": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "refs_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "check_rel_lookup_compatibility": [ + [ + "django/db/models/query_utils.py", + [ + "check_rel_lookup_compatibility" + ] + ] + ], + "_lazy_method": [ + [ + "django/db/models/signals.py", + [ + "ModelSignal", + "_lazy_method" + ] + ] + ], + "disconnect": [ + [ + "django/db/models/signals.py", + [ + "ModelSignal", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "Signal", + "disconnect" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_query": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "setup_query" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_sql_setup": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "pre_sql_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLUpdateCompiler", + "pre_sql_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_by": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "collapse_group_by": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "collapse_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "get_select_from_parent": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_select", + "if_self_query_select_rela", + "get_select_from_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "get_select": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_select" + ] + ] + ], + "get_order_by": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "get_extra_select": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_extra_select" + ] + ] + ], + "quote_name_unless_alias": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "quote_name_unless_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_combinator_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_combinator_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_default_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "get_distinct": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "find_ordering_name": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "find_ordering_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_joins": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "_setup_joins" + ] + ] + ], + "get_from_clause": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_from_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_field_choices": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_related_selections", + "_get_field_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_select_for_update_of_arguments", + "_get_field_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "get_related_klass_infos": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_related_selections", + "get_related_klass_infos" + ] + ] + ], + "local_setter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_related_selections", + "if_restricted_", + "local_setter" + ] + ] + ], + "remote_setter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_related_selections", + "if_restricted_", + "remote_setter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_related_selections": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_related_selections" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_parent_klass_info": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_select_for_update_of_arguments", + "_get_parent_klass_info" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_first_selected_col_from_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_select_for_update_of_arguments", + "_get_first_selected_col_from_model" + ] + ] + ], + "get_select_for_update_of_arguments": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_select_for_update_of_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "deferred_to_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "deferred_to_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "get_converters": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "get_converters" + ] + ], + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "get_converters" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_converters": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "apply_converters" + ] + ] + ], + "results_iter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "results_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "has_results": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "has_results" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "has_results" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "execute_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLInsertCompiler", + "execute_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLUpdateCompiler", + "execute_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "explain_query": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLCompiler", + "explain_query" + ] + ] + ], + "field_as_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLInsertCompiler", + "field_as_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_save_val": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLInsertCompiler", + "pre_save_val" + ] + ] + ], + "assemble_as_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLInsertCompiler", + "assemble_as_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "single_alias": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLDeleteCompiler", + "single_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_as_sql": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "SQLDeleteCompiler", + "_as_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "cursor_iter": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/compiler.py", + [ + "cursor_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "demote": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "Join", + "demote" + ] + ] + ], + "promote": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/datastructures.py", + [ + "Join", + "promote" + ] + ] + ], + "get_field_names_from_opts": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "get_field_names_from_opts" + ] + ] + ], + "get_children_from_q": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "get_children_from_q" + ] + ] + ], + "chain": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "RawQuery", + "chain" + ] + ], + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "chain" + ] + ] + ], + "get_columns": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "RawQuery", + "get_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "params_type": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "RawQuery", + "params_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_query": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "RawQuery", + "_execute_query" + ] + ] + ], + "has_select_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "has_select_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "base_table": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "base_table" + ] + ] + ], + "sql_with_params": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "sql_with_params" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compiler": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "get_compiler" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_col": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "_get_col" + ] + ] + ], + "rewrite_cols": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "rewrite_cols" + ] + ] + ], + "get_aggregation": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "get_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_count": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "get_count" + ] + ] + ], + "has_filters": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "has_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "combine": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "combine" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/datetime_safe.py", + [ + "datetime", + "combine" + ] + ] + ], + "deferred_to_data": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "deferred_to_data" + ] + ] + ], + "table_alias": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "table_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "ref_alias": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "ref_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "unref_alias": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "unref_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "promote_joins": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "promote_joins" + ] + ] + ], + "demote_joins": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "demote_joins" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_refcounts": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "reset_refcounts" + ] + ] + ], + "change_aliases": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "change_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "prefix_gen": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "bump_prefix", + "prefix_gen" + ] + ] + ], + "bump_prefix": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "bump_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "get_initial_alias": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "get_initial_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "count_active_tables": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "count_active_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "join": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "join" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/defaultfilters.py", + [ + "join" + ] + ] + ], + "join_parent_model": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "join_parent_model" + ] + ] + ], + "add_annotation": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "add_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_external_cols": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "get_external_cols" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_lookup_value": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "resolve_lookup_value" + ] + ] + ], + "solve_lookup_type": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "solve_lookup_type" + ] + ] + ], + "check_query_object_type": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "check_query_object_type" + ] + ] + ], + "check_related_objects": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "check_related_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "check_filterable": [ 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"add_filtered_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "names_to_path": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "names_to_path" + ] + ] + ], + "final_transformer": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "setup_joins", + "final_transformer" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_joins": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "setup_joins" + ] + ] + ], + "trim_joins": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "trim_joins" + ] + ] + ], + "_gen_cols": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "_gen_cols" + ] + ] + ], + "_gen_col_aliases": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "_gen_col_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_ref": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "resolve_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "split_exclude": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "split_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "set_empty": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "set_empty" + ] + ] + ], + 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"django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "add_distinct_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "add_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "add_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFormSet", + "add_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelFormSet", + "add_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseInlineFormSet", + "add_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCustomDeleteFormSet", + "add_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "add_ordering": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "add_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_ordering": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "clear_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "set_group_by": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "set_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "add_select_related": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "add_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "add_extra": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "add_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_deferred_loading": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "clear_deferred_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "add_deferred_loading": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "add_deferred_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "add_immediate_loading": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "add_immediate_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "get_loaded_field_names": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "get_loaded_field_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_loaded_field_names_cb": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "get_loaded_field_names_cb" + ] + ] + ], + "set_annotation_mask": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "set_annotation_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "append_annotation_mask": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "Query", + "append_annotation_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "set_extra_mask": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/query.py", + 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"django/db/models/sql/query.py", + [ + "JoinPromoter", + "update_join_types" + ] + ] + ], + "do_query": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "DeleteQuery", + "do_query" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_batch": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "DeleteQuery", + "delete_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_query": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "UpdateQuery", + "_setup_query" + ] + ] + ], + "update_batch": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "UpdateQuery", + "update_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "add_update_values": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "UpdateQuery", + "add_update_values" + ] + ] + ], + "add_update_fields": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "UpdateQuery", + "add_update_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "add_related_update": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "UpdateQuery", + "add_related_update" + ] + ] + ], + "get_related_updates": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "UpdateQuery", + "get_related_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_values": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "InsertQuery", + "insert_values" + ] + ] + ], + "add_subquery": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/subqueries.py", + [ + "AggregateQuery", + "add_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "split_having": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "split_having" + ] + ] + ], + "relabel_aliases": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "relabel_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "_contains_aggregate": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "_contains_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "_contains_over_clause": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "_contains_over_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "_resolve_leaf": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "_resolve_leaf" + ] + ] + ], + "_resolve_node": [ + [ + "django/db/models/sql/where.py", + [ + "WhereNode", + "_resolve_node" + ] + ] + ], + "make_model_tuple": [ + [ + "django/db/models/utils.py", + [ + "make_model_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_callables": [ + [ + "django/db/models/utils.py", + [ + "resolve_callables" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_for_rollback_on_error": [ + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "mark_for_rollback_on_error" + ] + ] + ], + "atomic": [ + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "atomic" + ] + ] + ], + "_non_atomic_requests": [ + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "_non_atomic_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "non_atomic_requests": [ + [ + "django/db/transaction.py", + [ + "non_atomic_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "databases": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandler", + "databases" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_defaults": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandler", + "ensure_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_test_settings": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandler", + "prepare_test_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "close_all": [ + [ + "django/db/utils.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandler", + "close_all" + ] + ] + 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"tests/check_framework/test_multi_db.py", + [ + "TestRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "OtherRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/routers.py", + [ + "DefaultOtherRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/routers.py", + [ + "TestRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "AgnosticRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MigrateNothingRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MigrateEverythingRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MigrateWhenFooRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "TestRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "AuthRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "AntiPetRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "SyncOnlyDefaultDatabaseRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "NoExtensionRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "JustOtherRouter", + "allow_migrate" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_id": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "_make_id" + ] + ] + ], + "has_listeners": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "Signal", + "has_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "send_robust": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "Signal", + "send_robust" + ] + ] + ], + "_clear_dead_receivers": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "Signal", + "_clear_dead_receivers" + ] + ] + ], + "_live_receivers": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "Signal", + "_live_receivers" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_receiver": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "Signal", + "_remove_receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "_decorator": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "receiver", + "_decorator" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/decorators.py", + [ + "make_middleware_decorator", + "_make_decorator", + "_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "receiver": [ + [ + "django/dispatch/dispatcher.py", + [ + "receiver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionCreatedSignalTest", + "test_signal", + "receiver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_only_referenced_fields_selected", + "receiver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "receiver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "receiver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "test_disconnect", + "receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "subwidgets": [ + [ + "django/forms/boundfield.py", + [ + "BoundField", + "subwidgets" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "Widget", + "subwidgets" + ] + ], + [ + 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+ ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "DeepCopyWidget", + "_set_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "valid_value": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "ChoiceField", + "valid_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_coerce": [ + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceField", + "_coerce" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/fields.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceField", + "_coerce" + ] + ] + ], + "order_fields": [ + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "order_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "add_initial_prefix": [ + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "add_initial_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_html_output": [ + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "_html_output" + ] + ] + ], + "as_table": [ + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "as_table" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", + [ + "BaseFormSet", + "as_table" + ] + ] + ], + "as_ul": [ + [ + "django/forms/forms.py", + [ + "BaseForm", + "as_ul" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/formsets.py", 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"BaseModelFormSet", + "get_form_error" + ] + ] + ], + "save_existing_objects": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelFormSet", + "save_existing_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "save_new_objects": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelFormSet", + "save_new_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "pk_is_not_editable": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelFormSet", + "add_fields", + "pk_is_not_editable" + ] + ] + ], + "modelformset_factory": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "modelformset_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_foreign_key": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "_get_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "inlineformset_factory": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "inlineformset_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "choice": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceIterator", + "choice" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_custom_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget", + "CustomModelChoiceIterator", + "choice" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_queryset": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceField", + "_get_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "django/shortcuts.py", + [ + "_get_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_queryset": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceField", + "_set_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "label_from_instance": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceField", + "label_from_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_prefetch_related_queryset", + "ColorModelChoiceField", + "label_from_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_values": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceField", + "_check_values" + ] + ] + ], + "modelform_defines_fields": [ + [ + "django/forms/models.py", + [ + "modelform_defines_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "Jinja2": [ + [ + "django/forms/renderers.py", + [ + "try_", + "except_ImportError_", + "Jinja2" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_renderer": [ + [ + "django/forms/renderers.py", + [ + 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"tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "TranslationBlockTranslateTagTests", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTranslateTests", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "TranslationTransTagTests", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests", + "get_template" + ] + ] + ], + "engine": [ + [ + "django/forms/renderers.py", + [ + "EngineMixin", + "engine" + ] + ] + ], + "flatatt": [ + [ + "django/forms/utils.py", + [ + "flatatt" + ] + ] + ], + "as_data": [ + [ + "django/forms/utils.py", + [ + "ErrorDict", + "as_data" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/utils.py", + [ + "ErrorList", + "as_data" + ] + ] + ], + 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+ "_media" + ] + ] + ], + "media_property": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "media_property" + ] + ] + ], + "_render": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "Widget", + "_render" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Template", + "_render" + ] + ] + ], + "use_required_attribute": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "Widget", + "use_required_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "FileInput", + "use_required_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "Select", + "use_required_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultiple", + "use_required_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_checkbox_name": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInput", + "clear_checkbox_name" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_checkbox_id": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInput", + "clear_checkbox_id" + ] + ] + ], + "is_initial": [ + [ + "django/forms/widgets.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInput", + 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"get_full_path_with_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "is_internal_request": [ + [ + "django/middleware/common.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware", + "is_internal_request" + ] + ] + ], + "is_ignorable_request": [ + [ + "django/middleware/common.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware", + "is_ignorable_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_custom_request_checker", + "SubclassedMiddleware", + "is_ignorable_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_failure_view": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "_get_failure_view" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_new_csrf_string": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "_get_new_csrf_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_mask_cipher_secret": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "_mask_cipher_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "_unmask_cipher_token": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "_unmask_cipher_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_new_csrf_token": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "_get_new_csrf_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_token": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "get_token" + ] + ] + ], + "rotate_token": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "rotate_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_sanitize_token": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "_sanitize_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_compare_masked_tokens": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "_compare_masked_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "_accept": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddleware", + "_accept" + ] + ] + ], + "_reject": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddleware", + "_reject" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/decorators/csrf.py", + [ + "_EnsureCsrfToken", + "_reject" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/decorators/csrf.py", + [ + "_EnsureCsrfCookie", + "_reject" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_token": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddleware", + "_get_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_token": [ + [ + "django/middleware/csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddleware", + "_set_token" + ] + ] + ], + "needs_etag": [ + [ + "django/middleware/http.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddleware", + "needs_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "redirect": [ + [ + "django/shortcuts.py", + [ + "redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_or_404": [ + [ + "django/shortcuts.py", + [ + "get_object_or_404" + ] + ] + ], + "get_list_or_404": [ + [ + "django/shortcuts.py", + [ + "get_list_or_404" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_url": [ + [ + "django/shortcuts.py", + [ + "resolve_url" + ] + ] + ], + "app_dirname": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEngine", + "app_dirname" + ] + ] + ], + "from_string": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEngine", + "from_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/backends/django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplates", + "from_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/backends/dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStrings", + "from_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/backends/jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2", + "from_string" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/engine.py", + [ + "Engine", + "from_string" + ] + ] + ], + "template_dirs": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEngine", + "template_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_template_filenames": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/base.py", + [ + "BaseEngine", + "iter_template_filenames" + ] + ] + ], + "get_templatetag_libraries": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplates", + "get_templatetag_libraries" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_exception": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/django.py", + [ + "copy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "reraise": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/django.py", + [ + "reraise" + ] + ] + ], + "get_installed_libraries": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/django.py", + [ + "get_installed_libraries" + ] + ] + ], + "get_package_libraries": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/django.py", + [ + "get_package_libraries" + ] + ] + ], + "template_context_processors": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2", + "template_context_processors" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/engine.py", + [ + "Engine", + "template_context_processors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_exception_info": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/jinja2.py", + [ + "get_exception_info" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Template", + "get_exception_info" + ] + ] + ], + "csrf_input": [ + [ + "django/template/backends/utils.py", + [ + "csrf_input" + ] + ] + ], + "loader_name": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Origin", + "loader_name" + ] + ] + ], + "compile_nodelist": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Template", + "compile_nodelist" + ] + ] + ], + "linebreak_iter": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "linebreak_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "split_contents": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Token", + "split_contents" + ] + ] + ], + "tokenize": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Lexer", + "tokenize" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "DebugLexer", + "tokenize" + ] + ] + ], + "create_token": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Lexer", + "create_token" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_past": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser", + "skip_past" + ] + ] + ], + "extend_nodelist": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser", + "extend_nodelist" + ] + ] + ], + "invalid_block_tag": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser", + "invalid_block_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "unclosed_block_tag": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser", + "unclosed_block_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "next_token": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser", + "next_token" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/smartif.py", + [ + "IfParser", + "next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "prepend_token": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser", + "prepend_token" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_first_token": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser", + "delete_first_token" + ] + ] + ], + "add_library": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "Parser", + "add_library" + ] + ] + ], + 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"django/template/base.py", + [ + "NodeList", + "get_nodes_by_type" + ] + ] + ], + "render_value_in_context": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "render_value_in_context" + ] + ] + ], + "token_kwargs": [ + [ + "django/template/base.py", + [ + "token_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_dicts": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "BaseContext", + "_reset_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "push": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "BaseContext", + "push" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/loader_tags.py", + [ + "BlockContext", + "push" + ] + ] + ], + "set_upward": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "BaseContext", + "set_upward" + ] + ] + ], + "new": [ + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "BaseContext", + "new" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/context.py", + [ + "RequestContext", + "new" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_get_new_defined", + "Manager", + "new" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + 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"django/utils/timezone.py", + [ + "now" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MockDateTime", + "now" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturaltime_as_documented", + "DocumentedMockDateTime", + "now" + ] + ] + ], + "regroup": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "regroup" + ] + ] + ], + "resetcycle": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "resetcycle" + ] + ] + ], + "spaceless": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "spaceless" + ] + ] + ], + "templatetag": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "templatetag" + ] + ] + ], + "verbatim": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "verbatim" + ] + ] + ], + "widthratio": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "widthratio" + ] + ] + ], + "do_with": [ + [ + "django/template/defaulttags.py", + [ + "do_with" + ] + ] + ], + "get_template_builtins": [ + [ + "django/template/engine.py", + [ + "Engine", + "get_template_builtins" + ] + 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"select_template" + ] + ] + ], + "dec": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "tag", + "if_name_is_None_and_compi", + "elif_name_is_not_None_and", + "if_callable_name_", + "else_", + "dec" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "filter", + "if_name_is_None_and_filte", + "dec" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "filter", + "if_name_is_None_and_filte", + "elif_name_is_not_None_and", + "if_callable_name_", + "else_", + "dec" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "simple_tag", + "dec" + ] + ], + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "inclusion_tag", + "dec" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_function": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "tag_function" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_function": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "filter_function" + ] + ] + ], + "compile_func": [ + [ + "django/template/library.py", + [ + "Library", + "simple_tag", + "dec", + 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[ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "closing_iterator_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "conditional_content_removal": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "conditional_content_removal" + ] + ] + ], + "store_rendered_templates": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "store_rendered_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "is_file": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "encode_multipart", + "is_file" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_multipart": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "encode_multipart" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_file": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "encode_file" + ] + ] + ], + "_base_environ": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "RequestFactory", + "_base_environ" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_data": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "RequestFactory", + "_encode_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_json": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "RequestFactory", + "_encode_json" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_path": [ + [ + "django/test/client.py", + [ + "RequestFactory", + "_get_path" + ] + ] + ], + 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"django/test/runner.py", + [ + "RemoteTestResult", + "addFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "addSubTest": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DebugSQLTextTestResult", + "addSubTest" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "RemoteTestResult", + "addSubTest" + ] + ] + ], + "printErrorList": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DebugSQLTextTestResult", + "printErrorList" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "RemoteTestResult", + "test_index" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_docs/test_views.py", + [ + "AdminDocViewTests", + "test_index" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_index" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_index" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTests", + "test_index" + ] + ] + ], + "_confirm_picklable": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "RemoteTestResult", + "_confirm_picklable" + ] + ] + ], + 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"DiscoverRunner", + "build_suite" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_databases": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "setup_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "setup_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resultclass": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "get_resultclass" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_runner_kwargs": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "get_test_runner_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "run_suite": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "run_suite" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown_databases": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "teardown_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "teardown_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown_test_environment": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "teardown_test_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "teardown_test_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "suite_result": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "suite_result" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_databases": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "_get_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "get_databases": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "get_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests", + "get_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "run_tests": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunner", + "run_tests" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/runner.py", + [ + "CustomOptionsTestRunner", + "run_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "is_discoverable": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "is_discoverable" + ] + ] + ], + "reorder_suite": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "reorder_suite" + ] + ] + ], + "partition_suite_by_type": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "partition_suite_by_type" + ] + ] + ], + "partition_suite_by_case": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "partition_suite_by_case" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_tests_by_tags": [ + [ + "django/test/runner.py", + [ + "filter_tests_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "import_webdriver": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCaseBase", + "import_webdriver" + ] + ] + ], + "import_options": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCaseBase", + "import_options" + ] + ] + ], + "get_capability": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCaseBase", + "get_capability" + ] + ] + ], + "create_options": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCaseBase", + "create_options" + ] + ] + ], + "create_webdriver": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCaseBase", + "create_webdriver" + ] + ] + ], + "live_server_url": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCase", + "live_server_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerTestCase", + "live_server_url" + ] + ] + ], + "allowed_host": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCase", + "allowed_host" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerTestCase", + "allowed_host" + ] + ] + ], + "setUpClass": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerTestCase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SerializeMixin", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateStringIfInvalidTest", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "DirectoryCreationTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_sitemaps.py", + [ + "FlatpagesSitemapTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/base.py", + [ + "WidgetTest", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "EarliestOrLatestTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDefaultLoggingMixin", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTestsBase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendStoppedServerTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "OperationTestBase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "NoYamlSerializerTestCase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerAddress", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratedTestCase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/base.py", + [ + "SitemapTestsBase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "LiveServerBase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerChecks", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_changed.py", + [ + "IfChangedTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TagTestCase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TemplateTagLoadingTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "AppDirectoriesLoaderTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "LocmemLoaderTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "NodelistTest", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestBadSetUpTestData", + "setUpClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "ForcedTimeZoneDatabaseTests", + "setUpClass" + ] + ] + ], + "_tearDownClassInternal": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCase", + "_tearDownClassInternal" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerTestCase", + "_tearDownClassInternal" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_implicit_wait": [ + [ + "django/test/selenium.py", + [ + "SeleniumTestCase", + "disable_implicit_wait" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_cache_handlers": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "clear_cache_handlers" + ] + ] + ], + "update_installed_apps": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "update_installed_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "update_connections_time_zone": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "update_connections_time_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_routers_cache": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "clear_routers_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_template_engines": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "reset_template_engines" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_serializers_cache": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "clear_serializers_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "language_changed": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "language_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "localize_settings_changed": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "localize_settings_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "file_storage_changed": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "file_storage_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "complex_setting_changed": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "complex_setting_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "root_urlconf_changed": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "root_urlconf_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "static_storage_changed": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "static_storage_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "static_finders_changed": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "static_finders_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "auth_password_validators_changed": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "auth_password_validators_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "user_model_swapped": [ + [ + "django/test/signals.py", + [ + "user_model_swapped" + ] + ] + ], + "to_list": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "to_list" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_and_parse_html": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "assert_and_parse_html" + ] + ] + ], + "on_template_render": [ + 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"test_default_username", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_password_validation", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validate_password_against_username", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validate_password_against_required_fields", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_password_validation_bypass", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_invalid_username", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_existing_username", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_existing_username_provided_via_option_and_interactive", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validation_mismatched_passwords", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validation_blank_password_entered", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_usermodel_without_password_interactive", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_ignore_environment_variable_interactive", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_pi.py", + [ + "PiTests", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "test_mutation", + "wrapper", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_ptr.py", + [ + "CPointerBaseTests", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_empty_foo_together", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_transactiontestcase.py", + [ + "TestSerializedRollbackInhibitsPostMigrate", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestDurationMicroseconds", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "EscapeLeadingSlashesTests", + "test" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_databases": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_validate_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_databases_failures": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_add_databases_failures" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_databases_failures": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_remove_databases_failures" + ] + ] + ], + "tearDownClass": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerTestCase", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SerializeMixin", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "DirectoryCreationTests", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDefaultLoggingMixin", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTestsBase", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "NoYamlSerializerTestCase", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "LiveServerBase", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerChecks", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestBadSetUpTestData", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_and_call": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_setup_and_call" + ] + ] + ], + "_pre_setup": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_pre_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCase", + "_pre_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "_post_teardown": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_post_teardown" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCase", + "_post_teardown" + ] + ] + ], + "settings": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "settings" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_settings": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "modify_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "assertRedirects": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertRedirects" + ] + ] + ], + "assertURLEqual": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertURLEqual" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "assertURLEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_contains": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_assert_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "assertContains": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertContains" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNotContains": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertNotContains" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFormError": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertFormError" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "AuthViewsTestCase", + "assertFormError" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFormsetError": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertFormsetError" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_template_used": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_assert_template_used" + ] + ] + ], + "assertTemplateUsed": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertTemplateUsed" + ] + ] + ], + "assertTemplateNotUsed": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertTemplateNotUsed" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_raises_or_warns_cm": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_assert_raises_or_warns_cm" + ] + ] + ], + "_assertFooMessage": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "_assertFooMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "assertRaisesMessage": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertRaisesMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "assertWarnsMessage": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertWarnsMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFieldOutput": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertFieldOutput" + ] + ] + ], + "assertHTMLEqual": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertHTMLEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "assertHTMLNotEqual": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "SimpleTestCase", + "assertHTMLNotEqual" + ] + 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"_fixture_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "_should_reload_connections": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCase", + "_should_reload_connections" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "_should_reload_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "_fixture_teardown": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCase", + "_fixture_teardown" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "_fixture_teardown" + ] + ] + ], + "assertQuerysetEqual": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCase", + "assertQuerysetEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNumQueries": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCase", + "assertNumQueries" + ] + ] + ], + "connections_support_transactions": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "connections_support_transactions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_memo": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestData", + "get_memo" + ] + ] + ], + "_enter_atomics": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "_enter_atomics" + ] + ] + ], + "_rollback_atomics": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "_rollback_atomics" + ] + ] + ], + "_databases_support_transactions": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "_databases_support_transactions" + ] + ] + ], + "setUpTestData": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/test_date_hierarchy.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_custom_urls/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomUrlsTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_docs/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + 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"SiteEachContextTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminAuthenticationFormTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_history_view.py", + [ + "AdminHistoryViewTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDatabaseTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "AdminSidebarTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewFormUrlTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminJavaScriptTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SaveAsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewProxyModelPermissionsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewsNoUrlTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestGenericRelations", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewUnicodeTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminSearchTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInheritedInlinesTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestCustomChangeList", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineNotEditable", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomQuerysetTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineFileUploadTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "NeverCacheTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "PrePopulatedTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "ReadonlyTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToInAdminTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "RawIdFieldsTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "UserAdminTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "GroupAdminTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CSSTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminDocsTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "ValidXHTMLTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomSaveRelatedTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewLogoutTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "InlineAdminViewOnSiteTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "GetFormsetsWithInlinesArgumentTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFileWidgetTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_admin_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDatabaseTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseBackendTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "RowlevelBackendTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "NoBackendsTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "InActiveUserBackendTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ChangedBackendSettingsTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AuthenticateTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ImproperlyConfiguredUserModelTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AllowAllUsersModelBackendTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "AuthContextProcessorTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "TestAuthenticationMiddleware", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredMixinTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "AuthViewsTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "CustomUserPasswordResetTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelLookupTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsSiteRelTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_nullif.py", + [ + "NullIfTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_chr.py", + [ + "ChrTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_left.py", + [ + "LeftTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_md5.py", + [ + "MD5Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_ord.py", + [ + "OrdTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_replace.py", + [ + "ReplaceTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_reverse.py", + [ + "ReverseTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_right.py", + [ + "RightTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha1.py", + [ + "SHA1Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha224.py", + [ + "SHA224Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha256.py", + [ + "SHA256Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha384.py", + [ + "SHA384Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha512.py", + [ + "SHA512Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "BigChildDeferTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19102Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/tests.py", + [ + "DistinctOnTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/test_queryset_values.py", + [ + "ValuesExpressionsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "IterableLookupInnerExpressionsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsNumericTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FieldTransformTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseDocumentationExamples", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationAggregationTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_sitemaps.py", + [ + "FlatpagesSitemapTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_agnostic_order_trimjoin.py", + [ + "TestLookupQuery", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_empty_join.py", + [ + "RestrictedConditionsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/from_db_value/tests.py", + [ + "FromDBValueTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "DeleteViewTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_sitemaps.py", + [ + "GeoSitemapTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldLookupTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldLookupTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveSymmetricalM2MThroughTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughToFieldsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/test_multitable.py", + [ + "MultiTableTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughSerializationTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneRecursiveTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "MultipleManyToOneRecursiveTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesOrderingTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesLimitChoicesToTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceUniqueTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "NestedForeignKeysTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "DeeplyNestedForeignKeysTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestAggregateDistinct", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestDateTimeExactQuerying", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestOtherTypesExactQuerying", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_citext.py", + [ + "CITextTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestRangeContainsLookup", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "GrailTestData", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_trigram.py", + [ + "TrigramTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_unaccent.py", + [ + "UnaccentTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelatedLookups", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultManagerTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyToFieldTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "LookupOrderingTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "NullableTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19607Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket21410Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket21760Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + 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"tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctiveFilterTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueriesTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ComparisonTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetBitwiseOperationTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WeirdQuerysetSlicingTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullInExcludeTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyStringsAsNullTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupTypeTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "InLookupTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverriddenRedirectMiddlewareTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reverse_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLookupTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/base.py", + [ + "SitemapTestsBase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FeedTestCase", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "SetupTestDataIsolationTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertQuerysetEqualTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContextManagerTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestBadSetUpTestData", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTest", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_defaults.py", + [ + "DefaultsTests", + "setUpTestData" + ] + ] + ], + "_should_check_constraints": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "TestCase", + "_should_check_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "add_condition": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "CheckCondition", + "add_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_wrapper": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_deferredSkip", + "decorator", + "if_not_isinstance_test_f", + "skip_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "skipUnlessGISLookup", + "decorator", + "skip_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "condition": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_deferredSkip", + "decorator", + "if_not_isinstance_test_f", + "else_", + "if_not_databases_or_conne", + "condition" + ] + ], + [ + "django/views/decorators/http.py", + [ + "condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_deferredSkip": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_deferredSkip" + ] + ] + ], + "skipIfDBFeature": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "skipIfDBFeature" + ] + ] + ], + "skipUnlessDBFeature": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "skipUnlessDBFeature" + ] + ] + ], + "skipUnlessAnyDBFeature": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "skipUnlessAnyDBFeature" + ] + ] + ], + "get_base_dir": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_StaticFilesHandler", + "get_base_dir" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "_MediaFilesHandler", + "get_base_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_server": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerThread", + "_create_server" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerSingleThread", + "_create_server" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerThread", + "terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_server_thread": [ + [ + "django/test/testcases.py", + [ + "LiveServerTestCase", + "_create_server_thread" + ] + ] + ], + "instrumented_test_render": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "instrumented_test_render" + ] + ] + ], + "dependency_ordered": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "dependency_ordered" + ] + ] + ], + "get_unique_databases_and_mirrors": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + 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+ ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsPermissionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_adminsite.py", + [ + "SiteEachContextTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_adminsite.py", + [ + "SiteActionsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_history_view.py", + [ + "AdminHistoryViewTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "AdminSidebarTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewFormUrlTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminJavaScriptTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SaveAsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestGenericRelations", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewUnicodeTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminSearchTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInheritedInlinesTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestCustomChangeList", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineNotEditable", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ 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"tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "CustomUserPasswordResetTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_introspection.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ColumnsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "FkConstraintsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "LocMemCacheTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SilencingCheckTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsSiteRelTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ShortcutViewTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteLockingTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileSaveRaceConditionTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePermissions", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePathParsing", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileStorageTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileLikeObjectTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "DirectoryCreationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FlatpageModelTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsetAsTagTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedTimeTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTimeTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericAdminViewTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminWithUniqueTogetherTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "OSMWidgetTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixin", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "SignalsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "FileCloseTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTestCaseBase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleCompilationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleCompilationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "IgnoreDirectoryCompilationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "FuzzyTranslationTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "SymlinkExtractorTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "FrenchTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "ExtractingStringsWithPercentSigns", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationLoadingTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationThreadSafetyTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "ResolutionOrderI18NTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFilesMissing", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFileChangedTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/utils.py", + [ + "RunInTmpDirMixin", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsConfigTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsCustomLoggingTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "ConsoleBackendTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "ApiTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "CustomRequestApiTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTestMixin", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelationTreeTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/project_template/test_settings.py", + [ + "TestStartProjectSettings", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeFormPostTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeMultipartPostTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeGetTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsMultipartPost", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsFormPost", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestComplexSettingOverride", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "BaseSignalSetup", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/base.py", + [ + "SitemapTestsBase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestSiteTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "CollectionTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestFileSystemFinder", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestAppDirectoriesFinder", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestDefaultStorageFinder", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionFilesOverride", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestExtraPatternsStorage", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionSimpleStorage", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestStaticFilePermissions", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionHashedFilesCache", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/timezone_utils.py", + [ + "TimezoneTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/base.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "RenderToStringTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "FilterRegistrationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "InclusionTagRegistrationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "SimpleTagRegistrationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "TagRegistrationTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "CachedLoaderTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_origin.py", + [ + "OriginTestCase", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsSettingsTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsCmdlineTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket17477RegressionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDatabasesTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_transactiontestcase.py", + [ + "TestSerializedRollbackInhibitsPostMigrate", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseAliasTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestContextDecoratorTests", + "test_exception_in_setup", + "ExceptionInSetUp", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicInsideTransactionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicWithoutAutocommitTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/test_localeregexdescriptor.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptorTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLazySettingsTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ErrorHandlerResolutionTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_archive.py", + [ + "TestArchive", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestSysPathDirectories", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "ReloaderTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloaderTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datetime_safe.py", + [ + "DatetimeTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "EggLoader", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "CustomLoader", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "CustomExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticHelperTest", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "WSGITest", + "setUp" + ] + ] + ], + "tearDown": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "TestContextDecorator", + "decorate_class", + "if_issubclass_cls_TestCa", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "LoggingCaptureMixin", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_default_site/tests.py", + [ + "CustomAdminSiteTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "EggLoadingTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "RowlevelBackendTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "GetDefaultUsernameTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatePermissionsTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "TestCreateSuperUserSignals", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHEADTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestWithTemplateResponse", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SilencingCheckTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteLockingTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileSaveRaceConditionTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePermissions", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePathParsing", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileStorageTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileLikeObjectTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedTimeTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTimeTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "EarliestOrLatestTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixin", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "SignalsTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "FileCloseTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTestCaseBase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "FrenchTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationLoadingTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationThreadSafetyTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "ResolutionOrderI18NTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFilesMissing", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFileChangedTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsCustomLoggingTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "LocmemBackendTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "ConsoleBackendTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "OperationTestBase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTestMixin", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestComplexSettingOverride", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "BaseSignalSetup", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "CollectionTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionFilesOverride", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestStaticFilePermissions", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/base.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_transactiontestcase.py", + [ + "TestSerializedRollbackInhibitsPostMigrate", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicInsideTransactionTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicWithoutAutocommitTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/test_localeregexdescriptor.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptorTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_archive.py", + [ + "TestArchive", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestSysPathDirectories", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "ReloaderTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "EggLoader", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "CustomLoader", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "CustomExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticHelperTest", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "WSGITest", + "tearDown" + ] + ] + ], + "decorate_class": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "TestContextDecorator", + "decorate_class" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "override_settings", + "decorate_class" + ] + ] + ], + "decorate_callable": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "TestContextDecorator", + "decorate_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "save_options": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "override_settings", + "save_options" + ] + ], + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "modify_settings", + "save_options" + ] + ] + ], + "norm_whitespace": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "compare_xml", + "norm_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "child_text": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "compare_xml", + "child_text" + ] + ] + ], + "children": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "compare_xml", + "children" + ] + ] + ], + "norm_child_text": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "compare_xml", + "norm_child_text" + ] + ] + ], + "attrs_dict": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "compare_xml", + "attrs_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "check_element": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "compare_xml", + "check_element" + ] + ] + ], + "first_node": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "compare_xml", + "first_node" + ] + ] + ], + "compare_xml": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "compare_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "captured_queries": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContext", + "captured_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "extend_sys_path": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "extend_sys_path" + ] + ] + ], + "isolate_lru_cache": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "isolate_lru_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "captured_output": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "captured_output" + ] + ] + ], + "captured_stdout": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "captured_stdout" + ] + ] + ], + "captured_stderr": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "captured_stderr" + ] + ] + ], + "captured_stdin": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "captured_stdin" + ] + ] + ], + "freeze_time": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "freeze_time" + ] + ] + ], + "require_jinja2": [ + [ + "django/test/utils.py", + [ + "require_jinja2" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_url_caches": [ + [ + "django/urls/base.py", + [ + "clear_url_caches" + ] + ] + ], + "set_script_prefix": [ + [ + "django/urls/base.py", + [ + "set_script_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_script_prefix": [ + [ + "django/urls/base.py", + [ + "clear_script_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "set_urlconf": [ + [ + "django/urls/base.py", + [ + "set_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "get_urlconf": [ + [ + "django/urls/base.py", + [ + "get_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_path": [ + [ + "django/urls/base.py", + [ + "is_valid_path" + ] + ] + ], + "translate_url": [ + [ + "django/urls/base.py", + [ + "translate_url" + ] + ] + ], + "include": [ + [ + "django/urls/conf.py", + [ + "include" + ] + ] + ], + "_path": [ + [ + "django/urls/conf.py", + [ + "_path" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/storage.py", + [ + "PathNotImplementedStorage", + "_path" + ] + ] + ], + "to_url": [ + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "IntConverter", + "to_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "StringConverter", + "to_url" + ] + ], + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "UUIDConverter", + "to_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/converters.py", + [ + "Base64Converter", + "to_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/converters.py", + [ + "DynamicConverter", + "to_url" + ] + ] + ], + "register_converter": [ + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "register_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_converter": [ + [ + "django/urls/converters.py", + [ + "get_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resolver": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "get_resolver" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cached_resolver": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "_get_cached_resolver" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ns_resolver": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "get_ns_resolver" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_pattern_startswith_slash": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "CheckURLMixin", + "_check_pattern_startswith_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_include_trailing_dollar": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "RegexPattern", + "_check_include_trailing_dollar" + ] + ] + ], + "_compile": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "RegexPattern", + "_compile" + ] + ], + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "RoutePattern", + "_compile" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/regex_helper.py", + [ + "_lazy_re_compile", + "_compile" + ] + ] + ], + "_route_to_regex": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "_route_to_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "regex": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "LocalePrefixPattern", + "regex" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/converters.py", + [ + "DynamicConverter", + "regex" + ] + ] + ], + "language_prefix": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "LocalePrefixPattern", + "language_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_pattern_name": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLPattern", + "_check_pattern_name" + ] + ] + ], + "lookup_str": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLPattern", + "lookup_str" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_custom_error_handlers": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "_check_custom_error_handlers" + ] + ] + ], + "_populate": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "_populate" + ] + ] + ], + "reverse_dict": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "reverse_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "namespace_dict": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "namespace_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "app_dict": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "app_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_join_route": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "_join_route" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_callback": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "_is_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "urlconf_module": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "urlconf_module" + ] + ] + ], + "url_patterns": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "url_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_error_handler": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "resolve_error_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_reverse_with_prefix": [ + [ + "django/urls/resolvers.py", + [ + "URLResolver", + "_reverse_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "get_callable": [ + [ + "django/urls/utils.py", + [ + "get_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "get_mod_func": [ + [ + "django/urls/utils.py", + [ + "get_mod_func" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_join": [ + [ + "django/utils/_os.py", + [ + "safe_join" + ] + ] + ], + "symlinks_supported": [ + [ + "django/utils/_os.py", + [ + "symlinks_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "to_path": [ + [ + "django/utils/_os.py", + [ + "to_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_archive_cls": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "Archive", + "_archive_cls" + ] + ] + ], + "_copy_permissions": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "BaseArchive", + "_copy_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "split_leading_dir": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "BaseArchive", + "split_leading_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "has_leading_dir": [ + [ + "django/utils/archive.py", + [ + "BaseArchive", + "has_leading_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "async_unsafe": [ + [ + "django/utils/asyncio.py", + [ + "async_unsafe" + ] + ] + ], + "check_errors": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "check_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_last_exception": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "raise_last_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_echo_on": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "ensure_echo_on" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_all_python_module_files": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "iter_all_python_module_files" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_modules_and_files": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "iter_modules_and_files" + ] + ] + ], + "_walk": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "common_roots", + "_walk" + ] + ] + ], + "common_roots": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "common_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "sys_path_directories": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "sys_path_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "get_child_arguments": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "get_child_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "trigger_reload": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "trigger_reload" + ] + ] + ], + "restart_with_reloader": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "restart_with_reloader" + ] + ] + ], + "watch_dir": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader", + "watch_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "watched_files": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader", + "watched_files" + ] + ] + ], + "wait_for_apps_ready": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader", + "wait_for_apps_ready" + ] + ] + ], + "run_loop": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader", + "run_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "tick": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader", + "tick" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloader", + "tick" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "tick" + ] + ] + ], + "check_availability": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader", + "check_availability" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloader", + "check_availability" + ] + ], + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "check_availability" + ] + ] + ], + "notify_file_changed": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader", + "notify_file_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "should_stop": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloader", + "should_stop" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_files": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloader", + "snapshot_files" + ] + ] + ], + "client": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/views.py", + [ + "client" + ] + ] + ], + "_watch_root": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "_watch_root" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_clock": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "_get_clock" + ] + ] + ], + "_subscribe": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "_subscribe" + ] + ] + ], + "_subscribe_dir": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "_subscribe_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "_watch_glob": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "_watch_glob" + ] + ] + ], + "watched_roots": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "watched_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_watches": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "_update_watches" + ] + ] + ], + "update_watches": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "update_watches" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_subscription": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "_check_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "request_processed": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "request_processed" + ] + ] + ], + "check_server_status": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloader", + "check_server_status" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reloader": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "get_reloader" + ] + ] + ], + "start_django": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "start_django" + ] + ] + ], + "run_with_reloader": [ + [ + "django/utils/autoreload.py", + [ + "run_with_reloader" + ] + ] + ], + "convert": [ + [ + "django/utils/baseconv.py", + [ + "BaseConverter", + "convert" + ] + ] + ], + "dictitem": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "patch_cache_control", + "dictitem" + ] + ] + ], + "dictvalue": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "patch_cache_control", + "dictvalue" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_cache_control": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "patch_cache_control" + ] + ] + ], + "get_max_age": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "get_max_age" + ] + ] + ], + "set_response_etag": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "set_response_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "_precondition_failed": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_precondition_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "_not_modified": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_not_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "get_conditional_response": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "get_conditional_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_if_match_passes": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_if_match_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "_if_unmodified_since_passes": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_if_unmodified_since_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "_if_none_match_passes": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_if_none_match_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "_if_modified_since_passes": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_if_modified_since_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_response_headers": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "patch_response_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "add_never_cache_headers": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "add_never_cache_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_vary_headers": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "patch_vary_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "has_vary_header": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "has_vary_header" + ] + ] + ], + "_i18n_cache_key_suffix": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_i18n_cache_key_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_cache_key": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_generate_cache_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_cache_header_key": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_generate_cache_header_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cache_key": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "get_cache_key" + ] + ] + ], + "learn_cache_key": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "learn_cache_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_tuple": [ + [ + "django/utils/cache.py", + [ + "_to_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "salted_hmac": [ + [ + "django/utils/crypto.py", + [ + "salted_hmac" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_string": [ + [ + "django/utils/crypto.py", + [ + "get_random_string" + ] + ] + ], + "constant_time_compare": [ + [ + "django/utils/crypto.py", + [ + "constant_time_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "pbkdf2": [ + [ + "django/utils/crypto.py", + [ + "pbkdf2" + ] + ] + ], + "discard": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "OrderedSet", + "discard" + ] + ] + ], + "_getlist": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "_getlist" + ] + ] + ], + "getlist": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "getlist" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictLike", + "getlist" + ] + ] + ], + "lists": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "lists" + ] + ] + ], + "dict": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDict", + "dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_destruct_iterable_mapping_values": [ + [ + "django/utils/datastructures.py", + [ + "_destruct_iterable_mapping_values" + ] + ] + ], + "format": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "Formatter", + "format" + ] 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"django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SystemCheckFrameworkTests", + "test_register_and_run_checks", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "ReceiverTestCase", + "test_receiver_single_signal", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "ReceiverTestCase", + "test_receiver_signal_list", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket10432", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "DictWrapperTests", + "test_dictwrapper", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase", + "test_none", + "f" + ] + ] + ], + "g": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "g" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket10432", + "g" + ] + ] + ], + "G": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "G" + ] + ] + ], + "h": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "h" + ] + ] + ], + "H": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "H" + ] + ] + ], + "i": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "i" + ] + ] + ], + "O": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "O" + ] + ] + ], + "P": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "P" + ] + ] + ], + "s": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "s" + ] + ] + ], + "T": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "T" + ] + ] + ], + "u": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "u" + ] + ] + ], + "Z": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "TimeFormat", + "Z" + ] + ] + ], + "b": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "b" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_create_child_no_update", + "b" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SilentAttrClass", + "b" + ] + ] + ], + "c": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "c" + ] + ] + ], + "d": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "d" + ] + ] + ], + "D": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "D" + ] + ] + ], + "E": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "E" + ] + ] + ], + "F": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "F" + ] + ] + ], + "I": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "I" + ] + ] + ], + "j": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "j" + ] + ] + ], + "l": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "l" + ] + ] + ], + "L": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "L" + ] + ] + ], + "m": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "C", + "m" + ] + ] + ], + "M": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "M" + ] + ] + ], + "n": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "n" + ] + ] + ], + "N": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "N" + ] + ] + ], + "o": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "o" + ] + ] + ], + "r": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "r" + ] + ] + ], + "S": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "S" + ] + ] + ], + "t": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "t" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_localtime_templatetag_and_filters", + "t" + ] + ] + ], + "U": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "U" + ] + ] + ], + "w": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "w" + ] + ] + ], + "W": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormat", + "W" + ] + ] + ], + "Y": [ + [ + "django/utils/dateformat.py", + [ + 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"test_inherit_after_custom_callback", + "callback" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_lazy_model_signal", + "callback" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_decorator": [ + [ + "django/utils/decorators.py", + [ + "make_middleware_decorator", + "_make_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "make_middleware_decorator": [ + [ + "django/utils/decorators.py", + [ + "make_middleware_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "sync_and_async_middleware": [ + [ + "django/utils/decorators.py", + [ + "sync_and_async_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "sync_only_middleware": [ + [ + "django/utils/decorators.py", + [ + "sync_only_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "async_only_middleware": [ + [ + "django/utils/decorators.py", + [ + "async_only_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "_async_check": [ + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "MiddlewareMixin", + "_async_check" + ] + ] + ], + "__acall__": [ + [ + "django/utils/deprecation.py", + [ + "MiddlewareMixin", + "__acall__" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_response_none_deprecation": [ + [ 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"TestAdminOrdering", + "test_specified_ordering_by_f_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specified_ordering_by_f_expression_without_asc_desc": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_specified_ordering_by_f_expression_without_asc_desc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_preserved": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_select_related_preserved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_as_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_select_related_as_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_as_empty_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_select_related_as_empty_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_select_related_custom_method": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_get_select_related_custom_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_list_empty_changelist_value": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_result_list_empty_changelist_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_list_set_empty_value_display_on_admin_site": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_result_list_set_empty_value_display_on_admin_site" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_list_set_empty_value_display_in_model_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_result_list_set_empty_value_display_in_model_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_list_html": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_result_list_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_list_editable_html": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_result_list_editable_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_list_editable": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_result_list_editable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_paginator": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_custom_paginator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_for_m2m_in_list_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_distinct_for_m2m_in_list_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_for_through_m2m_in_list_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_distinct_for_through_m2m_in_list_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_for_through_m2m_at_second_level_in_list_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_distinct_for_through_m2m_at_second_level_in_list_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_for_inherited_m2m_in_list_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_distinct_for_inherited_m2m_in_list_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_for_m2m_to_inherited_in_list_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_distinct_for_m2m_to_inherited_in_list_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_for_non_unique_related_object_in_list_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_distinct_for_non_unique_related_object_in_list_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist_search_form_validation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_changelist_search_form_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_for_non_unique_related_object_in_search_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_distinct_for_non_unique_related_object_in_search_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_for_many_to_many_at_second_level_in_search_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_distinct_for_many_to_many_at_second_level_in_search_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_in_search_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_pk_in_search_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtin_lookup_in_search_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_builtin_lookup_in_search_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_lookup_in_search_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_custom_lookup_in_search_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spanning_relations_with_custom_lookup_in_search_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_spanning_relations_with_custom_lookup_in_search_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_lookup_with_pk_shortcut": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_custom_lookup_with_pk_shortcut" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_distinct_for_m2m_in_list_filter_without_params": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_no_distinct_for_m2m_in_list_filter_without_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_computed_list_display_localization": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_computed_list_display_localization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_list_display": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_dynamic_list_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_show_all": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_show_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_list_display_links": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_dynamic_list_display_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_list_display_links": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_no_list_display_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_all_filters_link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_clear_all_filters_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_all_filters_link_callable_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_clear_all_filters_link_callable_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_clear_all_filters_link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_no_clear_all_filters_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tuple_list_display": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_tuple_list_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiuser_edit": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_multiuser_edit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_edited_object_ids": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_get_edited_object_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_list_editable_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_get_list_editable_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_list_editable_queryset_with_regex_chars_in_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_get_list_editable_queryset_with_regex_chars_in_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist_view_list_editable_changed_objects_uses_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_changelist_view_list_editable_changed_objects_uses_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "check_results_order": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_deterministic_order_for_unordered_model", + "check_results_order" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_deterministic_order_for_model_ordered_by_its_manager", + "check_results_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deterministic_order_for_unordered_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_deterministic_order_for_unordered_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deterministic_order_for_model_ordered_by_its_manager": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_deterministic_order_for_model_ordered_by_its_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_total_ordering_optimization": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_total_ordering_optimization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_total_ordering_optimization_meta_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_total_ordering_optimization_meta_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_list_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_dynamic_list_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_search_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_dynamic_search_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pagination_page_range": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_pagination_page_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_tools_displayed_no_add_permission": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "ChangeListTests", + "test_object_tools_displayed_no_add_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_user_pk_not_named_id": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "GetAdminLogTests", + "test_custom_user_pk_not_named_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_user": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "GetAdminLogTests", + "test_no_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_args": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "GetAdminLogTests", + "test_missing_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_integer_limit": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "GetAdminLogTests", + "test_non_integer_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_without_as": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "GetAdminLogTests", + "test_without_as" + ] + ] + ], + "test_without_for_user": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "GetAdminLogTests", + "test_without_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_row_selection": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_add_row_selection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_all_across_pages": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_select_all_across_pages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_actions_warn_on_pending_edits": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_actions_warn_on_pending_edits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_with_changes_warns_on_pending_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_save_with_changes_warns_on_pending_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_without_changes_warns_on_pending_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_changelist/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_save_without_changes_warns_on_pending_action" + ] + ] + ], + "readonly_method_on_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/models.py", + [ + "Song", + "readonly_method_on_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checks_are_performed": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_checks_are_performed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apps_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_apps_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_template_engines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_no_template_engines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_processor_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_context_processor_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_processor_dependencies_model_backend_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_context_processor_dependencies_model_backend_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_several_templates_backends": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_several_templates_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_middleware_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_subclasses": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_middleware_subclasses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_check_ignores_import_error_in_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_admin_check_ignores_import_error_in_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_adminsite": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_custom_adminsite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allows_checks_relying_on_other_modeladmins": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_allows_checks_relying_on_other_modeladmins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_name_not_in_list_display": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_field_name_not_in_list_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_editable_not_a_list_or_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_list_editable_not_a_list_or_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_editable_missing_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_list_editable_missing_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_and_editable": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_and_editable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_editable": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_editable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_binaryfield.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_editable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_modelforms_with_fields_fieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_custom_modelforms_with_fields_fieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_get_form_with_fieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_custom_get_form_with_fieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fieldsets_fields_non_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_fieldsets_fields_non_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonfirst_fieldset": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_nonfirst_fieldset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_values": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_duplicate_values": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_duplicate_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_in_inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_in_inline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_inline_model_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_exclude_inline_model_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_generic_inline_model_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_valid_generic_inline_model_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_generic_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_generic_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_bad_ct_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_bad_ct_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_bad_fk_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_bad_fk_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_gfk_ct_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_gfk_ct_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_gfk_fk_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_generic_inline_model_admin_non_gfk_fk_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_label_in_admin_checks": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_app_label_in_admin_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_exclusion": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_fk_exclusion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_self_check": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inline_self_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_with_specified": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inline_with_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inlines_property", + "StateAdmin", + "inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlines_property": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_inlines_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly" + ] + ] + ], + "my_function": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_on_method", + "my_function" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_basic_processing_in_view", + "my_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_on_method": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_on_method" + ] + ] + ], + "readonly_method_on_modeladmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_on_modeladmin", + "SongAdmin", + "readonly_method_on_modeladmin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_on_modeladmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_on_modeladmin" + ] + ] + ], + "method": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_dynamic_attribute_on_modeladmin", + "SongAdmin", + "__getattr__", + "if_item_dynamic_metho", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "TestPlain", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "TestMethodAndClass", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "TestFunctionIterable", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "TestMethodIterable", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_new_attribute", + "MyClass", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_bad_iterable", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "TestIterable", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_argumented", + "Test", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors", + "Test", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_class_decoration", + "Test", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_tuple_of_decorators", + "TestFirst", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_tuple_of_decorators", + "TestSecond", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_setup.py", + [ + "SetupTests", + "test_setup", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "OtherClass", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class_override", + "Base", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class_override", + "Klazz", + "method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/views.py", + [ + "Klass", + "method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_dynamic_attribute_on_modeladmin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_dynamic_attribute_on_modeladmin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_method_on_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_checks/tests.py", + [ + "SystemChecksTestCase", + "test_readonly_method_on_model" + ] + ] + ], + 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"tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_list_filter_queryset_filtered_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptylistfieldfilter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_emptylistfieldfilter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptylistfieldfilter_choices": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_emptylistfieldfilter_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptylistfieldfilter_non_empty_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_emptylistfieldfilter_non_empty_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptylistfieldfilter_invalid_lookup_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/admin_filters/tests.py", + [ + "ListFiltersTests", + "test_emptylistfieldfilter_invalid_lookup_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "call_me": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "QuestionInline", + "call_me" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "PollAdmin", + "call_me" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/admin.py", + [ + "ChapterInline", + "call_me" + ] + ] + ], + "test_javascript_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/test_templates.py", + [ + "TestTemplates", + "test_javascript_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_delete": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_can_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_stacked_inline_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_readonly_stacked_inline_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_many_to_many_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_primary": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_inline_primary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tabular_inline_column_css_class": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_tabular_inline_column_css_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_tabular_inline_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_custom_form_tabular_inline_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_tabular_inline_extra_field_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_custom_form_tabular_inline_extra_field_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_editable_custom_form_tabular_inline_extra_field_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_non_editable_custom_form_tabular_inline_extra_field_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_tabular_inline_overridden_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_custom_form_tabular_inline_overridden_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tabular_non_field_errors": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_tabular_non_field_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_parent_callable_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_no_parent_callable_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_callable_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_help_text": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "MinimumLengthValidatorTest", + "test_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidatorTest", + "test_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "CommonPasswordValidatorTest", + "test_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "NumericPasswordValidatorTest", + "test_help_text" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_help_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tabular_model_form_meta_readonly_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_tabular_model_form_meta_readonly_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_hidden_field_no_column": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_inline_hidden_field_no_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_related_name_inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_non_related_name_inline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localize_pk_shortcut": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_localize_pk_shortcut" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_pk_shortcut": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_custom_pk_shortcut" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_inlines_on_inherited_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_create_inlines_on_inherited_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_get_extra_form": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_custom_get_extra_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_num": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_min_num" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_min_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_min_num": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_custom_min_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_nonauto_noneditable_pk": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_inline_nonauto_noneditable_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_nonauto_noneditable_inherited_pk": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_inline_nonauto_noneditable_inherited_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_editable_pk": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_inline_editable_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stacked_inline_edit_form_contains_has_original_class": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_stacked_inline_edit_form_contains_has_original_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlines_show_change_link_registered": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_inlines_show_change_link_registered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlines_show_change_link_unregistered": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_inlines_show_change_link_unregistered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tabular_inline_show_change_link_false_registered": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_tabular_inline_show_change_link_false_registered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noneditable_inline_has_field_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInline", + "test_noneditable_inline_has_field_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_media_only_base": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineMedia", + "test_inline_media_only_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_media_only_inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineMedia", + "test_inline_media_only_inline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_inline_media": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineMedia", + "test_all_inline_media" + ] + ] + ], + "test_immutable_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineAdminForm", + "test_immutable_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleting_inline_with_protected_delete_does_not_validate": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineProtectedOnDelete", + "test_deleting_inline_with_protected_delete_does_not_validate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_add_m2m_noperm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_add_m2m_noperm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_add_fk_noperm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_add_fk_noperm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_m2m_noperm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_m2m_noperm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_fk_noperm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_fk_noperm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_add_m2m_view_only_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_add_m2m_view_only_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_add_m2m_add_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_add_m2m_add_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_add_fk_add_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_add_fk_add_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_m2m_add_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_m2m_add_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_m2m_view_only_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_m2m_view_only_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_m2m_change_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_m2m_change_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_fk_add_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_fk_add_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_fk_change_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_fk_change_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_fk_add_change_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_fk_add_change_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_fk_change_del_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_fk_change_del_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_change_fk_all_perms": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_change_fk_all_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_url_not_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions", + "test_add_url_not_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_to_change_url_not_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions", + "test_post_to_change_url_not_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_to_change_url_is_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions", + "test_get_to_change_url_is_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_main_model_is_rendered_as_read_only": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions", + "test_main_model_is_rendered_as_read_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlines_are_rendered_as_read_only": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions", + "test_inlines_are_rendered_as_read_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_line_shows_only_close_button": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions", + "test_submit_line_shows_only_close_button" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_delete_buttons_are_not_shown": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions", + "test_inline_delete_buttons_are_not_shown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_inlines_are_not_shown": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "TestReadOnlyChangeViewInlinePermissions", + "test_extra_inlines_are_not_shown" + ] + ] + ], + "rows_length": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_add_stackeds", + "rows_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_delete_stackeds", + "rows_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_delete_invalid_stacked_inlines", + "rows_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_delete_invalid_tabular_inlines", + "rows_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_stackeds": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_add_stackeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stackeds": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_delete_stackeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_invalid_stacked_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_delete_invalid_stacked_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_invalid_tabular_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_delete_invalid_tabular_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_add_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_inline_link_absent_for_view_only_parent_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_add_inline_link_absent_for_view_only_parent_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_delete_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collapsed_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_collapsed_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_added_stacked_inline_with_collapsed_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_added_stacked_inline_with_collapsed_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "assertBorder": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "assertBorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formset_error_input_border": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_inline_formset_error_input_border" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formset_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_inlines/tests.py", + [ + "SeleniumTests", + "test_inline_formset_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestAdminOrdering", + "test_default_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineModelAdminOrdering", + "test_default_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_default_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specified_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestAdminOrdering", + "test_specified_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestInlineModelAdminOrdering", + "test_specified_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestAdminOrdering", + "test_dynamic_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "check_ordering_of_field_choices": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "check_ordering_of_field_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_admin_fallback_to_model_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_no_admin_fallback_to_model_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_with_no_ordering_fallback_to_model_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_admin_with_no_ordering_fallback_to_model_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_ordering_beats_model_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_admin_ordering_beats_model_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_queryset_still_wins": [ + [ + "tests/admin_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "TestRelatedFieldsAdminOrdering", + "test_custom_queryset_still_wins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bare_registration": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_bare_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_registration_with_model_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_registration_with_model_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prevent_double_registration": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_prevent_double_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prevent_double_registration_for_custom_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_prevent_double_registration_for_custom_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_registration_with_star_star_options": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_registration_with_star_star_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_star_star_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_star_star_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterable_registration": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_iterable_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_abstract_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_registered_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_is_registered_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_registered_not_registered_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistration", + "test_is_registered_not_registered_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_registration": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistrationDecorator", + "test_basic_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_site_registration": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistrationDecorator", + "test_custom_site_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_registration": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistrationDecorator", + "test_multiple_registration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_multiple_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrapped_class_not_a_model_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistrationDecorator", + "test_wrapped_class_not_a_model_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_site_not_an_admin_site": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistrationDecorator", + "test_custom_site_not_an_admin_site" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_models_list_registration_fails": [ + [ + "tests/admin_registration/tests.py", + [ + "TestRegistrationDecorator", + "test_empty_models_list_registration_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "_run_test": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/test_django_admin_py.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "_run_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_admin_py_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/test_django_admin_py.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_django_admin_py_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_main_not_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/test_django_admin_py.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_main_not_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_admin_py_equivalent_main": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/test_django_admin_py.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_django_admin_py_equivalent_main" + ] + ] + ], + "write_settings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase", + "write_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "_ext_backend_paths": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase", + "_ext_backend_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "run_test": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase", + "run_test" + ] + ] + ], + "run_django_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase", + "run_django_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "run_manage": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase", + "run_manage" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNoOutput": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase", + "assertNoOutput" + ] + ] + ], + "assertOutput": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase", + "assertOutput" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNotInOutput": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "AdminScriptTestCase", + "assertNotInOutput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtin_command": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminNoSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageNoSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminNoSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageNoSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminNoSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageNoSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_with_bad_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_commands_with_invalid_settings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminNoSettings", + "test_commands_with_invalid_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtin_with_settings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_with_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtin_with_environment": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings", + "test_builtin_with_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_command": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "test_custom_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_command_with_settings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_command_with_environment": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMinimalSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminAlternateSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminMultipleSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageFullPathDefaultSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMinimalSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageMultipleSettings", + "test_custom_command_with_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup_environ": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_setup_environ" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup_environ_custom_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_setup_environ_custom_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_startapp_unicode_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSettingsDirectory", + "test_startapp_unicode_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent_command_output": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageManuallyConfiguredSettings", + "test_non_existent_command_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_command_output_color": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageAlternateSettings", + "test_custom_command_output_color" + ] + ] + ], + "write_settings_with_import_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageSettingsWithSettingsErrors", + "write_settings_with_import_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageSettingsWithSettingsErrors", + "test_import_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageSettingsWithSettingsErrors", + "test_attribute_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_attribute_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_attribute_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageSettingsWithSettingsErrors", + "test_key_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_help": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageSettingsWithSettingsErrors", + "test_help" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_help" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "test_help" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_app": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCheck", + "test_nonexistent_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broken_app": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCheck", + "test_broken_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_app": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCheck", + "test_complex_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_with_import": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCheck", + "test_app_with_import" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output_format": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCheck", + "test_output_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warning_does_not_halt": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCheck", + "test_warning_does_not_halt" + ] + ] + ], + "monkey_run": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "setUp", + "monkey_run" + ] + ] + ], + "assertServerSettings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "assertServerSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runserver_addrport": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_runserver_addrport" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runner_addrport_ipv6": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_runner_addrport_ipv6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runner_hostname": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_runner_hostname" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runner_hostname_ipv6": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_runner_hostname_ipv6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runner_custom_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_runner_custom_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runner_custom_defaults_ipv6": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_runner_custom_defaults_ipv6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runner_ambiguous": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_runner_ambiguous" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_database": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_no_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_database": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserver", + "test_readonly_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migration_warning_one_app": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserverMigrationWarning", + "test_migration_warning_one_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migration_warning_multiple_apps": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserverMigrationWarning", + "test_migration_warning_multiple_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_allowed_hosts_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageRunserverEmptyAllowedHosts", + "test_empty_allowed_hosts_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_testserver_handle_params": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageTestserver", + "test_testserver_handle_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_params_to_runserver": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ManageTestserver", + "test_params_to_runserver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_version": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_version_alternative": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_version_alternative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_help_commands": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_help_commands" + ] + ] + ], + "test_help_alternative": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_help_alternative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_help_short_altert": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_help_short_altert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specific_help": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_specific_help" + ] + ] + ], + "test_color_style": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_color_style" + ] + ] + ], + "test_command_color": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_command_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_command_no_color": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_command_no_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_color_execute": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_force_color_execute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_color_command_init": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_force_color_command_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_color_force_color_mutually_exclusive_execute": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_no_color_force_color_mutually_exclusive_execute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_color_force_color_mutually_exclusive_command_init": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_no_color_force_color_mutually_exclusive_command_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_stdout": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_custom_stdout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_stderr": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_custom_stderr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_command": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_base_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_command_no_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_base_command_no_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_command_multiple_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_base_command_multiple_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_command_with_option": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_base_command_with_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_command_with_options": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_base_command_with_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_command_with_wrong_option": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_base_command_with_wrong_option" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_base_command": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "_test_base_command" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_command_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_base_run_from_argv", + "raise_command_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_run_from_argv_non_ascii_error", + "raise_command_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_run_from_argv": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_base_run_from_argv" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_from_argv_non_ascii_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_run_from_argv_non_ascii_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_from_argv_closes_connections": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_run_from_argv_closes_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noargs": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_noargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noargs_with_args": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_noargs_with_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_command": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_app_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_command_no_apps": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_app_command_no_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_command_multiple_apps": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_app_command_multiple_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_command_invalid_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_app_command_invalid_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_command_some_invalid_app_labels": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_app_command_some_invalid_app_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_command": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_label_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_command_no_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_label_command_no_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_command_multiple_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTypes", + "test_label_command_multiple_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_precedence": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "Discovery", + "test_precedence" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_smartif.py", + [ + "SmartIfTests", + "test_precedence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_then_option": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ArgumentOrder", + "test_setting_then_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_then_short_option": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ArgumentOrder", + "test_setting_then_short_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_option_then_setting": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ArgumentOrder", + "test_option_then_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_short_option_then_setting": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ArgumentOrder", + "test_short_option_then_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_option_then_setting_then_option": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ArgumentOrder", + "test_option_then_setting_then_option" + ] + ] + ], + "_test": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "ArgumentOrder", + "_test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "AutoIncrementResetTest", + "_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_args": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_wrong_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_project": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_simple_project" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_project_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_invalid_project_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_importable_project_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_importable_project_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_project_different_directory": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_simple_project_different_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_project_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_custom_project_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_dir_with_trailing_slash": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_template_dir_with_trailing_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_project_template_from_tarball_by_path": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_custom_project_template_from_tarball_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_project_template_from_tarball_to_alternative_location": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_custom_project_template_from_tarball_to_alternative_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_project_template_from_tarball_by_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_custom_project_template_from_tarball_by_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_template_tarball_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_project_template_tarball_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_without_extension": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_file_without_extension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_project_template_context_variables": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_custom_project_template_context_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_escaping_of_project_variables": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_no_escaping_of_project_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_project_destination_missing": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_custom_project_destination_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_project_template_with_non_ascii_templates": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartProject", + "test_custom_project_template_with_non_ascii_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartApp", + "test_invalid_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteManagerChecksTests", + "test_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_importable_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartApp", + "test_importable_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_target_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartApp", + "test_invalid_target_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_importable_target_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartApp", + "test_importable_target_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overlaying_app": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "StartApp", + "test_overlaying_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DiffSettings", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "HorizontalVerticalFilterSeleniumTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_coalesce.py", + [ + "CoalesceTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_nullif.py", + [ + "NullIfTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_chr.py", + [ + "ChrTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_concat.py", + [ + "ConcatTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_left.py", + [ + "LeftTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_lower.py", + [ + "LowerTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_md5.py", + [ + "MD5Tests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_ord.py", + [ + "OrdTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_repeat.py", + [ + "RepeatTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_reverse.py", + [ + "ReverseTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_right.py", + [ + "RightTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha1.py", + [ + "SHA1Tests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha224.py", + [ + "SHA224Tests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha256.py", + [ + "SHA256Tests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha384.py", + [ + "SHA384Tests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha512.py", + [ + "SHA512Tests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_substr.py", + [ + "SubstrTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_upper.py", + [ + "UpperTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "RawQuerySetTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HttpHeadersTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/save_delete_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "SaveDeleteHookTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_json_script.py", + [ + "JsonScriptTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_topological_sort.py", + [ + "TopologicalSortTests", + "test_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_settings_configured": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DiffSettings", + "test_settings_configured" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_settings_configured": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DiffSettings", + "test_dynamic_settings_configured" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DiffSettings", + "test_all" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests", + "test_all" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseAliasTests", + "test_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_default": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DiffSettings", + "test_custom_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unified": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DiffSettings", + "test_unified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unified_all": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DiffSettings", + "test_unified_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pks_parsing": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "Dumpdata", + "test_pks_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_program_name_in_help": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "MainModule", + "test_program_name_in_help" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suggestions": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSuggestions", + "test_suggestions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_suggestions": [ + [ + "tests/admin_scripts/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoAdminSuggestions", + "test_no_suggestions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "test_from_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_field", + "MockModelAdmin", + "test_from_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_model_with_override": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "test_from_model_with_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_save": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_change_message": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_change_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_change_message_not_json": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_change_message_not_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_change_message_localized_datetime_input": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_change_message_localized_datetime_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_change_message_formsets": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_change_message_formsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_get_edited_object": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_get_edited_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_get_admin_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_get_admin_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logentry_repr": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_logentry_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_log_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recentactions_without_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_recentactions_without_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_model_content_type_is_used_for_log_entries": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_proxy_model_content_type_is_used_for_log_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_action_flag_choices": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/test_logentry.py", + [ + "LogEntryTests", + "test_action_flag_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "_check": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "_check" + ] + ] + ], + "_connect": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "_connect" + ] + ] + ], + "_collect": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "_collect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unrelated_roots": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "test_unrelated_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_siblings": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "test_siblings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_added_parent": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "test_non_added_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cyclic": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "test_cyclic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_cyclic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queries": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "test_queries" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_on_delete_do_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "test_on_delete_do_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relation_on_abstract": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "NestedObjectsTests", + "test_relation_on_abstract" + ] + ] + ], + "get_admin_value": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_values_from_lookup_field", + "MockModelAdmin", + "get_admin_value" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_function": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_values_from_lookup_field", + "simple_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_from_lookup_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_values_from_lookup_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_display_for_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_null_display_for_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_display_for_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_json_display_for_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_number_formats_display_for_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_number_formats_display_for_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_number_formats_with_thousand_separator_display_for_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_number_formats_with_thousand_separator_display_for_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_for_value": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_list_display_for_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_for_value_boolean": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_list_display_for_value_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_field", + "test_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests", + "test_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "InlineAdminViewOnSiteTest", + "test_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredTestCase", + "test_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertWarnsMessageTests", + "test_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_for_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_for_field_form_argument": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_field_form_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "my_property": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_property", + "MockModelAdmin", + "my_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_for_property": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_label_for_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safestring_in_field_label": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_safestring_in_field_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatten": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_flatten" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatten_fieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_flatten_fieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quote": [ + [ + "tests/admin_utils/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_quote" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLQuoteTests", + "test_quote" + ] + ] + ], + "callable_year": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "callable_year" + ] + ] + ], + "order_by_expression": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin", + "order_by_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "order_by_f_expression": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin", + "order_by_f_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "order_by_orderby_expression": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin", + "order_by_orderby_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "modeladmin_year": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin", + "modeladmin_year" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ArticleAdmin6", + "modeladmin_year" + ] + ] + ], + "sketch": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "InquisitionAdmin", + "sketch" + ] + ] + ], + "mail_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "SubscriberAdmin", + "mail_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "external_mail": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "external_mail" + ] + ] + ], + "redirect_to": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "redirect_to" + ] + ] + ], + "no_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "no_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "multiline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "LinkInline", + "multiline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PostAdmin", + "multiline" + ] + ] + ], + "coolness": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PostAdmin", + "coolness" + ] + ] + ], + "multiline_html": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "PostAdmin", + "multiline_html" + ] + ] + ], + "colored_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "ComplexSortedPersonAdmin", + "colored_name" + ] + ] + ], + "some_admin_order": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedAdminMethodAdmin", + "some_admin_order" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_ordered_callable": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "admin_ordered_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "callable_on_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "callable_on_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "message_debug": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "MessageTestingAdmin", + "message_debug" + ] + ] + ], + "message_info": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "MessageTestingAdmin", + "message_info" + ] + ] + ], + "message_success": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "MessageTestingAdmin", + "message_success" + ] + ] + ], + "message_warning": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "MessageTestingAdmin", + "message_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "message_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "MessageTestingAdmin", + "message_error" + ] + ] + ], + "message_extra_tags": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "MessageTestingAdmin", + "message_extra_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "view_on_site": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "WorkerAdmin", + "view_on_site" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/admin.py", + [ + "WorkerInlineAdmin", + "view_on_site" + ] + ] + ], + "my_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/customadmin.py", + [ + "Admin2", + "my_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_cache_page", + "my_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_require_safe_accepts_only_safe_methods", + "my_view" + ] + ] + ], + "name_property": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Section", + "name_property" + ] + ] + ], + "model_year": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "model_year" + ] + ] + ], + "model_year_reversed": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "model_year_reversed" + ] + ] + ], + "property_year": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "property_year" + ] + ] + ], + "model_month": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "model_month" + ] + ] + ], + "today_callable_dict": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "today_callable_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "today_callable_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "today_callable_q": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "today_callable_q" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "today_callable_q" + ] + ] + ], + "link_posted_default": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "link_posted_default" + ] + ] + ], + "awesomeness_level": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "Post", + "awesomeness_level" + ] + ] + ], + "some_order": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/models.py", + [ + "AdminOrderedModelMethod", + "some_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_admin_custom_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_model_admin_custom_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_admin_default_delete_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_model_admin_default_delete_action" + ] + ] + ], + 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"test_delete_selected_uses_get_deleted_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_function_mail_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_custom_function_mail_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_function_action_with_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_custom_function_action_with_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_default_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_default_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_function_action_streaming_response": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_custom_function_action_streaming_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_function_action_no_perm_response": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_custom_function_action_no_perm_response" + ] + 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"AdminActionsTest", + "test_user_message_on_none_selected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_message_on_no_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_user_message_on_no_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_selection_counter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_selection_counter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_popup_actions": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_popup_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_popup_template_response_on_add": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_popup_template_response_on_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_popup_template_response_on_change": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_popup_template_response_on_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_popup_template_response_on_delete": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTest", + "test_popup_template_response_on_delete" + ] + ] + 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+ ] + ], + "test_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_adminsite.py", + [ + "SiteActionsTests", + "test_add_action", + "test_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_adminsite.py", + [ + "SiteActionsTests", + "test_add_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_adminsite.py", + [ + "SiteActionsTests", + "test_disable_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_action": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_adminsite.py", + [ + "SiteActionsTests", + "test_get_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_success": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests", + "test_success" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_success" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_success" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "SetPasswordFormTest", + "test_success" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_success" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminPasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_success" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "GetInternalWSGIApplicationTest", + "test_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_must_be_logged_in": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests", + "test_must_be_logged_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_view_or_change_permission_required": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests", + "test_has_view_or_change_permission_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_use_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests", + "test_search_use_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_search_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_autocomplete_view.py", + [ + "AutocompleteJsonViewTests", + "test_missing_search_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_paginator": [ + [ + 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"tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_inactive_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_inactive_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "test_inactive_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "AllowAllUsersRemoteUserBackendTest", + "test_inactive_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changed_message_uses_form_lables": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_history_view.py", + [ + "AdminHistoryViewTests", + "test_changed_message_uses_form_lables" + ] + ] + ], + "db_for_read": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_multidb.py", + [ + "Router", + "db_for_read" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_admin_multidb.py", + [ + "Router", + "db_for_read" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheRouter", + "db_for_read" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "TestRouter", + "db_for_read" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "OtherRouter", + "db_for_read" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "TestRouter", + "db_for_read" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "AuthRouter", + "db_for_read" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "AttributeErrorRouter", + "db_for_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDatabaseTests", + "test_add_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_add_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "test_add_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_admin_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDatabaseTests", + "test_add_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDatabaseTests", + "test_change_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_change_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomQuerysetTest", + "test_change_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "test_change_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDatabaseTests", + "test_delete_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_delete_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "test_delete_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sidebar_not_on_index": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "AdminSidebarTests", + "test_sidebar_not_on_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sidebar_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "AdminSidebarTests", + "test_sidebar_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sidebar_unauthenticated": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_nav_sidebar.py", + [ + "AdminSidebarTests", + 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"test_submit_row" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_show_save_and_add_another": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "AdminTemplateTagsTest", + "test_override_show_save_and_add_another" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_change_form_template_tags": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "AdminTemplateTagsTest", + "test_override_change_form_template_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_change_list_template_tags": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "AdminTemplateTagsTest", + "test_override_change_list_template_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choice_links": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests", + "test_choice_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choice_links_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests", + "test_choice_links_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "get_admin_form_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFieldExtractionMixin", + "get_admin_form_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "get_admin_readonly_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFieldExtractionMixin", + "get_admin_readonly_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "get_admin_readonly_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFieldExtractionMixin", + "get_admin_readonly_field" + ] + ] + ], + "assertContentBefore": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTestCase", + "assertContentBefore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trailing_slash_required": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_trailing_slash_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_edit_GET": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_basic_edit_GET" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericAdminViewTest", + "test_basic_edit_GET" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_edit_GET_string_PK": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_basic_edit_GET_string_PK" + ] + ] + ], + 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"AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_change_list_sorting_override_model_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_sort_same_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_multiple_sort_same_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sort_indicators_admin_order": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_sort_indicators_admin_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_related_field_in_list_display_fk": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_has_related_field_in_list_display_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_related_field_in_list_display_o2o": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_has_related_field_in_list_display_o2o" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limited_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_limited_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relation_spanning_filters": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_relation_spanning_filters" + 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[ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_i18n_language_non_english_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_i18n_language_non_english_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_language_non_english_fallback": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_i18n_language_non_english_fallback" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_i18n_language_non_english_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jsi18n_with_context": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_jsi18n_with_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_L10N_deactivated": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_L10N_deactivated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_disallowed_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_disallowed_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_filtering_15103": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_allowed_filtering_15103" + ] + ] + ], + "test_popup_dismiss_related": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_popup_dismiss_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hide_change_password": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_hide_change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_with_show_delete_extra_context": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_change_view_with_show_delete_extra_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_logs_m2m_field_changes": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_change_view_logs_m2m_field_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allows_attributeerror_to_bubble_up": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_allows_attributeerror_to_bubble_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist_with_no_change_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_changelist_with_no_change_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_appindex_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_invalid_appindex_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolve_admin_views": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_resolve_admin_views" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adminsite_display_site_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_adminsite_display_site_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_hierarchy_empty_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_date_hierarchy_empty_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_hierarchy_timezone_dst": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_date_hierarchy_timezone_dst" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_hierarchy_local_date_differ_from_utc": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_date_hierarchy_local_date_differ_from_utc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sortable_by_columns_subset": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_sortable_by_columns_subset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sortable_by_columns_subset": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_get_sortable_by_columns_subset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sortable_by_no_column": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_sortable_by_no_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sortable_by_no_column": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewBasicTest", + "test_get_sortable_by_no_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_model_admin_templates": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_custom_model_admin_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_change_form": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_change_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_password_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_change_password_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_index": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extended_bodyclass_change_list": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_extended_bodyclass_change_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_login": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_delete_confirmation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_delete_confirmation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_delete_selected_confirmation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_extended_bodyclass_template_delete_selected_confirmation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_custom_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomTemplateTests", + "test_filter_with_custom_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_form_URL_has_correct_value": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewFormUrlTest", + "test_change_form_URL_has_correct_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_data_can_be_overridden": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewFormUrlTest", + "test_initial_data_can_be_overridden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_js_minified_only_if_debug_is_false": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminJavaScriptTest", + "test_js_minified_only_if_debug_is_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_as_duplication": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SaveAsTests", + "test_save_as_duplication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_as_continue_false": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SaveAsTests", + "test_save_as_continue_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_as_new_with_validation_errors": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SaveAsTests", + "test_save_as_new_with_validation_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_as_new_with_validation_errors_with_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SaveAsTests", + "test_save_as_new_with_validation_errors_with_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_as_new_with_inlines_with_validation_errors": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SaveAsTests", + "test_save_as_new_with_inlines_with_validation_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_login_form": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_login_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_login_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_login_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_logout_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_logout_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_index_view_and_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_index_view_and_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_app_index_view_and_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_app_index_view_and_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_password_change_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_password_change_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_password_change_with_extra_context": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_password_change_with_extra_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_password_change_done_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_password_change_done_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_admin_site_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_admin_site_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pwd_change_custom_template": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CustomModelAdminTest", + "test_pwd_change_custom_template" + ] + ] + ], + "get_perm": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "get_perm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "get_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_login" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "NeverCacheTests", + "test_login" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "UUIDUserTests", + "test_login" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "test_login" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionEngineTests", + "test_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_redirect_for_direct_get": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_login_redirect_for_direct_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_has_permission": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_login_has_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_successfully_redirects_to_original_URL": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_login_successfully_redirects_to_original_URL" + ] + ] + ], + "test_double_login_is_not_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_double_login_is_not_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_page_notice_for_non_staff_users": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_login_page_notice_for_non_staff_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_view_with_view_only_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_add_view_with_view_only_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_without_object_change_permission": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_change_view_without_object_change_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_save_as_new": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_change_view_save_as_new" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_with_view_only_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_change_view_with_view_only_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_with_view_and_add_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_change_view_with_view_and_add_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_with_view_and_delete_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_change_view_with_view_and_delete_inlines" + ] + ] + 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"test_conditionally_show_change_section_link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_conditionally_show_change_section_link" + ] + ] + ], + "get_delete_related": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_conditionally_show_delete_section_link", + "get_delete_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditionally_show_delete_section_link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_conditionally_show_delete_section_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_permissions_when_logged_in": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_disabled_permissions_when_logged_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_staff_permissions_when_logged_in": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_disabled_staff_permissions_when_logged_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_list_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_app_list_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shortcut_view_only_available_to_staff": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_shortcut_view_only_available_to_staff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_module_permission": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_has_module_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "test_has_module_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overriding_has_module_permission": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_overriding_has_module_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_save_message_no_forbidden_links_visible": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewPermissionsTest", + "test_post_save_message_no_forbidden_links_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewProxyModelPermissionsTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminWithUniqueTogetherTest", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrentlyTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewProxyModelPermissionsTests", + "test_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredTestCase", + "test_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewProxyModelPermissionsTests", + "test_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewProxyModelPermissionsTests", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminWithUniqueTogetherTest", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestSiteTests", + "test_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodTests", + "test_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_standard_modeladmin_urls": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewsNoUrlTest", + "test_no_standard_modeladmin_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nesting": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_nesting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_perms_needed": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_perms_needed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_protected": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_protected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_delete_protected": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_post_delete_protected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restricted": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_restricted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_delete_restricted": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_post_delete_restricted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_registered": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_not_registered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_fkeys_to_same_model": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_multiple_fkeys_to_same_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_fkeys_to_same_instance": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_multiple_fkeys_to_same_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteCascadeTransactionTests", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "NestedForeignKeysTests", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "DeeplyNestedForeignKeysTests", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relations": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_generic_relations" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedValidationTests", + "test_generic_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relations_with_related_query_name": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_generic_relations_with_related_query_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_view_uses_get_deleted_objects": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewDeletedObjectsTest", + "test_delete_view_uses_get_deleted_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_content_object_in_list_display": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestGenericRelations", + "test_generic_content_object_in_list_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_history_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_get_history_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_change_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_get_change_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist_to_changeform_link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_changelist_to_changeform_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recentactions_link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_recentactions_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleteconfirmation_link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_deleteconfirmation_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_conflicts_with_add": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_url_conflicts_with_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_conflicts_with_delete": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_url_conflicts_with_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_conflicts_with_history": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_url_conflicts_with_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shortcut_view_with_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_shortcut_view_with_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_history_link": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_change_view_history_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_on_add_view_continue_button": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewStringPrimaryKeyTest", + "test_redirect_on_add_view_continue_button" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secure_view_shows_login_if_not_logged_in": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SecureViewTests", + "test_secure_view_shows_login_if_not_logged_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_staff_member_required_decorator_works_with_argument": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "SecureViewTests", + "test_staff_member_required_decorator_works_with_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_edit": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewUnicodeTest", + "test_unicode_edit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_delete": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewUnicodeTest", + "test_unicode_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_2": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_inheritance_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_pk": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_custom_pk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_pk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_custom_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist_input_html": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_changelist_input_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_messages": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_post_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_submission": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_post_submission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_field_errors": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_non_field_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_form_errors": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_non_form_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_non_form_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_form_errors_is_errorlist": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_non_form_errors_is_errorlist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_editable_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_list_editable_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_editable_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_list_editable_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_editable_action_submit": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewListEditable", + "test_list_editable_action_submit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_editable_action_choices": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + 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"test_history_view_custom_qs": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomQuerysetTest", + "test_history_view_custom_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_has_multipart_enctype": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineFileUploadTest", + "test_form_has_multipart_enctype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_file_upload_edit_validation_error_post": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineFileUploadTest", + "test_inline_file_upload_edit_validation_error_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineTests", + "test_simple_inline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_autofield_inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineTests", + "test_explicit_autofield_inline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_pk_inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineTests", + "test_char_pk_inline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_pk_inline": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminInlineTests", + 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"tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CSSTest", + "test_app_model_in_delete_confirmation_body_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_model_in_app_index_body_class": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CSSTest", + "test_app_model_in_app_index_body_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_model_in_delete_selected_confirmation_body_class": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CSSTest", + "test_app_model_in_delete_selected_confirmation_body_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist_field_classes": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "CSSTest", + "test_changelist_field_classes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminDocsTest", + "test_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filters": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminDocsTest", + "test_filters" + ] + ] + ], + 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"tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "MediaTypeTests", + "test_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_regex_helper.py", + [ + "NormalizeTests", + "test_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests", + "test_single" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_within_month": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests", + "test_within_month" + ] + ] + ], + "test_within_year": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyTests", + "test_within_year" + ] + ] + 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+ "test_should_be_able_to_edit_related_objects_on_changelist_view": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminCustomSaveRelatedTests", + "test_should_be_able_to_edit_related_objects_on_changelist_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_logout_url_can_be_used_to_login": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewLogoutTests", + "test_client_logout_url_can_be_used_to_login" + ] + ] + ], + "send_message": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest", + "send_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_debug": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest", + "test_message_debug" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_info": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest", + "test_message_info" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_success": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest", + "test_message_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_warning": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest", + "test_message_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_error": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest", + "test_message_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_extra_tags": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUserMessageTest", + "test_message_extra_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_url_equal": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "test_assert_url_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "get_changelist_filters": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "get_changelist_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_changelist_filters_querystring": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "get_changelist_filters_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "get_preserved_filters_querystring": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "get_preserved_filters_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sample_user_id": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ 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"tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "test_add_view_without_preserved_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminKeepChangeListFiltersTests", + "test_url_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_fields_visible": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility", + "test_all_fields_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_fields_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility", + "test_all_fields_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility", + "test_mixin" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_field_visible": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility", + "assert_field_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_field_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility", + "assert_field_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_fieldline_visible": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility", + "assert_fieldline_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_fieldline_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "TestLabelVisibility", + "assert_fieldline_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_view_form_and_formsets_run_validation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests", + "test_add_view_form_and_formsets_run_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_view_form_and_formsets_run_validation": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests", + "test_change_view_form_and_formsets_run_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests", + "test_check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_integration.py", + [ + "PostgresIntegrationTests", + "test_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_false": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests", + "test_false" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "InlineAdminViewOnSiteTest", + "test_false" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_divisibleby.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_false" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_yesno.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_true": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests", + "test_true" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "InlineAdminViewOnSiteTest", + "test_true" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_divisibleby.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_true" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_yesno.py", + [ + "YesNoTests", + "test_true" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_yesno.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_get_absolute_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_views/tests.py", + [ + "AdminViewOnSiteTests", + "test_missing_get_absolute_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicitly_provided_pk": [ + [ + 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"test_build_attrs_required_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "AutocompleteMixinTests", + "test_build_attrs_required_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "AutocompleteMixinTests", + "test_get_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_options": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "AutocompleteMixinTests", + "test_render_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_options_required_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "AutocompleteMixinTests", + "test_render_options_required_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_options_not_required_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "AutocompleteMixinTests", + "test_render_options_not_required_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/test_autocomplete_widget.py", + [ + "AutocompleteMixinTests", + "test_media" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFormfield": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "assertFormfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_DateField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_DateField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_DateField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_DateTimeField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_DateTimeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_DateTimeField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TimeField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_TimeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_TimeField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TextField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_TextField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_TextField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_URLField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_URLField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_URLField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_IntegerField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_IntegerField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_IntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CharField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_CharField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_CharField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_EmailField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_EmailField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_EmailField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_FileField": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_FileField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_FileField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ForeignKey": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_ForeignKey" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminRawIdWidgetSeleniumTests", + "test_ForeignKey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_id_ForeignKey": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_raw_id_ForeignKey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_radio_fields_ForeignKey": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_radio_fields_ForeignKey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFormfieldForDBFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminRawIdWidgetSeleniumTests", + "test_many_to_many" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + 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"TextInputTest", + "test_render" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormWidget", + "test_render" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/shortcuts/tests.py", + [ + "RenderTests", + "test_render" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_render" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "test_render" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stacked_render": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredSelectMultipleWidgetTest", + "test_stacked_render" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminDateWidgetTest", + "test_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTimeWidgetTest", + "test_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminUUIDWidgetTests", + "test_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localization": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminSplitDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_localization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_context_validates_url": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminURLWidgetTest", + "test_get_context_validates_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_idn": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminURLWidgetTest", + "test_render_idn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_quoting": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminURLWidgetTest", + "test_render_quoting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_required": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFileWidgetTests", + "test_render_required" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textarea.py", + [ + "TextareaTest", + "test_render_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFileWidgetTests", + "test_render_disabled" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_render_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_fields": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "AdminFileWidgetTests", + "test_readonly_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relations_to_non_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidgetTest", + "test_relations_to_non_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_related_model_not_in_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidgetTest", + "test_fk_related_model_not_in_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_to_self_model_not_in_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidgetTest", + "test_fk_to_self_model_not_in_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proper_manager_for_label_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidgetTest", + "test_proper_manager_for_label_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_unsafe_limit_choices_to": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyRawIdWidgetTest", + "test_render_unsafe_limit_choices_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_related_model_not_in_admin": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyRawIdWidgetTest", + "test_m2m_related_model_not_in_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_can_add_related": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_no_can_add_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_multiple_widget_cant_change_delete_related": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_select_multiple_widget_cant_change_delete_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_on_delete_cascade_rel_cant_delete_related": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_on_delete_cascade_rel_cant_delete_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_widget_render": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_custom_widget_render" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget_delegates_value_omitted_from_data": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_widget_delegates_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget_is_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_widget_is_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget_is_not_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetWrapperTests", + "test_widget_is_not_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_show_hide_date_time_picker_widgets": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerSeleniumTests", + "test_show_hide_date_time_picker_widgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calendar_nonday_class": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerSeleniumTests", + "test_calendar_nonday_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calendar_selected_class": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerSeleniumTests", + "test_calendar_selected_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calendar_no_selected_class": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerSeleniumTests", + "test_calendar_no_selected_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calendar_show_date_from_input": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerSeleniumTests", + "test_calendar_show_date_from_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_time_picker_shortcuts": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimePickerShortcutsSeleniumTests", + "test_date_time_picker_shortcuts" + ] + ] + ], + "assertActiveButtons": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "HorizontalVerticalFilterSeleniumTests", + "assertActiveButtons" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_basic_operations": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "HorizontalVerticalFilterSeleniumTests", + "execute_basic_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "HorizontalVerticalFilterSeleniumTests", + "test_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_binaryfield.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "CustomFilterTests", + "test_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "FilterRegistrationTests", + "test_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_back_button_bug": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "HorizontalVerticalFilterSeleniumTests", + "test_back_button_bug" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_page": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "HorizontalVerticalFilterSeleniumTests", + "test_refresh_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ForeignKey_using_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/admin_widgets/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedFieldWidgetSeleniumTests", + "test_ForeignKey_using_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtered_aggregates": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_filtered_aggregates" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ReprTests", + "test_filtered_aggregates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtered_numerical_aggregates": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_filtered_numerical_aggregates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_double_filtered_aggregates": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_double_filtered_aggregates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_excluded_aggregates": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_excluded_aggregates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_aggregates_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_related_aggregates_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_aggregates_m2m_and_fk": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_related_aggregates_m2m_and_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plain_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_plain_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtered_aggregate_on_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_filtered_aggregate_on_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_case_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_case_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sum_star_exception": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_sum_star_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtered_reused_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_filtered_reused_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtered_aggregate_ref_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_filtered_aggregate_ref_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtered_aggregate_ref_subquery_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_filtered_aggregate_ref_subquery_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtered_aggregate_ref_multiple_subquery_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/test_filter_argument.py", + [ + "FilteredAggregateTests", + "test_filtered_aggregate_ref_multiple_subquery_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_empty_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_in_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregate_in_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_single_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_aggregates": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_multiple_aggregates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_filter_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_related_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_multi_join": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregate_multi_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_alias": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregate_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_basic": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_defer": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_defer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_defer_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_defer_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backwards_m2m_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_backwards_m2m_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_fkey_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_reverse_fkey_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_values": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_star": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_count_star" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_distinct_expression": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_count_distinct_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_on_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_distinct_on_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_grouped_annotation_not_in_group_by": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_non_grouped_annotation_not_in_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grouped_annotation_in_group_by": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_grouped_annotation_in_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fkey_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_fkey_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregate_annotation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_avg_duration_field": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_avg_duration_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sum_duration_field": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_sum_duration_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sum_distinct_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_sum_distinct_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_filtering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_filtering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_strindex.py", + [ + "StrIndexTests", + "test_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_more_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_even_more_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_even_more_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates_with_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_dates_with_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_values_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket17424": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_ticket17424" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket12886": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_ticket12886" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket11881": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_ticket11881" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_max_digits_has_no_effect": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_decimal_max_digits_has_no_effect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonaggregate_aggregation_throws": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_nonaggregate_aggregation_throws" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonfield_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_nonfield_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_output_field_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_missing_output_field_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotation_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_avg_decimal_field": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_avg_decimal_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_of_precedence": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_order_of_precedence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_different_types": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_combine_different_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_aggregations_require_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_complex_aggregations_require_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_over_complex_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregate_over_complex_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_annotation_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_values_annotation_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_values_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_values_aggregate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_annotate_values_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_over_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotate_over_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotated_aggregate_over_annotated_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_annotated_aggregate_over_annotated_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_arg_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_multi_arg_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "lower_case_function_override": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_add_implementation", + "lower_case_function_override" + ] + ] + ], + "lower_case_function_super": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_add_implementation", + "lower_case_function_super" + ] + ] + ], + "be_evil": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_add_implementation", + "be_evil" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_implementation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_add_implementation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_values_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_complex_values_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_on_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_expression_on_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arguments_must_be_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_arguments_must_be_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_arguments_must_be_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_exists": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_exists_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_exists_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_values": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_values_collision": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_values_collision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_multivalued": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_multivalued" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_order_by_not_selected_annotation_values": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_order_by_not_selected_annotation_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_by_subquery_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_group_by_subquery_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_by_exists_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_group_by_exists_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_related_field": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation/tests.py", + [ + "AggregateTestCase", + "test_aggregation_subquery_annotation_related_field" + ] + ] + ], + "assertObjectAttrs": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "assertObjectAttrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_with_value": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotation_with_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregates_in_where_clause": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregates_in_where_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregates_in_where_clause_pre_eval": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregates_in_where_clause_pre_eval" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_extra": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotate_with_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_aggregate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationAggregationTests", + "test_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_conditional_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sliced_conditional_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_sliced_conditional_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotated_conditional_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotated_conditional_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_conditional_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_distinct_conditional_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_aggregate_on_complex_condition": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_conditional_aggregate_on_complex_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_aggregate_annotation_filter": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_decimal_aggregate_annotation_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_error": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_field_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_field_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_field_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_more" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_fexpr": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_fexpr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_col_table": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_db_col_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_conversion": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_boolean_conversion" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", + [ + "GeoRegressionTests", + "test_boolean_conversion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_more": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_more_more" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_alias": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_duplicate_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_name_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_field_name_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_name_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_m2m_name_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_attname_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_fk_attname_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_queryset_non_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_values_queryset_non_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_relation_name_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_reverse_relation_name_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_simplelazyobject.py", + [ + "TestUtilsSimpleLazyObjectDjangoTestCase", + "test_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_more_more": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_more_more_more" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_filter_count": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_empty_filter_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_filter_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_empty_filter_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_call_before_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_none_call_before_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_and_join": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotate_and_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_f_expression_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_f_expression_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_annotate_values": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_values_annotate_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_having_group_by": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_having_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_list_annotation_args_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_values_list_annotation_args_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_disjunction": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotation_disjunction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quoting_aggregate_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_quoting_aggregate_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stddev": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_stddev" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_by_annotation_name": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_filtering_by_annotation_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_joins": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotate_joins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_duplicate_columns": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_duplicate_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_duplicate_columns_only": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_duplicate_columns_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_duplicate_columns_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_duplicate_columns_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "assertQuerysetResults": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_unmanaged_model_columns", + "assertQuerysetResults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_unmanaged_model_columns": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_unmanaged_model_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_unmanaged_model_as_tables": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_unmanaged_model_as_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_join_trimming": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_reverse_join_trimming" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation_with_generic_reverse_relation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregation_with_generic_reverse_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negated_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_negated_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_filters": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_name_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_name_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_11293": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_ticket_11293" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_11293_q_immutable": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_ticket_11293_q_immutable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fobj_group_by": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_fobj_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_reserved_word": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotate_reserved_word" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_on_relation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotate_on_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_on_relation": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_aggregate_on_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_distinct_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotate_distinct_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_values_list_flat": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_annotate_values_list_flat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AggregationTests", + "test_allow_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21150": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "JoinPromotionTests", + "test_ticket_21150" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_join_not_promoted": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "JoinPromotionTests", + "test_existing_join_not_promoted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_nullable_fk_not_promoted": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "JoinPromotionTests", + "test_non_nullable_fk_not_promoted" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesJoinPromotionTests", + "test_non_nullable_fk_not_promoted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_24748": [ + [ + "tests/aggregation_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKTests", + "test_ticket_24748" + ] + ] + ], + "cxOracle_py3_bug": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "cxOracle_py3_bug" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_basic_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_f_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_basic_f_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_joined_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_joined_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_type_annotation_date_interval": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_mixed_type_annotation_date_interval" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_type_annotation_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_mixed_type_annotation_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_expression_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_empty_expression_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_annotate_with_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_over_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_aggregate_over_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_on_with_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_distinct_on_with_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_filter_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_annotation_with_f": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_filter_annotation_with_f" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_annotation_with_double_f": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_filter_annotation_with_double_f" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_agg_with_double_f": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_filter_agg_with_double_f" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_wrong_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_filter_wrong_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_decimal_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_decimal_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_filter_decimal_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combined_annotation_commutative": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_combined_annotation_commutative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_update_with_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_with_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_annotation_with_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_reverse_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_annotation_reverse_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_values_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_with_pk_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_values_with_pk_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rawsql_group_by_collapse": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_rawsql_group_by_collapse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_defer_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mti_annotations": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_mti_annotations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_null_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_order_by_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_order_by_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_sql_with_inherited_field": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_raw_sql_with_inherited_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_exists": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_annotate_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_column_field_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_column_field_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_column_field_ordering_with_deferred": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_column_field_ordering_with_deferred" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_functions": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_custom_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_functions_can_ref_other_functions": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_custom_functions_can_ref_other_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_value_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_boolean_value_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_in_f_grouped_by_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_annotation_in_f_grouped_by_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining_annotation_filter_with_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_chaining_annotation_filter_with_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_filter_with_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_annotation_filter_with_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_exists_aggregate_values_chaining": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_annotation_exists_aggregate_values_chaining" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_aggregate_with_m2o": [ + [ + "tests/annotations/tests.py", + [ + "NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase", + "test_annotation_aggregate_with_m2o" + ] + ] + ], + "test_egg1": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "EggLoadingTest", + "test_egg1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_egg2": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "EggLoadingTest", + "test_egg2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_egg3": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "EggLoadingTest", + "test_egg3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_egg4": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "EggLoadingTest", + "test_egg4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_egg5": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "EggLoadingTest", + "test_egg5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model_only_returns_installed_models": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "GetModelsTest", + "test_get_model_only_returns_installed_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_models_only_returns_installed_models": [ + [ + "tests/app_loading/tests.py", + [ + "GetModelsTest", + "test_get_models_only_returns_installed_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_singleton_master": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_singleton_master" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ready": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_ready" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_app_config": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_bad_app_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_an_app_config": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_not_an_app_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_such_app": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_no_such_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_such_app_config": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_no_such_app_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_such_app_config_with_choices": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_no_such_app_config_with_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_app_config": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_default_app_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_app_configs": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_get_app_configs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_app_config": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_get_app_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_installed": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_is_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_get_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relabeling": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_relabeling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_labels": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_duplicate_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_names": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_duplicate_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_exception_is_not_masked": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_import_exception_is_not_masked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_models_py": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_models_py" + ] + ] + ], + "test_models_not_loaded": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_models_not_loaded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_load": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_dynamic_load" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_clash": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_model_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_containing_app_config_apps_not_ready": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_get_containing_app_config_apps_not_ready" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_model_operation": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppsTests", + "test_lazy_model_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_set_explicitly": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_path_set_explicitly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_path_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_explicit_path_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dunder_path": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_dunder_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_dunder_path_fallback_to_dunder_file": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_no_dunder_path_fallback_to_dunder_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_dunder_path_fallback_to_dunder_file": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_empty_dunder_path_fallback_to_dunder_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_dunder_path_fallback_to_dunder_file": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_multiple_dunder_path_fallback_to_dunder_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_dunder_path_or_dunder_file": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_no_dunder_path_or_dunder_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_dunder_path_no_dunder_file": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_empty_dunder_path_no_dunder_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_dunder_path_no_dunder_file": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_multiple_dunder_path_no_dunder_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_dunder_path_no_dunder_file": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_duplicate_dunder_path_no_dunder_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "AppConfigTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ColumnsTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "StatementTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_management.py", + [ + "TranslatableFileTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "MediaTypeTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_deserializedobject.py", + [ + "TestDeserializedObjectTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "LocalizeNodeTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForNodeTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfNodeTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithNodeTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverMatchTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_baseconv.py", + [ + "TestBaseConv", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "CallableSettingWrapperTests", + "test_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_path": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "NamespacePackageAppTests", + "test_single_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_paths": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "NamespacePackageAppTests", + "test_multiple_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_paths_explicit_path": [ + [ + "tests/apps/tests.py", + [ + "NamespacePackageAppTests", + "test_multiple_paths_explicit_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_asgi_application": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_get_asgi_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_response": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_file_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_file_response": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_static_file_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headers": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_get_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disconnect": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "test_disconnect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_connection_type": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_wrong_connection_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_unicode_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_non_unicode_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_lifecycle_signals_dispatched_with_thread_sensitive": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/tests.py", + [ + "ASGITest", + "test_request_lifecycle_signals_dispatched_with_thread_sensitive" + ] + ] + ], + "hello": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/urls.py", + [ + "hello" + ] + ] + ], + "hello_meta": [ + [ + "tests/asgi/urls.py", + [ + "hello_meta" + ] + ] + ], + "async_cache": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "CacheTest", + "test_caches_local", + "async_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_caches_local": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "CacheTest", + "test_caches_local" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_async_connection": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseConnectionTest", + "test_get_async_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "dangerous_method": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncUnsafeTest", + "dangerous_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async_unsafe": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncUnsafeTest", + "test_async_unsafe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async_unsafe_suppressed": [ + [ + "tests/async/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncUnsafeTest", + "test_async_unsafe_suppressed" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_token_from_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/client.py", + [ + "extract_token_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_password_reset_confirm_redirect_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/client.py", + [ + "PasswordResetConfirmClient", + "_get_password_reset_confirm_redirect_url" + ] + ] + ], + "is_staff": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/models/custom_user.py", + [ + "CustomUser", + "is_staff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseBackendTest", + "test_get_user_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseBackendTest", + "test_get_group_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "RowlevelBackendTest", + "test_get_group_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseBackendTest", + "test_get_all_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "RowlevelBackendTest", + "test_get_all_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserBackendTest", + "test_get_all_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_perm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseBackendTest", + "test_has_perm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "test_has_perm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "RowlevelBackendTest", + "test_has_perm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserBackendTest", + "test_has_perm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "InActiveUserBackendTest", + "test_has_perm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest", + "test_has_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_perms": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "test_custom_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_no_object_perm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "test_has_no_object_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_anonymous_has_no_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "test_anonymous_has_no_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inactive_has_no_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "test_inactive_has_no_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_superuser_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "test_get_all_superuser_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authentication_timing": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "test_authentication_timing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authentication_without_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "BaseModelBackendTest", + "test_authentication_without_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "create_users": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackendTest", + "create_users" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ExtensionUserModelBackendTest", + "create_users" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "CustomPermissionsUserModelBackendTest", + "create_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authenticate_inactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackendTest", + "test_authenticate_inactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authenticate_user_without_is_active_field": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ModelBackendTest", + "test_authenticate_user_without_is_active_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authenticate": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "CustomUserModelBackendAuthenticateTest", + "test_authenticate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AllowAllUsersModelBackendTest", + "test_authenticate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_perms": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserBackendTest", + "test_has_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_module_perms": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserBackendTest", + "test_has_module_perms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "InActiveUserBackendTest", + "test_has_module_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "NoBackendsTest", + "test_raises_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestRaiseLastException", + "test_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "user_login_failed_listener": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest", + "user_login_failed_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permission_denied": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest", + "test_permission_denied" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_permission_denied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authenticates": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest", + "test_authenticates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_perm_denied": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "PermissionDeniedBackendTest", + "test_has_perm_denied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changed_backend_settings": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ChangedBackendSettingsTest", + "test_changed_backend_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_error_raised": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AuthenticateTests", + "test_type_error_raised" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skips_backends_without_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AuthenticateTests", + "test_skips_backends_without_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skips_backends_with_decorated_method": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AuthenticateTests", + "test_skips_backends_with_decorated_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_does_not_shadow_exception": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ImproperlyConfiguredUserModelTest", + "test_does_not_shadow_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_path": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "ImportedBackendTests", + "test_backend_path" + ] + ] + ], + "assertBackendInSession": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SelectingBackendTests", + "assertBackendInSession" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_path_login_without_authenticate_single_backend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SelectingBackendTests", + "test_backend_path_login_without_authenticate_single_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_path_login_without_authenticate_multiple_backends": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SelectingBackendTests", + "test_backend_path_login_without_authenticate_multiple_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_string_backend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SelectingBackendTests", + "test_non_string_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_path_login_with_explicit_backends": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "SelectingBackendTests", + "test_backend_path_login_with_explicit_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_auth_backends.py", + [ + "AllowAllUsersModelBackendTest", + "test_get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "TestGetUser", + "test_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_unicode_username" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_unicode_username" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_unicode_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_no_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_user_no_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_superuser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_superuser" + ] + ] + ], + "test_superuser_no_email_or_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_superuser_no_email_or_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_model": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_get_user_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_swappable_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_swappable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_user_bad_setting": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_swappable_user_bad_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_user_nonexistent_model": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_swappable_user_nonexistent_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_verbose_names_translatable": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicTestCase", + "test_user_verbose_names_translatable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_anonymous": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "TestGetUser", + "test_get_user_anonymous" + ] + ] + ], + "test_required_fields_is_list": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_required_fields_is_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_not_in_required_fields": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_username_not_in_required_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_non_unique": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_username_non_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_anonymous_authenticated_methods": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "UserModelChecksTests", + "test_is_anonymous_authenticated_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clashing_default_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_clashing_default_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_clashing_custom_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_non_clashing_custom_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clashing_custom_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_clashing_custom_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbose_name_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_verbose_name_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_name_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_model_name_max_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelCheckTests", + "test_model_name_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_permission_name_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_custom_permission_name_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_permission_codename_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_custom_permission_codename_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_default_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelsPermissionsChecksTests", + "test_empty_default_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permwrapper_in": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "PermWrapperTests", + "test_permwrapper_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permlookupdict_in": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "PermWrapperTests", + "test_permlookupdict_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "PermWrapperTests", + "test_iter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_not_accessed": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "AuthContextProcessorTests", + "test_session_not_accessed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_is_accessed": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "AuthContextProcessorTests", + "test_session_is_accessed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_perms_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "AuthContextProcessorTests", + "test_perms_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_perm_in_perms_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "AuthContextProcessorTests", + "test_perm_in_perms_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "AuthContextProcessorTests", + "test_message_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_context_processors.py", + [ + "AuthContextProcessorTests", + "test_user_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "normal_view": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredTestCase", + "test_view", + "normal_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/views.py", + [ + "normal_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "DecoratorFromMiddlewareTests", + "test_full_dec_normal", + "normal_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_required": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredTestCase", + "test_login_required" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredMixinTests", + "test_login_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_required_next_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "LoginRequiredTestCase", + "test_login_required_next_url" + ] + ] + ], + "a_view": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_many_permissions_pass", + "a_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_many_permissions_in_set_pass", + "a_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_single_permission_pass", + "a_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_permissioned_denied_redirect", + "a_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_permissioned_denied_exception_raised", + "a_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsDecoratorsTests", + "test_deny_decorator", + "a_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsDecoratorsTests", + "test_sameorigin_decorator", + "a_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsDecoratorsTests", + "test_exempt_decorator", + "a_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "NeverCacheDecoratorTest", + "test_never_cache_decorator", + "a_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_permissions_pass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_many_permissions_pass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "test_many_permissions_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_permissions_in_set_pass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_many_permissions_in_set_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_permission_pass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_single_permission_pass" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "test_single_permission_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permissioned_denied_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_permissioned_denied_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "test_permissioned_denied_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permissioned_denied_exception_raised": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredDecoratorTest", + "test_permissioned_denied_exception_raised" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "PermissionsRequiredMixinTests", + "test_permissioned_denied_exception_raised" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_user_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_data": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_invalid_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_invalid_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_verification": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_password_verification" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "SetPasswordFormTest", + "test_password_verification" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_password_verification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_both_passwords": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_both_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_normalize_username" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUserTests", + "test_normalize_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_normalized_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_duplicate_normalized_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validates_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_validates_password" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "SetPasswordFormTest", + "test_validates_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_custom_form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_custom_form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_with_different_username_field": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_custom_form_with_different_username_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_hidden_username_field": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_custom_form_hidden_username_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_whitespace_not_stripped": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_password_whitespace_not_stripped" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_password_whitespace_not_stripped" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "SetPasswordFormTest", + "test_password_whitespace_not_stripped" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_password_whitespace_not_stripped" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminPasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_password_whitespace_not_stripped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_help_text": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_password_help_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_create_form_validates_password_with_all_data": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_user_create_form_validates_password_with_all_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_field_autocapitalize_none": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_username_field_autocapitalize_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_autocapitalize_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_username_field_autocapitalize_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_autocomplete_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserCreationFormTest", + "test_html_autocomplete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_html_autocomplete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "SetPasswordFormTest", + "test_html_autocomplete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_html_autocomplete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_html_autocomplete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminPasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_html_autocomplete_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_invalid_username" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_invalid_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inactive_user_incorrect_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_inactive_user_incorrect_password" + ] + ] + ], + "signal_handler": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_login_failed", + "signal_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_failed": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_login_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inactive_user_i18n": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_inactive_user_i18n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_login_allowed_policy": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_custom_login_allowed_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_field_max_length_matches_user_model": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_max_length_matches_user_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_field_max_length_defaults_to_254": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_max_length_defaults_to_254" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_field_label": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_field_label_not_set": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_label_not_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_field_label_empty_string": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_username_field_label_empty_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_integer_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_invalid_login_error": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AuthenticationFormTest", + "test_get_invalid_login_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_help_text_translation": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "SetPasswordFormTest", + "test_help_text_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incorrect_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_incorrect_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_order": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_field_order" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_username_validity": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_username_validity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug_14242": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_bug_14242" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unusable_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_unusable_password" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_unusable_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug_17944_empty_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_bug_17944_empty_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug_17944_unmanageable_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_bug_17944_unmanageable_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug_17944_unknown_password_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_bug_17944_unknown_password_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug_19133": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_bug_19133" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug_19349_bound_password_field": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_bug_19349_bound_password_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_excluded": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "UserChangeFormTest", + "test_password_excluded" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dummy_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "create_dummy_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_invalid_email" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_invalid_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_email_unicode_collision": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_user_email_unicode_collision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_email_domain_unicode_collision": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_user_email_domain_unicode_collision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_email_unicode_collision_nonexistent": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_user_email_unicode_collision_nonexistent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_email_domain_unicode_collision_nonexistent": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_user_email_domain_unicode_collision_nonexistent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_nonexistent_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleaned_data": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_cleaned_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_email_subject": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_custom_email_subject" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_email_constructor": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_custom_email_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_preserve_username_case": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_preserve_username_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_plaintext_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_save_plaintext_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_html_email_template_name": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_save_html_email_template_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_email_field": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "PasswordResetFormTest", + "test_custom_email_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug_19349_render_with_none_value": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "ReadOnlyPasswordHashTest", + "test_bug_19349_render_with_none_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_field_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "ReadOnlyPasswordHashTest", + "test_readonly_field_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_matching_passwords": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminPasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_non_matching_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_passwords": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminPasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_missing_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "AdminPasswordChangeFormTest", + "test_one_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_handlers.py", + [ + "ModWsgiHandlerTestCase", + "test_check_password" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_check_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_password_custom_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_handlers.py", + [ + "ModWsgiHandlerTestCase", + "test_check_password_custom_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_handlers.py", + [ + "ModWsgiHandlerTestCase", + "test_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "GetDefaultUsernameTestCase", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SimpleSearchTest", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reserved_names/tests.py", + [ + "ReservedNameTests", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContextManagerTests", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesContextManagerTests", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestDurationString", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseDurationRoundtrip", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestISODurationString", + "test_simple" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseISODurationRoundtrip", + "test_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_bytes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_invalid_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pbkdf2": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_pbkdf2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sha1": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_sha1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_md5": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_md5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsalted_md5": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_unsalted_md5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsalted_sha1": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_unsalted_sha1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_crypt": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_crypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bcrypt_sha256": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_bcrypt_sha256" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bcrypt": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_bcrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bcrypt_upgrade": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_bcrypt_upgrade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bcrypt_harden_runtime": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_bcrypt_harden_runtime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unusable": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_unusable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unspecified_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_unspecified_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_bad_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_password_usable": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_is_password_usable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_low_level_pbkdf2": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_low_level_pbkdf2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_low_level_pbkdf2_sha1": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_low_level_pbkdf2_sha1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upgrade": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_upgrade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_upgrade": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_no_upgrade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_upgrade_on_incorrect_pass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_no_upgrade_on_incorrect_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pbkdf2_upgrade": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_pbkdf2_upgrade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pbkdf2_harden_runtime": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_pbkdf2_harden_runtime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pbkdf2_upgrade_new_hasher": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_pbkdf2_upgrade_new_hasher" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_password_calls_harden_runtime": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPass", + "test_check_password_calls_harden_runtime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_library_no_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests", + "test_load_library_no_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_library_importerror": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests", + "test_load_library_importerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests", + "test_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encode": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests", + "test_encode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_encode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_harden_runtime": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests", + "test_harden_runtime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_must_update": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests", + "test_must_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_summary": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests", + "test_safe_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "BasePasswordHasherTests", + "test_verify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argon2": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPassArgon2", + "test_argon2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argon2_upgrade": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPassArgon2", + "test_argon2_upgrade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argon2_version_upgrade": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPassArgon2", + "test_argon2_version_upgrade" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_argon2_upgrade": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_hashers.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHashPassArgon2", + "_test_argon2_upgrade" + ] + ] + ], + "getpass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "mock_inputs", + "inner", + "wrapped", + "mock_getpass", + "getpass" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_input": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "mock_inputs", + "inner", + "wrapped", + "mock_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestInteractiveMessages", + "mock_input" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "mock_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_input_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "MockInputTests", + "test_input_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_actual_implementation": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "GetDefaultUsernameTestCase", + "test_actual_implementation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "GetDefaultUsernameTestCase", + "test_existing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "GetDefaultUsernameTestCase", + "test_i18n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_pass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_get_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_pass_no_input": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_get_pass_no_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_system_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_system_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_nonexistent_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_that_changepassword_command_changes_joes_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_that_changepassword_command_changes_joes_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_that_max_tries_exits_1": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_that_max_tries_exits_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_validation": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_password_validation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_password_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_that_changepassword_command_works_with_nonascii_output": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "ChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_that_changepassword_command_works_with_nonascii_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_that_changepassword_command_with_database_option_uses_given_db": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "MultiDBChangepasswordManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_that_changepassword_command_with_database_option_uses_given_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_email_argument": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_no_email_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_usage": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_basic_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_verbose_name": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_non_ascii_verbose_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbosity_zero": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_verbosity_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_in_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_email_in_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_user_missing_required_field": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_swappable_user_missing_required_field" + ] + ] + ], + "createsuperuser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_swappable_user_username_non_unique", + "createsuperuser" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_user_username_non_unique": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_swappable_user_username_non_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skip_if_not_in_TTY": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_skip_if_not_in_TTY" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passing_stdin": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_passing_stdin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_with_fk": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_fields_with_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_with_fk_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_fields_with_fk_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_with_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_fields_with_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_with_m2m_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_fields_with_m2m_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "return_orgs": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_fields_with_m2m_interactive_blank", + "return_orgs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_with_m2m_interactive_blank": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_fields_with_m2m_interactive_blank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_with_m2m_and_through": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_fields_with_m2m_and_through" + ] + ] + ], + "return_passwords": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_default_username", + "return_passwords" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_invalid_username", + "return_passwords" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_existing_username", + "return_passwords" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_existing_username_provided_via_option_and_interactive", + "return_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_default_username" + ] + ] + ], + "bad_then_good_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_password_validation", + "bad_then_good_password" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validate_password_against_username", + "bad_then_good_password" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validate_password_against_required_fields", + "bad_then_good_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_password_against_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validate_password_against_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_password_against_required_fields": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validate_password_against_required_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_blank_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_username_non_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_blank_username_non_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_validation_bypass": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_password_validation_bypass" + ] + ] + ], + "return_usernames": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_invalid_username", + "return_usernames" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_existing_username", + "return_usernames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keyboard_interrupt": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_keyboard_interrupt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_existing_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_username_non_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_existing_username_non_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_username_provided_via_option_and_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_existing_username_provided_via_option_and_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "mismatched_passwords_then_matched": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validation_mismatched_passwords", + "mismatched_passwords_then_matched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_mismatched_passwords": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validation_mismatched_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "blank_passwords_then_valid": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validation_blank_password_entered", + "blank_passwords_then_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_blank_password_entered": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_validation_blank_password_entered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usermodel_without_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_usermodel_without_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usermodel_without_password_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_usermodel_without_password_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_environment_variable_non_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_environment_variable_non_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_environment_variable_non_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_ignore_environment_variable_non_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_environment_variable_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase", + "test_ignore_environment_variable_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_createsuperuser_command_with_database_option": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "MultiDBCreatesuperuserTestCase", + "test_createsuperuser_command_with_database_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatePermissionsTests", + "test_default_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unavailable_models": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatePermissionsTests", + "test_unavailable_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_permissions_checks_contenttypes_created": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatePermissionsTests", + "test_create_permissions_checks_contenttypes_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permission_with_proxy_content_type_created": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "CreatePermissionsTests", + "test_permission_with_proxy_content_type_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_password_change_doesnt_invalidate_session": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "TestAuthenticationMiddleware", + "test_no_password_change_doesnt_invalidate_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_password_change_does_not_invalidate_legacy_session": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "TestAuthenticationMiddleware", + "test_no_password_change_does_not_invalidate_legacy_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changed_password_invalidates_session": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "TestAuthenticationMiddleware", + "test_changed_password_invalidates_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_session": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "TestAuthenticationMiddleware", + "test_no_session" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_session.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_no_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_model_permissions_contenttype": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithDifferentAppLabelTests", + "test_proxy_model_permissions_contenttype" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithSameAppLabelTests", + "test_proxy_model_permissions_contenttype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_has_now_proxy_model_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithDifferentAppLabelTests", + "test_user_has_now_proxy_model_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_backwards": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithDifferentAppLabelTests", + "test_migrate_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithSameAppLabelTests", + "test_migrate_backwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_keeps_same_permissions_after_migrating_backward": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithDifferentAppLabelTests", + "test_user_keeps_same_permissions_after_migrating_backward" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithSameAppLabelTests", + "test_user_keeps_same_permissions_after_migrating_backward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_still_has_proxy_model_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithSameAppLabelTests", + "test_user_still_has_proxy_model_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_with_existing_target_permission": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "ProxyModelWithSameAppLabelTests", + "test_migrate_with_existing_target_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_other_database": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_migrations.py", + [ + "MultiDBProxyModelAppLabelTests", + "test_migrate_other_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stacked_mixins_success": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixinTests", + "test_stacked_mixins_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stacked_mixins_missing_permission": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixinTests", + "test_stacked_mixins_missing_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_mixin_permission_denied_response": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixinTests", + "test_access_mixin_permission_denied_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stacked_mixins_not_logged_in": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "AccessMixinTests", + "test_stacked_mixins_not_logged_in" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "_test_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectUrlTest", + "test_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser", + "test_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "DeleteCookieTests", + "test_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "GetInternalWSGIApplicationTest", + "test_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_redirect_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_custom_redirect_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_redirect_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_custom_redirect_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_redirect_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_no_redirect_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raise_exception": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_raise_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareNotUsedTests", + "test_raise_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raise_exception_custom_message": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_raise_exception_custom_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raise_exception_custom_message_function": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_raise_exception_custom_message_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_passes": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "UserPassesTestTests", + "test_user_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_natural_key": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "NaturalKeysTestCase", + "test_user_natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_natural_key": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "NaturalKeysTestCase", + "test_group_natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_is_created_and_added_to_group": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "LoadDataWithoutNaturalKeysTestCase", + "test_user_is_created_and_added_to_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "LoadDataWithNaturalKeysTestCase", + "test_user_is_created_and_added_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_data_with_user_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "LoadDataWithNaturalKeysAndMultipleDatabasesTestCase", + "test_load_data_with_user_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "TestCreateSuperUserSignals", + "test_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_email_domain_normalize_rfc3696": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_create_user_email_domain_normalize_rfc3696" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_email_domain_normalize": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_create_user_email_domain_normalize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_email_domain_normalize_with_whitespace": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_create_user_email_domain_normalize_with_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_empty_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_is_staff": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_create_user_is_staff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_super_user_raises_error_on_false_is_superuser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_create_super_user_raises_error_on_false_is_superuser" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_superuser_raises_error_on_false_is_staff": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_create_superuser_raises_error_on_false_is_staff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserManagerTestCase", + "test_make_random_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_usable_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUserTests", + "test_has_usable_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_normalize_username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUserTests", + "test_clean_normalize_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUserTests", + "test_default_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractBaseUserTests", + "test_custom_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractUserTestCase", + "test_email_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_login_default": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractUserTestCase", + "test_last_login_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_clean_normalize_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractUserTestCase", + "test_user_clean_normalize_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_double_save": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractUserTestCase", + "test_user_double_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_password_upgrade": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AbstractUserTestCase", + "test_check_password_upgrade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_permission_name": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_invalid_permission_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_permission_type": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_invalid_permission_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_backend_type": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_invalid_backend_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_without_with_perm": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_backend_without_with_perm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_permission": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_nonexistent_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_backend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_nonexistent_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_backend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_custom_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_custom_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_backend_pass_obj": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_custom_backend_pass_obj" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_backends": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UserWithPermTestCase", + "test_multiple_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtin_user_isactive": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IsActiveTestCase", + "test_builtin_user_isactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_active_field_default": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IsActiveTestCase", + "test_is_active_field_default" + ] + ] + ], + "post_save_listener": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "TestCreateSuperUserSignals", + "post_save_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_superuser": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "TestCreateSuperUserSignals", + "test_create_superuser" + ] + ] + ], + "test_properties": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "GroupTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "PermissionTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ColumnsTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "StatementTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FlatpageModelTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchQueryTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "MediaTypeTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestSiteTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "VariableDoesNotExistTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/test_resolvers.py", + [ + "RegexPatternTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/test_resolvers.py", + [ + "RoutePatternTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "TestDefer2", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_management.py", + [ + "TranslatableFileTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_eq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTests", + "test_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleExpressionTests", + "test_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests", + "test_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseDocumentationExamples", + "test_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_hash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_int": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests", + "test_save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CookieSessionTests", + "test_save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestSiteTests", + "test_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "AnonymousUserTests", + "test_set_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "TokenGeneratorTest", + "test_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_settings_warning": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_override_settings_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_settings_init_warning": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_settings_init_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_warning": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_access_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_access" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_access" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_both_settings_init_error": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_password_reset_timeout_days.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_use_both_settings_init_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_remote_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "test_no_remote_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_validation_passes_after_process_request_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "test_csrf_validation_passes_after_process_request_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "test_unknown_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserNoCreateTest", + "test_unknown_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserCustomTest", + "test_unknown_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_known_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "test_known_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserCustomTest", + "test_known_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "test_last_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_header_disappears": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "test_header_disappears" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "PersistentRemoteUserTest", + "test_header_disappears" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_switch_forces_new_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_remote_user.py", + [ + "RemoteUserTest", + "test_user_switch_forces_new_login" + ] + ] + ], + "listener_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "listener_login" + ] + ] + ], + "listener_logout": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "listener_logout" + ] + ] + ], + "listener_login_failed": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "listener_login_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_anonymous": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "test_logout_anonymous" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_last_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "test_update_last_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failed_login_without_request": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "test_failed_login_without_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_with_custom_user_without_last_login_field": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "SignalTestCase", + "test_login_with_custom_user_without_last_login_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PasswordResetView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests", + "test_PasswordResetView" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PasswordResetDoneView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests", + "test_PasswordResetDoneView" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PasswordResetConfirmView_invalid_token": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests", + "test_PasswordResetConfirmView_invalid_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PasswordResetConfirmView_valid_token": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests", + "test_PasswordResetConfirmView_valid_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PasswordResetCompleteView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests", + "test_PasswordResetCompleteView" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PasswordResetChangeView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests", + "test_PasswordResetChangeView" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PasswordChangeDoneView": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_templates.py", + [ + "AuthTemplateTests", + "test_PasswordChangeDoneView" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_token": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "TokenGeneratorTest", + "test_make_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_10265": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "TokenGeneratorTest", + "test_10265" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_token_with_nonexistent_token_and_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "TokenGeneratorTest", + "test_check_token_with_nonexistent_token_and_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_token_with_different_secret": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "TokenGeneratorTest", + "test_token_with_different_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacy_token_validation": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_tokens.py", + [ + "TokenGeneratorTest", + "test_legacy_token_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_default_password_validators": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_get_default_password_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_password_validators_custom": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_get_password_validators_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_validate_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_changed": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_changed_with_custom_validator": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_changed_with_custom_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_validators_help_texts": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_validators_help_texts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_validators_help_text_html": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_validators_help_text_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_validators_help_text_html_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_password_validators_help_text_html_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_password_validator_help_text_html": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "PasswordValidationTest", + "test_empty_password_validator_help_text_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "MinimumLengthValidatorTest", + "test_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidatorTest", + "test_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "CommonPasswordValidatorTest", + "test_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "NumericPasswordValidatorTest", + "test_validate" + ] + ] + ], + "username": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidatorTest", + "test_validate_property", + "TestUser", + "username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_property": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UserAttributeSimilarityValidatorTest", + "test_validate_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_custom_list": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "CommonPasswordValidatorTest", + "test_validate_custom_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_django_supplied_file": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "CommonPasswordValidatorTest", + "test_validate_django_supplied_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_validator": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UsernameValidatorsTests", + "test_unicode_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ascii_validator": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "UsernameValidatorsTests", + "test_ascii_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_urls": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "AuthViewNamedURLTests", + "test_named_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_email_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_found": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_email_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_email_context": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_extra_email_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_mail_template": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_html_mail_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_found_custom_from": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_email_found_custom_from" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poisoned_http_host": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_poisoned_http_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poisoned_http_host_admin_site": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_poisoned_http_host_admin_site" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_confirm_start": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "_test_confirm_start" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "CustomUserPasswordResetTest", + "_test_confirm_start" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "UUIDUserPasswordResetTest", + "_test_confirm_start" + ] + ] + ], + "_read_signup_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "_read_signup_email" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "CustomUserPasswordResetTest", + "_read_signup_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_valid": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_invalid_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_invalid_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_overflow_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_overflow_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_invalid_post": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_invalid_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_invalid_hash": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_invalid_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_complete": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_different_passwords": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_different_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_redirect_default": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_reset_redirect_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_custom_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_reset_custom_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_custom_redirect_named": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_reset_custom_redirect_named" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_redirect_default": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_redirect_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_redirect_custom": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_redirect_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_redirect_custom_named": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_redirect_custom_named" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_custom_reset_url_token": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_custom_reset_url_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_login_post_reset": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_login_post_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_login_post_reset_custom_backend": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_login_post_reset_custom_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_login_post_reset_already_logged_in": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_login_post_reset_already_logged_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_display_user_from_form": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_display_user_from_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_link_redirects_to_set_password_page": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_link_redirects_to_set_password_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_custom_reset_url_token_link_redirects_to_set_password_page": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_custom_reset_url_token_link_redirects_to_set_password_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_link_if_going_directly_to_the_final_reset_password_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "PasswordResetTest", + "test_invalid_link_if_going_directly_to_the_final_reset_password_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_valid_custom_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "CustomUserPasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_valid_custom_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_invalid_uuid": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "UUIDUserPasswordResetTest", + "test_confirm_invalid_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "fail_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "fail_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_fails_with_invalid_old_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "test_password_change_fails_with_invalid_old_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_fails_with_mismatched_passwords": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "test_password_change_fails_with_mismatched_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "test_password_change_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_done_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "test_password_change_done_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_done_fails": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "test_password_change_done_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_redirect_default": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "test_password_change_redirect_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_redirect_custom": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "test_password_change_redirect_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_redirect_custom_named": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangePasswordTest", + "test_password_change_redirect_custom_named" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_password_change_updates_session": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "SessionAuthenticationTests", + "test_user_password_change_updates_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_current_site_in_context_after_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_current_site_in_context_after_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_check": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_security_check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_security_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_check_https": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_security_check_https" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_security_check_https" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_form_contains_request": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_login_form_contains_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_csrf_rotate": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_login_csrf_rotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_key_flushed_on_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_session_key_flushed_on_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_key_flushed_on_login_after_password_change": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_session_key_flushed_on_login_after_password_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacy_session_key_flushed_on_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_legacy_session_key_flushed_on_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_session_without_hash_session_key": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginTest", + "test_login_session_without_hash_session_key" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLoginURLEquals": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings", + "assertLoginURLEquals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standard_login_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings", + "test_standard_login_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_login_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings", + "test_named_login_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remote_login_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings", + "test_remote_login_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_login_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings", + "test_https_login_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_url_with_querystring": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings", + "test_login_url_with_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remote_login_url_with_next_querystring": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings", + "test_remote_login_url_with_next_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_login_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginURLSettings", + "test_lazy_login_url" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLoginRedirectURLEqual": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectUrlTest", + "assertLoginRedirectURLEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectUrlTest", + "test_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectUrlTest", + "test_named" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remote": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectUrlTest", + "test_remote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_to_login_with_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "RedirectToLoginTests", + "test_redirect_to_login_with_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_to_login_with_lazy_and_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "RedirectToLoginTests", + "test_redirect_to_login_with_lazy_and_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "confirm_logged_out": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutThenLoginTests", + "confirm_logged_out" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "confirm_logged_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_logout_then_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutThenLoginTests", + "test_default_logout_then_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_then_login_with_custom_login": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutThenLoginTests", + "test_logout_then_login_with_custom_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_guest": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser", + "test_guest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser", + "test_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "test_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser", + "test_redirect_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_param": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser", + "test_redirect_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_loop": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser", + "test_redirect_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permission_required_not_logged_in": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser", + "test_permission_required_not_logged_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permission_required_logged_in": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginRedirectAuthenticatedUser", + "test_permission_required_logged_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_same_host": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginSuccessURLAllowedHostsTest", + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_same_host" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_same_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_safe_host": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginSuccessURLAllowedHostsTest", + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_safe_host" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_safe_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_unsafe_host": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LoginSuccessURLAllowedHostsTest", + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_unsafe_host" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_success_url_allowed_hosts_unsafe_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_default": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_post": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_with_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_14377": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_14377" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_doesnt_cache": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_doesnt_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_overridden_redirect_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_with_overridden_redirect_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_next_page_specified": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_with_next_page_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_redirect_argument": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_with_redirect_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_custom_redirect_argument": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_with_custom_redirect_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_named_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_with_named_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_preserve_language": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_preserve_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_redirect_url_setting": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_redirect_url_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_redirect_url_named_setting": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "LogoutTest", + "test_logout_redirect_url_named_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_data": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "get_user_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist_disallows_password_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "test_changelist_disallows_password_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_change_email": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "test_user_change_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_not_change": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "test_user_not_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_change_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "test_user_change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_change_different_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "test_user_change_different_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_change_bad_url": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "test_password_change_bad_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_change_password_passes_user_to_has_change_permission": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "test_user_change_password_passes_user_to_has_change_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_user_password_is_readonly": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ChangelistTests", + "test_view_user_password_is_readonly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_password_change": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "UUIDUserTests", + "test_admin_password_change" + ] + ] + ], + "remote_user_auth_view": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "remote_user_auth_view" + ] + ] + ], + "auth_processor_no_attr_access": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "auth_processor_no_attr_access" + ] + ] + ], + "auth_processor_attr_access": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "auth_processor_attr_access" + ] + ] + ], + "auth_processor_user": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "auth_processor_user" + ] + ] + ], + "auth_processor_perms": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "auth_processor_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "auth_processor_perm_in_perms": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "auth_processor_perm_in_perms" + ] + ] + ], + "auth_processor_messages": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "auth_processor_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "userpage": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "userpage" + ] + ] + ], + "permission_required_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "permission_required_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "permission_required_exception": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "permission_required_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "login_and_permission_required_exception": [ + [ + "tests/auth_tests/urls.py", + [ + "login_and_permission_required_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initialization_class_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapperTests", + "test_initialization_class_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initialization_display_name": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "DatabaseWrapperTests", + "test_initialization_display_name" + ] + ] + ], + "call_execute": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "call_execute" + ] + ] + ], + "call_executemany": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "call_executemany" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_wrapper": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "mock_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrapper_invoked": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "test_wrapper_invoked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrapper_invoked_many": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "test_wrapper_invoked_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_queried": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "test_database_queried" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_wrapper_invoked": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "test_nested_wrapper_invoked" + ] + ] + ], + "blocker": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "test_outer_wrapper_blocks", + "blocker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_outer_wrapper_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "test_outer_wrapper_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrapper_gets_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "test_wrapper_gets_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrapper_connection_specific": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_base.py", + [ + "ExecuteWrapperTests", + "test_wrapper_connection_specific" + ] + ] + ], + "get_connection_copy": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "get_connection_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_name": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbSignatureTests", + "test_default_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_test_name": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbSignatureTests", + "test_custom_test_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbSignatureTests", + "test_custom_test_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_test_name_with_test_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbSignatureTests", + "test_custom_test_name_with_test_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_test_setting_false": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbCreationTests", + "test_migrate_test_setting_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_test_setting_true": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDbCreationTests", + "test_migrate_test_setting_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_reference": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDeserializeDbFromString", + "test_circular_reference" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "CircularReferenceTests", + "test_circular_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_reference": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDeserializeDbFromString", + "test_self_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_reference_with_natural_key": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_creation.py", + [ + "TestDeserializeDbFromString", + "test_circular_reference_with_natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_feature": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_features.py", + [ + "TestDatabaseFeatures", + "test_nonexistent_feature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_list": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_introspection.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests", + "test_get_table_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_description": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_introspection.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests", + "test_get_table_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sequences": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_introspection.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests", + "test_get_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseSequenceTests", + "test_get_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseSequenceTests", + "test_get_sequences" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_relations": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_introspection.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests", + "test_get_relations" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_columns": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_introspection.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests", + "test_get_key_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_key_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_introspection.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseIntrospectionTests", + "test_get_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferrable_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_deferrable_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_end_transaction_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_end_transaction_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_limit_value": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_no_limit_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quote_name": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_quote_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_quote_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_regex_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_time_zone_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_set_time_zone_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_flush": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_sql_flush" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_operations.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_operations.py", + [ + "SQLiteOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_default_value": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_pk_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tablespace_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_tablespace_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sequence_reset_by_name_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_sequence_reset_by_name_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adapt_unknown_value_decimal": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_adapt_unknown_value_decimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adapt_unknown_value_date": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_adapt_unknown_value_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adapt_unknown_value_time": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_adapt_unknown_value_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adapt_timefield_value_none": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_adapt_timefield_value_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adapt_datetimefield_value": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_adapt_datetimefield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adapt_timefield_value": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_adapt_timefield_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adapt_timefield_value_unaware": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_adapt_timefield_value_unaware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_extract_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_date_extract_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_extract_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_time_extract_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_interval_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_date_interval_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_trunc_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_date_trunc_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_trunc_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_time_trunc_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_trunc_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_datetime_trunc_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_cast_date_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_datetime_cast_date_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_cast_time_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_datetime_cast_time_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_extract_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_datetime_extract_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_cast_text_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SimpleDatabaseOperationTests", + "test_json_cast_text_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_window_frame_raise_not_supported_error": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperationTests", + "test_window_frame_raise_not_supported_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_on_fields": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperationTests", + "test_distinct_on_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subtract_temporals": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "DatabaseOperationTests", + "test_subtract_temporals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_flush_no_tables": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SqlFlushTests", + "test_sql_flush_no_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_sql_flush_statements": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_operations.py", + [ + "SqlFlushTests", + "test_execute_sql_flush_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_effective_default_callable": [ + [ + "tests/backends/base/test_schema.py", + [ + "SchemaEditorTests", + "test_effective_default_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_raise_database_exists": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "_execute_raise_database_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_raise_access_denied": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "_execute_raise_access_denied" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_test_db_creation": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "patch_test_db_creation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "patch_test_db_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_test_db_database_exists": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_create_test_db_database_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_test_db_unexpected_error": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_create_test_db_unexpected_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clone_test_db_database_exists": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_clone_test_db_database_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clone_test_db_options_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_clone_test_db_options_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_supports_transactions": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_features.py", + [ + "TestFeatures", + "test_supports_transactions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skip_locked_no_wait": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_features.py", + [ + "TestFeatures", + "test_skip_locked_no_wait" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_constraint_columns": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "test_parse_constraint_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_flush_sequences": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_operations.py", + [ + "MySQLOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_operations.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_sequences" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_operations.py", + [ + "SQLiteOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_sequences" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quote_value": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/test_schema.py", + [ + "SchemaEditorTests", + "test_quote_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_isolation_level": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests", + "get_isolation_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_is_null_auto_config": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests", + "test_auto_is_null_auto_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connect_isolation_level": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests", + "test_connect_isolation_level" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_connect_isolation_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_isolation_level": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests", + "test_setting_isolation_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uppercase_isolation_level": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests", + "test_uppercase_isolation_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_isolation_level": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests", + "test_default_isolation_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isolation_level_validation": [ + [ + "tests/backends/mysql/tests.py", + [ + "IsolationLevelTests", + "test_isolation_level_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_raise_user_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "_execute_raise_user_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_raise_tablespace_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "_execute_raise_tablespace_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_raise_insufficient_privileges": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "_execute_raise_insufficient_privileges" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_execute_statements": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "patch_execute_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_test_db": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_create_test_db" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_create_test_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_test_user": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_create_test_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_capture_statements": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_oracle_managed_files", + "_execute_capture_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_oracle_managed_files": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_oracle_managed_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sequences_manually_created_index": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_introspection.py", + [ + "DatabaseSequenceTests", + "test_get_sequences_manually_created_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sequence_name_truncation": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationsTests", + "test_sequence_name_truncation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bulk_batch_size": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationsTests", + "test_bulk_batch_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_flush_allow_cascade": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_allow_cascade" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_operations.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_allow_cascade" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_operations.py", + [ + "SQLiteOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_allow_cascade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_flush_sequences_allow_cascade": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_sequences_allow_cascade" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_operations.py", + [ + "PostgreSQLOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_sequences_allow_cascade" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_operations.py", + [ + "SQLiteOperationsTests", + "test_sql_flush_sequences_allow_cascade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dbms_session": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_dbms_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_var": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_cursor_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_client_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_of_nls_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_order_of_nls_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_boolean_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_no_data_found_exception": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "TransactionalTests", + "test_hidden_no_data_found_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_with_at_sign": [ + [ + "tests/backends/oracle/tests.py", + [ + "TransactionalTests", + "test_password_with_at_sign" + ] + ] + ], + "changed_test_settings": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "changed_test_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "check_sql_table_creation_suffix": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "check_sql_table_creation_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_table_creation_suffix_with_none_settings": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_sql_table_creation_suffix_with_none_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_table_creation_suffix_with_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_sql_table_creation_suffix_with_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_table_creation_suffix_with_template": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_sql_table_creation_suffix_with_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_table_creation_suffix_with_encoding_and_template": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "test_sql_table_creation_suffix_with_encoding_and_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_raise_database_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "_execute_raise_database_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute_raise_permission_denied": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_creation.py", + [ + "DatabaseCreationTests", + "_execute_raise_permission_denied" + ] + ] + ], + "inspect_cursors": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "inspect_cursors" + ] + ] + ], + "override_db_setting": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "override_db_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "assertUsesCursor": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "assertUsesCursor" + ] + ] + ], + "asserNotUsesCursor": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "asserNotUsesCursor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_side_cursor": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "test_server_side_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "test_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/from_db_value/tests.py", + [ + "FromDBValueTest", + "test_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_get_digit.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "Base36IntTests", + "test_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "test_values_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_values_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/from_db_value/tests.py", + [ + "FromDBValueTest", + "test_values_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_list_flat": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "test_values_list_flat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_list_fields_not_equal_to_names": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "test_values_list_fields_not_equal_to_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_side_cursor_many_cursors": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "test_server_side_cursor_many_cursors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closed_server_side_cursor": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "test_closed_server_side_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_side_cursors_setting": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/test_server_side_cursors.py", + [ + "ServerSideCursorsPostgres", + "test_server_side_cursors_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "mocked_connect": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_nodb_cursor", + "mocked_connect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nodb_cursor": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_nodb_cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_name_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_database_name_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connect_and_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_connect_and_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connect_non_autocommit": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_connect_non_autocommit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connect_no_is_usable_checks": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_connect_no_is_usable_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "_select": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "_select" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_ascii_array": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_select_ascii_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_unicode_array": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_select_unicode_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_cast": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_lookup_cast" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_extraction_psycopg2_version": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_correct_extraction_psycopg2_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_cursors": [ + [ + "tests/backends/postgresql/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_copy_cursors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_primary_key_column": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_primary_key_column" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_primary_key_column" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_definition": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "parse_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "assertConstraint": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "assertConstraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_column": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "test_unique_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "test_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_multicolumn": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "test_unique_constraint_multicolumn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_column": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "test_check_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "test_check_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_column_with_operators_and_functions": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "test_check_column_with_operators_and_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_and_unique_column": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/test_introspection.py", + [ + "ParsingTests", + "test_check_and_unique_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_sqlite_version": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_check_sqlite_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_aggregation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/from_db_value/tests.py", + [ + "FromDBValueTest", + "test_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_distinct_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_aggregation_multiple_args_no_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_distinct_aggregation_multiple_args_no_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_memory_db_test_name": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_memory_db_test_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regexp_function": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_regexp_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pathlib_name": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_pathlib_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoincrement": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_autoincrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_constraint_checking_failure_disallowed": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_disable_constraint_checking_failure_disallowed" + ] + ] + ], + "constraint_checks_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_constraint_checks_disabled_atomic_allowed", + "constraint_checks_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constraint_checks_disabled_atomic_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_constraint_checks_disabled_atomic_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_rename_inside_atomic_block": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_field_rename_inside_atomic_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_rename_inside_atomic_block": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_table_rename_inside_atomic_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_interpolation": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest", + "test_no_interpolation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parameter_quoting": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest", + "test_parameter_quoting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_number_of_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest", + "test_large_number_of_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parameter_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingChecks", + "test_parameter_escaping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingChecks", + "test_parameter_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "create_object": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadSharing", + "test_database_sharing_in_threads", + "create_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_sharing_in_threads": [ + [ + "tests/backends/sqlite/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadSharing", + "test_database_sharing_in_threads" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_table": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableTests", + "test_references_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests", + "test_references_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "StatementTests", + "test_references_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_table_references": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "TableTests", + "test_rename_table_references" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests", + "test_rename_table_references" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "StatementTests", + "test_rename_table_references" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_column": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ColumnsTests", + "test_references_column" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests", + "test_references_column" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "StatementTests", + "test_references_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_column_references": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ColumnsTests", + "test_rename_column_references" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests", + "test_rename_column_references" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "StatementTests", + "test_rename_column_references" + ] + ] + ], + "create_foreign_key_name": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_ddl_references.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyNameTests", + "setUp", + "create_foreign_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_truncate_name": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestUtils", + "test_truncate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestUtils", + "test_split_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "equal": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestUtils", + "test_format_number", + "equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_number": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestUtils", + "test_format_number" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat", + "test_format_number" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_procedure": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapperTests", + "_test_procedure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callproc_without_params": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapperTests", + "test_callproc_without_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callproc_with_int_params": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapperTests", + "test_callproc_with_int_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callproc_kparams": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapperTests", + "test_callproc_kparams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_callproc_kparams_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "CursorWrapperTests", + "test_unsupported_callproc_kparams_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_date_trunc": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "DateQuotingTest", + "test_django_date_trunc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_date_extract": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "DateQuotingTest", + "test_django_date_extract" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_executed_query_without_previous_query": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest", + "test_last_executed_query_without_previous_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_sql": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest", + "test_debug_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest", + "test_query_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_executed_query": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest", + "test_last_executed_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_executed_query_dict": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LastExecutedQueryTest", + "test_last_executed_query_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_parameter_count": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ParameterHandlingTest", + "test_bad_parameter_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sequence_name_length_limits_create": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LongNameTest", + "test_sequence_name_length_limits_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sequence_name_length_limits_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LongNameTest", + "test_sequence_name_length_limits_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sequence_name_length_limits_flush": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "LongNameTest", + "test_sequence_name_length_limits_flush" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relation": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "SequenceResetTest", + "test_generic_relation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModelTest", + "test_generic_relation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_generic_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signal": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionCreatedSignalTest", + "test_signal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "test_signal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paramless_no_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingChecks", + "test_paramless_no_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "create_squares_with_executemany": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "create_squares_with_executemany" + ] + ] + ], + "create_squares": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "create_squares" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_executemany": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cursor_executemany" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_executemany_with_empty_params_list": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cursor_executemany_with_empty_params_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_executemany_with_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cursor_executemany_with_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_execute_with_pyformat": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cursor_execute_with_pyformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_executemany_with_pyformat": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cursor_executemany_with_pyformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_executemany_with_pyformat_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cursor_executemany_with_pyformat_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_fetches": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_unicode_fetches" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_password": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_unicode_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_operations_helper_class": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_database_operations_helper_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_operations_init": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_database_operations_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_db_features": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cached_db_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_table_error": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_duplicate_table_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_contextmanager": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cursor_contextmanager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_contextmanager_closing": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_cursor_contextmanager_closing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_usable_after_database_disconnects": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_is_usable_after_database_disconnects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queries_limit": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_queries_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timezone_none_use_tz_false": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "BackendTestCase", + "test_timezone_none_use_tz_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integrity_checks_on_creation": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "FkConstraintsTests", + "test_integrity_checks_on_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integrity_checks_on_update": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "FkConstraintsTests", + "test_integrity_checks_on_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_constraint_checks_manually": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "FkConstraintsTests", + "test_disable_constraint_checks_manually" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_constraint_checks_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "FkConstraintsTests", + "test_disable_constraint_checks_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "FkConstraintsTests", + "test_check_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_check_constraints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_check_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "runner": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_default_connection_thread_local", + "runner" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_connections_thread_local", + "runner" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_pass_connection_between_threads", + "do_thread", + "runner" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHandlerTest", + "test_per_thread", + "runner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_connection_thread_local": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_default_connection_thread_local" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connections_thread_local": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_connections_thread_local" + ] + ] + ], + "do_thread": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_pass_connection_between_threads", + "do_thread" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pass_connection_between_threads": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_pass_connection_between_threads" + ] + ] + ], + "runner2": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_closing_non_shared_connections", + "runner1", + "runner2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_closing_non_shared_connections", + "runner1_1", + "runner2" + ] + ] + ], + "runner1": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_closing_non_shared_connections", + "runner1" + ] + ] + ], + "runner1_1": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_closing_non_shared_connections", + "runner1_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closing_non_shared_connections": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_closing_non_shared_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thread_sharing_count": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "ThreadTests", + "test_thread_sharing_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_as_autoval": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "MySQLPKZeroTests", + "test_zero_as_autoval" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_zero_as_autoval" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_reference_existent": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "DBConstraintTestCase", + "test_can_reference_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_reference_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/backends/tests.py", + [ + "DBConstraintTestCase", + "test_can_reference_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "_user_input": [ + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "_user_input" + ] + ] + ], + "_run_autocomplete": [ + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "_run_autocomplete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_admin_py": [ + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "test_django_admin_py" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manage_py": [ + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "test_manage_py" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "RestartWithReloaderTests", + "test_manage_py" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subcommands": [ + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "test_subcommands" + ] + ] + ], + "test_completed_subcommand": [ + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "test_completed_subcommand" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_completion": [ + [ + "tests/bash_completion/tests.py", + [ + "BashCompletionTests", + "test_app_completion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_is_not_written_to_database_until_save_was_called": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_object_is_not_written_to_database_until_save_was_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_initialize_model_instance_using_positional_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_can_initialize_model_instance_using_positional_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_create_instance_using_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_can_create_instance_using_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autofields_generate_different_values_for_each_instance": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_autofields_generate_different_values_for_each_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_mix_and_match_position_and_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_can_mix_and_match_position_and_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_create_instance_with_invalid_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_cannot_create_instance_with_invalid_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_leave_off_value_for_autofield_and_it_gets_value_on_save": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_can_leave_off_value_for_autofield_and_it_gets_value_on_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_leaving_off_a_field_with_default_set_the_default_will_be_saved": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_leaving_off_a_field_with_default_set_the_default_will_be_saved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_datetimefields_saves_as_much_precision_as_was_given": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_for_datetimefields_saves_as_much_precision_as_was_given" + ] + ] + ], + "test_saving_an_object_again_does_not_create_a_new_object": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_saving_an_object_again_does_not_create_a_new_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_querysets_checking_for_membership": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_querysets_checking_for_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_primary_with_default": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_save_primary_with_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_parent_primary_with_default": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInstanceCreationTests", + "test_save_parent_primary_with_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_objects_attribute_is_only_available_on_the_class_itself": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_objects_attribute_is_only_available_on_the_class_itself" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_delete_removes_all_items_in_that_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_queryset_delete_removes_all_items_in_that_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_equal_and_equal_operators_behave_as_expected_on_instances": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_not_equal_and_equal_operators_behave_as_expected_on_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_microsecond_precision": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_microsecond_precision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manually_specify_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_manually_specify_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_method": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_create_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_lookup_edge_case": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_year_lookup_edge_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_data": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_unicode_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_function": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_hash_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_method_select_argument_with_dashes_and_values": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_extra_method_select_argument_with_dashes_and_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_method_select_argument_with_dashes": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_extra_method_select_argument_with_dashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_relation_with_gettext_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_create_relation_with_gettext_lazy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_create_relation_with_gettext_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptyqs": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_emptyqs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptyqs_values": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_emptyqs_values" + ] + ] + ], + "do_something": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_emptyqs_customqs", + "CustomQuerySet", + "do_something" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptyqs_customqs": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_emptyqs_customqs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptyqs_values_order": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_emptyqs_values_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptyqs_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_emptyqs_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20278": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_ticket_20278" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_hash_not_inherited": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_missing_hash_not_inherited" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specified_parent_hash_inherited": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_specified_parent_hash_inherited" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_and_access_field": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_delete_and_access_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_objects_max_num_fetched": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTest", + "test_multiple_objects_max_num_fetched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelLookupTest", + "test_all_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rich_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelLookupTest", + "test_rich_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelLookupTest", + "test_equal_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelLookupTest", + "test_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_by_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelLookupTest", + "test_lookup_by_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_many": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelLookupTest", + "test_too_many" + ] + ] + ], + "deleter": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ConcurrentSaveTests", + "test_concurrent_delete_with_save", + "deleter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concurrent_delete_with_save": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ConcurrentSaveTests", + "test_concurrent_delete_with_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_methods": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ManagerTest", + "test_manager_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_on_save": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "SelectOnSaveTests", + "test_select_on_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_on_save_lying_update": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "SelectOnSaveTests", + "test_select_on_save_lying_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_refresh" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_refresh" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_unknown_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_in_fields": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_lookup_in_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_fk": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_refresh_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_null_fk": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_refresh_null_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_unsaved": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_refresh_unsaved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_fk_on_delete_set_null": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_refresh_fk_on_delete_set_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_no_fields": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_refresh_no_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_clears_reverse_related": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_refresh_clears_reverse_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_clears_one_to_one_field": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_refresh_clears_one_to_one_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetched_cache_cleared": [ + [ + "tests/basic/tests.py", + [ + "ModelRefreshTests", + "test_prefetched_cache_cleared" + ] + ] + ], + "error_output": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "ServerHandler", + "error_output" + ] + ] + ], + "log_request": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "DummyHandler", + "log_request" + ] + ] + ], + "sendfile": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "FileWrapperHandler", + "sendfile" + ] + ] + ], + "wsgi_app": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "wsgi_app" + ] + ] + ], + "wsgi_app_file_wrapper": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "wsgi_app_file_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_wrapper_uses_sendfile": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "WSGIFileWrapperTests", + "test_file_wrapper_uses_sendfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_wrapper_no_sendfile": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "WSGIFileWrapperTests", + "test_file_wrapper_no_sendfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_response_closing": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "WSGIFileWrapperTests", + "test_file_response_closing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_response_call_request_finished": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "WSGIFileWrapperTests", + "test_file_response_call_request_finished" + ] + ] + ], + "send_headers": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "WriteChunkCounterHandler", + "send_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "send_big_data_app": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "send_big_data_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chunked_data": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/tests.py", + [ + "ServerHandlerChunksProperly", + "test_chunked_data" + ] + ] + ], + "file_response": [ + [ + "tests/builtin_server/views.py", + [ + "file_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efficiency": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_efficiency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_non_ascii_text": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_long_non_ascii_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_and_short_text": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_long_and_short_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_table_inheritance_unsupported": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_multi_table_inheritance_unsupported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_inheritance_supported": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_proxy_inheritance_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_auto_increment_pk": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_non_auto_increment_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_auto_increment_pk_efficiency": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_non_auto_increment_pk_efficiency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_same_vals": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_batch_same_vals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_batch": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_large_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_large_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_single_field_batch": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_large_single_field_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_batch_efficiency": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_large_batch_efficiency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_batch_mixed": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_large_batch_mixed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_batch_mixed_efficiency": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_large_batch_mixed_efficiency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_batch_size": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_explicit_batch_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_model": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_empty_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_batch_size_efficiency": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_explicit_batch_size_efficiency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_batch_size_respects_max_batch_size": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_explicit_batch_size_respects_max_batch_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bulk_insert_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_bulk_insert_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bulk_insert_nullable_fields": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_bulk_insert_nullable_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_pk_and_insert_single_item": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_set_pk_and_insert_single_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_pk_and_query_efficiency": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_set_pk_and_query_efficiency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_state": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_set_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_state_with_pk_specified": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_set_state_with_pk_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_conflicts_value_error": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_ignore_conflicts_value_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_conflicts_ignore": [ + [ + "tests/bulk_create/tests.py", + [ + "BulkCreateTests", + "test_ignore_conflicts_ignore" + ] + ] + ], + "expensive_calculation": [ + [ + "tests/cache/models.py", + [ + "expensive_calculation" + ] + ] + ], + "empty_response": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "empty_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/views.py", + [ + "empty_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_non_existent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_many": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_get_many" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_get_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_many_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_get_many_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_has_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_in" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_in" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_in" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_smartif.py", + [ + "SmartIfTests", + "test_in" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incr": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_incr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_incr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decr": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_decr" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_decr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_touch": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_touch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_touch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_types": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_data_types" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_data_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expiration": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_expiration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_expiration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_iriencode.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_lower.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slugify.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_title.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_upper.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_many": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_set_many" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_set_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_many_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_set_many_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_many": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_delete_many" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_delete_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_many_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_delete_many_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_clear" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_clear" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_clear" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_clear" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "RawQuerySetTests", + "test_clear" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incr_version": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_incr_version" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_incr_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decr_version": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_decr_version" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_decr_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_set": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_get_or_set" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_get_or_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_set_callable": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DummyCacheTests", + "test_get_or_set_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_get_or_set_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_key_func": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "custom_key_func" + ] + ] + ], + "caches_setting_for_tests": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "caches_setting_for_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_used_when_none_is_set": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_default_used_when_none_is_set" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "MemcachedCacheTests", + "test_default_used_when_none_is_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_prefix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticHelperTest", + "test_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nonexistent": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_delete_nonexistent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_close" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests", + "test_close" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheClosingTests", + "test_close" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_read_for_model_instance": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_read_for_model_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_write_for_model_instance_with_deferred": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_write_for_model_instance_with_deferred" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_read_for_model_instance_with_deferred": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_read_for_model_instance_with_deferred" + ] + ] + ], + "test_binary_string": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_binary_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_many_returns_empty_list_on_success": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_set_many_returns_empty_list_on_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_many_expiration": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_set_many_expiration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_long_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forever_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_forever_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_zero_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_float_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "_perform_cull_test": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "_perform_cull_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cull": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cull" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_cull": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_zero_cull" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "test_zero_cull" + ] + ] + ], + "_perform_invalid_key_test": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "_perform_invalid_key_test" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests", + "_perform_invalid_key_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_key_characters": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_invalid_key_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_key_length": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_invalid_key_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_versioning_get_set": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_versioning_get_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_versioning_add": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_versioning_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_versioning_has_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_versioning_has_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_versioning_delete": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_versioning_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_versioning_incr_decr": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_versioning_incr_decr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_versioning_get_set_many": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_versioning_get_set_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_key_func": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_custom_key_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_write_unpicklable_object": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_cache_write_unpicklable_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_fail_on_pickleerror": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_add_fail_on_pickleerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_fail_on_pickleerror": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_set_fail_on_pickleerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_set_callable_returning_none": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_get_or_set_callable_returning_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_set_version": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_get_or_set_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_set_racing": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseCacheTests", + "test_get_or_set_racing" + ] + ] + ], + "drop_table": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "drop_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_many_num_queries": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "test_get_many_num_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_many_num_queries": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "test_delete_many_num_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_second_call_doesnt_crash": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "test_second_call_doesnt_crash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_createcachetable_dry_run_mode": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "test_createcachetable_dry_run_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_createcachetable_with_table_argument": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheTests", + "test_createcachetable_with_table_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "db_for_write": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DBCacheRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "TestRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "TestRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "OtherRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "TestRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "AuthRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/routers.py", + [ + "WriteRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "WriteToOtherRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "AttributeErrorRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMetaRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "WriteCheckRouter", + "db_for_write" + ] + ] + ], + "test_createcachetable_observes_database_router": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CreateCacheTableForDBCacheTests", + "test_createcachetable_observes_database_router" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_caches": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "LocMemCacheTests", + "test_multiple_caches" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locking_on_pickle": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "LocMemCacheTests", + "test_locking_on_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incr_decr_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "LocMemCacheTests", + "test_incr_decr_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lru_get": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "LocMemCacheTests", + "test_lru_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lru_set": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "LocMemCacheTests", + "test_lru_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lru_incr": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "LocMemCacheTests", + "test_lru_incr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_location_multiple_servers": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests", + "test_location_multiple_servers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_never_expiring_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests", + "test_default_never_expiring_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_far_future_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests", + "test_default_far_future_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_memcached_deletes_key_on_failed_set": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests", + "test_memcached_deletes_key_on_failed_set" + ] + ] + ], + "fail_set_multi": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests", + "test_set_many_returns_failing_keys", + "fail_set_multi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_many_returns_failing_keys": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "BaseMemcachedTests", + "test_set_many_returns_failing_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_memcached_uses_highest_pickle_version": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "MemcachedCacheTests", + "test_memcached_uses_highest_pickle_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_memcached_options": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "MemcachedCacheTests", + "test_memcached_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pylibmc_options": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "PyLibMCCacheTests", + "test_pylibmc_options" + ] + ] + ], + "mkdtemp": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "mkdtemp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCachePathLibTests", + "mkdtemp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendTests", + "mkdtemp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendPathLibTests", + "mkdtemp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests", + "mkdtemp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionPathLibTests", + "mkdtemp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "CollectionTestCase", + "mkdtemp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionPathLib", + "mkdtemp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignores_non_cache_files": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "test_ignores_non_cache_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_does_not_remove_cache_dir": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "test_clear_does_not_remove_cache_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creates_cache_dir_if_nonexistent": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "test_creates_cache_dir_if_nonexistent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_ignores_enoent": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "test_get_ignores_enoent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_does_not_ignore_non_filenotfound_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "test_get_does_not_ignore_non_filenotfound_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_cache_file_considered_expired": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "FileBasedCacheTests", + "test_empty_cache_file_considered_expired" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_key_validation": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCacheKeyValidationTests", + "test_custom_key_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_expiration_time_for_keys_is_5_minutes": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests", + "test_default_expiration_time_for_keys_is_5_minutes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_caches_with_unset_timeout_has_correct_default_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests", + "test_caches_with_unset_timeout_has_correct_default_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_caches_set_with_timeout_as_none_has_correct_default_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests", + "test_caches_set_with_timeout_as_none_has_correct_default_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_caches_with_unset_timeout_set_expiring_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests", + "test_caches_with_unset_timeout_set_expiring_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_caches_set_with_timeout_as_none_set_non_expiring_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultNonExpiringCacheKeyTests", + "test_caches_set_with_timeout_as_none_set_non_expiring_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_request_cache": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils", + "_get_request_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_vary_headers": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils", + "test_patch_vary_headers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestWithTemplateResponse", + "test_patch_vary_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_cache_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils", + "test_get_cache_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestWithTemplateResponse", + "test_get_cache_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_cache_key_with_query": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils", + "test_get_cache_key_with_query" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestWithTemplateResponse", + "test_get_cache_key_with_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_key_varies_by_url": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils", + "test_cache_key_varies_by_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_learn_cache_key": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils", + "test_learn_cache_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_cache_control": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheUtils", + "test_patch_cache_control" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_cache": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHEADTest", + "_set_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_caches_correctly": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHEADTest", + "test_head_caches_correctly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_with_cached_get": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHEADTest", + "test_head_with_cached_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_key_i18n_translation": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_cache_key_i18n_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "check_accept_language_vary": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "check_accept_language_vary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_key_i18n_translation_accept_language": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_cache_key_i18n_translation_accept_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_key_i18n_formatting": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_cache_key_i18n_formatting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_key_i18n_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_cache_key_i18n_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_key_no_i18n": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_cache_key_no_i18n" + ] + ] + ], + "set_cache": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_middleware", + "set_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_middleware" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "test_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stream_response": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_middleware_doesnt_cache_streaming_response", + "get_stream_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_streaming_response", + "get_stream_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_doesnt_cache_streaming_response": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheI18nTest", + "test_middleware_doesnt_cache_streaming_response" + ] + ] + ], + "hello_world_view": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "hello_world_view" + ] + ] + ], + "csrf_view": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "csrf_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "test_constructor" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests", + "test_constructor" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "TwoImageFieldTests", + "test_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "test_view_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_page_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "test_cache_page_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_control_private_not_cached": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "test_cached_control_private_not_cached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sensitive_cookie_not_cached": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "test_sensitive_cookie_not_cached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_304_response_has_http_caching_headers_but_not_cached": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "test_304_response_has_http_caching_headers_but_not_cached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_without_vary_on": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey", + "test_without_vary_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_one_vary_on": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey", + "test_with_one_vary_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_many_vary_on": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey", + "test_with_many_vary_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proper_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey", + "test_proper_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_ints_vary_on": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey", + "test_with_ints_vary_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_unicode_vary_on": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey", + "test_with_unicode_vary_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_vary_on": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "TestMakeTemplateFragmentKey", + "test_long_vary_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_instance": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHandlerTest", + "test_same_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_per_thread": [ + [ + "tests/cache/tests.py", + [ + "CacheHandlerTest", + "test_per_thread" + ] + ] + ], + "my_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/models.py", + [ + "my_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_allowed_async_unsafe": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_async_checks.py", + [ + "AsyncCheckTests", + "test_no_allowed_async_unsafe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_async_unsafe_set": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_async_checks.py", + [ + "AsyncCheckTests", + "test_allowed_async_unsafe_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_cache_included": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_caches.py", + [ + "CheckCacheSettingsAppDirsTest", + "test_default_cache_included" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_cache_not_included": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_caches.py", + [ + "CheckCacheSettingsAppDirsTest", + "test_default_cache_not_included" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_checks_called": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_database.py", + [ + "DatabaseCheckTests", + "test_database_checks_called" + ] + ] + ], + "_clean_sql_mode": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_database.py", + [ + "DatabaseCheckTests", + "test_mysql_strict_mode", + "_clean_sql_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mysql_strict_mode": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_database.py", + [ + "DatabaseCheckTests", + "test_mysql_strict_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collision_in_same_app": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_in_same_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collision_in_same_app_database_routers_installed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_in_same_app_database_routers_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collision_across_apps": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_across_apps" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_across_apps" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_across_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collision_across_apps_database_routers_installed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_collision_across_apps_database_routers_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_collision_for_unmanaged_models": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_no_collision_for_unmanaged_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_collision_for_proxy_models": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "DuplicateDBTableTests", + "test_no_collision_for_proxy_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collision_in_same_model": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_in_same_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_in_same_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collision_in_different_models": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_in_different_models" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_in_different_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collision_abstract_model": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_collision_abstract_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_collision_abstract_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_no_collision_abstract_model_interpolation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "IndexNameTests", + "test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_checks.py", + [ + "ConstraintNameTests", + "test_no_collision_across_apps_interpolation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_details": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedField", + "test_default_details" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestRemovedField", + "test_default_details" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_specified_details": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedField", + "test_user_specified_details" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_model_field_deprecation.py", + [ + "TestRemovedField", + "test_user_specified_details" + ] + ] + ], + "_patch_check_field_on": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_multi_db.py", + [ + "TestMultiDBChecks", + "_patch_check_field_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checks_called_on_the_default_database": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_multi_db.py", + [ + "TestMultiDBChecks", + "test_checks_called_on_the_default_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checks_called_on_the_other_database": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_multi_db.py", + [ + "TestMultiDBChecks", + "test_checks_called_on_the_other_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_cookie_secure_with_installed_app": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieSecureTest", + "test_session_cookie_secure_with_installed_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_cookie_secure_with_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieSecureTest", + "test_session_cookie_secure_with_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_cookie_secure_both": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieSecureTest", + "test_session_cookie_secure_both" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_cookie_secure_true": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieSecureTest", + "test_session_cookie_secure_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_cookie_httponly_with_installed_app": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieHttpOnlyTest", + "test_session_cookie_httponly_with_installed_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_cookie_httponly_with_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieHttpOnlyTest", + "test_session_cookie_httponly_with_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_cookie_httponly_both": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieHttpOnlyTest", + "test_session_cookie_httponly_both" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_cookie_httponly_true": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSessionCookieHttpOnlyTest", + "test_session_cookie_httponly_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_csrf_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckCSRFMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_csrf_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_csrf_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckCSRFMiddlewareTest", + "test_with_csrf_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_csrf_cookie_secure_false": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckCSRFCookieSecureTest", + "test_with_csrf_cookie_secure_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_sessions_with_csrf_cookie_secure_false": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckCSRFCookieSecureTest", + "test_use_sessions_with_csrf_cookie_secure_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_csrf_cookie_secure_false_no_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckCSRFCookieSecureTest", + "test_with_csrf_cookie_secure_false_no_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_csrf_cookie_secure_true": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckCSRFCookieSecureTest", + "test_with_csrf_cookie_secure_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_security_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_security_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_security_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_with_security_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sts": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityTest", + "test_no_sts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sts_no_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityTest", + "test_no_sts_no_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_sts": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityTest", + "test_with_sts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sts_subdomains": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecuritySubdomainsTest", + "test_no_sts_subdomains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sts_subdomains_no_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecuritySubdomainsTest", + "test_no_sts_subdomains_no_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sts_subdomains_no_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecuritySubdomainsTest", + "test_no_sts_subdomains_no_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_sts_subdomains": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecuritySubdomainsTest", + "test_with_sts_subdomains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sts_preload": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityPreloadTest", + "test_no_sts_preload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sts_preload_no_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityPreloadTest", + "test_no_sts_preload_no_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sts_preload_no_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityPreloadTest", + "test_no_sts_preload_no_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_sts_preload": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckStrictTransportSecurityPreloadTest", + "test_with_sts_preload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_not_installed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckXFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_middleware_not_installed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckXFrameOptionsDenyTest", + "test_middleware_not_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_installed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckXFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_middleware_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_x_frame_options_not_deny": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckXFrameOptionsDenyTest", + "test_x_frame_options_not_deny" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xframe_deny": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckXFrameOptionsDenyTest", + "test_xframe_deny" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_content_type_nosniff": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckContentTypeNosniffTest", + "test_no_content_type_nosniff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_content_type_nosniff_no_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckContentTypeNosniffTest", + "test_no_content_type_nosniff_no_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_content_type_nosniff": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckContentTypeNosniffTest", + "test_with_content_type_nosniff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_ssl_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSSLRedirectTest", + "test_no_ssl_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_ssl_redirect_no_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSSLRedirectTest", + "test_no_ssl_redirect_no_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_ssl_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSSLRedirectTest", + "test_with_ssl_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_okay_secret_key": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecretKeyTest", + "test_okay_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_secret_key": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecretKeyTest", + "test_empty_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_secret_key": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecretKeyTest", + "test_missing_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_secret_key": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecretKeyTest", + "test_none_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_low_length_secret_key": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecretKeyTest", + "test_low_length_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_low_entropy_secret_key": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckSecretKeyTest", + "test_low_entropy_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_true": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckDebugTest", + "test_debug_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_false": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckDebugTest", + "test_debug_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_hosts_empty": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckAllowedHostsTest", + "test_allowed_hosts_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_hosts_set": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckAllowedHostsTest", + "test_allowed_hosts_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_referrer_policy": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckReferrerPolicyTest", + "test_no_referrer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_referrer_policy_no_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckReferrerPolicyTest", + "test_no_referrer_policy_no_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_referrer_policy": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckReferrerPolicyTest", + "test_with_referrer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_invalid_referrer_policy": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_security.py", + [ + "CheckReferrerPolicyTest", + "test_with_invalid_referrer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_dirs_and_loaders": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateSettingsAppDirsTest", + "test_app_dirs_and_loaders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_dirs_removed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateSettingsAppDirsTest", + "test_app_dirs_removed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaders_removed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateSettingsAppDirsTest", + "test_loaders_removed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_if_invalid_not_string": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateStringIfInvalidTest", + "test_string_if_invalid_not_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_if_invalid_first_is_string": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateStringIfInvalidTest", + "test_string_if_invalid_first_is_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_if_invalid_both_are_strings": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateStringIfInvalidTest", + "test_string_if_invalid_both_are_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_if_invalid_not_specified": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_templates.py", + [ + "CheckTemplateStringIfInvalidTest", + "test_string_if_invalid_not_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_language_code": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "test_valid_language_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_language_code": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "test_invalid_language_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_languages": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "test_valid_languages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_languages": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "test_invalid_languages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_languages_bidi": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "test_valid_languages_bidi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_languages_bidi": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "test_invalid_languages_bidi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inconsistent_language_settings": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "test_inconsistent_language_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_variant_consistent_language_settings": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_translation.py", + [ + "TranslationCheckTests", + "test_valid_variant_consistent_language_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_warnings": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_no_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_warnings_i18n": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_no_warnings_i18n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_resolver_recursive": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_check_resolver_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_with_dollar": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_include_with_dollar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_tuple_not_url_instance": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_contains_tuple_not_url_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_included_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_contains_included_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_beginning_with_slash": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_beginning_with_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_beginning_with_slash_append_slash": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_beginning_with_slash_append_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_with_colon": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_name_with_colon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_root_urlconf_in_settings": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_no_root_urlconf_in_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_warning_for_invalid_pattern_string": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_get_warning_for_invalid_pattern_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_warning_for_invalid_pattern_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_get_warning_for_invalid_pattern_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_warning_for_invalid_pattern_other": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_get_warning_for_invalid_pattern_other" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_non_unique_namespaces": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_check_non_unique_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_unique_namespaces": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckUrlConfigTests", + "test_check_unique_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_re_named_group": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "UpdatedToPathTests", + "test_contains_re_named_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_beginning_with_caret": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "UpdatedToPathTests", + "test_beginning_with_caret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ending_with_dollar": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "UpdatedToPathTests", + "test_ending_with_dollar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_handlers": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckCustomErrorHandlersTests", + "test_bad_handlers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_handlers_invalid_path": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckCustomErrorHandlersTests", + "test_bad_handlers_invalid_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_good_handlers": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckCustomErrorHandlersTests", + "test_good_handlers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slash_no_errors": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckURLSettingsTests", + "test_slash_no_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_string_no_errors": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckURLSettingsTests", + "test_empty_string_no_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_url_no_slash": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckURLSettingsTests", + "test_static_url_no_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_url_double_slash_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckURLSettingsTests", + "test_static_url_double_slash_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_url_no_slash": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/test_urls.py", + [ + "CheckURLSettingsTests", + "test_media_url_no_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "f2": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SystemCheckFrameworkTests", + "test_register_and_run_checks", + "f2" + ] + ] + ], + "f3": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SystemCheckFrameworkTests", + "test_register_and_run_checks", + "f3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_and_run_checks": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SystemCheckFrameworkTests", + "test_register_and_run_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_printing": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_printing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_printing_no_hint": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_printing_no_hint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_printing_no_object": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_printing_no_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_printing_with_given_id": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_printing_with_given_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_printing_field_error": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_printing_field_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_printing_model_error": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_printing_model_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_printing_manager_error": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_printing_manager_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_to_self": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_equal_to_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_to_same_constructed_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_equal_to_same_constructed_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_equal_to_different_constructed_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_not_equal_to_different_constructed_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_equal_to_non_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "MessageTests", + "test_not_equal_to_non_check" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_system_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "simple_system_check" + ] + ] + ], + "tagged_system_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "tagged_system_check" + ] + ] + ], + "deployment_system_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "deployment_system_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_call": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_simple_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_given_app": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_given_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_given_tag": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_given_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_tag": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_invalid_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_empty": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_list_tags_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_deployment_check_omitted": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_list_deployment_check_omitted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_deployment_check_included": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_list_deployment_check_included" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_deployment_check_omitted": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_tags_deployment_check_omitted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_deployment_check_included": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_tags_deployment_check_included" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_level": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckCommandTests", + "test_fail_level" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_error_system_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "custom_error_system_check" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_warning_system_check": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "custom_warning_system_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_silenced_error": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SilencingCheckTests", + "test_silenced_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_silenced_warning": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SilencingCheckTests", + "test_silenced_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_check_method_not_shadowed": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CheckFrameworkReservedNamesTests", + "test_model_check_method_not_shadowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_registered_check_did_run": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/tests.py", + [ + "ChecksRunDuringTests", + "test_registered_check_did_run" + ] + ] + ], + "bad_handler": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/urls/bad_error_handlers.py", + [ + "bad_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "good_handler": [ + [ + "tests/check_framework/urls/good_error_handlers.py", + [ + "good_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFullResponse": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "assertFullResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNotModified": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "assertNotModified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_without_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_without_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_modified_since": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_if_modified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_unmodified_since": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_if_unmodified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_none_match": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_if_none_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_weak_if_none_match": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_weak_if_none_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_if_none_match": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_all_if_none_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_match": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_if_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_weak_if_match": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_weak_if_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_if_match": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_all_if_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_both_headers": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_both_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_both_headers_2": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_both_headers_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_1": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_2": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_3": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_4": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_5": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_6": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_7": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_7" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_8": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_8" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_9": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_9" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_condition_head": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_single_condition_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unquoted": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_unquoted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unquoted_if_none_match": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_unquoted_if_none_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_etag": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGet", + "test_invalid_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "last_modified_view1": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/views.py", + [ + "last_modified_view1" + ] + ] + ], + "last_modified_view2": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/views.py", + [ + "last_modified_view2" + ] + ] + ], + "etag_view1": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/views.py", + [ + "etag_view1" + ] + ] + ], + "etag_view2": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/views.py", + [ + "etag_view2" + ] + ] + ], + "etag_view_unquoted": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/views.py", + [ + "etag_view_unquoted" + ] + ] + ], + "etag_view_weak": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/views.py", + [ + "etag_view_weak" + ] + ] + ], + "etag_view_none": [ + [ + "tests/conditional_processing/views.py", + [ + "etag_view_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constraint_sql": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "BaseConstraintTests", + "test_constraint_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_sql": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "BaseConstraintTests", + "test_create_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_sql": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "BaseConstraintTests", + "test_remove_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_check_types": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_invalid_check_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruction": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorageTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndexTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BrinIndexTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BTreeIndexTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "GinIndexTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "GistIndexTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "HashIndexTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SpGistIndexTests", + "test_deconstruction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_database_constraint" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_database_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_constraint_expression": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_database_constraint_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_constraint_expressionwrapper": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_database_constraint_expressionwrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_name": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "CheckConstraintTests", + "test_abstract_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_eq_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq_with_deferrable": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_eq_with_deferrable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq_with_include": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_eq_with_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_repr_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_with_deferrable": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_repr_with_deferrable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_with_include": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_repr_with_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruction_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruction_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruction_with_deferrable": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruction_with_deferrable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruction_with_include": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruction_with_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_constraint_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_database_constraint_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_validation": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_model_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_validation_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_model_validation_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_must_be_q": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_condition_must_be_q" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_condition_must_be_q" + ] + ] + ], + "swap": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_initially_deferred_database_constraint", + "swap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initially_deferred_database_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_initially_deferred_database_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initially_immediate_database_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_initially_immediate_database_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferrable_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_deferrable_with_condition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_deferrable_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_defer_argument": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_invalid_defer_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_database_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_include_database_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_include_argument": [ + [ + "tests/constraints/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueConstraintTests", + "test_invalid_include_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_foo_contenttype_not_cached": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/operations_migrations/0002_rename_foo.py", + [ + "assert_foo_contenttype_not_cached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_content_type_field": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_missing_content_type_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_content_type_field": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_invalid_content_type_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_type_field_pointing_to_wrong_model": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_content_type_field_pointing_to_wrong_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_object_id_field": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_missing_object_id_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_name_ending_with_underscore": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_field_name_ending_with_underscore" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_field_name_ending_with_underscore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_foreign_key_checks_are_performed": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_generic_foreign_key_checks_are_performed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_generic_relationship": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_valid_generic_relationship" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_generic_relationship_with_explicit_fields": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_valid_generic_relationship_with_explicit_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pointing_to_missing_model": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_self_referential_generic_relationship": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_valid_self_referential_generic_relationship" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_generic_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_missing_generic_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pointing_to_swapped_model": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_pointing_to_swapped_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_name_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "ModelCheckTests", + "test_model_name_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_content_type_no_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_get_content_type_no_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incorrect_get_prefetch_queryset_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GenericForeignKeyTests", + "test_incorrect_get_prefetch_queryset_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_to_string": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_value_to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interactive_true_with_dependent_objects": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests", + "test_interactive_true_with_dependent_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interactive_true_without_dependent_objects": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests", + "test_interactive_true_without_dependent_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interactive_false": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests", + "test_interactive_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unavailable_content_type_model": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests", + "test_unavailable_content_type_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contenttypes_removed_in_installed_apps_without_models": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests", + "test_contenttypes_removed_in_installed_apps_without_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contenttypes_removed_for_apps_not_in_installed_apps": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "RemoveStaleContentTypesTests", + "test_contenttypes_removed_for_apps_not_in_installed_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_cache": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_lookup_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_for_models_creation": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_get_for_models_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_for_models_empty_cache": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_get_for_models_empty_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_for_models_partial_cache": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_get_for_models_partial_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_for_models_full_cache": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_get_for_models_full_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_for_model_create_contenttype": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_get_for_model_create_contenttype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_for_concrete_model": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_get_for_concrete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_for_concrete_models": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_get_for_concrete_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_not_shared_between_managers": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_cache_not_shared_between_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_model": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_missing_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_labeled_name": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_app_labeled_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_labeled_name_unknown_model": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesTests", + "test_app_labeled_name_unknown_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multidb": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ContentTypesMultidbTests", + "test_multidb" + ] + ] + ], + "assertOperationsInjected": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "assertOperationsInjected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_content_type_rename": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "test_existing_content_type_rename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_content_type_rename_other_database": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "test_existing_content_type_rename_other_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_content_type_rename_ignore": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "test_missing_content_type_rename_ignore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_type_rename_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "ContentTypeOperationsTests", + "test_content_type_rename_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shortcut_with_absolute_url": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "test_shortcut_with_absolute_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shortcut_with_absolute_url_including_scheme": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "test_shortcut_with_absolute_url_including_scheme" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shortcut_no_absolute_url": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "test_shortcut_no_absolute_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_type_pk": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "test_wrong_type_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shortcut_bad_pk": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "test_shortcut_bad_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonint_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "test_nonint_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsTests", + "test_bad_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shortcut_view_with_null_site_fk": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsSiteRelTests", + "test_shortcut_view_with_null_site_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shortcut_view_with_site_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ContentTypesViewsSiteRelTests", + "test_shortcut_view_with_site_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_dependent_on_sites_app": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ShortcutViewTests", + "test_not_dependent_on_sites_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_without_get_absolute_url": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ShortcutViewTests", + "test_model_without_get_absolute_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_with_broken_get_absolute_url": [ + [ + "tests/contenttypes_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "ShortcutViewTests", + "test_model_with_broken_get_absolute_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/context_processors/tests.py", + [ + "RequestContextProcessorTests", + "test_request_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug": [ + [ + "tests/context_processors/tests.py", + [ + "DebugContextProcessorTests", + "test_debug" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_queries": [ + [ + "tests/context_processors/tests.py", + [ + "DebugContextProcessorTests", + "test_sql_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "request_processor": [ + [ + "tests/context_processors/views.py", + [ + "request_processor" + ] + ] + ], + "debug_processor": [ + [ + "tests/context_processors/views.py", + [ + "debug_processor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_token_to_string": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/test_context_processor.py", + [ + "TestContextProcessor", + "test_force_token_to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_GET_csrf_cookie_request": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_get_GET_csrf_cookie_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "_get_GET_csrf_cookie_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "_get_GET_csrf_cookie_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_POST_csrf_cookie_request": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_get_POST_csrf_cookie_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_POST_no_csrf_cookie_request": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_get_POST_no_csrf_cookie_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_POST_request_with_token": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_get_POST_request_with_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_token_present": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_check_token_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_response_get_token_not_used": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_process_response_get_token_not_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_request_no_csrf_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_process_request_no_csrf_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_request_csrf_cookie_no_token": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_process_request_csrf_cookie_no_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_request_csrf_cookie_and_token": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_process_request_csrf_cookie_and_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_request_csrf_cookie_no_token_exempt_view": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_process_request_csrf_cookie_no_token_exempt_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_token_in_header": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_csrf_token_in_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_token_in_header_with_customized_name": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_csrf_token_in_header_with_customized_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_delete_rejected": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_put_and_delete_rejected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_delete_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_put_and_delete_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_token_node_no_csrf_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_token_node_no_csrf_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_token_node_empty_csrf_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_token_node_empty_csrf_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_token_node_with_csrf_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_token_node_with_csrf_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_token_for_exempt_view": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_get_token_for_exempt_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_token_for_requires_csrf_token_view": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_get_token_for_requires_csrf_token_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_token_node_with_new_csrf_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_token_node_with_new_csrf_cookie" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_token_node_with_new_csrf_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cookie_not_reset_on_accepted_request": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_cookie_not_reset_on_accepted_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_bad_referer": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_https_bad_referer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_malformed_host": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_https_malformed_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_malformed_referer": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_https_malformed_referer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_good_referer": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_https_good_referer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_good_referer_2": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_https_good_referer_2" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_https_good_referer_behind_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_test_https_good_referer_behind_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_csrf_trusted_origin_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_https_csrf_trusted_origin_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_csrf_wildcard_trusted_origin_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_https_csrf_wildcard_trusted_origin_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain_with_different_port": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "_test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain_with_different_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ensures_csrf_cookie_no_logging": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_ensures_csrf_cookie_no_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_data_read_failure": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTestMixin", + "test_post_data_read_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_POST_bare_secret_csrf_cookie_request": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "_get_POST_bare_secret_csrf_cookie_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "_get_POST_bare_secret_csrf_cookie_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_POST_bare_secret_csrf_cookie_request_with_token": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "_get_POST_bare_secret_csrf_cookie_request_with_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ensures_csrf_cookie_no_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_ensures_csrf_cookie_no_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ensures_csrf_cookie_with_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_ensures_csrf_cookie_with_middleware" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_ensures_csrf_cookie_with_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_cookie_age": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_csrf_cookie_age" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_cookie_age_none": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_csrf_cookie_age_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_cookie_samesite": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_csrf_cookie_samesite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_view_token_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_process_view_token_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_view_token_invalid_chars": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_process_view_token_invalid_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bare_secret_accepted_and_replaced": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_bare_secret_accepted_and_replaced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_good_referer_behind_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_https_good_referer_behind_proxy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_https_good_referer_behind_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain_with_different_port": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain_with_different_port" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_https_good_referer_matches_cookie_domain_with_different_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https_reject_insecure_referer": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareTests", + "test_https_reject_insecure_referer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_https_reject_insecure_referer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_session_on_request": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_no_session_on_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_response_get_token_used": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_process_response_get_token_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_modify": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfViewMiddlewareUseSessionsTests", + "test_session_modify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_token_on_404_stays_constant": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CsrfInErrorHandlingViewsTests", + "test_csrf_token_on_404_stays_constant" + ] + ] + ], + "post_form_view": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/views.py", + [ + "post_form_view" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_csrf_cookie_view": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/views.py", + [ + "ensure_csrf_cookie_view" + ] + ] + ], + "token_view": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/views.py", + [ + "token_view" + ] + ] + ], + "non_token_view_using_request_processor": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/views.py", + [ + "non_token_view_using_request_processor" + ] + ] + ], + "csrf_token_error_handler": [ + [ + "tests/csrf_tests/views.py", + [ + "csrf_token_error_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_all_available_authors": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_query_all_available_authors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_first_name": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_get_first_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_first_name": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_filter_first_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_authors_for_an_article": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_get_all_authors_for_an_article" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_articles_for_an_author": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_get_all_articles_for_an_author" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_author_m2m_relation": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_get_author_m2m_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_author_querying": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_author_querying" + ] + ] + ], + "test_author_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_author_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_author_get": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_author_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_on_nonexistent_field": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_filter_on_nonexistent_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_author_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_author_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_table": [ + [ + "tests/custom_columns/tests.py", + [ + "CustomColumnsTests", + "test_m2m_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_name_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_custom_name_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_exact_lookup_none_rhs": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_custom_exact_lookup_none_rhs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_basic_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_birthdate_month": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_birthdate_month" + ] + ] + ], + "test_div3_extract": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_div3_extract" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreignobject_lookup_registration": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_foreignobject_lookup_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookups_caching": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_lookups_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bilateral_upper": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "BilateralTransformTests", + "test_bilateral_upper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bilateral_inner_qs": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "BilateralTransformTests", + "test_bilateral_inner_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bilateral_multi_value": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "BilateralTransformTests", + "test_bilateral_multi_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_div3_bilateral_extract": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "BilateralTransformTests", + "test_div3_bilateral_extract" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bilateral_order": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "BilateralTransformTests", + "test_bilateral_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "BilateralTransformTests", + "test_transform_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bilateral_fexpr": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "BilateralTransformTests", + "test_bilateral_fexpr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_output_field": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimeLookupTests", + "test_datetime_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_lte": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "test_year_lte" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_lte_fexpr": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "test_year_lte_fexpr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_lte_sql": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "test_year_lte_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_postgres_year_exact": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "test_postgres_year_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "as_custom_sql": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "test_custom_implementation_year_exact", + "try_", + "as_custom_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "test_custom_implementation_year_exact", + "None_1", + "CustomYearExact", + "as_custom_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_implementation_year_exact": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "YearLteTests", + "test_custom_implementation_year_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_call_order": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTransformCallOrderTests", + "test_call_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridden_get_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomisedMethodsTests", + "test_overridden_get_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridden_get_transform": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomisedMethodsTests", + "test_overridden_get_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridden_get_lookup_chain": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomisedMethodsTests", + "test_overridden_get_lookup_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridden_get_transform_chain": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "CustomisedMethodsTests", + "test_overridden_get_transform_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_usage": [ + [ + "tests/custom_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTransformTests", + "test_subquery_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fun_people": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "PersonManager", + "get_fun_people" + ] + ] + ], + "public_method": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "CustomQuerySet", + "public_method" + ] + ] + ], + "_private_method": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "CustomQuerySet", + "_private_method" + ] + ] + ], + "optout_public_method": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "CustomQuerySet", + "optout_public_method" + ] + ] + ], + "_optin_private_method": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "CustomQuerySet", + "_optin_private_method" + ] + ] + ], + "manager_only": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/models.py", + [ + "BaseCustomManager", + "manager_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_manager_basic": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_custom_manager_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_copied_to_default": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_queryset_copied_to_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_honors_queryset_only": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_manager_honors_queryset_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_use_queryset_methods": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_manager_use_queryset_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init_args": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_init_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_manager_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_and_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_queryset_and_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_related_manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_objects": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_no_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_fk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gfk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_gfk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_m2m_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_removal_through_default_fk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_removal_through_default_fk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slow_removal_through_default_fk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_slow_removal_through_default_fk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_removal_through_specified_fk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_removal_through_specified_fk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slow_removal_through_specified_fk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_slow_removal_through_specified_fk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_removal_through_default_gfk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_removal_through_default_gfk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slow_removal_through_default_gfk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_slow_removal_through_default_gfk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_removal_through_specified_gfk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_removal_through_specified_gfk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slow_removal_through_specified_gfk_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_slow_removal_through_specified_gfk_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_removal_through_default_m2m_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_removal_through_default_m2m_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_removal_through_specified_m2m_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_removal_through_specified_m2m_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_default": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_deconstruct_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_as_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_deconstruct_as_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_from_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_deconstruct_from_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_from_queryset_failing": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_deconstruct_from_queryset_failing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_model_with_custom_manager_name": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagerTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_custom_manager_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_managers": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "TestCars", + "test_managers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtered_default_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagersRegressTestCase", + "test_filtered_default_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_from_db_when_default_manager_filters": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagersRegressTestCase", + "test_refresh_from_db_when_default_manager_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_clears_annotations_from_base_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagersRegressTestCase", + "test_save_clears_annotations_from_base_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_related_on_filtered_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagersRegressTestCase", + "test_delete_related_on_filtered_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_one_to_one_manager": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagersRegressTestCase", + "test_delete_one_to_one_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_with_custom_init": [ + [ + "tests/custom_managers/tests.py", + [ + "CustomManagersRegressTestCase", + "test_queryset_with_custom_init" + ] + ] + ], + "was_published_today": [ + [ + "tests/custom_methods/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "was_published_today" + ] + ] + ], + "articles_from_same_day_1": [ + [ + "tests/custom_methods/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "articles_from_same_day_1" + ] + ] + ], + "articles_from_same_day_2": [ + [ + "tests/custom_methods/models.py", + [ + "Article", + "articles_from_same_day_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_methods": [ + [ + "tests/custom_methods/tests.py", + [ + "MethodsTests", + "test_custom_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "state_backwards": [ + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/more_operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "state_backwards" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/custom_migration_operations/operations.py", + [ + "TestOperation", + "state_backwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_querysets": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests", + "test_querysets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_querysets_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests", + "test_querysets_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_querysets_relational": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests", + "test_querysets_relational" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_session.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodTests", + "test_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests", + "test_pk_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_bulk": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "BasicCustomPKTests", + "test_in_bulk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_bulk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "NullableTest", + "test_in_bulk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_pk_create": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPKTests", + "test_custom_pk_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_pk": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPKTests", + "test_unicode_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_pk": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPKTests", + "test_unique_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_non_autoincrement_pk": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPKTests", + "test_zero_non_autoincrement_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_field_pk": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPKTests", + "test_custom_field_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_required_pk": [ + [ + "tests/custom_pk/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPKTests", + "test_required_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_type": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/tests.py", + [ + "DataTypesTestCase", + "test_boolean_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_type": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/tests.py", + [ + "DataTypesTestCase", + "test_date_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_field": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/tests.py", + [ + "DataTypesTestCase", + "test_time_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_time_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "OGRInspectTest", + "test_time_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_boundaries": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/tests.py", + [ + "DataTypesTestCase", + "test_year_boundaries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textfields_str": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/tests.py", + [ + "DataTypesTestCase", + "test_textfields_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_on_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/tests.py", + [ + "DataTypesTestCase", + "test_error_on_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datefield_auto_now_add": [ + [ + "tests/datatypes/tests.py", + [ + "DataTypesTestCase", + "test_datefield_auto_now_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_model_traverse": [ + [ + "tests/dates/tests.py", + [ + "DatesTests", + "test_related_model_traverse" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/datetimes/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimesTests", + "test_related_model_traverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates_fails_when_no_arguments_are_provided": [ + [ + "tests/dates/tests.py", + [ + "DatesTests", + "test_dates_fails_when_no_arguments_are_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates_fails_when_given_invalid_field_argument": [ + [ + "tests/dates/tests.py", + [ + "DatesTests", + "test_dates_fails_when_given_invalid_field_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates_fails_when_given_invalid_kind_argument": [ + [ + "tests/dates/tests.py", + [ + "DatesTests", + "test_dates_fails_when_given_invalid_kind_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates_fails_when_given_invalid_order_argument": [ + [ + "tests/dates/tests.py", + [ + "DatesTests", + "test_dates_fails_when_given_invalid_order_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates_trunc_datetime_fields": [ + [ + "tests/dates/tests.py", + [ + "DatesTests", + "test_dates_trunc_datetime_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates_avoid_datetime_cast": [ + [ + "tests/dates/tests.py", + [ + "DatesTests", + "test_dates_avoid_datetime_cast" + ] + ] + ], + "test_21432": [ + [ + "tests/datetimes/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimesTests", + "test_21432" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimes_ambiguous_and_invalid_times": [ + [ + "tests/datetimes/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimesTests", + "test_datetimes_ambiguous_and_invalid_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimes_returns_available_dates_for_given_scope_and_given_field": [ + [ + "tests/datetimes/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimesTests", + "test_datetimes_returns_available_dates_for_given_scope_and_given_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimes_has_lazy_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/datetimes/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimesTests", + "test_datetimes_has_lazy_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimes_disallows_date_fields": [ + [ + "tests/datetimes/tests.py", + [ + "DateTimesTests", + "test_datetimes_disallows_date_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_value": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_field": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_to_char_field_without_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_to_char_field_without_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_to_char_field_with_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_to_char_field_with_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_to_decimal_field": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_to_decimal_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_to_integer": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_to_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_db_datetime_to_date": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_db_datetime_to_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_db_datetime_to_time": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_db_datetime_to_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_db_date_to_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_db_date_to_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_db_datetime_to_date_group_by": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_db_datetime_to_date_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_python_to_date": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_python_to_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_python_to_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_python_to_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_from_python": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_from_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_wrapped_with_parentheses_on_postgresql": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_expression_wrapped_with_parentheses_on_postgresql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_to_text_field": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_cast.py", + [ + "CastTests", + "test_cast_to_text_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gt_two_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_coalesce.py", + [ + "CoalesceTests", + "test_gt_two_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_concat.py", + [ + "ConcatTests", + "test_gt_two_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_values": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_coalesce.py", + [ + "CoalesceTests", + "test_mixed_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_coalesce.py", + [ + "CoalesceTests", + "test_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_ordering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries5Tests", + "test_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignores_null": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_ignores_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_ignores_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_propagates_null": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_propagates_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_propagates_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coalesce_workaround": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_coalesce_workaround" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_coalesce_workaround" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coalesce_workaround_mysql": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_coalesce_workaround_mysql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_coalesce_workaround_mysql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_null": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_all_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_all_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_one_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_one_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_replace.py", + [ + "ReplaceTests", + "test_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", + [ + "GeoRegressionTests", + "test_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_filter": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_greatest.py", + [ + "GreatestTests", + "test_decimal_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_least.py", + [ + "LeastTests", + "test_decimal_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_argument": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_nullif.py", + [ + "NullIfTests", + "test_null_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_few_args": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_nullif.py", + [ + "NullIfTests", + "test_too_few_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_literal": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/comparison/test_nullif.py", + [ + "NullIfTests", + "test_null_literal" + ] + ] + ], + "truncate": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "truncate_to", + "truncate" + ] + ] + ], + "truncate_to": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "truncate_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_year_exact_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_year_exact_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_year_greaterthan_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_year_greaterthan_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_year_lessthan_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_year_lessthan_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_none": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_duration": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_duration_without_native_duration_field": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_duration_without_native_duration_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_duration_unsupported_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_duration_unsupported_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_year_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_year_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_iso_year_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_iso_year_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_iso_year_func_boundaries": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_iso_year_func_boundaries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_month_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_month_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_day_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_day_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_week_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_week_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_quarter_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_quarter_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_quarter_func_boundaries": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_quarter_func_boundaries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_week_func_boundaries": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_week_func_boundaries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_weekday_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_weekday_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_iso_weekday_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_iso_weekday_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_hour_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_hour_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_minute_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_minute_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_second_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_extract_second_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_kind": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_func", + "test_datetime_kind" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests", + "test_trunc_func_with_timezone", + "test_datetime_kind" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_kind": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_func", + "test_date_kind" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests", + "test_trunc_func_with_timezone", + "test_date_kind" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_kind": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_func", + "test_time_kind" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests", + "test_trunc_func_with_timezone", + "test_time_kind" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_none": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_year_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_year_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_quarter_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_quarter_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_month_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_month_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_week_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_week_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_date_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_date_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_date_none": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_date_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_time_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_time_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_time_none": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_time_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_day_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_day_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_hour_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_hour_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_minute_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_minute_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_second_func": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_second_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_subquery_with_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionTests", + "test_trunc_subquery_with_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_func_with_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests", + "test_extract_func_with_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_func_explicit_timezone_priority": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests", + "test_extract_func_explicit_timezone_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_timezone_applied_before_truncation": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests", + "test_trunc_timezone_applied_before_truncation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_ambiguous_and_invalid_times": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests", + "test_trunc_ambiguous_and_invalid_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trunc_func_with_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/datetime/test_extract_trunc.py", + [ + "DateFunctionWithTimeZoneTests", + "test_trunc_func_with_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_abs.py", + [ + "AbsTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_acos.py", + [ + "ACosTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_asin.py", + [ + "ASinTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan.py", + [ + "ATanTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan2.py", + [ + "ATan2Tests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ceil.py", + [ + "CeilTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cos.py", + [ + "CosTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cot.py", + [ + "CotTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_degrees.py", + [ + "DegreesTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_exp.py", + [ + "ExpTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_floor.py", + [ + "FloorTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ln.py", + [ + "LnTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_log.py", + [ + "LogTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_mod.py", + [ + "ModTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_power.py", + [ + "PowerTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_radians.py", + [ + "RadiansTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_round.py", + [ + "RoundTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sign.py", + [ + "SignTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sin.py", + [ + "SinTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sqrt.py", + [ + "SqrtTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_tan.py", + [ + "TanTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_reverse.py", + [ + "ReverseTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_null" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_abs.py", + [ + "AbsTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_acos.py", + [ + "ACosTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_asin.py", + [ + "ASinTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan.py", + [ + "ATanTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan2.py", + [ + "ATan2Tests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ceil.py", + [ + "CeilTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cos.py", + [ + "CosTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cot.py", + [ + "CotTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_degrees.py", + [ + "DegreesTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_exp.py", + [ + "ExpTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_floor.py", + [ + "FloorTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ln.py", + [ + "LnTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_log.py", + [ + "LogTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_mod.py", + [ + "ModTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_power.py", + [ + "PowerTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_radians.py", + [ + "RadiansTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_round.py", + [ + "RoundTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sign.py", + [ + "SignTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sin.py", + [ + "SinTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sqrt.py", + [ + "SqrtTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_tan.py", + [ + "TanTests", + "test_decimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_abs.py", + [ + "AbsTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_acos.py", + [ + "ACosTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_asin.py", + [ + "ASinTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan.py", + [ + "ATanTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan2.py", + [ + "ATan2Tests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ceil.py", + [ + "CeilTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cos.py", + [ + "CosTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cot.py", + [ + "CotTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_degrees.py", + [ + "DegreesTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_exp.py", + [ + "ExpTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_floor.py", + [ + "FloorTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ln.py", + [ + "LnTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_log.py", + [ + "LogTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_mod.py", + [ + "ModTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_power.py", + [ + "PowerTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_radians.py", + [ + "RadiansTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_round.py", + [ + "RoundTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sign.py", + [ + "SignTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sin.py", + [ + "SinTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sqrt.py", + [ + "SqrtTests", + "test_float" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_tan.py", + [ + "TanTests", + "test_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_abs.py", + [ + "AbsTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_acos.py", + [ + "ACosTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_asin.py", + [ + "ASinTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan.py", + [ + "ATanTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan2.py", + [ + "ATan2Tests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ceil.py", + [ + "CeilTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cos.py", + [ + "CosTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cot.py", + [ + "CotTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_degrees.py", + [ + "DegreesTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_exp.py", + [ + "ExpTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_floor.py", + [ + "FloorTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ln.py", + [ + "LnTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_log.py", + [ + "LogTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_mod.py", + [ + "ModTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_power.py", + [ + "PowerTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_radians.py", + [ + "RadiansTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_round.py", + [ + "RoundTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sign.py", + [ + "SignTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sin.py", + [ + "SinTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sqrt.py", + [ + "SqrtTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_tan.py", + [ + "TanTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_make_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_abs.py", + [ + "AbsTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_acos.py", + [ + "ACosTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_asin.py", + [ + "ASinTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_atan.py", + [ + "ATanTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ceil.py", + [ + "CeilTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cos.py", + [ + "CosTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_cot.py", + [ + "CotTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_degrees.py", + [ + "DegreesTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_exp.py", + [ + "ExpTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_floor.py", + [ + "FloorTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_ln.py", + [ + "LnTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_radians.py", + [ + "RadiansTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_round.py", + [ + "RoundTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sign.py", + [ + "SignTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sin.py", + [ + "SinTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_sqrt.py", + [ + "SqrtTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/math/test_tan.py", + [ + "TanTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_chr.py", + [ + "ChrTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_lower.py", + [ + "LowerTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_md5.py", + [ + "MD5Tests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_ord.py", + [ + "OrdTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_reverse.py", + [ + "ReverseTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha1.py", + [ + "SHA1Tests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha224.py", + [ + "SHA224Tests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha256.py", + [ + "SHA256Tests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha384.py", + [ + "SHA384Tests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha512.py", + [ + "SHA512Tests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_upper.py", + [ + "UpperTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/tests.py", + [ + "DistinctOnTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertQuerysetEqualTests", + "test_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_function_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/tests.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_nested_function_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func_transform_bilateral": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/tests.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_func_transform_bilateral" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func_transform_bilateral_multivalue": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/tests.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_func_transform_bilateral_multivalue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_as_filter": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/tests.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_function_as_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_chr.py", + [ + "ChrTests", + "test_non_ascii" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_concat.py", + [ + "ConcatTests", + "test_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_char_text": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_concat.py", + [ + "ConcatTests", + "test_mixed_char_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coalesce_idempotent": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_concat.py", + [ + "ConcatTests", + "test_coalesce_idempotent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_generation_idempotency": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_concat.py", + [ + "ConcatTests", + "test_sql_generation_idempotency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_length": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_left.py", + [ + "LeftTests", + "test_invalid_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_right.py", + [ + "RightTests", + "test_invalid_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndexTests", + "test_invalid_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_left.py", + [ + "LeftTests", + "test_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_reverse.py", + [ + "ReverseTests", + "test_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_right.py", + [ + "RightTests", + "test_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_substr.py", + [ + "SubstrTests", + "test_expressions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ReprTests", + "test_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num_args": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_lower.py", + [ + "LowerTests", + "test_num_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pad": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_pad.py", + [ + "PadTests", + "test_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pad_negative_length": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_pad.py", + [ + "PadTests", + "test_pad_negative_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combined_with_length": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_pad.py", + [ + "PadTests", + "test_combined_with_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_number": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_repeat.py", + [ + "RepeatTests", + "test_negative_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_with_empty_string": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_replace.py", + [ + "ReplaceTests", + "test_replace_with_empty_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_case_sensitive": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_replace.py", + [ + "ReplaceTests", + "test_case_sensitive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_expression": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_replace.py", + [ + "ReplaceTests", + "test_replace_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_with_default_arg": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_replace.py", + [ + "ReplaceTests", + "test_replace_with_default_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_sha224.py", + [ + "SHA224Tests", + "test_unsupported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_strindex.py", + [ + "StrIndexTests", + "test_annotate_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_textfield": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_strindex.py", + [ + "StrIndexTests", + "test_annotate_textfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_strindex.py", + [ + "StrIndexTests", + "test_order_by" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reserved_names/tests.py", + [ + "ReservedNameTests", + "test_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_values": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_strindex.py", + [ + "StrIndexTests", + "test_unicode_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_unicode_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_substr.py", + [ + "SubstrTests", + "test_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pos_gt_zero": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_substr.py", + [ + "SubstrTests", + "test_pos_gt_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trim": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_trim.py", + [ + "TrimTests", + "test_trim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trim_transform": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/text/test_trim.py", + [ + "TrimTests", + "test_trim_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nth_negative_nth_value": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/window/test_validation.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_nth_negative_nth_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nth_null_expression": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/window/test_validation.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_nth_null_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lag_negative_offset": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/window/test_validation.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_lag_negative_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lead_negative_offset": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/window/test_validation.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_lead_negative_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_source_lead": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/window/test_validation.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_null_source_lead" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_source_lag": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/window/test_validation.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_null_source_lag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_num_buckets_ntile": [ + [ + "tests/db_functions/window/test_validation.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_negative_num_buckets_ntile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typeCasts": [ + [ + "tests/db_typecasts/tests.py", + [ + "DBTypeCasts", + "test_typeCasts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_handler_no_databases": [ + [ + "tests/db_utils/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandlerTests", + "test_connection_handler_no_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "assertImproperlyConfigured": [ + [ + "tests/db_utils/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandlerTests", + "assertImproperlyConfigured" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_default_database": [ + [ + "tests/db_utils/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionHandlerTests", + "test_no_default_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reraising_backend_specific_database_exception": [ + [ + "tests/db_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseErrorWrapperTests", + "test_reraising_backend_specific_database_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_backend_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/db_utils/tests.py", + [ + "LoadBackendTests", + "test_load_backend_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fails_with_keyerror_on_incomplete_config": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_mysql.py", + [ + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_fails_with_keyerror_on_incomplete_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_params_specified_in_settings": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_mysql.py", + [ + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_basic_params_specified_in_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_options_override_settings_proper_values": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_mysql.py", + [ + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_options_override_settings_proper_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_connect_using_sockets": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_mysql.py", + [ + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_can_connect_using_sockets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssl_certificate_is_added": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_mysql.py", + [ + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_ssl_certificate_is_added" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_mysql.py", + [ + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_oracle.py", + [ + "OracleDbshellTests", + "test_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_sqlite.py", + [ + "SqliteDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_command_line_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_mysql.py", + [ + "MySqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "get_command_line_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "_mock_subprocess_run": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_oracle.py", + [ + "OracleDbshellTests", + "_run_dbshell", + "_mock_subprocess_run" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "_run_it", + "_mock_subprocess_run" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_sigint_handler", + "_mock_subprocess_run" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_sqlite.py", + [ + "SqliteDbshellCommandTestCase", + "_run_dbshell", + "_mock_subprocess_run" + ] + ] + ], + "_run_dbshell": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_oracle.py", + [ + "OracleDbshellTests", + "_run_dbshell" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_sqlite.py", + [ + "SqliteDbshellCommandTestCase", + "_run_dbshell" + ] + ] + ], + "test_without_rlwrap": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_oracle.py", + [ + "OracleDbshellTests", + "test_without_rlwrap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_rlwrap": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_oracle.py", + [ + "OracleDbshellTests", + "test_with_rlwrap" + ] + ] + ], + "_run_it": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "_run_it" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nopass": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_nopass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssl_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_ssl_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_column": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accent": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_accent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sigint_handler": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_postgresql.py", + [ + "PostgreSqlDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_sigint_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_name": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/test_sqlite.py", + [ + "SqliteDbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_path_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_command_missing": [ + [ + "tests/dbshell/tests.py", + [ + "DbshellCommandTestCase", + "test_command_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "fully_decorated": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "fully_decorated" + ] + ] + ], + "_inner": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "compose", + "_inner" + ] + ] + ], + "compose": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "compose" + ] + ] + ], + "test1": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_user_passes_test_composition", + "test1" + ] + ] + ], + "test2": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_user_passes_test_composition", + "test2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_passes_test_composition": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_user_passes_test_composition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_page": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_cache_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_require_safe_accepts_only_safe_methods": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTest", + "test_require_safe_accepts_only_safe_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_dec": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "simple_dec" + ] + ] + ], + "myattr_dec": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "myattr_dec" + ] + ] + ], + "myattr2_dec": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "myattr2_dec" + ] + ] + ], + "say": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_signature", + "Test", + "say" + ] + ] + ], + "test_preserve_signature": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "func_1": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "func_1" + ] + ] + ], + "func_2": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes", + "func_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_preserve_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_preserve_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "decorate": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_new_attribute", + "decorate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_new_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_bad_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argumented": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_argumented" + ] + ] + ], + "_wrapped": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors", + "original_dec", + "_wrapped" + ] + ] + ], + "original_dec": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors", + "original_dec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_descriptors": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_descriptors" + ] + ] + ], + "deco": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_class_decoration", + "deco" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_decoration": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_class_decoration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_class_decoration" + ] + ] + ], + "add_question_mark": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_tuple_of_decorators", + "add_question_mark" + ] + ] + ], + "add_exclamation_mark": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_tuple_of_decorators", + "add_exclamation_mark" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tuple_of_decorators": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_tuple_of_decorators" + ] + ] + ], + "__module__": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_invalid_non_callable_attribute_decoration", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Test", + "__module__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_invalid_method_name_to_decorate", + "with_self_assertRaisesMes", + "Test", + "__module__" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_non_callable_attribute_decoration": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_invalid_non_callable_attribute_decoration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_method_name_to_decorate": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "MethodDecoratorTests", + "test_invalid_method_name_to_decorate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deny_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsDecoratorsTests", + "test_deny_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sameorigin_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsDecoratorsTests", + "test_sameorigin_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exempt_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsDecoratorsTests", + "test_exempt_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_never_cache_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/decorators/tests.py", + [ + "NeverCacheDecoratorTest", + "test_never_cache_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_delayed": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "AssertionMixin", + "assert_delayed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_defer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/from_db_value/tests.py", + [ + "FromDBValueTest", + "test_defer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_defer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests", + "test_defer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_only_chaining": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_only_chaining" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_on_an_already_deferred_field": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_on_an_already_deferred_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_none_to_clear_deferred_set": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_none_to_clear_deferred_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_none_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_only_none_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_extra": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_values_does_not_defer": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_values_does_not_defer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_values_does_not_defer": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_only_values_does_not_defer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_with_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_with_select_related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_defer_with_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_with_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_only_with_select_related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_only_with_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_select_related_raises_invalid_query": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_select_related_raises_invalid_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_select_related_raises_invalid_query": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_only_select_related_raises_invalid_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_foreign_keys_are_deferred_and_not_traversed": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_foreign_keys_are_deferred_and_not_traversed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_saving_object_with_deferred_field": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_saving_object_with_deferred_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_baseclass_when_subclass_has_no_added_fields": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_defer_baseclass_when_subclass_has_no_added_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_baseclass_when_subclass_has_no_added_fields": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "DeferTests", + "test_only_baseclass_when_subclass_has_no_added_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_baseclass_when_subclass_has_added_field": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "BigChildDeferTests", + "test_defer_baseclass_when_subclass_has_added_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "BigChildDeferTests", + "test_defer_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_subclass_both": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "BigChildDeferTests", + "test_defer_subclass_both" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_baseclass_when_subclass_has_added_field": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "BigChildDeferTests", + "test_only_baseclass_when_subclass_has_added_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "BigChildDeferTests", + "test_only_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "TestDefer2", + "test_defer_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_inheritance_pk_chaining": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "TestDefer2", + "test_defer_inheritance_pk_chaining" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_not_loading_deferred_fields": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "TestDefer2", + "test_refresh_not_loading_deferred_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_refresh_on_deferred_loading": [ + [ + "tests/defer/tests.py", + [ + "TestDefer2", + "test_custom_refresh_on_deferred_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_12163": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_ticket_12163" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_16409": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_ticket_16409" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_23270": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_ticket_23270" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_and_defer_usage_on_proxy_models": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_only_and_defer_usage_on_proxy_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolve_columns": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_resolve_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_relations": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_model_defer_with_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferRegressionTest", + "test_proxy_model_defer_with_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_annotate_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferAnnotateSelectRelatedTest", + "test_defer_annotate_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_delete_receiver": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests", + "pre_delete_receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "post_delete_receiver": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests", + "post_delete_receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_defered_model": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests", + "test_delete_defered_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_defered_proxy_model": [ + [ + "tests/defer_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeferDeletionSignalsTests", + "test_delete_defered_proxy_model" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_r": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "get_default_r" + ] + ] + ], + "create_a": [ + [ + "tests/delete/models.py", + [ + "create_a" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_auto" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorSuggestNameTests", + "test_auto" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_callable": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_non_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_nullable": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_auto_nullable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setvalue": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_setvalue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setnull": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_setnull" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setdefault": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_setdefault" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBaseTests", + "test_setdefault" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_setdefault" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_setdefault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setdefault_none": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_setdefault_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cascade": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_cascade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cascade_nullable": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_cascade_nullable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_protect": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_protect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_protect_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_protect_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_protect_path": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_protect_path" + ] + ] + ], + "check_do_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_do_nothing", + "check_do_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_do_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_do_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_do_nothing_qscount": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_do_nothing_qscount" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_cascade_up": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_inheritance_cascade_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_cascade_down": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_inheritance_cascade_down" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cascade_from_child": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_cascade_from_child" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cascade_from_parent": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_cascade_from_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setnull_from_child": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_setnull_from_child" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setnull_from_parent": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_setnull_from_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_o2o_setnull": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_o2o_setnull" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restrict": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_restrict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restrict_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_restrict_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restrict_path_cascade_indirect": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_restrict_path_cascade_indirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restrict_path_cascade_direct": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_restrict_path_cascade_direct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restrict_path_cascade_indirect_diamond": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_restrict_path_cascade_indirect_diamond" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restrict_gfk_no_fast_delete": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "OnDeleteTests", + "test_restrict_gfk_no_fast_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_m2m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_m2m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyToFieldTest", + "test_m2m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bulk": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_bulk" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_delete": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_instance_update", + "pre_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_update": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_instance_update" + ] + ] + ], + "log_post_delete": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_deletion_order", + "log_post_delete" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_relational_post_delete_signals_happen_before_parent_object", + "log_post_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "log_pre_delete": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_deletion_order", + "log_pre_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deletion_order": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_deletion_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relational_post_delete_signals_happen_before_parent_object": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_relational_post_delete_signals_happen_before_parent_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_defer_constraint_checks": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_can_defer_constraint_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_defer_constraint_checks": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_cannot_defer_constraint_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_related": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_hidden_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_delete": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_large_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_delete_related": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_large_delete_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_with_keeping_parents": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_delete_with_keeping_parents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_with_keeping_parents_relationships": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_delete_with_keeping_parents_relationships" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_delete_returns_num_rows": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_queryset_delete_returns_num_rows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_delete_returns_num_rows": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_model_delete_returns_num_rows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxied_model_duplicate_queries": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_proxied_model_duplicate_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_referenced_fields_selected": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_only_referenced_fields_selected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_all": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_fk": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_revm2m": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_revm2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_qs": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_instance_set_pk_none": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_instance_set_pk_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_joined_qs": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_joined_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_large_batch": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_large_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_empty_no_update_can_self_select": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_empty_no_update_can_self_select" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_delete_combined_relationships": [ + [ + "tests/delete/tests.py", + [ + "FastDeleteTests", + "test_fast_delete_combined_relationships" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concurrent_delete": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteLockingTest", + "test_concurrent_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relation_cascade": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteCascadeTests", + "test_generic_relation_cascade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_to_m2m_through": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteCascadeTests", + "test_fk_to_m2m_through" + ] + ] + ], + "test_15776": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteCascadeTests", + "test_15776" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteCascadeTransactionTests", + "test_to_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_to_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "IsNullTests", + "test_to_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTests", + "test_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_deletes": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "LargeDeleteTests", + "test_large_deletes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_image": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyDeleteTest", + "create_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyDeleteTest", + "test_delete_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_proxy_of_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyDeleteTest", + "test_delete_proxy_of_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_concrete_parent": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyDeleteTest", + "test_delete_concrete_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_proxy_pair": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyDeleteTest", + "test_delete_proxy_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "test_19187_values": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyDeleteTest", + "test_19187_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_19102_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19102Tests", + "test_ticket_19102_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_19102_extra": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19102Tests", + "test_ticket_19102_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_19102_distinct_on": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19102Tests", + "test_ticket_19102_distinct_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_19102_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19102Tests", + "test_ticket_19102_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_19102_defer": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19102Tests", + "test_ticket_19102_defer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_ordered_delete": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteTests", + "test_meta_ordered_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_delete_nullifies_correct_columns": [ + [ + "tests/delete_regress/tests.py", + [ + "DeleteTests", + "test_foreign_key_delete_nullifies_correct_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecation": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/test_middleware_mixin.py", + [ + "MiddlewareMixinTests", + "test_deprecation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passing_explicit_none": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/test_middleware_mixin.py", + [ + "MiddlewareMixinTests", + "test_passing_explicit_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclass_deprecation": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/test_middleware_mixin.py", + [ + "MiddlewareMixinTests", + "test_subclass_deprecation" + ] + ] + ], + "old": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_class_definition_warnings", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Manager", + "old" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_get_old_defined", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Manager", + "old" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Deprecated", + "old" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_renamed_subclass_deprecated", + "with_self_assertWarnsMess", + "Deprecated", + "old" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed_and_mixins", + "DeprecatedMixin", + "old" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_definition_warnings": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_class_definition_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_new_defined": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_get_new_defined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_old_defined": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_get_old_defined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_renamed_subclass_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_renamed_subclass_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed_and_mixins": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "RenameMethodsTests", + "test_deprecated_subclass_renamed_and_mixins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warning": [ + [ + "tests/deprecation/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationInstanceCheckTest", + "test_warning" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionOverwriteWarning", + "test_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "garbage_collect": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "if_hasattr_sys_pypy_ver", + "garbage_collect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "if_hasattr_sys_pypy_ver", + "else_", + "garbage_collect" + ] + ] + ], + "receiver_1_arg": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "receiver_1_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "assertTestIsClean": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "assertTestIsClean" + ] + ] + ], + "receiver_no_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_cannot_connect_no_kwargs", + "receiver_no_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_connect_no_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_cannot_connect_no_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_connect_non_callable": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_cannot_connect_non_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_send" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_no_receivers": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send_no_receivers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_connected_no_sender": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send_connected_no_sender" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_different_no_sender": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send_different_no_sender" + ] + ] + ], + "test_garbage_collected": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_garbage_collected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_garbaged_collected": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_cached_garbaged_collected" + ] + ] + ], + "uid_based_receiver_1": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_uid_registration", + "uid_based_receiver_1" + ] + ] + ], + "uid_based_receiver_2": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_uid_registration", + "uid_based_receiver_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uid_registration": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_uid_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_robust_success": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send_robust_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_robust_no_receivers": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send_robust_no_receivers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_robust_ignored_sender": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send_robust_ignored_sender" + ] + ] + ], + "fails": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send_robust_fail", + "fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_robust_fail": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_send_robust_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disconnection": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_disconnection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_returned_by_disconnection": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_values_returned_by_disconnection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_listeners": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "DispatcherTests", + "test_has_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receiver_single_signal": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "ReceiverTestCase", + "test_receiver_single_signal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receiver_signal_list": [ + [ + "tests/dispatch/tests.py", + [ + "ReceiverTestCase", + "test_receiver_signal_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_distinct_on": [ + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/tests.py", + [ + "DistinctOnTests", + "test_basic_distinct_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_not_implemented_checks": [ + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/tests.py", + [ + "DistinctOnTests", + "test_distinct_not_implemented_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_on_in_ordered_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/tests.py", + [ + "DistinctOnTests", + "test_distinct_on_in_ordered_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_on_get_ordering_preserved": [ + [ + "tests/distinct_on_fields/tests.py", + [ + "DistinctOnTests", + "test_distinct_on_get_ordering_preserved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlflush_no_tables": [ + [ + "tests/empty_models/test_commands.py", + [ + "CoreCommandsNoOutputTests", + "test_sqlflush_no_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlsequencereset_no_sequences": [ + [ + "tests/empty_models/test_commands.py", + [ + "CoreCommandsNoOutputTests", + "test_sqlsequencereset_no_sequences" + ] + ] + ], + "duration": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/models.py", + [ + "Experiment", + "duration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_alias": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "GetGroupByColsTest", + "test_missing_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_expression": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_queryset_values.py", + [ + "ValuesExpressionsTests", + "test_values_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_expression_group_by": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_queryset_values.py", + [ + "ValuesExpressionsTests", + "test_values_expression_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chained_values_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_queryset_values.py", + [ + "ValuesExpressionsTests", + "test_chained_values_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_list_expression": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_queryset_values.py", + [ + "ValuesExpressionsTests", + "test_values_list_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_list_expression_flat": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/test_queryset_values.py", + [ + "ValuesExpressionsTests", + "test_values_list_expression_flat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_values_filter": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_annotate_values_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_values_count": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_annotate_values_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_annotate_that_uses_q": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_filtering_on_annotate_that_uses_q" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_q_that_is_boolean": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_filtering_on_q_that_is_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_rawsql_that_is_boolean": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_filtering_on_rawsql_that_is_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_inter_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_filter_inter_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arithmetic": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_arithmetic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_of_operations": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_order_of_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parenthesis_priority": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_parenthesis_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_fk": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_update_with_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_none": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_update_with_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_join": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_filter_with_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_update": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_object_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_object_save": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_new_object_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_object_create": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_new_object_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_create_with_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_object_create_with_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_update_fk": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_object_update_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_inherited_field_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_update_inherited_field_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_update_unsaved_objects": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_object_update_unsaved_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_11722_iexact_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_ticket_11722_iexact_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_16731_startswith_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_ticket_16731_startswith_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_18375_join_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_ticket_18375_join_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_18375_kwarg_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_ticket_18375_kwarg_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_18375_kwarg_ordering_2": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_ticket_18375_kwarg_ordering_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_18375_chained_filters": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_ticket_18375_chained_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_exists": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_order_by_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_multiline_sql": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_order_by_multiline_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_outerref": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_outerref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exist_single_field_output_field": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_exist_single_field_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_subquery" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_subquery" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_eq": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_subquery_eq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_in_subquery" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_in_subquery" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_in_subquery" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests", + "test_in_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuid_pk_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_uuid_pk_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_nested_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_subquery_join_outer_ref": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_nested_subquery_join_outer_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_subquery_outer_ref_2": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_nested_subquery_outer_ref_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_subquery_outer_ref_with_autofield": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_nested_subquery_outer_ref_with_autofield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotations_within_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_annotations_within_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_references_joined_table_twice": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_subquery_references_joined_table_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_filter_by_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_subquery_filter_by_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_filter_by_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_subquery_filter_by_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_subquery_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_aggregate_subquery_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_output_field": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_explicit_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_outerref_mixed_case_table_name": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_outerref_mixed_case_table_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_outerref_with_operator": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_outerref_with_operator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_outerref_with_function": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_nested_outerref_with_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_with_outerref": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_annotation_with_outerref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_expression": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_pickle_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incorrect_field_in_F_expression": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_incorrect_field_in_F_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incorrect_joined_field_in_F_expression": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_incorrect_joined_field_in_F_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exists_in_filter": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_exists_in_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_in_filter": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_subquery_in_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_group_by_outerref_in_filter": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_subquery_group_by_outerref_in_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_case_in_filter_if_boolean_output_field": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_case_in_filter_if_boolean_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_expression_combined": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "BasicExpressionsTests", + "test_boolean_expression_combined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_lookup_allows_F_expressions_and_expressions_for_integers": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "IterableLookupInnerExpressionsTests", + "test_in_lookup_allows_F_expressions_and_expressions_for_integers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expressions_in_lookups_join_choice": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "IterableLookupInnerExpressionsTests", + "test_expressions_in_lookups_join_choice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_lookup_allows_F_expressions_and_expressions_for_integers": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "IterableLookupInnerExpressionsTests", + "test_range_lookup_allows_F_expressions_and_expressions_for_integers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_expressions_do_not_introduce_sql_injection_via_untrusted_string_inclusion": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "IterableLookupInnerExpressionsTests", + "test_complex_expressions_do_not_introduce_sql_injection_via_untrusted_string_inclusion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_lookup_allows_F_expressions_and_expressions_for_datetimes": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "IterableLookupInnerExpressionsTests", + "test_in_lookup_allows_F_expressions_and_expressions_for_datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deepcopy": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTests", + "test_deepcopy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_deepcopy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_deepcopy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_deepcopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTests", + "test_deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests", + "test_deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestMigrations", + "test_deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidator", + "test_deconstruct" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_deconstruct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTests", + "test_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleExpressionTests", + "test_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests", + "test_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertURLEqualTests", + "test_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_hashable.py", + [ + "TestHashable", + "test_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_equal_Value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTests", + "test_not_equal_Value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_F_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsTests", + "test_F_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patterns_escape": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsTests", + "test_patterns_escape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_insensitive_patterns_escape": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsTests", + "test_insensitive_patterns_escape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fill_with_value_from_same_object": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsNumericTests", + "test_fill_with_value_from_same_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_increment_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsNumericTests", + "test_increment_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_not_equals_other_field": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsNumericTests", + "test_filter_not_equals_other_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionsNumericTests", + "test_complex_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_addition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_multiplication": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_multiplication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_division": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_division" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_modulo": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_modulo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_bitwise_and": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_bitwise_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_bitwise_left_shift_operator": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_bitwise_left_shift_operator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_bitwise_right_shift_operator": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_bitwise_right_shift_operator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_bitwise_or": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_bitwise_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_power": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_power" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_bitwise_xor": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_bitwise_xor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_bitwise_xor_null": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_bitwise_xor_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lefthand_bitwise_xor_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_lefthand_bitwise_xor_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_right_hand_addition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_right_hand_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_right_hand_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_right_hand_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_right_hand_multiplication": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_right_hand_multiplication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_right_hand_division": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_right_hand_division" + ] + ] + ], + "test_right_hand_modulo": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_right_hand_modulo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_righthand_power": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionOperatorTests", + "test_righthand_power" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_query_compilation": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_multiple_query_compilation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_clone": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_query_clone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delta_add": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_delta_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delta_subtract": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_delta_subtract" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_exclude" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_exclude" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_exclude" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_comparison": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_date_comparison" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_comparisons1": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_mixed_comparisons1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_comparisons2": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_mixed_comparisons2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delta_update": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_delta_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_operator": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_invalid_operator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_durationfield_add": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_durationfield_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_date_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_subquery_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_date_subquery_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_case_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_date_case_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_time_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_subquery_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_time_subquery_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_datetime_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_subquery_subtraction": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_datetime_subquery_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_subtraction_microseconds": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_datetime_subtraction_microseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duration_with_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_duration_with_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duration_with_datetime_microseconds": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_duration_with_datetime_microseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_minus_duration": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_date_minus_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_timedelta_update": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FTimeDeltaTests", + "test_negative_timedelta_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_TimeField_using_Value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests", + "test_update_TimeField_using_Value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_UUIDField_using_Value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests", + "test_update_UUIDField_using_Value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_output_field": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests", + "test_deconstruct_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_output_field": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests", + "test_equal_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raise_empty_expressionlist": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ValueTests", + "test_raise_empty_expressionlist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FieldTransformTests", + "test_month_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_in_values": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FieldTransformTests", + "test_transform_in_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_transforms_in_values": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "FieldTransformTests", + "test_multiple_transforms_in_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_functions": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ReprTests", + "test_functions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "test_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregates": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ReprTests", + "test_aggregates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_aggregates": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ReprTests", + "test_distinct_aggregates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negation": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "CombinableTests", + "test_negation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_and": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "CombinableTests", + "test_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_or": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "CombinableTests", + "test_or" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_smartif.py", + [ + "SmartIfTests", + "test_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reversed_and": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "CombinableTests", + "test_reversed_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reversed_or": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "CombinableTests", + "test_reversed_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_group_by": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionWrapperTests", + "test_empty_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_empty_group_by": [ + [ + "tests/expressions/tests.py", + [ + "ExpressionWrapperTests", + "test_non_empty_group_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_without_default": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_without_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_expression_as_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_expression_as_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_expression_as_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_expression_as_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_join_in_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_join_in_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_in_clause": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_in_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_join_in_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_join_in_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_join_in_predicate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_join_in_predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_annotation_in_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_annotation_in_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_annotation_in_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_annotation_in_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_annotation_in_predicate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_annotation_in_predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_aggregation_in_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_aggregation_in_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_aggregation_in_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_aggregation_in_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_aggregation_in_predicate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_aggregation_in_predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_values_not_in_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_values_not_in_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_with_empty_when": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_annotate_with_empty_when" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combined_expression": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_combined_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_with_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_condition_with_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_case_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_case_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_with_expression_as_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_aggregate_with_expression_as_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aggregate_with_expression_as_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_aggregate_with_expression_as_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_without_default": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_without_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_expression_as_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_expression_as_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_expression_as_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_expression_as_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_join_in_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_join_in_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_join_in_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_join_in_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_join_in_predicate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_join_in_predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_annotation_in_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_annotation_in_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_annotation_in_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_annotation_in_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_annotation_in_predicate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_annotation_in_predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_aggregation_in_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_aggregation_in_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_aggregation_in_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_aggregation_in_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_aggregation_in_predicate": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_filter_with_aggregation_in_predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_without_default": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_without_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_expression_as_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_with_expression_as_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_expression_as_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_with_expression_as_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_join_in_condition_raise_field_error": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_with_join_in_condition_raise_field_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_join_in_predicate_raise_field_error": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_with_join_in_predicate_raise_field_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_big_integer": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_big_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_binary": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_binary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_boolean": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_date": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_date_time": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_date_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_decimal": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_decimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_duration": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_email": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_file": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_file_path": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_file_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_float": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_image": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_generic_ip_address": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_generic_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_null_boolean": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_null_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_null_boolean_old": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_null_boolean_old" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_positive_big_integer": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_positive_big_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_positive_integer": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_positive_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_positive_small_integer": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_positive_small_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_slug": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_slug" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_small_integer": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_small_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_string": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_text": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_time": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_url": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_uuid": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fk": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_update_fk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_in_condition": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_lookup_in_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_different_fields": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_lookup_different_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combined_q_object": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_combined_q_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_conditional_implicit": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_order_by_conditional_implicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_conditional_explicit": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_order_by_conditional_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join_promotion": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_join_promotion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join_promotion_multiple_annotations": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_join_promotion_multiple_annotations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_m2m_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseExpressionTests", + "test_m2m_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_example": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseDocumentationExamples", + "test_simple_example" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_example": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseDocumentationExamples", + "test_lookup_example" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_update_example": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseDocumentationExamples", + "test_conditional_update_example" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_aggregation_example": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseDocumentationExamples", + "test_conditional_aggregation_example" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_example": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseDocumentationExamples", + "test_filter_example" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_when_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseWhenTests", + "test_only_when_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_when_constructor_args": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseWhenTests", + "test_invalid_when_constructor_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_q_object": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_case/tests.py", + [ + "CaseWhenTests", + "test_empty_q_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dense_rank": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_dense_rank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_department_salary": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_department_salary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rank": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_rank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_row_number": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_row_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_row_number_no_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_row_number_no_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_avg_salary_department": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_avg_salary_department" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lag": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_lag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_first_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_value": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_last_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_list_of_values": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_function_list_of_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_department": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_min_department" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_per_year": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_max_per_year" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cume_dist": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_cume_dist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nthvalue": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_nthvalue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lead": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_lead" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lead_offset": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_lead_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lead_default": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_lead_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ntile": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_ntile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_percent_rank": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_percent_rank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nth_returns_null": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_nth_returns_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_partitioning": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_multiple_partitioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_multiple_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_ordering_with_count": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_related_ordering_with_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_n_preceding_and_following": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_range_n_preceding_and_following" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_unbound": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_range_unbound" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_row_range_rank": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_subquery_row_range_rank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_row_range_rank": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_row_range_rank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_window_function": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_distinct_window_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_update": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_fail_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_insert": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_fail_insert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_window_expression_within_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_window_expression_within_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_start_value_range": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_invalid_start_value_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_end_value_range": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_invalid_end_value_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_type_end_value_range": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_invalid_type_end_value_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_type_start_value_range": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_invalid_type_start_value_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_type_end_row_range": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_invalid_type_end_row_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_range_frame_start": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_unsupported_range_frame_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_range_frame_end": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_unsupported_range_frame_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_type_start_row_range": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowFunctionTests", + "test_invalid_type_start_row_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_backend": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "WindowUnsupportedTests", + "test_unsupported_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_window_repr": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_window_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_window_frame_repr": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_window_frame_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_group_by_cols": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_empty_group_by_cols" + ] + ] + ], + "test_frame_empty_group_by_cols": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_frame_empty_group_by_cols" + ] + ] + ], + "test_frame_window_frame_notimplemented": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_frame_window_frame_notimplemented" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_filter": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_invalid_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_conditional_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_invalid_order_by" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetExceptionTests", + "test_invalid_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_source_expression": [ + [ + "tests/expressions_window/tests.py", + [ + "NonQueryWindowTests", + "test_invalid_source_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "new_revision": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/models.py", + [ + "RevisionableModel", + "new_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_7314_7372": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_regression_7314_7372" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_stay_tied": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_extra_stay_tied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_7957": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_regression_7957" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_7961": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_regression_7961" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_8063": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_regression_8063" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_8039": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_regression_8039" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_8819": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_regression_8819" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates_query": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_dates_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_with_extra": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_values_with_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_10847": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_regression_10847" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_17877": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_regression_17877" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_values_distinct_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/extra_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExtraRegressTests", + "test_extra_values_distinct_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_tablespace": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_db_tablespace" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_db_tablespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_auto_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_big_integer_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_big_integer_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_big_integer_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_boolean_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_char_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_field_choices": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_char_field_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csi_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_csi_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_date_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "OGRInspectTest", + "test_date_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_datetime_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_datetime_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_decimal_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_field_0_decimal_places": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_decimal_field_0_decimal_places" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_email_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_file_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_path_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_file_path_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_float_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_foreign_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_foreign_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_foreign_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_swapped": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_foreign_key_swapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_to_one": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_one_to_one" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_one_to_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_image_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_image_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_integer_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ip_address_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_ip_address_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_ip_address_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_generic_ip_address_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_many_to_many_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedValidationTests", + "test_many_to_many_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_field_swapped": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_many_to_many_field_swapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_boolean_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_null_boolean_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_positive_integer_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_positive_integer_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_positive_small_integer_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_positive_small_integer_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_positive_big_integer_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_positive_big_integer_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slug_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_slug_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_small_integer_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_small_integer_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_text_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_url_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_binary_field": [ + [ + "tests/field_deconstruction/tests.py", + [ + "FieldDeconstructionTests", + "test_binary_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/field_defaults/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultTests", + "test_field_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "_count_call": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/fields.py", + [ + "CustomDeferredAttribute", + "_count_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_parameters_respects_db_type": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/tests.py", + [ + "TestDbType", + "test_db_parameters_respects_db_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_descriptor_class": [ + [ + "tests/field_subclassing/tests.py", + [ + "DescriptorClassTest", + "test_descriptor_class" + ] + ] + ], + "callable_storage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/models.py", + [ + "callable_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/models.py", + [ + "Storage", + "custom_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "random_upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/models.py", + [ + "Storage", + "random_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "pathlib_upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/models.py", + [ + "Storage", + "pathlib_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_generate_filename": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/test_generate_filename.py", + [ + "GenerateFilenameStorageTests", + "test_filefield_generate_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/test_generate_filename.py", + [ + "GenerateFilenameStorageTests", + "test_filefield_generate_filename_with_upload_to", + "upload_to" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/file_storage/test_generate_filename.py", + [ + "GenerateFilenameStorageTests", + "test_filefield_awss3_storage", + "upload_to" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "TestModel1", + "upload_to" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_local_function_reference", + "TestModel2", + "upload_to" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "NoExtensionImageFile", + "upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_generate_filename_with_upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/test_generate_filename.py", + [ + "GenerateFilenameStorageTests", + "test_filefield_generate_filename_with_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_awss3_storage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/test_generate_filename.py", + [ + "GenerateFilenameStorageTests", + "test_filefield_awss3_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_filesystem_storage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "GetStorageClassTests", + "test_get_filesystem_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_invalid_storage_module": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "GetStorageClassTests", + "test_get_invalid_storage_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "GetStorageClassTests", + "test_get_nonexistent_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_storage_module": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "GetStorageClassTests", + "test_get_nonexistent_storage_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_base_url_init": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileSystemStorageTests", + "test_lazy_base_url_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_location": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_empty_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_access_options": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_access_options" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_file_time_getter": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "_test_file_time_getter" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_file_time_getter_tz_handling_on": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "_test_file_time_getter_tz_handling_on" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_file_time_getter_tz_handling_off": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "_test_file_time_getter_tz_handling_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_get_accessed_time": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_get_accessed_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_get_accessed_time_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_get_accessed_time_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_get_created_time": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_get_created_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_get_created_time_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_get_created_time_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_get_modified_time": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_get_modified_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_get_modified_time_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_get_modified_time_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_save_without_name": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_save_without_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_save_with_path": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_save_with_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_doesnt_close": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_save_doesnt_close" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_path": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_path" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_file_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_url": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_url": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_base_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_listdir": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_listdir" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_storage_prevents_directory_traversal": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_storage_prevents_directory_traversal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_storage_preserves_filename_case": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_storage_preserves_filename_case" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_makedirs": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_makedirs_race_handling", + "fake_makedirs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makedirs_race_handling": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_makedirs_race_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_remove": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_remove_race_handling", + "fake_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_race_handling": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_remove_race_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "failing_chunks": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_chunks_error", + "failing_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_chunks_error": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_chunks_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_no_name": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_delete_no_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_deletes_directories": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_delete_deletes_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_changed": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_setting_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_methods_pathlib_path": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStorageTests", + "test_file_methods_pathlib_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_get_available_name": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "CustomStorageTests", + "test_custom_get_available_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_overwrite_behavior": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "OverwritingStorageTests", + "test_save_overwrite_behavior" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_storage_discarding_empty_content": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "DiscardingFalseContentStorageTests", + "test_custom_storage_discarding_empty_content" + ] + ] + ], + "_storage_max_filename_length": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "_storage_max_filename_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_files": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_files" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_read": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_filefield_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_write": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_filefield_write" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_reopen": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_filefield_reopen" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_filename": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_duplicate_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_truncation": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_file_truncation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extended_length_storage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_extended_length_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_default": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_filefield_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_empty_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pathlib_upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_pathlib_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random_upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_random_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_valid_name_callable_upload_to": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_custom_valid_name_callable_upload_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_pickling": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_filefield_pickling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_object": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_file_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stringio": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileFieldStorageTests", + "test_stringio" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_base_class_error_raises": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "test_callable_base_class_error_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_field_storage_none_uses_default_storage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "test_file_field_storage_none_uses_default_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "get_storage": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "test_callable_function_storage_file_field", + "get_storage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "get_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_function_storage_file_field": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "test_callable_function_storage_file_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_class_storage_file_field": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "test_callable_class_storage_file_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_storage_file_field_in_model": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FieldCallableFileStorageTests", + "test_callable_storage_file_field_in_model" + ] + ] + ], + "save_file": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileSaveRaceConditionTest", + "save_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_race_condition": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileSaveRaceConditionTest", + "test_race_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_upload_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePermissions", + "test_file_upload_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_upload_default_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePermissions", + "test_file_upload_default_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_upload_directory_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePermissions", + "test_file_upload_directory_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_upload_directory_default_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePermissions", + "test_file_upload_directory_default_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_directory_with_dot": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePathParsing", + "test_directory_with_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first_character_dot": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileStoragePathParsing", + "test_first_character_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_saving": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileStorageTestCase", + "test_content_saving" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urllib_request_urlopen": [ + [ + "tests/file_storage/tests.py", + [ + "FileLikeObjectTestCase", + "test_urllib_request_urlopen" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_upload": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_simple_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_upload": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_large_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_base64_upload": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "_test_base64_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base64_upload": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_base64_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_big_base64_upload": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_big_base64_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_big_base64_newlines_upload": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_big_base64_newlines_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_file_name": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_unicode_file_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_unicode_file_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_unicode_file_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_file_name_rfc2231": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_unicode_file_name_rfc2231" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_name_rfc2231": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_unicode_name_rfc2231" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_file_name_rfc2231_with_double_quotes": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_unicode_file_name_rfc2231_with_double_quotes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_name_rfc2231_with_double_quotes": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_unicode_name_rfc2231_with_double_quotes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_filenames": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_blank_filenames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dangerous_file_names": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_dangerous_file_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filename_overflow": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_filename_overflow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_content": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_file_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_type_extra": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_content_type_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_truncated_multipart_handled_gracefully": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_truncated_multipart_handled_gracefully" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_multipart_handled_gracefully": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_empty_multipart_handled_gracefully" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_upload_handler": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_custom_upload_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broken_custom_upload_handler": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_broken_custom_upload_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fileupload_getlist": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_fileupload_getlist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fileuploads_closed_at_request_end": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_fileuploads_closed_at_request_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_parsing_triggered_by_fd_closing": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_no_parsing_triggered_by_fd_closing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_error_blocking": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_file_error_blocking" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filename_case_preservation": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "FileUploadTests", + "test_filename_case_preservation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_root": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "DirectoryCreationTests", + "test_readonly_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_a_directory": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "DirectoryCreationTests", + "test_not_a_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_upload_handlers": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "MultiParserTests", + "test_empty_upload_handlers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "MultiParserTests", + "test_invalid_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "MultiParserTests", + "test_negative_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_type_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "MultiParserTests", + "test_bad_type_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rfc2231_parsing": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "MultiParserTests", + "test_rfc2231_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rfc2231_wrong_title": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/tests.py", + [ + "MultiParserTests", + "test_rfc2231_wrong_title" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_view": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_view" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_view_verify": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_view_verify" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_unicode_name": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_unicode_name" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_echo": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_echo" + ] + ] + ], + "read_and_close": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_echo_content", + "read_and_close" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_echo_content": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_echo_content" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_quota": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_quota_broken": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_quota_broken" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_getlist_count": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_getlist_count" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_errors": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_filename_case_view": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_filename_case_view" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_content_type_extra": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_content_type_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "file_upload_fd_closing": [ + [ + "tests/file_uploads/views.py", + [ + "file_upload_fd_closing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_uploadedfile_name": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_unicode_uploadedfile_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_context_manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_context_manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertWarnsMessageTests", + "test_context_manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_resets_opened_file_to_start_and_returns_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_open_resets_opened_file_to_start_and_returns_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_reopens_closed_file_and_returns_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_open_reopens_closed_file_and_returns_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namedtemporaryfile_closes": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_namedtemporaryfile_closes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_mode": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_iteration": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_iteration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_iteration_windows_newlines": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_iteration_windows_newlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_iteration_mac_newlines": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_iteration_mac_newlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_iteration_mixed_newlines": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_iteration_mixed_newlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_iteration_with_unix_newline_at_chunk_boundary": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_iteration_with_unix_newline_at_chunk_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_iteration_with_windows_newline_at_chunk_boundary": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_iteration_with_windows_newline_at_chunk_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_iteration_with_mac_newline_at_chunk_boundary": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_iteration_with_mac_newline_at_chunk_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_iteration_with_text": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_file_iteration_with_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readable": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_readable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_writable": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_writable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_seekable": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_seekable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_io_wrapper": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileTests", + "test_io_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noname_file_default_name": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "NoNameFileTestCase", + "test_noname_file_default_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noname_file_get_size": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "NoNameFileTestCase", + "test_noname_file_get_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_file_default_name": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileTestCase", + "test_content_file_default_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_file_custom_name": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileTestCase", + "test_content_file_custom_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_file_input_type": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileTestCase", + "test_content_file_input_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_resets_file_to_start_and_returns_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileTestCase", + "test_open_resets_file_to_start_and_returns_context_manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "InMemoryUploadedFileTests", + "test_open_resets_file_to_start_and_returns_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_size_changing_after_writing": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "ContentFileTestCase", + "test_size_changing_after_writing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extension_kept": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "TemporaryUploadedFileTests", + "test_extension_kept" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_upload_temp_dir_pathlib": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "TemporaryUploadedFileTests", + "test_file_upload_temp_dir_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_closing_of_files": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "DimensionClosingBug", + "test_not_closing_of_files" + ] + ] + ], + "catching_open": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "DimensionClosingBug", + "test_closing_of_filenames", + "catching_open" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closing_of_filenames": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "DimensionClosingBug", + "test_closing_of_filenames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_calls": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "InconsistentGetImageDimensionsBug", + "test_multiple_calls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug_19457": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "InconsistentGetImageDimensionsBug", + "test_bug_19457" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_image": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "GetImageDimensionsTests", + "test_invalid_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_image": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "GetImageDimensionsTests", + "test_valid_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_webp": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "GetImageDimensionsTests", + "test_webp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_move_overwrite": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileMoveSafeTests", + "test_file_move_overwrite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_move_copystat_cifs": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "FileMoveSafeTests", + "test_file_move_copystat_cifs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_memory_spooled_temp": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "SpooledTempTests", + "test_in_memory_spooled_temp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_written_spooled_temp": [ + [ + "tests/files/tests.py", + [ + "SpooledTempTests", + "test_written_spooled_temp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_select_related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_select_related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_select_related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_select_related" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_select_related_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_with_empty_relation": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_select_related_with_empty_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_select_related_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_foreign_key_for_update_of": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_select_related_foreign_key_for_update_of" + ] + ] + ], + "test_without_join": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_without_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_join": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_join_and_complex_condition": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_join_and_complex_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_internal_queryset_alias_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_internal_queryset_alias_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_multiple_filter": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_multiple_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_times": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_multiple_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_relation_with_join": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_exclude_relation_with_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_m2m_deep": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_m2m_deep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_m2m_multijoin": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_m2m_multijoin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_union" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_union" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DTest", + "test_union" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_union" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_union" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intersection": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_intersection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_intersection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_intersection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_difference": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_difference" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_difference" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_difference" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_difference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_for_update": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_select_for_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_only_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_as_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_as_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_foreign_key_error": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_foreign_key_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_foreign_key_on_condition_error": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_foreign_key_on_condition_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_empty_relation_name_error": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_empty_relation_name_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_condition_as_expression_error": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_condition_as_expression_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_prefetch_related": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_prefetch_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_generic_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/filtered_relation/tests.py", + [ + "FilteredRelationTests", + "test_with_generic_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_fixtures": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "TestCaseFixtureLoadingTests", + "test_class_fixtures" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "SubclassTestCaseFixtureLoadingTests", + "test_class_fixtures" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/fixtures_model_package/tests.py", + [ + "SampleTestCase", + "test_class_fixtures" + ] + ] + ], + "_dumpdata_assert": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "DumpDataAssertMixin", + "_dumpdata_assert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_and_dumping": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loading_and_dumping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_with_excludes": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_dumpdata_with_excludes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_fixture_with_special_characters": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_load_fixture_with_special_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_with_filtering_manager": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_dumpdata_with_filtering_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_with_pks": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_dumpdata_with_pks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_with_uuid_pks": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_dumpdata_with_uuid_pks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_with_file_output": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_dumpdata_with_file_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_progressbar": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_dumpdata_progressbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_proxy_without_concrete": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_dumpdata_proxy_without_concrete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_proxy_with_concrete": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_dumpdata_proxy_with_concrete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compress_format_loading": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_compress_format_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed_specified_loading": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_compressed_specified_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed_loading": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_compressed_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed_loading_gzip": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_compressed_loading_gzip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed_loading_bz2": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_compressed_loading_bz2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed_loading_lzma": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_compressed_loading_lzma" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed_loading_xz": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_compressed_loading_xz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ambiguous_compressed_fixture": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_ambiguous_compressed_fixture" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_loading": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_db_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loaddata_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_null_characters_on_postgresql": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loaddata_null_characters_on_postgresql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_app_option": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loaddata_app_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_verbosity_three": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loaddata_verbosity_three" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_using": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loading_using" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unmatched_identifier_loading": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_unmatched_identifier_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output_formats": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_output_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_with_exclude_app": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loading_with_exclude_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_with_exclude_model": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loading_with_exclude_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_option_errors": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_exclude_option_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stdin_without_format": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_stdin_without_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_stdin": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureLoadingTests", + "test_loading_stdin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_not_existent_fixture_file": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "NonexistentFixtureTests", + "test_loaddata_not_existent_fixture_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_fixture_no_constraint_checking": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "NonexistentFixtureTests", + "test_nonexistent_fixture_no_constraint_checking" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_discovery": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureTransactionTests", + "test_format_discovery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_reference_fk": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "ForwardReferenceTests", + "test_forward_reference_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_reference_fk_natural_key": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "ForwardReferenceTests", + "test_forward_reference_fk_natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_reference_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "ForwardReferenceTests", + "test_forward_reference_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_reference_m2m_natural_key": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "ForwardReferenceTests", + "test_forward_reference_m2m_natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_reference_natural_key": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures/tests.py", + [ + "CircularReferenceTests", + "test_circular_reference_natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_model_package/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureTestCase", + "test_loaddata" + ] + ] + ], + "animal_pre_save_check": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "animal_pre_save_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_pk": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_duplicate_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_not_found_fields_not_ignore": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_not_found_fields_not_ignore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore_xml": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pretty_print_xml": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_pretty_print_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pretty_print_xml_empty_strings": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_pretty_print_xml_empty_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_absolute_path": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_absolute_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relative_path": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_relative_path" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_relative_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relative_path_in_fixture_dirs": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_relative_path_in_fixture_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_containing_dots": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_path_containing_dots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_format": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_unknown_format" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainTests", + "test_unknown_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unimportable_serializer": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_unimportable_serializer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_data_no_ext": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_invalid_data_no_ext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_error_message" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedContextManagerTests", + "test_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pg_sequence_resetting_checks": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_pg_sequence_resetting_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_connection_after_loaddata": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_close_connection_after_loaddata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_value_coerce": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_field_value_coerce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_uses_default_manager": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_dumpdata_uses_default_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_model_included": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_proxy_model_included" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_works_when_fixture_has_forward_refs": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_works_when_fixture_has_forward_refs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_raises_error_when_fixture_has_invalid_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_raises_error_when_fixture_has_invalid_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_forward_refs_split_fixtures": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_forward_refs_split_fixtures" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_no_fixture_specified": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_no_fixture_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20820": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_ticket_20820" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_22421": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_ticket_22421" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_with_m2m_to_self": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_with_m2m_to_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixture_dirs_with_duplicates": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_fixture_dirs_with_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixture_dirs_with_default_fixture_path": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_fixture_dirs_with_default_fixture_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaddata_with_valid_fixture_dirs": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_loaddata_with_valid_fixture_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixtures_dir_pathlib": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestFixtures", + "test_fixtures_dir_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nk_deserialize": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_nk_deserialize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nk_deserialize_xml": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_nk_deserialize_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nk_on_serialize": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_nk_on_serialize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_2": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_3": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_4": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_5": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_6": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_dangling": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_dangling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular_2": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_self_referential": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_self_referential" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_long": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_normal": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_normal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normal_pk": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "NaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_normal_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_simple": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_simple_circular": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_simple_circular" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex_circular_1": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex_circular_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex_circular_2": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dependency_sorting_m2m_complex_circular_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dump_and_load_m2m_simple": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MNaturalKeyFixtureTests", + "test_dump_and_load_m2m_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_11101": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestTicket11101", + "test_ticket_11101" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixtures_loaded": [ + [ + "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestLoadFixtureFromOtherAppDirectory", + "test_fixtures_loaded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerDatabase", + "test_fixtures_loaded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "test_view_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests", + "test_view_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewTests", + "test_view_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_non_existent_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "test_view_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests", + "test_view_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewTests", + "test_view_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_authenticated_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "test_view_authenticated_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests", + "test_view_authenticated_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewTests", + "test_view_authenticated_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fallback_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "test_fallback_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests", + "test_fallback_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewTests", + "test_fallback_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fallback_non_existent_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "test_fallback_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests", + "test_fallback_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewTests", + "test_fallback_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_view_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "test_post_view_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_fallback_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "test_post_fallback_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_unknown_page": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "FlatpageCSRFTests", + "test_post_unknown_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatpage_admin_form_url_validation": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "test_flatpage_admin_form_url_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatpage_requires_leading_slash": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "test_flatpage_requires_leading_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatpage_requires_trailing_slash_with_append_slash": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "test_flatpage_requires_trailing_slash_with_append_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatpage_doesnt_requires_trailing_slash_without_append_slash": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "test_flatpage_doesnt_requires_trailing_slash_without_append_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatpage_admin_form_url_uniqueness_validation": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "test_flatpage_admin_form_url_uniqueness_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatpage_admin_form_edit": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "test_flatpage_admin_form_edit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatpage_nosites": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FlatpageAdminFormTests", + "test_flatpage_nosites" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fallback_authenticated_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests", + "test_fallback_authenticated_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fallback_flatpage_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareTests", + "test_fallback_flatpage_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_view_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_view_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_view_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_view_non_existent_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_view_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_view_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_fallback_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_fallback_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_fallback_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_fallback_non_existent_flatpage": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_fallback_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_fallback_non_existent_flatpage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_fallback_flatpage_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_fallback_flatpage_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_fallback_flatpage_root": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "FlatpageMiddlewareAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_fallback_flatpage_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_absolute_url_urlencodes": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FlatpageModelTests", + "test_get_absolute_url_urlencodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_absolute_url_honors_script_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FlatpageModelTests", + "test_get_absolute_url_honors_script_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_absolute_url_include": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FlatpageModelTests", + "test_get_absolute_url_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_absolute_url_include_no_slash": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FlatpageModelTests", + "test_get_absolute_url_include_no_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_absolute_url_with_hardcoded_url": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FlatpageModelTests", + "test_get_absolute_url_with_hardcoded_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatpage_sitemap": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_sitemaps.py", + [ + "FlatpagesSitemapTests", + "test_flatpage_sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_flatpages_tag": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "test_get_flatpages_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_flatpages_tag_for_anon_user": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "test_get_flatpages_tag_for_anon_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_flatpages_tag_for_user": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "test_get_flatpages_tag_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_flatpages_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "test_get_flatpages_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_flatpages_with_prefix_for_anon_user": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "test_get_flatpages_with_prefix_for_anon_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_flatpages_with_prefix_for_user": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "test_get_flatpages_with_prefix_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_flatpages_with_variable_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "test_get_flatpages_with_variable_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parsing_errors": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "FlatpageTemplateTagTests", + "test_parsing_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_parsing_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_parsing_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_flatpage_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewTests", + "test_view_flatpage_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_view_flatpage_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/flatpages_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "FlatpageViewAppendSlashTests", + "test_redirect_view_flatpage_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_update": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/tests.py", + [ + "ForceTests", + "test_force_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_update_on_inherited_model": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_force_update_on_inherited_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_update_on_proxy_model": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_force_update_on_proxy_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_update_on_inherited_model_without_fields": [ + [ + "tests/force_insert_update/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_force_update_on_inherited_model_without_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_mixed_forward": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_agnostic_order_trimjoin.py", + [ + "TestLookupQuery", + "test_deep_mixed_forward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_mixed_backward": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_agnostic_order_trimjoin.py", + [ + "TestLookupQuery", + "test_deep_mixed_backward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restrictions_with_no_joining_columns": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_empty_join.py", + [ + "RestrictedConditionsTests", + "test_restrictions_with_no_joining_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_join_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_empty_join.py", + [ + "RestrictedConditionsTests", + "test_empty_join_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_object_form": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTests", + "test_foreign_object_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_succeeds_on_multicolumn_match": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_get_succeeds_on_multicolumn_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_fails_on_multicolumn_mismatch": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_get_fails_on_multicolumn_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_query_returns_correct_result": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_reverse_query_returns_correct_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filters_correctly": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_query_filters_correctly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_query_filters_correctly": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_reverse_query_filters_correctly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_in_lookup_filters_correctly": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_forward_in_lookup_filters_correctly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_double_nested_query": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_double_nested_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_foreignkey_forward_works": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_select_related_foreignkey_forward_works" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_foreignkey_forward_works": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_prefetch_foreignkey_forward_works" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_foreignkey_reverse_works": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_prefetch_foreignkey_reverse_works" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_forward_returns_valid_members": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_m2m_through_forward_returns_valid_members" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_reverse_returns_valid_members": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_m2m_through_reverse_returns_valid_members" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_forward_ignores_invalid_members": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_m2m_through_forward_ignores_invalid_members" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_reverse_ignores_invalid_members": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_m2m_through_reverse_ignores_invalid_members" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_on_self_works": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_m2m_through_on_self_works" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_on_self_ignores_mismatch_columns": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_m2m_through_on_self_ignores_mismatch_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_m2m_forward_works": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_prefetch_related_m2m_forward_works" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_m2m_reverse_works": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_prefetch_related_m2m_reverse_works" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translations": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_translations" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_translations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_raises_informative_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_foreign_key_raises_informative_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_related_query_name": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_foreign_key_related_query_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_related_query_name": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_many_to_many_related_query_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_create_foreign_object": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_batch_create_foreign_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnull_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "MultiColumnFKTests", + "test_isnull_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_composite_foreign_object": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelCheckTests", + "test_check_composite_foreign_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_subset_composite_foreign_object": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelCheckTests", + "test_check_subset_composite_foreign_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_join_filter_q": [ + [ + "tests/foreign_object/tests.py", + [ + "TestExtraJoinFilterQ", + "test_extra_join_filter_q" + ] + ] + ], + "assertWidgetRendersTo": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/__init__.py", + [ + "FormFieldAssertionsMixin", + "assertWidgetRendersTo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_sets_widget_is_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "BasicFieldsTests", + "test_field_sets_widget_is_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cooperative_multiple_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "BasicFieldsTests", + "test_cooperative_multiple_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_deepcopies_widget_instance": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "BasicFieldsTests", + "test_field_deepcopies_widget_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_field_has_changed_always_false": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "DisabledFieldTests", + "test_disabled_field_has_changed_always_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_booleanfield_clean_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTest", + "test_booleanfield_clean_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_booleanfield_clean_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTest", + "test_booleanfield_clean_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_picklable": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTest", + "test_boolean_picklable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_booleanfield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTest", + "test_booleanfield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTest", + "test_disabled_has_changed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTest", + "test_disabled_has_changed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "MultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_disabled_has_changed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_disabled_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_5": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_length_not_int": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_length_not_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_widget_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_widget_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_strip": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_strip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_before_checking_empty": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_strip_before_checking_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_non_string": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_clean_non_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_charfield_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_characters_prohibited": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_charfield.py", + [ + "CharFieldTest", + "test_null_characters_prohibited" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield_choices_default": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_choices_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield_callable": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "choices_as_callable": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_callable_may_evaluate_to_different_values", + "choices_as_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield_callable_may_evaluate_to_different_values": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_callable_may_evaluate_to_different_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_choicefield.py", + [ + "ChoiceFieldTest", + "test_choicefield_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combofield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_combofield.py", + [ + "ComboFieldTest", + "test_combofield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combofield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_combofield.py", + [ + "ComboFieldTest", + "test_combofield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_field": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datefield.py", + [ + "DateFieldTest", + "test_form_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_l10n_date_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datefield.py", + [ + "DateFieldTest", + "test_l10n_date_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_l10n_invalid_date_in": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datefield.py", + [ + "DateFieldTest", + "test_l10n_invalid_date_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_label_association": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datefield.py", + [ + "DateFieldTest", + "test_form_label_association" + ] + 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"test_datetimefield_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTest", + "test_datetimefield_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimefield_clean_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTest", + "test_datetimefield_clean_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimefield_clean_input_formats": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTest", + "test_datetimefield_clean_input_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimefield_not_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTest", + "test_datetimefield_not_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimefield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTest", + "test_datetimefield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enter_a_number_error": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_enter_a_number_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_5": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_6": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_scientific": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_scientific" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_widget_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_widget_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_localized": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_localized" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_support_decimal_separator": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_support_decimal_separator" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_support_decimal_separator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield_support_thousands_separator": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_support_thousands_separator" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest", + "test_decimalfield_support_thousands_separator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_durationfield_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "DurationFieldTest", + "test_durationfield_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_durationfield_clean_not_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "DurationFieldTest", + "test_durationfield_clean_not_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overflow": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "DurationFieldTest", + "test_overflow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overflow_translation": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "DurationFieldTest", + "test_overflow_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_durationfield_render": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "DurationFieldTest", + "test_durationfield_render" + ] + ] + ], + "test_durationfield_integer_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "DurationFieldTest", + "test_durationfield_integer_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_durationfield_prepare_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "DurationFieldTest", + "test_durationfield_prepare_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emailfield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_emailfield.py", + [ + "EmailFieldTest", + "test_emailfield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_regexp_for_performance": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_emailfield.py", + [ + "EmailFieldTest", + "test_email_regexp_for_performance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emailfield_not_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_emailfield.py", + [ + "EmailFieldTest", + "test_emailfield_not_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emailfield_min_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_emailfield.py", + [ + "EmailFieldTest", + "test_emailfield_min_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emailfield_strip_on_none_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_emailfield.py", + [ + "EmailFieldTest", + "test_emailfield_strip_on_none_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emailfield_unable_to_set_strip_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_emailfield.py", + [ + "EmailFieldTest", + "test_emailfield_unable_to_set_strip_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTest", + "test_filefield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTest", + "test_filefield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTest", + "test_filefield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTest", + "test_filefield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_picklable": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTest", + "test_file_picklable" + ] + ] + ], + "fix_os_paths": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "fix_os_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "assertChoices": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "assertChoices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fix_os_paths": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_fix_os_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_path": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_nonexistent_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_options": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_no_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_clean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_match": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "MediaTypeTests", + "test_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseAliasTests", + "test_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_folders": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_allow_folders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_no_folders_or_files": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_recursive_no_folders_or_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_folders_without_files": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTest", + "test_recursive_folders_without_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatfield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest", + "test_floatfield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatfield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest", + "test_floatfield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatfield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest", + "test_floatfield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatfield_widget_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest", + "test_floatfield_widget_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatfield_localized": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest", + "test_floatfield_localized" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatfield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "FloatFieldTest", + "test_floatfield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_ipaddress_invalid_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTest", + "test_generic_ipaddress_invalid_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_ipaddress_as_generic": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTest", + "test_generic_ipaddress_as_generic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_ipaddress_as_ipv4_only": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTest", + "test_generic_ipaddress_as_ipv4_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_ipaddress_as_ipv6_only": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTest", + "test_generic_ipaddress_as_ipv6_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_ipaddress_as_generic_not_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTest", + "test_generic_ipaddress_as_generic_not_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_ipaddress_normalization": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTest", + "test_generic_ipaddress_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "get_img_path": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "get_img_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imagefield_annotate_with_image_after_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTest", + "test_imagefield_annotate_with_image_after_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imagefield_annotate_with_bitmap_image_after_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTest", + "test_imagefield_annotate_with_bitmap_image_after_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_extension_validation": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTest", + "test_file_extension_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_corrupted_image": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTest", + "test_corrupted_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget_attrs_default_accept": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTest", + "test_widget_attrs_default_accept" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget_attrs_accept_specified": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTest", + "test_widget_attrs_accept_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget_attrs_accept_false": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTest", + "test_widget_attrs_accept_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_5": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_localized": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_localized" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_float": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_big_num": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_big_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_unicode_number": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_unicode_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTest", + "test_integerfield_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "AllValidTests", + "test_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "PycLoaderTests", + "test_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_valid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_empty": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_valid_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_invalid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "AllValidTests", + "test_invalid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "PycLoaderTests", + "test_invalid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_stringformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prepare_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_prepare_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_prepare_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_widget_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_custom_widget_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_widget_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_custom_widget_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_converted_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_converted_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_has_changed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_has_changed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "as_uuid": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_custom_encoder_decoder", + "CustomDecoder", + "as_uuid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "CustomJSONDecoder", + "as_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_encoder_decoder": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_custom_encoder_decoder" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_custom_encoder_decoder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formfield_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_formfield_disabled" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_formfield_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redisplay_wrong_input": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTest", + "test_redisplay_wrong_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiplechoicefield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "MultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_multiplechoicefield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiplechoicefield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "MultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_multiplechoicefield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiplechoicefield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "MultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_multiplechoicefield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiplechoicefield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "MultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_multiplechoicefield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_disabled_multivalue": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_clean_disabled_multivalue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_choice": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_bad_choice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_no_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_changed_no_initial": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_has_changed_no_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_changed_same": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_has_changed_same" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_changed_first_widget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_has_changed_first_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_changed_last_widget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_has_changed_last_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_as_table": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_form_as_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_as_table_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_form_as_table_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_cleaned_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_multivaluefield.py", + [ + "MultiValueFieldTest", + "test_form_cleaned_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_nullbooleanfield.py", + [ + "NullBooleanFieldTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regexfield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest", + "test_regexfield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regexfield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest", + "test_regexfield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regexfield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest", + "test_regexfield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regexfield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest", + "test_regexfield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regexfield_unicode_characters": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest", + "test_regexfield_unicode_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_regex_after_init": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest", + "test_change_regex_after_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_regex": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest", + "test_get_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regexfield_strip": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_regexfield.py", + [ + "RegexFieldTest", + "test_regexfield_strip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slugfield_normalization": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_slugfield.py", + [ + "SlugFieldTest", + "test_slugfield_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slugfield_unicode_normalization": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_slugfield.py", + [ + "SlugFieldTest", + "test_slugfield_unicode_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_splitdatetimefield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_splitdatetimefield.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeFieldTest", + "test_splitdatetimefield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_splitdatetimefield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_splitdatetimefield.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeFieldTest", + "test_splitdatetimefield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_splitdatetimefield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_splitdatetimefield.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeFieldTest", + "test_splitdatetimefield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timefield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTest", + "test_timefield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timefield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTest", + "test_timefield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timefield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTest", + "test_timefield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timefield_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTest", + "test_timefield_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedchoicefield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedchoicefield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedchoicefield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedchoicefield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedchoicefield_5": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedchoicefield_6": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedchoicefield_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "coerce_func": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_special_coerce", + "coerce_func" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_special_coerce", + "coerce_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedchoicefield_special_coerce": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedchoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedchoicefield_special_coerce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_5": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_6": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_7": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_7" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_typedmultiplechoicefield.py", + [ + "TypedMultipleChoiceFieldTest", + "test_typedmultiplechoicefield_has_changed" + ] + 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"tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_urlfield.py", + [ + "URLFieldTest", + "test_urlfield_7" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlfield_9": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_urlfield.py", + [ + "URLFieldTest", + "test_urlfield_9" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlfield_10": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_urlfield.py", + [ + "URLFieldTest", + "test_urlfield_10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlfield_not_string": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_urlfield.py", + [ + "URLFieldTest", + "test_urlfield_not_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlfield_normalization": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_urlfield.py", + [ + "URLFieldTest", + "test_urlfield_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlfield_strip_on_none_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_urlfield.py", + [ + "URLFieldTest", + "test_urlfield_strip_on_none_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlfield_unable_to_set_strip_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_urlfield.py", + [ + "URLFieldTest", + "test_urlfield_unable_to_set_strip_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuidfield_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_uuidfield.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTest", + "test_uuidfield_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_value_with_dashes": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_uuidfield.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTest", + "test_clean_value_with_dashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuidfield_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_uuidfield.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTest", + "test_uuidfield_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuidfield_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_uuidfield.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTest", + "test_uuidfield_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuidfield_4": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/field_tests/test_uuidfield.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTest", + "test_uuidfield_4" + ] + ] + ], + "callable_default": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "callable_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_valid_callable_default", + "callable_default" + ] + ] + ], + "choice_default": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "choice_default" + ] + ] + ], + "choice_default_list": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "choice_default_list" + ] + ] + ], + "int_default": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "int_default" + ] + ] + ], + "int_list_default": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/models.py", + [ + "int_list_default" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFormErrors": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "AssertFormErrorsMixin", + "assertFormErrors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_integerfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_floatfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimalfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_decimalfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_datefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_timefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_datetimefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regexfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_regexfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emailfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_emailfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_filefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_urlfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_booleanfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_booleanfield" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_booleanfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choicefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_choicefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiplechoicefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_multiplechoicefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_splitdatetimefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_splitdatetimefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_ipaddressfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_generic_ipaddressfield" + ] + ] + ], + "as_divs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_subclassing_errorlist", + "CustomErrorList", + "as_divs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_errorlist_override", + "DivErrorList", + "as_divs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclassing_errorlist": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_subclassing_errorlist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_messages_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "FormsErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_error_messages_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelchoicefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldErrorMessagesTestCase", + "test_modelchoicefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_list_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_error_message_warning": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_list_error_message_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyFormsTests", + "test_form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests", + "test_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_dict": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_empty_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_querydict_args": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_empty_querydict_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unbound_form": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_unbound_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleaned_data_only_fields": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_cleaned_data_only_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_optional_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_optional_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_id": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_auto_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_auto_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_id_true": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_auto_id_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_id_false": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_auto_id_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_id_on_field": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_id_on_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_id_on_form_and_field": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_auto_id_on_form_and_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_various_boolean_values": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_various_boolean_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget_output": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_widget_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forms_with_choices": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forms_with_radio": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_radio" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_with_iterable_boundfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_iterable_boundfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_with_iterable_boundfield_id": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_iterable_boundfield_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterable_boundfield_select": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_iterable_boundfield_select" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_with_noniterable_boundfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_noniterable_boundfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_slice": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_invalid_index": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_invalid_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_bool": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forms_with_multiple_choice": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_multiple_choice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_with_disabled_fields": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_with_disabled_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_hidden_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_choice_checkbox": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multiple_choice_checkbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checkbox_auto_id": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_checkbox_auto_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_choice_list_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multiple_choice_list_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multiple_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_special_name": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_escaping", + "EscapingForm", + "clean_special_name" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_special_safe_name": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_escaping", + "EscapingForm", + "clean_special_safe_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_escaping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textarea.py", + [ + "TextareaTest", + "test_escaping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_escaping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validating_multiple_fields": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_validating_multiple_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_error_dict": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_update_error_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_error": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_has_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_output_with_hidden_input_field_errors": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_html_output_with_hidden_input_field_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_construction": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_construction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validators_independence": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_validators_independence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_widget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_hidden_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_field_order": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_explicit_field_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_html_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_form_html_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specifying_labels": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_specifying_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_suffix": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_label_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_initial_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests", + "test_initial_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_initial_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormsetTests", + "test_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_dynamic_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "initial_django": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_callable_initial_data", + "initial_django" + ] + ] + ], + "initial_stephane": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_callable_initial_data", + "initial_stephane" + ] + ] + ], + "initial_options": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_callable_initial_data", + "initial_options" + ] + ] + ], + "initial_other_options": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_callable_initial_data", + "initial_other_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_callable_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_initial_for_field": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_get_initial_for_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changed_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changed_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_values": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_initial_called_once": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_initial_called_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_value_disabled_callable_initial": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_value_disabled_callable_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_boundfield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_custom_boundfield" + ] + ] + ], + "delayed_now": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_initial_datetime_values", + "delayed_now" + ] + ] + ], + "delayed_now_time": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_initial_datetime_values", + "delayed_now_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_datetime_values": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_initial_datetime_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_clean_initial_callable_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_datetime_clean_initial_callable_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_changed_data_callable_with_microseconds": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_datetime_changed_data_callable_with_microseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclassing_forms": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_subclassing_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forms_with_prefixes": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_class_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forms_with_null_boolean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_null_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forms_with_file_fields": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_forms_with_file_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_initial_callable": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_filefield_initial_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_with_fileinput_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_filefield_with_fileinput_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_processing_in_view": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_basic_processing_in_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_templates_with_forms": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_templates_with_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_permitted": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_empty_permitted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_permitted_and_use_required_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_empty_permitted_and_use_required_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extracting_hidden_and_visible": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_extracting_hidden_and_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_initial_gets_id": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_hidden_initial_gets_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_html_required_html_classes": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_html_required_html_classes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_has_required_css_class": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_label_has_required_css_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_split_datetime_not_displayed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_label_split_datetime_not_displayed" + ] + ] + ], + "bad_names": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_field_validation", + "bad_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multivalue_field_validation": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_field_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multivalue_deep_copy": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_deep_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multivalue_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multivalue_optional_subfields": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multivalue_optional_subfields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_empty_values": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_custom_empty_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_label_tag": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_label_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_label_tag_no_id": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_label_tag_no_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_label_tag_custom_widget_id_for_label": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_label_tag_custom_widget_id_for_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_empty_label": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_empty_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_id_for_label": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_id_for_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_id_for_label_override_by_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_id_for_label_override_by_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_widget_type": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_widget_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundfield_css_classes": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_boundfield_css_classes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_tag_override": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_label_tag_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_without_css_classes": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_without_css_classes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_with_css_class": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_with_css_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_name_with_hidden_input": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_name_with_hidden_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_name_with_hidden_input_and_non_matching_row_ender": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_name_with_hidden_input_and_non_matching_row_ender" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_dict": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_dict_as_json_escape_html": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_dict_as_json_escape_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_list": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_list_class_not_specified": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_list_class_not_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_list_class_has_one_class_specified": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_list_class_has_one_class_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_list_with_hidden_field_errors_has_correct_class": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_list_with_hidden_field_errors_has_correct_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_list_with_non_field_errors_has_correct_class": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_list_with_non_field_errors_has_correct_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorlist_override": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_errorlist_override" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_escaping", + "TestForm", + "clean_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_error_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_baseform_repr": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_baseform_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_baseform_repr_dont_trigger_validation": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_baseform_repr_dont_trigger_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accessing_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_accessing_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changing_cleaned_data_nothing_returned": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changing_cleaned_data_nothing_returned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changing_cleaned_data_in_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_changing_cleaned_data_in_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_encoded_form": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_multipart_encoded_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_safe": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_html_safe" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_html_safe" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_html_safe" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_required_attribute_true": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_use_required_attribute_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_required_attribute_false": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_use_required_attribute_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_hidden_fields": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_only_hidden_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_named_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_named_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_data_files_multi_value_dict": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_empty_data_files_multi_value_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_deep_copy_error_messages": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "FormsTestCase", + "test_field_deep_copy_error_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kwarg_instance": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_kwarg_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kwarg_class": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_kwarg_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_instance": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_attribute_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_class": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_attribute_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_override": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "RendererTests", + "test_attribute_override" + ] + ] + ], + "prefixed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "make_choiceformset", + "prefixed" + ] + ] + ], + "make_choiceformset": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "make_choiceformset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_formset": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_basic_formset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_kwargs_formset": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_form_kwargs_formset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_kwargs_formset_dynamic": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_form_kwargs_formset_dynamic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_kwargs_empty_form": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_form_kwargs_empty_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_validation": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "mocked_func": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_validation_count", + "make_method_counter", + "mocked_func" + ] + ] + ], + "make_method_counter": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_validation_count", + "make_method_counter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_validation_count": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_validation_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_form_unfilled": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_blank_form_unfilled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_second_form_partially_filled": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_second_form_partially_filled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_prefilled_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_delete_prefilled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_num_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_min_num_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_num_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form_with_zero_extra": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_min_num_displaying_more_than_one_blank_form_with_zero_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_form_completed": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_single_form_completed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_validate_max_flag": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_validate_max_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_validate_min_flag": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_validate_min_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_validate_min_unchanged_forms": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_validate_min_unchanged_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_validate_min_excludes_empty_forms": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_validate_min_excludes_empty_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_second_form_partially_filled_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_second_form_partially_filled_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_more_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_with_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_with_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_with_deletion_remove_deletion_flag": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_with_deletion_remove_deletion_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_with_deletion_invalid_deleted_form": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_with_deletion_invalid_deleted_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formsets_with_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formsets_with_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formsets_with_order_custom_widget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formsets_with_order_custom_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_ordered_fields": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_empty_ordered_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_blank_fieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_ordering_blank_fieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_with_ordering_and_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_with_ordering_and_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_deleted_form_with_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_invalid_deleted_form_with_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_hook": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_clean_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limiting_max_forms": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_limiting_max_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limited_max_forms_two": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_limited_max_forms_two" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limiting_extra_lest_than_max_num": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_limiting_extra_lest_than_max_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_num_with_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_max_num_with_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_num_zero": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_max_num_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_num_zero_with_initial": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_max_num_zero_with_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_initial_than_max_num": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_more_initial_than_max_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_absolute_max": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_default_absolute_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_absolute_max": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_absolute_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_absolute_max_with_max_num": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_absolute_max_with_max_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_absolute_max_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_absolute_max_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_initial_form_result_in_one": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_more_initial_form_result_in_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_management_form_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_management_form_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_iteration": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_iteration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_nonzero": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_nonzero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_splitdatetimefield": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_splitdatetimefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_error_class": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_error_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_calls_forms_is_valid": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_calls_forms_is_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hard_limit_on_instantiated_forms": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_hard_limit_on_instantiated_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_increase_hard_limit": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_increase_hard_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_form_errors_run_full_clean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_non_form_errors_run_full_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_max_ignores_forms_marked_for_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_validate_max_ignores_forms_marked_for_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_total_error_count": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_total_error_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_total_error_count_with_non_form_errors": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsFormsetTestCase", + "test_formset_total_error_count_with_non_form_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_as_table": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsetAsTagTests", + "test_as_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_as_p": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsetAsTagTests", + "test_as_p" + ] + ] + ], + "test_as_ul": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "FormsetAsTagTests", + "test_as_ul" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_data_raises_validation_error": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestIsBoundBehavior", + "test_no_data_raises_validation_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_management_data_attrs_work_fine": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestIsBoundBehavior", + "test_with_management_data_attrs_work_fine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_errors_are_caught_by_formset": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestIsBoundBehavior", + "test_form_errors_are_caught_by_formset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_forms_are_unbound": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestIsBoundBehavior", + "test_empty_forms_are_unbound" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_formset_is_valid": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestEmptyFormSet", + "test_empty_formset_is_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_formset_media": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestEmptyFormSet", + "test_empty_formset_media" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_formset_is_multipart": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_formsets.py", + [ + "TestEmptyFormSet", + "test_empty_formset_is_multipart" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_labels": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests", + "test_lazy_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_label": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests", + "test_non_ascii_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_choices": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests", + "test_non_ascii_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_translated_text": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "FormsI18nTests", + "test_select_translated_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timeField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedTimeTests", + "test_timeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomTimeInputFormatsTests", + "test_timeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleTimeFormatTests", + "test_timeField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_timeField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedTimeTests", + "test_localized_timeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomTimeInputFormatsTests", + "test_localized_timeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleTimeFormatTests", + "test_localized_timeField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timeField_with_inputformat": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedTimeTests", + "test_timeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomTimeInputFormatsTests", + "test_timeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleTimeFormatTests", + "test_timeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_timeField_with_inputformat": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedTimeTests", + "test_localized_timeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomTimeInputFormatsTests", + "test_localized_timeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleTimeFormatTests", + "test_localized_timeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dateField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTests", + "test_dateField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateInputFormatsTests", + "test_dateField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateFormatTests", + "test_dateField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_dateField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTests", + "test_localized_dateField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateInputFormatsTests", + "test_localized_dateField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateFormatTests", + "test_localized_dateField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dateField_with_inputformat": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTests", + "test_dateField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateInputFormatsTests", + "test_dateField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateFormatTests", + "test_dateField_with_inputformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_dateField_with_inputformat": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTests", + "test_localized_dateField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateInputFormatsTests", + "test_localized_dateField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateFormatTests", + "test_localized_dateField_with_inputformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dateTimeField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTimeTests", + "test_dateTimeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests", + "test_dateTimeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateTimeFormatTests", + "test_dateTimeField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_dateTimeField": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTimeTests", + "test_localized_dateTimeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests", + "test_localized_dateTimeField" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateTimeFormatTests", + "test_localized_dateTimeField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dateTimeField_with_inputformat": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTimeTests", + "test_dateTimeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests", + "test_dateTimeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateTimeFormatTests", + "test_dateTimeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_dateTimeField_with_inputformat": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "LocalizedDateTimeTests", + "test_localized_dateTimeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "CustomDateTimeInputFormatsTests", + "test_localized_dateTimeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_input_formats.py", + [ + "SimpleDateTimeFormatTests", + "test_localized_dateTimeField_with_inputformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_construction": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_construction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_dsl": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_dsl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_media": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_combine_media" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_deduplication": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_deduplication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_property": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_property_parent_references": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_property_parent_references" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_inheritance_from_property": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_from_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_inheritance_extends": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_extends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_inheritance_single_type": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_media_inheritance_single_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_media": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_multi_media" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_widget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_multi_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_media": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_form_media" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_warning": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_merge_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_js_three_way": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_merge_js_three_way" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_js_three_way2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_merge_js_three_way2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_css_three_way": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_media.py", + [ + "FormsMediaTestCase", + "test_merge_css_three_way" + ] + ] + ], + "test_installed_apps_template_found": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_renderers.py", + [ + "SharedTests", + "test_installed_apps_template_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_renderer": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_renderers.py", + [ + "BaseTemplateRendererTests", + "test_get_renderer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatatt": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase", + "test_flatatt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatatt_no_side_effects": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase", + "test_flatatt_no_side_effects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_error": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase", + "test_validation_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_validation_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_dict_copy": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase", + "test_error_dict_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_dict_html_safe": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase", + "test_error_dict_html_safe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_list_html_safe": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "FormsUtilsTestCase", + "test_error_list_html_safe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_errors_get_reported": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestFieldWithValidators", + "test_all_errors_get_reported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_validators_can_be_any_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestFieldWithValidators", + "test_field_validators_can_be_any_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestModelsWithValidators", + "test_field_validators_can_be_any_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textarea_trailing_newlines": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "LiveWidgetTests", + "test_textarea_trailing_newlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_queryset_return": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestTicket14567", + "test_empty_queryset_return" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_empty_option": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormCallableModelDefault", + "test_no_empty_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_initial_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormCallableModelDefault", + "test_callable_initial_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_instance_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormCallableModelDefault", + "test_initial_instance_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_filename": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_unicode_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundary_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_boundary_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formfield_initial": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "FormsModelTestCase", + "test_formfield_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_loading_order": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests", + "test_invalid_loading_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_loading_order": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedModelFormTests", + "test_valid_loading_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_field_exclusion": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyExclusionTestCase", + "test_m2m_field_exclusion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_field_char": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyLabelTestCase", + "test_empty_field_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_field_char_none": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyLabelTestCase", + "test_empty_field_char_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_empty_label_forms": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyLabelTestCase", + "test_save_empty_label_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_field_integer": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyLabelTestCase", + "test_empty_field_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_display_value_on_none": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/tests/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyLabelTestCase", + "test_get_display_value_on_none" + ] + ] + 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"tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textarea.py", + [ + "TextareaTest", + "test_render_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_none": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_dateinput.py", + [ + "DateInputTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_datetimeinput.py", + [ + "DateTimeInputTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiplehiddeninput.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInputTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splitdatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textarea.py", + [ + "TextareaTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_timeinput.py", + [ + "TimeInputTest", + "test_render_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_false": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_render_false" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_true": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_render_true" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_render_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_render_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_dateinput.py", + [ + "DateInputTest", + "test_render_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_datetimeinput.py", + [ + "DateTimeInputTest", + "test_render_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splithiddendatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitHiddenDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_render_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_render_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_timeinput.py", + [ + "TimeInputTest", + "test_render_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_int": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_render_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_check_test": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_render_check_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_check_exception": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_render_check_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_from_datadict": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_value_from_datadict" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_value_from_datadict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_from_datadict_string_int": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_value_from_datadict_string_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_omitted_from_data": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_fileinput.py", + [ + "FileInputTest", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_widget.py", + [ + "WidgetTests", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormWidget", + "test_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_context_does_not_mutate_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxinput.py", + [ + "CheckboxInputTest", + "test_get_context_does_not_mutate_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_render_value_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_choices": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_nested_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_radioselect.py", + [ + "RadioSelectTest", + "test_nested_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_choices_without_id": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_nested_choices_without_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_separate_ids": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_separate_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_separate_ids_constructor": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_separate_ids_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_doesnt_localize_input_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_doesnt_localize_input_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_radioselect.py", + [ + "RadioSelectTest", + "test_doesnt_localize_input_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_required_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_use_required_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_use_required_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_fileinput.py", + [ + "FileInputTest", + "test_use_required_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_hiddeninput.py", + [ + "HiddenInputTest", + "test_use_required_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_use_required_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_checkboxselectmultiple.py", + [ + "CheckboxSelectMultipleTest", + "test_label" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "LabelTests", + "test_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_input_renders": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_clear_input_renders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_escaped": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_html_escaped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_input_renders_only_if_not_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_clear_input_renders_only_if_not_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_input_renders_only_if_initial": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_clear_input_renders_only_if_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_as_subwidget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_render_as_subwidget" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_radioselect.py", + [ + "RadioSelectTest", + "test_render_as_subwidget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_input_checked_returns_false": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_clear_input_checked_returns_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_input_checked_returns_false_only_if_not_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_clear_input_checked_returns_false_only_if_not_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_does_not_mask_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_html_does_not_mask_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_as_property": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_url_as_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_return_false_if_url_does_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_clearablefileinput.py", + [ + "ClearableFileInputTest", + "test_return_false_if_url_does_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_dateinput.py", + [ + "DateInputTest", + "test_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_timeinput.py", + [ + "TimeInputTest", + "test_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_first.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_get_digit.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_make_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_dateinput.py", + [ + "DateInputTest", + "test_format" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_timeinput.py", + [ + "TimeInputTest", + "test_format" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_stringformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_l10n": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_dateinput.py", + [ + "DateInputTest", + "test_l10n" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_datetimeinput.py", + [ + "DateTimeInputTest", + "test_l10n" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_l10n" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_l10n" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splithiddendatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitHiddenDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_l10n" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_timeinput.py", + [ + "TimeInputTest", + "test_l10n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_formatted": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_datetimeinput.py", + [ + "DateTimeInputTest", + "test_render_formatted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locale_aware": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_datetimeinput.py", + [ + "DateTimeInputTest", + "test_locale_aware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attrs_with_type": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_input.py", + [ + "InputTests", + "test_attrs_with_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_single": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiplehiddeninput.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInputTest", + "test_render_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiplehiddeninput.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInputTest", + "test_render_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiplehiddeninput.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInputTest", + "test_render_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_radioselect.py", + [ + "RadioSelectTest", + "test_render_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormWidget", + "test_render_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_attrs_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiplehiddeninput.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInputTest", + "test_render_attrs_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_attrs_constructor": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiplehiddeninput.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInputTest", + "test_render_attrs_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_increment_id": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiplehiddeninput.py", + [ + "MultipleHiddenInputTest", + "test_render_increment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subwidgets_name": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_subwidgets_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_text_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_constructor_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_radioselect.py", + [ + "RadioSelectTest", + "test_constructor_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_constructor_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splitdatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_constructor_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_constructor_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_attrs_with_type": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_constructor_attrs_with_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_from_datadict_subwidgets_name": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_value_from_datadict_subwidgets_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_omitted_from_data_subwidgets_name": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_value_omitted_from_data_subwidgets_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_needs_multipart_true": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_needs_multipart_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_needs_multipart_false": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_needs_multipart_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_multiwidget": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_nested_multiwidget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_whitespace_between_widgets": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_multiwidget.py", + [ + "MultiWidgetTest", + "test_no_whitespace_between_widgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_value_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value_true": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_value_true" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_passwordinput.py", + [ + "PasswordInputTest", + "test_render_value_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value_false": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_value_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value_1": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_value_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value_2": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_value_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value_3": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_nullbooleanselect.py", + [ + "NullBooleanSelectTest", + "test_render_value_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attrs_not_localized": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_numberinput.py", + [ + "NumberInputTests", + "test_attrs_not_localized" + ] + ] + 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+ ] + ], + "test_choices_constructor_generator": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_choices_constructor_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_choices_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_choices_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_optgroup": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_choices_optgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_select_outer": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_choices_select_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_select_inner": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_choices_select_inner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_doesnt_localize_option_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_doesnt_localize_option_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_options": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_options" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_options" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_options" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodTests", + "test_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_optgroups": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_optgroups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_optgroups_integer_choices": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_optgroups_integer_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_doesnt_render_required_when_impossible_to_select_empty_field": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_doesnt_render_required_when_impossible_to_select_empty_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_renders_required_when_possible_to_select_empty_field_str": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_renders_required_when_possible_to_select_empty_field_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_renders_required_when_possible_to_select_empty_field_list": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_renders_required_when_possible_to_select_empty_field_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_renders_required_when_possible_to_select_empty_field_none": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_renders_required_when_possible_to_select_empty_field_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_doesnt_render_required_when_no_choices_are_available": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_select.py", + [ + "SelectTest", + "test_doesnt_render_required_when_no_choices_are_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_string": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_render_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_render_datetime" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splitdatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_render_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_invalid_date": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_render_invalid_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_months": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_custom_months" + ] + ] + ], + "test_selectdate_required": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_selectdate_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_selectdate_empty_label": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_selectdate_empty_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_input_format": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_custom_input_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_format_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_format_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_widget.py", + [ + "WidgetTests", + "test_format_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_years_rendered_without_separator": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectdatewidget.py", + [ + "SelectDateWidgetTest", + "test_years_rendered_without_separator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_multiple_selected": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_render_multiple_selected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_value_label": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_render_value_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_options_same_value": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_multiple_options_same_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_values_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_multiple_values_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compare_string": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_compare_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_optgroup_select_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_selectmultiple.py", + [ + "SelectMultipleTest", + "test_optgroup_select_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_date_and_time": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splitdatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_render_date_and_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_different_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splitdatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_constructor_different_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splithiddendatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitHiddenDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_constructor_different_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formatting": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_splitdatetimewidget.py", + [ + "SplitDateTimeWidgetTest", + "test_formatting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textarea.py", + [ + "TextareaTest", + "test_mark_safe" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_boolean": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_render_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_quoted": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_render_quoted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_custom_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_render_custom_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_render_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attrs_precedence": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_attrs_precedence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attrs_safestring": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_textinput.py", + [ + "TextInputTest", + "test_attrs_safestring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_trailing_newline_in_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_widget.py", + [ + "WidgetTests", + "test_no_trailing_newline_in_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attr_false_not_rendered": [ + [ + "tests/forms_tests/widget_tests/test_widget.py", + [ + "WidgetTests", + "test_attr_false_not_rendered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_load": [ + [ + "tests/from_db_value/tests.py", + [ + "FromDBValueTest", + "test_simple_load" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection": [ + [ + "tests/from_db_value/tests.py", + [ + "FromDBValueTest", + "test_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_object": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "_create_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_param": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_no_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_param": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_extra_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_num_param": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_max_num_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_num_param": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_min_num_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_extra": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_get_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_min_num": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_get_min_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_max_num": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineAdminParametersTest", + "test_get_max_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "NoInlineDeletionTest", + "test_no_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_formset_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_formset_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude_with_readonly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_meta_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_fieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_fieldsets" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_fieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_formsets_with_inlines_returns_tuples": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_formsets_with_inlines_returns_tuples" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_inline_instances_override_get_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/generic_inline_admin/tests.py", + [ + "GenericInlineModelAdminTest", + "test_get_inline_instances_override_get_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queryset_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_get_queryset_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_widgets": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_meta_widgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incorrect_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_incorrect_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_new_uses_form_save": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_save_new_uses_form_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_new_for_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_save_new_for_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_new_for_concrete": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_save_new_for_concrete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_count": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_initial_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_as_new": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/test_forms.py", + [ + "GenericInlineFormsetTests", + "test_save_as_new" + ] + ] + ], + "comp_func": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "comp_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_update_or_create_when_created": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_generic_update_or_create_when_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_update_or_create_when_updated": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_generic_update_or_create_when_updated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_get_or_create_when_created": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_generic_get_or_create_when_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_get_or_create_when_exists": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_generic_get_or_create_when_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relations_m2m_mimic": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_generic_relations_m2m_mimic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_content_object": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_access_content_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_content_object": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_query_content_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_generic_relations": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_exclude_generic_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_via_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_access_via_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_set_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queries_across_generic_relations": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_queries_across_generic_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queries_content_type_restriction": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_queries_content_type_restriction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_deletion_with_generic_relation": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_object_deletion_with_generic_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_deletion_without_generic_relation": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_object_deletion_without_generic_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_deletion_related_objects_unaffected": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_tag_deletion_related_objects_unaffected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_bulk": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_add_bulk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_bulk_false": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_add_bulk_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_rejects_unsaved_objects": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_add_rejects_unsaved_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_rejects_wrong_instances": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_add_rejects_wrong_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_set" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_set" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_set" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_set" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_assign" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_assign" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_assign" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_with_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_assign_with_queryset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_assign_with_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relation_related_name_default": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_generic_relation_related_name_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_gfk": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_multiple_gfk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gfk_subclasses": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_gfk_subclasses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relation_to_inherited_child": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_generic_relation_to_inherited_child" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gfk_manager": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_gfk_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclasses_with_gen_rel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_subclasses_with_gen_rel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclasses_with_parent_gen_rel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_subclasses_with_parent_gen_rel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_get_or_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_or_create_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_update_or_create_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_query_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsaved_instance_on_generic_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_unsaved_instance_on_generic_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_invalidation_for_content_type_id": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_cache_invalidation_for_content_type_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_invalidation_for_object_id": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_cache_invalidation_for_object_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_content_object_in_init": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_assign_content_object_in_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_after_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_create_after_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_after_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_add_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_add_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_add_after_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_after_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_remove_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_remove_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_remove_after_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_after_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_clear_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_clear_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_clear_after_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_after_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_set_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_set_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_set_after_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_then_remove_after_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_add_then_remove_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_add_then_remove_after_prefetch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_add_then_remove_after_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_different_content_types": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_prefetch_related_different_content_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_custom_object_id": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationsTests", + "test_prefetch_related_custom_object_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_behavior": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModelTest", + "test_default_behavior" + ] + ] + ], + "test_works_normally": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModelTest", + "test_works_normally" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_is_returned": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModelTest", + "test_proxy_is_returned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModelTest", + "test_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModelTest", + "test_query_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relation_set": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyRelatedModelTest", + "test_generic_relation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations/tests.py", + [ + "TestInitWithNoneArgument", + "test_none_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "prevent_deletes": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/models.py", + [ + "prevent_deletes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_models_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_inherited_models_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_relation_pk": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_reverse_relation_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charlink_delete": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_charlink_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textlink_delete": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_textlink_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coerce_object_id_remote_field_cache_persistence": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_coerce_object_id_remote_field_cache_persistence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_q_object_or": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_q_object_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_join_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "count_places": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_generic_relation_ordering", + "count_places" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_relation_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_generic_relation_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_target_model_is_unsaved": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_target_model_is_unsaved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_target_model_len_zero": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_target_model_len_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_target_model_bool_false": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_target_model_bool_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gfk_to_model_with_empty_pk": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_gfk_to_model_with_empty_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20378": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_ticket_20378" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20564": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_ticket_20564" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20564_nullable_fk": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_ticket_20564_nullable_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_join_condition": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_extra_join_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_targets_related_pk": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_filter_targets_related_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_editable_generic_rel": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_editable_generic_rel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_22998": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_ticket_22998" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_22982": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_ticket_22982" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_on_related_proxy_model": [ + [ + "tests/generic_relations_regress/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_filter_on_related_proxy_model" + ] + ] + 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"test_get_and_head": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_get_and_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup_get_and_head": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_setup_get_and_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_no_get": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_head_no_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_and_post": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_get_and_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_keyword_argument": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_invalid_keyword_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calling_more_than_once": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_calling_more_than_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_class_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dispatch_decoration": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_dispatch_decoration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_options_for_get_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_options_for_get_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_options_for_get_and_post_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_options_for_get_and_post_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_options_for_post_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_options_for_post_view" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_allows": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "_assert_allows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_args_kwargs_request_on_self": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_args_kwargs_request_on_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridden_setup": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_overridden_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_calling_parent_setup_error": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_not_calling_parent_setup_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup_adds_args_kwargs_request": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_setup_adds_args_kwargs_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_direct_instantiation": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "ViewTest", + "test_direct_instantiation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_direct_instantiation" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_about": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "_assert_about" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_head" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodTests", + "test_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_get_template_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_generic_template": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_get_generic_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_name_required": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_template_name_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_engine": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_template_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_views": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_cached_views" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_content_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolve_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_resolve_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolve_login_required_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_resolve_login_required_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_context": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateViewTest", + "test_extra_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_url": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_no_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permanent_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_permanent_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_permanent_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_temporary_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_temporary_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_temporary_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_args": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_include_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_urlencoded_args": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_include_urlencoded_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parameter_substitution": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_parameter_substitution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_url_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_named_url_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_url_pattern_using_args": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_named_url_pattern_using_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_POST": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_redirect_POST" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_HEAD": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_redirect_HEAD" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_OPTIONS": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_redirect_OPTIONS" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_PUT": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_redirect_PUT" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_PATCH": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_redirect_PATCH" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_DELETE": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_redirect_DELETE" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_when_meta_contains_no_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "RedirectViewTest", + "test_redirect_when_meta_contains_no_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_context_data_super": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "GetContextDataTest", + "test_get_context_data_super" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_at_custom_name_in_context_data": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "GetContextDataTest", + "test_object_at_custom_name_in_context_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_in_get_context_data": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "GetContextDataTest", + "test_object_in_get_context_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_queryset_from_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "UseMultipleObjectMixinTest", + "test_use_queryset_from_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwrite_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "UseMultipleObjectMixinTest", + "test_overwrite_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_mixin_without_template": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixinTest", + "test_template_mixin_without_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_params": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_template_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_template_params": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_extra_template_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_params_warning": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_base.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_template_params_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_books": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "_make_books" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_archive_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_view_context_object_name": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_archive_view_context_object_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_archive_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_empty_archive_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_empty_archive_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_allow_empty_archive_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_view_template": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_archive_view_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_view_template_suffix": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_archive_view_template_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_view_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_archive_view_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_view_by_month": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_archive_view_by_month" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_archive_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_paginated_archive_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_archive_view_does_not_load_entire_table": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_paginated_archive_view_does_not_load_entire_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_duplicate_query": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_no_duplicate_query" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_no_duplicate_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_archive_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "ArchiveIndexViewTests", + "test_datetime_archive_view" + ] + ] + ], + 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"test_archive_view_without_date_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_year_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_view_make_object_list": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_year_view_make_object_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_view_empty": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_year_view_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_view_allow_future": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_year_view_allow_future" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_view_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_year_view_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_view_custom_sort_order": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_year_view_custom_sort_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_view_two_custom_sort_orders": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_year_view_two_custom_sort_orders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_view_invalid_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_year_view_invalid_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_year_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_datetime_year_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_year_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_aware_datetime_year_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_context_data_receives_extra_context": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_get_context_data_receives_extra_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dated_items_not_implemented": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "YearArchiveViewTests", + "test_get_dated_items_not_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_month_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_view_allow_empty": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_month_view_allow_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_view_allow_future": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_month_view_allow_future" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_view_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_month_view_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_month_format": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_custom_month_format" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DayArchiveViewTests", + "test_custom_month_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_view_invalid_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_month_view_invalid_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_previous_month_without_content": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_previous_month_without_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_month_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_datetime_month_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_view_get_month_from_request": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_month_view_get_month_from_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_view_without_month_in_url": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_month_view_without_month_in_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_month_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "MonthArchiveViewTests", + "test_aware_datetime_month_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_week_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests", + "test_week_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_week_view_allow_empty": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests", + "test_week_view_allow_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_week_view_allow_future": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests", + "test_week_view_allow_future" + ] + ] + ], + "test_week_view_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests", + "test_week_view_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_week_view_invalid_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests", + "test_week_view_invalid_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_week_start_Monday": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests", + "test_week_start_Monday" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_week_format": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests", + "test_unknown_week_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_week_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "WeekArchiveViewTests", + "test_datetime_week_view" + ] + ] 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"test_day_view_invalid_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_today_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DayArchiveViewTests", + "test_today_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_day_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DayArchiveViewTests", + "test_datetime_day_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_day_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DayArchiveViewTests", + "test_aware_datetime_day_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_detail_by_pk": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_date_detail_by_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_detail_by_slug": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_date_detail_by_slug" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_detail_custom_month_format": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_date_detail_custom_month_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_detail_allow_future": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_date_detail_allow_future" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_year_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_url": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_invalid_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_invalid_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_custom_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_get_object_custom_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_custom_queryset_numqueries": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_get_object_custom_queryset_numqueries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_date_detail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_dates.py", + [ + "DateDetailViewTests", + "test_datetime_date_detail" + ] + ] + ], + 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"test_duplicated_context_object_name": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_duplicated_context_object_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_detail": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_custom_detail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferred_queryset_template_name": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_deferred_queryset_template_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferred_queryset_context_object_name": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_deferred_queryset_context_object_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_invalid_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_model_object_with_meta": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_detail.py", + [ + "DetailViewTest", + "test_non_model_object_with_meta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests", + "test_get_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_form": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests", + "test_get_form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "ModelFormMixinTests", + "test_get_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_context_data": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "FormMixinTests", + "test_get_context_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_data": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "BasicFormTests", + "test_post_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_late_form_validation": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "BasicFormTests", + "test_late_form_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_form_checks_for_object": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "ModelFormMixinTests", + "test_get_form_checks_for_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests", + "test_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "TwoImageFieldTests", + "test_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_object_url": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_with_object_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_with_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_interpolated_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_with_interpolated_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_special_properties": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_with_special_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_without_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_without_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_restricted": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_restricted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_view_with_restricted_fields": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_view_with_restricted_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_view_all_fields": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_view_all_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_view_without_explicit_fields": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_create_view_without_explicit_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_define_both_fields_and_form_class": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "CreateViewTests", + "test_define_both_fields_and_form_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_post": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "test_update_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "test_update_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_object_url": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "test_update_with_object_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "test_update_with_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_interpolated_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "test_update_with_interpolated_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_special_properties": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "test_update_with_special_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_without_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "test_update_without_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_get_object": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "UpdateViewTests", + "test_update_get_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_by_post": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "DeleteViewTests", + "test_delete_by_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_by_delete": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "DeleteViewTests", + "test_delete_by_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_with_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "DeleteViewTests", + "test_delete_with_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_with_interpolated_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "DeleteViewTests", + "test_delete_with_interpolated_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_with_special_properties": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "DeleteViewTests", + "test_delete_with_special_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_without_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_edit.py", + [ + "DeleteViewTests", + "test_delete_without_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_items": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_items" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_items" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_queryset_shortdata": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_queryset_shortdata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_get_page_by_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_get_page_by_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_get_last_page_by_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_get_last_page_by_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_get_page_by_urlvar": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_get_page_by_urlvar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_page_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_page_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_invalid_page": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_invalid_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_custom_paginator_class": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_custom_paginator_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_custom_page_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_custom_page_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_custom_paginator_constructor": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_custom_paginator_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_orphaned_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_orphaned_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_non_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_non_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_empty_false": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_allow_empty_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_context_object_name": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_duplicate_context_object_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_items": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_missing_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_get_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_invalid_get_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_list_view_does_not_load_entire_table": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_list_view_does_not_load_entire_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicitly_ordered_list_view": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_explicitly_ordered_list_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginated_list_view_returns_useful_message_on_invalid_page": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "test_paginated_list_view_returns_useful_message_on_invalid_page" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_authors": [ + [ + "tests/generic_views/test_list.py", + [ + "ListViewTests", + "_make_authors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_earliest": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "EarliestOrLatestTests", + "test_earliest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_latest": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "EarliestOrLatestTests", + "test_latest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_latest_manual": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "EarliestOrLatestTests", + "test_latest_manual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "TestFirstLast", + "test_first" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "TestFirstLast", + "test_last" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_error_not_suppressed": [ + [ + "tests/get_earliest_or_latest/tests.py", + [ + "TestFirstLast", + "test_index_error_not_suppressed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_or_404": [ + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/tests.py", + [ + "GetObjectOr404Tests", + "test_get_object_or_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_class": [ + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/tests.py", + [ + "GetObjectOr404Tests", + "test_bad_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_or_404_queryset_attribute_error": [ + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/tests.py", + [ + "GetObjectOr404Tests", + "test_get_object_or_404_queryset_attribute_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_list_or_404_queryset_attribute_error": [ + [ + "tests/get_object_or_404/tests.py", + [ + "GetObjectOr404Tests", + "test_get_list_or_404_queryset_attribute_error" + ] + ] + ], + "capitalized_name_property": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Thing", + "capitalized_name_property" + ] + ] + ], + "capitalized_name_property_1": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Thing", + "capitalized_name_property_1" + ] + ] + ], + "name_in_all_caps": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/models.py", + [ + "Thing", + "name_in_all_caps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_method_with_get": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_get_or_create_method_with_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_method_with_create": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_get_or_create_method_with_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_redundant_instance": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_get_or_create_redundant_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_invalid_params": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_get_or_create_invalid_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_with_pk_property": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_get_or_create_with_pk_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_with_model_property_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_get_or_create_with_model_property_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_on_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_get_or_create_on_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defaults_exact": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_defaults_exact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_defaults_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_callable_defaults" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_callable_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_exception": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_callable_defaults_not_called", + "raise_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_defaults_not_evaluated_unless_needed", + "raise_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_defaults_not_evaluated_unless_needed", + "raise_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_defaults_not_called": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_callable_defaults_not_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defaults_not_evaluated_unless_needed": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTests", + "test_defaults_not_evaluated_unless_needed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_defaults_not_evaluated_unless_needed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_duplicate_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs", + "test_create_with_duplicate_primary_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs", + "test_create_with_duplicate_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_raises_IntegrityError_plus_traceback": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs", + "test_get_or_create_raises_IntegrityError_plus_traceback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_savepoint_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs", + "test_savepoint_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_empty": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTestsWithManualPKs", + "test_get_or_create_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_integrityerror": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_get_or_create_integrityerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_get_or_create": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateThroughManyToMany", + "test_get_get_or_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_get_or_create": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateThroughManyToMany", + "test_create_get_or_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_something": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "GetOrCreateThroughManyToMany", + "test_something" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_something" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_twice": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_create_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integrity": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_integrity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manual_primary_key_test": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_manual_primary_key_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_pk_property": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_with_pk_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_or_create_with_model_property_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_update_or_create_with_model_property_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_contains_full_traceback": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_error_contains_full_traceback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_create_with_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_related_manager": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_update_with_related_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_many": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_create_with_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_many": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_update_with_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_callable_default": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_create_callable_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_callable_default": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTests", + "test_update_callable_default" + ] + ] + ], + "birthday_sleep": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_updates_in_transaction", + "birthday_sleep" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_creation_in_transaction", + "birthday_sleep" + ] + ] + ], + "update_birthday_slowly": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_updates_in_transaction", + "update_birthday_slowly" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_creation_in_transaction", + "update_birthday_slowly" + ] + ] + ], + "lock_wait": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_updates_in_transaction", + "lock_wait" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_creation_in_transaction", + "lock_wait" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updates_in_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_updates_in_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creation_in_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOrCreateTransactionTests", + "test_creation_in_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_with_invalid_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests", + "test_get_or_create_with_invalid_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_with_invalid_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests", + "test_get_or_create_with_invalid_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_or_create_with_invalid_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests", + "test_update_or_create_with_invalid_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_or_create_with_invalid_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests", + "test_update_or_create_with_invalid_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_invalid_fields": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests", + "test_multiple_invalid_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_property_attribute_without_setter_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests", + "test_property_attribute_without_setter_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_property_attribute_without_setter_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/get_or_create/tests.py", + [ + "InvalidCreateArgumentsTests", + "test_property_attribute_without_setter_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_init" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_init" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_init" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_init" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dwithin": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_dwithin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_distance_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geodetic_distance_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_geodetic_distance_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_lookups_with_expression_rhs": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_distance_lookups_with_expression_rhs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mysql_geodetic_distance_error": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_mysql_geodetic_distance_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dwithin_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_dwithin_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dwithin_with_expression_rhs": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_dwithin_with_expression_rhs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dwithin_with_expression_rhs_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_dwithin_with_expression_rhs_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_area": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_area" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_simple": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_projected": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_projected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_geodetic": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_geodetic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_geodetic_spheroid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_geodetic_spheroid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_function_raw_result": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_function_raw_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_function_d_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_function_d_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_function_tolerance_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_function_tolerance_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_function_tolerance": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_function_tolerance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_function_raw_result_d_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_function_raw_result_d_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_transform": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_distance_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DFunctionsTests", + "test_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_perimeter": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_perimeter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DFunctionsTests", + "test_perimeter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_perimeter_geodetic": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_perimeter_geodetic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_measurement_null_fields": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/distapp/tests.py", + [ + "DistanceFunctionsTests", + "test_measurement_null_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test01_valid_driver": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_driver.py", + [ + "DriverTest", + "test01_valid_driver" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_invalid_driver": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_driver.py", + [ + "DriverTest", + "test02_invalid_driver" + ] + ] + ], + "test03_aliases": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_driver.py", + [ + "DriverTest", + "test03_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_registered": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_driver.py", + [ + "DriverTest", + "test_registered" + ] + ] + ], + "test01_valid_shp": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test01_valid_shp" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_invalid_shp": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test02_invalid_shp" + ] + ] + ], + "test03a_layers": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test03a_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "test03b_layer_slice": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test03b_layer_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test03c_layer_references", + "get_layer" + ] + ] + ], + "test03c_layer_references": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test03c_layer_references" + ] + ] + ], + "test04_features": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test04_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test05_geometries": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test05_geometries" + ] + ] + ], + "test06_spatial_filter": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test06_spatial_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test07_integer_overflow": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_ds.py", + [ + "DataSourceTest", + "test07_integer_overflow" + ] + ] + ], + "test01_init": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test01_init" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest", + "test01_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_properties": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test02_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test03_equivalence": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test03_equivalence" + ] + ] + ], + "test04_expand_to_include_pt_2_params": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test04_expand_to_include_pt_2_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test05_expand_to_include_pt_2_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test05_expand_to_include_pt_2_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test06_expand_to_include_extent_4_params": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test06_expand_to_include_extent_4_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test06_expand_to_include_extent_4_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test06_expand_to_include_extent_4_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test07_expand_to_include_envelope": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test07_expand_to_include_envelope" + ] + ] + ], + "test08_expand_to_include_point": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_envelope.py", + [ + "EnvelopeTest", + "test08_expand_to_include_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geomtype": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_geomtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geomtype_25d": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_geomtype_25d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wkt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_wkt" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_wkt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ewkt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_ewkt" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_ewkt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gml": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_gml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hex": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_hex" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_hex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wkb": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_wkb" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_wkb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_json" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_json" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_points": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_points" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipoints": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_multipoints" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_multipoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linestring": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_linestring" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_linestring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multilinestring": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_multilinestring" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_multilinestring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linearring": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_linearring" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_linearring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polygons": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_polygons" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_polygons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polygons_templates": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_polygons_templates" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_polygons_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closepolygons": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_closepolygons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipolygons": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_multipolygons" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_multipolygons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_srs": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_srs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_srs_transform": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_srs_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_dim": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_transform_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_symdifference": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_symdifference" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_symdifference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extent": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_extent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DTest", + "test_extent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", + [ + "GeoRegressionTests", + "test_extent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_extent" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_extent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_25D": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_25D" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ogrgeometry_transform_workaround": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_ogrgeometry_transform_workaround" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equivalence_regression": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_equivalence_regression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_crosses": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_crosses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjoint": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_disjoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equals": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intersects": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_intersects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overlaps": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_overlaps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_touches": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_touches" + ] + ] + ], + "test_within": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_within" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContextManagerTests", + "test_within" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_gml": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_from_gml" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_from_gml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_point_to_geos": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_geom.py", + [ + "OGRGeomTest", + "test_empty_point_to_geos" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rs_name_repr": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_rs_name_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rs_driver": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_rs_driver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rs_size": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_rs_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rs_srs": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_rs_srs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rs_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_rs_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geotransform_and_friends": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_geotransform_and_friends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geotransform_bad_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_geotransform_bad_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rs_extent": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_rs_extent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rs_bands": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_rs_bands" + ] + ] + ], + "test_memory_based_raster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_memory_based_raster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_based_raster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_file_based_raster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonexistent_file": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_nonexistent_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vsi_raster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_vsi_raster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vsi_raster_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_vsi_raster_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vsi_invalid_buffer_error": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_vsi_invalid_buffer_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vsi_buffer_property": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_vsi_buffer_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offset_size_and_shape_on_raster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_offset_size_and_shape_on_raster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_nodata_value_on_raster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_set_nodata_value_on_raster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_nodata_none_on_raster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_set_nodata_none_on_raster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raster_metadata_property": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_raster_metadata_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raster_info_accessor": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_raster_info_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed_file_based_raster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_compressed_file_based_raster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raster_warp": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_raster_warp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raster_warp_nodata_zone": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_raster_warp_nodata_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raster_transform": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALRasterTests", + "test_raster_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_band_data": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests", + "test_band_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_band_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests", + "test_band_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_mode_error": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests", + "test_read_mode_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_band_data_setters": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests", + "test_band_data_setters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_band_statistics_automatic_refresh": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests", + "test_band_statistics_automatic_refresh" + ] + ] + ], + "test_band_statistics_empty_band": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests", + "test_band_statistics_empty_band" + ] + ] + ], + "test_band_delete_nodata": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests", + "test_band_delete_nodata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_band_data_replication": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_raster.py", + [ + "GDALBandTests", + "test_band_data_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "test01_wkt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test01_wkt" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_bad_wkt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test02_bad_wkt" + ] + ] + ], + "test03_get_wkt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test03_get_wkt" + ] + ] + ], + "test04_proj": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test04_proj" + ] + ] + ], + "test05_epsg": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test05_epsg" + ] + ] + ], + "test07_boolean_props": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test07_boolean_props" + ] + ] + ], + "test08_angular_linear": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test08_angular_linear" + ] + ] + ], + "test09_authority": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test09_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "test10_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test10_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test11_wellknown": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test11_wellknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test12_coordtransform": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test12_coordtransform" + ] + ] + ], + "test13_attr_value": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test13_attr_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_order": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test_axis_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_order_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test_axis_order_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_order_non_traditional_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/test_srs.py", + [ + "SpatialRefTest", + "test_axis_order_non_traditional_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gdal_version": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/tests.py", + [ + "GDALTest", + "test_gdal_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gdal_full_version": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gdal_tests/tests.py", + [ + "GDALTest", + "test_gdal_full_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_interstate_data": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DLoadingHelper", + "_load_interstate_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_city_data": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DLoadingHelper", + "_load_city_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_polygon_data": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DLoadingHelper", + "_load_polygon_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_3d_hasz": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DTest", + "test_3d_hasz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_3d_polygons": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DTest", + "test_3d_polygons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_3d_layermapping": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DTest", + "test_3d_layermapping" + ] + ] + ], + "check_extent3d": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DTest", + "test_extent", + "check_extent3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kml": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DFunctionsTests", + "test_kml" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_kml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geojson": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DFunctionsTests", + "test_geojson" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scale": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DFunctionsTests", + "test_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geo3d/tests.py", + [ + "Geo3DFunctionsTests", + "test_translate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_translate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ensure_geographic_media": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/tests.py", + [ + "GeoAdminTest", + "test_ensure_geographic_media" + ] + ] + ], + "test_olmap_OSM_rendering": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/tests.py", + [ + "GeoAdminTest", + "test_olmap_OSM_rendering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_olmap_WMS_rendering": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/tests.py", + [ + "GeoAdminTest", + "test_olmap_WMS_rendering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_olwidget_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/tests.py", + [ + "GeoAdminTest", + "test_olwidget_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_olwidget_empty_string": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/tests.py", + [ + "GeoAdminTest", + "test_olwidget_empty_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_olwidget_invalid_string": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoadmin/tests.py", + [ + "GeoAdminTest", + "test_olwidget_invalid_string" + ] + ] + ], + "item_geometry": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoRSS1", + "item_geometry" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoRSS2", + "item_geometry" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestW3CGeo3", + "item_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "geometry": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoRSS2", + "geometry" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/feeds.py", + [ + "TestGeoAtom2", + "geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geometry_value_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_expressions.py", + [ + "GeoExpressionsTests", + "test_geometry_value_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geometry_value_annotation_different_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_expressions.py", + [ + "GeoExpressionsTests", + "test_geometry_value_annotation_different_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geography_value": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_expressions.py", + [ + "GeoExpressionsTests", + "test_geography_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_from_other_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_expressions.py", + [ + "GeoExpressionsTests", + "test_update_from_other_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_expressions.py", + [ + "GeoExpressionsTests", + "test_multiple_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_expressions.py", + [ + "GeoExpressionsTests", + "test_update_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "assertChildNodes": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedTest", + "assertChildNodes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_sitemaps.py", + [ + "GeoSitemapTest", + "assertChildNodes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FeedTestCase", + "assertChildNodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geofeed_rss": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedTest", + "test_geofeed_rss" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geofeed_atom": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedTest", + "test_geofeed_atom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geofeed_w3c": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_feeds.py", + [ + "GeoFeedTest", + "test_geofeed_w3c" + ] + ] + ], + "test_asgeojson": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_asgeojson" + ] + ] + ], + "test_asgml": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_asgml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_askml": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_askml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assvg": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_assvg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aswkb": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_aswkb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aswkt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_aswkt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_azimuth": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_azimuth" + ] + ] + ], + "circle_num_points": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_bounding_circle", + "circle_num_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bounding_circle": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_bounding_circle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_centroid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_centroid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_difference_mixed_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_difference_mixed_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_envelope": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_envelope" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_polygon_cw": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_force_polygon_cw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geohash": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_geohash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geometry_distance": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_geometry_distance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isvalid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_isvalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_area_with_regular_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_area_with_regular_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_area_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_area_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_locate_point": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_line_locate_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_valid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_make_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_valid_multipolygon": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_make_valid_multipolygon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_valid_output_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_make_valid_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_memsize": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_memsize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num_geom": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_num_geom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num_points": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_num_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_point_on_surface": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_point_on_surface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_geom": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_reverse_geom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snap_to_grid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_snap_to_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sym_difference": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_sym_difference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_diff_intersection_union": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_diff_intersection_union" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union_mixed_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_union_mixed_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argument_validation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_functions.py", + [ + "GISFunctionsTests", + "test_argument_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "get_indexes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "get_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "has_spatial_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "has_spatial_indexes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "has_spatial_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_using_sql": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "test_using_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_name": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "test_index_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "test_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kmz": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", + [ + "GeoRegressionTests", + "test_kmz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_date": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", + [ + "GeoRegressionTests", + "test_unicode_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_count": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", + [ + "GeoRegressionTests", + "test_empty_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defer_or_only_with_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_regress.py", + [ + "GeoRegressionTests", + "test_defer_or_only_with_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtin_serializers": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_serializers.py", + [ + "GeoJSONSerializerTests", + "test_builtin_serializers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests", + "test_builtin_serializers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialization_base": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_serializers.py", + [ + "GeoJSONSerializerTests", + "test_serialization_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geometry_field_option": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_serializers.py", + [ + "GeoJSONSerializerTests", + "test_geometry_field_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_option": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_serializers.py", + [ + "GeoJSONSerializerTests", + "test_fields_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_srid_option": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_serializers.py", + [ + "GeoJSONSerializerTests", + "test_srid_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deserialization_exception": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_serializers.py", + [ + "GeoJSONSerializerTests", + "test_deserialization_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geositemap_kml": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/test_sitemaps.py", + [ + "GeoSitemapTest", + "test_geositemap_kml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixtures": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_fixtures" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_proxy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_insert_transform": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_lookup_insert_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_createnull": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_createnull" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geometryfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_geometryfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_geofields": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_inherited_geofields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_sql_query": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_raw_sql_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_loaddata_cycle": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_dumpdata_loaddata_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_geometries": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoModelTest", + "test_empty_geometries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjoint_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_disjoint_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_contained_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_contains_contained_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_crosses_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_crosses_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isvalid_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_isvalid_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_left_right_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_left_right_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strictly_above_below_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_strictly_above_below_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equals_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_equals_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_geometries": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_null_geometries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_geometries_excluded_in_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_null_geometries_excluded_in_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wkt_string_in_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_wkt_string_in_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relate_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_relate_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gis_lookups_with_complex_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_gis_lookups_with_complex_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoLookupTest", + "test_subquery_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extent_with_limit": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_extent_with_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_line": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_make_line" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unionagg": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_unionagg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unionagg_tolerance": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_unionagg_tolerance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unionagg_tolerance_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_unionagg_tolerance_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_within_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_within_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_concrete_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_non_concrete_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geoapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeoQuerySetTest", + "test_values_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test01_fixture_load": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyTest", + "test01_fixture_load" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_distance_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyTest", + "test02_distance_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test04_invalid_operators_functions": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyTest", + "test04_invalid_operators_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test05_geography_layermapping": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyTest", + "test05_geography_layermapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cast_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyFunctionTests", + "test_cast_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_function": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyFunctionTests", + "test_distance_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geography_area": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyFunctionTests", + "test_geography_area" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geodetic_area_raises_if_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geogapp/tests.py", + [ + "GeographyFunctionTests", + "test_geodetic_area_raises_if_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_coordseq.py", + [ + "GEOSCoordSeqTest", + "test_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hexewkb": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_hexewkb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errors": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_hex": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_create_hex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_wkb": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_create_wkb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_json_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fromfile": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_fromfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq_with_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_eq_with_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_point_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_point_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linestring_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_linestring_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_is_counterclockwise": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "_test_is_counterclockwise" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_counterclockwise": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_is_counterclockwise" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_counterclockwise_geos_error": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_is_counterclockwise_geos_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_counterclockwise_fallback": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_is_counterclockwise_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linearring_json": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_linearring_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polygons_from_bbox": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_polygons_from_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polygon_comparison": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_polygon_comparison" + ] + ] + ], + "test_memory_hijinks": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_memory_hijinks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coord_seq": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_coord_seq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relate_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_relate_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unary_union": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_unary_union" + ] + ] + ], + "test_buffer": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_buffer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_buffer_with_style": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_buffer_with_style" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_buffer": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "_test_buffer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_covers": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_covers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closed": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_closed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBaseTests", + "test_closed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_srid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_custom_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutable_geometries": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_mutable_geometries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_point_list_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_point_list_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linestring_list_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_linestring_list_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linearring_list_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_linearring_list_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polygon_list_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_polygon_list_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geometry_collection_list_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_geometry_collection_list_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_threed": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_threed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_distance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptyCollections": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_emptyCollections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collection_dims": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_collection_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collections_of_collections": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_collections_of_collections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gdal": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_gdal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests", + "test_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_3d": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_transform_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_noop": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_transform_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_nosrid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_transform_nosrid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prepared": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_prepared" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_merge": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_line_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_reason": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_valid_reason" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linearref": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_linearref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstructible": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_deconstructible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclassing": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_subclassing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geos_version_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_geos_version_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_ewkt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_from_ewkt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_ewkt_empty_string": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_from_ewkt_empty_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_ewkt_invalid_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_from_ewkt_invalid_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fromstr_scientific_wkt": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_fromstr_scientific_wkt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_normalize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_point": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_empty_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linestring_iter": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos.py", + [ + "GEOSTest", + "test_linestring_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_distance": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_distance" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_buffer": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_buffer" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_geom_typeid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_geom_typeid" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_num_coords": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_num_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_centroid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_centroid" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_empty": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_valid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_simple": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_ring": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_ring" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_boundary": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_convex_hull": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_convex_hull" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_extent": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_extent" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_area": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_area" + ] + ] + ], + "api_get_length": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "api_get_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test00_GEOSIndexException": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "GEOSMutationTest", + "test00_GEOSIndexException" + ] + ] + ], + "test01_PointMutations": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "GEOSMutationTest", + "test01_PointMutations" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_PointExceptions": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "GEOSMutationTest", + "test02_PointExceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test03_PointApi": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "GEOSMutationTest", + "test03_PointApi" + ] + ] + ], + "test04_LineStringMutations": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "GEOSMutationTest", + "test04_LineStringMutations" + ] + ] + ], + "test05_Polygon": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "GEOSMutationTest", + "test05_Polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "test06_Collection": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_geos_mutation.py", + [ + "GEOSMutationTest", + "test06_Collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test01_wktreader": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test01_wktreader" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_wktwriter": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test02_wktwriter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wktwriter_constructor_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test_wktwriter_constructor_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test03_wkbreader": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test03_wkbreader" + ] + ] + ], + "test04_wkbwriter": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test04_wkbwriter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wkt_writer_trim": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test_wkt_writer_trim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wkt_writer_precision": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test_wkt_writer_precision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_point_wkb": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test_empty_point_wkb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_polygon_wkb": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_io.py", + [ + "GEOSIOTest", + "test_empty_polygon_wkb" + ] + ] + ], + "nextRange": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "nextRange" + ] + ] + ], + "lists_of_len": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "lists_of_len" + ] + ] + ], + "limits_plus": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "limits_plus" + ] + ] + ], + "step_range": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "step_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test01_getslice": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test01_getslice" + ] + ] + ], + "setfcn": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test02_setslice", + "setfcn" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test05_out_of_range_exceptions", + "setfcn" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test07_allowed_types", + "setfcn" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test08_min_length", + "setfcn" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test09_iterable_check", + "setfcn" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_setslice": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test02_setslice" + ] + ] + ], + "test03_delslice": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test03_delslice" + ] + ] + ], + "test04_get_set_del_single": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test04_get_set_del_single" + ] + ] + ], + "getfcn": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test05_out_of_range_exceptions", + "getfcn" + ] + ] + ], + "delfcn": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test05_out_of_range_exceptions", + "delfcn" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test08_min_length", + "delfcn" + ] + ] + ], + "test05_out_of_range_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test05_out_of_range_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "popfcn": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test06_list_methods", + "popfcn" + ] + ] + ], + "indexfcn": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test06_list_methods", + "indexfcn" + ] + ] + ], + "removefcn": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test06_list_methods", + "removefcn" + ] + ] + ], + "test06_list_methods": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test06_list_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test07_allowed_types": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test07_allowed_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test08_min_length": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test08_min_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test09_iterable_check": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test09_iterable_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test10_checkindex": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test10_checkindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_11_sorting": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test_11_sorting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_12_arithmetic": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/geos_tests/test_mutable_list.py", + [ + "ListMixinTest", + "test_12_arithmetic" + ] + ] + ], + "assertTableExists": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "assertTableExists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertTableExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertTableNotExists": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "assertTableNotExists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertTableNotExists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_gis": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_gis" + ] + ] + ], + "assertColumnExists": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "assertColumnExists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertColumnExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertColumnNotExists": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "assertColumnNotExists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertColumnNotExists" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_operations": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "apply_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "OperationTestBase", + "apply_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "set_up_test_model": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "set_up_test_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "OperationTestBase", + "set_up_test_model" + ] + ] + ], + "assertGeometryColumnsCount": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "assertGeometryColumnsCount" + ] + ] + ], + "assertSpatialIndexExists": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "assertSpatialIndexExists" + ] + ] + ], + "alter_gis_model": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTestCase", + "alter_gis_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_geom_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_geom_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geom_col_name": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_geom_col_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_raster_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_raster_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_blank_geom_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_blank_geom_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_blank_raster_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_blank_raster_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_geom_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_geom_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_raster_field": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_raster_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_spatial_index": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_spatial_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_geom_field_dim": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_geom_field_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_raster_model_on_db_without_raster_support": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "NoRasterSupportTests", + "test_create_raster_model_on_db_without_raster_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_raster_field_on_db_without_raster_support": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/gis_migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "NoRasterSupportTests", + "test_add_raster_field_on_db_without_raster_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geom_columns": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDbTests", + "test_geom_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_3d_columns": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDbTests", + "test_3d_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poly": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "OGRInspectTest", + "test_poly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poly_multi": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "OGRInspectTest", + "test_poly_multi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_management_command": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "OGRInspectTest", + "test_management_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mapping_option": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "OGRInspectTest", + "test_mapping_option" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ogr_db_string": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/inspectapp/tests.py", + [ + "get_ogr_db_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_layermap": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_simple_layermap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_layermap_strict": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_layermap_strict" + ] + ] + ], + "county_helper": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "county_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_layermap_unique_multigeometry_fk": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_layermap_unique_multigeometry_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_counties": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_test_fid_range_step", + "clear_counties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_test_fid_range_step": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_test_fid_range_step" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_model_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_model_inheritance" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_model_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_layer": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_invalid_layer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_too_short": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_charfield_too_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_textfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoded_name": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_encoded_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_geom_with_unique": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_null_geom_with_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_number_imported": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_null_number_imported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_string_imported": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_null_string_imported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_boolean_imported": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_nullable_boolean_imported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_datetime_imported": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_nullable_datetime_imported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuids_imported": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_uuids_imported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_number_imported_not_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapTest", + "test_null_number_imported_not_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_layermapping_default_db": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/layermap/tests.py", + [ + "LayerMapRouterTest", + "test_layermapping_default_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_null_value": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_field_null_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_band_data_directly_from_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_access_band_data_directly_from_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deserialize_with_pixeltype_flags": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_deserialize_with_pixeltype_flags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_creation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_model_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_implicit_raster_transformation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_implicit_raster_transformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbose_name_arg": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_verbose_name_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_gis_lookups_with_rasters": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_all_gis_lookups_with_rasters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dwithin_gis_lookup_output_with_rasters": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_dwithin_gis_lookup_output_with_rasters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_input_tuple_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_lookup_input_tuple_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_input_band_not_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_lookup_input_band_not_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isvalid_lookup_with_raster_error": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_isvalid_lookup_with_raster_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_of_gis_lookup_with_rasters": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_result_of_gis_lookup_with_rasters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_with_raster_bbox": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_lookup_with_raster_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_with_polygonized_raster": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_lookup_with_polygonized_raster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_value_error": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_lookup_value_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_function_errors": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_db_function_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lhs_with_index_rhs_without_index": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/rasterapp/test_rasterfield.py", + [ + "RasterFieldTest", + "test_lhs_with_index_rhs_without_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test02_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_extent_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test_related_extent_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_extent_annotate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test_related_extent_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_union_aggregate": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test_related_union_aggregate" + ] + ] + ], + "test05_select_related_fk_to_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test05_select_related_fk_to_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test06_f_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test06_f_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test07_values": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test07_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_07b_values": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test_07b_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test08_defer_only": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test08_defer_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test09_pk_relations": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test09_pk_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test10_combine": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test10_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "test12a_count": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test12a_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test12b_count": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test12b_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test13c_count": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test13c_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test13_select_related_null_fk": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test13_select_related_null_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collect": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test_collect" + ] + ] + ], + "test15_invalid_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test15_invalid_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test16_annotated_date_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/relatedapp/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedGeoModelTest", + "test16_annotated_date_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "tuplize": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "tuplize" + ] + ] + ], + "strconvert": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "strconvert" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ds_file": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "get_ds_file" + ] + ] + ], + "geometries": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_data.py", + [ + "TestDataMixin", + "geometries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_area_field_deepcopy": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "FieldsTests", + "test_area_field_deepcopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distance_field_deepcopy": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "FieldsTests", + "test_distance_field_deepcopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_empty": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTests", + "test_deconstruct_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_values": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_fields.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTests", + "test_deconstruct_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geom_type": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_geom_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_python": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_to_python" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_to_python" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_to_python" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_textfield.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests", + "test_to_python" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_to_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_python_different_map_srid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_to_python_different_map_srid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_with_text_widget": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_field_with_text_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_string_value": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryFieldTest", + "test_field_string_value" + ] + ] + ], + "assertMapWidget": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "assertMapWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "assertTextarea": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "assertTextarea" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pointfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_pointfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipointfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_multipointfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linestringfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_linestringfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multilinestringfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_multilinestringfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polygonfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_polygonfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipolygonfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_multipolygonfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geometrycollectionfield": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "SpecializedFieldTest", + "test_geometrycollectionfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_osm_widget": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "OSMWidgetTest", + "test_osm_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_lat_lon": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "OSMWidgetTest", + "test_default_lat_lon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_context_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryWidgetTests", + "test_get_context_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subwidgets": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryWidgetTests", + "test_subwidgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_serialization_widget": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoforms.py", + [ + "GeometryWidgetTests", + "test_custom_serialization_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_database_file": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest", + "test_no_database_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test02_bad_query": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest", + "test02_bad_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test03_country": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest", + "test03_country" + ] + ] + ], + "test04_city": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest", + "test04_city" + ] + ] + ], + "test06_ipv6_query": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest", + "test06_ipv6_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_query": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_geoip2.py", + [ + "GeoIPTest", + "test_check_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutation": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "test_mutation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutated_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixinTests", + "test_mutated_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutated_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixinTests", + "test_mutated_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutated_expression": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixinTests", + "test_mutated_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutated_expression_deep": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixinTests", + "test_mutated_expression_deep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_mutated": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_gis_tests_utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixinTests", + "test_not_mutated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_init_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_access_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_addition": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_addition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiplication": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_multiplication" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_multiplication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unit_conversions": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_unit_conversions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_unit_conversions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comparisons": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_comparisons" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_comparisons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_units_str": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_units_str" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_units_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_furlong": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_furlong" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unit_att_name": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "DistanceTest", + "test_unit_att_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init_invalid_a": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_init_invalid_a" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_invalid_a": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "AreaTest", + "test_access_invalid_a" + ] + ] + ], + "suite": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_measure.py", + [ + "suite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_destructor_catches_importerror": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_ptr.py", + [ + "CPointerBaseTests", + "test_destructor_catches_importerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_units": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_spatialrefsys.py", + [ + "SpatialRefSysTest", + "test_get_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_spatialrefsys.py", + [ + "SpatialRefSysTest", + "test_retrieve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_osr": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_spatialrefsys.py", + [ + "SpatialRefSysTest", + "test_osr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ellipsoid": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_spatialrefsys.py", + [ + "SpatialRefSysTest", + "test_ellipsoid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_entry": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/test_spatialrefsys.py", + [ + "SpatialRefSysTest", + "test_add_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_version": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestPostGISVersionCheck", + "test_get_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_version_classic_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestPostGISVersionCheck", + "test_version_classic_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_version_dev_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestPostGISVersionCheck", + "test_version_dev_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_version_loose_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestPostGISVersionCheck", + "test_version_loose_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_version_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestPostGISVersionCheck", + "test_valid_version_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestPostGISVersionCheck", + "test_no_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "skipUnlessGISLookup": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "skipUnlessGISLookup" + ] + ] + ], + "no_backend": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "no_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "no_oracle": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "no_oracle" + ] + ] + ], + "as_sql_wrapper": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixin", + "setUp", + "as_sql_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattribute__": [ + [ + "tests/gis_tests/utils.py", + [ + "FuncTestMixin", + "setUp", + "__getattribute__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "CustomRequest", + "__getattribute__" + ] + ] + ], + "get_suspicious_environ": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/test_exception.py", + [ + "ExceptionHandlerTests", + "get_suspicious_environ" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_upload_max_memory_size_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/test_exception.py", + [ + "ExceptionHandlerTests", + "test_data_upload_max_memory_size_exceeded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeGetTests", + "test_data_upload_max_memory_size_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_upload_max_number_fields_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/test_exception.py", + [ + "ExceptionHandlerTests", + "test_data_upload_max_number_fields_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_initialized": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests", + "test_middleware_initialized" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_path_info": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests", + "test_bad_path_info" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests", + "test_non_ascii_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests", + "test_non_ascii_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_unicode_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests", + "test_invalid_unicode_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_multipart_boundary": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerTests", + "test_invalid_multipart_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "TransactionsPerRequestTests", + "test_no_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "TransactionsPerRequestTests", + "test_auto_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_transaction_async_view": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "TransactionsPerRequestTests", + "test_auto_transaction_async_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_auto_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "TransactionsPerRequestTests", + "test_no_auto_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "register_started": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "SignalsTests", + "register_started" + ] + ] + ], + "register_finished": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "SignalsTests", + "register_finished" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_signals": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "SignalsTests", + "test_request_signals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_signals_streaming_response": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "SignalsTests", + "test_request_signals_streaming_response" + ] + ] + ], + "empty_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "empty_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async_view": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests", + "test_async_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncHandlerRequestTests", + "test_async_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspiciousop_in_view_returns_400": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests", + "test_suspiciousop_in_view_returns_400" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncHandlerRequestTests", + "test_suspiciousop_in_view_returns_400" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_urls": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests", + "test_invalid_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_environ_path_info_type": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests", + "test_environ_path_info_type" + ] + ] + ], + "start_response": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests", + "test_handle_accepts_httpstatus_enum_value", + "start_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "WSGITest", + "test_get_wsgi_application", + "start_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/wsgi/tests.py", + [ + "WSGITest", + "test_file_wrapper", + "start_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_handle_accepts_httpstatus_enum_value": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests", + "test_handle_accepts_httpstatus_enum_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_returns_none": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests", + "test_middleware_returns_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_response": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerRequestTests", + "test_no_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncHandlerRequestTests", + "test_no_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_script_name": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "ScriptNameTests", + "test_get_script_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_script_name_double_slashes": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "ScriptNameTests", + "test_get_script_name_double_slashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sync_view": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncHandlerRequestTests", + "test_sync_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unawaited_response": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncHandlerRequestTests", + "test_unawaited_response" + ] + ] + ], + "template_response_error_handler": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests_custom_error_handlers.py", + [ + "template_response_error_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "permission_denied_view": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests_custom_error_handlers.py", + [ + "permission_denied_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_handler_renders_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/tests_custom_error_handlers.py", + [ + "CustomErrorHandlerTests", + "test_handler_renders_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "regular": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "regular" + ] + ] + ], + "no_response": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "no_response" + ] + ] + ], + "streaming": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "streaming" + ] + ] + ], + "in_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "in_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "not_in_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "not_in_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "suspicious": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "suspicious" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "suspicious" + ] + ] + ], + "malformed_post": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "malformed_post" + ] + ] + ], + "httpstatus_enum": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "httpstatus_enum" + ] + ] + ], + "async_regular": [ + [ + "tests/handlers/views.py", + [ + "async_regular" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_no_args": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_create_with_no_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_key": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_missing_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_immutability": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_immutability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_immutable_get_with_default": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_immutable_get_with_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_immutable_basic_operations": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_immutable_basic_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_key_value": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_single_key_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlencode": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_urlencode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlencode.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_urlencode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlencode_int": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_urlencode_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutable_copy": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_mutable_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutable_delete": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_mutable_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_mutable_operations": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_basic_mutable_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_keys": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_multiple_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_from_querydict": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_update_from_querydict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_default_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_non_default_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_querydict_fromkeys": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_querydict_fromkeys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fromkeys_with_nonempty_value": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_fromkeys_with_nonempty_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fromkeys_is_immutable_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_fromkeys_is_immutable_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fromkeys_mutable_override": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_fromkeys_mutable_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicates_in_fromkeys_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_duplicates_in_fromkeys_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fromkeys_with_nondefault_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_fromkeys_with_nondefault_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fromkeys_empty_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_fromkeys_empty_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fromkeys_noniterable": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "QueryDictTests", + "test_fromkeys_noniterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headers_type": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_headers_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_line": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_long_line" + ] + ] + ], + "test_newlines_in_headers": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_newlines_in_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_behavior": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_dict_behavior" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_string_content": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_non_string_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_memoryview_content": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_memoryview_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter_content": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_iter_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterator_isnt_rewound": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_iterator_isnt_rewound" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_content": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_lazy_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_interface": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_file_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_interface": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_stream_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsafe_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_unsafe_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_redirect_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_repr": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_redirect_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_redirect_repr": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_invalid_redirect_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_modified": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_not_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_modified_repr": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_not_modified_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_not_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_allowed_repr": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_not_allowed_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_allowed_repr_no_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseSubclassesTests", + "test_not_allowed_repr_no_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_response_non_ascii": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_non_ascii" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_response_raises_type_error_with_default_setting": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_raises_type_error_with_default_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_response_text": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_response_list": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_response_uuid": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_response_custom_encoder": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_custom_encoder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_response_passing_arguments_to_json_dumps": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "JsonResponseTests", + "test_json_response_passing_arguments_to_json_dumps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_streaming_response": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "StreamingHttpResponseTests", + "test_streaming_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "FileCloseTests", + "test_streaming_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "LocaleMiddlewareTests", + "test_streaming_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "FileCloseTests", + "test_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_decode" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_decode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonstandard_keys": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_nonstandard_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repeated_nonstandard_keys": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_repeated_nonstandard_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_python_cookies": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_python_cookies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cookie_edgecases": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_cookie_edgecases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_cookies": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_invalid_cookies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_samesite": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_samesite" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_samesite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_httponly_after_load": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_httponly_after_load" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_dict": [ + [ + "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_load_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "humanize_tester": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "humanize_tester" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordinal": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_ordinal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_html_ordinal": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_i18n_html_ordinal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intcomma": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_intcomma" + ] + ] + ], + "test_l10n_intcomma": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_l10n_intcomma" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intcomma_without_number_grouping": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_intcomma_without_number_grouping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intword": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_intword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_intcomma": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_i18n_intcomma" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_intword": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_i18n_intword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apnumber": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_apnumber" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naturalday": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturalday" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naturalday_tz": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturalday_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naturalday_uses_localtime": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturalday_uses_localtime" + ] + ] + ], + "utcoffset": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturaltime", + "naive", + "utcoffset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_naive_datetime_with_tzinfo_attribute", + "naive", + "utcoffset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naturaltime": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturaltime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naturaltime_as_documented": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_naturaltime_as_documented" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inflection_for_timedelta": [ + [ + "tests/humanize_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HumanizeTests", + "test_inflection_for_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_prefixed": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLPrefixTests", + "test_not_prefixed" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MediaURLStaticURLPrefixTest", + "test_not_prefixed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefixed": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLPrefixTests", + "test_prefixed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_prefix_use": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLPrefixTests", + "test_invalid_prefix_use" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefixed_i18n_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLDisabledTests", + "test_prefixed_i18n_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_urlconf_considered": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLConfTests", + "test_request_urlconf_considered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_lang_activate": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "PathUnusedTests", + "test_no_lang_activate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_prefix_translated": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTranslationTests", + "test_no_prefix_translated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_users_url": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTranslationTests", + "test_users_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translate_url_utility": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTranslationTests", + "test_translate_url_utility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_account_register": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLNamespaceTests", + "test_account_register" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_prefix_response": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests", + "test_no_prefix_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLVaryAcceptLanguageTests", + "test_no_prefix_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_en_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests", + "test_en_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLVaryAcceptLanguageTests", + "test_en_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectWithoutTrailingSlashTests", + "test_en_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectWithoutTrailingSlashSettingTests", + "test_en_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_en_redirect_wrong_url": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests", + "test_en_redirect_wrong_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nl_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests", + "test_nl_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nl_redirect_wrong_url": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests", + "test_nl_redirect_wrong_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pt_br_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests", + "test_pt_br_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pl_pl_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests", + "test_pl_pl_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_redirect_class": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectTests", + "test_custom_redirect_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_prefixed_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectWithoutTrailingSlashTests", + "test_not_prefixed_redirect" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectWithoutTrailingSlashSettingTests", + "test_not_prefixed_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_prefixed_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests", + "test_not_prefixed_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_en_url": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests", + "test_en_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nl_url": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests", + "test_nl_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_en_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests", + "test_wrong_en_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_nl_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests", + "test_wrong_nl_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pt_br_url": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests", + "test_pt_br_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_en_path": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests", + "test_en_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nl_path": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLResponseTests", + "test_nl_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_language_prefix_with_script_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLRedirectWithScriptAliasTests", + "test_language_prefix_with_script_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strings_only": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTagTests", + "test_strings_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTagTests", + "test_context" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_args": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTagTests", + "test_args" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrate_signals/tests.py", + [ + "MigrateSignalTests", + "test_args" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_args" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_args" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "test_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/patterns/tests.py", + [ + "URLTagTests", + "test_kwargs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_kwargs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "test_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "update_translation_catalogs": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/sampleproject/update_catalogs.py", + [ + "update_translation_catalogs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bom_rejection": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "PoFileTests", + "test_bom_rejection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_write_access": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "PoFileTests", + "test_no_write_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_percent_symbol_in_po_file": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "PoFileContentsTests", + "test_percent_symbol_in_po_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_locale": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleCompilationTests", + "test_one_locale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locales": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleCompilationTests", + "test_multiple_locales" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleExtractionTests", + "test_multiple_locales" + ] + ] + ], + "test_command_help": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleCompilationTests", + "test_command_help" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests", + "test_command_help" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_locale_excluded": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleCompilationTests", + "test_one_locale_excluded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests", + "test_one_locale_excluded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locales_excluded": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleCompilationTests", + "test_multiple_locales_excluded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests", + "test_multiple_locales_excluded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_locale_excluded_with_locale": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleCompilationTests", + "test_one_locale_excluded_with_locale" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests", + "test_one_locale_excluded_with_locale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locales_excluded_with_locale": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleCompilationTests", + "test_multiple_locales_excluded_with_locale" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests", + "test_multiple_locales_excluded_with_locale" + ] + ] + ], + "assertAllExist": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "IgnoreDirectoryCompilationTests", + "assertAllExist" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNoneExist": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "IgnoreDirectoryCompilationTests", + "assertNoneExist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_locale_dir_ignored": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "IgnoreDirectoryCompilationTests", + "test_one_locale_dir_ignored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_dirs_ignored": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "IgnoreDirectoryCompilationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_dirs_ignored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignores_based_on_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "IgnoreDirectoryCompilationTests", + "test_ignores_based_on_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_reported_by_msgfmt": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "CompilationErrorHandling", + "test_error_reported_by_msgfmt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_msgfmt_error_including_non_ascii": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "CompilationErrorHandling", + "test_msgfmt_error_including_non_ascii" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nofuzzy_compiling": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "FuzzyTranslationTest", + "test_nofuzzy_compiling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fuzzy_compiling": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "FuzzyTranslationTest", + "test_fuzzy_compiling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_locale_compiled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "AppCompilationTest", + "test_app_locale_compiled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locale_paths_pathlib": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_compilation.py", + [ + "PathLibLocaleCompilationTests", + "test_locale_paths_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "_run_makemessages": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "_run_makemessages" + ] + ] + ], + "assertMsgIdPlural": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "assertMsgIdPlural" + ] + ] + ], + "assertMsgStr": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "assertMsgStr" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNotMsgId": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "assertNotMsgId" + ] + ] + ], + "_assertPoLocComment": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "_assertPoLocComment" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_token_line_number": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "_get_token_line_number" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLocationCommentPresent": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "assertLocationCommentPresent" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLocationCommentNotPresent": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "assertLocationCommentNotPresent" + ] + ] + ], + "assertRecentlyModified": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "assertRecentlyModified" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNotRecentlyModified": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExtractorTests", + "assertNotRecentlyModified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_i18n_false": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_use_i18n_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_option": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_no_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comments_extractor": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_comments_extractor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_special_char_extracted": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_special_char_extracted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blocktranslate_trimmed": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_blocktranslate_trimmed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extraction_error": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_extraction_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_decode_error": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_unicode_decode_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extraction_warning": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_extraction_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_message_context_extractor": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_template_message_context_extractor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_in_single_quotes": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_context_in_single_quotes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_comments": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_template_comments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemessages_find_files": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_makemessages_find_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemessages_gettext_version": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_makemessages_gettext_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_po_file_encoding_when_updating": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_po_file_encoding_when_updating" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pot_charset_header_is_utf8": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "BasicExtractorTests", + "test_pot_charset_header_is_utf8" + ] + ] + ], + "test_javascript_literals": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "JavascriptExtractorTests", + "test_javascript_literals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_static_dirs_ignored": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "JavascriptExtractorTests", + "test_media_static_dirs_ignored" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "IgnoredExtractorTests", + "test_media_static_dirs_ignored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_root_settings": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "JavascriptExtractorTests", + "test_default_root_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_directory": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "IgnoredExtractorTests", + "test_ignore_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_subdirectory": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "IgnoredExtractorTests", + "test_ignore_subdirectory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_file_patterns": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "IgnoredExtractorTests", + "test_ignore_file_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_symlink": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "SymlinkExtractorTests", + "test_symlink" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_plural_forms": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CopyPluralFormsExtractorTests", + "test_copy_plural_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_plural_forms": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CopyPluralFormsExtractorTests", + "test_override_plural_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translate_and_plural_blocktranslate_collision": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CopyPluralFormsExtractorTests", + "test_translate_and_plural_blocktranslate_collision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_wrap_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "NoWrapExtractorTests", + "test_no_wrap_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_wrap_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "NoWrapExtractorTests", + "test_no_wrap_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_location_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "LocationCommentsTests", + "test_no_location_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_location_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "LocationCommentsTests", + "test_no_location_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_location_comments_for_templatized_files": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "LocationCommentsTests", + "test_location_comments_for_templatized_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_location_full": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "LocationCommentsTests", + "test_add_location_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_location_file": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "LocationCommentsTests", + "test_add_location_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_location_never": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "LocationCommentsTests", + "test_add_location_never" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_location_gettext_version_check": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "LocationCommentsTests", + "test_add_location_gettext_version_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keep_pot_disabled_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "KeepPotFileExtractorTests", + "test_keep_pot_disabled_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keep_pot_explicitly_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "KeepPotFileExtractorTests", + "test_keep_pot_explicitly_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keep_pot_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "KeepPotFileExtractorTests", + "test_keep_pot_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_locales": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleExtractionTests", + "test_all_locales" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_times_for_all_po_files": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "ExcludedLocaleExtractionTests", + "_set_times_for_all_po_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_locale_raises": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CustomLayoutExtractionTests", + "test_no_locale_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_locale_paths": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CustomLayoutExtractionTests", + "test_project_locale_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_locale_paths_pathlib": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CustomLayoutExtractionTests", + "test_project_locale_paths_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_project_locale_paths": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "CustomLayoutExtractionTests", + "_test_project_locale_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemessages_no_settings": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_extraction.py", + [ + "NoSettingsExtractionTests", + "test_makemessages_no_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trans_tag_with_percent_symbol_at_the_end": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "ExtractingStringsWithPercentSigns", + "test_trans_tag_with_percent_symbol_at_the_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trans_tag_with_percent_symbol_in_the_middle": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "ExtractingStringsWithPercentSigns", + "test_trans_tag_with_percent_symbol_in_the_middle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trans_tag_with_string_that_look_like_fmt_spec": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "ExtractingStringsWithPercentSigns", + "test_trans_tag_with_string_that_look_like_fmt_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adds_python_format_to_all_percent_signs": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "ExtractingStringsWithPercentSigns", + "test_adds_python_format_to_all_percent_signs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translates_with_a_percent_symbol_at_the_end": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "RenderingTemplatesWithPercentSigns", + "test_translates_with_a_percent_symbol_at_the_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translates_with_percent_symbol_in_the_middle": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "RenderingTemplatesWithPercentSigns", + "test_translates_with_percent_symbol_in_the_middle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translates_with_percent_symbol_using_context": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "RenderingTemplatesWithPercentSigns", + "test_translates_with_percent_symbol_using_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translates_with_string_that_look_like_fmt_spec_with_trans": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "RenderingTemplatesWithPercentSigns", + "test_translates_with_string_that_look_like_fmt_spec_with_trans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translates_multiple_percent_signs": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/test_percents.py", + [ + "RenderingTemplatesWithPercentSigns", + "test_translates_multiple_percent_signs" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_formats": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "patch_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacy_aliases": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_legacy_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plural": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_plural" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plural_null": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_plural_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_plurals_per_language": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_multiple_plurals_per_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_override" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase", + "test_override" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTestCase", + "test_override" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratedTestCase", + "test_override" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_override" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "IsOverriddenTest", + "test_override" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_override" + ] + ] + ], + "func_pl": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_override_decorator", + "func_pl" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_override_exit", + "func_pl" + ] + ] + ], + "func_none": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_override_decorator", + "func_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_override_decorator" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_override_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_exit": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_override_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_objects": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_lazy_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_pickle": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_lazy_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ngettext_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_ngettext_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ngettext_lazy_format_style": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_ngettext_lazy_format_style" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ngettext_lazy_bool": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_ngettext_lazy_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ngettext_lazy_pickle": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_ngettext_lazy_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pgettext": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_pgettext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_value": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_empty_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_status": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_safe_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maclines": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_maclines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_locale": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_to_locale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_language": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_to_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_language_bidi": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_language_bidi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_language_bidi_null": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationTests", + "test_language_bidi_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translation_loading": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationLoadingTests", + "test_translation_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "split": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationThreadSafetyTests", + "setUp", + "sideeffect_str", + "split" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/models.py", + [ + "BadModelWithSplit", + "split" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug14894_translation_activate_thread_safety": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationThreadSafetyTests", + "test_bug14894_translation_activate_thread_safety" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_format_strings": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_all_format_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locale_independent": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_locale_independent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_l10n_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_l10n_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_false_like_locale_formats": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_false_like_locale_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_l10n_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_l10n_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sub_locales": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_sub_locales" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_input": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_localized_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_input_func": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_localized_input_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sanitize_separators": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_sanitize_separators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter_format_modules": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_iter_format_modules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter_format_modules_stability": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_iter_format_modules_stability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_format_modules_lang": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_get_format_modules_lang" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_format_modules_stability": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_get_format_modules_stability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localize_templatetag_and_filter": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_localize_templatetag_and_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_off_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_localized_off_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_as_text_as_hidden_input": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_localized_as_text_as_hidden_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_arbitrary_settings": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_format_arbitrary_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_custom_format": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_get_custom_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_javascript_supported_input_formats": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "FormattingTests", + "test_admin_javascript_supported_input_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_english_fallback": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_english_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_spec_http_header": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_parse_spec_http_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_literal_http_header": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_parse_literal_http_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_for_deprecated_chinese_language_codes": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_support_for_deprecated_chinese_language_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_special_fallback_language": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_special_fallback_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_language_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_parse_language_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_supported_language_variant_real": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_get_supported_language_variant_real" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_supported_language_variant_null": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_get_supported_language_variant_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_language_from_path_real": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_get_language_from_path_real" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_language_from_path_null": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_get_language_from_path_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_resetting": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_cache_resetting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_patterns_returns_list": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_i18n_patterns_returns_list" + ] + ] + ], + "assertGettext": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "ResolutionOrderI18NTests", + "assertGettext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_translation": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "AppResolutionOrderI18NTests", + "test_app_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locale_paths_translation": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "LocalePathsResolutionOrderI18NTests", + "test_locale_paths_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locale_paths_override_app_translation": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "LocalePathsResolutionOrderI18NTests", + "test_locale_paths_override_app_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_fallback": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoFallbackResolutionOrderI18NTests", + "test_django_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sparse_territory_catalog": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFallbackI18NTests", + "test_sparse_territory_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestModels", + "test_lazy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safestr": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestModels", + "test_safestr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_language_info": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestLanguageInfo", + "test_localized_language_info" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_language_code": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestLanguageInfo", + "test_unknown_language_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_only_country_code": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestLanguageInfo", + "test_unknown_only_country_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_language_code_and_country_code": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestLanguageInfo", + "test_unknown_language_code_and_country_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fallback_language_code": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TestLanguageInfo", + "test_fallback_language_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_language_not_saved_to_session": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "LocaleMiddlewareTests", + "test_language_not_saved_to_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_lang_without_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "UnprefixedDefaultLanguageTests", + "test_default_lang_without_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_other_lang_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "UnprefixedDefaultLanguageTests", + "test_other_lang_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unprefixed_language_other_than_accept_language": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "UnprefixedDefaultLanguageTests", + "test_unprefixed_language_other_than_accept_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_page_with_dash": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "UnprefixedDefaultLanguageTests", + "test_page_with_dash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_redirect_on_404": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "UnprefixedDefaultLanguageTests", + "test_no_redirect_on_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_for_language": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "CountrySpecificLanguageTests", + "test_check_for_language" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "NonDjangoLanguageTests", + "test_check_for_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_for_language_null": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "CountrySpecificLanguageTests", + "test_check_for_language_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_language_from_request": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "CountrySpecificLanguageTests", + "test_get_language_from_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_language_from_request_null": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "CountrySpecificLanguageTests", + "test_get_language_from_request_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specific_language_codes": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "CountrySpecificLanguageTests", + "test_specific_language_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "patchGettextFind": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFilesMissing", + "patchGettextFind" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failure_finding_default_mo_files": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFilesMissing", + "test_failure_finding_default_mo_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_django_language": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "NonDjangoLanguageTests", + "test_non_django_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plural_non_django_language": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "NonDjangoLanguageTests", + "test_plural_non_django_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "WatchForTranslationChangesTests", + "test_i18n_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "WatchForTranslationChangesTests", + "test_i18n_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_locale_paths": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "WatchForTranslationChangesTests", + "test_i18n_locale_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_app_dirs": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "WatchForTranslationChangesTests", + "test_i18n_app_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_app_dirs_ignore_django_apps": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "WatchForTranslationChangesTests", + "test_i18n_app_dirs_ignore_django_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_local_locale": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "WatchForTranslationChangesTests", + "test_i18n_local_locale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignores_non_mo_files": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFileChangedTests", + "test_ignores_non_mo_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resets_cache_with_mo_files": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "TranslationFileChangedTests", + "test_resets_cache_with_mo_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_round_away_from_one": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_round_away_from_one" + ] + ] + ], + "copytree": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/utils.py", + [ + "copytree" + ] + ] + ], + "_assertPoKeyword": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/utils.py", + [ + "POFileAssertionMixin", + "_assertPoKeyword" + ] + ] + ], + "assertMsgId": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/utils.py", + [ + "POFileAssertionMixin", + "assertMsgId" + ] + ] + ], + "_rmrf": [ + [ + "tests/i18n/utils.py", + [ + "RunInTmpDirMixin", + "_rmrf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_name_hash": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "test_index_name_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_together": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "test_index_together" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_index_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_together_single_list": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "test_index_together_single_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_columns_list_sql": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "test_columns_list_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_descending_columns_list_sql": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesTests", + "test_descending_columns_list_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_index_ignores_opclasses": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesNotPostgreSQLTests", + "test_create_index_ignores_opclasses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_ignored": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "PartialIndexConditionIgnoredTests", + "test_condition_ignored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_text_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_relation_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_virtual_relation_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_multiple_columns": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_multiple_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_partial": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_partial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_partial_tablespace": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_partial_tablespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_descending": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_descending" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_descending_partial": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_descending_partial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_include": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_include_tablespace": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_include_tablespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_columns_lists_sql": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_columns_lists_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ops_class_descending_columns_list_sql": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesPostgreSQLTests", + "test_ops_class_descending_columns_list_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_index_for_foreignkey": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaIndexesMySQLTests", + "test_no_index_for_foreignkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_partial_index": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "PartialIndexTests", + "test_partial_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_restriction_partial": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "PartialIndexTests", + "test_integer_restriction_partial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_restriction_partial": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "PartialIndexTests", + "test_boolean_restriction_partial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "PartialIndexTests", + "test_multiple_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_null_condition": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "PartialIndexTests", + "test_is_null_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_covering_index": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "CoveringIndexTests", + "test_covering_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_covering_partial_index": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "CoveringIndexTests", + "test_covering_partial_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_covering_ignored": [ + [ + "tests/indexes/tests.py", + [ + "CoveringIndexIgnoredTests", + "test_covering_ignored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_deletion" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_form_deletion_when_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_add_form_deletion_when_invalid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_add_form_deletion_when_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_form_deletion_when_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_change_form_deletion_when_invalid" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_change_form_deletion_when_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_new": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_save_new" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formset_factory": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_inline_formset_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_on_unspecified_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_exception_on_unspecified_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_name_not_foreign_key_field_from_child": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_fk_name_not_foreign_key_field_from_child" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_foreign_key_field": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_non_foreign_key_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_any_iterable_allowed_as_argument_to_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_any_iterable_allowed_as_argument_to_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_zero_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsaved_fk_validate_unique": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_unsaved_fk_validate_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_not_duplicated_in_form_fields": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_fk_not_duplicated_in_form_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_in_all_formset_forms": [ + [ + "tests/inline_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetFactoryTest", + "test_fk_in_all_formset_forms" + ] + ] + ], + "inspectdb_tables_only": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "inspectdb_tables_only" + ] + ] + ], + "special_table_only": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "special_table_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stealth_table_name_filter_option": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_stealth_table_name_filter_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_option": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_table_option" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFieldType": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "make_field_type_asserter", + "assertFieldType" + ] + ] + ], + "make_field_type_asserter": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "make_field_type_asserter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_types": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_field_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_field": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_json_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_json_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_number_field_types": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_number_field_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_name_not_python_keyword": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_attribute_name_not_python_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_digits_column_name_introspection": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_digits_column_name_introspection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_special_column_name_introspection": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_special_column_name_introspection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_name_introspection": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_table_name_introspection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_managed_models": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_managed_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together_meta": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_unique_together_meta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_unsupported_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_introspection_errors": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTestCase", + "test_introspection_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_views": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTransactionalTests", + "test_include_views" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_materialized_views": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTransactionalTests", + "test_include_materialized_views" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_partitions": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTransactionalTests", + "test_include_partitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_data_wrapper": [ + [ + "tests/inspectdb/tests.py", + [ + "InspectDBTransactionalTests", + "test_foreign_data_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_names": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_table_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_table_names": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_django_table_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_table_names_retval_type": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_django_table_names_retval_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_names_with_views": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_table_names_with_views" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unmanaged_through_model": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_unmanaged_through_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_installed_models": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_installed_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sequence_list": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_sequence_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_description_names": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_table_description_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_description_types": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_table_description_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_description_col_lengths": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_table_description_col_lengths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_description_nullable": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_table_description_nullable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bigautofield": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_bigautofield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_smallautofield": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_smallautofield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_postgresql_real_type": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_postgresql_real_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_relations_alt_format": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_relations_alt_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_constraints_index_types": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_constraints_index_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_constraints_indexes_orders": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_constraints_indexes_orders" + ] + ] + ], + "assertDetails": [ + [ + "tests/introspection/tests.py", + [ + "IntrospectionTests", + "test_get_constraints", + "assertDetails" + ] + ] + ], + "dummy_allow_migrate": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_backend_specific.py", + [ + "dummy_allow_migrate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_backend_specific.py", + [ + "BackendSpecificChecksTests", + "test_check_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_column": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_custom_fields.py", + [ + "CustomFieldTest", + "test_none_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_IPAddressField_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "DeprecatedFieldsTests", + "test_IPAddressField_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CommaSeparatedIntegerField_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "DeprecatedFieldsTests", + "test_CommaSeparatedIntegerField_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "DeprecatedFieldsTests", + "test_nullbooleanfield_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "get_max_column_name_length": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "get_max_column_name_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_non_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_non_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_list": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_non_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_non_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_containing_non_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_list_containing_non_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_list_containing_non_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pointing_to_missing_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_missing_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_non_local_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pointing_to_m2m_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pointing_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_pointing_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_valid_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_valid_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pointing_to_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "UniqueTogetherTests", + "test_pointing_to_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_name_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_name_length": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_max_name_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_with_condition_required_db_features": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_condition_required_db_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_with_include": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_with_include_required_db_features": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_with_include_required_db_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_include_pointing_to_missing_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_missing_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_include_pointing_to_m2m_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_m2m_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_include_pointing_to_non_local_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_non_local_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_include_pointing_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "IndexesTests", + "test_index_include_pointing_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ending_with_underscore": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_ending_with_underscore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_M2M_long_column_name": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_M2M_long_column_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_local_field_long_column_name": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_local_field_long_column_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_including_separator": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_including_separator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_pk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "ReturningFieldsTests", + "test_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_column_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "FieldNamesTests", + "test_db_column_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_name_clash_with_child_accessor": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_field_name_clash_with_child_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiinheritance_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_multiinheritance_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_inheritance_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multigeneration_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_multigeneration_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_id_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ShadowingFieldsTests", + "test_id_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_unique_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_non_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_non_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_just_ordering_no_errors": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_just_ordering_no_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_just_order_with_respect_to_no_errors": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_just_order_with_respect_to_no_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_with_order_with_respect_to": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_with_order_with_respect_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_valid": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_non_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_foreignkey_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_foreignkey_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_related_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_related_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_related_model_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_missing_related_model_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_non_related_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_non_related_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_two_related_model_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_two_related_model_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_multiple_times_to_model_fields": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_multiple_times_to_model_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_allows_registered_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_allows_registered_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_lookup_not_transform": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_lookup_not_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_related_model_pk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_related_model_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_foreignkey_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_foreignkey_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_beginning_with_underscore": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_name_beginning_with_underscore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_ending_with_underscore": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_name_ending_with_underscore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_contains_double_underscores": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_name_contains_double_underscores" + ] + ] + ], + "fk_id": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_property_and_related_field_accessor_clash", + "Model", + "fk_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_property_and_related_field_accessor_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_property_and_related_field_accessor_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_single_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_missing_app_name": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_swappable_missing_app_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_missing_app": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_swappable_missing_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_two_m2m_through_same_relationship": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_two_m2m_through_same_relationship" + ] + ] + ], + "test_two_m2m_through_same_model_with_different_through_fields": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_two_m2m_through_same_model_with_different_through_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onetoone_with_parent_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_onetoone_with_parent_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onetoone_with_explicit_parent_link_parent_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_onetoone_with_explicit_parent_link_parent_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_table_name_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_field_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_autogenerated_table_name_clash_database_routers_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_unmanaged_shadow_models_not_checked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_to_concrete_and_proxy_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_m2m_to_concrete_and_proxy_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "dummy_method": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_lazy_reference_checks", + "DummyClass", + "dummy_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_reference_checks": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "OtherModelTests", + "test_lazy_reference_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_pointing_to_json_field_value": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_ordering_pointing_to_json_field_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_jsonfield": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_check_jsonfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_jsonfield_required_db_features": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_check_jsonfield_required_db_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_constraints_required_db_features": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_check_constraints_required_db_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_with_condition_required_db_features": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_condition_required_db_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferrable_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_deferrable_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferrable_unique_constraint_required_db_features": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_deferrable_unique_constraint_required_db_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_missing_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_missing_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_m2m_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_m2m_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_non_local_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_non_local_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_pointing_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_with_include": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_with_include_required_db_features": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_with_include_required_db_features" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_missing_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_missing_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_m2m_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_m2m_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_non_local_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_non_local_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_models.py", + [ + "ConstraintsTests", + "test_unique_constraint_include_pointing_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_case": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "AutoFieldTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListPerPageCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListMaxShowAllCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListSelectRelatedCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveAsCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveOnTopCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FkNameCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ExtraCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MaxNumCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MinNumCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_valid_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "AutoFieldTests", + "test_primary_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_primary_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "IsNullTests", + "test_primary_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_length_warning": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "AutoFieldTests", + "test_max_length_warning" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_max_length_warning" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests", + "test_max_length_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_default_value": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_valid_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str_default_value": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_str_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_valid_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_valid_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_missing_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_negative_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_max_length_value": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_bad_max_length_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str_max_length_value": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_str_max_length_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str_max_length_type": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_str_max_length_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_iterable_choices": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_non_iterable_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_iterable_choices_two_letters": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_non_iterable_choices_two_letters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterable_of_iterable_choices": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_iterable_of_iterable_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_containing_non_pairs": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_containing_non_pairs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_containing_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_containing_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_choices": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_lazy_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_named_group": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "UUIDFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_named_group_non_pairs": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group_non_pairs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_named_group_bad_structure": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group_bad_structure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_named_group_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_named_group_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_in_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_choices_in_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_db_index_value": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_bad_db_index_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_validators": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_bad_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_long_char_field_under_mysql": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "CharFieldTests", + "test_too_long_char_field_under_mysql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_now_and_auto_now_add_raise_error": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateFieldTests", + "test_auto_now_and_auto_now_add_raise_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fix_default_value": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fix_default_value_tz": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value_tz" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value_tz" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "TimeFieldTests", + "test_fix_default_value_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_required_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_required_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_max_digits_and_decimal_places": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_negative_max_digits_and_decimal_places" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_values_of_max_digits_and_decimal_places": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_bad_values_of_max_digits_and_decimal_places" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_places_greater_than_max_digits": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_decimal_places_greater_than_max_digits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_default_case": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_valid_default_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_to_starts_with_slash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_upload_to_starts_with_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "callable": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_upload_to_callable_not_checked", + "callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/views.py", + [ + "raises", + "callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_to_callable_not_checked": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_upload_to_callable_not_checked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forbidden_files_and_folders": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTests", + "test_forbidden_files_and_folders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_nullable_blank": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_non_nullable_blank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pillow_installed": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests", + "test_pillow_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_default": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_invalid_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_invalid_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_invalid_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_default": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_valid_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_valid_default" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_valid_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_default_none": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_valid_default_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_valid_default_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_callable_default": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_ordinary_fields.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_valid_callable_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_foreign_key_without_accessor": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_valid_foreign_key_without_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_to_missing_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_missing_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_to_isolate_apps_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_isolate_apps_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_to_missing_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_to_missing_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_to_isolate_apps_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_to_isolate_apps_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_with_limit_choices_auto_created_no_warning": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_with_limit_choices_auto_created_no_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_with_useless_options": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_with_useless_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_from": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_from" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_to": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_ambiguous_relationship_model_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relationship_model_with_foreign_key_to_wrong_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_with_foreign_key_to_wrong_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relationship_model_missing_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_relationship_model_missing_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_relationship_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_missing_relationship_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_relationship_model_on_model_check": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_missing_relationship_model_on_model_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_through_isolate_apps_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_many_to_many_through_isolate_apps_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_many_foreign_keys_in_self_referential_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_too_many_foreign_keys_in_self_referential_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_to_abstract_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_abstract_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_to_abstract_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_m2m_to_abstract_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_unique_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_to_non_unique_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_non_unique_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_to_non_unique_field_under_explicit_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_non_unique_field_under_explicit_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_to_partially_unique_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_partially_unique_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_key_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_object_to_non_unique_fields": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_non_unique_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_object_to_partially_unique_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_partially_unique_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_object_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_foreign_object_to_unique_field_with_meta_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_on_delete_set_null_on_non_nullable_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_on_delete_set_null_on_non_nullable_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_on_delete_set_default_without_default_value": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_on_delete_set_default_without_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_nullable_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_swapped_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_not_swapped_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referencing_to_swapped_model": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_referencing_to_swapped_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_field_has_invalid_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_related_field_has_invalid_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_field_has_valid_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_related_field_has_valid_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_fields_exist": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_to_fields_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_fields_not_checked_if_related_model_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_to_fields_not_checked_if_related_model_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_related_query_name": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "RelativeFieldTests", + "test_invalid_related_query_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_to_integer": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_fk_to_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests", + "test_fk_to_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests", + "test_fk_to_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_fk_to_integer" + ] + 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"ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_fk_to_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_to_integer": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_fk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_fk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_fk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_to_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_accessor_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "_test_accessor_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clash_between_accessors": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_clash_between_accessors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_clash_between_accessors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_to_m2m_with_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_m2m_to_m2m_with_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_clash_for_hidden_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "AccessorClashTests", + "test_no_clash_for_hidden_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_reverse_query_name_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ReverseQueryNameClashTests", + "_test_reverse_query_name_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_explicit_related_name_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedNameClashTests", + "_test_explicit_related_name_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_fk_to_integer": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_hidden_fk_to_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_fk_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_hidden_fk_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_fk_to_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_hidden_fk_to_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_m2m_to_integer": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_hidden_m2m_to_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_m2m_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_hidden_m2m_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_m2m_to_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "test_hidden_m2m_to_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_explicit_related_query_name_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ExplicitRelatedQueryNameClashTests", + "_test_explicit_related_query_name_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accessor_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_accessor_clash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKClashTests", + "test_accessor_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_query_name_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_reverse_query_name_clash" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKClashTests", + "test_reverse_query_name_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clash_under_explicit_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialM2MClashTests", + "test_clash_under_explicit_related_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "SelfReferentialFKClashTests", + "test_clash_under_explicit_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_clash": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ComplexClashTests", + "test_complex_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clash_parent_link": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "ComplexClashTests", + "test_clash_parent_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_field_argument_validation": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_m2m_field_argument_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_order": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_invalid_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_field": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_invalid_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedValidationTests", + "test_invalid_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_field_names": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_explicit_field_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_superset_foreign_object": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_superset_foreign_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intersection_foreign_object": [ + [ + "tests/invalid_models_tests/test_relative_fields.py", + [ + "M2mThroughFieldsTests", + "test_intersection_foreign_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_prefetch_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_foreign_key_prefetch_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_multiple_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_foreign_key_multiple_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_or": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_queryset_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_or_different_cached_items": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_queryset_or_different_cached_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_or_only_one_with_precache": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_queryset_or_only_one_with_precache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_and": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_queryset_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_to_one_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_one_to_one_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_to_one_multi_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_one_to_one_multi_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_to_one_prefetch_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_one_to_one_prefetch_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_to_one_multi_prefetch_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_one_to_one_multi_prefetch_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_reverse_one_to_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_prefetch_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_prefetch_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_multi_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_multi_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_multi_prefetch_related": [ + [ + "tests/known_related_objects/tests.py", + [ + "ExistingRelatedInstancesTests", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_multi_prefetch_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_require_debug_false_filter": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LoggingFiltersTest", + "test_require_debug_false_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_require_debug_true_filter": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LoggingFiltersTest", + "test_require_debug_true_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_logger": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultLoggingTests", + "test_django_logger" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_logger_warning": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultLoggingTests", + "test_django_logger_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_logger_info": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultLoggingTests", + "test_django_logger_info" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_logger_debug": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultLoggingTests", + "test_django_logger_debug" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLogsRequest": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LoggingAssertionMixin", + "assertLogsRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_page_found_no_warning": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_page_found_no_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_no_warning": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_redirect_no_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_page_not_found_warning": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_page_not_found_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_page_not_found_raised": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_page_not_found_raised" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uncaught_exception": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_uncaught_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_internal_server_error": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_internal_server_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_internal_server_error_599": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_internal_server_error_599" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_part_parser_error": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "HandlerLoggingTests", + "test_multi_part_parser_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_page_found_no_warning": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "I18nLoggingTests", + "test_i18n_page_found_no_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_page_not_found_warning": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "I18nLoggingTests", + "test_i18n_page_not_found_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sense": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CallbackFilterTest", + "test_sense" + ] + ] + ], + "_callback": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CallbackFilterTest", + "test_passes_on_record", + "_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passes_on_record": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CallbackFilterTest", + "test_passes_on_record" + ] + ] + ], + "get_admin_email_handler": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "get_admin_email_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_silently": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_fail_silently" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_fail_silently" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accepts_args": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_accepts_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accepts_args_and_request": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_accepts_args_and_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subject_accepts_newlines": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_subject_accepts_newlines" + ] + ] + ], + "my_mail_admins": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_uses_custom_email_backend", + "my_mail_admins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uses_custom_email_backend": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_uses_custom_email_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emit_non_ascii": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_emit_non_ascii" + ] + ] + ], + "test_customize_send_mail_method": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_customize_send_mail_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_host_doesnt_crash": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_disallowed_host_doesnt_crash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_exception_reporter_class": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_default_exception_reporter_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_exception_reporter_is_used": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "AdminEmailHandlerTest", + "test_custom_exception_reporter_is_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsConfigTest", + "test_circular_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "dictConfig": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "dictConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_configure_initializes_logging": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SetupConfigureLogging", + "test_configure_initializes_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspicious_operation_creates_log_message": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecurityLoggerTest", + "test_suspicious_operation_creates_log_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspicious_operation_uses_sublogger": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecurityLoggerTest", + "test_suspicious_operation_uses_sublogger" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspicious_email_admins": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecurityLoggerTest", + "test_suspicious_email_admins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_logging": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsCustomLoggingTest", + "test_custom_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_formatter_styles": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LogFormattersTests", + "test_server_formatter_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_django_server_logger": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LogFormattersTests", + "test_server_formatter_default_format", + "patch_django_server_logger" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_formatter_default_format": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/tests.py", + [ + "LogFormattersTests", + "test_server_formatter_default_format" + ] + ] + ], + "innocent": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "innocent" + ] + ] + ], + "suspicious_spec": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "suspicious_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "uncaught_exception": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "uncaught_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "internal_server_error": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "internal_server_error" + ] + ] + ], + "multi_part_parser_error": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "multi_part_parser_error" + ] + ] + ], + "does_not_exist_raised": [ + [ + "tests/logging_tests/views.py", + [ + "does_not_exist_raised" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gt": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldLookupTests", + "test_gt" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_gt" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_gt" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_gt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gte": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldLookupTests", + "test_gte" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lt": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldLookupTests", + "test_lt" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_lt" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_lt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lte": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldLookupTests", + "test_lte" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bound_params": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_lookups.py", + [ + "YearLookupTests", + "test_get_bound_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hour_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldLookupTests", + "test_hour_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minute_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldLookupTests", + "test_minute_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_second_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/test_timefield.py", + [ + "TimeFieldLookupTests", + "test_second_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exists": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExistsSql", + "test_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_int_as_str": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_lookup_int_as_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_date_as_str": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_lookup_date_as_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_iterator" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_bulk_lots_of_ids": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_bulk_lots_of_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_bulk_with_field": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_bulk_with_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_bulk_meta_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_bulk_meta_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_bulk_non_unique_field": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_bulk_non_unique_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_bulk_non_unique_meta_constaint": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_bulk_non_unique_meta_constaint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_next_previous_by": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_get_next_previous_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest", + "test_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default_if_none.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_yesno.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase", + "test_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_different_database": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_different_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_keeps_value_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_in_keeps_value_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_messages": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_error_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_unsupported_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relation_nested_lookup_error": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_relation_nested_lookup_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_backreferencing": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_regex_backreferencing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_null": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_regex_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_non_string": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_regex_non_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_non_ascii": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_regex_non_ascii" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonfield_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_nonfield_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_collision": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_lookup_collision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chain_date_time_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_chain_date_time_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_none_transform": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_exact_none_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_sliced_queryset_limit_one": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_exact_sliced_queryset_limit_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_sliced_queryset_limit_one_offset": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_exact_sliced_queryset_limit_one_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_sliced_queryset_not_limited_to_one": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_exact_sliced_queryset_not_limited_to_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_field_none_rhs": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_custom_field_none_rhs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pattern_lookups_with_substr": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_pattern_lookups_with_substr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_lookup_none_rhs": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_custom_lookup_none_rhs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_exists": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_exact_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_outerref_lhs": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_nested_outerref_lhs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_query_rhs_with_selected_columns": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_exact_query_rhs_with_selected_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnull_non_boolean_value": [ + [ + "tests/lookup/tests.py", + [ + "LookupTests", + "test_isnull_non_boolean_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_objects_have_name_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectTests", + "test_related_objects_have_name_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_and_m2o": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectTests", + "test_m2m_and_m2o" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_with_unicode_reference": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_and_m2o/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectUnicodeTests", + "test_m2m_with_unicode_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intermediary": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_intermediary/tests.py", + [ + "M2MIntermediaryTests", + "test_intermediary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_multiple/tests.py", + [ + "M2MMultipleTests", + "test_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_m2m_all": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_all" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveSymmetricalM2MThroughTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_m2m_reverse_add": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_reverse_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveSymmetricalM2MThroughTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_reverse_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_m2m_remove": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_remove" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveSymmetricalM2MThroughTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_m2m_clear": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_clear" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveSymmetricalM2MThroughTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_m2m_add_via_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_add_via_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_m2m_add_in_both_directions": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_add_in_both_directions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_m2m_related_to_self": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveM2MTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_related_to_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_m2m_set": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "RecursiveSymmetricalM2MThroughTests", + "test_recursive_m2m_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_multiple_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_internal_related_name_not_in_error_msg": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_internal_related_name_not_in_error_msg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_inheritance_symmetry": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_m2m_inheritance_symmetry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_pk_field_type": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_m2m_pk_field_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_m2m_with_base_class": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_add_m2m_with_base_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_class_caching": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_manager_class_caching" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_manager_class_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_abstract_split": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_m2m_abstract_split" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assigning_invalid_data_to_m2m_doesnt_clear_existing_relations": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_assigning_invalid_data_to_m2m_doesnt_clear_existing_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_forwards_only_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MRegressionTests", + "test_multiple_forwards_only_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "m2m_changed_signal_receiver": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "m2m_changed_signal_receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "_initialize_signal_car": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "_initialize_signal_car" + ] + ] + ], + "handler": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_pk_set_on_repeated_add_remove", + "handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_set_on_repeated_add_remove": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_pk_set_on_repeated_add_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_add_remove_clear": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_add_remove_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_remove_relation": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_remove_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_give_the_self_vw_some_optional_parts": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_give_the_self_vw_some_optional_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_reverse_relation_with_custom_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_reverse_relation_with_custom_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_clear_all_parts_of_the_self_vw": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_clear_all_parts_of_the_self_vw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_all_the_doors_off_of_cars": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_all_the_doors_off_of_cars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_reverse_relation": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_reverse_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_alternative_ways": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_alternative_ways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_clearing_removing": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_clearing_removing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_signals_when_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_signals_when_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "_initialize_signal_person": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "_initialize_signal_person" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_with_self_add_friends": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_with_self_add_friends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_with_self_add_fan": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_with_self_add_fan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_with_self_add_idols": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_signals/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManySignalsTest", + "test_m2m_relations_with_self_add_idols" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve_intermediate_items": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_retrieve_intermediate_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_on_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_get_on_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_on_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_filter_on_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "invite_reason_callable": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_callable_through_default", + "invite_reason_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_callable_through_default": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_callable_through_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_callable_through_default": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_set_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_callable_through_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_add_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_callable_through_default": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_callable_through_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_get_or_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_or_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_get_or_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_or_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_update_or_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_or_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_update_or_create_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_remove_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_remove_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_set_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_set_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_set_on_m2m_with_intermediate_model_value_required_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_removes_all_the_m2m_relationships": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_clear_removes_all_the_m2m_relationships" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve_reverse_intermediate_items": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_retrieve_reverse_intermediate_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_on_reverse_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_add_on_reverse_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_on_reverse_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_create_on_reverse_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_on_reverse_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_remove_on_reverse_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_on_reverse_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_set_on_reverse_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_on_reverse_removes_all_the_m2m_relationships": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_clear_on_reverse_removes_all_the_m2m_relationships" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_model_by_attribute_name_of_related_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_query_model_by_attribute_name_of_related_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_relational_field_through_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_order_by_relational_field_through_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_first_model_by_intermediate_model_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_query_first_model_by_intermediate_model_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_second_model_by_intermediate_model_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_query_second_model_by_intermediate_model_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_model_by_related_model_name": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_query_model_by_related_model_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_model_by_custom_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_query_model_by_custom_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_model_by_intermediate_can_return_non_unique_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_query_model_by_intermediate_can_return_non_unique_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_related_name_forward_empty_qs": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_custom_related_name_forward_empty_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_related_name_reverse_empty_qs": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_custom_related_name_reverse_empty_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_related_name_forward_non_empty_qs": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_custom_related_name_forward_non_empty_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_related_name_reverse_non_empty_qs": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_custom_related_name_reverse_non_empty_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_related_name_doesnt_conflict_with_fky_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_custom_related_name_doesnt_conflict_with_fky_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_through_fields": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughTests", + "test_through_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_referential_empty_qs": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_self_referential_empty_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_referential_non_symmetrical_first_side": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_self_referential_non_symmetrical_first_side" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_referential_non_symmetrical_second_side": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_self_referential_non_symmetrical_second_side" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_referential_non_symmetrical_clear_first_side": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_self_referential_non_symmetrical_clear_first_side" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_referential_non_symmetrical_both": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_self_referential_non_symmetrical_both" + ] + ] + ], + "test_through_fields_self_referential": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_through_fields_self_referential" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_referential_symmetrical": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_self_referential_symmetrical" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_on_symmetrical_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_add_on_symmetrical_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_on_symmetrical_m2m_with_intermediate_model": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughReferentialTests", + "test_set_on_symmetrical_m2m_with_intermediate_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieval": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughToFieldsTests", + "test_retrieval" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through/tests.py", + [ + "M2mThroughToFieldsTests", + "test_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_query": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/test_multitable.py", + [ + "MultiTableTests", + "test_m2m_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_reverse_query": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/test_multitable.py", + [ + "MultiTableTests", + "test_m2m_reverse_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_query_proxied": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/test_multitable.py", + [ + "MultiTableTests", + "test_m2m_query_proxied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_reverse_query_proxied": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/test_multitable.py", + [ + "MultiTableTests", + "test_m2m_reverse_query_proxied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_prefetch_proxied": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/test_multitable.py", + [ + "MultiTableTests", + "test_m2m_prefetch_proxied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_prefetch_reverse_proxied": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/test_multitable.py", + [ + "MultiTableTests", + "test_m2m_prefetch_reverse_proxied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve_reverse_m2m_items": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughTestCase", + "test_retrieve_reverse_m2m_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve_forward_m2m_items": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughTestCase", + "test_retrieve_forward_m2m_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve_reverse_m2m_items_via_custom_id_intermediary": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughTestCase", + "test_retrieve_reverse_m2m_items_via_custom_id_intermediary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve_forward_m2m_items_via_custom_id_intermediary": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughTestCase", + "test_retrieve_forward_m2m_items_via_custom_id_intermediary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join_trimming_forwards": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughTestCase", + "test_join_trimming_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join_trimming_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughTestCase", + "test_join_trimming_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialization": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "M2MThroughSerializationTestCase", + "test_serialization" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDatabasesTests", + "test_serialization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_field_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_to_field_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_field_clear_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_to_field_clear_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_field_clear": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_to_field_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_unusable_on_null_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_m2m_relations_unusable_on_null_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_relations_unusable_on_null_pk_obj": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_m2m_relations_unusable_on_null_pk_obj" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_related_null": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_add_related_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_add_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_null_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_add_null_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_null_reverse_related": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_add_null_reverse_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_remove" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_remove" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "RemoveIndexConcurrentlyTests", + "test_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldThroughTests", + "test_remove_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sequence_creation": [ + [ + "tests/m2m_through_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ThroughLoadDataTestCase", + "test_sequence_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2o_recursive": [ + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneRecursiveTests", + "test_m2o_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2o_recursive2": [ + [ + "tests/m2o_recursive/tests.py", + [ + "MultipleManyToOneRecursiveTests", + "test_m2o_recursive2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_receiver": [ + [ + "tests/mail/test_sendtestemail.py", + [ + "SendTestEmailManagementCommand", + "test_single_receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_receivers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/test_sendtestemail.py", + [ + "SendTestEmailManagementCommand", + "test_multiple_receivers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_receivers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/test_sendtestemail.py", + [ + "SendTestEmailManagementCommand", + "test_manager_receivers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_receivers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/test_sendtestemail.py", + [ + "SendTestEmailManagementCommand", + "test_admin_receivers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_and_admin_receivers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/test_sendtestemail.py", + [ + "SendTestEmailManagementCommand", + "test_manager_and_admin_receivers" + ] + ] + ], + "assertMessageHasHeaders": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "HeadersCheckMixin", + "assertMessageHasHeaders" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "get_decoded_attachments", + "iter_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "get_decoded_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "get_decoded_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ascii": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_ascii" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_recipients": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_multiple_recipients" + ] + ] + ], + "test_header_omitted_for_no_to_recipients": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_header_omitted_for_no_to_recipients" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recipients_with_empty_strings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_recipients_with_empty_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cc": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_cc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cc_headers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_cc_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cc_in_headers_only": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_cc_in_headers_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reply_to": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_reply_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recipients_as_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_recipients_as_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recipients_as_string": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_recipients_as_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_header_injection": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_header_injection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_space_continuation": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_space_continuation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_header_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_message_header_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_header": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_from_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_header": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_to_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_in_headers_only": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_to_in_headers_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reply_to_header": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_reply_to_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reply_to_in_headers_only": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_reply_to_in_headers_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_message_call": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_multiple_message_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_address_header": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_unicode_address_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_headers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_unicode_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_mime_multipart": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_safe_mime_multipart" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_mime_multipart_with_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_safe_mime_multipart_with_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_body": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_none_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_dns_non_unicode_email": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_non_ascii_dns_non_unicode_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attachments_two_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_attachments_two_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attachments_MIMEText": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_attachments_MIMEText" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_attachment_filename": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_non_ascii_attachment_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_file": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_attach_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_text_as_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_attach_text_as_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_utf8_text_as_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_attach_utf8_text_as_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_non_utf8_text_as_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_attach_non_utf8_text_as_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dummy_backend": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_dummy_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arbitrary_keyword": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_arbitrary_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_arg": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_backend_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_arg": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_connection_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dont_mangle_from_in_body": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_dont_mangle_from_in_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dont_base64_encode": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_dont_base64_encode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dont_base64_encode_message_rfc822": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_dont_base64_encode_message_rfc822" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_utf8_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_custom_utf8_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sanitize_address": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_sanitize_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sanitize_address_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTests", + "test_sanitize_address_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_header_utc": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTimeZoneTests", + "test_date_header_utc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_header_localtime": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "MailTimeZoneTests", + "test_date_header_localtime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utf8": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "PythonGlobalState", + "test_utf8" + ] + ] + ], + "test_7bit": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "PythonGlobalState", + "test_7bit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_8bit_latin": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "PythonGlobalState", + "test_8bit_latin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_8bit_non_latin": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "PythonGlobalState", + "test_8bit_non_latin" + ] + ] + ], + "assertStartsWith": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "assertStartsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "get_mailbox_content": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "get_mailbox_content" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "LocmemBackendTests", + "get_mailbox_content" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendTests", + "get_mailbox_content" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "ConsoleBackendTests", + "get_mailbox_content" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "get_mailbox_content" + ] + ] + ], + "flush_mailbox": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "flush_mailbox" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "LocmemBackendTests", + "flush_mailbox" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendTests", + "flush_mailbox" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "ConsoleBackendTests", + "flush_mailbox" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "flush_mailbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_the_message": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "get_the_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_send_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_long_lines": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_send_long_lines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_many": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_send_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_verbose_name": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_send_verbose_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plaintext_send_mail": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_plaintext_send_mail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_send_mail": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_html_send_mail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_mail_managers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_html_mail_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_mail_admins": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_html_mail_admins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_and_admin_mail_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_manager_and_admin_mail_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_admins": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_empty_admins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_admins_managers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_wrong_admins_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_cc_header": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_message_cc_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_idn_send": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_idn_send" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recipient_without_domain": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_recipient_without_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_lazy_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_connection": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_close_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_as_contextmanager": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "BaseEmailBackendTests", + "test_use_as_contextmanager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locmem_shared_messages": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "LocmemBackendTests", + "test_locmem_shared_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_multiline_headers": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "LocmemBackendTests", + "test_validate_multiline_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_sessions": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FileBackendTests", + "test_file_sessions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_console_stream_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "ConsoleBackendTests", + "test_console_stream_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "collect_incoming_data": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeSMTPChannel", + "collect_incoming_data" + ] + ] + ], + "smtp_AUTH": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeSMTPChannel", + "smtp_AUTH" + ] + ] + ], + "process_message": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeSMTPServer", + "process_message" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sink": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeSMTPServer", + "get_sink" + ] + ] + ], + "flush_sink": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeSMTPServer", + "flush_sink" + ] + ] + ], + "start": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeSMTPServer", + "start" + ] + ] + ], + "ehlo": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "FakeAUTHSMTPConnection", + "ehlo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_authentication_use_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_authentication_use_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_authentication_override_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_authentication_override_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_disabled_authentication": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_disabled_authentication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auth_attempted": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_auth_attempted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_open": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_server_open" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reopen_connection": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_reopen_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_login": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_server_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_tls_use_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_tls_use_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_tls_override_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_tls_override_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_tls_default_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_tls_default_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssl_tls_mutually_exclusive": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_ssl_tls_mutually_exclusive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_use_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_use_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_override_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_override_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_default_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_default_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_certfile_use_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_certfile_use_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_certfile_override_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_certfile_override_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_certfile_default_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_certfile_default_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_keyfile_use_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_keyfile_use_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_keyfile_override_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_keyfile_override_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_keyfile_default_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_keyfile_default_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_tls_attempts_starttls": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_tls_attempts_starttls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_ssl_attempts_ssl_connection": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_ssl_attempts_ssl_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_timeout_default": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_connection_timeout_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_timeout_custom": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_connection_timeout_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_timeout_override_settings": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_timeout_override_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_send": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_msg_uses_crlf", + "try_", + "mock_send" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_msg_uses_crlf": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_email_msg_uses_crlf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_messages_after_open_failed": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_send_messages_after_open_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_messages_empty_list": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_send_messages_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_messages_zero_sent": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendTests", + "test_send_messages_zero_sent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_stopped": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendStoppedServerTests", + "test_server_stopped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_silently_on_connection_error": [ + [ + "tests/mail/tests.py", + [ + "SMTPBackendStoppedServerTests", + "test_fail_silently_on_connection_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_manager": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_abstract_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_abstract_manager": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_custom_abstract_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_abstract_manager": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_explicit_abstract_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_manager": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_swappable_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_swappable_manager": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_custom_swappable_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_swappable_manager": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_explicit_swappable_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regress_3871": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_regress_3871" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_can_be_called_exact": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ManagersRegressionTests", + "test_field_can_be_called_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_implicit_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_implicit_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_manager_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_default_manager_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_manager_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_base_manager_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_no_duplicates": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_manager_no_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_class_getitem": [ + [ + "tests/managers_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TestManagerInheritance", + "test_manager_class_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_set_by_pk": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_add_remove_set_by_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_set_by_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_add_remove_set_by_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_invalid_type": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_add_remove_invalid_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_add": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_reverse_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fast_add_ignore_conflicts": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_fast_add_ignore_conflicts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_existing_different_type": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_add_existing_different_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slow_add_ignore_conflicts": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_slow_add_ignore_conflicts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_sets": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_related_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_selects": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_selects" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_selects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_selects": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_reverse_selects" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_reverse_selects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bulk_delete": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_bulk_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_existing_different_type": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_set_existing_different_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_forward": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_assign_forward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_assign_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_ids": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_assign_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_assign_with_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_forward_assign_with_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_assign_with_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_reverse_assign_with_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_models_selects": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_inherited_models_selects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_default_manager_exists_count": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_many/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyTests", + "test_custom_default_manager_exists_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_assignment_deprecation": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_reverse_assignment_deprecation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_fk_id_value": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_assign_fk_id_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_fk_id_none": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_assign_fk_id_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_fk": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_explicit_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deepcopy_and_circular_references": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_deepcopy_and_circular_references" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_list_exception": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_values_list_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_assignment_and_related_object_cache": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_fk_assignment_and_related_object_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_nullable_fk_after_parent": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_save_nullable_fk_after_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_nullable_fk_after_parent_with_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_save_nullable_fk_after_parent_with_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_to_bigautofield": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_fk_to_bigautofield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_to_smallautofield": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_fk_to_smallautofield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_foreignkeys": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_multiple_foreignkeys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_instantiation_outside_model": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_fk_instantiation_outside_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relation_unsaved": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_relation_unsaved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_object": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_related_object" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_related_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hasattr_related_object": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_hasattr_related_object" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_hasattr_related_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_relation_invalidated_on_save": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_cached_relation_invalidated_on_save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_cached_relation_invalidated_on_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_foreign_key_with_to_field_not_cleared_by_save": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_cached_foreign_key_with_to_field_not_cleared_by_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_foreign_key_instance_to_field_caching": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_reverse_foreign_key_instance_to_field_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_set_by_pk_raises": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneTests", + "test_add_remove_set_by_pk_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_related": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_get_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_created_via_related_set": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_created_via_related_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_set": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_related_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_created_without_related": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_created_without_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_from_wrong_set": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_remove_from_wrong_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_clear_non_bulk": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_set_clear_non_bulk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_clear_related_set": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_assign_clear_related_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_efficiency": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_add_efficiency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_efficiency": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_clear_efficiency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_null_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/many_to_one_null/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToOneNullTests", + "test_related_null_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/max_lengths/tests.py", + [ + "MaxLengthArgumentsTests", + "verify_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_max_lengths": [ + [ + "tests/max_lengths/tests.py", + [ + "MaxLengthArgumentsTests", + "test_default_max_lengths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_max_lengths": [ + [ + "tests/max_lengths/tests.py", + [ + "MaxLengthArgumentsTests", + "test_custom_max_lengths" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/max_lengths/tests.py", + [ + "MaxLengthORMTests", + "test_custom_max_lengths" + ] + ] + ], + "add_level_messages": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "add_level_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "get_request": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "get_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "get_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_session.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "get_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_lazy_translation": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_add_lazy_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_update": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_no_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_update": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_add_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_add_read_update": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_existing_add_read_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_read_add_update": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_existing_read_add_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_full_request_response_cycle": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_full_request_response_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_with_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_processor_message_levels": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_context_processor_message_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_posts": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_multiple_posts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_middleware_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_disabled_fail_silently": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_middleware_disabled_fail_silently" + ] + ] + ], + "stored_messages_count": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "stored_messages_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "stored_messages_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "stored_messages_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_session.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "stored_messages_count" + ] + ] + ], + "get_existing_storage": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "get_existing_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_read": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_existing_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_add": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_existing_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_level": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_default_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_low_level": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_low_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_high_level": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_high_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_settings_level": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_settings_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_level_tag": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_level_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_tags": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/base.py", + [ + "BaseTests", + "test_custom_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ok": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "ApiTests", + "test_ok" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "ApiTests", + "test_request_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_missing": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "ApiTests", + "test_middleware_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_missing_silently": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_api.py", + [ + "ApiTests", + "test_middleware_missing_silently" + ] + ] + ], + "set_cookie_data": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "set_cookie_data" + ] + ] + ], + "stored_cookie_messages_count": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "stored_cookie_messages_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "stored_cookie_messages_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cookie_setings": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_cookie_setings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bad_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_get_bad_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_cookie_length": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_max_cookie_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_encoder_decoder": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_json_encoder_decoder" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_decode": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_safedata", + "encode_decode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safedata": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_safedata" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_session.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_safedata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacy_hash_decode": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_cookie.py", + [ + "CookieTests", + "test_legacy_hash_decode" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cookie_storage": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "get_cookie_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "get_session_storage": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "get_session_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "stored_session_messages_count": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "stored_session_messages_count" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_session.py", + [ + "stored_session_messages_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_empty": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "test_get_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_get_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_fallback": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "test_get_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_fallback_only": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "test_get_fallback_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flush_used_backends": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "test_flush_used_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_fallback": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "test_no_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_fallback": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "test_session_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_fallback_only": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_fallback.py", + [ + "FallbackTests", + "test_session_fallback_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_without_messages": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_middleware.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_response_without_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_messages_success": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_mixins.py", + [ + "SuccessMessageMixinTests", + "test_set_messages_success" + ] + ] + ], + "set_session_data": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/test_session.py", + [ + "set_session_data" + ] + ] + ], + "add_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/urls.py", + [ + "add_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "show": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/urls.py", + [ + "show" + ] + ] + ], + "show_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/messages_tests/urls.py", + [ + "show_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "middleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "middleware" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "async_payment_middleware", + "middleware" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "custom_urlconf_middleware", + "middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "secure_request_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "secure_request_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_on": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_already_present": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_already_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_only_if_secure": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_only_if_secure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_off": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_include_subdomains": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_include_subdomains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_no_include_subdomains": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_no_include_subdomains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_preload": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_preload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_subdomains_and_preload": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_subdomains_and_preload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_no_preload": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_sts_no_preload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_type_on": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_type_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_type_already_present": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_type_already_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_type_off": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_type_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xss_filter_on": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_xss_filter_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xss_filter_already_present": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_xss_filter_already_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xss_filter_off": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_xss_filter_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssl_redirect_on": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_ssl_redirect_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_redirect_ssl": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_redirect_ssl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_exempt": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_redirect_exempt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_ssl_host": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_redirect_ssl_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssl_redirect_off": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_ssl_redirect_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referrer_policy_off": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_referrer_policy_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referrer_policy_on": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_referrer_policy_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referrer_policy_already_present": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/test_security.py", + [ + "SecurityMiddlewareTest", + "test_referrer_policy_already_present" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_empty": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "get_response_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_404": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "get_response_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_have_slash": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_have_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_slashless_resource": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_slashless_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_slashless_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_slashless_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_redirect_querystring": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_redirect_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_redirect_querystring_have_slash": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_redirect_querystring_have_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_no_redirect_on_POST_in_DEBUG": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_no_redirect_on_POST_in_DEBUG" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_quoted": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_quoted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_leading_slashes": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_leading_slashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prepend_www": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_prepend_www" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prepend_www_append_slash_have_slash": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_prepend_www_append_slash_have_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prepend_www_append_slash_slashless": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_prepend_www_append_slash_slashless" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_have_slash_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_have_slash_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_slashless_resource_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_slashless_resource_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_slashless_unknown_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_slashless_unknown_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_redirect_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_redirect_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_no_redirect_on_POST_in_DEBUG_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_no_redirect_on_POST_in_DEBUG_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_disabled_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_disabled_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_slash_quoted_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_append_slash_quoted_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prepend_www_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_prepend_www_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prepend_www_append_slash_have_slash_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_prepend_www_append_slash_have_slash_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prepend_www_append_slash_slashless_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_prepend_www_append_slash_slashless_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_length_header_added": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_length_header_added" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_length_header_not_added_for_streaming_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_length_header_not_added_for_streaming_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_length_header_not_changed": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_content_length_header_not_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_user_agents": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_disallowed_user_agents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_query_string_does_not_crash": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_non_ascii_query_string_does_not_crash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_redirect_class": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_response_redirect_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverriddenRedirectMiddlewareTests", + "test_response_redirect_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_redirect_class_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "CommonMiddlewareTest", + "test_response_redirect_class_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404_error_reporting": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_404_error_reporting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404_error_reporting_no_referer": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_404_error_reporting_no_referer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404_error_reporting_ignored_url": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_404_error_reporting_ignored_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_request_checker": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_custom_request_checker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referer_equal_to_requested_url": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_referer_equal_to_requested_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referer_equal_to_requested_url_on_another_domain": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_referer_equal_to_requested_url_on_another_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referer_equal_to_requested_url_without_trailing_slash_when_append_slash_is_set": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_referer_equal_to_requested_url_without_trailing_slash_when_append_slash_is_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referer_equal_to_requested_url_without_trailing_slash_when_append_slash_is_unset": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "BrokenLinkEmailsMiddlewareTest", + "test_referer_equal_to_requested_url_without_trailing_slash_when_append_slash_is_unset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_calculates_etag": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_middleware_calculates_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_wont_overwrite_etag": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_middleware_wont_overwrite_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_etag_streaming_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_etag_streaming_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_etag_response_empty_content": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_etag_response_empty_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_etag_no_store_cache": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_etag_no_store_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_etag_extended_cache_control": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_etag_extended_cache_control" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_none_match_and_no_etag": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_none_match_and_no_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_if_none_match_and_etag": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_if_none_match_and_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_none_match_and_same_etag": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_none_match_and_same_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_none_match_and_different_etag": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_none_match_and_different_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_none_match_and_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_none_match_and_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_none_match_and_client_error": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_none_match_and_client_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_modified_since_and_no_last_modified": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_modified_since_and_no_last_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_if_modified_since_and_last_modified": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_if_modified_since_and_last_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_modified_since_and_same_last_modified": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_modified_since_and_same_last_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_modified_since_and_last_modified_in_the_past": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_modified_since_and_last_modified_in_the_past" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_modified_since_and_last_modified_in_the_future": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_modified_since_and_last_modified_in_the_future" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_modified_since_and_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_modified_since_and_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_modified_since_and_client_error": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_if_modified_since_and_client_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_modified_headers": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_not_modified_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_200_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_unsafe", + "get_200_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_head", + "get_200_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_unsafe": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_unsafe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_head": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalGetMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_origin": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_same_origin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deny": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_deny" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defaults_sameorigin": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_defaults_sameorigin" + ] + ] + ], + "same_origin_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_dont_set_if_set", + "same_origin_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_is_extendable", + "same_origin_response" + ] + ] + ], + "deny_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_dont_set_if_set", + "deny_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dont_set_if_set": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_dont_set_if_set" + ] + ] + ], + "xframe_exempt_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_response_exempt", + "xframe_exempt_response" + ] + ] + ], + "xframe_not_exempt_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_response_exempt", + "xframe_not_exempt_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_exempt": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_response_exempt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_extendable": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "XFrameOptionsMiddlewareTest", + "test_is_extendable" + ] + ] + ], + "get_mtime": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "get_mtime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compress_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compress_streaming_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_streaming_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stream_response_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_streaming_response_unicode", + "get_stream_response_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compress_streaming_response_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_streaming_response_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compress_file_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_file_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compress_non_200_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_non_200_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_compress_short_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_compress_short_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_compress_compressed_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_compress_compressed_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_compress_incompressible_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_no_compress_incompressible_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compress_deterministic": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "GZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_compress_deterministic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strong_etag_modified": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_strong_etag_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_weak_etag_not_modified": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_weak_etag_not_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cond_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_etag_match", + "get_cond_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_etag_match": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/tests.py", + [ + "ETagGZipMiddlewareTest", + "test_etag_match" + ] + ] + ], + "empty_view": [ + [ + "tests/middleware/views.py", + [ + "empty_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/project_template/views.py", + [ + "empty_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/views.py", + [ + "empty_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "empty_view" + ] + ] + ], + "process_exception": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessExceptionMiddleware", + "process_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "AsyncProcessExceptionMiddleware", + "process_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessExceptionLogMiddleware", + "process_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "ProcessExceptionExcMiddleware", + "process_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "process_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseMiddleware", + "process_template_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "AsyncTemplateResponseMiddleware", + "process_template_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "NoTemplateResponseMiddleware", + "process_template_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "AsyncNoTemplateResponseMiddleware", + "process_template_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "FullMiddleware", + "process_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "async_payment_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/middleware.py", + [ + "async_payment_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_view_return_none": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_process_view_return_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_view_return_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_process_view_return_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncMiddlewareTests", + "test_process_view_return_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_templateresponse_from_process_view_rendered": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_templateresponse_from_process_view_rendered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_templateresponse_from_process_view_passed_to_process_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_templateresponse_from_process_view_passed_to_process_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_process_template_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncMiddlewareTests", + "test_process_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_template_response_returns_none": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_process_template_response_returns_none" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncMiddlewareTests", + "test_process_template_response_returns_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_exception_converted_before_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_view_exception_converted_before_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_exception_handled_by_process_exception": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_view_exception_handled_by_process_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncMiddlewareTests", + "test_view_exception_handled_by_process_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_from_process_exception_short_circuits_remainder": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_response_from_process_exception_short_circuits_remainder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_from_process_exception_when_return_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_response_from_process_exception_when_return_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_in_middleware_converted_before_prior_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_exception_in_middleware_converted_before_prior_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_in_render_passed_to_process_exception": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTests", + "test_exception_in_render_passed_to_process_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncMiddlewareTests", + "test_exception_in_render_passed_to_process_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_root_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "RootUrlconfTests", + "test_missing_root_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareNotUsedTests", + "test_log" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_custom_message": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareNotUsedTests", + "test_log_custom_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_do_not_log_when_debug_is_false": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareNotUsedTests", + "test_do_not_log_when_debug_is_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sync_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_sync_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sync_decorated_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_sync_decorated_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_async_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_sync_or_async_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_not_sync_or_async_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sync_middleware_async": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_sync_middleware_async" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async_middleware_async": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_async_middleware_async" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async_process_template_response_returns_none_with_sync_client": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_async_process_template_response_returns_none_with_sync_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async_and_sync_middleware_async_call": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_async_and_sync_middleware_async_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async_and_sync_middleware_sync_call": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareSyncAsyncTests", + "test_async_and_sync_middleware_sync_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_in_async_render_passed_to_process_exception": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncMiddlewareTests", + "test_exception_in_async_render_passed_to_process_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "template_response": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/views.py", + [ + "template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "exception_in_render": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/views.py", + [ + "exception_in_render" + ] + ] + ], + "async_exception_in_render": [ + [ + "tests/middleware_exceptions/views.py", + [ + "async_exception_in_render" + ] + ] + ], + "test_call_time": [ + [ + "tests/migrate_signals/tests.py", + [ + "MigrateSignalTests", + "test_call_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrations_only": [ + [ + "tests/migrate_signals/tests.py", + [ + "MigrateSignalTests", + "test_migrations_only" + ] + ] + ], + "add_book": [ + [ + "tests/migration_test_data_persistence/migrations/0002_add_book.py", + [ + "add_book" + ] + ] + ], + "test_persistence": [ + [ + "tests/migration_test_data_persistence/tests.py", + [ + "MigrationDataPersistenceTestCase", + "test_persistence" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migration_test_data_persistence/tests.py", + [ + "MigrationDataNormalPersistenceTestCase", + "test_persistence" + ] + ] + ], + "repr_changes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "repr_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNumberMigrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "assertNumberMigrations" + ] + ] + ], + "assertMigrationDependencies": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "assertMigrationDependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "assertOperationTypes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "assertOperationTypes" + ] + ] + ], + "assertOperationAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "assertOperationAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "assertOperationFieldAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "assertOperationFieldAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "make_project_state": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "make_project_state" + ] + ] + ], + "get_changes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "get_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arrange_for_graph": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_arrange_for_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trim_apps": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_trim_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_migration_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_custom_migration_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_new_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_old_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_old_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_date_fields_with_auto_now_not_asking_for_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_date_fields_with_auto_now_not_asking_for_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_date_fields_with_auto_now_add_not_asking_for_null_addition": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_date_fields_with_auto_now_add_not_asking_for_null_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_date_fields_with_auto_now_add_asking_for_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_date_fields_with_auto_now_add_asking_for_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_remove_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_content_file_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_supports_functools_partial", + "_content_file_name" + ] + ] + ], + "content_file_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_supports_functools_partial", + "content_file_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_supports_functools_partial": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_supports_functools_partial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_to_not_null_with_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_field_to_not_null_with_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_to_not_null_without_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_field_to_not_null_without_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_to_not_null_oneoff_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_field_to_not_null_oneoff_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_field_foreign_key_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_field_foreign_key_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_foreign_object_fields": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_foreign_object_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_referenced_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_referenced_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_field_preserved_db_column": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_field_preserved_db_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_related_field_preserved_db_column": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_related_field_preserved_db_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_case": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_model_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_m2m_through_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_m2m_through_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_m2m_through_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_with_renamed_rel_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_model_with_renamed_rel_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_with_fks_in_different_position": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_model_with_fks_in_different_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_reverse_relation_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_model_reverse_relation_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_fk_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_fk_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_proxy_fk_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_app_no_fk_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_same_app_no_fk_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_fk_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_circular_fk_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_app_circular_fk_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_same_app_circular_fk_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_app_circular_fk_dependency_with_unique_together_and_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_same_app_circular_fk_dependency_with_unique_together_and_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_db_table_add": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_db_table_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_db_table_change": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_db_table_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_db_table_remove": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_db_table_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_db_table_no_changes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_db_table_no_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keep_db_table_with_model_change": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_keep_db_table_with_model_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_db_table_with_model_change": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_db_table_with_model_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_identical_regex_doesnt_alter": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_identical_regex_doesnt_alter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_different_regex_does_alter": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_different_regex_does_alter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_foo_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_empty_foo_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_create_model_with_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_remove_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_fields_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_order_fields_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_check_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_create_model_with_check_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_remove_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_foo_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_foo_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_foo_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_remove_foo_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foo_together_remove_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_foo_together_remove_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foo_together_no_changes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_foo_together_no_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foo_together_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_foo_together_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_and_foo_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_field_and_foo_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_and_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_create_model_and_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_field_and_foo_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_remove_field_and_foo_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_field_and_foo_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_rename_field_and_foo_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_custom_pk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_proxy_custom_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_to_mti_with_fk_to_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_proxy_to_mti_with_fk_to_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_to_mti_with_fk_to_proxy_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_proxy_to_mti_with_fk_to_proxy_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unmanaged_create": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_unmanaged_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unmanaged_delete": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_unmanaged_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unmanaged_to_managed": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_unmanaged_to_managed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_managed_to_unmanaged": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_managed_to_unmanaged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unmanaged_custom_pk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_unmanaged_custom_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_swappable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_swappable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_changed": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_swappable_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_with_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_field_with_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_deconstructible": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_custom_deconstructible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_field_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_deconstruct_field_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstructible_list": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_deconstructible_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstructible_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_deconstructible_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstructible_dict": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_deconstructible_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_deconstructible_objects": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_nested_deconstructible_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_type": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_deconstruct_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_string_with_foreignkey": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_replace_string_with_foreignkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_removed_before_target_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_foreign_key_removed_before_target_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_many_to_many": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_many_to_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_many_to_many": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_many_to_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_through_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_create_with_through_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_removed_before_through_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_many_to_many_removed_before_through_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_removed_before_through_model_2": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_many_to_many_removed_before_through_model_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_w_through_multistep_remove": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_m2m_w_through_multistep_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concrete_field_changed_to_many_to_many": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_concrete_field_changed_to_many_to_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_changed_to_concrete_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_many_to_many_changed_to_concrete_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_circular_foreignkey_dependency_removal": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_non_circular_foreignkey_dependency_removal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_options": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_model_options" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_model_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_options_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_model_options_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_alter_order_with_respect_to": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_set_alter_order_with_respect_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_alter_order_with_respect_to": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_alter_order_with_respect_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_alter_order_with_respect_to": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_remove_alter_order_with_respect_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_model_order_with_respect_to": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_model_order_with_respect_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_managers": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_model_managers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_model_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_first_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_swappable_first_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_related_name_option": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_default_related_name_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_first_setting": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_swappable_first_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bases_first": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_bases_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_bases": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_multiple_bases" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_multiple_bases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_bases_first": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_proxy_bases_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_fk_included": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_pk_fk_included" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_first_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_last_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_fk_before_model_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_fk_before_model_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_dependency_other_app": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_fk_dependency_other_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_to_fk_dependency_other_app": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_alter_field_to_fk_dependency_other_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_dependency_mixed_addcreate": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_circular_dependency_mixed_addcreate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_dependency_swappable": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_circular_dependency_swappable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_dependency_swappable2": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_circular_dependency_swappable2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_dependency_swappable_self": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_circular_dependency_swappable_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swappable_circular_multi_mti": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_swappable_circular_multi_mti" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_blank_textfield_and_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_blank_textfield_and_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_non_blank_textfield_and_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_non_blank_textfield_and_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mti_inheritance_model_removal": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_mti_inheritance_model_removal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_model_with_field_removed_from_base_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorTests", + "test_add_model_with_field_removed_from_base_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_operation": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorSuggestNameTests", + "test_single_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_two_create_models": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorSuggestNameTests", + "test_two_create_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_autodetector.py", + [ + "AutodetectorSuggestNameTests", + "test_none_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_column_allows_null": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "_get_column_allows_null" + ] + ] + ], + "assertColumnNull": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertColumnNull" + ] + ] + ], + "assertColumnNotNull": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertColumnNotNull" + ] + ] + ], + "assertIndexExists": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertIndexExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertIndexNotExists": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertIndexNotExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertConstraintExists": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertConstraintExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertConstraintNotExists": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertConstraintNotExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertUniqueConstraintExists": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertUniqueConstraintExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFKExists": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertFKExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFKNotExists": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "assertFKNotExists" + ] + ] + ], + "temporary_migration_module": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "MigrationTestBase", + "temporary_migration_module" + ] + ] + ], + "cleanup_test_tables": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "OperationTestBase", + "cleanup_test_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "unapply_operations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "OperationTestBase", + "unapply_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "make_test_state": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_base.py", + [ + "OperationTestBase", + "make_test_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_deprecated_fields.py", + [ + "Tests", + "test_migrate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_with_system_checks": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_with_system_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_without_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_app_without_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ambiguous_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_ambiguous_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_unknown_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_initial_false": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_initial_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_fake_initial": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_fake_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_fake_initial_case_insensitive": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_fake_initial_case_insensitive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_fake_split_initial": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_fake_split_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_conflict_exit": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_conflict_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_check": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_check_plan": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_check_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_list": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_plan": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_plan": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_no_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_no_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_unmigrated_app": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_unmigrated_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_plan_no_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_plan_no_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_plan_squashed": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_plan_squashed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_plan_single_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_plan_single_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_plan_multiple_app_labels": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_plan_multiple_app_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_plan_app_label_no_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_showmigrations_plan_app_label_no_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_forwards": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_backwards": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_backwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_for_non_atomic_migration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_for_non_atomic_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_for_non_transactional_databases": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_for_non_transactional_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_ambiguous_prefix_squashed_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_ambiguous_prefix_squashed_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_squashed_migration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_squashed_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_replaced_migration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_replaced_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrations_no_operations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrations_no_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_22823_unmigrated_fk_to_migrated_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_regression_22823_unmigrated_fk_to_migrated_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_syncdb_deferred_sql_executed_with_schemaeditor": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_syncdb_deferred_sql_executed_with_schemaeditor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_syncdb_app_with_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_syncdb_app_with_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_syncdb_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_syncdb_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_record_replaced": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_record_replaced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_record_squashed": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_record_squashed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_inconsistent_history": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MigrateTests", + "test_migrate_inconsistent_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_files_content": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_files_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_order": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_empty_connections": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_empty_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "patched_has_table": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_consistency_checks_respect_routers", + "patched_has_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_consistency_checks_respect_routers": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_consistency_checks_respect_routers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failing_migration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_failing_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_conflict_exit": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_conflict_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_merge_no_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_merge_no_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_empty_no_app_specified": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_empty_no_app_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_empty_migration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_empty_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_disabled_migrations_for_app": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_disabled_migrations_for_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_no_changes_no_apps": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_no_changes_no_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_no_changes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_no_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_no_apps_initial": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_no_apps_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_no_init": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_no_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_migrations_announce": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_migrations_announce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_no_common_ancestor": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_no_common_ancestor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_interactive_reject": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_interactive_reject" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_interactive_accept": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_interactive_accept" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_default_merge_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_default_merge_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_not_null_addition": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_not_null_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_not_null_alteration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_not_null_alteration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_no_model_rename": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_no_model_rename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_no_field_rename": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_non_interactive_no_field_rename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_handle_merge": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_handle_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigration_merge_dry_run": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigration_merge_dry_run" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigration_merge_dry_run_verbosity_3": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigration_merge_dry_run_verbosity_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_dry_run": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_dry_run" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_dry_run_verbosity_3": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_dry_run_verbosity_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_migrations_modules_path_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_migrations_modules_path_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_migrations_modules_nonexistent_toplevel_package": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_migrations_modules_nonexistent_toplevel_package" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_interactive_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_interactive_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_unspecified_app_with_conflict_no_merge": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_unspecified_app_with_conflict_no_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_unspecified_app_with_conflict_merge": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_unspecified_app_with_conflict_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_merge_dont_output_dependency_operations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_merge_dont_output_dependency_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "cmd": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_with_custom_name", + "with_self_temporary_migra", + "cmd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_with_custom_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_with_custom_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_with_invalid_custom_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_with_invalid_custom_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_check": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_migration_path_output": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_migration_path_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_migration_path_output_valueerror": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_migration_path_output_valueerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_inconsistent_history": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_inconsistent_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_inconsistent_history_db_failure": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_inconsistent_history_db_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_auto_now_add_interactive": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "MakeMigrationsTests", + "test_makemigrations_auto_now_add_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashmigrations_squashes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests", + "test_squashmigrations_squashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashmigrations_initial_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests", + "test_squashmigrations_initial_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashmigrations_optimizes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests", + "test_squashmigrations_optimizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_23799_squashmigrations_no_optimize": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests", + "test_ticket_23799_squashmigrations_no_optimize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashmigrations_valid_start": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests", + "test_squashmigrations_valid_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashmigrations_invalid_start": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests", + "test_squashmigrations_invalid_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashed_name_with_start_migration_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests", + "test_squashed_name_with_start_migration_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashed_name_without_start_migration_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "SquashMigrationsTests", + "test_squashed_name_without_start_migration_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_nonexistent_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_makemigrations_nonexistent_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_makemigrations_app_name_specified_as_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_makemigrations_app_name_specified_as_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_nonexistent_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_migrate_nonexistent_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_app_name_specified_as_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_migrate_app_name_specified_as_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_nonexistent_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_showmigrations_nonexistent_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_showmigrations_app_name_specified_as_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_showmigrations_app_name_specified_as_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_nonexistent_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_nonexistent_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqlmigrate_app_name_specified_as_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_sqlmigrate_app_name_specified_as_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashmigrations_nonexistent_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_squashmigrations_nonexistent_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squashmigrations_app_name_specified_as_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_commands.py", + [ + "AppLabelErrorTests", + "test_squashmigrations_app_name_specified_as_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_node_not_found_error_repr": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "ExceptionTests", + "test_node_not_found_error_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_run" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_with_squashed": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_run_with_squashed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_atomic_migration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_non_atomic_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atomic_operation_in_non_atomic_migration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_atomic_operation_in_non_atomic_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_plan": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_empty_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_plan_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_mixed_plan_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_storer": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_soft_apply", + "fake_storer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_soft_apply": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_soft_apply" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_user": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_custom_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_soft_applied_add_field_manytomanyfield": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_detect_soft_applied_add_field_manytomanyfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unrelated_model_lookups_forwards": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_unrelated_model_lookups_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unrelated_model_lookups_backwards": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_unrelated_model_lookups_backwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unrelated_applied_migrations_mutate_state": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_unrelated_applied_migrations_mutate_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_callback": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_process_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_id_type_with_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_alter_id_type_with_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_all_replaced_marks_replacement_as_applied": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_apply_all_replaced_marks_replacement_as_applied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_marks_replacement_applied_even_if_it_did_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_migrate_marks_replacement_applied_even_if_it_did_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrations_applied_and_recorded_atomically": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorTests", + "test_migrations_applied_and_recorded_atomically" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minimize_rollbacks": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorUnitTests", + "test_minimize_rollbacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minimize_rollbacks_branchy": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorUnitTests", + "test_minimize_rollbacks_branchy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backwards_nothing_to_do": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_executor.py", + [ + "ExecutorUnitTests", + "test_backwards_nothing_to_do" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_graph": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_simple_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_graph": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_complex_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_graph": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_circular_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_graph_2": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_circular_graph_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterative_dfs": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_iterative_dfs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterative_dfs_complexity": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_iterative_dfs_complexity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plan_invalid_node": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_plan_invalid_node" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_parent_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_missing_parent_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_child_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_missing_child_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_consistency_missing_parent": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_validate_consistency_missing_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_consistency_missing_child": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_validate_consistency_missing_child" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_consistency_no_error": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_validate_consistency_no_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_consistency_dummy": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_validate_consistency_dummy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_replaced_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_remove_replaced_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_replacement_node": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_remove_replacement_node" + ] + ] + ], + "test_infinite_loop": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_infinite_loop" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalTests", + "test_infinite_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stringify": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "GraphTests", + "test_stringify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_node_repr": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_node_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dummynode_repr": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_graph.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_dummynode_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "RecorderTests", + "test_apply" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_load" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plan_handles_repeated_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_plan_handles_repeated_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_unmigrated_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_load_unmigrated_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_before": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_run_before" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_match": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_name_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_import_error": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_load_import_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_module_file": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_load_module_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_empty_dir": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_load_empty_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marked_as_migrated": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_marked_as_migrated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marked_as_unmigrated": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_marked_as_unmigrated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_missing_module": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_explicit_missing_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_squashed": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_squashed" + ] + ] + ], + "num_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_squashed_complex", + "num_nodes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_squashed_erroneous", + "num_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_squashed_complex": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_squashed_complex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_squashed_complex_multi_apps": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_squashed_complex_multi_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_squashed_complex_multi_apps_partially_applied": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_squashed_complex_multi_apps_partially_applied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_squashed_erroneous": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_squashed_erroneous" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_consistent_history": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_check_consistent_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_consistent_history_squashed": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_check_consistent_history_squashed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_squashed_ref_squashed": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_squashed_ref_squashed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_files": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_ignore_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading_namespace_package": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_loader.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loading_namespace_package" + ] + ] + ], + "grow_tail": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_plan/0001_initial.py", + [ + "grow_tail" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_plan/0005_fifth.py", + [ + "grow_tail" + ] + ] + ], + "shrink_tail": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_migrations_plan/0001_initial.py", + [ + "shrink_tail" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_create_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "_test_create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model2": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_create_model2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model3": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_create_model3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model4": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_create_model4" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_run_sql": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "_test_run_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_sql_migrate_nothing_router": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_run_sql_migrate_nothing_router" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_sql_migrate_foo_router_without_hints": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_run_sql_migrate_foo_router_without_hints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_sql_migrate_foo_router_with_hints": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_run_sql_migrate_foo_router_with_hints" + ] + ] + ], + "inner_method": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "_test_run_python", + "inner_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python", + "inner_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python_atomic", + "inner_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python_related_assignment", + "inner_method" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_run_python": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "_test_run_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_python_migrate_nothing_router": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_run_python_migrate_nothing_router" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_python_migrate_foo_router_without_hints": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_run_python_migrate_foo_router_without_hints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_python_migrate_foo_router_with_hints": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_multidb.py", + [ + "MultiDBOperationTests", + "test_run_python_migrate_foo_router_with_hints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_duplicate_field_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_with_duplicate_field_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_duplicate_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_with_duplicate_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_duplicate_manager_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_with_duplicate_manager_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_unique_after": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_with_unique_after" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proxy_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_proxy_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_unmanaged_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_unmanaged_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_with_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_partial_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_with_partial_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_deferred_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_with_deferred_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_with_covering_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_with_covering_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_managers": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_create_model_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_proxy_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_delete_proxy_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_mti_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_delete_mti_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_state_forwards": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_model_state_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_with_self_referential_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_model_with_self_referential_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_with_superclass_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_model_with_superclass_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_with_self_referential_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_model_with_self_referential_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_with_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_model_with_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_m2m_target_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_m2m_target_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_m2m_model_after_rename_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_m2m_model_after_rename_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_textfield": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_textfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_binaryfield": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_binaryfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_column_name_quoting": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_column_name_quoting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_preserve_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_field_preserve_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_field_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repoint_field_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_repoint_field_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_field_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_field_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_field_m2m_with_through": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_field_m2m_with_through" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_table": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_model_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_table_none": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_model_table_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_table_noop": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_model_table_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_table_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_model_table_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_pk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "assertIdTypeEqualsFkType": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_pk_fk", + "assertIdTypeEqualsFkType" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_pk_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_pk_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_reloads_state_on_fk_with_to_field_target_type_change": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_reloads_state_on_fk_with_to_field_target_type_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_reloads_state_on_fk_with_to_field_related_name_target_type_change": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_reloads_state_on_fk_with_to_field_related_name_target_type_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_reloads_state_on_fk_target_changes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_reloads_state_on_fk_target_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_reloads_state_on_fk_with_to_field_target_changes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_reloads_state_on_fk_with_to_field_target_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_field_reloads_state_on_fk_target_changes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_field_reloads_state_on_fk_target_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_missing_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_missing_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_referenced_field_state_forward": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_rename_referenced_field_state_forward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_unique_together_remove": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_unique_together_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_index": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_index": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_index_state_forwards": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_index_state_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_index_state_forwards": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_index_state_forwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_with_index": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_field_with_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_index_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_index_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_index_together_remove": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_index_together_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_index_together_remove_with_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_index_together_remove_with_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_constraint_percent_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_constraint_percent_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_or_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_or_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_constraint_combinable": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_constraint_combinable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_partial_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_partial_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_partial_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_partial_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_deferred_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_deferred_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_deferred_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_deferred_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_covering_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_add_covering_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_covering_unique_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_remove_covering_unique_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_options_emptying": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_model_options_emptying" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_order_with_respect_to": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_order_with_respect_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_model_managers_emptying": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_model_managers_emptying" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_fk" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_fk_non_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_alter_fk_non_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_sql": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_sql_params": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_sql_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_sql_params_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_sql_params_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_sql_noop": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_sql_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "inner_method_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python", + "inner_method_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "create_ponies": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python", + "create_ponies" + ] + ] + ], + "create_shetlandponies": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python", + "create_shetlandponies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_python": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_python_atomic": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python_atomic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_python_related_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python_related_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_data": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_model_with_bigautofield", + "create_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_with_bigautofield": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_model_with_bigautofield" + ] + ] + ], + "create_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "_test_autofield_foreignfield_growth", + "create_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_big_data": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "_test_autofield_foreignfield_growth", + "create_big_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_autofield_foreignfield_growth": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "_test_autofield_foreignfield_growth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autofield__bigautofield_foreignfield_growth": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_autofield__bigautofield_foreignfield_growth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_smallfield_autofield_foreignfield_growth": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_smallfield_autofield_foreignfield_growth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_smallfield_bigautofield_foreignfield_growth": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_smallfield_bigautofield_foreignfield_growth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_python_noop": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_run_python_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_separate_database_and_state": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_separate_database_and_state" + ] + ] + ], + "assertModelsAndTables": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_separate_database_and_state2", + "assertModelsAndTables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_separate_database_and_state2": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "OperationTests", + "test_separate_database_and_state2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_ignore_swapped": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "SwappableOperationTests", + "test_create_ignore_swapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ignore_swapped": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "SwappableOperationTests", + "test_delete_ignore_swapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_ignore_swapped": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "SwappableOperationTests", + "test_add_field_ignore_swapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexes_ignore_swapped": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "SwappableOperationTests", + "test_indexes_ignore_swapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_model_mixin": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "TestCreateModel", + "test_references_model_mixin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "FieldOperationTests", + "test_references_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_field_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "FieldOperationTests", + "test_references_field_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_field_by_remote_field_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "FieldOperationTests", + "test_references_field_by_remote_field_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_field_by_from_fields": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "FieldOperationTests", + "test_references_field_by_from_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_field_by_to_fields": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "FieldOperationTests", + "test_references_field_by_to_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_references_field_by_through": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "FieldOperationTests", + "test_references_field_by_through" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reference_field_by_through_fields": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_operations.py", + [ + "FieldOperationTests", + "test_reference_field_by_through_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "assertOptimizesTo": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "assertOptimizesTo" + ] + ] + ], + "assertDoesNotOptimize": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "assertDoesNotOptimize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_app_label": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_none_app_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_delete_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rename_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_rename_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_model_self": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_rename_model_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alter_model_options": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_alter_model_options" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_create_alter_foo_delete_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "_test_create_alter_foo_delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alter_unique_delete_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_alter_unique_delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alter_index_delete_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_alter_index_delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alter_owrt_delete_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_alter_owrt_delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_alter_alter_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "_test_alter_alter_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_alter_table_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_alter_alter_table_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_alter_unique_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_alter_alter_unique_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_alter_index_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_alter_alter_index_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_alter_owrt_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_alter_alter_owrt_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_optimize_through_create": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_optimize_through_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_add_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_add_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_reordering": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_reordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_reordering_circular_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_reordering_circular_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_no_reordering_for_unrelated_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_no_reordering_for_unrelated_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_no_reordering_of_inherited_model": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_no_reordering_of_inherited_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_add_field_not_through_m2m_through": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_add_field_not_through_m2m_through" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_alter_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_alter_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_rename_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_rename_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_rename_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_add_field_rename_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_rename_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_alter_field_rename_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_remove_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_model_remove_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_alter_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_add_field_alter_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_delete_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_add_field_delete_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_delete_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_alter_field_delete_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_create_alter_foo_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "_test_create_alter_foo_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alter_unique_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_alter_unique_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alter_index_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_alter_index_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alter_owrt_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_create_alter_owrt_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_optimize_through_fields": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_optimize_through_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_optimize_elidable_operation": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_optimizer.py", + [ + "OptimizerTests", + "test_optimize_elidable_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ask_initial_with_disabled_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_questioner.py", + [ + "QuestionerTests", + "test_ask_initial_with_disabled_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timedelta_default": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_questioner.py", + [ + "QuestionerTests", + "test_timedelta_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_default_manager_added_to_the_model_state": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager_added_to_the_model_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_default_manager_named_objects_with_false_migration_flag": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager_named_objects_with_false_migration_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_duplicate_managers": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_no_duplicate_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_default_manager": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_default_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_base_manager": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_custom_base_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apps_bulk_update": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_apps_bulk_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_model_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_model_with_multiple_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_project_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_project_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_unique_app_labels": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_render_unique_app_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reload_related_model_on_non_relational_fields": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_reload_related_model_on_non_relational_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reload_model_relationship_consistency": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_reload_model_relationship_consistency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_relations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_add_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "get_model_a": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_remove_relations", + "get_model_a" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_self_relation", + "get_model_a" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_relations": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_remove_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_relation": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_self_relation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_self_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equality": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dangling_references_throw_error": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_dangling_references_throw_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_real_apps": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_real_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_order_wrt": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_ignore_order_wrt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_refer_correct_model_version": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_manager_refer_correct_model_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "StateTests", + "test_choices_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_model_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_custom_model_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bound_field_sanity_check": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_bound_field_sanity_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sanity_check_to": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_sanity_check_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sanity_check_through": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_sanity_check_through" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sanity_index_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_sanity_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_immutability": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_fields_immutability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_ordering_equality": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_fields_ordering_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_swappable": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_swappable_from_abstract": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_create_swappable_from_abstract" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_manager_swappable": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_custom_manager_swappable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_with_respect_to_private_field": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_order_with_respect_to_private_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_model_children_inherit_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_abstract_model_children_inherit_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_index_name": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_explicit_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_model_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_from_model_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "assertRelated": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "assertRelated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unrelated": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_unrelated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_direct_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_direct_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_direct_hidden_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_direct_hidden_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_through_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_fk_through_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_nested_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_two_sided": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_two_sided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circle": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_circle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_nested_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_nested_bases": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_multiple_nested_bases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_to_base_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_base_to_base_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_to_subclass_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_base_to_subclass_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_direct_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_direct_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_direct_m2m_self": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_direct_m2m_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intermediate_m2m_self": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_intermediate_m2m_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intermediate_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_intermediate_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intermediate_m2m_extern_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_intermediate_m2m_extern_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intermediate_m2m_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_intermediate_m2m_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_fk": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_generic_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_abstract_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_abstract_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_nested_abstract_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_proxy_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_proxy_base": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_nested_proxy_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_mixed_bases": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_state.py", + [ + "RelatedModelsTests", + "test_multiple_mixed_bases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_signature": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests", + "test_empty_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_args_signature": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests", + "test_args_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kwargs_signature": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests", + "test_kwargs_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_args_kwargs_signature": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests", + "test_args_kwargs_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_args_signature": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests", + "test_nested_args_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiline_args_signature": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests", + "test_multiline_args_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_args_signature": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests", + "test_expand_args_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_operation_expand_args_signature": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "OperationWriterTests", + "test_nested_operation_expand_args_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_exec": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "safe_exec" + ] + ] + ], + "serialize_round_trip": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "serialize_round_trip" + ] + ] + ], + "assertSerializedEqual": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "assertSerializedEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "assertSerializedResultEqual": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "assertSerializedResultEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "assertSerializedFieldEqual": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "assertSerializedFieldEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_constants": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_constants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_strings": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_multiline_strings": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_multiline_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_collections": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_collections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_builtin_types": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_builtin_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_lazy_objects": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_lazy_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_enums": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_enums" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_choices": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_nested_class": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_nested_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_uuid": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_functions": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_fields": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_settings": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_iterators": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_iterators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_compiled_regex": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_compiled_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_class_based_validators": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_class_based_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_empty_nonempty_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_empty_nonempty_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_range": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_builtins": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_builtins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_unbound_method_reference": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_unbound_method_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_local_function_reference": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_local_function_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_managers": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_frozensets": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_frozensets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_set": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_timedelta": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_functools_partial": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_functools_partial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_functools_partialmethod": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_functools_partialmethod" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_type_none": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_serialize_type_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_migration": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_simple_migration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migration_path": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_migration_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_operation": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_custom_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sorted_imports": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_sorted_imports" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migration_file_header_comments": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_migration_file_header_comments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_models_import_omitted": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_models_import_omitted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_class_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_deconstruct_class_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_serializer": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_register_serializer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_non_serializer": [ + [ + "tests/migrations/test_writer.py", + [ + "WriterTests", + "test_register_non_serializer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerchoices": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_integerchoices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerchoices_auto_label": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_integerchoices_auto_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerchoices_empty_label": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_integerchoices_empty_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerchoices_functional_api": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_integerchoices_functional_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerchoices_containment": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_integerchoices_containment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textchoices": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_textchoices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textchoices_auto_label": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_textchoices_auto_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textchoices_empty_label": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_textchoices_empty_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textchoices_functional_api": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_textchoices_functional_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textchoices_containment": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_textchoices_containment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textchoices_blank_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_textchoices_blank_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_definition": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_invalid_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_templates": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_labels_valid": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "CustomChoicesTests", + "test_labels_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bool_unsupported": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "CustomChoicesTests", + "test_bool_unsupported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timezone_unsupported": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "CustomChoicesTests", + "test_timezone_unsupported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuid_unsupported": [ + [ + "tests/model_enums/tests.py", + [ + "CustomChoicesTests", + "test_uuid_unsupported" + ] + ] + ], + "get_foo": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/models.py", + [ + "get_foo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isinstance_of_autofield": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_autofield.py", + [ + "AutoFieldInheritanceTests", + "test_isinstance_of_autofield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issubclass_of_autofield": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_autofield.py", + [ + "AutoFieldInheritanceTests", + "test_issubclass_of_autofield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_and_retrieve": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_binaryfield.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_set_and_retrieve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_binaryfield.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_max_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_bytearray": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_binaryfield.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_filter_bytearray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_memoryview": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_binaryfield.py", + [ + "BinaryFieldTests", + "test_filter_memoryview" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_get_prep_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "_test_get_prep_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_to_python": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "_test_to_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_booleanfield_get_prep_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_booleanfield_get_prep_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_get_prep_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_nullbooleanfield_get_prep_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_old_get_prep_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_nullbooleanfield_old_get_prep_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_booleanfield_to_python": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_booleanfield_to_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_to_python": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_nullbooleanfield_to_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_old_to_python": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_nullbooleanfield_old_to_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_booleanfield_choices_blank": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_booleanfield_choices_blank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_formfield": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_nullbooleanfield_formfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_return_type": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_return_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_default": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "BooleanFieldTests", + "test_null_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_field_doesnt_accept_empty_input": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTest", + "test_boolean_field_doesnt_accept_empty_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullbooleanfield_blank": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_booleanfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTest", + "test_nullbooleanfield_blank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_length_passed_to_formfield": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "TestCharField", + "test_max_length_passed_to_formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_textfield.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests", + "test_max_length_passed_to_formfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_integer_in_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "TestCharField", + "test_lookup_integer_in_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emoji": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "TestCharField", + "test_emoji" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_textfield.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests", + "test_emoji" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assignment_from_choice_enum": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "TestCharField", + "test_assignment_from_choice_enum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_raises_error_on_empty_string": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_charfield_raises_error_on_empty_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_cleans_empty_string_when_blank_true": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_charfield_cleans_empty_string_when_blank_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_with_choices_cleans_valid_choice": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_charfield_with_choices_cleans_valid_choice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_with_choices_raises_error_on_invalid_choice": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_charfield_with_choices_raises_error_on_invalid_choice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enum_choices_cleans_valid_string": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_enum_choices_cleans_valid_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_enum_choices_cleans_valid_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enum_choices_invalid_input": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_enum_choices_invalid_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_enum_choices_invalid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_raises_error_on_empty_input": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_charfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_charfield_raises_error_on_empty_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimefield_to_python_microseconds": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests", + "test_datetimefield_to_python_microseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timefield_to_python_microseconds": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests", + "test_timefield_to_python_microseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetimes_save_completely": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests", + "test_datetimes_save_completely" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_date_without_use_tz": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests", + "test_lookup_date_without_use_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_date_with_use_tz": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "DateTimeFieldTests", + "test_lookup_date_with_use_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datefield_cleans_date": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_datetimefield.py", + [ + "ValidationTest", + "test_datefield_cleans_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_invalid_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "TestFloatField", + "test_invalid_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_invalid_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_invalid_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_invalid_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_yesno.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_invalid_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_prep_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_get_prep_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_strings": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_filter_with_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_without_float_conversion": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_save_without_float_conversion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fetch_from_db_without_float_rounding": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_fetch_from_db_without_float_rounding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_really_big_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_lookup_really_big_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_digits_validation": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_max_digits_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_decimal_places_validation": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_max_decimal_places_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_whole_digits_validation": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_max_whole_digits_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_with_trailing_zeros": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_decimalfield.py", + [ + "DecimalFieldTests", + "test_roundtrip_with_trailing_zeros" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_roundtrip": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_simple_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_empty": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_create_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fractional_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_fractional_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumping": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_dumping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_dumping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_dumping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_dumping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_dumping" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_dumping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loading": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_loading" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_loading" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_loading" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_loading" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_loading" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_string": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_invalid_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formfield": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_durationfield.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_formfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_each_field_should_have_a_concrete_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_each_field_should_have_a_concrete_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_each_field_should_have_an_editable_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_each_field_should_have_an_editable_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_each_field_should_have_a_has_rel_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_each_field_should_have_a_has_rel_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_each_object_should_have_auto_created": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_each_object_should_have_auto_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_concrete_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_non_concrete_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_editable_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_non_editable_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_related_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_names_should_always_be_available": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_field_names_should_always_be_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_field_types_should_have_flags": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_all_field_types_should_have_flags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cardinality_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_cardinality_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cardinality_o2m": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_cardinality_o2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cardinality_m2o": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_cardinality_m2o" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cardinality_o2o": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_cardinality_o2o" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_flag": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_hidden_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_and_reverse_model_should_equal_on_relations": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_field_flags.py", + [ + "FieldFlagsTests", + "test_model_and_reverse_model_should_equal_on_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clearable": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_clearable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unchanged": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_unchanged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changed": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_when_file_unset": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_delete_when_file_unset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_from_db": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_refresh_from_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_when_same_filename": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_unique_when_same_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_move_temporary_file": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_move_temporary_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_returns_self": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_open_returns_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_root_pathlib": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filefield.py", + [ + "FileFieldTests", + "test_media_root_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTests", + "test_path" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_path": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTests", + "test_callable_path", + "generate_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_path": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_filepathfield.py", + [ + "FilePathFieldTests", + "test_callable_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_validates_object": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_floatfield.py", + [ + "TestFloatField", + "test_float_validates_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_default": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_callable_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_string_fk": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_empty_string_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warning_when_unique_true_on_fk": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_warning_when_unique_true_on_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_name_converted_to_text": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_related_name_converted_to_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_model_pending_operations": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_pending_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_pending_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_app_model_resolved": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key", + "assert_app_model_resolved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldTests", + "test_abstract_model_app_relative_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_to_fk_get_col_output_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_fk_to_fk_get_col_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_fks_get_col": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_recursive_fks_get_col" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_local_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_foreignkey.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyTests", + "test_non_local_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_genericipaddressfield_formfield_protocol": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_genericipaddressfield_formfield_protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_null_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_string_saved_as_null": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_blank_string_saved_as_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_load": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_genericipaddressfield.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_save_load" + ] + ] + ], + "check_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTestMixin", + "check_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_notequal_hash": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests", + "test_equal_notequal_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instantiate_missing": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests", + "test_instantiate_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_when_missing": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests", + "test_delete_when_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_size_method": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTests", + "test_size_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_after_constructor": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests", + "test_image_after_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests", + "test_default_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assignment_to_None": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests", + "test_assignment_to_None" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_save_and_delete_methods": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests", + "test_field_save_and_delete_methods" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "TwoImageFieldTests", + "test_field_save_and_delete_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "ImageFieldTwoDimensionsTests", + "test_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "TwoImageFieldTests", + "test_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_imagefield.py", + [ + "TwoImageFieldTests", + "test_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "backend_range": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "backend_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_documented_range": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_documented_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_range_save": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_backend_range_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_range_validation": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_backend_range_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redundant_backend_range_validators": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_redundant_backend_range_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_types": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coercing": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "IntegerFieldTests", + "test_coercing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_values": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "PositiveIntegerFieldTests", + "test_negative_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_cleans_valid_string": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_integerfield_cleans_valid_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_raises_error_on_invalid_intput": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_integerfield_raises_error_on_invalid_intput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_validation_supports_named_groups": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_choices_validation_supports_named_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_integerfield_raises_error_with_blank_false": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_nullable_integerfield_raises_error_with_blank_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_integerfield_cleans_none_on_null_and_blank_true": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_nullable_integerfield_cleans_none_on_null_and_blank_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_raises_error_on_empty_input": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_integerfield_raises_error_on_empty_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integerfield_validates_zero_against_choices": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_integerfield.py", + [ + "ValidationTests", + "test_integerfield_validates_zero_against_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_check_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "JSONFieldTests", + "test_db_check_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_custom_encoder_decoder": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_deconstruct_custom_encoder_decoder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_transforms": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_get_transforms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_transform_text_lookup_mixin_non_key_transform": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_key_transform_text_lookup_mixin_non_key_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_encoder": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_invalid_encoder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_decoder": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_invalid_decoder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_encoder": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_custom_encoder" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_custom_encoder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formfield_custom_encoder_decoder": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_formfield_custom_encoder_decoder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_null_different_from_sql_null": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_json_null_different_from_sql_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primitives": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_primitives" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase", + "test_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_first.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_realistic_object": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_realistic_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_complex": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact_complex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnull": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_isnull" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_isnull" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_isnull" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_isnull" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_by_transform": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_ordering_by_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_grouping_by_key_transform": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_ordering_grouping_by_key_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_grouping_by_count": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_ordering_grouping_by_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_transform_raw_expression": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_transform_raw_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_transform_raw_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_key_transform_raw_expression": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_nested_key_transform_raw_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_transform_expression": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_transform_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_key_transform_expression": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_nested_key_transform_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_key_null_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_key_null_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_key_deep": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_key_deep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_key_list": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_key_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_keys": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_any_keys": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_any_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_has_any_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_primitives": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contains_primitives" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contained_by": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contained_by" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contained_by" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contained_by" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contained_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contained_by_unsupported": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contained_by_unsupported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_values": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_deep_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_deep_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnull_key": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_isnull_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnull_key_or_none": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_isnull_key_or_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_key": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_none_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_key_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_none_key_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shallow_list_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_shallow_list_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shallow_obj_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_shallow_obj_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_obj_subquery_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_obj_subquery_lookup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_obj_subquery_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_lookup_objs": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_deep_lookup_objs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shallow_lookup_obj_target": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_shallow_lookup_obj_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_lookup_array": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_deep_lookup_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_lookup_mixed": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_deep_lookup_mixed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_lookup_transform": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_deep_lookup_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_in_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_usage_in_subquery" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_usage_in_subquery" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_usage_in_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_iexact": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_iexact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_contains": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_icontains": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_icontains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_startswith": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_startswith" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_istartswith": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_istartswith" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_endswith": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_endswith" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_iendswith": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_iendswith" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_regex": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_iregex": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_iregex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_sql_injection": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_sql_injection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_sql_injection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_sql_injection_escape": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_sql_injection_escape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_escape": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_escape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_key_and_exact_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_none_key_and_exact_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookups_with_key_transform": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_jsonfield.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_lookups_with_key_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_from_object_instance_without_pk": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldDBTests", + "test_value_from_object_instance_without_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_from_object_instance_with_pk": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_manytomanyfield.py", + [ + "ManyToManyFieldDBTests", + "test_value_from_object_instance_with_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_AutoField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_AutoField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_BinaryField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_BinaryField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_BooleanField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_BooleanField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_DecimalField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_DecimalField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_FilePathField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_FilePathField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_FloatField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_FloatField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ImageField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_ImageField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_IPAddressField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_IPAddressField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_GenericIPAddressField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_GenericIPAddressField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_NullBooleanField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_NullBooleanField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PositiveIntegerField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_PositiveIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PositiveSmallIntegerField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_PositiveSmallIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PositiveBigIntegerField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_PositiveBigIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_SlugField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_SlugField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_SmallIntegerField": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_promises.py", + [ + "PromiseTest", + "test_SmallIntegerField" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slugfield_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_slugfield.py", + [ + "SlugFieldTests", + "test_slugfield_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slugfield_unicode_max_length": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_slugfield.py", + [ + "SlugFieldTests", + "test_slugfield_unicode_max_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_generates_select_widget": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_textfield.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests", + "test_choices_generates_select_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_integer_in_textfield": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_textfield.py", + [ + "TextFieldTests", + "test_lookup_integer_in_textfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuid_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_uuid_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str_instance_no_hyphens": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_str_instance_no_hyphens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str_instance_hyphens": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_str_instance_hyphens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str_instance_bad_hyphens": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_str_instance_bad_hyphens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_handling": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_null_handling" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_null_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_validated": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_pk_validated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_value": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_wrong_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_python_int_values": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_to_python_int_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_python_int_too_large": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestMethods", + "test_to_python_int_too_large" + ] + ] + ], + "assertSequenceEqualWithoutHyphens": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "assertSequenceEqualWithoutHyphens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iexact": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_iexact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_icontains": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_icontains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_icontains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_startswith": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_startswith" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_startswith" + ] + ] + ], + "test_istartswith": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_istartswith" + ] + ] + ], + "test_endswith": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_endswith" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_endswith" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iendswith": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_iendswith" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_expr": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_filter_with_expr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_loading": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_nullable_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_uuid": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_invalid_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuid_instance_ok": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_uuid_instance_ok" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creation": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKey", + "test_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuid_pk_on_save": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKey", + "test_uuid_pk_on_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uuid_pk_on_bulk_create": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKey", + "test_uuid_pk_on_bulk_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_underlying_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKey", + "test_underlying_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_related_model_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKey", + "test_update_with_related_model_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_related_model_id": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKey", + "test_update_with_related_model_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_two_level_foreign_keys": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKey", + "test_two_level_foreign_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsaved_fk": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/test_uuid.py", + [ + "TestAsPrimaryKeyTransactionTests", + "test_unsaved_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_show_hidden_initial": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_show_hidden_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_repr": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_field_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_repr_nested": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_field_repr_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_verbose_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_field_verbose_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_form_class": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_choices_form_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_str": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_field_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_field_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_instance_is_picklable": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_field_instance_is_picklable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_nested_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "BasicFieldTests", + "test_deconstruct_nested_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatchoices": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_flatchoices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_choice": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "ChoicesTests", + "test_invalid_choice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_and_field_display": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_choices_and_field_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_FIELD_display_translated": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_get_FIELD_display_translated" + ] + ] + ], + "get_foo_bar_display": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_overriding_FIELD_display", + "FooBar", + "get_foo_bar_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overriding_FIELD_display": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_overriding_FIELD_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overriding_inherited_FIELD_display": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_overriding_inherited_FIELD_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterator_choices": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_iterator_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_iterator_choices": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldDisplayTests", + "test_empty_iterator_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_choices": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesTests", + "test_empty_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_in_choices": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesTests", + "test_blank_in_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_in_grouped_choices": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesTests", + "test_blank_in_grouped_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_strings_not_evaluated": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesTests", + "test_lazy_strings_not_evaluated" + ] + ] + ], + "assertChoicesEqual": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesOrderingTests", + "assertChoicesEqual" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesLimitChoicesToTests", + "assertChoicesEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_choices": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesOrderingTests", + "test_get_choices" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesLimitChoicesToTests", + "test_get_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_choices_default_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesOrderingTests", + "test_get_choices_default_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_choices_reverse_related_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesOrderingTests", + "test_get_choices_reverse_related_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesLimitChoicesToTests", + "test_get_choices_reverse_related_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_choices_reverse_related_field_default_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/model_fields/tests.py", + [ + "GetChoicesOrderingTests", + "test_get_choices_reverse_related_field_default_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "default_mode": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "default_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "default_category": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "default_category" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_upload_path": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "ImageFile", + "custom_upload_path" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/models.py", + [ + "try_", + "OptionalImageFile", + "custom_upload_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basics": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_basics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_model_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_clean_model_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_to_field_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_clean_to_field_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_freshness": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choices_freshness" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_bool": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choices_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_bool_empty_label": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choices_bool_empty_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_radio_blank": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choices_radio_blank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deepcopies_widget": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_deepcopies_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_cache_not_shared": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_result_cache_not_shared" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_none": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_queryset_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_extra_query_when_accessing_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_no_extra_query_when_accessing_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield_initial_model_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_modelchoicefield_initial_model_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_multiplemodelchoicefield": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_multiplemodelchoicefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_modelmultiplechoicefield_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_disabled_modelmultiplechoicefield_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridable_choice_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_overridable_choice_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_custom_choice_iterator_passes_model_to_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_not_fetched_when_not_rendering": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_choices_not_fetched_when_not_rendering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_manager": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_queryset_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num_queries": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_modelchoicefield.py", + [ + "ModelChoiceFieldTests", + "test_num_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_save_error": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_uuid.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_create_save_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_save_error": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_uuid.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_update_save_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_multiple_choice_field_uuid_pk": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/test_uuid.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_model_multiple_choice_field_uuid_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_base_form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_base_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_model_class": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_no_model_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_fields_to_fields_for_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_empty_fields_to_fields_for_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_fields_on_modelform": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_empty_fields_on_modelform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_fields_to_construct_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_empty_fields_to_construct_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_with_null_foreign_key_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_with_null_foreign_key_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_false_with_null_true_foreign_key_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_false_with_null_true_foreign_key_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_foreign_key_with_radio": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_blank_foreign_key_with_radio" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_blank_foreign_key_with_radio": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_non_blank_foreign_key_with_radio" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_blank_false_with_required_false": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_save_blank_false_with_required_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_blank_null_unique_charfield_saves_null": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_save_blank_null_unique_charfield_saves_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_fields_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_missing_fields_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_field_model_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_field_model_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_declared_field_model_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_declared_field_model_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_field_modelform_factory": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_extra_field_modelform_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_field_variant_2": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field_variant_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_field_variant_3": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_replace_field_variant_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_override_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limit_nonexistent_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_limit_nonexistent_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limit_fields_with_string": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_limit_fields_with_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_nonexistent_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_nonexistent_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_fields_with_string": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_fields_with_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_and_validation": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_exclude_and_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confused_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_confused_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixmodel_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_mixmodel_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_article_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_article_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_bad_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_meta_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_invalid_meta_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subcategory_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_subcategory_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclassmeta_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_subclassmeta_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_orderfields_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_orderfields_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_orderfields2_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_orderfields2_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_populated_on_optional_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_populated_on_optional_field" + ] + ] + 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"tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_renderer_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_splitdatetime_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_splitdatetime_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_filefield": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_filefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_selectdatewidget": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBaseTest", + "test_default_selectdatewidget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widget_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "TestFieldOverridesByFormMeta", + "test_widget_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "TestFieldOverridesByFormMeta", + "test_label_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_help_text_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "TestFieldOverridesByFormMeta", + "test_help_text_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_messages_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "TestFieldOverridesByFormMeta", + "test_error_messages_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_type_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "TestFieldOverridesByFormMeta", + "test_field_type_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validates_with_replaced_field_not_specified": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ValidationTest", + "test_validates_with_replaced_field_not_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validates_with_replaced_field_excluded": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ValidationTest", + "test_validates_with_replaced_field_excluded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_notrequired_overrides_notblank": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ValidationTest", + "test_notrequired_overrides_notblank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_unique": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_simple_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_together" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceUniqueTests", + "test_unique_together" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together_exclusion": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_together_exclusion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_field_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_multiple_field_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_null": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_unique": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_inherited_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_inherited_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_inherited_unique": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_abstract_inherited_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_inherited_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_abstract_inherited_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicitpk_unspecified": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_explicitpk_unspecified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicitpk_unique": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_explicitpk_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_for_date": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_for_date" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "PerformUniqueChecksTest", + "test_unique_for_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_for_date_in_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_for_date_in_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_unique_for_date": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_inherited_unique_for_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_for_date_with_nullable_date": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_unique_for_date_with_nullable_date" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "PerformUniqueChecksTest", + "test_unique_for_date_with_nullable_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_unique_message": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_unique_together_message": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_together_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_unique_for_date_message": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "UniqueTest", + "test_override_unique_for_date_message" + ] + ] + ], + "create_basic_data": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "create_basic_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_values": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_initial_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_initial_callable": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_m2m_initial_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_creation": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_basic_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_commit_false": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_save_commit_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_with_data_errors": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_save_with_data_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_multi_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subset_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_subset_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_editing": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_m2m_editing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_custom_form_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runtime_choicefield_populated": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_runtime_choicefield_populated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recleaning_model_form_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormBasicTests", + "test_recleaning_model_form_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_multiple_choice_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_multiple_choice_required_false": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_required_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_multiple_choice_number_of_queries": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_number_of_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "my_validator": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_run_validators", + "my_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_multiple_choice_run_validators": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_run_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_multiple_choice_show_hidden_initial": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_show_hidden_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_multiple_choice_field_22745": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_model_multiple_choice_field_22745" + ] + ] + ], + "test_show_hidden_initial_changed_queries_efficiently": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_show_hidden_initial_changed_queries_efficiently" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_does_deduplicate_values": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_clean_does_deduplicate_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_field_name_with_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelMultipleChoiceFieldTests", + "test_to_field_name_with_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelform_onetoonefield": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_modelform_onetoonefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelform_subclassed_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_modelform_subclassed_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onetoonefield": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_onetoonefield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assignment_of_none": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_assignment_of_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assignment_of_none_null_false": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOneToOneFieldTests", + "test_assignment_of_none_null_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_false": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_clean_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_false_required": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_clean_false_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_full_clear": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_full_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_and_file_contradiction": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_clear_and_file_contradiction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_empty_file_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_render_empty_file_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_field_data": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_file_field_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filefield_required_false": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_filefield_required_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_file_field_save": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_custom_file_field_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_field_multiple_save": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_file_field_multiple_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_path_field_blank": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FileAndImageFieldTests", + "test_file_path_field_blank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_on_modelform": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_url_on_modelform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelform_non_editable_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_modelform_non_editable_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_http_prefixing": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelOtherFieldTests", + "test_http_prefixing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_on_modelform": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_media_on_modelform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_type": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_choices_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_prefetch_related_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreignkeys_which_use_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_foreignkeys_which_use_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_that_returns_none_to_exclude_itself_with_explicit_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_model_field_that_returns_none_to_exclude_itself_with_explicit_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterable_model_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_iterable_model_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_field_default": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "OtherModelFormTests", + "test_callable_field_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_error_messages": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormCustomErrorTests", + "test_custom_error_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_clean_error_messages": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormCustomErrorTests", + "test_model_clean_error_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_clean": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests", + "test_override_clean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_form_clean_applies_to_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomCleanTests", + "test_model_form_clean_applies_to_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_subclass_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_form_subclass_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_removal": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_removal_name_clashes": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormInheritanceTests", + "test_field_removal_name_clashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limit_choices_to_callable_for_fk_rel": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToTests", + "test_limit_choices_to_callable_for_fk_rel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limit_choices_to_callable_for_m2m_rel": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToTests", + "test_limit_choices_to_callable_for_m2m_rel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_field_with_queryset_but_no_limit_choices_to": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToTests", + "test_custom_field_with_queryset_but_no_limit_choices_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_for_model_applies_limit_choices_to": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToTests", + "test_fields_for_model_applies_limit_choices_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_called_each_time_form_is_instantiated": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LimitChoicesToTests", + "test_callable_called_each_time_form_is_instantiated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_baseform_with_widgets_in_meta": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_baseform_with_widgets_in_meta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_factory_with_widget_argument": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_factory_with_widget_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelform_factory_without_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_modelform_factory_without_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelform_factory_with_all_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_modelform_factory_with_all_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_callback": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_custom_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_callback": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_bad_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherit_after_custom_callback": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "FormFieldCallbackTests", + "test_inherit_after_custom_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_form_applies_localize_to_some_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_applies_localize_to_some_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_form_applies_localize_to_all_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_applies_localize_to_all_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_form_refuses_arbitrary_string": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "LocalizedModelFormTest", + "test_model_form_refuses_arbitrary_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelform_factory_metaclass": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "CustomMetaclassTestCase", + "test_modelform_factory_metaclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setattr_raises_validation_error_field_specific": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "StrictAssignmentTests", + "test_setattr_raises_validation_error_field_specific" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setattr_raises_validation_error_non_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_forms/tests.py", + [ + "StrictAssignmentTests", + "test_setattr_raises_validation_error_non_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/test_uuid.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_ignores_default_pks_on_submit": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/test_uuid.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inlineformset_factory_ignores_default_pks_on_submit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks_uuid_parent_auto_child": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/test_uuid.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks_uuid_parent_auto_child" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks_auto_parent_uuid_child": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/test_uuid.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks_auto_parent_uuid_child" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks_child_editable_pk": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/test_uuid.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks_child_editable_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks_alternate_key_relation": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/test_uuid.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inlineformset_factory_nulls_default_pks_alternate_key_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_outdated_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "DeletionTests", + "test_outdated_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_without_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_modelformset_factory_without_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_save": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_simple_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_commit_false": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_commit_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_num": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_max_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_num_with_existing": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_min_num_with_existing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_save_method": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_save_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_queryset_init": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_custom_queryset_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formsets": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formsets_save_as_new": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_save_as_new" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_pk": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formsets_with_multi_table_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_multi_table_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formsets_with_nullable_unique_together": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_nullable_unique_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_save_method": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_save_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_save_method_related_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_custom_save_method_related_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_formsets_with_wrong_fk_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inline_formsets_with_wrong_fk_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_true_enforces_max_num_one": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_unique_true_enforces_max_num_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_keys_in_parents": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_foreign_keys_in_parents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_validation": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_unique_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_validate_max_flag": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_modelformset_validate_max_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together_validation": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_unique_together_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together_with_inlineformset_factory": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_unique_together_with_inlineformset_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_with_null_fk": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inlineformset_factory_with_null_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_with_arrayfield": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_inlineformset_with_arrayfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_formset_with_custom_pk": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_model_formset_with_custom_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_formset_with_initial_model_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_model_formset_with_initial_model_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_formset_with_initial_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_model_formset_with_initial_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prevent_duplicates_from_with_the_same_formset": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_prevent_duplicates_from_with_the_same_formset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prevent_change_outer_model_and_create_invalid_data": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_prevent_change_outer_model_and_create_invalid_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_without_id": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_validation_without_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_with_child_model_without_id": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_validation_with_child_model_without_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_validation_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_with_nonexistent_id": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_validation_with_nonexistent_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_form_count_empty_data_raises_validation_error": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsetTest", + "test_initial_form_count_empty_data_raises_validation_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_widgets": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_modelformset_factory_widgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_widgets": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_inlineformset_factory_widgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_labels_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_modelformset_factory_labels_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_labels_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_inlineformset_factory_labels_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_help_text_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_modelformset_factory_help_text_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_help_text_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_inlineformset_factory_help_text_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_error_messages_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_modelformset_factory_error_messages_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_error_messages_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_inlineformset_factory_error_messages_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_field_class_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_modelformset_factory_field_class_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_field_class_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_inlineformset_factory_field_class_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_absolute_max": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_modelformset_factory_absolute_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_absolute_max_with_max_num": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_modelformset_factory_absolute_max_with_max_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_absolute_max": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_inlineformset_factory_absolute_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_absolute_max_with_max_num": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets/tests.py", + [ + "TestModelFormsetOverridesTroughFormMeta", + "test_inlineformset_factory_absolute_max_with_max_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_over_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_formset_over_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_over_inherited_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_formset_over_inherited_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_model_with_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inline_model_with_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_model_with_primary_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inline_model_with_primary_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_model_with_to_field_to_rel": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_inline_model_with_to_field_to_rel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_with_none_instance": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_formset_with_none_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_fields_on_modelformset": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_empty_fields_on_modelformset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_as_new_with_new_inlines": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "InlineFormsetTests", + "test_save_as_new_with_new_inlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_class": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormsetTests", + "test_error_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extraneous_query_is_not_run": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormsetTests", + "test_extraneous_query_is_not_run" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_factory_default": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldCallbackTests", + "test_inlineformset_factory_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_factory_default": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldCallbackTests", + "test_modelformset_factory_default" + ] + ] + ], + "assertCallbackCalled": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldCallbackTests", + "assertCallbackCalled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inlineformset_custom_callback": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldCallbackTests", + "test_inlineformset_custom_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modelformset_custom_callback": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldCallbackTests", + "test_modelformset_custom_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "should_delete": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests", + "CustomDeleteUserForm", + "should_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init_database": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests", + "test_init_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_delete": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests", + "test_no_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_delete": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests", + "test_all_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_delete": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "FormfieldShouldDeleteFormTests", + "test_custom_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resubmit": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RedeleteTests", + "test_resubmit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_already_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/model_formsets_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RedeleteTests", + "test_delete_already_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suffix": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndexTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BrinIndexTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BTreeIndexTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "GinIndexTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "GistIndexTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "HashIndexTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SpGistIndexTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "PluralizeTests", + "test_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_fields_type": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_index_fields_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_fields_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raises_error_without_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_raises_error_without_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_opclasses_requires_index_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_opclasses_requires_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_opclasses_requires_list_or_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_opclasses_requires_list_or_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_opclasses_and_fields_same_length": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_opclasses_and_fields_same_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_requires_index_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_condition_requires_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_requires_list_or_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_include_requires_list_or_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_requires_index_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_include_requires_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_auto_generation": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_name_auto_generation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "IndexTestMixin", + "test_name_auto_generation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_auto_generation_with_quoted_db_table": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_name_auto_generation_with_quoted_db_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_with_condition": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_deconstruct_with_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_with_include": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_deconstruct_with_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clone": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_clone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_set": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_name_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_children": [ + [ + "tests/model_indexes/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleIndexesTests", + "test_abstract_children" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_parent": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_single_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_inherited_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_inherited_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_concrete_inherited_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multiple_inheritance_cannot_shadow_concrete_inherited_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_virtual_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_override_indirect_abstract_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_cannot_override_indirect_abstract_field" + ] + ] + ], + "full_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_field_with_attr", + "Descendant", + "full_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_field_with_attr": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_field_with_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overriding_field_removed_by_concrete_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_overriding_field_removed_by_concrete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shadowed_fkey_id": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadowed_fkey_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shadow_related_name_when_set_to_none": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_shadow_related_name_when_set_to_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_reverse_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_inheritance_field_clashes": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_multi_inheritance_field_clashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_one2one_relation_auto_field_clashes": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_override_one2one_relation_auto_field_clashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/test_abstract_inheritance.py", + [ + "AbstractInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_model_with_regular_python_mixin_mro" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_relation_for_different_hierarchy_tree": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_reverse_relation_for_different_hierarchy_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_with_distinct_accessors": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_model_with_distinct_accessors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_with_distinct_related_query_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_model_with_distinct_related_query_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_fields_and_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_meta_fields_and_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custompk_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_custompk_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_parent_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_update_parent_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_child_no_update": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_create_child_no_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixin_init": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_mixin_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_parent_link": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_abstract_parent_link" + ] + ] + ], + "__init_subclass__": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_init_subclass", + "A", + "__init_subclass__" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_init_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_set_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_ordering_pk_desc": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_inherited_ordering_pk_desc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_class_getitem": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTests", + "test_queryset_class_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_inherited_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_filter_inherited_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_inherited_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_update_inherited_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parent_fields_available_for_filtering_in_child_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_parent_fields_available_for_filtering_in_child_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_on_parent_returns_object_of_parent_type": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_filter_on_parent_returns_object_of_parent_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parent_child_one_to_one_link": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_parent_child_one_to_one_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parent_child_one_to_one_link_on_nonrelated_objects": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_parent_child_one_to_one_link_on_nonrelated_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_does_not_exist_exception": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_inherited_does_not_exist_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_multiple_objects_returned_exception": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_inherited_multiple_objects_returned_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_objects_for_inherited_models": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_related_objects_for_inherited_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_works_on_parent_and_child_models_at_once": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_update_works_on_parent_and_child_models_at_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_works_on_parent_model_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_values_works_on_parent_model_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_works_on_parent_model_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_select_related_works_on_parent_model_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_defer": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_select_related_defer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parent_cache_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_parent_cache_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_query_counts": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_update_query_counts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_inherited_on_null": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_filter_inherited_on_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_inherited_on_null": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceDataTests", + "test_exclude_inherited_on_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_fk_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceSameModelNameTests", + "test_abstract_fk_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "InheritanceUniqueTests", + "test_unique" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issue_7105": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_issue_7105" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issue_7276": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_issue_7276" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issue_6755": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_issue_6755" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issue_7488": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_issue_7488" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issue_11764": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_issue_11764" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issue_7853": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_issue_7853" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_next_previous_by_date": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_get_next_previous_by_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inherited_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_inherited_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_update_on_parent_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_queryset_update_on_parent_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_explicit_o2o_to_parent_as_pk": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_use_explicit_o2o_to_parent_as_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_explicit_o2o_to_parent_from_abstract_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_use_explicit_o2o_to_parent_from_abstract_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_fields_from_abstract_base_class": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_all_fields_from_abstract_base_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_base_class_m2m_relation_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_abstract_base_class_m2m_relation_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_verbose_name_plural_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_abstract_verbose_name_plural_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_nullable_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inherited_nullable_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concrete_abstract_concrete_pk": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_concrete_abstract_concrete_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_unique_field_with_form": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inherited_unique_field_with_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_joins": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inheritance_joins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_values_joins": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inheritance_values_joins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issue_21554": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_issue_21554" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_resolve_columns": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inheritance_resolve_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_inheritance_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_with_parent_fk": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_filter_with_parent_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ptr_accessor_assigns_state": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_ptr_accessor_assigns_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_filtering_query_efficiency_ticket_15844": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_related_filtering_query_efficiency_ticket_15844" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queries_on_parent_access": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_queries_on_parent_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_id_field_update_on_ancestor_change": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_id_field_update_on_ancestor_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_new_instance_with_pk_equals_none": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_create_new_instance_with_pk_equals_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_new_instance_with_pk_equals_none_multi_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/model_inheritance_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelInheritanceTest", + "test_create_new_instance_with_pk_equals_none_multi_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_property": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/models.py", + [ + "AbstractPerson", + "test_property" + ] + ] + ], + "_map_related_query_names": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "OptionsBaseTests", + "_map_related_query_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_map_names": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "OptionsBaseTests", + "_map_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "OptionsBaseTests", + "_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_details": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "OptionsBaseTests", + "_details" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_fields_is_immutable": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldsTests", + "test_get_fields_is_immutable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_lower": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "LabelTests", + "test_label_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "DataTests", + "test_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reserved_names/tests.py", + [ + "ReservedNameTests", + "test_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "is_data_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "DataTests", + "test_local_fields", + "is_data_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_local_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "DataTests", + "test_local_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_local_concrete_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "DataTests", + "test_local_concrete_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_with_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "M2MTests", + "test_many_to_many_with_model" + ] + ] + ], + "key_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectsTests", + "key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_objects": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectsTests", + "test_related_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_objects_local": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectsTests", + "test_related_objects_local" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_objects_include_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectsTests", + "test_related_objects_include_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_objects_include_hidden_local_only": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedObjectsTests", + "test_related_objects_include_hidden_local_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_private_fields": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "PrivateFieldsTests", + "test_private_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_data_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldByNameTests", + "test_get_data_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_m2m_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldByNameTests", + "test_get_m2m_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_related_object": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldByNameTests", + "test_get_related_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_related_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldByNameTests", + "test_get_related_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_generic_relation": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldByNameTests", + "test_get_generic_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_fields_only_searches_forward_on_apps_not_ready": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "GetFieldByNameTests", + "test_get_fields_only_searches_forward_on_apps_not_ready" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_cache_clears_relation_tree": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelationTreeTests", + "test_clear_cache_clears_relation_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first_relation_tree_access_populates_all": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelationTreeTests", + "test_first_relation_tree_access_populates_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relations_related_objects": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "RelationTreeTests", + "test_relations_related_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parent_list": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "ParentListTests", + "test_get_parent_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_person": [ + [ + "tests/model_meta/tests.py", + [ + "PropertyNamesTests", + "test_person" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_default_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests", + "test_no_default_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests", + "test_default_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_related_name_in_queryset_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests", + "test_default_related_name_in_queryset_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_name_not_available_in_queryset_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests", + "test_model_name_not_available_in_queryset_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_name_overrides_default_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests", + "test_related_name_overrides_default_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_with_overridden_default_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_default_related_name.py", + [ + "DefaultRelatedNameTests", + "test_inheritance_with_overridden_default_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "sql_for_table": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "sql_for_table" + ] + ] + ], + "sql_for_index": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "sql_for_index" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNumContains": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests", + "assertNumContains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tablespace_for_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests", + "test_tablespace_for_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tablespace_ignored_for_model": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests", + "test_tablespace_ignored_for_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tablespace_for_indexed_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests", + "test_tablespace_for_indexed_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tablespace_ignored_for_indexed_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests", + "test_tablespace_ignored_for_indexed_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tablespace_for_many_to_many_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_options/test_tablespaces.py", + [ + "TablespacesTests", + "test_tablespace_for_many_to_many_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_tables_in_subpackage_models": [ + [ + "tests/model_package/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPackageTests", + "test_m2m_tables_in_subpackage_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_models_in_the_test_package": [ + [ + "tests/model_package/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPackageTests", + "test_models_in_the_test_package" + ] + ] + ], + "test_automatic_m2m_column_names": [ + [ + "tests/model_package/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPackageTests", + "test_automatic_m2m_column_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_django_version_unpickling": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_missing_django_version_unpickling" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_missing_django_version_unpickling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_unpickle": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_unsupported_unpickle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_unsupported_unpickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_getstate": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_pickle.py", + [ + "ModelPickleTests", + "test_with_getstate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fields_cache_descriptor": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/test_state.py", + [ + "ModelStateTests", + "test_fields_cache_descriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_init_too_many_args": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_model_init_too_many_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_gte_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_related_gte_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_lte_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_related_lte_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sql_insert_compiler_return_id_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_sql_insert_compiler_return_id_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_choice": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_empty_choice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_textfield": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_long_textfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_unicode_textfield": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_long_unicode_textfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_date_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_filter_null": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_date_filter_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_next_prev_by_field": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_get_next_prev_by_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_next_prev_by_field_unsaved": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_get_next_prev_by_field_unsaved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primary_key_foreign_key_types": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_primary_key_foreign_key_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timezones": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_timezones" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_timezones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chained_fks": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_chained_fks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_metaclass_can_access_attribute_dict": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelTests", + "test_metaclass_can_access_attribute_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_validation": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ModelValidationTest", + "test_pk_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_with_evaluate_method": [ + [ + "tests/model_regress/tests.py", + [ + "EvaluateMethodTest", + "test_model_with_evaluate_method" + ] + ] + ], + "decade_published_in": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/models.py", + [ + "ValidationTestModel", + "decade_published_in" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_action": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_get_actions_respects_permissions", + "BandAdmin", + "custom_action" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_inheritance", + "AdminBase", + "custom_action" + ] + ] + ], + "has_custom_permission": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_get_actions_respects_permissions", + "BandAdmin", + "has_custom_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_actions_respects_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_get_actions_respects_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_actions_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "global_action_1": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_replace_global_action", + "global_action_1" + ] + ] + ], + "global_action_2": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_replace_global_action", + "global_action_2" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_action_1": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_replace_global_action", + "custom_action_1" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_action_2": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_replace_global_action", + "BandAdmin", + "custom_action_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_actions_replace_global_action": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_actions.py", + [ + "AdminActionsTests", + "test_actions_replace_global_action" + ] + ] + ], + "assertIsInvalid": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "CheckTestCase", + "assertIsInvalid" + ] + ] + ], + "assertIsInvalidRegexp": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "CheckTestCase", + "assertIsInvalidRegexp" + ] + ] + ], + "assertIsValid": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "CheckTestCase", + "assertIsValid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SearchFieldsCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_not_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_field": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FkNameCheckTests", + "test_missing_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_field_type": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RawIdCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterVerticalCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FilterHorizontalCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_invalid_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_invalid_field_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "CurrentSiteManagerChecksTests", + "test_invalid_field_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_iterable_item": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_non_iterable_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_not_a_pair": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_item_not_a_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "test_second_element_of_item_not_a_dict": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_second_element_of_item_not_a_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_fields_key": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_missing_fields_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specified_both_fields_and_fieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_specified_both_fields_and_fieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_fields": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_duplicate_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_fields_in_fieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_duplicate_fields_in_fieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fieldsets_with_custom_form_validation": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsetsCheckTests", + "test_fieldsets_with_custom_form_validation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormCheckTests", + "test_fieldsets_with_custom_form_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_fields_in_fields": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FieldsCheckTests", + "test_duplicate_fields_in_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_type": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListSelectRelatedCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_invalid_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_dictionary": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "RadioFieldsCheckTests", + "test_not_dictionary" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_not_dictionary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_list_or_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_not_list_or_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_field_again": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_missing_field_again" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_to_one_field": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "PrepopulatedFieldsCheckTests", + "test_one_to_one_field" + ] + ] + ], + "a_callable": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_case", + "a_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "a_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "a_method": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin", + "a_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_valid_case", + "TestModelAdmin", + "a_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_field_accessible_via_instance": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayTests", + "test_valid_field_accessible_via_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_in_list_display": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_missing_in_list_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_None_is_valid_case": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_None_is_valid_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_links_check_skipped_if_get_list_display_overridden": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_list_display_links_check_skipped_if_get_list_display_overridden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_link_checked_for_list_tuple_if_get_list_display_overridden": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayLinksCheckTests", + "test_list_display_link_checked_for_list_tuple_if_get_list_display_overridden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_filter_validation": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_list_filter_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_list_filter_class": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_list_filter_class" + ] + ] + ], + "random_callable": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_callable", + "random_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_callable": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests", + "test_not_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_filter": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_filter_again": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter_again" + ] + ] + ], + "get_title": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter_again_again", + "AwesomeFilter", + "get_title" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_valid_case", + "AwesomeFilter", + "get_title" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_filter_again_again": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_filter_again_again" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filter": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_list_filter_is_func", + "get_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_filter_is_func": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_list_filter_is_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_associated_with_field_name": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListFilterTests", + "test_not_associated_with_field_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_integer": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListPerPageCheckTests", + "test_not_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListMaxShowAllCheckTests", + "test_not_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ExtraCheckTests", + "test_not_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MaxNumCheckTests", + "test_not_integer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "MinNumCheckTests", + "test_not_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_valid_case": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_related_valid_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_invalid_field_type": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "DateHierarchyCheckTests", + "test_related_invalid_field_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random_marker_not_alone": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_random_marker_not_alone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_random_marker_case": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_valid_random_marker_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_complex_case": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_valid_complex_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_expression": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_invalid_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_expression": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "OrderingCheckTests", + "test_valid_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_boolean": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveAsCheckTests", + "test_not_boolean" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "SaveOnTopCheckTests", + "test_not_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_correct_inline_field": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_not_correct_inline_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_model_admin": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_not_model_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_model_field": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_missing_model_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_model_type": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_model_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_model": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_model" + ] + ] + ], + "random_obj": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_callable", + "random_obj" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_callable": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "InlinesCheckTests", + "test_invalid_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_without_formset_class": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "FormsetCheckTests", + "test_inline_without_formset_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_links_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_links_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_first_item_same_as_list_editable_first_item": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_first_item_same_as_list_editable_first_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_first_item_in_list_editable": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_first_item_in_list_editable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_first_item_same_as_list_editable_no_list_display_links": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_first_item_same_as_list_editable_no_list_display_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_display_first_item_in_list_editable_no_list_display_links": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_list_display_first_item_in_list_editable_no_list_display_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_both_list_editable_and_list_display_links": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ListDisplayEditableTests", + "test_both_list_editable_and_list_display_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autocomplete_e036": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e036" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autocomplete_e037": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e037" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autocomplete_e38": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e38" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autocomplete_e039": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e039" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autocomplete_e040": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_e040" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autocomplete_is_valid": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_is_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autocomplete_is_onetoone": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "AutocompleteFieldsTests", + "test_autocomplete_is_onetoone" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_permission_action": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ActionsCheckTests", + "test_custom_permissions_require_matching_has_method", + "custom_permission_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_permissions_require_matching_has_method": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ActionsCheckTests", + "test_custom_permissions_require_matching_has_method" + ] + ] + ], + "action": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ActionsCheckTests", + "test_actions_not_unique", + "action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_actions_not_unique": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ActionsCheckTests", + "test_actions_not_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "action1": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ActionsCheckTests", + "test_actions_unique", + "action1" + ] + ] + ], + "action2": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ActionsCheckTests", + "test_actions_unique", + "action2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_actions_unique": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/test_checks.py", + [ + "ActionsCheckTests", + "test_actions_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modeladmin_str": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_modeladmin_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_fields": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_default_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_fieldsets": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_default_fieldsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_allowed_allows_nonexistent_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_lookup_allowed_allows_nonexistent_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_allowed_onetoone": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_lookup_allowed_onetoone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_field_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_arguments_restricted_on_form": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_field_arguments_restricted_on_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_formfield_override_readonly": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_formfield_override_readonly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overriding_get_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_overriding_get_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_exclude_overrides_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_exclude_overrides_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_exclude_takes_obj": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_exclude_takes_obj" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_form_validation": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_custom_form_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_exclude_kwarg_override": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_form_exclude_kwarg_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_exclude_kwarg_override": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_exclude_kwarg_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_fields": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_formset_overriding_get_exclude_with_form_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_id_fields_widget_override": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_raw_id_fields_widget_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queryset_override": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_queryset_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_for_ticket_15820": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_regression_for_ticket_15820" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_foreign_key_widget": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_default_foreign_key_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_foreign_key_as_radio_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_actions": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_log_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_autocomplete_fields": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_autocomplete_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deleted_objects": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_deleted_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deleted_objects_with_custom_has_delete_permission": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminTests", + "test_get_deleted_objects_with_custom_has_delete_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_view_permission": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "test_has_view_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_add_permission": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "test_has_add_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_has_add_permission_uses_obj": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "test_inline_has_add_permission_uses_obj" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_change_permission": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "test_has_change_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_delete_permission": [ + [ + "tests/modeladmin/tests.py", + [ + "ModelAdminPermissionTests", + "test_has_delete_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_selection": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_db_selection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_db_selection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_creation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_default_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_other_creation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_other_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_router_instance_hint": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_refresh_router_instance_hint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_queries": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_basic_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_separation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_m2m_separation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_forward_operations": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_m2m_forward_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_reverse_operations": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_m2m_reverse_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_cross_database_protection": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_m2m_cross_database_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_m2m_cross_database_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_m2m_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_separation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_foreign_key_separation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_reverse_operations": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_foreign_key_reverse_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_cross_database_protection": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_foreign_key_cross_database_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_foreign_key_cross_database_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_foreign_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_validation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_foreign_key_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_validation_with_router": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_foreign_key_validation_with_router" + ] + ] + ], + "test_o2o_separation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_o2o_separation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_o2o_cross_database_protection": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_o2o_cross_database_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_o2o_cross_database_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_key_separation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_generic_key_separation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_key_reverse_operations": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_generic_key_reverse_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_key_cross_database_protection": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_generic_key_cross_database_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_generic_key_cross_database_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_key_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_generic_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "QueryTestCase", + "test_raw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_router_init_default": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionRouterTestCase", + "test_router_init_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_router_init_arg": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "ConnectionRouterTestCase", + "test_router_init_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_selection": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_migrate_selection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_partial_router": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_partial_router" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_routing": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_database_routing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_set_foreign_key_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_invalid_set_foreign_key_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_managers": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_m2m_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_managers": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_foreign_key_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_key_managers": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_generic_key_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferred_models": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterTestCase", + "test_deferred_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auth_manager": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "AuthTestCase", + "test_auth_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "AuthTestCase", + "test_dumpdata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixture_loading": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureTestCase", + "test_fixture_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pseudo_empty_fixtures": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "FixtureTestCase", + "test_pseudo_empty_fixtures" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickling": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "PickleQuerySetTestCase", + "test_pickling" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_pickling" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "test_pickling" + ] + ] + ], + "override_router": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "override_router" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterAttributeErrorTestCase", + "override_router" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "override_router" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_arg_save_and_delete": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_database_arg_save_and_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_arg_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_database_arg_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_error_read": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterAttributeErrorTestCase", + "test_attribute_error_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_error_save": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterAttributeErrorTestCase", + "test_attribute_error_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_error_delete": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterAttributeErrorTestCase", + "test_attribute_error_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_error_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterAttributeErrorTestCase", + "test_attribute_error_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_collection": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterModelArgumentTestCase", + "test_m2m_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreignkey_collection": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouterModelArgumentTestCase", + "test_foreignkey_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_to_other_database": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "MigrateTestCase", + "test_migrate_to_other_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_migrate_to_other_database_with_router": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "MigrateTestCase", + "test_migrate_to_other_database_with_router" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_delete": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_fk_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_fk_delete": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_fk_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_fk_get_or_create": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_fk_get_or_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_fk_update": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_fk_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_add": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_m2m_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_clear": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_m2m_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_delete": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_m2m_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_get_or_create": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_m2m_get_or_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_remove": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_m2m_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_update": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_m2m_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_m2m_add": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_m2m_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_m2m_clear": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_m2m_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_m2m_delete": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_m2m_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_m2m_get_or_create": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_m2m_get_or_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_m2m_remove": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_m2m_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_m2m_update": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RouteForWriteTestCase", + "test_reverse_m2m_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_relation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RelationAssignmentTests", + "test_foreign_key_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_relation": [ + [ + "tests/multiple_database/tests.py", + [ + "RelationAssignmentTests", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutually_referential": [ + [ + "tests/mutually_referential/tests.py", + [ + "MutuallyReferentialTests", + "test_mutually_referential" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_null_FK": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "NestedForeignKeysTests", + "test_inheritance_null_FK" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "NestedForeignKeysTests", + "test_null_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_ForeignKey": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "NestedForeignKeysTests", + "test_explicit_ForeignKey" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "DeeplyNestedForeignKeysTests", + "test_explicit_ForeignKey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_ForeignKey_NullFK": [ + [ + "tests/nested_foreign_keys/tests.py", + [ + "NestedForeignKeysTests", + "test_explicit_ForeignKey_NullFK" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_models": [ + [ + "tests/no_models/tests.py", + [ + "NoModelTests", + "test_no_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_fk": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk/tests.py", + [ + "NullFkTests", + "test_null_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_isnull": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk/tests.py", + [ + "NullFkTests", + "test_combine_isnull" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_across_null_fk": [ + [ + "tests/null_fk_ordering/tests.py", + [ + "NullFkOrderingTests", + "test_ordering_across_null_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_as_null": [ + [ + "tests/null_queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullQueriesTests", + "test_none_as_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_relations": [ + [ + "tests/null_queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullQueriesTests", + "test_reverse_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getter": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_getter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/properties/tests.py", + [ + "PropertyTests", + "test_getter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setter": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_setter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/properties/tests.py", + [ + "PropertyTests", + "test_setter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_all": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_manager_all" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_get_restaurant": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_manager_get", + "assert_get_restaurant" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_get_place": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_manager_get", + "assert_get_place" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_get": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_manager_get" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_filter_waiters": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_foreign_key", + "assert_filter_waiters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_o2o": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_multiple_o2o" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsaved_object": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_unsaved_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_relationship_cache_cascade": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_reverse_relationship_cache_cascade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_models_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_create_models_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_object_cache": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_reverse_object_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_none_reverse_relation": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_assign_none_reverse_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_none_null_reverse_relation": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_assign_none_null_reverse_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_none_to_null_cached_reverse_relation": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_assign_none_to_null_cached_reverse_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_o2o_id_value": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_assign_o2o_id_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_o2o_id_none": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_assign_o2o_id_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_object_cache": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_related_object_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_one_to_one_relations": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_filter_one_to_one_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_o2o_primary_key_delete": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_o2o_primary_key_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_nullable_o2o_after_parent": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_save_nullable_o2o_after_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_object_does_not_exist_cache": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_reverse_object_does_not_exist_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_object_cached_when_related_is_accessed": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_reverse_object_cached_when_related_is_accessed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_object_cached_when_reverse_is_accessed": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_related_object_cached_when_reverse_is_accessed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_object_cached_when_related_is_set": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_reverse_object_cached_when_related_is_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_object_cached_when_related_is_unset": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_reverse_object_cached_when_related_is_unset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_reverse_on_unsaved_object": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_get_reverse_on_unsaved_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_reverse_on_unsaved_object": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_set_reverse_on_unsaved_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_o2o_delete": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_nullable_o2o_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_accessor": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_hidden_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_one_to_one_pk": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_update_one_to_one_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rel_pk_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_rel_pk_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rel_pk_exact": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_rel_pk_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primary_key_to_field_filter": [ + [ + "tests/one_to_one/tests.py", + [ + "OneToOneTests", + "test_primary_key_to_field_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_or": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_filter_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stages": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_q": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_pk_q" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_in": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_pk_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_q_repr": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_q_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_q_negated": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_q_negated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_filter": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_complex_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_in": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_empty_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_q_and": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_q_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_q_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_q_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_other_arg_queries": [ + [ + "tests/or_lookups/tests.py", + [ + "OrLookupsTests", + "test_other_arg_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_to_insertion_order": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_default_to_insertion_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_previous_and_next_in_order": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_previous_and_next_in_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_item_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_order_unrelated_object": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_set_order_unrelated_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_change_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_recursive_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_and_insert": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/base_tests.py", + [ + "BaseOrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_delete_and_insert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_order_field": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "OrderWithRespectToTests", + "test_duplicate_order_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_order": [ + [ + "tests/order_with_respect_to/tests.py", + [ + "TestOrderWithRespectToOneToOnePK", + "test_set_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_ordering_override": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_default_ordering_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_override": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_order_by_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_nulls_first_and_last": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_order_by_nulls_first_and_last" + ] + ] + ], + "assertQuerysetEqualReversible": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "assertQuerysetEqualReversible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_nulls_last": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_order_by_nulls_last" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_nulls_first": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_order_by_nulls_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_orders_nulls_first_on_filtered_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_orders_nulls_first_on_filtered_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_slicing": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_stop_slicing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_start_slicing": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_stop_start_slicing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_random_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reversed_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_reversed_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_ordering_pure": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_reverse_ordering_pure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_meta_ordering_pure": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_reverse_meta_ordering_pure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_reordering_after_slicing": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_no_reordering_after_slicing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_extra_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_ordering_quoting": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ 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+ "test_order_by_constant_value_without_output_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_ordering_duplicate_table_reference": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_related_ordering_duplicate_table_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_ordering_by_f_expression": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_default_ordering_by_f_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_ptr_field_with_default_ordering_by_expression": [ + [ + "tests/ordering/tests.py", + [ + "OrderingTests", + "test_order_by_ptr_field_with_default_ordering_by_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "check_paginator": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "check_paginator" + ] + ] + ], + "check_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "check_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "test_paginator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_page_number": [ + [ + 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"tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "PaginationTests", + "test_paginator_iteration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first_page": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests", + "test_first_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_page": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests", + "test_last_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_page_getitem": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests", + "test_page_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginating_unordered_queryset_raises_warning": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests", + "test_paginating_unordered_queryset_raises_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginating_empty_queryset_does_not_warn": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests", + "test_paginating_empty_queryset_does_not_warn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginating_unordered_object_list_raises_warning": [ + [ + "tests/pagination/tests.py", + [ + "ModelPaginationTests", + "test_paginating_unordered_object_list_raises_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_charfield_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_charfield_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_integerfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_integerfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_integerfield_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_integerfield_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_booleanfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_booleanfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_booleanfield_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_booleanfield_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_filter": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_array_agg_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bit_and_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bit_and_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bit_and_on_only_true_values": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bit_and_on_only_true_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bit_and_on_only_false_values": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bit_and_on_only_false_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bit_and_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bit_and_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bit_or_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bit_or_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bit_or_on_only_true_values": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bit_or_on_only_true_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bit_or_on_only_false_values": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bit_or_on_only_false_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bit_or_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bit_or_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bool_and_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bool_and_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bool_and_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bool_and_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bool_or_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bool_or_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bool_or_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_bool_or_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_requires_delimiter": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_requires_delimiter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_delimiter_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_delimiter_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_charfield_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_charfield_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_filter": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_orderable_agg_alternative_fields": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_orderable_agg_alternative_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_agg": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_json_agg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_agg_empty": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_json_agg_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_array_agg_ordering_in_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_array_agg_ordering_in_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_array_agg_filter_in_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_array_agg_filter_in_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_filter_in_subquery_with_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestGeneralAggregate", + "test_string_agg_filter_in_subquery_with_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_distinct_false": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestAggregateDistinct", + "test_string_agg_distinct_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_agg_distinct_true": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestAggregateDistinct", + "test_string_agg_distinct_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_distinct_false": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestAggregateDistinct", + "test_array_agg_distinct_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_agg_distinct_true": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestAggregateDistinct", + "test_array_agg_distinct_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_arguments_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_missing_arguments_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_source_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_correct_source_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alias_is_required": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_alias_is_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_corr_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_corr_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_corr_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_corr_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_covar_pop_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_covar_pop_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_covar_pop_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_covar_pop_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_covar_pop_sample": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_covar_pop_sample" + ] + ] + ], + "test_covar_pop_sample_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_covar_pop_sample_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_avgx_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_avgx_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_avgx_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_avgx_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_avgy_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_avgy_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_avgy_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_avgy_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_count_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_count_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_count_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_count_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_intercept_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_intercept_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_intercept_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_intercept_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_r2_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_r2_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_r2_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_r2_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_slope_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_slope_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_slope_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_slope_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_sxx_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_sxx_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_sxx_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_sxx_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_sxy_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_sxy_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_sxy_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_sxy_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_syy_general": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_syy_general" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_syy_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_syy_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regr_avgx_with_related_obj_and_number_as_argument": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_aggregates.py", + [ + "TestStatisticsAggregate", + "test_regr_avgx_with_related_obj_and_number_as_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_type_handlers_connection": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_apps.py", + [ + "PostgresConfigTests", + "test_register_type_handlers_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNotSerializable": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_apps.py", + [ + "PostgresConfigTests", + "test_register_serializer_for_migrations", + "assertNotSerializable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_serializer_for_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_apps.py", + [ + "PostgresConfigTests", + "test_register_serializer_for_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_field_display": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "BasicTests", + "test_get_field_display" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "BasicTests", + "test_get_field_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_field_display_nested_array": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "BasicTests", + "test_get_field_display_nested_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dates": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_dates" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/reserved_names/tests.py", + [ + "ReservedNameTests", + "test_dates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tuples": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_tuples" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_tuples" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integers_passed_as_strings": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_integers_passed_as_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_null": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_default_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_nested" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_nested" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContextManagerTests", + "test_nested" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_other_array_types": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_other_array_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_from_db_value_handling": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_null_from_db_value_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_set_on_base_field": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_model_set_on_base_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_model_set_on_base_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_nullable_base_field": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_nested_nullable_base_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_list": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_empty_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_last.py", + [ + "LastTests", + "test_empty_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_nested": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_exact_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_including_F_object": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_in_including_F_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_as_F_object": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_in_as_F_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contained_by_including_F_object": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contained_by_including_F_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contains_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contained_by_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contained_by_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overlap_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_overlap_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookups_autofield_array": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_lookups_autofield_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_chained": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_index_chained" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_nested": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_index_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_used_on_nested_data": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_index_used_on_nested_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_transform_expression": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_index_transform_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overlap": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_overlap" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_overlap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_len": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_len" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_len" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_len" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "OrderedSetTests", + "test_len" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_len" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_len" + ] + ] + ], + "test_len_empty_array": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_len_empty_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_slice": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_order_by_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice_nested": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_slice_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice_transform_expression": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_slice_transform_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enum_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_enum_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_unsupported_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grouping_by_annotations_with_array_field_param": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_grouping_by_annotations_with_array_field_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_datetimes": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestDateTimeExactQuerying", + "test_exact_datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_dates": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestDateTimeExactQuerying", + "test_exact_dates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_times": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestDateTimeExactQuerying", + "test_exact_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestOtherTypesExactQuerying", + "test_exact_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_uuids": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestOtherTypesExactQuerying", + "test_exact_uuids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_decimals": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestOtherTypesExactQuerying", + "test_exact_decimals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_tags": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestOtherTypesExactQuerying", + "test_exact_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_checks": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_field_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_base_fields": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_invalid_base_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_field_checks": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_nested_field_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_choices_tuple_list": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_choices_tuple_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestChecks", + "test_choices_tuple_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_with_size": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestMigrations", + "test_deconstruct_with_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_args": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestMigrations", + "test_deconstruct_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclass_deconstruct": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestMigrations", + "test_subclass_deconstruct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adding_field_with_default": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestMigrations", + "test_adding_field_with_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adding_arrayfield_with_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestMigrations", + "test_adding_arrayfield_with_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unbounded": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_unbounded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_unbounded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank_true": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_blank_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_size": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_with_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_array_mismatch": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_nested_array_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_base_field_error_params": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_with_base_field_error_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_validators": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_with_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_python_fail": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_to_python_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_fail": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_validate_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_fail_base_field_error_params": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_validate_fail_base_field_error_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validators_fail": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_validators_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delimiter": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_delimiter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delimiter_with_nesting": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_delimiter_with_nesting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_length": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_min_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_required": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_required" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_formfield": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_model_field_formfield" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_model_field_formfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_formfield_size": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_model_field_formfield_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_choices": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_model_field_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_already_converted_value": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_already_converted_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_changed_empty": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSimpleFormField", + "test_has_changed_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_trailing_nulls": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_remove_trailing_nulls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_trailing_nulls_not_required": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_remove_trailing_nulls_not_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_required_field": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_required_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_integer": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_invalid_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rendering": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_rendering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_rendering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_char_length": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_invalid_char_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_splitarraywidget_value_omitted_from_data": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarraywidget_value_omitted_from_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_splitarrayfield_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarrayfield_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_splitarrayfield_remove_trailing_nulls_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormField", + "test_splitarrayfield_remove_trailing_nulls_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_context": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormWidget", + "test_get_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checkbox_get_context_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_array.py", + [ + "TestSplitFormWidget", + "test_checkbox_get_context_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bulk_update": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkSaveTests", + "test_bulk_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_lowercase": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_citext.py", + [ + "CITextTestCase", + "test_equal_lowercase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_citext_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_citext.py", + [ + "CITextTestCase", + "test_fail_citext_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_field": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_citext.py", + [ + "CITextTestCase", + "test_array_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_array_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookups_name_char": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_citext.py", + [ + "CITextTestCase", + "test_lookups_name_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookups_description_text": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_citext.py", + [ + "CITextTestCase", + "test_lookups_description_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookups_email": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_citext.py", + [ + "CITextTestCase", + "test_lookups_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_constraint_range_value": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_check_constraint_range_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_constraint_daterange_contains": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_check_constraint_daterange_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_constraint_datetimerange_contains": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_check_constraint_datetimerange_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_condition": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_invalid_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_index_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_invalid_index_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_invalid_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_empty_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_deferrable": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_invalid_deferrable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_index_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruct_index_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_condition": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruct_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_deferrable": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_deconstruct_deferrable" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_range_overlaps": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "_test_range_overlaps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_overlaps_custom": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_range_overlaps_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_overlaps": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_range_overlaps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_adjacent": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_range_adjacent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_adjacent_initially_deferred": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_constraints.py", + [ + "ExclusionConstraintTests", + "test_range_adjacent_initially_deferred" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transaction_now": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_functions.py", + [ + "TestTransactionNow", + "test_transaction_now" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random_uuid": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_functions.py", + [ + "TestRandomUUID", + "test_random_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_load_success": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_save_load_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_null": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_value_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_val_cast_to_string": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_key_val_cast_to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "search": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_in_generator", + "search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_generator": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_in_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_transform": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keys": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_chaining": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_field_chaining" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_field": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_order_by_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keys_contains": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_keys_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_overlap": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_values_overlap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_isnull": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_key_isnull" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_with_null": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_roundtrip_with_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_a_string": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_not_a_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_allowed_as_value": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidation", + "test_none_allowed_as_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_json": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_invalid_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_dict_json": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_non_dict_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_string_values": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_not_string_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_value": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_none_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_has_changed": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_field_has_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_valid": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidator", + "test_simple_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_keys": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidator", + "test_missing_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strict_valid": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidator", + "test_strict_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_keys": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidator", + "test_extra_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_messages": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_hstore.py", + [ + "TestValidator", + "test_custom_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruction_no_customization": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "IndexTestMixin", + "test_deconstruction_no_customization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_fields": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndexTests", + "test_invalid_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_columns": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndexTests", + "test_invalid_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_columns_value": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BloomIndexTests", + "test_invalid_columns_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_pages_per_range": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "BrinIndexTests", + "test_invalid_pages_per_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gin_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_gin_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gin_fastupdate": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_gin_fastupdate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_partial_gin_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_partial_gin_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_partial_gin_index_with_tablespace": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_partial_gin_index_with_tablespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gin_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_gin_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bloom_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_bloom_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bloom_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_bloom_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_brin_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_brin_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_brin_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_brin_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_brin_autosummarize_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_brin_autosummarize_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_btree_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_btree_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_btree_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_btree_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gist_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_gist_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gist_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_gist_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gist_include": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_gist_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gist_include_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_gist_include_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_hash_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_hash_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spgist_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_spgist_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spgist_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_indexes.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_spgist_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFieldsInModel": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_introspection.py", + [ + "InspectDBTests", + "assertFieldsInModel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_fields": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_introspection.py", + [ + "InspectDBTests", + "test_range_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_deprecation_message": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_json_deprecation.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_model_field_deprecation_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_field_deprecation_message": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_json_deprecation.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_form_field_deprecation_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_transform_deprecation_message": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_json_deprecation.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_key_transform_deprecation_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_text_transform_deprecation_message": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_json_deprecation.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_key_text_transform_deprecation_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requires_atomic_false": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrentlyTests", + "test_requires_atomic_false" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "RemoveIndexConcurrentlyTests", + "test_requires_atomic_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_other_index_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrentlyTests", + "test_add_other_index_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_with_options": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "AddIndexConcurrentlyTests", + "test_add_with_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_allow_migrate": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtensionTests", + "test_no_allow_migrate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_migrate": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtensionTests", + "test_allow_migrate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_extension": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtensionTests", + "test_create_existing_extension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_drop_nonexistent_extension": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_operations.py", + [ + "CreateExtensionTests", + "test_drop_nonexistent_extension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_fields": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_all_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_object": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_range_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_object_boundaries": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSaveLoad", + "test_range_object_boundaries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_range_contains": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestRangeContainsLookup", + "test_datetime_range_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_range_contains": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestRangeContainsLookup", + "test_date_range_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isempty": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_isempty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_range": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_contains_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fully_lt": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_fully_lt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fully_gt": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_fully_gt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_lt": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_not_lt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_gt": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_not_gt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adjacent_to": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_adjacent_to" + ] + ] + ], + "test_startswith_chaining": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_startswith_chaining" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bound_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQuerying", + "test_bound_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_range": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_date_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_range_datetime_field": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_date_range_datetime_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_range": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_datetime_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_small_integer_field_contained_by": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_small_integer_field_contained_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_range": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_integer_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_biginteger_range": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_biginteger_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_field_contained_by": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_decimal_field_contained_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_range": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_float_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_small_auto_field_contained_by": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_small_auto_field_contained_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_field_contained_by": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_auto_field_contained_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_big_auto_field_contained_by": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_big_auto_field_contained_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_f_ranges": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestQueryingWithRanges", + "test_f_ranges" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_range_with_null": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestSerialization", + "test_serialize_range_with_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestValidators", + "test_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestValidators", + "test_min" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_integer": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_valid_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_decimal": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_valid_decimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_timestamps": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_valid_timestamps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_dates": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_valid_dates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_using_split_datetime_widget": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_using_split_datetime_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_form_as_table": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_form_as_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_form_initial_data": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_form_initial_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_lower_bound_higher": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_integer_lower_bound_higher" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_open": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_integer_open" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_incorrect_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_integer_incorrect_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_invalid_lower": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_integer_invalid_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_invalid_upper": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_integer_invalid_upper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_required": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_integer_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_lower_bound_higher": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_decimal_lower_bound_higher" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_open": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_decimal_open" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_incorrect_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_decimal_incorrect_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_invalid_lower": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_decimal_invalid_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_invalid_upper": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_decimal_invalid_upper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_required": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_decimal_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_lower_bound_higher": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_date_lower_bound_higher" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_open": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_date_open" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_incorrect_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_date_incorrect_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_invalid_lower": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_date_invalid_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_invalid_upper": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_date_invalid_upper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_required": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_date_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_has_changed_first": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_date_has_changed_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_has_changed_last": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_date_has_changed_last" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_lower_bound_higher": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_lower_bound_higher" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_open": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_open" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_incorrect_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_incorrect_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_invalid_lower": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_invalid_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_invalid_upper": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_invalid_upper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_required": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_prepare_value": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_prepare_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_has_changed_first": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_has_changed_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_has_changed_last": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_datetime_has_changed_last" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_formfield_integer": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_model_field_formfield_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_formfield_biginteger": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_model_field_formfield_biginteger" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_formfield_float": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_model_field_formfield_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_formfield_date": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_model_field_formfield_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_field_formfield_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestFormField", + "test_model_field_formfield_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_widget": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_ranges.py", + [ + "TestWidget", + "test_range_widget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_exact_match": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SimpleSearchTest", + "test_non_exact_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_non_exact_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_two_terms": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SimpleSearchTest", + "test_search_two_terms" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_search_two_terms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_two_terms_with_partial_match": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SimpleSearchTest", + "test_search_two_terms_with_partial_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_query_config": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SimpleSearchTest", + "test_search_query_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_with_F_expression": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SimpleSearchTest", + "test_search_with_F_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_vector": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorFieldTest", + "test_existing_vector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_vector_config_explicit": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorFieldTest", + "test_existing_vector_config_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_coalesce_expression": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorFieldTest", + "test_single_coalesce_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchConfigTests", + "test_from_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_on_dialogue": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_simple_on_dialogue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_on_scene": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_simple_on_scene" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terms_adjacent": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_terms_adjacent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_with_null": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_search_with_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_with_non_text": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_search_with_non_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_phrase_search": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_phrase_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_phrase_search_with_config": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_phrase_search_with_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_search": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_raw_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_search_with_config": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_raw_search_with_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_web_search": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_web_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_web_search_with_config": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_web_search_with_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_search_type": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_bad_search_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_query_explicit": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_config_query_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_query_implicit": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_config_query_implicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_from_field_explicit": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_config_from_field_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_from_field_implicit": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "MultipleFieldsTest", + "test_config_from_field_implicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vector_add": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_vector_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vector_add_multi": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_vector_add_multi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vector_combined_mismatch": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_vector_combined_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_different_vector_configs": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_combine_different_vector_configs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_and": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_query_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_multiple_and": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_query_multiple_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_or": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_query_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_multiple_or": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_query_multiple_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_invert": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_query_invert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_different_configs": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_combine_different_configs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combined_configs": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_combined_configs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_raw_phrase": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_combine_raw_phrase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_combined_mismatch": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestCombinations", + "test_query_combined_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ranking": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights", + "test_ranking" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rank_passing_untyped_args": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights", + "test_rank_passing_untyped_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_weights_in_vector": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights", + "test_weights_in_vector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ranked_custom_weights": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights", + "test_ranked_custom_weights" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ranking_chaining": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights", + "test_ranking_chaining" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cover_density_ranking": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights", + "test_cover_density_ranking" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ranking_with_normalization": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights", + "test_ranking_with_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ranking_with_masked_normalization": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "TestRankingAndWeights", + "test_ranking_with_masked_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_vector_index": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchVectorIndexTests", + "test_search_vector_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headline": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests", + "test_headline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headline_untyped_args": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests", + "test_headline_untyped_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headline_with_config": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests", + "test_headline_with_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headline_with_config_from_field": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests", + "test_headline_with_config_from_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headline_separator_options": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests", + "test_headline_separator_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headline_highlight_all_option": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests", + "test_headline_highlight_all_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headline_short_word_option": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests", + "test_headline_short_word_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_headline_fragments_words_options": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_search.py", + [ + "SearchHeadlineTests", + "test_headline_fragments_words_options" + ] + ] + ], + "assertOIDs": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "OIDTests", + "assertOIDs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hstore_cache": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "OIDTests", + "test_hstore_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_citext_cache": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "OIDTests", + "test_citext_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hstore_values": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "OIDTests", + "test_hstore_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_citext_values": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "OIDTests", + "test_citext_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_type_handlers_no_db": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_signals.py", + [ + "OIDTests", + "test_register_type_handlers_no_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trigram_search": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_trigram.py", + [ + "TrigramTest", + "test_trigram_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trigram_similarity": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_trigram.py", + [ + "TrigramTest", + "test_trigram_similarity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trigram_similarity_alternate": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_trigram.py", + [ + "TrigramTest", + "test_trigram_similarity_alternate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unaccent": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_unaccent.py", + [ + "UnaccentTest", + "test_unaccent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unaccent_chained": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_unaccent.py", + [ + "UnaccentTest", + "test_unaccent_chained" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unaccent_with_conforming_strings_off": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_unaccent.py", + [ + "UnaccentTest", + "test_unaccent_with_conforming_strings_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unaccent_accentuated_needle": [ + [ + "tests/postgres_tests/test_unaccent.py", + [ + "UnaccentTest", + "test_unaccent_accentuated_needle" + ] + ] + ], + "primary_house": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "primary_house" + ] + ] + ], + "all_houses": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "all_houses" + ] + ] + ], + "cached_all_houses": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "cached_all_houses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_forward": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_m2m_forward" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_m2m_forward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_m2m_reverse" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_m2m_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreignkey_forward": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_foreignkey_forward" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_foreignkey_forward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreignkey_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_foreignkey_reverse" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_foreignkey_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_then_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_m2m_then_m2m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_m2m_then_m2m" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultManagerTests", + "test_m2m_then_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_object": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_prefetch_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_object_to_attr": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_prefetch_object_to_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_prefetch_related_objects.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedObjectsTests", + "test_prefetch_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_from_uuid_model": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelated", + "test_prefetch_related_from_uuid_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_to_uuid_model": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelated", + "test_prefetch_related_to_uuid_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_from_uuid_model_to_uuid_model": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelated", + "test_prefetch_related_from_uuid_model_to_uuid_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_related_from_uuid_model_to_uuid_model_with_values_flat": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelated", + "test_prefetch_related_from_uuid_model_to_uuid_model_with_values_flat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_uuid_pk_lookup_uuid_pk_integer_pk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelatedLookups", + "test_from_uuid_pk_lookup_uuid_pk_integer_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_uuid_pk_lookup_integer_pk2_uuid_pk2": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelatedLookups", + "test_from_uuid_pk_lookup_integer_pk2_uuid_pk2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_integer_pk_lookup_uuid_pk_integer_pk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelatedLookups", + "test_from_integer_pk_lookup_uuid_pk_integer_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_integer_pk_lookup_integer_pk_uuid_pk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelatedLookups", + "test_from_integer_pk_lookup_integer_pk_uuid_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_integer_pk_lookup_integer_pk_uuid_pk_uuid_pk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/test_uuid.py", + [ + "UUIDPrefetchRelatedLookups", + "test_from_integer_pk_lookup_integer_pk_uuid_pk_uuid_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "assertWhereContains": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "assertWhereContains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onetoone_reverse_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_onetoone_reverse_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onetoone_reverse_with_to_field_pk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_onetoone_reverse_with_to_field_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_survives_clone": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_survives_clone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bool": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_bool" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_bool" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "OrderedSetTests", + "test_bool" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_bool" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_and_prefetch_related": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_in_and_prefetch_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overriding_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_overriding_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_then_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_foreign_key_then_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_then_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_then_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_final_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_invalid_final_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_eq": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_prefetch_eq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_m2m_to_attr_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_forward_m2m_to_attr_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_m2m_to_attr_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_reverse_m2m_to_attr_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_then_reverse_fk_object_ids": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_m2m_then_reverse_fk_object_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_then_m2m_object_ids": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_m2m_then_m2m_object_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_then_reverse_one_to_one_object_ids": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_m2m_then_reverse_one_to_one_object_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_deferred": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "PrefetchRelatedTests", + "test_filter_deferred" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_filter_deferred" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_filter_deferred" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_before_raw": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "RawQuerySetTests", + "test_prefetch_before_raw" + ] + ] + ], + "traverse_qs": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "traverse_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_traverse_qs": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_traverse_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ambiguous": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_ambiguous" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_reverse_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_fk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_m2m_through_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_gfk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_m2m_through_gfk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_o2m_through_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_o2m_through_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_rel": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_generic_rel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_traverse_single_item_property": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_traverse_single_item_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_traverse_multiple_items_property": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_traverse_multiple_items_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_qs": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_custom_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_prefetch_related_are_not_overwritten": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_nested_prefetch_related_are_not_overwritten" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_prefetch_related_with_duplicate_prefetcher": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_nested_prefetch_related_with_duplicate_prefetcher" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_values_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_raw_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_attr_doesnt_cache_through_attr_as_list": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_to_attr_doesnt_cache_through_attr_as_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_attr_cached_property": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPrefetchTests", + "test_to_attr_cached_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_GFK": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_prefetch_GFK" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_GFK_nonint_pk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_prefetch_GFK_nonint_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_GFK_uuid_pk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_prefetch_GFK_uuid_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_GFK_fk_pk": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_prefetch_GFK_fk_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_traverse_GFK": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_traverse_GFK" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_GFK": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_nullable_GFK" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charfield_GFK": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_charfield_GFK" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "GenericRelationTests", + "test_custom_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreignkey": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceTest", + "test_foreignkey" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyToFieldTest", + "test_foreignkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreignkey_to_inherited": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceTest", + "test_foreignkey_to_inherited" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_to_inheriting_model": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceTest", + "test_m2m_to_inheriting_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parent_link_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceTest", + "test_parent_link_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_child_link_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceTest", + "test_child_link_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "LookupOrderingTest", + "test_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_traverse_nullable": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "NullableTest", + "test_traverse_nullable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_nullable": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "NullableTest", + "test_prefetch_nullable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_using_is_honored_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiDbTests", + "test_using_is_honored_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_using_is_honored_fkey": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiDbTests", + "test_using_is_honored_fkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_using_is_honored_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiDbTests", + "test_using_is_honored_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_using_is_honored_custom_qs": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "MultiDbTests", + "test_using_is_honored_custom_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bug": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket19607Tests", + "test_bug" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket21410Tests", + "test_bug" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket21760Tests", + "test_bug" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_is_fetched": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DirectPrefetchedObjectCacheReuseTests", + "test_detect_is_fetched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_is_fetched_with_to_attr": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DirectPrefetchedObjectCacheReuseTests", + "test_detect_is_fetched_with_to_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefetch_reverse_foreign_key": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DirectPrefetchedObjectCacheReuseTests", + "test_prefetch_reverse_foreign_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_clears_prefetched_objects": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DirectPrefetchedObjectCacheReuseTests", + "test_add_clears_prefetched_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_clears_prefetched_objects": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "DirectPrefetchedObjectCacheReuseTests", + "test_remove_clears_prefetched_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieves_results_from_prefetched_objects_cache": [ + [ + "tests/prefetch_related/tests.py", + [ + "ReadPrefetchedObjectsCacheTests", + "test_retrieves_results_from_prefetched_objects_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_headers": [ + [ + "tests/project_template/test_settings.py", + [ + "TestStartProjectSettings", + "test_middleware_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_full_name": [ + [ + "tests/properties/models.py", + [ + "Person", + "_set_full_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_exists": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelInheritanceTests", + "test_table_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_subclass_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceProxyTest", + "test_model_subclass_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deletion_through_intermediate_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_model_inheritance/tests.py", + [ + "MultiTableInheritanceProxyTest", + "test_deletion_through_intermediate_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "has_special_name": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/models.py", + [ + "MyPerson", + "has_special_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_manager_queries": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_same_manager_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_new_table": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_inheritance_new_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_basic_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_no_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_proxy_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_basic_proxy_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_type_proxy_of_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_correct_type_proxy_of_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_included_in_ancestors": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_included_in_ancestors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_abstract_base_with_model_fields": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_abstract_base_with_model_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_many_concrete_classes": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_too_many_concrete_classes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_base_classes": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_no_base_classes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_fields": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_new_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_myperson_manager": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_myperson_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_otherperson_manager": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_otherperson_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permissions_created": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_permissions_created" + ] + ] + ], + "_handler": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_model_signals", + "make_handler", + "_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "make_handler": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_model_signals", + "make_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_model_signals": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_model_signals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_proxy_models": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_user_proxy_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_for_model": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_for_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concrete_model": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_concrete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_delete": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_update": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_proxy_relation_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_filter_proxy_relation_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_bug": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_bug" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proxy_load_from_fixture": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelTests", + "test_proxy_load_from_fixture" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cascade_delete_proxy_model_admin_warning": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelAdminTests", + "test_cascade_delete_proxy_model_admin_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_str_in_model_admin": [ + [ + "tests/proxy_models/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyModelAdminTests", + "test_delete_str_in_model_admin" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tags": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "create_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_fields": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "test_multiple_fields" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_multiple_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_size": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "test_batch_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsaved_models": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "test_unsaved_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_keys_do_not_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "test_foreign_keys_do_not_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_field_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "test_set_field_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_mixed_fields_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateNoteTests", + "test_set_mixed_fields_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_fields": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_no_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_batch_size": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_invalid_batch_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_update_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_custom_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_update_custom_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_objects": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_empty_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_concrete_fields_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_only_concrete_fields_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_db_columns": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_custom_db_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_falsey_pk_value": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_falsey_pk_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_references": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_field_references" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ipaddressfield": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_bulk_update.py", + [ + "BulkUpdateTests", + "test_ipaddressfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_insert_returning": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_db_returning.py", + [ + "ReturningValuesTests", + "test_insert_returning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_insert_returning_non_integer": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_db_returning.py", + [ + "ReturningValuesTests", + "test_insert_returning_non_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_insert_returning_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_db_returning.py", + [ + "ReturningValuesTests", + "test_insert_returning_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bulk_insert": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_db_returning.py", + [ + "ReturningValuesTests", + "test_bulk_insert" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_warns": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryTests", + "assert_warns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryTests", + "test_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isinstance": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryTests", + "test_isinstance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issubclass": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "InvalidQueryTests", + "test_issubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_options": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainTests", + "test_unknown_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_postgres_options": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainTests", + "test_postgres_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mysql_text_to_traditional": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainTests", + "test_mysql_text_to_traditional" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mysql_analyze": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainTests", + "test_mysql_analyze" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_explain.py", + [ + "ExplainUnsupportedTests", + "test_message" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertURLEqualTests", + "test_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterator_invalid_chunk_size": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_iterator.py", + [ + "QuerySetIteratorTests", + "test_iterator_invalid_chunk_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_iterator_chunk_size": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_iterator.py", + [ + "QuerySetIteratorTests", + "test_default_iterator_chunk_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterator_chunk_size": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_iterator.py", + [ + "QuerySetIteratorTests", + "test_iterator_chunk_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_chunked_reads": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_iterator.py", + [ + "QuerySetIteratorTests", + "test_no_chunked_reads" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_and_empty": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_combine_and_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_and_both_empty": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_combine_and_both_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_or_empty": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_combine_or_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_or_both_empty": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_combine_or_both_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_not_q_object": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_combine_not_q_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_negated": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_deconstruct_negated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_or": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_deconstruct_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_and": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_deconstruct_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_multiple_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_deconstruct_multiple_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deconstruct_nested": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_deconstruct_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reconstruct": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_reconstruct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reconstruct_negated": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_reconstruct_negated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reconstruct_or": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_reconstruct_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reconstruct_and": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_q.py", + [ + "QTests", + "test_reconstruct_and" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNumbersEqual": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "assertNumbersEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_union": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_simple_union" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_intersection": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_simple_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intersection_with_values": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_intersection_with_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_difference": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_simple_difference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_union_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intersection_with_empty_qs": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_intersection_with_empty_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_difference_with_empty_qs": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_difference_with_empty_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_difference_with_values": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_difference_with_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union_with_empty_qs": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_union_with_empty_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limits": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_by_alias": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_ordering_by_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_by_f_expression": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_ordering_by_f_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_by_f_expression_and_alias": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_ordering_by_f_expression_and_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union_with_values": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_union_with_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union_with_two_annotated_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_union_with_two_annotated_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union_with_extra_and_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_union_with_extra_and_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union_with_values_list_on_annotated_and_unannotated": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_union_with_values_list_on_annotated_and_unannotated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_union_with_values_list_and_order": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_union_with_values_list_and_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_union": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_count_union" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_union_empty_result": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_count_union_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_difference": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_count_difference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_intersection": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_count_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_subqueries": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_ordering_subqueries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_ordering_slicing_raises_db_error": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_unsupported_ordering_slicing_raises_db_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_intersection_raises_db_error": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_unsupported_intersection_raises_db_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combining_multiple_models": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_combining_multiple_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_raises_on_non_selected_column": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_order_raises_on_non_selected_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_qs_with_subcompound_qs": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_qs_with_subcompound_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_same_type": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_order_by_same_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_operations_on_combined_qs": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_qs_combinators.py", + [ + "QuerySetSetOperationTests", + "test_unsupported_operations_on_combined_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_query": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_simple_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_alias_cols_query": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_non_alias_cols_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_query": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_complex_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negated_nullable": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_negated_nullable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_f": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_foreign_key_f" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_exclusive": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_foreign_key_exclusive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clone_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_clone_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iterable_lookup_value": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_iterable_lookup_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_conditional": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_filter_conditional" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_conditional_join": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_filter_conditional_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_non_conditional": [ + [ + "tests/queries/test_query.py", + [ + "TestQuery", + "test_filter_non_conditional" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_condition": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_subquery_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket1050": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket1050" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket1801": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket1801" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket2306": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket2306" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket4464": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket4464" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tickets_2080_3592": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_tickets_2080_3592" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket6074": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket6074" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tickets_1878_2939": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_tickets_1878_2939" + ] + ] + ], + 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"tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_tickets_5324_6704" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket2091": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket2091" + ] + ] + ], + "test_avoid_infinite_loop_on_too_many_subqueries": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_avoid_infinite_loop_on_too_many_subqueries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reasonable_number_of_subq_aliases": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_reasonable_number_of_subq_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_heterogeneous_qs_combination": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_heterogeneous_qs_combination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket3141": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket3141" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket2400": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket2400" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket2496": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket2496" + 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[ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_tickets_7204_7506" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7813": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket7813" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferred_load_qs_pickling": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_deferred_load_qs_pickling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7277": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket7277" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tickets_7448_7707": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_tickets_7448_7707" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7235": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket7235" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7791": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket7791" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket9997": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket9997" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket9985": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket9985" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket10205": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket10205" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket10432": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket10432" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "GeneratorExpressionTests", + "test_ticket10432" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket10742": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket10742" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7076": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket7076" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7181": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket7181" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket9411": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket9411" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket8439": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket8439" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket17429": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket17429" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_nested_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_double_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_double_exclude" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullInExcludeTest", + "test_double_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_in": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_exclude_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_1": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_2": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_3": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_4": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_5": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_6": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_7": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_7" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_8": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_8" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_10790_combine": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_10790_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket19672": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket19672" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20250": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_ticket_20250" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_constraint_fielderror": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_lookup_constraint_fielderror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_common_mixed_case_foreign_keys": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_common_mixed_case_foreign_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_excluded_intermediary_m2m_table_joined": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_excluded_intermediary_m2m_table_joined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_with_filterable": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries1Tests", + "test_field_with_filterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket4289": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries2Tests", + "test_ticket4289" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket12239": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries2Tests", + "test_ticket12239" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7759": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries2Tests", + "test_ticket7759" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7107": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries3Tests", + "test_ticket7107" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket8683": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries3Tests", + "test_ticket8683" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket22023": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries3Tests", + "test_ticket22023" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket24525": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket24525" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket11811": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket11811" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket14876": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket14876" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_join_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_combine_join_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join_reuse_order": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_join_reuse_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7095": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket7095" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_resetting": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_order_by_resetting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_reverse_fk": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_order_by_reverse_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_reverse_non_integer_pk": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_filter_reverse_non_integer_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket10181": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket10181" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15316_filter_false": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket15316_filter_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15316_exclude_false": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket15316_exclude_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15316_filter_true": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket15316_filter_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15316_exclude_true": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket15316_exclude_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15316_one2one_filter_false": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket15316_one2one_filter_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15316_one2one_exclude_false": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket15316_one2one_exclude_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15316_one2one_filter_true": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket15316_one2one_filter_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15316_one2one_exclude_true": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries4Tests", + "test_ticket15316_one2one_exclude_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7256": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries5Tests", + "test_ticket7256" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7045": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries5Tests", + "test_ticket7045" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket9848": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries5Tests", + "test_ticket9848" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket5261": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries5Tests", + "test_ticket5261" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_select_literal_percent_s": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries5Tests", + "test_extra_select_literal_percent_s" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tickets_3045_3288": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_tickets_3045_3288" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7778": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubclassFKTests", + "test_ticket7778" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7371": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "CustomPkTests", + "test_ticket7371" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket10028": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullableRelOrderingTests", + "test_ticket10028" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join_already_in_query": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullableRelOrderingTests", + "test_join_already_in_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket7872": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctiveFilterTests", + "test_ticket7872" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket8283": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctiveFilterTests", + "test_ticket8283" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parallel_iterators": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests", + "test_parallel_iterators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_queries_sql": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests", + "test_nested_queries_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tickets_8921_9188": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests", + "test_tickets_8921_9188" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket3739": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests", + "test_ticket3739" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_11320": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests", + "test_ticket_11320" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_ordered_sliced_subquery_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests", + "test_distinct_ordered_sliced_subquery_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_columns_with_the_same_name_slice": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Queries6Tests", + "test_multiple_columns_with_the_same_name_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket14729": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueriesTests", + "test_ticket14729" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket8597": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ComparisonTests", + "test_ticket8597" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_18414": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExistsSql", + "test_ticket_18414" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_18414_distinct_on": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExistsSql", + "test_ticket_18414_distinct_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_default_or_explicit_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerysetOrderedTests", + "test_no_default_or_explicit_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleared_default_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerysetOrderedTests", + "test_cleared_default_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerysetOrderedTests", + "test_explicit_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerysetOrderedTests", + "test_empty_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_extra": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerysetOrderedTests", + "test_order_by_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotated_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerysetOrderedTests", + "test_annotated_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordered_subselect": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTests", + "test_ordered_subselect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice_subquery_and_query": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTests", + "test_slice_subquery_and_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_sliced_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTests", + "test_related_sliced_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sliced_delete": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTests", + "test_sliced_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_distinct_ordered_sliced_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "SubqueryTests", + "test_distinct_ordered_sliced_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_or_with_rhs_slice": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetBitwiseOperationTests", + "test_or_with_rhs_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_or_with_lhs_slice": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetBitwiseOperationTests", + "test_or_with_lhs_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_or_with_both_slice": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetBitwiseOperationTests", + "test_or_with_both_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_or_with_both_slice_and_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetBitwiseOperationTests", + "test_or_with_both_slice_and_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_evaluated_queryset_as_argument": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "CloneTests", + "test_evaluated_queryset_as_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_model_options_cloning": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "CloneTests", + "test_no_model_options_cloning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_fields_cloning": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "CloneTests", + "test_no_fields_cloning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emptyqueryset_values": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyQuerySetTests", + "test_emptyqueryset_values" + ] + ] + 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+ [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_extra_select_params_values_order_in_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_multiple_select_params_values_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_extra_multiple_select_params_values_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_extra_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flat_extra_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_flat_extra_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_error_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_field_error_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_values_list_flat": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_named_values_list_flat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_values_list_bad_field_name": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_named_values_list_bad_field_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_values_list_with_fields": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_named_values_list_with_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_values_list_without_fields": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_named_values_list_without_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_values_list_expression_with_default_alias": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_named_values_list_expression_with_default_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_values_list_expression": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesQuerysetTests", + "test_named_values_list_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ordered_articles": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "get_ordered_articles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_get_items_using_index_and_slice_notation": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_can_get_items_using_index_and_slice_notation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_with_steps_can_be_used": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_with_steps_can_be_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_without_step_is_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_without_step_is_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_with_tests_is_not_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_with_tests_is_not_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_can_slice_again_after_slicing": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_can_slice_again_after_slicing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_cannot_filter_queryset_once_sliced": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_cannot_filter_queryset_once_sliced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_cannot_reorder_queryset_once_sliced": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_cannot_reorder_queryset_once_sliced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_cannot_combine_queries_once_sliced": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_cannot_combine_queries_once_sliced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_negative_indexing_not_supported_for_single_element": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_negative_indexing_not_supported_for_single_element" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slicing_negative_indexing_not_supported_for_range": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_slicing_negative_indexing_not_supported_for_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_index": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_invalid_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_get_number_of_items_in_queryset_using_standard_len": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_can_get_number_of_items_in_queryset_using_standard_len" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_combine_queries_using_and_and_or_operators": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetSupportsPythonIdioms", + "test_can_combine_queries_using_and_and_or_operators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tickets_7698_10202": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WeirdQuerysetSlicingTests", + "test_tickets_7698_10202" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_resultset_sql": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WeirdQuerysetSlicingTests", + "test_empty_resultset_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_sliced_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WeirdQuerysetSlicingTests", + "test_empty_sliced_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_sliced_subquery_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WeirdQuerysetSlicingTests", + "test_empty_sliced_subquery_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_length_values_slicing": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WeirdQuerysetSlicingTests", + "test_zero_length_values_slicing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_7302": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EscapingTests", + "test_ticket_7302" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_query": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests", + "test_in_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_in_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests", + "test_nested_in_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_in": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests", + "test_reverse_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_object": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests", + "test_single_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_object_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests", + "test_single_object_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_fk": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests", + "test_recursive_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_fk_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ToFieldTests", + "test_recursive_fk_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_ordering_added": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalTests", + "test_null_ordering_added" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_list_limit": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ConditionalTests", + "test_in_list_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "check_union": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests", + "check_union" + ] + ] + ], + "test_A_AB": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests", + "test_A_AB" + ] + ] + ], + "test_A_AB2": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests", + "test_A_AB2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_AB_ACB": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests", + "test_AB_ACB" + ] + ] + ], + "test_BAB_BAC": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests", + "test_BAB_BAC" + ] + ] + ], + "test_BAB_BACB": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests", + "test_BAB_BACB" + ] + ] + ], + "test_BA_BCA__BAB_BAC_BCA": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "UnionTests", + "test_BA_BCA__BAB_BAC_BCA" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_extra_params": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultValuesInsertTest", + "test_no_extra_params" + ] + ] + ], + "employ": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTests", + "test_ticket14511", + "employ" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket14511": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTests", + "test_ticket14511" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_reverse_fk_field_ref": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTests", + "test_exclude_reverse_fk_field_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_with_circular_fk_relation": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTests", + "test_exclude_with_circular_fk_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_exclude_outerref": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTests", + "test_subquery_exclude_outerref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_plain": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600", + "test_exclude_plain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_plain_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600", + "test_exclude_plain_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_with_q_object_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600", + "test_exclude_with_q_object_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_with_q_object_no_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600", + "test_exclude_with_q_object_no_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_with_q_is_equal_to_plain_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600", + "test_exclude_with_q_is_equal_to_plain_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_with_q_is_equal_to_plain_exclude_variation": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600", + "test_exclude_with_q_is_equal_to_plain_exclude_variation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_orders_with_all_items_having_status_1": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ExcludeTest17600", + "test_only_orders_with_all_items_having_status_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket15786": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Exclude15786", + "test_ticket15786" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_in_exclude_qs": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullInExcludeTest", + "test_null_in_exclude_qs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_col_not_in_list_containing_null": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullInExcludeTest", + "test_col_not_in_list_containing_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_direct_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyStringsAsNullTest", + "test_direct_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_joined_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyStringsAsNullTest", + "test_joined_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_21001": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyStringsAsNullTest", + "test_21001" + ] + ] + ], + "test_evaluated_proxy_count": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ProxyQueryCleanupTest", + "test_evaluated_proxy_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_full_handling_conjunction": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest", + "test_empty_full_handling_conjunction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_full_handling_disjunction": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest", + "test_empty_full_handling_disjunction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "WhereNodeTest", + "test_empty_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetExceptionTests", + "test_iter_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_queryset_model": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "QuerySetExceptionTests", + "test_invalid_queryset_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_17886": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "test_ticket_17886" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnull_filter_promotion": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "test_isnull_filter_promotion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_join_demotion": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "test_null_join_demotion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21366": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "test_ticket_21366" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21748": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "test_ticket_21748" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21748_double_negated_and": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "test_ticket_21748_double_negated_and" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21748_double_negated_or": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "test_ticket_21748_double_negated_or" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21748_complex_filter": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "NullJoinPromotionOrTest", + "test_ticket_21748_complex_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_trimming": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseJoinTrimmingTest", + "test_reverse_trimming" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest", + "test_fk_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_reuse_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest", + "test_fk_reuse_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_reuse_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest", + "test_fk_reuse_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_reuse_disjunction": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest", + "test_fk_reuse_disjunction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_reuse_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest", + "test_fk_reuse_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revo2o_reuse": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest", + "test_revo2o_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revfk_noreuse": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest", + "test_revfk_noreuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inverted_q_across_relations": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "JoinReuseTest", + "test_inverted_q_across_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion1": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion2": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion3": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion3_demote": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion3_demote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion4_demote": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion4_demote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion4": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion5_demote": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion5_demote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion6": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion7": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion7" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjunction_promotion_fexpression": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DisjunctionPromotionTests", + "test_disjunction_promotion_fexpression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_many_to_many": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyExcludeTest", + "test_exclude_many_to_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_12823": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyExcludeTest", + "test_ticket_12823" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_19964": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RelabelCloneTest", + "test_ticket_19964" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20101": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket20101Tests", + "test_ticket_20101" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_string_promotion": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyStringPromotionTests", + "test_empty_string_promotion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_in_subquery": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesSubqueryTests", + "test_values_in_subquery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_double_subquery_in": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "DoubleInSubqueryTests", + "test_double_subquery_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_18785": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket18785Tests", + "test_ticket_18785" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20788": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket20788Tests", + "test_ticket_20788" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_12807": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket12807Tests", + "test_ticket_12807" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_type_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupTypeTests", + "test_wrong_type_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_backward_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupTypeTests", + "test_wrong_backward_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupTypeTests", + "test_correct_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_queryset_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "RelatedLookupTypeTests", + "test_values_queryset_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_14056": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket14056Tests", + "test_ticket_14056" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_20955": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket20955Tests", + "test_ticket_20955" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21203": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket21203Tests", + "test_ticket_21203" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_no_promotion_for_existing": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesJoinPromotionTests", + "test_values_no_promotion_for_existing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21376": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ValuesJoinPromotionTests", + "test_ticket_21376" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21787": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ForeignKeyToBaseExcludeTests", + "test_ticket_21787" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_21879": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseM2MCustomPkTests", + "test_ticket_21879" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_22429": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket22429Tests", + "test_ticket_22429" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_23605": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket23605Tests", + "test_ticket_23605" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_24278": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "TestTicket24279", + "test_ticket_24278" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_values": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "TestInvalidValuesRelation", + "test_invalid_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsort.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_invalid_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsortreversed.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_invalid_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_24605": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "TestTicket24605", + "test_ticket_24605" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_23622": [ + [ + "tests/queries/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket23622Tests", + "test_ticket_23622" + ] + ] + ], + "standalone_number": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "standalone_number" + ] + ] + ], + "get_static_number": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/models.py", + [ + "Numbers", + "get_static_number" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_pickles": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "assert_pickles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_callable_default_all": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_datetime_callable_default_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_callable_default_filter": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_datetime_callable_default_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_as_default": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_string_as_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standalone_method_as_default": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_standalone_method_as_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_staticmethod_as_default": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_staticmethod_as_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_reverse_fk": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_filter_reverse_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_doesnotexist_exception": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_doesnotexist_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_doesnotexist_class": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_doesnotexist_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipleobjectsreturned_class": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_multipleobjectsreturned_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_relatedobjectdoesnotexist_class": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_forward_relatedobjectdoesnotexist_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_relatedobjectdoesnotexist_class": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_relatedobjectdoesnotexist_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manager_pickle": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_manager_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_pickle": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_model_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_pickle_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_model_pickle_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_pickle_dynamic": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_model_pickle_dynamic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specialized_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_specialized_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_prefetch_related_idempotence": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_prefetch_related_idempotence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_prefetch_queryset_usable_outside_of_prefetch": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_prefetch_queryset_usable_outside_of_prefetch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_prefetch_queryset_still_usable": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_prefetch_queryset_still_usable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_prefetch_queryset_not_evaluated": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_prefetch_queryset_not_evaluated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_prefetch_related_with_m2m_and_objects_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_prefetch_related_with_m2m_and_objects_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_exists_queryset_still_usable": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_exists_queryset_still_usable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_exists_queryset_not_evaluated": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_exists_queryset_not_evaluated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_exists_kwargs_queryset_not_evaluated": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_exists_kwargs_queryset_not_evaluated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_subquery_queryset_not_evaluated": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_pickle_subquery_queryset_not_evaluated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_with_callable_default": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_annotation_with_callable_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_by_model_with_abstract_inheritance_and_meta_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "PickleabilityTestCase", + "test_order_by_model_with_abstract_inheritance_and_meta_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_lookup_queryset_evaluation": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "InLookupTests", + "test_in_lookup_queryset_evaluation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_lookup_query_evaluation": [ + [ + "tests/queryset_pickle/tests.py", + [ + "InLookupTests", + "test_in_lookup_query_evaluation" + ] + ] + ], + "assertSuccessfulRawQuery": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "assertSuccessfulRawQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "assertProcessed": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "assertProcessed" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNoAnnotations": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "assertNoAnnotations" + ] + ] + ], + "assertAnnotations": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "assertAnnotations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rawqueryset_repr": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_rawqueryset_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_raw_query": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_simple_raw_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_query_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_raw_query_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_FK_raw_query": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_FK_raw_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_column_handler": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_db_column_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pk_with_mixed_case_db_column": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_pk_with_mixed_case_db_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_handler": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_order_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_params": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pyformat_params": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_pyformat_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_representation": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_query_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_conversions": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_extra_conversions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_fields": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_missing_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_fields_without_PK": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_missing_fields_without_PK" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotations": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_annotations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_white_space_query": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_white_space_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_iterations": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_multiple_iterations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_count": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_query_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subquery_in_raw_sql": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_subquery_in_raw_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_column_name_is_used_in_raw_query": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_db_column_name_is_used_in_raw_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_decimal_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_caching": [ + [ + "tests/raw_query/tests.py", + [ + "RawQueryTests", + "test_result_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "test_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_with_append_slash": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "test_redirect_with_append_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_with_append_slash_and_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "test_redirect_with_append_slash_and_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_not_found_with_append_slash": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "test_redirect_not_found_with_append_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_shortcircuits_non_404_response": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "test_redirect_shortcircuits_non_404_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_gone": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "test_response_gone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sites_not_installed": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RedirectTests", + "test_sites_not_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_gone_class": [ + [ + "tests/redirects_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverriddenRedirectMiddlewareTests", + "test_response_gone_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_all_types": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "MediaTypeTests", + "test_is_all_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "MediaTypeTests", + "test_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_headers": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "AcceptHeaderTests", + "test_no_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accept_headers": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "AcceptHeaderTests", + "test_accept_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_accepts_any": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "AcceptHeaderTests", + "test_request_accepts_any" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_accepts_none": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "AcceptHeaderTests", + "test_request_accepts_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_accepts_some": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_accept_header.py", + [ + "AcceptHeaderTests", + "test_request_accepts_some" + ] + ] + ], + "test_size_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeFormPostTests", + "test_size_exceeded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeMultipartPostTests", + "test_size_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_size_not_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeFormPostTests", + "test_size_not_exceeded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeMultipartPostTests", + "test_size_not_exceeded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeGetTests", + "test_size_not_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_limit": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeFormPostTests", + "test_no_limit" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeMultipartPostTests", + "test_no_limit" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeGetTests", + "test_no_limit" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsMultipartPost", + "test_no_limit" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsFormPost", + "test_no_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_passes": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeMultipartPostTests", + "test_file_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxMemorySizeGetTests", + "test_empty_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_max_fields_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsGet", + "test_get_max_fields_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_max_fields_not_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsGet", + "test_get_max_fields_not_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_number_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsMultipartPost", + "test_number_exceeded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsFormPost", + "test_number_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_number_not_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsMultipartPost", + "test_number_not_exceeded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/requests/test_data_upload_settings.py", + [ + "DataUploadMaxNumberOfFieldsFormPost", + "test_number_not_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_ajax": [ + [ + "tests/requests/test_is_ajax_deprecations.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedIsAjax", + "test_is_ajax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_httprequest": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_httprequest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_httprequest_full_path": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_httprequest_full_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_httprequest_full_path_with_query_string_and_fragment": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_httprequest_full_path_with_query_string_and_fragment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_httprequest_repr": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_httprequest_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_httprequest_repr_invalid_method_and_path": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_httprequest_repr_invalid_method_and_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgirequest": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_wsgirequest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgirequest_with_script_name": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_wsgirequest_with_script_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgirequest_script_url_double_slashes": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_wsgirequest_script_url_double_slashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgirequest_with_force_script_name": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_wsgirequest_with_force_script_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgirequest_path_with_force_script_name_trailing_slash": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_wsgirequest_path_with_force_script_name_trailing_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgirequest_repr": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_wsgirequest_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "wsgi_str": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_wsgirequest_path_info", + "wsgi_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgirequest_path_info": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_wsgirequest_path_info" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limited_stream": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_limited_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_after_value": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_read_after_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_after_read": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_value_after_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_POST": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_non_ascii_POST" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alternate_charset_POST": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_alternate_charset_POST" + ] + ] + ], + "test_body_after_POST_multipart_form_data": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_body_after_POST_multipart_form_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_body_after_POST_multipart_related": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_body_after_POST_multipart_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_POST_multipart_with_content_length_zero": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_POST_multipart_with_content_length_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_POST_binary_only": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_POST_binary_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_by_lines": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_read_by_lines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_POST_after_body_read": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_POST_after_body_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_POST_after_body_read_and_stream_read": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_POST_after_body_read_and_stream_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_POST_after_body_read_and_stream_read_multipart": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_POST_after_body_read_and_stream_read_multipart" + ] + ] + ], + "test_POST_immutable_for_multipart": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_POST_immutable_for_multipart" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_without_boundary": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_multipart_without_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_non_ascii_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_multipart_non_ascii_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_POST_connection_error": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_POST_connection_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_encoding_clears_POST": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_set_encoding_clears_POST" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_encoding_clears_GET": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_set_encoding_clears_GET" + ] + ] + ], + "test_FILES_connection_error": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_FILES_connection_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_raw_uri": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestsTests", + "test_get_raw_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "test_http_get_host": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HostValidationTests", + "test_http_get_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_http_get_host_with_x_forwarded_host": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HostValidationTests", + "test_http_get_host_with_x_forwarded_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_port": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HostValidationTests", + "test_get_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_port_with_x_forwarded_port": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HostValidationTests", + "test_get_port_with_x_forwarded_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_host_validation_in_debug_mode": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HostValidationTests", + "test_host_validation_in_debug_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_host_suggestion_of_allowed_host": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HostValidationTests", + "test_get_host_suggestion_of_allowed_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_domain_port_removes_trailing_dot": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HostValidationTests", + "test_split_domain_port_removes_trailing_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_absolute_url": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "BuildAbsoluteURITests", + "test_absolute_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_forms.py", + [ + "StaticFilesFormsMediaTestCase", + "test_absolute_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_host_retrieval": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "BuildAbsoluteURITests", + "test_host_retrieval" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_path_begins_with_two_slashes": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "BuildAbsoluteURITests", + "test_request_path_begins_with_two_slashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_request_headers": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestHeadersTests", + "test_base_request_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgi_request_headers": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestHeadersTests", + "test_wsgi_request_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgi_request_headers_getitem": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestHeadersTests", + "test_wsgi_request_headers_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wsgi_request_headers_get": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestHeadersTests", + "test_wsgi_request_headers_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_header_name": [ + [ + "tests/requests/tests.py", + [ + "HttpHeadersTests", + "test_parse_header_name" + ] + ] + ], + "generate": [ + [ + "tests/reserved_names/tests.py", + [ + "ReservedNameTests", + "generate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_month_filter": [ + [ + "tests/reserved_names/tests.py", + [ + "ReservedNameTests", + "test_month_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_path": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_url_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_full_url": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_full_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_function": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_view_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_lazy_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_view_name": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_valid_view_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_view_callable_raises_no_reverse_match": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/tests.py", + [ + "ResolveUrlTests", + "test_non_view_callable_raises_no_reverse_match" + ] + ] + ], + "some_view": [ + [ + "tests/resolve_url/urls.py", + [ + "some_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_near_expiration": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_near_expiration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_expiration": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_aware_expiration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cookie_after_deleting_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_create_cookie_after_deleting_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_far_expiration": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_far_expiration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_age_expiration": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_max_age_expiration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_httponly_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_httponly_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_unicode_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_samesite": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "SetCookieTests", + "test_invalid_samesite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cookie_secure_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_cookie.py", + [ + "DeleteCookieTests", + "test_delete_cookie_secure_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_from_disk_response": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_fileresponse.py", + [ + "FileResponseTests", + "test_file_from_disk_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_from_buffer_response": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_fileresponse.py", + [ + "FileResponseTests", + "test_file_from_buffer_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_from_buffer_unnamed_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_fileresponse.py", + [ + "FileResponseTests", + "test_file_from_buffer_unnamed_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_from_named_pipe_response": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_fileresponse.py", + [ + "FileResponseTests", + "test_file_from_named_pipe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_from_disk_as_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_fileresponse.py", + [ + "FileResponseTests", + "test_file_from_disk_as_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed_response": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_fileresponse.py", + [ + "FileResponseTests", + "test_compressed_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/responses/test_fileresponse.py", + [ + "FileResponseTests", + "test_unicode_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBaseTests", + "test_write" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tell": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseBaseTests", + "test_tell" + ] + ] + ], + "test_status_code": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_status_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_status_code": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_change_status_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_status_code_string": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_valid_status_code_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_status_code": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_invalid_status_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reason_phrase": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_reason_phrase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_charset_detection": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_charset_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_content_charset": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_response_content_charset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_no_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_repr_no_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrap_textiowrapper": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_wrap_textiowrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generator_cache": [ + [ + "tests/responses/tests.py", + [ + "HttpResponseTests", + "test_generator_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_by_field": [ + [ + "tests/reverse_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLookupTests", + "test_reverse_by_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_by_related_name": [ + [ + "tests/reverse_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLookupTests", + "test_reverse_by_related_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_field_name_disallowed": [ + [ + "tests/reverse_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLookupTests", + "test_reverse_field_name_disallowed" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_modules": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "get_test_modules" + ] + ] + ], + "get_installed": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "get_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "no_available_apps": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "setup", + "no_available_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "_module_match_label": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "setup", + "_module_match_label" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "teardown" + ] + ] + ], + "actual_test_processes": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "actual_test_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "django_tests": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "django_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subprocess_args": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "get_subprocess_args" + ] + ] + ], + "bisect_tests": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "bisect_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "paired_tests": [ + [ + "tests/runtests.py", + [ + "paired_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_args": [ + [ + "tests/schema/test_logging.py", + [ + "SchemaLoggerTests", + "test_extra_args" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_tables": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "delete_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "column_classes": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "column_classes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "get_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_uniques": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "get_uniques" + ] + ] + ], + "get_constraints_for_column": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "get_constraints_for_column" + ] + ] + ], + "check_added_field_default": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "check_added_field_default" + ] + ] + ], + "get_constraints_count": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "get_constraints_count" + ] + ] + ], + "assertIndexOrder": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "assertIndexOrder" + ] + ] + ], + "assertForeignKeyExists": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "assertForeignKeyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "assertForeignKeyNotExists": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "assertForeignKeyNotExists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creation_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_creation_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inline_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_inline_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_inline_fk_update_data": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_inline_fk_update_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_inline_fk_index_update_data": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_inline_fk_index_update_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_field_with_db_index_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_char_field_with_db_index_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_field_with_db_index_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_text_field_with_db_index_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_field_pk_to_auto_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_char_field_pk_to_auto_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_to_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_fk_to_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fk_db_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_fk_db_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_db_constraint_added_during_primary_key_change": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_no_db_constraint_added_during_primary_key_change" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_m2m_db_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_db_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_db_constraint": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_db_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_db_constraint_custom": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_db_constraint_custom" + ] + 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"tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_auto_field_to_integer_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_auto_field_to_integer_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_auto_field_to_char_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_auto_field_to_char_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_auto_field_quoted_db_column": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_auto_field_quoted_db_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_not_unique_field_to_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_not_unique_field_to_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_primary_key_quoted_db_table": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_primary_key_quoted_db_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_text_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_text_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_fk_checks_deferred_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_fk_checks_deferred_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_text_field_to_date_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_text_field_to_date_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_text_field_to_datetime_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_text_field_to_datetime_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_text_field_to_time_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_text_field_to_time_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_textual_field_keep_null_status": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_textual_field_keep_null_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_numeric_field_keep_null_status": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_numeric_field_keep_null_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_null_to_not_null": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_null_to_not_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_charfield_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_charfield_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_char_field_decrease_length": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_char_field_decrease_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_with_custom_db_type": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_with_custom_db_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_array_field_decrease_base_field_length": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_array_field_decrease_base_field_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_array_field_decrease_nested_base_field_length": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_array_field_decrease_nested_base_field_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_textfield_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_textfield_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_null_to_not_null_keeping_default": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_null_to_not_null_keeping_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_o2o_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_o2o_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_fk_to_o2o": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_fk_to_o2o" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_fk_to_o2o": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_fk_to_o2o" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_fk_keeps_index": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_fk_keeps_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_o2o_to_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_o2o_to_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_o2o_keeps_unique": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_o2o_keeps_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_db_table_case": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_db_table_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_implicit_id_to_explicit": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_implicit_id_to_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_autofield_pk_to_bigautofield_pk_sequence_owner": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_autofield_pk_to_bigautofield_pk_sequence_owner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_autofield_pk_to_smallautofield_pk_sequence_owner": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_autofield_pk_to_smallautofield_pk_sequence_owner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_int_pk_to_autofield_pk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_int_pk_to_autofield_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_int_pk_to_bigautofield_pk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_int_pk_to_bigautofield_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_smallint_pk_to_smallautofield_pk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_smallint_pk_to_smallautofield_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_int_pk_to_int_unique": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_int_pk_to_int_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_referenced_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename_referenced_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_keep_null_status": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename_keep_null_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_m2m_create": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_create": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_create_custom": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_create_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_create_inherited": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_create_inherited" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_m2m_create_through": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_create_through" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_create_through": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_create_through" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_create_through_custom": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_create_through_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_create_through_inherited": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_create_through_inherited" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_custom": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_inherited": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_inherited" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_m2m_through_alter": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_through_alter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_alter": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_through_alter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_alter_custom": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_through_alter_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_through_alter_inherited": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_through_alter_inherited" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_m2m_repoint": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "_test_m2m_repoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_repoint": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_repoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_repoint_custom": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_repoint_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_repoint_inherited": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_repoint_inherited" + ] + ] + ], + "test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_m2m_rename_field_in_target_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_field_check_does_not_remove_meta_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_remove_field_check_does_not_remove_meta_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_name_quoting": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_name_quoting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_no_unnecessary_fk_drops": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_no_unnecessary_fk_drops" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_and_reverse_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_and_reverse_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_field_unique_does_not_remove_meta_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_remove_field_unique_does_not_remove_meta_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together_with_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_together_with_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together_with_fk_with_existing_index": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unique_together_with_fk_with_existing_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_unique_together_does_not_remove_meta_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_remove_unique_together_does_not_remove_meta_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_together_with_fk": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_index_together_with_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_index_together": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_create_index_together" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_index_together_does_not_remove_meta_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_remove_index_together_does_not_remove_meta_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_table": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_db_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_index": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_remove_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_db_index_doesnt_remove_custom_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_remove_db_index_doesnt_remove_custom_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_order_index": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_order_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_field_with_db_index": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_text_field_with_db_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_manager_exit": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_context_manager_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_transactional_ddl_disallowed": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_unsupported_transactional_ddl_disallowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_index_long_names_regression": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_foreign_key_index_long_names_regression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_foreign_key_long_names": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_foreign_key_long_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_foreign_key_quoted_db_table": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_foreign_key_quoted_db_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_foreign_object": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_foreign_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creation_deletion_reserved_names": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_creation_deletion_reserved_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_constraints_capital_letters": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_remove_constraints_capital_letters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_use_effective_default": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_field_use_effective_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_field_default_dropped": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_field_default_dropped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_default_dropped": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_default_dropped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_default_doesnt_perform_queries": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_default_doesnt_perform_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_textfield_unhashable_default": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_textfield_unhashable_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_indexed_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_indexed_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_unique_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_unique_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_add_index_to_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_add_index_to_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_add_unique_to_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_add_unique_to_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_add_index_to_textfield": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_add_index_to_textfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_add_unique_to_charfield_with_db_index": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_add_unique_to_charfield_with_db_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_remove_unique_and_db_index_from_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_remove_unique_and_db_index_from_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_swap_unique_and_db_index_with_charfield": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_swap_unique_and_db_index_with_charfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_add_db_index_to_charfield_with_unique": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_add_db_index_to_charfield_with_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_field_add_index_to_integerfield": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_field_add_index_to_integerfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alter_pk_with_self_referential_field": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_alter_pk_with_self_referential_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_datefield_and_datetimefield_use_effective_default": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_add_datefield_and_datetimefield_use_effective_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namespaced_db_table_create_index_name": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_namespaced_db_table_create_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creation_with_db_table_double_quotes": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_creation_with_db_table_double_quotes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_table_renames_deferred_sql_references": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename_table_renames_deferred_sql_references" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_column_renames_deferred_sql_references": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_rename_column_renames_deferred_sql_references" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referenced_field_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_field_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_referenced_table_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block": [ + [ + "tests/schema/tests.py", + [ + "SchemaTests", + "test_referenced_table_without_constraint_rename_inside_atomic_block" + ] + ] + ], + "start_blocking_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "start_blocking_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "end_blocking_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "end_blocking_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "has_for_update_sql": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "has_for_update_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_generated": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_generated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_generated_nowait": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_generated_nowait" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_generated_skip_locked": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_generated_skip_locked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_sql_generated_no_key": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_update_sql_generated_no_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_generated_of": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_generated_of" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_model_inheritance_generated_of": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_model_inheritance_generated_of" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_model_inheritance_ptr_generated_of": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_model_inheritance_ptr_generated_of" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_related_model_inheritance_generated_of": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_related_model_inheritance_generated_of" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_model_inheritance_nested_ptr_generated_of": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_model_inheritance_nested_ptr_generated_of" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_sql_multilevel_model_inheritance_ptr_generated_of": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_sql_multilevel_model_inheritance_ptr_generated_of" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_of_followed_by_values": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_of_followed_by_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_of_followed_by_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_of_followed_by_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_of_self_when_self_is_not_selected": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_of_self_when_self_is_not_selected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nowait_raises_error_on_block": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_nowait_raises_error_on_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skip_locked_skips_locked_rows": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_skip_locked_skips_locked_rows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_nowait_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_unsupported_nowait_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_skip_locked_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_unsupported_skip_locked_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_of_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_unsupported_of_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsuported_no_key_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_unsuported_no_key_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unrelated_of_argument_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_unrelated_of_argument_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_related_but_unselected_of_argument_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_related_but_unselected_of_argument_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_inheritance_of_argument_raises_error_ptr_in_choices": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_model_inheritance_of_argument_raises_error_ptr_in_choices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_one_to_one_of_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_reverse_one_to_one_of_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_after_from": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_after_from" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_requires_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_requires_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_update_requires_transaction_only_in_execution": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_for_update_requires_transaction_only_in_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_for_update_with_limit": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_select_for_update_with_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_select_for_update_with_limit": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_unsupported_select_for_update_with_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "run_select_for_update": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "run_select_for_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_block": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_lock_not_available": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_raw_lock_not_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_for_update_on_multidb": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_select_for_update_on_multidb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_for_update_with_get": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_select_for_update_with_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nowait_and_skip_locked": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_nowait_and_skip_locked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordered_select_for_update": [ + [ + "tests/select_for_update/tests.py", + [ + "SelectForUpdateTests", + "test_ordered_select_for_update" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tree": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "create_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_fks_without_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_access_fks_without_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_fks_with_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_access_fks_with_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_without_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_list_without_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_with_select_related": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_list_with_select_related" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_with_depth": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_list_with_depth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_with_extra": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_select_related_with_extra" + ] + ] + ], + "test_certain_fields": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_certain_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_certain_fields": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_more_certain_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_traversal": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_field_traversal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_clears_list": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_none_clears_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_chaining" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_relation_caching": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_reverse_relation_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_after_values": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_select_related_after_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_after_values_list": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedTests", + "test_select_related_after_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_relational_field": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedValidationTests", + "test_non_relational_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_relational_field_nested": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedValidationTests", + "test_non_relational_field_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_relational_field": [ + [ + "tests/select_related/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedValidationTests", + "test_reverse_relational_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_next_level": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_follow_next_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_two": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_follow_two" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_two_next_level": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_follow_two_next_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_and_back": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_forward_and_back" + ] + ] + ], + "test_back_and_forward": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_back_and_forward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_followed_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_not_followed_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_from_child_class": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_follow_from_child_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_follow_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_relation": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_nullable_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_missing_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_missing_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_nullable_missing_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parent_only": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_parent_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_multiple_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onetoone_with_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_onetoone_with_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onetoone_with_two_subclasses": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_onetoone_with_two_subclasses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiinheritance_two_subclasses": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_multiinheritance_two_subclasses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_deferred": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_inheritance_deferred" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_deferred2": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedTestCase", + "test_inheritance_deferred2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_related_validation": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedValidationTests", + "test_reverse_related_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_related_validation_with_filtered_relation": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_onetoone/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseSelectRelatedValidationTests", + "test_reverse_related_validation_with_filtered_relation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_7110": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_regression_7110" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_8106": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_regression_8106" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_8036": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_regression_8036" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_table_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_multi_table_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_12851": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_regression_12851" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_join_promotion": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_null_join_promotion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_19870": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_regression_19870" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_10733": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_regression_10733" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_22508": [ + [ + "tests/select_related_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SelectRelatedRegressTests", + "test_regression_22508" + ] + ] + ], + "data_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "data_create" + ] + ] + ], + "generic_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "generic_create" + ] + ] + ], + "fk_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "fk_create" + ] + ] + ], + "m2m_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "m2m_create" + ] + ] + ], + "im2m_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "im2m_create" + ] + ] + ], + "im_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "im_create" + ] + ] + ], + "o2o_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "o2o_create" + ] + ] + ], + "pk_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "pk_create" + ] + ] + ], + "inherited_create": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "inherited_create" + ] + ] + ], + "data_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "data_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "generic_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "generic_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "fk_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "fk_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "m2m_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "m2m_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "im2m_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "im2m_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "im_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "im_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "o2o_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "o2o_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "pk_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "pk_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "inherited_compare": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "inherited_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "serializerTest": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_data.py", + [ + "serializerTest" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_output": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "_validate_output" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_xml.py", + [ + "XmlSerializerTestCase", + "_validate_output" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "YamlSerializerTestCase", + "_validate_output" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_pk_values": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "_get_pk_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_xml.py", + [ + "XmlSerializerTestCase", + "_get_pk_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "YamlSerializerTestCase", + "_get_pk_values" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_field_values": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "_get_field_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_xml.py", + [ + "XmlSerializerTestCase", + "_get_field_values" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "YamlSerializerTestCase", + "_get_field_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indentation_whitespace": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_indentation_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_deserializer_exception": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_json_deserializer_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_helpful_error_message_invalid_pk": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_helpful_error_message_invalid_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_helpful_error_message_invalid_field": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_helpful_error_message_invalid_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_helpful_error_message_for_foreign_keys": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_helpful_error_message_for_foreign_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_helpful_error_message_for_many2many_non_natural": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_helpful_error_message_for_many2many_non_natural" + ] + ] + ], + "test_helpful_error_message_for_many2many_natural1": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_helpful_error_message_for_many2many_natural1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_helpful_error_message_for_many2many_natural2": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_helpful_error_message_for_many2many_natural2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_helpful_error_message_for_many2many_not_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "JsonSerializerTestCase", + "test_helpful_error_message_for_many2many_not_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_string_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "DjangoJSONEncoderTests", + "test_lazy_string_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timedelta": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_json.py", + [ + "DjangoJSONEncoderTests", + "test_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "natural_key_serializer_test": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "natural_key_serializer_test" + ] + ] + ], + "natural_key_test": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "natural_key_test" + ] + ] + ], + "natural_pk_mti_test": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "natural_pk_mti_test" + ] + ] + ], + "forward_ref_fk_test": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "forward_ref_fk_test" + ] + ] + ], + "forward_ref_fk_with_error_test": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "forward_ref_fk_with_error_test" + ] + ] + ], + "forward_ref_m2m_test": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "forward_ref_m2m_test" + ] + ] + ], + "forward_ref_m2m_with_error_test": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "forward_ref_m2m_with_error_test" + ] + ] + ], + "pk_with_default": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_natural.py", + [ + "pk_with_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_control_char_failure": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_xml.py", + [ + "XmlSerializerTestCase", + "test_control_char_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_dtd": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_xml.py", + [ + "XmlSerializerTestCase", + "test_no_dtd" + ] + ] + ], + "import_module": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "YamlImportModuleMock", + "import_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serializer_pyyaml_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "NoYamlSerializerTestCase", + "test_serializer_pyyaml_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deserializer_pyyaml_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "NoYamlSerializerTestCase", + "test_deserializer_pyyaml_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumpdata_pyyaml_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "NoYamlSerializerTestCase", + "test_dumpdata_pyyaml_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_yaml_deserializer_exception": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/test_yaml.py", + [ + "YamlSerializerTestCase", + "test_yaml_deserializer_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests", + "test_register" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unregister": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests", + "test_unregister" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unregister_unknown_serializer": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests", + "test_unregister_unknown_serializer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_serializer": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests", + "test_get_unknown_serializer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_deserializer": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerRegistrationTests", + "test_get_unknown_deserializer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serializer_roundtrip": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serializer_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_to_stream": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_to_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_specific_fields": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_specific_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_altering_serialized_output": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_altering_serialized_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_to_one_as_pk": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_one_to_one_as_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_field_subset": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_field_subset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_unicode_roundtrip": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_unicode_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_serialization": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_unicode_serialization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_progressbar": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_progressbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_superfluous_queries": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_superfluous_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_prefetch_related_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_prefetch_related_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_with_null_pk": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_with_null_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_serialization": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_float_serialization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deferred_field_serialization": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_deferred_field_serialization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_field_serialization": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_custom_field_serialization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pre_1000ad_date": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_pre_1000ad_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pkless_serialized_strings": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_pkless_serialized_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deterministic_mapping_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_deterministic_mapping_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deserialize_force_insert": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_deserialize_force_insert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_proxy_model": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_proxy_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_inherited_fields": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTestBase", + "test_serialize_inherited_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_class": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializerAPITests", + "test_stream_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_refs": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "SerializersTransactionTestBase", + "test_forward_refs" + ] + ] + ], + "register_tests": [ + [ + "tests/serializers/tests.py", + [ + "register_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "sendall": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "Stub", + "sendall" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_message": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase", + "test_log_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_https": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase", + "test_https" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_https" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase", + "test_strips_underscore_headers", + "test_app" + ] + ] + ], + "makefile": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase", + "test_strips_underscore_headers", + "makefile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strips_underscore_headers": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_basehttp.py", + [ + "WSGIRequestHandlerTestCase", + "test_strips_underscore_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "run_live_server_thread": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_liveserverthread.py", + [ + "LiveServerThreadTest", + "run_live_server_thread" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closes_connections": [ + [ + "tests/servers/test_liveserverthread.py", + [ + "LiveServerThreadTest", + "test_closes_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "urlopen": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerBase", + "urlopen" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerView", + "urlopen" + ] + ] + ], + "test_live_server_url_is_class_property": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerAddress", + "test_live_server_url_is_class_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_protocol": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closes_connection_without_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_closes_connection_without_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keep_alive_on_connection_with_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_keep_alive_on_connection_with_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keep_alive_connection_clears_previous_request_data": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_keep_alive_connection_clears_previous_request_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_404" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_404" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "NonDjangoTemplatesDebugViewTests", + "test_404" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTests", + "test_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_files": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_static_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_collectstatic_emulation": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_no_collectstatic_emulation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_files": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_media_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_environ": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerViews", + "test_environ" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closes_connection_with_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "SingleTreadLiveServerViews", + "test_closes_connection_with_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_writes": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerDatabase", + "test_database_writes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_port_bind": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerPort", + "test_port_bind" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specified_port_bind": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiveServerPort", + "test_specified_port_bind" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_calls_subview": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiverServerThreadedTests", + "test_view_calls_subview" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_model_instance_from_subview": [ + [ + "tests/servers/tests.py", + [ + "LiverServerThreadedTests", + "test_check_model_instance_from_subview" + ] + ] + ], + "example_view": [ + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "example_view" + ] + ] + ], + "streaming_example_view": [ + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "streaming_example_view" + ] + ] + ], + "model_view": [ + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "model_view" + ] + ] + ], + "environ_view": [ + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "environ_view" + ] + ] + ], + "subview": [ + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "subview" + ] + ] + ], + "subview_calling_view": [ + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "subview_calling_view" + ] + ] + ], + "check_model_instance_from_subview": [ + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "check_model_instance_from_subview" + ] + ] + ], + "method_view": [ + [ + "tests/servers/views.py", + [ + "method_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/method_view_urls.py", + [ + "ViewContainer", + "method_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_session": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_new_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_store": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_store" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pop": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_pop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pop_default": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_pop_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pop_default_named_argument": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_pop_default_named_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pop_no_default_keyerror_raised": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_pop_no_default_keyerror_raised" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flush": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_flush" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_cycle" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CookieSessionTests", + "test_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle_with_no_session_cache": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_cycle_with_no_session_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_doesnt_clear_data": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_save_doesnt_clear_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_key_empty_string_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_session_key_empty_string_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_key_too_short_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_session_key_too_short_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_key_valid_string_saved": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_session_key_valid_string_saved" + ] + ] + ], + "set_session_key": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_session_key_is_read_only", + "set_session_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_key_is_read_only": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_session_key_is_read_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_expiry": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_default_expiry" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CustomDatabaseSessionTests", + "test_default_expiry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_expiry_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_custom_expiry_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_expiry_timedelta": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_custom_expiry_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_expiry_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_custom_expiry_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_expiry_reset": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_custom_expiry_reset" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CustomDatabaseSessionTests", + "test_custom_expiry_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_expire_at_browser_close": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_get_expire_at_browser_close" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_legacy": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_decode_legacy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_failure_logged_to_security": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_decode_failure_logged_to_security" + ] + ] + ], + "test_actual_expiry": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_actual_expiry" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CookieSessionTests", + "test_actual_expiry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_load_does_not_create_record": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_session_load_does_not_create_record" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CookieSessionTests", + "test_session_load_does_not_create_record" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_save_does_not_resurrect_session_logged_out_in_other_context": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTestsMixin", + "test_session_save_does_not_resurrect_session_logged_out_in_other_context" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CookieSessionTests", + "test_session_save_does_not_resurrect_session_logged_out_in_other_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_str": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseSessionTests", + "test_session_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_get_decoded": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseSessionTests", + "test_session_get_decoded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sessionmanager_save": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseSessionTests", + "test_sessionmanager_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clearsessions_command": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseSessionTests", + "test_clearsessions_command" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests", + "test_clearsessions_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_session_field": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CustomDatabaseSessionTests", + "test_extra_session_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exists_searches_cache_first": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheDBSessionTests", + "test_exists_searches_cache_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_overlong_key": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheDBSessionTests", + "test_load_overlong_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheSessionTests", + "test_load_overlong_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_default_cache": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheDBSessionTests", + "test_non_default_cache" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheSessionTests", + "test_non_default_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_configuration_check": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests", + "test_configuration_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_key_backslash": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests", + "test_invalid_key_backslash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_key_forwardslash": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests", + "test_invalid_key_forwardslash" + ] + ] + ], + "count_sessions": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FileSessionTests", + "test_clearsessions_command", + "count_sessions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_cache": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheSessionTests", + "test_default_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_save": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CacheSessionTests", + "test_create_and_save" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_touching_session": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "get_response_touching_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secure_session_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_secure_session_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_httponly_session_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_httponly_session_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_samesite_session_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_samesite_session_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_httponly_session_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_no_httponly_session_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "response_500": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_session_save_on_500", + "response_500" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_save_on_500": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_session_save_on_500" + ] + ] + ], + "response_delete_session": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_session_update_error_redirect", + "response_delete_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_update_error_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_session_update_error_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "response_ending_session": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_session_delete_on_end", + "response_ending_session" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_session_delete_on_end_with_custom_domain_and_path", + "response_ending_session" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_flush_empty_without_session_cookie_doesnt_set_cookie", + "response_ending_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_delete_on_end": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_session_delete_on_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_delete_on_end_with_custom_domain_and_path": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_session_delete_on_end_with_custom_domain_and_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flush_empty_without_session_cookie_doesnt_set_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_flush_empty_without_session_cookie_doesnt_set_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "response_set_session": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_empty_session_saved", + "response_set_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_session_saved": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SessionMiddlewareTests", + "test_empty_session_saved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unpickling_exception": [ + [ + "tests/sessions_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CookieSessionTests", + "test_unpickling_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_method_list_override": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase", + "test_method_list_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_method_list_override_no_ops": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase", + "test_method_list_override_no_ops" + ] + ] + ], + "test_method_list_override_strings": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase", + "test_method_list_override_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_method_list_override_nested_order": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase", + "test_method_list_override_nested_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_method_override": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase", + "test_method_override" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTestCase", + "test_method_override" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratedTestCase", + "test_method_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorated_testcase_name": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase", + "test_decorated_testcase_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorated_testcase_module": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FullyDecoratedTranTestCase", + "test_decorated_testcase_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_recursion_error": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratedTestCaseSuper", + "test_max_recursion_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratedTestCase", + "test_max_recursion_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setupclass_override": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratedTestCase", + "test_setupclass_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_settings_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "ChildDecoratedTestCase", + "test_override_settings_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "signal_callback": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "signal_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_change": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_override_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_doesnt_leak": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_override_doesnt_leak" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_class_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signal_callback_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_signal_callback_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signal_callback_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_signal_callback_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_settings_delete": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_settings_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_settings_delete_wrapped": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_settings_delete_wrapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_settings_delete": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_override_settings_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_settings_nested": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_override_settings_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_secret_key": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_no_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_settings_module": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_no_settings_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_already_configured": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_already_configured" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonupper_settings_prohibited_in_configure": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_nonupper_settings_prohibited_in_configure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonupper_settings_ignored_in_default_settings": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_nonupper_settings_ignored_in_default_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incorrect_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SettingsTests", + "test_incorrect_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_override_warning": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestComplexSettingOverride", + "test_complex_override_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_without_xheader": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest", + "test_set_without_xheader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_with_xheader_wrong": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest", + "test_set_with_xheader_wrong" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_with_xheader_right": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest", + "test_set_with_xheader_right" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xheader_preferred_to_underlying_request": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SecureProxySslHeaderTest", + "test_xheader_preferred_to_underlying_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_configure": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "IsOverriddenTest", + "test_configure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_module": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "IsOverriddenTest", + "test_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unevaluated_lazysettings_repr": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "IsOverriddenTest", + "test_unevaluated_lazysettings_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_evaluated_lazysettings_repr": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "IsOverriddenTest", + "test_evaluated_lazysettings_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usersettingsholder_repr": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "IsOverriddenTest", + "test_usersettingsholder_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_settings_repr": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "IsOverriddenTest", + "test_settings_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tuple_settings": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TestListSettings", + "test_tuple_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "check_spy_receiver_exit_calls": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "check_spy_receiver_exit_calls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_settings_both": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "test_override_settings_both" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_settings_enter": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "test_override_settings_enter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_settings_exit": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "test_override_settings_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "decorated_function": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "test_override_settings_reusable_on_enter", + "decorated_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_settings_reusable_on_enter": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsIsolationOnExceptionTests", + "test_override_settings_reusable_on_enter" + ] + ] + ], + "set_script_name": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MediaURLStaticURLPrefixTest", + "set_script_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_script_name_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/settings_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MediaURLStaticURLPrefixTest", + "test_add_script_name_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_command_option": [ + [ + "tests/shell/tests.py", + [ + "ShellCommandTestCase", + "test_command_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stdin_read": [ + [ + "tests/shell/tests.py", + [ + "ShellCommandTestCase", + "test_stdin_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shell_with_ipython_not_installed": [ + [ + "tests/shell/tests.py", + [ + "ShellCommandTestCase", + "test_shell_with_ipython_not_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shell_with_bpython_not_installed": [ + [ + "tests/shell/tests.py", + [ + "ShellCommandTestCase", + "test_shell_with_bpython_not_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_with_multiple_templates": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/tests.py", + [ + "RenderTests", + "test_render_with_multiple_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_with_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/tests.py", + [ + "RenderTests", + "test_render_with_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_with_status": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/tests.py", + [ + "RenderTests", + "test_render_with_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_with_using": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/tests.py", + [ + "RenderTests", + "test_render_with_using" + ] + ] + ], + "render_view": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/views.py", + [ + "render_view" + ] + ] + ], + "render_view_with_multiple_templates": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/views.py", + [ + "render_view_with_multiple_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "render_view_with_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/views.py", + [ + "render_view_with_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "render_view_with_status": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/views.py", + [ + "render_view_with_status" + ] + ] + ], + "render_view_with_using": [ + [ + "tests/shortcuts/views.py", + [ + "render_view_with_using" + ] + ] + ], + "test_providing_args_warning": [ + [ + "tests/signals/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "SignalDeprecationTests", + "test_providing_args_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_without_providing_args_does_not_warn": [ + [ + "tests/signals/test_deprecation.py", + [ + "SignalDeprecationTests", + "test_without_providing_args_does_not_warn" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_init_callback": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_model_pre_init_and_post_init", + "pre_init_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "post_init_callback": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_model_pre_init_and_post_init", + "post_init_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_pre_init_and_post_init": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_model_pre_init_and_post_init" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_save_handler": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_save_signals", + "pre_save_handler" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_save_and_delete_signals_with_m2m", + "pre_save_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "post_save_handler": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_save_signals", + "post_save_handler" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_save_and_delete_signals_with_m2m", + "post_save_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_signals": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_save_signals" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_delete_handler": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_delete_signals", + "pre_delete_handler" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_save_and_delete_signals_with_m2m", + "pre_delete_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_signals": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_delete_signals" + ] + ] + ], + "decorated_handler": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_decorators", + "decorated_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "decorated_handler_with_sender_arg": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_decorators", + "decorated_handler_with_sender_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorators": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_decorators" + ] + ] + ], + "post_delete_handler": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_save_and_delete_signals_with_m2m", + "post_delete_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_and_delete_signals_with_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_save_and_delete_signals_with_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disconnect_in_dispatch": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_disconnect_in_dispatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_model_signal": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "SignalTests", + "test_lazy_model_signal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_sender_model_name": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "test_invalid_sender_model_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_already_loaded_model": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "test_already_loaded_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_loaded_model": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "test_not_loaded_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_model_class_senders_immediately": [ + [ + "tests/signals/tests.py", + [ + "LazyModelRefTests", + "test_register_model_class_senders_immediately" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_set_and_read_signed_cookies": [ + [ + "tests/signed_cookies_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SignedCookieTest", + "test_can_set_and_read_signed_cookies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_use_salt": [ + [ + "tests/signed_cookies_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SignedCookieTest", + "test_can_use_salt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detects_tampering": [ + [ + "tests/signed_cookies_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SignedCookieTest", + "test_detects_tampering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_argument_suppresses_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/signed_cookies_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SignedCookieTest", + "test_default_argument_suppresses_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_age_argument": [ + [ + "tests/signed_cookies_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SignedCookieTest", + "test_max_age_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signed_cookies_with_binary_key": [ + [ + "tests/signed_cookies_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SignedCookieTest", + "test_signed_cookies_with_binary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signature": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signature_with_salt": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_signature_with_salt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_custom_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_invalid_algorithm" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "TestUtilsCryptoMisc", + "test_invalid_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacy_signature": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_legacy_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_unsign": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_sign_unsign" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_unsign_non_string": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_sign_unsign_non_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsign_detects_tampering": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_unsign_detects_tampering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dumps_loads": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_dumps_loads" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_detects_tampering": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_decode_detects_tampering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_works_with_non_ascii_keys": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_works_with_non_ascii_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_sep": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_valid_sep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_sep": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestSigner", + "test_invalid_sep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timestamp_signer": [ + [ + "tests/signing/tests.py", + [ + "TestTimestampSigner", + "test_timestamp_signer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_sitemap_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_generic.py", + [ + "GenericViewsSitemapTests", + "test_generic_sitemap_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_sitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_generic.py", + [ + "GenericViewsSitemapTests", + "test_generic_sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generic_sitemap_lastmod": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_generic.py", + [ + "GenericViewsSitemapTests", + "test_generic_sitemap_lastmod" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_sitemap_index": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_simple_sitemap_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_not_callable": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_not_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paged_sitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_paged_sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_sitemap_custom_index": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_simple_sitemap_custom_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_sitemap_section": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_simple_sitemap_section" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_section": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_no_section" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_page": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_empty_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_page_not_int": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_page_not_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_sitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_simple_sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_custom_sitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_simple_custom_sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_last_modified": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_last_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_last_modified_date": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_last_modified_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_last_modified_tz": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_last_modified_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_last_modified_missing": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_last_modified_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_last_modified_mixed": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_last_modified_mixed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemaps_lastmod_mixed_ascending_last_modified_missing": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemaps_lastmod_mixed_ascending_last_modified_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemaps_lastmod_mixed_descending_last_modified_missing": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemaps_lastmod_mixed_descending_last_modified_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemaps_lastmod_ascending": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemaps_lastmod_ascending" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemaps_lastmod_descending": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemaps_lastmod_descending" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_priority": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_localized_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requestsite_sitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_requestsite_sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_get_urls_no_site_1": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_get_urls_no_site_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_get_urls_no_site_2": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_get_urls_no_site_2" + ] + ] + ], + "is_testmodel": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_item", + "is_testmodel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_item": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_sitemap_index": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_cached_sitemap_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_x_robots_sitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_x_robots_sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_sitemap": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_empty_sitemap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_i18nsitemap_index": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_simple_i18nsitemap_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_without_entries": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HTTPSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_without_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secure_sitemap_index": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_https.py", + [ + "HTTPSSitemapTests", + "test_secure_sitemap_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secure_sitemap_section": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_https.py", + [ + "HTTPSSitemapTests", + "test_secure_sitemap_section" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_index_with_https_request": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_https.py", + [ + "HTTPSDetectionSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_index_with_https_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sitemap_section_with_https_request": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_https.py", + [ + "HTTPSDetectionSitemapTests", + "test_sitemap_section_with_https_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_global": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_global" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_index": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_not_detected": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_not_detected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_exact_url": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_exact_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_insecure": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_insecure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_no_sites": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "PingGoogleTests", + "test_get_sitemap_full_url_no_sites" + ] + ] + ], + "testmodelview": [ + [ + "tests/sitemaps_tests/urls/http.py", + [ + "testmodelview" + ] + ] + ], + "test_site_fk": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTestCase", + "test_site_fk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sites_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTestCase", + "test_sites_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_named_field": [ + [ + "tests/sites_framework/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTestCase", + "test_custom_named_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_site_manager": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_site_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_site_cache": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_site_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_all_sites_clears_cache": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_delete_all_sites_clears_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_site": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_get_current_site" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_site_no_site_id": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_get_current_site_no_site_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_site_host_with_trailing_dot": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_get_current_site_host_with_trailing_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_site_no_site_id_and_handle_port_fallback": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_get_current_site_no_site_id_and_handle_port_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_name_with_whitespaces": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_domain_name_with_whitespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_site_cache": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_clear_site_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_site_cache_domain": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_clear_site_cache_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_domain": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_unique_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_site_natural_key": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SitesFrameworkTests", + "test_site_natural_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "RequestSiteTests", + "test_init_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_db_with_router": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "test_multi_db_with_router" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_db": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "test_multi_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_another": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "test_save_another" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_site_id": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "test_custom_site_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_site_id": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "test_no_site_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unavailable_site_model": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "CreateDefaultSiteTests", + "test_unavailable_site_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request": [ + [ + "tests/sites_tests/tests.py", + [ + "MiddlewareTest", + "test_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryStateTest", + "test_request" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFileContains": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "BaseStaticFilesMixin", + "assertFileContains" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestServeStatic", + "assertFileContains" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFileNotFound": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "BaseStaticFilesMixin", + "assertFileNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestServeStatic", + "assertFileNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "assertFileNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "render_template": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "BaseStaticFilesMixin", + "render_template" + ] + ] + ], + "static_template_snippet": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "BaseStaticFilesMixin", + "static_template_snippet" + ] + ] + ], + "assertStaticRenders": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "BaseStaticFilesMixin", + "assertStaticRenders" + ] + ] + ], + "assertStaticRaises": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "BaseStaticFilesMixin", + "assertStaticRaises" + ] + ] + ], + "run_collectstatic": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "CollectionTestCase", + "run_collectstatic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionClear", + "run_collectstatic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionExcludeNoDefaultIgnore", + "run_collectstatic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionDryRun", + "run_collectstatic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionLinks", + "run_collectstatic" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestStaticFilePermissions", + "run_collectstatic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_staticfiles_dirs": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "TestDefaults", + "test_staticfiles_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_staticfiles_dirs_subdir": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "TestDefaults", + "test_staticfiles_dirs_subdir" + ] + ] + ], + "test_staticfiles_dirs_priority": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "TestDefaults", + "test_staticfiles_dirs_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_files": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "TestDefaults", + "test_app_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonascii_filenames": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "TestDefaults", + "test_nonascii_filenames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_camelcase_filenames": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "TestDefaults", + "test_camelcase_filenames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filename_with_percent_sign": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/cases.py", + [ + "TestDefaults", + "test_filename_with_percent_sign" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_finder_check_not_implemented": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_base_finder_check_not_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_finders": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_check_finders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_errors_with_test_settings": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_no_errors_with_test_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dirs_not_tuple_or_list": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_dirs_not_tuple_or_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dirs_contains_static_root": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_dirs_contains_static_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dirs_contains_static_root_in_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_dirs_contains_static_root_in_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefix_contains_trailing_slash": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_checks.py", + [ + "FindersCheckTests", + "test_prefix_contains_trailing_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find_first": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestFinders", + "test_find_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find_all": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestFinders", + "test_find_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_finder": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestMiscFinder", + "test_get_finder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_finder_bad_classname": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestMiscFinder", + "test_get_finder_bad_classname" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_finder_bad_module": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestMiscFinder", + "test_get_finder_bad_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestMiscFinder", + "test_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_searched_locations": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestMiscFinder", + "test_searched_locations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_location_empty": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_finders.py", + [ + "TestMiscFinder", + "test_location_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestConfiguration", + "test_location_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_async_response": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_handlers.py", + [ + "TestASGIStaticFilesHandler", + "test_get_async_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_async_response_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_handlers.py", + [ + "TestASGIStaticFilesHandler", + "test_get_async_response_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerChecks", + "raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_test_test": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerChecks", + "test_test_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collectstatic_emulation": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_liveserver.py", + [ + "StaticLiveServerView", + "test_collectstatic_emulation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_files_created": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestNoFilesCreated", + "test_no_files_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_loaded_only_once": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestRunserver", + "test_middleware_loaded_only_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404_response": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestRunserver", + "test_404_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_files": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestFindStatic", + "test_all_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_files_less_verbose": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestFindStatic", + "test_all_files_less_verbose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_files_more_verbose": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestFindStatic", + "test_all_files_more_verbose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_local_storage_detection_helper": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestConfiguration", + "test_local_storage_detection_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collectstatis_check": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestConfiguration", + "test_collectstatis_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_settings_dont_prevent_help": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionHelpSubcommand", + "test_missing_settings_dont_prevent_help" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollection", + "test_ignore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_common_ignore_patterns": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollection", + "test_common_ignore_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pathlib": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollection", + "test_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbosity_0": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionVerbosity", + "test_verbosity_0" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbosity_1": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionVerbosity", + "test_verbosity_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbosity_2": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionVerbosity", + "test_verbosity_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbosity_1_with_post_process": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionVerbosity", + "test_verbosity_1_with_post_process" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbosity_2_with_post_process": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionVerbosity", + "test_verbosity_2_with_post_process" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleared_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionClear", + "test_cleared_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionClear", + "test_dir_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_handle_path_notimplemented": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionClear", + "test_handle_path_notimplemented" + ] + ] + ], + "_input": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestInteractiveMessages", + "mock_input", + "_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warning_when_clearing_staticdir": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestInteractiveMessages", + "test_warning_when_clearing_staticdir" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warning_when_overwriting_files_in_staticdir": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestInteractiveMessages", + "test_warning_when_overwriting_files_in_staticdir" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_warning_when_staticdir_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestInteractiveMessages", + "test_no_warning_when_staticdir_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_warning_for_empty_staticdir": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestInteractiveMessages", + "test_no_warning_for_empty_staticdir" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancelled": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestInteractiveMessages", + "test_cancelled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_common_ignore_patterns": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionExcludeNoDefaultIgnore", + "test_no_common_ignore_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_ignore_patterns": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionCustomIgnorePatterns", + "test_custom_ignore_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordering_override": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionFilesOverride", + "test_ordering_override" + ] + ] + ], + "_collectstatic_output": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionOverwriteWarning", + "_collectstatic_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_warning": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionOverwriteWarning", + "test_no_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_storage_properties": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionNonLocalStorage", + "test_storage_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skips_newer_files_in_remote_storage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionNeverCopyStorage", + "test_skips_newer_files_in_remote_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_links_created": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionLinks", + "test_links_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broken_symlink": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionLinks", + "test_broken_symlink" + ] + ] + ], + "test_symlinks_and_files_replaced": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionLinks", + "test_symlinks_and_files_replaced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_broken_symlink": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionLinks", + "test_clear_broken_symlink" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_remote_link": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_management.py", + [ + "TestCollectionLinks", + "test_no_remote_link" + ] + ] + ], + "hashed_file_path": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "hashed_file_path" + ] + ] + ], + "assertPostCondition": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "assertPostCondition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "assertPostCondition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag_return": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_template_tag_return" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionSimpleStorage", + "test_template_tag_return" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag_simple_content": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_template_tag_simple_content" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionSimpleStorage", + "test_template_tag_simple_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_ignored_completely": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_path_ignored_completely" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_with_querystring": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_path_with_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_with_fragment": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_path_with_fragment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_with_querystring_and_fragment": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_path_with_querystring_and_fragment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag_absolute": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_template_tag_absolute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag_absolute_root": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_template_tag_absolute_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag_relative": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_template_tag_relative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_import_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag_deep_relative": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_template_tag_deep_relative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag_url": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_template_tag_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_loop": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_import_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_processing": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_post_processing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_css_import_case_insensitive": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_css_import_case_insensitive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_processing_failure": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestHashedFiles", + "test_post_processing_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "cached_file_path": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestExtraPatternsStorage", + "cached_file_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_extension_patterns": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestExtraPatternsStorage", + "test_multi_extension_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manifest_exists": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "test_manifest_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manifest_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "test_manifest_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manifest_does_not_ignore_permission_error": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "test_manifest_does_not_ignore_permission_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaded_cache": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "test_loaded_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_cache": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "test_parse_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clear_empties_manifest": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "test_clear_empties_manifest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_entry": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "test_missing_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intermediate_files": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionManifestStorage", + "test_intermediate_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hashed_name": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionNoneHashStorage", + "test_hashed_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collect_static_files_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestStaticFilePermissions", + "test_collect_static_files_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collect_static_files_default_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestStaticFilePermissions", + "test_collect_static_files_default_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collect_static_files_subclass_of_static_storage": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestStaticFilePermissions", + "test_collect_static_files_subclass_of_static_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_filename_path": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionHashedFilesCache", + "_get_filename_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_change_after_collectstatic": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_storage.py", + [ + "TestCollectionHashedFilesCache", + "test_file_change_after_collectstatic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "TestTemplateTag", + "test_template_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tag_escapes": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_templatetags.py", + [ + "TestTemplateTag", + "test_template_tag_escapes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_media_url_in_static_url": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "CheckSettingsTests", + "test_media_url_in_static_url" + ] + ] + ], + "_response": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestServeStatic", + "_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disabled_serving": [ + [ + "tests/staticfiles_tests/test_views.py", + [ + "TestServeDisabled", + "test_disabled_serving" + ] + ] + ], + "test_international": [ + [ + "tests/str/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_international" + ] + ] + ], + "test_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/str/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTests", + "test_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_form_referencing": [ + [ + "tests/string_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "StringLookupTests", + "test_string_form_referencing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_chars_in_queries": [ + [ + "tests/string_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "StringLookupTests", + "test_unicode_chars_in_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queries_on_textfields": [ + [ + "tests/string_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "StringLookupTests", + "test_queries_on_textfields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ipaddress_on_postgresql": [ + [ + "tests/string_lookup/tests.py", + [ + "StringLookupTests", + "test_ipaddress_on_postgresql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generated_data": [ + [ + "tests/swappable_models/tests.py", + [ + "SwappableModelTests", + "test_generated_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_case_insensitive": [ + [ + "tests/swappable_models/tests.py", + [ + "SwappableModelTests", + "test_case_insensitive" + ] + ] + ], + "item_pubdate": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2Feed", + "item_pubdate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "NaiveDatesFeed", + "item_pubdate" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TZAwareDatesFeed", + "item_pubdate" + ] + ] + ], + "item_updateddate": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2Feed", + "item_updateddate" + ] + ] + ], + "item_guid_is_permalink": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2FeedWithGuidIsPermaLinkTrue", + "item_guid_is_permalink" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2FeedWithGuidIsPermaLinkFalse", + "item_guid_is_permalink" + ] + ] + ], + "item_guid": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestRss2FeedWithGuidIsPermaLinkFalse", + "item_guid" + ] + ] + ], + "item_enclosure_url": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestSingleEnclosureRSSFeed", + "item_enclosure_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestSingleEnclosureAtomFeed", + "item_enclosure_url" + ] + ] + ], + "item_enclosure_size": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestSingleEnclosureRSSFeed", + "item_enclosure_size" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestSingleEnclosureAtomFeed", + "item_enclosure_size" + ] + ] + ], + "item_mime_type": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestSingleEnclosureRSSFeed", + "item_mime_type" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/feeds.py", + [ + "TestSingleEnclosureAtomFeed", + "item_mime_type" + ] + ] + ], + "assertChildNodeContent": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FeedTestCase", + "assertChildNodeContent" + ] + ] + ], + "assertCategories": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "FeedTestCase", + "assertCategories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rss2_feed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_rss2_feed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rss2_feed_guid_permalink_false": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_rss2_feed_guid_permalink_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rss2_feed_guid_permalink_true": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_rss2_feed_guid_permalink_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rss2_single_enclosure": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_rss2_single_enclosure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rss2_multiple_enclosures": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_rss2_multiple_enclosures" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rss091_feed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_rss091_feed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atom_feed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_atom_feed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atom_feed_published_and_updated_elements": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_atom_feed_published_and_updated_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atom_single_enclosure": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_atom_single_enclosure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atom_multiple_enclosures": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_atom_multiple_enclosures" + ] + ] + ], + "test_latest_post_date": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_latest_post_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_feed_generator": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_custom_feed_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_feed_generator_language_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_feed_generator_language_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_title_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_title_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naive_datetime_conversion": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_naive_datetime_conversion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_conversion": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_aware_datetime_conversion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_feed_last_modified_time_naive_date": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_feed_last_modified_time_naive_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_feed_last_modified_time": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_feed_last_modified_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_feed_url": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_feed_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secure_urls": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_secure_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_link_error": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_item_link_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_feed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_template_feed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_context_feed": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_template_context_feed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_domain": [ + [ + "tests/syndication_tests/tests.py", + [ + "SyndicationFeedTest", + "test_add_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_has_priority_over_template_context_processors": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_context_has_priority_over_template_context_processors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_requires_dict": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_render_requires_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_templatetag_discovery": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_templatetag_discovery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_templatetag_discovery_import_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_templatetag_discovery_import_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtins_discovery": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_builtins_discovery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_off": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlizetrunc.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "RenderToStringTest", + "test_autoescape_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_default": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_autoescape_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_debug_default_template_loaders": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_non_debug_default_template_loaders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_default_template_loaders": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_debug_default_template_loaders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dirs_pathlib": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_django.py", + [ + "DjangoTemplatesTests", + "test_dirs_pathlib" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_dirs_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_from_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "CachedLoaderTests", + "test_get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "AppDirectoriesLoaderTests", + "test_get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "LocmemLoaderTests", + "test_get_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_nonexistent": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_get_template_nonexistent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_syntax_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_get_template_syntax_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_html_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_django_html_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_django_html_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_token": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_csrf_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_directory_traversal": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_no_directory_traversal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_ascii_characters": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_dummy.py", + [ + "TemplateStringsTests", + "test_non_ascii_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_origin": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_origin" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_origin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_origin_from_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_origin_from_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_self_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_debug_info_min_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_exception_debug_info_min_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_debug_info_max_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_exception_debug_info_max_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_processors": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_context_processors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_render_nested_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_template_render_nested_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_render_error_nonexistent_source": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_jinja2.py", + [ + "Jinja2Tests", + "test_template_render_error_nonexistent_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_import_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TemplateUtilsTests", + "test_backend_import_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_improperly_configured": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TemplateUtilsTests", + "test_backend_improperly_configured" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_names_must_be_unique": [ + [ + "tests/template_backends/test_utils.py", + [ + "TemplateUtilsTests", + "test_backend_names_must_be_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_first_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_get_template_first_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_second_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_get_template_second_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_using_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_get_template_using_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_get_template_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_template_first_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_select_template_first_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_template_second_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_select_template_second_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_template_using_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_select_template_using_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_template_empty": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_select_template_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_template_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_select_template_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_template_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_select_template_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_template_tries_all_engines_before_names": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_select_template_tries_all_engines_before_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_first_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_first_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_second_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_second_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_with_request": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_with_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_using_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_using_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_with_list_first_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_with_list_first_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_with_list_second_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_with_list_second_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_with_list_using_engine": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_with_list_using_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_with_list_empty": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_with_list_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_with_list_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_with_list_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_to_string_with_list_tries_all_engines_before_names": [ + [ + "tests/template_loader/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateLoaderTests", + "test_render_to_string_with_list_tries_all_engines_before_names" + ] + ] + ], + "annotated_tag_function": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/annotated_tag_function.py", + [ + "annotated_tag_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "AddTests", + "test_add01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "AddTests", + "test_add02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "AddTests", + "test_add03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "AddTests", + "test_add04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "AddTests", + "test_add05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "AddTests", + "test_add06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_add.py", + [ + "AddTests", + "test_add07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_addslashes01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_addslashes.py", + [ + "AddslashesTests", + "test_addslashes01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_addslashes02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_addslashes.py", + [ + "AddslashesTests", + "test_addslashes02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quotes": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_addslashes.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_quotes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_quotes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backslashes": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_addslashes.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_backslashes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_backslashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_string_input": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_addslashes.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_center.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escape.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_ljust.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_lower.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_rjust.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slugify.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_striptags.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_title.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_truncatewords.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_upper.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlencode.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlizetrunc.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_wordcount.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_wordwrap.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_string_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_stringfilter01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeStringfilterTests", + "test_autoescape_stringfilter01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_stringfilter02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeStringfilterTests", + "test_autoescape_stringfilter02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_stringfilter03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeStringfilterTests", + "test_autoescape_stringfilter03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_stringfilter04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeStringfilterTests", + "test_autoescape_stringfilter04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_capfirst01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_capfirst.py", + [ + "CapfirstTests", + "test_capfirst01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_capfirst02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_capfirst.py", + [ + "CapfirstTests", + "test_capfirst02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_capfirst": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_capfirst.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_capfirst" + ] + ] + ], + "test_center01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_center.py", + [ + "CenterTests", + "test_center01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_center02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_center.py", + [ + "CenterTests", + "test_center02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_center": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_center.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_center" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining13" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chaining14": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_chaining.py", + [ + "ChainingTests", + "test_chaining14" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cut01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "CutTests", + "test_cut01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cut02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "CutTests", + "test_cut02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cut03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "CutTests", + "test_cut03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cut04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "CutTests", + "test_cut04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cut05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "CutTests", + "test_cut05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cut06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "CutTests", + "test_cut06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_character": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_character" + ] + ] + ], + "test_characters": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_matching_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_cut.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_non_matching_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date02_l10n": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date02_l10n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "DateTests", + "test_date09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_date" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_args": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_no_args" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_no_args" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_no_args" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timeuntil.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_no_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escape_characters": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_date.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_escape_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "DefaultTests", + "test_default01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "DefaultTests", + "test_default02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "DefaultTests", + "test_default03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "DefaultTests", + "test_default04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_if_none01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "DefaultIfNoneTests", + "test_default_if_none01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_if_none02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "DefaultIfNoneTests", + "test_default_if_none02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default_if_none.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_empty_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_default_if_none.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_empty_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_first.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_empty_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_wordcount.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_empty_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_empty_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sort": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsort.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_sort" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsortreversed.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_sort" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "ImmutableListTests", + "test_sort" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dictsort_complex_sorting_key": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsort.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_dictsort_complex_sorting_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sort_list_of_tuples": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsort.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_sort_list_of_tuples" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsortreversed.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_sort_list_of_tuples" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sort_list_of_tuple_like_dicts": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsort.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_sort_list_of_tuple_like_dicts" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_dictsortreversed.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_sort_list_of_tuple_like_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escape01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escape.py", + [ + "EscapeTests", + "test_escape01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escape02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escape.py", + [ + "EscapeTests", + "test_escape02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escape03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escape.py", + [ + "EscapeTests", + "test_escape03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escape04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escape.py", + [ + "EscapeTests", + "test_escape04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escape_lazy_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escape.py", + [ + "EscapeTests", + "test_escape_lazy_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escapejs01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "EscapejsTests", + "test_escapejs01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escapejs02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "EscapejsTests", + "test_escapejs02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_whitespace": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_script": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_script" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paragraph_separator": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_paragraph_separator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_escapejs.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_lazy_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formats": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_filesizeformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_formats": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_filesizeformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_localized_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_filesizeformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_negative_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_first.py", + [ + "FirstTests", + "test_first01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_first.py", + [ + "FirstTests", + "test_first02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatformat01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FloatformatTests", + "test_floatformat01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floatformat02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FloatformatTests", + "test_floatformat02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_inputs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_values": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_zero_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_zero_values": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_negative_zero_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_infinity": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_infinity" + ] + ] + ], + "__float__": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_float_dunder_method", + "FloatWrapper", + "__float__" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_dunder_method": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_float_dunder_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_low_decimal_precision": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_floatformat.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_low_decimal_precision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_escape01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests", + "test_force_escape01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_escape02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests", + "test_force_escape02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_escape03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests", + "test_force_escape03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_escape04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests", + "test_force_escape04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_escape05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests", + "test_force_escape05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_escape06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests", + "test_force_escape06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_escape07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests", + "test_force_escape07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_escape08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "ForceEscapeTests", + "test_force_escape08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escape": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_force_escape.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_escape" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_escape" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_regex_helper.py", + [ + "NormalizeTests", + "test_escape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iriencode01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_iriencode.py", + [ + "IriencodeTests", + "test_iriencode01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iriencode02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_iriencode.py", + [ + "IriencodeTests", + "test_iriencode02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iriencode03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_iriencode.py", + [ + "IriencodeTests", + "test_iriencode03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iriencode04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_iriencode.py", + [ + "IriencodeTests", + "test_iriencode04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlencoded": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_iriencode.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_urlencoded" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_urlencoded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests", + "test_join01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests", + "test_join02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests", + "test_join03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests", + "test_join04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests", + "test_join05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests", + "test_join06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests", + "test_join07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "JoinTests", + "test_join08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_unordered_list.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_urlizetrunc.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_autoescape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noniterable_arg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_noniterable_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noniterable_arg_autoescape_off": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_join.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_noniterable_arg_autoescape_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_last.py", + [ + "LastTests", + "test_last01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_last.py", + [ + "LastTests", + "test_last02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_length01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_length02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_length03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_length04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_length05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_length06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "LengthTests", + "test_length07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safestring": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_safestring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_length_is11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_length_is.py", + [ + "LengthIsTests", + "test_length_is11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linebreaks01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "LinebreaksTests", + "test_linebreaks01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linebreaks02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "LinebreaksTests", + "test_linebreaks02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_line" + ] + ] + ], + "test_newline": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_newline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_newline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_carriage": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_carriage" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_carriage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_carriage_newline": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_carriage_newline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_carriage_newline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_string_input": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaks.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_lazy_string_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linebreaksbr01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "LinebreaksbrTests", + "test_linebreaksbr01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linebreaksbr02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linebreaksbr.py", + [ + "LinebreaksbrTests", + "test_linebreaksbr02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linenumbers01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "LinenumbersTests", + "test_linenumbers01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linenumbers02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "LinenumbersTests", + "test_linenumbers02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linenumbers": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_linenumbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linenumbers2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_linenumbers.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_linenumbers2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ljust01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_ljust.py", + [ + "LjustTests", + "test_ljust01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ljust02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_ljust.py", + [ + "LjustTests", + "test_ljust02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ljust": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_ljust.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_ljust" + ] + ] + ], + "test_less_than_string_length": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_ljust.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_less_than_string_length" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_rjust.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_less_than_string_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lower01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_lower.py", + [ + "LowerTests", + "test_lower01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lower02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_lower.py", + [ + "LowerTests", + "test_lower02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lower": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_lower.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_list01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_make_list.py", + [ + "MakeListTests", + "test_make_list01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_list02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_make_list.py", + [ + "MakeListTests", + "test_make_list02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_list03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_make_list.py", + [ + "MakeListTests", + "test_make_list03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_list04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_make_list.py", + [ + "MakeListTests", + "test_make_list04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_phone2numeric01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_phone2numeric.py", + [ + "Phone2numericTests", + "test_phone2numeric01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_phone2numeric02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_phone2numeric.py", + [ + "Phone2numericTests", + "test_phone2numeric02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_phone2numeric03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_phone2numeric.py", + [ + "Phone2numericTests", + "test_phone2numeric03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_phone2numeric": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_phone2numeric.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_phone2numeric" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText", + "test_phone2numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "check_values": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "PluralizeTests", + "check_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "PluralizeTests", + "test_no_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_singular_and_plural_suffix": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "PluralizeTests", + "test_singular_and_plural_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integers": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_integers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_floats": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_floats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimals": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_decimals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lists": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suffixes": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_suffixes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_len_type": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_no_len_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_value_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_pluralize.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_value_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_random.py", + [ + "RandomTests", + "test_random01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_random.py", + [ + "RandomTests", + "test_random02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rjust01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_rjust.py", + [ + "RjustTests", + "test_rjust01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rjust02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_rjust.py", + [ + "RjustTests", + "test_rjust02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rjust": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_rjust.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_rjust" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_safe.py", + [ + "SafeTests", + "test_safe01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_safe.py", + [ + "SafeTests", + "test_safe02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safeseq01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_safeseq.py", + [ + "SafeseqTests", + "test_safeseq01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safeseq02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_safeseq.py", + [ + "SafeseqTests", + "test_safeseq02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "SliceTests", + "test_slice01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "SliceTests", + "test_slice02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_length": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_zero_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_integer": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_index_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_index": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_negative_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_range_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_step": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slice.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_range_step" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slugify01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slugify.py", + [ + "SlugifyTests", + "test_slugify01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slugify02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slugify.py", + [ + "SlugifyTests", + "test_slugify02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slugify": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slugify.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_slugify" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText", + "test_slugify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slugify_lazy_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_slugify.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_slugify_lazy_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stringformat01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_stringformat.py", + [ + "StringformatTests", + "test_stringformat01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stringformat02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_stringformat.py", + [ + "StringformatTests", + "test_stringformat02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_striptags01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_striptags.py", + [ + "StriptagsTests", + "test_striptags01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_striptags02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_striptags.py", + [ + "StriptagsTests", + "test_striptags02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_striptags.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_strip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_lazy_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_striptags.py", + [ + "FunctionTests", + "test_strip_lazy_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time00": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests", + "test_time00" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time00_l10n": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests", + "test_time00_l10n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests", + "test_time01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests", + "test_time02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests", + "test_time03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests", + "test_time04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests", + "test_time05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_time.py", + [ + "TimeTests", + "test_time06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timesince01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_timesince01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timesince02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_timesince02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timesince03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/filter_tests/test_timesince.py", + 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"tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_legacyi18n04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacyi18n07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_legacyi18n07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacyi18n08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_legacyi18n08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n17": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n17" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n18": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n19": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n19" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n21": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n21" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacyi18n17": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_legacyi18n17" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacyi18n18": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_legacyi18n18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n26": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n26" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacyi18n26": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_legacyi18n26" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n27": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n27" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacyi18n27": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_legacyi18n27" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n28": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n28" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacyi18n28": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_legacyi18n28" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n34": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n34" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n34_2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n34_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n34_3": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n34_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n37": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n37" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n39": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n39" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n40": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n40" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n41": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_i18n41" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blocktrans_syntax_error_missing_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_blocktrans_syntax_error_missing_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blocktrans_tag_using_a_string_that_looks_like_str_fmt": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_blocktrans_tag_using_a_string_that_looks_like_str_fmt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_block": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_with_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_for": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_with_for" + ] + ] + ], + "test_variable_twice": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_variable_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_args_with": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_no_args_with" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plural_bad_syntax": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "I18nBlockTransTagTests", + "test_plural_bad_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_tags_pgettext": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "TranslationBlockTranslateTagTests", + "test_template_tags_pgettext" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "TranslationTransTagTests", + "test_template_tags_pgettext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_placeholder_1": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "TranslationBlockTranslateTagTests", + "test_bad_placeholder_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_placeholder_2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "TranslationBlockTranslateTagTests", + "test_bad_placeholder_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_locale_activation": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTranslateTests", + "test_single_locale_activation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests", + "test_single_locale_activation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_single_locale_activation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_btrans": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTranslateTests", + "test_multiple_locale_btrans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_deactivate_btrans": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTranslateTests", + "test_multiple_locale_deactivate_btrans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_direct_switch_btrans": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationBlockTranslateTests", + "test_multiple_locale_direct_switch_btrans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_percent_in_translatable_block": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_percent_in_translatable_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_percent_formatting_in_blocktranslate": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_blocktranslate.py", + [ + "MiscTests", + "test_percent_formatting_in_blocktranslate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n32": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_filters.py", + [ + "I18nFiltersTests", + "test_i18n32" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n33": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_filters.py", + [ + "I18nFiltersTests", + "test_i18n33" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n38_2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_filters.py", + [ + "I18nFiltersTests", + "test_i18n38_2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info_list.py", + [ + "GetLanguageInfoListTests", + "test_i18n38_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_available_languages.py", + [ + "GetAvailableLanguagesTagTests", + "test_i18n12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_as_var": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_available_languages.py", + [ + "GetAvailableLanguagesTagTests", + "test_no_as_var" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_current_language.py", + [ + "I18nGetCurrentLanguageTagTests", + "test_no_as_var" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_current_language_bidi.py", + [ + "I18nGetCurrentLanguageBidiTagTests", + "test_no_as_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n28_2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info.py", + [ + "I18nGetLanguageInfoTagTests", + "test_i18n28_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n29": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info.py", + [ + "I18nGetLanguageInfoTagTests", + "test_i18n29" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n38": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info.py", + [ + "I18nGetLanguageInfoTagTests", + "test_i18n38" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_for_as": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info.py", + [ + "I18nGetLanguageInfoTagTests", + "test_no_for_as" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info_list.py", + [ + "GetLanguageInfoListTests", + "test_no_for_as" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n30": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info_list.py", + [ + "GetLanguageInfoListTests", + "test_i18n30" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n31": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_get_language_info_list.py", + [ + "GetLanguageInfoListTests", + "test_i18n31" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_arg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_language.py", + [ + "I18nLanguageTagTests", + "test_no_arg" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_no_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n20": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n20" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n22": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n22" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n23": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n23" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n24": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n24" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n25": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n25" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n35": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n35" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n36": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_i18n36" + ] + ] + ], + "test_syntax_error_no_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_syntax_error_no_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_syntax_error_bad_option": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_syntax_error_bad_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_syntax_error_missing_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_syntax_error_missing_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_syntax_error_missing_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_syntax_error_missing_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_syntax_error_context_as": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_syntax_error_context_as" + ] + ] + ], + "test_syntax_error_context_noop": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_syntax_error_context_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_syntax_error_duplicate_option": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_syntax_error_duplicate_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trans_tag_using_a_string_that_looks_like_str_fmt": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "I18nTransTagTests", + "test_trans_tag_using_a_string_that_looks_like_str_fmt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_trans": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests", + "test_multiple_locale_trans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_deactivate_trans": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests", + "test_multiple_locale_deactivate_trans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_direct_switch_trans": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_translate.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTransTagTests", + "test_multiple_locale_direct_switch_trans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_filter": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_filter_deactivate": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_filter_deactivate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_filter_direct_switch": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_filter_direct_switch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_deactivate": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_deactivate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_direct_switch": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_direct_switch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_loadi18n": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_loadi18n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_loadi18n_deactivate": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_loadi18n_deactivate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_locale_loadi18n_direct_switch": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "MultipleLocaleActivationTests", + "test_multiple_locale_loadi18n_direct_switch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "I18nStringLiteralTests", + "test_i18n13" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n14": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "I18nStringLiteralTests", + "test_i18n14" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n15": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "I18nStringLiteralTests", + "test_i18n15" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n16": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py", + [ + "I18nStringLiteralTests", + "test_i18n16" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_tag10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_tag10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_filtertag01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_filtertag01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_ifequal01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_ifequal01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_filters01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_filters01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_filters02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_filters02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_literals01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_literals01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_stringiterations01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_stringiterations01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoescape_lookup01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py", + [ + "AutoescapeTagTests", + "test_autoescape_lookup01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax13" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax14": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax14" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax15": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax15" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax16": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax16" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax17": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax17" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax18": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax19": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax19" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax20": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax20" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax20b": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax20b" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax21": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax21" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax22": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax22" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax23": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax23" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax24": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax24" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax25": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax25" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax26": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax26" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax27": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax27" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax28": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax28" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax29": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax29" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax30": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax30" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax31": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax31" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax32": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax32" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax33": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax33" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax34": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax34" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax35": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax35" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax36": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax36" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax37": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax37" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_syntax38": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_basic_syntax38" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unclosed_block": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_unclosed_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unclosed_block2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_unclosed_block2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignores_strings_that_look_like_format_interpolation": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py", + [ + "BasicSyntaxTests", + "test_ignores_strings_that_look_like_format_interpolation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtins01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_builtins.py", + [ + "BuiltinsTests", + "test_builtins01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtins02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_builtins.py", + [ + "BuiltinsTests", + "test_builtins02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_builtins03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_builtins.py", + [ + "BuiltinsTests", + "test_builtins03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache13" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache14": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache14" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache15": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache15" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache16": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache16" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache17": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache17" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache18": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_cache18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTagTests", + "test_none_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_regression_20130": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTests", + "test_cache_regression_20130" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_fragment_cache": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTests", + "test_cache_fragment_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cache_missing_backend": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py", + [ + "CacheTests", + "test_cache_missing_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_syntax12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_syntax12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_tag01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_tag01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_tag02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_tag02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_tag03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_tag03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_tag04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_tag04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_tag05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_comment.py", + [ + "CommentSyntaxTests", + "test_comment_tag05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle13" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle14": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle14" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle15": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle15" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle16": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle16" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle17": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle17" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle18": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle19": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle19" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle20": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle20" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle21": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle21" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle22": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle22" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle23": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle23" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle24": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle24" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle25": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle25" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle26": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle26" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle27": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle27" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle28": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle28" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle29": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle29" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle30": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle30" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle_undefined": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cycle.py", + [ + "CycleTagTests", + "test_cycle_undefined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "ExceptionsTests", + "test_exception01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "ExceptionsTests", + "test_exception02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "ExceptionsTests", + "test_exception03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "ExceptionsTests", + "test_exception04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "ExceptionsTests", + "test_exception05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance13" + ] + ] + ], + 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"test_inheritance20" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance21": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance21" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance22": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance22" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance23": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance23" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance24": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance24" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance25": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance25" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance26": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance26" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance27": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance27" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_28": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance_28" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance29": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance29" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance30": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance30" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance31": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance31" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance32": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance32" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance33": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance33" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance34": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance34" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance35": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance35" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance36": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance36" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance37": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance37" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance38": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance38" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance39": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance39" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance40": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance40" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance41": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance41" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance42": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance42" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inheritance_empty": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_inheritance_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extends_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_extends_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_block": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "InheritanceTests", + "test_duplicate_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extends_node_repr": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsNodeTests", + "test_extends_node_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax07" 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"tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax20" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax21": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax21" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax22": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax22" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax23": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax23" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax24": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax24" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_syntax25": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_filter_syntax25" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_error_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_syntax.py", + [ + "FilterSyntaxTests", + "test_type_error_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests", + "test_filter01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests", + "test_filter02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests", + "test_filter03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests", + "test_filter04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests", + "test_filter05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter05bis": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests", + "test_filter05bis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests", + "test_filter06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter06bis": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_filter_tag.py", + [ + "FilterTagTests", + "test_filter06bis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof13" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof14": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof14" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firstof15": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_firstof15" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_false_arguments_asvar": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_firstof.py", + [ + "FirstOfTagTests", + "test_all_false_arguments_asvar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_vars01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_vars01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_vars02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_vars02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_vars03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_vars03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_vars04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_vars04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_vars05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_vars05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_vars06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_vars06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unpack_double_quote": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_unpack_double_quote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unpack_single_quote": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_unpack_single_quote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unpack_vertical_bar": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_unpack_vertical_bar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_unpack13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_unpack13" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_empty01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_empty01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_empty02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_empty02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_empty03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_empty03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for_tag_filter_ws": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_for.py", + [ + "ForTagTests", + "test_for_tag_filter_ws" + ] + 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"test_invalid_in_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_tag01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfTagTests", + "test_if_tag01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_tag02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfTagTests", + "test_if_tag02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_tag03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfTagTests", + "test_if_tag03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_tag04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfTagTests", + "test_if_tag04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_tag05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfTagTests", + "test_if_tag05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_tag06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfTagTests", + "test_if_tag06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_tag07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ + "IfTagTests", + "test_if_tag07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if_tag08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if.py", + [ 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"test_ifequal_numeric12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfEqualTagTests", + "test_ifequal_numeric12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifequal_filter01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfEqualTagTests", + "test_ifequal_filter01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifequal_filter02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfEqualTagTests", + "test_ifequal_filter02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifequal_filter03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfEqualTagTests", + "test_ifequal_filter03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifequal_filter04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfEqualTagTests", + "test_ifequal_filter04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifequal_filter05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfEqualTagTests", + "test_ifequal_filter05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifnotequal01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfNotEqualTagTests", + "test_ifnotequal01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifnotequal02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfNotEqualTagTests", + "test_ifnotequal02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifnotequal03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfNotEqualTagTests", + "test_ifnotequal03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifnotequal04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfNotEqualTagTests", + "test_ifnotequal04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_var": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "IfNotEqualTagTests", + "test_one_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifequal_warning": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_ifequal_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifnotequal_warning": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_if_equal.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_ifnotequal_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include09": [ + [ 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"tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include_error02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_error03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include_error03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_error04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include_error04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_error05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include_error05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_error06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include_error06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_fail1": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include_fail1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_fail2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTagTests", + "test_include_fail2" + ] + 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"tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_extends_include_missing_baseloader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extends_include_missing_cachedloader": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_extends_include_missing_cachedloader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_template_argument": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_template_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_template_iterable": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_template_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_template_none": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_template_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_from_loader_get_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_from_loader_get_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_immediate_missing": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_immediate_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_recursive": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_cache": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_include.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalidstr01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests", + "test_invalidstr01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalidstr02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests", + "test_invalidstr02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalidstr03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests", + "test_invalidstr03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalidstr04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests", + "test_invalidstr04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalidstr04_2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests", + "test_invalidstr04_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalidstr05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests", + "test_invalidstr05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalidstr06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests", + "test_invalidstr06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalidstr07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_invalid_string.py", + [ + "InvalidStringTests", + "test_invalidstr07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_index01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_list_index.py", + [ + "ListIndexTests", + "test_list_index01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_index02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_list_index.py", + [ + "ListIndexTests", + "test_list_index02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_index03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_list_index.py", + [ + "ListIndexTests", + "test_list_index03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_index04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_list_index.py", + [ + "ListIndexTests", + "test_list_index04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_index05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_list_index.py", + [ + "ListIndexTests", + "test_list_index05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_index06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_list_index.py", + [ + "ListIndexTests", + "test_list_index06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_index07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_list_index.py", + [ + "ListIndexTests", + "test_list_index07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_load.py", + [ + "LoadTagTests", + "test_load12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lorem1": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_lorem.py", + [ + "LoremTagTests", + "test_lorem1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lorem_random": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_lorem.py", + [ + "LoremTagTests", + "test_lorem_random" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lorem_default": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_lorem.py", + [ + "LoremTagTests", + "test_lorem_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lorem_syntax": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_lorem.py", + [ + "LoremTagTests", + "test_lorem_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lorem_multiple_paragraphs": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_lorem.py", + [ + "LoremTagTests", + "test_lorem_multiple_paragraphs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lorem_incorrect_count": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_lorem.py", + [ + "LoremTagTests", + "test_lorem_incorrect_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiline01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_multiline.py", + [ + "MultilineTests", + "test_multiline01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namedendblocks01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_named_endblock.py", + [ + "NamedEndblockTests", + "test_namedendblocks01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namedendblocks02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_named_endblock.py", + [ + "NamedEndblockTests", + "test_namedendblocks02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namedendblocks03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_named_endblock.py", + [ + "NamedEndblockTests", + "test_namedendblocks03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namedendblocks04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_named_endblock.py", + [ + "NamedEndblockTests", + "test_namedendblocks04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namedendblocks05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_named_endblock.py", + [ + "NamedEndblockTests", + "test_namedendblocks05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namedendblocks06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_named_endblock.py", + [ + "NamedEndblockTests", + "test_namedendblocks06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namedendblocks07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_named_endblock.py", + [ + "NamedEndblockTests", + "test_namedendblocks07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests", + "test_now01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests", + "test_now02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests", + "test_now03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests", + "test_now04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests", + "test_now05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests", + "test_now06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests", + "test_now07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now_args": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_now.py", + [ + "NowTagTests", + "test_now_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_numpy_array_index01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_numpy.py", + [ + "NumpyTests", + "test_numpy_array_index01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_numpy_array_index02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_numpy.py", + [ + "NumpyTests", + "test_numpy_array_index02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regroup_unpack": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_regroup.py", + [ + "RegroupTagTests", + "test_regroup_unpack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resetcycle11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_resetcycle.py", + [ + "ResetCycleTagTests", + "test_resetcycle11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_setup.py", + [ + "SetupTests", + "test_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simpletag_renamed01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_simple_tag.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simpletag_renamed01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simpletag_renamed02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_simple_tag.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simpletag_renamed02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simpletag_renamed03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_simple_tag.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simpletag_renamed03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spaceless01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_spaceless.py", + [ + "SpacelessTagTests", + "test_spaceless01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spaceless02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_spaceless.py", + [ + "SpacelessTagTests", + "test_spaceless02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spaceless03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_spaceless.py", + [ + "SpacelessTagTests", + "test_spaceless03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spaceless04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_spaceless.py", + [ + "SpacelessTagTests", + "test_spaceless04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spaceless05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_spaceless.py", + [ + "SpacelessTagTests", + "test_spaceless05" + 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"tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTagTests", + "test_static_statictag01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_statictag02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTagTests", + "test_static_statictag02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_statictag03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTagTests", + "test_static_statictag03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_statictag04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTagTests", + "test_static_statictag04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_quotes_urls": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTagTests", + "test_static_quotes_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_static_statictag_without_path": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_static.py", + [ + "StaticTagTests", + "test_static_statictag_without_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_templatetag01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_template_tag.py", + 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"tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url02a" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url02b": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url02b" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url02c": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url02c" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url12": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url12" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url13": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url13" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url14": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url14" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url15": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url15" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url18": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url19": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url19" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url20": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url20" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url21": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url21" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail05" + ] + ] + 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"tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail14" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail15": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail15" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail16": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail16" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail17": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail17" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail18": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_fail19": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_fail19" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_asvar01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_asvar01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_asvar02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_asvar02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_asvar03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_asvar03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_namespace01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_namespace01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_namespace02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_namespace02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_namespace03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_namespace03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_namespace_no_current_app": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_namespace_no_current_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_namespace_explicit_current_app": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_url.py", + [ + "UrlTagTests", + "test_url_namespace_explicit_current_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbatim_tag01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_verbatim.py", + [ + "VerbatimTagTests", + "test_verbatim_tag01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbatim_tag02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_verbatim.py", + [ + "VerbatimTagTests", + "test_verbatim_tag02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbatim_tag03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_verbatim.py", + [ + "VerbatimTagTests", + "test_verbatim_tag03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbatim_tag04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_verbatim.py", + [ + "VerbatimTagTests", + "test_verbatim_tag04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbatim_tag05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_verbatim.py", + [ + "VerbatimTagTests", + "test_verbatim_tag05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbatim_tag06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_verbatim.py", + [ + "VerbatimTagTests", + "test_verbatim_tag06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio04": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio04" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio05": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio05" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio06": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio06" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio07": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio07" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio08": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio08" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio09": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio09" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio10": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio10" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio11": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio12a": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio12a" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio12b": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio12b" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio13a": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio13a" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio13b": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio13b" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio14a": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio14a" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio14b": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio14b" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio15": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio15" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio16": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio16" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio17": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio17" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio18": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio19": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio19" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio20": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio20" + ] + ] + ], + "test_widthratio21": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_widthratio21" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zerodivisionerror_as_var": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_zerodivisionerror_as_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_typeerror_as_var": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_width_ratio.py", + [ + "WidthRatioTagTests", + "test_typeerror_as_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithTagTests", + "test_with01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacywith01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithTagTests", + "test_legacywith01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithTagTests", + "test_with02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legacywith02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithTagTests", + "test_legacywith02" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with03": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithTagTests", + "test_with03" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_error01": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithTagTests", + "test_with_error01" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_error02": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_with.py", + [ + "WithTagTests", + "test_with_error02" + ] + ] + ], + "badtag": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/bad_tag.py", + [ + "badtag" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/tag_27584.py", + [ + "badtag" + ] + ] + ], + "badsimpletag": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/bad_tag.py", + [ + "badsimpletag" + ] + ] + ], + "make_data_div": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "make_data_div" + ] + ] + ], + "context_stack_length": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "context_stack_length" + ] + ] + ], + "no_params": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "no_params" + ] + ] + ], + "one_param": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "one_param" + ] + ] + ], + "explicit_no_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "explicit_no_context" + ] + ] + ], + "no_params_with_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "no_params_with_context" + ] + ] + ], + "params_and_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "params_and_context" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_two_params": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "simple_two_params" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_keyword_only_param": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "simple_keyword_only_param" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_keyword_only_default": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "simple_keyword_only_default" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_one_default": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "simple_one_default" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_unlimited_args": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "simple_unlimited_args" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_only_unlimited_args": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "simple_only_unlimited_args" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_unlimited_args_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "simple_unlimited_args_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_tag_without_context_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "simple_tag_without_context_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "escape_naive": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "escape_naive" + ] + ] + ], + "escape_explicit": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "escape_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "escape_format_html": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "escape_format_html" + ] + ] + ], + "current_app": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "current_app" + ] + ] + ], + "use_l10n": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "use_l10n" + ] + ] + ], + "minustwo_overridden_name": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "minustwo_overridden_name" + ] + ] + ], + "counter": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/custom.py", + [ + "counter" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_no_params": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_no_params" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_no_params_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_no_params_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_one_param": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_one_param" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_one_param_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_one_param_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_explicit_no_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_explicit_no_context" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_explicit_no_context_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_explicit_no_context_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_no_params_with_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_no_params_with_context" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_no_params_with_context_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_no_params_with_context_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_params_and_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_params_and_context" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_params_and_context_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_params_and_context_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_two_params": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_two_params" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_two_params_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_two_params_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_one_default": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_one_default" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_keyword_only_default": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_keyword_only_default" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_one_default_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_one_default_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_unlimited_args": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_unlimited_args" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_unlimited_args_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_unlimited_args_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_only_unlimited_args": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_only_unlimited_args" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_only_unlimited_args_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_only_unlimited_args_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_tag_use_l10n": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_tag_use_l10n" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_unlimited_args_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_tag_without_context_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_tag_without_context_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_extends1": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_extends1" + ] + ] + ], + "inclusion_extends2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/inclusion.py", + [ + "inclusion_extends2" + ] + ] + ], + "echo2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/subpackage/echo.py", + [ + "echo2" + ] + ] + ], + "echo": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/templatetags/testtags.py", + [ + "echo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_template_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_lazy_template_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_literals": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "VariableTests", + "test_integer_literals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonliterals": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_base.py", + [ + "VariableTests", + "test_nonliterals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alters_data": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_alters_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_do_not_call": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_do_not_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_do_not_call_and_alters_data": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_callables.py", + [ + "CallableVariablesTests", + "test_do_not_call_and_alters_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_push_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_push_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_update_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_push_context_manager_with_context_object": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_push_context_manager_with_context_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_context_manager_with_context_object": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_update_context_manager_with_context_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_push_proper_layering": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_push_proper_layering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_proper_layering": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_update_proper_layering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolve_on_context_method": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_resolve_on_context_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_render_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatten_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_flatten_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatten_context_with_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_flatten_context_with_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_comparable": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_context_comparable" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "RequestContextTests", + "test_context_comparable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_request_context_twice": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_copy_request_context_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_upward": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_set_upward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_upward_empty_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_set_upward_empty_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_upward_with_push": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_set_upward_with_push" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_upward_with_push_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_set_upward_with_push_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_only": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "RequestContextTests", + "test_include_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_size": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "RequestContextTests", + "test_stack_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_context_and_render": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_context.py", + [ + "RequestContextTests", + "test_modify_context_and_render" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorated_filter": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "CustomFilterTests", + "test_decorated_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_tag": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TagTestCase", + "verify_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_errors": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simple_tag_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_escaping_autoescape_off": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simple_tag_escaping_autoescape_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_naive_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simple_tag_naive_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_explicit_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simple_tag_explicit_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_format_html_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simple_tag_format_html_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_registration": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simple_tag_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_missing_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "SimpleTagTests", + "test_simple_tag_missing_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inclusion_tags": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests", + "test_inclusion_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inclusion_tag_errors": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests", + "test_inclusion_tag_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_tag_missing_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests", + "test_include_tag_missing_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inclusion_tags_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests", + "test_inclusion_tags_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inclusion_tag_registration": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests", + "test_inclusion_tag_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_15070_use_l10n": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests", + "test_15070_use_l10n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_render_side_effect": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests", + "test_no_render_side_effect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_context_is_cleared": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "InclusionTagTests", + "test_render_context_is_cleared" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TemplateTagLoadingTests", + "test_load_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_error_egg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TemplateTagLoadingTests", + "test_load_error_egg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_working_egg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TemplateTagLoadingTests", + "test_load_working_egg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_annotated_function": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_custom.py", + [ + "TemplateTagLoadingTests", + "test_load_annotated_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "RenderToStringTest", + "test_basic_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_engines_configured": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "GetDefaultTests", + "test_no_engines_configured" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_engine_configured": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "GetDefaultTests", + "test_single_engine_configured" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_engines_configured": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "GetDefaultTests", + "test_multiple_engines_configured" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loader_priority": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_loader_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_loader_priority": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_engine.py", + [ + "LoaderTests", + "test_cached_loader_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normal_extend": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests", + "test_normal_extend" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_normal_extend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extend_recursive": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests", + "test_extend_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extend_missing": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests", + "test_extend_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recursive_multiple_loaders": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests", + "test_recursive_multiple_loaders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extend_self_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests", + "test_extend_self_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extend_cached": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests", + "test_extend_cached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_history_per_loader": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests", + "test_unique_history_per_loader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_block_override_in_extended_included_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends.py", + [ + "ExtendsBehaviorTests", + "test_block_override_in_extended_included_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir1_extend": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_dir1_extend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir1_extend1": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_dir1_extend1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir1_extend2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_dir1_extend2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir1_extend3": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_dir1_extend3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir2_extend": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_dir2_extend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extend_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_extend_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normal_include": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "IncludeRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_normal_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir2_include": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "IncludeRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_dir2_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "IncludeRelativeBehaviorTests", + "test_include_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixing1": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsMixedBehaviorTests", + "test_mixing1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixing2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsMixedBehaviorTests", + "test_mixing2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixing_loop": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_extends_relative.py", + [ + "ExtendsMixedBehaviorTests", + "test_mixing_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_parens": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "FilterRegistrationTests", + "test_filter_parens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_name_arg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "FilterRegistrationTests", + "test_filter_name_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_name_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "FilterRegistrationTests", + "test_filter_name_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_call": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "FilterRegistrationTests", + "test_filter_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "FilterRegistrationTests", + "test_filter_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inclusion_tag": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "InclusionTagRegistrationTests", + "test_inclusion_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inclusion_tag_name": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "InclusionTagRegistrationTests", + "test_inclusion_tag_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inclusion_tag_wrapped": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "InclusionTagRegistrationTests", + "test_inclusion_tag_wrapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "SimpleTagRegistrationTests", + "test_simple_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_parens": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "SimpleTagRegistrationTests", + "test_simple_tag_parens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_name_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "SimpleTagRegistrationTests", + "test_simple_tag_name_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "SimpleTagRegistrationTests", + "test_simple_tag_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_tag_wrapped": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "SimpleTagRegistrationTests", + "test_simple_tag_wrapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "TagRegistrationTests", + "test_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_parens": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "TagRegistrationTests", + "test_tag_parens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_name_arg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "TagRegistrationTests", + "test_tag_name_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_name_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "TagRegistrationTests", + "test_tag_name_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_call": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "TagRegistrationTests", + "test_tag_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_library.py", + [ + "TagRegistrationTests", + "test_tag_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_missing_debug_off": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "CachedLoaderTests", + "test_get_template_missing_debug_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_missing_debug_on": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "CachedLoaderTests", + "test_get_template_missing_debug_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_exception_no_traceback": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "CachedLoaderTests", + "test_cached_exception_no_traceback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_name_leading_dash_caching": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "CachedLoaderTests", + "test_template_name_leading_dash_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_name_lazy_string": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "CachedLoaderTests", + "test_template_name_lazy_string" + ] + ] + ], + "set_dirs": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "set_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "check_sources": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "source_checker", + "check_sources" + ] + ] + ], + "source_checker": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "source_checker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaders_dirs": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_loaders_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loaders_dirs_empty": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_loaders_dirs_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_directory_security": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_directory_security" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_template_name": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_unicode_template_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bytestring": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_bytestring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_dir_name": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_unicode_dir_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_case_sensitivity": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_case_sensitivity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_file_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permissions_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_permissions_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_notafile_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "FileSystemLoaderTests", + "test_notafile_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_installed": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_loaders.py", + [ + "AppDirectoriesLoaderTests", + "test_not_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests", + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_silent", + "TestObject", + "template" + ] + ] + ], + "article": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests", + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_silent", + "TestObject", + "article" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_silent": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests", + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_silent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_not_silent": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests", + "test_log_on_variable_does_not_exist_not_silent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_log_when_variable_exists": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_logging.py", + [ + "VariableResolveLoggingTests", + "test_no_log_when_variable_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_for": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "NodelistTest", + "test_for" + ] + ] + ], + "test_if": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "NodelistTest", + "test_if" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifequal": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "NodelistTest", + "test_ifequal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ifchanged": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "NodelistTest", + "test_ifchanged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textnode_repr": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "TextNodeTest", + "test_textnode_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_exception_index": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_nodelist.py", + [ + "ErrorIndexTest", + "test_correct_exception_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_origin_compares_equal": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_origin.py", + [ + "OriginTestCase", + "test_origin_compares_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_origin_compares_not_equal": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_origin.py", + [ + "OriginTestCase", + "test_origin_compares_not_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_token_smart_split": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_token_smart_split" + ] + ] + ], + "fe_test": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_filter_parsing", + "fe_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_parsing": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_filter_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_variable_parsing": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_variable_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "no_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_filter_args_count", + "no_arguments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "Person", + "no_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "one_argument": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_filter_args_count", + "one_argument" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "Person", + "one_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "one_opt_argument": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_filter_args_count", + "one_opt_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "two_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_filter_args_count", + "two_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "two_one_opt_arg": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_filter_args_count", + "two_one_opt_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_args_count": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_parser.py", + [ + "ParserTests", + "test_filter_args_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_processor": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "test_processor" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_urlconf_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "custom_urlconf_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_resolving": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_template_resolving" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicit_baking": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_explicit_baking" + ] + ] + ], + "iteration": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_iteration_unrendered", + "iteration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iteration_unrendered": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_iteration_unrendered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iteration_rendered": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_iteration_rendered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_access_unrendered": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_content_access_unrendered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_content_access_rendered": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_content_access_rendered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_content": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_set_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_context": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_dict_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_using": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_using" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "test_using" + ] + ] + ], + "post1": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_post_callbacks", + "post1" + ] + ] + ], + "post2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_post_callbacks", + "post2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_callbacks": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_post_callbacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repickling": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_repickling" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "test_repickling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickling_cookie": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "SimpleTemplateResponseTest", + "test_pickling_cookie" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_with_requestcontext": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "test_render_with_requestcontext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_processor_priority": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "TemplateResponseTest", + "test_context_processor_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "CustomURLConfTest", + "test_custom_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_middleware_caching": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_response.py", + [ + "CacheMiddlewareTest", + "test_middleware_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "assertCalcEqual": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_smartif.py", + [ + "SmartIfTests", + "assertCalcEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_smartif.py", + [ + "SmartIfTests", + "test_not" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_in": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/test_smartif.py", + [ + "SmartIfTests", + "test_not_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_origin": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_string_origin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_reverse_no_settings_module": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_url_reverse_no_settings_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_reverse_view_name": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_url_reverse_view_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_wrapped_exception": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_no_wrapped_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_block_suggestion": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_invalid_block_suggestion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_block_tag": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_unknown_block_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compile_filter_expression_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_compile_filter_expression_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compile_tag_error": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_compile_tag_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compile_tag_error_27584": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_compile_tag_error_27584" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compile_tag_error_27956": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_compile_tag_error_27956" + ] + ] + ], + "test_super_errors": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_super_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_tag_non_ascii": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_debug_tag_non_ascii" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extends_generic_template": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_extends_generic_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_node_origin": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_node_origin" + ] + ] + ], + "method2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "method2" + ] + ] + ], + "method3": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "method3" + ] + ] + ], + "method4": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "method4" + ] + ] + ], + "method5": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "method5" + ] + ] + ], + "silent_fail_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "silent_fail_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "noisy_fail_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "noisy_fail_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "attribute_error_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "attribute_error_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "type_error_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "SomeClass", + "type_error_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "is_true": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "TestObj", + "is_true" + ] + ] + ], + "is_false": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "TestObj", + "is_false" + ] + ] + ], + "is_bad": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/utils.py", + [ + "TestObj", + "is_bad" + ] + ] + ], + "client_action": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/views.py", + [ + "client_action" + ] + ] + ], + "client2": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/views.py", + [ + "client2" + ] + ] + ], + "template_response_view": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/views.py", + [ + "template_response_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "DecoratorFromMiddlewareTests", + "test_full_dec_templateresponse", + "template_response_view" + ] + ] + ], + "snark": [ + [ + "tests/template_tests/views.py", + [ + "snark" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_content_removal": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/test_conditional_content_removal.py", + [ + "ConditionalContentTests", + "test_conditional_content_removal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_after_read": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/test_fakepayload.py", + [ + "FakePayloadTests", + "test_write_after_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_get_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_string_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_query_string_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_data_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_get_data_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_post_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_get_post_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_empty_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodTests", + "test_post" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_data_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_post_data_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_serialization": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_json_serialization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_encoder_argument": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_json_encoder_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_put" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodTests", + "test_put" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_put" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trace": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_trace" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase", + "test_trace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_response_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_attached_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_response_attached_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_resolver_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_response_resolver_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncClientTest", + "test_response_resolver_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_resolver_match_redirect_follow": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_response_resolver_match_redirect_follow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_resolver_match_regular_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_response_resolver_match_regular_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_raw_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_insecure": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_insecure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secure": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_secure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_with_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_redirect_with_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_with_query_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_redirect_with_query_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_to_strange_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_redirect_to_strange_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_relative_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_relative_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_relative_redirect_no_trailing_slash": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_relative_redirect_no_trailing_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_307_and_308_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_307_and_308_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_307_and_308_preserves_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_307_and_308_preserves_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_307_and_308_get_head_query_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_307_and_308_get_head_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_307_and_308_preserves_post_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_307_and_308_preserves_post_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_307_and_308_preserves_put_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_307_and_308_preserves_put_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_307_and_308_preserves_get_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_follow_307_and_308_preserves_get_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_http": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_redirect_http" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_https": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_redirect_https" + ] + ] + ], + "test_notfound_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_notfound_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_form": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_valid_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_form_with_hints": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_valid_form_with_hints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incomplete_data_form": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_incomplete_data_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_form_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_form_with_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_valid_form_with_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incomplete_data_form_with_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_incomplete_data_form_with_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_error_with_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_form_error_with_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_page": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_unknown_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_url_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_login_when_sessions_app_is_not_installed": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_login_when_sessions_app_is_not_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_force_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_force_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_method_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_method_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_method_force_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_method_force_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_login_and_custom_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_login_and_custom_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_force_login_and_custom_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_force_login_and_custom_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_bad_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_bad_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_inactive_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_inactive_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_inactive_force_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_inactive_force_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_force_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_logout_with_force_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_login_with_backend": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_force_login_with_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_login_without_backend": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_force_login_without_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_login_with_backend_missing_get_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_force_login_with_backend_missing_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_cookie_sessions": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_logout_cookie_sessions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_permissions_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_permissions_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_method_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_method_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_external_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_external_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_external_redirect_with_fetch_error_msg": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_external_redirect_with_fetch_error_msg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_modifying_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_session_modifying_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sessions_app_is_not_installed": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_sessions_app_is_not_installed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_engine_is_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_session_engine_is_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_with_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_view_with_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exc_info": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_exc_info" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exc_info_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_exc_info_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mail_sending": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_mail_sending" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_lazy_decodes": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_reverse_lazy_decodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relative_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_relative_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relative_redirect_no_trailing_slash": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_relative_redirect_no_trailing_slash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mass_mail_sending": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_mass_mail_sending" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_following_nested_client_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_exception_following_nested_client_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_raises_multi_arg_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_response_raises_multi_arg_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uploading_temp_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_uploading_temp_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uploading_named_temp_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "ClientTest", + "test_uploading_named_temp_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csrf_enabled_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "CSRFEnabledClientTests", + "test_csrf_enabled_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_test_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestClientTest", + "test_custom_test_client" + ] + ] + ], + "_generic_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "_generic_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryTest", + "test_request_factory" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncRequestFactoryTest", + "test_request_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_request_from_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryTest", + "test_get_request_from_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trace_request_from_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryTest", + "test_trace_request_from_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_follow_parameter_not_implemented": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncClientTest", + "test_follow_parameter_not_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "async_generic_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/tests.py", + [ + "AsyncRequestFactoryTest", + "test_request_factory", + "for_method_name_in_tests_", + "with_self_subTest_method_", + "async_generic_view" + ] + ] + ], + "get_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "get_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "get_view" + ] + ] + ], + "async_get_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "async_get_view" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "trace_view" + ] + ] + ], + "put_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "put_view" + ] + ] + ], + "post_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "post_view" + ] + ] + ], + "json_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "json_view" + ] + ] + ], + "view_with_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "view_with_header" + ] + ] + ], + "raw_post_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "raw_post_view" + ] + ] + ], + "redirect_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "redirect_view" + ] + ] + ], + "method_saving_307_redirect_query_string_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "method_saving_307_redirect_query_string_view" + ] + ] + ], + "method_saving_308_redirect_query_string_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "method_saving_308_redirect_query_string_view" + ] + ] + ], + "_post_view_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "_post_view_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "method_saving_307_redirect_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "method_saving_307_redirect_view" + ] + ] + ], + "method_saving_308_redirect_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "method_saving_308_redirect_view" + ] + ] + ], + "view_with_secure": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "view_with_secure" + ] + ] + ], + "double_redirect_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "double_redirect_view" + ] + ] + ], + "bad_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "bad_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "bad_view" + ] + ] + ], + "form_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "form_view" + ] + ] + ], + "form_view_with_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "form_view_with_template" + ] + ] + ], + "formset_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "formset_view" + ] + ] + ], + "login_protected_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "login_protected_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "_ViewManager", + "login_protected_view" + ] + ] + ], + "login_protected_view_changed_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "login_protected_view_changed_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "_permission_protected_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "_permission_protected_view" + ] + ] + ], + "permission_protected_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "_ViewManager", + "permission_protected_view" + ] + ] + ], + "session_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "session_view" + ] + ] + ], + "broken_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "broken_view" + ] + ] + ], + "mail_sending_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "mail_sending_view" + ] + ] + ], + "mass_mail_sending_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "mass_mail_sending_view" + ] + ] + ], + "nesting_exception_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "nesting_exception_view" + ] + ] + ], + "django_project_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "django_project_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "upload_view" + ] + ] + ], + "two_arg_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_client/views.py", + [ + "two_arg_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "special": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/context_processors.py", + [ + "special" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_contains": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_unicode_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_not_contains": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_unicode_not_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_binary_contains": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_binary_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_binary_not_contains": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_binary_not_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nontext_contains": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_nontext_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nontext_not_contains": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_nontext_not_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_contains_renders_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_assert_contains_renders_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_contains_using_non_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_assert_contains_using_non_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_not_contains_renders_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_assert_not_contains_renders_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_not_contains_using_non_template_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertContainsTests", + "test_assert_not_contains_using_non_template_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedTests", + "test_no_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedTests", + "test_single_context" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_single_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedTests", + "test_multiple_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_rendered_multiple_times": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedTests", + "test_template_rendered_multiple_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_page": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lost_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_lost_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incorrect_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_incorrect_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_target_page": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_target_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_redirect_chain": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_multiple_redirect_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain_to_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain_to_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain_to_self": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain_to_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_to_self_with_changing_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_to_self_with_changing_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_circular_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain_head": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain_put": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain_put" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_to_different_host": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_to_different_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_chain_on_non_redirect_page": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_chain_on_non_redirect_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_on_non_redirect_page": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_on_non_redirect_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_scheme": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_scheme" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_fetch_redirect_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRedirectsTests", + "test_redirect_fetch_redirect_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_form": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormErrorTests", + "test_unknown_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_field": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormErrorTests", + "test_unknown_field" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_unknown_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noerror_field": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormErrorTests", + "test_noerror_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormErrorTests", + "test_unknown_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_unknown_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_nonfield_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormErrorTests", + "test_unknown_nonfield_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_unknown_nonfield_error" + ] + ] + ], + "getResponse": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "getResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_formset": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_unknown_formset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_error_field": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_no_error_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_nonfield_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_no_nonfield_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonfield_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_nonfield_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_nonform_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_no_nonform_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_nonform_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_unknown_nonform_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonform_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFormsetErrorTests", + "test_nonform_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_different_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "LoginTests", + "test_login_different_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_argument_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "URLEscapingTests", + "test_simple_argument_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argument_with_space_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "URLEscapingTests", + "test_argument_with_space_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_argument_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "URLEscapingTests", + "test_simple_argument_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argument_with_space_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "URLEscapingTests", + "test_argument_with_space_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_cleared": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ExceptionTests", + "test_exception_cleared" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_404_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateExceptionTests", + "test_bad_404_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf_was_changed": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "UrlconfSubstitutionTests", + "test_urlconf_was_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf_was_reverted": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "zzUrlconfSubstitutionTests", + "test_urlconf_was_reverted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inherited_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_inherited_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contextlist_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_contextlist_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contextlist_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_contextlist_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_15368": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_15368" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ContextTests", + "test_nested_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session_initiated": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_session_initiated" + ] + ] + ], + "listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_logout_with_user", + "listener" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_logout_with_custom_user", + "listener" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_logout_with_custom_auth_backend", + "listener" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_logout_without_user", + "listener" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_login_with_user", + "listener" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_login_without_signal", + "listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_logout_with_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_custom_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_logout_with_custom_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_with_custom_auth_backend": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_logout_with_custom_auth_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logout_without_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_logout_without_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_with_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_login_with_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_without_signal": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "SessionTests", + "test_login_without_signal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodTests", + "test_patch" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_string_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_empty_string_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_json_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_charset": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_json_charset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_structured_suffixes": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_json_structured_suffixes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_multiple_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_json_multiple_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_wrong_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestMethodStringDataTests", + "test_json_wrong_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_like_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "QueryStringTests", + "test_get_like_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_like_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "QueryStringTests", + "test_post_like_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_payload": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "PayloadEncodingTests", + "test_simple_payload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utf8_payload": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "PayloadEncodingTests", + "test_utf8_payload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utf16_payload": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "PayloadEncodingTests", + "test_utf16_payload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_utf_payload": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "PayloadEncodingTests", + "test_non_utf_payload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "UploadedFileEncodingTest", + "test_file_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_guesses_content_type_on_file_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "UploadedFileEncodingTest", + "test_guesses_content_type_on_file_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestHeadersTest", + "test_client_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_headers_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestHeadersTest", + "test_client_headers_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_body_from_empty_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ReadLimitedStreamTest", + "test_body_from_empty_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_from_empty_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ReadLimitedStreamTest", + "test_read_from_empty_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_numbytes_from_empty_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ReadLimitedStreamTest", + "test_read_numbytes_from_empty_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_from_nonempty_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ReadLimitedStreamTest", + "test_read_from_nonempty_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_numbytes_from_nonempty_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "ReadLimitedStreamTest", + "test_read_numbytes_from_nonempty_request" + ] + ] + ], + "common_test_that_should_always_pass": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryStateTest", + "common_test_that_should_always_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_after_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryStateTest", + "test_request_after_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_after_client_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryStateTest", + "test_request_after_client_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_set_correct_env_variables": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryEnvironmentTests", + "test_should_set_correct_env_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cookies": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/tests.py", + [ + "RequestFactoryEnvironmentTests", + "test_cookies" + ] + ] + ], + "no_template_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "no_template_view" + ] + ] + ], + "staff_only_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "staff_only_view" + ] + ] + ], + "request_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "request_data" + ] + ] + ], + "view_with_argument": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "view_with_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "nested_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "nested_view" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "nested_view" + ] + ] + ], + "login_protected_redirect_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "login_protected_redirect_view" + ] + ] + ], + "redirect_to_self_with_changing_query_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "redirect_to_self_with_changing_query_view" + ] + ] + ], + "set_session_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "set_session_view" + ] + ] + ], + "check_session_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "check_session_view" + ] + ] + ], + "request_methods_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "request_methods_view" + ] + ] + ], + "return_unicode": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "return_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "return_undecodable_binary": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "return_undecodable_binary" + ] + ] + ], + "return_json_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "return_json_response" + ] + ] + ], + "return_json_response_latin1": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "return_json_response_latin1" + ] + ] + ], + "return_text_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "return_text_file" + ] + ] + ], + "check_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "check_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "read_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "read_all" + ] + ] + ], + "read_buffer": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "read_buffer" + ] + ] + ], + "request_context_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "request_context_view" + ] + ] + ], + "render_template_multiple_times": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "render_template_multiple_times" + ] + ] + ], + "redirect_based_on_extra_headers_1_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "redirect_based_on_extra_headers_1_view" + ] + ] + ], + "redirect_based_on_extra_headers_2_view": [ + [ + "tests/test_client_regress/views.py", + [ + "redirect_based_on_extra_headers_2_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_messages_concatenates_error_dict_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_exceptions/test_validation_error.py", + [ + "TestValidationError", + "test_messages_concatenates_error_dict_values" + ] + ] + ], + "runTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "PassingTest", + "runTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "FailingTest", + "runTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "ErrorTest", + "runTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "PassingSubTest", + "runTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "FailingSubTest", + "runTest" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "ErrorSubTest", + "runTest" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_output": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "_test_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output_normal": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "test_output_normal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output_verbose": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_debug_sql.py", + [ + "TestDebugSQL", + "test_output_verbose" + ] + ] + ], + "change_cwd": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "change_cwd" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_methods_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "get_test_methods_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init_debug_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_init_debug_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_arguments_debug_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_add_arguments_debug_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dotted_test_module": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_dotted_test_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dotted_test_class_vanilla_unittest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_dotted_test_class_vanilla_unittest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dotted_test_class_django_testcase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_dotted_test_class_django_testcase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dotted_test_method_django_testcase": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_dotted_test_method_django_testcase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_patterns": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_name_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_empty_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_test_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_empty_test_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_discovery_on_package": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_discovery_on_package" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_adjacent": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_ignore_adjacent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_testcase_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_testcase_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicates_ignored": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_duplicates_ignored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridable_get_test_runner_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_overridable_get_test_runner_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridable_test_suite": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_overridable_test_suite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridable_test_runner": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_overridable_test_runner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overridable_test_loader": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_overridable_test_loader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exclude_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_exclude_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "count_tests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_tag_inheritance", + "count_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_tag_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_included_tags_displayed": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_included_tags_displayed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_excluded_tags_displayed": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_excluded_tags_displayed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pdb_with_parallel": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_pdb_with_parallel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_buffer_with_parallel": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_buffer_with_parallel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_buffer_mode_test_pass": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_buffer_mode_test_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_buffer_mode_test_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerTests", + "test_buffer_mode_test_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "assertSkippedDatabases": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests", + "assertSkippedDatabases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests", + "test_mixed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_and_other": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests", + "test_default_and_other" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests", + "test_default_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_other_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests", + "test_other_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_databases_required": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_discover_runner.py", + [ + "DiscoverRunnerGetDatabasesTests", + "test_no_databases_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subtest": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_parallel.py", + [ + "ParallelTestRunnerTest", + "test_subtest" + ] + ] + ], + "dummy_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_parallel.py", + [ + "SampleFailingSubtest", + "dummy_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_errors_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_parallel.py", + [ + "RemoteTestResultTest", + "test_pickle_errors_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_failing_subtests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/test_parallel.py", + [ + "RemoteTestResultTest", + "test_add_failing_subtests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "DependencyOrderingTests", + "test_simple_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chained_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "DependencyOrderingTests", + "test_chained_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "DependencyOrderingTests", + "test_multiple_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "DependencyOrderingTests", + "test_circular_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_own_alias_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "DependencyOrderingTests", + "test_own_alias_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_test_runner": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCommandTests", + "test_custom_test_runner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_test_runner": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "ManageCommandTests", + "test_bad_test_runner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsSettingsTests", + "test_default_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_and_given_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsSettingsTests", + "test_default_and_given_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_option_name_and_value_separated": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsSettingsTests", + "test_option_name_and_value_separated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_options_given": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsSettingsTests", + "test_all_options_given" + ] + ] + ], + "test_testrunner_option": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsCmdlineTests", + "test_testrunner_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_testrunner_equals": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsCmdlineTests", + "test_testrunner_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_testrunner": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "CustomTestRunnerOptionsCmdlineTests", + "test_no_testrunner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticket_17477": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "Ticket17477RegressionTests", + "test_ticket_17477" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transaction_support": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "SQLiteInMemoryTestDbs", + "test_transaction_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup_databases": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "DummyBackendTest", + "test_setup_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup_aliased_default_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "AliasedDefaultTestSetupTest", + "test_setup_aliased_default_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup_aliased_databases": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDatabasesTests", + "test_setup_aliased_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_destroy_test_db_restores_db_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDatabasesTests", + "test_destroy_test_db_restores_db_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialized_off": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "SetupDatabasesTests", + "test_serialized_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoincrement_reset1": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "AutoIncrementResetTest", + "test_autoincrement_reset1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoincrement_reset2": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "AutoIncrementResetTest", + "test_autoincrement_reset2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_default_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "EmptyDefaultDatabaseTest", + "test_empty_default_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_checks_raises": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "RunTestsExceptionHandlingTests", + "test_run_checks_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_checks_raises_and_teardown_raises": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "RunTestsExceptionHandlingTests", + "test_run_checks_raises_and_teardown_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_checks_passes_and_teardown_raises": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner/tests.py", + [ + "RunTestsExceptionHandlingTests", + "test_run_checks_passes_and_teardown_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pass": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/buffer/tests_buffer.py", + [ + "WriteToStdoutStderrTestCase", + "test_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/buffer/tests_buffer.py", + [ + "WriteToStdoutStderrTestCase", + "test_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/databases/tests.py", + [ + "NoDatabaseTests", + "test_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "factorial": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/doctests.py", + [ + "factorial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sample": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/pattern_tests.py", + [ + "Test", + "test_sample" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests/tests.py", + [ + "Test", + "test_sample" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests_sample.py", + [ + "TestVanillaUnittest", + "test_sample" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests_sample.py", + [ + "TestDjangoTestCase", + "test_sample" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests_sample.py", + [ + "TestZimpleTestCase", + "test_sample" + ] + ] + ], + "load_tests": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/sample/tests_sample.py", + [ + "load_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoCase1", + "test_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoCase2", + "test_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleCase1", + "test_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleCase2", + "test_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "UnittestCase1", + "test_1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "UnittestCase2", + "test_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoCase1", + "test_2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "DjangoCase2", + "test_2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleCase1", + "test_2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleCase2", + "test_2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "UnittestCase1", + "test_2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "UnittestCase2", + "test_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_3_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/simple/tests.py", + [ + "UnittestCase2", + "test_3_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests.py", + [ + "TaggedTestCase", + "test_single_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests.py", + [ + "TaggedTestCase", + "test_multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_new_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests_inheritance.py", + [ + "Foo", + "test_no_new_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_func_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests_inheritance.py", + [ + "Foo", + "test_new_func_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_class_tag_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests_inheritance.py", + [ + "FooBar", + "test_new_class_tag_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_class_and_func_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_runner_apps/tagged/tests_inheritance.py", + [ + "FooBar", + "test_new_class_and_func_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "raising_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "ErrorTestCase", + "raising_test" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "ErrorTestCase", + "simple_test" + ] + ] + ], + "skipped_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "ErrorTestCase", + "skipped_test" + ] + ] + ], + "isolate_debug_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "isolate_debug_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_cleanup": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_run_cleanup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_pre_setup_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_run_pre_setup_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_post_teardown_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_run_post_teardown_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_skipped_test_no_cleanup": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_run_skipped_test_no_cleanup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_cleanup": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_debug_cleanup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_bubbles_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_debug_bubbles_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_bubbles_pre_setup_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_debug_bubbles_pre_setup_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_bubbles_post_teardown_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_debug_bubbles_post_teardown_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_debug_skipped_test_no_cleanup": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_simpletestcase.py", + [ + "DebugInvocationTests", + "test_debug_skipped_test_no_cleanup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixture_teardown_checks_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestTestCase", + "test_fixture_teardown_checks_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_database_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestTestCase", + "test_disallowed_database_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_database_queries": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestTestCase", + "test_disallowed_database_queries" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_transactiontestcase.py", + [ + "DisallowedDatabaseQueriesTests", + "test_disallowed_database_queries" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DisallowedDatabaseQueriesTests", + "test_disallowed_database_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_no_queries": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "assert_no_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_attribute_equality": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests", + "test_class_attribute_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_attribute_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests", + "test_class_attribute_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_identity_preservation": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests", + "test_identity_preservation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_known_related_objects_identity_preservation": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests", + "test_known_related_objects_identity_preservation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeepcopyable": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests", + "test_undeepcopyable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeepcopyable_warning": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "TestDataTests", + "test_undeepcopyable_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_book_name_deutsh": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "SetupTestDataIsolationTests", + "test_book_name_deutsh" + ] + ] + ], + "test_book_name_french": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_testcase.py", + [ + "SetupTestDataIsolationTests", + "test_book_name_french" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queries_cleared": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/test_transactiontestcase.py", + [ + "TransactionTestCaseDatabasesTests", + "test_queries_cleared" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_skipping": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "_assert_skipping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func2": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_unless_db_feature", + "test_func2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_if_db_feature", + "test_func2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func3": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_unless_db_feature", + "test_func3" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_if_db_feature", + "test_func3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func4": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_unless_db_feature", + "test_func4" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_if_db_feature", + "test_func4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foo": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_unless_db_feature", + "SkipTestCase", + "test_foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_if_db_feature", + "SkipTestCase", + "test_foo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skip_unless_db_feature": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_unless_db_feature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func5": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_if_db_feature", + "test_func5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skip_if_db_feature": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingTestCase", + "test_skip_if_db_feature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dummy": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_skip_class_unless_db_feature", + "NotSkippedTests", + "test_dummy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_will_be_skipped": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_skip_class_unless_db_feature", + "SkippedTests", + "test_will_be_skipped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skip_class_unless_db_feature": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_skip_class_unless_db_feature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assertion_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_missing_default_databases", + "MissingDatabases", + "test_assertion_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_default_databases": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingClassTestCase", + "test_missing_default_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_num_queries": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesTests", + "test_assert_num_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_num_queries_with_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesTests", + "test_assert_num_queries_with_client" + ] + ] + ], + "make_configuration_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesUponConnectionTests", + "test_ignores_connection_configuration_queries", + "make_configuration_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignores_connection_configuration_queries": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesUponConnectionTests", + "test_ignores_connection_configuration_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordered": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertQuerysetEqualTests", + "test_ordered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unordered": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertQuerysetEqualTests", + "test_unordered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undefined_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertQuerysetEqualTests", + "test_undefined_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repeated_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertQuerysetEqualTests", + "test_repeated_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failure": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContextManagerTests", + "test_failure" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesContextManagerTests", + "test_failure" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedContextManagerTests", + "test_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "CaptureQueriesContextManagerTests", + "test_with_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertNumQueriesContextManagerTests", + "test_with_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedContextManagerTests", + "test_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_usage": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedContextManagerTests", + "test_nested_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedContextManagerTests", + "test_not_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_used_on_http_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertTemplateUsedContextManagerTests", + "test_assert_used_on_http_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_parser": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_html_parser" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_html_in_script": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_parse_html_in_script" + ] + ] + ], + "test_self_closing_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_self_closing_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_equal_html": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_comments": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_ignore_comments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unequal_html": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_unequal_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_class_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_refs": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_normalize_refs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_examples": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_complex_examples" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_contain": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_html_contain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_html": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_contains_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_handling": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "HTMLEqualTests", + "test_unicode_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_equal": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "JSONEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_equal_unordered": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "JSONEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal_unordered" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal_unordered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_equal_raise": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "JSONEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal_raise" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal_raise" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_parsing_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "JSONEqualTests", + "test_equal_parsing_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_not_equal": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "JSONEqualTests", + "test_simple_not_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_not_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_not_equal_raise": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "JSONEqualTests", + "test_simple_not_equal_raise" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_not_equal_raise" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_equal_parsing_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "JSONEqualTests", + "test_not_equal_parsing_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_equal_raises_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal_raises_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_comment_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_comment_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_equal_with_leading_or_trailing_whitespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_equal_with_leading_or_trailing_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_not_equal_with_whitespace_in_the_middle": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_simple_not_equal_with_whitespace_in_the_middle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_doctype_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_doctype_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_processing_instruction": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "XMLEqualTests", + "test_processing_instruction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixtures_are_skipped": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SkippingExtraTests", + "test_fixtures_are_skipped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_raises_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRaisesMsgTest", + "test_assert_raises_message" + ] + ] + ], + "func1": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRaisesMsgTest", + "test_special_re_chars", + "func1" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertWarnsMessageTests", + "test_special_re_chars", + "func1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_special_re_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertRaisesMsgTest", + "test_special_re_chars" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertWarnsMessageTests", + "test_special_re_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_manager_failure": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertWarnsMessageTests", + "test_context_manager_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_field_output": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFieldOutputTests", + "test_assert_field_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_required_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertFieldOutputTests", + "test_custom_required_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_equal": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertURLEqualTests", + "test_not_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_msg_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AssertURLEqualTests", + "test_msg_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setup_test_environment_calling_more_than_once": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SetupTestEnvironmentTests", + "test_setup_test_environment_calling_more_than_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_hosts": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "SetupTestEnvironmentTests", + "test_allowed_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf_first": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_urlconf_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf_second": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_urlconf_second" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf_cache": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_urlconf_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_media_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_media_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_media_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_media_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_file_upload_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_file_upload_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_file_upload_directory_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_file_upload_directory_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_database_routers": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_database_routers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_static_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_static_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_static_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_static_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_staticfiles_storage": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_staticfiles_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_staticfiles_finders": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_staticfiles_finders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_staticfiles_dirs": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "OverrideSettingsTests", + "test_override_staticfiles_dirs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failure_in_setUpTestData_should_rollback_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestBadSetUpTestData", + "test_failure_in_setUpTestData_should_rollback_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_database_connections": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DisallowedDatabaseQueriesTests", + "test_disallowed_database_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_database_chunked_cursor_queries": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DisallowedDatabaseQueriesTests", + "test_disallowed_database_chunked_cursor_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_database_queries": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AllowedDatabaseQueriesTests", + "test_allowed_database_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_database_chunked_cursor_queries": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "AllowedDatabaseQueriesTests", + "test_allowed_database_chunked_cursor_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_close_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseAliasTests", + "test_no_close_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "DatabaseAliasTests", + "test_close_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_installed_apps": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_installed_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_method_decoration": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "IsolatedAppsTests", + "test_method_decoration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_in_setup": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/tests.py", + [ + "TestContextDecoratorTests", + "test_exception_in_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "get_person": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/views.py", + [ + "get_person" + ] + ] + ], + "no_template_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_utils/views.py", + [ + "no_template_used" + ] + ] + ], + "override_database_connection_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "override_database_connection_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naive_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_naive_datetime" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_naive_datetime" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "test_naive_datetime" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_naive_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naive_datetime_with_microsecond": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_naive_datetime_with_microsecond" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_naive_datetime_with_microsecond" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "test_naive_datetime_with_microsecond" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_in_local_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_local_timezone" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_local_timezone" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_local_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_in_local_timezone_with_microsecond": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_local_timezone_with_microsecond" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_local_timezone_with_microsecond" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_in_utc": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_utc" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_utc" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_utc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_in_other_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_other_timezone" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_other_timezone" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "test_aware_datetime_in_other_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_unsupported": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_aware_datetime_unsupported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_now_and_auto_now_add": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_auto_now_and_auto_now_add" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_auto_now_and_auto_now_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_query_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_datetime_lookups": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_query_datetime_lookups" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_datetime_lookups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_aggregation": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_query_aggregation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_aggregation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_query_annotation" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_datetimes": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_query_datetimes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raw_sql": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_raw_sql" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_raw_sql" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_execute_accepts_naive_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_cursor_execute_accepts_naive_datetime" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_cursor_execute_accepts_naive_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_execute_returns_naive_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_cursor_execute_returns_naive_datetime" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_cursor_execute_returns_naive_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_date_field_with_aware_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyDatabaseTests", + "test_filter_date_field_with_aware_datetime" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_filter_date_field_with_aware_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_from_date": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_datetime_from_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter_with_pytz_timezones": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_filter_with_pytz_timezones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_convert_timezones": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_convert_timezones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter_with_naive_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_filter_with_naive_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_datetime_lookups_in_other_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_datetime_lookups_in_other_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_datetimes_in_other_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_query_datetimes_in_other_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_execute_accepts_aware_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_cursor_execute_accepts_aware_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_execute_returns_aware_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_cursor_execute_returns_aware_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_explicit_time_zone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_cursor_explicit_time_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_null_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_timedelta": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewDatabaseTests", + "test_update_with_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "ForcedTimeZoneDatabaseTests", + "test_read_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "ForcedTimeZoneDatabaseTests", + "test_write_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_python_contains_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "assert_python_contains_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_json_contains_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "assert_json_contains_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_xml_contains_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "assert_xml_contains_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_yaml_contains_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "assert_yaml_contains_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aware_datetime_with_microsecond": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "SerializationTests", + "test_aware_datetime_with_microsecond" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localtime_templatetag_and_filters": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_localtime_templatetag_and_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localtime_filters_with_pytz": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_localtime_filters_with_pytz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localtime_templatetag_invalid_argument": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_localtime_templatetag_invalid_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localtime_filters_do_not_raise_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_localtime_filters_do_not_raise_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timezone_templatetag": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_timezone_templatetag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timezone_templatetag_with_pytz": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_timezone_templatetag_with_pytz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timezone_templatetag_invalid_argument": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_timezone_templatetag_invalid_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_timezone_templatetag": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_get_current_timezone_templatetag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_timezone_templatetag_with_pytz": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_get_current_timezone_templatetag_with_pytz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_timezone_templatetag_invalid_argument": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_get_current_timezone_templatetag_invalid_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tz_template_context_processor": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_tz_template_context_processor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_and_time_template_filters": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_date_and_time_template_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_and_time_template_filters_honor_localtime": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_date_and_time_template_filters_honor_localtime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now_template_tag_uses_current_time_zone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "TemplateTests", + "test_now_template_tag_uses_current_time_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_with_non_existent_time": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyFormsTests", + "test_form_with_non_existent_time" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests", + "test_form_with_non_existent_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_with_ambiguous_time": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyFormsTests", + "test_form_with_ambiguous_time" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests", + "test_form_with_ambiguous_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_form": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyFormsTests", + "test_split_form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests", + "test_split_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_form": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "LegacyFormsTests", + "test_model_form" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests", + "test_model_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_with_other_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests", + "test_form_with_other_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_form": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests", + "test_localized_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localized_model_form": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "NewFormsTests", + "test_localized_model_form" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests", + "test_changelist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_changelist_in_other_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests", + "test_changelist_in_other_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_editable": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests", + "test_change_editable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_editable_in_other_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests", + "test_change_editable_in_other_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_readonly": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests", + "test_change_readonly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_readonly_in_other_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/timezones/tests.py", + [ + "AdminTests", + "test_change_readonly_in_other_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "notify": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "notify" + ] + ] + ], + "do": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "do" + ] + ] + ], + "assertDone": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "assertDone" + ] + ] + ], + "assertNotified": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "assertNotified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_executes_immediately_if_no_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_executes_immediately_if_no_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delays_execution_until_after_transaction_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_delays_execution_until_after_transaction_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_does_not_execute_if_transaction_rolled_back": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_does_not_execute_if_transaction_rolled_back" + ] + ] + ], + "test_executes_only_after_final_transaction_committed": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_executes_only_after_final_transaction_committed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_discards_hooks_from_rolled_back_savepoint": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_discards_hooks_from_rolled_back_savepoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_hooks_run_from_failed_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_no_hooks_run_from_failed_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inner_savepoint_rolled_back_with_outer": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_inner_savepoint_rolled_back_with_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_savepoints_atomic_merged_with_outer": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_no_savepoints_atomic_merged_with_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inner_savepoint_does_not_affect_outer": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_inner_savepoint_does_not_affect_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_runs_hooks_in_order_registered": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_runs_hooks_in_order_registered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hooks_cleared_after_successful_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_hooks_cleared_after_successful_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hooks_cleared_after_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_hooks_cleared_after_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hooks_cleared_on_reconnect": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_hooks_cleared_on_reconnect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_in_hook_doesnt_prevent_clearing_hooks": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_error_in_hook_doesnt_prevent_clearing_hooks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_query_in_hook": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_db_query_in_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transaction_in_hook": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_transaction_in_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hook_in_hook": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_hook_in_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "should_never_be_called": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_raises_exception_non_autocommit_mode", + "should_never_be_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raises_exception_non_autocommit_mode": [ + [ + "tests/transaction_hooks/tests.py", + [ + "TestConnectionOnCommit", + "test_raises_exception_non_autocommit_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "make_reporter": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_decorator_syntax_commit", + "make_reporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_decorator_syntax_rollback", + "make_reporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_alternate_decorator_syntax_commit", + "make_reporter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_alternate_decorator_syntax_rollback", + "make_reporter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator_syntax_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_decorator_syntax_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator_syntax_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_decorator_syntax_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alternate_decorator_syntax_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_alternate_decorator_syntax_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alternate_decorator_syntax_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_alternate_decorator_syntax_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_commit_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_nested_commit_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_commit_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_nested_commit_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_rollback_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_nested_rollback_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_rollback_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_nested_rollback_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merged_commit_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_merged_commit_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merged_commit_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_merged_commit_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merged_rollback_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_merged_rollback_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merged_rollback_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_merged_rollback_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reuse_commit_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_reuse_commit_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reuse_commit_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_reuse_commit_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reuse_rollback_commit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_reuse_rollback_commit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reuse_rollback_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_reuse_rollback_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_force_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prevent_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicTests", + "test_prevent_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merged_outer_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMergeTests", + "test_merged_outer_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merged_inner_savepoint_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMergeTests", + "test_merged_inner_savepoint_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atomic_prevents_setting_autocommit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicErrorsTests", + "test_atomic_prevents_setting_autocommit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atomic_prevents_calling_transaction_methods": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicErrorsTests", + "test_atomic_prevents_calling_transaction_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atomic_prevents_queries_in_broken_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicErrorsTests", + "test_atomic_prevents_queries_in_broken_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atomic_allows_queries_after_fixing_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicErrorsTests", + "test_atomic_allows_queries_after_fixing_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atomic_prevents_queries_in_broken_transaction_after_client_close": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicErrorsTests", + "test_atomic_prevents_queries_in_broken_transaction_after_client_close" + ] + ] + ], + "other_thread": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMySQLTests", + "test_implicit_savepoint_rollback", + "other_thread" + ] + ] + ], + "test_implicit_savepoint_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMySQLTests", + "test_implicit_savepoint_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrap_callable_instance": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMiscTests", + "test_wrap_callable_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atomic_does_not_leak_savepoints_on_failure": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMiscTests", + "test_atomic_does_not_leak_savepoints_on_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_for_rollback_on_error_in_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMiscTests", + "test_mark_for_rollback_on_error_in_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_for_rollback_on_error_in_autocommit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "AtomicMiscTests", + "test_mark_for_rollback_on_error_in_autocommit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_orm_query_after_error_and_rollback": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "NonAutocommitTests", + "test_orm_query_after_error_and_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_orm_query_without_autocommit": [ + [ + "tests/transactions/tests.py", + [ + "NonAutocommitTests", + "test_orm_query_without_autocommit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_between_unmanaged": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyUnmanagedTests", + "test_many_to_many_between_unmanaged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_many_to_many_between_unmanaged_and_managed": [ + [ + "tests/unmanaged_models/tests.py", + [ + "ManyToManyUnmanagedTests", + "test_many_to_many_between_unmanaged_and_managed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonempty_update": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTest", + "test_nonempty_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_update": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTest", + "test_empty_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonempty_update_with_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTest", + "test_nonempty_update_with_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_update_with_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTest", + "test_empty_update_with_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_foreign_key_update_with_id": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "SimpleTest", + "test_foreign_key_update_with_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_multiple_objects": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_multiple_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_multiple_fields": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_multiple_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_all": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_slice_fail": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_slice_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_respects_to_field": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_respects_to_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_m2m_field": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_m2m_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_annotated_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_annotated_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_annotated_multi_table_queryset": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_annotated_multi_table_queryset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_joined_field_annotation": [ + [ + "tests/update/tests.py", + [ + "AdvancedTests", + "test_update_with_joined_field_annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_basic": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_deferred": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_deferred" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_only_1": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_only_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_only_2": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_only_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_only_repeated": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_only_repeated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_inheritance_defer": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_inheritance_defer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_fk_defer": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_fk_defer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_related_only_interaction": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_select_related_only_interaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_m2m": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_m2m" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_inheritance_with_proxy_model": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_inheritance_with_proxy_model" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_save_receiver": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_signals", + "pre_save_receiver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_empty_update_fields", + "pre_save_receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "post_save_receiver": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_signals", + "post_save_receiver" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_empty_update_fields", + "post_save_receiver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_signals": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_signals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_fields_incorrect_params": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_update_fields_incorrect_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_update_fields": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_empty_update_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num_queries_inheritance": [ + [ + "tests/update_only_fields/tests.py", + [ + "UpdateOnlyFieldsTests", + "test_num_queries_inheritance" + ] + ] + ], + "regex_1": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/converters.py", + [ + "DynamicConverter", + "regex_1" + ] + ] + ], + "register_to_python": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/converters.py", + [ + "DynamicConverter", + "register_to_python" + ] + ] + ], + "register_to_url": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/converters.py", + [ + "DynamicConverter", + "register_to_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolver_cache_default__root_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/test_resolvers.py", + [ + "ResolverCacheTests", + "test_resolver_cache_default__root_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_lookup_without_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_lookup_without_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_lookup_with_typed_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_lookup_with_typed_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_lookup_with_multiple_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_lookup_with_multiple_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_two_variable_at_start_of_path_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_two_variable_at_start_of_path_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_path": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_re_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_path_with_optional_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_re_path_with_optional_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_path_with_missing_optional_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_re_path_with_missing_optional_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_lookup_with_inclusion": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_lookup_with_inclusion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_lookup_with_empty_string_inclusion": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_lookup_with_empty_string_inclusion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_lookup_with_double_inclusion": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_lookup_with_double_inclusion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_reverse_without_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_reverse_without_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_reverse_with_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_reverse_with_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_converter_resolve": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_converter_resolve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_converter_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_converter_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_converter_reverse_with_second_layer_instance_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_converter_reverse_with_second_layer_instance_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_inclusion_is_matchable": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_inclusion_is_matchable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_inclusion_is_reversible": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_path_inclusion_is_reversible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_converter": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_invalid_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_space_in_route": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SimplifiedURLTests", + "test_space_in_route" + ] + ] + ], + "no_converter": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConverterTests", + "test_matching_urls", + "no_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_matching_urls": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConverterTests", + "test_matching_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonmatching_urls": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConverterTests", + "test_nonmatching_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "requires_tiny_int": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SameNameTests", + "test_matching_urls_same_name", + "requires_tiny_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_matching_urls_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "SameNameTests", + "test_matching_urls_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_parameter_name_causes_exception": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ParameterRestrictionTests", + "test_integer_parameter_name_causes_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_identifier_parameter_name_causes_exception": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ParameterRestrictionTests", + "test_non_identifier_parameter_name_causes_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allows_non_ascii_but_valid_identifiers": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ParameterRestrictionTests", + "test_allows_non_ascii_but_valid_identifiers" + ] + ] + ], + "raises_value_error": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests", + "test_resolve_value_error_means_no_match", + "raises_value_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests", + "test_reverse_value_error_means_no_match", + "raises_value_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolve_value_error_means_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests", + "test_resolve_value_error_means_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "raises_type_error": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests", + "test_resolve_type_error_propagates", + "raises_type_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests", + "test_reverse_type_error_propagates", + "raises_type_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolve_type_error_propagates": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests", + "test_resolve_type_error_propagates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_value_error_means_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests", + "test_reverse_value_error_means_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_type_error_propagates": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "ConversionExceptionTests", + "test_reverse_type_error_propagates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_url_warning": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_url_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "classmethod_view": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/method_view_urls.py", + [ + "ViewContainer", + "classmethod_view" + ] + ] + ], + "stream": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ReverseInnerInStreaming", + "process_view", + "stream" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/middleware.py", + [ + "ReverseOuterInStreaming", + "process_view", + "stream" + ] + ] + ], + "view1": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/nested_urls.py", + [ + "view1" + ] + ] + ], + "view2": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/nested_urls.py", + [ + "view2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translated_regex_compiled_per_language": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/test_localeregexdescriptor.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptorTests", + "test_translated_regex_compiled_per_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nontranslated_regex_compiled_once": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/test_localeregexdescriptor.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptorTests", + "test_nontranslated_regex_compiled_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_compile_error": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/test_localeregexdescriptor.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptorTests", + "test_regex_compile_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_locale_regex_descriptor": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/test_localeregexdescriptor.py", + [ + "LocaleRegexDescriptorTests", + "test_access_locale_regex_descriptor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_urls_exception": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NoURLPatternsTests", + "test_no_urls_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlpattern_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_urlpattern_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_none": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_reverse_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixing_args_and_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_mixing_args_and_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefix_braces": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_prefix_braces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefix_parenthesis": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_prefix_parenthesis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefix_format_char": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_prefix_format_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_urlsafe_prefix_with_args": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_non_urlsafe_prefix_with_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patterns_reported": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_patterns_reported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_script_name_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_script_name_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_not_found_message": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_view_not_found_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_args_message": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_no_args_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_illegal_args_message": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_illegal_args_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_illegal_kwargs_message": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "URLPatternReverse", + "test_illegal_kwargs_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolver_repr": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverTests", + "test_resolver_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_lazy_object_coercion_by_resolve": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverTests", + "test_reverse_lazy_object_coercion_by_resolve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolver_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverTests", + "test_resolver_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolver_reverse_conflict": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverTests", + "test_resolver_reverse_conflict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_regex": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverTests", + "test_non_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404_tried_urls_have_names": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverTests", + "test_404_tried_urls_have_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_populate_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverTests", + "test_populate_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_with_lazy_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLazyTest", + "test_redirect_with_lazy_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_permission_with_lazy_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLazyTest", + "test_user_permission_with_lazy_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inserting_reverse_lazy_into_string": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLazyTest", + "test_inserting_reverse_lazy_into_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_build_absolute_uri": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLazyTest", + "test_build_absolute_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_in_settings": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseLazySettingsTest", + "test_lazy_in_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_to_object": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseShortcutTests", + "test_redirect_to_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_to_view_name": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseShortcutTests", + "test_redirect_to_view_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_to_url": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseShortcutTests", + "test_redirect_to_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_illegal_imports": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseShortcutTests", + "test_no_illegal_imports" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_by_path_nested": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseShortcutTests", + "test_reverse_by_path_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_view_object": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ReverseShortcutTests", + "test_redirect_view_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ambiguous_object": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_ambiguous_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ambiguous_urlpattern": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_ambiguous_urlpattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_non_existent_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normal_name": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_normal_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_included_name": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_simple_included_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namespace_object": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_namespace_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_object": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_app_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_object_default_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_app_object_default_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_embedded_namespace_object": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_embedded_namespace_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namespace_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_namespace_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_name_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_app_name_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namespace_pattern_with_variable_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_namespace_pattern_with_variable_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_namespace_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_multiple_namespace_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_namespace_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_nested_namespace_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_lookup_object": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_app_lookup_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_lookup_object_with_default": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_app_lookup_object_with_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_app_lookup_object_without_default": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_app_lookup_object_without_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_special_chars_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_special_chars_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_namespaces_with_variables": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_namespaces_with_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_app_lookup": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_nested_app_lookup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_current_app_no_partial_match": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NamespaceTests", + "test_current_app_no_partial_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests", + "test_urlconf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf_overridden": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests", + "test_urlconf_overridden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf_overridden_with_null": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests", + "test_urlconf_overridden_with_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_inner_in_response_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests", + "test_reverse_inner_in_response_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_outer_in_response_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests", + "test_reverse_outer_in_response_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_inner_in_streaming": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests", + "test_reverse_inner_in_streaming" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_outer_in_streaming": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests", + "test_reverse_outer_in_streaming" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlconf_is_reset_after_request": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "RequestURLconfTests", + "test_urlconf_is_reset_after_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_handlers": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ErrorHandlerResolutionTests", + "test_named_handlers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_handlers": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ErrorHandlerResolutionTests", + "test_callable_handlers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_handler": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "DefaultErrorHandlerTests", + "test_default_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_handler_exception": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "NoRootUrlConfTests", + "test_no_handler_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlpattern_resolve": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverMatchTests", + "test_urlpattern_resolve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolver_match_on_request": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverMatchTests", + "test_resolver_match_on_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resolver_match_on_request_before_resolution": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ResolverMatchTests", + "test_resolver_match_on_request_before_resolution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noncallable_view": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ErroneousViewTests", + "test_noncallable_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_regex": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ErroneousViewTests", + "test_invalid_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_loading": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests", + "test_view_loading" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests", + "test_view_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attributeerror_not_hidden": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests", + "test_attributeerror_not_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_string_value": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests", + "test_non_string_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_without_dot": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests", + "test_string_without_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_module_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests", + "test_module_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parent_module_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "ViewLoadingTests", + "test_parent_module_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_urls": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_4_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_4_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_3_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_3_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_3_tuple_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_3_tuple_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_2_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_2_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_2_tuple_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_2_tuple_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_app_name": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_app_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_include_app_name_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "IncludeTests", + "test_include_app_name_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_resolve": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "LookaheadTests", + "test_valid_resolve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_resolve": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "LookaheadTests", + "test_invalid_resolve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "LookaheadTests", + "test_valid_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_reverse": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/tests.py", + [ + "LookaheadTests", + "test_invalid_reverse" + ] + ] + ], + "inner_view": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/urlconf_inner.py", + [ + "inner_view" + ] + ] + ], + "app_urls": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/utils.py", + [ + "URLObject", + "app_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "absolute_kwargs_view": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "absolute_kwargs_view" + ] + ] + ], + "defaults_view": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "defaults_view" + ] + ] + ], + "erroneous_view": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "erroneous_view" + ] + ] + ], + "pass_resolver_match_view": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "pass_resolver_match_view" + ] + ] + ], + "login_required_view": [ + [ + "tests/urlpatterns_reverse/views.py", + [ + "login_required_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_command": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_command_style": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_command_style" + ] + ] + ], + "test_language_preserved": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_language_preserved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explode": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_explode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_system_exit": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_system_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_translations_deactivate_translations": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_no_translations_deactivate_translations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find_command_without_PATH": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_find_command_without_PATH" + ] + ] + ], + "test_discover_commands_in_eggs": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_discover_commands_in_eggs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_call_command_option_parsing": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_call_command_option_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_call_command_option_parsing_non_string_arg": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_call_command_option_parsing_non_string_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calling_a_command_with_only_empty_parameter_should_ends_gracefully": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_calling_a_command_with_only_empty_parameter_should_ends_gracefully" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calling_command_with_app_labels_and_parameters_should_be_ok": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_calling_command_with_app_labels_and_parameters_should_be_ok" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calling_command_with_parameters_and_app_labels_at_the_end_should_be_ok": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_calling_command_with_parameters_and_app_labels_at_the_end_should_be_ok" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calling_a_command_with_no_app_labels_and_parameters_should_raise_a_command_error": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_calling_a_command_with_no_app_labels_and_parameters_should_raise_a_command_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_output_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "patched_check": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_call_command_no_checks", + "patched_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_call_command_no_checks": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_call_command_no_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requires_system_checks_empty": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requires_system_checks_specific": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_specific" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requires_system_checks_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_migrations": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_check_migrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_call_command_unrecognized_option": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_call_command_unrecognized_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_call_command_with_required_parameters_in_options": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_call_command_with_required_parameters_in_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_call_command_with_required_parameters_in_mixed_options": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_call_command_with_required_parameters_in_mixed_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_command_add_arguments_after_common_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_command_add_arguments_after_common_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutually_exclusive_group_required_options": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_mutually_exclusive_group_required_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subparser": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_subparser" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subparser_dest_args": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_subparser_dest_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subparser_dest_required_args": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_subparser_dest_required_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subparser_invalid_option": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_subparser_invalid_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_parser_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandTests", + "test_create_parser_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_script_prefix_set_in_commands": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandRunTests", + "test_script_prefix_set_in_commands" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_abbreviated_options": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandRunTests", + "test_disallowed_abbreviated_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skip_checks": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "CommandRunTests", + "test_skip_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_existent_external_program": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_no_existent_external_program" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_secret_key": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_get_random_secret_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_ignored_path_true": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_is_ignored_path_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_ignored_path_false": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_is_ignored_path_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_path_patterns_truncates_wildcard_base": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "UtilsTests", + "test_normalize_path_patterns_truncates_wildcard_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requires_system_checks_warning": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requires_system_checks_true": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requires_system_checks_false": [ + [ + "tests/user_commands/tests.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_requires_system_checks_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_function": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_archive.py", + [ + "TestArchive", + "test_extract_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_file_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_archive.py", + [ + "TestArchive", + "test_extract_file_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "import_and_cleanup": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "import_and_cleanup" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_autoreload_caches": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "clear_autoreload_caches" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFileFound": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "assertFileFound" + ] + ] + ], + "temporary_file": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "temporary_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paths_are_pathlib_instances": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_paths_are_pathlib_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_added": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_file_added" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_errors": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_check_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_errors_catches_all_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_check_errors_catches_all_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zip_reload": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_zip_reload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bytecode_conversion_to_source": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_bytecode_conversion_to_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_weakref_in_sys_module": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_weakref_in_sys_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_module_without_spec": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_module_without_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_main_module_is_resolved": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_main_module_is_resolved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_main_module_without_file_is_not_resolved": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_main_module_without_file_is_not_resolved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_with_embedded_null_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestIterModulesAndFiles", + "test_path_with_embedded_null_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_common_roots": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestCommonRoots", + "test_common_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sys_paths_with_directories": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestSysPathDirectories", + "test_sys_paths_with_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sys_paths_non_existing": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestSysPathDirectories", + "test_sys_paths_non_existing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sys_paths_absolute": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestSysPathDirectories", + "test_sys_paths_absolute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sys_paths_directories": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestSysPathDirectories", + "test_sys_paths_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watchman_unavailable": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "GetReloaderTests", + "test_watchman_unavailable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watchman_available": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "GetReloaderTests", + "test_watchman_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swallows_keyboard_interrupt": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "RunWithReloaderTests", + "test_swallows_keyboard_interrupt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calls_sys_exit": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "RunWithReloaderTests", + "test_calls_sys_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calls_start_django": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "RunWithReloaderTests", + "test_calls_start_django" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watchman_becomes_unavailable": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StartDjangoTests", + "test_watchman_becomes_unavailable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_echo_on_called": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StartDjangoTests", + "test_echo_on_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_errors_called": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StartDjangoTests", + "test_check_errors_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_starts_thread_with_args": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StartDjangoTests", + "test_starts_thread_with_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutates_error_files": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestCheckErrors", + "test_mutates_error_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_exception": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestRaiseLastException", + "test_no_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_no_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "PlainTextReportTests", + "test_no_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raises_custom_exception": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestRaiseLastException", + "test_raises_custom_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raises_exception_with_context": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "TestRaiseLastException", + "test_raises_exception_with_context" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_autoreload": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "RestartWithReloaderTests", + "patch_autoreload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_python_m_django": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "RestartWithReloaderTests", + "test_python_m_django" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_file": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "ReloaderTests", + "ensure_file" + ] + ] + ], + "set_mtime": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "ReloaderTests", + "set_mtime" + ] + ] + ], + "increment_mtime": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "ReloaderTests", + "increment_mtime" + ] + ] + ], + "tick_twice": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "ReloaderTests", + "tick_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_glob": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "IntegrationTests", + "test_glob" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_globs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "IntegrationTests", + "test_multiple_globs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overlapping_globs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "IntegrationTests", + "test_overlapping_globs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_glob_recursive": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "IntegrationTests", + "test_glob_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_recursive_globs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "IntegrationTests", + "test_multiple_recursive_globs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_glob_recursive": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "IntegrationTests", + "test_nested_glob_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overlapping_glob_recursive": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "IntegrationTests", + "test_overlapping_glob_recursive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watch_dir_with_unresolvable_path": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_watch_dir_with_unresolvable_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watch_with_glob": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_watch_with_glob" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watch_files_with_recursive_glob": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_watch_files_with_recursive_glob" + ] + ] + ], + "mocked_tick": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_run_loop_catches_stopiteration", + "mocked_tick" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_run_loop_stop_and_return", + "mocked_tick" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_loop_catches_stopiteration": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_run_loop_catches_stopiteration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_loop_stop_and_return": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_run_loop_stop_and_return" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wait_for_apps_ready_checks_for_exception": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_wait_for_apps_ready_checks_for_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wait_for_apps_ready_without_exception": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "BaseReloaderTests", + "test_wait_for_apps_ready_without_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_unless_watchman_available": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "skip_unless_watchman_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watch_glob_ignores_non_existing_directories_two_levels": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_watch_glob_ignores_non_existing_directories_two_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watch_glob_uses_existing_parent_directories": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_watch_glob_uses_existing_parent_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watch_glob_multiple_patterns": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_watch_glob_multiple_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watched_roots_contains_files": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_watched_roots_contains_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watched_roots_contains_directory_globs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_watched_roots_contains_directory_globs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_watched_roots_contains_sys_path": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_watched_roots_contains_sys_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_server_status": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_check_server_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_server_status_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_check_server_status_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_availability": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_check_availability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_availability_lower_version": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_check_availability_lower_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pywatchman_not_available": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_pywatchman_not_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_watches_raises_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_update_watches_raises_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_timeout_from_environment_variable": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "WatchmanReloaderTests", + "test_setting_timeout_from_environment_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tick_does_not_trigger_twice": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloaderTests", + "test_tick_does_not_trigger_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snapshot_files_ignores_missing_files": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloaderTests", + "test_snapshot_files_ignores_missing_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snapshot_files_updates": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloaderTests", + "test_snapshot_files_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snapshot_files_with_duplicates": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_autoreload.py", + [ + "StatReloaderTests", + "test_snapshot_files_with_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_baseconv": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_baseconv.py", + [ + "TestBaseConv", + "test_baseconv" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base11": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_baseconv.py", + [ + "TestBaseConv", + "test_base11" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base20": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_baseconv.py", + [ + "TestBaseConv", + "test_base20" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base64": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_baseconv.py", + [ + "TestBaseConv", + "test_base64" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base7": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_baseconv.py", + [ + "TestBaseConv", + "test_base7" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_baseconv.py", + [ + "TestBaseConv", + "test_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constant_time_compare": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "TestUtilsCryptoMisc", + "test_constant_time_compare" + ] + ] + ], + "test_salted_hmac": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "TestUtilsCryptoMisc", + "test_salted_hmac" + ] + ] + ], + "test_public_vectors": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "TestUtilsCryptoPBKDF2", + "test_public_vectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_vectors": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "TestUtilsCryptoPBKDF2", + "test_regression_vectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_hmac_alg": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "TestUtilsCryptoPBKDF2", + "test_default_hmac_alg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_string": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_get_random_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_string_warning": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_crypto.py", + [ + "DeprecationTests", + "test_get_random_string_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multivaluedict": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests", + "test_multivaluedict" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_multivaluedict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_appendlist": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests", + "test_appendlist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_translation": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests", + "test_dict_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getlist_doesnt_mutate": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests", + "test_getlist_doesnt_mutate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_internal_getlist_does_mutate": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests", + "test_internal_getlist_does_mutate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getlist_default": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests", + "test_getlist_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getlist_none_empty_values": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "MultiValueDictTests", + "test_getlist_none_empty_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_warning": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "ImmutableListTests", + "test_custom_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dictwrapper": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "DictWrapperTests", + "test_dictwrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_invalid_values": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_create_with_invalid_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_create_with_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_del": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py", + [ + "CaseInsensitiveMappingTests", + "test_del" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naive_ambiguous_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_naive_ambiguous_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_with_local_tzinfo": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_datetime_with_local_tzinfo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_with_tzinfo": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_datetime_with_tzinfo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_epoch": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_format": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_empty_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_am_pm": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_am_pm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_microsecond": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_microsecond" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_formats": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_date_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_formats": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_time_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dateformat": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_dateformat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_futuredates": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_futuredates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_day_of_year_leap": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_day_of_year_leap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_time_format_specifiers": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_invalid_time_format_specifiers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_r_format_with_non_en_locale": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py", + [ + "DateFormatTests", + "test_r_format_with_non_en_locale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_date": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DateParseTests", + "test_parse_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_time": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DateParseTests", + "test_parse_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_datetime": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DateParseTests", + "test_parse_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_python_format": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_parse_python_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_postgresql_format": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_parse_postgresql_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minutes_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_minutes_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hours_minutes_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_hours_minutes_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_days": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_days" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestDurationString", + "test_days" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseDurationRoundtrip", + "test_days" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestISODurationString", + "test_days" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseISODurationRoundtrip", + "test_days" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fractions_of_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_fractions_of_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_negative" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestDurationString", + "test_negative" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseDurationRoundtrip", + "test_negative" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestISODurationString", + "test_negative" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseISODurationRoundtrip", + "test_negative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iso_8601": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_dateparse.py", + [ + "DurationParseTests", + "test_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compare_datetimes": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datetime_safe.py", + [ + "DatetimeTests", + "test_compare_datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_strftime": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datetime_safe.py", + [ + "DatetimeTests", + "test_safe_strftime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_padding": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_datetime_safe.py", + [ + "DatetimeTests", + "test_zero_padding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_process_view_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "DecoratorFromMiddlewareTests", + "test_process_view_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_process_view_middleware": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "DecoratorFromMiddlewareTests", + "test_callable_process_view_middleware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_full_dec_normal": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "DecoratorFromMiddlewareTests", + "test_full_dec_normal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_full_dec_templateresponse": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_decorators.py", + [ + "DecoratorFromMiddlewareTests", + "test_full_dec_templateresponse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_microseconds": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestDurationString", + "test_microseconds" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseDurationRoundtrip", + "test_microseconds" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestISODurationString", + "test_microseconds" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_duration.py", + [ + "TestParseISODurationRoundtrip", + "test_microseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_str_exception": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_str_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_str_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_str_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_str_DjangoUnicodeDecodeError": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_str_DjangoUnicodeDecodeError" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_bytes_exception": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_bytes_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_bytes_strings_only": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_bytes_strings_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_bytes_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_bytes_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_bytes_memory_view": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_force_bytes_memory_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_smart_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_smart_str": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_default_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_get_default_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repercent_broken_unicode_recursion_error": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestEncodingUtils", + "test_repercent_broken_unicode_recursion_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filepath_to_uri": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestRFC3987IEncodingUtils", + "test_filepath_to_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iri_to_uri": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestRFC3987IEncodingUtils", + "test_iri_to_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uri_to_iri": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestRFC3987IEncodingUtils", + "test_uri_to_iri" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complementarity": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestRFC3987IEncodingUtils", + "test_complementarity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escape_uri_path": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py", + [ + "TestRFC3987IEncodingUtils", + "test_escape_uri_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_text": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding_deprecations.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedEncodingUtils", + "test_force_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_smart_text": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding_deprecations.py", + [ + "TestDeprecatedEncodingUtils", + "test_smart_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tag_uri": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_get_tag_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tag_uri_with_port": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_get_tag_uri_with_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rfc2822_date": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_rfc2822_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rfc2822_date_with_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_rfc2822_date_with_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rfc2822_date_without_time": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_rfc2822_date_without_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rfc3339_date": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_rfc3339_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rfc3339_date_with_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_rfc3339_date_with_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rfc3339_date_without_time": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_rfc3339_date_without_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atom1_mime_type": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_atom1_mime_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rss_mime_type": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_rss_mime_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_feed_without_feed_url_gets_rendered_without_atom_link": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_feed_without_feed_url_gets_rendered_without_atom_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_feed_with_feed_url_gets_rendered_with_atom_link": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_feed_with_feed_url_gets_rendered_with_atom_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_atom_add_item": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_atom_add_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deterministic_attribute_order": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_deterministic_attribute_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_latest_post_date_returns_utc_time": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_feedgenerator.py", + [ + "FeedgeneratorTests", + "test_latest_post_date_returns_utc_time" + ] + ] + ], + "base_method": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class", + "Base", + "base_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_base_class": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_base_class_override": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_base_class_override" + ] + ] + ], + "__bytes__": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_object_to_string", + "Klazz", + "__bytes__" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_object_to_string": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_object_to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "assertCachedPropertyWorks": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "assertCachedPropertyWorks" + ] + ] + ], + "__foo__": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property", + "Class", + "__foo__" + ] + ] + ], + "other_value": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property", + "Class", + "other_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_auto_name", + "Class", + "other_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_property": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property" + ] + ] + ], + "__value": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_auto_name", + "Class", + "__value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_property_auto_name": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_auto_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_property_reuse_different_names": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_reuse_different_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_cp": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_reuse_same_name", + "_cp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_property_reuse_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_reuse_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cached_property_set_name_not_called": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_cached_property_set_name_not_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_equality": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_repr_text": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_repr_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_repr_int": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_repr_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_repr_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_repr_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_class_preparation_caching": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_lazy_class_preparation_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "foo": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_getter", + "Foo", + "foo" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_override_getter", + "Foo", + "foo" + ] + ] + ], + "bar": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_getter", + "Bar", + "bar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_classproperty_getter": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_getter" + ] + ] + ], + "foo_1": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_override_getter", + "Foo", + "foo_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_classproperty_override_getter": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_functional.py", + [ + "FunctionalTests", + "test_classproperty_override_getter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_equal": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_hashable.py", + [ + "TestHashable", + "test_count_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unhashable": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_hashable.py", + [ + "TestHashable", + "test_unhashable" + ] + ] + ], + "check_output": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "check_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_html": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_format_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linebreaks": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_linebreaks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_tags": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_strip_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_tags_files": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_strip_tags_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_spaces_between_tags": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_strip_spaces_between_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_escapejs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_escapejs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_script": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_json_script" + ] + ] + ], + "test_smart_urlquote": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_smart_urlquote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_escape": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_conditional_escape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_safe_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_safe_defines_html_error": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_defines_html_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_html_safe_doesnt_define_str": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_html_safe_doesnt_define_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlize": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_urlize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_urlize_unchanged_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_html.py", + [ + "TestUtilsHtml", + "test_urlize_unchanged_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_containing_sequence_not_doseq": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_dict_containing_sequence_not_doseq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_containing_tuple_not_doseq": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_dict_containing_tuple_not_doseq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_iterable_not_doseq": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_custom_iterable_not_doseq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_containing_sequence_doseq": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_dict_containing_sequence_doseq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_containing_empty_sequence_doseq": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_dict_containing_empty_sequence_doseq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_with_bytes_values": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_dict_with_bytes_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_with_sequence_of_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_dict_with_sequence_of_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_with_bytearray": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_dict_with_bytearray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generator": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_in_sequence": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_none_in_sequence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_in_generator": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLEncodeTests", + "test_none_in_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "Base36IntTests", + "test_roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "URLSafeBase64Tests", + "test_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_input": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "Base36IntTests", + "test_negative_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_base36_errors": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "Base36IntTests", + "test_to_base36_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_literal": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "Base36IntTests", + "test_invalid_literal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_input_too_large": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "Base36IntTests", + "test_input_too_large" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_int_errors": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "Base36IntTests", + "test_to_int_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_urls": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "IsSafeURLTests", + "test_bad_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_good_urls": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "IsSafeURLTests", + "test_good_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_auth": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "IsSafeURLTests", + "test_basic_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_allowed_hosts": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "IsSafeURLTests", + "test_no_allowed_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_hosts_str": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "IsSafeURLTests", + "test_allowed_hosts_str" + ] + ] + 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"test_bad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parsing": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "ETagProcessingTests", + "test_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_http_date": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HttpDateProcessingTests", + "test_http_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parsing_rfc1123": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HttpDateProcessingTests", + "test_parsing_rfc1123" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parsing_rfc850": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HttpDateProcessingTests", + "test_parsing_rfc850" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parsing_asctime": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HttpDateProcessingTests", + "test_parsing_asctime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parsing_year_less_than_70": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_http.py", + [ + "HttpDateProcessingTests", + "test_parsing_year_less_than_70" + ] + ] + ], + "just_args": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "Person", + "just_args" + ] + ] + ], + "all_kinds": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "Person", + "all_kinds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_func_full_args_no_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods", + "test_get_func_full_args_no_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_func_full_args_one_argument": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods", + "test_get_func_full_args_one_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_func_full_args_all_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods", + "test_get_func_full_args_all_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func_accepts_var_args_has_var_args": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods", + "test_func_accepts_var_args_has_var_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func_accepts_var_args_no_var_args": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods", + "test_func_accepts_var_args_no_var_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_method_has_no_args": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods", + "test_method_has_no_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func_supports_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods", + "test_func_supports_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func_accepts_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_inspect.py", + [ + "TestInspectMethods", + "test_func_accepts_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validates_correct_plain_address": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_ipv6.py", + [ + "TestUtilsIPv6", + "test_validates_correct_plain_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validates_correct_with_v4mapping": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_ipv6.py", + [ + "TestUtilsIPv6", + "test_validates_correct_with_v4mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validates_incorrect_plain_address": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_ipv6.py", + [ + "TestUtilsIPv6", + "test_validates_incorrect_plain_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validates_incorrect_with_v4mapping": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_ipv6.py", + [ + "TestUtilsIPv6", + "test_validates_incorrect_with_v4mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleans_plain_address": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_ipv6.py", + [ + "TestUtilsIPv6", + "test_cleans_plain_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleans_with_v4_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_ipv6.py", + [ + "TestUtilsIPv6", + "test_cleans_with_v4_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unpacks_ipv4": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_ipv6.py", + [ + "TestUtilsIPv6", + "test_unpacks_ipv4" + ] + ] + ], + "make_function": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_jslex.py", + [ + "make_function" + ] + ] + ], + "make_function_1": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_jslex.py", + [ + "make_function_1" + ] + ] + ], + "lazy_wrap": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "lazy_wrap" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase", + "lazy_wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getattr": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_getattr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setattr": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_setattr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setattr2": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_setattr2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delattr": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_delattr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmp": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_cmp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "test_class": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_setitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delitem": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_delitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_list": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_copy_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_list_no_evaluation": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_copy_list_no_evaluation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_class": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_copy_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_class_no_evaluation": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_copy_class_no_evaluation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deepcopy_list": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_deepcopy_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deepcopy_list_no_evaluation": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_deepcopy_list_no_evaluation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deepcopy_class": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_deepcopy_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deepcopy_class_no_evaluation": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "LazyObjectTestCase", + "test_deepcopy_class_no_evaluation" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_func": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase", + "test_trace", + "try_", + "trace_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_set": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectTestCase", + "test_list_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_with_reduce": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectPickleTestCase", + "test_pickle_with_reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_model": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lazyobject.py", + [ + "SimpleLazyObjectPickleTestCase", + "test_pickle_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_words": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_negative_words" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_or_less_common_words": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_same_or_less_common_words" + ] + ] + ], + "test_common_words_in_string": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_common_words_in_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_words_than_common": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_more_words_than_common" + ] + ] + ], + "test_common_large_number_of_words": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_common_large_number_of_words" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_common_words": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_not_common_words" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sentence_starts_with_capital": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_sentence_starts_with_capital" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sentence": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_sentence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sentence_ending": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_sentence_ending" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paragraph": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_paragraph" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paragraphs_not_common": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_paragraphs_not_common" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paragraphs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_lorem_ipsum.py", + [ + "LoremIpsumTests", + "test_paragraphs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loader": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "DefaultLoader", + "test_loader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_has_sumbodule_with_dotted_path": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "DefaultLoader", + "test_has_sumbodule_with_dotted_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shallow_loader": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "EggLoader", + "test_shallow_loader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deep_loader": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "EggLoader", + "test_deep_loader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_string": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "ModuleImportTests", + "test_import_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autodiscover_modules_found": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_autodiscover_modules_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autodiscover_modules_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_autodiscover_modules_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autodiscover_modules_found_but_bad_module": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_autodiscover_modules_found_but_bad_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autodiscover_modules_several_one_bad_module": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_autodiscover_modules_several_one_bad_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autodiscover_modules_several_found": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_autodiscover_modules_several_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autodiscover_modules_several_found_with_registry": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_autodiscover_modules_several_found_with_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_registry_keeps_intact": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_validate_registry_keeps_intact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_registry_resets_after_erroneous_module": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_validate_registry_resets_after_erroneous_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_registry_resets_after_missing_module": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "AutodiscoverModulesTestCase", + "test_validate_registry_resets_after_missing_module" + ] + ] + ], + "find_module": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "TestFinder", + "find_module" + ] + ] + ], + "load_module": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_module_loading.py", + [ + "TestLoader", + "load_module" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_string": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat", + "test_format_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_number": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat", + "test_large_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat", + "test_float_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat", + "test_decimal_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "__format__": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat", + "test_decimal_subclass", + "EuroDecimal", + "__format__" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_subclass": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_numberformat.py", + [ + "TestNumberFormat", + "test_decimal_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_path_ends_with_sep": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_os_utils.py", + [ + "SafeJoinTests", + "test_base_path_ends_with_sep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_root_path": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_os_utils.py", + [ + "SafeJoinTests", + "test_root_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parent_path": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_os_utils.py", + [ + "SafeJoinTests", + "test_parent_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_path": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_os_utils.py", + [ + "ToPathTests", + "test_to_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_path_invalid_value": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_os_utils.py", + [ + "ToPathTests", + "test_to_path_invalid_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_positional": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_regex_helper.py", + [ + "NormalizeTests", + "test_group_positional" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_noncapturing": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_regex_helper.py", + [ + "NormalizeTests", + "test_group_noncapturing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_named": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_regex_helper.py", + [ + "NormalizeTests", + "test_group_named" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_backreference": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_regex_helper.py", + [ + "NormalizeTests", + "test_group_backreference" + ] + ] + ], + "assertRenderEqual": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "assertRenderEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_str": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_object_implementing_dunder_html": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_object_implementing_dunder_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_lazy": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_object_implementing_dunder_str": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_object_implementing_dunder_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_result_implements_dunder_html": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_result_implements_dunder_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_lazy_result_implements_dunder_html": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_lazy_result_implements_dunder_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_lazy_safe_text_and_safe_text": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_add_lazy_safe_text_and_safe_text" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_string_provider": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_as_decorator", + "clean_string_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_as_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_as_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_decorator_does_not_affect_dunder_html": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_decorator_does_not_affect_dunder_html" + ] + ] + ], + "html_str": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_decorator_does_not_affect_promises", + "html_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_safe_decorator_does_not_affect_promises": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_safestring.py", + [ + "SafeStringTest", + "test_mark_safe_decorator_does_not_affect_promises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_palette": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_simple_palette" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fg": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_fg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fg_bg": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_fg_bg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fg_opts": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_fg_opts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fg_bg_opts": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_fg_bg_opts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_palette": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_override_palette" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_nocolor": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_override_nocolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_override": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_reverse_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_roles": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_multiple_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_with_multiple_roles": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_override_with_multiple_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_definition": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_empty_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_options": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_empty_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_palette": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_bad_palette" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_role": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_bad_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_color": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_bad_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_option": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_bad_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_role_case": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_role_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_color_case": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_color_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_opts_case": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_opts_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorize_empty_text": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_termcolors.py", + [ + "TermColorTests", + "test_colorize_empty_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_text_list": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText", + "test_get_text_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_smart_split": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText", + "test_smart_split" + ] + ] + ], + "test_truncate_chars": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText", + "test_truncate_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_truncate_chars_html": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText", + "test_truncate_chars_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_truncate_words": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText", + "test_truncate_words" + ] + ] + 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+ [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_text.py", + [ + "TestUtilsText", + "test_format_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_datetimes": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_equal_datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_microseconds_and_seconds": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_ignore_microseconds_and_seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_other_units": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_other_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_units": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_multiple_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_display_first_unit": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_display_first_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_display_second_before_first": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_display_second_before_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_second_before_equal_first_humanize_time_strings": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_second_before_equal_first_humanize_time_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_different_timezones": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_different_timezones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_objects": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_date_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_both_date_objects": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_both_date_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_leap_year": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_leap_year" + ] + ] + ], + "test_leap_year_new_years_eve": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_leap_year_new_years_eve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_naive_datetime_with_tzinfo_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_naive_datetime_with_tzinfo_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thousand_years_ago": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timesince.py", + [ + "TimesinceTests", + "test_thousand_years_ago" + ] + ] + ], + "test_now": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_now" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localdate": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_localdate" + ] + ] + ], + "func_tz_eat": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_override_decorator", + "func_tz_eat" + ] + ] + ], + "func_tz_none": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_override_decorator", + "func_tz_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_string_tz": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_override_string_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_fixed_offset": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_override_fixed_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activate_invalid_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_activate_invalid_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_aware": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_is_aware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_naive": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_is_naive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_aware": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_make_aware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_naive": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_make_naive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_naive_no_tz": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_make_naive_no_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_aware_no_tz": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_make_aware_no_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_aware2": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_make_aware2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_aware_pytz": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_make_aware_pytz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_aware_pytz_ambiguous": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_make_aware_pytz_ambiguous" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_aware_pytz_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_make_aware_pytz_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_default_timezone": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_get_default_timezone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_default_timezone_utc": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_get_default_timezone_utc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixedoffset_timedelta": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_fixedoffset_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixedoffset_negative_timedelta": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_timezone.py", + [ + "TimezoneTests", + "test_fixedoffset_negative_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cyclic_dependency": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_topological_sort.py", + [ + "TopologicalSortTests", + "test_cyclic_dependency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negate": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_negate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq_children": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_eq_children" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq_connector": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_eq_connector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq_negated": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/test_tree.py", + [ + "NodeTests", + "test_eq_negated" + ] + ] + ], + "on_macos_with_hfs": [ + [ + "tests/utils_tests/utils.py", + [ + "on_macos_with_hfs" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFailsValidation": [ + [ + "tests/validation/__init__.py", + [ + "ValidationAssertions", + "assertFailsValidation" + ] + ] + ], + "assertFieldFailsValidationWithMessage": [ + [ + "tests/validation/__init__.py", + [ + "ValidationAssertions", + "assertFieldFailsValidationWithMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_answer_to_universe": [ + [ + "tests/validation/models.py", + [ + "validate_answer_to_universe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_simple_validator_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_custom_messages.py", + [ + "CustomMessagesTests", + "test_custom_simple_validator_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_null_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_custom_messages.py", + [ + "CustomMessagesTests", + "test_custom_null_message" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_validation_messages": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "_test_validation_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autofield_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_autofield_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_integer_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boolean_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_boolean_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nullable_boolean_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_nullable_boolean_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_float_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_decimal_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_boolean_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_null_boolean_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_date_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_datetime_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_field_raises_error_message": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_error_messages.py", + [ + "ValidationMessagesTest", + "test_time_field_raises_error_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validationerror_is_picklable": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_picklable.py", + [ + "PickableValidationErrorTestCase", + "test_validationerror_is_picklable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_fields_get_collected": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "GetUniqueCheckTests", + "test_unique_fields_get_collected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together_gets_picked_up_and_converted_to_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "GetUniqueCheckTests", + "test_unique_together_gets_picked_up_and_converted_to_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_together_normalization": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "GetUniqueCheckTests", + "test_unique_together_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primary_key_is_considered_unique": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "GetUniqueCheckTests", + "test_primary_key_is_considered_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_for_date_gets_picked_up": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "GetUniqueCheckTests", + "test_unique_for_date_gets_picked_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_for_date_exclusion": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "GetUniqueCheckTests", + "test_unique_for_date_exclusion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primary_key_unique_check_not_performed_when_adding_and_pk_not_specified": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "PerformUniqueChecksTest", + "test_primary_key_unique_check_not_performed_when_adding_and_pk_not_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primary_key_unique_check_performed_when_adding_and_pk_specified": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "PerformUniqueChecksTest", + "test_primary_key_unique_check_performed_when_adding_and_pk_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primary_key_unique_check_not_performed_when_not_adding": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "PerformUniqueChecksTest", + "test_primary_key_unique_check_not_performed_when_not_adding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unique_errors": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_unique.py", + [ + "PerformUniqueChecksTest", + "test_unique_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_validator_passes_for_correct_value": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestModelsWithValidators", + "test_custom_validator_passes_for_correct_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_validator_raises_error_for_incorrect_value": [ + [ + "tests/validation/test_validators.py", + [ + "TestModelsWithValidators", + "test_custom_validator_raises_error_for_incorrect_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_required_field_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_missing_required_field_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_correct_value_model_validates": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_with_correct_value_model_validates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_validate_method": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_custom_validate_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_FK_value_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_wrong_FK_value_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_FK_value_validates": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_correct_FK_value_validates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limited_FK_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_limited_FK_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_email_value_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_wrong_email_value_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_email_value_passes": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_correct_email_value_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_url_value_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_wrong_url_value_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_greater_that_charfields_max_length_raises_errors": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_text_greater_that_charfields_max_length_raises_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_malformed_slug_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_malformed_slug_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_full_clean_does_not_mutate_exclude": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "BaseModelValidationTests", + "test_full_clean_does_not_mutate_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_partial_validation": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsTests", + "test_partial_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_with_empty_blank_field": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsTests", + "test_validation_with_empty_blank_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_with_invalid_blank_field": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "ModelFormsTests", + "test_validation_with_invalid_blank_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_generic_ip_passes": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_correct_generic_ip_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_generic_ip_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_invalid_generic_ip_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_v4_ip_passes": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_correct_v4_ip_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_v4_ip_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_invalid_v4_ip_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_correct_v6_ip_passes": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_correct_v6_ip_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_v6_ip_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_invalid_v6_ip_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_v6_uniqueness_detection": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_v6_uniqueness_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_v4_unpack_uniqueness_detection": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_v4_unpack_uniqueness_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_generic_ip_passes": [ + [ + "tests/validation/tests.py", + [ + "GenericIPAddressFieldTests", + "test_empty_generic_ip_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_path": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "create_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validators": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidators", + "test_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_message": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidators", + "test_single_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_list": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidators", + "test_message_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_dict": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidators", + "test_message_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_validator_flags": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidators", + "test_regex_validator_flags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_length_validator_message": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidators", + "test_max_length_validator_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_equality": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality", + "test_regex_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_equality_nocache": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality", + "test_regex_equality_nocache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regex_equality_blank": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality", + "test_regex_equality_blank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_email_equality": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality", + "test_email_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_equality": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality", + "test_basic_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decimal_equality": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality", + "test_decimal_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_extension_equality": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality", + "test_file_extension_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prohibit_null_characters_validator_equality": [ + [ + "tests/validators/tests.py", + [ + "TestValidatorEquality", + "test_prohibit_null_characters_validator_equality" + ] + ] + ], + "test_development": [ + [ + "tests/version/tests.py", + [ + "VersionTests", + "test_development" + ] + ] + ], + "test_releases": [ + [ + "tests/version/tests.py", + [ + "VersionTests", + "test_releases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_version_tuple": [ + [ + "tests/version/tests.py", + [ + "VersionTests", + "test_get_version_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "go_boom": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/templatetags/debugtags.py", + [ + "go_boom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translation": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewTests", + "test_translation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_referer": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewTests", + "test_no_referer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_cookies": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewTests", + "test_no_cookies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_django_template_engine": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewTests", + "test_no_django_template_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_template": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewTests", + "test_custom_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_template_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_csrf.py", + [ + "CsrfViewTests", + "test_custom_template_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_400": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_400" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "NonDjangoTemplatesDebugViewTests", + "test_400" + ] + ] + ], + "test_403": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_403" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "NonDjangoTemplatesDebugViewTests", + "test_403" + ] + ] + ], + "test_403_template": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_403_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404_not_in_urls": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_404_not_in_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404_empty_path_not_in_urls": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_404_empty_path_not_in_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_technical_404": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_technical_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_classbased_technical_404": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_classbased_technical_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_l10ned_numeric_ids": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_non_l10ned_numeric_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_template_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_loader_postmortem": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_template_loader_postmortem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_template_source_loaders": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_no_template_source_loaders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_urlconf_template": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_default_urlconf_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_21530": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_regression_21530" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_template_encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_template_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_technical_404_converter_raise_404": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_technical_404_converter_raise_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_reporter_from_request": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_exception_reporter_from_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_reporter_from_settings": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewTests", + "test_exception_reporter_from_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_handle_db_exception": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DebugViewQueriesAllowedTests", + "test_handle_db_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "NonDjangoTemplatesDebugViewTests", + "test_template_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_and_exception": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_request_and_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "PlainTextReportTests", + "test_request_and_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_request": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_no_request" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "PlainTextReportTests", + "test_no_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eol_support": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_eol_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reporting_of_nested_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_reporting_of_nested_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reporting_frames_without_source": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_reporting_frames_without_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reporting_frames_source_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_reporting_frames_source_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_traceback_frames": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_reporting_frames_for_cyclic_reference", + "generate_traceback_frames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reporting_frames_for_cyclic_reference": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_reporting_frames_for_cyclic_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_and_message": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_request_and_message" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "PlainTextReportTests", + "test_request_and_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_only": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_message_only" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "PlainTextReportTests", + "test_message_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_utf8_values_handling": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_non_utf8_values_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_local_variable_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_local_variable_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unprintable_values_handling": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_unprintable_values_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_large_values_handling": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_too_large_values_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_error": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_encoding_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unfrozen_importlib": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_unfrozen_importlib" + ] + ] + ], + "broken_setup": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_ignore_traceback_evaluation_exceptions", + "broken_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_traceback_evaluation_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_ignore_traceback_evaluation_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallowed_host": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_disallowed_host" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "PlainTextReportTests", + "test_disallowed_host" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_with_items_key": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_request_with_items_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "PlainTextReportTests", + "test_request_with_items_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exception_fetching_user": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterTests", + "test_exception_fetching_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_exception": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "PlainTextReportTests", + "test_template_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_unsafe_response": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReportTestMixin", + "verify_unsafe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_safe_response": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReportTestMixin", + "verify_safe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_paranoid_response": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReportTestMixin", + "verify_paranoid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_unsafe_email": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReportTestMixin", + "verify_unsafe_email" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_safe_email": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReportTestMixin", + "verify_safe_email" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_paranoid_email": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReportTestMixin", + "verify_paranoid_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_sensitive_request": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_non_sensitive_request" + ] + ], + [ + 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"test_custom_exception_reporter_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "NonHTMLResponseExceptionReporterFilter", + "test_custom_exception_reporter_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sensitive_method": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_sensitive_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sensitive_function_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_sensitive_function_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sensitive_function_keyword_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_sensitive_function_keyword_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "callable_setting": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_callable_settings", + "callable_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_settings": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_callable_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_settings_forbidding_to_set_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_callable_settings_forbidding_to_set_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_setting_with_non_str_key": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_dict_setting_with_non_str_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sensitive_settings": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_sensitive_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_settings_with_sensitive_keys": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_settings_with_sensitive_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleanse_setting_basic": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "ExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_cleanse_setting_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleanse_setting_ignore_case": [ + [ 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"CustomExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_setting_allows_custom_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleansed_substitute_override": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "CustomExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_cleansed_substitute_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_settings_override": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "CustomExceptionReporterFilterTests", + "test_hidden_settings_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_html_response_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "NonHTMLResponseExceptionReporterFilter", + "test_non_html_response_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sensitive_variables_not_called": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTests", + "test_sensitive_variables_not_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sensitive_post_parameters_not_called": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_debug.py", + [ + "DecoratorsTests", + "test_sensitive_post_parameters_not_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_page_not_found": 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"tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_jsoni18n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jsi18n_with_missing_en_files": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_jsi18n_with_missing_en_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jsoni18n_with_missing_en_files": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_jsoni18n_with_missing_en_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jsi18n_fallback_language": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_jsi18n_fallback_language" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_fallback_language_plural": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_i18n_fallback_language_plural" + ] + ] + ], + "test_i18n_english_variant": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + "test_i18n_english_variant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_english_default_english_userpref": [ + [ + "tests/view_tests/tests/test_i18n.py", + [ + "I18NViewTests", + 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"moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "AwsProxyNotAllowed" + ] + ] + ], + "CrossAccountNotAllowed": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrossAccountNotAllowed" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrossAccountNotAllowed" + ] + ] + ], + "RoleNotSpecified": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "RoleNotSpecified" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationMethodNotDefined": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "IntegrationMethodNotDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidOpenAPIDocumentException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidOpenAPIDocumentException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidOpenApiDocVersionException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidOpenApiDocVersionException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidOpenApiModeException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidOpenApiModeException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourcePathException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourcePathException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidHttpEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidHttpEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArn": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArn" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIntegrationArn": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidIntegrationArn" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRequestInput": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestInput" + ] + ] + ], + "NoIntegrationDefined": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoIntegrationDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "NoIntegrationResponseDefined": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoIntegrationResponseDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "NoMethodDefined": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoMethodDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorizerNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "AuthorizerNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "StageNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "StageNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiKeyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiKeyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "UsagePlanNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "UsagePlanNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiKeyAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiKeyAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDomainName": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDomainName" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDomainName" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDomainName" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainNameNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "DomainNameNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRestApiId": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRestApiId" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidModelName": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidModelName" + ] + ] + ], + "RestAPINotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "RestAPINotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestValidatorNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "RequestValidatorNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ModelNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ModelNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiKeyValueMinLength": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiKeyValueMinLength" + ] + ] + ], + "MethodNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "MethodNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidBasePathException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidBasePathException" + ] + ] + ], + "DeploymentNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "DeploymentNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRestApiIdForBasePathMappingException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRestApiIdForBasePathMappingException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStageException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStageException" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePathConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "BasePathConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePathNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "BasePathNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceIdNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceIdNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "VpcLinkNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "VpcLinkNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "VpcLinkNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "StageStillActive": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "StageStillActive" + ] + ] + ], + "GatewayResponseNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "GatewayResponseNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationParser": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegrationParser" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeAwsParser": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/aws_parser.py", + [ + "TypeAwsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeHttpParser": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/http_parser.py", + [ + "TypeHttpParser" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeUnknownParser": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/unknown_parser.py", + [ + "TypeUnknownParser" + ] + ] + ], + "Deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration" + ] + ] + ], + "MethodResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "MethodResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method" + ] + ] + ], + "Resource": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "Resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "Resource" + ] + ] + ], + "Authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "Stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiKey": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "ApiKey" + ] + ] + ], + "UsagePlan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "UsagePlan" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestValidator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RequestValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "UsagePlanKey": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "UsagePlanKey" + ] + ] + ], + "VpcLink": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink" + ] + ] + ], + "RestAPI": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainName": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "DomainName" + ] + ] + ], + "Model": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePathMapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "BasePathMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "GatewayResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "GatewayResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "APIGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "APIGatewayResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "APIGatewayV2Error": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "APIGatewayV2Error" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorizerNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "AuthorizerNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteResponseNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RouteResponseNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "IntegrationNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationResponseNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponseNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RouteNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownProtocol": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownProtocol" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "RouteResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route" + ] + ] + ], + "Api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiGatewayV2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiGatewayV2Response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceTypeExceptionValueSet": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ResourceTypeExceptionValueSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceNamespaceValueSet": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ServiceNamespaceValueSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ScalableDimensionValueSet": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ScalableDimensionValueSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeScalableTarget": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalableTarget" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeApplicationAutoscalingPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplicationAutoscalingPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeScheduledAction": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction" + ] + ] + ], + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AppSyncExceptions": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/exceptions.py", + [ + "AppSyncExceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphqlAPINotFound": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/exceptions.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPINotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphqlSchema": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphqlAPIKey": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPIKey" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphqlAPI": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI" + ] + ] + ], + "AppSyncBackend": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AppSyncResponse": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AthenaClientError": [ + [ + "moto/athena/exceptions.py", + [ + "AthenaClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggableResourceMixin": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkGroup": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "WorkGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "DataCatalog": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "DataCatalog" + ] + ] + ], + "Execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "Execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "Execution" + ] + ] + ], + "NamedQuery": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "NamedQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "AthenaBackend": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AthenaResponse": [ + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoscalingClientError": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/exceptions.py", + [ + "AutoscalingClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceContentionError": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceContentionError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInstanceError": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInstanceError" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationError": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceState": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "InstanceState" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceState" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "InstanceState" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeLifeCycleHook": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLifeCycleHook" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeScalingPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalingPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeLaunchConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAutoScalingGroup": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoScalingBackend": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoScalingResponse": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaClientError": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "LambdaClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRoleFormat": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRoleFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "PreconditionFailedException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "PreconditionFailedException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownAliasException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownAliasException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownFunctionException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownFunctionException" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctionUrlConfigNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "FunctionUrlConfigNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownLayerException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownLayerException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownPolicyException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownPolicyException" + ] + ] + ], + "_VolumeRefCount": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_VolumeRefCount" + ] + ] + ], + "_DockerDataVolumeContext": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_DockerDataVolumeContext" + ] + ] + ], + "Permission": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Permission" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerVersion": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaAlias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaAlias" + ] + ] + ], + "Layer": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Layer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Layer" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaFunction": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctionUrlConfig": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "FunctionUrlConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "EventSourceMapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaVersion": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaStorage": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerStorage": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaBackend": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/policies.py", + [ + "Policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaResponse": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRequestException": [ + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ] + ], + "InternalFailure": [ + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InternalFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "ClientException": [ + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientException" + ] + ] + ], + "ComputeEnvironment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "JobQueue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue" + ] + ] + ], + "JobDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "Job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Job" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchBackend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchResponse": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchSimpleBackend": [ + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchSimpleResponse": [ + [ + "moto/batch_simple/responses.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateRecordException": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateRecordException" + ] + ] + ], + "BudgetMissingLimit": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/exceptions.py", + [ + "BudgetMissingLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "Notification": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Notification" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification" + ] + ] + ], + "Budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget" + ] + ] + ], + "BudgetsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BudgetsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CostCategoryNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/ce/exceptions.py", + [ + "CostCategoryNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "CostCategoryDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostCategoryDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "CostExplorerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CostExplorerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModel": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel" + ] + ] + ], + "UnformattedGetAttTemplateException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnformattedGetAttTemplateException" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingParameterError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "ExportNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExportNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsupportedAttribute": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnsupportedAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStackSet": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStackInstances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeChange": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChange" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeChangeSet": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeEvent": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFormationBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Output": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Output" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyDict": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "LazyDict" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceMap": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap" + ] + ] + ], + "OutputMap": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap" + ] + ] + ], + "Export": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Export" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFormationResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFrontException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "CloudFrontException" + ] + ] + ], + "OriginDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "OriginDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidOriginServer": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidOriginServer" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainNameNotAnS3Bucket": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "DomainNameNotAnS3Bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "DistributionAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "DistributionAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIfMatchVersion": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidIfMatchVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchDistribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchDistribution" + ] + ] + ], + "ActiveTrustedSigners": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "ActiveTrustedSigners" + ] + ] + ], + "ActiveTrustedKeyGroups": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "ActiveTrustedKeyGroups" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaFunctionAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunctionAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "ForwardedValues": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "ForwardedValues" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultCacheBehaviour": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "DefaultCacheBehaviour" + ] + ] + ], + "Logging": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Logging" + ] + ] + ], + "ViewerCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "ViewerCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomOriginConfig": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CustomOriginConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "Origin": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Origin" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoRestrictions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "GeoRestrictions" + ] + ] + ], + "DistributionConfig": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "DistributionConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "Distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "Invalidation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Invalidation" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFrontBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFrontResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterCombinationException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombinationException" + ] + ] + ], + "S3BucketDoesNotExistException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3BucketDoesNotExistException" + ] + ] + ], + "InsufficientSnsTopicPolicyException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "InsufficientSnsTopicPolicyException" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTrailNameException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTrailNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameTooShort": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameTooShort" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameTooLong": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameTooLong" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameNotStartingCorrectly": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameNotStartingCorrectly" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameNotEndingCorrectly": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameNotEndingCorrectly" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameInvalidChars": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameInvalidChars" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailStatus": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "TrailStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "Trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudTrailBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudTrailResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFormat": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValue": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterCombination": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombination" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "Dimension": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "Metric": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Metric" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricStat": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricStat" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricDataQuery": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricDataQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAlarm": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "FakeAlarm" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricDatum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricDatum" + ] + ] + ], + "Dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "Statistics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudWatchBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudWatchResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInputException": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeBuildProjectMetadata": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildProjectMetadata" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeBuild": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuild" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeBuildBackend": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeBuildResponse": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryNameExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryNameExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryDoesNotExistException": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryDoesNotExistException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRepositoryNameException": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRepositoryNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeCommit": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommit" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeCommitBackend": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeCommitResponse": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStructureException": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStructureException" + ] + ] + ], + "PipelineNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "PipelineNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTagsException": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTagsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyTagsException": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTagsException" + ] + ] + ], + "CodePipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "CodePipelineBackend": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CodePipelineResponse": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNameException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdentity": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentity" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdentityBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdentityResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "UserNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "UserNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "UsernameExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "UsernameExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "GroupExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "GroupExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "NotAuthorizedError": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotAuthorizedError" + ] + ] + ], + "UserNotConfirmedException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "UserNotConfirmedException" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpiredCodeException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExpiredCodeException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/textract/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ] + ], + "UserStatus": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "UserStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthFlow": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "AuthFlow" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUserPool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUserPoolDomain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolDomain" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpIdentityProvider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpIdentityProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpGroup": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUser": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoResourceServer": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoResourceServer" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RegionAgnosticBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpJsonWebKeyResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpJsonWebKeyResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityRecognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "EntityRecognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "ComprehendBackend": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ComprehendResponse": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "NameTooLongException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NameTooLongException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConfigurationRecorderNameException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConfigurationRecorderNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNumberOfConfigurationRecordersExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "MaxNumberOfConfigurationRecordersExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRecordingGroupException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRecordingGroupException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceTypeException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceTypeException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchConfigurationAggregatorException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchConfigurationAggregatorException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDeliveryChannelNameException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDeliveryChannelNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchBucketException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchBucketException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNextTokenException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextTokenException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextTokenException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextTokenException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidS3KeyPrefixException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidS3KeyPrefixException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSNSTopicARNException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSNSTopicARNException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDeliveryFrequency": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDeliveryFrequency" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNumberOfDeliveryChannelsExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "MaxNumberOfDeliveryChannelsExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchDeliveryChannelException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchDeliveryChannelException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoAvailableConfigurationRecorderException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoAvailableConfigurationRecorderException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoAvailableDeliveryChannelException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoAvailableDeliveryChannelException" + ] + ] + ], + "LastDeliveryChannelDeleteFailedException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "LastDeliveryChannelDeleteFailedException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyAccountSources": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyAccountSources" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateTags": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTags" + ] + ] + ], + "TagKeyTooBig": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagKeyTooBig" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagKeyTooBig" + ] + ] + ], + "TagValueTooBig": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagValueTooBig" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagValueTooBig" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTagCharacters": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTagCharacters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTagCharacters" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyTags": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTags" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceParameters": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceParameters" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLimitException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLimitException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyResourceIds": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyResourceIds" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotDiscoveredException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotDiscoveredException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyResourceKeys": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyResourceKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResultTokenException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResultTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchOrganizationConformancePackException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchOrganizationConformancePackException" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNumberOfConfigRulesExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "MaxNumberOfConfigRulesExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceInUseException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ] + ], + "InsufficientPermissionsException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InsufficientPermissionsException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchConfigRuleException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchConfigRuleException" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingRequiredConfigRuleParameterException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingRequiredConfigRuleParameterException" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigEmptyDictable": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigEmptyDictable" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigRecorderStatus": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRecorderStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigDeliverySnapshotProperties": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigDeliverySnapshotProperties" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigDeliveryChannel": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigDeliveryChannel" + ] + ] + ], + "RecordingGroup": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "RecordingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigRecorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRecorder" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountAggregatorSource": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "AccountAggregatorSource" + ] + ] + ], + "OrganizationAggregationSource": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationAggregationSource" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigAggregator": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigAggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigAggregationAuthorization": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigAggregationAuthorization" + ] + ] + ], + "OrganizationConformancePack": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationConformancePack" + ] + ] + ], + "Scope": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "Scope" + ] + ] + ], + "SourceDetail": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "SourceDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "Source": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "Source" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigRule": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRule" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigBackend": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigResponse": [ + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceTrackerMeta": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "InstanceTrackerMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseBackend": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MockRawResponse": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "MockRawResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "BotocoreStubber": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "BotocoreStubber" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModel": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "BaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFormationModel": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigQueryModel": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "ConfigQueryModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudWatchMetricProvider": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchMetricProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "CallbackResponse": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "CallbackResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RESTError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RESTError" + ] + ] + ], + "DryRunClientError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "DryRunClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "JsonRESTError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "JsonRESTError" + ] + ] + ], + "SignatureDoesNotMatchError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "SignatureDoesNotMatchError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidClientTokenIdError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidClientTokenIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessDeniedError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessDeniedError" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthFailureError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "AuthFailureError" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "AWSError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidToken": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidToken" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidToken" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseMockAWS": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS" + ] + ] + ], + "BotocoreEventMockAWS": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BotocoreEventMockAWS" + ] + ] + ], + "ServerModeMockAWS": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS" + ] + ] + ], + "base_decorator": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "base_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamicDictLoader": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "DynamicDictLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseResponse": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "_RecursiveDictRef": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSServiceSpec": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomRegistry": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses_custom_registry.py", + [ + "CustomRegistry" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_flask_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_flask_response" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_flask_to_responses_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_flask_to_responses_response" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountSpecificBackend": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BackendDict": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "BackendDict" + ] + ] + ], + "DataBrewClientError": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "DataBrewClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "AlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "AlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "AlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "AlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "RulesetAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "RulesetAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "RulesetNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "RulesetNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceQuotaExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotaExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "DataBrewBackend": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRecipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRecipeVersion": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipeVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRuleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRuleset" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeDataset" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModelABCMeta": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelABCMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeJob": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeProfileJob": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeProfileJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRecipeJob": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipeJob" + ] + ] + ], + "DataBrewResponse": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "PipelineObject": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "PipelineObject" + ] + ] + ], + "Pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "DataPipelineBackend": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DataPipelineResponse": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DataSyncClientError": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/exceptions.py", + [ + "DataSyncClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "Location": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "Location" + ] + ] + ], + "Task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "Task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Task" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskExecution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "TaskExecution" + ] + ] + ], + "DataSyncBackend": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DataSyncResponse": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterNotFoundFault": [ + [ + "moto/dax/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterNotFoundFault" + ] + ] + ], + "DaxParameterGroup": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxParameterGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "DaxNode": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxNode" + ] + ] + ], + "DaxEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "DaxCluster": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "DAXBackend": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DAXResponse": [ + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DmsClientError": [ + [ + "moto/dms/exceptions.py", + [ + "DmsClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFoundFault": [ + [ + "moto/dms/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundFault" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceStateFault": [ + [ + "moto/dms/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceStateFault" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAlreadyExistsFault": [ + [ + "moto/dms/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsFault" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeReplicationTask": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DsValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DsValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectoryLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DirectoryLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityDoesNotExistException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityDoesNotExistException" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TagLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "Directory": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectoryServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectoryServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Op": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Op" + ] + ] + ], + "RecursionStopIteration": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "RecursionStopIteration" + ] + ] + ], + "Kind": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "Kind" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedSecurityGroup", + "Kind" + ] + ] + ], + "Nonterminal": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "Nonterminal" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionExpressionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "Operand": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Operand" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributePath": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributeValue" + ] + ] + ], + "OpDefault": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpDefault" + ] + ] + ], + "OpNot": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNot" + ] + ] + ], + "OpAnd": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpAnd" + ] + ] + ], + "OpLessThan": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpLessThan" + ] + ] + ], + "OpGreaterThan": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpGreaterThan" + ] + ] + ], + "OpEqual": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "OpNotEqual": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNotEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "OpLessThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpLessThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "OpGreaterThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpGreaterThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "OpOr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpOr" + ] + ] + ], + "Func": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Func" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncAttrExists": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrExists" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncAttrType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrType" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncBeginsWith": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncBeginsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncContains": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncContains" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncSize": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncSize" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncBetween": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncBetween" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncIn": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncIn" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamodbException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DynamodbException" + ] + ] + ], + "MockValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "MockValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIndexNameError": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidIndexNameError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidUpdateExpressionInvalidDocumentPath": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidUpdateExpressionInvalidDocumentPath" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidUpdateExpression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidUpdateExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConditionExpression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConditionExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionAttributeIsReservedKeyword": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConditionAttributeIsReservedKeyword" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "AttributeDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "ProvidedKeyDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ProvidedKeyDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeNameNotDefined": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeNameNotDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeIsReservedKeyword": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "AttributeIsReservedKeyword" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeValueNotDefined": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValueNotDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExprSyntaxError": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "UpdateExprSyntaxError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTokenException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidExpressionAttributeNameKey": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidExpressionAttributeNameKey" + ] + ] + ], + "ItemSizeTooLarge": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ItemSizeTooLarge" + ] + ] + ], + "ItemSizeToUpdateTooLarge": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ItemSizeToUpdateTooLarge" + ] + ] + ], + "HashKeyTooLong": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "HashKeyTooLong" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeKeyTooLong": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "RangeKeyTooLong" + ] + ] + ], + "IncorrectOperandType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "IncorrectOperandType" + ] + ] + ], + "IncorrectDataType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "IncorrectDataType" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionalCheckFailed": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConditionalCheckFailed" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactionCanceledException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TransactionCanceledException" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleTransactionsException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "MultipleTransactionsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyTransactionsException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTransactionsException" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyKeyAttributeException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyKeyAttributeException" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateHashRangeKeyException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "UpdateHashRangeKeyException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAttributeTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAttributeTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateUpdateExpression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateUpdateExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyAddClauses": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyAddClauses" + ] + ] + ], + "TableNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TableNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "TableNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "SourceTableNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "SourceTableNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "BackupNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "BackupNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TableAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TableAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "TableAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamAlreadyEnabledException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "StreamAlreadyEnabledException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConversion": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConversion" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactWriteSingleOpException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TransactWriteSingleOpException" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoJsonEncoder": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoJsonEncoder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoJsonEncoder" + ] + ] + ], + "LimitedSizeDict": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "LimitedSizeDict" + ] + ] + ], + "Item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamRecord": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "StreamRecord" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamShard": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "StreamShard" + ] + ] + ], + "SecondaryIndex": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SecondaryIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalSecondaryIndex": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "LocalSecondaryIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "GlobalSecondaryIndex": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "GlobalSecondaryIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "Table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table" + ] + ] + ], + "RestoredTable": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "RestoredTable" + ] + ] + ], + "RestoredPITTable": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "RestoredPITTable" + ] + ] + ], + "Backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Backup" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoDBBackend": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DDBType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DDBType" + ] + ] + ], + "DDBTypeConversion": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DDBTypeConversion" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType" + ] + ] + ], + "Node": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node" + ] + ] + ], + "LeafNode": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "LeafNode" + ] + ] + ], + "Expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Expression" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionClause" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetClause" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetActions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActions" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetAction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetAction" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActions" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveAction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveAction" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddActions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActions" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddAction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddAction" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActions" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteAction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteAction" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionPath": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPath" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValue" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValue" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClause" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddClause" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClause" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionPathDescender": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathDescender" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionSelector": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionSelector" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttribute": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeName": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeName" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValue" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionValueOperator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionValueOperator" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionFunction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "DDBTypedValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DDBTypedValue" + ] + ] + ], + "NoneExistingPath": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPath" + ] + ] + ], + "DepthFirstTraverser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser" + ] + ] + ], + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher" + ] + ] + ], + "NodeExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "SetExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "SetExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "DeleteExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "RemoveExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "AddExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "AddExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "NestableExpressionParserMixin": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "NestableBinExpressionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetClauseParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetClauseParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetActionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionPathParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionValueParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValueParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValueParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionValueOperatorParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueOperatorParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueOrPathParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueOrPathParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionFunctionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClauseParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClauseParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddClauseParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddClauseParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionPathValueParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathValueParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddActionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClauseParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClauseParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyConditionExpressionTokenizer": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "KeyConditionExpressionTokenizer" + ] + ] + ], + "EXPRESSION_STAGES": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "EXPRESSION_STAGES" + ] + ] + ], + "ReservedKeywords": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/reserved_keywords.py", + [ + "ReservedKeywords" + ] + ] + ], + "Token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "Token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "Token" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionTokenizer": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeValueProcessor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValueProcessor" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionPathResolver": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator" + ] + ] + ], + "NoneExistingPathChecker": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPathChecker" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecuteOperations": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyStringKeyValueValidator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "EmptyStringKeyValueValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateHashRangeKeyValidator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateHashRangeKeyValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "Validator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "Validator" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionValidator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoHandler": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "ShardIterator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "ShardIterator" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "Block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "Block" + ] + ] + ], + "EBSSnapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSSnapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "EBSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EBSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "EC2ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultVpcAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DefaultVpcAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "DependencyViolationError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DependencyViolationError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDHCPOptionsIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDHCPOptionsIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRequest": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequest" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedDHCPOptionsIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedDHCPOptionsIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidKeyPairNameError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidKeyPairNameError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidKeyPairDuplicateError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidKeyPairDuplicateError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidKeyPairFormatError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidKeyPairFormatError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFlowLogIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFlowLogIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "FlowLogAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "FlowLogAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNetworkAclIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNetworkAclIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpnGatewayIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpnGatewayIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpnGatewayAttachmentError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpnGatewayAttachmentError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpnConnectionIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpnConnectionIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCustomerGatewayIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCustomerGatewayIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNetworkInterfaceIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNetworkInterfaceIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNetworkAttachmentIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNetworkAttachmentIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSecurityGroupDuplicateError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSecurityGroupDuplicateError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSecurityGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSecurityGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPermissionNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPermissionNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPermissionDuplicateError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPermissionDuplicateError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRouteTableIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRouteTableIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRouteError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRouteError" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RouteAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInstanceIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInstanceIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInstanceTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInstanceTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAMIIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAMIIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "UnvailableAMIIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnvailableAMIIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAMIAttributeItemValueError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAMIAttributeItemValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedAMIIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedAMIIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSnapshotIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSnapshotIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSnapshotInUse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSnapshotInUse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVolumeIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVolumeIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVolumeAttachmentError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVolumeAttachmentError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVolumeDetachmentError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVolumeDetachmentError" + ] + ] + ], + "VolumeInUseError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "VolumeInUseError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDomainError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDomainError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAddressError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAddressError" + ] + ] + ], + "LogDestinationNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "LogDestinationNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAllocationIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAllocationIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAssociationIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAssociationIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpcCidrBlockAssociationIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpcCidrBlockAssociationIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCPeeringConnectionIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCPeeringConnectionIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCPeeringConnectionStateTransitionError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCPeeringConnectionStateTransitionError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidServiceName": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidServiceName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNextToken": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextToken" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDependantParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDependantParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDependantParameterTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDependantParameterTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAggregationIntervalParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAggregationIntervalParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyTagSpecError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyTagSpecError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueErrorTagNull": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueErrorTagNull" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueErrorUnknownAttribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueErrorUnknownAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidGatewayIDError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidGatewayIDError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInternetGatewayIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInternetGatewayIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "GatewayNotAttachedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "GatewayNotAttachedError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAlreadyAssociatedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyAssociatedError" + ] + ] + ], + "TagLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidID": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidID" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCIDRSubnetError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCIDRSubnetError" + ] + ] + ], + "RulesPerSecurityGroupLimitExceededError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RulesPerSecurityGroupLimitExceededError" + ] + ] + ], + "MotoNotImplementedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "MotoNotImplementedError" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterNotImplementedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "FilterNotImplementedError" + ] + ] + ], + "CidrLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "CidrLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsupportedTenancy": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnsupportedTenancy" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermitted": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermitted" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAvailabilityZoneError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAvailabilityZoneError" + ] + ] + ], + "AvailabilityZoneNotFromRegionError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "AvailabilityZoneNotFromRegionError" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAclEntryAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "NetworkAclEntryAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetRangeError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetRangeError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCIDRBlockParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCIDRBlockParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDestinationCIDRBlockParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDestinationCIDRBlockParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetConflictError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetConflictError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCRangeError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCRangeError" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermitted2": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermitted2" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermitted3": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermitted3" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermitted4": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermitted4" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameNotFoundWithNameError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameNotFoundWithNameError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterDependency": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterDependency" + ] + ] + ], + "IncorrectStateIamProfileAssociationError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "IncorrectStateIamProfileAssociationError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAssociationIDIamProfileAssociationError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAssociationIDIamProfileAssociationError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpcEndPointIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpcEndPointIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTaggableResourceType": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTaggableResourceType" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInvalidParameterValueError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "GenericInvalidParameterValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetCidrBlockAssociationID": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetCidrBlockAssociationID" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCarrierGatewayID": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCarrierGatewayID" + ] + ] + ], + "NoLoadBalancersProvided": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoLoadBalancersProvided" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownVpcEndpointService": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownVpcEndpointService" + ] + ] + ], + "SettingsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SettingsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "Ami": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "Ami" + ] + ] + ], + "AmiBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Region": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "Region" + ] + ] + ], + "Zone": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "Zone" + ] + ] + ], + "RegionsAndZonesBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "RegionsAndZonesBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CarrierGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "CarrierGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedEC2Resource": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomerGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomerGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DHCPOptionsSet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSet" + ] + ] + ], + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VolumeModification": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeModification" + ] + ] + ], + "VolumeAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "Volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume" + ] + ] + ], + "Snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticAddress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticAddressBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkInterface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkInterfaceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Fleet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "FleetsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FlowLogs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs" + ] + ] + ], + "FlowLogsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "IamInstanceProfileAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceType": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instancetype.py", + [ + "InstanceType" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceTypeBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "StateReason": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "StateReason" + ] + ] + ], + "Instance": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/egress_only_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "InternetGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "InternetGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyPair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPair" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyPairBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchTemplateVersion": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchTemplate": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchTemplateBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedPrefixList": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixList" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedPrefixListBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NatGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "NatGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAclBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAclAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAcl": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAcl" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAclEntry": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclEntry" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteTable": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteTableBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTableBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityRule": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityRule" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroupBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroupIngress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupIngress" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotInstanceRequest": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotInstanceRequest" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/spotinstancerequest.py", + [ + "SpotInstanceRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotRequestBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotFleetLaunchSpec": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetLaunchSpec" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotFleetRequest": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotFleetBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotPriceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotPriceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetRouteTableAssociationBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociationBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TagBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/tags.py", + [ + "TagBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayVpcAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayVpcAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayRouteTable": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayRelations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRelations" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayRelationsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRelationsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PeeringConnectionStatus": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCPeeringConnection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCServiceConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCEndPoint": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "VPC": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VPNConnection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnection" + ] + ] + ], + "VPNConnectionBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCGatewayAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "VpnGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "VpnGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2Response": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2BaseResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/_base_response.py", + [ + "EC2BaseResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountAttributes": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/account_attributes.py", + [ + "AccountAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "AmazonDevPay": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amazon_dev_pay.py", + [ + "AmazonDevPay" + ] + ] + ], + "AmisResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AvailabilityZonesAndRegions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "AvailabilityZonesAndRegions" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomerGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "DHCPOptions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticBlockStore": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticIPAddresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "Fleets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets" + ] + ] + ], + "General": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/general.py", + [ + "General" + ] + ] + ], + "IamInstanceProfiles": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InternetGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "IPAddresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/ip_addresses.py", + [ + "IPAddresses" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyPairs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchTemplates": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates" + ] + ] + ], + "Monitoring": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/monitoring.py", + [ + "Monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "NatGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkACLs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs" + ] + ] + ], + "PlacementGroups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/placement_groups.py", + [ + "PlacementGroups" + ] + ] + ], + "ReservedInstances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteTables": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups" + ] + ] + ], + "Settings": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/settings.py", + [ + "Settings" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotFleets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotInstances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "Subnets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "TagResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/tags.py", + [ + "TagResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateways.py", + [ + "TransitGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "VirtualPrivateGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "VMExport": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_export.py", + [ + "VMExport" + ] + ] + ], + "VMImport": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_import.py", + [ + "VMImport" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCPeeringConnections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs" + ] + ] + ], + "VPNConnections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnections" + ] + ] + ], + "Windows": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows" + ] + ] + ], + "Ec2InstanceConnectBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/models.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Ec2InstanceConnectResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/responses.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecyclePolicyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "LifecyclePolicyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "LimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "RegistryPolicyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RegistryPolicyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryNotEmptyException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryNotEmptyException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ImageNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ScanNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ScanNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseObject": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject" + ] + ] + ], + "Repository": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository" + ] + ] + ], + "Image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image" + ] + ] + ], + "ECRBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "ECRResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ServiceNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskDefinitionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "TaskDefinitionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "RevisionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "RevisionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskSetNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "TaskSetNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "EcsClientException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "EcsClientException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownAccountSettingException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownAccountSettingException" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountSetting": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "AccountSetting" + ] + ] + ], + "Cluster": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "Cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "CapacityProvider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "CapacityProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "CapacityProviderFailure": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "CapacityProviderFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "Service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Service" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainerInstance": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterFailure": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ClusterFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainerInstanceFailure": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstanceFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskSet": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskSet" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EFSError": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "EFSError" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessPointNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessPointNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessPointNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "FileSystemAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "FileSystemNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemInUse": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "FileSystemInUse" + ] + ] + ], + "MountTargetConflict": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "MountTargetConflict" + ] + ] + ], + "MountTargetNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "MountTargetNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "BadRequest": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "SubnetNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroupNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroupLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessPoint": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystem": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem" + ] + ] + ], + "MountTarget": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget" + ] + ] + ], + "EFSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EFSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EKSError": [ + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "EKSError" + ] + ] + ], + "FargateProfile": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "FargateProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedNodegroup": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "ManagedNodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EKSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EKSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ElastiCacheException": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheException" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordTooShort": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "PasswordTooShort" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordRequired": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "PasswordRequired" + ] + ] + ], + "UserAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "UserAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "UserNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "UserNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "User": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ] + ], + "ElastiCacheBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ElastiCacheResponse": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeEnvironment": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeApplication": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "EBBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EBResponse": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticTranscoderBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticTranscoderResponse": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBClientError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ELBClientError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ELBClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateTagKeysError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTagKeysError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTagKeysError" + ] + ] + ], + "CertificateNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "CertificateNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadBalancerNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "LoadBalancerNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "LoadBalancerNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyTagsError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTagsError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTagsError" + ] + ] + ], + "BadHealthCheckDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadHealthCheckDefinition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadHealthCheckDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateListenerError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateListenerError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateListenerError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateLoadBalancerName": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateLoadBalancerName" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateLoadBalancerName" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyListenersError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyListenersError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyListenersError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSecurityGroupError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSecurityGroupError" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeHealthCheck": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeHealthCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeListener": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeLoadBalancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AppCookieStickinessPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/policies.py", + [ + "AppCookieStickinessPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "LbCookieStickinessPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/policies.py", + [ + "LbCookieStickinessPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/policies.py", + [ + "OtherPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBResponse": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ListenerNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ListenerNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "SubnetNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "TargetGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "TargetGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateTargetGroupName": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTargetGroupName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTargetError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTargetError" + ] + ] + ], + "PriorityInUseError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "PriorityInUseError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConditionFieldError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConditionFieldError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConditionValueError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConditionValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidActionTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidActionTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "ActionTargetGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ActionTargetGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ListenerOrBalancerMissingError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ListenerOrBalancerMissingError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDescribeRulesRequest": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDescribeRulesRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceInUseError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseError" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicatePriorityError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicatePriorityError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTargetGroupNameError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTargetGroupNameError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidModifyRuleArgumentsError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidModifyRuleArgumentsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStatusCodeActionTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStatusCodeActionTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLoadBalancerActionException": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLoadBalancerActionException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeHealthStatus": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeHealthStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTargetGroup": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeListenerRule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeRule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeRule" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAction": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeAction" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBv2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBV2Response": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeBootstrapAction": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeBootstrapAction" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeInstance": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeInstanceGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstanceGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStep": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeStep" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCluster": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSecurityConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecurityConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticMapReduceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticMapReduceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Unflattener": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener" + ] + ] + ], + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker" + ] + ] + ], + "ReleaseLabel": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrManagedSecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedSecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrManagedServiceAccessSecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedServiceAccessSecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrSecurityGroupManager": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager" + ] + ] + ], + "EMRContainersBackend": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EMRContainersResponse": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EMRServerlessBackend": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EMRServerlessResponse": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticSearchError": [ + [ + "moto/es/exceptions.py", + [ + "ElasticSearchError" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/es/exceptions.py", + [ + "DomainNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "Domain": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "Domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IllegalStatusException": [ + [ + "moto/events/exceptions.py", + [ + "IllegalStatusException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidEventPatternException": [ + [ + "moto/events/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidEventPatternException" + ] + ] + ], + "Rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule" + ] + ] + ], + "EventBus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus" + ] + ] + ], + "EventBusPolicyStatement": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBusPolicyStatement" + ] + ] + ], + "Archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive" + ] + ] + ], + "ReplayState": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "ReplayState" + ] + ] + ], + "Replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Replay" + ] + ] + ], + "Connection": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Connection" + ] + ] + ], + "Destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Destination" + ] + ] + ], + "EventPattern": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "EventPatternParser": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPatternParser" + ] + ] + ], + "EventsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EventsHandler": [ + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcurrentModificationException": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConcurrentModificationException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArgumentException": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArgumentException" + ] + ] + ], + "DeliveryStream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "DeliveryStream" + ] + ] + ], + "FirehoseBackend": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FirehoseResponse": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DatasetGroup": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "ForecastBackend": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ForecastResponse": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ArchiveJob": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "ArchiveJob" + ] + ] + ], + "InventoryJob": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "InventoryJob" + ] + ] + ], + "Vault": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault" + ] + ] + ], + "GlacierBackend": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "GlacierResponse": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "GlueClientError": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GlueClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "DatabaseAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "PartitionAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "PartitionAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "CrawlerAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrawlerAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "DatabaseNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "PartitionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "PartitionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "CrawlerNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrawlerNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "JobNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "JobNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "JobRunNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "JobRunNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "VersionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "VersionNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "VersionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaVersionNotFoundFromSchemaIdException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaVersionNotFoundFromSchemaIdException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaVersionNotFoundFromSchemaVersionIdException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaVersionNotFoundFromSchemaVersionIdException" + ] + ] + ], + "RegistryNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "RegistryNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "CrawlerRunningException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrawlerRunningException" + ] + ] + ], + "CrawlerNotRunningException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrawlerNotRunningException" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcurrentRunsExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConcurrentRunsExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNumberLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNumberLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "GeneralResourceNumberLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GeneralResourceNumberLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaVersionMetadataLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaVersionMetadataLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "GSRAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GSRAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaVersionMetadataAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaVersionMetadataAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "GeneralGSRAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GeneralGSRAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "_InvalidOperationException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "_InvalidOperationException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStateException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStateException" + ] + ] + ], + "GSRInvalidInputException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GSRInvalidInputException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNameTooLongException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNameTooLongException" + ] + ] + ], + "ParamValueContainsInvalidCharactersException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParamValueContainsInvalidCharactersException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNumberOfTagsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNumberOfTagsException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDataFormatException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDataFormatException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCompatibilityException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCompatibilityException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaDefinitionException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaDefinitionException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRegistryIdBothParamsProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRegistryIdBothParamsProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaIdBothParamsProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaIdBothParamsProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaIdNotProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaIdNotProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaVersionNumberBothParamsProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaVersionNumberBothParamsProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaVersionNumberNotProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaVersionNumberNotProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaVersionIdProvidedWithOtherParamsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaVersionIdProvidedWithOtherParamsException" + ] + ] + ], + "DisabledCompatibilityVersioningException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "DisabledCompatibilityVersioningException" + ] + ] + ], + "GlueBackend": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDatabase": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeDatabase" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTable": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePartition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakePartition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCrawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler" + ] + ] + ], + "LastCrawlInfo": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "LastCrawlInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeJobRun": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobRun" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRegistry": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeRegistry" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSchema": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSchemaVersion": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "GlueResponse": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "_Expr": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Expr" + ] + ] + ], + "_Ident": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident" + ] + ] + ], + "_IsNull": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_IsNull" + ] + ] + ], + "_IsNotNull": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_IsNotNull" + ] + ] + ], + "_BinOp": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BinOp" + ] + ] + ], + "_Like": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Like" + ] + ] + ], + "_NotLike": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotLike" + ] + ] + ], + "_In": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_In" + ] + ] + ], + "_NotIn": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotIn" + ] + ] + ], + "_Between": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Between" + ] + ] + ], + "_NotBetween": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotBetween" + ] + ] + ], + "_BoolAnd": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BoolAnd" + ] + ] + ], + "_BoolOr": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BoolOr" + ] + ] + ], + "_PartitionFilterExpressionCache": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_PartitionFilterExpressionCache" + ] + ] + ], + "PartitionFilter": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "PartitionFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "GreengrassClientError": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "GreengrassClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "IdNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "IdNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidContainerDefinitionException": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidContainerDefinitionException" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingCoreException": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingCoreException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCoreDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeCoreDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCoreDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeCoreDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeviceDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeviceDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeviceDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeviceDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeResourceDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeResourceDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeFunctionDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeFunctionDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeFunctionDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeFunctionDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSubscriptionDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeSubscriptionDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSubscriptionDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeSubscriptionDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGroup": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGroupVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeGroupVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeployment": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeployment" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAssociatedRole": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeAssociatedRole" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeploymentStatus": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeploymentStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "GreengrassBackend": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "GreengrassResponse": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "GuardDutyException": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "GuardDutyException" + ] + ] + ], + "DetectorNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "DetectorNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "FilterNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "GuardDutyBackend": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Filter" + ] + ] + ], + "Detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector" + ] + ] + ], + "GuardDutyResponse": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMUserAccessKey": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey" + ] + ] + ], + "AssumedRoleAccessKey": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateAccessKeyFailure": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "CreateAccessKeyFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMRequestBase": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMRequest": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "S3IAMRequest": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMPolicyStatement": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionResult": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "PermissionResult" + ] + ] + ], + "RoleConfigQuery": [ + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "RoleConfigQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyConfigQuery": [ + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "PolicyConfigQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "IAMNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "IAMConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMReportNotPresentException": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "IAMReportNotPresentException" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "IAMLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedPolicyDocument": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedPolicyDocument" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInput": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInput" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInput" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchEntity": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchEntity" + ] + ] + ], + "MFADevice": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "MFADevice" + ] + ] + ], + "VirtualMfaDevice": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "VirtualMfaDevice" + ] + ] + ], + "SAMLProvider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SAMLProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "OpenIDConnectProvider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyVersion": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "PolicyVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSManagedPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AWSManagedPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "InlinePolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "Role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceProfile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "Certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "SigningCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SigningCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessKeyLastUsed": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKeyLastUsed" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessKey": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey" + ] + ] + ], + "SshPublicKey": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SshPublicKey" + ] + ] + ], + "Group": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountPasswordPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountSummary": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMBackend": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMPolicyDocumentValidator": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyDocumentValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "IamResponse": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceMetadataBackend": [ + [ + "moto/instance_metadata/models.py", + [ + "InstanceMetadataBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceMetadataResponse": [ + [ + "moto/instance_metadata/responses.py", + [ + "InstanceMetadataResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTClientError": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "IoTClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStateTransitionException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStateTransitionException" + ] + ] + ], + "VersionConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "VersionConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "CertificateStateException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "CertificateStateException" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "DeleteConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "VersionsLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "VersionsLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "ThingStillAttached": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "ThingStillAttached" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeThing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThing" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeThingType": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThingType" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeThingGroup": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCaCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeCaCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePolicyVersion": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeJobExecution": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobExecution" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDomainConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomainConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTBackend": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTResponse": [ + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTDataPlaneClientError": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeShadow": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTDataPlaneBackend": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTDataPlaneResponse": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "StreamNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamCannotBeUpdatedError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "StreamCannotBeUpdatedError" + ] + ] + ], + "ShardNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ShardNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ConsumerNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConsumerNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArgumentError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArgumentError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArgumentError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRetentionPeriod": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRetentionPeriod" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDecreaseRetention": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDecreaseRetention" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIncreaseRetention": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidIncreaseRetention" + ] + ] + ], + "RecordSizeExceedsLimit": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "RecordSizeExceedsLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "TotalRecordsSizeExceedsLimit": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "TotalRecordsSizeExceedsLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyRecords": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyRecords" + ] + ] + ], + "Consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "Record": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "Record" + ] + ] + ], + "Shard": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard" + ] + ] + ], + "Stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "Stream" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisBackend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisResponse": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisvideoClientError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/exceptions.py", + [ + "KinesisvideoClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisVideoBackend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisVideoResponse": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "NotAuthorizedException": [ + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotAuthorizedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCiphertextException": [ + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCiphertextException" + ] + ] + ], + "Grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Grant" + ] + ] + ], + "Key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key" + ] + ] + ], + "KmsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KmsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "LogsClientError": [ + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "LogsClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricFilters": [ + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "MetricFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "LogQuery": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "LogEvent": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "LogStream": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream" + ] + ] + ], + "LogGroup": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "LogResourcePolicy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "LogsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "LogsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterPattern": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "QuotedTermFilterPattern": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "QuotedTermFilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "SingleTermFilterPattern": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "SingleTermFilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsupportedFilterPattern": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "UnsupportedFilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "EventMessageFilter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "EventMessageFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainClientError": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainProposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainMember": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainNode": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainBackend": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainResponse": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Flow": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "Flow" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaConnectBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaConnectResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Input" + ] + ] + ], + "Channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "Channel" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaLiveBackend": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaLiveResponse": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaPackageClientError": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/exceptions.py", + [ + "MediaPackageClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "OriginEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "OriginEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaPackageBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaPackageResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreClientError": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/exceptions.py", + [ + "MediaStoreClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainerNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/exceptions.py", + [ + "ContainerNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "Container": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "Container" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Container" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreDataClientError": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/exceptions.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "Object": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "Object" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreDataBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreDataResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DisabledApiException": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/exceptions.py", + [ + "DisabledApiException" + ] + ] + ], + "InternalServiceErrorException": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/exceptions.py", + [ + "InternalServiceErrorException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCustomerIdentifierException": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCustomerIdentifierException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidProductCodeException": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidProductCodeException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidUsageDimensionException": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidUsageDimensionException" + ] + ] + ], + "ThrottlingException": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/exceptions.py", + [ + "ThrottlingException" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestampOutOfBoundsException": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/exceptions.py", + [ + "TimestampOutOfBoundsException" + ] + ] + ], + "UsageRecord": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord" + ] + ] + ], + "Result": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomerDeque": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "CustomerDeque" + ] + ] + ], + "ResultDeque": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "ResultDeque" + ] + ] + ], + "MeteringMarketplaceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "MeteringMarketplaceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MarketplaceMeteringResponse": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/responses.py", + [ + "MarketplaceMeteringResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedState": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState" + ] + ] + ], + "MotoAPIBackend": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MotoRandom": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom" + ] + ] + ], + "Recorder": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "RecorderResponse": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MotoAPIResponse": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "StateManager": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager" + ] + ] + ], + "ThreadedMotoServer": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/threaded_moto_server.py", + [ + "ThreadedMotoServer" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexConverter": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/utilities.py", + [ + "RegexConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSTestHelper": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/utilities.py", + [ + "AWSTestHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainDispatcherApplication": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "MQError": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "MQError" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownBroker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownBroker" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownUser": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownUser" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsupportedEngineType": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnsupportedEngineType" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownEngineType": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownEngineType" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationRevision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationRevision" + ] + ] + ], + "Configuration": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "Broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker" + ] + ] + ], + "MQBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MQResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "OpsworkInstance": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsworkInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "Stack": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack" + ] + ] + ], + "App": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "App" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App" + ] + ] + ], + "OpsWorksBackend": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "OpsWorksResponse": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountAlreadyRegisteredException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccountAlreadyRegisteredException" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountNotRegisteredException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccountNotRegisteredException" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccountNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSOrganizationsNotInUseException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AWSOrganizationsNotInUseException" + ] + ] + ], + "ConstraintViolationException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConstraintViolationException" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateOrganizationalUnitException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateOrganizationalUnitException" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicatePolicyException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicatePolicyException" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyTypeAlreadyEnabledException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyTypeAlreadyEnabledException" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyTypeNotEnabledException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyTypeNotEnabledException" + ] + ] + ], + "RootNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "RootNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TargetNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "TargetNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeOrganization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganization" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAccount": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeOrganizationalUnit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganizationalUnit" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRoot": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeRoot" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeServiceAccess": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeServiceAccess" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator" + ] + ] + ], + "OrganizationsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "OrganizationsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "BlockDeviceType": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/blockdevicemapping.py", + [ + "BlockDeviceType" + ] + ] + ], + "BlockDeviceMapping": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/blockdevicemapping.py", + [ + "BlockDeviceMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2Object": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/ec2object.py", + [ + "EC2Object" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedEC2Object": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/ec2object.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Object" + ] + ] + ], + "ProductCodes": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/image.py", + [ + "ProductCodes" + ] + ] + ], + "InstancePlacement": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "InstancePlacement" + ] + ] + ], + "Reservation": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Reservation" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchSpecification": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/launchspecification.py", + [ + "LaunchSpecification" + ] + ] + ], + "TagSet": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/tag.py", + [ + "TagSet" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonalizeException": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/exceptions.py", + [ + "PersonalizeException" + ] + ] + ], + "Schema": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "Schema" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonalizeBackend": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonalizeResponse": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "PinpointExceptions": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/exceptions.py", + [ + "PinpointExceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "ApplicationNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApplicationNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "EventStreamNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/exceptions.py", + [ + "EventStreamNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "AppSettings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "AppSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "EventStream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "EventStream" + ] + ] + ], + "PinpointBackend": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PinpointResponse": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "Lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "PollyBackend": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PollyResponse": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightDataSet": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightDataSet" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightIngestion": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightIngestion" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightMembership": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightMembership" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightGroup": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightUser": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightUser" + ] + ] + ], + "QuickSightBackend": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "QuickSightResponse": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedArnException": [ + [ + "moto/ram/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedArnException" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermittedException": [ + [ + "moto/ram/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermittedException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownResourceException": [ + [ + "moto/ram/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownResourceException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceShare": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RDSClientError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "RDSClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBInstanceNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBInstanceNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBSnapshotNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBSnapshotNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBSecurityGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBSecurityGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBSubnetGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBSubnetGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBParameterGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionGroupNotFoundFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "OptionGroupNotFoundFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDBClusterStateFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDBClusterStateFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDBInstanceStateError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDBInstanceStateError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotQuotaExceededError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotQuotaExceededError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBSnapshotAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBSnapshotAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDBClusterStateFault": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDBClusterStateFault" + ] + ] + ], + "DBClusterNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBClusterNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "ExportTaskAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExportTaskAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "ExportTaskNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExportTaskNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidExportSourceStateError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidExportSourceStateError" + ] + ] + ], + "SubscriptionAlreadyExistError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "SubscriptionAlreadyExistError" + ] + ] + ], + "SubscriptionNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "SubscriptionNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSnapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "Database": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseSnapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "ExportTask": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ExportTask" + ] + ] + ], + "EventSubscription": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetGroup": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "RDSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionGroup": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "DBParameterGroup": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "RDSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftClientError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "RedshiftClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSubnetGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSubnetGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterParameterGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterParameterGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyGrantAlreadyExistsFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyGrantAlreadyExistsFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyGrantNotFoundFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyGrantNotFoundFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSnapshotNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshotNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFoundFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyDisabledFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyDisabledFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyAlreadyDisabledFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyAlreadyDisabledFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyAlreadyEnabledFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyAlreadyEnabledFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterAlreadyExistsFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterAlreadyExistsFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterCombinationError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombinationError" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownSnapshotCopyRegionFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownSnapshotCopyRegionFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidClusterSnapshotStateFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidClusterSnapshotStateFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyGrant": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyGrant" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterGroup": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftBackend": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftResponse": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Statement": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "Statement" + ] + ] + ], + "StatementResult": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "StatementResult" + ] + ] + ], + "ColumnMetadata": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "ColumnMetadata" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RekognitionBackend": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RekognitionResponse": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeResourceGroup": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroups": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroups" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroupsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroupsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "Route53ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCloudWatchArn": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCloudWatchArn" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidActionValue": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidActionValue" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPaginationToken": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPaginationToken" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCId": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCId" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchHostedZone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchHostedZone" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchHealthCheck": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchHealthCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "HostedZoneNotEmpty": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "HostedZoneNotEmpty" + ] + ] + ], + "PublicZoneVPCAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "PublicZoneVPCAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "LastVPCAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "LastVPCAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchQueryLoggingConfig": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchQueryLoggingConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "QueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidChangeBatch": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidChangeBatch" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchDelegationSet": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchDelegationSet" + ] + ] + ], + "DelegationSet": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "DelegationSet" + ] + ] + ], + "HealthCheck": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "RecordSet": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeZone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone" + ] + ] + ], + "RecordSetGroup": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryLoggingConfig": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "QueryLoggingConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53Backend": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53" + ] + ] + ], + "RRValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "RRValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TagValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverRuleAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRuleAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverRule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRule" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53ResolverBackend": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53ResolverResponse": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ConfigQuery": [ + [ + "moto/s3/config.py", + [ + "S3ConfigQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingBucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingBucket" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingKey": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingKey" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingVersion": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVersion": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectNotInActiveTierError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "ObjectNotInActiveTierError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPartOrder": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPartOrder" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPart": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPart" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityTooSmall": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityTooSmall" + ] + ] + ], + "IllegalLocationConstraintException": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "IllegalLocationConstraintException" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedXML": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedXML" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedACLError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedACLError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTargetBucketForLogging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTargetBucketForLogging" + ] + ] + ], + "CrossLocationLoggingProhibitted": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrossLocationLoggingProhibitted" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidMaxPartArgument": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidMaxPartArgument" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidMaxPartNumberArgument": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidMaxPartNumberArgument" + ] + ] + ], + "NotAnIntegerException": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotAnIntegerException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNotificationARN": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNotificationARN" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNotificationDestination": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNotificationDestination" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNotificationEvent": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNotificationEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStorageClass": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStorageClass" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidBucketName": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidBucketName" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateTagKeys": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTagKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "S3AccessDeniedError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3AccessDeniedError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketAccessDeniedError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketAccessDeniedError" + ] + ] + ], + "S3InvalidTokenError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3InvalidTokenError" + ] + ] + ], + "S3AclAndGrantError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3AclAndGrantError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketInvalidTokenError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketInvalidTokenError" + ] + ] + ], + "S3InvalidAccessKeyIdError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3InvalidAccessKeyIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketInvalidAccessKeyIdError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketInvalidAccessKeyIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "S3SignatureDoesNotMatchError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3SignatureDoesNotMatchError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketSignatureDoesNotMatchError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketSignatureDoesNotMatchError" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchPublicAccessBlockConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchPublicAccessBlockConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPublicAccessBlockConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPublicAccessBlockConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "WrongPublicAccessBlockAccountIdError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "WrongPublicAccessBlockAccountIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSystemTags": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSystemTags" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchUpload": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchUpload" + ] + ] + ], + "PreconditionFailed": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "PreconditionFailed" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRange": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRange" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidContinuationToken": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidContinuationToken" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidObjectState": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidObjectState" + ] + ] + ], + "LockNotEnabled": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "LockNotEnabled" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessDeniedByLock": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessDeniedByLock" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidContentMD5": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidContentMD5" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketNeedsToBeNew": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketNeedsToBeNew" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketMustHaveLockeEnabled": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketMustHaveLockeEnabled" + ] + ] + ], + "CopyObjectMustChangeSomething": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "CopyObjectMustChangeSomething" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilterRuleName": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilterRuleName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTagError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTagError" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeleteMarker": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeleteMarker" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeKey": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMultipart": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGrantee": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrantee" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGrant": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrant" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAcl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeAcl" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecycleFilter": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecycleAndFilter": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleAndFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecycleRule": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleRule" + ] + ] + ], + "CorsRule": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "CorsRule" + ] + ] + ], + "NotificationConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "NotificationConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "PublicAccessBlock": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "PublicAccessBlock" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipartDict": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "MultipartDict" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeBucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket" + ] + ] + ], + "S3Backend": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "S3Response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response" + ] + ] + ], + "_VersionedKeyStore": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore" + ] + ] + ], + "S3AccountPublicAccessBlockConfigQuery": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/config.py", + [ + "S3AccountPublicAccessBlockConfigQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ControlError": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3ControlError" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessPointPolicyNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessPointPolicyNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ControlBackend": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ControlResponse": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SagemakerClientError": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "SagemakerClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelError": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "ModelError" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingModel": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeProcessingJob": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeProcessingJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTrainingJob": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrainingJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeEndpointConfig": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "VpcConfig": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "VpcConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "SageMakerModelBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeExperiment": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeExperiment" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTrial": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrial" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTrialComponent": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrialComponent" + ] + ] + ], + "SageMakerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownDomainName": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownDomainName" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeItem": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeItem" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDomain": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomain" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleDBBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleDBResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsManagerClientError": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecretNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretHasNoValueException": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecretHasNoValueException" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretStageVersionMismatchException": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecretStageVersionMismatchException" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsManager": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManager" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSecret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsStore": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsManagerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsManagerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "NamespaceNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/exceptions.py", + [ + "NamespaceNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/exceptions.py", + [ + "ServiceNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ConflictingDomainExists": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConflictingDomainExists" + ] + ] + ], + "Namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "Operation": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Operation" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchResource": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchResource" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceQuotasBackend": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/models.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceQuotasResponse": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageRejectedError": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "MessageRejectedError" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationSetDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConfigurationSetDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationSetAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConfigurationSetAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "EventDestinationAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "EventDestinationAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateNameAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "TemplateNameAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRenderingParameterException": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRenderingParameterException" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "TemplateDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleSetNameAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleSetNameAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleSetDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleSetDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingRenderingAttributeException": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingRenderingAttributeException" + ] + ] + ], + "SESFeedback": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESFeedback" + ] + ] + ], + "Message": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "Message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateMessage": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "TemplateMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "BulkTemplateMessage": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "BulkTemplateMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "RawMessage": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "RawMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "SESQuota": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESQuota" + ] + ] + ], + "SESBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SigningProfile": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SigningProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "SignerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "signerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSException": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "SNSException" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "SNSNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "TopicNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "TopicNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateSnsEndpointError": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateSnsEndpointError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnsEndpointDisabled": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnsEndpointDisabled" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSInvalidParameter": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "SNSInvalidParameter" + ] + ] + ], + "TagLimitExceededError": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagLimitExceededError" + ] + ] + ], + "InternalError": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "InternalError" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct" + ] + ] + ], + "Topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic" + ] + ] + ], + "Subscription": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "PlatformApplication": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "PlatformEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ReceiptHandleIsInvalid": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ReceiptHandleIsInvalid" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageAttributesInvalid": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "MessageAttributesInvalid" + ] + ] + ], + "QueueDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "QueueDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "QueueAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "QueueAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyBatchRequest": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyBatchRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidBatchEntryId": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidBatchEntryId" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchRequestTooLong": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "BatchRequestTooLong" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAttributeName": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAttributeName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAttributeValue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAttributeValue" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingParameter": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingParameter" + ] + ] + ], + "OverLimit": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "OverLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "Queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue" + ] + ] + ], + "SQSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SQSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilterKey": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilterKey" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilterOption": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilterOption" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilterValue": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilterValue" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceId": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceId" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceType": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceType" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterVersionNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterVersionNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterVersionLabelLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterVersionLabelLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "DocumentAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "DocumentAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "DocumentPermissionLimit": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "DocumentPermissionLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPermissionType": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPermissionType" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDocument": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDocument" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDocumentOperation": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDocumentOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDocumentContent": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDocumentContent" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDocumentVersion": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDocumentVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateDocumentVersionName": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateDocumentVersionName" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateDocumentContent": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateDocumentContent" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterDict": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict" + ] + ] + ], + "Parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountPermission": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "AccountPermission" + ] + ] + ], + "Documents": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents" + ] + ] + ], + "Document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Document" + ] + ] + ], + "Command": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMaintenanceWindow": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindow" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountAssignment": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "AccountAssignment" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionSet": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "PermissionSet" + ] + ] + ], + "SSOAdminBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SSOAdminResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecutionAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExecutionAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecutionDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExecutionDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidName": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidExecutionInput": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidExecutionInput" + ] + ] + ], + "StateMachineDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "StateMachineDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "StateMachine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine" + ] + ] + ], + "StepFunctionBackend": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "StepFunctionResponse": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "STSClientError": [ + [ + "moto/sts/exceptions.py", + [ + "STSClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "STSValidationError": [ + [ + "moto/sts/exceptions.py", + [ + "STSValidationError" + ] + ] + ], + "AssumedRole": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "AssumedRole" + ] + ] + ], + "STSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TokenResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SupportCase": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SupportBackend": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SupportResponse": [ + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFClientError": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFUnknownResourceFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFUnknownResourceFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFDomainAlreadyExistsFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFDomainAlreadyExistsFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFDomainDeprecatedFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFDomainDeprecatedFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFSerializationException": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFSerializationException" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFTypeAlreadyExistsFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFTypeAlreadyExistsFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFTypeDeprecatedFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFTypeDeprecatedFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFWorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFWorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFDefaultUndefinedFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFDefaultUndefinedFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFDecisionValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFDecisionValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFWorkflowExecutionClosedError": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFWorkflowExecutionClosedError" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFBackend": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ActivityTask": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask" + ] + ] + ], + "ActivityType": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_type.py", + [ + "ActivityType" + ] + ] + ], + "DecisionTask": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericType": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType" + ] + ] + ], + "HistoryEvent": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/history_event.py", + [ + "HistoryEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "Timeout": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/timeout.py", + [ + "Timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "Timer": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/timer.py", + [ + "Timer" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkflowExecution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkflowType": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_type.py", + [ + "WorkflowType" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFResponse": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidJobIdException": [ + [ + "moto/textract/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidJobIdException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidS3ObjectException": [ + [ + "moto/textract/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidS3ObjectException" + ] + ] + ], + "TextractJobStatus": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractJobStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "TextractJob": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractJob" + ] + ] + ], + "TextractBackend": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TextractResponse": [ + [ + "moto/textract/responses.py", + [ + "TextractResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestreamTable": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamTable" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestreamDatabase": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestreamWriteBackend": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestreamWriteResponse": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTranscriptionJob": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeTranscriptionJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeVocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeVocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMedicalTranscriptionJob": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeMedicalTranscriptionJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMedicalVocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeMedicalVocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "TranscribeBackend": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TranscribeResponse": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Version": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version" + ] + ] + ], + "LooseVersion": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "DockerModel": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "DockerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Paginator": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggingService": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService" + ] + ] + ], + "LowercaseDict": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFv2ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "WAFv2ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFV2DuplicateItemException": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "WAFV2DuplicateItemException" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFNonexistentItemException": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "WAFNonexistentItemException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeWebACL": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeWebACL" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFV2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFV2Response": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "BadSegmentException": [ + [ + "moto/xray/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadSegmentException" + ] + ] + ], + "MockEmitter": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockEmitter" + ] + ] + ], + "MockXrayClient": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient" + ] + ] + ], + "XRaySegment": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "XRaySegment" + ] + ] + ], + "TelemetryRecords": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TelemetryRecords" + ] + ] + ], + "TraceSegment": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment" + ] + ] + ], + "SegmentCollection": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "XRayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "XRayResponse": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAmpLoggingConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingGroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingELB": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingInstances": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingInstancesProtected": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstancesProtected" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoscalignELBv2": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "TestAutoscalignELBv2" + ] + ] + ], + "MockLambdaFunction": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_policy.py", + [ + "MockLambdaFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSimpleInstance": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_import_value.py", + [ + "TestSimpleInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCognitoUserDeleter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserDeleter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAccountIdResolution": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_multiple_accounts_server.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution" + ] + ] + ], + "ExampleBackend": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "ExampleBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SlowExampleBackend": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess", + "SlowExampleBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMultiThreadedAccess": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess" + ] + ] + ], + "Tester": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Tester" + ] + ] + ], + "TesterWithSetup": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithSetup" + ] + ] + ], + "TesterWithStaticmethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithStaticmethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithSetupMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetupMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithInvalidSetupMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithInvalidSetupMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithPublicMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPublicMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "Baseclass": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Baseclass" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSetUpInBaseClass": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestSetUpInBaseClass" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedClass": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedClass2": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass2" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithSetup": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "TestWithSetup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithNestedClasses": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses" + ] + ] + ], + "ImportantBusinessLogic": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "ImportantBusinessLogic" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNestedDecoratorsBoto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_nested.py", + [ + "TestNestedDecoratorsBoto3" + ] + ] + ], + "ResponseA": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_response_environment_preserved_by_type", + "ResponseA" + ] + ] + ], + "ResponseB": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_response_environment_preserved_by_type", + "ResponseB" + ] + ] + ], + "TestResponsesModule": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSocketPair": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_socket.py", + [ + "TestSocketPair" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMockBucketStartingWithServiceName": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_url_base_regex.py", + [ + "TestMockBucketStartingWithServiceName" + ] + ] + ], + "TestHashKey": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashKey" + ] + ] + ], + "TestHashAndRangeKey": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNamesAndValues": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestNamesAndValues" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedSet": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_settype_item_with_conditions", + "OrderedSet" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCore": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEdges": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterTestDataFactory": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_ClusterBuilder", + "ClusterTestDataFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "FargateProfileTestDataFactory": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_FargateProfileBuilder", + "FargateProfileTestDataFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "NodegroupTestDataFactory": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_NodegroupBuilder", + "NodegroupTestDataFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "ResponseAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "ResponseAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "ErrorAttributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata_constants.py", + [ + "ErrorAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterInputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "ClusterInputs" + ] + ] + ], + "FargateProfileInputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "FargateProfileInputs" + ] + ] + ], + "NodegroupInputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "NodegroupInputs" + ] + ] + ], + "PossibleTestResults": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "PossibleTestResults" + ] + ] + ], + "AddonAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "AddonAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "ClusterAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "FargateProfileAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "FargateProfileAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "NodegroupAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "NodegroupAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchCountSize": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "BatchCountSize" + ] + ] + ], + "PageCount": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "PageCount" + ] + ] + ], + "RegExTemplates": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "RegExTemplates" + ] + ] + ], + "Endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "Endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "StatusCodes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "StatusCodes" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpHeaders": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "HttpHeaders" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata_constants.py", + [ + "HttpHeaders" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "TestCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "TestNodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCreateVirtualCluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCreateVirtualCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListVirtualClusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListVirtualClusters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStartJobRun": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCancelJobRun": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListJobRuns": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDescribeJobRun": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCreateApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestCreateApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeleteApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestDeleteApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGetApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStartApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStartApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStopApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStopApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUpdateApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListThingGroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogFilter": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogFilterParameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogsFilterPattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRecorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder" + ] + ] + ], + "TestThreadedMotoServer": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer" + ] + ] + ], + "ExampleModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ExampleModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SlowModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "SlowModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDBInstanceFilters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDBSnapshotFilters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFilterValidation": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation" + ] + ] + ], + "TestResourceFiltering": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMergingFilters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "MyModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "MyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TestBucketPolicy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "ClassDecoratorTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_classdecorator.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestS3FileHandleClosures": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthenticatedClient": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "AuthenticatedClient" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "AuthenticatedClient" + ] + ] + ], + "TestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "EndpointConfigTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "EndpointTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "MySageMakerModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "MySageMakerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "MyProcessingJobModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "MyProcessingJobModel" + ] + ] + ], + "MyTrainingJobModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "MyTrainingJobModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStsAssumeRole": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_multiaccount.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole" + ] + ] + ], + "FooType": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "FooType" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomInvalidTokenException": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "CustomInvalidTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInvalidTokenException": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "GenericInvalidTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDecorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator" + ] + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/getmoto__moto-5620/blocks_by_function_name.json b/getmoto__moto-5620/blocks_by_function_name.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b28c79dd60e291d9742cdc2ab1714fb08f7a5a51 --- /dev/null +++ b/getmoto__moto-5620/blocks_by_function_name.json @@ -0,0 +1,123846 @@ +{ + "f": [ + [ + "moto/__init__.py", + [ + "lazy_load", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "generate_boto3_response", + "_boto3_request", + "f" + ] + ] + ], + "lazy_load": [ + [ + "moto/__init__.py", + [ + "lazy_load" + ] + ] + ], + "__enter__": [ + [ + "moto/__init__.py", + [ + "MockAll", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_DockerDataVolumeContext", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "XRaySegment", + "__enter__" + ] + ] + ], + "__exit__": [ + [ + "moto/__init__.py", + [ + "MockAll", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_DockerDataVolumeContext", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "XRaySegment", + "__exit__" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime_to_epoch": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "datetime_to_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_kv": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder", + "_validate_kv" + ] + ] + ], + "add": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses_custom_registry.py", + [ + "CustomRegistry", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "StreamShard", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "add" + ] + ] + ], + "remove": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder", + "remove" + ] + ] + ], + "equals": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder", + "equals" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_cert": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "generate_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_pk": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "validate_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "validate_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_chain": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "validate_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "check": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "check" + ] + ] + ], + "describe": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "LocalSecondaryIndex", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "GlobalSecondaryIndex", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "RestoredTable", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "RestoredPITTable", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBusPolicyStatement", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Replay", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Connection", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Destination", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganization", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganizationalUnit", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeRoot", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeServiceAccess", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "describe" + ] + ] + ], + "serialize_pk": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "serialize_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "__str__": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNot", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFWorkflowExecutionClosedError", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion", + "__str__" + ] + ] + ], + "__repr__": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaVersion", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Output", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Op", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributeValue", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Func", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "Token", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeBackend", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeBackend", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "InstanceState", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "InstancePlacement", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Reservation", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instancetype.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/launchspecification.py", + [ + "LaunchSpecification", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/spotinstancerequest.py", + [ + "SpotInstanceRequest", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "Lexicon", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrantee", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrant", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeAcl", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadSegmentException", + "__repr__" + ] + ] + ], + "default_vpc_endpoint_service": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ] + ], + "set_certificate_in_use_by": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "set_certificate_in_use_by" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_arn_from_idempotency_token": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "_get_arn_from_idempotency_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_idempotency_token_arn": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "_set_idempotency_token_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "import_cert": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "import_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "get_certificates_list": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "get_certificates_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "get_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "get_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "delete_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "delete_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "request_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "request_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "request_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tags_to_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "add_tags_to_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "add_tags_to_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tags_from_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "remove_tags_from_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "remove_tags_from_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "export_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "export_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "export_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "acm_backend": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "acm_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "describe_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "import_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "import_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "list_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "list_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_for_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "list_tags_for_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "resend_validation_email": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "resend_validation_email" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "update": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "RuleGroupNamespace", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalableTarget", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPIKey", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaAlias", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "FunctionUrlConfig", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostCategoryDefinition", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpGroup", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationConformancePack", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "DynamicDictLoader", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "GlobalSecondaryIndex", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Filter", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Configuration", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "User", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "AppSettings", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "Lexicon", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamTable", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeWebACL", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_return_attributes", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_return_updated_new_attributes_when_same", + "update" + ] + ] + ], + "to_dict": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "RuleGroupNamespace", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "Workspace", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RequestValidator", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "FunctionUrlConfig", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "EntityRecognizer", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigEmptyDictable", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigAggregator", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "Source", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "ArchiveJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "InventoryJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeCoreDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeCoreDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeviceDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeviceDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeFunctionDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeFunctionDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeSubscriptionDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeSubscriptionDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeGroup", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeGroupVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeployment", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeAssociatedRole", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeploymentStatus", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThing", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThingType", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThingGroup", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeCertificate", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobExecution", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeRule", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomainConfiguration", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "Flow", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Input", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Channel", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "Channel", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "OriginEndpoint", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "Container", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "Object", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsworkInstance", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "App", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "Schema", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "Lexicon", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SigningProfile", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/history_event.py", + [ + "HistoryEvent", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeWebACL", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadSegmentException", + "to_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "create_workspace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "create_workspace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "create_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_workspace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "describe_workspace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "describe_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "update_workspace_alias": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "update_workspace_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "update_workspace_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_workspace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "delete_workspace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "delete_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "list_workspaces": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "list_workspaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "list_workspaces" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_resource": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_resource": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "create_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "create_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "create_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "delete_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "delete_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "describe_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "describe_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "put_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "put_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "put_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rule_groups_namespaces": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "list_rule_groups_namespaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "list_rule_groups_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "create_logging_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "create_logging_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "create_logging_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_logging_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "describe_logging_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "describe_logging_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_logging_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "delete_logging_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "delete_logging_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "update_logging_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "update_logging_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "update_logging_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "tags": [ + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "tags" + ] + ] + ], + "amp_backend": [ + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "amp_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "invoke": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegrationParser", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/aws_parser.py", + [ + "TypeAwsParser", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/http_parser.py", + [ + "TypeHttpParser", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/unknown_parser.py", + [ + "TypeUnknownParser", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "invoke" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudformation_name_type": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Permission", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeAttachment", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupIngress", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudformation_type": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Permission", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaVersion", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeAttachment", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupIngress", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ] + ], + "create_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Permission", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaVersion", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeAttachment", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupIngress", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "create_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "create_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "create_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "create_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "CallbackResponse", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "get_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "delete_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "delete_response" + ] + ] + ], + "physical_resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Certificate", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_path": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parent_path": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_parent_path" + ] + ] + ], + "add_method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "add_method" + ] + ] + ], + "get_method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_method" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_method" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "delete_method" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_method" + ] + ] + ], + "add_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "add_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "delete_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_operations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer", + "apply_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "apply_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "_patch_method_setting": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_patch_method_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_method_settings": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_get_default_method_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "_method_settings_translations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_method_settings_translations" + ] + ] + ], + "_str2bool": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_str2bool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "ApiKey", + "_str2bool" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_to_type": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_convert_to_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_operation_to_variables": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_apply_operation_to_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "update_operations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "ApiKey", + "update_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_patch_operations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "UsagePlan", + "apply_patch_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RequestValidator", + "apply_patch_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "apply_patch_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "BasePathMapping", + "apply_patch_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "has_cfn_attr": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cfn_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "add_child": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "add_child" + ] + ] + ], + "add_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "add_model" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_for_path": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_resource_for_path" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_callback": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "resource_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "update_integration_mocks": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "update_integration_mocks" + ] + ] + ], + "create_authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "create_deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_authorizers": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_authorizers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_authorizers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stages": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_stages" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "get_deployments": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_deployments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "delete_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_request_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_request_validator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_request_validators": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_request_validators" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_request_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "get_request_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_request_validator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_request_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "delete_request_validator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "update_request_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "update_request_validator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "put_gateway_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "put_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "put_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_gateway_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "get_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_gateway_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_gateway_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_gateway_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "get_gateway_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_gateway_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "delete_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "delete_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "import_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "import_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "put_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "update_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "list_apis": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "list_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resources": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "get_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse", + "get_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "get_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resource": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "put_method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_method" + ] + ] + ], + "get_authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "update_authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "get_method_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_method_response" + ] + ] + ], + "put_method_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_method_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_method_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_method_response" + ] + ] + ], + "put_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_api_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "create_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "create_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "create_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_api_keys": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_api_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_api_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "update_api_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "update_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "update_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "update_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_api_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "delete_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "delete_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "delete_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "create_usage_plan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "get_usage_plans": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_usage_plans" + ] + ] + ], + "get_usage_plan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "update_usage_plan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_usage_plan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "create_usage_plan_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_usage_plan_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_usage_plan_keys": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_usage_plan_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_usage_plan_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_usage_plan_key" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_usage_plan_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_usage_plan_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_uri_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "_uri_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "create_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_domain_names": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "create_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "get_models": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_models" + ] + ] + ], + "get_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_model" + ] + ] + ], + "create_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "get_base_path_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_base_path_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "get_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "update_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_links": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_vpc_links" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_vpc_links" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_vpc_links" + ] + ] + ], + "error": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "error" + ] + ] + ], + "backend": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/responses.py", + [ + "MarketplaceMeteringResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicequotas/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "backend" + ] + ] + ], + "__validate_api_key_source": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "__validate_api_key_source" + ] + ] + ], + "__validate_endpoint_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "__validate_endpoint_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis" + ] + ] + ], + "__validte_rest_patch_operations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "__validte_rest_patch_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "resources": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "resources" + ] + ] + ], + "gateway_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "gateway_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "gateway_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "resource_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_methods": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "resource_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_method_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "resource_method_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis_authorizers": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis_authorizers" + ] + ] + ], + "request_validators": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "request_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "request_validator_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "request_validator_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "authorizers": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "authorizers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "authorizers" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis_stages": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis_stages_tags": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis_stages_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "stages": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "stages" + ] + ] + ], + "integrations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "integrations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "integration_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "integration_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "integration_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "deployments": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "deployments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "individual_deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "individual_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "apikeys": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "apikeys" + ] + ] + ], + "apikey_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "apikey_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_plans": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "usage_plans" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_plan_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "usage_plan_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_plan_keys": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "usage_plan_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_plan_key_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "usage_plan_key_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "domain_names": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "domain_name_induvidual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "domain_name_induvidual" + ] + ] + ], + "models": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "models" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "models" + ] + ] + ], + "model_induvidual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "model_induvidual" + ] + ] + ], + "base_path_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "base_path_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "base_path_mapping_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "base_path_mapping_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_links": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "vpc_links" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "vpc_links" + ] + ] + ], + "create_id": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/utils.py", + [ + "create_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "create_id" + ] + ] + ], + "deserialize_body": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/utils.py", + [ + "deserialize_body" + ] + ] + ], + "to_path": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/utils.py", + [ + "to_path" + ] + ] + ], + "to_json": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "RouteResponse", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPIKey", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaAlias", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostCategoryDefinition", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentity", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolDomain", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpIdentityProvider", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoResourceServer", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "PipelineObject", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxParameterGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxNode", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxEndpoint", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "StreamRecord", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "StreamShard", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "ShardIterator", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSSnapshot", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "Domain", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Filter", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Consumer", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Record", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Grant", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationRevision", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Configuration", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "User", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "AppSettings", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "EventStream", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightDataSet", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightIngestion", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightMembership", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightUser", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyGrant", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Snapshot", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Namespace", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Operation", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindow", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "AccountAssignment", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "PermissionSet", + "to_json" + ] + ] + ], + "get_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "get_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "update_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "update_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_route_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "create_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_route_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "get_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_route_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "delete_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_route_request_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "clear": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "clear" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cors_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_cors_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_cors_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_cors_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "update_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_model" + ] + ] + ], + "import_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "import_api" + ] + ] + ], + "create_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_integrations": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_integrations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_integrations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "update_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_integration_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_integration_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_integration_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_integration_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "update_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteBackend", + "create_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables", + "create_route" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteBackend", + "delete_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables", + "delete_route" + ] + ] + ], + "get_route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteBackend", + "get_route" + ] + ] + ], + "get_routes": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_routes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_routes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_routes" + ] + ] + ], + "update_route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_route" + ] + ] + ], + "create_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_api" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_apis": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_apis" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "update_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_api" + ] + ] + ], + "reimport_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "reimport_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "reimport_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tags": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "get_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "update_vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "apigatewayv2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "apigatewayv2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "apis": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "apis" + ] + ] + ], + "api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "api" + ] + ] + ], + "authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "cors": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "cors" + ] + ] + ], + "route_request_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "route_request_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "model": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "model" + ] + ] + ], + "integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "integration" + ] + ] + ], + "integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "route" + ] + ] + ], + "routes": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "routes" + ] + ] + ], + "route_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "route_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "route_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scalable_targets": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "describe_scalable_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scalable_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "_flatten_scalable_targets": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "_flatten_scalable_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "register_scalable_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "register_scalable_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "register_scalable_target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "register_scalable_target" + ] + ] + ], + "_scalable_target_exists": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "_scalable_target_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_ecs_service_exists_for_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "_ecs_service_exists_for_target" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_scalable_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "_add_scalable_target" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_scalable_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "deregister_scalable_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "deregister_scalable_target" + ] + ] + ], + "put_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "put_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "put_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "put_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "put_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scaling_policies": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "describe_scaling_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scaling_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "delete_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "delete_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scheduled_actions": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "put_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "put_scheduled_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "put_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_target_params_are_valid": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "_target_params_are_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_type_from_resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "_get_resource_type_from_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "formulate_key": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplicationAutoscalingPolicy", + "formulate_key" + ] + ] + ], + "applicationautoscaling_backend": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "applicationautoscaling_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_params": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "_validate_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "_build_target" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_policy": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "_build_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "_build_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "region_from_applicationautoscaling_url": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/utils.py", + [ + "region_from_applicationautoscaling_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_type": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Operand", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributeValue", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "get_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_status": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema", + "get_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_graphql_definition": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema", + "_parse_graphql_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_api_keys": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "list_api_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "list_api_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "list_api_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "start_schema_creation": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "start_schema_creation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "start_schema_creation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "start_schema_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_status": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "get_schema_status" + ] + ] + ], + "create_graphql_api": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "create_graphql_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "create_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "update_graphql_api": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "update_graphql_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "update_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_graphql_api": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "get_graphql_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "get_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_graphql_api": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "delete_graphql_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "delete_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "list_graphql_apis": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "list_graphql_apis" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "list_graphql_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_creation_status": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "get_schema_creation_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "get_schema_creation_status" + ] + ] + ], + "appsync_backend": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "appsync_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "graph_ql": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "graph_ql" + ] + ] + ], + "graph_ql_individual": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "graph_ql_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "api_key": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "schemacreation": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "schemacreation" + ] + ] + ], + "api_key_individual": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "api_key_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "types": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "types" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_arn_from_path": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "_extract_arn_from_path" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "_extract_arn_from_path" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tags": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/tags.py", + [ + "TagBackend", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/tags.py", + [ + "TagResponse", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_tags": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/tags.py", + [ + "TagBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/tags.py", + [ + "TagResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "create_work_group": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "create_work_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "create_work_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_work_groups": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "list_work_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "list_work_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "get_work_group": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_work_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_work_group" + ] + ] + ], + "start_query_execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "start_query_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "start_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "get_execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_query_execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "stop_query_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "stop_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "create_named_query": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "create_named_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "create_named_query" + ] + ] + ], + "get_named_query": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_named_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_named_query" + ] + ] + ], + "list_data_catalogs": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "list_data_catalogs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "list_data_catalogs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_catalog": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_data_catalog" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_data_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "create_data_catalog": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "create_data_catalog" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "create_data_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "athena_backend": [ + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "athena_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_query_execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "arn": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalingPolicy", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Backup", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "ShardIterator", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixList", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "Domain", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SAMLProvider", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AWSManagedPolicy", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Certificate", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganization", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganizationalUnit", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRule", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "AssumedRole", + "arn" + ] + ] + ], + "execute": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalingPolicy", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "SetExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "DeleteExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "RemoveExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "AddExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ] + ], + "create_from_instance": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "create_from_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "update_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "delete": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroups", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "delete" + ] + ] + ], + "block_device_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "block_device_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_monitoring_enabled": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "instance_monitoring_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_block_device_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "_parse_block_device_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "set_string_propagate_at_launch_booleans_on_tags": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "set_string_propagate_at_launch_booleans_on_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_1": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "tags_1" + ] + ] + ], + "active_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "active_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_azs_and_vpcs": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "_set_azs_and_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "_set_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "image_id": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "image_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion", + "image_id" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_type": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "instance_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion", + "instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "user_data": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "user_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion", + "user_data" + ] + ] + ], + "security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion", + "security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "set_desired_capacity": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "set_desired_capacity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "set_desired_capacity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "set_desired_capacity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_propagated_tags": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "get_propagated_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_autoscaling_group_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "replace_autoscaling_group_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "append_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "append_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_metrics_collection": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "enable_metrics_collection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "enable_metrics_collection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "enable_metrics_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "create_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "create_launch_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "create_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_launch_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_launch_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_launch_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_launch_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "make_int": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "make_int" + ] + ] + ], + "put_scheduled_update_group_action": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "put_scheduled_update_group_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "put_scheduled_update_group_action" + ] + ] + ], + "create_auto_scaling_group": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "create_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "create_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "update_auto_scaling_group": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "update_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "update_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_auto_scaling_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_auto_scaling_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_auto_scaling_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_auto_scaling_group": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_auto_scaling_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_auto_scaling_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_auto_scaling_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "attach_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "attach_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "set_instance_health": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "set_instance_health" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "set_instance_health" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "detach_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "detach_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "change_capacity": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "change_capacity" + ] + ] + ], + "change_capacity_percent": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "change_capacity_percent" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lifecycle_hook": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "create_lifecycle_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_lifecycle_hooks": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_lifecycle_hooks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_lifecycle_hooks" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lifecycle_hook": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_lifecycle_hook" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_lifecycle_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_policies": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_policy": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint", + "delete_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_policy": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "execute_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "execute_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_attached_elbs": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "update_attached_elbs" + ] + ] + ], + "update_attached_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "update_attached_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "create_or_update_tags": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "create_or_update_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "create_or_update_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_load_balancers": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "attach_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "attach_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_load_balancers": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_load_balancers": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "detach_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "detach_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_load_balancer_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "attach_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "attach_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_load_balancer_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_load_balancer_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "detach_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "detach_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "suspend_processes": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "suspend_processes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "suspend_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "resume_processes": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "resume_processes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "resume_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_instance_protection": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "set_instance_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "set_instance_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "notify_terminate_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "notify_terminate_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "notify_terminate_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "enter_standby_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "enter_standby_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "exit_standby_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "exit_standby_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_instance": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "terminate_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_tags": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/tags.py", + [ + "TagBackend", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/tags.py", + [ + "TagResponse", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "autoscaling_backend": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "autoscaling_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scaling_activities": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scaling_activities" + ] + ] + ], + "put_lifecycle_hook": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "put_lifecycle_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "enter_standby": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "enter_standby" + ] + ] + ], + "exit_standby": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "exit_standby" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "zip2tar": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "zip2tar" + ] + ] + ], + "name": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_DockerDataVolumeContext", + "name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Export", + "name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "name" + ] + ] + ], + "_zipfile_content": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_zipfile_content" + ] + ] + ], + "_s3_content": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_s3_content" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_s3_bucket_and_key": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_validate_s3_bucket_and_key" + ] + ] + ], + "attach": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "attach" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "get_layer_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "get_layer_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "attach_version" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "delete_version" + ] + ] + ], + "__getstate__": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "__getstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "set_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "set_version" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "vpc_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_layers_data": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "_get_layers_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_code_signing_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_code_signing_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_code_signing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "get_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_code" + ] + ] + ], + "update_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "update_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "update_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "update_function_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_function_code" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_function_code" + ] + ] + ], + "convert": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "convert" + ] + ] + ], + "_invoke_lambda": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "_invoke_lambda" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/notifications.py", + [ + "_invoke_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "save_logs": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "save_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_zipfile_from_plaintext_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "_create_zipfile_from_plaintext_code" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "delete_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "delete_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "delete_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "delete_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "get_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "has_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "has_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "put_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "put_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "put_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "update_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "update_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "update_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "update_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "create_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "create_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "delete_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "update_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_service_source_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "_get_service_source_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_event_source": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "_validate_event_source" + ] + ] + ], + "event_source_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "event_source_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "event_source_arn_3": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "event_source_arn_3" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_size": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "batch_size" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_size_5": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "batch_size_5" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_latest": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "_get_latest" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "_get_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "get_function_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "list_versions_by_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "list_versions_by_function" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_versions_by_function" + ] + ] + ], + "get_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "get_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_by_name_or_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "get_function_by_name_or_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "put_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "put_function" + ] + ] + ], + "publish_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "publish_function" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "publish_function" + ] + ] + ], + "del_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "del_function" + ] + ] + ], + "all": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "all" + ] + ] + ], + "latest": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "latest" + ] + ] + ], + "put_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "put_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_layers": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "list_layers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_layers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "list_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "delete_layer_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer_versions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "get_layer_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_layer_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer_version_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "get_layer_version_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "create_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "create_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "create_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "create_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "create_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "create_function" + ] + ] + ], + "create_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "create_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "update_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "create_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "create_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "publish_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "publish_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "layers_versions_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "layers_versions_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_function" + ] + ] + ], + "get_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "update_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "list_event_source_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_event_source_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_function_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_function" + ] + ] + ], + "list_functions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "send_sqs_batch": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "send_sqs_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_sqs_message": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "_send_sqs_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_send_sqs_message" + ] + ] + ], + "send_sns_message": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "send_sns_message" + ] + ] + ], + "send_dynamodb_items": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "send_dynamodb_items" + ] + ] + ], + "send_log_event": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "send_log_event" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "send_log_event" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "add_permission": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "add_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_permission": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "remove_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "get_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_function_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_function_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "put_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "do_validate_s3": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "do_validate_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "wire_format": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "wire_format" + ] + ] + ], + "add_statement": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "add_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "del_statement": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "del_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "decode_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "nop_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "nop_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_set": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "ensure_set" + ] + ] + ], + "principal_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "principal_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "source_account_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "source_account_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "source_arn_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "source_arn_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "principal_org_id_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "principal_org_id_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "transform_property": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "transform_property" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_if_set": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "remove_if_set" + ] + ] + ], + "condition_merge": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "condition_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "json_body": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "json_body" + ] + ] + ], + "root": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "root" + ] + ] + ], + "event_source_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "event_source_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "aliases": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "alias" + ] + ] + ], + "event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "layers_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "layers_version" + ] + ] + ], + "layers_versions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "layers_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "function" + ] + ] + ], + "versions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "versions" + ] + ] + ], + "invoke_async": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "invoke_async" + ] + ] + ], + "tag": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "tag" + ] + ] + ], + "policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "policy" + ] + ] + ], + "configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "code" + ] + ] + ], + "code_signing_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "code_signing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_add_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_del_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_del_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_invoke": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_invoke" + ] + ] + ], + "_invoke_async": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_invoke_async" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_functions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_versions_by_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_versions_by_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_create_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_create_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_update_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_create_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_event_source_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_event_source_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_update_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_publish_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_publish_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_configuration_qualifier": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_set_configuration_qualifier" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_function_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_aws_region": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_aws_region" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_tags": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_tag_resource": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_untag_resource": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_put_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_put_code" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_code_signing_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_code_signing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_put_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_layers": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_layer_versions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_layer_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "_publish_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_publish_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_create_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_update_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "make_ver_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/utils.py", + [ + "make_ver_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "split_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/utils.py", + [ + "split_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_import_backend": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "_import_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "backends": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "backends" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/instance_metadata/responses.py", + [ + "InstanceMetadataResponse", + "backends" + ] + ] + ], + "service_backends": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "service_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "loaded_backends": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "loaded_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "get_backend": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "get_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime2int_milliseconds": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "datetime2int_milliseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime2int": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "datetime2int" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "datetime2int" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "datetime2int" + ] + ] + ], + "add_instance": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "add_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ecs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "set_ecs" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_tags": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "_format_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_requirement": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "_get_resource_requirement" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy", + "_validate" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "deregister" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "deregister" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_short": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "describe_short" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "describe_short" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Replay", + "describe_short" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Connection", + "describe_short" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Destination", + "describe_short" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_container_property": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_get_container_property" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_attempt_duration": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_get_attempt_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "run": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "run" + ] + ] + ], + "_mark_stopped": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_mark_stopped" + ] + ] + ], + "_start_attempt": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_start_attempt" + ] + ] + ], + "_stop_attempt": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_stop_attempt" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "terminate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "terminate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "terminate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "_wait_for_dependencies": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_wait_for_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "iam_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "iam_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "iam_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "ec2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Response", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "ecs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "ecs_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "ecs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "logs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "logs_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "logs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "reset": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "BotocoreStubber", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BotocoreEventMockAWS", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "reset" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compute_environment_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_compute_environment_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compute_environment_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_compute_environment_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compute_environment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_queue_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_queue_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_queue_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_queue_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definition_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definition_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definition_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definition_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definition_by_name_revision": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definition_by_name_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_compute_environments": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_compute_environments" + ] + ] + ], + "create_compute_environment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "create_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_compute_resources": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "_validate_compute_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "find_min_instances_to_meet_vcpus": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "find_min_instances_to_meet_vcpus" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_compute_environment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "delete_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "update_compute_environment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "update_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "create_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_queues": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_job_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "update_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "update_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "delete_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "register_job_definition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "register_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_job_definition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "deregister_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_job_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "submit_job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "submit_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend", + "submit_job" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "list_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "cancel_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "cancel_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "cancel_job" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "terminate_job" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "batch_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch_simple/responses.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleResponse", + "batch_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_action": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ] + ], + "createcomputeenvironment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "createcomputeenvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "describecomputeenvironments": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describecomputeenvironments" + ] + ] + ], + "deletecomputeenvironment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "deletecomputeenvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "updatecomputeenvironment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "updatecomputeenvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "createjobqueue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "createjobqueue" + ] + ] + ], + "describejobqueues": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describejobqueues" + ] + ] + ], + "updatejobqueue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "updatejobqueue" + ] + ] + ], + "deletejobqueue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "deletejobqueue" + ] + ] + ], + "registerjobdefinition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "registerjobdefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "deregisterjobdefinition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "deregisterjobdefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "describejobdefinitions": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describejobdefinitions" + ] + ] + ], + "submitjob": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "submitjob" + ] + ] + ], + "describejobs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describejobs" + ] + ] + ], + "listjobs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "listjobs" + ] + ] + ], + "terminatejob": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "terminatejob" + ] + ] + ], + "canceljob": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "canceljob" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_compute_env": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_compute_env" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_task_def": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_task_def" + ] + ] + ], + "lowercase_first_key": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "lowercase_first_key" + ] + ] + ], + "newfunc": [ + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend", + "__getattribute__", + "if_name_in_submit_job_", + "newfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattribute__": [ + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend", + "__getattribute__" + ] + ] + ], + "add_notification": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget", + "add_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_notification": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget", + "delete_notification" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "delete_notification" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "delete_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "get_notifications": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget", + "get_notifications" + ] + ] + ], + "create_budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "create_budget" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "create_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "describe_budget" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "describe_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_budgets": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "describe_budgets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "describe_budgets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "delete_budget" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "delete_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "create_notification": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "create_notification" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "create_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_notifications_for_budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "describe_notifications_for_budget" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "describe_notifications_for_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "create_cost_category_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "create_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "describe_cost_category_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "describe_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "delete_cost_category_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "delete_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "update_cost_category_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "update_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "ce_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "ce_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "set_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "set_data" + ] + ] + ], + "is_created": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "is_created" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "_create_operation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "_create_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "get_operation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "get_operation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "get_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "update_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "update_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stack_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "create_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "create_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "create_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stack_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "delete_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "delete_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "delete_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "update_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "update_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "create_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "get_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "get_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "has_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "has_template" + ] + ] + ], + "has_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "has_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_resource_map": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "_create_resource_map" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_output_map": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "_create_output_map" + ] + ] + ], + "creation_time_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "creation_time_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet", + "creation_time_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_stack_event": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "_add_stack_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "_parse_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet", + "_parse_template" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "stack_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_resources": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_outputs": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "stack_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "exports": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "exports" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "exports" + ] + ] + ], + "add_custom_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "add_custom_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "get_custom_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "get_custom_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resources": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "create_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_readiness": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "verify_readiness" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_creation_complete": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "mark_creation_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "diff": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet", + "diff" + ] + ] + ], + "apply": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet", + "apply" + ] + ] + ], + "sendToSns": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeEvent", + "sendToSns" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_stacks": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "filter_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "_resolve_update_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "_resolve_update_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "create_stack_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "create_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "get_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "delete_stack_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "delete_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stack_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "update_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "update_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "update_stack_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "update_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "create_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "create_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "create_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "create_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "create_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "create_change_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "create_change_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "create_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_change_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "delete_change_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "delete_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_change_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_change_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_change_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "execute_change_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "execute_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stacks": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "describe_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "describe_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "list_change_sets": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_change_sets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_change_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stacks": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "get_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "update_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "update_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stack_policy": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "get_stack_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "get_stack_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "set_stack_policy": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "set_stack_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "set_stack_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_resources": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_stack_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "delete_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "delete_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "list_exports": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_exports" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_exports" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "validate_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "validate_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_export_uniqueness": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "_validate_export_uniqueness" + ] + ] + ], + "__getitem__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "LazyDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_json": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "clean_json" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_class_from_type": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "resource_class_from_type" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_name_property_from_type": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "resource_name_property_from_type" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_resource_name": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "generate_resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_resource_and_generate_name": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_resource_and_generate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_and_create_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_and_create_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_and_update_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_and_update_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_and_delete_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_and_delete_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_condition": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_output": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_output" + ] + ] + ], + "__iter__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "KeyConditionExpressionTokenizer", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "FargateProfile", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "ManagedNodegroup", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "Statement", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "StatementResult", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "ColumnMetadata", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "Record", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_settype_item_with_conditions", + "OrderedSet", + "__iter__" + ] + ] + ], + "__len__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__len__" + ] + ] + ], + "recursively_get_dependencies": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__get_resources_in_dependency_order", + "recursively_get_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "__get_resources_in_dependency_order": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__get_resources_in_dependency_order" + ] + ] + ], + "load_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "transform_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "transform_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_ssm_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "parse_ssm_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_number_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load_parameters", + "for_key_value_in_self_in", + "if_key_in_self_resolved_p", + "_parse_number_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "load_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "load_conditions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_outputs": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "validate_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "load": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "load" + ] + ] + ], + "create": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "LocalSecondaryIndex", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "GlobalSecondaryIndex", + "create" + ] + ] + ], + "creation_complete": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "creation_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "build_resource_diff": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "build_resource_diff" + ] + ] + ], + "build_change_set_actions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "build_change_set_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "outputs": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "exporting_stack_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Export", + "exporting_stack_id" + ] + ] + ], + "value": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Export", + "value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_types": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "get_template_summary_response_from_template", + "get_resource_types" + ] + ] + ], + "get_template_summary_response_from_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "get_template_summary_response_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudformation_backend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "cloudformation_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "cfnresponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "cfnresponse" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_stack_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_get_stack_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_params_from_list": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_get_params_from_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_param_values": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_get_param_values" + ] + ] + ], + "process_cfn_response": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "process_cfn_response" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_name_exists": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "stack_name_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_resources": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_events": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_events" + ] + ] + ], + "get_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/fixtures/custom_lambda.py", + [ + "get_template" + ] + ] + ], + "get_template_summary": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "get_template_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_different_update": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_validate_different_update" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_status": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_validate_status" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_instance": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_sets": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_set_operations": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_set_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_stack_set_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "stop_stack_set_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_set_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_set_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_set_operation_results": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_set_operation_results" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_stack_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "generate_stack_id" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_changeset_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "generate_changeset_id" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_stackset_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "generate_stackset_id" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_stackset_arn": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "generate_stackset_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "random_suffix": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "random_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "_f": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "yaml_tag_constructor", + "_f" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "_create_metadata_from_state", + "_f" + ] + ] + ], + "yaml_tag_constructor": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "yaml_tag_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_template_cfn_lint": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "validate_template_cfn_lint" + ] + ] + ], + "random_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Distribution", + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Invalidation", + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ] + ], + "location": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Distribution", + "location" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Invalidation", + "location" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "location" + ] + ] + ], + "create_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "create_distribution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "create_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "create_distribution_with_tags": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "create_distribution_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "get_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "get_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "delete_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "list_distributions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "list_distributions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "list_distributions" + ] + ] + ], + "_distribution_with_caller_reference": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "_distribution_with_caller_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "update_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "update_distribution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "update_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "create_invalidation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "create_invalidation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "create_invalidation" + ] + ] + ], + "list_invalidations": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "list_invalidations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "list_invalidations" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_xml_body": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "_get_xml_body" + ] + ] + ], + "distributions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "distributions" + ] + ] + ], + "invalidation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "invalidation" + ] + ] + ], + "individual_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "individual_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "start_logging": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "TrailStatus", + "start_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "start_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "start_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "start_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_logging": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "TrailStatus", + "stop_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "stop_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "stop_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "stop_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "description": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "TrailStatus", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Backup", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedSecurityGroup", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRuleAssociation", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRule", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamTable", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "description" + ] + ] + ], + "topic_arn": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "topic_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "check_name": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "check_name" + ] + ] + ], + "check_bucket_exists": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "check_bucket_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "check_topic_exists": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "check_topic_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "put_event_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "put_event_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "put_event_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "put_event_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_event_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "get_event_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "get_event_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "get_event_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "put_insight_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "put_insight_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "put_insight_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "put_insight_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_insight_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "get_insight_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "get_insight_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "get_insight_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "short": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "short" + ] + ] + ], + "create_trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "create_trail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "create_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "get_trail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "get_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trail_status": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "get_trail_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "get_trail_status" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_trails": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "describe_trails" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "describe_trails" + ] + ] + ], + "list_trails": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "list_trails" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "list_trails" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "delete_trail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "delete_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "update_trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "update_trail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "update_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tags": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "add_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tags": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudtrail_backend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "cloudtrail_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "__eq__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dimension", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "Token", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityRule", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "App", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrantee", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__eq__" + ] + ] + ], + "__lt__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dimension", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "__lt__" + ] + ] + ], + "daterange": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "daterange" + ] + ] + ], + "update_state": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "FakeAlarm", + "update_state" + ] + ] + ], + "are_dimensions_same": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "are_dimensions_same" + ] + ] + ], + "filter": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricDatum", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "filter" + ] + ] + ], + "last_modified_iso": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard", + "last_modified_iso" + ] + ] + ], + "size": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard", + "size" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item", + "size" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "size" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "size" + ] + ] + ], + "sample_count": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "sample_count" + ] + ] + ], + "sum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "sum" + ] + ] + ], + "minimum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "minimum" + ] + ] + ], + "maximum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "maximum" + ] + ] + ], + "average": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "average" + ] + ] + ], + "aws_metric_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "aws_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "put_metric_alarm": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "put_metric_alarm" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "put_metric_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_alarms": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_all_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_element_starts_with": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "_list_element_starts_with" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alarms_by_action_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_alarms_by_action_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alarms_by_alarm_name_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_alarms_by_alarm_name_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alarms_by_alarm_names": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_alarms_by_alarm_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alarms_by_state_value": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_alarms_by_state_value" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_alarms": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "delete_alarms" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "delete_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "put_metric_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "put_metric_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "put_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_metric_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_metric_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "get_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_metric_statistics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_metric_statistics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "get_metric_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_metrics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_all_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "put_dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "put_dashboard" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "put_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "list_dashboards": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "list_dashboards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "list_dashboards" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dashboards": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "delete_dashboards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "delete_dashboards" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_dashboard" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "get_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "set_alarm_state": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "set_alarm_state" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "set_alarm_state" + ] + ] + ], + "list_metrics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "list_metrics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "list_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filtered_metrics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_filtered_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_paginated": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "_get_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_dimensions_from_get_metric_data_query": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "_extract_dimensions_from_get_metric_data_query" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudwatch_backend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "cloudwatch_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_error": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "_error" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_alarms": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "describe_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_alarm_history": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "describe_alarm_history" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_alarms": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "filter_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_alarms_for_metric": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "describe_alarms_for_metric" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_alarm_actions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "disable_alarm_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_alarm_actions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "enable_alarm_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_alarm": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "create_project": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "create_project" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "create_project" + ] + ] + ], + "list_projects": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "list_projects" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "list_projects" + ] + ] + ], + "start_build": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "start_build" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "start_build" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_phases": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "_set_phases" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_builds": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "batch_get_builds" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "batch_get_builds" + ] + ] + ], + "list_builds_for_project": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "list_builds_for_project" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "list_builds_for_project" + ] + ] + ], + "list_builds": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "list_builds" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "list_builds" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_project": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "delete_project" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "delete_project" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_build": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "stop_build" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "stop_build" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_source": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_source" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_service_role": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_service_role" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_artifacts": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_artifacts" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_environment": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_project_name": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_project_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_id": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_id" + ] + ] + ], + "codebuild_backend": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "codebuild_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "create_repository": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend", + "create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse", + "create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "create_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "get_repository": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend", + "get_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse", + "get_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_repository": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend", + "delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse", + "delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "delete_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_repository_name_valid": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "_is_repository_name_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "codecommit_backend": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse", + "codecommit_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "metadata": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipeline", + "metadata" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "add_default_values": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipeline", + "add_default_values" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_tags": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipeline", + "validate_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "validate_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "validate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "create_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "get_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "get_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "get_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "update_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "list_pipelines": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "codepipeline_backend": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "codepipeline_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_identity_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "describe_identity_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "describe_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "create_identity_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "create_identity_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "create_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "update_identity_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "update_identity_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "update_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "get_id": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "get_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "get_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_credentials_for_identity": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "get_credentials_for_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "get_credentials_for_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_open_id_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "get_open_id_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "get_open_id_token" + ] + ] + ], + "list_identities": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "list_identities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "list_identities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "list_identities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "list_identities" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_identity_id": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/utils.py", + [ + "get_random_identity_id" + ] + ] + ], + "list": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "AuthFlow", + "list" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_custom": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "_init_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_standard": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "_init_standard" + ] + ] + ], + "numeric_limit": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "_init_constraints", + "numeric_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_constraints": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "_init_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "domain" + ] + ] + ], + "_account_recovery_setting": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "_account_recovery_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "_base_json": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "_base_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient", + "_base_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpIdentityProvider", + "_base_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser", + "_base_json" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_jwt": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_jwt" + ] + ] + ], + "add_custom_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "add_custom_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "add_custom_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "add_custom_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_id_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_id_token" + ] + ] + ], + "create_refresh_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_refresh_token" + ] + ] + ], + "create_access_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_access_token" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tokens_from_refresh_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_tokens_from_refresh_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_extra_data_by_client_id": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "get_user_extra_data_by_client_id" + ] + ] + ], + "sign_out": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "_distribution_name": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolDomain", + "_distribution_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_readable_fields": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient", + "get_readable_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "update_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser", + "update_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser", + "delete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_user_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "set_user_pool_mfa_config": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "set_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "set_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_pool_mfa_config": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "get_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "get_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ] + ], + "list_user_pools": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_user_pools" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_user_pools" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_user_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "describe_user_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "describe_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_user_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_user_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_user_pool_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "describe_user_pool_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "describe_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_user_pool_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_user_pool_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_user_pool_client" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "list_user_pool_clients": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_user_pool_clients" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_user_pool_clients" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "describe_user_pool_client" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "describe_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_user_pool_client" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_user_pool_client" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "create_identity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_identity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_identity_providers": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_identity_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_identity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_identity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "describe_identity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "describe_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "update_identity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_identity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_identity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_identity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "get_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_groups": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ] + ], + "update_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_add_user_to_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_add_user_to_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_add_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_users_in_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_users_in_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_users_in_group" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_list_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_list_groups_for_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_list_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_remove_user_from_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_remove_user_from_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_remove_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_reset_user_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_reset_user_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_reset_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_create_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_confirm_sign_up": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_confirm_sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_confirm_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_get_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "list_users": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "list_users" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_disable_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_disable_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_disable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_enable_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_enable_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_enable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_delete_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_log_user_in": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "_log_user_in" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_auth_flow": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "_validate_auth_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_initiate_auth": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_initiate_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_initiate_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "respond_to_auth_challenge": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "respond_to_auth_challenge" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "respond_to_auth_challenge" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "respond_to_auth_challenge" + ] + ] + ], + "confirm_forgot_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "confirm_forgot_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "confirm_forgot_password" + ] + ] + ], + "forgot_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "forgot_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "forgot_password" + ] + ] + ], + "change_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "change_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_update_user_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_update_user_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_update_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_delete_user_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_delete_user_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_delete_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_user_global_sign_out": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_user_global_sign_out" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_user_global_sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "global_sign_out": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "global_sign_out" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "global_sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_server": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_resource_server" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_resource_server" + ] + ] + ], + "sign_up": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "confirm_sign_up": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "confirm_sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "confirm_sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "confirm_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "initiate_auth": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "initiate_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "initiate_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "initiate_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_software_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "associate_software_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "associate_software_token" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_software_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "verify_software_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "verify_software_token" + ] + ] + ], + "set_user_mfa_preference": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "set_user_mfa_preference" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "set_user_mfa_preference" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_set_user_mfa_preference": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_set_user_mfa_preference" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_set_user_mfa_preference" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_set_user_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_set_user_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_set_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_user_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_backend_by_access_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "_find_backend_by_access_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_backend_for_clientid": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "_find_backend_for_clientid" + ] + ] + ], + "find_account_region_by_value": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "find_account_region_by_value" + ] + ] + ], + "parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "serve_json_web_key": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpJsonWebKeyResponse", + "serve_json_web_key" + ] + ] + ], + "check_secret_hash": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "check_secret_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_username_format": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "validate_username_format" + ] + ] + ], + "flatten_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "flatten_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "expand_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "expand_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_id": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "generate_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindow", + "generate_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "PermissionSet", + "generate_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_id_uuid": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "_generate_id_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_id_hash": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "_generate_id_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "list_entity_recognizers": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "list_entity_recognizers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "list_entity_recognizers" + ] + ] + ], + "create_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "create_entity_recognizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "create_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "describe_entity_recognizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "describe_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_training_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "stop_training_entity_recognizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "stop_training_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "delete_entity_recognizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "delete_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "comprehend_backend": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "comprehend_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "snake_to_camels": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "snake_to_camels" + ] + ] + ], + "random_string": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "random_string" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_tag_key": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "validate_tag_key" + ] + ] + ], + "check_tag_duplicate": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "check_tag_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_class_args": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "convert_to_class_args" + ] + ] + ], + "start": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRecorderStatus", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeStep", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_server/threaded_moto_server.py", + [ + "ThreadedMotoServer", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsworkInstance", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/timer.py", + [ + "Timer", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "start" + ] + ] + ], + "stop": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRecorderStatus", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_server/threaded_moto_server.py", + [ + "ThreadedMotoServer", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "Execution", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "stop" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_fields": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRule", + "modify_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_managed_rule": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRule", + "validate_managed_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_types": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "_validate_resource_types" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_delivery_snapshot_properties": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "_validate_delivery_snapshot_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "put_configuration_aggregator": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_aggregators": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_configuration_aggregators" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_configuration_aggregators" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_configuration_aggregator": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "put_aggregation_authorization": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_aggregation_authorizations": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_aggregation_authorizations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_aggregation_authorizations" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_aggregation_authorization": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "put_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_configuration_recorder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_recorders": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_configuration_recorders" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_configuration_recorders" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_recorder_status": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_configuration_recorder_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_configuration_recorder_status" + ] + ] + ], + "put_delivery_channel": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_delivery_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_delivery_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_delivery_channels": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_delivery_channels" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_delivery_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "start_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "start_configuration_recorder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "start_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "stop_configuration_recorder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "stop_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_configuration_recorder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_delivery_channel": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_delivery_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_delivery_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "list_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "list_discovered_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "list_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aggregate_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "list_aggregate_discovered_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "list_aggregate_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_config_history": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "get_resource_config_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "get_resource_config_history" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_resource_config": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "batch_get_resource_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "batch_get_resource_config" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_aggregate_resource_config": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "batch_get_aggregate_resource_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "batch_get_aggregate_resource_config" + ] + ] + ], + "put_evaluations": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_evaluations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_evaluations" + ] + ] + ], + "put_organization_conformance_pack": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_organization_conformance_packs": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_organization_conformance_packs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_organization_conformance_packs" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses" + ] + ] + ], + "get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_organization_conformance_pack": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ] + ], + "_match_arn": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "_match_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "put_config_rule": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_config_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_config_rules": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_config_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_config_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_config_rule": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_config_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "config_backend": [ + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "config_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_delivery_channel_status": [ + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_delivery_channel_status" + ] + ] + ], + "__new__": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "InstanceTrackerMeta", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "BaseModel", + "__new__" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_model_refs": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "_reset_model_refs" + ] + ] + ], + "_url_module": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "_url_module" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "_url_module" + ] + ] + ], + "urls": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "urls" + ] + ] + ], + "url_paths": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "url_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "url_bases": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "url_bases" + ] + ] + ], + "flask_paths": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "flask_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "vpce_random_number": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "vpce_random_number" + ] + ] + ], + "default_vpc_endpoint_service_factory": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "stream": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "MockRawResponse", + "stream" + ] + ] + ], + "register_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "BotocoreStubber", + "register_response" + ] + ] + ], + "__call__": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "BotocoreStubber", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "base_decorator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_flask_response", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_flask_to_responses_response", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "PartitionFilter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "__call__" + ] + ] + ], + "list_config_service_resources": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "ConfigQueryModel", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "RoleConfigQuery", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "PolicyConfigQuery", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/config.py", + [ + "S3ConfigQuery", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/config.py", + [ + "S3AccountPublicAccessBlockConfigQuery", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "get_config_resource": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "ConfigQueryModel", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "RoleConfigQuery", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "PolicyConfigQuery", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/config.py", + [ + "S3ConfigQuery", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/config.py", + [ + "S3AccountPublicAccessBlockConfigQuery", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cloudwatch_metrics": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchMetricProvider", + "get_cloudwatch_metrics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_cloudwatch_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "_url_matches": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "CallbackResponse", + "_url_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "not_implemented_callback": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "not_implemented_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_first_match": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "_find_first_match" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_mock": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "get_response_mock" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_responses_mock": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "reset_responses_mock" + ] + ] + ], + "get_headers": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RESTError", + "get_headers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "DetectorNotFoundException", + "get_headers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "FilterNotFoundException", + "get_headers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainClientError", + "get_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_body": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RESTError", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "JsonRESTError", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainClientError", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownBroker", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownConfiguration", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownUser", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnsupportedEngineType", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownEngineType", + "get_body" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapper": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "decorate_callable", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "set_initial_no_auth_action_count", + "decorator", + "wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "decorate_callable": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "decorate_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "decorate_class": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "decorate_class" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_env_variables": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "mock_env_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "unmock_env_variables": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "unmock_env_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "get_direct_methods_of": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "get_direct_methods_of" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_client": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "patch_client" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_resource": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "patch_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_patching": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BotocoreEventMockAWS", + "enable_patching" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "enable_patching" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_patching": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BotocoreEventMockAWS", + "disable_patching" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "disable_patching" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_boto3_client": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "enable_patching", + "fake_boto3_client" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_boto3_resource": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "enable_patching", + "fake_boto3_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_region": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "_get_region" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_dict": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_decode_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "contains": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "DynamicDictLoader", + "contains" + ] + ] + ], + "should_autoescape": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "should_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Response", + "should_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "should_autoescape" + ] + ] + ], + "environment": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "environment" + ] + ] + ], + "contains_template": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "contains_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_template_id": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "_make_template_id" + ] + ] + ], + "response_template": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "response_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_authenticate_and_authorize_action": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "_authenticate_and_authorize_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_authenticate_and_authorize_normal_action": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "_authenticate_and_authorize_normal_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_authenticate_and_authorize_s3_action": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "_authenticate_and_authorize_s3_action" + ] + ] + ], + "decorator": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "set_initial_no_auth_action_count", + "decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "set_initial_no_auth_action_count": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "set_initial_no_auth_action_count" + ] + ] + ], + "dispatch": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "dispatch" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_class": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "setup_class" + ] + ] + ], + "get_region_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "get_region_from_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "get_region_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "get_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_current_account": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "get_current_account" + ] + ] + ], + "_dispatch": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_dispatch" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "uri_to_regexp", + "_convert" + ] + ] + ], + "uri_to_regexp": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "uri_to_regexp" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_action_from_method_and_request_uri": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_action_from_method_and_request_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "call_action": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "call_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "call_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "call_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "call_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "call_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_send_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_send_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_int_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_int_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_bool_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_bool_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_multi_param_dict": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_multi_param_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_multi_param_helper": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_multi_param_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_multi_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_multi_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_dict_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_dict_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_params": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_parse_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_list_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_list_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_map_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_map_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_object_map": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_object_map" + ] + ] + ], + "request_json": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "request_json" + ] + ] + ], + "error_on_dryrun": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "error_on_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "is_not_dryrun": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "is_not_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattr__": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "__getattr__" + ] + ] + ], + "set_reference": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef", + "set_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "input_spec": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec", + "input_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "output_spec": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec", + "output_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "expand": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec", + "_expand", + "expand" + ] + ] + ], + "_expand": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec", + "_expand" + ] + ] + ], + "to_str": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPath", + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathDescender", + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionSelector", + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttribute", + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeName", + "to_str" + ] + ] + ], + "from_str": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "from_str" + ] + ] + ], + "flatten_json_request_body": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "flatten_json_request_body" + ] + ] + ], + "transform": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "xml_to_json_response", + "transform" + ] + ] + ], + "xml_to_json_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "xml_to_json_response" + ] + ] + ], + "find": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses_custom_registry.py", + [ + "CustomRegistry", + "find" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "find" + ] + ] + ], + "camelcase_to_underscores": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "camelcase_to_underscores" + ] + ] + ], + "underscores_to_camelcase": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "underscores_to_camelcase" + ] + ] + ], + "pascal_to_camelcase": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "pascal_to_camelcase" + ] + ] + ], + "camelcase_to_pascal": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "camelcase_to_pascal" + ] + ] + ], + "method_names_from_class": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "method_names_from_class" + ] + ] + ], + "caller": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_regex_to_flask_path", + "caller" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_regex_to_flask_path": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_regex_to_flask_path" + ] + ] + ], + "__name__": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_flask_response", + "__name__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_flask_to_responses_response", + "__name__" + ] + ] + ], + "iso_8601_datetime_with_milliseconds": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "iso_8601_datetime_with_milliseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "iso_8601_datetime_with_nanoseconds": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "iso_8601_datetime_with_nanoseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds_s3": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "rfc_1123_datetime": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "rfc_1123_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "str_to_rfc_1123_datetime": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "str_to_rfc_1123_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "unix_time": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "unix_time" + ] + ] + ], + "unix_time_millis": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "unix_time_millis" + ] + ] + ], + "path_url": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "path_url" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_from_query_string": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "tags_from_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_from_cloudformation_tags_list": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "tags_from_cloudformation_tags_list" + ] + ] + ], + "remap_nested_keys": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "remap_nested_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_dicts": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "merge_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "aws_api_matches": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "aws_api_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_region_from_aws_authorization": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "extract_region_from_aws_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "__hash__": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__hash__" + ] + ] + ], + "__ne__": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__ne__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__ne__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__ne__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__ne__" + ] + ] + ], + "__contains__": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroups", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "__contains__" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_account_specific_backend": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "_create_account_specific_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_length": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "validate_length" + ] + ] + ], + "create_recipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_recipe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_recipe_version": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "delete_recipe_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "delete_recipe_version" + ] + ] + ], + "update_recipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "list_recipes": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_recipes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_recipes" + ] + ] + ], + "list_recipe_versions": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_recipe_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_recipe_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_recipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "describe_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "publish_recipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "publish_recipe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "publish_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "create_ruleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_ruleset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "update_ruleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_ruleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "describe_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rulesets": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_rulesets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_rulesets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_ruleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "delete_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "list_datasets": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_datasets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "update_dataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "update_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "delete_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "delete_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_dataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "describe_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "describe_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "describe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "describe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "describe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_job" + ] + ] + ], + "create_profile_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_profile_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "create_recipe_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_recipe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "update_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_job" + ] + ] + ], + "update_recipe_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "update_profile_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_jobs", + "filter_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "version_is_valid": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe", + "version_is_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "publish": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipeVersion", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Subscription", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformEndpoint", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "publish" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_published_version": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe", + "delete_published_version" + ] + ] + ], + "as_dict": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipeVersion", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRuleset", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeDataset", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeDatabase", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakePartition", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "LastCrawlInfo", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobRun", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeRegistry", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion", + "as_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_arn": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeDataset", + "resource_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "resource_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "local_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "local_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "validate": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "Validator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyDocumentValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator", + "validate" + ] + ] + ], + "job_type": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "job_type" + ] + ] + ], + "databrew_backend": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "databrew_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "put_recipe_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "put_recipe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_recipe_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "get_recipe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "recipe_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "recipe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "put_ruleset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "put_ruleset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ruleset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "get_ruleset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_ruleset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "delete_ruleset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "ruleset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "ruleset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "dataset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "dataset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "get_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "delete_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "update_profile_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "update_profile_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "update_recipe_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "update_recipe_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "profile_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "profile_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "recipe_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "recipe_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "to_meta_json": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "to_meta_json" + ] + ] + ], + "set_pipeline_objects": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "set_pipeline_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "activate": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "activate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "activate" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_pipelines": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "describe_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "describe_pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "put_pipeline_definition": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "put_pipeline_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "put_pipeline_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pipeline_definition": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "get_pipeline_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "get_pipeline_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_objects": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "describe_objects" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "describe_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "activate_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "activate_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "activate_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "datapipeline_backend": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "datapipeline_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_pipeline_id": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/utils.py", + [ + "get_random_pipeline_id" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_capitalization_of_dict_keys": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/utils.py", + [ + "remove_capitalization_of_dict_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "iterate_status": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "TaskExecution", + "iterate_status" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "TaskExecution", + "cancel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SigningProfile", + "cancel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/timer.py", + [ + "Timer", + "cancel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "cancel" + ] + ] + ], + "create_location": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "create_location" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_location": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "_get_location" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "_get_location" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_location": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "delete_location" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "delete_location" + ] + ] + ], + "create_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "create_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "create_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "_get_task" + ] + ] + ], + "update_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "update_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "update_task" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "delete_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "delete_task" + ] + ] + ], + "start_task_execution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "start_task_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "start_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_task_execution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "_get_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_task_execution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "cancel_task_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "cancel_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "datasync_backend": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "datasync_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "list_locations": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "list_locations" + ] + ] + ], + "create_location_s3": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "create_location_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_location_s3": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "describe_location_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "create_location_smb": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "create_location_smb" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_location_smb": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "describe_location_smb" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "list_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "describe_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_task_execution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "describe_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_new_node": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "_create_new_node" + ] + ] + ], + "increase_replication_factor": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "increase_replication_factor" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "increase_replication_factor" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "increase_replication_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "decrease_replication_factor": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "decrease_replication_factor" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "decrease_replication_factor" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "decrease_replication_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "is_deleted": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "is_deleted" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "is_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "clusters": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "dax_backend": [ + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "dax_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "_validate_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "_validate_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_name": [ + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "_validate_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_validate_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "create_replication_task": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "create_replication_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "create_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "start_replication_task": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "start_replication_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "start_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_replication_task": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "stop_replication_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "stop_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_replication_task": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "delete_replication_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "delete_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_replication_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "describe_replication_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "describe_replication_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "ready": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "ready" + ] + ] + ], + "dms_backend": [ + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "dms_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_id": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_id" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_migration_type": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_migration_type" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_endpoint_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_endpoint_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_replication_instance_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_replication_instance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "filter_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "create_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "create_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "create_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "create_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "delete_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "delete_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "delete_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_eni": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "create_eni" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "create_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_eni": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "delete_eni" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "delete_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_sso": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "enable_sso" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "enable_sso" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "enable_sso" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "_verify_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "connect_directory": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "connect_directory" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "connect_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "create_directory": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "create_directory" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "create_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_directory_id": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "_validate_directory_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_microsoft_ad": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "create_microsoft_ad" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "create_microsoft_ad" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_directory": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "delete_directory" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "delete_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_sso": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "disable_sso" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "disable_sso" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_directories": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "describe_directories" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "describe_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "get_directory_limits": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "get_directory_limits" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "get_directory_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tags_to_resource": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tags_from_resource": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "ds_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "ds_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_args": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_args" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_args" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_alias": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_description": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_description" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_directory_id": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_directory_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_dns_ips": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_dns_ips" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_edition": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_edition" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_name": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_password": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_password" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_short_name": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_short_name" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_size": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_size" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_sso_password": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_sso_password" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_subnet_ids": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_subnet_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_user_name": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_user_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filter_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "get_filter_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "get_expected": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "get_expected" + ] + ] + ], + "expr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Op", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Operand", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributeValue", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpDefault", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNot", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpAnd", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpLessThan", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpGreaterThan", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpEqual", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNotEqual", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpLessThanOrEqual", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpGreaterThanOrEqual", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpOr", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Func", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrExists", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrType", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncBeginsWith", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncContains", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncSize", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncBetween", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncIn", + "expr" + ] + ] + ], + "get_comparison_func": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "get_comparison_func" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/comparisons.py", + [ + "get_comparison_func" + ] + ] + ], + "parse": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPatternParser", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion", + "parse" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_exception_if_keyword": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "raise_exception_if_keyword" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver", + "raise_exception_if_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "_lex_condition_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_lex_condition_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "_lex_one_node": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_lex_one_node" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_paths": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_parse_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_path_element": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_parse_path_element" + ] + ] + ], + "_lookup_expression_attribute_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_lookup_expression_attribute_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_lookup_expression_attribute_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_lookup_expression_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_matches": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_comparator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_comparator" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_in": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_in" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_between": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_between" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_functions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_parens_and_booleans": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_parens_and_booleans" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_booleans": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_booleans" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_not": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_not" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_and": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_and" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_or": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_or" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_operand": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_make_operand" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_op_condition": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_make_op_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_assert" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_attr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath", + "_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncAttrNotExists": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrNotExists" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncNotContains": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncNotContains" + ] + ] + ], + "default": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoJsonEncoder", + "default" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoJsonEncoder", + "default" + ] + ] + ], + "dynamo_json_dump": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "dynamo_json_dump" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "dynamo_json_dump" + ] + ] + ], + "__setitem__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "LimitedSizeDict", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__setitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item", + "describe_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "describe_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_no_empty_key_values": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item", + "validate_no_empty_key_values" + ] + ] + ], + "update_with_attribute_updates": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Item", + "update_with_attribute_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "get": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "StreamShard", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "ShardIterator", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_PartitionFilterExpressionCache", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomain", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "get" + ] + ] + ], + "project": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SecondaryIndex", + "project" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_encryption_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "_get_default_encryption_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "_get_default_encryption_key" + ] + ] + ], + "keys_from_index": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "attribute_keys", + "keys_from_index" + ] + ] + ], + "attribute_keys": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "attribute_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "_generate_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "set_stream_specification": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "set_stream_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "hash_key_names": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "hash_key_names" + ] + ] + ], + "range_key_names": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "range_key_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_key_sizes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "_validate_key_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_item_types": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "_validate_item_types" + ] + ] + ], + "put_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "put_item" + ] + ] + ], + "__nonzero__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "__nonzero__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "__nonzero__" + ] + ] + ], + "__bool__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "__bool__" + ] + ] + ], + "has_range_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_range_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_item" + ] + ] + ], + "conv": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "query", + "None_4", + "if_index_range_key_", + "conv" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_response_restxml_template", + "conv" + ] + ] + ], + "query": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "query" + ] + ] + ], + "all_items": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "all_items" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "all_items" + ] + ] + ], + "all_indexes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "all_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_index": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_index" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionSelector", + "get_index" + ] + ] + ], + "has_idx_items": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_idx_items" + ] + ] + ], + "scan": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "scan" + ] + ] + ], + "_trim_results": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Table", + "_trim_results" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_params_from_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "RestoredTable", + "_parse_params_from_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_params_from_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "RestoredPITTable", + "_parse_params_from_table" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_identifier": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Backup", + "_make_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "details": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Backup", + "details" + ] + ] + ], + "summary": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "Backup", + "summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "User", + "summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection", + "summary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "create_table" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "delete_table" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "describe_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "describe_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_of_resource": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "list_tags_of_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "list_tags_of_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tables": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "list_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "describe_table" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "update_table" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table_throughput": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_throughput" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table_billing_mode": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_billing_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table_streams": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table_global_indexes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_global_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table_keys_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_table_keys_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_keys_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_keys_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_table" + ] + ] + ], + "update_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "update_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_item" + ] + ] + ], + "update_time_to_live": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_time_to_live" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_time_to_live" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_time_to_live": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_time_to_live" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_time_to_live" + ] + ] + ], + "check_unicity": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "transact_write_items", + "check_unicity" + ] + ] + ], + "transact_write_items": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "transact_write_items" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "transact_write_items" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_continuous_backups": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_continuous_backups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_continuous_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "update_continuous_backups": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_continuous_backups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_continuous_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "get_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "list_backups": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "list_backups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "list_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "create_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "create_backup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "create_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_backup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_backup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_table_from_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "restore_table_from_backup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "restore_table_from_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_table_to_point_in_time": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "restore_table_to_point_in_time" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "restore_table_to_point_in_time" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "batch_get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_write_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "batch_write_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_write_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_write_item" + ] + ] + ], + "transact_get_items": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "transact_get_items" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "transact_get_items" + ] + ] + ], + "get_human_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DDBTypeConversion", + "get_human_type" + ] + ] + ], + "__le__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__le__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__le__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__le__" + ] + ] + ], + "__gt__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__gt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__gt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__gt__" + ] + ] + ], + "__ge__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__ge__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__ge__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__ge__" + ] + ] + ], + "__add__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__add__" + ] + ] + ], + "__sub__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__sub__" + ] + ] + ], + "cast_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "cast_value" + ] + ] + ], + "child_attr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "child_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "compare": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "compare" + ] + ] + ], + "is_number": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "is_number" + ] + ] + ], + "is_set": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "is_set" + ] + ] + ], + "is_list": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "is_list" + ] + ] + ], + "is_map": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "is_map" + ] + ] + ], + "same_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "same_type" + ] + ] + ], + "pop": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "pop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "pop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "pop" + ] + ] + ], + "bytesize": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/utilities.py", + [ + "bytesize" + ] + ] + ], + "set_parent": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node", + "set_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "find_clauses": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node", + "find_clauses" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attribute_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttribute", + "get_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attribute_name_placeholder": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeName", + "get_attribute_name_placeholder" + ] + ] + ], + "get_value_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValue", + "get_value_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_operator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionValueOperator", + "get_operator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunction", + "get_function_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_nth_argument": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunction", + "get_nth_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "get_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DDBTypedValue", + "get_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_creatable": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPath", + "is_creatable" + ] + ] + ], + "_processing_map": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValueProcessor", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPathChecker", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "EmptyStringKeyValueValidator", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateHashRangeKeyValidator", + "_processing_map" + ] + ] + ], + "nodes_to_be_processed": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "nodes_to_be_processed" + ] + ] + ], + "process": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "process" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_processing_of_child": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "pre_processing_of_child" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "pre_processing_of_child" + ] + ] + ], + "traverse_node_recursively": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "traverse_node_recursively" + ] + ] + ], + "traverse": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "traverse" + ] + ] + ], + "add_nodes_left_to_right_depth_first": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher", + "add_nodes_left_to_right_depth_first" + ] + ] + ], + "next": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher", + "next" + ] + ] + ], + "__next__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher", + "__next__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "KeyConditionExpressionTokenizer", + "__next__" + ] + ] + ], + "get_item_part_for_path_nodes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_item_part_for_path_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_item_before_end_of_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_item_before_end_of_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_item_at_end_of_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_item_at_end_of_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_path_expression_nodes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_path_expression_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_element_to_action": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_element_to_action" + ] + ] + ], + "get_action_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_action_value" + ] + ] + ], + "set": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "SetExecutor", + "set" + ] + ] + ], + "get_specific_execution": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionExecutor", + "get_specific_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_target_clause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin", + "_parse_target_clause" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_parse_target_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "_initializer_args": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin", + "_initializer_args" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "_initializer_args" + ] + ] + ], + "_nestable_class": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_node": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin", + "_create_node" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_create_node" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetClauseParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValueParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueOperatorParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueOrPathParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClauseParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddClauseParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClauseParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "is_possible_start": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "is_possible_start" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_possible_start": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetClauseParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValueParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueOperatorParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueOrPathParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClauseParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddClauseParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClauseParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_with_pos": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "_parse_with_pos" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_token_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_next_token_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_token_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_next_token_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_at_end": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "is_at_end" + ] + ] + ], + "is_at_start": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "is_at_start" + ] + ] + ], + "get_last_token_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_last_token_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_last_token_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_last_token_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_2nd_last_token_value_if_last_was_whitespace": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_2nd_last_token_value_if_last_was_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "get_following_token_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_following_token_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_following_token_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_following_token_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_2nd_following_token_value_if_following_was_whitespace": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_2nd_following_token_value_if_following_was_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_white_space": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "skip_white_space" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "KeyConditionExpressionTokenizer", + "skip_white_space" + ] + ] + ], + "process_token_of_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "process_token_of_type" + ] + ] + ], + "goto_next_significant_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "goto_next_significant_token" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_unexpected_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "raise_unexpected_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "raise_unexpected_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_operand_factory_class": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_operand_factory_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueParser", + "_operand_factory_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_binop_factory_class": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_binop_factory_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueParser", + "_binop_factory_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_sub_factories": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_sub_factories" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser", + "_sub_factories" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_expression_clause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_parse_expression_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_by_a_subfactory": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_parse_by_a_subfactory" + ] + ] + ], + "make": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "make" + ] + ] + ], + "_nested_expression_parser_class": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ] + ], + "process_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "process_path" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "parse_path" + ] + ] + ], + "is_next_token_start_of_patch_chain": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "is_next_token_start_of_patch_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "process_dot": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "process_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_path_chain": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "parse_path_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "process_attribute_identifying_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "process_attribute_identifying_token" + ] + ] + ], + "is_next_token_start_of_selector": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "is_next_token_start_of_selector" + ] + ] + ], + "process_selector": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "process_selector" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_path_and_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathValueParser", + "_parse_path_and_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_eof": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "KeyConditionExpressionTokenizer", + "is_eof" + ] + ] + ], + "peek": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "KeyConditionExpressionTokenizer", + "peek" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_characters": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "KeyConditionExpressionTokenizer", + "skip_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "get_key" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "parse_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "validate_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reserved_keywords": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/reserved_keywords.py", + [ + "ReservedKeywords", + "get_reserved_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_reserved_keywords": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/reserved_keywords.py", + [ + "ReservedKeywords", + "_get_reserved_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "is_simple_token_character": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_simple_token_character" + ] + ] + ], + "is_possible_token_boundary": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_possible_token_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "is_expression_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_expression_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "is_expression_attribute_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_expression_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "is_expression_attribute_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_expression_attribute_value" + ] + ] + ], + "make_list": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "make_list" + ] + ] + ], + "add_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "add_token" + ] + ] + ], + "add_token_from_stage": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "add_token_from_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "is_numeric": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "process_staged_characters": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "process_staged_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_list": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "_make_list" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_expression_attribute_value_with_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValueProcessor", + "replace_expression_attribute_value_with_value" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_expression_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver", + "resolve_expression_path" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "resolve_expression_path" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_expression_path_nodes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver", + "resolve_expression_path_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_expression_path_nodes_to_dynamo_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver", + "resolve_expression_path_nodes_to_dynamo_type" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_resolving": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "disable_resolving" + ] + ] + ], + "process_expression_path_node": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "process_expression_path_node" + ] + ] + ], + "process_function": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator", + "process_function" + ] + ] + ], + "get_list_from_ddb_typed_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator", + "get_list_from_ddb_typed_value" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_none_existing_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPathChecker", + "raise_none_existing_path" + ] + ] + ], + "process_update_expression_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "process_update_expression_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dynamo_value_from_ddb_typed_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "get_dynamo_value_from_ddb_typed_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sum": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "get_sum" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subtraction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "get_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "check_for_empty_string_key_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "EmptyStringKeyValueValidator", + "check_for_empty_string_key_value" + ] + ] + ], + "check_for_hash_or_range_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateHashRangeKeyValidator", + "check_for_hash_or_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ast_processors": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "Validator", + "get_ast_processors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValidator", + "get_ast_processors" + ] + ] + ], + "_wrapper": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "include_consumed_capacity", + "_inner", + "_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "exception_handler", + "_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "amz_crc32", + "_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "amzn_request_id", + "_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "_inner": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "include_consumed_capacity", + "_inner" + ] + ] + ], + "include_consumed_capacity": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "include_consumed_capacity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_empty_keys_on_put": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "get_empty_keys_on_put" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_attr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "put_has_empty_attrs", + "_validate_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "put_has_empty_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "put_has_empty_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "check_projection_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "check_projection_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "get_endpoint_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "get_endpoint_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "get_endpoint_name" + ] + ] + ], + "dynamodb_backend": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "dynamodb_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "dump_list": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_throw_attr_error", + "dump_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_throw_attr_error": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_throw_attr_error" + ] + ] + ], + "_contains_duplicates": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_contains_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_adjust_projection_expression", + "_adjust" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust_projection_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_adjust_projection_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_updated_new_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_build_updated_new_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_limits": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "dynamodb": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "dynamodb" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_table_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "_get_table_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stream": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "describe_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "list_streams": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "list_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "get_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "get_shard_iterator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "get_shard_iterator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "get_shard_iterator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "get_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_records": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "get_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "get_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "get_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "get_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "get_records" + ] + ] + ], + "put_block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSSnapshot", + "put_block" + ] + ] + ], + "start_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "start_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "start_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "complete_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "complete_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "put_snapshot_block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "put_snapshot_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "put_snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "get_snapshot_block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_snapshot_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "get_snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "list_changed_blocks": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "list_changed_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "list_snapshot_blocks": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "list_snapshot_blocks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "list_snapshot_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "ebs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "ebs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_blocks": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "snapshot_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_changed_blocks": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "snapshot_changed_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_resource_ids": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "validate_resource_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SettingsBackend", + "disable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/settings.py", + [ + "Settings", + "disable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SettingsBackend", + "enable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/settings.py", + [ + "Settings", + "enable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SettingsBackend", + "get_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/settings.py", + [ + "Settings", + "get_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_error": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend", + "raise_error" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_not_implemented_error": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend", + "raise_not_implemented_error" + ] + ] + ], + "do_resources_exist": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend", + "do_resources_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "is_public": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "Ami", + "is_public" + ] + ] + ], + "is_public_string": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "Ami", + "is_public_string" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filter_value": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "Ami", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateway", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSet", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeModification", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Snapshot", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPair", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAcl", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotInstanceRequest", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnection", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_amis": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "_load_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "create_image": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "create_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "create_image" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_image": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "copy_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "copy_image" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_images": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "describe_images" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "describe_images" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "describe_images" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "describe_images" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_image": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "deregister_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "deregister_image" + ] + ] + ], + "get_launch_permission_groups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "get_launch_permission_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "get_launch_permission_users": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "get_launch_permission_users" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_permission_targets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "validate_permission_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "add_launch_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "add_launch_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "register_image": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "register_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "register_image" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_launch_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "remove_launch_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_regions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "RegionsAndZonesBackend", + "describe_regions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "AvailabilityZonesAndRegions", + "describe_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_availability_zones": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "RegionsAndZonesBackend", + "describe_availability_zones" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "AvailabilityZonesAndRegions", + "describe_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zone_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "RegionsAndZonesBackend", + "get_zone_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "owner_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixList", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityRule", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_carrier_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGatewayBackend", + "create_carrier_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "create_carrier_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_carrier_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGatewayBackend", + "delete_carrier_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "delete_carrier_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_carrier_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGatewayBackend", + "describe_carrier_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "describe_carrier_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tag": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource", + "add_tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "add_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "create_customer_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend", + "create_customer_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateways", + "create_customer_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "create_customer_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend", + "get_all_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "get_customer_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend", + "get_customer_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_customer_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend", + "delete_customer_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateways", + "delete_customer_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSet", + "options" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend", + "associate_dhcp_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions", + "associate_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend", + "create_dhcp_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions", + "create_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dhcp_options_set": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend", + "delete_dhcp_options_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend", + "describe_dhcp_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions", + "describe_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "modify": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "modify" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "modify" + ] + ] + ], + "status": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsworkInstance", + "status" + ] + ] + ], + "create_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "create_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "create_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_volumes": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "describe_volumes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "modify_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "modify_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_volumes_modifications": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "describe_volumes_modifications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_volumes_modifications" + ] + ] + ], + "get_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "delete_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "delete_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "attach_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "attach_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "detach_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "detach_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "create_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "create_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "create_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "create_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "create_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "create_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "describe_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "copy_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "copy_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "get_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "delete_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "delete_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "get_create_volume_permission_groups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_create_volume_permission_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "get_create_volume_permission_userids": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_create_volume_permission_userids" + ] + ] + ], + "add_create_volume_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "add_create_volume_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_create_volume_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "remove_create_volume_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "allocate_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "allocate_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "allocate_address" + ] + ] + ], + "address_by_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "address_by_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "address_by_allocation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "address_by_allocation" + ] + ] + ], + "address_by_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "address_by_association" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "associate_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "associate_address" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "describe_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "describe_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "disassociate_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "disassociate_address" + ] + ] + ], + "release_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "release_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "release_address" + ] + ] + ], + "association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "association" + ] + ] + ], + "check_auto_public_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "check_auto_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "group_set": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "group_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "create_network_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "create_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "get_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "get_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "delete_network_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "delete_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_network_interfaces": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "describe_network_interfaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "describe_network_interfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "attach_network_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "attach_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "detach_network_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "detach_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_network_interface_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "modify_network_interface_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "modify_network_interface_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_network_interfaces": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "get_all_network_interfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "unassign_private_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "unassign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "unassign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/ip_addresses.py", + [ + "IPAddresses", + "unassign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "assign_private_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "assign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "assign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/ip_addresses.py", + [ + "IPAddresses", + "assign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "assign_ipv6_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "assign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "assign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "unassign_ipv6_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "unassign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "unassign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "create_spot_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "create_spot_requests" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "create_spot_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "create_on_demand_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "create_on_demand_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "get_launch_spec_counts": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "get_launch_spec_counts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "get_launch_spec_counts" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "terminate_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "terminate_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "terminate_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "terminate_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "create_fleet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "create_fleet" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets", + "create_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fleet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "get_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_fleet_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "describe_fleet_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets", + "describe_fleet_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_fleets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "describe_fleets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets", + "describe_fleets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_fleets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "delete_fleets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets", + "delete_fleets" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_request": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend", + "_validate_request" + ] + ] + ], + "create_flow_logs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend", + "create_flow_logs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "create_flow_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_flow_logs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend", + "describe_flow_logs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "describe_flow_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_flow_logs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend", + "delete_flow_logs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "delete_flow_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_iam_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend", + "associate_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles", + "associate_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_iam_instance_profile_associations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend", + "describe_iam_instance_profile_associations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles", + "describe_iam_instance_profile_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_iam_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend", + "disassociate_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles", + "disassociate_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_iam_instance_profile_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend", + "replace_iam_instance_profile_association" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles", + "replace_iam_instance_profile_association" + ] + ] + ], + "__setattr__": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "__setattr__" + ] + ] + ], + "stringify": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "get_filter_value", + "stringify" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_types": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeBackend", + "describe_instance_types" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_types" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_type_offerings": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend", + "describe_instance_type_offerings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_type_offerings" + ] + ] + ], + "matches_filter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend", + "matches_filters", + "matches_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "matches_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotPriceBackend", + "describe_spot_price_history", + "matches_filters", + "matches_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "matches_filters": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend", + "matches_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "matches_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotPriceBackend", + "describe_spot_price_history", + "matches_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "vpc_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "__del__": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "__del__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "__del__" + ] + ] + ], + "add_block_device": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "add_block_device" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_defaults": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "setup_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown_defaults": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "teardown_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "get_block_device_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "get_block_device_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "private_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "private_dns": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "private_dns" + ] + ] + ], + "public_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "public_ip" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "public_dns": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "public_dns" + ] + ] + ], + "is_running": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "is_running" + ] + ] + ], + "reboot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "reboot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "reboot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "reboot" + ] + ] + ], + "dynamic_group_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "dynamic_group_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_private_ip_from_nic": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "_get_private_ip_from_nic" + ] + ] + ], + "prep_nics": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "prep_nics" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_eni": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "attach_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_eni": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "detach_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "applies": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "applies" + ] + ] + ], + "add_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "add_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "run_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "run_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "run_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "start_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "start_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "start_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "stop_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "stop_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "reboot_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "reboot_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "reboot_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_instance_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "modify_instance_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "modify_instance_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_instance_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "modify_instance_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "describe_instance_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_credit_specifications": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "describe_instance_credit_specifications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_credit_specifications" + ] + ] + ], + "all_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "all_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "all_running_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "all_running_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "get_multi_instances_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "get_multi_instances_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "get_instance_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reservations_by_instance_ids": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "get_reservations_by_instance_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "describe_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "describe_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "describe_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_status": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "describe_instance_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_status" + ] + ] + ], + "all_reservations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "all_reservations" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_template_from_args": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "_get_template_from_args" + ] + ] + ], + "create_egress_only_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend", + "create_egress_only_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/egress_only_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "create_egress_only_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_egress_only_internet_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend", + "describe_egress_only_internet_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/egress_only_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "describe_egress_only_internet_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_egress_only_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend", + "delete_egress_only_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/egress_only_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "delete_egress_only_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_egress_only_igw": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend", + "get_egress_only_igw" + ] + ] + ], + "attachment_state": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "attachment_state" + ] + ] + ], + "create_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "create_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "create_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_internet_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "describe_internet_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "describe_internet_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "delete_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "delete_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "detach_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "detach_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "attach_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "attach_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "get_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "create_key_pair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend", + "create_key_pair" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs", + "create_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_key_pair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend", + "delete_key_pair" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs", + "delete_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_key_pairs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend", + "describe_key_pairs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs", + "describe_key_pairs" + ] + ] + ], + "import_key_pair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend", + "import_key_pair" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs", + "import_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "create_version": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "create_version" + ] + ] + ], + "is_default": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "is_default" + ] + ] + ], + "get_version": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "get_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "get_version" + ] + ], + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "get_version" + ] + ], + [ + "update_version_from_git.py", + [ + "get_version" + ] + ] + ], + "default_version": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "latest_version": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "latest_version" + ] + ] + ], + "latest_version_number": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "latest_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "create_launch_template": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "create_launch_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "create_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "get_launch_template": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "get_launch_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "get_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "get_launch_template_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "get_launch_template_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_launch_template": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "delete_launch_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "delete_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_launch_templates": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "describe_launch_templates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "describe_launch_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "create_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "create_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "create_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_managed_prefix_lists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "describe_managed_prefix_lists" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_managed_prefix_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "get_managed_prefix_list_entries": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "get_managed_prefix_list_entries" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "get_managed_prefix_list_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "delete_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "delete_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "modify_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "modify_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "create_default_pls": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "create_default_pls" + ] + ] + ], + "create_time": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "create_time" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "create_time" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "create_time" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "create_time" + ] + ] + ], + "network_interface_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "network_interface_id" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_nat_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGatewayBackend", + "describe_nat_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateways", + "describe_nat_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "create_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGatewayBackend", + "create_nat_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateways", + "create_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGatewayBackend", + "delete_nat_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateways", + "delete_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_network_acl": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "get_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "create_network_acl": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "create_network_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "create_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "add_default_entries": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "add_default_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_network_acls": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "get_all_network_acls" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_network_acl": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "delete_network_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "delete_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "create_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "create_network_acl_entry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "create_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "delete_network_acl_entry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "delete_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "replace_network_acl_entry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "replace_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_network_acl_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "replace_network_acl_association" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "replace_network_acl_association" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_default_network_acl_with_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "associate_default_network_acl_with_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_network_acls": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "describe_network_acls" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "describe_network_acls" + ] + ] + ], + "all_associations_ids": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "all_associations_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "create_route_table": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTableBackend", + "create_route_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables", + "create_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "get_route_table": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTableBackend", + "get_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_route_tables": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTableBackend", + "describe_route_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables", + "describe_route_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_route_table": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTableBackend", + "delete_route_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables", + "delete_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + 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"moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteBackend", + "__validate_destination_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_security_group_given_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "_delete_security_group_given_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_description": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_description" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__from_port": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__from_port" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__group_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__ipv6_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__ipv6_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__prefix_list_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__prefix_list_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__protocol": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__to_port": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__to_port" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_egress__ip_permission__user_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_egress__ip_permission__user_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_group_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ 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"moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__prefix_list_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__protocol": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__to_port": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__to_port" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__user_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__user_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_owner_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "add_ingress_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "add_ingress_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "add_egress_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "add_egress_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "get_number_of_ingress_rules": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "get_number_of_ingress_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "get_number_of_egress_rules": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "get_number_of_egress_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "describe_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "describe_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_delete_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_security_group_from_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "get_security_group_from_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_security_group_from_name": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "get_security_group_from_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_security_group_by_name_or_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "get_security_group_by_name_or_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "get_default_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "authorize_security_group_ingress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "authorize_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "revoke_security_group_ingress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "revoke_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_security_group_egress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "authorize_security_group_egress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "authorize_security_group_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_security_group_egress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "revoke_security_group_egress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "revoke_security_group_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "_sg_update_description": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_sg_update_description" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_items_from_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_remove_items_from_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_source_group": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_add_source_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_group_will_respect_rule_count_limit": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_verify_group_will_respect_rule_count_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "launch_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotInstanceRequest", + "launch_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "request_spot_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "request_spot_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "request_spot_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_spot_instance_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "describe_spot_instance_requests" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "describe_spot_instance_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_spot_instance_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "cancel_spot_instance_requests" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "cancel_spot_instance_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "request_spot_fleet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetBackend", + "request_spot_fleet" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets", + "request_spot_fleet" + ] + 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"SpotFleetBackend", + "modify_spot_fleet_request" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets", + "modify_spot_fleet_request" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_spot_price_history": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotPriceBackend", + "describe_spot_price_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "describe_spot_price_history" + ] + ] + ], + "available_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "available_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "availability_zone": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "availability_zone_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "availability_zone_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_available_subnet_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "get_available_subnet_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "request_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "request_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "del_subnet_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "del_subnet_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_ipv6_cidr_block_associations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "attach_ipv6_cidr_block_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "detach_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "get_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "get_default_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "create_subnet" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "create_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "get_all_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "delete_subnet" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "delete_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_subnet_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "modify_subnet_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "modify_subnet_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subnet_from_ipv6_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "get_subnet_from_ipv6_association" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "associate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "associate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "disassociate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "disassociate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subnet_association": [ + 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"modify_transit_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateways.py", + [ + "TransitGateways", + "modify_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "create_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transit_gateway_attachments": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "describe_transit_gateway_attachments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "describe_transit_gateway_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "set_attachment_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "set_attachment_association" + ] + ] + ], + "unset_attachment_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "unset_attachment_association" + ] + ] + ], + "set_attachment_propagation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "set_attachment_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "unset_attachment_propagation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "unset_attachment_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_attachment_propagation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "disable_attachment_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + 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"TransitGatewayAttachment", + "accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "create_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "create_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_transit_gateway_route_tables": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "get_all_transit_gateway_route_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "delete_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "delete_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transit_gateway_route": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "create_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "create_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ] + ], + 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"TransitGatewayAttachment", + "disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRelationsBackend", + "disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "deleted": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "initiating": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "initiating" + ] + ] + ], + "pending": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "pending" + ] + ] + ], + "accept": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "accept" + ] + ] + ], + "reject": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "reject" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_pcx_refs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "get_vpc_pcx_refs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "create_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "create_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_peering_connections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "describe_vpc_peering_connections" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "describe_vpc_peering_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "get_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "delete_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "delete_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "accept_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "accept_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "accept_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "reject_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "reject_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "reject_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_peering_connection_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "modify_vpc_peering_connection_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "modify_vpc_peering_connection_options" + ] + ] + ], + "elbv2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "elbv2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "elbv2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "elbv2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_endpoint_service": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "get_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_tenancy": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "modify_vpc_tenancy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "modify_vpc_tenancy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "modify_vpc_tenancy" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_vpc_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "associate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "associate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "associate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "enable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "enable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "enable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "disable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "disable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "disable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_vpc_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "disassociate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "disassociate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "disassociate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cidr_block_association_set": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "get_cidr_block_association_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_default_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "create_default_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "create_default_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "create_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "create_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "create_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "get_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpcs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "describe_vpcs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "delete_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "delete_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "delete_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "describe_vpc_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "modify_vpc_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "modify_vpc_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "create_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "create_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "modify_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "modify_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "delete_vpc_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "delete_vpc_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "describe_vpc_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "_collect_default_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "_collect_default_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "_matches_service_by_tags": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "_matches_service_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "_filter_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_end_point": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "get_vpc_end_point" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpn_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend", + "create_vpn_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnections", + "create_vpn_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpn_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend", + "delete_vpn_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnections", + "delete_vpn_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpn_connections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend", + "describe_vpn_connections" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnections", + "describe_vpn_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_vpn_connections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend", + "get_all_vpn_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "create_vpn_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways", + "create_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpn_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "describe_vpn_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways", + "describe_vpn_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "get_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "attach_vpn_gateway" + 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"moto/ec2/responses/account_attributes.py", + [ + "AccountAttributes", + "describe_account_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "confirm_product_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amazon_dev_pay.py", + [ + "AmazonDevPay", + "confirm_product_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_image_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "describe_image_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_image_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "modify_image_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_image_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "reset_image_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateways", + "describe_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions", + "delete_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_volume_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_volume_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_volume_status": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_volume_status" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_volume_io": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "enable_volume_io" + ] + ] + ], + "import_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "import_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_import.py", + [ + "VMImport", + "import_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_snapshot_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_snapshot_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_snapshot_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "modify_snapshot_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_volume_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "modify_volume_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_snapshot_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "reset_snapshot_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_network_interface_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "describe_network_interface_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_network_interface_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "reset_network_interface_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "get_console_output": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/general.py", + [ + "General", + "get_console_output" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_list_of_dict_params": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_get_list_of_dict_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_block_device_mapping_handler": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_block_device_mapping_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_dot_value_instance_attribute_handler": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_dot_value_instance_attribute_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_attribute_value_handler": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_attribute_value_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_security_grp_instance_attribute_handler": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_security_grp_instance_attribute_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_block_device_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_parse_block_device_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_block_device_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_validate_block_device_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_to_bool": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_convert_to_bool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "_convert_to_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "xml_root": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "xml_root" + ] + ] + ], + "xml_serialize": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "xml_serialize" + ] + ] + ], + "pretty_xml": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "pretty_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_object": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "parse_object" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_lists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "parse_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "create_launch_template_version": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "create_launch_template_version" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_launch_template_versions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "describe_launch_template_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "monitor_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/monitoring.py", + [ + "Monitoring", + "monitor_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "unmonitor_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/monitoring.py", + [ + "Monitoring", + "unmonitor_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "create_placement_group": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/placement_groups.py", + [ + "PlacementGroups", + "create_placement_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_placement_group": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/placement_groups.py", + [ + "PlacementGroups", + "delete_placement_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_placement_groups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/placement_groups.py", + [ + "PlacementGroups", + "describe_placement_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_reserved_instances_listing": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "cancel_reserved_instances_listing" + ] + ] + ], + "create_reserved_instances_listing": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "create_reserved_instances_listing" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_reserved_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "describe_reserved_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_reserved_instances_listings": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "describe_reserved_instances_listings" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_reserved_instances_offerings": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "describe_reserved_instances_offerings" + ] + ] + ], + "purchase_reserved_instances_offering": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "purchase_reserved_instances_offering" + ] + ] + ], + "try_parse_int": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "try_parse_int" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_sg_attributes_from_dict": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "parse_sg_attributes_from_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_rules_from_querystring": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "_process_rules_from_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "create_spot_datafeed_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "create_spot_datafeed_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_spot_datafeed_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "delete_spot_datafeed_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_spot_datafeed_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "describe_spot_datafeed_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "describe_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transit_gateway_route_tables": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "describe_transit_gateway_route_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_associations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_propagations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_propagations" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_export_task": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_export.py", + [ + "VMExport", + "cancel_export_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "cancel_export_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "cancel_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instance_export_task": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_export.py", + [ + "VMExport", + "create_instance_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_export_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_export.py", + [ + "VMExport", + "describe_export_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_export_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_export_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_conversion_task": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_import.py", + [ + "VMImport", + "cancel_conversion_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_conversion_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_import.py", + [ + "VMImport", + "describe_conversion_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "import_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vm_import.py", + [ + "VMImport", + "import_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_doc_date": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "_get_doc_date" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_prefix_lists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_prefix_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "bundle_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows", + "bundle_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_bundle_task": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows", + "cancel_bundle_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_bundle_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows", + "describe_bundle_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "get_password_data": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows", + "get_password_data" + ] + ] + ], + "random_resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "random_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_ami_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_ami_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_instance_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_reservation_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_reservation_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_security_group_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_security_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_security_group_rule_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_security_group_rule_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_fleet_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_fleet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_flow_log_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_flow_log_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_snapshot_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_snapshot_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_spot_request_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_spot_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_spot_fleet_request_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_spot_fleet_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_subnet_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_subnet_ipv6_cidr_block_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_subnet_ipv6_cidr_block_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_subnet_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_subnet_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_network_acl_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_network_acl_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_network_acl_subnet_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_network_acl_subnet_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpn_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpn_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpn_connection_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpn_connection_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_customer_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_customer_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_volume_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_volume_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_key_pair_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_key_pair_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpc_ep_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpc_ep_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpc_cidr_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpc_cidr_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpc_peering_connection_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpc_peering_connection_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_eip_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_eip_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_internet_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_internet_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_egress_only_internet_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_egress_only_internet_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_route_table_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_route_table_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_eip_allocation_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_eip_allocation_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_dhcp_option_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_dhcp_option_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_eni_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_eni_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_eni_attach_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_eni_attach_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_nat_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_nat_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_transit_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_transit_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_transit_gateway_route_table_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_transit_gateway_route_table_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_transit_gateway_attachment_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_transit_gateway_attachment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_launch_template_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_launch_template_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_iam_instance_profile_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_iam_instance_profile_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_carrier_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_carrier_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_public_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "random_private_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "random_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_dns_from_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "generate_dns_from_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "random_mac_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_mac_address" + ] + ] + ], + "randor_ipv4_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "randor_ipv4_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "random_ipv6_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_ipv6_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_route_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "generate_route_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_managed_prefix_list_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_managed_prefix_list_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dns_entries": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "create_dns_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "utc_date_and_time": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "utc_date_and_time" + ] + ] + ], + "split_route_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "split_route_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attribute_value": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_attribute_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_value": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_object_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "get_object_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_tag_filter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_tag_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_obj_tag": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_obj_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "get_obj_tag_names": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_obj_tag_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_obj_tag_values": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_obj_tag_values" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tag_specification": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "add_tag_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_filter_matches": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "tag_filter_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "passes_filter_dict": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "passes_filter_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_value_in_filter_values": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "instance_value_in_filter_values" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_reservations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "filter_reservations" + ] + ] + ], + "passes_igw_filter_dict": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "passes_igw_filter_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_internet_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "filter_internet_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "is_filter_matching": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_filter_matching" + ] + ] + ], + "generic_filter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "generic_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_aws_filter_to_re": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "simple_aws_filter_to_re" + ] + ] + ], + "random_key_pair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "get_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_ipv6_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_ipv6_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_instance_identity_document": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "generate_instance_identity_document" + ] + ] + ], + "rsa_public_key_parse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "rsa_public_key_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "rsa_public_key_fingerprint": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "rsa_public_key_fingerprint" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_iam_instance_profile_associations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "filter_iam_instance_profile_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_iam_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "filter_iam_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_tag_filter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "describe_tag_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_moto_amis": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "gen_moto_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_tag_spec": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "convert_tag_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "send_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/models.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectBackend", + "send_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/responses.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectResponse", + "send_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "ec2instanceconnect_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/responses.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectResponse", + "ec2instanceconnect_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "camelCase": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "camelCase" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "camelCase" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "camelCase" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "camelCase" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_response_object": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ] + ], + "response_object": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Task", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "CapacityProviderFailure", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstance", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ClusterFailure", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstanceFailure", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskSet", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeProcessingJob", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrainingJob", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "VpcConfig", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Container", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeExperiment", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrial", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrialComponent", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeTranscriptionJob", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeVocabulary", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeMedicalTranscriptionJob", + "response_object" + ] + ] + ], + "_determine_encryption_config": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "_determine_encryption_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "_get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_digest": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "_create_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "get_image_digest": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "get_image_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "get_image_manifest": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "get_image_manifest" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tag": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "remove_tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "remove_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "update_tag": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "update_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "response_list_object": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_list_object" + ] + ] + ], + "response_describe_object": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_describe_object" + ] + ] + ], + "response_batch_get_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_batch_get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "response_batch_delete_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_batch_delete_image" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_repository": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "_get_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_resource_arn": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "_parse_resource_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_parse_resource_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_repositories": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "describe_repositories" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "describe_repositories" + ] + ] + ], + "list_images": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "list_images" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "list_images" + ] + ] + ], + "put_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_image" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "batch_get_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "batch_get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_delete_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "batch_delete_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "batch_delete_image" + ] + ] + ], + "put_image_tag_mutability": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_image_tag_mutability" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_image_tag_mutability" + ] + ] + ], + "put_image_scanning_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_image_scanning_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_image_scanning_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "set_repository_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "set_repository_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "set_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_repository_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "get_repository_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_repository_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "delete_repository_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "delete_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "delete_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "delete_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_registry_policy_action": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "_validate_registry_policy_action" + ] + ] + ], + "put_registry_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_registry_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_registry_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "get_registry_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_registry_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "delete_registry_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "delete_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "start_image_scan": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "start_image_scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "start_image_scan" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_image_scan_findings": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "describe_image_scan_findings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "describe_image_scan_findings" + ] + ] + ], + "put_replication_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_replication_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_replication_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_registry": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "describe_registry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "describe_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_parse_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_rules": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_extract_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_rule_type": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_rule_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_rule_top_properties": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_rule_top_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_type": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection_tag_status": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection_tag_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection_count_type": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection_count_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection_count_unit": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection_count_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection_count_number": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection_count_number" + ] + ] + ], + "ecr_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "ecr_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "request_params": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_check_layer_availability": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "batch_check_layer_availability" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_layer_upload": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "complete_layer_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "get_authorization_token": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_authorization_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_download_url_for_layer": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_download_url_for_layer" + ] + ] + ], + "initiate_layer_upload": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "initiate_layer_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_layer_part": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "upload_layer_part" + ] + ] + ], + "task_arn": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Task", + "task_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "container_instance_arn": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstance", + "container_instance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstance", + "_format_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "create_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "create_capacity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "create_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_task_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_task_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_provider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_capacity_providers": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_capacity_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_capacity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_capacity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "register_task_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "register_task_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "register_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_task_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_task_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_task_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_task_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "deregister_task_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "deregister_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "run_task": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "run_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "run_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_calculate_task_resource_requirements": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_calculate_task_resource_requirements" + ] + ] + ], + "_can_be_placed": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_can_be_placed" + ] + ] + ], + "start_task": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "start_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "start_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_task": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "stop_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "stop_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_service" + ] + ] + ], + "create_service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "create_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "create_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "create_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "create_service" + ] + ] + ], + "list_services": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "list_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "list_services" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_services": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_services" + ] + ] + ], + "update_service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "update_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "update_service" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "delete_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "delete_service" + ] + ] + ], + "register_container_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "register_container_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "register_container_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "list_container_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_container_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_container_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_container_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_container_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_container_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "update_container_instances_state": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_container_instances_state" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_container_instances_state" + ] + ] + ], + "update_container_instance_resources": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_container_instance_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_container_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "deregister_container_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "deregister_container_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "_respond_to_cluster_state_update": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_respond_to_cluster_state_update" + ] + ] + ], + "put_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "put_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "put_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeItem", + "put_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "put_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "put_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_put_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_delete_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "list_task_definition_families": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_task_definition_families" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_task_definition_families" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_last_task_definition_revision_id": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_last_task_definition_revision_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_merge_tags": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_merge_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "_merge_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_keys": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "create_task_set": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "create_task_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "create_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_task_sets": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_task_sets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_task_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_task_set": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_task_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "update_task_set": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_task_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "update_service_primary_task_set": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_service_primary_task_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_service_primary_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_account_settings": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_account_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_account_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "put_account_setting": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "put_account_setting" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "put_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_account_setting": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_account_setting" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_long_arn_for_name": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "enable_long_arn_for_name" + ] + ] + ], + "discover_poll_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "discover_poll_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_lookup_az_id": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "_lookup_az_id" + ] + ] + ], + "info_json": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint", + "info_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "info_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "info_json" + ] + ] + ], + "size_in_bytes": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "size_in_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "number_of_mount_targets": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "number_of_mount_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "backup_policy": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "backup_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "add_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "add_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "has_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "has_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_mount_targets": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "iter_mount_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "remove_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_up": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "clean_up" + ] + ] + ], + "set_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "set_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "subnet_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "subnet_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_mark_description": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "_mark_description" + ] + ] + ], + "make_id": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "create_file_system", + "make_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_file_system": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "create_file_system" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "create_file_system" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_file_systems": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_file_systems" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_file_systems" + ] + ] + ], + "create_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "create_mount_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "create_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_mount_targets": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_mount_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_mount_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_file_system": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "delete_file_system" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "delete_file_system" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "delete_mount_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "delete_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_backup_policy": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_backup_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_backup_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_lifecycle_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "put_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "put_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_lifecycle_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_mount_target_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_mount_target_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "modify_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "modify_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "create_access_point": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "create_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "create_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "create_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "create_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_access_points": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_access_points" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_access_points" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_access_point": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "delete_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "delete_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "delete_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "delete_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "efs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "efs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "response": [ + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "EKSError", + "response" + ] + ] + ], + "isActive": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "isActive" + ] + ] + ], + "create_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "create_fargate_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "create_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "create_nodegroup": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "create_nodegroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "create_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "describe_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "describe_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "describe_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "describe_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "describe_fargate_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "describe_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_nodegroup": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "describe_nodegroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "describe_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "delete_fargate_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "delete_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_nodegroup": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "delete_nodegroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "delete_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "list_fargate_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "list_fargate_profiles" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "list_fargate_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "list_nodegroups": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "list_nodegroups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "list_nodegroups" + ] + ] + ], + "paginated_list": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "paginated_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "paginated_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "paginated_list" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_safe_to_delete": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "validate_safe_to_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_launch_template_combination": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "validate_launch_template_combination" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_exception": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "_validate_fargate_profile_selectors", + "raise_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_fargate_profile_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "_validate_fargate_profile_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "eks_backend": [ + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "eks_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_partition": [ + [ + "moto/eks/utils.py", + [ + "get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "method_name": [ + [ + "moto/eks/utils.py", + [ + "method_name" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_role_arn": [ + [ + "moto/eks/utils.py", + [ + "validate_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheBackend", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_users": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheBackend", + "describe_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse", + "describe_users" + ] + ] + ], + "elasticache_backend": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse", + "elasticache_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "application_name": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment", + "application_name" + ] + ] + ], + "environment_arn": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment", + "environment_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "platform_arn": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment", + "platform_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "region": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment", + "region" + ] + ] + ], + "create_environment": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication", + "create_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "create_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "create_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_application": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "create_application" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_environments": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "describe_environments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "describe_environments" + ] + ] + ], + "list_available_solution_stacks": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "list_available_solution_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "list_available_solution_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "update_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "update_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "update_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_environment_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "_find_environment_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_applications": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "describe_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "read_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "read_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "read_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "elastictranscoder_backend": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "elastictranscoder_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "pipelines": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "individual_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "individual_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_pipeline_id": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "validate_pipeline_id" + ] + ] + ], + "err": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "err" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_ids": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "instance_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "get_default_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "create_load_balancer_listeners": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_load_balancer_listeners" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_load_balancer_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_load_balancer_policies": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "describe_load_balancer_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_load_balancer_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_health": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "describe_instance_health" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_instance_health" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_load_balancer_listeners": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "delete_load_balancer_listeners" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "delete_load_balancer_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "delete_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "delete_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "delete_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "delete_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_load_balancer_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "delete_load_balancer_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "delete_load_balancer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "get_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "configure_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "configure_health_check" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "configure_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "register_instances": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "register_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_instances": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "deregister_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_load_balancer_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "modify_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "modify_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lb_other_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_lb_other_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_backend_server": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_backend_server" + ] + ] + ], + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "_register_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "_register_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_load_balancer_to_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "attach_load_balancer_to_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "attach_load_balancer_to_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_load_balancer_from_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "detach_load_balancer_from_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "detach_load_balancer_from_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "elb_backend": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "elb_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "elb_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "register_instances_with_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "register_instances_with_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_instances_from_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "deregister_instances_from_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_load_balancer_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_load_balancer_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_load_balancer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "set_load_balancer_policies_for_backend_server": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "set_load_balancer_policies_for_backend_server" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_tags": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "_add_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "api_version_elb_backend": [ + [ + "moto/elb/urls.py", + [ + "api_version_elb_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "register": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "register" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "register" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_terminated_instances": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "deregister_terminated_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "health_for": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "health_for" + ] + ] + ], + "rules": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "rules" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_rule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "remove_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "to_xml": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeAction", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ExportTask", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "QueryLoggingConfig", + "to_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_and_validate_action_properties": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "convert_and_validate_action_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "create_rule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "create_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "create_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_conditions": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_host_header_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_host_header_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_http_header_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_http_header_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_http_request_method_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_http_request_method_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_path_pattern_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_path_pattern_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_source_ip_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_source_ip_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_query_string_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_query_string_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_target_group_arns_from": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_get_target_group_arns_from" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_actions": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_fixed_response_action": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_fixed_response_action" + ] + ] + ], + "create_target_group": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "create_target_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "create_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_target_group_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_target_group_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_target_group_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_and_validate_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "convert_and_validate_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_and_validate_properties": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "convert_and_validate_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "create_listener": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "create_listener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "create_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_rules": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_target_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_listeners": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_listeners" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "delete_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "delete_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_target_group": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "delete_target_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "delete_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_listener": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "delete_listener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "delete_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_rule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "register_targets": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "register_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "register_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_targets": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "deregister_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "deregister_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_target_health": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_target_health" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_target_health" + ] + ] + ], + "set_rule_priorities": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "set_rule_priorities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "set_rule_priorities" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ip_address_type": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "set_ip_address_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "set_ip_address_type" + ] + ] + ], + "set_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "set_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "set_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "set_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "set_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "set_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_get_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_target_group": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_target_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_listener": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_listener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "_certificate_exists": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_certificate_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_any_listener_using": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_any_listener_using" + ] + ] + ], + "add_listener_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "add_listener_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "add_listener_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_listener_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_listener_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_listener_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_listener_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "remove_listener_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "remove_listener_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_get_resource_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_target_group_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_target_group_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_account_limits": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_account_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_ssl_policies": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_ssl_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_target_group": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "set_instance_count": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstanceGroup", + "set_instance_count" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstanceGroup", + "auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_scaling_policy_2": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstanceGroup", + "auto_scaling_policy_2" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "master_instance_type": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "master_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "slave_instance_type": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "slave_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_count": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "instance_count" + ] + ] + ], + "start_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "start_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "run_bootstrap_actions": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "run_bootstrap_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "add_applications": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_applications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "add_bootstrap_action": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_bootstrap_action" + ] + ] + ], + "add_instance_group": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_instance_group" + ] + ] + ], + "add_steps": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "set_termination_protection": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "set_termination_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "set_termination_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "set_termination_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "set_visibility": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "set_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "add_instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_instance_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "add_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "add_job_flow_steps": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_job_flow_steps" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "add_job_flow_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_flows": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "describe_job_flows" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "describe_job_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_step": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "describe_step" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "describe_step" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "get_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "list_bootstrap_actions": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_bootstrap_actions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_bootstrap_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_instance_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "list_instances": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "list_steps": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_steps" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "modify_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "modify_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "modify_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "modify_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "modify_instance_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "modify_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_manage_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "_manage_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "run_job_flow": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "run_job_flow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "run_job_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "set_visible_to_all_users": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "set_visible_to_all_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "set_visible_to_all_users" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_job_flows": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "terminate_job_flows" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "terminate_job_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "put_auto_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "put_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "put_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_auto_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "remove_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "remove_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_security_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "create_security_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "create_security_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_security_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "get_security_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_security_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "delete_security_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "delete_security_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_boto3_request": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "generate_boto3_response", + "_boto3_request" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_boto3_response": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "generate_boto3_response" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_steps": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "cancel_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_security_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "describe_security_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_has_key_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "_has_key_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_ebs_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "_parse_ebs_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "random_cluster_id": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "random_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "random_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_step_id": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "random_step_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_instance_group_id": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "random_instance_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "steps_from_query_string": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "steps_from_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "unflatten_complex_params": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "unflatten_complex_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_deep": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "_set_deep" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_to_container": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "_add_to_container" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_child": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "_get_child" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_in_container": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "_key_in_container" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_dict": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker", + "parse_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_list": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker", + "parse_list" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_scalar": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker", + "parse_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "manage_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager", + "manage_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_or_create_sg": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_get_or_create_sg" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_rules_to": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_add_rules_to" + ] + ] + ], + "_render_rules": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_render_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "create_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "create_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "create_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "delete_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "delete_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "describe_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "describe_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "list_virtual_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "list_virtual_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "list_virtual_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "start_job_run": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "start_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "start_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "start_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "start_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "start_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_job_run": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "cancel_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "cancel_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "list_job_runs": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "list_job_runs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "list_job_runs" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_run": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "describe_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "describe_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "emrcontainers_backend": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "emrcontainers_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "random_job_id": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "random_job_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "random_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_application": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "delete_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "delete_application" + ] + ] + ], + "get_application": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "get_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "get_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_application" + ] + ] + ], + "list_applications": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "list_applications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "list_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "start_application": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "start_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "start_application" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_application": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "stop_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "stop_application" + ] + ] + ], + "update_application": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "update_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "update_application" + ] + ] + ], + "emrserverless_backend": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "emrserverless_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "random_appplication_id": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "random_appplication_id" + ] + ] + ], + "default_auto_start_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "default_auto_start_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "default_auto_stop_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "default_auto_stop_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "create_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend", + "create_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "create_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend", + "delete_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "delete_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend", + "describe_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "describe_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "list_domain_names": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend", + "list_domain_names" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "list_domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "es_backend": [ + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "es_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "list_domains": [ + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "list_domains" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "list_domains" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "list_domains" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "list_domains" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_domains" + ] + ] + ], + "domains": [ + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "domains" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_target_exists": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_check_target_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "enable": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "enable" + ] + ] + ], + "disable": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "disable" + ] + ] + ], + "put_targets": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "put_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "put_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "put_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_targets": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "remove_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "remove_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "remove_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "send_to_targets": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "send_to_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_arn": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_parse_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_to_cw_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_send_to_cw_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_to_events_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_send_to_events_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_to_sqs_queue": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_send_to_sqs_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "has_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "has_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_principals_statements": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "_remove_principals_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "add_policy": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "add_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_statement": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "remove_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_statements": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "remove_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "from_dict": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBusPolicyStatement", + "from_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "from_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "replay_events": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Replay", + "replay_events" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "get_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "matches_event": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "matches_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_does_event_match": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "_does_event_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_does_item_match_filters": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "_does_item_match_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "_does_item_match_named_filter": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "_does_item_match_named_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "dump": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "dump" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_event_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPatternParser", + "_validate_event_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_default_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_add_default_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "_gen_next_token": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_gen_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_token_and_limits": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_process_token_and_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_get_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_get_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "put_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "put_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "put_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "disable_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "disable_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "enable_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "enable_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rule_names_by_target": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_rule_names_by_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_rule_names_by_target" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rules": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "list_targets_by_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_targets_by_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_targets_by_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "put_events": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "put_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "put_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "test_event_pattern" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "test_event_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_permission_from_policy": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_put_permission_from_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_condition_param_to_stmt_condition": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_condition_param_to_stmt_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_permission_from_params": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_put_permission_from_params" + ] + ] + ], + "put_permission": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "put_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "put_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_event_bus" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "create_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "create_event_bus" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "create_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "list_event_buses": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_event_buses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_event_buses" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_event_bus" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "create_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "create_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "create_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "create_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "list_archives": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_archives" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_archives" + ] + ] + ], + "update_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "update_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "update_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "delete_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "start_replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "start_replay" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "start_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_replay" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "list_replays": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_replays" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_replays" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "cancel_replay" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "cancel_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "create_connection": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "create_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "create_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "update_connection": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "update_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "update_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "list_connections": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_connections" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_connection": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_connection": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "create_api_destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "create_api_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "create_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "list_api_destinations": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_api_destinations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_api_destinations" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_api_destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_api_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "update_api_destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "update_api_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "update_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_api_destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_api_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "send_notification": [ + [ + "moto/events/notifications.py", + [ + "send_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_safe_notification": [ + [ + "moto/events/notifications.py", + [ + "_send_safe_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "events_backend": [ + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "events_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_response": [ + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "_create_response" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_presigned_url": [ + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "generate_presigned_url" + ] + ] + ], + "find_destination_config_in_args": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "find_destination_config_in_args" + ] + ] + ], + "create_s3_destination_config": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "create_s3_destination_config" + ] + ] + ], + "create_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "create_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "create_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "delete_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "delete_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "describe_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "describe_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "list_delivery_streams": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "list_delivery_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "list_delivery_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_for_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "list_tags_for_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "list_tags_for_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "put_record": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "put_record" + ] + ] + ], + "put_http_records": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "put_http_records" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_s3_object_path": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "_format_s3_object_path" + ] + ] + ], + "put_s3_records": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "put_s3_records" + ] + ] + ], + "put_record_batch": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "put_record_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "put_record_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "tag_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "tag_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "untag_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "untag_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "update_destination": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "update_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "update_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "lookup_name_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "lookup_name_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "firehose_backend": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "firehose_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_dataset_group_name": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "_validate_dataset_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_dataset_group_name_len": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "_validate_dataset_group_name_len" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_dataset_group_domain": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "_validate_dataset_group_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dataset_group": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "create_dataset_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "create_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_dataset_group": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "describe_dataset_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "describe_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dataset_group": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "delete_dataset_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "delete_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "update_dataset_group": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "update_dataset_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "update_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_dataset_groups": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "list_dataset_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "list_dataset_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "forecast_backend": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "forecast_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_archive_body": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "get_archive_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_archive_list": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "get_archive_list" + ] + ] + ], + "initiate_job": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "initiate_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "initiate_job" + ] + ] + ], + "job_ready": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "job_ready" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_output": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "get_job_output" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "get_job_output" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vault": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "get_vault" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vault": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "create_vault" + ] + ] + ], + "list_vaults": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "list_vaults" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vault": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "delete_vault" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_archive": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "upload_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "glacier_backend": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "glacier_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "glacier_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "all_vault_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "all_vault_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_vault_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_all_vault_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_response_put": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_response_put" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_archive_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_archive_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_archive_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_archive_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_archive_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_archive_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_archive_individual_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_archive_individual_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_archive_individual_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_archive_individual_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_jobs_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_jobs_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_jobs_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_jobs_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_jobs_individual_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_jobs_individual_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_jobs_individual_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_jobs_individual_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_jobs_output_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_jobs_output_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_jobs_output_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_jobs_output_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_from_glacier_url": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/utils.py", + [ + "vault_from_glacier_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_id": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/utils.py", + [ + "get_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_registry_name_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_registry_name_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_arn_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_arn_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_description_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_description_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_name_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_name_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_metadata_key_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_metadata_key_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_metadata_value_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_metadata_value_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_param_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_param_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_definition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_definition_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_definition_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_id_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_id_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_number_of_tags": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_number_of_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_registry_id": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_registry_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_registry_params": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_registry_params" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_id": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_params": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_params" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_register_schema_version_params": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_register_schema_version_params" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_params": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_params" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_metadata_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_metadata_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_number_of_schema_version_metadata_allowed": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_number_of_schema_version_metadata_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_version_if_definition_exists": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "get_schema_version_if_definition_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "get_put_schema_version_metadata_response": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "get_put_schema_version_metadata_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_schema_response": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "delete_schema_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_database": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "create_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "create_database" + ] + ] + ], + "get_database": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_database" + ] + ] + ], + "update_database": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "update_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "update_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "update_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "update_database" + ] + ] + ], + "get_databases": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_database": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "delete_database" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tables": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "get_partitions": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_partitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "get_partitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_partitions" + ] + ] + ], + "create_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "get_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "get_crawlers": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_crawlers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_crawlers" + ] + ] + ], + "list_crawlers": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "list_crawlers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "list_crawlers" + ] + ] + ], + "start_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "start_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler", + "start_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "start_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "stop_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler", + "stop_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "stop_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "create_job": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_job" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_job" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_run": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "get_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "create_registry": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_registry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "create_schema": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend", + "create_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "create_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "register_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "register_schema_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "register_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_schema_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_by_definition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_schema_by_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_schema_by_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "put_schema_version_metadata": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "put_schema_version_metadata" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "put_schema_version_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_schema": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend", + "delete_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "delete_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_delete_table": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_delete_table" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_get_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_create_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_create_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_create_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_update_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_update_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_update_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_delete_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_delete_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_delete_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "create_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "update_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "update_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "delete_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_name": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler", + "get_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "get_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobRun", + "get_name" + ] + ] + ], + "update_next_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema", + "update_next_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "update_latest_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema", + "update_latest_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema", + "get_next_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion", + "get_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_version_as_dict": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion", + "get_schema_version_as_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_by_definition_as_dict": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion", + "get_schema_by_definition_as_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "glue_backend": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "glue_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table_versions": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_table_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_table_version" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_crawlers_by_tags": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "filter_crawlers_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_jobs_by_tags": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "filter_jobs_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "is_tags_match": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "is_tags_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_cast": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_cast" + ] + ] + ], + "_escape_regex": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_escape_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "eval": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Expr", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_IsNull", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_IsNotNull", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BinOp", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Like", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotLike", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_In", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotIn", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Between", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotBetween", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BoolAnd", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BoolOr", + "eval" + ] + ] + ], + "leval": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident", + "leval" + ] + ] + ], + "type_": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident", + "type_" + ] + ] + ], + "_eval": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident", + "_eval" + ] + ] + ], + "create_core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_core_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_core_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_core_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_core_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_core_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_core_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_core_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_core_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_core_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_core_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_core_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_core_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_device_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_device_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_device_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "create_device_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_device_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_device_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_device_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_device_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_device_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_device_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_device_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_device_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_device_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_resource_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resource_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_resource_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_resource_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_resource_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_resource_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_resource_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_resource_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resource_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_resource_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_resource_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_resource_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resources": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_validate_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "create_function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_function_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_function_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_function_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_function_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_function_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_function_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_function_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_function_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_function_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_function_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_function_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_function_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_function_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_valid_subscription_target_or_source": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_is_valid_subscription_target_or_source" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_subscription_target_or_source": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_validate_subscription_target_or_source" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_subscription_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_subscription_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_subscription_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_subscription_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_subscription_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_subscription_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_subscription_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_subscription_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_subscription_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_subscription_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_group_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_valid_def_ver_arn": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_validate_group_version_definitions", + "_is_valid_def_ver_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_group_version_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_validate_group_version_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_group_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_group_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_group_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_group_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_deployments": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_deployments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "get_deployment_status": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_deployment_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_deployment_status" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_deployments": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "reset_deployments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "reset_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_role_to_group": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "associate_role_to_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "associate_role_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_associated_role": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_associated_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_associated_role" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_role_from_group": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "disassociate_role_from_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "disassociate_role_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "greengrass_backend": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "greengrass_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "core_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "core_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "core_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "core_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "core_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "device_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "device_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "device_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "device_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "device_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "resource_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "resource_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "function_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "function_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "function_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "function_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "function_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "subscription_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "subscription_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "subscription_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "subscription_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "groups": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "groups" + ] + ] + ], + "group": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "group" + ] + ] + ], + "group_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "group_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "group_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "deployment_satus": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "deployment_satus" + ] + ] + ], + "deployments_reset": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "deployments_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "role": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "role" + ] + ] + ], + "create_detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "create_detector" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "create_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "create_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "create_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "create_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "delete_detector" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "delete_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "delete_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "delete_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "delete_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "MetricFilters", + "delete_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_organization_admin_account": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "enable_organization_admin_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "enable_organization_admin_account" + ] + ] + ], + "list_organization_admin_accounts": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "list_organization_admin_accounts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "list_organization_admin_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "list_detectors": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "list_detectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "list_detectors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "get_detector" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "get_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "get_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "get_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "get_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "get_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "update_detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "update_detector" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "update_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "update_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "update_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "update_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "update_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "add_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "add_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "MetricFilters", + "add_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "guardduty_backend": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "guardduty_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "filters": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "filters" + ] + ] + ], + "detectors": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "detectors" + ] + ] + ], + "detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "detector" + ] + ] + ], + "create_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "create_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "create_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "create_credentials": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey", + "create_credentials" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey", + "create_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "collect_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey", + "collect_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey", + "collect_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "check_signature": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "check_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "check_action_permitted": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "check_action_permitted" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_signature_does_not_match": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_raise_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest", + "_raise_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest", + "_raise_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_access_denied": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_raise_access_denied" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest", + "_raise_access_denied" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest", + "_raise_access_denied" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_invalid_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_raise_invalid_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest", + "_raise_invalid_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest", + "_raise_invalid_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_auth": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_create_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest", + "_create_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest", + "_create_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_headers_for_aws_request": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_create_headers_for_aws_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_aws_request": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_create_aws_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_calculate_signature": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_calculate_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_string_between": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_get_string_between" + ] + ] + ], + "is_action_permitted": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicy", + "is_action_permitted" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement", + "is_action_permitted" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_element_matches": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement", + "_check_element_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "_match": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement", + "_match" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_id_from": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "get_account_id_from" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_account_as_visited": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "mark_account_as_visited" + ] + ] + ], + "enabled_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "MFADevice", + "enabled_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "VirtualMfaDevice", + "enabled_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "update_default_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy", + "update_default_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "update_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "created_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "PolicyVersion", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "updated_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy", + "updated_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_error": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "_format_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy", + "_format_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_format_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_format_error" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_errors": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "_raise_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy", + "_raise_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_raise_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_raise_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_to": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "attach_to" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_from": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "detach_from" + ] + ] + ], + "to_config_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeAcl", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleFilter", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleAndFilter", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleRule", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "NotificationConfiguration", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "PublicAccessBlock", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "from_data": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AWSManagedPolicy", + "from_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "from_data" + ] + ] + ], + "is_replacement_update": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/cloud_formation.py", + [ + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "apply_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "unapply_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "unapply_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "last_used_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "last_used_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "put_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "put_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "put_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "put_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "description_escaped": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "description_escaped" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "delete_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_role" + ] + ] + ], + "to_embedded_config_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "to_embedded_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "uploaded_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SigningCertificate", + "uploaded_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SshPublicKey", + "uploaded_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "timestamp": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKeyLastUsed", + "timestamp" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "deactivate_mfa_device": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "deactivate_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "deactivate_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "deactivate_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_mfa_device": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "enable_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "enable_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "enable_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_access_keys": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_all_access_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "delete_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "update_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "update_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_access_key_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_access_key_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "has_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "has_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "upload_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "upload_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "upload_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_ssh_public_keys": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_all_ssh_public_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_all_ssh_public_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "update_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "update_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "delete_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "to_csv": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "to_csv" + ] + ] + ], + "expire_passwords": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy", + "expire_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "summary_map": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "summary_map" + ] + ] + ], + "_groups": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "_mfa_devices_in_use": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_mfa_devices_in_use" + ] + ] + ], + "_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "_policy_versions_in_use": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_policy_versions_in_use" + ] + ] + ], + "_providers": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "_roles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "_server_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_server_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "_users": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_users" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_items_with_path_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "filter_items_with_path_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_aws_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_init_aws_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_managed_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_init_managed_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "attach_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "attach_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_role_description": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_role_description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_role_description" + ] + ] + ], + "update_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_role" + ] + ] + ], + "put_role_permissions_boundary": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "put_role_permissions_boundary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "put_role_permissions_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_role_permissions_boundary": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_role_permissions_boundary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_role_permissions_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "detach_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "detach_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "attach_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "attach_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "detach_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "detach_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "attach_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "attach_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "detach_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "detach_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "create_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attached_role_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_attached_role_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_attached_role_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attached_group_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_attached_group_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_attached_group_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attached_user_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_attached_user_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_attached_user_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_policy_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "set_default_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "set_default_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "set_default_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "set_default_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_attached_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_filter_attached_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "create_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_role" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_role_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_role" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_role_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_roles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "update_assume_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_assume_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_assume_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "put_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "put_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_role_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_role_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_role_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "_tag_verification": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_tag_verification" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_tag_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_validate_tag_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_tag_duplicate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_check_tag_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "list_role_tags": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_role_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_role_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "tag_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "tag_role" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "untag_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "untag_role" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policy_tags": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_policy_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_policy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "tag_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "tag_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "untag_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "untag_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_policy_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_policy_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policy_versions": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_policy_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_policy_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_policy_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_policy_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_profile_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_instance_profile_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_profiles_for_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_instance_profiles_for_role" + ] + ] + ], + "add_role_to_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "add_role_to_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "add_role_to_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_role_from_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "remove_role_from_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "remove_role_from_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "list_server_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_server_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_server_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_server_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "upload_server_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "upload_server_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_server_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_server_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_server_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_certificate_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_certificate_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_server_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_server_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_server_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "put_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "put_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "put_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_group_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_group_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_group_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "update_user" + ] + ] + ], + "list_roles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_roles" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_signing_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "upload_signing_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "upload_signing_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_signing_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_signing_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_signing_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "list_signing_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_signing_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_signing_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "update_signing_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_signing_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_signing_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "create_login_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_login_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_login_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_login_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "update_login_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_login_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_login_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_login_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "add_user_to_group": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "add_user_to_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "add_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_user_from_group": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "remove_user_from_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "remove_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_user_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_user_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_user_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_user_tags": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_user_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_user_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "put_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "put_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "put_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_temp_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_temp_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_access_key_last_used": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_access_key_last_used" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_access_key_last_used" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_access_keys_for_all_users": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_all_access_keys_for_all_users" + ] + ] + ], + "list_access_keys": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_access_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_access_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_access_key_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_access_key_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "list_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_mfa_devices" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "create_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "list_virtual_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_virtual_mfa_devices" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_virtual_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "report_generated": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "report_generated" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_report": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "generate_report" + ] + ] + ], + "get_credential_report": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_credential_report" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_credential_report" + ] + ] + ], + "list_account_aliases": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_account_aliases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_account_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "create_account_alias": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_account_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_account_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_account_alias": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_account_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_account_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_authorization_details": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_account_authorization_details" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_account_authorization_details" + ] + ] + ], + "create_saml_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_saml_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "update_saml_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_saml_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_saml_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_saml_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_saml_providers": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_saml_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_saml_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_saml_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_saml_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_from_access_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_user_from_access_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "update_open_id_connect_provider_thumbprint": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_open_id_connect_provider_thumbprint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_open_id_connect_provider_thumbprint" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "tag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "tag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "untag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "untag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_open_id_connect_provider_tags": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_open_id_connect_provider_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_open_id_connect_provider_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "get_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_open_id_connect_providers": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_open_id_connect_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_open_id_connect_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "update_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_account_password_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_account_password_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_account_password_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_summary": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_account_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_account_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_inline_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_inline_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_inline_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_inline_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "tag_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "tag_user" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "untag_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "untag_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_service_linked_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_service_linked_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_service_linked_role" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_service_linked_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_service_linked_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_service_linked_role" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service_linked_role_deletion_status": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_service_linked_role_deletion_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_service_linked_role_deletion_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_top_elements": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_top_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_version_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_version_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_sid_uniqueness": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_sid_uniqueness" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_statements_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_statements_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_statement_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_statement_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_effect_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_effect_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_not_action_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_not_action_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resource_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_not_resource_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_not_resource_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_string_or_list_of_strings_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_string_or_list_of_strings_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_condition_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_condition_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_strip_condition_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_strip_condition_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_sid_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_sid_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_id_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_id_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_exist": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resource_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_like_exist": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_like_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_actions_for_prefixes": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_actions_for_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_not_actions_for_prefixes": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_not_actions_for_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_like_for_prefixes": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_like_for_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resources_for_formats": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resources_for_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_not_resources_for_formats": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_not_resources_for_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_like_for_formats": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resource_like_for_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_format": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resource_format" + ] + ] + ], + "_perform_first_legacy_parsing": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_perform_first_legacy_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_parse_statement": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_legacy_parse_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_parse_resource_like": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_legacy_parse_resource_like" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_parse_condition": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_legacy_parse_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_parse_date_condition_value": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_legacy_parse_date_condition_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_iso_8601_datetime": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_iso_8601_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_not_exist": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator", + "_validate_resource_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_trust_policy_action": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator", + "_validate_trust_policy_action" + ] + ] + ], + "list_entities_for_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_entities_for_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "list_instance_profiles_for_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_instance_profiles_for_role" + ] + ] + ], + "list_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "list_ssh_public_keys": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_ssh_public_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_credential_report": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "generate_credential_report" + ] + ] + ], + "_random_uppercase_or_digit_sequence": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "_random_uppercase_or_digit_sequence" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/utils.py", + [ + "_random_uppercase_or_digit_sequence" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_access_key_id_from_account_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "generate_access_key_id_from_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_alphanumeric": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_alphanumeric" + ] + ] + ], + "random_role_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_role_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "random_policy_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_policy_id" + ] + ] + ], + "metadata_response": [ + [ + "moto/instance_metadata/responses.py", + [ + "InstanceMetadataResponse", + "metadata_response" + ] + ] + ], + "matches": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThing", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "QuotedTermFilterPattern", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "SingleTermFilterPattern", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "UnsupportedFilterPattern", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "EventMessageFilter", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification", + "matches" + ] + ] + ], + "to_description_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeCertificate", + "to_description_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomainConfiguration", + "to_description_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "to_get_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobExecution", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeRule", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "to_dict_at_creation": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "to_dict_at_creation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion", + "to_dict_at_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "version_id": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion", + "version_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeleteMarker", + "version_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_job_id_matcher": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "_job_id_matcher" + ] + ] + ], + "create_certificate_from_csr": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_certificate_from_csr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_certificate_from_csr" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_certificate_pem": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_generate_certificate_pem" + ] + ] + ], + "create_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "create_thing_type": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_thing_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "list_thing_types": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_thing_types" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_thing_types" + ] + ] + ], + "list_things": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_things" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_things" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_thing_type": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_thing_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_thing_type": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_thing_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_thing_type": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "deprecate_thing_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "deprecate_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "update_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "create_keys_and_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_keys_and_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_keys_and_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_ca_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "_validation_delete": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_validation_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_ca_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_registration_code": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_registration_code" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_registration_code" + ] + ] + ], + "list_certificates_by_ca": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_certificates_by_ca" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_certificates_by_ca" + ] + ] + ], + "__raise_if_certificate_already_exists": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "__raise_if_certificate_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "register_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "register_ca_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "register_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_find_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "register_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "register_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "register_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "register_certificate_without_ca": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "register_certificate_without_ca" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "register_certificate_without_ca" + ] + ] + ], + "update_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_ca_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "update_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "attach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "attach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "attach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "attach_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "detach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "detach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "detach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "detach_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attached_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_attached_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_attached_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_principal": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_get_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_principal_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "attach_principal_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "attach_principal_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_principal_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "detach_principal_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "detach_principal_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_principal_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_principal_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_principal_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policy_principals": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_policy_principals" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_policy_principals" + ] + ] + ], + "list_targets_for_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_thing_principal": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "attach_thing_principal" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "attach_thing_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_thing_principal": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "detach_thing_principal" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "detach_thing_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "list_principal_things": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_principal_things" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_principal_things" + ] + ] + ], + "list_thing_principals": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_thing_principals" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_thing_principals" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_thing_groups": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_thing_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_thing_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "update_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_identify_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_identify_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_identify_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_identify_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "add_thing_to_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "add_thing_to_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "add_thing_to_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_thing_from_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "remove_thing_from_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "remove_thing_from_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_things_in_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_things_in_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_things_in_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_thing_groups_for_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_thing_groups_for_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_thing_groups_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "update_thing_groups_for_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_thing_groups_for_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_thing_groups_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_document": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_job_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_job_document" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_execution": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_job_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_job_execution": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "cancel_job_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "cancel_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_job_execution": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_job_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "list_job_executions_for_job": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_job_executions_for_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_job_executions_for_job" + ] + ] + ], + "list_job_executions_for_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_job_executions_for_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_job_executions_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "list_topic_rules": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_topic_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_topic_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "get_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "create_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "replace_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "replace_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "enable_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "enable_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "disable_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "disable_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "create_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_domain_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_domain_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_domain_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "list_domain_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_domain_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_domain_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "update_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_domain_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "search_index": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "search_index" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "search_index" + ] + ] + ], + "iot_backend": [ + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "iot_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "iot_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "dispatch_attached_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "dispatch_attached_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "create_from_previous_version": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "create_from_previous_version" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_payload": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "parse_payload" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_metadata_from_state": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "_create_metadata_from_state" + ] + ] + ], + "to_response_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "to_response_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogEvent", + "to_response_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "update_thing_shadow": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "update_thing_shadow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "update_thing_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "get_thing_shadow": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "get_thing_shadow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "get_thing_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_thing_shadow": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "delete_thing_shadow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "delete_thing_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "iotdata_backend": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "iotdata_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "dispatch_publish": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "dispatch_publish" + ] + ] + ], + "shard_id": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "shard_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_min_sequence_number": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "get_min_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "get_max_sequence_number": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "get_max_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sequence_number_at": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "get_sequence_number_at" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "delete_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_consumer_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_consumer_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "init_shards": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "init_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "split_shard": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "split_shard" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "split_shard" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "split_shard" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_shards": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "merge_shards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "merge_shards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "merge_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "update_shard_count": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "update_shard_count" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "update_shard_count" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "update_shard_count" + ] + ] + ], + "get_shard": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_shard" + ] + ] + ], + "get_shard_for_key": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_shard_for_key" + ] + ] + ], + "to_json_summary": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "to_json_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "create_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "create_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "create_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "create_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "create_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stream_summary": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "describe_stream_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "describe_stream_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "delete_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "delete_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "delete_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "delete_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "put_records": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "put_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "put_records" + ] + ] + ], + "list_shards": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "list_shards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "list_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "increase_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "increase_stream_retention_period" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "increase_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "decrease_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "decrease_stream_retention_period" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "decrease_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_for_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "list_tags_for_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "list_tags_for_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tags_to_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "add_tags_to_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "add_tags_to_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tags_from_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "remove_tags_from_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "remove_tags_from_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_enhanced_monitoring": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "enable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "enable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_enhanced_monitoring": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "disable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "disable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_stream_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "_find_stream_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stream_consumers": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "list_stream_consumers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "list_stream_consumers" + ] + ] + ], + "register_stream_consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "register_stream_consumer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "register_stream_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stream_consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "describe_stream_consumer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "describe_stream_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_stream_consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "deregister_stream_consumer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "deregister_stream_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "start_stream_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "start_stream_encryption" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "start_stream_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_stream_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "stop_stream_encryption" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "stop_stream_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stream_mode": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "update_stream_mode" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "update_stream_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "kinesis_backend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "kinesis_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "kinesis_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "compose_new_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/utils.py", + [ + "compose_new_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "compose_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/utils.py", + [ + "compose_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "decompose_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/utils.py", + [ + "decompose_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_data_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "get_data_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "get_data_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "_get_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "kinesisvideo_backend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "kinesisvideo_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_streaming_url": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "_get_streaming_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hls_streaming_session_url": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "get_hls_streaming_session_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse", + "get_hls_streaming_session_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dash_streaming_session_url": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "get_dash_streaming_session_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse", + "get_dash_streaming_session_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_clip": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "get_clip" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse", + "get_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_backend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse", + "kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "add_grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "add_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "list_grants": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "list_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "list_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "list_retirable_grants": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "list_retirable_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "list_retirable_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_retirable_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "revoke_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "revoke_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "revoke_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "retire_grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "retire_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "retire_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "retire_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "retire_grant_by_token": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "retire_grant_by_token" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_default_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "generate_default_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "encryption_algorithms": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "encryption_algorithms" + ] + ] + ], + "signing_algorithms": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "signing_algorithms" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_default_keys": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "_generate_default_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "create_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "create_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "create_key" + ] + ] + ], + "replicate_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "replicate_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "replicate_key" + ] + ] + ], + "update_key_description": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "update_key_description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "update_key_description" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "delete_key" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "describe_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "describe_key" + ] + ] + ], + "list_keys": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "list_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alias_name": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_alias_name" + ] + ] + ], + "any_id_to_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "any_id_to_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "alias_exists": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "alias_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "add_alias": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "add_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_aliases": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_all_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_id_from_alias": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_key_id_from_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_key_rotation": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "enable_key_rotation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "enable_key_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_key_rotation": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "disable_key_rotation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "disable_key_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_rotation_status": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_key_rotation_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "get_key_rotation_status" + ] + ] + ], + "put_key_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "put_key_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "put_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_key_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "get_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "disable_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "disable_key" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "enable_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "enable_key" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_key_deletion": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "cancel_key_deletion" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "cancel_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "schedule_key_deletion": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "schedule_key_deletion" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "schedule_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "encrypt": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "encrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "encrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "encrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "decrypt": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "decrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "decrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "decrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "re_encrypt": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "re_encrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "re_encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_data_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "generate_data_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "generate_data_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "generate_data_key" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resource_tags": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "list_resource_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_resource_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "create_grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "create_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "create_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "__ensure_valid_sign_and_verify_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "__ensure_valid_sign_and_verify_key" + ] + ] + ], + "__ensure_valid_signing_augorithm": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "__ensure_valid_signing_augorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "sign": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "sign" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "sign" + ] + ] + ], + "verify": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "verify" + ] + ] + ], + "kms_backend": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "kms_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "kms_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_display_arn": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_display_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_cmk_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_validate_cmk_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_alias": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_validate_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_validate_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_alias": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_set_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aliases": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "list_key_policies": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_key_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_data_key_without_plaintext": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "generate_data_key_without_plaintext" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_random": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "generate_random" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_default_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "_assert_default_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "generate_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_master_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "generate_master_key" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_private_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "generate_private_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_serialize_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "_serialize_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "_deserialize_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "_deserialize_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "_serialize_encryption_context": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "_serialize_encryption_context" + ] + ] + ], + "find_metric_transformation_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "find_metric_transformation_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "find_metric_transformation_by_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "find_metric_transformation_by_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "get_matching_filters": [ + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "MetricFilters", + "get_matching_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "to_filter_dict": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogEvent", + "to_filter_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_update": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "_update" + ] + ] + ], + "to_describe_dict": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "to_describe_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "to_describe_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "put_log_events": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "put_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "put_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_func": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "get_log_events", + "filter_func" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "filter_log_events", + "filter_func" + ] + ] + ], + "get_index_and_direction_from_token": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "get_log_events", + "get_index_and_direction_from_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_log_events": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "get_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "get_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "get_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "get_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_log_events": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "filter_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "filter_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "filter_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "filter_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "create_log_stream": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "create_log_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "create_log_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "create_log_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_log_stream": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "delete_log_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_log_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_log_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "sorter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "describe_log_streams", + "sorter" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_log_streams": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "describe_log_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_log_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_log_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "set_retention_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "set_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "untag": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "untag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "untag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "untag" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_subscription_filters": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "describe_subscription_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_subscription_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_subscription_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "put_subscription_filter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "put_subscription_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_subscription_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_subscription_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_subscription_filter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "delete_subscription_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_subscription_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_subscription_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "create_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "create_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "create_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "ensure_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_log_groups": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_log_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_log_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "put_retention_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_retention_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_retention_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_retention_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_resource_policies": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_resource_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_resource_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "put_resource_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resource_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "list_tags_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "list_tags_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "tag_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "tag_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "untag_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "untag_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "put_metric_filter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_metric_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_metric_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "put_metric_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_metric_filters": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_metric_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_metric_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_metric_filter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_metric_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_metric_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "start_query": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "start_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "start_query" + ] + ] + ], + "create_export_task": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "create_export_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "create_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_param": [ + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "validate_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_validated_param": [ + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "_get_validated_param" + ] + ] + ], + "exception_handler": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "exception_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "network_name": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_name" + ] + ] + ], + "network_framework": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_framework" + ] + ] + ], + "network_framework_version": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_framework_version" + ] + ] + ], + "network_creationdate": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_creationdate" + ] + ] + ], + "network_description": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_description" + ] + ] + ], + "network_edition": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_edition" + ] + ] + ], + "vote_pol_proposal_duration": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "vote_pol_proposal_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "vote_pol_threshold_percentage": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "vote_pol_threshold_percentage" + ] + ] + ], + "vote_pol_threshold_comparator": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "vote_pol_threshold_comparator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_format": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "get_format" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "get_format" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "get_format" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "get_format" + ] + ] + ], + "network_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "network_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "network_id" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "proposal_status" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_votes": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "proposal_votes" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_actions": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "proposal_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "check_to_expire_proposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "check_to_expire_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "set_vote": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "set_vote" + ] + ] + ], + "invitation_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "invitation_status" + ] + ] + ], + "invitation_networkid": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "invitation_networkid" + ] + ] + ], + "accept_invitation": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "accept_invitation" + ] + ] + ], + "reject_invitation": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "reject_invitation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "reject_invitation" + ] + ] + ], + "set_network_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "set_network_status" + ] + ] + ], + "member_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "member_status" + ] + ] + ], + "member_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "member_id" + ] + ] + ], + "node_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "node_status" + ] + ] + ], + "create_network": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "create_network" + ] + ] + ], + "list_networks": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_networks" + ] + ] + ], + "get_network": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "get_network" + ] + ] + ], + "create_proposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "create_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "list_proposals": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_proposals" + ] + ] + ], + "get_proposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "get_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "vote_on_proposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "vote_on_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "list_proposal_votes": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_proposal_votes" + ] + ] + ], + "list_invitations": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_invitations" + ] + ] + ], + "create_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "create_member" + ] + ] + ], + "list_members": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_members" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "list_members" + ] + ] + ], + "get_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "get_member" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "get_member" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "delete_member" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "delete_member" + ] + ] + ], + "update_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "update_member" + ] + ] + ], + "create_node": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "create_node" + ] + ] + ], + "list_nodes": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_node": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "get_node" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_node": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "delete_node" + ] + ] + ], + "update_node": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "update_node" + ] + ] + ], + "network_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "network_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_network_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_network_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_networks_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_networks_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_network_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_network_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "networkid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "networkid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_networkid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_networkid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_networkid_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_networkid_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "proposal_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposal_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposal_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_proposals_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_proposals_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposal_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposal_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "proposalid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "proposalid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposalid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposalid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposalid_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposalid_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_votes_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "proposal_votes_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposal_votes_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposal_votes_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_proposal_votes_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_proposal_votes_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposal_votes_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposal_votes_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "invitation_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "invitation_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_invitation_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_invitation_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_invitation_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_invitation_response" + ] + ] + ], + "invitationid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "invitationid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_invitationid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_invitationid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_invitationid_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_invitationid_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "member_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "member_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_member_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_member_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_members_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_members_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_member_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_member_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "memberid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "memberid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_memberid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_memberid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_memberid_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_memberid_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_memberid_response_patch": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_memberid_response_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "_memberid_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_memberid_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "node_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "node_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_node_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_node_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_nodes_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_nodes_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_node_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_node_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "nodeid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "nodeid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodeid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_nodeid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodeid_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_nodeid_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodeid_response_patch": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_nodeid_response_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodeid_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_nodeid_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "networkid_from_managedblockchain_url": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "networkid_from_managedblockchain_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_network_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_network_id" + ] + ] + ], + "memberid_from_managedblockchain_request": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "memberid_from_managedblockchain_request" + ] + ] + ], + "get_member_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_member_id" + ] + ] + ], + "proposalid_from_managedblockchain_url": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "proposalid_from_managedblockchain_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_proposal_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_proposal_id" + ] + ] + ], + "invitationid_from_managedblockchain_url": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "invitationid_from_managedblockchain_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_invitation_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_invitation_id" + ] + ] + ], + "member_name_exist_in_network": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "member_name_exist_in_network" + ] + ] + ], + "number_of_members_in_network": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "number_of_members_in_network" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_password_ok": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "admin_password_ok" + ] + ] + ], + "nodeid_from_managedblockchain_url": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "nodeid_from_managedblockchain_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_node_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_node_id" + ] + ] + ], + "number_of_nodes_in_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "number_of_nodes_in_member" + ] + ] + ], + "nodes_in_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "nodes_in_member" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_transient_states": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "Flow", + "resolve_transient_states" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_source_details": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "_add_source_details" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_entitlement_details": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "_add_entitlement_details" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_flow_add_details": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "_create_flow_add_details" + ] + ] + ], + "create_flow": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "create_flow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "create_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "list_flows": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "list_flows" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "list_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_flow": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "describe_flow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "describe_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_flow": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "delete_flow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "delete_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "start_flow": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "start_flow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "start_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_flow": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "stop_flow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "stop_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "add_flow_vpc_interfaces": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "add_flow_vpc_interfaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "add_flow_vpc_interfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "add_flow_outputs": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "add_flow_outputs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "add_flow_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_flow_vpc_interface": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "remove_flow_vpc_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "remove_flow_vpc_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_flow_output": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "remove_flow_output" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "remove_flow_output" + ] + ] + ], + "update_flow_output": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "update_flow_output" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "update_flow_output" + ] + ] + ], + "add_flow_sources": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "add_flow_sources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "add_flow_sources" + ] + ] + ], + "update_flow_source": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "update_flow_source" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "update_flow_source" + ] + ] + ], + "grant_flow_entitlements": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "grant_flow_entitlements" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "grant_flow_entitlements" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_flow_entitlement": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "revoke_flow_entitlement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "revoke_flow_entitlement" + ] + ] + ], + "update_flow_entitlement": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "update_flow_entitlement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "update_flow_entitlement" + ] + ] + ], + "mediaconnect_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "mediaconnect_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_resolve_transient_states": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Input", + "_resolve_transient_states" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Channel", + "_resolve_transient_states" + ] + ] + ], + "create_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "create_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "create_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "create_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "create_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "list_channels": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "list_channels" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "list_channels" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "list_channels" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "list_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "describe_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "describe_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "describe_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "describe_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "delete_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "delete_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "delete_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "delete_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "start_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "start_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "start_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "stop_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "stop_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "update_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "update_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "update_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "create_input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "create_input" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "create_input" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "describe_input" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "describe_input" + ] + ] + ], + "list_inputs": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "list_inputs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "list_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "delete_input" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "delete_input" + ] + ] + ], + "update_input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "update_input" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "update_input" + ] + ] + ], + "medialive_backend": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "medialive_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "create_origin_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "create_origin_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "create_origin_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_origin_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "describe_origin_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "describe_origin_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "list_origin_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "list_origin_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "list_origin_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_origin_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "delete_origin_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "delete_origin_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "update_origin_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "update_origin_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "update_origin_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "mediapackage_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "mediapackage_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "create_container": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "create_container" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "create_container" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_container": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "delete_container" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "delete_container" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_container": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "describe_container" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "describe_container" + ] + ] + ], + "list_containers": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "list_containers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "list_containers" + ] + ] + ], + "put_container_policy": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "put_container_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "put_container_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_container_policy": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "get_container_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "get_container_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_metric_policy": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "put_metric_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "put_metric_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_metric_policy": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "get_metric_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "get_metric_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "mediastore_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "mediastore_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend", + "put_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "put_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_with_url_encoded_key", + "put_object" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_object": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend", + "delete_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "delete_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_object" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend", + "get_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "get_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object" + ] + ] + ], + "list_items": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend", + "list_items" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "list_items" + ] + ] + ], + "mediastoredata_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "mediastoredata_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "timestamp_2": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "timestamp_2" + ] + ] + ], + "customer_identifier": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "customer_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "customer_identifier_4": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "customer_identifier_4" + ] + ] + ], + "dimension": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "dimension_6": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "dimension_6" + ] + ] + ], + "quantity": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "quantity" + ] + ] + ], + "quantity_8": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "quantity_8" + ] + ] + ], + "metering_record_id": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "metering_record_id" + ] + ] + ], + "status_2": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "status_2" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "status_2" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_record": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "usage_record" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_record_4": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "usage_record_4" + ] + ] + ], + "is_duplicate": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "is_duplicate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "ResultDeque", + "is_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "is_subscribed": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "CustomerDeque", + "is_subscribed" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_meter_usage": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "MeteringMarketplaceBackend", + "batch_meter_usage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/responses.py", + [ + "MarketplaceMeteringResponse", + "batch_meter_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "advance": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "advance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeTranscriptionJob", + "advance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeVocabulary", + "advance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeMedicalTranscriptionJob", + "advance" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_next_status": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "_get_next_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_last_status": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "_get_last_status" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transition": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "get_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "get_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "get_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "set_transition": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "set_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "set_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "set_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "unset_transition": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "unset_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "unset_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "unset_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "uuid1": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom", + "uuid1" + ] + ] + ], + "uuid4": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom", + "uuid4" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_hex": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom", + "get_random_hex" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_string": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom", + "get_random_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_record_request": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "_record_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "_encode_body" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "reset_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "reset_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "start_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "start_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "start_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "stop_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "stop_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "upload_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "upload_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "download_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "download_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "download_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "replay_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "replay_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "replay_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_response": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "reset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_auth_response": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "reset_auth_response" + ] + ] + ], + "model_data": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "model_data" + ] + ] + ], + "dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "seed": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "seed" + ] + ] + ], + "register_default_transition": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "register_default_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_registered_models": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "get_registered_models" + ] + ] + ], + "_server_entry": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/threaded_moto_server.py", + [ + "ThreadedMotoServer", + "_server_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "action_data": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/utilities.py", + [ + "AWSTestHelper", + "action_data" + ] + ] + ], + "action_json": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/utilities.py", + [ + "AWSTestHelper", + "action_json" + ] + ] + ], + "get_backend_for_host": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_backend_for_host" + ] + ] + ], + "infer_service_region_host": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "infer_service_region_host" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "_get_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_service_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_version_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_version_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_action_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_action_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service_from_path": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_service_from_path" + ] + ] + ], + "create_backend_app": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "create_backend_app" + ] + ] + ], + "has_ldap_auth": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationRevision", + "has_ldap_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "get_revision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Configuration", + "get_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "create_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "create_broker" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "create_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "delete_broker" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "delete_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "describe_broker" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "describe_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "reboot_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "reboot_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "list_brokers": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "list_brokers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "list_brokers" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_user": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "describe_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "describe_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "describe_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "describe_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "create_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "create_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "describe_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "describe_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_revision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "describe_configuration_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "list_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "list_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "list_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "update_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "update_broker" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "update_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "mq_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "mq_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "broker" + ] + ] + ], + "brokers": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "brokers" + ] + ] + ], + "configurations": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "configuration_revision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "configuration_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "user": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "user" + ] + ] + ], + "users": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "users" + ] + ] + ], + "get_configuration_revision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "get_configuration_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_hostname": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack", + "generate_hostname" + ] + ] + ], + "create_layer": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "create_layer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "create_layer" + ] + ] + ], + "create_app": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "create_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "create_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "create_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "create_app" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instance": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "create_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "create_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_layers": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "describe_layers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "describe_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_apps": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "describe_apps" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "describe_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "start_instance": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "start_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "start_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "opsworks_backend": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "opsworks_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "master_account_arn": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganization", + "master_account_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_account_status": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount", + "create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "close": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount", + "close" + ] + ] + ], + "add_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeRoot", + "add_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeRoot", + "remove_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "supported_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "supported_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "trusted_service": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeServiceAccess", + "trusted_service" + ] + ] + ], + "add_service_principal": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator", + "add_service_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_service_principal": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator", + "remove_service_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "supported_service": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator", + "supported_service" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_root_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "_get_root_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "create_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "create_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "delete_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "delete_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "list_roots": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_roots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "create_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "create_organizational_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "create_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "update_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "update_organizational_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "update_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "get_organizational_unit_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "get_organizational_unit_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_parent_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "validate_parent_id" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_organizational_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "list_organizational_units_for_parent": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_organizational_units_for_parent" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_organizational_units_for_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "create_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "create_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "create_account" + ] + ] + ], + "close_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "close_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "close_account" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "get_account_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_by_attr": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "get_account_by_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_account" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_create_account_status": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_create_account_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "list_create_account_status": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_create_account_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "list_accounts": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_accounts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "list_accounts_for_parent": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_accounts_for_parent" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_accounts_for_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "move_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "move_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "move_account" + ] + ] + ], + "list_parents": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_parents" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_parents" + ] + ] + ], + "list_children": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_children" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_children" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_policy": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_policy_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "get_policy_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "update_policy": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "update_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "update_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policies_for_target": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_policies_for_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_policies_for_target" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_for_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "_get_resource_for_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "enable_aws_service_access" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "enable_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aws_service_access_for_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_aws_service_access_for_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_aws_service_access_for_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "disable_aws_service_access" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "disable_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "register_delegated_administrator": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "register_delegated_administrator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "register_delegated_administrator" + ] + ] + ], + "list_delegated_administrators": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_delegated_administrators" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_delegated_administrators" + ] + ] + ], + "list_delegated_services_for_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_delegated_services_for_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_delegated_services_for_account" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_delegated_administrator": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "deregister_delegated_administrator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "deregister_delegated_administrator" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "enable_policy_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "enable_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "disable_policy_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "disable_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_account_from_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "remove_account_from_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "remove_account_from_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "organizations_backend": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "organizations_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "organizations_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "organizations_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_org_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_org_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_root_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_root_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_ou_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_ou_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_account_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_create_account_status_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_create_account_status_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_policy_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_policy_id" + ] + ] + ], + "fullmatch": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "fullmatch" + ] + ] + ], + "to_source_dict": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/blockdevicemapping.py", + [ + "BlockDeviceMapping", + "to_source_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "state": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance", + "state" + ] + ] + ], + "state_code": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance", + "state_code" + ] + ] + ], + "placement": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance", + "placement" + ] + ] + ], + "send": [ + [ + "moto/packages/cfnresponse/cfnresponse.py", + [ + "send" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_schema": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend", + "describe_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "describe_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "list_schemas": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend", + "list_schemas" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "list_schemas" + ] + ] + ], + "personalize_backend": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "personalize_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "get_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "update_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "update_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_event_stream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "delete_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "delete_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "delete_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "get_event_stream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "get_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "get_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "get_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "put_event_stream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "put_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "put_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "put_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_app": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "delete_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "delete_app" + ] + ] + ], + "get_app": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "get_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "get_app" + ] + ] + ], + "get_apps": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "get_apps" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "get_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "update_application_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "update_application_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "update_application_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "get_application_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "get_application_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "get_application_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "pinpoint_backend": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "pinpoint_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "app": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "app" + ] + ] + ], + "apps": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "apps" + ] + ] + ], + "app_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "app_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "eventstream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "eventstream" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_voices": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "describe_voices" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "delete_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "get_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "list_lexicons": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "list_lexicons" + ] + ] + ], + "put_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "put_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "polly_backend": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "polly_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "json": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "json" + ] + ] + ], + "voices": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "voices" + ] + ] + ], + "lexicons": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "lexicons" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_lexicons": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_put_lexicons" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_lexicons_list": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_get_lexicons_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_get_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_delete_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "speech": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "speech" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_id": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "_create_id" + ] + ] + ], + "add_member": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "add_member" + ] + ] + ], + "create_data_set": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "create_data_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "create_data_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_membership": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "create_group_membership" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "create_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "create_ingestion": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "create_ingestion" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "create_ingestion" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_group": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "describe_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "describe_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_group_membership": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "describe_group_membership" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "describe_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "list_group_memberships": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "list_group_memberships" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "list_group_memberships" + ] + ] + ], + "register_user": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "register_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "register_user" + ] + ] + ], + "quicksight_backend": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "quicksight_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "dataset": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "group_member": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "group_member" + ] + ] + ], + "group_members": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "group_members" + ] + ] + ], + "ingestion": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "ingestion" + ] + ] + ], + "add_principals": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "add_principals" + ] + ] + ], + "add_resources": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "add_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_share": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "create_resource_share" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "create_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_shares": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "get_resource_shares" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "get_resource_shares" + ] + ] + ], + "update_resource_share": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "update_resource_share" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "update_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resource_share": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "delete_resource_share" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "delete_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_sharing_with_aws_organization": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "enable_sharing_with_aws_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "enable_sharing_with_aws_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "ram_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "ram_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "db_cluster_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "db_cluster_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "master_user_password": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "master_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "master_user_password_2": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "master_user_password_2" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_http_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "enable_http_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_http_endpoint_4": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "enable_http_endpoint_4" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cfg": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "get_cfg" + ] + ] + ], + "default_engine_version": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "default_engine_version" + ] + ] + ], + "default_port": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "default_port" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "default_port" + ] + ] + ], + "default_storage_type": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "default_storage_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "default_storage_type" + ] + ] + ], + "default_allocated_storage": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "default_allocated_storage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "default_allocated_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "snapshot_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "snapshot_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "db_instance_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "db_instance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "db_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "db_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "is_default_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "is_default_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "default_db_parameter_group_details": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "default_db_parameter_group_details" + ] + ] + ], + "address": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "address" + ] + ] + ], + "add_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "add_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "remove_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "set_as_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "set_as_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "es_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "es_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "authorize_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "authorize_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "authorize_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "sg_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "sg_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_database_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "copy_database_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_instance_read_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_instance_read_replica" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_instance_read_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_instances": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_database_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_database_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "reboot_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "reboot_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "reboot_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "stop_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "stop_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "start_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "start_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "start_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "find_db_from_id": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "find_db_from_id" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_subnet_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_subnet_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_db_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_db_subnet_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_db_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_option_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_option_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_option_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_option_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_option_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_option_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_option_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_option_group_options": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_option_group_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_option_group_options" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_option_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_option_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_parameter_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_db_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "copy_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_cluster_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "start_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "start_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "start_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "stop_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "stop_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "start_export_task": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "start_export_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "start_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "create_event_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_event_subscription" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_event_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_event_subscription" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_event_subscriptions": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_event_subscriptions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_event_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_resources": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "_filter_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_options": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "remove_options" + ] + ] + ], + "add_options": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "add_options" + ] + ] + ], + "update_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "update_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_modify_db_cluster_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_modify_db_cluster_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_replica_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_replica_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_option_group_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_option_group_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_parameter_group_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_parameter_group_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_cluster_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_cluster_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_export_task_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_export_task_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_event_subscription_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_event_subscription_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "unpack_complex_list_params": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "unpack_complex_list_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "unpack_complex_list_params" + ] + ] + ], + "unpack_list_params": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "unpack_list_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "unpack_list_params" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "copy_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_db_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "authorize_db_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_subnet_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_subnet_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_parameter_group_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_parameter_group_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "copy_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_filters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "merge_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_filters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "validate_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_filter": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "apply_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Snapshot", + "resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "vpc_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "pause": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "pause" + ] + ] + ], + "resume": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "resume" + ] + ] + ], + "subnets": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_snapshot_copy": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "enable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "enable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_snapshot_copy": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "disable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "disable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "pause_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "pause_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "pause_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "resume_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "resume_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "resume_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_automated_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_automated_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster_subnet_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_cluster_subnet_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_cluster_subnet_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_cluster_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_cluster_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_cluster_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "authorize_cluster_security_group_ingress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "authorize_cluster_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_cluster_parameter_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_cluster_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_from_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "restore_from_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "restore_from_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "create_snapshot_copy_grant": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_snapshot_copy_grant": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_snapshot_copy_grants": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_snapshot_copy_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_snapshot_copy_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "_get_resource_from_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "_get_resource_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_tags_for_resources": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "_describe_tags_for_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_tags_for_resource_type": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "_describe_tags_for_resource_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_tags_for_resource_name": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "_describe_tags_for_resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cluster_credentials": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "get_cluster_credentials" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "get_cluster_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_json_error_to_xml": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "convert_json_error_to_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "itemize": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "itemize" + ] + ] + ], + "redshift_backend": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "redshift_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "redshift_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cluster_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "_get_cluster_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_vpc_security_group_ids": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "_get_vpc_security_group_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_iam_roles": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "_get_iam_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_subnet_ids": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "_get_subnet_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_statement": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend", + "cancel_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "cancel_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_statement": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend", + "describe_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "describe_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_statement": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend", + "execute_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "execute_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "get_statement_result": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend", + "get_statement_result" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "get_statement_result" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_uuid": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "_validate_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "redshiftdata_backend": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "redshiftdata_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "start_face_search": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "start_face_search" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "start_face_search" + ] + ] + ], + "start_text_detection": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "start_text_detection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "start_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "get_face_search": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "get_face_search" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "get_face_search" + ] + ] + ], + "get_text_detection": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "get_text_detection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "get_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "_job_id": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_job_status": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_job_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_next_token": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_status_message": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_status_message" + ] + ] + ], + "_text_model_version": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_text_model_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_video_metadata": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_video_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "_persons": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_persons" + ] + ] + ], + "_text_detections": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_text_detections" + ] + ] + ], + "rekognition_backend": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "rekognition_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_description": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_validate_description" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_query": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_validate_resource_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "_validate_resource_query" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_tags": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_validate_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "_validate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "description_7": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "description_7" + ] + ] + ], + "name_9": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "name_9" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_query": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "resource_query" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_query_11": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "resource_query_11" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_13": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "tags_13" + ] + ] + ], + "append": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroups", + "append" + ] + ] + ], + "update_group_query": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "update_group_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "update_group_query" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "get_group_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "get_group_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_group_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "put_group_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "put_group_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "resourcegroups_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "resourcegroups_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_query": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "get_group_query" + ] + ] + ], + "list_group_resources": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "list_group_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "search_resources": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "search_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "s3_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "s3_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "rds_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "rds_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "emr_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "emr_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "lambda_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "lambda_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_filter": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator", + "tag_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ec2_tags": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator", + "get_ec2_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "get_kms_tags": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator", + "get_kms_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "transform_lambda_tags": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator", + "transform_lambda_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resources_generator": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ec2_keys": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_tag_keys_generator", + "get_ec2_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tag_keys_generator": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_tag_keys_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ec2_values": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_tag_values_generator", + "get_ec2_values" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tag_values_generator": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_tag_values_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tag_keys": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "get_tag_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse", + "get_tag_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tag_values": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "get_tag_values" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse", + "get_tag_values" + ] + ] + ], + "create_route53_zone_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "create_route53_zone_id" + ] + ] + ], + "set_children": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "set_children" + ] + ] + ], + "set_regions": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "set_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "reverse_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "reverse_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "add_rrset": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "add_rrset" + ] + ] + ], + "upsert_rrset": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "upsert_rrset" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rrset": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "delete_rrset" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rrset_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "delete_rrset_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "add_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "add_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "predicate": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "get_record_sets", + "predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_record_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "get_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "create_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "create_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dnssec": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_dnssec" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_vpc_from_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "disassociate_vpc_from_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "change_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "change_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resource_record_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_resource_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "change_resource_record_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "change_resource_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_hosted_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "sort_key": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_hosted_zones_by_name", + "if_dnsname_", + "else_", + "sort_key" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_hosted_zones_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones_by_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_hosted_zones_by_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_zone_count": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_hosted_zone_count" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_zone_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_hosted_zone_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "delete_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "update_hosted_zone_comment": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "update_hosted_zone_comment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "create_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "update_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "update_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "list_health_checks": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_health_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "delete_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "get_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "create_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "create_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "delete_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "list_query_logging_configs": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_query_logging_configs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "create_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_reusable_delegation_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_reusable_delegation_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "delete_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_or_create_hostzone_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_or_create_hostzone_response" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones_by_name_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_hosted_zones_by_name_response" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones_by_vpc_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_hosted_zones_by_vpc_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_zone_count_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_hosted_zone_count_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_or_delete_hostzone_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_or_delete_hostzone_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dnssec_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_dnssec_response" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_vpc_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "associate_vpc_response" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_vpc_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "disassociate_vpc_response" + ] + ] + ], + "rrset_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "rrset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "health_check_response1": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "health_check_response1" + ] + ] + ], + "health_check_response2": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "health_check_response2" + ] + ] + ], + "not_implemented_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "not_implemented_response" + ] + ] + ], + "list_or_change_tags_for_resource_request": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_or_change_tags_for_resource_request" + ] + ] + ], + "get_change": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_change" + ] + ] + ], + "list_or_create_query_logging_config_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_or_create_query_logging_config_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_or_delete_query_logging_config_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_or_delete_query_logging_config_response" + ] + ] + ], + "reusable_delegation_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "reusable_delegation_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_response1": [ + [ + "moto/route53/urls.py", + [ + "tag_response1" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_response2": [ + [ + "moto/route53/urls.py", + [ + "tag_response2" + ] + ] + ], + "_vpc_id_from_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "_vpc_id_from_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_subnet_info": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "_build_subnet_info" + ] + ] + ], + "ip_descriptions": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "ip_descriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "update_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "update_name" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_ip_address": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "associate_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_ip_address": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "disassociate_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "associate_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "associate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_subnet_ips": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_verify_subnet_ips" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_security_group_ids": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_verify_security_group_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "create_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "create_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "create_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "create_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resolver_endpoint_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_validate_resolver_endpoint_id" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "delete_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "delete_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resolver_rule_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_validate_resolver_rule_id" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "delete_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "delete_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "disassociate_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "disassociate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "get_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "get_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "get_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "get_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resolver_rule_association": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "get_resolver_rule_association" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "get_resolver_rule_association" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_field_name_to_filter": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_add_field_name_to_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_filters": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_validate_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "_matches_all_filters": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_matches_all_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resolver_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_resolver_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_resolver_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resolver_rules": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_resolver_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_resolver_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resolver_rule_associations": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_resolver_rule_associations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_resolver_rule_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "_matched_arn": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_matched_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "update_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "update_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "update_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "route53resolver_backend": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "route53resolver_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_creator_request_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_creator_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_direction": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_endpoint_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_endpoint_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_max_results": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_rule_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_rule_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_rule_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_rule_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_rule_type": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_rule_type" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_security_group_ids": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_security_group_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_target_port": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_target_port" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "cfn_to_api_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/s3/cloud_formation.py", + [ + "cfn_to_api_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "last_modified_ISO8601": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeleteMarker", + "last_modified_ISO8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "last_modified_ISO8601" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "safe_name" + ] + ] + ], + "value_4": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "value_4" + ] + ] + ], + "set_metadata": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "set_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "set_storage_class": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "set_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "set_expiry": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "set_expiry" + ] + ] + ], + "set_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "set_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "restore": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "restore" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "restore" + ] + ] + ], + "etag": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "etag" + ] + ] + ], + "last_modified_RFC1123": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "last_modified_RFC1123" + ] + ] + ], + "response_dict": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "response_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "storage_class": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "expiry_date": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "expiry_date" + ] + ] + ], + "__setstate__": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "__setstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "is_locked": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "is_locked" + ] + ] + ], + "dispose": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "dispose" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart", + "dispose" + ] + ] + ], + "complete": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart", + "complete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "complete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "complete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "complete" + ] + ] + ], + "set_part": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart", + "set_part" + ] + ] + ], + "list_parts": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart", + "list_parts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "type": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrantee", + "type" + ] + ] + ], + "public_read": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeAcl", + "public_read" + ] + ] + ], + "get_canned_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "get_canned_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "_event_matches": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification", + "_event_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_matches": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification", + "_key_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_str_to_bool": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "convert_str_to_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "__delitem__": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "MultipartDict", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__delitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "creation_date_ISO8601": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "creation_date_ISO8601" + ] + ] + ], + "is_versioned": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "is_versioned" + ] + ] + ], + "allow_action": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "allow_action" + ] + ] + ], + "set_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "delete_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "delete_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "set_logging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "set_notification_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_notification_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "set_accelerate_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_accelerate_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "dual_stack_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "dual_stack_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "regional_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "regional_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "website_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "website_url" + ] + ] + ], + "has_default_lock": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "has_default_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "default_retention": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "default_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "create_bucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "create_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "list_buckets": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "head_bucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "head_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_versioning": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_versioning": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "list_object_versions": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_object_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_ownership_controls": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_ownership_controls" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_ownership_controls": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_ownership_controls" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_ownership_controls": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_ownership_controls" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_replication": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_replication": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_replication": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_bucket_website_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "set_bucket_website_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_website_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_website_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_website": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_website" + ] + ] + ], + "get_public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "get_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "get_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object_legal_hold": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object_legal_hold" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object_retention": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "head_object": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "head_object" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_legal_hold": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_legal_hold" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_lock_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_lock_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "set_key_tags": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "set_key_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object_lock_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object_lock_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_logging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "delete_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "delete_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_notification_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_notification_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_accelerate_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_accelerate_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "abort_multipart_upload": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "abort_multipart_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "is_truncated": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "is_truncated" + ] + ] + ], + "create_multipart_upload": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "create_multipart_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_multipart_upload": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "complete_multipart_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_multiparts": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_all_multiparts" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_part": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "upload_part" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_part": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "copy_part" + ] + ] + ], + "list_objects": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "list_objects_v2": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_objects_v2" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "_get_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_delete_marker": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "_set_delete_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_object_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_object_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_objects": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_object": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "copy_object" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_location": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_location" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_logging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_notification_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_notification_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_s3_event": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_get_s3_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_region_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_get_region_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "send_event": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "send_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_invoke_awslambda": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_invoke_awslambda" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_test_event": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_get_test_event" + ] + ] + ], + "send_test_event": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "send_test_event" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_key_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "parse_key_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "parse_key_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3bucket_path/utils.py", + [ + "parse_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "all_buckets": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "all_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "subdomain_based_buckets": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "subdomain_based_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "is_delete_keys": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "is_delete_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_bucket_name_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "parse_bucket_name_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "ambiguous_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "ambiguous_response" + ] + ] + ], + "bucket_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "bucket_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_querystring": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_head": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_head" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_string": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_set_cors_headers", + "_to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_cors_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_set_cors_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "_response_options": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_response_options" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_action": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_set_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_list_objects_v2": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_list_objects_v2" + ] + ] + ], + "_split_truncated_keys": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_split_truncated_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_results_from_token": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_results_from_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_truncate_result": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_truncate_result" + ] + ] + ], + "_body_contains_location_constraint": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_body_contains_location_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_bucket_configuration_is_empty": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_create_bucket_configuration_is_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_pab_config": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_parse_pab_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "_parse_pab_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_put": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_put" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_path": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_delete_keys": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_delete_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "toint": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_range_header", + "toint" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_range_header": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_range_header" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_v4_chunk_signatures": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_v4_chunk_signatures" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_encoded_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_encoded_body" + ] + ] + ], + "key_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "key_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_put": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_put" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_head": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_head" + ] + ] + ], + "_lock_config_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_lock_config_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_acl_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_acl_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_grants_from_xml": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_grants_from_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "_acl_from_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_acl_from_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "_tagging_from_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_tagging_from_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "_tagging_from_xml": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_tagging_from_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_tagging_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_tagging_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_cors_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_cors_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_mode_until_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_mode_until_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_legal_hold_status_from_xml": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_legal_hold_status_from_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "_encryption_config_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_encryption_config_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_ownership_rule_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_ownership_rule_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_logging_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_logging_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_notification_config_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_notification_config_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_accelerate_config_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_accelerate_config_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_replication_config_from_xml": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_replication_config_from_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "_complete_multipart_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_complete_multipart_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "_invalid_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_invalid_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "bucket_name_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "bucket_name_from_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3bucket_path/utils.py", + [ + "bucket_name_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "bucket_and_name_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "bucket_and_name_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_region_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "parse_region_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "metadata_from_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "metadata_from_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_key_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "clean_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "undo_clean_key_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "undo_clean_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "__sgetitem__": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "__sgetitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "getlist": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "getlist" + ] + ] + ], + "setlist": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "setlist" + ] + ] + ], + "_iteritems": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "_iteritems" + ] + ] + ], + "_itervalues": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "_itervalues" + ] + ] + ], + "_iterlists": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "_iterlists" + ] + ] + ], + "item_size": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "item_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_self_iterable": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "_self_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "set_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint", + "set_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "has_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint", + "has_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "put_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "put_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "get_access_point": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "get_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "get_access_point" + ] + ] + 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+ [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "access_point": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "access_point_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "access_point_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "access_point_policy_status": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "access_point_policy_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_accountid_and_name_from_accesspoint": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "_get_accountid_and_name_from_accesspoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_accountid_and_name_from_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "_get_accountid_and_name_from_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "arn_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "arn_formatter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrainingJob", + "arn_formatter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "arn_formatter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "arn_formatter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "arn_formatter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrialComponent", + "arn_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "response_create": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeProcessingJob", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrainingJob", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeExperiment", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrial", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrialComponent", + "response_create" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_production_variants": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "_process_production_variants" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_production_variants": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "validate_production_variants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "validate_production_variants" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_serverless_config": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "validate_serverless_config" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_instance_type": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "validate_instance_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "validate_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_volume_size_in_gb": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "validate_volume_size_in_gb" + ] + ] + ], + "url": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "url" + ] + ] + ], + "is_deletable": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "is_deletable" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_model": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_model" + ] + ] + ], + "list_models": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_models" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_models" + ] + ] + ], + "create_experiment": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_experiment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_experiment": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_experiment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "list_experiments": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_experiments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_experiments" + ] + ] + ], + "evaluate_search_expression": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "search", + "evaluate_search_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "search": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "search" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "search" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_experiment": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_experiment" + ] + ], + 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"moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_trials" + ] + ] + ], + "create_trial_component": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_trial_component" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_trial_component": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_trial_component" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_trial_component": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_trial_component" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_trial_component_details": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "_update_trial_component_details" + ] + ] + ], + "list_trial_components": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_trial_components" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_trial_components" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_trial_component": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "associate_trial_component" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "associate_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_trial_component": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "disassociate_trial_component" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "disassociate_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "create_notebook_instance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_notebook_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_notebook_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_unique_notebook_instance_name": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "_validate_unique_notebook_instance_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_notebook_instance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "get_notebook_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "start_notebook_instance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "start_notebook_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "start_notebook_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_notebook_instance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "stop_notebook_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "stop_notebook_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_notebook_instance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_notebook_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_notebook_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config" + ] + ] + ], + "create_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_endpoint_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_endpoint_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_endpoint_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "create_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "delete_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "delete_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "create_processing_job": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_processing_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_processing_job" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_processing_job": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_processing_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_processing_job" + ] + ] + ], + "list_processing_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_processing_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_processing_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_training_job": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_training_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_training_job": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_training_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "list_training_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_training_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_training_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities" + ] + ] + ], + "format_enum_error": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "format_enum_error" + ] + ] + ], + "sagemaker_backend": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "sagemaker_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_notebook_instance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_notebook_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "list_associations": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "is_integer_between": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/validators.py", + [ + "is_integer_between" + ] + ] + ], + "is_one_of": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/validators.py", + [ + "is_one_of" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeItem", + "get_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "get_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeItem", + "_remove_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "put": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomain", + "put" + ] + ] + ], + "create_domain": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "create_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "create_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_domain": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "delete_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "delete_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "_validate_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_domain": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "_get_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "_get_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "sdb_backend": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "sdb_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "name_filter": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "description_filter": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "description_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_key": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "tag_key" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_value": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "tag_value" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_all": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "filter_all" + ] + ] + ], + "_matcher": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "_matcher" + ] + ] + ], + "_match_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "_match_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_keys": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "filter_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "set_versions": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "set_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_version_id": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "set_default_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_default_version": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "reset_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_version_stages_from_old_versions": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "remove_version_stages_from_old_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "to_short_dict": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "to_short_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "to_short_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "to_short_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "to_short_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_form_version_ids_to_stages": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "_form_version_ids_to_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_valid_identifier": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_is_valid_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "_unix_time_secs": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_unix_time_secs" + ] + ] + ], + "_client_request_token_validator": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_client_request_token_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "_from_client_request_token": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_from_client_request_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_secret_value": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "get_secret_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "get_secret_value" + ] + ] + ], + "update_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "update_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "update_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "create_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "create_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "create_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_add_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "put_secret_value": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "put_secret_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "put_secret_value" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "describe_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "describe_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "rotate_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "rotate_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "rotate_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_password": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "get_random_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "get_random_password" + ] + ] + ], + "list_secret_version_ids": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "list_secret_version_ids" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "list_secret_version_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "list_secrets": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "list_secrets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "list_secrets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "delete_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "delete_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "restore_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "restore_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "update_secret_version_stage": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "update_secret_version_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "update_secret_version_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_policy": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "get_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "get_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "random_password": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "random_password" + ] + ] + ], + "secret_arn": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "secret_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_secret_name_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "get_secret_name_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_exclude_characters": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "_exclude_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_password_require_each_included_type": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "_add_password_require_each_included_type" + ] + ] + ], + "signal_handler": [ + [ + "moto/server.py", + [ + "signal_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "main": [ + [ + "moto/server.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ec2_get_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/get_instance_info.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/pull_down_aws_managed_rules.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_default_amis.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_default_params.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/update_backend_index.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ] + ], + "list_namespaces": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "list_namespaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "list_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "create_http_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "create_http_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "create_http_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "delete_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "delete_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "get_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "get_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "get_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "list_operations": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "list_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "list_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "create_private_dns_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "create_private_dns_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "create_private_dns_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "create_public_dns_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "create_public_dns_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "create_public_dns_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "get_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "get_service" + ] + ] + ], + "servicediscovery_backend": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "servicediscovery_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aws_default_service_quotas": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/models.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasBackend", + "list_aws_default_service_quotas" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicequotas/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasResponse", + "list_aws_default_service_quotas" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service_quota": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/models.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasBackend", + "get_service_quota" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicequotas/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasResponse", + "get_service_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_message": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESFeedback", + "generate_message" + ] + ] + ], + "sent_past_24": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESQuota", + "sent_past_24" + ] + ] + ], + "are_all_variables_present": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "are_all_variables_present" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_verified_address": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "_is_verified_address" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_email_identity": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "verify_email_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "verify_email_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_email_address": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "verify_email_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "verify_email_address" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_domain": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "verify_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "list_verified_email_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "list_verified_email_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "list_verified_email_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_identity": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "delete_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "delete_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "send_email": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "send_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "send_email" + ] + ] + ], + "send_bulk_templated_email": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "send_bulk_templated_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "send_bulk_templated_email" + ] + ] + ], + "send_templated_email": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "send_templated_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "send_templated_email" + ] + ] + ], + "__type_of_message__": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "__type_of_message__" + ] + ] + ], + "__generate_feedback__": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "__generate_feedback__" + ] + ] + ], + "__process_sns_feedback__": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "__process_sns_feedback__" + ] + ] + ], + "send_raw_email": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "send_raw_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "send_raw_email" + ] + ] + ], + "get_send_quota": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_send_quota" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_send_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "get_identity_notification_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_identity_notification_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_identity_notification_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "set_identity_notification_topic": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "set_identity_notification_topic" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "set_identity_notification_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "create_configuration_set": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "create_configuration_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_configuration_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_set": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "describe_configuration_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "describe_configuration_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_configuration_set_event_destination": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "create_configuration_set_event_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_configuration_set_event_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "get_send_statistics": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_send_statistics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_send_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "add_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "add_template" + ] + ] + ], + "update_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "update_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "update_template" + ] + ] + ], + "list_templates": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "list_templates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "list_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "render_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "render_template" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "render_template" + ] + ] + ], + "create_receipt_rule_set": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "create_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "create_receipt_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_receipt_rule_set": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "describe_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "describe_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "describe_receipt_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "describe_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "update_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "update_receipt_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "update_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "set_identity_mail_from_domain": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "set_identity_mail_from_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "set_identity_mail_from_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_identity_verification_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_identity_verification_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_identity_verification_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_domain_dkim": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "verify_domain_dkim" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_domain_identity": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "verify_domain_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "create_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "test_render_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_render_template" + ] + ] + ], + "random_hex": [ + [ + "moto/ses/utils.py", + [ + "random_hex" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_message_id": [ + [ + "moto/ses/utils.py", + [ + "get_random_message_id" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_address": [ + [ + "moto/ses/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sf_execution_history_type": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_sf_execution_history_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_s3_custom_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_s3_custom_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "get_s3_default_key_buffer_size": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_s3_default_key_buffer_size" + ] + ] + ], + "ecs_new_arn_format": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "ecs_new_arn_format" + ] + ] + ], + "allow_unknown_region": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "allow_unknown_region" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_server_port": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_server_port" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_server_host": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_server_host" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_lambda_image": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_lambda_image" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_network_name": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_network_name" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_network_mode": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_network_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_mode_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "test_server_mode_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "is_docker": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "is_docker" + ] + ] + ], + "get_docker_host": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_docker_host" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cognito_idp_user_pool_id_strategy": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_cognito_idp_user_pool_id_strategy" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_signing_profile": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend", + "cancel_signing_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "cancel_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_signing_profile": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend", + "get_signing_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "get_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "put_signing_profile": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend", + "put_signing_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "put_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "list_signing_platforms": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend", + "list_signing_platforms" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "list_signing_platforms" + ] + ] + ], + "signer_backend": [ + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "signer_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "policy_5": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "policy_5" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_default_topic_policy": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "_create_default_topic_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_field_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Subscription", + "_matches_filter_policy", + "_field_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_matches_filter_policy": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Subscription", + "_matches_filter_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_post_data": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Subscription", + "get_post_data" + ] + ] + ], + "__fixup_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformEndpoint", + "__fixup_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "enabled": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformEndpoint", + "enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "update_sms_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "update_sms_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "create_topic" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "create_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_values_nexttoken": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_get_values_nexttoken" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_get_values_nexttoken" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_topic_subscriptions": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_get_topic_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_topics": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_topics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_topics" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_topic_subscriptions": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "delete_topic_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "delete_topic" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "delete_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "get_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "set_topic_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_topic_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "subscribe": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "subscribe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "subscribe" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_find_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "unsubscribe": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "unsubscribe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "unsubscribe" + ] + ] + ], + "list_subscriptions": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_subscriptions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "create_platform_application": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "create_platform_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "create_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "set_application_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "list_platform_applications": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_platform_applications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_platform_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_platform_application": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "delete_platform_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "delete_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "create_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "create_platform_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "create_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "list_endpoints_by_platform_application": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_endpoints_by_platform_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_endpoints_by_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "get_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "set_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subscription_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_subscription_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_subscription_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_subscription_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_subscription_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_subscription_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_filter_policy": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_validate_filter_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "publish_batch": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "publish_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "publish_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tags": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_get_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_parse_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_transform_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_transform_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_topic_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_topic_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_topic_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_topic_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "list_subscriptions_by_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_subscriptions_by_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "get_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_sms_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_sms_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sms_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_sms_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "check_if_phone_number_is_opted_out": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "check_if_phone_number_is_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "list_phone_numbers_opted_out": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_phone_numbers_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "opt_in_phone_number": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "opt_in_phone_number" + ] + ] + ], + "confirm_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "confirm_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "is_e164": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "is_e164" + ] + ] + ], + "body_md5": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "body_md5" + ] + ] + ], + "attribute_md5": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "attribute_md5" + ] + ] + ], + "update_binary_length_and_value": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "update_binary_length_and_value" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_attribute_name": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "validate_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "utf8": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "utf8" + ] + ] + ], + "body": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "body" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_sent": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "mark_sent" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_received": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "mark_received" + ] + ] + ], + "change_visibility": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "change_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "delay": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "delay" + ] + ] + ], + "visible": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "visible" + ] + ] + ], + "delayed": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "delayed" + ] + ] + ], + "all_receipt_handles": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "all_receipt_handles" + ] + ] + ], + "had_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "had_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "pending_messages": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "pending_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "pending_message_groups": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "pending_message_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "_set_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_empty_redrive_policy": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "_is_empty_redrive_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_dlq": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "_setup_dlq" + ] + ] + ], + "approximate_number_of_messages_delayed": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "approximate_number_of_messages_delayed" + ] + ] + ], + "approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "approximate_number_of_messages": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "approximate_number_of_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "messages": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "messages" + ] + ] + ], + "add_message": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "add_message" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_message": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "delete_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "delete_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "delete_message" + ] + ] + ], + "policy_22": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "policy_22" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "_filter_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "create_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "create_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "get_queue_url": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "get_queue_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "get_queue_url" + ] + ] + ], + "list_queues": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "list_queues" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "list_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "get_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "get_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "delete_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "delete_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "get_queue_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "get_queue_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "get_queue_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_queue_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "set_queue_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "set_queue_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "send_message": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "send_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "send_message" + ] + ] + ], + "send_message_batch": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "send_message_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "send_message_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_first_duplicate_id": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "_get_first_duplicate_id" + ] + ] + ], + "receive_message": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "receive_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "receive_message" + ] + ] + ], + "change_message_visibility": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "change_message_visibility" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "change_message_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "purge_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "purge_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "purge_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "list_dead_letter_source_queues": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "list_dead_letter_source_queues" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "list_dead_letter_source_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "tag_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "tag_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "untag_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "untag_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "list_queue_tags": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "list_queue_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "list_queue_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "is_message_valid_based_on_retention_period": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "is_message_valid_based_on_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "sqs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "sqs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "attribute": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_queue_name": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "_get_queue_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_validated_visibility_timeout": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "_get_validated_visibility_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "change_message_visibility_batch": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "change_message_visibility_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_message_batch": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "delete_message_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/utils.py", + [ + "generate_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_input_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/utils.py", + [ + "extract_input_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/utils.py", + [ + "parse_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_loading_status": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "_check_loading_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_global_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "_load_global_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_secretsmanager_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "_get_secretsmanager_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_keys_beginning_with": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "get_keys_beginning_with" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_response_object": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "describe_response_object" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_ssm_doc_param_list": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "generate_ssm_doc_param_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "get_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_latest_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "get_latest_version" + ] + ] + ], + "find_by_version_name": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "find_by_version_name" + ] + ] + ], + "find_by_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "find_by_version" + ] + ] + ], + "find_by_version_and_version_name": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "find_by_version_and_version_name" + ] + ] + ], + "exists": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "exists" + ] + ] + ], + "add_new_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "add_new_version" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "modify_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "describe_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "is_shared": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "is_shared" + ] + ] + ], + "hash": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Document", + "hash" + ] + ] + ], + "list_describe": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Document", + "list_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_instance_ids_from_targets": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command", + "_get_instance_ids_from_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "invocation_response": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command", + "invocation_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_invocation": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command", + "get_invocation" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_document_format": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_validate_document_format" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_document_info": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_validate_document_info" + ] + ] + ], + "_document_filter_equal_comparator": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_document_filter_equal_comparator" + ] + ] + ], + "_document_filter_list_includes_comparator": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_document_filter_list_includes_comparator" + ] + ] + ], + "_document_filter_match": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_document_filter_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_valid_parameter_data_type": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_valid_parameter_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_document_information": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_generate_document_information" + ] + ] + ], + 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"get_document" + ] + ] + ], + "update_document_default_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "update_document_default_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "update_document_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "update_document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "update_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "update_document" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_document" + ] + ] + ], + "list_documents": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "list_documents" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "list_documents" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_document_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_document_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_document_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_document_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "modify_document_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "modify_document_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "delete_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "delete_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "delete_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "delete_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_parameter_filters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_validate_parameter_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_all_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parameters_by_path": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_parameters_by_path" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_parameters_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parameter_history": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_parameter_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_parameter_history" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_history_nexttoken": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_get_history_nexttoken" + ] + ] + ], + "_match_filters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_match_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "label_parameter_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "label_parameter_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "label_parameter_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_for_parameter_version_limit_exception": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_check_for_parameter_version_limit_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "put_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "put_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "put_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_type_and_id": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_validate_resource_type_and_id" + ] + ] + ], + "send_command": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "send_command" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "send_command" + ] + ] + ], + "list_commands": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "list_commands" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "list_commands" + ] + ] + ], + "get_command_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_command_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_commands_by_instance_id": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_commands_by_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_command_invocation": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_command_invocation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_command_invocation" + ] + ] + ], + "create_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "create_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "create_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "get_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_maintenance_windows": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_maintenance_windows" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_maintenance_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "delete_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "delete_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "ssm_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "ssm_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "parameter_arn": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/utils.py", + [ + "parameter_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_tree": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "m": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_params", + "m" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_params": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_params" + ] + ] + ], + "create_account_assignment": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "create_account_assignment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "create_account_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_account_assignment": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "delete_account_assignment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "delete_account_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_account": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "_find_account" + ] + ] + ], + "list_account_assignments": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "list_account_assignments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "list_account_assignments" + ] + ] + ], + "create_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "create_permission_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "create_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "update_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "update_permission_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "update_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "describe_permission_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "describe_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "delete_permission_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "delete_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "_find_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_permission_sets": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "list_permission_sets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "list_permission_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "ssoadmin_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "ssoadmin_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "start_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "start_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "start_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "start_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "stop_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "stop_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "stop_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_execution_name_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "_ensure_execution_name_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_execution_input": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "_validate_execution_input" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cfn_properties": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "get_cfn_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "get_execution_history": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "Execution", + "get_execution_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "get_execution_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "get_execution_history" + ] + ] + ], + "create_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "create_state_machine" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "create_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "list_state_machines": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "list_state_machines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "list_state_machines" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "describe_state_machine" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "describe_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "delete_state_machine" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "delete_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "update_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "update_state_machine" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "update_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "list_executions": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "list_executions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "list_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "describe_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "describe_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_role_arn": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_machine_arn": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_machine_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_execution_arn": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_execution_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_state_machine_for_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_get_state_machine_for_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "stepfunction_backend": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "stepfunction_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "_describe_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_state_machine_for_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "describe_state_machine_for_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "cfn_to_api_tags": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/utils.py", + [ + "cfn_to_api_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "api_to_cfn_tags": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/utils.py", + [ + "api_to_cfn_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "expiration_ISO8601": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "Token", + "expiration_ISO8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "AssumedRole", + "expiration_ISO8601" + ] + ] + ], + "user_id": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "AssumedRole", + "user_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_session_token": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "get_session_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "get_session_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_federation_token": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "get_federation_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "get_federation_token" + ] + ] + ], + "assume_role": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "assume_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "assume_role" + ] + ] + ], + "get_assumed_role_from_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "get_assumed_role_from_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "assume_role_with_web_identity": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "assume_role_with_web_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "assume_role_with_web_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "assume_role_with_saml": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "assume_role_with_saml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "assume_role_with_saml" + ] + ] + ], + "get_caller_identity": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "get_caller_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "get_caller_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "_create_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "random_session_token": [ + [ + "moto/sts/utils.py", + [ + "random_session_token" + ] + ] + ], + "random_assumed_role_id": [ + [ + "moto/sts/utils.py", + [ + "random_assumed_role_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_datetime": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportCase", + "get_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_trusted_advisor_checks": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "describe_trusted_advisor_checks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "describe_trusted_advisor_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "refresh_trusted_advisor_check": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "refresh_trusted_advisor_check" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "refresh_trusted_advisor_check" + ] + ] + ], + "advance_check_status": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "advance_check_status" + ] + ] + ], + "advance_case_status": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "advance_case_status" + ] + ] + ], + "advance_case_severity_codes": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "advance_case_severity_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_case": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "resolve_case" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "resolve_case" + ] + ] + ], + "create_case": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "create_case" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "create_case" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cases": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "describe_cases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "describe_cases" + ] + ] + ], + "support_backend": [ + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "support_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_timeouts": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "_process_timeouts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_process_timeouts" + ] + ] + ], + "list_open_workflow_executions": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "list_open_workflow_executions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_open_workflow_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_closed_workflow_executions": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "list_closed_workflow_executions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_closed_workflow_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "register_domain": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "register_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "register_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_domain": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "deprecate_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "deprecate_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "undeprecate_domain": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "undeprecate_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "undeprecate_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_domain": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "describe_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "describe_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "list_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "list_types" + ] + ] + ], + "register_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "register_type" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "deprecate_type" + ] + ] + ], + "undeprecate_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "undeprecate_type" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "describe_type" + ] + ] + ], + "start_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "start_workflow_execution" + ] + 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"respond_decision_task_completed" + ] + ] + ], + "poll_for_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "poll_for_activity_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "poll_for_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "count_pending_activity_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "count_pending_activity_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "count_pending_activity_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_activity_task_from_token": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "_find_activity_task_from_token" + ] + ] + ], + "respond_activity_task_completed": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "respond_activity_task_completed" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "respond_activity_task_completed" + ] + ] + ], + "respond_activity_task_failed": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "respond_activity_task_failed" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "respond_activity_task_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "terminate_workflow_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "terminate_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "record_activity_task_heartbeat": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "record_activity_task_heartbeat" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "record_activity_task_heartbeat" + ] + ] + ], + "signal_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "signal_workflow_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "signal_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_workflow_execution_open": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "_check_workflow_execution_open" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "_check_workflow_execution_open" + ] + ] + ], + "open": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "AuthenticatedClient", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "AuthenticatedClient", + "open" + ] + ] + ], + "to_full_dict": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "fail": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "fail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "fail" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_heartbeat_clock": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "reset_heartbeat_clock" + ] + ] + ], + "first_timeout": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "first_timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "first_timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "process_timeouts": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "process_timeouts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "process_timeouts" + ] + ] + ], + "timeout": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "_configuration_keys": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_type.py", + [ + "ActivityType", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_type.py", + [ + "WorkflowType", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "FooType", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "kind": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_type.py", + [ + "ActivityType", + "kind" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "kind" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_type.py", + [ + "WorkflowType", + "kind" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "FooType", + "kind" + ] + ] + ], + "started": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "started" + ] + ] + ], + "add_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "add_type" + ] + ] + ], + "find_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "find_types" + ] + ] + ], + "add_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "add_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "get_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "get_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "add_to_activity_task_list": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "add_to_activity_task_list" + ] + ] + ], + "activity_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "activity_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "activity_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "add_to_decision_task_list": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "add_to_decision_task_list" + ] + ] + ], + "decision_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "decision_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "decision_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "to_medium_dict": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "to_medium_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "to_medium_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_attributes_key": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/history_event.py", + [ + "HistoryEvent", + "_attributes_key" + ] + ] + ], + "reached": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/timeout.py", + [ + "Timeout", + "reached" + ] + ] + ], + "is_alive": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/timer.py", + [ + "Timer", + "is_alive" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_from_kwargs_or_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_set_from_kwargs_or_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "to_list_dict": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "to_list_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "events": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "events" + ] + ] + ], + "next_event_id": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "next_event_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_event": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_add_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_schedule_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_schedule_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "schedule_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "schedule_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "schedule_and_start_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "schedule_and_start_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_find_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "start_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "start_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "complete_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_decision_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_check_decision_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_decisions": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "validate_decisions" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_decisions": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "handle_decisions" + ] + ] + ], + "fail_schedule_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "schedule_activity_task", + "fail_schedule_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "schedule_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "schedule_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_find_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "start_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "start_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "complete_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "fail_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "fail_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "signal": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "signal" + ] + ] + ], + "timeout_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "timeout_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "timeout_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "timeout_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "record_marker": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "record_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "start_timer": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "start_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "_fire_timer": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_fire_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_timer": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "cancel_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "swf_backend": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "swf_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_params": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_int": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_int" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_float_or_int": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_float_or_int" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_none_or_string": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_none_or_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_string": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_none_or_list_of_strings": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_none_or_list_of_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_list_of_strings": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_list_of_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_exclusivity": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_exclusivity" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_list_types" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_describe_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_deprecate_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_deprecate_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_undeprecate_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_undeprecate_type" + ] + ] + ], + "list_activity_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_activity_types" + ] + ] + ], + "register_activity_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "register_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_activity_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "deprecate_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "undeprecate_activity_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "undeprecate_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_activity_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "describe_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "list_workflow_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_workflow_types" + ] + ] + ], + "register_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "register_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "deprecate_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "undeprecate_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "undeprecate_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "describe_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_workflow_execution_history": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "get_workflow_execution_history" + ] + ] + ], + "decapitalize": [ + [ + "moto/swf/utils.py", + [ + "decapitalize" + ] + ] + ], + "get_document_text_detection": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractBackend", + "get_document_text_detection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/textract/responses.py", + [ + "TextractResponse", + "get_document_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "start_document_text_detection": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractBackend", + "start_document_text_detection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/textract/responses.py", + [ + "TextractResponse", + "start_document_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "textract_backend": [ + [ + "moto/textract/responses.py", + [ + "TextractResponse", + "textract_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "write_records": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamTable", + "write_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "write_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "write_records" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_database": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "describe_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "describe_database" + ] + ] + ], + "list_databases": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "list_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "list_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "timestreamwrite_backend": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "timestreamwrite_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "start_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "start_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "start_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "start_medical_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "start_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "start_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "get_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "get_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "get_medical_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "get_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "get_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "delete_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "delete_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_medical_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "delete_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "delete_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "list_transcription_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "list_transcription_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "list_transcription_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "list_medical_transcription_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "list_medical_transcription_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "list_medical_transcription_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "create_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "create_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "create_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "create_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "get_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "get_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "get_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "get_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "get_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "delete_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "delete_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "delete_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "delete_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "list_vocabularies": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "list_vocabularies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "list_vocabularies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_medical_vocabularies": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "list_medical_vocabularies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "list_medical_vocabularies" + ] + ] + ], + "transcribe_backend": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "transcribe_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_amz_crc32": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "gen_amz_crc32" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_amzn_requestid_long": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "gen_amzn_requestid_long" + ] + ] + ], + "amz_crc32": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "amz_crc32" + ] + ] + ], + "amzn_request_id": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "amzn_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_cmp": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion", + "_cmp" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_adapter_send": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "DockerModel", + "docker_client", + "if_self___docker_client_i", + "if_requests_adapters_HTTP", + "replace_adapter_send" + ] + ] + ], + "docker_client": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "DockerModel", + "docker_client" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_image_ref": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "parse_image_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "pagination_wrapper": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "paginate", + "pagination_decorator", + "pagination_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "pagination_decorator": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "paginate", + "pagination_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "paginate": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "paginate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "paginate" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_starting_token": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_parse_starting_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_exception_if_required": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_raise_exception_if_required" + ] + ] + ], + "freeze": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_calculate_parameter_checksum", + "freeze" + ] + ] + ], + "_calculate_parameter_checksum": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_calculate_parameter_checksum" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_predicate": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_check_predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_next_token": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_build_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tag_dict_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "get_tag_dict_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_all_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "delete_all_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "has_tags": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "has_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_tags": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "copy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_resource_using_names": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "untag_resource_using_names" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_resource_using_tags": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "untag_resource_using_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_tag_names": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "extract_tag_names" + ] + ] + ], + "flatten_tag_list": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "flatten_tag_list" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_dict_to_tags_input": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "convert_dict_to_tags_input" + ] + ] + ], + "str2bool": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "str2bool" + ] + ] + ], + "load_resource": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "load_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_multiple_dicts": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "merge_multiple_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_resources": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "filter_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "md5_hash": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "md5_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "_keytransform": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "_keytransform" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "associate_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "associate_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "disassociate_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "disassociate_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_web_acl_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "get_web_acl_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "get_web_acl_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_apigw_stage": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "_find_apigw_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "create_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "create_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "create_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "delete_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "delete_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "get_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "get_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "list_web_acls": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "list_web_acls" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_duplicate_name": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "_is_duplicate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rule_groups": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "list_rule_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "list_rule_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "update_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "update_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "update_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "wafv2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "wafv2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "list_web_ac_ls": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "list_web_ac_ls" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_wacl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_wacl" + ] + ] + ], + "_xray_backend": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockEmitter", + "_xray_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "send_entity": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockEmitter", + "send_entity" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_data": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockEmitter", + "_send_data" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapped_f": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "__call__", + "wrapped_f" + ] + ] + ], + "from_json": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TelemetryRecords", + "from_json" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_version": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "trace_version" + ] + ] + ], + "request_start_date": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "request_start_date" + ] + ] + ], + "start_date": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "start_date" + ] + ] + ], + "end_date": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "end_date" + ] + ] + ], + "_new_trace_item": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection", + "_new_trace_item" + ] + ] + ], + "put_segment": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection", + "put_segment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trace_ids": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection", + "get_trace_ids" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "get_trace_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "add_telemetry_records": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "add_telemetry_records" + ] + ] + ], + "process_segment": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "process_segment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trace_summary": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "get_trace_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "xray_backend": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "xray_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "telemetry_records": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "telemetry_records" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_segments": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "trace_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_summaries": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "trace_summaries" + ] + ] + ], + "traces": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "traces" + ] + ] + ], + "service_graph": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "service_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_graph": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "trace_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "get_moto_implementation": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "get_moto_implementation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_module_name": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "get_module_name" + ] + ] + ], + "calculate_extended_implementation_coverage": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "calculate_extended_implementation_coverage" + ] + ] + ], + "calculate_implementation_coverage": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "calculate_implementation_coverage" + ] + ] + ], + "print_implementation_coverage": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "print_implementation_coverage" + ] + ] + ], + "write_implementation_coverage_to_file": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "write_implementation_coverage_to_file" + ] + ] + ], + "write_implementation_coverage_to_docs": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "write_implementation_coverage_to_docs" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_param_info": [ + [ + "scripts/pull_down_aws_managed_rules.py", + [ + "extract_param_info" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_managed_rule_info": [ + [ + "scripts/pull_down_aws_managed_rules.py", + [ + "extract_managed_rule_info" + ] + ] + ], + "process_cmdline_args": [ + [ + "scripts/pull_down_aws_managed_rules.py", + [ + "process_cmdline_args" + ] + ] + ], + "print_progress": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "print_progress" + ] + ] + ], + "select_service": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "select_service" + ] + ] + ], + "print_service_status": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "print_service_status" + ] + ] + ], + "select_operation": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "select_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_operations": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "get_escaped_service": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_escaped_service" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lib_dir": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_lib_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_dir": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_test_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "append_mock_to_init_py": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "append_mock_to_init_py" + ] + ] + ], + "initialize_service": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "initialize_service" + ] + ] + ], + "to_upper_camel_case": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "to_upper_camel_case" + ] + ] + ], + "to_lower_camel_case": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "to_lower_camel_case" + ] + ] + ], + "to_snake_case": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "to_snake_case" + ] + ] + ], + "get_operation_name_in_keys": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_operation_name_in_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_in_responses": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_function_in_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_in_models": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_function_in_models" + ] + ] + ], + "get_func_in_tests": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_func_in_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_subtree": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "_get_subtree" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_query_template": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_response_query_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_member": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_response_restxml_template", + "_find_member" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_restxml_template": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_response_restxml_template" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_code_to_class": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "insert_code_to_class" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_url": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "insert_url" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_codes": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "insert_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_by_path": [ + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_default_amis.py", + [ + "retrieve_by_path" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_default_params.py", + [ + "retrieve_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_backend_url_patterns": [ + [ + "scripts/update_backend_index.py", + [ + "iter_backend_url_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "build_backend_url_pattern_index": [ + [ + "scripts/update_backend_index.py", + [ + "build_backend_url_pattern_index" + ] + ] + ], + "json_serial": [ + [ + "scripts/update_managed_policies.py", + [ + "json_serial" + ] + ] + ], + "read": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "read" + ] + ], + [ + "update_version_from_git.py", + [ + "read" + ] + ] + ], + "containing_item_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/helpers.py", + [ + "containing_item_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "match_dict": [ + [ + "tests/helpers.py", + [ + "match_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "match_uuid4": [ + [ + "tests/helpers.py", + [ + "match_uuid4" + ] + ] + ], + "print_test_names": [ + [ + "tests/terraformtests/get_tf_tests.py", + [ + "print_test_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_import_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "_import_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_import_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_certificate_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_import_certificate_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_bad_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_import_bad_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_certificates": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_list_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_list_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_certificates_by_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_list_certificates_by_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_get_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_delete_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_describe_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_certificate_with_bad_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_describe_certificate_with_bad_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_export_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_export_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_export_certificate_with_bad_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_export_certificate_with_bad_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_from_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_from_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_from_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_from_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resend_validation_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_resend_validation_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resend_validation_email_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_resend_validation_email_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_operations_with_invalid_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_operations_with_invalid_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_too_many_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_add_too_many_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_no_san": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_no_san" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_issued_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_issued_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_issued_status_with_wait_in_envvar": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_issued_status_with_wait_in_envvar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_with_mutiple_times": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_with_mutiple_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elb_acm_in_use_by": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_elb_acm_in_use_by" + ] + ] + ], + "setUp": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstancesProtected", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "TestAutoscalignELBv2", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserDeleter", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithSetup", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Baseclass", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "TestWithSetup", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilter", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "setUp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "test_describe_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "test_create_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "test_update_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "test_delete_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_describe_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_put_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_groups_namespaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_groups_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_groups_namespaces__paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_groups_namespaces__paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_point_tagging.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_filesystem_tagging.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_application_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_workspace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_create_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_workspace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_describe_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_workspaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_list_workspaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_workspaces__paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_list_workspaces__paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_application_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_workspace_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_update_workspace_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_workspace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_delete_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_get_rest_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_and_get_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_rest_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_rest_api_invalid_api_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_rest_api_invalid_api_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_rest_api_operation_add_remove": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_rest_api_operation_add_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_and_delete_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_list_and_delete_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_with_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_with_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_invalid_apikeysource": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_invalid_apikeysource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_valid_apikeysources": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_valid_apikeysources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_invalid_endpointconfiguration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_invalid_endpointconfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_valid_endpointconfigurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_valid_endpointconfigurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource__validate_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_resource__validate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_child_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_child_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_method_apikeyrequired": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_method_apikeyrequired" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_method_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_method_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_method_unknown_resource_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_method_unknown_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integrations": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integration_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_authorizer_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_authorizer_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent_authorizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_non_existent_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_authorizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_create_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_authorizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_delete_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_integration_response_with_response_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_put_integration_response_with_response_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_integration_response_but_integration_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_put_integration_response_but_integration_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_integration_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_put_integration_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_domain_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_domain_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_models": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_api_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_model_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model_with_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_model_with_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_api_key_value_min_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_api_key_value_min_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_key_include_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_api_key_include_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_keys_include_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_api_keys_include_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_create_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_key_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_api_key_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_api_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_api_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_plans": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_usage_plans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_usage_plan": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_plan_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_usage_plan_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_usage_plan_key_non_existent_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_usage_plan_key_non_existent_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_usage_plans_using_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_usage_plans_using_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_method_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "create_method_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_response_unknown_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_response_unknown_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_key_unknown_apikey": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_api_key_unknown_apikey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_domain_name_unknown_domainname": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_domain_name_unknown_domainname" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_name_unknown_domainname": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_name_unknown_domainname" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_invalid_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_invalid_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_duplicate_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_duplicate_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mappings_with_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mappings_with_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_to_same_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_to_same_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_apigateway_with_lambda_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_simple_apigateway_with_lambda_proxy" + ] + 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"tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_empty_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_empty_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deployments": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_get_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_deployments": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_deployment__requires_stage_to_be_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_delete_deployment__requires_stage_to_be_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_deployment": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_gateway_response_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_put_gateway_response_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_gateway_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_put_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_gateway_response_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_gateway_response_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_gateway_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_gateway_response_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_gateway_response_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_gateway_responses_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_gateway_responses_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_gateway_responses": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_gateway_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_gateway_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_delete_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_rest_api__api_is_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_importrestapi.py", + [ + "test_import_rest_api__api_is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_rest_api__invalid_api_creates_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_importrestapi.py", + [ + "test_import_rest_api__invalid_api_creates_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_rest_api__methods_are_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_importrestapi.py", + [ + "test_import_rest_api__methods_are_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_http_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_http_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb_multiple_stages": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb_multiple_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb_multiple_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb_multiple_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_integration_sagemaker": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_aws_integration_sagemaker" + ] + ] + ], + "create_integration_test_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "create_integration_test_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__api_details_are_persisted": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__api_details_are_persisted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__methods_are_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__methods_are_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__existing_methods_are_overwritten": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__existing_methods_are_overwritten" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__existing_methods_still_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__existing_methods_still_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__as_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__as_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_with_env_vars": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_with_env_vars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_with_vars_and_cache": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_with_vars_and_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_with_cache_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_with_cache_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recreate_stage_from_deployment": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_recreate_stage_from_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_delete_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stage_created_by_deployment": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_delete_stage_created_by_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stage_unknown_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_delete_stage_unknown_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_add_access_log_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_add_access_log_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_tracing_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_tracing_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_remove_access_log_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_remove_access_log_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_configuration_unknown_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_configuration_unknown_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_non_existent_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_request_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_create_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_request_validators": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_get_request_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_request_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_get_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_request_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_delete_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_request_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_update_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "create_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "create_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "create_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "create_client" + ] + ] + ], + "create_rest_api_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "create_rest_api_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_vpc_links_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_links_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_links_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_vpc_link_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_link_unknown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_link_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_vpc_links": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_links" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_plans_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_usage_plans_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_plans_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_usage_plans_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_usage_plans_key_non_existent_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_usage_plans_key_non_existent_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_integration_response_without_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_integration_response_without_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_with_unknown_protocol_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_create_api_with_unknown_protocol_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_create_api_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_create_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cors_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_cors_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_get_api_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_get_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_get_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_api_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_update_api_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_api_empty_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_update_api_empty_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_update_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_authorizer_minimum": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_create_authorizer_minimum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_authorizer_without_payloadformatversion": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_create_authorizer_without_payloadformatversion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_authorizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_get_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_authorizer_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_get_authorizer_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_authorizer_single": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_update_authorizer_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_authorizer_all_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_update_authorizer_all_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_responses_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_responses_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_integration_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_create_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_response_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_response_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_integration_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_delete_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_response_single_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_response_single_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_response_multiple_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_response_multiple_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integrations_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_get_integrations_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_integration_minimum": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_create_integration_minimum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_integration_for_internet_mock": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_create_integration_for_internet_mock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_integration_full": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_create_integration_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_get_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integrations": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_get_integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_delete_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_single_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_single_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_all_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_all_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_request_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_request_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_get_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_get_model_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_model_single_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_update_model_single_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_model_all_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_update_model_all_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reimport_api_standard_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_reimport.py", + [ + "test_reimport_api_standard_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reimport_api_failonwarnings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_reimport.py", + [ + "test_reimport_api_failonwarnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reimport_api_do_not_failonwarnings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_reimport.py", + [ + "test_reimport_api_do_not_failonwarnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reimport_api_routes_and_integrations": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_reimport.py", + [ + "test_reimport_api_routes_and_integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_routes_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_routes_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_create_route_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_full": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_create_route_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_delete_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_route_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_route_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_routes": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_routes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_route_single_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_update_route_single_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_route_all_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_update_route_all_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_route_request_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_response_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_create_route_response_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_create_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_route_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_route_response_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_route_response_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_route_response_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_delete_route_response_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_api_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_get_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_point_tagging.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_filesystem_tagging.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_application_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_links": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_update_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_untag_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apigatewayv2_list_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_apigatewayv2_list_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_ecs_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "_create_ecs_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_one_basic_ecs_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_one_basic_ecs_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_one_full_ecs_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_one_full_ecs_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_only_return_ecs_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_only_return_ecs_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_next_token_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_next_token_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_scalable_target_resource_id_variations": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_register_scalable_target_resource_id_variations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_scalable_target_updates_existing_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_register_scalable_target_updates_existing_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_put_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scaling_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scaling_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_scaling_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_delete_scaling_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_scalable_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_deregister_scalable_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scheduled_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_put_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_scheduled_action__use_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_put_scheduled_action__use_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_invalid_scalable_dimension_should_return_validation_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_invalid_scalable_dimension_should_return_validation_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_invalid_service_namespace_should_return_validation_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_invalid_service_namespace_should_return_validation_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_multiple_invalid_parameters_should_return_validation_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_multiple_invalid_parameters_should_return_validation_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_scalable_target_ecs_with_non_existent_service_should_return_clusternotfound_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_register_scalable_target_ecs_with_non_existent_service_should_return_clusternotfound_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_target_params_are_valid_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_target_params_are_valid_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_graphql_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_create_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_graphql_api_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_create_graphql_api_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_graphql_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_get_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_graphql_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_update_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_graphql_api_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_get_graphql_api_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_graphql_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_delete_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_graphql_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_list_graphql_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_key_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_create_api_key_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_delete_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_api_keys_unknown_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_list_api_keys_unknown_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_api_keys_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_list_api_keys_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_api_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_list_api_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_update_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_schema_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_start_schema_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_creation_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_creation_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_creation_status_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_creation_status_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_type_from_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_type_from_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_graphql_api_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_graphql_api_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_with_existing_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_with_existing_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_appsync_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_server.py", + [ + "test_appsync_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_work_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_work_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_get_workgroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_and_get_workgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_query_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_start_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_query_validate_workgroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_start_query_validate_workgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_query_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_get_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_query_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_stop_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_named_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_named_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_named_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_get_named_query" + ] + ] + ], + "create_basic_workgroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "create_basic_workgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_data_catalog": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_data_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_get_data_catalog": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_and_get_data_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_propogate_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_propogate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_invalid_instance_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_invalid_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__latest": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__latest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__default": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__no_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__no_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_no_template_ref": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_no_template_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_multiple_template_ref": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_multiple_template_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_no_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_no_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_multiple_launch_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_multiple_launch_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups_launch_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_launch_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_launch_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_launch_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_instanceid_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_instanceid_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_autoscaling_group_launch_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_update_autoscaling_group_launch_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_autoscaling_group_launch_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_update_autoscaling_group_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_autoscaling_group_min_size_desired_capacity_change": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_update_autoscaling_group_min_size_desired_capacity_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_autoscaling_group_max_size_desired_capacity_change": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_update_autoscaling_group_max_size_desired_capacity_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_describe_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_describe_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_policytype__targettrackingscaling": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_policytype__targettrackingscaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_policytype__stepscaling": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_policytype__stepscaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_predictive_scaling_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_predictive_scaling_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_group_with_mixed_instances_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_group_with_mixed_instances_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_group_with_mixed_instances_policy_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_group_with_mixed_instances_policy_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_instance_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_set_instance_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_desired_capacity_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_set_desired_capacity_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_desired_capacity_down": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_set_desired_capacity_down" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_instance_via_ec2_in_autoscaling_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_terminate_instance_via_ec2_in_autoscaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_attach_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_lifecyclehook": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_lifecyclehook" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_desired_capacity_without_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_set_desired_capacity_without_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_template_with_block_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_template_with_block_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_from_launch_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_group_from_launch_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_from_launch_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_group_from_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_with_elb": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_group_with_elb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_group_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_groups_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_create_autoscaling_groups_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group__additional_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_create_autoscaling_group__additional_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_many_autoscaling_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_list_many_autoscaling_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_autoscaling_group_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups__instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups__instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_instance_health": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_set_instance_health" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspend_processes": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_suspend_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspend_processes_all_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_suspend_processes_all_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspend_additional_processes": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_suspend_additional_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resume_processes": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_resume_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resume_processes_all_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_resume_processes_all_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "_create_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_metrics_collection": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_metrics.py", + [ + "test_enable_metrics_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_many_scheduled_scaling_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "test_list_many_scheduled_scaling_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existing_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "test_non_existing_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scheduled_actions_returns_all_actions_when_no_argument_is_passed": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "test_describe_scheduled_actions_returns_all_actions_when_no_argument_is_passed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scheduled_action_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "test_scheduled_action_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "_create_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_tags_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_tags_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_by_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_by_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_without_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_without_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_no_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_no_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_filter_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_filter_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_filter_by_propgateatlaunch": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_filter_by_propgateatlaunch" + ] + ] + ], + "create_asgs": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "create_asgs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_load_balancers": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elb_and_autoscaling_group_no_relationship": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_create_elb_and_autoscaling_group_no_relationship" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_attach_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_detach_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_within_elb": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_create_autoscaling_group_within_elb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_one_instance_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_detach_one_instance_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_one_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_detach_one_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_one_instance_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_one_instance_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_one_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_one_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_elb_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_elb_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_terminate_instance_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_terminate_instance_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_terminate_instance_no_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_terminate_instance_no_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_detach_instance_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_detach_instance_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_detach_instance_no_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_detach_instance_no_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_exit_standby": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_exit_standby" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_one_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstancesProtected", + "test_attach_one_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances", + "test_terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group_no_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances", + "test_terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group_no_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_detach_target_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "TestAutoscalignELBv2", + "test_attach_detach_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_all_target_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "TestAutoscalignELBv2", + "test_detach_all_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_with_block_device_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_with_block_device_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_additional_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_additional_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_without_public_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_without_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_additional_params_default_to_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_additional_params_default_to_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_configuration_describe_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_launch_configuration_describe_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_configuration_describe_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_launch_configuration_describe_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_configuration_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_launch_configuration_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_launch_configuration_request_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_invalid_launch_configuration_request_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_config_with_block_device_mappings__volumes_are_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_launch_config_with_block_device_mappings__volumes_are_created" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_autoscale_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "setup_autoscale_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_default_values_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_default_values_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_update_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_policy_exact_capacity_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_execute_policy_exact_capacity_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_policy_positive_change_in_capacity_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_execute_policy_positive_change_in_capacity_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_policy_percent_change_in_capacity_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_execute_policy_percent_change_in_capacity_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_networking": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/utils.py", + [ + "setup_networking" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_instance_with_networking": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/utils.py", + [ + "setup_instance_with_networking" + ] + ] + ], + "random_stack_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "random_stack_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_process_lambda" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "_process_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zip_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_zip_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_can_be_updated_by_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_lambda_can_be_updated_by_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_can_be_deleted_by_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_lambda_can_be_deleted_by_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_source_mapping_create_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_event_source_mapping_create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_source_mapping_delete_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_event_source_mapping_delete_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_source_mapping_update_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_event_source_mapping_update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_source_mapping_delete_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_event_source_mapping_delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "get_created_function_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_created_function_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_role_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "get_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_lambda_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_functions": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_based_on_s3_with_missing_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_based_on_s3_with_missing_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_aws_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_aws_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_zipfile": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_zipfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function__with_tracingmode": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function__with_tracingmode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_code_signing_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function_code_signing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_delete_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_version_unknown_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_publish_version_unknown_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_publish" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_publish" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_publish" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_create_list_get_delete_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_create_list_get_delete_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_created_with_zipfile": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function_created_with_zipfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_versions_by_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_versions_by_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_versions_by_function_for_nonexistent_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_versions_by_function_for_nonexistent_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_update_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_zip": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_update_function_zip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_update_function_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_invalid_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_invalid_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_arn_from_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_arn_from_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_unknown_permission_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_remove_unknown_permission_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_qualifiers": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_multiple_qualifiers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_create_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alias_with_routing_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_create_alias_with_routing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alias_using_function_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_create_alias_using_function_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_delete_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_alias_using_function_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_alias_using_function_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_alias_using_alias_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_alias_using_alias_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_update_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_alias_routingconfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_update_alias_routingconfig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_using_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_function_using_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_concurrency.py", + [ + "test_put_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_concurrency.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_concurrency.py", + [ + "test_get_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_create_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_dynamodb_put": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_dynamodb_put" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_dynamodb_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_dynamodb_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_integration.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_sns": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_event_source_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_list_event_source_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_get_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_update_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_url_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_function_urls.py", + [ + "test_create_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_url_config_with_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_function_urls.py", + [ + "test_create_function_url_config_with_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_url_config_with_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_function_urls.py", + [ + "test_update_function_url_config_with_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_url_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_function_urls.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_that_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_that_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_requestresponse_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_requestresponse_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_event_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_event_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_lambda_using_environment_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_lambda_using_environment_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_lambda_using_networkmode": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_lambda_using_networkmode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_with_multiple_files_in_zip": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_with_multiple_files_in_zip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_dryrun_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_dryrun_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_get_ec2_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "if_settings_TEST_SERVER_M", + "test_invoke_function_get_ec2_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_lambda_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_lambda_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_async_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_async_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_large_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_large_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_lambda_layers__without_content": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_publish_lambda_layers__without_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lambda_layers": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_lambda_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_layer_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_layer_version__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_layer_version__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_layer_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_delete_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer_by_layer_name_from_list_of_layer_dicts": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_layer_with_no_layer_versions", + "get_layer_by_layer_name_from_list_of_layer_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_layer_with_no_layer_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_layer_with_no_layer_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_function_permission": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_add_function_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_permission_with_principalorgid": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_add_permission_with_principalorgid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_function_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_policy_with_qualifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_policy_with_qualifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_permission_with_unknown_qualifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_add_permission_with_unknown_qualifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_function_permission": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_remove_function_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_function_permission__with_qualifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_remove_function_permission__with_qualifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_tags.py", + [ + "test_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_tags.py", + [ + "test_tags_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_policy.py", + [ + "test_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file1": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file1" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file2": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file2" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lambda_using_environment_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_lambda_using_environment_port" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lambda_using_network_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_lambda_using_network_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file3": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file3" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file_error" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_largeresponse": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_largeresponse" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zip_with_multiple_files": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_zip_with_multiple_files" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file_print_event": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file_print_event" + ] + ] + ], + "create_invalid_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "create_invalid_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_role_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "get_role_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_lambda", + "get_role_name" + ] + ] + ], + "wait_for_log_msg": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "wait_for_log_msg" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_clients": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_clients" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_get_clients" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_get_clients" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/__init__.py", + [ + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch.py", + [ + "test_batch_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_env_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_env_cf" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_env_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_cf" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_def_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_job_def_cf" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_job_def_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_managed_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_instance_family": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_instance_family" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_instance_family" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_unknown_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_unknown_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_unmanaged_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_unmanaged_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_describe_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unmanaged_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_delete_unmanaged_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_managed_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_delete_managed_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_unmanaged_compute_environment_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_update_unmanaged_compute_environment_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_iam_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_update_iam_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_managed_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_managed_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_queue_unknown_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_queue_unknown_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_incorrect_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_incorrect_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_without_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_without_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_job_queue_bad_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_job_queue_bad_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_update_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_delete_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_by_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_glacier_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_terminate_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_nonexisting_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_terminate_nonexisting_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_job_empty_argument_strings": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_terminate_job_empty_argument_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_pending_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_pending_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_batch_integration.py", + [ + "test_cancel_pending_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_running_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_running_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_nonexisting_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_nonexisting_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_job_empty_argument_strings": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_job_empty_argument_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "_wait_for_job_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "_wait_for_job_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_wait_for_job_statuses": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "_wait_for_job_statuses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failed_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_failed_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failed_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_failed_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_container_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_container_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "prepare_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_job_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_job_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_job_definition_with_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_register_job_definition_with_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_with_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_with_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_with_timeout_set_at_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_with_timeout_set_at_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_with_job_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_definition.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_with_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_job_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_definition.py", + [ + "test_tag_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_definition.py", + [ + "test_untag_job_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_untag_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_tag_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_task_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_task_definition_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_task_definition_with_platform_capability": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition_with_platform_capability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_task_definition_with_retry_strategies": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition_with_retry_strategies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reregister_task_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_reregister_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reregister_task_definition_should_not_reuse_parameters_from_inactive_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_reregister_task_definition_should_not_reuse_parameters_from_inactive_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_task_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_delete_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_task_definition_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_delete_task_definition_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "register_job_def": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "register_job_def" + ] + ] + ], + "register_job_def_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "register_job_def_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_budget_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_budget_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_create_existing_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_budget_without_limit_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_create_budget_without_limit_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_no_budgets": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_describe_no_budgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_all_budgets": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_all_budgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_delete_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_notification": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notification": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_create_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notification_unknown_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_create_notification_unknown_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_notification": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_delete_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_notification_unknown_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_delete_notification_unknown_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_budgets_describe_budgets": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_server.py", + [ + "test_budgets_describe_budgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_create_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_describe_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_delete_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_update_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_if_none_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_if_none_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cost_category_tags_workflow": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce_tags.py", + [ + "test_cost_category_tags_workflow" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lambda_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "get_lambda_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__verify_cfnresponse_failed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__verify_cfnresponse_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__verify_manual_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__verify_manual_request" + ] + ] + ], + "get_log_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "get_log_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "get_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "make_chained_depends_on_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_depends_on.py", + [ + "make_chained_depends_on_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_depends_on": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_depends_on.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_depends_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_depends_on_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_depends_on.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_depends_on_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_chained_depends_on_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_depends_on.py", + [ + "test_create_chained_depends_on_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stacksets_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stacksets_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_stacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filter_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stacksets_contents": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stacksets_contents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_stack_set_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stop_stack_set_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_set_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_set_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stack_set_operation_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stack_set_operation_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_instances_with_param_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_instances_with_param_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_set_with_previous_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_set_with_previous_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stack_set_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stack_set_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_list_stack_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_bad_list_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_set_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_set_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_set_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_set_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set_with_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set_with_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set_with_ref_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set_with_ref_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_set_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_set_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_set_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_set_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_fail_missing_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_fail_missing_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_s3_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_s3_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_short_form_func_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_short_form_func_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_template_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_summary_for_stack_created_by_changeset_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_template_summary_for_stack_created_by_changeset_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_summary_for_template_containing_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_template_summary_for_template_containing_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_ref_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_ref_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_stacks_across_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_creating_stacks_across_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_notification_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_notification_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_role_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_fail_missing_new_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_fail_missing_new_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_fail_update_same_template_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_fail_update_same_template_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_deleted_resources_can_reference_deleted_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_deleted_resources_can_reference_deleted_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_deleted_resources_can_reference_deleted_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_deleted_resources_can_reference_deleted_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_with_previous_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_with_previous_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_change_set_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_change_set_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_change_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_change_set_w_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_execute_change_set_w_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_change_set_w_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_execute_change_set_w_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_resource_when_resource_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_resource_when_resource_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_by_stack_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_by_stack_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_change_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_change_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_from_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_from_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_change_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_change_set_twice__no_changes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_change_set_twice__no_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_change_set_twice__using_s3__no_changes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_change_set_twice__using_s3__no_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_deleted_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_deleted_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_with_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_with_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_updated_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_updated_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_with_previous_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_with_previous_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_describe_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_bad_describe_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_with_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_with_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_replace_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_replace_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_when_rolled_back": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_when_rolled_back" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_params_conditions_and_resources_are_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_params_conditions_and_resources_are_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_conditions_yaml_equals": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_conditions_yaml_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_conditions_yaml_equals_shortform": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_conditions_yaml_equals_shortform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stack_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stack_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_exports": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_exports" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_exports_with_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_exports_with_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_with_export": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_with_export" + ] + ] + ], + "test_export_names_must_be_unique": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_export_names_must_be_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_with_imports": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stack_with_imports" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_json_redrive_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_non_json_redrive_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_dynamo_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_dynamo_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_lambda_and_dynamodb": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_lambda_and_dynamodb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_update_stack_with_unknown_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_and_update_stack_with_unknown_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_template_without_required_param_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_template_without_required_param_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fn_join_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_fn_join_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_resources_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_conditional_resources_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_if_handling_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_conditional_if_handling_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_mapping_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_mapping_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_lambda_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_zipfile": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "_make_zipfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_layer": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_lambda_layer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_spot_fleet": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_spot_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_spot_fleet_should_figure_out_default_price": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_spot_fleet_should_figure_out_default_price" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_action_type_listener_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_invalid_action_type_listener_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_listener_and_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_listener_and_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_elbv2_resources_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_elbv2_resources_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_dynamodb_resources_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_dynamodb_resources_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_log_group_using_fntransform": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_log_group_using_fntransform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cloudwatch_logs_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_cloudwatch_logs_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_containing_cloudwatch_logs_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_containing_cloudwatch_logs_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_create_rule_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_create_rule_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_delete_rule_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_delete_rule_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_create_rule_without_name_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_create_rule_without_name_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_create_rule_as_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_create_rule_as_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_update_rule_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_update_rule_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_propagate_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_propagate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_eventbus_create_from_cfn_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_eventbus_create_from_cfn_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_delete_eventbus_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_delete_eventbus_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_delete_from_cfn_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_delete_from_cfn_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_update_from_cfn_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_update_from_cfn_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_get_attribute_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_get_attribute_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamodb_table_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_dynamodb_table_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_on_nonexisting_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_on_nonexisting_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_stack_policy_on_nonexisting_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_get_stack_policy_on_nonexisting_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_stack_policy_on_stack_without_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_get_stack_policy_on_stack_without_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_with_both_body_and_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_with_both_body_and_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_with_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_with_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_with_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_with_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_with_url_pointing_to_unknown_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_with_url_pointing_to_unknown_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_import_value.py", + [ + "TestSimpleInstance", + "test_simple_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_instance_missing_export": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_import_value.py", + [ + "TestSimpleInstance", + "test_simple_instance_missing_export" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_server.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_resource_logs": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_missing_resource_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_name_type_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_name_type_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_tabbed_json_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_tabbed_json_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_yaml_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_yaml_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_get_attribute_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_get_attribute_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_get_attribute_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_get_attribute_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_get_availability_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_get_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_bad_get_attribute_outputs_using_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_bad_get_attribute_outputs_using_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_null_outputs_section": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_null_outputs_section" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_equals_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_equals_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_not_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_not_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_and_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_and_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_or_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_or_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reference_other_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_reference_other_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_split_and_select": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_split_and_select" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sub": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_sub" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_import" + ] + ] + ], + "test_short_form_func_in_yaml_teamplate": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_short_form_func_in_yaml_teamplate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_parameter_parsing": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_ssm_parameter_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_json_validate_successful": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_json_validate_successful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_json_with_tabs_validate_successful": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_json_with_tabs_validate_successful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_json_invalid_missing_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_json_invalid_missing_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_yaml_validate_successful": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_yaml_validate_successful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_yaml_validate_template_url_successful": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_yaml_validate_template_url_successful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_yaml_invalid_missing_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_yaml_invalid_missing_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "example_distribution_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/cloudfront_test_scaffolding.py", + [ + "example_distribution_config" + ] + ] + ], + "example_dist_config_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/cloudfront_test_scaffolding.py", + [ + "example_dist_config_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "example_dist_custom_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/cloudfront_test_scaffolding.py", + [ + "example_dist_custom_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution_no_such_distId": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution_no_such_distId" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution_distId_is_None": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution_distId_is_None" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution_IfMatch_not_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution_IfMatch_not_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution_dist_config_not_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution_dist_config_not_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_dist_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_tags_only_one_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_dist_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_tags_only_one_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_s3_minimum": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_s3_minimum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_georestriction": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_georestriction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_allowed_methods": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_allowed_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_origins": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_origins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_additional_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_additional_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_returns_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_returns_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_needs_unique_caller_reference": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_needs_unique_caller_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_mismatched_originid": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_mismatched_originid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_origin_without_origin_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_origin_without_origin_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_invalid_s3_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_invalid_s3_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_custom_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_custom_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_distributions_without_any": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_list_distributions_without_any" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_distributions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_list_distributions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_get_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_distribution_without_ifmatch": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_delete_distribution_without_ifmatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_distribution_random_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_delete_distribution_random_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalidation": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_invalidation.py", + [ + "test_create_invalidation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_invalidations": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_invalidation.py", + [ + "test_list_invalidations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_invalidations__no_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_invalidation.py", + [ + "test_list_invalidations__no_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudfront_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_server.py", + [ + "test_cloudfront_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_without_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_without_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "create_trail_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "create_trail_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_multi_but_not_global": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_multi_but_not_global" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_with_nonexisting_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_with_nonexisting_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "create_trail_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "create_trail_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_with_one_char": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_with_one_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_with_one_char": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_with_one_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_unknown_trail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_unknown_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_inactive": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_inactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_arn_inactive": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_arn_inactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_after_starting": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_after_starting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_after_starting_and_stopping": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_after_starting_and_stopping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trails_different_home_region_one_multiregion": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_list_trails_different_home_region_one_multiregion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trails_different_home_region_no_multiregion": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_list_trails_different_home_region_no_multiregion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trails_without_shadowtrails": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_describe_trails_without_shadowtrails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trails_with_shadowtrails_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_describe_trails_with_shadowtrails_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trails_with_shadowtrails_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_describe_trails_with_shadowtrails_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_trail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_delete_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_trail_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_update_trail_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_trail_full": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_update_trail_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_event_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_put_event_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_event_selectors_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_put_event_selectors_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_selectors_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_get_event_selectors_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_get_event_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_selectors_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_get_event_selectors_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_insight_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_put_insight_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_insight_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_get_insight_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_tags.py", + [ + "test_add_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_tags.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_without_tags_and_list_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_without_tags_and_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_with_tags_and_list_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_with_tags_and_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudtrail_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_server.py", + [ + "test_cloudtrail_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alarm": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_create_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_alarm": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_delete_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_alarms_without_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_delete_alarms_without_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_alarms_for_metric": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_describe_alarms_for_metric" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_alarms": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_describe_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alarm_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_alarm_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_no_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_no_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_can_not_have_nan": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_can_not_have_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_with_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_with_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_invalid_parameter_combination": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_invalid_parameter_combination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_statistics_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_statistics_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_put_metric_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_duplicate_put_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_custom_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_metrics_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_metrics_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_metrics_without_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_metrics_without_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_metrics_with_same_dimensions_different_metric_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_metrics_with_same_dimensions_different_metric_name" + ] + ] + ], + "create_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "create_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "create_metrics_with_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "create_metrics_with_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_for_multiple_metrics_w_same_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_for_multiple_metrics_w_same_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_within_timeframe": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_within_timeframe" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_partially_within_timeframe", + "get_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_partially_within_timeframe": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_partially_within_timeframe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_outside_timeframe": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_outside_timeframe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_for_multiple_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_for_multiple_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_for_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_for_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudwatch_return_s3_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudwatch_return_s3_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm_with_percentile": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm_with_percentile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm_with_anomaly_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm_with_anomaly_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm_error_extended_statistic": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm_error_extended_statistic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm_error_evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm_error_evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_list_dashboard": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_put_list_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_list_prefix_nomatch_dashboard": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_put_list_prefix_nomatch_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dashboard": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_delete_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dashboard_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_delete_dashboard_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dashboard": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_get_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dashboard_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_get_dashboard_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_with_unknown_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_with_unknown_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_on_resource_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_on_resource_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_s3_artifacts": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_s3_artifacts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_no_artifacts": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_no_artifacts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_with_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_with_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_with_invalid_name_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_with_invalid_name_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_when_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_when_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_list_projects": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_list_projects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_list_builds_for_project_no_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_list_builds_for_project_no_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_list_builds_for_project_with_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_list_builds_for_project_with_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_get_batch_builds_for_project_no_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_get_batch_builds_for_project_no_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_start_build_no_project": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_start_build_no_project" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_start_build_no_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_start_build_no_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_start_build_multiple_times": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_start_build_multiple_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_start_build_with_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_start_build_with_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_1_project": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_1_project" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_2_projects": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_2_projects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_invalid_build_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_invalid_build_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_empty_build_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_empty_build_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_delete_project": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_delete_project" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_stop_build": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_stop_build" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_stop_build_no_build": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_stop_build_no_build" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_stop_build_bad_uid": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_stop_build_bad_uid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_without_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_without_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_repository_name_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_repository_name_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_invalid_repository_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_invalid_repository_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_get_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository_invalid_repository_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_get_repository_invalid_repository_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_invalid_repository_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_invalid_repository_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_get_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_pipeline_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_get_pipeline_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipelines": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_delete_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "create_basic_codepipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "create_basic_codepipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_with_extended_trust_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_with_extended_trust_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_identity_pool_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_pool_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_identity_pool_valid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_pool_valid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_identity_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_identity_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_describe_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_identity_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_update_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_identity_pool_with_invalid_id_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_describe_identity_pool_with_invalid_id_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_identity_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_random_identity_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_credentials_for_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_credentials_for_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity_when_no_explicit_identity_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity_when_no_explicit_identity_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identities": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_list_identities" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_identities" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool__overwrite_template_messages": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool__overwrite_template_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_should_have_all_default_attributes_in_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_should_have_all_default_attributes_in_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_unknown_attribute_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_unknown_attribute_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_without_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_without_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_developer_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_developer_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_required": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_standard_attribute_with_changed_data_type_or_developer_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_standard_attribute_with_changed_data_type_or_developer_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_attribute_with_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_attribute_with_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_attribute_partial_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_attribute_partial_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_invalid_schema_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_invalid_schema_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_string_schema_max_length_over_2048": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_string_schema_max_length_over_2048" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_string_schema_min_bigger_than_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_string_schema_min_bigger_than_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_number_schema_min_bigger_than_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_number_schema_min_bigger_than_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_custom_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_add_custom_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_custom_attributes_existing_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_add_custom_attributes_existing_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_default_id_strategy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_default_id_strategy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_equal_pool_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_equal_pool_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_different_pool_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_different_pool_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_different_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_different_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pools": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pools" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_user_pool_mfa_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_set_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pools_returns_max_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pools_returns_max_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pools_returns_next_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pools_returns_next_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pools_when_max_items_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pools_when_max_items_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool_estimated_number_of_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool_estimated_number_of_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool_resource_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool_resource_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_domain_custom_domain_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_domain_custom_domain_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_client_returns_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_client_returns_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pool_clients": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pool_clients" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pool_clients_returns_max_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pool_clients_returns_max_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pool_clients_returns_next_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pool_clients_returns_next_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pool_clients_when_max_items_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pool_clients_when_max_items_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_pool_client_returns_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_pool_client_returns_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_identity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identity_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_identity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identity_providers_returns_max_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_identity_providers_returns_max_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identity_providers_returns_next_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_identity_providers_returns_next_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identity_providers_when_max_items_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_identity_providers_when_max_items_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_identity_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_identity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_identity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_identity_provider_no_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_identity_provider_no_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_identity_provider_no_identity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_identity_provider_no_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_identity_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_identity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_update_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_in_access_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_group_in_access_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_with_duplicate_name_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_group_with_duplicate_name_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_get_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups_returns_pagination_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_groups_returns_pagination_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups_when_limit_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_groups_when_limit_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_add_user_to_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_add_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_add_user_to_group_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_add_user_to_group_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_add_user_to_group_again_is_noop": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_add_user_to_group_again_is_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_in_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_in_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_in_group_ignores_deleted_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_in_group_ignores_deleted_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_in_group_returns_pagination_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_in_group_returns_pagination_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_in_group_when_limit_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_in_group_when_limit_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user_with_username_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user_with_username_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user_ignores_deleted_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user_ignores_deleted_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group_again_is_noop": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group_again_is_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_with_username_attributes", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_user_with_username_attributes", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_user", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_with_username_attributes", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_set_user_password", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user_with_incorrect_username_attribute_type_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_with_incorrect_username_attribute_type_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user_with_existing_username_attribute_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_with_existing_username_attribute_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up_non_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up_non_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up_non_existing_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up_non_existing_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_resend_invitation_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_resend_invitation_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_resend_invitation_missing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_resend_invitation_missing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_get_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_get_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_get_missing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_missing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_get_missing_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_missing_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_unknown_accesstoken": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_user_unknown_accesstoken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_list_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_incorrect_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_incorrect_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_filter_parsing_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "_assert_filter_parsing_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_invalid_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_invalid_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_inherent_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_inherent_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_unconfirmed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_user_unconfirmed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_returns_limit_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_returns_limit_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_returns_pagination_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_returns_pagination_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_when_limit_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_when_limit_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_with_attributes_to_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_with_attributes_to_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_disable_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_disable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_disable_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_disable_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_enable_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_enable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_enable_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_enable_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "authentication_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "authentication_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authentication_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_authentication_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authentication_flow_invalid_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_authentication_flow_invalid_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authentication_flow_invalid_user_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_authentication_flow_invalid_user_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "user_authentication_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "user_authentication_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_authentication_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_user_authentication_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_token_legitimacy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_token_legitimacy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_password__using_custom_user_agent_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_change_password__using_custom_user_agent_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password_nonexistent_client_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password_nonexistent_client_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password_admin_only_recovery": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password_admin_only_recovery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password_user_with_all_recovery_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password_user_with_all_recovery_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password_nonexistent_user_or_user_without_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password_nonexistent_user_or_user_without_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_forgot_password_legacy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_forgot_password_legacy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_forgot_password_opt_in_verification": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_forgot_password_opt_in_verification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_forgot_password_opt_in_verification_invalid_confirmation_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_forgot_password_opt_in_verification_invalid_confirmation_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_unknown_userpool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_unknown_userpool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_unknown_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_unknown_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_global_sign_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_global_sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_global_sign_out_unknown_accesstoken": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_global_sign_out_unknown_accesstoken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_update_user_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_update_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_attributes_unknown_accesstoken": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_attributes_unknown_accesstoken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resource_server": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_resource_server" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_sign_up_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_sign_up_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_sign_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_sign_up_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_sign_up_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_SRP_AUTH": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_SRP_AUTH" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_SRP_AUTH_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_SRP_AUTH_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_REFRESH_TOKEN": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_REFRESH_TOKEN" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_invalid_auth_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_invalid_auth_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_invalid_admin_auth_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_invalid_admin_auth_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_with_FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_with_FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_user_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_user_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_user_incorrect_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_user_incorrect_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_unconfirmed_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_unconfirmed_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_for_unconfirmed_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_for_unconfirmed_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_with_invalid_secret_hash": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_with_invalid_secret_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_mfa": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_setting_mfa" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_mfa_when_token_not_verified": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_setting_mfa_when_token_not_verified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_setting_mfa": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_setting_mfa" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_setting_mfa_when_token_not_verified": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_setting_mfa_when_token_not_verified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_to_auth_challenge_with_invalid_secret_hash": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_respond_to_auth_challenge_with_invalid_secret_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_set_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_set_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_password_with_invalid_token_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_change_password_with_invalid_token_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_forgot_password_with_non_existent_client_id_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_forgot_password_with_non_existent_client_id_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_and_change_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_and_change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_initiate_auth__use_access_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_initiate_auth__use_access_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_disabled_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_disabled_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_unconfirmed_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_unconfirmed_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_no_verified_notification_channel": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_no_verified_notification_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_multiple_invocations": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_multiple_invocations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_idtoken_contains_kid_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_idtoken_contains_kid_header" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_kid_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "verify_kid_header" + ] + ] + ], + "fetch_public_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "fetch_public_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authenticate_with_signed_out_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserDeleter", + "test_authenticate_with_signed_out_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_reset_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_reset_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_start_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_start_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_start_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_stop_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_stop_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_stop_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_download_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_download_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_download_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_upload_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_upload_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_replay_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_replay_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_replay_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_seed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_set_seed" + ] + ] + ], + "tearDown": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Baseclass", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "tearDown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_seed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "test_same_seed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_different_seed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "test_different_seed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up_user_without_authentication": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sign_up_user_without_authentication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user_without_authentication": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_server.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_without_authentication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_entity_recognizers": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_list_entity_recognizers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_create_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_entity_recognizer_without_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_create_entity_recognizer_without_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_entity_recognizer_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_create_entity_recognizer_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_describe_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_training_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_stop_training_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_delete_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_configuration_aggregator": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_aggregators": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_aggregators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_aggregation_authorization": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_aggregation_authorizations": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_aggregation_authorizations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_aggregation_authorization": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_configuration_aggregator": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delivery_channels": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delivery_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_delivery_channels": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_delivery_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_start_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_stop_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_recorder_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_recorder_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_delivery_channel": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_delivery_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_discovered_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_list_discovered_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_aggregate_discovered_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_list_aggregate_discovered_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_config_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_config_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_resource_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_resource_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_aggregate_resource_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_aggregate_resource_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_evaluations": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_evaluations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_organization_conformance_pack": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_organization_conformance_pack_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_organization_conformance_pack_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_conformance_packs": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_conformance_packs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_conformance_packs_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_conformance_packs_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_organization_conformance_pack": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_organization_conformance_pack_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_organization_conformance_pack_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "managed_config_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "managed_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_config_rule_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_put_config_rule_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_config_rule_update_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_put_config_rule_update_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_rule_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_config_rule_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_managed_rule_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_aws_managed_rule_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_rules_scope_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_config_rules_scope_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_put_config_managed_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_valid_put_config_managed_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_config_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_describe_config_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_config_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_delete_config_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_config_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "custom_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "zipped_lambda_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "zipped_lambda_function" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lambda_for_config_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "create_lambda_for_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_rules_source_details_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "test_config_rules_source_details_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_put_config_custom_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "test_valid_put_config_custom_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_rules_source_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "test_config_rules_source_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "config_aggregators_info": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_tags.py", + [ + "config_aggregators_info" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetupMethod", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_multiple_accounts_server.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "setup_method" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_multiple_accounts_server.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "teardown_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_environment_variable_takes_precedence": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "test_environment_variable_takes_precedence" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_caller_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "_get_caller_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "_get_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key_and_inline_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key_and_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key_and_attached_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key_and_attached_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key_and_multiple_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key_and_multiple_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_with_attached_policy_and_add_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_group_with_attached_policy_and_add_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_with_inline_policy_and_add_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_group_with_inline_policy_and_add_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_with_multiple_policies_and_add_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_group_with_multiple_policies_and_add_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_role_with_attached_policy_and_assume_it": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_role_with_attached_policy_and_assume_it" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "create_role_with_attached_policy_and_assume_it" + ] + ] + ], + "create_role_with_inline_policy_and_assume_it": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_role_with_inline_policy_and_assume_it" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_client_token_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_invalid_client_token_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auth_failure": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_auth_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signature_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auth_failure_with_valid_access_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_auth_failure_with_valid_access_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_no_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_no_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_not_allowing_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_not_allowing_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_for_run_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_for_run_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_denying_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_denying_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_caller_identity_allowed_with_denying_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_get_caller_identity_allowed_with_denying_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_with_wildcard_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_allowed_with_wildcard_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_with_explicit_action_in_attached_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_allowed_with_explicit_action_in_attached_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_access_denied_with_denying_attached_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_access_denied_with_denying_attached_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_access_denied_with_denying_inline_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_access_denied_with_denying_inline_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_many_irrelevant_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_many_irrelevant_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_with_temporary_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_allowed_with_temporary_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_temporary_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_temporary_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_from_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_get_user_from_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_invalid_access_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_invalid_access_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_signature_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_access_denied_not_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_access_denied_not_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_invalid_token_with_temporary_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_invalid_token_with_temporary_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_returns_nothing_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_returns_nothing_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_account_specific_dict_contains_known_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_account_specific_dict_contains_known_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_known_regions_can_be_retrieved_directly": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_known_regions_can_be_retrieved_directly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_get_known_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_get_known_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_does_not_contain_unknown_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_does_not_contain_unknown_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_fails_when_retrieving_unknown_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_fails_when_retrieving_unknown_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_retrieve_for_specific_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_retrieve_for_specific_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_ignore_boto3_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_ignore_boto3_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_specify_additional_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_specify_additional_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "access": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess", + "test_access_a_slow_backend_concurrently", + "access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_a_slow_backend_concurrently": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess", + "test_access_a_slow_backend_concurrently" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_be_hashed": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_be_hashed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_account_specific_dict_can_be_hashed": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_account_specific_dict_can_be_hashed" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_asb": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "_create_asb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_backends_cache_behaviour": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_multiple_backends_cache_behaviour" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backenddict_cache_hits_and_misses": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backenddict_cache_hits_and_misses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_asb_cache_hits_and_misses": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_asb_cache_hits_and_misses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_manager_returns_mock": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_context_manager.py", + [ + "test_context_manager_returns_mock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "test_basic_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_aws_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "fixture_aws_credentials" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "fixture_aws_credentials" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_aws_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "test_context_manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_all.py", + [ + "test_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator_start_and_stop": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "test_decorator_start_and_stop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorater_wrapped_gets_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "test_decorater_wrapped_gets_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_the_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Tester", + "test_the_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_still_the_same": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Tester", + "test_still_the_same" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithSetup", + "test_still_the_same" + ] + ] + ], + "static": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithStaticmethod", + "static" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_instance_sent_to_staticmethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithStaticmethod", + "test_no_instance_sent_to_staticmethod" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_find_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetupMethod", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPublicMethod", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass2", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "TestWithSetup", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_not_find_unknown_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU", + "test_should_not_find_unknown_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU", + "test_should_not_find_unknown_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetupMethod", + "test_should_not_find_unknown_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod", + "test_stream_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_recreation": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod", + "test_stream_recreation" + ] + ] + ], + "setupmethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithInvalidSetupMethod", + "setupmethod" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_not_find_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithInvalidSetupMethod", + "test_should_not_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPublicMethod", + "test_should_not_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod", + "test_should_not_find_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_bucket_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPublicMethod", + "ensure_bucket_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_bucket_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod", + "_ensure_bucket_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass", + "_ensure_bucket_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass2", + "_ensure_bucket_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_a_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestSetUpInBaseClass", + "test_a_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_not_find_bucket_from_different_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass2", + "test_should_not_find_bucket_from_different_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_not_find_bucket_from_test_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "TestWithSetup", + "test_should_not_find_bucket_from_test_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_keys_are_patched": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_environ_patching.py", + [ + "test_aws_keys_are_patched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_keys_can_be_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_environ_patching.py", + [ + "test_aws_keys_can_be_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mock_works_with_client_created_inside": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_mock_works_with_client_created_inside" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mock_works_with_client_created_outside": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_mock_works_with_client_created_outside" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mock_works_with_resource_created_outside": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_mock_works_with_resource_created_outside" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_client_does_not_work_for_random_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_patch_client_does_not_work_for_random_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_resource_does_not_work_for_random_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_patch_resource_does_not_work_for_random_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "do_important_things": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "ImportantBusinessLogic", + "do_important_things" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mock_works_when_replacing_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_mock_works_when_replacing_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_latest_meta_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_instance_metadata.py", + [ + "test_latest_meta_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_data_iam": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_instance_metadata.py", + [ + "test_meta_data_iam" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_data_security_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_instance_metadata.py", + [ + "test_meta_data_security_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_data_default_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_instance_metadata.py", + [ + "test_meta_data_default_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_all.py", + [ + "test_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_invalid_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_invalid_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_region_from_env": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_region_from_env" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env_but_allow_it": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env_but_allow_it" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env_but_allow_it__dynamo": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env_but_allow_it__dynamo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "test_reset_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "test_data_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creation_error__data_api_still_returns_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "test_creation_error__data_api_still_returns_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_sqs_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_nested.py", + [ + "TestNestedDecoratorsBoto3", + "setup_sqs_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_nested.py", + [ + "TestNestedDecoratorsBoto3", + "test_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passthrough_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_request_mocking.py", + [ + "test_passthrough_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requests_to_amazon_subdomains_dont_work": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_request_mocking.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_requests_to_amazon_subdomains_dont_work" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_request_mocking.py", + [ + "test_decorator_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatten_json_request_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_flatten_json_request_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_qs_unicode_decode_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_parse_qs_unicode_decode_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_get_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dict_list_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_get_dict_list_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_environment_preserved_by_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_response_environment_preserved_by_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jinja_render_prettify": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_jinja_render_prettify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_moto_first": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "test_moto_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_moto_second": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "test_moto_second" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_responses_compatibility": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "moto_responses_compatibility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_moto_as_late_as_possible": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "test_moto_as_late_as_possible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_wrong_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_right_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_right_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_port_argument": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_port_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_dispatched": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_domain_dispatched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_dispatched_with_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_domain_dispatched_with_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_is_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_default_is_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_anything_but_false_is_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_anything_but_false_is_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_false_is_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_only_false_is_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_socket_pair": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_socket.py", + [ + "TestSocketPair", + "test_socket_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucketname_starting_with_service_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_url_base_regex.py", + [ + "TestMockBucketStartingWithServiceName", + "test_bucketname_starting_with_service_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flask_path_converting_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_url_mapping.py", + [ + "test_flask_path_converting_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flask_path_converting_regex": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_url_mapping.py", + [ + "test_flask_path_converting_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_camelcase_to_underscores": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_camelcase_to_underscores" + ] + ] + ], + "test_underscores_to_camelcase": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_underscores_to_camelcase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pascal_to_camelcase": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_pascal_to_camelcase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_camelcase_to_pascal": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_camelcase_to_pascal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unix_time": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_unix_time" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_databrew_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "_create_databrew_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_databrew_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "_create_databrew_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "_create_databrew_client" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_dataset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "_create_test_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_datasets": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "_create_test_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_list_when_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_dataset_list_when_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_datasets_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_list_datasets_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_datasets_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_list_datasets_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_datasets_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_list_datasets_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dataset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_describe_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dataset_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_describe_dataset_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dataset_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_create_dataset_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dataset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_delete_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_dataset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_update_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_dataset_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_update_dataset_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_profile_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_test_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_recipe_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_test_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_recipe_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_test_recipe_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_profile_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_test_profile_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_profile_job_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_profile_job_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_job_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_job_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_job_with_invalid_encryption_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_job_with_invalid_encryption_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_job_with_invalid_log_subscription_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_job_with_invalid_log_subscription_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_job_with_same_name_as_profile_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_job_with_same_name_as_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_with_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_with_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_profile_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_profile_job_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_profile_job_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe_job_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe_job_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_delete_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_delete_job_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job_with_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_delete_job_with_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_job_list_when_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_job_list_when_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_from_next_token" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_recipe_and_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_recipe_and_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_dataset_name_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_dataset_name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_project_name_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_project_name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_dataset_name_and_project_name_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_dataset_name_and_project_name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "_create_test_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_recipes": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "_create_test_recipes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recipe_list_when_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_recipe_list_when_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recipe_list_with_invalid_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_recipe_list_with_invalid_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipes_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipes_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipes_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipes_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipes_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipes_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipe_versions_no_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipe_versions_no_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipe_versions_none_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipe_versions_none_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipe_versions_one_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipe_versions_one_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipe_versions_two_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipe_versions_two_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_latest_working": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_latest_working" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_with_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_with_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_latest_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_latest_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_implicit_latest_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_implicit_latest_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_with_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_with_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_with_long_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_with_long_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_with_invalid_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_with_invalid_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_publish_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_recipe_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_publish_recipe_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_long_recipe_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_publish_long_recipe_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_latest_working_after_publish": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_latest_working_after_publish" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_latest_working_numeric_after_publish": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_latest_working_numeric_after_publish" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_invalid_version_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_invalid_version_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_invalid_version_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_invalid_version_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_unknown_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_unknown_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_unknown_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_unknown_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_ruleset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "_create_test_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_rulesets": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "_create_test_rulesets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ruleset_list_when_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_ruleset_list_when_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_ruleset_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_list_ruleset_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rulesets_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_list_rulesets_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rulesets_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_list_rulesets_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ruleset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_describe_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ruleset_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_describe_ruleset_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_ruleset_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_create_ruleset_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ruleset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_delete_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ruleset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_update_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datapipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_datapipeline/test_datapipeline_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_datapipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_datapipeline/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_list_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "create_locations": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "create_locations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_location_smb": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_create_location_smb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_location_smb": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_location_smb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_location_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_create_location_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_location_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_location_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_location_wrong": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_location_wrong" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_locations": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_list_locations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_delete_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_create_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_task_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_create_task_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_list_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_update_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_delete_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_start_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task_execution_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_start_task_execution_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_execution_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_execution_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_task_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_cancel_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_sse_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_sse_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn_no_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn_no_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn_no_vendor": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn_no_vendor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn_no_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn_no_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn_no_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn_no_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_returns_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_returns_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_paginates": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_paginates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_returns_nodes_after_some_time": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_returns_nodes_after_some_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_increase_replication_factor_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_increase_replication_factor_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_increase_replication_factor": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_increase_replication_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_replication_factor_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_decrease_replication_factor_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_replication_factor": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_decrease_replication_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_replication_factor_specific_nodeids": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_decrease_replication_factor_specific_nodeids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dax_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_server.py", + [ + "test_dax_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_get_replication_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_create_and_get_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_replication_task_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_create_existing_replication_task_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replication_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_start_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_start_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_replication_task_throws_invalid_state_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_stop_replication_task_throws_invalid_state_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_stop_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_replication_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_stop_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_replication_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_delete_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_delete_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_delete_directory": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_delete_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_get_directory_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_get_directory_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_describe_directories": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_describe_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_enable_sso": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_enable_sso" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_disable_sso": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_disable_sso" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_ad_connector": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "create_test_ad_connector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_validations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_validations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_bad_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_get_connect_directory_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_get_connect_directory_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_microsoft_ad": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "create_test_microsoft_ad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_validations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_validations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_get_microsoft_ad_directory_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_get_microsoft_ad_directory_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "create_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_directory": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "create_test_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_directory_validations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_directory_validations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_directory_bad_vpc_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_directory_bad_vpc_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_directory_bad_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_directory_bad_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_directory_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_directory_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_add_tags_to_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_tags.py", + [ + "test_ds_add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_remove_tags_from_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_tags.py", + [ + "test_ds_remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_tags.py", + [ + "test_ds_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/conftest.py", + [ + "table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_gsi_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_query_gsi_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_table_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_query_table_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_expressionattributenames": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_empty_expressionattributenames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_empty_projection": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_empty_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_projection": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_range_key_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_range_key_set" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_range_key_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_item_non_existing_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_item_non_existing_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_write_item_non_existing_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_batch_write_item_non_existing_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_redundant_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_redundant_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_missing_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_missing_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_redundant_and_missing_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_redundant_and_missing_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_wrong_attribute_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_item_wrong_attribute_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_key_cannot_use_begins_with_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_hash_key_cannot_use_begins_with_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_key_can_only_use_equals_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_hash_key_can_only_use_equals_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_table_with_0_local_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_creating_table_with_0_local_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_table_with_0_global_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_creating_table_with_0_global_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "update_email_transact": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item", + "update_email_transact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions", + "update_email_transact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_non_existent_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_non_existent_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_duplicate_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_duplicate_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_wrong_datatype": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_item_wrong_datatype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_empty_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_item_empty_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_trailing_comma": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_trailing_comma" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_put_item_with_empty_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_batch_put_item_with_empty_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_begins_with_without_brackets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_query_begins_with_without_brackets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_multiple_operations_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_multiple_operations_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_long_string_hash_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_item_add_long_string_hash_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_long_string_nonascii_hash_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_item_add_long_string_nonascii_hash_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_long_string_range_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_item_add_long_string_range_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_long_string_gsi_range_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_long_string_gsi_range_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_long_string_hash_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_long_string_hash_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_long_string_range_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_long_string_range_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_empty_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_item_add_empty_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_key_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashKey", + "test_hash_key_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_hash_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashKey", + "test_unknown_hash_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_unknown_hash_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_hash_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashKey", + "test_unknown_hash_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_unknown_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_begin_with": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_begin_with" + ] + ] + ], + "test_begin_with__wrong_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_begin_with__wrong_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_between": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_in_between" + ] + ] + ], + "test_numeric_comparisons": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_numeric_comparisons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_reverse_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_names_and_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestNamesAndValues", + "test_names_and_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tables_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_tables_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tables_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_tables_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_missing_table_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_missing_table_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_table_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_table_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_table_tags_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_table_tags_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_table_tags_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_table_tags_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_not_found_table_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_not_found_table_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_empty_string_hash_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_item_add_empty_string_hash_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_empty_string_range_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_item_add_empty_string_range_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_empty_string_attr_no_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_item_add_empty_string_attr_no_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_empty_string_attr_no_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_empty_string_attr_no_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_invalid_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_invalid_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_with_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_item_with_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_with_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_item_with_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expression_using_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expression_using_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_scan": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_scan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_scan": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_scan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expression_using_get_item_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expression_using_get_item_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_query_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_query_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_get_item_with_attr_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_get_item_with_attr_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_query_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_query_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_scan_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_scan_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_scan_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_scan_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_empty_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_empty_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_nonexisting_hash_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_item_nonexisting_hash_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_nonexisting_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_item_nonexisting_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_filter_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter_overlapping_expression_prefixes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_filter_overlapping_expression_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter2": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter4": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter_should_not_return_non_existing_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter_should_not_return_non_existing_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_scan_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_bad_scan_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_duplicate_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_ttl": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_set_ttl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_continuous_backups": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_continuous_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_continuous_backups_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_continuous_backups_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_continuous_backups": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_continuous_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_continuous_backups_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_continuous_backups_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_missing_expr_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_missing_expr_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_no_action_passed_with_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_no_action_passed_with_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_on_map": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_on_map" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_if_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_if_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_return_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_return_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_return_updated_new_attributes_when_same": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_return_updated_new_attributes_when_same" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_return_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_return_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_global_secondary_index_when_created_via_update_table_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_global_secondary_index_when_created_via_update_table_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_gsi_with_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_gsi_with_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_by_non_exists_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_by_non_exists_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_by_non_exists_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_by_non_exists_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_returns_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_returns_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_throws_exception_when_requesting_100_items_for_single_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_throws_exception_when_requesting_100_items_for_single_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_throws_exception_when_requesting_100_items_across_all_tables": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_throws_exception_when_requesting_100_items_across_all_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_with_basic_projection_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_with_basic_projection_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_with_basic_projection_expression_and_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_with_basic_projection_expression_and_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_should_throw_exception_for_duplicate_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_should_throw_exception_for_duplicate_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_with_unknown_attributes_should_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_index_with_unknown_attributes_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_existing_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_existing_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_existing_nested_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_existing_nested_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_index_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_index_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_nested_index_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_nested_index_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_double_nested_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_double_nested_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_index_of_a_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_index_of_a_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_top_level_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_top_level_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_top_level_attribute_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_top_level_attribute_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_nested_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_nested_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_double_nested_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_double_nested_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_index_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_index_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "create_table_with_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "create_table_with_list" + ] + ] + ], + "create_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_sorted_query_with_numerical_sort_key", + "create_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sorted_query_with_numerical_sort_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_sorted_query_with_numerical_sort_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_size_is_under_400KB": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_item_size_is_under_400KB" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_failure_due_to_item_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "assert_failure_due_to_item_size" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_failure_due_to_item_size_to_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "assert_failure_due_to_item_size_to_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_complex_expression_attribute_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_complex_expression_attribute_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_list_append": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_list_append" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_nested_list_append": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_nested_list_append" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_multiple_levels_nested_list_append": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_multiple_levels_nested_list_append" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_nested_list_append_onto_another_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_nested_list_append_onto_another_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_list_append_maps": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_list_append_maps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_nested_update_if_nested_value_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_nested_update_if_nested_value_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_list_append_with_nested_if_not_exists_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_list_append_with_nested_if_not_exists_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_list_append_with_nested_if_not_exists_operation_and_property_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_list_append_with_nested_if_not_exists_operation_and_property_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_user_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "_create_user_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "_create_user_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_if_original_value_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_if_original_value_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_item_if_original_value_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_item_if_original_value_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_update_to_item_with_different_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_allow_update_to_item_with_different_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_catches_when_no_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_catches_when_no_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_transact_get_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_invalid_transact_get_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_transact_get_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_valid_transact_get_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_verify_negative_number_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_verify_negative_number_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_put": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_put" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_put_conditional_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_put_conditional_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_conditioncheck_passes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_conditioncheck_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_conditioncheck_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_conditioncheck_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_delete_with_successful_condition_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_delete_with_successful_condition_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_delete_with_failed_condition_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_delete_with_failed_condition_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_update_with_failed_condition_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_update_with_failed_condition_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamodb_max_1mb_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_dynamodb_max_1mb_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_raise_syntax_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "assert_raise_syntax_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_numeric_literal_instead_of_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_numeric_literal_instead_of_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_multiple_set_clauses_must_be_comma_separated": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_multiple_set_clauses_must_be_comma_separated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tables_exclusive_start_table_name_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_tables_exclusive_start_table_name_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_correct_client_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "assert_correct_client_error" + ] + ] + ], + "create_simple_table_and_return_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "create_simple_table_and_return_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_attribute_in_right_hand_side_and_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_attribute_in_right_hand_side_and_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existing_attribute_should_raise_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_non_existing_attribute_should_raise_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_plus_in_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_plus_in_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_minus_in_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_minus_in_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_space_in_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_space_in_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_summing_up_2_strings_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_summing_up_2_strings_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_attribute_in_right_hand_side": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_attribute_in_right_hand_side" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_updates": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_multiple_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_atomic_counter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_atomic_counter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_atomic_counter_return_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_atomic_counter_return_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_atomic_counter_from_zero": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_atomic_counter_from_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_to_non_existent_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_to_non_existent_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_to_non_existent_number_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_to_non_existent_number_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_fails_with_transaction_canceled_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_fails_with_transaction_canceled_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_projection_type_keys_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_projection_type_keys_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_projection_type_include": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_projection_type_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lsi_projection_type_keys_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_lsi_projection_type_keys_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_attribute_is_dropped_if_empty_after_update_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_set_attribute_is_dropped_if_empty_after_update_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_get_items_should_return_empty_map_for_non_existent_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_get_items_should_return_empty_map_for_non_existent_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamodb_update_item_fails_on_string_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_dynamodb_update_item_fails_on_string_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_to_list_using_legacy_attribute_updates": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_to_list_using_legacy_attribute_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_for_non_existent_table_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_get_item_for_non_existent_table_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_when_providing_expression_and_nonexpression_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_error_when_providing_expression_and_nonexpression_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_item_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_attribute_item_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_key_can_be_updated": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_key_can_be_updated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_key_cannot_be_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_key_cannot_be_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_backup_for_non_existent_table_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_create_backup_for_non_existent_table_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_backup": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_create_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_backups_with_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_backups_with_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_backup_for_non_existent_backup_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_backup_for_non_existent_backup_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_backup": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_backups_for_non_existent_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_backups_for_non_existent_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_backups": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_from_non_existent_backup_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_from_non_existent_backup_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_from_backup_raises_error_when_table_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_from_backup_raises_error_when_table_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_from_backup": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_from_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time_raises_error_when_source_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time_raises_error_when_source_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time_raises_error_when_dest_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time_raises_error_when_dest_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_backup_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_backup_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_backup": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "add_guids_to_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_source_and_restored_table_items_are_not_linked", + "add_guids_to_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_source_and_restored_table_items_are_not_linked": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_source_and_restored_table_items_are_not_linked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_non_existing_item_raises_error_and_does_not_contain_item_afterwards": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_non_existing_item_raises_error_and_does_not_contain_item_afterwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_write_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_batch_write_item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_write_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_lastevaluatedkey": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_lastevaluatedkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_expression_execution_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_filter_expression_execution_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_projection_expression_execution_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_projection_expression_execution_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_projection_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_invalid_projection_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_dynamo_template_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_dynamo_template_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression_with_dot_in_attr_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression_with_dot_in_attr_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_conditional_check_failed_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "_assert_conditional_check_failed_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression_numerical_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression_numerical_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "update_numerical_con_expr": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "update_numerical_con_expr" + ] + ] + ], + "update_if_attr_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression__attr_doesnt_exist", + "update_if_attr_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression__attr_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression__attr_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression__or_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression__or_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression__and_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression__and_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression_with_reserved_keyword_as_attr_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression_with_reserved_keyword_as_attr_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_on_wrong_value_for_consumed_capacity": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_consumedcapacity.py", + [ + "test_error_on_wrong_value_for_consumed_capacity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_consumed_capacity_get_unknown_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_consumedcapacity.py", + [ + "test_consumed_capacity_get_unknown_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_return_consumed_capacity_when_required": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_consumedcapacity.py", + [ + "test_only_return_consumed_capacity_when_required" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_consumedcapacity.py", + [ + "validate_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_standard": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_standard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_local_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_local_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_gsi": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_gsi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_stream_specification": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_stream_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_pay_per_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_pay_per_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table__provisioned_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table__provisioned_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_without_specifying_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_without_specifying_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_error_pay_per_request_with_provisioned_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_error_pay_per_request_with_provisioned_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__false": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__true": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__custom_kms_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__custom_kms_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_non_existing_attribute_should_return_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_non_existing_attribute_should_return_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_sum_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_sum_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_remove": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_remove_in_map": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_remove_in_map" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_remove_in_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_remove_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_delete_element_from_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_delete_element_from_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_add_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_add_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_add_set_to_a_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_add_set_to_a_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_add_to_a_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_add_to_a_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of__delete_element_from_set_invalid_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of__delete_element_from_set_invalid_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_delete_element_from_a_string_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_delete_element_from_a_string_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_leading_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_leading_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_trailing_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_trailing_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_multi_spaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_multi_spaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_with_numbers_in_identifiers": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_with_numbers_in_identifiers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_with_underscore_in_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_with_underscore_in_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_leading_underscore_in_attribute_name_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_leading_underscore_in_attribute_name_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_leading_underscore_in_attribute_value_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_leading_underscore_in_attribute_value_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_nested_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_nested_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_list_index_with_sub_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_list_index_with_sub_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_list_index_surrounded_with_whitespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_list_index_surrounded_with_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_invalid_key_double_hash": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_invalid_key_double_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_valid_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_valid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe_with_leading_white_spaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe_with_leading_white_spaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe_for_set_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe_for_set_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_an_attribute_and_a_pipe_for_set_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_an_attribute_and_a_pipe_for_set_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_reserved_keywords": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_get_reserved_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_numeric_literal_in_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_numeric_literal_in_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_multi_number_numeric_literal_in_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_multi_number_numeric_literal_in_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_numeric_literal_unclosed_square_bracket": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_numeric_literal_unclosed_square_bracket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_wrong_closing_bracket_with_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_wrong_closing_bracket_with_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_wrong_closing_bracket": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_wrong_closing_bracket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_only_numeric_literal_for_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_only_numeric_literal_for_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_only_numeric_literal": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_only_numeric_literal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_set_closing_round_bracket": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_set_closing_round_bracket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_set_closing_followed_by_numeric_literal": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_set_closing_followed_by_numeric_literal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_numeric_literal_unclosed_square_bracket_trailing_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_numeric_literal_unclosed_square_bracket_trailing_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_opening": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_opening" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_opening_trailing_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_opening_trailing_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_opening": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_opening" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_opening_trailing_spaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_opening_trailing_spaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_multiple_opening": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_multiple_opening" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_closing": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_closing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_closing": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_closing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_closing_followed_by_other_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_closing_followed_by_other_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_starts_with_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_starts_with_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_starts_with_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier_and_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_starts_with_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier_and_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_starts_with_leading_spaces_and_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier_and_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_starts_with_leading_spaces_and_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier_and_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_only_keyword_reset": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_only_keyword_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_expression_with_selector_just_should_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_expression_with_selector_just_should_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_expression_with_selector_and_spaces_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_expression_with_selector_and_spaces_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_expression_with_double_selector_and_spaces_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_expression_with_double_selector_and_spaces_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_expression_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_expression_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_selectors_in_update_expression_should_fail_at_nesting": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_nested_selectors_in_update_expression_should_fail_at_nesting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_number_in_selector_cannot_be_splite": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_number_in_selector_cannot_be_splite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_cannot_have_successive_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_cannot_have_successive_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_path_with_both_attribute_and_attribute_name_should_only_fail_at_numeric_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_path_with_both_attribute_and_attribute_name_should_only_fail_at_numeric_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_2_same_operators_back_to_back": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_2_same_operators_back_to_back" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_2_different_operators_back_to_back": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_2_different_operators_back_to_back" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_remove_does_not_allow_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_remove_does_not_allow_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_add_does_not_allow_attribute_after_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_add_does_not_allow_attribute_after_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_add_does_not_allow_attribute_foobar_after_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_add_does_not_allow_attribute_foobar_after_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_delete_does_not_allow_attribute_after_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_delete_does_not_allow_attribute_after_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_delete_does_not_allow_attribute_foobar_after_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_delete_does_not_allow_attribute_foobar_after_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_parsing_is_not_keyword_aware": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_parsing_is_not_keyword_aware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_if_not_exists_is_not_valid_in_remove_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_if_not_exists_is_not_valid_in_remove_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_without_range_key_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_get_item_without_range_key_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_query_filter_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_conditions_ignorecase": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_conditions_ignorecase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_put_item_with_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_put_item_with_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_table_with_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "_create_table_with_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_does_not_exist_is_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_does_not_exist_is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_value_string_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_value_string_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_delete_value_string_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_delete_value_string_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_value_does_not_exist_is_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_value_does_not_exist_is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_failure_due_to_key_not_in_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "assert_failure_due_to_key_not_in_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_with_nested_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_with_nested_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_delete_with_nested_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_delete_with_nested_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_delete_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_delete_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_query_gsi_range_comparison": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_query_gsi_range_comparison" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_update_table_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_update_table_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_update_table_gsi_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_update_table_gsi_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table_gsi_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_table_gsi_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table_gsi_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_table_gsi_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_query_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_by_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_scan_by_index" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_scan_by_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_throws_exception_when_updating_hash_or_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_throws_exception_when_updating_hash_or_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_servermode.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_and_describe_and_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_item_add_and_describe_and_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_put_without_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_item_put_without_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_with_undeclared_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_get_item_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item_with_undeclared_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_delete_item_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_with_undeclared_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_scan_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_scan_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_get_key_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_double_nested_remove": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_double_nested_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table__using_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_create_table__using_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_conditions_pass": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_put_item_conditions_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_put_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_put_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_conditions_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_put_item_conditions_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_pass": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_settype_item_with_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_settype_item_with_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_scan_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_different_map_elements_in_single_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_update_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_different_map_elements_in_single_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table__billing_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_update_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table__billing_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_update_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table__enable_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_update_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table__enable_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_update_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_valid_update_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_keyword": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_a_set_statement_with_incorrect_passed_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_a_set_statement_with_incorrect_passed_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_attribute_that_does_not_exist_in_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_attribute_that_does_not_exist_in_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_attribute_name_that_is_not_defined": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_attribute_name_that_is_not_defined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_invalid_replace_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_invalid_replace_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_first_node_of_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "get_first_node_of_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_set_action_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "get_set_action_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_non_existing_attribute_should_return_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_non_existing_attribute_should_return_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_sum_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_sum_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_homogeneous_list_append_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_homogeneous_list_append_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_hetereogenous_list_append_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_hetereogenous_list_append_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_list_append_function_with_non_list_arg": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_list_append_function_with_non_list_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sum_with_incompatible_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_sum_with_incompatible_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_subraction_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_subraction_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_index_into_a_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_cannot_index_into_a_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_set_path_does_not_need_to_be_resolvable_when_setting_a_new_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_set_path_does_not_need_to_be_resolvable_when_setting_a_new_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_set_path_does_not_need_to_be_resolvable_but_must_be_creatable_when_setting_a_new_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_set_path_does_not_need_to_be_resolvable_but_must_be_creatable_when_setting_a_new_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_server.py", + [ + "test_table_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_table_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_servermode.py", + [ + "test_table_list" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_test_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_test_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_test_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_table_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_in_different_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_table_in_different_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_describe_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_missing_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_missing_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_return_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_return_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_return_none_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_return_none_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_from_unknown_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_item_from_unknown_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_from_unknown_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_item_from_unknown_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_item_from_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_item_from_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_scan_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_with_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_scan_with_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_with_filter_in_table_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_scan_with_filter_in_table_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_in_table_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_query_in_table_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_item_by_hash_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_query_item_by_hash_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_item_by_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_query_item_by_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_item_with_undeclared_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_query_item_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_item_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item_with_return_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_item_with_return_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_in_nonexisting_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_item_in_nonexisting_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_from_unknown_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_from_unknown_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_write_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_write_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_verify_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_shard_iterator_at_sequence_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_shard_iterator_at_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_shard_iterator_after_sequence_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_shard_iterator_after_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_records_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_seq": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_records_seq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_stream_on_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges", + "test_enable_stream_on_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_with_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges", + "test_stream_with_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_snapshot__minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_start_snapshot__minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_start_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complete_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_complete_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_snapshot_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_put_snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_snapshot_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_get_snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_changed_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_list_changed_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_snapshot_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_list_snapshot_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_snapshot__should_be_created_in_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_start_snapshot__should_be_created_in_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "rsa_check_private_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/helpers.py", + [ + "rsa_check_private_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snapshots_for_initial_amis": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_snapshots_for_initial_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_create_and_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_create_and_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_image__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_deregister_image__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_image__and_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_deregister_image__and_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_copy_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_copy_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_copy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_copy_nonexistent_source_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_copy_nonexistent_source_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_copy_nonexisting_source_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_copy_nonexisting_source_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_image_changes_owner_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_copy_image_changes_owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_create_from_missing_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_create_from_missing_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_pulls_attributes_from_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_pulls_attributes_from_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_uses_account_id_if_valid_access_key_is_supplied": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_uses_account_id_if_valid_access_key_is_supplied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filtering_via_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filtering_via_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getting_missing_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_getting_missing_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getting_malformed_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_getting_malformed_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_attribute_group_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_attribute_group_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_attribute_user_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_attribute_user_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_executable_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_executable_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_executable_users_negative": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_executable_users_negative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_executable_users_and_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_executable_users_and_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_attribute_user_and_group_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_attribute_user_and_group_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_filter_description" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_attribute_error_cases": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_attribute_error_cases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_registration": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_wildcard": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_wildcard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_owner_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_self": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_snapshots_have_correct_owner": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_snapshots_have_correct_owner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_image_with_tag_specification": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_create_image_with_tag_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_empty_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_empty_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_ownerid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_ownerid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_unknown_ownerid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_unknown_ownerid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_snapshot_from_create_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_delete_snapshot_from_create_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_describe_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "test_boto3_describe_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_availability_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "test_boto3_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_availability_zones_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "test_describe_availability_zones_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_zoneId_in_availability_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "test_boto3_zoneId_in_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_carrier_gateways_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_carrier_gateways_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_carrier_gateways_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_carrier_gateways_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_carrier_gateways_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_carrier_gateways_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_carrier_gateways_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_carrier_gateways_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_carrier_gateways_invalid_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_carrier_gateways_invalid_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_carrier_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_carrier_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_customer_gateways_using_publicip_argument": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_customer_gateways_using_publicip_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_customer_gateways_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_customer_gateways_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_customer_gateways_bad_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_customer_gateways_bad_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_associate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_associate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_associate_invalid_dhcp_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_associate_invalid_dhcp_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_associate_invalid_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_associate_invalid_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_delete_with_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_delete_with_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_create_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dhcp_options_invalid_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_create_dhcp_options_invalid_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_describe_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dhcp_options_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_describe_dhcp_options_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_delete_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dhcp_options_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_delete_dhcp_options_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dhcp_options_malformed_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_delete_dhcp_options_malformed_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_value_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_value_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_key_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_key_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_invalid_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_invalid_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_single_instance_in_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_single_instance_in_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_with_resource_missing_delete_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_with_resource_missing_delete_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_cloudformation_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_cloudformation_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_size_through_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_volume_size_through_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_attach_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_attach_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_tags_through_cloudformation_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_subnet_tags_through_cloudformation_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_instance_with_ebs_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_single_instance_with_ebs_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_classic_eip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_classic_eip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_eip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_eip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_gateway_attachment_creation_should_attach_itself_to_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_gateway_attachment_creation_should_attach_itself_to_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_multiple_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id_using_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id_using_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_with_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_with_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnets_should_be_created_with_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_subnets_should_be_created_with_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "get_secgroup_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_secgroup_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_endpoint_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_endpoint_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_encrypted_ebs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_integration.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_encrypted_ebs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_unknown_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_create_with_unknown_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_describe_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_one": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_describe_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_volumes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_modify_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_attached_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_delete_attached_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_encrypted_volume_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_encrypted_volume_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_encrypted_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_encrypted_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_volume_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_filter_volume_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_filters", + "verify_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_snapshot_filters", + "verify_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_attach_and_detach": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_attach_and_detach" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_encrypted_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_encrypted_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_snapshot_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_filter_snapshot_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snapshot_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_snapshot_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_snapshot_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_modify_snapshot_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_attribute_blockDeviceMapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_modify_attribute_blockDeviceMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_tag_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_tag_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_property_hidden_when_no_tags_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_property_hidden_when_no_tags_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_copy_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_for_many_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_search_for_many_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_unencrypted_volume_with_kms_key_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_unencrypted_volume_with_kms_key_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_encrypted_volume_without_kms_key_should_use_default_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_encrypted_volume_without_kms_key_should_use_default_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_kms_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_kms_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kms_key_id_property_hidden_when_volume_not_encrypted": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_kms_key_id_property_hidden_when_volume_not_encrypted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_standard_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_standard_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_non_standard_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_non_standard_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_with_tagspecification": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_with_tagspecification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_single_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_single_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_multiple_volumes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_multiple_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_multiple_volumes_without_boot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_multiple_volumes_without_boot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_allocate_classic": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_allocate_classic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_addresses_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_describe_addresses_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_allocate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_allocate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specific_eip_allocate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_specific_eip_allocate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_allocate_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_allocate_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_associate_classic": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_associate_classic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_associate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_associate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_vpc_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_vpc_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_associate_network_interface": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_associate_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_reassociate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_reassociate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_reassociate_nic": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_reassociate_nic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_associate_invalid_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_associate_invalid_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_disassociate_bogus_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_disassociate_bogus_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_release_bogus_eip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_release_bogus_eip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_disassociate_arg_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_disassociate_arg_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_release_arg_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_release_arg_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_describe_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_describe_none" + ] + ] + ], + "create_inst_with_eip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_filters", + "create_inst_with_eip" + ] + ] + ], + "check_vpc_filter_valid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_filters", + "check_vpc_filter_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "check_vpc_filter_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_filters", + "check_vpc_filter_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "check_vpc_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_filters", + "check_vpc_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_addresses_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_describe_addresses_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_addresses_with_vpc_associated_eni": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_describe_addresses_with_vpc_associated_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_subnet_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_subnet_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_with_private_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_with_private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_with_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_with_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_without_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_without_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_modify_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_modify_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_tag_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_tag_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_private_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_attachment_instance_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_attachment_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_attachment_instance_owner_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_attachment_instance_owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_describe_network_interfaces_with_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_describe_network_interfaces_with_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_filter_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_filter_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_auto_create_securitygroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_auto_create_securitygroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_private_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_private_ip_addresses__with_secondary_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_private_ip_addresses__with_secondary_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unassign_private_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_unassign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unassign_private_ip_addresses__multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_unassign_private_ip_addresses__multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_address_and_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_address_and_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unassign_ipv6_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_unassign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_describe_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_describe_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "get_subnet_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "get_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_spot_fleet_with_lowest_price": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_with_lowest_price" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_with_lowest_price" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_on_demand_fleet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_on_demand_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_diversified_spot_fleet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_diversified_spot_fleet" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_diversified_spot_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_fleet_using_launch_template_config__name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_request_fleet_using_launch_template_config__name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fleet_request_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_fleet_request_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fleet_using_launch_template_config__overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_fleet_using_launch_template_config__overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fleet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_delete_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_fleet_instences_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_describe_fleet_instences_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fleet_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_fleet_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fleet_api_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_fleet_api_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_logs_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_logs_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_logs_cloud_watch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_logs_cloud_watch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_log_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_log_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_flow_logs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_flow_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_flow_logs_delete_many": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_flow_logs_delete_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_flow_logs_non_existing": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_flow_logs_non_existing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_logs_unsuccessful": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_logs_unsuccessful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_logs_invalid_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_logs_invalid_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_flow_logs_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_flow_logs_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flow_logs_by_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_flow_logs_by_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_logs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flow_logs_by_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_flow_logs_by_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_console_output": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_general.py", + [ + "test_console_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_console_output_without_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_general.py", + [ + "test_console_output_without_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "quick_instance_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "quick_instance_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "quick_instance_profile_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "quick_instance_profile_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_associate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_associate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_invalid_associate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_replace": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_invalid_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_disassociate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_disassociate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_invalid_disassociate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_type_offerings": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_type_offerings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_zone_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_zone_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_gpu_instance_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_gpu_instance_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_unknown_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_unknown_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_vcpus": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_vcpus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_memory": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_memory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_bare_metal": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_bare_metal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_burstable_performance_supported": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_burstable_performance_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_current_generation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_current_generation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_small_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_small_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_invalid_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_invalid_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_servers": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_add_servers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_launch_and_terminate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_launch_and_terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_terminate_discard_volumes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_terminate_discard_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_terminate_keep_volumes_explicit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_terminate_keep_volumes_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_terminate_keep_volumes_implicit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_terminate_keep_volumes_implicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_terminate_detach_volumes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_terminate_detach_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_detach_volume_wrong_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_detach_volume_wrong_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_empty_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_terminate_empty_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_attach_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_attach_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_paginated_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_paginated_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_volume_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_with_volume_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_state" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_id", + "_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_reason_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_reason_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_source_dest_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_source_dest_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_dns_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_dns_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_architecture": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_architecture" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_image_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_image_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_private_dns": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_private_dns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_ni_private_dns": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_ni_private_dns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instances_with_unknown_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instances_with_unknown_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_start_and_stop": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_start_and_stop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_reboot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_reboot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_attribute_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_attribute_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_instance_attribute_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_modify_instance_attribute_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_attribute_user_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_attribute_user_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_attribute_source_dest_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_attribute_source_dest_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_data_with_run_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_user_data_with_run_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_security_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_security_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_security_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_security_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_additional_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_additional_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_default_placement": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_default_placement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_invalid_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_invalid_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_availability_zone_not_from_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_availability_zone_not_from_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_specified_private_ipv4": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_specified_private_ipv4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_mapped_public_ipv4": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_mapped_public_ipv4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_nic_autocreated": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_nic_autocreated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_nic_preexisting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_nic_preexisting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_new_nic_and_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_new_nic_and_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_with_nic_attach_detach": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_with_nic_attach_detach" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_classic_has_public_ip_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_ec2_classic_has_public_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_keypair": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_keypair" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instances_with_keypair_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instances_with_keypair_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_invalid_keypair": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_invalid_keypair" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_missing_ebs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_missing_ebs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_using_no_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_using_no_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_missing_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_missing_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_no_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_no_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instance_filter_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instance_filter_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_credit_specifications": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_credit_specifications" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instance_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instance_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_with_non_running_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_with_non_running_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instance_by_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instance_by_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_delete_on_termination": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_modify_delete_on_termination" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_with_default_options", + "assert_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_with_default_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_with_default_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_ebs_optimized": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_ebs_optimized" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_multiple_instances_in_same_command": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_multiple_instances_in_same_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warn_on_invalid_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_warn_on_invalid_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_on_invalid_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_error_on_invalid_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_on_invalid_ami_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_error_on_invalid_ami_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_wildcard_in_specified_tag_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_filter_wildcard_in_specified_tag_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_termination_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_termination_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_unknown_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_terminate_unknown_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_with_launch_template_id_produces_no_warning": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_with_launch_template_id_produces_no_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_from_launch_template__process_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_from_launch_template__process_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_and_associate_public_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_and_associate_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_cannot_have_subnet_and_networkinterface_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_cannot_have_subnet_and_networkinterface_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_in_subnet_with_nic_private_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_in_subnet_with_nic_private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_in_subnet_with_nic_private_ip_and_public_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_in_subnet_with_nic_private_ip_and_public_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instances_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instances_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instances_filter_vpcid_via_networkinterface": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instances_filter_vpcid_via_networkinterface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_iam_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_reservations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_reservations" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_create_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_create_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_attach_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_attach_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_attach_bad_vpc_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_attach_bad_vpc_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_attach_twice_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_attach_twice_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_detach_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_detach_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_detach_wrong_vpc_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_detach_wrong_vpc_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_detach_invalid_vpc_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_detach_invalid_vpc_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_detach_unattached_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_detach_unattached_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_delete_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_delete_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_delete_attached_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_delete_attached_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_describe_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_describe_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_describe_bad_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_describe_bad_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_filter_by_vpc_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_filter_by_vpc_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_filter_by_tags_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_filter_by_tags_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_filter_by_internet_gateway_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_filter_by_internet_gateway_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_filter_by_attachment_state_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_filter_by_attachment_state_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_internet_gateway_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_internet_gateway_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "retrieve_all" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "retrieve_all" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "retrieve_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_empty_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_empty_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_invalid_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_invalid_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_create_dryrun_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_create_dryrun_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_create_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_create_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_create_exist_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_create_exist_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_delete_no_exist_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_delete_no_exist_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_delete_exist_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_delete_exist_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_import_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_import_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_import_exist_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_import_exist_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_invalid_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_invalid_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pair_filters_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pair_filters_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_by_name_when_absent": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_by_name_when_absent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_template_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_template_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_template_version_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_template_version_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_multiple_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_multiple_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_versions_option": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_versions_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_min": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_min" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_min_and_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_min_and_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_templates_with_non_existent_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_templates_with_non_existent_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_templates": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_templates_with_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_templates_with_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_template_with_tag_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_template_with_tag_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_launch_template__dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_delete_launch_template__dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_launch_template__by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_delete_launch_template__by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_launch_template__by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_delete_launch_template__by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_templates": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_create_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_create_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_describe_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_describe_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nat_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_nat_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nat_gateway_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_nat_gateway_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nat_gateway_filter_by_net_gateway_id_and_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_nat_gateway_filter_by_net_gateway_id_and_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nat_gateway_filter_by_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_nat_gateway_filter_by_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nat_gateway_filter_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_nat_gateway_filter_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_network_acl_created_with_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_default_network_acl_created_with_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_network_create_and_list_acls": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_network_create_and_list_acls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_subnet_associates_with_default_network_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_new_subnet_associates_with_default_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_network_acl_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_network_acl_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_delete_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_replace_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_network_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_delete_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_network_acl_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_network_acl_tagging" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_network_acl_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_subnet_in_new_vpc_associates_with_default_network_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_new_subnet_in_new_vpc_associates_with_default_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_network_acl_default_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_default_network_acl_default_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_default_network_acl_default_entry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_delete_default_network_acl_default_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_duplicate_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_network_acls": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_describe_network_acls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_acl_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_create_network_acl_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_managed_prefix_list_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_get_managed_prefix_list_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_managed_prefix_list_entries_0_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_get_managed_prefix_list_entries_0_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_delete_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_prefix_lists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_describe_prefix_lists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_prefix_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_add_to_empty_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_add_to_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_name_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_name_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_specifying_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_specifying_version" + ] + ] + ], + "add_servers_to_region_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "add_servers_to_region_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_servers_to_a_single_region_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_add_servers_to_a_single_region_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_servers_to_multiple_regions_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_add_servers_to_multiple_regions_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_regions_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_describe_regions_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_zones_and_get_instance_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_describe_zones_and_get_instance_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_additional": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_additional" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_filters_standard": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_filters_standard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_filters_associations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_filters_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_filters_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_filters_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_table_associations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_table_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_table_replace_route_table_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_table_replace_route_table_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_table_replace_route_table_association_for_main": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_table_replace_route_table_association_for_main" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_table_get_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_table_get_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_additional": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_additional" + ] + ] + ], + "get_target_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_replace", + "get_target_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_replace": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_already_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_already_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_with_invalid_destination_cidr_block_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_route_with_invalid_destination_cidr_block_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_with_network_interface_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_route_with_network_interface_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_route_tables_with_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_describe_route_tables_with_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_end_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_end_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_tables_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_route_tables_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_with_egress_only_igw": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_route_with_egress_only_igw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_with_unknown_egress_only_igw": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_route_with_unknown_egress_only_igw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_route_table_by_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_associate_route_table_by_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_route_table_by_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_associate_route_table_by_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_security_group_without_description_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_security_group_without_description_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_default_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_vpc_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_vpc_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_two_security_groups_with_same_name_in_different_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_two_security_groups_with_same_name_in_different_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_two_security_groups_in_vpc_with_ipv6_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_two_security_groups_in_vpc_with_ipv6_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleting_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_deleting_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_security_group_in_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_security_group_in_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_ip_range_and_revoke": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_ip_range_and_revoke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_other_group_and_revoke": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_other_group_and_revoke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_other_group_egress_and_revoke": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_other_group_egress_and_revoke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_group_in_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_group_in_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_bad_cidr_throws_invalid_parameter_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_bad_cidr_throws_invalid_parameter_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_tag_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_tag_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_all_protocols_with_no_port_specification": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_all_protocols_with_no_port_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sec_group_rule_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_sec_group_rule_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_same_rule_twice_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_same_rule_twice_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_description_in_ip_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_description_in_ip_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_wildcard_tag_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_wildcard_tag_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_filter_ip_permission": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_filter_ip_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_sgs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_sgs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_and_revoke_in_bulk": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_and_revoke_in_bulk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_without_multirule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_without_multirule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_without_multirule_after_reload": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_without_multirule_after_reload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_security_groups_filter_with_same_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_all_security_groups_filter_with_same_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_security_group_egress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_revoke_security_group_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent_security_group_raises_error_on_authorize": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_non_existent_security_group_raises_error_on_authorize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_rules_added_via_the_backend_can_be_revoked_via_the_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_rules_added_via_the_backend_can_be_revoked_via_the_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_ip_permission__cidr": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_ip_permission__cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__cidr": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__from_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__from_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name_create_with_id_filter_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name_create_with_id_filter_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name_create_with_id_filter_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name_create_with_id_filter_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__protocol": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__to_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__to_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_groups_by_ippermissions_group_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_groups_by_ippermissions_group_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_groups_by_ippermissions_group_id_filter_across_vpcs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_groups_by_ippermissions_group_id_filter_across_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_without_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_without_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_stack_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ec2_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_get_unknown_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ec2_get_unknown_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_get_unknown_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ec2_get_unknown_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_disable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_enable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_get_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_ebs_encryption_by_default_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_enable_ebs_encryption_by_default_region" + ] + ] + ], + "spot_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "spot_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_spot_fleet_request_with_tag_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_request_with_tag_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_spot_fleet_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_cancel_spot_fleet_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_spot_fleet_request__but_dont_terminate_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_cancel_spot_fleet_request__but_dont_terminate_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_up_diversified": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_up_diversified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_no_terminate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_no_terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_odd": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_odd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_no_terminate_after_custom_terminate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_no_terminate_after_custom_terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_spot_fleet_without_spot_price": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_without_spot_price" + ] + ] + ], + "get_active_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "get_active_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances_default_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances_default_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_spot_instance_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_cancel_spot_instance_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances_fulfilled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances_fulfilled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_spot_instance_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_tag_spot_instance_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_spot_instance_requests_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_all_spot_instance_requests_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_spot_instance_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_launch_spot_instance_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_instance_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_launch_instance_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spot_price_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_spot_price_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances__instance_should_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances__instance_should_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_create_vpc_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnet_create_vpc_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnet_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_should_have_proper_availability_zone_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnet_should_have_proper_availability_zone_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_availability_zone_in_create_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_availability_zone_in_create_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_default_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_default_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_non_default_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_public_ip_on_launch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_public_ip_on_launch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_get_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnet_get_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subnets_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_get_subnets_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_response_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_response_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subnet_response_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_describe_subnet_response_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_range_multiple_vpc_cidr_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_range_multiple_vpc_cidr_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_block_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_block_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnets_with_multiple_vpc_cidr_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnets_with_multiple_vpc_cidr_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnets_with_overlapping_cidr_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnets_with_overlapping_cidr_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_available_ip_addresses_in_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_available_ip_addresses_in_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_available_ip_addresses_in_subnet_with_enis": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_available_ip_addresses_in_subnet_with_enis" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_subnet_details": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "validate_subnet_details" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_subnet_details_after_creating_eni": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "validate_subnet_details_after_creating_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instances_should_attach_to_default_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_run_instances_should_attach_to_default_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subnets_by_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_describe_subnets_by_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subnets_by_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_describe_subnets_by_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_associate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subnets_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_describe_subnets_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_create_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_instance_create_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_delete_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_instance_delete_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_tags_with_special_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_with_special_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_limit_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_limit_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_tags_resource_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_resource_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instance_with_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_value_filter", + "create_instance_with_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_by_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_value_filter", + "filter_by_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_tags_value_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_value_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieved_instances_must_contain_their_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_retrieved_instances_must_contain_their_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieved_volumes_must_contain_their_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_retrieved_volumes_must_contain_their_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieved_snapshots_must_contain_their_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_retrieved_snapshots_must_contain_their_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_instances_by_wildcard_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_filter_instances_by_wildcard_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshot_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshot_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_tag_empty_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_tag_empty_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tag_empty_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_delete_tag_empty_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve_resource_with_multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_retrieve_resource_with_multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_tagged": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_tagged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_modify_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_transit_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_transit_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_attachments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_route_tables": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_route_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_table_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_table_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_as_blackhole": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_as_blackhole" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_by_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_by_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_by_routesearch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_by_routesearch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_transit_gateway_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_add_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_add_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_remove_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_remove_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_change_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_change_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_associate_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation_without_enabling_first": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation_without_enabling_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transit_gateway_by_cloudformation_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_transit_gateway_by_cloudformation_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transit_gateway_by_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_transit_gateway_by_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_by_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_by_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_create_and_accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_create_and_reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "create_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random_key_pair": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_random_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "mocked_random_resource_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_random_ipv6_cidr", + "mocked_random_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random_ipv6_cidr": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_random_ipv6_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gen_moto_amis": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_gen_moto_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_unknown_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_attach_unknown_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_unknown_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_detach_unknown_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_attachment_vpc_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_attachment_vpc_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_state_filter_attached": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_state_filter_attached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_private_gateways_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_virtual_private_gateways_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_gateway_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_gateway_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_state_filter_deatched": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_state_filter_deatched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_id_filter_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_id_filter_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_id_filter_miss": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_id_filter_miss" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_type_filter_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_type_filter_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_type_filter_miss": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_type_filter_miss" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpn_gateway_vpc_attachment_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_vpn_gateway_vpc_attachment_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpn_gateway_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpn_gateway_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpn_gateway_tagging_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_vpn_gateway_tagging_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_vpn_gateway_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_detach_vpn_gateway_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_services_bad_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_services_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "fake_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_s3_service_endpoint_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "validate_s3_service_endpoint_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_s3_service_endpoint_interface": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "validate_s3_service_endpoint_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_services_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_services_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_default_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_default_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpx_pcx": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "create_vpx_pcx" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_get_all_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_get_all_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_accept_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_accept_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_reject_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_reject_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_delete_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_delete_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_accepter_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_accepter_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_requester_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_requester_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_unknown_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_unknown_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_peering_connections_only_returns_requested_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_peering_connections_only_returns_requested_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_accept": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_accept" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_reject": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_reject" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_accept_wrong_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_accept_wrong_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_reject_wrong_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_reject_wrong_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_without_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_without_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_network_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_network_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_gateway_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_gateway_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_and_add_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_and_add_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_already_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_already_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_new_loadbalancers": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_new_loadbalancers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_a_vpc_in_empty_region_does_not_make_this_vpc_the_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_creating_a_vpc_in_empty_region_does_not_make_this_vpc_the_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_default_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_default_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_default_vpcs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_default_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_isdefault_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_isdefault_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_vpcs_default_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_multiple_vpcs_default_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_state_available_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_state_available_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_vpcs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_dhcp_options_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_dhcp_options_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_key_superset": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_key_superset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_key_subset": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_key_subset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_value_superset": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_value_superset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_value_subset": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_value_subset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_default_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_default_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_non_default_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_dedicated_tenancy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_dedicated_tenancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_modify_tenancy_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_modify_tenancy_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_modify_enable_dns_support": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_modify_enable_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_modify_enable_dns_hostnames": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_modify_enable_dns_hostnames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_associate_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_associate_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_associate_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cidr_block_association_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_cidr_block_association_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_associate_ipv6_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_associate_ipv6_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_disassociate_ipv6_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_disassociate_ipv6_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ipv6_cidr_block_association_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_ipv6_cidr_block_association_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_with_invalid_cidr_block_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_with_invalid_cidr_block_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_with_invalid_cidr_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_with_invalid_cidr_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link_failure": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_disable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_gateway_end_points": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_gateway_end_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_interface_end_points": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_interface_end_points" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpc_end_points": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_end_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpcs_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpcs_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpn_connections_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_create_vpn_connections_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpn_connections_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpn_connections_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpn_connections_bad_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpn_connections_bad_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpn_connection_with_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_create_vpn_connection_with_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_vpncs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_vpncs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2instanceconnect/test_ec2instanceconnect_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_image_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "_create_image_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_image_manifest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "_create_image_manifest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_with_non_default_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_with_non_default_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_with_aws_managed_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_with_aws_managed_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_error_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_error_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories_3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories_with_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories_with_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_with_force": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_with_force" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_with_push_date": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_with_push_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_with_multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_with_multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_multiple_images_with_same_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_multiple_images_with_same_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_images": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_images" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_images_from_repository_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_images_from_repository_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_tags_should_not_contain_empty_tag1": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_tags_should_not_contain_empty_tag1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_tags_should_not_contain_empty_tag2": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_tags_should_not_contain_empty_tag2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repository_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repository_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_error_not_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_error_not_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_by_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_by_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_authorization_token_assume_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_authorization_token_assume_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_authorization_token_explicit_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_authorization_token_explicit_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_image_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_image_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_delete_last_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_delete_last_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_nonexistent_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_nonexistent_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_by_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_by_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_invalid_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_invalid_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_missing_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_missing_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_matching_digest_and_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_matching_digest_and_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_mismatched_digest_and_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_mismatched_digest_and_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_batch_image_with_multiple_images": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_batch_image_with_multiple_images" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_tag_mutability": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_tag_mutability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_tag_mutability_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_tag_mutability_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_tag_mutability_error_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_tag_mutability_error_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_scanning_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_scanning_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_scanning_configuration_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_scanning_configuration_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_repository_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_repository_policy_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_repository_policy_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_repository_policy_error_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_repository_policy_error_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_repository_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_repository_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_registry_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_registry_policy_error_invalid_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_registry_policy_error_invalid_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registry_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registry_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_registry_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_registry_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_registry_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_registry_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan_error_image_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan_error_image_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan_error_image_tag_digest_mismatch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan_error_image_tag_digest_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan_error_daily_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan_error_daily_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_scan_findings": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_scan_findings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_image_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_image_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_scan_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_scan_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_replication_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_replication_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_replication_configuration_error_feature_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_replication_configuration_error_feature_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_replication_configuration_error_same_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_replication_configuration_error_same_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_registry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_registry_after_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_registry_after_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_repository": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_parse": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_extract_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_extract_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_rule_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_rule_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_rule_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_rule_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_action_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_action_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_selection_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_selection_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_account_settings_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_list_account_settings_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_account_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_put_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_account_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_list_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_account_settings_wrong_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_list_account_settings_wrong_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_account_setting_changes_service_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_put_account_setting_changes_service_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_account_setting_changes_containerinstance_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_put_account_setting_changes_containerinstance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_default_cluster_new_arn_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_run_task_default_cluster_new_arn_format" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_default_cluster_new_arn_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_missing": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_task_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_task_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_task_definitions_with_family_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_task_definitions_with_family_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_task_definition_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_task_definition_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_task_definition_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_task_definition_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_service" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_create_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_service_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_scheduling_strategy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_service_scheduling_strategy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_services" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_services" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_services_new_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_services_new_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_services_scheduling_strategy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_services_scheduling_strategy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_services_error_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_services_error_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_services_with_known_unknown_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_services_with_known_unknown_services" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_missing_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_missing_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_service" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_delete_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service__using_arns": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_service__using_arns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service_force": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_service_force" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_service_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_service_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_container_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_container_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_container_instance_new_arn_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_container_instance_new_arn_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_container_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_container_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_container_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_container_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_instances_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_instances_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_container_instances_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_container_instances_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_container_instances_state_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_container_instances_state_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_awsvpc_network": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_awsvpc_network" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_awsvpc_network_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_awsvpc_network_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_default_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_default_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_task_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tasks_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tasks_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tasks_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_tasks_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_definition_by_family": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_definition_by_family" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stop_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_task_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stop_task_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resource_reservation_and_release": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_resource_reservation_and_release" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resource_reservation_and_release_memory_reservation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_resource_reservation_and_release_memory_reservation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_task_definitions_unable_to_be_placed": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_task_definitions_unable_to_be_placed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_task_definitions_with_port_clash": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_task_definitions_with_port_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_poll_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_task_definition_families": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_task_definition_families" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_container_instance_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_default_container_instance_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_instances_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_instances_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_fetch_container_instance_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "_fetch_container_instance_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_load_balancing": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_service_load_balancing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_ecs_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_ecs_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_service_tag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_service_tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_service_tag_resource_overwrites_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_service_tag_resource_overwrites_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_service_untag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_service_untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_service_untag_resource_multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_service_untag_resource_multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_task_definition_placement_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_task_definition_placement_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_task_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_task_set_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_task_set_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_task_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_primary_task_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_service_primary_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_task_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tasks_with_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tasks_with_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_ecs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "setup_ecs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_create_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_capacity_provider_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_create_capacity_provider_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_capacity_provider__using_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_describe_capacity_provider__using_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_capacity_provider__using_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_describe_capacity_provider__using_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_capacity_provider__missing": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_describe_capacity_provider__missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_delete_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_task_definition_family_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_a_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_task_definition_family_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_a_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_through_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_service_through_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_through_cloudformation_without_desiredcount": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_service_through_cloudformation_without_desiredcount" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_service_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_through_cloudformation_without_desiredcount": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_service_through_cloudformation_without_desiredcount" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_through_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_through_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_through_cloudformation_no_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_through_cloudformation_no_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_cluster_name_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_a_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_cluster_name_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_a_replacement" + ] + ] + 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"tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "test_describe_access_points__multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_access_points": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "test_delete_access_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_correct_use": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_correct_use" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_aws_sample_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_aws_sample_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_aws_sample_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_aws_sample_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_az_name_given_backup_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_az_name_given_backup_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_no_creation_token_given": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_no_creation_token_given" + ] + 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"test_describe_file_systems_invalid_marker": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_creation_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_creation_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_system_creation_token_and_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_system_creation_token_and_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_file_system_minimal_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_delete_file_system_minimal_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_file_system_invalid_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_delete_file_system_invalid_file_system_id" + ] + ] + 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"tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_minimal_correct_use" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_aws_sample_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_aws_sample_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_sg_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_sg_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_second_mount_target_wrong_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_second_mount_target_wrong_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_duplicate_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_duplicate_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_subnets_in_same_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_subnets_in_same_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_ip_address_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_ip_address_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_too_many_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_too_many_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_file_system_mount_targets_attached": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_delete_file_system_mount_targets_attached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_minimal_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_minimal_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets__by_access_point_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets__by_access_point_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_invalid_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_invalid_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_invalid_mount_target_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_invalid_mount_target_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_no_id_given": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_no_id_given" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_mount_target_minimal_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_delete_mount_target_minimal_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_mount_target_invalid_mount_target_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_delete_mount_target_invalid_mount_target_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_target_security_groups__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_target_security_groups__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_target_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_mount_target_security_groups__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_modify_mount_target_security_groups__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_mount_target_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_modify_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_efs_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_efs_client" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_file_system_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_file_system_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_file_system_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_file_system_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_file_system_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_file_system_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_mount_target_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_mount_target_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_mount_target_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_mount_target_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_mount_target_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_mount_target_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_describe_backup_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_describe_backup_policy" + ] + ] + ], + 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"test_list_tags_returns_empty_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_returns_empty_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_returns_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_returns_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_returns_all_after_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_returns_all_after_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_sorted_cluster_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_sorted_cluster_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_default_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_default_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_custom_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_custom_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_custom_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_custom_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_created_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_created_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_oidc_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_oidc_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_saves_provided_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_saves_provided_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_returns_deleted_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_returns_deleted_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_removes_deleted_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_removes_deleted_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_empty_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_empty_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_sorted_nodegroup_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_sorted_nodegroup_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_default_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_default_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_custom_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_custom_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_custom_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_custom_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_active": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_active" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_created_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_created_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_modified_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_modified_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_autoscaling_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_autoscaling_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_security_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_security_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_saves_provided_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_saves_provided_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_throws_exception_when_nodegroups_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_throws_exception_when_nodegroups_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nodegroup_removes_deleted_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_nodegroup_removes_deleted_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nodegroup_returns_deleted_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_nodegroup_returns_deleted_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_handles_launch_template_combinations": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_handles_launch_template_combinations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_empty_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_empty_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_sorted_fargate_profile_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_sorted_fargate_profile_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_default_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_default_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_custom_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_custom_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_custom_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_custom_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_fargate_profile_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_fargate_profile_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_active": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_active" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_generates_valid_profile_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_generates_valid_profile_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_generates_valid_created_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_generates_valid_created_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_saves_provided_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_saves_provided_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_profile_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_profile_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fargate_profile_removes_deleted_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_fargate_profile_removes_deleted_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fargate_profile_returns_deleted_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_fargate_profile_returns_deleted_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_fargate_profile_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_fargate_profile_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_throws_exception_when_no_selectors_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_throws_exception_when_no_selectors_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "all_arn_values_should_be_valid": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "all_arn_values_should_be_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_expected_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "assert_expected_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "assert_expected_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_result_matches_expected_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "assert_result_matches_expected_list" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_valid_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "assert_valid_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "attributes_to_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "attributes_to_test" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "generate_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_fargate_profiles": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "generate_fargate_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_nodegroups": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "generate_nodegroups" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "generate_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_uri": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "region_matches_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "region_matches_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "_input_builder": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "_input_builder" + ] + ] + ], + "random_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "random_names" + ] + ] + ], + "create_and_verify_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixtue_create_cluster", + "create_and_verify_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "fixtue_create_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixtue_create_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "create_and_verify_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_create_nodegroup", + "create_and_verify_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_create_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_create_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_single_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_single_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_multiple_clusters_with_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_multiple_clusters_with_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_nodegroup_without_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_nodegroup_without_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_nodegroup_on_existing_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_nodegroup_on_existing_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_multiple_nodegroups_with_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_multiple_nodegroups_with_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_list_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_list_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_list_nodegroups": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_list_nodegroups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_existing_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_existing_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_nonexisting_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_nonexisting_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_existing_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_existing_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_nonexisting_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_nonexisting_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_nodegroup_nonexisting_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_nodegroup_nonexisting_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_nonexisting_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_nonexisting_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_cluster_with_nodegroups": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_cluster_with_nodegroups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_nonexisting_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_nonexisting_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_nodegroup_nonexisting_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_nodegroup_nonexisting_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "should_return_expected_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "should_return_expected_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "should_return_expected_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_no_password_required": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_no_password_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_with_password_too_short": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_with_password_too_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_with_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_with_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_without_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_without_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_users_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_describe_users_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_describe_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_users_unknown_userid": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_describe_users_unknown_userid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elasticache_describe_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_server.py", + [ + "test_elasticache_describe_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestCreateApplication", + "test_create_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_application_dup": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_create_application_dup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_applications": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_describe_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_create_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_environments": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_describe_environments" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_dict_to_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "tags_dict_to_list" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_list_to_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "tags_list_to_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_environment_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_create_environment_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_update_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_available_solution_stacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_list_available_solution_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_simple_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_simple_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_with_content_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_with_content_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_with_outputbucket_and_content_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_with_outputbucket_and_content_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_without_thumbnail_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_without_thumbnail_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_without_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_without_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_with_invalid_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_with_invalid_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_without_output": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_without_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_read_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_unknown_pipeline_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_read_unknown_pipeline_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_nonexisting_pipeline_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_read_nonexisting_pipeline_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_input_and_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_input_and_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nonexisting_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_update_nonexisting_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "create_role_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "create_role_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastictranscoder_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_server.py", + [ + "test_elastictranscoder_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_elb": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_elb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elb_in_multiple_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_elb_in_multiple_region" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_elb_in_multiple_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_with_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_with_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_with_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_with_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_with_no_listeners_defined": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_with_no_listeners_defined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_without_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_without_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_paginated_balancers": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_describe_paginated_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_paginated_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_listener_different_protocols": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_listener_different_protocols" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_listener_same_details": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_listener_same_details" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_listener_with_ssl_certificate_from_acm": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_listener_with_ssl_certificate_from_acm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_listener_with_ssl_certificate_from_iam": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_listener_with_ssl_certificate_from_iam" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_listener_with_invalid_ssl_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_listener_with_invalid_ssl_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_sslcertificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_set_sslcertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_load_balancers_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_get_load_balancers_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_delete_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_health_check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_create_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_register_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_deregister_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_default_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cross_zone_load_balancing_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_cross_zone_load_balancing_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_draining_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_connection_draining_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_log_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_access_log_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_settings_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_connection_settings_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_health": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_health" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_health__with_instance_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_health__with_instance_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_add_remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_add_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_modify_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_and_disable_availability_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_availabilityzones.py", + [ + "test_enable_and_disable_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_attached_ec2_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_attached_ec2_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy_no_expiry": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy_no_expiry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_policies_of_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_policies_of_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_policies_of_backend_server": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_policies_of_backend_server" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_load_balancer_policies__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_describe_load_balancer_policies__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_load_balancer_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_describe_load_balancer_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_load_balancer_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_load_balancer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_load_balancer_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_delete_load_balancer_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elb_attach_load_balancer_to_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_subnets.py", + [ + "test_elb_attach_load_balancer_to_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elb_detach_load_balancer_to_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_subnets.py", + [ + "test_elb_detach_load_balancer_to_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elb_describe_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_server.py", + [ + "test_elb_describe_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elb_using_subnetmapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_elb_using_subnetmapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_listeners": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listeners_without_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_listeners_without_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_forward_config_as_second_arg": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_forward_config_as_second_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_register_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stopped_instance_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_stopped_instance_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminated_instance_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_terminated_instance_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_priority_in_use": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_priority_in_use" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_rule_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_rule_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_handle_listener_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_handle_listener_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_account_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_account_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ssl_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_ssl_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_ip_address_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_set_ip_address_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_set_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_idle_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_idle_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_routing_http2_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_routing_http2_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_crosszone_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_crosszone_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_routing_http_drop_invalid_header_fields_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_routing_http_drop_invalid_header_fields_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_listener_http_to_https": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_listener_http_to_https" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_listener_of_https_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_listener_of_https_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_unknown_listener_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_add_unknown_listener_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_listener_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_listener_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_listener_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_add_listener_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_config_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_forward_config_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_config_action__with_stickiness": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_forward_config_action__with_stickiness" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_action_listener_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_redirect_action_listener_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cognito_action_listener_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_cognito_action_listener_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_oidc_action_listener__simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_oidc_action_listener__simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_oidc_action_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_oidc_action_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_validates_status_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_validates_status_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_validates_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_validates_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_with_alpn_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_with_alpn_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_action_listener_rule_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_redirect_action_listener_rule_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cognito_action_listener_rule_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_cognito_action_listener_rule_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_groups_through_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_target_groups_through_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_listener_using_iam_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_integration.py", + [ + "test_modify_listener_using_iam_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_rule_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rule_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_rule_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_listener_rule_add_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rule_tags.py", + [ + "test_listener_rule_add_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "setup_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "setup_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_rule_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_modify_rule_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_validate_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_validate_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_action_forward_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_action_forward_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_action_forward_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_action_forward_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_listener_add_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_tags.py", + [ + "test_listener_add_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_subnets_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_set_subnets.py", + [ + "test_set_subnets_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_subnets__mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_set_subnets.py", + [ + "test_set_subnets__mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_with_invalid_healthcheck_protocol": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_with_invalid_healthcheck_protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_and_listeners": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_and_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_without_non_required_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_without_non_required_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid_target_group_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_invalid_target_group_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid_target_group_invalid_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_invalid_target_group_invalid_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid_target_group_alphanumeric_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_invalid_target_group_alphanumeric_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_valid_target_group_valid_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_valid_target_group_valid_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_target_group_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_target_group_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_invalid_protocol": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_invalid_protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_invalid_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_invalid_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_target_groups_no_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_target_groups_no_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_modify_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_with_target_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_with_target_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_target_group_after_modifying_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_target_group_after_modifying_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_with_multiple_target_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_with_multiple_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_with_invalid_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_with_invalid_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_target_group_while_listener_still_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_target_group_while_listener_still_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elbv2_describe_load_balancers": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_elbv2_describe_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_flows": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_invalid_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_invalid_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_in_multiple_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_in_multiple_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_new_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_new_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_visible_to_all_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_visible_to_all_users" + ] + ] + ], + "_do_assertion_ebs_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "_do_assertion_ebs_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_instance_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_instance_groups_with_autoscaling": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_instance_groups_with_autoscaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_remove_auto_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_remove_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_patch_cluster_id_placeholder_in_autoscaling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "_patch_cluster_id_placeholder_in_autoscaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_custom_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_custom_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_step_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_step_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_modify_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_termination_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_termination_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_protected_job_flow_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_terminate_protected_job_flow_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_visible_to_all_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_visible_to_all_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_job_flows": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_terminate_job_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bootstrap_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_bootstrap_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_steps": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_security_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_invalid_number_of_master_nodes_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_invalid_number_of_master_nodes_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_multiple_master_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_multiple_master_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "test_default_emr_security_groups_get_created_on_first_job_flow", + "_get_default_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_emr_security_groups_get_created_on_first_job_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "test_default_emr_security_groups_get_created_on_first_job_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_default_client_supplied_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_create_default_client_supplied_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_describe_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_default_emr_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_default_emr_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emr_security_groups_get_created_if_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_emr_security_groups_get_created_if_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emr_security_groups_do_not_get_created_if_already_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_emr_security_groups_do_not_get_created_if_already_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emr_security_groups_do_not_get_created_if_client_supplied": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_emr_security_groups_do_not_get_created_if_client_supplied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_supplied_invalid_security_group_identifier_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_client_supplied_invalid_security_group_identifier_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_supplied_security_groups_have_rules_added": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_client_supplied_security_groups_have_rules_added" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_jobflows": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_jobflows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_release_labels_raise_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_invalid_release_labels_raise_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_release_label_comparisons": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_release_label_comparisons" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_virtual_cluster_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "fixture_virtual_cluster_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_job_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "fixture_job_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCreateVirtualCluster", + "test_create_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_virtual_cluster_on_same_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCreateVirtualCluster", + "test_create_virtual_cluster_on_same_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListVirtualClusters", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestDeleteApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStartApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStopApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster", + "test_existing_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster", + "test_existing_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existing_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster", + "test_non_existing_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster", + "test_non_existing_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListVirtualClusters", + "test_base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns", + "test_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListVirtualClusters", + "test_next_token" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns", + "test_next_token" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication", + "test_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "test_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_execution_role_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "test_invalid_execution_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_virtual_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "test_invalid_virtual_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns", + "test_invalid_virtual_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_release_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "test_invalid_release_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_id_valid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_valid_id_valid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_valid_id_valid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_id_invalid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_invalid_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_invalid_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_id_valid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_invalid_id_valid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_invalid_id_valid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_id_invalid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_valid_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_valid_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existing_id_invalid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_non_existing_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_non_existing_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_job_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_wrong_job_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_virtual_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_virtual_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "does_not_raise": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "does_not_raise" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_application_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "fixture_application_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_application_incorrect_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestCreateApplication", + "test_create_application_incorrect_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_application_incorrect_release_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestCreateApplication", + "test_create_application_incorrect_release_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_application_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestDeleteApplication", + "test_valid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStartApplication", + "test_valid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStopApplication", + "test_valid_application_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_application_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestDeleteApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStartApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStopApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_expected_resp": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication", + "get_expected_resp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "get_expected_resp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication", + "test_filtering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication", + "test_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication", + "test_response_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_application_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "test_application_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "test_valid_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emrserverless_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_server.py", + [ + "test_emrserverless_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elasticsearch_domain_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_create_elasticsearch_domain_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_create_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_delete_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_delete_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_missing_delete_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_describe_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_describe_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_domain_names_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_list_domain_names_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_domain_names_with_multiple_domains": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_list_domain_names_with_multiple_domains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_es_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_server.py", + [ + "test_es_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_allowed_values_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_allowed_values_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_nested_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_nested_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_exists_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_exists_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_prefix_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_prefix_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_single_numeric_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_single_numeric_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_multi_numeric_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_multi_numeric_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_dump": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_dump" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "get_random_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "generate_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rule_error_schedule_expression_custom_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_rule_error_schedule_expression_custom_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rules_with_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rules_with_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rules_with_prefix_and_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rules_with_prefix_and_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_rule_with_event_bus_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_rule_with_event_bus_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_disable_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_enable_disable_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_disable_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_names_by_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_names_by_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_names_by_target_using_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_names_by_target_using_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_rule_with_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule_with_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_by_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_by_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_remove_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_rule_with_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_rule_with_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_targets_error_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_remove_targets_error_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_targets_error_invalid_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_targets_error_invalid_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_targets_error_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_targets_error_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_targets_error_missing_parameter_sqs_fifo": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_targets_error_missing_parameter_sqs_fifo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permission_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_permission_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_permission_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_permission_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_permission_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_remove_permission_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_remove_permission_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_remove_permission_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_too_many_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_too_many_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_detail_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_detail_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_detail": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_detail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_invalid_json_detail": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_invalid_json_detail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_with_mixed_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_with_mixed_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_bus_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_event_bus_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_event_bus_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_event_bus_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_event_buses": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_event_buses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_bus_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_bus_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_rule_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rule_tagging_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_rule_tagging_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_error_unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_error_unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_error_unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_error_unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_custom_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_custom_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_error_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_error_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern_not_an_array": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern_not_an_array" + ] + 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"test_list_archives_with_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives_with_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_archives_error_multiple_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives_error_multiple_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_archives_error_invalid_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives_error_invalid_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_archive_error_unknown_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_archive_error_unknown_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_archive_error_unknown_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_archive_error_unknown_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_actual_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_archive_actual_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_event_with_bus_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_archive_event_with_bus_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_unknown_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_unknown_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_invalid_event_bus_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_invalid_event_bus_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_unknown_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_unknown_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_cross_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_cross_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_invalid_end_time": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_invalid_end_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_replay_error_unknown_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_replay_error_unknown_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_with_name_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_with_name_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_with_source_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_with_source_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_with_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_with_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_error_multiple_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_error_multiple_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_error_invalid_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_error_invalid_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_cancel_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_replay_error_unknown_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_cancel_replay_error_unknown_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_replay_error_illegal_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_cancel_replay_error_illegal_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_send_to_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_send_to_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_list_connections": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_list_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_update_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_update_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_unknown_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_unknown_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_list_api_destinations": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_list_api_destinations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_update_api_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_update_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_api_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_api_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_api_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_connection_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_connection_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_connection_not_present": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_connection_not_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_connection_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_connection_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_connection_not_present": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_connection_not_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_to_cw_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_send_to_cw_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_to_sqs_fifo_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_send_to_sqs_fifo_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_to_sqs_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_send_to_sqs_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_to_sqs_queue_with_custom_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_send_to_sqs_queue_with_custom_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_moto_matches_none_value_with_exists_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_moto_matches_none_value_with_exists_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_bucket__invokes_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_creating_bucket__invokes_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_disabled_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_disabled_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_for_unsupported_target_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_for_unsupported_target_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_bucket__but_invoke_lambda_on_create_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_creating_bucket__but_invoke_lambda_on_create_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_bucket__succeeds_despite_unknown_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_creating_bucket__succeeds_despite_unknown_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "sample_s3_dest_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "sample_s3_dest_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warnings": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_delivery_stream_failures": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_create_delivery_stream_failures" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_delete_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_describe_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delivery_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_list_delivery_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_update_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_name_from_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_lookup_name_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_extended_s3_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "create_extended_s3_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "create_redshift_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "create_redshift_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "create_elasticsearch_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "create_elasticsearch_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "create_http_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "create_http_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_redshift_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_redshift_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_extended_s3_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_extended_s3_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elasticsearch_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_elasticsearch_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_s3_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_s3_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_http_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_http_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_redshift_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_redshift_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_batch_redshift_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_batch_redshift_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_http_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_http_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_batch_http_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_batch_http_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_batch_extended_s3_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_batch_extended_s3_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_duplicate_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_duplicate_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_list_default_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_list_default_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_list_some": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_list_some" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_delete_dataset_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_delete_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_delete_dataset_group_missing": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_delete_dataset_group_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_update_dataset_arns_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_update_dataset_arns_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_update_dataset_group_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_update_dataset_group_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dataset_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_describe_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dataset_group_missing": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_describe_dataset_group_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dataset_group_missing_datasets": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_create_dataset_group_missing_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_dataset_group_missing_datasets": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_update_dataset_group_missing_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_glacier_jobs.py", + [ + "test_initiate_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_glacier_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_output_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_glacier_jobs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_output_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_vaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_vaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_database_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_database_not_exits": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_database_not_exits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_databases_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_databases_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_databases_several_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_databases_several_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_update_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_unknown_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_unknown_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_delete_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_table_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tables": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tables_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_tables_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_version_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_version_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_version_invalid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_version_invalid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_not_exits": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_not_exits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_when_database_not_exits": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_when_database_not_exits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_partition_already_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_partition_already_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partition_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_partition_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_create_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_create_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_create_partition_already_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_create_partition_already_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_partition_missing_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_partition_missing_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition_not_found_moving": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition_not_found_moving" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition_not_found_change_in_place": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition_not_found_change_in_place" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition_cannot_overwrite": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition_cannot_overwrite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition_move": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition_move" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_update_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_update_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_update_partition_missing_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_update_partition_missing_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_partition_bad_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_partition_bad_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_partition_with_bad_partitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_partition_with_bad_partitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_crawler_scheduled": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_crawler_scheduled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_crawler_unscheduled": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_crawler_unscheduled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_crawler_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_crawler_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_crawler_not_exits": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_crawler_not_exits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_crawlers_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_crawlers_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_crawlers_several_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_crawlers_several_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_start_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_crawler_should_raise_exception_if_already_running": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_start_crawler_should_raise_exception_if_already_running" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_stop_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_crawler_should_raise_exception_if_not_running": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_stop_crawler_should_raise_exception_if_not_running" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_crawler_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_crawler_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_create_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_default_argument_not_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_default_argument_not_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_job_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_job_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_after_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_after_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_after_removing_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_after_removing_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "create_glue_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_glue_client" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_job" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_job_w_all_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_job_w_all_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_crawlers": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_crawlers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_after_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_after_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_after_removing_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_after_removing_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_tags_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags_jobs_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_tags_jobs_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_glue_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_tag_glue_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_glue_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_untag_glue_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_tags_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags_crawler_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_tags_crawler_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_glue_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_tag_glue_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_glue_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_untag_glue_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_job_run": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_start_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_job_run__multiple_runs_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_start_job_run__multiple_runs_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_job_run__single_run_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_start_job_run__single_run_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_run": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_run_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_run_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_job_run_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_job_run_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "expect_job_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "expect_job_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_unknown_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_unknown_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_int_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_int_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_decimal_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_decimal_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_string_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_string_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_date_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_date_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_timestamp_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_timestamp_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partition_expression_warnings_and_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partition_expression_warnings_and_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_valid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_valid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_valid_partial_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_valid_partial_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_invalid_registry_name_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_invalid_registry_name_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_more_than_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_more_than_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_invalid_registry_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_invalid_registry_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_invalid_description_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_invalid_description_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_invalid_number_of_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_invalid_number_of_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_avro": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_avro" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_protobuf": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_protobuf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_partial_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_partial_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_default_registry": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_default_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_default_registry_in_registry_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_default_registry_in_registry_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_registry_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_registry_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_registry_id_both_params_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_registry_id_both_params_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_name_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_name_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_data_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_data_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_compatibility": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_compatibility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_avro": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_avro" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_protobuf": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_protobuf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_schema_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_schema_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_avro": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_avro" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_protobuf": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_protobuf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_registry_schema_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_registry_schema_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_schema_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_schema_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_compatibility_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_compatibility_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_version_number_latest_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_version_number_latest_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_empty_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_empty_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_schema_version_number_both_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_schema_version_number_both_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_insufficient_params_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_insufficient_params_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_schema_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_schema_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_registry_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_registry_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_by_definition_valid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_by_definition_valid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_by_definition_invalid_schema_id_schema_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_by_definition_invalid_schema_id_schema_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_by_definition_invalid_schema_definition_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_by_definition_invalid_schema_definition_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_valid_input_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_valid_input_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_valid_input_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_valid_input_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_id_same_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_id_same_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_already_exists_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_already_exists_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_key_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_key_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_value_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_value_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_already_exists_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_already_exists_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_key_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_key_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_value_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_value_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema_valid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema_valid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema_valid_input_schema_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema_valid_input_schema_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema_schema_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema_schema_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_core_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_create_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_core_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_list_core_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_core_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_get_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_core_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_delete_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_core_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_update_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_core_definition_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_update_core_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_core_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_update_core_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_create_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_get_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_core_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_get_core_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_core_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_get_core_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_list_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_core_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_list_core_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_deployment_with_no_deployment_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_re_deployment_with_no_deployment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_deployment_with_invalid_deployment_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_re_deployment_with_invalid_deployment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_no_core_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_no_core_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_group_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_group_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_deployment_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_deployment_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_deployments": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_list_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deployment_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_get_deployment_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deployment_status_with_invalid_deployment_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_get_deployment_status_with_invalid_deployment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deployment_status_with_invalid_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_get_deployment_status_with_invalid_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_deployments": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_reset_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_deployments_with_invalid_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_reset_deployments_with_invalid_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_deployments_with_never_deployed_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_reset_deployments_with_never_deployed_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_deployments_with_already_reset_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_reset_deployments_with_already_reset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_device_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_create_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_device_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_list_device_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_device_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_create_device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_device_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_create_device_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_device_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_delete_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_device_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_delete_device_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_device_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_update_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_device_definition_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_update_device_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_update_device_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_device_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_update_device_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_device_definition_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_list_device_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_create_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_function_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_list_function_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_update_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_definition_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_update_function_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_update_function_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_create_function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_create_function_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_function_definition_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_list_function_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_function_definition_versions_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_list_function_definition_versions_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_group_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_version_with_invalid_version_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_version_with_invalid_version_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_group_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_versions_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_group_versions_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_role_to_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_associate_role_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_associated_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_associated_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_associated_role_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_associated_role_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_role_from_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_role_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_role_from_group_with_none_exists_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_role_from_group_with_none_exists_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_definition_with_invalid_volume_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_definition_with_invalid_volume_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_definition_with_invalid_local_device_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_definition_with_invalid_local_device_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_volume_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_volume_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_invalid_local_device_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_invalid_local_device_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_list_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_resource_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_update_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_resource_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_update_resource_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_definition_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_definition_versions_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_definition_versions_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_with_invalid_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_with_invalid_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_with_invalid_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_with_invalid_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_subscription_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_list_subscription_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_update_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_subscription_definition_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_update_subscription_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_update_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_subscription_definition_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_list_subscription_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_subscription_definition_versions_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_list_subscription_definition_versions_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_detector": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_create_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_detector_with_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_create_detector_with_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_detector_with_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_get_detector_with_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_detector_with_all_data_sources": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_get_detector_with_all_data_sources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_detector": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_update_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_detectors_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_list_detectors_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_detectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_list_detectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_detector": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_delete_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_create_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_filter__defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_create_filter__defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_get_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_update_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_delete_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_organization_admin_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_organization.py", + [ + "test_enable_organization_admin_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_organization_admin_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_organization.py", + [ + "test_list_organization_admin_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_without_enable_option": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_without_enable_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_role__should_throw__when_role_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_role__should_throw__when_role_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_role__should_contain_last_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_role__should_contain_last_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instance_profile__should_throw__when_instance_profile_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_instance_profile__should_throw__when_instance_profile_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_and_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_and_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_profile_should_throw_when_name_is_not_unique": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_profile_should_throw_when_name_is_not_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_role_from_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_remove_role_from_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_login_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_login_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_instance_profiles_for_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_instance_profiles_for_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_role_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_role_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_put_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_assume_role_valid_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_assume_role_valid_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy_bad_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy_bad_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy_with_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy_with_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_many_policy_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_many_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_default_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_set_default_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_aws_managed_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_aws_managed_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_aws_managed_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_aws_managed_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_aws_managed_policy_v6_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_aws_managed_policy_v6_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policy_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_default_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_default_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_empty_tag_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_empty_tag_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_too_many_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_too_many_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_duplicate_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_duplicate_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_duplicate_tag_different_casing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_duplicate_tag_different_casing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_large_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_large_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_large_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_large_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_invalid_character": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_invalid_character" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_policy_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_policy_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policy_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_policy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policy_tags_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_policy_tags_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tag_with_empty_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tag_with_empty_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_too_many_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_too_many_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_duplicate_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_duplicate_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_duplicate_tag_different_casing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_duplicate_tag_different_casing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_large_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_large_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_large_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_large_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_invalid_character": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_invalid_character" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_non_existant_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_tag_non_existant_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_untag_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_boto": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_user_boto" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_update_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_current_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_user_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_login_profile_with_unknown_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_login_profile_with_unknown_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_login_profile_with_unknown_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_login_profile_with_unknown_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nonexistent_login_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_nonexistent_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_login_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limit_access_key_per_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_limit_access_key_per_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_access_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_access_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_virtual_mfa_device_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_virtual_mfa_device_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_virtual_mfa_device_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_virtual_mfa_device_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_virtual_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_virtual_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_virtual_mfa_devices_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_virtual_mfa_devices_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_enable_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_credential_report": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_generate_credential_report" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_credential_report": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_credential_report" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_credential_report_content": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_credential_report_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_key_last_used_when_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_access_key_last_used_when_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_managed_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_managed_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_login_profile__duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_login_profile__duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_detach_user_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_attach_detach_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_detach_user_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_only_detach_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_detach_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_only_detach_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_detach_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_only_detach_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_key_last_used_when_unused": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_access_key_last_used_when_unused" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_upload_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_ssh_public_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_ssh_public_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_account_authorization_details": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_account_authorization_details" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signing_certs": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_signing_certs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_saml_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_saml_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_saml_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_saml_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_saml_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_tag_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_untag_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_role_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_role_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_role_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_role_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_entities_for_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_entities_for_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_no_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_no_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_with_permissions_boundary": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_with_permissions_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_with_same_name_should_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_with_same_name_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_same_name_should_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_same_name_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_account_password_policy_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_account_password_policy_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_account_password_policy_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_account_password_policy_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_account_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_account_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_user_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_role_with_instance_profiles_present": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_role_with_instance_profiles_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_password_policy_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_password_policy_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_role_list_config_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_role_list_config_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_role_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_role_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_role_config_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_role_config_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_list_config_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_policy_list_config_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_policy_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_config_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_policy_config_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_with_more_than_100_roles_no_max_items_defaults_to_100": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_with_more_than_100_roles_no_max_items_defaults_to_100" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_max_item_and_marker_values_adhered": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_max_item_and_marker_values_adhered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_path_prefix_value_adhered": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_path_prefix_value_adhered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_none_found_returns_empty_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_none_found_returns_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_with_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_with_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_without_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_without_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_includes_max_session_duration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_includes_max_session_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_user_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_tag_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_user_error_unknown_user_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_tag_user_error_unknown_user_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_untag_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_user_error_unknown_user_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_untag_user_error_unknown_user_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_linked_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_service_linked_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_linked_role__with_suffix": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_service_linked_role__with_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service_linked_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_service_linked_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoking_ec2_mark_access_key_as_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_access_integration.py", + [ + "test_invoking_ec2_mark_access_key_as_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_account_aliases": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_account_aliases.py", + [ + "test_account_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_no_interruption": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_no_interruption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_drop_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_drop_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user_having_generated_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user_having_generated_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_user_get_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_user_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_with_additional_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_with_additional_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user_policy_having_generated_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user_policy_having_generated_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_role_policy_having_generated_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_role_policy_having_generated_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_group_policy_having_generated_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_group_policy_having_generated_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user_with_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user_with_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_access_key_get_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_access_key_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_users_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_users_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_users_access_key_no_interruption": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_users_access_key_no_interruption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_users_access_key_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_users_access_key_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role_and_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role_and_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_roles": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_current": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_current" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_groups_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_all_groups_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_unknown_user_to_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_unknown_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_user_to_unknown_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_user_to_unknown_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_user_to_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_user_to_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_user_from_unknown_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_remove_user_from_unknown_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_nonattached_user_from_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_remove_nonattached_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_user_from_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_remove_user_from_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_groups_for_user_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_groups_for_user_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_group_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_put_group_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_group_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_attach_group_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_group_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_name_that_has_a_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_name_that_has_a_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_with_existing_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_with_existing_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_invalid_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_invalid_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_too_many_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_too_many_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_quota_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_quota_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_multiple_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_multiple_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_delete_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_update_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_connect_provider_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_connect_provider_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_id_connect_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_list_open_id_connect_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_tag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_untag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags__paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags__paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags__maxitems": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags__maxitems" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_invalid_policy_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_invalid_policy_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_valid_policy_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_valid_policy_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_server_certs": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_get_all_server_certs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_server_cert_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_get_server_cert_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_server_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_get_server_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_server_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_server_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_server_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_server_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_server.py", + [ + "test_iam_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot.py", + [ + "test_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_principal_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot.py", + [ + "test_principal_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_principal_policy_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot.py", + [ + "test_principal_policy_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_principal_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot.py", + [ + "test_principal_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_ca_certificate_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_register_ca_certificate_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ca_certificate_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_describe_ca_certificate_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ca_certificate_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_describe_ca_certificate_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ca_certificate_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_describe_ca_certificate_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_certificates_by_ca": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_list_certificates_by_ca" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ca_certificate__status": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_update_ca_certificate__status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ca_certificate__config": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_update_ca_certificate__config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registration_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_get_registration_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_certificate_id_generation_deterministic": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_certificate_id_generation_deterministic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_certificate_from_csr": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_create_certificate_from_csr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_and_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_create_key_and_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_certificate_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_describe_certificate_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_update_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_certificate_with_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_certificate_with_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_certificate_without_ca": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_register_certificate_without_ca" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_certificate_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_create_certificate_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_certificate_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_certificate_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_thing_with_certificate_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_thing_with_certificate_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_certs_create_inactive": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_certs_create_inactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_undeprecate_thing_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_deprecate_thing_type.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_undeprecate_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_thing_type_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_deprecate_thing_type.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_thing_type_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_thing_with_deprecated_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_deprecate_thing_type.py", + [ + "test_create_thing_with_deprecated_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_thing_with_deprecated_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_deprecate_thing_type.py", + [ + "test_update_thing_with_deprecated_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_configuration_only_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_configuration_only_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_domain_configuration_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_domain_configuration_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_configuration_full_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_configuration_full_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_configuration_invalid_service_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_configuration_invalid_service_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nonexistent_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_nonexistent_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_domain_configuration_remove_authorizer_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_domain_configuration_remove_authorizer_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nonexistent_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_nonexistent_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_list_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nonexistent_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_delete_nonexistent_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_job_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_cancel_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_delete_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_job_executions_for_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_job_executions_for_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_job_executions_for_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_job_executions_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_job_executions_for_thing_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_job_executions_for_thing_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_document_with_document_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_document_with_document_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_document_with_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_document_with_document" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_region_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "fixture_region_name" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_iot_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "fixture_iot_client" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "fixture_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy_to_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy_to_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_attached_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_attached_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_attached_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_versions_increment_beyond_5": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy_versions_increment_beyond_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_versions_increment_even_after_version_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy_versions_increment_even_after_version_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy_to_thing_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy_to_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy_to_non_existant_thing_group_raises_ResourceNotFoundException": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy_to_non_existant_thing_group_raises_ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_delete_fails_when_versions_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy_delete_fails_when_versions_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_one_attached_thing_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_one_attached_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_one_attached_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_one_attached_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_resource_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_resource_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_fails_when_name_taken": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_fails_when_name_taken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_things": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_search.py", + [ + "test_search_things" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_attribute_specific_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_search.py", + [ + "test_search_attribute_specific_value" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_thing_group_tree": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "generate_thing_group_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_non_recursively": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_non_recursively" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_parent": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_parent_non_recursively": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_parent_non_recursively" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix_non_recursively": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix_non_recursively" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix_and_parent": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix_and_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_thing_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_thing_group_metadata_hierarchy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_thing_group_metadata_hierarchy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_relations": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_already_exists_with_different_properties_raises": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_already_exists_with_different_properties_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_already_exists_with_same_properties_returned": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_already_exists_with_same_properties_returned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_updates_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_updates_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_update_with_no_previous_attributes_no_merge": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_update_with_no_previous_attributes_no_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_update_with_no_previous_attributes_with_merge": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_update_with_no_previous_attributes_with_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_updated_with_empty_attributes_no_merge_no_attributes_added": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_updated_with_empty_attributes_no_merge_no_attributes_added" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_thing_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_create_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_thing_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_thing_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_list_thing_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_thing_types_with_typename_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_list_thing_types_with_typename_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_thing_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_delete_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_create_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_thing_with_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_create_thing_with_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_update_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_describe_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_delete_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_things_with_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_list_things_with_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_things_with_attribute_and_thing_type_filter_and_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_list_things_with_attribute_and_thing_type_filter_and_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_replace": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_disable": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_disable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_enable": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_enable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iot_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_server.py", + [ + "test_iot_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_field_from_device_shadow": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_delete_field_from_device_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iotdata_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_iotdata_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_creation_on_demand": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_stream_creation_on_demand" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stream_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_update_stream_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_stream_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_stream_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_and_delete_stream_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_list_and_delete_stream_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_many_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_list_many_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_shard_iterator_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_basic_shard_iterator_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_invalid_shard_iterator_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_invalid_shard_iterator_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_records_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_put_records_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_limit_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_limit_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_at_sequence_number_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_at_sequence_number_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_after_sequence_number_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_after_sequence_number_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_latest_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_latest_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_at_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_at_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_at_very_old_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_at_very_old_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_timestamp_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_timestamp_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_millis_behind_latest": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_millis_behind_latest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_at_very_new_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_at_very_new_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_from_empty_stream_at_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_from_empty_stream_at_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_increase_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_valid_increase_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_too_low": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_too_low" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_too_high": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_too_high" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_decrease_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_valid_decrease_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_upwards": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_upwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_too_low": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_too_low" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_too_high": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_too_high" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_shard_iterator_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_invalid_shard_iterator_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_list_remove_tags_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_add_list_remove_tags_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_shards_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_merge_shards_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_shards_invalid_arg": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_merge_shards_invalid_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_limit_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_limit_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_shards": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_shards_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_shards_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_shard": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_shard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_with_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_with_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_with_unknown_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_with_unknown_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_invalid_hashkey": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_invalid_hashkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_hashkey_out_of_bounds": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_hashkey_out_of_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_that_was_split_before": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_that_was_split_before" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_shard_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_shard_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_create_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_create_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_get_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_encryption.py", + [ + "test_enable_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_encryption.py", + [ + "test_disable_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_is_persisted": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_is_persisted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_in_steps": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_in_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_enhanced_monitoring": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_disable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_enhanced_monitoring_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_disable_enhanced_monitoring_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stream_consumers": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_list_stream_consumers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_stream_consumer": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_register_stream_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_consumer_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_consumer_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_consumer_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_consumer_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_consumer_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_consumer_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_stream_consumer_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_deregister_stream_consumer_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_stream_consumer_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_deregister_stream_consumer_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_data_exceeds_1mb": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_record_data_exceeds_1mb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_total_record_data_exceeds_5mb": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_total_record_data_exceeds_5mb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_many_records": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_too_many_records" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_create_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stream_with_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_create_stream_with_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_with_name_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_with_name_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_delete_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stream_with_arn_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_delete_stream_with_arn_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_data_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesisvideo_server_is_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_server.py", + [ + "test_kinesisvideo_server_is_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hls_streaming_session_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia.py", + [ + "test_get_hls_streaming_session_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dash_streaming_session_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia.py", + [ + "test_get_dash_streaming_session_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_clip": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia.py", + [ + "test_get_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_server_is_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/test_server.py", + [ + "test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_server_is_up" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_encoded_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "_get_encoded_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_without_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_key_without_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_with_empty_content": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_key_with_empty_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multi_region_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_multi_region_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_multi_region_keys_should_not_have_multi_region_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_non_multi_region_keys_should_not_have_multi_region_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replicate_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_replicate_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_deprecated_master_custom_key_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_key_deprecated_master_custom_key_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_policy_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_key_policy_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key_via_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_key_via_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__can_create_multiple_aliases_for_same_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__can_create_multiple_aliases_for_same_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_aliases": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key_via_alias_invalid_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_key_via_alias_invalid_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key_rotation": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key_rotation_with_alias_name_should_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key_rotation_with_alias_name_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_key_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_invalid_key_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kms_encrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_kms_encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_schedule_key_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_schedule_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_schedule_key_deletion_custom": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_schedule_key_deletion_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_key_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cancel_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_key_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_key_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_tags_with_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_tags_with_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_tag_methods": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_unknown_tag_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_tags_after_untagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_tags_after_untagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_sizes": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_decrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_invalid_size_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_invalid_size_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_all_valid_key_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_all_valid_key_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_without_plaintext_decrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_without_plaintext_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_encrypt_decrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_re_encrypt_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_encrypt_to_invalid_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_re_encrypt_to_invalid_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_random": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_random" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_random_invalid_number_of_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_random_invalid_number_of_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key_rotation_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key_rotation_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_key_rotation_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_key_rotation_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_key_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_key_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_key_deletion_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cancel_key_deletion_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_schedule_key_deletion_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_schedule_key_deletion_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_rotation_status_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_key_rotation_status_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_policy_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_key_policy_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_key_policies_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_key_policies_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_key_policy_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_key_policy_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_key_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_key_policy_using_alias_shouldnt_work": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_key_policy_using_alias_shouldnt_work" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_key_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_key_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_reserved_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_reserved_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters_semicolon": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters_semicolon" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__accepted_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__accepted_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_target_key_id_is_existing_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_target_key_id_is_existing_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test__delete_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__delete_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test__delete_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__delete_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test__delete_alias__raises_if_alias_is_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__delete_alias__raises_if_alias_is_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "sort": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "sort" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "_check_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_tag_on_create_key_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_key_tag_on_create_key_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_tag_on_create_key_on_arn_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_key_tag_on_create_key_on_arn_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_tag_added_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_key_tag_added_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_tag_added_arn_based_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_key_tag_added_arn_based_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_invalid_signing_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_invalid_signing_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_and_verify_ignoring_grant_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_and_verify_ignoring_grant_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_and_verify_digest_message_type_256": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_and_verify_digest_message_type_256" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_invalid_key_usage": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_invalid_key_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_invalid_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_invalid_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_happy_with_invalid_signature": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_happy_with_invalid_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_invalid_signing_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_invalid_signing_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_invalid_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_invalid_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_empty_signature": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_empty_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_grant": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_create_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_grants": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_list_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_retirable_grants": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_list_retirable_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_grant": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_revoke_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_grant_raises_when_grant_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_revoke_grant_raises_when_grant_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retire_grant_by_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_retire_grant_by_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retire_grant_by_grant_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_retire_grant_by_grant_id" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_backend": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "fixture_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "fixture_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_key_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_key_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_alias_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_alias_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_alias_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_alias_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_master_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_generate_master_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_encryption_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_serialize_encryption_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_cycle_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_serialize_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deserialize_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_deserialize_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_decrypt_cycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_decrypt_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_unknown_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_unknown_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt_invalid_ciphertext_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decrypt_invalid_ciphertext_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt_unknwown_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decrypt_unknwown_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt_invalid_ciphertext": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decrypt_invalid_ciphertext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt_invalid_encryption_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decrypt_invalid_encryption_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscription_filter_applies_to_new_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_subscription_filter_applies_to_new_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_firehose": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_firehose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscription_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscription_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscription_filter_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscription_filter_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_role_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "_get_role_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_test_zip_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "_get_test_zip_file" + ] + ] + ], + "_wait_for_log_msg": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "_wait_for_log_msg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_log_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_log_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_metric_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_metric_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_filters_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_filters_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_multiple_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_multiple_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_metric_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_metric_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_metric_filter_invalid_filter_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_metric_filter_invalid_filter_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_metric_filter_invalid_log_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_metric_filter_invalid_log_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "build_put_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "build_put_case" + ] + ] + ], + "build_put_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "build_put_input" + ] + ] + ], + "build_describe_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "build_describe_input" + ] + ] + ], + "build_describe_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "build_describe_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_logs": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_log_events_in_wrong_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_log_events_in_wrong_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_log_events_in_the_past": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_log_events_in_the_past" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_log_events_in_the_future": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_log_events_in_the_future" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_retention_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_log_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_log_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_retention_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_resource_policy_too_many": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_resource_policy_too_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_resource_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_resource_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_log_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_get_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_log_events_with_start_from_head": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_get_log_events_with_start_from_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_log_events_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_get_log_events_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_tag_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_untag_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subscription_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_subscription_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subscription_filters_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_subscription_filters_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_log_groups_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_log_groups_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_log_streams_simple_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_log_streams_simple_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_log_streams_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_log_streams_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_start_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_too_many_log_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_get_too_many_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_too_many_log_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_filter_too_many_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_too_many_log_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_too_many_log_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_too_many_log_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_too_many_log_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_log_group_invalid_name_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_log_group_invalid_name_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_log_streams_invalid_order_by": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_log_streams_invalid_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_log_streams_no_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_log_streams_no_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_export_task_happy_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_export_task_happy_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_export_task_raises_ClientError_when_bucket_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_export_task_raises_ClientError_when_bucket_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_export_raises_ResourceNotFoundException_log_group_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_export_raises_ResourceNotFoundException_log_group_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_logs_interleaved": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "test_filter_logs_interleaved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_log_events_now": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "test_put_log_events_now" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_logs_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "test_filter_logs_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_logs_paging__unknown_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "test_filter_logs_paging__unknown_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "test_unknown_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_word_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "test_simple_word_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_words_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "test_multiple_words_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quoted_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "test_quoted_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_group_to_describe_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_models.py", + [ + "test_log_group_to_describe_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "member_id_exist_in_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/helpers.py", + [ + "member_id_exist_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "create_member_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/helpers.py", + [ + "create_member_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "select_invitation_id_for_network": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/helpers.py", + [ + "select_invitation_id_for_network" + ] + ] + ], + "node_id_exist_in_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/helpers.py", + [ + "node_id_exist_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_2_invitations": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_invitations.py", + [ + "test_create_2_invitations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reject_invitation": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_invitations.py", + [ + "test_reject_invitation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reject_invitation_badinvitation": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_invitations.py", + [ + "test_reject_invitation_badinvitation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_withopts": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_withopts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invite_and_remove_member": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_invite_and_remove_member" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_too_many_members": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_too_many_members" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_alreadyhave": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_alreadyhave" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_badinvitation": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_badinvitation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_adminpassword": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_adminpassword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_members_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_list_members_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_member_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_get_member_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_member_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_get_member_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_member_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_delete_member_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_member_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_delete_member_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_member_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_update_member_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_member_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_update_member_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_withopts": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network_withopts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_noframework": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network_noframework" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_badframeworkver": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network_badframeworkver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_badedition": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network_badedition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_network_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_get_network_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node_standard_edition": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node_standard_edition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_too_many_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_too_many_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node_badnodeconfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node_badnodeconfig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodes_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_list_nodes_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodes_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_list_nodes_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_node_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_get_node_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_node_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_get_node_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_node_badnode": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_get_node_badnode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_node_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_delete_node_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_node_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_delete_node_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_node_badnode": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_delete_node_badnode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_node_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_update_node_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_node_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_update_node_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_node_badnode": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_update_node_badnode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_withopts": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_withopts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_badinvitationacctid": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_badinvitationacctid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_badremovalmemid": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_badremovalmemid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_proposal_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_list_proposal_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_proposal_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_get_proposal_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_proposal_badproposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_get_proposal_badproposal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_one_member_total_yes": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_one_member_total_yes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_one_member_total_no": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_one_member_total_no" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_yes_greater_than": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_yes_greater_than" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_no_greater_than": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_no_greater_than" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_expiredproposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_expiredproposal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_status_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_status_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_badproposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_badproposal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_badvote": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_badvote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_alreadyvoted": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_alreadyvoted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_proposal_votes_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_list_proposal_votes_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_proposal_votes_badproposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_list_proposal_votes_badproposal" + ] + ] + ], + "_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "_source" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_flow_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "_create_flow_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_mediaconnect_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "_check_mediaconnect_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_alternative_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_alternative_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_flows_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_list_flows_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_flow_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_describe_flow_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_flow_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_delete_flow_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_stop_flow_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_start_stop_flow_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_vpc_interfaces_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_vpc_interfaces_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_vpc_interfaces_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_vpc_interfaces_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_flow_vpc_interface_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_remove_flow_vpc_interface_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_flow_vpc_interface_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_remove_flow_vpc_interface_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_outputs_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_outputs_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_outputs_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_outputs_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_output_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_output_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_output_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_output_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_flow_output_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_remove_flow_output_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_flow_output_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_remove_flow_output_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_sources_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_sources_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_sources_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_sources_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_source_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_source_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_source_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_source_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grant_flow_entitlements_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_grant_flow_entitlements_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grant_flow_entitlements_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_grant_flow_entitlements_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_flow_entitlement_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_revoke_flow_entitlement_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_flow_entitlement_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_revoke_flow_entitlement_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_entitlement_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_entitlement_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_entitlement_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_entitlement_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mediaconnect_list_flows": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediaconnect_list_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_input_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "_create_input_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_channel_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "_create_channel_config" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "_create_channel_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_create_channel_succeeds" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_create_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_channels_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_list_channels_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_channel_moves_channel_in_deleted_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_delete_channel_moves_channel_in_deleted_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_describe_channel_succeeds" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_describe_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_start_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_stop_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_update_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_input_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_create_input_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_input_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_describe_input_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_inputs_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_list_inputs_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_input_moves_input_in_deleted_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_delete_input_moves_input_in_deleted_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_input_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_update_input_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_medialive_list_channels": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_server.py", + [ + "test_medialive_list_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_medialive_list_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_server.py", + [ + "test_medialive_list_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_origin_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "_create_origin_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_channel_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_channel_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_channel_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_channel_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_channel_successfully_deletes": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_delete_channel_successfully_deletes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_channels_succeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_list_channels_succeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_create_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_describe_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_delete_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_update_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_update_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_list_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mediapackage_list_channels": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediapackage_list_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mediapackage_list_origin_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediapackage_list_origin_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_container_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_create_container_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_containers_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_list_containers_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_container_policy_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_container_policy_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_container_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_container_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_policy_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_policy_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_metric_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_metric_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_return_none_if_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_return_none_if_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_return_error_for_unknown_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_return_error_for_unknown_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_container": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_delete_container" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_container_raise_error_if_container_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_delete_container_raise_error_if_container_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mediastore_lists_containers": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediastore_lists_containers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediastore_lists_containers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_put_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_throws_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_get_object_throws_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_get_object" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_object_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_delete_object_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_object_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_delete_object_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_list_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_meter_usage": [ + [ + "tests/test_meteringmarketplace/test_meteringmarketplace.py", + [ + "test_batch_meter_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_semi_random_uuids": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/mock_random/test_mock_random.py", + [ + "test_semi_random_uuids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_semi_random_hex_strings": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/mock_random/test_mock_random.py", + [ + "test_semi_random_hex_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_instance_creation__recording_off": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_ec2_instance_creation__recording_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_instance_creation_recording_on": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_ec2_instance_creation_recording_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_multiple_services" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replay__partial_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_replay__partial_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_upload_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_s3_upload_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_upload_file_using_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_s3_upload_file_using_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_ddb_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_create_ddb_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "test_server" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_inmemory_server.py", + [ + "test_set_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_set_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_set_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unset_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_inmemory_server.py", + [ + "test_unset_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_unset_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_unset_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_default_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_inmemory_server.py", + [ + "test_get_default_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_get_default_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_get_default_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_manager_should_return_registered_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_batch_integration.py", + [ + "test_state_manager_should_return_registered_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_initial_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_advancing_without_specifying_configuration_does_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_advancing_without_specifying_configuration_does_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_advance_immediately": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_advance_immediately" + ] + ] + ], + "test_advance_x_times": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_advance_x_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_advance_multiple_stages": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_advance_multiple_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_override_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_realworld_delay": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_realworld_delay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_public_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_public_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_default_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_transition_overrides_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_set_transition_overrides_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registered_models": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_get_registered_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_broker_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_create_broker_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_multiple_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_create_with_multiple_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_create_with_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_update_with_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_broker": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_delete_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_broker": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_broker_with_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_broker_with_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_multiple_rabbits": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_multiple_rabbits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_active_mq_with_standby": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_active_mq_with_standby" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_broker_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_broker_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_brokers_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_list_brokers_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_brokers": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_list_brokers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_broker_single_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_update_broker_single_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_broker_multiple_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_update_broker_multiple_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reboot_broker": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_reboot_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_for_rabbitmq": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_for_rabbitmq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_for_unknown_engine": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_for_unknown_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_revision": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_configurations_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_list_configurations_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_list_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_configuration_to_ldap": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_configuration_to_ldap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_broker_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_broker_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_describe_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_list_users_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mq_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mq_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_stack.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_stack.py", + [ + "test_describe_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_org_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_org_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_root_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_root_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_ou_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_ou_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_create_account_status_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_create_account_status_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_policy_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_policy_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_roots": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_account" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_create_account_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_policy_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_policy_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_service_control_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_service_control_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_organization_without_feature_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_organization_without_feature_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roots": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organizational_unit_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_organizational_unit_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_organizational_units_for_parent": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_organizational_units_for_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_organizational_units_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_organizational_units_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_organizational_units_for_parent_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_organizational_units_for_parent_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_account_returns_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_close_account_returns_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_account_puts_account_in_suspended_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_close_account_puts_account_in_suspended_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_account_id_not_in_org_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_close_account_id_not_in_org_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_create_account_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_account_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_account_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_accounts_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_accounts_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_accounts_for_parent": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_accounts_for_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_accounts_for_parent_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_accounts_for_parent_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_move_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_move_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_parents_for_ou": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_parents_for_ou" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_parents_for_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_parents_for_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_children": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_children" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_children_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_children_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_create_account_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_create_account_status_succeeded": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_create_account_status_succeeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_create_account_status_in_progress": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_create_account_status_in_progress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_paginated_list_create_account_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_paginated_list_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "created_account_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_remove_account_from_organization", + "created_account_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_account_from_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_remove_account_from_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_organization_with_existing_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_organization_with_existing_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "get_nonaws_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "get_nonaws_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy_root_ou_not_found_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy_root_ou_not_found_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy_ou_not_found_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy_ou_not_found_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy_account_id_not_found_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy_account_id_not_found_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy_invalid_target_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy_invalid_target_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_polices": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_polices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policies_for_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_policies_for_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policies_for_target_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_policies_for_target_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_organization_organization_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_organization_organization_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_organization_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_organization_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_non_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_non_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_ou": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_ou" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_ou": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_ou" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_to_tag_incorrect_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_to_tag_incorrect_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_organizational_unit_duplicate_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_organizational_unit_duplicate_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_aws_service_access_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_aws_service_access_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_multiple_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_multiple_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_aws_service_access_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_aws_service_access_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_delegated_administrator": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_delegated_administrator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_delegated_administrator_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_delegated_administrator_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delegated_administrators": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_delegated_administrators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delegated_administrators_erros": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_delegated_administrators_erros" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delegated_services_for_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_delegated_services_for_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delegated_services_for_account_erros": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_delegated_services_for_account_erros" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_delegated_administrator": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_delegated_administrator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_delegated_administrator_erros": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_delegated_administrator_erros" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_policy_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_policy_type_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_policy_type_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_policy_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_policy_type_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_policy_type_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aiservices_opt_out_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_aiservices_opt_out_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_create_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_describe_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_schema__with_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_describe_schema__with_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_schema__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_describe_schema__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_schemas__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_list_schemas__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_list_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_app": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_app": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_delete_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_app": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_get_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_apps_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_get_apps_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_apps": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_get_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_application_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_application_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_application_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_get_application_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_application_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_event_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_event_stream.py", + [ + "test_put_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_event_stream.py", + [ + "test_get_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_event_stream.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polly_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_server.py", + [ + "test_polly_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_data_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_datasets.py", + [ + "test_create_data_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_ingestion": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_datasets.py", + [ + "test_create_ingestion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_groups__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_user__quicksight": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_register_user__quicksight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user__quicksight": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_describe_user__quicksight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user__quicksight": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_delete_user__quicksight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_list_users__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_membership": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_create_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_group_membership": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_describe_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_memberships": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_list_group_memberships" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_memberships__after_deleting_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_list_group_memberships__after_deleting_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_share": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_share_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_share_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_share_with_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_share_with_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_share_with_organization_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_share_with_organization_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_shares": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_shares" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_shares_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_shares_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_resource_share": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_update_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_resource_share_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_update_resource_share_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_share": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_share_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_share_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_sharing_with_aws_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_enable_sharing_with_aws_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_sharing_with_aws_organization_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_enable_sharing_with_aws_organization_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "teardown_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "teardown_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "teardown_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_filter_name_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_invalid_filter_name_raises_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_invalid_filter_name_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_cluster_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_db_cluster_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_instance_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_db_instance_id_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_db_instance_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_instance_id_filter_works_with_arns": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_db_instance_id_filter_works_with_arns" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_db_instance_id_filter_works_with_arns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dbi_resource_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_dbi_resource_id_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_dbi_resource_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_engine_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_engine_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_engine_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_multiple_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_multiple_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_multiple_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_db_instance_identifier_with_exclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_invalid_db_instance_identifier_with_exclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_db_instance_identifier_with_non_matching_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_invalid_db_instance_identifier_with_non_matching_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_exclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_exclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_inclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_inclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_non_matching_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_non_matching_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_snapshot_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_db_snapshot_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_snapshot_id_with_db_instance_id_and_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_invalid_snapshot_id_with_db_instance_id_and_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_snapshot_id_with_non_matching_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_invalid_snapshot_id_with_non_matching_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_exclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_exclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_inclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_inclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_non_matching_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_non_matching_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_with_deletion_protection_cannot_be_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_database_with_deletion_protection_cannot_be_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_no_allocated_storage": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_no_allocated_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_non_existing_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_non_existing_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_with_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_with_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_stop_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_start_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_to_stop_multi_az_and_sqlserver": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_fail_to_stop_multi_az_and_sqlserver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_multi_az_postgres": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_stop_multi_az_postgres" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_to_stop_readreplica": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_fail_to_stop_readreplica" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_databases": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_get_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_databases_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_get_databases_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_not_existent_db_parameter_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_not_existent_db_parameter_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_rename_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_non_existent_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_non_existent_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reboot_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_reboot_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reboot_non_existent_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_reboot_non_existent_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_snapshots_copy_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_snapshots_copy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_db_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_copy_db_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot_and_override_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot_and_override_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group_bad_engine_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group_bad_engine_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group_bad_engine_major_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group_bad_engine_major_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group_empty_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group_empty_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_option_group_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_option_group_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_option_group_no_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_option_group_no_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_non_existent_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_non_existent_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_database_with_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_database_with_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_invalid_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_invalid_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_db": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_db": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_db": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_get_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_non_existent_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_get_non_existent_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_database_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_database_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_authorize": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_security_group_authorize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_security_group_to_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_security_group_to_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_in_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_in_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_tags_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_tags_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_tags_event_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_tags_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_replica": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_replica_cross_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_replica_cross_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_with_encrypted_storage": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_with_encrypted_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance_with_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance_with_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_with_default_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_with_default_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_with_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_with_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_parameter_group_empty_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_parameter_group_empty_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_parameter_group_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_parameter_group_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_parameter_group_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_parameter_group_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_with_iam_authentication": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_with_iam_authentication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_snapshot_with_iam_authentication": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_snapshot_with_iam_authentication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance_without_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance_without_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance_with_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance_with_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnetgroup_via_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_subnetgroup_via_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dbinstance_via_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_dbinstance_via_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dbsecuritygroup_via_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_dbsecuritygroup_via_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rds_db_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_rds_db_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rds_mysql_with_read_replica": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_rds_mysql_with_read_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rds_mysql_with_read_replica_in_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_rds_mysql_with_read_replica_in_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dbinstance_via_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_dbinstance_via_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_stack_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_get_stack_outputs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_get_stack_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_fails_for_non_existent_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_fails_for_non_existent_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_master_username": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_master_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_master_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_master_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_long_master_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_long_master_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_cluster_needs_long_master_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_cluster_needs_long_master_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_cluster_new_cluster_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_cluster_new_cluster_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster__verify_default_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster__verify_default_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_with_database_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_with_database_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_additional_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_additional_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_after_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_after_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster_do_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster_do_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster_that_is_protected": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster_that_is_protected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_db_cluster_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_start_db_cluster_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_db_cluster_after_stopping": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_start_db_cluster_after_stopping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_db_cluster_without_stopping": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_start_db_cluster_without_stopping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_stop_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_db_cluster_already_stopped": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_stop_db_cluster_already_stopped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_db_cluster_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_stop_db_cluster_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot_copy_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot_copy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_unknown_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_unknown_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_existed_target_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_existed_target_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot_and_override_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot_and_override_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_with_enable_http_endpoint_valid": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_with_enable_http_endpoint_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_with_enable_http_endpoint_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_with_enable_http_endpoint_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "_prepare_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_fail_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_event_fail_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_subscription_fails_unknown_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_subscription_fails_unknown_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_event_subscriptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_describe_event_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_event_subscriptions_fails_unknown_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_describe_event_subscriptions_fails_unknown_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "_prepare_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_export_task_fails_unknown_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_export_task_fails_unknown_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_export_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_export_task_fail_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_export_task_fail_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_export_task_fails_unknown_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_cancel_export_task_fails_unknown_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_export_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_cancel_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_export_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_describe_export_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_export_tasks_fails_unknown_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_describe_export_tasks_fails_unknown_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_databases": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_list_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unrecognized_filter_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation", + "test_unrecognized_filter_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation", + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unimplemented_filter_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation", + "test_unimplemented_filter_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_nested_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_filtering_on_nested_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_common_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_filtering_on_common_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_multiple_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_filtering_on_multiple_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filters_with_multiple_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_filters_with_multiple_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_when_filters_to_update_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_when_filters_to_update_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_when_filters_to_merge_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_when_filters_to_merge_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_when_both_filters_are_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_when_both_filters_are_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_are_merged": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_values_are_merged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_merge": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_complex_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_enhanced_vpc_routing_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_enhanced_vpc_routing_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_cluster_with_kms_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_cluster_with_kms_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshot_copy_grant": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_many_snapshot_copy_grants": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_many_snapshot_copy_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_snapshot_copy_grants": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_no_snapshot_copy_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_all_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_all_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_single_node_cluster_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_single_node_cluster_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_in_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_in_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_in_subnet_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_in_subnet_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_security_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_security_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_vpc_security_groups_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_vpc_security_groups_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_iam_roles": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_iam_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_parameter_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_parameter_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_cluster_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_cluster_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_cluster_vpc_routing": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_modify_cluster_vpc_routing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_cluster_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_modify_cluster_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_authorize_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid_cluster_subnet_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_invalid_cluster_subnet_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_subnet_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_subnet_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_security_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_security_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_security_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_security_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_security_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_security_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_parameter_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_parameter_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_parameter_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_parameter_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_parameter_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameter_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_snapshot_of_non_existent_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_snapshot_of_non_existent_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_automated_snapshot_on_cluster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_automated_snapshot_on_cluster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_automated_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_automated_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_presence_automated_snapshot_on_cluster_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_presence_automated_snapshot_on_cluster_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_snapshot_with_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_snapshot_with_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_from_automated_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_from_automated_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_snapshots_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_snapshots_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cluster_snapshot_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_cluster_snapshot_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_node_type_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_node_type_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_from_snapshot_with_waiter": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_from_snapshot_with_waiter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_from_non_existent_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_from_non_existent_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_status_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_status_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_with_resource_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_with_resource_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_cannot_specify_resource_type_and_resource_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_cannot_specify_resource_type_and_resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_with_resource_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_with_resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_all_resource_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_all_resource_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tagged_resource_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_tagged_resource_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_snapshot_copy": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_enable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_snapshot_copy_unencrypted": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_enable_snapshot_copy_unencrypted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_snapshot_copy": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_disable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_cluster_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_cluster_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_with_final_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_with_final_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_without_final_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_without_final_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resize_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_resize_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_cluster_credentials_non_existent_cluster_and_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_get_cluster_credentials_non_existent_cluster_and_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_cluster_credentials_invalid_duration": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_get_cluster_credentials_invalid_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_cluster_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_get_cluster_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pause_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_pause_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pause_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_pause_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resume_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_resume_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resume_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_resume_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshift_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_redshift_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_with_json_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_with_json_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_multiple_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_multiple_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_cluster_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_cluster_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_cluster_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_cluster_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_statement_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_cancel_statement_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_statement_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_cancel_statement_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_statement_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_describe_statement_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_statement_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_describe_statement_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_statement_result_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_get_statement_result_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_statement_result_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_get_statement_result_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_and_cancel_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_execute_statement_and_cancel_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_and_describe_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_execute_statement_and_describe_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_and_get_statement_result": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_execute_statement_and_get_statement_result" + ] + ] + ], + "headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_cancel_statement_unknown_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_cancel_statement_unknown_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_describe_statement_unknown_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_describe_statement_unknown_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_get_statement_result_unknown_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_get_statement_result_unknown_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_with_minimal_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_with_minimal_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_with_all_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_with_all_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_describe_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_describe_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_get_statement_result": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_get_statement_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_cancel_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_cancel_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "get_payload": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "get_payload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_face_search": [ + [ + "tests/test_rekognition/test_rekognition.py", + [ + "test_start_face_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_rekognition/test_rekognition.py", + [ + "test_start_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_face_search": [ + [ + "tests/test_rekognition/test_rekognition.py", + [ + "test_get_face_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_rekognition/test_rekognition.py", + [ + "test_get_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_untag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_with_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_with_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_ec2_vpc", + "assert_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_rds", + "assert_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_lambda", + "assert_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_ec2_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_ec2_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tag_keys_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_tag_keys_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tag_values_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_tag_values_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_many_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_many_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_tag_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_multiple_tag_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_rds": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_rds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resourcegroupstaggingapi_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_server.py", + [ + "test_resourcegroupstaggingapi_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_create_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_delete_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_hosted_zone_with_change_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_delete_hosted_zone_with_change_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_no_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_no_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_one_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_one_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_many_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_many_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_hosted_zone_comment": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_update_hosted_zone_comment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_record_set_unknown_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_record_set_unknown_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_record_set_unknown_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_record_set_unknown_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_health_check_in_resource_record_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_use_health_check_in_resource_record_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hosted_zone_comment_preserved": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_hosted_zone_comment_preserved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleting_weighted_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_deleting_weighted_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleting_latency_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_deleting_latency_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_or_change_tags_for_resource_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_or_change_tags_for_resource_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_dns_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_dns_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_sets_crud_valid": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_sets_crud_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_sets_crud_valid_with_special_xml_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_sets_crud_valid_with_special_xml_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_weighted_resource_record_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_weighted_resource_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failover_record_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_failover_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geolocation_record_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_geolocation_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_invalid_action_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_invalid_action_value" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_record_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_record_sets_name_type_filters", + "create_resource_record_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_record_sets_name_type_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_record_sets_name_type_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_change": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_sets_records_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_sets_records_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_recordset_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_recordset_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dns_sec": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_dns_sec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_hosted_zone_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_hosted_zone_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_roundrobin": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_route53_roundrobin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_ec2_instance_with_public_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_route53_ec2_instance_with_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_associate_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_route53_associate_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_with_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_route53_with_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_route53_recordset": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_route53_recordset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_list_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set_from_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set_from_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set_from_hosted_zone_with_delegationsetid": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set_from_hosted_zone_with_delegationsetid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_get_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] 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"test_create_calculated_health_check_with_children" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_get_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_health_checks": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_list_health_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_health_checks": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_delete_health_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_update_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "create_hosted_zone_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "create_hosted_zone_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_log_group_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "create_log_group_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_query_logging_config_bad_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_create_query_logging_config_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_query_logging_config_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_create_query_logging_config_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_get_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_query_logging_configs_bad_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_list_query_logging_configs_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_query_logging_configs_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_list_query_logging_configs_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hosted_zone_private_zone_preserved": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_hosted_zone_private_zone_preserved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_vpc_with_multiple_vpcs": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_vpc_with_multiple_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_associate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_route53_associate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_associate_vpc_with_public_Zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_route53_associate_vpc_with_public_Zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_associate_and_disassociate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_route53_associate_and_disassociate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_disassociate_last_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_route53_disassociate_last_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recordset": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_recordset" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_xml": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_server.py", + [ + "parse_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_test_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_invalid_create_endpoint_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_invalid_create_endpoint_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_endpoint_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_endpoint_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_endpoint_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_endpoint_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_create_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_create_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_other_create_resolver_endpoint_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_other_create_resolver_endpoint_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_delete_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_delete_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_delete_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_delete_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_update_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_update_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_update_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_update_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoints_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoints_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoints_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoints_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__invalid_resolver": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__invalid_resolver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_ipid_and_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_ipid_and_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_subnet_alone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_subnet_alone" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "create_test_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_invalid_create_rule_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_invalid_create_rule_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_create_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_create_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_delete_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_delete_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_delete_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_delete_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rules_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rules_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rules_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rules_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_rule_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "create_test_rule_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_invalid_associate_resolver_rule_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_invalid_associate_resolver_rule_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_associate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_associate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_other_associate_resolver_rule_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_other_associate_resolver_rule_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_disassociate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_disassociate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_disassociate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_disassociate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_rule_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_rule_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_rule_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_rule_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rule_associations": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rule_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rule_associations_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rule_associations_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rule_associations_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rule_associations_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rule_associations": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rule_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_tag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_tags.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_untag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_tags.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_tags.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_tags.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_custom_request_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_multiple_accounts_server.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "test_with_custom_request_header" + ] + ] + ], + "save": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "MyModel", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "MySageMakerModel", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "MyProcessingJobModel", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "MyTrainingJobModel", + "save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keys_are_pickleable": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_keys_are_pickleable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_my_model_save": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_my_model_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_object_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resource_get_object_returns_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_resource_get_object_returns_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_save_to_missing_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_save_to_missing_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_key_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_missing_key_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_empty_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_name_encoding_in_listing": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_name_encoding_in_listing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_key_set_on_existing_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_empty_key_set_on_existing_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_key_save": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_large_key_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_set_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_modified": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_last_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_missing_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_create_existing_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_bucket_in_us_east_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_create_existing_bucket_in_us_east_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_buckets": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_all_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_to_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_post_to_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_with_metadata_to_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_post_with_metadata_to_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_versioned_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_versioned_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_missing_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_missing_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_empty_keys_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_empty_keys_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_name_with_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_name_with_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_with_special_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_with_special_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_key_listing_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_key_listing_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_with_reduced_redundancy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_with_reduced_redundancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_restore_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_key_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_restore_key_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_restore_standard_class_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_cannot_restore_standard_class_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_versioning_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_versioning_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_acl_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_setting_via_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_acl_setting_via_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_switching": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_acl_switching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_switching_nonexistent_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_acl_switching_nonexistent_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_acl_switching_nonexistent_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_streaming_upload_from_file_to_presigned_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_streaming_upload_from_file_to_presigned_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_from_file_to_presigned_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_upload_from_file_to_presigned_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_file_with_checksum_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_upload_file_with_checksum_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_chunked_with_v4_signature_in_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_chunked_with_v4_signature_in_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_object_in_private_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_s3_object_in_private_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_s3_object_in_private_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_unicode_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_unicode_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_content_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_setting_content_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_location_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_location_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_location_nondefault": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_location_nondefault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_location_should_error_outside_useast1": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_s3_location_should_error_outside_useast1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ranged_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_ranged_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_website_configuration_xml": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_website_configuration_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_get_object_returns_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_client_get_object_returns_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_website_redirect_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_website_redirect_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delimiter_optional_in_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delimiter_optional_in_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_with_pagesize_0": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_with_pagesize_0" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_truncated_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_truncated_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_keys_xml_escaped": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_keys_xml_escaped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_common_prefix_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_common_prefix_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_common_invalid_continuation_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_common_invalid_continuation_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_truncated_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_truncated_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_truncated_response_start_after": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_truncated_response_start_after" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_fetch_owner": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_fetch_owner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_truncate_combined_keys_and_folders": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_truncate_combined_keys_and_folders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_create_force_us_east_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_create_force_us_east_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_create_eu_central": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_create_eu_central" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_create_empty_bucket_configuration_should_return_malformed_xml_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_create_empty_bucket_configuration_should_return_malformed_xml_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_s3_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_object_with_part_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_object_with_part_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_with_versioning": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_with_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleted_versionings_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_deleted_versionings_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_for_specific_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_for_specific_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_versioned_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_versioned_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_versioned_bucket_returns_meta": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_versioned_bucket_returns_meta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_modified_since": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_modified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_unmodified_since": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_unmodified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_none_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_none_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_modified_since": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_modified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_unmodified_since": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_unmodified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_none_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_none_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_notification": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_notification_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_notification_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions_with_delimiter": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions_with_delimiter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions_with_delimiter_for_deleted_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions_with_delimiter_for_deleted_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions_with_versioning_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions_with_versioning_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions_with_versioning_enabled_late": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions_with_versioning_enabled_late" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_prefix_list_object_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bad_prefix_list_object_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_markers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_delete_markers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_multiple_delete_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_stream_gzipped": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_stream_gzipped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_name_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_name_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_name_too_short": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_name_too_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accelerated_none_when_unspecified": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_accelerated_none_when_unspecified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_enable_bucket_acceleration": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_can_enable_bucket_acceleration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_suspend_bucket_acceleration": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_can_suspend_bucket_acceleration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspending_acceleration_on_not_configured_bucket_does_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_suspending_acceleration_on_not_configured_bucket_does_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accelerate_configuration_status_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_accelerate_configuration_status_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accelerate_configuration_is_not_supported_when_bucket_name_has_dots": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_accelerate_configuration_is_not_supported_when_bucket_name_has_dots" + ] + ] + ], + "store_and_read_back_a_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "store_and_read_back_a_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paths_with_leading_slashes_work": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_paths_with_leading_slashes_work" + ] + ] + ], + "test_root_dir_with_empty_name_works": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_root_dir_with_empty_name_works" + ] + ] + ], + "test_leading_slashes_not_removed": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_leading_slashes_not_removed" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_with_url_encoded_key", + "assert_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_with_url_encoded_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_with_url_encoded_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_unknown_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_unknown_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_public_access_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_presigned_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_creating_presigned_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_presigned_put_url_with_approved_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_presigned_put_url_with_approved_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_presigned_put_url_with_custom_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_presigned_put_url_with_custom_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_actual_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_actual_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_version_should_throw_specific_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_version_should_throw_specific_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_partial_content_without_specifying_range_should_return_full_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_request_partial_content_without_specifying_range_should_return_full_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_object_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_data_without_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "if_settings_TEST_SERVER_M", + "test_upload_data_without_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_versions_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_versions_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_bucket_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_create_bucket_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_with_empty_keyname": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_with_empty_keyname" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_should_return_default_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_should_return_default_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_all_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_all_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_versioned_key_in_not_versioned_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_versioned_key_in_not_versioned_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefix_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_prefix_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checksum_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_checksum_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_acl_using_grant": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_put_object_acl_using_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_switching_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_acl_switching_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_object_in_public_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_s3_object_in_public_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_object_in_public_bucket_using_multiple_presigned_urls": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_s3_object_in_public_bucket_using_multiple_presigned_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_acl_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_acl_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_acl_with_presigned_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_object_acl_with_presigned_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_setting_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_acl_setting_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_setting_via_headers_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_acl_setting_via_headers_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raise_exception_for_grant_and_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_raise_exception_for_grant_and_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_unexisting_object_without_auth_should_return_403": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "test_load_unexisting_object_without_auth_should_return_403" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_bucket_with_correct_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "test_head_bucket_with_correct_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_bucket_with_incorrect_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "test_head_bucket_with_incorrect_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "my_head_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "my_head_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key_and_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key_and_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_without_access_throws_custom_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_without_access_throws_custom_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_allow_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "test_policy_allow_all" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "_put_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instantiation_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_classdecorator.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratorTest", + "test_instantiation_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_basic": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_with_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_with_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_update_no_interruption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_update_no_interruption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_update_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_update_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_public_access_block_to_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_public_access_block_to_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_config_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_list_config_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_lifecycle_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_lifecycle_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_notification_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_notification_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_acl_to_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_acl_to_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_with_version_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_with_version_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_with_bucketkeyenabled_returns_the_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_with_bucketkeyenabled_returns_the_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_with_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_with_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_replace_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_replace_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_without_changes_should_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_without_changes_should_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_without_changes_should_not_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_without_changes_should_not_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_reduced_redundancy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_reduced_redundancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_non_existing_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_non_existing_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_with_versioning": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_with_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_from_unversioned_to_versioned_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_from_unversioned_to_versioned_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_with_replacement_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_with_replacement_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_with_kms_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_with_kms_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_list_buckets": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_custom_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_and_list_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_list_buckets_with_multiple_supported_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_custom_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_and_list_buckets_with_multiple_supported_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_custom_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_list_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_custom_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_put_and_list_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encryption_on_new_bucket_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_encryption_on_new_bucket_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_and_get_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_delete_and_get_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encryption_status_on_new_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_encryption_status_on_new_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encryption_status_on_copied_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_encryption_status_on_copied_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapped": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "verify_zero_warnings", + "wrapped" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "reduced_min_part_size", + "wrapped" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_zero_warnings": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "verify_zero_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_large_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_upload_large_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_large_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_delete_large_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwriting_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_overwriting_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_versioned_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_versioned_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_copy_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_part_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_part_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwriting_part_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_overwriting_part_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aborting_part_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_aborting_part_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_completing_part_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_completing_part_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_versioned_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_single_versioned_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwrite_versioned_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_overwrite_versioned_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_versions_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_multiple_versions_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_versioned_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_delete_versioned_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_specific_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_delete_specific_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_key_can_be_copied_after_disposing": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "test_verify_key_can_be_copied_after_disposing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_objectcreated_put__invokes_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lambda_integration.py", + [ + "test_objectcreated_put__invokes_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_objectcreated_put__unknown_lambda_is_handled_gracefully": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lambda_integration.py", + [ + "test_objectcreated_put__unknown_lambda_is_handled_gracefully" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_copy__sends_to_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lambda_integration.py", + [ + "test_object_copy__sends_to_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_put__sends_to_queue__using_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lambda_integration.py", + [ + "test_object_put__sends_to_queue__using_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_eodm": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_eodm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_nve": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_nve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_nvt": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_nvt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_aimu": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_aimu" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_glacier_transition_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_glacier_transition_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_multi_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_multi_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_delete_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_delete_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locked_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_locked_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_locked_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_fail_locked_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_lock": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_put_object_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_legal_hold": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_put_object_legal_hold" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_default_lock": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_put_default_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_returns_requestid": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_metadata.py", + [ + "test_s3_returns_requestid" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_metadata.py", + [ + "_check_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "reduced_min_part_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "reduced_min_part_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_key_buffer_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_default_key_buffer_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_too_small": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_too_small" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_out_of_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_out_of_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_with_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_with_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_with_copy_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_with_copy_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_cancel": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_cancel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_etag_quotes_stripped": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_etag_quotes_stripped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_duplicate_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_duplicate_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_multiparts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_list_multiparts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_should_throw_nosuchupload_if_there_are_no_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_should_throw_nosuchupload_if_there_are_no_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_wrong_partnumber": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_wrong_partnumber" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_should_return_part_10000": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_should_return_part_10000" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_without_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_without_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_multipart_upload_cannot_upload_part_over_10000": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_s3_multipart_upload_cannot_upload_part_over_10000" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_abort_multipart_data_with_invalid_upload_and_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_s3_abort_multipart_data_with_invalid_upload_and_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts_invalid_argument", + "get_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_list_parts_invalid_argument": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts_invalid_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parts_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts", + "get_parts_all" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parts_by_batch": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts", + "get_parts_by_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_list_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_part_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_part_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complete_multipart_with_empty_partlist": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_complete_multipart_with_empty_partlist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_key_headers_in_create_multipart": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_ssm_key_headers_in_create_multipart" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_presigned_url_on_multipart_upload_without_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_generate_presigned_url_on_multipart_upload_without_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_returns_part_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_head_object_returns_part_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_bucket_with_ownership": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_ownership.py", + [ + "test_create_bucket_with_ownership" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_ownership_to_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_ownership.py", + [ + "test_put_ownership_to_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ownership_from_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_ownership.py", + [ + "test_delete_ownership_from_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_replication_for_unexisting_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_replication_for_unexisting_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_replication_bucket_without_replication": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_replication_bucket_without_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_bucket_replication_unknown_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_delete_bucket_replication_unknown_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_bucket_replication_bucket_without_replication": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_delete_bucket_replication_bucket_without_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_replication_without_versioning": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_create_replication_without_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_retrieve_replication_with_single_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_create_and_retrieve_replication_with_single_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_retrieve_replication_with_multiple_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_create_and_retrieve_replication_with_multiple_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_storage_class_standard": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_storage_class_standard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_storage_class_infrequent_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_storage_class_infrequent_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_storage_class_intelligent_tiering": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_storage_class_intelligent_tiering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_storage_class_copy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_storage_class_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_invalid_copied_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_invalid_copied_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_invalid_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_invalid_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_default_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_default_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_error_for_glacier_storage_class_not_restored": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_error_for_glacier_storage_class_not_restored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_error_for_deep_archive_storage_class_not_restored": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_error_for_deep_archive_storage_class_not_restored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_for_glacier_storage_class_restored": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_for_glacier_storage_class_restored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_for_deep_archive_storage_class_restored": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_for_deep_archive_storage_class_restored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_get_object_from_glacier": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_get_object_from_glacier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_tagging_unknown_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_tagging_unknown_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_with_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_with_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_delete_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_tagging_on_earliest_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_tagging_on_earliest_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_tagging_on_both_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_tagging_on_both_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_tagging_with_single_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_tagging_with_single_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_get_object_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_objects_tagging_with_same_key_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_objects_tagging_with_same_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_url_for_tagged_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_generate_url_for_tagged_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_base_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_s3bucket_path_utils.py", + [ + "test_base_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localhost_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_localhost_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_s3bucket_path_utils.py", + [ + "test_localhost_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localhost_without_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_localhost_without_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_s3bucket_path_utils.py", + [ + "test_localhost_without_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_ignore_subdomain_for_bucketnames": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_force_ignore_subdomain_for_bucketnames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_versioned_key_store": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_versioned_key_store" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_region_from_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_parse_region_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clean_key_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_clean_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undo_clean_key_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_undo_clean_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "authenticated_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "authenticated_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "authenticated_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_bucket_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_bucket_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_bucket_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_ignore_subdomain_for_bucketnames": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_ignore_subdomain_for_bucketnames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_bucket_versioning": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_bucket_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_without_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_without_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_unicode_bucket_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_unicode_bucket_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_cors_exposed_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_cors_exposed_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_put_ipv6": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_put_ipv6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_put_ipv4": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_put_ipv4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_public_access_block_for_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control.py", + [ + "test_get_public_access_block_for_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_access_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_create_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_access_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_point_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_get_access_point_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_point_full": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_get_access_point_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_access_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_delete_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_point_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_access_point_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_access_point_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_access_point_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_point_policy_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_access_point_policy_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_access_point_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_delete_access_point_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_access_point_policy_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_access_point_policy_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_list_account_pab": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_config_integration.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_config_list_account_pab" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_get_account_pab": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_config_integration.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_config_get_account_pab" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pab_are_kept_separate": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_s3.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_pab_are_kept_separate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pab_are_kept_separate_with_inverse_mocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_s3.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_pab_are_kept_separate_with_inverse_mocks" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_function_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ] + ], + "name_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "arn_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cloudformation_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ] + ], + "run_setup_procedure": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "run_setup_procedure" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "run_setup_procedure" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "run_setup_procedure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_get_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_model_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_model_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_endpoint_config_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_endpoint_config_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_endpoint_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_endpoint_update" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_sagemaker_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_search.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ] + ], + "create_endpoint_config_helper": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_endpoint_config_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint_config_serverless": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint_config_serverless" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_delete_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint_invalid_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint_invalid_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint_invalid_memory_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint_invalid_memory_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_delete_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_one_variant": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_one_variant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_two_variants": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_two_variants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_no_variant": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_no_variant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_no_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_no_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_nonunique_variant": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_nonunique_variant" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_up_sagemaker_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "_set_up_sagemaker_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "_create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "_create_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "_create_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_experiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_create_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_experiments": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_list_experiments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_experiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_delete_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_experiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_to_experiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_to_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_describe_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_model_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_describe_model_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_model_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_delete_model_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_models": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_list_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_models_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_list_models_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_models_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_list_models_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_from_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_from_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_notebook_instance_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "_get_notebook_instance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_notebook_instance_lifecycle_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "_get_notebook_instance_lifecycle_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notebook_instance_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_create_notebook_instance_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notebook_instance_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_create_notebook_instance_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notebook_instance_invalid_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_create_notebook_instance_invalid_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_notebook_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_notebook_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nonexistent_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_describe_nonexistent_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_notebook": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_notebook" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_from_notebook": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_from_notebook" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_processing_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_create_processing_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_should_validate_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_should_validate_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_with_name_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_with_name_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_paginated_with_target_in_middle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_paginated_with_target_in_middle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_paginated_with_fragmented_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_paginated_with_fragmented_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_and_delete_tags_in_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_add_and_delete_tags_in_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_search.py", + [ + "test_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_trial_component_with_experiment_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_search.py", + [ + "test_search_trial_component_with_experiment_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_up_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_search.py", + [ + "_set_up_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_create_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_should_validate_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_should_validate_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_with_name_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_with_name_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated_with_target_in_middle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated_with_target_in_middle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated_with_fragmented_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated_with_fragmented_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_from_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_from_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trial": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_create_trial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trials": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_list_trials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trials_by_trial_component_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_list_trials_by_trial_component_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_trial": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_delete_trial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_trial": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_trial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_to_trial": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_to_trial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trial_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_list_trial_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create__trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_create__trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trial_components": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_list_trial_components" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete__trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_delete__trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_to_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_to_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trial_component_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_list_trial_component_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_associate_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_attributes_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_attributes_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_attributes_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_attributes_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_get_attributes_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_get_attributes_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_multiple_and_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_multiple_and_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_replace_and_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_replace_and_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_multiple_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_multiple_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_get_attributes_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_valid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_and_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_and_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sdb_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sdb_list" + ] + ] + ], + "boto_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "boto_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_secrets": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_list_secrets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_name_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_tag_key_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_tag_key_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_tag_value_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_tag_value_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_description_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_description_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_all_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_all_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_no_filter_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_no_filter_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_no_filter_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_no_filter_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_invalid_filter_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_invalid_filter_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_duplicate_filter_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_duplicate_filter_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_multiple_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_multiple_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_filter_with_multiple_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_filter_with_multiple_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_filter_with_value_with_multiple_words": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_filter_with_value_with_multiple_words" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_filter_with_negation": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_filter_with_negation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secret_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_secret_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret_with_client_request_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret_with_client_request_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_value_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_value_binary": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value_binary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_value_that_is_marked_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value_that_is_marked_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_that_has_no_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_has_no_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_has_no_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_version_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_version_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_version_stage_mismatch": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_version_stage_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret_with_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret_with_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret_with_tags_and_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret_with_tags_and_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_force": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_force" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_force_no_such_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_force_no_such_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_force_with_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_force_with_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_fails_with_both_force_delete_flag_and_recovery_window_flag": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_fails_with_both_force_delete_flag_and_recovery_window_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_recovery_window_too_short": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_recovery_window_too_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_recovery_window_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_recovery_window_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_force_no_such_secret_with_invalid_recovery_window": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_force_no_such_secret_with_invalid_recovery_window" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_that_is_marked_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_that_is_marked_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_password_default_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_password_default_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_password_default_requirements": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_password_default_requirements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_password_custom_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_password_custom_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_lowercase": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_lowercase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_uppercase": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_uppercase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_characters_and_symbols": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_characters_and_symbols" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_punctuation": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_punctuation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_include_space_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_include_space_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_include_space_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_include_space_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_require_each_included_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_require_each_included_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_too_short_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_too_short_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_too_long_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_too_long_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret_with_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_with_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret_with_KmsKeyId": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_with_KmsKeyId" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_restore_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_secret_that_is_not_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_restore_secret_that_is_not_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_restore_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_enable_rotation": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_enable_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_that_is_marked_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_is_marked_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_short": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_short" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_long" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_lambda_arn_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_lambda_arn_too_long" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_lambda_arn_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_period_zero": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_period_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_period_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_period_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rotation_zip_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "get_rotation_zip_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_using_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "if_settings_TEST_SERVER_M", + "test_rotate_secret_using_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_on_non_existing_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_on_non_existing_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_puts_new_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_puts_new_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_puts_new_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_binary_value_puts_new_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_binary_value_puts_new_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_put_secret_binary_value_puts_new_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_and_put_secret_binary_value_puts_new_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_binary_requires_either_string_or_binary": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_binary_requires_either_string_or_binary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_can_get_first_version_if_put_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_can_get_first_version_if_put_twice" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_can_get_first_version_if_put_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_versions_differ_if_same_secret_put_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_versions_differ_if_same_secret_put_twice" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_versions_differ_if_same_secret_put_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_maintains_description_and_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_maintains_description_and_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_list_secret_version_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_can_list_secret_version_ids" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_can_list_secret_version_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_version_stages_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_version_stages_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_version_stages_pending_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_version_stages_pending_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_can_get_current": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_can_get_current" + ] + ] + ], + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_can_get_current_with_custom_version_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_can_get_current_with_custom_version_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_pending_can_get_current": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_pending_can_get_current" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_updates_last_changed_dates": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_updates_last_changed_dates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_with_tags_and_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_with_tags_and_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_with_KmsKeyId": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_with_KmsKeyId" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_which_does_not_exit": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_which_does_not_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_marked_as_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_marked_as_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_marked_as_deleted_after_restoring": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_marked_as_deleted_after_restoring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secret_versions_to_stages_attribute_discrepancy": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_secret_versions_to_stages_attribute_discrepancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_with_client_request_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_with_client_request_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_that_is_still_rotating": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_is_still_rotating" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_lambda_invocations": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_rotate_secret_lambda_invocations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_with_incorrect_lambda_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_rotate_secret_with_incorrect_lambda_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_policy_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_policy_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_version_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_version_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_version_stage_currentversion_handling": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_version_stage_currentversion_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_version_stage_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_version_stage_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_servicediscovery_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_server.py", + [ + "test_servicediscovery_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_http_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_http_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_http_namespace_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_get_http_namespace_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_http_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_get_http_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_delete_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_private_dns_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_private_dns_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_with_duplicate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_with_duplicate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_public_dns_namespace_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_public_dns_namespace_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_public_dns_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_public_dns_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_operations_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_list_operations_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_list_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_create_http_namespace_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_create_http_namespace_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_private_dns_namespace_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_private_dns_namespace_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_public_dns_namespace_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_public_dns_namespace_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_update_service_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_update_service_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_create_service_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_get_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_update_service_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_others": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_update_service_others" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_http_namespace_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_http_namespace_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_public_dns_namespace_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_public_dns_namespace_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_service_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_aws_default_service_quotas": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicequotas/test_servicequotas.py", + [ + "test_list_aws_default_service_quotas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_defaults_for_unknown_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicequotas/test_servicequotas.py", + [ + "test_list_defaults_for_unknown_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_service_quota": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicequotas/test_servicequotas.py", + [ + "test_get_service_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_service_quota": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicequotas/test_servicequotas.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_service_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ses_list_identities": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ses_list_identities" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ses_get_send_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ses_get_send_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_email_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_email_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_email_identity_idempotency": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_email_identity_idempotency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_email_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_email_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_verify": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_domain_verify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_email_when_verify_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_email_when_verify_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_unverified_email_with_chevrons": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_unverified_email_with_chevrons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_email_invalid_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_email_invalid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_bulk_templated_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_bulk_templated_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_templated_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_templated_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_templated_email_invalid_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_templated_email_invalid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_html_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_html_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email_validate_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email_validate_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email_invalid_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email_invalid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "get_raw_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "get_raw_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email_without_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email_without_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email_without_source_or_from": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email_without_source_or_from" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_email_notification_with_encoded_sender": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_email_notification_with_encoded_sender" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_receipt_rule_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_receipt_rule_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_receipt_rule_set_with_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_receipt_rule_set_with_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_receipt_rule_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_receipt_rule_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_ses_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_ses_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ses_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_ses_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domains_are_case_insensitive": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_domains_are_case_insensitive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_send_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_send_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_identity_mail_from_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_identity_mail_from_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_identity_verification_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_identity_verification_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_disable_ses_sns_communication": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_disable_ses_sns_communication" + ] + ] + ], + "__setup_feedback_env__": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "__setup_feedback_env__" + ] + ] + ], + "__test_sns_feedback__": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "__test_sns_feedback__" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sns_feedback": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_no_sns_feedback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_feedback_bounce": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sns_feedback_bounce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_feedback_complaint": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sns_feedback_complaint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_feedback_delivery": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sns_feedback_delivery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_feedback_delivery_raw_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sns_feedback_delivery_raw_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_identity_notification_attributes_default_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_identity_notification_attributes_default_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_valid_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_utils.py", + [ + "test_is_valid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_signing_platforms": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_platforms.py", + [ + "test_list_signing_platforms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_signing_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_profiles.py", + [ + "test_put_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_signing_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_profiles.py", + [ + "test_get_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_signing_profile__with_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_profiles.py", + [ + "test_get_signing_profile__with_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_signing_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_profiles.py", + [ + "test_cancel_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_platform_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_platform_applications": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_platform_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_platform_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_platform_endpoint_with_same_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_platform_endpoint_with_same_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_list_endpoints_by_platform_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_list_endpoints_by_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_non_existent_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_non_existent_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_disabled_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_disabled_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_sms_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_sms_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sms_attributes_filtered": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_sms_attributes_filtered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_endpoints_of_delete_app": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_endpoints_of_delete_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_unknown_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_unknown_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_too_many_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_too_many_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_non_unique_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_non_unique_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_fifo_without_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_fifo_without_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_standard_with_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_standard_with_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_to_sqs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_to_sqs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_to_sqs_raw": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_to_sqs_raw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_raw": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_raw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_fifo": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_fifo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_bad": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_bad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_byte_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_byte_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_number_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_number_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_different_formats": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_different_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_sms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_sms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_bad_sms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_bad_sms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_dump_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_dump_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_in_different_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_in_different_region" + ] + ] + ], + "callback": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_http", + "callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_http": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_http" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_subject": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_subject" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_null_subject": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_null_subject" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_message_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_message_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_fifo_needs_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_fifo_needs_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_group_id_to_non_fifo": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_group_id_to_non_fifo" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_filter_policy_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "_setup_filter_policy_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_multiple_message_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_multiple_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_OR_matching": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_OR_matching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_positive": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_positive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_attributes_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_attributes_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_int": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_float": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_float_accuracy": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_float_accuracy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_with_string_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_with_string_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_float_accuracy_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_float_accuracy_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_no_array_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_no_array_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_with_string_no_array_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_with_string_no_array_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_attribute_key_exists_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_attribute_key_exists_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_attribute_key_exists_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_attribute_key_exists_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_attribute_key_not_exists_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_attribute_key_not_exists_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_attribute_key_not_exists_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_attribute_key_not_exists_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_multiple_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_multiple_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_numeric_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_numeric_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_numeric_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_numeric_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sns_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sns_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_update_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sns_update_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_update_remove_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sns_update_remove_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_delete_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sns_delete_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscribe_sms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscribe_sms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_double_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_double_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscribe_bad_sms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscribe_bad_sms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_creating_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsubscribe_from_deleted_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_unsubscribe_from_deleted_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getting_subscriptions_by_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_getting_subscriptions_by_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscription_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscription_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscribe_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscribe_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_subscription_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_creating_subscription_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscriptions_on_delete_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscriptions_on_delete_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_subscription_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_subscription_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscribe_invalid_filter_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscribe_invalid_filter_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_not_opted_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_check_not_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_opted_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_check_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_opted_out_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_check_opted_out_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_opted_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_opt_in": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_opt_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_confirm_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_attributes_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_attributes_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_should_be_indempodent": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_should_be_indempodent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_must_meet_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_must_meet_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_should_be_of_certain_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_should_be_of_certain_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_in_multiple_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_in_multiple_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_corresponds_to_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_corresponds_to_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_add_remove_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_permission_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_add_permission_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_add_permission_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_kms_master_key_id_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_kms_master_key_id_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_fifo_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_fifo_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_get_attributes_with_fifo_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_get_attributes_with_fifo_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqs_list_identities": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sqs_list_identities" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_messages": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_messages_polling", + "insert_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "get_messages": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_messages_polling", + "get_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_messages_polling": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_messages_polling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_queue_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_queue_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_with_same_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_with_same_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_with_different_attributes_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_with_different_attributes_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_queue_with_high_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_queue_with_high_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_with_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_with_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_queue_attribute_empty_policy_removes_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_set_queue_attribute_empty_policy_removes_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_empty_redrive_policy_returns_true_for_empty_and_falsy_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_is_empty_redrive_policy_returns_true_for_empty_and_falsy_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_empty_redrive_policy_returns_false_for_valid_policy_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_is_empty_redrive_policy_returns_false_for_valid_policy_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_queue_attribute_empty_redrive_removes_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_set_queue_attribute_empty_redrive_removes_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_url_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_url_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_send_without_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_send_without_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_send_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_send_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queue_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_queue_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_invalid_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_invalid_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_string_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_string_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_binary_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_binary_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_attributes_have_labels": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_attributes_have_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_attributes_invalid_datatype": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_attributes_invalid_datatype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_message_group_id_standard_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_message_group_id_standard_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_unicode_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_unicode_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_queue_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_set_queue_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_common_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "_get_common_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queues_in_multiple_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queues_in_multiple_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_queue_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_queue_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_queue_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_set_queue_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_without_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_without_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_with_attributes_with_labels": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_with_attributes_with_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_with_xml_content": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_with_xml_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility_than_permitted": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility_than_permitted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_timestamps": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_timestamps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_with_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_with_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_send_receive_message_with_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_send_receive_message_with_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes_no_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes_no_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_number_of_messages_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_max_number_of_messages_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wait_time_seconds_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_wait_time_seconds_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_messages_with_wait_seconds_timeout_of_zero": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_messages_with_wait_seconds_timeout_of_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_xml_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_xml_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_delay": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_delay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_large_message_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_large_message_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_becomes_inflight_when_received": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_becomes_inflight_when_received" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_with_explicit_visibility_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_with_explicit_visibility_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility_on_unknown_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility_on_unknown_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queue_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_queue_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_batch_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_batch_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility_on_old_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility_on_old_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility_on_visible_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility_on_visible_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_purge_queue_before_delete_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_purge_queue_before_delete_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_after_visibility_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_after_visibility_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_twice_using_same_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_twice_using_same_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_using_old_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_using_old_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_batch": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_batch_with_duplicates": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_batch_with_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_batch_with_invalid_receipt_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_batch_with_invalid_receipt_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_attributes_in_receive_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_attributes_in_receive_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_batch_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_batch_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_batch_with_empty_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_batch_with_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_change_message_visibility": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_batch_change_message_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_change_message_visibility_on_old_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_batch_change_message_visibility_on_old_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes_template_response_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes_template_response_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_queue_tags_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_list_queue_tags_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_queue_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_tag_queue_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_queue_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_untag_queue_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_queue_with_dlq": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_queue_with_dlq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queue_with_dlq": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_queue_with_dlq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redrive_policy_available": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_redrive_policy_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redrive_policy_non_existent_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_redrive_policy_non_existent_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redrive_policy_set_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_redrive_policy_set_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redrive_policy_set_attributes_with_string_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_redrive_policy_set_attributes_with_string_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id_on_requeue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id_on_requeue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id_on_visibility_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id_on_visibility_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_for_queue_with_receive_message_wait_time_seconds_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_for_queue_with_receive_message_wait_time_seconds_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_queues_limits_to_1000_queues": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_list_queues_limits_to_1000_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_to_fifo_without_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_to_fifo_without_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_messages_to_fifo_without_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_messages_to_fifo_without_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maximum_message_size_attribute_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_maximum_message_size_attribute_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maximum_message_size_attribute_fails_for_invalid_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_maximum_message_size_attribute_fails_for_invalid_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_fails_when_message_size_greater_than_max_message_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_fails_when_message_size_greater_than_max_message_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_queue_deduplication_with_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_queue_deduplication_with_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_queue_deduplication_withoutid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_queue_deduplication_withoutid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_queue_send_duplicate_messages_after_deduplication_time_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_queue_send_duplicate_messages_after_deduplication_time_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_queue_send_deduplicationid_same_as_sha256_of_old_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_queue_send_deduplicationid_same_as_sha256_of_old_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_send_message_when_same_group_id_is_in_dlq": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_send_message_when_same_group_id_is_in_dlq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_using_name__should_return_name_as_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_using_name__should_return_name_as_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_attributes_contains_trace_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_attributes_contains_trace_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_again_preserves_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_again_preserves_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_has_windows_return": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_has_windows_return" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_subresources": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_subresources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stack_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_list_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_from_cloudformation_json_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_from_cloudformation_json_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_and_remove_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_and_remove_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_and_add_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_and_add_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_passing_integer_as_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_passing_integer_as_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_queues_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_multiaccount.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "test_list_queues_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nonexistent_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_nonexistent_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_by_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_empty_string_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_empty_string_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_invalid_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_invalid_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_china": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_china" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_invalid_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_invalid_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_with_version_and_labels": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_with_version_and_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistant_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistant_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_filter_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_filter_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_filter_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_filter_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_filter_keyid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_filter_keyid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_keyid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_keyid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_needs_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_needs_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_invalid_parameter_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_invalid_parameter_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_invalid_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_invalid_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_in_list_tags_from_resource_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tags_in_list_tags_from_resource_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_invalid_resource_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tags_invalid_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_invalid_resource_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tags_invalid_resource_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_secure_default_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_secure_default_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_secure_custom_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_secure_custom_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_with_secure_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_with_secure_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_with_specific_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_with_specific_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_moving_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_moving_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_moving_versions_complex": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_moving_versions_complex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_exception_ten_labels_at_once": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_exception_ten_labels_at_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_exception_ten_labels_over_multiple_calls": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_exception_ten_labels_over_multiple_calls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_parameter_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_parameter_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label_non_latest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label_non_latest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label_latest_assumed": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label_latest_assumed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_missing_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_missing_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_add_remove_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_command": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_commands": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_commands" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_command_invocation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_command_invocation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_command_invocations_by_instance_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_command_invocations_by_instance_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parameter_version_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_parameter_version_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parameter_overwrite_fails_when_limit_reached_and_oldest_version_has_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_parameter_overwrite_fails_when_limit_reached_and_oldest_version_has_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_includes_invalid_parameter_when_requesting_invalid_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_includes_invalid_parameter_when_requesting_invalid_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_includes_invalid_parameter_when_requesting_invalid_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_includes_invalid_parameter_when_requesting_invalid_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_should_only_return_unique_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_should_only_return_unique_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_should_throw_exception_when_MaxResults_is_too_large": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_should_throw_exception_when_MaxResults_is_too_large" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_NextTokenImplementation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_NextTokenImplementation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_exception_when_requesting_invalid_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_exception_when_requesting_invalid_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_command_invocations_from_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_get_command_invocations_from_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_get_latest_ami_by_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_default_amis.py", + [ + "test_ssm_get_latest_ami_by_path" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_ec2_integration.py", + [ + "test_ssm_get_latest_ami_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_latest_amis_are_different_in_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_default_amis.py", + [ + "test_ssm_latest_amis_are_different_in_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_get_by_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_defaults.py", + [ + "test_ssm_get_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_region_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_defaults.py", + [ + "test_ssm_region_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_document_permissions_unknown_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_describe_document_permissions_unknown_document" + ] + ] + ], + "get_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "get_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_document_permissions_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_describe_document_permissions_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_document_permission_add_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_modify_document_permission_add_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_document_permission_remove_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_modify_document_permission_remove_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_wrong_permission_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_wrong_permission_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_wrong_document_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_wrong_document_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_add_invalid_account_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_add_invalid_account_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_remove_invalid_account_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_remove_invalid_account_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_add_all_and_specific": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_add_all_and_specific" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_remove_all_and_specific": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_remove_all_and_specific" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_yaml_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "_get_yaml_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_document_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "_validate_document_description" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_doc_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "_get_doc_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_create_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_get_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_delete_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_document_default_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_update_document_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_update_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_describe_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_documents": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_list_documents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_in_list_tags_from_resource_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_tags_in_list_tags_from_resource_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_describe_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_maintenance_windows_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_create_maintenance_windows_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_maintenance_windows_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_create_maintenance_windows_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_maintenance_windows": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_get_maintenance_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_maintenance_windows": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_describe_maintenance_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_maintenance_windows": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_delete_maintenance_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_setget": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_simple_setget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_get_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_aws_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_get_aws_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_iter_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter_aws": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_iter_aws" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_beginning_with": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_get_key_beginning_with" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_beginning_with_aws": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_get_key_beginning_with_aws" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_parameter_from_unknown_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_ssm_parameter_from_unknown_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__without_decryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__without_decryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__with_decryption_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__with_decryption_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__param_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__param_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convert_to_tree": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_utils.py", + [ + "test_convert_to_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convert_to_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_utils.py", + [ + "test_convert_to_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_input_is_correct": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_utils.py", + [ + "test_input_is_correct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssoadmin_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ssoadmin_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_account_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_create_account_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_assignment_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_assignment_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_account_assignments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_list_account_assignments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_permission_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_create_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_permission_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_update_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_permission_set_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_update_permission_set_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_permission_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_describe_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_permission_set_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_describe_permission_set_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_permission_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_delete_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_permission_set_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_delete_permission_set_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_permission_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_list_permission_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_permission_sets_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_list_permission_sets_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_fails_with_invalid_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_fails_with_invalid_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_requires_valid_role_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_requires_valid_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_state_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_update_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_returns_empty_list_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_returns_empty_list_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_returns_created_state_machines": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_returns_created_state_machines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_is_idempotent_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_is_idempotent_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_can_be_described": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_can_be_described" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_bad_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_bad_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_machine_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_machine_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_can_be_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_can_be_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_can_deleted_nonexisting_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_can_deleted_nonexisting_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_tagging_non_existent_resource_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_tagging_non_existent_resource_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_untagging_non_existent_resource_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_untagging_non_existent_resource_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_untagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_untagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_created_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_created_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_machine_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_machine_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_nonexisting_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_nonexisting_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_bad_arn_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_bad_arn_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_custom_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_custom_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_fails_on_duplicate_execution_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_fails_on_duplicate_execution_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_custom_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_custom_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_invalid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_invalid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_executions": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_executions_with_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_executions_with_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_executions_with_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_executions_with_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_executions_when_none_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_executions_when_none_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_with_no_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_with_no_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_with_custom_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_with_custom_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_execution_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_can_be_described_by_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_can_be_described_by_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_stop_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_stop_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_stop_raises_error_when_unknown_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_stop_raises_error_when_unknown_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_after_stoppage": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_after_stoppage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_throws_error_with_unknown_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_throws_error_with_unknown_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_contains_expected_success_events_when_started": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_contains_expected_success_events_when_started" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stepfunction_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_stepfunction_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_contains_expected_failure_events_when_started": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_contains_expected_failure_events_when_started" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "_get_default_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_cloudformation_update_with_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_cloudformation_update_with_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_cloudformation_update_with_no_interruption": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_cloudformation_update_with_no_interruption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_get_session_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sts_get_session_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_get_federation_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sts_get_federation_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_get_caller_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sts_get_caller_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_wellformed_xml": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sts_wellformed_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_session_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_session_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_federation_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_federation_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_not_rely_on_attribute_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_not_rely_on_attribute_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_respect_xml_namespaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_respect_xml_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_retrieve_attribute_value_from_text_when_xml_tag_contains_xmlns_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_retrieve_attribute_value_from_text_when_xml_tag_contains_xmlns_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_default_session_duration_to_3600_seconds_when_saml_attribute_not_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_default_session_duration_to_3600_seconds_when_saml_attribute_not_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_web_identity_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_web_identity_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_caller_identity_with_default_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_caller_identity_with_default_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_caller_identity_with_iam_user_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_caller_identity_with_iam_user_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_caller_identity_with_assumed_role_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_caller_identity_with_assumed_role_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_federation_token_with_too_long_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_federation_token_with_too_long_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_sts_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "test_assume_role_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "test_assume_role_with_saml_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamodb_supports_multiple_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "test_dynamodb_supports_multiple_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_check_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_check_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_does_not_return_wrong_check_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_does_not_return_wrong_check_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_check_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_check_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_does_not_return_wrong_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_does_not_return_wrong_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_amount_of_checks": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_amount_of_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_an_expected_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_an_expected_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_an_expected_check_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_an_expected_check_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_returns_expected_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_returns_expected_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_returns_an_expected_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_returns_an_expected_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycles_to_new_status_on_each_call": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycles_to_new_status_on_each_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycles_to_new_status_on_with_two_checks": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycles_to_new_status_on_with_two_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycle_continues_on_full_cycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycle_continues_on_full_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_case_is_closed": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_case_is_closed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_case_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_case_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_max_results_or_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_max_results_or_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_cc_email_correct": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_cc_email_correct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_case_include_resolved_defaults_to_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_case_include_resolved_defaults_to_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_case_include_communications_defaults_to_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_case_include_communications_defaults_to_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_support_created_cases_can_be_described": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_multiple_support_created_cases_can_be_described" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_contains_communications_when_set_to_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_contains_communications_when_set_to_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_does_not_contain_communications_when_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_does_not_contain_communications_when_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_contains_resolved_cases_when_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_contains_resolved_cases_when_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_does_not_contain_resolved_cases_when_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_does_not_contain_resolved_cases_when_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_can_cycle_case_severities": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_can_cycle_case_severities" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_reset_heartbeat_clock": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_reset_heartbeat_clock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_first_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_first_timeout_with_heartbeat_timeout_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_first_timeout_with_heartbeat_timeout_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_cannot_timeout_on_closed_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_cannot_timeout_on_closed_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_cannot_change_state_on_closed_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_cannot_change_state_on_closed_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_first_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_cannot_timeout_on_closed_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_cannot_timeout_on_closed_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_cannot_change_state_on_closed_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_cannot_change_state_on_closed_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_short_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "test_type_short_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_medium_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "test_type_medium_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "test_type_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_string_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "test_type_string_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_history_event_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_history_event.py", + [ + "test_history_event_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_history_event_to_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_history_event.py", + [ + "test_history_event_to_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_history_event_breaks_on_initialization_if_not_implemented": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_history_event.py", + [ + "test_history_event_breaks_on_initialization_if_not_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timer_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_timer.py", + [ + "test_timer_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timer_start_delegates_to_wrapped_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_timer.py", + [ + "test_timer_start_delegates_to_wrapped_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timer_aliveness_delegates_to_wrapped_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_timer.py", + [ + "test_timer_aliveness_delegates_to_wrapped_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timer_cancel_delegates_to_wrapped_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_timer.py", + [ + "test_timer_cancel_delegates_to_wrapped_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_creation_child_policy_logic": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_creation_child_policy_logic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_string_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_string_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_generates_a_random_run_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_generates_a_random_run_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_short_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_short_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_medium_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_medium_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closed_workflow_execution_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_closed_workflow_execution_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_list_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_list_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_decision_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_start_decision_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_start_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_history_events_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_history_events_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_start": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_complete": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_without_task_list_should_take_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_without_task_list_should_take_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_should_fail_if_wrong_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_should_fail_if_wrong_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_failure_triggers_new_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_failure_triggers_new_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_with_same_activity_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_with_same_activity_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_start_activity_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_start_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complete_activity_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_complete_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timeouts_are_processed_in_order_and_reevaluated": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_timeouts_are_processed_in_order_and_reevaluated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_marker": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_record_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_start_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_timer_correctly_fires_timer_later": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_start_timer_correctly_fires_timer_later" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_timer_fails_if_timer_already_started": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_start_timer_fails_if_timer_already_started" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_cancel_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_timer_fails_if_timer_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_cancel_timer_fails_if_timer_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_workflow": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_cancel_workflow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_workflow_fails_if_open_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_cancel_workflow_fails_if_open_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_activity_task_when_one_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_activity_task_when_one_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_activity_task_when_none_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_activity_task_when_none_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_pending_activity_tasks_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_count_pending_activity_tasks_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_on_closed_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_on_closed_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_with_task_already_completed_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_with_task_already_completed_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_failed_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_failed_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_with_wrong_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_with_wrong_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_with_wrong_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_with_wrong_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_sets_details_in_case_of_timeout_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_sets_details_in_case_of_timeout_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_register_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_already_existing_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_register_already_existing_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_activity_types_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_list_activity_types_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_activity_types_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_list_activity_types_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_non_existent_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_non_existent_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_activity_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_activity_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_activity_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_activity_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_when_one_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_when_one_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_previous_started_event_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_previous_started_event_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_when_none_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_when_none_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_on_non_existent_queue_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_on_non_existent_queue_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_with_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_with_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_on_non_existent_task_list_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_on_non_existent_task_list_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_after_decision_completes_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_after_decision_completes_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_no_decision_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_no_decision_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_wrong_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_wrong_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_on_close_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_on_close_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_task_already_completed_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_task_already_completed_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_complete_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_complete_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_close_decision_not_last_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_close_decision_not_last_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_invalid_decision_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_invalid_decision_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_missing_attributes_totally_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_missing_attributes_totally_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_fail_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_fail_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_schedule_activity_task_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_schedule_activity_task_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_marker_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_record_marker_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_and_fire_timer_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_and_fire_timer_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_workflow_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_cancel_workflow_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_heartbeat_timeout_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_timeouts.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_heartbeat_timeout_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_start_to_close_timeout_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_timeouts.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_start_to_close_timeout_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_start_to_close_timeout_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_timeouts.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_start_to_close_timeout_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_swf_environment_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "setup_swf_environment_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_start_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signal_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_signal_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_already_started_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_start_already_started_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_workflow_execution_on_deprecated_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_start_workflow_execution_on_deprecated_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_describe_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_with_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_with_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_on_non_existent_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_on_non_existent_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_workflow_executions_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_open_workflow_executions_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_closed_workflow_executions_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_closed_workflow_executions_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_terminate_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_workflow_execution_with_wrong_workflow_or_run_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_terminate_workflow_execution_with_wrong_workflow_or_run_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_register_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_already_existing_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_register_already_existing_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_workflow_types_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_list_workflow_types_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_workflow_types_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_list_workflow_types_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_non_existent_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_non_existent_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_workflow_type_full_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_workflow_type_full_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_client_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_client_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_unknown_resource_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_unknown_resource_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_unknown_resource_fault_with_only_one_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_unknown_resource_fault_with_only_one_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_domain_already_exists_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_domain_already_exists_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_domain_deprecated_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_domain_deprecated_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_serialization_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_serialization_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_type_already_exists_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_type_already_exists_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_type_deprecated_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_type_deprecated_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_workflow_execution_already_started_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_workflow_execution_already_started_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_default_undefined_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_default_undefined_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_validation_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_validation_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_decision_validation_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_decision_validation_error" + ] + ] + ], + "get_basic_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "get_basic_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "_generic_workflow_type_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "_generic_workflow_type_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_generic_workflow_type_attributes_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "_generic_workflow_type_attributes_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "get_basic_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "get_basic_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_basic_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "mock_basic_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_basic_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "mock_basic_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "make_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "make_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_start_decision_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "auto_start_decision_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_workflow_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "setup_workflow_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "process_first_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "process_first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textract_start_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_server.py", + [ + "test_textract_start_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textract_start_text_detection_without_document_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_server.py", + [ + "test_textract_start_text_detection_without_document_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textract_get_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_server.py", + [ + "test_textract_get_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textract_get_text_detection_without_job_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_server.py", + [ + "test_textract_get_text_detection_without_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_document_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_textract.py", + [ + "test_get_document_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_document_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_textract.py", + [ + "test_start_document_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_document_text_detection_without_job_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_textract.py", + [ + "test_get_document_text_detection_without_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_document_text_detection_without_document_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_textract.py", + [ + "test_get_document_text_detection_without_document_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timestreamwrite_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_server.py", + [ + "test_timestreamwrite_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_create_database_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_create_database_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_describe_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table__with_magnetic_store_write_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table__with_magnetic_store_write_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_without_retention_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_without_retention_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_tables": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table__with_magnetic_store_write_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table__with_magnetic_store_write_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_records": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_write_records" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tagging_for_table_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tagging_for_table_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tagging_for_table_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tagging_for_table_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tagging_for_database_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tagging_for_database_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tagging_for_database_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tagging_for_database_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_and_untag_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_tag_and_untag_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_all_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_all_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_all_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_all_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_s3output_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_s3output_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_identify_language_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_identify_language_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_medical_transcription_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_transcription_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_with_existing_job_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_with_existing_job_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_with_existing_job_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_with_existing_job_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_nonexistent_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_nonexistent_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_nonexistent_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_nonexistent_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "run_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_medical_transcription_jobs", + "run_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_transcription_jobs", + "run_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_medical_transcription_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_medical_transcription_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_transcription_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_transcription_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vocab": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_vocabularies", + "create_vocab" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_medical_vocabularies", + "create_vocab" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_vocabularies": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_vocabularies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_medical_vocabularies": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_medical_vocabularies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_medical_vocabulary_with_existing_vocabulary_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_medical_vocabulary_with_existing_vocabulary_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vocabulary_with_existing_vocabulary_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_vocabulary_with_existing_vocabulary_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vocabulary_with_bad_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_vocabulary_with_bad_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_image_ref": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_docker_utilities.py", + [ + "test_parse_image_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_image_ref_default_container_registry": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_docker_utilities.py", + [ + "test_parse_image_ref_default_container_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator_without_max_results__throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator_without_max_results__throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_with_just_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_with_just_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_without_range_key__throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_without_range_key__throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_with_unknown_range_key__throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_with_unknown_range_key__throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_5": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_5" + ] + ] + ], + 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"AWSTooManyTagsException": [ + [ + "moto/acm/exceptions.py", + [ + "AWSTooManyTagsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TagHolder": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder" + ] + ] + ], + "CertBundle": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + 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"moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "CertificateAuthority": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority" + ] + ] + ], + "ACMPCABackend": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ACMPCAResponse": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AmpException": [ + [ + "moto/amp/exceptions.py", + [ + "AmpException" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkspaceNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/amp/exceptions.py", + [ + "WorkspaceNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleGroupNamespaceNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/amp/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleGroupNamespaceNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleGroupNamespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "RuleGroupNamespace" + ] + ] + ], + "Workspace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "Workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "PrometheusServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PrometheusServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiGatewayException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayException" + ] + ] + ], + "BadRequestException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadRequestException" + ] + ] + ], + "NotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessDeniedException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessDeniedException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessDeniedException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessDeniedException" + ] + ] + ], + "ConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConflictException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConflictException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConflictException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConflictException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConflictException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "AwsProxyNotAllowed": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "AwsProxyNotAllowed" + ] + ] + ], + "CrossAccountNotAllowed": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrossAccountNotAllowed" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrossAccountNotAllowed" + ] + ] + ], + "RoleNotSpecified": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "RoleNotSpecified" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationMethodNotDefined": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "IntegrationMethodNotDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidOpenAPIDocumentException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidOpenAPIDocumentException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidOpenApiDocVersionException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidOpenApiDocVersionException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidOpenApiModeException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidOpenApiModeException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourcePathException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourcePathException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidHttpEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidHttpEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArn": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArn" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIntegrationArn": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidIntegrationArn" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRequestInput": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestInput" + ] + ] + ], + "NoIntegrationDefined": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoIntegrationDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "NoIntegrationResponseDefined": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoIntegrationResponseDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "NoMethodDefined": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoMethodDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorizerNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "AuthorizerNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "StageNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "StageNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiKeyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiKeyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "UsagePlanNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "UsagePlanNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiKeyAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiKeyAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDomainName": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDomainName" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDomainName" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDomainName" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainNameNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "DomainNameNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DomainNameNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRestApiId": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRestApiId" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidModelName": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidModelName" + ] + ] + ], + "RestAPINotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "RestAPINotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestValidatorNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "RequestValidatorNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ModelNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ModelNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiKeyValueMinLength": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiKeyValueMinLength" + ] + ] + ], + "MethodNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "MethodNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidBasePathException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidBasePathException" + ] + ] + ], + "DeploymentNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "DeploymentNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRestApiIdForBasePathMappingException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRestApiIdForBasePathMappingException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStageException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStageException" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePathConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "BasePathConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePathNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "BasePathNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceIdNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceIdNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "VpcLinkNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "VpcLinkNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "VpcLinkNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "StageStillActive": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "StageStillActive" + ] + ] + ], + "GatewayResponseNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/exceptions.py", + [ + "GatewayResponseNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationParser": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegrationParser" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeAwsParser": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/aws_parser.py", + [ + "TypeAwsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeHttpParser": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/http_parser.py", + [ + "TypeHttpParser" + ] + ] + ], + "TypeUnknownParser": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/unknown_parser.py", + [ + "TypeUnknownParser" + ] + ] + ], + "Deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration" + ] + ] + ], + "MethodResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "MethodResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method" + ] + ] + ], + "Resource": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "Resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "Resource" + ] + ] + ], + "Authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "Stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Stage" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiKey": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "ApiKey" + ] + ] + ], + "UsagePlan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "UsagePlan" + ] + ] + ], + "RequestValidator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RequestValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "UsagePlanKey": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "UsagePlanKey" + ] + ] + ], + "VpcLink": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink" + ] + ] + ], + "RestAPI": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainName": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "DomainName" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "DomainName" + ] + ] + ], + "Model": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "Model" + ] + ] + ], + "BasePathMapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "BasePathMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "GatewayResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "GatewayResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "APIGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "APIGatewayResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Connection": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/models.py", + [ + "Connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Connection" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiGatewayManagementApiBackend": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiGatewayManagementApiResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "APIGatewayV2Error": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "APIGatewayV2Error" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthorizerNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "AuthorizerNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteResponseNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RouteResponseNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "IntegrationNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "IntegrationResponseNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponseNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RouteNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownProtocol": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownProtocol" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainNameAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DomainNameAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiMappingNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApiMappingNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "StageNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "StageNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteResponse": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "RouteResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route" + ] + ] + ], + "Api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiMapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiGatewayV2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "ApiGatewayV2Response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "AppNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/exceptions.py", + [ + "AppNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationProfileNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConfigurationProfileNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationVersionNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConfigurationVersionNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "HostedConfigurationVersion": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "HostedConfigurationVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationProfile": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "Application": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "Application" + ] + ] + ], + "AppConfigBackend": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AppConfigResponse": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceTypeExceptionValueSet": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ResourceTypeExceptionValueSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceNamespaceValueSet": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ServiceNamespaceValueSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ScalableDimensionValueSet": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ScalableDimensionValueSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeScalableTarget": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalableTarget" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeApplicationAutoscalingPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplicationAutoscalingPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeScheduledAction": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction" + ] + ] + ], + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AppSyncExceptions": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/exceptions.py", + [ + "AppSyncExceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphqlAPINotFound": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/exceptions.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPINotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphQLSchemaException": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/exceptions.py", + [ + "GraphQLSchemaException" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphqlSchema": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphqlAPIKey": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPIKey" + ] + ] + ], + "GraphqlAPI": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI" + ] + ] + ], + "AppSyncBackend": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AppSyncResponse": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AthenaClientError": [ + [ + "moto/athena/exceptions.py", + [ + "AthenaClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggableResourceMixin": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkGroup": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "WorkGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "DataCatalog": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "DataCatalog" + ] + ] + ], + "Execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "Execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "Execution" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryResults": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "QueryResults" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rdsdata/models.py", + [ + "QueryResults" + ] + ] + ], + "NamedQuery": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "NamedQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "PreparedStatement": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "PreparedStatement" + ] + ] + ], + "AthenaBackend": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AthenaResponse": [ + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoscalingClientError": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/exceptions.py", + [ + "AutoscalingClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceContentionError": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceContentionError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInstanceError": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInstanceError" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidationError": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "ValidationError" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceState": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "InstanceState" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceState" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeLifeCycleHook": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLifeCycleHook" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeScalingPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalingPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeLaunchConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAutoScalingGroup": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoScalingBackend": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoScalingResponse": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaClientError": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "LambdaClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctionAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "FunctionAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRoleFormat": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRoleFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "PreconditionFailedException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "PreconditionFailedException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownAliasException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownAliasException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownFunctionException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownFunctionException" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctionUrlConfigNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "FunctionUrlConfigNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownLayerException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownLayerException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownLayerVersionException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownLayerVersionException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownPolicyException": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownPolicyException" + ] + ] + ], + "_VolumeRefCount": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_VolumeRefCount" + ] + ] + ], + "_DockerDataVolumeContext": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_DockerDataVolumeContext" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageConfig": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "ImageConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "Permission": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Permission" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerVersion": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaAlias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaAlias" + ] + ] + ], + "Layer": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Layer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Layer" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaFunction": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "FunctionUrlConfig": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "FunctionUrlConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "EventSourceMapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaVersion": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaStorage": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "LayerStorage": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaBackend": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/policies.py", + [ + "Policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaResponse": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRequestException": [ + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequestException" + ] + ] + ], + "InternalFailure": [ + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InternalFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "ClientException": [ + [ + "moto/batch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientException" + ] + ] + ], + "ComputeEnvironment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "JobQueue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue" + ] + ] + ], + "JobDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "Job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Job" + ] + ] + ], + "SchedulingPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "SchedulingPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchBackend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchResponse": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchSimpleBackend": [ + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchSimpleResponse": [ + [ + "moto/batch_simple/responses.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateRecordException": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateRecordException" + ] + ] + ], + "BudgetMissingLimit": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/exceptions.py", + [ + "BudgetMissingLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "Notification": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Notification" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification" + ] + ] + ], + "Budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget" + ] + ] + ], + "BudgetsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BudgetsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CostCategoryNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/ce/exceptions.py", + [ + "CostCategoryNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "CostCategoryDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostCategoryDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "CostExplorerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CostExplorerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomModel": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel" + ] + ] + ], + "UnformattedGetAttTemplateException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnformattedGetAttTemplateException" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingParameterError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "ExportNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExportNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "StackSetNotEmpty": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "StackSetNotEmpty" + ] + ] + ], + "StackSetNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "StackSetNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsupportedAttribute": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnsupportedAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStackSet": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStackInstance": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStackInstances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeChange": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChange" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeChangeSet": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeEvent": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFormationBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Output": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Output" + ] + ] + ], + "LazyDict": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "LazyDict" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceMap": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap" + ] + ] + ], + "OutputMap": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap" + ] + ] + ], + "Export": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Export" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFormationResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFrontException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "CloudFrontException" + ] + ] + ], + "OriginDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "OriginDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidOriginServer": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidOriginServer" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainNameNotAnS3Bucket": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "DomainNameNotAnS3Bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "DistributionAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "DistributionAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIfMatchVersion": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidIfMatchVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchDistribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchDistribution" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchOriginAccessControl": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchOriginAccessControl" + ] + ] + ], + "ActiveTrustedSigners": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "ActiveTrustedSigners" + ] + ] + ], + "ActiveTrustedKeyGroups": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "ActiveTrustedKeyGroups" + ] + ] + ], + "LambdaFunctionAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunctionAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "ForwardedValues": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "ForwardedValues" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultCacheBehaviour": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "DefaultCacheBehaviour" + ] + ] + ], + "Logging": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Logging" + ] + ] + ], + "ViewerCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "ViewerCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomOriginConfig": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CustomOriginConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "Origin": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Origin" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoRestrictions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "GeoRestrictions" + ] + ] + ], + "DistributionConfig": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "DistributionConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "Distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "OriginAccessControl": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "OriginAccessControl" + ] + ] + ], + "Invalidation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Invalidation" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFrontBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFrontResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterCombinationException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombinationException" + ] + ] + ], + "S3BucketDoesNotExistException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3BucketDoesNotExistException" + ] + ] + ], + "InsufficientSnsTopicPolicyException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "InsufficientSnsTopicPolicyException" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTrailNameException": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTrailNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameTooShort": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameTooShort" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameTooLong": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameTooLong" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameNotStartingCorrectly": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameNotStartingCorrectly" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameNotEndingCorrectly": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameNotEndingCorrectly" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailNameInvalidChars": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/exceptions.py", + [ + "TrailNameInvalidChars" + ] + ] + ], + "TrailStatus": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "TrailStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "Trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudTrailBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudTrailResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFormat": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValue": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValue" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterCombination": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombination" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "Dimension": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "Metric": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Metric" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricStat": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricStat" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricDataQuery": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricDataQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAlarm": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "FakeAlarm" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricDatumBase": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricDatumBase" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricDatum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricDatum" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricAggregatedDatum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricAggregatedDatum" + ] + ] + ], + "Dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "Statistics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudWatchBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudWatchResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInputException": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInputException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeBuildProjectMetadata": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildProjectMetadata" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeBuild": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuild" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeBuildBackend": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeBuildResponse": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryNameExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryNameExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryDoesNotExistException": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryDoesNotExistException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRepositoryNameException": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRepositoryNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeCommit": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommit" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeCommitBackend": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CodeCommitResponse": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStructureException": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStructureException" + ] + ] + ], + "PipelineNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "PipelineNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTagsException": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTagsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyTagsException": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTagsException" + ] + ] + ], + "CodePipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "CodePipelineBackend": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CodePipelineResponse": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNameException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdentityPool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityPool" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdentityBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdentityResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AliasExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "AliasExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "UserNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "UserNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "UsernameExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "UsernameExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "GroupExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "GroupExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "NotAuthorizedError": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotAuthorizedError" + ] + ] + ], + "UserNotConfirmedException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "UserNotConfirmedException" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpiredCodeException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExpiredCodeException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/textract/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPasswordException": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPasswordException" + ] + ] + ], + "UserStatus": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "UserStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthFlow": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "AuthFlow" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUserPool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUserPoolDomain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolDomain" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpIdentityProvider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpIdentityProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpGroup": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpUser": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoResourceServer": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoResourceServer" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RegionAgnosticBackend": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CognitoIdpJsonWebKeyResponse": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpJsonWebKeyResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DetectPIIValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/exceptions.py", + [ + "DetectPIIValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "TextSizeLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/exceptions.py", + [ + "TextSizeLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityRecognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "EntityRecognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "ComprehendBackend": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ComprehendResponse": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "NameTooLongException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NameTooLongException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "NameTooLongException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConfigurationRecorderNameException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConfigurationRecorderNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNumberOfConfigurationRecordersExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "MaxNumberOfConfigurationRecordersExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRecordingGroupException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRecordingGroupException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceTypeException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceTypeException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchConfigurationAggregatorException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchConfigurationAggregatorException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDeliveryChannelNameException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDeliveryChannelNameException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchBucketException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchBucketException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNextTokenException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextTokenException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextTokenException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextTokenException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidS3KeyPrefixException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidS3KeyPrefixException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidS3KmsKeyArnException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidS3KmsKeyArnException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSNSTopicARNException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSNSTopicARNException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDeliveryFrequency": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDeliveryFrequency" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNumberOfDeliveryChannelsExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "MaxNumberOfDeliveryChannelsExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchDeliveryChannelException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchDeliveryChannelException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoAvailableConfigurationRecorderException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoAvailableConfigurationRecorderException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoAvailableDeliveryChannelException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoAvailableDeliveryChannelException" + ] + ] + ], + "LastDeliveryChannelDeleteFailedException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "LastDeliveryChannelDeleteFailedException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyAccountSources": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyAccountSources" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateTags": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTags" + ] + ] + ], + "TagKeyTooBig": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagKeyTooBig" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagKeyTooBig" + ] + ] + ], + "TagValueTooBig": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagValueTooBig" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagValueTooBig" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTagCharacters": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTagCharacters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTagCharacters" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyTags": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTags" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceParameters": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceParameters" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLimitException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLimitException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyResourceIds": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyResourceIds" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotDiscoveredException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotDiscoveredException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyResourceKeys": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyResourceKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResultTokenException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResultTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchOrganizationConformancePackException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchOrganizationConformancePackException" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNumberOfConfigRulesExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "MaxNumberOfConfigRulesExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceInUseException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseException" + ] + ] + ], + "InsufficientPermissionsException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "InsufficientPermissionsException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchConfigRuleException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchConfigRuleException" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingRequiredConfigRuleParameterException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingRequiredConfigRuleParameterException" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchRetentionConfigurationException": [ + [ + "moto/config/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchRetentionConfigurationException" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigEmptyDictable": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigEmptyDictable" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigRecorderStatus": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRecorderStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigDeliverySnapshotProperties": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigDeliverySnapshotProperties" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigDeliveryChannel": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigDeliveryChannel" + ] + ] + ], + "RecordingGroup": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "RecordingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigRecorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRecorder" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountAggregatorSource": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "AccountAggregatorSource" + ] + ] + ], + "OrganizationAggregationSource": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationAggregationSource" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigAggregator": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigAggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigAggregationAuthorization": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigAggregationAuthorization" + ] + ] + ], + "OrganizationConformancePack": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationConformancePack" + ] + ] + ], + "Scope": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "Scope" + ] + ] + ], + "SourceDetail": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "SourceDetail" + ] + ] + ], + "Source": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "Source" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigRule": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRule" + ] + ] + ], + "RetentionConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "RetentionConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigBackend": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigResponse": [ + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceTrackerMeta": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "InstanceTrackerMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseBackend": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountSpecificBackend": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BackendDict": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict" + ] + ] + ], + "MockRawResponse": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "MockRawResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "BotocoreStubber": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "BotocoreStubber" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModel": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "BaseModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFormationModel": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigQueryModel": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "ConfigQueryModel" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudWatchMetricProvider": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchMetricProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "CallbackResponse": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "CallbackResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RESTError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RESTError" + ] + ] + ], + "DryRunClientError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "DryRunClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "JsonRESTError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "JsonRESTError" + ] + ] + ], + "SignatureDoesNotMatchError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "SignatureDoesNotMatchError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidClientTokenIdError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidClientTokenIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessDeniedError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessDeniedError" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthFailureError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "AuthFailureError" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSError": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "AWSError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidToken": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidToken" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidToken" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseMockAWS": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS" + ] + ] + ], + "BotocoreEventMockAWS": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BotocoreEventMockAWS" + ] + ] + ], + "ServerModeMockAWS": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS" + ] + ] + ], + "base_decorator": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "base_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamicDictLoader": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "DynamicDictLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseResponse": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "_RecursiveDictRef": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSServiceSpec": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomRegistry": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses_custom_registry.py", + [ + "CustomRegistry" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_flask_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_flask_response" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_flask_to_responses_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_flask_to_responses_response" + ] + ] + ], + "DataBrewClientError": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "DataBrewClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "AlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "AlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "AlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "AlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "RulesetAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "RulesetAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "RulesetNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "RulesetNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceQuotaExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/exceptions.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotaExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "DataBrewBackend": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRecipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRecipeVersion": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipeVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRuleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRuleset" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeDataset" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseModelABCMeta": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "BaseModelABCMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeJob": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeProfileJob": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeProfileJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRecipeJob": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipeJob" + ] + ] + ], + "DataBrewResponse": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "PipelineObject": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "PipelineObject" + ] + ] + ], + "Pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "DataPipelineBackend": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DataPipelineResponse": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DataSyncClientError": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/exceptions.py", + [ + "DataSyncClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "Location": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "Location" + ] + ] + ], + "Task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "Task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Task" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskExecution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "TaskExecution" + ] + ] + ], + "DataSyncBackend": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DataSyncResponse": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterNotFoundFault": [ + [ + "moto/dax/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterNotFoundFault" + ] + ] + ], + "DaxParameterGroup": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxParameterGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "DaxNode": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxNode" + ] + ] + ], + "DaxEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "DaxCluster": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "DAXBackend": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DAXResponse": [ + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DmsClientError": [ + [ + "moto/dms/exceptions.py", + [ + "DmsClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFoundFault": [ + [ + "moto/dms/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundFault" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceStateFault": [ + [ + "moto/dms/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceStateFault" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAlreadyExistsFault": [ + [ + "moto/dms/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyExistsFault" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeReplicationTask": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DsValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DsValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectoryLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DirectoryLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityDoesNotExistException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityDoesNotExistException" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TagLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/ds/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "Directory": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectoryServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DirectoryServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Op": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Op" + ] + ] + ], + "RecursionStopIteration": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "RecursionStopIteration" + ] + ] + ], + "Kind": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "Kind" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedSecurityGroup", + "Kind" + ] + ] + ], + "Nonterminal": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "Nonterminal" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionExpressionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "Operand": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Operand" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributePath": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributeValue" + ] + ] + ], + "OpDefault": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpDefault" + ] + ] + ], + "OpNot": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNot" + ] + ] + ], + "OpAnd": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpAnd" + ] + ] + ], + "OpLessThan": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpLessThan" + ] + ] + ], + "OpGreaterThan": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpGreaterThan" + ] + ] + ], + "OpEqual": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "OpNotEqual": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNotEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "OpLessThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpLessThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "OpGreaterThanOrEqual": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpGreaterThanOrEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "OpOr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpOr" + ] + ] + ], + "Func": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Func" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncAttrExists": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrExists" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncAttrType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrType" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncBeginsWith": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncBeginsWith" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncContains": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncContains" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncSize": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncSize" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncBetween": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncBetween" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncIn": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncIn" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamodbException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DynamodbException" + ] + ] + ], + "MockValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "MockValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIndexNameError": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidIndexNameError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidUpdateExpressionInvalidDocumentPath": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidUpdateExpressionInvalidDocumentPath" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidUpdateExpression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidUpdateExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConditionExpression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConditionExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionAttributeIsReservedKeyword": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConditionAttributeIsReservedKeyword" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "AttributeDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "ProvidedKeyDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ProvidedKeyDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeNameNotDefined": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeNameNotDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeIsReservedKeyword": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "AttributeIsReservedKeyword" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeValueNotDefined": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValueNotDefined" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExprSyntaxError": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "UpdateExprSyntaxError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTokenException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidExpressionAttributeNameKey": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidExpressionAttributeNameKey" + ] + ] + ], + "ItemSizeTooLarge": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ItemSizeTooLarge" + ] + ] + ], + "ItemSizeToUpdateTooLarge": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ItemSizeToUpdateTooLarge" + ] + ] + ], + "HashKeyTooLong": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "HashKeyTooLong" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeKeyTooLong": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "RangeKeyTooLong" + ] + ] + ], + "IncorrectOperandType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "IncorrectOperandType" + ] + ] + ], + "IncorrectDataType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "IncorrectDataType" + ] + ] + ], + "ConditionalCheckFailed": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConditionalCheckFailed" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactionCanceledException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TransactionCanceledException" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleTransactionsException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "MultipleTransactionsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyTransactionsException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTransactionsException" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyKeyAttributeException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyKeyAttributeException" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateHashRangeKeyException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "UpdateHashRangeKeyException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAttributeTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAttributeTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateUpdateExpression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateUpdateExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyAddClauses": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyAddClauses" + ] + ] + ], + "TableNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TableNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "TableNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "SourceTableNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "SourceTableNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "BackupNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "BackupNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TableAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TableAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "TableAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamAlreadyEnabledException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "StreamAlreadyEnabledException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConversion": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConversion" + ] + ] + ], + "TransactWriteSingleOpException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TransactWriteSingleOpException" + ] + ] + ], + "SerializationException": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/exceptions.py", + [ + "SerializationException" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoDBBackend": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DDBType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DDBType" + ] + ] + ], + "DDBTypeConversion": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DDBTypeConversion" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoType": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType" + ] + ] + ], + "LimitedSizeDict": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "LimitedSizeDict" + ] + ] + ], + "Item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Item" + ] + ] + ], + "SecondaryIndex": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "SecondaryIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "LocalSecondaryIndex": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "LocalSecondaryIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "GlobalSecondaryIndex": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "GlobalSecondaryIndex" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamRecord": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "StreamRecord" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamShard": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "StreamShard" + ] + ] + ], + "Table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table" + ] + ] + ], + "Backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Backup" + ] + ] + ], + "RestoredTable": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "RestoredTable" + ] + ] + ], + "RestoredPITTable": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "RestoredPITTable" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoJsonEncoder": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/utilities.py", + [ + "DynamoJsonEncoder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoJsonEncoder" + ] + ] + ], + "Node": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node" + ] + ] + ], + "LeafNode": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "LeafNode" + ] + ] + ], + "Expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Expression" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpression" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionClause" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetClause" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetActions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActions" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetAction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetAction" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActions" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveAction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveAction" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddActions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActions" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddAction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddAction" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActions" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteAction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteAction" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionPath": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPath" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValue" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValue" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClause" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddClause" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClause" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionPathDescender": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathDescender" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionSelector": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionSelector" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttribute": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeName": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeName" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValue" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionValueOperator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionValueOperator" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionFunction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "DDBTypedValue": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DDBTypedValue" + ] + ] + ], + "NoneExistingPath": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPath" + ] + ] + ], + "DepthFirstTraverser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser" + ] + ] + ], + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher" + ] + ] + ], + "NodeExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "SetExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "SetExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "DeleteExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "RemoveExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "RemoveExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "AddExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "AddExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionExecutor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionExecutor" + ] + ] + ], + "NestableExpressionParserMixin": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "NestableBinExpressionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetClauseParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetClauseParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionSetActionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionPathParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionValueParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValueParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValueParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionValueOperatorParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueOperatorParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueOrPathParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueOrPathParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionFunctionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClauseParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClauseParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddClauseParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddClauseParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionPathValueParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathValueParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionAddActionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClauseParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClauseParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionsParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionsParser" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionParser": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionParser" + ] + ] + ], + "EXPRESSION_STAGES": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "EXPRESSION_STAGES" + ] + ] + ], + "ReservedKeywords": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/reserved_keywords.py", + [ + "ReservedKeywords" + ] + ] + ], + "Token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "Token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "Token" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionTokenizer": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeValueProcessor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValueProcessor" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionPathResolver": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver" + ] + ] + ], + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator" + ] + ] + ], + "NoneExistingPathChecker": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPathChecker" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecuteOperations": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyStringKeyValueValidator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "EmptyStringKeyValueValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateHashRangeKeyValidator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateHashRangeKeyValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "Validator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "Validator" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateExpressionValidator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoHandler": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "ShardIterator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "ShardIterator" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "Block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "Block" + ] + ] + ], + "EBSSnapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSSnapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "EBSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EBSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "EC2ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DefaultVpcAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DefaultVpcAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "DependencyViolationError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DependencyViolationError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDHCPOptionsIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDHCPOptionsIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRequest": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequest" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedDHCPOptionsIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedDHCPOptionsIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidKeyPairNameError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidKeyPairNameError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidKeyPairDuplicateError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidKeyPairDuplicateError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidKeyPairFormatError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidKeyPairFormatError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFlowLogIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFlowLogIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "FlowLogAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "FlowLogAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNetworkAclIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNetworkAclIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpnGatewayIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpnGatewayIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpnGatewayAttachmentError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpnGatewayAttachmentError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpnConnectionIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpnConnectionIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCustomerGatewayIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCustomerGatewayIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNetworkInterfaceIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNetworkInterfaceIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNetworkAttachmentIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNetworkAttachmentIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSecurityGroupDuplicateError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSecurityGroupDuplicateError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSecurityGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSecurityGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPermissionNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPermissionNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPermissionDuplicateError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPermissionDuplicateError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRouteTableIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRouteTableIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRouteError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRouteError" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RouteAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteNotSupportedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RouteNotSupportedError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInstanceIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInstanceIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInstanceTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInstanceTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAMIIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAMIIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "UnvailableAMIIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnvailableAMIIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAMIAttributeItemValueError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAMIAttributeItemValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedAMIIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedAMIIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSnapshotIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSnapshotIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSnapshotInUse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSnapshotInUse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVolumeIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVolumeIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVolumeAttachmentError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVolumeAttachmentError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVolumeDetachmentError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVolumeDetachmentError" + ] + ] + ], + "VolumeInUseError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "VolumeInUseError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAddressError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAddressError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAllocationIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAllocationIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAssociationIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAssociationIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpcCidrBlockAssociationIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpcCidrBlockAssociationIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCPeeringConnectionIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCPeeringConnectionIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCPeeringConnectionStateTransitionError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCPeeringConnectionStateTransitionError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidServiceName": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidServiceName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNextToken": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNextToken" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDependantParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDependantParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDependantParameterTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDependantParameterTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAggregationIntervalParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAggregationIntervalParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueErrorTagSpotFleetRequest": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueErrorTagSpotFleetRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueErrorReplaceRoute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueErrorReplaceRoute" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyTagSpecError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyTagSpecError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueErrorTagNull": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueErrorTagNull" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterValueErrorUnknownAttribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterValueErrorUnknownAttribute" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidGatewayIDError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidGatewayIDError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInternetGatewayIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInternetGatewayIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "GatewayNotAttachedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "GatewayNotAttachedError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAlreadyAssociatedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceAlreadyAssociatedError" + ] + ] + ], + "TagLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidID": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidID" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCIDRSubnetError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCIDRSubnetError" + ] + ] + ], + "RulesPerSecurityGroupLimitExceededError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RulesPerSecurityGroupLimitExceededError" + ] + ] + ], + "MotoNotImplementedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "MotoNotImplementedError" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterNotImplementedError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "FilterNotImplementedError" + ] + ] + ], + "CidrLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "CidrLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsupportedTenancy": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnsupportedTenancy" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermitted": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermitted" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAvailabilityZoneError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAvailabilityZoneError" + ] + ] + ], + "AvailabilityZoneNotFromRegionError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "AvailabilityZoneNotFromRegionError" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAclEntryAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "NetworkAclEntryAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetRangeError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetRangeError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCIDRBlockParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCIDRBlockParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDestinationCIDRBlockParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDestinationCIDRBlockParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetConflictError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetConflictError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCRangeError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCRangeError" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermitted2": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermitted2" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermitted3": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermitted3" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermitted4": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermitted4" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameNotFoundWithNameError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLaunchTemplateNameNotFoundWithNameError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterDependency": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterDependency" + ] + ] + ], + "IncorrectStateIamProfileAssociationError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "IncorrectStateIamProfileAssociationError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAssociationIDIamProfileAssociationError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAssociationIDIamProfileAssociationError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVpcEndPointIdError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVpcEndPointIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTaggableResourceType": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTaggableResourceType" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInvalidParameterValueError": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "GenericInvalidParameterValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetCidrBlockAssociationID": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetCidrBlockAssociationID" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCarrierGatewayID": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCarrierGatewayID" + ] + ] + ], + "NoLoadBalancersProvided": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoLoadBalancersProvided" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownVpcEndpointService": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownVpcEndpointService" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthFailureRestricted": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/exceptions.py", + [ + "AuthFailureRestricted" + ] + ] + ], + "SettingsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SettingsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "Ami": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "Ami" + ] + ] + ], + "AmiBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Region": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "Region" + ] + ] + ], + "Zone": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "Zone" + ] + ] + ], + "RegionsAndZonesBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "RegionsAndZonesBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "CarrierGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "CarrierGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedEC2Resource": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomerGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomerGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "DHCPOptionsSet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSet" + ] + ] + ], + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VolumeModification": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeModification" + ] + ] + ], + "VolumeAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "Volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume" + ] + ] + ], + "Snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticAddress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticAddressBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkInterface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkInterfaceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Fleet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "FleetsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FlowLogs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs" + ] + ] + ], + "FlowLogsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Host": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/hosts.py", + [ + "Host" + ] + ] + ], + "HostsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "IamInstanceProfileAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceType": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instancetype.py", + [ + "InstanceType" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceTypeBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "StateReason": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "StateReason" + ] + ] + ], + "Instance": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/egress_only_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "InternetGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "InternetGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyPair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPair" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyPairBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchTemplateVersion": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchTemplate": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchTemplateBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedPrefixList": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixList" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedPrefixListBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NatGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "NatGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAclBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAclAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAcl": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAcl" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkAclEntry": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclEntry" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteTable": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityRule": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityRule" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroupBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroupIngress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupIngress" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchSpecification": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "LaunchSpecification" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotInstanceRequest": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotInstanceRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotFleetLaunchSpec": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetLaunchSpec" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotFleetRequest": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotRequestBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TagBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/tags.py", + [ + "TagBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayVpcAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayVpcAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayPeeringAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayRouteTable": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayRelations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRelations" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PeeringConnectionStatus": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCPeeringConnection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCServiceConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCEndPoint": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "VPC": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VPNConnection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnection" + ] + ] + ], + "VPNConnectionBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCGatewayAttachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment" + ] + ] + ], + "VpnGateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway" + ] + ] + ], + "VpnGatewayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "WindowsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/windows.py", + [ + "WindowsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2Response": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2BaseResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/_base_response.py", + [ + "EC2BaseResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountAttributes": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/account_attributes.py", + [ + "AccountAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "AmisResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AvailabilityZonesAndRegions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "AvailabilityZonesAndRegions" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomerGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "DHCPOptions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticBlockStore": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticIPAddresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "Fleets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets" + ] + ] + ], + "General": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/general.py", + [ + "General" + ] + ] + ], + "HostsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IamInstanceProfiles": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InternetGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "IPAddresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/ip_addresses.py", + [ + "IPAddresses" + ] + ] + ], + "KeyPairs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs" + ] + ] + ], + "LaunchTemplates": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates" + ] + ] + ], + "Monitoring": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/monitoring.py", + [ + "Monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "NatGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "NetworkACLs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs" + ] + ] + ], + "ReservedInstances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "RouteTables": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups" + ] + ] + ], + "Settings": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/settings.py", + [ + "Settings" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotFleets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets" + ] + ] + ], + "SpotInstances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "Subnets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "TagResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/tags.py", + [ + "TagResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "TransitGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateways.py", + [ + "TransitGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "VirtualPrivateGateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCPeeringConnections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "VPCs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs" + ] + ] + ], + "VPNConnections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnections" + ] + ] + ], + "Windows": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows" + ] + ] + ], + "Ec2InstanceConnectBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/models.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Ec2InstanceConnectResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/responses.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecyclePolicyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "LifecyclePolicyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "LimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "LimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "RegistryPolicyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RegistryPolicyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryNotEmptyException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryNotEmptyException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ImageNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ImageAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "ScanNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/exceptions.py", + [ + "ScanNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseObject": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject" + ] + ] + ], + "Repository": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository" + ] + ] + ], + "Image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image" + ] + ] + ], + "ECRBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "ECRResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ServiceNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskDefinitionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "TaskDefinitionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "RevisionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "RevisionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskSetNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "TaskSetNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "EcsClientException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "EcsClientException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownAccountSettingException": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownAccountSettingException" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountSetting": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "AccountSetting" + ] + ] + ], + "Cluster": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "Cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "CapacityProvider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "CapacityProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "CapacityProviderFailure": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "CapacityProviderFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "Service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Service" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainerInstance": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterFailure": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ClusterFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainerInstanceFailure": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstanceFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "TaskSet": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskSet" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EFSError": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "EFSError" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessPointNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessPointNotFound" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessPointNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "FileSystemAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "FileSystemNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystemInUse": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "FileSystemInUse" + ] + ] + ], + "MountTargetConflict": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "MountTargetConflict" + ] + ] + ], + "MountTargetNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "MountTargetNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "BadRequest": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "SubnetNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroupNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "SecurityGroupLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/efs/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessPoint": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint" + ] + ] + ], + "FileSystem": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem" + ] + ] + ], + "MountTarget": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget" + ] + ] + ], + "EFSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EFSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EKSError": [ + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "EKSError" + ] + ] + ], + "FargateProfile": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "FargateProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedNodegroup": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "ManagedNodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EKSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EKSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ElastiCacheException": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheException" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordTooShort": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "PasswordTooShort" + ] + ] + ], + "PasswordRequired": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "PasswordRequired" + ] + ] + ], + "UserAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "UserAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "UserNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/exceptions.py", + [ + "UserNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "User": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "User" + ] + ] + ], + "ElastiCacheBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ElastiCacheResponse": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeEnvironment": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeApplication": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "EBBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EBResponse": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticTranscoderBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticTranscoderResponse": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBClientError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "ELBClientError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ELBClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateTagKeysError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTagKeysError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTagKeysError" + ] + ] + ], + "CertificateNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "CertificateNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "LoadBalancerNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "LoadBalancerNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "LoadBalancerNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "NoActiveLoadBalancerFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoActiveLoadBalancerFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyTagsError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTagsError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyTagsError" + ] + ] + ], + "BadHealthCheckDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadHealthCheckDefinition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadHealthCheckDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateListenerError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateListenerError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateListenerError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateLoadBalancerName": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateLoadBalancerName" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateLoadBalancerName" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyListenersError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyListenersError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyListenersError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSecurityGroupError": [ + [ + "moto/elb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSecurityGroupError" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeHealthCheck": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeHealthCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeListener": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeBackend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeLoadBalancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBBackend": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "AppCookieStickinessPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/policies.py", + [ + "AppCookieStickinessPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "LbCookieStickinessPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/policies.py", + [ + "LbCookieStickinessPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "OtherPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/policies.py", + [ + "OtherPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBResponse": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ListenerNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ListenerNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "SubnetNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "TargetGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "TargetGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateTargetGroupName": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTargetGroupName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTargetError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTargetError" + ] + ] + ], + "PriorityInUseError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "PriorityInUseError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConditionFieldError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConditionFieldError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidConditionValueError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidConditionValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidActionTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidActionTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "ActionTargetGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ActionTargetGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ListenerOrBalancerMissingError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ListenerOrBalancerMissingError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDescribeRulesRequest": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDescribeRulesRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceInUseError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceInUseError" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicatePriorityError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicatePriorityError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTargetGroupNameError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTargetGroupNameError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidModifyRuleArgumentsError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidModifyRuleArgumentsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStatusCodeActionTypeError": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStatusCodeActionTypeError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidLoadBalancerActionException": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidLoadBalancerActionException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeHealthStatus": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeHealthStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTargetGroup": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeListenerRule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeRule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeRule" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAction": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeAction" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBv2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "ELBV2Response": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeBootstrapAction": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeBootstrapAction" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeInstance": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeInstanceGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstanceGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeStep": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeStep" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCluster": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSecurityConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecurityConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticMapReduceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticMapReduceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Unflattener": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener" + ] + ] + ], + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker" + ] + ] + ], + "ReleaseLabel": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrManagedSecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedSecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrManagedServiceAccessSecurityGroup": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedServiceAccessSecurityGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EmrSecurityGroupManager": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager" + ] + ] + ], + "EMRContainersBackend": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EMRContainersResponse": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "EMRServerlessBackend": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EMRServerlessResponse": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticSearchError": [ + [ + "moto/es/exceptions.py", + [ + "ElasticSearchError" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/es/exceptions.py", + [ + "DomainNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "Domain": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "Domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IllegalStatusException": [ + [ + "moto/events/exceptions.py", + [ + "IllegalStatusException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidEventPatternException": [ + [ + "moto/events/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidEventPatternException" + ] + ] + ], + "Rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule" + ] + ] + ], + "EventBus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus" + ] + ] + ], + "EventBusPolicyStatement": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBusPolicyStatement" + ] + ] + ], + "Archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive" + ] + ] + ], + "ReplayState": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "ReplayState" + ] + ] + ], + "Replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Replay" + ] + ] + ], + "Destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "Destination" + ] + ] + ], + "EventPattern": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "EventPatternParser": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPatternParser" + ] + ] + ], + "EventsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EventsHandler": [ + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcurrentModificationException": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConcurrentModificationException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArgumentException": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArgumentException" + ] + ] + ], + "DeliveryStream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "DeliveryStream" + ] + ] + ], + "FirehoseBackend": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FirehoseResponse": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "DatasetGroup": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "ForecastBackend": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ForecastResponse": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ArchiveJob": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "ArchiveJob" + ] + ] + ], + "InventoryJob": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "InventoryJob" + ] + ] + ], + "Vault": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault" + ] + ] + ], + "GlacierBackend": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "GlacierResponse": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "GlueClientError": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GlueClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "DatabaseAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "PartitionAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "PartitionAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "CrawlerAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrawlerAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SessionAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "DatabaseNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "PartitionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "PartitionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "CrawlerNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrawlerNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "JobNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "JobNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "JobRunNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "JobRunNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "VersionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "VersionNotFoundException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "VersionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaVersionNotFoundFromSchemaIdException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaVersionNotFoundFromSchemaIdException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaVersionNotFoundFromSchemaVersionIdException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaVersionNotFoundFromSchemaVersionIdException" + ] + ] + ], + "SessionNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SessionNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "IllegalSessionStateException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "IllegalSessionStateException" + ] + ] + ], + "RegistryNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "RegistryNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TriggerNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "TriggerNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "CrawlerRunningException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrawlerRunningException" + ] + ] + ], + "CrawlerNotRunningException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrawlerNotRunningException" + ] + ] + ], + "ConcurrentRunsExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConcurrentRunsExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNumberLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNumberLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "GeneralResourceNumberLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GeneralResourceNumberLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaVersionMetadataLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaVersionMetadataLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "GSRAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GSRAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "SchemaVersionMetadataAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "SchemaVersionMetadataAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "GeneralGSRAlreadyExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GeneralGSRAlreadyExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "_InvalidOperationException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "_InvalidOperationException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStateException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStateException" + ] + ] + ], + "GSRInvalidInputException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "GSRInvalidInputException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNameTooLongException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNameTooLongException" + ] + ] + ], + "ParamValueContainsInvalidCharactersException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParamValueContainsInvalidCharactersException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNumberOfTagsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNumberOfTagsException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDataFormatException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDataFormatException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCompatibilityException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCompatibilityException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaDefinitionException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaDefinitionException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRegistryIdBothParamsProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRegistryIdBothParamsProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaIdBothParamsProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaIdBothParamsProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaIdNotProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaIdNotProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaVersionNumberBothParamsProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaVersionNumberBothParamsProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaVersionNumberNotProvidedException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaVersionNumberNotProvidedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSchemaVersionIdProvidedWithOtherParamsException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSchemaVersionIdProvidedWithOtherParamsException" + ] + ] + ], + "DisabledCompatibilityVersioningException": [ + [ + "moto/glue/exceptions.py", + [ + "DisabledCompatibilityVersioningException" + ] + ] + ], + "GlueBackend": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDatabase": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeDatabase" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTable": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePartition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakePartition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCrawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler" + ] + ] + ], + "LastCrawlInfo": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "LastCrawlInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeJobRun": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobRun" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRegistry": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeRegistry" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSchema": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSchemaVersion": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSession": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSession" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTrigger": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrigger" + ] + ] + ], + "GlueResponse": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "_Expr": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Expr" + ] + ] + ], + "_Ident": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident" + ] + ] + ], + "_IsNull": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_IsNull" + ] + ] + ], + "_IsNotNull": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_IsNotNull" + ] + ] + ], + "_BinOp": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BinOp" + ] + ] + ], + "_Like": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Like" + ] + ] + ], + "_NotLike": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotLike" + ] + ] + ], + "_In": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_In" + ] + ] + ], + "_NotIn": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotIn" + ] + ] + ], + "_Between": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Between" + ] + ] + ], + "_NotBetween": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotBetween" + ] + ] + ], + "_BoolAnd": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BoolAnd" + ] + ] + ], + "_BoolOr": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BoolOr" + ] + ] + ], + "_PartitionFilterExpressionCache": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_PartitionFilterExpressionCache" + ] + ] + ], + "PartitionFilter": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "PartitionFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "GreengrassClientError": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "GreengrassClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "IdNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "IdNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidContainerDefinitionException": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidContainerDefinitionException" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingCoreException": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingCoreException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCoreDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeCoreDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCoreDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeCoreDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeviceDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeviceDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeviceDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeviceDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeResourceDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeResourceDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeFunctionDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeFunctionDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeFunctionDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeFunctionDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSubscriptionDefinition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeSubscriptionDefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSubscriptionDefinitionVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeSubscriptionDefinitionVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGroup": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGroupVersion": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeGroupVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeployment": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeployment" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAssociatedRole": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeAssociatedRole" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeploymentStatus": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeploymentStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "GreengrassBackend": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "GreengrassResponse": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "GuardDutyException": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "GuardDutyException" + ] + ] + ], + "DetectorNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "DetectorNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "FilterNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "GuardDutyBackend": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Filter" + ] + ] + ], + "Detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector" + ] + ] + ], + "GuardDutyResponse": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMUserAccessKey": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey" + ] + ] + ], + "AssumedRoleAccessKey": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey" + ] + ] + ], + "CreateAccessKeyFailure": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "CreateAccessKeyFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMRequestBase": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMRequest": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "S3IAMRequest": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMPolicyStatement": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionResult": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "PermissionResult" + ] + ] + ], + "RoleConfigQuery": [ + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "RoleConfigQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyConfigQuery": [ + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "PolicyConfigQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "IAMNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "IAMConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMReportNotPresentException": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "IAMReportNotPresentException" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "IAMLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedPolicyDocument": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedPolicyDocument" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidInput": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInput" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidInput" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchEntity": [ + [ + "moto/iam/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchEntity" + ] + ] + ], + "MFADevice": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "MFADevice" + ] + ] + ], + "VirtualMfaDevice": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "VirtualMfaDevice" + ] + ] + ], + "SAMLProvider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SAMLProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "OpenIDConnectProvider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyVersion": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "PolicyVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSManagedPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AWSManagedPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "InlinePolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "Role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceProfile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "Certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "SigningCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SigningCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessKeyLastUsed": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKeyLastUsed" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessKey": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey" + ] + ] + ], + "SshPublicKey": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SshPublicKey" + ] + ] + ], + "Group": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountPasswordPolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountSummary": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMBackend": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMPolicyDocumentValidator": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyDocumentValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "IamResponse": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IdentityStoreError": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/exceptions.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreError" + ] + ] + ], + "Name": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "Name" + ] + ] + ], + "IdentityStoreData": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreData" + ] + ] + ], + "IdentityStoreBackend": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "IdentityStoreResponse": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceMetadataBackend": [ + [ + "moto/instance_metadata/models.py", + [ + "InstanceMetadataBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "InstanceMetadataResponse": [ + [ + "moto/instance_metadata/responses.py", + [ + "InstanceMetadataResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTClientError": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "IoTClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStateTransitionException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStateTransitionException" + ] + ] + ], + "VersionConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "VersionConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "CertificateStateException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "CertificateStateException" + ] + ] + ], + "DeleteConflictException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "DeleteConflictException" + ] + ] + ], + "VersionsLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "VersionsLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "ThingStillAttached": [ + [ + "moto/iot/exceptions.py", + [ + "ThingStillAttached" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeThing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThing" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeThingType": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThingType" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeThingGroup": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeCaCertificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeCaCertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePolicy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePolicyVersion": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeJobExecution": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobExecution" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDomainConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomainConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTBackend": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTResponse": [ + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTDataPlaneClientError": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/exceptions.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeShadow": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTDataPlaneBackend": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "IoTDataPlaneResponse": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "StreamNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamCannotBeUpdatedError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "StreamCannotBeUpdatedError" + ] + ] + ], + "ShardNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ShardNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ConsumerNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConsumerNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidArgumentError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArgumentError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidArgumentError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRetentionPeriod": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRetentionPeriod" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDecreaseRetention": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDecreaseRetention" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIncreaseRetention": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidIncreaseRetention" + ] + ] + ], + "RecordSizeExceedsLimit": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "RecordSizeExceedsLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "TotalRecordsSizeExceedsLimit": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "TotalRecordsSizeExceedsLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyRecords": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyRecords" + ] + ] + ], + "Consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "Record": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "Record" + ] + ] + ], + "Shard": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard" + ] + ] + ], + "Stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "Stream" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisBackend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisResponse": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisvideoClientError": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/exceptions.py", + [ + "KinesisvideoClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisVideoBackend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisVideoResponse": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "NotAuthorizedException": [ + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotAuthorizedException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCiphertextException": [ + [ + "moto/kms/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCiphertextException" + ] + ] + ], + "Grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Grant" + ] + ] + ], + "Key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key" + ] + ] + ], + "KmsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "KmsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "KeySpec": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "KeySpec" + ] + ] + ], + "SigningAlgorithm": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "SigningAlgorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "LakeFormationBackend": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "LakeFormationResponse": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "LogsClientError": [ + [ + "moto/logs/exceptions.py", + [ + "LogsClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "MetricFilters": [ + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "MetricFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "LogQuery": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "LogEvent": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "LogStream": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream" + ] + ] + ], + "LogGroup": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "LogResourcePolicy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "LogsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "LogsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterPattern": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "QuotedTermFilterPattern": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "QuotedTermFilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "SingleTermFilterPattern": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "SingleTermFilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsupportedFilterPattern": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "UnsupportedFilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "EventMessageFilter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "EventMessageFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainClientError": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceLimitExceededException": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceLimitExceededException" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainProposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainMember": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainNode": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainBackend": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedBlockchainResponse": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Flow": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "Flow" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaConnectBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaConnectResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Input" + ] + ] + ], + "Channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "Channel" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaLiveBackend": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaLiveResponse": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaPackageClientError": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/exceptions.py", + [ + "MediaPackageClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "OriginEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "OriginEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaPackageBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaPackageResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreClientError": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/exceptions.py", + [ + "MediaStoreClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ContainerNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/exceptions.py", + [ + "ContainerNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "Container": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "Container" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Container" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreDataClientError": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/exceptions.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "Object": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "Object" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreDataBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MediaStoreDataResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "UsageRecord": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord" + ] + ] + ], + "Result": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomerDeque": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "CustomerDeque" + ] + ] + ], + "ResultDeque": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "ResultDeque" + ] + ] + ], + "MeteringMarketplaceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "MeteringMarketplaceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MarketplaceMeteringResponse": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/responses.py", + [ + "MarketplaceMeteringResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ManagedState": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState" + ] + ] + ], + "MotoAPIBackend": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MotoRandom": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom" + ] + ] + ], + "Recorder": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "RecorderResponse": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MotoAPIResponse": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "StateManager": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager" + ] + ] + ], + "ThreadedMotoServer": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/threaded_moto_server.py", + [ + "ThreadedMotoServer" + ] + ] + ], + "RegexConverter": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/utilities.py", + [ + "RegexConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSTestHelper": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/utilities.py", + [ + "AWSTestHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainDispatcherApplication": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "MQError": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "MQError" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownBroker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownBroker" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownUser": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownUser" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsupportedEngineType": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnsupportedEngineType" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownEngineType": [ + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownEngineType" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationRevision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationRevision" + ] + ] + ], + "Configuration": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "Broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker" + ] + ] + ], + "MQBackend": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "MQResponse": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "NeptuneClientError": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/exceptions.py", + [ + "NeptuneClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBClusterNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBClusterNotFoundError" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBClusterNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "GlobalCluster": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "GlobalCluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "GlobalCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "DBCluster": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "DBCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "NeptuneBackend": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "NeptuneResponse": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/responses.py", + [ + "NeptuneResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "OpenSearchDomain": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchDomain" + ] + ] + ], + "OpenSearchServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "OpenSearchServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "OpsworkInstance": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsworkInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "Stack": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack" + ] + ] + ], + "App": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "App" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App" + ] + ] + ], + "OpsWorksBackend": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "OpsWorksResponse": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountAlreadyRegisteredException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccountAlreadyRegisteredException" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountNotRegisteredException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccountNotRegisteredException" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccountNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "AWSOrganizationsNotInUseException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "AWSOrganizationsNotInUseException" + ] + ] + ], + "ConstraintViolationException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConstraintViolationException" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateOrganizationalUnitException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateOrganizationalUnitException" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicatePolicyException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicatePolicyException" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyTypeAlreadyEnabledException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyTypeAlreadyEnabledException" + ] + ] + ], + "PolicyTypeNotEnabledException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "PolicyTypeNotEnabledException" + ] + ] + ], + "RootNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "RootNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "TargetNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/exceptions.py", + [ + "TargetNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeOrganization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganization" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAccount": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeOrganizationalUnit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganizationalUnit" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeRoot": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeRoot" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeServiceAccess": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeServiceAccess" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator" + ] + ] + ], + "OrganizationsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "OrganizationsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "BlockDeviceType": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/blockdevicemapping.py", + [ + "BlockDeviceType" + ] + ] + ], + "BlockDeviceMapping": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/blockdevicemapping.py", + [ + "BlockDeviceMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "EC2Object": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/ec2object.py", + [ + "EC2Object" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedEC2Object": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/ec2object.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Object" + ] + ] + ], + "ProductCodes": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/image.py", + [ + "ProductCodes" + ] + ] + ], + "InstancePlacement": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "InstancePlacement" + ] + ] + ], + "Reservation": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Reservation" + ] + ] + ], + "TagSet": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/tag.py", + [ + "TagSet" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonalizeException": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/exceptions.py", + [ + "PersonalizeException" + ] + ] + ], + "Schema": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "Schema" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonalizeBackend": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PersonalizeResponse": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "PinpointExceptions": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/exceptions.py", + [ + "PinpointExceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "ApplicationNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/exceptions.py", + [ + "ApplicationNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "EventStreamNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/exceptions.py", + [ + "EventStreamNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "AppSettings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "AppSettings" + ] + ] + ], + "EventStream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "EventStream" + ] + ] + ], + "PinpointBackend": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PinpointResponse": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "Lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "PollyBackend": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "PollyResponse": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightDataSet": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightDataSet" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightIngestion": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightIngestion" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightMembership": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightMembership" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightGroup": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "QuicksightUser": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightUser" + ] + ] + ], + "QuickSightBackend": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "QuickSightResponse": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedArnException": [ + [ + "moto/ram/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedArnException" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotPermittedException": [ + [ + "moto/ram/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotPermittedException" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownResourceException": [ + [ + "moto/ram/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownResourceException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceShare": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RDSClientError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "RDSClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBInstanceNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBInstanceNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBSnapshotNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBSnapshotNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBSecurityGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBSecurityGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBSubnetGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBSubnetGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBParameterGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBClusterParameterGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBClusterParameterGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionGroupNotFoundFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "OptionGroupNotFoundFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDBClusterStateFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDBClusterStateFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDBInstanceStateError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDBInstanceStateError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotQuotaExceededError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotQuotaExceededError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBSnapshotAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBSnapshotAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDBClusterStateFault": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDBClusterStateFault" + ] + ] + ], + "DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBClusterSnapshotNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "DBClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "ExportTaskAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExportTaskAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "ExportTaskNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExportTaskNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidExportSourceStateError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidExportSourceStateError" + ] + ] + ], + "SubscriptionAlreadyExistError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "SubscriptionAlreadyExistError" + ] + ] + ], + "SubscriptionNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "SubscriptionNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidGlobalClusterStateFault": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidGlobalClusterStateFault" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDBInstanceIdentifier": [ + [ + "moto/rds/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDBInstanceIdentifier" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSnapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "Database": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database" + ] + ] + ], + "DatabaseSnapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "ExportTask": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ExportTask" + ] + ] + ], + "EventSubscription": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription" + ] + ] + ], + "SubnetGroup": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "RDSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionGroup": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "DBParameterGroup": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "DBClusterParameterGroup": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBClusterParameterGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "RDSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RDSDataServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/rdsdata/models.py", + [ + "RDSDataServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RDSDataServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/rdsdata/responses.py", + [ + "RDSDataServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftClientError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "RedshiftClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSubnetGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSubnetGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterParameterGroupNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterParameterGroupNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidSubnetError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidSubnetError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyGrantAlreadyExistsFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyGrantAlreadyExistsFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyGrantNotFoundFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyGrantNotFoundFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSnapshotNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshotNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshotAlreadyExistsError" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceNotFoundFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceNotFoundFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyDisabledFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyDisabledFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyAlreadyDisabledFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyAlreadyDisabledFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyAlreadyEnabledFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyAlreadyEnabledFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterAlreadyExistsFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterAlreadyExistsFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterCombinationError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterCombinationError" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownSnapshotCopyRegionFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownSnapshotCopyRegionFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "ClusterSecurityGroupNotFoundFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidClusterSnapshotStateFaultError": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidClusterSnapshotStateFaultError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnapshotCopyGrant": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyGrant" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterGroup": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftBackend": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftResponse": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Statement": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "Statement" + ] + ] + ], + "StatementResult": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "StatementResult" + ] + ] + ], + "ColumnMetadata": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "ColumnMetadata" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "RekognitionBackend": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "RekognitionResponse": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeResourceGroup": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroups": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroups" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroupsBackend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroupsResponse": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "Route53ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidCloudWatchArn": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidCloudWatchArn" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidActionValue": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidActionValue" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPaginationToken": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPaginationToken" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVPCId": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVPCId" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchHostedZone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchHostedZone" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchHealthCheck": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchHealthCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "HostedZoneNotEmpty": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "HostedZoneNotEmpty" + ] + ] + ], + "PublicZoneVPCAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "PublicZoneVPCAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "LastVPCAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "LastVPCAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchQueryLoggingConfig": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchQueryLoggingConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "QueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidChangeBatch": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidChangeBatch" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchDelegationSet": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchDelegationSet" + ] + ] + ], + "DnsNameInvalidForZone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "DnsNameInvalidForZone" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceRecordAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/route53/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceRecordAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "DelegationSet": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "DelegationSet" + ] + ] + ], + "HealthCheck": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck" + ] + ] + ], + "RecordSet": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet" + ] + ] + ], + "ChangeList": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "ChangeList" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeZone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone" + ] + ] + ], + "RecordSetGroup": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "QueryLoggingConfig": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "QueryLoggingConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53Backend": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53" + ] + ] + ], + "RRValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "RRValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResourceExistsException": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceExistsException" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "ResourceExistsException" + ] + ] + ], + "TagValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverRuleAssociation": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRuleAssociation" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverRule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRule" + ] + ] + ], + "ResolverEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53ResolverBackend": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "Route53ResolverResponse": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ConfigQuery": [ + [ + "moto/s3/config.py", + [ + "S3ConfigQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessForbidden": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessForbidden" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingBucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingBucket" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingKey": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingKey" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingVersion": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidVersion": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectNotInActiveTierError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "ObjectNotInActiveTierError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPartOrder": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPartOrder" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPart": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPart" + ] + ] + ], + "EntityTooSmall": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "EntityTooSmall" + ] + ] + ], + "IllegalLocationConstraintException": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "IllegalLocationConstraintException" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedXML": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedXML" + ] + ] + ], + "MalformedACLError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "MalformedACLError" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTargetBucketForLogging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTargetBucketForLogging" + ] + ] + ], + "CrossLocationLoggingProhibitted": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "CrossLocationLoggingProhibitted" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidMaxPartArgument": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidMaxPartArgument" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidMaxPartNumberArgument": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidMaxPartNumberArgument" + ] + ] + ], + "NotAnIntegerException": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "NotAnIntegerException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNotificationARN": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNotificationARN" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNotificationDestination": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNotificationDestination" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidNotificationEvent": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidNotificationEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidStorageClass": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidStorageClass" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidBucketName": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidBucketName" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateTagKeys": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateTagKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "S3AccessDeniedError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3AccessDeniedError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketAccessDeniedError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketAccessDeniedError" + ] + ] + ], + "S3InvalidTokenError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3InvalidTokenError" + ] + ] + ], + "S3AclAndGrantError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3AclAndGrantError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketInvalidTokenError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketInvalidTokenError" + ] + ] + ], + "S3InvalidAccessKeyIdError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3InvalidAccessKeyIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketInvalidAccessKeyIdError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketInvalidAccessKeyIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "S3SignatureDoesNotMatchError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3SignatureDoesNotMatchError" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketSignatureDoesNotMatchError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketSignatureDoesNotMatchError" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchPublicAccessBlockConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchPublicAccessBlockConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPublicAccessBlockConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPublicAccessBlockConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "WrongPublicAccessBlockAccountIdError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "WrongPublicAccessBlockAccountIdError" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSystemTags": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSystemTags" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchUpload": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchUpload" + ] + ] + ], + "PreconditionFailed": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "PreconditionFailed" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRange": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRange" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidContinuationToken": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidContinuationToken" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidObjectState": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidObjectState" + ] + ] + ], + "LockNotEnabled": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "LockNotEnabled" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessDeniedByLock": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessDeniedByLock" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidContentMD5": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidContentMD5" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketNeedsToBeNew": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketNeedsToBeNew" + ] + ] + ], + "BucketMustHaveLockeEnabled": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "BucketMustHaveLockeEnabled" + ] + ] + ], + "CopyObjectMustChangeSomething": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "CopyObjectMustChangeSomething" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilterRuleName": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilterRuleName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidTagError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidTagError" + ] + ] + ], + "ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/s3/exceptions.py", + [ + "ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDeleteMarker": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeleteMarker" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeKey": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMultipart": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGrantee": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrantee" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeGrant": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrant" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAcl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeAcl" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecycleFilter": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecycleAndFilter": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleAndFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecycleTransition": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleTransition" + ] + ] + ], + "LifeCycleNoncurrentVersionTransition": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifeCycleNoncurrentVersionTransition" + ] + ] + ], + "LifecycleRule": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleRule" + ] + ] + ], + "CorsRule": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "CorsRule" + ] + ] + ], + "NotificationConfiguration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "NotificationConfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "PublicAccessBlock": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "PublicAccessBlock" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipartDict": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "MultipartDict" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeBucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket" + ] + ] + ], + "S3Backend": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "S3BackendDict": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3BackendDict" + ] + ] + ], + "S3Response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response" + ] + ] + ], + "_VersionedKeyStore": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore" + ] + ] + ], + "S3AccountPublicAccessBlockConfigQuery": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/config.py", + [ + "S3AccountPublicAccessBlockConfigQuery" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ControlError": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/exceptions.py", + [ + "S3ControlError" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessPointPolicyNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/exceptions.py", + [ + "AccessPointPolicyNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ControlBackend": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "S3ControlResponse": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SagemakerClientError": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "SagemakerClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelError": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "ModelError" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingModel": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingModel" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePipelineExecution": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakePipelineExecution" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePipeline": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakePipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeProcessingJob": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeProcessingJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTrainingJob": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrainingJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeEndpointConfig": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTransformJob": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTransformJob" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelPackageGroup": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "ModelPackageGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelPackage": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "ModelPackage" + ] + ] + ], + "VpcConfig": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "VpcConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "SageMakerModelBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeExperiment": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeExperiment" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTrial": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrial" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTrialComponent": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrialComponent" + ] + ] + ], + "SageMakerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ScheduleExists": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/exceptions.py", + [ + "ScheduleExists" + ] + ] + ], + "ScheduleNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/exceptions.py", + [ + "ScheduleNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ScheduleGroupNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/exceptions.py", + [ + "ScheduleGroupNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "Schedule": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "Schedule" + ] + ] + ], + "ScheduleGroup": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "ScheduleGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidParameterError": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidParameterError" + ] + ] + ], + "UnknownDomainName": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownDomainName" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeItem": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeItem" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeDomain": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomain" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleDBBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleDBResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsManagerClientError": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretNotFoundException": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecretNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretHasNoValueException": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecretHasNoValueException" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretStageVersionMismatchException": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/exceptions.py", + [ + "SecretStageVersionMismatchException" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsManager": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManager" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeSecret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsStore": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsManagerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SecretsManagerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "OperationNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/exceptions.py", + [ + "OperationNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "NamespaceNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/exceptions.py", + [ + "NamespaceNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/exceptions.py", + [ + "ServiceNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ConflictingDomainExists": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConflictingDomainExists" + ] + ] + ], + "Namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "Operation": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Operation" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "NoSuchResource": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/exceptions.py", + [ + "NoSuchResource" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceQuotasBackend": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/models.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ServiceQuotasResponse": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageRejectedError": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "MessageRejectedError" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationSetDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConfigurationSetDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "ConfigurationSetAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "ConfigurationSetAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "EventDestinationAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "EventDestinationAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateNameAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "TemplateNameAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidRenderingParameterException": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidRenderingParameterException" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "TemplateDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleSetNameAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleSetNameAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleSetDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleSetDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "RuleDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "RuleDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingRenderingAttributeException": [ + [ + "moto/ses/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingRenderingAttributeException" + ] + ] + ], + "SESFeedback": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESFeedback" + ] + ] + ], + "Message": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "Message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message" + ] + ] + ], + "TemplateMessage": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "TemplateMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "BulkTemplateMessage": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "BulkTemplateMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "RawMessage": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "RawMessage" + ] + ] + ], + "SESQuota": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESQuota" + ] + ] + ], + "SESBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "EmailResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "Contact": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "Contact" + ] + ] + ], + "ContactList": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "ContactList" + ] + ] + ], + "SESV2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "SESV2Response": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "SigningProfile": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SigningProfile" + ] + ] + ], + "SignerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "signerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSException": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "SNSException" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSNotFoundError": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "SNSNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "TopicNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "TopicNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateSnsEndpointError": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateSnsEndpointError" + ] + ] + ], + "SnsEndpointDisabled": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "SnsEndpointDisabled" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSInvalidParameter": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "SNSInvalidParameter" + ] + ] + ], + "TagLimitExceededError": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "TagLimitExceededError" + ] + ] + ], + "InternalError": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "InternalError" + ] + ] + ], + "TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "TooManyEntriesInBatchRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct": [ + [ + "moto/sns/exceptions.py", + [ + "BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct" + ] + ] + ], + "Topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic" + ] + ] + ], + "Subscription": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "PlatformApplication": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "PlatformEndpoint": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformEndpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SNSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckException": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "CheckException" + ] + ] + ], + "FilterPolicyMatcher": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher" + ] + ] + ], + "ReceiptHandleIsInvalid": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "ReceiptHandleIsInvalid" + ] + ] + ], + "MessageAttributesInvalid": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "MessageAttributesInvalid" + ] + ] + ], + "QueueDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "QueueDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "QueueAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "QueueAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "EmptyBatchRequest": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "EmptyBatchRequest" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidBatchEntryId": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidBatchEntryId" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchRequestTooLong": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "BatchRequestTooLong" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAttributeName": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAttributeName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidAttributeValue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidAttributeValue" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingParameter": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "MissingParameter" + ] + ] + ], + "OverLimit": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/exceptions.py", + [ + "OverLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "Queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue" + ] + ] + ], + "SQSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SQSResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilterKey": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilterKey" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilterOption": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilterOption" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidFilterValue": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidFilterValue" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceId": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceId" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidResourceType": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidResourceType" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterVersionNotFound": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterVersionNotFound" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterVersionLabelLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterVersionLabelLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "DocumentAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "DocumentAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "DocumentPermissionLimit": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "DocumentPermissionLimit" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidPermissionType": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidPermissionType" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDocument": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDocument" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDocumentOperation": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDocumentOperation" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDocumentContent": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDocumentContent" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidDocumentVersion": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidDocumentVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateDocumentVersionName": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateDocumentVersionName" + ] + ] + ], + "DuplicateDocumentContent": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "DuplicateDocumentContent" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterMaxVersionLimitExceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/exceptions.py", + [ + "ParameterAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "ParameterDict": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict" + ] + ] + ], + "Parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountPermission": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "AccountPermission" + ] + ] + ], + "Documents": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents" + ] + ] + ], + "Document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Document" + ] + ] + ], + "Command": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMaintenanceWindowTarget": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindowTarget" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMaintenanceWindowTask": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindowTask" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMaintenanceWindow": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindow" + ] + ] + ], + "FakePatchBaseline": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakePatchBaseline" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "AccountAssignment": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "AccountAssignment" + ] + ] + ], + "PermissionSet": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "PermissionSet" + ] + ] + ], + "SSOAdminBackend": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SSOAdminResponse": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecutionAlreadyExists": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExecutionAlreadyExists" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecutionDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "ExecutionDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidName": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidName" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidExecutionInput": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidExecutionInput" + ] + ] + ], + "StateMachineDoesNotExist": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/exceptions.py", + [ + "StateMachineDoesNotExist" + ] + ] + ], + "StateMachine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine" + ] + ] + ], + "StepFunctionBackend": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "StepFunctionResponse": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "STSClientError": [ + [ + "moto/sts/exceptions.py", + [ + "STSClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "STSValidationError": [ + [ + "moto/sts/exceptions.py", + [ + "STSValidationError" + ] + ] + ], + "AssumedRole": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "AssumedRole" + ] + ] + ], + "STSBackend": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TokenResponse": [ + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SupportCase": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportCase" + ] + ] + ], + "SupportBackend": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SupportResponse": [ + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFClientError": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFUnknownResourceFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFUnknownResourceFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFDomainAlreadyExistsFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFDomainAlreadyExistsFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFDomainDeprecatedFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFDomainDeprecatedFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFSerializationException": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFSerializationException" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFTypeAlreadyExistsFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFTypeAlreadyExistsFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFTypeDeprecatedFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFTypeDeprecatedFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFWorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFWorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFDefaultUndefinedFault": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFDefaultUndefinedFault" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFDecisionValidationException": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFDecisionValidationException" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFWorkflowExecutionClosedError": [ + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFWorkflowExecutionClosedError" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFBackend": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "ActivityTask": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask" + ] + ] + ], + "ActivityType": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_type.py", + [ + "ActivityType" + ] + ] + ], + "DecisionTask": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericType": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType" + ] + ] + ], + "HistoryEvent": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/history_event.py", + [ + "HistoryEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "Timeout": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/timeout.py", + [ + "Timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "Timer": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/timer.py", + [ + "Timer" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkflowExecution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution" + ] + ] + ], + "WorkflowType": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_type.py", + [ + "WorkflowType" + ] + ] + ], + "SWFResponse": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidJobIdException": [ + [ + "moto/textract/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidJobIdException" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidS3ObjectException": [ + [ + "moto/textract/exceptions.py", + [ + "InvalidS3ObjectException" + ] + ] + ], + "TextractJobStatus": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractJobStatus" + ] + ] + ], + "TextractJob": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractJob" + ] + ] + ], + "TextractBackend": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TextractResponse": [ + [ + "moto/textract/responses.py", + [ + "TextractResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestreamTable": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamTable" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestreamDatabase": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestreamWriteBackend": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TimestreamWriteResponse": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeTranscriptionJob": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeTranscriptionJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeVocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeVocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMedicalTranscriptionJob": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeMedicalTranscriptionJob" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeMedicalVocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeMedicalVocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "TranscribeBackend": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TranscribeResponse": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericFunction": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "GenericFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "Version": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version" + ] + ] + ], + "LooseVersion": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "DockerModel": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "DockerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "Paginator": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggingService": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericTokenizer": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tokenizer.py", + [ + "GenericTokenizer" + ] + ] + ], + "LowercaseDict": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFv2ClientError": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "WAFv2ClientError" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFV2DuplicateItemException": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "WAFV2DuplicateItemException" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFNonexistentItemException": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/exceptions.py", + [ + "WAFNonexistentItemException" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeWebACL": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeWebACL" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFV2Backend": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend" + ] + ] + ], + "WAFV2Response": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response" + ] + ] + ], + "BadSegmentException": [ + [ + "moto/xray/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadSegmentException" + ] + ] + ], + "MockEmitter": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockEmitter" + ] + ] + ], + "MockXrayClient": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient" + ] + ] + ], + "XRaySegment": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "XRaySegment" + ] + ] + ], + "TelemetryRecords": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TelemetryRecords" + ] + ] + ], + "TraceSegment": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment" + ] + ] + ], + "SegmentCollection": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "XRayBackend": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "XRayResponse": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse" + ] + ] + ], + "CloudFormationChecklist": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAmpLoggingConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "TestHostedConfigurationVersions": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_hosted_config_versions.py", + [ + "TestHostedConfigurationVersions" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingGroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingELB": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingInstances": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingInstancesProtected": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstancesProtected" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoscalignELBv2": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "TestAutoscalignELBv2" + ] + ] + ], + "MockLambdaFunction": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_policy.py", + [ + "MockLambdaFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStackSetMultipleAccounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestStackSetMultipleAccounts" + ] + ] + ], + "TestServiceManagedStacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestServiceManagedStacks" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSelfManagedStacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestSelfManagedStacks" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSimpleInstance": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_import_value.py", + [ + "TestSimpleInstance" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCognitoUserDeleter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserDeleter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCognitoUserPoolDuplidateEmails": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserPoolDuplidateEmails" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAccountIdResolution": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_multiple_accounts_server.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution" + ] + ] + ], + "ExampleBackend": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "ExampleBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "SlowExampleBackend": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess", + "SlowExampleBackend" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMultiThreadedAccess": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess" + ] + ] + ], + "Tester": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Tester" + ] + ] + ], + "TesterWithSetup": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithSetup" + ] + ] + ], + "TesterWithStaticmethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithStaticmethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithSetupMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetupMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithInvalidSetupMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithInvalidSetupMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithPublicMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPublicMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "Baseclass": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Baseclass" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSetUpInBaseClass": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestSetUpInBaseClass" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedClass": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass" + ] + ] + ], + "NestedClass2": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass2" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithSetup": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "TestWithSetup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestWithNestedClasses": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses" + ] + ] + ], + "ImportantBusinessLogic": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "ImportantBusinessLogic" + ] + ] + ], + "TestModelDataResetForClassDecorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "TestModelDataResetForClassDecorator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNestedDecoratorsBoto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_nested.py", + [ + "TestNestedDecoratorsBoto3" + ] + ] + ], + "ResponseA": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_response_environment_preserved_by_type", + "ResponseA" + ] + ] + ], + "ResponseB": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_response_environment_preserved_by_type", + "ResponseB" + ] + ] + ], + "TestResponsesModule": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSocketPair": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_socket.py", + [ + "TestSocketPair" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMockBucketStartingWithServiceName": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_url_base_regex.py", + [ + "TestMockBucketStartingWithServiceName" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFindNestedKeys": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "TestHashKey": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashKey" + ] + ] + ], + "TestHashAndRangeKey": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNamesAndValues": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestNamesAndValues" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFindDictionaryKeys": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSelectStatements": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestSelectStatements" + ] + ] + ], + "TestExecuteTransaction": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestExecuteTransaction" + ] + ] + ], + "TestBatchExecuteStatement": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestBatchExecuteStatement" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedSet": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_settype_item_with_conditions", + "OrderedSet" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCore": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEdges": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterTestDataFactory": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_ClusterBuilder", + "ClusterTestDataFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "FargateProfileTestDataFactory": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_FargateProfileBuilder", + "FargateProfileTestDataFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "NodegroupTestDataFactory": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_NodegroupBuilder", + "NodegroupTestDataFactory" + ] + ] + ], + "ResponseAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "ResponseAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "ErrorAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "ErrorAttributes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata_constants.py", + [ + "ErrorAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterInputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "ClusterInputs" + ] + ] + ], + "FargateProfileInputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "FargateProfileInputs" + ] + ] + ], + "NodegroupInputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "NodegroupInputs" + ] + ] + ], + "PossibleTestResults": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "PossibleTestResults" + ] + ] + ], + "AddonAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "AddonAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "ClusterAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "ClusterAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "FargateProfileAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "FargateProfileAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "NodegroupAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "NodegroupAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "BatchCountSize": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "BatchCountSize" + ] + ] + ], + "PageCount": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "PageCount" + ] + ] + ], + "RegExTemplates": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "RegExTemplates" + ] + ] + ], + "Endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "Endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "StatusCodes": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "StatusCodes" + ] + ] + ], + "HttpHeaders": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_constants.py", + [ + "HttpHeaders" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata_constants.py", + [ + "HttpHeaders" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "TestCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "TestNodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCreateVirtualCluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCreateVirtualCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListVirtualClusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListVirtualClusters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStartJobRun": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCancelJobRun": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListJobRuns": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDescribeJobRun": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCreateApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestCreateApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDeleteApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestDeleteApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGetApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStartApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStartApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStopApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStopApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUpdateApplication": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "TestListThingGroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "TestKMSPolicyEnforcement": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyEnforcement" + ] + ] + ], + "TestKMSPolicyValidator": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogFilter": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogFilterParameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogsFilterPattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRecorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder" + ] + ] + ], + "TestThreadedMotoServer": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer" + ] + ] + ], + "ExampleModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ExampleModel" + ] + ] + ], + "SlowModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "SlowModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDBInstanceFilters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDBSnapshotFilters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDBClusterSnapshotFilters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBClusterSnapshotFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFilterValidation": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation" + ] + ] + ], + "TestResourceFiltering": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMergingFilters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters" + ] + ] + ], + "MyModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "MyModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TestBucketPolicy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "ClassDecoratorTest": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_classdecorator.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratorTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestS3FileHandleClosures": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures" + ] + ] + ], + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks" + ] + ] + ], + "TestS3ObjectAttributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_object_attributes.py", + [ + "TestS3ObjectAttributes" + ] + ] + ], + "TestS3Select": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select" + ] + ] + ], + "AuthenticatedClient": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "AuthenticatedClient" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "AuthenticatedClient" + ] + ] + ], + "TestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "ModelTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "EndpointConfigTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "EndpointTestConfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig" + ] + ] + ], + "MySageMakerModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "MySageMakerModel" + ] + ] + ], + "MyProcessingJobModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "MyProcessingJobModel" + ] + ] + ], + "MyTrainingJobModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "MyTrainingJobModel" + ] + ] + ], + "MyTransformJobModel": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "MyTransformJobModel" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEC2CustomAMIs": [ + [ + "tests/test_special_cases/test_custom_amis.py", + [ + "TestEC2CustomAMIs" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStsAssumeRole": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_multiaccount.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole" + ] + ] + ], + "FooType": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "FooType" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomInvalidTokenException": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "CustomInvalidTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "GenericInvalidTokenException": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "GenericInvalidTokenException" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDecorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator" + ] + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/getmoto__moto-6701/blocks_by_function_name.json b/getmoto__moto-6701/blocks_by_function_name.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65b42dd4e88f17539527a7feeaba386b266fcea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/getmoto__moto-6701/blocks_by_function_name.json @@ -0,0 +1,135985 @@ +{ + "f": [ + [ + "moto/__init__.py", + [ + "lazy_load", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "generate_boto3_response", + "_boto3_request", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "jsonify_error", + "f" + ] + ] + ], + "lazy_load": [ + [ + "moto/__init__.py", + [ + "lazy_load" + ] + ] + ], + "__enter__": [ + [ + "moto/__init__.py", + [ + "MockAll", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_DockerDataVolumeContext", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "XRaySegment", + "__enter__" + ] + ] + ], + "__exit__": [ + [ + "moto/__init__.py", + [ + "MockAll", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_DockerDataVolumeContext", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "XRaySegment", + "__exit__" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime_to_epoch": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "datetime_to_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_kv": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder", + "_validate_kv" + ] + ] + ], + "add": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses_custom_registry.py", + [ + "CustomRegistry", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "StreamShard", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "add" + ] + ] + ], + "remove": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder", + "remove" + ] + ] + ], + "equals": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "TagHolder", + "equals" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_cert": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "generate_cert" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "generate_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_pk": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "validate_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "validate_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_chain": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "validate_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "check": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "check" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "check" + ] + ] + ], + "describe": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "LocalSecondaryIndex", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "GlobalSecondaryIndex", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "RestoredTable", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "RestoredPITTable", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBusPolicyStatement", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Replay", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Connection", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Destination", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganization", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganizationalUnit", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeRoot", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeServiceAccess", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "describe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "describe" + ] + ] + ], + "serialize_pk": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "serialize_pk" + ] + ] + ], + "__str__": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNot", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/exceptions.py", + [ + "SWFWorkflowExecutionClosedError", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "__str__" + ] + ] + ], + "__repr__": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "CertBundle", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaVersion", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Output", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Op", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributeValue", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Func", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "Token", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeBackend", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeBackend", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "InstancePlacement", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Reservation", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instancetype.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "Lexicon", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrantee", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrant", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeAcl", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadSegmentException", + "__repr__" + ] + ] + ], + "default_vpc_endpoint_service": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ] + ], + "set_certificate_in_use_by": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "set_certificate_in_use_by" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_arn_from_idempotency_token": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "_get_arn_from_idempotency_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_idempotency_token_arn": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "_set_idempotency_token_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "import_cert": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "import_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "get_certificates_list": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "get_certificates_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "get_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "get_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "get_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "get_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "get_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "delete_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "delete_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "request_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "request_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "request_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tags_to_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "add_tags_to_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "add_tags_to_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tags_from_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "remove_tags_from_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "remove_tags_from_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "export_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/models.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerBackend", + "export_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "export_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "acm_backend": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "acm_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "describe_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "import_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "import_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "list_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "list_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_for_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "list_tags_for_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "resend_validation_email": [ + [ + "moto/acm/responses.py", + [ + "AWSCertificateManagerResponse", + "resend_validation_email" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acm/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_csr": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "generate_csr" + ] + ] + ], + "issue_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "issue_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "issue_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "issue_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "set_revocation_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "set_revocation_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "certificate_bytes": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "certificate_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "not_valid_after": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "not_valid_after" + ] + ] + ], + "not_valid_before": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "not_valid_before" + ] + ] + ], + "import_certificate_authority_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "import_certificate_authority_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "import_certificate_authority_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "import_certificate_authority_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "to_json": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "CertificateAuthority", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "MethodResponse", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "ApiKey", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "UsagePlan", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "UsagePlanKey", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "DomainName", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "BasePathMapping", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "GatewayResponse", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "RouteResponse", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "DomainName", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiMapping", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationProfile", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "Application", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPIKey", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaAlias", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostCategoryDefinition", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityPool", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolDomain", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpIdentityProvider", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoResourceServer", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RESTError", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "PipelineObject", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxParameterGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxNode", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxEndpoint", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "StreamRecord", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "StreamShard", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "ShardIterator", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSSnapshot", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "Domain", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Filter", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Consumer", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Record", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Grant", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationRevision", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Configuration", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "User", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "AppSettings", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "EventStream", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightDataSet", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightIngestion", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightMembership", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightUser", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rdsdata/models.py", + [ + "QueryResults", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SnapshotCopyGrant", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Snapshot", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Namespace", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Operation", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindowTarget", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindowTask", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindow", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakePatchBaseline", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "AccountAssignment", + "to_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "PermissionSet", + "to_json" + ] + ] + ], + "create_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "create_certificate_authority" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "create_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "describe_certificate_authority" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "describe_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "get_certificate_authority_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "get_certificate_authority_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "get_certificate_authority_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_certificate_authority_csr": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "get_certificate_authority_csr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "get_certificate_authority_csr" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "update_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "update_certificate_authority" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "update_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "delete_certificate_authority" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "delete_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "revoke_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "revoke_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "tag_certificate_authority" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "tag_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/models.py", + [ + "ACMPCABackend", + "untag_certificate_authority" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "untag_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "acmpca_backend": [ + [ + "moto/acmpca/responses.py", + [ + "ACMPCAResponse", + "acmpca_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "update": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "RuleGroupNamespace", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "IntegrationResponse", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "VpcLink", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalableTarget", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPIKey", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaAlias", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "FunctionUrlConfig", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostCategoryDefinition", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "OriginAccessControl", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpGroup", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationConformancePack", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "DynamicDictLoader", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "GlobalSecondaryIndex", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "CapacityProvider", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Filter", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Configuration", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "User", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchDomain", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "AppSettings", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "Lexicon", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "Schedule", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamTable", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeWebACL", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_return_attributes", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_return_updated_new_attributes_when_same", + "update" + ] + ] + ], + "to_dict": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "RuleGroupNamespace", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "Workspace", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RequestValidator", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/models.py", + [ + "Connection", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "QueryResults", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "FunctionUrlConfig", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "SchedulingPolicy", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstance", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "EntityRecognizer", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigEmptyDictable", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigDeliveryChannel", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigAggregator", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "Source", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfiguration", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "ArchiveJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "InventoryJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeCoreDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeCoreDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeviceDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeviceDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeFunctionDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeFunctionDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeSubscriptionDefinition", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeSubscriptionDefinitionVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeGroup", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeGroupVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeployment", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeAssociatedRole", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeploymentStatus", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThing", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThingType", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThingGroup", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeCertificate", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobExecution", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeRule", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomainConfiguration", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "Destination", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "Flow", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Input", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "Channel", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "Channel", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "OriginEndpoint", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "Container", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "Object", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchDomain", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsworkInstance", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "App", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "Schema", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "Lexicon", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "Schedule", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "ScheduleGroup", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SigningProfile", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/history_event.py", + [ + "HistoryEvent", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractJob", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeWebACL", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/exceptions.py", + [ + "BadSegmentException", + "to_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "create_workspace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "create_workspace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "create_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_workspace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "describe_workspace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "describe_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "update_workspace_alias": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "update_workspace_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "update_workspace_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_workspace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "delete_workspace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "delete_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "list_workspaces": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "list_workspaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "list_workspaces" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_resource": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_resource": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "create_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "create_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "create_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "delete_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "delete_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "describe_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "describe_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "put_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "put_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "put_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rule_groups_namespaces": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "list_rule_groups_namespaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "list_rule_groups_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "create_logging_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "create_logging_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "create_logging_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_logging_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "describe_logging_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "describe_logging_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_logging_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "delete_logging_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "delete_logging_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "update_logging_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/amp/models.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceBackend", + "update_logging_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "update_logging_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "tags": [ + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "tags" + ] + ] + ], + "amp_backend": [ + [ + "moto/amp/responses.py", + [ + "PrometheusServiceResponse", + "amp_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "invoke": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/__init__.py", + [ + "IntegrationParser", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/aws_parser.py", + [ + "TypeAwsParser", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/http_parser.py", + [ + "TypeHttpParser", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/integration_parsers/unknown_parser.py", + [ + "TypeUnknownParser", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "invoke" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "invoke" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudformation_name_type": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Permission", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeAttachment", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupIngress", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "cloudformation_name_type" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudformation_type": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Permission", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaVersion", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeAttachment", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupIngress", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "cloudformation_type" + ] + ] + ], + "create_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Deployment", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScheduledAction", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Permission", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaVersion", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeAttachment", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupIngress", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "create_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "create_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "create_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "create_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "CallbackResponse", + "get_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "get_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Method", + "delete_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "delete_response" + ] + ] + ], + "physical_resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobQueue", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "Route", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetRouteTableAssociation", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnection", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VPCGatewayAttachment", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Certificate", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSetGroup", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "physical_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_path": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parent_path": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_parent_path" + ] + ] + ], + "add_method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "add_method" + ] + ] + ], + "get_method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_method" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_method" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "delete_method" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_method" + ] + ] + ], + "add_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "add_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "get_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Resource", + "delete_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_operations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Authorizer", + "apply_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "apply_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "_patch_method_setting": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_patch_method_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_method_settings": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_get_default_method_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "_method_settings_translations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_method_settings_translations" + ] + ] + ], + "_str2bool": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_str2bool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "ApiKey", + "_str2bool" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_to_type": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_convert_to_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_operation_to_variables": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "Stage", + "_apply_operation_to_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "update_operations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "ApiKey", + "update_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_patch_operations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "UsagePlan", + "apply_patch_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RequestValidator", + "apply_patch_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "apply_patch_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "BasePathMapping", + "apply_patch_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "has_cfn_attr": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "has_cfn_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cfn_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "get_cfn_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "add_child": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "add_child" + ] + ] + ], + "add_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "add_model" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_for_path": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_resource_for_path" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_callback": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "resource_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "update_integration_mocks": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "update_integration_mocks" + ] + ] + ], + "create_authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "create_deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_authorizers": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_authorizers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_authorizers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stages": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_stages" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_stages" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_stages" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "get_deployments": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_deployments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "delete_deployment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_request_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "create_request_validator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_request_validators": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_request_validators" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_request_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "get_request_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_request_validator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_request_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "delete_request_validator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "update_request_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "update_request_validator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "put_gateway_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "put_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "put_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_gateway_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "get_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_gateway_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "get_gateway_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_gateway_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "get_gateway_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_gateway_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "RestAPI", + "delete_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_gateway_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "delete_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "import_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "import_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "export_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "export_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "put_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "update_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "list_apis": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "list_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rest_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resources": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "get_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse", + "get_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "get_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resource": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "put_method": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_method" + ] + ] + ], + "get_authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "update_authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "get_method_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_method_response" + ] + ] + ], + "put_method_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_method_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_method_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_method_response" + ] + ] + ], + "put_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "put_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_api_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "create_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "create_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "create_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_api_keys": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_api_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_api_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "update_api_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "update_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "update_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "update_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_api_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "delete_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "delete_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "delete_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "create_usage_plan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "get_usage_plans": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_usage_plans" + ] + ] + ], + "get_usage_plan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "update_usage_plan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_usage_plan": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "create_usage_plan_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_usage_plan_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_usage_plan_keys": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_usage_plan_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_usage_plan_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_usage_plan_key" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_usage_plan_key": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_usage_plan_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_uri_validator": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "_uri_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "create_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_domain_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_domain_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_domain_names": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_domain_names" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_domain_names" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_domain_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_domain_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_domain_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_domain_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "create_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "get_models": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_models" + ] + ] + ], + "get_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_model" + ] + ] + ], + "create_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "get_base_path_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_base_path_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "get_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "update_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "update_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "create_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "delete_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_links": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/models.py", + [ + "APIGatewayBackend", + "get_vpc_links" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_vpc_links" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_vpc_links" + ] + ] + ], + "error": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "error" + ] + ] + ], + "backend": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/responses.py", + [ + "MarketplaceMeteringResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicequotas/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "backend" + ] + ] + ], + "__validate_api_key_source": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "__validate_api_key_source" + ] + ] + ], + "__validate_endpoint_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "__validate_endpoint_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis" + ] + ] + ], + "__validte_rest_patch_operations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "__validte_rest_patch_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "resources": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "resources" + ] + ] + ], + "gateway_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "gateway_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "gateway_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "resource_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_methods": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "resource_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_method_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "resource_method_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis_authorizers": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis_authorizers" + ] + ] + ], + "request_validators": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "request_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "request_validator_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "request_validator_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "authorizers": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "authorizers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "authorizers" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis_stages": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "restapis_stages_tags": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "restapis_stages_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "stages": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "stages" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "stages" + ] + ] + ], + "export": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "export" + ] + ] + ], + "integrations": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "integrations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "integration_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "integration_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "integration_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "deployments": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "deployments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "individual_deployment": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "individual_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "apikeys": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "apikeys" + ] + ] + ], + "apikey_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "apikey_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_plans": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "usage_plans" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_plan_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "usage_plan_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_plan_keys": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "usage_plan_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_plan_key_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "usage_plan_key_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "domain_names": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "domain_names" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "domain_name_induvidual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "domain_name_induvidual" + ] + ] + ], + "models": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "models" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "models" + ] + ] + ], + "model_induvidual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "model_induvidual" + ] + ] + ], + "base_path_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "base_path_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "base_path_mapping_individual": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "base_path_mapping_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_links": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/responses.py", + [ + "APIGatewayResponse", + "vpc_links" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "vpc_links" + ] + ] + ], + "create_id": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/utils.py", + [ + "create_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "create_id" + ] + ] + ], + "deserialize_body": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/utils.py", + [ + "deserialize_body" + ] + ] + ], + "to_path": [ + [ + "moto/apigateway/utils.py", + [ + "to_path" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_connection": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiBackend", + "delete_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiResponse", + "delete_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "get_connection": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiBackend", + "get_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiResponse", + "get_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "post_to_connection": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiBackend", + "post_to_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiResponse", + "post_to_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_class": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiResponse", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestSelectStatements", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBClusterSnapshotFilters", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "setup_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "setup_class" + ] + ] + ], + "apigatewaymanagementapi_backend": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewaymanagementapi/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayManagementApiResponse", + "apigatewaymanagementapi_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "get_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "update_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Integration", + "update_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_route_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "create_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_route_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "get_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_route_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "delete_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_route_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_route_request_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Route", + "delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "clear": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "clear" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cors_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_cors_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_cors_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_cors_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "update_model": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_model" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_model" + ] + ] + ], + "import_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "import_api" + ] + ] + ], + "create_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_integrations": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_integrations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_integrations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "update_integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_integration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_integration_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_integration_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_integration_responses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_integration_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "update_integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_integration_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "create_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteBackend", + "create_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables", + "create_route" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "delete_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteBackend", + "delete_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTables", + "delete_route" + ] + ] + ], + "get_route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_route" + ] + ] + ], + "get_routes": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "get_routes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_routes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_routes" + ] + ] + ], + "update_route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "Api", + "update_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_route" + ] + ] + ], + "create_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_api" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_apis": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_apis" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "update_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_api" + ] + ] + ], + "reimport_api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "reimport_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "reimport_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tags": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "DBCluster", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "get_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "update_vpc_link": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "update_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "update_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_api_maping_id": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "_generate_api_maping_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_api_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "create_api_mapping" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "create_api_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "get_api_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_api_mapping" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_api_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "get_api_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "get_api_mappings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "get_api_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_api_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/models.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Backend", + "delete_api_mapping" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "delete_api_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "apigatewayv2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "apigatewayv2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "apis": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "apis" + ] + ] + ], + "api": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "api" + ] + ] + ], + "authorizer": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "cors": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "cors" + ] + ] + ], + "route_request_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "route_request_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "model": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "model" + ] + ] + ], + "integration": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "integration" + ] + ] + ], + "integration_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "route": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "route" + ] + ] + ], + "routes": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "routes" + ] + ] + ], + "route_response": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "route_responses": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "route_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "domain_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "api_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "api_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "api_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "api_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "stage": [ + [ + "moto/apigatewayv2/responses.py", + [ + "ApiGatewayV2Response", + "stage" + ] + ] + ], + "get_headers": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "HostedConfigurationVersion", + "get_headers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RESTError", + "get_headers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "DetectorNotFoundException", + "get_headers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/exceptions.py", + [ + "FilterNotFoundException", + "get_headers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainClientError", + "get_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "create_version": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationProfile", + "create_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "create_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_version": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationProfile", + "get_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "get_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "get_version" + ] + ], + [ + "update_version_from_git.py", + [ + "get_version" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_version": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationProfile", + "delete_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "delete_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "delete_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_application": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "create_application" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_application": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "delete_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "delete_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "delete_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "delete_application" + ] + ] + ], + "get_application": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "get_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "get_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "get_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "get_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_application" + ] + ] + ], + "update_application": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "update_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "update_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "update_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "update_application" + ] + ] + ], + "create_configuration_profile": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "create_configuration_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "create_configuration_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_configuration_profile": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "delete_configuration_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "delete_configuration_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_configuration_profile": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "get_configuration_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "get_configuration_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "update_configuration_profile": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "update_configuration_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "update_configuration_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "list_configuration_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "list_configuration_profiles" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "list_configuration_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "create_hosted_configuration_version": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "create_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "create_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_configuration_version": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "get_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "get_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_hosted_configuration_version": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/models.py", + [ + "AppConfigBackend", + "delete_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "delete_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ] + ], + "appconfig_backend": [ + [ + "moto/appconfig/responses.py", + [ + "AppConfigResponse", + "appconfig_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scalable_targets": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "describe_scalable_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scalable_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "_flatten_scalable_targets": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "_flatten_scalable_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "register_scalable_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "register_scalable_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "register_scalable_target" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "register_scalable_target" + ] + ] + ], + "_scalable_target_exists": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "_scalable_target_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_ecs_service_exists_for_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "_ecs_service_exists_for_target" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_scalable_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "_add_scalable_target" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_scalable_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "deregister_scalable_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "deregister_scalable_target" + ] + ] + ], + "put_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "put_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "put_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "put_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "put_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scaling_policies": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "describe_scaling_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scaling_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "delete_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "delete_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scheduled_actions": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "put_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoscalingBackend", + "put_scheduled_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "put_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_target_params_are_valid": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "_target_params_are_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_type_from_resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "_get_resource_type_from_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "formulate_key": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplicationAutoscalingPolicy", + "formulate_key" + ] + ] + ], + "applicationautoscaling_backend": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "applicationautoscaling_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_params": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "ApplicationAutoScalingResponse", + "_validate_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_target": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "_build_target" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_policy": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "_build_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "_build_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "region_from_applicationautoscaling_url": [ + [ + "moto/applicationautoscaling/utils.py", + [ + "region_from_applicationautoscaling_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_type": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Operand", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributeValue", + "get_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "get_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_status": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema", + "get_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_graphql_definition": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema", + "_parse_graphql_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_introspection_schema": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlSchema", + "get_introspection_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "get_introspection_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "list_api_keys": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "list_api_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "list_api_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "list_api_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "start_schema_creation": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "start_schema_creation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "start_schema_creation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "start_schema_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_status": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "GraphqlAPI", + "get_schema_status" + ] + ] + ], + "create_graphql_api": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "create_graphql_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "create_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "update_graphql_api": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "update_graphql_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "update_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_graphql_api": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "get_graphql_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "get_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "get_graphql_schema": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "get_graphql_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_graphql_api": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "delete_graphql_api" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "delete_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "list_graphql_apis": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "list_graphql_apis" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "list_graphql_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_creation_status": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/models.py", + [ + "AppSyncBackend", + "get_schema_creation_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "get_schema_creation_status" + ] + ] + ], + "appsync_backend": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "appsync_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "graph_ql": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "graph_ql" + ] + ] + ], + "graph_ql_individual": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "graph_ql_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "api_key": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "schemacreation": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "schemacreation" + ] + ] + ], + "api_key_individual": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "api_key_individual" + ] + ] + ], + "types": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "types" + ] + ] + ], + "schema": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "schema" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_arn_from_path": [ + [ + "moto/appsync/responses.py", + [ + "AppSyncResponse", + "_extract_arn_from_path" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "_extract_arn_from_path" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tags": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/tags.py", + [ + "TagBackend", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/tags.py", + [ + "TagResponse", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_tags": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/tags.py", + [ + "TagBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/tags.py", + [ + "TagResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "create_work_group": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "create_work_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "create_work_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_work_groups": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "list_work_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "list_work_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "get_work_group": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_work_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_work_group" + ] + ] + ], + "start_query_execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "start_query_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "start_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "get_query_execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_query_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "list_query_executions": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "list_query_executions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "list_query_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_query_results": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_query_results" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_query_results" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_query_execution": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "stop_query_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "stop_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "create_named_query": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "create_named_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "create_named_query" + ] + ] + ], + "get_named_query": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_named_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_named_query" + ] + ] + ], + "list_data_catalogs": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "list_data_catalogs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "list_data_catalogs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_catalog": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_data_catalog" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_data_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "create_data_catalog": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "create_data_catalog" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "create_data_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "list_named_queries": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "list_named_queries" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "list_named_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "create_prepared_statement": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "create_prepared_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "create_prepared_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "get_prepared_statement": [ + [ + "moto/athena/models.py", + [ + "AthenaBackend", + "get_prepared_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "get_prepared_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "athena_backend": [ + [ + "moto/athena/responses.py", + [ + "AthenaResponse", + "athena_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "arn": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalingPolicy", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Backup", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "ShardIterator", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixList", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "Domain", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SAMLProvider", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AWSManagedPolicy", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Certificate", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganization", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganizationalUnit", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRule", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "AssumedRole", + "arn" + ] + ] + ], + "execute": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeScalingPolicy", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "SetExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "DeleteExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "RemoveExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "AddExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionExecutor", + "execute" + ] + ] + ], + "create_from_instance": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "create_from_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "update_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListenerRule", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogResourcePolicy", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "delete": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstance", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchDomain", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroups", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "RecordSet", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "delete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "delete" + ] + ] + ], + "block_device_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "block_device_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_monitoring_enabled": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "instance_monitoring_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_block_device_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeLaunchConfiguration", + "_parse_block_device_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "set_string_propagate_at_launch_booleans_on_tags": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "set_string_propagate_at_launch_booleans_on_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_1": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "tags_1" + ] + ] + ], + "active_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "active_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_azs_and_vpcs": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "_set_azs_and_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "_set_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "image_id": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "image_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion", + "image_id" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_type": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "instance_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion", + "instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "user_data": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "user_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion", + "user_data" + ] + ] + ], + "security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateVersion", + "security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "set_desired_capacity": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "set_desired_capacity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "set_desired_capacity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "set_desired_capacity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_propagated_tags": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "get_propagated_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_autoscaling_group_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "replace_autoscaling_group_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "append_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "append_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_metrics_collection": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "FakeAutoScalingGroup", + "enable_metrics_collection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "enable_metrics_collection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "enable_metrics_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "create_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "create_launch_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "create_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_launch_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_launch_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_launch_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_launch_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "make_int": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "make_int" + ] + ] + ], + "put_scheduled_update_group_action": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "put_scheduled_update_group_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "put_scheduled_update_group_action" + ] + ] + ], + "create_auto_scaling_group": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "create_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "create_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "update_auto_scaling_group": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "update_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "update_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_auto_scaling_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_auto_scaling_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_auto_scaling_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_auto_scaling_group": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_auto_scaling_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_auto_scaling_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_auto_scaling_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "attach_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "attach_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "set_instance_health": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "set_instance_health" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "set_instance_health" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "detach_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "detach_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "change_capacity": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "change_capacity" + ] + ] + ], + "change_capacity_percent": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "change_capacity_percent" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lifecycle_hook": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "create_lifecycle_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_lifecycle_hooks": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_lifecycle_hooks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_lifecycle_hooks" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lifecycle_hook": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_lifecycle_hook" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_lifecycle_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_policies": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_policy": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint", + "delete_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_policy": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "execute_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "execute_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_attached_elbs": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "update_attached_elbs" + ] + ] + ], + "update_attached_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "update_attached_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "create_or_update_tags": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "create_or_update_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "create_or_update_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_load_balancers": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "attach_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "attach_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_load_balancers": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_load_balancers": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "detach_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "detach_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_load_balancer_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "attach_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "attach_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_load_balancer_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_load_balancer_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "detach_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "detach_load_balancer_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "suspend_processes": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "suspend_processes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "suspend_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "resume_processes": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "resume_processes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "resume_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_instance_protection": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "set_instance_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "set_instance_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "notify_terminate_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "notify_terminate_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "notify_terminate_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "enter_standby_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "enter_standby_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "exit_standby_instances": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "exit_standby_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_instance": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "terminate_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_tags": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/models.py", + [ + "AutoScalingBackend", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/tags.py", + [ + "TagBackend", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/tags.py", + [ + "TagResponse", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "autoscaling_backend": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "autoscaling_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scaling_activities": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "describe_scaling_activities" + ] + ] + ], + "put_lifecycle_hook": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "put_lifecycle_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "enter_standby": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "enter_standby" + ] + ] + ], + "exit_standby": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "exit_standby" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group": [ + [ + "moto/autoscaling/responses.py", + [ + "AutoScalingResponse", + "terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "zip2tar": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "zip2tar" + ] + ] + ], + "name": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_DockerDataVolumeContext", + "name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Export", + "name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "name" + ] + ] + ], + "_zipfile_content": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_zipfile_content" + ] + ] + ], + "_s3_content": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_s3_content" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_s3_bucket_and_key": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "_validate_s3_bucket_and_key" + ] + ] + ], + "response": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "ImageConfig", + "response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/exceptions.py", + [ + "EKSError", + "response" + ] + ] + ], + "attach": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "attach" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerVersion", + "get_layer_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "get_layer_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "attach_version" + ] + ] + ], + "__getstate__": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "__getstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "set_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "set_version" + ] + ] + ], + "architectures": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "architectures" + ] + ] + ], + "architectures_3": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "architectures_3" + ] + ] + ], + "ephemeral_storage": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "ephemeral_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "ephemeral_storage_5": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "ephemeral_storage_5" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "vpc_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_layers_data": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "_get_layers_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_code_signing_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_code_signing_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_code_signing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "get_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_code" + ] + ] + ], + "update_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "update_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "update_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_function_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "_set_function_code" + ] + ] + ], + "update_function_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_function_code" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_function_code" + ] + ] + ], + "convert": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "convert" + ] + ] + ], + "_invoke_lambda": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "_invoke_lambda" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/notifications.py", + [ + "_invoke_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "save_logs": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "save_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_zipfile_from_plaintext_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "_create_zipfile_from_plaintext_code" + ] + ] + ], + "create_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "create_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "delete_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "get_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "update_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaFunction", + "update_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_service_source_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "_get_service_source_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_event_source": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "_validate_event_source" + ] + ] + ], + "event_source_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "event_source_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "event_source_arn_3": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "event_source_arn_3" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_size": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "batch_size" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_size_5": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "EventSourceMapping", + "batch_size_5" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_latest": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "_get_latest" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "_get_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function_aliases": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "_get_function_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "delete_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "delete_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "delete_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "get_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "put_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "put_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "update_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "update_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "update_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "update_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "get_function_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "list_versions_by_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "list_versions_by_function" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_versions_by_function" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aliases": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "list_aliases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_aliases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "get_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "get_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_by_name_or_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "get_function_by_name_or_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "put_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "put_function" + ] + ] + ], + "publish_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "publish_function" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "publish_function" + ] + ] + ], + "del_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "del_function" + ] + ] + ], + "all": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "all" + ] + ] + ], + "latest": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaStorage", + "latest" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_layer_by_name_or_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "_find_layer_by_name_or_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "put_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "put_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_layers": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "list_layers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_layers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "list_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "delete_layer_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer_versions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "get_layer_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_layer_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer_version_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LayerStorage", + "get_layer_version_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "create_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "create_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "create_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "create_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "create_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "create_function" + ] + ] + ], + "create_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "create_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "update_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "create_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "create_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "publish_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "publish_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "layers_versions_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "layers_versions_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_function" + ] + ] + ], + "get_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "update_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "list_event_source_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_event_source_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_function_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_function" + ] + ] + ], + "list_functions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "list_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "send_sqs_batch": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "send_sqs_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_sqs_message": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "_send_sqs_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_send_sqs_message" + ] + ] + ], + "send_sns_message": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "send_sns_message" + ] + ] + ], + "send_dynamodb_items": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "send_dynamodb_items" + ] + ] + ], + "send_log_event": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "send_log_event" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "send_log_event" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "send_log_event" + ] + ] + ], + "add_permission": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "add_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "add_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_permission": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "remove_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "remove_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "get_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_function_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "update_function_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "put_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "delete_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "LambdaBackend", + "get_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "do_validate_s3": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/models.py", + [ + "do_validate_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "wire_format": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "wire_format" + ] + ] + ], + "add_statement": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "add_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "del_statement": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "del_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "decode_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "nop_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "nop_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_set": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "ensure_set" + ] + ] + ], + "principal_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "principal_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "source_account_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "source_account_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "source_arn_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "source_arn_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "principal_org_id_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "principal_org_id_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "transform_property": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "transform_property" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_if_set": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "remove_if_set" + ] + ] + ], + "condition_merge": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/policy.py", + [ + "Policy", + "condition_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "json_body": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "json_body" + ] + ] + ], + "root": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "root" + ] + ] + ], + "event_source_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "event_source_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "aliases": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "alias" + ] + ] + ], + "event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "layers_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "layers_version" + ] + ] + ], + "layers_versions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "layers_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "function" + ] + ] + ], + "versions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "versions" + ] + ] + ], + "invoke_async": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "invoke_async" + ] + ] + ], + "tag": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "tag" + ] + ] + ], + "policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "policy" + ] + ] + ], + "configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "code" + ] + ] + ], + "code_signing_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "code_signing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_add_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_del_policy": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_del_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_invoke": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_invoke" + ] + ] + ], + "_invoke_async": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_invoke_async" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_functions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_versions_by_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_versions_by_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_aliases": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_create_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_create_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_function_url_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_update_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_create_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_event_source_mappings": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_event_source_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_update_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_publish_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_publish_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_configuration_qualifier": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_set_configuration_qualifier" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_function_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_aws_region": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_aws_region" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_tags": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_tag_resource": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_untag_resource": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_put_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_code": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_put_code" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_code_signing_config": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_code_signing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_put_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_layers": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_list_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_layer_versions": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_layer_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "_publish_layer_version": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_publish_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_create_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_delete_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_get_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_alias": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/responses.py", + [ + "LambdaResponse", + "_update_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "make_ver_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/utils.py", + [ + "make_ver_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "split_arn": [ + [ + "moto/awslambda/utils.py", + [ + "split_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_import_backend": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "_import_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "backends": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "backends" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/instance_metadata/responses.py", + [ + "InstanceMetadataResponse", + "backends" + ] + ] + ], + "service_backends": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "service_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "loaded_backends": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "loaded_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "get_backend": [ + [ + "moto/backends.py", + [ + "get_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime2int_milliseconds": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "datetime2int_milliseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime2int": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "datetime2int" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "datetime2int" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "datetime2int" + ] + ] + ], + "add_instance": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "add_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ecs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "ComputeEnvironment", + "set_ecs" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_tags": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "_format_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_requirement": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "_get_resource_requirement" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "_validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy", + "_validate" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "JobDefinition", + "deregister" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "deregister" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_short": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "describe_short" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Archive", + "describe_short" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Replay", + "describe_short" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Connection", + "describe_short" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Destination", + "describe_short" + ] + ] + ], + "_container_details": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_container_details" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_container_property": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_get_container_property" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_attempt_duration": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_get_attempt_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "run": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "run" + ] + ] + ], + "_mark_stopped": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_mark_stopped" + ] + ] + ], + "_start_attempt": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_start_attempt" + ] + ] + ], + "_stop_attempt": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_stop_attempt" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "terminate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "terminate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "terminate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "_wait_for_dependencies": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "Job", + "_wait_for_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "iam_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "iam_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "iam_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "ec2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/_base_response.py", + [ + "EC2BaseResponse", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "ec2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "ecs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "ecs_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "ecs_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "ecs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "logs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "logs_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "logs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "reset": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "BotocoreStubber", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BotocoreEventMockAWS", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses_custom_registry.py", + [ + "CustomRegistry", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "reset" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compute_environment_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_compute_environment_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compute_environment_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_compute_environment_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compute_environment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_queue_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_queue_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_queue_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_queue_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definition_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definition_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definition_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definition_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definition_by_name_revision": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definition_by_name_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "get_job_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_compute_environments": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_compute_environments" + ] + ] + ], + "create_compute_environment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "create_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_compute_resources": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "_validate_compute_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "find_min_instances_to_meet_vcpus": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "find_min_instances_to_meet_vcpus" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_compute_environment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "delete_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "update_compute_environment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "update_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "create_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_queues": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_job_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "update_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "update_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "delete_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "register_job_definition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "register_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_job_definition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "deregister_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_job_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "submit_job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "submit_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend", + "submit_job" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "list_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "cancel_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "cancel_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "cancel_job" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "terminate_job" + ] + ] + ], + "create_scheduling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "create_scheduling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_scheduling_policies": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "describe_scheduling_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_scheduling_policies": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "list_scheduling_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_scheduling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "delete_scheduling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_scheduling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/batch/models.py", + [ + "BatchBackend", + "update_scheduling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_backend": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "batch_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/batch_simple/responses.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleResponse", + "batch_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_action": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "_get_action" + ] + ] + ], + "createcomputeenvironment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "createcomputeenvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "describecomputeenvironments": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describecomputeenvironments" + ] + ] + ], + "deletecomputeenvironment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "deletecomputeenvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "updatecomputeenvironment": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "updatecomputeenvironment" + ] + ] + ], + "createjobqueue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "createjobqueue" + ] + ] + ], + "describejobqueues": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describejobqueues" + ] + ] + ], + "updatejobqueue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "updatejobqueue" + ] + ] + ], + "deletejobqueue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "deletejobqueue" + ] + ] + ], + "registerjobdefinition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "registerjobdefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "deregisterjobdefinition": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "deregisterjobdefinition" + ] + ] + ], + "describejobdefinitions": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describejobdefinitions" + ] + ] + ], + "submitjob": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "submitjob" + ] + ] + ], + "describejobs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describejobs" + ] + ] + ], + "listjobs": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "listjobs" + ] + ] + ], + "terminatejob": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "terminatejob" + ] + ] + ], + "canceljob": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "canceljob" + ] + ] + ], + "createschedulingpolicy": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "createschedulingpolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "describeschedulingpolicies": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "describeschedulingpolicies" + ] + ] + ], + "listschedulingpolicies": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "listschedulingpolicies" + ] + ] + ], + "deleteschedulingpolicy": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "deleteschedulingpolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "updateschedulingpolicy": [ + [ + "moto/batch/responses.py", + [ + "BatchResponse", + "updateschedulingpolicy" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_compute_env": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_compute_env" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_job_queue": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_job": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_job" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_task_def": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_task_def" + ] + ] + ], + "lowercase_first_key": [ + [ + "moto/batch/utils.py", + [ + "lowercase_first_key" + ] + ] + ], + "newfunc": [ + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend", + "__getattribute__", + "if_name_in_submit_job_", + "newfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattribute__": [ + [ + "moto/batch_simple/models.py", + [ + "BatchSimpleBackend", + "__getattribute__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "__getattribute__" + ] + ] + ], + "add_notification": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget", + "add_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_notification": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget", + "delete_notification" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "delete_notification" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "delete_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "get_notifications": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "Budget", + "get_notifications" + ] + ] + ], + "create_budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "create_budget" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "create_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "describe_budget" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "describe_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_budgets": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "describe_budgets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "describe_budgets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "delete_budget" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "delete_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "create_notification": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "create_notification" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "create_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_notifications_for_budget": [ + [ + "moto/budgets/models.py", + [ + "BudgetsBackend", + "describe_notifications_for_budget" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/budgets/responses.py", + [ + "BudgetsResponse", + "describe_notifications_for_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "first_day": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "first_day" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "create_cost_category_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "create_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "describe_cost_category_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "describe_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "delete_cost_category_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "delete_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ce/models.py", + [ + "CostExplorerBackend", + "update_cost_category_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "update_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "ce_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ce/responses.py", + [ + "CostExplorerResponse", + "ce_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "set_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "set_data" + ] + ] + ], + "is_created": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/custom_model.py", + [ + "CustomModel", + "is_created" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationModel", + "is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "_create_operation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "_create_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "get_operation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "get_operation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "get_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "update_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "update_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stack_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "create_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "create_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "create_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stack_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "delete_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "delete_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "delete_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "update_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackSet", + "update_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "org_backend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "org_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "create_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStackInstances", + "get_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "get_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "has_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "has_template" + ] + ] + ], + "has_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "has_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_resource_map": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "_create_resource_map" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_output_map": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "_create_output_map" + ] + ] + ], + "creation_time_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "creation_time_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet", + "creation_time_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_stack_event": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "_add_stack_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "_parse_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet", + "_parse_template" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "stack_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_resources": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_outputs": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "stack_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "exports": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "exports" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "exports" + ] + ] + ], + "add_custom_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "add_custom_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "get_custom_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "get_custom_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resources": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "create_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_readiness": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "verify_readiness" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_creation_complete": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeStack", + "mark_creation_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "diff": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet", + "diff" + ] + ] + ], + "apply": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeChangeSet", + "apply" + ] + ] + ], + "sendToSns": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "FakeEvent", + "sendToSns" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_stacks": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "filter_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "_resolve_update_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "_resolve_update_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "create_stack_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "create_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_stack_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "delete_stack_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "delete_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_sets": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_stack_sets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_set_operations": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_stack_set_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_set_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_stack_set_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "stop_stack_set_operation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "stop_stack_set_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_set_operation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_stack_set_operation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_set_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_set_operation_results": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_stack_set_operation_results" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_set_operation_results" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stack_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "update_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "update_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stack_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "update_stack_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "update_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "create_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "create_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "create_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "create_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "create_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "create_change_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "create_change_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "create_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_change_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "delete_change_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "delete_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_change_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_change_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_change_set": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "execute_change_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "execute_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stacks": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "describe_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "describe_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_instance": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_stack_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_instances": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_stack_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "list_change_sets": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_change_sets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_change_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stacks": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "get_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "update_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "update_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stack_policy": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "get_stack_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "get_stack_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "set_stack_policy": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "set_stack_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "set_stack_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_stack_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_resources": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_stack_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stack_resources": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_stack_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stack": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "delete_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "delete_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "list_exports": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "list_exports" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "list_exports" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stack_events": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "describe_stack_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "describe_stack_events" + ] + ] + ], + "get_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/fixtures/custom_lambda.py", + [ + "get_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_template" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "validate_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "validate_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_export_uniqueness": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/models.py", + [ + "CloudFormationBackend", + "_validate_export_uniqueness" + ] + ] + ], + "get_model_list": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "get_model_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_model_map": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "get_model_map" + ] + ] + ], + "get_name_type_map": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "get_name_type_map" + ] + ] + ], + "__getitem__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "LazyDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_json": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "clean_json" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_class_from_type": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "resource_class_from_type" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_name_property_from_type": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "resource_name_property_from_type" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_resource_name": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "generate_resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_resource_and_generate_name": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_resource_and_generate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_and_create_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_and_create_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_and_update_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_and_update_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_and_delete_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_and_delete_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_condition": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_output": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "parse_output" + ] + ] + ], + "__iter__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "FargateProfile", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "ManagedNodegroup", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "Statement", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "StatementResult", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "ColumnMetadata", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "Record", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tokenizer.py", + [ + "GenericTokenizer", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_settype_item_with_conditions", + "OrderedSet", + "__iter__" + ] + ] + ], + "__len__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__len__" + ] + ] + ], + "recursively_get_dependencies": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__get_resources_in_dependency_order", + "recursively_get_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "__get_resources_in_dependency_order": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "__get_resources_in_dependency_order" + ] + ] + ], + "load_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "transform_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "transform_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_ssm_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "parse_ssm_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_number_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load_parameters", + "for_key_value_in_self_in", + "if_key_in_self_resolved_p", + "_parse_number_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "load_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "load_conditions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_outputs": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "validate_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "load": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "load" + ] + ] + ], + "create": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "LocalSecondaryIndex", + "create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "GlobalSecondaryIndex", + "create" + ] + ] + ], + "creation_complete": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "creation_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "build_resource_diff": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "build_resource_diff" + ] + ] + ], + "build_change_set_actions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "build_change_set_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_resource": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "ResourceMap", + "_delete_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "outputs": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "OutputMap", + "outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "exporting_stack_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Export", + "exporting_stack_id" + ] + ] + ], + "value": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/parsing.py", + [ + "Export", + "value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_types": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "get_template_summary_response_from_template", + "get_resource_types" + ] + ] + ], + "get_template_summary_response_from_template": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "get_template_summary_response_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudformation_backend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "cloudformation_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "cfnresponse": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "cfnresponse" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_stack_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_get_stack_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_params_from_list": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_get_params_from_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_param_values": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_get_param_values" + ] + ] + ], + "process_cfn_response": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "process_cfn_response" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_name_exists": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "stack_name_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "get_template_summary": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "get_template_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_different_update": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_validate_different_update" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_status": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFormationResponse", + "_validate_status" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_stack_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "generate_stack_id" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_changeset_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "generate_changeset_id" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_stackset_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "generate_stackset_id" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_stackset_arn": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "generate_stackset_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "random_suffix": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "random_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "_f": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "yaml_tag_constructor", + "_f" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "_create_metadata_from_state", + "_f" + ] + ] + ], + "yaml_tag_constructor": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "yaml_tag_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_template_cfn_lint": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "validate_template_cfn_lint" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stack_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "moto/cloudformation/utils.py", + [ + "get_stack_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "random_id": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Distribution", + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Invalidation", + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "random_id" + ] + ] + ], + "location": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Distribution", + "location" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "Invalidation", + "location" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "location" + ] + ] + ], + "create_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "create_distribution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "create_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "create_distribution_with_tags": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "create_distribution_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "get_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "get_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "get_distribution_config": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "get_distribution_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "delete_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "list_distributions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "list_distributions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "list_distributions" + ] + ] + ], + "_distribution_with_caller_reference": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "_distribution_with_caller_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "update_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "update_distribution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "update_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "create_invalidation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "create_invalidation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "create_invalidation" + ] + ] + ], + "list_invalidations": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "list_invalidations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "list_invalidations" + ] + ] + ], + "create_origin_access_control": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "create_origin_access_control" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "create_origin_access_control" + ] + ] + ], + "get_origin_access_control": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "get_origin_access_control" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "get_origin_access_control" + ] + ] + ], + "update_origin_access_control": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "update_origin_access_control" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "update_origin_access_control" + ] + ] + ], + "list_origin_access_controls": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "list_origin_access_controls" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "list_origin_access_controls" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_origin_access_control": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/models.py", + [ + "CloudFrontBackend", + "delete_origin_access_control" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "delete_origin_access_control" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_xml_body": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "_get_xml_body" + ] + ] + ], + "distributions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "distributions" + ] + ] + ], + "invalidation": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "invalidation" + ] + ] + ], + "origin_access_controls": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "origin_access_controls" + ] + ] + ], + "origin_access_control": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "origin_access_control" + ] + ] + ], + "individual_distribution": [ + [ + "moto/cloudfront/responses.py", + [ + "CloudFrontResponse", + "individual_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "start_logging": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "TrailStatus", + "start_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "start_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "start_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "start_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_logging": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "TrailStatus", + "stop_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "stop_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "stop_logging" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "stop_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "description": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "TrailStatus", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Backup", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrManagedSecurityGroup", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRuleAssociation", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverRule", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamTable", + "description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "description" + ] + ] + ], + "topic_arn": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "topic_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "check_name": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "check_name" + ] + ] + ], + "check_bucket_exists": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "check_bucket_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "check_topic_exists": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "check_topic_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "put_event_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "put_event_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "put_event_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "put_event_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_event_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "get_event_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "get_event_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "get_event_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "put_insight_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "put_insight_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "put_insight_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "put_insight_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_insight_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "get_insight_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "get_insight_selectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "get_insight_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "short": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "Trail", + "short" + ] + ] + ], + "create_trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "create_trail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "create_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "get_trail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "get_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trail_status": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "get_trail_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "get_trail_status" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_trails": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "describe_trails" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "describe_trails" + ] + ] + ], + "list_trails": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "list_trails" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "list_trails" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "delete_trail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "delete_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "update_trail": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "update_trail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "update_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tags": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "DBCluster", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "add_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "add_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tags": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/models.py", + [ + "CloudTrailBackend", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "DBCluster", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudtrail_backend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudtrail/responses.py", + [ + "CloudTrailResponse", + "cloudtrail_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_expression": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/metric_data_expression_parser.py", + [ + "parse_expression" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "parse_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "__eq__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dimension", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "CallbackResponse", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "Token", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityRule", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Layer", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "App", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrantee", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__eq__" + ] + ] + ], + "__lt__": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dimension", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveAction", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__lt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "__lt__" + ] + ] + ], + "daterange": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "daterange" + ] + ] + ], + "update_state": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "FakeAlarm", + "update_state" + ] + ] + ], + "are_dimensions_same": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "are_dimensions_same" + ] + ] + ], + "filter": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "MetricDatumBase", + "filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "filter" + ] + ] + ], + "last_modified_iso": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard", + "last_modified_iso" + ] + ] + ], + "size": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Dashboard", + "size" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "size" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "size" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "size" + ] + ] + ], + "get_statistics_for_type": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "get_statistics_for_type" + ] + ] + ], + "metric_single_values_list": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "metric_single_values_list" + ] + ] + ], + "metric_aggregated_list": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "metric_aggregated_list" + ] + ] + ], + "sample_count": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "sample_count" + ] + ] + ], + "sum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "sum" + ] + ] + ], + "minimum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "minimum" + ] + ] + ], + "maximum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "maximum" + ] + ] + ], + "average": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "average" + ] + ] + ], + "calc_sample_count": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "calc_sample_count" + ] + ] + ], + "calc_sum": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "calc_sum" + ] + ] + ], + "timestamp_iso_8601_now": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "Statistics", + "timestamp_iso_8601_now" + ] + ] + ], + "aws_metric_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "aws_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "put_metric_alarm": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "put_metric_alarm" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "put_metric_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_alarms": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_all_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_element_starts_with": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "_list_element_starts_with" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alarms_by_action_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_alarms_by_action_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alarms_by_alarm_name_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_alarms_by_alarm_name_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alarms_by_alarm_names": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_alarms_by_alarm_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alarms_by_state_value": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_alarms_by_state_value" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_alarms": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "delete_alarms" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "delete_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "put_metric_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "put_metric_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "put_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_metric_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_metric_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "get_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_metric_statistics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_metric_statistics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "get_metric_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_metrics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_all_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "put_dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "put_dashboard" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "put_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "list_dashboards": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "list_dashboards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "list_dashboards" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dashboards": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "delete_dashboards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "delete_dashboards" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_dashboard" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "get_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "set_alarm_state": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "set_alarm_state" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "set_alarm_state" + ] + ] + ], + "list_metrics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "list_metrics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "list_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filtered_metrics": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "get_filtered_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_paginated": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "_get_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_parameters_put_metric_data": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchBackend", + "_validate_parameters_put_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "cloudwatch_backend": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "cloudwatch_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_error": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "_error" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_alarms": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "describe_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_alarm_history": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "describe_alarm_history" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_alarms": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "filter_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_alarms_for_metric": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "describe_alarms_for_metric" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_alarm_actions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "disable_alarm_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_alarm_actions": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/responses.py", + [ + "CloudWatchResponse", + "enable_alarm_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_alarm": [ + [ + "moto/cloudwatch/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "create_project": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "create_project" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "create_project" + ] + ] + ], + "list_projects": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "list_projects" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "list_projects" + ] + ] + ], + "start_build": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "start_build" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "start_build" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_phases": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "_set_phases" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_builds": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "batch_get_builds" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "batch_get_builds" + ] + ] + ], + "list_builds_for_project": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "list_builds_for_project" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "list_builds_for_project" + ] + ] + ], + "list_builds": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "list_builds" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "list_builds" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_project": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "delete_project" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "delete_project" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_build": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/models.py", + [ + "CodeBuildBackend", + "stop_build" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "stop_build" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_source": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_source" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_service_role": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_service_role" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_artifacts": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_artifacts" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_environment": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_project_name": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_project_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_required_params_id": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_required_params_id" + ] + ] + ], + "codebuild_backend": [ + [ + "moto/codebuild/responses.py", + [ + "CodeBuildResponse", + "codebuild_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "create_repository": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend", + "create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse", + "create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "create_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "get_repository": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend", + "get_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse", + "get_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_repository": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/models.py", + [ + "CodeCommitBackend", + "delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse", + "delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "delete_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_repository_name_valid": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "_is_repository_name_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "codecommit_backend": [ + [ + "moto/codecommit/responses.py", + [ + "CodeCommitResponse", + "codecommit_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "metadata": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipeline", + "metadata" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "add_default_values": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipeline", + "add_default_values" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_tags": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipeline", + "validate_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "validate_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "validate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "create_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "get_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "get_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "get_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "update_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "update_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "list_pipelines": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/models.py", + [ + "CodePipelineBackend", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "delete_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "codepipeline_backend": [ + [ + "moto/codepipeline/responses.py", + [ + "CodePipelineResponse", + "codepipeline_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_identity_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "describe_identity_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "describe_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "create_identity_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "create_identity_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "create_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "update_identity_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "update_identity_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "update_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "get_id": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "get_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "get_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSession", + "get_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_credentials_for_identity": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "get_credentials_for_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "get_credentials_for_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_open_id_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "get_open_id_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "get_open_id_token" + ] + ] + ], + "list_identities": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityBackend", + "list_identities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdentityResponse", + "list_identities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "list_identities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "list_identities" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_identity_id": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidentity/utils.py", + [ + "get_random_identity_id" + ] + ] + ], + "list": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "AuthFlow", + "list" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_custom": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "_init_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_standard": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "_init_standard" + ] + ] + ], + "numeric_limit": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "_init_constraints", + "numeric_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_constraints": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolAttribute", + "_init_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "domain" + ] + ] + ], + "_account_recovery_setting": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "_account_recovery_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "_base_json": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "_base_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient", + "_base_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpIdentityProvider", + "_base_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser", + "_base_json" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_jwt": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_jwt" + ] + ] + ], + "add_custom_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "add_custom_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "add_custom_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "add_custom_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_id_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_id_token" + ] + ] + ], + "create_refresh_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_refresh_token" + ] + ] + ], + "create_access_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_access_token" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tokens_from_refresh_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "create_tokens_from_refresh_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_extra_data_by_client_id": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "get_user_extra_data_by_client_id" + ] + ] + ], + "sign_out": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPool", + "sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "_distribution_name": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolDomain", + "_distribution_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_readable_fields": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUserPoolClient", + "get_readable_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "update_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser", + "update_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpUser", + "delete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_user_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "set_user_pool_mfa_config": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "set_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "set_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_pool_mfa_config": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "get_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "get_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ] + ], + "list_user_pools": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_user_pools" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_user_pools" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_user_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "describe_user_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "describe_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_user_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user_pool": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_user_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_user_pool_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "describe_user_pool_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "describe_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_user_pool_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_user_pool_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_user_pool_client" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "list_user_pool_clients": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_user_pool_clients" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_user_pool_clients" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "describe_user_pool_client" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "describe_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_user_pool_client" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_user_pool_client" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "create_identity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_identity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_identity_providers": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_identity_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_identity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_identity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "describe_identity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "describe_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "update_identity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_identity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_identity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_identity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "create_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "get_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_groups": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "list_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "delete_group" + ] + ] + ], + "update_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "update_group" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_add_user_to_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_add_user_to_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_add_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_users_in_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_users_in_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_users_in_group" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_list_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_list_groups_for_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_list_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_remove_user_from_group": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_remove_user_from_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_remove_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_reset_user_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_reset_user_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_reset_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_create_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_confirm_sign_up": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_confirm_sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_confirm_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_get_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "list_users": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "list_users" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_disable_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_disable_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_disable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_enable_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_enable_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_enable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_delete_user": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_log_user_in": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "_log_user_in" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_auth_flow": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "_validate_auth_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_initiate_auth": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_initiate_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_initiate_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "respond_to_auth_challenge": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "respond_to_auth_challenge" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "respond_to_auth_challenge" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "respond_to_auth_challenge" + ] + ] + ], + "confirm_forgot_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "confirm_forgot_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "confirm_forgot_password" + ] + ] + ], + "forgot_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "forgot_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "forgot_password" + ] + ] + ], + "change_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "change_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_update_user_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_update_user_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_update_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_delete_user_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_delete_user_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_delete_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_user_global_sign_out": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_user_global_sign_out" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_user_global_sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "global_sign_out": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "global_sign_out" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "global_sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_server": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "create_resource_server" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "create_resource_server" + ] + ] + ], + "sign_up": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "confirm_sign_up": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "confirm_sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "confirm_sign_up" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "confirm_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "initiate_auth": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "initiate_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "initiate_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "initiate_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_software_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "associate_software_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "associate_software_token" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_software_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "verify_software_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "verify_software_token" + ] + ] + ], + "set_user_mfa_preference": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "set_user_mfa_preference" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "set_user_mfa_preference" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_set_user_mfa_preference": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_set_user_mfa_preference" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_set_user_mfa_preference" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "_validate_password" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_set_user_password": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "admin_set_user_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "admin_set_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "update_user_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "update_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_attr": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "_find_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_email_is_not_used": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpBackend", + "_verify_email_is_not_used" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_backend_by_access_token": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "_find_backend_by_access_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_backend_for_clientid": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "RegionAgnosticBackend", + "_find_backend_for_clientid" + ] + ] + ], + "find_account_region_by_value": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/models.py", + [ + "find_account_region_by_value" + ] + ] + ], + "parameters": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "serve_json_web_key": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/responses.py", + [ + "CognitoIdpJsonWebKeyResponse", + "serve_json_web_key" + ] + ] + ], + "check_secret_hash": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "check_secret_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_username_format": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "validate_username_format" + ] + ] + ], + "flatten_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "flatten_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "expand_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "expand_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_id": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "generate_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindowTarget", + "generate_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindowTask", + "generate_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakeMaintenanceWindow", + "generate_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "FakePatchBaseline", + "generate_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "PermissionSet", + "generate_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_id_uuid": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "_generate_id_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_id_hash": [ + [ + "moto/cognitoidp/utils.py", + [ + "_generate_id_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "list_entity_recognizers": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "list_entity_recognizers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "list_entity_recognizers" + ] + ] + ], + "create_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "create_entity_recognizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "create_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "describe_entity_recognizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "describe_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_training_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "stop_training_entity_recognizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "stop_training_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "delete_entity_recognizer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "delete_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "detect_pii_entities": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "detect_pii_entities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "detect_pii_entities" + ] + ] + ], + "detect_key_phrases": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "detect_key_phrases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "detect_key_phrases" + ] + ] + ], + "detect_sentiment": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/models.py", + [ + "ComprehendBackend", + "detect_sentiment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "detect_sentiment" + ] + ] + ], + "comprehend_backend": [ + [ + "moto/comprehend/responses.py", + [ + "ComprehendResponse", + "comprehend_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "snake_to_camels": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "snake_to_camels" + ] + ] + ], + "random_string": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "random_string" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_tag_key": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "validate_tag_key" + ] + ] + ], + "check_tag_duplicate": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "check_tag_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_class_args": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "convert_to_class_args" + ] + ] + ], + "start": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRecorderStatus", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeStep", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_server/threaded_moto_server.py", + [ + "ThreadedMotoServer", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsworkInstance", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/timer.py", + [ + "Timer", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "start" + ] + ] + ], + "stop": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRecorderStatus", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_server/threaded_moto_server.py", + [ + "ThreadedMotoServer", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSagemakerNotebookInstance", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "Execution", + "stop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "stop" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_fields": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRule", + "modify_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_managed_rule": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigRule", + "validate_managed_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_types": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "_validate_resource_types" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_delivery_snapshot_properties": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "_validate_delivery_snapshot_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "put_configuration_aggregator": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_aggregators": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_configuration_aggregators" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_configuration_aggregators" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_configuration_aggregator": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "put_aggregation_authorization": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_aggregation_authorizations": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_aggregation_authorizations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_aggregation_authorizations" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_aggregation_authorization": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "put_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_configuration_recorder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_recorders": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_configuration_recorders" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_configuration_recorders" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_recorder_status": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_configuration_recorder_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_configuration_recorder_status" + ] + ] + ], + "put_delivery_channel": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_delivery_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_delivery_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_delivery_channels": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_delivery_channels" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_delivery_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "start_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "start_configuration_recorder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "start_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "stop_configuration_recorder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "stop_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_configuration_recorder" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_delivery_channel": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_delivery_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_delivery_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "list_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "list_discovered_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "list_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aggregate_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "list_aggregate_discovered_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "list_aggregate_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_config_history": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "get_resource_config_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "get_resource_config_history" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_resource_config": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "batch_get_resource_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "batch_get_resource_config" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_aggregate_resource_config": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "batch_get_aggregate_resource_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "batch_get_aggregate_resource_config" + ] + ] + ], + "put_evaluations": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_evaluations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_evaluations" + ] + ] + ], + "put_organization_conformance_pack": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_organization_conformance_packs": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_organization_conformance_packs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_organization_conformance_packs" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses" + ] + ] + ], + "get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_organization_conformance_pack": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ] + ], + "_match_arn": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "_match_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "put_config_rule": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_config_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_config_rules": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_config_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_config_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_config_rule": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_config_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "put_retention_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "put_retention_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "put_retention_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_retention_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "describe_retention_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_retention_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_retention_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/config/models.py", + [ + "ConfigBackend", + "delete_retention_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "delete_retention_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "config_backend": [ + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "config_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_delivery_channel_status": [ + [ + "moto/config/responses.py", + [ + "ConfigResponse", + "describe_delivery_channel_status" + ] + ] + ], + "__new__": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "InstanceTrackerMeta", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "BaseModel", + "__new__" + ] + ] + ], + "_url_module": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "_url_module" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "_url_module" + ] + ] + ], + "urls": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "urls" + ] + ] + ], + "url_paths": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "url_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "url_bases": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "url_bases" + ] + ] + ], + "flask_paths": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "flask_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "vpce_random_number": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "vpce_random_number" + ] + ] + ], + "default_vpc_endpoint_service_factory": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BaseBackend", + "default_vpc_endpoint_service_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "__hash__": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__hash__" + ] + ] + ], + "__ne__": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__ne__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__ne__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__ne__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__ne__" + ] + ] + ], + "__contains__": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroups", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "ChangeList", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "__contains__" + ] + ] + ], + "__delitem__": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "MultipartDict", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__delitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "__setitem__": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "AccountSpecificBackend", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "LimitedSizeDict", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "__setitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_account_specific_backend": [ + [ + "moto/core/base_backend.py", + [ + "BackendDict", + "_create_account_specific_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "stream": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "MockRawResponse", + "stream" + ] + ] + ], + "register_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "BotocoreStubber", + "register_response" + ] + ] + ], + "__call__": [ + [ + "moto/core/botocore_stubber.py", + [ + "BotocoreStubber", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "base_decorator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_flask_response", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_flask_to_responses_response", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "PartitionFilter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "GenericFunction", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "__call__" + ] + ] + ], + "list_config_service_resources": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "ConfigQueryModel", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "RoleConfigQuery", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "PolicyConfigQuery", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/config.py", + [ + "S3ConfigQuery", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/config.py", + [ + "S3AccountPublicAccessBlockConfigQuery", + "list_config_service_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "get_config_resource": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "ConfigQueryModel", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "RoleConfigQuery", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/config.py", + [ + "PolicyConfigQuery", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/config.py", + [ + "S3ConfigQuery", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/config.py", + [ + "S3AccountPublicAccessBlockConfigQuery", + "get_config_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cloudwatch_metrics": [ + [ + "moto/core/common_models.py", + [ + "CloudWatchMetricProvider", + "get_cloudwatch_metrics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_cloudwatch_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "_url_matches": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "CallbackResponse", + "_url_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "not_implemented_callback": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "not_implemented_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_first_match": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "_find_first_match" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_mock": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "get_response_mock" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_responses_mock": [ + [ + "moto/core/custom_responses_mock.py", + [ + "reset_responses_mock" + ] + ] + ], + "relative_error_type": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RESTError", + "relative_error_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "JsonRESTError", + "relative_error_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_body": [ + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "RESTError", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/exceptions.py", + [ + "JsonRESTError", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainClientError", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownBroker", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownConfiguration", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownUser", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnsupportedEngineType", + "get_body" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/exceptions.py", + [ + "UnknownEngineType", + "get_body" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_model_data": [ + [ + "moto/core/model_instances.py", + [ + "reset_model_data" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapper": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "decorate_callable", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "set_initial_no_auth_action_count", + "decorator", + "wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "decorate_callable": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "decorate_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "decorate_class": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "decorate_class" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_env_variables": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "mock_env_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "unmock_env_variables": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BaseMockAWS", + "unmock_env_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "get_direct_methods_of": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "get_direct_methods_of" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_client": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "patch_client" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_resource": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "patch_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_patching": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BotocoreEventMockAWS", + "enable_patching" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "enable_patching" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_patching": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "BotocoreEventMockAWS", + "disable_patching" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "disable_patching" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_boto3_client": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "enable_patching", + "fake_boto3_client" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_boto3_resource": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "enable_patching", + "fake_boto3_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_region": [ + [ + "moto/core/models.py", + [ + "ServerModeMockAWS", + "_get_region" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_dict": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_decode_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "contains": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "DynamicDictLoader", + "contains" + ] + ] + ], + "should_autoescape": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "should_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Response", + "should_autoescape" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "should_autoescape" + ] + ] + ], + "environment": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "environment" + ] + ] + ], + "contains_template": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "contains_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_template_id": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "_make_template_id" + ] + ] + ], + "response_template": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_TemplateEnvironmentMixin", + "response_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_authenticate_and_authorize_action": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "_authenticate_and_authorize_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_authenticate_and_authorize_normal_action": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "_authenticate_and_authorize_normal_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_authenticate_and_authorize_s3_action": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "_authenticate_and_authorize_s3_action" + ] + ] + ], + "decorator": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "set_initial_no_auth_action_count", + "decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "set_initial_no_auth_action_count": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "ActionAuthenticatorMixin", + "set_initial_no_auth_action_count" + ] + ] + ], + "dispatch": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "dispatch" + ] + ] + ], + "get_region_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "get_region_from_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "get_region_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "get_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_current_account": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "get_current_account" + ] + ] + ], + "_dispatch": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_dispatch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_dispatch" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "uri_to_regexp", + "_convert" + ] + ] + ], + "uri_to_regexp": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "uri_to_regexp" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_action_from_method_and_request_uri": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_action_from_method_and_request_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "call_action": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "call_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "call_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "call_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "call_action" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "call_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_send_response" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_send_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "_get_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_int_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_int_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_bool_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_bool_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_multi_param_dict": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_multi_param_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_multi_param_helper": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_multi_param_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_multi_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_multi_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_dict_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_dict_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_params": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_param": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_parse_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_list_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_list_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_map_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_map_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_object_map": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "_get_object_map" + ] + ] + ], + "request_json": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "request_json" + ] + ] + ], + "error_on_dryrun": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "BaseResponse", + "error_on_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattr__": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "__getattr__" + ] + ] + ], + "set_reference": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "_RecursiveDictRef", + "set_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "input_spec": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec", + "input_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "output_spec": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec", + "output_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "expand": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec", + "_expand", + "expand" + ] + ] + ], + "_expand": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "AWSServiceSpec", + "_expand" + ] + ] + ], + "to_str": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPath", + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathDescender", + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionSelector", + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttribute", + "to_str" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeName", + "to_str" + ] + ] + ], + "from_str": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "from_str" + ] + ] + ], + "flatten_json_request_body": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "flatten_json_request_body" + ] + ] + ], + "transform": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "xml_to_json_response", + "transform" + ] + ] + ], + "xml_to_json_response": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses.py", + [ + "xml_to_json_response" + ] + ] + ], + "find": [ + [ + "moto/core/responses_custom_registry.py", + [ + "CustomRegistry", + "find" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "find" + ] + ] + ], + "camelcase_to_underscores": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "camelcase_to_underscores" + ] + ] + ], + "underscores_to_camelcase": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "underscores_to_camelcase" + ] + ] + ], + "pascal_to_camelcase": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "pascal_to_camelcase" + ] + ] + ], + "camelcase_to_pascal": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "camelcase_to_pascal" + ] + ] + ], + "method_names_from_class": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "method_names_from_class" + ] + ] + ], + "caller": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_regex_to_flask_path", + "caller" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_regex_to_flask_path": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_regex_to_flask_path" + ] + ] + ], + "__name__": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_flask_response", + "__name__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "convert_flask_to_responses_response", + "__name__" + ] + ] + ], + "iso_8601_datetime_with_milliseconds": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "iso_8601_datetime_with_milliseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "iso_8601_datetime_with_nanoseconds": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "iso_8601_datetime_with_nanoseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds_s3": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "rfc_1123_datetime": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "rfc_1123_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "str_to_rfc_1123_datetime": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "str_to_rfc_1123_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "unix_time": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "unix_time" + ] + ] + ], + "unix_time_millis": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "unix_time_millis" + ] + ] + ], + "path_url": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "path_url" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_from_query_string": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "tags_from_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_from_cloudformation_tags_list": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "tags_from_cloudformation_tags_list" + ] + ] + ], + "remap_nested_keys": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "remap_nested_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_dicts": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "merge_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "aws_api_matches": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "aws_api_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_region_from_aws_authorization": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "extract_region_from_aws_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "params_sort_function": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "params_sort_function" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_werkzeug_path": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "normalize_werkzeug_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_unquote_hex_characters": [ + [ + "moto/core/utils.py", + [ + "_unquote_hex_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "is_responses_0_17_x": [ + [ + "moto/core/versions.py", + [ + "is_responses_0_17_x" + ] + ] + ], + "is_werkzeug_2_3_x": [ + [ + "moto/core/versions.py", + [ + "is_werkzeug_2_3_x" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_length": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "validate_length" + ] + ] + ], + "create_recipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_recipe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_recipe_version": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "delete_recipe_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "delete_recipe_version" + ] + ] + ], + "update_recipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "list_recipes": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_recipes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_recipes" + ] + ] + ], + "list_recipe_versions": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_recipe_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_recipe_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_recipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "describe_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "publish_recipe": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "publish_recipe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "publish_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "create_ruleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_ruleset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "update_ruleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_ruleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "describe_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rulesets": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_rulesets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_rulesets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_ruleset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "delete_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "list_datasets": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_datasets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "list_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "update_dataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "update_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "delete_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "delete_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_dataset": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "describe_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "describe_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "describe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "describe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "describe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_job" + ] + ] + ], + "create_profile_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_profile_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "create_recipe_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "create_recipe_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "create_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "update_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_job" + ] + ] + ], + "update_recipe_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "update_profile_job": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "update_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "DataBrewBackend", + "list_jobs", + "filter_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "version_is_valid": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe", + "version_is_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "publish": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipeVersion", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Subscription", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformEndpoint", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "publish" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "publish" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_published_version": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipe", + "delete_published_version" + ] + ] + ], + "as_dict": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRecipeVersion", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeRuleset", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeDataset", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeDatabase", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakePartition", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "LastCrawlInfo", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobRun", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeRegistry", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSession", + "as_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrigger", + "as_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_arn": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeDataset", + "resource_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "resource_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "local_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "local_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "validate": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "Validator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyDocumentValidator", + "validate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator", + "validate" + ] + ] + ], + "job_type": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "job_type" + ] + ] + ], + "databrew_backend": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "databrew_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "put_recipe_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "put_recipe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_recipe_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "get_recipe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "recipe_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "recipe_response" + ] + ] + ], + "put_ruleset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "put_ruleset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ruleset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "get_ruleset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_ruleset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "delete_ruleset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "ruleset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "ruleset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "dataset_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "dataset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "get_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "delete_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "update_profile_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "update_profile_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "update_recipe_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "update_recipe_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "profile_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "profile_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "recipe_job_response": [ + [ + "moto/databrew/responses.py", + [ + "DataBrewResponse", + "recipe_job_response" + ] + ] + ], + "to_meta_json": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "to_meta_json" + ] + ] + ], + "set_pipeline_objects": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "set_pipeline_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "activate": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "Pipeline", + "activate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "activate" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_pipelines": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "describe_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "describe_pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "put_pipeline_definition": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "put_pipeline_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "put_pipeline_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pipeline_definition": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "get_pipeline_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "get_pipeline_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_objects": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "describe_objects" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "describe_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "activate_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/models.py", + [ + "DataPipelineBackend", + "activate_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "activate_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "datapipeline_backend": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/responses.py", + [ + "DataPipelineResponse", + "datapipeline_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_pipeline_id": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/utils.py", + [ + "get_random_pipeline_id" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_capitalization_of_dict_keys": [ + [ + "moto/datapipeline/utils.py", + [ + "remove_capitalization_of_dict_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "iterate_status": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "TaskExecution", + "iterate_status" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "TaskExecution", + "cancel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SigningProfile", + "cancel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/timer.py", + [ + "Timer", + "cancel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "cancel" + ] + ] + ], + "create_location": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "create_location" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_location": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "_get_location" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "_get_location" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_location": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "delete_location" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "delete_location" + ] + ] + ], + "create_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "create_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "create_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "_get_task" + ] + ] + ], + "update_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "update_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "update_task" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "delete_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "delete_task" + ] + ] + ], + "start_task_execution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "start_task_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "start_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_task_execution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "_get_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_task_execution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/models.py", + [ + "DataSyncBackend", + "cancel_task_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "cancel_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "datasync_backend": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "datasync_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "list_locations": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "list_locations" + ] + ] + ], + "create_location_s3": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "create_location_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_location_s3": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "describe_location_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "create_location_smb": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "create_location_smb" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_location_smb": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "describe_location_smb" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "list_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_task": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "describe_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_task_execution": [ + [ + "moto/datasync/responses.py", + [ + "DataSyncResponse", + "describe_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_new_node": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "_create_new_node" + ] + ] + ], + "increase_replication_factor": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "increase_replication_factor" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "increase_replication_factor" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "increase_replication_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "decrease_replication_factor": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "decrease_replication_factor" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "decrease_replication_factor" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "decrease_replication_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "is_deleted": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DaxCluster", + "is_deleted" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "is_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "clusters": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/dax/models.py", + [ + "DAXBackend", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "dax_backend": [ + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "dax_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "_validate_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "_validate_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_name": [ + [ + "moto/dax/responses.py", + [ + "DAXResponse", + "_validate_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_validate_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "create_replication_task": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "create_replication_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "create_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "start_replication_task": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "start_replication_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "start_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_replication_task": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "stop_replication_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "stop_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_replication_task": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "delete_replication_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "delete_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_replication_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceBackend", + "describe_replication_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "describe_replication_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "ready": [ + [ + "moto/dms/models.py", + [ + "FakeReplicationTask", + "ready" + ] + ] + ], + "dms_backend": [ + [ + "moto/dms/responses.py", + [ + "DatabaseMigrationServiceResponse", + "dms_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_id": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_id" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_migration_type": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_migration_type" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_endpoint_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_endpoint_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "match_task_replication_instance_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "match_task_replication_instance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/dms/utils.py", + [ + "filter_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "create_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "create_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "create_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "create_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "delete_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "delete_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "delete_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_eni": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "create_eni" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "create_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_eni": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "delete_eni" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "delete_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_sso": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "Directory", + "enable_sso" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "enable_sso" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "enable_sso" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "_verify_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "connect_directory": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "connect_directory" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "connect_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "create_directory": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "create_directory" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "create_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_directory_id": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "_validate_directory_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_microsoft_ad": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "create_microsoft_ad" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "create_microsoft_ad" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_directory": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "delete_directory" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "delete_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_sso": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "disable_sso" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "disable_sso" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_directories": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "describe_directories" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "describe_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "get_directory_limits": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "get_directory_limits" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "get_directory_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tags_to_resource": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tags_from_resource": [ + [ + "moto/ds/models.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceBackend", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "ds_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ds/responses.py", + [ + "DirectoryServiceResponse", + "ds_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_args": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_args" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_args" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_alias": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_description": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_description" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_directory_id": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_directory_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_dns_ips": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_dns_ips" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_edition": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_edition" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_name": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_password": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_password" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_short_name": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_short_name" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_size": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_size" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_sso_password": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_sso_password" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_subnet_ids": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_subnet_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_user_name": [ + [ + "moto/ds/validations.py", + [ + "validate_user_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filter_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "get_filter_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "get_expected": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "get_expected" + ] + ] + ], + "expr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Op", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Operand", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributeValue", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpDefault", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNot", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpAnd", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpLessThan", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpGreaterThan", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpEqual", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpNotEqual", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpLessThanOrEqual", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpGreaterThanOrEqual", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "OpOr", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "Func", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrExists", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrType", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncBeginsWith", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncContains", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncSize", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncBetween", + "expr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncIn", + "expr" + ] + ] + ], + "get_comparison_func": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "get_comparison_func" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/comparisons.py", + [ + "get_comparison_func" + ] + ] + ], + "parse": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPatternParser", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion", + "parse" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_exception_if_keyword": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "raise_exception_if_keyword" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver", + "raise_exception_if_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "_lex_condition_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_lex_condition_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "_lex_one_node": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_lex_one_node" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_paths": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_parse_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_path_element": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_parse_path_element" + ] + ] + ], + "_lookup_expression_attribute_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_lookup_expression_attribute_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_lookup_expression_attribute_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_lookup_expression_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_matches": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_comparator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_comparator" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_in": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_in" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_between": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_between" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_functions": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_parens_and_booleans": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_parens_and_booleans" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_booleans": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_booleans" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_not": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_not" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_and": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_and" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_or": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_apply_or" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_operand": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_make_operand" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_op_condition": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_make_op_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "ConditionExpressionParser", + "_assert" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_attr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "AttributePath", + "_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncAttrNotExists": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncAttrNotExists" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncNotContains": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/comparisons.py", + [ + "FuncNotContains" + ] + ] + ], + "create_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "create_table" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "delete_table" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "describe_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "describe_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_of_resource": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "list_tags_of_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "list_tags_of_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tables": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "list_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "list_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "describe_table" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamDatabase", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "update_table" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table_throughput": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_throughput" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table_billing_mode": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_billing_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table_streams": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "update_table_global_indexes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_table_global_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "put_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "put_item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "put_item" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table_keys_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_table_keys_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_keys_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_keys_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_table" + ] + ] + ], + "get_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "query": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/partiql.py", + [ + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "query" + ] + ] + ], + "scan": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "scan" + ] + ] + ], + "update_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "update_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_item" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_item" + ] + ] + ], + "update_time_to_live": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_time_to_live" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_time_to_live" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_time_to_live": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_time_to_live" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_time_to_live" + ] + ] + ], + "check_unicity": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "transact_write_items", + "check_unicity" + ] + ] + ], + "transact_write_items": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "transact_write_items" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "transact_write_items" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_continuous_backups": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_continuous_backups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_continuous_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "update_continuous_backups": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "update_continuous_backups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "update_continuous_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "get_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "get_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "list_backups": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "list_backups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "list_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "create_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "create_backup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "create_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "delete_backup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "delete_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "describe_backup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_table_from_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "restore_table_from_backup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "restore_table_from_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_table_to_point_in_time": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "restore_table_to_point_in_time" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "restore_table_to_point_in_time" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "batch_get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_get_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_write_item": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "batch_write_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_write_item" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_write_item" + ] + ] + ], + "transact_get_items": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "transact_get_items" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "transact_get_items" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_statement": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "execute_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "execute_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rdsdata/models.py", + [ + "RDSDataServiceBackend", + "execute_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rdsdata/responses.py", + [ + "RDSDataServiceResponse", + "execute_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend", + "execute_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "execute_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "execute_transaction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "execute_transaction" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "execute_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_execute_statement": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/__init__.py", + [ + "DynamoDBBackend", + "batch_execute_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "batch_execute_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "get_human_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DDBTypeConversion", + "get_human_type" + ] + ] + ], + "__le__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__le__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__le__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__le__" + ] + ] + ], + "__gt__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__gt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__gt__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__gt__" + ] + ] + ], + "__ge__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__ge__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "ReleaseLabel", + "__ge__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "Version", + "__ge__" + ] + ] + ], + "__add__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__add__" + ] + ] + ], + "__sub__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "__sub__" + ] + ] + ], + "cast_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "cast_value" + ] + ] + ], + "child_attr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "child_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "to_regular_json": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "to_regular_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "to_regular_json" + ] + ] + ], + "compare": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "compare" + ] + ] + ], + "is_number": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "is_number" + ] + ] + ], + "is_set": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "is_set" + ] + ] + ], + "is_list": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "is_list" + ] + ] + ], + "is_map": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "is_map" + ] + ] + ], + "same_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "same_type" + ] + ] + ], + "pop": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "DynamoType", + "pop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "pop" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "pop" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "describe_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Item", + "describe_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_no_empty_key_values": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "validate_no_empty_key_values" + ] + ] + ], + "update_with_attribute_updates": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "update_with_attribute_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "project": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/dynamo_type.py", + [ + "Item", + "project" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "SecondaryIndex", + "project" + ] + ] + ], + "get": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "StreamShard", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "ShardIterator", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_PartitionFilterExpressionCache", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomain", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsStore", + "get" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_encryption_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_get_default_encryption_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "_get_default_encryption_key" + ] + ] + ], + "keys_from_index": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "attribute_keys", + "keys_from_index" + ] + ] + ], + "attribute_keys": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "attribute_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_generate_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "set_stream_specification": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "set_stream_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "hash_key_names": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "hash_key_names" + ] + ] + ], + "range_key_names": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "range_key_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_key_sizes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_validate_key_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_item_types": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_validate_item_types" + ] + ] + ], + "__nonzero__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "__nonzero__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "__nonzero__" + ] + ] + ], + "__bool__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "__bool__" + ] + ] + ], + "has_range_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_range_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "conv": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "query", + "None_4", + "if_index_range_key_", + "conv" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_response_restxml_template", + "conv" + ] + ] + ], + "all_items": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "all_items" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "Table", + "all_items" + ] + ] + ], + "all_indexes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "all_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_index": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_index" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionSelector", + "get_index" + ] + ] + ], + "has_idx_items": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "has_idx_items" + ] + ] + ], + "_trim_results": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_trim_results" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_identifier": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Backup", + "_make_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "details": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Backup", + "details" + ] + ] + ], + "summary": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "Backup", + "summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "User", + "summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection", + "summary" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_params_from_backup": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "RestoredTable", + "_parse_params_from_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_params_from_table": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/table.py", + [ + "RestoredPITTable", + "_parse_params_from_table" + ] + ] + ], + "default": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/utilities.py", + [ + "DynamoJsonEncoder", + "default" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "DynamoJsonEncoder", + "default" + ] + ] + ], + "dynamo_json_dump": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/utilities.py", + [ + "dynamo_json_dump" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/models.py", + [ + "dynamo_json_dump" + ] + ] + ], + "bytesize": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/utilities.py", + [ + "bytesize" + ] + ] + ], + "find_nested_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/models/utilities.py", + [ + "find_nested_key" + ] + ] + ], + "set_parent": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node", + "set_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node", + "normalize" + ] + ] + ], + "find_clauses": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "Node", + "find_clauses" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveAction", + "_get_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attribute_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttribute", + "get_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attribute_name_placeholder": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeName", + "get_attribute_name_placeholder" + ] + ] + ], + "get_value_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValue", + "get_value_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_operator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "ExpressionValueOperator", + "get_operator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunction", + "get_function_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_nth_argument": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunction", + "get_nth_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "get_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DDBTypedValue", + "get_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_creatable": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPath", + "is_creatable" + ] + ] + ], + "_processing_map": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValueProcessor", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPathChecker", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "EmptyStringKeyValueValidator", + "_processing_map" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateHashRangeKeyValidator", + "_processing_map" + ] + ] + ], + "nodes_to_be_processed": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "nodes_to_be_processed" + ] + ] + ], + "process": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "process" + ] + ] + ], + "pre_processing_of_child": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "pre_processing_of_child" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "pre_processing_of_child" + ] + ] + ], + "traverse_node_recursively": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "traverse_node_recursively" + ] + ] + ], + "traverse": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "DepthFirstTraverser", + "traverse" + ] + ] + ], + "add_nodes_left_to_right_depth_first": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher", + "add_nodes_left_to_right_depth_first" + ] + ] + ], + "next": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher", + "next" + ] + ] + ], + "__next__": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/ast_nodes.py", + [ + "NodeDepthLeftTypeFetcher", + "__next__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tokenizer.py", + [ + "GenericTokenizer", + "__next__" + ] + ] + ], + "get_item_part_for_path_nodes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_item_part_for_path_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_item_before_end_of_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_item_before_end_of_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_item_at_end_of_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_item_at_end_of_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_path_expression_nodes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_path_expression_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_element_to_action": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_element_to_action" + ] + ] + ], + "get_action_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "NodeExecutor", + "get_action_value" + ] + ] + ], + "set": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "SetExecutor", + "set" + ] + ] + ], + "get_specific_execution": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/executors.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionExecutor", + "get_specific_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_target_clause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin", + "_parse_target_clause" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_parse_target_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "_initializer_args": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin", + "_initializer_args" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "_initializer_args" + ] + ] + ], + "_nestable_class": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionsParser", + "_nestable_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_node": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableExpressionParserMixin", + "_create_node" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_create_node" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetClauseParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValueParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueOperatorParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueOrPathParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClauseParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddClauseParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClauseParser", + "_parse" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionParser", + "_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "is_possible_start": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "is_possible_start" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_possible_start": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetClauseParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionGroupedValueParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueOperatorParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAttributeValueOrPathParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveClauseParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddClauseParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteClauseParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionParser", + "_is_possible_start" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_with_pos": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "_parse_with_pos" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_token_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_next_token_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_token_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_next_token_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_at_end": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "is_at_end" + ] + ] + ], + "is_at_start": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "is_at_start" + ] + ] + ], + "get_last_token_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_last_token_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_last_token_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_last_token_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_2nd_last_token_value_if_last_was_whitespace": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_2nd_last_token_value_if_last_was_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "get_following_token_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_following_token_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_following_token_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_following_token_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_2nd_following_token_value_if_following_was_whitespace": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "get_2nd_following_token_value_if_following_was_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_white_space": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "skip_white_space" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/tokenizer.py", + [ + "GenericTokenizer", + "skip_white_space" + ] + ] + ], + "process_token_of_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "process_token_of_type" + ] + ] + ], + "goto_next_significant_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "goto_next_significant_token" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_unexpected_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "ExpressionParser", + "raise_unexpected_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "raise_unexpected_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_operand_factory_class": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_operand_factory_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueParser", + "_operand_factory_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_binop_factory_class": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "NestableBinExpressionParser", + "_binop_factory_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValueParser", + "_binop_factory_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_sub_factories": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_sub_factories" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionOperandParser", + "_sub_factories" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_expression_clause": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_parse_expression_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_by_a_subfactory": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "_parse_by_a_subfactory" + ] + ] + ], + "make": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionParser", + "make" + ] + ] + ], + "_nested_expression_parser_class": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionSetActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionRemoveActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionAddActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionDeleteActionsParser", + "_nested_expression_parser_class" + ] + ] + ], + "process_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "process_path" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "parse_path" + ] + ] + ], + "is_next_token_start_of_patch_chain": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "is_next_token_start_of_patch_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "process_dot": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "process_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_path_chain": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "parse_path_chain" + ] + ] + ], + "process_attribute_identifying_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "process_attribute_identifying_token" + ] + ] + ], + "is_next_token_start_of_selector": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "is_next_token_start_of_selector" + ] + ] + ], + "process_selector": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathParser", + "process_selector" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_path_and_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/expressions.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionPathValueParser", + "_parse_path_and_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "get_key" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/key_condition_expression.py", + [ + "validate_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "get_query_metadata": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/partiql.py", + [ + "get_query_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reserved_keywords": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/reserved_keywords.py", + [ + "ReservedKeywords", + "get_reserved_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_reserved_keywords": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/reserved_keywords.py", + [ + "ReservedKeywords", + "_get_reserved_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "is_simple_token_character": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_simple_token_character" + ] + ] + ], + "is_possible_token_boundary": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_possible_token_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "is_expression_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_expression_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "is_expression_attribute_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_expression_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "is_expression_attribute_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_expression_attribute_value" + ] + ] + ], + "make_list": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "make_list" + ] + ] + ], + "add_token": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "add_token" + ] + ] + ], + "add_token_from_stage": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "add_token_from_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "is_numeric": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "is_numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "process_staged_characters": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "process_staged_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_list": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/tokens.py", + [ + "ExpressionTokenizer", + "_make_list" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_expression_attribute_value_with_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeValueProcessor", + "replace_expression_attribute_value_with_value" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_expression_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver", + "resolve_expression_path" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "resolve_expression_path" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_expression_path_nodes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver", + "resolve_expression_path_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_expression_path_nodes_to_dynamo_type": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionPathResolver", + "resolve_expression_path_nodes_to_dynamo_type" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_resolving": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "disable_resolving" + ] + ] + ], + "process_expression_path_node": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExpressionAttributeResolvingProcessor", + "process_expression_path_node" + ] + ] + ], + "process_function": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator", + "process_function" + ] + ] + ], + "get_list_from_ddb_typed_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionFunctionEvaluator", + "get_list_from_ddb_typed_value" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_none_existing_path": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "NoneExistingPathChecker", + "raise_none_existing_path" + ] + ] + ], + "process_update_expression_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "process_update_expression_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dynamo_value_from_ddb_typed_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "get_dynamo_value_from_ddb_typed_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sum": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "get_sum" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subtraction": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "ExecuteOperations", + "get_subtraction" + ] + ] + ], + "check_for_empty_string_key_value": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "EmptyStringKeyValueValidator", + "check_for_empty_string_key_value" + ] + ] + ], + "check_for_hash_or_range_key": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateHashRangeKeyValidator", + "check_for_hash_or_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ast_processors": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "Validator", + "get_ast_processors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb/parsing/validators.py", + [ + "UpdateExpressionValidator", + "get_ast_processors" + ] + ] + ], + "_wrapper": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "include_consumed_capacity", + "_inner", + "_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "exception_handler", + "_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "amz_crc32", + "_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "amzn_request_id", + "_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "_inner": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "include_consumed_capacity", + "_inner" + ] + ] + ], + "include_consumed_capacity": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "include_consumed_capacity" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_put_has_empty_keys": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "validate_put_has_empty_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_attr": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "put_has_empty_attrs", + "_validate_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "put_has_empty_attrs": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "put_has_empty_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_put_has_gsi_keys_set_to_none": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "validate_put_has_gsi_keys_set_to_none" + ] + ] + ], + "check_projection_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "check_projection_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "get_endpoint_name": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "get_endpoint_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodb_v20111205/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "get_endpoint_name" + ] + ] + ], + "dynamodb_backend": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "dynamodb_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "dump_list": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_throw_attr_error", + "dump_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_throw_attr_error": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_throw_attr_error" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_filter_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_get_filter_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_projection_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_get_projection_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "_contains_duplicates": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_contains_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_adjust_projection_expression", + "_adjust" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust_projection_expression": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_adjust_projection_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_updated_new_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "_build_updated_new_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_limits": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodb/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoHandler", + "describe_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "dynamodb": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "dynamodb" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_table_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "_get_table_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stream": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "describe_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "list_streams": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "list_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "get_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "get_shard_iterator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "get_shard_iterator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "get_shard_iterator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "get_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_records": [ + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/models.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsBackend", + "get_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/dynamodbstreams/responses.py", + [ + "DynamoDBStreamsHandler", + "get_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "get_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "get_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "get_records" + ] + ] + ], + "put_block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSSnapshot", + "put_block" + ] + ] + ], + "start_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "start_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "start_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "complete_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "complete_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "put_snapshot_block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "put_snapshot_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "put_snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "get_snapshot_block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_snapshot_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "get_snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "list_changed_blocks": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "list_changed_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "list_snapshot_blocks": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/models.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "list_snapshot_blocks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "list_snapshot_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "ebs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "ebs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_block": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_blocks": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "snapshot_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_changed_blocks": [ + [ + "moto/ebs/responses.py", + [ + "EBSResponse", + "snapshot_changed_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_resource_ids": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "validate_resource_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SettingsBackend", + "disable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/settings.py", + [ + "Settings", + "disable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SettingsBackend", + "enable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/settings.py", + [ + "Settings", + "enable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SettingsBackend", + "get_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/settings.py", + [ + "Settings", + "get_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_error": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend", + "raise_error" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_not_implemented_error": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend", + "raise_not_implemented_error" + ] + ] + ], + "do_resources_exist": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/__init__.py", + [ + "EC2Backend", + "do_resources_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "is_public": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "Ami", + "is_public" + ] + ] + ], + "is_public_string": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "Ami", + "is_public_string" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filter_value": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "Ami", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateway", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSet", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "VolumeModification", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Snapshot", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddress", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/hosts.py", + [ + "Host", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPair", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplate", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAcl", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotInstanceRequest", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnection", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGateway", + "get_filter_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_amis": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "_load_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "create_image": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "create_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "create_image" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_image": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "copy_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "copy_image" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_images": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "describe_images" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "describe_images" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "describe_images" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "describe_images" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_image": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "deregister_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "deregister_image" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_permission_targets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "validate_permission_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "add_launch_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "add_launch_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "register_image": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "register_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "register_image" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_launch_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "remove_launch_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_image_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/amis.py", + [ + "AmiBackend", + "describe_image_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "describe_image_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_regions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "RegionsAndZonesBackend", + "describe_regions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "AvailabilityZonesAndRegions", + "describe_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_availability_zones": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "RegionsAndZonesBackend", + "describe_availability_zones" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "AvailabilityZonesAndRegions", + "describe_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zone_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "RegionsAndZonesBackend", + "get_zone_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "owner_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixList", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/route_tables.py", + [ + "RouteTable", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityRule", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "owner_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_carrier_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGatewayBackend", + "create_carrier_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "create_carrier_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_carrier_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGatewayBackend", + "delete_carrier_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "delete_carrier_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_carrier_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGatewayBackend", + "describe_carrier_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "CarrierGateway", + "describe_carrier_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tag": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/core.py", + [ + "TaggedEC2Resource", + "add_tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "add_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "create_customer_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend", + "create_customer_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateways", + "create_customer_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "create_customer_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend", + "describe_customer_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateways", + "describe_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "get_customer_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend", + "get_customer_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_customer_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGatewayBackend", + "delete_customer_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/customer_gateways.py", + [ + "CustomerGateways", + "delete_customer_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSet", + "options" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend", + "associate_dhcp_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions", + "associate_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend", + "create_dhcp_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions", + "create_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dhcp_options_set": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend", + "delete_dhcp_options_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptionsSetBackend", + "describe_dhcp_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions", + "describe_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "modify": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "modify" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCEndPoint", + "modify" + ] + ] + ], + "status": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "Volume", + "status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsworkInstance", + "status" + ] + ] + ], + "create_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "create_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "create_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_volumes": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "describe_volumes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "modify_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "modify_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_volumes_modifications": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "describe_volumes_modifications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_volumes_modifications" + ] + ] + ], + "get_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "delete_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "delete_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "attach_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "attach_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "detach_volume" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "detach_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "create_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "create_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "create_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "create_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "create_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "create_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "describe_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "copy_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "copy_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "get_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "delete_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "delete_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "get_create_volume_permission_groups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_create_volume_permission_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "get_create_volume_permission_userids": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "get_create_volume_permission_userids" + ] + ] + ], + "add_create_volume_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "add_create_volume_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_create_volume_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "EBSBackend", + "remove_create_volume_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "allocate_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "allocate_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "allocate_address" + ] + ] + ], + "address_by_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "address_by_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "address_by_allocation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "address_by_allocation" + ] + ] + ], + "address_by_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "address_by_association" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "associate_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "associate_address" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "describe_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "describe_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "disassociate_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "disassociate_address" + ] + ] + ], + "release_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticAddressBackend", + "release_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "ElasticIPAddresses", + "release_address" + ] + ] + ], + "association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "association" + ] + ] + ], + "check_auto_public_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "check_auto_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "group_set": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterface", + "group_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "create_network_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "create_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "get_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "get_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "delete_network_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "delete_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_network_interfaces": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "describe_network_interfaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "describe_network_interfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "attach_network_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "attach_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "detach_network_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "detach_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_network_interface_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "modify_network_interface_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "modify_network_interface_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_network_interfaces": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "get_all_network_interfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "unassign_private_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "unassign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "unassign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/ip_addresses.py", + [ + "IPAddresses", + "unassign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "assign_private_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "assign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "assign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/ip_addresses.py", + [ + "IPAddresses", + "assign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "assign_ipv6_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "assign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "assign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "unassign_ipv6_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "NetworkInterfaceBackend", + "unassign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "unassign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "create_spot_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "create_spot_requests" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "create_spot_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "create_on_demand_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "create_on_demand_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "get_launch_spec_counts": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "get_launch_spec_counts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "get_launch_spec_counts" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleet", + "terminate_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "terminate_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotFleetRequest", + "terminate_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "terminate_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "create_fleet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "create_fleet" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets", + "create_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fleet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "get_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_fleet_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "describe_fleet_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets", + "describe_fleet_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_fleets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "describe_fleets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets", + "describe_fleets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_fleets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/fleets.py", + [ + "FleetsBackend", + "delete_fleets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/fleets.py", + [ + "Fleets", + "delete_fleets" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_request": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend", + "_validate_request" + ] + ] + ], + "create_flow_logs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend", + "create_flow_logs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "create_flow_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_flow_logs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend", + "describe_flow_logs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "describe_flow_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_flow_logs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogsBackend", + "delete_flow_logs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/flow_logs.py", + [ + "FlowLogs", + "delete_flow_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "release": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/hosts.py", + [ + "Host", + "release" + ] + ] + ], + "allocate_hosts": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsBackend", + "allocate_hosts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsResponse", + "allocate_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_hosts": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsBackend", + "describe_hosts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsResponse", + "describe_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_hosts": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsBackend", + "modify_hosts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsResponse", + "modify_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "release_hosts": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsBackend", + "release_hosts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/hosts.py", + [ + "HostsResponse", + "release_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_iam_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend", + "associate_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles", + "associate_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_iam_instance_profile_associations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend", + "describe_iam_instance_profile_associations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles", + "describe_iam_instance_profile_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_iam_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend", + "disassociate_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles", + "disassociate_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_iam_instance_profile_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/iam_instance_profile.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfileAssociationBackend", + "replace_iam_instance_profile_association" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/iam_instance_profiles.py", + [ + "IamInstanceProfiles", + "replace_iam_instance_profile_association" + ] + ] + ], + "__setattr__": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "__setattr__" + ] + ] + ], + "stringify": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceType", + "get_filter_value", + "stringify" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_types": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeBackend", + "describe_instance_types" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_types" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_type_offerings": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend", + "describe_instance_type_offerings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_type_offerings" + ] + ] + ], + "matches_filter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend", + "matches_filters", + "matches_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "matches_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "describe_spot_price_history", + "matches_filters", + "matches_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "matches_filters": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instance_types.py", + [ + "InstanceTypeOfferingBackend", + "matches_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "matches_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "describe_spot_price_history", + "matches_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "vpc_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "__del__": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "__del__" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "__del__" + ] + ] + ], + "add_block_device": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "add_block_device" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_defaults": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "setup_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown_defaults": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "teardown_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "get_block_device_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "get_block_device_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "private_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "private_dns": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "private_dns" + ] + ] + ], + "public_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "public_dns": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "public_dns" + ] + ] + ], + "is_running": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "is_running" + ] + ] + ], + "reboot": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "reboot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "reboot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "reboot" + ] + ] + ], + "dynamic_group_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "dynamic_group_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_private_ip_from_nic": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "_get_private_ip_from_nic" + ] + ] + ], + "prep_nics": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "prep_nics" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_eni": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "attach_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_eni": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "detach_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "applies": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "Instance", + "applies" + ] + ] + ], + "add_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "add_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "run_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "run_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "run_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "start_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "start_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "start_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "stop_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "stop_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "reboot_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "reboot_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "reboot_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_instance_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "modify_instance_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "modify_instance_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_instance_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "modify_instance_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "describe_instance_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_credit_specifications": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "describe_instance_credit_specifications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_credit_specifications" + ] + ] + ], + "all_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "all_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "all_running_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "all_running_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "get_multi_instances_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "get_multi_instances_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "get_instance_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reservations_by_instance_ids": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "get_reservations_by_instance_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "describe_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "describe_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "describe_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_status": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "describe_instance_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "describe_instance_status" + ] + ] + ], + "all_reservations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "all_reservations" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_template_from_args": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceBackend", + "_get_template_from_args" + ] + ] + ], + "create_egress_only_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend", + "create_egress_only_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/egress_only_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "create_egress_only_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_egress_only_internet_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend", + "describe_egress_only_internet_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/egress_only_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "describe_egress_only_internet_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_egress_only_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend", + "delete_egress_only_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/egress_only_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGateway", + "delete_egress_only_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_egress_only_igw": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "EgressOnlyInternetGatewayBackend", + "get_egress_only_igw" + ] + ] + ], + "attachment_state": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateway", + "attachment_state" + ] + ] + ], + "create_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "create_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "create_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_internet_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "describe_internet_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "describe_internet_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "delete_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "delete_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "detach_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "detach_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "attach_internet_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGateways", + "attach_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/internet_gateways.py", + [ + "InternetGatewayBackend", + "get_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "created_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPair", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "PolicyVersion", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "created_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "create_key_pair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend", + "create_key_pair" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs", + "create_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_key_pair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend", + "delete_key_pair" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs", + "delete_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_key_pairs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend", + "describe_key_pairs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs", + "describe_key_pairs" + ] + ] + ], + "import_key_pair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairBackend", + "import_key_pair" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/key_pairs.py", + [ + "KeyPairs", + "import_key_pair" + 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"get_launch_template_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "get_launch_template_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_launch_template": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "delete_launch_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "delete_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_launch_templates": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "describe_launch_templates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "describe_launch_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "get_launch_template_data": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplateBackend", + "get_launch_template_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "get_launch_template_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "create_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "create_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_managed_prefix_lists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "describe_managed_prefix_lists" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_managed_prefix_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "get_managed_prefix_list_entries": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "get_managed_prefix_list_entries" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "get_managed_prefix_list_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "delete_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "delete_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "modify_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "modify_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_aws_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "_create_aws_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "create_default_pls": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/managed_prefixes.py", + [ + "ManagedPrefixListBackend", + "create_default_pls" + ] + ] + ], + "create_time": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/nat_gateways.py", + [ + "NatGateway", + "create_time" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGateway", + "create_time" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "create_time" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "create_time" + ] + ] + ], + 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"NetworkACLs", + "create_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "add_default_entries": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "add_default_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_network_acl": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "delete_network_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "delete_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "create_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "create_network_acl_entry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "create_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", + "delete_network_acl_entry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkACLs", + "delete_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/network_acls.py", + [ + "NetworkAclBackend", 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"filter_ip_permission__cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__from_port": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__from_port" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__group_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__group_name": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__ipv6_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__ipv6_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__prefix_list_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__prefix_list_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__protocol": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__to_port": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__to_port" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_ip_permission__user_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_ip_permission__user_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_owner_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "filter_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "add_ingress_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "add_ingress_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "add_egress_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "add_egress_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "get_number_of_ingress_rules": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "get_number_of_ingress_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "get_number_of_egress_rules": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "get_number_of_egress_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "describe_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "describe_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_security_group_rules": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "describe_security_group_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "describe_security_group_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_delete_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_security_group_from_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "get_security_group_from_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_security_group_from_name": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "get_security_group_from_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_security_group_by_name_or_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "get_security_group_by_name_or_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "get_default_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "authorize_security_group_ingress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "authorize_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "revoke_security_group_ingress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "revoke_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_security_group_egress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "authorize_security_group_egress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "authorize_security_group_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_security_group_egress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "revoke_security_group_egress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "revoke_security_group_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "_sg_update_description": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_sg_update_description" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_items_from_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_remove_items_from_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_source_group": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_add_source_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_group_will_respect_rule_count_limit": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroupBackend", + "_verify_group_will_respect_rule_count_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "launch_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotInstanceRequest", + "launch_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "request_spot_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "request_spot_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "request_spot_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_spot_instance_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "describe_spot_instance_requests" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "describe_spot_instance_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_spot_instance_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "cancel_spot_instance_requests" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "cancel_spot_instance_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "request_spot_fleet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "request_spot_fleet" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets", + "request_spot_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "get_spot_fleet_request": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "get_spot_fleet_request" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_spot_fleet_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "describe_spot_fleet_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets", + "describe_spot_fleet_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_spot_fleet_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "describe_spot_fleet_requests" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets", + "describe_spot_fleet_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_spot_fleet_requests": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "cancel_spot_fleet_requests" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets", + "cancel_spot_fleet_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_spot_fleet_request": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "modify_spot_fleet_request" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_fleets.py", + [ + "SpotFleets", + "modify_spot_fleet_request" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_spot_price_history": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/spot_requests.py", + [ + "SpotRequestBackend", + "describe_spot_price_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "describe_spot_price_history" + ] + ] + ], + "available_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "available_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "availability_zone": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "availability_zone_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "availability_zone_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_available_subnet_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "get_available_subnet_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "request_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "request_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "del_subnet_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "del_subnet_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_ipv6_cidr_block_associations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "attach_ipv6_cidr_block_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnet", + "detach_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "get_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "get_default_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "create_subnet" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "create_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "describe_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "describe_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "delete_subnet" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "delete_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_subnet_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "modify_subnet_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "modify_subnet_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subnet_from_ipv6_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "get_subnet_from_ipv6_association" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "associate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "associate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "disassociate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/subnets.py", + [ + "Subnets", + "disassociate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subnet_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/subnets.py", + [ + "SubnetBackend", + "create_subnet_association" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayBackend", + "create_transit_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateways.py", + [ + "TransitGateways", + "create_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transit_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayBackend", + "describe_transit_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateways.py", + [ + "TransitGateways", + "describe_transit_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayBackend", + "delete_transit_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateways.py", + [ + "TransitGateways", + "delete_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayBackend", + "modify_transit_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateways.py", + [ + "TransitGateways", + "modify_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "create_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transit_gateway_attachments": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "describe_transit_gateway_attachments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "describe_transit_gateway_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + 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+ "unset_attachment_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_attachment_propagation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "disable_attachment_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "create_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "create_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachments": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachmentBackend", + "describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + 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+ "create_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "create_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_transit_gateway_route": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "delete_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "delete_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ] + ], + "search_transit_gateway_routes": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "search_transit_gateway_routes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "search_transit_gateway_routes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_route_table_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "set_route_table_association" + ] + ] + ], + "unset_route_table_association": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "unset_route_table_association" + ] + ] + ], + "set_route_table_propagation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "set_route_table_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "unset_route_table_propagation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "unset_route_table_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_route_table_propagation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "disable_route_table_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_associations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_associations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_propagations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_propagations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "get_transit_gateway_route_table_propagations" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "associate_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_attachments.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayAttachment", + "associate_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTableBackend", + "enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation" + 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] + ] + ], + "initiating": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "initiating" + ] + ] + ], + "pending": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "pending" + ] + ] + ], + "accept": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "accept" + ] + ] + ], + "reject": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "PeeringConnectionStatus", + "reject" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_pcx_refs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "get_vpc_pcx_refs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "create_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "create_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_peering_connections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "describe_vpc_peering_connections" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "describe_vpc_peering_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "get_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "delete_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "delete_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "accept_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "accept_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "accept_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "reject_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "reject_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "reject_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_peering_connection_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnectionBackend", + "modify_vpc_peering_connection_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_peering_connections.py", + [ + "VPCPeeringConnections", + "modify_vpc_peering_connection_options" + ] + ] + ], + "elbv2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "elbv2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "elbv2_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "elbv2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_endpoint_service": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "get_vpc_endpoint_service" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCServiceConfigurationBackend", + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpc_service_configuration.py", + [ + "VPCEndpointServiceConfiguration", + "modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_tenancy": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "modify_vpc_tenancy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "modify_vpc_tenancy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "modify_vpc_tenancy" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_vpc_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "associate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "associate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "associate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "enable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "enable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "enable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "disable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "disable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "disable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_vpc_cidr_block": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "disassociate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "disassociate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "disassociate_vpc_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cidr_block_association_set": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPC", + "get_cidr_block_association_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_default_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "create_default_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "create_default_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "create_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "create_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "create_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "get_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpcs": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "describe_vpcs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "delete_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "delete_vpc" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "delete_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "describe_vpc_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "modify_vpc_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "modify_vpc_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpc_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "create_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "create_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vpc_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "modify_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "modify_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpc_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "delete_vpc_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "delete_vpc_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "describe_vpc_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "_collect_default_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "_collect_default_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "_matches_service_by_tags": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "_matches_service_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "_filter_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpc_end_point": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCBackend", + "get_vpc_end_point" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpn_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend", + "create_vpn_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnections", + "create_vpn_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpn_connection": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend", + "delete_vpn_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnections", + "delete_vpn_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpn_connections": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnectionBackend", + "describe_vpn_connections" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpn_connections.py", + [ + "VPNConnections", + "describe_vpn_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "create_vpn_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways", + "create_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpn_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "describe_vpn_gateways" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways", + "describe_vpn_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "get_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "attach_vpn_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways", + "attach_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "delete_vpn_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways", + "delete_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/vpn_gateway.py", + [ + "VpnGatewayBackend", + "detach_vpn_gateway" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "VirtualPrivateGateways", + "detach_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_password_data": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/models/windows.py", + [ + "WindowsBackend", + "get_password_data" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows", + "get_password_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_filters_from_querystring": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/_base_response.py", + [ + "EC2BaseResponse", + "_filters_from_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_tag_specification": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/_base_response.py", + [ + "EC2BaseResponse", + "_parse_tag_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_account_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/account_attributes.py", + [ + "AccountAttributes", + "describe_account_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_image_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "modify_image_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_image_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/amis.py", + [ + "AmisResponse", + "reset_image_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/dhcp_options.py", + [ + "DHCPOptions", + "delete_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_volume_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_volume_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_volume_status": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_volume_status" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_volume_io": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "enable_volume_io" + ] + ] + ], + "import_volume": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "import_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_snapshot_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "describe_snapshot_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_snapshot_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "modify_snapshot_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_volume_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "modify_volume_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_snapshot_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "ElasticBlockStore", + "reset_snapshot_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_network_interface_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "describe_network_interface_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_network_interface_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "ElasticNetworkInterfaces", + "reset_network_interface_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "get_console_output": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/general.py", + [ + "General", + "get_console_output" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_list_of_dict_params": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_get_list_of_dict_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_block_device_mapping_handler": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_block_device_mapping_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_dot_value_instance_attribute_handler": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_dot_value_instance_attribute_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_attribute_value_handler": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_attribute_value_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_security_grp_instance_attribute_handler": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_security_grp_instance_attribute_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_block_device_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_parse_block_device_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_block_device_mapping": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_validate_block_device_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_to_bool": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/instances.py", + [ + "InstanceResponse", + "_convert_to_bool" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "_convert_to_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "xml_root": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "xml_root" + ] + ] + ], + "xml_serialize": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "xml_serialize" + ] + ] + ], + "pretty_xml": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "pretty_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "create_launch_template_version": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "create_launch_template_version" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_launch_template_versions": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/launch_templates.py", + [ + "LaunchTemplates", + "describe_launch_template_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "monitor_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/monitoring.py", + [ + "Monitoring", + "monitor_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "unmonitor_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/monitoring.py", + [ + "Monitoring", + "unmonitor_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_reserved_instances_listing": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "cancel_reserved_instances_listing" + ] + ] + ], + "create_reserved_instances_listing": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "create_reserved_instances_listing" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_reserved_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "describe_reserved_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_reserved_instances_listings": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "describe_reserved_instances_listings" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_reserved_instances_offerings": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "describe_reserved_instances_offerings" + ] + ] + ], + "purchase_reserved_instances_offering": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/reserved_instances.py", + [ + "ReservedInstances", + "purchase_reserved_instances_offering" + ] + ] + ], + "try_parse_int": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "try_parse_int" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_sg_attributes_from_dict": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "parse_sg_attributes_from_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_rules_from_querystring": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/security_groups.py", + [ + "SecurityGroups", + "_process_rules_from_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "create_spot_datafeed_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "create_spot_datafeed_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_spot_datafeed_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "delete_spot_datafeed_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_spot_datafeed_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/spot_instances.py", + [ + "SpotInstances", + "describe_spot_datafeed_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transit_gateway_route_tables": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/transit_gateway_route_tables.py", + [ + "TransitGatewayRouteTable", + "describe_transit_gateway_route_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_doc_date": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "_get_doc_date" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_prefix_lists": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/vpcs.py", + [ + "VPCs", + "describe_prefix_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "bundle_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows", + "bundle_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_bundle_task": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows", + "cancel_bundle_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_bundle_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/responses/windows.py", + [ + "Windows", + "describe_bundle_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "random_resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "random_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_ami_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_ami_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_instance_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_reservation_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_reservation_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_security_group_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_security_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_security_group_rule_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_security_group_rule_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_fleet_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_fleet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_flow_log_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_flow_log_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_snapshot_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_snapshot_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_spot_request_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_spot_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_spot_fleet_request_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_spot_fleet_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_subnet_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_subnet_ipv6_cidr_block_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_subnet_ipv6_cidr_block_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_subnet_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_subnet_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_network_acl_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_network_acl_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_network_acl_subnet_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_network_acl_subnet_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpn_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpn_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpn_connection_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpn_connection_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_customer_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_customer_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_volume_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_volume_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_key_pair_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_key_pair_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpc_ep_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpc_ep_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpc_cidr_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpc_cidr_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_vpc_peering_connection_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_vpc_peering_connection_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_eip_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_eip_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_internet_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_internet_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_egress_only_internet_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_egress_only_internet_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_route_table_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_route_table_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_eip_allocation_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_eip_allocation_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_dhcp_option_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_dhcp_option_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_eni_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_eni_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_eni_attach_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_eni_attach_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_nat_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_nat_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_transit_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_transit_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_transit_gateway_route_table_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_transit_gateway_route_table_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_transit_gateway_attachment_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_transit_gateway_attachment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_launch_template_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_launch_template_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_iam_instance_profile_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_iam_instance_profile_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_carrier_gateway_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_carrier_gateway_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_public_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "random_dedicated_host_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_dedicated_host_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_private_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "random_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_dns_from_ip": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "generate_dns_from_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "random_mac_address": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_mac_address" + ] + ] + ], + "randor_ipv4_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "randor_ipv4_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "random_ipv6_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_ipv6_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_route_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "generate_route_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_managed_prefix_list_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_managed_prefix_list_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dns_entries": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "create_dns_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "utc_date_and_time": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "utc_date_and_time" + ] + ] + ], + "split_route_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "split_route_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attribute_value": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_attribute_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_value": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_object_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "get_object_value" + ] + ] + ], + "is_tag_filter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_tag_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_obj_tag": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_obj_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "get_obj_tag_names": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_obj_tag_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_obj_tag_values": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_obj_tag_values" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tag_specification": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "add_tag_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_filter_matches": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "tag_filter_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "passes_filter_dict": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "passes_filter_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_value_in_filter_values": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "instance_value_in_filter_values" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_reservations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "filter_reservations" + ] + ] + ], + "passes_igw_filter_dict": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "passes_igw_filter_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_internet_gateways": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "filter_internet_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "is_filter_matching": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_filter_matching" + ] + ] + ], + "generic_filter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "generic_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_aws_filter_to_re": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "simple_aws_filter_to_re" + ] + ] + ], + "random_key_pair": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "random_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "get_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "get_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_ipv6_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_ipv6_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_instance_identity_document": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "generate_instance_identity_document" + ] + ] + ], + "rsa_public_key_parse": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "rsa_public_key_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "rsa_public_key_fingerprint": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "rsa_public_key_fingerprint" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_iam_instance_profile_associations": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "filter_iam_instance_profile_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_iam_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "filter_iam_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_tag_filter": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "describe_tag_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_moto_amis": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "gen_moto_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_tag_spec": [ + [ + "moto/ec2/utils.py", + [ + "convert_tag_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "send_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/models.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectBackend", + "send_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/responses.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectResponse", + "send_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "ec2instanceconnect_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ec2instanceconnect/responses.py", + [ + "Ec2InstanceConnectResponse", + "ec2instanceconnect_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "camelCase": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "camelCase" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "camelCase" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "camelCase" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTransformJob", + "camelCase" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "camelCase" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_response_object": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "ModelPackage", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "gen_response_object" + ] + ] + ], + "response_object": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskDefinition", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Task", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "CapacityProviderFailure", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Service", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstance", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ClusterFailure", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstanceFailure", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "TaskSet", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeProcessingJob", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrainingJob", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTransformJob", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "VpcConfig", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Container", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeSageMakerNotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeExperiment", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrial", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrialComponent", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "Contact", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "ContactList", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "BaseObject", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeTranscriptionJob", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeVocabulary", + "response_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeMedicalTranscriptionJob", + "response_object" + ] + ] + ], + "_determine_encryption_config": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "_determine_encryption_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Repository", + "_get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_digest": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "_create_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "get_image_digest": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "get_image_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "get_image_size_in_bytes": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "get_image_size_in_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_image_manifest": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "get_image_manifest" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tag": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "remove_tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "remove_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "update_tag": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "update_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "response_list_object": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_list_object" + ] + ] + ], + "response_describe_object": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_describe_object" + ] + ] + ], + "response_batch_get_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_batch_get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "response_batch_delete_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "Image", + "response_batch_delete_image" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_repository": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "_get_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_resource_arn": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "_parse_resource_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_parse_resource_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_repositories": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "describe_repositories" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "describe_repositories" + ] + ] + ], + "list_images": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "list_images" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "list_images" + ] + ] + ], + "put_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_image" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "batch_get_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "batch_get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_delete_image": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "batch_delete_image" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "batch_delete_image" + ] + ] + ], + "put_image_tag_mutability": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_image_tag_mutability" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_image_tag_mutability" + ] + ] + ], + "put_image_scanning_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_image_scanning_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_image_scanning_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "set_repository_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "set_repository_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "set_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_repository_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "get_repository_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_repository_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "delete_repository_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "delete_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "delete_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "delete_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_registry_policy_action": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "_validate_registry_policy_action" + ] + ] + ], + "put_registry_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_registry_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_registry_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "get_registry_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_registry_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "delete_registry_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "delete_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "start_image_scan": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "start_image_scan" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "start_image_scan" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_image_scan_findings": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "describe_image_scan_findings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "describe_image_scan_findings" + ] + ] + ], + "put_replication_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "put_replication_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "put_replication_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_registry": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/models.py", + [ + "ECRBackend", + "describe_registry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "describe_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_policy": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_parse_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_rules": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_extract_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_rule_type": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_rule_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_rule_top_properties": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_rule_top_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_type": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection_tag_status": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection_tag_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection_count_type": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection_count_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection_count_unit": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection_count_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_selection_count_number": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/policy_validation.py", + [ + "EcrLifecyclePolicyValidator", + "_validate_selection_count_number" + ] + ] + ], + "ecr_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "ecr_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_check_layer_availability": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "batch_check_layer_availability" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_layer_upload": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "complete_layer_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "get_authorization_token": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_authorization_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_download_url_for_layer": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "get_download_url_for_layer" + ] + ] + ], + "initiate_layer_upload": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "initiate_layer_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_layer_part": [ + [ + "moto/ecr/responses.py", + [ + "ECRResponse", + "upload_layer_part" + ] + ] + ], + "task_arn": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "Task", + "task_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_asg_provider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "CapacityProvider", + "_prepare_asg_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "container_instance_arn": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstance", + "container_instance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "ContainerInstance", + "_format_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "create_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "create_capacity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "create_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_task_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_task_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "put_cluster_capacity_providers": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "put_cluster_capacity_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "put_cluster_capacity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_provider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_capacity_providers": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_capacity_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_capacity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_capacity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "update_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_capacity_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "register_task_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "register_task_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "register_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_task_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_task_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_task_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_task_definition": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "deregister_task_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "deregister_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "run_task": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "run_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "run_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_calculate_task_resource_requirements": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_calculate_task_resource_requirements" + ] + ] + ], + "_can_be_placed": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_can_be_placed" + ] + ] + ], + "start_task": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "start_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "start_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_task": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "stop_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "stop_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_service" + ] + ] + ], + "create_service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "create_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "create_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "create_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "create_service" + ] + ] + ], + "list_services": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "list_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "list_services" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_services": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_services" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_services" + ] + ] + ], + "update_service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "update_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "update_service" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_service": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "delete_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "delete_service" + ] + ] + ], + "register_container_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "register_container_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "register_container_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "list_container_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_container_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_container_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_container_instances": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_container_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_container_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "update_container_instances_state": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_container_instances_state" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_container_instances_state" + ] + ] + ], + "update_container_instance_resources": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_container_instance_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_container_instance": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "deregister_container_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "deregister_container_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "_respond_to_cluster_state_update": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_respond_to_cluster_state_update" + ] + ] + ], + "put_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "put_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "put_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeItem", + "put_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "put_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "put_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_put_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_delete_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "list_task_definition_families": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_task_definition_families" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_task_definition_families" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_last_task_definition_revision_id": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_last_task_definition_revision_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_merge_tags": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_merge_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "_merge_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_keys": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "_get_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "create_task_set": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "create_task_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "create_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_task_sets": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "describe_task_sets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "describe_task_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_task_set": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_task_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "update_task_set": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_task_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "update_service_primary_task_set": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "update_service_primary_task_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "update_service_primary_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_account_settings": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "list_account_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "list_account_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "put_account_setting": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "put_account_setting" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "put_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_account_setting": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "delete_account_setting" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "delete_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_long_arn_for_name": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/models.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceBackend", + "enable_long_arn_for_name" + ] + ] + ], + "discover_poll_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/ecs/responses.py", + [ + "EC2ContainerServiceResponse", + "discover_poll_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_lookup_az_id": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "_lookup_az_id" + ] + ] + ], + "info_json": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint", + "info_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "info_json" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "info_json" + ] + ] + ], + "size_in_bytes": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "size_in_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "number_of_mount_targets": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "number_of_mount_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "backup_policy": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "backup_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "add_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "add_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "has_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "has_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_mount_targets": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "iter_mount_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "FileSystem", + "remove_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "clean_up": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "clean_up" + ] + ] + ], + "set_network_interface": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "set_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "subnet_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "MountTarget", + "subnet_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_mark_description": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "_mark_description" + ] + ] + ], + "make_id": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "create_file_system", + "make_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_file_system": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "create_file_system" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "create_file_system" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_file_systems": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_file_systems" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_file_systems" + ] + ] + ], + "create_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "create_mount_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "create_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_mount_targets": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_mount_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_mount_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_file_system": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "delete_file_system" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "delete_file_system" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_mount_target": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "delete_mount_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "delete_mount_target" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_backup_policy": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_backup_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_backup_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_lifecycle_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "put_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "put_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_lifecycle_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_mount_target_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_mount_target_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "modify_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "modify_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "create_access_point": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "create_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "create_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "create_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "create_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_access_points": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "describe_access_points" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "describe_access_points" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_access_point": [ + [ + "moto/efs/models.py", + [ + "EFSBackend", + "delete_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "delete_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "delete_access_point" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "delete_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "efs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/efs/responses.py", + [ + "EFSResponse", + "efs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "isActive": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "isActive" + ] + ] + ], + "create_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "create_fargate_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "create_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "create_nodegroup": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "create_nodegroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "create_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "describe_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "describe_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "describe_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "describe_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "describe_fargate_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "describe_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_nodegroup": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "describe_nodegroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "describe_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "delete_fargate_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "delete_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_nodegroup": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "delete_nodegroup" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "delete_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "list_fargate_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "list_fargate_profiles" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "list_fargate_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "list_nodegroups": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "EKSBackend", + "list_nodegroups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "list_nodegroups" + ] + ] + ], + "paginated_list": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "paginated_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "paginated_list" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_safe_to_delete": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "validate_safe_to_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_launch_template_combination": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "validate_launch_template_combination" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_exception": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "_validate_fargate_profile_selectors", + "raise_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_fargate_profile_selectors": [ + [ + "moto/eks/models.py", + [ + "_validate_fargate_profile_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "eks_backend": [ + [ + "moto/eks/responses.py", + [ + "EKSResponse", + "eks_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_partition": [ + [ + "moto/eks/utils.py", + [ + "get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "method_name": [ + [ + "moto/eks/utils.py", + [ + "method_name" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_role_arn": [ + [ + "moto/eks/utils.py", + [ + "validate_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheBackend", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "create_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_users": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/models.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheBackend", + "describe_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse", + "describe_users" + ] + ] + ], + "elasticache_backend": [ + [ + "moto/elasticache/responses.py", + [ + "ElastiCacheResponse", + "elasticache_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "application_name": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment", + "application_name" + ] + ] + ], + "environment_arn": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment", + "environment_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "platform_arn": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment", + "platform_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "region": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeEnvironment", + "region" + ] + ] + ], + "create_environment": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "FakeApplication", + "create_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "create_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "create_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_environments": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "describe_environments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "describe_environments" + ] + ] + ], + "list_available_solution_stacks": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "list_available_solution_stacks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "list_available_solution_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "update_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "update_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "update_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_environment_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/models.py", + [ + "EBBackend", + "_find_environment_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_applications": [ + [ + "moto/elasticbeanstalk/responses.py", + [ + "EBResponse", + "describe_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "read_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/models.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderBackend", + "read_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "read_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "elastictranscoder_backend": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "elastictranscoder_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "pipelines": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "individual_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "individual_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_pipeline_id": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "validate_pipeline_id" + ] + ] + ], + "err": [ + [ + "moto/elastictranscoder/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticTranscoderResponse", + "err" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_ids": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "instance_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "FakeLoadBalancer", + "get_default_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "create_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "create_load_balancer_listeners": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_load_balancer_listeners" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_load_balancer_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_load_balancer_policies": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "describe_load_balancer_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_load_balancer_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_instance_health": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "describe_instance_health" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_instance_health" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_load_balancer_listeners": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "delete_load_balancer_listeners" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "delete_load_balancer_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "delete_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "delete_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "delete_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "delete_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_load_balancer_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "delete_load_balancer_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "delete_load_balancer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "get_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "configure_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "configure_health_check" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "configure_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "register_instances": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "register_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_instances": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "deregister_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_load_balancer_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "modify_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "modify_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lb_other_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_lb_other_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_backend_server": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_backend_server" + ] + ] + ], + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "_register_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "_register_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_load_balancer_to_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "attach_load_balancer_to_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "attach_load_balancer_to_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_load_balancer_from_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/elb/models.py", + [ + "ELBBackend", + "detach_load_balancer_from_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "detach_load_balancer_from_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "elb_backend": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "elb_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "elb_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "register_instances_with_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "register_instances_with_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_instances_from_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "deregister_instances_from_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_load_balancer_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "describe_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_load_balancer_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_load_balancer_policy": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "create_load_balancer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "set_load_balancer_policies_for_backend_server": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "set_load_balancer_policies_for_backend_server" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_tags": [ + [ + "moto/elb/responses.py", + [ + "ELBResponse", + "_add_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "api_version_elb_backend": [ + [ + "moto/elb/urls.py", + [ + "api_version_elb_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "register": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "register" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "register" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_terminated_instances": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "deregister_terminated_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "health_for": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeTargetGroup", + "health_for" + ] + ] + ], + "rules": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "rules" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_rule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeListener", + "remove_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "to_xml": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "FakeAction", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "GlobalCluster", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "DBCluster", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "GlobalCluster", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ExportTask", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBClusterParameterGroup", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "to_xml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "QueryLoggingConfig", + "to_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_and_validate_action_properties": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "convert_and_validate_action_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "create_rule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "create_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "create_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_conditions": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_host_header_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_host_header_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_http_header_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_http_header_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_http_request_method_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_http_request_method_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_path_pattern_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_path_pattern_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_source_ip_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_source_ip_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_query_string_condition": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_query_string_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_target_group_arns_from": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_get_target_group_arns_from" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_actions": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_fixed_response_action": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_validate_fixed_response_action" + ] + ] + ], + "create_target_group": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "create_target_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "create_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_target_group_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_target_group_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_target_group_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_and_validate_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "convert_and_validate_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_and_validate_properties": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "convert_and_validate_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "create_listener": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "create_listener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "create_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_rules": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_target_groups": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_target_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_listeners": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_listeners" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "delete_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "delete_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_target_group": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "delete_target_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "delete_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_listener": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "delete_listener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "delete_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_rule": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "register_targets": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "register_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "register_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_targets": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "deregister_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "deregister_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_target_health": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_target_health" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_target_health" + ] + ] + ], + "set_rule_priorities": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "set_rule_priorities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "set_rule_priorities" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ip_address_type": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "set_ip_address_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "set_ip_address_type" + ] + ] + ], + "set_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "set_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "set_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "set_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "set_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "set_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_get_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_target_group": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_target_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_listener": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "modify_listener" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "modify_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "_certificate_exists": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_certificate_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_any_listener_using": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_any_listener_using" + ] + ] + ], + "add_listener_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "add_listener_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "add_listener_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_listener_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "describe_listener_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_listener_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_listener_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "remove_listener_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "remove_listener_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/models.py", + [ + "ELBv2Backend", + "_get_resource_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_target_group_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_target_group_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_account_limits": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_account_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_ssl_policies": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/responses.py", + [ + "ELBV2Response", + "describe_ssl_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_load_balancer": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_target_group": [ + [ + "moto/elbv2/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "set_instance_count": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstanceGroup", + "set_instance_count" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstanceGroup", + "auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_scaling_policy_2": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeInstanceGroup", + "auto_scaling_policy_2" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "master_instance_type": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "master_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "slave_instance_type": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "slave_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "instance_count": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "instance_count" + ] + ] + ], + "start_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "start_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "run_bootstrap_actions": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "run_bootstrap_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "add_applications": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_applications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "add_bootstrap_action": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_bootstrap_action" + ] + ] + ], + "add_instance_group": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_instance_group" + ] + ] + ], + "add_steps": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "add_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "set_termination_protection": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "set_termination_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "set_termination_protection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "set_termination_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "set_visibility": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "FakeCluster", + "set_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "add_instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_instance_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "add_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "add_job_flow_steps": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "add_job_flow_steps" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "add_job_flow_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_flows": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "describe_job_flows" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "describe_job_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_step": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "describe_step" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "describe_step" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "get_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "list_bootstrap_actions": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_bootstrap_actions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_bootstrap_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_instance_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "list_instances": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "list_steps": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "list_steps" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "list_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "modify_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "modify_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "modify_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "modify_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_instance_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "modify_instance_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "modify_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_manage_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "_manage_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "run_job_flow": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "run_job_flow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "run_job_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "set_visible_to_all_users": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "set_visible_to_all_users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "set_visible_to_all_users" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_job_flows": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "terminate_job_flows" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "terminate_job_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "put_auto_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "put_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "put_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_auto_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "remove_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "remove_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_security_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "create_security_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "create_security_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_security_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "get_security_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_security_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/models.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceBackend", + "delete_security_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "delete_security_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_boto3_request": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "generate_boto3_response", + "_boto3_request" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_boto3_response": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "generate_boto3_response" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_security_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "describe_security_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "_has_key_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "_has_key_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_ebs_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emr/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticMapReduceResponse", + "_parse_ebs_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "random_cluster_id": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "random_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "random_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_step_id": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "random_step_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_instance_group_id": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "random_instance_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "steps_from_query_string": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "steps_from_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "unflatten_complex_params": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "unflatten_complex_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_deep": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "_set_deep" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_to_container": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "_add_to_container" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_child": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "_get_child" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_in_container": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "Unflattener", + "_key_in_container" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_dict": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker", + "parse_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_list": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker", + "parse_list" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_scalar": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "CamelToUnderscoresWalker", + "parse_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "manage_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager", + "manage_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_or_create_sg": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_get_or_create_sg" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_rules_to": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_add_rules_to" + ] + ] + ], + "_render_rules": [ + [ + "moto/emr/utils.py", + [ + "EmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_render_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "create_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "create_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "create_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "delete_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "delete_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "describe_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "describe_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "list_virtual_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "list_virtual_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "list_virtual_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "start_job_run": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "start_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "start_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "start_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "start_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "start_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_job_run": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "cancel_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "cancel_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "list_job_runs": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "list_job_runs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "list_job_runs" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_run": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/models.py", + [ + "EMRContainersBackend", + "describe_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "describe_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "emrcontainers_backend": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/responses.py", + [ + "EMRContainersResponse", + "emrcontainers_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "random_job_id": [ + [ + "moto/emrcontainers/utils.py", + [ + "random_job_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "random_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "list_applications": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "list_applications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "list_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "start_application": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "start_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "start_application" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_application": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/models.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessBackend", + "stop_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "stop_application" + ] + ] + ], + "emrserverless_backend": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/responses.py", + [ + "EMRServerlessResponse", + "emrserverless_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "random_appplication_id": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "random_appplication_id" + ] + ] + ], + "default_auto_start_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "default_auto_start_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "default_auto_stop_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/emrserverless/utils.py", + [ + "default_auto_stop_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "create_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend", + "create_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "create_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend", + "delete_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "delete_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend", + "describe_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "describe_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "list_domain_names": [ + [ + "moto/es/models.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceBackend", + "list_domain_names" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "list_domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "es_backend": [ + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "es_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "list_domains": [ + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "list_domains" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "list_domains" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "list_domains" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "list_domains" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_domains" + ] + ] + ], + "domains": [ + [ + "moto/es/responses.py", + [ + "ElasticsearchServiceResponse", + "domains" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_target_exists": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_check_target_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "enable": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "enable" + ] + ] + ], + "disable": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "disable" + ] + ] + ], + "put_targets": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "put_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "put_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "put_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_targets": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "remove_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "remove_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "remove_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "send_to_targets": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "send_to_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_to_cw_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_send_to_cw_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_to_events_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_send_to_events_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_to_sqs_queue": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Rule", + "_send_to_sqs_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "has_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "has_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_principals_statements": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "_remove_principals_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "add_policy": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "add_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_statement": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "remove_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_statements": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBus", + "remove_statements" + ] + ] + ], + "from_dict": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventBusPolicyStatement", + "from_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "Name", + "from_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "from_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "replay_events": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "Replay", + "replay_events" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "get_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "matches_event": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "matches_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_does_event_match": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "_does_event_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_does_item_match_filters": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "_does_item_match_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "_does_item_match_named_filter": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "_does_item_match_named_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "dump": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPattern", + "dump" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_event_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventPatternParser", + "_validate_event_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_default_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_add_default_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "_gen_next_token": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_gen_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_token_and_limits": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_process_token_and_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_get_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_get_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "put_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "put_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "put_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_normalize_event_bus_arn": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_normalize_event_bus_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "disable_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "disable_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "enable_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "enable_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rule_names_by_target": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_rule_names_by_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_rule_names_by_target" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rules": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "list_targets_by_rule": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_targets_by_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_targets_by_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "put_events": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "put_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "put_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "test_event_pattern" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "test_event_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_permission_from_policy": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_put_permission_from_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_condition_param_to_stmt_condition": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_condition_param_to_stmt_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_permission_from_params": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "_put_permission_from_params" + ] + ] + ], + "put_permission": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "put_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "put_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_event_bus" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "create_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "create_event_bus" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "create_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "list_event_buses": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_event_buses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_event_buses" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_event_bus": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_event_bus" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "create_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "create_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "create_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "create_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "list_archives": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_archives" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_archives" + ] + ] + ], + "update_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "update_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "update_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_archive": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "delete_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "start_replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "start_replay" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "start_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_replay" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "list_replays": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_replays" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_replays" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_replay": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "cancel_replay" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "cancel_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "create_connection": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "create_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "create_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "update_connection": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "update_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "update_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "list_connections": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_connections" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_connection": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "create_api_destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "create_api_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "create_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "list_api_destinations": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "list_api_destinations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "list_api_destinations" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_api_destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "describe_api_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "describe_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "update_api_destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "update_api_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "update_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_api_destination": [ + [ + "moto/events/models.py", + [ + "EventsBackend", + "delete_api_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "delete_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "send_notification": [ + [ + "moto/events/notifications.py", + [ + "send_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_safe_notification": [ + [ + "moto/events/notifications.py", + [ + "_send_safe_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "events_backend": [ + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "events_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_response": [ + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "_create_response" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_presigned_url": [ + [ + "moto/events/responses.py", + [ + "EventsHandler", + "generate_presigned_url" + ] + ] + ], + "find_destination_config_in_args": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "find_destination_config_in_args" + ] + ] + ], + "create_s3_destination_config": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "create_s3_destination_config" + ] + ] + ], + "create_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "create_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "create_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "delete_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "delete_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "describe_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "describe_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "list_delivery_streams": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "list_delivery_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "list_delivery_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_for_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "list_tags_for_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "list_tags_for_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "put_record": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "put_record" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "put_record" + ] + ] + ], + "put_http_records": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "put_http_records" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_s3_object_path": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "_format_s3_object_path" + ] + ] + ], + "put_s3_records": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "put_s3_records" + ] + ] + ], + "put_record_batch": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "put_record_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "put_record_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "tag_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "tag_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "untag_delivery_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "untag_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "start_delivery_stream_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "start_delivery_stream_encryption" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "start_delivery_stream_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_delivery_stream_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "stop_delivery_stream_encryption" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "stop_delivery_stream_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "update_destination": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "update_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "update_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "lookup_name_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/models.py", + [ + "FirehoseBackend", + "lookup_name_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "firehose_backend": [ + [ + "moto/firehose/responses.py", + [ + "FirehoseResponse", + "firehose_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_dataset_group_name": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "_validate_dataset_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_dataset_group_name_len": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "_validate_dataset_group_name_len" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_dataset_group_domain": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "DatasetGroup", + "_validate_dataset_group_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "create_dataset_group": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "create_dataset_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "create_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_dataset_group": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "describe_dataset_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "describe_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_dataset_group": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "delete_dataset_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "delete_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "update_dataset_group": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "update_dataset_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "update_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_dataset_groups": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/models.py", + [ + "ForecastBackend", + "list_dataset_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "list_dataset_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "forecast_backend": [ + [ + "moto/forecast/responses.py", + [ + "ForecastResponse", + "forecast_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_archive_body": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "get_archive_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_archive_list": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "get_archive_list" + ] + ] + ], + "initiate_job": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "initiate_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "initiate_job" + ] + ] + ], + "job_ready": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "job_ready" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_output": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "Vault", + "get_job_output" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "get_job_output" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vault": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "get_vault" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vault": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "create_vault" + ] + ] + ], + "list_vaults": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "list_vaults" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vault": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "delete_vault" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_archive": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/models.py", + [ + "GlacierBackend", + "upload_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "glacier_backend": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "glacier_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "glacier_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "all_vault_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "all_vault_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_vault_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_all_vault_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_response_put": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_response_put" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_archive_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_archive_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_archive_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_archive_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_archive_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_archive_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_archive_individual_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_archive_individual_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_archive_individual_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_archive_individual_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_jobs_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_jobs_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_jobs_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_jobs_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_jobs_individual_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_jobs_individual_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_jobs_individual_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_jobs_individual_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_jobs_output_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "vault_jobs_output_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_vault_jobs_output_response": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/responses.py", + [ + "GlacierResponse", + "_vault_jobs_output_response" + ] + ] + ], + "vault_from_glacier_url": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/utils.py", + [ + "vault_from_glacier_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_id": [ + [ + "moto/glacier/utils.py", + [ + "get_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_registry_name_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_registry_name_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_arn_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_arn_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_description_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_description_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_name_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_name_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_metadata_key_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_metadata_key_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_metadata_value_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_metadata_value_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_param_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_param_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_definition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_definition_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_definition_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_id_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_id_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_number_of_tags": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_number_of_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_registry_id": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_registry_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_registry_params": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_registry_params" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_id": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_params": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_params" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_register_schema_version_params": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_register_schema_version_params" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_params": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_params" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_schema_version_metadata_pattern_and_length": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_schema_version_metadata_pattern_and_length" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_number_of_schema_version_metadata_allowed": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "validate_number_of_schema_version_metadata_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_version_if_definition_exists": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "get_schema_version_if_definition_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "get_put_schema_version_metadata_response": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "get_put_schema_version_metadata_response" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_schema_response": [ + [ + "moto/glue/glue_schema_registry_utils.py", + [ + "delete_schema_response" + ] + ] + ], + "create_database": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "create_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "create_database" + ] + ] + ], + "get_database": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_database" + ] + ] + ], + "update_database": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "update_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "update_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "update_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "update_database" + ] + ] + ], + "get_databases": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_database": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "delete_database" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tables": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_tables" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_table_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_table_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_table_versions": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_table_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_table_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_table_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_table_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_table_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "create_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_partitions": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_partitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "get_partitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_partitions" + ] + ] + ], + "update_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "update_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "update_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "update_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTable", + "delete_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "get_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "get_crawlers": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_crawlers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_crawlers" + ] + ] + ], + "list_crawlers": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "list_crawlers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "list_crawlers" + ] + ] + ], + "start_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "start_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler", + "start_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "start_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "stop_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler", + "stop_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "stop_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_crawler": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_crawler" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "create_job": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_job" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_job" + ] + ] + ], + "get_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_run": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "get_job_run" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "create_registry": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_registry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_registry": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_registry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "get_registry": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_registry" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "list_registries": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "list_registries" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "list_registries" + ] + ] + ], + "create_schema": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend", + "create_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "create_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "register_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "register_schema_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "register_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_schema_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_by_definition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_schema_by_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_schema_by_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "put_schema_version_metadata": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "put_schema_version_metadata" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "put_schema_version_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_schema": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend", + "delete_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "delete_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "update_schema": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "update_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "update_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "create_session": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_session" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_session" + ] + ] + ], + "get_session": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_session" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_session" + ] + ] + ], + "list_sessions": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "list_sessions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "list_sessions" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_session": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "stop_session" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSession", + "stop_session" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "stop_session" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_session": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_session" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_session" + ] + ] + ], + "create_trigger": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "create_trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "create_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trigger": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "start_trigger": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "start_trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrigger", + "start_trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "start_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_trigger": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "stop_trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrigger", + "stop_trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "stop_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "get_triggers": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "get_triggers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_triggers" + ] + ] + ], + "list_triggers": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "list_triggers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "list_triggers" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_trigger": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "delete_trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "delete_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_delete_table": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_delete_table" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_get_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_get_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_create_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_create_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_create_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_update_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_update_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_update_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_delete_partition": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_delete_partition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_delete_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_crawlers": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_get_crawlers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_get_crawlers" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_get_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_get_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_get_triggers": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "GlueBackend", + "batch_get_triggers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "batch_get_triggers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_name": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeCrawler", + "get_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "get_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobRun", + "get_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrigger", + "get_name" + ] + ] + ], + "update_next_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema", + "update_next_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "update_latest_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema", + "update_latest_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_schema_version": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchema", + "get_next_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion", + "get_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_version_as_dict": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion", + "get_schema_version_as_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schema_by_definition_as_dict": [ + [ + "moto/glue/models.py", + [ + "FakeSchemaVersion", + "get_schema_by_definition_as_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "glue_backend": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "glue_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "glue_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_crawlers_by_tags": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "filter_crawlers_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_jobs_by_tags": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "filter_jobs_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_triggers_by_tags": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "filter_triggers_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "is_tags_match": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "is_tags_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_sessions_by_tags": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "_filter_sessions_by_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "get_partition_indexes": [ + [ + "moto/glue/responses.py", + [ + "GlueResponse", + "get_partition_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "_cast": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_cast" + ] + ] + ], + "_escape_regex": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_escape_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "eval": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Expr", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_IsNull", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_IsNotNull", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BinOp", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Like", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotLike", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_In", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotIn", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Between", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_NotBetween", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BoolAnd", + "eval" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_BoolOr", + "eval" + ] + ] + ], + "leval": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident", + "leval" + ] + ] + ], + "type_": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident", + "type_" + ] + ] + ], + "_eval": [ + [ + "moto/glue/utils.py", + [ + "_Ident", + "_eval" + ] + ] + ], + "create_core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_core_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_core_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_core_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_core_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_core_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_core_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_core_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_core_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_core_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_core_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_core_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_core_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_device_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_device_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_device_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "create_device_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_device_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_device_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_device_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_device_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_device_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_device_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_device_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_device_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_device_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_resource_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resource_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_resource_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_resource_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_resource_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_resource_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_resource_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_resource_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resource_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_resource_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_resource_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_resource_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resources": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_validate_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "create_function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_function_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_function_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_function_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_function_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_function_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_function_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_function_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_function_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_function_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_function_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_function_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_function_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_function_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_valid_subscription_target_or_source": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_is_valid_subscription_target_or_source" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_subscription_target_or_source": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_validate_subscription_target_or_source" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_subscription_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "list_subscription_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_subscription_definitions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_subscription_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_subscription_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "delete_subscription_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "delete_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "update_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "update_subscription_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "update_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_subscription_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_subscription_definition_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_subscription_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "create_group_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "create_group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_valid_def_ver_arn": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_validate_group_version_definitions", + "_is_valid_def_ver_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_group_version_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "_validate_group_version_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_group_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_group_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_group_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_group_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_deployments": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "list_deployments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "get_deployment_status": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_deployment_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_deployment_status" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_deployments": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "reset_deployments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "reset_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_role_to_group": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "associate_role_to_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "associate_role_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_associated_role": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "get_associated_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "get_associated_role" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_role_from_group": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/models.py", + [ + "GreengrassBackend", + "disassociate_role_from_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "disassociate_role_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "greengrass_backend": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "greengrass_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "core_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "core_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "core_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "core_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "core_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "core_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "device_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "device_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "list_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "device_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "device_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "device_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "device_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "resource_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "resource_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "function_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "function_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "function_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "function_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "function_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "function_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "subscription_definitions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "subscription_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "subscription_definition": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "subscription_definition_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "subscription_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "groups": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "groups" + ] + ] + ], + "group": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "group" + ] + ] + ], + "group_versions": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "group_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "group_version": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "deployment_satus": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "deployment_satus" + ] + ] + ], + "deployments_reset": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "deployments_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "role": [ + [ + "moto/greengrass/responses.py", + [ + "GreengrassResponse", + "role" + ] + ] + ], + "create_detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "create_detector" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "create_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "create_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "create_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "create_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "delete_detector" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "delete_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "delete_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "delete_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "delete_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "MetricFilters", + "delete_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_organization_admin_account": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "enable_organization_admin_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "enable_organization_admin_account" + ] + ] + ], + "list_organization_admin_accounts": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "list_organization_admin_accounts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "list_organization_admin_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "list_detectors": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "list_detectors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "list_detectors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "get_detector" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "get_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "get_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "get_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "get_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "get_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "get_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "update_detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "update_detector" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "update_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "update_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "GuardDutyBackend", + "update_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "update_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "update_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "add_filter": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/models.py", + [ + "Detector", + "add_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "MetricFilters", + "add_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "guardduty_backend": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "guardduty_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "filters": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "filters" + ] + ] + ], + "detectors": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "detectors" + ] + ] + ], + "detector": [ + [ + "moto/guardduty/responses.py", + [ + "GuardDutyResponse", + "detector" + ] + ] + ], + "create_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "create_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "create_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "create_credentials": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey", + "create_credentials" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey", + "create_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "collect_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMUserAccessKey", + "collect_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "AssumedRoleAccessKey", + "collect_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "check_signature": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "check_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "check_action_permitted": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "check_action_permitted" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_signature_does_not_match": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_raise_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest", + "_raise_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest", + "_raise_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_access_denied": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_raise_access_denied" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest", + "_raise_access_denied" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest", + "_raise_access_denied" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_invalid_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_raise_invalid_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest", + "_raise_invalid_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest", + "_raise_invalid_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_auth": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_create_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequest", + "_create_auth" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "S3IAMRequest", + "_create_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_headers_for_aws_request": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_create_headers_for_aws_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_aws_request": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_create_aws_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_calculate_signature": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_calculate_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_string_between": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMRequestBase", + "_get_string_between" + ] + ] + ], + "is_action_permitted": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicy", + "is_action_permitted" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement", + "is_action_permitted" + ] + ] + ], + "is_unknown_principal": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement", + "is_unknown_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_element_matches": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement", + "_check_element_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "_match": [ + [ + "moto/iam/access_control.py", + [ + "IAMPolicyStatement", + "_match" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_id_from": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "get_account_id_from" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_account_as_visited": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "mark_account_as_visited" + ] + ] + ], + "enabled_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "MFADevice", + "enabled_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "VirtualMfaDevice", + "enabled_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "update_default_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy", + "update_default_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "update_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "updated_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Policy", + "updated_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_error": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "_format_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy", + "_format_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_format_error" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_format_error" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_errors": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "OpenIDConnectProvider", + "_raise_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy", + "_raise_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_raise_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_raise_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_to": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "attach_to" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_from": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "detach_from" + ] + ] + ], + "to_config_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "ManagedPolicy", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchDomain", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeAcl", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleFilter", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleAndFilter", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleTransition", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifeCycleNoncurrentVersionTransition", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "LifecycleRule", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "NotificationConfiguration", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "PublicAccessBlock", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "to_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "from_data": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AWSManagedPolicy", + "from_data" + ] + ] + ], + "is_replacement_update": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKey", + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/cloud_formation.py", + [ + "is_replacement_update" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "apply_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "unapply_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InlinePolicy", + "unapply_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "last_used_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "last_used_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "put_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "put_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "put_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "put_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "description_escaped": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Role", + "description_escaped" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "delete_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_role" + ] + ] + ], + "to_embedded_config_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "InstanceProfile", + "to_embedded_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "uploaded_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SigningCertificate", + "uploaded_iso_8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "SshPublicKey", + "uploaded_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "timestamp": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccessKeyLastUsed", + "timestamp" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "Group", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "password_last_used_iso_8601": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "password_last_used_iso_8601" + ] + ] + ], + "deactivate_mfa_device": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "deactivate_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "deactivate_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "deactivate_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_mfa_device": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "enable_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "enable_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "enable_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_access_keys": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_all_access_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "delete_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "update_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "update_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_access_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_access_key_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_access_key_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "has_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "has_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "upload_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "upload_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "upload_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_ssh_public_keys": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "get_all_ssh_public_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_all_ssh_public_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "update_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "update_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "delete_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_ssh_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "to_csv": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "User", + "to_csv" + ] + ] + ], + "expire_passwords": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountPasswordPolicy", + "expire_passwords" + ] + ] + ], + "summary_map": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "summary_map" + ] + ] + ], + "_groups": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "_mfa_devices_in_use": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_mfa_devices_in_use" + ] + ] + ], + "_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "_policy_versions_in_use": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_policy_versions_in_use" + ] + ] + ], + "_providers": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "_roles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "_server_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_server_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "_users": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "AccountSummary", + "_users" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_items_with_path_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "filter_items_with_path_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_aws_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_init_aws_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_managed_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_init_managed_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "initialize_service_roles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "initialize_service_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "attach_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "attach_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_role_description": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_role_description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_role_description" + ] + ] + ], + "update_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_role" + ] + ] + ], + "put_role_permissions_boundary": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "put_role_permissions_boundary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "put_role_permissions_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_role_permissions_boundary": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_role_permissions_boundary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_role_permissions_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "detach_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "detach_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "attach_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "attach_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "detach_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "detach_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "attach_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "attach_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "detach_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "detach_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "create_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attached_role_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_attached_role_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_attached_role_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attached_group_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_attached_group_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_attached_group_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attached_user_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_attached_user_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_attached_user_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_policy_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "set_default_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "set_default_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "set_default_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "set_default_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_attached_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_filter_attached_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "create_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_role" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_role_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_role" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_role_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_roles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "update_assume_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_assume_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_assume_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "put_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "put_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_role_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_role_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_role_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_role_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "_tag_verification": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_tag_verification" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_tag_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_validate_tag_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_tag_duplicate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "_check_tag_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "list_role_tags": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_role_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_role_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "tag_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "tag_role" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "untag_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "untag_role" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policy_tags": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_policy_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_policy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "tag_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "tag_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "untag_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "untag_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_policy_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_policy_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policy_versions": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_policy_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_policy_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_policy_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_policy_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_policy_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_profile_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_instance_profile_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "get_instance_profiles_for_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_instance_profiles_for_role" + ] + ] + ], + "add_role_to_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "add_role_to_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "add_role_to_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_role_from_instance_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "remove_role_from_instance_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "remove_role_from_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "list_server_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_server_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_server_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_server_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "upload_server_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "upload_server_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_server_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_server_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_server_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_certificate_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_certificate_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_server_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_server_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_server_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "put_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "put_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "put_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_group_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_group_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_group_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_group_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Broker", + "update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "update_user" + ] + ] + ], + "list_roles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_roles" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_signing_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "upload_signing_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "upload_signing_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_signing_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_signing_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_signing_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "list_signing_certificates": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_signing_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_signing_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "update_signing_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_signing_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_signing_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "create_login_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_login_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_login_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_login_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "update_login_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_login_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_login_profile": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_login_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "add_user_to_group": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "add_user_to_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "add_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_user_from_group": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "remove_user_from_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "remove_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_user_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_user_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_user_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_user_tags": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_user_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_user_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "put_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "put_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "put_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_user_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_user_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_temp_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_temp_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "get_access_key_last_used": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_access_key_last_used" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_access_key_last_used" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_access_keys_for_all_users": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_all_access_keys_for_all_users" + ] + ] + ], + "list_access_keys": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_access_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_access_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_access_key_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_access_key_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "list_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_mfa_devices" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "create_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "list_virtual_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_virtual_mfa_devices" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_virtual_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "report_generated": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "report_generated" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_report": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "generate_report" + ] + ] + ], + "get_credential_report": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_credential_report" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_credential_report" + ] + ] + ], + "list_account_aliases": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_account_aliases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_account_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "create_account_alias": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_account_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_account_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_account_alias": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_account_alias" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_account_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_authorization_details": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_account_authorization_details" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_account_authorization_details" + ] + ] + ], + "create_saml_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_saml_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "update_saml_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_saml_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_saml_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_saml_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_saml_providers": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_saml_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_saml_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_saml_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_saml_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "get_user_from_access_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_user_from_access_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "update_open_id_connect_provider_thumbprint": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_open_id_connect_provider_thumbprint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_open_id_connect_provider_thumbprint" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "tag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "tag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "untag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "untag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_open_id_connect_provider_tags": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_open_id_connect_provider_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_open_id_connect_provider_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "get_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "list_open_id_connect_providers": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "list_open_id_connect_providers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_open_id_connect_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "update_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_account_password_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "update_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_account_password_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_account_password_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_summary": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_account_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_account_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_inline_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_inline_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "update_inline_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "update_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_inline_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "tag_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "tag_user" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "untag_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "untag_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_service_linked_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "create_service_linked_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "create_service_linked_role" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_service_linked_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "delete_service_linked_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "delete_service_linked_role" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service_linked_role_deletion_status": [ + [ + "moto/iam/models.py", + [ + "IAMBackend", + "get_service_linked_role_deletion_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "get_service_linked_role_deletion_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_top_elements": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_top_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_version_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_version_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_version": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_sid_uniqueness": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_sid_uniqueness" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_statements_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_statements_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_statement_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_statement_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_effect_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_effect_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_not_action_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_not_action_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resource_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_not_resource_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_not_resource_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_string_or_list_of_strings_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_string_or_list_of_strings_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_condition_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_condition_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_strip_condition_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_strip_condition_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_sid_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_sid_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_id_syntax": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_id_syntax" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_exist": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resource_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_like_exist": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_like_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_actions_for_prefixes": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_actions_for_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_not_actions_for_prefixes": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_not_actions_for_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_like_for_prefixes": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_like_for_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_action_prefix": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_action_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resources_for_formats": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resources_for_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_not_resources_for_formats": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_not_resources_for_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_like_for_formats": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resource_like_for_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_format": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_resource_format" + ] + ] + ], + "_perform_first_legacy_parsing": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_perform_first_legacy_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_parse_statement": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_legacy_parse_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_parse_resource_like": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_legacy_parse_resource_like" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_parse_condition": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_legacy_parse_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "_legacy_parse_date_condition_value": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_legacy_parse_date_condition_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_iso_8601_datetime": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "BaseIAMPolicyValidator", + "_validate_iso_8601_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_not_exist": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator", + "_validate_resource_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_trust_policy_action": [ + [ + "moto/iam/policy_validation.py", + [ + "IAMTrustPolicyDocumentValidator", + "_validate_trust_policy_action" + ] + ] + ], + "list_entities_for_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_entities_for_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "list_instance_profiles_for_role": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_instance_profiles_for_role" + ] + ] + ], + "list_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "list_ssh_public_keys": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "list_ssh_public_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_credential_report": [ + [ + "moto/iam/responses.py", + [ + "IamResponse", + "generate_credential_report" + ] + ] + ], + "_random_uppercase_or_digit_sequence": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "_random_uppercase_or_digit_sequence" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/utils.py", + [ + "_random_uppercase_or_digit_sequence" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_access_key_id_from_account_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "generate_access_key_id_from_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_alphanumeric": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_alphanumeric" + ] + ] + ], + "random_role_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_role_id" + ] + ] + ], + "random_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "random_policy_id": [ + [ + "moto/iam/utils.py", + [ + "random_policy_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_id": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "get_group_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "get_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_user": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "describe_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "describe_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "describe_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "describe_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "describe_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "describe_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_membership": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "create_group_membership" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "create_group_membership" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "create_group_membership" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "create_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "list_group_memberships": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "list_group_memberships" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "list_group_memberships" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "list_group_memberships" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "list_group_memberships" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_group_membership": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "delete_group_membership" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "delete_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "__get_identity_store": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "__get_identity_store" + ] + ] + ], + "__validate_create_user": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/models.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreBackend", + "__validate_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "identitystore_backend": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "identitystore_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "named_tuple_to_dict": [ + [ + "moto/identitystore/responses.py", + [ + "IdentityStoreResponse", + "named_tuple_to_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "metadata_response": [ + [ + "moto/instance_metadata/responses.py", + [ + "InstanceMetadataResponse", + "metadata_response" + ] + ] + ], + "matches": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeThing", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "QuotedTermFilterPattern", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "SingleTermFilterPattern", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "UnsupportedFilterPattern", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/utils.py", + [ + "EventMessageFilter", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification", + "matches" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "matches" + ] + ] + ], + "to_description_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeCertificate", + "to_description_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomainConfiguration", + "to_description_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "to_get_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJobExecution", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeRule", + "to_get_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "to_dict_at_creation": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "to_dict_at_creation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion", + "to_dict_at_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "version_id": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicyVersion", + "version_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeleteMarker", + "version_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_job_id_matcher": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "FakeJob", + "_job_id_matcher" + ] + ] + ], + "create_certificate_from_csr": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_certificate_from_csr" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_certificate_from_csr" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_certificate_pem": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_generate_certificate_pem" + ] + ] + ], + "create_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "create_thing_type": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_thing_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "list_thing_types": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_thing_types" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_thing_types" + ] + ] + ], + "list_things": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_things" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_things" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_thing_type": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_thing_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_thing_type": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_thing_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_thing_type": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "deprecate_thing_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "deprecate_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "update_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "create_keys_and_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_keys_and_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_keys_and_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_ca_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "_validation_delete": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_validation_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_ca_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_registration_code": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_registration_code" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_registration_code" + ] + ] + ], + "list_certificates_by_ca": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_certificates_by_ca" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_certificates_by_ca" + ] + ] + ], + "__raise_if_certificate_already_exists": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "__raise_if_certificate_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "register_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "register_ca_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "register_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_find_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "register_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "register_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "register_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "register_certificate_without_ca": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "register_certificate_without_ca" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "register_certificate_without_ca" + ] + ] + ], + "update_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_ca_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "update_certificate": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_certificate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "attach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "attach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "attach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "attach_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "detach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "detach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "detach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "detach_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_attached_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_attached_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_attached_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_principal": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_get_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_principal_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "attach_principal_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "attach_principal_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_principal_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "detach_principal_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "detach_principal_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_principal_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_principal_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_principal_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policy_principals": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_policy_principals" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_policy_principals" + ] + ] + ], + "list_targets_for_policy": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "attach_thing_principal": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "attach_thing_principal" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "attach_thing_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "detach_thing_principal": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "detach_thing_principal" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "detach_thing_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "list_principal_things": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_principal_things" + 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"moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_thing_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "update_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_identify_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_identify_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_identify_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "_identify_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "add_thing_to_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "add_thing_to_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "add_thing_to_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_thing_from_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "remove_thing_from_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "remove_thing_from_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_things_in_thing_group": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_things_in_thing_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_things_in_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_thing_groups_for_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_thing_groups_for_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_thing_groups_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "update_thing_groups_for_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_thing_groups_for_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_thing_groups_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "get_job_document": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_job_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_job_document" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_job_execution": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_job_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_job_execution": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "cancel_job_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "cancel_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_job_execution": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_job_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "list_job_executions_for_job": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_job_executions_for_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_job_executions_for_job" + ] + ] + ], + "list_job_executions_for_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_job_executions_for_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_job_executions_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "list_topic_rules": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_topic_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_topic_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "get_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "get_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "get_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "create_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "replace_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "replace_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "enable_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "enable_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_topic_rule": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "disable_topic_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "disable_topic_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "create_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "create_domain_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "create_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "delete_domain_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "delete_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "describe_domain_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "describe_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "list_domain_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "list_domain_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "list_domain_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "update_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "update_domain_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "update_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "search_index": [ + [ + "moto/iot/models.py", + [ + "IoTBackend", + "search_index" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "search_index" + ] + ] + ], + "iot_backend": [ + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "iot_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "iot_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "dispatch_attached_policies": [ + [ + "moto/iot/responses.py", + [ + "IoTResponse", + "dispatch_attached_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "create_from_previous_version": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "create_from_previous_version" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_payload": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "parse_payload" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_metadata_from_state": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "_create_metadata_from_state" + ] + ] + ], + "to_response_dict": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "FakeShadow", + "to_response_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogEvent", + "to_response_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "update_thing_shadow": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "update_thing_shadow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "update_thing_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "get_thing_shadow": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "get_thing_shadow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "get_thing_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_thing_shadow": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "delete_thing_shadow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "delete_thing_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "list_named_shadows_for_thing": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/models.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneBackend", + "list_named_shadows_for_thing" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "list_named_shadows_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "iotdata_backend": [ + [ + "moto/iotdata/responses.py", + [ + "IoTDataPlaneResponse", + "iotdata_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "shard_id": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "shard_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_min_sequence_number": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "get_min_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "get_max_sequence_number": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "get_max_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sequence_number_at": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Shard", + "get_sequence_number_at" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "delete_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_consumer_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_consumer_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "init_shards": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "init_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "split_shard": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "split_shard" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "split_shard" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "split_shard" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_shards": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "merge_shards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "merge_shards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "merge_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "update_shard_count": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "update_shard_count" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "update_shard_count" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "update_shard_count" + ] + ] + ], + "get_shard": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_shard" + ] + ] + ], + "get_shard_for_key": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_shard_for_key" + ] + ] + ], + "to_json_summary": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "to_json_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "create_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "create_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "create_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "create_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "create_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stream_summary": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "describe_stream_summary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "describe_stream_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "delete_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "delete_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "delete_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "delete_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "put_records": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "put_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "put_records" + ] + ] + ], + "list_shards": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "list_shards" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "list_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "increase_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "increase_stream_retention_period" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "increase_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "decrease_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "decrease_stream_retention_period" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "decrease_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_for_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "list_tags_for_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "list_tags_for_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "add_tags_to_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "add_tags_to_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "add_tags_to_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_tags_from_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "remove_tags_from_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "remove_tags_from_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_enhanced_monitoring": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "enable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "enable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_enhanced_monitoring": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "disable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "disable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_stream_by_arn": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "_find_stream_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "list_stream_consumers": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "list_stream_consumers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "list_stream_consumers" + ] + ] + ], + "register_stream_consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "register_stream_consumer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "register_stream_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_stream_consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "describe_stream_consumer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "describe_stream_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_stream_consumer": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "deregister_stream_consumer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "deregister_stream_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "start_stream_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "start_stream_encryption" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "start_stream_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_stream_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "stop_stream_encryption" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "stop_stream_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "update_stream_mode": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/models.py", + [ + "KinesisBackend", + "update_stream_mode" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "update_stream_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "kinesis_backend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisResponse", + "kinesis_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "kinesis_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "compose_new_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/utils.py", + [ + "compose_new_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "compose_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/utils.py", + [ + "compose_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "decompose_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "moto/kinesis/utils.py", + [ + "decompose_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "Stream", + "get_data_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "get_data_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "get_data_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_stream": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoBackend", + "_get_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "kinesisvideo_backend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideo/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoResponse", + "kinesisvideo_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_streaming_url": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "_get_streaming_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hls_streaming_session_url": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "get_hls_streaming_session_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse", + "get_hls_streaming_session_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dash_streaming_session_url": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "get_dash_streaming_session_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse", + "get_dash_streaming_session_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_clip": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/models.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaBackend", + "get_clip" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse", + "get_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_backend": [ + [ + "moto/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/responses.py", + [ + "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaResponse", + "kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "add_grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "add_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "list_grants": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "list_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "list_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "list_retirable_grants": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "list_retirable_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "list_retirable_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_retirable_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "revoke_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "revoke_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "revoke_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "retire_grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "retire_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "retire_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "retire_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "retire_grant_by_token": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "retire_grant_by_token" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_default_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "generate_default_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "encryption_algorithms": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "encryption_algorithms" + ] + ] + ], + "signing_algorithms": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "Key", + "signing_algorithms" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "SigningAlgorithm", + "signing_algorithms" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_default_keys": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "_generate_default_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "create_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "create_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "create_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "create_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator", + "create_key" + ] + ] + ], + "replicate_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "replicate_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "replicate_key" + ] + ] + ], + "update_key_description": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "update_key_description" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "update_key_description" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "delete_key" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "describe_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "describe_key" + ] + ] + ], + "list_keys": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "list_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alias_name": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_alias_name" + ] + ] + ], + "any_id_to_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "any_id_to_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "alias_exists": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "alias_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "add_alias": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "add_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_aliases": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_all_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_id_from_alias": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_key_id_from_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_key_rotation": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "enable_key_rotation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "enable_key_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_key_rotation": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "disable_key_rotation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "disable_key_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_rotation_status": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_key_rotation_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "get_key_rotation_status" + ] + ] + ], + "put_key_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "put_key_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "put_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_key_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_key_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "get_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "disable_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "disable_key" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "enable_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "enable_key" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_key_deletion": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "cancel_key_deletion" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "cancel_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "schedule_key_deletion": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "schedule_key_deletion" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "schedule_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "encrypt": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "encrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "encrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "encrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "decrypt": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "decrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "decrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "decrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "re_encrypt": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "re_encrypt" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "re_encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_data_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "generate_data_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "generate_data_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "generate_data_key" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resource_tags": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "list_resource_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_resource_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "create_grant": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "create_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "create_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "__ensure_valid_sign_and_verify_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "__ensure_valid_sign_and_verify_key" + ] + ] + ], + "__ensure_valid_signing_algorithm": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "__ensure_valid_signing_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "__ensure_valid_key_spec": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "__ensure_valid_key_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "sign": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "sign" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "sign" + ] + ] + ], + "verify": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "verify" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "verify" + ] + ] + ], + "get_public_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/models.py", + [ + "KmsBackend", + "get_public_key" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "get_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/policy_validator.py", + [ + "validate_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "check_statement": [ + [ + "moto/kms/policy_validator.py", + [ + "check_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "action_matches": [ + [ + "moto/kms/policy_validator.py", + [ + "action_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_matches": [ + [ + "moto/kms/policy_validator.py", + [ + "resource_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "kms_backend": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "kms_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "kms_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_display_arn": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_display_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_cmk_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_validate_cmk_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_alias": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_validate_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_validate_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_key_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_validate_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_alias": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "_set_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "list_key_policies": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "list_key_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_data_key_without_plaintext": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "generate_data_key_without_plaintext" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_random": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "KmsResponse", + "generate_random" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_default_policy": [ + [ + "moto/kms/responses.py", + [ + "_assert_default_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "key_specs": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "KeySpec", + "key_specs" + ] + ] + ], + "rsa_key_specs": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "KeySpec", + "rsa_key_specs" + ] + ] + ], + "ecc_key_specs": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "KeySpec", + "ecc_key_specs" + ] + ] + ], + "hmac_key_specs": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "KeySpec", + "hmac_key_specs" + ] + ] + ], + "rsa_signing_algorithms": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "SigningAlgorithm", + "rsa_signing_algorithms" + ] + ] + ], + "ecc_signing_algorithms": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "SigningAlgorithm", + "ecc_signing_algorithms" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_key_id": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "generate_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_master_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "generate_master_key" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_private_key": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "generate_private_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_serialize_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "_serialize_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "_deserialize_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "_deserialize_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "_serialize_encryption_context": [ + [ + "moto/kms/utils.py", + [ + "_serialize_encryption_context" + ] + ] + ], + "default_settings": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "default_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_resource": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "describe_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "describe_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_resource": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "deregister_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "deregister_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "register_resource": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "register_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "register_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resources": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "list_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "list_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_lake_settings": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "get_data_lake_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "get_data_lake_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "put_data_lake_settings": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "put_data_lake_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "put_data_lake_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "grant_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "grant_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "grant_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "revoke_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "revoke_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "revoke_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "list_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "list_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lf_tag": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "create_lf_tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "create_lf_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lf_tag": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "get_lf_tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "get_lf_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lf_tag": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "delete_lf_tag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "delete_lf_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "list_lf_tags": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "list_lf_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "list_lf_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "list_data_cells_filter": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "list_data_cells_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "list_data_cells_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_grant_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "batch_grant_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "batch_grant_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_revoke_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/models.py", + [ + "LakeFormationBackend", + "batch_revoke_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "batch_revoke_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "lakeformation_backend": [ + [ + "moto/lakeformation/responses.py", + [ + "LakeFormationResponse", + "lakeformation_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "find_metric_transformation_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "find_metric_transformation_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "find_metric_transformation_by_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "find_metric_transformation_by_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "get_matching_filters": [ + [ + "moto/logs/metric_filters.py", + [ + "MetricFilters", + "get_matching_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "to_filter_dict": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogEvent", + "to_filter_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_update": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "_update" + ] + ] + ], + "to_describe_dict": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "to_describe_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "to_describe_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "put_log_events": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "put_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "put_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_func": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "get_log_events", + "filter_func" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "filter_log_events", + "filter_func" + ] + ] + ], + "get_index_and_direction_from_token": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "get_log_events", + "get_index_and_direction_from_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_log_events": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "get_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "get_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "get_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "get_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_log_events": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogStream", + "filter_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "filter_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "filter_log_events" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "filter_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "create_log_stream": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "create_log_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "create_log_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "create_log_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_log_stream": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "delete_log_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_log_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_log_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "sorter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "describe_log_streams", + "sorter" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_log_streams": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "describe_log_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_log_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_log_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "set_retention_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "set_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "untag": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "untag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "untag" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "untag" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_subscription_filters": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "describe_subscription_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_subscription_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_subscription_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "put_subscription_filter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "put_subscription_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_subscription_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_subscription_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_subscription_filter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogGroup", + "delete_subscription_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_subscription_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_subscription_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "create_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "create_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "create_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "ensure_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_log_groups": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_log_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_log_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "get_destination": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "get_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "put_destination": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_destination": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_destinations": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_destinations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_destinations" + ] + ] + ], + "put_destination_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_destination_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_destination_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_log_stream": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "ensure_log_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "put_retention_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_retention_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_retention_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_retention_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_resource_policies": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_resource_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_resource_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "put_resource_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "put_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "put_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resource_policy": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "delete_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "delete_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_tags_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "list_tags_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "list_tags_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "tag_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "tag_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_log_group": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "untag_log_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "untag_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "put_metric_filter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "put_metric_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "put_metric_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "put_metric_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_metric_filters": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "describe_metric_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "describe_metric_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_metric_filter": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "delete_metric_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "delete_metric_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "start_query": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "start_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "start_query" + ] + ] + ], + "create_export_task": [ + [ + "moto/logs/models.py", + [ + "LogsBackend", + "create_export_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "create_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_param": [ + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "validate_param" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_validated_param": [ + [ + "moto/logs/responses.py", + [ + "LogsResponse", + "_get_validated_param" + ] + ] + ], + "exception_handler": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/exceptions.py", + [ + "exception_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "network_name": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_name" + ] + ] + ], + "network_framework": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_framework" + ] + ] + ], + "network_framework_version": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_framework_version" + ] + ] + ], + "network_creationdate": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_creationdate" + ] + ] + ], + "network_description": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_description" + ] + ] + ], + "network_edition": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "network_edition" + ] + ] + ], + "vote_pol_proposal_duration": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "vote_pol_proposal_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "vote_pol_threshold_percentage": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "vote_pol_threshold_percentage" + ] + ] + ], + "vote_pol_threshold_comparator": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "vote_pol_threshold_comparator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_format": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNetwork", + "get_format" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "get_format" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "get_format" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "get_format" + ] + ] + ], + "network_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "network_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "network_id" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "proposal_status" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_votes": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "proposal_votes" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_actions": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "proposal_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "check_to_expire_proposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "check_to_expire_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "set_vote": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainProposal", + "set_vote" + ] + ] + ], + "invitation_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "invitation_status" + ] + ] + ], + "invitation_networkid": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "invitation_networkid" + ] + ] + ], + "accept_invitation": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "accept_invitation" + ] + ] + ], + "reject_invitation": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "reject_invitation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "reject_invitation" + ] + ] + ], + "set_network_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainInvitation", + "set_network_status" + ] + ] + ], + "member_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainMember", + "member_status" + ] + ] + ], + "member_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "member_id" + ] + ] + ], + "node_status": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainNode", + "node_status" + ] + ] + ], + "create_network": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "create_network" + ] + ] + ], + "list_networks": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_networks" + ] + ] + ], + "get_network": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "get_network" + ] + ] + ], + "create_proposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "create_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "list_proposals": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_proposals" + ] + ] + ], + "get_proposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "get_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "vote_on_proposal": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "vote_on_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "list_proposal_votes": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_proposal_votes" + ] + ] + ], + "list_invitations": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_invitations" + ] + ] + ], + "create_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "create_member" + ] + ] + ], + "list_members": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_members" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "list_members" + ] + ] + ], + "get_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "get_member" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "get_member" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "delete_member" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "delete_member" + ] + ] + ], + "update_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "update_member" + ] + ] + ], + "create_node": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "create_node" + ] + ] + ], + "list_nodes": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "list_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_node": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "get_node" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_node": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "delete_node" + ] + ] + ], + "update_node": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/models.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainBackend", + "update_node" + ] + ] + ], + "network_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "network_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_network_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_network_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_networks_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_networks_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_network_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_network_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "networkid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "networkid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_networkid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_networkid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_networkid_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_networkid_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "proposal_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposal_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposal_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_proposals_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_proposals_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposal_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposal_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "proposalid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "proposalid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposalid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposalid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposalid_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposalid_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "proposal_votes_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "proposal_votes_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposal_votes_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposal_votes_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_proposal_votes_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_proposal_votes_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_proposal_votes_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_proposal_votes_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "invitation_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "invitation_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_invitation_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_invitation_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_invitation_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_invitation_response" + ] + ] + ], + "invitationid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "invitationid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_invitationid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_invitationid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_invitationid_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_invitationid_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "member_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "member_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_member_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_member_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_members_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_members_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_member_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_member_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "memberid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "memberid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_memberid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_memberid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_memberid_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_memberid_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_memberid_response_patch": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_memberid_response_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "_memberid_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_memberid_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "node_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "node_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_node_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_node_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_nodes_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_all_nodes_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_node_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_node_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "nodeid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "nodeid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodeid_response": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_nodeid_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodeid_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_nodeid_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodeid_response_patch": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_nodeid_response_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "_nodeid_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/responses.py", + [ + "ManagedBlockchainResponse", + "_nodeid_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "networkid_from_managedblockchain_url": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "networkid_from_managedblockchain_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_network_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_network_id" + ] + ] + ], + "memberid_from_managedblockchain_request": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "memberid_from_managedblockchain_request" + ] + ] + ], + "get_member_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_member_id" + ] + ] + ], + "proposalid_from_managedblockchain_url": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "proposalid_from_managedblockchain_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_proposal_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_proposal_id" + ] + ] + ], + "invitationid_from_managedblockchain_url": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "invitationid_from_managedblockchain_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_invitation_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_invitation_id" + ] + ] + ], + "member_name_exist_in_network": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "member_name_exist_in_network" + ] + ] + ], + "number_of_members_in_network": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "number_of_members_in_network" + ] + ] + ], + "admin_password_ok": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "admin_password_ok" + ] + ] + ], + "nodeid_from_managedblockchain_url": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "nodeid_from_managedblockchain_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_node_id": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "get_node_id" + ] + ] + ], + "number_of_nodes_in_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "number_of_nodes_in_member" + ] + ] + ], + "nodes_in_member": [ + [ + "moto/managedblockchain/utils.py", + [ + "nodes_in_member" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_transient_states": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "Flow", + "resolve_transient_states" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_source_details": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "_add_source_details" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_entitlement_details": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "_add_entitlement_details" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_flow_add_details": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "_create_flow_add_details" + ] + ] + ], + "create_flow": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ 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[ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "stop_flow" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "stop_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "add_flow_vpc_interfaces": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "add_flow_vpc_interfaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "add_flow_vpc_interfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "add_flow_outputs": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "add_flow_outputs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "add_flow_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_flow_vpc_interface": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "remove_flow_vpc_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "remove_flow_vpc_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_flow_output": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "remove_flow_output" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "remove_flow_output" + ] + ] + ], + "update_flow_output": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "update_flow_output" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "update_flow_output" + ] + ] + ], + "add_flow_sources": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "add_flow_sources" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "add_flow_sources" + ] + ] + ], + "update_flow_source": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "update_flow_source" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ + "MediaConnectResponse", + "update_flow_source" + ] + ] + ], + "grant_flow_entitlements": [ + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/models.py", + [ + "MediaConnectBackend", + "grant_flow_entitlements" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediaconnect/responses.py", + [ 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"create_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "create_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "create_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "create_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "list_channels": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "list_channels" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "list_channels" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "list_channels" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "list_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "describe_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "describe_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "describe_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "describe_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "delete_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "delete_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "delete_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "delete_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "start_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "start_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "start_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "stop_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "stop_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "update_channel": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "update_channel" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "update_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "create_input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "create_input" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "create_input" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "describe_input" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "describe_input" + ] + ] + ], + "list_inputs": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "list_inputs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "list_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "delete_input" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "delete_input" + ] + ] + ], + "update_input": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/models.py", + [ + "MediaLiveBackend", + "update_input" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "update_input" + ] + ] + ], + "medialive_backend": [ + [ + "moto/medialive/responses.py", + [ + "MediaLiveResponse", + "medialive_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "create_origin_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "create_origin_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "create_origin_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_origin_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "describe_origin_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "describe_origin_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "list_origin_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "list_origin_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "list_origin_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_origin_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "delete_origin_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "delete_origin_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "update_origin_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/models.py", + [ + "MediaPackageBackend", + "update_origin_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "update_origin_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "mediapackage_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mediapackage/responses.py", + [ + "MediaPackageResponse", + "mediapackage_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "create_container": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "create_container" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "create_container" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_container": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "delete_container" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "delete_container" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_container": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "describe_container" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "describe_container" + ] + ] + ], + "list_containers": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "list_containers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "list_containers" + ] + ] + ], + "put_container_policy": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "put_container_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "put_container_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_container_policy": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "get_container_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "get_container_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_metric_policy": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "put_metric_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "put_metric_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_metric_policy": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreBackend", + "get_metric_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "get_metric_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "mediastore_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mediastore/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreResponse", + "mediastore_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend", + "put_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "put_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_with_url_encoded_key", + "put_object" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_object": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend", + "delete_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "delete_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_object" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend", + "get_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "get_object" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object" + ] + ] + ], + "list_items": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/models.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataBackend", + "list_items" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "list_items" + ] + ] + ], + "mediastoredata_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mediastoredata/responses.py", + [ + "MediaStoreDataResponse", + "mediastoredata_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "timestamp_1": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "timestamp_1" + ] + ] + ], + "customer_identifier": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "customer_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "customer_identifier_3": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "customer_identifier_3" + ] + ] + ], + "dimension": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "dimension_5": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "dimension_5" + ] + ] + ], + "quantity": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "quantity" + ] + ] + ], + "quantity_7": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "UsageRecord", + "quantity_7" + ] + ] + ], + "metering_record_id": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "metering_record_id" + ] + ] + ], + "status_2": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "status_2" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "status_2" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_record": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "usage_record" + ] + ] + ], + "usage_record_4": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "usage_record_4" + ] + ] + ], + "is_duplicate": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "Result", + "is_duplicate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "ResultDeque", + "is_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "is_subscribed": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "CustomerDeque", + "is_subscribed" + ] + ] + ], + "batch_meter_usage": [ + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/models.py", + [ + "MeteringMarketplaceBackend", + "batch_meter_usage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/meteringmarketplace/responses.py", + [ + "MarketplaceMeteringResponse", + "batch_meter_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "advance": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "advance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeTranscriptionJob", + "advance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeVocabulary", + "advance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "FakeMedicalTranscriptionJob", + "advance" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_next_status": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "_get_next_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_last_status": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/managed_state_model.py", + [ + "ManagedState", + "_get_last_status" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transition": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "get_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "get_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "get_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "set_transition": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "set_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "set_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "set_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "unset_transition": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "unset_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "unset_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "unset_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "set_athena_result": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "set_athena_result" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "set_athena_result" + ] + ] + ], + "set_rds_data_result": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/models.py", + [ + "MotoAPIBackend", + "set_rds_data_result" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "set_rds_data_result" + ] + ] + ], + "uuid1": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom", + "uuid1" + ] + ] + ], + "uuid4": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom", + "uuid4" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_hex": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom", + "get_random_hex" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_string": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/moto_random.py", + [ + "MotoRandom", + "get_random_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_record_request": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "_record_request" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "_encode_body" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "reset_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "reset_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "start_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "start_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "start_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "stop_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "stop_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "upload_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "upload_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "download_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "download_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "download_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "replay_recording": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/models.py", + [ + "Recorder", + "replay_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/recorder/responses.py", + [ + "RecorderResponse", + "replay_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_response": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "reset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_auth_response": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "reset_auth_response" + ] + ] + ], + "model_data": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "model_data" + ] + ] + ], + "dashboard": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "seed": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/responses.py", + [ + "MotoAPIResponse", + "seed" + ] + ] + ], + "register_default_transition": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "register_default_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "get_registered_models": [ + [ + "moto/moto_api/_internal/state_manager.py", + [ + "StateManager", + "get_registered_models" + ] + ] + ], + "_server_entry": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/threaded_moto_server.py", + [ + "ThreadedMotoServer", + "_server_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "action_data": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/utilities.py", + [ + "AWSTestHelper", + "action_data" + ] + ] + ], + "action_json": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/utilities.py", + [ + "AWSTestHelper", + "action_json" + ] + ] + ], + "get_backend_for_host": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_backend_for_host" + ] + ] + ], + "infer_service_region_host": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "infer_service_region_host" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "_get_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_service_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_version_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_version_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_action_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_action_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service_from_path": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "DomainDispatcherApplication", + "get_service_from_path" + ] + ] + ], + "create_backend_app": [ + [ + "moto/moto_server/werkzeug_app.py", + [ + "create_backend_app" + ] + ] + ], + "has_ldap_auth": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "ConfigurationRevision", + "has_ldap_auth" + ] + ] + ], + "get_revision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "Configuration", + "get_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "create_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "create_broker" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "create_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "delete_broker" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "delete_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "describe_broker" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "describe_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "reboot_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "reboot_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "list_brokers": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "list_brokers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "list_brokers" + ] + ] + ], + "create_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "create_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "create_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "describe_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "describe_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_revision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "describe_configuration_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "list_configurations": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "list_configurations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "list_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "update_broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/models.py", + [ + "MQBackend", + "update_broker" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "update_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "mq_backend": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "mq_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "broker": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "broker" + ] + ] + ], + "brokers": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "brokers" + ] + ] + ], + "configurations": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "configuration_revision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "configuration_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "user": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "user" + ] + ] + ], + "users": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "users" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "users" + ] + ] + ], + "get_configuration_revision": [ + [ + "moto/mq/responses.py", + [ + "MQResponse", + "get_configuration_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "db_cluster_arn": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "DBCluster", + "db_cluster_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "db_cluster_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "global_backend": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "global_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/responses.py", + [ + "NeptuneResponse", + "global_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "db_cluster_options": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "db_cluster_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "db_cluster_options" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "create_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/responses.py", + [ + "NeptuneResponse", + "create_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "create_global_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "create_global_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/responses.py", + [ + "NeptuneResponse", + "create_global_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_global_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_global_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_global_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "delete_global_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/responses.py", + [ + "NeptuneResponse", + "delete_global_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_global_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_global_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_global_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "describe_global_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/responses.py", + [ + "NeptuneResponse", + "describe_global_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_global_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_global_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_clusters": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "describe_db_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/neptune/responses.py", + [ + "NeptuneResponse", + "describe_db_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "delete_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "modify_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "start_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "start_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "start_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "start_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_orderable_db_instance_options": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/models.py", + [ + "NeptuneBackend", + "describe_orderable_db_instance_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_orderable_db_instance_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_orderable_db_instance_options" + ] + ] + ], + "neptune_backend": [ + [ + "moto/neptune/responses.py", + [ + "NeptuneResponse", + "neptune_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "dct_options": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchDomain", + "dct_options" + ] + ] + ], + "create_domain": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "create_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "create_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "create_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "create_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compatible_versions": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "get_compatible_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "get_compatible_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_domain": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "delete_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "delete_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "delete_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "delete_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_domain": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "describe_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "describe_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "describe_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "describe_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_domain_config": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "describe_domain_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "describe_domain_config" + ] + ] + ], + "update_domain_config": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/models.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceBackend", + "update_domain_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "update_domain_config" + ] + ] + ], + "opensearch_backend": [ + [ + "moto/opensearch/responses.py", + [ + "OpenSearchServiceResponse", + "opensearch_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_hostname": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "Stack", + "generate_hostname" + ] + ] + ], + "create_layer": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "create_layer" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "create_layer" + ] + ] + ], + "create_app": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "create_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "create_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "create_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "create_app" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instance": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "create_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "create_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_layers": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "describe_layers" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "describe_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_apps": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "describe_apps" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "describe_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "start_instance": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/models.py", + [ + "OpsWorksBackend", + "start_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "start_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "opsworks_backend": [ + [ + "moto/opsworks/responses.py", + [ + "OpsWorksResponse", + "opsworks_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "master_account_arn": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeOrganization", + "master_account_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_account_status": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount", + "create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "close": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeAccount", + "close" + ] + ] + ], + "add_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeRoot", + "add_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeRoot", + "remove_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "supported_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakePolicy", + "supported_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "trusted_service": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeServiceAccess", + "trusted_service" + ] + ] + ], + "add_service_principal": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator", + "add_service_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_service_principal": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator", + "remove_service_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "supported_service": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "FakeDelegatedAdministrator", + "supported_service" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_root_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "_get_root_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "create_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "create_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "delete_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "delete_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "list_roots": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_roots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "create_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "create_organizational_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "create_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "delete_organizational_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "delete_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "update_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "update_organizational_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "update_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "get_organizational_unit_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "get_organizational_unit_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_parent_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "validate_parent_id" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_organizational_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "list_organizational_units_for_parent": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_organizational_units_for_parent" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_organizational_units_for_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "create_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "create_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "create_account" + ] + ] + ], + "close_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "close_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "close_account" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "get_account_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_account_by_attr": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "get_account_by_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_account" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_create_account_status": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_create_account_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "list_create_account_status": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_create_account_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "list_accounts": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_accounts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "list_accounts_for_parent": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_accounts_for_parent" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_accounts_for_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "move_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "move_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "move_account" + ] + ] + ], + "list_parents": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_parents" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_parents" + ] + ] + ], + "list_children": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_children" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_children" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_policy": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "describe_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "describe_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_policy_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "get_policy_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "update_policy": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "update_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "update_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "list_policies_for_target": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_policies_for_target" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_policies_for_target" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_for_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "_get_resource_for_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "enable_aws_service_access" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "enable_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aws_service_access_for_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_aws_service_access_for_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_aws_service_access_for_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "disable_aws_service_access" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "disable_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "register_delegated_administrator": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "register_delegated_administrator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "register_delegated_administrator" + ] + ] + ], + "list_delegated_administrators": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_delegated_administrators" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_delegated_administrators" + ] + ] + ], + "list_delegated_services_for_account": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "list_delegated_services_for_account" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "list_delegated_services_for_account" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_delegated_administrator": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "deregister_delegated_administrator" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "deregister_delegated_administrator" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "enable_policy_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "enable_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_policy_type": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "disable_policy_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "disable_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_account_from_organization": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/models.py", + [ + "OrganizationsBackend", + "remove_account_from_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "remove_account_from_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "organizations_backend": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "organizations_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "organizations_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "organizations_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "request_params": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/responses.py", + [ + "OrganizationsResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "request_params" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_org_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_org_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_root_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_root_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_ou_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_ou_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_account_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_create_account_status_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_create_account_status_id" + ] + ] + ], + "make_random_policy_id": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "make_random_policy_id" + ] + ] + ], + "fullmatch": [ + [ + "moto/organizations/utils.py", + [ + "fullmatch" + ] + ] + ], + "to_source_dict": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/blockdevicemapping.py", + [ + "BlockDeviceMapping", + "to_source_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "state": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance", + "state" + ] + ] + ], + "state_code": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance", + "state_code" + ] + ] + ], + "placement": [ + [ + "moto/packages/boto/ec2/instance.py", + [ + "Instance", + "placement" + ] + ] + ], + "send": [ + [ + "moto/packages/cfnresponse/cfnresponse.py", + [ + "send" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_schema": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend", + "describe_schema" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "describe_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "list_schemas": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/models.py", + [ + "PersonalizeBackend", + "list_schemas" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "list_schemas" + ] + ] + ], + "personalize_backend": [ + [ + "moto/personalize/responses.py", + [ + "PersonalizeResponse", + "personalize_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "get_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "update_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "update_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_event_stream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "delete_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "delete_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "delete_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "get_event_stream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "get_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "get_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "get_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "put_event_stream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "App", + "put_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "put_event_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "put_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_app": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "delete_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "delete_app" + ] + ] + ], + "get_app": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "get_app" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "get_app" + ] + ] + ], + "get_apps": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "get_apps" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "get_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "update_application_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "update_application_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "update_application_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "get_application_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/models.py", + [ + "PinpointBackend", + "get_application_settings" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "get_application_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "pinpoint_backend": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "pinpoint_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "app": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "app" + ] + ] + ], + "apps": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "apps" + ] + ] + ], + "app_settings": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "app_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "eventstream": [ + [ + "moto/pinpoint/responses.py", + [ + "PinpointResponse", + "eventstream" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_voices": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "describe_voices" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "delete_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "get_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "list_lexicons": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "list_lexicons" + ] + ] + ], + "put_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/models.py", + [ + "PollyBackend", + "put_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "polly_backend": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "polly_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "json": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "json" + ] + ] + ], + "voices": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "voices" + ] + ] + ], + "lexicons": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "lexicons" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_lexicons": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_put_lexicons" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_lexicons_list": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_get_lexicons_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_get_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "_delete_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "_delete_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "speech": [ + [ + "moto/polly/responses.py", + [ + "PollyResponse", + "speech" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_lexicon": [ + [ + "moto/polly/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_id": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "_create_id" + ] + ] + ], + "add_member": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuicksightGroup", + "add_member" + ] + ] + ], + "create_data_set": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "create_data_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "create_data_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_ingestion": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "create_ingestion" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "create_ingestion" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_group": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "describe_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "describe_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_group_membership": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "describe_group_membership" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "describe_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "register_user": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/models.py", + [ + "QuickSightBackend", + "register_user" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "register_user" + ] + ] + ], + "quicksight_backend": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "quicksight_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "dataset": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "group_member": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "group_member" + ] + ] + ], + "group_members": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "group_members" + ] + ] + ], + "ingestion": [ + [ + "moto/quicksight/responses.py", + [ + "QuickSightResponse", + "ingestion" + ] + ] + ], + "add_principals": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "add_principals" + ] + ] + ], + "add_resources": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceShare", + "add_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_share": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "create_resource_share" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "create_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_shares": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "get_resource_shares" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "get_resource_shares" + ] + ] + ], + "update_resource_share": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "update_resource_share" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "update_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resource_share": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "delete_resource_share" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "delete_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_sharing_with_aws_organization": [ + [ + "moto/ram/models.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerBackend", + "enable_sharing_with_aws_organization" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "enable_sharing_with_aws_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "ram_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ram/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceAccessManagerResponse", + "ram_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "find_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "find_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "is_multi_az": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "is_multi_az" + ] + ] + ], + "master_user_password": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "master_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "master_user_password_3": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "master_user_password_3" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_http_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "enable_http_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_http_endpoint_5": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "enable_http_endpoint_5" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cfg": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "get_cfg" + ] + ] + ], + "default_engine_version": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "default_engine_version" + ] + ] + ], + "default_port": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "default_port" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "default_port" + ] + ] + ], + "default_storage_type": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "default_storage_type" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "default_storage_type" + ] + ] + ], + "default_allocated_storage": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "default_allocated_storage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "default_allocated_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "snapshot_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "ClusterSnapshot", + "snapshot_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DatabaseSnapshot", + "snapshot_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "db_instance_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "db_instance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "db_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "db_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "is_default_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "is_default_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "default_db_parameter_group_details": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "default_db_parameter_group_details" + ] + ] + ], + "address": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "address" + ] + ] + ], + "add_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "add_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "remove_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "set_as_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "Database", + "set_as_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "es_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "EventSubscription", + "es_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_cidr": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "authorize_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "authorize_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "authorize_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "sg_arn": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "sg_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "neptune": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "neptune" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "create_auto_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_auto_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "copy_db_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "copy_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "promote_read_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "promote_read_replica" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "promote_read_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_instance_read_replica": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_instance_read_replica" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_instance_read_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_instances": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_instances" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "reboot_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "reboot_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "reboot_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "stop_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "stop_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "start_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "start_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "start_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "find_db_from_id": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "find_db_from_id" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_instance" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_subnet_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_subnet_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_subnet_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_db_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_db_subnet_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_db_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_option_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_option_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_option_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_option_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_option_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_option_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_option_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_option_group_options": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_option_group_options" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_option_group_options" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_option_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_option_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_parameter_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "modify_db_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "modify_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_cluster_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_cluster_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_cluster_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "promote_read_replica_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "promote_read_replica_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "promote_read_replica_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "create_auto_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_auto_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "copy_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "copy_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_cluster_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_db_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "stop_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "stop_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "start_export_task": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "start_export_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "start_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_export_task": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "cancel_export_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "cancel_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_export_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_export_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_export_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "create_event_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_event_subscription" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_event_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_event_subscription" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_event_subscriptions": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_event_subscriptions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_event_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_resources": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "_filter_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_db_identifier": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "_validate_db_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_cluster_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "create_db_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_cluster_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "describe_db_cluster_parameter_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_cluster_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_cluster_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "delete_db_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_from_global_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "RDSBackend", + "remove_from_global_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "remove_from_global_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_options": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "remove_options" + ] + ] + ], + "add_options": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "OptionGroup", + "add_options" + ] + ] + ], + "update_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/models.py", + [ + "DBParameterGroup", + "update_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_modify_db_cluster_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_modify_db_cluster_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_replica_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_replica_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_option_group_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_option_group_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_parameter_group_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_parameter_group_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_cluster_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_cluster_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_export_task_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_export_task_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_event_subscription_kwargs": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_event_subscription_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "unpack_list_params": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "unpack_list_params" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "unpack_list_params" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_db_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "authorize_db_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "create_db_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "create_db_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_db_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "delete_db_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_db_parameter_group_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "_get_db_parameter_group_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_db_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/responses.py", + [ + "RDSResponse", + "describe_db_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_filters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "merge_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_filters": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "validate_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_filter": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "apply_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_start_date_end_date": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "get_start_date_end_date" + ] + ] + ], + "get_start_date_end_date_from_time": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "get_start_date_end_date_from_time" + ] + ] + ], + "get_overlap_between_two_date_ranges": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "get_overlap_between_two_date_ranges" + ] + ] + ], + "valid_preferred_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "valid_preferred_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_orderable_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "encode_orderable_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_orderable_db_instance": [ + [ + "moto/rds/utils.py", + [ + "decode_orderable_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "rdsdata_backend": [ + [ + "moto/rdsdata/responses.py", + [ + "RDSDataServiceResponse", + "rdsdata_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_id": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "TaggableResourceMixin", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SecurityGroup", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "ParameterGroup", + "resource_id" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Snapshot", + "resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "vpc_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "vpc_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "pause": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "pause" + ] + ] + ], + "resume": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "Cluster", + "resume" + ] + ] + ], + "subnets": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "SubnetGroup", + "subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_snapshot_copy": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "enable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "enable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_snapshot_copy": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "disable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "disable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "pause_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "pause_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "pause_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "resume_cluster": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "resume_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "resume_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_automated_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_automated_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster_subnet_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_cluster_subnet_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_cluster_subnet_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster_subnet_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_cluster_security_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_cluster_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster_security_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster_security_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "authorize_cluster_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "authorize_cluster_security_group_ingress" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "authorize_cluster_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_cluster_parameter_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_cluster_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster_parameter_group": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cluster_snapshots": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_from_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "restore_from_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "restore_from_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "create_snapshot_copy_grant": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "create_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "create_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_snapshot_copy_grant": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "delete_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "delete_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_snapshot_copy_grants": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "describe_snapshot_copy_grants" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "describe_snapshot_copy_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resource_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "_get_resource_from_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "_get_resource_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_tags_for_resources": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "_describe_tags_for_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_tags_for_resource_type": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "_describe_tags_for_resource_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_tags_for_resource_name": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "_describe_tags_for_resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cluster_credentials": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftBackend", + "get_cluster_credentials" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "get_cluster_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_json_error_to_xml": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "convert_json_error_to_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "itemize": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "itemize" + ] + ] + ], + "redshift_backend": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "redshift_backend" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "redshift_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cluster_security_groups": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "_get_cluster_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_vpc_security_group_ids": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "_get_vpc_security_group_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_iam_roles": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "_get_iam_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_subnet_ids": [ + [ + "moto/redshift/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftResponse", + "_get_subnet_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_statement": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend", + "cancel_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "cancel_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_statement": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend", + "describe_statement" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "describe_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "get_statement_result": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceBackend", + "get_statement_result" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "get_statement_result" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_uuid": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/models.py", + [ + "_validate_uuid" + ] + ] + ], + "redshiftdata_backend": [ + [ + "moto/redshiftdata/responses.py", + [ + "RedshiftDataAPIServiceResponse", + "redshiftdata_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "start_face_search": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "start_face_search" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "start_face_search" + ] + ] + ], + "start_text_detection": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "start_text_detection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "start_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "get_face_search": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "get_face_search" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "get_face_search" + ] + ] + ], + "get_text_detection": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "get_text_detection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "get_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "_job_id": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_job_status": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_job_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_next_token": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_status_message": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_status_message" + ] + ] + ], + "_text_model_version": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_text_model_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_video_metadata": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_video_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "_persons": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_persons" + ] + ] + ], + "_text_detections": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/models.py", + [ + "RekognitionBackend", + "_text_detections" + ] + ] + ], + "rekognition_backend": [ + [ + "moto/rekognition/responses.py", + [ + "RekognitionResponse", + "rekognition_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_description": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_validate_description" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_query": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_validate_resource_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "_validate_resource_query" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_tags": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "_validate_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "_validate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "description_7": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "description_7" + ] + ] + ], + "name_9": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "name_9" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_query": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "resource_query" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_query_11": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "resource_query_11" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_13": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "FakeResourceGroup", + "tags_13" + ] + ] + ], + "append": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroups", + "append" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "ChangeList", + "append" + ] + ] + ], + "update_group_query": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "update_group_query" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "update_group_query" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "get_group_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "get_group_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_group_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsBackend", + "put_group_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "put_group_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "resourcegroups_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "resourcegroups_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_group_query": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "get_group_query" + ] + ] + ], + "list_group_resources": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "list_group_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "search_resources": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroups/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsResponse", + "search_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "s3_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "s3_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "rds_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "rds_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "emr_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "emr_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "lambda_backend": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "lambda_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_filter": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator", + "tag_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "format_tags": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator", + "format_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "format_tag_keys": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator", + "format_tag_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_resources_generator": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_resources_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ec2_keys": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_tag_keys_generator", + "get_ec2_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tag_keys_generator": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_tag_keys_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ec2_values": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_tag_values_generator", + "get_ec2_values" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tag_values_generator": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "_get_tag_values_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tag_keys": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "get_tag_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse", + "get_tag_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tag_values": [ + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/models.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIBackend", + "get_tag_values" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/resourcegroupstaggingapi/responses.py", + [ + "ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIResponse", + "get_tag_values" + ] + ] + ], + "create_route53_zone_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "create_route53_zone_id" + ] + ] + ], + "set_children": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "set_children" + ] + ] + ], + "set_regions": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "HealthCheck", + "set_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "reverse_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "reverse_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "add_rrset": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "add_rrset" + ] + ] + ], + "upsert_rrset": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "upsert_rrset" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rrset": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "delete_rrset" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_rrset_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "delete_rrset_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "add_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "add_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "predicate": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "get_record_sets", + "predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_record_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "FakeZone", + "get_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "create_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "create_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dnssec": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_dnssec" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_vpc_from_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "disassociate_vpc_from_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "change_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "change_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resource_record_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_resource_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "change_resource_record_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "change_resource_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_hosted_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "sort_key": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_hosted_zones_by_name", + "if_dnsnames_", + "else_", + "sort_key" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_hosted_zones_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones_by_vpc": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_hosted_zones_by_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_zone_count": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_hosted_zone_count" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_zone_by_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_hosted_zone_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "delete_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "update_hosted_zone_comment": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "update_hosted_zone_comment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "create_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "update_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "update_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "list_health_checks": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_health_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "delete_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "get_health_check": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "get_health_check_status": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_health_check_status" + ] + ] + ], + "create_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "create_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "delete_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "get_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "list_query_logging_configs": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_query_logging_configs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "create_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_reusable_delegation_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "list_reusable_delegation_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "delete_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "get_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "moto/route53/models.py", + [ + "Route53Backend", + "get_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_or_create_hostzone_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_or_create_hostzone_response" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones_by_name_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_hosted_zones_by_name_response" + ] + ] + ], + "list_hosted_zones_by_vpc_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_hosted_zones_by_vpc_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_hosted_zone_count_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_hosted_zone_count_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_or_delete_hostzone_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_or_delete_hostzone_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dnssec_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_dnssec_response" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_vpc_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "associate_vpc_response" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_vpc_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "disassociate_vpc_response" + ] + ] + ], + "rrset_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "rrset_response" + ] + ] + ], + "health_check_response1": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "health_check_response1" + ] + ] + ], + "health_check_response2": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "health_check_response2" + ] + ] + ], + "health_check_status_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "health_check_status_response" + ] + ] + ], + "not_implemented_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "not_implemented_response" + ] + ] + ], + "list_or_change_tags_for_resource_request": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_or_change_tags_for_resource_request" + ] + ] + ], + "get_change": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_change" + ] + ] + ], + "list_or_create_query_logging_config_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "list_or_create_query_logging_config_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_or_delete_query_logging_config_response": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "get_or_delete_query_logging_config_response" + ] + ] + ], + "reusable_delegation_sets": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "reusable_delegation_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "moto/route53/responses.py", + [ + "Route53", + "reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_response1": [ + [ + "moto/route53/urls.py", + [ + "tag_response1" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_response2": [ + [ + "moto/route53/urls.py", + [ + "tag_response2" + ] + ] + ], + "_vpc_id_from_subnet": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "_vpc_id_from_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_subnet_info": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "_build_subnet_info" + ] + ] + ], + "ip_descriptions": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "ip_descriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "update_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "update_name" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_ip_address": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "associate_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_ip_address": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "ResolverEndpoint", + "disassociate_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "associate_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "associate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_subnet_ips": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_verify_subnet_ips" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_security_group_ids": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_verify_security_group_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "create_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "create_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "create_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "create_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resolver_endpoint_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_validate_resolver_endpoint_id" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "delete_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "delete_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resolver_rule_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_validate_resolver_rule_id" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "delete_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "delete_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "disassociate_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "disassociate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "get_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "get_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "get_resolver_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "get_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resolver_rule_association": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "get_resolver_rule_association" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "get_resolver_rule_association" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_field_name_to_filter": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_add_field_name_to_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_filters": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_validate_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "_validate_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "_matches_all_filters": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_matches_all_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resolver_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_resolver_endpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_resolver_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resolver_rules": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_resolver_rules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_resolver_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "list_resolver_rule_associations": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "list_resolver_rule_associations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "list_resolver_rule_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "_matched_arn": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "_matched_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "update_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "update_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "update_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/models.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverBackend", + "disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "route53resolver_backend": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/responses.py", + [ + "Route53ResolverResponse", + "route53resolver_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_creator_request_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_creator_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_direction": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_endpoint_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_endpoint_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_max_results": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_rule_association_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_rule_association_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_rule_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_rule_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_rule_type": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_rule_type" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_security_group_ids": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_security_group_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_subnets": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_target_port": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_target_port" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_vpc_id": [ + [ + "moto/route53resolver/validations.py", + [ + "validate_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "cfn_to_api_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/s3/cloud_formation.py", + [ + "cfn_to_api_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "last_modified_ISO8601": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeDeleteMarker", + "last_modified_ISO8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "last_modified_ISO8601" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "safe_name" + ] + ] + ], + "value_4": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "value_4" + ] + ] + ], + "set_metadata": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "set_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "set_storage_class": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "set_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "set_expiry": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "set_expiry" + ] + ] + ], + "set_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "set_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "restore": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "restore" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "restore" + ] + ] + ], + "etag": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "etag" + ] + ] + ], + "last_modified_RFC1123": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "last_modified_RFC1123" + ] + ] + ], + "response_dict": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "response_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "storage_class": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "expiry_date": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "expiry_date" + ] + ] + ], + "__setstate__": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "__setstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "is_locked": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "is_locked" + ] + ] + ], + "dispose": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeKey", + "dispose" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart", + "dispose" + ] + ] + ], + "complete": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart", + "complete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "complete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "complete" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "complete" + ] + ] + ], + "set_part": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart", + "set_part" + ] + ] + ], + "list_parts": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeMultipart", + "list_parts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "type": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeGrantee", + "type" + ] + ] + ], + "public_read": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeAcl", + "public_read" + ] + ] + ], + "get_canned_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "get_canned_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "_event_matches": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification", + "_event_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_matches": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "Notification", + "_key_matches" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_str_to_bool": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "convert_str_to_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "creation_date_ISO8601": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "creation_date_ISO8601" + ] + ] + ], + "is_versioned": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "is_versioned" + ] + ] + ], + "get_permission": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "get_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "set_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "delete_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "delete_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "set_logging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "set_notification_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_notification_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "set_accelerate_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "set_accelerate_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "dual_stack_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "dual_stack_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "regional_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "regional_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "website_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "website_url" + ] + ] + ], + "has_default_lock": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "has_default_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "default_retention": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "FakeBucket", + "default_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "log_incoming_request": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "log_incoming_request" + ] + ] + ], + "create_bucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "create_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "list_buckets": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "head_bucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "head_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_versioning": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_versioning": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "list_object_versions": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_object_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_encryption": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_ownership_controls": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_ownership_controls" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_ownership_controls": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_ownership_controls" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_ownership_controls": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_ownership_controls" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_replication": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_replication": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_replication": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_bucket_website_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "set_bucket_website_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_website_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_website_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_website": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_website" + ] + ] + ], + "get_public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "get_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "get_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object_legal_hold": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object_legal_hold" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object_retention": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "head_object": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "head_object" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_legal_hold": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_legal_hold" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_lock_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_lock_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "get_object_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_object_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "set_key_tags": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "set_key_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "put_object_lock_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_object_lock_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_logging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "delete_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "delete_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_notification_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_notification_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_accelerate_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_accelerate_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "abort_multipart_upload": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "abort_multipart_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "is_truncated": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "is_truncated" + ] + ] + ], + "create_multipart_upload": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "create_multipart_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_multipart_upload": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "complete_multipart_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_multiparts": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_all_multiparts" + ] + ] + ], + "upload_part": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "upload_part" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_part": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "copy_part" + ] + ] + ], + "list_objects": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "list_objects_v2": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "list_objects_v2" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "_get_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_delete_marker": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "_set_delete_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_object_tagging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_object_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_objects": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "delete_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_object": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "copy_object" + ] + ] + ], + "put_bucket_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "put_bucket_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_acl": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_lifecycle": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_location": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_location" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_logging": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bucket_notification_configuration": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "get_bucket_notification_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "select_object_content": [ + [ + "moto/s3/models.py", + [ + "S3Backend", + "select_object_content" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_s3_event": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_get_s3_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_region_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_get_region_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "send_event": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "send_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_invoke_awslambda": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_invoke_awslambda" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_test_event": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "_get_test_event" + ] + ] + ], + "send_test_event": [ + [ + "moto/s3/notifications.py", + [ + "send_test_event" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_key_name": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "parse_key_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "parse_key_name" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3bucket_path/utils.py", + [ + "parse_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_safe_path_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "get_safe_path_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_safe_path": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "get_safe_path" + ] + ] + ], + "all_buckets": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "all_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "subdomain_based_buckets": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "subdomain_based_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "is_delete_keys": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "is_delete_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_bucket_name_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "parse_bucket_name_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "ambiguous_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "ambiguous_response" + ] + ] + ], + "bucket_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "bucket_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_querystring": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_querystring" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_head": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_head" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_string": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_set_cors_headers_options", + "_to_string" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_cors_headers_other", + "try_", + "_to_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_cors_headers_options": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_set_cors_headers_options" + ] + ] + ], + "_response_options": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_response_options" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cors_headers_other": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_cors_headers_other" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_action": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_set_action" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_list_objects_v2": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_list_objects_v2" + ] + ] + ], + "_split_truncated_keys": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_split_truncated_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_results_from_token": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_results_from_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_truncate_result": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_truncate_result" + ] + ] + ], + "_body_contains_location_constraint": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_body_contains_location_constraint" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_bucket_configuration_is_empty": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_create_bucket_configuration_is_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_pab_config": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_parse_pab_config" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "_parse_pab_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_put": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_put" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_delete": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_path": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_response_delete_keys": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_response_delete_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "toint": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_range_header", + "toint" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_range_header": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_range_header" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_v4_chunk_signatures": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_v4_chunk_signatures" + ] + ] + ], + "_handle_encoded_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_handle_encoded_body" + ] + ] + ], + "key_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "key_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_get": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_get" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_put": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_put" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_head": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_head" + ] + ] + ], + "_lock_config_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_lock_config_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_acl_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_acl_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_grants_from_xml": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_get_grants_from_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "_acl_from_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_acl_from_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "_tagging_from_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_tagging_from_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "_tagging_from_xml": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_tagging_from_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "_bucket_tagging_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_bucket_tagging_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_cors_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_cors_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_mode_until_from_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_mode_until_from_body" + ] + ] + ], + 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+ ] + ] + ], + "_complete_multipart_body": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_complete_multipart_body" + ] + ] + ], + "_key_response_post": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_key_response_post" + ] + ] + ], + "_invalid_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/responses.py", + [ + "S3Response", + "_invalid_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_query": [ + [ + "moto/s3/select_object_content.py", + [ + "parse_query" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_header": [ + [ + "moto/s3/select_object_content.py", + [ + "_create_header" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_message": [ + [ + "moto/s3/select_object_content.py", + [ + "_create_message" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_stats_message": [ + [ + "moto/s3/select_object_content.py", + [ + "_create_stats_message" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_data_message": [ + [ + "moto/s3/select_object_content.py", + [ + "_create_data_message" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_end_message": [ + [ + "moto/s3/select_object_content.py", + [ + "_create_end_message" + ] + ] + ], + "serialize_select": [ + [ + "moto/s3/select_object_content.py", + [ + "serialize_select" + ] + ] + ], + "bucket_name_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "bucket_name_from_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3bucket_path/utils.py", + [ + "bucket_name_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "bucket_and_name_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "bucket_and_name_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_region_from_url": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "parse_region_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "metadata_from_headers": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "metadata_from_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "__sgetitem__": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "__sgetitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "getlist": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "getlist" + ] + ] + ], + "setlist": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "setlist" + ] + ] + ], + "_iteritems": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "_iteritems" + ] + ] + ], + "_itervalues": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "_itervalues" + ] + ] + ], + "_iterlists": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "_iterlists" + ] + ] + ], + "item_size": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "item_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_self_iterable": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_VersionedKeyStore", + "_self_iterable" + ] + ] + ], + "compute_checksum": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "compute_checksum" + ] + ] + ], + "_hash": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "cors_matches_origin": [ + [ + "moto/s3/utils.py", + [ + "cors_matches_origin" + ] + ] + ], + "set_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint", + "set_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "has_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "AccessPoint", + "has_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "put_public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "put_public_access_block" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + 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"get_access_point_policy_status": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/models.py", + [ + "S3ControlBackend", + "get_access_point_policy_status" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "get_access_point_policy_status" + ] + ] + ], + "public_access_block": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "access_point": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "access_point_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "access_point_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "access_point_policy_status": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "access_point_policy_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_accountid_and_name_from_accesspoint": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "_get_accountid_and_name_from_accesspoint" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_accountid_and_name_from_policy": [ + [ + "moto/s3control/responses.py", + [ + "S3ControlResponse", + "_get_accountid_and_name_from_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "response_create": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeProcessingJob", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrainingJob", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpoint", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeEndpointConfig", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTransformJob", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "Model", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeExperiment", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrial", + "response_create" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeTrialComponent", + "response_create" + ] + ] + ], + "arn_formatter": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "FakeProcessingJob", 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"describe_processing_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_processing_job" + ] + ] + ], + "start_pipeline_execution": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "start_pipeline_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "start_pipeline_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "list_pipeline_executions": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_pipeline_executions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_pipeline_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_pipeline_execution": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_pipeline_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_pipeline_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_pipeline": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "format_time": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_pipelines", + "format_time" + ] + ] + ], + "list_processing_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_processing_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_processing_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_transform_job": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_transform_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_transform_job" + ] + ] + ], + "list_transform_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_transform_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_transform_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_transform_job": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_transform_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_transform_job" + ] + ] + ], + "create_training_job": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_training_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_training_job": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_training_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "list_training_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_training_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_training_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities" + ] + ] + ], + "create_model_package_group": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_model_package_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_model_package_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_versioned_or_not": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "_get_versioned_or_not" + ] + ] + ], + "list_model_packages": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "list_model_packages" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "list_model_packages" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_model_package": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "describe_model_package" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_model_package" + ] + ] + ], + "create_model_package": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/models.py", + [ + "SageMakerModelBackend", + "create_model_package" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "create_model_package" + ] + ] + ], + "format_enum_error": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "format_enum_error" + ] + ] + ], + "sagemaker_backend": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "sagemaker_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_notebook_instance": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/responses.py", + [ + "SageMakerResponse", + "describe_notebook_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pipeline_from_name": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/utils.py", + [ + "get_pipeline_from_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pipeline_name_from_execution_arn": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/utils.py", + [ + "get_pipeline_name_from_execution_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pipeline_execution_from_arn": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/utils.py", + [ + "get_pipeline_execution_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "load_pipeline_definition_from_s3": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/utils.py", + [ + "load_pipeline_definition_from_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "is_integer_between": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/validators.py", + [ + "is_integer_between" + ] + ] + ], + "is_one_of": [ + [ + "moto/sagemaker/validators.py", + [ + "is_one_of" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_target": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "Schedule", + "validate_target" + ] + ] + ], + "add_schedule": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "ScheduleGroup", + "add_schedule" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schedule": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "ScheduleGroup", + "get_schedule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "get_schedule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "get_schedule" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_schedule": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "ScheduleGroup", + "delete_schedule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "delete_schedule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "delete_schedule" + ] + ] + ], + "create_schedule": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "create_schedule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "create_schedule" + ] + ] + ], + "update_schedule": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "update_schedule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "update_schedule" + ] + ] + ], + "list_schedules": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "list_schedules" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "list_schedules" + ] + ] + ], + "create_schedule_group": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "create_schedule_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "create_schedule_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_schedule_group": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "get_schedule_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "get_schedule_group" + ] + ] + ], + "list_schedule_groups": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "list_schedule_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "list_schedule_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_schedule_group": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/models.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerBackend", + "delete_schedule_group" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "delete_schedule_group" + ] + ] + ], + "scheduler_backend": [ + [ + "moto/scheduler/responses.py", + [ + "EventBridgeSchedulerResponse", + "scheduler_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeItem", + "get_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "get_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeItem", + "_remove_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "put": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "FakeDomain", + "put" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_domain_name": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "_validate_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_domain": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/models.py", + [ + "SimpleDBBackend", + "_get_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "_get_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "sdb_backend": [ + [ + "moto/sdb/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleDBResponse", + "sdb_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "name_filter": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "description_filter": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "description_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_key": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "tag_key" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_value": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "tag_value" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_all": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "filter_all" + ] + ] + ], + "_matcher": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "_matcher" + ] + ] + ], + "_match_pattern": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/list_secrets/filters.py", + [ + "_match_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_keys": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "filter_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "set_versions": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "set_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_version_id": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "set_default_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_default_version": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "reset_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_version_stages_from_old_versions": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "remove_version_stages_from_old_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "to_short_dict": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "to_short_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "to_short_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "to_short_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "to_short_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_form_version_ids_to_stages": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "FakeSecret", + "_form_version_ids_to_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_valid_identifier": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_is_valid_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "_unix_time_secs": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_unix_time_secs" + ] + ] + ], + "_client_request_token_validator": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_client_request_token_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "_from_client_request_token": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_from_client_request_token" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_rotate_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "cancel_rotate_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "cancel_rotate_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "get_secret_value": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "get_secret_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "get_secret_value" + ] + ] + ], + "update_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "update_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "update_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "create_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "create_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "create_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "_add_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "put_secret_value": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "put_secret_value" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "put_secret_value" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "describe_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "describe_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "rotate_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "rotate_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "rotate_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_password": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "get_random_password" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "get_random_password" + ] + ] + ], + "list_secret_version_ids": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "list_secret_version_ids" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "list_secret_version_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "list_secrets": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "list_secrets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "list_secrets" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "delete_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "delete_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_secret": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "restore_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "restore_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "update_secret_version_stage": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "update_secret_version_stage" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "update_secret_version_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_policy": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/models.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerBackend", + "get_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/responses.py", + [ + "SecretsManagerResponse", + "get_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "random_password": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "random_password" + ] + ] + ], + "secret_arn": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "secret_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_secret_name_from_partial_arn": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "get_secret_name_from_partial_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_exclude_characters": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "_exclude_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_password_require_each_included_type": [ + [ + "moto/secretsmanager/utils.py", + [ + "_add_password_require_each_included_type" + ] + ] + ], + "signal_handler": [ + [ + "moto/server.py", + [ + "signal_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "main": [ + [ + "moto/server.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ec2_get_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/get_instance_info.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/pull_down_aws_managed_rules.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/rds_get_orderable_db_cluster_options.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_default_amis.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_default_params.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_optimized_amis.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/update_backend_index.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ] + ], + "list_namespaces": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "list_namespaces" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "list_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "create_http_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "create_http_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "create_http_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "delete_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "delete_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "get_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "get_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "get_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "list_operations": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "list_operations" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "list_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "create_private_dns_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "create_private_dns_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "create_private_dns_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "create_public_dns_namespace": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "create_public_dns_namespace" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "create_public_dns_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/models.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryBackend", + "get_service" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "get_service" + ] + ] + ], + "servicediscovery_backend": [ + [ + "moto/servicediscovery/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceDiscoveryResponse", + "servicediscovery_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "list_aws_default_service_quotas": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/models.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasBackend", + "list_aws_default_service_quotas" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicequotas/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasResponse", + "list_aws_default_service_quotas" + ] + ] + ], + "get_service_quota": [ + [ + "moto/servicequotas/models.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasBackend", + "get_service_quota" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/servicequotas/responses.py", + [ + "ServiceQuotasResponse", + "get_service_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_message": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESFeedback", + "generate_message" + ] + ] + ], + "sent_past_24": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESQuota", + "sent_past_24" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_verified_address": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "_is_verified_address" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_email_identity": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "verify_email_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "verify_email_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_email_address": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "verify_email_address" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "verify_email_address" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_domain": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "verify_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "list_verified_email_addresses": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "list_verified_email_addresses" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "list_verified_email_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_identity": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "delete_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "delete_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "send_email": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "send_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "send_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "send_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "send_email" + ] + ] + ], + "send_bulk_templated_email": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "send_bulk_templated_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "send_bulk_templated_email" + ] + ] + ], + "send_templated_email": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "send_templated_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "send_templated_email" + ] + ] + ], + "__type_of_message__": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "__type_of_message__" + ] + ] + ], + "__generate_feedback__": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "__generate_feedback__" + ] + ] + ], + "__process_sns_feedback__": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "__process_sns_feedback__" + ] + ] + ], + "send_raw_email": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "send_raw_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "send_raw_email" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "send_raw_email" + ] + ] + ], + "get_send_quota": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_send_quota" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_send_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "get_identity_notification_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_identity_notification_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_identity_notification_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "set_identity_notification_topic": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "set_identity_notification_topic" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "set_identity_notification_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "create_configuration_set": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "create_configuration_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_configuration_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_configuration_set": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "describe_configuration_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "describe_configuration_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_configuration_set_event_destination": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "create_configuration_set_event_destination" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_configuration_set_event_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "get_send_statistics": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_send_statistics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_send_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "add_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "add_template" + ] + ] + ], + "update_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "update_template" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "update_template" + ] + ] + ], + "list_templates": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "list_templates" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "list_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "render_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "render_template" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "render_template" + ] + ] + ], + "create_receipt_rule_set": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "create_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ] + ], + "create_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "create_receipt_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_receipt_rule_set": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "describe_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "describe_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "describe_receipt_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "describe_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "update_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "update_receipt_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "update_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "set_identity_mail_from_domain": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "set_identity_mail_from_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "set_identity_mail_from_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_identity_verification_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/ses/models.py", + [ + "SESBackend", + "get_identity_verification_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "get_identity_verification_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_domain_dkim": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "verify_domain_dkim" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_domain_identity": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "verify_domain_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "create_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "create_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/responses.py", + [ + "EmailResponse", + "test_render_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_render_template" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_template": [ + [ + "moto/ses/template.py", + [ + "parse_template" + ] + ] + ], + "random_hex": [ + [ + "moto/ses/utils.py", + [ + "random_hex" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_message_id": [ + [ + "moto/ses/utils.py", + [ + "get_random_message_id" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_address": [ + [ + "moto/ses/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "create_contact": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "ContactList", + "create_contact" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "create_contact" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "create_contact" + ] + ] + ], + "list_contacts": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "ContactList", + "list_contacts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "list_contacts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "list_contacts" + ] + ] + ], + "get_contact": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "ContactList", + "get_contact" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "get_contact" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "get_contact" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_contact": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "ContactList", + "delete_contact" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "delete_contact" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "delete_contact" + ] + ] + ], + "create_contact_list": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "create_contact_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "create_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_contact_list": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "get_contact_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "get_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "list_contact_lists": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "list_contact_lists" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "list_contact_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_contact_list": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/models.py", + [ + "SESV2Backend", + "delete_contact_list" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "delete_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "sesv2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/sesv2/responses.py", + [ + "SESV2Response", + "sesv2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sf_execution_history_type": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_sf_execution_history_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_s3_custom_endpoints": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_s3_custom_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "get_s3_default_key_buffer_size": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_s3_default_key_buffer_size" + ] + ] + ], + "ecs_new_arn_format": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "ecs_new_arn_format" + ] + ] + ], + "allow_unknown_region": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "allow_unknown_region" + ] + ] + ], + "lambda_stub_ecr": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "lambda_stub_ecr" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_server_port": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_server_port" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_server_host": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_server_host" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_lambda_image": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_lambda_image" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_network_name": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_network_name" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_network_mode": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "moto_network_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_mode_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "test_server_mode_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "is_docker": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "is_docker" + ] + ] + ], + "get_docker_host": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_docker_host" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cognito_idp_user_pool_id_strategy": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "get_cognito_idp_user_pool_id_strategy" + ] + ] + ], + "enable_iso_regions": [ + [ + "moto/settings.py", + [ + "enable_iso_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_signing_profile": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend", + "cancel_signing_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "cancel_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "get_signing_profile": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend", + "get_signing_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "get_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "put_signing_profile": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend", + "put_signing_profile" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "put_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "list_signing_platforms": [ + [ + "moto/signer/models.py", + [ + "SignerBackend", + "list_signing_platforms" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "list_signing_platforms" + ] + ] + ], + "signer_backend": [ + [ + "moto/signer/responses.py", + [ + "signerResponse", + "signer_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "policy_5": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "policy_5" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_default_topic_policy": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Topic", + "_create_default_topic_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_post_data": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "Subscription", + "get_post_data" + ] + ] + ], + "__fixup_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformEndpoint", + "__fixup_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "enabled": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "PlatformEndpoint", + "enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sms_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_sms_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_sms_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_sms_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_sms_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_sms_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "create_topic" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "create_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_values_nexttoken": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_get_values_nexttoken" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_get_values_nexttoken" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_topic_subscriptions": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_get_topic_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_topics": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_topics" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_topics" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_topic_subscriptions": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "delete_topic_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "delete_topic" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "delete_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "get_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "set_topic_attribute": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_topic_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "subscribe": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "subscribe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "subscribe" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_find_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "unsubscribe": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "unsubscribe" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "unsubscribe" + ] + ] + ], + "list_subscriptions": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_subscriptions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_subscriptions_by_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_subscriptions_by_topic" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_subscriptions_by_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "create_platform_application": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "create_platform_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "create_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "set_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "list_platform_applications": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_platform_applications" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_platform_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_platform_application": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "delete_platform_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "delete_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "create_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "create_platform_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "create_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "list_endpoints_by_platform_application": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_endpoints_by_platform_application" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_endpoints_by_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "get_endpoint": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "set_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subscription_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_subscription_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_subscription_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_subscription_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "set_subscription_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_subscription_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "aggregate_rules": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_validate_filter_policy", + "aggregate_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_filter_policy": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "_validate_filter_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "publish_batch": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "publish_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "publish_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "check_if_phone_number_is_opted_out": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "check_if_phone_number_is_opted_out" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "check_if_phone_number_is_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "list_phone_numbers_opted_out": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "list_phone_numbers_opted_out" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "list_phone_numbers_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "opt_in_phone_number": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "opt_in_phone_number" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "opt_in_phone_number" + ] + ] + ], + "confirm_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "confirm_subscription" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "confirm_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "get_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_topic_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/models.py", + [ + "SNSBackend", + "get_topic_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "get_topic_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tags": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_get_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_parse_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_transform_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "_transform_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_topic_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sns/responses.py", + [ + "SNSResponse", + "set_topic_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_topic": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_subscription": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "is_e164": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "is_e164" + ] + ] + ], + "_attributes_based_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_attributes_based_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_body_based_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_body_based_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_perform_body_checks": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_perform_body_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "_compute_body_checks": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_compute_body_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "_str_exact_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_field_match", + "_str_exact_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_number_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_field_match", + "_number_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_exists_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_field_match", + "_exists_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_prefix_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_field_match", + "_prefix_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_anything_but_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_field_match", + "_anything_but_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_numeric_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_field_match", + "_numeric_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_field_match": [ + [ + "moto/sns/utils.py", + [ + "FilterPolicyMatcher", + "_field_match" + ] + ] + ], + "body_md5": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "body_md5" + ] + ] + ], + "attribute_md5": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "attribute_md5" + ] + ] + ], + "update_binary_length_and_value": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "update_binary_length_and_value" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_attribute_name": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "validate_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "utf8": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "utf8" + ] + ] + ], + "body": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "body" + ] + ] + ], + "original_body": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "original_body" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_sent": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "mark_sent" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_received": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "mark_received" + ] + ] + ], + "change_visibility": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "change_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "delay": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "delay" + ] + ] + ], + "visible": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "visible" + ] + ] + ], + "delayed": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "delayed" + ] + ] + ], + "all_receipt_handles": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "all_receipt_handles" + ] + ] + ], + "had_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Message", + "had_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "pending_messages": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "pending_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "pending_message_groups": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "pending_message_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "_set_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_empty_redrive_policy": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "_is_empty_redrive_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_dlq": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "_setup_dlq" + ] + ] + ], + "approximate_number_of_messages_delayed": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "approximate_number_of_messages_delayed" + ] + ] + ], + "approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "approximate_number_of_messages": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "approximate_number_of_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "messages": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "messages" + ] + ] + ], + "add_message": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "add_message" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_message": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "delete_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "delete_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "delete_message" + ] + ] + ], + "wait_for_messages": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "wait_for_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "policy_23": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "Queue", + "policy_23" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "_filter_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "create_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "create_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "get_queue_url": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "get_queue_url" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "get_queue_url" + ] + ] + ], + "list_queues": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "list_queues" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "list_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "get_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "get_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "delete_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "delete_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "get_queue_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "get_queue_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "get_queue_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_queue_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "set_queue_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "set_queue_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "send_message": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "send_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "send_message" + ] + ] + ], + "send_message_batch": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "send_message_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "send_message_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_first_duplicate_id": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "_get_first_duplicate_id" + ] + ] + ], + "receive_message": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "receive_message" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "receive_message" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_message_batch": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "delete_message_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "delete_message_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "change_message_visibility": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "change_message_visibility" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "change_message_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "change_message_visibility_batch": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "change_message_visibility_batch" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "change_message_visibility_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "purge_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "purge_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "purge_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "list_dead_letter_source_queues": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "list_dead_letter_source_queues" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "list_dead_letter_source_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "tag_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "tag_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "tag_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_queue": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "untag_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "untag_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "list_queue_tags": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "list_queue_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "list_queue_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "is_message_valid_based_on_retention_period": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/models.py", + [ + "SQSBackend", + "is_message_valid_based_on_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "jsonify_error": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "jsonify_error" + ] + ] + ], + "is_json": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "is_json" + ] + ] + ], + "sqs_backend": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "sqs_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "attribute": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_queue_name": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "_get_queue_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_validated_visibility_timeout": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "_get_validated_visibility_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_json_msg_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/responses.py", + [ + "SQSResponse", + "normalize_json_msg_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/utils.py", + [ + "generate_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_input_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/utils.py", + [ + "extract_input_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/utils.py", + [ + "parse_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_message_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/sqs/utils.py", + [ + "validate_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_loading_status": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "_check_loading_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_latest_amis": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "_load_latest_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_tree_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "_load_tree_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_secretsmanager_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "_get_secretsmanager_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_keys_beginning_with": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "ParameterDict", + "get_keys_beginning_with" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_response_object": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Parameter", + "describe_response_object" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_ssm_doc_param_list": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "generate_ssm_doc_param_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "get_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_latest_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "get_latest_version" + ] + ] + ], + "find_by_version_name": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "find_by_version_name" + ] + ] + ], + "find_by_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "find_by_version" + ] + ] + ], + "find_by_version_and_version_name": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "find_by_version_and_version_name" + ] + ] + ], + "exists": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "exists" + ] + ] + ], + "add_new_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "add_new_version" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "modify_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_permissions": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "describe_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "is_shared": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Documents", + "is_shared" + ] + ] + ], + "hash": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Document", + "hash" + ] + ] + ], + "list_describe": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Document", + "list_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_instance_ids_from_targets": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command", + "_get_instance_ids_from_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "invocation_response": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command", + "invocation_response" + ] + ] + ], + "get_invocation": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "Command", + "get_invocation" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_document_format": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_validate_document_format" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_document_info": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_validate_document_info" + ] + ] + ], + "_document_filter_equal_comparator": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_document_filter_equal_comparator" + ] + ] + ], + "_document_filter_list_includes_comparator": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_document_filter_list_includes_comparator" + ] + ] + ], + "_document_filter_match": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_document_filter_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_valid_parameter_type": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_valid_parameter_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_valid_parameter_data_type": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_valid_parameter_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_maintenance_window_target_filter_match": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_maintenance_window_target_filter_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_maintenance_window_task_filter_match": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "_maintenance_window_task_filter_match" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_document_information": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_generate_document_information" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_document_content": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_get_document_content" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_documents": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_get_documents" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_documents_tags": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_get_documents_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "create_document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "create_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "create_document" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "delete_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "delete_document" + ] + ] + ], + "get_document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_document" + ] + ] + ], + "update_document_default_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "update_document_default_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "update_document_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "update_document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "update_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "update_document" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_document": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_document" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_document" + ] + ] + ], + "list_documents": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "list_documents" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "list_documents" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_document_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_document_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_document_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_document_permission": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "modify_document_permission" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "modify_document_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "delete_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "delete_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "delete_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "delete_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_parameter_filters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_validate_parameter_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parameters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_parameters" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parameters_by_path": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_parameters_by_path" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_parameters_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parameter_history": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_parameter_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_parameter_history" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_history_nexttoken": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_get_history_nexttoken" + ] + ] + ], + "_match_filters": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_match_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "label_parameter_version": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "label_parameter_version" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "label_parameter_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_for_parameter_version_limit_exception": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_check_for_parameter_version_limit_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "put_parameter": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "put_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "put_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_resource_type_and_id": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "_validate_resource_type_and_id" + ] + ] + ], + "send_command": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "send_command" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "send_command" + ] + ] + ], + "list_commands": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "list_commands" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "list_commands" + ] + ] + ], + "get_command_by_id": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_command_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_commands_by_instance_id": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_commands_by_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_command_invocation": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_command_invocation" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_command_invocation" + ] + ] + ], + "create_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "create_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "create_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "get_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "get_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "get_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_maintenance_windows": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_maintenance_windows" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_maintenance_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "delete_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "delete_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "create_patch_baseline": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "create_patch_baseline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "create_patch_baseline" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_patch_baselines": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_patch_baselines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_patch_baselines" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_patch_baseline": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "delete_patch_baseline" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "delete_patch_baseline" + ] + ] + ], + "register_target_with_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "register_target_with_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "register_target_with_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_target_from_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "deregister_target_from_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "deregister_target_from_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_maintenance_window_targets": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_maintenance_window_targets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_maintenance_window_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "register_task_with_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "register_task_with_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "register_task_with_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_maintenance_window_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "describe_maintenance_window_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "describe_maintenance_window_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "deregister_task_from_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/models.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerBackend", + "deregister_task_from_maintenance_window" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "deregister_task_from_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "ssm_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/responses.py", + [ + "SimpleSystemManagerResponse", + "ssm_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "parameter_arn": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/utils.py", + [ + "parameter_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_tree": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "m": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_params", + "m" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_params": [ + [ + "moto/ssm/utils.py", + [ + "convert_to_params" + ] + ] + ], + "create_account_assignment": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "create_account_assignment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "create_account_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_account_assignment": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "delete_account_assignment" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "delete_account_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_account": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "_find_account" + ] + ] + ], + "list_account_assignments": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "list_account_assignments" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "list_account_assignments" + ] + ] + ], + "create_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "create_permission_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "create_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "update_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "update_permission_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "update_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "describe_permission_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "describe_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "delete_permission_set" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "delete_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_permission_set": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "_find_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "list_permission_sets": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/models.py", + [ + "SSOAdminBackend", + "list_permission_sets" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "list_permission_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "ssoadmin_backend": [ + [ + "moto/ssoadmin/responses.py", + [ + "SSOAdminResponse", + "ssoadmin_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "start_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "start_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "start_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "start_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "stop_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "stop_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "stop_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_execution_name_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "_ensure_execution_name_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_execution_input": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "_validate_execution_input" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cfn_properties": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StateMachine", + "get_cfn_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "get_execution_history": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "Execution", + "get_execution_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "get_execution_history" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "get_execution_history" + ] + ] + ], + "create_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "create_state_machine" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "create_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "list_state_machines": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "list_state_machines" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "list_state_machines" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "describe_state_machine" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "describe_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "delete_state_machine" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "delete_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "update_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "update_state_machine" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "update_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "list_executions": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "list_executions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "list_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "describe_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "describe_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_role_arn": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_machine_arn": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_machine_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_execution_arn": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_validate_execution_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_state_machine_for_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/models.py", + [ + "StepFunctionBackend", + "_get_state_machine_for_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "stepfunction_backend": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "stepfunction_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_state_machine": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "_describe_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_state_machine_for_execution": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/responses.py", + [ + "StepFunctionResponse", + "describe_state_machine_for_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "cfn_to_api_tags": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/utils.py", + [ + "cfn_to_api_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "api_to_cfn_tags": [ + [ + "moto/stepfunctions/utils.py", + [ + "api_to_cfn_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "expiration_ISO8601": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "Token", + "expiration_ISO8601" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "AssumedRole", + "expiration_ISO8601" + ] + ] + ], + "user_id": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "AssumedRole", + "user_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_session_token": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "get_session_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "get_session_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_federation_token": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "get_federation_token" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "get_federation_token" + ] + ] + ], + "assume_role": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "assume_role" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "assume_role" + ] + ] + ], + "get_assumed_role_from_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "get_assumed_role_from_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "assume_role_with_web_identity": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "assume_role_with_web_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "assume_role_with_web_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "assume_role_with_saml": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "assume_role_with_saml" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "assume_role_with_saml" + ] + ] + ], + "get_caller_identity": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "get_caller_identity" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/sts/responses.py", + [ + "TokenResponse", + "get_caller_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_access_key": [ + [ + "moto/sts/models.py", + [ + "STSBackend", + "_create_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "random_session_token": [ + [ + "moto/sts/utils.py", + [ + "random_session_token" + ] + ] + ], + "random_assumed_role_id": [ + [ + "moto/sts/utils.py", + [ + "random_assumed_role_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_datetime": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportCase", + "get_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_trusted_advisor_checks": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "describe_trusted_advisor_checks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "describe_trusted_advisor_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "refresh_trusted_advisor_check": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "refresh_trusted_advisor_check" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "refresh_trusted_advisor_check" + ] + ] + ], + "advance_check_status": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "advance_check_status" + ] + ] + ], + "advance_case_status": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "advance_case_status" + ] + ] + ], + "advance_case_severity_codes": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "advance_case_severity_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "resolve_case": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "resolve_case" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "resolve_case" + ] + ] + ], + "create_case": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "create_case" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "create_case" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_cases": [ + [ + "moto/support/models.py", + [ + "SupportBackend", + "describe_cases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "describe_cases" + ] + ] + ], + "support_backend": [ + [ + "moto/support/responses.py", + [ + "SupportResponse", + "support_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_timeouts": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "_process_timeouts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_process_timeouts" + ] + ] + ], + "list_open_workflow_executions": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "list_open_workflow_executions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_open_workflow_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "list_closed_workflow_executions": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "list_closed_workflow_executions" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_closed_workflow_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "register_domain": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "register_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "register_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_domain": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "deprecate_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "deprecate_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "undeprecate_domain": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "undeprecate_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "undeprecate_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "list_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "list_types" + ] + ] + ], + "register_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "register_type" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "deprecate_type" + ] + ] + ], + "undeprecate_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "undeprecate_type" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "describe_type" + ] + ] + ], + "start_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "start_workflow_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "start_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "describe_workflow_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "describe_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "poll_for_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "poll_for_decision_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "poll_for_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "count_pending_decision_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "count_pending_decision_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "count_pending_decision_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "respond_decision_task_completed": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "respond_decision_task_completed" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "respond_decision_task_completed" + ] + ] + ], + "poll_for_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "poll_for_activity_task" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "poll_for_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "count_pending_activity_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "count_pending_activity_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "count_pending_activity_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_activity_task_from_token": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "_find_activity_task_from_token" + ] + ] + ], + "respond_activity_task_completed": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "respond_activity_task_completed" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "respond_activity_task_completed" + ] + ] + ], + "respond_activity_task_failed": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "respond_activity_task_failed" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "respond_activity_task_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "terminate_workflow_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "terminate_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "record_activity_task_heartbeat": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "record_activity_task_heartbeat" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "record_activity_task_heartbeat" + ] + ] + ], + "signal_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/__init__.py", + [ + "SWFBackend", + "signal_workflow_execution" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "signal_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_workflow_execution_open": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "_check_workflow_execution_open" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "_check_workflow_execution_open" + ] + ] + ], + "open": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "AuthenticatedClient", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "AuthenticatedClient", + "open" + ] + ] + ], + "to_full_dict": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "to_full_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "fail": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "fail" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "fail" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_heartbeat_clock": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "reset_heartbeat_clock" + ] + ] + ], + "first_timeout": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "first_timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "first_timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "process_timeouts": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "process_timeouts" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "process_timeouts" + ] + ] + ], + "timeout": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_task.py", + [ + "ActivityTask", + "timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "timeout" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "_configuration_keys": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_type.py", + [ + "ActivityType", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_type.py", + [ + "WorkflowType", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "FooType", + "_configuration_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "kind": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/activity_type.py", + [ + "ActivityType", + "kind" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "kind" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_type.py", + [ + "WorkflowType", + "kind" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "FooType", + "kind" + ] + ] + ], + "started": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/decision_task.py", + [ + "DecisionTask", + "started" + ] + ] + ], + "add_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "add_type" + ] + ] + ], + "find_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "find_types" + ] + ] + ], + "add_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "add_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "get_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "get_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "add_to_activity_task_list": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "add_to_activity_task_list" + ] + ] + ], + "activity_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "activity_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "activity_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "add_to_decision_task_list": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "add_to_decision_task_list" + ] + ] + ], + "decision_tasks": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/domain.py", + [ + "Domain", + "decision_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "decision_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "to_medium_dict": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/generic_type.py", + [ + "GenericType", + "to_medium_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "to_medium_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_attributes_key": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/history_event.py", + [ + "HistoryEvent", + "_attributes_key" + ] + ] + ], + "reached": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/timeout.py", + [ + "Timeout", + "reached" + ] + ] + ], + "is_alive": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/timer.py", + [ + "Timer", + "is_alive" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_from_kwargs_or_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_get_from_kwargs_or_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "to_list_dict": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "to_list_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "events": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "events" + ] + ] + ], + "next_event_id": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "next_event_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_event": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_add_event" + ] + ] + ], + "_schedule_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_schedule_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "schedule_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "schedule_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "schedule_and_start_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "schedule_and_start_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_find_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "start_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "start_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "complete_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_decision_attributes": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_check_decision_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_decisions": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "validate_decisions" + ] + ] + ], + "handle_decisions": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "handle_decisions" + ] + ] + ], + "fail_schedule_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "schedule_activity_task", + "fail_schedule_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "schedule_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "schedule_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_find_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "start_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "start_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "complete_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "complete_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "fail_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "fail_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "signal": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "signal" + ] + ] + ], + "timeout_decision_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "timeout_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "timeout_activity_task": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "timeout_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "record_marker": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "record_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "start_timer": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "start_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "_fire_timer": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "_fire_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "cancel_timer": [ + [ + "moto/swf/models/workflow_execution.py", + [ + "WorkflowExecution", + "cancel_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "swf_backend": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "swf_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "_params": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_int": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_int" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_float_or_int": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_float_or_int" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_none_or_string": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_none_or_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_string": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_none_or_list_of_strings": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_none_or_list_of_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_list_of_strings": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_list_of_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_exclusivity": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_check_exclusivity" + ] + ] + ], + "_list_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_list_types" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_describe_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_deprecate_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_deprecate_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_undeprecate_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "_undeprecate_type" + ] + ] + ], + "list_activity_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_activity_types" + ] + ] + ], + "register_activity_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "register_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_activity_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "deprecate_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "undeprecate_activity_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "undeprecate_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_activity_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "describe_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "list_workflow_types": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "list_workflow_types" + ] + ] + ], + "register_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "register_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "deprecate_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "undeprecate_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "undeprecate_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_workflow_type": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "describe_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_workflow_execution_history": [ + [ + "moto/swf/responses.py", + [ + "SWFResponse", + "get_workflow_execution_history" + ] + ] + ], + "decapitalize": [ + [ + "moto/swf/utils.py", + [ + "decapitalize" + ] + ] + ], + "get_document_text_detection": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractBackend", + "get_document_text_detection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/textract/responses.py", + [ + "TextractResponse", + "get_document_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "start_document_text_detection": [ + [ + "moto/textract/models.py", + [ + "TextractBackend", + "start_document_text_detection" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/textract/responses.py", + [ + "TextractResponse", + "start_document_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "textract_backend": [ + [ + "moto/textract/responses.py", + [ + "TextractResponse", + "textract_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "write_records": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamTable", + "write_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "write_records" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "write_records" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_database": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "describe_database" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "describe_database" + ] + ] + ], + "list_databases": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/models.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteBackend", + "list_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "list_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "timestreamwrite_backend": [ + [ + "moto/timestreamwrite/responses.py", + [ + "TimestreamWriteResponse", + "timestreamwrite_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "start_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "start_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "start_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "start_medical_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "start_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "start_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "get_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "get_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "get_medical_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "get_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "get_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "delete_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "delete_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_medical_transcription_job": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "delete_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "delete_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "list_transcription_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "list_transcription_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "list_transcription_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "list_medical_transcription_jobs": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "list_medical_transcription_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "list_medical_transcription_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "create_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "create_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "create_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "create_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "get_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "get_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "get_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "get_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "get_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "delete_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "delete_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "delete_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "delete_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "list_vocabularies": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "list_vocabularies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "list_vocabularies" + ] + ] + ], + "list_medical_vocabularies": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/models.py", + [ + "TranscribeBackend", + "list_medical_vocabularies" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "list_medical_vocabularies" + ] + ] + ], + "transcribe_backend": [ + [ + "moto/transcribe/responses.py", + [ + "TranscribeResponse", + "transcribe_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_arn": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/arns.py", + [ + "parse_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_amz_crc32": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "gen_amz_crc32" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_amzn_requestid_long": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "gen_amzn_requestid_long" + ] + ] + ], + "amz_crc32": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "amz_crc32" + ] + ] + ], + "amzn_request_id": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/aws_headers.py", + [ + "amzn_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_cmp": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/distutils_version.py", + [ + "LooseVersion", + "_cmp" + ] + ] + ], + "replace_adapter_send": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "DockerModel", + "docker_client", + "if_self___docker_client_i", + "if_requests_adapters_HTTP", + "replace_adapter_send" + ] + ] + ], + "docker_client": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "DockerModel", + "docker_client" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_image_exists": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "DockerModel", + "ensure_image_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_image_ref": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/docker_utilities.py", + [ + "parse_image_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "pagination_wrapper": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "paginate", + "pagination_decorator", + "pagination_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "pagination_decorator": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "paginate", + "pagination_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "paginate": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "paginate" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "paginate" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_starting_token": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_parse_starting_token" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_exception_if_required": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_raise_exception_if_required" + ] + ] + ], + "freeze": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_calculate_parameter_checksum", + "freeze" + ] + ] + ], + "_calculate_parameter_checksum": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_calculate_parameter_checksum" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_predicate": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_check_predicate" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_next_token": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/paginator.py", + [ + "Paginator", + "_build_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tag_dict_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "get_tag_dict_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_all_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "delete_all_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "has_tags": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "has_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_tags": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "copy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_resource_using_names": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "untag_resource_using_names" + ] + ] + ], + "untag_resource_using_tags": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "untag_resource_using_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_tag_names": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "extract_tag_names" + ] + ] + ], + "flatten_tag_list": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "flatten_tag_list" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_dict_to_tags_input": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tagging_service.py", + [ + "TaggingService", + "convert_dict_to_tags_input" + ] + ] + ], + "is_eof": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tokenizer.py", + [ + "GenericTokenizer", + "is_eof" + ] + ] + ], + "peek": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tokenizer.py", + [ + "GenericTokenizer", + "peek" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_characters": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/tokenizer.py", + [ + "GenericTokenizer", + "skip_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "str2bool": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "str2bool" + ] + ] + ], + "load_resource": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "load_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "load_resource_as_str": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "load_resource_as_str" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_multiple_dicts": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "merge_multiple_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_resources": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "filter_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "md5_hash": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "md5_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "_keytransform": [ + [ + "moto/utilities/utils.py", + [ + "LowercaseDict", + "_keytransform" + ] + ] + ], + "associate_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "associate_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "associate_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "disassociate_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "disassociate_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "disassociate_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_web_acl_for_resource": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "get_web_acl_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "get_web_acl_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_apigw_stage": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "_find_apigw_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "create_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "create_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "create_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "delete_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "delete_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "get_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "get_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "get_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "list_web_acls": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "list_web_acls" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_duplicate_name": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "_is_duplicate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "list_rule_groups": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "list_rule_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "list_rule_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "update_web_acl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/models.py", + [ + "WAFV2Backend", + "update_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "update_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "wafv2_backend": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "wafv2_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "list_web_ac_ls": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/responses.py", + [ + "WAFV2Response", + "list_web_ac_ls" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arn_for_wacl": [ + [ + "moto/wafv2/utils.py", + [ + "make_arn_for_wacl" + ] + ] + ], + "_xray_backend": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockEmitter", + "_xray_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "send_entity": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockEmitter", + "send_entity" + ] + ] + ], + "_send_data": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockEmitter", + "_send_data" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapped_f": [ + [ + "moto/xray/mock_client.py", + [ + "MockXrayClient", + "__call__", + "wrapped_f" + ] + ] + ], + "from_json": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TelemetryRecords", + "from_json" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_version": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "trace_version" + ] + ] + ], + "request_start_date": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "request_start_date" + ] + ] + ], + "start_date": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "start_date" + ] + ] + ], + "end_date": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "TraceSegment", + "end_date" + ] + ] + ], + "_new_trace_item": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection", + "_new_trace_item" + ] + ] + ], + "put_segment": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection", + "put_segment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trace_ids": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "SegmentCollection", + "get_trace_ids" + ] + ], + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "get_trace_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "add_telemetry_records": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "add_telemetry_records" + ] + ] + ], + "process_segment": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "process_segment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_trace_summary": [ + [ + "moto/xray/models.py", + [ + "XRayBackend", + "get_trace_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "xray_backend": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "xray_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "telemetry_records": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "telemetry_records" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_segments": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "trace_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_summaries": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "trace_summaries" + ] + ] + ], + "traces": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "traces" + ] + ] + ], + "service_graph": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "service_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "trace_graph": [ + [ + "moto/xray/responses.py", + [ + "XRayResponse", + "trace_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "utf_checkbox": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "utf_checkbox" + ] + ] + ], + "is_implemented": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "is_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "service_name": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "service_name" + ] + ] + ], + "model_name": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "model_name" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_model": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "moto_model" + ] + ] + ], + "expected_attrs": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "expected_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "missing_attrs": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "missing_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "creatable": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "creatable" + ] + ] + ], + "updatable": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "updatable" + ] + ] + ], + "deletable": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "CloudFormationChecklist", + "deletable" + ] + ] + ], + "write_main_document": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "write_main_document" + ] + ] + ], + "write_documentation": [ + [ + "scripts/cloudformation_coverage.py", + [ + "write_documentation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_moto_implementation": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "get_moto_implementation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_module_name": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "get_module_name" + ] + ] + ], + "calculate_extended_implementation_coverage": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "calculate_extended_implementation_coverage" + ] + ] + ], + "calculate_implementation_coverage": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "calculate_implementation_coverage" + ] + ] + ], + "print_implementation_coverage": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "print_implementation_coverage" + ] + ] + ], + "write_implementation_coverage_to_file": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "write_implementation_coverage_to_file" + ] + ] + ], + "write_implementation_coverage_to_docs": [ + [ + "scripts/implementation_coverage.py", + [ + "write_implementation_coverage_to_docs" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_param_info": [ + [ + "scripts/pull_down_aws_managed_rules.py", + [ + "extract_param_info" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_managed_rule_info": [ + [ + "scripts/pull_down_aws_managed_rules.py", + [ + "extract_managed_rule_info" + ] + ] + ], + "process_cmdline_args": [ + [ + "scripts/pull_down_aws_managed_rules.py", + [ + "process_cmdline_args" + ] + ] + ], + "print_progress": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "print_progress" + ] + ] + ], + "select_service": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "select_service" + ] + ] + ], + "print_service_status": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "print_service_status" + ] + ] + ], + "select_operation": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "select_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_operations": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "get_escaped_service": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_escaped_service" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lib_dir": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_lib_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_dir": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_test_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "append_mock_to_init_py": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "append_mock_to_init_py" + ] + ] + ], + "initialize_service": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "initialize_service" + ] + ] + ], + "to_upper_camel_case": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "to_upper_camel_case" + ] + ] + ], + "to_lower_camel_case": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "to_lower_camel_case" + ] + ] + ], + "to_snake_case": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "to_snake_case" + ] + ] + ], + "get_operation_name_in_keys": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_operation_name_in_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_in_responses": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_function_in_responses" + ] + ] + ], + "get_function_in_models": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_function_in_models" + ] + ] + ], + "get_func_in_tests": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_func_in_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_subtree": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "_get_subtree" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_query_template": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_response_query_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_member": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_response_restxml_template", + "_find_member" + ] + ] + ], + "get_response_restxml_template": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "get_response_restxml_template" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_code_to_class": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "insert_code_to_class" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_url": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "insert_url" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_codes": [ + [ + "scripts/scaffold.py", + [ + "insert_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_by_path": [ + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_default_amis.py", + [ + "retrieve_by_path" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_default_params.py", + [ + "retrieve_by_path" + ] + ], + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_optimized_amis.py", + [ + "retrieve_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "save_to_file": [ + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_optimized_amis.py", + [ + "save_to_file" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_ec2_data": [ + [ + "scripts/ssm_get_optimized_amis.py", + [ + "retrieve_ec2_data" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_backend_url_patterns": [ + [ + "scripts/update_backend_index.py", + [ + "iter_backend_url_patterns" + ] + ] + ], + "build_backend_url_pattern_index": [ + [ + "scripts/update_backend_index.py", + [ + "build_backend_url_pattern_index" + ] + ] + ], + "json_serial": [ + [ + "scripts/update_managed_policies.py", + [ + "json_serial" + ] + ] + ], + "print_test_names": [ + [ + "tests/terraformtests/get_tf_tests.py", + [ + "print_test_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_import_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "_import_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_import_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_certificate_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_import_certificate_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_bad_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_import_bad_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_certificates": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_list_certificates" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_list_certificates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_get_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_delete_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_describe_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_certificate_with_bad_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_describe_certificate_with_bad_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_export_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_export_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_export_certificate_with_bad_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_export_certificate_with_bad_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_from_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_from_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_from_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_from_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resend_validation_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_resend_validation_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resend_validation_email_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_resend_validation_email_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_operations_with_invalid_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_operations_with_invalid_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_too_many_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_add_too_many_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_no_san": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_no_san" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_issued_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_issued_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_issued_status_with_wait_in_envvar": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_issued_status_with_wait_in_envvar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_certificate_with_mutiple_times": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_request_certificate_with_mutiple_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elb_acm_in_use_by": [ + [ + "tests/test_acm/test_acm.py", + [ + "test_elb_acm_in_use_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_create_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_describe_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_certificate_authority_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_get_certificate_authority_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_certificate_authority_csr": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_get_certificate_authority_csr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_when_ca_has_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_when_ca_has_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_list_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_scheduler/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_update_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_delete_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_issue_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_issue_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_get_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_certificate_authority_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_import_certificate_authority_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_tag_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_certificate_authority": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "test_untag_certificate_authority" + ] + ] + ], + "create_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_acmpca/test_acmpca.py", + [ + "create_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "setUp": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstancesProtected", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "TestAutoscalignELBv2", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestStackSetMultipleAccounts", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestServiceManagedStacks", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestSelfManagedStacks", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserDeleter", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserPoolDuplidateEmails", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithSetup", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Baseclass", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "TestWithSetup", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "TestModelDataResetForClassDecorator", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestExecuteTransaction", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestBatchExecuteStatement", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilter", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_special_cases/test_custom_amis.py", + [ + "TestEC2CustomAMIs", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "setUp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "test_describe_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "test_create_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "test_update_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_logging_config.py", + [ + "TestAmpLoggingConfig", + "test_delete_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_describe_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rule_groups_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_put_rule_groups_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_groups_namespaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_groups_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_groups_namespaces__paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_groups_namespaces__paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_rulegroupnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_point_tagging.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_filesystem_tagging.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_application_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_workspace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_create_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_workspace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_describe_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_workspaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_list_workspaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_workspaces__paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_list_workspaces__paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_application_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_workspace_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_update_workspace_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_workspace": [ + [ + "tests/test_amp/test_amp_workspaces.py", + [ + "test_delete_workspace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_get_rest_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_and_get_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_rest_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_rest_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_rest_api_invalid_api_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_rest_api_invalid_api_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_rest_api_operation_add_remove": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_rest_api_operation_add_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_and_delete_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_list_and_delete_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_with_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_with_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_invalid_apikeysource": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_invalid_apikeysource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_valid_apikeysources": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_valid_apikeysources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_invalid_endpointconfiguration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_invalid_endpointconfiguration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rest_api_valid_endpointconfigurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_rest_api_valid_endpointconfigurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource__validate_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_resource__validate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_child_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_child_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_method_apikeyrequired": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_method_apikeyrequired" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_method_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_method_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_method_unknown_resource_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_method_unknown_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integrations": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integration_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_authorizer_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_authorizer_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent_authorizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_non_existent_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_authorizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_create_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_authorizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_authorizer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_delete_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_integration_response_with_response_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_put_integration_response_with_response_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_integration_response_but_integration_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_put_integration_response_but_integration_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_integration_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_put_integration_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_domain_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_domain_names" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_domains.py", + [ + "test_get_domain_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_domain_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_models": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_api_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_model_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model_with_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_model_with_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_api_key_value_min_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_api_key_value_min_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_key_include_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_api_key_include_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_keys_include_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_api_keys_include_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_api_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_create_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_key_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_api_key_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_api_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_api_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_plans": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_usage_plans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_usage_plan": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_usage_plan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_plan_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_usage_plan_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_usage_plan_key_non_existent_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_usage_plan_key_non_existent_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_usage_plans_using_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_usage_plans_using_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_method_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "create_method_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_response_unknown_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_response_unknown_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_key_unknown_apikey": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_api_key_unknown_apikey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_domain_name_unknown_domainname": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_domain_name_unknown_domainname" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_name_unknown_domainname": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_name_unknown_domainname" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_invalid_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_invalid_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_duplicate_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_create_base_path_mapping_with_duplicate_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mappings_with_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mappings_with_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_get_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_base_path_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_base_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_base_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_to_same_base_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_to_same_base_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway.py", + [ + "test_update_path_mapping_with_unknown_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_apigateway_with_lambda_proxy": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_simple_apigateway_with_lambda_proxy" + ] + 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"tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_empty_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_empty_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deployments": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_get_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_deployments": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_deployment__requires_stage_to_be_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_delete_deployment__requires_stage_to_be_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_deployment": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_deployments.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_rest_api__api_is_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_export.py", + [ + "test_import_rest_api__api_is_created" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_importrestapi.py", + [ + "test_import_rest_api__api_is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_export_api__unknown_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_export.py", + [ + "test_export_api__unknown_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_export_api__unknown_export_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_export.py", + [ + "test_export_api__unknown_export_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_gateway_response_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_put_gateway_response_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_gateway_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_put_gateway_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_gateway_response_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_gatewayresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_gateway_response_minimal" + ] + ] + 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"tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_importrestapi.py", + [ + "test_import_rest_api__invalid_api_creates_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_rest_api__methods_are_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_importrestapi.py", + [ + "test_import_rest_api__methods_are_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_http_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_http_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb_multiple_stages": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb_multiple_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb_multiple_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_aws_integration_dynamodb_multiple_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_integration_sagemaker": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "test_aws_integration_sagemaker" + ] + ] + ], + "create_integration_test_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_integration.py", + [ + "create_integration_test_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__api_details_are_persisted": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__api_details_are_persisted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__methods_are_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__methods_are_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__existing_methods_are_overwritten": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__existing_methods_are_overwritten" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__existing_methods_still_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__existing_methods_still_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__fail_on_invalid_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rest_api__as_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_putrestapi.py", + [ + "test_put_rest_api__as_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_with_env_vars": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_with_env_vars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_with_vars_and_cache": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_with_vars_and_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_with_cache_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_with_cache_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recreate_stage_from_deployment": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_recreate_stage_from_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_create_stage_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_delete_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stage_created_by_deployment": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_delete_stage_created_by_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stage_unknown_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_delete_stage_unknown_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_add_access_log_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_add_access_log_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_tracing_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_tracing_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_remove_access_log_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_remove_access_log_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stage_configuration_unknown_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_update_stage_configuration_unknown_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_stage.py", + [ + "test_non_existent_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_request_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_create_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_request_validators": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_get_request_validators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_request_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_get_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_request_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_delete_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_request_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "test_update_request_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "create_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "create_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "create_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "create_client" + ] + ] + ], + "create_rest_api_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_validators.py", + [ + "create_rest_api_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_vpc_links_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_links_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_links_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_vpc_link_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_link_unknown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_link_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_vpc_links": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_links" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_get_vpc_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_apigateway_vpclink.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_link" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_plans_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_usage_plans_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usage_plans_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_usage_plans_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_usage_plans_key_non_existent_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_usage_plans_key_non_existent_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_integration_response_without_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigateway/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_integration_response_without_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewaymanagementapi/test_apigatewaymanagementapi.py", + [ + "test_delete_connection" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewaymanagementapi/test_apigatewaymanagementapi.py", + [ + "test_get_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_to_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewaymanagementapi/test_apigatewaymanagementapi.py", + [ + "test_post_to_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_with_unknown_protocol_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_create_api_with_unknown_protocol_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_create_api_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_create_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cors_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_cors_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_get_api_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_get_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_get_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_api_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_update_api_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_api_empty_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_update_api_empty_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2.py", + [ + "test_update_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_authorizer_minimum": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_create_authorizer_minimum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_authorizer_without_payloadformatversion": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_create_authorizer_without_payloadformatversion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_authorizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_get_authorizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_authorizer_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_get_authorizer_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_authorizer_single": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_update_authorizer_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_authorizer_all_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_authorizers.py", + [ + "test_update_authorizer_all_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_domains.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_name_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_domains.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_name_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_domains.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_name_dne": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_domains.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_name_dne" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_responses_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_responses_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_integration_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_create_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_response_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_response_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_integration_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_delete_integration_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_response_single_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_response_single_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_response_multiple_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrationresponses.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_response_multiple_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integrations_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_get_integrations_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_integration_minimum": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_create_integration_minimum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_integration_for_internet_mock": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_create_integration_for_internet_mock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_integration_full": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_create_integration_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_get_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integration_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_get_integration_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_integrations": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_get_integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_delete_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_single_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_single_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_all_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_all_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_integration_request_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_integrations.py", + [ + "test_update_integration_request_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_mappings.py", + [ + "test_create_api_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_mapping_missing_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_mappings.py", + [ + "test_create_api_mapping_missing_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_mapping_missing_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_mappings.py", + [ + "test_create_api_mapping_missing_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_mapping_bad_mapping_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_mappings.py", + [ + "test_create_api_mapping_bad_mapping_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_api_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_mappings.py", + [ + "test_get_api_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_api_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_mappings.py", + [ + "test_delete_api_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_api_mapping_dne": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_mappings.py", + [ + "test_delete_api_mapping_dne" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_get_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_delete_model" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_delete_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_model_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_get_model_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_model_single_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_update_model_single_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_model_all_attrs": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_models.py", + [ + "test_update_model_all_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reimport_api_standard_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_reimport.py", + [ + "test_reimport_api_standard_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reimport_api_failonwarnings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_reimport.py", + [ + "test_reimport_api_failonwarnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reimport_api_do_not_failonwarnings": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_reimport.py", + [ + "test_reimport_api_do_not_failonwarnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reimport_api_routes_and_integrations": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_reimport.py", + [ + "test_reimport_api_routes_and_integrations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_routes_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_routes_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_create_route_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_full": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_create_route_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_delete_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_route_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_route_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_routes": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_routes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_route_single_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_update_route_single_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_route_all_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_update_route_all_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_route_request_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_delete_route_request_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_response_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_create_route_response_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_create_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_route_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_route_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_route_response_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_get_route_response_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_route_response_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_routes.py", + [ + "test_delete_route_response_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage__defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_stages.py", + [ + "test_create_stage__defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage__defaults_for_websocket_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_stages.py", + [ + "test_create_stage__defaults_for_websocket_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_stages.py", + [ + "test_create_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_api_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_get_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_point_tagging.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_filesystem_tagging.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_application_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_links": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_links" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_update_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_vpc_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_apigatewayv2_vpclinks.py", + [ + "test_untag_vpc_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apigatewayv2_list_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_apigatewayv2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_apigatewayv2_list_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_applications.py", + [ + "test_create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_create_application" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestCreateApplication", + "test_create_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_applications.py", + [ + "test_tag_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_config_profiles.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_config_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_config_profiles.py", + [ + "test_tag_config_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_hosted_config_versions.py", + [ + "TestHostedConfigurationVersions", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetupMethod", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyEnforcement", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_multiple_accounts_server.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "setup_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_object_attributes.py", + [ + "TestS3ObjectAttributes", + "setup_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_hosted_configuration_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_hosted_config_versions.py", + [ + "TestHostedConfigurationVersions", + "test_create_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hosted_configuration_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_hosted_config_versions.py", + [ + "TestHostedConfigurationVersions", + "test_get_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_hosted_configuration_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_appconfig/test_appconfig_hosted_config_versions.py", + [ + "TestHostedConfigurationVersions", + "test_delete_hosted_configuration_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_ecs_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "_create_ecs_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_one_basic_ecs_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_one_basic_ecs_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_one_full_ecs_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_one_full_ecs_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_only_return_ecs_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_only_return_ecs_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_next_token_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_next_token_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_scalable_target_resource_id_variations": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_register_scalable_target_resource_id_variations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_scalable_target_updates_existing_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_register_scalable_target_updates_existing_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_put_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scaling_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scaling_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_scaling_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_delete_scaling_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_scalable_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_deregister_scalable_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_delete_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scheduled_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_scheduled_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_put_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_scheduled_action__use_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_applicationautoscaling.py", + [ + "test_put_scheduled_action__use_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_invalid_scalable_dimension_should_return_validation_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_invalid_scalable_dimension_should_return_validation_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_invalid_service_namespace_should_return_validation_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_invalid_service_namespace_should_return_validation_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_multiple_invalid_parameters_should_return_validation_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_describe_scalable_targets_with_multiple_invalid_parameters_should_return_validation_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_scalable_target_ecs_with_non_existent_service_should_return_clusternotfound_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_register_scalable_target_ecs_with_non_existent_service_should_return_clusternotfound_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_target_params_are_valid_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_applicationautoscaling/test_validation.py", + [ + "test_target_params_are_valid_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_graphql_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_create_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_graphql_api_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_create_graphql_api_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_graphql_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_get_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_graphql_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_update_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_graphql_api_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_get_graphql_api_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_graphql_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_delete_graphql_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_graphql_apis": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync.py", + [ + "test_list_graphql_apis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_api_key_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_create_api_key_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_delete_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_api_keys_unknown_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_list_api_keys_unknown_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_api_keys_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_list_api_keys_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_api_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_list_api_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_api_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_apikeys.py", + [ + "test_update_api_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_schema_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_start_schema_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_creation_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_creation_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_creation_status_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_creation_status_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_type_from_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_type_from_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_introspection_schema_raise_gql_schema_error_if_no_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_introspection_schema_raise_gql_schema_error_if_no_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_introspection_schema_sdl": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_introspection_schema_sdl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_introspection_schema_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_introspection_schema_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_introspection_schema_bad_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_introspection_schema_bad_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_introspection_schema_include_directives_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_introspection_schema_include_directives_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_introspection_schema_include_directives_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_schema.py", + [ + "test_get_introspection_schema_include_directives_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_graphql_api_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_graphql_api_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_with_existing_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_with_existing_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_appsync_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_appsync_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_appsync/test_server.py", + [ + "test_appsync_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_work_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_work_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_primary_workgroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_get_primary_workgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_get_workgroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_and_get_workgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_query_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_start_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_query_validate_workgroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_start_query_validate_workgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_query_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_get_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_query_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_stop_query_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_named_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_named_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_named_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_get_named_query" + ] + ] + ], + "create_basic_workgroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "create_basic_workgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_data_catalog": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_data_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_get_data_catalog": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_and_get_data_catalog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_query_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_get_query_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_query_results_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_get_query_results_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_query_executions": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_list_query_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_named_queries": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_list_named_queries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_prepared_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_create_prepared_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_prepared_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena.py", + [ + "test_get_prepared_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_athena_result": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena_server_api.py", + [ + "test_set_athena_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_multiple_athena_result": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena_server_api.py", + [ + "test_set_multiple_athena_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_athena_result_with_custom_region_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_athena/test_athena_server_api.py", + [ + "test_set_athena_result_with_custom_region_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_propogate_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_propogate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_instance_with_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_instance_with_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_invalid_instance_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_invalid_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_from_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__latest": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__latest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__default": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__no_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_from_template_version__no_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_no_template_ref": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_no_template_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_multiple_template_ref": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_multiple_template_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_no_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_no_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_multiple_launch_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_multiple_launch_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups_launch_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_launch_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_launch_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_launch_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_instanceid_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_instances_instanceid_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_autoscaling_group_launch_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_update_autoscaling_group_launch_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_autoscaling_group_launch_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_update_autoscaling_group_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_autoscaling_group_min_size_desired_capacity_change": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_update_autoscaling_group_min_size_desired_capacity_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_autoscaling_group_max_size_desired_capacity_change": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_update_autoscaling_group_max_size_desired_capacity_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_describe_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_describe_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_policytype__targettrackingscaling": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_policytype__targettrackingscaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_policytype__stepscaling": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_policytype__stepscaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_predictive_scaling_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_policy_with_predictive_scaling_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_group_with_mixed_instances_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_group_with_mixed_instances_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_auto_scaling_group_with_mixed_instances_policy_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_auto_scaling_group_with_mixed_instances_policy_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_instance_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_set_instance_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_desired_capacity_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_set_desired_capacity_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_desired_capacity_down": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_set_desired_capacity_down" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_instance_via_ec2_in_autoscaling_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_terminate_instance_via_ec2_in_autoscaling_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_attach_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_lifecyclehook": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_lifecyclehook" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_desired_capacity_without_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_set_desired_capacity_without_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_template_with_block_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling.py", + [ + "test_create_template_with_block_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_from_launch_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_group_from_launch_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_from_launch_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_group_from_launch_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_with_elb": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_group_with_elb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_group_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_groups_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_create_autoscaling_groups_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group__additional_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_create_autoscaling_group__additional_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_many_autoscaling_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_list_many_autoscaling_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_group_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_autoscaling_group_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups__instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups__instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_instance_health": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_set_instance_health" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspend_processes": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_suspend_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspend_processes_all_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_suspend_processes_all_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspend_additional_processes": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_suspend_additional_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resume_processes": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_resume_processes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resume_processes_all_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "test_resume_processes_all_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_groups.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingGroup", + "_create_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_metrics_collection": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_metrics.py", + [ + "test_enable_metrics_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_many_scheduled_scaling_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "test_list_many_scheduled_scaling_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existing_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "test_non_existing_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scheduled_actions_returns_all_actions_when_no_argument_is_passed": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "test_describe_scheduled_actions_returns_all_actions_when_no_argument_is_passed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scheduled_action_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "test_scheduled_action_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_scheduled_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_scheduledactions.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingScheduledActions", + "_create_scheduled_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_tags_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_tags_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_by_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_by_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_without_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_without_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_no_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_no_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_filter_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_filter_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_filter_by_propgateatlaunch": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_filter_by_propgateatlaunch" + ] + ] + ], + "create_asgs": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_autoscaling_tags.py", + [ + "create_asgs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_load_balancers": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_describe_load_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elb_and_autoscaling_group_no_relationship": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_create_elb_and_autoscaling_group_no_relationship" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_attach_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_detach_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_within_elb": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingELB", + "test_create_autoscaling_group_within_elb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_one_instance_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_detach_one_instance_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_one_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_detach_one_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_one_instance_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_one_instance_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_one_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_one_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_elb_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_elb_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_terminate_instance_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_terminate_instance_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_terminate_instance_no_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_terminate_instance_no_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_detach_instance_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_detach_instance_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_detach_instance_no_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_detach_instance_no_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standby_exit_standby": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstances", + "test_standby_exit_standby" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_one_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingInstancesProtected", + "test_attach_one_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances", + "test_terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group_no_decrement": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elb.py", + [ + "TestAutoScalingTerminateInstances", + "test_terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group_no_decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_detach_target_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "TestAutoscalignELBv2", + "test_attach_detach_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_all_target_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "TestAutoscalignELBv2", + "test_detach_all_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_with_block_device_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_with_block_device_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_additional_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_additional_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_without_public_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_without_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_additional_params_default_to_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_additional_params_default_to_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_configuration_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_configuration_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_configuration_describe_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_launch_configuration_describe_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_configuration_describe_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_launch_configuration_describe_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_configuration_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_launch_configuration_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_launch_configuration_request_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_invalid_launch_configuration_request_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_config_with_block_device_mappings__volumes_are_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_launch_configurations.py", + [ + "test_launch_config_with_block_device_mappings__volumes_are_created" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_autoscale_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "setup_autoscale_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_default_values_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_default_values_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_update_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_policy_exact_capacity_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_execute_policy_exact_capacity_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_policy_positive_change_in_capacity_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_execute_policy_positive_change_in_capacity_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_policy_percent_change_in_capacity_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_policies.py", + [ + "test_execute_policy_percent_change_in_capacity_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_autoscaling_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_networking": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/utils.py", + [ + "setup_networking" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_instance_with_networking": [ + [ + "tests/test_autoscaling/utils.py", + [ + "setup_instance_with_networking" + ] + ] + ], + "random_stack_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "random_stack_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_process_lambda" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "_process_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zip_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_zip_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_can_be_updated_by_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_lambda_can_be_updated_by_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_can_be_deleted_by_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_lambda_can_be_deleted_by_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_source_mapping_create_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_event_source_mapping_create_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_source_mapping_delete_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_event_source_mapping_delete_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_source_mapping_update_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_event_source_mapping_update_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_source_mapping_delete_from_cloudformation_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_event_source_mapping_delete_from_cloudformation_json" + ] + ] + ], + "get_created_function_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_created_function_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_awslambda_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_role_arn" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "get_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_lambda_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_functions": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_based_on_s3_with_missing_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_based_on_s3_with_missing_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_aws_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_aws_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_zipfile": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_zipfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_image_default_working_directory": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_image_default_working_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_error_bad_architecture": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_error_bad_architecture" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_error_ephemeral_too_big": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_error_ephemeral_too_big" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_error_ephemeral_too_small": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_error_ephemeral_too_small" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function__with_tracingmode": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function__with_tracingmode" + ] + ] + ], + "ecr_repo_fixture": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "ecr_repo_fixture" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_stubbed_ecr": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_stubbed_ecr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_mocked_ecr_image_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_mocked_ecr_image_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_mocked_ecr_image_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_mocked_ecr_image_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_from_mocked_ecr_missing_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_from_mocked_ecr_missing_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_code_signing_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function_code_signing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_delete_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_version_unknown_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_publish_version_unknown_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_publish" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_publish" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_publish" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_create_list_get_delete_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_create_list_get_delete_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_created_with_zipfile": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_function_created_with_zipfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_versions_by_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_versions_by_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_aliases": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_aliases" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_versions_by_function_for_nonexistent_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_list_versions_by_function_for_nonexistent_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_update_configuration" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_zip": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_update_function_zip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_update_function_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_ecr": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_update_function_ecr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_invalid_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_invalid_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_arn_from_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_arn_from_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_unknown_permission_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_remove_unknown_permission_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_qualifiers": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_multiple_qualifiers" + ] + ] + ], + "thread_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_role_name_utility_race_condition", + "thread_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_role_name_utility_race_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_get_role_name_utility_race_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_function_concurrency_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_put_function_concurrency_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_function_concurrency_not_enforced": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_put_function_concurrency_not_enforced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_function_concurrency_failure": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_put_function_concurrency_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_function_concurrency_i_can_has_math": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda.py", + [ + "test_put_function_concurrency_i_can_has_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_create_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alias_with_routing_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_create_alias_with_routing_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alias_using_function_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_create_alias_using_function_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_delete_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aliases_are_unique_per_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_aliases_are_unique_per_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_alias_using_function_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_alias_using_function_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_alias_using_alias_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_alias_using_alias_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_update_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_alias_errors_if_version_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_update_alias_errors_if_version_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_alias_routingconfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_update_alias_routingconfig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_using_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_alias.py", + [ + "test_get_function_using_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_concurrency.py", + [ + "test_put_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_concurrency.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_concurrency.py", + [ + "test_get_function_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_create_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_dynamodb_put": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_dynamodb_put" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_dynamodb_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_dynamodb_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_sns": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_event_source_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_list_event_source_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_get_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_update_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_source_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_eventsourcemapping.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_source_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_url_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_function_urls.py", + [ + "test_create_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_url_config_with_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_function_urls.py", + [ + "test_create_function_url_config_with_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_url_config_with_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_function_urls.py", + [ + "test_update_function_url_config_with_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_url_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_function_urls.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_url_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_that_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_that_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_requestresponse_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_requestresponse_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_event_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_event_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_lambda_using_environment_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_lambda_using_environment_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_lambda_using_networkmode": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_lambda_using_networkmode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_with_multiple_files_in_zip": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_with_multiple_files_in_zip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_dryrun_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_dryrun_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_get_ec2_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "if_settings_TEST_SERVER_M", + "test_invoke_function_get_ec2_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_lambda_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_lambda_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_async_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_async_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_large_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_invoke.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_large_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_lambda_layers__without_content": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_publish_lambda_layers__without_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lambda_layers": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_lambda_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_layer_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_layer_version__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_layer_version__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_layer_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_delete_layer_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_layer_by_layer_name_from_list_of_layer_dicts": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_layer_with_no_layer_versions", + "get_layer_by_layer_name_from_list_of_layer_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_layer_with_no_layer_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_layers.py", + [ + "test_get_layer_with_no_layer_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_function_permission": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_add_function_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_permission_with_principalorgid": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_add_permission_with_principalorgid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_function_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_policy_with_qualifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_policy_with_qualifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_permission_with_unknown_qualifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_add_permission_with_unknown_qualifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_function_permission": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_remove_function_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_function_permission__with_qualifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_remove_function_permission__with_qualifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_tags.py", + [ + "test_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_function_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_lambda_tags.py", + [ + "test_tags_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/test_policy.py", + [ + "test_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file1": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file1" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file2": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file2" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lambda_using_environment_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_lambda_using_environment_port" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lambda_using_network_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_lambda_using_network_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file3": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file3" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file_error" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_largeresponse": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_largeresponse" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zip_with_multiple_files": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_zip_with_multiple_files" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_zip_file_print_event": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_test_zip_file_print_event" + ] + ] + ], + "create_invalid_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "create_invalid_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "get_role_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "get_role_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "get_role_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_lambda", + "get_role_name" + ] + ] + ], + "wait_for_log_msg": [ + [ + "tests/test_awslambda/utilities.py", + [ + "wait_for_log_msg" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_clients": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_clients" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_get_clients" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_get_clients" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/__init__.py", + [ + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_setup" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch.py", + [ + "test_batch_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_env_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_env_cf" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_env_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_cf" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_def_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_job_def_cf" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_job_def_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_managed_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_instance_family": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_instance_family" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_instance_family" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_unknown_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_managed_compute_environment_with_unknown_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_unmanaged_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_unmanaged_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_describe_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unmanaged_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_delete_unmanaged_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_managed_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_delete_managed_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_unmanaged_compute_environment_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_update_unmanaged_compute_environment_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_iam_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_update_iam_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_managed_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_managed_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_ec2_managed_compute_environment__without_required_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_compute_envs.py", + [ + "test_create_ec2_managed_compute_environment__without_required_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_queue_unknown_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_queue_unknown_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_incorrect_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_incorrect_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_without_compute_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_without_compute_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_job_queue_bad_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_job_queue_bad_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_update_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_delete_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_by_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_multinode": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_multinode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_glacier_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_terminate_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_nonexisting_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_terminate_nonexisting_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_job_empty_argument_strings": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_terminate_job_empty_argument_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_pending_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_pending_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_batch_integration.py", + [ + "test_cancel_pending_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_running_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_running_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_nonexisting_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_nonexisting_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_job_empty_argument_strings": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_job_empty_argument_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "_wait_for_job_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "_wait_for_job_status" + ] + ] + ], + "_wait_for_job_statuses": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "_wait_for_job_statuses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failed_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_failed_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failed_dependencies": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_failed_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_container_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_container_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "prepare_job" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_multinode_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "prepare_multinode_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_job_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_job_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_job_definition_with_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_register_job_definition_with_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_with_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_with_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_with_timeout_set_at_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_with_timeout_set_at_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_scheduling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_scheduling_policy.py", + [ + "test_create_scheduling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_default_scheduling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_scheduling_policy.py", + [ + "test_describe_default_scheduling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_scheduling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_scheduling_policy.py", + [ + "test_describe_scheduling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_scheduling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_scheduling_policy.py", + [ + "test_delete_scheduling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_scheduling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_scheduling_policy.py", + [ + "test_update_scheduling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_with_job_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_definition.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_with_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_job_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_definition.py", + [ + "test_tag_job_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_definition.py", + [ + "test_untag_job_queue" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_untag_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_queue_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_queue_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_job_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_job_queue.py", + [ + "test_tag_job_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_tags_scheduling_policy.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_domain_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_task_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_task_definition_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_task_definition_with_platform_capability": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition_with_platform_capability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_task_definition_with_retry_strategies": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_register_task_definition_with_retry_strategies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reregister_task_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_reregister_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reregister_task_definition_should_not_reuse_parameters_from_inactive_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_reregister_task_definition_should_not_reuse_parameters_from_inactive_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_task_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_delete_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_task_definition_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_delete_task_definition_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "register_job_def": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "register_job_def" + ] + ] + ], + "register_job_def_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_batch_task_definition.py", + [ + "register_job_def_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_fail_after_1_secs": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_fail_after_1_secs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_submit_job_fail_bad_int": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "test_submit_job_fail_bad_int" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_common_batch_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_batch_simple/test_batch_jobs.py", + [ + "setup_common_batch_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_budget_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_budget_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_create_existing_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_budget_without_limit_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_create_budget_without_limit_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_no_budgets": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_describe_no_budgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_all_budgets": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_all_budgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_delete_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_budgets.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_notification": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notification": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_create_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notification_unknown_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_create_notification_unknown_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_notification": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_delete_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_notification_unknown_budget": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_notifications.py", + [ + "test_delete_notification_unknown_budget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_budgets_describe_budgets": [ + [ + "tests/test_budgets/test_server.py", + [ + "test_budgets_describe_budgets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_create_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cost_category_definition_with_effective_start": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_create_cost_category_definition_with_effective_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_describe_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_delete_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_cost_category_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce.py", + [ + "test_update_cost_category_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_if_none_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_if_none_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cost_category_tags_workflow": [ + [ + "tests/test_ce/test_ce_tags.py", + [ + "test_cost_category_tags_workflow" + ] + ] + ], + "get_template_for_unknown_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/fixtures/custom_lambda.py", + [ + "get_template_for_unknown_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lambda_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "get_lambda_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__verify_cfnresponse_failed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__verify_cfnresponse_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__verify_manual_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__verify_manual_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "test_create_custom_lambda_resource__unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_log_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "get_log_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_custom_resources.py", + [ + "get_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "make_chained_depends_on_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_depends_on.py", + [ + "make_chained_depends_on_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_depends_on": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_depends_on.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_depends_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_depends_on_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_depends_on.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_depends_on_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_chained_depends_on_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_depends_on.py", + [ + "test_create_chained_depends_on_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_stack_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestStackSetMultipleAccounts", + "_verify_stack_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_queues": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestStackSetMultipleAccounts", + "_verify_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instances__specifying_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestServiceManagedStacks", + "test_create_instances__specifying_accounts" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestSelfManagedStacks", + "test_create_instances__specifying_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instances__specifying_only_accounts_in_deployment_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestServiceManagedStacks", + "test_create_instances__specifying_only_accounts_in_deployment_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instances___with_invalid_ou": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestServiceManagedStacks", + "test_create_instances___with_invalid_ou" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instances__single_ou": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestServiceManagedStacks", + "test_create_instances__single_ou" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestSelfManagedStacks", + "test_create_instances__single_ou" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instances__ou_with_kiddos": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestServiceManagedStacks", + "test_create_instances__ou_with_kiddos" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instances__multiple_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestSelfManagedStacks", + "test_create_instances__multiple_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_multi_accounts.py", + [ + "TestSelfManagedStacks", + "test_delete_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_basic_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_nested_stacks.py", + [ + "test_create_basic_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_nested_stacks.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_with_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_nested_stacks.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_with_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_basic_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_nested_stacks.py", + [ + "test_delete_basic_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "get_inner_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_nested_stacks.py", + [ + "get_inner_template" + ] + ] + ], + "get_inner_template_with_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_nested_stacks.py", + [ + "get_inner_template_with_params" + ] + ] + ], + "get_outer_template_with_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_nested_stacks.py", + [ + "get_outer_template_with_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_additional_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_additional_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stacksets_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stacksets_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_stacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filter_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stacksets_contents": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stacksets_contents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_stack_set_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stop_stack_set_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_set_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_set_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stack_set_operation_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stack_set_operation_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_instances_with_param_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_instances_with_param_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_set_with_previous_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_set_with_previous_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stack_set_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stack_set_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_list_stack_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_bad_list_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_set_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_set_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_set_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_set_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_set__while_instances_are_running": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_set__while_instances_are_running" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set__invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set__invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set_with_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set_with_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_set_with_ref_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_set_with_ref_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_set_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_set_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_set_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_set_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_fail_missing_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_fail_missing_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_s3_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_s3_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_short_form_func_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_short_form_func_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_template_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_summary_for_stack_created_by_changeset_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_template_summary_for_stack_created_by_changeset_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_template_summary_for_template_containing_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_template_summary_for_template_containing_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_ref_yaml": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_ref_yaml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_stacks_across_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_creating_stacks_across_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_notification_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_notification_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_with_role_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_with_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_fail_missing_new_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_fail_missing_new_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_fail_update_same_template_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_fail_update_same_template_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_deleted_resources_can_reference_deleted_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_deleted_resources_can_reference_deleted_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_deleted_resources_can_reference_deleted_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_deleted_resources_can_reference_deleted_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_with_previous_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_with_previous_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_change_set_from_s3_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_change_set_from_s3_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_change_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_change_set_w_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_execute_change_set_w_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_change_set_w_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_execute_change_set_w_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_resource_when_resource_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_resource_when_resource_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_by_stack_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_by_stack_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_change_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_change_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_from_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_from_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_change_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_change_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_change_set_twice__no_changes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_change_set_twice__no_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_change_set_twice__using_s3__no_changes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_change_set_twice__using_s3__no_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_delete_not_implemented": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_delete_not_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_deleted_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_deleted_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_with_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_with_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_updated_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_updated_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_with_previous_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_with_previous_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_describe_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_bad_describe_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_with_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_with_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_replace_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_replace_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_when_rolled_back": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_when_rolled_back" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_params_conditions_and_resources_are_distinct": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_params_conditions_and_resources_are_distinct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_conditions_yaml_equals": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_conditions_yaml_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_conditions_yaml_equals_shortform": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_conditions_yaml_equals_shortform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stack_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stack_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_exports": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_exports" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_exports_with_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_exports_with_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_with_export": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_with_export" + ] + ] + ], + "test_export_names_must_be_unique": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_export_names_must_be_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_with_imports": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stack_with_imports" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_json_redrive_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_non_json_redrive_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_dynamo_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_dynamo_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_lambda_and_dynamodb": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_lambda_and_dynamodb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_update_stack_with_unknown_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_crud_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_and_update_stack_with_unknown_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_template_without_required_param_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_template_without_required_param_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fn_join_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_fn_join_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_resources_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_conditional_resources_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditional_if_handling_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_conditional_if_handling_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_mapping_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_mapping_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_lambda_function" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_zipfile": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "_make_zipfile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lambda_layer": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_lambda_layer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_spot_fleet": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_spot_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_spot_fleet_should_figure_out_default_price": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_spot_fleet_should_figure_out_default_price" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_action_type_listener_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_invalid_action_type_listener_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_listener_and_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_listener_and_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_elbv2_resources_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_elbv2_resources_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_dynamodb_resources_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_dynamodb_resources_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_log_group_using_fntransform": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_log_group_using_fntransform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cloudwatch_logs_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_cloudwatch_logs_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_containing_cloudwatch_logs_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_containing_cloudwatch_logs_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_with_deletion_policy_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_with_deletion_policy_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_create_rule_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_create_rule_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_delete_rule_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_delete_rule_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_create_rule_without_name_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_create_rule_without_name_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_create_rule_as_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_create_rule_as_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_update_rule_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_update_rule_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscaling_propagate_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_autoscaling_propagate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_eventbus_create_from_cfn_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_eventbus_create_from_cfn_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_delete_eventbus_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_delete_eventbus_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_delete_from_cfn_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_delete_from_cfn_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_update_from_cfn_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_update_from_cfn_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_events_get_attribute_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_stack_events_get_attribute_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamodb_table_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_dynamodb_table_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_ssm_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_parameter_update_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_ssm_parameter_update_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_parameter_update_stack_and_remove_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_ssm_parameter_update_stack_and_remove_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_parameter_update_stack_and_add_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_integration.py", + [ + "test_ssm_parameter_update_stack_and_add_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_on_nonexisting_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_on_nonexisting_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_stack_policy_on_nonexisting_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_get_stack_policy_on_nonexisting_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_stack_policy_on_stack_without_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_get_stack_policy_on_stack_without_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_with_both_body_and_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_with_both_body_and_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_with_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_with_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_on_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_on_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_with_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_with_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_stack_policy_with_url_pointing_to_unknown_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_cloudformation_stack_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_stack_policy_with_url_pointing_to_unknown_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_import_value.py", + [ + "TestSimpleInstance", + "test_simple_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_instance_missing_export": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_import_value.py", + [ + "TestSimpleInstance", + "test_simple_instance_missing_export" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_server.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_resource_logs": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_missing_resource_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_name_type_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_name_type_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_tabbed_json_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_tabbed_json_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_yaml_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_yaml_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_get_attribute_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_get_attribute_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_get_attribute_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_get_attribute_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_get_availability_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_get_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_bad_get_attribute_outputs_using_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_bad_get_attribute_outputs_using_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_null_outputs_section": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_null_outputs_section" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_stack_with_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_stack_with_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_equals_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_equals_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_not_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_not_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_and_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_and_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_or_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_or_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reference_other_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_reference_other_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_split_and_select": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_parse_split_and_select" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sub": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_sub" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sub_num": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_sub_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sub_mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_sub_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_import" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_json_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_to_json_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_short_form_func_in_yaml_teamplate": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_short_form_func_in_yaml_teamplate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_parameter_parsing": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_stack_parsing.py", + [ + "test_ssm_parameter_parsing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_json_validate_successful": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_json_validate_successful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_json_with_tabs_validate_successful": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_json_with_tabs_validate_successful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_json_invalid_missing_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_json_invalid_missing_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_yaml_validate_successful": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_yaml_validate_successful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_yaml_validate_template_url_successful": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_yaml_validate_template_url_successful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_yaml_invalid_missing_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudformation/test_validate.py", + [ + "test_boto3_yaml_invalid_missing_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "example_distribution_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/cloudfront_test_scaffolding.py", + [ + "example_distribution_config" + ] + ] + ], + "example_dist_config_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/cloudfront_test_scaffolding.py", + [ + "example_dist_config_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "example_dist_custom_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/cloudfront_test_scaffolding.py", + [ + "example_dist_custom_config" + ] + ] + ], + "minimal_dist_custom_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/cloudfront_test_scaffolding.py", + [ + "minimal_dist_custom_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution_no_such_distId": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution_no_such_distId" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution_distId_is_None": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution_distId_is_None" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution_IfMatch_not_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution_IfMatch_not_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_distribution_dist_config_not_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_distribution_dist_config_not_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_default_root_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront.py", + [ + "test_update_default_root_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_dist_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_tags_only_one_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_dist_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_tags_only_one_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_s3_minimum": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_s3_minimum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_web_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_field_level_encryption_and_real_time_log_config_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_field_level_encryption_and_real_time_log_config_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_georestriction": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_georestriction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_allowed_methods": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_allowed_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_origins": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_origins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_additional_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_additional_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_returns_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_returns_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_needs_unique_caller_reference": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_needs_unique_caller_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_distribution_config_with_unknown_distribution_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_get_distribution_config_with_unknown_distribution_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_distribution_config_with_mismatched_originid": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_get_distribution_config_with_mismatched_originid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_origin_without_origin_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_origin_without_origin_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_with_invalid_s3_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_with_invalid_s3_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_custom_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_custom_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_distribution_minimal_custom_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_create_distribution_minimal_custom_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_distributions_without_any": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_list_distributions_without_any" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_distributions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_list_distributions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_get_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_distribution_without_ifmatch": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_delete_distribution_without_ifmatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_distribution_random_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_delete_distribution_random_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_distribution_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_distributions.py", + [ + "test_get_distribution_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalidation_with_single_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_invalidation.py", + [ + "test_create_invalidation_with_single_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalidation_with_multiple_paths": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_invalidation.py", + [ + "test_create_invalidation_with_multiple_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_invalidations": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_invalidation.py", + [ + "test_list_invalidations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_invalidations__no_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_invalidation.py", + [ + "test_list_invalidations__no_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_origin_access_control": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_oac.py", + [ + "test_create_origin_access_control" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_origin_access_control": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_cloudfront_oac.py", + [ + "test_update_origin_access_control" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudfront_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudfront/test_server.py", + [ + "test_cloudfront_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_without_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_without_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "create_trail_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "create_trail_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_multi_but_not_global": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_multi_but_not_global" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_with_nonexisting_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_with_nonexisting_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "create_trail_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "create_trail_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_with_one_char": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_with_one_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_with_one_char": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_with_one_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_unknown_trail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_unknown_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_inactive": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_inactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_arn_inactive": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_arn_inactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_after_starting": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_after_starting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_after_starting_and_stopping": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_after_starting_and_stopping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trail_status_multi_region_not_from_the_home_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_get_trail_status_multi_region_not_from_the_home_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trails_different_home_region_one_multiregion": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_list_trails_different_home_region_one_multiregion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trails_different_home_region_no_multiregion": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_list_trails_different_home_region_no_multiregion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trails_without_shadowtrails": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_describe_trails_without_shadowtrails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trails_with_shadowtrails_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_describe_trails_with_shadowtrails_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trails_with_shadowtrails_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_describe_trails_with_shadowtrails_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_trail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_delete_trail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_trail_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_update_trail_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_trail_full": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail.py", + [ + "test_update_trail_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_event_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_put_event_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_event_selectors_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_put_event_selectors_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_selectors_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_get_event_selectors_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_get_event_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_selectors_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_get_event_selectors_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_insight_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_put_insight_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_insight_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_eventselectors.py", + [ + "test_get_insight_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_tags.py", + [ + "test_add_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_tags.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_without_tags_and_list_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_without_tags_and_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trail_with_tags_and_list_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_cloudtrail_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_trail_with_tags_and_list_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudtrail_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudtrail/test_server.py", + [ + "test_cloudtrail_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_alarm": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_create_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_alarm": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_delete_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_alarms_without_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_delete_alarms_without_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_alarms_for_metric": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_describe_alarms_for_metric" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_alarms": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_describe_alarms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alarm_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_alarms.py", + [ + "test_alarm_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_no_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_no_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_can_not_have_nan": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_can_not_have_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_can_not_have_value_and_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_can_not_have_value_and_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_can_not_have_and_values_mismatched_counts": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_can_not_have_and_values_mismatched_counts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_values_and_counts": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_values_and_counts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_values_without_counts": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_values_without_counts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_value_and_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_value_and_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_data_with_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_data_with_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_invalid_parameter_combination": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_invalid_parameter_combination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_statistics_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_statistics_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_statistics_endtime_sooner_than_starttime": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_statistics_endtime_sooner_than_starttime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_statistics_starttime_endtime_equals": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_statistics_starttime_endtime_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_statistics_starttime_endtime_within_1_second": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_statistics_starttime_endtime_within_1_second" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_statistics_starttime_endtime_ignore_miliseconds": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_statistics_starttime_endtime_ignore_miliseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_put_metric_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_duplicate_put_metric_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_custom_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_metrics_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_metrics_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_metrics_without_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_metrics_without_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_metrics_with_same_dimensions_different_metric_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_metrics_with_same_dimensions_different_metric_name" + ] + ] + ], + "create_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "create_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "create_metrics_with_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "create_metrics_with_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_for_multiple_metrics_w_same_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_for_multiple_metrics_w_same_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_within_timeframe": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_within_timeframe" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_partially_within_timeframe", + "get_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_partially_within_timeframe": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_partially_within_timeframe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_outside_timeframe": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_outside_timeframe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_for_multiple_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_for_multiple_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_for_dimensions": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_for_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_for_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_for_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_endtime_sooner_than_starttime": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_endtime_sooner_than_starttime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_starttime_endtime_equals": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_starttime_endtime_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_starttime_endtime_within_1_second": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_starttime_endtime_within_1_second" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_starttime_endtime_ignore_miliseconds": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_starttime_endtime_ignore_miliseconds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudwatch_return_s3_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cloudwatch_return_s3_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm_with_percentile": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm_with_percentile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm_with_anomaly_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm_with_anomaly_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm_error_extended_statistic": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm_error_extended_statistic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_alarm_error_evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_alarm_error_evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_with_custom_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_with_custom_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_list_dashboard": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_put_list_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_list_prefix_nomatch_dashboard": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_put_list_prefix_nomatch_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dashboard": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_delete_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dashboard_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_delete_dashboard_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dashboard": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_get_dashboard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dashboard_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_dashboards.py", + [ + "test_get_dashboard_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_expression_parser.py", + [ + "test_simple_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_expression_parser.py", + [ + "test_missing_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_expression_parser.py", + [ + "test_complex_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data__no_metric_data_or_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_expressions.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data__no_metric_data_or_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_data_with_simple_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_expressions.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_data_with_simple_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_with_unknown_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_with_unknown_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_on_resource_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_on_resource_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_cloudwatch/test_cloudwatch_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_s3_artifacts": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_s3_artifacts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_no_artifacts": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_no_artifacts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_with_invalid_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_with_invalid_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_create_project_when_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_create_project_when_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_list_projects": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_list_projects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_list_builds_for_project_no_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_list_builds_for_project_no_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_list_builds_for_project_with_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_list_builds_for_project_with_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_get_batch_builds_for_project_no_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_get_batch_builds_for_project_no_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_start_build_no_project": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_start_build_no_project" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_start_build_no_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_start_build_no_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_start_build_multiple_times": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_start_build_multiple_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_start_build_with_overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_start_build_with_overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_1_project": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_1_project" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_2_projects": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_2_projects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_invalid_build_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_invalid_build_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_empty_build_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_batch_get_builds_empty_build_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_delete_project": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_delete_project" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_stop_build": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_stop_build" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_stop_build_no_build": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_stop_build_no_build" + ] + ] + ], + "test_codebuild_stop_build_bad_uid": [ + [ + "tests/test_codebuild/test_codebuild.py", + [ + "test_codebuild_stop_build_bad_uid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_without_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_without_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_repository_name_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_repository_name_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_invalid_repository_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_invalid_repository_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_get_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository_invalid_repository_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_get_repository_invalid_repository_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_invalid_repository_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_codecommit/test_codecommit.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_invalid_repository_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_get_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_pipeline_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_get_pipeline_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipelines": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_delete_pipeline" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_delete_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "create_basic_codepipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "create_basic_codepipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_with_extended_trust_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_with_extended_trust_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_codepipeline/test_codepipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_identity_pool_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_pool_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_identity_pool_valid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_pool_valid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_identity_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_pool" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_identity_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_describe_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_identity_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_update_identity_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_identity_pool_with_invalid_id_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_describe_identity_pool_with_invalid_id_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_identity_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_random_identity_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_id__unknown_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_id__unknown_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_credentials_for_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_credentials_for_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity_when_no_explicit_identity_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity_when_no_explicit_identity_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identities": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_cognitoidentity.py", + [ + "test_list_identities" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidentity/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_identities" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool__overwrite_template_messages": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool__overwrite_template_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_should_have_all_default_attributes_in_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_should_have_all_default_attributes_in_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_unknown_attribute_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_unknown_attribute_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_without_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_without_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_developer_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_developer_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_required": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_custom_attribute_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_standard_attribute_with_changed_data_type_or_developer_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_standard_attribute_with_changed_data_type_or_developer_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_attribute_with_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_attribute_with_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_attribute_partial_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_attribute_partial_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_invalid_schema_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_invalid_schema_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_string_schema_max_length_over_2048": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_string_schema_max_length_over_2048" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_string_schema_min_bigger_than_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_string_schema_min_bigger_than_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_number_schema_min_bigger_than_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_number_schema_min_bigger_than_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_custom_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_add_custom_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_custom_attributes_existing_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_add_custom_attributes_existing_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_default_id_strategy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_default_id_strategy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_equal_pool_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_equal_pool_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_different_pool_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_different_pool_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_different_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_hash_id_strategy_with_different_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pools": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pools" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_user_with_force_password_change_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_authorize_user_with_force_password_change_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_user_pool_mfa_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_set_user_pool_mfa_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pools_returns_max_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pools_returns_max_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pools_returns_next_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pools_returns_next_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pools_when_max_items_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pools_when_max_items_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool_estimated_number_of_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool_estimated_number_of_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool_resource_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool_resource_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_domain_custom_domain_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_domain_custom_domain_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_pool_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_pool_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_pool_client_returns_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_user_pool_client_returns_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pool_clients": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pool_clients" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pool_clients_returns_max_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pool_clients_returns_max_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pool_clients_returns_next_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pool_clients_returns_next_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_pool_clients_when_max_items_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_user_pool_clients_when_max_items_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_pool_client_returns_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_pool_client_returns_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_pool_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_pool_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_identity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identity_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_identity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identity_providers_returns_max_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_identity_providers_returns_max_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identity_providers_returns_next_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_identity_providers_returns_next_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_identity_providers_when_max_items_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_identity_providers_when_max_items_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_identity_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_describe_identity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_identity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_identity_provider_no_user_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_identity_provider_no_user_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_identity_provider_no_identity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_identity_provider_no_identity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_identity_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_identity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_create_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_update_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_in_access_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_group_in_access_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_in_id_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_group_in_id_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_with_duplicate_name_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_create_group_with_duplicate_name_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_get_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_list_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups_returns_pagination_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_groups_returns_pagination_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups_when_limit_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_groups_when_limit_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_add_user_to_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_add_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_add_user_to_group_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_add_user_to_group_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_add_user_to_group_again_is_noop": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_add_user_to_group_again_is_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_in_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_in_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_in_group_ignores_deleted_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_in_group_ignores_deleted_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_in_group_returns_pagination_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_in_group_returns_pagination_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_in_group_when_limit_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_in_group_when_limit_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user_with_username_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user_with_username_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user_ignores_deleted_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_list_groups_for_user_ignores_deleted_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group_again_is_noop": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_remove_user_from_group_again_is_noop" + ] + ] + ], + "_verify_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_with_username_attributes", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_user_with_username_attributes", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_user", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_with_username_attributes", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_set_user_password", + "_verify_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user_with_incorrect_username_attribute_type_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_with_incorrect_username_attribute_type_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user_with_existing_username_attribute_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_with_existing_username_attribute_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up_non_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up_non_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up_non_existing_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_confirm_sign_up_non_existing_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_resend_invitation_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_resend_invitation_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_resend_invitation_missing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_resend_invitation_missing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_get_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_get_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_get_missing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_missing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_get_missing_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_get_missing_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_unknown_accesstoken": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_user_unknown_accesstoken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_list_users" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_list_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_incorrect_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_incorrect_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_filter_parsing_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "_assert_filter_parsing_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_invalid_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_invalid_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_inherent_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_inherent_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_unconfirmed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_get_user_unconfirmed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_returns_limit_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_returns_limit_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_returns_pagination_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_returns_pagination_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_when_limit_more_than_total_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_when_limit_more_than_total_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_with_attributes_to_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_list_users_with_attributes_to_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_disable_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_disable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_disable_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_disable_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_enable_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_enable_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_enable_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_enable_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "authentication_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "authentication_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authentication_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_authentication_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authentication_flow_invalid_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_authentication_flow_invalid_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authentication_flow_invalid_user_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_authentication_flow_invalid_user_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "user_authentication_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "user_authentication_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_authentication_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_user_authentication_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_token_legitimacy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_token_legitimacy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_password__using_custom_user_agent_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_change_password__using_custom_user_agent_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password_nonexistent_client_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password_nonexistent_client_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password_admin_only_recovery": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password_admin_only_recovery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password_user_with_all_recovery_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password_user_with_all_recovery_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forgot_password_nonexistent_user_or_user_without_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_forgot_password_nonexistent_user_or_user_without_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_forgot_password_legacy": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_forgot_password_legacy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_forgot_password_opt_in_verification": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_forgot_password_opt_in_verification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_forgot_password_opt_in_verification_invalid_confirmation_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_forgot_password_opt_in_verification_invalid_confirmation_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_unknown_userpool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_unknown_userpool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_unknown_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_user_global_sign_out_unknown_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_global_sign_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_global_sign_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_global_sign_out_unknown_accesstoken": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_global_sign_out_unknown_accesstoken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_update_user_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_update_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_pool": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_delete_user_attributes_non_existing_pool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user_attributes_unknown_accesstoken": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_update_user_attributes_unknown_accesstoken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resource_server": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_resource_server" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up_with_invalid_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_sign_up_with_invalid_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_sign_up_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up_existing_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_sign_up_existing_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_sign_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_sign_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_sign_up_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_sign_up_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_SRP_AUTH": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_SRP_AUTH" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_SRP_AUTH_with_username_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_SRP_AUTH_with_username_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_REFRESH_TOKEN": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_REFRESH_TOKEN" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_invalid_auth_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_invalid_auth_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_invalid_admin_auth_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_invalid_admin_auth_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_with_FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_with_FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_user_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_user_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_user_incorrect_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_user_incorrect_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_unconfirmed_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH_unconfirmed_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_for_unconfirmed_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_for_unconfirmed_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_auth_with_invalid_secret_hash": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_initiate_auth_with_invalid_secret_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_mfa": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_setting_mfa" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_mfa_when_token_not_verified": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_setting_mfa_when_token_not_verified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_setting_mfa": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_setting_mfa" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_setting_mfa_when_token_not_verified": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_setting_mfa_when_token_not_verified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_to_auth_challenge_with_invalid_secret_hash": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_respond_to_auth_challenge_with_invalid_secret_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_set_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_set_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_set_invalid_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_set_invalid_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_set_invalid_user_password__custom_policy_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_set_invalid_user_password__custom_policy_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_password_with_invalid_token_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_change_password_with_invalid_token_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_forgot_password_with_non_existent_client_id_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_confirm_forgot_password_with_non_existent_client_id_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_and_change_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_and_change_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_initiate_auth__use_access_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_initiate_auth__use_access_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_disabled_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_disabled_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_unconfirmed_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_unconfirmed_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_no_verified_notification_channel": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_no_verified_notification_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_reset_password_multiple_invocations": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_admin_reset_password_multiple_invocations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_login_denied_if_account_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "test_login_denied_if_account_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_idtoken_contains_kid_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_idtoken_contains_kid_header" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_kid_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "verify_kid_header" + ] + ] + ], + "fetch_public_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp.py", + [ + "fetch_public_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authenticate_with_signed_out_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserDeleter", + "test_authenticate_with_signed_out_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_existing_email__when_email_is_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserPoolDuplidateEmails", + "test_use_existing_email__when_email_is_login" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_existing_email__when_username_is_login": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_exceptions.py", + [ + "TestCognitoUserPoolDuplidateEmails", + "test_use_existing_email__when_username_is_login" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_reset_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_reset_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_start_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_start_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_start_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_stop_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_stop_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_stop_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_download_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_download_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_download_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_upload_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_upload_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_replay_recording": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_replay_recording" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_replay_recording" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_seed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "_set_seed" + ] + ] + ], + "tearDown": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Baseclass", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_special_cases/test_custom_amis.py", + [ + "TestEC2CustomAMIs", + "tearDown" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "tearDown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_seed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "test_same_seed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_different_seed": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_cognitoidp_replay.py", + [ + "TestCreateUserPoolWithPredeterminedID", + "test_different_seed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_up_user_without_authentication": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sign_up_user_without_authentication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_admin_create_user_without_authentication": [ + [ + "tests/test_cognitoidp/test_server.py", + [ + "test_admin_create_user_without_authentication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_entity_recognizers": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_list_entity_recognizers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_create_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_entity_recognizer_without_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_create_entity_recognizer_without_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_entity_recognizer_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_create_entity_recognizer_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_describe_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_training_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_stop_training_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_entity_recognizer": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_delete_entity_recognizer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_pii_entities": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_pii_entities" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_pii_entities_invalid_languages": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_pii_entities_invalid_languages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_pii_entities_text_too_large": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_pii_entities_text_too_large" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_key_phrases": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_key_phrases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_key_phrases_invalid_languages": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_key_phrases_invalid_languages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_detect_key_phrases_text_too_large": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_detect_key_phrases_text_too_large" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_sentiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_sentiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_sentiment_invalid_languages": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_sentiment_invalid_languages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detect_sentiment_text_too_large": [ + [ + "tests/test_comprehend/test_comprehend.py", + [ + "test_detect_sentiment_text_too_large" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_configuration_aggregator": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_aggregators": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_aggregators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_aggregation_authorization": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_aggregation_authorizations": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_aggregation_authorizations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_aggregation_authorization": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_aggregation_authorization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_configuration_aggregator": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_configuration_aggregator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delivery_channels": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delivery_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_delivery_channels": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_delivery_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_start_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_stop_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_recorder_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_recorder_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_configuration_recorder": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_configuration_recorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_delivery_channel": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_delivery_channel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_discovered_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_list_discovered_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_aggregate_discovered_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_list_aggregate_discovered_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_config_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_config_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_resource_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_resource_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_aggregate_resource_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_aggregate_resource_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_evaluations": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_evaluations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_organization_conformance_pack": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_organization_conformance_pack_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_organization_conformance_pack_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_conformance_packs": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_conformance_packs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_conformance_packs_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_conformance_packs_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_organization_conformance_pack": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_organization_conformance_pack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_organization_conformance_pack_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_organization_conformance_pack_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_retention_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_put_retention_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_retention_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_retention_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_retention_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_retention_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "managed_config_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "managed_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_config_rule_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_put_config_rule_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_config_rule_update_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_put_config_rule_update_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_rule_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_config_rule_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_managed_rule_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_aws_managed_rule_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_rules_scope_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_config_rules_scope_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_put_config_managed_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_valid_put_config_managed_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_config_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_describe_config_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_config_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules.py", + [ + "test_delete_config_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_config_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "custom_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "zipped_lambda_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "zipped_lambda_function" + ] + ] + ], + "create_lambda_for_config_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "create_lambda_for_config_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_rules_source_details_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "test_config_rules_source_details_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_put_config_custom_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "test_valid_put_config_custom_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_rules_source_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_rules_integration.py", + [ + "test_config_rules_source_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "config_aggregators_info": [ + [ + "tests/test_config/test_config_tags.py", + [ + "config_aggregators_info" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_multiple_accounts_server.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "teardown_method" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "teardown_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_environment_variable_takes_precedence": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "test_environment_variable_takes_precedence" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_caller_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "_get_caller_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_account_id_resolution.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "_get_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key_and_inline_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key_and_inline_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key_and_attached_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key_and_attached_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key_and_multiple_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key_and_multiple_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_with_attached_policy_and_add_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_group_with_attached_policy_and_add_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_with_inline_policy_and_add_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_group_with_inline_policy_and_add_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_group_with_multiple_policies_and_add_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_group_with_multiple_policies_and_add_user" + ] + ] + ], + "create_role_with_attached_policy_and_assume_it": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_role_with_attached_policy_and_assume_it" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "create_role_with_attached_policy_and_assume_it" + ] + ] + ], + "create_role_with_inline_policy_and_assume_it": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "create_role_with_inline_policy_and_assume_it" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_client_token_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_invalid_client_token_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auth_failure": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_auth_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signature_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auth_failure_with_valid_access_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_auth_failure_with_valid_access_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_no_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_no_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_not_allowing_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_not_allowing_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_for_run_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_for_run_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_denying_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_denying_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_caller_identity_allowed_with_denying_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_get_caller_identity_allowed_with_denying_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_with_wildcard_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_allowed_with_wildcard_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_with_explicit_action_in_attached_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_allowed_with_explicit_action_in_attached_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_access_denied_with_denying_attached_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_access_denied_with_denying_attached_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_access_denied_with_denying_inline_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_access_denied_with_denying_inline_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_many_irrelevant_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_many_irrelevant_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allowed_with_temporary_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_allowed_with_temporary_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_denied_with_temporary_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_access_denied_with_temporary_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_user_from_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_get_user_from_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_invalid_access_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_invalid_access_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_signature_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_signature_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_access_denied_not_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_access_denied_not_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_invalid_token_with_temporary_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_s3_invalid_token_with_temporary_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_bucket_access_using_resource_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_allow_bucket_access_using_resource_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_key_access_using_resource_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_auth.py", + [ + "test_allow_key_access_using_resource_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_returns_nothing_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_returns_nothing_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_account_specific_dict_contains_known_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_account_specific_dict_contains_known_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_does_not_contain_unknown_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_does_not_contain_unknown_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_fails_when_retrieving_unknown_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_fails_when_retrieving_unknown_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_retrieve_for_specific_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_retrieve_for_specific_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_ignore_boto3_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_ignore_boto3_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_specify_additional_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_specify_additional_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "access": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess", + "test_access_a_slow_backend_concurrently", + "access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_a_slow_backend_concurrently": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "TestMultiThreadedAccess", + "test_access_a_slow_backend_concurrently" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_dict_can_be_hashed": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backend_dict_can_be_hashed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_account_specific_dict_can_be_hashed": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_account_specific_dict_can_be_hashed" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_asb": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "_create_asb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_backends_cache_behaviour": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_multiple_backends_cache_behaviour" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backenddict_cache_hits_and_misses": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_backenddict_cache_hits_and_misses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_asb_cache_hits_and_misses": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_backenddict.py", + [ + "test_asb_cache_hits_and_misses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_manager_returns_mock": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_context_manager.py", + [ + "test_context_manager_returns_mock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "test_basic_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_aws_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "fixture_aws_credentials" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "fixture_aws_credentials" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_aws_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_manager": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "test_context_manager" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_all.py", + [ + "test_context_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator_start_and_stop": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "test_decorator_start_and_stop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorater_wrapped_gets_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "test_decorater_wrapped_gets_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_the_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Tester", + "test_the_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_still_the_same": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "Tester", + "test_still_the_same" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithSetup", + "test_still_the_same" + ] + ] + ], + "static": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithStaticmethod", + "static" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_instance_sent_to_staticmethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TesterWithStaticmethod", + "test_no_instance_sent_to_staticmethod" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_find_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetupMethod", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPublicMethod", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass2", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "TestWithSetup", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "TestModelDataResetForClassDecorator", + "test_should_find_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_not_find_unknown_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_UppercaseU", + "test_should_not_find_unknown_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetup_LowercaseU", + "test_should_not_find_unknown_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithSetupMethod", + "test_should_not_find_unknown_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod", + "test_stream_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_recreation": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestKinesisUsingSetupMethod", + "test_stream_recreation" + ] + ] + ], + "setupmethod": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithInvalidSetupMethod", + "setupmethod" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_not_find_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithInvalidSetupMethod", + "test_should_not_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPublicMethod", + "test_should_not_find_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod", + "test_should_not_find_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_bucket_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPublicMethod", + "ensure_bucket_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_bucket_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithPseudoPrivateMethod", + "_ensure_bucket_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass", + "_ensure_bucket_exists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass2", + "_ensure_bucket_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_a_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestSetUpInBaseClass", + "test_a_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_not_find_bucket_from_different_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "NestedClass2", + "test_should_not_find_bucket_from_different_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_not_find_bucket_from_test_method": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_decorator_calls.py", + [ + "TestWithNestedClasses", + "TestWithSetup", + "test_should_not_find_bucket_from_test_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_docker_package_is_available": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_docker.py", + [ + "test_docker_package_is_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_docker_is_running_and_available": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_docker.py", + [ + "test_docker_is_running_and_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_keys_are_patched": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_environ_patching.py", + [ + "test_aws_keys_are_patched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aws_keys_can_be_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_environ_patching.py", + [ + "test_aws_keys_can_be_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mock_works_with_client_created_inside": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_mock_works_with_client_created_inside" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mock_works_with_client_created_outside": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_mock_works_with_client_created_outside" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mock_works_with_resource_created_outside": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_mock_works_with_resource_created_outside" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_can_be_called_on_a_mocked_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_patch_can_be_called_on_a_mocked_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_client_does_not_work_for_random_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_patch_client_does_not_work_for_random_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_resource_does_not_work_for_random_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_patch_resource_does_not_work_for_random_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "do_important_things": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "ImportantBusinessLogic", + "do_important_things" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mock_works_when_replacing_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_importorder.py", + [ + "test_mock_works_when_replacing_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_latest_meta_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_instance_metadata.py", + [ + "test_latest_meta_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_data_iam": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_instance_metadata.py", + [ + "test_meta_data_iam" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_data_security_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_instance_metadata.py", + [ + "test_meta_data_security_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_meta_data_default_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_instance_metadata.py", + [ + "test_meta_data_default_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_all.py", + [ + "test_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_invalid_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_invalid_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_region_from_env": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_region_from_env" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env_but_allow_it": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env_but_allow_it" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env_but_allow_it__dynamo": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_mock_regions.py", + [ + "test_use_unknown_region_from_env_but_allow_it__dynamo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "test_reset_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "test_data_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwriting_s3_object_still_returns_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "test_overwriting_s3_object_still_returns_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creation_error__data_api_still_returns_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "test_creation_error__data_api_still_returns_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_model_data_is_emptied_as_necessary": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_moto_api.py", + [ + "test_model_data_is_emptied_as_necessary" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_sqs_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_nested.py", + [ + "TestNestedDecoratorsBoto3", + "setup_sqs_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_nested.py", + [ + "TestNestedDecoratorsBoto3", + "test_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passthrough_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_request_mocking.py", + [ + "test_passthrough_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_requests_to_amazon_subdomains_dont_work": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_request_mocking.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_requests_to_amazon_subdomains_dont_work" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decorator_ordering": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_request_mocking.py", + [ + "test_decorator_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatten_json_request_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_flatten_json_request_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_qs_unicode_decode_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_parse_qs_unicode_decode_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_get_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dict_list_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_get_dict_list_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_environment_preserved_by_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_response_environment_preserved_by_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jinja_render_prettify": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_jinja_render_prettify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses.py", + [ + "test_response_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_moto_first": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "test_moto_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_moto_second": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "test_moto_second" + ] + ] + ], + "moto_responses_compatibility": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "moto_responses_compatibility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_moto_as_late_as_possible": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_responses_module.py", + [ + "TestResponsesModule", + "test_moto_as_late_as_possible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_wrong_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_right_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_right_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_port_argument": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_port_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_dispatched": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_domain_dispatched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_dispatched_with_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_server.py", + [ + "test_domain_dispatched_with_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_is_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_default_is_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_anything_but_false_is_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_anything_but_false_is_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_false_is_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_only_false_is_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_socket_pair": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_socket.py", + [ + "TestSocketPair", + "test_socket_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucketname_starting_with_service_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_url_base_regex.py", + [ + "TestMockBucketStartingWithServiceName", + "test_bucketname_starting_with_service_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flask_path_converting_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_url_mapping.py", + [ + "test_flask_path_converting_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flask_path_converting_regex": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_url_mapping.py", + [ + "test_flask_path_converting_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_camelcase_to_underscores": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_camelcase_to_underscores" + ] + ] + ], + "test_underscores_to_camelcase": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_underscores_to_camelcase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pascal_to_camelcase": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_pascal_to_camelcase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_camelcase_to_pascal": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_camelcase_to_pascal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unix_time": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_unix_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quote_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_quote_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quote_characters__with_slashes": [ + [ + "tests/test_core/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_quote_characters__with_slashes" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_databrew_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "_create_databrew_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_databrew_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "_create_databrew_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "_create_databrew_client" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_dataset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "_create_test_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_datasets": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "_create_test_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_list_when_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_dataset_list_when_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_datasets_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_list_datasets_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_datasets_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_list_datasets_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_datasets_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_list_datasets_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dataset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_describe_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dataset_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_describe_dataset_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dataset_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_create_dataset_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dataset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_delete_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_dataset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_update_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_dataset_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_datasets.py", + [ + "test_update_dataset_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_profile_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_test_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_recipe_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_test_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_recipe_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_test_recipe_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_profile_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "_create_test_profile_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_profile_job_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_profile_job_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_job_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_job_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_job_with_invalid_encryption_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_job_with_invalid_encryption_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_job_with_invalid_log_subscription_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_job_with_invalid_log_subscription_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_job_with_same_name_as_profile_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_job_with_same_name_as_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_with_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_with_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_profile_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_profile_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_profile_job_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_profile_job_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe_job_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe_job_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_delete_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_delete_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_delete_job_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job_with_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_delete_job_with_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_job_list_when_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_job_list_when_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_from_next_token" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_recipe_and_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_recipe_and_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_dataset_name_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_dataset_name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_project_name_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_project_name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_dataset_name_and_project_name_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_jobs.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_dataset_name_and_project_name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "_create_test_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_recipes": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "_create_test_recipes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recipe_list_when_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_recipe_list_when_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recipe_list_with_invalid_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_recipe_list_with_invalid_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipes_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipes_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipes_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipes_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipes_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipes_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipe_versions_no_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipe_versions_no_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipe_versions_none_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipe_versions_none_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipe_versions_one_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipe_versions_one_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recipe_versions_two_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_list_recipe_versions_two_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_latest_working": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_latest_working" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_with_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_with_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_latest_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_latest_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_implicit_latest_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_implicit_latest_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_with_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_with_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_with_long_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_with_long_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_recipe_with_invalid_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_describe_recipe_with_invalid_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_recipe_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_update_recipe_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_recipe_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_create_recipe_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_publish_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_recipe_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_publish_recipe_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_long_recipe_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_publish_long_recipe_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_published": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_published" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_latest_working_after_publish": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_latest_working_after_publish" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_latest_working_numeric_after_publish": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_latest_working_numeric_after_publish" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_invalid_version_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_invalid_version_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_invalid_version_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_invalid_version_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_unknown_recipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_unknown_recipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_recipe_version_unknown_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_recipes.py", + [ + "test_delete_recipe_version_unknown_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_ruleset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "_create_test_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_test_rulesets": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "_create_test_rulesets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ruleset_list_when_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_ruleset_list_when_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_ruleset_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_list_ruleset_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rulesets_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_list_rulesets_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rulesets_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_list_rulesets_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ruleset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_describe_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ruleset_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_describe_ruleset_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_ruleset_that_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_create_ruleset_that_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ruleset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_delete_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ruleset": [ + [ + "tests/test_databrew/test_databrew_rulesets.py", + [ + "test_update_ruleset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datapipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_datapipeline/test_datapipeline_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_datapipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_datapipeline/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_streams" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_list_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "create_locations": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "create_locations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_location_smb": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_create_location_smb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_location_smb": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_location_smb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_location_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_create_location_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_location_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_location_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_location_wrong": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_location_wrong" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_locations": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_list_locations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_delete_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_create_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_task_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_create_task_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_list_tasks" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_update_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_delete_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_start_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task_execution_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_start_task_execution_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_execution_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_execution_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_task_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_datasync/test_datasync.py", + [ + "test_cancel_task_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_sse_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_sse_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_invalid_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_returns_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_returns_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_paginates": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_paginates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_returns_nodes_after_some_time": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_returns_nodes_after_some_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_increase_replication_factor_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_increase_replication_factor_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_increase_replication_factor": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_increase_replication_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_replication_factor_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_decrease_replication_factor_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_replication_factor": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_decrease_replication_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_replication_factor_specific_nodeids": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_dax.py", + [ + "test_decrease_replication_factor_specific_nodeids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dax_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dax/test_server.py", + [ + "test_dax_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_get_replication_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_create_and_get_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_replication_task_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_create_existing_replication_task_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replication_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_start_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_start_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_replication_task_throws_invalid_state_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_stop_replication_task_throws_invalid_state_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_stop_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_replication_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_stop_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_replication_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_delete_replication_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dms/test_dms.py", + [ + "test_delete_replication_task_throws_resource_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_delete_directory": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_delete_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_get_directory_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_get_directory_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_describe_directories": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_describe_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_enable_sso": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_enable_sso" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_disable_sso": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds.py", + [ + "test_ds_disable_sso" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_ad_connector": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "create_test_ad_connector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_validations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_validations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_bad_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_connect_directory_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_connect_directory_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_get_connect_directory_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_ad_connect.py", + [ + "test_ds_get_connect_directory_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_microsoft_ad": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "create_test_microsoft_ad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_validations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_validations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_microsoft_ad_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_get_microsoft_ad_directory_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_microsoft_ad.py", + [ + "test_ds_get_microsoft_ad_directory_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "create_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "create_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_directory": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "create_test_directory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_directory_validations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_directory_validations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_directory_bad_vpc_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_directory_bad_vpc_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_directory_bad_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_directory_bad_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_create_directory_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_simple_ad_directory.py", + [ + "test_ds_create_directory_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_add_tags_to_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_tags.py", + [ + "test_ds_add_tags_to_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_remove_tags_from_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_tags.py", + [ + "test_ds_remove_tags_from_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ds/test_ds_tags.py", + [ + "test_ds_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/conftest.py", + [ + "table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_gsi_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_query_gsi_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_table_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_query_table_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_expressionattributenames": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_empty_expressionattributenames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_empty_projection": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_empty_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_projection": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_range_key_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_range_key_set" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_range_key_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_item_non_existing_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_item_non_existing_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_write_item_non_existing_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_batch_write_item_non_existing_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_redundant_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_redundant_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_missing_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_missing_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_redundant_and_missing_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_redundant_and_missing_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_wrong_attribute_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_item_wrong_attribute_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_key_cannot_use_begins_with_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_hash_key_cannot_use_begins_with_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_key_can_only_use_equals_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_hash_key_can_only_use_equals_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_table_with_0_local_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_creating_table_with_0_local_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_table_with_0_global_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_creating_table_with_0_global_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "update_email_transact": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item", + "update_email_transact" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions", + "update_email_transact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_non_existent_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_non_existent_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_duplicate_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_duplicate_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_wrong_datatype": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_item_wrong_datatype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_empty_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_item_empty_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_trailing_comma": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_trailing_comma" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_put_item_with_empty_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_batch_put_item_with_empty_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_begins_with_without_brackets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_query_begins_with_without_brackets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_multiple_operations_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_multiple_operations_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_with_empty_gsi_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_with_empty_gsi_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_primary_key_with_sortkey": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_primary_key_with_sortkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_primary_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_primary_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item__string_as_integer_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_item__string_as_integer_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_key_cannot_be_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_gsi_key_cannot_be_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_key_cannot_be_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_append_errors_for_unknown_attribute_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_list_append_errors_for_unknown_attribute_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_with_empty_filter_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_dynamodb_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_query_with_empty_filter_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_long_string_hash_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_item_add_long_string_hash_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_long_string_nonascii_hash_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_item_add_long_string_nonascii_hash_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_long_string_range_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_item_add_long_string_range_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_long_string_gsi_range_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_put_long_string_gsi_range_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_long_string_hash_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_long_string_hash_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_long_string_range_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_long_string_range_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_empty_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/exceptions/test_key_length_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_item_add_empty_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "_project": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "_project" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_find_nothing" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_find_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find_unknown_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_find_unknown_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_find_unknown_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_single_key_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_project_single_key_string" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_project_single_key_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_single_key_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_project_single_key_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_project_single_key_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_nested_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_project_nested_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_project_nested_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_multi_level_nested_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_project_multi_level_nested_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_project_multi_level_nested_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_nested_key__partial_fix": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_project_nested_key__partial_fix" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_project_nested_key__partial_fix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_project_nested_key__partial_fix2": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_project_nested_key__partial_fix2" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_project_nested_key__partial_fix2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_list_index" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_list_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_list_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_nested_list_index" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_nested_list_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_obj_in_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_nested_obj_in_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_nested_obj_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_unknown_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_list_unknown_indexes" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_utilities.py", + [ + "TestFindDictionaryKeys", + "test_list_unknown_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_projections": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_item.py", + [ + "TestFindNestedKeys", + "test_multiple_projections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hash_key_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashKey", + "test_hash_key_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_hash_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashKey", + "test_unknown_hash_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_unknown_hash_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_hash_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashKey", + "test_unknown_hash_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_unknown_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_begin_with": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_begin_with" + ] + ] + ], + "test_begin_with__wrong_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_begin_with__wrong_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_in_between": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_in_between" + ] + ] + ], + "test_numeric_comparisons": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_numeric_comparisons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_reverse_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_brackets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestHashAndRangeKey", + "test_brackets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_names_and_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/models/test_key_condition_expression_parser.py", + [ + "TestNamesAndValues", + "test_names_and_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tables_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_tables_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tables_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_tables_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_missing_table_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_missing_table_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_table_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_table_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_table_tags_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_table_tags_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_table_tags_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_table_tags_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_not_found_table_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_not_found_table_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_empty_string_hash_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_item_add_empty_string_hash_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_empty_string_range_key_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_item_add_empty_string_range_key_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_empty_string_attr_no_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_item_add_empty_string_attr_no_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_empty_string_attr_no_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_empty_string_attr_no_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_invalid_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_invalid_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_with_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_item_with_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_with_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_item_with_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expression_using_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expression_using_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_scan": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_scan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_scan": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_scan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expression_using_get_item_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expression_using_get_item_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_query_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_query_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_get_item_with_attr_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_get_item_with_attr_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_query_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_query_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_scan_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_basic_projection_expressions_using_scan_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_scan_with_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_nested_projection_expression_using_scan_with_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_empty_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_empty_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_nonexisting_hash_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_item_nonexisting_hash_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_nonexisting_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_item_nonexisting_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_filter_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter_overlapping_expression_prefixes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_filter_overlapping_expression_prefixes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter2": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter4": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_filter_should_not_return_non_existing_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_filter_should_not_return_non_existing_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_scan_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_bad_scan_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_duplicate_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_delete_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_delete_item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_item_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_ttl": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_set_ttl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_continuous_backups": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_continuous_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_continuous_backups_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_continuous_backups_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_continuous_backups": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_continuous_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_continuous_backups_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_continuous_backups_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_missing_expr_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_missing_expr_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_no_action_passed_with_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_no_action_passed_with_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_on_map": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_on_map" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_if_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_if_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_return_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_return_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_return_updated_new_attributes_when_same": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_return_updated_new_attributes_when_same" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_return_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_put_return_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_global_secondary_index_when_created_via_update_table_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_global_secondary_index_when_created_via_update_table_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_gsi_with_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_gsi_with_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_by_non_exists_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_scan_by_non_exists_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_by_non_exists_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_by_non_exists_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_with_unknown_attributes_should_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_index_with_unknown_attributes_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_existing_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_existing_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_existing_nested_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_existing_nested_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_index_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_index_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_nested_index_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_nested_index_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_double_nested_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_double_nested_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_list_index__set_index_of_a_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_list_index__set_index_of_a_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_top_level_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_top_level_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_top_level_attribute_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_top_level_attribute_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_multiple_indexes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_multiple_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_nested_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_nested_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_double_nested_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_existing_double_nested_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_list_index__remove_index_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_remove_list_index__remove_index_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "create_table_with_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "create_table_with_list" + ] + ] + ], + "create_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_sorted_query_with_numerical_sort_key", + "create_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sorted_query_with_numerical_sort_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_sorted_query_with_numerical_sort_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_size_is_under_400KB": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_item_size_is_under_400KB" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_failure_due_to_item_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "assert_failure_due_to_item_size" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_failure_due_to_item_size_to_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "assert_failure_due_to_item_size_to_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_complex_expression_attribute_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_complex_expression_attribute_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_list_append": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_list_append" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_nested_list_append": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_nested_list_append" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_multiple_levels_nested_list_append": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_multiple_levels_nested_list_append" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_nested_list_append_onto_another_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_nested_list_append_onto_another_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_list_append_maps": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_list_append_maps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_nested_update_if_nested_value_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_nested_update_if_nested_value_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_list_append_with_nested_if_not_exists_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_list_append_with_nested_if_not_exists_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_supports_list_append_with_nested_if_not_exists_operation_and_property_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_supports_list_append_with_nested_if_not_exists_operation_and_property_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_if_original_value_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_if_original_value_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_item_if_original_value_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_item_if_original_value_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allow_update_to_item_with_different_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_allow_update_to_item_with_different_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_catches_when_no_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_query_catches_when_no_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_transact_get_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_invalid_transact_get_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_transact_get_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_valid_transact_get_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_verify_negative_number_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_verify_negative_number_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_put": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_put" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_put_conditional_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_put_conditional_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_put_conditional_expressions_return_values_on_condition_check_failure_all_old": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_put_conditional_expressions_return_values_on_condition_check_failure_all_old" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_conditioncheck_passes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_conditioncheck_passes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_conditioncheck_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_conditioncheck_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_delete_with_successful_condition_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_delete_with_successful_condition_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_delete_with_failed_condition_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_delete_with_failed_condition_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_update_with_failed_condition_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_update_with_failed_condition_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamodb_max_1mb_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_dynamodb_max_1mb_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_raise_syntax_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "assert_raise_syntax_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_numeric_literal_instead_of_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_numeric_literal_instead_of_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_multiple_set_clauses_must_be_comma_separated": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_multiple_set_clauses_must_be_comma_separated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tables_exclusive_start_table_name_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_tables_exclusive_start_table_name_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_correct_client_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "assert_correct_client_error" + ] + ] + ], + "create_simple_table_and_return_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "create_simple_table_and_return_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_attribute_in_right_hand_side_and_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_attribute_in_right_hand_side_and_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existing_attribute_should_raise_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_non_existing_attribute_should_raise_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_plus_in_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_plus_in_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_minus_in_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_minus_in_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_space_in_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_space_in_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_summing_up_2_strings_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_summing_up_2_strings_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_attribute_in_right_hand_side": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_attribute_in_right_hand_side" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_updates": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_multiple_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_atomic_counter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_atomic_counter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_atomic_counter_return_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_atomic_counter_return_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_atomic_counter_from_zero": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_atomic_counter_from_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_to_non_existent_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_to_non_existent_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_to_non_existent_number_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_to_non_existent_number_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_write_items_fails_with_transaction_canceled_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_write_items_fails_with_transaction_canceled_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_projection_type_keys_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_projection_type_keys_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_projection_type_include": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_projection_type_include" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lsi_projection_type_keys_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_lsi_projection_type_keys_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_attribute_is_dropped_if_empty_after_update_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_set_attribute_is_dropped_if_empty_after_update_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transact_get_items_should_return_empty_map_for_non_existent_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_transact_get_items_should_return_empty_map_for_non_existent_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamodb_update_item_fails_on_string_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_dynamodb_update_item_fails_on_string_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_to_list_using_legacy_attribute_updates": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_to_list_using_legacy_attribute_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_to_num_set_using_legacy_attribute_updates": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_to_num_set_using_legacy_attribute_updates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_for_non_existent_table_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_get_item_for_non_existent_table_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_when_providing_expression_and_nonexpression_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_error_when_providing_expression_and_nonexpression_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_item_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_attribute_item_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_key_can_be_updated": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_key_can_be_updated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_backup_for_non_existent_table_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_create_backup_for_non_existent_table_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_backup": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_create_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_backups_with_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_backups_with_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_backup_for_non_existent_backup_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_backup_for_non_existent_backup_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_backup": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_backups_for_non_existent_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_backups_for_non_existent_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_backups": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_list_backups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_from_non_existent_backup_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_from_non_existent_backup_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_from_backup_raises_error_when_table_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_from_backup_raises_error_when_table_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_from_backup": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_from_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time_raises_error_when_source_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time_raises_error_when_source_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time_raises_error_when_dest_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_restore_table_to_point_in_time_raises_error_when_dest_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_backup_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_backup_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_backup": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_delete_backup" + ] + ] + ], + "add_guids_to_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_source_and_restored_table_items_are_not_linked", + "add_guids_to_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_source_and_restored_table_items_are_not_linked": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_source_and_restored_table_items_are_not_linked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_describe_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_non_existing_item_raises_error_and_does_not_contain_item_afterwards": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_update_non_existing_item_raises_error_and_does_not_contain_item_afterwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_write_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_batch_write_item" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_write_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gsi_lastevaluatedkey": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_gsi_lastevaluatedkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_expression_execution_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_filter_expression_execution_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_projection_expression_execution_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_projection_expression_execution_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_projection_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb.py", + [ + "test_invalid_projection_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_user_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_batch_get_item.py", + [ + "_create_user_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "_create_user_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_returns_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_batch_get_item.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_returns_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_throws_exception_when_requesting_100_items_for_single_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_batch_get_item.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_throws_exception_when_requesting_100_items_for_single_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_throws_exception_when_requesting_100_items_across_all_tables": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_batch_get_item.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_throws_exception_when_requesting_100_items_across_all_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_with_basic_projection_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_batch_get_item.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_with_basic_projection_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_with_basic_projection_expression_and_attr_expression_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_batch_get_item.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_with_basic_projection_expression_and_attr_expression_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_should_throw_exception_for_duplicate_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_batch_get_item.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_should_throw_exception_for_duplicate_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_items_should_return_16mb_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_batch_get_item.py", + [ + "test_batch_items_should_return_16mb_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_dynamo_template_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_dynamo_template_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression_with_dot_in_attr_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression_with_dot_in_attr_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expressions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expressions" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_conditional_check_failed_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "_assert_conditional_check_failed_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression_numerical_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression_numerical_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "update_numerical_con_expr": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "update_numerical_con_expr" + ] + ] + ], + "update_if_attr_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression__attr_doesnt_exist", + "update_if_attr_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression__attr_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression__attr_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression__or_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression__or_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression__and_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression__and_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_condition_expression_with_reserved_keyword_as_attr_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_condition_expressions.py", + [ + "test_condition_expression_with_reserved_keyword_as_attr_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_on_wrong_value_for_consumed_capacity": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_consumedcapacity.py", + [ + "test_error_on_wrong_value_for_consumed_capacity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_consumed_capacity_get_unknown_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_consumedcapacity.py", + [ + "test_consumed_capacity_get_unknown_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_return_consumed_capacity_when_required": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_consumedcapacity.py", + [ + "test_only_return_consumed_capacity_when_required" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_consumedcapacity.py", + [ + "validate_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_standard": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_standard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_local_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_local_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_gsi": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_gsi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_stream_specification": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_stream_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_pay_per_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_pay_per_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table__provisioned_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table__provisioned_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_without_specifying_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_without_specifying_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_error_pay_per_request_with_provisioned_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_error_pay_per_request_with_provisioned_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__false": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__true": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__custom_kms_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_with_ssespecification__custom_kms_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table__specify_non_key_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_create_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table__specify_non_key_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_non_existing_attribute_should_return_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_if_not_exists_with_non_existing_attribute_should_return_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_sum_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_sum_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_remove": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_remove_in_map": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_remove_in_map" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_remove_in_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_remove_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_delete_element_from_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_delete_element_from_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_add_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_add_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_add_set_to_a_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_add_set_to_a_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_add_to_a_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_add_to_a_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of__delete_element_from_set_invalid_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of__delete_element_from_set_invalid_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_of_delete_element_from_a_string_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_execution_of_delete_element_from_a_string_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_with_one_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_normalize_with_one_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_with_multiple_actions__order_is_preserved": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_executor.py", + [ + "test_normalize_with_multiple_actions__order_is_preserved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_leading_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_leading_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_trailing_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_trailing_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_multi_spaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_multi_spaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_with_numbers_in_identifiers": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_with_numbers_in_identifiers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_with_underscore_in_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_with_underscore_in_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_leading_underscore_in_attribute_name_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_leading_underscore_in_attribute_name_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_leading_underscore_in_attribute_value_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_leading_underscore_in_attribute_value_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_nested_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_nested_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_list_index_with_sub_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_list_index_with_sub_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_list_index_surrounded_with_whitespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_list_index_surrounded_with_whitespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_invalid_key_double_hash": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_invalid_key_double_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_valid_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_valid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_underscore": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_single_set_action_attribute_name_leading_underscore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe_with_leading_white_spaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe_with_leading_white_spaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe_for_set_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_a_pipe_for_set_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_an_attribute_and_a_pipe_for_set_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expression_tokenizer.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_just_an_attribute_and_a_pipe_for_set_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_reserved_keywords": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_get_reserved_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_numeric_literal_in_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_numeric_literal_in_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_multi_number_numeric_literal_in_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_multi_number_numeric_literal_in_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_numeric_literal_unclosed_square_bracket": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_numeric_literal_unclosed_square_bracket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_wrong_closing_bracket_with_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_wrong_closing_bracket_with_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_wrong_closing_bracket": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_wrong_closing_bracket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_only_numeric_literal_for_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_only_numeric_literal_for_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_only_numeric_literal": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_only_numeric_literal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_set_closing_round_bracket": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_set_closing_round_bracket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_set_closing_followed_by_numeric_literal": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_set_closing_followed_by_numeric_literal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_numeric_literal_unclosed_square_bracket_trailing_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_numeric_literal_unclosed_square_bracket_trailing_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_opening": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_opening" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_opening_trailing_space": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_opening_trailing_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_opening": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_opening" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_opening_trailing_spaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_opening_trailing_spaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_multiple_opening": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_multiple_opening" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_closing": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_closing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_closing": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_square_brackets_only_closing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_closing_followed_by_other_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_unbalanced_round_brackets_only_closing_followed_by_other_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_starts_with_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_starts_with_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_starts_with_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier_and_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_starts_with_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier_and_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_starts_with_leading_spaces_and_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier_and_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_starts_with_leading_spaces_and_keyword_reset_followed_by_identifier_and_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_with_only_keyword_reset": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_with_only_keyword_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_expression_with_selector_just_should_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_expression_with_selector_just_should_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_expression_with_selector_and_spaces_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_expression_with_selector_and_spaces_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_expression_with_double_selector_and_spaces_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_expression_with_double_selector_and_spaces_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nested_expression_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_nested_expression_should_only_fail_parsing_at_numeric_literal_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_selectors_in_update_expression_should_fail_at_nesting": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_nested_selectors_in_update_expression_should_fail_at_nesting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_number_in_selector_cannot_be_splite": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_number_in_selector_cannot_be_splite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_cannot_have_successive_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_cannot_have_successive_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_path_with_both_attribute_and_attribute_name_should_only_fail_at_numeric_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_path_with_both_attribute_and_attribute_name_should_only_fail_at_numeric_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_2_same_operators_back_to_back": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_2_same_operators_back_to_back" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_tokenizer_2_different_operators_back_to_back": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_tokenizer_2_different_operators_back_to_back" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_remove_does_not_allow_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_remove_does_not_allow_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_add_does_not_allow_attribute_after_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_add_does_not_allow_attribute_after_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_add_does_not_allow_attribute_foobar_after_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_add_does_not_allow_attribute_foobar_after_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_delete_does_not_allow_attribute_after_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_delete_does_not_allow_attribute_after_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_delete_does_not_allow_attribute_foobar_after_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_delete_does_not_allow_attribute_foobar_after_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_expression_parsing_is_not_keyword_aware": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_expression_parsing_is_not_keyword_aware" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expression_if_not_exists_is_not_valid_in_remove_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_expressions.py", + [ + "test_expression_if_not_exists_is_not_valid_in_remove_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "teardown_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestSelectStatements", + "teardown_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "teardown_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "teardown_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBClusterSnapshotFilters", + "teardown_class" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "teardown_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_select_star": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestSelectStatements", + "test_execute_statement_select_star" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_select_unique": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestSelectStatements", + "test_execute_statement_select_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_with_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestSelectStatements", + "test_execute_statement_with_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_with_no_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestSelectStatements", + "test_execute_statement_with_no_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_transaction": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestExecuteTransaction", + "test_execute_transaction" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestBatchExecuteStatement", + "test_execute_transaction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_without_primary_key_in_where_clause": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_statements.py", + [ + "TestBatchExecuteStatement", + "test_without_primary_key_in_where_clause" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_without_range_key_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_get_item_without_range_key_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_filter_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_query_filter_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_conditions_ignorecase": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_conditions_ignorecase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_put_item_with_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_put_item_with_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_table_with_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "_create_table_with_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_does_not_exist_is_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_does_not_exist_is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_value_string_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_value_string_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_delete_value_string_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_delete_value_string_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_value_does_not_exist_is_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_value_does_not_exist_is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_failure_due_to_key_not_in_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "assert_failure_due_to_key_not_in_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_add_with_nested_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_add_with_nested_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_delete_with_nested_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_delete_with_nested_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_delete_with_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_delete_with_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_query_gsi_range_comparison": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_query_gsi_range_comparison" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_update_table_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_update_table_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_update_table_gsi_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_boto3_update_table_gsi_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table_gsi_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_table_gsi_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table_gsi_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_table_gsi_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_query_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_by_index": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_scan_by_index" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_scan_by_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_throws_exception_when_updating_hash_or_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_with_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_throws_exception_when_updating_hash_or_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_servermode.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_add_and_describe_and_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_item_add_and_describe_and_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_item_put_without_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_item_put_without_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_with_undeclared_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_get_item_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item_with_undeclared_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_delete_item_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_with_undeclared_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_scan_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_scan_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_get_key_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_double_nested_remove": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_double_nested_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table__using_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_create_table__using_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_conditions_pass": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_put_item_conditions_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_put_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_put_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_conditions_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_put_item_conditions_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_pass": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_settype_item_with_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_update_settype_item_with_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_table_without_range_key.py", + [ + "test_scan_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_different_map_elements_in_single_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_update_expressions.py", + [ + "test_update_different_map_elements_in_single_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table__billing_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_update_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table__billing_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_update_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table__enable_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_update_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table__enable_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_update_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_valid_update_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_keyword": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_a_set_statement_with_incorrect_passed_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_a_set_statement_with_incorrect_passed_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_attribute_that_does_not_exist_in_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_attribute_that_does_not_exist_in_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_attribute_name_that_is_not_defined": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_update_expression_with_attribute_name_that_is_not_defined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_invalid_replace_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_invalid_replace_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_first_node_of_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "get_first_node_of_type" + ] + ] + ], + "get_set_action_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "get_set_action_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_not_existing_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_existing_attribute_should_return_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_non_existing_attribute_should_return_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_if_not_exists_with_non_existing_attribute_should_return_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_sum_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_sum_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_homogeneous_list_append_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_homogeneous_list_append_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_hetereogenous_list_append_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_hetereogenous_list_append_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_list_append_function_with_non_list_arg": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_list_append_function_with_non_list_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sum_with_incompatible_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_sum_with_incompatible_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_of_subraction_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_of_subraction_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_index_into_a_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_cannot_index_into_a_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_set_path_does_not_need_to_be_resolvable_when_setting_a_new_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_set_path_does_not_need_to_be_resolvable_when_setting_a_new_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validation_set_path_does_not_need_to_be_resolvable_but_must_be_creatable_when_setting_a_new_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_dynamodb_validation.py", + [ + "test_validation_set_path_does_not_need_to_be_resolvable_but_must_be_creatable_when_setting_a_new_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb/test_server.py", + [ + "test_table_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_table_list" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_servermode.py", + [ + "test_table_list" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_test_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_test_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_test_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_404": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_404" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_table_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_in_different_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_table_in_different_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_describe_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_missing_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_missing_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_table" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_return_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_return_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_return_none_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_return_none_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_item_from_unknown_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_item_from_unknown_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_from_unknown_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_item_from_unknown_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_item_from_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_item_from_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_scan_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_with_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_scan_with_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scan_with_filter_in_table_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_scan_with_filter_in_table_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_in_table_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_query_in_table_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_item_by_hash_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_query_item_by_hash_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_item_by_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_query_item_by_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_item_with_undeclared_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_query_item_with_undeclared_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_item_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_item_with_return_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_item_with_return_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_item_in_nonexisting_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_item_in_nonexisting_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_from_unknown_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_delete_from_unknown_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_item": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_write_item_without_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodb_v20111205/test_server.py", + [ + "test_batch_write_item_without_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_verify_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_describe_stream" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_shard_iterator_at_sequence_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_shard_iterator_at_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_shard_iterator_after_sequence_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_shard_iterator_after_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_records_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_seq": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestCore", + "test_get_records_seq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_stream_on_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges", + "test_enable_stream_on_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_with_range_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_dynamodbstreams/test_dynamodbstreams.py", + [ + "TestEdges", + "test_stream_with_range_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_snapshot__minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_start_snapshot__minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_start_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complete_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_complete_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_snapshot_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_put_snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_snapshot_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_get_snapshot_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_changed_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_list_changed_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_snapshot_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_list_snapshot_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_snapshot__should_be_created_in_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_ebs/test_ebs.py", + [ + "test_start_snapshot__should_be_created_in_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "rsa_check_private_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/helpers.py", + [ + "rsa_check_private_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snapshots_for_initial_amis": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_snapshots_for_initial_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_create_and_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_create_and_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_image__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_deregister_image__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_image__and_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_deregister_image__and_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_copy_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_copy_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_copy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_copy_nonexistent_source_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_copy_nonexistent_source_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_copy_nonexisting_source_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_copy_nonexisting_source_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_image_changes_owner_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_copy_image_changes_owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_create_from_missing_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_create_from_missing_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_pulls_attributes_from_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_pulls_attributes_from_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_uses_account_id_if_valid_access_key_is_supplied": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_uses_account_id_if_valid_access_key_is_supplied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filtering_via_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filtering_via_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getting_missing_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_getting_missing_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getting_malformed_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_getting_malformed_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_attribute_group_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_attribute_group_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_attribute_user_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_attribute_user_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_executable_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_executable_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_executable_users_negative": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_executable_users_negative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_executable_users_and_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_executable_users_and_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_attribute_user_and_group_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_attribute_user_and_group_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_filter_description" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_attribute_error_cases": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_attribute_error_cases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_registration": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_registration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_wildcard": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_wildcard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_owner_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_self": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_self" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_snapshots_have_correct_owner": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_snapshots_have_correct_owner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_image_with_tag_specification": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_create_image_with_tag_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_empty_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_empty_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_ownerid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_ownerid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_filter_by_unknown_ownerid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_filter_by_unknown_ownerid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_snapshot_from_create_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_delete_snapshot_from_create_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_image_attribute_product_codes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_image_attribute_product_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_image_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_image_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_image_attribute_block_device_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_image_attribute_block_device_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ami_describe_image_attribute_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_amis.py", + [ + "test_ami_describe_image_attribute_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_describe_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "test_boto3_describe_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_availability_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "test_boto3_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_availability_zones_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "test_describe_availability_zones_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boto3_zoneId_in_availability_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_availability_zones_and_regions.py", + [ + "test_boto3_zoneId_in_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_carrier_gateways_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_carrier_gateways_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_carrier_gateways_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_carrier_gateways_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_carrier_gateways_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_carrier_gateways_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_carrier_gateways_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_carrier_gateways_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_carrier_gateways_invalid_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_carrier_gateways_invalid_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_carrier_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_carrier_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_carrier_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_customer_gateways_using_publicip_argument": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_customer_gateways_using_publicip_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_customer_gateways_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_customer_gateways_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_customer_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_customer_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_customer_gateways_bad_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_customer_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_customer_gateways_bad_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_associate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_associate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_associate_invalid_dhcp_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_associate_invalid_dhcp_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_associate_invalid_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_associate_invalid_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_delete_with_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_delete_with_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_create_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dhcp_options_invalid_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_create_dhcp_options_invalid_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_describe_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dhcp_options_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_describe_dhcp_options_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_delete_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dhcp_options_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_delete_dhcp_options_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dhcp_options_malformed_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_delete_dhcp_options_malformed_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_value_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_value_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_key_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_key_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_invalid_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_dhcp_options.py", + [ + "test_dhcp_options_get_by_invalid_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_single_instance_in_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_single_instance_in_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_with_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_with_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stack_with_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_stack_with_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_cloudformation_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_cloudformation_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_size_through_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_volume_size_through_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_internet_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_attach_internet_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_attach_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "get_resource_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_tags_through_cloudformation_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_subnet_tags_through_cloudformation_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_instance_with_ebs_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_single_instance_with_ebs_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_classic_eip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_classic_eip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_eip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_eip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_gateway_attachment_creation_should_attach_itself_to_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_gateway_attachment_creation_should_attach_itself_to_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_multiple_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id_using_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_separate_from_security_group_by_id_using_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_with_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_with_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnets_should_be_created_with_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_subnets_should_be_created_with_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "get_secgroup_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "get_secgroup_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_endpoint_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_vpc_endpoint_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_encrypted_ebs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_ec2_integration.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_encrypted_ebs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_unknown_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_create_with_unknown_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_describe_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_one": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_describe_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_egress_only_igw.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_volumes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_modify_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_attached_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_delete_attached_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_encrypted_volume_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_encrypted_volume_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_encrypted_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_encrypted_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_volume_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_filter_volume_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_filters", + "verify_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_snapshot_filters", + "verify_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_attach_and_detach": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_attach_and_detach" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_encrypted_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_encrypted_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_snapshot_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_filter_snapshot_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snapshot_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_snapshot_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_snapshot_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_modify_snapshot_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_attribute_blockDeviceMapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_modify_attribute_blockDeviceMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_tag_escaping": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_tag_escaping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_volume_property_hidden_when_no_tags_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_volume_property_hidden_when_no_tags_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_copy_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_for_many_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_search_for_many_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_unencrypted_volume_with_kms_key_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_unencrypted_volume_with_kms_key_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_encrypted_volume_without_kms_key_should_use_default_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_encrypted_volume_without_kms_key_should_use_default_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_kms_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_kms_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kms_key_id_property_hidden_when_volume_not_encrypted": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_kms_key_id_property_hidden_when_volume_not_encrypted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_standard_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_standard_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_non_standard_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_non_standard_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_with_tagspecification": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_with_tagspecification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_single_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_single_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_multiple_volumes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_multiple_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshots_multiple_volumes_without_boot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshots_multiple_volumes_without_boot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_iops": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_iops" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_throughput_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_block_store.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_throughput_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_allocate_classic": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_allocate_classic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_addresses_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_describe_addresses_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_allocate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_allocate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specific_eip_allocate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_specific_eip_allocate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_associate_classic": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_associate_classic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_associate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_associate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_vpc_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_vpc_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_associate_network_interface": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_associate_network_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_reassociate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_reassociate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_reassociate_nic": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_reassociate_nic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_associate_invalid_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_associate_invalid_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_disassociate_bogus_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_disassociate_bogus_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_release_bogus_eip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_release_bogus_eip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_disassociate_arg_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_disassociate_arg_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_release_arg_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_release_arg_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eip_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_eip_describe" + ] + 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"tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_describe_addresses_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_addresses_with_vpc_associated_eni": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_ip_addresses.py", + [ + "test_describe_addresses_with_vpc_associated_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_subnet_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_subnet_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_with_private_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_with_private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_with_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_with_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_without_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_without_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_modify_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_modify_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_tag_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_tag_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_private_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_attachment_instance_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_attachment_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_attachment_instance_owner_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_attachment_instance_owner_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_describe_network_interfaces_with_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_describe_network_interfaces_with_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_filter_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_filter_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_auto_create_securitygroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_auto_create_securitygroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_private_ip_addresses__by_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_private_ip_addresses__by_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_private_ip_addresses__with_secondary_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_private_ip_addresses__with_secondary_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unassign_private_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_unassign_private_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unassign_private_ip_addresses__multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_unassign_private_ip_addresses__multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_address_and_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_assign_ipv6_addresses__by_address_and_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unassign_ipv6_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_unassign_ipv6_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_describe_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_elastic_network_interfaces.py", + [ + "test_elastic_network_interfaces_describe_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "get_subnet_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "get_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_spot_fleet_with_lowest_price": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_with_lowest_price" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_with_lowest_price" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_on_demand_fleet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_on_demand_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_diversified_spot_fleet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_diversified_spot_fleet" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_diversified_spot_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_fleet_using_launch_template_config__name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_request_fleet_using_launch_template_config__name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fleet_request_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_fleet_request_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fleet_using_launch_template_config__overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_fleet_using_launch_template_config__overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fleet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_delete_fleet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_fleet_instences_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_describe_fleet_instences_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fleet_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_fleet_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fleet_api_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_fleets.py", + [ + "test_create_fleet_api_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_logs_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_logs_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_flow_logs_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_flow_logs_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_logs_cloud_watch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_logs_cloud_watch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_flow_logs_cloud_watch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_flow_logs_cloud_watch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_log_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_log_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_flow_logs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_flow_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_flow_logs_delete_many": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_flow_logs_delete_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_flow_logs_non_existing": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_flow_logs_non_existing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_logs_unsuccessful": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_logs_unsuccessful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_logs_invalid_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_logs_invalid_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_flow_logs_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_flow_logs_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flow_logs_by_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "test_flow_logs_by_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_logs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flow_logs_by_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_flow_logs_by_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_flow_logs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_console_output": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_general.py", + [ + "test_console_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_console_output_without_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_general.py", + [ + "test_console_output_without_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allocate_hosts": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_hosts.py", + [ + "test_allocate_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_hosts_with_instancefamily": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_hosts.py", + [ + "test_describe_hosts_with_instancefamily" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_hosts": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_hosts.py", + [ + "test_describe_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_hosts_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_hosts.py", + [ + "test_describe_hosts_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_hosts_using_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_hosts.py", + [ + "test_describe_hosts_using_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_hosts": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_hosts.py", + [ + "test_modify_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_release_hosts": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_hosts.py", + [ + "test_release_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_dedicated_hosts": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_hosts.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_dedicated_hosts" + ] + ] + ], + "quick_instance_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "quick_instance_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "quick_instance_profile_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "quick_instance_profile_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_associate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_associate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_invalid_associate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_replace": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_invalid_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_disassociate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_disassociate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_iam_integration.py", + [ + "test_invalid_disassociate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_type_offerings": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_type_offerings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_zone_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_type_offerings.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_type_offering_filter_by_zone_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_gpu_instance_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_gpu_instance_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_unknown_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_unknown_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_vcpus": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_vcpus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_memory": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_memory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_bare_metal": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_bare_metal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_burstable_performance_supported": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_burstable_performance_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_current_generation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_filter_by_current_generation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_small_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_small_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_types_invalid_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instance_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_types_invalid_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_servers": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_add_servers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_launch_and_terminate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_launch_and_terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_terminate_discard_volumes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_terminate_discard_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_terminate_keep_volumes_explicit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_terminate_keep_volumes_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_terminate_keep_volumes_implicit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_terminate_keep_volumes_implicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_terminate_detach_volumes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_terminate_detach_volumes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_detach_volume_wrong_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_detach_volume_wrong_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_empty_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_terminate_empty_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_attach_volume": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_attach_volume" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_paginated_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_paginated_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instances_pagination_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instances_pagination_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_volume_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_with_volume_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_state" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_id", + "_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_reason_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_reason_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_source_dest_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_source_dest_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_dns_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_dns_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_architecture": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_architecture" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_image_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_image_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_private_dns": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_private_dns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_ni_private_dns": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_ni_private_dns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instances_with_unknown_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instances_with_unknown_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_instance_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instances_filtering_by_tag_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_start_and_stop": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_start_and_stop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_reboot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_reboot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_attribute_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_attribute_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_instance_attribute_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_modify_instance_attribute_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_attribute_user_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_attribute_user_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_attribute_source_dest_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_attribute_source_dest_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_data_with_run_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_user_data_with_run_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_security_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_security_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_security_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_security_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_additional_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_additional_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_default_placement": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_default_placement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_invalid_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_invalid_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_availability_zone_not_from_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_availability_zone_not_from_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_specified_private_ipv4": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_specified_private_ipv4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_mapped_public_ipv4": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_mapped_public_ipv4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_nic_autocreated": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_nic_autocreated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_nic_preexisting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_nic_preexisting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_new_nic_and_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_new_nic_and_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_with_nic_attach_detach": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_with_nic_attach_detach" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_classic_has_public_ip_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_ec2_classic_has_public_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_keypair": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_keypair" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instances_with_keypair_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instances_with_keypair_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_invalid_keypair": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_invalid_keypair" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_missing_ebs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_missing_ebs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_using_no_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_using_no_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_missing_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_missing_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_with_block_device_mappings_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_no_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_no_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instance_filter_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instance_filter_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_credit_specifications": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_credit_specifications" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instance_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_with_instance_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_status_with_non_running_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_status_with_non_running_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instance_by_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_instance_by_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_delete_on_termination": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_modify_delete_on_termination" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_with_default_options", + "assert_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_with_default_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_with_default_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_ebs_optimized": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_ebs_optimized" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_multiple_instances_in_same_command": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_multiple_instances_in_same_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warn_on_invalid_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_warn_on_invalid_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_on_invalid_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_error_on_invalid_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_on_invalid_ami_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_error_on_invalid_ami_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_wildcard_in_specified_tag_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_filter_wildcard_in_specified_tag_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_termination_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_termination_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_unknown_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_terminate_unknown_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_with_launch_template_id_produces_no_warning": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_with_launch_template_id_produces_no_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_from_launch_template__process_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_from_launch_template__process_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_and_associate_public_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_and_associate_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_cannot_have_subnet_and_networkinterface_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_cannot_have_subnet_and_networkinterface_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_in_subnet_with_nic_private_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_in_subnet_with_nic_private_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instance_in_subnet_with_nic_private_ip_and_public_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_instance_in_subnet_with_nic_private_ip_and_public_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instances_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instances_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instances_filter_vpcid_via_networkinterface": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instances_filter_vpcid_via_networkinterface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_iam_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_instance_iam_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_reservations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_reservations" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_multiple_instances_with_single_nic_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_run_multiple_instances_with_single_nic_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_without_enhanced_monitoring": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_without_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_with_enhanced_monitoring": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_with_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_create_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_create_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_attach_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_attach_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_attach_bad_vpc_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_attach_bad_vpc_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_attach_twice_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_attach_twice_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_detach_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_detach_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_detach_wrong_vpc_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_detach_wrong_vpc_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_detach_invalid_vpc_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_detach_invalid_vpc_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_detach_unattached_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_detach_unattached_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_delete_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_delete_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_delete_attached_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_delete_attached_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_describe_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_describe_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_describe_bad_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_describe_bad_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_filter_by_vpc_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_filter_by_vpc_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_filter_by_tags_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_filter_by_tags_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_filter_by_internet_gateway_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_filter_by_internet_gateway_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_igw_filter_by_attachment_state_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_igw_filter_by_attachment_state_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_internet_gateway_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "test_create_internet_gateway_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_internet_gateways.py", + [ + "retrieve_all" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "retrieve_all" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "retrieve_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_empty_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_empty_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_invalid_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_invalid_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_create_dryrun_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_create_dryrun_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_create_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_create_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_create_exist_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_create_exist_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_delete_no_exist_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_delete_no_exist_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_delete_exist_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_delete_exist_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_import_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_import_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_import_exist_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_import_exist_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pairs_invalid_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pairs_invalid_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_pair_filters_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_key_pairs.py", + [ + "test_key_pair_filters_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_template__dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_template__dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_by_name_when_absent": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_by_name_when_absent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_template_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_template_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_template_version__dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_template_version__dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_template_version_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_template_version_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_multiple_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_multiple_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_versions_option": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_versions_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_min": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_min" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_min_and_max": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_template_versions_with_min_and_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_templates_with_non_existent_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_templates_with_non_existent_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_templates": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_launch_templates_with_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_describe_launch_templates_with_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_launch_template_with_tag_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_create_launch_template_with_tag_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_launch_template_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_get_launch_template_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_launch_template__dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_delete_launch_template__dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_launch_template__by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_delete_launch_template__by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_launch_template__by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_delete_launch_template__by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_templates": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_templates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_create_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_create_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_template_describe_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_launch_templates.py", + [ + "test_launch_template_describe_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nat_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_nat_gateways" + ] + ] + 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"test_describe_nat_gateway_filter_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_nat_gateway.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_network_acl_created_with_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_default_network_acl_created_with_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_network_create_and_list_acls": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_network_create_and_list_acls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_subnet_associates_with_default_network_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_new_subnet_associates_with_default_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_network_acl_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_network_acl_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_delete_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_replace_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_network_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_delete_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_network_acl_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_network_acl_tagging" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_network_acl_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_subnet_in_new_vpc_associates_with_default_network_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_new_subnet_in_new_vpc_associates_with_default_network_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_network_acl_default_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_default_network_acl_default_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_default_network_acl_default_entry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_delete_default_network_acl_default_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_duplicate_network_acl_entry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_duplicate_network_acl_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_network_acls": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_describe_network_acls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_acl_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_network_acls.py", + [ + "test_create_network_acl_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_describe_managed_prefix_lists_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_managed_prefix_list_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_get_managed_prefix_list_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_managed_prefix_list_entries_0_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_get_managed_prefix_list_entries_0_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_managed_prefix_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_delete_managed_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_prefix_lists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_describe_prefix_lists" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_prefix_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_add_to_empty_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_add_to_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_name_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_name_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_specifying_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_prefix_lists.py", + [ + "test_modify_manage_prefix_list_specifying_version" + ] + ] + ], + "add_servers_to_region_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "add_servers_to_region_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_servers_to_a_single_region_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_add_servers_to_a_single_region_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_servers_to_multiple_regions_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_add_servers_to_multiple_regions_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_autoscaling_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_create_autoscaling_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_regions_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_describe_regions_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_zones_and_get_instance_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_regions.py", + [ + "test_describe_zones_and_get_instance_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_additional": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_additional" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_filters_standard": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_filters_standard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_filters_associations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_filters_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_tables_filters_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_tables_filters_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_table_associations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_table_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_table_replace_route_table_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_table_replace_route_table_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_table_replace_route_table_association_for_main": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_table_replace_route_table_association_for_main" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route_table_get_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_route_table_get_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_additional": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_additional" + ] + ] + ], + "get_target_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_replace", + "get_target_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_replace": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_already_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_already_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_not_supported": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_not_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_vpc_peering_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_vpc_peering_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_routes_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_routes_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_with_invalid_destination_cidr_block_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_route_with_invalid_destination_cidr_block_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_with_network_interface_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_route_with_network_interface_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_route_tables_with_nat_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_describe_route_tables_with_nat_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_end_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_end_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_route_tables_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_route_tables.py", + [ + "test_create_route_tables_with_tags" + ] + 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"setup_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_security_group_without_description_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_security_group_without_description_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_default_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_vpc_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_vpc_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_two_security_groups_with_same_name_in_different_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_two_security_groups_with_same_name_in_different_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_two_security_groups_in_vpc_with_ipv6_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_two_security_groups_in_vpc_with_ipv6_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleting_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_deleting_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_security_group_in_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_security_group_in_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_ip_range_and_revoke": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_ip_range_and_revoke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_other_group_and_revoke": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_other_group_and_revoke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_other_group_egress_and_revoke": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_other_group_egress_and_revoke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_group_in_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_group_in_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_bad_cidr_throws_invalid_parameter_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_bad_cidr_throws_invalid_parameter_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_tag_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_tag_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_all_protocols_with_no_port_specification": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_all_protocols_with_no_port_specification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_security_grp_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_security_grp_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sec_group_rule_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_sec_group_rule_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_same_rule_twice_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_same_rule_twice_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_description_in_ip_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_description_in_ip_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_wildcard_tag_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_wildcard_tag_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_filter_ip_permission": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_filter_ip_permission" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_sgs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_sgs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_and_revoke_in_bulk": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_authorize_and_revoke_in_bulk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_without_multirule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_without_multirule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_without_multirule_after_reload": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_without_multirule_after_reload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_security_groups_filter_with_same_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_all_security_groups_filter_with_same_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_security_group_egress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_revoke_security_group_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_security_group_egress__without_ipprotocol": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_revoke_security_group_egress__without_ipprotocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existent_security_group_raises_error_on_authorize": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_non_existent_security_group_raises_error_on_authorize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_rules_added_via_the_backend_can_be_revoked_via_the_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_security_group_rules_added_via_the_backend_can_be_revoked_via_the_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_ip_permission__cidr": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_ip_permission__cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__cidr": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__from_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__from_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name_create_with_id_filter_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name_create_with_id_filter_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name_create_with_id_filter_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__group_name_create_with_id_filter_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__protocol": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__to_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_egress__ip_permission__to_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_groups_by_ippermissions_group_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_groups_by_ippermissions_group_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_groups_by_ippermissions_group_id_filter_across_vpcs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_groups_by_ippermissions_group_id_filter_across_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_filter_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_revoke_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_ingress_without_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_security_group_ingress_without_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_security_groups_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_stack_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ec2_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_get_unknown_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ec2_get_unknown_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_get_unknown_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ec2_get_unknown_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_disable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_enable_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_ebs_encryption_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_get_ebs_encryption_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_ebs_encryption_by_default_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_settings.py", + [ + "test_enable_ebs_encryption_by_default_region" + ] + ] + ], + "spot_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "spot_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_spot_fleet_with_invalid_tag_specifications": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_with_invalid_tag_specifications" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__overrides": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_fleet_using_launch_template_config__overrides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_spot_fleet_request_with_tag_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_request_with_tag_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_spot_fleet_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_cancel_spot_fleet_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_spot_fleet_request__but_dont_terminate_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_cancel_spot_fleet_request__but_dont_terminate_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_up_diversified": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_up_diversified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_no_terminate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_no_terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_odd": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_odd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_no_terminate_after_custom_terminate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_modify_spot_fleet_request_down_no_terminate_after_custom_terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_spot_fleet_without_spot_price": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "test_create_spot_fleet_without_spot_price" + ] + ] + ], + "get_active_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_fleet.py", + [ + "get_active_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances_default_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances_default_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_spot_instance_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_cancel_spot_instance_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances_fulfilled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances_fulfilled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_spot_instance_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_tag_spot_instance_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_spot_instance_requests_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_get_all_spot_instance_requests_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_spot_instance_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_launch_spot_instance_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_launch_instance_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_launch_instance_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spot_price_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_spot_price_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_spot_instances__instance_should_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_spot_instances.py", + [ + "test_request_spot_instances__instance_should_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnets" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_create_vpc_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnet_create_vpc_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnet_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_should_have_proper_availability_zone_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnet_should_have_proper_availability_zone_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_availability_zone_in_create_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_availability_zone_in_create_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_default_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_default_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_non_default_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_public_ip_on_launch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_public_ip_on_launch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_assign_ipv6_address_on_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_modify_subnet_attribute_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subnet_get_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_subnet_get_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subnets_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_get_subnets_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_response_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_response_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subnet_response_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_describe_subnet_response_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_range_multiple_vpc_cidr_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_range_multiple_vpc_cidr_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_block_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_invalid_cidr_block_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnets_with_multiple_vpc_cidr_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnets_with_multiple_vpc_cidr_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnets_with_overlapping_cidr_blocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnets_with_overlapping_cidr_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnet_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_create_subnet_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_available_ip_addresses_in_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_available_ip_addresses_in_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_available_ip_addresses_in_subnet_with_enis": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_available_ip_addresses_in_subnet_with_enis" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_subnet_details": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "validate_subnet_details" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_subnet_details_after_creating_eni": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "validate_subnet_details_after_creating_eni" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_instances_should_attach_to_default_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_run_instances_should_attach_to_default_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subnets_by_vpc_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_describe_subnets_by_vpc_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subnets_by_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_describe_subnets_by_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_associate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_subnet_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_subnet_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subnets_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_subnets.py", + [ + "test_describe_subnets_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_create_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_instance_create_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_delete_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_instance_delete_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_tags_with_special_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_with_special_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_limit_exceeded": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_limit_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_tags_resource_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_resource_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "create_instance_with_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_value_filter", + "create_instance_with_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_by_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_value_filter", + "filter_by_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_tags_value_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_get_all_tags_value_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieved_instances_must_contain_their_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_retrieved_instances_must_contain_their_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieved_volumes_must_contain_their_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_retrieved_volumes_must_contain_their_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieved_snapshots_must_contain_their_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_retrieved_snapshots_must_contain_their_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_instances_by_wildcard_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_filter_instances_by_wildcard_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshot_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshot_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_volume_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_volume_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_tag_empty_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_tag_empty_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tag_empty_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_delete_tag_empty_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retrieve_resource_with_multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "test_retrieve_resource_with_multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_tagged": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_tags.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_tagged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_transit_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_modify_transit_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_transit_gateways": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_transit_gateways" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_vpn_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_attachments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_attachments" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_attachments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_route_tables": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_route_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_table_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_table_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_as_blackhole": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_route_as_blackhole" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_by_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_by_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_by_routesearch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_search_transit_gateway_routes_by_routesearch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_transit_gateway_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_transit_gateway_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_add_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_add_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_remove_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_remove_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_change_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_change_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_associate_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation_without_enabling_first": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation_without_enabling_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway.py", + [ + "test_disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transit_gateway_by_cloudformation_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_transit_gateway_by_cloudformation_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transit_gateway_by_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_transit_gateway_by_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_by_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_by_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_create_and_accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_create_and_reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "create_peering_attachment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_transit_gateway_peering_attachments.py", + [ + "create_peering_attachment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random_key_pair": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_random_key_pair" + ] + ] + ], + "mocked_random_resource_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_random_ipv6_cidr", + "mocked_random_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_random_ipv6_cidr": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_random_ipv6_cidr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gen_moto_amis": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_gen_moto_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_unknown_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_attach_unknown_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_unknown_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_detach_unknown_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_attachment_vpc_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_attachment_vpc_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_state_filter_attached": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_state_filter_attached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_private_gateways_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_virtual_private_gateways_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_gateway_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_gateway_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_state_filter_deatched": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_state_filter_deatched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_id_filter_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_id_filter_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_id_filter_miss": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_id_filter_miss" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_type_filter_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_type_filter_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_type_filter_miss": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_type_filter_miss" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpn_gateway_vpc_attachment_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_vpn_gateway_vpc_attachment_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpn_gateway_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpn_gateway_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpn_gateway_tagging_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_vpn_gateway_tagging_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_vpn_gateway_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_virtual_private_gateways.py", + [ + "test_detach_vpn_gateway_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_services_bad_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_services_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "fake_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_s3_service_endpoint_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "validate_s3_service_endpoint_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_s3_service_endpoint_interface": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "validate_s3_service_endpoint_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_services_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_services_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_default_endpoint_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_endpoint_services_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_default_endpoint_services" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vpx_pcx": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "create_vpx_pcx" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_get_all_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_get_all_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_accept_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_accept_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_reject_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_reject_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_delete_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_delete_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_accepter_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_accepter_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_requester_only": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_requester_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_unknown_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_peering_connections_unknown_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_peering_connections_only_returns_requested_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_peering_connections_only_returns_requested_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_accept": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_accept" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_reject": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_reject" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_accept_wrong_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_accept_wrong_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_reject_wrong_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_peering.py", + [ + "test_vpc_peering_connections_cross_region_reject_wrong_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_without_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_without_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_network_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_network_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_gateway_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_gateway_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_and_add_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_and_add_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_already_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations_already_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_new_loadbalancers": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpc_service_configuration_integration.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration_with_new_loadbalancers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_a_vpc_in_empty_region_does_not_make_this_vpc_the_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_creating_a_vpc_in_empty_region_does_not_make_this_vpc_the_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_default_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_default_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_default_vpcs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_default_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_isdefault_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_isdefault_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_vpcs_default_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_multiple_vpcs_default_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_state_available_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_state_available_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_vpcs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_dhcp_options_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_dhcp_options_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_key_superset": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_key_superset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_key_subset": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_key_subset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_value_superset": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_value_superset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_value_subset": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_get_by_tag_value_subset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_default_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_default_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_non_default_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_dedicated_tenancy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_dedicated_tenancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_modify_tenancy_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_modify_tenancy_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_modify_enable_dns_support": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_modify_enable_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_modify_enable_dns_hostnames": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_modify_enable_dns_hostnames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_modify_enable_network_address_usage_metrics": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_modify_enable_network_address_usage_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_associate_dhcp_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_associate_dhcp_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_associate_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cidr_block_association_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_cidr_block_association_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_associate_ipv6_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_associate_ipv6_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vpc_disassociate_ipv6_cidr_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_vpc_disassociate_ipv6_cidr_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ipv6_cidr_block_association_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_ipv6_cidr_block_association_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_with_invalid_cidr_block_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_with_invalid_cidr_block_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_with_invalid_cidr_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_with_invalid_cidr_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link_failure": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_vpc_classic_link": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_disable_vpc_classic_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_classic_link_dns_support_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpc_endpoint__policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_create_vpc_endpoint__policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_gateway_end_points": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_gateway_end_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpc_interface_end_points": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpc_interface_end_points" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_modify_vpc_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpc_end_points": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpc_end_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpcs_dryrun": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpcs_dryrun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpn_connections_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_create_vpn_connections_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpn_connections_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpn_connections_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_vpn_connections_bad_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_delete_vpn_connections_bad_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vpn_connection_with_vpn_gateway": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_create_vpn_connection_with_vpn_gateway" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_vpn_connections_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "test_describe_vpn_connections_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "retrieve_all_vpncs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_vpn_connections.py", + [ + "retrieve_all_vpncs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_password_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2/test_windows.py", + [ + "test_get_password_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_ec2instanceconnect/test_ec2instanceconnect_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_with_non_default_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_with_non_default_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_with_aws_managed_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_with_aws_managed_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_error_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_error_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_repository_error_name_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_repository_error_name_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories_3": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repositories_with_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repositories_with_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_with_force": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_with_force" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_without_mediatype": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_without_mediatype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_with_imagemanifestmediatype": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_with_imagemanifestmediatype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_manifest_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_manifest_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_with_push_date": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_with_push_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_with_multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_with_multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_multiple_images_with_same_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_multiple_images_with_same_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_same_image_with_same_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_same_image_with_same_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_tags__ensure_tags_exist_only_on_one_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_multiple_tags__ensure_tags_exist_only_on_one_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_images": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_images" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_images_from_repository_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_images_from_repository_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_tags_should_not_contain_empty_tag1": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_tags_should_not_contain_empty_tag1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_tags_should_not_contain_empty_tag2": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_tags_should_not_contain_empty_tag2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_repository_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_repository_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_error_not_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_error_not_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_images_by_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_images_by_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_authorization_token_assume_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_authorization_token_assume_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_authorization_token_explicit_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_authorization_token_explicit_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_image": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_image_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_image_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_image_with_multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_image_with_multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_by_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_by_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_delete_last_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_delete_last_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_nonexistent_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_nonexistent_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_by_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_by_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_invalid_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_invalid_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_missing_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_missing_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_matching_digest_and_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_matching_digest_and_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_image_with_mismatched_digest_and_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_image_with_mismatched_digest_and_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_batch_image_with_multiple_images": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_batch_image_with_multiple_images" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_tag_mutability": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_tag_mutability" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_tag_mutability_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_tag_mutability_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_tag_mutability_error_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_tag_mutability_error_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_scanning_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_scanning_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_image_scanning_configuration_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_image_scanning_configuration_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_repository_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_repository_policy_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_repository_policy_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_repository_policy_error_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_repository_policy_error_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_repository_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_repository_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_repository_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_repository_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_repository_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_lifecycle_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_registry_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_registry_policy_error_invalid_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_registry_policy_error_invalid_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registry_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registry_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_registry_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_registry_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_registry_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_registry_policy_error_policy_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_registry_policy_error_policy_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan_error_image_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan_error_image_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan_error_image_tag_digest_mismatch": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan_error_image_tag_digest_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_image_scan_error_daily_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_image_scan_error_daily_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_scan_findings": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_scan_findings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_repo_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_repo_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_image_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_image_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_scan_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_image_scan_findings_error_scan_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_replication_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_replication_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_replication_configuration_error_feature_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_replication_configuration_error_feature_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_replication_configuration_error_same_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_replication_configuration_error_same_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_registry": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_registry_after_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_registry_after_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_repository": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_repository" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_random_sha": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_helpers.py", + [ + "_generate_random_sha" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_image_layers": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_helpers.py", + [ + "_create_image_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_image_digest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_helpers.py", + [ + "_create_image_digest" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_image_manifest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_helpers.py", + [ + "_create_image_manifest" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_manifest_list_distribution": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_helpers.py", + [ + "_create_manifest_list_distribution" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_image_manifest_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_helpers.py", + [ + "_create_image_manifest_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_parse": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_extract_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_extract_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_rule_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_rule_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_rule_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_rule_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_action_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_action_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_error_selection_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecr/test_ecr_policy_validation.py", + [ + "test_validate_error_selection_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_account_settings_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_list_account_settings_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_account_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_put_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_account_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_list_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_account_settings_wrong_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_list_account_settings_wrong_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_account_setting_changes_service_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_put_account_setting_changes_service_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_account_setting_changes_containerinstance_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_put_account_setting_changes_containerinstance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_default_cluster_new_arn_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_account_settings.py", + [ + "test_run_task_default_cluster_new_arn_format" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_default_cluster_new_arn_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_capacity_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_capacity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_capacity_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_capacity_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_missing": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_task_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_task_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_task_definitions_with_family_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_task_definitions_with_family_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_task_definition_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_task_definition_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_task_definition_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_task_definition_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_service" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_create_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_running_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_running_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_running_service_bad_env_var": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_running_service_bad_env_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_running_service_negative_env_var": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_running_service_negative_env_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_service_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_scheduling_strategy": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_service_scheduling_strategy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_services" + ] + ] + 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"test_update_missing_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_missing_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_service" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_delete_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service__using_arns": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_service__using_arns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service_force": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_service_force" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_service_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_service_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_container_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_container_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_container_instance_new_arn_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_container_instance_new_arn_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_container_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_container_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_container_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_container_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_instances_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_instances_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_container_instances_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_container_instances_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_container_instances_state_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_container_instances_state_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_awsvpc_network": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_awsvpc_network" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_awsvpc_network_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_awsvpc_network_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_default_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_default_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_task_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_task_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_task_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_task_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_start_task_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tasks_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tasks_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tasks_empty_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_tasks_empty_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tasks_include_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_tasks_include_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tasks_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_tasks_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_task_definition_by_family": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_task_definition_by_family" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stop_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_task_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_stop_task_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resource_reservation_and_release": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_resource_reservation_and_release" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resource_reservation_and_release_memory_reservation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_resource_reservation_and_release_memory_reservation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_task_definitions_unable_to_be_placed": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_task_definitions_unable_to_be_placed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_task_definitions_with_port_clash": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_task_definitions_with_port_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_poll_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_task_definition_families": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_task_definition_families" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_container_instance_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_default_container_instance_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_instances_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_instances_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_fetch_container_instance_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "_fetch_container_instance_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_load_balancing": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_service_load_balancing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_ecs_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_ecs_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_service_tag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_service_tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_service_tag_resource_overwrites_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_service_tag_resource_overwrites_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_service_untag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_service_untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_service_untag_resource_multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_service_untag_resource_multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ecs_task_definition_placement_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_ecs_task_definition_placement_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tasks_with_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tasks_with_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_ecs": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "setup_ecs" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_ecs_cluster_with_ec2_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_boto3.py", + [ + "setup_ecs_cluster_with_ec2_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_create_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_capacity_provider_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_create_capacity_provider_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_capacity_provider__using_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_describe_capacity_provider__using_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_capacity_provider__using_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_describe_capacity_provider__using_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_capacity_provider__missing": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_describe_capacity_provider__missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_delete_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_capacity_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_capacity_provider.py", + [ + "test_update_capacity_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_task_definition_family_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_a_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_task_definition_family_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_a_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_through_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_service_through_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_through_cloudformation_without_desiredcount": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_service_through_cloudformation_without_desiredcount" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_service_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_through_cloudformation_without_desiredcount": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_service_through_cloudformation_without_desiredcount" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_through_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_through_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_through_cloudformation_no_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_through_cloudformation_no_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_cluster_name_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_a_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_cluster_name_through_cloudformation_should_trigger_a_replacement" + ] + ] + 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"test_delete_task_set__using_partial_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_tasksets.py", + [ + "test_delete_task_set__using_partial_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_primary_task_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_tasksets.py", + [ + "test_update_service_primary_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_task_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_tasksets.py", + [ + "test_update_task_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_task_sets_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_tasksets.py", + [ + "test_create_task_sets_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "create_task_def": [ + [ + "tests/test_ecs/test_ecs_tasksets.py", + [ + "create_task_def" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/__init__.py", + [ + "fixture_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_efs": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/__init__.py", + [ + "fixture_efs" + ] + ] + ], + "has_status_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/junk_drawer.py", + [ + "has_status_code" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_file_system": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_point_tagging.py", + [ + "fixture_file_system" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "fixture_file_system" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "fixture_file_system" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "fixture_file_system" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource__without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_point_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource__without_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_filesystem_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource__without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource__with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_point_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource__with_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_filesystem_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource__with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_access_points__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "test_describe_access_points__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_access_point__simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "test_create_access_point__simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_access_point__full": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "test_create_access_point__full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_access_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "test_describe_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_access_points__multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "test_describe_access_points__multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_access_points": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_access_points.py", + [ + "test_delete_access_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_correct_use": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_correct_use" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_aws_sample_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_aws_sample_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_aws_sample_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_aws_sample_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_az_name_given_backup_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_az_name_given_backup_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_no_creation_token_given": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_no_creation_token_given" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_file_system_file_system_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_create_file_system_file_system_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_using_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_using_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_using_unknown_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_using_unknown_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_minimal_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_minimal_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_aws_create_sample_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_aws_create_sample_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_marker": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_creation_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_creation_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_systems_invalid_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_file_system_creation_token_and_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_describe_file_system_creation_token_and_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_file_system_minimal_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_delete_file_system_minimal_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_file_system_invalid_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_file_system.py", + [ + "test_delete_file_system_invalid_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_filesystem_config__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_lifecycle_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_filesystem_config__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_filesystem_config__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_lifecycle_config.py", + [ + "test_describe_filesystem_config__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_lifecycle_config.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "fixture_subnet" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "fixture_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_minimal_correct_use": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_minimal_correct_use" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_aws_sample_2": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_aws_sample_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_sg_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_invalid_sg_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_second_mount_target_wrong_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_second_mount_target_wrong_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_duplicate_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_duplicate_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_subnets_in_same_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_subnets_in_same_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_ip_address_out_of_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_ip_address_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mount_target_too_many_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_create_mount_target_too_many_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_file_system_mount_targets_attached": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_delete_file_system_mount_targets_attached" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_minimal_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_minimal_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets__by_access_point_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets__by_access_point_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_invalid_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_invalid_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_invalid_mount_target_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_invalid_mount_target_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_targets_no_id_given": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_targets_no_id_given" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_mount_target_minimal_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_delete_mount_target_minimal_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_mount_target_invalid_mount_target_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target.py", + [ + "test_delete_mount_target_invalid_mount_target_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_target_security_groups__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_target_security_groups__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_mount_target_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_mount_target_security_groups__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_modify_mount_target_security_groups__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_mount_target_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_mount_target_security_groups.py", + [ + "test_modify_mount_target_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_efs_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_efs_client" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_subnet_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_subnet_id" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_file_system_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_file_system_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_file_system_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_file_system_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_file_system_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_file_system_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_file_system_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_file_system_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_mount_target_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_mount_target_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_mount_target_describe": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_mount_target_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_mount_target_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_mount_target_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_efs_describe_backup_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_efs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_efs_describe_backup_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_execute": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_ClusterBuilder", + "_execute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_FargateProfileBuilder", + "_execute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_NodegroupBuilder", + "_execute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixtue_create_cluster", + "_execute" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_create_nodegroup", + "_execute" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_ClusterBuilder": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_ClusterBuilder" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_FargateProfileBuilder": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_FargateProfileBuilder" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_NodegroupBuilder": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "fixture_NodegroupBuilder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_empty_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_empty_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_returns_empty_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_returns_empty_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_returns_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_returns_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_returns_all_after_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_returns_all_after_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_sorted_cluster_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_sorted_cluster_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_default_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_default_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_custom_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_custom_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_clusters_returns_custom_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_clusters_returns_custom_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_created_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_created_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_cluster_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_oidc_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_generates_valid_oidc_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_saves_provided_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_saves_provided_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_returns_deleted_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_returns_deleted_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_removes_deleted_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_removes_deleted_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_empty_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_empty_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_sorted_nodegroup_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_sorted_nodegroup_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_default_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_default_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_custom_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_custom_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodegroups_returns_second_page_results": [ + [ + 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"test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_created_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_created_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_modified_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_nodegroup_modified_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_autoscaling_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_autoscaling_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_security_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_generates_valid_security_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_saves_provided_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_saves_provided_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_throws_exception_when_nodegroups_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_throws_exception_when_nodegroups_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nodegroup_removes_deleted_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_nodegroup_removes_deleted_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nodegroup_returns_deleted_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_nodegroup_returns_deleted_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_nodegroup_throws_exception_when_nodegroup_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_nodegroup_handles_launch_template_combinations": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_nodegroup_handles_launch_template_combinations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_empty_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_empty_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_sorted_fargate_profile_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_sorted_fargate_profile_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_default_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_default_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_custom_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_custom_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_custom_second_page_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_list_fargate_profile_returns_custom_second_page_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_fargate_profile_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_fargate_profile_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_active": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_active" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_generates_valid_profile_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_generates_valid_profile_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_generates_valid_created_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_generates_valid_created_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_profile_saves_provided_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_profile_saves_provided_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_profile_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_describe_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_profile_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fargate_profile_removes_deleted_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_fargate_profile_removes_deleted_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fargate_profile_returns_deleted_fargate_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_fargate_profile_returns_deleted_fargate_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_fargate_profile_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_delete_fargate_profile_throws_exception_when_fargate_profile_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_throws_exception_when_no_selectors_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_throws_exception_when_no_selectors_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fargate_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "test_create_fargate_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "all_arn_values_should_be_valid": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "all_arn_values_should_be_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_expected_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "assert_expected_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "assert_expected_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_result_matches_expected_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "assert_result_matches_expected_list" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_valid_selectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks.py", + [ + "assert_valid_selectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passing_an_unknown_launchtemplate_is_supported": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_ec2.py", + [ + "test_passing_an_unknown_launchtemplate_is_supported" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passing_a_known_launchtemplate_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_ec2.py", + [ + "test_passing_a_known_launchtemplate_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passing_a_known_launchtemplate_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_ec2.py", + [ + "test_passing_a_known_launchtemplate_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "attributes_to_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "attributes_to_test" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "generate_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_fargate_profiles": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "generate_fargate_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_nodegroups": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "generate_nodegroups" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "generate_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_uri": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "region_matches_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "region_matches_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "_input_builder": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "_input_builder" + ] + ] + ], + "random_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_eks_utils.py", + [ + "random_names" + ] + ] + ], + "create_and_verify_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixtue_create_cluster", + "create_and_verify_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "fixtue_create_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixtue_create_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "create_and_verify_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_create_nodegroup", + "create_and_verify_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_create_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_create_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_single_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_single_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_multiple_clusters_with_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_multiple_clusters_with_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_nodegroup_without_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_nodegroup_without_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_nodegroup_on_existing_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_nodegroup_on_existing_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_create_multiple_nodegroups_with_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_create_multiple_nodegroups_with_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_list_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_list_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_list_nodegroups": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_list_nodegroups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_existing_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_existing_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_nonexisting_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_nonexisting_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_existing_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_existing_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_nonexisting_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_nonexisting_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_describe_nodegroup_nonexisting_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_describe_nodegroup_nonexisting_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_nonexisting_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_nonexisting_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_cluster_with_nodegroups": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_cluster_with_nodegroups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_nonexisting_nodegroup": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_nonexisting_nodegroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eks_delete_nodegroup_nonexisting_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "test_eks_delete_nodegroup_nonexisting_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "should_return_expected_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_eks/test_server.py", + [ + "should_return_expected_exception" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "should_return_expected_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_no_password_required": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_no_password_required" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_with_password_too_short": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_with_password_too_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_with_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_with_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_without_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_without_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_create_user_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_delete_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_users_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_describe_users_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_describe_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_users_unknown_userid": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_elasticache.py", + [ + "test_describe_users_unknown_userid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elasticache_describe_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticache/test_server.py", + [ + "test_elasticache_describe_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_application_dup": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_create_application_dup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_applications": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_describe_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_create_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_environments": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_describe_environments" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_dict_to_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "tags_dict_to_list" + ] + ] + ], + "tags_list_to_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "tags_list_to_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_environment_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_create_environment_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_update_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_available_solution_stacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_elasticbeanstalk/test_eb.py", + [ + "test_list_available_solution_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_simple_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_simple_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_with_content_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_with_content_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_with_outputbucket_and_content_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_with_outputbucket_and_content_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_without_thumbnail_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_without_thumbnail_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_without_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_without_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_with_invalid_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_with_invalid_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_without_output": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_without_output" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_read_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_unknown_pipeline_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_read_unknown_pipeline_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_nonexisting_pipeline_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_read_nonexisting_pipeline_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_input_and_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_input_and_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nonexisting_pipeline": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "test_update_nonexisting_pipeline" + ] + ] + ], + "create_role_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_elastictranscoder.py", + [ + "create_role_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elastictranscoder_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_elastictranscoder/test_server.py", + [ + "test_elastictranscoder_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_elb": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_elb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elb_in_multiple_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_elb_in_multiple_region" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_elb_in_multiple_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_with_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_with_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_with_invalid_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_with_invalid_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_with_no_listeners_defined": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_with_no_listeners_defined" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_without_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_without_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_paginated_balancers": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_describe_paginated_balancers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_paginated_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_listener_different_protocols": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_listener_different_protocols" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_listener_same_details": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_listener_same_details" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_listener_with_ssl_certificate_from_acm": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_listener_with_ssl_certificate_from_acm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_listener_with_ssl_certificate_from_iam": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_listener_with_ssl_certificate_from_iam" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_listener_with_invalid_ssl_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_listener_with_invalid_ssl_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_sslcertificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_set_sslcertificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_load_balancers_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_get_load_balancers_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_load_balancer": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_delete_load_balancer" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_load_balancer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_health_check" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_create_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_register_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_deregister_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_default_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cross_zone_load_balancing_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_cross_zone_load_balancing_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_draining_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_connection_draining_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_access_log_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_access_log_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_settings_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_connection_settings_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_health": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_health" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_health__with_instance_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_health__with_instance_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instance_health_of_unknown_lb": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_describe_instance_health_of_unknown_lb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_add_remove_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_add_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_modify_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_load_balancer_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb.py", + [ + "test_create_load_balancer_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_and_disable_availability_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_availabilityzones.py", + [ + "test_enable_and_disable_availability_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_attached_ec2_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_attached_ec2_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_stack_elb_integration_with_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy_no_expiry": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy_no_expiry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lb_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_lb_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_policies_of_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_policies_of_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_policies_of_backend_server": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_set_policies_of_backend_server" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_load_balancer_policies__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_describe_load_balancer_policies__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_load_balancer_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_describe_load_balancer_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_load_balancer_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_load_balancer_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_load_balancer_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_policies.py", + [ + "test_delete_load_balancer_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elb_attach_load_balancer_to_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_subnets.py", + [ + "test_elb_attach_load_balancer_to_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elb_detach_load_balancer_to_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_elb_subnets.py", + [ + "test_elb_detach_load_balancer_to_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elb_describe_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_elb/test_server.py", + [ + "test_elb_describe_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elb_using_subnetmapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_elb_using_subnetmapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_listeners": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listeners_without_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_listeners_without_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_forward_config_as_second_arg": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_forward_config_as_second_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "get_target_by_instance_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_register_targets", + "get_target_by_instance_id" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_target_not_registered": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_register_targets", + "assert_target_not_registered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_register_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stopped_instance_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_stopped_instance_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminated_instance_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_terminated_instance_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_priority_in_use": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_priority_in_use" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_rule_conditions": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_rule_conditions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_handle_listener_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_handle_listener_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_account_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_account_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ssl_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_ssl_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_ip_address_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_set_ip_address_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_set_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_idle_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_idle_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_routing_http2_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_routing_http2_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_crosszone_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_crosszone_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_routing_http_drop_invalid_header_fields_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_load_balancer_attributes_routing_http_drop_invalid_header_fields_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_listener_http_to_https": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_listener_http_to_https" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_listener_of_https_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_modify_listener_of_https_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_unknown_listener_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_add_unknown_listener_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_listener_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_listener_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_listener_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_add_listener_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_config_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_forward_config_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forward_config_action__with_stickiness": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_forward_config_action__with_stickiness" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_action_listener_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_redirect_action_listener_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cognito_action_listener_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_cognito_action_listener_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_oidc_action_listener__simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_oidc_action_listener__simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_oidc_action_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_oidc_action_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_validates_status_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_validates_status_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_validates_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_validates_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_with_alpn_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_with_alpn_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redirect_action_listener_rule_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_redirect_action_listener_rule_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cognito_action_listener_rule_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_cognito_action_listener_rule_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_groups_through_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_target_groups_through_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_fixed_response_action_listener_rule_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_listener_using_iam_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_integration.py", + [ + "test_modify_listener_using_iam_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_rule_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rule_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_rule_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_listener_rule_add_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rule_tags.py", + [ + "test_listener_rule_add_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "setup_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "setup_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_rule_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_modify_rule_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_validate_condition": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_validate_condition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_action_forward_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_action_forward_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_action_forward_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_rules.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_action_forward_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_listener_add_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_listener_tags.py", + [ + "test_listener_add_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_subnets_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_set_subnets.py", + [ + "test_set_subnets_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_subnets__mapping": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_set_subnets.py", + [ + "test_set_subnets__mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_with_invalid_healthcheck_protocol": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_with_invalid_healthcheck_protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_and_listeners": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_and_listeners" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_without_non_required_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_without_non_required_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid_target_group_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_invalid_target_group_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid_target_group_invalid_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_invalid_target_group_invalid_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid_target_group_alphanumeric_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_invalid_target_group_alphanumeric_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_valid_target_group_valid_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_valid_target_group_valid_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_target_group_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_target_group_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_invalid_protocol": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_invalid_protocol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_invalid_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_invalid_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_target_groups_no_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_target_groups_no_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_modify_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_target_group_with_target_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_target_group_with_target_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_target_group_after_modifying_listener": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_target_group_after_modifying_listener" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_with_multiple_target_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_with_multiple_target_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_listener_with_invalid_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_listener_with_invalid_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_target_group_while_listener_still_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_elbv2_target_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_target_group_while_listener_still_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_elbv2_describe_load_balancers": [ + [ + "tests/test_elbv2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_elbv2_describe_load_balancers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_flows": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_invalid_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_invalid_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_in_multiple_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_in_multiple_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_new_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_new_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_visible_to_all_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_visible_to_all_users" + ] + ] + ], + "_do_assertion_ebs_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "_do_assertion_ebs_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_instance_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_instance_groups_with_autoscaling": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_instance_groups_with_autoscaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_remove_auto_scaling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_remove_auto_scaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "_patch_cluster_id_placeholder_in_autoscaling_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "_patch_cluster_id_placeholder_in_autoscaling_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_custom_ami": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_custom_ami" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_step_concurrency": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_step_concurrency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_modify_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_termination_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_termination_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_protected_job_flow_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_terminate_protected_job_flow_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_visible_to_all_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_visible_to_all_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_job_flows": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_terminate_job_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bootstrap_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_bootstrap_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instance_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_instance_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_steps": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_security_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_invalid_number_of_master_nodes_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_invalid_number_of_master_nodes_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_job_flow_with_multiple_master_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_job_flow_with_multiple_master_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "test_default_emr_security_groups_get_created_on_first_job_flow", + "_get_default_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_emr_security_groups_get_created_on_first_job_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "test_default_emr_security_groups_get_created_on_first_job_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_default_client_supplied_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_create_default_client_supplied_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_describe_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_describe_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_default_emr_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "_default_emr_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emr_security_groups_get_created_if_non_existent": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_emr_security_groups_get_created_if_non_existent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emr_security_groups_do_not_get_created_if_already_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_emr_security_groups_do_not_get_created_if_already_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emr_security_groups_do_not_get_created_if_client_supplied": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_emr_security_groups_do_not_get_created_if_client_supplied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_supplied_invalid_security_group_identifier_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_client_supplied_invalid_security_group_identifier_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_supplied_security_groups_have_rules_added": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_emr_integration.py", + [ + "TestEmrSecurityGroupManager", + "test_client_supplied_security_groups_have_rules_added" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_jobflows": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_jobflows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_release_labels_raise_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_invalid_release_labels_raise_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_release_label_comparisons": [ + [ + "tests/test_emr/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_release_label_comparisons" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "fixture_client" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_virtual_cluster_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "fixture_virtual_cluster_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_job_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "fixture_job_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCreateVirtualCluster", + "test_create_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_virtual_cluster_on_same_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCreateVirtualCluster", + "test_create_virtual_cluster_on_same_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListVirtualClusters", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestDeleteApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStartApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStopApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "_setup_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_existing_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster", + "test_existing_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster", + "test_existing_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existing_virtual_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDeleteVirtualCluster", + "test_non_existing_virtual_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeVirtualCluster", + "test_non_existing_virtual_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListVirtualClusters", + "test_base" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns", + "test_base" + ] + ] + ], + "test_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListVirtualClusters", + "test_next_token" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns", + "test_next_token" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication", + "test_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "test_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_execution_role_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "test_invalid_execution_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_virtual_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "test_invalid_virtual_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestListJobRuns", + "test_invalid_virtual_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_release_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestStartJobRun", + "test_invalid_release_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_id_valid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_valid_id_valid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_valid_id_valid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_id_invalid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_invalid_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_invalid_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_id_valid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_invalid_id_valid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_invalid_id_valid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_id_invalid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_valid_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_valid_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_existing_id_invalid_cluster_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_non_existing_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestDescribeJobRun", + "test_non_existing_id_invalid_cluster_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_job_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_emrcontainers.py", + [ + "TestCancelJobRun", + "test_wrong_job_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_virtual_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrcontainers/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_virtual_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "does_not_raise": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "does_not_raise" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_application_factory": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "fixture_application_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_application_incorrect_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestCreateApplication", + "test_create_application_incorrect_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_application_incorrect_release_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestCreateApplication", + "test_create_application_incorrect_release_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_application_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestDeleteApplication", + "test_valid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStartApplication", + "test_valid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStopApplication", + "test_valid_application_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_application_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestDeleteApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStartApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestStopApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "test_invalid_application_id" + ] + ] + ], + "get_expected_resp": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication", + "get_expected_resp" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "get_expected_resp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestGetApplication", + "test_filtering" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication", + "test_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_response_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestListApplication", + "test_response_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_application_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "test_application_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_emrserverless.py", + [ + "TestUpdateApplication", + "test_valid_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_emrserverless_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_emrserverless/test_server.py", + [ + "test_emrserverless_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elasticsearch_domain_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_create_elasticsearch_domain_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_create_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_delete_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_delete_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_missing_delete_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_describe_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_elasticsearch_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_describe_elasticsearch_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_domain_names_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_list_domain_names_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_domain_names_with_multiple_domains": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_es.py", + [ + "test_list_domain_names_with_multiple_domains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_es_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_es/test_server.py", + [ + "test_es_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_allowed_values_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_allowed_values_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_nested_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_nested_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_exists_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_exists_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_prefix_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_prefix_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_single_numeric_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_single_numeric_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_with_multi_numeric_event_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_with_multi_numeric_event_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_event_pattern_dump": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_event_pattern.py", + [ + "test_event_pattern_dump" + ] + ] + ], + "get_random_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "get_random_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_environment": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "generate_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rule__where_event_bus_name_is_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_rule__where_event_bus_name_is_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_rule_error_schedule_expression_custom_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_rule_error_schedule_expression_custom_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rules_with_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rules_with_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rules_with_prefix_and_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rules_with_prefix_and_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_rule_with_event_bus_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_rule_with_event_bus_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_disable_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_enable_disable_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_disable_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_names_by_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_names_by_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_names_by_target_using_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_names_by_target_using_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_rule_with_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule_with_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_by_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_by_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_by_rule_for_different_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_by_rule_for_different_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_remove_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_rule_with_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_rule_with_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_targets_error_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_remove_targets_error_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_targets_error_invalid_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_targets_error_invalid_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_targets_error_unknown_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_targets_error_unknown_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_targets_error_missing_parameter_sqs_fifo": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_targets_error_missing_parameter_sqs_fifo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_permissions" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_permission_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_permission_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_permission_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_permission_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_permission_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_remove_permission_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_remove_permission_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_remove_permission_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_too_many_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_too_many_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_detail_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_detail_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_detail": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_missing_argument_detail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_error_invalid_json_detail": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_error_invalid_json_detail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_with_mixed_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_put_events_with_mixed_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_bus_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_event_bus_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_event_bus_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_event_bus_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_event_buses": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_event_buses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_bus_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_bus_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_rule_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_rule_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rule_tagging_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_rule_tagging_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_error_unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_error_unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_error_unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_error_unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_unknown_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error_unknown_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_custom_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_custom_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_error_long_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_error_long_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern_not_an_array": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern_not_an_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_error_unknown_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_error_unknown_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_archive_error_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_archive_error_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_archive_error_unknown_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_archive_error_unknown_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_archives": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_archives_with_name_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives_with_name_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_archives_with_source_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives_with_source_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_archives_with_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives_with_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_archives_error_multiple_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives_error_multiple_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_archives_error_invalid_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_archives_error_invalid_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_archive_error_invalid_event_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_archive_error_unknown_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_archive_error_unknown_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_archive" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_archive_error_unknown_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_archive_error_unknown_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_actual_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_archive_actual_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_archive_event_with_bus_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_archive_event_with_bus_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_unknown_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_unknown_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_invalid_event_bus_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_invalid_event_bus_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_unknown_archive": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_unknown_archive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_cross_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_cross_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_invalid_end_time": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_invalid_end_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_error_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_error_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_replay_error_unknown_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_replay_error_unknown_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_with_name_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_with_name_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_with_source_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_with_source_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_with_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_with_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_error_multiple_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_error_multiple_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_replays_error_invalid_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_list_replays_error_invalid_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_cancel_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_replay_error_unknown_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_cancel_replay_error_unknown_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_replay_error_illegal_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_cancel_replay_error_illegal_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_replay_send_to_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_start_replay_send_to_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_list_connections": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_list_connections" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_update_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_update_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_unknown_connection": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_update_unknown_connection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_list_api_destinations": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_list_api_destinations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_update_api_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_create_and_update_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_api_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_api_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_api_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_api_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_connection_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_connection_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_connection_not_present": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_describe_connection_not_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_connection_success": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_connection_success" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_connection_not_present": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events.py", + [ + "test_delete_connection_not_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_to_cw_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_send_to_cw_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_to_sqs_fifo_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_send_to_sqs_fifo_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_to_sqs_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_send_to_sqs_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_to_sqs_queue_with_custom_event_bus": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_send_to_sqs_queue_with_custom_event_bus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_moto_matches_none_value_with_exists_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_moto_matches_none_value_with_exists_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_events_event_bus_forwarding_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_events_event_bus_forwarding_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_bucket__invokes_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_creating_bucket__invokes_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_disabled_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_disabled_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_rule_for_unsupported_target_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_create_rule_for_unsupported_target_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_bucket__but_invoke_lambda_on_create_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_creating_bucket__but_invoke_lambda_on_create_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_bucket__succeeds_despite_unknown_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_events/test_events_lambdatriggers_integration.py", + [ + "test_creating_bucket__succeeds_despite_unknown_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "sample_s3_dest_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "sample_s3_dest_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warnings": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_delivery_stream_failures": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_create_delivery_stream_failures" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_delete_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_describe_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delivery_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_list_delivery_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_update_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lookup_name_from_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose.py", + [ + "test_lookup_name_from_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "create_extended_s3_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "create_extended_s3_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "create_redshift_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "create_redshift_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "create_elasticsearch_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "create_elasticsearch_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "create_http_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "create_http_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_redshift_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_redshift_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_extended_s3_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_extended_s3_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_elasticsearch_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_elasticsearch_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_s3_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_destination_types.py", + [ + "test_create_s3_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firehose_without_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_encryption.py", + [ + "test_firehose_without_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_firehose_with_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_encryption.py", + [ + "test_firehose_with_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_encryption_on_unknown_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_encryption.py", + [ + "test_start_encryption_on_unknown_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_encryption_on_unknown_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_encryption.py", + [ + "test_stop_encryption_on_unknown_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_redshift_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_redshift_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_batch_redshift_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_batch_redshift_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_http_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_http_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_batch_http_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_batch_http_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_record_batch_extended_s3_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_put.py", + [ + "test_put_record_batch_extended_s3_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_tags.py", + [ + "test_tag_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_delivery_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_firehose_tags.py", + [ + "test_untag_delivery_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_http_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_http_destinations.py", + [ + "test_create_http_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_s3_for_http_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_firehose/test_http_destinations.py", + [ + "test_update_s3_for_http_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_duplicate_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_create_duplicate_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_list_default_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_list_default_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_dataset_group_list_some": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_dataset_group_list_some" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_delete_dataset_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_delete_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_delete_dataset_group_missing": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_delete_dataset_group_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_update_dataset_arns_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_update_dataset_arns_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_forecast_update_dataset_group_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_forecast_update_dataset_group_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dataset_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_describe_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_dataset_group_missing": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_describe_dataset_group_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dataset_group_missing_datasets": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_create_dataset_group_missing_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_dataset_group_missing_datasets": [ + [ + "tests/test_forecast/test_forecast.py", + [ + "test_update_dataset_group_missing_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initiate_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_glacier_jobs.py", + [ + "test_initiate_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_glacier_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_output_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_glacier_jobs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_output_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_vaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_glacier/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_vaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_database_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_database_not_exits": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_database_not_exits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_databases_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_databases_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_databases_several_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_databases_several_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_update_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_unknown_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_unknown_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_delete_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_table_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tables": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tables_expression": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_tables_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_version_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_version_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_version_invalid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_version_invalid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_table_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_table_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_not_exits": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_not_exits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_table_when_database_not_exits": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_table_when_database_not_exits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_partition_already_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_partition_already_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partition_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_partition_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_create_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_create_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_create_partition_already_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_create_partition_already_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_partition_missing_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_partition_missing_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition_not_found_moving": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition_not_found_moving" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition_not_found_change_in_place": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition_not_found_change_in_place" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition_cannot_overwrite": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition_cannot_overwrite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_partition_move": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_update_partition_move" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_update_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_update_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_update_partition_missing_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_update_partition_missing_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_partition_bad_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_partition_bad_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_partition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_partition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_delete_partition_with_bad_partitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_batch_delete_partition_with_bad_partitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_crawler_scheduled": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_crawler_scheduled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_crawler_unscheduled": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_crawler_unscheduled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_crawler_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_create_crawler_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_crawler_not_exits": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_crawler_not_exits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_crawlers_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_crawlers_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_crawlers_several_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_get_crawlers_several_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_start_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_crawler_should_raise_exception_if_already_running": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_start_crawler_should_raise_exception_if_already_running" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_stop_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_crawler_should_raise_exception_if_not_running": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_stop_crawler_should_raise_exception_if_not_running" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_crawler_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_datacatalog.py", + [ + "test_delete_crawler_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_create_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_create_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_job_default_argument_not_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_create_job_default_argument_not_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_job_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_job_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_jobs_job_name_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_jobs_job_name_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_jobs_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_jobs_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_jobs_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_jobs_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_jobs_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_jobs_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_jobs_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_jobs_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_after_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_after_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_after_removing_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_after_removing_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_jobs_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_jobs_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_glue_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_glue_client" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_job" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_job_w_all_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_job_w_all_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_crawlers": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_crawlers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_with_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_with_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_from_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_from_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_with_max_results_greater_than_actual_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_after_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_after_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_after_removing_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_after_removing_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_crawlers_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_crawlers_next_token_logic_does_not_create_infinite_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_tags_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags_jobs_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_tags_jobs_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_glue_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_tag_glue_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_glue_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_untag_glue_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_tags_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tags_crawler_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_tags_crawler_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_glue_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_tag_glue_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_glue_crawler": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_untag_glue_crawler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_crawlers": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_crawlers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trigger": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_create_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trigger_on_demand": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_trigger_on_demand" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trigger_scheduled": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_trigger_scheduled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_trigger_conditional": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_trigger_conditional" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_trigger": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_triggers_trigger_name_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_triggers_trigger_name_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_triggers_dependent_job_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_triggers_dependent_job_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_trigger": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_start_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_trigger": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_stop_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_triggers": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_triggers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_triggers_dependent_job_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_triggers_dependent_job_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_triggers_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_triggers_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_triggers": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_triggers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_trigger": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_delete_trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_session": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "create_test_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_session": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_create_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_session": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_get_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_sessions": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_list_sessions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_session": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_delete_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_session": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue.py", + [ + "test_stop_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_job_run": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_start_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_job_run__multiple_runs_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_start_job_run__multiple_runs_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_job_run__single_run_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_start_job_run__single_run_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_run": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_run" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_run_that_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_run_that_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_job_run_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "test_job_run_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "expect_job_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_glue_job_runs.py", + [ + "expect_job_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_unknown_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_unknown_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_int_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_int_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_decimal_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_decimal_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_string_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_string_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_date_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_date_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partitions_expression_timestamp_column": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partitions_expression_timestamp_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_partition_expression_warnings_and_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_partition_filter.py", + [ + "test_get_partition_expression_warnings_and_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_valid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_valid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_valid_partial_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_valid_partial_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_invalid_registry_name_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_invalid_registry_name_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_more_than_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_more_than_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_invalid_registry_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_invalid_registry_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_invalid_description_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_invalid_description_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_registry_invalid_number_of_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_registry_invalid_number_of_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_avro": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_avro" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_protobuf": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_name_protobuf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_input_registry_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_partial_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_partial_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_default_registry": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_default_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_valid_default_registry_in_registry_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_valid_default_registry_in_registry_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_registry_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_registry_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_registry_id_both_params_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_registry_id_both_params_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_name_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_name_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_data_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_data_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_compatibility": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_compatibility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_create_schema_invalid_schema_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_avro": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_avro" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_protobuf": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_protobuf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_schema_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_valid_input_schema_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_avro": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_avro" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_protobuf": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_identical_schema_version_protobuf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_registry_schema_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_registry_schema_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_schema_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_schema_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_compatibility_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_compatibility_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_register_schema_version_invalid_schema_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_version_number_latest_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_valid_input_version_number_latest_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_empty_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_empty_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_schema_version_number_both_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_schema_version_number_both_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_insufficient_params_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_insufficient_params_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_schema_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_schema_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_registry_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_id_registry_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_version_invalid_schema_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_by_definition_valid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_by_definition_valid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_by_definition_invalid_schema_id_schema_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_by_definition_invalid_schema_id_schema_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema_by_definition_invalid_schema_definition_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema_by_definition_invalid_schema_definition_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_valid_input_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_valid_input_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_valid_input_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_valid_input_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_id_same_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_id_same_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_already_exists_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_already_exists_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_key_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_key_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_value_schema_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_value_schema_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_more_than_allowed_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_already_exists_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_already_exists_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_key_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_key_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_value_schema_version_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_put_schema_version_metadata_invalid_characters_metadata_value_schema_version_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_update_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema_valid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema_valid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema_valid_input_schema_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema_valid_input_schema_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema_schema_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema_schema_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_registries": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_list_registries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registry": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_get_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_registry": [ + [ + "tests/test_glue/test_schema_registry.py", + [ + "test_delete_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_core_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_create_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_core_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_list_core_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_core_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_get_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_core_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_delete_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_core_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_update_core_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_core_definition_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_update_core_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_core_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_update_core_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_create_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_get_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_core_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_get_core_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_core_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_get_core_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_core_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_list_core_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_core_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_core.py", + [ + "test_list_core_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_deployment_with_no_deployment_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_re_deployment_with_no_deployment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_deployment_with_invalid_deployment_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_re_deployment_with_invalid_deployment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_no_core_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_no_core_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_group_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_group_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_deployment_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_create_deployment_with_invalid_deployment_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_deployments": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_list_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deployment_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_get_deployment_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deployment_status_with_invalid_deployment_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_get_deployment_status_with_invalid_deployment_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_deployment_status_with_invalid_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_get_deployment_status_with_invalid_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_deployments": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_reset_deployments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_deployments_with_invalid_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_reset_deployments_with_invalid_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_deployments_with_never_deployed_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_reset_deployments_with_never_deployed_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_deployments_with_already_reset_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_deployment.py", + [ + "test_reset_deployments_with_already_reset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_device_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_create_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_device_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_list_device_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_device_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_create_device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_device_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_create_device_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_device_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_delete_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_device_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_delete_device_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_device_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_update_device_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_device_definition_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_update_device_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_update_device_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_device_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_update_device_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_device_definition_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_list_device_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_device_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_device.py", + [ + "test_get_device_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_create_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_function_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_list_function_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_function_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_delete_function_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_update_function_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_definition_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_update_function_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_function_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_update_function_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_create_function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_function_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_create_function_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_function_definition_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_list_function_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_function_definition_versions_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_list_function_definition_versions_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_function_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_functions.py", + [ + "test_get_function_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_group_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_group_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_version_with_invalid_version_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_version_with_invalid_version_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_group_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_versions_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_group_versions_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_role_to_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_associate_role_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_associated_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_associated_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_associated_role_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_associated_role_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_role_from_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_role_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_role_from_group_with_none_exists_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_groups.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_role_from_group_with_none_exists_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_definition_with_invalid_volume_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_definition_with_invalid_volume_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_definition_with_invalid_local_device_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_definition_with_invalid_local_device_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_volume_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_volume_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_invalid_local_device_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_create_resources_definition_version_with_invalid_local_device_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_list_resources" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_list_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_resource_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_update_resource_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_resource_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_update_resource_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_definition_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_definition_versions_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_definition_versions_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_resource.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_with_invalid_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_with_invalid_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_with_invalid_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_with_invalid_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_subscription_definitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_list_subscription_definitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_subscription_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_update_subscription_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_subscription_definition_with_empty_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_update_subscription_definition_with_empty_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_update_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscription_definition_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_subscription_definition_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_list_subscription_definition_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_subscription_definition_versions_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_list_subscription_definition_versions_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_greengrass/test_greengrass_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_definition_version_with_invalid_version_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_detector": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_create_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_detector_with_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_create_detector_with_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_detector_with_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_get_detector_with_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_detector_with_all_data_sources": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_get_detector_with_all_data_sources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_detector": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_update_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_detectors_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_list_detectors_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_detectors": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_list_detectors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_detector": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty.py", + [ + "test_delete_detector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_create_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_filter__defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_create_filter__defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_get_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_update_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_filters.py", + [ + "test_delete_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_organization_admin_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_organization.py", + [ + "test_enable_organization_admin_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_organization_admin_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_guardduty_organization.py", + [ + "test_list_organization_admin_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_without_enable_option": [ + [ + "tests/test_guardduty/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_without_enable_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_role__should_throw__when_role_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_role__should_throw__when_role_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_role__should_contain_last_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_role__should_contain_last_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_instance_profile__should_throw__when_instance_profile_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_instance_profile__should_throw__when_instance_profile_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_and_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_and_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance_profile_should_throw_when_name_is_not_unique": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_instance_profile_should_throw_when_name_is_not_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_add_additional_roles_to_instance_profile_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_add_additional_roles_to_instance_profile_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_role_from_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_remove_role_from_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_login_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_login_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_instance_profiles": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_instance_profiles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_instance_profiles_for_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_instance_profiles_for_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_role_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_role_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_put_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_assume_role_valid_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_assume_role_valid_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy_bad_action": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy_bad_action" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy_with_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_assume_role_invalid_policy_with_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_many_policy_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_many_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_default_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_set_default_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_aws_managed_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_aws_managed_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_aws_managed_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_aws_managed_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_aws_managed_policy_v6_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_aws_managed_policy_v6_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policy_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_default_policy_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_default_policy_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_empty_tag_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_empty_tag_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_too_many_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_too_many_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_duplicate_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_duplicate_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_duplicate_tag_different_casing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_duplicate_tag_different_casing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_large_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_large_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_large_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_large_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_invalid_character": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_tag_containing_invalid_character" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_policy_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_policy_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policy_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_policy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policy_tags_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_policy_tags_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tag_with_empty_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tag_with_empty_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_too_many_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_too_many_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_duplicate_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_duplicate_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_duplicate_tag_different_casing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_duplicate_tag_different_casing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_large_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_large_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_large_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_large_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_invalid_character": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_updating_existing_tagged_policy_with_invalid_character" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_non_existant_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_tag_non_existant_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_untag_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_boto": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_user_boto" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_user" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_update_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_current_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_current_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_user_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_login_profile_with_unknown_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_login_profile_with_unknown_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_login_profile_with_unknown_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_login_profile_with_unknown_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nonexistent_login_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_nonexistent_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_login_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_login_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limit_access_key_per_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_limit_access_key_per_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_access_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_access_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_virtual_mfa_device_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_virtual_mfa_device_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_virtual_mfa_device_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_virtual_mfa_device_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_virtual_mfa_devices": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_virtual_mfa_devices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_virtual_mfa_devices_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_virtual_mfa_devices_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_virtual_mfa_device": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_enable_virtual_mfa_device" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_credential_report": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_generate_credential_report" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_credential_report": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_credential_report" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_credential_report_content": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_credential_report_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_key_last_used_when_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_access_key_last_used_when_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_managed_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_managed_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_login_profile__duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_login_profile__duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_detach_user_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_attach_detach_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_detach_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_attach_detach_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_detach_user_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_only_detach_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_detach_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_only_detach_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_only_detach_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_only_detach_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_key_last_used_when_unused": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_access_key_last_used_when_unused" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_upload_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_ssh_public_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_ssh_public_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ssh_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_ssh_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_account_authorization_details": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_account_authorization_details" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signing_certs": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_signing_certs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_saml_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_saml_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_saml_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_saml_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_saml_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_saml_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_tag_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_untag_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_role_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_role_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_role_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_role_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_entities_for_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_entities_for_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_no_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_no_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_with_permissions_boundary": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_with_permissions_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_role_with_same_name_should_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_role_with_same_name_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_same_name_should_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_same_name_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_account_password_policy_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_update_account_password_policy_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_account_password_policy_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_account_password_policy_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_password_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_password_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_account_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_get_account_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_user_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_user_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_role_with_instance_profiles_present": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_role_with_instance_profiles_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_password_policy_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_password_policy_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_role_list_config_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_role_list_config_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_role_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_role_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_role_config_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_role_config_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_list_config_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_policy_list_config_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_policy_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_config_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_policy_config_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_with_more_than_100_roles_no_max_items_defaults_to_100": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_with_more_than_100_roles_no_max_items_defaults_to_100" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_max_item_and_marker_values_adhered": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_max_item_and_marker_values_adhered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_path_prefix_value_adhered": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_path_prefix_value_adhered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_none_found_returns_empty_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_none_found_returns_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_with_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_with_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_without_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_without_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roles_includes_max_session_duration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_list_roles_includes_max_session_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_user_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_tag_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_user_error_unknown_user_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_tag_user_error_unknown_user_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_untag_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_user_error_unknown_user_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_untag_user_error_unknown_user_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_linked_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_service_linked_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_linked_role__with_suffix": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_create_service_linked_role__with_suffix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_service_linked_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam.py", + [ + "test_delete_service_linked_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoking_ec2_mark_access_key_as_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_access_integration.py", + [ + "test_invoking_ec2_mark_access_key_as_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_account_aliases": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_account_aliases.py", + [ + "test_account_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_no_interruption": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_no_interruption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_drop_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_drop_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user_having_generated_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user_having_generated_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_user_get_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_user_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_with_additional_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_with_additional_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_managed_policy_attached_to_a_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_user_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user_policy_having_generated_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_user_policy_having_generated_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_role_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_role_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_role_policy_having_generated_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_role_policy_having_generated_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_group_policy_having_generated_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_group_policy_having_generated_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user_with_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_user_with_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_access_key_get_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_access_key_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_users_access_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_delete_users_access_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_users_access_key_no_interruption": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_users_access_key_no_interruption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_users_access_key_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_update_users_access_key_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role_and_instance_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_cloudformation_create_role_and_instance_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_roles": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_iam_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_current": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_current" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_all_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_unknown_user_to_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_unknown_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_user_to_unknown_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_user_to_unknown_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_user_to_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_user_to_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_user_from_unknown_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_remove_user_from_unknown_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_nonattached_user_from_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_remove_nonattached_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_user_from_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_remove_user_from_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_user_should_be_idempotent": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_add_user_should_be_idempotent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_groups_for_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_groups_for_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_put_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_group_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_attach_group_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_group_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_name_that_has_a_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_name_that_has_a_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_with_existing_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_groups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_with_existing_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_invalid_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_invalid_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_too_many_entries": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_too_many_entries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_quota_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_quota_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_multiple_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_create_open_id_connect_provider_multiple_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_delete_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_update_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_open_id_connect_provider_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_get_open_id_connect_provider_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_id_connect_providers": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_list_open_id_connect_providers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_tag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_open_id_connect_provider": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_untag_open_id_connect_provider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags__paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags__paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags__maxitems": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_oidc.py", + [ + "test_list_open_id_connect_provider_tags__maxitems" + ] + ] + ], + "test_password_last_used": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_password_last_used.py", + [ + "test_password_last_used" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_invalid_policy_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_invalid_policy_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_with_valid_policy_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_with_valid_policy_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_server_certs": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_get_all_server_certs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_server_cert_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_get_server_cert_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_server_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_get_server_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_server_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_server_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_server_cert": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_iam_server_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_server_cert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iam_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_iam/test_server.py", + [ + "test_iam_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "get_identity_store_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "get_identity_store_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_duplicate_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_group_duplicate_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group_multiple_identity_stores": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_group_multiple_identity_stores" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_membership": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_group_membership" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_create_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_username": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_username_no_username": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_username_no_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_username_missing_required_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_username_missing_required_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_username_missing_required_name_field": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_username_missing_required_name_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_describe_sparse_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_describe_sparse_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_describe_full_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_create_describe_full_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_get_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_id_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_get_group_id_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_list_groups_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_memberships": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_list_group_memberships" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_list_group_memberships" + ] + ] + ], + "__check_membership_list_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "__check_membership_list_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_group_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_delete_group_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_group_membership": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_delete_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user_doesnt_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "test_delete_user_doesnt_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "__create_test_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "__create_test_group" + ] + ] + ], + "__group_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "__group_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "__create_and_verify_sparse_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_identitystore/test_identitystore.py", + [ + "__create_and_verify_sparse_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot.py", + [ + "test_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_principal_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot.py", + [ + "test_principal_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_principal_policy_deprecated": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot.py", + [ + "test_principal_policy_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_principal_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot.py", + [ + "test_principal_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_ca_certificate_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_register_ca_certificate_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ca_certificate_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_describe_ca_certificate_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ca_certificate_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_describe_ca_certificate_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_ca_certificate_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_describe_ca_certificate_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_certificates_by_ca": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_list_certificates_by_ca" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ca_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_ca_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ca_certificate__status": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_update_ca_certificate__status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ca_certificate__config": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_update_ca_certificate__config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registration_code": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_ca_certificates.py", + [ + "test_get_registration_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_certificate_id_generation_deterministic": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_certificate_id_generation_deterministic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_certificate_from_csr": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_create_certificate_from_csr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_and_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_create_key_and_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_certificate_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_describe_certificate_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_update_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_certificate_with_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_certificate_with_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_certificate_without_ca": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_register_certificate_without_ca" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_certificate_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_create_certificate_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_certificate_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_certificate_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_certificate_force": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_certificate_force" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_thing_with_certificate_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_delete_thing_with_certificate_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_certs_create_inactive": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_certificates.py", + [ + "test_certs_create_inactive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_undeprecate_thing_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_deprecate_thing_type.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_undeprecate_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_thing_type_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_deprecate_thing_type.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_thing_type_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_thing_with_deprecated_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_deprecate_thing_type.py", + [ + "test_create_thing_with_deprecated_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_thing_with_deprecated_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_deprecate_thing_type.py", + [ + "test_update_thing_with_deprecated_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_configuration_only_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_configuration_only_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_domain_configuration_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_domain_configuration_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_configuration_full_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_configuration_full_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_configuration_invalid_service_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_configuration_invalid_service_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nonexistent_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_nonexistent_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_domain_configuration_remove_authorizer_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_domain_configuration_remove_authorizer_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_nonexistent_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_nonexistent_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_list_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nonexistent_domain_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_domain_configuration.py", + [ + "test_delete_nonexistent_domain_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_job_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_cancel_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_job_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_delete_job_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_job_executions_for_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_job_executions_for_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_job_executions_for_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_job_executions_for_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_job_executions_for_thing_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_job_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_job_executions_for_thing_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_job_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_describe_job_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_cancel_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_document_with_document_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_document_with_document_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_job_document_with_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_jobs.py", + [ + "test_get_job_document_with_document" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_region_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "fixture_region_name" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_iot_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "fixture_iot_client" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "fixture_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy_to_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy_to_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_attached_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_attached_policies" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_attached_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_versions_increment_beyond_5": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy_versions_increment_beyond_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_versions_increment_even_after_version_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy_versions_increment_even_after_version_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy_to_thing_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy_to_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy_to_non_existant_thing_group_raises_ResourceNotFoundException": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy_to_non_existant_thing_group_raises_ResourceNotFoundException" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy_delete_fails_when_versions_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_policy_delete_fails_when_versions_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_one_attached_thing_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_one_attached_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_one_attached_certificate": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_one_attached_certificate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_resource_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_resource_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_fails_when_name_taken": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_policies.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_fails_when_name_taken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_things": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_search.py", + [ + "test_search_things" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_attribute_specific_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_search.py", + [ + "test_search_attribute_specific_value" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_thing_group_tree": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "generate_thing_group_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_non_recursively": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_non_recursively" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_parent": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_parent_non_recursively": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_parent_non_recursively" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix_non_recursively": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix_non_recursively" + ] + ] + ], + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix_and_parent": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "TestListThingGroup", + "test_should_list_all_groups_filtered_by_name_prefix_and_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_thing_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_delete_thing_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_thing_group_metadata_hierarchy": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_thing_group_metadata_hierarchy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_relations": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_relations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_already_exists_with_different_properties_raises": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_already_exists_with_different_properties_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_already_exists_with_same_properties_returned": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_already_exists_with_same_properties_returned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_updates_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_updates_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_update_with_no_previous_attributes_no_merge": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_update_with_no_previous_attributes_no_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_update_with_no_previous_attributes_with_merge": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_update_with_no_previous_attributes_with_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thing_group_updated_with_empty_attributes_no_merge_no_attributes_added": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_groups.py", + [ + "test_thing_group_updated_with_empty_attributes_no_merge_no_attributes_added" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_thing_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_create_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_thing_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_thing_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_list_thing_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_thing_types_with_typename_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_list_thing_types_with_typename_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_thing_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_thing_types.py", + [ + "test_delete_thing_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_create_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_thing_with_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_create_thing_with_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_update_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_describe_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_thing": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_delete_thing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_things_with_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_list_things_with_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_things_with_attribute_and_thing_type_filter_and_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_things.py", + [ + "test_list_things_with_attribute_and_thing_type_filter_and_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_replace": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_disable": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_disable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_enable": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_enable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_rule_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_iot_topic_rules.py", + [ + "test_topic_rule_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iot_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_iot/test_server.py", + [ + "test_iot_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_named_shadows": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_create_named_shadows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_field_from_device_shadow": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_iotdata.py", + [ + "test_delete_field_from_device_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iotdata_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_iotdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_iotdata_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stream_creation_on_demand": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_stream_creation_on_demand" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stream_mode": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_update_stream_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_and_delete_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_list_and_delete_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_many_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_list_many_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_basic_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_shard_iterator_by_stream_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_basic_shard_iterator_by_stream_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_invalid_shard_iterator": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_invalid_shard_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_records": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_put_records" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_at_sequence_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_at_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_after_sequence_number": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_after_sequence_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_latest": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_latest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_at_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_at_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_at_very_old_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_at_very_old_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_timestamp_filtering": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_timestamp_filtering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_millis_behind_latest": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_millis_behind_latest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_at_very_new_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_at_very_new_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_records_from_empty_stream_at_timestamp": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_get_records_from_empty_stream_at_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_increase_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_valid_increase_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_too_low": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_too_low" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_too_high": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_invalid_increase_stream_retention_too_high" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_decrease_stream_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_valid_decrease_stream_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_upwards": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_upwards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_too_low": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_too_low" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_too_high": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_decrease_stream_retention_period_too_high" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_shard_iterator_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_invalid_shard_iterator_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_list_remove_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_add_list_remove_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_shards": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_merge_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_shards_invalid_arg": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "test_merge_shards_invalid_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stream_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis.py", + [ + "get_stream_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_limit_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_limit_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_shards": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_shards" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_shards_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_shards_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_shard": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_shard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_with_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_with_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_with_unknown_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_with_unknown_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_invalid_hashkey": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_invalid_hashkey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_hashkey_out_of_bounds": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_hashkey_out_of_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_split_shard_that_was_split_before": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_split_shard_that_was_split_before" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_shard_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_shard_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_create_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_create_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_get_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_kinesis_cloudformation_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_encryption.py", + [ + "test_enable_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_encryption.py", + [ + "test_disable_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_encryption__using_arns": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_encryption.py", + [ + "test_disable_encryption__using_arns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_is_persisted": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_is_persisted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_in_steps": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_enable_enhanced_monitoring_in_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_enhanced_monitoring": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_disable_enhanced_monitoring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_enhanced_monitoring_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_monitoring.py", + [ + "test_disable_enhanced_monitoring_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stream_consumers": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_list_stream_consumers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_stream_consumer": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_register_stream_consumer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_consumer_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_consumer_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_consumer_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_consumer_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_consumer_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_consumer_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_stream_consumer_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_deregister_stream_consumer_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_stream_consumer_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_consumers.py", + [ + "test_deregister_stream_consumer_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_data_exceeds_1mb": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_record_data_exceeds_1mb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_data_and_partition_key_exceeds_1mb": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_record_data_and_partition_key_exceeds_1mb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_data_and_partition_key_exactly_1mb": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_record_data_and_partition_key_exactly_1mb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_data_and_partition_key_smaller_than_1mb": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_record_data_and_partition_key_smaller_than_1mb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_total_record_data_exceeds_5mb": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_total_record_data_exceeds_5mb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_total_record_data_exact_5mb": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_total_record_data_exact_5mb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_many_records": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesis/test_kinesis_stream_limits.py", + [ + "test_too_many_records" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_create_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stream_with_same_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_create_stream_with_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stream_with_name_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_describe_stream_with_name_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_delete_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_stream_with_arn_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_delete_stream_with_arn_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_kinesisvideo.py", + [ + "test_data_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesisvideo_server_is_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideo/test_server.py", + [ + "test_kinesisvideo_server_is_up" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hls_streaming_session_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia.py", + [ + "test_get_hls_streaming_session_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dash_streaming_session_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia.py", + [ + "test_get_dash_streaming_session_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_clip": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia.py", + [ + "test_get_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_server_is_up": [ + [ + "tests/test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/test_server.py", + [ + "test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_server_is_up" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_encoded_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "_get_encoded_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_without_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_key_without_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_with_invalid_key_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_key_with_invalid_key_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multi_region_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_multi_region_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_multi_region_keys_should_not_have_multi_region_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_non_multi_region_keys_should_not_have_multi_region_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replicate_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_replicate_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_deprecated_master_custom_key_spec": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_key_deprecated_master_custom_key_spec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_policy_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_key_policy_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key_via_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_key_via_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__can_create_multiple_aliases_for_same_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__can_create_multiple_aliases_for_same_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_aliases_for_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_aliases_for_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_aliases_for_key_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_aliases_for_key_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key_via_alias_invalid_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_key_via_alias_invalid_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_keys" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key_rotation": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key_rotation_with_alias_name_should_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key_rotation_with_alias_name_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_key_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_invalid_key_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_schedule_key_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_schedule_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_schedule_key_deletion_custom": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_schedule_key_deletion_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_key_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cancel_key_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_key_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_key_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_tags_with_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_tags_with_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_tag_methods": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_unknown_tag_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_tags_after_untagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_tags_after_untagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_sizes": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_decrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_invalid_size_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_invalid_size_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_invalid_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_invalid_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_all_valid_key_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_all_valid_key_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_data_key_without_plaintext_decrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_data_key_without_plaintext_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_random": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_random" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_random_invalid_number_of_bytes": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_generate_random_invalid_number_of_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key_rotation_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key_rotation_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_key_rotation_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_key_rotation_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_key_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_key_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_key_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_key_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_key_deletion_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_cancel_key_deletion_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_schedule_key_deletion_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_schedule_key_deletion_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_rotation_status_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_key_rotation_status_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_policy_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_key_policy_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_key_policies_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_key_policies_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_key_policy_key_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_key_policy_key_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_key_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_key_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_key_policy_using_alias_shouldnt_work": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_key_policy_using_alias_shouldnt_work" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_key_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_key_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_reserved_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_reserved_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters_semicolon": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters_semicolon" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__accepted_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__accepted_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_target_key_id_is_existing_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_target_key_id_is_existing_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test__create_alias__raises_if_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__create_alias__raises_if_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test__delete_alias": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__delete_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test__delete_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__delete_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test__delete_alias__raises_if_alias_is_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test__delete_alias__raises_if_alias_is_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "sort": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "sort" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "_check_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_tag_on_create_key_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_key_tag_on_create_key_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_tag_on_create_key_on_arn_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_key_tag_on_create_key_on_arn_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_tag_added_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_key_tag_added_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_tag_added_arn_based_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_key_tag_added_arn_based_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_invalid_signing_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_invalid_signing_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_and_verify_ignoring_grant_tokens": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_and_verify_ignoring_grant_tokens" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_and_verify_digest_message_type_256": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_and_verify_digest_message_type_256" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_invalid_key_usage": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_invalid_key_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sign_invalid_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sign_invalid_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_happy_with_invalid_signature": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_happy_with_invalid_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_invalid_signing_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_invalid_signing_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_invalid_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_invalid_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_empty_signature": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_empty_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_public_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_public_key" + ] + ] + ], + "create_simple_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_boto3.py", + [ + "create_simple_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_key_with_empty_content": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_create_key_with_empty_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_using_alias_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_using_alias_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_using_alias_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_using_alias_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_using_key_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_using_key_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_encrypt_using_aliases": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_re_encrypt_using_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kms_encrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_kms_encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_encrypt_decrypt": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_re_encrypt_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_re_encrypt_to_invalid_destination": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_encrypt.py", + [ + "test_re_encrypt_to_invalid_destination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_grant": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_create_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_grants": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_list_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_retirable_grants": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_list_retirable_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_grant": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_revoke_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_grant_raises_when_grant_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_revoke_grant_raises_when_grant_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retire_grant_by_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_retire_grant_by_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retire_grant_by_grant_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_grants.py", + [ + "test_retire_grant_by_grant_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy__deny_based_on_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyEnforcement", + "test_policy__deny_based_on_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policy__allow_based_on_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyEnforcement", + "test_policy__allow_based_on_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_input_can_be_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator", + "test_input_can_be_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_can_have_no_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator", + "test_key_can_have_no_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_can_have_unreadable_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator", + "test_key_can_have_unreadable_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key_is_allowed_for_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator", + "test_describe_key_is_allowed_for_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key_is_allowed_if_other_actions_are_allowed": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator", + "test_describe_key_is_allowed_if_other_actions_are_allowed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key_is_denied_for_all_possible_action_variations": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator", + "test_describe_key_is_denied_for_all_possible_action_variations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_key_is_allowed_for_unsupported_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_kms_policy_enforcement.py", + [ + "TestKMSPolicyValidator", + "test_describe_key_is_allowed_for_unsupported_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_backend": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "fixture_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "fixture_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_key_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_key_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_alias_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_alias_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_alias_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_model.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_alias_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_KeySpec_Enum": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_KeySpec_Enum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_SigningAlgorithm_Enum": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_SigningAlgorithm_Enum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_master_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_generate_master_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_encryption_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_serialize_encryption_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cycle_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_cycle_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialize_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_serialize_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deserialize_ciphertext_blob": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_deserialize_ciphertext_blob" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_decrypt_cycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_decrypt_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_unknown_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_unknown_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt_invalid_ciphertext_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decrypt_invalid_ciphertext_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt_unknwown_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decrypt_unknwown_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt_invalid_ciphertext": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decrypt_invalid_ciphertext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decrypt_invalid_encryption_context": [ + [ + "tests/test_kms/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decrypt_invalid_encryption_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_register_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_describe_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_deregister_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_lake_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_data_lake_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_list_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_revoke_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lf_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_lf_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_data_cells_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_list_data_cells_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_revoke_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_lakeformation/test_lakeformation.py", + [ + "test_batch_revoke_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscription_filter_applies_to_new_streams": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_subscription_filter_applies_to_new_streams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_firehose": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_firehose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_kinesis": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_with_kinesis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscription_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscription_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscription_filter_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscription_filter_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_subscription_filter_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "test_put_subscription_filter_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_role_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "_get_role_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_test_zip_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "_get_test_zip_file" + ] + ] + ], + "_wait_for_log_msg": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_integration.py", + [ + "_wait_for_log_msg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_log_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_log_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_metric_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_happy_metric_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_filters_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_filters_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_metric_filters_multiple_happy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_metric_filters_multiple_happy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_metric_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_metric_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_metric_filter_invalid_filter_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_metric_filter_invalid_filter_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_metric_filter_invalid_log_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_metric_filter_invalid_log_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_destinations": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_destinations" + ] + ] + ], + "build_put_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "build_put_case" + ] + ] + ], + "build_put_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "build_put_input" + ] + ] + ], + "build_describe_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "build_describe_input" + ] + ] + ], + "build_describe_case": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "build_describe_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exceptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_logs": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_logs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_log_events_in_wrong_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_log_events_in_wrong_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_log_events_in_the_past": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_log_events_in_the_past" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_log_events_in_the_future": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_log_events_in_the_future" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_retention_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_log_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_log_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_retention_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_retention_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_policy.py", + [ + "test_put_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_resource_policy_too_many": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_put_resource_policy_too_many" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_policy" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_policy.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_resource_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_resource_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_log_events": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_get_log_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_log_events_with_start_from_head": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_get_log_events_with_start_from_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_log_events_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_get_log_events_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_tag_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_log_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_untag_log_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subscription_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_subscription_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_subscription_filters_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_subscription_filters_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_log_groups_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_log_groups_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_log_streams_simple_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_log_streams_simple_paging" + ] + 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+ [ + "test_describe_log_streams_invalid_order_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_log_streams_no_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_describe_log_streams_no_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_export_task_happy_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_export_task_happy_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_export_task_raises_ClientError_when_bucket_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_export_task_raises_ClientError_when_bucket_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_export_raises_ResourceNotFoundException_log_group_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs.py", + [ + "test_create_export_raises_ResourceNotFoundException_log_group_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_logs_interleaved": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "test_filter_logs_interleaved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_log_events_now": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "test_put_log_events_now" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_logs_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "test_filter_logs_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_logs_paging__unknown_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogFilterParameters", + "test_filter_logs_paging__unknown_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "test_unknown_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_word_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "test_simple_word_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_words_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "test_multiple_words_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quoted_pattern": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_logs_filter.py", + [ + "TestLogsFilterPattern", + "test_quoted_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_group_to_describe_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_logs/test_models.py", + [ + "test_log_group_to_describe_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "member_id_exist_in_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/helpers.py", + [ + "member_id_exist_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "create_member_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/helpers.py", + [ + "create_member_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "select_invitation_id_for_network": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/helpers.py", + [ + "select_invitation_id_for_network" + ] + ] + ], + "node_id_exist_in_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/helpers.py", + [ + "node_id_exist_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_2_invitations": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_invitations.py", + [ + "test_create_2_invitations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reject_invitation": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_invitations.py", + [ + "test_reject_invitation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reject_invitation_badinvitation": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_invitations.py", + [ + "test_reject_invitation_badinvitation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_withopts": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_withopts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invite_and_remove_member": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_invite_and_remove_member" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_too_many_members": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_too_many_members" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_alreadyhave": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_alreadyhave" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_badinvitation": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_badinvitation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_another_member_adminpassword": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_create_another_member_adminpassword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_members_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_list_members_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_member_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_get_member_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_member_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_get_member_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_member_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_delete_member_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_member_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_delete_member_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_member_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_update_member_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_member_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_members.py", + [ + "test_update_member_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_withopts": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network_withopts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_noframework": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network_noframework" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_badframeworkver": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network_badframeworkver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_network_badedition": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_create_network_badedition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_network_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_networks.py", + [ + "test_get_network_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node_standard_edition": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node_standard_edition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_too_many_nodes": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_too_many_nodes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_node_badnodeconfig": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_create_node_badnodeconfig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodes_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_list_nodes_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_nodes_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_list_nodes_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_node_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_get_node_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_node_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_get_node_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_node_badnode": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_get_node_badnode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_node_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_delete_node_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_node_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_delete_node_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_node_badnode": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_delete_node_badnode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_node_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_update_node_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_node_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_update_node_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_node_badnode": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_nodes.py", + [ + "test_update_node_badnode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_withopts": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_withopts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_badinvitationacctid": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_badinvitationacctid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_proposal_badremovalmemid": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_create_proposal_badremovalmemid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_proposal_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_list_proposal_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_proposal_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_get_proposal_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_proposal_badproposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposals.py", + [ + "test_get_proposal_badproposal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_one_member_total_yes": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_one_member_total_yes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_one_member_total_no": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_one_member_total_no" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_yes_greater_than": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_yes_greater_than" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_no_greater_than": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_no_greater_than" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_expiredproposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_expiredproposal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_status_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_status_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_badproposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_badproposal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_badmember": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_badmember" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_badvote": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_badvote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vote_on_proposal_alreadyvoted": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_vote_on_proposal_alreadyvoted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_proposal_votes_badnetwork": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_list_proposal_votes_badnetwork" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_proposal_votes_badproposal": [ + [ + "tests/test_managedblockchain/test_managedblockchain_proposalvotes.py", + [ + "test_list_proposal_votes_badproposal" + ] + ] + ], + "_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "_source" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_flow_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "_create_flow_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_mediaconnect_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "_check_mediaconnect_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_flow_alternative_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_create_flow_alternative_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_flows_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_list_flows_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_flow_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_describe_flow_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_flow_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_delete_flow_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_stop_flow_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_start_stop_flow_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unknown_flow": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_unknown_flow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_vpc_interfaces_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_vpc_interfaces_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_vpc_interfaces_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_vpc_interfaces_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_flow_vpc_interface_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_remove_flow_vpc_interface_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_flow_vpc_interface_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_remove_flow_vpc_interface_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_outputs_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_outputs_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_outputs_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_outputs_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_output_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_output_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_output_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_output_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_flow_output_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_remove_flow_output_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_flow_output_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_remove_flow_output_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_sources_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_sources_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_flow_sources_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_add_flow_sources_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_source_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_source_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_source_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_source_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grant_flow_entitlements_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_grant_flow_entitlements_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grant_flow_entitlements_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_grant_flow_entitlements_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_flow_entitlement_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_revoke_flow_entitlement_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_revoke_flow_entitlement_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_revoke_flow_entitlement_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_entitlement_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_entitlement_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_flow_entitlement_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_mediaconnect.py", + [ + "test_update_flow_entitlement_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mediaconnect_list_flows": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediaconnect/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediaconnect_list_flows" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_input_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "_create_input_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_channel_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "_create_channel_config" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "_create_channel_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_create_channel_succeeds" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_create_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_channels_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_list_channels_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_channel_moves_channel_in_deleted_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_delete_channel_moves_channel_in_deleted_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_describe_channel_succeeds" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_describe_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_start_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_stop_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_channel_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_update_channel_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_input_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_create_input_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_input_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_describe_input_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_inputs_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_list_inputs_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_input_moves_input_in_deleted_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_delete_input_moves_input_in_deleted_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_input_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_medialive.py", + [ + "test_update_input_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_medialive_list_channels": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_server.py", + [ + "test_medialive_list_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_medialive_list_inputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_medialive/test_server.py", + [ + "test_medialive_list_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_origin_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "_create_origin_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_channel_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_channel_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_channel_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_channel_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_channel_successfully_deletes": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_delete_channel_successfully_deletes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_channels_succeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_list_channels_succeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_create_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_describe_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_delete_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_update_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_update_unknown_origin_endpoint_throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_origin_endpoint_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_mediapackage.py", + [ + "test_list_origin_endpoint_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mediapackage_list_channels": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediapackage_list_channels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mediapackage_list_origin_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediapackage/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediapackage_list_origin_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_container_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_create_container_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_containers_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_list_containers_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_container_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_describe_container_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_lifecycle_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_lifecycle_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_lifecycle_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_container_policy_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_container_policy_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_container_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_container_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_container_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_policy_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_policy_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_put_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_metric_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_get_metric_policy_raises_error_if_container_does_not_have_metric_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_return_none_if_no_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_return_none_if_no_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_return_error_for_unknown_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_return_error_for_unknown_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_container": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_delete_container" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_container_raise_error_if_container_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_mediastore.py", + [ + "test_delete_container_raise_error_if_container_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mediastore_lists_containers": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastore/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediastore_lists_containers" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mediastore_lists_containers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_put_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_throws_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_get_object_throws_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_get_object" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_object_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_delete_object_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_object_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_delete_object_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_mediastoredata/test_mediastoredata.py", + [ + "test_list_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_meter_usage": [ + [ + "tests/test_meteringmarketplace/test_meteringmarketplace.py", + [ + "test_batch_meter_usage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_semi_random_uuids": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/mock_random/test_mock_random.py", + [ + "test_semi_random_uuids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_semi_random_hex_strings": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/mock_random/test_mock_random.py", + [ + "test_semi_random_hex_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_instance_creation__recording_off": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_ec2_instance_creation__recording_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_instance_creation_recording_on": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_ec2_instance_creation_recording_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_multiple_services" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replay": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_replay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replay__partial_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_replay__partial_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_upload_data": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_s3_upload_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_upload_file_using_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "test_s3_upload_file_using_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_ddb_table": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestRecorder", + "_create_ddb_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/recorder/test_recorder.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "test_server" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_inmemory_server.py", + [ + "test_set_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_set_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_set_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unset_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_inmemory_server.py", + [ + "test_unset_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_unset_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_unset_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_default_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_inmemory_server.py", + [ + "test_get_default_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/servermode/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_get_default_transition" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_get_default_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_manager_should_return_registered_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_batch_integration.py", + [ + "test_state_manager_should_return_registered_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_initial_state": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_initial_state" + ] + ] + ], + "test_advancing_without_specifying_configuration_does_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_advancing_without_specifying_configuration_does_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_advance_immediately": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_advance_immediately" + ] + ] + ], + "test_advance_x_times": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_advance_x_times" + ] + ] + ], + "test_advance_multiple_stages": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_advance_multiple_stages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_override_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_override_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_realworld_delay": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_managed_state_model.py", + [ + "test_realworld_delay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_public_api": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_public_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_default_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_transition_overrides_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_set_transition_overrides_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_registered_models": [ + [ + "tests/test_moto_api/state_manager/test_state_manager.py", + [ + "test_get_registered_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_broker_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_create_broker_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_multiple_users": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_create_with_multiple_users" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_with_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_create_with_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_with_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_update_with_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_broker": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_delete_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_broker": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_broker_with_defaults": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_broker_with_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_multiple_rabbits": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_multiple_rabbits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_active_mq_with_standby": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_active_mq_with_standby" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_broker_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_describe_broker_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_brokers_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_list_brokers_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_brokers": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_list_brokers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_broker_single_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_update_broker_single_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_broker_multiple_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_update_broker_multiple_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reboot_broker": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq.py", + [ + "test_reboot_broker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_for_rabbitmq": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_for_rabbitmq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_for_unknown_engine": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_for_unknown_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_revision": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_revision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_configurations_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_list_configurations_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_configurations": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_list_configurations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_configuration_to_ldap": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_configuration.py", + [ + "test_update_configuration_to_ldap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_broker_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_broker_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_tags.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_create_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_describe_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_describe_user_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_mq_users.py", + [ + "test_list_users_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mq_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_mq/test_server.py", + [ + "test_mq_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_cluster_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_cluster_options.py", + [ + "test_db_cluster_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_cluster_tags.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster__with_additional_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster__with_additional_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_clusters.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_clusters.py", + [ + "test_start_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_global_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_global_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_global_cluster_with_additional_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_global_cluster_with_additional_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_global_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_neptune/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_global_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_domain_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain__minimal_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_create_domain__minimal_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_in_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_in_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_with_some_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_with_some_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_compatible_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_get_compatible_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_compatible_versions_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_get_compatible_versions_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_describe_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_domain_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_opensearch/test_opensearch.py", + [ + "test_update_domain_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_app_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_apps.py", + [ + "test_create_app_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_apps": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_apps.py", + [ + "test_describe_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_create_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_describe_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ec2_integration": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_instances.py", + [ + "test_ec2_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_layer_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_layers.py", + [ + "test_create_layer_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_layers": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_layers.py", + [ + "test_describe_layers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_stack.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stacks": [ + [ + "tests/test_opsworks/test_stack.py", + [ + "test_describe_stacks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_org_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_org_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_root_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_root_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_ou_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_ou_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_create_account_status_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_create_account_status_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_random_policy_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_random_policy_id" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_roots": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_account" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_create_account_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_policy_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_policy_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_service_control_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/organizations_test_utils.py", + [ + "validate_service_control_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_organization_without_feature_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_organization_without_feature_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organization_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_organization_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_roots": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_roots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_organizational_unit_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_organizational_unit_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_organizational_units_for_parent": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_organizational_units_for_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_organizational_units_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_organizational_units_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_organizational_units_for_parent_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_organizational_units_for_parent_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_account_returns_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_close_account_returns_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_account_puts_account_in_suspended_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_close_account_puts_account_in_suspended_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close_account_id_not_in_org_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_close_account_id_not_in_org_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_create_account_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_account_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_account_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_accounts_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_accounts_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_accounts_for_parent": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_accounts_for_parent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_accounts_for_parent_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_accounts_for_parent_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_move_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_move_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_parents_for_ou": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_parents_for_ou" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_parents_for_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_parents_for_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_children": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_children" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_children_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_children_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_create_account_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_create_account_status_succeeded": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_create_account_status_succeeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_create_account_status_in_progress": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_create_account_status_in_progress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_paginated_list_create_account_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_paginated_list_create_account_status" + ] + ] + ], + "created_account_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_remove_account_from_organization", + "created_account_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_account_from_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_remove_account_from_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_organization_with_existing_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_organization_with_existing_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_policy_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_policy_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "get_nonaws_policies": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "get_nonaws_policies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy_root_ou_not_found_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy_root_ou_not_found_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy_ou_not_found_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy_ou_not_found_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy_account_id_not_found_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy_account_id_not_found_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detach_policy_invalid_target_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_detach_policy_invalid_target_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attach_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_attach_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_polices": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_polices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policies_for_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_policies_for_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_policies_for_target_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_policies_for_target_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_targets_for_policy_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_targets_for_policy_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_organization_organization_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_organization_organization_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_organization_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_organization_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_resource_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_resource_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_non_root": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_non_root" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_ou": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_ou" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_ou": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_ou" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_existing_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_for_tagging_non_existing_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_resource_to_tag_incorrect_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test__get_resource_to_tag_incorrect_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_organizational_unit": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_organizational_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_organizational_unit_duplicate_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_organizational_unit_duplicate_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_aws_service_access_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_aws_service_access_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_multiple_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_multiple_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_aws_service_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_aws_service_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_aws_service_access_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_aws_service_access_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_delegated_administrator": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_delegated_administrator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_delegated_administrator_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_register_delegated_administrator_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delegated_administrators": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_delegated_administrators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delegated_administrators_erros": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_delegated_administrators_erros" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delegated_services_for_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_delegated_services_for_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_delegated_services_for_account_erros": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_delegated_services_for_account_erros" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_delegated_administrator": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_delegated_administrator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_delegated_administrator_erros": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_deregister_delegated_administrator_erros" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_policy_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_policy_type_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_policy_type_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_policy_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_policy_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_policy_type_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_disable_policy_type_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aiservices_opt_out_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_organizations/test_organizations_boto3.py", + [ + "test_aiservices_opt_out_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_create_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_schema__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_delete_schema__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_describe_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_schema__with_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_describe_schema__with_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_schema__unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_describe_schema__unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_schemas__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_list_schemas__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_schema": [ + [ + "tests/test_personalize/test_personalize_schema.py", + [ + "test_list_schema" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_app": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_app": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_delete_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_app": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_get_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_apps_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_get_apps_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_apps": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_get_apps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_application_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_application_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_application_settings": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint.py", + [ + "test_get_application_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_application_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_event_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_event_stream.py", + [ + "test_put_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_event_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_event_stream.py", + [ + "test_get_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_stream": [ + [ + "tests/test_pinpoint/test_pinpoint_event_stream.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_stream" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_voices": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_describe_voices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_list_lexicon": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_put_list_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_get_lexicon": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_put_get_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_lexicon_bad_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_put_lexicon_bad_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_lexicon": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_output_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_output_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_sample_rate": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_sample_rate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_text_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_text_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_voice_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_voice_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech_text_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech_text_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_speech_marks1": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_speech_marks1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_speech_marks2": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_synthesize_speech_bad_speech_marks2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_lexicon": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_polly.py", + [ + "test_update_lexicon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polly_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_polly/test_server.py", + [ + "test_polly_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_data_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_datasets.py", + [ + "test_create_data_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_ingestion": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_datasets.py", + [ + "test_create_ingestion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_describe_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_groups__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_groups__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_user__quicksight": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_register_user__quicksight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_user__quicksight": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_describe_user__quicksight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_user__quicksight": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_delete_user__quicksight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_users__initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_list_users__initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_group_membership": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_describe_group_membership" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_group_memberships__after_deleting_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_quicksight/test_quicksight_users.py", + [ + "test_list_group_memberships__after_deleting_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_share": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_share_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_share_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_share_with_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_share_with_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_resource_share_with_organization_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_create_resource_share_with_organization_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_shares": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_shares" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_shares_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_shares_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_resource_share": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_update_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_resource_share_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_update_resource_share_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_share": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_share" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_resource_share_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_delete_resource_share_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_sharing_with_aws_organization": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_enable_sharing_with_aws_organization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_sharing_with_aws_organization_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ram/test_ram.py", + [ + "test_enable_sharing_with_aws_organization_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_describe_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_db_cluster_param_group.py", + [ + "test_create_describe_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_db_cluster_params.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_filter_name_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_invalid_filter_name_raises_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_invalid_filter_name_raises_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBClusterSnapshotFilters", + "test_invalid_filter_name_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_error" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBClusterSnapshotFilters", + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_cluster_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_db_cluster_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_instance_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_db_instance_id_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_db_instance_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_instance_id_filter_works_with_arns": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_db_instance_id_filter_works_with_arns" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_db_instance_id_filter_works_with_arns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dbi_resource_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_dbi_resource_id_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_dbi_resource_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_engine_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_engine_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_engine_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_multiple_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_multiple_filters" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_multiple_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_db_instance_identifier_with_exclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_invalid_db_instance_identifier_with_exclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_db_instance_identifier_with_non_matching_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_invalid_db_instance_identifier_with_non_matching_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_exclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_exclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_inclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_inclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_non_matching_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBInstanceFilters", + "test_valid_db_instance_identifier_with_non_matching_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_db_snapshot_id_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_db_snapshot_id_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_snapshot_type_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_snapshot_type_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBClusterSnapshotFilters", + "test_snapshot_type_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_snapshot_id_with_db_instance_id_and_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_invalid_snapshot_id_with_db_instance_id_and_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_snapshot_id_with_non_matching_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_invalid_snapshot_id_with_non_matching_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_exclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_exclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_inclusive_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_inclusive_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_non_matching_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_filters.py", + [ + "TestDBSnapshotFilters", + "test_valid_snapshot_id_with_non_matching_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_global_cluster__not_enough_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_global_cluster__not_enough_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_global_cluster_members": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_global_cluster_members" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_global_cluster_from_regular_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_global_cluster_from_regular_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_global_cluster_from_regular_cluster_with_reader": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_global_cluster_from_regular_cluster_with_reader" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_global_cluster_from_regular_cluster__using_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_global_cluster_from_regular_cluster__using_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_global_cluster_from_regular_cluster__and_specify_engine": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_global_cluster_from_regular_cluster__and_specify_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_global_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_global_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_from_global_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_global_clusters.py", + [ + "test_remove_from_global_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_database_with_deletion_protection_cannot_be_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_database_with_deletion_protection_cannot_be_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_no_allocated_storage": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_no_allocated_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_more_24_hours": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_more_24_hours" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_less_30_mins": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_less_30_mins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_preferred_backup_window_overlap_no_spill": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_preferred_backup_window_overlap_no_spill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_preferred_backup_window_overlap_maintenance_window_spill": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_preferred_backup_window_overlap_maintenance_window_spill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_preferred_backup_window_overlap_backup_window_spill": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_preferred_backup_window_overlap_backup_window_spill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_preferred_backup_window_overlap_both_spill": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_preferred_backup_window_overlap_both_spill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_valid_preferred_maintenance_window_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_valid_preferred_maintenance_window_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_valid_preferred_maintenance_window_uppercase_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_valid_preferred_maintenance_window_uppercase_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_non_existing_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_non_existing_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_with_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_with_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_stop_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_start_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_to_stop_multi_az_and_sqlserver": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_fail_to_stop_multi_az_and_sqlserver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_multi_az_postgres": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_stop_multi_az_postgres" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_to_stop_readreplica": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_fail_to_stop_readreplica" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_databases": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_get_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_databases_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_get_databases_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_not_existent_db_parameter_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_not_existent_db_parameter_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_valid_preferred_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_valid_preferred_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_valid_preferred_maintenance_window_uppercase": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_valid_preferred_maintenance_window_uppercase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_more_than_24_hours": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_more_than_24_hours" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_less_than_30_mins": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_less_than_30_mins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_invalid_preferred_maintenance_window_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_maintenance_backup_window_no_spill": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_maintenance_backup_window_no_spill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_maintenance_backup_window_maintenance_spill": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_maintenance_backup_window_maintenance_spill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_maintenance_backup_window_backup_spill": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_maintenance_backup_window_backup_spill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_maintenance_backup_window_both_spill": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_maintenance_backup_window_both_spill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_rename_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_non_existent_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_non_existent_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reboot_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_reboot_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reboot_non_existent_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_reboot_non_existent_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_snapshots_copy_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_snapshots_copy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_snapshots_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_snapshots_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_db_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_copy_db_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_promote_read_replica": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_promote_read_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot_and_override_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot_and_override_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group_bad_engine_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group_bad_engine_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group_bad_engine_major_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group_bad_engine_major_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group_empty_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group_empty_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_option_group_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_option_group_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_option_group_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_option_group_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_option_group_no_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_option_group_no_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_non_existent_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_non_existent_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_database_with_protection": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_database_with_protection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_invalid_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_invalid_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_db": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_db": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_db": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_option_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_option_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_get_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_non_existent_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_get_non_existent_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_database_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_database_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_security_group_authorize": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_security_group_authorize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_security_group_to_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_security_group_to_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_in_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_in_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_tags_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_tags_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_tags_event_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_tags_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_tags_database_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_remove_tags_database_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_replica": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_replica_cross_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_replica_cross_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_with_encrypted_storage": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_with_encrypted_storage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance_with_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance_with_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_with_default_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_database_with_default_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_instance_with_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_instance_with_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_parameter_group_empty_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_parameter_group_empty_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_parameter_group_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_parameter_group_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_db_parameter_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_db_parameter_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_parameter_group_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_parameter_group_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_with_iam_authentication": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_with_iam_authentication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance_without_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance_without_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance_with_availability_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance_with_availability_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_db_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "test_validate_db_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "validation_helper": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds.py", + [ + "validation_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_subnetgroup_via_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_subnetgroup_via_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dbinstance_via_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_dbinstance_via_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_dbsecuritygroup_via_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_dbsecuritygroup_via_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rds_db_parameter_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_rds_db_parameter_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rds_mysql_with_read_replica": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_rds_mysql_with_read_replica" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rds_mysql_with_read_replica_in_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_rds_mysql_with_read_replica_in_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_dbinstance_via_cf": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_dbinstance_via_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_stack_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_get_stack_outputs" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "_get_stack_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_fails_for_non_existent_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_fails_for_non_existent_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_master_username": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_master_username" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_master_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_master_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_long_master_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_needs_long_master_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_cluster_needs_long_master_user_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_cluster_needs_long_master_user_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_db_cluster_new_cluster_identifier": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_modify_db_cluster_new_cluster_identifier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster__verify_default_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster__verify_default_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_additional_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_additional_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_after_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_after_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster_do_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster_do_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster_that_is_protected": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster_that_is_protected" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_db_cluster_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_start_db_cluster_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_db_cluster_after_stopping": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_start_db_cluster_after_stopping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_db_cluster_without_stopping": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_start_db_cluster_without_stopping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_stop_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_db_cluster_already_stopped": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_stop_db_cluster_already_stopped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stop_db_cluster_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_stop_db_cluster_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot_copy_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_snapshot_copy_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_unknown_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_unknown_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_existed_target_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_copy_db_cluster_snapshot_fails_for_existed_target_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_cluster_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_delete_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot_and_override_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot_and_override_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_serverless_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_serverless_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_cluster_with_enable_http_endpoint_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_create_db_cluster_with_enable_http_endpoint_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_db_clusters_filter_by_engine": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_describe_db_clusters_filter_by_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replicate_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters.py", + [ + "test_replicate_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_instance_as_cluster_member": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters_with_instances.py", + [ + "test_add_instance_as_cluster_member" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_instance_from_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters_with_instances.py", + [ + "test_remove_instance_from_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_instance_to_serverless_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_clusters_with_instances.py", + [ + "test_add_instance_to_serverless_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "_prepare_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_event_fail_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_create_event_fail_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_subscription_fails_unknown_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_subscription_fails_unknown_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_event_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_delete_event_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_event_subscriptions": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_describe_event_subscriptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_event_subscriptions_fails_unknown_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_event_subscriptions.py", + [ + "test_describe_event_subscriptions_fails_unknown_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_db_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "_prepare_db_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_db_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "_prepare_db_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_export_task_fails_unknown_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_export_task_fails_unknown_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_export_task_db": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_export_task_db" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_export_task_db_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_export_task_db_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_export_task_fail_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_export_task_fail_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_export_task_fails_unknown_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_cancel_export_task_fails_unknown_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_export_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_cancel_export_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_export_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_describe_export_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_export_tasks_fails_unknown_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_rds_export_tasks.py", + [ + "test_describe_export_tasks_fails_unknown_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_databases": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_databases" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_list_databases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unrecognized_filter_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation", + "test_unrecognized_filter_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation", + "test_empty_filter_values_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unimplemented_filter_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestFilterValidation", + "test_unimplemented_filter_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_nested_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_filtering_on_nested_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_common_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_filtering_on_common_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_on_multiple_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_filtering_on_multiple_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filters_with_multiple_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestResourceFiltering", + "test_filters_with_multiple_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_when_filters_to_update_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_when_filters_to_update_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_when_filters_to_merge_is_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_when_filters_to_merge_is_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_when_both_filters_are_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_when_both_filters_are_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values_are_merged": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_values_are_merged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex_merge": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestMergingFilters", + "test_complex_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encode_orderable_db_instance": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_encode_orderable_db_instance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encode_orderable_db_instance__short_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_encode_orderable_db_instance__short_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_encoding_is_unique": [ + [ + "tests/test_rds/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_verify_encoding_is_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_rdsdata/test_rdsdata.py", + [ + "test_execute_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_query_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_rdsdata/test_rdsdata.py", + [ + "test_set_query_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_enhanced_vpc_routing_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_enhanced_vpc_routing_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_cluster_with_kms_key_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_cluster_with_kms_key_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_snapshot_copy_grant": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_snapshot_copy_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_many_snapshot_copy_grants": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_many_snapshot_copy_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_snapshot_copy_grants": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_no_snapshot_copy_grants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_all_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_all_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_single_node_cluster_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_single_node_cluster_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_in_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_in_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_in_subnet_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_in_subnet_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_security_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_security_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_vpc_security_groups_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_vpc_security_groups_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_iam_roles": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_iam_roles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_parameter_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_parameter_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_cluster_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_cluster_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_cluster_vpc_routing": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_modify_cluster_vpc_routing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_cluster_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_modify_cluster_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_authorize_security_group_ingress": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_authorize_security_group_ingress" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_invalid_cluster_subnet_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_invalid_cluster_subnet_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_subnet_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_subnet_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_subnet_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_subnet_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_security_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_security_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_security_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_security_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_security_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_security_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_parameter_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_parameter_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_parameter_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_parameter_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_parameter_group_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameter_group_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_snapshot_of_non_existent_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_snapshot_of_non_existent_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_automated_snapshot_on_cluster_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_automated_snapshot_on_cluster_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_automated_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_automated_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_presence_automated_snapshot_on_cluster_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_presence_automated_snapshot_on_cluster_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_snapshot_with_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_snapshot_with_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_from_automated_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_from_automated_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_snapshots": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_snapshots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_cluster_snapshots_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_cluster_snapshots_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cluster_snapshot_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_cluster_snapshot_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_node_type_from_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_node_type_from_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_from_snapshot_with_waiter": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_from_snapshot_with_waiter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_from_non_existent_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_from_non_existent_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_status_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_status_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_with_resource_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_with_resource_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_cannot_specify_resource_type_and_resource_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_cannot_specify_resource_type_and_resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_with_resource_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_with_resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_tags_all_resource_types": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_describe_tags_all_resource_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tagged_resource_not_found_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_tagged_resource_not_found_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_snapshot_copy": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_enable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_snapshot_copy_unencrypted": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_enable_snapshot_copy_unencrypted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_snapshot_copy": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_disable_snapshot_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_cluster_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_cluster_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_with_final_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_with_final_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_cluster_without_final_snapshot": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_delete_cluster_without_final_snapshot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resize_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_resize_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_cluster_credentials_non_existent_cluster_and_user": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_get_cluster_credentials_non_existent_cluster_and_user" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_cluster_credentials_invalid_duration": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_get_cluster_credentials_invalid_duration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_cluster_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_get_cluster_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pause_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_pause_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pause_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_pause_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resume_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_resume_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resume_unknown_cluster": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift.py", + [ + "test_resume_unknown_cluster" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshift_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_redshift_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_redshift_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_clusters_with_json_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_clusters_with_json_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_multiple_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_multiple_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_clusters": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_clusters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_describe_cluster_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_and_describe_cluster_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_cluster_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_cluster_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_cluster_with_security_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshift/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_cluster_with_security_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_statement_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_cancel_statement_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_statement_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_cancel_statement_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_statement_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_describe_statement_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_statement_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_describe_statement_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_statement_result_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_get_statement_result_throws_exception_when_uuid_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_statement_result_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_get_statement_result_throws_exception_when_statement_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_and_cancel_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_execute_statement_and_cancel_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_and_describe_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_execute_statement_and_describe_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execute_statement_and_get_statement_result": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_redshiftdata.py", + [ + "test_execute_statement_and_get_statement_result" + ] + ] + ], + "headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_cancel_statement_unknown_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_cancel_statement_unknown_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_describe_statement_unknown_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_describe_statement_unknown_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_get_statement_result_unknown_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_get_statement_result_unknown_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_with_minimal_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_with_minimal_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_with_all_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_with_all_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_describe_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_describe_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_get_statement_result": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_get_statement_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_cancel_statement": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "test_redshiftdata_execute_statement_and_cancel_statement" + ] + ] + ], + "get_payload": [ + [ + "tests/test_redshiftdata/test_server.py", + [ + "get_payload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_face_search": [ + [ + "tests/test_rekognition/test_rekognition.py", + [ + "test_start_face_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_rekognition/test_rekognition.py", + [ + "test_start_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_face_search": [ + [ + "tests/test_rekognition/test_rekognition.py", + [ + "test_get_face_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_rekognition/test_rekognition.py", + [ + "test_get_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_untag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_group_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_get_group_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_group_with_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_create_group_with_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_group_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroups/test_resourcegroups.py", + [ + "test_update_group_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_glue_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstagging_glue.py", + [ + "test_glue_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_ecs": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_ecs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_ec2_vpc", + "assert_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_rds", + "assert_response" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_lambda", + "assert_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_ec2_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_ec2_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tag_keys_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_tag_keys_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tag_values_ec2": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_tag_values_ec2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_many_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_many_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_target_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_target_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_s3": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_s3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_tag_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_multiple_tag_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_rds": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_rds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resources_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi.py", + [ + "test_get_resources_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resourcegroupstaggingapi_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_resourcegroupstaggingapi/test_server.py", + [ + "test_resourcegroupstaggingapi_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_dot_in_name_is_ignored": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_change_set_model.py", + [ + "test_last_dot_in_name_is_ignored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_dot_is_not_stored": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_change_set_model.py", + [ + "test_last_dot_is_not_stored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_optional_fields": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_change_set_model.py", + [ + "test_optional_fields" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_create_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_delete_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_hosted_zone_with_change_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_delete_hosted_zone_with_change_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_no_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_no_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_one_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_one_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_many_zones": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_hosted_zone_count_many_zones" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_hosted_zone_comment": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_update_hosted_zone_comment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_record_set_unknown_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_record_set_unknown_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_record_set_unknown_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_record_set_unknown_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_health_check_in_resource_record_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_use_health_check_in_resource_record_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hosted_zone_comment_preserved": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_hosted_zone_comment_preserved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleting_weighted_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_deleting_weighted_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deleting_latency_route": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_deleting_latency_route" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_or_change_tags_for_resource_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_or_change_tags_for_resource_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_dns_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_dns_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_sets_crud_valid": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_sets_crud_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_sets_crud_valid_with_special_xml_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_sets_crud_valid_with_special_xml_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_set__delete_should_match_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_set__delete_should_match_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_weighted_resource_record_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_weighted_resource_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failover_record_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_failover_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geolocation_record_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_geolocation_record_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_invalid_action_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_invalid_action_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_set_create__should_fail_when_record_already_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_set_create__should_fail_when_record_already_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_set__should_create_record_when_using_upsert": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_set__should_create_record_when_using_upsert" + ] + ] + ], + "create_resource_record_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_record_sets_name_type_filters", + "create_resource_record_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_record_sets_name_type_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_record_sets_name_type_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_change": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_change" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_resource_record_sets_records_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_change_resource_record_sets_records_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_resource_recordset_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_list_resource_recordset_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dns_sec": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53.py", + [ + "test_get_dns_sec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_stack_hosted_zone_by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_stack_hosted_zone_by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_roundrobin": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_route53_roundrobin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_ec2_instance_with_public_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_route53_ec2_instance_with_public_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_associate_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_route53_associate_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_with_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_route53_with_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_route53_recordset": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_delete_route53_recordset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_list_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set_from_hosted_zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set_from_hosted_zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set_from_hosted_zone_with_delegationsetid": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_create_reusable_delegation_set_from_hosted_zone_with_delegationsetid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_get_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_reusable_delegation_set_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_get_reusable_delegation_set_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_reusable_delegation_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_list_reusable_delegation_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_reusable_delegation_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_delegationsets.py", + [ + "test_delete_reusable_delegation_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_health_check_with_additional_options": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_create_health_check_with_additional_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_calculated_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_create_calculated_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_calculated_health_check_with_children": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_create_calculated_health_check_with_children" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_get_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_health_checks": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_list_health_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_health_checks": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_delete_health_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_health_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_update_health_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_health_check_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_healthchecks.py", + [ + "test_health_check_status" + ] + ] + ], + "create_hosted_zone_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "create_hosted_zone_id" + ] + ] + ], + "create_log_group_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "create_log_group_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_query_logging_config_bad_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_create_query_logging_config_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_query_logging_config_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_create_query_logging_config_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_delete_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_query_logging_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_get_query_logging_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_query_logging_configs_bad_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_list_query_logging_configs_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_query_logging_configs_good_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_query_logging_config.py", + [ + "test_list_query_logging_configs_good_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hosted_zone_private_zone_preserved": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_hosted_zone_private_zone_preserved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_vpc_with_multiple_vpcs": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_vpc_with_multiple_vpcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_list_hosted_zones_by_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_associate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_route53_associate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_associate_vpc_with_public_Zone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_route53_associate_vpc_with_public_Zone" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_associate_and_disassociate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_route53_associate_and_disassociate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53_disassociate_last_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_route53_vpcs.py", + [ + "test_route53_disassociate_last_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_recordset": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_recordset" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_xml": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53/test_server.py", + [ + "parse_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_test_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_invalid_create_endpoint_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_invalid_create_endpoint_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_endpoint_subnets": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_endpoint_subnets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_endpoint_security_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_endpoint_security_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_create_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_create_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_other_create_resolver_endpoint_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_other_create_resolver_endpoint_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_delete_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_delete_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_delete_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_delete_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_update_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_update_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_update_resolver_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_update_resolver_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoints_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_endpoints_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoints_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoints_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__invalid_resolver": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__invalid_resolver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_ip": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_ip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_ipid_and_subnet": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_ipid_and_subnet" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_subnet_alone": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address__using_subnet_alone" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "create_test_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_invalid_create_rule_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_invalid_create_rule_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_create_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_create_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_create_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_delete_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_delete_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_delete_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_delete_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rules_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rules_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rules_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rules_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_rule_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "create_test_rule_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_invalid_associate_resolver_rule_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_invalid_associate_resolver_rule_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_associate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_associate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_other_associate_resolver_rule_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_other_associate_resolver_rule_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_disassociate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_disassociate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_disassociate_resolver_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_disassociate_resolver_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_rule_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_get_resolver_rule_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_rule_association": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_get_resolver_rule_association" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rule_associations": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rule_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rule_associations_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_resolver_rule_associations_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rule_associations_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rule_associations_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rule_associations": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_rule_associations.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_resolver_rule_associations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_tag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_tags.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_tag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_untag_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_tags.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_untag_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_tags.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_route53resolver/test_route53resolver_tags.py", + [ + "test_route53resolver_bad_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_custom_request_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_multiple_accounts_server.py", + [ + "TestAccountIdResolution", + "test_with_custom_request_header" + ] + ] + ], + "save": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "MyModel", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "MySageMakerModel", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "MyProcessingJobModel", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "MyTrainingJobModel", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "MyTransformJobModel", + "save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keys_are_pickleable": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_keys_are_pickleable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_my_model_save": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_my_model_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_object_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resource_get_object_returns_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_resource_get_object_returns_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_save_to_missing_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_save_to_missing_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_key_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_missing_key_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_empty_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_name_encoding_in_listing": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_name_encoding_in_listing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_key_set_on_existing_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_empty_key_set_on_existing_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_key_save": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_large_key_save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_set_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_modified": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_last_modified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_missing_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_create_existing_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_existing_bucket_in_us_east_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_create_existing_bucket_in_us_east_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_deletion": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_deletion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_all_buckets": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_all_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_to_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_post_to_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_post_with_metadata_to_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_post_with_metadata_to_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_versioned_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_versioned_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_missing_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_missing_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_empty_keys_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_empty_keys_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_name_with_special_chars": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_name_with_special_chars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_with_special_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_with_special_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_key_listing_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_key_listing_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_with_reduced_redundancy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_with_reduced_redundancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_restore_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_key_transition": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_restore_key_transition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_restore_standard_class_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_cannot_restore_standard_class_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_versioning_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_versioning_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_key_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_key_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_setting": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_acl_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_setting_via_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_acl_setting_via_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_switching": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_acl_switching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_switching_nonexistent_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_acl_switching_nonexistent_key" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_acl_switching_nonexistent_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_streaming_upload_from_file_to_presigned_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_streaming_upload_from_file_to_presigned_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_from_file_to_presigned_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_upload_from_file_to_presigned_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_file_with_checksum_algorithm": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_upload_file_with_checksum_algorithm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_chunked_with_v4_signature_in_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_chunked_with_v4_signature_in_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_object_in_private_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_s3_object_in_private_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_s3_object_in_private_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_unicode_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_unicode_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setting_content_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_setting_content_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_location_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_location_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_location_nondefault": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_location_nondefault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_location_should_error_outside_useast1": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_s3_location_should_error_outside_useast1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ranged_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_ranged_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_website_configuration_xml": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_website_configuration_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_client_get_object_returns_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_client_get_object_returns_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_website_redirect_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_website_redirect_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delimiter_optional_in_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delimiter_optional_in_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_with_pagesize_0": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_with_pagesize_0" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_truncated_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_truncated_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_keys_xml_escaped": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_keys_xml_escaped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_common_prefix_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_common_prefix_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_common_invalid_continuation_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_common_invalid_continuation_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_truncated_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_truncated_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_truncated_response_start_after": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_truncated_response_start_after" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_fetch_owner": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_fetch_owner" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_truncate_combined_keys_and_folders": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_truncate_combined_keys_and_folders" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_objects_v2_checksum_algo": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_objects_v2_checksum_algo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_create_force_us_east_1": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_create_force_us_east_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_create_eu_central": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_create_eu_central" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_create_empty_bucket_configuration_should_return_malformed_xml_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_create_empty_bucket_configuration_should_return_malformed_xml_error" + ] + 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"test_delete_versioned_bucket_returns_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_modified_since_refresh": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_modified_since_refresh" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_modified_since": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_modified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_unmodified_since": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_unmodified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_if_none_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_if_none_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_modified_since": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_modified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_modified_since_refresh": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_modified_since_refresh" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_unmodified_since": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_unmodified_since" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_if_none_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_if_none_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_bucket_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_bucket_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_notification": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_notification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_notification_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_notification_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions_with_delimiter": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions_with_delimiter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions_with_delimiter_for_deleted_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions_with_delimiter_for_deleted_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions_with_versioning_disabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions_with_versioning_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_object_versions_with_versioning_enabled_late": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_list_object_versions_with_versioning_enabled_late" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_prefix_list_object_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bad_prefix_list_object_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_markers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_delete_markers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_multiple_delete_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_stream_gzipped": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_stream_gzipped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_name_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_name_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bucket_name_too_short": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_bucket_name_too_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accelerated_none_when_unspecified": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_accelerated_none_when_unspecified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_enable_bucket_acceleration": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_can_enable_bucket_acceleration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_suspend_bucket_acceleration": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_can_suspend_bucket_acceleration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suspending_acceleration_on_not_configured_bucket_does_nothing": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_suspending_acceleration_on_not_configured_bucket_does_nothing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accelerate_configuration_status_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_accelerate_configuration_status_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_accelerate_configuration_is_not_supported_when_bucket_name_has_dots": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_accelerate_configuration_is_not_supported_when_bucket_name_has_dots" + ] + ] + ], + "store_and_read_back_a_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "store_and_read_back_a_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paths_with_leading_slashes_work": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_paths_with_leading_slashes_work" + ] + ] + ], + "test_root_dir_with_empty_name_works": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_root_dir_with_empty_name_works" + ] + ] + ], + "test_leading_slashes_not_removed": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_leading_slashes_not_removed" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_with_url_encoded_key", + "assert_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_with_url_encoded_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_with_url_encoded_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_unknown_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_unknown_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_public_access_block": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_public_access_block" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_presigned_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_creating_presigned_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_presigned_put_url_with_approved_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_presigned_put_url_with_approved_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_presigned_put_url_with_custom_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_presigned_put_url_with_custom_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_actual_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_actual_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_version_should_throw_specific_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_version_should_throw_specific_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_partial_content_without_specifying_range_should_return_full_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_request_partial_content_without_specifying_range_should_return_full_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_object_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_data_without_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "if_settings_TEST_SERVER_M", + "test_upload_data_without_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_versions_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_get_object_versions_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_bucket_duplicate": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_create_bucket_duplicate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_with_empty_keyname": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_with_empty_keyname" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_should_return_default_content_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_object_should_return_default_content_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_all_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_request_partial_content_should_contain_all_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_versioned_key_in_not_versioned_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_head_versioned_key_in_not_versioned_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prefix_encoding": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_prefix_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checksum_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_checksum_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cross_account_region_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3.py", + [ + "test_cross_account_region_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_acl_using_grant": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_put_object_acl_using_grant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_switching_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_acl_switching_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_object_in_public_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_s3_object_in_public_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_object_in_public_bucket_using_multiple_presigned_urls": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_s3_object_in_public_bucket_using_multiple_presigned_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_acl_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_acl_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_acl_with_presigned_post": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_object_acl_with_presigned_post" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_setting_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_acl_setting_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acl_setting_via_headers_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_acl_setting_via_headers_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raise_exception_for_grant_and_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_acl.py", + [ + "test_raise_exception_for_grant_and_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_unexisting_object_without_auth_should_return_403": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "test_load_unexisting_object_without_auth_should_return_403" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_bucket_with_correct_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "test_head_bucket_with_correct_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_bucket_with_incorrect_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "test_head_bucket_with_incorrect_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "my_head_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "my_head_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "create_user_with_access_key_and_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "create_user_with_access_key_and_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_objects_without_access_throws_custom_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_auth.py", + [ + "test_delete_objects_without_access_throws_custom_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_block_or_allow_get_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "test_block_or_allow_get_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_block_put_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "test_block_put_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_block_all_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "test_block_all_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_block_all_with_different_principal": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "test_block_all_with_different_principal" + ] + ] + ], + "_put_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_bucket_policy.py", + [ + "TestBucketPolicy", + "_put_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_instantiation_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_classdecorator.py", + [ + "ClassDecoratorTest", + "test_instantiation_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_basic": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_with_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_with_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_update_no_interruption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_update_no_interruption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_update_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_update_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_outputs": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_s3_bucket_cloudformation_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_public_access_block_to_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_public_access_block_to_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_config_discovered_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_list_config_discovered_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_lifecycle_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_lifecycle_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_notification_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_notification_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_acl_to_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_acl_to_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_config_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_config.py", + [ + "test_s3_config_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_boto3_with_sha256_checksum": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_boto3_with_sha256_checksum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_with_version_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_with_version_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_with_bucketkeyenabled_returns_the_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_with_bucketkeyenabled_returns_the_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_with_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_with_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_replace_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_replace_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_without_changes_should_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_without_changes_should_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_without_changes_should_not_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_without_changes_should_not_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_reduced_redundancy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_reduced_redundancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_non_existing_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_non_existing_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_with_versioning": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_with_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_from_unversioned_to_versioned_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_from_unversioned_to_versioned_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_with_replacement_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_with_replacement_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_with_kms_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_with_kms_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_in_place_with_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_in_place_with_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_in_place_with_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_in_place_with_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_does_not_copy_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_does_not_copy_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_does_not_copy_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_does_not_copy_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_in_place_with_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_in_place_with_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_objet_legal_hold": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_objet_legal_hold" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_lock": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_in_place_website_redirect_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_in_place_website_redirect_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_in_place_with_bucket_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_in_place_with_bucket_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_key_boto3_with_both_sha256_checksum": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_key_boto3_with_both_sha256_checksum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_calculates_checksum": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_calculates_checksum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object_keeps_checksum": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_copyobject.py", + [ + "test_copy_object_keeps_checksum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_list_buckets": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_custom_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_and_list_buckets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_list_buckets_with_multiple_supported_endpoints": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_custom_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_and_list_buckets_with_multiple_supported_endpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_custom_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_list_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_custom_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_put_and_list_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encryption_on_new_bucket_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_encryption_on_new_bucket_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_and_get_encryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_delete_and_get_encryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encryption_status_on_new_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_encryption_status_on_new_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encryption_status_on_copied_objects": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_encryption_status_on_copied_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encryption_bucket_key_for_aes_not_returned": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_encryption.py", + [ + "test_encryption_bucket_key_for_aes_not_returned" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapped": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "verify_zero_warnings", + "wrapped" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "reduced_min_part_size", + "wrapped" + ] + ] + ], + "verify_zero_warnings": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "verify_zero_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upload_large_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_upload_large_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_large_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_delete_large_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwriting_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_overwriting_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_versioned_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_versioned_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_copy_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_part_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_part_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwriting_part_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_overwriting_part_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aborting_part_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_aborting_part_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_completing_part_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_completing_part_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_versioned_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_single_versioned_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwrite_versioned_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_overwrite_versioned_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_versions_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_multiple_versions_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_versioned_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_delete_versioned_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_specific_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_delete_specific_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_other_backend": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosures", + "test_reset_other_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_decorator": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks", + "test_use_decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_decorator_and_context_mngt": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks", + "test_use_decorator_and_context_mngt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_multiple_context_managers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks", + "test_use_multiple_context_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multipart": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks", + "test_create_multipart" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overwrite_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks", + "test_overwrite_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_object_with_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks", + "test_delete_object_with_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_versioned_object__while_looping": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "TestS3FileHandleClosuresUsingMocks", + "test_update_versioned_object__while_looping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_key_can_be_copied_after_disposing": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_file_handles.py", + [ + "test_verify_key_can_be_copied_after_disposing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_objectcreated_put__invokes_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lambda_integration.py", + [ + "test_objectcreated_put__invokes_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_objectcreated_put__unknown_lambda_is_handled_gracefully": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lambda_integration.py", + [ + "test_objectcreated_put__unknown_lambda_is_handled_gracefully" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_copy__sends_to_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lambda_integration.py", + [ + "test_object_copy__sends_to_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_object_put__sends_to_queue__using_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lambda_integration.py", + [ + "test_object_put__sends_to_queue__using_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_eodm": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_eodm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_nve": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_nve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_nvt": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_nvt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_multiple_nvt": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_multiple_nvt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_multiple_transitions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_multiple_transitions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_aimu": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_aimu" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_with_glacier_transition_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_with_glacier_transition_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_multi_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_multi_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lifecycle_delete_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lifecycle.py", + [ + "test_lifecycle_delete_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_locked_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_locked_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_locked_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_fail_locked_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_lock": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_put_object_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_legal_hold": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_put_object_legal_hold" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_default_lock": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_put_default_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_legal_hold_with_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_put_object_legal_hold_with_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_lock_with_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_lock.py", + [ + "test_put_object_lock_with_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_logging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_logging.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_logging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_file_is_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_logging.py", + [ + "test_log_file_is_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_returns_requestid": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_metadata.py", + [ + "test_s3_returns_requestid" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_metadata": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_metadata.py", + [ + "_check_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "reduced_min_part_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "reduced_min_part_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_key_buffer_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_default_key_buffer_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_too_small": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_too_small" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_out_of_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_out_of_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_with_headers": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_with_headers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_with_copy_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_with_copy_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_cancel": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_cancel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_etag_quotes_stripped": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_etag_quotes_stripped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_duplicate_upload": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_duplicate_upload" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_multiparts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_list_multiparts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_should_throw_nosuchupload_if_there_are_no_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_should_throw_nosuchupload_if_there_are_no_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_wrong_partnumber": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_wrong_partnumber" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_should_return_part_10000": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_should_return_part_10000" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_upload_without_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_upload_without_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_multipart_upload_cannot_upload_part_over_10000": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_s3_multipart_upload_cannot_upload_part_over_10000" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_abort_multipart_data_with_invalid_upload_and_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_s3_abort_multipart_data_with_invalid_upload_and_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_version" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts_invalid_argument", + "get_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_list_parts_invalid_argument": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts_invalid_argument" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parts_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts", + "get_parts_all" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parts_by_batch": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts", + "get_parts_by_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_list_parts": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_list_parts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multipart_part_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_multipart_part_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complete_multipart_with_empty_partlist": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_complete_multipart_with_empty_partlist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_key_headers_in_create_multipart": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_ssm_key_headers_in_create_multipart" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_presigned_url_on_multipart_upload_without_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_generate_presigned_url_on_multipart_upload_without_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head_object_returns_part_count": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_multipart.py", + [ + "test_head_object_returns_part_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_etag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_object_attributes.py", + [ + "TestS3ObjectAttributes", + "test_get_etag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_storageclass": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_object_attributes.py", + [ + "TestS3ObjectAttributes", + "test_get_attributes_storageclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_object_attributes.py", + [ + "TestS3ObjectAttributes", + "test_get_attributes_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_checksum": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_object_attributes.py", + [ + "TestS3ObjectAttributes", + "test_get_attributes_checksum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_object_attributes.py", + [ + "TestS3ObjectAttributes", + "test_get_attributes_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_versioned_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_object_attributes.py", + [ + "TestS3ObjectAttributes", + "test_get_versioned_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_bucket_with_ownership": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_ownership.py", + [ + "test_create_bucket_with_ownership" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_ownership_to_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_ownership.py", + [ + "test_put_ownership_to_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_ownership_from_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_ownership.py", + [ + "test_delete_ownership_from_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_replication_for_unexisting_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_replication_for_unexisting_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_replication_bucket_without_replication": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_replication_bucket_without_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_bucket_replication_unknown_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_delete_bucket_replication_unknown_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_bucket_replication_bucket_without_replication": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_delete_bucket_replication_bucket_without_replication" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_replication_without_versioning": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_create_replication_without_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_retrieve_replication_with_single_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_create_and_retrieve_replication_with_single_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_retrieve_replication_with_multiple_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_replication.py", + [ + "test_create_and_retrieve_replication_with_multiple_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_query_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "test_query_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_function": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "test_count_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_as": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "test_count_as" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_list_as": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "test_count_list_as" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_csv": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "test_count_csv" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_record_delimiter": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "test_default_record_delimiter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extensive_json__select_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "test_extensive_json__select_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extensive_json__select_all": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_select.py", + [ + "TestS3Select", + "test_extensive_json__select_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_storage_class_standard": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_storage_class_standard" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_storage_class_infrequent_access": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_storage_class_infrequent_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_storage_class_intelligent_tiering": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_storage_class_intelligent_tiering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_storage_class_copy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_storage_class_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_invalid_copied_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_invalid_copied_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_invalid_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_invalid_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_default_storage_class": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_default_storage_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_error_for_glacier_storage_class_not_restored": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_error_for_glacier_storage_class_not_restored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_error_for_deep_archive_storage_class_not_restored": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_error_for_deep_archive_storage_class_not_restored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_for_glacier_storage_class_restored": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_for_glacier_storage_class_restored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_copy_object_for_deep_archive_storage_class_restored": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_copy_object_for_deep_archive_storage_class_restored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_get_object_from_glacier": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_storageclass.py", + [ + "test_s3_get_object_from_glacier" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_tagging_unknown_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_tagging_unknown_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_with_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_with_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_get_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_bucket_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_delete_bucket_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_tagging_on_earliest_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_tagging_on_earliest_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_tagging_on_both_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_tagging_on_both_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_object_tagging_with_single_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_put_object_tagging_with_single_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_object_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_get_object_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_objects_tagging_with_same_key_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_objects_tagging_with_same_key_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_generate_url_for_tagged_object": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_tagging.py", + [ + "test_generate_url_for_tagged_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_base_url" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_s3bucket_path_utils.py", + [ + "test_base_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localhost_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_localhost_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_s3bucket_path_utils.py", + [ + "test_localhost_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_localhost_without_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_localhost_without_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_s3bucket_path_utils.py", + [ + "test_localhost_without_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_force_ignore_subdomain_for_bucketnames": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_force_ignore_subdomain_for_bucketnames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_versioned_key_store": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_versioned_key_store" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_region_from_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_parse_region_from_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checksum_sha256": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_checksum_sha256" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checksum_sha1": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_checksum_sha1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checksum_crc32": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_checksum_crc32" + ] + ] + ], + "test_checksum_crc32c": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_checksum_crc32c" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cors_utils": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_s3_utils.py", + [ + "test_cors_utils" + ] + ] + ], + "authenticated_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "authenticated_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "authenticated_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_get" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_bucket_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_bucket_create" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_bucket_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_ignore_subdomain_for_bucketnames": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_ignore_subdomain_for_bucketnames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_bucket_versioning": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_bucket_versioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket_redirect": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_to_bucket_redirect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_without_content_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_without_content_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_unicode_bucket_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_unicode_bucket_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_cors": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_cors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_cors_exposed_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_cors_exposed_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_post_cors_multiple_origins": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_post_cors_multiple_origins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_put_ipv6": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_put_ipv6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_s3_server_put_ipv4": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3bucket_path/test_server.py", + [ + "test_s3_server_put_ipv4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_public_access_block_for_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control.py", + [ + "test_get_public_access_block_for_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_access_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_create_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_access_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_point_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_get_access_point_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_point_full": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_get_access_point_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_access_point": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_access_points.py", + [ + "test_delete_access_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_point_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_access_point_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_access_point_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_access_point_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_access_point_policy_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_access_point_policy_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_access_point_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_delete_access_point_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_access_point_policy_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_accesspoint_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_access_point_policy_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_list_account_pab": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_config_integration.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_config_list_account_pab" + ] + ] + ], + "test_config_get_account_pab": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_config_integration.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_config_get_account_pab" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pab_are_kept_separate": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_s3.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_pab_are_kept_separate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pab_are_kept_separate_with_inverse_mocks": [ + [ + "tests/test_s3control/test_s3control_s3.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_pab_are_kept_separate_with_inverse_mocks" + ] + ] + ], + "resource_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "resource_name" + ] + ] + ], + "describe_function_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "describe_function_name" + ] + ] + ], + "name_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "name_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "arn_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "arn_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cloudformation_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "ModelTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "get_cloudformation_template" + ] + ] + ], + "run_setup_procedure": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "TestConfig", + "run_setup_procedure" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointConfigTestConfig", + "run_setup_procedure" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/cloudformation_test_configs.py", + [ + "EndpointTestConfig", + "run_setup_procedure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_create": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_create" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_get_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_get_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_model_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_model_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_endpoint_config_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_endpoint_config_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_endpoint_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sagemaker_cloudformation_endpoint_update" + ] + ] + ], + "fixture_sagemaker_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_search.py", + [ + "fixture_sagemaker_client" + ] + ] + ], + "create_endpoint_config_helper": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "create_endpoint_config_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint_config_serverless": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint_config_serverless" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_delete_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint_invalid_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint_invalid_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint_invalid_memory_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint_invalid_memory_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_create_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_delete_endpoint" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_one_variant": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_one_variant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_two_variants": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_two_variants" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_no_variant": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_no_variant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_no_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_no_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_nonunique_variant": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "test_update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities_should_throw_clienterror_nonunique_variant" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_up_sagemaker_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "_set_up_sagemaker_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "_create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_endpoint_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "_create_endpoint_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_endpoint.py", + [ + "_create_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_experiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_create_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_experiments": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_list_experiments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_experiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_delete_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_experiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_to_experiment": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_experiment.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_to_experiment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages_creation_time_before": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages_creation_time_before" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages_creation_time_after": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages_creation_time_after" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages_name_contains": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages_name_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages_approval_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages_approval_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages_model_package_group_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages_model_package_group_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages_model_package_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages_model_package_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages_sort_by": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages_sort_by" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_model_packages_sort_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_list_model_packages_sort_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_model_package": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_describe_model_package" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_package": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_create_model_package" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_model_package_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_model_packages.py", + [ + "test_create_model_package_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_describe_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_model_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_describe_model_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_model_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_delete_model_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_models": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_list_models" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_models_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_list_models_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_models_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_list_models_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_from_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_models.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_from_model" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_notebook_instance_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "_get_notebook_instance_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_notebook_instance_lifecycle_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "_get_notebook_instance_lifecycle_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notebook_instance_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_create_notebook_instance_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notebook_instance_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_create_notebook_instance_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_notebook_instance_invalid_instance_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_create_notebook_instance_invalid_instance_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_notebook_instance_lifecycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_notebook_instance_lifecycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_nonexistent_model": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_describe_nonexistent_model" + ] + ] + ], + "test_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_notebook": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_notebook" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_from_notebook": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_notebooks.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_from_notebook" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_s3_pipeline_definition": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "setup_s3_pipeline_definition" + ] + ] + ], + "create_sagemaker_pipelines": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "create_sagemaker_pipelines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utils_get_pipeline_from_name_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_utils_get_pipeline_from_name_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utils_get_pipeline_from_name_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_utils_get_pipeline_from_name_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utils_get_pipeline_name_from_execution_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_utils_get_pipeline_name_from_execution_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utils_get_pipeline_execution_from_arn_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_utils_get_pipeline_execution_from_arn_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utils_arn_formatter": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_utils_arn_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipeline_executions": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipeline_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution" + ] + ] 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"test_create_pipeline_invalid_required_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_pipeline_duplicate_pipeline_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_create_pipeline_duplicate_pipeline_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipelines_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipelines_single": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipelines_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipelines_sort_name_ascending": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines_sort_name_ascending" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_pipelines_sort_creation_time_descending": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_list_pipelines_sort_creation_time_descending" + ] + ] + 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"tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_delete_pipeline_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_pipeline_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_delete_pipeline_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_invalid_kwargs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_invalid_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_no_update": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_no_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_add_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_add_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_pipeline_update_change_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_update_pipeline_update_change_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_pipeline_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_describe_pipeline_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_pipeline_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_pipeline.py", + [ + "test_describe_pipeline_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_processing_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_create_processing_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_processing.py", + [ + "test_list_processing_jobs_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_processing_jobs_should_validate_input": [ + 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"test_add_and_delete_tags_in_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_search.py", + [ + "test_search" + ] + ] + ], + "test_search_trial_component_with_experiment_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_search.py", + [ + "test_search_trial_component_with_experiment_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_up_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_search.py", + [ + "_set_up_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_create_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_should_validate_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_should_validate_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_with_name_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_with_name_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated_with_target_in_middle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated_with_target_in_middle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated_with_fragmented_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_list_training_jobs_paginated_with_fragmented_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_from_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_from_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_training_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_training.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_training_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_transform_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "test_create_transform_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_transform_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "test_list_transform_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_transform_jobs_multiple": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "test_list_transform_jobs_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_transform_jobs_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "test_list_transform_jobs_none" + ] + ] + ], + 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"tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_transform_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_from_transform_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_from_transform_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_transform_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_transform.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_transform_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_trial": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_create_trial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trials": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_list_trials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trials_by_trial_component_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_list_trials_by_trial_component_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_trial": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_delete_trial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_trial": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_trial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_to_trial": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_to_trial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trial_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial.py", + [ + "test_list_trial_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create__trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_create__trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trial_components": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_list_trial_components" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete__trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_delete__trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_tags_to_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_add_tags_to_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tags_to_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_delete_tags_to_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_trial_component_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_list_trial_component_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_associate_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_trial_component": [ + [ + "tests/test_sagemaker/test_sagemaker_trial_component.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_trial_component" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_get_delete_schedule_group": [ + [ + "tests/test_scheduler/test_schedule_groups.py", + [ + "test_create_get_delete_schedule_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_schedule_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_scheduler/test_schedule_groups.py", + [ + "test_list_schedule_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_get_schedule": [ + [ + "tests/test_scheduler/test_scheduler.py", + [ + "test_create_get_schedule" + ] + ] + 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"tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_attributes_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_attributes_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_attributes_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_unknown_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_get_attributes_unknown_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_invalid_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_get_attributes_invalid_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_multiple_and_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_multiple_and_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_replace_and_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_replace_and_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_and_get_multiple_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_put_and_get_multiple_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_attributes_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_attributes.py", + [ + "test_get_attributes_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_valid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_domain_and_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_create_domain_and_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_domain_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_sdb_domains.py", + [ + "test_delete_domain_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sdb_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sdb/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sdb_list" + ] + ] + ], + "boto_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "boto_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_secrets": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_list_secrets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_name_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_name_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_tag_key_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_tag_key_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_tag_value_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_tag_value_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_description_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_description_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_all_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_all_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_no_filter_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_no_filter_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_no_filter_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_no_filter_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_invalid_filter_key": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_invalid_filter_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_duplicate_filter_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_duplicate_filter_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_multiple_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_multiple_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_filter_with_multiple_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_filter_with_multiple_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_filter_with_value_with_multiple_words": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_filter_with_value_with_multiple_words" + ] + ] + ], + "test_with_filter_with_negation": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_list_secrets.py", + [ + "test_with_filter_with_negation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_initial_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_policy.py", + [ + "test_get_initial_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_policies_for_unknown_secrets": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_policy.py", + [ + "test_policies_for_unknown_secrets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secret_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_secret_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret_with_client_request_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret_with_client_request_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_value_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_value_binary": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value_binary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_value_that_is_marked_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_value_that_is_marked_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_that_has_no_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_has_no_value" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_that_has_no_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_version_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_version_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_secret_version_stage_mismatch": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_secret_version_stage_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret_with_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret_with_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_secret_with_tags_and_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_secret_with_tags_and_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_by_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_by_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_force": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_force" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_force_no_such_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_force_no_such_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_force_with_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_force_with_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_fails_with_both_force_delete_flag_and_recovery_window_flag": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_fails_with_both_force_delete_flag_and_recovery_window_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_recovery_window_invalid_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_recovery_window_invalid_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_force_no_such_secret_with_invalid_recovery_window": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_force_no_such_secret_with_invalid_recovery_window" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_secret_that_is_marked_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_delete_secret_that_is_marked_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_password_default_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_password_default_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_password_default_requirements": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_password_default_requirements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_password_custom_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_password_custom_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_lowercase": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_lowercase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_uppercase": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_uppercase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_characters_and_symbols": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_characters_and_symbols" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_numbers": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_exclude_punctuation": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_exclude_punctuation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_include_space_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_include_space_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_include_space_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_include_space_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_require_each_included_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_require_each_included_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_too_short_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_too_short_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_random_too_long_password": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_random_too_long_password" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret_with_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_with_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret_with_KmsKeyId": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_with_KmsKeyId" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_restore_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_secret_that_is_not_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_restore_secret_that_is_not_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_restore_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_restore_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_rotate_secret_with_invalid_secret_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_cancel_rotate_secret_with_invalid_secret_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_rotate_secret_after_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_cancel_rotate_secret_after_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_rotate_secret_before_enable": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_cancel_rotate_secret_before_enable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_rotate_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_cancel_rotate_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_without_secretstring": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_without_secretstring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_enable_rotation": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_enable_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_that_is_marked_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_is_marked_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_does_not_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_short": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_short" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_long" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_client_request_token_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_lambda_arn_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_lambda_arn_too_long" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_lambda_arn_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_period_zero": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_period_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_period_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_rotation_period_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rotation_zip_file": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "get_rotation_zip_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_using_lambda": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "if_settings_TEST_SERVER_M", + "test_rotate_secret_using_lambda" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_on_non_existing_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_on_non_existing_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_puts_new_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_puts_new_secret" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_puts_new_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_binary_value_puts_new_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_binary_value_puts_new_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_put_secret_binary_value_puts_new_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_create_and_put_secret_binary_value_puts_new_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_binary_requires_either_string_or_binary": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_binary_requires_either_string_or_binary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_can_get_first_version_if_put_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_can_get_first_version_if_put_twice" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_can_get_first_version_if_put_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_versions_differ_if_same_secret_put_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_versions_differ_if_same_secret_put_twice" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_versions_differ_if_same_secret_put_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_maintains_description_and_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_maintains_description_and_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_list_secret_version_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_can_list_secret_version_ids" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_can_list_secret_version_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_version_stages_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_version_stages_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_secret_value_version_stages_pending_response": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_put_secret_value_version_stages_pending_response" + ] + ] + ], + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_can_get_current": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_can_get_current" + ] + ] + ], + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_can_get_current_with_custom_version_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_can_get_current_with_custom_version_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_pending_can_get_current": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_after_put_secret_value_version_stages_pending_can_get_current" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_updates_last_changed_dates": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_updates_last_changed_dates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_with_tags_and_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_with_tags_and_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_with_KmsKeyId": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_with_KmsKeyId" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_which_does_not_exit": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_which_does_not_exit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_marked_as_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_marked_as_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_marked_as_deleted_after_restoring": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_marked_as_deleted_after_restoring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secret_versions_to_stages_attribute_discrepancy": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_secret_versions_to_stages_attribute_discrepancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_with_client_request_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_with_client_request_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_that_is_still_rotating": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_rotate_secret_that_is_still_rotating" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_lambda_invocations": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_rotate_secret_lambda_invocations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_secret_with_incorrect_lambda_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "if_not_settings_TEST_SERV", + "test_rotate_secret_with_incorrect_lambda_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_resource_policy_secret": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_get_resource_policy_secret" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_version_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_version_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_version_stage_currentversion_handling": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_version_stage_currentversion_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_secret_version_stage_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_secretsmanager/test_server.py", + [ + "test_update_secret_version_stage_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_servicediscovery_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_server.py", + [ + "test_servicediscovery_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_http_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_http_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_http_namespace_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_get_http_namespace_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_http_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_get_http_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_delete_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_unknown_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_delete_unknown_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_private_dns_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_private_dns_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_with_duplicate_vpc": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_with_duplicate_vpc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_public_dns_namespace_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_public_dns_namespace_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_public_dns_namespace": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_httpnamespaces.py", + [ + "test_create_public_dns_namespace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_operations_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_list_operations_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_operations": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_list_operations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_create_http_namespace_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_create_http_namespace_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_private_dns_namespace_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_private_dns_namespace_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_public_dns_namespace_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_public_dns_namespace_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_update_service_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_update_service_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_operations.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_minimal": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_create_service_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_get_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_update_service_description" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_service_others": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_service.py", + [ + "test_update_service_others" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_http_namespace_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_http_namespace_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_public_dns_namespace_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_public_dns_namespace_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_private_dns_namespace_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_service_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicediscovery/test_servicediscovery_tags.py", + [ + "test_create_service_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_aws_default_service_quotas": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicequotas/test_servicequotas.py", + [ + "test_list_aws_default_service_quotas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_defaults_for_unknown_service": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicequotas/test_servicequotas.py", + [ + "test_list_defaults_for_unknown_service" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_service_quota": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicequotas/test_servicequotas.py", + [ + "test_get_service_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unknown_service_quota": [ + [ + "tests/test_servicequotas/test_servicequotas.py", + [ + "test_get_unknown_service_quota" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ses_list_identities": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ses_list_identities" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ses_get_send_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ses_get_send_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_email_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_email_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_identities_are_region_specific": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_identities_are_region_specific" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_email_identity_idempotency": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_email_identity_idempotency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verify_email_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_verify_email_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_verify": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_domain_verify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_email" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_send_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_email_when_verify_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_email_when_verify_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_unverified_email_with_chevrons": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_unverified_email_with_chevrons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_email_invalid_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_email_invalid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_bulk_templated_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_bulk_templated_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_templated_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_templated_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_templated_email_invalid_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_templated_email_invalid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_html_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_html_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email_validate_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email_validate_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email_invalid_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email_invalid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "get_raw_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "get_raw_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email_without_source": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email_without_source" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email_without_source_or_from": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email_without_source_or_from" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_email_notification_with_encoded_sender": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_email_notification_with_encoded_sender" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_configuration_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_configuration_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_configuration_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_configuration_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_receipt_rule_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_receipt_rule_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_receipt_rule_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_receipt_rule_set_with_rules": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_receipt_rule_set_with_rules" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_receipt_rule": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_receipt_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_receipt_rule_actions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_receipt_rule_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_ses_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_ses_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_render_template__with_foreach": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_render_template__with_foreach" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_ses_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_ses_template" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domains_are_case_insensitive": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_domains_are_case_insensitive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_send_statistics": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_send_statistics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_identity_mail_from_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_identity_mail_from_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_identity_verification_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_identity_verification_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_disable_ses_sns_communication": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_enable_disable_ses_sns_communication" + ] + ] + ], + "__setup_feedback_env__": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "__setup_feedback_env__" + ] + ] + ], + "__test_sns_feedback__": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "__test_sns_feedback__" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_sns_feedback": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_no_sns_feedback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_feedback_bounce": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sns_feedback_bounce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_feedback_complaint": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sns_feedback_complaint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_feedback_delivery": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sns_feedback_delivery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_feedback_delivery_raw_email": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_sns_feedback_delivery_raw_email" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_identity_notification_attributes_default_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_identity_notification_attributes_default_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_sns_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_valid_address": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_ses_utils.py", + [ + "test_is_valid_address" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_without_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_templating.py", + [ + "test_template_without_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_with_simple_arg": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_templating.py", + [ + "test_template_with_simple_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_with_foreach": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_templating.py", + [ + "test_template_with_foreach" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_with_multiple_foreach": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_templating.py", + [ + "test_template_with_multiple_foreach" + ] + ] + ], + "test_template_with_single_curly_brace": [ + [ + "tests/test_ses/test_templating.py", + [ + "test_template_with_single_curly_brace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sesv2_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sesv2_list" + ] + ] + ], + "ses_v1": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "ses_v1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email__with_specific_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email__with_specific_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_raw_email__with_to_address_display_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_send_raw_email__with_to_address_display_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_contact_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_create_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_contact_list__with_topics": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_create_contact_list__with_topics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_contact_lists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_list_contact_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_contact_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_get_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_contact_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_contacts": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_list_contacts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_contact_no_contact_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_create_contact_no_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_contact": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_create_contact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_contact_no_contact_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_get_contact_no_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_contact": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_get_contact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_contact_no_contact": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_get_contact_no_contact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_contact_no_contact_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_contact_no_contact_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_contact_no_contact": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_contact_no_contact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_contact": [ + [ + "tests/test_sesv2/test_sesv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_contact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_signing_platforms": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_platforms.py", + [ + "test_list_signing_platforms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_signing_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_profiles.py", + [ + "test_put_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_signing_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_profiles.py", + [ + "test_get_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_signing_profile__with_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_profiles.py", + [ + "test_get_signing_profile__with_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_signing_profile": [ + [ + "tests/test_signer/test_signing_profiles.py", + [ + "test_cancel_signing_profile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_platform_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_platform_application_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_platform_application_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_platform_applications": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_platform_applications" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_platform_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_duplicate_platform_endpoint_with_same_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_duplicate_platform_endpoint_with_same_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_list_endpoints_by_platform_application": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_list_endpoints_by_platform_application" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_non_existent_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_non_existent_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_endpoint_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_endpoint_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_disabled_platform_endpoint": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_disabled_platform_endpoint" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_sms_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_sms_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_sms_attributes_filtered": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_sms_attributes_filtered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_endpoints_of_delete_app": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_application_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_endpoints_of_delete_app" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_unknown_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_unknown_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_too_many_items": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_too_many_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_non_unique_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_non_unique_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_fifo_without_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_fifo_without_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_standard_with_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_standard_with_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_to_sqs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_to_sqs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_batch_to_sqs_raw": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publish_batch.py", + [ + "test_publish_batch_to_sqs_raw" + ] + ] + ], + "to_comparable_dicts": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "to_comparable_dicts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_raw": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_raw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_fifo": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_fifo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_fifo_with_deduplication_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_fifo_with_deduplication_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_fifo_raw_with_deduplication_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_fifo_raw_with_deduplication_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_bad": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_bad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_byte_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_byte_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_number_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_number_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_different_formats": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_msg_attr_different_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_sms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_sms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_bad_sms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_bad_sms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_dump_json": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_dump_json" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_sqs_in_different_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_sqs_in_different_region" + ] + ] + ], + "callback": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_http", + "callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_to_http": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_to_http" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_subject": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_subject" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_null_subject": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_null_subject" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_message_too_long": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_message_too_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_fifo_needs_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_fifo_needs_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_group_id_to_non_fifo": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_group_id_to_non_fifo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_fifo_needs_deduplication_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_fifo_needs_deduplication_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_publish_deduplication_id_to_non_fifo": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_publish_deduplication_id_to_non_fifo" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_filter_policy_test": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "_setup_filter_policy_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_multiple_message_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_multiple_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_multiple_message_attributes_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_multiple_message_attributes_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_OR_matching": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_OR_matching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_OR_matching_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_OR_matching_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_positive": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_positive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_positive_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_positive_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_no_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_AND_matching_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_attributes_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_no_attributes_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_empty_body_no_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_empty_body_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_int": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_int_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_int_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_float": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_float_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_float_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_float_accuracy": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_float_accuracy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_float_accuracy_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_float_accuracy_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_no_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_with_string_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_with_string_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_number_with_string_no_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_number_with_string_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_no_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_float_accuracy_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_string_array_with_number_float_accuracy_match" + ] + ] + 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"tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_body_key_exists_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_attribute_key_not_exists_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_attribute_key_not_exists_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_body_key_not_exists_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_body_key_not_exists_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_attribute_key_not_exists_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_attribute_key_not_exists_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_body_key_not_exists_no_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_body_key_not_exists_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_no_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_all_AND_matching_no_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_prefix_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_prefix_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_multiple_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_multiple_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_multiple_values_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_multiple_values_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_prefix_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_prefix_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_unknown_message_body_raises": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_unknown_message_body_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric_string_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_anything_but_numeric_string_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_numeric_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_numeric_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_numeric_match_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_numeric_match_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_numeric_range": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_numeric_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_numeric_range_message_body": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_numeric_range_message_body" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body_invalid_json_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body_invalid_json_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body_empty_filter_policy_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body_empty_filter_policy_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body_nested": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body_nested_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_exact_string_message_body_nested_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_prefix_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_prefix_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_multiple_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_multiple_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_multiple_prefix_no_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_multiple_prefix_no_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_multiple_records_partial_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_multiple_records_partial_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_multiple_records_match": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_publishing_boto3.py", + [ + "test_filtering_message_body_nested_multiple_records_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_server_get": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sns_server_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sns_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_update_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sns_update_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_update_remove_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sns_update_remove_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sns_delete_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_sns_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_sns_delete_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscribe_sms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscribe_sms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_double_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_double_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscribe_bad_sms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscribe_bad_sms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_creating_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsubscribe_from_deleted_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_unsubscribe_from_deleted_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getting_subscriptions_by_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_getting_subscriptions_by_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscription_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscription_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscribe_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscribe_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_creating_subscription_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_creating_subscription_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_subscriptions_on_delete_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_subscriptions_on_delete_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_subscription_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_set_subscription_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subscribe_invalid_filter_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_subscribe_invalid_filter_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_not_opted_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_check_not_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_opted_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_check_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_opted_out_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_check_opted_out_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_opted_out": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_opted_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_opt_in": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_opt_in" + ] + ] + ], + "test_confirm_subscription": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_confirm_subscription" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_subscription_attributes_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_subscriptions_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_subscription_attributes_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_and_delete_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_and_delete_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_non_existent_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_non_existent_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_should_be_indempodent": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_should_be_indempodent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_missing_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_missing_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_must_meet_constraints": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_must_meet_constraints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_should_be_of_certain_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_should_be_of_certain_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_topic_in_multiple_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_topic_in_multiple_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_corresponds_to_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_corresponds_to_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_permissions": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_add_remove_permissions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_permission_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_add_permission_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_add_permission_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tag_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_resource_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_untag_resource_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_topic": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_topic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_kms_master_key_id_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_kms_master_key_id_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_fifo_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_fifo_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_get_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_get_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_topic_get_attributes_with_fifo_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_topics_boto3.py", + [ + "test_topic_get_attributes_with_fifo_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_policy_matcher_scope_sanity_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_filter_policy_matcher_scope_sanity_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_policy_matcher_empty_message_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_filter_policy_matcher_empty_message_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_policy_matcher_empty_message_attributes_filtering_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_sns/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_filter_policy_matcher_empty_message_attributes_filtering_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_amis": [ + [ + "tests/test_special_cases/test_custom_amis.py", + [ + "TestEC2CustomAMIs", + "setup_amis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_amis_with_MOTO_AMIS_PATH": [ + [ + "tests/test_special_cases/test_custom_amis.py", + [ + "TestEC2CustomAMIs", + "test_custom_amis_with_MOTO_AMIS_PATH" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sqs_list_identities": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sqs_list_identities" + ] + ] + ], + "insert_messages": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_messages_polling", + "insert_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "get_messages": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_messages_polling", + "get_messages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_messages_polling": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_messages_polling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_messages_polling_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_server.py", + [ + "test_no_messages_polling_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_queue_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_queue_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_with_same_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_with_same_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_with_different_attributes_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_with_different_attributes_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_queue_with_high_throughput": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_queue_with_high_throughput" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_with_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_with_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_queue_attribute_empty_policy_removes_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_set_queue_attribute_empty_policy_removes_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_empty_redrive_policy_returns_true_for_empty_and_falsy_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_is_empty_redrive_policy_returns_true_for_empty_and_falsy_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_empty_redrive_policy_returns_false_for_valid_policy_format": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_is_empty_redrive_policy_returns_false_for_valid_policy_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_queue_attribute_empty_redrive_removes_attr": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_set_queue_attribute_empty_redrive_removes_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_url_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_url_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_send_without_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_send_without_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_send_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_send_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queue_retention_period": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_queue_retention_period" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_invalid_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_invalid_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_string_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_string_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_binary_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_binary_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_attributes_have_labels": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_attributes_have_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_with_attributes_invalid_datatype": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_with_attributes_invalid_datatype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_message_group_id_standard_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_message_group_id_standard_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_unicode_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_unicode_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_queue_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_set_queue_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_common_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "_get_common_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queues_in_multiple_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_queues_in_multiple_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_with_prefix": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_with_prefix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_queue_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_queue_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes_error_not_exists": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes_error_not_exists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_queue_attribute": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_set_queue_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_without_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_without_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_with_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_with_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_with_attributes_with_labels": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_with_attributes_with_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_with_xml_content": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_with_xml_content" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility_than_permitted": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility_than_permitted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_timestamps": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_timestamps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_receive_message_with_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_receive_message_with_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_send_receive_message_with_attribute_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_send_receive_message_with_attribute_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes_no_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes_no_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_max_number_of_messages_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_max_number_of_messages_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wait_time_seconds_invalid_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_wait_time_seconds_invalid_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_messages_with_wait_seconds_timeout_of_zero": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_messages_with_wait_seconds_timeout_of_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_xml_characters": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_xml_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_with_delay": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_with_delay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_large_message_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_large_message_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_becomes_inflight_when_received": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_becomes_inflight_when_received" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_with_explicit_visibility_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_with_explicit_visibility_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility_on_unknown_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility_on_unknown_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queue_length": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_queue_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_batch_operation": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_batch_operation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility_on_old_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility_on_old_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_message_visibility_on_visible_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_change_message_visibility_on_visible_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_purge_queue_before_delete_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_purge_queue_before_delete_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_after_visibility_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_after_visibility_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_twice_using_same_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_twice_using_same_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_using_old_receipt_handle": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_using_old_receipt_handle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_batch": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_batch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_batch_with_duplicates": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_batch_with_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_message_batch_with_invalid_receipt_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_delete_message_batch_with_invalid_receipt_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_attributes_in_receive_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_attributes_in_receive_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_batch_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_batch_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_batch_with_empty_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_batch_with_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_change_message_visibility": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_batch_change_message_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_change_message_visibility_on_old_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_batch_change_message_visibility_on_old_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_queue_attributes_template_response_validation": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_get_queue_attributes_template_response_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_queue_tags_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_list_queue_tags_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_queue_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_tag_queue_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_untag_queue_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_untag_queue_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_fifo_queue_with_dlq": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_create_fifo_queue_with_dlq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_queue_with_dlq": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_queue_with_dlq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redrive_policy_available": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_redrive_policy_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redrive_policy_non_existent_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_redrive_policy_non_existent_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redrive_policy_set_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_redrive_policy_set_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redrive_policy_set_attributes_with_string_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_redrive_policy_set_attributes_with_string_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id_on_requeue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id_on_requeue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id_on_visibility_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_messages_with_message_group_id_on_visibility_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_for_queue_with_receive_message_wait_time_seconds_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_for_queue_with_receive_message_wait_time_seconds_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_queues_limits_to_1000_queues": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_list_queues_limits_to_1000_queues" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_to_fifo_without_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_to_fifo_without_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_messages_to_fifo_without_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_messages_to_fifo_without_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maximum_message_size_attribute_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_maximum_message_size_attribute_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maximum_message_size_attribute_fails_for_invalid_values": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_maximum_message_size_attribute_fails_for_invalid_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_message_fails_when_message_size_greater_than_max_message_size": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_send_message_fails_when_message_size_greater_than_max_message_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_queue_deduplication_with_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_queue_deduplication_with_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_queue_deduplication_withoutid": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_queue_deduplication_withoutid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_queue_send_duplicate_messages_after_deduplication_time_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_queue_send_duplicate_messages_after_deduplication_time_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_queue_send_deduplicationid_same_as_sha256_of_old_message": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_queue_send_deduplicationid_same_as_sha256_of_old_message" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_send_message_when_same_group_id_is_in_dlq": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_send_message_when_same_group_id_is_in_dlq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_using_name_should_return_name_as_url": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_using_name_should_return_name_as_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_attributes_contains_trace_header": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_attributes_contains_trace_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_again_preserves_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_again_preserves_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_has_windows_return": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_has_windows_return" + ] + ] + ], + "test_message_delay_is_more_than_15_minutes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_message_delay_is_more_than_15_minutes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_receive_message_that_becomes_visible_while_long_polling": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_receive_message_that_becomes_visible_while_long_polling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dedupe_fifo": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_dedupe_fifo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_dedupe_error_no_message_group_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_dedupe_error_no_message_group_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fifo_dedupe_error_no_message_dedupe_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs.py", + [ + "test_fifo_dedupe_error_no_message_dedupe_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_stack_subresources": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_describe_stack_subresources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_stack_resources": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_list_stack_resources" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_from_cloudformation_json_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_from_cloudformation_json_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_and_remove_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_and_remove_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_stack_and_add_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_update_stack_and_add_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_queue_passing_integer_as_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_create_queue_passing_integer_as_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_integration.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_fifo_queue": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_integration.py", + [ + "test_invoke_function_from_sqs_fifo_queue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_queues_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_sqs/test_sqs_multiaccount.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "test_list_queues_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_nonexistent_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_nonexistent_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_by_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_empty_string_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_empty_string_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_invalid_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_invalid_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_china": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_china" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_invalid_data_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_invalid_data_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_invalid_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_invalid_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_no_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_no_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_parameter_already_exists_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_update_parameter_already_exists_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_with_version_and_labels": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_with_version_and_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_errors": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistant_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistant_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_paging": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_paging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_filter_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_filter_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_filter_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_filter_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_filter_keyid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_filter_keyid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_keyid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_keyid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_with_parameter_filters_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_needs_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_needs_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_invalid_parameter_filters": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_invalid_parameter_filters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_invalid_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_invalid_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_parameters__multiple_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_describe_parameters__multiple_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_in_list_tags_from_resource_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tags_in_list_tags_from_resource_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_invalid_resource_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tags_invalid_resource_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_invalid_resource_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_tags_invalid_resource_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_invalid": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_secure_default_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_secure_default_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_parameter_secure_custom_kms": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_parameter_secure_custom_kms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_with_secure_string": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_with_secure_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_with_specific_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_with_specific_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_moving_versions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_moving_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_moving_versions_complex": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_moving_versions_complex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_exception_ten_labels_at_once": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_exception_ten_labels_at_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_exception_ten_labels_over_multiple_calls": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_exception_ten_labels_over_multiple_calls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_parameter_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_parameter_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_label_parameter_version_invalid_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label_non_latest": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label_non_latest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label_latest_assumed": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_with_label_latest_assumed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_missing_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_missing_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_remove_list_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_add_remove_list_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_send_command": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_send_command" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_commands": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_commands" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_command_invocation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_command_invocation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_command_invocations_by_instance_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_command_invocations_by_instance_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parameter_version_limit": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_parameter_version_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parameter_overwrite_fails_when_limit_reached_and_oldest_version_has_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_parameter_overwrite_fails_when_limit_reached_and_oldest_version_has_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_includes_invalid_parameter_when_requesting_invalid_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_includes_invalid_parameter_when_requesting_invalid_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_includes_invalid_parameter_when_requesting_invalid_label": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_includes_invalid_parameter_when_requesting_invalid_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameters_should_only_return_unique_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameters_should_only_return_unique_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_should_throw_exception_when_MaxResults_is_too_large": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_should_throw_exception_when_MaxResults_is_too_large" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_NextTokenImplementation": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_NextTokenImplementation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_parameter_history_exception_when_requesting_invalid_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_parameter_history_exception_when_requesting_invalid_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_command_invocations_from_stack": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_get_command_invocations_from_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_get_latest_ami_by_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_default_amis.py", + [ + "test_ssm_get_latest_ami_by_path" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_ec2_integration.py", + [ + "test_ssm_get_latest_ami_by_path" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_ecs_images.py", + [ + "test_ssm_get_latest_ami_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_latest_amis_are_different_in_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_default_amis.py", + [ + "test_ssm_latest_amis_are_different_in_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_get_by_path": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_defaults.py", + [ + "test_ssm_get_by_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_global_infrastructure_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_defaults.py", + [ + "test_global_infrastructure_services" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_region_query": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_defaults.py", + [ + "test_ssm_region_query" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_document_permissions_unknown_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_describe_document_permissions_unknown_document" + ] + ] + ], + "get_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "get_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_document_permissions_initial": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_describe_document_permissions_initial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_document_permission_add_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_modify_document_permission_add_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_document_permission_remove_account_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_modify_document_permission_remove_account_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_wrong_permission_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_wrong_permission_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_wrong_document_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_wrong_document_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_add_invalid_account_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_add_invalid_account_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_remove_invalid_account_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_remove_invalid_account_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_add_all_and_specific": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_add_all_and_specific" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_remove_all_and_specific": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_doc_permissions.py", + [ + "test_fail_modify_document_permission_remove_all_and_specific" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_yaml_template": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "_get_yaml_template" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_document_description": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "_validate_document_description" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_doc_validator": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "_get_doc_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_create_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_get_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_delete_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_document_default_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_update_document_default_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_update_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_describe_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_documents": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_list_documents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tags_in_list_tags_from_resource_document": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_docs.py", + [ + "test_tags_in_list_tags_from_resource_document" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_describe_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_maintenance_windows_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_create_maintenance_windows_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_maintenance_windows_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_create_maintenance_windows_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_maintenance_windows": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_get_maintenance_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_maintenance_windows": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_describe_maintenance_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_maintenance_windows": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_delete_maintenance_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_maintenance_window_target": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_register_maintenance_window_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_target_from_maintenance_window": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_deregister_target_from_maintenance_window" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_maintenance_window_with_no_task_or_targets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_describe_maintenance_window_with_no_task_or_targets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_maintenance_window_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_register_maintenance_window_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deregister_maintenance_window_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_maintenance_windows.py", + [ + "test_deregister_maintenance_window_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple_setget": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_simple_setget" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_get_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_aws_param": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_get_aws_param" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_iter_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_iter_aws": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_iter_aws" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_beginning_with": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_get_key_beginning_with" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_key_beginning_with_aws": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_get_key_beginning_with_aws" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssm_parameter_from_unknown_region": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_parameterstore.py", + [ + "test_ssm_parameter_from_unknown_region" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_patch_baseLine": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_patch_baseline.py", + [ + "test_create_patch_baseLine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_patch_baseline": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_patch_baseline.py", + [ + "test_delete_patch_baseline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__without_decryption": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__without_decryption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__with_decryption_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__with_decryption_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_version": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__by_version" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__param_does_not_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_secretsmanager.py", + [ + "test_get_value_from_secrets_manager__param_does_not_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convert_to_tree": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_utils.py", + [ + "test_convert_to_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convert_to_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_utils.py", + [ + "test_convert_to_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_input_is_correct": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssm/test_ssm_utils.py", + [ + "test_input_is_correct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ssoadmin_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_server.py", + [ + "test_ssoadmin_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_account_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_create_account_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_assignment": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_assignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_account_assignment_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_delete_account_assignment_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_account_assignments": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_list_account_assignments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_permission_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_create_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_permission_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_update_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_permission_set_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_update_permission_set_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_permission_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_describe_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_permission_set_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_describe_permission_set_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_permission_set": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_delete_permission_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_permission_set_unknown": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_delete_permission_set_unknown" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_permission_sets": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_list_permission_sets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_permission_sets_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_ssoadmin/test_ssoadmin.py", + [ + "test_list_permission_sets_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_succeeds": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_succeeds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_fails_with_invalid_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_fails_with_invalid_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_requires_valid_role_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_requires_valid_role_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_state_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_update_state_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_returns_empty_list_by_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_returns_empty_list_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_returns_created_state_machines": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_returns_created_state_machines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_is_idempotent_by_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_is_idempotent_by_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_creation_can_be_described": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_creation_can_be_described" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_bad_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_bad_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_machine_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_machine_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_can_be_deleted": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_can_be_deleted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_can_deleted_nonexisting_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_can_deleted_nonexisting_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_tagging_non_existent_resource_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_tagging_non_existent_resource_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_untagging_non_existent_resource_fails": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_untagging_non_existent_resource_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_tagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_tagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_untagging": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_untagging" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_created_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_created_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_machine_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_machine_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_nonexisting_machine": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_tags_for_nonexisting_machine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_bad_arn_raises_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_bad_arn_raises_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_custom_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_custom_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_fails_on_duplicate_execution_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_fails_on_duplicate_execution_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_custom_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_custom_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_invalid_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_start_execution_with_invalid_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_executions": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_executions_with_filter": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_executions_with_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_executions_with_pagination": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_executions_with_pagination" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_list_executions_when_none_exist": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_list_executions_when_none_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_with_no_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_with_no_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_with_custom_input": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_with_custom_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_execution_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_execution_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_can_be_described_by_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_can_be_described_by_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_throws_error_when_describing_unknown_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_stop_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_stop_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_stop_raises_error_when_unknown_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_stop_raises_error_when_unknown_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_after_stoppage": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_describe_execution_after_stoppage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_throws_error_with_unknown_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_throws_error_with_unknown_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_contains_expected_success_events_when_started": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_contains_expected_success_events_when_started" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stepfunction_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_stepfunction_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_contains_expected_failure_events_when_started": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_get_execution_history_contains_expected_failure_events_when_started" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_name_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_name_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_execution_name_limits": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_execution_name_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions.py", + [ + "_get_default_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_cloudformation": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_cloudformation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_cloudformation_update_with_replacement": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_cloudformation_update_with_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_state_machine_cloudformation_update_with_no_interruption": [ + [ + "tests/test_stepfunctions/test_stepfunctions_cloudformation.py", + [ + "test_state_machine_cloudformation_update_with_no_interruption" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_get_session_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sts_get_session_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_get_federation_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sts_get_federation_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_get_caller_identity": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sts_get_caller_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_wellformed_xml": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_server.py", + [ + "test_sts_wellformed_xml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_session_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_session_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_federation_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_federation_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_not_rely_on_attribute_order": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_not_rely_on_attribute_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_respect_xml_namespaces": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml_should_respect_xml_namespaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_when_xml_tag_contains_xmlns_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml_when_xml_tag_contains_xmlns_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_when_saml_attribute_not_provided": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_saml_when_saml_attribute_not_provided" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_web_identity_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_assume_role_with_web_identity_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_caller_identity_with_default_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_caller_identity_with_default_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_caller_identity_with_iam_user_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_caller_identity_with_iam_user_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_caller_identity_with_assumed_role_credentials": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_get_caller_identity_with_assumed_role_credentials" + ] + ] + ], + "test_federation_token_with_too_long_policy": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_federation_token_with_too_long_policy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sts_regions": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts.py", + [ + "test_sts_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "test_assume_role_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assume_role_with_saml_in_different_account": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "test_assume_role_with_saml_in_different_account" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamodb_supports_multiple_accounts": [ + [ + "tests/test_sts/test_sts_integration.py", + [ + "TestStsAssumeRole", + "test_dynamodb_supports_multiple_accounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_check_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_check_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_does_not_return_wrong_check_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_does_not_return_wrong_check_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_check_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_check_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_does_not_return_wrong_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_server.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_does_not_return_wrong_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_amount_of_checks": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_amount_of_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_an_expected_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_an_expected_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_an_expected_check_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_describe_trusted_advisor_checks_returns_an_expected_check_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_returns_expected_check": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_returns_expected_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_returns_an_expected_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_returns_an_expected_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycles_to_new_status_on_each_call": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycles_to_new_status_on_each_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycles_to_new_status_on_with_two_checks": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycles_to_new_status_on_with_two_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycle_continues_on_full_cycle": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_refresh_trusted_advisor_check_cycle_continues_on_full_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_case_is_closed": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_case_is_closed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_case_created": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_case_created" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_max_results_or_next_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_max_results_or_next_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_without_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_cc_email_correct": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_cc_email_correct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_case_include_resolved_defaults_to_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_case_include_resolved_defaults_to_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_case_include_communications_defaults_to_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_case_include_communications_defaults_to_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_support_created_cases_can_be_described": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_multiple_support_created_cases_can_be_described" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_contains_communications_when_set_to_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_contains_communications_when_set_to_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_does_not_contain_communications_when_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_does_not_contain_communications_when_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_contains_resolved_cases_when_true": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_contains_resolved_cases_when_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_does_not_contain_resolved_cases_when_false": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_does_not_contain_resolved_cases_when_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_can_cycle_case_severities": [ + [ + "tests/test_support/test_support.py", + [ + "test_support_created_case_can_be_described_and_can_cycle_case_severities" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_reset_heartbeat_clock": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_reset_heartbeat_clock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_first_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_first_timeout_with_heartbeat_timeout_none": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_first_timeout_with_heartbeat_timeout_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_cannot_timeout_on_closed_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_cannot_timeout_on_closed_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_cannot_change_state_on_closed_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_activity_task.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_cannot_change_state_on_closed_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_first_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_cannot_timeout_on_closed_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_cannot_timeout_on_closed_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_cannot_change_state_on_closed_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_decision_task.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_cannot_change_state_on_closed_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_short_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_domain.py", + [ + "test_domain_short_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_domain.py", + [ + "test_domain_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_string_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_domain.py", + [ + "test_domain_string_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_add_to_activity_task_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_domain.py", + [ + "test_domain_add_to_activity_task_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_activity_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_domain.py", + [ + "test_domain_activity_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_add_to_decision_task_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_domain.py", + [ + "test_domain_add_to_decision_task_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_decision_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_domain.py", + [ + "test_domain_decision_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_domain_get_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_domain.py", + [ + "test_domain_get_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_short_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "test_type_short_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_medium_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "test_type_medium_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "test_type_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_type_string_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_generic_type.py", + [ + "test_type_string_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_history_event_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_history_event.py", + [ + "test_history_event_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_history_event_to_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_history_event.py", + [ + "test_history_event_to_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_history_event_breaks_on_initialization_if_not_implemented": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_history_event.py", + [ + "test_history_event_breaks_on_initialization_if_not_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timer_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_timer.py", + [ + "test_timer_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timer_start_delegates_to_wrapped_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_timer.py", + [ + "test_timer_start_delegates_to_wrapped_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timer_aliveness_delegates_to_wrapped_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_timer.py", + [ + "test_timer_aliveness_delegates_to_wrapped_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timer_cancel_delegates_to_wrapped_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_timer.py", + [ + "test_timer_cancel_delegates_to_wrapped_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_creation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_creation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_creation_child_policy_logic": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_creation_child_policy_logic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_string_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_string_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_generates_a_random_run_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_generates_a_random_run_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_short_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_short_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_medium_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_medium_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closed_workflow_execution_full_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_closed_workflow_execution_full_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_list_dict_representation": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_list_dict_representation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_decision_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_dont_schedule_decision_if_existing_started_and_other_scheduled": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_dont_schedule_decision_if_existing_started_and_other_scheduled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_decision_if_existing_started_and_no_other_scheduled": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_decision_if_existing_started_and_no_other_scheduled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_start_decision_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_start_decision_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_history_events_ids": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_history_events_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_start": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_start" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_complete": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_fail": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_without_task_list_should_take_default": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_without_task_list_should_take_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_should_fail_if_wrong_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_should_fail_if_wrong_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_failure_triggers_new_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_failure_triggers_new_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_with_same_activity_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_schedule_activity_task_with_same_activity_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_start_activity_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_start_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complete_activity_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_complete_activity_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timeouts_are_processed_in_order_and_reevaluated": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_timeouts_are_processed_in_order_and_reevaluated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_marker": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_record_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_start_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_timer_correctly_fires_timer_later": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_start_timer_correctly_fires_timer_later" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_timer_fails_if_timer_already_started": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_start_timer_fails_if_timer_already_started" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_timer": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_cancel_timer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_timer_fails_if_timer_not_found": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_cancel_timer_fails_if_timer_not_found" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_workflow": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_cancel_workflow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_workflow_fails_if_open_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/models/test_workflow_execution.py", + [ + "test_cancel_workflow_fails_if_open_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_activity_task_when_one_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_activity_task_when_one_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_activity_task_when_none_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_activity_task_when_none_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_pending_activity_tasks_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_count_pending_activity_tasks_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_on_closed_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_on_closed_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_with_task_already_completed_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_with_task_already_completed_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_failed_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_failed_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_with_wrong_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_activity_task_completed_with_wrong_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_with_wrong_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_with_wrong_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_sets_details_in_case_of_timeout_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_tasks.py", + [ + "test_record_activity_task_heartbeat_sets_details_in_case_of_timeout_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_register_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_already_existing_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_register_already_existing_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_activity_types_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_list_activity_types_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_activity_types_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_list_activity_types_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_non_existent_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_non_existent_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_activity_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_activity_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_activity_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_activity_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_activity_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_activity_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_activity_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_activity_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_when_one_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_when_one_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_previous_started_event_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_previous_started_event_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_ensure_single_started_task": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_ensure_single_started_task" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_exclude_completed_executions": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_exclude_completed_executions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_when_none_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_when_none_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_on_non_existent_queue_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_on_non_existent_queue_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poll_for_decision_task_with_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_poll_for_decision_task_with_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_on_non_existent_task_list_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_on_non_existent_task_list_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_after_decision_completes_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_count_pending_decision_tasks_after_decision_completes_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_no_decision_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_no_decision_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_wrong_token_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_wrong_token_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_on_close_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_on_close_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_task_already_completed_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_task_already_completed_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_complete_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_complete_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_close_decision_not_last_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_close_decision_not_last_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_invalid_decision_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_invalid_decision_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_missing_attributes_totally_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_missing_attributes_totally_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_fail_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_fail_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_schedule_activity_task_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_respond_decision_task_completed_with_schedule_activity_task_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_record_marker_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_record_marker_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_and_fire_timer_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_start_and_fire_timer_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cancel_workflow_decision": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_decision_tasks.py", + [ + "test_cancel_workflow_decision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_domain_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_register_domain_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_already_existing_domain_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_register_already_existing_domain_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_domains_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_list_domains_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_domains_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_list_domains_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_domain_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_domain_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_domain_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_domain_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_non_existent_domain_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_non_existent_domain_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_domain_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_describe_domain_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_domain_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_domains.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_domain_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_activity_task_heartbeat_timeout_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_timeouts.py", + [ + "test_activity_task_heartbeat_timeout_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decision_task_start_to_close_timeout_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_timeouts.py", + [ + "test_decision_task_start_to_close_timeout_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_workflow_execution_start_to_close_timeout_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_timeouts.py", + [ + "test_workflow_execution_start_to_close_timeout_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_swf_environment_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "setup_swf_environment_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_start_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signal_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_signal_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signal_workflow_execution_without_runId": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_signal_workflow_execution_without_runId" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_already_started_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_start_already_started_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_workflow_execution_on_deprecated_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_start_workflow_execution_on_deprecated_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_describe_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_with_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_with_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_on_non_existent_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_get_workflow_execution_history_on_non_existent_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_open_workflow_executions_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_open_workflow_executions_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_closed_workflow_executions_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_list_closed_workflow_executions_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_workflow_execution_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_terminate_workflow_execution_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_terminate_workflow_execution_with_wrong_workflow_or_run_id_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_executions.py", + [ + "test_terminate_workflow_execution_with_wrong_workflow_or_run_id_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_register_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_already_existing_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_register_already_existing_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_workflow_types_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_list_workflow_types_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_workflow_types_reverse_order_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_list_workflow_types_reverse_order_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_already_deprecated_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_non_existent_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_non_existent_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_already_undeprecated_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_never_deprecated_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_undeprecate_non_existent_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_workflow_type_full_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_workflow_type_full_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_non_existent_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/responses/test_workflow_types.py", + [ + "test_describe_non_existent_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_client_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_client_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_unknown_resource_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_unknown_resource_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_unknown_resource_fault_with_only_one_parameter": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_unknown_resource_fault_with_only_one_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_domain_already_exists_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_domain_already_exists_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_domain_deprecated_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_domain_deprecated_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_serialization_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_serialization_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_type_already_exists_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_type_already_exists_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_type_deprecated_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_type_deprecated_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_workflow_execution_already_started_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_workflow_execution_already_started_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_default_undefined_fault": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_default_undefined_fault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_validation_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_validation_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swf_decision_validation_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_exceptions.py", + [ + "test_swf_decision_validation_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decapitalize": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_decapitalize" + ] + ] + ], + "get_basic_domain": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "get_basic_domain" + ] + ] + ], + "_generic_workflow_type_attributes": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "_generic_workflow_type_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_generic_workflow_type_attributes_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "_generic_workflow_type_attributes_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "get_basic_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "get_basic_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_basic_workflow_type": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "mock_basic_workflow_type" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_basic_workflow_type_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "mock_basic_workflow_type_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "make_workflow_execution": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "make_workflow_execution" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_start_decision_tasks": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "auto_start_decision_tasks" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_workflow_boto3": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "setup_workflow_boto3" + ] + ] + ], + "process_first_timeout": [ + [ + "tests/test_swf/utils.py", + [ + "process_first_timeout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textract_start_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_server.py", + [ + "test_textract_start_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textract_start_text_detection_without_document_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_server.py", + [ + "test_textract_start_text_detection_without_document_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textract_get_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_server.py", + [ + "test_textract_get_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textract_get_text_detection_without_job_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_server.py", + [ + "test_textract_get_text_detection_without_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_document_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_textract.py", + [ + "test_get_document_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_document_text_detection": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_textract.py", + [ + "test_start_document_text_detection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_document_text_detection_without_job_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_textract.py", + [ + "test_get_document_text_detection_without_job_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_document_text_detection_without_document_location": [ + [ + "tests/test_textract/test_textract.py", + [ + "test_get_document_text_detection_without_document_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timestreamwrite_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_server.py", + [ + "test_timestreamwrite_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_simple": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_create_database_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_database_advanced": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_create_database_advanced" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_describe_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_describe_unknown_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_database.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_database" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_describe_unknown_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table__with_magnetic_store_write_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table__with_magnetic_store_write_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_table_without_retention_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_create_table_without_retention_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_multiple_tables": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_create_multiple_tables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_table__with_magnetic_store_write_properties": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_update_table__with_magnetic_store_write_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_records": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_table.py", + [ + "test_write_records" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tagging_for_table_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tagging_for_table_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tagging_for_table_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tagging_for_table_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tagging_for_database_without_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tagging_for_database_without_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tagging_for_database_with_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_list_tagging_for_database_with_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tag_and_untag_database": [ + [ + "tests/test_timestreamwrite/test_timestreamwrite_tagging.py", + [ + "test_tag_and_untag_database" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_all_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_all_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_all_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_all_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_minimal_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_minimal_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_s3output_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_s3output_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_identify_languages_params": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_identify_languages_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_medical_transcription_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_medical_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_transcription_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_transcription_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_with_existing_job_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_with_existing_job_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_with_existing_job_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_with_existing_job_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_nonexistent_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_medical_transcription_job_nonexistent_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_run_transcription_job_nonexistent_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_run_transcription_job_nonexistent_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "run_job": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_medical_transcription_jobs", + "run_job" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_transcription_jobs", + "run_job" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_medical_transcription_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_medical_transcription_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_transcription_jobs": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_transcription_jobs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vocab": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_vocabularies", + "create_vocab" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_medical_vocabularies", + "create_vocab" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_vocabularies": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_vocabularies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_medical_vocabularies": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_list_medical_vocabularies" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_medical_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_medical_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_nonexistent_vocabulary": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_get_nonexistent_vocabulary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_medical_vocabulary_with_existing_vocabulary_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_medical_vocabulary_with_existing_vocabulary_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vocabulary_with_existing_vocabulary_name": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_vocabulary_with_existing_vocabulary_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_vocabulary_with_bad_request": [ + [ + "tests/test_transcribe/test_transcribe_boto3.py", + [ + "test_create_vocabulary_with_bad_request" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_image_ref": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_docker_utilities.py", + [ + "test_parse_image_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_image_ref_default_container_registry": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_docker_utilities.py", + [ + "test_parse_image_ref_default_container_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator_without_max_results__throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator_without_max_results__throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_with_just_max_results": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_with_just_max_results" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_without_range_key__throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_without_range_key__throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_with_unknown_range_key__throws_error": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_with_unknown_range_key__throws_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_5": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_5__use_different_range_keys": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_5__use_different_range_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__paginate_twice": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__paginate_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__invalid_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__invalid_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paginator__invalid_token__but_we_just_dont_care": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "test_paginator__invalid_token__but_we_just_dont_care" + ] + ] + ], + "method_returning_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_returning_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "method_returning_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_returning_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "method_without_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_without_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "method_returning_args": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_returning_args" + ] + ] + ], + "method_expecting_token_as_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_expecting_token_as_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "method_expecting_limit_as_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_expecting_limit_as_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "method_with_list_as_kwarg": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_with_list_as_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "method_specifying_invalidtoken_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_specifying_invalidtoken_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "method_specifying_generic_invalidtoken_exception": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "method_specifying_generic_invalidtoken_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test__method_returning_dict": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__method_returning_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test__method_returning_instances": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__method_returning_instances" + ] + ] + ], + "test__method_without_configuration": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__method_without_configuration" + ] + ] + ], + "test__input_arguments_are_returned": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__input_arguments_are_returned" + ] + ] + ], + "test__pass_exception_on_invalid_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__pass_exception_on_invalid_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test__pass_generic_exception_on_invalid_token": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__pass_generic_exception_on_invalid_token" + ] + ] + ], + "test__invoke_function_that_expects_token_as_keyword": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__invoke_function_that_expects_token_as_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "test__invoke_function_that_expects_limit_as_keyword": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__invoke_function_that_expects_limit_as_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "test__verify_kwargs_can_be_a_list": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__verify_kwargs_can_be_a_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test__paginator_fails_with_inconsistent_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_paginator.py", + [ + "TestDecorator", + "test__paginator_fails_with_inconsistent_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_empty": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_list_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_tag": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_create_tag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_tag_without_value": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_create_tag_without_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tag_using_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_delete_tag_using_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_all_tags_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_delete_all_tags_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_empty_delete": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_list_empty_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_tag_using_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_delete_tag_using_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_tag_names": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_extract_tag_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_non_existing_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_copy_non_existing_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_existing_arn": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_copy_existing_arn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_tags": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_tagging_service.py", + [ + "test_validate_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_is_reachable": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "test_server_is_reachable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_server_can_handle_multiple_services": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "test_server_can_handle_multiple_services" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_data_from_inmemory_client": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "TestThreadedMotoServer", + "test_load_data_from_inmemory_client" + ] + ] + ], + "test_threaded_moto_server__different_port": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "test_threaded_moto_server__different_port" + ] + ] + ], + "test_threaded_moto_server__using_requests": [ + [ + "tests/test_utilities/test_threaded_server.py", + [ + "test_threaded_moto_server__using_requests" + ] + ] + ], + "CREATE_WEB_ACL_BODY": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_helper_functions.py", + [ + "CREATE_WEB_ACL_BODY" + ] + ] + ], + "LIST_WEB_ACL_BODY": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_helper_functions.py", + [ + "LIST_WEB_ACL_BODY" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_web_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_create_web_acl" + ] + ], + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2.py", + [ + "test_create_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_web_ac_ls": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_server.py", + [ + "test_list_web_ac_ls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_arn_for_wacl": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_make_arn_for_wacl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_web_acl_with_all_arguments": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2.py", + [ + "test_create_web_acl_with_all_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_web_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2.py", + [ + "test_get_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_web_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2.py", + [ + "test_list_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_web_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2.py", + [ + "test_delete_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_web_acl": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2.py", + [ + "test_update_web_acl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_with_unknown_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_integration.py", + [ + "test_associate_with_unknown_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_associate_with_apigateway_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_integration.py", + [ + "test_associate_with_apigateway_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_web_acl_for_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_integration.py", + [ + "test_get_web_acl_for_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disassociate_unknown_resource": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_integration.py", + [ + "test_disassociate_unknown_resource" + ] + ] + ], + "create_apigateway_stage": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_integration.py", + [ + "create_apigateway_stage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_rule_groups": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_rules.py", + [ + "test_list_rule_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_tags_for_resource__none_supplied": [ + [ + "tests/test_wafv2/test_wafv2_tags.py", + [ + "test_list_tags_for_resource__none_supplied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_telemetry": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_telemetry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_put_trace_segments": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_boto3.py", + [ + "test_put_trace_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trace_summary": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_boto3.py", + [ + "test_trace_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_trace": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_trace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_service_graph": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_service_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "test_batch_get_trace_graph": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_boto3.py", + [ + "test_batch_get_trace_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "check_coverage_status": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_client.py", + [ + "check_coverage_status" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xray_dynamo_request_id": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_client.py", + [ + "test_xray_dynamo_request_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xray_dynamo_request_id_with_context_mgr": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_client.py", + [ + "test_xray_dynamo_request_id_with_context_mgr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xray_udp_emitter_patched": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_client.py", + [ + "test_xray_udp_emitter_patched" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xray_context_patched": [ + [ + "tests/test_xray/test_xray_client.py", + [ + "test_xray_context_patched" + ] + ] + ], + "migrate_source_attribute": [ + [ + "update_version_from_git.py", + [ + "migrate_source_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "migrate_version": [ + [ + "update_version_from_git.py", + [ + "migrate_version" + ] + ] + ], + "is_master_branch": [ + [ + "update_version_from_git.py", + [ + "is_master_branch" + ] + ] + ], + "get_git_version_info": [ + [ + 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"doc/sphinxext/redirect_from.py", + [ + "RedirectFromDomain" + ] + ] + ], + "RedirectFrom": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/redirect_from.py", + [ + "RedirectFrom" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateDist": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/bayes_update.py", + [ + "UpdateDist" + ] + ] + ], + "PauseAnimation": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/pause_resume.py", + [ + "PauseAnimation" + ] + ] + ], + "Scope": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/strip_chart.py", + [ + "Scope" + ] + ] + ], + "Cursor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "Cursor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Cursor" + ] + ] + ], + "BlittedCursor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "BlittedCursor" + ] + ] + ], + "SnappingCursor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "SnappingCursor" + ] + ] + ], + "PointBrowser": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/data_browser.py", + [ + "PointBrowser" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexTracker": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/image_slices_viewer.py", + [ + "IndexTracker" + ] + ] + ], + "Datum": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/lasso_demo.py", + [ + "Datum" + ] + ] + ], + "LassoManager": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/lasso_demo.py", + [ + "LassoManager" + ] + ] + ], + "EventHandler": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/looking_glass.py", + [ + "EventHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "PathInteractor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/path_editor.py", + [ + "PathInteractor" + ] + ] + ], + "PolygonInteractor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "PolygonInteractor" + ] + ] + ], + "Pad": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Pad" + ] + ] + ], + "Puck": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Puck" + ] + ] + ], + "Game": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Game" + ] + ] + ], + "DataDisplayDownsampler": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/resample.py", + [ + "DataDisplayDownsampler" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdatingRect": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/viewlims.py", + [ + "UpdatingRect" + ] + ] + ], + "MandelbrotDisplay": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/viewlims.py", + [ + "MandelbrotDisplay" + ] + ] + ], + "MidpointNormalize": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/colormap_normalizations.py", + [ + "MidpointNormalize" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormapnorms.py", + [ + "MidpointNormalize" + ] + ] + ], + "AnchoredSizeBar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "AnchoredSizeBar" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "AnchoredSizeBar" + ] + ] + ], + "ThetaFormatter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "ThetaFormatter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "ThetaFormatter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "GeoAxes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "HammerTransform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "HammerTransform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "HammerTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedHammerTransform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "InvertedHammerTransform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "InvertedHammerTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "HammerAxes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "HammerAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseFilter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "BaseFilter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "BaseFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "OffsetFilter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "OffsetFilter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "OffsetFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "GaussianFilter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "GaussianFilter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "GaussianFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "DropShadowFilter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "DropShadowFilter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "DropShadowFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "LightFilter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "LightFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "GrowFilter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "GrowFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "FilteredArtistList": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "FilteredArtistList" + ] + ] + ], + "RibbonBox": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_ribbon_box.py", + [ + "RibbonBox" + ] + ] + ], + "RibbonBoxImage": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_ribbon_box.py", + [ + "RibbonBoxImage" + ] + ] + ], + "ProcessPlotter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/multiprocess_sgskip.py", + [ + "ProcessPlotter" + ] + ] + ], + "NBPlot": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/multiprocess_sgskip.py", + [ + "NBPlot" + ] + ] + ], + "BubbleChart": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/packed_bubbles.py", + [ + "BubbleChart" + ] + ] + ], + "MercatorLatitudeTransform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "MercatorLatitudeTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedMercatorLatitudeTransform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "InvertedMercatorLatitudeTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "MercatorLatitudeScale": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale" + ] + ] + ], + "RadarTransform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "RadarAxes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "SkewXTick": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXTick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXTick" + ] + ] + ], + "SkewXAxis": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxis" + ] + ] + ], + "SkewSpine": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewSpine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewSpine" + ] + ] + ], + "SkewXAxes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "WatermarkFigure": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/custom_figure_class.py", + [ + "WatermarkFigure" + ] + ] + ], + "AngleAnnotation": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation" + ] + ] + ], + "PathClippedImagePatch": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/demo_text_path.py", + [ + "PathClippedImagePatch" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerDashedLines": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/legend_demo.py", + [ + "HandlerDashedLines" + ] + ] + ], + "MyLine": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/line_with_text.py", + [ + "MyLine" + ] + ] + ], + "MyFormatter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/date_index_formatter.py", + [ + "MyFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "ProxyDelegate": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "ProxyDelegate" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedValueMeta": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValueMeta" + ] + ] + ], + "PassThroughProxy": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "PassThroughProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "ConvertArgsProxy": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "ConvertArgsProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "ConvertReturnProxy": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "ConvertReturnProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "ConvertAllProxy": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "ConvertAllProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "TaggedValue": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicUnit": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit" + ] + ] + ], + "UnitResolver": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "UnitResolver" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicUnitConverter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnitConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "Foo": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/evans_test.py", + [ + "Foo" + ] + ] + ], + "FooConverter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/evans_test.py", + [ + "FooConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "ApplicationWindow": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_qt_sgskip.py", + [ + "ApplicationWindow" + ] + ] + ], + "CanvasFrame": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx2_sgskip.py", + [ + "CanvasFrame" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx4_sgskip.py", + [ + "CanvasFrame" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mathtext_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "CanvasFrame" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/wxcursor_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "CanvasFrame" + ] + ] + ], + "App": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx2_sgskip.py", + [ + "App" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx4_sgskip.py", + [ + "App" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "App" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/wxcursor_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "App" + ] + ] + ], + "PlotPanel": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx3_sgskip.py", + [ + "PlotPanel" + ] + ] + ], + "MyApp": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx3_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApp" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mathtext_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApp" + ] + ] + ], + "MyNavigationToolbar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx4_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyNavigationToolbar" + ] + ] + ], + "Plot": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx5_sgskip.py", + [ + "Plot" + ] + ] + ], + "PlotNotebook": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx5_sgskip.py", + [ + "PlotNotebook" + ] + ] + ], + "MainPage": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "MainPage" + ] + ] + ], + "MplJs": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "MplJs" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "MplJs" + ] + ] + ], + "Download": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "Download" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "Download" + ] + ] + ], + "WebSocket": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "WebSocket" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "WebSocket" + ] + ] + ], + "MyApplication": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication" + ] + ] + ], + "Knob": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "Knob" + ] + ] + ], + "Param": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "Param" + ] + ] + ], + "SliderGroup": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "SliderGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "FourierDemoFrame": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame" + ] + ] + ], + "DataManager": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk3_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "DataManager" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk4_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "DataManager" + ] + ] + ], + "Window1Signals": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mpl_with_glade3_sgskip.py", + [ + "Window1Signals" + ] + ] + ], + "ListTools": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/toolmanager_sgskip.py", + [ + "ListTools" + ] + ] + ], + "GroupHideTool": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/toolmanager_sgskip.py", + [ + "GroupHideTool" + ] + ] + ], + "MyStyle": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/userdemo/custom_boxstyle01.py", + [ + "MyStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "AnnotatedCursor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/annotated_cursor.py", + [ + "AnnotatedCursor" + ] + ] + ], + "Index": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/buttons.py", + [ + "Index" + ] + ] + ], + "SelectFromCollection": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/lasso_selector_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "SelectFromCollection" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/polygon_selector_demo.py", + [ + "SelectFromCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "ItemProperties": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "ItemProperties" + ] + ] + ], + "MenuItem": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "MenuItem" + ] + ] + ], + "Menu": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "Menu" + ] + ] + ], + "BlitManager": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/advanced/blitting.py", + [ + "BlitManager" + ] + ] + ], + "AnyObject": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/legend_guide.py", + [ + "AnyObject" + ] + ] + ], + "AnyObjectHandler": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/legend_guide.py", + [ + "AnyObjectHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerEllipse": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/legend_guide.py", + [ + "HandlerEllipse" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattr__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk3.py", + [ + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt.py", + [ + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "__getattr__" + ] + ] + ], + "ExecutableNotFoundError": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "ExecutableNotFoundError" + ] + ] + ], + "RcParams": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams" + ] + ] + ], + "AFM": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM" + ] + ] + ], + "classproperty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "classproperty" + ] + ] + ], + "MatplotlibDeprecationWarning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "MatplotlibDeprecationWarning" + ] + ] + ], + "_deprecated_property": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecated", + "deprecate", + "if_isinstance_obj_type_", + "elif_isinstance_obj_pro", + "_deprecated_property" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_privatize_attribute": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecate_privatize_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "_deprecated_parameter_class": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "_deprecated_parameter_class" + ] + ] + ], + "Substitution": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "Substitution" + ] + ] + ], + "_ArtistKwdocLoader": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "_ArtistKwdocLoader" + ] + ] + ], + "_ArtistPropertiesSubstitution": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "_ArtistPropertiesSubstitution" + ] + ] + ], + "_AutoStringNameEnum": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_enums.py", + [ + "_AutoStringNameEnum" + ] + ] + ], + "JoinStyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_enums.py", + [ + "JoinStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "CapStyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_enums.py", + [ + "CapStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "LayoutGrid": [ + [ + 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+ "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "ArtistList" + ] + ] + ], + "_AxesBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase" + ] + ] + ], + "_MinimalArtist": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_draw_rasterized", + "_MinimalArtist" + ] + ] + ], + "SecondaryAxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis" + ] + ] + ], + "Tick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick" + ] + ] + ], + "XTick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XTick" + ] + ] + ], + "YTick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YTick" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Ticker" + ] + ] + ], + "_LazyTickList": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "_LazyTickList" + ] + ] + ], + "Axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis" + ] + ] + ], + "XAxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis" + ] + ], + [ + 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+ [ + "TriMesh" + ] + ] + ], + "QuadMesh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh" + ] + ] + ], + "_ColorbarSpine": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_ColorbarSpine" + ] + ] + ], + "_ColorbarAxesLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_ColorbarAxesLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "Colorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "_ColorMapping": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_ColorMapping" + ] + ] + ], + "ColorSequenceRegistry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ColorSequenceRegistry" + ] + ] + ], + "ColorConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ColorConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "Colormap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap" + ] + ] + ], + "LinearSegmentedColormap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "LinearSegmentedColormap" + ] + ] + ], + "ListedColormap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ListedColormap" + ] + ] + ], + "Normalize": [ + [ + 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+ "DateConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "DateConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "ConciseDateConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "ConciseDateConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "_SwitchableDateConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "_SwitchableDateConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "Text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text" + ] + ] + ], + "Dvi": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Dvi" + ] + ] + ], + "DviFont": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "DviFont" + ] + ] + ], + "Vf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Vf" + ] + ] + ], + "Tfm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Tfm" + ] + ] + ], + "PsfontsMap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "PsfontsMap" + ] + ] + ], + "_LuatexKpsewhich": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "_LuatexKpsewhich" + ] + ] + ], + "_AxesStack": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "_AxesStack" + ] + ] + ], + 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] + ] + ], + "Legend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerBase" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerNpoints": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerNpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerNpointsYoffsets": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerNpointsYoffsets" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerLine2DCompound": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerLine2DCompound" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerLine2D": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerLine2D" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerPatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPatch" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerStepPatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerStepPatch" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerLineCollection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerLineCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerRegularPolyCollection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerRegularPolyCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerPathCollection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPathCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerCircleCollection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerCircleCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerErrorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerErrorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerStem": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerStem" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerTuple": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerTuple" + ] + ] + ], + "HandlerPolyCollection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPolyCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "Line2D": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D" + ] + ] + ], + "_AxLine": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "_AxLine" + ] + ] + ], + "VertexSelector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "VertexSelector" + ] + ] + ], + "MarkerStyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + 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[ + "BoxStyle", + "Round" + ] + ] + ], + "Round4": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Round4" + ] + ] + ], + "Sawtooth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Sawtooth" + ] + ] + ], + "Roundtooth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Roundtooth" + ] + ] + ], + "BoxStyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleEvent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionStyle", + "_Base", + "SimpleEvent" + ] + ] + ], + "_Base": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionStyle", + "_Base" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "_Base" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "_Base" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "AxislineStyle", + "_Base" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "_Base" + ] + ] + ], + "Arc3": [ + [ + 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"CurveFilledA" + ] + ] + ], + "CurveFilledB": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "CurveFilledB" + ] + ] + ], + "CurveFilledAB": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "CurveFilledAB" + ] + ] + ], + "BracketA": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "BracketA" + ] + ] + ], + "BracketB": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "BracketB" + ] + ] + ], + "BracketAB": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "BracketAB" + ] + ] + ], + "BarAB": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "BarAB" + ] + ] + ], + "BracketCurve": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "BracketCurve" + ] + ] + ], + "CurveBracket": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "CurveBracket" + ] + ] + ], + "Simple": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "Simple" + ] + ] + ], + "Fancy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "Fancy" + ] + ] + ], + "ArrowStyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "FancyBboxPatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch" + ] + ] + ], + "FancyArrowPatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch" + ] + ] + ], + "ConnectionPatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionPatch" + ] + ] + ], + "Path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractPathEffect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "AbstractPathEffect" + ] + ] + ], + "PathEffectRenderer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "PathEffectRenderer" + ] + ] + ], + "Normal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "Normal" + ] + ] + ], + "withEffect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "_subclass_with_normal", + "withEffect" + ] + ] + ], + "Stroke": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "Stroke" + ] + ] + ], + "SimplePatchShadow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "SimplePatchShadow" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleLineShadow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "SimpleLineShadow" + ] + ] + ], + "PathPatchEffect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "PathPatchEffect" + ] + ] + ], + "TickedStroke": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "TickedStroke" + ] + ] + ], + "ProjectionRegistry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/__init__.py", + [ + "ProjectionRegistry" + ] + ] + ], + "_GeoTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "_GeoTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "AitoffTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "AitoffAxes", + "AitoffTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedAitoffTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "AitoffAxes", + "InvertedAitoffTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "AitoffAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "AitoffAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "MollweideTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes", + "MollweideTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedMollweideTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes", + "InvertedMollweideTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "MollweideAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "LambertTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "LambertTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedLambertTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "InvertedLambertTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "LambertAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "PolarTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "PolarAffine": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAffine" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedPolarTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "InvertedPolarTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "_AxisWrapper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_AxisWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "ThetaLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "ThetaTick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaTick" + ] + ] + ], + "ThetaAxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaAxis" + ] + ] + ], + "RadialLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "RadialLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "_ThetaShift": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_ThetaShift" + ] + ] + ], + "RadialTick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "RadialTick" + ] + ] + ], + "RadialAxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "RadialAxis" + ] + ] + ], + "_WedgeBbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_WedgeBbox" + ] + ] + ], + "PolarAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "backend_mod": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "switch_backend", + "backend_mod" + ] + ] + ], + "QuiverKey": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "QuiverKey" + ] + ] + ], + "Quiver": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver" + ] + ] + ], + "Barbs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Barbs" + ] + ] + ], + "ValidateInStrings": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "ValidateInStrings" + ] + ] + ], + "_DunderChecker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "_DunderChecker" + ] + ] + ], + "_ignorecase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "_ignorecase" + ] + ] + ], + "Sankey": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sankey.py", + [ + "Sankey" + ] + ] + ], + "ScaleBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "ScaleBase" + ] + ] + ], + "LinearScale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LinearScale" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "FuncTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncScale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "FuncScale" + ] + ] + ], + "LogTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedLogTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedLogTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "LogScale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogScale" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncScaleLog": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "FuncScaleLog" + ] + ] + ], + "SymmetricalLogTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedSymmetricalLogTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedSymmetricalLogTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "SymmetricalLogScale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogScale" + ] + ] + ], + "AsinhTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "AsinhTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "InvertedAsinhTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedAsinhTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "AsinhScale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "AsinhScale" + ] + ] + ], + "LogitTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogitTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "LogisticTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogisticTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "LogitScale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogitScale" + ] + ] + ], + "latex_math": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/mathmpl.py", + [ + "latex_math" + ] + ] + ], + "MathDirective": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/mathmpl.py", + [ + "MathDirective" + ] + ] + ], + "PlotDirective": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/plot_directive.py", + [ + "PlotDirective" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageFile": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/plot_directive.py", + [ + "ImageFile" + ] + ] + ], + "PlotError": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/plot_directive.py", + [ + "PlotError" + ] + ] + ], + "Spine": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine" + ] + ] + ], + "SpinesProxy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "SpinesProxy" + ] + ] + ], + "Spines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamplotSet": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "StreamplotSet" + ] + ] + ], + "DomainMap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "DomainMap" + ] + ] + ], + "Grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "Grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid" + ] + ] + ], + "StreamMask": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "StreamMask" + ] + ] + ], + "InvalidIndexError": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "InvalidIndexError" + ] + ] + ], + "TerminateTrajectory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "TerminateTrajectory" + ] + ] + ], + "OutOfBounds": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "OutOfBounds" + ] + ] + ], + "_StyleLibrary": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/style/core.py", + [ + "_StyleLibrary" + ] + ] + ], + "Cell": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell" + ] + ] + ], + "Table": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table" + ] + ] + ], + "_ConverterError": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_ConverterError" + ] + ] + ], + "_Converter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_Converter" + ] + ] + ], + "_GSConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_GSConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "_SVGConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_SVGConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "_SVGWithMatplotlibFontsConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_SVGWithMatplotlibFontsConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "CleanupTestCase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "CleanupTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "_ImageComparisonBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_ImageComparisonBase" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageComparisonFailure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/exceptions.py", + [ + "ImageComparisonFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "Duration": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration" + ] + ] + ], + "Epoch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "EpochConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/EpochConverter.py", + [ + "EpochConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "StrConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/StrConverter.py", + [ + "StrConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "UnitDbl": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl" + ] + ] + ], + "UnitDblConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDblConverter.py", + [ + "UnitDblConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "UnitDblFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDblFormatter.py", + [ + "UnitDblFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "NullMovieWriter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "NullMovieWriter" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyMovieWriter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_movie_writer_dpi_default", + "DummyMovieWriter" + ] + ] + ], + "RegisteredNullMovieWriter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "RegisteredNullMovieWriter" + ] + ] + ], + "Frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_funcanimation_cache_frame_data", + "Frame" + ] + ] + ], + "A": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_classproperty_deprecation", + "A" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_setattr_cm", + "A" + ] + ] + ], + "C": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_privatize_attribute", + "C" + ] + ] + ], + "TestArtist": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_artist_inspector_get_valid_values", + "TestArtist" + ] + ] + ], + "MyArtist1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_signature", + "MyArtist1" + ] + ] + ], + "MyArtist2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_signature", + "MyArtist2" + ] + ] + ], + "MyArtist3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_is_overwritten", + "MyArtist3" + ] + ] + ], + "MyArtist4": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_is_overwritten", + "MyArtist4" + ] + ] + ], + "Gen1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_auto_no_rasterize", + "Gen1" + ] + ] + ], + "Gen2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_auto_no_rasterize", + "Gen2" + ] + ] + ], + "TestKlass": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_draw_wraper_forward_input", + "TestKlass" + ] + ] + ], + "ClaAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "with_pytest_warns_Pending", + "ClaAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "ClaSuperAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "None_1", + "ClaSuperAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "SubClaAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "SubClaAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "ClearAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "ClearAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "ClearSuperAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "ClearSuperAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "SubClearAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "SubClearAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "TestScatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter" + ] + ] + ], + "Polar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_as_mpl_axes_api", + "Polar" + ] + ] + ], + "WaitForStringPopen": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backend_qt.py", + [ + "WaitForStringPopen" + ] + ] + ], + "_Event": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backend_qt.py", + [ + "test_correct_key", + "_Event" + ] + ] + ], + "Toolbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backend_tk.py", + [ + "test_missing_back_button", + "Toolbar" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomTool": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "_test_toolbar_button_la_mode_icon", + "with_tempfile_TemporaryDi", + "CustomTool" + ] + ] + ], + "TestUnitData": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_category.py", + [ + "TestUnitData" + ] + ] + ], + "FakeAxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_category.py", + [ + "FakeAxis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "FakeAxis" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStrCategoryConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_category.py", + [ + "TestStrCategoryConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStrCategoryLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_category.py", + [ + "TestStrCategoryLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStrCategoryFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_category.py", + [ + "TestStrCategoryFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPlotBytes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_category.py", + [ + "TestPlotBytes" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPlotNumlike": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_category.py", + [ + "TestPlotNumlike" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPlotTypes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_category.py", + [ + "TestPlotTypes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "TestPlotTypes" + ] + ] + ], + "Test_delete_masked_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_delete_masked_points" + ] + ] + ], + "Test_boxplot_stats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_boxplot_stats" + ] + ] + ], + "Test_callback_registry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_callback_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "TestException": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "raising_cb_reg", + "TestException" + ] + ] + ], + "Dummy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_grouper", + "Dummy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_grouper_private", + "Dummy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_reshape2d", + "Dummy" + ] + ] + ], + "ArraySubclass": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_reshape2d", + "ArraySubclass" + ] + ] + ], + "B": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_setattr_cm", + "B" + ] + ] + ], + "SquareCollection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_regularpolycollection_scale", + "SquareCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAsinhNorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "TestAsinhNorm" + ] + ] + ], + "MyArray": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_ndarray_subclass_norm", + "MyArray" + ] + ] + ], + "_Locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_date_formatter_callable", + "_Locator" + ] + ] + ], + "dt_tzaware": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_date2num_dst", + "dt_tzaware" + ] + ] + ], + "MyAxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_iterability_axes_argument", + "MyAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "MyClass": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_iterability_axes_argument", + "MyClass" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSubplotMosaic": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic" + ] + ] + ], + "QuantityND": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "QuantityND" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLegendFunction": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "TestLegendFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLegendFigureFunction": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "TestLegendFigureFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsnappedMarkerStyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "UnsnappedMarkerStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStride": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestStride" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDetrend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSpectral": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGaussianKDE": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDE" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGaussianKDECustom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGaussianKDEEvaluate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDEEvaluate" + ] + ] + ], + "TransformBlob": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "TransformBlob" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyAxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale", + "test_fmtloc", + "DummyAxis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_symmetrizing", + "DummyAxis" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAsinhScale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale" + ] + ] + ], + "SpineMock": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_spine_class", + "SpineMock" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMaxNLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestMaxNLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLinearLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLinearLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMultipleLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestMultipleLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoMinorLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAutoMinorLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNullLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestNullLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "_LogitHelper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "_LogitHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogitLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFixedLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestFixedLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestIndexLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestIndexLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSymmetricalLogLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestSymmetricalLogLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAsinhLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TestScalarFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogFormatterExponent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatterExponent" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogFormatterMathtext": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatterMathtext" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogFormatterSciNotation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatterSciNotation" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLogitFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFormatStrFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestFormatStrFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestStrMethodFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestStrMethodFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEngFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestEngFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPercentFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestPercentFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "AssertingNonAffineTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_non_affine_caching", + "AssertingNonAffineTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "ScaledBy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_external_transform_api", + "ScaledBy" + ] + ] + ], + "NonAffineForTest": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "NonAffineForTest" + ] + ] + ], + "TestBasicTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestBasicTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTransformPlotInterface": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestTransformPlotInterface" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTriangulationParams": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "TestTriangulationParams" + ] + ] + ], + "Quantity": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Quantity" + ] + ] + ], + "subdate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "test_subclass", + "subdate" + ] + ] + ], + "Kernel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Kernel" + ] + ] + ], + "TexManager": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/texmanager.py", + [ + "TexManager" + ] + ] + ], + "OffsetFrom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "OffsetFrom" + ] + ] + ], + "_AnnotationBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "_AnnotationBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Annotation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Annotation" + ] + ] + ], + "TextToPath": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/textpath.py", + [ + "TextToPath" + ] + ] + ], + "TextPath": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/textpath.py", + [ + "TextPath" + ] + ] + ], + "_DummyAxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_DummyAxis" + ] + ] + ], + "TickHelper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "TickHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "Formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "Formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "NullFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "NullFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "FixedFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FixedFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "FuncFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FuncFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "FormatStrFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FormatStrFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "StrMethodFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "StrMethodFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "ScalarFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "ScalarFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "LogFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "LogFormatterExponent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogFormatterExponent" + ] + ] + ], + "LogFormatterMathtext": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogFormatterMathtext" + ] + ] + ], + "LogFormatterSciNotation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogFormatterSciNotation" + ] + ] + ], + "LogitFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogitFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "EngFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "EngFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "PercentFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "PercentFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "Locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "Locator" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "IndexLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "FixedLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FixedLocator" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "FixedLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "NullLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "NullLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "LinearLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LinearLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "MultipleLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MultipleLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "_Edge_integer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_Edge_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxNLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MaxNLocator" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "MaxNLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "LogLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "SymmetricalLogLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "AsinhLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "AsinhLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "LogitLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogitLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "AutoLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "AutoMinorLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "AutoMinorLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "TransformNode": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformNode" + ] + ] + ], + "BboxBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "TransformedBbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformedBbox" + ] + ] + ], + "LockableBbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "LockableBbox" + ] + ] + ], + "Transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform" + ] + ] + ], + "TransformWrapper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "AffineBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "AffineBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Affine2DBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Affine2DBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Affine2D": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Affine2D" + ] + ] + ], + "IdentityTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "IdentityTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "_BlendedMixin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "_BlendedMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "BlendedGenericTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BlendedGenericTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "BlendedAffine2D": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BlendedAffine2D" + ] + ] + ], + "CompositeGenericTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "CompositeGenericTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "CompositeAffine2D": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "CompositeAffine2D" + ] + ] + ], + "BboxTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "BboxTransformTo": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxTransformTo" + ] + ] + ], + "BboxTransformToMaxOnly": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxTransformToMaxOnly" + ] + ] + ], + "BboxTransformFrom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxTransformFrom" + ] + ] + ], + "ScaledTranslation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "ScaledTranslation" + ] + ] + ], + "AffineDeltaTransform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "AffineDeltaTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "TransformedPath": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformedPath" + ] + ] + ], + "TransformedPatchPath": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformedPatchPath" + ] + ] + ], + "Triangulation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triangulation.py", + [ + "Triangulation" + ] + ] + ], + "TriContourSet": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_tricontour.py", + [ + "TriContourSet" + ] + ] + ], + "TriFinder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_trifinder.py", + [ + "TriFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "TrapezoidMapTriFinder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_trifinder.py", + [ + "TrapezoidMapTriFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "TriInterpolator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "TriInterpolator" + ] + ] + ], + "LinearTriInterpolator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "LinearTriInterpolator" + ] + ] + ], + "CubicTriInterpolator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "CubicTriInterpolator" + ] + ] + ], + "_ReducedHCT_Element": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "_ReducedHCT_Element" + ] + ] + ], + "_DOF_estimator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "_DOF_estimator" + ] + ] + ], + "_DOF_estimator_user": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "_DOF_estimator_user" + ] + ] + ], + "_DOF_estimator_geom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "_DOF_estimator_geom" + ] + ] + ], + "_DOF_estimator_min_E": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "_DOF_estimator_min_E" + ] + ] + ], + "_Sparse_Matrix_coo": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "_Sparse_Matrix_coo" + ] + ] + ], + "TriRefiner": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_trirefine.py", + [ + "TriRefiner" + ] + ] + ], + "UniformTriRefiner": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_trirefine.py", + [ + "UniformTriRefiner" + ] + ] + ], + "TriAnalyzer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_tritools.py", + [ + "TriAnalyzer" + ] + ] + ], + "ConversionError": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "ConversionError" + ] + ] + ], + "AxisInfo": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "AxisInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "ConversionInterface": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "ConversionInterface" + ] + ] + ], + "DecimalConverter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "DecimalConverter" + ] + ] + ], + "Registry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "Registry" + ] + ] + ], + "LockDraw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "LockDraw" + ] + ] + ], + "Widget": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Widget" + ] + ] + ], + "AxesWidget": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "AxesWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "Button": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Button" + ] + ] + ], + "SliderBase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "SliderBase" + ] + ] + ], + "Slider": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Slider" + ] + ] + ], + "RangeSlider": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RangeSlider" + ] + ] + ], + "CheckButtons": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "CheckButtons" + ] + ] + ], + "TextBox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "TextBox" + ] + ] + ], + "RadioButtons": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RadioButtons" + ] + ] + ], + "SubplotTool": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "SubplotTool" + ] + ] + ], + "MultiCursor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "MultiCursor" + ] + ] + ], + "_SelectorWidget": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget" + ] + ] + ], + "SpanSelector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "SpanSelector" + ] + ] + ], + "ToolLineHandles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolLineHandles" + ] + ] + ], + "ToolHandles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolHandles" + ] + ] + ], + "RectangleSelector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RectangleSelector" + ] + ] + ], + "EllipseSelector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "EllipseSelector" + ] + ] + ], + "LassoSelector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "LassoSelector" + ] + ] + ], + "PolygonSelector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "PolygonSelector" + ] + ] + ], + "Lasso": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Lasso" + ] + ] + ], + "AnchoredDrawingArea": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "AnchoredDrawingArea" + ] + ] + ], + "AnchoredAuxTransformBox": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "AnchoredAuxTransformBox" + ] + ] + ], + "AnchoredEllipse": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "AnchoredEllipse" + ] + ] + ], + "AnchoredDirectionArrows": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "AnchoredDirectionArrows" + ] + ] + ], + "Divider": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "Divider" + ] + ] + ], + "AxesLocator": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "AxesLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "SubplotDivider": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "SubplotDivider" + ] + ] + ], + "AxesDivider": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "AxesDivider" + ] + ] + ], + "HBoxDivider": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "HBoxDivider" + ] + ] + ], + "VBoxDivider": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "VBoxDivider" + ] + ] + ], + "CbarAxesBase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "CbarAxesBase" + ] + ] + ], + "ImageGrid": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "ImageGrid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axes_grid.py", + [ + "ImageGrid" + ] + ] + ], + "RGBAxes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_rgb.py", + [ + "RGBAxes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axes_rgb.py", + [ + "RGBAxes" + ] + ] + ], + "Add": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Add" + ] + ] + ], + "AddList": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "AddList" + ] + ] + ], + "Fixed": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Fixed" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Fixed" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Fixed" + ] + ] + ], + "Scaled": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Scaled" + ] + ] + ], + "AxesX": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "AxesX" + ] + ] + ], + "AxesY": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "AxesY" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxExtent": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "MaxExtent" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxWidth": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "MaxWidth" + ] + ] + ], + "MaxHeight": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "MaxHeight" + ] + ] + ], + "Fraction": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Fraction" + ] + ] + ], + "Padded": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Padded" + ] + ] + ], + "SizeFromFunc": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "SizeFromFunc" + ] + ] + ], + "GetExtentHelper": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "GetExtentHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "_AxesDecorationsSize": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "_AxesDecorationsSize" + ] + ] + ], + "InsetPosition": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "InsetPosition" + ] + ] + ], + "AnchoredLocatorBase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "AnchoredLocatorBase" + ] + ] + ], + "AnchoredSizeLocator": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "AnchoredSizeLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "AnchoredZoomLocator": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "AnchoredZoomLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "BboxPatch": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "BboxPatch" + ] + ] + ], + "BboxConnector": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "BboxConnector" + ] + ] + ], + "BboxConnectorPatch": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "BboxConnectorPatch" + ] + ] + ], + "_TransformedBboxWithCallback": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "_TransformedBboxWithCallback" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleChainedObjects": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleChainedObjects" + ] + ] + ], + "AxisDict": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "AxisDict" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleAxisArtist": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleAxisArtist" + ] + ] + ], + "ParasiteAxesBase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "ParasiteAxesBase" + ] + ] + ], + "HostAxesBase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase" + ] + ] + ], + "LocatorBase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorBase" + ] + ] + ], + "LocatorHMS": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorHMS" + ] + ] + ], + "LocatorHM": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorHM" + ] + ] + ], + "LocatorH": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorH" + ] + ] + ], + "LocatorDMS": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorDMS" + ] + ] + ], + "LocatorDM": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorDM" + ] + ] + ], + "LocatorD": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorD" + ] + ] + ], + "FormatterDMS": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "FormatterDMS" + ] + ] + ], + "FormatterHMS": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "FormatterHMS" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtremeFinderCycle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "ExtremeFinderCycle" + ] + ] + ], + "AttributeCopier": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AttributeCopier" + ] + ] + ], + "Ticks": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "LabelBase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "LabelBase" + ] + ] + ], + "AxisLabel": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel" + ] + ] + ], + "TickLabels": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels" + ] + ] + ], + "GridlinesCollection": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "GridlinesCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "AxisArtist": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist" + ] + ] + ], + "SimpleArrow": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "_FancyAxislineStyle", + "SimpleArrow" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "AxislineStyle", + "SimpleArrow" + ] + ] + ], + "FilledArrow": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "_FancyAxislineStyle", + "FilledArrow" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "AxislineStyle", + "FilledArrow" + ] + ] + ], + "_FancyAxislineStyle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "_FancyAxislineStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "AxislineStyle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "AxislineStyle" + ] + ] + ], + "Floating": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Floating" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Floating" + ] + ] + ], + "AxisArtistHelper": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear" + ] + ] + ], + "GridHelperBase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperBase" + ] + ] + ], + "GridHelperRectlinear": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperRectlinear" + ] + ] + ], + "AxesZero": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxesZero" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "FixedAxisArtistHelper": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtremeFinderFixed": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "ExtremeFinderFixed" + ] + ] + ], + "GridHelperCurveLinear": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear" + ] + ] + ], + "FloatingAxesBase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FloatingAxesBase" + ] + ] + ], + "ExtremeFinderSimple": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "ExtremeFinderSimple" + ] + ] + ], + "_User2DTransform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "_User2DTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "GridFinder": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder" + ] + ] + ], + "FormatterPrettyPrint": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "FormatterPrettyPrint" + ] + ] + ], + "DictFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "DictFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "MyTransform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_custom_transform", + "MyTransform" + ] + ] + ], + "MyTransformInv": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_custom_transform", + "MyTransformInv" + ] + ] + ], + "Text3D": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Text3D" + ] + ] + ], + "Line3D": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3D" + ] + ] + ], + "Line3DCollection": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3DCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "Patch3D": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3D" + ] + ] + ], + "PathPatch3D": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "PathPatch3D" + ] + ] + ], + "Patch3DCollection": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3DCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "Path3DCollection": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "Poly3DCollection": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "Axes3D": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D" + ] + ] + ], + "ZAxis": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "ZAxis" + ] + ] + ], + "TestVoxels": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "TestVoxels" + ] + ] + ], + "BuildExtraLibraries": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "BuildExtraLibraries" + ] + ] + ], + "BuildPy": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "BuildPy" + ] + ] + ], + "Sdist": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "Sdist" + ] + ] + ], + "Skipped": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Skipped" + ] + ] + ], + "SetupPackage": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "SetupPackage" + ] + ] + ], + "OptionalPackage": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "OptionalPackage" + ] + ] + ], + "Platform": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Platform" + ] + ] + ], + "Python": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Python" + ] + ] + ], + "Matplotlib": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Matplotlib" + ] + ] + ], + "Tests": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Tests" + ] + ] + ], + "L": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "get_ccompiler", + "L" + ] + ] + ], + "FreeType": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "FreeType" + ] + ] + ], + "Qhull": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Qhull" + ] + ] + ], + "BackendMacOSX": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "BackendMacOSX" + ] + ] + ], + "value_formatter": [ + [ + "tools/boilerplate.py", + [ + "value_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "Obj": [ + [ + "tools/gh_api.py", + [ + "Obj" + ] + ] + ], + "MemleakTest": [ + [ + "tools/memleak.py", + [ + "MemleakTest" + ] + ] + ], + "RunInfo": [ + [ + "tools/run_examples.py", + [ + "RunInfo" + ] + ] + ], + "Sfnt": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "Sfnt" + ] + ] + ], + "Thumbnail": [ + [ + "tools/triage_tests.py", + [ + "Thumbnail" + ] + ] + ], + "EventFilter": [ + [ + "tools/triage_tests.py", + [ + "EventFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "Dialog": [ + [ + "tools/triage_tests.py", + [ + "Dialog" + ] + ] + ], + "Entry": [ + [ + "tools/triage_tests.py", + [ + "Entry" + ] + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/matplotlib__matplotlib-25332/blocks_by_function_name.json b/matplotlib__matplotlib-25332/blocks_by_function_name.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4294bcdbe35ea10cfd23a9a9d5bd1b66b5bad4eb --- /dev/null +++ b/matplotlib__matplotlib-25332/blocks_by_function_name.json @@ -0,0 +1,73624 @@ +{ + "_parse_skip_subdirs_file": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "_parse_skip_subdirs_file" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_dependencies": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "_check_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "matplotlib_reduced_latex_scraper": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "matplotlib_reduced_latex_scraper" + ] + ] + ], + "gallery_image_warning_filter": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "if_plot_gallery_0_in_sy", + "gallery_image_warning_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "css_tag_with_cache_busting": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "add_html_cache_busting", + "css_tag_with_cache_busting" + ] + ] + ], + "js_tag_with_cache_busting": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "add_html_cache_busting", + "js_tag_with_cache_busting" + ] + ] + ], + "add_html_cache_busting": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "add_html_cache_busting" + ] + ] + ], + "linkcode_resolve": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "if_link_github_", + "linkcode_resolve" + ] + ] + ], + "setup": [ + [ + "doc/conf.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/custom_roles.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/github.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/math_symbol_table.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/mock_gui_toolkits.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/redirect_from.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/skip_deprecated.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/tick-formatters.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/tick-locators.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mplcvd.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "AbstractMovieWriter", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriter", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FileMovieWriter", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "PillowWriter", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "HTMLWriter", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "FormWidget", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "FormComboWidget", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "FormTabWidget", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/mathmpl.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/plot_directive.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/__init__.py", + [ + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "NullMovieWriter", + "setup" + ] + ] + ], + "to_query_string": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/custom_roles.py", + [ + "QueryReference", + "to_query_string" + ] + ] + ], + "visit_query_reference_node": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/custom_roles.py", + [ + "visit_query_reference_node" + ] + ] + ], + "depart_query_reference_node": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/custom_roles.py", + [ + "depart_query_reference_node" + ] + ] + ], + "rcparam_role": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/custom_roles.py", + [ + "rcparam_role" + ] + ] + ], + "__call__": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/gallery_order.py", + [ + "MplExplicitOrder", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/gallery_order.py", + [ + "MplExplicitSubOrder", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/bayes_update.py", + [ + "UpdateDist", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/viewlims.py", + [ + "UpdatingRect", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/colormap_normalizations.py", + [ + "MidpointNormalize", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "ThetaFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "BaseFilter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "GrowFilter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/multiprocess_sgskip.py", + [ + "ProcessPlotter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/date_index_formatter.py", + [ + "MyFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "PassThroughProxy", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "ConvertArgsProxy", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "ConvertReturnProxy", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "ConvertAllProxy", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "UnitResolver", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/userdemo/custom_boxstyle01.py", + [ + "MyStyle", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormapnorms.py", + [ + "MidpointNormalize", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "Substitution", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "_ArtistPropertiesSubstitution", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_TransformedBoundsLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "ShowBase", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "BezierSegment", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "StrCategoryLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "StrCategoryFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_StrongRef", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Stack", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ColormapRegistry", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_ColorbarAxesLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Normalize", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "TwoSlopeNorm", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_make_norm_from_scale", + "Norm", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "PowerNorm", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "BoundaryNorm", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "NoNorm", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "DateFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "ConciseDateFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "AutoDateFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "RRuleLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "AutoDateLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "MicrosecondLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Square", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Circle", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Ellipse", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "LArrow", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "RArrow", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "DArrow", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Round", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Round4", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Sawtooth", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Roundtooth", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionStyle", + "_Base", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "_Base", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "ThetaFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "RadialLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "ValidateInStrings", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_GSConverter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_SVGConverter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_SVGWithMatplotlibFontsConverter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDblFormatter.py", + [ + "UnitDblFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "BaseFilter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "OffsetFrom", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "Formatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "NullFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FixedFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FuncFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FormatStrFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "StrMethodFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "ScalarFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogFormatterMathtext", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogitFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "EngFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "PercentFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "Locator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "IndexLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FixedLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "NullLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LinearLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MultipleLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MaxNLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "AsinhLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "AutoMinorLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_trifinder.py", + [ + "TrapezoidMapTriFinder", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "LinearTriInterpolator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "CubicTriInterpolator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "LockDraw", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "AxesLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "GetExtentHelper", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "InsetPosition", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "AnchoredLocatorBase", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleChainedObjects", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "AxisDict", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorHMS", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorHM", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorH", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorDMS", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorDM", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorD", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "FormatterDMS", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "FormatterHMS", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "ExtremeFinderCycle", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "AxislineStyle", + "_Base", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "ExtremeFinderFixed", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "ExtremeFinderSimple", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "MaxNLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "FixedLocator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "FormatterPrettyPrint", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "DictFormatter", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/memleak.py", + [ + "MemleakTest", + "__call__" + ] + ] + ], + "make_link_node": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/github.py", + [ + "make_link_node" + ] + ] + ], + "ghissue_role": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/github.py", + [ + "ghissue_role" + ] + ] + ], + "ghuser_role": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/github.py", + [ + "ghuser_role" + ] + ] + ], + "ghcommit_role": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/github.py", + [ + "ghcommit_role" + ] + ] + ], + "render_symbol": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/math_symbol_table.py", + [ + "run", + "render_symbol" + ] + ] + ], + "run": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/math_symbol_table.py", + [ + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/math_symbol_table.py", + [ + "MathSymbolTableDirective", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "doc/sphinxext/redirect_from.py", + [ + "RedirectFrom", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/animate_decay.py", + [ + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "ServerThread", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/mathmpl.py", + [ + "MathDirective", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/plot_directive.py", + [ + "PlotDirective", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sphinxext/plot_directive.py", + [ + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "BuildPy", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/visualize_tests.py", + [ + "run" + ] + ] + ], + "_record_reference": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "MissingReferenceFilter", + "_record_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "filter": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "MissingReferenceFilter", + "filter" + ] + ] + ], + "record_missing_reference": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "record_missing_reference" + ] + ] + ], + "record_missing_reference_handler": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "record_missing_reference_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "get_location": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "get_location" + ] + ] + ], + "_truncate_location": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "_truncate_location" + ] + ] + ], + "_warn_unused_missing_references": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "_warn_unused_missing_references" + ] + ] + ], + "save_missing_references_handler": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "save_missing_references_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_write_missing_references_json": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "_write_missing_references_json" + ] + ] + ], + "_read_missing_references_json": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "_read_missing_references_json" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_missing_references_handler": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/missing_references.py", + [ + "prepare_missing_references_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "redirects": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/redirect_from.py", + [ + "RedirectFromDomain", + "redirects" + ] + ] + ], + "clear_doc": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/redirect_from.py", + [ + "RedirectFromDomain", + "clear_doc" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_domaindata": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/redirect_from.py", + [ + "RedirectFromDomain", + "merge_domaindata" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_redirects": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/redirect_from.py", + [ + "_generate_redirects" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_deprecated": [ + [ + "doc/sphinxext/skip_deprecated.py", + [ + "skip_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "check_duplicates": [ + [ + "doc/users/generate_credits.py", + [ + "check_duplicates" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_credits": [ + [ + "doc/users/generate_credits.py", + [ + "generate_credits" + ] + ] + ], + "data_gen": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/animate_decay.py", + [ + "data_gen" + ] + ] + ], + "init": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/animate_decay.py", + [ + "init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "make_norm_from_scale", + "if_init_is_None_", + "init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "anim", + "init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_funcanimation_cache_frame_data", + "init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_animation_frame", + "init" + ] + ] + ], + "animate": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/animated_histogram.py", + [ + "prepare_animation", + "animate" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/double_pendulum.py", + [ + "animate" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/multiple_axes.py", + [ + "animate" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/simple_anim.py", + [ + "animate" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/simple_scatter.py", + [ + "animate" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "anim", + "animate" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_funcanimation_cache_frame_data", + "animate" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_draw_frame", + "animate" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_animation_frame", + "animate" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_animation": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/animated_histogram.py", + [ + "prepare_animation" + ] + ] + ], + "beta_pdf": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/bayes_update.py", + [ + "beta_pdf" + ] + ] + ], + "derivs": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/double_pendulum.py", + [ + "derivs" + ] + ] + ], + "f": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/dynamic_image.py", + [ + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/ginput_manual_clabel_sgskip.py", + [ + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/mixed_subplots.py", + [ + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/pyplots/pyplot_two_subplots.py", + [ + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/axes_margins.py", + [ + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/slider_demo.py", + [ + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/introductory/pyplot.py", + [ + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "_listify_validator", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_classproperty_deprecation", + "A", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_deprecation_alternative", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_mixedsubplots", + "f" + ] + ] + ], + "toggle_pause": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/pause_resume.py", + [ + "PauseAnimation", + "toggle_pause" + ] + ] + ], + "update": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/pause_resume.py", + [ + "PauseAnimation", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/rain.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/strip_chart.py", + [ + "Scope", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/unchained.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/data_browser.py", + [ + "PointBrowser", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/image_slices_viewer.py", + [ + "IndexTracker", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Puck", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/resample.py", + [ + "DataDisplayDownsampler", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/multi_image.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/pylab_with_gtk3_sgskip.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/pylab_with_gtk4_sgskip.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/range_slider.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/slider_demo.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/slider_snap_demo.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/advanced/blitting.py", + [ + "BlitManager", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/introductory/animation_tutorial.py", + [ + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "Substitution", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "NavigationToolbar2", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "UnitData", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "SubplotParams", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/gridspec.py", + [ + "GridSpec", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_exhausted_animation", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_no_frame_warning", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder", + "update" + ] + ] + ], + "random_walk": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/random_walk.py", + [ + "random_walk" + ] + ] + ], + "update_lines": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/random_walk.py", + [ + "update_lines" + ] + ] + ], + "emitter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/animation/strip_chart.py", + [ + "emitter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_demo_image": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_divider.py", + [ + "get_demo_image" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_edge_colorbar.py", + [ + "get_demo_image" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/inset_locator_demo2.py", + [ + "get_demo_image" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/zoom_inset_axes.py", + [ + "get_demo_image" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_simple_image": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_divider.py", + [ + "demo_simple_image" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_locatable_axes_hard": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_divider.py", + [ + "demo_locatable_axes_hard" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_locatable_axes_easy": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_divider.py", + [ + "demo_locatable_axes_easy" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_images_side_by_side": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_divider.py", + [ + "demo_images_side_by_side" + ] + ] + ], + "demo": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_divider.py", + [ + "demo" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx5_sgskip.py", + [ + "demo" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colors.py", + [ + "demo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_enums.py", + [ + "JoinStyle", + "demo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_enums.py", + [ + "CapStyle", + "demo" + ] + ] + ], + "add_inner_title": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_grid2.py", + [ + "add_inner_title" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rgb": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_rgb.py", + [ + "get_rgb" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "get_rgb" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextCairo", + "get_rgb" + ] + ] + ], + "make_cube": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_rgb.py", + [ + "make_cube" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_rgb1": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_rgb.py", + [ + "demo_rgb1" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_rgb2": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_axes_rgb.py", + [ + "demo_rgb2" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_bottom_cbar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_edge_colorbar.py", + [ + "demo_bottom_cbar" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_right_cbar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/demo_edge_colorbar.py", + [ + "demo_right_cbar" + ] + ] + ], + "add_sizebar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/inset_locator_demo2.py", + [ + "add_sizebar" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_text": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/simple_anchored_artists.py", + [ + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "RendererCairo", + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "RendererPdf", + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "RendererPgf", + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPS", + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_template.py", + [ + "RendererTemplate", + "draw_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "RendererWx", + "draw_text" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_circle": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/simple_anchored_artists.py", + [ + "draw_circle" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_ellipse": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/simple_anchored_artists.py", + [ + "draw_ellipse" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "draw_ellipse" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_sizebar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/simple_anchored_artists.py", + [ + "draw_sizebar" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "draw_sizebar" + ] + ] + ], + "label_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axes_grid1/simple_axes_divider1.py", + [ + "label_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/axis_direction.py", + [ + "setup_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_axis_direction.py", + [ + "setup_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_ticklabel_alignment.py", + [ + "setup_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_ticklabel_direction.py", + [ + "setup_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/simple_axis_direction03.py", + [ + "setup_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/simple_axis_pad.py", + [ + "setup_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "add_floating_axis1": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_axis_direction.py", + [ + "add_floating_axis1" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/simple_axis_pad.py", + [ + "add_floating_axis1" + ] + ] + ], + "add_floating_axis2": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_axis_direction.py", + [ + "add_floating_axis2" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/simple_axis_pad.py", + [ + "add_floating_axis2" + ] + ] + ], + "tr": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_curvelinear_grid.py", + [ + "curvelinear_test1", + "tr" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_curvelinear_grid2.py", + [ + "curvelinear_test1", + "tr" + ] + ] + ], + "inv_tr": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_curvelinear_grid.py", + [ + "curvelinear_test1", + "inv_tr" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_curvelinear_grid2.py", + [ + "curvelinear_test1", + "inv_tr" + ] + ] + ], + "curvelinear_test1": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_curvelinear_grid.py", + [ + "curvelinear_test1" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_curvelinear_grid2.py", + [ + "curvelinear_test1" + ] + ] + ], + "curvelinear_test2": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_curvelinear_grid.py", + [ + "curvelinear_test2" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_floating_axis.py", + [ + "curvelinear_test2" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_axes1": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_floating_axes.py", + [ + "setup_axes1" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_axes2": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_floating_axes.py", + [ + "setup_axes2" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_axes3": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/demo_floating_axes.py", + [ + "setup_axes3" + ] + ] + ], + "ann": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/axisartist/simple_axis_pad.py", + [ + "ann" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_color_gradients": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/color/colormap_reference.py", + [ + "plot_color_gradients" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormaps.py", + [ + "plot_color_gradients" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_colortable": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/color/named_colors.py", + [ + "plot_colortable" + ] + ] + ], + "on_close": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/close_event.py", + [ + "on_close" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "WebSocket", + "on_close" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_nbagg.py", + [ + "CommSocket", + "on_close" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "WebSocket", + "on_close" + ] + ] + ], + "on_move": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/coords_demo.py", + [ + "on_move" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/looking_glass.py", + [ + "EventHandler", + "on_move" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "Menu", + "on_move" + ] + ] + ], + "on_click": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/coords_demo.py", + [ + "on_click" + ] + ] + ], + "set_cross_hair_visible": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "Cursor", + "set_cross_hair_visible" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "BlittedCursor", + "set_cross_hair_visible" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "SnappingCursor", + "set_cross_hair_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "on_mouse_move": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "Cursor", + "on_mouse_move" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "BlittedCursor", + "on_mouse_move" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "SnappingCursor", + "on_mouse_move" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/path_editor.py", + [ + "PathInteractor", + "on_mouse_move" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "PolygonInteractor", + "on_mouse_move" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/trifinder_event_demo.py", + [ + "on_mouse_move" + ] + ] + ], + "on_draw": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "BlittedCursor", + "on_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/path_editor.py", + [ + "PathInteractor", + "on_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "PolygonInteractor", + "on_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/auto_subplots_adjust.py", + [ + "on_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/advanced/blitting.py", + [ + "BlitManager", + "on_draw" + ] + ] + ], + "create_new_background": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/cursor_demo.py", + [ + "BlittedCursor", + "create_new_background" + ] + ] + ], + "on_press": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/data_browser.py", + [ + "PointBrowser", + "on_press" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/keypress_demo.py", + [ + "on_press" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/lasso_demo.py", + [ + "LassoManager", + "on_press" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/looking_glass.py", + [ + "EventHandler", + "on_press" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/zoom_window.py", + [ + "on_press" + ] + ] + ], + "on_pick": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/data_browser.py", + [ + "PointBrowser", + "on_pick" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/legend_picking.py", + [ + "on_pick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableBase", + "on_pick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_picking_callbacks_overlap", + "on_pick" + ] + ] + ], + "on_enter_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/figure_axes_enter_leave.py", + [ + "on_enter_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "on_leave_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/figure_axes_enter_leave.py", + [ + "on_leave_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "on_enter_figure": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/figure_axes_enter_leave.py", + [ + "on_enter_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "on_leave_figure": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/figure_axes_enter_leave.py", + [ + "on_leave_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "tellme": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/ginput_manual_clabel_sgskip.py", + [ + "tellme" + ] + ] + ], + "on_scroll": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/image_slices_viewer.py", + [ + "IndexTracker", + "on_scroll" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "on_scroll" + ] + ] + ], + "callback": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/lasso_demo.py", + [ + "LassoManager", + "callback" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/check_buttons.py", + [ + "callback" + ] + ] + ], + "on_release": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/lasso_demo.py", + [ + "LassoManager", + "on_release" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/looking_glass.py", + [ + "EventHandler", + "on_release" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableBase", + "on_release" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ind_under_point": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/path_editor.py", + [ + "PathInteractor", + "get_ind_under_point" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "PolygonInteractor", + "get_ind_under_point" + ] + ] + ], + "on_button_press": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/path_editor.py", + [ + "PathInteractor", + "on_button_press" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "PolygonInteractor", + "on_button_press" + ] + ] + ], + "on_button_release": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/path_editor.py", + [ + "PathInteractor", + "on_button_release" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "PolygonInteractor", + "on_button_release" + ] + ] + ], + "on_key_press": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/path_editor.py", + [ + "PathInteractor", + "on_key_press" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "PolygonInteractor", + "on_key_press" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Game", + "on_key_press" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backend_qt.py", + [ + "test_correct_key", + "on_key_press" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "on_key_press" + ] + ] + ], + "onpick1": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pick_event_demo.py", + [ + "onpick1" + ] + ] + ], + "line_picker": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pick_event_demo.py", + [ + "line_picker" + ] + ] + ], + "onpick2": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pick_event_demo.py", + [ + "onpick2" + ] + ] + ], + "onpick3": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pick_event_demo.py", + [ + "onpick3" + ] + ] + ], + "onpick4": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pick_event_demo.py", + [ + "onpick4" + ] + ] + ], + "onpick": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pick_event_demo2.py", + [ + "onpick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "VertexSelector", + "onpick" + ] + ] + ], + "dist_point_to_segment": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "dist_point_to_segment" + ] + ] + ], + "poly_changed": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/poly_editor.py", + [ + "PolygonInteractor", + "poly_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "contains": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Pad", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "BboxImage", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetBox", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "QuiverKey", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Annotation", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxBase", + "contains" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Puck", + "_reset" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt.py", + [ + "SubplotToolQt", + "_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "_slower": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Puck", + "_slower" + ] + ] + ], + "_faster": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Puck", + "_faster" + ] + ] + ], + "_speedlimit": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Puck", + "_speedlimit" + ] + ] + ], + "draw": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "Game", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "FilteredArtistList", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_ribbon_box.py", + [ + "RibbonBoxImage", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXTick", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/demo_text_path.py", + [ + "PathClippedImagePatch", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/line_with_text.py", + [ + "MyLine", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "MenuItem", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_draw_rasterized", + "_MinimalArtist", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasBase", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasAgg", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk3.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasGTK3", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk4.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasGTK4", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_macosx.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasMac", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasPdf", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasPgf", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasPS", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasQT", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qtcairo.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasQTCairo", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasSVG", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_template.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasTemplate", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasTkAgg", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkcairo.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasTkCairo", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg_core.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasWebAggCore", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasWx", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wxagg.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasWxAgg", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wxcairo.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasWxCairo", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "_CollectionWithSizes", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "RegularPolyCollection", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EllipseCollection", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "TriMesh", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_ColorbarSpine", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "SubFigure", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "_AxLine", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetBox", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "PaddedBox", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DrawingArea", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "TextArea", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AuxTransformBox", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnchoredOffsetbox", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetImage", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Shadow", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arc", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionPatch", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "QuiverKey", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_draw_wraper_forward_input", + "TestKlass", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXTick", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Annotation", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "AnchoredLocatorBase", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "LabelBase", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "GridlinesCollection", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "_FancyAxislineStyle", + "SimpleArrow", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Text3D", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3D", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "draw" + ] + ] + ], + "on_redraw": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "on_redraw" + ] + ] + ], + "start_anim": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/pong_sgskip.py", + [ + "start_anim" + ] + ] + ], + "downsample": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/resample.py", + [ + "DataDisplayDownsampler", + "downsample" + ] + ] + ], + "update_title": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/timers.py", + [ + "update_title" + ] + ] + ], + "update_polygon": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/trifinder_event_demo.py", + [ + "update_polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "compute_image": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/viewlims.py", + [ + "MandelbrotDisplay", + "compute_image" + ] + ] + ], + "ax_update": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/event_handling/viewlims.py", + [ + "MandelbrotDisplay", + "ax_update" + ] + ] + ], + "get_image": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/affine_image.py", + [ + "get_image" + ] + ] + ], + "do_plot": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/affine_image.py", + [ + "do_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "bxp", + "do_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backend_tk.py", + [ + "test_figuremanager_preserves_host_mainloop", + "do_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "rbf": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/colormap_normalizations_symlognorm.py", + [ + "rbf" + ] + ] + ], + "fmt": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/contour_label_demo.py", + [ + "fmt" + ] + ] + ], + "heatmap": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/image_annotated_heatmap.py", + [ + "heatmap" + ] + ] + ], + "annotate_heatmap": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/image_annotated_heatmap.py", + [ + "annotate_heatmap" + ] + ] + ], + "func": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/image_annotated_heatmap.py", + [ + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/pie_and_polar_charts/pie_and_donut_labels.py", + [ + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/showcase/integral.py", + [ + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "ValidateInStrings", + "__init__", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_make_keyword_only", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_callbacks", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_compiletime_checks", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_more_args_than_pos_parameter", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_copy_docstring_and_deprecators", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_rcparams", + "func" + ] + ] + ], + "normal_pdf": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/image_transparency_blend.py", + [ + "normal_pdf" + ] + ] + ], + "format_coord": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/image_zcoord.py", + [ + "format_coord" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "format_coord" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "format_coord" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "format_coord" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "format_coord" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "format_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "func3": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/layer_images.py", + [ + "func3" + ] + ] + ], + "_annotate": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/pcolormesh_grids.py", + [ + "_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "main": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/shading_example.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_ribbon_box.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/multiprocess_sgskip.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mpl_with_glade3_sgskip.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/run_examples.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ] + ], + "compare": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/shading_example.py", + [ + "compare" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_ImageComparisonBase", + "compare" + ] + ] + ], + "experiment_res": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/tricontour_smooth_delaunay.py", + [ + "experiment_res" + ] + ] + ], + "function_z": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/tricontour_smooth_user.py", + [ + "function_z" + ] + ] + ], + "dipole_potential": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/images_contours_and_fields/trigradient_demo.py", + [ + "dipole_potential" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tri_smooth_gradient", + "dipole_potential" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_error_band": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/curve_error_band.py", + [ + "draw_error_band" + ] + ] + ], + "_koch_snowflake_complex": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/fill.py", + [ + "koch_snowflake", + "_koch_snowflake_complex" + ] + ] + ], + "koch_snowflake": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/fill.py", + [ + "koch_snowflake" + ] + ] + ], + "filled_hist": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/filled_step.py", + [ + "filled_hist" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_hist": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/filled_step.py", + [ + "stack_hist" + ] + ] + ], + "gradient_image": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/gradient_bar.py", + [ + "gradient_image" + ] + ] + ], + "gradient_bar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/gradient_bar.py", + [ + "gradient_bar" + ] + ] + ], + "label_bars": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/hat_graph.py", + [ + "hat_graph", + "label_bars" + ] + ] + ], + "hat_graph": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/hat_graph.py", + [ + "hat_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "survey": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/horizontal_barchart_distribution.py", + [ + "survey" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_linestyles": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/linestyles.py", + [ + "plot_linestyles" + ] + ] + ], + "format_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/marker_reference.py", + [ + "format_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/gridspec_multicolumn.py", + [ + "format_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/gridspec_nested.py", + [ + "format_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "split_list": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/marker_reference.py", + [ + "split_list" + ] + ] + ], + "scatter_hist": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/scatter_hist.py", + [ + "scatter_hist" + ] + ] + ], + "add_random_gaussian": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/stackplot_demo.py", + [ + "gaussian_mixture", + "add_random_gaussian" + ] + ] + ], + "gaussian_mixture": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/lines_bars_and_markers/stackplot_demo.py", + [ + "gaussian_mixture" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_circles": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/anchored_artists.py", + [ + "draw_circles" + ] + ] + ], + "millions": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/coords_report.py", + [ + "millions" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/custom_ticker1.py", + [ + "millions" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_axis": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_init_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "_init_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_init_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_init_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "_init_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "_init_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_init_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "clear": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/annotated_cursor.py", + [ + "AnnotatedCursor", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolViewsPositions", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Stack", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaAxis", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "RadialAxis", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "ClearAxes", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "ClearSuperAxes", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Affine2D", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Cursor", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "MultiCursor", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "ParasiteAxesBase", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxesZero", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FloatingAxesBase", + "clear" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "clear" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_lim_and_transforms": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_set_lim_and_transforms" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "_set_lim_and_transforms" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_set_lim_and_transforms" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_set_lim_and_transforms" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "_set_lim_and_transforms" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "_set_lim_and_transforms" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "ParasiteAxesBase", + "_set_lim_and_transforms" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_affine_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_get_affine_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_get_affine_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "_get_affine_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_xaxis_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_xaxis_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_xaxis_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_xaxis_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_xaxis_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_xaxis_text1_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_xaxis_text1_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_xaxis_text1_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_xaxis_text1_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_xaxis_text1_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_xaxis_text2_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_xaxis_text2_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_xaxis_text2_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_xaxis_text2_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_xaxis_text2_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_yaxis_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_yaxis_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_yaxis_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_yaxis_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_yaxis_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_yaxis_text1_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_yaxis_text1_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_yaxis_text1_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_yaxis_text1_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_yaxis_text1_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_yaxis_text2_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_yaxis_text2_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_yaxis_text2_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_yaxis_text2_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_yaxis_text2_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "_gen_axes_patch": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_gen_axes_patch" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarAxes", + "_gen_axes_patch" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_gen_axes_patch" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_gen_axes_patch" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "_gen_axes_patch" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FloatingAxesBase", + "_gen_axes_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "_gen_axes_spines": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_gen_axes_spines" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarAxes", + "_gen_axes_spines" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "_gen_axes_spines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_gen_axes_spines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "_gen_axes_spines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "_gen_axes_spines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "_gen_axes_spines" + ] + ] + ], + "set_yscale": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_yscale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_yscale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "set_yscale" + ] + ] + ], + "set_xlim": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_xlim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_xlim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_xlim" + ] + ] + ], + "set_longitude_grid": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_longitude_grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_longitude_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "set_latitude_grid": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_latitude_grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_latitude_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "set_longitude_grid_ends": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_longitude_grid_ends" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "set_longitude_grid_ends" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_ratio": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_data_ratio" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_data_ratio" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "get_data_ratio" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_data_ratio" + ] + ] + ], + "can_zoom": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "can_zoom" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "can_zoom" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "can_zoom" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "can_zoom" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "can_zoom" + ] + ] + ], + "can_pan": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "can_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "can_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "can_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "can_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "can_pan" + ] + ] + ], + "start_pan": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "start_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "start_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "start_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "start_pan" + ] + ] + ], + "end_pan": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "end_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "end_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "end_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "end_pan" + ] + ] + ], + "drag_pan": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "drag_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "drag_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "NavigationToolbar2", + "drag_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "drag_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "GeoAxes", + "drag_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "drag_pan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "drag_pan" + ] + ] + ], + "transform_non_affine": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "HammerTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "InvertedHammerTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "MercatorLatitudeTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "InvertedMercatorLatitudeTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "AitoffAxes", + "AitoffTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "AitoffAxes", + "InvertedAitoffTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "HammerTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "InvertedHammerTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes", + "MollweideTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes", + "InvertedMollweideTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "LambertTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "InvertedLambertTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "InvertedPolarTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "FuncTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedLogTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedSymmetricalLogTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "AsinhTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedAsinhTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogitTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogisticTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_non_affine_caching", + "AssertingNonAffineTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "NonAffineForTest", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "AffineBase", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "IdentityTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BlendedGenericTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "CompositeGenericTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "_User2DTransform", + "transform_non_affine" + ] + ] + ], + "transform_path_non_affine": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "HammerTransform", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarTransform", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "_GeoTransform", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarTransform", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_non_affine_caching", + "AssertingNonAffineTransform", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "NonAffineForTest", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "AffineBase", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "IdentityTransform", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "CompositeGenericTransform", + "transform_path_non_affine" + ] + ] + ], + "inverted": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "HammerTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "InvertedHammerTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "MercatorLatitudeTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "InvertedMercatorLatitudeTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "AitoffAxes", + "AitoffTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "AitoffAxes", + "InvertedAitoffTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "HammerTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "InvertedHammerTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes", + "MollweideTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes", + "InvertedMollweideTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "LambertTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "InvertedLambertTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "InvertedPolarTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "FuncTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedLogTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedSymmetricalLogTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "AsinhTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedAsinhTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogitTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogisticTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Affine2DBase", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "IdentityTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BlendedGenericTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "CompositeGenericTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "_User2DTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_custom_transform", + "MyTransform", + "inverted" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_custom_transform", + "MyTransformInv", + "inverted" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_core_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/custom_projection.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "_get_core_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "AitoffAxes", + "_get_core_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "HammerAxes", + "_get_core_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes", + "_get_core_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "LambertAxes", + "_get_core_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "smooth1d": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "smooth1d" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "smooth1d" + ] + ] + ], + "smooth2d": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "smooth2d" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "smooth2d" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pad": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "BaseFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "OffsetFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "GaussianFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "DropShadowFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "LightFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "BaseFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "OffsetFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "GaussianFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "DropShadowFilter", + "get_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel", + "get_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "process_image": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "BaseFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "OffsetFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "GaussianFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "DropShadowFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "LightFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "BaseFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "OffsetFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "GaussianFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter", + "DropShadowFilter", + "process_image" + ] + ] + ], + "filtered_text": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "filtered_text" + ] + ] + ], + "drop_shadow_line": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "drop_shadow_line" + ] + ] + ], + "drop_shadow_patches": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "drop_shadow_patches" + ] + ] + ], + "light_filter_pie": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_agg_filter.py", + [ + "light_filter_pie" + ] + ] + ], + "get_stretched_image": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/demo_ribbon_box.py", + [ + "RibbonBox", + "get_stretched_image" + ] + ] + ], + "myfunc": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/findobj_demo.py", + [ + "myfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "get_font_properties": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/logos2.py", + [ + "get_font_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "create_icon_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/logos2.py", + [ + "create_icon_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_text_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/logos2.py", + [ + "create_text_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "make_logo": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/logos2.py", + [ + "make_logo" + ] + ] + ], + "terminate": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/multiprocess_sgskip.py", + [ + "ProcessPlotter", + "terminate" + ] + ] + ], + "call_back": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/multiprocess_sgskip.py", + [ + "ProcessPlotter", + "call_back" + ] + ] + ], + "plot": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/multiprocess_sgskip.py", + [ + "NBPlot", + "plot" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/packed_bubbles.py", + [ + "BubbleChart", + "plot" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarAxes", + "plot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "plot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "plot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "plot" + ] + ] + ], + "center_of_mass": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/packed_bubbles.py", + [ + "BubbleChart", + "center_of_mass" + ] + ] + ], + "center_distance": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/packed_bubbles.py", + [ + "BubbleChart", + "center_distance" + ] + ] + ], + "outline_distance": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/packed_bubbles.py", + [ + "BubbleChart", + "outline_distance" + ] + ] + ], + "check_collisions": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/packed_bubbles.py", + [ + "BubbleChart", + "check_collisions" + ] + ] + ], + "collides_with": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/packed_bubbles.py", + [ + "BubbleChart", + "collides_with" + ] + ] + ], + "collapse": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/misc/packed_bubbles.py", + [ + "BubbleChart", + "collapse" + ] + ] + ], + "lorenz": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/lorenz_attractor.py", + [ + "lorenz" + ] + ] + ], + "text3d": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/pathpatch3d.py", + [ + "text3d" + ] + ] + ], + "polygon_under_graph": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/polys3d.py", + [ + "polygon_under_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "randrange": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/scatter3d.py", + [ + "randrange" + ] + ] + ], + "annotate_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/view_planes_3d.py", + [ + "annotate_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/userdemo/demo_gridspec01.py", + [ + "annotate_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/userdemo/demo_gridspec03.py", + [ + "annotate_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/arranging_axes.py", + [ + "annotate_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "explode": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/voxels_numpy_logo.py", + [ + "explode" + ] + ] + ], + "midpoints": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/voxels_rgb.py", + [ + "midpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/mplot3d/voxels_torus.py", + [ + "midpoints" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "TestVoxels", + "test_xyz", + "midpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "_AxLine", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DrawingArea", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AuxTransformBox", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "ScaleBase", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LinearScale", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "FuncScale", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogScale", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "FuncScaleLog", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogScale", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "AsinhScale", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogitScale", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_regularpolycollection_scale", + "SquareCollection", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "get_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder", + "get_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_locators_and_formatters": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "set_default_locators_and_formatters" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "ScaleBase", + "set_default_locators_and_formatters" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LinearScale", + "set_default_locators_and_formatters" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "FuncScale", + "set_default_locators_and_formatters" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogScale", + "set_default_locators_and_formatters" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogScale", + "set_default_locators_and_formatters" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "AsinhScale", + "set_default_locators_and_formatters" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogitScale", + "set_default_locators_and_formatters" + ] + ] + ], + "limit_range_for_scale": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/custom_scale.py", + [ + "MercatorLatitudeScale", + "limit_range_for_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "limit_range_for_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "ScaleBase", + "limit_range_for_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogScale", + "limit_range_for_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogitScale", + "limit_range_for_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "forward": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/scales.py", + [ + "forward" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "forward" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "NavigationToolbar2", + "forward" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolViewsPositions", + "forward" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Stack", + "forward" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_FuncNorm", + "forward" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_function_scale", + "forward" + ] + ] + ], + "inverse": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/scales.py", + [ + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormapnorms.py", + [ + "MidpointNormalize", + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Normalize", + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "TwoSlopeNorm", + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_make_norm_from_scale", + "Norm", + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "PowerNorm", + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "BoundaryNorm", + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "NoNorm", + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_FuncNorm", + "inverse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_function_scale", + "inverse" + ] + ] + ], + "forward_2": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/scales.py", + [ + "forward_2" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_FuncNorm", + "forward_2" + ] + ] + ], + "inverse_3": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/scales/scales.py", + [ + "inverse_3" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_FuncNorm", + "inverse_3" + ] + ] + ], + "wise": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/shapes_and_collections/donut.py", + [ + "wise" + ] + ] + ], + "make_circle": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/shapes_and_collections/donut.py", + [ + "make_circle" + ] + ] + ], + "add_fancy_patch_around": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/shapes_and_collections/fancybox_demo.py", + [ + "add_fancy_patch_around" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_control_points_for_patches": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/shapes_and_collections/fancybox_demo.py", + [ + "draw_control_points_for_patches" + ] + ] + ], + "hatches_plot": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/shapes_and_collections/hatch_style_reference.py", + [ + "hatches_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "annotate": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/showcase/anatomy.py", + [ + "annotate" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "annotate" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "svg_parse": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/showcase/firefox.py", + [ + "svg_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "mandelbrot_set": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/showcase/mandelbrot.py", + [ + "mandelbrot_set" + ] + ] + ], + "convertdate": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/showcase/stock_prices.py", + [ + "convertdate" + ] + ] + ], + "display_colorbar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/advanced_hillshading.py", + [ + "display_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "avoid_outliers": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/advanced_hillshading.py", + [ + "avoid_outliers" + ] + ] + ], + "shade_other_data": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/advanced_hillshading.py", + [ + "shade_other_data" + ] + ] + ], + "hinton": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/hinton_demo.py", + [ + "hinton" + ] + ] + ], + "bullseye_plot": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/leftventricle_bullseye.py", + [ + "bullseye_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "fill": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarAxes", + "fill" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "fill" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "fill" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextPdf", + "fill" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "fill" + ] + ] + ], + "_close_line": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarAxes", + "_close_line" + ] + ] + ], + "set_varlabels": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory", + "RadarAxes", + "set_varlabels" + ] + ] + ], + "radar_factory": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "radar_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "example_data": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/radar_chart.py", + [ + "example_data" + ] + ] + ], + "side": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/sankey_links.py", + [ + "side" + ] + ] + ], + "corner": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/sankey_links.py", + [ + "corner" + ] + ] + ], + "get_view_interval": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXTick", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxis", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XTick", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YTick", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_AxisWrapper", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXTick", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxis", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_symmetrizing", + "DummyAxis", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "FakeAxis", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_DummyAxis", + "get_view_interval" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tick": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxis", + "_get_tick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_tick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxis", + "_get_tick" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust_location": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewSpine", + "_adjust_location" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "_adjust_location" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewSpine", + "_adjust_location" + ] + ] + ], + "lower_xlim": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "lower_xlim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "lower_xlim" + ] + ] + ], + "upper_xlim": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/specialty_plots/skewt.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "upper_xlim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "SkewXAxes", + "upper_xlim" + ] + ] + ], + "adjust_spines": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/spines/spine_placement_demo.py", + [ + "adjust_spines" + ] + ] + ], + "to_ordinal": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/barchart_demo.py", + [ + "to_ordinal" + ] + ] + ], + "format_score": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/barchart_demo.py", + [ + "format_score" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_student_results": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/barchart_demo.py", + [ + "plot_student_results" + ] + ] + ], + "fake_bootstrapper": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/boxplot_demo.py", + [ + "fake_bootstrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "confidence_ellipse": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/confidence_ellipse.py", + [ + "confidence_ellipse" + ] + ] + ], + "get_correlated_dataset": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/confidence_ellipse.py", + [ + "get_correlated_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "adjacent_values": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/customized_violin.py", + [ + "adjacent_values" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axis_style": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/customized_violin.py", + [ + "set_axis_style" + ] + ] + ], + "make_error_boxes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/statistics/errorbars_and_boxes.py", + [ + "make_error_boxes" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_beta_hist": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/bmh.py", + [ + "plot_beta_hist" + ] + ] + ], + "color_cycle_example": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/grayscale.py", + [ + "color_cycle_example" + ] + ] + ], + "image_and_patch_example": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/grayscale.py", + [ + "image_and_patch_example" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_scatter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/style_sheets_reference.py", + [ + "plot_scatter" + ] + ] + ], + "sigmoid": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/style_sheets_reference.py", + [ + "plot_colored_lines", + "sigmoid" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_colored_lines": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/style_sheets_reference.py", + [ + "plot_colored_lines" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_bar_graphs": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/style_sheets_reference.py", + [ + "plot_bar_graphs" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_colored_circles": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/style_sheets_reference.py", + [ + "plot_colored_circles" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_image_and_patch": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/style_sheets_reference.py", + [ + "plot_image_and_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_histograms": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/style_sheets_reference.py", + [ + "plot_histograms" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_figure": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/style_sheets/style_sheets_reference.py", + [ + "plot_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "connect_bbox": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/axes_zoom_effect.py", + [ + "connect_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "BboxConnector", + "connect_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "zoom_effect01": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/axes_zoom_effect.py", + [ + "zoom_effect01" + ] + ] + ], + "zoom_effect02": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/axes_zoom_effect.py", + [ + "zoom_effect02" + ] + ] + ], + "example_plot": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/demo_constrained_layout.py", + [ + "example_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/demo_tight_layout.py", + [ + "example_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/subfigures.py", + [ + "example_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/constrainedlayout_guide.py", + [ + "example_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/tight_layout_guide.py", + [ + "example_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "example_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "example_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "fahrenheit2celsius": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/fahrenheit_celsius_scales.py", + [ + "fahrenheit2celsius" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_ax_c_to_celsius": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/fahrenheit_celsius_scales.py", + [ + "make_plot", + "convert_ax_c_to_celsius" + ] + ] + ], + "make_plot": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/fahrenheit_celsius_scales.py", + [ + "make_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/align_ylabels.py", + [ + "make_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "identify_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/mosaic.py", + [ + "identify_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "deg2rad": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "deg2rad" + ] + ] + ], + "rad2deg": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "rad2deg" + ] + ] + ], + "one_over": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "one_over" + ] + ] + ], + "date2yday": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "date2yday" + ] + ] + ], + "yday2date": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "yday2date" + ] + ] + ], + "celsius_to_fahrenheit": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "celsius_to_fahrenheit" + ] + ] + ], + "fahrenheit_to_celsius": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "fahrenheit_to_celsius" + ] + ] + ], + "celsius_to_anomaly": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "celsius_to_anomaly" + ] + ] + ], + "anomaly_to_celsius": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/subplots_axes_and_figures/secondary_axis.py", + [ + "anomaly_to_celsius" + ] + ] + ], + "get_size": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/font_manager.py", + [ + "FontProperties", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/textpath.py", + [ + "TextPath", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Add", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "AddList", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Fixed", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Scaled", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "AxesX", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "AxesY", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "MaxExtent", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Fraction", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "Padded", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "SizeFromFunc", + "get_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "_AxesDecorationsSize", + "get_size" + ] + ] + ], + "set_size": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "set_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/font_manager.py", + [ + "FontProperties", + "set_size" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/textpath.py", + [ + "TextPath", + "set_size" + ] + ] + ], + "get_center_in_pixels": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "get_center_in_pixels" + ] + ] + ], + "set_center": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "set_center" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Wedge", + "set_center" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Ellipse", + "set_center" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "set_center" + ] + ] + ], + "get_theta": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "get_theta" + ] + ] + ], + "get_theta1": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "get_theta1" + ] + ] + ], + "get_theta2": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "get_theta2" + ] + ] + ], + "set_theta": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "set_theta" + ] + ] + ], + "R90": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "update_text", + "None_1", + "R90" + ] + ] + ], + "R": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "update_text", + "None_1", + "R" + ] + ] + ], + "update_text": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "AngleAnnotation", + "update_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "ColorLayout", + "update_text" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_angle": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angle_annotation.py", + [ + "plot_angle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_enums.py", + [ + "JoinStyle", + "demo", + "plot_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "get_point_of_rotated_vertical": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/angles_on_bracket_arrows.py", + [ + "get_point_of_rotated_vertical" + ] + ] + ], + "make_arrow_graph": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/arrow_demo.py", + [ + "make_arrow_graph" + ] + ] + ], + "set_facecolor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/demo_text_path.py", + [ + "PathClippedImagePatch", + "set_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "set_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "set_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "set_facecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotation_mode": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/demo_text_rotation_mode.py", + [ + "test_rotation_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "print_text": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/font_family_rc.py", + [ + "print_text" + ] + ] + ], + "print_glyphs": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/font_table.py", + [ + "print_glyphs" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_font_table": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/font_table.py", + [ + "draw_font_table" + ] + ] + ], + "create_artists": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/legend_demo.py", + [ + "HandlerDashedLines", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/legend_guide.py", + [ + "HandlerEllipse", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerBase", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerLine2DCompound", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerLine2D", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPatch", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerStepPatch", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerLineCollection", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerRegularPolyCollection", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerErrorbar", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerStem", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerTuple", + "create_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPolyCollection", + "create_artists" + ] + ] + ], + "set_figure": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/line_with_text.py", + [ + "MyLine", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_managers.py", + [ + "ToolManager", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolToggleBase", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolSetCursor", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolCursorPosition", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetBox", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "QuiverKey", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "set_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Annotation", + "set_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axes": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/line_with_text.py", + [ + "MyLine", + "set_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_transform": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/line_with_text.py", + [ + "MyLine", + "set_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "set_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DrawingArea", + "set_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "TextArea", + "set_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AuxTransformBox", + "set_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "set_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder", + "set_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "set_data": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/line_with_text.py", + [ + "MyLine", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "NonUniformImage", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "PcolorImage", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "FigureImage", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetImage", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "StepPatch", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrow", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolLineHandles", + "set_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolHandles", + "set_data" + ] + ] + ], + "text_to_rgba": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/mathtext_asarray.py", + [ + "text_to_rgba" + ] + ] + ], + "doall": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/mathtext_examples.py", + [ + "doall" + ] + ] + ], + "rainbow_text": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/rainbow_text.py", + [ + "rainbow_text" + ] + ] + ], + "setfont": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/text_labels_and_annotations/usetex_fonteffects.py", + [ + "setfont" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_axis": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/date_formatters_locators.py", + [ + "plot_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "format_date": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/date_index_formatter.py", + [ + "format_date" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_epoch_for_tutorial": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/date_precision_and_epochs.py", + [ + "_reset_epoch_for_tutorial" + ] + ] + ], + "major_formatter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/tick-formatters.py", + [ + "major_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "format_fn": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/ticks/tick_labels_from_values.py", + [ + "format_fn" + ] + ] + ], + "__get__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "ProxyDelegate", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "classproperty", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecated", + "deprecate", + "if_isinstance_obj_type_", + "elif_isinstance_obj_pro", + "_deprecated_property", + "__get__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "_LazyTickList", + "__get__" + ] + ] + ], + "__new__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/container.py", + [ + "Container", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "PsfontsMap", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "_LuatexKpsewhich", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "_Style", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "QuantityND", + "__new__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/texmanager.py", + [ + "TexManager", + "__new__" + ] + ] + ], + "__copy__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__copy__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "__copy__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Quantity", + "__copy__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformNode", + "__copy__" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattribute__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__getattribute__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "PathEffectRenderer", + "__getattribute__" + ] + ] + ], + "__array__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Quantity", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Kernel", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxBase", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "AffineBase", + "__array__" + ] + ] + ], + "__array_wrap__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__array_wrap__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "__array_wrap__" + ] + ] + ], + "__repr__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "_deprecated_parameter_class", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Node", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Char", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "List", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Kern", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "_Unset", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "ArtistList", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "Reference", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "Name", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "Operator", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextPdf", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "silent_list", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/container.py", + [ + "Container", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "DviFont", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/gridspec.py", + [ + "GridSpecBase", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/gridspec.py", + [ + "SubplotSpec", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Bbox", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/boilerplate.py", + [ + "value_formatter", + "__repr__" + ] + ] + ], + "__str__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_Token", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "MouseEvent", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "_Mode", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "Name", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "LatexError", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ColormapRegistry", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ColorSequenceRegistry", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/font_manager.py", + [ + "FontProperties", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Shadow", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "RegularPolygon", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "PathPatch", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Wedge", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arrow", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrow", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "CirclePolygon", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Ellipse", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Circle", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arc", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionPatch", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "_GeoTransform", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogTransform", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "InvertedLogTransform", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogitTransform", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/scale.py", + [ + "LogisticTransform", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Annotation", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformNode", + "if_DEBUG_", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Bbox", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Affine2D", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.py", + [ + "_Sparse_Matrix_coo", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/run_examples.py", + [ + "RunInfo", + "__str__" + ] + ] + ], + "__len__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "ArtistList", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Stack", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_OrderedSet", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ColormapRegistry", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ColorSequenceRegistry", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "__len__" + ] + ] + ], + "__getitem__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "if_parse_version_np___ver", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriterRegistry", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "ArtistList", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Stack", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ColormapRegistry", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ColorSequenceRegistry", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Vf", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "PsfontsMap", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/gridspec.py", + [ + "GridSpecBase", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "StreamMask", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/style/core.py", + [ + "_StyleLibrary", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_reshape2d", + "ArraySubclass", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_iterability_axes_argument", + "MyClass", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "QuantityND", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Quantity", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "AxisDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "__iter__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriterRegistry", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "ArtistList", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Grouper", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "GrouperView", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_OrderedSet", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ColormapRegistry", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ColorSequenceRegistry", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Dvi", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_reshape2d", + "ArraySubclass", + "__iter__" + ] + ] + ], + "get_compressed_copy": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "get_compressed_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "convert_to" + ] + ] + ], + "get_value": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "get_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_unit": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "TaggedValue", + "get_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "get_unit" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "OffsetFrom", + "get_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "__mul__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "__mul__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "__mul__" + ] + ] + ], + "__rmul__": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "__rmul__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "_Base", + "__rmul__" + ] + ] + ], + "convert": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "add_conversion_factor", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnitConverter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/evans_test.py", + [ + "FooConverter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mplcvd.py", + [ + "_get_color_filter", + "if_name_is_None_", + "elif_name_greyscale_", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "StrCategoryConverter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "DateConverter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "_SwitchableDateConverter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/EpochConverter.py", + [ + "EpochConverter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/StrConverter.py", + [ + "StrConverter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDblConverter.py", + [ + "UnitDblConverter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_type1font.py", + [ + "test_tokenize", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "quantity_converter", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "ConversionInterface", + "convert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "DecimalConverter", + "convert" + ] + ] + ], + "add_conversion_factor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "add_conversion_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "add_conversion_fn": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "add_conversion_fn" + ] + ] + ], + "get_conversion_fn": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "get_conversion_fn" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_value_to": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnit", + "convert_value_to" + ] + ] + ], + "addition_rule": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "UnitResolver", + "addition_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "multiplication_rule": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "UnitResolver", + "multiplication_rule" + ] + ] + ], + "rad_fn": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "rad_fn" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDblConverter.py", + [ + "rad_fn" + ] + ] + ], + "axisinfo": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnitConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/evans_test.py", + [ + "FooConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "StrCategoryConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "DateConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "ConciseDateConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "_SwitchableDateConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/EpochConverter.py", + [ + "EpochConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/StrConverter.py", + [ + "StrConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDblConverter.py", + [ + "UnitDblConverter", + "axisinfo" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "ConversionInterface", + "axisinfo" + ] + ] + ], + "default_units": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "BasicUnitConverter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/units/evans_test.py", + [ + "FooConverter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "StrCategoryConverter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "DateConverter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "_SwitchableDateConverter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/EpochConverter.py", + [ + "EpochConverter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/StrConverter.py", + [ + "StrConverter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDblConverter.py", + [ + "UnitDblConverter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "quantity_converter", + "default_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/units.py", + [ + "ConversionInterface", + "default_units" + ] + ] + ], + "cos": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/basic_units.py", + [ + "cos" + ] + ] + ], + "value": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/units/evans_test.py", + [ + "Foo", + "value" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_Token", + "value" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_NameToken", + "value" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_BooleanToken", + "value" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_StringToken", + "value" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_BinaryToken", + "value" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_NumberToken", + "value" + ] + ] + ], + "on_activate": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_gtk4_panzoom_sgskip.py", + [ + "on_activate" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_gtk4_sgskip.py", + [ + "on_activate" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk4_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "on_activate" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_canvas": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_qt_sgskip.py", + [ + "ApplicationWindow", + "_update_canvas" + ] + ] + ], + "update_frequency": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_tk_sgskip.py", + [ + "update_frequency" + ] + ] + ], + "add_toolbar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx2_sgskip.py", + [ + "CanvasFrame", + "add_toolbar" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mathtext_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "CanvasFrame", + "add_toolbar" + ] + ] + ], + "OnInit": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx2_sgskip.py", + [ + "App", + "OnInit" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx3_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApp", + "OnInit" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx4_sgskip.py", + [ + "App", + "OnInit" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "App", + "OnInit" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mathtext_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApp", + "OnInit" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/wxcursor_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "App", + "OnInit" + ] + ] + ], + "init_plot_data": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx3_sgskip.py", + [ + "PlotPanel", + "init_plot_data" + ] + ] + ], + "GetToolBar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx3_sgskip.py", + [ + "PlotPanel", + "GetToolBar" + ] + ] + ], + "OnWhiz": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx3_sgskip.py", + [ + "PlotPanel", + "OnWhiz" + ] + ] + ], + "OnBang": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx3_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApp", + "OnBang" + ] + ] + ], + "_on_custom": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx4_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyNavigationToolbar", + "_on_custom" + ] + ] + ], + "add": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_in_wx5_sgskip.py", + [ + "PlotNotebook", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_OrderedSet", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "_AxesStack", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sankey.py", + [ + "Sankey", + "add" + ] + ] + ], + "create_figure": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "create_figure" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backend_pgf.py", + [ + "create_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "get": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "MainPage", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "MplJs", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "Download", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "FavIcon", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "SingleFigurePage", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "AllFiguresPage", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "MplJs", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "Download", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "FormWidget", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "FormComboWidget", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "FormTabWidget", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "FormDialog", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/layout_engine.py", + [ + "LayoutEngine", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "get" + ] + ] + ], + "open": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "WebSocket", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "WebSocket", + "open" + ] + ] + ], + "on_message": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "WebSocket", + "on_message" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_nbagg.py", + [ + "CommSocket", + "on_message" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "WebSocket", + "on_message" + ] + ] + ], + "send_json": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "WebSocket", + "send_json" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_nbagg.py", + [ + "CommSocket", + "send_json" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "WebSocket", + "send_json" + ] + ] + ], + "send_binary": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "MyApplication", + "WebSocket", + "send_binary" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_nbagg.py", + [ + "CommSocket", + "send_binary" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "WebSocket", + "send_binary" + ] + ] + ], + "shutdown": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/embedding_webagg_sgskip.py", + [ + "if___name_____main___", + "shutdown" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg.py", + [ + "WebAggApplication", + "start", + "shutdown" + ] + ] + ], + "setKnob": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "Knob", + "setKnob" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "SliderGroup", + "setKnob" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame", + "setKnob" + ] + ] + ], + "attach": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "Param", + "attach" + ] + ] + ], + "set": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "Param", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "rrulewrapper", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/layout_engine.py", + [ + "LayoutEngine", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/layout_engine.py", + [ + "TightLayoutEngine", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/layout_engine.py", + [ + "ConstrainedLayoutEngine", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_is_overwritten", + "MyArtist3", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale", + "test_fmtloc", + "DummyAxis", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Bbox", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformWrapper", + "set" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Affine2D", + "set" + ] + ] + ], + "constrain": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "Param", + "constrain" + ] + ] + ], + "sliderHandler": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "SliderGroup", + "sliderHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "sliderTextHandler": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "SliderGroup", + "sliderTextHandler" + ] + ] + ], + "createCanvas": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame", + "createCanvas" + ] + ] + ], + "createSliders": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame", + "createSliders" + ] + ] + ], + "mouseDown": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame", + "mouseDown" + ] + ] + ], + "mouseMotion": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame", + "mouseMotion" + ] + ] + ], + "mouseUp": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame", + "mouseUp" + ] + ] + ], + "createPlots": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame", + "createPlots" + ] + ] + ], + "compute": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/fourier_demo_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + "FourierDemoFrame", + "compute" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_row": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk3_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "DataManager", + "plot_row" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk4_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "DataManager", + "plot_row" + ] + ] + ], + "add_columns": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk3_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "DataManager", + "add_columns" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk4_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "DataManager", + "add_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "create_model": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk3_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "DataManager", + "create_model" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/gtk4_spreadsheet_sgskip.py", + [ + "DataManager", + "create_model" + ] + ] + ], + "mathtext_to_wxbitmap": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mathtext_wx_sgskip.py", + [ + 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+ [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mplcvd.py", + [ + "_set_menu_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "set_filter": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mplcvd.py", + [ + "_setup_gtk", + "if_Gtk_check_version_3_6", + "set_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_gtk": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mplcvd.py", + [ + "_setup_gtk" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_qt": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mplcvd.py", + [ + "_setup_qt" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_tk": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mplcvd.py", + [ + "_setup_tk" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_wx": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/mplcvd.py", + [ + "_setup_wx" + ] + ] + ], + "trigger": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/toolmanager_sgskip.py", + [ + "ListTools", + "trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolBase", + "trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolToggleBase", + "trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + 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"trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt.py", + [ + "ToolCopyToClipboardQT", + "trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "ConfigureSubplotsWx", + "trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "SaveFigureWx", + "trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "HelpWx", + "trigger" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "ToolCopyToClipboardWx", + "trigger" + ] + ] + ], + "enable": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/toolmanager_sgskip.py", + [ + "GroupHideTool", + "enable" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolToggleBase", + "enable" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "AxisScaleBase", + "enable" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ZoomPanBase", + "enable" + ] + ] + ], + "disable": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/toolmanager_sgskip.py", + [ + "GroupHideTool", + "disable" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolToggleBase", + "disable" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "AxisScaleBase", + "disable" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ZoomPanBase", + "disable" + ] + ] + ], + "set_lines_visibility": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/toolmanager_sgskip.py", + [ + "GroupHideTool", + "set_lines_visibility" + ] + ] + ], + "hello": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/web_application_server_sgskip.py", + [ + "hello" + ] + ] + ], + "ChangeCursor": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/wxcursor_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "CanvasFrame", + "ChangeCursor" + ] + ] + ], + "UpdateStatusBar": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/user_interfaces/wxcursor_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "CanvasFrame", + "UpdateStatusBar" + ] + ] + ], + "demo_con_style": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/userdemo/connectionstyle_demo.py", + [ + "demo_con_style" + ] + ] + ], + "custom_box_style": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/userdemo/custom_boxstyle01.py", + [ + "custom_box_style" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/text/annotations.py", + [ + "custom_box_style" + ] + ] + ], + "squiggle_xy": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/userdemo/demo_gridspec06.py", + [ + "squiggle_xy" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/arranging_axes.py", + [ + "squiggle_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "onmove": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/annotated_cursor.py", + [ + "AnnotatedCursor", + "onmove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Cursor", + "onmove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "MultiCursor", + "onmove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "onmove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "PolygonSelector", + "onmove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Lasso", + "onmove" + ] + ] + ], + "set_position": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/annotated_cursor.py", + [ + "AnnotatedCursor", + "set_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "set_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "Divider", + "set_position" + ] + ] + ], + "_update": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/annotated_cursor.py", + [ + "AnnotatedCursor", + "_update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Slider", + "_update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RangeSlider", + "_update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Cursor", + "_update" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "MultiCursor", + "_update" + ] + ] + ], + "next": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/buttons.py", + [ + "Index", + "next" + ] + ] + ], + "prev": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/buttons.py", + [ + "Index", + "prev" + ] + ] + ], + "onselect": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/lasso_selector_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "SelectFromCollection", + "onselect" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/polygon_selector_demo.py", + [ + "SelectFromCollection", + "onselect" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/span_selector.py", + [ + "onselect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "test_snapping_values_span_selector", + "onselect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "test_span_selector_snap", + "onselect" + ] + ] + ], + "disconnect": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/lasso_selector_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "SelectFromCollection", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/polygon_selector_demo.py", + [ + "SelectFromCollection", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "CallbackRegistry", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableBase", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_callback_registry", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Button", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "SliderBase", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "CheckButtons", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "TextBox", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RadioButtons", + "disconnect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "MultiCursor", + "disconnect" + ] + ] + ], + "accept": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/lasso_selector_demo_sgskip.py", + [ + "if___name_____main___", + "accept" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "FormDialog", + "accept" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/triage_tests.py", + [ + "Entry", + "accept" + ] + ] + ], + "check_select": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "MenuItem", + "check_select" + ] + ] + ], + "set_extent": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "MenuItem", + "set_extent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "AxesImage", + "set_extent" + ] + ] + ], + "set_hover_props": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "MenuItem", + "set_hover_props" + ] + ] + ], + "set_hover": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "MenuItem", + "set_hover" + ] + ] + ], + "on_select": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/menu.py", + [ + "for_label_in_open_cl", + "on_select" + ] + ] + ], + "hover": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/mouse_cursor.py", + [ + "hover" + ] + ] + ], + "hzfunc": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/radio_buttons.py", + [ + "hzfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "colorfunc": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/radio_buttons.py", + [ + "colorfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "stylefunc": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/radio_buttons.py", + [ + "stylefunc" + ] + ] + ], + "select_callback": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/rectangle_selector.py", + [ + "select_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "toggle_selector": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/rectangle_selector.py", + [ + "toggle_selector" + ] + ] + ], + "reset": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/slider_demo.py", + [ + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/slider_snap_demo.py", + [ + "reset" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "SliderBase", + "reset" + ] + ] + ], + "submit": [ + [ + "galleries/examples/widgets/textbox.py", + [ + "submit" + ] + ] + ], + "add_artist": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/advanced/blitting.py", + [ + "BlitManager", + "add_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "add_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "add_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DrawingArea", + "add_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AuxTransformBox", + "add_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "MaxExtent", + "add_artist" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_animated": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/advanced/blitting.py", + [ + "BlitManager", + "_draw_animated" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_examples": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormap-manipulation.py", + [ + "plot_examples" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_linearmap": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormap-manipulation.py", + [ + "plot_linearmap" + ] + ] + ], + "_forward": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormapnorms.py", + [ + "_forward" + ] + ] + ], + "_inverse": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormapnorms.py", + [ + "_inverse" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_color_gradients_1": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/colors/colormaps.py", + [ + "plot_color_gradients_1" + ] + ] + ], + "index_to_coordinate": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/imshow_extent.py", + [ + "index_to_coordinate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_index_label_pos": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/imshow_extent.py", + [ + "get_index_label_pos" + ] + ] + ], + "get_color": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/imshow_extent.py", + [ + "get_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "ColorButton", + "get_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "get_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "get_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "get_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "get_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "get_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel", + "get_color" + ] + ] + ], + "lookup_extent": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/imshow_extent.py", + [ + "lookup_extent" + ] + ] + ], + "set_extent_None_text": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/imshow_extent.py", + [ + "set_extent_None_text" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_imshow_with_labels": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/imshow_extent.py", + [ + "plot_imshow_with_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_imshow_demo_grid": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/imshow_extent.py", + [ + "generate_imshow_demo_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "legend_artist": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/intermediate/legend_guide.py", + [ + "AnyObjectHandler", + "legend_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerBase", + "legend_artist" + ] + ] + ], + "plotting_function": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/introductory/customizing.py", + [ + "plotting_function" + ] + ] + ], + "currency": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/introductory/lifecycle.py", + [ + "currency" + ] + ] + ], + "my_plotter": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/introductory/quick_start.py", + [ + "my_plotter" + ] + ] + ], + "formatoddticks": [ + [ + "galleries/tutorials/text/text_intro.py", + [ + "formatoddticks" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_to_version_info": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_parse_to_version_info" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_version": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_versions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_check_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_handler": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_ensure_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "set_loglevel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "set_loglevel" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "set_loglevel" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_logged_cached", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecated", + "deprecate", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "rename_parameter", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "delete_parameter", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "make_keyword_only", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriterRegistry", + "register", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_axis_method_wrapper", + "__set_name__", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "_log_if_debug_on", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "_dispatch", + "decorate", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_pytest_image_comparison", + "decorator", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "check_figures_equal", + "decorator", + "wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "_new_epoch_decorator", + "wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "_logged_cached": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_logged_cached" + ] + ] + ], + "impl": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_executable_info", + "impl" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_executable_info": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_executable_info" + ] + ] + ], + "checkdep_usetex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "checkdep_usetex" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_xdg_config_dir": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_xdg_config_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_xdg_cache_dir": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_xdg_cache_dir" + ] + ], + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "_get_xdg_cache_dir" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/cache_zenodo_svg.py", + [ + "_get_xdg_cache_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_config_or_cache_dir": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_config_or_cache_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "get_configdir": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "get_configdir" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cachedir": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "get_cachedir" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "get_data_path" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_candidates": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "matplotlib_fname", + "gen_candidates" + ] + ] + ], + "matplotlib_fname": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "matplotlib_fname" + ] + ] + ], + "_set": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "_set" + ] + ] + ], + "_get": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "_get" + ] + ] + ], + "__setitem__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_ColorMapping", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "__setitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_backend_or_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "_get_backend_or_none" + ] + ] + ], + "find_all": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "find_all" + ] + ] + ], + "copy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "RcParams", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "ParserState", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/font_manager.py", + [ + "FontProperties", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "copy" + ] + ] + ], + "rc_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "rc_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_ssl_context": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_get_ssl_context" + ] + ], + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "_get_ssl_context" + ] + ] + ], + "_open_file_or_url": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_open_file_or_url" + ] + ] + ], + "_rc_params_in_file": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_rc_params_in_file" + ] + ] + ], + "rc_params_from_file": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "rc_params_from_file" + ] + ] + ], + "rc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "rc" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "rc" + ] + ] + ], + "rcdefaults": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "rcdefaults" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "rcdefaults" + ] + ] + ], + "rc_file_defaults": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "rc_file_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "rc_file": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "rc_file" + ] + ] + ], + "rc_context": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "rc_context" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "rc_context" + ] + ] + ], + "use": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "use" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/style/core.py", + [ + "use" + ] + ] + ], + "get_backend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "get_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "interactive": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "is_interactive": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "is_interactive" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_tests": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_init_tests" + ] + ] + ], + "_replacer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_replacer" + ] + ] + ], + "_label_from_arg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_label_from_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_data_doc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_add_data_doc" + ] + ] + ], + "inner": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_preprocess_data", + "inner" + ] + ] + ], + "_preprocess_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/__init__.py", + [ + "_preprocess_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_int": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_to_int" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_float": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_to_float" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_str": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_to_str" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_list_of_ints": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_to_list_of_ints" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_list_of_floats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_to_list_of_floats" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_bool": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_to_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_header": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_parse_header" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_char_metrics": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_parse_char_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_kern_pairs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_parse_kern_pairs" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_composites": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_parse_composites" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_optional": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "_parse_optional" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bbox_char": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_bbox_char" + ] + ] + ], + "string_width_height": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "string_width_height" + ] + ] + ], + "get_str_bbox_and_descent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_str_bbox_and_descent" + ] + ] + ], + "get_str_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_str_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_name_char": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_name_char" + ] + ] + ], + "get_width_char": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_width_char" + ] + ] + ], + "get_width_from_char_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_width_from_char_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_height_char": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_height_char" + ] + ] + ], + "get_kern_dist": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_kern_dist" + ] + ] + ], + "get_kern_dist_from_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_kern_dist_from_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fontname": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_fontname" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "get_fontname" + ] + ] + ], + "postscript_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "postscript_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fullname": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_fullname" + ] + ] + ], + "get_familyname": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_familyname" + ] + ] + ], + "family_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "family_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_weight": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_weight" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/font_manager.py", + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "TruetypeFonts", + "get_underline_thickness" + ] + ] + ], + "get_horizontal_stem_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_horizontal_stem_width" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vertical_stem_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_afm.py", + [ + "AFM", + "get_vertical_stem_width" + ] + ] + ], + "fget": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "classproperty", + "fget" + ] + ] + ], + "type_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "check_isinstance", + "type_name" + ] + ] + ], + "check_isinstance": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "check_isinstance" + ] + ] + ], + "check_in_list": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "check_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "check_shape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "check_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "check_getitem": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "check_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattr__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "caching_module_getattr", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_mixed.py", + [ + "MixedModeRenderer", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt5.py", + [ + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "rrulewrapper", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "SpinesProxy", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Quantity", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleChainedObjects", + "__getattr__" + ] + ], + [ + "tools/gh_api.py", + [ + "Obj", + "__getattr__" + ] + ] + ], + "caching_module_getattr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "caching_module_getattr" + ] + ] + ], + "method": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "define_aliases", + "make_alias", + "method" + ] + ] + ], + "make_alias": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "define_aliases", + "make_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "get_aliased_and_aliases": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "define_aliases", + "get_aliased_and_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "define_aliases": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "define_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "select_matching_signature": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "select_matching_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "nargs_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "nargs_error" + ] + ] + ], + "kwarg_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "kwarg_error" + ] + ] + ], + "recursive_subclasses": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "recursive_subclasses" + ] + ] + ], + "warn_external": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/__init__.py", + [ + "warn_external" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_deprecation_warning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "_generate_deprecation_warning" + ] + ] + ], + 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"deprecate", + "if_isinstance_obj_type_", + "elif_isinstance_obj_pro", + "_deprecated_property", + "__set__" + ] + ] + ], + "__delete__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecated", + "deprecate", + "if_isinstance_obj_type_", + "elif_isinstance_obj_pro", + "_deprecated_property", + "__delete__" + ] + ] + ], + "__set_name__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecated", + "deprecate", + "if_isinstance_obj_type_", + "elif_isinstance_obj_pro", + "_deprecated_property", + "__set_name__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecate_privatize_attribute", + "__set_name__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_axis_method_wrapper", + "__set_name__" + ] + ] + ], + "emit_warning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecated", + "deprecate", + "emit_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecated", + "deprecate" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecated": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "rename_parameter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "rename_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_parameter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "delete_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "make_keyword_only": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "make_keyword_only" + ] + ] + ], + "empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecate_method_override", + "empty" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Stack", + "empty" + ] + ] + ], + "empty_with_docstring": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecate_method_override", + "empty_with_docstring" + ] + ] + ], + "deprecate_method_override": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "deprecate_method_override" + ] + ] + ], + "suppress_matplotlib_deprecation_warning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.py", + [ + "suppress_matplotlib_deprecation_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "blocking_input_loop": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_blocking_input.py", + [ + "blocking_input_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "_flag_red": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_flag_red" + ] + ] + ], + "_flag_green": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_flag_green" + ] + ] + ], + "_flag_blue": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_flag_blue" + ] + ] + ], + "_prism_red": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_prism_red" + ] + ] + ], + "_prism_green": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_prism_green" + ] + ] + ], + "_prism_blue": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_prism_blue" + ] + ] + ], + "_ch_helper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_ch_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "cubehelix": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "cubehelix" + ] + ] + ], + "_g0": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_g0" + ] + ] + ], + "_g1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_g1" + ] + ] + ], + "_g2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_cm.py", + [ + "_g2" + ] + ] + ], + "_g3": [ + [ + 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"reposition_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_constrained_layout.py", + [ + "reposition_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "reposition_colorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_constrained_layout.py", + [ + "reposition_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_margins": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_constrained_layout.py", + [ + "reset_margins" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "reset_margins" + ] + ] + ], + "colorbar_get_pad": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_constrained_layout.py", + [ + "colorbar_get_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "__missing__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "_ArtistKwdocLoader", + "__missing__" + ] + ] + ], + "do_copy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_docstring.py", + [ + "copy", + "do_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_next_value_": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_enums.py", + [ + "_AutoStringNameEnum", + "_generate_next_value_" + ] + ] + ], + "__hash__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_enums.py", + [ + "_AutoStringNameEnum", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "Name", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_StrongRef", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/font_manager.py", + [ + "FontProperties", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/gridspec.py", + [ + "SubplotSpec", + "__hash__" + ] + ] + ], + "comma_separated": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_fontconfig_pattern.py", + [ + "_make_fontconfig_parser", + "comma_separated" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_fontconfig_parser": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_fontconfig_pattern.py", + [ + "_make_fontconfig_parser" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_fontconfig_pattern": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_fontconfig_pattern.py", + [ + "parse_fontconfig_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_fontconfig_pattern": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_fontconfig_pattern.py", + [ + "generate_fontconfig_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "recurse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_internal_utils.py", + [ + "graphviz_dump_transform", + "recurse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + 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"lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "edit_margins" + ] + ] + ], + "edit_all_margins_min": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "edit_all_margins_min" + ] + ] + ], + "edit_outer_margin_mins": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "edit_outer_margin_mins" + ] + ] + ], + "get_margins": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "get_margins" + ] + ] + ], + "get_outer_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "get_outer_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_inner_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "get_inner_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bbox_for_cb": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "get_bbox_for_cb" + ] + ] + ], + "get_left_margin_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "get_left_margin_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bottom_margin_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "get_bottom_margin_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_right_margin_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "get_right_margin_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_top_margin_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "get_top_margin_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "update_variables": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "LayoutGrid", + "update_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "seq_id": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "seq_id" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_children": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_layoutgrid.py", + [ + "plot_children" + ] + ] + ], + "get_unicode_index": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "get_unicode_index" + ] + ] + ], + "to_vector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Output", + "to_vector" + ] + ] + ], + "to_raster": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Output", + "to_raster" + ] + ] + ], + "get_kern": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Fonts", + "get_kern" + ] + ], + [ + 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"is_slanted" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_glue": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "List", + "_set_glue" + ] + ] + ], + "kern": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Hlist", + "kern" + ] + ] + ], + "hpack": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Hlist", + "hpack" + ] + ] + ], + "vpack": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Vlist", + "vpack" + ] + ] + ], + "clamp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "ship", + "clamp" + ] + ] + ], + "hlist_out": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "ship", + "hlist_out" + ] + ] + ], + "vlist_out": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "ship", + "vlist_out" + ] + ] + ], + "ship": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "ship" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Error", + "raise_error" + ] + ] + ], + "Error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Error" + ] + ] + ], + "font": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "ParserState", + "font" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "font" + ] + ] + ], + "font_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "ParserState", + "font_2" + ] + ] + ], + "get_current_underline_thickness": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "ParserState", + "get_current_underline_thickness" + ] + ] + ], + "names": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "cmd", + "names" + ] + ] + ], + "cmd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "cmd" + ] + ] + ], + "set_names_and_parse_actions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "__init__", + "set_names_and_parse_actions" + ] + ] + ], + "csnames": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "__init__", + "csnames" + ] + ] + ], + "parse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/mathtext.py", + [ + "MathTextParser", + "parse" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_matplotlib.py", + [ + "test_use_doc_standard_backends", + "parse" + ] + ] + ], + "get_state": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "get_state" + ] + ] + ], + "pop_state": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "pop_state" + ] + ] + ], + "push_state": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "push_state" + ] + ] + ], + "math_string": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "math_string" + ] + ] + ], + "math": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "math" + ] + ] + ], + "non_math": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "non_math" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_space": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "_make_space" + ] + ] + ], + "space": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "space" + ] + ] + ], + "customspace": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "customspace" + ] + ] + ], + "symbol": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "symbol" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "PercentFormatter", + "symbol" + ] + ] + ], + "unknown_symbol": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "unknown_symbol" + ] + ] + ], + "accent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "accent" + ] + ] + ], + "function": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "function" + ] + ] + ], + "operatorname": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "operatorname" + ] + ] + ], + "start_group": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "start_group" + ] + ] + ], + "group": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "group" + ] + ] + ], + "required_group": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "required_group" + ] + ] + ], + "end_group": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "end_group" + ] + ] + ], + "is_overunder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "is_overunder" + ] + ] + ], + "is_dropsub": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "is_dropsub" + ] + ] + ], + "is_between_brackets": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "is_between_brackets" + ] + ] + ], + "subsuper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "subsuper" + ] + ] + ], + "_genfrac": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "_genfrac" + ] + ] + ], + "style_literal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "style_literal" + ] + ] + ], + "genfrac": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "genfrac" + ] + ] + ], + "frac": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "frac" + ] + ] + ], + "dfrac": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "dfrac" + ] + ] + ], + "binom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "binom" + ] + ] + ], + "_genset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "_genset" + ] + ] + ], + "sqrt": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "sqrt" + ] + ] + ], + "overline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "overline" + ] + ] + ], + "_auto_sized_delimiter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "_auto_sized_delimiter" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_delim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_mathtext.py", + [ + "Parser", + "auto_delim" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fig_manager": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "get_fig_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "destroy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "FigureManagerBase", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_tools.py", + [ + "ToolBase", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_gtk.py", + [ + "_FigureManagerGTK", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_tk.py", + [ + "FigureManagerTk", + "show", + "with__restore_foreground_", + "if_not_self__shown_", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_tk.py", + [ + "FigureManagerTk", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk3.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasGTK3", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk4.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasGTK4", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_nbagg.py", + [ + "FigureManagerNbAgg", + "create_with_canvas", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_nbagg.py", + [ + "FigureManagerNbAgg", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt.py", + [ + "FigureManagerQT", + "destroy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "FigureManagerWx", + "destroy" + ] + ] + ], + "destroy_fig": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "destroy_fig" + ] + ] + ], + "destroy_all": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "destroy_all" + ] + ] + ], + "has_fignum": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "has_fignum" + ] + ] + ], + "get_all_fig_managers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "get_all_fig_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_num_fig_managers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "get_num_fig_managers" + ] + ] + ], + "get_active": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "get_active" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Widget", + "get_active" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_new_active_manager": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "_set_new_active_manager" + ] + ] + ], + "set_active": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "set_active" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Widget", + "set_active" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "CheckButtons", + "set_active" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RadioButtons", + "set_active" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "set_active" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_all": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.py", + [ + "Gcf", + "draw_all" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "draw_all" + ] + ] + ], + "warn_on_missing_glyph": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_text_helpers.py", + [ + "warn_on_missing_glyph" + ] + ] + ], + "layout": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_text_helpers.py", + [ + "layout" + ] + ] + ], + "restore_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_tight_bbox.py", + [ + "adjust_bbox", + "restore_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "adjust_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_tight_bbox.py", + [ + "adjust_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "process_figure_for_rasterizing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_tight_bbox.py", + [ + "process_figure_for_rasterizing" + ] + ] + ], + "_auto_adjust_subplotpars": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_tight_layout.py", + [ + "_auto_adjust_subplotpars" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subplotspec_list": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_tight_layout.py", + [ + "get_subplotspec_list" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tight_layout_figure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_tight_layout.py", + [ + "get_tight_layout_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "endpos": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_Token", + "endpos" + ] + ] + ], + "is_keyword": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_Token", + "is_keyword" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_KeywordToken", + "is_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "is_slash_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_Token", + "is_slash_name" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_NameToken", + "is_slash_name" + ] + ] + ], + "is_delim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_Token", + "is_delim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_DelimiterToken", + "is_delim" + ] + ] + ], + "is_number": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_Token", + "is_number" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_NumberToken", + "is_number" + ] + ] + ], + "opposite": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_DelimiterToken", + "opposite" + ] + ] + ], + "_escape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_StringToken", + "_escape" + ] + ] + ], + "_tokenize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_tokenize" + ] + ] + ], + "_expression": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "_expression" + ] + ] + ], + "_read": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_read" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Dvi", + "_read" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Vf", + "_read" + ] + ] + ], + "_split": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_split" + ] + ] + ], + "_decrypt": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_decrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "_encrypt": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_encrypt" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_parse" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_subrs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_parse_subrs" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_charstrings": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_parse_charstrings" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_encoding": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_parse_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_othersubrs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "_parse_othersubrs" + ] + ] + ], + "transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/_type1font.py", + [ + "Type1Font", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_with_xlabels", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_with_ylabels", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_no_flier_stats", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "AffineBase", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "IdentityTransform", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_custom_transform", + "MyTransform", + "transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_custom_transform", + "MyTransformInv", + "transform" + ] + ] + ], + "correct_roundoff": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "adjusted_figsize", + "correct_roundoff" + ] + ] + ], + "adjusted_figsize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "adjusted_figsize" + ] + ] + ], + "register": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriterRegistry", + "register" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ColormapRegistry", + "register" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ColorSequenceRegistry", + "register" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "_Style", + "register" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/__init__.py", + [ + "ProjectionRegistry", + "register" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/__init__.py", + [ + "register" + ] + ] + ], + "is_available": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriterRegistry", + "is_available" + ] + ] + ], + "list": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriterRegistry", + "list" + ] + ] + ], + "frame_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "AbstractMovieWriter", + "frame_size" + ] + ] + ], + "grab_frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "AbstractMovieWriter", + "grab_frame" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriter", + "grab_frame" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FileMovieWriter", + "grab_frame" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "PillowWriter", + "grab_frame" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "HTMLWriter", + "grab_frame" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "NullMovieWriter", + "grab_frame" + ] + ] + ], + "finish": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "AbstractMovieWriter", + "finish" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriter", + "finish" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FileMovieWriter", + "finish" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "PillowWriter", + "finish" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "HTMLWriter", + "finish" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/sankey.py", + [ + "Sankey", + "finish" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "NullMovieWriter", + "finish" + ] + ] + ], + "saving": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "AbstractMovieWriter", + "saving" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust_frame_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriter", + "_adjust_frame_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_run": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriter", + "_run" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_movie_writer_dpi_default", + "DummyMovieWriter", + "_run" + ] + ] + ], + "_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "MovieWriter", + "_args" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + 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"Animation", + "__del__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "TimerBase", + "__del__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt.py", + [ + "TimerQT", + "__del__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_Converter", + "__del__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_SVGConverter", + "__del__" + ] + ] + ], + "frame_format": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FileMovieWriter", + "frame_format" + ] + ] + ], + "frame_format_3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FileMovieWriter", + "frame_format_3" + ] + ] + ], + "_base_temp_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FileMovieWriter", + "_base_temp_name" + ] + ] + ], + "output_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FFMpegBase", + "output_args" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "ImageMagickBase", + "output_args" + ] + ] + ], + "delay": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "ImageMagickBase", + "delay" + ] + ] + ], + "_included_frames": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "_included_frames" + ] + ] + ], + "_embedded_frames": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "_embedded_frames" + ] + ] + ], + "_start": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_start" + ] + ] + ], + "_stop": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_stop" + ] + ] + ], + "_pre_composite_to_white": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "save", + "_pre_composite_to_white" + ] + ] + ], + "save": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "save" + ] + ] + ], + "_step": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_step" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "TimedAnimation", + "_step" + ] + ] + ], + "new_frame_seq": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "new_frame_seq" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FuncAnimation", + "new_frame_seq" + ] + ] + ], + "new_saved_frame_seq": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "new_saved_frame_seq" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FuncAnimation", + "new_saved_frame_seq" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_next_frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_draw_next_frame" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_draw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_init_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "ArtistAnimation", + "_init_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FuncAnimation", + "_init_draw" + ] + ] + ], + "_pre_draw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_pre_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "ArtistAnimation", + "_pre_draw" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_draw_frame" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "ArtistAnimation", + "_draw_frame" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FuncAnimation", + "_draw_frame" + ] + ] + ], + "_post_draw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_post_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk3.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasGTK3", + "_post_draw" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk4.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasGTK4", + "_post_draw" + ] + ] + ], + "_blit_draw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_blit_draw" + ] + ] + ], + "_blit_clear": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_blit_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_blit": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_setup_blit" + ] + ] + ], + "_on_resize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_on_resize" + ] + ] + ], + "_end_redraw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_end_redraw" + ] + ] + ], + "to_html5_video": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "to_html5_video" + ] + ] + ], + "to_jshtml": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "to_jshtml" + ] + ] + ], + "_repr_html_": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "_repr_html_" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "_repr_html_" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "_repr_html_" + ] + ] + ], + "pause": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "pause" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "pause" + ] + ] + ], + "resume": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "Animation", + "resume" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_frames": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FuncAnimation", + "__init__", + "if_frames_is_None_", + "elif_np_iterable_frames_", + "if_kwargs_get_repeat_T", + "iter_frames" + ] + ] + ], + "gen": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/animation.py", + [ + "FuncAnimation", + "new_saved_frame_seq", + "if_self__save_seq_", + "else_", + "if_self__save_count_is_No", + "gen" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_wrapper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "_prevent_rasterization", + "draw_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "allow_rasterization", + "draw_wrapper" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "_finalize_rasterization", + "draw_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "_prevent_rasterization": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "_prevent_rasterization" + ] + ] + ], + "allow_rasterization": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "allow_rasterization" + ] + ] + ], + "_finalize_rasterization": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "_finalize_rasterization" + ] + ] + ], + "_stale_axes_callback": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "_stale_axes_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "__init_subclass__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "__init_subclass__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "__init_subclass__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "_Style", + "__init_subclass__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "__init_subclass__" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_set_signature_and_docstring": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "_update_set_signature_and_docstring" + ] + ] + ], + "__getstate__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "CallbackRegistry", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "__getstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformNode", + "__getstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "remove": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "remove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Stack", + "remove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Grouper", + "remove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "remove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/container.py", + [ + "Container", + "remove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "remove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "remove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "_AxesStack", + "remove" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolLineHandles", + "remove" + ] + ] + ], + "have_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "have_units" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "have_units" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_xunits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "convert_xunits" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_yunits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "convert_yunits" + ] + ] + ], + "axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "axes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "SubFigure", + "axes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "axes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetBox", + "axes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "axes" + ] + ] + ], + "axes_8": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "axes_8" + ] + ] + ], + "stale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "stale" + ] + ] + ], + "stale_10": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "stale_10" + ] + ] + ], + "get_window_extent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_window_extent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + 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+ ], + "pchanged": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "pchanged" + ] + ] + ], + "is_transform_set": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "is_transform_set" + ] + ] + ], + "get_children": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/container.py", + [ + "Container", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetBox", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnchoredOffsetbox", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetImage", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_children" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "get_children" + ] + ] + ], + "_default_contains": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "_default_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "pickable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "pickable" + ] + ] + ], + "pick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "pick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "FigureCanvasBase", + "pick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "pick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "ParasiteAxesBase", + "pick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "pick" + ] + ] + ], + "set_picker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_picker" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "set_picker" + ] + ] + ], + "get_picker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_picker" + ] + ] + ], + "get_url": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_url" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "get_url" + ] + ] + ], + "set_url": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_url" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "set_url" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "set_url" + ] + ] + ], + "get_gid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_gid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "get_gid" + ] + ] + ], + "set_gid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_gid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "set_gid" + ] + ] + ], + "get_snap": [ + [ + 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[ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "set_clip_box": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_clip_box" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_clip_box" + ] + ] + ], + "set_clip_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_clip_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "set_clip_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_clip_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "set_clip_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextCairo", + "set_clip_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_clip_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "get_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "get_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "get_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "get_visible": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_visible" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "get_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "get_animated": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_animated" + ] + ] + ], + "get_in_layout": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_in_layout" + ] + ] + ], + "_fully_clipped_to_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "_fully_clipped_to_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_clip_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_clip_on" + ] + ] + ], + "get_clip_box": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_clip_box" + ] + ] + ], + "get_clip_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_clip_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "get_clip_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine" + ] + ] + ], + "set_clip_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_clip_on" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_clip_on" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_gc_clip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "_set_gc_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rasterized": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_rasterized" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_draw_rasterized", + "_MinimalArtist", + "get_rasterized" + ] + ] + ], + "set_rasterized": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_rasterized" + ] + ] + ], + "get_agg_filter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_agg_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_draw_rasterized", + "_MinimalArtist", + "get_agg_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "set_agg_filter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_agg_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "set_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextCairo", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "set_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "set_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_alpha_for_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "_set_alpha_for_array" + ] + ] + ], + "set_visible": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_visible" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "set_visible" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolLineHandles", + "set_visible" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolHandles", + "set_visible" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleAxisArtist", + "set_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "set_animated": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_animated" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolLineHandles", + "set_animated" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolHandles", + "set_animated" + ] + ] + ], + "set_in_layout": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_in_layout" + ] + ] + ], + "get_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_label" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_label" + ] + ] + ], + "set_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_label" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "set_label" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleAxisArtist", + "set_label" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "set_label" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "set_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "sticky_edges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "sticky_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "update_from": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "update_from" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "update_from" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "update_from" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "update_from" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "update_from" + ] + ] + ], + "properties": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "properties" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "properties" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_props": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "_update_props" + ] + ] + ], + "_internal_update": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "_internal_update" + ] + ] + ], + "_cm_set": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "_cm_set" + ] + ] + ], + "matchfunc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "findobj", + "if_match_is_None_alwa", + "matchfunc" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "findobj", + "if_match_is_None_alwa", + "elif_isinstance_match_ty", + "matchfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "findobj": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "findobj" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "findobj" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cursor_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_cursor_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "get_cursor_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "AxesImage", + "get_cursor_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "PcolorImage", + "get_cursor_data" + ] + ] + ], + "format_cursor_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "format_cursor_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_mouseover": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "get_mouseover" + ] + ] + ], + "set_mouseover": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "Artist", + "set_mouseover" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tightbbox_for_layout_only": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "_get_tightbbox_for_layout_only" + ] + ] + ], + "get_aliases": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "get_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "get_valid_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "get_valid_values" + ] + ] + ], + "_replace_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "_replace_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_setters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "get_setters" + ] + ] + ], + "number_of_parameters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "number_of_parameters" + ] + ] + ], + "is_alias": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "is_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "aliased_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "aliased_name" + ] + ] + ], + "aliased_name_rest": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "aliased_name_rest" + ] + ] + ], + "pprint_setters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "pprint_setters" + ] + ] + ], + "pprint_setters_rest": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "pprint_setters_rest" + ] + ] + ], + "pprint_getters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "ArtistInspector", + "pprint_getters" + ] + ] + ], + "getp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "getp" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "getp" + ] + ] + ], + "setp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "setp" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "setp" + ] + ] + ], + "kwdoc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/artist.py", + [ + "kwdoc" + ] + ] + ], + "__instancecheck__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/__init__.py", + [ + "_SubplotBaseMeta", + "__instancecheck__" + ] + ] + ], + "subplot_class_factory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/__init__.py", + [ + "subplot_class_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "get_title": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "get_title" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "get_title" + ] + ] + ], + "set_title": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "set_title" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "set_title" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_title" + ] + ] + ], + "get_legend_handles_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "get_legend_handles_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "legend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "legend" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "legend" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "legend" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_legend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_remove_legend" + ] + ] + ], + "inset_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "inset_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "inset_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "indicate_inset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "indicate_inset" + ] + ] + ], + "indicate_inset_zoom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "indicate_inset_zoom" + ] + ] + ], + "secondary_xaxis": [ + [ + 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"lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_check_no_units" + ] + ] + ], + "axline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "axline" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "axline" + ] + ] + ], + "axhspan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "axhspan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "axhspan" + ] + ] + ], + "axvspan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "axvspan" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "axvspan" + ] + ] + ], + "hlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "hlines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "hlines" + ] + ] + ], + "vlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "vlines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "vlines" + ] + ] + ], + "eventplot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "eventplot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "eventplot" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_date": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "plot_date" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "plot_date" + ] + ] + ], + "loglog": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "loglog" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "loglog" + ] + ] + ], + "semilogx": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "semilogx" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "semilogx" + ] + ] + ], + "semilogy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "semilogy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "semilogy" + ] + ] + ], + "acorr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "acorr" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "acorr" + ] + ] + ], + "xcorr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "xcorr" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "xcorr" + ] + ] + ], + "step": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "step" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "step" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_dx": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_convert_dx" + ] + ] + ], + "bar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "bar" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "bar" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "bar" + ] + ] + ], + "barh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "barh" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "barh" + ] + ] + ], + "sign": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "bar_label", + "sign" + ] + ] + ], + "bar_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "bar_label" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "bar_label" + ] + ] + ], + "broken_barh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "broken_barh" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "broken_barh" + ] + ] + ], + "stem": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "stem" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "stem" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "stem" + ] + ] + ], + "get_next_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "pie", + "if_colors_is_None_", + "else_", + "get_next_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "get_next_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter", + "test_scatter_c", + "get_next_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_parse_scatter_color_args", + "get_next_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_parse_scatter_color_args_edgecolors", + "get_next_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_parse_scatter_color_args_error", + "get_next_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_scatter_color_repr_error", + "get_next_color" + ] + ] + ], + "pie": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "pie" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "pie" + ] + ] + ], + "_errorevery_to_mask": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_errorevery_to_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "_upcast_err": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "errorbar", + "_upcast_err" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_mask": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "errorbar", + "apply_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "errorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "errorbar" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "errorbar" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "errorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "boxplot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "boxplot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "boxplot" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_kw_rc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "bxp", + "merge_kw_rc" + ] + ] + ], + "do_patch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "bxp", + "do_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "bxp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "bxp" + ] + ] + ], + "invalid_shape_exception": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_parse_scatter_color_args", + "invalid_shape_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_scatter_color_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_parse_scatter_color_args" + ] + ] + ], + "scatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "scatter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "scatter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "scatter" + ] + ] + ], + "on_changed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "hexbin", + "on_changed" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Slider", + "on_changed" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RangeSlider", + "on_changed" + ] + ] + ], + "hexbin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "hexbin" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "hexbin" + ] + ] + ], + "arrow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "arrow" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "arrow" + ] + ] + ], + "quiverkey": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "quiverkey" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "quiverkey" + ] + ] + ], + "_quiver_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_quiver_units" + ] + ] + ], + "quiver": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "quiver" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "quiver" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "quiver" + ] + ] + ], + "barbs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "barbs" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "barbs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_interp_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_fill_between_x_or_y", + "for_idx0_idx1_in_cbook_c", + "if_interpolate_", + "get_interp_point" + ] + ] + ], + "_fill_between_x_or_y": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_fill_between_x_or_y" + ] + ] + ], + "fill_between": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "fill_between" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "fill_between" + ] + ] + ], + "fill_betweenx": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "fill_betweenx" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "fill_betweenx" + ] + ] + ], + "imshow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "imshow" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "imshow" + ] + ] + ], + "_interp_grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_pcolorargs", + "if_shading_flat_", + "else_nearest_g", + "if_shading_nearest_", + "_interp_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "_pcolorargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_pcolorargs" + ] + ] + ], + "pcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "pcolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "pcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "pcolormesh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "pcolormesh" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "pcolormesh" + ] + ] + ], + "pcolorfast": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "pcolorfast" + ] + ] + ], + "contour": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "contour" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "contour" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "contour" + ] + ] + ], + "contourf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "contourf" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "contourf" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "contourf" + ] + ] + ], + "clabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "clabel" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "clabel" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "clabel" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "clabel" + ] + ] + ], + "hist": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "hist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "hist" + ] + ] + ], + "stairs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "stairs" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "stairs" + ] + ] + ], + "hist2d": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "hist2d" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "hist2d" + ] + ] + ], + "psd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "psd" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/mlab.py", + [ + "psd" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "psd" + ] + ] + ], + "csd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "csd" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/mlab.py", + [ + "csd" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "csd" + ] + ] + ], + "magnitude_spectrum": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "magnitude_spectrum" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "magnitude_spectrum" + ] + ] + ], + "angle_spectrum": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "angle_spectrum" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "angle_spectrum" + ] + ] + ], + "phase_spectrum": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "phase_spectrum" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "phase_spectrum" + ] + ] + ], + "cohere": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "cohere" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/mlab.py", + [ + "cohere" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "cohere" + ] + ] + ], + "specgram": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "specgram" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/mlab.py", + [ + "specgram" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "specgram" + ] + ] + ], + "spy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "spy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "spy" + ] + ] + ], + "matshow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "matshow" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "matshow" + ] + ] + ], + "_kde_method": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "violinplot", + "_kde_method" + ] + ] + ], + "violinplot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "violinplot" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "violinplot" + ] + ] + ], + "violin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "violin" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_aspect_ratio": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "_get_aspect_ratio" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_plot_format": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_format" + ] + ] + ], + "__setstate__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "CallbackRegistry", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "rrulewrapper", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines", + "__setstate__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformNode", + "__setstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "set_prop_cycle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "set_prop_cycle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_prop_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "_getdefaults": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "_getdefaults" + ] + ] + ], + "_setdefaults": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "_setdefaults" + ] + ] + ], + "_makeline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "_makeline" + ] + ] + ], + "_makefill": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "_makefill" + ] + ] + ], + "_plot_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_process_plot_var_args", + "_plot_args" + ] + ] + ], + "_axis_map": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_axis_map" + ] + ] + ], + "get_subplotspec": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_subplotspec" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_ColorbarAxesLocator", + "get_subplotspec" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "AxesLocator", + "get_subplotspec" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "SubplotDivider", + "get_subplotspec" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "AxesDivider", + "get_subplotspec" + ] + ] + ], + "set_subplotspec": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_subplotspec" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "SubplotDivider", + "set_subplotspec" + ] + ] + ], + "get_gridspec": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_gridspec" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/gridspec.py", + [ + "SubplotSpec", + "get_gridspec" + ] + ] + ], + "_unstale_viewLim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_unstale_viewLim" + ] + ] + ], + "viewLim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "viewLim" + ] + ] + ], + "_request_autoscale_view": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_request_autoscale_view" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_transScale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_update_transScale" + ] + ] + ], + "get_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/gridspec.py", + [ + "SubplotSpec", + "get_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "get_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "get_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "Divider", + "get_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "SubplotDivider", + "get_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "AxesDivider", + "get_position" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_set_position" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "reset_position" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axes_locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_axes_locator" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "set_axes_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axes_locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_axes_locator" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "get_axes_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_artist_props": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_set_artist_props" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "_set_artist_props" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_set_artist_props" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "_set_artist_props" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "_set_artist_props" + ] + ] + ], + "sharex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "sharex" + ] + ] + ], + "sharey": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "sharey" + ] + ] + ], + "__clear": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "__clear" + ] + ] + ], + "cla": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "cla" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "cla" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "with_pytest_warns_Pending", + "ClaAxes", + "cla" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla", + "None_1", + "ClaSuperAxes", + "cla" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "CbarAxesBase", + "cla" + ] + ] + ], + "__add__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "ArtistList", + "__add__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "__add__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "__add__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_ndarray_subclass_norm", + "MyArray", + "__add__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_date2num_dst", + "dt_tzaware", + "__add__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "__add__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "_Base", + "__add__" + ] + ] + ], + "__radd__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "ArtistList", + "__radd__" + ] + ] + ], + "artists": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "_SelectorWidget", + "artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolLineHandles", + "artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "ToolHandles", + "artists" + ] + ] + ], + "collections": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "collections" + ] + ] + ], + "images": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "images" + ] + ] + ], + "lines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "lines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "CheckButtons", + "lines" + ] + ] + ], + "patches": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "patches" + ] + ] + ], + "tables": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "tables" + ] + ] + ], + "texts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "texts" + ] + ] + ], + "get_facecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "get_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "get_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3DCollection", + "get_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection", + "get_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "get_facecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_title_offset_trans": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_set_title_offset_trans" + ] + ] + ], + "get_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "Divider", + "get_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "AxesDivider", + "get_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "get_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "set_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "set_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "Divider", + "set_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "set_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "get_adjustable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_adjustable" + ] + ] + ], + "set_adjustable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_adjustable" + ] + ] + ], + "get_box_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_box_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "set_box_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_box_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_box_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "get_anchor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_anchor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "Divider", + "get_anchor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "AxesDivider", + "get_anchor" + ] + ] + ], + "set_anchor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_anchor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "Divider", + "set_anchor" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "apply_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "apply_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "apply_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "Axes", + "axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "axis" + ] + ] + ], + "get_legend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_legend" + ] + ] + ], + "get_images": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_images" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_lines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "get_lines" + ] + ] + ], + "get_xaxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_xaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "get_yaxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_yaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "_sci": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_sci" + ] + ] + ], + "_gci": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_gci" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "_gci" + ] + ] + ], + "has_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "has_data" + ] + ] + ], + "add_child_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "add_child_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "add_collection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "add_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "add_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "add_image" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_image_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_update_image_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "add_line": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "add_line" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_add_text" + ] + ] + ], + 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"lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_process_unit_info" + ] + ] + ], + "in_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "in_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_autoscale_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_autoscale_on" + ] + ] + ], + "set_autoscale_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_autoscale_on" + ] + ] + ], + "use_sticky_edges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "use_sticky_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "use_sticky_edges_87": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "use_sticky_edges_87" + ] + ] + ], + "set_xmargin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_xmargin" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ymargin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_ymargin" + ] + ] + ], + "margins": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "margins" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + 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"autoscale_view": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "autoscale_view" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "autoscale_view" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_title_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_update_title_position" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_artist": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "draw_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "Figure", + "draw_artist" + ] + ] + ], + "redraw_in_frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "redraw_in_frame" + ] + ] + ], + "get_renderer_cache": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_renderer_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "get_frame_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_frame_on" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "get_frame_on" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_frame_on" + ] + ] + ], + "set_frame_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_frame_on" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "set_frame_on" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_frame_on" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axisbelow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_axisbelow" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axisbelow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_axisbelow" + ] + ] + ], + "grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "grid" + ] + ] + ], + "ticklabel_format": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "ticklabel_format" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "ticklabel_format" + ] + ] + ], + "locator_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "locator_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "locator_params" + ] + ] + ], + "tick_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "tick_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "tick_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "tick_params" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axis_off": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_axis_off" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_axis_off" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axis_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_axis_on" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_axis_on" + ] + ] + ], + "get_xlabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_xlabel" + ] + ] + ], + "set_xlabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_xlabel" + ] + ] + ], + "invert_xaxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "invert_xaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "get_xbound": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_xbound" + ] + ] + ], + "set_xbound": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_xbound" + ] + ] + ], + "get_xlim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_xlim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_xlim" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_converted_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_validate_converted_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ylabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_ylabel" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ylabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_ylabel" + ] + ] + ], + "invert_yaxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "invert_yaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ybound": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_ybound" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ybound": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_ybound" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ylim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_ylim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_ylim" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ylim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_ylim" + ] + ] + ], + "format_xdata": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "format_xdata" + ] + ] + ], + "format_ydata": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "format_ydata" + ] + ] + ], + "minorticks_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "minorticks_on" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "minorticks_on" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "minorticks_on" + ] + ] + ], + "minorticks_off": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "minorticks_off" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "minorticks_off" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "minorticks_off" + ] + ] + ], + "get_navigate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_navigate" + ] + ] + ], + "set_navigate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_navigate" + ] + ] + ], + "get_navigate_mode": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_navigate_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "set_navigate_mode": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "set_navigate_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_view": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_get_view" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_get_view" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_get_view" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_view": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_set_view" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_set_view" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_set_view" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_view_from_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_prepare_view_from_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_view_from_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_set_view_from_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_set_view_from_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_set_view_from_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "format_deltas": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_get_pan_points", + "format_deltas" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_pan_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_get_pan_points" + ] + ] + ], + "contains_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "contains_point" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "contains_point" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "contains_point" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_bbox_extra_artists": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_default_bbox_extra_artists" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "get_default_bbox_extra_artists" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_twin_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_make_twin_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "twinx": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "twinx" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "twinx" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "twinx" + ] + ] + ], + "twiny": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "twiny" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "twiny" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "twiny" + ] + ] + ], + "get_shared_x_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_shared_x_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_shared_y_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "get_shared_y_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "label_outer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "label_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "_label_outer_xaxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_label_outer_xaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "_label_outer_yaxis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_AxesBase", + "_label_outer_yaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_rasterized": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_base.py", + [ + "_draw_rasterized" + ] + ] + ], + "set_alignment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "set_alignment" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "set_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "set_location": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "set_location" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "set_ticks" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_ticks" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "set_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "set_functions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "set_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "_set_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_set_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_set_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaAxis", + "_set_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "RadialAxis", + "_set_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_lims": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "_set_lims" + ] + ] + ], + "set_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.py", + [ + "SecondaryAxis", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPS", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/qt_editor/_formlayout.py", + [ + "ColorButton", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_color" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "set_color" + ] + ] + ], + "label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "label" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + 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"update_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XTick", + "update_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YTick", + "update_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaTick", + "update_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "RadialTick", + "update_position" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_text1_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "_get_text1_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XTick", + "_get_text1_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YTick", + "_get_text1_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_text2_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Tick", + "_get_text2_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XTick", + "_get_text2_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YTick", + "_get_text2_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Ticker", + "locator" + ] + 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+ "Axis", + "isDefault_minloc" + ] + ] + ], + "isDefault_minloc_6": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "isDefault_minloc_6" + ] + ] + ], + "isDefault_minfmt": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "isDefault_minfmt" + ] + ] + ], + "isDefault_minfmt_8": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "isDefault_minfmt_8" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_shared_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_shared_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_shared_axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_shared_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_axis_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_axis_name" + ] + ] + ], + "get_remove_overlapping_locs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_remove_overlapping_locs" + ] + ] + ], + "set_remove_overlapping_locs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_remove_overlapping_locs" + ] + ] + ], + "set_label_coords": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_label_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "get_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_axes_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_set_axes_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_autoscale_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_autoscale_on" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_autoscale_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_set_autoscale_on" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_major_tick_kw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_reset_major_tick_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_minor_tick_kw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_reset_minor_tick_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "reset_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "set_tick_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_tick_params" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tick_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_tick_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_translate_tick_params": [ + [ + 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[ + "Axis", + "get_inverted" + ] + ] + ], + "set_inverted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_inverted" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_intervals": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_default_intervals" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "set_default_intervals" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "set_default_intervals" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_lim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_set_lim" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ticklabel_extents": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_ticklabel_extents" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_update_ticks" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_update_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_ticklabel_bboxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_ticklabel_bboxes" + ] + ] + ], + "get_gridlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_gridlines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperBase", + "get_gridlines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperRectlinear", + "get_gridlines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "get_gridlines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "get_gridlines" + ] + ] + ], + "get_offset_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_offset_text" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pickradius": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_pickradius" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_pickradius" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "get_pickradius" + ] + ] + ], + "get_majorticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_majorticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "get_minorticklabels": [ + [ + 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"_get_tick_label_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_copy_tick_props": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_copy_tick_props" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaAxis", + "_copy_tick_props" + ] + ] + ], + "get_label_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_label_text" + ] + ] + ], + "get_major_locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_major_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_minor_locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_minor_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "get_major_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_major_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_minor_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_minor_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_major_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_major_ticks" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_major_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "get_minor_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_minor_ticks" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_minor_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "update_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "update_units" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_axisinfo": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_update_axisinfo" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "convert_units" + ] + ] + ], + "set_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_units" + ] + ] + ], + "get_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_units" + ] + ] + ], + "set_label_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_label_text" + ] + ] + ], + "set_major_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_major_formatter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale", + "test_fmtloc", + "DummyAxis", + "set_major_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "set_minor_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_minor_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_set_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "set_major_locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_major_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "set_minor_locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_minor_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "set_pickradius": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_pickradius" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_pickradius" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "set_pickradius" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_with_dict": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_format_with_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_ticklabels" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "set_ticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_tick_locations": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_set_tick_locations" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tick_boxes_siblings": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_tick_boxes_siblings" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_label_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_update_label_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "_update_label_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "_update_label_position" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_offset_text_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_update_offset_text_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "_update_offset_text_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "_update_offset_text_position" + ] + ] + ], + "axis_date": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "axis_date" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tick_space": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_tick_space" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "get_tick_space" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "get_tick_space" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_AxisWrapper", + "get_tick_space" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_DummyAxis", + "get_tick_space" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_ticks_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_ticks_position" + ] + ] + ], + "get_label_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_label_position" + ] + ] + ], + "set_label_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_label_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "set_label_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "set_label_position" + ] + ] + ], + "get_minpos": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_minpos" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "get_minpos" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "get_minpos" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_AxisWrapper", + "get_minpos" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_DummyAxis", + "get_minpos" + ] + ] + ], + "getter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "_make_getset_interval", + "getter" + ] + ] + ], + "setter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "_make_getset_interval", + "setter" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_getset_interval": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "_make_getset_interval" + ] + ] + ], + "_init": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "_init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "_init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "_init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "LinearSegmentedColormap", + "_init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ListedColormap", + "_init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "QuiverKey", + "_init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver", + "_init" + ] + ] + ], + "get_text_heights": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "get_text_heights" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ticks_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "set_ticks_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "set_ticks_position" + ] + ] + ], + "tick_top": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "tick_top" + ] + ] + ], + "tick_bottom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "tick_bottom" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ticks_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "XAxis", + "get_ticks_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "get_ticks_position" + ] + ] + ], + "set_offset_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "set_offset_position" + ] + ] + ], + "get_text_widths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ + "YAxis", + "get_text_widths" + ] + ] + ], + "tick_right": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/axis.py", + [ 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"lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "RendererCairo", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "RendererPdf", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "RendererPgf", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPS", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_template.py", + [ + "RendererTemplate", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "RendererWx", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "AbstractPathEffect", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "PathEffectRenderer", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "_subclass_with_normal", + "withEffect", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "Stroke", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "SimplePatchShadow", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "SimpleLineShadow", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "PathPatchEffect", + "draw_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "TickedStroke", + "draw_path" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_markers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "draw_markers" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "RendererCairo", + "draw_markers" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "RendererPdf", + "draw_markers" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "RendererPgf", + "draw_markers" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPS", + "draw_markers" + ] + ], + [ + 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"lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "RendererPdf", + "draw_gouraud_triangle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPS", + "draw_gouraud_triangle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "draw_gouraud_triangle" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_gouraud_triangles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "draw_gouraud_triangles" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "RendererPdf", + "draw_gouraud_triangles" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPS", + "draw_gouraud_triangles" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "draw_gouraud_triangles" + ] + ] + ], + "_iter_collection_raw_paths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "_iter_collection_raw_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "_iter_collection_uses_per_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "_iter_collection_uses_per_path" + ] + ] + ], + "cycle_or_default": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "_iter_collection", + "cycle_or_default" + ] + ] + ], + "_iter_collection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "_iter_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "get_image_magnification": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "get_image_magnification" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "RendererPdf", + "get_image_magnification" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPS", + "get_image_magnification" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "get_image_magnification" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "draw_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "RendererCairo", + "draw_image" + ] + ], + [ + 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"option_image_nocomposite" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "option_image_nocomposite" + ] + ] + ], + "option_scale_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "option_scale_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_pdf_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPDFPSBase", + "option_scale_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "option_scale_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "RendererPgf", + "option_scale_image" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "option_scale_image" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_tex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "draw_tex" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "draw_tex" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "RendererPdf", + "draw_tex" + ] + ], + [ + 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"get_text_width_height_descent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "RendererCairo", + "get_text_width_height_descent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "RendererPgf", + "get_text_width_height_descent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "get_text_width_height_descent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_template.py", + [ + "RendererTemplate", + "get_text_width_height_descent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "RendererWx", + "get_text_width_height_descent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/texmanager.py", + [ + "TexManager", + "get_text_width_height_descent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/textpath.py", + [ + "TextToPath", + "get_text_width_height_descent" + ] + ] + ], + "flipy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "flipy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_pdf_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPDFPSBase", + "flipy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "RendererPgf", + "flipy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + "RendererSVG", + "flipy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_template.py", + [ + "RendererTemplate", + "flipy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "RendererWx", + "flipy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_canvas_width_height": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "get_canvas_width_height" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_pdf_ps.py", + [ + "RendererPDFPSBase", + "get_canvas_width_height" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "get_canvas_width_height" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + "RendererCairo", + "get_canvas_width_height" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pgf.py", + [ + "RendererPgf", + "get_canvas_width_height" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_svg.py", + [ + 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+ "MixedModeRenderer", + "stop_rasterizing" + ] + ] + ], + "start_filter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "start_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "start_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "stop_filter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "stop_filter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py", + [ + "RendererAgg", + "stop_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_disabled": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "RendererBase", + "_draw_disabled" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_properties": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "copy_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextPdf", + "copy_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "restore": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", + [ + "GraphicsContextBase", + "restore" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_cairo.py", + [ + 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+ ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_gtk.py", + [ + "_NavigationToolbar2GTK", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_gtk.py", + [ + "RubberbandGTK", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_tk.py", + [ + "NavigationToolbar2Tk", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/_backend_tk.py", + [ + "RubberbandTk", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_macosx.py", + [ + "NavigationToolbar2Mac", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt.py", + [ + "NavigationToolbar2QT", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_qt.py", + [ + "RubberbandQt", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_webagg_core.py", + [ + "NavigationToolbar2WebAgg", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_wx.py", + [ + "NavigationToolbar2Wx", + "draw_rubberband" + ] + ], + [ + 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+ ] + ], + "get_intersection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "get_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "get_normal_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "get_normal_points" + ] + ] + ], + "_de_casteljau1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "_de_casteljau1" + ] + ] + ], + "split_de_casteljau": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "split_de_casteljau" + ] + ] + ], + "find_bezier_t_intersecting_with_closedpath": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "find_bezier_t_intersecting_with_closedpath" + ] + ] + ], + "point_at_t": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "BezierSegment", + "point_at_t" + ] + ] + ], + "control_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "BezierSegment", + "control_points" + ] + ] + ], + "dimension": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "BezierSegment", + "dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "degree": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "BezierSegment", + "degree" + ] + ] + ], + "polynomial_coefficients": [ + [ + 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"check_if_parallel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "check_if_parallel" + ] + ] + ], + "get_parallels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "get_parallels" + ] + ] + ], + "find_control_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "find_control_points" + ] + ] + ], + "make_wedged_bezier2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/bezier.py", + [ + "make_wedged_bezier2" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_unit": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "StrCategoryConverter", + "_validate_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "tick_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "StrCategoryLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "RRuleLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "AutoDateLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "MicrosecondLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "Locator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "IndexLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "FixedLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "NullLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LinearLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MultipleLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MaxNLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "AsinhLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogitLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "AutoMinorLocator", + "tick_values" + ] + ] + ], + "format_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/category.py", + [ + "StrCategoryFormatter", + "format_ticks" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + 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[ + "ConnectionStyle", + "Angle", + "connect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionStyle", + "Arc", + "connect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionStyle", + "Bar", + "connect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "connect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_callback_registry", + "connect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "MultiCursor", + "connect" + ] + ] + ], + "_connect_picklable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "CallbackRegistry", + "_connect_picklable" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_proxy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "CallbackRegistry", + "_remove_proxy" + ] + ] + ], + "process": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "CallbackRegistry", + "process" + ] + ] + ], + "blocked": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "CallbackRegistry", + "blocked" + ] + ] + ], + "_local_over_kwdict": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_local_over_kwdict" + ] + ] + ], + "strip_math": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "strip_math" + ] + ] + ], + "_strip_comment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_strip_comment" + ] + ] + ], + "is_writable_file_like": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "is_writable_file_like" + ] + ] + ], + "file_requires_unicode": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "file_requires_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "to_filehandle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "to_filehandle" + ] + ] + ], + "open_file_cm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "open_file_cm" + ] + ] + ], + "is_scalar_or_string": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "is_scalar_or_string" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sample_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "get_sample_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_data_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_get_data_path" + ] + ] + ], + "flatten": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "flatten" + ] + ] + ], + "bubble": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Stack", + "bubble" + ] + 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"lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "Grouper", + "get_siblings" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "GrouperView", + "get_siblings" + ] + ] + ], + "simple_linear_interpolation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "simple_linear_interpolation" + ] + ] + ], + "delete_masked_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "delete_masked_points" + ] + ] + ], + "_combine_masks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_combine_masks" + ] + ] + ], + "_bootstrap_median": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "boxplot_stats", + "_bootstrap_median" + ] + ] + ], + "_compute_conf_interval": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "boxplot_stats", + "_compute_conf_interval" + ] + ] + ], + "boxplot_stats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "boxplot_stats" + ] + ] + ], + "contiguous_regions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "contiguous_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "is_math_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "is_math_text" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_unmasked_float_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_to_unmasked_float_array" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_1d": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_check_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "_reshape_2D": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_reshape_2D" + ] + ] + ], + "violin_stats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "violin_stats" + ] + ] + ], + "pts_to_prestep": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "pts_to_prestep" + ] + ] + ], + "pts_to_poststep": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "pts_to_poststep" + ] + ] + ], + "pts_to_midstep": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "pts_to_midstep" + ] + ] + ], + "index_of": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "index_of" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_first_element": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "safe_first_element" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_isfinite": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_safe_first_finite", + "safe_isfinite" + ] + ] + ], + "_safe_first_finite": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_safe_first_finite" + ] + ] + ], + "sanitize_sequence": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "sanitize_sequence" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "normalize_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_lock_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_lock_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_topmost_artist": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_topmost_artist" + ] + ] + ], + "_str_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_str_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "_str_lower_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_str_lower_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "_array_perimeter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_array_perimeter" + ] + ] + ], + "_unfold": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_unfold" + ] + ] + ], + "_array_patch_perimeters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_array_patch_perimeters" + ] + ] + ], + "_setattr_cm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_setattr_cm" + ] + ] + ], + "discard": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_OrderedSet", + "discard" + ] + ] + ], + "_premultiplied_argb32_to_unmultiplied_rgba8888": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_premultiplied_argb32_to_unmultiplied_rgba8888" + ] + ] + ], + "_unmultiplied_rgba8888_to_premultiplied_argb32": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_unmultiplied_rgba8888_to_premultiplied_argb32" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_nonzero_slices": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_get_nonzero_slices" + ] + ] + ], + "_pformat_subprocess": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_pformat_subprocess" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_and_log_subprocess": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_check_and_log_subprocess" + ] + ] + ], + "_backend_module_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_backend_module_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_setup_new_guiapp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_setup_new_guiapp" + ] + ] + ], + "_format_approx": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_format_approx" + ] + ] + ], + "_g_sig_digits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_g_sig_digits" + ] + ] + ], + "_unikey_or_keysym_to_mplkey": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_unikey_or_keysym_to_mplkey" + ] + ] + ], + "__reduce__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_make_class_factory", + "class_factory", + "subcls", + "__reduce__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_make_norm_from_scale", + "Norm", + "__reduce__" + ] + ] + ], + "class_factory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_make_class_factory", + "class_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_class_factory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_make_class_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "_picklable_class_constructor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_picklable_class_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "_unpack_to_numpy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_unpack_to_numpy" + ] + ] + ], + "_auto_format_str": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cbook.py", + [ + "_auto_format_str" + ] + ] + ], + "_gen_cmap_registry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "_gen_cmap_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "unregister": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ColormapRegistry", + "unregister" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ColorSequenceRegistry", + "unregister" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cmap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ColormapRegistry", + "get_cmap" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "get_cmap" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "get_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "register_cmap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "register_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cmap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "_get_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "unregister_cmap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "unregister_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "_auto_norm_from_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "_auto_norm_from_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_scale_norm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "_scale_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "to_rgba": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "to_rgba" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "to_rgba" + ] + ] + ], + "set_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "set_array" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "set_array" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "set_array" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "NonUniformImage", + "set_array" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "PcolorImage", + "set_array" + ] + ] + ], + "get_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "get_array" + ] + ] + ], + "get_clim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "get_clim" + ] + ] + ], + "set_clim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "set_clim" + ] + ] + ], + "set_cmap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "set_cmap" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "NonUniformImage", + "set_cmap" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "set_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "norm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "norm" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_shade_colors", + "if_mask_any_", + "norm" + ] + ] + ], + "norm_10": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "norm_10" + ] + ] + ], + "set_norm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "set_norm" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "NonUniformImage", + "set_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "autoscale_None": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "autoscale_None" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Normalize", + "autoscale_None" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "TwoSlopeNorm", + "autoscale_None" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "CenteredNorm", + "autoscale_None" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_make_norm_from_scale", + "Norm", + "autoscale_None" + ] + ] + ], + "changed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "ScalarMappable", + "changed" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "changed" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_ImageBase", + "changed" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_cmap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/cm.py", + [ + "_ensure_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "get_paths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_paths" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "PathCollection", + "get_paths" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "TriMesh", + "get_paths" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "get_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "set_paths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_paths" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "PathCollection", + "set_paths" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "PatchCollection", + "set_paths" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "TriMesh", + "set_paths" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "set_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "get_transforms": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_transforms" + ] + ] + ], + "get_offset_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_offset_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "set_offset_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_offset_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_datalim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_datalim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "get_datalim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver", + "get_datalim" + ] + ] + ], + "_prepare_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_prepare_points" + ] + ] + ], + "set_urls": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "get_urls": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_urls" + ] + ] + ], + "set_offsets": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_offsets" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Barbs", + "set_offsets" + ] + ] + ], + "get_offsets": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_offsets" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_linewidth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_get_default_linewidth" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "_get_default_linewidth" + ] + ] + ], + "set_linestyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_linestyle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "set_linestyle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "set_linestyle" + ] + ] + ], + "_bcast_lwls": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_bcast_lwls" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_antialiased": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_get_default_antialiased" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "_get_default_antialiased" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_facecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_get_default_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "_get_default_facecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_facecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_set_facecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "_set_facecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "get_edgecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "get_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "get_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3DCollection", + "get_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection", + "get_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "get_edgecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_edgecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_get_default_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "_get_default_edgecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_edgecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_set_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "_set_edgecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "set_edgecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "set_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/figure.py", + [ + "FigureBase", + "set_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "set_edgecolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "set_edgecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "get_linestyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_linestyle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "get_linestyle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "get_linestyle" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_mappable_flags": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "_set_mappable_flags" + ] + ] + ], + "update_scalarmappable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "update_scalarmappable" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fill": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "Collection", + "get_fill" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "get_fill" + ] + ] + ], + "get_sizes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "_CollectionWithSizes", + "get_sizes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerRegularPolyCollection", + "get_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_sizes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "_CollectionWithSizes", + "set_sizes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection", + "set_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "legend_elements": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "PathCollection", + "legend_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "legend_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "set_verts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "PolyCollection", + "set_verts" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "set_verts" + ] + ] + ], + "set_verts_and_codes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "PolyCollection", + "set_verts_and_codes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "set_verts_and_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "span_where": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "PolyCollection", + "span_where" + ] + ] + ], + "get_numsides": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "RegularPolyCollection", + "get_numsides" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rotation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "RegularPolyCollection", + "get_rotation" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ClabelText", + "get_rotation" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "get_rotation" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "get_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "set_segments": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "set_segments" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3DCollection", + "set_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "get_segments": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "get_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "set_gapcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "set_gapcolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "set_gapcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_gapcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "_set_gapcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "get_gapcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "get_gapcolor" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "get_gapcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_inverse_paths_linestyles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "LineCollection", + "_get_inverse_paths_linestyles" + ] + ] + ], + "get_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "get_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "set_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "set_positions" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "set_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "add_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "add_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "is_horizontal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "is_horizontal" + ] + ] + ], + "get_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "get_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "switch_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "switch_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "set_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "set_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "get_linelength": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "get_linelength" + ] + ] + ], + "set_linelength": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "set_linelength" + ] + ] + ], + "get_lineoffset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "get_lineoffset" + ] + ] + ], + "set_lineoffset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "set_lineoffset" + ] + ] + ], + "get_linewidths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EventCollection", + "get_linewidths" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_transforms": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "EllipseCollection", + "_set_transforms" + ] + ] + ], + "determine_facecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "PatchCollection", + "__init__", + "if_match_original_", + "determine_facecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_mesh_to_paths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "TriMesh", + "convert_mesh_to_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "get_coordinates": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "get_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_mesh_to_paths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "_convert_mesh_to_paths" + ] + ] + ], + "_convert_mesh_to_triangles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/collections.py", + [ + "QuadMesh", + "_convert_mesh_to_triangles" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_ticks_on_axis_warn": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_set_ticks_on_axis_warn" + ] + ] + ], + "set_xy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_ColorbarSpine", + "set_xy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "set_xy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "set_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "minorlocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "minorlocator" + ] + ] + ], + "minorlocator_3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "minorlocator_3" + ] + ] + ], + "formatter_5": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "formatter_5" + ] + ] + ], + "minorformatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "minorformatter" + ] + ] + ], + "minorformatter_7": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "minorformatter_7" + ] + ] + ], + "_cbar_cla": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_cbar_cla" + ] + ] + ], + "update_normal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "update_normal" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_all": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_draw_all" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_solids": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_add_solids" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_dividers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_update_dividers" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_solids_patches": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_add_solids_patches" + ] + ] + ], + "_do_extends": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_do_extends" + ] + ] + ], + "add_lines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "add_lines" + ] + ] + ], + "update_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "update_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_ticker_locator_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_get_ticker_locator_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "get_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_process_values" + ] + ] + ], + "_mesh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_mesh" + ] + ] + ], + "_forward_boundaries": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_forward_boundaries" + ] + ] + ], + "_inverse_boundaries": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_inverse_boundaries" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_locator_formatter_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_reset_locator_formatter_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_locate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_locate" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_divider.py", + [ + "_locate" + ] + ] + ], + "_uniform_y": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_uniform_y" + ] + ] + ], + "_proportional_y": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_proportional_y" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_extension_lengths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_get_extension_lengths" + ] + ] + ], + "_extend_lower": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_extend_lower" + ] + ] + ], + "_extend_upper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_extend_upper" + ] + ] + ], + "_long_axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_long_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "_short_axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "Colorbar", + "_short_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "_normalize_location_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_normalize_location_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_orientation_from_location": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_get_orientation_from_location" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_ticklocation_from_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "_get_ticklocation_from_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "make_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "make_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "make_axes_gridspec": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colorbar.py", + [ + "make_axes_gridspec" + ] + ] + ], + "__delitem__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_ColorMapping", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spines", + "__delitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "get_named_colors_mapping": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "get_named_colors_mapping" + ] + ] + ], + "_sanitize_extrema": [ + [ + 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+ "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "is_gray" + ] + ] + ], + "resampled": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "resampled" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "LinearSegmentedColormap", + "resampled" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ListedColormap", + "resampled" + ] + ] + ], + "reversed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "reversed" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "LinearSegmentedColormap", + "reversed" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "ListedColormap", + "reversed" + ] + ] + ], + "_repr_png_": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "_repr_png_" + ] + ] + ], + "color_block": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Colormap", + "_repr_html_", + "color_block" + ] + ] + ], + "set_gamma": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "LinearSegmentedColormap", + "set_gamma" + ] + ] + ], + "from_list": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + 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+ "Normalize", + "process_value" + ] + ] + ], + "scaled": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "Normalize", + "scaled" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "scaled" + ] + ] + ], + "vcenter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "TwoSlopeNorm", + "vcenter" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "CenteredNorm", + "vcenter" + ] + ] + ], + "vcenter_1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "TwoSlopeNorm", + "vcenter_1" + ] + ] + ], + "vmin_3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "CenteredNorm", + "vmin_3" + ] + ] + ], + "vmax_5": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "CenteredNorm", + "vmax_5" + ] + ] + ], + "vcenter_7": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "CenteredNorm", + "vcenter_7" + ] + ] + ], + "halfrange": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "CenteredNorm", + "halfrange" + ] + ] + ], + "halfrange_9": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "CenteredNorm", + "halfrange_9" + ] + ] + ], + "make_norm_from_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "make_norm_from_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_norm_from_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_make_norm_from_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_empty_object_of_class": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_create_empty_object_of_class" + ] + ] + ], + "_picklable_norm_constructor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "_picklable_norm_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "linthresh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "SymLogNorm", + "linthresh" + ] + ] + ], + "linthresh_1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "SymLogNorm", + "linthresh_1" + ] + ] + ], + "linear_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "AsinhNorm", + "linear_width" + ] + ] + ], + "linear_width_1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "AsinhNorm", + "linear_width_1" + ] + ] + ], + "rgb_to_hsv": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "rgb_to_hsv" + ] + ] + ], + "hsv_to_rgb": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + 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"blend_overlay": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "LightSource", + "blend_overlay" + ] + ] + ], + "from_levels_and_colors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/colors.py", + [ + "from_levels_and_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "_contour_labeler_event_handler": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "_contour_labeler_event_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "labelFontProps": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "labelFontProps" + ] + ] + ], + "labelFontSizeList": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "labelFontSizeList" + ] + ] + ], + "labelTextsList": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "labelTextsList" + ] + ] + ], + "print_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "print_label" + ] + ] + ], + "too_close": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "too_close" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_nth_label_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "_get_nth_label_width" + ] + ] + ], + "set_label_props": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "set_label_props" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "CheckButtons", + "set_label_props" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RadioButtons", + "set_label_props" + ] + ] + ], + "get_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "get_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "TextArea", + "get_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "get_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "get_text" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel", + "get_text" + ] + ] + ], + "locate_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "locate_label" + ] + ] + ], + "calc_label_rot_and_inline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "calc_label_rot_and_inline" + ] + ] + ], + "add_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "add_label" + ] + ] + ], + "add_label_clabeltext": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "add_label_clabeltext" + ] + ] + ], + "add_label_near": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "add_label_near" + ] + ] + ], + "pop_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "pop_label" + ] + ] + ], + "labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourLabeler", + "labels" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_closed_polygon": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "_is_closed_polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_closest_point_on_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "_find_closest_point_on_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_process_args" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "QuadContourSet", + "_process_args" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_tricontour.py", + [ + "TriContourSet", + "_process_args" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_allsegs_and_allkinds": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_get_allsegs_and_allkinds" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_lowers_and_uppers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_get_lowers_and_uppers" + ] + ] + ], + "_autolev": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_autolev" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_contour_level_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_process_contour_level_args" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_levels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_process_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_colors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_process_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_linewidths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_process_linewidths" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_linestyles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "_process_linestyles" + ] + ] + ], + "find_nearest_contour": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "ContourSet", + "find_nearest_contour" + ] + ] + ], + "_contour_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "QuadContourSet", + "_contour_args" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_tricontour.py", + [ + "TriContourSet", + "_contour_args" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_xyz": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "QuadContourSet", + "_check_xyz" + ] + ] + ], + "_initialize_x_y": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/contour.py", + [ + "QuadContourSet", + "_initialize_x_y" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tzinfo": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "_get_tzinfo" + ] + ] + ], + "_reset_epoch_test_example": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "_reset_epoch_test_example" + ] + ] + ], + "set_epoch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "set_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "get_epoch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "get_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "_dt64_to_ordinalf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "_dt64_to_ordinalf" + ] + ] + ], 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+ ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "TickHelper", + "set_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "GridlinesCollection", + "set_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "date_ticker_factory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "date_ticker_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_converter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dates.py", + [ + "_SwitchableDateConverter", + "_get_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_pdftexmap_entry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Text", + "_get_pdftexmap_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "font_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Text", + "font_path" + ] + ] + ], + "font_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Text", + "font_size" + ] + ] + ], + "font_effects": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Text", + "font_effects" + ] + ] + ], + "glyph_name_or_index": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "Text", + "glyph_name_or_index" + ] + ] + ], + "_arg_raw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/dviread.py", + [ + "_arg_raw" + ] + ] + 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"lib/matplotlib/hatch.py", + [ + "_validate_hatch_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "get_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/hatch.py", + [ + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Shadow", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "RegularPolygon", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "PathPatch", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Wedge", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arrow", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Ellipse", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "BboxPatch", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "BboxConnector", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "BboxConnectorPatch", + "get_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3D", + "get_path" + ] + ] + ], + "composite_images": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "composite_images" + ] + ] + ], + "flush_images": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_draw_list_compositing_images", + "if_not_composite_or_not_h", + "else_", + "flush_images" + ] + ] + ], + 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"get_extent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "FigureImage", + "get_extent" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetBox", + "get_extent" + ] + ] + ], + "imread": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "imread" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "imread" + ] + ] + ], + "imsave": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "imsave" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/pyplot.py", + [ + "imsave" + ] + ] + ], + "pil_to_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "pil_to_array" + ] + ] + ], + "_pil_png_to_float_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "_pil_png_to_float_array" + ] + ] + ], + "thumbnail": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/image.py", + [ + "thumbnail" + ] + ] + ], + "colorbar_gridspec": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/layout_engine.py", + [ + "LayoutEngine", + "colorbar_gridspec" + ] + ] + ], + "adjust_compatible": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/layout_engine.py", + [ + "LayoutEngine", + "adjust_compatible" + ] + ] + ], + "execute": [ + [ + 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+ "set_ncols": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "set_ncols" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_loc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "_get_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "_findoffset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "_findoffset" + ] + ] + ], + "get_default_handler_map": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "get_default_handler_map" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_handler_map": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "set_default_handler_map" + ] + ] + ], + "update_default_handler_map": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "update_default_handler_map" + ] + ] + ], + "get_legend_handler_map": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "get_legend_handler_map" + ] + ] + ], + "get_legend_handler": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "get_legend_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_legend_box": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "_init_legend_box" + ] + ] + ], + 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"_get_anchored_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "_get_anchored_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_best_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "_find_best_position" + ] + ] + ], + "set_draggable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "set_draggable" + ] + ] + ], + "get_draggable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "Legend", + "get_draggable" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_legend_handles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "_get_legend_handles" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_legend_handles_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "_get_legend_handles_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_legend_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend.py", + [ + "_parse_legend_args" + ] + ] + ], + "update_from_first_child": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "update_from_first_child" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_prop": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerBase", + "_update_prop" + ] + ], + [ + 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+ "get_xdata": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerNpoints", + "get_xdata" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "get_xdata" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ydata": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerNpointsYoffsets", + "get_ydata" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerStem", + "get_ydata" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "get_ydata" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_patch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPatch", + "_create_patch" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerStepPatch", + "_create_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_line": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerStepPatch", + "_create_line" + ] + ] + ], + "create_collection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerRegularPolyCollection", + "create_collection" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPathCollection", + "create_collection" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerCircleCollection", + "create_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "get_err_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerErrorbar", + "get_err_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_copy_collection_props": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerStem", + "_copy_collection_props" + ] + ] + ], + "first_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPolyCollection", + "_update_prop", + "first_color" + ] + ] + ], + "get_first": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/legend_handler.py", + [ + "HandlerPolyCollection", + "_update_prop", + "get_first" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_dash_pattern": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "_get_dash_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_inverse_dash_pattern": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "_get_inverse_dash_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "_scale_dashes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "_scale_dashes" + ] + ] + ], + "segment_hits": [ + [ + 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+ [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "TextArea", + "get_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AuxTransformBox", + "get_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnchoredOffsetbox", + "get_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "OffsetImage", + "get_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "get_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "AnchoredSizeLocator", + "get_bbox" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "AnchoredZoomLocator", + "get_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "recache_always": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "recache_always" + ] + ] + ], + "recache": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "recache" + ] + ] + ], + "_transform_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/lines.py", + [ + "Line2D", + "_transform_path" + ] + ] + ], + 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+ "_set_vertices": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_set_vertices" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_tuple_marker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_set_tuple_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_mathtext_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_set_mathtext_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_half_fill": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_half_fill" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_circle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_set_circle" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_set_point" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_pixel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_set_pixel" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_triangle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_set_triangle" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_triangle_up": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/markers.py", + [ + "MarkerStyle", + "_set_triangle_up" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_triangle_down": [ 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+ "anncoords_4": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "anncoords_4" + ] + ] + ], + "set_fontsize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "set_fontsize" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "set_fontsize" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "set_fontsize" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_fontsize" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fontsize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "get_fontsize" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "get_fontsize" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "get_fontsize" + ] + ] + ], + "update_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "AnnotationBbox", + "update_positions" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Annotation", + "update_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "on_motion": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableBase", + "on_motion" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_still_parented": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableBase", + "_check_still_parented" + ] + ] + ], + "save_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableBase", + "save_offset" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableOffsetBox", + "save_offset" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableAnnotation", + "save_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "update_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableBase", + "update_offset" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableOffsetBox", + "update_offset" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableAnnotation", + "update_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "get_loc_in_canvas": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/offsetbox.py", + [ + "DraggableOffsetBox", + "get_loc_in_canvas" + ] + ] + ], + "get_verts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Patch", + "get_verts" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_radius": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + 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+ [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_x" + ] + ] + ], + "get_y": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "get_y" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_y" + ] + ] + ], + "get_xy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "get_xy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "get_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_corners": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "get_corners" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Ellipse", + "get_corners" + ] + ] + ], + "get_center": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "get_center" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Ellipse", + "get_center" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "get_center" + ] + ] + ], + "get_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "get_width" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Ellipse", + "get_width" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "get_width" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_width" + ] + ] + ], + "get_height": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "get_height" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Ellipse", + "get_height" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_height" + ] + ] + ], + "set_x": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "set_x" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "set_x" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_x" + ] + ] + ], + "set_y": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "set_y" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "set_y" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_y" + ] + ] + ], + "set_angle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "set_angle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Ellipse", + "set_angle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "set_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_bounds": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Rectangle", + "set_bounds" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "set_bounds" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/spines.py", + [ + "Spine", + "set_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "set_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "PathPatch", + "set_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "_FancyAxislineStyle", + "SimpleArrow", + "set_path" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "StepPatch", + "_update_path" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arc", + "_update_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_closed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "get_closed" + ] + ] + ], + "set_closed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Polygon", + "set_closed" + ] + ] + 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"Annulus", + "set_semimajor" + ] + ] + ], + "set_semiminor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "set_semiminor" + ] + ] + ], + "set_radii": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "set_radii" + ] + ] + ], + "get_radii": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "get_radii" + ] + ] + ], + "_transform_verts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Annulus", + "_transform_verts" + ] + ] + ], + "get_radius": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Circle", + "get_radius" + ] + ] + ], + "line_circle_intersect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arc", + "draw", + "line_circle_intersect" + ] + ] + ], + "segment_circle_intersect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arc", + "draw", + "segment_circle_intersect" + ] + ] + ], + "theta_stretch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arc", + "_theta_stretch", + "theta_stretch" + ] + ] + ], + "_theta_stretch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "Arc", + "_theta_stretch" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "draw_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_styles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "_Style", + "get_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "pprint_styles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "_Style", + "pprint_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "_register_style": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "_register_style" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_sawtooth_vertices": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "BoxStyle", + "Sawtooth", + "_get_sawtooth_vertices" + ] + ] + ], + "_in_patch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionStyle", + "_Base", + "_in_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "_clip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionStyle", + "_Base", + "_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "_point_along_a_line": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "_point_along_a_line" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_quadratic_bezier": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "_Base", + "ensure_quadratic_bezier" + ] + ] + ], + "transmute": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "_Base", + "transmute" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "_Curve", + "transmute" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "Simple", + "transmute" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "Fancy", + "transmute" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "Wedge", + "transmute" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_arrow_wedge": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "_Curve", + "_get_arrow_wedge" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_bracket": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ArrowStyle", + "_Curve", + "_get_bracket" + ] + ] + ], + "set_boxstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "set_boxstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "get_boxstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_boxstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_mutation_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "set_mutation_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "set_mutation_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "get_mutation_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_mutation_scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "get_mutation_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "set_mutation_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "set_mutation_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "set_mutation_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "get_mutation_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyBboxPatch", + "get_mutation_aspect" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "get_mutation_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "set_patchA": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "set_patchA" + ] + ] + ], + "set_patchB": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "set_patchB" + ] + ] + ], + "set_connectionstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "set_connectionstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "get_connectionstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "get_connectionstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_arrowstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "set_arrowstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "get_arrowstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "get_arrowstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_path_in_displaycoord": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "FancyArrowPatch", + "_get_path_in_displaycoord" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionPatch", + "_get_path_in_displaycoord" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_xy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionPatch", + "_get_xy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "_AnnotationBase", + "_get_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "set_annotation_clip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionPatch", + "set_annotation_clip" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "_AnnotationBase", + "set_annotation_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "get_annotation_clip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionPatch", + "get_annotation_clip" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "_AnnotationBase", + "get_annotation_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_xy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patches.py", + [ + "ConnectionPatch", + "_check_xy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "_AnnotationBase", + "_check_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "_fast_from_codes_and_verts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "_fast_from_codes_and_verts" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_closed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "_create_closed" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "_update_values" + ] + ] + ], + "vertices": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "vertices" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/textpath.py", + [ + "TextPath", + "vertices" + ] + ] + ], + "vertices_4": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "vertices_4" + ] + ] + ], + "codes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "codes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/textpath.py", + [ + "TextPath", + "codes" + ] + ] + ], + "codes_6": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "codes_6" + ] + ] + ], + "simplify_threshold": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "simplify_threshold" + ] + ] + ], + "simplify_threshold_8": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "simplify_threshold_8" + ] + ] + ], + "should_simplify": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "should_simplify" + ] + ] + ], + "should_simplify_10": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "should_simplify_10" + ] + ] + ], + "readonly": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "readonly" + ] + ] + ], + "__deepcopy__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "__deepcopy__" + ] + ] + ], + "make_compound_path_from_polys": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "make_compound_path_from_polys" + ] + ] + ], + "make_compound_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "make_compound_path" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_segments": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "iter_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "iter_bezier": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "iter_bezier" + ] + ] + ], + "cleaned": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "cleaned" + ] + ] + ], + "contains_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "contains_path" + ] + ] + ], + "intersects_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "intersects_path" + ] + ] + ], + "intersects_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "intersects_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "interpolated": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "interpolated" + ] + ] + ], + "to_polygons": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "to_polygons" + ] + ] + ], + "unit_rectangle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "unit_rectangle" + ] + ] + ], + "unit_regular_polygon": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "unit_regular_polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "unit_regular_star": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "unit_regular_star" + ] + ] + ], + "unit_regular_asterisk": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "unit_regular_asterisk" + ] + ] + ], + "unit_circle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "unit_circle" + ] + ] + ], + "circle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "circle" + ] + ] + ], + "unit_circle_righthalf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "unit_circle_righthalf" + ] + ] + ], + "arc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "arc" + ] + ] + ], + "wedge": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "wedge" + ] + ] + ], + "hatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "hatch" + ] + ] + ], + "clip_to_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "Path", + "clip_to_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_path_collection_extents": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/path.py", + [ + "get_path_collection_extents" + ] + ] + ], + "_offset_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "AbstractPathEffect", + "_offset_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_gc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "AbstractPathEffect", + "_update_gc" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_with_path_effect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "PathEffectRenderer", + "copy_with_path_effect" + ] + ] + ], + "_subclass_with_normal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/patheffects.py", + [ + "_subclass_with_normal" + ] + ] + ], + "get_projection_class": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/__init__.py", + [ + "ProjectionRegistry", + "get_projection_class" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/__init__.py", + [ + "get_projection_class" + ] + ] + ], + "get_projection_names": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/__init__.py", + [ + "ProjectionRegistry", + "get_projection_names" + ] + ] + ], + "register_projection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/__init__.py", + [ + "register_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "d": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/geo.py", + [ + "MollweideAxes", + "MollweideTransform", + "transform_non_affine", + "d" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_rorigin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarTransform", + "_get_rorigin" + ] + ] + ], + "get_matrix": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAffine", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_ThetaShift", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Affine2D", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "IdentityTransform", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BlendedAffine2D", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "CompositeAffine2D", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxTransform", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxTransformTo", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxTransformToMaxOnly", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxTransformFrom", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "ScaledTranslation", + "get_matrix" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "AffineDeltaTransform", + "get_matrix" + ] + ] + ], + "view_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "ThetaLocator", + "view_limits" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "RadialLocator", + "view_limits" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "Locator", + "view_limits" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LinearLocator", + "view_limits" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MultipleLocator", + "view_limits" + 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"_is_full_circle_rad": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_is_full_circle_rad" + ] + ] + ], + "get_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "_WedgeBbox", + "get_points" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "BboxBase", + "get_points" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Bbox", + "get_points" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformedBbox", + "get_points" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "TransformedBbox", + "if_DEBUG_", + "get_points" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "LockableBbox", + "get_points" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "LockableBbox", + "if_DEBUG_", + "get_points" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "_TransformedBboxWithCallback", + "get_points" + ] + ] + ], + "set_thetamax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "set_thetamax" + ] + ] + ], + "get_thetamax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_thetamax" + ] + ] + ], + "set_thetamin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "set_thetamin" + ] + ] + ], + "get_thetamin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_thetamin" + ] + ] + ], + "set_thetalim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "set_thetalim" + ] + ] + ], + "set_theta_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "set_theta_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "get_theta_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "get_theta_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "set_theta_zero_location": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "set_theta_zero_location" + ] + ] + ], + "set_theta_direction": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/projections/polar.py", + [ + "PolarAxes", + "set_theta_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "get_theta_direction": [ + [ + 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[ + "nipy_spectral" + ] + ] + ], + "labelsep": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "QuiverKey", + "labelsep" + ] + ] + ], + "_text_shift": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "QuiverKey", + "_text_shift" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "QuiverKey", + "_set_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver", + "_set_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "_parse_args" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_consistent_shapes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "_check_consistent_shapes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_UVC": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver", + "set_UVC" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Barbs", + "set_UVC" + ] + ] + ], + "_dots_per_unit": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver", + "_dots_per_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "_angles_lengths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver", + "_angles_lengths" + ] + ] + ], + "_h_arrows": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Quiver", + "_h_arrows" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_tails": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Barbs", + "_find_tails" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_barbs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/quiver.py", + [ + "Barbs", + "_make_barbs" + ] + ] + ], + "_listify_validator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "_listify_validator" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_any": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "validate_any" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_date": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "_validate_date" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_bool": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "validate_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_axisbelow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "validate_axisbelow" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_dpi": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "validate_dpi" + ] + ] + ], + "validator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py", + [ + "_make_type_validator", + "validator" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_type_validator": [ + [ + 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"DomainMap", + "data2grid" + ] + ] + ], + "grid2data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "DomainMap", + "grid2data" + ] + ] + ], + "start_trajectory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "DomainMap", + "start_trajectory" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_start_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "DomainMap", + "reset_start_point" + ] + ] + ], + "update_trajectory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "DomainMap", + "update_trajectory" + ] + ] + ], + "undo_trajectory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "DomainMap", + "undo_trajectory" + ] + ] + ], + "shape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "Grid", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Kernel", + "shape" + ] + ] + ], + "within_grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "Grid", + "within_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "_start_trajectory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/streamplot.py", + [ + "StreamMask", + "_start_trajectory" + ] + ] + ], + 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+ "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "get_required_width" + ] + ] + ], + "set_text_props": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "set_text_props" + ] + ] + ], + "visible_edges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "visible_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "visible_edges_12": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Cell", + "visible_edges_12" + ] + ] + ], + "add_cell": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "add_cell" + ] + ] + ], + "edges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "edges" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tri/_triangulation.py", + [ + "Triangulation", + "edges" + ] + ] + ], + "edges_4": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "edges_4" + ] + ] + ], + "_approx_text_height": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_approx_text_height" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_grid_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_get_grid_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "_do_cell_alignment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_do_cell_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_set_column_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "auto_set_column_width" + ] + ] + ], + "_auto_set_column_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_auto_set_column_width" + ] + ] + ], + "_auto_set_font_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_auto_set_font_size" + ] + ] + ], + "scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "scale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Affine2D", + "scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "_update_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_celld": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/table.py", + [ + "Table", + "get_celld" + ] + ] + ], + "set_font_settings_for_testing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/__init__.py", + [ + "set_font_settings_for_testing" + ] + ] + ], + "set_reproducibility_for_testing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/__init__.py", + [ + "set_reproducibility_for_testing" + ] + ] + ], + "subprocess_run_for_testing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/__init__.py", + [ + "subprocess_run_for_testing" + ] + ] + ], + "subprocess_run_helper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/__init__.py", + [ + "subprocess_run_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_for_pgf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/__init__.py", + [ + "_check_for_pgf" + ] + ] + ], + "_has_tex_package": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/__init__.py", + [ + "_has_tex_package" + ] + ] + ], + "_checkdep_usetex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/_markers.py", + [ + "_checkdep_usetex" + ] + ] + ], + "make_test_filename": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "make_test_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cache_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_get_cache_path" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cache_dir": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "get_cache_dir" + ] + ] + ], + "get_file_hash": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "get_file_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "_read_until": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_Converter", + "_read_until" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_and_escape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_GSConverter", + "__call__", + "encode_and_escape" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_converter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_update_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "comparable_formats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "comparable_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "_clean_conversion_cache": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_clean_conversion_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "_register_conversion_cache_cleaner_once": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_register_conversion_cache_cleaner_once" + ] + ] + ], + "crop_to_same": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "crop_to_same" + ] + ] + ], + "calculate_rms": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "calculate_rms" + ] + ] + ], + "_load_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "_load_image" + ] + ] + ], + "compare_images": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "compare_images" + ] + ] + ], + "save_diff_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/compare.py", + [ + "save_diff_image" + ] + ] + ], + "pytest_configure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/conftest.py", + [ + "pytest_configure" + ] + ] + ], + "pytest_unconfigure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/conftest.py", + [ + "pytest_unconfigure" + ] + ] + ], + "mpl_test_settings": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/conftest.py", + [ + "mpl_test_settings" + ] + ] + ], + "pd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/conftest.py", + [ + "pd" + ] + ] + ], + "xr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/conftest.py", + [ + "xr" + ] + ] + ], + "_cleanup_cm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_cleanup_cm" + ] + ] + ], + "setUpClass": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "CleanupTestCase", + "setUpClass" + ] + ] + ], + "tearDownClass": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "CleanupTestCase", + "tearDownClass" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapped_callable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "cleanup", + "make_cleanup", + "if_inspect_isgeneratorfun", + "wrapped_callable" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "cleanup", + "make_cleanup", + "if_inspect_isgeneratorfun", + "else_", + "wrapped_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "make_cleanup": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "cleanup", + "make_cleanup" + ] + ] + ], + "cleanup": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "cleanup" + ] + ] + ], + "check_freetype_version": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "check_freetype_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_freetype_version": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_check_freetype_version" + ] + ] + ], + "_checked_on_freetype_version": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_checked_on_freetype_version" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "remove_ticks_and_titles", + "remove_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_ticks_and_titles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "remove_ticks_and_titles" + ] + ] + ], + "_collect_new_figures": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_collect_new_figures" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_on_image_difference": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_raise_on_image_difference" + ] + ] + ], + "copy_baseline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_ImageComparisonBase", + "copy_baseline" + ] + ] + ], + "decorator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_pytest_image_comparison", + "decorator" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "check_figures_equal", + "decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "_pytest_image_comparison": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_pytest_image_comparison" + ] + ] + ], + "image_comparison": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "image_comparison" + ] + ] + ], + "check_figures_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "check_figures_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "_image_directories": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/decorators.py", + [ + "_image_directories" + ] + ] + ], + "frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "frame" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "frame" + ] + ] + ], + "__abs__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "__abs__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "__abs__" + ] + ] + ], + "__neg__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "__neg__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "__neg__" + ] + ] + ], + "seconds": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "seconds" + ] + ] + ], + "_cmp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "_cmp" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "_cmp" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "_cmp" + ] + ] + ], + "__sub__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "__sub__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "__sub__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_date2num_dst", + "dt_tzaware", + "__sub__" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "Transform", + "__sub__" + ] + ] + ], + "checkSameFrame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Duration.py", + [ + "Duration", + "checkSameFrame" + ] + ] + ], + "julianDate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "julianDate" + ] + ] + ], + "secondsPast": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "secondsPast" + ] + ] + ], + "range": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/Epoch.py", + [ + "Epoch", + "range" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "range" + ] + ] + ], + "float2epoch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/EpochConverter.py", + [ + "EpochConverter", + "float2epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "epoch2float": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/EpochConverter.py", + [ + "EpochConverter", + "epoch2float" + ] + ] + ], + "duration2float": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/EpochConverter.py", + [ + "EpochConverter", + "duration2float" + ] + ] + ], + "_binop_unit_unit": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "_binop_unit_unit" + ] + ] + ], + "_binop_unit_scalar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "_binop_unit_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "type": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "type" + ] + ] + ], + "checkSameUnits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDbl.py", + [ + "UnitDbl", + "checkSameUnits" + ] + ] + ], + "format_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/jpl_units/UnitDblFormatter.py", + [ + "UnitDblFormatter", + "format_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "Formatter", + "format_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "ScalarFormatter", + "format_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogFormatter", + "format_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/widgets.py", + [ + "get_ax" + ] + ] + ], + "noop": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/widgets.py", + [ + "noop" + ] + ] + ], + "mock_event": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/widgets.py", + [ + "mock_event" + ] + ] + ], + "do_event": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/widgets.py", + [ + "do_event" + ] + ] + ], + "click_and_drag": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/testing/widgets.py", + [ + "click_and_drag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonascii_str": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_afm.py", + [ + "test_nonascii_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_header": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_afm.py", + [ + "test_parse_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_char_metrics": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_afm.py", + [ + "test_parse_char_metrics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_familyname_guessed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_afm.py", + [ + "test_get_familyname_guessed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_font_manager_weight_normalization": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_afm.py", + [ + "test_font_manager_weight_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_afm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_afm.py", + [ + "test_bad_afm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_malformed_header": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_afm.py", + [ + "test_malformed_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repeated_save_with_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_repeated_save_with_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_single_path_collection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_large_single_path_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_with_nan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_marker_with_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_long_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_agg_filter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_too_large_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_too_large_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chunksize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_chunksize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jpeg_dpi": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_jpeg_dpi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pil_kwargs_png": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_pil_kwargs_png" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pil_kwargs_tiff": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_pil_kwargs_tiff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pil_kwargs_webp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_pil_kwargs_webp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_webp_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_webp_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_draw_path_collection_error_handling": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_draw_path_collection_error_handling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chunksize_fails": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_chunksize_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_tuple_rgbaface": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg.py", + [ + "test_non_tuple_rgbaface" + ] + ] + ], + "manual_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg_filter.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter_alpha", + "manual_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_agg_filter_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_agg_filter.py", + [ + "test_agg_filter_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "anim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "anim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_movie_writer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_null_movie_writer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_animation_delete": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_animation_delete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_movie_writer_dpi_default": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_movie_writer_dpi_default" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_writers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "gen_writers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_animation_smoketest": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_save_animation_smoketest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_animation_repr_html": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_animation_repr_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_length_frames": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_no_length_frames" + ] + ] + ], + "test_movie_writer_registry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_movie_writer_registry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_embed_limit": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_embed_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleanup_temporaries": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_cleanup_temporaries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failing_ffmpeg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_failing_ffmpeg" + ] + ] + ], + "frames_generator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_funcanimation_cache_frame_data", + "frames_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_funcanimation_cache_frame_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_funcanimation_cache_frame_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_draw_frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_draw_frame" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exhausted_animation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_exhausted_animation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_frame_warning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_no_frame_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_animation_frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_animation_frame" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_count_override_warnings_has_length": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_save_count_override_warnings_has_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_count_override_warnings_scaler": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_save_count_override_warnings_scaler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disable_cache_warning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_disable_cache_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_movie_writer_invalid_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_animation.py", + [ + "test_movie_writer_invalid_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_shape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_check_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_classproperty_deprecation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_classproperty_deprecation" + ] + ] + ], + "_meth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_privatize_attribute", + "C", + "_meth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_privatize_attribute": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_deprecate_privatize_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "func1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameter", + "func1" + ] + ] + ], + "func2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameter", + "func2" + ] + ] + ], + "pyplot_wrapper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameter", + "pyplot_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delete_parameter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_delete_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_keyword_only": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_make_keyword_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecation_alternative": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_deprecation_alternative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_check_in_list": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_api.py", + [ + "test_empty_check_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_arrow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "draw_arrow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fancyarrow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "test_fancyarrow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boxarrow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "test_boxarrow" + ] + ] + ], + "__prepare_fancyarrow_dpi_cor_test": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "__prepare_fancyarrow_dpi_cor_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fancyarrow_dpi_cor_100dpi": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "test_fancyarrow_dpi_cor_100dpi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fancyarrow_dpi_cor_200dpi": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "test_fancyarrow_dpi_cor_200dpi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fancyarrow_dash": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "test_fancyarrow_dash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arrow_styles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "test_arrow_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_styles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "test_connection_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_intersection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_arrow_patches.py", + [ + "test_invalid_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_transform_of_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_patch_transform_of_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collection_transform_of_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_collection_transform_of_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clipping": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_clipping" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_clipping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clipping_zoom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_clipping_zoom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cull_markers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_cull_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hatching": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_hatching" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_hatching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_edges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_default_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "test_properties": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_setp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_None_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_None_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "set_f": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_artist_inspector_get_valid_values", + "TestArtist", + "set_f" + ] + ] + ], + "test_artist_inspector_get_valid_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_artist_inspector_get_valid_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_artist_inspector_get_aliases": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_artist_inspector_get_aliases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_alpha_for_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_alpha_for_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callbacks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_callbacks" + ] + ] + ], + "set_myparam1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_signature", + "MyArtist1", + "set_myparam1" + ] + ] + ], + "set_myparam2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_signature", + "MyArtist2", + "set_myparam2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_signature": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_is_overwritten": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_set_is_overwritten" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_cursor_data_BoundaryNorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_format_cursor_data_BoundaryNorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_no_rasterize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_auto_no_rasterize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_draw_wraper_forward_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_artist.py", + [ + "test_draw_wraper_forward_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invisible_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_invisible_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_invisible_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_get_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_gridspec.py", + [ + "test_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_loc_vertical": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_label_loc_vertical" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_loc_horizontal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_label_loc_horizontal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_loc_rc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_label_loc_rc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_shift": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_label_shift" + ] + ] + ], + "test_acorr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_acorr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_spy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spy_invalid_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_spy_invalid_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_matshow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_matshow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formatter_ticker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_formatter_ticker" + ] + ] + ], + "_formfunc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_funcformatter_auto_formatter", + "_formfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_funcformatter_auto_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_funcformatter_auto_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strmethodformatter_auto_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_strmethodformatter_auto_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twin_axis_locators_formatters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twin_axis_locators_formatters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twinx_cla": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twinx_cla" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twin_logscale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twin_logscale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twinx_axis_scales": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twinx_axis_scales" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twin_inherit_autoscale_setting": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twin_inherit_autoscale_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inverted_cla": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_inverted_cla" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_inverted_cla" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclass_clear_cla": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subclass_clear_cla" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cla_not_redefined_internally": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_cla_not_redefined_internally" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minorticks_on_rcParams_both": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_minorticks_on_rcParams_both" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscale_tiny_range": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_autoscale_tiny_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscale_tight": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_autoscale_tight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscale_log_shared": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_autoscale_log_shared" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_sticky_edges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_use_sticky_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sticky_shared_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_sticky_shared_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_annotate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_basic_annotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arrow_simple": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_arrow_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arrow_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_arrow_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arrow_in_view": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_arrow_in_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_default_arrow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_annotate_default_arrow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_signature": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_annotate_signature" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fill_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_fill_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_format_kwarg_redundant": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_plot_format_kwarg_redundant" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_dashes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_dashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_single_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_date": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_single_date" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shaped_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shaped_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_structured_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_structured_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aitoff_proj": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_aitoff_proj" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axvspan_epoch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axvspan_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axhspan_epoch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axhspan_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hexbin_extent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hexbin_extent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hexbin_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hexbin_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hexbin_pickable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hexbin_pickable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hexbin_log": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hexbin_log" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hexbin_linear": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hexbin_linear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hexbin_log_clim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hexbin_log_clim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inverted_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_inverted_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonfinite_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_nonfinite_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limits_empty_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_limits_empty_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_imshow" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_clip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_imshow_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_norm_vminvmax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_imshow_norm_vminvmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polycollection_joinstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_polycollection_joinstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fill_between_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_fill_between_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fill_betweenx_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_fill_betweenx_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fill_between_interpolate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_fill_between_interpolate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fill_between_interpolate_decreasing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_fill_between_interpolate_decreasing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fill_between_interpolate_nan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_fill_between_interpolate_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_symlog": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_symlog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_symlog2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_symlog2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolorargs_5205": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolorargs_5205" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolormesh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolormesh" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolormesh_small": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolormesh_small" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolormesh_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolormesh_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolormesh_rgba": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolormesh_rgba" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolormesh_datetime_axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolormesh_datetime_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolor_datetime_axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolor_datetime_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolorargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolorargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolornearest": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolornearest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolornearestunits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolornearestunits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolorflaterror": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolorflaterror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_samesizepcolorflaterror": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_samesizepcolorflaterror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolorauto": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolorauto" + ] + ] + ], + "test_canonical": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_canonical" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arc_angles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_arc_angles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arc_ellipse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_arc_ellipse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_as_markerstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_marker_as_markerstyle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_marker_as_markerstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markevery" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_markevery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery_line": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markevery_line" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery_linear_scales": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markevery_linear_scales" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery_linear_scales_zoomed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markevery_linear_scales_zoomed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery_log_scales": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markevery_log_scales" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery_polar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markevery_polar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery_linear_scales_nans": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markevery_linear_scales_nans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_edges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_marker_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_tick_label_single": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_tick_label_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nan_bar_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_nan_bar_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_ticklabel_fail": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_ticklabel_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_tick_label_multiple": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_tick_label_multiple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_tick_label_multiple_old_alignment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_tick_label_multiple_old_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_decimal_center": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_decimal_center" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barh_decimal_center": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_barh_decimal_center" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_decimal_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_decimal_width" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barh_decimal_height": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_barh_decimal_height" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_color_none_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_color_none_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_edgecolor_none_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_edgecolor_none_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barh_tick_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_barh_tick_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_timedelta": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boxplot_dates_pandas": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_boxplot_dates_pandas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boxplot_capwidths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_boxplot_capwidths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolor_regression": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolor_regression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_pandas": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_pandas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_pandas_indexed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_pandas_indexed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_hatches": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_hatches" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_labels_length": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_labels_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pandas_minimal_plot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pandas_minimal_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_log": [ + [ + 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"test_hist_datetime_datasets": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_datetime_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_datetime_datasets_bins": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_datetime_datasets_bins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_with_empty_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_with_empty_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stairs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stairs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stairs_fill": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stairs_fill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stairs_update": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stairs_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stairs_baseline_0": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stairs_baseline_0" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stairs_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter", + "test_scatter_invalid_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_no_invalid_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter", + "test_scatter_no_invalid_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_norm_vminvmax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter", + "test_scatter_norm_vminvmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_single_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter", + "test_scatter_single_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_different_shapes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter", + "test_scatter_different_shapes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_c": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter", + "test_scatter_c" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_single_color_c": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "TestScatter", + "test_scatter_single_color_c" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_linewidths": [ + [ + 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+ "test_bxp_showcustommean": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_showcustommean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bxp_custombox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_custombox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bxp_custommedian": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_custommedian" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bxp_customcap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_customcap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bxp_customwhisker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_customwhisker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bxp_shownotches": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_shownotches" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bxp_nocaps": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_nocaps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bxp_nobox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_nobox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bxp_no_flier_stats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bxp_no_flier_stats" + ] + ] 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"test_violinplot_bad_widths": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_violinplot_bad_widths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_violinplot_bad_quantiles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_violinplot_bad_quantiles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_violinplot_outofrange_quantiles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_violinplot_outofrange_quantiles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_violinplot_single_list_quantiles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_violinplot_single_list_quantiles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_violinplot_pandas_series": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_violinplot_pandas_series" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manage_xticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_manage_xticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boxplot_not_single": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_boxplot_not_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tick_space_size_0": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_tick_space_size_0" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_errorbar_polar_caps": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_mixed_errorbar_polar_caps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_colorcycle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_colorcycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_cycle_ecolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_cycle_ecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_shape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_nonefmt": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_nonefmt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_line_specific_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_line_specific_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_with_prop_cycle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_with_prop_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_every_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_every_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xerr_yerr_not_negative": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_xerr_yerr_not_negative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_every": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_every" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_linewidth_type": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_linewidth_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_nan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_stepfilled": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_stepfilled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_step": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_step" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_step_horiz": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_step_horiz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_weighted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_weighted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stem": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stem" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stem_args", + "_assert_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stem_markerfmt", + "_assert_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stem_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stem_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stem_markerfmt": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stem_markerfmt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stem_dates": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stem_dates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stem_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_stem_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_stepfilled_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_stepfilled_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_step": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_step" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_density": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_density" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_step_bottom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_step_bottom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stepfilled_geometry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stepfilled_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_step_geometry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_step_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stepfilled_bottom_geometry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stepfilled_bottom_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_step_bottom_geometry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_step_bottom_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_stepfilled_geometry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_stepfilled_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_step_geometry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_step_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_stepfilled_bottom_geometry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_stepfilled_bottom_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_step_bottom_geometry": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_step_bottom_geometry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_stacked_bar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_stacked_bar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_barstacked_bottom_unchanged": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_barstacked_bottom_unchanged" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_emptydata": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_emptydata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transparent_markers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_transparent_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rgba_markers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_rgba_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mollweide_grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_mollweide_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mollweide_forward_inverse_closure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_mollweide_forward_inverse_closure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mollweide_inverse_forward_closure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_mollweide_inverse_forward_closure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_alpha" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "TestVoxels", + "test_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eventplot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eventplot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eventplot_defaults": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eventplot_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eventplot_colors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eventplot_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eventplot_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eventplot_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eventplot_problem_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eventplot_problem_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_eventplot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_empty_eventplot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eventplot_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eventplot_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eventplot_units_list": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eventplot_units_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_styles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_marker_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markers_fillstyle_rcparams": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markers_fillstyle_rcparams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vertex_markers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_vertex_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eb_line_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eb_line_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axline_loglog": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axline_loglog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axline_transaxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axline_transaxes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axline_transaxes_panzoom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axline_transaxes_panzoom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axline_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axline_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_vlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vlines_default": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_vlines_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hlines_default": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hlines_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lines_with_colors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_lines_with_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_step_linestyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_step_linestyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixed_collection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_mixed_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_key_hash": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subplot_key_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_specgram" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_specgram" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram_magnitude": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_specgram_magnitude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram_angle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_specgram_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram_fs_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_specgram_fs_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram_origin_rcparam": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_specgram_origin_rcparam" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram_origin_kwarg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_specgram_origin_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_csd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_psd_csd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spectrum": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_spectrum" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_spectrum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_csd_edge_cases": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_psd_csd_edge_cases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twin_remove": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twin_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "make_patch_spines_invisible": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twin_spines", + "make_patch_spines_invisible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twin_spines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twin_spines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twin_spines_on_top": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twin_spines_on_top" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rcparam_grid_minor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_rcparam_grid_minor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_reset_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_reset_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vline_limit": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_vline_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axline_minmax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axline_minmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_shared_subplots": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_empty_shared_subplots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_with_aspect_1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_with_aspect_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_with_aspect_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_with_aspect_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_with_aspect_3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_with_aspect_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_aspect_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_aspect_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_errors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_method_errors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_method_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twin_with_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twin_with_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relim_visible_only": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_relim_visible_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_labelsize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_text_labelsize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pie_default": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pie_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pie_linewidth_0": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pie_linewidth_0" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pie_center_radius": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pie_center_radius" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pie_linewidth_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pie_linewidth_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pie_ccw_true": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + 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"test_set_get_ticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_set_get_ticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_ticks_kwargs_raise_error_without_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_set_ticks_kwargs_raise_error_without_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_ticks_with_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_set_ticks_with_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xticks_bad_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_xticks_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subsampled_ticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_subsampled_ticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mismatched_ticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_mismatched_ticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_ticks_fixed_loc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_empty_ticks_fixed_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_retain_tick_visibility": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + 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+ "test_length_one_hist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_xy_bound": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_set_xy_bound" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pathological_hexbin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pathological_hexbin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_color_None": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_color_None" + ] + ] + ], + "test_color_alias": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_color_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_numerical_hist_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_numerical_hist_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_hist_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_unicode_hist_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_move_offsetlabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_move_offsetlabel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rc_spines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_rc_spines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rc_grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_rc_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rc_tick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_rc_tick" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rc_major_minor_tick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_rc_major_minor_tick" + ] + ] + ], + "test_square_plot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_square_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_plot_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bad_plot_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolorfast": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pcolorfast" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_bool": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_bool" + ] + ] + ], + "test_violin_point_mass": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_violin_point_mass" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_errorbar_inputs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "generate_errorbar_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_inputs_shotgun": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_inputs_shotgun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dash_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_dash_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_title_pad": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_title_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_title_location_roundtrip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_title_location_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_title_location_shared": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_title_location_shared" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loglog": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_loglog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loglog_nonpos": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_loglog_nonpos" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_margins": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axes_margins" + ] + ] + ], + "_helper_x": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "shared_axis_remover", + "_helper_x" + ] + ] + ], + "_helper_y": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "shared_axis_remover", + "_helper_y" + ] + ] + ], + "shared_axis_remover": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "shared_axis_remover" + ] + ] + ], + "shared_axes_generator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "shared_axes_generator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_shared_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_remove_shared_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_shared_axes_relim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_remove_shared_axes_relim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_axes_autoscale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_axes_autoscale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_adjust_numtick_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_adjust_numtick_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_numticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_auto_numticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_numticks_log": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_auto_numticks_log" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broken_barh_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_broken_barh_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broken_barh_timedelta": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_broken_barh_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pandas_pcolormesh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pandas_pcolormesh" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pandas_indexing_dates": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pandas_indexing_dates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pandas_errorbar_indexing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pandas_errorbar_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pandas_index_shape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pandas_index_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pandas_indexing_hist": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pandas_indexing_hist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pandas_bar_align_center": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_pandas_bar_align_center" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_get_tick_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_get_tick_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_set_tick_params_labelsize_labelcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_set_tick_params_labelsize_labelcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_tick_params_gridlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axes_tick_params_gridlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_tick_params_ylabelside": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axes_tick_params_ylabelside" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_tick_params_xlabelside": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axes_tick_params_xlabelside" + ] + ] + ], + "test_none_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_none_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_uint8": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_title_above_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_title_no_move_off_page": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_title_no_move_off_page" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offset_label_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_offset_label_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offset_text_visible": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_offset_text_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_large_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barb_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_barb_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_quiver_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_color_cycle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_color_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tick_param_label_rotation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_tick_param_label_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fillbetween_cycle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_fillbetween_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_margins": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_log_margins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_color_length_mismatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_color_length_mismatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eventplot_legend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_eventplot_legend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_broadcast_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_broadcast_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_axis_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_invalid_axis_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minorticks_on": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_minorticks_on" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twinx_knows_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_twinx_knows_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_linewidth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_zero_linewidth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_errorbar_legend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_empty_errorbar_legend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_decimal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_plot_decimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markerfacecolor_none_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_markerfacecolor_none_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tick_padding_tightbbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_tick_padding_tightbbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_inset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zoom_inset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_zoom_inset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_polar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_inset_polar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_projection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_inset_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_subclass": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_inset_subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indicate_inset_inverted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_indicate_inset_inverted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_set_position" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_set_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spines_properbbox_after_zoom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_spines_properbbox_after_zoom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_limits_after_scroll_zoom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_limits_after_scroll_zoom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gettightbbox_ignore_nan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_gettightbbox_ignore_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_series_non_zero_index": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_scatter_series_non_zero_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_empty_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_scatter_empty_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_across_transforms": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_annotate_across_transforms" + ] + ] + ], + "invert": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_xy", + "invert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_resize", + "invert" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_minorloc", + "invert" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secondary_xy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secondary_fail": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secondary_resize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_resize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secondary_minorloc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_minorloc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secondary_formatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_formatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_secondary_repr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_secondary_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_options": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_options" + ] + ] + ], + "color_boxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "color_boxes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normal_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_normal_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nodecorator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_nodecorator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_displaced_spine": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_displaced_spine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tickdirs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_tickdirs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minor_accountedfor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_minor_accountedfor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_bool_arguments": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_bool_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_extent_arg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_extent_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_extent_arg2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_extent_arg2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_auto_bins": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_auto_bins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_nan_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_nan_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_range_and_density": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_hist_range_and_density" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_errbar_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_errbar_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_ticks_inverted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_set_ticks_inverted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aspect_nonlinear_adjustable_box": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_aspect_nonlinear_adjustable_box" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aspect_nonlinear_adjustable_datalim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_aspect_nonlinear_adjustable_datalim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_box_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_box_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_box_aspect_custom_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_box_aspect_custom_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bbox_aspect_axes_init": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bbox_aspect_axes_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_aspect_negative": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_set_aspect_negative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redraw_in_frame": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_redraw_in_frame" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invisible_axes_events": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_invisible_axes_events" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xtickcolor_is_not_markercolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_xtickcolor_is_not_markercolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ytickcolor_is_not_markercolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_ytickcolor_is_not_markercolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unautoscale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_unautoscale" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_unautoscale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_interpolation_steps_variable_r": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_polar_interpolation_steps_variable_r" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_interpolation_steps_variable_r" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscale_tiny_sticky": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_autoscale_tiny_sticky" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xtickcolor_is_not_xticklabelcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_xtickcolor_is_not_xticklabelcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ytickcolor_is_not_yticklabelcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_ytickcolor_is_not_yticklabelcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relative_ticklabel_sizes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_relative_ticklabel_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiplot_autoscale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_multiplot_autoscale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sharing_does_not_link_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_sharing_does_not_link_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2dcolor_plot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_2dcolor_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_axes_clear": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_axes_clear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_axes_retick": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_shared_axes_retick" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_shared_axes_retick" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ylabel_ha_with_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_ylabel_ha_with_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_label_location_vertical": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_label_location_vertical" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_label_location_vertical_yinverted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_label_location_vertical_yinverted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_label_location_horizontal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_label_location_horizontal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_label_location_horizontal_yinverted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_label_location_horizontal_yinverted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_label_location_horizontal_xinverted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + "test_bar_label_location_horizontal_xinverted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar_label_location_horizontal_xyinverted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_axes.py", + [ + 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[ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "test_cross_Qt_imports" + ] + ] + ], + "test_webagg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "test_webagg" + ] + ] + ], + "_lazy_headless": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "_lazy_headless" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_linux_headless": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "test_lazy_linux_headless" + ] + ] + ], + "_qApp_warn_impl": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "_qApp_warn_impl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_qApp_warn": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "test_qApp_warn" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_number_of_draws_script": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "_test_number_of_draws_script" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blitting_events": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_backends_interactive.py", + [ + "test_blitting_events" + ] + ] + ], + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestBasicTransform", + "setup_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_main_list": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_boxplot_stats", + "test_form_main_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_each_dict": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_boxplot_stats", + "test_form_each_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_form_dict_keys": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_boxplot_stats", + "test_form_dict_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_results_baseline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_boxplot_stats", + "test_results_baseline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_results_bootstrapped": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_boxplot_stats", + "test_results_bootstrapped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_results_whiskers_float": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_boxplot_stats", + "test_results_whiskers_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_results_whiskers_range": [ + [ + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "Test_callback_registry", + "test_pickling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callbackregistry_default_exception_handler": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_callbackregistry_default_exception_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_runtime_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "raising_cb_reg", + "raise_runtime_error" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_value_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "raising_cb_reg", + "raise_value_error" + ] + ] + ], + "transformer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "raising_cb_reg", + "transformer" + ] + ] + ], + "raising_cb_reg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "raising_cb_reg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callbackregistry_custom_exception_handler": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_callbackregistry_custom_exception_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "cb": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_callbackregistry_signals", + "cb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callbackregistry_signals": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_callbackregistry_signals" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_handler": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_callbackregistry_blocking", + "raise_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_callbackregistry_blocking", + "test_func1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_func2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_callbackregistry_blocking", + "test_func2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callbackregistry_blocking": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_callbackregistry_blocking" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_comment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_strip_comment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_comment_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_strip_comment_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sanitize_sequence": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_sanitize_sequence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_kwargs_fail": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_normalize_kwargs_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_kwargs_pass": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_normalize_kwargs_pass" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warn_external_frame_embedded_python": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_warn_external_frame_embedded_python" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_prestep": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_to_prestep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_prestep_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_to_prestep_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_poststep": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_to_poststep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_poststep_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_to_poststep_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_midstep": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_to_midstep" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_midstep_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_to_midstep_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_step_fails": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_step_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grouper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_grouper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grouper_private": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_grouper_private" + ] + ] + ], + "test_flatiter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_flatiter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reshape2d": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_reshape2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reshape2d_pandas": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_reshape2d_pandas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reshape2d_xarray": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_reshape2d_xarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_of_pandas": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_index_of_pandas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_of_xarray": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_index_of_xarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contiguous_regions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_contiguous_regions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_first_element_pandas_series": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_safe_first_element_pandas_series" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warn_external": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_warn_external" + ] + ] + ], + "divisors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_array_patch_perimeters", + "divisors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_patch_perimeters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_array_patch_perimeters" + ] + ] + ], + "meth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_setattr_cm", + "A", + "meth" + ] + ] + ], + "classy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cbook.py", + [ + "test_setattr_cm", + "A", + "classy" + ] + ] + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "generate_EventCollection_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__get_props": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__get_props" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__set_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__set_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__add_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__add_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__append_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__append_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__extend_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__extend_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__switch_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__switch_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__switch_orientation_2x": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__switch_orientation_2x" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__set_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__set_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__set_linelength": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__set_linelength" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__set_lineoffset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__set_lineoffset" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__set_prop": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__set_prop" + ] + ] + ], + "test__EventCollection__set_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test__EventCollection__set_color" + ] + ] + ], + "check_segments": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "check_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_collection_datalim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_null_collection_datalim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_offsets_datalim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_no_offsets_datalim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_collection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_add_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collection_log_datalim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_collection_log_datalim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quiver_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barb_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_barb_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_EllipseCollection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_EllipseCollection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polycollection_close": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_polycollection_close" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regularpolycollection_rotate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_regularpolycollection_rotate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regularpolycollection_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_regularpolycollection_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_picking": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_picking" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_picking" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_picking" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_contains": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_contains_concave": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_contains_concave" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_cursor_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_cursor_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_cursor_data_multiple_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_cursor_data_multiple_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linestyle_single_dashes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_linestyle_single_dashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_size_in_xy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_size_in_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pandas_indexing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_pandas_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lslw_bcast": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_lslw_bcast" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_wrong_linestyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_set_wrong_linestyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_capstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_capstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_joinstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_joinstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cap_and_joinstyle_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_cap_and_joinstyle_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_post_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_scatter_post_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_alpha_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_scatter_alpha_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pathcollection_legend_elements": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_pathcollection_legend_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_EventCollection_nosort": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_EventCollection_nosort" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collection_set_verts_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_collection_set_verts_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collection_set_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_collection_set_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blended_collection_autolim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_blended_collection_autolim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_singleton_autolim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_singleton_autolim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autolim_with_zeros": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_autolim_with_zeros" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_set_array_validation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_set_array_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_get_coordinates": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_get_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_set_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_set_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_vmin_vmax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_vmin_vmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadmesh_alpha_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_quadmesh_alpha_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alpha_validation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_alpha_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_inverse_size_label_relationship": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_legend_inverse_size_label_relationship" + ] + ] + ], + "test_color_logic": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_color_logic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_LineCollection_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_LineCollection_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_wrong_dimensions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_array_wrong_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_segments": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_get_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_offsets_late": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_set_offsets_late" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_offset_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_set_offset_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_offset_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_set_offset_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_masked_offsets": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_check_masked_offsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_masked_set_offsets": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_masked_set_offsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_offsets_dtype": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_check_offsets_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_striped_lines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_collections.py", + [ + "test_striped_lines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_striped_lines" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_cmap_norms": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "_get_cmap_norms" + ] + ] + ], + "_colorbar_extension_shape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "_colorbar_extension_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "_colorbar_extension_length": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "_colorbar_extension_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_extension_shape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_extension_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_extension_length": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_extension_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_extension_inverted_axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_extension_inverted_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_positioning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_positioning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_single_ax_panchor_false": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_single_ax_panchor_false" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_single_ax_panchor_east": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_single_ax_panchor_east" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gridspec_make_colorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_gridspec_make_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_single_scatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_single_scatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_from_figure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_remove_from_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_from_figure_cl": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_remove_from_figure_cl" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbarbase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbarbase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parentless_mappable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_parentless_mappable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_closed_patch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_closed_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_minorticks_on_off": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_minorticks_on_off" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cbar_minorticks_for_rc_xyminortickvisible": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_cbar_minorticks_for_rc_xyminortickvisible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_autoticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_autoticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_autotickslog": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_autotickslog" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_get_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_get_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_lognorm_extension": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_lognorm_extension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_powernorm_extension": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_powernorm_extension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_axes_kw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_axes_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_log_minortick_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_log_minortick_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_renorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_renorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_format": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_scale_reset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_scale_reset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_get_ticks_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_get_ticks_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_inverted_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_inverted_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mappable_no_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_mappable_no_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mappable_2d_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_mappable_2d_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keeping_xlabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_keeping_xlabel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_int": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_anchored_cbar_position_using_specgrid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_anchored_cbar_position_using_specgrid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_change_lim_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_change_lim_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_handles_same_functions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_axes_handles_same_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_colorbar_layout": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_inset_colorbar_layout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twoslope_colorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_twoslope_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_cb_whose_mappable_has_no_figure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_remove_cb_whose_mappable_has_no_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aspects": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_aspects" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_aspects" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proportional_colorbars": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_proportional_colorbars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_extend_drawedges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_extend_drawedges" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_contourf_extend_patches": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_contourf_extend_patches" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_boundarynorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_negative_boundarynorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_centerednorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_centerednorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_nonorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundaries": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_boundaries" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_no_warning_rcparams_grid_true": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_no_warning_rcparams_grid_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_set_formatter_locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_set_formatter_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_extend_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_extend_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offset_text_loc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_offset_text_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_title_text_loc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_title_text_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_passing_location": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_passing_location" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_errors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_axes_parmeters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colorbar.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_axes_parmeters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_lookup_table": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_create_lookup_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_dtype": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_index_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resampled": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_resampled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register_cmap": [ + [ + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_colormap_return_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_BoundaryNorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_BoundaryNorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CenteredNorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_CenteredNorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lognorm_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_lognorm_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_LogNorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_LogNorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_LogNorm_inverse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_LogNorm_inverse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PowerNorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_PowerNorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PowerNorm_translation_invariance": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_PowerNorm_translation_invariance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Normalize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_Normalize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_FuncNorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_FuncNorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_autoscale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_autoscale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_autoscale_None_vmin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_autoscale_None_vmin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_autoscale_None_vmax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_autoscale_None_vmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_scaleout_center": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_scaleout_center" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_scaleout_center_max": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_scaleout_center_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_Even": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_Even" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_Odd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_Odd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_VminEqualsVcenter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_VminEqualsVcenter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_VmaxEqualsVcenter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_VmaxEqualsVcenter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_VminGTVcenter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_VminGTVcenter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_TwoSlopeNorm_VminGTVmax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_TwoSlopeNorm_VminGTVmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_VcenterGTVmax": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_VcenterGTVmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_premature_scaling": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_TwoSlopeNorm_premature_scaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_SymLogNorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_SymLogNorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_SymLogNorm_colorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_SymLogNorm_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_SymLogNorm_single_zero": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_SymLogNorm_single_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "TestAsinhNorm", + "test_init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale", + "test_init" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_norm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "TestAsinhNorm", + "test_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "_inverse_tester": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "_inverse_tester" + ] + ] + ], + "_scalar_tester": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "_scalar_tester" + ] + ] + ], + "_mask_tester": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "_mask_tester" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmap_and_norm_from_levels_and_colors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_cmap_and_norm_from_levels_and_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boundarynorm_and_colorbarbase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_boundarynorm_and_colorbarbase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmap_and_norm_from_levels_and_colors2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_cmap_and_norm_from_levels_and_colors2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rgb_hsv_round_trip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_rgb_hsv_round_trip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscale_masked": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_autoscale_masked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_light_source_topo_surface": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_light_source_topo_surface" + ] + ] 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"test_conversions_masked": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_conversions_masked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_rgba_array_single_str": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_to_rgba_array_single_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_rgba_array_alpha_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_to_rgba_array_alpha_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_failed_conversions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_failed_conversions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grey_gray": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_grey_gray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tableau_order": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_tableau_order" + ] + ] + ], + "__isub__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_ndarray_subclass_norm", + "MyArray", + "__isub__" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ndarray_subclass_norm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_ndarray_subclass_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_same_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_same_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hex_shorthand_notation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_hex_shorthand_notation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_png": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_repr_png" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_html": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_repr_html" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_under_over_bad": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_get_under_over_bad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_mutable_get_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_non_mutable_get_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colormap_alpha_array": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_colormap_alpha_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colormap_bad_data_with_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_colormap_bad_data_with_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_to_rgba": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_2d_to_rgba" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_dict_to_rgba": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_set_dict_to_rgba" + ] + ] + ], + "test_norm_deepcopy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_norm_deepcopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_norm_callback": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_norm_callback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scalarmappable_norm_update": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_scalarmappable_norm_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_norm_update_figs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_norm_update_figs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_norm_from_scale_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_make_norm_from_scale_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_color_sequences": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_color_sequences" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cm_set_cmap_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_colors.py", + [ + "test_cm_set_cmap_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_comparison_expect_rms": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_compare_images.py", + [ + "test_image_comparison_expect_rms" + ] + ] + ], + "example_pcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "example_pcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constrained_layout1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_constrained_layout1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constrained_layout2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_constrained_layout2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constrained_layout3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_constrained_layout3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constrained_layout4": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_constrained_layout4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constrained_layout5": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_constrained_layout5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constrained_layout6": [ 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"test_hidden_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_align": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_align" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbars_no_overlapV": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_colorbars_no_overlapV" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbars_no_overlapH": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_colorbars_no_overlapH" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manually_set_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_manually_set_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bboxtight": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_bboxtight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_align_labels" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_align_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_suplabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_suplabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gridspec_addressing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_gridspec_addressing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_discouraged_api": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_discouraged_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_rect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressed1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_compressed1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_constrained_layout": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_set_constrained_layout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constrained_toggle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_constrainedlayout.py", + [ + "test_constrained_toggle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stem_remove": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_container.py", + [ + "test_stem_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar_remove": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_container.py", + [ + "test_errorbar_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_shape_1d_valid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_shape_1d_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_shape_2d_valid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_shape_2d_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_shape_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_shape_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_no_valid_levels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_no_valid_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_Nlevels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_Nlevels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_manual_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_manual_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_given_colors_levels_and_extends": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_given_colors_levels_and_extends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_locator_levels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_log_locator_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_datetime_axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_datetime_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_corner_mask": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_corner_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contourf_decreasing_levels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contourf_decreasing_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contourf_symmetric_locator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contourf_symmetric_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_circular_contour_warning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_circular_contour_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clabel_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_clabel_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contourf_log_extension": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contourf_log_extension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_addlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_addlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_uneven": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_uneven" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_linewidth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_linewidth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_nonagg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_label_nonagg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_closed_line_loop": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_closed_line_loop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quadcontourset_reuse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_quadcontourset_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_manual": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_manual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_line_start_on_corner_edge": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_line_start_on_corner_edge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find_nearest_contour": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_find_nearest_contour" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find_nearest_contour_no_filled": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_find_nearest_contour_no_filled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_autolabel_beyond_powerlimits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_autolabel_beyond_powerlimits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contourf_legend_elements": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contourf_legend_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_legend3d.py", + [ + "test_contourf_legend_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_legend_elements": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_legend_elements" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_legend3d.py", + [ + "test_contour_legend_elements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_algorithm_name": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_algorithm_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_algorithm_supports_corner_mask": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_algorithm_supports_corner_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_algorithms": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_all_algorithms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_clabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_clabel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linestyles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_linestyles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_linestyles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_negative_linestyles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_remove": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_remove" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_no_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_contour_no_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bool_autolevel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_bool_autolevel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_nan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_contour.py", + [ + "test_all_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorcycle_basic": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cycles.py", + [ + "test_colorcycle_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_cycle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cycles.py", + [ + "test_marker_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_cycle_kwargs_arrays_iterators": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cycles.py", + [ + "test_marker_cycle_kwargs_arrays_iterators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linestylecycle_basic": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cycles.py", + [ + "test_linestylecycle_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fillcycle_basic": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cycles.py", + [ + "test_fillcycle_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fillcycle_ignore": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_cycles.py", + [ + 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"test_concise_converter_stays" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offset_changes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_offset_changes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concise_formatter_usetex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_concise_formatter_usetex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concise_formatter_formats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_concise_formatter_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concise_formatter_zformats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_concise_formatter_zformats" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concise_formatter_tz": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_concise_formatter_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_date_locator_intmult_tz": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_auto_date_locator_intmult_tz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_inverted_limit": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_date_inverted_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_date2num_dst": [ + [ + 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"test_DayLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tz_utc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_tz_utc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num2timedelta": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_num2timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime64_in_list": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_datetime64_in_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_epoch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_change_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warn_notintervals": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_warn_notintervals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_converter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_change_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_change_interval_multiples": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_change_interval_multiples" + ] + ] + ], + "test_julian2num": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_julian2num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_DateLocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_DateLocator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datestr2num": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_datestr2num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concise_formatter_exceptions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_concise_formatter_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concise_formatter_call": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_concise_formatter_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_ticker_factory": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_date_ticker_factory" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_masked": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_datetime_masked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num2date_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_num2date_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num2date_roundoff": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_num2date_roundoff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_DateFormatter_settz": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dates.py", + [ + "test_DateFormatter_settz" + ] + ] + ], + "_save_figure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_determinism.py", + [ + "_save_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_determinism_check": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_determinism.py", + [ + "test_determinism_check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_determinism_source_date_epoch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_determinism.py", + [ + "test_determinism_source_date_epoch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sphinx_gallery_example_header": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_doc.py", + [ + "test_sphinx_gallery_example_header" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PsfontsMap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dviread.py", + [ + "test_PsfontsMap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dviread": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_dviread.py", + [ + "test_dviread" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_labels_stray_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_align_labels_stray_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_figure_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_figure_label" + ] + ] + 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"test_invalid_figure_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_invalid_figure_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_figure_add_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_invalid_figure_add_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplots_shareax_loglabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subplots_shareax_loglabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_savefig": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_savefig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_savefig_warns": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_savefig_warns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_savefig_backend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_savefig_backend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_savefig_pixel_ratio": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_savefig_pixel_ratio" + ] + ] + ], + "test_savefig_preserve_layout_engine": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_savefig_preserve_layout_engine" + ] + ] + ], + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestMaxNLocator", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLinearLocator", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestMultipleLocator", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAutoMinorLocator", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogLocator", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatterExponent", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatterSciNotation", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestFormatStrFormatter", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestStrMethodFormatter", + "test_basic" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestPercentFormatter", + "test_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_nested": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_all_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_tuple": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_nested_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_width_ratios": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_nested_width_ratios" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_height_ratios": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_nested_height_ratios" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_empty" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail_list_of_str": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_fail_list_of_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_kw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_subplot_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_per_subplot_kw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_per_subplot_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_parser": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_string_parser" + ] + ] + ], + "test_per_subplot_kw_expander": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_per_subplot_kw_expander" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_per_subplot_kw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_extra_per_subplot_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_str_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_single_str_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fail": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hashable_keys": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_hashable_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_user_order": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_user_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_user_order": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_nested_user_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_share_all": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "TestSubplotMosaic", + "test_share_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reused_gridspec": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_reused_gridspec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_tightbbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_tightbbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_dpi": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_dpi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_ss": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_ss" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_double": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_double" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_spanning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_spanning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_scatter_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_scatter_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_pdf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_pdf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_subplot_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_add_subplot_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_axes_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + 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+ [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_unpickle_with_device_pixel_ratio" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gridspec_no_mutate_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_figure.py", + [ + "test_gridspec_no_mutate_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_font_priority": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_font_manager.py", + [ + "test_font_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_score_weight": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_font_manager.py", + [ + "test_score_weight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_json_serialization": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_font_manager.py", + [ + "test_json_serialization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_otf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_font_manager.py", + [ + "test_otf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_fontconfig_fonts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_font_manager.py", + [ + "test_get_fontconfig_fonts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hinting_factor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_font_manager.py", + [ + "test_hinting_factor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utf16m_sfnt": [ + [ + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imsave_pil_kwargs_tiff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_cursor_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_cursor_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_format_cursor_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_clip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_cliprect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_cliprect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_10_10_1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_10_10_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_10_10_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_10_10_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_10_10_5": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_10_10_5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_interpolation_origin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_no_interpolation_origin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_shift": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_shift" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_edges": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_composite_background": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_composite_background" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_composite_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_composite_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clip_path_disables_compositing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_clip_path_disables_compositing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rasterize_dpi": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_rasterize_dpi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bbox_image_inverted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_bbox_image_inverted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_window_extent_for_AxisImage": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_get_window_extent_for_AxisImage" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zoom_and_clip_upper_origin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_zoom_and_clip_upper_origin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonuniformimage_setcmap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_nonuniformimage_setcmap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonuniformimage_setnorm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_nonuniformimage_setnorm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jpeg_2d": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_jpeg_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jpeg_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_jpeg_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axesimage_setdata": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_axesimage_setdata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_figureimage_setdata": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_figureimage_setdata" + ] + ] + ], + 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[ + "test_mask_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mask_image_all": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_mask_image_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_endianess": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_endianess" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_masked_interpolation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_masked_interpolation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_no_warn_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_no_warn_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_clips_rgb_to_valid_range": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_clips_rgb_to_valid_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_flatfield": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_flatfield" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_bignumbers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_imshow_bignumbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_bignumbers_real": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + 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"test_image_cursor_formatting": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_cursor_formatting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_array_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_array_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_array_alpha_validation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_image_array_alpha_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_vmin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_exact_vmin" + ] + ] + ], + "__array_finalize__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "QuantityND", + "__array_finalize__" + ] + ] + ], + "__array_ufunc__": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "QuantityND", + "__array_ufunc__" + ] + ] + ], + "v": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "QuantityND", + "v" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quantitynd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_image.py", + [ + "test_quantitynd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_quantitynd": [ + [ + 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[ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_ordereddict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_auto1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_auto1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_auto2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_auto2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_auto3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_auto3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_auto4": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_auto4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_auto5": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_auto5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_various_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_various_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_label_with_leading_underscore": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_label_with_leading_underscore" + ] + ] + ], + "test_labels_first": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + 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[ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_reverse_legend_handles_and_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reverse_legend_display": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_reverse_legend_display" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_no_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "TestLegendFunction", + "test_legend_no_args" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "TestLegendFigureFunction", + "test_legend_no_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_positional_handles_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "TestLegendFunction", + "test_legend_positional_handles_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_positional_handles_only": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "TestLegendFunction", + "test_legend_positional_handles_only" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_positional_labels_only": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "TestLegendFunction", + "test_legend_positional_labels_only" + ] + ] + ], + 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"test_get_set_draggable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_draggable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_draggable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alpha_handles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_alpha_handles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usetex_no_warn": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_usetex_no_warn" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warn_big_data_best_loc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_warn_big_data_best_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_warn_big_data_when_loc_specified": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_no_warn_big_data_when_loc_specified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_multiple_input_multiple_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_plot_multiple_input_multiple_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_multiple_input_single_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_plot_multiple_input_single_label" + ] + ] + ], + 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+ [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_legend_markers_from_line2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ncol_ncols": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_legend.py", + [ + "test_ncol_ncols" + ] + ] + ], + "test_segment_hits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_segment_hits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invisible_Line_rendering": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_invisible_Line_rendering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_line_coll_dash": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_set_line_coll_dash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_line_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_invalid_line_data" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_invalid_line_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_dashes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_line_dashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_colors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_line_colors" + ] + ] + ], + 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"test_set_line_coll_dash_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_fill_styles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_marker_fill_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markerfacecolor_fillstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_markerfacecolor_fillstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lw_scaling": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_lw_scaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nan_is_sorted": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_nan_is_sorted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_step_markers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_step_markers" + ] + ] + ], + "add_test": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_markevery", + "if_parent_figure_", + "add_test" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_markevery", + "if_parent_figure_", + "elif_parent_axes_", + "add_test" + ] + ] + ], + "add_ref": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_markevery", + "if_parent_figure_", + "add_ref" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_markevery", + "if_parent_figure_", + "elif_parent_axes_", + "add_ref" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery_figure_line_unsupported_relsize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_markevery_figure_line_unsupported_relsize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_odd_dashes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_odd_dashes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_input_copy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_input_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markevery_prop_cycle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_lines.py", + [ + "test_markevery_prop_cycle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_fillstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_marker_fillstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_markers_valid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_markers_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecated_marker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_deprecated_marker" + ] + ] + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_marker_init_captyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_transformed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_marker_transformed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_rotated_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_marker_rotated_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_rotated": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_marker_rotated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_scaled": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_marker_scaled" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alt_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_marker.py", + [ + "test_alt_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "baseline_images": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "baseline_images" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_rendering": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathtext_rendering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_rendering_svgastext": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathtext_rendering_svgastext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_rendering_lightweight": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathtext_rendering_lightweight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathfont_rendering": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathfont_rendering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_short_long_accents": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_short_long_accents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fontinfo": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_fontinfo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_exceptions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathtext_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_unicode_index_exception": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_get_unicode_index_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_minus_sign": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_single_minus_sign" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spaces": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_spaces" + ] + ] + ], + "test_operator_space": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_operator_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inverted_delimiters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_inverted_delimiters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_genfrac_displaystyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_genfrac_displaystyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_fallback_valid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathtext_fallback_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_fallback_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathtext_fallback_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_fallback": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathtext_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_math_to_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_math_to_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_math_fontfamily": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_math_fontfamily" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_math_fontfamily": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_default_math_fontfamily" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argument_order": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_argument_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_cmr10_minus_sign": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mathtext.py", + [ + "test_mathtext_cmr10_minus_sign" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_to_version_info": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_matplotlib.py", + [ + "test_parse_to_version_info" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tmpconfigdir_warning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_matplotlib.py", + [ + "test_tmpconfigdir_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_importable_with_no_home": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_matplotlib.py", + [ + "test_importable_with_no_home" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_doc_standard_backends": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_matplotlib.py", + [ + "test_use_doc_standard_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_importable_with__OO": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_matplotlib.py", + [ + "test_importable_with__OO" + ] + ] + ], + "get_base": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestStride", + "get_base" + ] + ] + ], + "stride_is_deprecated": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestStride", + "stride_is_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "calc_window_target": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestStride", + "calc_window_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stride_windows_invalid_input_shape": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestStride", + "test_stride_windows_invalid_input_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stride_windows_invalid_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestStride", + "test_stride_windows_invalid_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stride_windows": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestStride", + "test_stride_windows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stride_windows_n32_noverlap0_unflatten": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestStride", + "test_stride_windows_n32_noverlap0_unflatten" + ] + ] + ], + "test_window": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "test_window" + ] + ] + ], + "allclose": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "allclose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_mean": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_mean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_mean_1d_base_slope_off_list_andor_axis0": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_mean_1d_base_slope_off_list_andor_axis0" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_mean_2d": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_mean_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_ValueError": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_ValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_mean_ValueError": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_mean_ValueError" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_linear": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_linear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_str_linear_1d": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_str_linear_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_detrend_linear_2d": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestDetrend", + "test_detrend_linear_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "stim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "stim" + ] + ] + ], + "check_freqs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "check_freqs" + ] + ] + ], + "check_maxfreq": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "check_maxfreq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spectral_helper_raises": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_spectral_helper_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_spectrum_helper_unsupported_modes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_single_spectrum_helper_unsupported_modes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spectral_helper_psd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_spectral_helper_psd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_csd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_csd_padding": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_csd_padding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_detrend": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd_detrend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_window_hanning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd_window_hanning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_window_hanning_detrend_linear": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd_window_hanning_detrend_linear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_window_flattop": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd_window_flattop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_windowarray": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd_windowarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_windowarray_scale_by_freq": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd_windowarray_scale_by_freq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram_warn_only1seg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_specgram_warn_only1seg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_csd_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd_csd_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram_auto_default_psd_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_specgram_auto_default_psd_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_specgram_complex_equivalent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_specgram_complex_equivalent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_windowarray_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestSpectral", + "test_psd_windowarray_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cohere": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "test_cohere" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kde_integer_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDE", + "test_kde_integer_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gaussian_kde_covariance_caching": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDE", + "test_gaussian_kde_covariance_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kde_bandwidth_method": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDE", + "test_kde_bandwidth_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_no_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_dataset_element": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_single_dataset_element" + ] + ] + ], + "test_silverman_multidim_dataset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_silverman_multidim_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_silverman_singledim_dataset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_silverman_singledim_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scott_multidim_dataset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_scott_multidim_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scott_singledim_dataset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_scott_singledim_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scalar_empty_dataset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_scalar_empty_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scalar_covariance_dataset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_scalar_covariance_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "callable_fun": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_callable_covariance_dataset", + "callable_fun" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_covariance_dataset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_callable_covariance_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_callable_singledim_dataset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_callable_singledim_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_bw_method": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDECustom", + "test_wrong_bw_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_evaluate_diff_dim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDEEvaluate", + "test_evaluate_diff_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_evaluate_inv_dim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDEEvaluate", + "test_evaluate_inv_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_evaluate_dim_and_num": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDEEvaluate", + "test_evaluate_dim_and_num" + ] + ] + ], + "test_evaluate_point_dim_not_one": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDEEvaluate", + "test_evaluate_point_dim_not_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_evaluate_equal_dim_and_num_lt": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "TestGaussianKDEEvaluate", + "test_evaluate_equal_dim_and_num_lt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_onesided_norm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "test_psd_onesided_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_psd_oversampling": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_mlab.py", + [ + "test_psd_oversampling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offsetbox_clipping": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_offsetbox_clipping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offsetbox_clip_children": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_offsetbox_clip_children" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offsetbox_loc_codes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_offsetbox_loc_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_with_tight_layout": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_expand_with_tight_layout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_packed_offsets": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_get_packed_offsets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_packed_offsets_fixed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_get_packed_offsets_fixed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_packed_offsets_expand": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_get_packed_offsets_expand" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_packed_offsets_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_get_packed_offsets_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_packed_offsets_equal_total_none_sep_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_get_packed_offsets_equal_total_none_sep_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_anchoredtext_horizontal_alignment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_anchoredtext_horizontal_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotationbbox_extents": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_annotationbbox_extents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_zorder" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_table.py", + [ + "test_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arrowprops_copied": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_arrowprops_copied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_packers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_packers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paddedbox_default_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_paddedbox_default_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotationbbox_properties": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_annotationbbox_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textarea_properties": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_textarea_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_textarea_set_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_textarea_set_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_paddedbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_offsetbox.py", + [ + "test_paddedbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Polygon_close": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_Polygon_close" + ] + ] + ], + "test_corner_center": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_corner_center" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_rect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_rotate_rect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotate_rect_draw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_rotate_rect_draw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dash_offset_patch_draw": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_dash_offset_patch_draw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_negative_rect": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_negative_rect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clip_to_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_clip_to_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_alpha_override": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_patch_alpha_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_color_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_patch_color_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_custom_linestyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_patch_custom_linestyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_linestyle_accents": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_patch_linestyle_accents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_linestyle_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_patch_linestyle_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wedge_movement": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_wedge_movement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wedge_range": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_wedge_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_str": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_patch_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_color_hatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_multi_color_hatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_units_rectangle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_units_rectangle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_patch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_connection_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_connection_patch_fig": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_connection_patch_fig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_rectangle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_datetime_rectangle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_datetime_fails": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_datetime_datetime_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_contains_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_contains_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shadow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_shadow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fancyarrow_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_fancyarrow_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fancyarrow_setdata": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_fancyarrow_setdata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_arc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_large_arc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rotated_arcs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_rotated_arcs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fancyarrow_shape_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_fancyarrow_shape_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_boxstyle_errors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_boxstyle_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annulus": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_annulus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annulus_setters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_annulus_setters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annulus_setters2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_annulus_setters2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_degenerate_polygon": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_degenerate_polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_color_override_warning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_color_override_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_verts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_empty_verts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_antialiased": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_default_antialiased" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_linestyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_default_linestyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_capstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_default_capstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_joinstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_default_joinstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscale_arc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_autoscale_arc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arc_in_collection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_arc_in_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modifying_arc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patches.py", + [ + "test_modifying_arc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_closed_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_empty_closed_path" + ] + ] + ], + "modify_vertices": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_readonly_path", + "modify_vertices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_readonly_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_readonly_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_exceptions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_path_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_point_in_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_point_in_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_points_negative_radius": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_contains_points_negative_radius" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exact_extents": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_exact_extents" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extents_with_ignored_codes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_extents_with_ignored_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_point_in_path_nan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_point_in_path_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonlinear_containment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_nonlinear_containment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arrow_contains_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_arrow_contains_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_clipping": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_path_clipping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_transform_with_zero": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_log_transform_with_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_compound_path_empty": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_make_compound_path_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_compound_path_stops": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_make_compound_path_stops" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xkcd": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_xkcd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xkcd_marker": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_xkcd_marker" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_paths_pdf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_marker_paths_pdf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nan_isolated_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_nan_isolated_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_no_doubled_point_in_to_polygon": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_path_no_doubled_point_in_to_polygon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_to_polygons": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_path_to_polygons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_deepcopy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_path_deepcopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_shallowcopy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_path_shallowcopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_path_intersect_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_path_intersect_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_full_arc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_full_arc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disjoint_zero_length_segment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_disjoint_zero_length_segment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_intersect_zero_length_segment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_intersect_zero_length_segment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cleanup_closepoly": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_path.py", + [ + "test_cleanup_closepoly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patheffect1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_patheffect1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patheffect2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_patheffect2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patheffect3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_patheffect3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patheffects_stroked_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_patheffects_stroked_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_PathEffect_points_to_pixels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_PathEffect_points_to_pixels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_SimplePatchShadow_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_SimplePatchShadow_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_collection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tickedstroke": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_tickedstroke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patheffects_spaces_and_newlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_patheffects.py", + [ + "test_patheffects_spaces_and_newlines" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_complete_test_figure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "_generate_complete_test_figure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complete": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "_pickle_load_subprocess": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "_pickle_load_subprocess" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_load_from_subprocess": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_pickle_load_from_subprocess" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gcf": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_gcf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_pyplot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_no_pyplot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_renderer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_renderer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_polar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_shared" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_shared" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_and_secondary": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_inset_and_secondary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unpickle_canvas": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_unpickle_canvas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mpl_toolkits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_mpl_toolkits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_standard_norm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_standard_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dynamic_norm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_dynamic_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vertexselector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pickle.py", + [ + "test_vertexselector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pngsuite": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_png.py", + [ + "test_pngsuite" + ] + ] + ], + "test_truncated_file": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_png.py", + [ + "test_truncated_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_truncated_buffer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_png.py", + [ + "test_truncated_buffer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_annotations": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_annotations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_coord_annotations": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_coord_annotations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_alignment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_twice": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_wrap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_units_1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_units_1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_units_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_units_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_rmin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_rmin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_negative_rmin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_negative_rmin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_rorigin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_rorigin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_invertedylim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_invertedylim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_invertedylim_rorigin": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_invertedylim_rorigin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_theta_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_theta_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_rlabel_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_rlabel_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_theta_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_theta_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_rlim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_rlim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_rlim_bottom": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_rlim_bottom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_rlim_zero": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_rlim_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_no_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_no_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_default_log_lims": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_default_log_lims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_not_datalim_adjustable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_not_datalim_adjustable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_gridlines": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_gridlines" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_tightbbox_polar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_get_tightbbox_polar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_interpolation_steps_constant_r": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_interpolation_steps_constant_r" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thetalim_valid_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_thetalim_valid_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thetalim_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_thetalim_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_thetalocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_default_thetalocator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axvspan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_axvspan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_shared_polar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_remove_shared_polar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_polar_keeps_ticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_shared_polar_keeps_ticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axvline_axvspan_do_not_modify_rlims": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_axvline_axvspan_do_not_modify_rlims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_precision": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_cursor_precision" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_cursor_precision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_log": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_polar.py", + [ + "test_polar_log" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_func": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "plot_func" + ] + ] + ], + "func_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_compiletime_checks", + "func_args" + ] + ] + ], + "func_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_compiletime_checks", + "func_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "func_no_ax_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_compiletime_checks", + "func_no_ax_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compiletime_checks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_compiletime_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_call_without_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_function_call_without_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_call_with_dict_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_function_call_with_dict_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_call_with_dict_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_function_call_with_dict_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_call_with_dict_data_not_in_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_function_call_with_dict_data_not_in_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_call_with_pandas_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_function_call_with_pandas_data" + ] + ] + ], + "func_replace_all": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_function_call_replace_all", + "func_replace_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_call_replace_all": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_function_call_replace_all" + ] + ] + ], + "func_no_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_no_label_replacements", + "func_no_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_label_replacements": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_no_label_replacements" + ] + ] + ], + "test_more_args_than_pos_parameter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_more_args_than_pos_parameter" + ] + ] + ], + "funcy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_docstring_addition", + "funcy" + ] + ] + ], + "funcy_1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_docstring_addition", + "funcy_1" + ] + ] + ], + "funcy_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_docstring_addition", + "funcy_2" + ] + ] + ], + "funcy_3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_docstring_addition", + "funcy_3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_docstring_addition": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_docstring_addition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_parameter_replacement": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "test_data_parameter_replacement" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_unpack": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "TestPlotTypes", + "test_dict_unpack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_kwarg": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_preprocess_data.py", + [ + "TestPlotTypes", + "test_data_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pyplot_up_to_date": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_pyplot_up_to_date" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapper_func": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_copy_docstring_and_deprecators", + "wrapper_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_docstring_and_deprecators": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_copy_docstring_and_deprecators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pyplot_box": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_pyplot_box" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stackplot_smoke": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_stackplot_smoke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nrows_error": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_nrows_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ioff": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_ioff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ion": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_ion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_ion_ioff": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_nested_ion_ioff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_close": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_close" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_reuse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_subplot_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_axes_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_replace_projection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_subplot_replace_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_kwarg_collision": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_subplot_kwarg_collision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_projection_reuse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_subplot_projection_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_polar_normalization": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_subplot_polar_normalization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_change_projection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_subplot_change_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_second_call": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_polar_second_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fallback_position": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_fallback_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_current_figure_via_subfigure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_set_current_figure_via_subfigure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_current_axes_on_subfigure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_set_current_axes_on_subfigure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pylab_integration": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_pylab_integration" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_documented_functions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_doc_pyplot_summary", + "extract_documented_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_doc_pyplot_summary": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_doc_pyplot_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minor_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_minor_ticks" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_minor_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_switch_backend_no_close": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_switch_backend_no_close" + ] + ] + ], + "figure_hook_example": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "figure_hook_example" + ] + ] + ], + "test_figure_hook": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_pyplot.py", + [ + "test_figure_hook" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_quiver": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "draw_quiver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_memory_leak": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_memory_leak" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_key_memory_leak": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_key_memory_leak" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_number_of_args": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_number_of_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_arg_sizes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_arg_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_warnings": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_no_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_headlength": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_zero_headlength" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_animate": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_animate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_with_key": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_with_key" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_single": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_copy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_key_pivot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_key_pivot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_key_xy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_key_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barbs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_barbs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barbs_pivot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_barbs_pivot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barbs_flip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_barbs_flip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_barb_copy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_barb_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_masked_sizes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_bad_masked_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_angles_and_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_angles_and_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_xy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiverkey_angles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiverkey_angles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver_setuvc_numbers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_quiver.py", + [ + "test_quiver_setuvc_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_RcParams_class": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_RcParams_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rcparams_update": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_rcparams_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rcparams_init": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_rcparams_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Bug_2543": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_Bug_2543" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_colors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_legend_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mfc_rcparams": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_mfc_rcparams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mec_rcparams": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_mec_rcparams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_titlecolor_rcparams": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_axes_titlecolor_rcparams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Issue_1713": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_Issue_1713" + ] + ] + ], + "test_animation_frame_formats": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_animation_frame_formats" + ] + ] + ], + "generate_validator_testcases": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "generate_validator_testcases" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validator_valid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_validator_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validator_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_validator_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_fontweight": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_validate_fontweight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_fontstretch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_validate_fontstretch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keymaps": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_keymaps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_backend_reset_rccontext": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_no_backend_reset_rccontext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rcparams_reset_after_fail": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_rcparams_reset_after_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_fallback_headless": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_backend_fallback_headless" + ] + ] + ], + "test_backend_fallback_headful": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_backend_fallback_headful" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_deprecation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rcparams_legend_loc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_rcparams.py", + [ + "test_rcparams_legend_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sankey": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sankey.py", + [ + "test_sankey" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sankey.py", + [ + "test_label" + ] + ] + ], + "show_three_decimal_places": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sankey.py", + [ + "test_format_using_callable", + "show_three_decimal_places" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_using_callable": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sankey.py", + [ + "test_format_using_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sankey_errors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sankey.py", + [ + "test_sankey_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sankey_add_errors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sankey.py", + [ + "test_sankey_add_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sankey2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sankey.py", + [ + "test_sankey2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sankey3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sankey.py", + [ + "test_sankey3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_symlog_mask_nan": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_symlog_mask_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_symlog_linthresh": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_symlog_linthresh" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logit_scales": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_logit_scales" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_scatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_log_scatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logscale_subs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_logscale_subs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logscale_mask": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_logscale_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extra_kwargs_raise": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_extra_kwargs_raise" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logscale_invert_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_logscale_invert_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logscale_transform_repr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_logscale_transform_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logscale_nonpos_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_logscale_nonpos_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_log_lims": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_invalid_log_lims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_function_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_function_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pass_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_pass_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scale_deepcopy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "test_scale_deepcopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transforms": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale", + "test_transforms" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_init": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale", + "test_base_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fmtloc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale", + "test_fmtloc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_scale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_scale.py", + [ + "TestAsinhScale", + "test_bad_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overflow": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_overflow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_diamond": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_diamond" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clipping_out_of_bounds": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_clipping_out_of_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_noise": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_noise" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_simplified": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_antiparallel_simplification", + "_get_simplified" + ] + ] + ], + "test_antiparallel_simplification": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_antiparallel_simplification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_angled_antiparallel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_angled_antiparallel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sine_plus_noise": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_sine_plus_noise" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simplify_curve": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_simplify_curve" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closed_path_nan_removal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_closed_path_nan_removal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closed_path_clipping": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_closed_path_clipping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hatch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_hatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fft_peaks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_fft_peaks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_start_with_moveto": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_start_with_moveto" + ] + ] + ], + "test_throw_rendering_complexity_exceeded": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_throw_rendering_complexity_exceeded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clipper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_clipper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_para_equal_perp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_para_equal_perp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clipping_with_nans": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_clipping_with_nans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clipping_full": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_simplification.py", + [ + "test_clipping_full" + ] + ] + ], + "test_skew_rectangle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_skew.py", + [ + "test_skew_rectangle" + ] + ] + ], + "build_sphinx_html": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sphinxext.py", + [ + "build_sphinx_html" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_file": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sphinxext.py", + [ + "test_tinypages", + "plot_file" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_directive_file": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sphinxext.py", + [ + "test_tinypages", + "plot_directive_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tinypages": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sphinxext.py", + [ + "test_tinypages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_html_show_source_link": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sphinxext.py", + [ + "test_plot_html_show_source_link" + ] + ] + ], + "test_show_source_link_true": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sphinxext.py", + [ + "test_show_source_link_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_show_source_link_false": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_sphinxext.py", + [ + "test_show_source_link_false" + ] + ] + ], + "set_val": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_spine_class", + "SpineMock", + "set_val" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "Slider", + "set_val" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "RangeSlider", + "set_val" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/widgets.py", + [ + "TextBox", + "set_val" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spine_class": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_spine_class" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spines_axes_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_spines_axes_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spines_data_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_spines_data_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spine_nonlinear_data_positions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_spine_nonlinear_data_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spines_capstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_spines_capstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_without_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_label_without_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_spines_black_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_spines.py", + [ + "test_spines_black_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "velocity_field": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "velocity_field" + ] + ] + ], + "swirl_velocity_field": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "swirl_velocity_field" + ] + ] + ], + "test_startpoints": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_startpoints" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colormap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_colormap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linewidth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_linewidth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_masks_and_nans": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_masks_and_nans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maxlength": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_maxlength" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maxlength_no_broken": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_maxlength_no_broken" + ] + ] + ], + "test_direction": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_streamplot_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_streamplot_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_streamplot_grid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_streamplot_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_streamplot_inputs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_streamplot.py", + [ + "test_streamplot_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "temp_style": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "temp_style" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_rc_warning_includes_filename": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_invalid_rc_warning_includes_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_available": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_available" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_use" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_url": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_use_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_single_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_with_dict": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_context_with_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_with_dict_after_namedstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_context_with_dict_after_namedstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_with_dict_before_namedstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_context_with_dict_before_namedstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_with_union_of_dict_and_namedstyle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_context_with_union_of_dict_and_namedstyle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_context_with_badparam": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_context_with_badparam" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alias": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_alias" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xkcd_no_cm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_xkcd_no_cm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xkcd_cm": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_xkcd_cm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecated_seaborn_styles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_deprecated_seaborn_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_up_to_date_blacklist": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_up_to_date_blacklist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_style_from_module": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_style.py", + [ + "test_style_from_module" + ] + ] + ], + "check_shared": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "check_shared" + ] + ] + ], + "check_visible": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "check_visible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_outer_span": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_label_outer_span" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_outer_non_gridspec": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_label_outer_non_gridspec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shared_and_moved": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_shared_and_moved" + ] + ] + ], + "test_exceptions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_exceptions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplots_offsettext": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_subplots_offsettext" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplots_hide_ticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_subplots_hide_ticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplots_hide_axislabels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_subplots_hide_axislabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_gridspec": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_get_gridspec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dont_mutate_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_dont_mutate_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_width_and_height_ratios": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_width_and_height_ratios" + ] + ] + ], + "test_width_and_height_ratios_mosaic": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_width_and_height_ratios_mosaic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ratio_overlapping_kws": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_ratio_overlapping_kws" + ] + ] + ], + "test_old_subplot_compat": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_subplots.py", + [ + "test_old_subplot_compat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_square": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_table.py", + [ + "test_non_square" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_colours": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_table.py", + [ + "test_label_colours" + ] + ] + ], + "test_diff_cell_table": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_table.py", + [ + "test_diff_cell_table" + ] + ] + ], + "test_customcell": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_table.py", + [ + "test_customcell" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_column": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_table.py", + [ + "test_auto_column" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_cells": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_table.py", + [ + "test_table_cells" + ] + ] + ], + "test_table_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_table.py", + [ + "test_table_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warn_to_fail": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_testing.py", + [ + "test_warn_to_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parametrize_with_check_figure_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_testing.py", + [ + "test_parametrize_with_check_figure_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "should_fail": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_testing.py", + [ + "test_wrap_failure", + "with_pytest_raises_ValueE", + "should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrap_failure": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_testing.py", + [ + "test_wrap_failure" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_figures_equal_extra_fig": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_testing.py", + [ + "test_check_figures_equal_extra_fig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_figures_equal_closed_fig": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_testing.py", + [ + "test_check_figures_equal_closed_fig" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fontconfig_preamble": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_texmanager.py", + [ + "test_fontconfig_preamble" + ] + ] + ], + "test_font_selection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_texmanager.py", + [ + "test_font_selection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_characters": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_texmanager.py", + [ + "test_unicode_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_openin_any_paranoid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_texmanager.py", + [ + "test_openin_any_paranoid" + ] + ] + ], + "find_matplotlib_font": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_font_styles", + "find_matplotlib_font" + ] + ] + ], + "test_font_styles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_font_styles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_multiline" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_box": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_multiline2", + "draw_box" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiline2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_multiline2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_antialiasing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_antialiasing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_afm_kerning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_afm_kerning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_contains": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_annotation_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotate_errors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_annotate_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_titles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_titles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alignment": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_titles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_axes_titles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_index_at": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_char_index_at" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_default_dpi": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_non_default_dpi" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_rotation_string": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_get_rotation_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_rotation_float": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_get_rotation_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_rotation_int": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_get_rotation_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_rotation_raises": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_get_rotation_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_rotation_none": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_get_rotation_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_rotation_mod360": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_get_rotation_mod360" + ] + ] + ], + "test_null_rotation_with_rotation_mode": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_null_rotation_with_rotation_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bbox_clipping": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_bbox_clipping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_negative_ax_coords": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_annotation_negative_ax_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_negative_fig_coords": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_annotation_negative_fig_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_stale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_text_stale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_agg_text_clip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_agg_text_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_size_binding": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_text_size_binding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_font_scaling": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_font_scaling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_two_2line_texts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_two_2line_texts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validate_linespacing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_validate_linespacing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonfinite_pos": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_nonfinite_pos" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hinting_factor_backends": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_hinting_factor_backends" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usetex_is_copied": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_usetex_is_copied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_artist_usetex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_single_artist_usetex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_artist_usenotex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_single_artist_usenotex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_as_path_opacity": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_text_as_path_opacity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_as_text_opacity": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_text_as_text_opacity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_repr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_text_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_update": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_annotation_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_annotation_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_annotation_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_large_subscript_title": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_large_subscript_title" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_long_word_wrap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_long_word_wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrap_no_wrap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_wrap_no_wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_buffer_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_buffer_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fontproperties_kwarg_precedence": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_fontproperties_kwarg_precedence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_rotates_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_transform_rotates_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_mutate_input": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_update_mutate_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_rotation_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_invalid_rotation_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_invalid_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pdf_kerning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_pdf_kerning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsupported_script": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_unsupported_script" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_math": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_parse_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_math_rcparams": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_parse_math_rcparams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pdf_font42_kerning": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_pdf_font42_kerning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pdf_chars_beyond_bmp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_pdf_chars_beyond_bmp" + ] + ] + ], + "call": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_metrics_cache", + "call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_metrics_cache": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_text.py", + [ + "test_metrics_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_textpath.py", + [ + "test_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestMaxNLocator", + "test_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLinearLocator", + "test_set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestMultipleLocator", + "test_set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogLocator", + "test_set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestNullLocator", + "test_set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestFixedLocator", + "test_set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestIndexLocator", + "test_set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestSymmetricalLogLocator", + "test_set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_set_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestMultipleLocator", + "test_view_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_limits_round_numbers": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestMultipleLocator", + "test_view_limits_round_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_low_number_of_majorticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAutoMinorLocator", + "test_low_number_of_majorticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_using_all_default_major_steps": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAutoMinorLocator", + "test_using_all_default_major_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "test_number_of_minor_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAutoMinorLocator", + "test_number_of_minor_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_additional": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAutoMinorLocator", + "test_additional" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogLocator", + "test_polar_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_switch_to_autolocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogLocator", + "test_switch_to_autolocator" + ] + ] + ], + "isclose": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "_LogitHelper", + "isclose" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_almost_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "_LogitHelper", + "assert_almost_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_major": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitLocator", + "test_basic_major" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maxn_major": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitLocator", + "test_maxn_major" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nbins_major": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitLocator", + "test_nbins_major" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitLocator", + "test_minor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minor_attr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitLocator", + "test_minor_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonsingular_ok": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitLocator", + "test_nonsingular_ok" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonsingular_nok": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitLocator", + "test_nonsingular_nok" + ] + ] + ], + "test_linear_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_linear_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wide_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_wide_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_near_zero": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_near_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fallback": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_fallback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_symmetrizing": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_symmetrizing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_rounding": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestAsinhLocator", + "test_base_rounding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_minus": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_unicode_minus" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_unicode_minus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_offset_value": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_offset_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_use_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_useMathText": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_useMathText" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_use_offset_float": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_set_use_offset_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_locale": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_use_locale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scilimits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_scilimits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_data": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_format_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cursor_dummy_axis": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_cursor_dummy_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathtext_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_mathtext_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmr10_substitutions": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_cmr10_substitutions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_locs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestScalarFormatter", + "test_empty_locs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_blank": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatterExponent", + "test_blank" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_exponent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatterMathtext", + "test_min_exponent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pprint": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatter", + "test_pprint" + ] + ] + ], + "_sub_labels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatter", + "_sub_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sublabel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatter", + "test_sublabel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_LogFormatter_call": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatter", + "test_LogFormatter_call" + ] + ] + ], + "test_LogFormatter_call_tiny": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogFormatter", + "test_LogFormatter_call_tiny" + ] + ] + ], + "logit_deformatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "logit_deformatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_logit_deformater": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_logit_deformater" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_variablelength": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_variablelength" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minor_vs_major": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_minor_vs_major" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minor_number": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_minor_number" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_overline": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_use_overline" + ] + ] + ], + "test_one_half": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_one_half" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_data_short": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestLogitFormatter", + "test_format_data_short" + ] + ] + ], + "test_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestEngFormatter", + "test_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_engformatter_usetex_useMathText": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_engformatter_usetex_useMathText" + ] + ] + ], + "test_latex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "TestPercentFormatter", + "test_latex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_majformatter_type": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_majformatter_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minformatter_type": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_minformatter_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_majlocator_type": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_majlocator_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minlocator_type": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_minlocator_type" + ] + ] + ], + "minorticksubplot": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_minorticks_rc", + "minorticksubplot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minorticks_rc": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_minorticks_rc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remove_overlap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_remove_overlap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_locator_subs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_bad_locator_subs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_small_range_loglocator": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_small_range_loglocator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_NullFormatter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_NullFormatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_offset_string": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ticker.py", + [ + "test_set_offset_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout3": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout4": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout5": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout5" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout6": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout6" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout7": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout7" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout8": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout8" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout9": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout9" + ] + ] + ], + "test_outward_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_outward_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "add_offsetboxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "add_offsetboxes" + ] + ] + ], + "_subplots": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout_offsetboxes", + "_subplots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout_offsetboxes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout_offsetboxes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_layout": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_empty_layout" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verybig_decorators": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_verybig_decorators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_big_decorators_horizontal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_big_decorators_horizontal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_big_decorators_vertical": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_big_decorators_vertical" + ] + ] + ], + "test_badsubplotgrid": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_badsubplotgrid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collapsed": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_collapsed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_agg_renderer": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_non_agg_renderer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manual_colorbar": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_manual_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clipped_to_axes": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_clipped_to_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_pads": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_pads" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_kwargs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_toggle": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_tightlayout.py", + [ + "test_tight_toggle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_affine_caching": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_non_affine_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "_as_mpl_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_external_transform_api", + "ScaledBy", + "_as_mpl_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_external_transform_api": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_external_transform_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pre_transform_plotting": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_pre_transform_plotting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour_pre_transform_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_contour_pre_transform_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolor_pre_transform_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_pcolor_pre_transform_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pcolormesh_pre_transform_limits": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_pcolormesh_pre_transform_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Affine2D_from_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_Affine2D_from_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_affine_inverted_invalidated": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_affine_inverted_invalidated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_clipping_of_log": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_clipping_of_log" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_depth": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestBasicTransform", + "test_transform_depth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_left_to_right_iteration": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestBasicTransform", + "test_left_to_right_iteration" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_shortcuts": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestBasicTransform", + "test_transform_shortcuts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_branch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestBasicTransform", + "test_contains_branch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_affine_simplification": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestBasicTransform", + "test_affine_simplification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_extent_axes_coords": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestTransformPlotInterface", + "test_line_extent_axes_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_extent_data_coords": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestTransformPlotInterface", + "test_line_extent_data_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_extent_compound_coords1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestTransformPlotInterface", + "test_line_extent_compound_coords1" + ] + ] + 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"test_pathc_extents_affine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_extents_for_non_affine_transData": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "TestTransformPlotInterface", + "test_line_extents_for_non_affine_transData" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_bbox_eq": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "assert_bbox_eq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bbox_frozen_copies_minpos": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_bbox_frozen_copies_minpos" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bbox_intersection": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_bbox_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bbox_as_strings": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_bbox_as_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_str_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_single_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_transform_single_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_log_transform": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_log_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nan_overlap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_nan_overlap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transform_angles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_transform_angles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonsingular": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_nonsingular" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_arguments": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_invalid_arguments" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transformed_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_transformed_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transformed_patch_path": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_transformed_patch_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lockable_bbox": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_lockable_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transformwrapper": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_transformwrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scale_swapping": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_transforms.py", + [ + "test_scale_swapping" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_triangulation_params": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "TestTriangulationParams", + "test_extract_triangulation_params" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_triangulation_positional_mask": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_extract_triangulation_positional_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triangulation_init": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triangulation_init" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triangulation_set_mask": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triangulation_set_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delaunay": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_delaunay" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delaunay_duplicate_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_delaunay_duplicate_points" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delaunay_points_in_line": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_delaunay_points_in_line" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delaunay_insufficient_points": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_delaunay_insufficient_points" + ] + ] + ], + "tri_contains_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_delaunay_robust", + "tri_contains_point" + ] + ] + ], + "tris_contain_point": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_delaunay_robust", + "tris_contain_point" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delaunay_robust": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_delaunay_robust" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tripcolor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tripcolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tripcolor_color": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tripcolor_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tripcolor_clim": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tripcolor_clim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tripcolor_warnings": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tripcolor_warnings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_modify": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_no_modify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trifinder": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_trifinder" + ] + ] + ], + "quad": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterp", + "quad" + ] + ] + ], + "gradient_quad": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterp", + "gradient_quad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triinterp": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterp" + ] + ] + ], + "check_continuity": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterpcubic_C1_continuity", + "check_continuity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triinterpcubic_C1_continuity": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterpcubic_C1_continuity" + ] + ] + ], + "poisson_sparse_matrix": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterpcubic_cg_solver", + "poisson_sparse_matrix" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triinterpcubic_cg_solver": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterpcubic_cg_solver" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triinterpcubic_geom_weights": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterpcubic_geom_weights" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triinterp_colinear": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterp_colinear" + ] + ] + ], + "z": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterp_transformations", + "z" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tri_smooth_contouring", + "z" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triinterp_transformations": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triinterp_transformations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tri_smooth_contouring": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tri_smooth_contouring" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tri_smooth_gradient": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tri_smooth_gradient" + ] + ] + ], + "power": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tritools", + "power" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tritools": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tritools" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trirefine": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_trirefine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trirefine_masked": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_trirefine_masked" + ] + ] + ], + "meshgrid_triangles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "meshgrid_triangles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triplot_return": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triplot_return" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trirefiner_fortran_contiguous_triangles": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_trirefiner_fortran_contiguous_triangles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_qhull_triangle_orientation": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_qhull_triangle_orientation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trianalyzer_mismatched_indices": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_trianalyzer_mismatched_indices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tricontourf_decreasing_levels": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tricontourf_decreasing_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_internal_cpp_api": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_internal_cpp_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_qhull_large_offset": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_qhull_large_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tricontour_non_finite_z": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tricontour_non_finite_z" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tricontourset_reuse": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_tricontourset_reuse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triplot_with_ls": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triplot_with_ls" + ] + ] + ], + "test_triplot_label": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_triangulation.py", + [ + "test_triplot_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_truetype_conversion": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_ttconv.py", + [ + "test_truetype_conversion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Type1Font": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_type1font.py", + [ + "test_Type1Font" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Type1Font_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_type1font.py", + [ + "test_Type1Font_2" + ] + ] + ], + "bin_after": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_type1font.py", + [ + "test_tokenize", + "bin_after" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tokenize": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_type1font.py", + [ + "test_tokenize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tokenize_errors": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_type1font.py", + [ + "test_tokenize_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_overprecision": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_type1font.py", + [ + "test_overprecision" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encrypt_decrypt_roundtrip": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_type1font.py", + [ + "test_encrypt_decrypt_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "to": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "Quantity", + "to" + ] + ] + ], + "quantity_converter": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "quantity_converter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_numpy_facade": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "test_numpy_facade" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_masked_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "test_plot_masked_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_set_limits_with_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "test_empty_set_limits_with_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_jpl_bar_units": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "test_jpl_bar_units" + 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+ "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "test_empty_default_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_kernel": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_units.py", + [ + "test_plot_kernel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usetex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_usetex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mathdefault": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_mathdefault" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiline_eqnarray": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_multiline_eqnarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minus_no_descent": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_minus_no_descent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usetex_packages": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_usetex_packages" + ] + ] + ], + "test_latex_pkg_already_loaded": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_latex_pkg_already_loaded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_usetex_with_underscore": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_usetex.py", + [ + "test_usetex_with_underscore" + 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"lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "test_range_slider", + "handle_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_slider": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "test_range_slider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_range_slider_same_init_values": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "test_range_slider_same_init_values" + ] + ] + ], + "check_polygon_selector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "check_polygon_selector" + ] + ] + ], + "polygon_place_vertex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "polygon_place_vertex" + ] + ] + ], + "polygon_remove_vertex": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "polygon_remove_vertex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polygon_selector": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "test_polygon_selector" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polygon_selector_set_props_handle_props": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/tests/test_widgets.py", + [ + "test_polygon_selector_set_props_handle_props" + ] + ] + ], + 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[ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_bbox" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bbox_patch": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "get_bbox_patch" + ] + ] + ], + "update_bbox_position_size": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "update_bbox_position_size" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_clip_properties": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "_update_clip_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "get_wrap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "get_wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "set_wrap": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "set_wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_wrap_line_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "_get_wrap_line_width" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_dist_to_box": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "_get_dist_to_box" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_rendered_text_width": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + "_get_rendered_text_width" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_wrapped_text": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/text.py", + [ + "Text", + 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+ ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogLocator", + "set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogLocator", + "set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "AsinhLocator", + "set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogitLocator", + "set_params" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "LocatorBase", + "set_params" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_if_exceeds": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "Locator", + "raise_if_exceeds" + ] + ] + ], + "numticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LinearLocator", + "numticks" + ] + ] + ], + "numticks_1": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LinearLocator", + "numticks_1" + ] + ] + ], + "scale_range": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "scale_range" + ] + ] + ], + "closeto": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_Edge_integer", + "closeto" + ] + ] + ], + "le": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_Edge_integer", + "le" + ] + ] + ], + "ge": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_Edge_integer", + "ge" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_steps": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MaxNLocator", + "_validate_steps" + ] + ] + ], + "_staircase": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MaxNLocator", + "_staircase" + ] + ] + ], + "_raw_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "MaxNLocator", + "_raw_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "is_decade": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "is_decade" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_decade": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_is_decade" + ] + ] + ], + "_decade_less_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_decade_less_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "_decade_greater_equal": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_decade_greater_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "_decade_less": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_decade_less" + ] + ] + ], + "_decade_greater": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_decade_greater" + ] + ] + ], + "is_close_to_int": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "is_close_to_int" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_close_to_int": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "_is_close_to_int" + ] + ] + ], + "subs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogLocator", + "subs" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_subs": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogLocator", + "_set_subs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_log_range": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "SymmetricalLogLocator", + "tick_values", + "get_log_range" + ] + ] + ], + "minor": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogitLocator", + "minor" + ] + ] + ], + "minor_2": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogitLocator", + "minor_2" + ] + ] + ], + "ideal_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/ticker.py", + [ + "LogitLocator", + "tick_values", + "ideal_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "strrepr": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "_make_str_method", + "strrepr" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_str_method": [ + [ + "lib/matplotlib/transforms.py", + [ + "_make_str_method" + ] + ] + ], + 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], + "_tick_only": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "_tick_only" + ] + ] + ], + "toggle_label": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "CbarAxesBase", + "toggle_label" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_locators": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "_init_locators" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "ImageGrid", + "_init_locators" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_col_row": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "_get_col_row" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axes_pad": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "set_axes_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axes_pad": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "get_axes_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "set_label_mode": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "set_label_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "get_divider": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py", + [ + "Grid", + "get_divider" + ] + ] + ], + "make_rgb_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_rgb.py", + [ + "make_rgb_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "imshow_rgb": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_rgb.py", + [ + "RGBAxes", + "imshow_rgb" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_axes_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "_get_axes_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "from_any": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_size.py", + [ + "from_any" + ] + ] + ], + "get_bbox_edge_pos": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "BboxConnector", + "get_bbox_edge_pos" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_inset_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "_add_inset_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "zoomed_inset_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "zoomed_inset_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "mark_inset": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/inset_locator.py", + [ + "mark_inset" + ] + ] + ], + "major_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleAxisArtist", + "major_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "major_ticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleAxisArtist", + "major_ticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "toggle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/mpl_axes.py", + [ + "SimpleAxisArtist", + "toggle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "toggle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_viewlim_mode": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "ParasiteAxesBase", + "set_viewlim_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "get_viewlim_mode": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "ParasiteAxesBase", + "get_viewlim_mode" + ] + ] + ], + "_sync_lims": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "ParasiteAxesBase", + "_sync_lims" + ] + ] + ], + "get_aux_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "get_aux_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "twin": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "twin" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_twin_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "_add_twin_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "_remove_any_twin": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "HostAxesBase", + "_remove_any_twin" + ] + ] + ], + "host_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/parasite_axes.py", + [ + "host_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_divider_append_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_divider_append_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_twin_axes_empty_and_removed": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_twin_axes_empty_and_removed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axesgrid_colorbar_log_smoketest": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_axesgrid_colorbar_log_smoketest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_colorbar_tight_layout_smoketest": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_inset_colorbar_tight_layout_smoketest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_locator": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_inset_locator" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_inset_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inset_axes_complete": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_inset_axes_complete" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fill_facecolor": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_fill_facecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zooming_with_inverted_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_zooming_with_inverted_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_anchored_direction_arrows": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_anchored_direction_arrows" + ] + ] + ], + "test_anchored_direction_arrows_many_args": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_anchored_direction_arrows_many_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_locatable_position": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_axes_locatable_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_grid_each_left_label_mode_all": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_image_grid_each_left_label_mode_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_grid_single_bottom": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_image_grid_single_bottom" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_grid_label_mode_deprecation_warning": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_image_grid_label_mode_deprecation_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_image_grid": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_image_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gettightbbox": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_gettightbbox" + ] + ] + ], + "test_picking_callbacks_overlap": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_picking_callbacks_overlap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hbox_divider": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_hbox_divider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vbox_divider": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_vbox_divider" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_class_tuple": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_axes_class_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grid_axes_lists": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_grid_axes_lists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grid_axes_position": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_grid_axes_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_grid_errors": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_grid_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_divider_errors": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_divider_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mark_inset_unstales_viewlim": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_mark_inset_unstales_viewlim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_adjustable": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_auto_adjustable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rgb_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_rgb_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_insetposition": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_insetposition" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imagegrid_cbar_mode_edge": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_imagegrid_cbar_mode_edge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imagegrid": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_imagegrid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_removal": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_removal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_anchored_locator_base_call": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/tests/test_axes_grid1.py", + [ + "test_anchored_locator_base_call" + ] + ] + ], + "select_step_degree": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "select_step_degree" + ] + ] + ], + "select_step_hour": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "select_step_hour" + ] + ] + ], + "select_step_sub": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "select_step_sub" + ] + ] + ], + "select_step": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "select_step" + ] + ] + ], + "select_step24": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "select_step24" + ] + ] + ], + "select_step360": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "select_step360" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_number_fraction": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/angle_helper.py", + [ + "FormatterDMS", + "_get_number_fraction" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ref_artist": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AttributeCopier", + "get_ref_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "get_ref_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel", + "get_ref_artist" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels", + "get_ref_artist" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attribute_from_ref_artist": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AttributeCopier", + "get_attribute_from_ref_artist" + ] + ] + ], + "set_tick_out": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "set_tick_out" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tick_out": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "get_tick_out" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ticksize": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "set_ticksize" + ] + ] + ], + "get_ticksize": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "get_ticksize" + ] + ] + ], + "set_locs_angles": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "Ticks", + "set_locs_angles" + ] + ] + ], + "_text_ref_angle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "LabelBase", + "_text_ref_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "_offset_ref_angle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "LabelBase", + "_offset_ref_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_alignment": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel", + "set_default_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "set_default_angle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel", + "set_default_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axis_direction": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisLabel", + "set_axis_direction" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels", + "set_axis_direction" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "set_axis_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "invert_axis_direction": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels", + "invert_axis_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_ticklabels_offsets": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels", + "_get_ticklabels_offsets" + ] + ] + ], + "set_locs_angles_labels": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels", + "set_locs_angles_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "get_window_extents": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels", + "get_window_extents" + ] + ] + ], + "get_texts_widths_heights_descents": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "TickLabels", + "get_texts_widths_heights_descents" + ] + ] + ], + "set_which": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "GridlinesCollection", + "set_which" + ] + ] + ], + "set_grid_helper": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "GridlinesCollection", + "set_grid_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "LABELPAD": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "LABELPAD" + ] + ] + ], + "LABELPAD_1": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "LABELPAD_1" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ticklabel_direction": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "set_ticklabel_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "invert_ticklabel_direction": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "invert_ticklabel_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axislabel_direction": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "set_axislabel_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "get_helper": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "get_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axisline_style": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "set_axisline_style" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axisline_style": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "get_axisline_style" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_line": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_init_line" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_line": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_draw_line" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_init_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tick_info": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_get_tick_info" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_draw_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_offsetText": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_init_offsetText" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_offsetText": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_update_offsetText" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_offsetText": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_draw_offsetText" + ] + ] + ], + "_init_label": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_init_label" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_label": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_update_label" + ] + ] + ], + "_draw_label": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py", + [ + "AxisArtist", + "_draw_label" + ] + ] + ], + "set_line_mutation_scale": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "_FancyAxislineStyle", + "SimpleArrow", + "set_line_mutation_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "_extend_path": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "_FancyAxislineStyle", + "SimpleArrow", + "_extend_path" + ] + ] + ], + "new_line": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "AxislineStyle", + "SimpleArrow", + "new_line" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axisline_style.py", + [ + "AxislineStyle", + "FilledArrow", + "new_line" + ] + ] + ], + "update_lim": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "_Base", + "update_lim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperBase", + "update_lim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper", + "update_lim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper", + "update_lim" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "update_lim" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_xy": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "_Base", + "_to_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_nth_coord": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Fixed", + "get_nth_coord" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Floating", + "get_nth_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "get_line": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Fixed", + "get_line" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Floating", + "get_line" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Floating", + "get_line" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper", + "get_line" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_line" + ] + ] + ], + "get_line_transform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Fixed", + "get_line_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Floating", + "get_line_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_line_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axislabel_transform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Fixed", + "get_axislabel_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Floating", + "get_axislabel_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_axislabel_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axislabel_pos_angle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Fixed", + "get_axislabel_pos_angle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Floating", + "get_axislabel_pos_angle" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_axislabel_pos_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tick_transform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelper", + "Fixed", + "get_tick_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Floating", + "get_tick_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_transform" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tick_iterators": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Fixed", + "get_tick_iterators" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "AxisArtistHelperRectlinear", + "Floating", + "get_tick_iterators" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_iterators" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_iterators" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_iterators" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_grid": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperBase", + "_update_grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "_update_grid" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "_update_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "new_gridlines": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperBase", + "new_gridlines" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "new_gridlines" + ] + ] + ], + "new_fixed_axis": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperRectlinear", + "new_fixed_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "new_fixed_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "new_fixed_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "new_fixed_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "new_floating_axis": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "GridHelperRectlinear", + "new_floating_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "new_floating_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "new_floating_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "toggle_axisline": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "toggle_axisline" + ] + ] + ], + "get_grid_helper": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axislines.py", + [ + "Axes", + "get_grid_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "trf_xy": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_iterators", + "trf_xy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_axislabel_pos_angle", + "trf_xy" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_iterators", + "trf_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "f1": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FixedAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_iterators", + "f1" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "FloatingAxisArtistHelper", + "get_tick_iterators", + "f1" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_boundary": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "get_data_boundary" + ] + ] + ], + "adjust_axes_lim": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/floating_axes.py", + [ + "FloatingAxesBase", + "adjust_axes_lim" + ] + ] + ], + "_find_line_box_crossings": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "_find_line_box_crossings" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_pad": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "ExtremeFinderSimple", + "_add_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "get_grid_info": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder", + "get_grid_info" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_raw_grid_lines": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder", + "_get_raw_grid_lines" + ] + ] + ], + "_clip_grid_lines_and_find_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder", + "_clip_grid_lines_and_find_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "transform_xy": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder", + "transform_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "inv_transform_xy": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py", + [ + "GridFinder", + "inv_transform_xy" + ] + ] + ], + "_value_and_jacobian": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "_value_and_jacobian" + ] + ] + ], + "update_grid_finder": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "update_grid_finder" + ] + ] + ], + "get_tick_iterator": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "GridHelperCurveLinear", + "get_tick_iterator" + ] + ] + ], + "dms2float": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_angle_helper.py", + [ + "dms2float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_step": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_angle_helper.py", + [ + "test_select_step" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_step24": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_angle_helper.py", + [ + "test_select_step24" + ] + ] + ], + "test_select_step360": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_angle_helper.py", + [ + "test_select_step360" + ] + ] + ], + "test_formatters": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_angle_helper.py", + [ + "test_formatters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticks": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axis_artist.py", + [ + "test_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_labelbase": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axis_artist.py", + [ + "test_labelbase" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticklabels": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axis_artist.py", + [ + "test_ticklabels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_artist": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axis_artist.py", + [ + "test_axis_artist" + ] + ] + ], + "test_SubplotZero": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axislines.py", + [ + "test_SubplotZero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Subplot": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axislines.py", + [ + "test_Subplot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axislines.py", + [ + "test_Axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ParasiteAxesAuxTrans": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axislines.py", + [ + "test_ParasiteAxesAuxTrans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axisline_style": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axislines.py", + [ + "test_axisline_style" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axisline_style_size_color": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axislines.py", + [ + "test_axisline_style_size_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axisline_style_tight": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axislines.py", + [ + "test_axisline_style_tight" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplotzero_ylabel": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_axislines.py", + [ + "test_subplotzero_ylabel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_floating_axes.py", + [ + "test_subplot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_curvelinear3": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_floating_axes.py", + [ + "test_curvelinear3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_curvelinear4": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_floating_axes.py", + [ + "test_curvelinear4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axis_direction": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_floating_axes.py", + [ + "test_axis_direction" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_axis_direction" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find_line_box_crossings": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_finder.py", + [ + "test_find_line_box_crossings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pretty_print_format": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_finder.py", + [ + "test_pretty_print_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_custom_transform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_custom_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_polar_box": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/tests/test_grid_helper_curvelinear.py", + [ + "test_polar_box" + ] + ] + ], + "_norm_angle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_norm_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "_norm_text_angle": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_norm_text_angle" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dir_vector": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "get_dir_vector" + ] + ] + ], + "get_position_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Text3D", + "get_position_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "set_position_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Text3D", + "set_position_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "set_z": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Text3D", + "set_z" + ] + ] + ], + "set_3d_properties": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Text3D", + "set_3d_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3D", + "set_3d_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3D", + "set_3d_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "PathPatch3D", + "set_3d_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3DCollection", + "set_3d_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection", + "set_3d_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "set_3d_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "text_2d_to_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "text_2d_to_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "set_data_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3D", + "set_data_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3D", + "get_data_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "line_2d_to_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "line_2d_to_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "_path_to_3d_segment": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_path_to_3d_segment" + ] + ] + ], + "_paths_to_3d_segments": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_paths_to_3d_segments" + ] + ] + ], + "_path_to_3d_segment_with_codes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_path_to_3d_segment_with_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "_paths_to_3d_segments_with_codes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_paths_to_3d_segments_with_codes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_sort_zpos": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3DCollection", + "set_sort_zpos" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3DCollection", + "set_sort_zpos" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection", + "set_sort_zpos" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "set_sort_zpos" + ] + ] + ], + "do_3d_projection": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Line3DCollection", + "do_3d_projection" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3D", + "do_3d_projection" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "PathPatch3D", + "do_3d_projection" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Patch3DCollection", + "do_3d_projection" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection", + "do_3d_projection" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "do_3d_projection" + ] + ] + ], + "line_collection_2d_to_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "line_collection_2d_to_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_patch_verts": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + 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"lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Path3DCollection", + "_use_zordered_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "patch_collection_2d_to_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "patch_collection_2d_to_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "set_zsort": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "set_zsort" + ] + ] + ], + "get_vector": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "Poly3DCollection", + "get_vector" + ] + ] + ], + "poly_collection_2d_to_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "poly_collection_2d_to_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "juggle_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "juggle_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "rotate_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "rotate_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "_zalpha": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_zalpha" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_normals": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_generate_normals" + ] + ] + ], + "_shade_colors": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/art3d.py", + [ + "_shade_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_zunits": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "convert_zunits" + ] + ] + ], + "set_top_view": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_top_view" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zaxis": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_zaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "unit_cube": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "unit_cube" + ] + ] + ], + "_unit_cube": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_unit_cube" + ] + ] + ], + "tunit_cube": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "tunit_cube" + ] + ] + ], + "_tunit_cube": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_tunit_cube" + ] + ] + ], + "tunit_edges": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "tunit_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "_tunit_edges": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_tunit_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "_equal_aspect_axis_indices": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_equal_aspect_axis_indices" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axis_position": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_axis_position" + ] + ] + ], + "set_zmargin": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_zmargin" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_scale_xyz": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "auto_scale_xyz" + ] + ] + ], + "get_w_lims": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_w_lims" + ] + ] + ], + "set_zlim": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_zlim" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zlim": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_zlim" + ] + ] + ], + "view_init": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "view_init" + ] + ] + ], + "set_proj_type": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_proj_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_roll_to_vertical": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_roll_to_vertical" + ] + ] + ], + "get_proj": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_proj" + ] + ] + ], + "mouse_init": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "mouse_init" + ] + ] + ], + "disable_mouse_rotation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "disable_mouse_rotation" + ] + ] + ], + "sharez": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "sharez" + ] + ] + ], + "_button_press": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_button_press" + ] + ] + ], + "_button_release": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_button_release" + ] + ] + ], + "format_zdata": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "format_zdata" + ] + ] + ], + "_on_move": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_on_move" + ] + ] + ], + "_calc_view_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_calc_view_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "_zoom_data_limits": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_zoom_data_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "_scale_axis_limits": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_scale_axis_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "set_zlabel": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_zlabel" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zlabel": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_zlabel" + ] + ] + ], + "invert_zaxis": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "invert_zaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "get_zbound": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "get_zbound" + ] + ] + ], + "set_zbound": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "set_zbound" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_surface": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "plot_surface" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_wireframe": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "plot_wireframe" + ] + ] + ], + "plot_trisurf": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "plot_trisurf" + ] + ] + ], + "_3d_extend_contour": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_3d_extend_contour" + ] + ] + ], + "add_contour_set": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "add_contour_set" + ] + ] + ], + "add_contourf_set": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "add_contourf_set" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_contourf_set": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_add_contourf_set" + ] + ] + ], + "_auto_scale_contourf": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "_auto_scale_contourf" + ] + ] + ], + "add_collection3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "add_collection3d" + ] + ] + ], + "bar3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "bar3d" + ] + ] + ], + "calc_arrows": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "quiver", + "calc_arrows" + ] + ] + ], + "voxels": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "voxels", + "if_len_args_3_", + "voxels" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "voxels", + "if_len_args_3_", + "else_", + "voxels" + ] + ], + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "voxels" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_color_arg": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "voxels", + "_broadcast_color_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "permutation_matrices": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "voxels", + "permutation_matrices" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_mask": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "errorbar", + "_apply_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_errs": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "errorbar", + "_extract_errs" + ] + ] + ], + "_digout_minmax": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "Axes3D", + "errorbar", + "_digout_minmax" + ] + ] + ], + "get_test_data": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py", + [ + "get_test_data" + ] + ] + ], + "move_from_center": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "move_from_center" + ] + ] + ], + "_move_from_center": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "_move_from_center" + ] + ] + ], + "tick_update_position": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "tick_update_position" + ] + ] + ], + "_tick_update_position": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "_tick_update_position" + ] + ] + ], + "_old_init": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_old_init" + ] + ] + ], + "_new_init": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_new_init" + ] + ] + ], + "_init3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_init3d" + ] + ] + ], + "init3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "init3d" + ] + ] + ], + "set_pane_pos": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_pane_pos" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_pane_pos": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_set_pane_pos" + ] + ] + ], + "set_pane_color": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_pane_color" + ] + ] + ], + "set_rotate_label": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "set_rotate_label" + ] + ] + ], + "get_rotate_label": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "get_rotate_label" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_coord_info": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_coord_info" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_axis_line_edge_points": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_axis_line_edge_points" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_tickdir": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "_get_tickdir" + ] + ] + ], + "draw_pane": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axis3d.py", + [ + "Axis", + "draw_pane" + ] + ] + ], + "_line2d_seg_dist": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_line2d_seg_dist" + ] + ] + ], + "world_transformation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "world_transformation" + ] + ] + ], + "rotation_about_vector": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "rotation_about_vector" + ] + ] + ], + "_rotation_about_vector": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_rotation_about_vector" + ] + ] + ], + "_view_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_view_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "_view_transformation_uvw": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_view_transformation_uvw" + ] + ] + ], + "view_transformation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "view_transformation" + ] + ] + ], + "persp_transformation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "persp_transformation" + ] + ] + ], + "_persp_transformation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_persp_transformation" + ] + ] + ], + "ortho_transformation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "ortho_transformation" + ] + ] + ], + "_ortho_transformation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_ortho_transformation" + ] + ] + ], + "_proj_transform_vec": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_proj_transform_vec" + ] + ] + ], + "_proj_transform_vec_clip": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_proj_transform_vec_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "inv_transform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "inv_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "_vec_pad_ones": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_vec_pad_ones" + ] + ] + ], + "proj_transform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "proj_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "proj_transform_clip": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "proj_transform_clip" + ] + ] + ], + "proj_points": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "proj_points" + ] + ] + ], + "_proj_points": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_proj_points" + ] + ] + ], + "proj_trans_points": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "proj_trans_points" + ] + ] + ], + "_proj_trans_points": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "_proj_trans_points" + ] + ] + ], + "rot_x": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/proj3d.py", + [ + "rot_x" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_3d_projection_conservation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_art3d.py", + [ + "test_scatter_3d_projection_conservation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_aspects_adjust_box": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_aspects_adjust_box" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_repr": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_primary_views": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_primary_views" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_bar3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar3d_colors": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_bar3d_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar3d_shaded": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_bar3d_shaded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar3d_notshaded": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_bar3d_notshaded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bar3d_lightsource": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_bar3d_lightsource" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_contour3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour3d_extend3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_contour3d_extend3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contourf3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_contourf3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contourf3d_fill": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_contourf3d_fill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contourf3d_extend": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_contourf3d_extend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tricontour": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_tricontour" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contour3d_1d_input": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_contour3d_1d_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lines3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_lines3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_scalar": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_plot_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixedsubplots": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_mixedsubplots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tight_layout_text": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_tight_layout_text" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_scatter3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter3d_color": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_scatter3d_color" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter3d_linewidth": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_scatter3d_linewidth" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter3d_linewidth_modification": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_scatter3d_linewidth_modification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter3d_modification": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_scatter3d_modification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter3d_sorting": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_scatter3d_sorting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_draw_order_data_reversed": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_marker_draw_order_data_reversed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_marker_draw_order_view_rotated": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_marker_draw_order_view_rotated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_3d_from_2d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_plot_3d_from_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_surface3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_surface3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_surface3d_shaded": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_surface3d_shaded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_surface3d_masked": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_surface3d_masked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_surface_None_arg": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_plot_surface_None_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_surface3d_masked_strides": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_surface3d_masked_strides" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_text3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text3d_modification": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_text3d_modification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trisurf3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_trisurf3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trisurf3d_shaded": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_trisurf3d_shaded" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wireframe3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_wireframe3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wireframe3dzerocstride": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_wireframe3dzerocstride" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wireframe3dzerorstride": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_wireframe3dzerorstride" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wireframe3dzerostrideraises": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_wireframe3dzerostrideraises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mixedsamplesraises": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_mixedsamplesraises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_quiver3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver3d_empty": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_quiver3d_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver3d_masked": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_quiver3d_masked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_modification": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_patch_modification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_patch_collection_modification": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_patch_collection_modification" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poly3dcollection_verts_validation": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_poly3dcollection_verts_validation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poly3dcollection_closed": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_poly3dcollection_closed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poly_collection_2d_to_3d_empty": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_poly_collection_2d_to_3d_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_poly3dcollection_alpha": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_poly3dcollection_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_collection3d_zs_array": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_add_collection3d_zs_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_collection3d_zs_scalar": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_add_collection3d_zs_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_labelpad": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_labelpad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_cla": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_cla" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_rotated": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_rotated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plotsurface_1d_raises": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_plotsurface_1d_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_proj_make_M": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "_test_proj_make_M" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proj_transform": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_proj_transform" + ] + ] + ], + "_test_proj_draw_axes": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "_test_proj_draw_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proj_axes_cube": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_proj_axes_cube" + ] + ] + ], + "test_proj_axes_cube_ortho": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_proj_axes_cube_ortho" + ] + ] + ], + "test_world": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_world" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lines_dists": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_lines_dists" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lines_dists_nowarning": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_lines_dists_nowarning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoscale": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_autoscale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_focal_length_checks": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_focal_length_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_focal_length": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_focal_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_ortho": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_ortho" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes3d_isometric": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_axes3d_isometric" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_axes_limits": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_invalid_axes_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_edge_style": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "TestVoxels", + "test_edge_style" + ] + ] + ], + "test_named_colors": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "TestVoxels", + "test_named_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rgb_data": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "TestVoxels", + "test_rgb_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xyz": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "TestVoxels", + "test_xyz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calling_conventions": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "TestVoxels", + "test_calling_conventions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line3d_set_get_data_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_line3d_set_get_data_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inverted": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_inverted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ax3d_tickcolour": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_ax3d_tickcolour" + ] + ] + ], + "get_formatters": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_ticklabel_format", + "get_formatters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ticklabel_format": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_ticklabel_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quiver3D_smoke": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_quiver3D_smoke" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar3d_errorevery": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_errorbar3d_errorevery" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errorbar3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_errorbar3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stem3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_stem3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal_box_aspect": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_equal_box_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_pos": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_colorbar_pos" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inverted_zaxis": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_inverted_zaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_zlim": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_set_zlim" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_lim": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_pan", + "convert_lim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pan": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_pan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_toolbar_zoom_pan": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_toolbar_zoom_pan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scalarmap_update": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_scalarmap_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subfigure_simple": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_subfigure_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_computed_zorder": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_computed_zorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_coord": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_format_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_axis_position": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_get_axis_position" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_text_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_draw_single_lines_from_Nx1": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_draw_single_lines_from_Nx1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pathpatch_3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_pathpatch_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter_spiral": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_scatter_spiral" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Poly3DCollection_get_facecolor": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_Poly3DCollection_get_facecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_Poly3DCollection_get_edgecolor": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_Poly3DCollection_get_edgecolor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_view_init_vertical_axis": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_view_init_vertical_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arc_pathpatch": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_arc_pathpatch" + ] + ] + ], + "test_panecolor_rcparams": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_panecolor_rcparams" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mutating_input_arrays_y_and_z": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_axes3d.py", + [ + "test_mutating_input_arrays_y_and_z" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_plot": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_legend3d.py", + [ + "test_legend_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_bar": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_legend3d.py", + [ + "test_legend_bar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_handlerline3d": [ + [ + "lib/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tests/test_legend3d.py", + [ + "test_handlerline3d" + ] + ] + ], + "has_flag": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "has_flag" + ] + ] + ], + "finalize_options": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "BuildExtraLibraries", + "finalize_options" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_flags": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "BuildExtraLibraries", + "add_optimization_flags", + "prepare_flags" + ] + ] + ], + "add_optimization_flags": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "BuildExtraLibraries", + "add_optimization_flags" + ] + ] + ], + "build_extensions": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "BuildExtraLibraries", + "build_extensions" + ] + ] + ], + "build_extension": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "BuildExtraLibraries", + "build_extension" + ] + ] + ], + "update_matplotlibrc": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "update_matplotlibrc" + ] + ] + ], + "make_release_tree": [ + [ + "setup.py", + [ + "Sdist", + "make_release_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_hash": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "_get_hash" + ] + ] + ], + "get_from_cache_or_download": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "get_from_cache_or_download" + ] + ] + ], + "get_and_extract_tarball": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "get_and_extract_tarball" + ] + ] + ], + "print_status": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "print_status" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pkg_config": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "get_pkg_config" + ] + ] + ], + "pkg_config_setup_extension": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "pkg_config_setup_extension" + ] + ] + ], + "get_package_data": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "SetupPackage", + "get_package_data" + ] + ], + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Matplotlib", + "get_package_data" + ] + ], + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Tests", + "get_package_data" + ] + ] + ], + "get_extensions": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "SetupPackage", + "get_extensions" + ] + ], + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Matplotlib", + "get_extensions" + ] + ], + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "BackendMacOSX", + "get_extensions" + ] + ] + ], + "do_custom_build": [ + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "SetupPackage", + "do_custom_build" + ] + ], + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "FreeType", + "do_custom_build" + ] + ], + [ + "setupext.py", + [ + "Qhull", + "do_custom_build" + ] + ] + 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"tools/subset.py", + [ + "log_namelist" + ] + ] + ], + "select_with_refs": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "select_with_refs" + ] + ] + ], + "subset_font_raw": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "subset_font_raw" + ] + ] + ], + "subset_font": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "subset_font" + ] + ] + ], + "getsubset": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "getsubset" + ] + ] + ], + "hhea": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "Sfnt", + "hhea" + ] + ] + ], + "os2": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "Sfnt", + "os2" + ] + ] + ], + "set_os2": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "set_os2" + ] + ] + ], + "set_os2_vert": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "set_os2_vert" + ] + ] + ], + "extract_vert_to_script": [ + [ + "tools/subset.py", + [ + "extract_vert_to_script" + ] + ] + ], + "eventFilter": [ + [ + "tools/triage_tests.py", + [ + "EventFilter", + "eventFilter" + ] + ] + ], + "set_entry": [ + [ + "tools/triage_tests.py", + [ + "Dialog", + "set_entry" + ] + ] + ], + "set_large_image": [ + [ + 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"_ElementwiseFunctionArray" + ] + ] + ], + "CFMaskCoder": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "CFMaskCoder" + ] + ] + ], + "CFScaleOffsetCoder": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "CFScaleOffsetCoder" + ] + ] + ], + "UnsignedIntegerCoder": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "UnsignedIntegerCoder" + ] + ] + ], + "NativeEndiannessArray": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "NativeEndiannessArray" + ] + ] + ], + "BoolTypeArray": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "BoolTypeArray" + ] + ] + ], + "DatetimeAccessor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "DatetimeAccessor" + ] + ] + ], + "StringAccessor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor" + ] + ] + ], + "SupportsArithmetic": [ + [ + "xarray/core/arithmetic.py", + [ + "SupportsArithmetic" + ] + ] + ], + "ImplementsArrayReduce": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ImplementsArrayReduce" + ] + ] + ], + "ImplementsDatasetReduce": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ImplementsDatasetReduce" + ] + ] + ], + "AbstractArray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray" + ] + ] + ], + "AttrAccessMixin": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "DataWithCoords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords" + ] + ] + ], + "_UFuncSignature": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature" + ] + ] + ], + "Coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "DatasetCoordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "DataArrayCoordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "LevelCoordinatesSource": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "LevelCoordinatesSource" + ] + ] + ], + "_LocIndexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "_LocIndexer" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "_LocIndexer" + ] + ] + ], + "DataArray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray" + ] + ] + ], + "DataVariables": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "DataVariables" + ] + ] + ], + "Dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "AlwaysGreaterThan": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "AlwaysGreaterThan" + ] + ] + ], + "AlwaysLessThan": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "AlwaysLessThan" + ] + ] + ], + "AccessorRegistrationWarning": [ + [ + "xarray/core/extensions.py", + [ + "AccessorRegistrationWarning" + ] + ] + ], + "_CachedAccessor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/extensions.py", + [ + "_CachedAccessor" + ] + ] + ], + "_DummyGroup": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_DummyGroup" + ] + ] + ], + "GroupBy": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy" + ] + ] + ], + "DataArrayGroupBy": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy" + ] + ] + ], + "DatasetGroupBy": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DatasetGroupBy" + ] + ] + ], + "Indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "Indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitIndexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ExplicitIndexer" + ] + ] + ], + "BasicIndexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "BasicIndexer" + ] + ] + ], + "OuterIndexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "OuterIndexer" + ] + ] + ], + "VectorizedIndexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "VectorizedIndexer" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitlyIndexed": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ExplicitlyIndexed" + ] + ] + ], + "ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray" + ] + ] + ], + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray" + ] + ] + ], + "CopyOnWriteArray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "CopyOnWriteArray" + ] + ] + ], + "MemoryCachedArray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "MemoryCachedArray" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexingSupport": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "IndexingSupport" + ] + ] + ], + "NumpyIndexingAdapter": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "NumpyIndexingAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "NdArrayLikeIndexingAdapter": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "NdArrayLikeIndexingAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "DaskIndexingAdapter": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "DaskIndexingAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "PandasIndexAdapter": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "PandasIndexAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "MergeError": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "MergeError" + ] + ] + ], + "_MergeResult": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "_MergeResult" + ] + ] + ], + "BaseInterpolator": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "BaseInterpolator" + ] + ] + ], + "NumpyInterpolator": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "NumpyInterpolator" + ] + ] + ], + "ScipyInterpolator": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "ScipyInterpolator" + ] + ] + ], + "SplineInterpolator": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "SplineInterpolator" + ] + ] + ], + "A": [ + [ + "xarray/core/npcompat.py", + [ + "_is_nep18_active", + "A" + ] + ] + ], + "NumpyVIndexAdapter": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "NumpyVIndexAdapter" + ] + ] + ], + "set_options": [ + [ + "xarray/core/options.py", + [ + "set_options" + ] + ] + ], + "Panel": [ + [ + "xarray/core/pdcompat.py", + [ + "if_LooseVersion_pd___vers", + "else_", + "Panel" + ] + ] + ], + "Resample": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "Resample" + ] + ] + ], + "DataArrayResample": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "DataArrayResample" + ] + ] + ], + "DatasetResample": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "DatasetResample" + ] + ] + ], + "CFTimeGrouper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", + [ + "CFTimeGrouper" + ] + ] + ], + "DataArrayRolling": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayRolling" + ] + ] + ], + "DatasetRolling": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetRolling" + ] + ] + ], + "Coarsen": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "Coarsen" + ] + ] + ], + "DataArrayCoarsen": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoarsen" + ] + ] + ], + "DatasetCoarsen": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetCoarsen" + ] + ] + ], + "RollingExp": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", + [ + "RollingExp" + ] + ] + ], + "Frozen": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "Frozen" + ] + ] + ], + "SortedKeysDict": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "SortedKeysDict" + ] + ] + ], + "OrderedSet": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "OrderedSet" + ] + ] + ], + "NdimSizeLenMixin": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NdimSizeLenMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "NDArrayMixin": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NDArrayMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "ReprObject": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "ReprObject" + ] + ] + ], + "HiddenKeyDict": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "HiddenKeyDict" + ] + ] + ], + "MissingDimensionsError": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "MissingDimensionsError" + ] + ] + ], + "Variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexVariable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable" + ] + ] + ], + "_Dataset_PlotMethods": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "_Dataset_PlotMethods" + ] + ] + ], + "FacetGrid": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid" + ] + ] + ], + "_PlotMethods": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_PlotMethods" + ] + ] + ], + "UnexpectedDataAccess": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "UnexpectedDataAccess" + ] + ] + ], + "InaccessibleArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "InaccessibleArray" + ] + ] + ], + "ReturnItem": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "ReturnItem" + ] + ] + ], + "IndexerMaker": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "IndexerMaker" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDatetimeAccessor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "TestDatetimeAccessor" + ] + ] + ], + "UnreliableArrayFailure": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestCommon", + "test_robust_getitem", + "UnreliableArrayFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "UnreliableArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestCommon", + "test_robust_getitem", + "UnreliableArray" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCommon": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestCommon" + ] + ] + ], + "NetCDF3Only": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF3Only" + ] + ] + ], + "DatasetIOBase": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase" + ] + ] + ], + "CFEncodedBase": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase" + ] + ] + ], + "NetCDF4Base": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNetCDF4Data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4Data" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNetCDF4ViaDaskData": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4ViaDaskData" + ] + ] + ], + "ZarrBase": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestZarrDictStore": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestZarrDictStore" + ] + ] + ], + "TestZarrDirectoryStore": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestZarrDirectoryStore" + ] + ] + ], + "ScipyWriteBase": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ScipyWriteBase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestScipyInMemoryData": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyInMemoryData" + ] + ] + ], + "TestScipyFileObject": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFileObject" + ] + ] + ], + "TestScipyFilePath": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFilePath" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNetCDF3ViaNetCDF4Data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF3ViaNetCDF4Data" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNetCDF4ClassicViaNetCDF4Data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4ClassicViaNetCDF4Data" + ] + ] + ], + "TestGenericNetCDFData": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestGenericNetCDFData" + ] + ] + ], + "TestH5NetCDFData": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData" + ] + ] + ], + "TestH5NetCDFFileObject": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFFileObject" + ] + ] + ], + "TestH5NetCDFViaDaskData": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFViaDaskData" + ] + ] + ], + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask" + ] + ] + ], + "TestOpenMFDataSetDeprecation": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDataSetDeprecation" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPydap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydap" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPydapOnline": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydapOnline" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPyNio": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPyNio" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCfGrib": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestCfGrib" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat" + ] + ] + ], + "TestRasterio": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEncodingInvalid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestEncodingInvalid" + ] + ] + ], + "MiscObject": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "MiscObject" + ] + ] + ], + "TestValidateAttrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestValidateAttrs" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDataArrayToNetCDF": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayToNetCDF" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyFailure": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_common.py", + [ + "DummyFailure" + ] + ] + ], + "DummyArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_common.py", + [ + "DummyArray" + ] + ] + ], + "AcquisitionError": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_acquire_context", + "AcquisitionError" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList" + ] + ] + ], + "TestTileIDsFromCoords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNewTileIDs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNewTileIDs" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCombineND": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineND" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCheckShapeTileIDs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCheckShapeTileIDs" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNestedCombine": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCombineAuto": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoCombineOldAPI": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineOldAPI" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAutoCombineDeprecation": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineDeprecation" + ] + ] + ], + "Named": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_result_name", + "Named" + ] + ] + ], + "TestConcatDataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset" + ] + ] + ], + "TestConcatDataArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataArray" + ] + ] + ], + "TestBoolTypeArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestBoolTypeArray" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNativeEndiannessArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestNativeEndiannessArray" + ] + ] + ], + "TestEncodeCFVariable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestEncodeCFVariable" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDecodeCF": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF" + ] + ] + ], + "CFEncodedInMemoryStore": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "CFEncodedInMemoryStore" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCFEncodedDataStore": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestCFEncodedDataStore" + ] + ] + ], + "CountingScheduler": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "CountingScheduler" + ] + ] + ], + "DaskTestCase": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "DaskTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestVariable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDataArrayAndDataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset" + ] + ] + ], + "TestToDaskDataFrame": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestToDaskDataFrame" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDataArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray" + ] + ] + ], + "TestIrisConversion": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestIrisConversion" + ] + ] + ], + "MyArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_subclass_slots", + "with_pytest_raises_Attrib", + "MyArray" + ] + ] + ], + "InaccessibleVariableDataStore": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "InaccessibleVariableDataStore" + ] + ] + ], + "Array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_repr_nep18", + "Array" + ] + ] + ], + "Arbitrary": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_0d", + "Arbitrary" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset" + ] + ] + ], + "MyDS": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_subclass_slots", + "with_pytest_raises_Attrib", + "MyDS" + ] + ] + ], + "TestOps": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps" + ] + ] + ], + "TestArrayNotNullEquiv": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestArrayNotNullEquiv" + ] + ] + ], + "ExampleAccessor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "ExampleAccessor" + ] + ] + ], + "DemoAccessor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor", + "test_register", + "DemoAccessor" + ] + ] + ], + "Foo": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor", + "test_register", + "with_pytest_warns_Warning", + "Foo" + ] + ] + ], + "BrokenAccessor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor", + "test_broken_accessor", + "BrokenAccessor" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAccessor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFormatting": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting" + ] + ] + ], + "TestIndexers": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLazyArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestLazyArray" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCopyOnWriteArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestCopyOnWriteArray" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMemoryCachedArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestMemoryCachedArray" + ] + ] + ], + "Subclass": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_base_explicit_indexer", + "Subclass" + ] + ] + ], + "Test_vectorized_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "Test_vectorized_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMergeInternals": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeInternals" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMergeFunction": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction" + ] + ] + ], + "TestMergeMethod": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeMethod" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAttrRetention": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "TestAttrRetention" + ] + ] + ], + "PlotTestCase": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "PlotTestCase" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPlot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPlot1D": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPlotStep": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotStep" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPlotHistogram": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDetermineCmapParams": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDiscreteColorMap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDiscreteColorMap" + ] + ] + ], + "Common2dMixin": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin" + ] + ] + ], + "TestContourf": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContourf" + ] + ] + ], + "TestContour": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContour" + ] + ] + ], + "TestPcolormesh": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPcolormesh" + ] + ] + ], + "TestImshow": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFacetGrid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFacetGrid4d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid4d" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFacetedLinePlotsLegend": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlotsLegend" + ] + ] + ], + "TestFacetedLinePlots": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDatasetScatterPlots": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDatetimePlot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatetimePlot" + ] + ] + ], + "TestCFDatetimePlot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestCFDatetimePlot" + ] + ] + ], + "TestNcAxisNotInstalled": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestNcAxisNotInstalled" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAxesKwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "do": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "do" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSparseVariable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseVariable" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset" + ] + ] + ], + "TestSparseCoords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseCoords" + ] + ] + ], + "TestLoadDataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_tutorial.py", + [ + "TestLoadDataset" + ] + ] + ], + "Other": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_xarray_defers_to_unrecognized_type", + "Other" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAlias": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestAlias" + ] + ] + ], + "TestArrayEquiv": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestArrayEquiv" + ] + ] + ], + "TestDictionaries": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries" + ] + ] + ], + "Test_is_uniform_and_sorted": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_is_uniform_and_sorted" + ] + ] + ], + "Test_hashable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_hashable" + ] + ] + ], + "HashableItemWrapper": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_object", + "HashableItemWrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "VariableSubclassobjects": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects" + ] + ] + ], + "TestVariableWithDask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariableWithDask" + ] + ] + ], + "TestIndexVariable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestIndexVariable" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestAsCompatibleData", + "test_unsupported_type", + "CustomArray" + ] + ] + ], + "CustomIndexable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestAsCompatibleData", + "test_unsupported_type", + "CustomIndexable" + ] + ] + ], + "TestAsCompatibleData": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestAsCompatibleData" + ] + ] + ], + "TestBackendIndexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestBackendIndexing" + ] + ] + ], + "_UFuncDispatcher": [ + [ + "xarray/ufuncs.py", + [ + "_UFuncDispatcher" + ] + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pydata__xarray-3364/blocks_by_function_name.json b/pydata__xarray-3364/blocks_by_function_name.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07373d7c42da51eb3dd845a0b664723279082cc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/pydata__xarray-3364/blocks_by_function_name.json @@ -0,0 +1,31234 @@ +{ + "decorator": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/__init__.py", + [ + "parameterized", + "decorator" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/extensions.py", + [ + "_register_accessor", + "decorator" + ] + ] + ], + "parameterized": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/__init__.py", + [ + "parameterized" + ] + ] + ], + "requires_dask": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/__init__.py", + [ + "requires_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "randn": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/__init__.py", + [ + "randn" + ] + ] + ], + "randint": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/__init__.py", + [ + "randint" + ] + ] + ], + "setup": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/combine.py", + [ + "Combine", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteSingleNetCDF3", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteNetCDFDask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteNetCDFDaskDistributed", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "Base", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "IndexingDask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "BooleanIndexing", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py", + [ + "Interpolation", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py", + [ + "InterpolationDask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", + [ + "Reindex", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", + [ + "ReindexDask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", + [ + "RollingDask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/unstacking.py", + [ + "Unstacking", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/unstacking.py", + [ + "UnstackingDask", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "TestDatetimeAccessor", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "Test_vectorized_indexer", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "PlotTestCase", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries", + "setup" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "setup" + ] + ] + ], + "time_combine_manual": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/combine.py", + [ + "Combine", + "time_combine_manual" + ] + ] + ], + "time_auto_combine": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/combine.py", + [ + "Combine", + "time_auto_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "make_bench_data": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataarray_missing.py", + [ + "make_bench_data" + ] + ] + ], + "time_interpolate_na": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataarray_missing.py", + [ + "time_interpolate_na" + ] + ] + ], + "time_ffill": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataarray_missing.py", + [ + "time_ffill" + ] + ] + ], + "time_bfill": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataarray_missing.py", + [ + "time_bfill" + ] + ] + ], + "make_ds": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOSingleNetCDF", + "make_ds" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOMultipleNetCDF", + "make_ds" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "make_ds" + ] + ] + ], + "time_write_dataset_netcdf4": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteSingleNetCDF3", + "time_write_dataset_netcdf4" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3", + "time_write_dataset_netcdf4" + ] + ] + ], + "time_write_dataset_scipy": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteSingleNetCDF3", + "time_write_dataset_scipy" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3", + "time_write_dataset_scipy" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4" + ] + ] + ], + "time_orthogonal_indexing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4", + "time_orthogonal_indexing" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3", + "time_orthogonal_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_vectorized_indexing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4", + "time_vectorized_indexing" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3", + "time_vectorized_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_scipy": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3", + "time_load_dataset_scipy" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3", + "time_load_dataset_scipy" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_oindexing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_oindexing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_vindexing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_vindexing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask", + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask", + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks_oindexing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask", + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks_oindexing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks_vindexing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask", + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks_vindexing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask", + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask", + "time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4", + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4" + ] + ] + ], + "time_open_dataset_scipy": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3", + "time_open_dataset_scipy" + ] + ] + ], + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", + "time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_open_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask", + "time_open_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "time_open_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask", + "time_open_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "create_delayed_write": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "create_delayed_write" + ] + ] + ], + "time_write": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteNetCDFDask", + "time_write" + ] + ], + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteNetCDFDaskDistributed", + "time_write" + ] + ] + ], + "cleanup": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", + [ + "IOWriteNetCDFDaskDistributed", + "cleanup" + ] + ] + ], + "time_indexing_basic": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "Indexing", + "time_indexing_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "time_indexing_outer": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "Indexing", + "time_indexing_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "time_indexing_vectorized": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "Indexing", + "time_indexing_vectorized" + ] + ] + ], + "time_assignment_basic": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "Assignment", + "time_assignment_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "time_assignment_outer": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "Assignment", + "time_assignment_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "time_assignment_vectorized": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "Assignment", + "time_assignment_vectorized" + ] + ] + ], + "time_indexing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", + [ + "BooleanIndexing", + "time_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_interpolation": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py", + [ + "Interpolation", + "time_interpolation" + ] + ] + ], + "time_interpolation_2d": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py", + [ + "Interpolation", + "time_interpolation_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "time_1d_coarse": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", + [ + "Reindex", + "time_1d_coarse" + ] + ] + ], + "time_1d_fine_all_found": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", + [ + "Reindex", + "time_1d_fine_all_found" + ] + ] + ], + "time_1d_fine_some_missing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", + [ + "Reindex", + "time_1d_fine_some_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_2d_coarse": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", + [ + "Reindex", + "time_2d_coarse" + ] + ] + ], + "time_2d_fine_all_found": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", + [ + "Reindex", + "time_2d_fine_all_found" + ] + ] + ], + "time_2d_fine_some_missing": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", + [ + "Reindex", + "time_2d_fine_some_missing" + ] + ] + ], + "time_rolling": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "time_rolling" + ] + ] + ], + "time_rolling_long": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "time_rolling_long" + ] + ] + ], + "time_rolling_np": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "time_rolling_np" + ] + ] + ], + "time_rolling_construct": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "time_rolling_construct" + ] + ] + ], + "time_unstack_fast": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/unstacking.py", + [ + "Unstacking", + "time_unstack_fast" + ] + ] + ], + "time_unstack_slow": [ + [ + "asv_bench/benchmarks/unstacking.py", + [ + "Unstacking", + "time_unstack_slow" + ] + ] + ], + "error": [ + [ + "ci/min_deps_check.py", + [ + "error" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dtypes.py", + [ + "test_result_type_dask_array", + "error" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_requirements": [ + [ + "ci/min_deps_check.py", + [ + "parse_requirements" + ] + ] + ], + "query_conda": [ + [ + "ci/min_deps_check.py", + [ + "query_conda" + ] + ] + ], + "process_pkg": [ + [ + "ci/min_deps_check.py", + [ + "process_pkg" + ] + ] + ], + "main": [ + [ + "ci/min_deps_check.py", + [ + "main" + ] + ] + ], + "pytest_addoption": [ + [ + "conftest.py", + [ + "pytest_addoption" + ] + ] + ], + "pytest_runtest_setup": [ + [ + "conftest.py", + [ + "pytest_runtest_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "center": [ + [ + "doc/examples/_code/accessor_example.py", + [ + "GeoAccessor", + "center" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "center" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_apply_center", + "center" + ] + ] + ], + "plot": [ + [ + "doc/examples/_code/accessor_example.py", + [ + "GeoAccessor", + "plot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "plot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "plot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CFMask_coder_roundtrip": [ + [ + "properties/test_encode_decode.py", + [ + "test_CFMask_coder_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CFScaleOffset_coder_roundtrip": [ + [ + "properties/test_encode_decode.py", + [ + "test_CFScaleOffset_coder_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "get_root": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_root" + ] + ] + ], + "get": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_config_from_root", + "get" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "get" + ] + ] + ], + "get_config_from_root": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_config_from_root" + ] + ] + ], + "decorate": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "register_vcs_handler", + "decorate" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "register_vcs_handler", + "decorate" + ] + ] + ], + "register_vcs_handler": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "register_vcs_handler" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "register_vcs_handler" + ] + ] + ], + "run_command": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "run_command" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "run_command" + ] + ] + ], + "git_get_keywords": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "git_get_keywords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "git_get_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "git_versions_from_keywords": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "git_versions_from_keywords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "git_versions_from_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "git_pieces_from_vcs": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "git_pieces_from_vcs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "git_pieces_from_vcs" + ] + ] + ], + "do_vcs_install": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "do_vcs_install" + ] + ] + ], + "versions_from_parentdir": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "versions_from_parentdir" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "versions_from_parentdir" + ] + ] + ], + "versions_from_file": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "versions_from_file" + ] + ] + ], + "write_to_version_file": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "write_to_version_file" + ] + ] + ], + "plus_or_dot": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "plus_or_dot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "plus_or_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "render_pep440": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "render_pep440" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "render_pep440" + ] + ] + ], + "render_pep440_pre": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "render_pep440_pre" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "render_pep440_pre" + ] + ] + ], + "render_pep440_post": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "render_pep440_post" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "render_pep440_post" + ] + ] + ], + "render_pep440_old": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "render_pep440_old" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "render_pep440_old" + ] + ] + ], + "render_git_describe": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "render_git_describe" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "render_git_describe" + ] + ] + ], + "render_git_describe_long": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "render_git_describe_long" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "render_git_describe_long" + ] + ] + ], + "render": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "render" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "render" + ] + ] + ], + "get_versions": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_versions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "get_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_version": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_version" + ] + ] + ], + "initialize_options": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass", + "cmd_version", + "initialize_options" + ] + ] + ], + "finalize_options": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass", + "cmd_version", + "finalize_options" + ] + ] + ], + "run": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass", + "cmd_version", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass", + "cmd_build_py", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass", + "if_cx_Freeze_in_sys_mod", + "cmd_build_exe", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass", + "if_py2exe_in_sys_module", + "cmd_py2exe", + "run" + ] + ], + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass", + "cmd_sdist", + "run" + ] + ] + ], + "make_release_tree": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass", + "cmd_sdist", + "make_release_tree" + ] + ] + ], + "get_cmdclass": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "get_cmdclass" + ] + ] + ], + "do_setup": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "do_setup" + ] + ] + ], + "scan_setup_py": [ + [ + "versioneer.py", + [ + "scan_setup_py" + ] + ] + ], + "get_keywords": [ + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "get_keywords" + ] + ] + ], + "get_config": [ + [ + "xarray/_version.py", + [ + "get_config" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_engine_remote_uri": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_get_default_engine_remote_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_engine_grib": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_get_default_engine_grib" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_engine_gz": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_get_default_engine_gz" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_engine_netcdf": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_get_default_engine_netcdf" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_engine_from_magic_number": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_get_engine_from_magic_number" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_default_engine": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_get_default_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "_normalize_path": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_normalize_path" + ] + ] + ], + "check_name": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_validate_dataset_names", + "check_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_dataset_names": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_validate_dataset_names" + ] + ] + ], + "check_attr": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_validate_attrs", + "check_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_validate_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "_protect_dataset_variables_inplace": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_protect_dataset_variables_inplace" + ] + ] + ], + "_finalize_store": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_finalize_store" + ] + ] + ], + "load_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "load_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tutorial.py", + [ + "load_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "load_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "load_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_decode_store": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "open_dataset", + "maybe_decode_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "open_zarr", + "maybe_decode_store" + ] + ] + ], + "open_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "open_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tutorial.py", + [ + "open_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "open_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "open_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "close": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_MultiFileCloser", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "FileManager", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "DummyFileManager", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioDataStore", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "close" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "close" + ] + ] + ], + "open_mfdataset": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "open_mfdataset" + ] + ] + ], + "to_netcdf": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "to_netcdf" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_netcdf" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "to_netcdf" + ] + ] + ], + "dump_to_store": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "dump_to_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "dump_to_store" + ] + ] + ], + "save_mfdataset": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "save_mfdataset" + ] + ] + ], + "check_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append", + "check_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_append_dim_and_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "_validate_append_dim_and_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "to_zarr": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/api.py", + [ + "to_zarr" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "to_zarr" + ] + ] + ], + "__getitem__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", + [ + "CfGribArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", + [ + "LRUCache", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4ArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PncArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "RasterioArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrArrayWrapper", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "StackedBytesArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "_ElementwiseFunctionArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "NativeEndiannessArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "BoolTypeArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "LevelCoordinatesSource", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "_LocIndexer", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "DataVariables", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "_LocIndexer", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_DummyGroup", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "Indexes", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "CopyOnWriteArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "MemoryCachedArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "NumpyIndexingAdapter", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "DaskIndexingAdapter", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "PandasIndexAdapter", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "NumpyVIndexAdapter", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "Frozen", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "SortedKeysDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NDArrayMixin", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "HiddenKeyDict", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "InaccessibleArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "ReturnItem", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "IndexerMaker", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestCommon", + "test_robust_getitem", + "UnreliableArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_common.py", + [ + "DummyArray", + "__getitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "_getitem": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", + [ + "CfGribArrayWrapper", + "_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFArrayWrapper", + "_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4ArrayWrapper", + "_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PncArrayWrapper", + "_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapArrayWrapper", + "_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioArrayWrapper", + "_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "RasterioArrayWrapper", + "_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "open_store_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", + [ + "CfGribDataStore", + "open_store_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "open_store_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "open_store_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", + "open_store_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapDataStore", + "open_store_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioDataStore", + "open_store_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "open_store_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "open_store_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "get_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", + [ + "CfGribDataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/memory.py", + [ + "InMemoryDataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapDataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioDataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "InaccessibleVariableDataStore", + "get_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "get_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", + [ + "CfGribDataStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/memory.py", + [ + "InMemoryDataStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapDataStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioDataStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "get_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dimensions": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", + [ + "CfGribDataStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/memory.py", + [ + "InMemoryDataStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapDataStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioDataStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "get_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "get_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", + [ + "CfGribDataStore", + "get_encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "get_encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "get_encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "get_encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", + "get_encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioDataStore", + "get_encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "get_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_variable_name": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "_encode_variable_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_variable_name": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "_decode_variable_name" + ] + ] + ], + "find_root_and_group": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "find_root_and_group" + ] + ] + ], + "robust_getitem": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "robust_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "__array__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "BackendArray", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "_ElementwiseFunctionArray", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "CopyOnWriteArray", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "MemoryCachedArray", + "__array__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "PandasIndexAdapter", + "__array__" + ] + ] + ], + "__iter__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", + [ + "LRUCache", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "LevelCoordinatesSource", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "DataVariables", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "Indexes", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayRolling", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "Frozen", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "SortedKeysDict", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "OrderedSet", + "__iter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "HiddenKeyDict", + "__iter__" + ] + ] + ], + "__len__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", + [ + "LRUCache", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "LevelCoordinatesSource", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "DataVariables", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "Indexes", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "Frozen", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "SortedKeysDict", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "OrderedSet", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NdimSizeLenMixin", + "__len__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "HiddenKeyDict", + "__len__" + ] + ] + ], + "load": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "load" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "load" + ] + ] + ], + "variables": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates", + "variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates", + "variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "DataVariables", + "variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "variables" + ] + ] + ], + "attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "dimensions": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "__enter__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "CombinedLock", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "DummyLock", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "__enter__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/options.py", + [ + "set_options", + "__enter__" + ] + ] + ], + "__exit__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractDataStore", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "CombinedLock", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "DummyLock", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "__exit__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/options.py", + [ + "set_options", + "__exit__" + ] + ] + ], + "add": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "ArrayWriter", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "OrderedSet", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_keep_attrs", + "add" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_dataset_join", + "add" + ] + ] + ], + "sync": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "ArrayWriter", + "sync" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "sync" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "sync" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "sync" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "sync" + ] + ] + ], + "encode": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "WritableCFDataStore", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "EncodedStringCoder", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "CharacterArrayCoder", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "CFDatetimeCoder", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "CFTimedeltaCoder", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "VariableCoder", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "CFMaskCoder", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "CFScaleOffsetCoder", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "UnsignedIntegerCoder", + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "encode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "encode" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "encode_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "encode_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "encode_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "encode_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "encode_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "CFEncodedInMemoryStore", + "encode_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_attribute": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "encode_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "encode_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "set_dimension": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "set_dimension" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "set_dimension" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/memory.py", + [ + "InMemoryDataStore", + "set_dimension" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "set_dimension" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "set_dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "set_attribute": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "set_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "set_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/memory.py", + [ + "InMemoryDataStore", + "set_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "set_attribute" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "set_attribute" + ] + ] + ], + "set_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "set_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "store_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "store_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "store": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "InaccessibleVariableDataStore", + "store" + ] + ] + ], + "set_attributes": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "set_attributes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "set_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "set_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "set_variables" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "set_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "set_dimensions": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/common.py", + [ + "AbstractWritableDataStore", + "set_dimensions" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "set_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "acquire": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "FileManager", + "acquire" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "acquire" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "DummyFileManager", + "acquire" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "acquire" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "CombinedLock", + "acquire" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "DummyLock", + "acquire" + ] + ] + ], + "acquire_context": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "FileManager", + "acquire_context" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "acquire_context" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "DummyFileManager", + "acquire_context" + ] + ] + ], + "_make_key": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "_make_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_optional_lock": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "_optional_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "_acquire_with_cache_info": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "_acquire_with_cache_info" + ] + ] + ], + "__del__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "__del__" + ] + ] + ], + "__getstate__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "__getstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "__setstate__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "__setstate__" + ] + ] + ], + "__repr__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "CachingFileManager", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "CombinedLock", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "StackedBytesArray", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "_ElementwiseFunctionArray", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "DataVariables", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "Indexes", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ExplicitIndexer", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "PandasIndexAdapter", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "BaseInterpolator", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "Coarsen", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "Frozen", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "SortedKeysDict", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "OrderedSet", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NDArrayMixin", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "ReprObject", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_repr_nep18", + "Array", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "do", + "__repr__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_object", + "HashableItemWrapper", + "__repr__" + ] + ] + ], + "increment": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "_RefCounter", + "increment" + ] + ] + ], + "decrement": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "_RefCounter", + "decrement" + ] + ] + ], + "__hash__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", + [ + "_HashedSequence", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "ReprObject", + "__hash__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_object", + "HashableItemWrapper", + "__hash__" + ] + ] + ], + "get_array": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFArrayWrapper", + "get_array" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "BaseNetCDF4Array", + "get_array" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4ArrayWrapper", + "get_array" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PncArrayWrapper", + "get_array" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioArrayWrapper", + "get_array" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrArrayWrapper", + "get_array" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_decode_bytes": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "maybe_decode_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "_read_attributes": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "_read_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_h5netcdf_create_group": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "_h5netcdf_create_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_acquire": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "_acquire" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "_acquire" + ] + ] + ], + "ds": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "ds" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "ds" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", + "ds" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", + [ + "NioDataStore", + "ds" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "ds" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "ds" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "ds" + ] + ] + ], + "prepare_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", + [ + "H5NetCDFStore", + "prepare_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/memory.py", + [ + "InMemoryDataStore", + "prepare_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "prepare_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "prepare_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_threaded_lock": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "_get_threaded_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_multiprocessing_lock": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "_get_multiprocessing_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_lock_maker": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "_get_lock_maker" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_scheduler": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "_get_scheduler" + ] + ] + ], + "get_write_lock": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "get_write_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "release": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "CombinedLock", + "release" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "DummyLock", + "release" + ] + ] + ], + "locked": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "CombinedLock", + "locked" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "DummyLock", + "locked" + ] + ] + ], + "combine_locks": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "combine_locks" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_lock": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/locks.py", + [ + "ensure_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "_enforce_size_limit": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", + [ + "LRUCache", + "_enforce_size_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "__setitem__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", + [ + "LRUCache", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "BaseNetCDF4Array", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyArrayWrapper", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "_LocIndexer", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "CopyOnWriteArray", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "MemoryCachedArray", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "NumpyIndexingAdapter", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "DaskIndexingAdapter", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "NumpyVIndexAdapter", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "SortedKeysDict", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "HiddenKeyDict", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__setitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "__setitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "__delitem__": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", + [ + "LRUCache", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "SortedKeysDict", + "__delitem__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "HiddenKeyDict", + "__delitem__" + ] + ] + ], + "maxsize": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", + [ + "LRUCache", + "maxsize" + ] + ] + ], + "maxsize_7": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", + [ + "LRUCache", + "maxsize_7" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_nc4_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_encode_nc4_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_encoding_dtype_is_vlen_string": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_check_encoding_dtype_is_vlen_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_datatype": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_get_datatype" + ] + ] + ], + "_nc4_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_nc4_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "_netcdf4_create_group": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_netcdf4_create_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_nc4_require_group": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_nc4_require_group" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_fill_value_valid": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_ensure_fill_value_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "_force_native_endianness": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_force_native_endianness" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_nc4_variable_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_extract_nc4_variable_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_list_of_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "_is_list_of_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "open": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", + [ + "NetCDF4DataStore", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", + [ + "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapDataStore", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPyNio", + "open" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "open" + ] + ] + ], + "coerce_nc3_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", + [ + "coerce_nc3_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_nc3_attr_value": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", + [ + "encode_nc3_attr_value" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_nc3_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", + [ + "encode_nc3_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_nc3_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", + [ + "encode_nc3_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_isalnumMUTF8": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", + [ + "_isalnumMUTF8" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_nc3_name": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", + [ + "is_valid_nc3_name" + ] + ] + ], + "shape": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapArrayWrapper", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "RasterioArrayWrapper", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "StackedBytesArray", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_DummyGroup", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "PandasIndexAdapter", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NDArrayMixin", + "shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "shape" + ] + ] + ], + "dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "PydapArrayWrapper", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "RasterioArrayWrapper", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "StackedBytesArray", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "_ElementwiseFunctionArray", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "NativeEndiannessArray", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "BoolTypeArray", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "PandasIndexAdapter", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NDArrayMixin", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "dtype" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "_fix_attributes": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", + [ + "_fix_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "RasterioArrayWrapper", + "_get_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "parsevec": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "_parse_envi", + "parsevec" + ] + ] + ], + "default": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "_parse_envi", + "default" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_envi": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "_parse_envi" + ] + ] + ], + "open_rasterio": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", + [ + "open_rasterio" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_string": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "_decode_string" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "_decode_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "get_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyArrayWrapper", + "get_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_open_scipy_netcdf": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "_open_scipy_netcdf" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_attr_key": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", + [ + "ScipyDataStore", + "_validate_attr_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_zarr_attr_value": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "_encode_zarr_attr_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_determine_zarr_chunks": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "_determine_zarr_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_zarr_dims_and_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "_get_zarr_dims_and_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_zarr_variable_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "_extract_zarr_variable_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_zarr_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "encode_zarr_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "open_group": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "ZarrStore", + "open_group" + ] + ] + ], + "get_chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "open_zarr", + "get_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "open_zarr", + "maybe_chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "chunk", + "maybe_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "open_zarr": [ + [ + "xarray/backends/zarr.py", + [ + "open_zarr" + ] + ] + ], + "get_date_type": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "get_date_type" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "get_date_type" + ] + ] + ], + "rule_code": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "rule_code" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterOffset", + "rule_code" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearOffset", + "rule_code" + ] + ] + ], + "__eq__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "AlwaysGreaterThan", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "AlwaysLessThan", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "ReprObject", + "__eq__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_object", + "HashableItemWrapper", + "__eq__" + ] + ] + ], + "__ne__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__ne__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "__ne__" + ] + ] + ], + "__add__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__add__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "__add__" + ] + ] + ], + "__sub__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__sub__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterOffset", + "__sub__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearOffset", + "__sub__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "__sub__" + ] + ] + ], + "__mul__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__mul__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterOffset", + "__mul__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearOffset", + "__mul__" + ] + ] + ], + "__neg__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__neg__" + ] + ] + ], + "__rmul__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__rmul__" + ] + ] + ], + "__radd__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__radd__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "__radd__" + ] + ] + ], + "__rsub__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__rsub__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "__rsub__" + ] + ] + ], + "__apply__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__apply__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "MonthBegin", + "__apply__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "MonthEnd", + "__apply__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterOffset", + "__apply__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearOffset", + "__apply__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "Day", + "__apply__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "Hour", + "__apply__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "Minute", + "__apply__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "Second", + "__apply__" + ] + ] + ], + "onOffset": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "onOffset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "MonthBegin", + "onOffset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "MonthEnd", + "onOffset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterOffset", + "onOffset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearBegin", + "onOffset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearEnd", + "onOffset" + ] + ] + ], + "rollforward": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "rollforward" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterBegin", + "rollforward" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterEnd", + "rollforward" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearBegin", + "rollforward" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearEnd", + "rollforward" + ] + ] + ], + "rollback": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterBegin", + "rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterEnd", + "rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearBegin", + "rollback" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearEnd", + "rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "__str__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "QuarterOffset", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "YearOffset", + "__str__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "__str__" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_offset_day": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "BaseCFTimeOffset", + "_get_offset_day" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_day_of_month": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_get_day_of_month" + ] + ] + ], + "_days_in_month": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_days_in_month" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust_n_months": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_adjust_n_months" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust_n_years": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_adjust_n_years" + ] + ] + ], + "_shift_month": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_shift_month" + ] + ] + ], + "roll_qtrday": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "roll_qtrday" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_month": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_validate_month" + ] + ] + ], + "as_timedelta": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "Day", + "as_timedelta" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "Hour", + "as_timedelta" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "Minute", + "as_timedelta" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "Second", + "as_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "to_offset": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "to_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "to_cftime_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "to_cftime_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "normalize_date": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "normalize_date" + ] + ] + ], + "_maybe_normalize_date": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_maybe_normalize_date" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_linear_range": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_generate_linear_range" + ] + ] + ], + "_generate_range": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_generate_range" + ] + ] + ], + "cftime_range": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "cftime_range" + ] + ] + ], + "named": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "named" + ] + ] + ], + "optional": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "optional" + ] + ] + ], + "trailing_optional": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "trailing_optional" + ] + ] + ], + "build_pattern": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "build_pattern" + ] + ] + ], + "parse_iso8601": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "parse_iso8601" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_iso8601_with_reso": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "_parse_iso8601_with_reso" + ] + ] + ], + "_parsed_string_to_bounds": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "_parsed_string_to_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "get_date_field": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "get_date_field" + ] + ] + ], + "f": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "_field_accessor", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "DatetimeAccessor", + "_tslib_field_accessor", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "slice_replace", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "_dask_or_eager_func", + "if_dask_module_is_not_Non", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "_dask_or_eager_func", + "if_dask_module_is_not_Non", + "else_", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "_create_nan_agg_method", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "_create_bottleneck_method", + "f" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_serializable_locks", + "f" + ] + ] + ], + "_field_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "_field_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_all_valid_date_type": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "assert_all_valid_date_type" + ] + ] + ], + "__new__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "__new__" + ] + ] + ], + "_partial_date_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "_partial_date_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_string_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "_get_string_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "get_loc": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "get_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "_maybe_cast_slice_bound": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "_maybe_cast_slice_bound" + ] + ] + ], + "get_value": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "get_value" + ] + ] + ], + "__contains__": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "DataVariables", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "Indexes", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "Frozen", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "SortedKeysDict", + "__contains__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "OrderedSet", + "__contains__" + ] + ] + ], + "contains": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "contains" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "contains" + ] + ] + ], + "shift": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "shift" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "shift" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "shift" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "shift" + ] + ] + ], + "to_datetimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "to_datetimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "strftime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "CFTimeIndex", + "strftime" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "DatetimeAccessor", + "strftime" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_iso8601_without_reso": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "_parse_iso8601_without_reso" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_array_of_cftime_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", + [ + "_parse_array_of_cftime_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "create_vlen_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "create_vlen_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "check_vlen_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "check_vlen_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "is_unicode_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "is_unicode_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "is_bytes_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "is_bytes_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "decode": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "EncodedStringCoder", + "decode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "CharacterArrayCoder", + "decode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "CFDatetimeCoder", + "decode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "CFTimedeltaCoder", + "decode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "VariableCoder", + "decode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "CFMaskCoder", + "decode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "CFScaleOffsetCoder", + "decode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "UnsignedIntegerCoder", + "decode" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "decode" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_bytes_array": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "decode_bytes_array" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_string_array": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "encode_string_array" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_fixed_length_bytes": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "ensure_fixed_length_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "bytes_to_char": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "bytes_to_char" + ] + ] + ], + "_numpy_bytes_to_char": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "_numpy_bytes_to_char" + ] + ] + ], + "char_to_bytes": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "char_to_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "_numpy_char_to_bytes": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/strings.py", + [ + "_numpy_char_to_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "_import_cftime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_import_cftime" + ] + ] + ], + "_require_standalone_cftime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_require_standalone_cftime" + ] + ] + ], + "_netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit" + ] + ] + ], + "_unpack_netcdf_time_units": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_unpack_netcdf_time_units" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_cf_datetime_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_decode_cf_datetime_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_datetime_with_cftime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_decode_datetime_with_cftime" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_datetime_with_pandas": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_decode_datetime_with_pandas" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_cf_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "decode_cf_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "to_timedelta_unboxed": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "to_timedelta_unboxed" + ] + ] + ], + "to_datetime_unboxed": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "to_datetime_unboxed" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_cf_timedelta": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "decode_cf_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_time_units_from_diff": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_infer_time_units_from_diff" + ] + ] + ], + "infer_calendar_name": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "infer_calendar_name" + ] + ] + ], + "infer_datetime_units": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "infer_datetime_units" + ] + ] + ], + "format_cftime_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "format_cftime_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "infer_timedelta_units": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "infer_timedelta_units" + ] + ] + ], + "cftime_to_nptime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "cftime_to_nptime" + ] + ] + ], + "_cleanup_netcdf_time_units": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_cleanup_netcdf_time_units" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_encode_datetime_with_cftime", + "encode_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_datetime_with_cftime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "_encode_datetime_with_cftime" + ] + ] + ], + "cast_to_int_if_safe": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "cast_to_int_if_safe" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_cf_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "encode_cf_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_cf_timedelta": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/times.py", + [ + "encode_cf_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "lazy_elemwise_func": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "lazy_elemwise_func" + ] + ] + ], + "unpack_for_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "unpack_for_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "unpack_for_decoding": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "unpack_for_decoding" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_setitem": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "safe_setitem" + ] + ] + ], + "pop_to": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "pop_to" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_mask": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "_apply_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "_scale_offset_decoding": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "_scale_offset_decoding" + ] + ] + ], + "_choose_float_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/coding/variables.py", + [ + "_choose_float_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "_var_as_tuple": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "_var_as_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_default_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "maybe_default_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_encode_bools": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "maybe_encode_bools" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "_infer_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_not_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "ensure_not_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "_copy_with_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "_copy_with_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_dtype_not_object": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "ensure_dtype_not_object" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_cf_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "encode_cf_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_cf_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "decode_cf_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_bounds_attributes": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "_update_bounds_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_bounds_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "_update_bounds_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "stackable": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "decode_cf_variables", + "stackable" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_cf_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "decode_cf_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_cf": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "decode_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "cf_decoder": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "cf_decoder" + ] + ] + ], + "_encode_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "_encode_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "encode_dataset_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "encode_dataset_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "cf_encoder": [ + [ + "xarray/conventions.py", + [ + "cf_encoder" + ] + ] + ], + "_filter_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "_filter_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "from_cdms2": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "from_cdms2" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "from_cdms2" + ] + ] + ], + "set_cdms2_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "to_cdms2", + "set_cdms2_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "to_cdms2": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "to_cdms2" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_cdms2" + ] + ] + ], + "_pick_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "_pick_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_iris_args": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "_get_iris_args" + ] + ] + ], + "to_iris": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "to_iris" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_iris" + ] + ] + ], + "_iris_obj_to_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "_iris_obj_to_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "_iris_cell_methods_to_str": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "_iris_cell_methods_to_str" + ] + ] + ], + "_name": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "_name" + ] + ] + ], + "from_iris": [ + [ + "xarray/convert.py", + [ + "from_iris" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "from_iris" + ] + ] + ], + "_season_from_months": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_season_from_months" + ] + ] + ], + "_access_through_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_access_through_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "_access_through_series": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_access_through_series" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_date_field": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_get_date_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_round_series": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_round_series" + ] + ] + ], + "_round_field": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_round_field" + ] + ] + ], + "_strftime_through_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_strftime_through_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "_strftime_through_series": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_strftime_through_series" + ] + ] + ], + "_strftime": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "_strftime" + ] + ] + ], + "_tslib_field_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "DatetimeAccessor", + "_tslib_field_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "_tslib_round_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "DatetimeAccessor", + "_tslib_round_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "floor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "DatetimeAccessor", + "floor" + ] + ] + ], + "ceil": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "DatetimeAccessor", + "ceil" + ] + ] + ], + "round": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", + [ + "DatetimeAccessor", + "round" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_str_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "_is_str_like" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "_apply" + ] + ] + ], + "len": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "len" + ] + ] + ], + "slice": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "slice" + ] + ] + ], + "slice_replace": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "slice_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "capitalize": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "capitalize" + ] + ] + ], + "lower": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "lower" + ] + ] + ], + "swapcase": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "swapcase" + ] + ] + ], + "title": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "title" + ] + ] + ], + "upper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "upper" + ] + ] + ], + "isalnum": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "isalnum" + ] + ] + ], + "isalpha": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "isalpha" + ] + ] + ], + "isdecimal": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "isdecimal" + ] + ] + ], + "isdigit": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "isdigit" + ] + ] + ], + "islower": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "islower" + ] + ] + ], + "isnumeric": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "isnumeric" + ] + ] + ], + "isspace": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "isspace" + ] + ] + ], + "istitle": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "istitle" + ] + ] + ], + "isupper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "isupper" + ] + ] + ], + "count": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "count" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "count" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "count" + ] + ] + ], + "startswith": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "startswith" + ] + ] + ], + "endswith": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "endswith" + ] + ] + ], + "pad": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "pad" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "Resample", + "pad" + ] + ] + ], + "ljust": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "ljust" + ] + ] + ], + "rjust": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "rjust" + ] + ] + ], + "zfill": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "zfill" + ] + ] + ], + "match": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "match" + ] + ] + ], + "strip": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "strip" + ] + ] + ], + "lstrip": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "lstrip" + ] + ] + ], + "rstrip": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "rstrip" + ] + ] + ], + "wrap": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "translate": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "translate" + ] + ] + ], + "repeat": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "repeat" + ] + ] + ], + "find": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "find" + ] + ] + ], + "rfind": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "rfind" + ] + ] + ], + "index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "index" + ] + ] + ], + "rindex": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "rindex" + ] + ] + ], + "replace": [ + [ + "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", + [ + "StringAccessor", + "replace" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_joiner": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "_get_joiner" + ] + ] + ], + "_override_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "_override_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "align": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "align" + ] + ] + ], + "is_alignable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "deep_align", + "is_alignable" + ] + ] + ], + "deep_align": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "deep_align" + ] + ] + ], + "reindex_like_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "reindex_like_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "reindex_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "reindex_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "_get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "_broadcast_helper", + "_set_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "_broadcast_helper", + "_broadcast_array" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "_broadcast_helper", + "_broadcast_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_helper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "_broadcast_helper" + ] + ] + ], + "broadcast": [ + [ + "xarray/core/alignment.py", + [ + "broadcast" + ] + ] + ], + "__array_ufunc__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/arithmetic.py", + [ + "SupportsArithmetic", + "__array_ufunc__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_xarray_defers_to_unrecognized_type", + "Other", + "__array_ufunc__" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_concat_order_from_positions": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_infer_concat_order_from_positions" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_tile_ids_from_nested_list": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_infer_tile_ids_from_nested_list" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_concat_order_from_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_infer_concat_order_from_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_shape_tile_ids": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_check_shape_tile_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "_combine_nd": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_combine_nd" + ] + ] + ], + "_combine_all_along_first_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_combine_all_along_first_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "_combine_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_combine_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "_new_tile_id": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_new_tile_id" + ] + ] + ], + "_nested_combine": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_nested_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "combine_nested": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "combine_nested" + ] + ] + ], + "vars_as_keys": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "vars_as_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "combine_by_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "combine_by_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "auto_combine": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "auto_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "_dimension_coords_exist": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_dimension_coords_exist" + ] + ] + ], + "_requires_concat_and_merge": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_requires_concat_and_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "_old_auto_combine": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_old_auto_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "_auto_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/core/combine.py", + [ + "_auto_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapped_func": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ImplementsArrayReduce", + "_reduce_method", + "if_include_skipna_", + "wrapped_func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ImplementsArrayReduce", + "_reduce_method", + "if_include_skipna_", + "else_", + "wrapped_func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ImplementsDatasetReduce", + "_reduce_method", + "if_include_skipna_", + "wrapped_func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ImplementsDatasetReduce", + "_reduce_method", + "if_include_skipna_", + "else_", + "wrapped_func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoarsen", + "_reduce_method", + "wrapped_func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetCoarsen", + "_reduce_method", + "wrapped_func" + ] + ] + ], + "_reduce_method": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ImplementsArrayReduce", + "_reduce_method" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ImplementsDatasetReduce", + "_reduce_method" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "_reduce_method" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoarsen", + "_reduce_method" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetCoarsen", + "_reduce_method" + ] + ] + ], + "__bool__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "__bool__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__bool__" + ] + ] + ], + "__float__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "__float__" + ] + ] + ], + "__int__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "__int__" + ] + ] + ], + "__complex__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "__complex__" + ] + ] + ], + "_iter": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axis_num": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "get_axis_num" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_axis_num": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "_get_axis_num" + ] + ] + ], + "sizes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AbstractArray", + "sizes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "__init_subclass__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin", + "__init_subclass__" + ] + ] + ], + "_attr_sources": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin", + "_attr_sources" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_attr_sources" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_attr_sources" + ] + ] + ], + "_item_sources": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin", + "_item_sources" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_item_sources" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_item_sources" + ] + ] + ], + "__getattr__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin", + "__getattr__" + ] + ] + ], + "_setattr_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin", + "_setattr_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "__setattr__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin", + "__setattr__" + ] + ] + ], + "__dir__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin", + "__dir__" + ] + ] + ], + "_ipython_key_completions_": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "AttrAccessMixin", + "_ipython_key_completions_" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates", + "_ipython_key_completions_" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates", + "_ipython_key_completions_" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "DataVariables", + "_ipython_key_completions_" + ] + ] + ], + "get_squeeze_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "get_squeeze_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "squeeze": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "squeeze" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "squeeze" + ] + ] + ], + "get_index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "get_index" + ] + ] + ], + "_calc_assign_results": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "_calc_assign_results" + ] + ] + ], + "assign_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "assign_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "assign_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "assign_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "assign_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "pipe": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "pipe" + ] + ] + ], + "groupby": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "groupby" + ] + ] + ], + "groupby_bins": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "groupby_bins" + ] + ] + ], + "rolling": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "rolling" + ] + ] + ], + "rolling_exp": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "rolling_exp" + ] + ] + ], + "coarsen": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "coarsen" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "coarsen" + ] + ] + ], + "resample": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "resample" + ] + ] + ], + "where": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "where" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "where" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "where" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "where" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "where" + ] + ] + ], + "isin": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "DataWithCoords", + "isin" + ] + ] + ], + "full_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "full_like" + ] + ] + ], + "_full_like_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "_full_like_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "zeros_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "zeros_like" + ] + ] + ], + "ones_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "ones_like" + ] + ] + ], + "is_np_datetime_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "is_np_datetime_like" + ] + ] + ], + "_contains_cftime_datetimes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "_contains_cftime_datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "contains_cftime_datetimes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "contains_cftime_datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "_contains_datetime_like_objects": [ + [ + "xarray/core/common.py", + [ + "_contains_datetime_like_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "all_input_core_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "all_input_core_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "all_output_core_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "all_output_core_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "all_core_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "all_core_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "num_inputs": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "num_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "num_outputs": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "num_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "to_gufunc_string": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_UFuncSignature", + "to_gufunc_string" + ] + ] + ], + "result_name": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "result_name" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_coords_list": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_get_coords_list" + ] + ] + ], + "build_output_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "build_output_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_dataarray_vfunc": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "apply_dataarray_vfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "ordered_set_union": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "ordered_set_union" + ] + ] + ], + "ordered_set_intersection": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "ordered_set_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_and_return_exact_match": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "assert_and_return_exact_match" + ] + ] + ], + "join_dict_keys": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "join_dict_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "collect_dict_values": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "collect_dict_values" + ] + ] + ], + "_as_variables_or_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_as_variables_or_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_unpack_dict_tuples": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_unpack_dict_tuples" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "_fast_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_fast_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_dataset_vfunc": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "apply_dataset_vfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "_iter_over_selections": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_iter_over_selections" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_groupby_func": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "apply_groupby_func" + ] + ] + ], + "unified_dim_sizes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "unified_dim_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "broadcast_compat_data": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "broadcast_compat_data" + ] + ] + ], + "func": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "apply_variable_ufunc", + "if_any_isinstance_array_", + "if_dask_forbidden_", + "elif_dask_parallelize", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py", + [ + "rolling_window", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_unary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_binary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_inplace_binary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_unary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_binary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_inplace_binary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_binary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "_values_method_wrapper", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "_method_wrapper", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "_func_slash_method_wrapper", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_unary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_binary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_inplace_binary_op", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_two_outputs", + "twice", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_input_core_dimension", + "first_element", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_output_core_dimension", + "stack_negative", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_output_core_dimension", + "original_and_stack_negative", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_exclude", + "concatenate", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_new_output_dimension", + "stack_negative", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_object_method", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_da_resample_func_args", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_ds_resample_apply_func_args", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_da_groupby_apply_func_args", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_ds_groupby_apply_func_args", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_1d", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_1d_methods", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_vectorize", + "func" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_scalar", + "func" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_variable_ufunc": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "apply_variable_ufunc" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_blockwise": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "_apply_blockwise" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_array_ufunc": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "apply_array_ufunc" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_ufunc": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "apply_ufunc" + ] + ] + ], + "dot": [ + [ + "xarray/core/computation.py", + [ + "dot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "dot" + ] + ] + ], + "concat": [ + [ + "xarray/core/concat.py", + [ + "concat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "concat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "concat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "concat" + ] + ] + ], + "_calc_concat_dim_coord": [ + [ + "xarray/core/concat.py", + [ + "_calc_concat_dim_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "process_subset_opt": [ + [ + "xarray/core/concat.py", + [ + "_calc_concat_over", + "process_subset_opt" + ] + ] + ], + "_calc_concat_over": [ + [ + "xarray/core/concat.py", + [ + "_calc_concat_over" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_datasets": [ + [ + "xarray/core/concat.py", + [ + "_parse_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_common_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/concat.py", + [ + "_dataset_concat", + "ensure_common_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "_dataset_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/core/concat.py", + [ + "_dataset_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "_dataarray_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/core/concat.py", + [ + "_dataarray_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "_names": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "_names" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates", + "_names" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates", + "_names" + ] + ] + ], + "dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates", + "dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates", + "dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_DummyGroup", + "dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "dims" + ] + ] + ], + "indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "indexes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "indexes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "_update_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates", + "_update_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates", + "_update_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "to_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "to_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DatasetCoordinates", + "to_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "DataArrayCoordinates", + "to_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "to_index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "to_index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "to_index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "to_index" + ] + ] + ], + "update": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "update" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "OrderedSet", + "update" + ] + ] + ], + "_merge_raw": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "_merge_raw" + ] + ] + ], + "_merge_inplace": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "_merge_inplace" + ] + ] + ], + "merge": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "Coordinates", + "merge" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "merge" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "merge" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_coordinate_consistent": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "assert_coordinate_consistent" + ] + ] + ], + "remap_label_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/core/coordinates.py", + [ + "remap_label_indexers" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "remap_label_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "meta_from_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dask_array_compat.py", + [ + "if_LooseVersion_dask_vers", + "else_", + "meta_from_array" + ] + ] + ], + "dask_rolling_wrapper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py", + [ + "dask_rolling_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "rolling_window": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py", + [ + "rolling_window" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "rolling_window" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "rolling_window" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "rolling_window" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_coords_and_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "_infer_coords_and_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_data_shape": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "_check_data_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "_replace": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_replace" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "_replace_maybe_drop_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_replace_maybe_drop_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "_overwrite_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_overwrite_indexes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_overwrite_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_temp_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_to_temp_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "_from_temp_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_from_temp_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "subset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_to_dataset_split", + "subset" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_dataset_split": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_to_dataset_split" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_dataset_whole": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_to_dataset_whole" + ] + ] + ], + "name": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "name" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "name" + ] + ] + ], + "name_9": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "name_9" + ] + ] + ], + "variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "variable" + ] + ] + ], + "size": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "size" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NdimSizeLenMixin", + "size" + ] + ] + ], + "nbytes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "nbytes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "nbytes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "nbytes" + ] + ] + ], + "ndim": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "ndim" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_DummyGroup", + "ndim" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "NdimSizeLenMixin", + "ndim" + ] + ] + ], + "data": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "data" + ] + ] + ], + "data_18": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "data_18" + ] + ] + ], + "values": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "values" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_DummyGroup", + "values" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "values" + ] + ] + ], + "values_20": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "values_20" + ] + ] + ], + "_in_memory": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_in_memory" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_in_memory" + ] + ] + ], + "dims_24": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "dims_24" + ] + ] + ], + "_item_key_to_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_item_key_to_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_level_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_level_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_level_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "_getitem_coord": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_getitem_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "loc": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "loc" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "loc" + ] + ] + ], + "attrs_36": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "attrs_36" + ] + ] + ], + "encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "encoding" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "encoding_38": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "encoding_38" + ] + ] + ], + "coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "coords" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "reset_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "reset_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "__dask_graph__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__dask_graph__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__dask_graph__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__dask_graph__" + ] + ] + ], + "__dask_keys__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__dask_keys__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__dask_keys__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__dask_keys__" + ] + ] + ], + "__dask_layers__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__dask_layers__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__dask_layers__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__dask_layers__" + ] + ] + ], + "__dask_optimize__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__dask_optimize__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__dask_optimize__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__dask_optimize__" + ] + ] + ], + "__dask_scheduler__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__dask_scheduler__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__dask_scheduler__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__dask_scheduler__" + ] + ] + ], + "__dask_postcompute__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__dask_postcompute__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__dask_postcompute__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__dask_postcompute__" + ] + ] + ], + "__dask_postpersist__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__dask_postpersist__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__dask_postpersist__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__dask_postpersist__" + ] + ] + ], + "_dask_finalize": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_dask_finalize" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_dask_finalize" + ] + ] + ], + "compute": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "compute" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "compute" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "compute" + ] + ] + ], + "persist": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "persist" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "persist" + ] + ] + ], + "copy": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "PandasIndexAdapter", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "copy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "copy" + ] + ] + ], + "__copy__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__copy__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__copy__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__copy__" + ] + ] + ], + "__deepcopy__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__deepcopy__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "__deepcopy__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__deepcopy__" + ] + ] + ], + "chunks": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "isel": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "isel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "isel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "isel" + ] + ] + ], + "sel": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "sel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "sel" + ] + ] + ], + "head": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "head" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "head" + ] + ] + ], + "tail": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "tail" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "tail" + ] + ] + ], + "thin": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "thin" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "thin" + ] + ] + ], + "broadcast_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "broadcast_like" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "broadcast_like" + ] + ] + ], + "reindex_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "reindex_like" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "reindex_like" + ] + ] + ], + "reindex": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "reindex" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "reindex" + ] + ] + ], + "interp": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "interp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "interp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "interp" + ] + ] + ], + "interp_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "interp_like" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "interp_like" + ] + ] + ], + "rename": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "rename" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "rename" + ] + ] + ], + "swap_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "swap_dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "swap_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "expand_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "expand_dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "expand_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "set_index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "set_index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "set_index" + ] + ] + ], + "reset_index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "reset_index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "reset_index" + ] + ] + ], + "reorder_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "reorder_levels" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "reorder_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "stack": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "stack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "stack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "stack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "stack" + ] + ] + ], + "unstack": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "unstack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "unstack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "unstack" + ] + ] + ], + "to_unstacked_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_unstacked_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "transpose": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "CopyOnWriteArray", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "MemoryCachedArray", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "NumpyIndexingAdapter", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "DaskIndexingAdapter", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "PandasIndexAdapter", + "transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "transpose" + ] + ] + ], + "T": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "T" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "T" + ] + ] + ], + "drop": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "drop" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "drop" + ] + ] + ], + "drop_80": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "drop_80" + ] + ] + ], + "drop_81": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "drop_81" + ] + ] + ], + "dropna": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "dropna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "dropna" + ] + ] + ], + "fillna": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "fillna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "fillna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "fillna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "fillna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "fillna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "fillna" + ] + ] + ], + "interpolate_na": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "interpolate_na" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "interpolate_na" + ] + ] + ], + "ffill": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "ffill" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "ffill" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "ffill" + ] + ] + ], + "bfill": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "bfill" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "bfill" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "bfill" + ] + ] + ], + "combine_first": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "combine_first" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "combine_first" + ] + ] + ], + "reduce": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DatasetGroupBy", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "DatasetResample", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayRolling", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetRolling", + "reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "to_pandas": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_pandas" + ] + ] + ], + "to_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_dataframe" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "to_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "to_series": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_series" + ] + ] + ], + "to_masked_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_masked_array" + ] + ] + ], + "to_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "to_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "to_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "from_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "from_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "from_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "from_series": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "from_series" + ] + ] + ], + "compat": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_all_compat", + "compat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_all_compat", + "compat" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_compat": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_all_compat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_all_compat" + ] + ] + ], + "broadcast_equals": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "broadcast_equals" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "broadcast_equals" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "broadcast_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "equals": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "equals" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "equals" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "equals" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "equals" + ] + ] + ], + "identical": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "identical" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "identical" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "identical" + ] + ] + ], + "_result_name": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_result_name" + ] + ] + ], + "__array_wrap__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__array_wrap__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "__array_wrap__" + ] + ] + ], + "__matmul__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__matmul__" + ] + ] + ], + "__rmatmul__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "__rmatmul__" + ] + ] + ], + "_unary_op": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_unary_op" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_unary_op" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_unary_op" + ] + ] + ], + "_binary_op": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_binary_op" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_binary_op" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_binary_op" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_binary_op" + ] + ] + ], + "_inplace_binary_op": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_inplace_binary_op" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_inplace_binary_op" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_inplace_binary_op" + ] + ] + ], + "_copy_attrs_from": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_copy_attrs_from" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_copy_attrs_from" + ] + ] + ], + "_title_for_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "_title_for_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "diff": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "diff" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "diff" + ] + ] + ], + "roll": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "roll" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "roll" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "roll" + ] + ] + ], + "real": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "real" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "real" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "real" + ] + ] + ], + "imag": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "imag" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "imag" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "imag" + ] + ] + ], + "sortby": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "sortby" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "sortby" + ] + ] + ], + "quantile": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "quantile" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "quantile" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "quantile" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "quantile" + ] + ] + ], + "rank": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "rank" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "rank" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "rank" + ] + ] + ], + "differentiate": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "differentiate" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "differentiate" + ] + ] + ], + "integrate": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "integrate" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "integrate" + ] + ] + ], + "unify_chunks": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "unify_chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "unify_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "map_blocks": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataarray.py", + [ + "DataArray", + "map_blocks" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "map_blocks" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/parallel.py", + [ + "map_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_virtual_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "_get_virtual_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "calculate_dimensions": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "calculate_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "merge_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "split_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "split_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_empty": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "_assert_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "as_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "as_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "load_store": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "load_store" + ] + ] + ], + "attrs_3": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "attrs_3" + ] + ] + ], + "encoding_5": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "encoding_5" + ] + ] + ], + "_dask_postcompute": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_dask_postcompute" + ] + ] + ], + "_dask_postpersist": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_dask_postpersist" + ] + ] + ], + "_persist_inplace": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_persist_inplace" + ] + ] + ], + "_construct_direct": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_construct_direct" + ] + ] + ], + "_from_vars_and_coord_names": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_from_vars_and_coord_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_replace_with_new_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_replace_with_new_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "_replace_vars_and_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_replace_vars_and_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "_copy_listed": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_copy_listed" + ] + ] + ], + "_construct_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_construct_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "data_vars": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "data_vars" + ] + ] + ], + "set_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "set_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "info": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "info" + ] + ] + ], + "selkeys": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "chunk", + "selkeys" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_validate_indexers" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_validate_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_interp_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_validate_interp_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_indexers_coords_and_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_get_indexers_coords_and_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "interp", + "maybe_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_interp_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "interp", + "_validate_interp_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_rename_vars": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_rename_vars" + ] + ] + ], + "_rename_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_rename_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "_rename_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_rename_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "_rename_all": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_rename_all" + ] + ] + ], + "rename_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "rename_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "rename_vars": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "rename_vars" + ] + ] + ], + "_stack_once": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_stack_once" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_stack_once" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_stackable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "to_stacked_array", + "ensure_stackable" + ] + ] + ], + "to_stacked_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "to_stacked_array" + ] + ] + ], + "_unstack_once": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_unstack_once" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_unstack_once" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_all_in_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_assert_all_in_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "drop_95": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "drop_95" + ] + ] + ], + "drop_96": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "drop_96" + ] + ] + ], + "_drop_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_drop_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "_drop_vars": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_drop_vars" + ] + ] + ], + "drop_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "drop_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "apply": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "apply" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "apply" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DatasetGroupBy", + "apply" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "DataArrayResample", + "apply" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "DatasetResample", + "apply" + ] + ] + ], + "assign": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "assign" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DatasetGroupBy", + "assign" + ] + ] + ], + "to_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "to_array" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_to_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_sparse_data_from_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_set_sparse_data_from_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_numpy_data_from_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_set_numpy_data_from_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "from_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "from_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "to_dask_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "to_dask_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_over_both": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_calculate_binary_op", + "apply_over_both" + ] + ] + ], + "_calculate_binary_op": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_calculate_binary_op" + ] + ] + ], + "_integrate_one": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "_integrate_one" + ] + ] + ], + "filter_by_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dataset.py", + [ + "Dataset", + "filter_by_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "__gt__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "AlwaysGreaterThan", + "__gt__" + ] + ] + ], + "__lt__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "AlwaysLessThan", + "__lt__" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_promote": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "maybe_promote" + ] + ] + ], + "get_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "get_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "get_pos_infinity": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "get_pos_infinity" + ] + ] + ], + "get_neg_infinity": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "get_neg_infinity" + ] + ] + ], + "is_datetime_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "is_datetime_like" + ] + ] + ], + "result_type": [ + [ + "xarray/core/dtypes.py", + [ + "result_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_dask_or_eager_func": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "_dask_or_eager_func" + ] + ] + ], + "fail_on_dask_array_input": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "fail_on_dask_array_input" + ] + ] + ], + "isnull": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "isnull" + ] + ] + ], + "notnull": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "notnull" + ] + ] + ], + "gradient": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "gradient" + ] + ] + ], + "trapz": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "trapz" + ] + ] + ], + "asarray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "asarray" + ] + ] + ], + "as_shared_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "as_shared_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "allclose_or_equiv": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "allclose_or_equiv" + ] + ] + ], + "array_equiv": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "array_equiv" + ] + ] + ], + "array_notnull_equiv": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "array_notnull_equiv" + ] + ] + ], + "where_method": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "where_method" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "where_method" + ] + ] + ], + "concatenate": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "concatenate" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_exclude", + "concatenate" + ] + ] + ], + "_ignore_warnings_if": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "_ignore_warnings_if" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_nan_agg_method": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "_create_nan_agg_method" + ] + ] + ], + "datetime_to_numeric": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "datetime_to_numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_pytimedelta": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "_to_pytimedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "mean": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "mean" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", + [ + "RollingExp", + "mean" + ] + ] + ], + "_nd_cum_func": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "_nd_cum_func" + ] + ] + ], + "cumprod": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "cumprod" + ] + ] + ], + "cumsum": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "cumsum" + ] + ] + ], + "first": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "first" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "first" + ] + ] + ], + "last": [ + [ + "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "last" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "last" + ] + ] + ], + "__get__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/extensions.py", + [ + "_CachedAccessor", + "__get__" + ] + ] + ], + "_register_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/extensions.py", + [ + "_register_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "register_dataarray_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/extensions.py", + [ + "register_dataarray_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "register_dataset_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/core/extensions.py", + [ + "register_dataset_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "pretty_print": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "pretty_print" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_truncate": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "maybe_truncate" + ] + ] + ], + "wrap_indent": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "wrap_indent" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_indexer_at_least_n_items": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_get_indexer_at_least_n_items" + ] + ] + ], + "first_n_items": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "first_n_items" + ] + ] + ], + "last_n_items": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "last_n_items" + ] + ] + ], + "last_item": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "last_item" + ] + ] + ], + "format_timestamp": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "format_timestamp" + ] + ] + ], + "format_timedelta": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "format_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "format_item": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "format_item" + ] + ] + ], + "format_items": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "format_items" + ] + ] + ], + "format_array_flat": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "format_array_flat" + ] + ] + ], + "inline_dask_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "inline_dask_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "inline_sparse_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "inline_sparse_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "inline_variable_array_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "inline_variable_array_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "summarize_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "summarize_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_summarize_coord_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_summarize_coord_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "_summarize_coord_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_summarize_coord_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "summarize_datavar": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "summarize_datavar" + ] + ] + ], + "summarize_coord": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "summarize_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "summarize_attr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "summarize_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_col_items": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_get_col_items" + ] + ] + ], + "_calculate_col_width": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_calculate_col_width" + ] + ] + ], + "_mapping_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_mapping_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "coords_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "coords_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "indexes_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "indexes_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "dim_summary": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "dim_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "unindexed_dims_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "unindexed_dims_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "set_numpy_options": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "set_numpy_options" + ] + ] + ], + "short_numpy_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "short_numpy_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "short_data_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "short_data_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "array_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "array_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "dataset_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "dataset_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "diff_dim_summary": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "diff_dim_summary" + ] + ] + ], + "extra_items_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_diff_mapping_repr", + "extra_items_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "_diff_mapping_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_diff_mapping_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "_compat_to_str": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "_compat_to_str" + ] + ] + ], + "diff_array_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "diff_array_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "diff_dataset_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/core/formatting.py", + [ + "diff_dataset_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "unique_value_groups": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "unique_value_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_dummy_copy": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_dummy_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_one_or_none": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_is_one_or_none" + ] + ] + ], + "_consolidate_slices": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_consolidate_slices" + ] + ] + ], + "_inverse_permutation_indices": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_inverse_permutation_indices" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_ensure_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "_unique_and_monotonic": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_unique_and_monotonic" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_loffset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_apply_loffset" + ] + ] + ], + "groups": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_index_and_items": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_get_index_and_items" + ] + ] + ], + "_iter_grouped": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_iter_grouped" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_concat_args": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_infer_concat_args" + ] + ] + ], + "_yield_binary_applied": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_yield_binary_applied" + ] + ] + ], + "_maybe_restore_empty_groups": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_maybe_restore_empty_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "_maybe_unstack": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_maybe_unstack" + ] + ] + ], + "_first_or_last": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "GroupBy", + "_first_or_last" + ] + ] + ], + "_maybe_reorder": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "_maybe_reorder" + ] + ] + ], + "_iter_grouped_shortcut": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "_iter_grouped_shortcut" + ] + ] + ], + "_concat_shortcut": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "_concat_shortcut" + ] + ] + ], + "lookup_order": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "_restore_dim_order", + "lookup_order" + ] + ] + ], + "_restore_dim_order": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "_restore_dim_order" + ] + ] + ], + "_combine": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "_combine" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DatasetGroupBy", + "_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "reduce_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DataArrayGroupBy", + "reduce", + "reduce_array" + ] + ] + ], + "reduce_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/core/groupby.py", + [ + "DatasetGroupBy", + "reduce", + "reduce_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "default_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "default_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "isel_variable_and_index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "isel_variable_and_index" + ] + ] + ], + "roll_index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexes.py", + [ + "roll_index" + ] + ] + ], + "expanded_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "expanded_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_expand_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_expand_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "_sanitize_slice_element": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_sanitize_slice_element" + ] + ] + ], + "_asarray_tuplesafe": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_asarray_tuplesafe" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_nested_tuple": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_is_nested_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "get_indexer_nd": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "get_indexer_nd" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_label_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "convert_label_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_dim_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "get_dim_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "slice_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "slice_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "_index_indexer_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_index_indexer_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "tuple": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "ExplicitIndexer", + "tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "as_integer_or_none": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "as_integer_or_none" + ] + ] + ], + "as_integer_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "as_integer_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "_updated_key": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyOuterIndexedArray", + "_updated_key" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray", + "_updated_key" + ] + ] + ], + "_wrap_numpy_scalars": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_wrap_numpy_scalars" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_copied": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "CopyOnWriteArray", + "_ensure_copied" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_cached": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "MemoryCachedArray", + "_ensure_cached" + ] + ] + ], + "as_indexable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "as_indexable" + ] + ] + ], + "_outer_to_vectorized_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_outer_to_vectorized_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_outer_to_numpy_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_outer_to_numpy_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_combine_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_combine_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "explicit_indexing_adapter": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "explicit_indexing_adapter" + ] + ] + ], + "decompose_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "decompose_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_decompose_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_decompose_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "_decompose_vectorized_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_decompose_vectorized_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_decompose_outer_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_decompose_outer_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_arrayize_vectorized_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_arrayize_vectorized_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_dask_array_with_chunks_hint": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_dask_array_with_chunks_hint" + ] + ] + ], + "_logical_any": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_logical_any" + ] + ] + ], + "_masked_result_drop_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_masked_result_drop_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "create_mask": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "create_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "_posify_mask_subindexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "_posify_mask_subindexer" + ] + ] + ], + "posify_mask_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "posify_mask_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_indexing_array_and_key": [ + [ + "xarray/core/indexing.py", + [ + "NumpyIndexingAdapter", + "_indexing_array_and_key" + ] + ] + ], + "broadcast_dimension_size": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "broadcast_dimension_size" + ] + ] + ], + "unique_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "unique_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_compat_valid": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "_assert_compat_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_collected": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "merge_collected" + ] + ] + ], + "append": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "collect_variables_and_indexes", + "append" + ] + ] + ], + "append_all": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "collect_variables_and_indexes", + "append_all" + ] + ] + ], + "collect_variables_and_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "collect_variables_and_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "collect_from_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "collect_from_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_coordinates_without_align": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "merge_coordinates_without_align" + ] + ] + ], + "determine_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "determine_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "coerce_pandas_values": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "coerce_pandas_values" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_priority_vars_and_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "_get_priority_vars_and_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "merge_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_data_and_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "merge_data_and_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "_extract_indexes_from_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "_extract_indexes_from_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_valid_explicit_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "assert_valid_explicit_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "merge_core": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "merge_core" + ] + ] + ], + "dataset_merge_method": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "dataset_merge_method" + ] + ] + ], + "dataset_update_method": [ + [ + "xarray/core/merge.py", + [ + "dataset_update_method" + ] + ] + ], + "__call__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "BaseInterpolator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "NumpyInterpolator", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "_Dataset_PlotMethods", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_PlotMethods", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "CountingScheduler", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "do", + "__call__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/ufuncs.py", + [ + "_UFuncDispatcher", + "__call__" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_over_vars_with_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_apply_over_vars_with_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "get_clean_interp_index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "get_clean_interp_index" + ] + ] + ], + "interp_na": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "interp_na" + ] + ] + ], + "func_interpolate_na": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "func_interpolate_na" + ] + ] + ], + "_bfill": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_bfill" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_interpolator": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_get_interpolator" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_interpolator_nd": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_get_interpolator_nd" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_valid_fill_mask": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_get_valid_fill_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_single_chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_assert_single_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "_localize": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_localize" + ] + ] + ], + "_floatize_x": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_floatize_x" + ] + ] + ], + "interp_func": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "interp_func" + ] + ] + ], + "_interp1d": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_interp1d" + ] + ] + ], + "_interpnd": [ + [ + "xarray/core/missing.py", + [ + "_interpnd" + ] + ] + ], + "_replace_nan": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "_replace_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "_maybe_null_out": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "_maybe_null_out" + ] + ] + ], + "_nan_argminmax_object": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "_nan_argminmax_object" + ] + ] + ], + "_nan_minmax_object": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "_nan_minmax_object" + ] + ] + ], + "nanmin": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanmin" + ] + ] + ], + "nanmax": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanmax" + ] + ] + ], + "nanargmin": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanargmin" + ] + ] + ], + "nanargmax": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanargmax" + ] + ] + ], + "nansum": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nansum" + ] + ] + ], + "_nanmean_ddof_object": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "_nanmean_ddof_object" + ] + ] + ], + "nanmean": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanmean" + ] + ] + ], + "nanmedian": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanmedian" + ] + ] + ], + "_nanvar_object": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "_nanvar_object" + ] + ] + ], + "nanvar": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanvar" + ] + ] + ], + "nanstd": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanstd" + ] + ] + ], + "nanprod": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nanprod" + ] + ] + ], + "nancumsum": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nancumsum" + ] + ] + ], + "nancumprod": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nanops.py", + [ + "nancumprod" + ] + ] + ], + "_validate_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/core/npcompat.py", + [ + "_validate_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "_validate_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "moveaxis": [ + [ + "xarray/core/npcompat.py", + [ + "moveaxis" + ] + ] + ], + "__array_function__": [ + [ + "xarray/core/npcompat.py", + [ + "_is_nep18_active", + "A", + "__array_function__" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_repr_nep18", + "Array", + "__array_function__" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_nep18_active": [ + [ + "xarray/core/npcompat.py", + [ + "_is_nep18_active" + ] + ] + ], + "_select_along_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "_select_along_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "nanfirst": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "nanfirst" + ] + ] + ], + "nanlast": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "nanlast" + ] + ] + ], + "inverse_permutation": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "inverse_permutation" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_bool_is_ndarray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "_ensure_bool_is_ndarray" + ] + ] + ], + "array_eq": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "array_eq" + ] + ] + ], + "array_ne": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "array_ne" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_contiguous": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "_is_contiguous" + ] + ] + ], + "_advanced_indexer_subspaces": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "_advanced_indexer_subspaces" + ] + ] + ], + "_rolling_window": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "_rolling_window" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_bottleneck_method": [ + [ + "xarray/core/nputils.py", + [ + "_create_bottleneck_method" + ] + ] + ], + "_call_possibly_missing_method": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "_call_possibly_missing_method" + ] + ] + ], + "_values_method_wrapper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "_values_method_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "_method_wrapper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "_method_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "_func_slash_method_wrapper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "_func_slash_method_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "inject_reduce_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "inject_reduce_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "inject_cum_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "inject_cum_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "op_str": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "op_str" + ] + ] + ], + "get_op": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "get_op" + ] + ] + ], + "inplace_to_noninplace_op": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "inplace_to_noninplace_op" + ] + ] + ], + "inject_binary_ops": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "inject_binary_ops" + ] + ] + ], + "inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "inject_coarsen_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/core/ops.py", + [ + "inject_coarsen_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "_positive_integer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/options.py", + [ + "_positive_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "_set_file_cache_maxsize": [ + [ + "xarray/core/options.py", + [ + "_set_file_cache_maxsize" + ] + ] + ], + "_warn_on_setting_enable_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/core/options.py", + [ + "_warn_on_setting_enable_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_keep_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/core/options.py", + [ + "_get_keep_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "_apply_update": [ + [ + "xarray/core/options.py", + [ + "set_options", + "_apply_update" + ] + ] + ], + "dataset_to_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/core/parallel.py", + [ + "dataset_to_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "make_meta": [ + [ + "xarray/core/parallel.py", + [ + "make_meta" + ] + ] + ], + "infer_template": [ + [ + "xarray/core/parallel.py", + [ + "infer_template" + ] + ] + ], + "make_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/core/parallel.py", + [ + "make_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "_wrapper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/parallel.py", + [ + "map_blocks", + "_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "count_not_none": [ + [ + "xarray/core/pdcompat.py", + [ + "count_not_none" + ] + ] + ], + "_upsample": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "Resample", + "_upsample" + ] + ] + ], + "asfreq": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "Resample", + "asfreq" + ] + ] + ], + "backfill": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "Resample", + "backfill" + ] + ] + ], + "nearest": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "Resample", + "nearest" + ] + ] + ], + "interpolate": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "Resample", + "interpolate" + ] + ] + ], + "_interpolate": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample.py", + [ + "Resample", + "_interpolate" + ] + ] + ], + "first_items": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", + [ + "CFTimeGrouper", + "first_items" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_time_bins": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", + [ + "_get_time_bins" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust_bin_edges": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", + [ + "_adjust_bin_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_range_edges": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", + [ + "_get_range_edges" + ] + ] + ], + "_adjust_dates_anchored": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", + [ + "_adjust_dates_anchored" + ] + ] + ], + "exact_cftime_datetime_difference": [ + [ + "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", + [ + "exact_cftime_datetime_difference" + ] + ] + ], + "_min_periods": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "_min_periods" + ] + ] + ], + "method": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "Rolling", + "_reduce_method", + "method" + ] + ] + ], + "construct": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayRolling", + "construct" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetRolling", + "construct" + ] + ] + ], + "_counts": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayRolling", + "_counts" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetRolling", + "_counts" + ] + ] + ], + "_bottleneck_reduce": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayRolling", + "_bottleneck_reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "_numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DataArrayRolling", + "_numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetRolling", + "_numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "_dataset_implementation": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling.py", + [ + "DatasetRolling", + "_dataset_implementation" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_alpha": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", + [ + "_get_alpha" + ] + ] + ], + "move_exp_nanmean": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", + [ + "move_exp_nanmean" + ] + ] + ], + "_get_center_of_mass": [ + [ + "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", + [ + "_get_center_of_mass" + ] + ] + ], + "_check_inplace": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "_check_inplace" + ] + ] + ], + "alias_message": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "alias_message" + ] + ] + ], + "alias_warning": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "alias_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "wrapper": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "alias", + "wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "alias": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "alias" + ] + ] + ], + "_maybe_cast_to_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "_maybe_cast_to_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_cast_to_coords_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "maybe_cast_to_coords_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "safe_cast_to_index": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "safe_cast_to_index" + ] + ] + ], + "multiindex_from_product_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "multiindex_from_product_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "maybe_wrap_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "maybe_wrap_array" + ] + ] + ], + "equivalent": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "equivalent" + ] + ] + ], + "list_equiv": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "list_equiv" + ] + ] + ], + "peek_at": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "peek_at" + ] + ] + ], + "update_safety_check": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "update_safety_check" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_incompatible_items": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "remove_incompatible_items" + ] + ] + ], + "is_dict_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "is_dict_like" + ] + ] + ], + "is_full_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "is_full_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "is_list_like": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "is_list_like" + ] + ] + ], + "either_dict_or_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "either_dict_or_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "is_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "is_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "is_valid_numpy_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "is_valid_numpy_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "to_0d_object_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "to_0d_object_array" + ] + ] + ], + "to_0d_array": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "to_0d_array" + ] + ] + ], + "dict_equiv": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "dict_equiv" + ] + ] + ], + "ordered_dict_intersection": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "ordered_dict_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "FrozenDict": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "FrozenDict" + ] + ] + ], + "discard": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "OrderedSet", + "discard" + ] + ] + ], + "close_on_error": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "close_on_error" + ] + ] + ], + "is_remote_uri": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "is_remote_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "is_grib_path": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "is_grib_path" + ] + ] + ], + "is_uniform_spaced": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "is_uniform_spaced" + ] + ] + ], + "hashable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "hashable" + ] + ] + ], + "not_implemented": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "not_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "decode_numpy_dict_values": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "decode_numpy_dict_values" + ] + ] + ], + "ensure_us_time_resolution": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "ensure_us_time_resolution" + ] + ] + ], + "_raise_if_hidden": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "HiddenKeyDict", + "_raise_if_hidden" + ] + ] + ], + "get_temp_dimname": [ + [ + "xarray/core/utils.py", + [ + "get_temp_dimname" + ] + ] + ], + "as_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "as_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "_maybe_wrap_data": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "_maybe_wrap_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_possibly_convert_objects": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "_possibly_convert_objects" + ] + ] + ], + "as_compatible_data": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "as_compatible_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_as_array_or_item": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "_as_array_or_item" + ] + ] + ], + "data_5": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "data_5" + ] + ] + ], + "values_17": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "values_17" + ] + ] + ], + "to_base_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "to_base_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "to_index_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "to_index_variable" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "to_index_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "dims_23": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "dims_23" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_dimensions": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_parse_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "_item_key_to_tuple": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_item_key_to_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_broadcast_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_indexes_basic": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_broadcast_indexes_basic" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_indexes_outer": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_broadcast_indexes_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "_nonzero": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_nonzero" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_indexes_vectorized": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_broadcast_indexes_vectorized" + ] + ] + ], + "_finalize_indexing_result": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_finalize_indexing_result" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "_finalize_indexing_result" + ] + ] + ], + "_getitem_with_mask": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_getitem_with_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "attrs_37": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "attrs_37" + ] + ] + ], + "encoding_39": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "encoding_39" + ] + ] + ], + "_shift_one_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_shift_one_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "pad_with_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "pad_with_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "_roll_one_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_roll_one_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "set_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "set_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "no_conflicts": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "no_conflicts" + ] + ] + ], + "_coarsen_reshape": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_coarsen_reshape" + ] + ] + ], + "_to_numeric": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "Variable", + "_to_numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "_data_equals": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "_data_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "level_names": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "level_names" + ] + ] + ], + "get_level_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "get_level_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "name_14": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "IndexVariable", + "name_14" + ] + ] + ], + "_unified_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "_unified_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_compat_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "_broadcast_compat_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "broadcast_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "broadcast_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "_broadcast_compat_data": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "_broadcast_compat_data" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_unique_multiindex_level_names": [ + [ + "xarray/core/variable.py", + [ + "assert_unique_multiindex_level_names" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_meta_data": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "_infer_meta_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_scatter_data": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "_infer_scatter_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_parse_size": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "_parse_size" + ] + ] + ], + "newplotfunc": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "_dsplot", + "newplotfunc" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_plot2d", + "newplotfunc" + ] + ] + ], + "plotmethod": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "_dsplot", + "plotmethod" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_plot2d", + "plotmethod" + ] + ] + ], + "_dsplot": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "_dsplot" + ] + ] + ], + "scatter": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", + [ + "scatter" + ] + ] + ], + "_nicetitle": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "_nicetitle" + ] + ] + ], + "_left_axes": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "_left_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "_bottom_axes": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "_bottom_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "map_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "map_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "map_dataarray_line": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "map_dataarray_line" + ] + ] + ], + "map_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "map_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "_finalize_grid": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "_finalize_grid" + ] + ] + ], + "add_legend": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "add_legend" + ] + ] + ], + "add_colorbar": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "add_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "set_axis_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "set_axis_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "set_xlabels": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "set_xlabels" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ylabels": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "set_ylabels" + ] + ] + ], + "set_titles": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "set_titles" + ] + ] + ], + "set_ticks": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "set_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "map": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "FacetGrid", + "map" + ] + ] + ], + "_easy_facetgrid": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", + [ + "_easy_facetgrid" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_line_data": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_infer_line_data" + ] + ] + ], + "line": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "line" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_PlotMethods", + "line" + ] + ] + ], + "step": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "step" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_PlotMethods", + "step" + ] + ] + ], + "hist": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "hist" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_PlotMethods", + "hist" + ] + ] + ], + "_plot2d": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "_plot2d" + ] + ] + ], + "imshow": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "imshow" + ] + ] + ], + "contour": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "contour" + ] + ] + ], + "contourf": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "contourf" + ] + ] + ], + "pcolormesh": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/plot.py", + [ + "pcolormesh" + ] + ] + ], + "import_seaborn": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "import_seaborn" + ] + ] + ], + "register_pandas_datetime_converter_if_needed": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "register_pandas_datetime_converter_if_needed" + ] + ] + ], + "import_matplotlib_pyplot": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "import_matplotlib_pyplot" + ] + ] + ], + "_determine_extend": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_determine_extend" + ] + ] + ], + "_build_discrete_cmap": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_build_discrete_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "_color_palette": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_color_palette" + ] + ] + ], + "_determine_cmap_params": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_determine_cmap_params" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_xy_labels_3d": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_infer_xy_labels_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_xy_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_infer_xy_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "get_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "get_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "label_from_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "label_from_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "_interval_to_mid_points": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_interval_to_mid_points" + ] + ] + ], + "_interval_to_bound_points": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_interval_to_bound_points" + ] + ] + ], + "_interval_to_double_bound_points": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_interval_to_double_bound_points" + ] + ] + ], + "_resolve_intervals_2dplot": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_resolve_intervals_2dplot" + ] + ] + ], + "_valid_other_type": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_valid_other_type" + ] + ] + ], + "_valid_numpy_subdtype": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_valid_numpy_subdtype" + ] + ] + ], + "_ensure_plottable": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_ensure_plottable" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_numeric": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_is_numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "_add_colorbar": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_add_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "_rescale_imshow_rgb": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_rescale_imshow_rgb" + ] + ] + ], + "_update_axes": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_update_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "_is_monotonic": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_is_monotonic" + ] + ] + ], + "_infer_interval_breaks": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_infer_interval_breaks" + ] + ] + ], + "_process_cmap_cbar_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/plot/utils.py", + [ + "_process_cmap_cbar_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "_decode_string_data": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "_decode_string_data" + ] + ] + ], + "_data_allclose_or_equiv": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "_data_allclose_or_equiv" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_equal": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "assert_equal" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "assert_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_identical": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "assert_identical" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "assert_identical" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "assert_identical" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "assert_identical" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_allclose": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "assert_allclose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "assert_allclose" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_chunks_equal": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "assert_chunks_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_indexes_invariants_checks": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "_assert_indexes_invariants_checks" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_variable_invariants": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "_assert_variable_invariants" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_dataarray_invariants": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "_assert_dataarray_invariants" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_dataset_invariants": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "_assert_dataset_invariants" + ] + ] + ], + "_assert_internal_invariants": [ + [ + "xarray/testing.py", + [ + "_assert_internal_invariants" + ] + ] + ], + "_importorskip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "_importorskip" + ] + ] + ], + "LooseVersion": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "LooseVersion" + ] + ] + ], + "raises_regex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "raises_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "source_ndarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/__init__.py", + [ + "source_ndarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_field_access": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "TestDatetimeAccessor", + "test_field_access" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "test_field_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strftime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "TestDatetimeAccessor", + "test_strftime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_datetime_type": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "TestDatetimeAccessor", + "test_not_datetime_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_field_access": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "TestDatetimeAccessor", + "test_dask_field_access" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "test_dask_field_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_seasons": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "TestDatetimeAccessor", + "test_seasons" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "test_seasons" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rounders": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "TestDatetimeAccessor", + "test_rounders" + ] + ] + ], + "calendar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "calendar" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "calendar" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "calendar" + ] + ] + ], + "times": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "times" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "times" + ] + ] + ], + "times_3d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "times_3d" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "times_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_strftime_access": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "test_cftime_strftime_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_field_access_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "test_dask_field_access_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "cftime_date_type": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "cftime_date_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dt_accessor_error_netCDF4": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", + [ + "test_dt_accessor_error_netCDF4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_dask" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydap", + "test_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_count": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_count" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_count" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps", + "test_count" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_contains" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_contains" + ] + ] + ], + "test_starts_ends_with": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_starts_ends_with" + ] + ] + ], + "test_case": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_case" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_callable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_replace_callable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_unicode": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_replace_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_compiled_regex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_replace_compiled_regex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_replace_literal": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_replace_literal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repeat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_repeat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_match": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_match" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_str_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_empty_str_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ismethods": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_ismethods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnumeric": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_isnumeric" + ] + ] + ], + "test_len": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_len" + ] + ] + ], + "test_find": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_find" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pad": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_pad" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestIndexVariable", + "test_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pad_fillchar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_pad_fillchar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_translate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_translate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_center_ljust_rjust": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_center_ljust_rjust" + ] + ] + ], + "test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zfill": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_zfill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice_replace": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_slice_replace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_lstrip_rstrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_strip_lstrip_rstrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_wrap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encode_decode": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_encode_decode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encode_decode_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", + [ + "test_encode_decode_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "open_example_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "open_example_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "open_example_mfdataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "open_example_mfdataset" + ] + ] + ], + "create_masked_and_scaled_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_masked_and_scaled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_encoded_masked_and_scaled_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_encoded_masked_and_scaled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_signed_masked_scaled_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_signed_masked_scaled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_encoded_signed_masked_scaled_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_encoded_signed_masked_scaled_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_boolean_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_boolean_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_robust_getitem": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestCommon", + "test_robust_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_common.py", + [ + "test_robust_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "create_store": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4Data", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyInMemoryData", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFileObject", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFilePath", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF3ViaNetCDF4Data", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4ClassicViaNetCDF4Data", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "create_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestCFEncodedDataStore", + "create_store" + ] + ] + ], + "roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4ViaDaskData", + "roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFileObject", + "roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFViaDaskData", + "roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestCFEncodedDataStore", + "roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "roundtrip_append": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "roundtrip_append" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "roundtrip_append" + ] + ] + ], + "save": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPyNio", + "save" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "save" + ] + ] + ], + "test_zero_dimensional_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_zero_dimensional_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_store": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_write_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestGenericNetCDFData", + "test_write_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_write_store" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPyNio", + "test_write_store" + ] + ] + ], + "check_dtypes_roundtripped": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "check_dtypes_roundtripped" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_test_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_test_data" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_loads": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_load", + "assert_loads" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_load" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_load" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_compute": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_dataset_compute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFileObject", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseVariable", + "test_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_pickle_dataarray" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFileObject", + "test_pickle_dataarray" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor", + "test_pickle_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_caching": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_dataset_caching" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4ViaDaskData", + "test_dataset_caching" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_dataset_caching" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFViaDaskData", + "test_dataset_caching" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_dataset_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_None_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_None_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_object_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_object_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_string_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_string_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_string_encoded_characters": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_string_encoded_characters" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_roundtrip_string_encoded_characters" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_timedelta_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_timedelta_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_float64_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_float64_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_example_1_netcdf": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_example_1_netcdf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_coordinates" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestCFEncodedDataStore", + "test_roundtrip_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_global_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_global_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_coordinates_with_space": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_coordinates_with_space" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_roundtrip_coordinates_with_space" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_boolean_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_roundtrip_boolean_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_orthogonal_indexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_orthogonal_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "multiple_indexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_vectorized_indexing", + "multiple_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vectorized_indexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_vectorized_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isel_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_isel_dataarray" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_isel_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "find_and_validate_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "validate_array_type", + "find_and_validate_array" + ] + ] + ], + "validate_array_type": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "validate_array_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_type_after_indexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_array_type_after_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dropna": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_dropna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_dropna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dropna" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ondisk_after_print": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "DatasetIOBase", + "test_ondisk_after_print" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_bytes_with_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_roundtrip_bytes_with_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_nchar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_nchar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_mask_and_scale": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_roundtrip_mask_and_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "equals_latlon": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_coordinates_encoding", + "equals_latlon" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coordinates_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_coordinates_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_endian": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_roundtrip_endian" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_dataarray_names_raise": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_invalid_dataarray_names_raise" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestCFEncodedDataStore", + "test_invalid_dataarray_names_raise" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_encoding_kwarg" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestCFEncodedDataStore", + "test_encoding_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_kwarg_dates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_encoding_kwarg_dates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_kwarg_fixed_width_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_encoding_kwarg_fixed_width_string" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_encoding_kwarg_fixed_width_string" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestCFEncodedDataStore", + "test_encoding_kwarg_fixed_width_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_default_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicitly_omit_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_explicitly_omit_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicitly_omit_fill_value_via_encoding_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_explicitly_omit_fill_value_via_encoding_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicitly_omit_fill_value_in_coord": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_explicitly_omit_fill_value_in_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "test_explicitly_omit_fill_value_in_coord_via_encoding_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_explicitly_omit_fill_value_in_coord_via_encoding_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_same_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_encoding_same_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_write": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_append_write" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_append_write" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ScipyWriteBase", + "test_append_write" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_overwrite_values": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_append_overwrite_values" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_append_overwrite_values" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ScipyWriteBase", + "test_append_overwrite_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_with_invalid_dim_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_append_with_invalid_dim_raises" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_append_with_invalid_dim_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiindex_not_implemented": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "CFEncodedBase", + "test_multiindex_not_implemented" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tmp_file": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_tmp_file" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tmp_files": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_tmp_files" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_group": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_open_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_subgroup": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_open_subgroup" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_groups": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_write_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_kwarg_vlen_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_encoding_kwarg_vlen_string" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF3ViaNetCDF4Data", + "test_encoding_kwarg_vlen_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_vlen": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_vlen" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_character_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_roundtrip_character_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_to_char_arrays": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_default_to_char_arrays" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_encodings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_open_encodings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dump_encodings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_dump_encodings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dump_and_open_encodings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_dump_and_open_encodings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compression_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_compression_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_kwarg_compression": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_encoding_kwarg_compression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keep_chunksizes_if_no_original_shape": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_keep_chunksizes_if_no_original_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_chunksizes_unlimited": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_encoding_chunksizes_unlimited" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mask_and_scale": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_mask_and_scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_0dimensional_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_0dimensional_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_variable_len_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_read_variable_len_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_unlimited_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "NetCDF4Base", + "test_encoding_unlimited_dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestGenericNetCDFData", + "test_encoding_unlimited_dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData", + "test_encoding_unlimited_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_variable_order": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4Data", + "test_variable_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsorted_index_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4Data", + "test_unsorted_index_raises" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4ViaDaskData", + "test_unsorted_index_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setncattr_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4Data", + "test_setncattr_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_autoclose_future_warning": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4Data", + "test_autoclose_future_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_already_open_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4Data", + "test_already_open_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_already_open_dataset_group": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4Data", + "test_already_open_dataset_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_inconsistent_chunks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestNetCDF4ViaDaskData", + "test_write_inconsistent_chunks" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFViaDaskData", + "test_write_inconsistent_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_consolidated": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_roundtrip_consolidated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_auto_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_manual_chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_manual_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warning_on_bad_chunks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_warning_on_bad_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deprecate_auto_chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_deprecate_auto_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_uneven_dask_chunks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_write_uneven_dask_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chunk_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_chunk_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chunk_encoding_with_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_chunk_encoding_with_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_zarr_keys": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_hidden_zarr_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_write_persistence_modes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_write_persistence_modes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compressor_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_compressor_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_group": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_group" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_with_append_dim_not_set_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_append_with_append_dim_not_set_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_with_mode_not_a_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_append_with_mode_not_a_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_with_existing_encoding_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_append_with_existing_encoding_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_encoding_is_consistent_after_append": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_check_encoding_is_consistent_after_append" + ] + ] + ], + "test_append_with_new_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_append_with_new_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_zarr_compute_false_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_to_zarr_compute_false_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_zarr_append_compute_false_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_to_zarr_append_compute_false_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_chunksizes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "ZarrBase", + "test_encoding_chunksizes" + ] + ] + ], + "create_zarr_target": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestZarrDictStore", + "create_zarr_target" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestZarrDirectoryStore", + "create_zarr_target" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_netcdf_explicit_engine": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyInMemoryData", + "test_to_netcdf_explicit_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bytes_pickle": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyInMemoryData", + "test_bytes_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFilePath", + "test_array_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roundtrip_example_1_netcdf_gz": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFilePath", + "test_roundtrip_example_1_netcdf_gz" + ] + ] + ], + "test_netcdf3_endianness": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFilePath", + "test_netcdf3_endianness" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nc4_scipy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestScipyFilePath", + "test_nc4_scipy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_engine": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestGenericNetCDFData", + "test_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cross_engine_read_write_netcdf3": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestGenericNetCDFData", + "test_cross_engine_read_write_netcdf3" + ] + ] + ], + "test_complex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData", + "test_complex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cross_engine_read_write_netcdf4": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData", + "test_cross_engine_read_write_netcdf4" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_byte_attrs_as_unicode": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData", + "test_read_byte_attrs_as_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compression_encoding_h5py": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData", + "test_compression_encoding_h5py" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compression_check_encoding_h5py": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData", + "test_compression_check_encoding_h5py" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dump_encodings_h5py": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFData", + "test_dump_encodings_h5py" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_badbytes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFFileObject", + "test_open_badbytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_twice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFFileObject", + "test_open_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_fileobj": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestH5NetCDFFileObject", + "test_open_fileobj" + ] + ] + ], + "readengine": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "readengine" + ] + ] + ], + "nfiles": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "nfiles" + ] + ] + ], + "file_cache_maxsize": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "file_cache_maxsize" + ] + ] + ], + "parallel": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "parallel" + ] + ] + ], + "skip_if_not_engine": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "skip_if_not_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_manyfiles": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_open_mfdataset_manyfiles" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_list_attr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_open_mfdataset_list_attr" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_files_and_datasets": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw", + "setup_files_and_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "gen_datasets_with_common_coord_and_time": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw", + "gen_datasets_with_common_coord_and_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_does_same_as_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw", + "test_open_mfdataset_does_same_as_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_exact_join_raises_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw", + "test_open_mfdataset_exact_join_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_common_coord_when_datavars_all": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw", + "test_common_coord_when_datavars_all" + ] + ] + ], + "test_common_coord_when_datavars_minimal": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw", + "test_common_coord_when_datavars_minimal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_data_vars_value_should_fail": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDatasetWithDataVarsAndCoordsKw", + "test_invalid_data_vars_value_should_fail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_mfdataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_mfdataset_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_pathlib": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_mfdataset_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_2d_pathlib": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_mfdataset_2d_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_2": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_mfdataset_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attrs_mfdataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_attrs_mfdataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_auto_combine": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_mfdataset_auto_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_combine_nested_no_concat_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_mfdataset_combine_nested_no_concat_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding_mfdataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_encoding_mfdataset" + ] + ] + ], + "preprocess": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_preprocess_mfdataset", + "with_create_tmp_file_as", + "preprocess" + ] + ] + ], + "test_preprocess_mfdataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_preprocess_mfdataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_mfdataset_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_save_mfdataset_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_mfdataset_invalid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_save_mfdataset_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_mfdataset_invalid_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_save_mfdataset_invalid_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_mfdataset_pathlib_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_save_mfdataset_pathlib_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_and_do_math": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_and_do_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_concat_dim_none": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_mfdataset_concat_dim_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_single_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_single_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_multi_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_open_multi_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_dask_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_deterministic_names": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_deterministic_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_compute": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_dataarray_compute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_save_mfdataset_compute_false_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_save_mfdataset_compute_false_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_load_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_load_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDask", + "test_load_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_default": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDataSetDeprecation", + "test_open_mfdataset_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_mfdataset_with_concat_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDataSetDeprecation", + "test_open_mfdataset_with_concat_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_with_merge_and_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDataSetDeprecation", + "test_auto_combine_with_merge_and_concat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineDeprecation", + "test_auto_combine_with_merge_and_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_with_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDataSetDeprecation", + "test_auto_combine_with_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineDeprecation", + "test_auto_combine_with_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_without_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestOpenMFDataSetDeprecation", + "test_auto_combine_without_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineDeprecation", + "test_auto_combine_without_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "convert_to_pydap_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydap", + "convert_to_pydap_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "create_datasets": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydap", + "create_datasets" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydapOnline", + "create_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmp_local_file": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydap", + "test_cmp_local_file" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compatible_to_netcdf": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydap", + "test_compatible_to_netcdf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_session": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPydapOnline", + "test_session" + ] + ] + ], + "test_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPyNio", + "test_kwargs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_weakrefs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPyNio", + "test_weakrefs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestCfGrib", + "test_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_filter_by_keys": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestCfGrib", + "test_read_filter_by_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "myatts": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "test_ict_format", + "myatts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ict_format": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "test_ict_format" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ict_format_write": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "test_ict_format_write" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uamiv_format_read": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "test_uamiv_format_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uamiv_format_mfread": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "test_uamiv_format_mfread" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uamiv_format_write": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestPseudoNetCDFFormat", + "test_uamiv_format_write" + ] + ] + ], + "create_tmp_geotiff": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "create_tmp_geotiff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serialization": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_serialization" + ] + ] + ], + "test_utm": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_utm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_rectilinear": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_non_rectilinear" + ] + ] + ], + "test_platecarree": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_platecarree" + ] + ] + ], + "test_notransform": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_notransform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_indexing" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_caching": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_caching" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chunks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_rasterio": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_pickle_rasterio" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ENVI_tags": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_ENVI_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geotiff_tags": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_geotiff_tags" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_mftime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_no_mftime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_http_url": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_http_url" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rasterio_environment": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_rasterio_environment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rasterio_vrt": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_rasterio_vrt" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rasterio_vrt_with_transform_and_size": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_rasterio_vrt_with_transform_and_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rasterio_vrt_network": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestRasterio", + "test_rasterio_vrt_network" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_nc4_variable_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestEncodingInvalid", + "test_extract_nc4_variable_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extract_h5nc_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestEncodingInvalid", + "test_extract_h5nc_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "new_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestValidateAttrs", + "test_validating_attrs", + "new_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "new_dataset_and_dataset_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestValidateAttrs", + "test_validating_attrs", + "new_dataset_and_dataset_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "new_dataset_and_data_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestValidateAttrs", + "test_validating_attrs", + "new_dataset_and_data_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "new_dataset_and_coord_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestValidateAttrs", + "test_validating_attrs", + "new_dataset_and_coord_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_validating_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestValidateAttrs", + "test_validating_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_no_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayToNetCDF", + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_no_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_with_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayToNetCDF", + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_with_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_coord_name_clash": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayToNetCDF", + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_coord_name_clash" + ] + ] + ], + "test_open_dataarray_options": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayToNetCDF", + "test_open_dataarray_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_return_bytes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayToNetCDF", + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_return_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_no_name_pathlib": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayToNetCDF", + "test_dataarray_to_netcdf_no_name_pathlib" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_warning_from_dask_effective_get": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_no_warning_from_dask_effective_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_source_encoding_always_present": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_source_encoding_always_present" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_standard_calendar_default_in_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_standard_calendar_default_in_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_standard_calendar_default_out_of_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_standard_calendar_default_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_true": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_true" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_true" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_false_standard_calendar_in_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_false_standard_calendar_in_range" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_false_standard_calendar_in_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_false_standard_calendar_out_of_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_false_standard_calendar_out_of_range" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_false_standard_calendar_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_false_nonstandard_calendar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_false_nonstandard_calendar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_netcdf_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", + [ + "test_invalid_netcdf_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test__get_default_engine": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_api.py", + [ + "test__get_default_engine" + ] + ] + ], + "file_cache": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "file_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_mock_write": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_mock_write" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_autoclose": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_autoclose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_autoclose_while_locked": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_autoclose_while_locked" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_refcounts": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_refcounts" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_replace_object": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_replace_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_write_consecutive": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_write_consecutive" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_write_concurrent": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_write_concurrent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_write_pickle": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_write_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_read": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_read" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_invalid_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_invalid_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_manager_acquire_context": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_file_manager.py", + [ + "test_file_manager_acquire_context" + ] + ] + ], + "test_threaded_lock": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_locks.py", + [ + "test_threaded_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simple": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_lru_cache.py", + [ + "test_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trivial": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_lru_cache.py", + [ + "test_trivial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_lru_cache.py", + [ + "test_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_priority": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_lru_cache.py", + [ + "test_update_priority" + ] + ] + ], + "test_del": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_lru_cache.py", + [ + "test_del" + ] + ] + ], + "test_on_evict": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_lru_cache.py", + [ + "test_on_evict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_on_evict_trivial": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_lru_cache.py", + [ + "test_on_evict_trivial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resize": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_backends_lru_cache.py", + [ + "test_resize" + ] + ] + ], + "_id_func": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "_id_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_offset_constructor_valid_n": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_cftime_offset_constructor_valid_n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_offset_constructor_invalid_n": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_cftime_offset_constructor_invalid_n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_offset_constructor_valid_month": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_year_offset_constructor_valid_month" + ] + ] + ], + "test_year_offset_constructor_invalid_month": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_year_offset_constructor_invalid_month" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rule_code": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_rule_code" + ] + ] + ], + "test_str_and_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_str_and_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_offset_offset_input": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_to_offset_offset_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_offset_sub_annual": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_to_offset_sub_annual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_offset_annual": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_to_offset_annual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_offset_quarter": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_to_offset_quarter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_to_offset_str": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_invalid_to_offset_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_cftime_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_to_cftime_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_cftime_datetime_error_no_calendar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_to_cftime_datetime_error_no_calendar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_cftime_datetime_error_type_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_to_cftime_datetime_error_type_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_neq": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_neq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_eq": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_eq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mul": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_mul" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rmul": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_rmul" + ] + ] + ], + "test_neg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_neg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_sub_monthly": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_sub_monthly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_radd_sub_monthly": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_radd_sub_monthly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rsub_sub_monthly": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_rsub_sub_monthly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sub_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_sub_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minus_offset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_minus_offset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_minus_offset_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_minus_offset_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_days_in_month_non_december": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_days_in_month_non_december" + ] + ] + ], + "test_days_in_month_december": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_days_in_month_december" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_month_begin": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_month_begin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_month_end": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_month_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_month_end_onOffset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_month_end_onOffset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_year_begin": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_year_begin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_year_end": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_year_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_year_end_onOffset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_year_end_onOffset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_quarter_begin": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_quarter_begin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_quarter_end": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_quarter_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_quarter_end_onOffset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_add_quarter_end_onOffset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onOffset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_onOffset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_onOffset_month_or_quarter_or_year_end": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_onOffset_month_or_quarter_or_year_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rollforward": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_rollforward" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rollback": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_rollback" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_cftime_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_range_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_cftime_range_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_cftime_range_inputs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_invalid_cftime_range_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calendar_specific_month_end": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_calendar_specific_month_end" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calendar_year_length": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_calendar_year_length" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dayofweek_after_cftime_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_dayofweek_after_cftime_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dayofyear_after_cftime_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_dayofyear_after_cftime_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_range_standard_calendar_refers_to_gregorian": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftime_offsets.py", + [ + "test_cftime_range_standard_calendar_refers_to_gregorian" + ] + ] + ], + "date_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "date_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_iso8601": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_parse_iso8601" + ] + ] + ], + "date_type": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "date_type" + ] + ] + ], + "monotonic_decreasing_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "monotonic_decreasing_index" + ] + ] + ], + "length_one_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "length_one_index" + ] + ] + ], + "da": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "da" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex_resample.py", + [ + "da" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "da" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "da" + ] + ] + ], + "series": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "series" + ] + ] + ], + "df": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "df" + ] + ] + ], + "feb_days": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "feb_days" + ] + ] + ], + "dec_days": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "dec_days" + ] + ] + ], + "index_with_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "index_with_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_with_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_constructor_with_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assert_all_valid_date_type": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_assert_all_valid_date_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_field_accessors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_field_accessors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_dayofyear_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_dayofyear_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_dayofweek_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_dayofweek_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_iso8601_with_reso": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_parse_iso8601_with_reso" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_string_to_bounds_year": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_parse_string_to_bounds_year" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_string_to_bounds_month_feb": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_parse_string_to_bounds_month_feb" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_string_to_bounds_month_dec": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_parse_string_to_bounds_month_dec" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parsed_string_to_bounds_sub_monthly": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_parsed_string_to_bounds_sub_monthly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parsed_string_to_bounds_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_parsed_string_to_bounds_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_loc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_get_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_slice_bound": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_get_slice_bound" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_slice_bound_decreasing_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_get_slice_bound_decreasing_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_slice_bound_length_one_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_get_slice_bound_length_one_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_slice_length_one_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_string_slice_length_one_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_date_type_property": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_date_type_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_groupby" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_groupby" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_groupby" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_groupby" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_string_or_list": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_string_or_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_slice_or_list": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_slice_or_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_scalar_nearest": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_scalar_nearest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_scalar_pad": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_scalar_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_scalar_backfill": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_scalar_backfill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_scalar_tolerance_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_scalar_tolerance_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_list_nearest": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_list_nearest" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_list_pad": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_list_pad" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_list_backfill": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_list_backfill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_date_list_tolerance_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_sel_date_list_tolerance_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isel": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_isel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_isel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_isel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_isel" + ] + ] + ], + "scalar_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "scalar_args" + ] + ] + ], + "range_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "range_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexing_in_series_getitem": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_indexing_in_series_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexing_in_series_loc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_indexing_in_series_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexing_in_series_iloc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_indexing_in_series_iloc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_series_dropna": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_series_dropna" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexing_in_dataframe_loc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_indexing_in_dataframe_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexing_in_dataframe_iloc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_indexing_in_dataframe_iloc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_concat_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_empty_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_add": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_add_timedeltaindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_add_timedeltaindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_radd": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_radd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timedeltaindex_add_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_timedeltaindex_add_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_sub": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_sub" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_sub_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_sub_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_sub_cftime_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_sub_cftime_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_datetime_sub_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftime_datetime_sub_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_sub_timedeltaindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_sub_timedeltaindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_rsub": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_rsub" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_shift": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_shift" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_shift_invalid_n": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_shift_invalid_n" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftimeindex_shift_invalid_freq": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_cftimeindex_shift_invalid_freq" + ] + ] + ], + "test_parse_array_of_cftime_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_parse_array_of_cftime_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_strftime_of_cftime_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_strftime_of_cftime_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_datetimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_to_datetimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_datetimeindex_out_of_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_to_datetimeindex_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_datetimeindex_feb_29": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_to_datetimeindex_feb_29" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex.py", + [ + "test_multiindex" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex_resample.py", + [ + "test_resample" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_resample" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_resample" + ] + ] + ], + "test_closed_label_defaults": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex_resample.py", + [ + "test_closed_label_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_calendars": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_cftimeindex_resample.py", + [ + "test_calendars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CFMaskCoder_decode": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding.py", + [ + "test_CFMaskCoder_decode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CFMaskCoder_missing_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding.py", + [ + "test_CFMaskCoder_missing_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CFMaskCoder_decode_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding.py", + [ + "test_CFMaskCoder_decode_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coder_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding.py", + [ + "test_coder_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scaling_converts_to_float32": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding.py", + [ + "test_scaling_converts_to_float32" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vlen_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_vlen_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_EncodedStringCoder_decode": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_EncodedStringCoder_decode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_EncodedStringCoder_decode_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_EncodedStringCoder_decode_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_EncodedStringCoder_encode": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_EncodedStringCoder_encode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CharacterArrayCoder_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_CharacterArrayCoder_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CharacterArrayCoder_encode": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_CharacterArrayCoder_encode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_CharacterArrayCoder_char_dim_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_CharacterArrayCoder_char_dim_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_StackedBytesArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_StackedBytesArray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_StackedBytesArray_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_StackedBytesArray_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_StackedBytesArray_vectorized_indexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_StackedBytesArray_vectorized_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_to_bytes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_char_to_bytes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_to_bytes_ndim_zero": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_char_to_bytes_ndim_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_to_bytes_size_zero": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_char_to_bytes_size_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_char_to_bytes_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_char_to_bytes_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bytes_to_char": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_bytes_to_char" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bytes_to_char_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_strings.py", + [ + "test_bytes_to_char_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "_all_cftime_date_types": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "_all_cftime_date_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cf_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_cf_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_datetime_overflow": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_cf_datetime_overflow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_datetime_non_standard_units": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_cf_datetime_non_standard_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_datetime_non_iso_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_cf_datetime_non_iso_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_standard_calendar_inside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_standard_calendar_inside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_non_standard_calendar_inside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_non_standard_calendar_inside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_dates_outside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_dates_outside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_standard_calendar_single_element_inside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_standard_calendar_single_element_inside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_non_standard_calendar_single_element_inside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_non_standard_calendar_single_element_inside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_single_element_outside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_single_element_outside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_standard_calendar_multidim_time_inside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_standard_calendar_multidim_time_inside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_nonstandard_calendar_multidim_time_inside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_nonstandard_calendar_multidim_time_inside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_multidim_time_outside_timestamp_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_multidim_time_outside_timestamp_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_non_standard_calendar_single_element": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_non_standard_calendar_single_element" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_360_day_calendar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_360_day_calendar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cf_datetime_nan": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_cf_datetime_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decoded_cf_datetime_array_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decoded_cf_datetime_array_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_infer_datetime_units": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_infer_datetime_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_infer_cftime_datetime_units": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_infer_cftime_datetime_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cf_timedelta": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_cf_timedelta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cf_timedelta_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_cf_timedelta_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_infer_timedelta_units": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_infer_timedelta_units" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_cftime_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_format_cftime_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_cf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_time_bounds": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_decode_cf_time_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encode_time_bounds": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_encode_time_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_dask_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_dask_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_3d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_dask_3d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_dask_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_non_cftimes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_non_cftimes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_non_cftimes_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_contains_cftime_datetimes_non_cftimes_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encode_cf_datetime_overflow": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_encode_cf_datetime_overflow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encode_cf_datetime_pandas_min": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_encode_cf_datetime_pandas_min" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_units_with_timezone_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_time_units_with_timezone_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_default_standard_calendar_in_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_default_standard_calendar_in_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_default_standard_calendar_out_of_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_default_standard_calendar_out_of_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_default_non_standard_calendar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_default_non_standard_calendar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_use_cftime_false_non_standard_calendar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_coding_times.py", + [ + "test_use_cftime_false_non_standard_calendar" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_combined_tile_ids_equal": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "assert_combined_tile_ids_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_1d" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_2d" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_3d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_single_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_redundant_nesting": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_redundant_nesting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ignore_empty_list": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_ignore_empty_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uneven_depth_input": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_uneven_depth_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_uneven_length_input": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_uneven_length_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_infer_from_datasets": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromNestedList", + "test_infer_from_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_dimension_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_no_dimension_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coord_not_monotonic": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_coord_not_monotonic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coord_monotonically_decreasing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_coord_monotonically_decreasing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_concatenation_needed": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_no_concatenation_needed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_plus_bystander_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_2d_plus_bystander_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_string_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lexicographic_sort_string_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_lexicographic_sort_string_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestTileIDsFromCoords", + "test_datetime_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "create_combined_ids": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "create_combined_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_combined_ids": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "_create_combined_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "_create_tile_ids": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "_create_tile_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_tile_id": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNewTileIDs", + "test_new_tile_id" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_new_tile_ids": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNewTileIDs", + "test_get_new_tile_ids" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_once": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineND", + "test_concat_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_only_first_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineND", + "test_concat_only_first_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_twice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineND", + "test_concat_twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_depths": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCheckShapeTileIDs", + "test_check_depths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_lengths": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCheckShapeTileIDs", + "test_check_lengths" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_nested_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_nested_join": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_combine_nested_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_nested_join_exact": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_combine_nested_join_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_input": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_empty_input" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_combine_by_coords", + "test_empty_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_concat_too_many_dims_at_once": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_nested_concat_too_many_dims_at_once" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_concat_along_new_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_nested_concat_along_new_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_merge": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_nested_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_multiple_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_concat_multiple_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_name_symmetry": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_concat_name_symmetry" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_one_dim_merge_another": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_concat_one_dim_merge_another" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_auto_combine_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_nested_missing_data_new_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_combine_nested_missing_data_new_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_hypercube_input": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_invalid_hypercube_input" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_one_dim_concat_another": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_merge_one_dim_concat_another" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_concat_over_redundant_nesting": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_combine_concat_over_redundant_nesting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_nested_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestNestedCombine", + "test_combine_nested_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_by_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_combine_by_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_coords_join": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_combine_coords_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_coords_join_exact": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_combine_coords_join_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_infer_order_from_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_infer_order_from_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_leaving_bystander_dimensions": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_combine_leaving_bystander_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_by_coords_previously_failed": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_combine_by_coords_previously_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_by_coords_still_fails": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_combine_by_coords_still_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_by_coords_no_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_combine_by_coords_no_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_check_for_impossible_ordering": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestCombineAuto", + "test_check_for_impossible_ordering" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineOldAPI", + "test_auto_combine" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_previously_failed": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineOldAPI", + "test_auto_combine_previously_failed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_still_fails": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineOldAPI", + "test_auto_combine_still_fails" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_no_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineOldAPI", + "test_auto_combine_no_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_order_by_appearance_not_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineOldAPI", + "test_auto_combine_order_by_appearance_not_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineOldAPI", + "test_auto_combine_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_auto_combine_with_concat_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_combine.py", + [ + "TestAutoCombineDeprecation", + "test_auto_combine_with_concat_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_signature_properties": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_signature_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_result_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordered_set_union": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_ordered_set_union" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordered_set_intersection": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_ordered_set_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_join_dict_keys": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_join_dict_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test_collect_dict_values": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_collect_dict_values" + ] + ] + ], + "identity": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "identity" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_number", + "identity" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_apply_identity", + "identity" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby", + "identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_identity": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_two_inputs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_two_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_1d_and_0d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_1d_and_0d" + ] + ] + ], + "twice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_two_outputs", + "twice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_two_outputs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_two_outputs" + ] + ] + ], + "first_element": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_input_core_dimension", + "first_element" + ] + ] + ], + "multiply": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_input_core_dimension", + "multiply" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_input_core_dimension": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_input_core_dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "stack_negative": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_output_core_dimension", + "stack_negative" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_new_output_dimension", + "stack_negative" + ] + ] + ], + "original_and_stack_negative": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_output_core_dimension", + "original_and_stack_negative" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_output_core_dimension": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_output_core_dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_exclude": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_groupby_add": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_groupby_add" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unified_dim_sizes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_unified_dim_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_compat_data_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_broadcast_compat_data_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_compat_data_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_broadcast_compat_data_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keep_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_keep_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "test_keep_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_join": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_dataset_join" + ] + ] + ], + "dask_safe_identity": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask", + "dask_safe_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "parallel_identity": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_one_arg", + "parallel_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_one_arg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_one_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "parallel_add": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_two_args", + "parallel_add" + ] + ] + ], + "check": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_two_args", + "check" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestAsCompatibleData", + "test_full_like_dask", + "check" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_two_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_two_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_parallelized_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "covariance": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_multiple_inputs", + "covariance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_dask_multiple_inputs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_multiple_inputs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply_dask_new_output_dimension": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_apply_dask_new_output_dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "pandas_median": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "pandas_median" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vectorize": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_vectorize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vectorize_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_vectorize_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "tuple3x": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_number", + "tuple3x" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output_wrong_number": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_number" + ] + ] + ], + "add_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dims", + "add_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "remove_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dims", + "remove_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output_wrong_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "truncate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dim_size", + "truncate" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_truncate_broadcast_invalid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dim_size", + "apply_truncate_broadcast_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_truncate_x_x_invalid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dim_size", + "apply_truncate_x_x_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_truncate_x_z": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dim_size", + "apply_truncate_x_z" + ] + ] + ], + "apply_truncate_x_x_valid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dim_size", + "apply_truncate_x_x_valid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_output_wrong_dim_size": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_output_wrong_dim_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_dot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_dot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_where": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_computation.py", + [ + "test_where" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_where" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_where" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_where" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_compat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "test_concat_compat" + ] + ] + ], + "rectify_dim_order": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "rectify_dim_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_simple": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_2": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_coords_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_coords_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataArray", + "test_concat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_concat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_concat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_concat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_dim_precedence": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_dim_precedence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_data_vars": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_data_vars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_constant_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_constant_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_size0": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_size0" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_autoalign": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_autoalign" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_join_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_join_kwarg" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataArray", + "test_concat_join_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_promote_shape": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_promote_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_do_not_promote": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_do_not_promote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_dim_is_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_dim_is_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_multiindex" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestIndexVariable", + "test_concat_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataset", + "test_concat_fill_value" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataArray", + "test_concat_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataArray", + "test_concat_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_lazy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_concat.py", + [ + "TestConcatDataArray", + "test_concat_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_booltype_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestBoolTypeArray", + "test_booltype_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestNativeEndiannessArray", + "test" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestAlias", + "test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_with_conflicting_fill_missing_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "test_decode_cf_with_conflicting_fill_missing_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_incompatible_attributes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestEncodeCFVariable", + "test_incompatible_attributes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_fillvalue": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestEncodeCFVariable", + "test_missing_fillvalue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multidimensional_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestEncodeCFVariable", + "test_multidimensional_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_string_object_warning": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestEncodeCFVariable", + "test_string_object_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_dataset" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_invalid_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_decode_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_0d_int32_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_0d_int32_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_with_multiple_missing_values": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_decode_cf_with_multiple_missing_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_with_drop_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_decode_cf_with_drop_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_time_units_raises_eagerly": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_invalid_time_units_raises_eagerly" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_repr_with_netcdf4_datetimes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_dataset_repr_with_netcdf4_datetimes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_datetime_transition_to_invalid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_decode_cf_datetime_transition_to_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_cf_with_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_decode_cf_with_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decode_dask_times": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_conventions.py", + [ + "TestDecodeCF", + "test_decode_dask_times" + ] + ] + ], + "raise_if_dask_computes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "raise_if_dask_computes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raise_if_dask_computes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_raise_if_dask_computes" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLazyAnd": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "DaskTestCase", + "assertLazyAnd" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLazyAndIdentical": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "assertLazyAndIdentical" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "assertLazyAndIdentical" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLazyAndAllClose": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "assertLazyAndAllClose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "assertLazyAndAllClose" + ] + ] + ], + "setUp": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotStep", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDiscreteColorMap", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid4d", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlotsLegend", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatetimePlot", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestCFDatetimePlot", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestNcAxisNotInstalled", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseVariable", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_tutorial.py", + [ + "TestLoadDataset", + "setUp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestBackendIndexing", + "setUp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basics": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_basics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_copy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_chunk" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "test_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squeeze": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_squeeze" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_squeeze" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_squeeze" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_squeeze" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equals": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_transpose": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_transpose" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_transpose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_shift": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_shift" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_shift" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_shift" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_shift" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roll": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_roll" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_roll" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unary_op": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_unary_op" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseVariable", + "test_unary_op" + ] + ] + ], + "test_binary_op": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_binary_op" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseVariable", + "test_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_values": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_missing_values" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseVariable", + "test_missing_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_missing_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_missing_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_univariate_ufunc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_univariate_ufunc" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseVariable", + "test_univariate_ufunc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bivariate_ufunc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_bivariate_ufunc" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseVariable", + "test_bivariate_ufunc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_compute": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_compute" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_compute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_persist": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_persist" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_persist" + ] + ] + ], + "assertLazyAndEqual": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "assertLazyAndEqual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rechunk": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_rechunk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_new_chunk": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_new_chunk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_lazy_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_lazy_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_loads_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_concat_loads_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_first": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_groupby_first" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_groupby_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_reindex" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reindex" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_reindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dataset_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_to_dataset_roundtrip" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_to_dataset_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "duplicate_and_merge": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_merge", + "duplicate_and_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_merge" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeMethod", + "test_merge" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ufuncs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_ufuncs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_ufuncs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_where_dispatching": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_where_dispatching" + ] + ] + ], + "counting_get": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_simultaneous_compute", + "counting_get" + ] + ] + ], + "test_simultaneous_compute": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_simultaneous_compute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_stack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_stack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_repr_legacy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataarray_repr_legacy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataarray_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataarray_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataset_repr" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataset_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_pickle": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataarray_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataarray_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_pickle": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataset_pickle" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataset_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_getattr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataarray_getattr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_getattr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_dataset_getattr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_values": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_values" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_dask_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_from_dask_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dask_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestToDaskDataFrame", + "test_to_dask_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dask_dataframe_2D": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestToDaskDataFrame", + "test_to_dask_dataframe_2D" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dask_dataframe_2D_set_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestToDaskDataFrame", + "test_to_dask_dataframe_2D_set_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dask_dataframe_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestToDaskDataFrame", + "test_to_dask_dataframe_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dask_dataframe_not_daskarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestToDaskDataFrame", + "test_to_dask_dataframe_not_daskarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dask_dataframe_no_coordinate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestToDaskDataFrame", + "test_to_dask_dataframe_no_coordinate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dask_dataframe_dim_order": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "TestToDaskDataFrame", + "test_to_dask_dataframe_dim_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_kwargs_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_dask_kwargs_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_kwargs_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_dask_kwargs_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_kwargs_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_dask_kwargs_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "kernel": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "kernel" + ] + ] + ], + "build_dask_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "build_dask_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_persist_Dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_persist_Dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_persist_DataArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_persist_DataArray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_with_dask_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_dataarray_with_dask_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_compute": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_basic_compute" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_layers_and_dependencies": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_dask_layers_and_dependencies" + ] + ] + ], + "make_da": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "make_da" + ] + ] + ], + "map_da": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "map_da" + ] + ] + ], + "map_ds": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "map_ds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unify_chunks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_unify_chunks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unify_chunks_shallow_copy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_unify_chunks_shallow_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "bad_func": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_error", + "bad_func" + ] + ] + ], + "returns_numpy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_error", + "returns_numpy" + ] + ] + ], + "really_bad_func": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_error", + "really_bad_func" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_convert_args_to_list": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_convert_args_to_list" + ] + ] + ], + "add_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_add_attrs", + "add_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_add_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_add_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "change_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_change_name", + "change_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_change_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_change_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_to_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_to_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_da_transformations": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_da_transformations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_ds_transformations": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_ds_transformations" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_blocks_object_method": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_map_blocks_object_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_make_meta": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dask.py", + [ + "test_make_meta" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_repr_multiindex" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_repr_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_multiindex_long": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_repr_multiindex_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_properties": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_property": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_data_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_get_index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_get_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_index_size_zero": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_get_index_size_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_struct_array_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_struct_array_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_name" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestIndexVariable", + "test_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sizes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_encoding": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_encoding" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_constructor" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_invalid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_constructor_invalid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_from_self_described": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_constructor_from_self_described" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_from_0d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_constructor_from_0d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_dask_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_constructor_dask_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equals_and_identical": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_equals_and_identical" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_equals_and_identical" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_equals_and_identical" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equals_failures": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_equals_failures" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_equals_failures" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_equals": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_broadcast_equals" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_broadcast_equals" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_broadcast_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_getitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_getitem_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_getitem_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_getitem_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_getitem_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_empty_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_getitem_empty_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_setitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestCopyOnWriteArray", + "test_setitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestMemoryCachedArray", + "test_setitem" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_setitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_fancy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_setitem_fancy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_setitem_fancy" + ] + ] + ], + "get_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_setitem_dataarray", + "get_data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_loc_assign_dataarray", + "get_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_setitem_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attr_sources_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_attr_sources_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isel_types": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_isel_types" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isel_fancy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_isel_fancy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_isel_fancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_selection_multiindex", + "test_sel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_sel" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_selection_multiindex", + "test_sel" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sel_dataarray" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_sel_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_invalid_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sel_invalid_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_dataarray_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sel_dataarray_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_float": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sel_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_no_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sel_no_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_method": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sel_method" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_sel_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_drop": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sel_drop" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_sel_drop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isel_drop": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_isel_drop" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_isel_drop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_head": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_head" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_head" + ] + ] + ], + "test_tail": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_tail" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_tail" + ] + ] + ], + "test_thin": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_thin" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_thin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_loc" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_loc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loc_assign": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_loc_assign" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loc_assign_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_loc_assign_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_loc_single_boolean": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_loc_single_boolean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_selection_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_selection_multiindex" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_selection_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_selection_multiindex_remove_unused": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_selection_multiindex_remove_unused" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_default_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_virtual_default_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_time_components": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_virtual_time_components" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_to_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_coords_to_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coord_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_coord_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reset_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_assign_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_assign_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_alignment": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_coords_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_coords_update_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_set_coords_update_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_replacement_alignment": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_coords_replacement_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_non_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_coords_non_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_like": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_broadcast_like" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_broadcast_like" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex_like": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reindex_like" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reindex_like" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex_like_no_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reindex_like_no_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex_regressions": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reindex_regressions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex_method": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reindex_method" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reindex_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reindex_fill_value" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reindex_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_rename" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_rename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_init_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_init_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_swap_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_swap_dims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_swap_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_expand_dims_error" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_expand_dims_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_expand_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims_with_scalar_coordinate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_expand_dims_with_scalar_coordinate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims_with_greater_dim_size": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_expand_dims_with_greater_dim_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_set_index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_set_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reset_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reset_index" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reset_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reorder_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reorder_levels" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reorder_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_getitem": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_dataset_getitem" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_interface": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_array_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_array_interface" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariableWithDask", + "test_array_interface" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_null": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_is_null" + ] + ] + ], + "test_math": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_math_automatic_alignment": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_math_automatic_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_overlapping_dataarrays_return_empty_result": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_non_overlapping_dataarrays_return_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_dataarrays_return_empty_result": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_empty_dataarrays_return_empty_result" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inplace_math_basics": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_inplace_math_basics" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inplace_math_automatic_alignment": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_inplace_math_automatic_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_math_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_math_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_math_with_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_math_with_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_math": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_index_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_math": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_dataset_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_unstack": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_stack_unstack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_unstack_decreasing_coordinate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_stack_unstack_decreasing_coordinate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unstack_pandas_consistency": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_unstack_pandas_consistency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_nonunique_consistency": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_stack_nonunique_consistency" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_unstacked_dataset_raises_value_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_unstacked_dataset_raises_value_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_squeeze_drop": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_squeeze_drop" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_squeeze_drop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_drop_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_drop_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_drop_index_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_drop_index_labels" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_drop_index_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_where_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_where_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cumops": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_cumops" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_keepdims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reduce_keepdims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_keepdims" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_reduce_keepdims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_keepdims_bottleneck": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reduce_keepdims_bottleneck" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reduce_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_out": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reduce_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_quantile": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_quantile" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_quantile" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_quantile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_keep_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_reduce_keep_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_keep_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_reduce_keep_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_assign_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_assign_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fillna": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_fillna" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_fillna" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_iter": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_iter" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "make_groupby_example_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "make_groupby_example_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_properties": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_apply_identity": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_apply_identity" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_sum": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_sum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_sum_default": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_sum_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_count": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_reduce_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_reduce_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_apply_center": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_apply_center" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_apply_ndarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_apply_ndarray" + ] + ] + ], + "change_metadata": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_apply_changes_metadata", + "change_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_apply_changes_metadata": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_apply_changes_metadata" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_reduce_dimension_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_reduce_dimension_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_math": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_math" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_math_not_aligned": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_math_not_aligned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_restore_dim_order": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_restore_dim_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_restore_coord_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_restore_coord_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_first_and_last": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_first_and_last" + ] + ] + ], + "make_groupby_multidim_example_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "make_groupby_multidim_example_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_multidim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_multidim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_multidim_apply": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_multidim_apply" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_bins": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_bins" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_groupby_bins" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_bins_empty": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_bins_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_bins_multidim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_bins_multidim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_bins_sort": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_groupby_bins_sort" + ] + ] + ], + "test_da_resample_func_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_da_resample_func_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_first": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_resample_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_bad_resample_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_resample_bad_resample_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_drop_nondim_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_resample_drop_nondim_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_resample_drop_nondim_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_keep_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_resample_keep_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_skipna": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_resample_skipna" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upsample": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_upsample" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upsample_nd": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_upsample_nd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upsample_tolerance": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_upsample_tolerance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upsample_interpolate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_upsample_interpolate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upsample_interpolate_bug_2197": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_upsample_interpolate_bug_2197" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upsample_interpolate_regression_1605": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_upsample_interpolate_regression_1605" + ] + ] + ], + "test_upsample_interpolate_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_upsample_interpolate_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_align" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_align" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_copy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_copy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_override": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_override" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_align_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_override_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_override_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_exclude": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_exclude" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_align_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_indexes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_align_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_without_indexes_exclude": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_without_indexes_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_mixed_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_mixed_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_without_indexes_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_align_without_indexes_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_arrays": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_broadcast_arrays" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_arrays_misaligned": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_broadcast_arrays_misaligned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_arrays_nocopy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_broadcast_arrays_nocopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_arrays_exclude": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_broadcast_arrays_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_coordinates": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_broadcast_coordinates" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_pandas": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_pandas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_pandas_name_matches_coordinate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_pandas_name_matches_coordinate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_series": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_and_from_series" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_series_sparse": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_from_series_sparse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_empty_series": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_and_from_empty_series" + ] + ] + ], + "test_series_categorical_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_series_categorical_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_and_from_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_and_from_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_dict_with_time_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_and_from_dict_with_time_dim" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_and_from_dict_with_time_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_dict_with_nan_nat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_and_from_dict_with_nan_nat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_and_from_dict_with_nan_nat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dict_with_numpy_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_dict_with_numpy_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_dict_with_numpy_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_masked_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_masked_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_cdms2_classic": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_and_from_cdms2_classic" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_cdms2_sgrid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_and_from_cdms2_sgrid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_cdms2_ugrid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_and_from_cdms2_ugrid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dataset_whole": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_dataset_whole" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dataset_split": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_dataset_split" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_dataset_retains_keys": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_to_dataset_retains_keys" + ] + ] + ], + "test__title_for_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test__title_for_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test__title_for_slice_truncate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test__title_for_slice_truncate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_diff_n1": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_dataarray_diff_n1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coordinate_diff": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_coordinate_diff" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roll_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_roll_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_roll_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roll_no_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_roll_no_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_roll_no_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roll_coords_none": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_roll_coords_none" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_roll_coords_none" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_with_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_copy_with_data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_copy_with_data" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_copy_with_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_copy_coords" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_copy_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_real_and_imag": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_real_and_imag" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_real_and_imag" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_real_and_imag" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setattr_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_setattr_raises" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setattr_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_full_like": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_full_like" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_full_like" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestAsCompatibleData", + "test_full_like" + ] + ] + ], + "test_matmul": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_matmul" + ] + ] + ], + "test_binary_op_join_setting": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_binary_op_join_setting" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_binary_op_join_setting" + ] + ] + ], + "test_combine_first": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_combine_first" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_combine_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sortby": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_sortby" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_sortby" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rank": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestDataArray", + "test_rank" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_rank" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_rank" + ] + ] + ], + "da_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "da_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isin": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_isin" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_isin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_iter": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_iter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_doc": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_doc" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_properties": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_properties" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_rolling_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_wrapped_bottleneck": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_wrapped_bottleneck" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_rolling_wrapped_bottleneck" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_wrapped_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_wrapped_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_wrapped_dask_nochunk": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_wrapped_dask_nochunk" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_pandas_compat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_pandas_compat" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_rolling_pandas_compat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_construct": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_construct" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_rolling_construct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_reduce": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_reduce" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_rolling_reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_reduce_nonnumeric": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_reduce_nonnumeric" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_count_correct": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_count_correct" + ] + ] + ], + "test_raise_no_warning_for_nan_in_binary_ops": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_raise_no_warning_for_nan_in_binary_ops" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_raise_no_warning_for_nan_in_binary_ops" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "test_raise_no_warning_for_nan_in_binary_ops" + ] + ] + ], + "test_name_in_masking": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_name_in_masking" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_iris": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestIrisConversion", + "test_to_and_from_iris" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_iris_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestIrisConversion", + "test_to_and_from_iris_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_da_name_from_cube": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestIrisConversion", + "test_da_name_from_cube" + ] + ] + ], + "test_da_coord_name_from_cube": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestIrisConversion", + "test_da_coord_name_from_cube" + ] + ] + ], + "test_prevent_duplicate_coord_names": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestIrisConversion", + "test_prevent_duplicate_coord_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_fallback_to_iris_AuxCoord": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "TestIrisConversion", + "test_fallback_to_iris_AuxCoord" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling_exp": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_rolling_exp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_rolling_exp" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_rolling_exp" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_no_dict" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_no_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subclass_slots": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_subclass_slots" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_subclass_slots" + ] + ] + ], + "test_weakref": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataarray.py", + [ + "test_weakref" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_weakref" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "create_test_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_append_test_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "create_append_test_data" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "create_test_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_stacked_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "create_test_stacked_array" + ] + ] + ], + "lazy_inaccessible": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "InaccessibleVariableDataStore", + "get_variables", + "lazy_inaccessible" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_period_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_repr_period_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unicode_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_unicode_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_nep18": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_repr_nep18" + ] + ] + ], + "test_info": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_info" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_invalid_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_invalid_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_0d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_0d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_deprecated": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_deprecated" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_auto_align": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_auto_align" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_pandas_sequence": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_pandas_sequence" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_pandas_single": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_pandas_single" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_compat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_compat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_with_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_constructor_with_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_asarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_asarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attr_access": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_attr_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_modify_inplace": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_modify_inplace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_properties": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_coords_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_modify": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_coords_modify" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_update_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_setitem_with_new_dimension": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_coords_setitem_with_new_dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_setitem_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_coords_setitem_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_set": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_coords_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_to_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_coords_to_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_merge": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_coords_merge" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coords_merge_mismatched_shape": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_coords_merge_mismatched_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_data_vars_properties": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_data_vars_properties" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_attrs" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_is_lazy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dask_is_lazy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_dataarray_mindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_sel_dataarray_mindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sel_fancy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_sel_fancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex_warning": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reindex_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex_variables_copied": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reindex_variables_copied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reindex_like_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reindex_like_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_align_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_exact": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_align_exact" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_nocopy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_align_nocopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_non_unique": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_align_non_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_broadcast" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_nocopy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_broadcast_nocopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_exclude": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_broadcast_exclude" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_misaligned": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_broadcast_misaligned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_variable_indexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_variable_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_drop_variables": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_drop_variables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_drop_labels_by_keyword": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_drop_labels_by_keyword" + ] + ] + ], + "test_drop_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_drop_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_copy_with_data_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_copy_with_data_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_copy_with_data_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_old_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_rename_old_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_same_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_rename_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_inplace": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_rename_inplace" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_rename_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rename_vars": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_rename_vars" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims_int": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_expand_dims_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_expand_dims_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims_existing_scalar_coord": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_expand_dims_existing_scalar_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isel_expand_dims_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_isel_expand_dims_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims_mixed_int_and_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_expand_dims_mixed_int_and_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expand_dims_kwargs_python36plus": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_expand_dims_kwargs_python36plus" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unstack": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_unstack" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_unstack" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unstack_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_unstack_errors" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_unstack_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_unstack_fast": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_stack_unstack_fast" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_unstack_slow": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_stack_unstack_slow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_stacked_array_invalid_sample_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_stacked_array_invalid_sample_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_stacked_array_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_stacked_array_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_stacked_array_dtype_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_stacked_array_dtype_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_stacked_array_to_unstacked_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_stacked_array_to_unstacked_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_stacked_array_to_unstacked_dataset_different_dimension": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_stacked_array_to_unstacked_dataset_different_dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_update" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_overwrite_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_update_overwrite_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_update_auto_align": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_update_auto_align" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_hashable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_getitem_hashable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_variables_default_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_virtual_variables_default_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_variables_time": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_virtual_variables_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_variable_same_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_virtual_variable_same_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_virtual_variable_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_virtual_variable_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_time_season": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_time_season" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice_virtual_variable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_slice_virtual_variable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_pandas": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem_pandas" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_auto_align": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem_auto_align" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_dimension_override": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem_dimension_override" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_with_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem_with_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_align_new_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem_align_new_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_assign" + ] + ] + ], + "test_assign_multiindex_level": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_assign_multiindex_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_multiindex_level": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_merge_multiindex_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_original_non_unique_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem_original_non_unique_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_both_non_unique_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem_both_non_unique_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_setitem_multiindex_level": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_setitem_multiindex_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_delitem": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_delitem" + ] + ] + ], + "get_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_squeeze", + "for_args_in_x_", + "get_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_returns_new_type": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_returns_new_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_reduce": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "reorder_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_math", + "reorder_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_math_virtual": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_math_virtual" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_nan": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_nan" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_order": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_groupby_order" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_and_first": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_resample_and_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_min_count": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_resample_min_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_by_mean_with_keep_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_resample_by_mean_with_keep_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_loffset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_resample_loffset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_by_mean_discarding_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_resample_by_mean_discarding_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_by_last_discarding_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_resample_by_last_discarding_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_resample_old_api": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_resample_old_api" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_resample_apply_func_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_ds_resample_apply_func_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_and_from_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_dataframe_sparse": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_from_dataframe_sparse" + ] + ] + ], + "test_to_and_from_empty_dataframe": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_to_and_from_empty_dataframe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_from_dataframe_non_unique_columns": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_from_dataframe_non_unique_columns" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convert_dataframe_with_many_types_and_multiindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_convert_dataframe_with_many_types_and_multiindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazy_load": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_lazy_load" + ] + ] + ], + "test_where_other": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_where_other" + ] + ] + ], + "test_where_drop": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_where_drop" + ] + ] + ], + "test_where_drop_empty": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_where_drop_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_where_drop_no_indexes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_where_drop_no_indexes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_mean_uint_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_mean_uint_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_bad_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_bad_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_cumsum": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_cumsum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_cumsum_test_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_cumsum_test_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_non_numeric": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_non_numeric" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_dtypes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_dtypes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_argmin": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_argmin" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_scalars": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_scalars" + ] + ] + ], + "mean_only_one_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_only_one_axis", + "mean_only_one_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_only_one_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_only_one_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "total_sum": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_no_axis", + "total_sum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_reduce_no_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_reduce_no_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "scale": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_apply", + "scale" + ] + ] + ], + "test_apply": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_apply" + ] + ] + ], + "make_example_math_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "make_example_math_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_number_math": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_number_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unary_ops": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_unary_ops" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_array_math": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_array_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_dataset_math": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_dataset_math" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_math_auto_align": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_math_auto_align" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_math_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_math_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_transpose": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_transpose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_retains_period_index_on_transpose": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_retains_period_index_on_transpose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_diff_n1_simple": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_diff_n1_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_diff_n1_label": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_diff_n1_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_diff_n1": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_diff_n1" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_diff_n2": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_diff_n2" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_diff_exception_n_neg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_diff_exception_n_neg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_diff_exception_label_str": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_dataset_diff_exception_label_str" + ] + ] + ], + "test_roll_multidim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_roll_multidim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_filter_by_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_filter_by_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_access": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_attribute_access" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ipython_key_completion": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "TestDataset", + "test_ipython_key_completion" + ] + ] + ], + "data_set": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "data_set" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isin_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_isin_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isin_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_isin_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_constructor_aligns_to_explicit_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_dataset_constructor_aligns_to_explicit_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_error_message_on_set_supplied": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_error_message_on_set_supplied" + ] + ] + ], + "test_constructor_raises_with_invalid_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_constructor_raises_with_invalid_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir_expected_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_dir_expected_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir_non_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_dir_non_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dir_unicode": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_dir_unicode" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coarsen": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_coarsen" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_coarsen" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariable", + "test_coarsen" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coarsen_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_coarsen_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coarsen_coords_cftime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_coarsen_coords_cftime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_differentiate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_differentiate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_differentiate_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_differentiate_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_differentiate_cftime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_differentiate_cftime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integrate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_integrate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_trapz_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dataset.py", + [ + "test_trapz_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "tmp_netcdf_filename": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "tmp_netcdf_filename" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_distributed_netcdf_roundtrip": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_dask_distributed_netcdf_roundtrip" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_distributed_read_netcdf_integration_test": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_dask_distributed_read_netcdf_integration_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_distributed_zarr_integration_test": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_dask_distributed_zarr_integration_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_distributed_rasterio_integration_test": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_dask_distributed_rasterio_integration_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_distributed_cfgrib_integration_test": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_dask_distributed_cfgrib_integration_test" + ] + ] + ], + "test_async": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_async" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hdf5_lock": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_hdf5_lock" + ] + ] + ], + "test_serializable_locks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_distributed.py", + [ + "test_serializable_locks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_type": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dtypes.py", + [ + "test_result_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_type_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dtypes.py", + [ + "test_result_type_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_result_type_dask_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dtypes.py", + [ + "test_result_type_dask_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_inf": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dtypes.py", + [ + "test_inf" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maybe_promote": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_dtypes.py", + [ + "test_maybe_promote" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps", + "test_first" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps", + "test_last" + ] + ] + ], + "test_where_type_promotion": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps", + "test_where_type_promotion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stack_type_promotion": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps", + "test_stack_type_promotion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concatenate_type_promotion": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps", + "test_concatenate_type_promotion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_all_nan_arrays": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestOps", + "test_all_nan_arrays" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cumsum_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_cumsum_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cumsum_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_cumsum_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cumprod_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_cumprod_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equal": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestArrayNotNullEquiv", + "test_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_some_not_equal": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestArrayNotNullEquiv", + "test_some_not_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_shape": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestArrayNotNullEquiv", + "test_wrong_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_types": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "TestArrayNotNullEquiv", + "test_types" + ] + ] + ], + "construct_dataarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "construct_dataarray" + ] + ] + ], + "from_series_or_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "from_series_or_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "series_reduce": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "series_reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_dask_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "assert_dask_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_reduce": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_datetime_reduce" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_datetime_mean": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_cftime_datetime_mean" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_datetime_mean_dask_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_cftime_datetime_mean_dask_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argmin_max": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_argmin_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_argmin_max_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_argmin_max_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnull": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_isnull" + ] + ] + ], + "test_isnull_with_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_isnull_with_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_rolling": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_dask_rolling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_gradient": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_dask_gradient" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_count": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_min_count" + ] + ] + ], + "test_min_count_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_min_count_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiple_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_multiple_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_docs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_docs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_to_numeric_datetime64": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_datetime_to_numeric_datetime64" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_to_numeric_cftime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_duck_array_ops.py", + [ + "test_datetime_to_numeric_cftime" + ] + ] + ], + "foo": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor", + "test_register", + "DemoAccessor", + "foo" + ] + ] + ], + "test_register": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor", + "test_register" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pickle_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor", + "test_pickle_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broken_accessor": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_extensions.py", + [ + "TestAccessor", + "test_broken_accessor" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_indexer_at_least_n_items": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_get_indexer_at_least_n_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_first_n_items": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_first_n_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_n_items": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_last_n_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_last_item": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_last_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_item": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_format_item" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_items": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_format_items" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_array_flat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_format_array_flat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_pretty_print": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_pretty_print" + ] + ] + ], + "test_maybe_truncate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_maybe_truncate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_timestamp_out_of_bounds": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_format_timestamp_out_of_bounds" + ] + ] + ], + "test_attribute_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_attribute_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_diff_array_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_diff_array_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_diff_dataset_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_diff_dataset_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_array_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "TestFormatting", + "test_array_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_numpy_options": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "test_set_numpy_options" + ] + ] + ], + "test_short_numpy_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_formatting.py", + [ + "test_short_numpy_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_consolidate_slices": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_consolidate_slices" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_dims_property": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_groupby_dims_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_index_groupby_apply": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_multi_index_groupby_apply" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multi_index_groupby_sum": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_multi_index_groupby_sum" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_da_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_groupby_da_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_duplicate_coordinate_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_groupby_duplicate_coordinate_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_input_mutation": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_groupby_input_mutation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_da_groupby_apply_func_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_da_groupby_apply_func_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ds_groupby_apply_func_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_ds_groupby_apply_func_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_da_groupby_empty": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_da_groupby_empty" + ] + ] + ], + "test_da_groupby_quantile": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_da_groupby_quantile" + ] + ] + ], + "test_da_groupby_assign_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_da_groupby_assign_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_groupby_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_repr_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_groupby_repr_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_grouping_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_groupby.py", + [ + "test_groupby_grouping_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "set_to_zero": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "set_to_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_expanded_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_expanded_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_asarray_tuplesafe": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_asarray_tuplesafe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_stacked_multiindex_min_max": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_stacked_multiindex_min_max" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convert_label_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_convert_label_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convert_unsorted_datetime_index_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_convert_unsorted_datetime_index_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_get_dim_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_get_dim_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_remap_label_indexers", + "test_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_remap_label_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_remap_label_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_read_only_view": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestIndexers", + "test_read_only_view" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestLazyArray", + "test_slice_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_lazily_indexed_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestLazyArray", + "test_lazily_indexed_array" + ] + ] + ], + "check_indexing": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestLazyArray", + "test_vectorized_lazily_indexed_array", + "check_indexing" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vectorized_lazily_indexed_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestLazyArray", + "test_vectorized_lazily_indexed_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sub_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestCopyOnWriteArray", + "test_sub_array" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestMemoryCachedArray", + "test_sub_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestCopyOnWriteArray", + "test_index_scalar" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestMemoryCachedArray", + "test_index_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrapper": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "TestMemoryCachedArray", + "test_wrapper" + ] + ] + ], + "test_base_explicit_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_base_explicit_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_for_all": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_invalid_for_all" + ] + ] + ], + "check_integer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "check_integer" + ] + ] + ], + "check_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "check_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "check_array1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "check_array1d" + ] + ] + ], + "check_array2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "check_array2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_basic_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_basic_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_outer_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_outer_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vectorized_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_vectorized_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arrayize_vectorized_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "Test_vectorized_indexer", + "test_arrayize_vectorized_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "get_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decompose_slice": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_decompose_slice" + ] + ] + ], + "test_decompose_indexers": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_decompose_indexers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_implicit_indexing_adapter": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_implicit_indexing_adapter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_implicit_indexing_adapter_copy_on_write": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_implicit_indexing_adapter_copy_on_write" + ] + ] + ], + "nonzero": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_outer_indexer_consistency_with_broadcast_indexes_vectorized", + "nonzero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_outer_indexer_consistency_with_broadcast_indexes_vectorized": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_outer_indexer_consistency_with_broadcast_indexes_vectorized" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mask_outer_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_create_mask_outer_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mask_vectorized_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_create_mask_vectorized_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mask_basic_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_create_mask_basic_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mask_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_create_mask_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_create_mask_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_create_mask_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_posify_mask_subindexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_indexing.py", + [ + "test_posify_mask_subindexer" + ] + ] + ], + "get_example_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "get_example_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_keywargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_keywargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_1d_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_1d_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_vectorize": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_vectorize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_nd": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_nd" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_nd_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_nd_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nans": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_nans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_errors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_errors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dtype": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_dtype" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sorted": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_sorted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dimension_wo_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_dimension_wo_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_dimorder": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_dimorder" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interp_like": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_interp_like" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_datetime" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestAsCompatibleData", + "test_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_single_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_datetime_single_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_cftime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_type_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_cftime_type_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_list_of_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_cftime_list_of_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_single_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_cftime_single_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_to_non_datetime_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_datetime_to_non_datetime_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cftime_to_non_cftime_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_cftime_to_non_cftime_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_interp_noerror": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_interp.py", + [ + "test_datetime_interp_noerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_broadcast_dimension_size": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeInternals", + "test_broadcast_dimension_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_arrays": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_arrays" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_datasets": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_datasets" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_dataarray_unnamed": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_dataarray_unnamed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_dicts_simple": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_dicts_simple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_dicts_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_dicts_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_alignment_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_alignment_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_wrong_input_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_wrong_input_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_no_conflicts_single_var": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_no_conflicts_single_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_no_conflicts_multi_var": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_no_conflicts_multi_var" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_no_conflicts_preserve_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_no_conflicts_preserve_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_no_conflicts_broadcast": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeFunction", + "test_merge_no_conflicts_broadcast" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_broadcast_equals": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeMethod", + "test_merge_broadcast_equals" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_compat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeMethod", + "test_merge_compat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_auto_align": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeMethod", + "test_merge_auto_align" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_fill_value": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeMethod", + "test_merge_fill_value" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_no_conflicts": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_merge.py", + [ + "TestMergeMethod", + "test_merge_no_conflicts" + ] + ] + ], + "make_interpolate_example_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "make_interpolate_example_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_pd_compat": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_pd_compat" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scipy_methods_function": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_scipy_methods_function" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_pd_compat_non_uniform_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_pd_compat_non_uniform_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_pd_compat_polynomial": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_pd_compat_polynomial" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_unsorted_index_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_unsorted_index_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_no_dim_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_no_dim_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_invalid_interpolator_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_invalid_interpolator_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_multiindex_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_multiindex_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_2d_coord_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_2d_coord_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_nonans": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_nonans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_allnans": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_allnans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_limits": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolators": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolators" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_use_coordinate": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_use_coordinate" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_dask_raises_for_invalid_chunk_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_dask_raises_for_invalid_chunk_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ffill": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_ffill" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ffill_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_ffill_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bfill_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_bfill_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ffill_bfill_nonans": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_ffill_bfill_nonans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ffill_bfill_allnans": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_ffill_bfill_allnans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ffill_functions": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_ffill_functions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ffill_limit": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_ffill_limit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_interpolate_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_interpolate_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ffill_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_ffill_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bfill_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_missing.py", + [ + "test_bfill_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_contiguous": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_nputils.py", + [ + "test_is_contiguous" + ] + ] + ], + "test_vindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_nputils.py", + [ + "test_vindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rolling": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_nputils.py", + [ + "test_rolling" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_rolling" + ] + ] + ], + "test_invalid_option_raises": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "test_invalid_option_raises" + ] + ] + ], + "test_display_width": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "test_display_width" + ] + ] + ], + "test_arithmetic_join": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "test_arithmetic_join" + ] + ] + ], + "test_enable_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "test_enable_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_file_cache_maxsize": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "test_file_cache_maxsize" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nested_options": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "test_nested_options" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_dataset_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "create_test_dataset_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "create_test_dataarray_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "create_test_dataarray_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataset_attr_retention": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "TestAttrRetention", + "test_dataset_attr_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_attr_retention": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "TestAttrRetention", + "test_dataarray_attr_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groupby_attr_retention": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "TestAttrRetention", + "test_groupby_attr_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "test_concat_attr_retention": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "TestAttrRetention", + "test_concat_attr_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "test_merge_attr_retention": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_options.py", + [ + "TestAttrRetention", + "test_merge_attr_retention" + ] + ] + ], + "text_in_fig": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "text_in_fig" + ] + ] + ], + "find_possible_colorbars": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "find_possible_colorbars" + ] + ] + ], + "substring_in_axes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "substring_in_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "easy_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "easy_array" + ] + ] + ], + "pass_in_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "PlotTestCase", + "pass_in_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "imshow_called": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "PlotTestCase", + "imshow_called" + ] + ] + ], + "contourf_called": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "PlotTestCase", + "contourf_called" + ] + ] + ], + "setup_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "setup_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_from_attrs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_label_from_attrs" + ] + ] + ], + "test1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_1d_x_y_kw": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_1d_x_y_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_infer_line_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_infer_line_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_line_plot_along_1d_coord": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_line_plot_along_1d_coord" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_line": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_2d_line" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_line_accepts_legend_kw": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_2d_line_accepts_legend_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_line_accepts_x_kw": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_2d_line_accepts_x_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_line_accepts_hue_kw": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_2d_line_accepts_hue_kw" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_coords_line_plot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_2d_coords_line_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_before_squeeze": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_2d_before_squeeze" + ] + ] + ], + "test2d_uniform_calls_imshow": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test2d_uniform_calls_imshow" + ] + ] + ], + "test2d_nonuniform_calls_contourf": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test2d_nonuniform_calls_contourf" + ] + ] + ], + "test2d_1d_2d_coordinates_contourf": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test2d_1d_2d_coordinates_contourf" + ] + ] + ], + "test3d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test3d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_pass_in_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_can_pass_in_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_can_pass_in_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "test_can_pass_in_axis" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_can_pass_in_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test__infer_interval_breaks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test__infer_interval_breaks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_geo_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_geo_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_dimension": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_datetime_dimension" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convenient_facetgrid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_convenient_facetgrid" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_convenient_facetgrid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_subplot_kws": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_subplot_kws" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_size": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_plot_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_convenient_facetgrid_4d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_convenient_facetgrid_4d" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_convenient_facetgrid_4d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coord_with_interval": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot", + "test_coord_with_interval" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xlabel_is_index_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_xlabel_is_index_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_label_name_on_x_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_no_label_name_on_x_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_label_name_on_y_axis": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_no_label_name_on_y_axis" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ylabel_is_data_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_ylabel_is_data_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xlabel_is_data_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_xlabel_is_data_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_format_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_format_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonnumeric_index_raises_typeerror": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_nonnumeric_index_raises_typeerror" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_nonnumeric_index_raises_typeerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primitive_returned": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_primitive_returned" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "test_primitive_returned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_nans": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_plot_nans" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "test_plot_nans" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_plot_nans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_x_ticks_are_rotated_for_time": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_x_ticks_are_rotated_for_time" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_x_ticks_are_rotated_for_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xyincrease_false_changes_axes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_xyincrease_false_changes_axes" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_xyincrease_false_changes_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_slice_in_title": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlot1D", + "test_slice_in_title" + ] + ] + ], + "test_step": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotStep", + "test_step" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coord_with_interval_step": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotStep", + "test_coord_with_interval_step" + ] + ] + ], + "test_3d_array": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "test_3d_array" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xlabel_uses_name": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "test_xlabel_uses_name" + ] + ] + ], + "test_title_is_histogram": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "test_title_is_histogram" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_pass_in_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "test_can_pass_in_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hist_coord_with_interval": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPlotHistogram", + "test_hist_coord_with_interval" + ] + ] + ], + "test_robust": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_robust" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_robust" + ] + ] + ], + "test_center": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_center" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmap_sequential_option": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_cmap_sequential_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmap_sequential_explicit_option": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_cmap_sequential_explicit_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmap_divergent_option": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_cmap_divergent_option" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nan_inf_are_ignored": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_nan_inf_are_ignored" + ] + ] + ], + "test_integer_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_integer_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_list_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_list_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_divergentcontrol": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_divergentcontrol" + ] + ] + ], + "test_norm_sets_vmin_vmax": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDetermineCmapParams", + "test_norm_sets_vmin_vmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_recover_from_seaborn_jet_exception": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDiscreteColorMap", + "test_recover_from_seaborn_jet_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_build_discrete_cmap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDiscreteColorMap", + "test_build_discrete_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_discrete_colormap_list_of_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDiscreteColorMap", + "test_discrete_colormap_list_of_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_discrete_colormap_int_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDiscreteColorMap", + "test_discrete_colormap_int_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_discrete_colormap_list_levels_and_vmin_or_vmax": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDiscreteColorMap", + "test_discrete_colormap_list_levels_and_vmin_or_vmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_discrete_colormap_provided_boundary_norm": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDiscreteColorMap", + "test_discrete_colormap_provided_boundary_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_label_names": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_label_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_1d_raises_valueerror": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_1d_raises_valueerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_3d_raises_valueerror": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_3d_raises_valueerror" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xyincrease_defaults": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_xyincrease_defaults" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xyincrease_true_changes_axes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_xyincrease_true_changes_axes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_plot_all_nans": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_can_plot_all_nans" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_plot_axis_size_one": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_can_plot_axis_size_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_disallows_rgb_arg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_disallows_rgb_arg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_viridis_cmap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_viridis_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_cmap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_default_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_seaborn_palette_as_cmap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_seaborn_palette_as_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_change_default_cmap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_can_change_default_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_diverging_color_limits": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_diverging_color_limits" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xy_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_xy_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_positional_coord_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_positional_coord_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_x_string_exception": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_bad_x_string_exception" + ] + ] + ], + "test_coord_strings": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_coord_strings" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_linked_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_non_linked_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_linked_coords_transpose": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_non_linked_coords_transpose" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_title": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_default_title" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_default_label": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_colorbar_default_label" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_no_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_colorbar_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_verbose_facetgrid": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_verbose_facetgrid" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_function_and_method_signature_same": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_2d_function_and_method_signature_same" + ] + ] + ], + "test_facetgrid_map_only_appends_mappables": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_facetgrid_map_only_appends_mappables" + ] + ] + ], + "test_facetgrid_cmap": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_facetgrid_cmap" + ] + ] + ], + "test_facetgrid_cbar_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_facetgrid_cbar_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_facetgrid_no_cbar_ax": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_facetgrid_no_cbar_ax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cmap_and_color_both": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_cmap_and_color_both" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContour", + "test_cmap_and_color_both" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_coord_with_interval": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_2d_coord_with_interval" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colormap_error_norm_and_vmin_vmax": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "Common2dMixin", + "test_colormap_error_norm_and_vmin_vmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_contourf_called": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContourf", + "test_contourf_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_primitive_artist_returned": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContourf", + "test_primitive_artist_returned" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPcolormesh", + "test_primitive_artist_returned" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_primitive_artist_returned" + ] + ] + ], + "test_extend": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContourf", + "test_extend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_2d_coord_names": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContourf", + "test_2d_coord_names" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContour", + "test_2d_coord_names" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPcolormesh", + "test_2d_coord_names" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_2d_coord_names" + ] + ] + ], + "test_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContourf", + "test_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "_color_as_tuple": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContour", + "_color_as_tuple" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colors": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContour", + "test_colors" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colors_np_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContour", + "test_colors_np_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "list_of_colors_in_cmap_raises_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContour", + "list_of_colors_in_cmap_raises_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_single_level": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestContour", + "test_single_level" + ] + ] + ], + "test_everything_plotted": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPcolormesh", + "test_everything_plotted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dont_infer_interval_breaks_for_cartopy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestPcolormesh", + "test_dont_infer_interval_breaks_for_cartopy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_called": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_imshow_called" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xy_pixel_centered": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_xy_pixel_centered" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_aspect_is_auto": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_default_aspect_is_auto" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cannot_change_mpl_aspect": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_cannot_change_mpl_aspect" + ] + ] + ], + "test_seaborn_palette_needs_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_seaborn_palette_needs_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_rgb_image": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_plot_rgb_image" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_rgb_image_explicit": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_plot_rgb_image_explicit" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_rgb_faceted": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_plot_rgb_faceted" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_rgba_image_transposed": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_plot_rgba_image_transposed" + ] + ] + ], + "test_warns_ambigious_dim": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_warns_ambigious_dim" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rgb_errors_too_many_dims": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_rgb_errors_too_many_dims" + ] + ] + ], + "test_rgb_errors_bad_dim_sizes": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_rgb_errors_bad_dim_sizes" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_rgb_imshow": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_normalize_rgb_imshow" + ] + ] + ], + "test_normalize_rgb_one_arg_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_normalize_rgb_one_arg_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_imshow_rgb_values_in_valid_range": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_imshow_rgb_values_in_valid_range" + ] + ] + ], + "test_regression_rgb_imshow_dim_size_one": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_regression_rgb_imshow_dim_size_one" + ] + ] + ], + "test_origin_overrides_xyincrease": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestImshow", + "test_origin_overrides_xyincrease" + ] + ] + ], + "test_no_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_no_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_names_appear_somewhere": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_names_appear_somewhere" + ] + ] + ], + "test_text_not_super_long": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_text_not_super_long" + ] + ] + ], + "test_colorbar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_empty_cell": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_empty_cell" + ] + ] + ], + "test_norow_nocol_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_norow_nocol_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_groups": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_groups" + ] + ] + ], + "test_float_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_float_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_nonunique_index_error": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_nonunique_index_error" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_set_vmin_vmax": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_can_set_vmin_vmax" + ] + ] + ], + "test_can_set_norm": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_can_set_norm" + ] + ] + ], + "test_figure_size": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_figure_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_num_ticks": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_num_ticks" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_map" + ] + ] + ], + "test_map_dataset": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_map_dataset" + ] + ] + ], + "test_set_axis_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_set_axis_labels" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "test_set_axis_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_facetgrid_colorbar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_facetgrid_colorbar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_facetgrid_polar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid", + "test_facetgrid_polar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_default_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetGrid4d", + "test_default_labels" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "test_default_labels" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_default_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_legend_labels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlotsLegend", + "test_legend_labels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_facetgrid_shape": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "test_facetgrid_shape" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_facetgrid_shape" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unnamed_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "test_unnamed_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_test_empty_cell": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "test_test_empty_cell" + ] + ] + ], + "test_axes_in_faceted_plot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "test_axes_in_faceted_plot" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_axes_in_faceted_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_figsize_and_size": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "test_figsize_and_size" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_figsize_and_size" + ] + ] + ], + "test_wrong_num_of_dimensions": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestFacetedLinePlots", + "test_wrong_num_of_dimensions" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_guide": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_add_guide" + ] + ] + ], + "test_bad_args": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_bad_args" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_hue": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_datetime_hue" + ] + ] + ], + "test_facetgrid_hue_style": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_facetgrid_hue_style" + ] + ] + ], + "test_scatter": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_scatter" + ] + ] + ], + "test_non_numeric_legend": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_non_numeric_legend" + ] + ] + ], + "test_add_legend_by_default": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatasetScatterPlots", + "test_add_legend_by_default" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime_line_plot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestDatetimePlot", + "test_datetime_line_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cfdatetime_line_plot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestCFDatetimePlot", + "test_cfdatetime_line_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cfdatetime_pcolormesh_plot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestCFDatetimePlot", + "test_cfdatetime_pcolormesh_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_cfdatetime_contour_plot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestCFDatetimePlot", + "test_cfdatetime_contour_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ncaxis_notinstalled_line_plot": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestNcAxisNotInstalled", + "test_ncaxis_notinstalled_line_plot" + ] + ] + ], + "test_import_seaborn_no_warning": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "test_import_seaborn_no_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_plot_seaborn_no_import_warning": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "test_plot_seaborn_no_import_warning" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xincrease_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs", + "test_xincrease_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_yincrease_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs", + "test_yincrease_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xscale_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs", + "test_xscale_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_yscale_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs", + "test_yscale_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xlim_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs", + "test_xlim_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ylim_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs", + "test_ylim_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xticks_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs", + "test_xticks_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_yticks_kwarg": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_plot.py", + [ + "TestAxesKwargs", + "test_yticks_kwarg" + ] + ] + ], + "test_show_versions": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_print_versions.py", + [ + "test_show_versions" + ] + ] + ], + "assert_sparse_equal": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "assert_sparse_equal" + ] + ] + ], + "make_ndarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "make_ndarray" + ] + ] + ], + "make_sparray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "make_sparray" + ] + ] + ], + "make_xrvar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "make_xrvar" + ] + ] + ], + "make_xrarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "make_xrarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_variable_property": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "test_variable_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_variable_method": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "test_variable_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_1d_variable_method": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "test_1d_variable_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_property": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "test_dataarray_property" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dataarray_method": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "test_dataarray_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datarray_1d_method": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "test_datarray_1d_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_2d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_align_2d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_align_outer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_align_outer" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sparse_dask_dataset_repr": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseDataArrayAndDataset", + "test_sparse_dask_dataset_repr" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sparse_coords": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_sparse.py", + [ + "TestSparseCoords", + "test_sparse_coords" + ] + ] + ], + "test_allclose_regression": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_testing.py", + [ + "test_allclose_regression" + ] + ] + ], + "test_download_from_github": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_tutorial.py", + [ + "TestLoadDataset", + "test_download_from_github" + ] + ] + ], + "test_download_from_github_load_without_cache": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_tutorial.py", + [ + "TestLoadDataset", + "test_download_from_github_load_without_cache" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unary": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_unary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_binary": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_binary" + ] + ] + ], + "test_binary_out": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_binary_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_alignment": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_alignment" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xarray_defers_to_unrecognized_type": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_xarray_defers_to_unrecognized_type" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xarray_handles_dask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_xarray_handles_dask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_defers_to_xarray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_dask_defers_to_xarray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gufunc_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_gufunc_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_out": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_out" + ] + ] + ], + "test_gufuncs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_gufuncs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xarray_ufuncs_deprecation": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_xarray_ufuncs_deprecation" + ] + ] + ], + "test_numpy_ufuncs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_numpy_ufuncs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_xarray_ufuncs_pickle": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_ufuncs.py", + [ + "test_xarray_ufuncs_pickle" + ] + ] + ], + "new_method": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestAlias", + "test", + "new_method" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_cast_to_index": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_safe_cast_to_index" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_cast_to_index_cftimeindex": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_safe_cast_to_index_cftimeindex" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe_cast_to_index_datetime_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_safe_cast_to_index_datetime_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiindex_from_product_levels": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_multiindex_from_product_levels" + ] + ] + ], + "test_multiindex_from_product_levels_non_unique": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_multiindex_from_product_levels_non_unique" + ] + ] + ], + "test_0d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestArrayEquiv", + "test_0d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_equivalent": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries", + "test_equivalent" + ] + ] + ], + "test_safe": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries", + "test_safe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_unsafe": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries", + "test_unsafe" + ] + ] + ], + "test_ordered_dict_intersection": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries", + "test_ordered_dict_intersection" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dict_equiv": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries", + "test_dict_equiv" + ] + ] + ], + "test_frozen": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries", + "test_frozen" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sorted_keys_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "TestDictionaries", + "test_sorted_keys_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_object": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_repr_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_repr_object_magic_methods": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_repr_object_magic_methods" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_remote_uri": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_is_remote_uri" + ] + ] + ], + "test_is_grib_path": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_is_grib_path" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sorted_uniform": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_is_uniform_and_sorted", + "test_sorted_uniform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_sorted_not_uniform": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_is_uniform_and_sorted", + "test_sorted_not_uniform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_sorted_uniform": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_is_uniform_and_sorted", + "test_not_sorted_uniform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_not_sorted_not_uniform": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_is_uniform_and_sorted", + "test_not_sorted_not_uniform" + ] + ] + ], + "test_two_numbers": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_is_uniform_and_sorted", + "test_two_numbers" + ] + ] + ], + "test_relative_tolerance": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_is_uniform_and_sorted", + "test_relative_tolerance" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hashable": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "Test_hashable", + "test_hashable" + ] + ] + ], + "test_dask_array_is_scalar": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_dask_array_is_scalar" + ] + ] + ], + "test_hidden_key_dict": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_hidden_key_dict" + ] + ] + ], + "test_either_dict_or_kwargs": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_utils.py", + [ + "test_either_dict_or_kwargs" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_1d": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_getitem_1d" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_1d_fancy": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_getitem_1d_fancy" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariableWithDask", + "test_getitem_1d_fancy" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_with_mask": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_getitem_with_mask" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_with_mask_size_zero": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_getitem_with_mask_size_zero" + ] + ] + ], + "test_getitem_with_mask_nd_indexer": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_getitem_with_mask_nd_indexer" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariableWithDask", + "test_getitem_with_mask_nd_indexer" + ] + ] + ], + "_assertIndexedLikeNDArray": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "_assertIndexedLikeNDArray" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_0d_int": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_int" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_0d_float": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_float" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_0d_string": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_string" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_0d_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_0d_timedelta64": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_timedelta64" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_0d_not_a_time": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_not_a_time" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_0d_object": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_0d_object" + ] + ] + ], + "test_0d_object_array_with_list": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_0d_object_array_with_list" + ] + ], + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "TestVariableWithDask", + "test_0d_object_array_with_list" + ] + ] + ], + "test_index_and_concat_datetime": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_index_and_concat_datetime" + ] + ] + ], + "test_0d_time_data": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_0d_time_data" + ] + ] + ], + "test_datetime64_conversion": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_datetime64_conversion" + ] + ] + ], + "test_timedelta64_conversion": [ + [ + "xarray/tests/test_variable.py", + [ + "VariableSubclassobjects", + "test_timedelta64_conversion" + ] + ] + ], + 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params\n return func\n\n return decorator\n\n\ndef requires_dask():\n try:\n import dask # noqa: F401\n except ImportError:\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n\ndef randn(shape, frac_nan=None, chunks=None, seed=0):\n rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)\n if chunks is None:\n x = rng.standard_normal(shape)\n else:\n import dask.array as da\n\n rng = da.random.RandomState(seed)\n x = rng.standard_normal(shape, chunks=chunks)\n\n if frac_nan is not None:\n inds = rng.choice(range(x.size), int(x.size * frac_nan))\n x.flat[inds] = np.nan\n\n return x\n\n\ndef randint(low, high=None, size=None, frac_minus=None, seed=0):\n rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)\n x = rng.randint(low, high, size)\n if frac_minus is not None:\n inds = rng.choice(range(x.size), int(x.size * frac_minus))\n x.flat[inds] = -1\n\n return x", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": 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setup(self):\n \"\"\"Create 4 datasets with two different variables\"\"\"\n\n t_size, x_size, y_size = 100, 900, 800\n t = np.arange(t_size)\n data = np.random.randn(t_size, x_size, y_size)\n\n self.dsA0 = xr.Dataset(\n {\"A\": xr.DataArray(data, coords={\"T\": t}, dims=(\"T\", \"X\", \"Y\"))}\n )\n self.dsA1 = xr.Dataset(\n {\"A\": xr.DataArray(data, coords={\"T\": t + t_size}, dims=(\"T\", \"X\", \"Y\"))}\n )\n self.dsB0 = xr.Dataset(\n {\"B\": xr.DataArray(data, coords={\"T\": t}, dims=(\"T\", \"X\", \"Y\"))}\n )\n self.dsB1 = xr.Dataset(\n {\"B\": xr.DataArray(data, coords={\"T\": t + t_size}, dims=(\"T\", \"X\", \"Y\"))}\n )\n\n def time_combine_manual(self):\n datasets = [[self.dsA0, self.dsA1], [self.dsB0, self.dsB1]]\n\n xr.combine_manual(datasets, concat_dim=[None, \"t\"])\n\n def time_auto_combine(self):\n \"\"\"Also has to load and arrange t coordinate\"\"\"\n datasets = [self.dsA0, self.dsA1, self.dsB0, self.dsB1]\n\n xr.combine_auto(datasets)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataarray_missing.py_pd_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataarray_missing.py_pd_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataarray_missing.py", "file_name": "dataarray_missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 75, "span_ids": ["impl", "make_bench_data", "time_interpolate_na", "impl:8", "impl:2", "time_bfill", "impl:12", "docstring", "time_ffill", "imports:4", "imports", "impl:4"], "tokens": 531}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import pandas as pd\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom . import randn, requires_dask\n\ntry:\n import dask # noqa: F401\nexcept ImportError:\n pass\n\n\ndef make_bench_data(shape, frac_nan, chunks):\n vals = randn(shape, frac_nan)\n coords = {\"time\": pd.date_range(\"2000-01-01\", freq=\"D\", periods=shape[0])}\n da = xr.DataArray(vals, dims=(\"time\", \"x\", \"y\"), coords=coords)\n\n if chunks is not None:\n da = da.chunk(chunks)\n\n return da\n\n\ndef time_interpolate_na(shape, chunks, method, limit):\n if chunks is not None:\n requires_dask()\n da = make_bench_data(shape, 0.1, chunks=chunks)\n actual = da.interpolate_na(dim=\"time\", method=\"linear\", limit=limit)\n\n if chunks is not None:\n actual = actual.compute()\n\n\ntime_interpolate_na.param_names = [\"shape\", \"chunks\", \"method\", \"limit\"]\ntime_interpolate_na.params = (\n [(3650, 200, 400), (100, 25, 25)],\n [None, {\"x\": 25, \"y\": 25}],\n [\"linear\", \"spline\", \"quadratic\", \"cubic\"],\n [None, 3],\n)\n\n\ndef time_ffill(shape, chunks, limit):\n\n da = make_bench_data(shape, 0.1, chunks=chunks)\n actual = da.ffill(dim=\"time\", limit=limit)\n\n if chunks is not None:\n actual = actual.compute()\n\n\ntime_ffill.param_names = [\"shape\", \"chunks\", \"limit\"]\ntime_ffill.params = (\n [(3650, 200, 400), (100, 25, 25)],\n [None, {\"x\": 25, \"y\": 25}],\n [None, 3],\n)\n\n\ndef time_bfill(shape, chunks, limit):\n\n da = make_bench_data(shape, 0.1, chunks=chunks)\n actual = da.bfill(dim=\"time\", limit=limit)\n\n if chunks is not None:\n actual = actual.compute()\n\n\ntime_bfill.param_names = [\"shape\", \"chunks\", \"limit\"]\ntime_bfill.params = (\n [(3650, 200, 400), (100, 25, 25)],\n [None, {\"x\": 25, \"y\": 25}],\n [None, 3],\n)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", 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as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom . import randint, randn, requires_dask\n\ntry:\n import dask\n import dask.multiprocessing\nexcept ImportError:\n pass\n\n\nos.environ[\"HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING\"] = \"FALSE\"\n\n\nclass IOSingleNetCDF:\n \"\"\"\n A few examples that benchmark reading/writing a single netCDF file with\n xarray\n \"\"\"\n\n timeout = 300.0\n repeat = 1\n number = 5\n\n def make_ds(self):\n\n # single Dataset\n self.ds = xr.Dataset()\n self.nt = 1000\n self.nx = 90\n self.ny = 45\n\n self.block_chunks = {\n \"time\": self.nt / 4,\n \"lon\": self.nx / 3,\n \"lat\": self.ny / 3,\n }\n\n self.time_chunks = {\"time\": int(self.nt / 36)}\n\n times = pd.date_range(\"1970-01-01\", periods=self.nt, freq=\"D\")\n lons = xr.DataArray(\n np.linspace(0, 360, self.nx),\n dims=(\"lon\",),\n attrs={\"units\": \"degrees east\", \"long_name\": \"longitude\"},\n )\n lats = xr.DataArray(\n np.linspace(-90, 90, self.ny),\n dims=(\"lat\",),\n attrs={\"units\": \"degrees north\", \"long_name\": \"latitude\"},\n )\n self.ds[\"foo\"] = xr.DataArray(\n randn((self.nt, self.nx, self.ny), frac_nan=0.2),\n coords={\"lon\": lons, \"lat\": lats, \"time\": times},\n dims=(\"time\", \"lon\", \"lat\"),\n name=\"foo\",\n encoding=None,\n attrs={\"units\": \"foo units\", \"description\": \"a description\"},\n )\n self.ds[\"bar\"] = xr.DataArray(\n randn((self.nt, self.nx, self.ny), frac_nan=0.2),\n coords={\"lon\": lons, \"lat\": lats, \"time\": times},\n dims=(\"time\", \"lon\", \"lat\"),\n name=\"bar\",\n encoding=None,\n attrs={\"units\": \"bar units\", \"description\": \"a description\"},\n )\n self.ds[\"baz\"] = xr.DataArray(\n randn((self.nx, self.ny), frac_nan=0.2).astype(np.float32),\n coords={\"lon\": lons, \"lat\": lats},\n dims=(\"lon\", \"lat\"),\n name=\"baz\",\n encoding=None,\n attrs={\"units\": \"baz units\", \"description\": \"a description\"},\n )\n\n self.ds.attrs = {\"history\": \"created for xarray benchmarking\"}\n\n self.oinds = {\n \"time\": randint(0, self.nt, 120),\n \"lon\": randint(0, self.nx, 20),\n \"lat\": randint(0, self.ny, 10),\n }\n self.vinds = {\n \"time\": xr.DataArray(randint(0, self.nt, 120), dims=\"x\"),\n \"lon\": xr.DataArray(randint(0, self.nx, 120), dims=\"x\"),\n \"lat\": slice(3, 20),\n }", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOWriteSingleNetCDF3_IOReadSingleNetCDF4.time_vectorized_indexing.ds_1.ds_isel_self_vinds_loa": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOWriteSingleNetCDF3_IOReadSingleNetCDF4.time_vectorized_indexing.ds_1.ds_isel_self_vinds_loa", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 96, "end_line": 126, "span_ids": ["IOReadSingleNetCDF4", "IOReadSingleNetCDF4.time_vectorized_indexing", "IOWriteSingleNetCDF3.setup", "IOWriteSingleNetCDF3.time_write_dataset_netcdf4", "IOReadSingleNetCDF4.setup", "IOReadSingleNetCDF4.time_load_dataset_netcdf4", "IOWriteSingleNetCDF3.time_write_dataset_scipy", "IOWriteSingleNetCDF3", "IOReadSingleNetCDF4.time_orthogonal_indexing"], "tokens": 269}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOWriteSingleNetCDF3(IOSingleNetCDF):\n def setup(self):\n self.format = \"NETCDF3_64BIT\"\n self.make_ds()\n\n def time_write_dataset_netcdf4(self):\n self.ds.to_netcdf(\"test_netcdf4_write.nc\", engine=\"netcdf4\", format=self.format)\n\n def time_write_dataset_scipy(self):\n self.ds.to_netcdf(\"test_scipy_write.nc\", engine=\"scipy\", format=self.format)\n\n\nclass IOReadSingleNetCDF4(IOSingleNetCDF):\n def setup(self):\n\n self.make_ds()\n\n self.filepath = \"test_single_file.nc4.nc\"\n self.format = \"NETCDF4\"\n self.ds.to_netcdf(self.filepath, format=self.format)\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4(self):\n xr.open_dataset(self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\").load()\n\n def time_orthogonal_indexing(self):\n ds = xr.open_dataset(self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\")\n ds = ds.isel(**self.oinds).load()\n\n def time_vectorized_indexing(self):\n ds = xr.open_dataset(self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\")\n ds = ds.isel(**self.vinds).load()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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"IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask.time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing", "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask.setup", "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask.time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_oindexing", "IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask.time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_vindexing"], "tokens": 349}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask(IOSingleNetCDF):\n def setup(self):\n\n requires_dask()\n\n self.make_ds()\n\n self.filepath = \"test_single_file.nc4.nc\"\n self.format = \"NETCDF4\"\n self.ds.to_netcdf(self.filepath, format=self.format)\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks(self):\n xr.open_dataset(\n self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_oindexing(self):\n ds = xr.open_dataset(self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.block_chunks)\n ds = ds.isel(**self.oinds).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_vindexing(self):\n ds = xr.open_dataset(self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.block_chunks)\n ds = ds.isel(**self.vinds).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_dataset(\n self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks(self):\n xr.open_dataset(self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.time_chunks).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_dataset(\n self.filepath, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.time_chunks\n ).load()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask_IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask.time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks.with_dask_config_set_sche.xr_open_dataset_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask_IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask.time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks.with_dask_config_set_sche.xr_open_dataset_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 190, "end_line": 219, "span_ids": ["IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask.setup", "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask.time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks", "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask.time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks_vindexing", "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask", "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask.time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks_oindexing", "IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask.time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks"], "tokens": 265}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOReadSingleNetCDF3Dask(IOReadSingleNetCDF4Dask):\n def setup(self):\n\n requires_dask()\n\n self.make_ds()\n\n self.filepath = \"test_single_file.nc3.nc\"\n self.format = \"NETCDF3_64BIT\"\n self.ds.to_netcdf(self.filepath, format=self.format)\n\n def time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_dataset(\n self.filepath, engine=\"scipy\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks_oindexing(self):\n ds = xr.open_dataset(self.filepath, engine=\"scipy\", chunks=self.block_chunks)\n ds = ds.isel(**self.oinds).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks_vindexing(self):\n ds = xr.open_dataset(self.filepath, engine=\"scipy\", chunks=self.block_chunks)\n ds = ds.isel(**self.vinds).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_dataset(\n self.filepath, engine=\"scipy\", chunks=self.time_chunks\n ).load()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOMultipleNetCDF_IOMultipleNetCDF.make_ds.for_i_times_in_enumerate.self_filenames_list_appen": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOMultipleNetCDF_IOMultipleNetCDF.make_ds.for_i_times_in_enumerate.self_filenames_list_appen", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 222, "end_line": 296, "span_ids": ["IOMultipleNetCDF", "IOMultipleNetCDF.make_ds"], "tokens": 613}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOMultipleNetCDF:\n \"\"\"\n A few examples that benchmark reading/writing multiple netCDF files with\n xarray\n \"\"\"\n\n timeout = 300.0\n repeat = 1\n number = 5\n\n def make_ds(self, nfiles=10):\n\n # multiple Dataset\n self.ds = xr.Dataset()\n self.nt = 1000\n self.nx = 90\n self.ny = 45\n self.nfiles = nfiles\n\n self.block_chunks = {\n \"time\": self.nt / 4,\n \"lon\": self.nx / 3,\n \"lat\": self.ny / 3,\n }\n\n self.time_chunks = {\"time\": int(self.nt / 36)}\n\n self.time_vars = np.split(\n pd.date_range(\"1970-01-01\", periods=self.nt, freq=\"D\"), self.nfiles\n )\n\n self.ds_list = []\n self.filenames_list = []\n for i, times in enumerate(self.time_vars):\n ds = xr.Dataset()\n nt = len(times)\n lons = xr.DataArray(\n np.linspace(0, 360, self.nx),\n dims=(\"lon\",),\n attrs={\"units\": \"degrees east\", \"long_name\": \"longitude\"},\n )\n lats = xr.DataArray(\n np.linspace(-90, 90, self.ny),\n dims=(\"lat\",),\n attrs={\"units\": \"degrees north\", \"long_name\": \"latitude\"},\n )\n ds[\"foo\"] = xr.DataArray(\n randn((nt, self.nx, self.ny), frac_nan=0.2),\n coords={\"lon\": lons, \"lat\": lats, \"time\": times},\n dims=(\"time\", \"lon\", \"lat\"),\n name=\"foo\",\n encoding=None,\n attrs={\"units\": \"foo units\", \"description\": \"a description\"},\n )\n ds[\"bar\"] = xr.DataArray(\n randn((nt, self.nx, self.ny), frac_nan=0.2),\n coords={\"lon\": lons, \"lat\": lats, \"time\": times},\n dims=(\"time\", \"lon\", \"lat\"),\n name=\"bar\",\n encoding=None,\n attrs={\"units\": \"bar units\", \"description\": \"a description\"},\n )\n ds[\"baz\"] = xr.DataArray(\n randn((self.nx, self.ny), frac_nan=0.2).astype(np.float32),\n coords={\"lon\": lons, \"lat\": lats},\n dims=(\"lon\", \"lat\"),\n name=\"baz\",\n encoding=None,\n attrs={\"units\": \"baz units\", \"description\": \"a description\"},\n )\n\n ds.attrs = {\"history\": \"created for xarray benchmarking\"}\n\n self.ds_list.append(ds)\n self.filenames_list.append(\"test_netcdf_%i.nc\" % i)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3_IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3.time_write_dataset_scipy.xr_save_mfdataset_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3_IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3.time_write_dataset_scipy.xr_save_mfdataset_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 299, "end_line": 312, "span_ids": ["IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3.time_write_dataset_netcdf4", "IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3.setup", "IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3.time_write_dataset_scipy", "IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3"], "tokens": 113}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOWriteMultipleNetCDF3(IOMultipleNetCDF):\n def setup(self):\n self.make_ds()\n self.format = \"NETCDF3_64BIT\"\n\n def time_write_dataset_netcdf4(self):\n xr.save_mfdataset(\n self.ds_list, self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", format=self.format\n )\n\n def time_write_dataset_scipy(self):\n xr.save_mfdataset(\n self.ds_list, self.filenames_list, engine=\"scipy\", format=self.format\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadMultipleNetCDF4_IOReadMultipleNetCDF4.time_open_dataset_netcdf4.xr_open_mfdataset_self_fi": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadMultipleNetCDF4_IOReadMultipleNetCDF4.time_open_dataset_netcdf4.xr_open_mfdataset_self_fi", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 315, "end_line": 328, "span_ids": ["IOReadMultipleNetCDF4.time_load_dataset_netcdf4", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4.time_open_dataset_netcdf4", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4.setup"], "tokens": 114}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOReadMultipleNetCDF4(IOMultipleNetCDF):\n def setup(self):\n\n requires_dask()\n\n self.make_ds()\n self.format = \"NETCDF4\"\n xr.save_mfdataset(self.ds_list, self.filenames_list, format=self.format)\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4(self):\n xr.open_mfdataset(self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\").load()\n\n def time_open_dataset_netcdf4(self):\n xr.open_mfdataset(self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadMultipleNetCDF3_IOReadMultipleNetCDF3.time_open_dataset_scipy.xr_open_mfdataset_self_fi": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadMultipleNetCDF3_IOReadMultipleNetCDF3.time_open_dataset_scipy.xr_open_mfdataset_self_fi", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 331, "end_line": 344, "span_ids": ["IOReadMultipleNetCDF3", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3.setup", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3.time_load_dataset_scipy", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3.time_open_dataset_scipy"], "tokens": 112}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOReadMultipleNetCDF3(IOReadMultipleNetCDF4):\n def setup(self):\n\n requires_dask()\n\n self.make_ds()\n self.format = \"NETCDF3_64BIT\"\n xr.save_mfdataset(self.ds_list, self.filenames_list, format=self.format)\n\n def time_load_dataset_scipy(self):\n xr.open_mfdataset(self.filenames_list, engine=\"scipy\").load()\n\n def time_open_dataset_scipy(self):\n xr.open_mfdataset(self.filenames_list, engine=\"scipy\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask_IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing.with_dask_config_set_sche.xr_open_mfdataset_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask_IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing.with_dask_config_set_sche.xr_open_mfdataset_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 347, "end_line": 398, "span_ids": ["IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask.setup"], "tokens": 442}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask(IOMultipleNetCDF):\n def setup(self):\n\n requires_dask()\n\n self.make_ds()\n self.format = \"NETCDF4\"\n xr.save_mfdataset(self.ds_list, self.filenames_list, format=self.format)\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks(self):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks(self):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.time_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.time_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks(self):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n )\n\n def time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_block_chunks_multiprocessing(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n )\n\n def time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks(self):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.time_chunks\n )\n\n def time_open_dataset_netcdf4_with_time_chunks_multiprocessing(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"netcdf4\", chunks=self.time_chunks\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask_IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask.time_open_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks.with_dask_config_set_sche.xr_open_mfdataset_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask_IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask.time_open_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks.with_dask_config_set_sche.xr_open_mfdataset_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 401, "end_line": 432, "span_ids": ["IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask.time_open_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask.setup", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask.time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask.time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks", "IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask.time_open_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks"], "tokens": 264}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IOReadMultipleNetCDF3Dask(IOReadMultipleNetCDF4Dask):\n def setup(self):\n\n requires_dask()\n\n self.make_ds()\n self.format = \"NETCDF3_64BIT\"\n xr.save_mfdataset(self.ds_list, self.filenames_list, format=self.format)\n\n def time_load_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"scipy\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_load_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"scipy\", chunks=self.time_chunks\n ).load()\n\n def time_open_dataset_scipy_with_block_chunks(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"scipy\", chunks=self.block_chunks\n )\n\n def time_open_dataset_scipy_with_time_chunks(self):\n with dask.config.set(scheduler=\"multiprocessing\"):\n xr.open_mfdataset(\n self.filenames_list, engine=\"scipy\", chunks=self.time_chunks\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_create_delayed_write_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py_create_delayed_write_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/dataset_io.py", "file_name": "dataset_io.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 435, "end_line": 470, "span_ids": ["IOWriteNetCDFDask.time_write", "create_delayed_write", "IOWriteNetCDFDask", "IOWriteNetCDFDask.setup", "IOWriteNetCDFDaskDistributed.time_write", "IOWriteNetCDFDaskDistributed", "IOWriteNetCDFDaskDistributed.setup", "IOWriteNetCDFDaskDistributed.cleanup"], "tokens": 186}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def create_delayed_write():\n import dask.array as da\n\n vals = da.random.random(300, chunks=(1,))\n ds = xr.Dataset({\"vals\": ([\"a\"], vals)})\n return ds.to_netcdf(\"file.nc\", engine=\"netcdf4\", compute=False)\n\n\nclass IOWriteNetCDFDask:\n timeout = 60\n repeat = 1\n number = 5\n\n def setup(self):\n requires_dask()\n self.write = create_delayed_write()\n\n def time_write(self):\n self.write.compute()\n\n\nclass IOWriteNetCDFDaskDistributed:\n def setup(self):\n try:\n import distributed\n except ImportError:\n raise NotImplementedError()\n self.client = distributed.Client()\n self.write = create_delayed_write()\n\n def cleanup(self):\n self.client.shutdown()\n\n def time_write(self):\n self.write.compute()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_np_vectorized_assignment_values._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_np_vectorized_assignment_values._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 57, "span_ids": ["impl:17", "impl", "imports"], "tokens": 730}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom . import randint, randn, requires_dask\n\nnx = 3000\nny = 2000\nnt = 1000\n\nbasic_indexes = {\n \"1slice\": {\"x\": slice(0, 3)},\n \"1slice-1scalar\": {\"x\": 0, \"y\": slice(None, None, 3)},\n \"2slicess-1scalar\": {\"x\": slice(3, -3, 3), \"y\": 1, \"t\": slice(None, -3, 3)},\n}\n\nbasic_assignment_values = {\n \"1slice\": xr.DataArray(randn((3, ny), frac_nan=0.1), dims=[\"x\", \"y\"]),\n \"1slice-1scalar\": xr.DataArray(randn(int(ny / 3) + 1, frac_nan=0.1), dims=[\"y\"]),\n \"2slicess-1scalar\": xr.DataArray(\n randn(int((nx - 6) / 3), frac_nan=0.1), dims=[\"x\"]\n ),\n}\n\nouter_indexes = {\n \"1d\": {\"x\": randint(0, nx, 400)},\n \"2d\": {\"x\": randint(0, nx, 500), \"y\": randint(0, ny, 400)},\n \"2d-1scalar\": {\"x\": randint(0, nx, 100), \"y\": 1, \"t\": randint(0, nt, 400)},\n}\n\nouter_assignment_values = {\n \"1d\": xr.DataArray(randn((400, ny), frac_nan=0.1), dims=[\"x\", \"y\"]),\n \"2d\": xr.DataArray(randn((500, 400), frac_nan=0.1), dims=[\"x\", \"y\"]),\n \"2d-1scalar\": xr.DataArray(randn(100, frac_nan=0.1), dims=[\"x\"]),\n}\n\nvectorized_indexes = {\n \"1-1d\": {\"x\": xr.DataArray(randint(0, nx, 400), dims=\"a\")},\n \"2-1d\": {\n \"x\": xr.DataArray(randint(0, nx, 400), dims=\"a\"),\n \"y\": xr.DataArray(randint(0, ny, 400), dims=\"a\"),\n },\n \"3-2d\": {\n \"x\": xr.DataArray(randint(0, nx, 400).reshape(4, 100), dims=[\"a\", \"b\"]),\n \"y\": xr.DataArray(randint(0, ny, 400).reshape(4, 100), dims=[\"a\", \"b\"]),\n \"t\": xr.DataArray(randint(0, nt, 400).reshape(4, 100), dims=[\"a\", \"b\"]),\n },\n}\n\nvectorized_assignment_values = {\n \"1-1d\": xr.DataArray(randn((400, 2000)), dims=[\"a\", \"y\"], coords={\"a\": randn(400)}),\n \"2-1d\": xr.DataArray(randn(400), dims=[\"a\"], coords={\"a\": randn(400)}),\n \"3-2d\": xr.DataArray(\n randn((4, 100)), dims=[\"a\", \"b\"], coords={\"a\": randn(4), \"b\": randn(100)}\n ),\n}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_Base_Base.setup.self.ds.xr_Dataset_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_Base_Base.setup.self.ds.xr_Dataset_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 60, "end_line": 74, "span_ids": ["Base", "Base.setup"], "tokens": 151}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Base:\n def setup(self, key):\n self.ds = xr.Dataset(\n {\n \"var1\": ((\"x\", \"y\"), randn((nx, ny), frac_nan=0.1)),\n \"var2\": ((\"x\", \"t\"), randn((nx, nt))),\n \"var3\": ((\"t\",), randn(nt)),\n },\n coords={\n \"x\": np.arange(nx),\n \"y\": np.linspace(0, 1, ny),\n \"t\": pd.date_range(\"1970-01-01\", periods=nt, freq=\"D\"),\n \"x_coords\": (\"x\", np.linspace(1.1, 2.1, nx)),\n },\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_Indexing_Indexing.time_indexing_vectorized.params._list_vectorized_indexes_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_Indexing_Indexing.time_indexing_vectorized.params._list_vectorized_indexes_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 77, "end_line": 94, "span_ids": ["Indexing", "Indexing.time_indexing_outer", "Indexing:10", "Indexing:6", "Indexing:2", "Indexing.time_indexing_vectorized", "Indexing.time_indexing_basic"], "tokens": 153}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Indexing(Base):\n def time_indexing_basic(self, key):\n self.ds.isel(**basic_indexes[key]).load()\n\n time_indexing_basic.param_names = [\"key\"]\n time_indexing_basic.params = [list(basic_indexes.keys())]\n\n def time_indexing_outer(self, key):\n self.ds.isel(**outer_indexes[key]).load()\n\n time_indexing_outer.param_names = [\"key\"]\n time_indexing_outer.params = [list(outer_indexes.keys())]\n\n def time_indexing_vectorized(self, key):\n self.ds.isel(**vectorized_indexes[key]).load()\n\n time_indexing_vectorized.param_names = [\"key\"]\n time_indexing_vectorized.params = [list(vectorized_indexes.keys())]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_Assignment_Assignment.time_assignment_vectorized.params._list_vectorized_indexes_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_Assignment_Assignment.time_assignment_vectorized.params._list_vectorized_indexes_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 97, "end_line": 120, "span_ids": ["Assignment.time_assignment_vectorized", "Assignment:6", "Assignment.time_assignment_basic", "Assignment.time_assignment_outer", "Assignment:10", "Assignment:2", "Assignment"], "tokens": 231}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Assignment(Base):\n def time_assignment_basic(self, key):\n ind = basic_indexes[key]\n val = basic_assignment_values[key]\n self.ds[\"var1\"][ind.get(\"x\", slice(None)), ind.get(\"y\", slice(None))] = val\n\n time_assignment_basic.param_names = [\"key\"]\n time_assignment_basic.params = [list(basic_indexes.keys())]\n\n def time_assignment_outer(self, key):\n ind = outer_indexes[key]\n val = outer_assignment_values[key]\n self.ds[\"var1\"][ind.get(\"x\", slice(None)), ind.get(\"y\", slice(None))] = val\n\n time_assignment_outer.param_names = [\"key\"]\n time_assignment_outer.params = [list(outer_indexes.keys())]\n\n def time_assignment_vectorized(self, key):\n ind = vectorized_indexes[key]\n val = vectorized_assignment_values[key]\n self.ds[\"var1\"][ind.get(\"x\", slice(None)), ind.get(\"y\", slice(None))] = val\n\n time_assignment_vectorized.param_names = [\"key\"]\n time_assignment_vectorized.params = [list(vectorized_indexes.keys())]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_IndexingDask_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py_IndexingDask_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 123, "end_line": 141, "span_ids": ["IndexingDask", "BooleanIndexing.setup", "IndexingDask.setup", "BooleanIndexing.time_indexing", "BooleanIndexing"], "tokens": 147}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IndexingDask(Indexing):\n def setup(self, key):\n requires_dask()\n super().setup(key)\n self.ds = self.ds.chunk({\"x\": 100, \"y\": 50, \"t\": 50})\n\n\nclass BooleanIndexing:\n # https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/2227\n def setup(self):\n self.ds = xr.Dataset(\n {\"a\": (\"time\", np.arange(10_000_000))},\n coords={\"time\": np.arange(10_000_000)},\n )\n self.time_filter = self.ds.time > 50_000\n\n def time_indexing(self):\n self.ds.isel(time=self.time_filter)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py_np_new_y_long.np_linspace_0_1_0_9_100": {"__data__": {"id_": 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frac_nan=0.1)\n\n\nnew_x_short = np.linspace(0.3 * nx, 0.7 * nx, 100)\nnew_x_long = np.linspace(0.3 * nx, 0.7 * nx, 1000)\nnew_y_long = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 1000)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py_Interpolation_Interpolation.setup.self.ds.xr_Dataset_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py_Interpolation_Interpolation.setup.self.ds.xr_Dataset_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py", "file_name": "interp.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 25, "end_line": 39, "span_ids": ["Interpolation", "Interpolation.setup"], "tokens": 143}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Interpolation:\n def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):\n self.ds = xr.Dataset(\n {\n \"var1\": ((\"x\", \"y\"), randn_xy),\n \"var2\": ((\"x\", \"t\"), randn_xt),\n \"var3\": ((\"t\",), randn_t),\n },\n coords={\n \"x\": np.arange(nx),\n \"y\": np.linspace(0, 1, ny),\n \"t\": pd.date_range(\"1970-01-01\", periods=nt, freq=\"D\"),\n \"x_coords\": (\"x\", np.linspace(1.1, 2.1, nx)),\n },\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py_Interpolation.time_interpolation_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py_Interpolation.time_interpolation_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/interp.py", "file_name": "interp.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 41, "end_line": 56, "span_ids": ["Interpolation.time_interpolation", "InterpolationDask.setup", "InterpolationDask", "Interpolation.time_interpolation_2d"], "tokens": 162}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Interpolation:\n\n @parameterized([\"method\", \"is_short\"], ([\"linear\", \"cubic\"], [True, False]))\n def time_interpolation(self, method, is_short):\n new_x = new_x_short if is_short else new_x_long\n self.ds.interp(x=new_x, method=method).load()\n\n @parameterized([\"method\"], ([\"linear\", \"nearest\"]))\n def time_interpolation_2d(self, method):\n self.ds.interp(x=new_x_long, y=new_y_long, method=method).load()\n\n\nclass InterpolationDask(Interpolation):\n def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):\n requires_dask()\n super().setup(**kwargs)\n self.ds = self.ds.chunk({\"t\": 50})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py_np_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py_np_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/reindexing.py", "file_name": "reindexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 49, "span_ids": ["Reindex.time_2d_fine_some_missing", "Reindex", "Reindex.time_1d_fine_some_missing", "Reindex.time_2d_coarse", "ReindexDask", "imports", "ReindexDask.setup", "Reindex.time_2d_fine_all_found", "Reindex.time_1d_fine_all_found", "Reindex.time_1d_coarse", "Reindex.setup"], "tokens": 413}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom . import requires_dask\n\n\nclass Reindex:\n def setup(self):\n data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(1000, 100, 100)\n self.ds = xr.Dataset(\n {\"temperature\": ((\"time\", \"x\", \"y\"), data)},\n coords={\"time\": np.arange(1000), \"x\": np.arange(100), \"y\": np.arange(100)},\n )\n\n def time_1d_coarse(self):\n self.ds.reindex(time=np.arange(0, 1000, 5)).load()\n\n def time_1d_fine_all_found(self):\n self.ds.reindex(time=np.arange(0, 1000, 0.5), method=\"nearest\").load()\n\n def time_1d_fine_some_missing(self):\n self.ds.reindex(\n time=np.arange(0, 1000, 0.5), method=\"nearest\", tolerance=0.1\n ).load()\n\n def time_2d_coarse(self):\n self.ds.reindex(x=np.arange(0, 100, 2), y=np.arange(0, 100, 2)).load()\n\n def time_2d_fine_all_found(self):\n self.ds.reindex(\n x=np.arange(0, 100, 0.5), y=np.arange(0, 100, 0.5), method=\"nearest\"\n ).load()\n\n def time_2d_fine_some_missing(self):\n self.ds.reindex(\n x=np.arange(0, 100, 0.5),\n y=np.arange(0, 100, 0.5),\n method=\"nearest\",\n tolerance=0.1,\n ).load()\n\n\nclass ReindexDask(Reindex):\n def setup(self):\n requires_dask()\n super().setup()\n self.ds = self.ds.chunk({\"time\": 100})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py_np_randn_long.randn_long_nx_frac_na": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py_np_randn_long.randn_long_nx_frac_na", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 17, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports"], "tokens": 117}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom . import parameterized, randn, requires_dask\n\nnx = 3000\nlong_nx = 30000000\nny = 2000\nnt = 1000\nwindow = 20\n\nrandn_xy = randn((nx, ny), frac_nan=0.1)\nrandn_xt = randn((nx, nt))\nrandn_t = randn((nt,))\nrandn_long = randn((long_nx,), frac_nan=0.1)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py_Rolling_Rolling.setup.self.da_long.xr_DataArray_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py_Rolling_Rolling.setup.self.da_long.xr_DataArray_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 20, "end_line": 37, "span_ids": ["Rolling.setup", "Rolling"], "tokens": 178}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Rolling:\n def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):\n self.ds = xr.Dataset(\n {\n \"var1\": ((\"x\", \"y\"), randn_xy),\n \"var2\": ((\"x\", \"t\"), randn_xt),\n \"var3\": ((\"t\",), randn_t),\n },\n coords={\n \"x\": np.arange(nx),\n \"y\": np.linspace(0, 1, ny),\n \"t\": pd.date_range(\"1970-01-01\", periods=nt, freq=\"D\"),\n \"x_coords\": (\"x\", np.linspace(1.1, 2.1, nx)),\n },\n )\n self.da_long = xr.DataArray(\n randn_long, dims=\"x\", coords={\"x\": np.arange(long_nx) * 0.1}\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py_Rolling.time_rolling_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py_Rolling.time_rolling_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 39, "end_line": 70, "span_ids": ["Rolling.time_rolling_np", "Rolling.time_rolling_construct", "RollingDask.setup", "Rolling.time_rolling", "RollingDask", "Rolling.time_rolling_long"], "tokens": 337}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Rolling:\n\n @parameterized([\"func\", \"center\"], ([\"mean\", \"count\"], [True, False]))\n def time_rolling(self, func, center):\n getattr(self.ds.rolling(x=window, center=center), func)().load()\n\n @parameterized([\"func\", \"pandas\"], ([\"mean\", \"count\"], [True, False]))\n def time_rolling_long(self, func, pandas):\n if pandas:\n se = self.da_long.to_series()\n getattr(se.rolling(window=window), func)()\n else:\n getattr(self.da_long.rolling(x=window), func)().load()\n\n @parameterized([\"window_\", \"min_periods\"], ([20, 40], [5, None]))\n def time_rolling_np(self, window_, min_periods):\n self.ds.rolling(x=window_, center=False, min_periods=min_periods).reduce(\n getattr(np, \"nanmean\")\n ).load()\n\n @parameterized([\"center\", \"stride\"], ([True, False], [1, 200]))\n def time_rolling_construct(self, center, stride):\n self.ds.rolling(x=window, center=center).construct(\n \"window_dim\", stride=stride\n ).mean(dim=\"window_dim\").load()\n\n\nclass RollingDask(Rolling):\n def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):\n requires_dask()\n super().setup(**kwargs)\n self.ds = self.ds.chunk({\"x\": 100, \"y\": 50, \"t\": 50})\n self.da_long = self.da_long.chunk({\"x\": 10000})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/unstacking.py_np_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/asv_bench/benchmarks/unstacking.py_np_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "asv_bench/benchmarks/unstacking.py", "file_name": "unstacking.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 25, "span_ids": ["Unstacking", "Unstacking.time_unstack_slow", "UnstackingDask", "UnstackingDask.setup", "Unstacking.setup", "imports", "Unstacking.time_unstack_fast"], "tokens": 159}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom . import requires_dask\n\n\nclass Unstacking:\n def setup(self):\n data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(1, 1000, 500)\n self.ds = xr.DataArray(data).stack(flat_dim=[\"dim_1\", \"dim_2\"])\n\n def time_unstack_fast(self):\n self.ds.unstack(\"flat_dim\")\n\n def time_unstack_slow(self):\n self.ds[:, ::-1].unstack(\"flat_dim\")\n\n\nclass UnstackingDask(Unstacking):\n def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):\n requires_dask()\n super().setup(**kwargs)\n self.ds = self.ds.chunk({\"flat_dim\": 50})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py__Fetch_from_conda_datab_error.print_ERROR_msg_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py__Fetch_from_conda_datab_error.print_ERROR_msg_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "ci/min_deps_check.py", "file_name": "min_deps_check.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 34, "span_ids": ["error", "impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 204}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Fetch from conda database all available versions of the xarray dependencies and their\npublication date. Compare it against requirements/py36-min-all-deps.yml to verify the\npolicy on obsolete dependencies is being followed. Print a pretty report :)\n\"\"\"\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nfrom concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor\nfrom datetime import datetime, timedelta\nfrom typing import Dict, Iterator, Tuple\n\nimport yaml\n\nIGNORE_DEPS = {\n \"black\",\n \"coveralls\",\n \"flake8\",\n \"hypothesis\",\n \"mypy\",\n \"pip\",\n \"pytest\",\n \"pytest-cov\",\n \"pytest-env\",\n}\n\nPOLICY_MONTHS = {\"python\": 42, \"numpy\": 24, \"pandas\": 12, \"scipy\": 12}\nPOLICY_MONTHS_DEFAULT = 6\n\nhas_errors = False\n\n\ndef error(msg: str) -> None:\n global has_errors\n has_errors = True\n print(\"ERROR:\", msg)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py_parse_requirements_parse_requirements.for_row_in_contents_depe.None_1.except_ValueError_.error_failed_to_parse_ve": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py_parse_requirements_parse_requirements.for_row_in_contents_depe.None_1.except_ValueError_.error_failed_to_parse_ve", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "ci/min_deps_check.py", "file_name": "min_deps_check.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 37, "end_line": 63, "span_ids": ["parse_requirements"], "tokens": 212}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def parse_requirements(fname) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]:\n \"\"\"Load requirements/py36-min-all-deps.yml\n\n Yield (package name, major version, minor version)\n \"\"\"\n global has_errors\n\n with open(fname) as fh:\n contents = yaml.safe_load(fh)\n for row in contents[\"dependencies\"]:\n if isinstance(row, dict) and list(row) == [\"pip\"]:\n continue\n pkg, eq, version = row.partition(\"=\")\n if pkg.rstrip(\"<>\") in IGNORE_DEPS:\n continue\n if pkg.endswith(\"<\") or pkg.endswith(\">\") or eq != \"=\":\n error(\"package should be pinned with exact version: \" + row)\n continue\n try:\n major, minor = version.split(\".\")\n except ValueError:\n error(\"expected major.minor (without patch): \" + row)\n continue\n try:\n yield pkg, int(major), int(minor)\n except ValueError:\n error(\"failed to parse version: \" + row)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py_query_conda_query_conda.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py_query_conda_query_conda.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "ci/min_deps_check.py", "file_name": "min_deps_check.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 66, "end_line": 108, "span_ids": ["query_conda"], "tokens": 390}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def query_conda(pkg: str) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], datetime]:\n \"\"\"Query the conda repository for a specific package\n\n Return map of {(major version, minor version): publication date}\n \"\"\"\n stdout = subprocess.check_output(\n [\"conda\", \"search\", pkg, \"--info\", \"-c\", \"defaults\", \"-c\", \"conda-forge\"]\n )\n out = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], datetime]\n major = None\n minor = None\n\n for row in stdout.decode(\"utf-8\").splitlines():\n label, _, value = row.partition(\":\")\n label = label.strip()\n if label == \"file name\":\n value = value.strip()[len(pkg) :]\n major, minor = value.split(\"-\")[1].split(\".\")[:2]\n major = int(major)\n minor = int(minor)\n if label == \"timestamp\":\n assert major is not None\n assert minor is not None\n ts = datetime.strptime(value.split()[0].strip(), \"%Y-%m-%d\")\n\n if (major, minor) in out:\n out[major, minor] = min(out[major, minor], ts)\n else:\n out[major, minor] = ts\n\n # Hardcoded fix to work around incorrect dates in conda\n if pkg == \"python\":\n out.update(\n {\n (2, 7): datetime(2010, 6, 3),\n (3, 5): datetime(2015, 9, 13),\n (3, 6): datetime(2016, 12, 23),\n (3, 7): datetime(2018, 6, 27),\n (3, 8): datetime(2019, 10, 14),\n }\n )\n\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py_process_pkg_process_pkg.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py_process_pkg_process_pkg.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "ci/min_deps_check.py", "file_name": "min_deps_check.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 111, "end_line": 165, "span_ids": ["process_pkg"], "tokens": 425}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def process_pkg(\n pkg: str, req_major: int, req_minor: int\n) -> Tuple[str, int, int, str, int, int, str, str]:\n \"\"\"Compare package version from requirements file to available versions in conda.\n Return row to build pandas dataframe:\n\n - package name\n - major version in requirements file\n - minor version in requirements file\n - publication date of version in requirements file (YYYY-MM-DD)\n - major version suggested by policy\n - minor version suggested by policy\n - publication date of version suggested by policy (YYYY-MM-DD)\n - status (\"<\", \"=\", \"> (!)\")\n \"\"\"\n print(\"Analyzing %s...\" % pkg)\n versions = query_conda(pkg)\n\n try:\n req_published = versions[req_major, req_minor]\n except KeyError:\n error(\"not found in conda: \" + pkg)\n return pkg, req_major, req_minor, \"-\", 0, 0, \"-\", \"(!)\"\n\n policy_months = POLICY_MONTHS.get(pkg, POLICY_MONTHS_DEFAULT)\n policy_published = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=policy_months * 30)\n\n policy_major = req_major\n policy_minor = req_minor\n policy_published_actual = req_published\n for (major, minor), published in reversed(sorted(versions.items())):\n if published < policy_published:\n break\n policy_major = major\n policy_minor = minor\n policy_published_actual = published\n\n if (req_major, req_minor) < (policy_major, policy_minor):\n status = \"<\"\n elif (req_major, req_minor) > (policy_major, policy_minor):\n status = \"> (!)\"\n error(\"Package is too new: \" + pkg)\n else:\n status = \"=\"\n\n return (\n pkg,\n req_major,\n req_minor,\n req_published.strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d\"),\n policy_major,\n policy_minor,\n policy_published_actual.strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d\"),\n status,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py_main_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/ci/min_deps_check.py_main_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "ci/min_deps_check.py", "file_name": "min_deps_check.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 168, "end_line": 188, "span_ids": ["main", "impl:9"], "tokens": 152}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def main() -> None:\n fname = sys.argv[1]\n with ThreadPoolExecutor(8) as ex:\n futures = [\n ex.submit(process_pkg, pkg, major, minor)\n for pkg, major, minor in parse_requirements(fname)\n ]\n rows = [f.result() for f in futures]\n\n print(\"Package Required Policy Status\")\n print(\"------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------\")\n fmt = \"{:13} {:>1d}.{:<2d} ({:10}) {:>1d}.{:<2d} ({:10}) {}\"\n for row in rows:\n print(fmt.format(*row))\n\n assert not has_errors\n\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n main()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/conftest.py__Configuration_for_pyte_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/conftest.py__Configuration_for_pyte_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "conftest.py", "file_name": "conftest.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 24, "span_ids": ["pytest_runtest_setup", "docstring", "imports", "pytest_addoption"], "tokens": 172}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Configuration for pytest.\"\"\"\n\nimport pytest\n\n\ndef pytest_addoption(parser):\n \"\"\"Add command-line flags for pytest.\"\"\"\n parser.addoption(\"--run-flaky\", action=\"store_true\", help=\"runs flaky tests\")\n parser.addoption(\n \"--run-network-tests\",\n action=\"store_true\",\n help=\"runs tests requiring a network connection\",\n )\n\n\ndef pytest_runtest_setup(item):\n # based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47559524\n if \"flaky\" in item.keywords and not item.config.getoption(\"--run-flaky\"):\n pytest.skip(\"set --run-flaky option to run flaky tests\")\n if \"network\" in item.keywords and not item.config.getoption(\"--run-network-tests\"):\n pytest.skip(\n \"set --run-network-tests to run test requiring an \" \"internet connection\"\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/conf.py__coding_utf_8___The_full_version_inclu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/conf.py__coding_utf_8___The_full_version_inclu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/conf.py", "file_name": "conf.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 125, "span_ids": ["impl", "impl:18", "imports:9", "docstring", "impl:15", "imports", "imports:7", "imports:8", "impl:13"], "tokens": 794}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n#\n# xarray documentation build configuration file, created by\n# sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 6 18:57:54 2014.\n#\n# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its\n# containing dir.\n#\n# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this\n# autogenerated file.\n#\n# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out\n# serve to show the default.\n\n\nimport datetime\nimport os\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nfrom contextlib import suppress\n\nimport xarray\n\nallowed_failures = set()\n\nprint(\"python exec:\", sys.executable)\nprint(\"sys.path:\", sys.path)\n\nif \"conda\" in sys.executable:\n print(\"conda environment:\")\n subprocess.run([\"conda\", \"list\"])\nelse:\n print(\"pip environment:\")\n subprocess.run([\"pip\", \"list\"])\n\nprint(\"xarray: %s, %s\" % (xarray.__version__, xarray.__file__))\n\nwith suppress(ImportError):\n import matplotlib\n\n matplotlib.use(\"Agg\")\n\ntry:\n import rasterio\nexcept ImportError:\n allowed_failures.update(\n [\"gallery/plot_rasterio_rgb.py\", \"gallery/plot_rasterio.py\"]\n )\n\ntry:\n import cartopy\nexcept ImportError:\n allowed_failures.update(\n [\n \"gallery/plot_cartopy_facetgrid.py\",\n \"gallery/plot_rasterio_rgb.py\",\n \"gallery/plot_rasterio.py\",\n ]\n )\n\n# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------\n\n# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.\n# needs_sphinx = '1.0'\n\n# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be\n# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom\n# ones.\nextensions = [\n \"sphinx.ext.autodoc\",\n \"sphinx.ext.autosummary\",\n \"sphinx.ext.intersphinx\",\n \"sphinx.ext.extlinks\",\n \"sphinx.ext.mathjax\",\n \"sphinx.ext.napoleon\",\n \"numpydoc\",\n \"IPython.sphinxext.ipython_directive\",\n \"IPython.sphinxext.ipython_console_highlighting\",\n \"sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery\",\n]\n\nextlinks = {\n \"issue\": (\"https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/%s\", \"GH\"),\n \"pull\": (\"https://github.com/pydata/xarray/pull/%s\", \"PR\"),\n}\n\nsphinx_gallery_conf = {\n \"examples_dirs\": \"gallery\",\n \"gallery_dirs\": \"auto_gallery\",\n \"backreferences_dir\": False,\n \"expected_failing_examples\": list(allowed_failures),\n}\n\nautosummary_generate = True\nautodoc_typehints = \"none\"\n\nnapoleon_use_param = True\nnapoleon_use_rtype = True\n\nnumpydoc_class_members_toctree = True\nnumpydoc_show_class_members = False\n\n# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.\ntemplates_path = [\"_templates\"]\n\n# The suffix of source filenames.\nsource_suffix = \".rst\"\n\n# The encoding of source files.\n# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'\n\n# The master toctree document.\nmaster_doc = \"index\"\n\n# General information about the project.\nproject = \"xarray\"\ncopyright = \"2014-%s, xarray Developers\" % datetime.datetime.now().year\n\n# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for\n# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the\n# built documents.\n#\n# The short X.Y version.\nversion = xarray.__version__.split(\"+\")[0]\n# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/conf.py_release__Options_for_LaTeX_ou": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/conf.py_release__Options_for_LaTeX_ou", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/conf.py", "file_name": "conf.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 126, "end_line": 261, "span_ids": ["impl:74", "impl:50", "impl:64"], "tokens": 972}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "release = xarray.__version__\n\n# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation\n# for a list of supported languages.\n# language = None\n\n# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some\n# non-false value, then it is used:\n# today = ''\n# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.\ntoday_fmt = \"%Y-%m-%d\"\n\n# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and\n# directories to ignore when looking for source files.\nexclude_patterns = [\"_build\"]\n\n# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all\n# documents.\n# default_role = None\n\n# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.\n# add_function_parentheses = True\n\n# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description\n# unit titles (such as .. function::).\n# add_module_names = True\npygments_style = \"sphinx\"\n\n# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.\n# modindex_common_prefix = []\n\n# If true, keep warnings as \"system message\" paragraphs in the built documents.\n# keep_warnings = False\n\n\n# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------\n\n# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for\n# a list of builtin themes.\nhtml_theme = \"sphinx_rtd_theme\"\n\n# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme\n# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the\n# documentation.\nhtml_theme_options = {\"logo_only\": True}\n\n# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.\n# html_theme_path = []\n\n# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to\n# \" v documentation\".\n# html_title = None\n\n# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.\n# html_short_title = None\n\n# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top\n# of the sidebar.\nhtml_logo = \"_static/dataset-diagram-logo.png\"\n\n# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the\n# docs. 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These files are copied\n# directly to the root of the documentation.\n# html_extra_path = []\n\n# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,\n# using the given strftime format.\nhtml_last_updated_fmt = today_fmt\n\n# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to\n# typographically correct entities.\n# html_use_smartypants = True\n\n# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.\n# html_sidebars = {}\n\n# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to\n# template names.\n# html_additional_pages = {}\n\n# If false, no module index is generated.\n# html_domain_indices = True\n\n# If false, no index is generated.\n# html_use_index = True\n\n# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.\n# html_split_index = False\n\n# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.\n# html_show_sourcelink = True\n\n# If true, \"Created using Sphinx\" is shown in the HTML footer. 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List of tuples\ntexinfo_documents = [\n (\n \"index\",\n \"xarray\",\n \"xarray Documentation\",\n \"xarray Developers\",\n \"xarray\",\n \"N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python.\",\n \"Miscellaneous\",\n )\n]\n\n# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.\n# texinfo_appendices = []\n\n# If false, no module index is generated.\n# texinfo_domain_indices = True\n\n# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.\n# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'\n\n# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the \"Top\" node's menu.\n# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False\n\n\n# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.\nintersphinx_mapping = {\n \"python\": (\"https://docs.python.org/3/\", None),\n \"pandas\": (\"https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/\", None),\n \"iris\": (\"http://scitools.org.uk/iris/docs/latest/\", None),\n \"numpy\": (\"https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/\", None),\n \"numba\": (\"https://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/\", None),\n \"matplotlib\": (\"https://matplotlib.org/\", None),\n}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/examples/_code/accessor_example.py_xr_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/examples/_code/accessor_example.py_xr_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/examples/_code/accessor_example.py", "file_name": "accessor_example.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 24, "span_ids": ["GeoAccessor.center", "GeoAccessor", "GeoAccessor.plot", "imports"], "tokens": 155}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import xarray as xr\n\n\n@xr.register_dataset_accessor(\"geo\")\nclass GeoAccessor:\n def __init__(self, xarray_obj):\n self._obj = xarray_obj\n self._center = None\n\n @property\n def center(self):\n \"\"\"Return the geographic center point of this dataset.\"\"\"\n if self._center is None:\n # we can use a cache on our accessor objects, because accessors\n # themselves are cached on instances that access them.\n lon = self._obj.latitude\n lat = self._obj.longitude\n self._center = (float(lon.mean()), float(lat.mean()))\n return self._center\n\n def plot(self):\n \"\"\"Plot data on a map.\"\"\"\n return \"plotting!\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/examples/_code/weather_data_setup.py_np_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/examples/_code/weather_data_setup.py_np_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/examples/_code/weather_data_setup.py", "file_name": "weather_data_setup.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 23, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports"], "tokens": 199}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport seaborn as sns\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nnp.random.seed(123)\n\ntimes = pd.date_range(\"2000-01-01\", \"2001-12-31\", name=\"time\")\nannual_cycle = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (times.dayofyear.values / 365.25 - 0.28))\n\nbase = 10 + 15 * annual_cycle.reshape(-1, 1)\ntmin_values = base + 3 * np.random.randn(annual_cycle.size, 3)\ntmax_values = base + 10 + 3 * np.random.randn(annual_cycle.size, 3)\n\nds = xr.Dataset(\n {\n \"tmin\": ((\"time\", \"location\"), tmin_values),\n \"tmax\": ((\"time\", \"location\"), tmax_values),\n },\n {\"time\": times, \"location\": [\"IA\", \"IN\", \"IL\"]},\n)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_cartopy_facetgrid.py__coding_utf_8__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_cartopy_facetgrid.py__coding_utf_8__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/gallery/plot_cartopy_facetgrid.py", "file_name": "plot_cartopy_facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 47, "span_ids": ["impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 335}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\"\"\"\n==================================\nMultiple plots and map projections\n==================================\n\nControl the map projection parameters on multiple axes\n\nThis example illustrates how to plot multiple maps and control their extent\nand aspect ratio.\n\nFor more details see `this discussion`_ on github.\n\n.. _this discussion: https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/1397#issuecomment-299190567\n\"\"\"\n\n\nimport cartopy.crs as ccrs\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\n# Load the data\nds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset(\"air_temperature\")\nair = ds.air.isel(time=[0, 724]) - 273.15\n\n# This is the map projection we want to plot *onto*\nmap_proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=-95, central_latitude=45)\n\np = air.plot(\n transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), # the data's projection\n col=\"time\",\n col_wrap=1, # multiplot settings\n aspect=ds.dims[\"lon\"] / ds.dims[\"lat\"], # for a sensible figsize\n subplot_kws={\"projection\": map_proj}, # the plot's projection\n)\n\n# We have to set the map's options on all four axes\nfor ax in p.axes.flat:\n ax.coastlines()\n ax.set_extent([-160, -30, 5, 75])\n # Without this aspect attributes the maps will look chaotic and the\n # \"extent\" attribute above will be ignored\n ax.set_aspect(\"equal\")\n\nplt.show()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_colorbar_center.py__coding_utf_8__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_colorbar_center.py__coding_utf_8__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/gallery/plot_colorbar_center.py", "file_name": "plot_colorbar_center.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 45, "span_ids": ["impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 331}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\"\"\"\n==================\nCentered colormaps\n==================\n\nxarray's automatic colormaps choice\n\n\"\"\"\n\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\n# Load the data\nds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset(\"air_temperature\")\nair = ds.air.isel(time=0)\n\nf, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 6))\n\n# The first plot (in kelvins) chooses \"viridis\" and uses the data's min/max\nair.plot(ax=ax1, cbar_kwargs={\"label\": \"K\"})\nax1.set_title(\"Kelvins: default\")\nax2.set_xlabel(\"\")\n\n# The second plot (in celsius) now chooses \"BuRd\" and centers min/max around 0\nairc = air - 273.15\nairc.plot(ax=ax2, cbar_kwargs={\"label\": \"\u00b0C\"})\nax2.set_title(\"Celsius: default\")\nax2.set_xlabel(\"\")\nax2.set_ylabel(\"\")\n\n# The center doesn't have to be 0\nair.plot(ax=ax3, center=273.15, cbar_kwargs={\"label\": \"K\"})\nax3.set_title(\"Kelvins: center=273.15\")\n\n# Or it can be ignored\nairc.plot(ax=ax4, center=False, cbar_kwargs={\"label\": \"\u00b0C\"})\nax4.set_title(\"Celsius: center=False\")\nax4.set_ylabel(\"\")\n\n# Mke it nice\nplt.tight_layout()\nplt.show()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_control_colorbar.py__coding_utf_8__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_control_colorbar.py__coding_utf_8__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/gallery/plot_control_colorbar.py", "file_name": "plot_control_colorbar.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 34, "span_ids": ["impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 255}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\"\"\"\n===========================\nControl the plot's colorbar\n===========================\n\nUse ``cbar_kwargs`` keyword to specify the number of ticks.\nThe ``spacing`` kwarg can be used to draw proportional ticks.\n\"\"\"\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\n# Load the data\nair_temp = xr.tutorial.load_dataset(\"air_temperature\")\nair2d = air_temp.air.isel(time=500)\n\n# Prepare the figure\nf, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14, 4))\n\n# Irregular levels to illustrate the use of a proportional colorbar\nlevels = [245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 270, 275, 280, 285, 290, 310, 340]\n\n# Plot data\nair2d.plot(ax=ax1, levels=levels)\nair2d.plot(ax=ax2, levels=levels, cbar_kwargs={\"ticks\": levels})\nair2d.plot(\n ax=ax3, levels=levels, cbar_kwargs={\"ticks\": levels, \"spacing\": \"proportional\"}\n)\n\n# Show plots\nplt.tight_layout()\nplt.show()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_lines_from_2d.py__coding_utf_8__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_lines_from_2d.py__coding_utf_8__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/gallery/plot_lines_from_2d.py", "file_name": "plot_lines_from_2d.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 40, "span_ids": ["impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 266}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\"\"\"\n==================================\nMultiple lines from a 2d DataArray\n==================================\n\n\nUse :py:func:`xarray.plot.line` on a 2d DataArray to plot selections as\nmultiple lines.\n\nSee :ref:`plotting.multiplelines` for more details.\n\n\"\"\"\n\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\n# Load the data\nds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset(\"air_temperature\")\nair = ds.air - 273.15 # to celsius\n\n# Prepare the figure\nf, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4), sharey=True)\n\n# Selected latitude indices\nisel_lats = [10, 15, 20]\n\n# Temperature vs longitude plot - illustrates the \"hue\" kwarg\nair.isel(time=0, lat=isel_lats).plot.line(ax=ax1, hue=\"lat\")\nax1.set_ylabel(\"\u00b0C\")\n\n# Temperature vs time plot - illustrates the \"x\" and \"add_legend\" kwargs\nair.isel(lon=30, lat=isel_lats).plot.line(ax=ax2, x=\"time\", add_legend=False)\nax2.set_ylabel(\"\")\n\n# Show\nplt.tight_layout()\nplt.show()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_rasterio.py__coding_utf_8__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_rasterio.py__coding_utf_8__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/gallery/plot_rasterio.py", "file_name": "plot_rasterio.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 56, "span_ids": ["impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 410}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\"\"\"\n.. _recipes.rasterio:\n\n=================================\nParsing rasterio's geocoordinates\n=================================\n\n\nConverting a projection's cartesian coordinates into 2D longitudes and\nlatitudes.\n\nThese new coordinates might be handy for plotting and indexing, but it should\nbe kept in mind that a grid which is regular in projection coordinates will\nlikely be irregular in lon/lat. It is often recommended to work in the data's\noriginal map projection (see :ref:`recipes.rasterio_rgb`).\n\"\"\"\n\nimport cartopy.crs as ccrs\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport numpy as np\nfrom rasterio.warp import transform\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\n# Read the data\nurl = \"https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio/raw/master/tests/data/RGB.byte.tif\"\nda = xr.open_rasterio(url)\n\n# Compute the lon/lat coordinates with rasterio.warp.transform\nny, nx = len(da[\"y\"]), len(da[\"x\"])\nx, y = np.meshgrid(da[\"x\"], da[\"y\"])\n\n# Rasterio works with 1D arrays\nlon, lat = transform(da.crs, {\"init\": \"EPSG:4326\"}, x.flatten(), y.flatten())\nlon = np.asarray(lon).reshape((ny, nx))\nlat = np.asarray(lat).reshape((ny, nx))\nda.coords[\"lon\"] = ((\"y\", \"x\"), lon)\nda.coords[\"lat\"] = ((\"y\", \"x\"), lat)\n\n# Compute a greyscale out of the rgb image\ngreyscale = da.mean(dim=\"band\")\n\n# Plot on a map\nax = plt.subplot(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())\ngreyscale.plot(\n ax=ax,\n x=\"lon\",\n y=\"lat\",\n transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),\n cmap=\"Greys_r\",\n add_colorbar=False,\n)\nax.coastlines(\"10m\", color=\"r\")\nplt.show()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_rasterio_rgb.py__coding_utf_8__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/doc/gallery/plot_rasterio_rgb.py__coding_utf_8__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "doc/gallery/plot_rasterio_rgb.py", "file_name": "plot_rasterio_rgb.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 34, "span_ids": ["impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 225}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\"\"\"\n.. _recipes.rasterio_rgb:\n\n============================\nimshow() and map projections\n============================\n\nUsing rasterio's projection information for more accurate plots.\n\nThis example extends :ref:`recipes.rasterio` and plots the image in the\noriginal map projection instead of relying on pcolormesh and a map\ntransformation.\n\"\"\"\n\nimport cartopy.crs as ccrs\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\n# Read the data\nurl = \"https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio/raw/master/tests/data/RGB.byte.tif\"\nda = xr.open_rasterio(url)\n\n# The data is in UTM projection. We have to set it manually until\n# https://github.com/SciTools/cartopy/issues/813 is implemented\ncrs = ccrs.UTM(\"18N\")\n\n# Plot on a map\nax = plt.subplot(projection=crs)\nda.plot.imshow(ax=ax, rgb=\"band\", transform=crs)\nax.coastlines(\"10m\", color=\"r\")\nplt.show()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/properties/test_encode_decode.py___test_CFMask_coder_roundtrip.xr_testing_assert_identic": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/properties/test_encode_decode.py___test_CFMask_coder_roundtrip.xr_testing_assert_identic", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "properties/test_encode_decode.py", "file_name": "test_encode_decode.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 41, "span_ids": ["impl", "impl:2", "docstring", "test_CFMask_coder_roundtrip", "docstring:2", "imports", "imports:2"], "tokens": 262}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"\nProperty-based tests for encoding/decoding methods.\n\nThese ones pass, just as you'd hope!\n\n\"\"\"\nimport pytest # isort:skip\n\npytest.importorskip(\"hypothesis\")\n\nimport hypothesis.extra.numpy as npst\nimport hypothesis.strategies as st\nfrom hypothesis import given, settings\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\n# Run for a while - arrays are a bigger search space than usual\nsettings.register_profile(\"ci\", deadline=None)\nsettings.load_profile(\"ci\")\n\n\nan_array = npst.arrays(\n dtype=st.one_of(\n npst.unsigned_integer_dtypes(), npst.integer_dtypes(), npst.floating_dtypes()\n ),\n shape=npst.array_shapes(max_side=3), # max_side specified for performance\n)\n\n\n@pytest.mark.slow\n@given(st.data(), an_array)\ndef test_CFMask_coder_roundtrip(data, arr):\n names = data.draw(\n st.lists(st.text(), min_size=arr.ndim, max_size=arr.ndim, unique=True).map(\n tuple\n )\n )\n original = xr.Variable(names, arr)\n coder = xr.coding.variables.CFMaskCoder()\n roundtripped = coder.decode(coder.encode(original))\n xr.testing.assert_identical(original, roundtripped)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/properties/test_encode_decode.py_test_CFScaleOffset_coder_roundtrip_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/properties/test_encode_decode.py_test_CFScaleOffset_coder_roundtrip_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "properties/test_encode_decode.py", "file_name": "test_encode_decode.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 44, "end_line": 56, "span_ids": ["test_CFScaleOffset_coder_roundtrip"], "tokens": 107}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@pytest.mark.slow\n@given(st.data(), an_array)\ndef test_CFScaleOffset_coder_roundtrip(data, arr):\n names = data.draw(\n st.lists(st.text(), min_size=arr.ndim, max_size=arr.ndim, unique=True).map(\n tuple\n )\n )\n original = xr.Variable(names, arr)\n coder = xr.coding.variables.CFScaleOffsetCoder()\n roundtripped = coder.decode(coder.encode(original))\n xr.testing.assert_identical(original, roundtripped)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/setup.py__usr_bin_env_python_DESCRIPTION._N_D_labeled_arrays_and_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/setup.py__usr_bin_env_python_DESCRIPTION._N_D_labeled_arrays_and_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "setup.py", "file_name": "setup.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 30, "span_ids": ["impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 257}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "#!/usr/bin/env python\nimport sys\n\nimport versioneer\nfrom setuptools import find_packages, setup\n\nDISTNAME = \"xarray\"\nLICENSE = \"Apache\"\nAUTHOR = \"xarray Developers\"\nAUTHOR_EMAIL = \"xarray@googlegroups.com\"\nURL = \"https://github.com/pydata/xarray\"\nCLASSIFIERS = [\n \"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable\",\n \"License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License\",\n \"Operating System :: OS Independent\",\n \"Intended Audience :: Science/Research\",\n \"Programming Language :: Python\",\n \"Programming Language :: Python :: 3\",\n \"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6\",\n \"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7\",\n \"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering\",\n]\n\nPYTHON_REQUIRES = \">=3.6\"\nINSTALL_REQUIRES = [\"numpy >= 1.14\", \"pandas >= 0.24\"]\nneeds_pytest = {\"pytest\", \"test\", \"ptr\"}.intersection(sys.argv)\nSETUP_REQUIRES = [\"pytest-runner >= 4.2\"] if needs_pytest else []\nTESTS_REQUIRE = [\"pytest >= 2.7.1\"]\n\nDESCRIPTION = \"N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/setup.py_LONG_DESCRIPTION_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/setup.py_LONG_DESCRIPTION_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "setup.py", "file_name": "setup.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 31, "end_line": 109, "span_ids": ["impl", "impl:27"], "tokens": 732}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "LONG_DESCRIPTION = \"\"\"\n**xarray** (formerly **xray**) is an open source project and Python package\nthat makes working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays simple,\nefficient, and fun!\n\nXarray introduces labels in the form of dimensions, coordinates and\nattributes on top of raw NumPy_-like arrays, which allows for a more\nintuitive, more concise, and less error-prone developer experience.\nThe package includes a large and growing library of domain-agnostic functions\nfor advanced analytics and visualization with these data structures.\n\nXarray was inspired by and borrows heavily from pandas_, the popular data\nanalysis package focused on labelled tabular data.\nIt is particularly tailored to working with netCDF_ files, which were the\nsource of xarray's data model, and integrates tightly with dask_ for parallel\ncomputing.\n\n.. _NumPy: https://www.numpy.org\n.. _pandas: https://pandas.pydata.org\n.. _dask: https://dask.org\n.. _netCDF: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf\n\nWhy xarray?\n-----------\n\nMulti-dimensional (a.k.a. N-dimensional, ND) arrays (sometimes called\n\"tensors\") are an essential part of computational science.\nThey are encountered in a wide range of fields, including physics, astronomy,\ngeoscience, bioinformatics, engineering, finance, and deep learning.\nIn Python, NumPy_ provides the fundamental data structure and API for\nworking with raw ND arrays.\nHowever, real-world datasets are usually more than just raw numbers;\nthey have labels which encode information about how the array values map\nto locations in space, time, etc.\n\nXarray doesn't just keep track of labels on arrays -- it uses them to provide a\npowerful and concise interface. For example:\n\n- Apply operations over dimensions by name: ``x.sum('time')``.\n- Select values by label instead of integer location:\n ``x.loc['2014-01-01']`` or ``x.sel(time='2014-01-01')``.\n- Mathematical operations (e.g., ``x - y``) vectorize across multiple\n dimensions (array broadcasting) based on dimension names, not shape.\n- Flexible split-apply-combine operations with groupby:\n ``x.groupby('time.dayofyear').mean()``.\n- Database like alignment based on coordinate labels that smoothly\n handles missing values: ``x, y = xr.align(x, y, join='outer')``.\n- Keep track of arbitrary metadata in the form of a Python dictionary:\n ``x.attrs``.\n\nLearn more\n----------\n\n- Documentation: http://xarray.pydata.org\n- Issue tracker: http://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues\n- Source code: http://github.com/pydata/xarray\n- SciPy2015 talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0pAhJgySxk\n\"\"\"\n\n\nsetup(\n name=DISTNAME,\n version=versioneer.get_version(),\n cmdclass=versioneer.get_cmdclass(),\n license=LICENSE,\n author=AUTHOR,\n author_email=AUTHOR_EMAIL,\n classifiers=CLASSIFIERS,\n description=DESCRIPTION,\n long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION,\n python_requires=PYTHON_REQUIRES,\n install_requires=INSTALL_REQUIRES,\n setup_requires=SETUP_REQUIRES,\n tests_require=TESTS_REQUIRE,\n url=URL,\n packages=find_packages(),\n package_data={\"xarray\": [\"py.typed\", \"tests/data/*\"]},\n)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py__flake8_noqa_get_root.return.root": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py__flake8_noqa_get_root.return.root", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 338, "span_ids": ["impl", "impl:2", "docstring", "get_root", "imports", "imports:7", "imports:8", "VersioneerConfig"], "tokens": 526}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# flake8: noqa\n\n# Version: 0.18\n\n\nimport errno\nimport json\nimport os\nimport re\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\n\ntry:\n import configparser\nexcept ImportError:\n import ConfigParser as configparser\n\n\nclass VersioneerConfig:\n \"\"\"Container for Versioneer configuration parameters.\"\"\"\n\n\ndef get_root():\n \"\"\"Get the project root directory.\n\n We require that all commands are run from the project root, i.e. the\n directory that contains setup.py, setup.cfg, and versioneer.py .\n \"\"\"\n root = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))\n setup_py = os.path.join(root, \"setup.py\")\n versioneer_py = os.path.join(root, \"versioneer.py\")\n if not (os.path.exists(setup_py) or os.path.exists(versioneer_py)):\n # allow 'python path/to/setup.py COMMAND'\n root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))\n setup_py = os.path.join(root, \"setup.py\")\n versioneer_py = os.path.join(root, \"versioneer.py\")\n if not (os.path.exists(setup_py) or os.path.exists(versioneer_py)):\n err = (\n \"Versioneer was unable to run the project root directory. \"\n \"Versioneer requires setup.py to be executed from \"\n \"its immediate directory (like 'python setup.py COMMAND'), \"\n \"or in a way that lets it use sys.argv[0] to find the root \"\n \"(like 'python path/to/setup.py COMMAND').\"\n )\n raise VersioneerBadRootError(err)\n try:\n # Certain runtime workflows (setup.py install/develop in a setuptools\n # tree) execute all dependencies in a single python process, so\n # \"versioneer\" may be imported multiple times, and python's shared\n # module-import table will cache the first one. So we can't use\n # os.path.dirname(__file__), as that will find whichever\n # versioneer.py was first imported, even in later projects.\n me = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))\n me_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.splitext(me)[0])\n vsr_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.splitext(versioneer_py)[0])\n if me_dir != vsr_dir:\n print(\n \"Warning: build in %s is using versioneer.py from %s\"\n % (os.path.dirname(me), versioneer_py)\n )\n except NameError:\n pass\n return root", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_config_from_root_get_config_from_root.return.cfg": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_config_from_root_get_config_from_root.return.cfg", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 341, "end_line": 368, "span_ids": ["get_config_from_root"], "tokens": 294}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_config_from_root(root):\n \"\"\"Read the project setup.cfg file to determine Versioneer config.\"\"\"\n # This might raise EnvironmentError (if setup.cfg is missing), or\n # configparser.NoSectionError (if it lacks a [versioneer] section), or\n # configparser.NoOptionError (if it lacks \"VCS=\"). See the docstring at\n # the top of versioneer.py for instructions on writing your setup.cfg .\n setup_cfg = os.path.join(root, \"setup.cfg\")\n parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()\n with open(setup_cfg, \"r\") as f:\n parser.readfp(f)\n VCS = parser.get(\"versioneer\", \"VCS\") # mandatory\n\n def get(parser, name):\n if parser.has_option(\"versioneer\", name):\n return parser.get(\"versioneer\", name)\n return None\n\n cfg = VersioneerConfig()\n cfg.VCS = VCS\n cfg.style = get(parser, \"style\") or \"\"\n cfg.versionfile_source = get(parser, \"versionfile_source\")\n cfg.versionfile_build = get(parser, \"versionfile_build\")\n cfg.tag_prefix = get(parser, \"tag_prefix\")\n if cfg.tag_prefix in (\"''\", '\"\"'):\n cfg.tag_prefix = \"\"\n cfg.parentdir_prefix = get(parser, \"parentdir_prefix\")\n cfg.verbose = get(parser, \"verbose\")\n return cfg", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_NotThisMethod_register_vcs_handler.return.decorate": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_NotThisMethod_register_vcs_handler.return.decorate", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 371, "end_line": 390, "span_ids": ["register_vcs_handler", "impl:3", "NotThisMethod", "impl:4"], "tokens": 128}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NotThisMethod(Exception):\n \"\"\"Exception raised if a method is not valid for the current scenario.\"\"\"\n\n\n# these dictionaries contain VCS-specific tools\nLONG_VERSION_PY = {}\nHANDLERS = {}\n\n\ndef register_vcs_handler(vcs, method): # decorator\n \"\"\"Decorator to mark a method as the handler for a particular VCS.\"\"\"\n\n def decorate(f):\n \"\"\"Store f in HANDLERS[vcs][method].\"\"\"\n if vcs not in HANDLERS:\n HANDLERS[vcs] = {}\n HANDLERS[vcs][method] = f\n return f\n\n return decorate", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_run_command_run_command.return.stdout_p_returncode": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_run_command_run_command.return.stdout_p_returncode", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 393, "end_line": 429, "span_ids": ["run_command"], "tokens": 292}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def run_command(commands, args, cwd=None, verbose=False, hide_stderr=False, env=None):\n \"\"\"Call the given command(s).\"\"\"\n assert isinstance(commands, list)\n p = None\n for c in commands:\n try:\n dispcmd = str([c] + args)\n # remember shell=False, so use git.cmd on windows, not just git\n p = subprocess.Popen(\n [c] + args,\n cwd=cwd,\n env=env,\n stdout=subprocess.PIPE,\n stderr=(subprocess.PIPE if hide_stderr else None),\n )\n break\n except OSError:\n e = sys.exc_info()[1]\n if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:\n continue\n if verbose:\n print(\"unable to run %s\" % dispcmd)\n print(e)\n return None, None\n else:\n if verbose:\n print(\"unable to find command, tried %s\" % (commands,))\n return None, None\n stdout = p.communicate()[0].strip()\n if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:\n stdout = stdout.decode()\n if p.returncode != 0:\n if verbose:\n print(\"unable to run %s (error)\" % dispcmd)\n print(\"stdout was %s\" % stdout)\n return None, p.returncode\n return stdout, p.returncode", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_git_get_keywords_git_get_keywords.return.keywords": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_git_get_keywords_git_get_keywords.return.keywords", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 957, "end_line": 983, "span_ids": ["git_get_keywords"], "tokens": 254}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@register_vcs_handler(\"git\", \"get_keywords\")\ndef git_get_keywords(versionfile_abs):\n \"\"\"Extract version information from the given file.\"\"\"\n # the code embedded in _version.py can just fetch the value of these\n # keywords. When used from setup.py, we don't want to import _version.py,\n # so we do it with a regexp instead. This function is not used from\n # _version.py.\n keywords = {}\n try:\n f = open(versionfile_abs, \"r\")\n for line in f.readlines():\n if line.strip().startswith(\"git_refnames =\"):\n mo = re.search(r'=\\s*\"(.*)\"', line)\n if mo:\n keywords[\"refnames\"] = mo.group(1)\n if line.strip().startswith(\"git_full =\"):\n mo = re.search(r'=\\s*\"(.*)\"', line)\n if mo:\n keywords[\"full\"] = mo.group(1)\n if line.strip().startswith(\"git_date =\"):\n mo = re.search(r'=\\s*\"(.*)\"', line)\n if mo:\n keywords[\"date\"] = mo.group(1)\n f.close()\n except OSError:\n pass\n return keywords", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_git_versions_from_keywords_git_versions_from_keywords.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_git_versions_from_keywords_git_versions_from_keywords.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 986, "end_line": 1045, "span_ids": ["git_versions_from_keywords"], "tokens": 721}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@register_vcs_handler(\"git\", \"keywords\")\ndef git_versions_from_keywords(keywords, tag_prefix, verbose):\n \"\"\"Get version information from git keywords.\"\"\"\n if not keywords:\n raise NotThisMethod(\"no keywords at all, weird\")\n date = keywords.get(\"date\")\n if date is not None:\n # git-2.2.0 added \"%cI\", which expands to an ISO-8601 -compliant\n # datestamp. However we prefer \"%ci\" (which expands to an \"ISO-8601\n # -like\" string, which we must then edit to make compliant), because\n # it's been around since git-1.5.3, and it's too difficult to\n # discover which version we're using, or to work around using an\n # older one.\n date = date.strip().replace(\" \", \"T\", 1).replace(\" \", \"\", 1)\n refnames = keywords[\"refnames\"].strip()\n if refnames.startswith(\"$Format\"):\n if verbose:\n print(\"keywords are unexpanded, not using\")\n raise NotThisMethod(\"unexpanded keywords, not a git-archive tarball\")\n refs = {r.strip() for r in refnames.strip(\"()\").split(\",\")}\n # starting in git-1.8.3, tags are listed as \"tag: foo-1.0\" instead of\n # just \"foo-1.0\". If we see a \"tag: \" prefix, prefer those.\n TAG = \"tag: \"\n tags = {r[len(TAG) :] for r in refs if r.startswith(TAG)}\n if not tags:\n # Either we're using git < 1.8.3, or there really are no tags. We use\n # a heuristic: assume all version tags have a digit. The old git %d\n # expansion behaves like git log --decorate=short and strips out the\n # refs/heads/ and refs/tags/ prefixes that would let us distinguish\n # between branches and tags. By ignoring refnames without digits, we\n # filter out many common branch names like \"release\" and\n # \"stabilization\", as well as \"HEAD\" and \"master\".\n tags = {r for r in refs if re.search(r\"\\d\", r)}\n if verbose:\n print(\"discarding '%s', no digits\" % \",\".join(refs - tags))\n if verbose:\n print(\"likely tags: %s\" % \",\".join(sorted(tags)))\n for ref in sorted(tags):\n # sorting will prefer e.g. \"2.0\" over \"2.0rc1\"\n if ref.startswith(tag_prefix):\n r = ref[len(tag_prefix) :]\n if verbose:\n print(\"picking %s\" % r)\n return {\n \"version\": r,\n \"full-revisionid\": keywords[\"full\"].strip(),\n \"dirty\": False,\n \"error\": None,\n \"date\": date,\n }\n # no suitable tags, so version is \"0+unknown\", but full hex is still there\n if verbose:\n print(\"no suitable tags, using unknown + full revision id\")\n return {\n \"version\": \"0+unknown\",\n \"full-revisionid\": keywords[\"full\"].strip(),\n \"dirty\": False,\n \"error\": \"no suitable tags\",\n \"date\": None,\n }", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_git_pieces_from_vcs_git_pieces_from_vcs.return.pieces": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_git_pieces_from_vcs_git_pieces_from_vcs.return.pieces", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1048, "end_line": 1146, "span_ids": ["git_pieces_from_vcs"], "tokens": 892}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@register_vcs_handler(\"git\", \"pieces_from_vcs\")\ndef git_pieces_from_vcs(tag_prefix, root, verbose, run_command=run_command):\n \"\"\"Get version from 'git describe' in the root of the source tree.\n\n This only gets called if the git-archive 'subst' keywords were *not*\n expanded, and _version.py hasn't already been rewritten with a short\n version string, meaning we're inside a checked out source tree.\n \"\"\"\n GITS = [\"git\"]\n if sys.platform == \"win32\":\n GITS = [\"git.cmd\", \"git.exe\"]\n\n out, rc = run_command(GITS, [\"rev-parse\", \"--git-dir\"], cwd=root, hide_stderr=True)\n if rc != 0:\n if verbose:\n print(\"Directory %s not under git control\" % root)\n raise NotThisMethod(\"'git rev-parse --git-dir' returned error\")\n\n # if there is a tag matching tag_prefix, this yields TAG-NUM-gHEX[-dirty]\n # if there isn't one, this yields HEX[-dirty] (no NUM)\n describe_out, rc = run_command(\n GITS,\n [\n \"describe\",\n \"--tags\",\n \"--dirty\",\n \"--always\",\n \"--long\",\n \"--match\",\n \"%s*\" % tag_prefix,\n ],\n cwd=root,\n )\n # --long was added in git-1.5.5\n if describe_out is None:\n raise NotThisMethod(\"'git describe' failed\")\n describe_out = describe_out.strip()\n full_out, rc = run_command(GITS, [\"rev-parse\", \"HEAD\"], cwd=root)\n if full_out is None:\n raise NotThisMethod(\"'git rev-parse' failed\")\n full_out = full_out.strip()\n\n pieces = {}\n pieces[\"long\"] = full_out\n pieces[\"short\"] = full_out[:7] # maybe improved later\n pieces[\"error\"] = None\n\n # parse describe_out. It will be like TAG-NUM-gHEX[-dirty] or HEX[-dirty]\n # TAG might have hyphens.\n git_describe = describe_out\n\n # look for -dirty suffix\n dirty = git_describe.endswith(\"-dirty\")\n pieces[\"dirty\"] = dirty\n if dirty:\n git_describe = git_describe[: git_describe.rindex(\"-dirty\")]\n\n # now we have TAG-NUM-gHEX or HEX\n\n if \"-\" in git_describe:\n # TAG-NUM-gHEX\n mo = re.search(r\"^(.+)-(\\d+)-g([0-9a-f]+)$\", git_describe)\n if not mo:\n # unparseable. Maybe git-describe is misbehaving?\n pieces[\"error\"] = \"unable to parse git-describe output: '%s'\" % describe_out\n return pieces\n\n # tag\n full_tag = mo.group(1)\n if not full_tag.startswith(tag_prefix):\n if verbose:\n fmt = \"tag '%s' doesn't start with prefix '%s'\"\n print(fmt % (full_tag, tag_prefix))\n pieces[\"error\"] = \"tag '%s' doesn't start with prefix '%s'\" % (\n full_tag,\n tag_prefix,\n )\n return pieces\n pieces[\"closest-tag\"] = full_tag[len(tag_prefix) :]\n\n # distance: number of commits since tag\n pieces[\"distance\"] = int(mo.group(2))\n\n # commit: short hex revision ID\n pieces[\"short\"] = mo.group(3)\n\n else:\n # HEX: no tags\n pieces[\"closest-tag\"] = None\n count_out, rc = run_command(GITS, [\"rev-list\", \"HEAD\", \"--count\"], cwd=root)\n pieces[\"distance\"] = int(count_out) # total number of commits\n\n # commit date: see ISO-8601 comment in git_versions_from_keywords()\n date = run_command(GITS, [\"show\", \"-s\", \"--format=%ci\", \"HEAD\"], cwd=root)[\n 0\n ].strip()\n pieces[\"date\"] = date.strip().replace(\" \", \"T\", 1).replace(\" \", \"\", 1)\n\n return pieces", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_do_vcs_install_do_vcs_install.run_command_GITS_add_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_do_vcs_install_do_vcs_install.run_command_GITS_add_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1149, "end_line": 1184, "span_ids": ["do_vcs_install"], "tokens": 299}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def do_vcs_install(manifest_in, versionfile_source, ipy):\n \"\"\"Git-specific installation logic for Versioneer.\n\n For Git, this means creating/changing .gitattributes to mark _version.py\n for export-subst keyword substitution.\n \"\"\"\n GITS = [\"git\"]\n if sys.platform == \"win32\":\n GITS = [\"git.cmd\", \"git.exe\"]\n files = [manifest_in, versionfile_source]\n if ipy:\n files.append(ipy)\n try:\n me = __file__\n if me.endswith(\".pyc\") or me.endswith(\".pyo\"):\n me = os.path.splitext(me)[0] + \".py\"\n versioneer_file = os.path.relpath(me)\n except NameError:\n versioneer_file = \"versioneer.py\"\n files.append(versioneer_file)\n present = False\n try:\n f = open(\".gitattributes\", \"r\")\n for line in f.readlines():\n if line.strip().startswith(versionfile_source):\n if \"export-subst\" in line.strip().split()[1:]:\n present = True\n f.close()\n except OSError:\n pass\n if not present:\n f = open(\".gitattributes\", \"a+\")\n f.write(\"%s export-subst\\n\" % versionfile_source)\n f.close()\n files.append(\".gitattributes\")\n run_command(GITS, [\"add\", \"--\"] + files)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_versions_from_parentdir_versions_from_parentdir.raise_NotThisMethod_root": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_versions_from_parentdir_versions_from_parentdir.raise_NotThisMethod_root", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1187, "end_line": 1215, "span_ids": ["versions_from_parentdir"], "tokens": 216}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def versions_from_parentdir(parentdir_prefix, root, verbose):\n \"\"\"Try to determine the version from the parent directory name.\n\n Source tarballs conventionally unpack into a directory that includes both\n the project name and a version string. We will also support searching up\n two directory levels for an appropriately named parent directory\n \"\"\"\n rootdirs = []\n\n for i in range(3):\n dirname = os.path.basename(root)\n if dirname.startswith(parentdir_prefix):\n return {\n \"version\": dirname[len(parentdir_prefix) :],\n \"full-revisionid\": None,\n \"dirty\": False,\n \"error\": None,\n \"date\": None,\n }\n else:\n rootdirs.append(root)\n root = os.path.dirname(root) # up a level\n\n if verbose:\n print(\n \"Tried directories %s but none started with prefix %s\"\n % (str(rootdirs), parentdir_prefix)\n )\n raise NotThisMethod(\"rootdir doesn't start with parentdir_prefix\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_SHORT_VERSION_PY_versions_from_file.return.json_loads_mo_group_1_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_SHORT_VERSION_PY_versions_from_file.return.json_loads_mo_group_1_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1218, "end_line": 1252, "span_ids": ["versions_from_file", "impl:8"], "tokens": 243}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "SHORT_VERSION_PY = \"\"\"\n# This file was generated by 'versioneer.py' (0.18) from\n# revision-control system data, or from the parent directory name of an\n# unpacked source archive. Distribution tarballs contain a pre-generated copy\n# of this file.\n\nimport json\n\nversion_json = '''\n%s\n''' # END VERSION_JSON\n\n\ndef get_versions():\n return json.loads(version_json)\n\"\"\"\n\n\ndef versions_from_file(filename):\n \"\"\"Try to determine the version from _version.py if present.\"\"\"\n try:\n with open(filename) as f:\n contents = f.read()\n except OSError:\n raise NotThisMethod(\"unable to read _version.py\")\n mo = re.search(\n r\"version_json = '''\\n(.*)''' # END VERSION_JSON\", contents, re.M | re.S\n )\n if not mo:\n mo = re.search(\n r\"version_json = '''\\r\\n(.*)''' # END VERSION_JSON\", contents, re.M | re.S\n )\n if not mo:\n raise NotThisMethod(\"no version_json in _version.py\")\n return json.loads(mo.group(1))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_write_to_version_file_plus_or_dot.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_write_to_version_file_plus_or_dot.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1255, "end_line": 1269, "span_ids": ["write_to_version_file", "plus_or_dot"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def write_to_version_file(filename, versions):\n \"\"\"Write the given version number to the given _version.py file.\"\"\"\n os.unlink(filename)\n contents = json.dumps(versions, sort_keys=True, indent=1, separators=(\",\", \": \"))\n with open(filename, \"w\") as f:\n f.write(SHORT_VERSION_PY % contents)\n\n print(\"set %s to '%s'\" % (filename, versions[\"version\"]))\n\n\ndef plus_or_dot(pieces):\n \"\"\"Return a + if we don't already have one, else return a .\"\"\"\n if \"+\" in pieces.get(\"closest-tag\", \"\"):\n return \".\"\n return \"+\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_pep440_render_pep440_pre.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_pep440_render_pep440_pre.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1272, "end_line": 1309, "span_ids": ["render_pep440_pre", "render_pep440"], "tokens": 316}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_pep440(pieces):\n \"\"\"Build up version string, with post-release \"local version identifier\".\n\n Our goal: TAG[+DISTANCE.gHEX[.dirty]] . Note that if you\n get a tagged build and then dirty it, you'll get TAG+0.gHEX.dirty\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. git_describe was just HEX. 0+untagged.DISTANCE.gHEX[.dirty]\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"] or pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += plus_or_dot(pieces)\n rendered += \"%d.g%s\" % (pieces[\"distance\"], pieces[\"short\"])\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dirty\"\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = \"0+untagged.%d.g%s\" % (pieces[\"distance\"], pieces[\"short\"])\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dirty\"\n return rendered\n\n\ndef render_pep440_pre(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG[.post.devDISTANCE] -- No -dirty.\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. 0.post.devDISTANCE\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"]:\n rendered += \".post.dev%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = \"0.post.dev%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_pep440_post_render_pep440_post.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_pep440_post_render_pep440_post.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1312, "end_line": 1336, "span_ids": ["render_pep440_post"], "tokens": 217}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_pep440_post(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG[.postDISTANCE[.dev0]+gHEX] .\n\n The \".dev0\" means dirty. Note that .dev0 sorts backwards\n (a dirty tree will appear \"older\" than the corresponding clean one),\n but you shouldn't be releasing software with -dirty anyways.\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. 0.postDISTANCE[.dev0]\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"] or pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".post%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dev0\"\n rendered += plus_or_dot(pieces)\n rendered += \"g%s\" % pieces[\"short\"]\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = \"0.post%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dev0\"\n rendered += \"+g%s\" % pieces[\"short\"]\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_pep440_old_render_pep440_old.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_pep440_old_render_pep440_old.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1339, "end_line": 1358, "span_ids": ["render_pep440_old"], "tokens": 144}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_pep440_old(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG[.postDISTANCE[.dev0]] .\n\n The \".dev0\" means dirty.\n\n Eexceptions:\n 1: no tags. 0.postDISTANCE[.dev0]\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"] or pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".post%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dev0\"\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = \"0.post%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dev0\"\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_git_describe_render_git_describe.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_git_describe_render_git_describe.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1361, "end_line": 1378, "span_ids": ["render_git_describe"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_git_describe(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG[-DISTANCE-gHEX][-dirty].\n\n Like 'git describe --tags --dirty --always'.\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. HEX[-dirty] (note: no 'g' prefix)\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"]:\n rendered += \"-%d-g%s\" % (pieces[\"distance\"], pieces[\"short\"])\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = pieces[\"short\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \"-dirty\"\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_git_describe_long_render_git_describe_long.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_git_describe_long_render_git_describe_long.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1381, "end_line": 1398, "span_ids": ["render_git_describe_long"], "tokens": 133}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_git_describe_long(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG-DISTANCE-gHEX[-dirty].\n\n Like 'git describe --tags --dirty --always -long'.\n The distance/hash is unconditional.\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. HEX[-dirty] (note: no 'g' prefix)\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n rendered += \"-%d-g%s\" % (pieces[\"distance\"], pieces[\"short\"])\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = pieces[\"short\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \"-dirty\"\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_VersioneerBadRootError._The_project_root_direc": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_render_VersioneerBadRootError._The_project_root_direc", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1401, "end_line": 1440, "span_ids": ["render", "VersioneerBadRootError"], "tokens": 295}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render(pieces, style):\n \"\"\"Render the given version pieces into the requested style.\"\"\"\n if pieces[\"error\"]:\n return {\n \"version\": \"unknown\",\n \"full-revisionid\": pieces.get(\"long\"),\n \"dirty\": None,\n \"error\": pieces[\"error\"],\n \"date\": None,\n }\n\n if not style or style == \"default\":\n style = \"pep440\" # the default\n\n if style == \"pep440\":\n rendered = render_pep440(pieces)\n elif style == \"pep440-pre\":\n rendered = render_pep440_pre(pieces)\n elif style == \"pep440-post\":\n rendered = render_pep440_post(pieces)\n elif style == \"pep440-old\":\n rendered = render_pep440_old(pieces)\n elif style == \"git-describe\":\n rendered = render_git_describe(pieces)\n elif style == \"git-describe-long\":\n rendered = render_git_describe_long(pieces)\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"unknown style '%s'\" % style)\n\n return {\n \"version\": rendered,\n \"full-revisionid\": pieces[\"long\"],\n \"dirty\": pieces[\"dirty\"],\n \"error\": None,\n \"date\": pieces.get(\"date\"),\n }\n\n\nclass VersioneerBadRootError(Exception):\n \"\"\"The project root directory is unknown or missing key files.\"\"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_versions_get_versions.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_versions_get_versions.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1443, "end_line": 1521, "span_ids": ["get_versions"], "tokens": 623}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_versions(verbose=False):\n \"\"\"Get the project version from whatever source is available.\n\n Returns dict with two keys: 'version' and 'full'.\n \"\"\"\n if \"versioneer\" in sys.modules:\n # see the discussion in cmdclass.py:get_cmdclass()\n del sys.modules[\"versioneer\"]\n\n root = get_root()\n cfg = get_config_from_root(root)\n\n assert cfg.VCS is not None, \"please set [versioneer]VCS= in setup.cfg\"\n handlers = HANDLERS.get(cfg.VCS)\n assert handlers, \"unrecognized VCS '%s'\" % cfg.VCS\n verbose = verbose or cfg.verbose\n assert (\n cfg.versionfile_source is not None\n ), \"please set versioneer.versionfile_source\"\n assert cfg.tag_prefix is not None, \"please set versioneer.tag_prefix\"\n\n versionfile_abs = os.path.join(root, cfg.versionfile_source)\n\n # extract version from first of: _version.py, VCS command (e.g. 'git\n # describe'), parentdir. This is meant to work for developers using a\n # source checkout, for users of a tarball created by 'setup.py sdist',\n # and for users of a tarball/zipball created by 'git archive' or github's\n # download-from-tag feature or the equivalent in other VCSes.\n\n get_keywords_f = handlers.get(\"get_keywords\")\n from_keywords_f = handlers.get(\"keywords\")\n if get_keywords_f and from_keywords_f:\n try:\n keywords = get_keywords_f(versionfile_abs)\n ver = from_keywords_f(keywords, cfg.tag_prefix, verbose)\n if verbose:\n print(\"got version from expanded keyword %s\" % ver)\n return ver\n except NotThisMethod:\n pass\n\n try:\n ver = versions_from_file(versionfile_abs)\n if verbose:\n print(\"got version from file %s %s\" % (versionfile_abs, ver))\n return ver\n except NotThisMethod:\n pass\n\n from_vcs_f = handlers.get(\"pieces_from_vcs\")\n if from_vcs_f:\n try:\n pieces = from_vcs_f(cfg.tag_prefix, root, verbose)\n ver = render(pieces, cfg.style)\n if verbose:\n print(\"got version from VCS %s\" % ver)\n return ver\n except NotThisMethod:\n pass\n\n try:\n if cfg.parentdir_prefix:\n ver = versions_from_parentdir(cfg.parentdir_prefix, root, verbose)\n if verbose:\n print(\"got version from parentdir %s\" % ver)\n return ver\n except NotThisMethod:\n pass\n\n if verbose:\n print(\"unable to compute version\")\n\n return {\n \"version\": \"0+unknown\",\n \"full-revisionid\": None,\n \"dirty\": None,\n \"error\": \"unable to compute version\",\n \"date\": None,\n }", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_version_get_cmdclass.from_distutils_core_impor": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_version_get_cmdclass.from_distutils_core_impor", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1524, "end_line": 1549, "span_ids": ["get_cmdclass", "get_version"], "tokens": 302}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_version():\n \"\"\"Get the short version string for this project.\"\"\"\n return get_versions()[\"version\"]\n\n\ndef get_cmdclass():\n \"\"\"Get the custom setuptools/distutils subclasses used by Versioneer.\"\"\"\n if \"versioneer\" in sys.modules:\n del sys.modules[\"versioneer\"]\n # this fixes the \"python setup.py develop\" case (also 'install' and\n # 'easy_install .'), in which subdependencies of the main project are\n # built (using setup.py bdist_egg) in the same python process. Assume\n # a main project A and a dependency B, which use different versions\n # of Versioneer. A's setup.py imports A's Versioneer, leaving it in\n # sys.modules by the time B's setup.py is executed, causing B to run\n # with the wrong versioneer. Setuptools wraps the sub-dep builds in a\n # sandbox that restores sys.modules to it's pre-build state, so the\n # parent is protected against the child's \"import versioneer\". By\n # removing ourselves from sys.modules here, before the child build\n # happens, we protect the child from the parent's versioneer too.\n # Also see https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer/issues/52\n\n cmds = {}\n\n # we add \"version\" to both distutils and setuptools\n from distutils.core import Command\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_cmdclass.cmd_version_get_cmdclass.cmd_version.run.if_vers_error_.print_error_s_vers": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_cmdclass.cmd_version_get_cmdclass.cmd_version.run.if_vers_error_.print_error_s_vers", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1551, "end_line": 1569, "span_ids": ["get_cmdclass.cmd_version:2", "get_cmdclass.cmd_version"], "tokens": 152}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_cmdclass():\n # ... other code\n\n class cmd_version(Command):\n description = \"report generated version string\"\n user_options = []\n boolean_options = []\n\n def initialize_options(self):\n pass\n\n def finalize_options(self):\n pass\n\n def run(self):\n vers = get_versions(verbose=True)\n print(\"Version: %s\" % vers[\"version\"])\n print(\" full-revisionid: %s\" % vers.get(\"full-revisionid\"))\n print(\" dirty: %s\" % vers.get(\"dirty\"))\n print(\" date: %s\" % vers.get(\"date\"))\n if vers[\"error\"]:\n print(\" error: %s\" % vers[\"error\"])\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_cmdclass.cmds_version_cmd_ver_get_cmdclass.if_cx_Freeze_in_sys_mod.del_cmds_build_py_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_cmdclass.cmds_version_cmd_ver_get_cmdclass.if_cx_Freeze_in_sys_mod.del_cmds_build_py_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1571, "end_line": 1644, "span_ids": ["get_cmdclass.cmd_version:2", "get_cmdclass.if_cx_Freeze_in_sys_mod.cmd_build_exe", "get_cmdclass.if_cx_Freeze_in_sys_mod.cmd_build_exe.run", "get_cmdclass.cmd_build_py.run", "get_cmdclass.cmd_build_py"], "tokens": 676}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_cmdclass():\n # ... other code\n\n cmds[\"version\"] = cmd_version\n\n # we override \"build_py\" in both distutils and setuptools\n #\n # most invocation pathways end up running build_py:\n # distutils/build -> build_py\n # distutils/install -> distutils/build ->..\n # setuptools/bdist_wheel -> distutils/install ->..\n # setuptools/bdist_egg -> distutils/install_lib -> build_py\n # setuptools/install -> bdist_egg ->..\n # setuptools/develop -> ?\n # pip install:\n # copies source tree to a tempdir before running egg_info/etc\n # if .git isn't copied too, 'git describe' will fail\n # then does setup.py bdist_wheel, or sometimes setup.py install\n # setup.py egg_info -> ?\n\n # we override different \"build_py\" commands for both environments\n if \"setuptools\" in sys.modules:\n from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py as _build_py\n else:\n from distutils.command.build_py import build_py as _build_py\n\n class cmd_build_py(_build_py):\n def run(self):\n root = get_root()\n cfg = get_config_from_root(root)\n versions = get_versions()\n _build_py.run(self)\n # now locate _version.py in the new build/ directory and replace\n # it with an updated value\n if cfg.versionfile_build:\n target_versionfile = os.path.join(self.build_lib, cfg.versionfile_build)\n print(\"UPDATING %s\" % target_versionfile)\n write_to_version_file(target_versionfile, versions)\n\n cmds[\"build_py\"] = cmd_build_py\n\n if \"cx_Freeze\" in sys.modules: # cx_freeze enabled?\n from cx_Freeze.dist import build_exe as _build_exe\n\n # nczeczulin reports that py2exe won't like the pep440-style string\n # as FILEVERSION, but it can be used for PRODUCTVERSION, e.g.\n # setup(console=[{\n # \"version\": versioneer.get_version().split(\"+\", 1)[0], # FILEVERSION\n # \"product_version\": versioneer.get_version(),\n # ...\n\n class cmd_build_exe(_build_exe):\n def run(self):\n root = get_root()\n cfg = get_config_from_root(root)\n versions = get_versions()\n target_versionfile = cfg.versionfile_source\n print(\"UPDATING %s\" % target_versionfile)\n write_to_version_file(target_versionfile, versions)\n\n _build_exe.run(self)\n os.unlink(target_versionfile)\n with open(cfg.versionfile_source, \"w\") as f:\n LONG = LONG_VERSION_PY[cfg.VCS]\n f.write(\n LONG\n % {\n \"DOLLAR\": \"$\",\n \"STYLE\": cfg.style,\n \"TAG_PREFIX\": cfg.tag_prefix,\n \"PARENTDIR_PREFIX\": cfg.parentdir_prefix,\n \"VERSIONFILE_SOURCE\": cfg.versionfile_source,\n }\n )\n\n cmds[\"build_exe\"] = cmd_build_exe\n del cmds[\"build_py\"]\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_cmdclass.if_py2exe_in_sys_module_get_cmdclass.None_4.else_.from_distutils_command_sd": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_cmdclass.if_py2exe_in_sys_module_get_cmdclass.None_4.else_.from_distutils_command_sd", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1646, "end_line": 1682, "span_ids": ["get_cmdclass.if_py2exe_in_sys_module.cmd_py2exe", "get_cmdclass.if_py2exe_in_sys_module.cmd_py2exe.run", "get_cmdclass.if_cx_Freeze_in_sys_mod.cmd_build_exe.run"], "tokens": 327}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_cmdclass():\n # ... other code\n\n if \"py2exe\" in sys.modules: # py2exe enabled?\n try:\n from py2exe.distutils_buildexe import py2exe as _py2exe # py3\n except ImportError:\n from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe as _py2exe # py2\n\n class cmd_py2exe(_py2exe):\n def run(self):\n root = get_root()\n cfg = get_config_from_root(root)\n versions = get_versions()\n target_versionfile = cfg.versionfile_source\n print(\"UPDATING %s\" % target_versionfile)\n write_to_version_file(target_versionfile, versions)\n\n _py2exe.run(self)\n os.unlink(target_versionfile)\n with open(cfg.versionfile_source, \"w\") as f:\n LONG = LONG_VERSION_PY[cfg.VCS]\n f.write(\n LONG\n % {\n \"DOLLAR\": \"$\",\n \"STYLE\": cfg.style,\n \"TAG_PREFIX\": cfg.tag_prefix,\n \"PARENTDIR_PREFIX\": cfg.parentdir_prefix,\n \"VERSIONFILE_SOURCE\": cfg.versionfile_source,\n }\n )\n\n cmds[\"py2exe\"] = cmd_py2exe\n\n # we override different \"sdist\" commands for both environments\n if \"setuptools\" in sys.modules:\n from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist as _sdist\n else:\n from distutils.command.sdist import sdist as _sdist\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_cmdclass.cmd_sdist_get_cmdclass.return.cmds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_get_cmdclass.cmd_sdist_get_cmdclass.return.cmds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1684, "end_line": 1708, "span_ids": ["get_cmdclass.cmd_sdist", "get_cmdclass.cmd_sdist.run"], "tokens": 222}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_cmdclass():\n # ... other code\n\n class cmd_sdist(_sdist):\n def run(self):\n versions = get_versions()\n self._versioneer_generated_versions = versions\n # unless we update this, the command will keep using the old\n # version\n self.distribution.metadata.version = versions[\"version\"]\n return _sdist.run(self)\n\n def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files):\n root = get_root()\n cfg = get_config_from_root(root)\n _sdist.make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files)\n # now locate _version.py in the new base_dir directory\n # (remembering that it may be a hardlink) and replace it with an\n # updated value\n target_versionfile = os.path.join(base_dir, cfg.versionfile_source)\n print(\"UPDATING %s\" % target_versionfile)\n write_to_version_file(\n target_versionfile, self._versioneer_generated_versions\n )\n\n cmds[\"sdist\"] = cmd_sdist\n\n return cmds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_CONFIG_ERROR_INIT_PY_SNIPPET._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_CONFIG_ERROR_INIT_PY_SNIPPET._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1711, "end_line": 1752, "span_ids": ["impl:10"], "tokens": 243}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "CONFIG_ERROR = \"\"\"\nsetup.cfg is missing the necessary Versioneer configuration. You need\na section like:\n\n [versioneer]\n VCS = git\n style = pep440\n versionfile_source = src/myproject/_version.py\n versionfile_build = myproject/_version.py\n tag_prefix =\n parentdir_prefix = myproject-\n\nYou will also need to edit your setup.py to use the results:\n\n import versioneer\n setup(version=versioneer.get_version(),\n cmdclass=versioneer.get_cmdclass(), ...)\n\nPlease read the docstring in ./versioneer.py for configuration instructions,\nedit setup.cfg, and re-run the installer or 'python versioneer.py setup'.\n\"\"\"\n\nSAMPLE_CONFIG = \"\"\"\n# See the docstring in versioneer.py for instructions. Note that you must\n# re-run 'versioneer.py setup' after changing this section, and commit the\n# resulting files.\n\n[versioneer]\n#VCS = git\n#style = pep440\n#versionfile_source =\n#versionfile_build =\n#tag_prefix =\n#parentdir_prefix =\n\n\"\"\"\n\nINIT_PY_SNIPPET = \"\"\"\nfrom ._version import get_versions\n__version__ = get_versions()['version']\ndel get_versions\n\"\"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_do_setup_do_setup.return.0": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_do_setup_do_setup.return.0", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1755, "end_line": 1837, "span_ids": ["do_setup"], "tokens": 765}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def do_setup():\n \"\"\"Main VCS-independent setup function for installing Versioneer.\"\"\"\n root = get_root()\n try:\n cfg = get_config_from_root(root)\n except (OSError, configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError) as e:\n if isinstance(e, (EnvironmentError, configparser.NoSectionError)):\n print(\"Adding sample versioneer config to setup.cfg\", file=sys.stderr)\n with open(os.path.join(root, \"setup.cfg\"), \"a\") as f:\n f.write(SAMPLE_CONFIG)\n print(CONFIG_ERROR, file=sys.stderr)\n return 1\n\n print(\" creating %s\" % cfg.versionfile_source)\n with open(cfg.versionfile_source, \"w\") as f:\n LONG = LONG_VERSION_PY[cfg.VCS]\n f.write(\n LONG\n % {\n \"DOLLAR\": \"$\",\n \"STYLE\": cfg.style,\n \"TAG_PREFIX\": cfg.tag_prefix,\n \"PARENTDIR_PREFIX\": cfg.parentdir_prefix,\n \"VERSIONFILE_SOURCE\": cfg.versionfile_source,\n }\n )\n\n ipy = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cfg.versionfile_source), \"__init__.py\")\n if os.path.exists(ipy):\n try:\n with open(ipy, \"r\") as f:\n old = f.read()\n except OSError:\n old = \"\"\n if INIT_PY_SNIPPET not in old:\n print(\" appending to %s\" % ipy)\n with open(ipy, \"a\") as f:\n f.write(INIT_PY_SNIPPET)\n else:\n print(\" %s unmodified\" % ipy)\n else:\n print(\" %s doesn't exist, ok\" % ipy)\n ipy = None\n\n # Make sure both the top-level \"versioneer.py\" and versionfile_source\n # (PKG/_version.py, used by runtime code) are in MANIFEST.in, so\n # they'll be copied into source distributions. Pip won't be able to\n # install the package without this.\n manifest_in = os.path.join(root, \"MANIFEST.in\")\n simple_includes = set()\n try:\n with open(manifest_in, \"r\") as f:\n for line in f:\n if line.startswith(\"include \"):\n for include in line.split()[1:]:\n simple_includes.add(include)\n except OSError:\n pass\n # That doesn't cover everything MANIFEST.in can do\n # (http://docs.python.org/2/distutils/sourcedist.html#commands), so\n # it might give some false negatives. Appending redundant 'include'\n # lines is safe, though.\n if \"versioneer.py\" not in simple_includes:\n print(\" appending 'versioneer.py' to MANIFEST.in\")\n with open(manifest_in, \"a\") as f:\n f.write(\"include versioneer.py\\n\")\n else:\n print(\" 'versioneer.py' already in MANIFEST.in\")\n if cfg.versionfile_source not in simple_includes:\n print(\n \" appending versionfile_source ('%s') to MANIFEST.in\"\n % cfg.versionfile_source\n )\n with open(manifest_in, \"a\") as f:\n f.write(\"include %s\\n\" % cfg.versionfile_source)\n else:\n print(\" versionfile_source already in MANIFEST.in\")\n\n # Make VCS-specific changes. For git, this means creating/changing\n # .gitattributes to mark _version.py for export-subst keyword\n # substitution.\n do_vcs_install(manifest_in, cfg.versionfile_source, ipy)\n return 0", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_scan_setup_py_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/versioneer.py_scan_setup_py_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "versioneer.py", "file_name": "versioneer.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1840, "end_line": 1884, "span_ids": ["scan_setup_py", "impl:16"], "tokens": 351}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def scan_setup_py():\n \"\"\"Validate the contents of setup.py against Versioneer's expectations.\"\"\"\n found = set()\n setters = False\n errors = 0\n with open(\"setup.py\", \"r\") as f:\n for line in f.readlines():\n if \"import versioneer\" in line:\n found.add(\"import\")\n if \"versioneer.get_cmdclass()\" in line:\n found.add(\"cmdclass\")\n if \"versioneer.get_version()\" in line:\n found.add(\"get_version\")\n if \"versioneer.VCS\" in line:\n setters = True\n if \"versioneer.versionfile_source\" in line:\n setters = True\n if len(found) != 3:\n print(\"\")\n print(\"Your setup.py appears to be missing some important items\")\n print(\"(but I might be wrong). Please make sure it has something\")\n print(\"roughly like the following:\")\n print(\"\")\n print(\" import versioneer\")\n print(\" setup( version=versioneer.get_version(),\")\n print(\" cmdclass=versioneer.get_cmdclass(), ...)\")\n print(\"\")\n errors += 1\n if setters:\n print(\"You should remove lines like 'versioneer.VCS = ' and\")\n print(\"'versioneer.versionfile_source = ' . This configuration\")\n print(\"now lives in setup.cfg, and should be removed from setup.py\")\n print(\"\")\n errors += 1\n return errors\n\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n cmd = sys.argv[1]\n if cmd == \"setup\":\n errors = do_setup()\n errors += scan_setup_py()\n if errors:\n sys.exit(1)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/__init__.py__isort_skip_file__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/__init__.py__isort_skip_file__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/__init__.py", "file_name": "__init__.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 45, "span_ids": ["imports:2", "impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 294}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\" isort:skip_file \"\"\"\n# flake8: noqa\n\nfrom ._version import get_versions\n\n__version__ = get_versions()[\"version\"]\ndel get_versions\n\nfrom .core.alignment import align, broadcast\nfrom .core.common import full_like, zeros_like, ones_like\nfrom .core.concat import concat\nfrom .core.combine import combine_by_coords, combine_nested, auto_combine\nfrom .core.computation import apply_ufunc, dot, where\nfrom .core.extensions import register_dataarray_accessor, register_dataset_accessor\nfrom .core.variable import as_variable, Variable, IndexVariable, Coordinate\nfrom .core.dataset import Dataset\nfrom .core.dataarray import DataArray\nfrom .core.merge import merge, MergeError\nfrom .core.options import set_options\nfrom .core.parallel import map_blocks\n\nfrom .backends.api import (\n open_dataset,\n open_dataarray,\n open_mfdataset,\n save_mfdataset,\n load_dataset,\n load_dataarray,\n)\nfrom .backends.rasterio_ import open_rasterio\nfrom .backends.zarr import open_zarr\n\nfrom .conventions import decode_cf, SerializationWarning\n\nfrom .coding.cftime_offsets import cftime_range\nfrom .coding.cftimeindex import CFTimeIndex\n\nfrom .util.print_versions import show_versions\n\nfrom . import tutorial\nfrom . import ufuncs\nfrom . import testing\n\nfrom .core.common import ALL_DIMS", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py__This_file_helps_to_comp_sys": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py__This_file_helps_to_comp_sys", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 16, "span_ids": ["docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# This file helps to compute a version number in source trees obtained from\n# git-archive tarball (such as those provided by githubs download-from-tag\n# feature). Distribution tarballs (built by setup.py sdist) and build\n# directories (produced by setup.py build) will contain a much shorter file\n# that just contains the computed version number.\n\n# This file is released into the public domain. Generated by\n# versioneer-0.18 (https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer)\n\n\"\"\"Git implementation of _version.py.\"\"\"\n\nimport errno\nimport os\nimport re\nimport subprocess\nimport sys", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_get_keywords_get_keywords.return.keywords": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_get_keywords_get_keywords.return.keywords", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 19, "end_line": 29, "span_ids": ["get_keywords"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_keywords():\n \"\"\"Get the keywords needed to look up the version information.\"\"\"\n # these strings will be replaced by git during git-archive.\n # setup.py/versioneer.py will grep for the variable names, so they must\n # each be defined on a line of their own. _version.py will just call\n # get_keywords().\n git_refnames = \"$Format:%d$\"\n git_full = \"$Format:%H$\"\n git_date = \"$Format:%ci$\"\n keywords = {\"refnames\": git_refnames, \"full\": git_full, \"date\": git_date}\n return keywords", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_VersioneerConfig_register_vcs_handler.return.decorate": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_VersioneerConfig_register_vcs_handler.return.decorate", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 32, "end_line": 68, "span_ids": ["impl", "impl:2", "register_vcs_handler", "get_config", "VersioneerConfig", "NotThisMethod"], "tokens": 240}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class VersioneerConfig:\n \"\"\"Container for Versioneer configuration parameters.\"\"\"\n\n\ndef get_config():\n \"\"\"Create, populate and return the VersioneerConfig() object.\"\"\"\n # these strings are filled in when 'setup.py versioneer' creates\n # _version.py\n cfg = VersioneerConfig()\n cfg.VCS = \"git\"\n cfg.style = \"pep440\"\n cfg.tag_prefix = \"v\"\n cfg.parentdir_prefix = \"xarray-\"\n cfg.versionfile_source = \"xarray/_version.py\"\n cfg.verbose = False\n return cfg\n\n\nclass NotThisMethod(Exception):\n \"\"\"Exception raised if a method is not valid for the current scenario.\"\"\"\n\n\nLONG_VERSION_PY = {}\nHANDLERS = {}\n\n\ndef register_vcs_handler(vcs, method): # decorator\n \"\"\"Decorator to mark a method as the handler for a particular VCS.\"\"\"\n\n def decorate(f):\n \"\"\"Store f in HANDLERS[vcs][method].\"\"\"\n if vcs not in HANDLERS:\n HANDLERS[vcs] = {}\n HANDLERS[vcs][method] = f\n return f\n\n return decorate", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_run_command_run_command.return.stdout_p_returncode": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_run_command_run_command.return.stdout_p_returncode", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 71, "end_line": 107, "span_ids": ["run_command"], "tokens": 292}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def run_command(commands, args, cwd=None, verbose=False, hide_stderr=False, env=None):\n \"\"\"Call the given command(s).\"\"\"\n assert isinstance(commands, list)\n p = None\n for c in commands:\n try:\n dispcmd = str([c] + args)\n # remember shell=False, so use git.cmd on windows, not just git\n p = subprocess.Popen(\n [c] + args,\n cwd=cwd,\n env=env,\n stdout=subprocess.PIPE,\n stderr=(subprocess.PIPE if hide_stderr else None),\n )\n break\n except OSError:\n e = sys.exc_info()[1]\n if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:\n continue\n if verbose:\n print(\"unable to run %s\" % dispcmd)\n print(e)\n return None, None\n else:\n if verbose:\n print(\"unable to find command, tried %s\" % (commands,))\n return None, None\n stdout = p.communicate()[0].strip()\n if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:\n stdout = stdout.decode()\n if p.returncode != 0:\n if verbose:\n print(\"unable to run %s (error)\" % dispcmd)\n print(\"stdout was %s\" % stdout)\n return None, p.returncode\n return stdout, p.returncode", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_versions_from_parentdir_versions_from_parentdir.raise_NotThisMethod_root": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_versions_from_parentdir_versions_from_parentdir.raise_NotThisMethod_root", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 110, "end_line": 138, "span_ids": ["versions_from_parentdir"], "tokens": 216}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def versions_from_parentdir(parentdir_prefix, root, verbose):\n \"\"\"Try to determine the version from the parent directory name.\n\n Source tarballs conventionally unpack into a directory that includes both\n the project name and a version string. We will also support searching up\n two directory levels for an appropriately named parent directory\n \"\"\"\n rootdirs = []\n\n for i in range(3):\n dirname = os.path.basename(root)\n if dirname.startswith(parentdir_prefix):\n return {\n \"version\": dirname[len(parentdir_prefix) :],\n \"full-revisionid\": None,\n \"dirty\": False,\n \"error\": None,\n \"date\": None,\n }\n else:\n rootdirs.append(root)\n root = os.path.dirname(root) # up a level\n\n if verbose:\n print(\n \"Tried directories %s but none started with prefix %s\"\n % (str(rootdirs), parentdir_prefix)\n )\n raise NotThisMethod(\"rootdir doesn't start with parentdir_prefix\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_git_get_keywords_git_get_keywords.return.keywords": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_git_get_keywords_git_get_keywords.return.keywords", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 141, "end_line": 167, "span_ids": ["git_get_keywords"], "tokens": 254}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@register_vcs_handler(\"git\", \"get_keywords\")\ndef git_get_keywords(versionfile_abs):\n \"\"\"Extract version information from the given file.\"\"\"\n # the code embedded in _version.py can just fetch the value of these\n # keywords. When used from setup.py, we don't want to import _version.py,\n # so we do it with a regexp instead. This function is not used from\n # _version.py.\n keywords = {}\n try:\n f = open(versionfile_abs, \"r\")\n for line in f.readlines():\n if line.strip().startswith(\"git_refnames =\"):\n mo = re.search(r'=\\s*\"(.*)\"', line)\n if mo:\n keywords[\"refnames\"] = mo.group(1)\n if line.strip().startswith(\"git_full =\"):\n mo = re.search(r'=\\s*\"(.*)\"', line)\n if mo:\n keywords[\"full\"] = mo.group(1)\n if line.strip().startswith(\"git_date =\"):\n mo = re.search(r'=\\s*\"(.*)\"', line)\n if mo:\n keywords[\"date\"] = mo.group(1)\n f.close()\n except OSError:\n pass\n return keywords", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_git_versions_from_keywords_git_versions_from_keywords.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_git_versions_from_keywords_git_versions_from_keywords.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 170, "end_line": 229, "span_ids": ["git_versions_from_keywords"], "tokens": 721}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@register_vcs_handler(\"git\", \"keywords\")\ndef git_versions_from_keywords(keywords, tag_prefix, verbose):\n \"\"\"Get version information from git keywords.\"\"\"\n if not keywords:\n raise NotThisMethod(\"no keywords at all, weird\")\n date = keywords.get(\"date\")\n if date is not None:\n # git-2.2.0 added \"%cI\", which expands to an ISO-8601 -compliant\n # datestamp. However we prefer \"%ci\" (which expands to an \"ISO-8601\n # -like\" string, which we must then edit to make compliant), because\n # it's been around since git-1.5.3, and it's too difficult to\n # discover which version we're using, or to work around using an\n # older one.\n date = date.strip().replace(\" \", \"T\", 1).replace(\" \", \"\", 1)\n refnames = keywords[\"refnames\"].strip()\n if refnames.startswith(\"$Format\"):\n if verbose:\n print(\"keywords are unexpanded, not using\")\n raise NotThisMethod(\"unexpanded keywords, not a git-archive tarball\")\n refs = {r.strip() for r in refnames.strip(\"()\").split(\",\")}\n # starting in git-1.8.3, tags are listed as \"tag: foo-1.0\" instead of\n # just \"foo-1.0\". If we see a \"tag: \" prefix, prefer those.\n TAG = \"tag: \"\n tags = {r[len(TAG) :] for r in refs if r.startswith(TAG)}\n if not tags:\n # Either we're using git < 1.8.3, or there really are no tags. We use\n # a heuristic: assume all version tags have a digit. The old git %d\n # expansion behaves like git log --decorate=short and strips out the\n # refs/heads/ and refs/tags/ prefixes that would let us distinguish\n # between branches and tags. By ignoring refnames without digits, we\n # filter out many common branch names like \"release\" and\n # \"stabilization\", as well as \"HEAD\" and \"master\".\n tags = {r for r in refs if re.search(r\"\\d\", r)}\n if verbose:\n print(\"discarding '%s', no digits\" % \",\".join(refs - tags))\n if verbose:\n print(\"likely tags: %s\" % \",\".join(sorted(tags)))\n for ref in sorted(tags):\n # sorting will prefer e.g. \"2.0\" over \"2.0rc1\"\n if ref.startswith(tag_prefix):\n r = ref[len(tag_prefix) :]\n if verbose:\n print(\"picking %s\" % r)\n return {\n \"version\": r,\n \"full-revisionid\": keywords[\"full\"].strip(),\n \"dirty\": False,\n \"error\": None,\n \"date\": date,\n }\n # no suitable tags, so version is \"0+unknown\", but full hex is still there\n if verbose:\n print(\"no suitable tags, using unknown + full revision id\")\n return {\n \"version\": \"0+unknown\",\n \"full-revisionid\": keywords[\"full\"].strip(),\n \"dirty\": False,\n \"error\": \"no suitable tags\",\n \"date\": None,\n }", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_git_pieces_from_vcs_git_pieces_from_vcs.return.pieces": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_git_pieces_from_vcs_git_pieces_from_vcs.return.pieces", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 232, "end_line": 330, "span_ids": ["git_pieces_from_vcs"], "tokens": 892}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@register_vcs_handler(\"git\", \"pieces_from_vcs\")\ndef git_pieces_from_vcs(tag_prefix, root, verbose, run_command=run_command):\n \"\"\"Get version from 'git describe' in the root of the source tree.\n\n This only gets called if the git-archive 'subst' keywords were *not*\n expanded, and _version.py hasn't already been rewritten with a short\n version string, meaning we're inside a checked out source tree.\n \"\"\"\n GITS = [\"git\"]\n if sys.platform == \"win32\":\n GITS = [\"git.cmd\", \"git.exe\"]\n\n out, rc = run_command(GITS, [\"rev-parse\", \"--git-dir\"], cwd=root, hide_stderr=True)\n if rc != 0:\n if verbose:\n print(\"Directory %s not under git control\" % root)\n raise NotThisMethod(\"'git rev-parse --git-dir' returned error\")\n\n # if there is a tag matching tag_prefix, this yields TAG-NUM-gHEX[-dirty]\n # if there isn't one, this yields HEX[-dirty] (no NUM)\n describe_out, rc = run_command(\n GITS,\n [\n \"describe\",\n \"--tags\",\n \"--dirty\",\n \"--always\",\n \"--long\",\n \"--match\",\n \"%s*\" % tag_prefix,\n ],\n cwd=root,\n )\n # --long was added in git-1.5.5\n if describe_out is None:\n raise NotThisMethod(\"'git describe' failed\")\n describe_out = describe_out.strip()\n full_out, rc = run_command(GITS, [\"rev-parse\", \"HEAD\"], cwd=root)\n if full_out is None:\n raise NotThisMethod(\"'git rev-parse' failed\")\n full_out = full_out.strip()\n\n pieces = {}\n pieces[\"long\"] = full_out\n pieces[\"short\"] = full_out[:7] # maybe improved later\n pieces[\"error\"] = None\n\n # parse describe_out. It will be like TAG-NUM-gHEX[-dirty] or HEX[-dirty]\n # TAG might have hyphens.\n git_describe = describe_out\n\n # look for -dirty suffix\n dirty = git_describe.endswith(\"-dirty\")\n pieces[\"dirty\"] = dirty\n if dirty:\n git_describe = git_describe[: git_describe.rindex(\"-dirty\")]\n\n # now we have TAG-NUM-gHEX or HEX\n\n if \"-\" in git_describe:\n # TAG-NUM-gHEX\n mo = re.search(r\"^(.+)-(\\d+)-g([0-9a-f]+)$\", git_describe)\n if not mo:\n # unparseable. Maybe git-describe is misbehaving?\n pieces[\"error\"] = \"unable to parse git-describe output: '%s'\" % describe_out\n return pieces\n\n # tag\n full_tag = mo.group(1)\n if not full_tag.startswith(tag_prefix):\n if verbose:\n fmt = \"tag '%s' doesn't start with prefix '%s'\"\n print(fmt % (full_tag, tag_prefix))\n pieces[\"error\"] = \"tag '%s' doesn't start with prefix '%s'\" % (\n full_tag,\n tag_prefix,\n )\n return pieces\n pieces[\"closest-tag\"] = full_tag[len(tag_prefix) :]\n\n # distance: number of commits since tag\n pieces[\"distance\"] = int(mo.group(2))\n\n # commit: short hex revision ID\n pieces[\"short\"] = mo.group(3)\n\n else:\n # HEX: no tags\n pieces[\"closest-tag\"] = None\n count_out, rc = run_command(GITS, [\"rev-list\", \"HEAD\", \"--count\"], cwd=root)\n pieces[\"distance\"] = int(count_out) # total number of commits\n\n # commit date: see ISO-8601 comment in git_versions_from_keywords()\n date = run_command(GITS, [\"show\", \"-s\", \"--format=%ci\", \"HEAD\"], cwd=root)[\n 0\n ].strip()\n pieces[\"date\"] = date.strip().replace(\" \", \"T\", 1).replace(\" \", \"\", 1)\n\n return pieces", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_plus_or_dot_render_pep440.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_plus_or_dot_render_pep440.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 333, "end_line": 361, "span_ids": ["render_pep440", "plus_or_dot"], "tokens": 257}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def plus_or_dot(pieces):\n \"\"\"Return a + if we don't already have one, else return a .\"\"\"\n if \"+\" in pieces.get(\"closest-tag\", \"\"):\n return \".\"\n return \"+\"\n\n\ndef render_pep440(pieces):\n \"\"\"Build up version string, with post-release \"local version identifier\".\n\n Our goal: TAG[+DISTANCE.gHEX[.dirty]] . Note that if you\n get a tagged build and then dirty it, you'll get TAG+0.gHEX.dirty\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. git_describe was just HEX. 0+untagged.DISTANCE.gHEX[.dirty]\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"] or pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += plus_or_dot(pieces)\n rendered += \"%d.g%s\" % (pieces[\"distance\"], pieces[\"short\"])\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dirty\"\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = \"0+untagged.%d.g%s\" % (pieces[\"distance\"], pieces[\"short\"])\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dirty\"\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_pep440_pre_render_pep440_post.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_pep440_pre_render_pep440_post.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 364, "end_line": 404, "span_ids": ["render_pep440_pre", "render_pep440_post"], "tokens": 321}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_pep440_pre(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG[.post.devDISTANCE] -- No -dirty.\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. 0.post.devDISTANCE\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"]:\n rendered += \".post.dev%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = \"0.post.dev%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n return rendered\n\n\ndef render_pep440_post(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG[.postDISTANCE[.dev0]+gHEX] .\n\n The \".dev0\" means dirty. Note that .dev0 sorts backwards\n (a dirty tree will appear \"older\" than the corresponding clean one),\n but you shouldn't be releasing software with -dirty anyways.\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. 0.postDISTANCE[.dev0]\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"] or pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".post%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dev0\"\n rendered += plus_or_dot(pieces)\n rendered += \"g%s\" % pieces[\"short\"]\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = \"0.post%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dev0\"\n rendered += \"+g%s\" % pieces[\"short\"]\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_pep440_old_render_pep440_old.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_pep440_old_render_pep440_old.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 407, "end_line": 426, "span_ids": ["render_pep440_old"], "tokens": 144}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_pep440_old(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG[.postDISTANCE[.dev0]] .\n\n The \".dev0\" means dirty.\n\n Eexceptions:\n 1: no tags. 0.postDISTANCE[.dev0]\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"] or pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".post%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dev0\"\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = \"0.post%d\" % pieces[\"distance\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \".dev0\"\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_git_describe_render_git_describe.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_git_describe_render_git_describe.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 429, "end_line": 446, "span_ids": ["render_git_describe"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_git_describe(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG[-DISTANCE-gHEX][-dirty].\n\n Like 'git describe --tags --dirty --always'.\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. HEX[-dirty] (note: no 'g' prefix)\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n if pieces[\"distance\"]:\n rendered += \"-%d-g%s\" % (pieces[\"distance\"], pieces[\"short\"])\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = pieces[\"short\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \"-dirty\"\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_git_describe_long_render_git_describe_long.return.rendered": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_git_describe_long_render_git_describe_long.return.rendered", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 449, "end_line": 466, "span_ids": ["render_git_describe_long"], "tokens": 133}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render_git_describe_long(pieces):\n \"\"\"TAG-DISTANCE-gHEX[-dirty].\n\n Like 'git describe --tags --dirty --always -long'.\n The distance/hash is unconditional.\n\n Exceptions:\n 1: no tags. HEX[-dirty] (note: no 'g' prefix)\n \"\"\"\n if pieces[\"closest-tag\"]:\n rendered = pieces[\"closest-tag\"]\n rendered += \"-%d-g%s\" % (pieces[\"distance\"], pieces[\"short\"])\n else:\n # exception #1\n rendered = pieces[\"short\"]\n if pieces[\"dirty\"]:\n rendered += \"-dirty\"\n return rendered", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_render.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_render_render.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 469, "end_line": 504, "span_ids": ["render"], "tokens": 274}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def render(pieces, style):\n \"\"\"Render the given version pieces into the requested style.\"\"\"\n if pieces[\"error\"]:\n return {\n \"version\": \"unknown\",\n \"full-revisionid\": pieces.get(\"long\"),\n \"dirty\": None,\n \"error\": pieces[\"error\"],\n \"date\": None,\n }\n\n if not style or style == \"default\":\n style = \"pep440\" # the default\n\n if style == \"pep440\":\n rendered = render_pep440(pieces)\n elif style == \"pep440-pre\":\n rendered = render_pep440_pre(pieces)\n elif style == \"pep440-post\":\n rendered = render_pep440_post(pieces)\n elif style == \"pep440-old\":\n rendered = render_pep440_old(pieces)\n elif style == \"git-describe\":\n rendered = render_git_describe(pieces)\n elif style == \"git-describe-long\":\n rendered = render_git_describe_long(pieces)\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"unknown style '%s'\" % style)\n\n return {\n \"version\": rendered,\n \"full-revisionid\": pieces[\"long\"],\n \"dirty\": pieces[\"dirty\"],\n \"error\": None,\n \"date\": pieces.get(\"date\"),\n }", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_get_versions_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/_version.py_get_versions_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/_version.py", "file_name": "_version.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 507, "end_line": 557, "span_ids": ["get_versions"], "tokens": 375}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_versions():\n \"\"\"Get version information or return default if unable to do so.\"\"\"\n # I am in _version.py, which lives at ROOT/VERSIONFILE_SOURCE. If we have\n # __file__, we can work backwards from there to the root. Some\n # py2exe/bbfreeze/non-CPython implementations don't do __file__, in which\n # case we can only use expanded keywords.\n\n cfg = get_config()\n verbose = cfg.verbose\n\n try:\n return git_versions_from_keywords(get_keywords(), cfg.tag_prefix, verbose)\n except NotThisMethod:\n pass\n\n try:\n root = os.path.realpath(__file__)\n # versionfile_source is the relative path from the top of the source\n # tree (where the .git directory might live) to this file. Invert\n # this to find the root from __file__.\n for i in cfg.versionfile_source.split(\"/\"):\n root = os.path.dirname(root)\n except NameError:\n return {\n \"version\": \"0+unknown\",\n \"full-revisionid\": None,\n \"dirty\": None,\n \"error\": \"unable to find root of source tree\",\n \"date\": None,\n }\n\n try:\n pieces = git_pieces_from_vcs(cfg.tag_prefix, root, verbose)\n return render(pieces, cfg.style)\n except NotThisMethod:\n pass\n\n try:\n if cfg.parentdir_prefix:\n return versions_from_parentdir(cfg.parentdir_prefix, root, verbose)\n except NotThisMethod:\n pass\n\n return {\n \"version\": \"0+unknown\",\n \"full-revisionid\": None,\n \"dirty\": None,\n \"error\": \"unable to compute version\",\n \"date\": None,\n }", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/__init__.py__Backend_objects_for_sa_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/__init__.py__Backend_objects_for_sa_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/__init__.py", "file_name": "__init__.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 33, "span_ids": ["impl", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 263}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Backend objects for saving and loading data\n\nDataStores provide a uniform interface for saving and loading data in different\nformats. They should not be used directly, but rather through Dataset objects.\n\"\"\"\nfrom .cfgrib_ import CfGribDataStore\nfrom .common import AbstractDataStore\nfrom .file_manager import CachingFileManager, DummyFileManager, FileManager\nfrom .h5netcdf_ import H5NetCDFStore\nfrom .memory import InMemoryDataStore\nfrom .netCDF4_ import NetCDF4DataStore\nfrom .pseudonetcdf_ import PseudoNetCDFDataStore\nfrom .pydap_ import PydapDataStore\nfrom .pynio_ import NioDataStore\nfrom .scipy_ import ScipyDataStore\nfrom .zarr import ZarrStore\n\n__all__ = [\n \"AbstractDataStore\",\n \"FileManager\",\n \"CachingFileManager\",\n \"CfGribDataStore\",\n \"DummyFileManager\",\n \"InMemoryDataStore\",\n \"NetCDF4DataStore\",\n \"PydapDataStore\",\n \"NioDataStore\",\n \"ScipyDataStore\",\n \"H5NetCDFStore\",\n \"ZarrStore\",\n \"PseudoNetCDFDataStore\",\n]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_os.path__get_default_engine_remote_uri.return.engine": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_os.path__get_default_engine_remote_uri.return.engine", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 58, "span_ids": ["impl", "impl:3", "imports", "_get_default_engine_remote_uri", "imports:16"], "tokens": 309}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import os.path\nimport warnings\nfrom glob import glob\nfrom io import BytesIO\nfrom numbers import Number\nfrom pathlib import Path\nfrom textwrap import dedent\nfrom typing import (\n TYPE_CHECKING,\n Callable,\n Dict,\n Hashable,\n Iterable,\n Mapping,\n Tuple,\n Union,\n)\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import DataArray, Dataset, auto_combine, backends, coding, conventions\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.combine import (\n _infer_concat_order_from_positions,\n _nested_combine,\n combine_by_coords,\n)\nfrom ..core.utils import close_on_error, is_grib_path, is_remote_uri\nfrom .common import AbstractDataStore, ArrayWriter\nfrom .locks import _get_scheduler\n\nif TYPE_CHECKING:\n try:\n from dask.delayed import Delayed\n except ImportError:\n Delayed = None\n\n\nDATAARRAY_NAME = \"__xarray_dataarray_name__\"\nDATAARRAY_VARIABLE = \"__xarray_dataarray_variable__\"\n\n\ndef _get_default_engine_remote_uri():\n try:\n import netCDF4 # noqa: F401\n\n engine = \"netcdf4\"\n except ImportError: # pragma: no cover\n try:\n import pydap # noqa: F401\n\n engine = \"pydap\"\n except ImportError:\n raise ValueError(\n \"netCDF4 or pydap is required for accessing \"\n \"remote datasets via OPeNDAP\"\n )\n return engine", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__get_default_engine_grib__get_default_engine_grib.if_msgs_.else_.raise_ValueError_PyNIO_o": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__get_default_engine_grib__get_default_engine_grib.if_msgs_.else_.raise_ValueError_PyNIO_o", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 61, "end_line": 78, "span_ids": ["_get_default_engine_grib"], "tokens": 146}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_default_engine_grib():\n msgs = []\n try:\n import Nio # noqa: F401\n\n msgs += [\"set engine='pynio' to access GRIB files with PyNIO\"]\n except ImportError: # pragma: no cover\n pass\n try:\n import cfgrib # noqa: F401\n\n msgs += [\"set engine='cfgrib' to access GRIB files with cfgrib\"]\n except ImportError: # pragma: no cover\n pass\n if msgs:\n raise ValueError(\" or\\n\".join(msgs))\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"PyNIO or cfgrib is required for accessing \" \"GRIB files\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__get_default_engine_gz__get_default_engine_netcdf.return.engine": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__get_default_engine_gz__get_default_engine_netcdf.return.engine", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 81, "end_line": 106, "span_ids": ["_get_default_engine_netcdf", "_get_default_engine_gz"], "tokens": 157}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_default_engine_gz():\n try:\n import scipy # noqa: F401\n\n engine = \"scipy\"\n except ImportError: # pragma: no cover\n raise ValueError(\"scipy is required for accessing .gz files\")\n return engine\n\n\ndef _get_default_engine_netcdf():\n try:\n import netCDF4 # noqa: F401\n\n engine = \"netcdf4\"\n except ImportError: # pragma: no cover\n try:\n import scipy.io.netcdf # noqa: F401\n\n engine = \"scipy\"\n except ImportError:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot read or write netCDF files without \"\n \"netCDF4-python or scipy installed\"\n )\n return engine", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__get_engine_from_magic_number__get_engine_from_magic_number.return.engine": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__get_engine_from_magic_number__get_engine_from_magic_number.return.engine", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 109, "end_line": 139, "span_ids": ["_get_engine_from_magic_number"], "tokens": 264}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_engine_from_magic_number(filename_or_obj):\n # check byte header to determine file type\n if isinstance(filename_or_obj, bytes):\n magic_number = filename_or_obj[:8]\n else:\n if filename_or_obj.tell() != 0:\n raise ValueError(\n \"file-like object read/write pointer not at zero \"\n \"please close and reopen, or use a context \"\n \"manager\"\n )\n magic_number = filename_or_obj.read(8)\n filename_or_obj.seek(0)\n\n if magic_number.startswith(b\"CDF\"):\n engine = \"scipy\"\n elif magic_number.startswith(b\"\\211HDF\\r\\n\\032\\n\"):\n engine = \"h5netcdf\"\n if isinstance(filename_or_obj, bytes):\n raise ValueError(\n \"can't open netCDF4/HDF5 as bytes \"\n \"try passing a path or file-like object\"\n )\n else:\n if isinstance(filename_or_obj, bytes) and len(filename_or_obj) > 80:\n filename_or_obj = filename_or_obj[:80] + b\"...\"\n raise ValueError(\n \"{} is not a valid netCDF file \"\n \"did you mean to pass a string for a path instead?\".format(filename_or_obj)\n )\n return engine", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__get_default_engine__validate_dataset_names.for_k_in_dataset_variable.check_name_k_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__get_default_engine__validate_dataset_names.for_k_in_dataset_variable.check_name_k_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 142, "end_line": 179, "span_ids": ["_get_default_engine", "_normalize_path", "_validate_dataset_names"], "tokens": 243}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_default_engine(path, allow_remote=False):\n if allow_remote and is_remote_uri(path):\n engine = _get_default_engine_remote_uri()\n elif is_grib_path(path):\n engine = _get_default_engine_grib()\n elif path.endswith(\".gz\"):\n engine = _get_default_engine_gz()\n else:\n engine = _get_default_engine_netcdf()\n return engine\n\n\ndef _normalize_path(path):\n if is_remote_uri(path):\n return path\n else:\n return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))\n\n\ndef _validate_dataset_names(dataset):\n \"\"\"DataArray.name and Dataset keys must be a string or None\"\"\"\n\n def check_name(name):\n if isinstance(name, str):\n if not name:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Invalid name for DataArray or Dataset key: \"\n \"string must be length 1 or greater for \"\n \"serialization to netCDF files\"\n )\n elif name is not None:\n raise TypeError(\n \"DataArray.name or Dataset key must be either a \"\n \"string or None for serialization to netCDF files\"\n )\n\n for k in dataset.variables:\n check_name(k)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__validate_attrs__validate_attrs.for_variable_in_dataset_v.for_k_v_in_variable_attr.check_attr_k_v_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__validate_attrs__validate_attrs.for_variable_in_dataset_v.for_k_v_in_variable_attr.check_attr_k_v_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 182, "end_line": 216, "span_ids": ["_validate_attrs"], "tokens": 267}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _validate_attrs(dataset):\n \"\"\"`attrs` must have a string key and a value which is either: a number,\n a string, an ndarray or a list/tuple of numbers/strings.\n \"\"\"\n\n def check_attr(name, value):\n if isinstance(name, str):\n if not name:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Invalid name for attr: string must be \"\n \"length 1 or greater for serialization to \"\n \"netCDF files\"\n )\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"Invalid name for attr: {} must be a string for \"\n \"serialization to netCDF files\".format(name)\n )\n\n if not isinstance(value, (str, Number, np.ndarray, np.number, list, tuple)):\n raise TypeError(\n \"Invalid value for attr: {} must be a number, \"\n \"a string, an ndarray or a list/tuple of \"\n \"numbers/strings for serialization to netCDF \"\n \"files\".format(value)\n )\n\n # Check attrs on the dataset itself\n for k, v in dataset.attrs.items():\n check_attr(k, v)\n\n # Check attrs on each variable within the dataset\n for variable in dataset.variables.values():\n for k, v in variable.attrs.items():\n check_attr(k, v)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__protect_dataset_variables_inplace_load_dataset.with_open_dataset_filenam.return.ds_load_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__protect_dataset_variables_inplace_load_dataset.with_open_dataset_filenam.return.ds_load_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 219, "end_line": 258, "span_ids": ["load_dataset", "_finalize_store", "_protect_dataset_variables_inplace"], "tokens": 290}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _protect_dataset_variables_inplace(dataset, cache):\n for name, variable in dataset.variables.items():\n if name not in variable.dims:\n # no need to protect IndexVariable objects\n data = indexing.CopyOnWriteArray(variable._data)\n if cache:\n data = indexing.MemoryCachedArray(data)\n variable.data = data\n\n\ndef _finalize_store(write, store):\n \"\"\" Finalize this store by explicitly syncing and closing\"\"\"\n del write # ensure writing is done first\n store.close()\n\n\ndef load_dataset(filename_or_obj, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Open, load into memory, and close a Dataset from a file or file-like\n object.\n\n This is a thin wrapper around :py:meth:`~xarray.open_dataset`. It differs\n from `open_dataset` in that it loads the Dataset into memory, closes the\n file, and returns the Dataset. In contrast, `open_dataset` keeps the file\n handle open and lazy loads its contents. All parameters are passed directly\n to `open_dataset`. See that documentation for further details.\n\n Returns\n -------\n dataset : Dataset\n The newly created Dataset.\n\n See Also\n --------\n open_dataset\n \"\"\"\n if \"cache\" in kwargs:\n raise TypeError(\"cache has no effect in this context\")\n\n with open_dataset(filename_or_obj, **kwargs) as ds:\n return ds.load()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_load_dataarray_load_dataarray.with_open_dataarray_filen.return.da_load_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_load_dataarray_load_dataarray.with_open_dataarray_filen.return.da_load_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 261, "end_line": 284, "span_ids": ["load_dataarray"], "tokens": 200}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def load_dataarray(filename_or_obj, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Open, load into memory, and close a DataArray from a file or file-like\n object containing a single data variable.\n\n This is a thin wrapper around :py:meth:`~xarray.open_dataarray`. It differs\n from `open_dataarray` in that it loads the Dataset into memory, closes the\n file, and returns the Dataset. In contrast, `open_dataarray` keeps the file\n handle open and lazy loads its contents. All parameters are passed directly\n to `open_dataarray`. See that documentation for further details.\n\n Returns\n -------\n datarray : DataArray\n The newly created DataArray.\n\n See Also\n --------\n open_dataarray\n \"\"\"\n if \"cache\" in kwargs:\n raise TypeError(\"cache has no effect in this context\")\n\n with open_dataarray(filename_or_obj, **kwargs) as da:\n return da.load()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataset_open_dataset._Open_and_decode_a_data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataset_open_dataset._Open_and_decode_a_data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 287, "end_line": 399, "span_ids": ["open_dataset"], "tokens": 1198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_dataset(\n filename_or_obj,\n group=None,\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=None,\n decode_times=True,\n autoclose=None,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n engine=None,\n chunks=None,\n lock=None,\n cache=None,\n drop_variables=None,\n backend_kwargs=None,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n \"\"\"Open and decode a dataset from a file or file-like object.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n filename_or_obj : str, Path, file or xarray.backends.*DataStore\n Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a netCDF file\n or an OpenDAP URL and opened with python-netCDF4, unless the filename\n ends with .gz, in which case the file is gunzipped and opened with\n scipy.io.netcdf (only netCDF3 supported). Byte-strings or file-like\n objects are opened by scipy.io.netcdf (netCDF3) or h5py (netCDF4/HDF).\n group : str, optional\n Path to the netCDF4 group in the given file to open (only works for\n netCDF4 files).\n decode_cf : bool, optional\n Whether to decode these variables, assuming they were saved according\n to CF conventions.\n mask_and_scale : bool, optional\n If True, replace array values equal to `_FillValue` with NA and scale\n values according to the formula `original_values * scale_factor +\n add_offset`, where `_FillValue`, `scale_factor` and `add_offset` are\n taken from variable attributes (if they exist). If the `_FillValue` or\n `missing_value` attribute contains multiple values a warning will be\n issued and all array values matching one of the multiple values will\n be replaced by NA. mask_and_scale defaults to True except for the\n pseudonetcdf backend.\n decode_times : bool, optional\n If True, decode times encoded in the standard NetCDF datetime format\n into datetime objects. Otherwise, leave them encoded as numbers.\n autoclose : bool, optional\n If True, automatically close files to avoid OS Error of too many files\n being open. However, this option doesn't work with streams, e.g.,\n BytesIO.\n concat_characters : bool, optional\n If True, concatenate along the last dimension of character arrays to\n form string arrays. Dimensions will only be concatenated over (and\n removed) if they have no corresponding variable and if they are only\n used as the last dimension of character arrays.\n decode_coords : bool, optional\n If True, decode the 'coordinates' attribute to identify coordinates in\n the resulting dataset.\n engine : {'netcdf4', 'scipy', 'pydap', 'h5netcdf', 'pynio', 'cfgrib', \\\n 'pseudonetcdf'}, optional\n Engine to use when reading files. If not provided, the default engine\n is chosen based on available dependencies, with a preference for\n 'netcdf4'.\n chunks : int or dict, optional\n If chunks is provided, it used to load the new dataset into dask\n arrays. ``chunks={}`` loads the dataset with dask using a single\n chunk for all arrays.\n lock : False or duck threading.Lock, optional\n Resource lock to use when reading data from disk. Only relevant when\n using dask or another form of parallelism. By default, appropriate\n locks are chosen to safely read and write files with the currently\n active dask scheduler.\n cache : bool, optional\n If True, cache data loaded from the underlying datastore in memory as\n NumPy arrays when accessed to avoid reading from the underlying data-\n store multiple times. Defaults to True unless you specify the `chunks`\n argument to use dask, in which case it defaults to False. Does not\n change the behavior of coordinates corresponding to dimensions, which\n always load their data from disk into a ``pandas.Index``.\n drop_variables: string or iterable, optional\n A variable or list of variables to exclude from being parsed from the\n dataset. This may be useful to drop variables with problems or\n inconsistent values.\n backend_kwargs: dictionary, optional\n A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass on to the backend. This\n may be useful when backend options would improve performance or\n allow user control of dataset processing.\n use_cftime: bool, optional\n Only relevant if encoded dates come from a standard calendar\n (e.g. 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian', 'standard', or not\n specified). If None (default), attempt to decode times to\n ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible, decode times to\n ``cftime.datetime`` objects. If True, always decode times to\n ``cftime.datetime`` objects, regardless of whether or not they can be\n represented using ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects. If False, always\n decode times to ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible\n raise an error.\n\n Returns\n -------\n dataset : Dataset\n The newly created dataset.\n\n Notes\n -----\n ``open_dataset`` opens the file with read-only access. When you modify\n values of a Dataset, even one linked to files on disk, only the in-memory\n copy you are manipulating in xarray is modified: the original file on disk\n is never touched.\n\n See Also\n --------\n open_mfdataset\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataset.engines_open_dataset.if_backend_kwargs_is_None.backend_kwargs._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataset.engines_open_dataset.if_backend_kwargs_is_None.backend_kwargs._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 400, "end_line": 440, "span_ids": ["open_dataset"], "tokens": 345}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_dataset(\n filename_or_obj,\n group=None,\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=None,\n decode_times=True,\n autoclose=None,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n engine=None,\n chunks=None,\n lock=None,\n cache=None,\n drop_variables=None,\n backend_kwargs=None,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n engines = [\n None,\n \"netcdf4\",\n \"scipy\",\n \"pydap\",\n \"h5netcdf\",\n \"pynio\",\n \"cfgrib\",\n \"pseudonetcdf\",\n ]\n if engine not in engines:\n raise ValueError(\n \"unrecognized engine for open_dataset: {}\\n\"\n \"must be one of: {}\".format(engine, engines)\n )\n\n if autoclose is not None:\n warnings.warn(\n \"The autoclose argument is no longer used by \"\n \"xarray.open_dataset() and is now ignored; it will be removed in \"\n \"a future version of xarray. If necessary, you can control the \"\n \"maximum number of simultaneous open files with \"\n \"xarray.set_options(file_cache_maxsize=...).\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n\n if mask_and_scale is None:\n mask_and_scale = not engine == \"pseudonetcdf\"\n\n if not decode_cf:\n mask_and_scale = False\n decode_times = False\n concat_characters = False\n decode_coords = False\n\n if cache is None:\n cache = chunks is None\n\n if backend_kwargs is None:\n backend_kwargs = {}\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataset.maybe_decode_store_open_dataset.maybe_decode_store.return.ds2": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataset.maybe_decode_store_open_dataset.maybe_decode_store.return.ds2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 442, "end_line": 484, "span_ids": ["open_dataset"], "tokens": 354}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_dataset(\n filename_or_obj,\n group=None,\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=None,\n decode_times=True,\n autoclose=None,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n engine=None,\n chunks=None,\n lock=None,\n cache=None,\n drop_variables=None,\n backend_kwargs=None,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n # ... other code\n\n def maybe_decode_store(store, lock=False):\n ds = conventions.decode_cf(\n store,\n mask_and_scale=mask_and_scale,\n decode_times=decode_times,\n concat_characters=concat_characters,\n decode_coords=decode_coords,\n drop_variables=drop_variables,\n use_cftime=use_cftime,\n )\n\n _protect_dataset_variables_inplace(ds, cache)\n\n if chunks is not None:\n from dask.base import tokenize\n\n # if passed an actual file path, augment the token with\n # the file modification time\n if isinstance(filename_or_obj, str) and not is_remote_uri(filename_or_obj):\n mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename_or_obj)\n else:\n mtime = None\n token = tokenize(\n filename_or_obj,\n mtime,\n group,\n decode_cf,\n mask_and_scale,\n decode_times,\n concat_characters,\n decode_coords,\n engine,\n chunks,\n drop_variables,\n use_cftime,\n )\n name_prefix = \"open_dataset-%s\" % token\n ds2 = ds.chunk(chunks, name_prefix=name_prefix, token=token)\n ds2._file_obj = ds._file_obj\n else:\n ds2 = ds\n\n return ds2\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataset.if_isinstance_filename_or_open_dataset.return.ds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataset.if_isinstance_filename_or_open_dataset.return.ds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 486, "end_line": 542, "span_ids": ["open_dataset"], "tokens": 594}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_dataset(\n filename_or_obj,\n group=None,\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=None,\n decode_times=True,\n autoclose=None,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n engine=None,\n chunks=None,\n lock=None,\n cache=None,\n drop_variables=None,\n backend_kwargs=None,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n # ... other code\n\n if isinstance(filename_or_obj, Path):\n filename_or_obj = str(filename_or_obj)\n\n if isinstance(filename_or_obj, AbstractDataStore):\n store = filename_or_obj\n\n elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, str):\n filename_or_obj = _normalize_path(filename_or_obj)\n\n if engine is None:\n engine = _get_default_engine(filename_or_obj, allow_remote=True)\n if engine == \"netcdf4\":\n store = backends.NetCDF4DataStore.open(\n filename_or_obj, group=group, lock=lock, **backend_kwargs\n )\n elif engine == \"scipy\":\n store = backends.ScipyDataStore(filename_or_obj, **backend_kwargs)\n elif engine == \"pydap\":\n store = backends.PydapDataStore.open(filename_or_obj, **backend_kwargs)\n elif engine == \"h5netcdf\":\n store = backends.H5NetCDFStore(\n filename_or_obj, group=group, lock=lock, **backend_kwargs\n )\n elif engine == \"pynio\":\n store = backends.NioDataStore(filename_or_obj, lock=lock, **backend_kwargs)\n elif engine == \"pseudonetcdf\":\n store = backends.PseudoNetCDFDataStore.open(\n filename_or_obj, lock=lock, **backend_kwargs\n )\n elif engine == \"cfgrib\":\n store = backends.CfGribDataStore(\n filename_or_obj, lock=lock, **backend_kwargs\n )\n\n else:\n if engine not in [None, \"scipy\", \"h5netcdf\"]:\n raise ValueError(\n \"can only read bytes or file-like objects \"\n \"with engine='scipy' or 'h5netcdf'\"\n )\n engine = _get_engine_from_magic_number(filename_or_obj)\n if engine == \"scipy\":\n store = backends.ScipyDataStore(filename_or_obj, **backend_kwargs)\n elif engine == \"h5netcdf\":\n store = backends.H5NetCDFStore(\n filename_or_obj, group=group, lock=lock, **backend_kwargs\n )\n\n with close_on_error(store):\n ds = maybe_decode_store(store)\n\n # Ensure source filename always stored in dataset object (GH issue #2550)\n if \"source\" not in ds.encoding:\n if isinstance(filename_or_obj, str):\n ds.encoding[\"source\"] = filename_or_obj\n\n return ds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataarray_open_dataarray._Open_an_DataArray_from": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataarray_open_dataarray._Open_an_DataArray_from", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 545, "end_line": 653, "span_ids": ["open_dataarray"], "tokens": 1147}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_dataarray(\n filename_or_obj,\n group=None,\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=None,\n decode_times=True,\n autoclose=None,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n engine=None,\n chunks=None,\n lock=None,\n cache=None,\n drop_variables=None,\n backend_kwargs=None,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n \"\"\"Open an DataArray from a file or file-like object containing a single\n data variable.\n\n This is designed to read netCDF files with only one data variable. If\n multiple variables are present then a ValueError is raised.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n filename_or_obj : str, Path, file or xarray.backends.*DataStore\n Strings and Paths are interpreted as a path to a netCDF file or an\n OpenDAP URL and opened with python-netCDF4, unless the filename ends\n with .gz, in which case the file is gunzipped and opened with\n scipy.io.netcdf (only netCDF3 supported). Byte-strings or file-like\n objects are opened by scipy.io.netcdf (netCDF3) or h5py (netCDF4/HDF).\n group : str, optional\n Path to the netCDF4 group in the given file to open (only works for\n netCDF4 files).\n decode_cf : bool, optional\n Whether to decode these variables, assuming they were saved according\n to CF conventions.\n mask_and_scale : bool, optional\n If True, replace array values equal to `_FillValue` with NA and scale\n values according to the formula `original_values * scale_factor +\n add_offset`, where `_FillValue`, `scale_factor` and `add_offset` are\n taken from variable attributes (if they exist). If the `_FillValue` or\n `missing_value` attribute contains multiple values a warning will be\n issued and all array values matching one of the multiple values will\n be replaced by NA. mask_and_scale defaults to True except for the\n pseudonetcdf backend.\n decode_times : bool, optional\n If True, decode times encoded in the standard NetCDF datetime format\n into datetime objects. Otherwise, leave them encoded as numbers.\n concat_characters : bool, optional\n If True, concatenate along the last dimension of character arrays to\n form string arrays. Dimensions will only be concatenated over (and\n removed) if they have no corresponding variable and if they are only\n used as the last dimension of character arrays.\n decode_coords : bool, optional\n If True, decode the 'coordinates' attribute to identify coordinates in\n the resulting dataset.\n engine : {'netcdf4', 'scipy', 'pydap', 'h5netcdf', 'pynio', 'cfgrib'}, \\\n optional\n Engine to use when reading files. If not provided, the default engine\n is chosen based on available dependencies, with a preference for\n 'netcdf4'.\n chunks : int or dict, optional\n If chunks is provided, it used to load the new dataset into dask\n arrays.\n lock : False or duck threading.Lock, optional\n Resource lock to use when reading data from disk. Only relevant when\n using dask or another form of parallelism. By default, appropriate\n locks are chosen to safely read and write files with the currently\n active dask scheduler.\n cache : bool, optional\n If True, cache data loaded from the underlying datastore in memory as\n NumPy arrays when accessed to avoid reading from the underlying data-\n store multiple times. Defaults to True unless you specify the `chunks`\n argument to use dask, in which case it defaults to False. Does not\n change the behavior of coordinates corresponding to dimensions, which\n always load their data from disk into a ``pandas.Index``.\n drop_variables: string or iterable, optional\n A variable or list of variables to exclude from being parsed from the\n dataset. This may be useful to drop variables with problems or\n inconsistent values.\n backend_kwargs: dictionary, optional\n A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass on to the backend. This\n may be useful when backend options would improve performance or\n allow user control of dataset processing.\n use_cftime: bool, optional\n Only relevant if encoded dates come from a standard calendar\n (e.g. 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian', 'standard', or not\n specified). If None (default), attempt to decode times to\n ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible, decode times to\n ``cftime.datetime`` objects. If True, always decode times to\n ``cftime.datetime`` objects, regardless of whether or not they can be\n represented using ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects. If False, always\n decode times to ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible\n raise an error.\n\n Notes\n -----\n This is designed to be fully compatible with `DataArray.to_netcdf`. Saving\n using `DataArray.to_netcdf` and then loading with this function will\n produce an identical result.\n\n All parameters are passed directly to `xarray.open_dataset`. See that\n documentation for further details.\n\n See also\n --------\n open_dataset\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataarray.dataset_open_dataarray.return.data_array": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_dataarray.dataset_open_dataarray.return.data_array", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 655, "end_line": 693, "span_ids": ["open_dataarray"], "tokens": 334}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_dataarray(\n filename_or_obj,\n group=None,\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=None,\n decode_times=True,\n autoclose=None,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n engine=None,\n chunks=None,\n lock=None,\n cache=None,\n drop_variables=None,\n backend_kwargs=None,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n\n dataset = open_dataset(\n filename_or_obj,\n group=group,\n decode_cf=decode_cf,\n mask_and_scale=mask_and_scale,\n decode_times=decode_times,\n autoclose=autoclose,\n concat_characters=concat_characters,\n decode_coords=decode_coords,\n engine=engine,\n chunks=chunks,\n lock=lock,\n cache=cache,\n drop_variables=drop_variables,\n backend_kwargs=backend_kwargs,\n use_cftime=use_cftime,\n )\n\n if len(dataset.data_vars) != 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Given file dataset contains more than one data \"\n \"variable. Please read with xarray.open_dataset and \"\n \"then select the variable you want.\"\n )\n else:\n data_array, = dataset.data_vars.values()\n\n data_array._file_obj = dataset._file_obj\n\n # Reset names if they were changed during saving\n # to ensure that we can 'roundtrip' perfectly\n if DATAARRAY_NAME in dataset.attrs:\n data_array.name = dataset.attrs[DATAARRAY_NAME]\n del dataset.attrs[DATAARRAY_NAME]\n\n if data_array.name == DATAARRAY_VARIABLE:\n data_array.name = None\n\n return data_array", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__MultiFileCloser_open_mfdataset": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__MultiFileCloser_open_mfdataset", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 696, "end_line": 963, "span_ids": ["open_mfdataset", "_MultiFileCloser.close", "_MultiFileCloser"], "tokens": 133}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class _MultiFileCloser:\n __slots__ = (\"file_objs\",)\n\n def __init__(self, file_objs):\n self.file_objs = file_objs\n\n def close(self):\n for f in self.file_objs:\n f.close()\n\n\ndef open_mfdataset(\n paths,\n chunks=None,\n concat_dim=\"_not_supplied\",\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n preprocess=None,\n engine=None,\n lock=None,\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n combine=\"_old_auto\",\n autoclose=None,\n parallel=False,\n join=\"outer\",\n **kwargs\n):\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_mfdataset._Open_multiple_files_as_open_mfdataset._Open_multiple_files_as": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_mfdataset._Open_multiple_files_as_open_mfdataset._Open_multiple_files_as", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 723, "end_line": 854, "span_ids": ["open_mfdataset"], "tokens": 1627}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_mfdataset(\n paths,\n chunks=None,\n concat_dim=\"_not_supplied\",\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n preprocess=None,\n engine=None,\n lock=None,\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n combine=\"_old_auto\",\n autoclose=None,\n parallel=False,\n join=\"outer\",\n **kwargs\n):\n \"\"\"Open multiple files as a single dataset.\n\n If combine='by_coords' then the function ``combine_by_coords`` is used to combine\n the datasets into one before returning the result, and if combine='nested' then\n ``combine_nested`` is used. The filepaths must be structured according to which\n combining function is used, the details of which are given in the documentation for\n ``combine_by_coords`` and ``combine_nested``. By default the old (now deprecated)\n ``auto_combine`` will be used, please specify either ``combine='by_coords'`` or\n ``combine='nested'`` in future. Requires dask to be installed. See documentation for\n details on dask [1]. Attributes from the first dataset file are used for the\n combined dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n paths : str or sequence\n Either a string glob in the form \"path/to/my/files/*.nc\" or an explicit list of\n files to open. Paths can be given as strings or as pathlib Paths. If\n concatenation along more than one dimension is desired, then ``paths`` must be a\n nested list-of-lists (see ``manual_combine`` for details). (A string glob will\n be expanded to a 1-dimensional list.)\n chunks : int or dict, optional\n Dictionary with keys given by dimension names and values given by chunk sizes.\n In general, these should divide the dimensions of each dataset. If int, chunk\n each dimension by ``chunks``. By default, chunks will be chosen to load entire\n input files into memory at once. This has a major impact on performance: please\n see the full documentation for more details [2].\n concat_dim : str, or list of str, DataArray, Index or None, optional\n Dimensions to concatenate files along. You only need to provide this argument\n if any of the dimensions along which you want to concatenate is not a dimension\n in the original datasets, e.g., if you want to stack a collection of 2D arrays\n along a third dimension. Set ``concat_dim=[..., None, ...]`` explicitly to\n disable concatenation along a particular dimension.\n combine : {'by_coords', 'nested'}, optional\n Whether ``xarray.combine_by_coords`` or ``xarray.combine_nested`` is used to\n combine all the data. If this argument is not provided, `xarray.auto_combine` is\n used, but in the future this behavior will switch to use\n `xarray.combine_by_coords` by default.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals',\n 'no_conflicts', 'override'}, optional\n String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for\n potential conflicts when merging:\n * 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are\n broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions.\n * 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same.\n * 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the\n same.\n * 'no_conflicts': only values which are not null in both datasets\n must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination\n of all non-null values.\n * 'override': skip comparing and pick variable from first dataset\n preprocess : callable, optional\n If provided, call this function on each dataset prior to concatenation.\n You can find the file-name from which each dataset was loaded in\n ``ds.encoding['source']``.\n engine : {'netcdf4', 'scipy', 'pydap', 'h5netcdf', 'pynio', 'cfgrib'}, \\\n optional\n Engine to use when reading files. If not provided, the default engine\n is chosen based on available dependencies, with a preference for\n 'netcdf4'.\n lock : False or duck threading.Lock, optional\n Resource lock to use when reading data from disk. Only relevant when\n using dask or another form of parallelism. By default, appropriate\n locks are chosen to safely read and write files with the currently\n active dask scheduler.\n data_vars : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n These data variables will be concatenated together:\n * 'minimal': Only data variables in which the dimension already\n appears are included.\n * 'different': Data variables which are not equal (ignoring\n attributes) across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as\n all for which dimension already appears). Beware: this option may\n load the data payload of data variables into memory if they are not\n already loaded.\n * 'all': All data variables will be concatenated.\n * list of str: The listed data variables will be concatenated, in\n addition to the 'minimal' data variables.\n coords : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n These coordinate variables will be concatenated together:\n * 'minimal': Only coordinates in which the dimension already appears\n are included.\n * 'different': Coordinates which are not equal (ignoring attributes)\n across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as all for which\n dimension already appears). Beware: this option may load the data\n payload of coordinate variables into memory if they are not already\n loaded.\n * 'all': All coordinate variables will be concatenated, except\n those corresponding to other dimensions.\n * list of str: The listed coordinate variables will be concatenated,\n in addition the 'minimal' coordinates.\n parallel : bool, optional\n If True, the open and preprocess steps of this function will be\n performed in parallel using ``dask.delayed``. Default is False.\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact, 'override'}, optional\n String indicating how to combine differing indexes\n (excluding concat_dim) in objects\n\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': instead of aligning, raise `ValueError` when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n - 'override': if indexes are of same size, rewrite indexes to be\n those of the first object with that dimension. Indexes for the same\n dimension must have the same size in all objects.\n **kwargs : optional\n Additional arguments passed on to :py:func:`xarray.open_dataset`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n xarray.Dataset\n\n Notes\n -----\n ``open_mfdataset`` opens files with read-only access. When you modify values\n of a Dataset, even one linked to files on disk, only the in-memory copy you\n are manipulating in xarray is modified: the original file on disk is never\n touched.\n\n See Also\n --------\n combine_by_coords\n combine_nested\n auto_combine\n open_dataset\n\n References\n ----------\n\n .. [1] http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/dask.html\n .. [2] http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/dask.html#chunking-and-performance\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_mfdataset.if_isinstance_paths_str__open_mfdataset._Combine_all_datasets_c": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_mfdataset.if_isinstance_paths_str__open_mfdataset._Combine_all_datasets_c", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 855, "end_line": 908, "span_ids": ["open_mfdataset"], "tokens": 556}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_mfdataset(\n paths,\n chunks=None,\n concat_dim=\"_not_supplied\",\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n preprocess=None,\n engine=None,\n lock=None,\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n combine=\"_old_auto\",\n autoclose=None,\n parallel=False,\n join=\"outer\",\n **kwargs\n):\n if isinstance(paths, str):\n if is_remote_uri(paths):\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot do wild-card matching for paths that are remote URLs: \"\n \"{!r}. Instead, supply paths as an explicit list of strings.\".format(\n paths\n )\n )\n paths = sorted(glob(paths))\n else:\n paths = [str(p) if isinstance(p, Path) else p for p in paths]\n\n if not paths:\n raise OSError(\"no files to open\")\n\n # If combine='by_coords' then this is unnecessary, but quick.\n # If combine='nested' then this creates a flat list which is easier to\n # iterate over, while saving the originally-supplied structure as \"ids\"\n if combine == \"nested\":\n if str(concat_dim) == \"_not_supplied\":\n raise ValueError(\"Must supply concat_dim when using \" \"combine='nested'\")\n else:\n if isinstance(concat_dim, (str, DataArray)) or concat_dim is None:\n concat_dim = [concat_dim]\n combined_ids_paths = _infer_concat_order_from_positions(paths)\n ids, paths = (list(combined_ids_paths.keys()), list(combined_ids_paths.values()))\n\n open_kwargs = dict(\n engine=engine, chunks=chunks or {}, lock=lock, autoclose=autoclose, **kwargs\n )\n\n if parallel:\n import dask\n\n # wrap the open_dataset, getattr, and preprocess with delayed\n open_ = dask.delayed(open_dataset)\n getattr_ = dask.delayed(getattr)\n if preprocess is not None:\n preprocess = dask.delayed(preprocess)\n else:\n open_ = open_dataset\n getattr_ = getattr\n\n datasets = [open_(p, **open_kwargs) for p in paths]\n file_objs = [getattr_(ds, \"_file_obj\") for ds in datasets]\n if preprocess is not None:\n datasets = [preprocess(ds) for ds in datasets]\n\n if parallel:\n # calling compute here will return the datasets/file_objs lists,\n # the underlying datasets will still be stored as dask arrays\n datasets, file_objs = dask.compute(datasets, file_objs)\n\n # Combine all datasets, closing them in case of a ValueError\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_mfdataset.try__WRITEABLE_STORES._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_open_mfdataset.try__WRITEABLE_STORES._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 909, "end_line": 970, "span_ids": ["open_mfdataset", "impl:10"], "tokens": 527}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_mfdataset(\n paths,\n chunks=None,\n concat_dim=\"_not_supplied\",\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n preprocess=None,\n engine=None,\n lock=None,\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n combine=\"_old_auto\",\n autoclose=None,\n parallel=False,\n join=\"outer\",\n **kwargs\n):\n # ... other code\n try:\n if combine == \"_old_auto\":\n # Use the old auto_combine for now\n # Remove this after deprecation cycle from #2616 is complete\n basic_msg = dedent(\n \"\"\"\\\n In xarray version 0.15 the default behaviour of `open_mfdataset`\n will change. To retain the existing behavior, pass\n combine='nested'. To use future default behavior, pass\n combine='by_coords'. See\n http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/combining.html#combining-multi\n \"\"\"\n )\n warnings.warn(basic_msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)\n\n combined = auto_combine(\n datasets,\n concat_dim=concat_dim,\n compat=compat,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n join=join,\n from_openmfds=True,\n )\n elif combine == \"nested\":\n # Combined nested list by successive concat and merge operations\n # along each dimension, using structure given by \"ids\"\n combined = _nested_combine(\n datasets,\n concat_dims=concat_dim,\n compat=compat,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n ids=ids,\n join=join,\n )\n elif combine == \"by_coords\":\n # Redo ordering from coordinates, ignoring how they were ordered\n # previously\n combined = combine_by_coords(\n datasets, compat=compat, data_vars=data_vars, coords=coords, join=join\n )\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"{} is an invalid option for the keyword argument\"\n \" ``combine``\".format(combine)\n )\n except ValueError:\n for ds in datasets:\n ds.close()\n raise\n\n combined._file_obj = _MultiFileCloser(file_objs)\n combined.attrs = datasets[0].attrs\n return combined\n\n\nWRITEABLE_STORES: Dict[str, Callable] = {\n \"netcdf4\": backends.NetCDF4DataStore.open,\n \"scipy\": backends.ScipyDataStore,\n \"h5netcdf\": backends.H5NetCDFStore,\n}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_to_netcdf_to_netcdf._to_avoid_this_mess_of_c": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_to_netcdf_to_netcdf._to_avoid_this_mess_of_c", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 973, "end_line": 1066, "span_ids": ["to_netcdf"], "tokens": 748}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def to_netcdf(\n dataset: Dataset,\n path_or_file=None,\n mode: str = \"w\",\n format: str = None,\n group: str = None,\n engine: str = None,\n encoding: Mapping = None,\n unlimited_dims: Iterable[Hashable] = None,\n compute: bool = True,\n multifile: bool = False,\n invalid_netcdf: bool = False,\n) -> Union[Tuple[ArrayWriter, AbstractDataStore], bytes, \"Delayed\", None]:\n \"\"\"This function creates an appropriate datastore for writing a dataset to\n disk as a netCDF file\n\n See `Dataset.to_netcdf` for full API docs.\n\n The ``multifile`` argument is only for the private use of save_mfdataset.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(path_or_file, Path):\n path_or_file = str(path_or_file)\n\n if encoding is None:\n encoding = {}\n\n if path_or_file is None:\n if engine is None:\n engine = \"scipy\"\n elif engine != \"scipy\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"invalid engine for creating bytes with \"\n \"to_netcdf: %r. Only the default engine \"\n \"or engine='scipy' is supported\" % engine\n )\n if not compute:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"to_netcdf() with compute=False is not yet implemented when \"\n \"returning bytes\"\n )\n elif isinstance(path_or_file, str):\n if engine is None:\n engine = _get_default_engine(path_or_file)\n path_or_file = _normalize_path(path_or_file)\n else: # file-like object\n engine = \"scipy\"\n\n # validate Dataset keys, DataArray names, and attr keys/values\n _validate_dataset_names(dataset)\n _validate_attrs(dataset)\n\n try:\n store_open = WRITEABLE_STORES[engine]\n except KeyError:\n raise ValueError(\"unrecognized engine for to_netcdf: %r\" % engine)\n\n if format is not None:\n format = format.upper()\n\n # handle scheduler specific logic\n scheduler = _get_scheduler()\n have_chunks = any(v.chunks for v in dataset.variables.values())\n\n autoclose = have_chunks and scheduler in [\"distributed\", \"multiprocessing\"]\n if autoclose and engine == \"scipy\":\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"Writing netCDF files with the %s backend \"\n \"is not currently supported with dask's %s \"\n \"scheduler\" % (engine, scheduler)\n )\n\n target = path_or_file if path_or_file is not None else BytesIO()\n kwargs = dict(autoclose=True) if autoclose else {}\n if invalid_netcdf:\n if engine == \"h5netcdf\":\n kwargs[\"invalid_netcdf\"] = invalid_netcdf\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"unrecognized option 'invalid_netcdf' for engine %s\" % engine\n )\n store = store_open(target, mode, format, group, **kwargs)\n\n if unlimited_dims is None:\n unlimited_dims = dataset.encoding.get(\"unlimited_dims\", None)\n if unlimited_dims is not None:\n if isinstance(unlimited_dims, str) or not isinstance(unlimited_dims, Iterable):\n unlimited_dims = [unlimited_dims]\n else:\n unlimited_dims = list(unlimited_dims)\n\n writer = ArrayWriter()\n\n # TODO: figure out how to refactor this logic (here and in save_mfdataset)\n # to avoid this mess of conditionals\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_to_netcdf.None_1_to_netcdf.return.None": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_to_netcdf.None_1_to_netcdf.return.None", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1067, "end_line": 1092, "span_ids": ["to_netcdf"], "tokens": 260}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def to_netcdf(\n dataset: Dataset,\n path_or_file=None,\n mode: str = \"w\",\n format: str = None,\n group: str = None,\n engine: str = None,\n encoding: Mapping = None,\n unlimited_dims: Iterable[Hashable] = None,\n compute: bool = True,\n multifile: bool = False,\n invalid_netcdf: bool = False,\n) -> Union[Tuple[ArrayWriter, AbstractDataStore], bytes, \"Delayed\", None]:\n # ... other code\n try:\n # TODO: allow this work (setting up the file for writing array data)\n # to be parallelized with dask\n dump_to_store(\n dataset, store, writer, encoding=encoding, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims\n )\n if autoclose:\n store.close()\n\n if multifile:\n return writer, store\n\n writes = writer.sync(compute=compute)\n\n if path_or_file is None:\n store.sync()\n return target.getvalue()\n finally:\n if not multifile and compute:\n store.close()\n\n if not compute:\n import dask\n\n return dask.delayed(_finalize_store)(writes, store)\n return None", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_dump_to_store_dump_to_store.store_store_variables_at": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_dump_to_store_dump_to_store.store_store_variables_at", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1095, "end_line": 1117, "span_ids": ["dump_to_store"], "tokens": 157}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def dump_to_store(\n dataset, store, writer=None, encoder=None, encoding=None, unlimited_dims=None\n):\n \"\"\"Store dataset contents to a backends.*DataStore object.\"\"\"\n if writer is None:\n writer = ArrayWriter()\n\n if encoding is None:\n encoding = {}\n\n variables, attrs = conventions.encode_dataset_coordinates(dataset)\n\n check_encoding = set()\n for k, enc in encoding.items():\n # no need to shallow copy the variable again; that already happened\n # in encode_dataset_coordinates\n variables[k].encoding = enc\n check_encoding.add(k)\n\n if encoder:\n variables, attrs = encoder(variables, attrs)\n\n store.store(variables, attrs, check_encoding, writer, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_save_mfdataset_save_mfdataset.if_mode_w_and_len_se.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_save_mfdataset_save_mfdataset.if_mode_w_and_len_se.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1120, "end_line": 1188, "span_ids": ["save_mfdataset"], "tokens": 725}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def save_mfdataset(\n datasets, paths, mode=\"w\", format=None, groups=None, engine=None, compute=True\n):\n \"\"\"Write multiple datasets to disk as netCDF files simultaneously.\n\n This function is intended for use with datasets consisting of dask.array\n objects, in which case it can write the multiple datasets to disk\n simultaneously using a shared thread pool.\n\n When not using dask, it is no different than calling ``to_netcdf``\n repeatedly.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n datasets : list of xarray.Dataset\n List of datasets to save.\n paths : list of str or list of Paths\n List of paths to which to save each corresponding dataset.\n mode : {'w', 'a'}, optional\n Write ('w') or append ('a') mode. If mode='w', any existing file at\n these locations will be overwritten.\n format : {'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT',\n 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC'}, optional\n\n File format for the resulting netCDF file:\n\n * NETCDF4: Data is stored in an HDF5 file, using netCDF4 API\n features.\n * NETCDF4_CLASSIC: Data is stored in an HDF5 file, using only\n netCDF 3 compatible API features.\n * NETCDF3_64BIT: 64-bit offset version of the netCDF 3 file format,\n which fully supports 2+ GB files, but is only compatible with\n clients linked against netCDF version 3.6.0 or later.\n * NETCDF3_CLASSIC: The classic netCDF 3 file format. It does not\n handle 2+ GB files very well.\n\n All formats are supported by the netCDF4-python library.\n scipy.io.netcdf only supports the last two formats.\n\n The default format is NETCDF4 if you are saving a file to disk and\n have the netCDF4-python library available. Otherwise, xarray falls\n back to using scipy to write netCDF files and defaults to the\n NETCDF3_64BIT format (scipy does not support netCDF4).\n groups : list of str, optional\n Paths to the netCDF4 group in each corresponding file to which to save\n datasets (only works for format='NETCDF4'). The groups will be created\n if necessary.\n engine : {'netcdf4', 'scipy', 'h5netcdf'}, optional\n Engine to use when writing netCDF files. If not provided, the\n default engine is chosen based on available dependencies, with a\n preference for 'netcdf4' if writing to a file on disk.\n See `Dataset.to_netcdf` for additional information.\n compute: boolean\n If true compute immediately, otherwise return a\n ``dask.delayed.Delayed`` object that can be computed later.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n Save a dataset into one netCDF per year of data:\n\n >>> years, datasets = zip(*ds.groupby('time.year'))\n >>> paths = ['%s.nc' % y for y in years]\n >>> xr.save_mfdataset(datasets, paths)\n \"\"\"\n if mode == \"w\" and len(set(paths)) < len(paths):\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot use mode='w' when writing multiple \" \"datasets to the same path\"\n )\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_save_mfdataset.for_obj_in_datasets__save_mfdataset.if_not_compute_.return.dask_delayed_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_save_mfdataset.for_obj_in_datasets__save_mfdataset.if_not_compute_.return.dask_delayed_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1190, "end_line": 1228, "span_ids": ["save_mfdataset"], "tokens": 287}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def save_mfdataset(\n datasets, paths, mode=\"w\", format=None, groups=None, engine=None, compute=True\n):\n # ... other code\n\n for obj in datasets:\n if not isinstance(obj, Dataset):\n raise TypeError(\n \"save_mfdataset only supports writing Dataset \"\n \"objects, received type %s\" % type(obj)\n )\n\n if groups is None:\n groups = [None] * len(datasets)\n\n if len({len(datasets), len(paths), len(groups)}) > 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"must supply lists of the same length for the \"\n \"datasets, paths and groups arguments to \"\n \"save_mfdataset\"\n )\n\n writers, stores = zip(\n *[\n to_netcdf(\n ds, path, mode, format, group, engine, compute=compute, multifile=True\n )\n for ds, path, group in zip(datasets, paths, groups)\n ]\n )\n\n try:\n writes = [w.sync(compute=compute) for w in writers]\n finally:\n if compute:\n for store in stores:\n store.close()\n\n if not compute:\n import dask\n\n return dask.delayed(\n [dask.delayed(_finalize_store)(w, s) for w, s in zip(writes, stores)]\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append__validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append.for_k_in_dataset_data_var.check_dtype_k_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append__validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append.for_k_in_dataset_data_var.check_dtype_k_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1231, "end_line": 1249, "span_ids": ["_validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append"], "tokens": 150}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append(dataset):\n \"\"\"DataArray.name and Dataset keys must be a string or None\"\"\"\n\n def check_dtype(var):\n if (\n not np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.number)\n and not coding.strings.is_unicode_dtype(var.dtype)\n and not var.dtype == object\n ):\n # and not re.match('^bytes[1-9]+$', var.dtype.name)):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Invalid dtype for data variable: {} \"\n \"dtype must be a subtype of number, \"\n \"a fixed sized string, a fixed size \"\n \"unicode string or an object\".format(var)\n )\n\n for k in dataset.data_vars.values():\n check_dtype(k)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__validate_append_dim_and_encoding__validate_append_dim_and_encoding.for_data_var_in_ds_to_app.if_data_var_in_ds_.if_data_var_in_encoding_k.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py__validate_append_dim_and_encoding__validate_append_dim_and_encoding.for_data_var_in_ds_to_app.if_data_var_in_ds_.if_data_var_in_encoding_k.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1252, "end_line": 1275, "span_ids": ["_validate_append_dim_and_encoding"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _validate_append_dim_and_encoding(\n ds_to_append, store, append_dim, encoding, **open_kwargs\n):\n try:\n ds = backends.zarr.open_zarr(store, **open_kwargs)\n except ValueError: # store empty\n return\n if append_dim:\n if append_dim not in ds.dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"{} not a valid dimension in the Dataset\".format(append_dim)\n )\n for data_var in ds_to_append:\n if data_var in ds:\n if append_dim is None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"variable '{}' already exists, but append_dim \"\n \"was not set\".format(data_var)\n )\n if data_var in encoding.keys():\n raise ValueError(\n \"variable '{}' already exists, but encoding was\"\n \"provided\".format(data_var)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_to_zarr_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/api.py_to_zarr_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/api.py", "file_name": "api.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1278, "end_line": 1335, "span_ids": ["to_zarr"], "tokens": 325}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def to_zarr(\n dataset,\n store=None,\n mode=None,\n synchronizer=None,\n group=None,\n encoding=None,\n compute=True,\n consolidated=False,\n append_dim=None,\n):\n \"\"\"This function creates an appropriate datastore for writing a dataset to\n a zarr ztore\n\n See `Dataset.to_zarr` for full API docs.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(store, Path):\n store = str(store)\n if encoding is None:\n encoding = {}\n\n # validate Dataset keys, DataArray names, and attr keys/values\n _validate_dataset_names(dataset)\n _validate_attrs(dataset)\n\n if mode == \"a\":\n _validate_datatypes_for_zarr_append(dataset)\n _validate_append_dim_and_encoding(\n dataset,\n store,\n append_dim,\n group=group,\n consolidated=consolidated,\n encoding=encoding,\n )\n\n zstore = backends.ZarrStore.open_group(\n store=store,\n mode=mode,\n synchronizer=synchronizer,\n group=group,\n consolidate_on_close=consolidated,\n )\n zstore.append_dim = append_dim\n writer = ArrayWriter()\n # TODO: figure out how to properly handle unlimited_dims\n dump_to_store(dataset, zstore, writer, encoding=encoding)\n writes = writer.sync(compute=compute)\n\n if compute:\n _finalize_store(writes, zstore)\n else:\n import dask\n\n return dask.delayed(_finalize_store)(writes, zstore)\n\n return zstore", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py_np_CfGribArrayWrapper._getitem.with_self_datastore_lock_.return.self_array_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py_np_CfGribArrayWrapper._getitem.with_self_datastore_lock_.return.self_array_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", "file_name": "cfgrib_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 29, "span_ids": ["impl", "CfGribArrayWrapper", "CfGribArrayWrapper._getitem", "CfGribArrayWrapper.__getitem__", "imports"], "tokens": 209}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import Variable\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.utils import Frozen, FrozenDict\nfrom .common import AbstractDataStore, BackendArray\nfrom .locks import SerializableLock, ensure_lock\n\n# FIXME: Add a dedicated lock, even if ecCodes is supposed to be thread-safe\n# in most circumstances. See:\n# https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/ECC/Frequently+Asked+Questions\nECCODES_LOCK = SerializableLock()\n\n\nclass CfGribArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n def __init__(self, datastore, array):\n self.datastore = datastore\n self.shape = array.shape\n self.dtype = array.dtype\n self.array = array\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return indexing.explicit_indexing_adapter(\n key, self.shape, indexing.IndexingSupport.OUTER, self._getitem\n )\n\n def _getitem(self, key):\n with self.datastore.lock:\n return self.array[key]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py_CfGribDataStore_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py_CfGribDataStore_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/cfgrib_.py", "file_name": "cfgrib_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 32, "end_line": 72, "span_ids": ["CfGribDataStore.open_store_variable", "CfGribDataStore", "CfGribDataStore.get_dimensions", "CfGribDataStore.get_variables", "CfGribDataStore.get_encoding", "CfGribDataStore.get_attrs"], "tokens": 278}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CfGribDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n \"\"\"\n Implements the ``xr.AbstractDataStore`` read-only API for a GRIB file.\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, filename, lock=None, **backend_kwargs):\n import cfgrib\n\n if lock is None:\n lock = ECCODES_LOCK\n self.lock = ensure_lock(lock)\n self.ds = cfgrib.open_file(filename, **backend_kwargs)\n\n def open_store_variable(self, name, var):\n if isinstance(var.data, np.ndarray):\n data = var.data\n else:\n wrapped_array = CfGribArrayWrapper(self, var.data)\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(wrapped_array)\n\n encoding = self.ds.encoding.copy()\n encoding[\"original_shape\"] = var.data.shape\n\n return Variable(var.dimensions, data, var.attributes, encoding)\n\n def get_variables(self):\n return FrozenDict(\n (k, self.open_store_variable(k, v)) for k, v in self.ds.variables.items()\n )\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n return Frozen(self.ds.attributes)\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n return Frozen(self.ds.dimensions)\n\n def get_encoding(self):\n dims = self.get_dimensions()\n encoding = {\"unlimited_dims\": {k for k, v in dims.items() if v is None}}\n return encoding", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_logging_find_root_and_group.return.ds_group": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_logging_find_root_and_group.return.ds_group", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 40, "span_ids": ["impl", "find_root_and_group", "_decode_variable_name", "imports", "_encode_variable_name"], "tokens": 215}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import logging\nimport time\nimport traceback\nimport warnings\nfrom collections.abc import Mapping\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom ..conventions import cf_encoder\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom ..core.utils import FrozenDict, NdimSizeLenMixin\n\n# Create a logger object, but don't add any handlers. Leave that to user code.\nlogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)\n\n\nNONE_VAR_NAME = \"__values__\"\n\n\ndef _encode_variable_name(name):\n if name is None:\n name = NONE_VAR_NAME\n return name\n\n\ndef _decode_variable_name(name):\n if name == NONE_VAR_NAME:\n name = None\n return name\n\n\ndef find_root_and_group(ds):\n \"\"\"Find the root and group name of a netCDF4/h5netcdf dataset.\"\"\"\n hierarchy = ()\n while ds.parent is not None:\n hierarchy = (ds.name,) + hierarchy\n ds = ds.parent\n group = \"/\" + \"/\".join(hierarchy)\n return ds, group", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_robust_getitem_BackendArray.__array__.return.np_asarray_self_key_dty": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_robust_getitem_BackendArray.__array__.return.np_asarray_self_key_dty", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 43, "end_line": 74, "span_ids": ["robust_getitem", "BackendArray.__array__", "BackendArray"], "tokens": 278}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def robust_getitem(array, key, catch=Exception, max_retries=6, initial_delay=500):\n \"\"\"\n Robustly index an array, using retry logic with exponential backoff if any\n of the errors ``catch`` are raised. The initial_delay is measured in ms.\n\n With the default settings, the maximum delay will be in the range of 32-64\n seconds.\n \"\"\"\n assert max_retries >= 0\n for n in range(max_retries + 1):\n try:\n return array[key]\n except catch:\n if n == max_retries:\n raise\n base_delay = initial_delay * 2 ** n\n next_delay = base_delay + np.random.randint(base_delay)\n msg = (\n \"getitem failed, waiting %s ms before trying again \"\n \"(%s tries remaining). Full traceback: %s\"\n % (next_delay, max_retries - n, traceback.format_exc())\n )\n logger.debug(msg)\n time.sleep(1e-3 * next_delay)\n\n\nclass BackendArray(NdimSizeLenMixin, indexing.ExplicitlyIndexed):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n key = indexing.BasicIndexer((slice(None),) * self.ndim)\n return np.asarray(self[key], dtype=dtype)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractDataStore_AbstractDataStore.load.return.variables_attributes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractDataStore_AbstractDataStore.load.return.variables_attributes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 77, "end_line": 126, "span_ids": ["AbstractDataStore", "AbstractDataStore.__iter__", "AbstractDataStore.get_dimensions", "AbstractDataStore.get_encoding", "AbstractDataStore.__getitem__", "AbstractDataStore.get_variables", "AbstractDataStore.__len__", "AbstractDataStore.load", "AbstractDataStore.get_attrs"], "tokens": 303}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractDataStore(Mapping):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __iter__(self):\n return iter(self.variables)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return self.variables[key]\n\n def __len__(self):\n return len(self.variables)\n\n def get_dimensions(self): # pragma: no cover\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def get_attrs(self): # pragma: no cover\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def get_variables(self): # pragma: no cover\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def get_encoding(self):\n return {}\n\n def load(self):\n \"\"\"\n This loads the variables and attributes simultaneously.\n A centralized loading function makes it easier to create\n data stores that do automatic encoding/decoding.\n\n For example::\n\n class SuffixAppendingDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n\n def load(self):\n variables, attributes = AbstractDataStore.load(self)\n variables = {'%s_suffix' % k: v\n for k, v in variables.items()}\n attributes = {'%s_suffix' % k: v\n for k, v in attributes.items()}\n return variables, attributes\n\n This function will be called anytime variables or attributes\n are requested, so care should be taken to make sure its fast.\n \"\"\"\n variables = FrozenDict(\n (_decode_variable_name(k), v) for k, v in self.get_variables().items()\n )\n attributes = FrozenDict(self.get_attrs())\n return variables, attributes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractDataStore.variables_AbstractDataStore.__exit__.self_close_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractDataStore.variables_AbstractDataStore.__exit__.self_close_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 128, "end_line": 167, "span_ids": ["AbstractDataStore.__enter__", "AbstractDataStore.attrs", "AbstractDataStore.dimensions", "AbstractDataStore.variables", "AbstractDataStore.close", "AbstractDataStore.__exit__"], "tokens": 245}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractDataStore(Mapping):\n\n @property\n def variables(self): # pragma: no cover\n warnings.warn(\n \"The ``variables`` property has been deprecated and \"\n \"will be removed in xarray v0.11.\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n variables, _ = self.load()\n return variables\n\n @property\n def attrs(self): # pragma: no cover\n warnings.warn(\n \"The ``attrs`` property has been deprecated and \"\n \"will be removed in xarray v0.11.\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n _, attrs = self.load()\n return attrs\n\n @property\n def dimensions(self): # pragma: no cover\n warnings.warn(\n \"The ``dimensions`` property has been deprecated and \"\n \"will be removed in xarray v0.11.\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n return self.get_dimensions()\n\n def close(self):\n pass\n\n def __enter__(self):\n return self\n\n def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):\n self.close()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_ArrayWriter_ArrayWriter.sync.if_self_sources_.return.delayed_store": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_ArrayWriter_ArrayWriter.sync.if_self_sources_.return.delayed_store", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 170, "end_line": 209, "span_ids": ["ArrayWriter.add", "ArrayWriter", "ArrayWriter.sync"], "tokens": 245}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ArrayWriter:\n __slots__ = (\"sources\", \"targets\", \"regions\", \"lock\")\n\n def __init__(self, lock=None):\n self.sources = []\n self.targets = []\n self.regions = []\n self.lock = lock\n\n def add(self, source, target, region=None):\n if isinstance(source, dask_array_type):\n self.sources.append(source)\n self.targets.append(target)\n self.regions.append(region)\n else:\n if region:\n target[region] = source\n else:\n target[...] = source\n\n def sync(self, compute=True):\n if self.sources:\n import dask.array as da\n\n # TODO: consider wrapping targets with dask.delayed, if this makes\n # for any discernable difference in perforance, e.g.,\n # targets = [dask.delayed(t) for t in self.targets]\n\n delayed_store = da.store(\n self.sources,\n self.targets,\n lock=self.lock,\n compute=compute,\n flush=True,\n regions=self.regions,\n )\n self.sources = []\n self.targets = []\n self.regions = []\n return delayed_store", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore_AbstractWritableDataStore.encode.return.variables_attributes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore_AbstractWritableDataStore.encode.return.variables_attributes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 212, "end_line": 234, "span_ids": ["AbstractWritableDataStore", "AbstractWritableDataStore.encode"], "tokens": 142}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractWritableDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def encode(self, variables, attributes):\n \"\"\"\n Encode the variables and attributes in this store\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (variable name / xr.Variable) pairs\n attributes : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (attribute name / attribute) pairs\n\n Returns\n -------\n variables : dict-like\n attributes : dict-like\n\n \"\"\"\n variables = {k: self.encode_variable(v) for k, v in variables.items()}\n attributes = {k: self.encode_attribute(v) for k, v in attributes.items()}\n return variables, attributes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore.encode_variable_AbstractWritableDataStore.store_dataset.self_store_dataset_datas": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore.encode_variable_AbstractWritableDataStore.store_dataset.self_store_dataset_datas", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 236, "end_line": 260, "span_ids": ["AbstractWritableDataStore.set_variable", "AbstractWritableDataStore.set_dimension", "AbstractWritableDataStore.set_attribute", "AbstractWritableDataStore.store_dataset", "AbstractWritableDataStore.encode_attribute", "AbstractWritableDataStore.encode_variable"], "tokens": 167}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractWritableDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n\n def encode_variable(self, v):\n \"\"\"encode one variable\"\"\"\n return v\n\n def encode_attribute(self, a):\n \"\"\"encode one attribute\"\"\"\n return a\n\n def set_dimension(self, d, l): # pragma: no cover\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def set_attribute(self, k, v): # pragma: no cover\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def set_variable(self, k, v): # pragma: no cover\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def store_dataset(self, dataset):\n \"\"\"\n in stores, variables are all variables AND coordinates\n in xarray.Dataset variables are variables NOT coordinates,\n so here we pass the whole dataset in instead of doing\n dataset.variables\n \"\"\"\n self.store(dataset, dataset.attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore.store_AbstractWritableDataStore.store.self_set_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore.store_AbstractWritableDataStore.store.self_set_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 262, "end_line": 299, "span_ids": ["AbstractWritableDataStore.store"], "tokens": 240}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractWritableDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n\n def store(\n self,\n variables,\n attributes,\n check_encoding_set=frozenset(),\n writer=None,\n unlimited_dims=None,\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Top level method for putting data on this store, this method:\n - encodes variables/attributes\n - sets dimensions\n - sets variables\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (variable name / xr.Variable) pairs\n attributes : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (attribute name / attribute) pairs\n check_encoding_set : list-like\n List of variables that should be checked for invalid encoding\n values\n writer : ArrayWriter\n unlimited_dims : list-like\n List of dimension names that should be treated as unlimited\n dimensions.\n \"\"\"\n if writer is None:\n writer = ArrayWriter()\n\n variables, attributes = self.encode(variables, attributes)\n\n self.set_attributes(attributes)\n self.set_dimensions(variables, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims)\n self.set_variables(\n variables, check_encoding_set, writer, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore.set_attributes_AbstractWritableDataStore.set_variables.for_vn_v_in_variables_it.writer_add_source_target": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore.set_attributes_AbstractWritableDataStore.set_variables.for_vn_v_in_variables_it.writer_add_source_target", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 301, "end_line": 339, "span_ids": ["AbstractWritableDataStore.set_attributes", "AbstractWritableDataStore.set_variables"], "tokens": 255}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractWritableDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n\n def set_attributes(self, attributes):\n \"\"\"\n This provides a centralized method to set the dataset attributes on the\n data store.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n attributes : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (attribute name / attribute) pairs\n \"\"\"\n for k, v in attributes.items():\n self.set_attribute(k, v)\n\n def set_variables(self, variables, check_encoding_set, writer, unlimited_dims=None):\n \"\"\"\n This provides a centralized method to set the variables on the data\n store.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (variable name / xr.Variable) pairs\n check_encoding_set : list-like\n List of variables that should be checked for invalid encoding\n values\n writer : ArrayWriter\n unlimited_dims : list-like\n List of dimension names that should be treated as unlimited\n dimensions.\n \"\"\"\n\n for vn, v in variables.items():\n name = _encode_variable_name(vn)\n check = vn in check_encoding_set\n target, source = self.prepare_variable(\n name, v, check, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims\n )\n\n writer.add(source, target)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore.set_dimensions_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/common.py_AbstractWritableDataStore.set_dimensions_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 341, "end_line": 386, "span_ids": ["WritableCFDataStore.encode", "AbstractWritableDataStore.set_dimensions", "WritableCFDataStore"], "tokens": 350}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractWritableDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n\n def set_dimensions(self, variables, unlimited_dims=None):\n \"\"\"\n This provides a centralized method to set the dimensions on the data\n store.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (variable name / xr.Variable) pairs\n unlimited_dims : list-like\n List of dimension names that should be treated as unlimited\n dimensions.\n \"\"\"\n if unlimited_dims is None:\n unlimited_dims = set()\n\n existing_dims = self.get_dimensions()\n\n dims = {}\n for v in unlimited_dims: # put unlimited_dims first\n dims[v] = None\n for v in variables.values():\n dims.update(dict(zip(v.dims, v.shape)))\n\n for dim, length in dims.items():\n if dim in existing_dims and length != existing_dims[dim]:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Unable to update size for existing dimension\"\n \"%r (%d != %d)\" % (dim, length, existing_dims[dim])\n )\n elif dim not in existing_dims:\n is_unlimited = dim in unlimited_dims\n self.set_dimension(dim, length, is_unlimited)\n\n\nclass WritableCFDataStore(AbstractWritableDataStore):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def encode(self, variables, attributes):\n # All NetCDF files get CF encoded by default, without this attempting\n # to write times, for example, would fail.\n variables, attributes = cf_encoder(variables, attributes)\n variables = {k: self.encode_variable(v) for k, v in variables.items()}\n attributes = {k: self.encode_attribute(v) for k, v in attributes.items()}\n return variables, attributes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_contextlib__DEFAULT_MODE.utils_ReprObject_unused": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_contextlib__DEFAULT_MODE.utils_ReprObject_unused", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 21, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports"], "tokens": 139}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import contextlib\nimport io\nimport threading\nimport warnings\nfrom typing import Any, Dict, cast\n\nfrom ..core import utils\nfrom ..core.options import OPTIONS\nfrom .locks import acquire\nfrom .lru_cache import LRUCache\n\n# Global cache for storing open files.\nFILE_CACHE: LRUCache[str, io.IOBase] = LRUCache(\n maxsize=cast(int, OPTIONS[\"file_cache_maxsize\"]), on_evict=lambda k, v: v.close()\n)\nassert FILE_CACHE.maxsize, \"file cache must be at least size one\"\n\n\nREF_COUNTS: Dict[Any, int] = {}\n\n_DEFAULT_MODE = utils.ReprObject(\"\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_FileManager_FileManager.close.raise_NotImplementedError": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_FileManager_FileManager.close.raise_NotImplementedError", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 24, "end_line": 47, "span_ids": ["FileManager.close", "FileManager", "FileManager.acquire_context", "FileManager.acquire"], "tokens": 182}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FileManager:\n \"\"\"Manager for acquiring and closing a file object.\n\n Use FileManager subclasses (CachingFileManager in particular) on backend\n storage classes to automatically handle issues related to keeping track of\n many open files and transferring them between multiple processes.\n \"\"\"\n\n def acquire(self, needs_lock=True):\n \"\"\"Acquire the file object from this manager.\"\"\"\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def acquire_context(self, needs_lock=True):\n \"\"\"Context manager for acquiring a file. Yields a file object.\n\n The context manager unwinds any actions taken as part of acquisition\n (i.e., removes it from any cache) if an exception is raised from the\n context. It *does not* automatically close the file.\n \"\"\"\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def close(self, needs_lock=True):\n \"\"\"Close the file object associated with this manager, if needed.\"\"\"\n raise NotImplementedError()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager_CachingFileManager._Wrapper_for_automatica": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager_CachingFileManager._Wrapper_for_automatica", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 50, "end_line": 76, "span_ids": ["CachingFileManager"], "tokens": 200}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CachingFileManager(FileManager):\n \"\"\"Wrapper for automatically opening and closing file objects.\n\n Unlike files, CachingFileManager objects can be safely pickled and passed\n between processes. They should be explicitly closed to release resources,\n but a per-process least-recently-used cache for open files ensures that you\n can safely create arbitrarily large numbers of FileManager objects.\n\n Don't directly close files acquired from a FileManager. Instead, call\n FileManager.close(), which ensures that closed files are removed from the\n cache as well.\n\n Example usage:\n\n manager = FileManager(open, 'example.txt', mode='w')\n f = manager.acquire()\n f.write(...)\n manager.close() # ensures file is closed\n\n Note that as long as previous files are still cached, acquiring a file\n multiple times from the same FileManager is essentially free:\n\n f1 = manager.acquire()\n f2 = manager.acquire()\n assert f1 is f2\n\n \"\"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager.__init___CachingFileManager._optional_lock.if_needs_lock_.else_.yield": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager.__init___CachingFileManager._optional_lock.if_needs_lock_.else_.yield", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 78, "end_line": 164, "span_ids": ["CachingFileManager._make_key", "CachingFileManager._optional_lock", "CachingFileManager"], "tokens": 719}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CachingFileManager(FileManager):\n\n def __init__(\n self,\n opener,\n *args,\n mode=_DEFAULT_MODE,\n kwargs=None,\n lock=None,\n cache=None,\n ref_counts=None\n ):\n \"\"\"Initialize a FileManager.\n\n The cache and ref_counts arguments exist solely to facilitate\n dependency injection, and should only be set for tests.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n opener : callable\n Function that when called like ``opener(*args, **kwargs)`` returns\n an open file object. The file object must implement a ``close()``\n method.\n *args\n Positional arguments for opener. A ``mode`` argument should be\n provided as a keyword argument (see below). All arguments must be\n hashable.\n mode : optional\n If provided, passed as a keyword argument to ``opener`` along with\n ``**kwargs``. ``mode='w' `` has special treatment: after the first\n call it is replaced by ``mode='a'`` in all subsequent function to\n avoid overriding the newly created file.\n kwargs : dict, optional\n Keyword arguments for opener, excluding ``mode``. All values must\n be hashable.\n lock : duck-compatible threading.Lock, optional\n Lock to use when modifying the cache inside acquire() and close().\n By default, uses a new threading.Lock() object. If set, this object\n should be pickleable.\n cache : MutableMapping, optional\n Mapping to use as a cache for open files. By default, uses xarray's\n global LRU file cache. Because ``cache`` typically points to a\n global variable and contains non-picklable file objects, an\n unpickled FileManager objects will be restored with the default\n cache.\n ref_counts : dict, optional\n Optional dict to use for keeping track the number of references to\n the same file.\n \"\"\"\n self._opener = opener\n self._args = args\n self._mode = mode\n self._kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else dict(kwargs)\n\n self._default_lock = lock is None or lock is False\n self._lock = threading.Lock() if self._default_lock else lock\n\n # cache[self._key] stores the file associated with this object.\n if cache is None:\n cache = FILE_CACHE\n self._cache = cache\n self._key = self._make_key()\n\n # ref_counts[self._key] stores the number of CachingFileManager objects\n # in memory referencing this same file. We use this to know if we can\n # close a file when the manager is deallocated.\n if ref_counts is None:\n ref_counts = REF_COUNTS\n self._ref_counter = _RefCounter(ref_counts)\n self._ref_counter.increment(self._key)\n\n def _make_key(self):\n \"\"\"Make a key for caching files in the LRU cache.\"\"\"\n value = (\n self._opener,\n self._args,\n \"a\" if self._mode == \"w\" else self._mode,\n tuple(sorted(self._kwargs.items())),\n )\n return _HashedSequence(value)\n\n @contextlib.contextmanager\n def _optional_lock(self, needs_lock):\n \"\"\"Context manager for optionally acquiring a lock.\"\"\"\n if needs_lock:\n with self._lock:\n yield\n else:\n yield", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager.acquire_CachingFileManager.acquire_context.try_.except_Exception_.raise": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager.acquire_CachingFileManager.acquire_context.try_.except_Exception_.raise", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 166, "end_line": 192, "span_ids": ["CachingFileManager.acquire", "CachingFileManager.acquire_context"], "tokens": 207}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CachingFileManager(FileManager):\n\n def acquire(self, needs_lock=True):\n \"\"\"Acquire a file object from the manager.\n\n A new file is only opened if it has expired from the\n least-recently-used cache.\n\n This method uses a lock, which ensures that it is thread-safe. You can\n safely acquire a file in multiple threads at the same time, as long as\n the underlying file object is thread-safe.\n\n Returns\n -------\n An open file object, as returned by ``opener(*args, **kwargs)``.\n \"\"\"\n file, _ = self._acquire_with_cache_info(needs_lock)\n return file\n\n @contextlib.contextmanager\n def acquire_context(self, needs_lock=True):\n \"\"\"Context manager for acquiring a file.\"\"\"\n file, cached = self._acquire_with_cache_info(needs_lock)\n try:\n yield file\n except Exception:\n if not cached:\n self.close(needs_lock)\n raise", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager._acquire_with_cache_info_CachingFileManager.close.with_self__optional_lock_.if_file_is_not_None_.file_close_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager._acquire_with_cache_info_CachingFileManager.close.with_self__optional_lock_.if_file_is_not_None_.file_close_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 194, "end_line": 221, "span_ids": ["CachingFileManager._acquire_with_cache_info", "CachingFileManager.close"], "tokens": 270}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CachingFileManager(FileManager):\n\n def _acquire_with_cache_info(self, needs_lock=True):\n \"\"\"Acquire a file, returning the file and whether it was cached.\"\"\"\n with self._optional_lock(needs_lock):\n try:\n file = self._cache[self._key]\n except KeyError:\n kwargs = self._kwargs\n if self._mode is not _DEFAULT_MODE:\n kwargs = kwargs.copy()\n kwargs[\"mode\"] = self._mode\n file = self._opener(*self._args, **kwargs)\n if self._mode == \"w\":\n # ensure file doesn't get overriden when opened again\n self._mode = \"a\"\n self._cache[self._key] = file\n return file, False\n else:\n return file, True\n\n def close(self, needs_lock=True):\n \"\"\"Explicitly close any associated file object (if necessary).\"\"\"\n # TODO: remove needs_lock if/when we have a reentrant lock in\n # dask.distributed: https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/3832\n with self._optional_lock(needs_lock):\n default = None\n file = self._cache.pop(self._key, default)\n if file is not None:\n file.close()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager.__del___CachingFileManager.__del__.if_not_ref_count_and_self.if_OPTIONS_warn_for_uncl.warnings_warn_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager.__del___CachingFileManager.__del__.if_not_ref_count_and_self.if_OPTIONS_warn_for_uncl.warnings_warn_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 223, "end_line": 253, "span_ids": ["CachingFileManager.__del__"], "tokens": 322}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CachingFileManager(FileManager):\n\n def __del__(self):\n # If we're the only CachingFileManger referencing a unclosed file, we\n # should remove it from the cache upon garbage collection.\n #\n # Keeping our own count of file references might seem like overkill,\n # but it's actually pretty common to reopen files with the same\n # variable name in a notebook or command line environment, e.g., to\n # fix the parameters used when opening a file:\n # >>> ds = xarray.open_dataset('myfile.nc')\n # >>> ds = xarray.open_dataset('myfile.nc', decode_times=False)\n # This second assignment to \"ds\" drops CPython's ref-count on the first\n # \"ds\" argument to zero, which can trigger garbage collections. So if\n # we didn't check whether another object is referencing 'myfile.nc',\n # the newly opened file would actually be immediately closed!\n ref_count = self._ref_counter.decrement(self._key)\n\n if not ref_count and self._key in self._cache:\n if acquire(self._lock, blocking=False):\n # Only close files if we can do so immediately.\n try:\n self.close(needs_lock=False)\n finally:\n self._lock.release()\n\n if OPTIONS[\"warn_for_unclosed_files\"]:\n warnings.warn(\n \"deallocating {}, but file is not already closed. \"\n \"This may indicate a bug.\".format(self),\n RuntimeWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager.__getstate___CachingFileManager.__repr__.return._r_kwargs_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py_CachingFileManager.__getstate___CachingFileManager.__repr__.return._r_kwargs_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 255, "end_line": 273, "span_ids": ["CachingFileManager.__getstate__", "CachingFileManager.__setstate__", "CachingFileManager.__repr__"], "tokens": 217}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CachingFileManager(FileManager):\n\n def __getstate__(self):\n \"\"\"State for pickling.\"\"\"\n # cache and ref_counts are intentionally omitted: we don't want to try\n # to serialize these global objects.\n lock = None if self._default_lock else self._lock\n return (self._opener, self._args, self._mode, self._kwargs, lock)\n\n def __setstate__(self, state):\n \"\"\"Restore from a pickle.\"\"\"\n opener, args, mode, kwargs, lock = state\n self.__init__(opener, *args, mode=mode, kwargs=kwargs, lock=lock)\n\n def __repr__(self):\n args_string = \", \".join(map(repr, self._args))\n if self._mode is not _DEFAULT_MODE:\n args_string += \", mode={!r}\".format(self._mode)\n return \"{}({!r}, {}, kwargs={})\".format(\n type(self).__name__, self._opener, args_string, self._kwargs\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py__RefCounter__RefCounter.decrement.return.count": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py__RefCounter__RefCounter.decrement.return.count", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 276, "end_line": 295, "span_ids": ["_RefCounter", "_RefCounter.increment", "_RefCounter.decrement"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class _RefCounter:\n \"\"\"Class for keeping track of reference counts.\"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, counts):\n self._counts = counts\n self._lock = threading.Lock()\n\n def increment(self, name):\n with self._lock:\n count = self._counts[name] = self._counts.get(name, 0) + 1\n return count\n\n def decrement(self, name):\n with self._lock:\n count = self._counts[name] - 1\n if count:\n self._counts[name] = count\n else:\n del self._counts[name]\n return count", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py__HashedSequence_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/file_manager.py__HashedSequence_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/file_manager.py", "file_name": "file_manager.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 298, "end_line": 334, "span_ids": ["DummyFileManager.close", "_HashedSequence", "DummyFileManager", "DummyFileManager.acquire_context", "_HashedSequence.__hash__", "DummyFileManager.acquire"], "tokens": 206}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class _HashedSequence(list):\n \"\"\"Speedup repeated look-ups by caching hash values.\n\n Based on what Python uses internally in functools.lru_cache.\n\n Python doesn't perform this optimization automatically:\n https://bugs.python.org/issue1462796\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, tuple_value):\n self[:] = tuple_value\n self.hashvalue = hash(tuple_value)\n\n def __hash__(self):\n return self.hashvalue\n\n\nclass DummyFileManager(FileManager):\n \"\"\"FileManager that simply wraps an open file in the FileManager interface.\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, value):\n self._value = value\n\n def acquire(self, needs_lock=True):\n del needs_lock # ignored\n return self._value\n\n @contextlib.contextmanager\n def acquire_context(self, needs_lock=True):\n del needs_lock\n yield self._value\n\n def close(self, needs_lock=True):\n del needs_lock # ignored\n self._value.close()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_functools_BaseNetCDF4Array": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_functools_BaseNetCDF4Array", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", "file_name": "h5netcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 17, "span_ids": ["imports"], "tokens": 109}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import functools\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import Variable\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.utils import FrozenDict\nfrom .common import WritableCFDataStore\nfrom .file_manager import CachingFileManager\nfrom .locks import HDF5_LOCK, combine_locks, ensure_lock, get_write_lock\nfrom .netCDF4_ import (\n BaseNetCDF4Array,\n _encode_nc4_variable,\n _extract_nc4_variable_encoding,\n _get_datatype,\n _nc4_require_group,\n)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFArrayWrapper_H5NetCDFArrayWrapper._getitem.with_self_datastore_lock_.return.array_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFArrayWrapper_H5NetCDFArrayWrapper._getitem.with_self_datastore_lock_.return.array_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", "file_name": "h5netcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 20, "end_line": 37, "span_ids": ["H5NetCDFArrayWrapper", "H5NetCDFArrayWrapper.get_array", "H5NetCDFArrayWrapper.__getitem__", "H5NetCDFArrayWrapper._getitem"], "tokens": 169}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class H5NetCDFArrayWrapper(BaseNetCDF4Array):\n def get_array(self, needs_lock=True):\n ds = self.datastore._acquire(needs_lock)\n variable = ds.variables[self.variable_name]\n return variable\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return indexing.explicit_indexing_adapter(\n key, self.shape, indexing.IndexingSupport.OUTER_1VECTOR, self._getitem\n )\n\n def _getitem(self, key):\n # h5py requires using lists for fancy indexing:\n # https://github.com/h5py/h5py/issues/992\n key = tuple(list(k) if isinstance(k, np.ndarray) else k for k in key)\n with self.datastore.lock:\n array = self.get_array(needs_lock=False)\n return array[key]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_maybe_decode_bytes__h5netcdf_create_group.return.dataset_create_group_name": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_maybe_decode_bytes__h5netcdf_create_group.return.dataset_create_group_name", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", "file_name": "h5netcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 40, "end_line": 65, "span_ids": ["impl", "maybe_decode_bytes", "_read_attributes", "_h5netcdf_create_group"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def maybe_decode_bytes(txt):\n if isinstance(txt, bytes):\n return txt.decode(\"utf-8\")\n else:\n return txt\n\n\ndef _read_attributes(h5netcdf_var):\n # GH451\n # to ensure conventions decoding works properly on Python 3, decode all\n # bytes attributes to strings\n attrs = {}\n for k, v in h5netcdf_var.attrs.items():\n if k not in [\"_FillValue\", \"missing_value\"]:\n v = maybe_decode_bytes(v)\n attrs[k] = v\n return attrs\n\n\n_extract_h5nc_encoding = functools.partial(\n _extract_nc4_variable_encoding, lsd_okay=False, h5py_okay=True, backend=\"h5netcdf\"\n)\n\n\ndef _h5netcdf_create_group(dataset, name):\n return dataset.create_group(name)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFStore_H5NetCDFStore.ds.return.self__acquire_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFStore_H5NetCDFStore.ds.return.self__acquire_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", "file_name": "h5netcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 68, "end_line": 115, "span_ids": ["H5NetCDFStore", "H5NetCDFStore.ds", "H5NetCDFStore._acquire"], "tokens": 306}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class H5NetCDFStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n \"\"\"Store for reading and writing data via h5netcdf\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(\n self,\n filename,\n mode=\"r\",\n format=None,\n group=None,\n lock=None,\n autoclose=False,\n invalid_netcdf=None,\n ):\n import h5netcdf\n\n if format not in [None, \"NETCDF4\"]:\n raise ValueError(\"invalid format for h5netcdf backend\")\n\n kwargs = {\"invalid_netcdf\": invalid_netcdf}\n\n self._manager = CachingFileManager(\n h5netcdf.File, filename, mode=mode, kwargs=kwargs\n )\n\n if lock is None:\n if mode == \"r\":\n lock = HDF5_LOCK\n else:\n lock = combine_locks([HDF5_LOCK, get_write_lock(filename)])\n\n self._group = group\n self.format = format\n self._filename = filename\n self._mode = mode\n self.lock = ensure_lock(lock)\n self.autoclose = autoclose\n\n def _acquire(self, needs_lock=True):\n with self._manager.acquire_context(needs_lock) as root:\n ds = _nc4_require_group(\n root, self._group, self._mode, create_group=_h5netcdf_create_group\n )\n return ds\n\n @property\n def ds(self):\n return self._acquire()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFStore.open_store_variable_H5NetCDFStore.open_store_variable.return.Variable_dimensions_data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFStore.open_store_variable_H5NetCDFStore.open_store_variable.return.Variable_dimensions_data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", "file_name": "h5netcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 117, "end_line": 152, "span_ids": ["H5NetCDFStore.open_store_variable"], "tokens": 315}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class H5NetCDFStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n\n def open_store_variable(self, name, var):\n import h5py\n\n dimensions = var.dimensions\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(H5NetCDFArrayWrapper(name, self))\n attrs = _read_attributes(var)\n\n # netCDF4 specific encoding\n encoding = {\n \"chunksizes\": var.chunks,\n \"fletcher32\": var.fletcher32,\n \"shuffle\": var.shuffle,\n }\n # Convert h5py-style compression options to NetCDF4-Python\n # style, if possible\n if var.compression == \"gzip\":\n encoding[\"zlib\"] = True\n encoding[\"complevel\"] = var.compression_opts\n elif var.compression is not None:\n encoding[\"compression\"] = var.compression\n encoding[\"compression_opts\"] = var.compression_opts\n\n # save source so __repr__ can detect if it's local or not\n encoding[\"source\"] = self._filename\n encoding[\"original_shape\"] = var.shape\n\n vlen_dtype = h5py.check_dtype(vlen=var.dtype)\n if vlen_dtype is str:\n encoding[\"dtype\"] = str\n elif vlen_dtype is not None: # pragma: no cover\n # xarray doesn't support writing arbitrary vlen dtypes yet.\n pass\n else:\n encoding[\"dtype\"] = var.dtype\n\n return Variable(dimensions, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFStore.get_variables_H5NetCDFStore.encode_variable.return._encode_nc4_variable_vari": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFStore.get_variables_H5NetCDFStore.encode_variable.return._encode_nc4_variable_vari", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", "file_name": "h5netcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 154, "end_line": 183, "span_ids": ["H5NetCDFStore.get_dimensions", "H5NetCDFStore.get_variables", "H5NetCDFStore.encode_variable", "H5NetCDFStore.get_encoding", "H5NetCDFStore.get_attrs", "H5NetCDFStore.set_dimension", "H5NetCDFStore.set_attribute"], "tokens": 204}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class H5NetCDFStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n\n def get_variables(self):\n return FrozenDict(\n (k, self.open_store_variable(k, v)) for k, v in self.ds.variables.items()\n )\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n return FrozenDict(_read_attributes(self.ds))\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n return self.ds.dimensions\n\n def get_encoding(self):\n encoding = {}\n encoding[\"unlimited_dims\"] = {\n k for k, v in self.ds.dimensions.items() if v is None\n }\n return encoding\n\n def set_dimension(self, name, length, is_unlimited=False):\n if is_unlimited:\n self.ds.dimensions[name] = None\n self.ds.resize_dimension(name, length)\n else:\n self.ds.dimensions[name] = length\n\n def set_attribute(self, key, value):\n self.ds.attrs[key] = value\n\n def encode_variable(self, variable):\n return _encode_nc4_variable(variable)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFStore.prepare_variable_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py_H5NetCDFStore.prepare_variable_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/h5netcdf_.py", "file_name": "h5netcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 185, "end_line": 265, "span_ids": ["H5NetCDFStore.prepare_variable", "H5NetCDFStore.close", "H5NetCDFStore.sync"], "tokens": 607}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class H5NetCDFStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n\n def prepare_variable(\n self, name, variable, check_encoding=False, unlimited_dims=None\n ):\n import h5py\n\n attrs = variable.attrs.copy()\n dtype = _get_datatype(variable, raise_on_invalid_encoding=check_encoding)\n\n fillvalue = attrs.pop(\"_FillValue\", None)\n if dtype is str and fillvalue is not None:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"h5netcdf does not yet support setting a fill value for \"\n \"variable-length strings \"\n \"(https://github.com/shoyer/h5netcdf/issues/37). \"\n \"Either remove '_FillValue' from encoding on variable %r \"\n \"or set {'dtype': 'S1'} in encoding to use the fixed width \"\n \"NC_CHAR type.\" % name\n )\n\n if dtype is str:\n dtype = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)\n\n encoding = _extract_h5nc_encoding(variable, raise_on_invalid=check_encoding)\n kwargs = {}\n\n # Convert from NetCDF4-Python style compression settings to h5py style\n # If both styles are used together, h5py takes precedence\n # If set_encoding=True, raise ValueError in case of mismatch\n if encoding.pop(\"zlib\", False):\n if check_encoding and encoding.get(\"compression\") not in (None, \"gzip\"):\n raise ValueError(\"'zlib' and 'compression' encodings mismatch\")\n encoding.setdefault(\"compression\", \"gzip\")\n\n if (\n check_encoding\n and \"complevel\" in encoding\n and \"compression_opts\" in encoding\n and encoding[\"complevel\"] != encoding[\"compression_opts\"]\n ):\n raise ValueError(\"'complevel' and 'compression_opts' encodings \" \"mismatch\")\n complevel = encoding.pop(\"complevel\", 0)\n if complevel != 0:\n encoding.setdefault(\"compression_opts\", complevel)\n\n encoding[\"chunks\"] = encoding.pop(\"chunksizes\", None)\n\n # Do not apply compression, filters or chunking to scalars.\n if variable.shape:\n for key in [\n \"compression\",\n \"compression_opts\",\n \"shuffle\",\n \"chunks\",\n \"fletcher32\",\n ]:\n if key in encoding:\n kwargs[key] = encoding[key]\n if name not in self.ds:\n nc4_var = self.ds.create_variable(\n name,\n dtype=dtype,\n dimensions=variable.dims,\n fillvalue=fillvalue,\n **kwargs\n )\n else:\n nc4_var = self.ds[name]\n\n for k, v in attrs.items():\n nc4_var.attrs[k] = v\n\n target = H5NetCDFArrayWrapper(name, self)\n\n return target, variable.data\n\n def sync(self):\n self.ds.sync()\n\n def close(self, **kwargs):\n self._manager.close(**kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py_multiprocessing__get_lock_maker.return._LOCK_MAKERS_scheduler_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py_multiprocessing__get_lock_maker.return._LOCK_MAKERS_scheduler_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/locks.py", "file_name": "locks.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 62, "span_ids": ["imports:5", "impl", "imports:6", "impl:2", "_get_multiprocessing_lock", "_get_lock_maker", "impl:6", "_get_threaded_lock", "impl:15", "imports"], "tokens": 334}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import multiprocessing\nimport threading\nimport weakref\nfrom typing import Any, MutableMapping\n\ntry:\n from dask.utils import SerializableLock\nexcept ImportError:\n # no need to worry about serializing the lock\n SerializableLock = threading.Lock\n\ntry:\n from dask.distributed import Lock as DistributedLock\nexcept ImportError:\n DistributedLock = None\n\n\n# Locks used by multiple backends.\n# Neither HDF5 nor the netCDF-C library are thread-safe.\nHDF5_LOCK = SerializableLock()\nNETCDFC_LOCK = SerializableLock()\n\n\n_FILE_LOCKS: MutableMapping[Any, threading.Lock] = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()\n\n\ndef _get_threaded_lock(key):\n try:\n lock = _FILE_LOCKS[key]\n except KeyError:\n lock = _FILE_LOCKS[key] = threading.Lock()\n return lock\n\n\ndef _get_multiprocessing_lock(key):\n # TODO: make use of the key -- maybe use locket.py?\n # https://github.com/mwilliamson/locket.py\n del key # unused\n return multiprocessing.Lock()\n\n\n_LOCK_MAKERS = {\n None: _get_threaded_lock,\n \"threaded\": _get_threaded_lock,\n \"multiprocessing\": _get_multiprocessing_lock,\n \"distributed\": DistributedLock,\n}\n\n\ndef _get_lock_maker(scheduler=None):\n \"\"\"Returns an appropriate function for creating resource locks.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n scheduler : str or None\n Dask scheduler being used.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.utils.get_scheduler_lock\n \"\"\"\n return _LOCK_MAKERS[scheduler]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py__get_scheduler_get_write_lock.return.lock_maker_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py__get_scheduler_get_write_lock.return.lock_maker_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/locks.py", "file_name": "locks.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 65, "end_line": 109, "span_ids": ["get_write_lock", "_get_scheduler"], "tokens": 240}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_scheduler(get=None, collection=None):\n \"\"\"Determine the dask scheduler that is being used.\n\n None is returned if no dask scheduler is active.\n\n See also\n --------\n dask.base.get_scheduler\n \"\"\"\n try:\n import dask # noqa: F401\n except ImportError:\n return None\n\n actual_get = dask.base.get_scheduler(get, collection)\n\n try:\n from dask.distributed import Client\n\n if isinstance(actual_get.__self__, Client):\n return \"distributed\"\n except (ImportError, AttributeError):\n pass\n\n if actual_get is dask.multiprocessing.get:\n return \"multiprocessing\"\n else:\n return \"threaded\"\n\n\ndef get_write_lock(key):\n \"\"\"Get a scheduler appropriate lock for writing to the given resource.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n key : str\n Name of the resource for which to acquire a lock. Typically a filename.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Lock object that can be used like a threading.Lock object.\n \"\"\"\n scheduler = _get_scheduler()\n lock_maker = _get_lock_maker(scheduler)\n return lock_maker(key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py_acquire_acquire.if_blocking_.else_.return.lock_acquire_blocking_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py_acquire_acquire.if_blocking_.else_.return.lock_acquire_blocking_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/locks.py", "file_name": "locks.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 112, "end_line": 130, "span_ids": ["acquire"], "tokens": 172}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def acquire(lock, blocking=True):\n \"\"\"Acquire a lock, possibly in a non-blocking fashion.\n\n Includes backwards compatibility hacks for old versions of Python, dask\n and dask-distributed.\n \"\"\"\n if blocking:\n # no arguments needed\n return lock.acquire()\n elif DistributedLock is not None and isinstance(lock, DistributedLock):\n # distributed.Lock doesn't support the blocking argument yet:\n # https://github.com/dask/distributed/pull/2412\n return lock.acquire(timeout=0)\n else:\n # \"blocking\" keyword argument not supported for:\n # - threading.Lock on Python 2.\n # - dask.SerializableLock with dask v1.0.0 or earlier.\n # - multiprocessing.Lock calls the argument \"block\" instead.\n return lock.acquire(blocking)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py_CombinedLock_CombinedLock.__repr__.return._CombinedLock_r_list": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py_CombinedLock_CombinedLock.__repr__.return._CombinedLock_r_list", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/locks.py", "file_name": "locks.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 133, "end_line": 162, "span_ids": ["CombinedLock", "CombinedLock.__exit__", "CombinedLock.locked", "CombinedLock.release", "CombinedLock.__enter__", "CombinedLock.__repr__", "CombinedLock.acquire"], "tokens": 187}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CombinedLock:\n \"\"\"A combination of multiple locks.\n\n Like a locked door, a CombinedLock is locked if any of its constituent\n locks are locked.\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, locks):\n self.locks = tuple(set(locks)) # remove duplicates\n\n def acquire(self, blocking=True):\n return all(acquire(lock, blocking=blocking) for lock in self.locks)\n\n def release(self):\n for lock in self.locks:\n lock.release()\n\n def __enter__(self):\n for lock in self.locks:\n lock.__enter__()\n\n def __exit__(self, *args):\n for lock in self.locks:\n lock.__exit__(*args)\n\n def locked(self):\n return any(lock.locked for lock in self.locks)\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"CombinedLock(%r)\" % list(self.locks)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py_DummyLock_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/locks.py_DummyLock_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/locks.py", "file_name": "locks.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 165, "end_line": 207, "span_ids": ["DummyLock.__enter__", "DummyLock.acquire", "DummyLock.release", "ensure_lock", "combine_locks", "DummyLock.__exit__", "DummyLock.locked", "DummyLock"], "tokens": 216}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DummyLock:\n \"\"\"DummyLock provides the lock API without any actual locking.\"\"\"\n\n def acquire(self, blocking=True):\n pass\n\n def release(self):\n pass\n\n def __enter__(self):\n pass\n\n def __exit__(self, *args):\n pass\n\n def locked(self):\n return False\n\n\ndef combine_locks(locks):\n \"\"\"Combine a sequence of locks into a single lock.\"\"\"\n all_locks = []\n for lock in locks:\n if isinstance(lock, CombinedLock):\n all_locks.extend(lock.locks)\n elif lock is not None:\n all_locks.append(lock)\n\n num_locks = len(all_locks)\n if num_locks > 1:\n return CombinedLock(all_locks)\n elif num_locks == 1:\n return all_locks[0]\n else:\n return DummyLock()\n\n\ndef ensure_lock(lock):\n \"\"\"Ensure that the given object is a lock.\"\"\"\n if lock is None or lock is False:\n return DummyLock()\n return lock", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/lru_cache.py_threading_LRUCache._enforce_size_limit.while_len_self__cache_.if_self__on_evict_is_not_.self__on_evict_key_value": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/lru_cache.py_threading_LRUCache._enforce_size_limit.while_len_self__cache_.if_self__on_evict_is_not_.self__on_evict_key_value", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", "file_name": "lru_cache.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 63, "span_ids": ["impl", "LRUCache.__getitem__", "LRUCache._enforce_size_limit", "imports", "LRUCache"], "tokens": 563}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import threading\nfrom collections import OrderedDict\nfrom typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, MutableMapping, Optional, TypeVar\n\nK = TypeVar(\"K\")\nV = TypeVar(\"V\")\n\n\nclass LRUCache(MutableMapping[K, V]):\n \"\"\"Thread-safe LRUCache based on an OrderedDict.\n\n All dict operations (__getitem__, __setitem__, __contains__) update the\n priority of the relevant key and take O(1) time. The dict is iterated over\n in order from the oldest to newest key, which means that a complete pass\n over the dict should not affect the order of any entries.\n\n When a new item is set and the maximum size of the cache is exceeded, the\n oldest item is dropped and called with ``on_evict(key, value)``.\n\n The ``maxsize`` property can be used to view or adjust the capacity of\n the cache, e.g., ``cache.maxsize = new_size``.\n \"\"\"\n\n _cache: \"OrderedDict[K, V]\"\n _maxsize: int\n _lock: threading.RLock\n _on_evict: Optional[Callable[[K, V], Any]]\n\n __slots__ = (\"_cache\", \"_lock\", \"_maxsize\", \"_on_evict\")\n\n def __init__(self, maxsize: int, on_evict: Callable[[K, V], Any] = None):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n maxsize : int\n Integer maximum number of items to hold in the cache.\n on_evict: callable, optional\n Function to call like ``on_evict(key, value)`` when items are\n evicted.\n \"\"\"\n if not isinstance(maxsize, int):\n raise TypeError(\"maxsize must be an integer\")\n if maxsize < 0:\n raise ValueError(\"maxsize must be non-negative\")\n self._maxsize = maxsize\n self._cache = OrderedDict()\n self._lock = threading.RLock()\n self._on_evict = on_evict\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: K) -> V:\n # record recent use of the key by moving it to the front of the list\n with self._lock:\n value = self._cache[key]\n self._cache.move_to_end(key)\n return value\n\n def _enforce_size_limit(self, capacity: int) -> None:\n \"\"\"Shrink the cache if necessary, evicting the oldest items.\n \"\"\"\n while len(self._cache) > capacity:\n key, value = self._cache.popitem(last=False)\n if self._on_evict is not None:\n self._on_evict(key, value)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/lru_cache.py_LRUCache.__setitem___LRUCache.__setitem__.with_self__lock_.if_key_in_self__cache_.elif_self__on_evict_is_no.self__on_evict_key_value": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/lru_cache.py_LRUCache.__setitem___LRUCache.__setitem__.with_self__lock_.if_key_in_self__cache_.elif_self__on_evict_is_no.self__on_evict_key_value", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", "file_name": "lru_cache.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 65, "end_line": 77, "span_ids": ["LRUCache.__setitem__"], "tokens": 139}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class LRUCache(MutableMapping[K, V]):\n\n def __setitem__(self, key: K, value: V) -> None:\n with self._lock:\n if key in self._cache:\n # insert the new value at the end\n del self._cache[key]\n self._cache[key] = value\n elif self._maxsize:\n # make room if necessary\n self._enforce_size_limit(self._maxsize - 1)\n self._cache[key] = value\n elif self._on_evict is not None:\n # not saving, immediately evict\n self._on_evict(key, value)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/lru_cache.py_LRUCache.__delitem___": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/lru_cache.py_LRUCache.__delitem___", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/lru_cache.py", "file_name": "lru_cache.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 79, "end_line": 103, "span_ids": ["LRUCache.maxsize_7", "LRUCache.__delitem__", "LRUCache.__iter__", "LRUCache.__len__", "LRUCache.maxsize"], "tokens": 198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class LRUCache(MutableMapping[K, V]):\n\n def __delitem__(self, key: K) -> None:\n del self._cache[key]\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[K]:\n # create a list, so accessing the cache during iteration cannot change\n # the iteration order\n return iter(list(self._cache))\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self._cache)\n\n @property\n def maxsize(self) -> int:\n \"\"\"Maximum number of items can be held in the cache.\"\"\"\n return self._maxsize\n\n @maxsize.setter\n def maxsize(self, size: int) -> None:\n \"\"\"Resize the cache, evicting the oldest items if necessary.\"\"\"\n if size < 0:\n raise ValueError(\"maxsize must be non-negative\")\n with self._lock:\n self._enforce_size_limit(size)\n self._maxsize = size", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/memory.py_copy_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/memory.py_copy_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/memory.py", "file_name": "memory.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 46, "span_ids": ["InMemoryDataStore", "InMemoryDataStore.set_attribute", "InMemoryDataStore.get_variables", "InMemoryDataStore.get_dimensions", "InMemoryDataStore.get_attrs", "imports", "InMemoryDataStore.prepare_variable", "InMemoryDataStore.set_dimension"], "tokens": 289}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import copy\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom ..core.variable import Variable\nfrom .common import AbstractWritableDataStore\n\n\nclass InMemoryDataStore(AbstractWritableDataStore):\n \"\"\"\n Stores dimensions, variables and attributes in ordered dictionaries, making\n this store fast compared to stores which save to disk.\n\n This store exists purely for internal testing purposes.\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, variables=None, attributes=None):\n self._variables = {} if variables is None else variables\n self._attributes = {} if attributes is None else attributes\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n return self._attributes\n\n def get_variables(self):\n return self._variables\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n dims = {}\n for v in self._variables.values():\n for d, s in v.dims.items():\n dims[d] = s\n return dims\n\n def prepare_variable(self, k, v, *args, **kwargs):\n new_var = Variable(v.dims, np.empty_like(v), v.attrs)\n self._variables[k] = new_var\n return new_var, v.data\n\n def set_attribute(self, k, v):\n # copy to imitate writing to disk.\n self._attributes[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)\n\n def set_dimension(self, d, l, unlimited_dims=None):\n # in this model, dimensions are accounted for in the variables\n pass", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_functools_NETCDF4_PYTHON_LOCK.combine_locks_NETCDFC_LO": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_functools_NETCDF4_PYTHON_LOCK.combine_locks_NETCDFC_LO", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 26, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports"], "tokens": 198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import functools\nimport operator\nfrom contextlib import suppress\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import Variable, coding\nfrom ..coding.variables import pop_to\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.utils import FrozenDict, is_remote_uri\nfrom .common import (\n BackendArray,\n WritableCFDataStore,\n find_root_and_group,\n robust_getitem,\n)\nfrom .file_manager import CachingFileManager, DummyFileManager\nfrom .locks import HDF5_LOCK, NETCDFC_LOCK, combine_locks, ensure_lock, get_write_lock\nfrom .netcdf3 import encode_nc3_attr_value, encode_nc3_variable\n\n# This lookup table maps from dtype.byteorder to a readable endian\n# string used by netCDF4.\n_endian_lookup = {\"=\": \"native\", \">\": \"big\", \"<\": \"little\", \"|\": \"native\"}\n\n\nNETCDF4_PYTHON_LOCK = combine_locks([NETCDFC_LOCK, HDF5_LOCK])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_BaseNetCDF4Array_BaseNetCDF4Array.get_array.raise_NotImplementedError": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_BaseNetCDF4Array_BaseNetCDF4Array.get_array.raise_NotImplementedError", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 29, "end_line": 55, "span_ids": ["BaseNetCDF4Array", "BaseNetCDF4Array.get_array", "BaseNetCDF4Array.__setitem__"], "tokens": 207}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class BaseNetCDF4Array(BackendArray):\n __slots__ = (\"datastore\", \"dtype\", \"shape\", \"variable_name\")\n\n def __init__(self, variable_name, datastore):\n self.datastore = datastore\n self.variable_name = variable_name\n\n array = self.get_array()\n self.shape = array.shape\n\n dtype = array.dtype\n if dtype is str:\n # use object dtype because that's the only way in numpy to\n # represent variable length strings; it also prevents automatic\n # string concatenation via conventions.decode_cf_variable\n dtype = np.dtype(\"O\")\n self.dtype = dtype\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n with self.datastore.lock:\n data = self.get_array(needs_lock=False)\n data[key] = value\n if self.datastore.autoclose:\n self.datastore.close(needs_lock=False)\n\n def get_array(self, needs_lock=True):\n raise NotImplementedError(\"Virtual Method\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4ArrayWrapper_NetCDF4ArrayWrapper.__getitem__.return.indexing_explicit_indexin": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4ArrayWrapper_NetCDF4ArrayWrapper.__getitem__.return.indexing_explicit_indexin", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 58, "end_line": 73, "span_ids": ["NetCDF4ArrayWrapper.get_array", "NetCDF4ArrayWrapper", "NetCDF4ArrayWrapper.__getitem__"], "tokens": 131}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NetCDF4ArrayWrapper(BaseNetCDF4Array):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def get_array(self, needs_lock=True):\n ds = self.datastore._acquire(needs_lock)\n variable = ds.variables[self.variable_name]\n variable.set_auto_maskandscale(False)\n # only added in netCDF4-python v1.2.8\n with suppress(AttributeError):\n variable.set_auto_chartostring(False)\n return variable\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return indexing.explicit_indexing_adapter(\n key, self.shape, indexing.IndexingSupport.OUTER, self._getitem\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4ArrayWrapper._getitem_NetCDF4ArrayWrapper._getitem.return.array": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4ArrayWrapper._getitem_NetCDF4ArrayWrapper._getitem.return.array", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 75, "end_line": 95, "span_ids": ["NetCDF4ArrayWrapper._getitem"], "tokens": 195}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NetCDF4ArrayWrapper(BaseNetCDF4Array):\n\n def _getitem(self, key):\n if self.datastore.is_remote: # pragma: no cover\n getitem = functools.partial(robust_getitem, catch=RuntimeError)\n else:\n getitem = operator.getitem\n\n try:\n with self.datastore.lock:\n original_array = self.get_array(needs_lock=False)\n array = getitem(original_array, key)\n except IndexError:\n # Catch IndexError in netCDF4 and return a more informative\n # error message. This is most often called when an unsorted\n # indexer is used before the data is loaded from disk.\n msg = (\n \"The indexing operation you are attempting to perform \"\n \"is not valid on netCDF4.Variable object. Try loading \"\n \"your data into memory first by calling .load().\"\n )\n raise IndexError(msg)\n return array", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__encode_nc4_variable__check_encoding_dtype_is_vlen_string.if_dtype_is_not_str_.raise_AssertionError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__encode_nc4_variable__check_encoding_dtype_is_vlen_string.if_dtype_is_not_str_.raise_AssertionError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 98, "end_line": 112, "span_ids": ["_encode_nc4_variable", "_check_encoding_dtype_is_vlen_string"], "tokens": 109}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _encode_nc4_variable(var):\n for coder in [\n coding.strings.EncodedStringCoder(allows_unicode=True),\n coding.strings.CharacterArrayCoder(),\n ]:\n var = coder.encode(var)\n return var\n\n\ndef _check_encoding_dtype_is_vlen_string(dtype):\n if dtype is not str:\n raise AssertionError( # pragma: no cover\n \"unexpected dtype encoding %r. This shouldn't happen: please \"\n \"file a bug report at github.com/pydata/xarray\" % dtype\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__get_datatype__get_datatype.return.datatype": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__get_datatype__get_datatype.return.datatype", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 115, "end_line": 128, "span_ids": ["_get_datatype"], "tokens": 117}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_datatype(var, nc_format=\"NETCDF4\", raise_on_invalid_encoding=False):\n if nc_format == \"NETCDF4\":\n datatype = _nc4_dtype(var)\n else:\n if \"dtype\" in var.encoding:\n encoded_dtype = var.encoding[\"dtype\"]\n _check_encoding_dtype_is_vlen_string(encoded_dtype)\n if raise_on_invalid_encoding:\n raise ValueError(\n \"encoding dtype=str for vlen strings is only supported \"\n \"with format='NETCDF4'.\"\n )\n datatype = var.dtype\n return datatype", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__nc4_dtype__netcdf4_create_group.return.dataset_createGroup_name_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__nc4_dtype__netcdf4_create_group.return.dataset_createGroup_name_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 131, "end_line": 145, "span_ids": ["_netcdf4_create_group", "_nc4_dtype"], "tokens": 120}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _nc4_dtype(var):\n if \"dtype\" in var.encoding:\n dtype = var.encoding.pop(\"dtype\")\n _check_encoding_dtype_is_vlen_string(dtype)\n elif coding.strings.is_unicode_dtype(var.dtype):\n dtype = str\n elif var.dtype.kind in [\"i\", \"u\", \"f\", \"c\", \"S\"]:\n dtype = var.dtype\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"unsupported dtype for netCDF4 variable: {}\".format(var.dtype))\n return dtype\n\n\ndef _netcdf4_create_group(dataset, name):\n return dataset.createGroup(name)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__nc4_require_group__ensure_fill_value_valid.if_data_dtype_kind_S_.attributes__FillValue_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__nc4_require_group__ensure_fill_value_valid.if_data_dtype_kind_S_.attributes__FillValue_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 148, "end_line": 174, "span_ids": ["_ensure_fill_value_valid", "_nc4_require_group"], "tokens": 242}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _nc4_require_group(ds, group, mode, create_group=_netcdf4_create_group):\n if group in {None, \"\", \"/\"}:\n # use the root group\n return ds\n else:\n # make sure it's a string\n if not isinstance(group, str):\n raise ValueError(\"group must be a string or None\")\n # support path-like syntax\n path = group.strip(\"/\").split(\"/\")\n for key in path:\n try:\n ds = ds.groups[key]\n except KeyError as e:\n if mode != \"r\":\n ds = create_group(ds, key)\n else:\n # wrap error to provide slightly more helpful message\n raise OSError(\"group not found: %s\" % key, e)\n return ds\n\n\ndef _ensure_fill_value_valid(data, attributes):\n # work around for netCDF4/scipy issue where _FillValue has the wrong type:\n # https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/issues/271\n if data.dtype.kind == \"S\" and \"_FillValue\" in attributes:\n attributes[\"_FillValue\"] = np.string_(attributes[\"_FillValue\"])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__force_native_endianness__force_native_endianness.return.var": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__force_native_endianness__force_native_endianness.return.var", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 177, "end_line": 197, "span_ids": ["_force_native_endianness"], "tokens": 215}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _force_native_endianness(var):\n # possible values for byteorder are:\n # = native\n # < little-endian\n # > big-endian\n # | not applicable\n # Below we check if the data type is not native or NA\n if var.dtype.byteorder not in [\"=\", \"|\"]:\n # if endianness is specified explicitly, convert to the native type\n data = var.data.astype(var.dtype.newbyteorder(\"=\"))\n var = Variable(var.dims, data, var.attrs, var.encoding)\n # if endian exists, remove it from the encoding.\n var.encoding.pop(\"endian\", None)\n # check to see if encoding has a value for endian its 'native'\n if not var.encoding.get(\"endian\", \"native\") == \"native\":\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"Attempt to write non-native endian type, \"\n \"this is not supported by the netCDF4 \"\n \"python library.\"\n )\n return var", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__extract_nc4_variable_encoding__extract_nc4_variable_encoding.return.encoding": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__extract_nc4_variable_encoding__extract_nc4_variable_encoding.return.encoding", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 200, "end_line": 266, "span_ids": ["_extract_nc4_variable_encoding"], "tokens": 488}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _extract_nc4_variable_encoding(\n variable,\n raise_on_invalid=False,\n lsd_okay=True,\n h5py_okay=False,\n backend=\"netCDF4\",\n unlimited_dims=None,\n):\n if unlimited_dims is None:\n unlimited_dims = ()\n\n encoding = variable.encoding.copy()\n\n safe_to_drop = {\"source\", \"original_shape\"}\n valid_encodings = {\n \"zlib\",\n \"complevel\",\n \"fletcher32\",\n \"contiguous\",\n \"chunksizes\",\n \"shuffle\",\n \"_FillValue\",\n \"dtype\",\n }\n if lsd_okay:\n valid_encodings.add(\"least_significant_digit\")\n if h5py_okay:\n valid_encodings.add(\"compression\")\n valid_encodings.add(\"compression_opts\")\n\n if not raise_on_invalid and encoding.get(\"chunksizes\") is not None:\n # It's possible to get encoded chunksizes larger than a dimension size\n # if the original file had an unlimited dimension. This is problematic\n # if the new file no longer has an unlimited dimension.\n chunksizes = encoding[\"chunksizes\"]\n chunks_too_big = any(\n c > d and dim not in unlimited_dims\n for c, d, dim in zip(chunksizes, variable.shape, variable.dims)\n )\n has_original_shape = \"original_shape\" in encoding\n changed_shape = (\n has_original_shape and encoding.get(\"original_shape\") != variable.shape\n )\n if chunks_too_big or changed_shape:\n del encoding[\"chunksizes\"]\n\n var_has_unlim_dim = any(dim in unlimited_dims for dim in variable.dims)\n if not raise_on_invalid and var_has_unlim_dim and \"contiguous\" in encoding.keys():\n del encoding[\"contiguous\"]\n\n for k in safe_to_drop:\n if k in encoding:\n del encoding[k]\n\n if raise_on_invalid:\n invalid = [k for k in encoding if k not in valid_encodings]\n if invalid:\n raise ValueError(\n \"unexpected encoding parameters for %r backend: %r. Valid \"\n \"encodings are: %r\" % (backend, invalid, valid_encodings)\n )\n else:\n for k in list(encoding):\n if k not in valid_encodings:\n del encoding[k]\n\n return encoding", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__is_list_of_strings_NetCDF4DataStore.__init__.self.autoclose.autoclose": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py__is_list_of_strings_NetCDF4DataStore.__init__.self.autoclose.autoclose", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 269, "end_line": 317, "span_ids": ["NetCDF4DataStore", "_is_list_of_strings"], "tokens": 320}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _is_list_of_strings(value):\n if np.asarray(value).dtype.kind in [\"U\", \"S\"] and np.asarray(value).size > 1:\n return True\n else:\n return False\n\n\nclass NetCDF4DataStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n \"\"\"Store for reading and writing data via the Python-NetCDF4 library.\n\n This store supports NetCDF3, NetCDF4 and OpenDAP datasets.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\n \"autoclose\",\n \"format\",\n \"is_remote\",\n \"lock\",\n \"_filename\",\n \"_group\",\n \"_manager\",\n \"_mode\",\n )\n\n def __init__(\n self, manager, group=None, mode=None, lock=NETCDF4_PYTHON_LOCK, autoclose=False\n ):\n import netCDF4\n\n if isinstance(manager, netCDF4.Dataset):\n if group is None:\n root, group = find_root_and_group(manager)\n else:\n if not type(manager) is netCDF4.Dataset:\n raise ValueError(\n \"must supply a root netCDF4.Dataset if the group \"\n \"argument is provided\"\n )\n root = manager\n manager = DummyFileManager(root)\n\n self._manager = manager\n self._group = group\n self._mode = mode\n self.format = self.ds.data_model\n self._filename = self.ds.filepath()\n self.is_remote = is_remote_uri(self._filename)\n self.lock = ensure_lock(lock)\n self.autoclose = autoclose", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4DataStore.open_NetCDF4DataStore.ds.return.self__acquire_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4DataStore.open_NetCDF4DataStore.ds.return.self__acquire_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 319, "end_line": 366, "span_ids": ["NetCDF4DataStore.ds", "NetCDF4DataStore.open", "NetCDF4DataStore._acquire"], "tokens": 325}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NetCDF4DataStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n\n @classmethod\n def open(\n cls,\n filename,\n mode=\"r\",\n format=\"NETCDF4\",\n group=None,\n clobber=True,\n diskless=False,\n persist=False,\n lock=None,\n lock_maker=None,\n autoclose=False,\n ):\n import netCDF4\n\n if format is None:\n format = \"NETCDF4\"\n\n if lock is None:\n if mode == \"r\":\n if is_remote_uri(filename):\n lock = NETCDFC_LOCK\n else:\n lock = NETCDF4_PYTHON_LOCK\n else:\n if format is None or format.startswith(\"NETCDF4\"):\n base_lock = NETCDF4_PYTHON_LOCK\n else:\n base_lock = NETCDFC_LOCK\n lock = combine_locks([base_lock, get_write_lock(filename)])\n\n kwargs = dict(\n clobber=clobber, diskless=diskless, persist=persist, format=format\n )\n manager = CachingFileManager(\n netCDF4.Dataset, filename, mode=mode, kwargs=kwargs\n )\n return cls(manager, group=group, mode=mode, lock=lock, autoclose=autoclose)\n\n def _acquire(self, needs_lock=True):\n with self._manager.acquire_context(needs_lock) as root:\n ds = _nc4_require_group(root, self._group, self._mode)\n return ds\n\n @property\n def ds(self):\n return self._acquire()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4DataStore.open_store_variable_NetCDF4DataStore.open_store_variable.return.Variable_dimensions_data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4DataStore.open_store_variable_NetCDF4DataStore.open_store_variable.return.Variable_dimensions_data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 368, "end_line": 395, "span_ids": ["NetCDF4DataStore.open_store_variable"], "tokens": 292}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NetCDF4DataStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n\n def open_store_variable(self, name, var):\n dimensions = var.dimensions\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(NetCDF4ArrayWrapper(name, self))\n attributes = {k: var.getncattr(k) for k in var.ncattrs()}\n _ensure_fill_value_valid(data, attributes)\n # netCDF4 specific encoding; save _FillValue for later\n encoding = {}\n filters = var.filters()\n if filters is not None:\n encoding.update(filters)\n chunking = var.chunking()\n if chunking is not None:\n if chunking == \"contiguous\":\n encoding[\"contiguous\"] = True\n encoding[\"chunksizes\"] = None\n else:\n encoding[\"contiguous\"] = False\n encoding[\"chunksizes\"] = tuple(chunking)\n # TODO: figure out how to round-trip \"endian-ness\" without raising\n # warnings from netCDF4\n # encoding['endian'] = var.endian()\n pop_to(attributes, encoding, \"least_significant_digit\")\n # save source so __repr__ can detect if it's local or not\n encoding[\"source\"] = self._filename\n encoding[\"original_shape\"] = var.shape\n encoding[\"dtype\"] = var.dtype\n\n return Variable(dimensions, data, attributes, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4DataStore.get_variables_NetCDF4DataStore.encode_variable.return.variable": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4DataStore.get_variables_NetCDF4DataStore.encode_variable.return.variable", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 397, "end_line": 437, "span_ids": ["NetCDF4DataStore.encode_variable", "NetCDF4DataStore.set_dimension", "NetCDF4DataStore.get_dimensions", "NetCDF4DataStore.get_attrs", "NetCDF4DataStore.get_encoding", "NetCDF4DataStore.set_attribute", "NetCDF4DataStore.get_variables"], "tokens": 331}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NetCDF4DataStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n\n def get_variables(self):\n dsvars = FrozenDict(\n (k, self.open_store_variable(k, v)) for k, v in self.ds.variables.items()\n )\n return dsvars\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n attrs = FrozenDict((k, self.ds.getncattr(k)) for k in self.ds.ncattrs())\n return attrs\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n dims = FrozenDict((k, len(v)) for k, v in self.ds.dimensions.items())\n return dims\n\n def get_encoding(self):\n encoding = {}\n encoding[\"unlimited_dims\"] = {\n k for k, v in self.ds.dimensions.items() if v.isunlimited()\n }\n return encoding\n\n def set_dimension(self, name, length, is_unlimited=False):\n dim_length = length if not is_unlimited else None\n self.ds.createDimension(name, size=dim_length)\n\n def set_attribute(self, key, value):\n if self.format != \"NETCDF4\":\n value = encode_nc3_attr_value(value)\n if _is_list_of_strings(value):\n # encode as NC_STRING if attr is list of strings\n self.ds.setncattr_string(key, value)\n else:\n self.ds.setncattr(key, value)\n\n def encode_variable(self, variable):\n variable = _force_native_endianness(variable)\n if self.format == \"NETCDF4\":\n variable = _encode_nc4_variable(variable)\n else:\n variable = encode_nc3_variable(variable)\n return variable", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4DataStore.prepare_variable_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py_NetCDF4DataStore.prepare_variable_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netCDF4_.py", "file_name": "netCDF4_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 439, "end_line": 492, "span_ids": ["NetCDF4DataStore.sync", "NetCDF4DataStore.close", "NetCDF4DataStore.prepare_variable"], "tokens": 405}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NetCDF4DataStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n\n def prepare_variable(\n self, name, variable, check_encoding=False, unlimited_dims=None\n ):\n datatype = _get_datatype(\n variable, self.format, raise_on_invalid_encoding=check_encoding\n )\n attrs = variable.attrs.copy()\n\n fill_value = attrs.pop(\"_FillValue\", None)\n\n if datatype is str and fill_value is not None:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"netCDF4 does not yet support setting a fill value for \"\n \"variable-length strings \"\n \"(https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/issues/730). \"\n \"Either remove '_FillValue' from encoding on variable %r \"\n \"or set {'dtype': 'S1'} in encoding to use the fixed width \"\n \"NC_CHAR type.\" % name\n )\n\n encoding = _extract_nc4_variable_encoding(\n variable, raise_on_invalid=check_encoding, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims\n )\n\n if name in self.ds.variables:\n nc4_var = self.ds.variables[name]\n else:\n nc4_var = self.ds.createVariable(\n varname=name,\n datatype=datatype,\n dimensions=variable.dims,\n zlib=encoding.get(\"zlib\", False),\n complevel=encoding.get(\"complevel\", 4),\n shuffle=encoding.get(\"shuffle\", True),\n fletcher32=encoding.get(\"fletcher32\", False),\n contiguous=encoding.get(\"contiguous\", False),\n chunksizes=encoding.get(\"chunksizes\"),\n endian=\"native\",\n least_significant_digit=encoding.get(\"least_significant_digit\"),\n fill_value=fill_value,\n )\n\n nc4_var.setncatts(attrs)\n\n target = NetCDF4ArrayWrapper(name, self)\n\n return target, variable.data\n\n def sync(self):\n self.ds.sync()\n\n def close(self, **kwargs):\n self._manager.close(**kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netcdf3.py_unicodedata_STRING_ENCODING._utf_8_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netcdf3.py_unicodedata_STRING_ENCODING._utf_8_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", "file_name": "netcdf3.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 33, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports"], "tokens": 220}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import unicodedata\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import Variable, coding\n\n# Special characters that are permitted in netCDF names except in the\n# 0th position of the string\n_specialchars = '_.@+- !\"#$%&\\\\()*,:;<=>?[]^`{|}~'\n\n# The following are reserved names in CDL and may not be used as names of\n# variables, dimension, attributes\n_reserved_names = {\n \"byte\",\n \"char\",\n \"short\",\n \"ushort\",\n \"int\",\n \"uint\",\n \"int64\",\n \"uint64\",\n \"float\" \"real\",\n \"double\",\n \"bool\",\n \"string\",\n}\n\n# These data-types aren't supported by netCDF3, so they are automatically\n# coerced instead as indicated by the \"coerce_nc3_dtype\" function\n_nc3_dtype_coercions = {\"int64\": \"int32\", \"bool\": \"int8\"}\n\n# encode all strings as UTF-8\nSTRING_ENCODING = \"utf-8\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netcdf3.py_coerce_nc3_dtype_coerce_nc3_dtype.return.arr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netcdf3.py_coerce_nc3_dtype_coerce_nc3_dtype.return.arr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", "file_name": "netcdf3.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 36, "end_line": 56, "span_ids": ["coerce_nc3_dtype"], "tokens": 186}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def coerce_nc3_dtype(arr):\n \"\"\"Coerce an array to a data type that can be stored in a netCDF-3 file\n\n This function performs the following dtype conversions:\n int64 -> int32\n bool -> int8\n\n Data is checked for equality, or equivalence (non-NaN values) with\n `np.allclose` with the default keyword arguments.\n \"\"\"\n dtype = str(arr.dtype)\n if dtype in _nc3_dtype_coercions:\n new_dtype = _nc3_dtype_coercions[dtype]\n # TODO: raise a warning whenever casting the data-type instead?\n cast_arr = arr.astype(new_dtype)\n if not (cast_arr == arr).all():\n raise ValueError(\n \"could not safely cast array from dtype %s to %s\" % (dtype, new_dtype)\n )\n arr = cast_arr\n return arr", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netcdf3.py_encode_nc3_attr_value__isalnumMUTF8.return.c_isalnum_or_len_c_enc": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netcdf3.py_encode_nc3_attr_value__isalnumMUTF8.return.c_isalnum_or_len_c_enc", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", "file_name": "netcdf3.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 59, "end_line": 92, "span_ids": ["encode_nc3_variable", "encode_nc3_attr_value", "encode_nc3_attrs", "_isalnumMUTF8"], "tokens": 238}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def encode_nc3_attr_value(value):\n if isinstance(value, bytes):\n pass\n elif isinstance(value, str):\n value = value.encode(STRING_ENCODING)\n else:\n value = coerce_nc3_dtype(np.atleast_1d(value))\n if value.ndim > 1:\n raise ValueError(\"netCDF attributes must be 1-dimensional\")\n return value\n\n\ndef encode_nc3_attrs(attrs):\n return {k: encode_nc3_attr_value(v) for k, v in attrs.items()}\n\n\ndef encode_nc3_variable(var):\n for coder in [\n coding.strings.EncodedStringCoder(allows_unicode=False),\n coding.strings.CharacterArrayCoder(),\n ]:\n var = coder.encode(var)\n data = coerce_nc3_dtype(var.data)\n attrs = encode_nc3_attrs(var.attrs)\n return Variable(var.dims, data, attrs, var.encoding)\n\n\ndef _isalnumMUTF8(c):\n \"\"\"Return True if the given UTF-8 encoded character is alphanumeric\n or multibyte.\n\n Input is not checked!\n \"\"\"\n return c.isalnum() or (len(c.encode(\"utf-8\")) > 1)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netcdf3.py_is_valid_nc3_name_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/netcdf3.py_is_valid_nc3_name_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/netcdf3.py", "file_name": "netcdf3.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 95, "end_line": 126, "span_ids": ["is_valid_nc3_name"], "tokens": 327}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def is_valid_nc3_name(s):\n \"\"\"Test whether an object can be validly converted to a netCDF-3\n dimension, variable or attribute name\n\n Earlier versions of the netCDF C-library reference implementation\n enforced a more restricted set of characters in creating new names,\n but permitted reading names containing arbitrary bytes. This\n specification extends the permitted characters in names to include\n multi-byte UTF-8 encoded Unicode and additional printing characters\n from the US-ASCII alphabet. The first character of a name must be\n alphanumeric, a multi-byte UTF-8 character, or '_' (reserved for\n special names with meaning to implementations, such as the\n \"_FillValue\" attribute). Subsequent characters may also include\n printing special characters, except for '/' which is not allowed in\n names. Names that have trailing space characters are also not\n permitted.\n \"\"\"\n if not isinstance(s, str):\n return False\n if not isinstance(s, str):\n s = s.decode(\"utf-8\")\n num_bytes = len(s.encode(\"utf-8\"))\n return (\n (unicodedata.normalize(\"NFC\", s) == s)\n and (s not in _reserved_names)\n and (num_bytes >= 0)\n and (\"/\" not in s)\n and (s[-1] != \" \")\n and (_isalnumMUTF8(s[0]) or (s[0] == \"_\"))\n and all(_isalnumMUTF8(c) or c in _specialchars for c in s)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py_np_PncArrayWrapper._getitem.with_self_datastore_lock_.return.array_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py_np_PncArrayWrapper._getitem.with_self_datastore_lock_.return.array_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", "file_name": "pseudonetcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 34, "span_ids": ["impl", "PncArrayWrapper.__getitem__", "PncArrayWrapper", "PncArrayWrapper.get_array", "PncArrayWrapper._getitem", "imports"], "tokens": 259}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import Variable\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.utils import Frozen, FrozenDict\nfrom .common import AbstractDataStore, BackendArray\nfrom .file_manager import CachingFileManager\nfrom .locks import HDF5_LOCK, NETCDFC_LOCK, combine_locks, ensure_lock\n\n# psuedonetcdf can invoke netCDF libraries internally\nPNETCDF_LOCK = combine_locks([HDF5_LOCK, NETCDFC_LOCK])\n\n\nclass PncArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n def __init__(self, variable_name, datastore):\n self.datastore = datastore\n self.variable_name = variable_name\n array = self.get_array()\n self.shape = array.shape\n self.dtype = np.dtype(array.dtype)\n\n def get_array(self, needs_lock=True):\n ds = self.datastore._manager.acquire(needs_lock)\n return ds.variables[self.variable_name]\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return indexing.explicit_indexing_adapter(\n key, self.shape, indexing.IndexingSupport.OUTER_1VECTOR, self._getitem\n )\n\n def _getitem(self, key):\n with self.datastore.lock:\n array = self.get_array(needs_lock=False)\n return array[key]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py_PseudoNetCDFDataStore_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py_PseudoNetCDFDataStore_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/pseudonetcdf_.py", "file_name": "pseudonetcdf_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 37, "end_line": 89, "span_ids": ["PseudoNetCDFDataStore.close", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore.open_store_variable", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore.get_variables", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore.get_dimensions", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore.get_encoding", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore.open", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore.__init__", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore.get_attrs", "PseudoNetCDFDataStore.ds"], "tokens": 354}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class PseudoNetCDFDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n \"\"\"Store for accessing datasets via PseudoNetCDF\n \"\"\"\n\n @classmethod\n def open(cls, filename, lock=None, mode=None, **format_kwargs):\n from PseudoNetCDF import pncopen\n\n keywords = {\"kwargs\": format_kwargs}\n # only include mode if explicitly passed\n if mode is not None:\n keywords[\"mode\"] = mode\n\n if lock is None:\n lock = PNETCDF_LOCK\n\n manager = CachingFileManager(pncopen, filename, lock=lock, **keywords)\n return cls(manager, lock)\n\n def __init__(self, manager, lock=None):\n self._manager = manager\n self.lock = ensure_lock(lock)\n\n @property\n def ds(self):\n return self._manager.acquire()\n\n def open_store_variable(self, name, var):\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(PncArrayWrapper(name, self))\n attrs = {k: getattr(var, k) for k in var.ncattrs()}\n return Variable(var.dimensions, data, attrs)\n\n def get_variables(self):\n return FrozenDict(\n (k, self.open_store_variable(k, v)) for k, v in self.ds.variables.items()\n )\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n return Frozen({k: getattr(self.ds, k) for k in self.ds.ncattrs()})\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n return Frozen(self.ds.dimensions)\n\n def get_encoding(self):\n return {\n \"unlimited_dims\": {\n k for k in self.ds.dimensions if self.ds.dimensions[k].isunlimited()\n }\n }\n\n def close(self):\n self._manager.close()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pydap_.py_np_PydapArrayWrapper._getitem.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pydap_.py_np_PydapArrayWrapper._getitem.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", "file_name": "pydap_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 37, "span_ids": ["PydapArrayWrapper.__getitem__", "PydapArrayWrapper.shape", "imports", "PydapArrayWrapper.dtype", "PydapArrayWrapper", "PydapArrayWrapper._getitem"], "tokens": 269}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import Variable\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.pycompat import integer_types\nfrom ..core.utils import Frozen, FrozenDict, is_dict_like\nfrom .common import AbstractDataStore, BackendArray, robust_getitem\n\n\nclass PydapArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n def __init__(self, array):\n self.array = array\n\n @property\n def shape(self):\n return self.array.shape\n\n @property\n def dtype(self):\n return self.array.dtype\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return indexing.explicit_indexing_adapter(\n key, self.shape, indexing.IndexingSupport.BASIC, self._getitem\n )\n\n def _getitem(self, key):\n # pull the data from the array attribute if possible, to avoid\n # downloading coordinate data twice\n array = getattr(self.array, \"array\", self.array)\n result = robust_getitem(array, key, catch=ValueError)\n # in some cases, pydap doesn't squeeze axes automatically like numpy\n axis = tuple(n for n, k in enumerate(key) if isinstance(k, integer_types))\n if result.ndim + len(axis) != array.ndim and len(axis) > 0:\n result = np.squeeze(result, axis)\n\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pydap_.py__fix_attributes__fix_attributes.return.attributes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pydap_.py__fix_attributes__fix_attributes.return.attributes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", "file_name": "pydap_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 40, "end_line": 56, "span_ids": ["_fix_attributes"], "tokens": 133}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _fix_attributes(attributes):\n attributes = dict(attributes)\n for k in list(attributes):\n if k.lower() == \"global\" or k.lower().endswith(\"_global\"):\n # move global attributes to the top level, like the netcdf-C\n # DAP client\n attributes.update(attributes.pop(k))\n elif is_dict_like(attributes[k]):\n # Make Hierarchical attributes to a single level with a\n # dot-separated key\n attributes.update(\n {\n \"{}.{}\".format(k, k_child): v_child\n for k_child, v_child in attributes.pop(k).items()\n }\n )\n return attributes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pydap_.py_PydapDataStore_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pydap_.py_PydapDataStore_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/pydap_.py", "file_name": "pydap_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 59, "end_line": 95, "span_ids": ["PydapDataStore.open_store_variable", "PydapDataStore.open", "PydapDataStore", "PydapDataStore.get_attrs", "PydapDataStore.get_dimensions", "PydapDataStore.get_variables"], "tokens": 224}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class PydapDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n \"\"\"Store for accessing OpenDAP datasets with pydap.\n\n This store provides an alternative way to access OpenDAP datasets that may\n be useful if the netCDF4 library is not available.\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, ds):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n ds : pydap DatasetType\n \"\"\"\n self.ds = ds\n\n @classmethod\n def open(cls, url, session=None):\n import pydap.client\n\n ds = pydap.client.open_url(url, session=session)\n return cls(ds)\n\n def open_store_variable(self, var):\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(PydapArrayWrapper(var))\n return Variable(var.dimensions, data, _fix_attributes(var.attributes))\n\n def get_variables(self):\n return FrozenDict(\n (k, self.open_store_variable(self.ds[k])) for k in self.ds.keys()\n )\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n return Frozen(_fix_attributes(self.ds.attributes))\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n return Frozen(self.ds.dimensions)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pynio_.py_np_PYNIO_LOCK.combine_locks_HDF5_LOCK_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pynio_.py_np_PYNIO_LOCK.combine_locks_HDF5_LOCK_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", "file_name": "pynio_.py", "file_type": 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"start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pynio_.py_NioArrayWrapper_NioArrayWrapper._getitem.with_self_datastore_lock_.return.array_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pynio_.py_NioArrayWrapper_NioArrayWrapper._getitem.with_self_datastore_lock_.return.array_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", "file_name": "pynio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 16, "end_line": 40, "span_ids": ["NioArrayWrapper.__getitem__", "NioArrayWrapper.get_array", "NioArrayWrapper", "NioArrayWrapper._getitem"], "tokens": 177}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NioArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n def __init__(self, variable_name, datastore):\n self.datastore = datastore\n self.variable_name = variable_name\n array = self.get_array()\n self.shape = array.shape\n self.dtype = np.dtype(array.typecode())\n\n def get_array(self, needs_lock=True):\n ds = self.datastore._manager.acquire(needs_lock)\n return ds.variables[self.variable_name]\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return indexing.explicit_indexing_adapter(\n key, self.shape, indexing.IndexingSupport.BASIC, self._getitem\n )\n\n def _getitem(self, key):\n with self.datastore.lock:\n array = self.get_array(needs_lock=False)\n\n if key == () and self.ndim == 0:\n return array.get_value()\n\n return array[key]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pynio_.py_NioDataStore_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/pynio_.py_NioDataStore_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/pynio_.py", "file_name": "pynio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 43, "end_line": 86, "span_ids": ["NioDataStore.get_variables", "NioDataStore.get_dimensions", "NioDataStore.get_encoding", "NioDataStore.open_store_variable", "NioDataStore.close", "NioDataStore", "NioDataStore.get_attrs", "NioDataStore.ds"], "tokens": 301}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NioDataStore(AbstractDataStore):\n \"\"\"Store for accessing datasets via PyNIO\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, filename, mode=\"r\", lock=None, **kwargs):\n import Nio\n\n if lock is None:\n lock = PYNIO_LOCK\n self.lock = ensure_lock(lock)\n self._manager = CachingFileManager(\n Nio.open_file, filename, lock=lock, mode=mode, kwargs=kwargs\n )\n # xarray provides its own support for FillValue,\n # so turn off PyNIO's support for the same.\n self.ds.set_option(\"MaskedArrayMode\", \"MaskedNever\")\n\n @property\n def ds(self):\n return self._manager.acquire()\n\n def open_store_variable(self, name, var):\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(NioArrayWrapper(name, self))\n return Variable(var.dimensions, data, var.attributes)\n\n def get_variables(self):\n return FrozenDict(\n (k, self.open_store_variable(k, v)) for k, v in self.ds.variables.items()\n )\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n return Frozen(self.ds.attributes)\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n return Frozen(self.ds.dimensions)\n\n def get_encoding(self):\n return {\n \"unlimited_dims\": {k for k in self.ds.dimensions if self.ds.unlimited(k)}\n }\n\n def close(self):\n self._manager.close()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_os__ERROR_MSG._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_os__ERROR_MSG._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", "file_name": "rasterio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 20, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports"], "tokens": 114}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", 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Try to load your data with ds.load()\"\n \"first.\"\n)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_RasterioArrayWrapper_RasterioArrayWrapper.shape.return.self__shape": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_RasterioArrayWrapper_RasterioArrayWrapper.shape.return.self__shape", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", "file_name": "rasterio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 23, "end_line": 50, "span_ids": ["RasterioArrayWrapper.shape", "RasterioArrayWrapper.dtype", "RasterioArrayWrapper"], "tokens": 219}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class RasterioArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n \"\"\"A wrapper around rasterio dataset objects\"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, manager, lock, vrt_params=None):\n from rasterio.vrt import WarpedVRT\n\n self.manager = manager\n self.lock = lock\n\n # cannot save riods as an attribute: this would break pickleability\n riods = manager.acquire()\n if vrt_params is not None:\n riods = WarpedVRT(riods, **vrt_params)\n self.vrt_params = vrt_params\n self._shape = (riods.count, riods.height, riods.width)\n\n dtypes = riods.dtypes\n if not np.all(np.asarray(dtypes) == dtypes[0]):\n raise ValueError(\"All bands should have the same dtype\")\n self._dtype = np.dtype(dtypes[0])\n\n @property\n def dtype(self):\n return self._dtype\n\n @property\n def shape(self):\n return self._shape", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_RasterioArrayWrapper._get_indexer_RasterioArrayWrapper._get_indexer.return.band_key_tuple_window_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_RasterioArrayWrapper._get_indexer_RasterioArrayWrapper._get_indexer.return.band_key_tuple_window_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", "file_name": "rasterio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 52, "end_line": 107, "span_ids": ["RasterioArrayWrapper._get_indexer"], "tokens": 492}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class RasterioArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n\n def _get_indexer(self, key):\n \"\"\" Get indexer for rasterio array.\n\n Parameter\n ---------\n key: tuple of int\n\n Returns\n -------\n band_key: an indexer for the 1st dimension\n window: two tuples. Each consists of (start, stop).\n squeeze_axis: axes to be squeezed\n np_ind: indexer for loaded numpy array\n\n See also\n --------\n indexing.decompose_indexer\n \"\"\"\n assert len(key) == 3, \"rasterio datasets should always be 3D\"\n\n # bands cannot be windowed but they can be listed\n band_key = key[0]\n np_inds = []\n # bands (axis=0) cannot be windowed but they can be listed\n if isinstance(band_key, slice):\n start, stop, step = band_key.indices(self.shape[0])\n band_key = np.arange(start, stop, step)\n # be sure we give out a list\n band_key = (np.asarray(band_key) + 1).tolist()\n if isinstance(band_key, list): # if band_key is not a scalar\n np_inds.append(slice(None))\n\n # but other dims can only be windowed\n window = []\n squeeze_axis = []\n for i, (k, n) in enumerate(zip(key[1:], self.shape[1:])):\n if isinstance(k, slice):\n # step is always positive. see indexing.decompose_indexer\n start, stop, step = k.indices(n)\n np_inds.append(slice(None, None, step))\n elif is_scalar(k):\n # windowed operations will always return an array\n # we will have to squeeze it later\n squeeze_axis.append(-(2 - i))\n start = k\n stop = k + 1\n else:\n start, stop = np.min(k), np.max(k) + 1\n np_inds.append(k - start)\n window.append((start, stop))\n\n if isinstance(key[1], np.ndarray) and isinstance(key[2], np.ndarray):\n # do outer-style indexing\n np_inds[-2:] = np.ix_(*np_inds[-2:])\n\n return band_key, tuple(window), tuple(squeeze_axis), tuple(np_inds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_RasterioArrayWrapper._getitem_RasterioArrayWrapper.__getitem__.return.indexing_explicit_indexin": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_RasterioArrayWrapper._getitem_RasterioArrayWrapper.__getitem__.return.indexing_explicit_indexin", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", "file_name": "rasterio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 109, "end_line": 132, "span_ids": ["RasterioArrayWrapper._getitem", "RasterioArrayWrapper.__getitem__"], "tokens": 234}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class RasterioArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n\n def _getitem(self, key):\n from rasterio.vrt import WarpedVRT\n\n band_key, window, squeeze_axis, np_inds = self._get_indexer(key)\n\n if not band_key or any(start == stop for (start, stop) in window):\n # no need to do IO\n shape = (len(band_key),) + tuple(stop - start for (start, stop) in window)\n out = np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.dtype)\n else:\n with self.lock:\n riods = self.manager.acquire(needs_lock=False)\n if self.vrt_params is not None:\n riods = WarpedVRT(riods, **self.vrt_params)\n out = riods.read(band_key, window=window)\n\n if squeeze_axis:\n out = np.squeeze(out, axis=squeeze_axis)\n return out[np_inds]\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return indexing.explicit_indexing_adapter(\n key, self.shape, indexing.IndexingSupport.OUTER, self._getitem\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py__parse_envi__parse_envi.return.parsed_meta": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py__parse_envi__parse_envi.return.parsed_meta", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", "file_name": "rasterio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 135, "end_line": 162, "span_ids": ["_parse_envi"], "tokens": 188}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _parse_envi(meta):\n \"\"\"Parse ENVI metadata into Python data structures.\n\n See the link for information on the ENVI header file format:\n http://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/enviheaderfiles.html\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n meta : dict\n Dictionary of keys and str values to parse, as returned by the rasterio\n tags(ns='ENVI') call.\n\n Returns\n -------\n parsed_meta : dict\n Dictionary containing the original keys and the parsed values\n\n \"\"\"\n\n def parsevec(s):\n return np.fromstring(s.strip(\"{}\"), dtype=\"float\", sep=\",\")\n\n def default(s):\n return s.strip(\"{}\")\n\n parse = {\"wavelength\": parsevec, \"fwhm\": parsevec}\n parsed_meta = {k: parse.get(k, default)(v) for k, v in meta.items()}\n return parsed_meta", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_open_rasterio_open_rasterio.riods.manager_acquire_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_open_rasterio_open_rasterio.riods.manager_acquire_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", "file_name": "rasterio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 165, "end_line": 239, "span_ids": ["open_rasterio"], "tokens": 771}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_rasterio(filename, parse_coordinates=None, chunks=None, cache=None, lock=None):\n \"\"\"Open a file with rasterio (experimental).\n\n This should work with any file that rasterio can open (most often:\n geoTIFF). The x and y coordinates are generated automatically from the\n file's geoinformation, shifted to the center of each pixel (see\n `\"PixelIsArea\" Raster Space\n `_\n for more information).\n\n You can generate 2D coordinates from the file's attributes with::\n\n from affine import Affine\n da = xr.open_rasterio('path_to_file.tif')\n transform = Affine.from_gdal(*da.attrs['transform'])\n nx, ny = da.sizes['x'], da.sizes['y']\n x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx)+0.5, np.arange(ny)+0.5) * transform\n\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n filename : str, rasterio.DatasetReader, or rasterio.WarpedVRT\n Path to the file to open. Or already open rasterio dataset.\n parse_coordinates : bool, optional\n Whether to parse the x and y coordinates out of the file's\n ``transform`` attribute or not. The default is to automatically\n parse the coordinates only if they are rectilinear (1D).\n It can be useful to set ``parse_coordinates=False``\n if your files are very large or if you don't need the coordinates.\n chunks : int, tuple or dict, optional\n Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5``, ``(5, 5)`` or\n ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``. If chunks is provided, it used to load the new\n DataArray into a dask array.\n cache : bool, optional\n If True, cache data loaded from the underlying datastore in memory as\n NumPy arrays when accessed to avoid reading from the underlying data-\n store multiple times. Defaults to True unless you specify the `chunks`\n argument to use dask, in which case it defaults to False.\n lock : False, True or threading.Lock, optional\n If chunks is provided, this argument is passed on to\n :py:func:`dask.array.from_array`. By default, a global lock is\n used to avoid issues with concurrent access to the same file when using\n dask's multithreaded backend.\n\n Returns\n -------\n data : DataArray\n The newly created DataArray.\n \"\"\"\n import rasterio\n from rasterio.vrt import WarpedVRT\n\n vrt_params = None\n if isinstance(filename, rasterio.io.DatasetReader):\n filename = filename.name\n elif isinstance(filename, rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT):\n vrt = filename\n filename = vrt.src_dataset.name\n vrt_params = dict(\n crs=vrt.crs.to_string(),\n resampling=vrt.resampling,\n src_nodata=vrt.src_nodata,\n dst_nodata=vrt.dst_nodata,\n tolerance=vrt.tolerance,\n transform=vrt.transform,\n width=vrt.width,\n height=vrt.height,\n warp_extras=vrt.warp_extras,\n )\n\n if lock is None:\n lock = RASTERIO_LOCK\n\n manager = CachingFileManager(rasterio.open, filename, lock=lock, mode=\"r\")\n riods = manager.acquire()\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_open_rasterio.if_vrt_params_is_not_None_open_rasterio._Parse_extra_metadata_fr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_open_rasterio.if_vrt_params_is_not_None_open_rasterio._Parse_extra_metadata_fr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", "file_name": "rasterio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 240, "end_line": 318, "span_ids": ["open_rasterio"], "tokens": 842}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_rasterio(filename, parse_coordinates=None, chunks=None, cache=None, lock=None):\n # ... other code\n if vrt_params is not None:\n riods = WarpedVRT(riods, **vrt_params)\n\n if cache is None:\n cache = chunks is None\n\n coords = {}\n\n # Get bands\n if riods.count < 1:\n raise ValueError(\"Unknown dims\")\n coords[\"band\"] = np.asarray(riods.indexes)\n\n # Get coordinates\n if riods.transform.is_rectilinear:\n # 1d coordinates\n parse = True if parse_coordinates is None else parse_coordinates\n if parse:\n nx, ny = riods.width, riods.height\n # xarray coordinates are pixel centered\n x, _ = (np.arange(nx) + 0.5, np.zeros(nx) + 0.5) * riods.transform\n _, y = (np.zeros(ny) + 0.5, np.arange(ny) + 0.5) * riods.transform\n coords[\"y\"] = y\n coords[\"x\"] = x\n else:\n # 2d coordinates\n parse = False if (parse_coordinates is None) else parse_coordinates\n if parse:\n warnings.warn(\n \"The file coordinates' transformation isn't \"\n \"rectilinear: xarray won't parse the coordinates \"\n \"in this case. Set `parse_coordinates=False` to \"\n \"suppress this warning.\",\n RuntimeWarning,\n stacklevel=3,\n )\n\n # Attributes\n attrs = {}\n # Affine transformation matrix (always available)\n # This describes coefficients mapping pixel coordinates to CRS\n # For serialization store as tuple of 6 floats, the last row being\n # always (0, 0, 1) per definition (see\n # https://github.com/sgillies/affine)\n attrs[\"transform\"] = tuple(riods.transform)[:6]\n if hasattr(riods, \"crs\") and riods.crs:\n # CRS is a dict-like object specific to rasterio\n # If CRS is not None, we convert it back to a PROJ4 string using\n # rasterio itself\n try:\n attrs[\"crs\"] = riods.crs.to_proj4()\n except AttributeError:\n attrs[\"crs\"] = riods.crs.to_string()\n if hasattr(riods, \"res\"):\n # (width, height) tuple of pixels in units of CRS\n attrs[\"res\"] = riods.res\n if hasattr(riods, \"is_tiled\"):\n # Is the TIF tiled? (bool)\n # We cast it to an int for netCDF compatibility\n attrs[\"is_tiled\"] = np.uint8(riods.is_tiled)\n if hasattr(riods, \"nodatavals\"):\n # The nodata values for the raster bands\n attrs[\"nodatavals\"] = tuple(\n np.nan if nodataval is None else nodataval for nodataval in riods.nodatavals\n )\n if hasattr(riods, \"scales\"):\n # The scale values for the raster bands\n attrs[\"scales\"] = riods.scales\n if hasattr(riods, \"offsets\"):\n # The offset values for the raster bands\n attrs[\"offsets\"] = riods.offsets\n if hasattr(riods, \"descriptions\") and any(riods.descriptions):\n # Descriptions for each dataset band\n attrs[\"descriptions\"] = riods.descriptions\n if hasattr(riods, \"units\") and any(riods.units):\n # A list of units string for each dataset band\n attrs[\"units\"] = riods.units\n\n # Parse extra metadata from tags, if supported\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_open_rasterio.parsers_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/rasterio_.py_open_rasterio.parsers_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/rasterio_.py", "file_name": "rasterio_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 319, "end_line": 364, "span_ids": ["open_rasterio"], "tokens": 387}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_rasterio(filename, parse_coordinates=None, chunks=None, cache=None, lock=None):\n # ... other code\n parsers = {\"ENVI\": _parse_envi, \"GTiff\": lambda m: m}\n\n driver = riods.driver\n if driver in parsers:\n if driver == \"GTiff\":\n meta = parsers[driver](riods.tags())\n else:\n meta = parsers[driver](riods.tags(ns=driver))\n\n for k, v in meta.items():\n # Add values as coordinates if they match the band count,\n # as attributes otherwise\n if isinstance(v, (list, np.ndarray)) and len(v) == riods.count:\n coords[k] = (\"band\", np.asarray(v))\n else:\n attrs[k] = v\n\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(\n RasterioArrayWrapper(manager, lock, vrt_params)\n )\n\n # this lets you write arrays loaded with rasterio\n data = indexing.CopyOnWriteArray(data)\n if cache and chunks is None:\n data = indexing.MemoryCachedArray(data)\n\n result = DataArray(data=data, dims=(\"band\", \"y\", \"x\"), coords=coords, attrs=attrs)\n\n if chunks is not None:\n from dask.base import tokenize\n\n # augment the token with the file modification time\n try:\n mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)\n except OSError:\n # the filename is probably an s3 bucket rather than a regular file\n mtime = None\n token = tokenize(filename, mtime, chunks)\n name_prefix = \"open_rasterio-%s\" % token\n result = result.chunk(chunks, name_prefix=name_prefix, token=token)\n\n # Make the file closeable\n result._file_obj = manager\n\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py_from_io_import_BytesIO__decode_attrs.return._k_v_if_k__FillValue": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py_from_io_import_BytesIO__decode_attrs.return._k_v_if_k__FillValue", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", "file_name": "scipy_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 23, "span_ids": ["_decode_attrs", "_decode_string", "imports"], "tokens": 190}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "from io import BytesIO\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import Variable\nfrom ..core.indexing import NumpyIndexingAdapter\nfrom ..core.utils import Frozen, FrozenDict\nfrom .common import BackendArray, WritableCFDataStore\nfrom .file_manager import CachingFileManager, DummyFileManager\nfrom .locks import ensure_lock, get_write_lock\nfrom .netcdf3 import encode_nc3_attr_value, encode_nc3_variable, is_valid_nc3_name\n\n\ndef _decode_string(s):\n if isinstance(s, bytes):\n return s.decode(\"utf-8\", \"replace\")\n return s\n\n\ndef _decode_attrs(d):\n # don't decode _FillValue from bytes -> unicode, because we want to ensure\n # that its type matches the data exactly\n return {k: v if k == \"_FillValue\" else _decode_string(v) for (k, v) in d.items()}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py_ScipyArrayWrapper_ScipyArrayWrapper.__setitem__.with_self_datastore_lock_.try_.except_TypeError_.if_key_is_Ellipsis_.else_.raise": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py_ScipyArrayWrapper_ScipyArrayWrapper.__setitem__.with_self_datastore_lock_.try_.except_TypeError_.if_key_is_Ellipsis_.else_.raise", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", "file_name": "scipy_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 26, "end_line": 56, "span_ids": ["ScipyArrayWrapper.get_variable", "ScipyArrayWrapper", "ScipyArrayWrapper.__getitem__", "ScipyArrayWrapper.__setitem__"], "tokens": 265}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ScipyArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n def __init__(self, variable_name, datastore):\n self.datastore = datastore\n self.variable_name = variable_name\n array = self.get_variable().data\n self.shape = array.shape\n self.dtype = np.dtype(array.dtype.kind + str(array.dtype.itemsize))\n\n def get_variable(self, needs_lock=True):\n ds = self.datastore._manager.acquire(needs_lock)\n return ds.variables[self.variable_name]\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n data = NumpyIndexingAdapter(self.get_variable().data)[key]\n # Copy data if the source file is mmapped. This makes things consistent\n # with the netCDF4 library by ensuring we can safely read arrays even\n # after closing associated files.\n copy = self.datastore.ds.use_mmap\n return np.array(data, dtype=self.dtype, copy=copy)\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n with self.datastore.lock:\n data = self.get_variable(needs_lock=False)\n try:\n data[key] = value\n except TypeError:\n if key is Ellipsis:\n # workaround for GH: scipy/scipy#6880\n data[:] = value\n else:\n raise", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py__open_scipy_netcdf__open_scipy_netcdf.try_.except_TypeError_as_e_.if_is_not_a_valid_NetCDF.else_.raise": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py__open_scipy_netcdf__open_scipy_netcdf.try_.except_TypeError_as_e_.if_is_not_a_valid_NetCDF.else_.raise", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", "file_name": "scipy_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 59, "end_line": 96, "span_ids": ["_open_scipy_netcdf"], "tokens": 310}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _open_scipy_netcdf(filename, mode, mmap, version):\n import scipy.io\n import gzip\n\n # if the string ends with .gz, then gunzip and open as netcdf file\n if isinstance(filename, str) and filename.endswith(\".gz\"):\n try:\n return scipy.io.netcdf_file(\n gzip.open(filename), mode=mode, mmap=mmap, version=version\n )\n except TypeError as e:\n # TODO: gzipped loading only works with NetCDF3 files.\n if \"is not a valid NetCDF 3 file\" in e.message:\n raise ValueError(\n \"gzipped file loading only supports \" \"NetCDF 3 files.\"\n )\n else:\n raise\n\n if isinstance(filename, bytes) and filename.startswith(b\"CDF\"):\n # it's a NetCDF3 bytestring\n filename = BytesIO(filename)\n\n try:\n return scipy.io.netcdf_file(filename, mode=mode, mmap=mmap, version=version)\n except TypeError as e: # netcdf3 message is obscure in this case\n errmsg = e.args[0]\n if \"is not a valid NetCDF 3 file\" in errmsg:\n msg = \"\"\"\n If this is a NetCDF4 file, you may need to install the\n netcdf4 library, e.g.,\n\n $ pip install netcdf4\n \"\"\"\n errmsg += msg\n raise TypeError(errmsg)\n else:\n raise", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py_ScipyDataStore_ScipyDataStore.encode_variable.return.variable": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py_ScipyDataStore_ScipyDataStore.encode_variable.return.variable", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", "file_name": "scipy_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 99, "end_line": 192, "span_ids": ["ScipyDataStore.get_dimensions", "ScipyDataStore.get_variables", "ScipyDataStore.ds", "ScipyDataStore.get_attrs", "ScipyDataStore.open_store_variable", "ScipyDataStore", "ScipyDataStore.set_dimension", "ScipyDataStore.get_encoding", "ScipyDataStore.encode_variable", "ScipyDataStore.set_attribute", "ScipyDataStore._validate_attr_key"], "tokens": 643}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ScipyDataStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n \"\"\"Store for reading and writing data via scipy.io.netcdf.\n\n This store has the advantage of being able to be initialized with a\n StringIO object, allow for serialization without writing to disk.\n\n It only supports the NetCDF3 file-format.\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(\n self, filename_or_obj, mode=\"r\", format=None, group=None, mmap=None, lock=None\n ):\n if group is not None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot save to a group with the \" \"scipy.io.netcdf backend\"\n )\n\n if format is None or format == \"NETCDF3_64BIT\":\n version = 2\n elif format == \"NETCDF3_CLASSIC\":\n version = 1\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"invalid format for scipy.io.netcdf backend: %r\" % format)\n\n if lock is None and mode != \"r\" and isinstance(filename_or_obj, str):\n lock = get_write_lock(filename_or_obj)\n\n self.lock = ensure_lock(lock)\n\n if isinstance(filename_or_obj, str):\n manager = CachingFileManager(\n _open_scipy_netcdf,\n filename_or_obj,\n mode=mode,\n lock=lock,\n kwargs=dict(mmap=mmap, version=version),\n )\n else:\n scipy_dataset = _open_scipy_netcdf(\n filename_or_obj, mode=mode, mmap=mmap, version=version\n )\n manager = DummyFileManager(scipy_dataset)\n\n self._manager = manager\n\n @property\n def ds(self):\n return self._manager.acquire()\n\n def open_store_variable(self, name, var):\n return Variable(\n var.dimensions,\n ScipyArrayWrapper(name, self),\n _decode_attrs(var._attributes),\n )\n\n def get_variables(self):\n return FrozenDict(\n (k, self.open_store_variable(k, v)) for k, v in self.ds.variables.items()\n )\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n return Frozen(_decode_attrs(self.ds._attributes))\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n return Frozen(self.ds.dimensions)\n\n def get_encoding(self):\n encoding = {}\n encoding[\"unlimited_dims\"] = {\n k for k, v in self.ds.dimensions.items() if v is None\n }\n return encoding\n\n def set_dimension(self, name, length, is_unlimited=False):\n if name in self.ds.dimensions:\n raise ValueError(\n \"%s does not support modifying dimensions\" % type(self).__name__\n )\n dim_length = length if not is_unlimited else None\n self.ds.createDimension(name, dim_length)\n\n def _validate_attr_key(self, key):\n if not is_valid_nc3_name(key):\n raise ValueError(\"Not a valid attribute name\")\n\n def set_attribute(self, key, value):\n self._validate_attr_key(key)\n value = encode_nc3_attr_value(value)\n setattr(self.ds, key, value)\n\n def encode_variable(self, variable):\n variable = encode_nc3_variable(variable)\n return variable", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py_ScipyDataStore.prepare_variable_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/scipy_.py_ScipyDataStore.prepare_variable_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/scipy_.py", "file_name": "scipy_.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 194, "end_line": 224, "span_ids": ["ScipyDataStore.close", "ScipyDataStore.sync", "ScipyDataStore.prepare_variable"], "tokens": 222}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ScipyDataStore(WritableCFDataStore):\n\n def prepare_variable(\n self, name, variable, check_encoding=False, unlimited_dims=None\n ):\n if check_encoding and variable.encoding:\n if variable.encoding != {\"_FillValue\": None}:\n raise ValueError(\n \"unexpected encoding for scipy backend: %r\"\n % list(variable.encoding)\n )\n\n data = variable.data\n # nb. this still creates a numpy array in all memory, even though we\n # don't write the data yet; scipy.io.netcdf does not not support\n # incremental writes.\n if name not in self.ds.variables:\n self.ds.createVariable(name, data.dtype, variable.dims)\n scipy_var = self.ds.variables[name]\n for k, v in variable.attrs.items():\n self._validate_attr_key(k)\n setattr(scipy_var, k, v)\n\n target = ScipyArrayWrapper(name, self)\n\n return target, data\n\n def sync(self):\n self.ds.sync()\n\n def close(self):\n self._manager.close()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_warnings__encode_zarr_attr_value.return.encoded": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_warnings__encode_zarr_attr_value.return.encoded", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 26, "span_ids": ["impl", "_encode_zarr_attr_value", "imports"], "tokens": 177}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import warnings\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .. import Variable, coding, conventions\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.pycompat import integer_types\nfrom ..core.utils import FrozenDict, HiddenKeyDict\nfrom .common import AbstractWritableDataStore, BackendArray, _encode_variable_name\n\n# need some special secret attributes to tell us the dimensions\n_DIMENSION_KEY = \"_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS\"\n\n\n# zarr attributes have to be serializable as json\n# many xarray datasets / variables have numpy arrays and values\n# these functions handle encoding / decoding of such items\ndef _encode_zarr_attr_value(value):\n if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):\n encoded = value.tolist()\n # this checks if it's a scalar number\n elif isinstance(value, np.generic):\n encoded = value.item()\n else:\n encoded = value\n return encoded", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrArrayWrapper_ZarrArrayWrapper.__getitem__._could_possibly_have_a_w": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrArrayWrapper_ZarrArrayWrapper.__getitem__._could_possibly_have_a_w", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 29, "end_line": 57, "span_ids": ["ZarrArrayWrapper", "ZarrArrayWrapper.get_array", "ZarrArrayWrapper.__getitem__"], "tokens": 213}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ZarrArrayWrapper(BackendArray):\n __slots__ = (\"datastore\", \"dtype\", \"shape\", \"variable_name\")\n\n def __init__(self, variable_name, datastore):\n self.datastore = datastore\n self.variable_name = variable_name\n\n array = self.get_array()\n self.shape = array.shape\n\n dtype = array.dtype\n self.dtype = dtype\n\n def get_array(self):\n return self.datastore.ds[self.variable_name]\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n array = self.get_array()\n if isinstance(key, indexing.BasicIndexer):\n return array[key.tuple]\n elif isinstance(key, indexing.VectorizedIndexer):\n return array.vindex[\n indexing._arrayize_vectorized_indexer(key.tuple, self.shape).tuple\n ]\n else:\n assert isinstance(key, indexing.OuterIndexer)\n return array.oindex[key.tuple]\n # if self.ndim == 0:\n # could possibly have a work-around for 0d data here", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__determine_zarr_chunks__determine_zarr_chunks._threads": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__determine_zarr_chunks__determine_zarr_chunks._threads", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 60, "end_line": 131, "span_ids": ["_determine_zarr_chunks"], "tokens": 749}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _determine_zarr_chunks(enc_chunks, var_chunks, ndim):\n \"\"\"\n Given encoding chunks (possibly None) and variable chunks (possibly None)\n \"\"\"\n\n # zarr chunk spec:\n # chunks : int or tuple of ints, optional\n # Chunk shape. If not provided, will be guessed from shape and dtype.\n\n # if there are no chunks in encoding and the variable data is a numpy\n # array, then we let zarr use its own heuristics to pick the chunks\n if var_chunks is None and enc_chunks is None:\n return None\n\n # if there are no chunks in encoding but there are dask chunks, we try to\n # use the same chunks in zarr\n # However, zarr chunks needs to be uniform for each array\n # http://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec/v1.html#chunks\n # while dask chunks can be variable sized\n # http://dask.pydata.org/en/latest/array-design.html#chunks\n if var_chunks and enc_chunks is None:\n if any(len(set(chunks[:-1])) > 1 for chunks in var_chunks):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Zarr requires uniform chunk sizes except for final chunk.\"\n \" Variable dask chunks %r are incompatible. Consider \"\n \"rechunking using `chunk()`.\" % (var_chunks,)\n )\n if any((chunks[0] < chunks[-1]) for chunks in var_chunks):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Final chunk of Zarr array must be the same size or smaller \"\n \"than the first. Variable Dask chunks %r are incompatible. \"\n \"Consider rechunking using `chunk()`.\" % var_chunks\n )\n # return the first chunk for each dimension\n return tuple(chunk[0] for chunk in var_chunks)\n\n # from here on, we are dealing with user-specified chunks in encoding\n # zarr allows chunks to be an integer, in which case it uses the same chunk\n # size on each dimension.\n # Here we re-implement this expansion ourselves. That makes the logic of\n # checking chunk compatibility easier\n\n if isinstance(enc_chunks, integer_types):\n enc_chunks_tuple = ndim * (enc_chunks,)\n else:\n enc_chunks_tuple = tuple(enc_chunks)\n\n if len(enc_chunks_tuple) != ndim:\n # throw away encoding chunks, start over\n return _determine_zarr_chunks(None, var_chunks, ndim)\n\n for x in enc_chunks_tuple:\n if not isinstance(x, int):\n raise TypeError(\n \"zarr chunks must be an int or a tuple of ints. \"\n \"Instead found %r\" % (enc_chunks_tuple,)\n )\n\n # if there are chunks in encoding and the variable data is a numpy array,\n # we use the specified chunks\n if var_chunks is None:\n return enc_chunks_tuple\n\n # the hard case\n # DESIGN CHOICE: do not allow multiple dask chunks on a single zarr chunk\n # this avoids the need to get involved in zarr synchronization / locking\n # From zarr docs:\n # \"If each worker in a parallel computation is writing to a separate\n # region of the array, and if region boundaries are perfectly aligned\n # with chunk boundaries, then no synchronization is required.\"\n # TODO: incorporate synchronizer to allow writes from multiple dask\n # threads\n if var_chunks and enc_chunks_tuple:\n # ... other code\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__determine_zarr_chunks.None_6__determine_zarr_chunks.raise_AssertionError_We_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__determine_zarr_chunks.None_6__determine_zarr_chunks.raise_AssertionError_We_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 132, "end_line": 153, "span_ids": ["_determine_zarr_chunks"], "tokens": 267}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _determine_zarr_chunks(enc_chunks, var_chunks, ndim):\n\n # if there are no chunks in encoding but there are dask chunks, we try to\n # ... other code\n if var_chunks and enc_chunks_tuple:\n for zchunk, dchunks in zip(enc_chunks_tuple, var_chunks):\n for dchunk in dchunks[:-1]:\n if dchunk % zchunk:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"Specified zarr chunks %r would overlap multiple dask \"\n \"chunks %r. This is not implemented in xarray yet. \"\n \" Consider rechunking the data using \"\n \"`chunk()` or specifying different chunks in encoding.\"\n % (enc_chunks_tuple, var_chunks)\n )\n if dchunks[-1] > zchunk:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Final chunk of Zarr array must be the same size or \"\n \"smaller than the first. The specified Zarr chunk \"\n \"encoding is %r, but %r in variable Dask chunks %r is \"\n \"incompatible. Consider rechunking using `chunk()`.\"\n % (enc_chunks_tuple, dchunks, var_chunks)\n )\n return enc_chunks_tuple\n\n raise AssertionError(\"We should never get here. Function logic must be wrong.\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__get_zarr_dims_and_attrs__get_zarr_dims_and_attrs.return.dimensions_attributes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__get_zarr_dims_and_attrs__get_zarr_dims_and_attrs.return.dimensions_attributes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 156, "end_line": 169, "span_ids": ["_get_zarr_dims_and_attrs"], "tokens": 155}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_zarr_dims_and_attrs(zarr_obj, dimension_key):\n # Zarr arrays do not have dimenions. To get around this problem, we add\n # an attribute that specifies the dimension. We have to hide this attribute\n # when we send the attributes to the user.\n # zarr_obj can be either a zarr group or zarr array\n try:\n dimensions = zarr_obj.attrs[dimension_key]\n except KeyError:\n raise KeyError(\n \"Zarr object is missing the attribute `%s`, which is \"\n \"required for xarray to determine variable dimensions.\" % (dimension_key)\n )\n attributes = HiddenKeyDict(zarr_obj.attrs, [dimension_key])\n return dimensions, attributes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__extract_zarr_variable_encoding__extract_zarr_variable_encoding.return.encoding": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__extract_zarr_variable_encoding__extract_zarr_variable_encoding.return.encoding", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 172, "end_line": 192, "span_ids": ["_extract_zarr_variable_encoding"], "tokens": 152}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _extract_zarr_variable_encoding(variable, raise_on_invalid=False):\n encoding = variable.encoding.copy()\n\n valid_encodings = {\"chunks\", \"compressor\", \"filters\", \"cache_metadata\"}\n\n if raise_on_invalid:\n invalid = [k for k in encoding if k not in valid_encodings]\n if invalid:\n raise ValueError(\n \"unexpected encoding parameters for zarr \" \"backend: %r\" % invalid\n )\n else:\n for k in list(encoding):\n if k not in valid_encodings:\n del encoding[k]\n\n chunks = _determine_zarr_chunks(\n encoding.get(\"chunks\"), variable.chunks, variable.ndim\n )\n encoding[\"chunks\"] = chunks\n return encoding", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__Function_below_is_copie_encode_zarr_variable.return.var": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py__Function_below_is_copie_encode_zarr_variable.return.var", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 195, "end_line": 227, "span_ids": ["encode_zarr_variable", "_extract_zarr_variable_encoding"], "tokens": 253}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# Function below is copied from conventions.encode_cf_variable.\n# The only change is to raise an error for object dtypes.\ndef encode_zarr_variable(var, needs_copy=True, name=None):\n \"\"\"\n Converts an Variable into an Variable which follows some\n of the CF conventions:\n\n - Nans are masked using _FillValue (or the deprecated missing_value)\n - Rescaling via: scale_factor and add_offset\n - datetimes are converted to the CF 'units since time' format\n - dtype encodings are enforced.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n var : xarray.Variable\n A variable holding un-encoded data.\n\n Returns\n -------\n out : xarray.Variable\n A variable which has been encoded as described above.\n \"\"\"\n\n var = conventions.encode_cf_variable(var, name=name)\n\n # zarr allows unicode, but not variable-length strings, so it's both\n # simpler and more compact to always encode as UTF-8 explicitly.\n # TODO: allow toggling this explicitly via dtype in encoding.\n coder = coding.strings.EncodedStringCoder(allows_unicode=True)\n var = coder.encode(var, name=name)\n var = coding.strings.ensure_fixed_length_bytes(var)\n\n return var", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore_ZarrStore.open_group.return.cls_zarr_group_consolida": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore_ZarrStore.open_group.return.cls_zarr_group_consolida", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 230, "end_line": 261, "span_ids": ["ZarrStore", "ZarrStore.open_group"], "tokens": 191}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ZarrStore(AbstractWritableDataStore):\n \"\"\"Store for reading and writing data via zarr\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\n \"append_dim\",\n \"ds\",\n \"_consolidate_on_close\",\n \"_group\",\n \"_read_only\",\n \"_synchronizer\",\n )\n\n @classmethod\n def open_group(\n cls,\n store,\n mode=\"r\",\n synchronizer=None,\n group=None,\n consolidated=False,\n consolidate_on_close=False,\n ):\n import zarr\n\n open_kwargs = dict(mode=mode, synchronizer=synchronizer, path=group)\n if consolidated:\n # TODO: an option to pass the metadata_key keyword\n zarr_group = zarr.open_consolidated(store, **open_kwargs)\n else:\n zarr_group = zarr.open_group(store, **open_kwargs)\n return cls(zarr_group, consolidate_on_close)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore.__init___ZarrStore.open_store_variable.return.Variable_dimensions_data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore.__init___ZarrStore.open_store_variable.return.Variable_dimensions_data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 263, "end_line": 285, "span_ids": ["ZarrStore.__init__", "ZarrStore.open_store_variable"], "tokens": 247}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ZarrStore(AbstractWritableDataStore):\n\n def __init__(self, zarr_group, consolidate_on_close=False):\n self.ds = zarr_group\n self._read_only = self.ds.read_only\n self._synchronizer = self.ds.synchronizer\n self._group = self.ds.path\n self._consolidate_on_close = consolidate_on_close\n self.append_dim = None\n\n def open_store_variable(self, name, zarr_array):\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(ZarrArrayWrapper(name, self))\n dimensions, attributes = _get_zarr_dims_and_attrs(zarr_array, _DIMENSION_KEY)\n attributes = dict(attributes)\n encoding = {\n \"chunks\": zarr_array.chunks,\n \"compressor\": zarr_array.compressor,\n \"filters\": zarr_array.filters,\n }\n # _FillValue needs to be in attributes, not encoding, so it will get\n # picked up by decode_cf\n if getattr(zarr_array, \"fill_value\") is not None:\n attributes[\"_FillValue\"] = zarr_array.fill_value\n\n return Variable(dimensions, data, attributes, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore.get_variables_ZarrStore.encode_attribute.return._encode_zarr_attr_value_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore.get_variables_ZarrStore.encode_attribute.return._encode_zarr_attr_value_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 287, "end_line": 330, "span_ids": ["ZarrStore.get_dimensions", "ZarrStore.encode_variable", "ZarrStore.get_variables", "ZarrStore.get_attrs", "ZarrStore.set_dimensions", "ZarrStore.encode_attribute", "ZarrStore.set_attributes"], "tokens": 300}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ZarrStore(AbstractWritableDataStore):\n\n def get_variables(self):\n return FrozenDict(\n (k, self.open_store_variable(k, v)) for k, v in self.ds.arrays()\n )\n\n def get_attrs(self):\n attributes = dict(self.ds.attrs.asdict())\n return attributes\n\n def get_dimensions(self):\n dimensions = {}\n for k, v in self.ds.arrays():\n try:\n for d, s in zip(v.attrs[_DIMENSION_KEY], v.shape):\n if d in dimensions and dimensions[d] != s:\n raise ValueError(\n \"found conflicting lengths for dimension %s \"\n \"(%d != %d)\" % (d, s, dimensions[d])\n )\n dimensions[d] = s\n\n except KeyError:\n raise KeyError(\n \"Zarr object is missing the attribute `%s`, \"\n \"which is required for xarray to determine \"\n \"variable dimensions.\" % (_DIMENSION_KEY)\n )\n return dimensions\n\n def set_dimensions(self, variables, unlimited_dims=None):\n if unlimited_dims is not None:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"Zarr backend doesn't know how to handle unlimited dimensions\"\n )\n\n def set_attributes(self, attributes):\n self.ds.attrs.put(attributes)\n\n def encode_variable(self, variable):\n variable = encode_zarr_variable(variable)\n return variable\n\n def encode_attribute(self, a):\n return _encode_zarr_attr_value(a)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore.store_ZarrStore.sync.pass": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore.store_ZarrStore.sync.pass", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 332, "end_line": 390, "span_ids": ["ZarrStore.sync", "ZarrStore.store"], "tokens": 429}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ZarrStore(AbstractWritableDataStore):\n\n def store(\n self,\n variables,\n attributes,\n check_encoding_set=frozenset(),\n writer=None,\n unlimited_dims=None,\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Top level method for putting data on this store, this method:\n - encodes variables/attributes\n - sets dimensions\n - sets variables\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (variable name / xr.Variable) pairs\n attributes : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (attribute name / attribute) pairs\n check_encoding_set : list-like\n List of variables that should be checked for invalid encoding\n values\n writer : ArrayWriter\n unlimited_dims : list-like\n List of dimension names that should be treated as unlimited\n dimensions.\n dimension on which the zarray will be appended\n only needed in append mode\n \"\"\"\n\n existing_variables = {\n vn for vn in variables if _encode_variable_name(vn) in self.ds\n }\n new_variables = set(variables) - existing_variables\n variables_without_encoding = {vn: variables[vn] for vn in new_variables}\n variables_encoded, attributes = self.encode(\n variables_without_encoding, attributes\n )\n\n if len(existing_variables) > 0:\n # there are variables to append\n # their encoding must be the same as in the store\n ds = open_zarr(self.ds.store, chunks=None)\n variables_with_encoding = {}\n for vn in existing_variables:\n variables_with_encoding[vn] = variables[vn].copy(deep=False)\n variables_with_encoding[vn].encoding = ds[vn].encoding\n variables_with_encoding, _ = self.encode(variables_with_encoding, {})\n variables_encoded.update(variables_with_encoding)\n\n self.set_attributes(attributes)\n self.set_dimensions(variables_encoded, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims)\n self.set_variables(\n variables_encoded, check_encoding_set, writer, unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims\n )\n\n def sync(self):\n pass", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore.set_variables_ZarrStore.close.if_self__consolidate_on_c.zarr_consolidate_metadata": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_ZarrStore.set_variables_ZarrStore.close.if_self__consolidate_on_c.zarr_consolidate_metadata", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 392, "end_line": 454, "span_ids": ["ZarrStore.close", "ZarrStore.set_variables"], "tokens": 517}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ZarrStore(AbstractWritableDataStore):\n\n def set_variables(self, variables, check_encoding_set, writer, unlimited_dims=None):\n \"\"\"\n This provides a centralized method to set the variables on the data\n store.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict-like\n Dictionary of key/value (variable name / xr.Variable) pairs\n check_encoding_set : list-like\n List of variables that should be checked for invalid encoding\n values\n writer :\n unlimited_dims : list-like\n List of dimension names that should be treated as unlimited\n dimensions.\n \"\"\"\n\n for vn, v in variables.items():\n name = _encode_variable_name(vn)\n check = vn in check_encoding_set\n attrs = v.attrs.copy()\n dims = v.dims\n dtype = v.dtype\n shape = v.shape\n\n fill_value = attrs.pop(\"_FillValue\", None)\n if v.encoding == {\"_FillValue\": None} and fill_value is None:\n v.encoding = {}\n if name in self.ds:\n zarr_array = self.ds[name]\n if self.append_dim in dims:\n # this is the DataArray that has append_dim as a\n # dimension\n append_axis = dims.index(self.append_dim)\n new_shape = list(zarr_array.shape)\n new_shape[append_axis] += v.shape[append_axis]\n new_region = [slice(None)] * len(new_shape)\n new_region[append_axis] = slice(zarr_array.shape[append_axis], None)\n zarr_array.resize(new_shape)\n writer.add(v.data, zarr_array, region=tuple(new_region))\n else:\n # new variable\n encoding = _extract_zarr_variable_encoding(v, raise_on_invalid=check)\n encoded_attrs = {}\n # the magic for storing the hidden dimension data\n encoded_attrs[_DIMENSION_KEY] = dims\n for k2, v2 in attrs.items():\n encoded_attrs[k2] = self.encode_attribute(v2)\n\n if coding.strings.check_vlen_dtype(dtype) == str:\n dtype = str\n zarr_array = self.ds.create(\n name, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, fill_value=fill_value, **encoding\n )\n zarr_array.attrs.put(encoded_attrs)\n writer.add(v.data, zarr_array)\n\n def close(self):\n if self._consolidate_on_close:\n import zarr\n\n zarr.consolidate_metadata(self.ds.store)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_open_zarr_open_zarr._Load_and_decode_a_data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_open_zarr_open_zarr._Load_and_decode_a_data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 457, "end_line": 542, "span_ids": ["open_zarr"], "tokens": 763}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_zarr(\n store,\n group=None,\n synchronizer=None,\n chunks=\"auto\",\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=True,\n decode_times=True,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n drop_variables=None,\n consolidated=False,\n overwrite_encoded_chunks=False,\n **kwargs\n):\n \"\"\"Load and decode a dataset from a Zarr store.\n\n .. note:: Experimental\n The Zarr backend is new and experimental. Please report any\n unexpected behavior via github issues.\n\n The `store` object should be a valid store for a Zarr group. `store`\n variables must contain dimension metadata encoded in the\n `_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS` attribute.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n store : MutableMapping or str\n A MutableMapping where a Zarr Group has been stored or a path to a\n directory in file system where a Zarr DirectoryStore has been stored.\n synchronizer : object, optional\n Array synchronizer provided to zarr\n group : str, obtional\n Group path. (a.k.a. `path` in zarr terminology.)\n chunks : int or dict or tuple or {None, 'auto'}, optional\n Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5`` or\n ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``. If `chunks='auto'`, dask chunks are created\n based on the variable's zarr chunks. If `chunks=None`, zarr array\n data will lazily convert to numpy arrays upon access. This accepts\n all the chunk specifications as Dask does.\n overwrite_encoded_chunks: bool, optional\n Whether to drop the zarr chunks encoded for each variable when a\n dataset is loaded with specified chunk sizes (default: False)\n decode_cf : bool, optional\n Whether to decode these variables, assuming they were saved according\n to CF conventions.\n mask_and_scale : bool, optional\n If True, replace array values equal to `_FillValue` with NA and scale\n values according to the formula `original_values * scale_factor +\n add_offset`, where `_FillValue`, `scale_factor` and `add_offset` are\n taken from variable attributes (if they exist). If the `_FillValue` or\n `missing_value` attribute contains multiple values a warning will be\n issued and all array values matching one of the multiple values will\n be replaced by NA.\n decode_times : bool, optional\n If True, decode times encoded in the standard NetCDF datetime format\n into datetime objects. Otherwise, leave them encoded as numbers.\n concat_characters : bool, optional\n If True, concatenate along the last dimension of character arrays to\n form string arrays. Dimensions will only be concatenated over (and\n removed) if they have no corresponding variable and if they are only\n used as the last dimension of character arrays.\n decode_coords : bool, optional\n If True, decode the 'coordinates' attribute to identify coordinates in\n the resulting dataset.\n drop_variables : string or iterable, optional\n A variable or list of variables to exclude from being parsed from the\n dataset. This may be useful to drop variables with problems or\n inconsistent values.\n consolidated : bool, optional\n Whether to open the store using zarr's consolidated metadata\n capability. Only works for stores that have already been consolidated.\n\n Returns\n -------\n dataset : Dataset\n The newly created dataset.\n\n See Also\n --------\n open_dataset\n\n References\n ----------\n http://zarr.readthedocs.io/\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_open_zarr.if_auto_chunk_in_kwargs_open_zarr.if_isinstance_chunks_tup.chunks.dict_zip_ds_dims_chunks_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_open_zarr.if_auto_chunk_in_kwargs_open_zarr.if_isinstance_chunks_tup.chunks.dict_zip_ds_dims_chunks_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 543, "end_line": 611, "span_ids": ["open_zarr"], "tokens": 536}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_zarr(\n store,\n group=None,\n synchronizer=None,\n chunks=\"auto\",\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=True,\n decode_times=True,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n drop_variables=None,\n consolidated=False,\n overwrite_encoded_chunks=False,\n **kwargs\n):\n if \"auto_chunk\" in kwargs:\n auto_chunk = kwargs.pop(\"auto_chunk\")\n if auto_chunk:\n chunks = \"auto\" # maintain backwards compatibility\n else:\n chunks = None\n\n warnings.warn(\n \"auto_chunk is deprecated. Use chunks='auto' instead.\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n\n if kwargs:\n raise TypeError(\n \"open_zarr() got unexpected keyword arguments \" + \",\".join(kwargs.keys())\n )\n\n if not isinstance(chunks, (int, dict)):\n if chunks != \"auto\" and chunks is not None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"chunks must be an int, dict, 'auto', or None. \"\n \"Instead found %s. \" % chunks\n )\n\n if not decode_cf:\n mask_and_scale = False\n decode_times = False\n concat_characters = False\n decode_coords = False\n\n def maybe_decode_store(store, lock=False):\n ds = conventions.decode_cf(\n store,\n mask_and_scale=mask_and_scale,\n decode_times=decode_times,\n concat_characters=concat_characters,\n decode_coords=decode_coords,\n drop_variables=drop_variables,\n )\n\n # TODO: this is where we would apply caching\n\n return ds\n\n # Zarr supports a wide range of access modes, but for now xarray either\n # reads or writes from a store, never both. For open_zarr, we only read\n mode = \"r\"\n zarr_store = ZarrStore.open_group(\n store,\n mode=mode,\n synchronizer=synchronizer,\n group=group,\n consolidated=consolidated,\n )\n ds = maybe_decode_store(zarr_store)\n\n # auto chunking needs to be here and not in ZarrStore because variable\n # chunks do not survive decode_cf\n # return trivial case\n if not chunks:\n return ds\n\n # adapted from Dataset.Chunk()\n if isinstance(chunks, int):\n chunks = dict.fromkeys(ds.dims, chunks)\n\n if isinstance(chunks, tuple) and len(chunks) == len(ds.dims):\n chunks = dict(zip(ds.dims, chunks))\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_open_zarr.get_chunk_open_zarr.get_chunk.return.chunk_spec": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_open_zarr.get_chunk_open_zarr.get_chunk.return.chunk_spec", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 613, "end_line": 640, "span_ids": ["open_zarr"], "tokens": 298}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_zarr(\n store,\n group=None,\n synchronizer=None,\n chunks=\"auto\",\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=True,\n decode_times=True,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n drop_variables=None,\n consolidated=False,\n overwrite_encoded_chunks=False,\n **kwargs\n):\n # ... other code\n\n def get_chunk(name, var, chunks):\n chunk_spec = dict(zip(var.dims, var.encoding.get(\"chunks\")))\n\n # Coordinate labels aren't chunked\n if var.ndim == 1 and var.dims[0] == name:\n return chunk_spec\n\n if chunks == \"auto\":\n return chunk_spec\n\n for dim in var.dims:\n if dim in chunks:\n spec = chunks[dim]\n if isinstance(spec, int):\n spec = (spec,)\n if isinstance(spec, (tuple, list)) and chunk_spec[dim]:\n if any(s % chunk_spec[dim] for s in spec):\n warnings.warn(\n \"Specified Dask chunks %r would \"\n \"separate Zarr chunk shape %r for \"\n \"dimension %r. This significantly \"\n \"degrades performance. Consider \"\n \"rechunking after loading instead.\"\n % (chunks[dim], chunk_spec[dim], dim),\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n chunk_spec[dim] = chunks[dim]\n return chunk_spec\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_open_zarr.maybe_chunk_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/backends/zarr.py_open_zarr.maybe_chunk_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/backends/zarr.py", "file_name": "zarr.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 642, "end_line": 660, "span_ids": ["open_zarr"], "tokens": 249}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def open_zarr(\n store,\n group=None,\n synchronizer=None,\n chunks=\"auto\",\n decode_cf=True,\n mask_and_scale=True,\n decode_times=True,\n concat_characters=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n drop_variables=None,\n consolidated=False,\n overwrite_encoded_chunks=False,\n **kwargs\n):\n # ... other code\n\n def maybe_chunk(name, var, chunks):\n from dask.base import tokenize\n\n chunk_spec = get_chunk(name, var, chunks)\n\n if (var.ndim > 0) and (chunk_spec is not None):\n # does this cause any data to be read?\n token2 = tokenize(name, var._data)\n name2 = \"zarr-%s\" % token2\n var = var.chunk(chunk_spec, name=name2, lock=None)\n if overwrite_encoded_chunks and var.chunks is not None:\n var.encoding[\"chunks\"] = tuple(x[0] for x in var.chunks)\n return var\n else:\n return var\n\n variables = {k: maybe_chunk(k, v, chunks) for k, v in ds.variables.items()}\n return ds._replace_vars_and_dims(variables)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__Time_offset_classes_fo_format_cftime_datetime": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__Time_offset_classes_fo_format_cftime_datetime", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 52, "span_ids": ["docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 130}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Time offset classes for use with cftime.datetime objects\"\"\"\n# The offset classes and mechanisms for generating time ranges defined in\n# this module were copied/adapted from those defined in pandas. See in\n# particular the objects and methods defined in pandas.tseries.offsets\n# and pandas.core.indexes.datetimes.\n\nimport re\nfrom datetime import timedelta\nfrom functools import partial\nfrom typing import ClassVar, Optional\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom ..core.pdcompat import count_not_none\nfrom .cftimeindex import CFTimeIndex, _parse_iso8601_with_reso\nfrom .times import format_cftime_datetime", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_get_date_type_get_date_type.try_.else_.return.calendars_calendar_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_get_date_type_get_date_type.try_.else_.return.calendars_calendar_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 55, "end_line": 73, "span_ids": ["get_date_type"], "tokens": 179}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_date_type(calendar):\n \"\"\"Return the cftime date type for a given calendar name.\"\"\"\n try:\n import cftime\n except ImportError:\n raise ImportError(\"cftime is required for dates with non-standard calendars\")\n else:\n calendars = {\n \"noleap\": cftime.DatetimeNoLeap,\n \"360_day\": cftime.Datetime360Day,\n \"365_day\": cftime.DatetimeNoLeap,\n \"366_day\": cftime.DatetimeAllLeap,\n \"gregorian\": cftime.DatetimeGregorian,\n \"proleptic_gregorian\": cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian,\n \"julian\": cftime.DatetimeJulian,\n \"all_leap\": cftime.DatetimeAllLeap,\n \"standard\": cftime.DatetimeGregorian,\n }\n return calendars[calendar]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_BaseCFTimeOffset_BaseCFTimeOffset._get_offset_day.return._get_day_of_month_other_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_BaseCFTimeOffset_BaseCFTimeOffset._get_offset_day.return._get_day_of_month_other_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 76, "end_line": 157, "span_ids": ["BaseCFTimeOffset._get_offset_day", "BaseCFTimeOffset.rollback", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__rmul__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.onOffset", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__str__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__apply__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__ne__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__radd__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__mul__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__repr__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.rollforward", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__add__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__neg__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__sub__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__rsub__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.__eq__", "BaseCFTimeOffset.rule_code", "BaseCFTimeOffset"], "tokens": 560}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class BaseCFTimeOffset:\n _freq: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None\n _day_option: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None\n\n def __init__(self, n=1):\n if not isinstance(n, int):\n raise TypeError(\n \"The provided multiple 'n' must be an integer. \"\n \"Instead a value of type {!r} was provided.\".format(type(n))\n )\n self.n = n\n\n def rule_code(self):\n return self._freq\n\n def __eq__(self, other):\n return self.n == other.n and self.rule_code() == other.rule_code()\n\n def __ne__(self, other):\n return not self == other\n\n def __add__(self, other):\n return self.__apply__(other)\n\n def __sub__(self, other):\n import cftime\n\n if isinstance(other, cftime.datetime):\n raise TypeError(\"Cannot subtract a cftime.datetime \" \"from a time offset.\")\n elif type(other) == type(self):\n return type(self)(self.n - other.n)\n else:\n return NotImplemented\n\n def __mul__(self, other):\n return type(self)(n=other * self.n)\n\n def __neg__(self):\n return self * -1\n\n def __rmul__(self, other):\n return self.__mul__(other)\n\n def __radd__(self, other):\n return self.__add__(other)\n\n def __rsub__(self, other):\n if isinstance(other, BaseCFTimeOffset) and type(self) != type(other):\n raise TypeError(\"Cannot subtract cftime offsets of differing \" \"types\")\n return -self + other\n\n def __apply__(self):\n return NotImplemented\n\n def onOffset(self, date):\n \"\"\"Check if the given date is in the set of possible dates created\n using a length-one version of this offset class.\"\"\"\n test_date = (self + date) - self\n return date == test_date\n\n def rollforward(self, date):\n if self.onOffset(date):\n return date\n else:\n return date + type(self)()\n\n def rollback(self, date):\n if self.onOffset(date):\n return date\n else:\n return date - type(self)()\n\n def __str__(self):\n return \"<{}: n={}>\".format(type(self).__name__, self.n)\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return str(self)\n\n def _get_offset_day(self, other):\n # subclass must implement `_day_option`; calling from the base class\n # will raise NotImplementedError.\n return _get_day_of_month(other, self._day_option)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__get_day_of_month__get_day_of_month.if_day_option_start_.else_.raise_ValueError_day_opti": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__get_day_of_month__get_day_of_month.if_day_option_start_.else_.raise_ValueError_day_opti", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 160, "end_line": 187, "span_ids": ["_get_day_of_month"], "tokens": 185}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_day_of_month(other, day_option):\n \"\"\"Find the day in `other`'s month that satisfies a BaseCFTimeOffset's\n onOffset policy, as described by the `day_option` argument.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : cftime.datetime\n day_option : 'start', 'end'\n 'start': returns 1\n 'end': returns last day of the month\n\n Returns\n -------\n day_of_month : int\n\n \"\"\"\n\n if day_option == \"start\":\n return 1\n elif day_option == \"end\":\n days_in_month = _days_in_month(other)\n return days_in_month\n elif day_option is None:\n # Note: unlike `_shift_month`, _get_day_of_month does not\n # allow day_option = None\n raise NotImplementedError()\n else:\n raise ValueError(day_option)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__days_in_month__adjust_n_years.return.n": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__days_in_month__adjust_n_years.return.n", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 190, "end_line": 219, "span_ids": ["_adjust_n_years", "_adjust_n_months", "_days_in_month"], "tokens": 272}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _days_in_month(date):\n \"\"\"The number of days in the month of the given date\"\"\"\n if date.month == 12:\n reference = type(date)(date.year + 1, 1, 1)\n else:\n reference = type(date)(date.year, date.month + 1, 1)\n return (reference - timedelta(days=1)).day\n\n\ndef _adjust_n_months(other_day, n, reference_day):\n \"\"\"Adjust the number of times a monthly offset is applied based\n on the day of a given date, and the reference day provided.\n \"\"\"\n if n > 0 and other_day < reference_day:\n n = n - 1\n elif n <= 0 and other_day > reference_day:\n n = n + 1\n return n\n\n\ndef _adjust_n_years(other, n, month, reference_day):\n \"\"\"Adjust the number of times an annual offset is applied based on\n another date, and the reference day provided\"\"\"\n if n > 0:\n if other.month < month or (other.month == month and other.day < reference_day):\n n -= 1\n else:\n if other.month > month or (other.month == month and other.day > reference_day):\n n += 1\n return n", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__shift_month__shift_month.return.date_replace_year_year_m": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__shift_month__shift_month.return.date_replace_year_year_m", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 222, "end_line": 244, "span_ids": ["_shift_month"], "tokens": 244}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _shift_month(date, months, day_option=\"start\"):\n \"\"\"Shift the date to a month start or end a given number of months away.\n \"\"\"\n delta_year = (date.month + months) // 12\n month = (date.month + months) % 12\n\n if month == 0:\n month = 12\n delta_year = delta_year - 1\n year = date.year + delta_year\n\n if day_option == \"start\":\n day = 1\n elif day_option == \"end\":\n reference = type(date)(year, month, 1)\n day = _days_in_month(reference)\n else:\n raise ValueError(day_option)\n # dayofwk=-1 is required to update the dayofwk and dayofyr attributes of\n # the returned date object in versions of cftime between 1.0.2 and\n # It can be removed for versions of cftime greater than\n #\n return date.replace(year=year, month=month, day=day, dayofwk=-1)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_roll_qtrday_roll_qtrday.return.n": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_roll_qtrday_roll_qtrday.return.n", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 247, "end_line": 285, "span_ids": ["roll_qtrday"], "tokens": 306}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def roll_qtrday(other, n, month, day_option, modby=3):\n \"\"\"Possibly increment or decrement the number of periods to shift\n based on rollforward/rollbackward conventions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : cftime.datetime\n n : number of periods to increment, before adjusting for rolling\n month : int reference month giving the first month of the year\n day_option : 'start', 'end'\n The convention to use in finding the day in a given month against\n which to compare for rollforward/rollbackward decisions.\n modby : int 3 for quarters, 12 for years\n\n Returns\n -------\n n : int number of periods to increment\n\n See Also\n --------\n _get_day_of_month : Find the day in a month provided an offset.\n \"\"\"\n\n months_since = other.month % modby - month % modby\n\n if n > 0:\n if months_since < 0 or (\n months_since == 0 and other.day < _get_day_of_month(other, day_option)\n ):\n # pretend to roll back if on same month but\n # before compare_day\n n -= 1\n else:\n if months_since > 0 or (\n months_since == 0 and other.day > _get_day_of_month(other, day_option)\n ):\n # make sure to roll forward, so negate\n n += 1\n return n", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__validate_month__validate_month.return.result_month": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__validate_month__validate_month.return.result_month", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 288, "end_line": 305, "span_ids": ["_validate_month"], "tokens": 148}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _validate_month(month, default_month):\n if month is None:\n result_month = default_month\n else:\n result_month = month\n if not isinstance(result_month, int):\n raise TypeError(\n \"'self.month' must be an integer value between 1 \"\n \"and 12. Instead, it was set to a value of \"\n \"{!r}\".format(result_month)\n )\n elif not (1 <= result_month <= 12):\n raise ValueError(\n \"'self.month' must be an integer value between 1 \"\n \"and 12. Instead, it was set to a value of \"\n \"{!r}\".format(result_month)\n )\n return result_month", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_MonthBegin__MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_MonthBegin__MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 308, "end_line": 347, "span_ids": ["impl", "MonthBegin.onOffset", "MonthEnd.__apply__", "MonthBegin.__apply__", "MonthBegin", "MonthEnd.onOffset", "MonthEnd"], "tokens": 298}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class MonthBegin(BaseCFTimeOffset):\n _freq = \"MS\"\n\n def __apply__(self, other):\n n = _adjust_n_months(other.day, self.n, 1)\n return _shift_month(other, n, \"start\")\n\n def onOffset(self, date):\n \"\"\"Check if the given date is in the set of possible dates created\n using a length-one version of this offset class.\"\"\"\n return date.day == 1\n\n\nclass MonthEnd(BaseCFTimeOffset):\n _freq = \"M\"\n\n def __apply__(self, other):\n n = _adjust_n_months(other.day, self.n, _days_in_month(other))\n return _shift_month(other, n, \"end\")\n\n def onOffset(self, date):\n \"\"\"Check if the given date is in the set of possible dates created\n using a length-one version of this offset class.\"\"\"\n return date.day == _days_in_month(date)\n\n\n_MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS = {\n 1: \"JAN\",\n 2: \"FEB\",\n 3: \"MAR\",\n 4: \"APR\",\n 5: \"MAY\",\n 6: \"JUN\",\n 7: \"JUL\",\n 8: \"AUG\",\n 9: \"SEP\",\n 10: \"OCT\",\n 11: \"NOV\",\n 12: \"DEC\",\n}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_QuarterOffset_QuarterOffset.__apply__.return._shift_month_other_month": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_QuarterOffset_QuarterOffset.__apply__.return._shift_month_other_month", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 350, "end_line": 372, "span_ids": ["QuarterOffset.__apply__", "QuarterOffset"], "tokens": 246}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class QuarterOffset(BaseCFTimeOffset):\n \"\"\"Quarter representation copied off of pandas/tseries/offsets.py\n \"\"\"\n\n _freq: ClassVar[str]\n _default_month: ClassVar[int]\n\n def __init__(self, n=1, month=None):\n BaseCFTimeOffset.__init__(self, n)\n self.month = _validate_month(month, self._default_month)\n\n def __apply__(self, other):\n # months_since: find the calendar quarter containing other.month,\n # e.g. if other.month == 8, the calendar quarter is [Jul, Aug, Sep].\n # Then find the month in that quarter containing an onOffset date for\n # self. `months_since` is the number of months to shift other.month\n # to get to this on-offset month.\n months_since = other.month % 3 - self.month % 3\n qtrs = roll_qtrday(\n other, self.n, self.month, day_option=self._day_option, modby=3\n )\n months = qtrs * 3 - months_since\n return _shift_month(other, months, self._day_option)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_QuarterOffset.onOffset_QuarterOffset.__str__.return._n_month_fo": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_QuarterOffset.onOffset_QuarterOffset.__str__.return._n_month_fo", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 374, "end_line": 397, "span_ids": ["QuarterOffset.rule_code", "QuarterOffset.__str__", "QuarterOffset.__sub__", "QuarterOffset.onOffset", "QuarterOffset.__mul__"], "tokens": 230}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class QuarterOffset(BaseCFTimeOffset):\n\n def onOffset(self, date):\n \"\"\"Check if the given date is in the set of possible dates created\n using a length-one version of this offset class.\"\"\"\n mod_month = (date.month - self.month) % 3\n return mod_month == 0 and date.day == self._get_offset_day(date)\n\n def __sub__(self, other):\n import cftime\n\n if isinstance(other, cftime.datetime):\n raise TypeError(\"Cannot subtract cftime.datetime from offset.\")\n elif type(other) == type(self) and other.month == self.month:\n return type(self)(self.n - other.n, month=self.month)\n else:\n return NotImplemented\n\n def __mul__(self, other):\n return type(self)(n=other * self.n, month=self.month)\n\n def rule_code(self):\n return \"{}-{}\".format(self._freq, _MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS[self.month])\n\n def __str__(self):\n return \"<{}: n={}, month={}>\".format(type(self).__name__, self.n, self.month)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_QuarterBegin_QuarterBegin.rollback.if_self_onOffset_date_.else_.return.date_QuarterBegin_month": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_QuarterBegin_QuarterBegin.rollback.if_self_onOffset_date_.else_.return.date_QuarterBegin_month", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 400, "end_line": 422, "span_ids": ["QuarterBegin.rollback", "QuarterBegin", "QuarterBegin.rollforward"], "tokens": 179}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class QuarterBegin(QuarterOffset):\n # When converting a string to an offset, pandas converts\n # 'QS' to a QuarterBegin offset starting in the month of\n # January. When creating a QuarterBegin offset directly\n # from the constructor, however, the default month is March.\n # We follow that behavior here.\n _default_month = 3\n _freq = \"QS\"\n _day_option = \"start\"\n\n def rollforward(self, date):\n \"\"\"Roll date forward to nearest start of quarter\"\"\"\n if self.onOffset(date):\n return date\n else:\n return date + QuarterBegin(month=self.month)\n\n def rollback(self, date):\n \"\"\"Roll date backward to nearest start of quarter\"\"\"\n if self.onOffset(date):\n return date\n else:\n return date - QuarterBegin(month=self.month)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_QuarterEnd_QuarterEnd.rollback.if_self_onOffset_date_.else_.return.date_QuarterEnd_month_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_QuarterEnd_QuarterEnd.rollback.if_self_onOffset_date_.else_.return.date_QuarterEnd_month_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 425, "end_line": 447, "span_ids": ["QuarterEnd.rollforward", "QuarterEnd.rollback", "QuarterEnd"], "tokens": 179}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class QuarterEnd(QuarterOffset):\n # When converting a string to an offset, pandas converts\n # 'Q' to a QuarterEnd offset starting in the month of\n # December. When creating a QuarterEnd offset directly\n # from the constructor, however, the default month is March.\n # We follow that behavior here.\n _default_month = 3\n _freq = \"Q\"\n _day_option = \"end\"\n\n def rollforward(self, date):\n \"\"\"Roll date forward to nearest end of quarter\"\"\"\n if self.onOffset(date):\n return date\n else:\n return date + QuarterEnd(month=self.month)\n\n def rollback(self, date):\n \"\"\"Roll date backward to nearest end of quarter\"\"\"\n if self.onOffset(date):\n return date\n else:\n return date - QuarterEnd(month=self.month)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_YearOffset_YearOffset.__str__.return._n_month_fo": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_YearOffset_YearOffset.__str__.return._n_month_fo", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 450, "end_line": 482, "span_ids": ["YearOffset.__apply__", "YearOffset.rule_code", "YearOffset.__mul__", "YearOffset.__str__", "YearOffset.__sub__", "YearOffset"], "tokens": 300}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class YearOffset(BaseCFTimeOffset):\n _freq: ClassVar[str]\n _day_option: ClassVar[str]\n _default_month: ClassVar[int]\n\n def __init__(self, n=1, month=None):\n BaseCFTimeOffset.__init__(self, n)\n self.month = _validate_month(month, self._default_month)\n\n def __apply__(self, other):\n reference_day = _get_day_of_month(other, self._day_option)\n years = _adjust_n_years(other, self.n, self.month, reference_day)\n months = years * 12 + (self.month - other.month)\n return _shift_month(other, months, self._day_option)\n\n def __sub__(self, other):\n import cftime\n\n if isinstance(other, cftime.datetime):\n raise TypeError(\"Cannot subtract cftime.datetime from offset.\")\n elif type(other) == type(self) and other.month == self.month:\n return type(self)(self.n - other.n, month=self.month)\n else:\n return NotImplemented\n\n def __mul__(self, other):\n return type(self)(n=other * self.n, month=self.month)\n\n def rule_code(self):\n return \"{}-{}\".format(self._freq, _MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS[self.month])\n\n def __str__(self):\n return \"<{}: n={}, month={}>\".format(type(self).__name__, self.n, self.month)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": 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\"MS\": MonthBegin,\n \"D\": Day,\n \"H\": Hour,\n \"T\": Minute,\n \"min\": Minute,\n \"S\": Second,\n \"AS-JAN\": partial(YearBegin, month=1),\n \"AS-FEB\": partial(YearBegin, month=2),\n \"AS-MAR\": partial(YearBegin, month=3),\n \"AS-APR\": partial(YearBegin, month=4),\n \"AS-MAY\": partial(YearBegin, month=5),\n \"AS-JUN\": partial(YearBegin, month=6),\n \"AS-JUL\": partial(YearBegin, month=7),\n \"AS-AUG\": partial(YearBegin, month=8),\n \"AS-SEP\": partial(YearBegin, month=9),\n \"AS-OCT\": partial(YearBegin, month=10),\n \"AS-NOV\": partial(YearBegin, month=11),\n \"AS-DEC\": partial(YearBegin, month=12),\n \"A-JAN\": partial(YearEnd, month=1),\n \"A-FEB\": partial(YearEnd, month=2),\n \"A-MAR\": partial(YearEnd, month=3),\n \"A-APR\": partial(YearEnd, month=4),\n \"A-MAY\": partial(YearEnd, month=5),\n \"A-JUN\": partial(YearEnd, month=6),\n \"A-JUL\": partial(YearEnd, month=7),\n \"A-AUG\": partial(YearEnd, month=8),\n \"A-SEP\": partial(YearEnd, month=9),\n \"A-OCT\": partial(YearEnd, month=10),\n \"A-NOV\": partial(YearEnd, month=11),\n \"A-DEC\": partial(YearEnd, month=12),\n \"QS-JAN\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=1),\n \"QS-FEB\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=2),\n \"QS-MAR\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=3),\n \"QS-APR\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=4),\n \"QS-MAY\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=5),\n \"QS-JUN\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=6),\n \"QS-JUL\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=7),\n \"QS-AUG\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=8),\n \"QS-SEP\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=9),\n \"QS-OCT\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=10),\n \"QS-NOV\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=11),\n \"QS-DEC\": partial(QuarterBegin, month=12),\n \"Q-JAN\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=1),\n \"Q-FEB\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=2),\n \"Q-MAR\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=3),\n \"Q-APR\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=4),\n \"Q-MAY\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=5),\n \"Q-JUN\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=6),\n \"Q-JUL\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=7),\n \"Q-AUG\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=8),\n \"Q-SEP\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=9),\n \"Q-OCT\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=10),\n \"Q-NOV\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=11),\n \"Q-DEC\": partial(QuarterEnd, month=12),\n}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__FREQUENCY_CONDITION_to_offset.return._FREQUENCIES_freq_n_mult": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__FREQUENCY_CONDITION_to_offset.return._FREQUENCIES_freq_n_mult", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 640, "end_line": 667, "span_ids": ["to_offset", "impl:5"], "tokens": 211}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", 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multiples is None:\n multiples = 1\n else:\n multiples = int(multiples)\n\n return _FREQUENCIES[freq](n=multiples)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_to_cftime_datetime_to_cftime_datetime.if_isinstance_date_str_or.else_.raise_TypeError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_to_cftime_datetime_to_cftime_datetime.if_isinstance_date_str_or.else_.raise_TypeError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 670, "end_line": 688, "span_ids": ["to_cftime_datetime"], "tokens": 154}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", 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Instead got \"\n \"{!r}.\".format(date_str_or_date)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_normalize_date__generate_linear_range.return.cftime_num2date_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_normalize_date__generate_linear_range.return.cftime_num2date_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 691, "end_line": 715, "span_ids": ["_generate_linear_range", "normalize_date", "_maybe_normalize_date"], "tokens": 197}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def normalize_date(date):\n \"\"\"Round datetime down to midnight.\"\"\"\n return date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)\n\n\ndef _maybe_normalize_date(date, normalize):\n \"\"\"Round datetime down to midnight if normalize is True.\"\"\"\n if normalize:\n return normalize_date(date)\n else:\n return date\n\n\ndef _generate_linear_range(start, end, periods):\n \"\"\"Generate an equally-spaced sequence of cftime.datetime objects between\n and including two dates (whose length equals the number of periods).\"\"\"\n import cftime\n\n total_seconds = (end - start).total_seconds()\n values = np.linspace(0.0, total_seconds, periods, endpoint=True)\n units = \"seconds since {}\".format(format_cftime_datetime(start))\n calendar = start.calendar\n return cftime.num2date(\n values, units=units, calendar=calendar, only_use_cftime_datetimes=True\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__generate_range_cftime_range": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py__generate_range_cftime_range", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 718, "end_line": 993, "span_ids": ["cftime_range", "_generate_range"], "tokens": 380}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _generate_range(start, end, periods, offset):\n \"\"\"Generate a regular range of cftime.datetime objects with a\n given time offset.\n\n Adapted from pandas.tseries.offsets.generate_range.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n start : cftime.datetime, or None\n Start of range\n end : cftime.datetime, or None\n End of range\n periods : int, or None\n Number of elements in the sequence\n offset : BaseCFTimeOffset\n An offset class designed for working with cftime.datetime objects\n\n Returns\n -------\n A generator object\n \"\"\"\n if start:\n start = offset.rollforward(start)\n\n if end:\n end = offset.rollback(end)\n\n if periods is None and end < start:\n end = None\n periods = 0\n\n if end is None:\n end = start + (periods - 1) * offset\n\n if start is None:\n start = end - (periods - 1) * offset\n\n current = start\n if offset.n >= 0:\n while current <= end:\n yield current\n\n next_date = current + offset\n if next_date <= current:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Offset {offset} did not increment date\".format(offset=offset)\n )\n current = next_date\n else:\n while current >= end:\n yield current\n\n next_date = current + offset\n if next_date >= current:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Offset {offset} did not decrement date\".format(offset=offset)\n )\n current = next_date\n\n\ndef cftime_range(\n start=None,\n end=None,\n periods=None,\n freq=\"D\",\n normalize=False,\n name=None,\n closed=None,\n calendar=\"standard\",\n):\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_cftime_range._Return_a_fixed_frequen_cftime_range._Return_a_fixed_frequen": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_cftime_range._Return_a_fixed_frequen_cftime_range._Return_a_fixed_frequen", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 788, "end_line": 954, "span_ids": ["cftime_range"], "tokens": 1911}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def cftime_range(\n start=None,\n end=None,\n periods=None,\n freq=\"D\",\n normalize=False,\n name=None,\n closed=None,\n calendar=\"standard\",\n):\n \"\"\"Return a fixed frequency CFTimeIndex.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n start : str or cftime.datetime, optional\n Left bound for generating dates.\n end : str or cftime.datetime, optional\n Right bound for generating dates.\n periods : integer, optional\n Number of periods to generate.\n freq : str, default 'D', BaseCFTimeOffset, or None\n Frequency strings can have multiples, e.g. '5H'.\n normalize : bool, default False\n Normalize start/end dates to midnight before generating date range.\n name : str, default None\n Name of the resulting index\n closed : {None, 'left', 'right'}, optional\n Make the interval closed with respect to the given frequency to the\n 'left', 'right', or both sides (None, the default).\n calendar : str\n Calendar type for the datetimes (default 'standard').\n\n Returns\n -------\n CFTimeIndex\n\n Notes\n -----\n\n This function is an analog of ``pandas.date_range`` for use in generating\n sequences of ``cftime.datetime`` objects. It supports most of the\n features of ``pandas.date_range`` (e.g. specifying how the index is\n ``closed`` on either side, or whether or not to ``normalize`` the start and\n end bounds); however, there are some notable exceptions:\n\n - You cannot specify a ``tz`` (time zone) argument.\n - Start or end dates specified as partial-datetime strings must use the\n `ISO-8601 format `_.\n - It supports many, but not all, frequencies supported by\n ``pandas.date_range``. For example it does not currently support any of\n the business-related, semi-monthly, or sub-second frequencies.\n - Compound sub-monthly frequencies are not supported, e.g. '1H1min', as\n these can easily be written in terms of the finest common resolution,\n e.g. '61min'.\n\n Valid simple frequency strings for use with ``cftime``-calendars include\n any multiples of the following.\n\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | Alias | Description |\n +========+==========================+\n | A, Y | Year-end frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | AS, YS | Year-start frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | Q | Quarter-end frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | QS | Quarter-start frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | M | Month-end frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | MS | Month-start frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | D | Day frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | H | Hour frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | T, min | Minute frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n | S | Second frequency |\n +--------+--------------------------+\n\n Any multiples of the following anchored offsets are also supported.\n\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Alias | Description |\n +==========+====================================================================+\n | A(S)-JAN | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of January |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-FEB | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of February |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-MAR | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of March |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-APR | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of April |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-MAY | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of May |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-JUN | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of June |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-JUL | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of July |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-AUG | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of August |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-SEP | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of September |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-OCT | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of October |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-NOV | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of November |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | A(S)-DEC | Annual frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of December |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-JAN | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of January |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-FEB | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of February |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-MAR | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of March |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-APR | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of April |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-MAY | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of May |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-JUN | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of June |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-JUL | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of July |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-AUG | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of August |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-SEP | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of September |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-OCT | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of October |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-NOV | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of November |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n | Q(S)-DEC | Quarter frequency, anchored at the end (or beginning) of December |\n +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n\n Finally, the following calendar aliases are supported.\n\n +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n | Alias | Date type |\n +================================+=======================================+\n | standard, gregorian | ``cftime.DatetimeGregorian`` |\n +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n | proleptic_gregorian | ``cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian`` |\n +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n | noleap, 365_day | ``cftime.DatetimeNoLeap`` |\n +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n | all_leap, 366_day | ``cftime.DatetimeAllLeap`` |\n +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n | 360_day | ``cftime.Datetime360Day`` |\n +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n | julian | ``cftime.DatetimeJulian`` |\n +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n This function returns a ``CFTimeIndex``, populated with ``cftime.datetime``\n objects associated with the specified calendar type, e.g.\n\n >>> xr.cftime_range(start='2000', periods=6, freq='2MS', calendar='noleap')\n CFTimeIndex([2000-01-01 00:00:00, 2000-03-01 00:00:00, 2000-05-01 00:00:00,\n 2000-07-01 00:00:00, 2000-09-01 00:00:00, 2000-11-01 00:00:00],\n dtype='object')\n\n As in the standard pandas function, three of the ``start``, ``end``,\n ``periods``, or ``freq`` arguments must be specified at a given time, with\n the other set to ``None``. See the `pandas documentation\n `_\n for more examples of the behavior of ``date_range`` with each of the\n parameters.\n\n See Also\n --------\n pandas.date_range\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_cftime_range._Adapted_from_pandas_cor_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py_cftime_range._Adapted_from_pandas_cor_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftime_offsets.py", "file_name": "cftime_offsets.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 955, "end_line": 994, "span_ids": ["cftime_range"], "tokens": 359}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def cftime_range(\n start=None,\n end=None,\n periods=None,\n freq=\"D\",\n normalize=False,\n name=None,\n closed=None,\n calendar=\"standard\",\n):\n # Adapted from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes._generate_range.\n if count_not_none(start, end, periods, freq) != 3:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Of the arguments 'start', 'end', 'periods', and 'freq', three \"\n \"must be specified at a time.\"\n )\n\n if start is not None:\n start = to_cftime_datetime(start, calendar)\n start = _maybe_normalize_date(start, normalize)\n if end is not None:\n end = to_cftime_datetime(end, calendar)\n end = _maybe_normalize_date(end, normalize)\n\n if freq is None:\n dates = _generate_linear_range(start, end, periods)\n else:\n offset = to_offset(freq)\n dates = np.array(list(_generate_range(start, end, periods, offset)))\n\n left_closed = False\n right_closed = False\n\n if closed is None:\n left_closed = True\n right_closed = True\n elif closed == \"left\":\n left_closed = True\n elif closed == \"right\":\n right_closed = True\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"Closed must be either 'left', 'right' or None\")\n\n if not left_closed and len(dates) and start is not None and dates[0] == start:\n dates = dates[1:]\n if not right_closed and len(dates) and end is not None and dates[-1] == end:\n dates = dates[:-1]\n\n return CFTimeIndex(dates, name=name)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py__DatetimeIndex_analog_f_trailing_optional.return.xs_0_optional_trailing": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py__DatetimeIndex_analog_f_trailing_optional.return.xs_0_optional_trailing", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 66, "span_ids": ["named", "optional", "docstring", "trailing_optional", "imports"], "tokens": 168}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"DatetimeIndex analog for cftime.datetime objects\"\"\"\n# The pandas.Index subclass defined here was copied and adapted for\n# use with cftime.datetime objects based on the source code defining\n# pandas.DatetimeIndex.\n\nimport re\nimport warnings\nfrom datetime import timedelta\nfrom distutils.version import LooseVersion\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom xarray.core.utils import is_scalar\n\nfrom .times import _STANDARD_CALENDARS, cftime_to_nptime, infer_calendar_name\n\n\ndef named(name, pattern):\n return \"(?P<\" + name + \">\" + pattern + \")\"\n\n\ndef optional(x):\n return \"(?:\" + x + \")?\"\n\n\ndef trailing_optional(xs):\n if not xs:\n return \"\"\n return xs[0] + optional(trailing_optional(xs[1:]))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_build_pattern_parse_iso8601.raise_ValueError_no_ISO_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_build_pattern_parse_iso8601.raise_ValueError_no_ISO_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 69, "end_line": 95, "span_ids": ["impl", "parse_iso8601", "build_pattern"], "tokens": 256}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def build_pattern(date_sep=r\"\\-\", datetime_sep=r\"T\", time_sep=r\"\\:\"):\n pieces = [\n (None, \"year\", r\"\\d{4}\"),\n (date_sep, \"month\", r\"\\d{2}\"),\n (date_sep, \"day\", r\"\\d{2}\"),\n (datetime_sep, \"hour\", r\"\\d{2}\"),\n (time_sep, \"minute\", r\"\\d{2}\"),\n (time_sep, \"second\", r\"\\d{2}\"),\n ]\n pattern_list = []\n for sep, name, sub_pattern in pieces:\n pattern_list.append((sep if sep else \"\") + named(name, sub_pattern))\n # TODO: allow timezone offsets?\n return \"^\" + trailing_optional(pattern_list) + \"$\"\n\n\n_BASIC_PATTERN = build_pattern(date_sep=\"\", time_sep=\"\")\n_EXTENDED_PATTERN = build_pattern()\n_PATTERNS = [_BASIC_PATTERN, _EXTENDED_PATTERN]\n\n\ndef parse_iso8601(datetime_string):\n for pattern in _PATTERNS:\n match = re.match(pattern, datetime_string)\n if match:\n return match.groupdict()\n raise ValueError(\"no ISO-8601 match for string: %s\" % datetime_string)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py__parse_iso8601_with_reso__parse_iso8601_with_reso.return.default_replace_replace": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py__parse_iso8601_with_reso__parse_iso8601_with_reso.return.default_replace_replace", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 98, "end_line": 116, "span_ids": ["_parse_iso8601_with_reso"], "tokens": 216}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _parse_iso8601_with_reso(date_type, timestr):\n default = date_type(1, 1, 1)\n result = parse_iso8601(timestr)\n replace = {}\n\n for attr in [\"year\", \"month\", \"day\", \"hour\", \"minute\", \"second\"]:\n value = result.get(attr, None)\n if value is not None:\n # Note ISO8601 conventions allow for fractional seconds.\n # TODO: Consider adding support for sub-second resolution?\n replace[attr] = int(value)\n resolution = attr\n\n # dayofwk=-1 is required to update the dayofwk and dayofyr attributes of\n # the returned date object in versions of cftime between 1.0.2 and\n # It can be removed for versions of cftime greater than\n #\n replace[\"dayofwk\"] = -1\n return default.replace(**replace), resolution", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py__parsed_string_to_bounds__parsed_string_to_bounds.if_resolution_year_.else_.raise_KeyError": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py__parsed_string_to_bounds__parsed_string_to_bounds.if_resolution_year_.else_.raise_KeyError", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 119, "end_line": 160, "span_ids": ["_parsed_string_to_bounds"], "tokens": 363}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _parsed_string_to_bounds(date_type, resolution, parsed):\n \"\"\"Generalization of\n pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex._parsed_string_to_bounds\n for use with non-standard calendars and cftime.datetime\n objects.\n \"\"\"\n if resolution == \"year\":\n return (\n date_type(parsed.year, 1, 1),\n date_type(parsed.year + 1, 1, 1) - timedelta(microseconds=1),\n )\n elif resolution == \"month\":\n if parsed.month == 12:\n end = date_type(parsed.year + 1, 1, 1) - timedelta(microseconds=1)\n else:\n end = date_type(parsed.year, parsed.month + 1, 1) - timedelta(\n microseconds=1\n )\n return date_type(parsed.year, parsed.month, 1), end\n elif resolution == \"day\":\n start = date_type(parsed.year, parsed.month, parsed.day)\n return start, start + timedelta(days=1, microseconds=-1)\n elif resolution == \"hour\":\n start = date_type(parsed.year, parsed.month, parsed.day, parsed.hour)\n return start, start + timedelta(hours=1, microseconds=-1)\n elif resolution == \"minute\":\n start = date_type(\n parsed.year, parsed.month, parsed.day, parsed.hour, parsed.minute\n )\n return start, start + timedelta(minutes=1, microseconds=-1)\n elif resolution == \"second\":\n start = date_type(\n parsed.year,\n parsed.month,\n parsed.day,\n parsed.hour,\n parsed.minute,\n parsed.second,\n )\n return start, start + timedelta(seconds=1, microseconds=-1)\n else:\n raise KeyError", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_get_date_field__field_accessor.return.property_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_get_date_field__field_accessor.return.property_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 163, "end_line": 187, "span_ids": ["get_date_field", "_field_accessor"], "tokens": 193}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_date_field(datetimes, field):\n \"\"\"Adapted from pandas.tslib.get_date_field\"\"\"\n return np.array([getattr(date, field) for date in datetimes])\n\n\ndef _field_accessor(name, docstring=None, min_cftime_version=\"0.0\"):\n \"\"\"Adapted from pandas.tseries.index._field_accessor\"\"\"\n\n def f(self, min_cftime_version=min_cftime_version):\n import cftime\n\n version = cftime.__version__\n\n if LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion(min_cftime_version):\n return get_date_field(self._data, name)\n else:\n raise ImportError(\n \"The {!r} accessor requires a minimum \"\n \"version of cftime of {}. Found an \"\n \"installed version of {}.\".format(name, min_cftime_version, version)\n )\n\n f.__name__ = name\n f.__doc__ = docstring\n return property(f)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_get_date_type_assert_all_valid_date_type.if_len_data_0_.if_not_all_isinstance_val.raise_TypeError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_get_date_type_assert_all_valid_date_type.if_len_data_0_.if_not_all_isinstance_val.raise_TypeError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 190, "end_line": 212, "span_ids": ["get_date_type", "assert_all_valid_date_type"], "tokens": 151}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_date_type(self):\n if self._data.size:\n return type(self._data[0])\n else:\n return None\n\n\ndef assert_all_valid_date_type(data):\n import cftime\n\n if len(data) > 0:\n sample = data[0]\n date_type = type(sample)\n if not isinstance(sample, cftime.datetime):\n raise TypeError(\n \"CFTimeIndex requires cftime.datetime \"\n \"objects. Got object of {}.\".format(date_type)\n )\n if not all(isinstance(value, date_type) for value in data):\n raise TypeError(\n \"CFTimeIndex requires using datetime \"\n \"objects of all the same type. Got\\n{}.\".format(data)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex_CFTimeIndex.__new__.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex_CFTimeIndex.__new__.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 215, "end_line": 253, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex", "CFTimeIndex.__new__"], "tokens": 347}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeIndex(pd.Index):\n \"\"\"Custom Index for working with CF calendars and dates\n\n All elements of a CFTimeIndex must be cftime.datetime objects.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data : array or CFTimeIndex\n Sequence of cftime.datetime objects to use in index\n name : str, default None\n Name of the resulting index\n\n See Also\n --------\n cftime_range\n \"\"\"\n\n year = _field_accessor(\"year\", \"The year of the datetime\")\n month = _field_accessor(\"month\", \"The month of the datetime\")\n day = _field_accessor(\"day\", \"The days of the datetime\")\n hour = _field_accessor(\"hour\", \"The hours of the datetime\")\n minute = _field_accessor(\"minute\", \"The minutes of the datetime\")\n second = _field_accessor(\"second\", \"The seconds of the datetime\")\n microsecond = _field_accessor(\"microsecond\", \"The microseconds of the datetime\")\n dayofyear = _field_accessor(\n \"dayofyr\", \"The ordinal day of year of the datetime\", \"\"\n )\n dayofweek = _field_accessor(\"dayofwk\", \"The day of week of the datetime\", \"\")\n date_type = property(get_date_type)\n\n def __new__(cls, data, name=None):\n assert_all_valid_date_type(data)\n if name is None and hasattr(data, \"name\"):\n name = data.name\n\n result = object.__new__(cls)\n result._data = np.array(data, dtype=\"O\")\n result.name = name\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex._partial_date_slice_CFTimeIndex._partial_date_slice.return.np_flatnonzero_lhs_mask_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex._partial_date_slice_CFTimeIndex._partial_date_slice.return.np_flatnonzero_lhs_mask_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 255, "end_line": 316, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex._partial_date_slice"], "tokens": 614}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeIndex(pd.Index):\n\n def _partial_date_slice(self, resolution, parsed):\n \"\"\"Adapted from\n pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex._partial_date_slice\n\n Note that when using a CFTimeIndex, if a partial-date selection\n returns a single element, it will never be converted to a scalar\n coordinate; this is in slight contrast to the behavior when using\n a DatetimeIndex, which sometimes will return a DataArray with a scalar\n coordinate depending on the resolution of the datetimes used in\n defining the index. For example:\n\n >>> from cftime import DatetimeNoLeap\n >>> import pandas as pd\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> da = xr.DataArray([1, 2],\n coords=[[DatetimeNoLeap(2001, 1, 1),\n DatetimeNoLeap(2001, 2, 1)]],\n dims=['time'])\n >>> da.sel(time='2001-01-01')\n \n array([1])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) object 2001-01-01 00:00:00\n >>> da = xr.DataArray([1, 2],\n coords=[[pd.Timestamp(2001, 1, 1),\n pd.Timestamp(2001, 2, 1)]],\n dims=['time'])\n >>> da.sel(time='2001-01-01')\n \n array(1)\n Coordinates:\n time datetime64[ns] 2001-01-01\n >>> da = xr.DataArray([1, 2],\n coords=[[pd.Timestamp(2001, 1, 1, 1),\n pd.Timestamp(2001, 2, 1)]],\n dims=['time'])\n >>> da.sel(time='2001-01-01')\n \n array([1])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2001-01-01T01:00:00\n \"\"\"\n start, end = _parsed_string_to_bounds(self.date_type, resolution, parsed)\n\n times = self._data\n\n if self.is_monotonic:\n if len(times) and (\n (start < times[0] and end < times[0])\n or (start > times[-1] and end > times[-1])\n ):\n # we are out of range\n raise KeyError\n\n # a monotonic (sorted) series can be sliced\n left = times.searchsorted(start, side=\"left\")\n right = times.searchsorted(end, side=\"right\")\n return slice(left, right)\n\n lhs_mask = times >= start\n rhs_mask = times <= end\n return np.flatnonzero(lhs_mask & rhs_mask)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex._get_string_slice_CFTimeIndex.get_loc.if_isinstance_key_str_.else_.return.pd_Index_get_loc_self_ke": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex._get_string_slice_CFTimeIndex.get_loc.if_isinstance_key_str_.else_.return.pd_Index_get_loc_self_ke", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 318, "end_line": 332, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex._get_string_slice", "CFTimeIndex.get_loc"], "tokens": 152}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeIndex(pd.Index):\n\n def _get_string_slice(self, key):\n \"\"\"Adapted from pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex._get_string_slice\"\"\"\n parsed, resolution = _parse_iso8601_with_reso(self.date_type, key)\n try:\n loc = self._partial_date_slice(resolution, parsed)\n except KeyError:\n raise KeyError(key)\n return loc\n\n def get_loc(self, key, method=None, tolerance=None):\n \"\"\"Adapted from pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex.get_loc\"\"\"\n if isinstance(key, str):\n return self._get_string_slice(key)\n else:\n return pd.Index.get_loc(self, key, method=method, tolerance=tolerance)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex._maybe_cast_slice_bound_CFTimeIndex._maybe_cast_slice_bound.if_isinstance_label_str_.else_.return.label": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex._maybe_cast_slice_bound_CFTimeIndex._maybe_cast_slice_bound.if_isinstance_label_str_.else_.return.label", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 334, "end_line": 344, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex._maybe_cast_slice_bound"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeIndex(pd.Index):\n\n def _maybe_cast_slice_bound(self, label, side, kind):\n \"\"\"Adapted from\n pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex._maybe_cast_slice_bound\"\"\"\n if isinstance(label, str):\n parsed, resolution = _parse_iso8601_with_reso(self.date_type, label)\n start, end = _parsed_string_to_bounds(self.date_type, resolution, parsed)\n if self.is_monotonic_decreasing and len(self) > 1:\n return end if side == \"left\" else start\n return start if side == \"left\" else end\n else:\n return label", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex._TODO_Add_ability_to_us_CFTimeIndex.contains.return.self___contains___key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex._TODO_Add_ability_to_us_CFTimeIndex.contains.return.self___contains___key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 346, "end_line": 372, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex.get_value", "CFTimeIndex._maybe_cast_slice_bound", "CFTimeIndex.__contains__", "CFTimeIndex.contains"], "tokens": 226}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], 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partial-string indexing\"\"\"\n return self.__contains__(key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex.shift_CFTimeIndex.shift.if_isinstance_freq_timed.else_.raise_TypeError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex.shift_CFTimeIndex.shift.if_isinstance_freq_timed.else_.raise_TypeError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 374, "end_line": 415, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex.shift"], "tokens": 300}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", 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must be an int, got {}.\".format(n))\n if isinstance(freq, timedelta):\n return self + n * freq\n elif isinstance(freq, str):\n return self + n * to_offset(freq)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"'freq' must be of type \"\n \"str or datetime.timedelta, got {}.\".format(freq)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex.__add___CFTimeIndex.__rsub__.return.pd_TimedeltaIndex_other_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex.__add___CFTimeIndex.__rsub__.return.pd_TimedeltaIndex_other_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 417, "end_line": 438, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex.__sub__", "CFTimeIndex.__add__", "CFTimeIndex.__radd__", "CFTimeIndex.__rsub__"], "tokens": 201}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeIndex(pd.Index):\n\n def __add__(self, other):\n if isinstance(other, pd.TimedeltaIndex):\n other = other.to_pytimedelta()\n return CFTimeIndex(np.array(self) + other)\n\n def __radd__(self, other):\n if isinstance(other, pd.TimedeltaIndex):\n other = other.to_pytimedelta()\n return CFTimeIndex(other + np.array(self))\n\n def __sub__(self, other):\n import cftime\n\n if isinstance(other, (CFTimeIndex, cftime.datetime)):\n return pd.TimedeltaIndex(np.array(self) - np.array(other))\n elif isinstance(other, pd.TimedeltaIndex):\n return CFTimeIndex(np.array(self) - other.to_pytimedelta())\n else:\n return CFTimeIndex(np.array(self) - other)\n\n def __rsub__(self, other):\n return pd.TimedeltaIndex(other - np.array(self))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex.to_datetimeindex_CFTimeIndex.to_datetimeindex.return.pd_DatetimeIndex_nptimes_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex.to_datetimeindex_CFTimeIndex.to_datetimeindex.return.pd_DatetimeIndex_nptimes_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 440, "end_line": 491, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex.to_datetimeindex"], "tokens": 429}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeIndex(pd.Index):\n\n def to_datetimeindex(self, unsafe=False):\n \"\"\"If possible, convert this index to a pandas.DatetimeIndex.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n unsafe : bool\n Flag to turn off warning when converting from a CFTimeIndex with\n a non-standard calendar to a DatetimeIndex (default ``False``).\n\n Returns\n -------\n pandas.DatetimeIndex\n\n Raises\n ------\n ValueError\n If the CFTimeIndex contains dates that are not possible in the\n standard calendar or outside the pandas.Timestamp-valid range.\n\n Warns\n -----\n RuntimeWarning\n If converting from a non-standard calendar to a DatetimeIndex.\n\n Warnings\n --------\n Note that for non-standard calendars, this will change the calendar\n type of the index. In that case the result of this method should be\n used with caution.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> times = xr.cftime_range('2000', periods=2, calendar='gregorian')\n >>> times\n CFTimeIndex([2000-01-01 00:00:00, 2000-01-02 00:00:00], dtype='object')\n >>> times.to_datetimeindex()\n DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01', '2000-01-02'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)\n \"\"\"\n nptimes = cftime_to_nptime(self)\n calendar = infer_calendar_name(self)\n if calendar not in _STANDARD_CALENDARS and not unsafe:\n warnings.warn(\n \"Converting a CFTimeIndex with dates from a non-standard \"\n \"calendar, {!r}, to a pandas.DatetimeIndex, which uses dates \"\n \"from the standard calendar. This may lead to subtle errors \"\n \"in operations that depend on the length of time between \"\n \"dates.\".format(calendar),\n RuntimeWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n return pd.DatetimeIndex(nptimes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex.strftime_CFTimeIndex.strftime.return.pd_Index_date_strftime_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py_CFTimeIndex.strftime_CFTimeIndex.strftime.return.pd_Index_date_strftime_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 493, "end_line": 520, "span_ids": ["CFTimeIndex.strftime"], "tokens": 286}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeIndex(pd.Index):\n\n def strftime(self, date_format):\n \"\"\"\n Return an Index of formatted strings specified by date_format, which\n supports the same string format as the python standard library. Details\n of the string format can be found in `python string format doc\n `__\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n date_format : str\n Date format string (e.g. \"%Y-%m-%d\")\n\n Returns\n -------\n Index\n Index of formatted strings\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> rng = xr.cftime_range(start='2000', periods=5, freq='2MS',\n ... calendar='noleap')\n >>> rng.strftime('%B %d, %Y, %r')\n Index(['January 01, 2000, 12:00:00 AM', 'March 01, 2000, 12:00:00 AM',\n 'May 01, 2000, 12:00:00 AM', 'July 01, 2000, 12:00:00 AM',\n 'September 01, 2000, 12:00:00 AM'],\n dtype='object')\n \"\"\"\n return pd.Index([date.strftime(date_format) for date in self._data])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py__parse_iso8601_without_reso_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py__parse_iso8601_without_reso_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/cftimeindex.py", "file_name": "cftimeindex.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 523, "end_line": 548, "span_ids": ["_parse_array_of_cftime_strings", "_parse_iso8601_without_reso"], "tokens": 170}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _parse_iso8601_without_reso(date_type, datetime_str):\n date, _ = _parse_iso8601_with_reso(date_type, datetime_str)\n return date\n\n\ndef _parse_array_of_cftime_strings(strings, date_type):\n \"\"\"Create a numpy array from an array of strings.\n\n For use in generating dates from strings for use with interp. Assumes the\n array is either 0-dimensional or 1-dimensional.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n strings : array of strings\n Strings to convert to dates\n date_type : cftime.datetime type\n Calendar type to use for dates\n\n Returns\n -------\n np.array\n \"\"\"\n return np.array(\n [_parse_iso8601_without_reso(date_type, s) for s in strings.ravel()]\n ).reshape(strings.shape)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py__Coders_for_strings__is_bytes_dtype.return.dtype_kind_S_or_chec": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py__Coders_for_strings__is_bytes_dtype.return.dtype_kind_S_or_chec", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/strings.py", "file_name": "strings.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 36, "span_ids": ["create_vlen_dtype", "docstring", "check_vlen_dtype", "is_unicode_dtype", "imports", "is_bytes_dtype"], "tokens": 193}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Coders for strings.\"\"\"\nfrom functools import partial\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom ..core.variable import Variable\nfrom .variables import (\n VariableCoder,\n lazy_elemwise_func,\n pop_to,\n safe_setitem,\n unpack_for_decoding,\n unpack_for_encoding,\n)\n\n\ndef create_vlen_dtype(element_type):\n # based on h5py.special_dtype\n return np.dtype(\"O\", metadata={\"element_type\": element_type})\n\n\ndef check_vlen_dtype(dtype):\n if dtype.kind != \"O\" or dtype.metadata is None:\n return None\n else:\n return dtype.metadata.get(\"element_type\")\n\n\ndef is_unicode_dtype(dtype):\n return dtype.kind == \"U\" or check_vlen_dtype(dtype) == str\n\n\ndef is_bytes_dtype(dtype):\n return dtype.kind == \"S\" or check_vlen_dtype(dtype) == bytes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_EncodedStringCoder_EncodedStringCoder.decode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_EncodedStringCoder_EncodedStringCoder.decode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/strings.py", "file_name": "strings.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 39, "end_line": 77, "span_ids": ["EncodedStringCoder", "EncodedStringCoder.decode", "EncodedStringCoder.encode"], "tokens": 345}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class EncodedStringCoder(VariableCoder):\n \"\"\"Transforms between unicode strings and fixed-width UTF-8 bytes.\"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, allows_unicode=True):\n self.allows_unicode = allows_unicode\n\n def encode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable)\n\n contains_unicode = is_unicode_dtype(data.dtype)\n encode_as_char = encoding.get(\"dtype\") == \"S1\"\n\n if encode_as_char:\n del encoding[\"dtype\"] # no longer relevant\n\n if contains_unicode and (encode_as_char or not self.allows_unicode):\n if \"_FillValue\" in attrs:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"variable {!r} has a _FillValue specified, but \"\n \"_FillValue is not yet supported on unicode strings: \"\n \"https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/1647\".format(name)\n )\n\n string_encoding = encoding.pop(\"_Encoding\", \"utf-8\")\n safe_setitem(attrs, \"_Encoding\", string_encoding, name=name)\n # TODO: figure out how to handle this in a lazy way with dask\n data = encode_string_array(data, string_encoding)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)\n\n def decode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable)\n\n if \"_Encoding\" in attrs:\n string_encoding = pop_to(attrs, encoding, \"_Encoding\")\n func = partial(decode_bytes_array, encoding=string_encoding)\n data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, func, np.dtype(object))\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_decode_bytes_array_ensure_fixed_length_bytes.return.Variable_dims_data_attr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_decode_bytes_array_ensure_fixed_length_bytes.return.Variable_dims_data_attr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/strings.py", "file_name": "strings.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 80, "end_line": 99, "span_ids": ["ensure_fixed_length_bytes", "decode_bytes_array", "encode_string_array"], "tokens": 206}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def decode_bytes_array(bytes_array, encoding=\"utf-8\"):\n # This is faster than using np.char.decode() or np.vectorize()\n bytes_array = np.asarray(bytes_array)\n decoded = [x.decode(encoding) for x in bytes_array.ravel()]\n return np.array(decoded, dtype=object).reshape(bytes_array.shape)\n\n\ndef encode_string_array(string_array, encoding=\"utf-8\"):\n string_array = np.asarray(string_array)\n encoded = [x.encode(encoding) for x in string_array.ravel()]\n return np.array(encoded, dtype=bytes).reshape(string_array.shape)\n\n\ndef ensure_fixed_length_bytes(var):\n \"\"\"Ensure that a variable with vlen bytes is converted to fixed width.\"\"\"\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(var)\n if check_vlen_dtype(data.dtype) == bytes:\n # TODO: figure out how to handle this with dask\n data = np.asarray(data, dtype=np.string_)\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_CharacterArrayCoder_CharacterArrayCoder.decode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_CharacterArrayCoder_CharacterArrayCoder.decode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/strings.py", "file_name": "strings.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 102, "end_line": 125, "span_ids": ["CharacterArrayCoder.decode", "CharacterArrayCoder.encode", "CharacterArrayCoder"], "tokens": 219}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CharacterArrayCoder(VariableCoder):\n \"\"\"Transforms between arrays containing bytes and character arrays.\"\"\"\n\n def encode(self, variable, name=None):\n variable = ensure_fixed_length_bytes(variable)\n\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable)\n if data.dtype.kind == \"S\" and encoding.get(\"dtype\") is not str:\n data = bytes_to_char(data)\n if \"char_dim_name\" in encoding.keys():\n char_dim_name = encoding.pop(\"char_dim_name\")\n else:\n char_dim_name = \"string%s\" % data.shape[-1]\n dims = dims + (char_dim_name,)\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)\n\n def decode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable)\n\n if data.dtype == \"S1\" and dims:\n encoding[\"char_dim_name\"] = dims[-1]\n dims = dims[:-1]\n data = char_to_bytes(data)\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_bytes_to_char__numpy_bytes_to_char.return.arr_reshape_arr_shape_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_bytes_to_char__numpy_bytes_to_char.return.arr_reshape_arr_shape_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/strings.py", "file_name": "strings.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 128, "end_line": 152, "span_ids": ["_numpy_bytes_to_char", "bytes_to_char"], "tokens": 185}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def bytes_to_char(arr):\n \"\"\"Convert numpy/dask arrays from fixed width bytes to characters.\"\"\"\n if arr.dtype.kind != \"S\":\n raise ValueError(\"argument must have a fixed-width bytes dtype\")\n\n if isinstance(arr, dask_array_type):\n import dask.array as da\n\n return da.map_blocks(\n _numpy_bytes_to_char,\n arr,\n dtype=\"S1\",\n chunks=arr.chunks + ((arr.dtype.itemsize,)),\n new_axis=[arr.ndim],\n )\n else:\n return _numpy_bytes_to_char(arr)\n\n\ndef _numpy_bytes_to_char(arr):\n \"\"\"Like netCDF4.stringtochar, but faster and more flexible.\n \"\"\"\n # ensure the array is contiguous\n arr = np.array(arr, copy=False, order=\"C\", dtype=np.string_)\n return arr.reshape(arr.shape + (1,)).view(\"S1\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_char_to_bytes__numpy_char_to_bytes.return.arr_view_dtype_reshape_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_char_to_bytes__numpy_char_to_bytes.return.arr_view_dtype_reshape_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/strings.py", "file_name": "strings.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 155, "end_line": 197, "span_ids": ["_numpy_char_to_bytes", "char_to_bytes"], "tokens": 308}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def char_to_bytes(arr):\n \"\"\"Convert numpy/dask arrays from characters to fixed width bytes.\"\"\"\n if arr.dtype != \"S1\":\n raise ValueError(\"argument must have dtype='S1'\")\n\n if not arr.ndim:\n # no dimension to concatenate along\n return arr\n\n size = arr.shape[-1]\n\n if not size:\n # can't make an S0 dtype\n return np.zeros(arr.shape[:-1], dtype=np.string_)\n\n if isinstance(arr, dask_array_type):\n import dask.array as da\n\n if len(arr.chunks[-1]) > 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot stacked dask character array with \"\n \"multiple chunks in the last dimension: {}\".format(arr)\n )\n\n dtype = np.dtype(\"S\" + str(arr.shape[-1]))\n return da.map_blocks(\n _numpy_char_to_bytes,\n arr,\n dtype=dtype,\n chunks=arr.chunks[:-1],\n drop_axis=[arr.ndim - 1],\n )\n else:\n return StackedBytesArray(arr)\n\n\ndef _numpy_char_to_bytes(arr):\n \"\"\"Like netCDF4.chartostring, but faster and more flexible.\n \"\"\"\n # based on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/10984878/809705\n arr = np.array(arr, copy=False, order=\"C\")\n dtype = \"S\" + str(arr.shape[-1])\n return arr.view(dtype).reshape(arr.shape[:-1])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_StackedBytesArray_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/strings.py_StackedBytesArray_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/strings.py", "file_name": "strings.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 200, "end_line": 239, "span_ids": ["StackedBytesArray.dtype", "StackedBytesArray.__getitem__", "StackedBytesArray", "StackedBytesArray.shape", "StackedBytesArray.__repr__"], "tokens": 285}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StackedBytesArray(indexing.ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Wrapper around array-like objects to create a new indexable object where\n values, when accessed, are automatically stacked along the last dimension.\n\n >>> StackedBytesArray(np.array(['a', 'b', 'c']))[:]\n array('abc',\n dtype='|S3')\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n array : array-like\n Original array of values to wrap.\n \"\"\"\n if array.dtype != \"S1\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"can only use StackedBytesArray if argument has dtype='S1'\"\n )\n self.array = indexing.as_indexable(array)\n\n @property\n def dtype(self):\n return np.dtype(\"S\" + str(self.array.shape[-1]))\n\n @property\n def shape(self):\n return self.array.shape[:-1]\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"%s(%r)\" % (type(self).__name__, self.array)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n # require slicing the last dimension completely\n key = type(key)(indexing.expanded_indexer(key.tuple, self.array.ndim))\n if key.tuple[-1] != slice(None):\n raise IndexError(\"too many indices\")\n return _numpy_char_to_bytes(self.array[key])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_re__unpack_netcdf_time_units.return.delta_units_ref_date": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_re__unpack_netcdf_time_units.return.delta_units_ref_date", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 92, "span_ids": ["impl", "_netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit", "_unpack_netcdf_time_units", "_import_cftime", "_require_standalone_cftime", "imports"], "tokens": 618}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import re\nimport warnings\nfrom datetime import datetime\nfrom distutils.version import LooseVersion\nfrom functools import partial\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nfrom pandas.errors import OutOfBoundsDatetime\n\nfrom ..core import indexing\nfrom ..core.common import contains_cftime_datetimes\nfrom ..core.formatting import first_n_items, format_timestamp, last_item\nfrom ..core.variable import Variable\nfrom .variables import (\n SerializationWarning,\n VariableCoder,\n lazy_elemwise_func,\n pop_to,\n safe_setitem,\n unpack_for_decoding,\n unpack_for_encoding,\n)\n\n# standard calendars recognized by cftime\n_STANDARD_CALENDARS = {\"standard\", \"gregorian\", \"proleptic_gregorian\"}\n\n_NS_PER_TIME_DELTA = {\n \"us\": int(1e3),\n \"ms\": int(1e6),\n \"s\": int(1e9),\n \"m\": int(1e9) * 60,\n \"h\": int(1e9) * 60 * 60,\n \"D\": int(1e9) * 60 * 60 * 24,\n}\n\nTIME_UNITS = frozenset(\n [\"days\", \"hours\", \"minutes\", \"seconds\", \"milliseconds\", \"microseconds\"]\n)\n\n\ndef _import_cftime():\n \"\"\"\n helper function handle the transition to netcdftime/cftime\n as a stand-alone package\n \"\"\"\n try:\n import cftime\n except ImportError:\n # in netCDF4 the num2date/date2num function are top-level api\n try:\n import netCDF4 as cftime\n except ImportError:\n raise ImportError(\"Failed to import cftime\")\n return cftime\n\n\ndef _require_standalone_cftime():\n \"\"\"Raises an ImportError if the standalone cftime is not found\"\"\"\n try:\n import cftime # noqa: F401\n except ImportError:\n raise ImportError(\n \"Decoding times with non-standard calendars \"\n \"or outside the pandas.Timestamp-valid range \"\n \"requires the standalone cftime package.\"\n )\n\n\ndef _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(units):\n units = units.lower()\n if not units.endswith(\"s\"):\n units = \"%ss\" % units\n return {\n \"microseconds\": \"us\",\n \"milliseconds\": \"ms\",\n \"seconds\": \"s\",\n \"minutes\": \"m\",\n \"hours\": \"h\",\n \"days\": \"D\",\n }[units]\n\n\ndef _unpack_netcdf_time_units(units):\n # CF datetime units follow the format: \"UNIT since DATE\"\n # this parses out the unit and date allowing for extraneous\n # whitespace.\n matches = re.match(\"(.+) since (.+)\", units)\n if not matches:\n raise ValueError(\"invalid time units: %s\" % units)\n delta_units, ref_date = [s.strip() for s in matches.groups()]\n return delta_units, ref_date", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py__decode_cf_datetime_dtype__decode_cf_datetime_dtype.return.dtype": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py__decode_cf_datetime_dtype__decode_cf_datetime_dtype.return.dtype", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 95, "end_line": 118, "span_ids": ["_decode_cf_datetime_dtype"], "tokens": 223}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _decode_cf_datetime_dtype(data, units, calendar, use_cftime):\n # Verify that at least the first and last date can be decoded\n # successfully. Otherwise, tracebacks end up swallowed by\n # Dataset.__repr__ when users try to view their lazily decoded array.\n values = indexing.ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter(indexing.as_indexable(data))\n example_value = np.concatenate(\n [first_n_items(values, 1) or [0], last_item(values) or [0]]\n )\n\n try:\n result = decode_cf_datetime(example_value, units, calendar, use_cftime)\n except Exception:\n calendar_msg = (\n \"the default calendar\" if calendar is None else \"calendar %r\" % calendar\n )\n msg = (\n \"unable to decode time units %r with %s. Try \"\n \"opening your dataset with decode_times=False.\" % (units, calendar_msg)\n )\n raise ValueError(msg)\n else:\n dtype = getattr(result, \"dtype\", np.dtype(\"object\"))\n\n return dtype", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py__decode_datetime_with_cftime__decode_datetime_with_cftime.if_cftime___name___cf.else_.return.np_asarray_cftime_num2dat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py__decode_datetime_with_cftime__decode_datetime_with_cftime.if_cftime___name___cf.else_.return.np_asarray_cftime_num2dat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 121, "end_line": 131, "span_ids": ["_decode_datetime_with_cftime"], "tokens": 114}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _decode_datetime_with_cftime(num_dates, units, calendar):\n cftime = _import_cftime()\n\n if cftime.__name__ == \"cftime\":\n return np.asarray(\n cftime.num2date(num_dates, units, calendar, only_use_cftime_datetimes=True)\n )\n else:\n # Must be using num2date from an old version of netCDF4 which\n # does not have the only_use_cftime_datetimes option.\n return np.asarray(cftime.num2date(num_dates, units, calendar))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py__decode_datetime_with_pandas__decode_datetime_with_pandas.return._pd_to_timedelta_flat_num": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py__decode_datetime_with_pandas__decode_datetime_with_pandas.return._pd_to_timedelta_flat_num", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 134, "end_line": 165, "span_ids": ["_decode_datetime_with_pandas"], "tokens": 339}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _decode_datetime_with_pandas(flat_num_dates, units, calendar):\n if calendar not in _STANDARD_CALENDARS:\n raise OutOfBoundsDatetime(\n \"Cannot decode times from a non-standard calendar, {!r}, using \"\n \"pandas.\".format(calendar)\n )\n\n delta, ref_date = _unpack_netcdf_time_units(units)\n delta = _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(delta)\n try:\n ref_date = pd.Timestamp(ref_date)\n except ValueError:\n # ValueError is raised by pd.Timestamp for non-ISO timestamp\n # strings, in which case we fall back to using cftime\n raise OutOfBoundsDatetime\n\n # fixes: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/14068\n # these lines check if the the lowest or the highest value in dates\n # cause an OutOfBoundsDatetime (Overflow) error\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", \"invalid value encountered\", RuntimeWarning)\n pd.to_timedelta(flat_num_dates.min(), delta) + ref_date\n pd.to_timedelta(flat_num_dates.max(), delta) + ref_date\n\n # Cast input dates to integers of nanoseconds because `pd.to_datetime`\n # works much faster when dealing with integers\n # make _NS_PER_TIME_DELTA an array to ensure type upcasting\n flat_num_dates_ns_int = (\n flat_num_dates.astype(np.float64) * _NS_PER_TIME_DELTA[delta]\n ).astype(np.int64)\n\n return (pd.to_timedelta(flat_num_dates_ns_int, \"ns\") + ref_date).values", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_decode_cf_datetime_decode_cf_datetime.return.dates_reshape_num_dates_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_decode_cf_datetime_decode_cf_datetime.return.dates_reshape_num_dates_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 168, "end_line": 219, "span_ids": ["decode_cf_datetime"], "tokens": 408}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def decode_cf_datetime(num_dates, units, calendar=None, use_cftime=None):\n \"\"\"Given an array of numeric dates in netCDF format, convert it into a\n numpy array of date time objects.\n\n For standard (Gregorian) calendars, this function uses vectorized\n operations, which makes it much faster than cftime.num2date. In such a\n case, the returned array will be of type np.datetime64.\n\n Note that time unit in `units` must not be smaller than microseconds and\n not larger than days.\n\n See also\n --------\n cftime.num2date\n \"\"\"\n num_dates = np.asarray(num_dates)\n flat_num_dates = num_dates.ravel()\n if calendar is None:\n calendar = \"standard\"\n\n if use_cftime is None:\n try:\n dates = _decode_datetime_with_pandas(flat_num_dates, units, calendar)\n except (OutOfBoundsDatetime, OverflowError):\n dates = _decode_datetime_with_cftime(\n flat_num_dates.astype(np.float), units, calendar\n )\n\n if (\n dates[np.nanargmin(num_dates)].year < 1678\n or dates[np.nanargmax(num_dates)].year >= 2262\n ):\n if calendar in _STANDARD_CALENDARS:\n warnings.warn(\n \"Unable to decode time axis into full \"\n \"numpy.datetime64 objects, continuing using \"\n \"cftime.datetime objects instead, reason: dates out \"\n \"of range\",\n SerializationWarning,\n stacklevel=3,\n )\n else:\n if calendar in _STANDARD_CALENDARS:\n dates = cftime_to_nptime(dates)\n elif use_cftime:\n dates = _decode_datetime_with_cftime(\n flat_num_dates.astype(np.float), units, calendar\n )\n else:\n dates = _decode_datetime_with_pandas(flat_num_dates, units, calendar)\n\n return dates.reshape(num_dates.shape)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_to_timedelta_unboxed_infer_calendar_name.if_np_asarray_dates_dtyp.else_.return.np_asarray_dates_ravel_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_to_timedelta_unboxed_infer_calendar_name.if_np_asarray_dates_dtyp.else_.return.np_asarray_dates_ravel_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 222, "end_line": 265, "span_ids": ["to_timedelta_unboxed", "to_datetime_unboxed", "_infer_time_units_from_diff", "decode_cf_timedelta", "infer_calendar_name"], "tokens": 400}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def to_timedelta_unboxed(value, **kwargs):\n if LooseVersion(pd.__version__) < \"0.25.0\":\n result = pd.to_timedelta(value, **kwargs, box=False)\n else:\n result = pd.to_timedelta(value, **kwargs).to_numpy()\n assert result.dtype == \"timedelta64[ns]\"\n return result\n\n\ndef to_datetime_unboxed(value, **kwargs):\n if LooseVersion(pd.__version__) < \"0.25.0\":\n result = pd.to_datetime(value, **kwargs, box=False)\n else:\n result = pd.to_datetime(value, **kwargs).to_numpy()\n assert result.dtype == \"datetime64[ns]\"\n return result\n\n\ndef decode_cf_timedelta(num_timedeltas, units):\n \"\"\"Given an array of numeric timedeltas in netCDF format, convert it into a\n numpy timedelta64[ns] array.\n \"\"\"\n num_timedeltas = np.asarray(num_timedeltas)\n units = _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(units)\n result = to_timedelta_unboxed(num_timedeltas.ravel(), unit=units)\n return result.reshape(num_timedeltas.shape)\n\n\ndef _infer_time_units_from_diff(unique_timedeltas):\n for time_unit in [\"days\", \"hours\", \"minutes\", \"seconds\"]:\n delta_ns = _NS_PER_TIME_DELTA[_netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(time_unit)]\n unit_delta = np.timedelta64(delta_ns, \"ns\")\n diffs = unique_timedeltas / unit_delta\n if np.all(diffs == diffs.astype(int)):\n return time_unit\n return \"seconds\"\n\n\ndef infer_calendar_name(dates):\n \"\"\"Given an array of datetimes, infer the CF calendar name\"\"\"\n if np.asarray(dates).dtype == \"datetime64[ns]\":\n return \"proleptic_gregorian\"\n else:\n return np.asarray(dates).ravel()[0].calendar", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_infer_datetime_units_infer_datetime_units.return._s_since_s_units_r": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_infer_datetime_units_infer_datetime_units.return._s_since_s_units_r", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 268, "end_line": 289, "span_ids": ["infer_datetime_units"], "tokens": 306}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def infer_datetime_units(dates):\n \"\"\"Given an array of datetimes, returns a CF compatible time-unit string of\n the form \"{time_unit} since {date[0]}\", where `time_unit` is 'days',\n 'hours', 'minutes' or 'seconds' (the first one that can evenly divide all\n unique time deltas in `dates`)\n \"\"\"\n dates = np.asarray(dates).ravel()\n if np.asarray(dates).dtype == \"datetime64[ns]\":\n dates = to_datetime_unboxed(dates)\n dates = dates[pd.notnull(dates)]\n reference_date = dates[0] if len(dates) > 0 else \"1970-01-01\"\n reference_date = pd.Timestamp(reference_date)\n else:\n reference_date = dates[0] if len(dates) > 0 else \"1970-01-01\"\n reference_date = format_cftime_datetime(reference_date)\n unique_timedeltas = np.unique(np.diff(dates))\n if unique_timedeltas.dtype == np.dtype(\"O\"):\n # Convert to np.timedelta64 objects using pandas to work around a\n # NumPy casting bug: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/11096\n unique_timedeltas = to_timedelta_unboxed(unique_timedeltas)\n units = _infer_time_units_from_diff(unique_timedeltas)\n return \"%s since %s\" % (units, reference_date)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_format_cftime_datetime_format_cftime_datetime.return._04d_02d_02d_0": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_format_cftime_datetime_format_cftime_datetime.return._04d_02d_02d_0", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 292, "end_line": 304, "span_ids": ["format_cftime_datetime"], "tokens": 103}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def format_cftime_datetime(date):\n \"\"\"Converts a cftime.datetime object to a string with the format:\n YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.UUUUUU\n \"\"\"\n return \"{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:06d}\".format(\n date.year,\n date.month,\n date.day,\n date.hour,\n date.minute,\n date.second,\n date.microsecond,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_infer_timedelta_units_infer_timedelta_units.return.units": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_infer_timedelta_units_infer_timedelta_units.return.units", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 307, "end_line": 315, "span_ids": ["infer_timedelta_units"], "tokens": 109}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def infer_timedelta_units(deltas):\n \"\"\"Given an array of timedeltas, returns a CF compatible time-unit from\n {'days', 'hours', 'minutes' 'seconds'} (the first one that can evenly\n divide all unique time deltas in `deltas`)\n \"\"\"\n deltas = to_timedelta_unboxed(np.asarray(deltas).ravel())\n unique_timedeltas = np.unique(deltas[pd.notnull(deltas)])\n units = _infer_time_units_from_diff(unique_timedeltas)\n return units", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_cftime_to_nptime_cftime_to_nptime.return.new": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_cftime_to_nptime_cftime_to_nptime.return.new", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 318, "end_line": 338, "span_ids": ["cftime_to_nptime"], "tokens": 207}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", 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Reason: {}.\".format(t, e)\n )\n new[i] = np.datetime64(dt)\n return new", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py__cleanup_netcdf_time_units_cast_to_int_if_safe.return.num": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py__cleanup_netcdf_time_units_cast_to_int_if_safe.return.num", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 341, "end_line": 373, "span_ids": ["_cleanup_netcdf_time_units", "cast_to_int_if_safe", "_encode_datetime_with_cftime"], "tokens": 261}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", 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cftime.date2num(d, units, calendar)\n\n return np.vectorize(encode_datetime)(dates)\n\n\ndef cast_to_int_if_safe(num):\n int_num = np.array(num, dtype=np.int64)\n if (num == int_num).all():\n num = int_num\n return num", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_encode_cf_datetime_encode_cf_datetime.return._num_units_calendar_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_encode_cf_datetime_encode_cf_datetime.return._num_units_calendar_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 376, "end_line": 422, "span_ids": ["encode_cf_datetime"], "tokens": 402}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", 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dates.dtype == \"datetime64[ns]\"\n\n delta_units = _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(delta)\n time_delta = np.timedelta64(1, delta_units).astype(\"timedelta64[ns]\")\n ref_date = pd.Timestamp(ref_date)\n\n # If the ref_date Timestamp is timezone-aware, convert to UTC and\n # make it timezone-naive (GH 2649).\n if ref_date.tz is not None:\n ref_date = ref_date.tz_convert(None)\n\n # Wrap the dates in a DatetimeIndex to do the subtraction to ensure\n # an OverflowError is raised if the ref_date is too far away from\n # dates to be encoded (GH 2272).\n num = (pd.DatetimeIndex(dates.ravel()) - ref_date) / time_delta\n num = num.values.reshape(dates.shape)\n\n except (OutOfBoundsDatetime, OverflowError):\n num = _encode_datetime_with_cftime(dates, units, calendar)\n\n num = cast_to_int_if_safe(num)\n return (num, units, calendar)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", 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units=None):\n if units is None:\n units = infer_timedelta_units(timedeltas)\n\n np_unit = _netcdf_to_numpy_timeunit(units)\n num = 1.0 * timedeltas / np.timedelta64(1, np_unit)\n num = np.where(pd.isnull(timedeltas), np.nan, num)\n num = cast_to_int_if_safe(num)\n return (num, units)\n\n\nclass CFDatetimeCoder(VariableCoder):\n def __init__(self, use_cftime=None):\n self.use_cftime = use_cftime\n\n def encode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable)\n if np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.datetime64) or contains_cftime_datetimes(\n variable\n ):\n (data, units, calendar) = encode_cf_datetime(\n data, encoding.pop(\"units\", None), encoding.pop(\"calendar\", None)\n )\n safe_setitem(attrs, \"units\", units, name=name)\n safe_setitem(attrs, \"calendar\", calendar, name=name)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_CFDatetimeCoder.decode_CFDatetimeCoder.decode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_CFDatetimeCoder.decode_CFDatetimeCoder.decode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 453, "end_line": 468, "span_ids": ["CFDatetimeCoder.decode"], "tokens": 149}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFDatetimeCoder(VariableCoder):\n\n def decode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable)\n\n if \"units\" in attrs and \"since\" in attrs[\"units\"]:\n units = pop_to(attrs, encoding, \"units\")\n calendar = pop_to(attrs, encoding, \"calendar\")\n dtype = _decode_cf_datetime_dtype(data, units, calendar, self.use_cftime)\n transform = partial(\n decode_cf_datetime,\n units=units,\n calendar=calendar,\n use_cftime=self.use_cftime,\n )\n data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, transform, dtype)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_CFTimedeltaCoder_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/times.py_CFTimedeltaCoder_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/times.py", "file_name": "times.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 471, "end_line": 491, "span_ids": ["CFTimedeltaCoder.decode", "CFTimedeltaCoder", "CFTimedeltaCoder.encode"], "tokens": 198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimedeltaCoder(VariableCoder):\n def encode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable)\n\n if np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.timedelta64):\n data, units = encode_cf_timedelta(data, encoding.pop(\"units\", None))\n safe_setitem(attrs, \"units\", units, name=name)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)\n\n def decode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable)\n\n if \"units\" in attrs and attrs[\"units\"] in TIME_UNITS:\n units = pop_to(attrs, encoding, \"units\")\n transform = partial(decode_cf_timedelta, units=units)\n dtype = np.dtype(\"timedelta64[ns]\")\n data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, transform, dtype=dtype)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py__Coders_for_individual__VariableCoder.decode.raise_NotImplementedError": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py__Coders_for_individual__VariableCoder.decode.raise_NotImplementedError", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/variables.py", "file_name": "variables.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 48, "span_ids": ["VariableCoder.encode", "docstring", "VariableCoder", "imports", "VariableCoder.decode", "SerializationWarning"], "tokens": 336}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Coders for individual Variable objects.\"\"\"\nimport warnings\nfrom functools import partial\nfrom typing import Any, Hashable\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom ..core import dtypes, duck_array_ops, indexing\nfrom ..core.pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom ..core.utils import equivalent\nfrom ..core.variable import Variable\n\n\nclass SerializationWarning(RuntimeWarning):\n \"\"\"Warnings about encoding/decoding issues in serialization.\"\"\"\n\n\nclass VariableCoder:\n \"\"\"Base class for encoding and decoding transformations on variables.\n\n We use coders for transforming variables between xarray's data model and\n a format suitable for serialization. For example, coders apply CF\n conventions for how data should be represented in netCDF files.\n\n Subclasses should implement encode() and decode(), which should satisfy\n the identity ``coder.decode(coder.encode(variable)) == variable``. If any\n options are necessary, they should be implemented as arguments to the\n __init__ method.\n\n The optional name argument to encode() and decode() exists solely for the\n sake of better error messages, and should correspond to the name of\n variables in the underlying store.\n \"\"\"\n\n def encode(\n self, variable: Variable, name: Hashable = None\n ) -> Variable: # pragma: no cover\n \"\"\"Convert an encoded variable to a decoded variable\n \"\"\"\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def decode(\n self, variable: Variable, name: Hashable = None\n ) -> Variable: # pragma: no cover\n \"\"\"Convert an decoded variable to a encoded variable\n \"\"\"\n raise NotImplementedError()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py__ElementwiseFunctionArray__ElementwiseFunctionArray.__repr__.return._s_r_func_r_dtype_r": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py__ElementwiseFunctionArray__ElementwiseFunctionArray.__repr__.return._s_r_func_r_dtype_r", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/variables.py", "file_name": "variables.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 51, "end_line": 81, "span_ids": ["_ElementwiseFunctionArray.__array__", "_ElementwiseFunctionArray.__repr__", "_ElementwiseFunctionArray.__getitem__", "_ElementwiseFunctionArray.dtype", "_ElementwiseFunctionArray"], "tokens": 210}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class _ElementwiseFunctionArray(indexing.ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Lazily computed array holding values of elemwise-function.\n\n Do not construct this object directly: call lazy_elemwise_func instead.\n\n Values are computed upon indexing or coercion to a NumPy array.\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, array, func, dtype):\n assert not isinstance(array, dask_array_type)\n self.array = indexing.as_indexable(array)\n self.func = func\n self._dtype = dtype\n\n @property\n def dtype(self):\n return np.dtype(self._dtype)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return type(self)(self.array[key], self.func, self.dtype)\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n return self.func(self.array)\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"%s(%r, func=%r, dtype=%r)\" % (\n type(self).__name__,\n self.array,\n self.func,\n self.dtype,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_lazy_elemwise_func_lazy_elemwise_func.if_isinstance_array_dask.else_.return._ElementwiseFunctionArray": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_lazy_elemwise_func_lazy_elemwise_func.if_isinstance_array_dask.else_.return._ElementwiseFunctionArray", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/variables.py", "file_name": "variables.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 84, "end_line": 103, "span_ids": ["lazy_elemwise_func"], "tokens": 149}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def lazy_elemwise_func(array, func, dtype):\n \"\"\"Lazily apply an element-wise function to an array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n array : any valid value of Variable._data\n func : callable\n Function to apply to indexed slices of an array. For use with dask,\n this should be a pickle-able object.\n dtype : coercible to np.dtype\n Dtype for the result of this function.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Either a dask.array.Array or _ElementwiseFunctionArray.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(array, dask_array_type):\n return array.map_blocks(func, dtype=dtype)\n else:\n return _ElementwiseFunctionArray(array, func, dtype)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_unpack_for_encoding_safe_setitem.dest_key_value": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_unpack_for_encoding_safe_setitem.dest_key_value", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/variables.py", "file_name": "variables.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 106, "end_line": 123, "span_ids": ["unpack_for_decoding", "safe_setitem", "unpack_for_encoding"], "tokens": 155}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def unpack_for_encoding(var):\n return var.dims, var.data, var.attrs.copy(), var.encoding.copy()\n\n\ndef unpack_for_decoding(var):\n return var.dims, var._data, var.attrs.copy(), var.encoding.copy()\n\n\ndef safe_setitem(dest, key, value, name=None):\n if key in dest:\n var_str = \" on variable {!r}\".format(name) if name else \"\"\n raise ValueError(\n \"failed to prevent overwriting existing key {} in attrs{}. \"\n \"This is probably an encoding field used by xarray to describe \"\n \"how a variable is serialized. To proceed, remove this key from \"\n \"the variable's attributes manually.\".format(key, var_str)\n )\n dest[key] = value", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_pop_to__apply_mask.return.np_where_condition_decod": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_pop_to__apply_mask.return.np_where_condition_decod", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/variables.py", "file_name": "variables.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 126, "end_line": 146, "span_ids": ["pop_to", "_apply_mask"], "tokens": 172}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def pop_to(source, dest, key, name=None):\n \"\"\"\n A convenience function which pops a key k from source to dest.\n None values are not passed on. If k already exists in dest an\n error is raised.\n \"\"\"\n value = source.pop(key, None)\n if value is not None:\n safe_setitem(dest, key, value, name=name)\n return value\n\n\ndef _apply_mask(\n data: np.ndarray, encoded_fill_values: list, decoded_fill_value: Any, dtype: Any\n) -> np.ndarray:\n \"\"\"Mask all matching values in a NumPy arrays.\"\"\"\n data = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype)\n condition = False\n for fv in encoded_fill_values:\n condition |= data == fv\n return np.where(condition, decoded_fill_value, data)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_CFMaskCoder_CFMaskCoder.encode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_CFMaskCoder_CFMaskCoder.encode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/variables.py", "file_name": "variables.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 149, "end_line": 174, "span_ids": ["CFMaskCoder", "CFMaskCoder.encode"], "tokens": 224}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFMaskCoder(VariableCoder):\n \"\"\"Mask or unmask fill values according to CF conventions.\"\"\"\n\n def encode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable)\n\n fv = encoding.get(\"_FillValue\")\n mv = encoding.get(\"missing_value\")\n\n if fv is not None and mv is not None and not equivalent(fv, mv):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Variable {!r} has multiple fill values {}. \"\n \"Cannot encode data. \".format(name, [fv, mv])\n )\n\n if fv is not None:\n fill_value = pop_to(encoding, attrs, \"_FillValue\", name=name)\n if not pd.isnull(fill_value):\n data = duck_array_ops.fillna(data, fill_value)\n\n if mv is not None:\n fill_value = pop_to(encoding, attrs, \"missing_value\", name=name)\n if not pd.isnull(fill_value) and fv is None:\n data = duck_array_ops.fillna(data, fill_value)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_CFMaskCoder.decode_CFMaskCoder.decode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr": {"__data__": {"id_": 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raw_fill_values:\n encoded_fill_values = {\n fv\n for option in raw_fill_values\n for fv in np.ravel(option)\n if not pd.isnull(fv)\n }\n\n if len(encoded_fill_values) > 1:\n warnings.warn(\n \"variable {!r} has multiple fill values {}, \"\n \"decoding all values to NaN.\".format(name, encoded_fill_values),\n SerializationWarning,\n stacklevel=3,\n )\n\n dtype, decoded_fill_value = dtypes.maybe_promote(data.dtype)\n\n if encoded_fill_values:\n transform = partial(\n _apply_mask,\n encoded_fill_values=encoded_fill_values,\n decoded_fill_value=decoded_fill_value,\n dtype=dtype,\n )\n data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, transform, dtype)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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copy=True)\n if scale_factor is not None:\n data *= scale_factor\n if add_offset is not None:\n data += add_offset\n return data\n\n\ndef _choose_float_dtype(dtype, has_offset):\n \"\"\"Return a float dtype that can losslessly represent `dtype` values.\"\"\"\n # Keep float32 as-is. Upcast half-precision to single-precision,\n # because float16 is \"intended for storage but not computation\"\n if dtype.itemsize <= 4 and np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):\n return np.float32\n # float32 can exactly represent all integers up to 24 bits\n if dtype.itemsize <= 2 and np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):\n # A scale factor is entirely safe (vanishing into the mantissa),\n # but a large integer offset could lead to loss of precision.\n # Sensitivity analysis can be tricky, so we just use a float64\n # if there's any offset at all - better unoptimised than wrong!\n if not has_offset:\n return np.float32\n # For all other types and circumstances, we just use float64.\n # (safe because eg. complex numbers are not supported in NetCDF)\n return np.float64", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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according to CF conventions.\n\n Follows the formula:\n decode_values = encoded_values * scale_factor + add_offset\n \"\"\"\n\n def encode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable)\n\n if \"scale_factor\" in encoding or \"add_offset\" in encoding:\n dtype = _choose_float_dtype(data.dtype, \"add_offset\" in encoding)\n data = data.astype(dtype=dtype, copy=True)\n if \"add_offset\" in encoding:\n data -= pop_to(encoding, attrs, \"add_offset\", name=name)\n if \"scale_factor\" in encoding:\n data /= pop_to(encoding, attrs, \"scale_factor\", name=name)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable)\n\n if \"scale_factor\" in attrs or \"add_offset\" in attrs:\n scale_factor = pop_to(attrs, encoding, \"scale_factor\", name=name)\n add_offset = pop_to(attrs, encoding, \"add_offset\", name=name)\n dtype = _choose_float_dtype(data.dtype, \"add_offset\" in attrs)\n transform = partial(\n _scale_offset_decoding,\n scale_factor=scale_factor,\n add_offset=add_offset,\n dtype=dtype,\n )\n data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, transform, dtype)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_UnsignedIntegerCoder_UnsignedIntegerCoder.encode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_UnsignedIntegerCoder_UnsignedIntegerCoder.encode.return.Variable_dims_data_attr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/variables.py", "file_name": "variables.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 279, "end_line": 295, "span_ids": ["UnsignedIntegerCoder.encode", "UnsignedIntegerCoder"], "tokens": 182}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class UnsignedIntegerCoder(VariableCoder):\n def encode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable)\n\n # from netCDF best practices\n # https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/BestPractices.html\n # \"_Unsigned = \"true\" to indicate that\n # integer data should be treated as unsigned\"\n if encoding.get(\"_Unsigned\", \"false\") == \"true\":\n pop_to(encoding, attrs, \"_Unsigned\")\n signed_dtype = np.dtype(\"i%s\" % data.dtype.itemsize)\n if \"_FillValue\" in attrs:\n new_fill = signed_dtype.type(attrs[\"_FillValue\"])\n attrs[\"_FillValue\"] = new_fill\n data = duck_array_ops.around(data).astype(signed_dtype)\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_UnsignedIntegerCoder.decode_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/coding/variables.py_UnsignedIntegerCoder.decode_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/coding/variables.py", "file_name": "variables.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 297, "end_line": 320, "span_ids": ["UnsignedIntegerCoder.decode"], "tokens": 199}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class UnsignedIntegerCoder(VariableCoder):\n\n def decode(self, variable, name=None):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable)\n\n if \"_Unsigned\" in attrs:\n unsigned = pop_to(attrs, encoding, \"_Unsigned\")\n\n if data.dtype.kind == \"i\":\n if unsigned == \"true\":\n unsigned_dtype = np.dtype(\"u%s\" % data.dtype.itemsize)\n transform = partial(np.asarray, dtype=unsigned_dtype)\n data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, transform, unsigned_dtype)\n if \"_FillValue\" in attrs:\n new_fill = unsigned_dtype.type(attrs[\"_FillValue\"])\n attrs[\"_FillValue\"] = new_fill\n else:\n warnings.warn(\n \"variable %r has _Unsigned attribute but is not \"\n \"of integer type. Ignoring attribute.\" % name,\n SerializationWarning,\n stacklevel=3,\n )\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_warnings_NativeEndiannessArray.__getitem__.return.np_asarray_self_array_key": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_warnings_NativeEndiannessArray.__getitem__.return.np_asarray_self_array_key", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 44, "span_ids": ["NativeEndiannessArray.dtype", "NativeEndiannessArray.__getitem__", "NativeEndiannessArray", "imports"], "tokens": 294}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import warnings\nfrom collections import defaultdict\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom .coding import strings, times, variables\nfrom .coding.variables import SerializationWarning\nfrom .core import duck_array_ops, indexing\nfrom .core.common import contains_cftime_datetimes\nfrom .core.pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom .core.variable import IndexVariable, Variable, as_variable\n\n\nclass NativeEndiannessArray(indexing.ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Decode arrays on the fly from non-native to native endianness\n\n This is useful for decoding arrays from netCDF3 files (which are all\n big endian) into native endianness, so they can be used with Cython\n functions, such as those found in bottleneck and pandas.\n\n >>> x = np.arange(5, dtype='>i2')\n\n >>> x.dtype\n dtype('>i2')\n\n >>> NativeEndianArray(x).dtype\n dtype('int16')\n\n >>> NativeEndianArray(x)[:].dtype\n dtype('int16')\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"array\",)\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n self.array = indexing.as_indexable(array)\n\n @property\n def dtype(self):\n return np.dtype(self.array.dtype.kind + str(self.array.dtype.itemsize))\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return np.asarray(self.array[key], dtype=self.dtype)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_BoolTypeArray__var_as_tuple.return.var_dims_var_data_var_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_BoolTypeArray__var_as_tuple.return.var_dims_var_data_var_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 47, "end_line": 79, "span_ids": ["BoolTypeArray.dtype", "BoolTypeArray", "BoolTypeArray.__getitem__", "_var_as_tuple"], "tokens": 201}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class BoolTypeArray(indexing.ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Decode arrays on the fly from integer to boolean datatype\n\n This is useful for decoding boolean arrays from integer typed netCDF\n variables.\n\n >>> x = np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype='i1')\n\n >>> x.dtype\n dtype('>i2')\n\n >>> BoolTypeArray(x).dtype\n dtype('bool')\n\n >>> BoolTypeArray(x)[:].dtype\n dtype('bool')\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"array\",)\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n self.array = indexing.as_indexable(array)\n\n @property\n def dtype(self):\n return np.dtype(\"bool\")\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return np.asarray(self.array[key], dtype=self.dtype)\n\n\ndef _var_as_tuple(var):\n return var.dims, var.data, var.attrs.copy(), var.encoding.copy()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype_maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype.return.var": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype_maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype.return.var", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 82, "end_line": 103, "span_ids": ["maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype"], "tokens": 204}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype(var, name=None):\n if \"dtype\" in var.encoding and var.encoding[\"dtype\"] not in (\"S1\", str):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = _var_as_tuple(var)\n dtype = np.dtype(encoding.pop(\"dtype\"))\n if dtype != var.dtype:\n if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):\n if (\n np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.floating)\n and \"_FillValue\" not in var.attrs\n and \"missing_value\" not in var.attrs\n ):\n warnings.warn(\n \"saving variable %s with floating \"\n \"point data as an integer dtype without \"\n \"any _FillValue to use for NaNs\" % name,\n SerializationWarning,\n stacklevel=10,\n )\n data = duck_array_ops.around(data)[...]\n data = data.astype(dtype=dtype)\n var = Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)\n return var", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_maybe_default_fill_value_maybe_encode_bools.return.var": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_maybe_default_fill_value_maybe_encode_bools.return.var", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 106, "end_line": 127, "span_ids": ["maybe_encode_bools", "maybe_default_fill_value"], "tokens": 169}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def maybe_default_fill_value(var):\n # make NaN the fill value for float types:\n if (\n \"_FillValue\" not in var.attrs\n and \"_FillValue\" not in var.encoding\n and np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.floating)\n ):\n var.attrs[\"_FillValue\"] = var.dtype.type(np.nan)\n return var\n\n\ndef maybe_encode_bools(var):\n if (\n (var.dtype == np.bool)\n and (\"dtype\" not in var.encoding)\n and (\"dtype\" not in var.attrs)\n ):\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = _var_as_tuple(var)\n attrs[\"dtype\"] = \"bool\"\n data = data.astype(dtype=\"i1\", copy=True)\n var = Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)\n return var", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py__infer_dtype__infer_dtype.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py__infer_dtype__infer_dtype.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 130, "end_line": 151, "span_ids": ["_infer_dtype"], "tokens": 154}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _infer_dtype(array, name=None):\n \"\"\"Given an object array with no missing values, infer its dtype from its\n first element\n \"\"\"\n if array.dtype.kind != \"O\":\n raise TypeError(\"infer_type must be called on a dtype=object array\")\n\n if array.size == 0:\n return np.dtype(float)\n\n element = array[(0,) * array.ndim]\n if isinstance(element, (bytes, str)):\n return strings.create_vlen_dtype(type(element))\n\n dtype = np.array(element).dtype\n if dtype.kind != \"O\":\n return dtype\n\n raise ValueError(\n \"unable to infer dtype on variable {!r}; xarray \"\n \"cannot serialize arbitrary Python objects\".format(name)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_ensure_not_multiindex__copy_with_dtype.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_ensure_not_multiindex__copy_with_dtype.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 154, "end_line": 173, "span_ids": ["_copy_with_dtype", "ensure_not_multiindex"], "tokens": 165}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def ensure_not_multiindex(var, name=None):\n if isinstance(var, IndexVariable) and isinstance(var.to_index(), pd.MultiIndex):\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"variable {!r} is a MultiIndex, which cannot yet be \"\n \"serialized to netCDF files \"\n \"(https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/1077). Use \"\n \"reset_index() to convert MultiIndex levels into coordinate \"\n \"variables instead.\".format(name)\n )\n\n\ndef _copy_with_dtype(data, dtype):\n \"\"\"Create a copy of an array with the given dtype.\n\n We use this instead of np.array() to ensure that custom object dtypes end\n up on the resulting array.\n \"\"\"\n result = np.empty(data.shape, dtype)\n result[...] = data\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_ensure_dtype_not_object_ensure_dtype_not_object.return.var": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_ensure_dtype_not_object_ensure_dtype_not_object.return.var", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 176, "end_line": 218, "span_ids": ["ensure_dtype_not_object"], "tokens": 400}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def ensure_dtype_not_object(var, name=None):\n # TODO: move this from conventions to backends? (it's not CF related)\n if var.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n dims, data, attrs, encoding = _var_as_tuple(var)\n\n if isinstance(data, dask_array_type):\n warnings.warn(\n \"variable {} has data in the form of a dask array with \"\n \"dtype=object, which means it is being loaded into memory \"\n \"to determine a data type that can be safely stored on disk. \"\n \"To avoid this, coerce this variable to a fixed-size dtype \"\n \"with astype() before saving it.\".format(name),\n SerializationWarning,\n )\n data = data.compute()\n\n missing = pd.isnull(data)\n if missing.any():\n # nb. this will fail for dask.array data\n non_missing_values = data[~missing]\n inferred_dtype = _infer_dtype(non_missing_values, name)\n\n # There is no safe bit-pattern for NA in typical binary string\n # formats, we so can't set a fill_value. Unfortunately, this means\n # we can't distinguish between missing values and empty strings.\n if strings.is_bytes_dtype(inferred_dtype):\n fill_value = b\"\"\n elif strings.is_unicode_dtype(inferred_dtype):\n fill_value = \"\"\n else:\n # insist on using float for numeric values\n if not np.issubdtype(inferred_dtype, np.floating):\n inferred_dtype = np.dtype(float)\n fill_value = inferred_dtype.type(np.nan)\n\n data = _copy_with_dtype(data, dtype=inferred_dtype)\n data[missing] = fill_value\n else:\n data = _copy_with_dtype(data, dtype=_infer_dtype(data, name))\n\n assert data.dtype.kind != \"O\" or data.dtype.metadata\n var = Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding)\n return var", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_encode_cf_variable_encode_cf_variable.return.var": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_encode_cf_variable_encode_cf_variable.return.var", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 221, "end_line": 257, "span_ids": ["encode_cf_variable"], "tokens": 258}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def encode_cf_variable(var, needs_copy=True, name=None):\n \"\"\"\n Converts an Variable into an Variable which follows some\n of the CF conventions:\n\n - Nans are masked using _FillValue (or the deprecated missing_value)\n - Rescaling via: scale_factor and add_offset\n - datetimes are converted to the CF 'units since time' format\n - dtype encodings are enforced.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n var : xarray.Variable\n A variable holding un-encoded data.\n\n Returns\n -------\n out : xarray.Variable\n A variable which has been encoded as described above.\n \"\"\"\n ensure_not_multiindex(var, name=name)\n\n for coder in [\n times.CFDatetimeCoder(),\n times.CFTimedeltaCoder(),\n variables.CFScaleOffsetCoder(),\n variables.CFMaskCoder(),\n variables.UnsignedIntegerCoder(),\n ]:\n var = coder.encode(var, name=name)\n\n # TODO(shoyer): convert all of these to use coders, too:\n var = maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype(var, name=name)\n var = maybe_default_fill_value(var)\n var = maybe_encode_bools(var)\n var = ensure_dtype_not_object(var, name=name)\n return var", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_decode_cf_variable_decode_cf_variable.return.Variable_dimensions_data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_decode_cf_variable_decode_cf_variable.return.Variable_dimensions_data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 260, "end_line": 355, "span_ids": ["decode_cf_variable"], "tokens": 797}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def decode_cf_variable(\n name,\n var,\n concat_characters=True,\n mask_and_scale=True,\n decode_times=True,\n decode_endianness=True,\n stack_char_dim=True,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n \"\"\"\n Decodes a variable which may hold CF encoded information.\n\n This includes variables that have been masked and scaled, which\n hold CF style time variables (this is almost always the case if\n the dataset has been serialized) and which have strings encoded\n as character arrays.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n name: str\n Name of the variable. Used for better error messages.\n var : Variable\n A variable holding potentially CF encoded information.\n concat_characters : bool\n Should character arrays be concatenated to strings, for\n example: ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] -> 'hello'\n mask_and_scale: bool\n Lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask\n (using _FillValue). If the _Unsigned attribute is present\n treat integer arrays as unsigned.\n decode_times : bool\n Decode cf times ('hours since 2000-01-01') to np.datetime64.\n decode_endianness : bool\n Decode arrays from non-native to native endianness.\n stack_char_dim : bool\n Whether to stack characters into bytes along the last dimension of this\n array. Passed as an argument because we need to look at the full\n dataset to figure out if this is appropriate.\n use_cftime: bool, optional\n Only relevant if encoded dates come from a standard calendar\n (e.g. 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian', 'standard', or not\n specified). If None (default), attempt to decode times to\n ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible, decode times to\n ``cftime.datetime`` objects. If True, always decode times to\n ``cftime.datetime`` objects, regardless of whether or not they can be\n represented using ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects. If False, always\n decode times to ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible\n raise an error.\n\n Returns\n -------\n out : Variable\n A variable holding the decoded equivalent of var.\n \"\"\"\n var = as_variable(var)\n original_dtype = var.dtype\n\n if concat_characters:\n if stack_char_dim:\n var = strings.CharacterArrayCoder().decode(var, name=name)\n var = strings.EncodedStringCoder().decode(var)\n\n if mask_and_scale:\n for coder in [\n variables.UnsignedIntegerCoder(),\n variables.CFMaskCoder(),\n variables.CFScaleOffsetCoder(),\n ]:\n var = coder.decode(var, name=name)\n\n if decode_times:\n for coder in [\n times.CFTimedeltaCoder(),\n times.CFDatetimeCoder(use_cftime=use_cftime),\n ]:\n var = coder.decode(var, name=name)\n\n dimensions, data, attributes, encoding = variables.unpack_for_decoding(var)\n # TODO(shoyer): convert everything below to use coders\n\n if decode_endianness and not data.dtype.isnative:\n # do this last, so it's only done if we didn't already unmask/scale\n data = NativeEndiannessArray(data)\n original_dtype = data.dtype\n\n encoding.setdefault(\"dtype\", original_dtype)\n\n if \"dtype\" in attributes and attributes[\"dtype\"] == \"bool\":\n del attributes[\"dtype\"]\n data = BoolTypeArray(data)\n\n if not isinstance(data, dask_array_type):\n data = indexing.LazilyOuterIndexedArray(data)\n\n return Variable(dimensions, data, attributes, encoding=encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py__update_bounds_attributes__update_bounds_attributes.for_v_in_variables_values.if_has_date_units_and_bo.if_attrs_bounds_in_var.if_calendar_in_attrs_.bounds_attrs_setdefault_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py__update_bounds_attributes__update_bounds_attributes.for_v_in_variables_values.if_has_date_units_and_bo.if_attrs_bounds_in_var.if_calendar_in_attrs_.bounds_attrs_setdefault_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 358, "end_line": 383, "span_ids": ["_update_bounds_attributes"], "tokens": 218}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _update_bounds_attributes(variables):\n \"\"\"Adds time attributes to time bounds variables.\n\n Variables handling time bounds (\"Cell boundaries\" in the CF\n conventions) do not necessarily carry the necessary attributes to be\n decoded. This copies the attributes from the time variable to the\n associated boundaries.\n\n See Also:\n\n http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.7/\n cf-conventions.html#cell-boundaries\n\n https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/2565\n \"\"\"\n\n # For all time variables with bounds\n for v in variables.values():\n attrs = v.attrs\n has_date_units = \"units\" in attrs and \"since\" in attrs[\"units\"]\n if has_date_units and \"bounds\" in attrs:\n if attrs[\"bounds\"] in variables:\n bounds_attrs = variables[attrs[\"bounds\"]].attrs\n bounds_attrs.setdefault(\"units\", attrs[\"units\"])\n if \"calendar\" in attrs:\n bounds_attrs.setdefault(\"calendar\", attrs[\"calendar\"])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py__update_bounds_encoding__update_bounds_encoding.for_v_in_variables_values.if_has_date_units_and_bo.if_attrs_bounds_in_var.if_calendar_in_encoding.bounds_encoding_setdefaul": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py__update_bounds_encoding__update_bounds_encoding.for_v_in_variables_values.if_has_date_units_and_bo.if_attrs_bounds_in_var.if_calendar_in_encoding.bounds_encoding_setdefaul", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 386, "end_line": 433, "span_ids": ["_update_bounds_encoding"], "tokens": 404}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _update_bounds_encoding(variables):\n \"\"\"Adds time encoding to time bounds variables.\n\n Variables handling time bounds (\"Cell boundaries\" in the CF\n conventions) do not necessarily carry the necessary attributes to be\n decoded. This copies the encoding from the time variable to the\n associated bounds variable so that we write CF-compliant files.\n\n See Also:\n\n http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.7/\n cf-conventions.html#cell-boundaries\n\n https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/2565\n \"\"\"\n\n # For all time variables with bounds\n for v in variables.values():\n attrs = v.attrs\n encoding = v.encoding\n has_date_units = \"units\" in encoding and \"since\" in encoding[\"units\"]\n is_datetime_type = np.issubdtype(\n v.dtype, np.datetime64\n ) or contains_cftime_datetimes(v)\n\n if (\n is_datetime_type\n and not has_date_units\n and \"bounds\" in attrs\n and attrs[\"bounds\"] in variables\n ):\n warnings.warn(\n \"Variable '{0}' has datetime type and a \"\n \"bounds variable but {0}.encoding does not have \"\n \"units specified. The units encodings for '{0}' \"\n \"and '{1}' will be determined independently \"\n \"and may not be equal, counter to CF-conventions. \"\n \"If this is a concern, specify a units encoding for \"\n \"'{0}' before writing to a file.\".format(v.name, attrs[\"bounds\"]),\n UserWarning,\n )\n\n if has_date_units and \"bounds\" in attrs:\n if attrs[\"bounds\"] in variables:\n bounds_encoding = variables[attrs[\"bounds\"]].encoding\n bounds_encoding.setdefault(\"units\", encoding[\"units\"])\n if \"calendar\" in encoding:\n bounds_encoding.setdefault(\"calendar\", encoding[\"calendar\"])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_decode_cf_variables_decode_cf_variables.return.new_vars_attributes_coo": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_decode_cf_variables_decode_cf_variables.return.new_vars_attributes_coo", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 436, "end_line": 510, "span_ids": ["decode_cf_variables"], "tokens": 465}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def decode_cf_variables(\n variables,\n attributes,\n concat_characters=True,\n mask_and_scale=True,\n decode_times=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n drop_variables=None,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n \"\"\"\n Decode several CF encoded variables.\n\n See: decode_cf_variable\n \"\"\"\n dimensions_used_by = defaultdict(list)\n for v in variables.values():\n for d in v.dims:\n dimensions_used_by[d].append(v)\n\n def stackable(dim):\n # figure out if a dimension can be concatenated over\n if dim in variables:\n return False\n for v in dimensions_used_by[dim]:\n if v.dtype.kind != \"S\" or dim != v.dims[-1]:\n return False\n return True\n\n coord_names = set()\n\n if isinstance(drop_variables, str):\n drop_variables = [drop_variables]\n elif drop_variables is None:\n drop_variables = []\n drop_variables = set(drop_variables)\n\n # Time bounds coordinates might miss the decoding attributes\n if decode_times:\n _update_bounds_attributes(variables)\n\n new_vars = {}\n for k, v in variables.items():\n if k in drop_variables:\n continue\n stack_char_dim = (\n concat_characters\n and v.dtype == \"S1\"\n and v.ndim > 0\n and stackable(v.dims[-1])\n )\n new_vars[k] = decode_cf_variable(\n k,\n v,\n concat_characters=concat_characters,\n mask_and_scale=mask_and_scale,\n decode_times=decode_times,\n stack_char_dim=stack_char_dim,\n use_cftime=use_cftime,\n )\n if decode_coords:\n var_attrs = new_vars[k].attrs\n if \"coordinates\" in var_attrs:\n coord_str = var_attrs[\"coordinates\"]\n var_coord_names = coord_str.split()\n if all(k in variables for k in var_coord_names):\n new_vars[k].encoding[\"coordinates\"] = coord_str\n del var_attrs[\"coordinates\"]\n coord_names.update(var_coord_names)\n\n if decode_coords and \"coordinates\" in attributes:\n attributes = dict(attributes)\n coord_names.update(attributes.pop(\"coordinates\").split())\n\n return new_vars, attributes, coord_names", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_decode_cf_decode_cf.return.ds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_decode_cf_decode_cf.return.ds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 513, "end_line": 592, "span_ids": ["decode_cf"], "tokens": 637}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def decode_cf(\n obj,\n concat_characters=True,\n mask_and_scale=True,\n decode_times=True,\n decode_coords=True,\n drop_variables=None,\n use_cftime=None,\n):\n \"\"\"Decode the given Dataset or Datastore according to CF conventions into\n a new Dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n obj : Dataset or DataStore\n Object to decode.\n concat_characters : bool, optional\n Should character arrays be concatenated to strings, for\n example: ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] -> 'hello'\n mask_and_scale: bool, optional\n Lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask\n (using _FillValue).\n decode_times : bool, optional\n Decode cf times (e.g., integers since 'hours since 2000-01-01') to\n np.datetime64.\n decode_coords : bool, optional\n Use the 'coordinates' attribute on variable (or the dataset itself) to\n identify coordinates.\n drop_variables: string or iterable, optional\n A variable or list of variables to exclude from being parsed from the\n dataset. This may be useful to drop variables with problems or\n inconsistent values.\n use_cftime: bool, optional\n Only relevant if encoded dates come from a standard calendar\n (e.g. 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian', 'standard', or not\n specified). If None (default), attempt to decode times to\n ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible, decode times to\n ``cftime.datetime`` objects. If True, always decode times to\n ``cftime.datetime`` objects, regardless of whether or not they can be\n represented using ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects. If False, always\n decode times to ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible\n raise an error.\n\n Returns\n -------\n decoded : Dataset\n \"\"\"\n from .core.dataset import Dataset\n from .backends.common import AbstractDataStore\n\n if isinstance(obj, Dataset):\n vars = obj._variables\n attrs = obj.attrs\n extra_coords = set(obj.coords)\n file_obj = obj._file_obj\n encoding = obj.encoding\n elif isinstance(obj, AbstractDataStore):\n vars, attrs = obj.load()\n extra_coords = set()\n file_obj = obj\n encoding = obj.get_encoding()\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"can only decode Dataset or DataStore objects\")\n\n vars, attrs, coord_names = decode_cf_variables(\n vars,\n attrs,\n concat_characters,\n mask_and_scale,\n decode_times,\n decode_coords,\n drop_variables=drop_variables,\n use_cftime=use_cftime,\n )\n ds = Dataset(vars, attrs=attrs)\n ds = ds.set_coords(coord_names.union(extra_coords).intersection(vars))\n ds._file_obj = file_obj\n ds.encoding = encoding\n\n return ds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_cf_decoder_cf_decoder.return.variables_attributes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_cf_decoder_cf_decoder.return.variables_attributes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 595, "end_line": 634, "span_ids": ["cf_decoder"], "tokens": 257}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def cf_decoder(\n variables,\n attributes,\n concat_characters=True,\n mask_and_scale=True,\n decode_times=True,\n):\n \"\"\"\n Decode a set of CF encoded variables and attributes.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict\n A dictionary mapping from variable name to xarray.Variable\n attributes : dict\n A dictionary mapping from attribute name to value\n concat_characters : bool\n Should character arrays be concatenated to strings, for\n example: ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'] -> 'hello'\n mask_and_scale: bool\n Lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask\n (using _FillValue).\n decode_times : bool\n Decode cf times ('hours since 2000-01-01') to np.datetime64.\n\n Returns\n -------\n decoded_variables : dict\n A dictionary mapping from variable name to xarray.Variable objects.\n decoded_attributes : dict\n A dictionary mapping from attribute name to values.\n\n See also\n --------\n decode_cf_variable\n \"\"\"\n variables, attributes, _ = decode_cf_variables(\n variables, attributes, concat_characters, mask_and_scale, decode_times\n )\n return variables, attributes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py__encode_coordinates__encode_coordinates.return.variables_attributes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py__encode_coordinates__encode_coordinates.return.variables_attributes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 637, "end_line": 692, "span_ids": ["_encode_coordinates"], "tokens": 478}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _encode_coordinates(variables, attributes, non_dim_coord_names):\n # calculate global and variable specific coordinates\n non_dim_coord_names = set(non_dim_coord_names)\n\n for name in list(non_dim_coord_names):\n if isinstance(name, str) and \" \" in name:\n warnings.warn(\n \"coordinate {!r} has a space in its name, which means it \"\n \"cannot be marked as a coordinate on disk and will be \"\n \"saved as a data variable instead\".format(name),\n SerializationWarning,\n stacklevel=6,\n )\n non_dim_coord_names.discard(name)\n\n global_coordinates = non_dim_coord_names.copy()\n variable_coordinates = defaultdict(set)\n for coord_name in non_dim_coord_names:\n target_dims = variables[coord_name].dims\n for k, v in variables.items():\n if (\n k not in non_dim_coord_names\n and k not in v.dims\n and set(target_dims) <= set(v.dims)\n ):\n variable_coordinates[k].add(coord_name)\n global_coordinates.discard(coord_name)\n\n variables = {k: v.copy(deep=False) for k, v in variables.items()}\n\n # These coordinates are saved according to CF conventions\n for var_name, coord_names in variable_coordinates.items():\n attrs = variables[var_name].attrs\n if \"coordinates\" in attrs:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot serialize coordinates because variable \"\n \"%s already has an attribute 'coordinates'\" % var_name\n )\n attrs[\"coordinates\"] = \" \".join(map(str, coord_names))\n\n # These coordinates are not associated with any particular variables, so we\n # save them under a global 'coordinates' attribute so xarray can roundtrip\n # the dataset faithfully. Because this serialization goes beyond CF\n # conventions, only do it if necessary.\n # Reference discussion:\n # http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/pipermail/cf-metadata/2014/057771.html\n if global_coordinates:\n attributes = dict(attributes)\n if \"coordinates\" in attributes:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot serialize coordinates because the global \"\n \"attribute 'coordinates' already exists\"\n )\n attributes[\"coordinates\"] = \" \".join(map(str, global_coordinates))\n\n return variables, attributes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_encode_dataset_coordinates_encode_dataset_coordinates.return._encode_coordinates_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_encode_dataset_coordinates_encode_dataset_coordinates.return._encode_coordinates_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 695, "end_line": 714, "span_ids": ["encode_dataset_coordinates"], "tokens": 110}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def encode_dataset_coordinates(dataset):\n \"\"\"Encode coordinates on the given dataset object into variable specific\n and global attributes.\n\n When possible, this is done according to CF conventions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dataset : Dataset\n Object to encode.\n\n Returns\n -------\n variables : dict\n attrs : dict\n \"\"\"\n non_dim_coord_names = set(dataset.coords) - set(dataset.dims)\n return _encode_coordinates(\n dataset._variables, dataset.attrs, non_dim_coord_names=non_dim_coord_names\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_cf_encoder_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/conventions.py_cf_encoder_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/conventions.py", "file_name": "conventions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 717, "end_line": 771, "span_ids": ["cf_encoder"], "tokens": 367}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def cf_encoder(variables, attributes):\n \"\"\"\n Encode a set of CF encoded variables and attributes.\n Takes a dicts of variables and attributes and encodes them\n to conform to CF conventions as much as possible.\n This includes masking, scaling, character array handling,\n and CF-time encoding.\n\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict\n A dictionary mapping from variable name to xarray.Variable\n attributes : dict\n A dictionary mapping from attribute name to value\n\n Returns\n -------\n encoded_variables : dict\n A dictionary mapping from variable name to xarray.Variable,\n encoded_attributes : dict\n A dictionary mapping from attribute name to value\n\n See also\n --------\n decode_cf_variable, encode_cf_variable\n \"\"\"\n\n # add encoding for time bounds variables if present.\n _update_bounds_encoding(variables)\n\n new_vars = {k: encode_cf_variable(v, name=k) for k, v in variables.items()}\n\n # Remove attrs from bounds variables (issue #2921)\n for var in new_vars.values():\n bounds = var.attrs[\"bounds\"] if \"bounds\" in var.attrs else None\n if bounds and bounds in new_vars:\n # see http://cfconventions.org/cf-conventions/cf-conventions.html#cell-boundaries\n for attr in [\n \"units\",\n \"standard_name\",\n \"axis\",\n \"positive\",\n \"calendar\",\n \"long_name\",\n \"leap_month\",\n \"leap_year\",\n \"month_lengths\",\n ]:\n if attr in new_vars[bounds].attrs and attr in var.attrs:\n if new_vars[bounds].attrs[attr] == var.attrs[attr]:\n new_vars[bounds].attrs.pop(attr)\n\n return new_vars, attributes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py__Functions_for_converti__filter_attrs.return._k_v_for_k_v_in_attrs_i": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py__Functions_for_converti__filter_attrs.return._k_v_for_k_v_in_attrs_i", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/convert.py", "file_name": "convert.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 60, "span_ids": ["impl", "_filter_attrs", "docstring", "imports", "encode"], "tokens": 321}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Functions for converting to and from xarray objects\n\"\"\"\nfrom collections import Counter\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom .coding.times import CFDatetimeCoder, CFTimedeltaCoder\nfrom .conventions import decode_cf\nfrom .core import duck_array_ops\nfrom .core.dataarray import DataArray\nfrom .core.dtypes import get_fill_value\n\ncdms2_ignored_attrs = {\"name\", \"tileIndex\"}\niris_forbidden_keys = {\n \"standard_name\",\n \"long_name\",\n \"units\",\n \"bounds\",\n \"axis\",\n \"calendar\",\n \"leap_month\",\n \"leap_year\",\n \"month_lengths\",\n \"coordinates\",\n \"grid_mapping\",\n \"climatology\",\n \"cell_methods\",\n \"formula_terms\",\n \"compress\",\n \"missing_value\",\n \"add_offset\",\n \"scale_factor\",\n \"valid_max\",\n \"valid_min\",\n \"valid_range\",\n \"_FillValue\",\n}\ncell_methods_strings = {\n \"point\",\n \"sum\",\n \"maximum\",\n \"median\",\n \"mid_range\",\n \"minimum\",\n \"mean\",\n \"mode\",\n \"standard_deviation\",\n \"variance\",\n}\n\n\ndef encode(var):\n return CFTimedeltaCoder().encode(CFDatetimeCoder().encode(var.variable))\n\n\ndef _filter_attrs(attrs, ignored_attrs):\n \"\"\" Return attrs that are not in ignored_attrs\n \"\"\"\n return {k: v for k, v in attrs.items() if k not in ignored_attrs}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py_from_cdms2_from_cdms2.return.decode_cf_dataarray_to_da": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py_from_cdms2_from_cdms2.return.decode_cf_dataarray_to_da", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/convert.py", "file_name": "convert.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 63, "end_line": 88, "span_ids": ["from_cdms2"], "tokens": 231}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def from_cdms2(variable):\n \"\"\"Convert a cdms2 variable into an DataArray\n \"\"\"\n values = np.asarray(variable)\n name = variable.id\n dims = variable.getAxisIds()\n coords = {}\n for axis in variable.getAxisList():\n coords[axis.id] = DataArray(\n np.asarray(axis),\n dims=[axis.id],\n attrs=_filter_attrs(axis.attributes, cdms2_ignored_attrs),\n )\n grid = variable.getGrid()\n if grid is not None:\n ids = [a.id for a in grid.getAxisList()]\n for axis in grid.getLongitude(), grid.getLatitude():\n if axis.id not in variable.getAxisIds():\n coords[axis.id] = DataArray(\n np.asarray(axis[:]),\n dims=ids,\n attrs=_filter_attrs(axis.attributes, cdms2_ignored_attrs),\n )\n attrs = _filter_attrs(variable.attributes, cdms2_ignored_attrs)\n dataarray = DataArray(values, dims=dims, coords=coords, name=name, attrs=attrs)\n return decode_cf(dataarray.to_dataset())[dataarray.name]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py_to_cdms2_to_cdms2.return.cdms2_var": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py_to_cdms2_to_cdms2.return.cdms2_var", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/convert.py", "file_name": "convert.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 91, "end_line": 150, "span_ids": ["to_cdms2"], "tokens": 522}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def to_cdms2(dataarray, copy=True):\n \"\"\"Convert a DataArray into a cdms2 variable\n \"\"\"\n # we don't want cdms2 to be a hard dependency\n import cdms2\n\n def set_cdms2_attrs(var, attrs):\n for k, v in attrs.items():\n setattr(var, k, v)\n\n # 1D axes\n axes = []\n for dim in dataarray.dims:\n coord = encode(dataarray.coords[dim])\n axis = cdms2.createAxis(coord.values, id=dim)\n set_cdms2_attrs(axis, coord.attrs)\n axes.append(axis)\n\n # Data\n var = encode(dataarray)\n cdms2_var = cdms2.createVariable(\n var.values, axes=axes, id=dataarray.name, mask=pd.isnull(var.values), copy=copy\n )\n\n # Attributes\n set_cdms2_attrs(cdms2_var, var.attrs)\n\n # Curvilinear and unstructured grids\n if dataarray.name not in dataarray.coords:\n\n cdms2_axes = {}\n for coord_name in set(dataarray.coords.keys()) - set(dataarray.dims):\n\n coord_array = dataarray.coords[coord_name].to_cdms2()\n\n cdms2_axis_cls = (\n cdms2.coord.TransientAxis2D\n if coord_array.ndim\n else cdms2.auxcoord.TransientAuxAxis1D\n )\n cdms2_axis = cdms2_axis_cls(coord_array)\n if cdms2_axis.isLongitude():\n cdms2_axes[\"lon\"] = cdms2_axis\n elif cdms2_axis.isLatitude():\n cdms2_axes[\"lat\"] = cdms2_axis\n\n if \"lon\" in cdms2_axes and \"lat\" in cdms2_axes:\n if len(cdms2_axes[\"lon\"].shape) == 2:\n cdms2_grid = cdms2.hgrid.TransientCurveGrid(\n cdms2_axes[\"lat\"], cdms2_axes[\"lon\"]\n )\n else:\n cdms2_grid = cdms2.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid(\n cdms2_axes[\"lat\"], cdms2_axes[\"lon\"]\n )\n for axis in cdms2_grid.getAxisList():\n cdms2_var.setAxis(cdms2_var.getAxisIds().index(axis.id), axis)\n cdms2_var.setGrid(cdms2_grid)\n\n return cdms2_var", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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attrs into args that can be passed into Iris\n \"\"\"\n # iris.unit is deprecated in Iris v1.9\n import cf_units\n\n args = {\"attributes\": _filter_attrs(attrs, iris_forbidden_keys)}\n args.update(_pick_attrs(attrs, (\"standard_name\", \"long_name\")))\n unit_args = _pick_attrs(attrs, (\"calendar\",))\n if \"units\" in attrs:\n args[\"units\"] = cf_units.Unit(attrs[\"units\"], **unit_args)\n return args", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py__TODO_Add_converting_bo_to_iris.return.cube": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py__TODO_Add_converting_bo_to_iris.return.cube", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/convert.py", "file_name": "convert.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 173, "end_line": 212, "span_ids": ["to_iris", "_get_iris_args"], "tokens": 339}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# TODO: Add converting bounds from xarray to Iris and back\ndef to_iris(dataarray):\n \"\"\" Convert a DataArray into a Iris Cube\n \"\"\"\n # Iris not a hard dependency\n import iris\n from iris.fileformats.netcdf import parse_cell_methods\n\n dim_coords = []\n aux_coords = []\n\n for coord_name in dataarray.coords:\n coord = encode(dataarray.coords[coord_name])\n coord_args = _get_iris_args(coord.attrs)\n coord_args[\"var_name\"] = coord_name\n axis = None\n if coord.dims:\n axis = dataarray.get_axis_num(coord.dims)\n if coord_name in dataarray.dims:\n try:\n iris_coord = iris.coords.DimCoord(coord.values, **coord_args)\n dim_coords.append((iris_coord, axis))\n except ValueError:\n iris_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(coord.values, **coord_args)\n aux_coords.append((iris_coord, axis))\n else:\n iris_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord(coord.values, **coord_args)\n aux_coords.append((iris_coord, axis))\n\n args = _get_iris_args(dataarray.attrs)\n args[\"var_name\"] = dataarray.name\n args[\"dim_coords_and_dims\"] = dim_coords\n args[\"aux_coords_and_dims\"] = aux_coords\n if \"cell_methods\" in dataarray.attrs:\n args[\"cell_methods\"] = parse_cell_methods(dataarray.attrs[\"cell_methods\"])\n\n masked_data = duck_array_ops.masked_invalid(dataarray.data)\n cube = iris.cube.Cube(masked_data, **args)\n\n return cube", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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obj.standard_name, \"long_name\": obj.long_name}\n if obj.units.calendar:\n attrs[\"calendar\"] = obj.units.calendar\n if obj.units.origin != \"1\" and not obj.units.is_unknown():\n attrs[\"units\"] = obj.units.origin\n attrs.update(obj.attributes)\n return {k: v for k, v in attrs.items() if v is not None}\n\n\ndef _iris_cell_methods_to_str(cell_methods_obj):\n \"\"\" Converts a Iris cell methods into a string\n \"\"\"\n cell_methods = []\n for cell_method in cell_methods_obj:\n names = \"\".join([\"{}: \".format(n) for n in cell_method.coord_names])\n intervals = \" \".join(\n [\"interval: {}\".format(interval) for interval in cell_method.intervals]\n )\n comments = \" \".join(\n [\"comment: {}\".format(comment) for comment in cell_method.comments]\n )\n extra = \" \".join([intervals, comments]).strip()\n if extra:\n extra = \" ({})\".format(extra)\n cell_methods.append(names + cell_method.method + extra)\n return \" \".join(cell_methods)\n\n\ndef _name(iris_obj, default=\"unknown\"):\n \"\"\" Mimicks `iris_obj.name()` but with different name resolution order.\n\n Similar to iris_obj.name() method, but using iris_obj.var_name first to\n enable roundtripping.\n \"\"\"\n return iris_obj.var_name or iris_obj.standard_name or iris_obj.long_name or default", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py_from_iris_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/convert.py_from_iris_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/convert.py", "file_name": "convert.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 255, "end_line": 309, "span_ids": ["from_iris"], "tokens": 453}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", 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cube.coord_dims(coord)]\n if coord_dims:\n coords[_name(coord)] = (coord_dims, coord.points, coord_attrs)\n else:\n coords[_name(coord)] = ((), coord.points.item(), coord_attrs)\n\n array_attrs = _iris_obj_to_attrs(cube)\n cell_methods = _iris_cell_methods_to_str(cube.cell_methods)\n if cell_methods:\n array_attrs[\"cell_methods\"] = cell_methods\n\n # Deal with iris 1.* and 2.*\n cube_data = cube.core_data() if hasattr(cube, \"core_data\") else cube.data\n\n # Deal with dask and numpy masked arrays\n if isinstance(cube_data, dask_array_type):\n from dask.array import ma as dask_ma\n\n filled_data = dask_ma.filled(cube_data, get_fill_value(cube.dtype))\n elif isinstance(cube_data, np.ma.MaskedArray):\n filled_data = np.ma.filled(cube_data, get_fill_value(cube.dtype))\n else:\n filled_data = cube_data\n\n dataarray = DataArray(\n filled_data, coords=coords, name=name, attrs=array_attrs, dims=dims\n )\n decoded_ds = decode_cf(dataarray._to_temp_dataset())\n return dataarray._from_temp_dataset(decoded_ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py_np__season_from_months.return.seasons_months_3_4": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py_np__season_from_months.return.seasons_months_3_4", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 14, "span_ids": ["_season_from_months", "imports"], "tokens": 119}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", 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"/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py__access_through_cftimeindex__access_through_series.return.field_values_reshape_valu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 17, "end_line": 42, "span_ids": ["_access_through_series", "_access_through_cftimeindex"], "tokens": 209}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _access_through_cftimeindex(values, name):\n \"\"\"Coerce an array of datetime-like values to a CFTimeIndex\n and access requested datetime component\n \"\"\"\n from ..coding.cftimeindex import CFTimeIndex\n\n values_as_cftimeindex = CFTimeIndex(values.ravel())\n if name == \"season\":\n months = values_as_cftimeindex.month\n field_values = _season_from_months(months)\n else:\n field_values = getattr(values_as_cftimeindex, name)\n return field_values.reshape(values.shape)\n\n\ndef _access_through_series(values, name):\n \"\"\"Coerce an array of datetime-like values to a pandas Series and\n access requested datetime component\n \"\"\"\n values_as_series = pd.Series(values.ravel())\n if name == \"season\":\n months = values_as_series.dt.month.values\n field_values = _season_from_months(months)\n else:\n field_values = getattr(values_as_series.dt, name).values\n return field_values.reshape(values.shape)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py__get_date_field__get_date_field.if_isinstance_values_das.else_.return.access_method_values_nam": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py__get_date_field__get_date_field.if_isinstance_values_das.else_.return.access_method_values_nam", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 45, "end_line": 74, "span_ids": ["_get_date_field"], "tokens": 198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_date_field(values, name, dtype):\n \"\"\"Indirectly access pandas' libts.get_date_field by wrapping data\n as a Series and calling through `.dt` attribute.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n values : np.ndarray or dask.array-like\n Array-like container of datetime-like values\n name : str\n Name of datetime field to access\n dtype : dtype-like\n dtype for output date field values\n\n Returns\n -------\n datetime_fields : same type as values\n Array-like of datetime fields accessed for each element in values\n\n \"\"\"\n if is_np_datetime_like(values.dtype):\n access_method = _access_through_series\n else:\n access_method = _access_through_cftimeindex\n\n if isinstance(values, dask_array_type):\n from dask.array import map_blocks\n\n return map_blocks(access_method, values, name, dtype=dtype)\n else:\n return access_method(values, name)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py__round_series__round_field.if_isinstance_values_das.else_.return._round_series_values_nam": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py__round_series__round_field.if_isinstance_values_das.else_.return._round_series_values_nam", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 77, "end_line": 111, "span_ids": ["_round_field", "_round_series"], "tokens": 244}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _round_series(values, name, freq):\n \"\"\"Coerce an array of datetime-like values to a pandas Series and\n apply requested rounding\n \"\"\"\n values_as_series = pd.Series(values.ravel())\n method = getattr(values_as_series.dt, name)\n field_values = method(freq=freq).values\n\n return field_values.reshape(values.shape)\n\n\ndef _round_field(values, name, freq):\n \"\"\"Indirectly access pandas rounding functions by wrapping data\n as a Series and calling through `.dt` attribute.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n values : np.ndarray or dask.array-like\n Array-like container of datetime-like values\n name : str (ceil, floor, round)\n Name of rounding function\n freq : a freq string indicating the rounding resolution\n\n Returns\n -------\n rounded timestamps : same type as values\n Array-like of datetime fields accessed for each element in values\n\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(values, dask_array_type):\n from dask.array import map_blocks\n\n return map_blocks(_round_series, values, name, freq=freq, dtype=np.datetime64)\n else:\n return _round_series(values, name, freq)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py__strftime_through_cftimeindex__strftime.if_isinstance_values_das.else_.return.access_method_values_dat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py__strftime_through_cftimeindex__strftime.if_isinstance_values_das.else_.return.access_method_values_dat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 114, "end_line": 145, "span_ids": ["_strftime", "_strftime_through_cftimeindex", "_strftime_through_series"], "tokens": 230}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", 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is_np_datetime_like(values.dtype):\n access_method = _strftime_through_series\n else:\n access_method = _strftime_through_cftimeindex\n if isinstance(values, dask_array_type):\n from dask.array import map_blocks\n\n return map_blocks(access_method, values, date_format)\n else:\n return access_method(values, date_format)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py_DatetimeAccessor_DatetimeAccessor.quarter._tslib_field_accessor_qu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py_DatetimeAccessor_DatetimeAccessor.quarter._tslib_field_accessor_qu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 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Note that these fields are\n not calendar-aware; if your datetimes are encoded with a non-Gregorian\n calendar (e.g. a 360-day calendar) using cftime, then some fields like\n `dayofyear` may not be accurate.\n\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, obj):\n if not _contains_datetime_like_objects(obj):\n raise TypeError(\n \"'dt' accessor only available for \"\n \"DataArray with datetime64 timedelta64 dtype or \"\n \"for arrays containing cftime datetime \"\n \"objects.\"\n )\n self._obj = obj\n\n def _tslib_field_accessor(name, docstring=None, dtype=None):\n def f(self, dtype=dtype):\n if dtype is None:\n dtype = self._obj.dtype\n obj_type = type(self._obj)\n result = _get_date_field(self._obj.data, name, dtype)\n return obj_type(\n result, name=name, coords=self._obj.coords, dims=self._obj.dims\n )\n\n f.__name__ = name\n f.__doc__ = docstring\n return property(f)\n\n year = _tslib_field_accessor(\"year\", \"The year of the datetime\", np.int64)\n month = _tslib_field_accessor(\n \"month\", \"The month as January=1, December=12\", np.int64\n )\n day = _tslib_field_accessor(\"day\", \"The days of the datetime\", np.int64)\n hour = _tslib_field_accessor(\"hour\", \"The hours of the datetime\", np.int64)\n minute = _tslib_field_accessor(\"minute\", \"The minutes of the datetime\", np.int64)\n second = _tslib_field_accessor(\"second\", \"The seconds of the datetime\", np.int64)\n microsecond = _tslib_field_accessor(\n \"microsecond\", \"The microseconds of the datetime\", np.int64\n )\n nanosecond = _tslib_field_accessor(\n \"nanosecond\", \"The nanoseconds of the datetime\", np.int64\n )\n weekofyear = _tslib_field_accessor(\n \"weekofyear\", \"The week ordinal of the year\", np.int64\n )\n week = weekofyear\n dayofweek = _tslib_field_accessor(\n \"dayofweek\", \"The day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6\", np.int64\n )\n weekday = dayofweek\n\n weekday_name = _tslib_field_accessor(\n \"weekday_name\", \"The name of day in a week (ex: Friday)\", object\n )\n\n dayofyear = _tslib_field_accessor(\n \"dayofyear\", \"The ordinal day of the year\", np.int64\n )\n quarter = _tslib_field_accessor(\"quarter\", \"The quarter of the date\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py_DatetimeAccessor.days_in_month_DatetimeAccessor.round.return.self__tslib_round_accesso": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py_DatetimeAccessor.days_in_month_DatetimeAccessor.round.return.self__tslib_round_accesso", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 226, "end_line": 289, "span_ids": ["DatetimeAccessor.round", "DatetimeAccessor.floor", 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dims=self._obj.dims)\n\n def floor(self, freq):\n \"\"\"\n Round timestamps downward to specified frequency resolution.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n freq : a freq string indicating the rounding resolution\n e.g. 'D' for daily resolution\n\n Returns\n -------\n floor-ed timestamps : same type as values\n Array-like of datetime fields accessed for each element in values\n \"\"\"\n\n return self._tslib_round_accessor(\"floor\", freq)\n\n def ceil(self, freq):\n \"\"\"\n Round timestamps upward to specified frequency resolution.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n freq : a freq string indicating the rounding resolution\n e.g. 'D' for daily resolution\n\n Returns\n -------\n ceil-ed timestamps : same type as values\n Array-like of datetime fields accessed for each element in values\n \"\"\"\n return self._tslib_round_accessor(\"ceil\", freq)\n\n def round(self, freq):\n \"\"\"\n Round timestamps to specified frequency resolution.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n freq : a freq string indicating the rounding resolution\n e.g. 'D' for daily resolution\n\n Returns\n -------\n rounded timestamps : same type as values\n Array-like of datetime fields accessed for each element in values\n \"\"\"\n return self._tslib_round_accessor(\"round\", freq)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py_DatetimeAccessor.strftime_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_dt.py_DatetimeAccessor.strftime_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 291, "end_line": 324, "span_ids": ["DatetimeAccessor.strftime"], "tokens": 264}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", 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Details\n of the string format can be found in `python string format doc\n `__\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n date_format : str\n date format string (e.g. \"%Y-%m-%d\")\n\n Returns\n -------\n formatted strings : same type as values\n Array-like of strings formatted for each element in values\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> rng = xr.Dataset({'time': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)})\n >>> rng['time'].dt.strftime('%B %d, %Y, %r')\n \n array('January 01, 2000, 12:00:00 AM', dtype=object)\n \"\"\"\n\n '''\n obj_type = type(self._obj)\n\n result = _strftime(self._obj.data, date_format)\n\n return obj_type(\n result, name=\"strftime\", coords=self._obj.coords, dims=self._obj.dims\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py__The_StringAccessor_clas__is_str_like.return.isinstance_x_str_or_isi": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py__The_StringAccessor_clas__is_str_like.return.isinstance_x_str_or_isi", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 61, "span_ids": ["impl", "_is_str_like", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 144}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# The StringAccessor class defined below is an adaptation of the\n# pandas string methods source code (see pd.core.strings)\n\nimport codecs\nimport re\nimport textwrap\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .computation import apply_ufunc\n\n_cpython_optimized_encoders = (\n \"utf-8\",\n \"utf8\",\n \"latin-1\",\n \"latin1\",\n \"iso-8859-1\",\n \"mbcs\",\n \"ascii\",\n)\n_cpython_optimized_decoders = _cpython_optimized_encoders + (\"utf-16\", \"utf-32\")\n\n\ndef _is_str_like(x):\n return isinstance(x, str) or isinstance(x, bytes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor_StringAccessor.__getitem__.if_isinstance_key_slice_.else_.return.self_get_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor_StringAccessor.__getitem__.if_isinstance_key_slice_.else_.return.self_get_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 64, "end_line": 105, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.len", "StringAccessor", "StringAccessor._apply", "StringAccessor.__getitem__"], "tokens": 287}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n \"\"\"Vectorized string functions for string-like arrays.\n\n Similar to pandas, fields can be accessed through the `.str` attribute\n for applicable DataArrays.\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(['some', 'text', 'in', 'an', 'array'])\n >>> ds.str.len()\n \n array([4, 4, 2, 2, 5])\n Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0\n\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_obj\",)\n\n def __init__(self, obj):\n self._obj = obj\n\n def _apply(self, f, dtype=None):\n # TODO handling of na values ?\n if dtype is None:\n dtype = self._obj.dtype\n\n g = np.vectorize(f, otypes=[dtype])\n return apply_ufunc(g, self._obj, dask=\"parallelized\", output_dtypes=[dtype])\n\n def len(self):\n \"\"\"\n Compute the length of each element in the array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n lengths array : array of int\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(len, dtype=int)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n if isinstance(key, slice):\n return self.slice(start=key.start, stop=key.stop, step=key.step)\n else:\n return self.get(key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.get_StringAccessor.get.return.self__apply_lambda_x_x_o": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.get_StringAccessor.get.return.self__apply_lambda_x_x_o", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 107, "end_line": 124, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.get"], "tokens": 118}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def get(self, i):\n \"\"\"\n Extract element from indexable in each element in the array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n i : int\n Position of element to extract.\n default : optional\n Value for out-of-range index. If not specified (None) defaults to\n an empty string.\n\n Returns\n -------\n items : array of objects\n \"\"\"\n obj = slice(-1, None) if i == -1 else slice(i, i + 1)\n return self._apply(lambda x: x[obj])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.slice_StringAccessor.slice.return.self__apply_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.slice_StringAccessor.slice.return.self__apply_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 126, "end_line": 145, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.slice"], "tokens": 120}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def slice(self, start=None, stop=None, step=None):\n \"\"\"\n Slice substrings from each element in the array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n start : int, optional\n Start position for slice operation.\n stop : int, optional\n Stop position for slice operation.\n step : int, optional\n Step size for slice operation.\n\n Returns\n -------\n sliced strings : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n s = slice(start, stop, step)\n f = lambda x: x[s]\n return self._apply(f)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.slice_replace_StringAccessor.slice_replace.return.self__apply_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.slice_replace_StringAccessor.slice_replace.return.self__apply_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 147, "end_line": 184, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.slice_replace"], "tokens": 270}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def slice_replace(self, start=None, stop=None, repl=\"\"):\n \"\"\"\n Replace a positional slice of a string with another value.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n start : int, optional\n Left index position to use for the slice. If not specified (None),\n the slice is unbounded on the left, i.e. slice from the start\n of the string.\n stop : int, optional\n Right index position to use for the slice. If not specified (None),\n the slice is unbounded on the right, i.e. slice until the\n end of the string.\n repl : str, optional\n String for replacement. If not specified, the sliced region\n is replaced with an empty string.\n\n Returns\n -------\n replaced : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n repl = self._obj.dtype.type(repl)\n\n def f(x):\n if len(x[start:stop]) == 0:\n local_stop = start\n else:\n local_stop = stop\n y = self._obj.dtype.type(\"\")\n if start is not None:\n y += x[:start]\n y += repl\n if stop is not None:\n y += x[local_stop:]\n return y\n\n return self._apply(f)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.capitalize_StringAccessor.istitle.return.self__apply_lambda_x_x_i": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.capitalize_StringAccessor.istitle.return.self__apply_lambda_x_x_i", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 186, "end_line": 322, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.istitle", "StringAccessor.isdecimal", "StringAccessor.isnumeric", "StringAccessor.islower", "StringAccessor.isspace", "StringAccessor.swapcase", "StringAccessor.lower", "StringAccessor.isalnum", "StringAccessor.capitalize", "StringAccessor.upper", "StringAccessor.isalpha", "StringAccessor.isdigit", "StringAccessor.title"], "tokens": 729}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def capitalize(self):\n \"\"\"\n Convert strings in the array to be capitalized.\n\n Returns\n -------\n capitalized : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.capitalize())\n\n def lower(self):\n \"\"\"\n Convert strings in the array to lowercase.\n\n Returns\n -------\n lowerd : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.lower())\n\n def swapcase(self):\n \"\"\"\n Convert strings in the array to be swapcased.\n\n Returns\n -------\n swapcased : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.swapcase())\n\n def title(self):\n \"\"\"\n Convert strings in the array to titlecase.\n\n Returns\n -------\n titled : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.title())\n\n def upper(self):\n \"\"\"\n Convert strings in the array to uppercase.\n\n Returns\n -------\n uppered : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.upper())\n\n def isalnum(self):\n \"\"\"\n Check whether all characters in each string are alphanumeric.\n\n Returns\n -------\n isalnum : array of bool\n Array of boolean values with the same shape as the original array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.isalnum(), dtype=bool)\n\n def isalpha(self):\n \"\"\"\n Check whether all characters in each string are alphabetic.\n\n Returns\n -------\n isalpha : array of bool\n Array of boolean values with the same shape as the original array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.isalpha(), dtype=bool)\n\n def isdecimal(self):\n \"\"\"\n Check whether all characters in each string are decimal.\n\n Returns\n -------\n isdecimal : array of bool\n Array of boolean values with the same shape as the original array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.isdecimal(), dtype=bool)\n\n def isdigit(self):\n \"\"\"\n Check whether all characters in each string are digits.\n\n Returns\n -------\n isdigit : array of bool\n Array of boolean values with the same shape as the original array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.isdigit(), dtype=bool)\n\n def islower(self):\n \"\"\"\n Check whether all characters in each string are lowercase.\n\n Returns\n -------\n islower : array of bool\n Array of boolean values with the same shape as the original array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.islower(), dtype=bool)\n\n def isnumeric(self):\n \"\"\"\n Check whether all characters in each string are numeric.\n\n Returns\n -------\n isnumeric : array of bool\n Array of boolean values with the same shape as the original array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.isnumeric(), dtype=bool)\n\n def isspace(self):\n \"\"\"\n Check whether all characters in each string are spaces.\n\n Returns\n -------\n isspace : array of bool\n Array of boolean values with the same shape as the original array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.isspace(), dtype=bool)\n\n def istitle(self):\n \"\"\"\n Check whether all characters in each string are titlecase.\n\n Returns\n -------\n istitle : array of bool\n Array of boolean values with the same shape as the original array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._apply(lambda x: x.istitle(), dtype=bool)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.isupper_StringAccessor.count.return.self__apply_f_dtype_int_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.isupper_StringAccessor.count.return.self__apply_f_dtype_int_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 324, "end_line": 358, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.count", "StringAccessor.isupper"], "tokens": 254}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", 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For a complete list, `see here\n `_.\n\n Returns\n -------\n counts : array of int\n \"\"\"\n pat = self._obj.dtype.type(pat)\n regex = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)\n f = lambda x: len(regex.findall(x))\n return self._apply(f, dtype=int)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.startswith_StringAccessor.startswith.return.self__apply_f_dtype_bool": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.startswith_StringAccessor.startswith.return.self__apply_f_dtype_bool", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 360, "end_line": 377, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.startswith"], "tokens": 113}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def startswith(self, pat):\n \"\"\"\n Test if the start of each string element matches a pattern.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n pat : str\n Character sequence. Regular expressions are not accepted.\n\n Returns\n -------\n startswith : array of bool\n An array of booleans indicating whether the given pattern matches\n the start of each string element.\n \"\"\"\n pat = self._obj.dtype.type(pat)\n f = lambda x: x.startswith(pat)\n return self._apply(f, dtype=bool)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.endswith_StringAccessor.endswith.return.self__apply_f_dtype_bool": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.endswith_StringAccessor.endswith.return.self__apply_f_dtype_bool", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 379, "end_line": 396, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.endswith"], "tokens": 113}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def endswith(self, pat):\n \"\"\"\n Test if the end of each string element matches a pattern.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n pat : str\n Character sequence. Regular expressions are not accepted.\n\n Returns\n -------\n endswith : array of bool\n A Series of booleans indicating whether the given pattern matches\n the end of each string element.\n \"\"\"\n pat = self._obj.dtype.type(pat)\n f = lambda x: x.endswith(pat)\n return self._apply(f, dtype=bool)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.pad_StringAccessor.pad.return.self__apply_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.pad_StringAccessor.pad.return.self__apply_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 398, "end_line": 431, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.pad"], "tokens": 263}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def pad(self, width, side=\"left\", fillchar=\" \"):\n \"\"\"\n Pad strings in the array up to width.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n width : int\n Minimum width of resulting string; additional characters will be\n filled with character defined in `fillchar`.\n side : {'left', 'right', 'both'}, default 'left'\n Side from which to fill resulting string.\n fillchar : str, default ' '\n Additional character for filling, default is whitespace.\n\n Returns\n -------\n filled : same type as values\n Array with a minimum number of char in each element.\n \"\"\"\n width = int(width)\n fillchar = self._obj.dtype.type(fillchar)\n if len(fillchar) != 1:\n raise TypeError(\"fillchar must be a character, not str\")\n\n if side == \"left\":\n f = lambda s: s.rjust(width, fillchar)\n elif side == \"right\":\n f = lambda s: s.ljust(width, fillchar)\n elif side == \"both\":\n f = lambda s: s.center(width, fillchar)\n else: # pragma: no cover\n raise ValueError(\"Invalid side\")\n\n return self._apply(f)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.center_StringAccessor.center.return.self_pad_width_side_bot": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.center_StringAccessor.center.return.self_pad_width_side_bot", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 433, "end_line": 450, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.center"], "tokens": 113}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def center(self, width, fillchar=\" \"):\n \"\"\"\n Filling left and right side of strings in the array with an\n additional character.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n width : int\n Minimum width of resulting string; additional characters will be\n filled with ``fillchar``\n fillchar : str\n Additional character for filling, default is whitespace\n\n Returns\n -------\n filled : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self.pad(width, side=\"both\", fillchar=fillchar)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.ljust_StringAccessor.ljust.return.self_pad_width_side_rig": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.ljust_StringAccessor.ljust.return.self_pad_width_side_rig", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 452, "end_line": 469, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.ljust"], "tokens": 112}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def ljust(self, width, fillchar=\" \"):\n \"\"\"\n Filling right side of strings in the array with an additional\n character.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n width : int\n Minimum width of resulting string; additional characters will be\n filled with ``fillchar``\n fillchar : str\n Additional character for filling, default is whitespace\n\n Returns\n -------\n filled : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self.pad(width, side=\"right\", fillchar=fillchar)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.rjust_StringAccessor.rjust.return.self_pad_width_side_lef": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.rjust_StringAccessor.rjust.return.self_pad_width_side_lef", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 471, "end_line": 487, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.rjust"], "tokens": 110}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def rjust(self, width, fillchar=\" \"):\n \"\"\"\n Filling left side of strings in the array with an additional character.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n width : int\n Minimum width of resulting string; additional characters will be\n filled with ``fillchar``\n fillchar : str\n Additional character for filling, default is whitespace\n\n Returns\n -------\n filled : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self.pad(width, side=\"left\", fillchar=fillchar)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.zfill_StringAccessor.zfill.return.self_pad_width_side_lef": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.zfill_StringAccessor.zfill.return.self_pad_width_side_lef", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 489, "end_line": 507, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.zfill"], "tokens": 143}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def zfill(self, width):\n \"\"\"\n Pad strings in the array by prepending '0' characters.\n\n Strings in the array are padded with '0' characters on the\n left of the string to reach a total string length `width`. Strings\n in the array with length greater or equal to `width` are unchanged.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n width : int\n Minimum length of resulting string; strings with length less\n than `width` be prepended with '0' characters.\n\n Returns\n -------\n filled : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self.pad(width, side=\"left\", fillchar=\"0\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.contains_StringAccessor.contains.return.self__apply_f_dtype_bool": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.contains_StringAccessor.contains.return.self__apply_f_dtype_bool", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 509, "end_line": 553, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.contains"], "tokens": 320}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def contains(self, pat, case=True, flags=0, regex=True):\n \"\"\"\n Test if pattern or regex is contained within a string of the array.\n\n Return boolean array based on whether a given pattern or regex is\n contained within a string of the array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n pat : str\n Character sequence or regular expression.\n case : bool, default True\n If True, case sensitive.\n flags : int, default 0 (no flags)\n Flags to pass through to the re module, e.g. re.IGNORECASE.\n regex : bool, default True\n If True, assumes the pat is a regular expression.\n If False, treats the pat as a literal string.\n\n Returns\n -------\n contains : array of bool\n An array of boolean values indicating whether the\n given pattern is contained within the string of each element\n of the array.\n \"\"\"\n pat = self._obj.dtype.type(pat)\n if regex:\n if not case:\n flags |= re.IGNORECASE\n\n regex = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)\n\n if regex.groups > 0: # pragma: no cover\n raise ValueError(\"This pattern has match groups.\")\n\n f = lambda x: bool(regex.search(x))\n else:\n if case:\n f = lambda x: pat in x\n else:\n uppered = self._obj.str.upper()\n return uppered.str.contains(pat.upper(), regex=False)\n\n return self._apply(f, dtype=bool)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.match_StringAccessor.match.return.self__apply_f_dtype_bool": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.match_StringAccessor.match.return.self__apply_f_dtype_bool", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 555, "end_line": 578, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.match"], "tokens": 154}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def match(self, pat, case=True, flags=0):\n \"\"\"\n Determine if each string matches a regular expression.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n pat : string\n Character sequence or regular expression\n case : boolean, default True\n If True, case sensitive\n flags : int, default 0 (no flags)\n re module flags, e.g. re.IGNORECASE\n\n Returns\n -------\n matched : array of bool\n \"\"\"\n if not case:\n flags |= re.IGNORECASE\n\n pat = self._obj.dtype.type(pat)\n regex = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)\n f = lambda x: bool(regex.match(x))\n return self._apply(f, dtype=bool)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.strip_StringAccessor.strip.return.self__apply_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.strip_StringAccessor.strip.return.self__apply_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 580, "end_line": 612, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.strip"], "tokens": 241}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def strip(self, to_strip=None, side=\"both\"):\n \"\"\"\n Remove leading and trailing characters.\n\n Strip whitespaces (including newlines) or a set of specified characters\n from each string in the array from left and/or right sides.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n to_strip : str or None, default None\n Specifying the set of characters to be removed.\n All combinations of this set of characters will be stripped.\n If None then whitespaces are removed.\n side : {'left', 'right', 'both'}, default 'left'\n Side from which to strip.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stripped : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n if to_strip is not None:\n to_strip = self._obj.dtype.type(to_strip)\n\n if side == \"both\":\n f = lambda x: x.strip(to_strip)\n elif side == \"left\":\n f = lambda x: x.lstrip(to_strip)\n elif side == \"right\":\n f = lambda x: x.rstrip(to_strip)\n else: # pragma: no cover\n raise ValueError(\"Invalid side\")\n\n return self._apply(f)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.lstrip_StringAccessor.lstrip.return.self_strip_to_strip_side": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.lstrip_StringAccessor.lstrip.return.self_strip_to_strip_side", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 614, "end_line": 632, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.lstrip"], "tokens": 125}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def lstrip(self, to_strip=None):\n \"\"\"\n Remove leading and trailing characters.\n\n Strip whitespaces (including newlines) or a set of specified characters\n from each string in the array from the left side.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n to_strip : str or None, default None\n Specifying the set of characters to be removed.\n All combinations of this set of characters will be stripped.\n If None then whitespaces are removed.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stripped : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self.strip(to_strip, side=\"left\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.rstrip_StringAccessor.rstrip.return.self_strip_to_strip_side": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.rstrip_StringAccessor.rstrip.return.self_strip_to_strip_side", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 634, "end_line": 652, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.rstrip"], "tokens": 125}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def rstrip(self, to_strip=None):\n \"\"\"\n Remove leading and trailing characters.\n\n Strip whitespaces (including newlines) or a set of specified characters\n from each string in the array from the right side.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n to_strip : str or None, default None\n Specifying the set of characters to be removed.\n All combinations of this set of characters will be stripped.\n If None then whitespaces are removed.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stripped : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n return self.strip(to_strip, side=\"right\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.wrap_StringAccessor.wrap.return.self__apply_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.wrap_StringAccessor.wrap.return.self__apply_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 654, "end_line": 693, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.wrap"], "tokens": 380}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def wrap(self, width, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Wrap long strings in the array to be formatted in paragraphs with\n length less than a given width.\n\n This method has the same keyword parameters and defaults as\n :class:`textwrap.TextWrapper`.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n width : int\n Maximum line-width\n expand_tabs : bool, optional\n If true, tab characters will be expanded to spaces (default: True)\n replace_whitespace : bool, optional\n If true, each whitespace character (as defined by\n string.whitespace) remaining after tab expansion will be replaced\n by a single space (default: True)\n drop_whitespace : bool, optional\n If true, whitespace that, after wrapping, happens to end up at the\n beginning or end of a line is dropped (default: True)\n break_long_words : bool, optional\n If true, then words longer than width will be broken in order to\n ensure that no lines are longer than width. If it is false, long\n words will not be broken, and some lines may be longer than width.\n (default: True)\n break_on_hyphens : bool, optional\n If true, wrapping will occur preferably on whitespace and right\n after hyphens in compound words, as it is customary in English. If\n false, only whitespaces will be considered as potentially good\n places for line breaks, but you need to set break_long_words to\n false if you want truly insecable words. (default: True)\n\n Returns\n -------\n wrapped : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n tw = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=width)\n f = lambda x: \"\\n\".join(tw.wrap(x))\n return self._apply(f)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.translate_StringAccessor.repeat.return.self__apply_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.translate_StringAccessor.repeat.return.self__apply_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 695, "end_line": 729, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.translate", "StringAccessor.repeat"], "tokens": 194}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def translate(self, table):\n \"\"\"\n Map all characters in the string through the given mapping table.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n table : dict\n A a mapping of Unicode ordinals to Unicode ordinals, strings,\n or None. Unmapped characters are left untouched. Characters mapped\n to None are deleted. :meth:`str.maketrans` is a helper function for\n making translation tables.\n\n Returns\n -------\n translated : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n f = lambda x: x.translate(table)\n return self._apply(f)\n\n def repeat(self, repeats):\n \"\"\"\n Duplicate each string in the array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n repeats : int\n Number of repetitions.\n\n Returns\n -------\n repeated : same type as values\n Array of repeated string objects.\n \"\"\"\n f = lambda x: repeats * x\n return self._apply(f)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.find_StringAccessor.find.return.self__apply_f_dtype_int_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.find_StringAccessor.find.return.self__apply_f_dtype_int_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 731, "end_line": 766, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.find"], "tokens": 231}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def find(self, sub, start=0, end=None, side=\"left\"):\n \"\"\"\n Return lowest or highest indexes in each strings in the array\n where the substring is fully contained between [start:end].\n Return -1 on failure.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n sub : str\n Substring being searched\n start : int\n Left edge index\n end : int\n Right edge index\n side : {'left', 'right'}, default 'left'\n Starting side for search.\n\n Returns\n -------\n found : array of integer values\n \"\"\"\n sub = self._obj.dtype.type(sub)\n\n if side == \"left\":\n method = \"find\"\n elif side == \"right\":\n method = \"rfind\"\n else: # pragma: no cover\n raise ValueError(\"Invalid side\")\n\n if end is None:\n f = lambda x: getattr(x, method)(sub, start)\n else:\n f = lambda x: getattr(x, method)(sub, start, end)\n\n return self._apply(f, dtype=int)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.rfind_StringAccessor.rfind.return.self_find_sub_start_star": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.rfind_StringAccessor.rfind.return.self_find_sub_start_star", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 768, "end_line": 787, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.rfind"], "tokens": 118}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def rfind(self, sub, start=0, end=None):\n \"\"\"\n Return highest indexes in each strings in the array\n where the substring is fully contained between [start:end].\n Return -1 on failure.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n sub : str\n Substring being searched\n start : int\n Left edge index\n end : int\n Right edge index\n\n Returns\n -------\n found : array of integer values\n \"\"\"\n return self.find(sub, start=start, end=end, side=\"right\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.index_StringAccessor.index.return.self__apply_f_dtype_int_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.index_StringAccessor.index.return.self__apply_f_dtype_int_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 789, "end_line": 825, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.index"], "tokens": 252}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def index(self, sub, start=0, end=None, side=\"left\"):\n \"\"\"\n Return lowest or highest indexes in each strings where the substring is\n fully contained between [start:end]. This is the same as\n ``str.find`` except instead of returning -1, it raises a ValueError\n when the substring is not found.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n sub : str\n Substring being searched\n start : int\n Left edge index\n end : int\n Right edge index\n side : {'left', 'right'}, default 'left'\n Starting side for search.\n\n Returns\n -------\n found : array of integer values\n \"\"\"\n sub = self._obj.dtype.type(sub)\n\n if side == \"left\":\n method = \"index\"\n elif side == \"right\":\n method = \"rindex\"\n else: # pragma: no cover\n raise ValueError(\"Invalid side\")\n\n if end is None:\n f = lambda x: getattr(x, method)(sub, start)\n else:\n f = lambda x: getattr(x, method)(sub, start, end)\n\n return self._apply(f, dtype=int)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.rindex_StringAccessor.rindex.return.self_index_sub_start_sta": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.rindex_StringAccessor.rindex.return.self_index_sub_start_sta", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 827, "end_line": 847, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.rindex"], "tokens": 140}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def rindex(self, sub, start=0, end=None):\n \"\"\"\n Return highest indexes in each strings where the substring is\n fully contained between [start:end]. This is the same as\n ``str.rfind`` except instead of returning -1, it raises a ValueError\n when the substring is not found.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n sub : str\n Substring being searched\n start : int\n Left edge index\n end : int\n Right edge index\n\n Returns\n -------\n found : array of integer values\n \"\"\"\n return self.index(sub, start=start, end=end, side=\"right\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.replace_StringAccessor.replace.return.self__apply_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.replace_StringAccessor.replace.return.self__apply_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 849, "end_line": 926, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.replace"], "tokens": 659}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def replace(self, pat, repl, n=-1, case=None, flags=0, regex=True):\n \"\"\"\n Replace occurrences of pattern/regex in the array with some string.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n pat : string or compiled regex\n String can be a character sequence or regular expression.\n\n repl : string or callable\n Replacement string or a callable. The callable is passed the regex\n match object and must return a replacement string to be used.\n See :func:`re.sub`.\n\n n : int, default -1 (all)\n Number of replacements to make from start\n case : boolean, default None\n - If True, case sensitive (the default if `pat` is a string)\n - Set to False for case insensitive\n - Cannot be set if `pat` is a compiled regex\n flags : int, default 0 (no flags)\n - re module flags, e.g. re.IGNORECASE\n - Cannot be set if `pat` is a compiled regex\n regex : boolean, default True\n - If True, assumes the passed-in pattern is a regular expression.\n - If False, treats the pattern as a literal string\n - Cannot be set to False if `pat` is a compiled regex or `repl` is\n a callable.\n\n Returns\n -------\n replaced : same type as values\n A copy of the object with all matching occurrences of `pat`\n replaced by `repl`.\n \"\"\"\n if not (_is_str_like(repl) or callable(repl)): # pragma: no cover\n raise TypeError(\"repl must be a string or callable\")\n\n if _is_str_like(pat):\n pat = self._obj.dtype.type(pat)\n\n if _is_str_like(repl):\n repl = self._obj.dtype.type(repl)\n\n is_compiled_re = isinstance(pat, type(re.compile(\"\")))\n if regex:\n if is_compiled_re:\n if (case is not None) or (flags != 0):\n raise ValueError(\n \"case and flags cannot be set\" \" when pat is a compiled regex\"\n )\n else:\n # not a compiled regex\n # set default case\n if case is None:\n case = True\n\n # add case flag, if provided\n if case is False:\n flags |= re.IGNORECASE\n if is_compiled_re or len(pat) > 1 or flags or callable(repl):\n n = n if n >= 0 else 0\n compiled = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)\n f = lambda x: compiled.sub(repl=repl, string=x, count=n)\n else:\n f = lambda x: x.replace(pat, repl, n)\n else:\n if is_compiled_re:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Cannot use a compiled regex as replacement \"\n \"pattern with regex=False\"\n )\n if callable(repl):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Cannot use a callable replacement when \" \"regex=False\"\n )\n f = lambda x: x.replace(pat, repl, n)\n return self._apply(f)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.decode_StringAccessor.decode.return.self__apply_f_dtype_np_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.decode_StringAccessor.decode.return.self__apply_f_dtype_np_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 928, "end_line": 946, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.decode"], "tokens": 119}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def decode(self, encoding, errors=\"strict\"):\n \"\"\"\n Decode character string in the array using indicated encoding.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n encoding : str\n errors : str, optional\n\n Returns\n -------\n decoded : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n if encoding in _cpython_optimized_decoders:\n f = lambda x: x.decode(encoding, errors)\n else:\n decoder = codecs.getdecoder(encoding)\n f = lambda x: decoder(x, errors)[0]\n return self._apply(f, dtype=np.str_)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.encode_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/accessor_str.py_StringAccessor.encode_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/accessor_str.py", "file_name": "accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 948, "end_line": 967, "span_ids": ["StringAccessor.encode"], "tokens": 119}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class StringAccessor:\n\n def encode(self, encoding, errors=\"strict\"):\n \"\"\"\n Encode character string in the array using indicated encoding.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n encoding : str\n errors : str, optional\n\n Returns\n -------\n encoded : same type as values\n \"\"\"\n if encoding in _cpython_optimized_encoders:\n f = lambda x: x.encode(encoding, errors)\n else:\n encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding)\n f = lambda x: encoder(x, errors)[0]\n return self._apply(f, dtype=np.bytes_)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_functools__get_joiner.if_join_outer_.else_.raise_ValueError_invalid": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_functools__get_joiner.if_join_outer_.else_.raise_ValueError_invalid", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 37, "span_ids": ["imports:12", "impl", "_get_joiner", "imports"], "tokens": 274}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import functools\nimport operator\nfrom collections import defaultdict\nfrom contextlib import suppress\nfrom typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Hashable, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import dtypes, utils\nfrom .indexing import get_indexer_nd\nfrom .utils import is_dict_like, is_full_slice\nfrom .variable import IndexVariable, Variable\n\nif TYPE_CHECKING:\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n\ndef _get_joiner(join):\n if join == \"outer\":\n return functools.partial(functools.reduce, operator.or_)\n elif join == \"inner\":\n return functools.partial(functools.reduce, operator.and_)\n elif join == \"left\":\n return operator.itemgetter(0)\n elif join == \"right\":\n return operator.itemgetter(-1)\n elif join == \"exact\":\n # We cannot return a function to \"align\" in this case, because it needs\n # access to the dimension name to give a good error message.\n return None\n elif join == \"override\":\n # We rewrite all indexes and then use join='left'\n return operator.itemgetter(0)\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"invalid value for join: %s\" % join)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py__override_indexes_align": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py__override_indexes_align", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 40, "end_line": 337, "span_ids": ["_override_indexes", "align"], "tokens": 194}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _override_indexes(objects, all_indexes, exclude):\n for dim, dim_indexes in all_indexes.items():\n if dim not in exclude:\n lengths = {index.size for index in dim_indexes}\n if len(lengths) != 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Indexes along dimension %r don't have the same length.\"\n \" Cannot use join='override'.\" % dim\n )\n\n objects = list(objects)\n for idx, obj in enumerate(objects[1:]):\n new_indexes = {}\n for dim in obj.dims:\n if dim not in exclude:\n new_indexes[dim] = all_indexes[dim][0]\n objects[idx + 1] = obj._overwrite_indexes(new_indexes)\n\n return objects\n\n\ndef align(\n *objects,\n join=\"inner\",\n copy=True,\n indexes=None,\n exclude=frozenset(),\n fill_value=dtypes.NA\n):\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_align.__align._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_align.__align._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 69, "end_line": 249, "span_ids": ["align"], "tokens": 1864}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def align(\n *objects,\n join=\"inner\",\n copy=True,\n indexes=None,\n exclude=frozenset(),\n fill_value=dtypes.NA\n):\n \"\"\"\n Given any number of Dataset and/or DataArray objects, returns new\n objects with aligned indexes and dimension sizes.\n\n Array from the aligned objects are suitable as input to mathematical\n operators, because along each dimension they have the same index and size.\n\n Missing values (if ``join != 'inner'``) are filled with ``fill_value``.\n The default fill value is NaN.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n *objects : Dataset or DataArray\n Objects to align.\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact', 'override'}, optional\n Method for joining the indexes of the passed objects along each\n dimension:\n\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': instead of aligning, raise `ValueError` when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n - 'override': if indexes are of same size, rewrite indexes to be\n those of the first object with that dimension. Indexes for the same\n dimension must have the same size in all objects.\n copy : bool, optional\n If ``copy=True``, data in the return values is always copied. If\n ``copy=False`` and reindexing is unnecessary, or can be performed with\n only slice operations, then the output may share memory with the input.\n In either case, new xarray objects are always returned.\n indexes : dict-like, optional\n Any indexes explicitly provided with the `indexes` argument should be\n used in preference to the aligned indexes.\n exclude : sequence of str, optional\n Dimensions that must be excluded from alignment\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n\n Returns\n -------\n aligned : same as *objects\n Tuple of objects with aligned coordinates.\n\n Raises\n ------\n ValueError\n If any dimensions without labels on the arguments have different sizes,\n or a different size than the size of the aligned dimension labels.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> x = xr.DataArray([[25, 35], [10, 24]], dims=('lat', 'lon'),\n ... coords={'lat': [35., 40.], 'lon': [100., 120.]})\n >>> y = xr.DataArray([[20, 5], [7, 13]], dims=('lat', 'lon'),\n ... coords={'lat': [35., 42.], 'lon': [100., 120.]})\n\n >>> x\n \n array([[25, 35],\n [10, 24]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n >>> y\n \n array([[20, 5],\n [ 7, 13]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n >>> a, b = xr.align(x, y)\n >>> a\n \n array([[25, 35]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n >>> b\n \n array([[20, 5]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n >>> a, b = xr.align(x, y, join='outer')\n >>> a\n \n array([[25., 35.],\n [10., 24.],\n [nan, nan]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n >>> b\n \n array([[20., 5.],\n [nan, nan],\n [ 7., 13.]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n >>> a, b = xr.align(x, y, join='outer', fill_value=-999)\n >>> a\n \n array([[ 25, 35],\n [ 10, 24],\n [-999, -999]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n >>> b\n \n array([[ 20, 5],\n [-999, -999],\n [ 7, 13]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n >>> a, b = xr.align(x, y, join='left')\n >>> a\n \n array([[25, 35],\n [10, 24]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n >>> b\n \n array([[20., 5.],\n [nan, nan]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n >>> a, b = xr.align(x, y, join='right')\n >>> a\n \n array([[25., 35.],\n [nan, nan]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n >>> b\n \n array([[20, 5],\n [ 7, 13]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n >>> a, b = xr.align(x, y, join='exact')\n Traceback (most recent call last):\n ...\n \"indexes along dimension {!r} are not equal\".format(dim)\n ValueError: indexes along dimension 'lat' are not equal\n\n >>> a, b = xr.align(x, y, join='override')\n >>> a\n \n array([[25, 35],\n [10, 24]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n >>> b\n \n array([[20, 5],\n [ 7, 13]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_align.if_indexes_is_None__align.return.tuple_result_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_align.if_indexes_is_None__align.return.tuple_result_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 250, "end_line": 337, "span_ids": ["align"], "tokens": 725}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def align(\n *objects,\n join=\"inner\",\n copy=True,\n indexes=None,\n exclude=frozenset(),\n fill_value=dtypes.NA\n):\n if indexes is None:\n indexes = {}\n\n if not indexes and len(objects) == 1:\n # fast path for the trivial case\n obj, = objects\n return (obj.copy(deep=copy),)\n\n all_indexes = defaultdict(list)\n unlabeled_dim_sizes = defaultdict(set)\n for obj in objects:\n for dim in obj.dims:\n if dim not in exclude:\n try:\n index = obj.indexes[dim]\n except KeyError:\n unlabeled_dim_sizes[dim].add(obj.sizes[dim])\n else:\n all_indexes[dim].append(index)\n\n if join == \"override\":\n objects = _override_indexes(objects, all_indexes, exclude)\n\n # We don't reindex over dimensions with all equal indexes for two reasons:\n # - It's faster for the usual case (already aligned objects).\n # - It ensures it's possible to do operations that don't require alignment\n # on indexes with duplicate values (which cannot be reindexed with\n # pandas). This is useful, e.g., for overwriting such duplicate indexes.\n joiner = _get_joiner(join)\n joined_indexes = {}\n for dim, matching_indexes in all_indexes.items():\n if dim in indexes:\n index = utils.safe_cast_to_index(indexes[dim])\n if (\n any(not index.equals(other) for other in matching_indexes)\n or dim in unlabeled_dim_sizes\n ):\n joined_indexes[dim] = index\n else:\n if (\n any(\n not matching_indexes[0].equals(other)\n for other in matching_indexes[1:]\n )\n or dim in unlabeled_dim_sizes\n ):\n if join == \"exact\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"indexes along dimension {!r} are not equal\".format(dim)\n )\n index = joiner(matching_indexes)\n joined_indexes[dim] = index\n else:\n index = matching_indexes[0]\n\n if dim in unlabeled_dim_sizes:\n unlabeled_sizes = unlabeled_dim_sizes[dim]\n labeled_size = index.size\n if len(unlabeled_sizes | {labeled_size}) > 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"arguments without labels along dimension %r cannot be \"\n \"aligned because they have different dimension size(s) %r \"\n \"than the size of the aligned dimension labels: %r\"\n % (dim, unlabeled_sizes, labeled_size)\n )\n\n for dim in unlabeled_dim_sizes:\n if dim not in all_indexes:\n sizes = unlabeled_dim_sizes[dim]\n if len(sizes) > 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"arguments without labels along dimension %r cannot be \"\n \"aligned because they have different dimension sizes: %r\"\n % (dim, sizes)\n )\n\n result = []\n for obj in objects:\n valid_indexers = {k: v for k, v in joined_indexes.items() if k in obj.dims}\n if not valid_indexers:\n # fast path for no reindexing necessary\n new_obj = obj.copy(deep=copy)\n else:\n new_obj = obj.reindex(copy=copy, fill_value=fill_value, **valid_indexers)\n new_obj.encoding = obj.encoding\n result.append(new_obj)\n\n return tuple(result)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_deep_align_deep_align.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_deep_align_deep_align.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 340, "end_line": 420, "span_ids": ["deep_align"], "tokens": 521}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def deep_align(\n objects,\n join=\"inner\",\n copy=True,\n indexes=None,\n exclude=frozenset(),\n raise_on_invalid=True,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n):\n \"\"\"Align objects for merging, recursing into dictionary values.\n\n This function is not public API.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n if indexes is None:\n indexes = {}\n\n def is_alignable(obj):\n return isinstance(obj, (DataArray, Dataset))\n\n positions = []\n keys = []\n out = []\n targets = []\n no_key = object()\n not_replaced = object()\n for position, variables in enumerate(objects):\n if is_alignable(variables):\n positions.append(position)\n keys.append(no_key)\n targets.append(variables)\n out.append(not_replaced)\n elif is_dict_like(variables):\n current_out = {}\n for k, v in variables.items():\n if is_alignable(v) and k not in indexes:\n # Skip variables in indexes for alignment, because these\n # should to be overwritten instead:\n # https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/725\n # https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/3377\n # TODO(shoyer): doing this here feels super-hacky -- can we\n # move it explicitly into merge instead?\n positions.append(position)\n keys.append(k)\n targets.append(v)\n current_out[k] = not_replaced\n else:\n current_out[k] = v\n out.append(current_out)\n elif raise_on_invalid:\n raise ValueError(\n \"object to align is neither an xarray.Dataset, \"\n \"an xarray.DataArray nor a dictionary: {!r}\".format(variables)\n )\n else:\n out.append(variables)\n\n aligned = align(\n *targets,\n join=join,\n copy=copy,\n indexes=indexes,\n exclude=exclude,\n fill_value=fill_value\n )\n\n for position, key, aligned_obj in zip(positions, keys, aligned):\n if key is no_key:\n out[position] = aligned_obj\n else:\n out[position][key] = aligned_obj\n\n # something went wrong: we should have replaced all sentinel values\n for arg in out:\n assert arg is not not_replaced\n if is_dict_like(arg):\n assert all(value is not not_replaced for value in arg.values())\n\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_reindex_like_indexers_reindex_like_indexers.return.indexers": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_reindex_like_indexers_reindex_like_indexers.return.indexers", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 423, "end_line": 459, "span_ids": ["reindex_like_indexers"], "tokens": 249}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def reindex_like_indexers(\n target: \"Union[DataArray, Dataset]\", other: \"Union[DataArray, Dataset]\"\n) -> Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]:\n \"\"\"Extract indexers to align target with other.\n\n Not public API.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n target : Dataset or DataArray\n Object to be aligned.\n other : Dataset or DataArray\n Object to be aligned with.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dict[Hashable, pandas.Index] providing indexes for reindex keyword\n arguments.\n\n Raises\n ------\n ValueError\n If any dimensions without labels have different sizes.\n \"\"\"\n indexers = {k: v for k, v in other.indexes.items() if k in target.dims}\n\n for dim in other.dims:\n if dim not in indexers and dim in target.dims:\n other_size = other.sizes[dim]\n target_size = target.sizes[dim]\n if other_size != target_size:\n raise ValueError(\n \"different size for unlabeled \"\n \"dimension on argument %r: %r vs %r\"\n % (dim, other_size, target_size)\n )\n return indexers", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_reindex_variables_reindex_variables.unchanged_dims.set_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_reindex_variables_reindex_variables.unchanged_dims.set_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 462, "end_line": 525, "span_ids": ["reindex_variables"], "tokens": 566}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def reindex_variables(\n variables: Mapping[Any, Variable],\n sizes: Mapping[Any, int],\n indexes: Mapping[Any, pd.Index],\n indexers: Mapping,\n method: Optional[str] = None,\n tolerance: Any = None,\n copy: bool = True,\n fill_value: Optional[Any] = dtypes.NA,\n) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Variable], Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]]:\n \"\"\"Conform a dictionary of aligned variables onto a new set of variables,\n filling in missing values with NaN.\n\n Not public API.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : dict-like\n Dictionary of xarray.Variable objects.\n sizes : dict-like\n Dictionary from dimension names to integer sizes.\n indexes : dict-like\n Dictionary of indexes associated with variables.\n indexers : dict\n Dictionary with keys given by dimension names and values given by\n arrays of coordinates tick labels. Any mis-matched coordinate values\n will be filled in with NaN, and any mis-matched dimension names will\n simply be ignored.\n method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional\n Method to use for filling index values in ``indexers`` not found in\n this dataset:\n * None (default): don't fill gaps\n * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward\n * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward\n * nearest: use nearest valid index value\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact matches.\n The values of the index at the matching locations must satisfy the\n equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.\n copy : bool, optional\n If ``copy=True``, data in the return values is always copied. If\n ``copy=False`` and reindexing is unnecessary, or can be performed\n with only slice operations, then the output may share memory with\n the input. In either case, new xarray objects are always returned.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n\n Returns\n -------\n reindexed : dict\n Dict of reindexed variables.\n new_indexes : dict\n Dict of indexes associated with the reindexed variables.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n # create variables for the new dataset\n reindexed: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n\n # build up indexers for assignment along each dimension\n int_indexers = {}\n new_indexes = dict(indexes)\n masked_dims = set()\n unchanged_dims = set()\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_reindex_variables.for_dim_indexer_in_index_reindex_variables.return.reindexed_new_indexes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_reindex_variables.for_dim_indexer_in_index_reindex_variables.return.reindexed_new_indexes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 527, "end_line": 594, "span_ids": ["reindex_variables"], "tokens": 639}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def reindex_variables(\n variables: Mapping[Any, Variable],\n sizes: Mapping[Any, int],\n indexes: Mapping[Any, pd.Index],\n indexers: Mapping,\n method: Optional[str] = None,\n tolerance: Any = None,\n copy: bool = True,\n fill_value: Optional[Any] = dtypes.NA,\n) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Variable], Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]]:\n # ... other code\n\n for dim, indexer in indexers.items():\n if isinstance(indexer, DataArray) and indexer.dims != (dim,):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Indexer has dimensions {:s} that are different \"\n \"from that to be indexed along {:s}\".format(str(indexer.dims), dim)\n )\n\n target = new_indexes[dim] = utils.safe_cast_to_index(indexers[dim])\n\n if dim in indexes:\n index = indexes[dim]\n\n if not index.is_unique:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot reindex or align along dimension %r because the \"\n \"index has duplicate values\" % dim\n )\n\n int_indexer = get_indexer_nd(index, target, method, tolerance)\n\n # We uses negative values from get_indexer_nd to signify\n # values that are missing in the index.\n if (int_indexer < 0).any():\n masked_dims.add(dim)\n elif np.array_equal(int_indexer, np.arange(len(index))):\n unchanged_dims.add(dim)\n\n int_indexers[dim] = int_indexer\n\n if dim in variables:\n var = variables[dim]\n args: tuple = (var.attrs, var.encoding)\n else:\n args = ()\n reindexed[dim] = IndexVariable((dim,), target, *args)\n\n for dim in sizes:\n if dim not in indexes and dim in indexers:\n existing_size = sizes[dim]\n new_size = indexers[dim].size\n if existing_size != new_size:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot reindex or align along dimension %r without an \"\n \"index because its size %r is different from the size of \"\n \"the new index %r\" % (dim, existing_size, new_size)\n )\n\n for name, var in variables.items():\n if name not in indexers:\n key = tuple(\n slice(None) if d in unchanged_dims else int_indexers.get(d, slice(None))\n for d in var.dims\n )\n needs_masking = any(d in masked_dims for d in var.dims)\n\n if needs_masking:\n new_var = var._getitem_with_mask(key, fill_value=fill_value)\n elif all(is_full_slice(k) for k in key):\n # no reindexing necessary\n # here we need to manually deal with copying data, since\n # we neither created a new ndarray nor used fancy indexing\n new_var = var.copy(deep=copy)\n else:\n new_var = var[key]\n\n reindexed[name] = new_var\n\n return reindexed, new_indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py__get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords__broadcast_helper.if_isinstance_arg_DataAr.else_.raise_ValueError_all_inp": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py__get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords__broadcast_helper.if_isinstance_arg_DataAr.else_.raise_ValueError_all_inp", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 597, "end_line": 643, "span_ids": ["_broadcast_helper", "_get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords"], "tokens": 337}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords(args, exclude):\n\n common_coords = {}\n dims_map = {}\n for arg in args:\n for dim in arg.dims:\n if dim not in common_coords and dim not in exclude:\n dims_map[dim] = arg.sizes[dim]\n if dim in arg.coords:\n common_coords[dim] = arg.coords[dim].variable\n\n return dims_map, common_coords\n\n\ndef _broadcast_helper(arg, exclude, dims_map, common_coords):\n\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n def _set_dims(var):\n # Add excluded dims to a copy of dims_map\n var_dims_map = dims_map.copy()\n for dim in exclude:\n with suppress(ValueError):\n # ignore dim not in var.dims\n var_dims_map[dim] = var.shape[var.dims.index(dim)]\n\n return var.set_dims(var_dims_map)\n\n def _broadcast_array(array):\n data = _set_dims(array.variable)\n coords = dict(array.coords)\n coords.update(common_coords)\n return DataArray(data, coords, data.dims, name=array.name, attrs=array.attrs)\n\n def _broadcast_dataset(ds):\n data_vars = {k: _set_dims(ds.variables[k]) for k in ds.data_vars}\n coords = dict(ds.coords)\n coords.update(common_coords)\n return Dataset(data_vars, coords, ds.attrs)\n\n if isinstance(arg, DataArray):\n return _broadcast_array(arg)\n elif isinstance(arg, Dataset):\n return _broadcast_dataset(arg)\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"all input must be Dataset or DataArray objects\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_broadcast_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/alignment.py_broadcast_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/alignment.py", "file_name": "alignment.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 646, "end_line": 729, "span_ids": ["broadcast"], "tokens": 708}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def broadcast(*args, exclude=None):\n \"\"\"Explicitly broadcast any number of DataArray or Dataset objects against\n one another.\n\n xarray objects automatically broadcast against each other in arithmetic\n operations, so this function should not be necessary for normal use.\n\n If no change is needed, the input data is returned to the output without\n being copied.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n *args : DataArray or Dataset objects\n Arrays to broadcast against each other.\n exclude : sequence of str, optional\n Dimensions that must not be broadcasted\n\n Returns\n -------\n broadcast : tuple of xarray objects\n The same data as the input arrays, but with additional dimensions\n inserted so that all data arrays have the same dimensions and shape.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n Broadcast two data arrays against one another to fill out their dimensions:\n\n >>> a = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], dims='x')\n >>> b = xr.DataArray([5, 6], dims='y')\n >>> a\n \n array([1, 2, 3])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2\n >>> b\n \n array([5, 6])\n Coordinates:\n * y (y) int64 0 1\n >>> a2, b2 = xr.broadcast(a, b)\n >>> a2\n \n array([[1, 1],\n [2, 2],\n [3, 3]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2\n * y (y) int64 0 1\n >>> b2\n \n array([[5, 6],\n [5, 6],\n [5, 6]])\n Coordinates:\n * y (y) int64 0 1\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2\n\n Fill out the dimensions of all data variables in a dataset:\n\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'a': a, 'b': b})\n >>> ds2, = xr.broadcast(ds) # use tuple unpacking to extract one dataset\n >>> ds2\n \n Dimensions: (x: 3, y: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2\n * y (y) int64 0 1\n Data variables:\n a (x, y) int64 1 1 2 2 3 3\n b (x, y) int64 5 6 5 6 5 6\n \"\"\"\n\n if exclude is None:\n exclude = set()\n args = align(*args, join=\"outer\", copy=False, exclude=exclude)\n\n dims_map, common_coords = _get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords(args, exclude)\n result = []\n for arg in args:\n result.append(_broadcast_helper(arg, exclude, dims_map, common_coords))\n\n return tuple(result)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/arithmetic.py__Base_classes_implement_SupportsArithmetic._HANDLED_TYPES._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/arithmetic.py__Base_classes_implement_SupportsArithmetic._HANDLED_TYPES._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/arithmetic.py", "file_name": "arithmetic.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 30, "span_ids": ["SupportsArithmetic", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 172}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Base classes implementing arithmetic for xarray objects.\"\"\"\nimport numbers\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .options import OPTIONS\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom .utils import not_implemented\n\n\nclass SupportsArithmetic:\n \"\"\"Base class for xarray types that support arithmetic.\n\n Used by Dataset, DataArray, Variable and GroupBy.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n # TODO: implement special methods for arithmetic here rather than injecting\n # them in xarray/core/ops.py. Ideally, do so by inheriting from\n # numpy.lib.mixins.NDArrayOperatorsMixin.\n\n # TODO: allow extending this with some sort of registration system\n _HANDLED_TYPES = (\n np.ndarray,\n np.generic,\n numbers.Number,\n bytes,\n str,\n ) + dask_array_type", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/arithmetic.py_SupportsArithmetic.__array_ufunc___SupportsArithmetic.__array_ufunc__.return.apply_ufunc_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/arithmetic.py_SupportsArithmetic.__array_ufunc___SupportsArithmetic.__array_ufunc__.return.apply_ufunc_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/arithmetic.py", "file_name": "arithmetic.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 32, "end_line": 80, "span_ids": ["SupportsArithmetic.__array_ufunc__"], "tokens": 448}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class SupportsArithmetic:\n\n def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):\n from .computation import apply_ufunc\n\n # See the docstring example for numpy.lib.mixins.NDArrayOperatorsMixin.\n out = kwargs.get(\"out\", ())\n for x in inputs + out:\n if not isinstance(x, self._HANDLED_TYPES + (SupportsArithmetic,)):\n return NotImplemented\n\n if ufunc.signature is not None:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"{} not supported: xarray objects do not directly implement \"\n \"generalized ufuncs. Instead, use xarray.apply_ufunc or \"\n \"explicitly convert to xarray objects to NumPy arrays \"\n \"(e.g., with `.values`).\".format(ufunc)\n )\n\n if method != \"__call__\":\n # TODO: support other methods, e.g., reduce and accumulate.\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"{} method for ufunc {} is not implemented on xarray objects, \"\n \"which currently only support the __call__ method. As an \"\n \"alternative, consider explicitly converting xarray objects \"\n \"to NumPy arrays (e.g., with `.values`).\".format(method, ufunc)\n )\n\n if any(isinstance(o, SupportsArithmetic) for o in out):\n # TODO: implement this with logic like _inplace_binary_op. This\n # will be necessary to use NDArrayOperatorsMixin.\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"xarray objects are not yet supported in the `out` argument \"\n \"for ufuncs. As an alternative, consider explicitly \"\n \"converting xarray objects to NumPy arrays (e.g., with \"\n \"`.values`).\"\n )\n\n join = dataset_join = OPTIONS[\"arithmetic_join\"]\n\n return apply_ufunc(\n ufunc,\n *inputs,\n input_core_dims=((),) * ufunc.nin,\n output_core_dims=((),) * ufunc.nout,\n join=join,\n dataset_join=dataset_join,\n dataset_fill_value=np.nan,\n kwargs=kwargs,\n dask=\"allowed\"\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/arithmetic.py_SupportsArithmetic._this_has_no_runtime_fun_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/arithmetic.py_SupportsArithmetic._this_has_no_runtime_fun_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/arithmetic.py", "file_name": "arithmetic.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 82, "end_line": 105, "span_ids": ["SupportsArithmetic.__array_ufunc__", "SupportsArithmetic:7"], "tokens": 151}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class SupportsArithmetic:\n\n # this has no runtime function - these are listed so IDEs know these\n # methods are defined and don't warn on these operations\n __lt__ = (\n __le__\n ) = (\n __ge__\n ) = (\n __gt__\n ) = (\n __add__\n ) = (\n __sub__\n ) = (\n __mul__\n ) = (\n __truediv__\n ) = (\n __floordiv__\n ) = (\n __mod__\n ) = (\n __pow__\n ) = __and__ = __xor__ = __or__ = __div__ = __eq__ = __ne__ = not_implemented", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_itertools__infer_tile_ids_from_nested_list.if_isinstance_entry_list.else_.yield_current_pos_entry": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_itertools__infer_tile_ids_from_nested_list.if_isinstance_entry_list.else_.yield_current_pos_entry", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 46, "span_ids": ["_infer_tile_ids_from_nested_list", "_infer_concat_order_from_positions", "imports"], "tokens": 310}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import itertools\nimport warnings\nfrom collections import Counter\nfrom textwrap import dedent\n\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import dtypes\nfrom .concat import concat\nfrom .dataarray import DataArray\nfrom .dataset import Dataset\nfrom .merge import merge\n\n\ndef _infer_concat_order_from_positions(datasets):\n combined_ids = dict(_infer_tile_ids_from_nested_list(datasets, ()))\n return combined_ids\n\n\ndef _infer_tile_ids_from_nested_list(entry, current_pos):\n \"\"\"\n Given a list of lists (of lists...) of objects, returns a iterator\n which returns a tuple containing the index of each object in the nested\n list structure as the key, and the object. This can then be called by the\n dict constructor to create a dictionary of the objects organised by their\n position in the original nested list.\n\n Recursively traverses the given structure, while keeping track of the\n current position. Should work for any type of object which isn't a list.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n entry : list[list[obj, obj, ...], ...]\n List of lists of arbitrary depth, containing objects in the order\n they are to be concatenated.\n\n Returns\n -------\n combined_tile_ids : dict[tuple(int, ...), obj]\n \"\"\"\n\n if isinstance(entry, list):\n for i, item in enumerate(entry):\n yield from _infer_tile_ids_from_nested_list(item, current_pos + (i,))\n else:\n yield current_pos, entry", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__infer_concat_order_from_coords__infer_concat_order_from_coords.return.combined_ids_concat_dims": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__infer_concat_order_from_coords__infer_concat_order_from_coords.return.combined_ids_concat_dims", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 49, "end_line": 115, "span_ids": ["_infer_concat_order_from_coords"], "tokens": 529}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _infer_concat_order_from_coords(datasets):\n\n concat_dims = []\n tile_ids = [() for ds in datasets]\n\n # All datasets have same variables because they've been grouped as such\n ds0 = datasets[0]\n for dim in ds0.dims:\n\n # Check if dim is a coordinate dimension\n if dim in ds0:\n\n # Need to read coordinate values to do ordering\n indexes = [ds.indexes.get(dim) for ds in datasets]\n if any(index is None for index in indexes):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Every dimension needs a coordinate for \"\n \"inferring concatenation order\"\n )\n\n # If dimension coordinate values are same on every dataset then\n # should be leaving this dimension alone (it's just a \"bystander\")\n if not all(index.equals(indexes[0]) for index in indexes[1:]):\n\n # Infer order datasets should be arranged in along this dim\n concat_dims.append(dim)\n\n if all(index.is_monotonic_increasing for index in indexes):\n ascending = True\n elif all(index.is_monotonic_decreasing for index in indexes):\n ascending = False\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Coordinate variable {} is neither \"\n \"monotonically increasing nor \"\n \"monotonically decreasing on all datasets\".format(dim)\n )\n\n # Assume that any two datasets whose coord along dim starts\n # with the same value have the same coord values throughout.\n if any(index.size == 0 for index in indexes):\n raise ValueError(\"Cannot handle size zero dimensions\")\n first_items = pd.Index([index.take([0]) for index in indexes])\n\n # Sort datasets along dim\n # We want rank but with identical elements given identical\n # position indices - they should be concatenated along another\n # dimension, not along this one\n series = first_items.to_series()\n rank = series.rank(method=\"dense\", ascending=ascending)\n order = rank.astype(int).values - 1\n\n # Append positions along extra dimension to structure which\n # encodes the multi-dimensional concatentation order\n tile_ids = [\n tile_id + (position,) for tile_id, position in zip(tile_ids, order)\n ]\n\n if len(datasets) > 1 and not concat_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Could not find any dimension coordinates to use to \"\n \"order the datasets for concatenation\"\n )\n\n combined_ids = dict(zip(tile_ids, datasets))\n\n return combined_ids, concat_dims", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__check_shape_tile_ids__check_shape_tile_ids.for_dim_in_range_nesting_.if_len_set_occurrences_va.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__check_shape_tile_ids__check_shape_tile_ids.for_dim_in_range_nesting_.if_len_set_occurrences_va.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 118, "end_line": 141, "span_ids": ["_check_shape_tile_ids"], "tokens": 231}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _check_shape_tile_ids(combined_tile_ids):\n tile_ids = combined_tile_ids.keys()\n\n # Check all tuples are the same length\n # i.e. check that all lists are nested to the same depth\n nesting_depths = [len(tile_id) for tile_id in tile_ids]\n if not nesting_depths:\n nesting_depths = [0]\n if not set(nesting_depths) == {nesting_depths[0]}:\n raise ValueError(\n \"The supplied objects do not form a hypercube because\"\n \" sub-lists do not have consistent depths\"\n )\n\n # Check all lists along one dimension are same length\n for dim in range(nesting_depths[0]):\n indices_along_dim = [tile_id[dim] for tile_id in tile_ids]\n occurrences = Counter(indices_along_dim)\n if len(set(occurrences.values())) != 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"The supplied objects do not form a hypercube \"\n \"because sub-lists do not have consistent \"\n \"lengths along dimension\" + str(dim)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__combine_nd__combine_nd.return.combined_ds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__combine_nd__combine_nd.return.combined_ds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 144, "end_line": 201, "span_ids": ["_combine_nd"], "tokens": 425}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _combine_nd(\n combined_ids,\n concat_dims,\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n \"\"\"\n Combines an N-dimensional structure of datasets into one by applying a\n series of either concat and merge operations along each dimension.\n\n No checks are performed on the consistency of the datasets, concat_dims or\n tile_IDs, because it is assumed that this has already been done.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n combined_ids : Dict[Tuple[int, ...]], xarray.Dataset]\n Structure containing all datasets to be concatenated with \"tile_IDs\" as\n keys, which specify position within the desired final combined result.\n concat_dims : sequence of str\n The dimensions along which the datasets should be concatenated. Must be\n in order, and the length must match the length of the tuples used as\n keys in combined_ids. If the string is a dimension name then concat\n along that dimension, if it is None then merge.\n\n Returns\n -------\n combined_ds : xarray.Dataset\n \"\"\"\n\n example_tile_id = next(iter(combined_ids.keys()))\n\n n_dims = len(example_tile_id)\n if len(concat_dims) != n_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"concat_dims has length {} but the datasets \"\n \"passed are nested in a {}-dimensional structure\".format(\n len(concat_dims), n_dims\n )\n )\n\n # Each iteration of this loop reduces the length of the tile_ids tuples\n # by one. It always combines along the first dimension, removing the first\n # element of the tuple\n for concat_dim in concat_dims:\n combined_ids = _combine_all_along_first_dim(\n combined_ids,\n dim=concat_dim,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n compat=compat,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )\n (combined_ds,) = combined_ids.values()\n return combined_ds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__combine_all_along_first_dim__combine_all_along_first_dim.return.new_combined_ids": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__combine_all_along_first_dim__combine_all_along_first_dim.return.new_combined_ids", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 204, "end_line": 222, "span_ids": ["_combine_all_along_first_dim"], "tokens": 186}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _combine_all_along_first_dim(\n combined_ids, dim, data_vars, coords, compat, fill_value=dtypes.NA, join=\"outer\"\n):\n\n # Group into lines of datasets which must be combined along dim\n # need to sort by _new_tile_id first for groupby to work\n # TODO: is the sorted need?\n combined_ids = dict(sorted(combined_ids.items(), key=_new_tile_id))\n grouped = itertools.groupby(combined_ids.items(), key=_new_tile_id)\n\n # Combine all of these datasets along dim\n new_combined_ids = {}\n for new_id, group in grouped:\n combined_ids = dict(sorted(group))\n datasets = combined_ids.values()\n new_combined_ids[new_id] = _combine_1d(\n datasets, dim, compat, data_vars, coords, fill_value, join\n )\n return new_combined_ids", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__combine_1d__combine_1d.return.combined": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__combine_1d__combine_1d.return.combined", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 225, "end_line": 264, "span_ids": ["_combine_1d"], "tokens": 238}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _combine_1d(\n datasets,\n concat_dim,\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n \"\"\"\n Applies either concat or merge to 1D list of datasets depending on value\n of concat_dim\n \"\"\"\n\n if concat_dim is not None:\n try:\n combined = concat(\n datasets,\n dim=concat_dim,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n compat=compat,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )\n except ValueError as err:\n if \"encountered unexpected variable\" in str(err):\n raise ValueError(\n \"These objects cannot be combined using only \"\n \"xarray.combine_nested, instead either use \"\n \"xarray.combine_by_coords, or do it manually \"\n \"with xarray.concat, xarray.merge and \"\n \"xarray.align\"\n )\n else:\n raise\n else:\n combined = merge(datasets, compat=compat, fill_value=fill_value, join=join)\n\n return combined", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__new_tile_id__nested_combine.return.combined": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__new_tile_id__nested_combine.return.combined", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 267, "end_line": 309, "span_ids": ["_nested_combine", "_new_tile_id"], "tokens": 255}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _new_tile_id(single_id_ds_pair):\n tile_id, ds = single_id_ds_pair\n return tile_id[1:]\n\n\ndef _nested_combine(\n datasets,\n concat_dims,\n compat,\n data_vars,\n coords,\n ids,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n\n if len(datasets) == 0:\n return Dataset()\n\n # Arrange datasets for concatenation\n # Use information from the shape of the user input\n if not ids:\n # Determine tile_IDs by structure of input in N-D\n # (i.e. ordering in list-of-lists)\n combined_ids = _infer_concat_order_from_positions(datasets)\n else:\n # Already sorted so just use the ids already passed\n combined_ids = dict(zip(ids, datasets))\n\n # Check that the inferred shape is combinable\n _check_shape_tile_ids(combined_ids)\n\n # Apply series of concatenate or merge operations along each dimension\n combined = _combine_nd(\n combined_ids,\n concat_dims,\n compat=compat,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )\n return combined", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_combine_nested_combine_by_coords": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_combine_nested_combine_by_coords", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 312, "end_line": 697, "span_ids": ["combine_by_coords", "combine_nested", "vars_as_keys"], "tokens": 1542}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def combine_nested(\n datasets,\n concat_dim,\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n \"\"\"\n Explicitly combine an N-dimensional grid of datasets into one by using a\n succession of concat and merge operations along each dimension of the grid.\n\n Does not sort the supplied datasets under any circumstances, so the\n datasets must be passed in the order you wish them to be concatenated. It\n does align coordinates, but different variables on datasets can cause it to\n fail under some scenarios. In complex cases, you may need to clean up your\n data and use concat/merge explicitly.\n\n To concatenate along multiple dimensions the datasets must be passed as a\n nested list-of-lists, with a depth equal to the length of ``concat_dims``.\n ``manual_combine`` will concatenate along the top-level list first.\n\n Useful for combining datasets from a set of nested directories, or for\n collecting the output of a simulation parallelized along multiple\n dimensions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n datasets : list or nested list of xarray.Dataset objects.\n Dataset objects to combine.\n If concatenation or merging along more than one dimension is desired,\n then datasets must be supplied in a nested list-of-lists.\n concat_dim : str, or list of str, DataArray, Index or None\n Dimensions along which to concatenate variables, as used by\n :py:func:`xarray.concat`.\n Set ``concat_dim=[..., None, ...]`` explicitly to disable concatenation\n and merge instead along a particular dimension.\n The position of ``None`` in the list specifies the dimension of the\n nested-list input along which to merge.\n Must be the same length as the depth of the list passed to\n ``datasets``.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals',\n 'no_conflicts', 'override'}, optional\n String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for\n potential merge conflicts:\n\n - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are\n broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions.\n - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same.\n - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the\n same.\n - 'no_conflicts': only values which are not null in both datasets\n must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination\n of all non-null values.\n - 'override': skip comparing and pick variable from first dataset\n data_vars : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n Details are in the documentation of concat\n coords : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n Details are in the documentation of concat\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional\n String indicating how to combine differing indexes\n (excluding concat_dim) in objects\n\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': instead of aligning, raise `ValueError` when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n - 'override': if indexes are of same size, rewrite indexes to be\n those of the first object with that dimension. Indexes for the same\n dimension must have the same size in all objects.\n\n Returns\n -------\n combined : xarray.Dataset\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n A common task is collecting data from a parallelized simulation in which\n each process wrote out to a separate file. A domain which was decomposed\n into 4 parts, 2 each along both the x and y axes, requires organising the\n datasets into a doubly-nested list, e.g:\n\n >>> x1y1\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2, y: 2)\n Dimensions without coordinates: x, y\n Data variables:\n temperature (x, y) float64 11.04 23.57 20.77 ...\n precipitation (x, y) float64 5.904 2.453 3.404 ...\n\n >>> ds_grid = [[x1y1, x1y2], [x2y1, x2y2]]\n >>> combined = xr.combine_nested(ds_grid, concat_dim=['x', 'y'])\n \n Dimensions: (x: 4, y: 4)\n Dimensions without coordinates: x, y\n Data variables:\n temperature (x, y) float64 11.04 23.57 20.77 ...\n precipitation (x, y) float64 5.904 2.453 3.404 ...\n\n ``manual_combine`` can also be used to explicitly merge datasets with\n different variables. For example if we have 4 datasets, which are divided\n along two times, and contain two different variables, we can pass ``None``\n to ``concat_dim`` to specify the dimension of the nested list over which\n we wish to use ``merge`` instead of ``concat``:\n\n >>> t1temp\n \n Dimensions: (t: 5)\n Dimensions without coordinates: t\n Data variables:\n temperature (t) float64 11.04 23.57 20.77 ...\n\n >>> t1precip\n \n Dimensions: (t: 5)\n Dimensions without coordinates: t\n Data variables:\n precipitation (t) float64 5.904 2.453 3.404 ...\n\n >>> ds_grid = [[t1temp, t1precip], [t2temp, t2precip]]\n >>> combined = xr.combine_nested(ds_grid, concat_dim=['t', None])\n \n Dimensions: (t: 10)\n Dimensions without coordinates: t\n Data variables:\n temperature (t) float64 11.04 23.57 20.77 ...\n precipitation (t) float64 5.904 2.453 3.404 ...\n\n See also\n --------\n concat\n merge\n auto_combine\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(concat_dim, (str, DataArray)) or concat_dim is None:\n concat_dim = [concat_dim]\n\n # The IDs argument tells _manual_combine that datasets aren't yet sorted\n return _nested_combine(\n datasets,\n concat_dims=concat_dim,\n compat=compat,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n ids=False,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )\n\n\ndef vars_as_keys(ds):\n return tuple(sorted(ds))\n\n\ndef combine_by_coords(\n datasets,\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_combine_by_coords.__combine_by_coords._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_combine_by_coords.__combine_by_coords._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 480, "end_line": 655, "span_ids": ["combine_by_coords"], "tokens": 2137}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def combine_by_coords(\n datasets,\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n \"\"\"\n Attempt to auto-magically combine the given datasets into one by using\n dimension coordinates.\n\n This method attempts to combine a group of datasets along any number of\n dimensions into a single entity by inspecting coords and metadata and using\n a combination of concat and merge.\n\n Will attempt to order the datasets such that the values in their dimension\n coordinates are monotonic along all dimensions. If it cannot determine the\n order in which to concatenate the datasets, it will raise a ValueError.\n Non-coordinate dimensions will be ignored, as will any coordinate\n dimensions which do not vary between each dataset.\n\n Aligns coordinates, but different variables on datasets can cause it\n to fail under some scenarios. In complex cases, you may need to clean up\n your data and use concat/merge explicitly (also see `manual_combine`).\n\n Works well if, for example, you have N years of data and M data variables,\n and each combination of a distinct time period and set of data variables is\n saved as its own dataset. Also useful for if you have a simulation which is\n parallelized in multiple dimensions, but has global coordinates saved in\n each file specifying the positions of points within the global domain.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n datasets : sequence of xarray.Dataset\n Dataset objects to combine.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals', 'no_conflicts', 'override'}, optional\n String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for\n potential conflicts:\n\n - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are\n broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions.\n - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same.\n - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the\n same.\n - 'no_conflicts': only values which are not null in both datasets\n must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination\n of all non-null values.\n - 'override': skip comparing and pick variable from first dataset\n data_vars : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n These data variables will be concatenated together:\n\n * 'minimal': Only data variables in which the dimension already\n appears are included.\n * 'different': Data variables which are not equal (ignoring\n attributes) across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as\n all for which dimension already appears). Beware: this option may\n load the data payload of data variables into memory if they are not\n already loaded.\n * 'all': All data variables will be concatenated.\n * list of str: The listed data variables will be concatenated, in\n addition to the 'minimal' data variables.\n If objects are DataArrays, `data_vars` must be 'all'.\n coords : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n As per the 'data_vars' kwarg, but for coordinate variables.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional\n String indicating how to combine differing indexes\n (excluding concat_dim) in objects\n\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': instead of aligning, raise `ValueError` when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n - 'override': if indexes are of same size, rewrite indexes to be\n those of the first object with that dimension. Indexes for the same\n dimension must have the same size in all objects.\n\n Returns\n -------\n combined : xarray.Dataset\n\n See also\n --------\n concat\n merge\n combine_nested\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n Combining two datasets using their common dimension coordinates. Notice\n they are concatenated based on the values in their dimension coordinates,\n not on their position in the list passed to `combine_by_coords`.\n\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import xarray as xr\n\n >>> x1 = xr.Dataset(\n ... {\n ... \"temperature\": ((\"y\", \"x\"), 20 * np.random.rand(6).reshape(2, 3)),\n ... \"precipitation\": ((\"y\", \"x\"), np.random.rand(6).reshape(2, 3)),\n ... },\n ... coords={\"y\": [0, 1], \"x\": [10, 20, 30]},\n ... )\n >>> x2 = xr.Dataset(\n ... {\n ... \"temperature\": ((\"y\", \"x\"), 20 * np.random.rand(6).reshape(2, 3)),\n ... \"precipitation\": ((\"y\", \"x\"), np.random.rand(6).reshape(2, 3)),\n ... },\n ... coords={\"y\": [2, 3], \"x\": [10, 20, 30]},\n ... )\n >>> x3 = xr.Dataset(\n ... {\n ... \"temperature\": ((\"y\", \"x\"), 20 * np.random.rand(6).reshape(2, 3)),\n ... \"precipitation\": ((\"y\", \"x\"), np.random.rand(6).reshape(2, 3)),\n ... },\n ... coords={\"y\": [2, 3], \"x\": [40, 50, 60]},\n ... )\n\n >>> x1\n \n Dimensions: (x: 3, y: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * y (y) int64 0 1\n * x (x) int64 10 20 30\n Data variables:\n temperature (y, x) float64 1.654 10.63 7.015 2.543 13.93 9.436\n precipitation (y, x) float64 0.2136 0.9974 0.7603 0.4679 0.3115 0.945\n\n >>> x2\n \n Dimensions: (x: 3, y: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * y (y) int64 2 3\n * x (x) int64 10 20 30\n Data variables:\n temperature (y, x) float64 9.341 0.1251 6.269 7.709 8.82 2.316\n precipitation (y, x) float64 0.1728 0.1178 0.03018 0.6509 0.06938 0.3792\n\n >>> x3\n \n Dimensions: (x: 3, y: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * y (y) int64 2 3\n * x (x) int64 40 50 60\n Data variables:\n temperature (y, x) float64 2.789 2.446 6.551 12.46 2.22 15.96\n precipitation (y, x) float64 0.4804 0.1902 0.2457 0.6125 0.4654 0.5953\n\n >>> xr.combine_by_coords([x2, x1])\n \n Dimensions: (x: 3, y: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 10 20 30\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2 3\n Data variables:\n temperature (y, x) float64 1.654 10.63 7.015 2.543 ... 7.709 8.82 2.316\n precipitation (y, x) float64 0.2136 0.9974 0.7603 ... 0.6509 0.06938 0.3792\n\n >>> xr.combine_by_coords([x3, x1])\n \n Dimensions: (x: 6, y: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 10 20 30 40 50 60\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2 3\n Data variables:\n temperature (y, x) float64 1.654 10.63 7.015 nan ... nan 12.46 2.22 15.96\n precipitation (y, x) float64 0.2136 0.9974 0.7603 ... 0.6125 0.4654 0.5953\n\n >>> xr.combine_by_coords([x3, x1], join='override')\n \n Dimensions: (x: 3, y: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 10 20 30\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2 3\n Data variables:\n temperature (y, x) float64 1.654 10.63 7.015 2.543 ... 12.46 2.22 15.96\n precipitation (y, x) float64 0.2136 0.9974 0.7603 ... 0.6125 0.4654 0.5953\n\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_combine_by_coords._Group_by_data_vars__CONCAT_DIM_DEFAULT.___infer_concat_dim___": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_combine_by_coords._Group_by_data_vars__CONCAT_DIM_DEFAULT.___infer_concat_dim___", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 657, "end_line": 704, "span_ids": ["impl", "combine_by_coords"], "tokens": 370}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def combine_by_coords(\n datasets,\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n\n # Group by data vars\n sorted_datasets = sorted(datasets, key=vars_as_keys)\n grouped_by_vars = itertools.groupby(sorted_datasets, key=vars_as_keys)\n\n # Perform the multidimensional combine on each group of data variables\n # before merging back together\n concatenated_grouped_by_data_vars = []\n for vars, datasets_with_same_vars in grouped_by_vars:\n combined_ids, concat_dims = _infer_concat_order_from_coords(\n list(datasets_with_same_vars)\n )\n\n _check_shape_tile_ids(combined_ids)\n\n # Concatenate along all of concat_dims one by one to create single ds\n concatenated = _combine_nd(\n combined_ids,\n concat_dims=concat_dims,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n compat=compat,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )\n\n # Check the overall coordinates are monotonically increasing\n for dim in concat_dims:\n indexes = concatenated.indexes.get(dim)\n if not (indexes.is_monotonic_increasing or indexes.is_monotonic_decreasing):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Resulting object does not have monotonic\"\n \" global indexes along dimension {}\".format(dim)\n )\n concatenated_grouped_by_data_vars.append(concatenated)\n\n return merge(\n concatenated_grouped_by_data_vars,\n compat=compat,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )\n\n\n# Everything beyond here is only needed until the deprecation cycle in #2616\n# is completed\n\n\n_CONCAT_DIM_DEFAULT = \"__infer_concat_dim__\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_auto_combine_auto_combine._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_auto_combine_auto_combine._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 707, "end_line": 787, "span_ids": ["auto_combine"], "tokens": 786}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def auto_combine(\n datasets,\n concat_dim=\"_not_supplied\",\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n from_openmfds=False,\n):\n \"\"\"\n Attempt to auto-magically combine the given datasets into one.\n\n This entire function is deprecated in favour of ``combine_nested`` and\n ``combine_by_coords``.\n\n This method attempts to combine a list of datasets into a single entity by\n inspecting metadata and using a combination of concat and merge.\n It does not concatenate along more than one dimension or sort data under\n any circumstances. It does align coordinates, but different variables on\n datasets can cause it to fail under some scenarios. In complex cases, you\n may need to clean up your data and use ``concat``/``merge`` explicitly.\n ``auto_combine`` works well if you have N years of data and M data\n variables, and each combination of a distinct time period and set of data\n variables is saved its own dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n datasets : sequence of xarray.Dataset\n Dataset objects to merge.\n concat_dim : str or DataArray or Index, optional\n Dimension along which to concatenate variables, as used by\n :py:func:`xarray.concat`. You only need to provide this argument if\n the dimension along which you want to concatenate is not a dimension\n in the original datasets, e.g., if you want to stack a collection of\n 2D arrays along a third dimension.\n By default, xarray attempts to infer this argument by examining\n component files. Set ``concat_dim=None`` explicitly to disable\n concatenation.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals',\n 'no_conflicts', 'override'}, optional\n String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for\n potential conflicts:\n - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are\n broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions.\n - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same.\n - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the\n same.\n - 'no_conflicts': only values which are not null in both datasets\n must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination\n of all non-null values.\n - 'override': skip comparing and pick variable from first dataset\n data_vars : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n Details are in the documentation of concat\n coords : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' o list of str}, optional\n Details are in the documentation of concat\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional\n String indicating how to combine differing indexes\n (excluding concat_dim) in objects\n\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': instead of aligning, raise `ValueError` when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n - 'override': if indexes are of same size, rewrite indexes to be\n those of the first object with that dimension. Indexes for the same\n dimension must have the same size in all objects.\n\n Returns\n -------\n combined : xarray.Dataset\n\n See also\n --------\n concat\n Dataset.merge\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_auto_combine.if_not_from_openmfds__auto_combine.return._old_auto_combine_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py_auto_combine.if_not_from_openmfds__auto_combine.return._old_auto_combine_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 789, "end_line": 854, "span_ids": ["auto_combine"], "tokens": 613}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def auto_combine(\n datasets,\n concat_dim=\"_not_supplied\",\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n from_openmfds=False,\n):\n\n if not from_openmfds:\n basic_msg = dedent(\n \"\"\"\\\n In xarray version 0.15 `auto_combine` will be deprecated. See\n http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/combining.html#combining-multi\"\"\"\n )\n warnings.warn(basic_msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)\n\n if concat_dim == \"_not_supplied\":\n concat_dim = _CONCAT_DIM_DEFAULT\n message = \"\"\n else:\n message = dedent(\n \"\"\"\\\n Also `open_mfdataset` will no longer accept a `concat_dim` argument.\n To get equivalent behaviour from now on please use the new\n `combine_nested` function instead (or the `combine='nested'` option to\n `open_mfdataset`).\"\"\"\n )\n\n if _dimension_coords_exist(datasets):\n message += dedent(\n \"\"\"\\\n The datasets supplied have global dimension coordinates. You may want\n to use the new `combine_by_coords` function (or the\n `combine='by_coords'` option to `open_mfdataset`) to order the datasets\n before concatenation. Alternatively, to continue concatenating based\n on the order the datasets are supplied in future, please use the new\n `combine_nested` function (or the `combine='nested'` option to\n open_mfdataset).\"\"\"\n )\n else:\n message += dedent(\n \"\"\"\\\n The datasets supplied do not have global dimension coordinates. In\n future, to continue concatenating without supplying dimension\n coordinates, please use the new `combine_nested` function (or the\n `combine='nested'` option to open_mfdataset.\"\"\"\n )\n\n if _requires_concat_and_merge(datasets):\n manual_dims = [concat_dim].append(None)\n message += dedent(\n \"\"\"\\\n The datasets supplied require both concatenation and merging. From\n xarray version 0.15 this will operation will require either using the\n new `combine_nested` function (or the `combine='nested'` option to\n open_mfdataset), with a nested list structure such that you can combine\n along the dimensions {}. Alternatively if your datasets have global\n dimension coordinates then you can use the new `combine_by_coords`\n function.\"\"\".format(\n manual_dims\n )\n )\n\n warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)\n\n return _old_auto_combine(\n datasets,\n concat_dim=concat_dim,\n compat=compat,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__dimension_coords_exist__requires_concat_and_merge.return.len_list_grouped_by_vars_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__dimension_coords_exist__requires_concat_and_merge.return.len_list_grouped_by_vars_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 857, "end_line": 889, "span_ids": ["_dimension_coords_exist", "_requires_concat_and_merge"], "tokens": 266}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dimension_coords_exist(datasets):\n \"\"\"\n Check if the datasets have consistent global dimension coordinates\n which would in future be used by `auto_combine` for concatenation ordering.\n \"\"\"\n\n # Group by data vars\n sorted_datasets = sorted(datasets, key=vars_as_keys)\n grouped_by_vars = itertools.groupby(sorted_datasets, key=vars_as_keys)\n\n # Simulates performing the multidimensional combine on each group of data\n # variables before merging back together\n try:\n for vars, datasets_with_same_vars in grouped_by_vars:\n _infer_concat_order_from_coords(list(datasets_with_same_vars))\n return True\n except ValueError:\n # ValueError means datasets don't have global dimension coordinates\n # Or something else went wrong in trying to determine them\n return False\n\n\ndef _requires_concat_and_merge(datasets):\n \"\"\"\n Check if the datasets require the use of both xarray.concat and\n xarray.merge, which in future might require the user to use\n `manual_combine` instead.\n \"\"\"\n # Group by data vars\n sorted_datasets = sorted(datasets, key=vars_as_keys)\n grouped_by_vars = itertools.groupby(sorted_datasets, key=vars_as_keys)\n\n return len(list(grouped_by_vars)) > 1", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__old_auto_combine__old_auto_combine.return.merged": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__old_auto_combine__old_auto_combine.return.merged", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 892, "end_line": 922, "span_ids": ["_old_auto_combine"], "tokens": 196}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _old_auto_combine(\n datasets,\n concat_dim=_CONCAT_DIM_DEFAULT,\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n if concat_dim is not None:\n dim = None if concat_dim is _CONCAT_DIM_DEFAULT else concat_dim\n\n sorted_datasets = sorted(datasets, key=vars_as_keys)\n grouped = itertools.groupby(sorted_datasets, key=vars_as_keys)\n\n concatenated = [\n _auto_concat(\n list(datasets),\n dim=dim,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n compat=compat,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )\n for vars, datasets in grouped\n ]\n else:\n concatenated = datasets\n merged = merge(concatenated, compat=compat, fill_value=fill_value, join=join)\n return merged", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__auto_concat_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/combine.py__auto_concat_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/combine.py", "file_name": "combine.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 925, "end_line": 966, "span_ids": ["_auto_concat"], "tokens": 311}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _auto_concat(\n datasets,\n dim=None,\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n compat=\"no_conflicts\",\n):\n if len(datasets) == 1 and dim is None:\n # There is nothing more to combine, so kick out early.\n return datasets[0]\n else:\n if dim is None:\n ds0 = datasets[0]\n ds1 = datasets[1]\n concat_dims = set(ds0.dims)\n if ds0.dims != ds1.dims:\n dim_tuples = set(ds0.dims.items()) - set(ds1.dims.items())\n concat_dims = {i for i, _ in dim_tuples}\n if len(concat_dims) > 1:\n concat_dims = {d for d in concat_dims if not ds0[d].equals(ds1[d])}\n if len(concat_dims) > 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"too many different dimensions to \" \"concatenate: %s\" % concat_dims\n )\n elif len(concat_dims) == 0:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot infer dimension to concatenate: \"\n \"supply the ``concat_dim`` argument \"\n \"explicitly\"\n )\n dim, = concat_dims\n return concat(\n datasets,\n dim=dim,\n data_vars=data_vars,\n coords=coords,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n compat=compat,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_warnings_T.TypeVar_T_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_warnings_T.TypeVar_T_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 34, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports"], "tokens": 179}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import warnings\nfrom contextlib import suppress\nfrom textwrap import dedent\nfrom typing import (\n Any,\n Callable,\n Dict,\n Hashable,\n Iterable,\n Iterator,\n List,\n Mapping,\n Tuple,\n TypeVar,\n Union,\n)\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import dtypes, duck_array_ops, formatting, ops\nfrom .arithmetic import SupportsArithmetic\nfrom .npcompat import DTypeLike\nfrom .options import _get_keep_attrs\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom .rolling_exp import RollingExp\nfrom .utils import Frozen, ReprObject, either_dict_or_kwargs\n\n# Used as a sentinel value to indicate a all dimensions\nALL_DIMS = ReprObject(\"\")\n\n\nC = TypeVar(\"C\")\nT = TypeVar(\"T\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ImplementsArrayReduce_ImplementsArrayReduce._reduce_method.return.wrapped_func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ImplementsArrayReduce_ImplementsArrayReduce._reduce_method.return.wrapped_func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 37, "end_line": 54, "span_ids": ["ImplementsArrayReduce", "ImplementsArrayReduce._reduce_method"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ImplementsArrayReduce:\n __slots__ = ()\n\n @classmethod\n def _reduce_method(cls, func: Callable, include_skipna: bool, numeric_only: bool):\n if include_skipna:\n\n def wrapped_func(self, dim=None, axis=None, skipna=None, **kwargs):\n return self.reduce(\n func, dim, axis, skipna=skipna, allow_lazy=True, **kwargs\n )\n\n else:\n\n def wrapped_func(self, dim=None, axis=None, **kwargs): # type: ignore\n return self.reduce(func, dim, axis, allow_lazy=True, **kwargs)\n\n return wrapped_func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ImplementsArrayReduce._reduce_extra_args_docstring_ImplementsArrayReduce._cum_extra_args_docstring.dedent_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ImplementsArrayReduce._reduce_extra_args_docstring_ImplementsArrayReduce._cum_extra_args_docstring.dedent_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 56, "end_line": 73, "span_ids": ["ImplementsArrayReduce:4"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ImplementsArrayReduce:\n\n _reduce_extra_args_docstring = dedent(\n \"\"\"\\\n dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply `{name}`.\n axis : int or sequence of int, optional\n Axis(es) over which to apply `{name}`. Only one of the 'dim'\n and 'axis' arguments can be supplied. If neither are supplied, then\n `{name}` is calculated over axes.\"\"\"\n )\n\n _cum_extra_args_docstring = dedent(\n \"\"\"\\\n dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension over which to apply `{name}`.\n axis : int or sequence of int, optional\n Axis over which to apply `{name}`. Only one of the 'dim'\n and 'axis' arguments can be supplied.\"\"\"\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ImplementsDatasetReduce_ImplementsDatasetReduce._reduce_method.return.wrapped_func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ImplementsDatasetReduce_ImplementsDatasetReduce._reduce_method.return.wrapped_func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 76, "end_line": 100, "span_ids": ["ImplementsDatasetReduce", "ImplementsDatasetReduce._reduce_method"], "tokens": 145}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ImplementsDatasetReduce:\n __slots__ = ()\n\n @classmethod\n def _reduce_method(cls, func: Callable, include_skipna: bool, numeric_only: bool):\n if include_skipna:\n\n def wrapped_func(self, dim=None, skipna=None, **kwargs):\n return self.reduce(\n func,\n dim,\n skipna=skipna,\n numeric_only=numeric_only,\n allow_lazy=True,\n **kwargs\n )\n\n else:\n\n def wrapped_func(self, dim=None, **kwargs): # type: ignore\n return self.reduce(\n func, dim, numeric_only=numeric_only, allow_lazy=True, **kwargs\n )\n\n return wrapped_func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ImplementsDatasetReduce._reduce_extra_args_docstring_ImplementsDatasetReduce._cum_extra_args_docstring._dim_str_or_sequence_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ImplementsDatasetReduce._reduce_extra_args_docstring_ImplementsDatasetReduce._cum_extra_args_docstring._dim_str_or_sequence_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 102, "end_line": 110, "span_ids": ["ImplementsDatasetReduce:4"], "tokens": 117}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ImplementsDatasetReduce:\n\n _reduce_extra_args_docstring = \"\"\"dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply `{name}`. By default `{name}` is\n applied over all dimensions.\"\"\"\n\n _cum_extra_args_docstring = \"\"\"dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension over which to apply `{name}`.\n axis : int or sequence of int, optional\n Axis over which to apply `{name}`. Only one of the 'dim'\n and 'axis' arguments can be supplied.\"\"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AbstractArray_AbstractArray.__iter__.return.self__iter_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AbstractArray_AbstractArray.__iter__.return.self__iter_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 113, "end_line": 144, "span_ids": ["AbstractArray.__int__", "AbstractArray.__complex__", "AbstractArray.__array__", "AbstractArray._iter", "AbstractArray.__iter__", "AbstractArray", "AbstractArray.__float__", "AbstractArray.__repr__", "AbstractArray.__bool__"], "tokens": 213}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractArray(ImplementsArrayReduce):\n \"\"\"Shared base class for DataArray and Variable.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __bool__(self: Any) -> bool:\n return bool(self.values)\n\n def __float__(self: Any) -> float:\n return float(self.values)\n\n def __int__(self: Any) -> int:\n return int(self.values)\n\n def __complex__(self: Any) -> complex:\n return complex(self.values)\n\n def __array__(self: Any, dtype: DTypeLike = None) -> np.ndarray:\n return np.asarray(self.values, dtype=dtype)\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return formatting.array_repr(self)\n\n def _iter(self: Any) -> Iterator[Any]:\n for n in range(len(self)):\n yield self[n]\n\n def __iter__(self: Any) -> Iterator[Any]:\n if self.ndim == 0:\n raise TypeError(\"iteration over a 0-d array\")\n return self._iter()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AbstractArray.get_axis_num_AbstractArray.get_axis_num.if_isinstance_dim_Iterab.else_.return.self__get_axis_num_dim_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AbstractArray.get_axis_num_AbstractArray.get_axis_num.if_isinstance_dim_Iterab.else_.return.self__get_axis_num_dim_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 146, "end_line": 164, "span_ids": ["AbstractArray.get_axis_num"], "tokens": 148}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractArray(ImplementsArrayReduce):\n\n def get_axis_num(\n self, dim: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]]\n ) -> Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]:\n \"\"\"Return axis number(s) corresponding to dimension(s) in this array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str or iterable of str\n Dimension name(s) for which to lookup axes.\n\n Returns\n -------\n int or tuple of int\n Axis number or numbers corresponding to the given dimensions.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(dim, Iterable) and not isinstance(dim, str):\n return tuple(self._get_axis_num(d) for d in dim)\n else:\n return self._get_axis_num(dim)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": 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"last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AbstractArray(ImplementsArrayReduce):\n\n def _get_axis_num(self: Any, dim: Hashable) -> int:\n try:\n return self.dims.index(dim)\n except ValueError:\n raise ValueError(\"%r not found in array dimensions %r\" % (dim, self.dims))\n\n @property\n def sizes(self: Any) -> Mapping[Hashable, int]:\n \"\"\"Ordered mapping from dimension names to lengths.\n\n Immutable.\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.sizes\n \"\"\"\n return Frozen(dict(zip(self.dims, self.shape)))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin_AttrAccessMixin.__init_subclass__.if_not_hasattr_object___n.else_.warnings_warn_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin_AttrAccessMixin.__init_subclass__.if_not_hasattr_object___n.else_.warnings_warn_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 185, "end_line": 206, "span_ids": ["AttrAccessMixin", "AttrAccessMixin.__init_subclass__"], "tokens": 170}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AttrAccessMixin:\n \"\"\"Mixin class that allows getting keys with attribute access\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __init_subclass__(cls):\n \"\"\"Verify that all subclasses explicitly define ``__slots__``. If they don't,\n raise error in the core xarray module and a FutureWarning in third-party\n extensions.\n \"\"\"\n if not hasattr(object.__new__(cls), \"__dict__\"):\n pass\n elif cls.__module__.startswith(\"xarray.\"):\n raise AttributeError(\"%s must explicitly define __slots__\" % cls.__name__)\n else:\n cls.__setattr__ = cls._setattr_dict\n warnings.warn(\n \"xarray subclass %s should explicitly define __slots__\" % cls.__name__,\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin._attr_sources_AttrAccessMixin._FutureWarning_can_be_ch": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin._attr_sources_AttrAccessMixin._FutureWarning_can_be_ch", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 208, "end_line": 235, "span_ids": ["AttrAccessMixin.__getattr__", "AttrAccessMixin._attr_sources", "AttrAccessMixin._item_sources"], "tokens": 276}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AttrAccessMixin:\n\n @property\n def _attr_sources(self) -> List[Mapping[Hashable, Any]]:\n \"\"\"List of places to look-up items for attribute-style access\n \"\"\"\n return []\n\n @property\n def _item_sources(self) -> List[Mapping[Hashable, Any]]:\n \"\"\"List of places to look-up items for key-autocompletion\n \"\"\"\n return []\n\n def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:\n if name not in {\"__dict__\", \"__setstate__\"}:\n # this avoids an infinite loop when pickle looks for the\n # __setstate__ attribute before the xarray object is initialized\n for source in self._attr_sources:\n with suppress(KeyError):\n return source[name]\n raise AttributeError(\n \"%r object has no attribute %r\" % (type(self).__name__, name)\n )\n\n # This complicated two-method design boosts overall performance of simple operations\n # - particularly DataArray methods that perform a _to_temp_dataset() round-trip - by\n # a whopping 8% compared to a single method that checks hasattr(self, \"__dict__\") at\n # runtime before every single assignment. All of this is just temporary until the\n # FutureWarning can be changed into a hard crash.", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin._setattr_dict_AttrAccessMixin._setattr_dict.if_name_in_self___dict___.warnings_warn_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin._setattr_dict_AttrAccessMixin._setattr_dict.if_name_in_self___dict___.warnings_warn_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 236, "end_line": 249, "span_ids": ["AttrAccessMixin._setattr_dict"], "tokens": 144}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AttrAccessMixin:\n def _setattr_dict(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:\n \"\"\"Deprecated third party subclass (see ``__init_subclass__`` above)\n \"\"\"\n object.__setattr__(self, name, value)\n if name in self.__dict__:\n # Custom, non-slotted attr, or improperly assigned variable?\n warnings.warn(\n \"Setting attribute %r on a %r object. Explicitly define __slots__ \"\n \"to suppress this warning for legitimate custom attributes and \"\n \"raise an error when attempting variables assignments.\"\n % (name, type(self).__name__),\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin.__setattr___AttrAccessMixin.__setattr__.try_.except_AttributeError_as_.raise_AttributeError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin.__setattr___AttrAccessMixin.__setattr__.try_.except_AttributeError_as_.raise_AttributeError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 251, "end_line": 267, "span_ids": ["AttrAccessMixin.__setattr__"], "tokens": 188}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AttrAccessMixin:\n\n def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:\n \"\"\"Objects with ``__slots__`` raise AttributeError if you try setting an\n undeclared attribute. This is desirable, but the error message could use some\n improvement.\n \"\"\"\n try:\n object.__setattr__(self, name, value)\n except AttributeError as e:\n # Don't accidentally shadow custom AttributeErrors, e.g.\n # DataArray.dims.setter\n if str(e) != \"%r object has no attribute %r\" % (type(self).__name__, name):\n raise\n raise AttributeError(\n \"cannot set attribute %r on a %r object. Use __setitem__ style\"\n \"assignment (e.g., `ds['name'] = ...`) instead of assigning variables.\"\n % (name, type(self).__name__)\n ) from e", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin.__dir___AttrAccessMixin._ipython_key_completions_.return.list_set_item_lists_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_AttrAccessMixin.__dir___AttrAccessMixin._ipython_key_completions_.return.list_set_item_lists_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 269, "end_line": 292, "span_ids": ["AttrAccessMixin._ipython_key_completions_", "AttrAccessMixin.__dir__"], "tokens": 179}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class AttrAccessMixin:\n\n def __dir__(self) -> List[str]:\n \"\"\"Provide method name lookup and completion. Only provide 'public'\n methods.\n \"\"\"\n extra_attrs = [\n item\n for sublist in self._attr_sources\n for item in sublist\n if isinstance(item, str)\n ]\n return sorted(set(dir(type(self)) + extra_attrs))\n\n def _ipython_key_completions_(self) -> List[str]:\n \"\"\"Provide method for the key-autocompletions in IPython.\n See http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/integrating.html#tab-completion\n For the details.\n \"\"\"\n item_lists = [\n item\n for sublist in self._item_sources\n for item in sublist\n if isinstance(item, str)\n ]\n return list(set(item_lists))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_get_squeeze_dims_get_squeeze_dims.return.dim": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_get_squeeze_dims_get_squeeze_dims.return.dim", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 295, "end_line": 326, "span_ids": ["get_squeeze_dims"], "tokens": 288}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_squeeze_dims(\n xarray_obj,\n dim: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable], None] = None,\n axis: Union[int, Iterable[int], None] = None,\n) -> List[Hashable]:\n \"\"\"Get a list of dimensions to squeeze out.\n \"\"\"\n if dim is not None and axis is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot use both parameters `axis` and `dim`\")\n if dim is None and axis is None:\n return [d for d, s in xarray_obj.sizes.items() if s == 1]\n\n if isinstance(dim, Iterable) and not isinstance(dim, str):\n dim = list(dim)\n elif dim is not None:\n dim = [dim]\n else:\n assert axis is not None\n if isinstance(axis, int):\n axis = [axis]\n axis = list(axis)\n if any(not isinstance(a, int) for a in axis):\n raise TypeError(\"parameter `axis` must be int or iterable of int.\")\n alldims = list(xarray_obj.sizes.keys())\n dim = [alldims[a] for a in axis]\n\n if any(xarray_obj.sizes[k] > 1 for k in dim):\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot select a dimension to squeeze out \"\n \"which has length greater than one\"\n )\n return dim", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords_DataWithCoords.squeeze.return.self_isel_drop_drop_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords_DataWithCoords.squeeze.return.self_isel_drop_drop_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 329, "end_line": 367, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.squeeze", "DataWithCoords"], "tokens": 283}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n \"\"\"Shared base class for Dataset and DataArray.\"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n _rolling_exp_cls = RollingExp\n\n def squeeze(\n self,\n dim: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable], None] = None,\n drop: bool = False,\n axis: Union[int, Iterable[int], None] = None,\n ):\n \"\"\"Return a new object with squeezed data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : None or Hashable or iterable of Hashable, optional\n Selects a subset of the length one dimensions. If a dimension is\n selected with length greater than one, an error is raised. If\n None, all length one dimensions are squeezed.\n drop : bool, optional\n If ``drop=True``, drop squeezed coordinates instead of making them\n scalar.\n axis : None or int or iterable of int, optional\n Like dim, but positional.\n\n Returns\n -------\n squeezed : same type as caller\n This object, but with with all or a subset of the dimensions of\n length 1 removed.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.squeeze\n \"\"\"\n dims = get_squeeze_dims(self, dim, axis)\n return self.isel(drop=drop, **{d: 0 for d in dims})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.get_index_DataWithCoords._calc_assign_results.return._k_v_self_if_callable_v": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.get_index_DataWithCoords._calc_assign_results.return._k_v_self_if_callable_v", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 369, "end_line": 384, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords._calc_assign_results", "DataWithCoords.get_index"], "tokens": 174}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def get_index(self, key: Hashable) -> pd.Index:\n \"\"\"Get an index for a dimension, with fall-back to a default RangeIndex\n \"\"\"\n if key not in self.dims:\n raise KeyError(key)\n\n try:\n return self.indexes[key]\n except KeyError:\n # need to ensure dtype=int64 in case range is empty on Python 2\n return pd.Index(range(self.sizes[key]), name=key, dtype=np.int64)\n\n def _calc_assign_results(\n self: C, kwargs: Mapping[Hashable, Union[T, Callable[[C], T]]]\n ) -> Dict[Hashable, T]:\n return {k: v(self) if callable(v) else v for k, v in kwargs.items()}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.assign_coords_DataWithCoords.assign_coords.return.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.assign_coords_DataWithCoords.assign_coords.return.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 386, "end_line": 453, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.assign_coords"], "tokens": 626}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def assign_coords(self, coords=None, **coords_kwargs):\n \"\"\"Assign new coordinates to this object.\n\n Returns a new object with all the original data in addition to the new\n coordinates.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n coords : dict, optional\n A dict with keys which are variables names. If the values are\n callable, they are computed on this object and assigned to new\n coordinate variables. If the values are not callable,\n (e.g. a ``DataArray``, scalar, or array), they are simply assigned.\n\n **coords_kwargs : keyword, value pairs, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``coords``.\n One of ``coords`` or ``coords_kwargs`` must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n assigned : same type as caller\n A new object with the new coordinates in addition to the existing\n data.\n\n Examples\n --------\n Convert longitude coordinates from 0-359 to -180-179:\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(4),\n ... coords=[np.array([358, 359, 0, 1])],\n ... dims='lon')\n >>> da\n \n array([0.28298 , 0.667347, 0.657938, 0.177683])\n Coordinates:\n * lon (lon) int64 358 359 0 1\n >>> da.assign_coords(lon=(((da.lon + 180) % 360) - 180))\n \n array([0.28298 , 0.667347, 0.657938, 0.177683])\n Coordinates:\n * lon (lon) int64 -2 -1 0 1\n\n The function also accepts dictionary arguments:\n\n >>> da.assign_coords({'lon': (((da.lon + 180) % 360) - 180)})\n \n array([0.28298 , 0.667347, 0.657938, 0.177683])\n Coordinates:\n * lon (lon) int64 -2 -1 0 1\n\n Notes\n -----\n Since ``coords_kwargs`` is a dictionary, the order of your arguments may\n not be preserved, and so the order of the new variables is not well\n defined. Assigning multiple variables within the same ``assign_coords``\n is possible, but you cannot reference other variables created within\n the same ``assign_coords`` call.\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.assign\n Dataset.swap_dims\n \"\"\"\n coords_kwargs = either_dict_or_kwargs(coords, coords_kwargs, \"assign_coords\")\n data = self.copy(deep=False)\n results = self._calc_assign_results(coords_kwargs)\n data.coords.update(results)\n return data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.assign_attrs_DataWithCoords.assign_attrs.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.assign_attrs_DataWithCoords.assign_attrs.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 455, "end_line": 476, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.assign_attrs"], "tokens": 142}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def assign_attrs(self, *args, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Assign new attrs to this object.\n\n Returns a new object equivalent to self.attrs.update(*args, **kwargs).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n args : positional arguments passed into ``attrs.update``.\n kwargs : keyword arguments passed into ``attrs.update``.\n\n Returns\n -------\n assigned : same type as caller\n A new object with the new attrs in addition to the existing data.\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.assign\n \"\"\"\n out = self.copy(deep=False)\n out.attrs.update(*args, **kwargs)\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.pipe_DataWithCoords.pipe.if_isinstance_func_tuple.else_.return.func_self_args_kwarg": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.pipe_DataWithCoords.pipe.if_isinstance_func_tuple.else_.return.func_self_args_kwarg", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 478, "end_line": 607, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.pipe"], "tokens": 1172}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def pipe(\n self,\n func: Union[Callable[..., T], Tuple[Callable[..., T], str]],\n *args,\n **kwargs\n ) -> T:\n \"\"\"\n Apply func(self, *args, **kwargs)\n\n This method replicates the pandas method of the same name.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n function to apply to this xarray object (Dataset/DataArray).\n ``args``, and ``kwargs`` are passed into ``func``.\n Alternatively a ``(callable, data_keyword)`` tuple where\n ``data_keyword`` is a string indicating the keyword of\n ``callable`` that expects the xarray object.\n args : positional arguments passed into ``func``.\n kwargs : a dictionary of keyword arguments passed into ``func``.\n\n Returns\n -------\n object : the return type of ``func``.\n\n Notes\n -----\n\n Use ``.pipe`` when chaining together functions that expect\n xarray or pandas objects, e.g., instead of writing\n\n >>> f(g(h(ds), arg1=a), arg2=b, arg3=c)\n\n You can write\n\n >>> (ds.pipe(h)\n ... .pipe(g, arg1=a)\n ... .pipe(f, arg2=b, arg3=c)\n ... )\n\n If you have a function that takes the data as (say) the second\n argument, pass a tuple indicating which keyword expects the\n data. For example, suppose ``f`` takes its data as ``arg2``:\n\n >>> (ds.pipe(h)\n ... .pipe(g, arg1=a)\n ... .pipe((f, 'arg2'), arg1=a, arg3=c)\n ... )\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> x = xr.Dataset(\n ... {\n ... \"temperature_c\": ((\"lat\", \"lon\"), 20 * np.random.rand(4).reshape(2, 2)),\n ... \"precipitation\": ((\"lat\", \"lon\"), np.random.rand(4).reshape(2, 2)),\n ... },\n ... coords={\"lat\": [10, 20], \"lon\": [150, 160]},\n ... )\n >>> x\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 2, lon: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 10 20\n * lon (lon) int64 150 160\n Data variables:\n temperature_c (lat, lon) float64 14.53 11.85 19.27 16.37\n precipitation (lat, lon) float64 0.7315 0.7189 0.8481 0.4671\n\n >>> def adder(data, arg):\n ... return data + arg\n ...\n >>> def div(data, arg):\n ... return data / arg\n ...\n >>> def sub_mult(data, sub_arg, mult_arg):\n ... return (data * mult_arg) - sub_arg\n ...\n >>> x.pipe(adder, 2)\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 2, lon: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lon (lon) int64 150 160\n * lat (lat) int64 10 20\n Data variables:\n temperature_c (lat, lon) float64 16.53 13.85 21.27 18.37\n precipitation (lat, lon) float64 2.731 2.719 2.848 2.467\n\n >>> x.pipe(adder, arg=2)\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 2, lon: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lon (lon) int64 150 160\n * lat (lat) int64 10 20\n Data variables:\n temperature_c (lat, lon) float64 16.53 13.85 21.27 18.37\n precipitation (lat, lon) float64 2.731 2.719 2.848 2.467\n\n >>> (\n ... x\n ... .pipe(adder, arg=2)\n ... .pipe(div, arg=2)\n ... .pipe(sub_mult, sub_arg=2, mult_arg=2)\n ... )\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 2, lon: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lon (lon) int64 150 160\n * lat (lat) int64 10 20\n Data variables:\n temperature_c (lat, lon) float64 14.53 11.85 19.27 16.37\n precipitation (lat, lon) float64 0.7315 0.7189 0.8481 0.4671\n\n See Also\n --------\n pandas.DataFrame.pipe\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(func, tuple):\n func, target = func\n if target in kwargs:\n raise ValueError(\n \"%s is both the pipe target and a keyword \" \"argument\" % target\n )\n kwargs[target] = self\n return func(*args, **kwargs)\n else:\n return func(self, *args, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.groupby_DataWithCoords.groupby.return.self__groupby_cls_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.groupby_DataWithCoords.groupby.return.self__groupby_cls_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 609, "end_line": 658, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.groupby"], "tokens": 604}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def groupby(self, group, squeeze: bool = True, restore_coord_dims: bool = None):\n \"\"\"Returns a GroupBy object for performing grouped operations.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n group : str, DataArray or IndexVariable\n Array whose unique values should be used to group this array. If a\n string, must be the name of a variable contained in this dataset.\n squeeze : boolean, optional\n If \"group\" is a dimension of any arrays in this dataset, `squeeze`\n controls whether the subarrays have a dimension of length 1 along\n that dimension or if the dimension is squeezed out.\n restore_coord_dims : bool, optional\n If True, also restore the dimension order of multi-dimensional\n coordinates.\n\n Returns\n -------\n grouped : GroupBy\n A `GroupBy` object patterned after `pandas.GroupBy` that can be\n iterated over in the form of `(unique_value, grouped_array)` pairs.\n\n Examples\n --------\n Calculate daily anomalies for daily data:\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 1826, num=1827),\n ... coords=[pd.date_range('1/1/2000', '31/12/2004',\n ... freq='D')],\n ... dims='time')\n >>> da\n \n array([0.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 2.000e+00, ..., 1.824e+03, 1.825e+03, 1.826e+03])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 2000-01-03 ...\n >>> da.groupby('time.dayofyear') - da.groupby('time.dayofyear').mean('time')\n \n array([-730.8, -730.8, -730.8, ..., 730.2, 730.2, 730.5])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 2000-01-03 ...\n dayofyear (time) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ...\n\n See Also\n --------\n core.groupby.DataArrayGroupBy\n core.groupby.DatasetGroupBy\n \"\"\"\n return self._groupby_cls(\n self, group, squeeze=squeeze, restore_coord_dims=restore_coord_dims\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.groupby_bins_DataWithCoords.groupby_bins.return.self__groupby_cls_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.groupby_bins_DataWithCoords.groupby_bins.return.self__groupby_cls_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 660, "end_line": 731, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.groupby_bins"], "tokens": 662}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def groupby_bins(\n self,\n group,\n bins,\n right: bool = True,\n labels=None,\n precision: int = 3,\n include_lowest: bool = False,\n squeeze: bool = True,\n restore_coord_dims: bool = None,\n ):\n \"\"\"Returns a GroupBy object for performing grouped operations.\n\n Rather than using all unique values of `group`, the values are discretized\n first by applying `pandas.cut` [1]_ to `group`.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n group : str, DataArray or IndexVariable\n Array whose binned values should be used to group this array. If a\n string, must be the name of a variable contained in this dataset.\n bins : int or array of scalars\n If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the\n range of x. However, in this case, the range of x is extended by .1%\n on each side to include the min or max values of x. If bins is a\n sequence it defines the bin edges allowing for non-uniform bin\n width. No extension of the range of x is done in this case.\n right : boolean, optional\n Indicates whether the bins include the rightmost edge or not. If\n right == True (the default), then the bins [1,2,3,4] indicate\n (1,2], (2,3], (3,4].\n labels : array or boolean, default None\n Used as labels for the resulting bins. Must be of the same length as\n the resulting bins. If False, string bin labels are assigned by\n `pandas.cut`.\n precision : int\n The precision at which to store and display the bins labels.\n include_lowest : bool\n Whether the first interval should be left-inclusive or not.\n squeeze : boolean, optional\n If \"group\" is a dimension of any arrays in this dataset, `squeeze`\n controls whether the subarrays have a dimension of length 1 along\n that dimension or if the dimension is squeezed out.\n restore_coord_dims : bool, optional\n If True, also restore the dimension order of multi-dimensional\n coordinates.\n\n Returns\n -------\n grouped : GroupBy\n A `GroupBy` object patterned after `pandas.GroupBy` that can be\n iterated over in the form of `(unique_value, grouped_array)` pairs.\n The name of the group has the added suffix `_bins` in order to\n distinguish it from the original variable.\n\n References\n ----------\n .. [1] http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.cut.html\n \"\"\"\n return self._groupby_cls(\n self,\n group,\n squeeze=squeeze,\n bins=bins,\n restore_coord_dims=restore_coord_dims,\n cut_kwargs={\n \"right\": right,\n \"labels\": labels,\n \"precision\": precision,\n \"include_lowest\": include_lowest,\n },\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.rolling_DataWithCoords.rolling.return.self__rolling_cls_self_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.rolling_DataWithCoords.rolling.return.self__rolling_cls_self_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 733, "end_line": 796, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.rolling"], "tokens": 708}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def rolling(\n self,\n dim: Mapping[Hashable, int] = None,\n min_periods: int = None,\n center: bool = False,\n **window_kwargs: int\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Rolling window object.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim: dict, optional\n Mapping from the dimension name to create the rolling iterator\n along (e.g. `time`) to its moving window size.\n min_periods : int, default None\n Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value\n (otherwise result is NA). The default, None, is equivalent to\n setting min_periods equal to the size of the window.\n center : boolean, default False\n Set the labels at the center of the window.\n **window_kwargs : optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``dim``.\n One of dim or window_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Rolling object (core.rolling.DataArrayRolling for DataArray,\n core.rolling.DatasetRolling for Dataset.)\n\n Examples\n --------\n Create rolling seasonal average of monthly data e.g. DJF, JFM, ..., SON:\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 11, num=12),\n ... coords=[pd.date_range('15/12/1999',\n ... periods=12, freq=pd.DateOffset(months=1))],\n ... dims='time')\n >>> da\n \n array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11.])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1999-12-15 2000-01-15 2000-02-15 ...\n >>> da.rolling(time=3, center=True).mean()\n \n array([nan, 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., nan])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1999-12-15 2000-01-15 2000-02-15 ...\n\n Remove the NaNs using ``dropna()``:\n\n >>> da.rolling(time=3, center=True).mean().dropna('time')\n \n array([ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-15 2000-02-15 2000-03-15 ...\n\n See Also\n --------\n core.rolling.DataArrayRolling\n core.rolling.DatasetRolling\n \"\"\"\n dim = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim, window_kwargs, \"rolling\")\n return self._rolling_cls(self, dim, min_periods=min_periods, center=center)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.rolling_exp_DataWithCoords.rolling_exp.return.self__rolling_exp_cls_sel": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.rolling_exp_DataWithCoords.rolling_exp.return.self__rolling_exp_cls_sel", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 798, "end_line": 835, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.rolling_exp"], "tokens": 304}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def rolling_exp(\n self,\n window: Mapping[Hashable, int] = None,\n window_type: str = \"span\",\n **window_kwargs\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Exponentially-weighted moving window.\n Similar to EWM in pandas\n\n Requires the optional Numbagg dependency.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n window : A single mapping from a dimension name to window value,\n optional\n dim : str\n Name of the dimension to create the rolling exponential window\n along (e.g., `time`).\n window : int\n Size of the moving window. The type of this is specified in\n `window_type`\n window_type : str, one of ['span', 'com', 'halflife', 'alpha'],\n default 'span'\n The format of the previously supplied window. Each is a simple\n numerical transformation of the others. Described in detail:\n https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.ewm.html\n **window_kwargs : optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``window``.\n One of window or window_kwargs must be provided.\n\n See Also\n --------\n core.rolling_exp.RollingExp\n \"\"\"\n window = either_dict_or_kwargs(window, window_kwargs, \"rolling_exp\")\n\n return self._rolling_exp_cls(self, window, window_type)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.coarsen_DataWithCoords.coarsen.return.self__coarsen_cls_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.coarsen_DataWithCoords.coarsen.return.self__coarsen_cls_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 837, "end_line": 901, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.coarsen"], "tokens": 646}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def coarsen(\n self,\n dim: Mapping[Hashable, int] = None,\n boundary: str = \"exact\",\n side: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, str]] = \"left\",\n coord_func: str = \"mean\",\n **window_kwargs: int\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Coarsen object.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim: dict, optional\n Mapping from the dimension name to the window size.\n dim : str\n Name of the dimension to create the rolling iterator\n along (e.g., `time`).\n window : int\n Size of the moving window.\n boundary : 'exact' | 'trim' | 'pad'\n If 'exact', a ValueError will be raised if dimension size is not a\n multiple of the window size. If 'trim', the excess entries are\n dropped. If 'pad', NA will be padded.\n side : 'left' or 'right' or mapping from dimension to 'left' or 'right'\n coord_func: function (name) that is applied to the coordintes,\n or a mapping from coordinate name to function (name).\n\n Returns\n -------\n Coarsen object (core.rolling.DataArrayCoarsen for DataArray,\n core.rolling.DatasetCoarsen for Dataset.)\n\n Examples\n --------\n Coarsen the long time series by averaging over every four days.\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 364, num=364),\n ... dims='time',\n ... coords={'time': pd.date_range(\n ... '15/12/1999', periods=364)})\n >>> da\n \n array([ 0. , 1.002755, 2.00551 , ..., 361.99449 , 362.997245,\n 364. ])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1999-12-15 1999-12-16 ... 2000-12-12\n >>>\n >>> da.coarsen(time=3, boundary='trim').mean()\n \n array([ 1.002755, 4.011019, 7.019284, ..., 358.986226,\n 361.99449 ])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1999-12-16 1999-12-19 ... 2000-12-10\n >>>\n\n See Also\n --------\n core.rolling.DataArrayCoarsen\n core.rolling.DatasetCoarsen\n \"\"\"\n dim = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim, window_kwargs, \"coarsen\")\n return self._coarsen_cls(\n self, dim, boundary=boundary, side=side, coord_func=coord_func\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.resample_DataWithCoords.resample._Returns_a_Resample_obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.resample_DataWithCoords.resample._Returns_a_Resample_obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 903, "end_line": 991, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.resample"], "tokens": 957}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def resample(\n self,\n indexer: Mapping[Hashable, str] = None,\n skipna=None,\n closed: str = None,\n label: str = None,\n base: int = 0,\n keep_attrs: bool = None,\n loffset=None,\n restore_coord_dims: bool = None,\n **indexer_kwargs: str\n ):\n \"\"\"Returns a Resample object for performing resampling operations.\n\n Handles both downsampling and upsampling. If any intervals contain no\n values from the original object, they will be given the value ``NaN``.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexer : {dim: freq}, optional\n Mapping from the dimension name to resample frequency.\n skipna : bool, optional\n Whether to skip missing values when aggregating in downsampling.\n closed : 'left' or 'right', optional\n Side of each interval to treat as closed.\n label : 'left or 'right', optional\n Side of each interval to use for labeling.\n base : int, optional\n For frequencies that evenly subdivide 1 day, the \"origin\" of the\n aggregated intervals. For example, for '24H' frequency, base could\n range from 0 through 23.\n loffset : timedelta or str, optional\n Offset used to adjust the resampled time labels. Some pandas date\n offset strings are supported.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the object's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n restore_coord_dims : bool, optional\n If True, also restore the dimension order of multi-dimensional\n coordinates.\n **indexer_kwargs : {dim: freq}\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexer``.\n One of indexer or indexer_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n resampled : same type as caller\n This object resampled.\n\n Examples\n --------\n Downsample monthly time-series data to seasonal data:\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 11, num=12),\n ... coords=[pd.date_range('15/12/1999',\n ... periods=12, freq=pd.DateOffset(months=1))],\n ... dims='time')\n >>> da\n \n array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11.])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1999-12-15 2000-01-15 2000-02-15 ...\n >>> da.resample(time=\"QS-DEC\").mean()\n \n array([ 1., 4., 7., 10.])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1999-12-01 2000-03-01 2000-06-01 2000-09-01\n\n Upsample monthly time-series data to daily data:\n\n >>> da.resample(time='1D').interpolate('linear')\n \n array([ 0. , 0.032258, 0.064516, ..., 10.935484, 10.967742, 11. ])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1999-12-15 1999-12-16 1999-12-17 ...\n\n Limit scope of upsampling method\n >>> da.resample(time='1D').nearest(tolerance='1D')\n \n array([ 0., 0., nan, ..., nan, 11., 11.])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 1999-12-15 1999-12-16 ... 2000-11-15\n\n References\n ----------\n\n .. [1] http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#offset-aliases\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.resample._TODO_support_non_string_DataWithCoords.resample.return.resampler": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.resample._TODO_support_non_string_DataWithCoords.resample.return.resampler", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 992, "end_line": 1041, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.resample"], "tokens": 513}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def resample(\n self,\n indexer: Mapping[Hashable, str] = None,\n skipna=None,\n closed: str = None,\n label: str = None,\n base: int = 0,\n keep_attrs: bool = None,\n loffset=None,\n restore_coord_dims: bool = None,\n **indexer_kwargs: str\n ):\n # TODO support non-string indexer after removing the old API.\n\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .resample import RESAMPLE_DIM\n from ..coding.cftimeindex import CFTimeIndex\n\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n\n # note: the second argument (now 'skipna') use to be 'dim'\n if (\n (skipna is not None and not isinstance(skipna, bool))\n or (\"how\" in indexer_kwargs and \"how\" not in self.dims)\n or (\"dim\" in indexer_kwargs and \"dim\" not in self.dims)\n ):\n raise TypeError(\n \"resample() no longer supports the `how` or \"\n \"`dim` arguments. Instead call methods on resample \"\n \"objects, e.g., data.resample(time='1D').mean()\"\n )\n\n indexer = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexer, indexer_kwargs, \"resample\")\n if len(indexer) != 1:\n raise ValueError(\"Resampling only supported along single dimensions.\")\n dim, freq = next(iter(indexer.items()))\n\n dim_name = dim\n dim_coord = self[dim]\n\n if isinstance(self.indexes[dim_name], CFTimeIndex):\n from .resample_cftime import CFTimeGrouper\n\n grouper = CFTimeGrouper(freq, closed, label, base, loffset)\n else:\n grouper = pd.Grouper(\n freq=freq, closed=closed, label=label, base=base, loffset=loffset\n )\n group = DataArray(\n dim_coord, coords=dim_coord.coords, dims=dim_coord.dims, name=RESAMPLE_DIM\n )\n resampler = self._resample_cls(\n self,\n group=group,\n dim=dim_name,\n grouper=grouper,\n resample_dim=RESAMPLE_DIM,\n restore_coord_dims=restore_coord_dims,\n )\n\n return resampler", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.where_DataWithCoords.where.Dataset": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.where_DataWithCoords.where.Dataset", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1043, "end_line": 1101, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.where"], "tokens": 643}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def where(self, cond, other=dtypes.NA, drop: bool = False):\n \"\"\"Filter elements from this object according to a condition.\n\n This operation follows the normal broadcasting and alignment rules that\n xarray uses for binary arithmetic.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n cond : DataArray or Dataset with boolean dtype\n Locations at which to preserve this object's values.\n other : scalar, DataArray or Dataset, optional\n Value to use for locations in this object where ``cond`` is False.\n By default, these locations filled with NA.\n drop : boolean, optional\n If True, coordinate labels that only correspond to False values of\n the condition are dropped from the result. Mutually exclusive with\n ``other``.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Same type as caller.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> a = xr.DataArray(np.arange(25).reshape(5, 5), dims=('x', 'y'))\n >>> a.where(a.x + a.y < 4)\n \n array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., nan],\n [ 5., 6., 7., nan, nan],\n [ 10., 11., nan, nan, nan],\n [ 15., nan, nan, nan, nan],\n [ nan, nan, nan, nan, nan]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: x, y\n >>> a.where(a.x + a.y < 5, -1)\n \n array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4],\n [ 5, 6, 7, 8, -1],\n [10, 11, 12, -1, -1],\n [15, 16, -1, -1, -1],\n [20, -1, -1, -1, -1]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: x, y\n >>> a.where(a.x + a.y < 4, drop=True)\n \n array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3.],\n [ 5., 6., 7., nan],\n [ 10., 11., nan, nan],\n [ 15., nan, nan, nan]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: x, y\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.where : corresponding numpy function\n where : equivalent function\n \"\"\"\n from .alignment import align\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.where.if_drop__DataWithCoords.close.self._file_obj.None": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.where.if_drop__DataWithCoords.close.self._file_obj.None", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1103, "end_line": 1136, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.close", "DataWithCoords.where"], "tokens": 302}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def where(self, cond, other=dtypes.NA, drop: bool = False):\n # ... other code\n\n if drop:\n if other is not dtypes.NA:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot set `other` if drop=True\")\n\n if not isinstance(cond, (Dataset, DataArray)):\n raise TypeError(\n \"cond argument is %r but must be a %r or %r\"\n % (cond, Dataset, DataArray)\n )\n\n # align so we can use integer indexing\n self, cond = align(self, cond)\n\n # get cond with the minimal size needed for the Dataset\n if isinstance(cond, Dataset):\n clipcond = cond.to_array().any(\"variable\")\n else:\n clipcond = cond\n\n # clip the data corresponding to coordinate dims that are not used\n nonzeros = zip(clipcond.dims, np.nonzero(clipcond.values))\n indexers = {k: np.unique(v) for k, v in nonzeros}\n\n self = self.isel(**indexers)\n cond = cond.isel(**indexers)\n\n return ops.where_method(self, cond, other)\n\n def close(self: Any) -> None:\n \"\"\"Close any files linked to this object\n \"\"\"\n if self._file_obj is not None:\n self._file_obj.close()\n self._file_obj = None", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.isin_DataWithCoords.__getitem__.raise_NotImplementedError": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_DataWithCoords.isin_DataWithCoords.__getitem__.raise_NotImplementedError", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1138, "end_line": 1197, "span_ids": ["DataWithCoords.__exit__", "DataWithCoords.isin", "DataWithCoords.__getitem__", "DataWithCoords.__enter__"], "tokens": 396}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataWithCoords(SupportsArithmetic, AttrAccessMixin):\n\n def isin(self, test_elements):\n \"\"\"Tests each value in the array for whether it is in test elements.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n test_elements : array_like\n The values against which to test each value of `element`.\n This argument is flattened if an array or array_like.\n See numpy notes for behavior with non-array-like parameters.\n\n Returns\n -------\n isin : same as object, bool\n Has the same shape as this object.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> array = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], dims='x')\n >>> array.isin([1, 3])\n \n array([ True, False, True])\n Dimensions without coordinates: x\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.isin\n \"\"\"\n from .computation import apply_ufunc\n from .dataset import Dataset\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .variable import Variable\n\n if isinstance(test_elements, Dataset):\n raise TypeError(\n \"isin() argument must be convertible to an array: {}\".format(\n test_elements\n )\n )\n elif isinstance(test_elements, (Variable, DataArray)):\n # need to explicitly pull out data to support dask arrays as the\n # second argument\n test_elements = test_elements.data\n\n return apply_ufunc(\n duck_array_ops.isin,\n self,\n kwargs=dict(test_elements=test_elements),\n dask=\"allowed\",\n )\n\n def __enter__(self: T) -> T:\n return self\n\n def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None:\n self.close()\n\n def __getitem__(self, value):\n # implementations of this class should implement this method\n raise NotImplementedError()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_full_like_full_like.Variable": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_full_like_full_like.Variable", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1200, "end_line": 1277, "span_ids": ["full_like"], "tokens": 706}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def full_like(other, fill_value, dtype: DTypeLike = None):\n \"\"\"Return a new object with the same shape and type as a given object.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : DataArray, Dataset, or Variable\n The reference object in input\n fill_value : scalar\n Value to fill the new object with before returning it.\n dtype : dtype, optional\n dtype of the new array. If omitted, it defaults to other.dtype.\n\n Returns\n -------\n out : same as object\n New object with the same shape and type as other, with the data\n filled with fill_value. Coords will be copied from other.\n If other is based on dask, the new one will be as well, and will be\n split in the same chunks.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> x = xr.DataArray(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),\n ... dims=['lat', 'lon'],\n ... coords={'lat': [1, 2], 'lon': [0, 1, 2]})\n >>> x\n \n array([[0, 1, 2],\n [3, 4, 5]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n >>> xr.full_like(x, 1)\n \n array([[1, 1, 1],\n [1, 1, 1]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n >>> xr.full_like(x, 0.5)\n \n array([[0, 0, 0],\n [0, 0, 0]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n >>> xr.full_like(x, 0.5, dtype=np.double)\n \n array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5],\n [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n >>> xr.full_like(x, np.nan, dtype=np.double)\n \n array([[nan, nan, nan],\n [nan, nan, nan]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n See also\n --------\n\n zeros_like\n ones_like\n\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n from .variable import Variable\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_full_like.if_isinstance_other_Data_full_like.if_isinstance_other_Data.else_.raise_TypeError_Expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_full_like.if_isinstance_other_Data_full_like.if_isinstance_other_Data.else_.raise_TypeError_Expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1279, "end_line": 1296, "span_ids": ["full_like"], "tokens": 166}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def full_like(other, fill_value, dtype: DTypeLike = None):\n # ... other code\n\n if isinstance(other, Dataset):\n data_vars = {\n k: _full_like_variable(v, fill_value, dtype)\n for k, v in other.data_vars.items()\n }\n return Dataset(data_vars, coords=other.coords, attrs=other.attrs)\n elif isinstance(other, DataArray):\n return DataArray(\n _full_like_variable(other.variable, fill_value, dtype),\n dims=other.dims,\n coords=other.coords,\n attrs=other.attrs,\n name=other.name,\n )\n elif isinstance(other, Variable):\n return _full_like_variable(other, fill_value, dtype)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"Expected DataArray, Dataset, or Variable\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py__full_like_variable__full_like_variable.return.Variable_dims_other_dims_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py__full_like_variable__full_like_variable.return.Variable_dims_other_dims_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1299, "end_line": 1315, "span_ids": ["_full_like_variable"], "tokens": 135}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _full_like_variable(other, fill_value, dtype: DTypeLike = None):\n \"\"\"Inner function of full_like, where other must be a variable\n \"\"\"\n from .variable import Variable\n\n if isinstance(other.data, dask_array_type):\n import dask.array\n\n if dtype is None:\n dtype = other.dtype\n data = dask.array.full(\n other.shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, chunks=other.data.chunks\n )\n else:\n data = np.full_like(other, fill_value, dtype=dtype)\n\n return Variable(dims=other.dims, data=data, attrs=other.attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_zeros_like_zeros_like.return.full_like_other_0_dtype": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_zeros_like_zeros_like.return.full_like_other_0_dtype", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1318, "end_line": 1373, "span_ids": ["zeros_like"], "tokens": 460}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def zeros_like(other, dtype: DTypeLike = None):\n \"\"\"Return a new object of zeros with the same shape and\n type as a given dataarray or dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : DataArray, Dataset, or Variable\n The reference object. The output will have the same dimensions and coordinates as this object.\n dtype : dtype, optional\n dtype of the new array. If omitted, it defaults to other.dtype.\n\n Returns\n -------\n out : same as object\n New object of zeros with the same shape and type as other.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> x = xr.DataArray(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),\n ... dims=['lat', 'lon'],\n ... coords={'lat': [1, 2], 'lon': [0, 1, 2]})\n >>> x\n \n array([[0, 1, 2],\n [3, 4, 5]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n >>> xr.zeros_like(x)\n \n array([[0, 0, 0],\n [0, 0, 0]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n >>> xr.zeros_like(x, dtype=np.float)\n \n array([[0., 0., 0.],\n [0., 0., 0.]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n See also\n --------\n\n ones_like\n full_like\n\n \"\"\"\n return full_like(other, 0, dtype)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ones_like_ones_like.return.full_like_other_1_dtype": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_ones_like_ones_like.return.full_like_other_1_dtype", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1376, "end_line": 1423, "span_ids": ["ones_like"], "tokens": 377}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def ones_like(other, dtype: DTypeLike = None):\n \"\"\"Return a new object of ones with the same shape and\n type as a given dataarray or dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : DataArray, Dataset, or Variable\n The reference object. The output will have the same dimensions and coordinates as this object.\n dtype : dtype, optional\n dtype of the new array. If omitted, it defaults to other.dtype.\n\n Returns\n -------\n out : same as object\n New object of ones with the same shape and type as other.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> x = xr.DataArray(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),\n ... dims=['lat', 'lon'],\n ... coords={'lat': [1, 2], 'lon': [0, 1, 2]})\n >>> x\n \n array([[0, 1, 2],\n [3, 4, 5]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n >>> >>> xr.ones_like(x)\n \n array([[1, 1, 1],\n [1, 1, 1]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 0 1 2\n\n See also\n --------\n\n zeros_like\n full_like\n\n \"\"\"\n return full_like(other, 1, dtype)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_is_np_datetime_like_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/common.py_is_np_datetime_like_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/common.py", "file_name": "common.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1426, "end_line": 1462, "span_ids": ["_contains_datetime_like_objects", "is_np_datetime_like", "_contains_cftime_datetimes", "contains_cftime_datetimes"], "tokens": 273}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def is_np_datetime_like(dtype: DTypeLike) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Check if a dtype is a subclass of the numpy datetime types\n \"\"\"\n return np.issubdtype(dtype, np.datetime64) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.timedelta64)\n\n\ndef _contains_cftime_datetimes(array) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Check if an array contains cftime.datetime objects\n \"\"\"\n try:\n from cftime import datetime as cftime_datetime\n except ImportError:\n return False\n else:\n if array.dtype == np.dtype(\"O\") and array.size > 0:\n sample = array.ravel()[0]\n if isinstance(sample, dask_array_type):\n sample = sample.compute()\n if isinstance(sample, np.ndarray):\n sample = sample.item()\n return isinstance(sample, cftime_datetime)\n else:\n return False\n\n\ndef contains_cftime_datetimes(var) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Check if an xarray.Variable contains cftime.datetime objects\n \"\"\"\n return _contains_cftime_datetimes(var.data)\n\n\ndef _contains_datetime_like_objects(var) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Check if a variable contains datetime like objects (either\n np.datetime64, np.timedelta64, or cftime.datetime)\n \"\"\"\n return is_np_datetime_like(var.dtype) or contains_cftime_datetimes(var)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py____JOINS_WITHOUT_FILL_VALUES.frozenset_inner_exac": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py____JOINS_WITHOUT_FILL_VALUES.frozenset_inner_exac", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 39, "span_ids": ["impl", "impl:2", "docstring", "imports:14", "docstring:2", "imports", "imports:13"], "tokens": 195}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"\nFunctions for applying functions that act on arrays to xarray's labeled data.\n\"\"\"\nimport functools\nimport itertools\nimport operator\nfrom collections import Counter\nfrom typing import (\n TYPE_CHECKING,\n AbstractSet,\n Any,\n Callable,\n Dict,\n Hashable,\n Iterable,\n List,\n Mapping,\n Optional,\n Sequence,\n Tuple,\n Union,\n)\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom . import duck_array_ops, utils\nfrom .alignment import deep_align\nfrom .merge import merge_coordinates_without_align\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom .utils import is_dict_like\nfrom .variable import Variable\n\nif TYPE_CHECKING:\n from .coordinates import Coordinates # noqa\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n_NO_FILL_VALUE = utils.ReprObject(\"\")\n_DEFAULT_NAME = utils.ReprObject(\"\")\n_JOINS_WITHOUT_FILL_VALUES = frozenset({\"inner\", \"exact\"})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py__UFuncSignature__UFuncSignature.__str__.return._format_lhs_rhs_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py__UFuncSignature__UFuncSignature.__str__.return._format_lhs_rhs_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 42, "end_line": 122, "span_ids": ["_UFuncSignature.__eq__", "_UFuncSignature.num_inputs", "_UFuncSignature.all_input_core_dims", "_UFuncSignature.__ne__", "_UFuncSignature", "_UFuncSignature.__repr__", "_UFuncSignature.__str__", "_UFuncSignature.all_output_core_dims", "_UFuncSignature.num_outputs", "_UFuncSignature.all_core_dims"], "tokens": 569}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", 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self._all_output_core_dims = None\n self._all_core_dims = None\n\n @property\n def all_input_core_dims(self):\n if self._all_input_core_dims is None:\n self._all_input_core_dims = frozenset(\n dim for dims in self.input_core_dims for dim in dims\n )\n return self._all_input_core_dims\n\n @property\n def all_output_core_dims(self):\n if self._all_output_core_dims is None:\n self._all_output_core_dims = frozenset(\n dim for dims in self.output_core_dims for dim in dims\n )\n return self._all_output_core_dims\n\n @property\n def all_core_dims(self):\n if self._all_core_dims is None:\n self._all_core_dims = self.all_input_core_dims | self.all_output_core_dims\n return self._all_core_dims\n\n @property\n def num_inputs(self):\n return len(self.input_core_dims)\n\n @property\n def num_outputs(self):\n return len(self.output_core_dims)\n\n def __eq__(self, other):\n try:\n return (\n self.input_core_dims == other.input_core_dims\n and self.output_core_dims == other.output_core_dims\n )\n except AttributeError:\n return False\n\n def __ne__(self, other):\n return not self == other\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"%s(%r, %r)\" % (\n type(self).__name__,\n list(self.input_core_dims),\n list(self.output_core_dims),\n )\n\n def __str__(self):\n lhs = \",\".join(\"({})\".format(\",\".join(dims)) for dims in self.input_core_dims)\n rhs = \",\".join(\"({})\".format(\",\".join(dims)) for dims in self.output_core_dims)\n return \"{}->{}\".format(lhs, rhs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py__UFuncSignature.to_gufunc_string__UFuncSignature.to_gufunc_string.return.str_alt_signature_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py__UFuncSignature.to_gufunc_string__UFuncSignature.to_gufunc_string.return.str_alt_signature_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 124, "end_line": 141, "span_ids": ["_UFuncSignature.to_gufunc_string"], "tokens": 162}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class _UFuncSignature:\n\n def to_gufunc_string(self):\n \"\"\"Create an equivalent signature string for a NumPy gufunc.\n\n Unlike __str__, handles dimensions that don't map to Python\n identifiers.\n \"\"\"\n all_dims = self.all_core_dims\n dims_map = dict(zip(sorted(all_dims), range(len(all_dims))))\n input_core_dims = [\n [\"dim%d\" % dims_map[dim] for dim in core_dims]\n for core_dims in self.input_core_dims\n ]\n output_core_dims = [\n [\"dim%d\" % dims_map[dim] for dim in core_dims]\n for core_dims in self.output_core_dims\n ]\n alt_signature = type(self)(input_core_dims, output_core_dims)\n return str(alt_signature)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_result_name__get_coords_list.return.coords_list": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_result_name__get_coords_list.return.coords_list", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 144, "end_line": 165, "span_ids": ["_get_coords_list", "result_name"], "tokens": 154}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def result_name(objects: list) -> Any:\n # use the same naming heuristics as pandas:\n # https://github.com/blaze/blaze/issues/458#issuecomment-51936356\n names = {getattr(obj, \"name\", _DEFAULT_NAME) for obj in objects}\n names.discard(_DEFAULT_NAME)\n if len(names) == 1:\n name, = names\n else:\n name = None\n return name\n\n\ndef _get_coords_list(args) -> List[\"Coordinates\"]:\n coords_list = []\n for arg in args:\n try:\n coords = arg.coords\n except AttributeError:\n pass # skip this argument\n else:\n coords_list.append(coords)\n return coords_list", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_build_output_coords_build_output_coords.return.output_coords": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_build_output_coords_build_output_coords.return.output_coords", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 168, "end_line": 211, "span_ids": ["build_output_coords"], "tokens": 323}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def build_output_coords(\n args: list, signature: _UFuncSignature, exclude_dims: AbstractSet = frozenset()\n) -> \"List[Dict[Any, Variable]]\":\n \"\"\"Build output coordinates for an operation.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n args : list\n List of raw operation arguments. Any valid types for xarray operations\n are OK, e.g., scalars, Variable, DataArray, Dataset.\n signature : _UfuncSignature\n Core dimensions signature for the operation.\n exclude_dims : optional set\n Dimensions excluded from the operation. Coordinates along these\n dimensions are dropped.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dictionary of Variable objects with merged coordinates.\n \"\"\"\n coords_list = _get_coords_list(args)\n\n if len(coords_list) == 1 and not exclude_dims:\n # we can skip the expensive merge\n unpacked_coords, = coords_list\n merged_vars = dict(unpacked_coords.variables)\n else:\n # TODO: save these merged indexes, instead of re-computing them later\n merged_vars, unused_indexes = merge_coordinates_without_align(\n coords_list, exclude_dims=exclude_dims\n )\n\n output_coords = []\n for output_dims in signature.output_core_dims:\n dropped_dims = signature.all_input_core_dims - set(output_dims)\n if dropped_dims:\n filtered = {\n k: v for k, v in merged_vars.items() if dropped_dims.isdisjoint(v.dims)\n }\n else:\n filtered = merged_vars\n output_coords.append(filtered)\n\n return output_coords", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_dataarray_vfunc_apply_dataarray_vfunc.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_dataarray_vfunc_apply_dataarray_vfunc.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 214, "end_line": 245, "span_ids": ["apply_dataarray_vfunc"], "tokens": 244}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def apply_dataarray_vfunc(\n func, *args, signature, join=\"inner\", exclude_dims=frozenset(), keep_attrs=False\n):\n \"\"\"Apply a variable level function over DataArray, Variable and/or ndarray\n objects.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n if len(args) > 1:\n args = deep_align(\n args, join=join, copy=False, exclude=exclude_dims, raise_on_invalid=False\n )\n\n if keep_attrs and hasattr(args[0], \"name\"):\n name = args[0].name\n else:\n name = result_name(args)\n result_coords = build_output_coords(args, signature, exclude_dims)\n\n data_vars = [getattr(a, \"variable\", a) for a in args]\n result_var = func(*data_vars)\n\n if signature.num_outputs > 1:\n out = tuple(\n DataArray(variable, coords, name=name, fastpath=True)\n for variable, coords in zip(result_var, result_coords)\n )\n else:\n coords, = result_coords\n out = DataArray(result_var, coords, name=name, fastpath=True)\n\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_ordered_set_union__unpack_dict_tuples.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_ordered_set_union__unpack_dict_tuples.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 248, "end_line": 313, "span_ids": ["_unpack_dict_tuples", "impl:8", "ordered_set_intersection", "_as_variables_or_variable", "ordered_set_union", "assert_and_return_exact_match", "join_dict_keys", "collect_dict_values"], "tokens": 466}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def ordered_set_union(all_keys: List[Iterable]) -> Iterable:\n return {key: None for keys in all_keys for key in keys}.keys()\n\n\ndef ordered_set_intersection(all_keys: List[Iterable]) -> Iterable:\n intersection = set(all_keys[0])\n for keys in all_keys[1:]:\n intersection.intersection_update(keys)\n return [key for key in all_keys[0] if key in intersection]\n\n\ndef assert_and_return_exact_match(all_keys):\n first_keys = all_keys[0]\n for keys in all_keys[1:]:\n if keys != first_keys:\n raise ValueError(\n \"exact match required for all data variable names, \"\n \"but %r != %r\" % (keys, first_keys)\n )\n return first_keys\n\n\n_JOINERS = {\n \"inner\": ordered_set_intersection,\n \"outer\": ordered_set_union,\n \"left\": operator.itemgetter(0),\n \"right\": operator.itemgetter(-1),\n \"exact\": assert_and_return_exact_match,\n}\n\n\ndef join_dict_keys(\n objects: Iterable[Union[Mapping, Any]], how: str = \"inner\"\n) -> Iterable:\n joiner = _JOINERS[how]\n all_keys = [obj.keys() for obj in objects if hasattr(obj, \"keys\")]\n return joiner(all_keys)\n\n\ndef collect_dict_values(\n objects: Iterable[Union[Mapping, Any]], keys: Iterable, fill_value: object = None\n) -> List[list]:\n return [\n [obj.get(key, fill_value) if is_dict_like(obj) else obj for obj in objects]\n for key in keys\n ]\n\n\ndef _as_variables_or_variable(arg):\n try:\n return arg.variables\n except AttributeError:\n try:\n return arg.variable\n except AttributeError:\n return arg\n\n\ndef _unpack_dict_tuples(\n result_vars: Mapping[Hashable, Tuple[Variable, ...]], num_outputs: int\n) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Variable], ...]:\n out = tuple({} for _ in range(num_outputs)) # type: ignore\n for name, values in result_vars.items():\n for value, results_dict in zip(values, out):\n results_dict[name] = value\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc__fast_dataset.return.Dataset__from_vars_and_co": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc__fast_dataset.return.Dataset__from_vars_and_co", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 316, "end_line": 347, "span_ids": ["_fast_dataset", "apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc"], "tokens": 243}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc(\n func, *args, signature, join=\"inner\", fill_value=None\n):\n \"\"\"Apply a variable level function over dicts of DataArray, DataArray,\n Variable and ndarray objects.\n \"\"\"\n args = [_as_variables_or_variable(arg) for arg in args]\n names = join_dict_keys(args, how=join)\n grouped_by_name = collect_dict_values(args, names, fill_value)\n\n result_vars = {}\n for name, variable_args in zip(names, grouped_by_name):\n result_vars[name] = func(*variable_args)\n\n if signature.num_outputs > 1:\n return _unpack_dict_tuples(result_vars, signature.num_outputs)\n else:\n return result_vars\n\n\ndef _fast_dataset(\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable], coord_variables: Mapping[Hashable, Variable]\n) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Create a dataset as quickly as possible.\n\n Beware: the `variables` dict is modified INPLACE.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n variables.update(coord_variables)\n coord_names = set(coord_variables)\n return Dataset._from_vars_and_coord_names(variables, coord_names)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_dataset_vfunc__iter_over_selections.for_value_in_values_.yield_obj_sel": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_dataset_vfunc__iter_over_selections.for_value_in_values_.yield_obj_sel", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 350, "end_line": 412, "span_ids": ["apply_dataset_vfunc", "_iter_over_selections"], "tokens": 471}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", 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join=join, copy=False, exclude=exclude_dims, raise_on_invalid=False\n )\n\n list_of_coords = build_output_coords(args, signature, exclude_dims)\n args = [getattr(arg, \"data_vars\", arg) for arg in args]\n\n result_vars = apply_dict_of_variables_vfunc(\n func, *args, signature=signature, join=dataset_join, fill_value=fill_value\n )\n\n if signature.num_outputs > 1:\n out = tuple(_fast_dataset(*args) for args in zip(result_vars, list_of_coords))\n else:\n coord_vars, = list_of_coords\n out = _fast_dataset(result_vars, coord_vars)\n\n if keep_attrs and isinstance(first_obj, Dataset):\n if isinstance(out, tuple):\n out = tuple(ds._copy_attrs_from(first_obj) for ds in out)\n else:\n out._copy_attrs_from(first_obj)\n return out\n\n\ndef _iter_over_selections(obj, dim, values):\n \"\"\"Iterate over selections of an xarray object in the provided order.\"\"\"\n from .groupby import _dummy_copy\n\n dummy = None\n for value in values:\n try:\n obj_sel = obj.sel(**{dim: value})\n except (KeyError, IndexError):\n if dummy is None:\n dummy = _dummy_copy(obj)\n obj_sel = dummy\n yield obj_sel", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_groupby_func_apply_groupby_func.return.combined": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_groupby_func_apply_groupby_func.return.combined", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 415, "end_line": 458, "span_ids": ["apply_groupby_func"], "tokens": 387}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def apply_groupby_func(func, *args):\n \"\"\"Apply a dataset or datarray level function over GroupBy, Dataset,\n DataArray, Variable and/or ndarray objects.\n \"\"\"\n from .groupby import GroupBy, peek_at\n from .variable import Variable\n\n groupbys = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, GroupBy)]\n assert groupbys, \"must have at least one groupby to iterate over\"\n first_groupby = groupbys[0]\n if any(not first_groupby._group.equals(gb._group) for gb in groupbys[1:]):\n raise ValueError(\n \"apply_ufunc can only perform operations over \"\n \"multiple GroupBy objets at once if they are all \"\n \"grouped the same way\"\n )\n\n grouped_dim = first_groupby._group.name\n unique_values = first_groupby._unique_coord.values\n\n iterators = []\n for arg in args:\n if isinstance(arg, GroupBy):\n iterator = (value for _, value in arg)\n elif hasattr(arg, \"dims\") and grouped_dim in arg.dims:\n if isinstance(arg, Variable):\n raise ValueError(\n \"groupby operations cannot be performed with \"\n \"xarray.Variable objects that share a dimension with \"\n \"the grouped dimension\"\n )\n iterator = _iter_over_selections(arg, grouped_dim, unique_values)\n else:\n iterator = itertools.repeat(arg)\n iterators.append(iterator)\n\n applied = (func(*zipped_args) for zipped_args in zip(*iterators))\n applied_example, applied = peek_at(applied)\n combine = first_groupby._combine\n if isinstance(applied_example, tuple):\n combined = tuple(combine(output) for output in zip(*applied))\n else:\n combined = combine(applied)\n return combined", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_unified_dim_sizes_SLICE_NONE.slice_None_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_unified_dim_sizes_SLICE_NONE.slice_None_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 461, "end_line": 486, "span_ids": ["unified_dim_sizes", "impl:10"], "tokens": 196}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def unified_dim_sizes(\n variables: Iterable[Variable], exclude_dims: AbstractSet = frozenset()\n) -> Dict[Hashable, int]:\n\n dim_sizes: Dict[Hashable, int] = {}\n\n for var in variables:\n if len(set(var.dims)) < len(var.dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"broadcasting cannot handle duplicate \"\n \"dimensions on a variable: %r\" % list(var.dims)\n )\n for dim, size in zip(var.dims, var.shape):\n if dim not in exclude_dims:\n if dim not in dim_sizes:\n dim_sizes[dim] = size\n elif dim_sizes[dim] != size:\n raise ValueError(\n \"operands cannot be broadcast together \"\n \"with mismatched lengths for dimension \"\n \"%r: %s vs %s\" % (dim, dim_sizes[dim], size)\n )\n return dim_sizes\n\n\nSLICE_NONE = slice(None)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_broadcast_compat_data_broadcast_compat_data.return.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_broadcast_compat_data_broadcast_compat_data.return.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 489, "end_line": 540, "span_ids": ["broadcast_compat_data"], "tokens": 401}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def broadcast_compat_data(\n variable: Variable,\n broadcast_dims: Tuple[Hashable, ...],\n core_dims: Tuple[Hashable, ...],\n) -> Any:\n data = variable.data\n\n old_dims = variable.dims\n new_dims = broadcast_dims + core_dims\n\n if new_dims == old_dims:\n # optimize for the typical case\n return data\n\n set_old_dims = set(old_dims)\n missing_core_dims = [d for d in core_dims if d not in set_old_dims]\n if missing_core_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"operand to apply_ufunc has required core dimensions {}, but \"\n \"some of these dimensions are absent on an input variable: {}\".format(\n list(core_dims), missing_core_dims\n )\n )\n\n set_new_dims = set(new_dims)\n unexpected_dims = [d for d in old_dims if d not in set_new_dims]\n if unexpected_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"operand to apply_ufunc encountered unexpected \"\n \"dimensions %r on an input variable: these are core \"\n \"dimensions on other input or output variables\" % unexpected_dims\n )\n\n # for consistency with numpy, keep broadcast dimensions to the left\n old_broadcast_dims = tuple(d for d in broadcast_dims if d in set_old_dims)\n reordered_dims = old_broadcast_dims + core_dims\n if reordered_dims != old_dims:\n order = tuple(old_dims.index(d) for d in reordered_dims)\n data = duck_array_ops.transpose(data, order)\n\n if new_dims != reordered_dims:\n key_parts = []\n for dim in new_dims:\n if dim in set_old_dims:\n key_parts.append(SLICE_NONE)\n elif key_parts:\n # no need to insert new axes at the beginning that are already\n # handled by broadcasting\n key_parts.append(np.newaxis)\n data = data[tuple(key_parts)]\n\n return data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_variable_ufunc_apply_variable_ufunc.None_3.else_.return.tuple_output_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_variable_ufunc_apply_variable_ufunc.None_3.else_.return.tuple_output_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 543, "end_line": 648, "span_ids": ["apply_variable_ufunc"], "tokens": 748}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def apply_variable_ufunc(\n func,\n *args,\n signature,\n exclude_dims=frozenset(),\n dask=\"forbidden\",\n output_dtypes=None,\n output_sizes=None,\n keep_attrs=False\n):\n \"\"\"Apply a ndarray level function over Variable and/or ndarray objects.\n \"\"\"\n from .variable import Variable, as_compatible_data\n\n dim_sizes = unified_dim_sizes(\n (a for a in args if hasattr(a, \"dims\")), exclude_dims=exclude_dims\n )\n broadcast_dims = tuple(\n dim for dim in dim_sizes if dim not in signature.all_core_dims\n )\n output_dims = [broadcast_dims + out for out in signature.output_core_dims]\n\n input_data = [\n broadcast_compat_data(arg, broadcast_dims, core_dims)\n if isinstance(arg, Variable)\n else arg\n for arg, core_dims in zip(args, signature.input_core_dims)\n ]\n\n if any(isinstance(array, dask_array_type) for array in input_data):\n if dask == \"forbidden\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"apply_ufunc encountered a dask array on an \"\n \"argument, but handling for dask arrays has not \"\n \"been enabled. Either set the ``dask`` argument \"\n \"or load your data into memory first with \"\n \"``.load()`` or ``.compute()``\"\n )\n elif dask == \"parallelized\":\n input_dims = [broadcast_dims + dims for dims in signature.input_core_dims]\n numpy_func = func\n\n def func(*arrays):\n return _apply_blockwise(\n numpy_func,\n arrays,\n input_dims,\n output_dims,\n signature,\n output_dtypes,\n output_sizes,\n )\n\n elif dask == \"allowed\":\n pass\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"unknown setting for dask array handling in \"\n \"apply_ufunc: {}\".format(dask)\n )\n result_data = func(*input_data)\n\n if signature.num_outputs == 1:\n result_data = (result_data,)\n elif (\n not isinstance(result_data, tuple) or len(result_data) != signature.num_outputs\n ):\n raise ValueError(\n \"applied function does not have the number of \"\n \"outputs specified in the ufunc signature. \"\n \"Result is not a tuple of {} elements: {!r}\".format(\n signature.num_outputs, result_data\n )\n )\n\n output = []\n for dims, data in zip(output_dims, result_data):\n data = as_compatible_data(data)\n if data.ndim != len(dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"applied function returned data with unexpected \"\n \"number of dimensions: {} vs {}, for dimensions {}\".format(\n data.ndim, len(dims), dims\n )\n )\n\n var = Variable(dims, data, fastpath=True)\n for dim, new_size in var.sizes.items():\n if dim in dim_sizes and new_size != dim_sizes[dim]:\n raise ValueError(\n \"size of dimension {!r} on inputs was unexpectedly \"\n \"changed by applied function from {} to {}. Only \"\n \"dimensions specified in ``exclude_dims`` with \"\n \"xarray.apply_ufunc are allowed to change size.\".format(\n dim, dim_sizes[dim], new_size\n )\n )\n\n if keep_attrs and isinstance(args[0], Variable):\n var.attrs.update(args[0].attrs)\n output.append(var)\n\n if signature.num_outputs == 1:\n return output[0]\n else:\n return tuple(output)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py__apply_blockwise__apply_blockwise.return.dask_array_blockwise_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py__apply_blockwise__apply_blockwise.return.dask_array_blockwise_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 651, "end_line": 724, "span_ids": ["_apply_blockwise"], "tokens": 605}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _apply_blockwise(\n func, args, input_dims, output_dims, signature, output_dtypes, output_sizes=None\n):\n import dask.array\n\n if signature.num_outputs > 1:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"multiple outputs from apply_ufunc not yet \"\n \"supported with dask='parallelized'\"\n )\n\n if output_dtypes is None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"output dtypes (output_dtypes) must be supplied to \"\n \"apply_func when using dask='parallelized'\"\n )\n if not isinstance(output_dtypes, list):\n raise TypeError(\n \"output_dtypes must be a list of objects coercible to \"\n \"numpy dtypes, got {}\".format(output_dtypes)\n )\n if len(output_dtypes) != signature.num_outputs:\n raise ValueError(\n \"apply_ufunc arguments output_dtypes and \"\n \"output_core_dims must have the same length: {} vs {}\".format(\n len(output_dtypes), signature.num_outputs\n )\n )\n (dtype,) = output_dtypes\n\n if output_sizes is None:\n output_sizes = {}\n\n new_dims = signature.all_output_core_dims - signature.all_input_core_dims\n if any(dim not in output_sizes for dim in new_dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"when using dask='parallelized' with apply_ufunc, \"\n \"output core dimensions not found on inputs must \"\n \"have explicitly set sizes with ``output_sizes``: {}\".format(new_dims)\n )\n\n for n, (data, core_dims) in enumerate(zip(args, signature.input_core_dims)):\n if isinstance(data, dask_array_type):\n # core dimensions cannot span multiple chunks\n for axis, dim in enumerate(core_dims, start=-len(core_dims)):\n if len(data.chunks[axis]) != 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"dimension {!r} on {}th function argument to \"\n \"apply_ufunc with dask='parallelized' consists of \"\n \"multiple chunks, but is also a core dimension. To \"\n \"fix, rechunk into a single dask array chunk along \"\n \"this dimension, i.e., ``.chunk({})``, but beware \"\n \"that this may significantly increase memory usage.\".format(\n dim, n, {dim: -1}\n )\n )\n\n (out_ind,) = output_dims\n\n blockwise_args = []\n for arg, dims in zip(args, input_dims):\n # skip leading dimensions that are implicitly added by broadcasting\n ndim = getattr(arg, \"ndim\", 0)\n trimmed_dims = dims[-ndim:] if ndim else ()\n blockwise_args.extend([arg, trimmed_dims])\n\n return dask.array.blockwise(\n func,\n out_ind,\n *blockwise_args,\n dtype=dtype,\n concatenate=True,\n new_axes=output_sizes\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_array_ufunc_apply_array_ufunc.return.func_args_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_array_ufunc_apply_array_ufunc.return.func_args_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 727, "end_line": 747, "span_ids": ["apply_array_ufunc"], "tokens": 206}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def apply_array_ufunc(func, *args, dask=\"forbidden\"):\n \"\"\"Apply a ndarray level function over ndarray objects.\"\"\"\n if any(isinstance(arg, dask_array_type) for arg in args):\n if dask == \"forbidden\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"apply_ufunc encountered a dask array on an \"\n \"argument, but handling for dask arrays has not \"\n \"been enabled. Either set the ``dask`` argument \"\n \"or load your data into memory first with \"\n \"``.load()`` or ``.compute()``\"\n )\n elif dask == \"parallelized\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot use dask='parallelized' for apply_ufunc \"\n \"unless at least one input is an xarray object\"\n )\n elif dask == \"allowed\":\n pass\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"unknown setting for dask array handling: {}\".format(dask))\n return func(*args)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_ufunc_apply_ufunc": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_ufunc_apply_ufunc", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 750, "end_line": 1049, "span_ids": ["apply_ufunc"], "tokens": 147}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def apply_ufunc(\n func: Callable,\n *args: Any,\n input_core_dims: Sequence[Sequence] = None,\n output_core_dims: Optional[Sequence[Sequence]] = ((),),\n exclude_dims: AbstractSet = frozenset(),\n vectorize: bool = False,\n join: str = \"exact\",\n dataset_join: str = \"exact\",\n dataset_fill_value: object = _NO_FILL_VALUE,\n keep_attrs: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping = None,\n dask: str = \"forbidden\",\n output_dtypes: Sequence = None,\n output_sizes: Mapping[Any, int] = None\n) -> Any:\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_ufunc._Apply_a_vectorized_fun_apply_ufunc._Apply_a_vectorized_fun": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_ufunc._Apply_a_vectorized_fun_apply_ufunc._Apply_a_vectorized_fun", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 766, "end_line": 965, "span_ids": ["apply_ufunc"], "tokens": 2229}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def apply_ufunc(\n func: Callable,\n *args: Any,\n input_core_dims: Sequence[Sequence] = None,\n output_core_dims: Optional[Sequence[Sequence]] = ((),),\n exclude_dims: AbstractSet = frozenset(),\n vectorize: bool = False,\n join: str = \"exact\",\n dataset_join: str = \"exact\",\n dataset_fill_value: object = _NO_FILL_VALUE,\n keep_attrs: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping = None,\n dask: str = \"forbidden\",\n output_dtypes: Sequence = None,\n output_sizes: Mapping[Any, int] = None\n) -> Any:\n \"\"\"Apply a vectorized function for unlabeled arrays on xarray objects.\n\n The function will be mapped over the data variable(s) of the input\n arguments using xarray's standard rules for labeled computation, including\n alignment, broadcasting, looping over GroupBy/Dataset variables, and\n merging of coordinates.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : callable\n Function to call like ``func(*args, **kwargs)`` on unlabeled arrays\n (``.data``) that returns an array or tuple of arrays. If multiple\n arguments with non-matching dimensions are supplied, this function is\n expected to vectorize (broadcast) over axes of positional arguments in\n the style of NumPy universal functions [1]_ (if this is not the case,\n set ``vectorize=True``). If this function returns multiple outputs, you\n must set ``output_core_dims`` as well.\n *args : Dataset, DataArray, GroupBy, Variable, numpy/dask arrays or scalars\n Mix of labeled and/or unlabeled arrays to which to apply the function.\n input_core_dims : Sequence[Sequence], optional\n List of the same length as ``args`` giving the list of core dimensions\n on each input argument that should not be broadcast. By default, we\n assume there are no core dimensions on any input arguments.\n\n For example, ``input_core_dims=[[], ['time']]`` indicates that all\n dimensions on the first argument and all dimensions other than 'time'\n on the second argument should be broadcast.\n\n Core dimensions are automatically moved to the last axes of input\n variables before applying ``func``, which facilitates using NumPy style\n generalized ufuncs [2]_.\n output_core_dims : List[tuple], optional\n List of the same length as the number of output arguments from\n ``func``, giving the list of core dimensions on each output that were\n not broadcast on the inputs. By default, we assume that ``func``\n outputs exactly one array, with axes corresponding to each broadcast\n dimension.\n\n Core dimensions are assumed to appear as the last dimensions of each\n output in the provided order.\n exclude_dims : set, optional\n Core dimensions on the inputs to exclude from alignment and\n broadcasting entirely. Any input coordinates along these dimensions\n will be dropped. Each excluded dimension must also appear in\n ``input_core_dims`` for at least one argument. Only dimensions listed\n here are allowed to change size between input and output objects.\n vectorize : bool, optional\n If True, then assume ``func`` only takes arrays defined over core\n dimensions as input and vectorize it automatically with\n :py:func:`numpy.vectorize`. This option exists for convenience, but is\n almost always slower than supplying a pre-vectorized function.\n Using this option requires NumPy version 1.12 or newer.\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional\n Method for joining the indexes of the passed objects along each\n dimension, and the variables of Dataset objects with mismatched\n data variables:\n\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': raise `ValueError` instead of aligning when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n dataset_join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional\n Method for joining variables of Dataset objects with mismatched\n data variables.\n\n - 'outer': take variables from both Dataset objects\n - 'inner': take only overlapped variables\n - 'left': take only variables from the first object\n - 'right': take only variables from the last object\n - 'exact': data variables on all Dataset objects must match exactly\n dataset_fill_value : optional\n Value used in place of missing variables on Dataset inputs when the\n datasets do not share the exact same ``data_vars``. Required if\n ``dataset_join not in {'inner', 'exact'}``, otherwise ignored.\n keep_attrs: boolean, Optional\n Whether to copy attributes from the first argument to the output.\n kwargs: dict, optional\n Optional keyword arguments passed directly on to call ``func``.\n dask: 'forbidden', 'allowed' or 'parallelized', optional\n How to handle applying to objects containing lazy data in the form of\n dask arrays:\n\n - 'forbidden' (default): raise an error if a dask array is encountered.\n - 'allowed': pass dask arrays directly on to ``func``.\n - 'parallelized': automatically parallelize ``func`` if any of the\n inputs are a dask array. If used, the ``output_dtypes`` argument must\n also be provided. Multiple output arguments are not yet supported.\n output_dtypes : list of dtypes, optional\n Optional list of output dtypes. Only used if dask='parallelized'.\n output_sizes : dict, optional\n Optional mapping from dimension names to sizes for outputs. Only used\n if dask='parallelized' and new dimensions (not found on inputs) appear\n on outputs.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Single value or tuple of Dataset, DataArray, Variable, dask.array.Array or\n numpy.ndarray, the first type on that list to appear on an input.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n Calculate the vector magnitude of two arguments:\n\n >>> def magnitude(a, b):\n ... func = lambda x, y: np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)\n ... return xr.apply_ufunc(func, a, b)\n\n You can now apply ``magnitude()`` to ``xr.DataArray`` and ``xr.Dataset``\n objects, with automatically preserved dimensions and coordinates, e.g.,\n\n >>> array = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], coords=[('x', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3])])\n >>> magnitude(array, -array)\n \n array([1.414214, 2.828427, 4.242641])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) float64 0.1 0.2 0.3\n\n Plain scalars, numpy arrays and a mix of these with xarray objects is also\n supported:\n\n >>> magnitude(4, 5)\n 5.0\n >>> magnitude(3, np.array([0, 4]))\n array([3., 5.])\n >>> magnitude(array, 0)\n \n array([1., 2., 3.])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) float64 0.1 0.2 0.3\n\n Other examples of how you could use ``apply_ufunc`` to write functions to\n (very nearly) replicate existing xarray functionality:\n\n Compute the mean (``.mean``) over one dimension::\n\n def mean(obj, dim):\n # note: apply always moves core dimensions to the end\n return apply_ufunc(np.mean, obj,\n input_core_dims=[[dim]],\n kwargs={'axis': -1})\n\n Inner product over a specific dimension (like ``xr.dot``)::\n\n def _inner(x, y):\n result = np.matmul(x[..., np.newaxis, :], y[..., :, np.newaxis])\n return result[..., 0, 0]\n\n def inner_product(a, b, dim):\n return apply_ufunc(_inner, a, b, input_core_dims=[[dim], [dim]])\n\n Stack objects along a new dimension (like ``xr.concat``)::\n\n def stack(objects, dim, new_coord):\n # note: this version does not stack coordinates\n func = lambda *x: np.stack(x, axis=-1)\n result = apply_ufunc(func, *objects,\n output_core_dims=[[dim]],\n join='outer',\n dataset_fill_value=np.nan)\n result[dim] = new_coord\n return result\n\n If your function is not vectorized but can be applied only to core\n dimensions, you can use ``vectorize=True`` to turn into a vectorized\n function. This wraps :py:func:`numpy.vectorize`, so the operation isn't\n terribly fast. Here we'll use it to calculate the distance between\n empirical samples from two probability distributions, using a scipy\n function that needs to be applied to vectors::\n\n import scipy.stats\n\n def earth_mover_distance(first_samples,\n second_samples,\n dim='ensemble'):\n return apply_ufunc(scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance,\n first_samples, second_samples,\n input_core_dims=[[dim], [dim]],\n vectorize=True)\n\n Most of NumPy's builtin functions already broadcast their inputs\n appropriately for use in `apply`. You may find helper functions such as\n numpy.broadcast_arrays helpful in writing your function. `apply_ufunc` also\n works well with numba's vectorize and guvectorize. Further explanation with\n examples are provided in the xarray documentation [3].\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.broadcast_arrays\n numba.vectorize\n numba.guvectorize\n\n References\n ----------\n .. [1] http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/ufuncs.html\n .. [2] http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/c-api.generalized-ufuncs.html\n .. [3] http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/computation.html#wrapping-custom-computation\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_ufunc.GroupBy_apply_ufunc.if_any_isinstance_a_Grou.else_.return.apply_array_ufunc_func_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_apply_ufunc.GroupBy_apply_ufunc.if_any_isinstance_a_Grou.else_.return.apply_array_ufunc_func_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 966, "end_line": 1049, "span_ids": ["apply_ufunc"], "tokens": 718}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def apply_ufunc(\n func: Callable,\n *args: Any,\n input_core_dims: Sequence[Sequence] = None,\n output_core_dims: Optional[Sequence[Sequence]] = ((),),\n exclude_dims: AbstractSet = frozenset(),\n vectorize: bool = False,\n join: str = \"exact\",\n dataset_join: str = \"exact\",\n dataset_fill_value: object = _NO_FILL_VALUE,\n keep_attrs: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping = None,\n dask: str = \"forbidden\",\n output_dtypes: Sequence = None,\n output_sizes: Mapping[Any, int] = None\n) -> Any:\n from .groupby import GroupBy\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .variable import Variable\n\n if input_core_dims is None:\n input_core_dims = ((),) * (len(args))\n elif len(input_core_dims) != len(args):\n raise ValueError(\n \"input_core_dims must be None or a tuple with the length same to \"\n \"the number of arguments. Given input_core_dims: {}, \"\n \"number of args: {}.\".format(input_core_dims, len(args))\n )\n\n if kwargs is None:\n kwargs = {}\n\n signature = _UFuncSignature(input_core_dims, output_core_dims)\n\n if exclude_dims and not exclude_dims <= signature.all_core_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"each dimension in `exclude_dims` must also be a \"\n \"core dimension in the function signature\"\n )\n\n if kwargs:\n func = functools.partial(func, **kwargs)\n\n if vectorize:\n if signature.all_core_dims:\n func = np.vectorize(\n func, otypes=output_dtypes, signature=signature.to_gufunc_string()\n )\n else:\n func = np.vectorize(func, otypes=output_dtypes)\n\n variables_vfunc = functools.partial(\n apply_variable_ufunc,\n func,\n signature=signature,\n exclude_dims=exclude_dims,\n keep_attrs=keep_attrs,\n dask=dask,\n output_dtypes=output_dtypes,\n output_sizes=output_sizes,\n )\n\n if any(isinstance(a, GroupBy) for a in args):\n this_apply = functools.partial(\n apply_ufunc,\n func,\n input_core_dims=input_core_dims,\n output_core_dims=output_core_dims,\n exclude_dims=exclude_dims,\n join=join,\n dataset_join=dataset_join,\n dataset_fill_value=dataset_fill_value,\n keep_attrs=keep_attrs,\n dask=dask,\n )\n return apply_groupby_func(this_apply, *args)\n elif any(is_dict_like(a) for a in args):\n return apply_dataset_vfunc(\n variables_vfunc,\n *args,\n signature=signature,\n join=join,\n exclude_dims=exclude_dims,\n dataset_join=dataset_join,\n fill_value=dataset_fill_value,\n keep_attrs=keep_attrs\n )\n elif any(isinstance(a, DataArray) for a in args):\n return apply_dataarray_vfunc(\n variables_vfunc,\n *args,\n signature=signature,\n join=join,\n exclude_dims=exclude_dims,\n keep_attrs=keep_attrs\n )\n elif any(isinstance(a, Variable) for a in args):\n return variables_vfunc(*args)\n else:\n return apply_array_ufunc(func, *args, dask=dask)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_dot_dot.all_dims._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_dot_dot.all_dims._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1052, "end_line": 1139, "span_ids": ["dot"], "tokens": 768}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def dot(*arrays, dims=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Generalized dot product for xarray objects. Like np.einsum, but\n provides a simpler interface based on array dimensions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n arrays: DataArray (or Variable) objects\n Arrays to compute.\n dims: str or tuple of strings, optional\n Which dimensions to sum over.\n If not speciified, then all the common dimensions are summed over.\n **kwargs: dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed to numpy.einsum or\n dask.array.einsum\n\n Returns\n -------\n dot: DataArray\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import xarray as xp\n >>> da_a = xr.DataArray(np.arange(3 * 2).reshape(3, 2), dims=['a', 'b'])\n >>> da_b = xr.DataArray(np.arange(3 * 2 * 2).reshape(3, 2, 2),\n ... dims=['a', 'b', 'c'])\n >>> da_c = xr.DataArray(np.arange(2 * 3).reshape(2, 3), dims=['c', 'd'])\n\n >>> da_a\n \n array([[0, 1],\n [2, 3],\n [4, 5]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: a, b\n\n >>> da_b\n \n array([[[ 0, 1],\n [ 2, 3]],\n [[ 4, 5],\n [ 6, 7]],\n [[ 8, 9],\n [10, 11]]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: a, b, c\n\n >>> da_c\n \n array([[0, 1, 2],\n [3, 4, 5]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: c, d\n\n >>> xr.dot(da_a, da_b, dims=['a', 'b'])\n \n array([110, 125])\n Dimensions without coordinates: c\n\n >>> xr.dot(da_a, da_b, dims=['a'])\n \n array([[40, 46],\n [70, 79]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: b, c\n\n >>> xr.dot(da_a, da_b, da_c, dims=['b', 'c'])\n \n array([[ 9, 14, 19],\n [ 93, 150, 207],\n [273, 446, 619]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: a, d\n\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .variable import Variable\n\n if any(not isinstance(arr, (Variable, DataArray)) for arr in arrays):\n raise TypeError(\n \"Only xr.DataArray and xr.Variable are supported.\"\n \"Given {}.\".format([type(arr) for arr in arrays])\n )\n\n if len(arrays) == 0:\n raise TypeError(\"At least one array should be given.\")\n\n if isinstance(dims, str):\n dims = (dims,)\n\n common_dims = set.intersection(*[set(arr.dims) for arr in arrays])\n all_dims = []\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_dot.for_arr_in_arrays__dot.return.result_transpose_d_for_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_dot.for_arr_in_arrays__dot.return.result_transpose_d_for_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1140, "end_line": 1180, "span_ids": ["dot"], "tokens": 436}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def dot(*arrays, dims=None, **kwargs):\n # ... other code\n for arr in arrays:\n all_dims += [d for d in arr.dims if d not in all_dims]\n\n einsum_axes = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n dim_map = {d: einsum_axes[i] for i, d in enumerate(all_dims)}\n\n if dims is None:\n # find dimensions that occur more than one times\n dim_counts = Counter()\n for arr in arrays:\n dim_counts.update(arr.dims)\n dims = tuple(d for d, c in dim_counts.items() if c > 1)\n\n dims = tuple(dims) # make dims a tuple\n\n # dimensions to be parallelized\n broadcast_dims = tuple(d for d in all_dims if d in common_dims and d not in dims)\n input_core_dims = [\n [d for d in arr.dims if d not in broadcast_dims] for arr in arrays\n ]\n output_core_dims = [tuple(d for d in all_dims if d not in dims + broadcast_dims)]\n\n # construct einsum subscripts, such as '...abc,...ab->...c'\n # Note: input_core_dims are always moved to the last position\n subscripts_list = [\n \"...\" + \"\".join([dim_map[d] for d in ds]) for ds in input_core_dims\n ]\n subscripts = \",\".join(subscripts_list)\n subscripts += \"->...\" + \"\".join([dim_map[d] for d in output_core_dims[0]])\n\n # subscripts should be passed to np.einsum as arg, not as kwargs. We need\n # to construct a partial function for apply_ufunc to work.\n func = functools.partial(duck_array_ops.einsum, subscripts, **kwargs)\n result = apply_ufunc(\n func,\n *arrays,\n input_core_dims=input_core_dims,\n output_core_dims=output_core_dims,\n dask=\"allowed\"\n )\n return result.transpose(*[d for d in all_dims if d in result.dims])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_where_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/computation.py_where_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/computation.py", "file_name": "computation.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1183, "end_line": 1266, "span_ids": ["where"], "tokens": 883}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def where(cond, x, y):\n \"\"\"Return elements from `x` or `y` depending on `cond`.\n\n Performs xarray-like broadcasting across input arguments.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n cond : scalar, array, Variable, DataArray or Dataset with boolean dtype\n When True, return values from `x`, otherwise returns values from `y`.\n x, y : scalar, array, Variable, DataArray or Dataset\n Values from which to choose. All dimension coordinates on these objects\n must be aligned with each other and with `cond`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n In priority order: Dataset, DataArray, Variable or array, whichever\n type appears as an input argument.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> x = xr.DataArray(0.1 * np.arange(10), dims=['lat'],\n ... coords={'lat': np.arange(10)}, name='sst')\n >>> x\n \n array([0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n\n >>> xr.where(x < 0.5, x, 100*x)\n \n array([ 0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 50. , 60. , 70. , 80. , 90. ])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n\n >>> >>> y = xr.DataArray(\n ... 0.1 * np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3),\n ... dims=[\"lat\", \"lon\"],\n ... coords={\"lat\": np.arange(3), \"lon\": 10 + np.arange(3)},\n ... name=\"sst\",\n ... )\n >>> y\n \n array([[0. , 0.1, 0.2],\n [0.3, 0.4, 0.5],\n [0.6, 0.7, 0.8]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 0 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 10 11 12\n\n >>> xr.where(y.lat < 1, y, -1)\n \n array([[ 0. , 0.1, 0.2],\n [-1. , -1. , -1. ],\n [-1. , -1. , -1. ]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 0 1 2\n * lon (lon) int64 10 11 12\n\n >>> cond = xr.DataArray([True, False], dims=['x'])\n >>> x = xr.DataArray([1, 2], dims=['y'])\n >>> xr.where(cond, x, 0)\n \n array([[1, 2],\n [0, 0]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: x, y\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.where : corresponding numpy function\n Dataset.where, DataArray.where : equivalent methods\n \"\"\"\n # alignment for three arguments is complicated, so don't support it yet\n return apply_ufunc(\n duck_array_ops.where,\n cond,\n x,\n y,\n join=\"exact\",\n dataset_join=\"exact\",\n dask=\"allowed\",\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py_pd_concat._Concatenate_xarray_obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py_pd_concat._Concatenate_xarray_obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 104, "span_ids": ["impl", "concat", "imports"], "tokens": 1001}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import dtypes, utils\nfrom .alignment import align\nfrom .merge import _VALID_COMPAT, unique_variable\nfrom .variable import IndexVariable, Variable, as_variable\nfrom .variable import concat as concat_vars\n\n\ndef concat(\n objs,\n dim,\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n compat=\"equals\",\n positions=None,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n \"\"\"Concatenate xarray objects along a new or existing dimension.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n objs : sequence of Dataset and DataArray objects\n xarray objects to concatenate together. Each object is expected to\n consist of variables and coordinates with matching shapes except for\n along the concatenated dimension.\n dim : str or DataArray or pandas.Index\n Name of the dimension to concatenate along. This can either be a new\n dimension name, in which case it is added along axis=0, or an existing\n dimension name, in which case the location of the dimension is\n unchanged. If dimension is provided as a DataArray or Index, its name\n is used as the dimension to concatenate along and the values are added\n as a coordinate.\n data_vars : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n These data variables will be concatenated together:\n * 'minimal': Only data variables in which the dimension already\n appears are included.\n * 'different': Data variables which are not equal (ignoring\n attributes) across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as\n all for which dimension already appears). Beware: this option may\n load the data payload of data variables into memory if they are not\n already loaded.\n * 'all': All data variables will be concatenated.\n * list of str: The listed data variables will be concatenated, in\n addition to the 'minimal' data variables.\n If objects are DataArrays, data_vars must be 'all'.\n coords : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional\n These coordinate variables will be concatenated together:\n * 'minimal': Only coordinates in which the dimension already appears\n are included.\n * 'different': Coordinates which are not equal (ignoring attributes)\n across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as all for which\n dimension already appears). Beware: this option may load the data\n payload of coordinate variables into memory if they are not already\n loaded.\n * 'all': All coordinate variables will be concatenated, except\n those corresponding to other dimensions.\n * list of str: The listed coordinate variables will be concatenated,\n in addition to the 'minimal' coordinates.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals', 'no_conflicts', 'override'}, optional\n String indicating how to compare non-concatenated variables of the same name for\n potential conflicts. This is passed down to merge.\n\n - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are\n broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions.\n - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same.\n - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the\n same.\n - 'no_conflicts': only values which are not null in both datasets\n must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination\n of all non-null values.\n - 'override': skip comparing and pick variable from first dataset\n positions : None or list of integer arrays, optional\n List of integer arrays which specifies the integer positions to which\n to assign each dataset along the concatenated dimension. If not\n supplied, objects are concatenated in the provided order.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional\n String indicating how to combine differing indexes\n (excluding dim) in objects\n\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': instead of aligning, raise `ValueError` when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n - 'override': if indexes are of same size, rewrite indexes to be\n those of the first object with that dimension. Indexes for the same\n dimension must have the same size in all objects.\n\n indexers, mode, concat_over : deprecated\n\n Returns\n -------\n concatenated : type of objs\n\n See also\n --------\n merge\n auto_combine\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py_concat._TODO_add_ignore_index__concat.return.f_objs_dim_data_vars_c": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py_concat._TODO_add_ignore_index__concat.return.f_objs_dim_data_vars_c", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 105, "end_line": 131, "span_ids": ["concat"], "tokens": 262}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def concat(\n objs,\n dim,\n data_vars=\"all\",\n coords=\"different\",\n compat=\"equals\",\n positions=None,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n # TODO: add ignore_index arguments copied from pandas.concat\n # TODO: support concatenating scalar coordinates even if the concatenated\n # dimension already exists\n from .dataset import Dataset\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n try:\n first_obj, objs = utils.peek_at(objs)\n except StopIteration:\n raise ValueError(\"must supply at least one object to concatenate\")\n\n if compat not in _VALID_COMPAT:\n raise ValueError(\n \"compat=%r invalid: must be 'broadcast_equals', 'equals', 'identical', 'no_conflicts' or 'override'\"\n % compat\n )\n\n if isinstance(first_obj, DataArray):\n f = _dataarray_concat\n elif isinstance(first_obj, Dataset):\n f = _dataset_concat\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"can only concatenate xarray Dataset and DataArray \"\n \"objects, got %s\" % type(first_obj)\n )\n return f(objs, dim, data_vars, coords, compat, positions, fill_value, join)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__calc_concat_dim_coord__calc_concat_dim_coord.return.dim_coord": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__calc_concat_dim_coord__calc_concat_dim_coord.return.dim_coord", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 134, "end_line": 155, "span_ids": ["_calc_concat_dim_coord"], "tokens": 161}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _calc_concat_dim_coord(dim):\n \"\"\"\n Infer the dimension name and 1d coordinate variable (if appropriate)\n for concatenating along the new dimension.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n if isinstance(dim, str):\n coord = None\n elif not isinstance(dim, (DataArray, Variable)):\n dim_name = getattr(dim, \"name\", None)\n if dim_name is None:\n dim_name = \"concat_dim\"\n coord = IndexVariable(dim_name, dim)\n dim = dim_name\n elif not isinstance(dim, DataArray):\n coord = as_variable(dim).to_index_variable()\n dim, = coord.dims\n else:\n coord = dim\n dim, = coord.dims\n return dim, coord", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__calc_concat_over__calc_concat_over.for_ds_in_datasets_.concat_dim_lengths_append": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__calc_concat_over__calc_concat_over.for_ds_in_datasets_.concat_dim_lengths_append", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 158, "end_line": 179, "span_ids": ["_calc_concat_over"], "tokens": 166}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _calc_concat_over(datasets, dim, dim_names, data_vars, coords, compat):\n \"\"\"\n Determine which dataset variables need to be concatenated in the result,\n \"\"\"\n # Return values\n concat_over = set()\n equals = {}\n\n if dim in dim_names:\n concat_over_existing_dim = True\n concat_over.add(dim)\n else:\n concat_over_existing_dim = False\n\n concat_dim_lengths = []\n for ds in datasets:\n if concat_over_existing_dim:\n if dim not in ds.dims:\n if dim in ds:\n ds = ds.set_coords(dim)\n concat_over.update(k for k, v in ds.variables.items() if dim in v.dims)\n concat_dim_lengths.append(ds.dims.get(dim, 1))\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__calc_concat_over.process_subset_opt__calc_concat_over.return.concat_over_equals_conc": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__calc_concat_over.process_subset_opt__calc_concat_over.return.concat_over_equals_conc", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 181, "end_line": 238, "span_ids": ["_calc_concat_over"], "tokens": 507}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _calc_concat_over(datasets, dim, dim_names, data_vars, coords, compat):\n # ... other code\n\n def process_subset_opt(opt, subset):\n if isinstance(opt, str):\n if opt == \"different\":\n if compat == \"override\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"Cannot specify both %s='different' and compat='override'.\"\n % subset\n )\n # all nonindexes that are not the same in each dataset\n for k in getattr(datasets[0], subset):\n if k not in concat_over:\n # Compare the variable of all datasets vs. the one\n # of the first dataset. Perform the minimum amount of\n # loads in order to avoid multiple loads from disk\n # while keeping the RAM footprint low.\n v_lhs = datasets[0].variables[k].load()\n # We'll need to know later on if variables are equal.\n computed = []\n for ds_rhs in datasets[1:]:\n v_rhs = ds_rhs.variables[k].compute()\n computed.append(v_rhs)\n if not getattr(v_lhs, compat)(v_rhs):\n concat_over.add(k)\n equals[k] = False\n # computed variables are not to be re-computed\n # again in the future\n for ds, v in zip(datasets[1:], computed):\n ds.variables[k].data = v.data\n break\n else:\n equals[k] = True\n\n elif opt == \"all\":\n concat_over.update(\n set(getattr(datasets[0], subset)) - set(datasets[0].dims)\n )\n elif opt == \"minimal\":\n pass\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"unexpected value for %s: %s\" % (subset, opt))\n else:\n invalid_vars = [k for k in opt if k not in getattr(datasets[0], subset)]\n if invalid_vars:\n if subset == \"coords\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"some variables in coords are not coordinates on \"\n \"the first dataset: %s\" % (invalid_vars,)\n )\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"some variables in data_vars are not data variables \"\n \"on the first dataset: %s\" % (invalid_vars,)\n )\n concat_over.update(opt)\n\n process_subset_opt(data_vars, \"data_vars\")\n process_subset_opt(coords, \"coords\")\n return concat_over, equals, concat_dim_lengths", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__determine_dimensional_c__parse_datasets.return.dim_coords_dims_sizes_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__determine_dimensional_c__parse_datasets.return.dim_coords_dims_sizes_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 241, "end_line": 260, "span_ids": ["_parse_datasets", "_calc_concat_over"], "tokens": 159}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# determine dimensional coordinate names and a dict mapping name to DataArray\ndef _parse_datasets(datasets):\n\n dims = set()\n all_coord_names = set()\n data_vars = set() # list of data_vars\n dim_coords = {} # maps dim name to variable\n dims_sizes = {} # shared dimension sizes to expand variables\n\n for ds in datasets:\n dims_sizes.update(ds.dims)\n all_coord_names.update(ds.coords)\n data_vars.update(ds.data_vars)\n\n for dim in set(ds.dims) - dims:\n if dim not in dim_coords:\n dim_coords[dim] = ds.coords[dim].variable\n dims = dims | set(ds.dims)\n\n return dim_coords, dims_sizes, all_coord_names, data_vars", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__dataset_concat__dataset_concat._shared_dimension_sizes_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__dataset_concat__dataset_concat._shared_dimension_sizes_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 263, "end_line": 343, "span_ids": ["_dataset_concat"], "tokens": 636}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dataset_concat(\n datasets,\n dim,\n data_vars,\n coords,\n compat,\n positions,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n \"\"\"\n Concatenate a sequence of datasets along a new or existing dimension\n \"\"\"\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n dim, coord = _calc_concat_dim_coord(dim)\n # Make sure we're working on a copy (we'll be loading variables)\n datasets = [ds.copy() for ds in datasets]\n datasets = align(\n *datasets, join=join, copy=False, exclude=[dim], fill_value=fill_value\n )\n\n dim_coords, dims_sizes, coord_names, data_names = _parse_datasets(datasets)\n dim_names = set(dim_coords)\n unlabeled_dims = dim_names - coord_names\n\n both_data_and_coords = coord_names & data_names\n if both_data_and_coords:\n raise ValueError(\n \"%r is a coordinate in some datasets but not others.\" % both_data_and_coords\n )\n # we don't want the concat dimension in the result dataset yet\n dim_coords.pop(dim, None)\n dims_sizes.pop(dim, None)\n\n # case where concat dimension is a coordinate or data_var but not a dimension\n if (dim in coord_names or dim in data_names) and dim not in dim_names:\n datasets = [ds.expand_dims(dim) for ds in datasets]\n\n # determine which variables to concatentate\n concat_over, equals, concat_dim_lengths = _calc_concat_over(\n datasets, dim, dim_names, data_vars, coords, compat\n )\n\n # determine which variables to merge, and then merge them according to compat\n variables_to_merge = (coord_names | data_names) - concat_over - dim_names\n\n result_vars = {}\n if variables_to_merge:\n to_merge = {var: [] for var in variables_to_merge}\n\n for ds in datasets:\n absent_merge_vars = variables_to_merge - set(ds.variables)\n if absent_merge_vars:\n raise ValueError(\n \"variables %r are present in some datasets but not others. \"\n % absent_merge_vars\n )\n\n for var in variables_to_merge:\n to_merge[var].append(ds.variables[var])\n\n for var in variables_to_merge:\n result_vars[var] = unique_variable(\n var, to_merge[var], compat=compat, equals=equals.get(var, None)\n )\n else:\n result_vars = {}\n result_vars.update(dim_coords)\n\n # assign attrs and encoding from first dataset\n result_attrs = datasets[0].attrs\n result_encoding = datasets[0].encoding\n\n # check that global attributes are fixed across all datasets if necessary\n for ds in datasets[1:]:\n if compat == \"identical\" and not utils.dict_equiv(ds.attrs, result_attrs):\n raise ValueError(\"Dataset global attributes not equal.\")\n\n # we've already verified everything is consistent; now, calculate\n # shared dimension sizes so we can expand the necessary variables\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__dataset_concat.ensure_common_dims__dataset_concat.ensure_common_dims.for_var_dim_len_in_zip_v.yield_var": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__dataset_concat.ensure_common_dims__dataset_concat.ensure_common_dims.for_var_dim_len_in_zip_v.yield_var", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 344, "end_line": 355, "span_ids": ["_dataset_concat"], "tokens": 188}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dataset_concat(\n datasets,\n dim,\n data_vars,\n coords,\n compat,\n positions,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n # ... other code\n def ensure_common_dims(vars):\n # ensure each variable with the given name shares the same\n # dimensions and the same shape for all of them except along the\n # concat dimension\n common_dims = tuple(pd.unique([d for v in vars for d in v.dims]))\n if dim not in common_dims:\n common_dims = (dim,) + common_dims\n for var, dim_len in zip(vars, concat_dim_lengths):\n if var.dims != common_dims:\n common_shape = tuple(dims_sizes.get(d, dim_len) for d in common_dims)\n var = var.set_dims(common_dims, common_shape)\n yield var\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__dataset_concat._stack_up_each_variable___dataset_concat.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__dataset_concat._stack_up_each_variable___dataset_concat.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 357, "end_line": 385, "span_ids": ["_dataset_concat"], "tokens": 271}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dataset_concat(\n datasets,\n dim,\n data_vars,\n coords,\n compat,\n positions,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n\n # stack up each variable to fill-out the dataset (in order)\n # n.b. this loop preserves variable order, needed for groupby.\n for k in datasets[0].variables:\n if k in concat_over:\n try:\n vars = ensure_common_dims([ds.variables[k] for ds in datasets])\n except KeyError:\n raise ValueError(\"%r is not present in all datasets.\" % k)\n combined = concat_vars(vars, dim, positions)\n assert isinstance(combined, Variable)\n result_vars[k] = combined\n\n result = Dataset(result_vars, attrs=result_attrs)\n absent_coord_names = coord_names - set(result.variables)\n if absent_coord_names:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Variables %r are coordinates in some datasets but not others.\"\n % absent_coord_names\n )\n result = result.set_coords(coord_names)\n result.encoding = result_encoding\n\n result = result.drop(unlabeled_dims, errors=\"ignore\")\n\n if coord is not None:\n # add concat dimension last to ensure that its in the final Dataset\n result[coord.name] = coord\n\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__dataarray_concat_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/concat.py__dataarray_concat_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/concat.py", "file_name": "concat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 388, "end_line": 427, "span_ids": ["_dataarray_concat"], "tokens": 200}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dataarray_concat(\n arrays,\n dim,\n data_vars,\n coords,\n compat,\n positions,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n join=\"outer\",\n):\n arrays = list(arrays)\n\n if data_vars != \"all\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"data_vars is not a valid argument when concatenating DataArray objects\"\n )\n\n datasets = []\n for n, arr in enumerate(arrays):\n if n == 0:\n name = arr.name\n elif name != arr.name:\n if compat == \"identical\":\n raise ValueError(\"array names not identical\")\n else:\n arr = arr.rename(name)\n datasets.append(arr._to_temp_dataset())\n\n ds = _dataset_concat(\n datasets,\n dim,\n data_vars,\n coords,\n compat,\n positions,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n join=join,\n )\n return arrays[0]._from_temp_dataset(ds, name)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_from_contextlib_import_co__THIS_ARRAY.ReprObject_this_array_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_from_contextlib_import_co__THIS_ARRAY.ReprObject_this_array_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 30, "span_ids": ["imports:9", "impl", "imports", "impl:2"], "tokens": 154}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "from contextlib import contextmanager\nfrom typing import (\n TYPE_CHECKING,\n Any,\n Dict,\n Hashable,\n Iterator,\n Mapping,\n Sequence,\n Set,\n Tuple,\n Union,\n cast,\n)\n\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import formatting, indexing\nfrom .indexes import Indexes\nfrom .merge import merge_coordinates_without_align, merge_coords\nfrom .utils import Frozen, ReprObject, either_dict_or_kwargs\nfrom .variable import Variable\n\nif TYPE_CHECKING:\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n# Used as the key corresponding to a DataArray's variable when converting\n# arbitrary DataArray objects to datasets\n_THIS_ARRAY = ReprObject(\"\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates_Coordinates.to_dataset.raise_NotImplementedError": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates_Coordinates.to_dataset.raise_NotImplementedError", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 33, "end_line": 77, "span_ids": ["Coordinates._names", "Coordinates.dims", "Coordinates.__repr__", "Coordinates.to_dataset", "Coordinates._update_coords", "Coordinates.__contains__", "Coordinates.__getitem__", "Coordinates.indexes", "Coordinates.__setitem__", "Coordinates", "Coordinates.__len__", "Coordinates.variables", "Coordinates.__iter__"], "tokens": 289}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Coordinates(Mapping[Hashable, \"DataArray\"]):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> \"DataArray\":\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value: Any) -> None:\n self.update({key: value})\n\n @property\n def _names(self) -> Set[Hashable]:\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n @property\n def dims(self) -> Union[Mapping[Hashable, int], Tuple[Hashable, ...]]:\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n @property\n def indexes(self) -> Indexes:\n return self._data.indexes # type: ignore\n\n @property\n def variables(self):\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def _update_coords(self, coords, indexes):\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[\"Hashable\"]:\n # needs to be in the same order as the dataset variables\n for k in self.variables:\n if k in self._names:\n yield k\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self._names)\n\n def __contains__(self, key: Hashable) -> bool:\n return key in self._names\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return formatting.coords_repr(self)\n\n def to_dataset(self) -> \"Dataset\":\n raise NotImplementedError()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates.to_index_Coordinates.to_index.if_len_ordered_dims_0.else_.return.pd_MultiIndex_from_produc": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates.to_index_Coordinates.to_index.if_len_ordered_dims_0.else_.return.pd_MultiIndex_from_produc", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 79, "end_line": 111, "span_ids": ["Coordinates.to_index"], "tokens": 301}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Coordinates(Mapping[Hashable, \"DataArray\"]):\n\n def to_index(self, ordered_dims: Sequence[Hashable] = None) -> pd.Index:\n \"\"\"Convert all index coordinates into a :py:class:`pandas.Index`.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n ordered_dims : sequence of hashable, optional\n Possibly reordered version of this object's dimensions indicating\n the order in which dimensions should appear on the result.\n\n Returns\n -------\n pandas.Index\n Index subclass corresponding to the outer-product of all dimension\n coordinates. This will be a MultiIndex if this object is has more\n than more dimension.\n \"\"\"\n if ordered_dims is None:\n ordered_dims = list(self.dims)\n elif set(ordered_dims) != set(self.dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"ordered_dims must match dims, but does not: \"\n \"{} vs {}\".format(ordered_dims, self.dims)\n )\n\n if len(ordered_dims) == 0:\n raise ValueError(\"no valid index for a 0-dimensional object\")\n elif len(ordered_dims) == 1:\n (dim,) = ordered_dims\n return self._data.get_index(dim) # type: ignore\n else:\n indexes = [self._data.get_index(k) for k in ordered_dims] # type: ignore\n names = list(ordered_dims)\n return pd.MultiIndex.from_product(indexes, names=names)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates.update_Coordinates._merge_raw.return.variables_indexes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates.update_Coordinates._merge_raw.return.variables_indexes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 113, "end_line": 127, "span_ids": ["Coordinates._merge_raw", "Coordinates.update"], "tokens": 139}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Coordinates(Mapping[Hashable, \"DataArray\"]):\n\n def update(self, other: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> None:\n other_vars = getattr(other, \"variables\", other)\n coords, indexes = merge_coords(\n [self.variables, other_vars], priority_arg=1, indexes=self.indexes\n )\n self._update_coords(coords, indexes)\n\n def _merge_raw(self, other):\n \"\"\"For use with binary arithmetic.\"\"\"\n if other is None:\n variables = dict(self.variables)\n indexes = dict(self.indexes)\n else:\n variables, indexes = merge_coordinates_without_align([self, other])\n return variables, indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates._merge_inplace_Coordinates._merge_inplace.if_other_is_None_.else_.self__update_coords_varia": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates._merge_inplace_Coordinates._merge_inplace.if_other_is_None_.else_.self__update_coords_varia", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 129, "end_line": 144, "span_ids": ["Coordinates._merge_inplace"], "tokens": 143}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Coordinates(Mapping[Hashable, \"DataArray\"]):\n\n @contextmanager\n def _merge_inplace(self, other):\n \"\"\"For use with in-place binary arithmetic.\"\"\"\n if other is None:\n yield\n else:\n # don't include indexes in prioritized, because we didn't align\n # first and we want indexes to be checked\n prioritized = {\n k: (v, None) for k, v in self.variables.items() if k not in self.indexes\n }\n variables, indexes = merge_coordinates_without_align(\n [self, other], prioritized\n )\n yield\n self._update_coords(variables, indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates.merge_Coordinates.merge.return.merged": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_Coordinates.merge_Coordinates.merge.return.merged", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 146, "end_line": 181, "span_ids": ["Coordinates.merge"], "tokens": 262}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Coordinates(Mapping[Hashable, \"DataArray\"]):\n\n def merge(self, other: \"Coordinates\") -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Merge two sets of coordinates to create a new Dataset\n\n The method implements the logic used for joining coordinates in the\n result of a binary operation performed on xarray objects:\n\n - If two index coordinates conflict (are not equal), an exception is\n raised. You must align your data before passing it to this method.\n - If an index coordinate and a non-index coordinate conflict, the non-\n index coordinate is dropped.\n - If two non-index coordinates conflict, both are dropped.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : DatasetCoordinates or DataArrayCoordinates\n The coordinates from another dataset or data array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n merged : Dataset\n A new Dataset with merged coordinates.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n if other is None:\n return self.to_dataset()\n\n if not isinstance(other, Coordinates):\n other = Dataset(coords=other).coords\n\n coords, indexes = merge_coordinates_without_align([self, other])\n coord_names = set(coords)\n merged = Dataset._construct_direct(\n variables=coords, coord_names=coord_names, indexes=indexes\n )\n return merged", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DatasetCoordinates_DatasetCoordinates.to_dataset.return.self__data__copy_listed_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DatasetCoordinates_DatasetCoordinates.to_dataset.return.self__data__copy_listed_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 184, "end_line": 219, "span_ids": ["DatasetCoordinates.dims", "DatasetCoordinates.__getitem__", "DatasetCoordinates", "DatasetCoordinates._names", "DatasetCoordinates.to_dataset", "DatasetCoordinates.variables"], "tokens": 252}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetCoordinates(Coordinates):\n \"\"\"Dictionary like container for Dataset coordinates.\n\n Essentially an immutable dictionary with keys given by the array's\n dimensions and the values given by the corresponding xarray.Coordinate\n objects.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_data\",)\n\n def __init__(self, dataset: \"Dataset\"):\n self._data = dataset\n\n @property\n def _names(self) -> Set[Hashable]:\n return self._data._coord_names\n\n @property\n def dims(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, int]:\n return self._data.dims\n\n @property\n def variables(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, Variable]:\n return Frozen(\n {k: v for k, v in self._data.variables.items() if k in self._names}\n )\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> \"DataArray\":\n if key in self._data.data_vars:\n raise KeyError(key)\n return cast(\"DataArray\", self._data[key])\n\n def to_dataset(self) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Convert these coordinates into a new Dataset\n \"\"\"\n return self._data._copy_listed(self._names)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DatasetCoordinates._update_coords_DatasetCoordinates._ipython_key_completions_.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DatasetCoordinates._update_coords_DatasetCoordinates._ipython_key_completions_.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 221, "end_line": 258, "span_ids": ["DatasetCoordinates._ipython_key_completions_", "DatasetCoordinates._update_coords", "DatasetCoordinates.__delitem__"], "tokens": 298}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetCoordinates(Coordinates):\n\n def _update_coords(\n self, coords: Dict[Hashable, Variable], indexes: Mapping[Hashable, pd.Index]\n ) -> None:\n from .dataset import calculate_dimensions\n\n variables = self._data._variables.copy()\n variables.update(coords)\n\n # check for inconsistent state *before* modifying anything in-place\n dims = calculate_dimensions(variables)\n new_coord_names = set(coords)\n for dim, size in dims.items():\n if dim in variables:\n new_coord_names.add(dim)\n\n self._data._variables = variables\n self._data._coord_names.update(new_coord_names)\n self._data._dims = dims\n\n # TODO(shoyer): once ._indexes is always populated by a dict, modify\n # it to update inplace instead.\n original_indexes = dict(self._data.indexes)\n original_indexes.update(indexes)\n self._data._indexes = original_indexes\n\n def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> None:\n if key in self:\n del self._data[key]\n else:\n raise KeyError(key)\n\n def _ipython_key_completions_(self):\n \"\"\"Provide method for the key-autocompletions in IPython. \"\"\"\n return [\n key\n for key in self._data._ipython_key_completions_()\n if key not in self._data.data_vars\n ]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DataArrayCoordinates_DataArrayCoordinates.__getitem__.return.self__data__getitem_coord": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DataArrayCoordinates_DataArrayCoordinates.__getitem__.return.self__data__getitem_coord", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 261, "end_line": 282, "span_ids": ["DataArrayCoordinates._names", "DataArrayCoordinates.__getitem__", "DataArrayCoordinates", "DataArrayCoordinates.dims"], "tokens": 153}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayCoordinates(Coordinates):\n \"\"\"Dictionary like container for DataArray coordinates.\n\n Essentially a dict with keys given by the array's\n dimensions and the values given by corresponding DataArray objects.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_data\",)\n\n def __init__(self, dataarray: \"DataArray\"):\n self._data = dataarray\n\n @property\n def dims(self) -> Tuple[Hashable, ...]:\n return self._data.dims\n\n @property\n def _names(self) -> Set[Hashable]:\n return set(self._data._coords)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> \"DataArray\":\n return self._data._getitem_coord(key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DataArrayCoordinates._update_coords_DataArrayCoordinates._update_coords.self._data._indexes.original_indexes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DataArrayCoordinates._update_coords_DataArrayCoordinates._update_coords.self._data._indexes.original_indexes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 284, "end_line": 302, "span_ids": ["DataArrayCoordinates._update_coords"], "tokens": 176}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayCoordinates(Coordinates):\n\n def _update_coords(\n self, coords: Dict[Hashable, Variable], indexes: Mapping[Hashable, pd.Index]\n ) -> None:\n from .dataset import calculate_dimensions\n\n coords_plus_data = coords.copy()\n coords_plus_data[_THIS_ARRAY] = self._data.variable\n dims = calculate_dimensions(coords_plus_data)\n if not set(dims) <= set(self.dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot add coordinates with new dimensions to \" \"a DataArray\"\n )\n self._data._coords = coords\n\n # TODO(shoyer): once ._indexes is always populated by a dict, modify\n # it to update inplace instead.\n original_indexes = dict(self._data.indexes)\n original_indexes.update(indexes)\n self._data._indexes = original_indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DataArrayCoordinates.variables_DataArrayCoordinates._ipython_key_completions_.return.self__data__ipython_key_c": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_DataArrayCoordinates.variables_DataArrayCoordinates._ipython_key_completions_.return.self__data__ipython_key_c", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 304, "end_line": 319, "span_ids": ["DataArrayCoordinates._ipython_key_completions_", "DataArrayCoordinates.to_dataset", "DataArrayCoordinates.variables", "DataArrayCoordinates.__delitem__"], "tokens": 148}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayCoordinates(Coordinates):\n\n @property\n def variables(self):\n return Frozen(self._data._coords)\n\n def to_dataset(self) -> \"Dataset\":\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n coords = {k: v.copy(deep=False) for k, v in self._data._coords.items()}\n return Dataset._from_vars_and_coord_names(coords, set(coords))\n\n def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> None:\n del self._data._coords[key]\n\n def _ipython_key_completions_(self):\n \"\"\"Provide method for the key-autocompletions in IPython. \"\"\"\n return self._data._ipython_key_completions_()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_LevelCoordinatesSource_LevelCoordinatesSource.__len__.return.len_self__data__level_coo": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_LevelCoordinatesSource_LevelCoordinatesSource.__len__.return.len_self__data__level_coo", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 322, "end_line": 342, "span_ids": ["LevelCoordinatesSource.__iter__", "LevelCoordinatesSource.__getitem__", "LevelCoordinatesSource.__len__", "LevelCoordinatesSource"], "tokens": 151}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class LevelCoordinatesSource(Mapping[Hashable, Any]):\n \"\"\"Iterator for MultiIndex level coordinates.\n\n Used for attribute style lookup with AttrAccessMixin. Not returned directly\n by any public methods.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_data\",)\n\n def __init__(self, data_object: \"Union[DataArray, Dataset]\"):\n self._data = data_object\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n # not necessary -- everything here can already be found in coords.\n raise KeyError()\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Hashable]:\n return iter(self._data._level_coords)\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self._data._level_coords)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_assert_coordinate_consistent_assert_coordinate_consistent.for_k_in_obj_dims_.if_k_in_coords_and_k_in_o.if_not_coords_k_equals_o.raise_IndexError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_assert_coordinate_consistent_assert_coordinate_consistent.for_k_in_obj_dims_.if_k_in_coords_and_k_in_o.if_not_coords_k_equals_o.raise_IndexError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 345, "end_line": 362, "span_ids": ["assert_coordinate_consistent"], "tokens": 148}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def assert_coordinate_consistent(\n obj: Union[\"DataArray\", \"Dataset\"], coords: Mapping[Hashable, Variable]\n) -> None:\n \"\"\"Make sure the dimension coordinate of obj is consistent with coords.\n\n obj: DataArray or Dataset\n coords: Dict-like of variables\n \"\"\"\n for k in obj.dims:\n # make sure there are no conflict in dimension coordinates\n if k in coords and k in obj.coords:\n if not coords[k].equals(obj[k].variable):\n raise IndexError(\n \"dimension coordinate {!r} conflicts between \"\n \"indexed and indexing objects:\\n{}\\nvs.\\n{}\".format(\n k, obj[k], coords[k]\n )\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_remap_label_indexers_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/coordinates.py_remap_label_indexers_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/coordinates.py", "file_name": "coordinates.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 365, "end_line": 404, "span_ids": ["remap_label_indexers"], "tokens": 371}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def remap_label_indexers(\n obj: Union[\"DataArray\", \"Dataset\"],\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = None,\n tolerance=None,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any\n) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: # TODO more precise return type after annotations in indexing\n \"\"\"Remap indexers from obj.coords.\n If indexer is an instance of DataArray and it has coordinate, then this coordinate\n will be attached to pos_indexers.\n\n Returns\n -------\n pos_indexers: Same type of indexers.\n np.ndarray or Variable or DataArray\n new_indexes: mapping of new dimensional-coordinate.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"remap_label_indexers\")\n\n v_indexers = {\n k: v.variable.data if isinstance(v, DataArray) else v\n for k, v in indexers.items()\n }\n\n pos_indexers, new_indexes = indexing.remap_label_indexers(\n obj, v_indexers, method=method, tolerance=tolerance\n )\n # attach indexer's coordinate to pos_indexers\n for k, v in indexers.items():\n if isinstance(v, Variable):\n pos_indexers[k] = Variable(v.dims, pos_indexers[k])\n elif isinstance(v, DataArray):\n # drop coordinates found in indexers since .sel() already\n # ensures alignments\n coords = {k: var for k, var in v._coords.items() if k not in indexers}\n pos_indexers[k] = DataArray(pos_indexers[k], coords=coords, dims=v.dims)\n return pos_indexers, new_indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dask_array_compat.py_from_distutils_version_im_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dask_array_compat.py_from_distutils_version_im_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dask_array_compat.py", "file_name": "dask_array_compat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 92, "span_ids": ["imports:5", "impl", "if_LooseVersion_dask_vers.else_.meta_from_array:2", "imports", "if_LooseVersion_dask_vers.else_.meta_from_array", "if_LooseVersion_dask_vers.else_.meta_from_array:docstring"], "tokens": 673}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "from distutils.version import LooseVersion\n\nimport dask.array as da\nimport numpy as np\nfrom dask import __version__ as dask_version\n\nif LooseVersion(dask_version) >= LooseVersion(\"2.0.0\"):\n meta_from_array = da.utils.meta_from_array\nelse:\n # Copied from dask v2.4.0\n # Used under the terms of Dask's license, see licenses/DASK_LICENSE.\n import numbers\n\n def meta_from_array(x, ndim=None, dtype=None):\n \"\"\" Normalize an array to appropriate meta object\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n x: array-like, callable\n Either an object that looks sufficiently like a Numpy array,\n or a callable that accepts shape and dtype keywords\n ndim: int\n Number of dimensions of the array\n dtype: Numpy dtype\n A valid input for ``np.dtype``\n\n Returns\n -------\n array-like with zero elements of the correct dtype\n \"\"\"\n # If using x._meta, x must be a Dask Array, some libraries (e.g. zarr)\n # implement a _meta attribute that are incompatible with Dask Array._meta\n if hasattr(x, \"_meta\") and isinstance(x, da.Array):\n x = x._meta\n\n if dtype is None and x is None:\n raise ValueError(\"You must specify the meta or dtype of the array\")\n\n if np.isscalar(x):\n x = np.array(x)\n\n if x is None:\n x = np.ndarray\n\n if isinstance(x, type):\n x = x(shape=(0,) * (ndim or 0), dtype=dtype)\n\n if (\n not hasattr(x, \"shape\")\n or not hasattr(x, \"dtype\")\n or not isinstance(x.shape, tuple)\n ):\n return x\n\n if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple):\n ndims = [\n 0\n if isinstance(a, numbers.Number)\n else a.ndim\n if hasattr(a, \"ndim\")\n else len(a)\n for a in x\n ]\n a = [a if nd == 0 else meta_from_array(a, nd) for a, nd in zip(x, ndims)]\n return a if isinstance(x, list) else tuple(x)\n\n if ndim is None:\n ndim = x.ndim\n\n try:\n meta = x[tuple(slice(0, 0, None) for _ in range(x.ndim))]\n if meta.ndim != ndim:\n if ndim > x.ndim:\n meta = meta[\n (Ellipsis,) + tuple(None for _ in range(ndim - meta.ndim))\n ]\n meta = meta[tuple(slice(0, 0, None) for _ in range(meta.ndim))]\n elif ndim == 0:\n meta = meta.sum()\n else:\n meta = meta.reshape((0,) * ndim)\n except Exception:\n meta = np.empty((0,) * ndim, dtype=dtype or x.dtype)\n\n if np.isscalar(meta):\n meta = np.array(meta)\n\n if dtype and meta.dtype != dtype:\n meta = meta.astype(dtype)\n\n return meta", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py_np_dask_rolling_wrapper.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py_np_dask_rolling_wrapper.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py", "file_name": "dask_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 27, "span_ids": ["dask_rolling_wrapper", "imports"], "tokens": 227}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\nfrom . import dtypes, nputils\n\n\ndef dask_rolling_wrapper(moving_func, a, window, min_count=None, axis=-1):\n \"\"\"Wrapper to apply bottleneck moving window funcs on dask arrays\n \"\"\"\n import dask.array as da\n\n dtype, fill_value = dtypes.maybe_promote(a.dtype)\n a = a.astype(dtype)\n # inputs for overlap\n if axis < 0:\n axis = a.ndim + axis\n depth = {d: 0 for d in range(a.ndim)}\n depth[axis] = (window + 1) // 2\n boundary = {d: fill_value for d in range(a.ndim)}\n # Create overlap array.\n ag = da.overlap.overlap(a, depth=depth, boundary=boundary)\n # apply rolling func\n out = ag.map_blocks(\n moving_func, window, min_count=min_count, axis=axis, dtype=a.dtype\n )\n # trim array\n result = da.overlap.trim_internal(out, depth)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py_rolling_window_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py_rolling_window_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dask_array_ops.py", "file_name": "dask_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 30, "end_line": 98, "span_ids": ["rolling_window"], "tokens": 671}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def rolling_window(a, axis, window, center, fill_value):\n \"\"\"Dask's equivalence to np.utils.rolling_window\n \"\"\"\n import dask.array as da\n\n orig_shape = a.shape\n if axis < 0:\n axis = a.ndim + axis\n depth = {d: 0 for d in range(a.ndim)}\n depth[axis] = int(window / 2)\n # For evenly sized window, we need to crop the first point of each block.\n offset = 1 if window % 2 == 0 else 0\n\n if depth[axis] > min(a.chunks[axis]):\n raise ValueError(\n \"For window size %d, every chunk should be larger than %d, \"\n \"but the smallest chunk size is %d. Rechunk your array\\n\"\n \"with a larger chunk size or a chunk size that\\n\"\n \"more evenly divides the shape of your array.\"\n % (window, depth[axis], min(a.chunks[axis]))\n )\n\n # Although da.overlap pads values to boundaries of the array,\n # the size of the generated array is smaller than what we want\n # if center == False.\n if center:\n start = int(window / 2) # 10 -> 5, 9 -> 4\n end = window - 1 - start\n else:\n start, end = window - 1, 0\n pad_size = max(start, end) + offset - depth[axis]\n drop_size = 0\n # pad_size becomes more than 0 when the overlapped array is smaller than\n # needed. In this case, we need to enlarge the original array by padding\n # before overlapping.\n if pad_size > 0:\n if pad_size < depth[axis]:\n # overlapping requires each chunk larger than depth. If pad_size is\n # smaller than the depth, we enlarge this and truncate it later.\n drop_size = depth[axis] - pad_size\n pad_size = depth[axis]\n shape = list(a.shape)\n shape[axis] = pad_size\n chunks = list(a.chunks)\n chunks[axis] = (pad_size,)\n fill_array = da.full(shape, fill_value, dtype=a.dtype, chunks=chunks)\n a = da.concatenate([fill_array, a], axis=axis)\n\n boundary = {d: fill_value for d in range(a.ndim)}\n\n # create overlap arrays\n ag = da.overlap.overlap(a, depth=depth, boundary=boundary)\n\n # apply rolling func\n def func(x, window, axis=-1):\n x = np.asarray(x)\n rolling = nputils._rolling_window(x, window, axis)\n return rolling[(slice(None),) * axis + (slice(offset, None),)]\n\n chunks = list(a.chunks)\n chunks.append(window)\n out = ag.map_blocks(\n func, dtype=a.dtype, new_axis=a.ndim, chunks=chunks, window=window, axis=axis\n )\n\n # crop boundary.\n index = (slice(None),) * axis + (slice(drop_size, drop_size + orig_shape[axis]),)\n return out[index]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_functools_if_TYPE_CHECKING_.None_2.except_ImportError_.iris_Cube.None": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_functools_if_TYPE_CHECKING_.None_2.except_ImportError_.iris_Cube.None", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 79, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports:22", "imports:20", "imports:21", "impl:9", "imports", "impl:13", "impl:5"], "tokens": 395}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], 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remap_label_indexers,\n)\nfrom .dataset import Dataset, merge_indexes, split_indexes\nfrom .formatting import format_item\nfrom .indexes import Indexes, default_indexes\nfrom .options import OPTIONS\nfrom .utils import ReprObject, _check_inplace, either_dict_or_kwargs\nfrom .variable import (\n IndexVariable,\n Variable,\n as_compatible_data,\n as_variable,\n assert_unique_multiindex_level_names,\n)\n\nif TYPE_CHECKING:\n T_DSorDA = TypeVar(\"T_DSorDA\", \"DataArray\", Dataset)\n\n try:\n from dask.delayed import Delayed\n except ImportError:\n Delayed = None\n try:\n from cdms2 import Variable as cdms2_Variable\n except ImportError:\n cdms2_Variable = None\n try:\n from iris.cube import Cube as iris_Cube\n except ImportError:\n iris_Cube = None", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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logic for creating a new DataArray\"\"\"\n\n if (\n coords is not None\n and not utils.is_dict_like(coords)\n and len(coords) != len(shape)\n ):\n raise ValueError(\n \"coords is not dict-like, but it has %s items, \"\n \"which does not match the %s dimensions of the \"\n \"data\" % (len(coords), len(shape))\n )\n\n if isinstance(dims, str):\n dims = (dims,)\n\n if dims is None:\n dims = [\"dim_%s\" % n for n in range(len(shape))]\n if coords is not None and len(coords) == len(shape):\n # try to infer dimensions from coords\n if utils.is_dict_like(coords):\n # deprecated in GH993, removed in GH1539\n raise ValueError(\n \"inferring DataArray dimensions from \"\n \"dictionary like ``coords`` is no longer \"\n \"supported. Use an explicit list of \"\n \"``dims`` instead.\"\n )\n for n, (dim, coord) in enumerate(zip(dims, coords)):\n coord = as_variable(coord, name=dims[n]).to_index_variable()\n dims[n] = coord.name\n dims = tuple(dims)\n elif len(dims) != len(shape):\n raise ValueError(\n \"different number of dimensions on data \"\n \"and dims: %s vs %s\" % (len(shape), len(dims))\n )\n else:\n for d in dims:\n if not isinstance(d, str):\n raise TypeError(\"dimension %s is not a string\" % d)\n\n new_coords: Dict[Any, Variable] = {}\n\n if utils.is_dict_like(coords):\n for k, v in coords.items():\n new_coords[k] = as_variable(v, name=k)\n elif coords is not None:\n for dim, coord in zip(dims, coords):\n var = as_variable(coord, name=dim)\n var.dims = (dim,)\n new_coords[dim] = var.to_index_variable()\n\n sizes = dict(zip(dims, shape))\n for k, v in new_coords.items():\n if any(d not in dims for d in v.dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"coordinate %s has dimensions %s, but these \"\n \"are not a subset of the DataArray \"\n \"dimensions %s\" % (k, v.dims, dims)\n )\n\n for d, s in zip(v.dims, v.shape):\n if s != sizes[d]:\n raise ValueError(\n \"conflicting sizes for dimension %r: \"\n \"length %s on the data but length %s on \"\n \"coordinate %r\" % (d, sizes[d], s, k)\n )\n\n if k in sizes and v.shape != (sizes[k],):\n raise ValueError(\n \"coordinate %r is a DataArray dimension, but \"\n \"it has shape %r rather than expected shape %r \"\n \"matching the dimension size\" % (k, v.shape, (sizes[k],))\n )\n\n assert_unique_multiindex_level_names(new_coords)\n\n return new_coords, dims", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py__check_data_shape__check_data_shape.return.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py__check_data_shape__check_data_shape.return.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 167, "end_line": 182, "span_ids": ["_check_data_shape"], "tokens": 132}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _check_data_shape(data, coords, dims):\n if data is dtypes.NA:\n data = np.nan\n if coords is not None and utils.is_scalar(data, include_0d=False):\n if utils.is_dict_like(coords):\n if dims is None:\n return data\n else:\n data_shape = tuple(\n as_variable(coords[k], k).size if k in coords.keys() else 1\n for k in dims\n )\n else:\n data_shape = tuple(as_variable(coord, \"foo\").size for coord in coords)\n data = np.full(data_shape, data)\n return data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py__LocIndexer__THIS_ARRAY.ReprObject_this_array_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py__LocIndexer__THIS_ARRAY.ReprObject_this_array_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 185, "end_line": 210, "span_ids": ["impl:16", "_LocIndexer.__setitem__", "_LocIndexer.__getitem__", "_LocIndexer"], "tokens": 236}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class _LocIndexer:\n __slots__ = (\"data_array\",)\n\n def __init__(self, data_array: \"DataArray\"):\n self.data_array = data_array\n\n def __getitem__(self, key) -> \"DataArray\":\n if not utils.is_dict_like(key):\n # expand the indexer so we can handle Ellipsis\n labels = indexing.expanded_indexer(key, self.data_array.ndim)\n key = dict(zip(self.data_array.dims, labels))\n return self.data_array.sel(**key)\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None:\n if not utils.is_dict_like(key):\n # expand the indexer so we can handle Ellipsis\n labels = indexing.expanded_indexer(key, self.data_array.ndim)\n key = dict(zip(self.data_array.dims, labels))\n\n pos_indexers, _ = remap_label_indexers(self.data_array, key)\n self.data_array[pos_indexers] = value\n\n\n# Used as the key corresponding to a DataArray's variable when converting\n# arbitrary DataArray objects to datasets\n_THIS_ARRAY = ReprObject(\"\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray_DataArray.dt.property_DatetimeAccessor": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray_DataArray.dt.property_DatetimeAccessor", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 213, "end_line": 275, "span_ids": ["DataArray"], "tokens": 503}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n \"\"\"N-dimensional array with labeled coordinates and dimensions.\n\n DataArray provides a wrapper around numpy ndarrays that uses labeled\n dimensions and coordinates to support metadata aware operations. The API is\n similar to that for the pandas Series or DataFrame, but DataArray objects\n can have any number of dimensions, and their contents have fixed data\n types.\n\n Additional features over raw numpy arrays:\n\n - Apply operations over dimensions by name: ``x.sum('time')``.\n - Select or assign values by integer location (like numpy): ``x[:10]``\n or by label (like pandas): ``x.loc['2014-01-01']`` or\n ``x.sel(time='2014-01-01')``.\n - Mathematical operations (e.g., ``x - y``) vectorize across multiple\n dimensions (known in numpy as \"broadcasting\") based on dimension names,\n regardless of their original order.\n - Keep track of arbitrary metadata in the form of a Python dictionary:\n ``x.attrs``\n - Convert to a pandas Series: ``x.to_series()``.\n\n Getting items from or doing mathematical operations with a DataArray\n always returns another DataArray.\n\n Attributes\n ----------\n dims : tuple\n Dimension names associated with this array.\n values : np.ndarray\n Access or modify DataArray values as a numpy array.\n coords : dict-like\n Dictionary of DataArray objects that label values along each dimension.\n name : str or None\n Name of this array.\n attrs : dict\n Dictionary for holding arbitrary metadata.\n \"\"\"\n\n _accessors: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]\n _coords: Dict[Any, Variable]\n _indexes: Optional[Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]]\n _name: Optional[Hashable]\n _variable: Variable\n\n __slots__ = (\n \"_accessors\",\n \"_coords\",\n \"_file_obj\",\n \"_indexes\",\n \"_name\",\n \"_variable\",\n \"__weakref__\",\n )\n\n _groupby_cls = groupby.DataArrayGroupBy\n _rolling_cls = rolling.DataArrayRolling\n _coarsen_cls = rolling.DataArrayCoarsen\n _resample_cls = resample.DataArrayResample\n\n __default = ReprObject(\"\")\n\n dt = property(DatetimeAccessor)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.__init___DataArray.__init__.self._file_obj.None": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.__init___DataArray.__init__.self._file_obj.None", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 277, "end_line": 384, "span_ids": ["DataArray"], "tokens": 954}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __init__(\n self,\n data: Any = dtypes.NA,\n coords: Union[Sequence[Tuple], Mapping[Hashable, Any], None] = None,\n dims: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None,\n name: Hashable = None,\n attrs: Mapping = None,\n # deprecated parameters\n encoding=None,\n # internal parameters\n indexes: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = None,\n fastpath: bool = False,\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n data : array_like\n Values for this array. Must be an ``numpy.ndarray``, ndarray like,\n or castable to an ``ndarray``. If a self-described xarray or pandas\n object, attempts are made to use this array's metadata to fill in\n other unspecified arguments. A view of the array's data is used\n instead of a copy if possible.\n coords : sequence or dict of array_like objects, optional\n Coordinates (tick labels) to use for indexing along each dimension.\n The following notations are accepted:\n\n - mapping {dimension name: array-like}\n - sequence of tuples that are valid arguments for xarray.Variable()\n - (dims, data)\n - (dims, data, attrs)\n - (dims, data, attrs, encoding)\n\n Additionally, it is possible to define a coord whose name\n does not match the dimension name, or a coord based on multiple\n dimensions, with one of the following notations:\n\n - mapping {coord name: DataArray}\n - mapping {coord name: Variable}\n - mapping {coord name: (dimension name, array-like)}\n - mapping {coord name: (tuple of dimension names, array-like)}\n\n dims : hashable or sequence of hashable, optional\n Name(s) of the data dimension(s). Must be either a hashable (only\n for 1D data) or a sequence of hashables with length equal to the\n number of dimensions. If this argument is omitted, dimension names\n are taken from ``coords`` (if possible) and otherwise default to\n ``['dim_0', ... 'dim_n']``.\n name : str or None, optional\n Name of this array.\n attrs : dict_like or None, optional\n Attributes to assign to the new instance. By default, an empty\n attribute dictionary is initialized.\n \"\"\"\n if encoding is not None:\n warnings.warn(\n \"The `encoding` argument to `DataArray` is deprecated, and . \"\n \"will be removed in 0.15. \"\n \"Instead, specify the encoding when writing to disk or \"\n \"set the `encoding` attribute directly.\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n if fastpath:\n variable = data\n assert dims is None\n assert attrs is None\n assert encoding is None\n else:\n # try to fill in arguments from data if they weren't supplied\n if coords is None:\n\n if isinstance(data, DataArray):\n coords = data.coords\n elif isinstance(data, pd.Series):\n coords = [data.index]\n elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):\n coords = [data.index, data.columns]\n elif isinstance(data, (pd.Index, IndexVariable)):\n coords = [data]\n elif isinstance(data, pdcompat.Panel):\n coords = [data.items, data.major_axis, data.minor_axis]\n\n if dims is None:\n dims = getattr(data, \"dims\", getattr(coords, \"dims\", None))\n if name is None:\n name = getattr(data, \"name\", None)\n if attrs is None:\n attrs = getattr(data, \"attrs\", None)\n if encoding is None:\n encoding = getattr(data, \"encoding\", None)\n\n data = _check_data_shape(data, coords, dims)\n data = as_compatible_data(data)\n coords, dims = _infer_coords_and_dims(data.shape, coords, dims)\n variable = Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding, fastpath=True)\n\n # These fully describe a DataArray\n self._variable = variable\n assert isinstance(coords, dict)\n self._coords = coords\n self._name = name\n self._accessors = None\n\n # TODO(shoyer): document this argument, once it becomes part of the\n # public interface.\n self._indexes = indexes\n\n self._file_obj = None", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._replace_DataArray._replace_maybe_drop_dims.return.self__replace_variable_c": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._replace_DataArray._replace_maybe_drop_dims.return.self__replace_variable_c", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 386, "end_line": 418, "span_ids": ["DataArray._replace_maybe_drop_dims", "DataArray._replace"], "tokens": 293}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _replace(\n self,\n variable: Variable = None,\n coords=None,\n name: Optional[Hashable] = __default,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n if variable is None:\n variable = self.variable\n if coords is None:\n coords = self._coords\n if name is self.__default:\n name = self.name\n return type(self)(variable, coords, name=name, fastpath=True)\n\n def _replace_maybe_drop_dims(\n self, variable: Variable, name: Optional[Hashable] = __default\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n if variable.dims == self.dims and variable.shape == self.shape:\n coords = self._coords.copy()\n elif variable.dims == self.dims:\n # Shape has changed (e.g. from reduce(..., keepdims=True)\n new_sizes = dict(zip(self.dims, variable.shape))\n coords = {\n k: v\n for k, v in self._coords.items()\n if v.shape == tuple(new_sizes[d] for d in v.dims)\n }\n else:\n allowed_dims = set(variable.dims)\n coords = {\n k: v for k, v in self._coords.items() if set(v.dims) <= allowed_dims\n }\n return self._replace(variable, coords, name)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._overwrite_indexes_DataArray._overwrite_indexes.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._overwrite_indexes_DataArray._overwrite_indexes.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 420, "end_line": 435, "span_ids": ["DataArray._overwrite_indexes"], "tokens": 153}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _overwrite_indexes(self, indexes: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> \"DataArray\":\n if not len(indexes):\n return self\n coords = self._coords.copy()\n for name, idx in indexes.items():\n coords[name] = IndexVariable(name, idx)\n obj = self._replace(coords=coords)\n\n # switch from dimension to level names, if necessary\n dim_names: Dict[Any, str] = {}\n for dim, idx in indexes.items():\n if not isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex) and idx.name != dim:\n dim_names[dim] = idx.name\n if dim_names:\n obj = obj.rename(dim_names)\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._to_temp_dataset_DataArray._to_dataset_split.return.Dataset_variables_coords": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._to_temp_dataset_DataArray._to_dataset_split.return.Dataset_variables_coords", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 437, "end_line": 460, "span_ids": ["DataArray._to_dataset_split", "DataArray._to_temp_dataset", "DataArray._from_temp_dataset"], "tokens": 200}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _to_temp_dataset(self) -> Dataset:\n return self._to_dataset_whole(name=_THIS_ARRAY, shallow_copy=False)\n\n def _from_temp_dataset(\n self, dataset: Dataset, name: Hashable = __default\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n variable = dataset._variables.pop(_THIS_ARRAY)\n coords = dataset._variables\n return self._replace(variable, coords, name)\n\n def _to_dataset_split(self, dim: Hashable) -> Dataset:\n def subset(dim, label):\n array = self.loc[{dim: label}]\n if dim in array.coords:\n del array.coords[dim]\n array.attrs = {}\n return array\n\n variables = {label: subset(dim, label) for label in self.get_index(dim)}\n\n coords = self.coords.to_dataset()\n if dim in coords:\n del coords[dim]\n return Dataset(variables, coords, self.attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._to_dataset_whole_DataArray._to_dataset_whole.return.dataset": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._to_dataset_whole_DataArray._to_dataset_whole.return.dataset", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 462, "end_line": 486, "span_ids": ["DataArray._to_dataset_whole"], "tokens": 225}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _to_dataset_whole(\n self, name: Hashable = None, shallow_copy: bool = True\n ) -> Dataset:\n if name is None:\n name = self.name\n if name is None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"unable to convert unnamed DataArray to a \"\n \"Dataset without providing an explicit name\"\n )\n if name in self.coords:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot create a Dataset from a DataArray with \"\n \"the same name as one of its coordinates\"\n )\n # use private APIs for speed: this is called by _to_temp_dataset(),\n # which is used in the guts of a lot of operations (e.g., reindex)\n variables = self._coords.copy()\n variables[name] = self.variable\n if shallow_copy:\n for k in variables:\n variables[k] = variables[k].copy(deep=False)\n coord_names = set(self._coords)\n dataset = Dataset._from_vars_and_coord_names(variables, coord_names)\n return dataset", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_dataset_DataArray.to_dataset.if_dim_is_not_None_.else_.return.self__to_dataset_whole_na": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_dataset_DataArray.to_dataset.if_dim_is_not_None_.else_.return.self__to_dataset_whole_na", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 488, "end_line": 515, "span_ids": ["DataArray.to_dataset"], "tokens": 226}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_dataset(self, dim: Hashable = None, *, name: Hashable = None) -> Dataset:\n \"\"\"Convert a DataArray to a Dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : hashable, optional\n Name of the dimension on this array along which to split this array\n into separate variables. If not provided, this array is converted\n into a Dataset of one variable.\n name : hashable, optional\n Name to substitute for this array's name. Only valid if ``dim`` is\n not provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n dataset : Dataset\n \"\"\"\n if dim is not None and dim not in self.dims:\n raise TypeError(\n \"{} is not a dim. If supplying a ``name``, pass as a kwarg.\".format(dim)\n )\n\n if dim is not None:\n if name is not None:\n raise TypeError(\"cannot supply both dim and name arguments\")\n return self._to_dataset_split(dim)\n else:\n return self._to_dataset_whole(name)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.name_DataArray._item_key_to_dict.if_utils_is_dict_like_key.else_.return.dict_zip_self_dims_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.name_DataArray._item_key_to_dict.if_utils_is_dict_like_key.else_.return.dict_zip_self_dims_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 517, "end_line": 606, "span_ids": ["DataArray._item_key_to_dict", "DataArray.name_9", "DataArray.__len__", "DataArray.variable", "DataArray.values", "DataArray.name", "DataArray.dims_24", "DataArray.data_18", "DataArray.shape", "DataArray.data", "DataArray.to_index", "DataArray.values_20", "DataArray.dims", "DataArray.nbytes", "DataArray.ndim", "DataArray.dtype", "DataArray.size", "DataArray._in_memory"], "tokens": 562}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n @property\n def name(self) -> Optional[Hashable]:\n \"\"\"The name of this array.\n \"\"\"\n return self._name\n\n @name.setter\n def name(self, value: Optional[Hashable]) -> None:\n self._name = value\n\n @property\n def variable(self) -> Variable:\n \"\"\"Low level interface to the Variable object for this DataArray.\"\"\"\n return self._variable\n\n @property\n def dtype(self) -> np.dtype:\n return self.variable.dtype\n\n @property\n def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:\n return self.variable.shape\n\n @property\n def size(self) -> int:\n return self.variable.size\n\n @property\n def nbytes(self) -> int:\n return self.variable.nbytes\n\n @property\n def ndim(self) -> int:\n return self.variable.ndim\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self.variable)\n\n @property\n def data(self) -> Any:\n \"\"\"The array's data as a dask or numpy array\n \"\"\"\n return self.variable.data\n\n @data.setter\n def data(self, value: Any) -> None:\n self.variable.data = value\n\n @property\n def values(self) -> np.ndarray:\n \"\"\"The array's data as a numpy.ndarray\"\"\"\n return self.variable.values\n\n @values.setter\n def values(self, value: Any) -> None:\n self.variable.values = value\n\n @property\n def _in_memory(self) -> bool:\n return self.variable._in_memory\n\n def to_index(self) -> pd.Index:\n \"\"\"Convert this variable to a pandas.Index. Only possible for 1D\n arrays.\n \"\"\"\n return self.variable.to_index()\n\n @property\n def dims(self) -> Tuple[Hashable, ...]:\n \"\"\"Tuple of dimension names associated with this array.\n\n Note that the type of this property is inconsistent with\n `Dataset.dims`. See `Dataset.sizes` and `DataArray.sizes` for\n consistently named properties.\n \"\"\"\n return self.variable.dims\n\n @dims.setter\n def dims(self, value):\n raise AttributeError(\n \"you cannot assign dims on a DataArray. Use \"\n \".rename() or .swap_dims() instead.\"\n )\n\n def _item_key_to_dict(self, key: Any) -> Mapping[Hashable, Any]:\n if utils.is_dict_like(key):\n return key\n else:\n key = indexing.expanded_indexer(key, self.ndim)\n return dict(zip(self.dims, key))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._level_coords_DataArray._level_coords.return.level_coords": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._level_coords_DataArray._level_coords.return.level_coords", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 608, "end_line": 621, "span_ids": ["DataArray._level_coords"], "tokens": 131}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n @property\n def _level_coords(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Hashable]:\n \"\"\"Return a mapping of all MultiIndex levels and their corresponding\n coordinate name.\n \"\"\"\n level_coords: Dict[Hashable, Hashable] = {}\n\n for cname, var in self._coords.items():\n if var.ndim == 1 and isinstance(var, IndexVariable):\n level_names = var.level_names\n if level_names is not None:\n dim, = var.dims\n level_coords.update({lname: dim for lname in level_names})\n return level_coords", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._getitem_coord_DataArray.__getitem__.if_isinstance_key_str_.else_.return.self_isel_indexers_self__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._getitem_coord_DataArray.__getitem__.if_isinstance_key_str_.else_.return.self_isel_indexers_self__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 623, "end_line": 641, "span_ids": ["DataArray.__getitem__", "DataArray._getitem_coord"], "tokens": 156}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _getitem_coord(self, key):\n from .dataset import _get_virtual_variable\n\n try:\n var = self._coords[key]\n except KeyError:\n dim_sizes = dict(zip(self.dims, self.shape))\n _, key, var = _get_virtual_variable(\n self._coords, key, self._level_coords, dim_sizes\n )\n\n return self._replace_maybe_drop_dims(var, name=key)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> \"DataArray\":\n if isinstance(key, str):\n return self._getitem_coord(key)\n else:\n # xarray-style array indexing\n return self.isel(indexers=self._item_key_to_dict(key))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.__setitem___DataArray.__setitem__.if_isinstance_key_str_.else_.self_variable_key_valu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.__setitem___DataArray.__setitem__.if_isinstance_key_str_.else_.self_variable_key_valu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 643, "end_line": 658, "span_ids": ["DataArray.__setitem__"], "tokens": 165}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None:\n if isinstance(key, str):\n self.coords[key] = value\n else:\n # Coordinates in key, value and self[key] should be consistent.\n # TODO Coordinate consistency in key is checked here, but it\n # causes unnecessary indexing. It should be optimized.\n obj = self[key]\n if isinstance(value, DataArray):\n assert_coordinate_consistent(value, obj.coords.variables)\n # DataArray key -> Variable key\n key = {\n k: v.variable if isinstance(v, DataArray) else v\n for k, v in self._item_key_to_dict(key).items()\n }\n self.variable[key] = value", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.__delitem___DataArray.coords.return.DataArrayCoordinates_self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.__delitem___DataArray.coords.return.DataArrayCoordinates_self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 660, "end_line": 720, "span_ids": ["DataArray._attr_sources", "DataArray.attrs", "DataArray.coords", "DataArray.__delitem__", "DataArray.encoding", "DataArray._item_sources", "DataArray.__contains__", "DataArray.encoding_38", "DataArray.indexes", "DataArray.loc", "DataArray.attrs_36"], "tokens": 448}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __delitem__(self, key: Any) -> None:\n del self.coords[key]\n\n @property\n def _attr_sources(self) -> List[Mapping[Hashable, Any]]:\n \"\"\"List of places to look-up items for attribute-style access\n \"\"\"\n return self._item_sources + [self.attrs]\n\n @property\n def _item_sources(self) -> List[Mapping[Hashable, Any]]:\n \"\"\"List of places to look-up items for key-completion\n \"\"\"\n return [\n self.coords,\n {d: self.coords[d] for d in self.dims},\n LevelCoordinatesSource(self),\n ]\n\n def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool:\n return key in self.data\n\n @property\n def loc(self) -> _LocIndexer:\n \"\"\"Attribute for location based indexing like pandas.\n \"\"\"\n return _LocIndexer(self)\n\n @property\n def attrs(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Any]:\n \"\"\"Dictionary storing arbitrary metadata with this array.\"\"\"\n return self.variable.attrs\n\n @attrs.setter\n def attrs(self, value: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> None:\n # Disable type checking to work around mypy bug - see mypy#4167\n self.variable.attrs = value # type: ignore\n\n @property\n def encoding(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Any]:\n \"\"\"Dictionary of format-specific settings for how this array should be\n serialized.\"\"\"\n return self.variable.encoding\n\n @encoding.setter\n def encoding(self, value: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> None:\n self.variable.encoding = value\n\n @property\n def indexes(self) -> Indexes:\n \"\"\"Mapping of pandas.Index objects used for label based indexing\n \"\"\"\n if self._indexes is None:\n self._indexes = default_indexes(self._coords, self.dims)\n return Indexes(self._indexes)\n\n @property\n def coords(self) -> DataArrayCoordinates:\n \"\"\"Dictionary-like container of coordinate arrays.\n \"\"\"\n return DataArrayCoordinates(self)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reset_coords_DataArray.reset_coords.if_drop_.else_.return.dataset": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reset_coords_DataArray.reset_coords.if_drop_.else_.return.dataset", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 722, "end_line": 755, "span_ids": ["DataArray.reset_coords"], "tokens": 261}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reset_coords(\n self,\n names: Union[Iterable[Hashable], Hashable, None] = None,\n drop: bool = False,\n inplace: bool = None,\n ) -> Union[None, \"DataArray\", Dataset]:\n \"\"\"Given names of coordinates, reset them to become variables.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n names : hashable or iterable of hashables, optional\n Name(s) of non-index coordinates in this dataset to reset into\n variables. By default, all non-index coordinates are reset.\n drop : bool, optional\n If True, remove coordinates instead of converting them into\n variables.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset, or DataArray if ``drop == True``\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n if names is None:\n names = set(self.coords) - set(self.dims)\n dataset = self.coords.to_dataset().reset_coords(names, drop)\n if drop:\n return self._replace(coords=dataset._variables)\n else:\n if self.name is None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot reset_coords with drop=False on an unnamed DataArrray\"\n )\n dataset[self.name] = self.variable\n return dataset", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.__dask_graph___DataArray._dask_finalize.return.DataArray_variable_coord": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.__dask_graph___DataArray._dask_finalize.return.DataArray_variable_coord", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 757, "end_line": 787, "span_ids": ["DataArray.__dask_graph__", "DataArray.__dask_postpersist__", "DataArray.__dask_layers__", "DataArray.__dask_keys__", "DataArray.__dask_scheduler__", "DataArray._dask_finalize", "DataArray.__dask_postcompute__", "DataArray.__dask_optimize__"], "tokens": 269}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __dask_graph__(self):\n return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_graph__()\n\n def __dask_keys__(self):\n return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_keys__()\n\n def __dask_layers__(self):\n return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_layers__()\n\n @property\n def __dask_optimize__(self):\n return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_optimize__\n\n @property\n def __dask_scheduler__(self):\n return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_scheduler__\n\n def __dask_postcompute__(self):\n func, args = self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_postcompute__()\n return self._dask_finalize, (func, args, self.name)\n\n def __dask_postpersist__(self):\n func, args = self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_postpersist__()\n return self._dask_finalize, (func, args, self.name)\n\n @staticmethod\n def _dask_finalize(results, func, args, name):\n ds = func(results, *args)\n variable = ds._variables.pop(_THIS_ARRAY)\n coords = ds._variables\n return DataArray(variable, coords, name=name, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.load_DataArray.load.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.load_DataArray.load.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 789, "end_line": 811, "span_ids": ["DataArray.load"], "tokens": 185}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def load(self, **kwargs) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Manually trigger loading of this array's data from disk or a\n remote source into memory and return this array.\n\n Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code,\n because all xarray functions should either work on deferred data or\n load data automatically. However, this method can be necessary when\n working with many file objects on disk.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.array.compute``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.compute\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().load(**kwargs)\n new = self._from_temp_dataset(ds)\n self._variable = new._variable\n self._coords = new._coords\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.compute_DataArray.compute.return.new_load_kwargs_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.compute_DataArray.compute.return.new_load_kwargs_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 813, "end_line": 833, "span_ids": ["DataArray.compute"], "tokens": 168}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def compute(self, **kwargs) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Manually trigger loading of this array's data from disk or a\n remote source into memory and return a new array. The original is\n left unaltered.\n\n Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code,\n because all xarray functions should either work on deferred data or\n load data automatically. However, this method can be necessary when\n working with many file objects on disk.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.array.compute``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.compute\n \"\"\"\n new = self.copy(deep=False)\n return new.load(**kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.persist_DataArray.persist.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.persist_DataArray.persist.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 835, "end_line": 852, "span_ids": ["DataArray.persist"], "tokens": 137}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def persist(self, **kwargs) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\" Trigger computation in constituent dask arrays\n\n This keeps them as dask arrays but encourages them to keep data in\n memory. This is particularly useful when on a distributed machine.\n When on a single machine consider using ``.compute()`` instead.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.persist``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.persist\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().persist(**kwargs)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.copy_DataArray.copy.return.self__replace_variable_c": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.copy_DataArray.copy.return.self__replace_variable_c", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 854, "end_line": 926, "span_ids": ["DataArray.copy"], "tokens": 668}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def copy(self, deep: bool = True, data: Any = None) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Returns a copy of this array.\n\n If `deep=True`, a deep copy is made of the data array.\n Otherwise, a shallow copy is made, so each variable in the new\n array's dataset is also a variable in this array's dataset.\n\n Use `data` to create a new object with the same structure as\n original but entirely new data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n deep : bool, optional\n Whether the data array and its coordinates are loaded into memory\n and copied onto the new object. Default is True.\n data : array_like, optional\n Data to use in the new object. Must have same shape as original.\n When `data` is used, `deep` is ignored for all data variables,\n and only used for coords.\n\n Returns\n -------\n object : DataArray\n New object with dimensions, attributes, coordinates, name,\n encoding, and optionally data copied from original.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n Shallow versus deep copy\n\n >>> array = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], dims='x',\n ... coords={'x': ['a', 'b', 'c']})\n >>> array.copy()\n \n array([1, 2, 3])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> array_0 = array.copy(deep=False)\n >>> array_0[0] = 7\n >>> array_0\n \n array([7, 2, 3])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> array\n \n array([7, 2, 3])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> array.copy(data=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])\n \n array([ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> array\n \n array([1, 2, 3])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) \"DataArray\":\n return self.copy(deep=False)\n\n def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None) -> \"DataArray\":\n # memo does nothing but is required for compatibility with\n # copy.deepcopy\n return self.copy(deep=True)\n\n # mutable objects should not be hashable\n # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4266\n __hash__ = None # type: ignore\n\n @property\n def chunks(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], ...]]:\n \"\"\"Block dimensions for this array's data or None if it's not a dask\n array.\n \"\"\"\n return self.variable.chunks", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.chunk_DataArray.chunk.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.chunk_DataArray.chunk.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 947, "end_line": 993, "span_ids": ["DataArray.chunk"], "tokens": 403}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def chunk(\n self,\n chunks: Union[\n None,\n Number,\n Tuple[Number, ...],\n Tuple[Tuple[Number, ...], ...],\n Mapping[Hashable, Union[None, Number, Tuple[Number, ...]]],\n ] = None,\n name_prefix: str = \"xarray-\",\n token: str = None,\n lock: bool = False,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Coerce this array's data into a dask arrays with the given chunks.\n\n If this variable is a non-dask array, it will be converted to dask\n array. If it's a dask array, it will be rechunked to the given chunk\n sizes.\n\n If neither chunks is not provided for one or more dimensions, chunk\n sizes along that dimension will not be updated; non-dask arrays will be\n converted into dask arrays with a single block.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n chunks : int, tuple or mapping, optional\n Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5``, ``(5, 5)`` or\n ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``.\n name_prefix : str, optional\n Prefix for the name of the new dask array.\n token : str, optional\n Token uniquely identifying this array.\n lock : optional\n Passed on to :py:func:`dask.array.from_array`, if the array is not\n already as dask array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n chunked : xarray.DataArray\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(chunks, (tuple, list)):\n chunks = dict(zip(self.dims, chunks))\n\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().chunk(\n chunks, name_prefix=name_prefix, token=token, lock=lock\n )\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.isel_DataArray.isel.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.isel_DataArray.isel.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 995, "end_line": 1011, "span_ids": ["DataArray.isel"], "tokens": 140}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def isel(\n self,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n drop: bool = False,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Return a new DataArray whose data is given by integer indexing\n along the specified dimension(s).\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.isel\n DataArray.sel\n \"\"\"\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"isel\")\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().isel(drop=drop, indexers=indexers)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.sel_DataArray.sel.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.sel_DataArray.sel.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1013, "end_line": 1049, "span_ids": ["DataArray.sel"], "tokens": 256}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def sel(\n self,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = None,\n tolerance=None,\n drop: bool = False,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Return a new DataArray whose data is given by selecting index\n labels along the specified dimension(s).\n\n .. warning::\n\n Do not try to assign values when using any of the indexing methods\n ``isel`` or ``sel``::\n\n da = xr.DataArray([0, 1, 2, 3], dims=['x'])\n # DO NOT do this\n da.isel(x=[0, 1, 2])[1] = -1\n\n Assigning values with the chained indexing using ``.sel`` or\n ``.isel`` fails silently.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.sel\n DataArray.isel\n\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().sel(\n indexers=indexers,\n drop=drop,\n method=method,\n tolerance=tolerance,\n **indexers_kwargs\n )\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.head_DataArray.head.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.head_DataArray.head.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1051, "end_line": 1066, "span_ids": ["DataArray.head"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def head(\n self,\n indexers: Union[Mapping[Hashable, int], int] = None,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Return a new DataArray whose data is given by the the first `n`\n values along the specified dimension(s). Default `n` = 5\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.head\n DataArray.tail\n DataArray.thin\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().head(indexers, **indexers_kwargs)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.tail_DataArray.tail.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.tail_DataArray.tail.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1068, "end_line": 1083, "span_ids": ["DataArray.tail"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def tail(\n self,\n indexers: Union[Mapping[Hashable, int], int] = None,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Return a new DataArray whose data is given by the the last `n`\n values along the specified dimension(s). Default `n` = 5\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.tail\n DataArray.head\n DataArray.thin\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().tail(indexers, **indexers_kwargs)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.thin_DataArray.thin.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.thin_DataArray.thin.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1085, "end_line": 1100, "span_ids": ["DataArray.thin"], "tokens": 133}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def thin(\n self,\n indexers: Union[Mapping[Hashable, int], int] = None,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Return a new DataArray whose data is given by each `n` value\n along the specified dimension(s). Default `n` = 5\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.thin\n DataArray.head\n DataArray.tail\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().thin(indexers, **indexers_kwargs)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.broadcast_like_DataArray.broadcast_like.return._broadcast_helper_args_1_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.broadcast_like_DataArray.broadcast_like.return._broadcast_helper_args_1_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1102, "end_line": 1164, "span_ids": ["DataArray.broadcast_like"], "tokens": 585}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def broadcast_like(\n self, other: Union[\"DataArray\", Dataset], exclude: Iterable[Hashable] = None\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Broadcast this DataArray against another Dataset or DataArray.\n\n This is equivalent to xr.broadcast(other, self)[1]\n\n xarray objects are broadcast against each other in arithmetic\n operations, so this method is not be necessary for most uses.\n\n If no change is needed, the input data is returned to the output\n without being copied.\n\n If new coords are added by the broadcast, their values are\n NaN filled.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset or DataArray\n Object against which to broadcast this array.\n exclude : iterable of hashable, optional\n Dimensions that must not be broadcasted\n\n Returns\n -------\n new_da: xr.DataArray\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> arr1\n \n array([[0.840235, 0.215216, 0.77917 ],\n [0.726351, 0.543824, 0.875115]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> arr2\n \n array([[0.612611, 0.125753],\n [0.853181, 0.948818],\n [0.180885, 0.33363 ]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> arr1.broadcast_like(arr2)\n \n array([[0.840235, 0.215216, 0.77917 ],\n [0.726351, 0.543824, 0.875115],\n [ nan, nan, nan]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) object 'a' 'b' 'c'\n * y (y) object 'a' 'b' 'c'\n \"\"\"\n if exclude is None:\n exclude = set()\n else:\n exclude = set(exclude)\n args = align(other, self, join=\"outer\", copy=False, exclude=exclude)\n\n dims_map, common_coords = _get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords(args, exclude)\n\n return _broadcast_helper(args[1], exclude, dims_map, common_coords)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reindex_like_DataArray.reindex_like.return.self_reindex_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reindex_like_DataArray.reindex_like.return.self_reindex_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1166, "end_line": 1224, "span_ids": ["DataArray.reindex_like"], "tokens": 524}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reindex_like(\n self,\n other: Union[\"DataArray\", Dataset],\n method: str = None,\n tolerance=None,\n copy: bool = True,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, filling in\n missing values with ``fill_value``. The default fill value is NaN.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset or DataArray\n Object with an 'indexes' attribute giving a mapping from dimension\n names to pandas.Index objects, which provides coordinates upon\n which to index the variables in this dataset. The indexes on this\n other object need not be the same as the indexes on this\n dataset. Any mis-matched index values will be filled in with\n NaN, and any mis-matched dimension names will simply be ignored.\n method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional\n Method to use for filling index values from other not found on this\n data array:\n\n * None (default): don't fill gaps\n * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward\n * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward\n * nearest: use nearest valid index value\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact\n matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must\n satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.\n copy : bool, optional\n If ``copy=True``, data in the return value is always copied. If\n ``copy=False`` and reindexing is unnecessary, or can be performed\n with only slice operations, then the output may share memory with\n the input. In either case, a new xarray object is always returned.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n\n Returns\n -------\n reindexed : DataArray\n Another dataset array, with this array's data but coordinates from\n the other object.\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.reindex\n align\n \"\"\"\n indexers = reindex_like_indexers(self, other)\n return self.reindex(\n indexers=indexers,\n method=method,\n tolerance=tolerance,\n copy=copy,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reindex_DataArray.reindex.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reindex_DataArray.reindex.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1226, "end_line": 1288, "span_ids": ["DataArray.reindex"], "tokens": 574}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reindex(\n self,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = None,\n tolerance=None,\n copy: bool = True,\n fill_value=dtypes.NA,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, filling in\n missing values with ``fill_value``. The default fill value is NaN.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexers : dict, optional\n Dictionary with keys given by dimension names and values given by\n arrays of coordinates tick labels. Any mis-matched coordinate\n values will be filled in with NaN, and any mis-matched dimension\n names will simply be ignored.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n copy : bool, optional\n If ``copy=True``, data in the return value is always copied. If\n ``copy=False`` and reindexing is unnecessary, or can be performed\n with only slice operations, then the output may share memory with\n the input. In either case, a new xarray object is always returned.\n method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional\n Method to use for filling index values in ``indexers`` not found on\n this data array:\n\n * None (default): don't fill gaps\n * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward\n * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward\n * nearest: use nearest valid index value\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact\n matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must\n satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n **indexers_kwarg : {dim: indexer, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reindexed : DataArray\n Another dataset array, with this array's data but replaced\n coordinates.\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.reindex_like\n align\n \"\"\"\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"reindex\")\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().reindex(\n indexers=indexers,\n method=method,\n tolerance=tolerance,\n copy=copy,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n )\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.interp_DataArray.interp.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.interp_DataArray.interp.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1290, "end_line": 1353, "span_ids": ["DataArray.interp"], "tokens": 477}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def interp(\n self,\n coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = \"linear\",\n assume_sorted: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n **coords_kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\" Multidimensional interpolation of variables.\n\n coords : dict, optional\n Mapping from dimension names to the new coordinates.\n new coordinate can be an scalar, array-like or DataArray.\n If DataArrays are passed as new coordates, their dimensions are\n used for the broadcasting.\n method: {'linear', 'nearest'} for multidimensional array,\n {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'}\n for 1-dimensional array.\n assume_sorted: boolean, optional\n If False, values of x can be in any order and they are sorted\n first. If True, x has to be an array of monotonically increasing\n values.\n kwargs: dictionary\n Additional keyword passed to scipy's interpolator.\n **coords_kwarg : {dim: coordinate, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``coords``.\n One of coords or coords_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n interpolated: xr.DataArray\n New dataarray on the new coordinates.\n\n Notes\n -----\n scipy is required.\n\n See Also\n --------\n scipy.interpolate.interp1d\n scipy.interpolate.interpn\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> da = xr.DataArray([1, 3], [('x', np.arange(2))])\n >>> da.interp(x=0.5)\n \n array(2.0)\n Coordinates:\n x float64 0.5\n \"\"\"\n if self.dtype.kind not in \"uifc\":\n raise TypeError(\n \"interp only works for a numeric type array. \"\n \"Given {}.\".format(self.dtype)\n )\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().interp(\n coords,\n method=method,\n kwargs=kwargs,\n assume_sorted=assume_sorted,\n **coords_kwargs\n )\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.interp_like_DataArray.interp_like.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.interp_like_DataArray.interp_like.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1355, "end_line": 1408, "span_ids": ["DataArray.interp_like"], "tokens": 431}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def interp_like(\n self,\n other: Union[\"DataArray\", Dataset],\n method: str = \"linear\",\n assume_sorted: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Interpolate this object onto the coordinates of another object,\n filling out of range values with NaN.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset or DataArray\n Object with an 'indexes' attribute giving a mapping from dimension\n names to an 1d array-like, which provides coordinates upon\n which to index the variables in this dataset.\n method: string, optional.\n {'linear', 'nearest'} for multidimensional array,\n {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'}\n for 1-dimensional array. 'linear' is used by default.\n assume_sorted: boolean, optional\n If False, values of coordinates that are interpolated over can be\n in any order and they are sorted first. If True, interpolated\n coordinates are assumed to be an array of monotonically increasing\n values.\n kwargs: dictionary, optional\n Additional keyword passed to scipy's interpolator.\n\n Returns\n -------\n interpolated: xr.DataArray\n Another dataarray by interpolating this dataarray's data along the\n coordinates of the other object.\n\n Notes\n -----\n scipy is required.\n If the dataarray has object-type coordinates, reindex is used for these\n coordinates instead of the interpolation.\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.interp\n DataArray.reindex_like\n \"\"\"\n if self.dtype.kind not in \"uifc\":\n raise TypeError(\n \"interp only works for a numeric type array. \"\n \"Given {}.\".format(self.dtype)\n )\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().interp_like(\n other, method=method, kwargs=kwargs, assume_sorted=assume_sorted\n )\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.rename_DataArray.rename.if_names_or_utils_is_dict.else_.return.self__replace_name_new_na": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.rename_DataArray.rename.if_names_or_utils_is_dict.else_.return.self__replace_name_new_na", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1410, "end_line": 1447, "span_ids": ["DataArray.rename"], "tokens": 322}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def rename(\n self,\n new_name_or_name_dict: Union[Hashable, Mapping[Hashable, Hashable]] = None,\n **names: Hashable\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new DataArray with renamed coordinates or a new name.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n new_name_or_name_dict : str or dict-like, optional\n If the argument is dict-like, it used as a mapping from old\n names to new names for coordinates. Otherwise, use the argument\n as the new name for this array.\n **names: hashable, optional\n The keyword arguments form of a mapping from old names to\n new names for coordinates.\n One of new_name_or_name_dict or names must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n renamed : DataArray\n Renamed array or array with renamed coordinates.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.rename\n DataArray.swap_dims\n \"\"\"\n if names or utils.is_dict_like(new_name_or_name_dict):\n new_name_or_name_dict = cast(\n Mapping[Hashable, Hashable], new_name_or_name_dict\n )\n name_dict = either_dict_or_kwargs(new_name_or_name_dict, names, \"rename\")\n dataset = self._to_temp_dataset().rename(name_dict)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(dataset)\n else:\n new_name_or_name_dict = cast(Hashable, new_name_or_name_dict)\n return self._replace(name=new_name_or_name_dict)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.swap_dims_DataArray.swap_dims.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.swap_dims_DataArray.swap_dims.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1449, "end_line": 1488, "span_ids": ["DataArray.swap_dims"], "tokens": 312}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def swap_dims(self, dims_dict: Mapping[Hashable, Hashable]) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new DataArray with swapped dimensions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dims_dict : dict-like\n Dictionary whose keys are current dimension names and whose values\n are new names. Each value must already be a coordinate on this\n array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n swapped : DataArray\n DataArray with swapped dimensions.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> arr = xr.DataArray(data=[0, 1], dims=\"x\",\n coords={\"x\": [\"a\", \"b\"], \"y\": (\"x\", [0, 1])})\n >>> arr\n \n array([0, 1])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> arr.swap_dims({\"x\": \"y\"})\n \n array([0, 1])\n Coordinates:\n x (y) \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Return a new object with an additional axis (or axes) inserted at\n the corresponding position in the array shape. The new object is a\n view into the underlying array, not a copy.\n\n\n If dim is already a scalar coordinate, it will be promoted to a 1D\n coordinate consisting of a single value.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : hashable, sequence of hashable, dict, or None\n Dimensions to include on the new variable.\n If provided as str or sequence of str, then dimensions are inserted\n with length 1. If provided as a dict, then the keys are the new\n dimensions and the values are either integers (giving the length of\n the new dimensions) or sequence/ndarray (giving the coordinates of\n the new dimensions).\n axis : integer, list (or tuple) of integers, or None\n Axis position(s) where new axis is to be inserted (position(s) on\n the result array). If a list (or tuple) of integers is passed,\n multiple axes are inserted. In this case, dim arguments should be\n same length list. If axis=None is passed, all the axes will be\n inserted to the start of the result array.\n **dim_kwargs : int or sequence/ndarray\n The keywords are arbitrary dimensions being inserted and the values\n are either the lengths of the new dims (if int is given), or their\n coordinates. Note, this is an alternative to passing a dict to the\n dim kwarg and will only be used if dim is None.\n\n Returns\n -------\n expanded : same type as caller\n This object, but with an additional dimension(s).\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(dim, int):\n raise TypeError(\"dim should be hashable or sequence/mapping of hashables\")\n elif isinstance(dim, Sequence) and not isinstance(dim, str):\n if len(dim) != len(set(dim)):\n raise ValueError(\"dims should not contain duplicate values.\")\n dim = dict.fromkeys(dim, 1)\n elif dim is not None and not isinstance(dim, Mapping):\n dim = {cast(Hashable, dim): 1}\n\n dim = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim, dim_kwargs, \"expand_dims\")\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().expand_dims(dim, axis)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.set_index_DataArray.set_index.return.self__replace_coords_coor": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.set_index_DataArray.set_index.return.self__replace_coords_coor", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1543, "end_line": 1602, "span_ids": ["DataArray.set_index"], "tokens": 539}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def set_index(\n self,\n indexes: Mapping[Hashable, Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]]] = None,\n append: bool = False,\n inplace: bool = None,\n **indexes_kwargs: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]]\n ) -> Optional[\"DataArray\"]:\n \"\"\"Set DataArray (multi-)indexes using one or more existing\n coordinates.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexes : {dim: index, ...}\n Mapping from names matching dimensions and values given\n by (lists of) the names of existing coordinates or variables to set\n as new (multi-)index.\n append : bool, optional\n If True, append the supplied index(es) to the existing index(es).\n Otherwise replace the existing index(es) (default).\n **indexes_kwargs: optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexes``.\n One of indexes or indexes_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : DataArray\n Another DataArray, with this data but replaced coordinates.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> arr = xr.DataArray(data=np.ones((2, 3)),\n ... dims=['x', 'y'],\n ... coords={'x':\n ... range(2), 'y':\n ... range(3), 'a': ('x', [3, 4])\n ... })\n >>> arr\n \n array([[1., 1., 1.],\n [1., 1., 1.]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2\n a (x) int64 3 4\n >>> arr.set_index(x='a')\n \n array([[1., 1., 1.],\n [1., 1., 1.]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 3 4\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.reset_index\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n indexes = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexes, indexes_kwargs, \"set_index\")\n coords, _ = merge_indexes(indexes, self._coords, set(), append=append)\n return self._replace(coords=coords)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reset_index_DataArray.reset_index.return.self__replace_coords_coor": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reset_index_DataArray.reset_index.return.self__replace_coords_coor", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1604, "end_line": 1635, "span_ids": ["DataArray.reset_index"], "tokens": 232}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reset_index(\n self,\n dims_or_levels: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]],\n drop: bool = False,\n inplace: bool = None,\n ) -> Optional[\"DataArray\"]:\n \"\"\"Reset the specified index(es) or multi-index level(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dims_or_levels : hashable or sequence of hashables\n Name(s) of the dimension(s) and/or multi-index level(s) that will\n be reset.\n drop : bool, optional\n If True, remove the specified indexes and/or multi-index levels\n instead of extracting them as new coordinates (default: False).\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : DataArray\n Another dataarray, with this dataarray's data but replaced\n coordinates.\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.set_index\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n coords, _ = split_indexes(\n dims_or_levels, self._coords, set(), self._level_coords, drop=drop\n )\n return self._replace(coords=coords)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reorder_levels_DataArray.reorder_levels.return.self__replace_coords_coor": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reorder_levels_DataArray.reorder_levels.return.self__replace_coords_coor", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1637, "end_line": 1672, "span_ids": ["DataArray.reorder_levels"], "tokens": 293}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reorder_levels(\n self,\n dim_order: Mapping[Hashable, Sequence[int]] = None,\n inplace: bool = None,\n **dim_order_kwargs: Sequence[int]\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Rearrange index levels using input order.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim_order : optional\n Mapping from names matching dimensions and values given\n by lists representing new level orders. Every given dimension\n must have a multi-index.\n **dim_order_kwargs: optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``dim_order``.\n One of dim_order or dim_order_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : DataArray\n Another dataarray, with this dataarray's data but replaced\n coordinates.\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n dim_order = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim_order, dim_order_kwargs, \"reorder_levels\")\n replace_coords = {}\n for dim, order in dim_order.items():\n coord = self._coords[dim]\n index = coord.to_index()\n if not isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n raise ValueError(\"coordinate %r has no MultiIndex\" % dim)\n replace_coords[dim] = IndexVariable(coord.dims, index.reorder_levels(order))\n coords = self._coords.copy()\n coords.update(replace_coords)\n return self._replace(coords=coords)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.stack_DataArray.stack.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.stack_DataArray.stack.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1674, "end_line": 1722, "span_ids": ["DataArray.stack"], "tokens": 427}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def stack(\n self,\n dimensions: Mapping[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,\n **dimensions_kwargs: Sequence[Hashable]\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"\n Stack any number of existing dimensions into a single new dimension.\n\n New dimensions will be added at the end, and the corresponding\n coordinate variables will be combined into a MultiIndex.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dimensions : Mapping of the form new_name=(dim1, dim2, ...)\n Names of new dimensions, and the existing dimensions that they\n replace.\n **dimensions_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``dimensions``.\n One of dimensions or dimensions_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stacked : DataArray\n DataArray with stacked data.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> arr = DataArray(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),\n ... coords=[('x', ['a', 'b']), ('y', [0, 1, 2])])\n >>> arr\n \n array([[0, 1, 2],\n [3, 4, 5]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) |S1 'a' 'b'\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2\n >>> stacked = arr.stack(z=('x', 'y'))\n >>> stacked.indexes['z']\n MultiIndex(levels=[['a', 'b'], [0, 1, 2]],\n codes=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]],\n names=['x', 'y'])\n\n See also\n --------\n DataArray.unstack\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().stack(dimensions, **dimensions_kwargs)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.unstack_DataArray.unstack.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.unstack_DataArray.unstack.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1724, "end_line": 1770, "span_ids": ["DataArray.unstack"], "tokens": 402}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def unstack(\n self, dim: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"\n Unstack existing dimensions corresponding to MultiIndexes into\n multiple new dimensions.\n\n New dimensions will be added at the end.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : hashable or sequence of hashable, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to unstack. By default unstacks all\n MultiIndexes.\n\n Returns\n -------\n unstacked : DataArray\n Array with unstacked data.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> arr = DataArray(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),\n ... coords=[('x', ['a', 'b']), ('y', [0, 1, 2])])\n >>> arr\n \n array([[0, 1, 2],\n [3, 4, 5]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) |S1 'a' 'b'\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2\n >>> stacked = arr.stack(z=('x', 'y'))\n >>> stacked.indexes['z']\n MultiIndex(levels=[['a', 'b'], [0, 1, 2]],\n codes=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]],\n names=['x', 'y'])\n >>> roundtripped = stacked.unstack()\n >>> arr.identical(roundtripped)\n True\n\n See also\n --------\n DataArray.stack\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().unstack(dim)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_unstacked_dataset_DataArray.to_unstacked_dataset.return.Dataset_data_dict_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_unstacked_dataset_DataArray.to_unstacked_dataset.return.Dataset_data_dict_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1772, "end_line": 1836, "span_ids": ["DataArray.to_unstacked_dataset"], "tokens": 562}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_unstacked_dataset(self, dim, level=0):\n \"\"\"Unstack DataArray expanding to Dataset along a given level of a\n stacked coordinate.\n\n This is the inverse operation of Dataset.to_stacked_array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str\n Name of existing dimension to unstack\n level : int or str\n The MultiIndex level to expand to a dataset along. Can either be\n the integer index of the level or its name.\n label : int, default 0\n Label of the level to expand dataset along. Overrides the label\n argument if given.\n\n Returns\n -------\n unstacked: Dataset\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> arr = DataArray(np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),\n ... coords=[('x', ['a', 'b']), ('y', [0, 1, 2])])\n >>> data = xr.Dataset({'a': arr, 'b': arr.isel(y=0)})\n >>> data\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2, y: 3)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> stacked = data.to_stacked_array(\"z\", ['y'])\n >>> stacked.indexes['z']\n MultiIndex(levels=[['a', 'b'], [0, 1, 2]],\n labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2, -1]],\n names=['variable', 'y'])\n >>> roundtripped = stacked.to_unstacked_dataset(dim='z')\n >>> data.identical(roundtripped)\n True\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.to_stacked_array\n \"\"\"\n\n idx = self.indexes[dim]\n if not isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex):\n raise ValueError(\"'{}' is not a stacked coordinate\".format(dim))\n\n level_number = idx._get_level_number(level)\n variables = idx.levels[level_number]\n variable_dim = idx.names[level_number]\n\n # pull variables out of datarray\n data_dict = {}\n for k in variables:\n data_dict[k] = self.sel({variable_dim: k}).squeeze(drop=True)\n\n # unstacked dataset\n return Dataset(data_dict)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.transpose_DataArray.transpose.if_transpose_coords_.else_.return.self__replace_variable_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.transpose_DataArray.transpose.if_transpose_coords_.else_.return.self__replace_variable_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1838, "end_line": 1889, "span_ids": ["DataArray.transpose"], "tokens": 395}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def transpose(self, *dims: Hashable, transpose_coords: bool = None) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Return a new DataArray object with transposed dimensions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n *dims : hashable, optional\n By default, reverse the dimensions. Otherwise, reorder the\n dimensions to this order.\n transpose_coords : boolean, optional\n If True, also transpose the coordinates of this DataArray.\n\n Returns\n -------\n transposed : DataArray\n The returned DataArray's array is transposed.\n\n Notes\n -----\n This operation returns a view of this array's data. It is\n lazy for dask-backed DataArrays but not for numpy-backed DataArrays\n -- the data will be fully loaded.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.transpose\n Dataset.transpose\n \"\"\"\n if dims:\n if set(dims) ^ set(self.dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"arguments to transpose (%s) must be \"\n \"permuted array dimensions (%s)\" % (dims, tuple(self.dims))\n )\n\n variable = self.variable.transpose(*dims)\n if transpose_coords:\n coords: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n for name, coord in self.coords.items():\n coord_dims = tuple(dim for dim in dims if dim in coord.dims)\n coords[name] = coord.variable.transpose(*coord_dims)\n return self._replace(variable, coords)\n else:\n if transpose_coords is None and any(self[c].ndim > 1 for c in self.coords):\n warnings.warn(\n \"This DataArray contains multi-dimensional \"\n \"coordinates. In the future, these coordinates \"\n \"will be transposed as well unless you specify \"\n \"transpose_coords=False.\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n return self._replace(variable)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.T_DataArray.drop_80._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.T_DataArray.drop_80._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1891, "end_line": 1907, "span_ids": ["DataArray.drop", "DataArray.drop_80", "DataArray.T"], "tokens": 132}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n @property\n def T(self) -> \"DataArray\":\n return self.transpose()\n\n # Drop coords\n @overload\n def drop(\n self, labels: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]], *, errors: str = \"raise\"\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n ...\n\n # Drop index labels along dimension\n @overload # noqa: F811\n def drop(\n self, labels: Any, dim: Hashable, *, errors: str = \"raise\" # array-like\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n ...", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.drop_81_DataArray.drop_81.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.drop_81_DataArray.drop_81.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1909, "end_line": 1930, "span_ids": ["DataArray.drop_81"], "tokens": 226}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def drop(self, labels, dim=None, *, errors=\"raise\"): # noqa: F811\n \"\"\"Drop coordinates or index labels from this DataArray.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n labels : hashable or sequence of hashables\n Name(s) of coordinates or index labels to drop.\n If dim is not None, labels can be any array-like.\n dim : hashable, optional\n Dimension along which to drop index labels. By default (if\n ``dim is None``), drops coordinates rather than index labels.\n errors: {'raise', 'ignore'}, optional\n If 'raise' (default), raises a ValueError error if\n any of the coordinates or index labels passed are not\n in the array. If 'ignore', any given labels that are in the\n array are dropped and no error is raised.\n Returns\n -------\n dropped : DataArray\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().drop(labels, dim, errors=errors)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.dropna_DataArray.dropna.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.dropna_DataArray.dropna.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1932, "end_line": 1954, "span_ids": ["DataArray.dropna"], "tokens": 196}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def dropna(\n self, dim: Hashable, how: str = \"any\", thresh: int = None\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new array with dropped labels for missing values along\n the provided dimension.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : hashable\n Dimension along which to drop missing values. Dropping along\n multiple dimensions simultaneously is not yet supported.\n how : {'any', 'all'}, optional\n * any : if any NA values are present, drop that label\n * all : if all values are NA, drop that label\n thresh : int, default None\n If supplied, require this many non-NA values.\n\n Returns\n -------\n DataArray\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().dropna(dim, how=how, thresh=thresh)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.fillna_DataArray.fillna.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.fillna_DataArray.fillna.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1956, "end_line": 1981, "span_ids": ["DataArray.fillna"], "tokens": 199}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def fillna(self, value: Any) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Fill missing values in this object.\n\n This operation follows the normal broadcasting and alignment rules that\n xarray uses for binary arithmetic, except the result is aligned to this\n object (``join='left'``) instead of aligned to the intersection of\n index coordinates (``join='inner'``).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n value : scalar, ndarray or DataArray\n Used to fill all matching missing values in this array. If the\n argument is a DataArray, it is first aligned with (reindexed to)\n this array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n DataArray\n \"\"\"\n if utils.is_dict_like(value):\n raise TypeError(\n \"cannot provide fill value as a dictionary with \"\n \"fillna on a DataArray\"\n )\n out = ops.fillna(self, value)\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.interpolate_na_DataArray.interpolate_na.return.interp_na_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.interpolate_na_DataArray.interpolate_na.return.interp_na_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1983, "end_line": 2038, "span_ids": ["DataArray.interpolate_na"], "tokens": 470}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def interpolate_na(\n self,\n dim=None,\n method: str = \"linear\",\n limit: int = None,\n use_coordinate: Union[bool, str] = True,\n **kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Interpolate values according to different methods.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str\n Specifies the dimension along which to interpolate.\n method : {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic',\n 'polynomial', 'barycentric', 'krog', 'pchip',\n 'spline', 'akima'}, optional\n String indicating which method to use for interpolation:\n\n - 'linear': linear interpolation (Default). Additional keyword\n arguments are passed to ``numpy.interp``\n - 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic',\n 'polynomial': are passed to ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d``. If\n method=='polynomial', the ``order`` keyword argument must also be\n provided.\n - 'barycentric', 'krog', 'pchip', 'spline', and `akima`: use their\n respective``scipy.interpolate`` classes.\n use_coordinate : boolean or str, default True\n Specifies which index to use as the x values in the interpolation\n formulated as `y = f(x)`. If False, values are treated as if\n eqaully-spaced along `dim`. If True, the IndexVariable `dim` is\n used. If use_coordinate is a string, it specifies the name of a\n coordinate variariable to use as the index.\n limit : int, default None\n Maximum number of consecutive NaNs to fill. Must be greater than 0\n or None for no limit.\n\n Returns\n -------\n DataArray\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.interp\n scipy.interpolate\n \"\"\"\n from .missing import interp_na\n\n return interp_na(\n self,\n dim=dim,\n method=method,\n limit=limit,\n use_coordinate=use_coordinate,\n **kwargs\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.ffill_DataArray.ffill.return.ffill_self_dim_limit_li": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.ffill_DataArray.ffill.return.ffill_self_dim_limit_li", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2040, "end_line": 2062, "span_ids": ["DataArray.ffill"], "tokens": 169}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def ffill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Fill NaN values by propogating values forward\n\n *Requires bottleneck.*\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : hashable\n Specifies the dimension along which to propagate values when\n filling.\n limit : int, default None\n The maximum number of consecutive NaN values to forward fill. In\n other words, if there is a gap with more than this number of\n consecutive NaNs, it will only be partially filled. Must be greater\n than 0 or None for no limit.\n\n Returns\n -------\n DataArray\n \"\"\"\n from .missing import ffill\n\n return ffill(self, dim, limit=limit)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.bfill_DataArray.bfill.return.bfill_self_dim_limit_li": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.bfill_DataArray.bfill.return.bfill_self_dim_limit_li", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2064, "end_line": 2086, "span_ids": ["DataArray.bfill"], "tokens": 168}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def bfill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Fill NaN values by propogating values backward\n\n *Requires bottleneck.*\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str\n Specifies the dimension along which to propagate values when\n filling.\n limit : int, default None\n The maximum number of consecutive NaN values to backward fill. In\n other words, if there is a gap with more than this number of\n consecutive NaNs, it will only be partially filled. Must be greater\n than 0 or None for no limit.\n\n Returns\n -------\n DataArray\n \"\"\"\n from .missing import bfill\n\n return bfill(self, dim, limit=limit)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.combine_first_DataArray.combine_first.return.ops_fillna_self_other_j": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.combine_first_DataArray.combine_first.return.ops_fillna_self_other_j", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2088, "end_line": 2104, "span_ids": ["DataArray.combine_first"], "tokens": 133}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def combine_first(self, other: \"DataArray\") -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Combine two DataArray objects, with union of coordinates.\n\n This operation follows the normal broadcasting and alignment rules of\n ``join='outer'``. Default to non-null values of array calling the\n method. Use np.nan to fill in vacant cells after alignment.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : DataArray\n Used to fill all matching missing values in this array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n DataArray\n \"\"\"\n return ops.fillna(self, other, join=\"outer\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reduce_DataArray.reduce.return.self__replace_maybe_drop_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.reduce_DataArray.reduce.return.self__replace_maybe_drop_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2106, "end_line": 2149, "span_ids": ["DataArray.reduce"], "tokens": 422}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reduce(\n self,\n func: Callable[..., Any],\n dim: Union[None, Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,\n axis: Union[None, int, Sequence[int]] = None,\n keep_attrs: bool = None,\n keepdims: bool = False,\n **kwargs: Any\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Reduce this array by applying `func` along some dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Function which can be called in the form\n `f(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of reducing an\n np.ndarray over an integer valued axis.\n dim : hashable or sequence of hashables, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`.\n axis : int or sequence of int, optional\n Axis(es) over which to repeatedly apply `func`. Only one of the\n 'dim' and 'axis' arguments can be supplied. If neither are\n supplied, then the reduction is calculated over the flattened array\n (by calling `f(x)` without an axis argument).\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the variable's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n keepdims : bool, default False\n If True, the dimensions which are reduced are left in the result\n as dimensions of size one. Coordinates that use these dimensions\n are removed.\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reduced : DataArray\n DataArray with this object's array replaced with an array with\n summarized data and the indicated dimension(s) removed.\n \"\"\"\n\n var = self.variable.reduce(func, dim, axis, keep_attrs, keepdims, **kwargs)\n return self._replace_maybe_drop_dims(var)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_pandas_DataArray.to_pandas.return.constructor_self_values_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_pandas_DataArray.to_pandas.return.constructor_self_values_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2151, "end_line": 2182, "span_ids": ["DataArray.to_pandas"], "tokens": 263}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_pandas(self) -> Union[\"DataArray\", pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]:\n \"\"\"Convert this array into a pandas object with the same shape.\n\n The type of the returned object depends on the number of DataArray\n dimensions:\n\n * 0D -> `xarray.DataArray`\n * 1D -> `pandas.Series`\n * 2D -> `pandas.DataFrame`\n * 3D -> `pandas.Panel` *(deprecated)*\n\n Only works for arrays with 3 or fewer dimensions.\n\n The DataArray constructor performs the inverse transformation.\n \"\"\"\n # TODO: consolidate the info about pandas constructors and the\n # attributes that correspond to their indexes into a separate module?\n constructors = {\n 0: lambda x: x,\n 1: pd.Series,\n 2: pd.DataFrame,\n 3: pdcompat.Panel,\n }\n try:\n constructor = constructors[self.ndim]\n except KeyError:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot convert arrays with %s dimensions into \"\n \"pandas objects\" % self.ndim\n )\n indexes = [self.get_index(dim) for dim in self.dims]\n return constructor(self.values, *indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_dataframe_DataArray.to_dataframe.return.df": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_dataframe_DataArray.to_dataframe.return.df", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2184, "end_line": 2210, "span_ids": ["DataArray.to_dataframe"], "tokens": 286}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_dataframe(self, name: Hashable = None) -> pd.DataFrame:\n \"\"\"Convert this array and its coordinates into a tidy pandas.DataFrame.\n\n The DataFrame is indexed by the Cartesian product of index coordinates\n (in the form of a :py:class:`pandas.MultiIndex`).\n\n Other coordinates are included as columns in the DataFrame.\n \"\"\"\n if name is None:\n name = self.name\n if name is None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot convert an unnamed DataArray to a \"\n \"DataFrame: use the ``name`` parameter\"\n )\n\n dims = dict(zip(self.dims, self.shape))\n # By using a unique name, we can convert a DataArray into a DataFrame\n # even if it shares a name with one of its coordinates.\n # I would normally use unique_name = object() but that results in a\n # dataframe with columns in the wrong order, for reasons I have not\n # been able to debug (possibly a pandas bug?).\n unique_name = \"__unique_name_identifier_z98xfz98xugfg73ho__\"\n ds = self._to_dataset_whole(name=unique_name)\n df = ds._to_dataframe(dims)\n df.columns = [name if c == unique_name else c for c in df.columns]\n return df", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_series_DataArray.to_masked_array.return.np_ma_MaskedArray_data_va": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_series_DataArray.to_masked_array.return.np_ma_MaskedArray_data_va", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2212, "end_line": 2237, "span_ids": ["DataArray.to_series", "DataArray.to_masked_array"], "tokens": 231}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_series(self) -> pd.Series:\n \"\"\"Convert this array into a pandas.Series.\n\n The Series is indexed by the Cartesian product of index coordinates\n (in the form of a :py:class:`pandas.MultiIndex`).\n \"\"\"\n index = self.coords.to_index()\n return pd.Series(self.values.reshape(-1), index=index, name=self.name)\n\n def to_masked_array(self, copy: bool = True) -> np.ma.MaskedArray:\n \"\"\"Convert this array into a numpy.ma.MaskedArray\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n copy : bool\n If True (default) make a copy of the array in the result. If False,\n a MaskedArray view of DataArray.values is returned.\n\n Returns\n -------\n result : MaskedArray\n Masked where invalid values (nan or inf) occur.\n \"\"\"\n values = self.values # only compute lazy arrays once\n isnull = pd.isnull(values)\n return np.ma.MaskedArray(data=values, mask=isnull, copy=copy)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_netcdf_DataArray.to_netcdf.return.dataset_to_netcdf_args_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_netcdf_DataArray.to_netcdf.return.dataset_to_netcdf_args_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2239, "end_line": 2266, "span_ids": ["DataArray.to_netcdf"], "tokens": 305}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_netcdf(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[bytes, \"Delayed\", None]:\n \"\"\"Write DataArray contents to a netCDF file.\n\n All parameters are passed directly to `xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf`.\n\n Notes\n -----\n Only xarray.Dataset objects can be written to netCDF files, so\n the xarray.DataArray is converted to a xarray.Dataset object\n containing a single variable. If the DataArray has no name, or if the\n name is the same as a co-ordinate name, then it is given the name\n '__xarray_dataarray_variable__'.\n \"\"\"\n from ..backends.api import DATAARRAY_NAME, DATAARRAY_VARIABLE\n\n if self.name is None:\n # If no name is set then use a generic xarray name\n dataset = self.to_dataset(name=DATAARRAY_VARIABLE)\n elif self.name in self.coords or self.name in self.dims:\n # The name is the same as one of the coords names, which netCDF\n # doesn't support, so rename it but keep track of the old name\n dataset = self.to_dataset(name=DATAARRAY_VARIABLE)\n dataset.attrs[DATAARRAY_NAME] = self.name\n else:\n # No problems with the name - so we're fine!\n dataset = self.to_dataset()\n\n return dataset.to_netcdf(*args, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_dict_DataArray.to_dict.return.d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_dict_DataArray.to_dict.return.d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2268, "end_line": 2291, "span_ids": ["DataArray.to_dict"], "tokens": 185}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_dict(self, data: bool = True) -> dict:\n \"\"\"\n Convert this xarray.DataArray into a dictionary following xarray\n naming conventions.\n\n Converts all variables and attributes to native Python objects.\n Useful for coverting to json. To avoid datetime incompatibility\n use decode_times=False kwarg in xarrray.open_dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data : bool, optional\n Whether to include the actual data in the dictionary. When set to\n False, returns just the schema.\n\n See also\n --------\n DataArray.from_dict\n \"\"\"\n d = self.variable.to_dict(data=data)\n d.update({\"coords\": {}, \"name\": self.name})\n for k in self.coords:\n d[\"coords\"][k] = self.coords[k].variable.to_dict(data=data)\n return d", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.from_dict_DataArray.from_dict.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.from_dict_DataArray.from_dict.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2293, "end_line": 2343, "span_ids": ["DataArray.from_dict"], "tokens": 375}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n @classmethod\n def from_dict(cls, d: dict) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"\n Convert a dictionary into an xarray.DataArray\n\n Input dict can take several forms::\n\n d = {'dims': ('t'), 'data': x}\n\n d = {'coords': {'t': {'dims': 't', 'data': t,\n 'attrs': {'units':'s'}}},\n 'attrs': {'title': 'air temperature'},\n 'dims': 't',\n 'data': x,\n 'name': 'a'}\n\n where 't' is the name of the dimesion, 'a' is the name of the array,\n and x and t are lists, numpy.arrays, or pandas objects.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n d : dict, with a minimum structure of {'dims': [..], 'data': [..]}\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : xarray.DataArray\n\n See also\n --------\n DataArray.to_dict\n Dataset.from_dict\n \"\"\"\n coords = None\n if \"coords\" in d:\n try:\n coords = {\n k: (v[\"dims\"], v[\"data\"], v.get(\"attrs\"))\n for k, v in d[\"coords\"].items()\n }\n except KeyError as e:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot convert dict when coords are missing the key \"\n \"'{dims_data}'\".format(dims_data=str(e.args[0]))\n )\n try:\n data = d[\"data\"]\n except KeyError:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot convert dict without the key 'data''\")\n else:\n obj = cls(data, coords, d.get(\"dims\"), d.get(\"name\"), d.get(\"attrs\"))\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.from_series_DataArray.from_series.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.from_series_DataArray.from_series.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2345, "end_line": 2366, "span_ids": ["DataArray.from_series"], "tokens": 195}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n @classmethod\n def from_series(cls, series: pd.Series, sparse: bool = False) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Convert a pandas.Series into an xarray.DataArray.\n\n If the series's index is a MultiIndex, it will be expanded into a\n tensor product of one-dimensional coordinates (filling in missing\n values with NaN). Thus this operation should be the inverse of the\n `to_series` method.\n\n If sparse=True, creates a sparse array instead of a dense NumPy array.\n Requires the pydata/sparse package.\n\n See also\n --------\n xarray.Dataset.from_dataframe\n \"\"\"\n temp_name = \"__temporary_name\"\n df = pd.DataFrame({temp_name: series})\n ds = Dataset.from_dataframe(df, sparse=sparse)\n result = cast(DataArray, ds[temp_name])\n result.name = series.name\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_cdms2_DataArray.broadcast_equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.to_cdms2_DataArray.broadcast_equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2368, "end_line": 2422, "span_ids": ["DataArray.from_iris", "DataArray.to_iris", "DataArray.to_cdms2", "DataArray.broadcast_equals", "DataArray.from_cdms2", "DataArray._all_compat"], "tokens": 387}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_cdms2(self) -> \"cdms2_Variable\":\n \"\"\"Convert this array into a cdms2.Variable\n \"\"\"\n from ..convert import to_cdms2\n\n return to_cdms2(self)\n\n @classmethod\n def from_cdms2(cls, variable: \"cdms2_Variable\") -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Convert a cdms2.Variable into an xarray.DataArray\n \"\"\"\n from ..convert import from_cdms2\n\n return from_cdms2(variable)\n\n def to_iris(self) -> \"iris_Cube\":\n \"\"\"Convert this array into a iris.cube.Cube\n \"\"\"\n from ..convert import to_iris\n\n return to_iris(self)\n\n @classmethod\n def from_iris(cls, cube: \"iris_Cube\") -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Convert a iris.cube.Cube into an xarray.DataArray\n \"\"\"\n from ..convert import from_iris\n\n return from_iris(cube)\n\n def _all_compat(self, other: \"DataArray\", compat_str: str) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Helper function for equals, broadcast_equals, and identical\n \"\"\"\n\n def compat(x, y):\n return getattr(x.variable, compat_str)(y.variable)\n\n return utils.dict_equiv(self.coords, other.coords, compat=compat) and compat(\n self, other\n )\n\n def broadcast_equals(self, other: \"DataArray\") -> bool:\n \"\"\"Two DataArrays are broadcast equal if they are equal after\n broadcasting them against each other such that they have the same\n dimensions.\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.equals\n DataArray.identical\n \"\"\"\n try:\n return self._all_compat(other, \"broadcast_equals\")\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.equals_DataArray.equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.equals_DataArray.equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2424, "end_line": 2442, "span_ids": ["DataArray.equals"], "tokens": 142}, 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"text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.identical_DataArray._unary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.identical_DataArray._unary_op.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2444, "end_line": 2488, "span_ids": ["DataArray.__rmatmul__", "DataArray.__matmul__", "DataArray.__array_wrap__", "DataArray._unary_op", "DataArray._result_name", "DataArray:24", "DataArray.identical"], "tokens": 370}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def identical(self, other: \"DataArray\") -> bool:\n \"\"\"Like equals, but also checks the array name and attributes, and\n attributes on all coordinates.\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.broadcast_equals\n DataArray.equal\n \"\"\"\n try:\n return self.name == other.name and self._all_compat(other, \"identical\")\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False\n\n __default_name = object()\n\n def _result_name(self, other: Any = None) -> Optional[Hashable]:\n # use the same naming heuristics as pandas:\n # https://github.com/ContinuumIO/blaze/issues/458#issuecomment-51936356\n other_name = getattr(other, \"name\", self.__default_name)\n if other_name is self.__default_name or other_name == self.name:\n return self.name\n else:\n return None\n\n def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None) -> \"DataArray\":\n new_var = self.variable.__array_wrap__(obj, context)\n return self._replace(new_var)\n\n def __matmul__(self, obj):\n return self.dot(obj)\n\n def __rmatmul__(self, other):\n # currently somewhat duplicative, as only other DataArrays are\n # compatible with matmul\n return computation.dot(other, self)\n\n @staticmethod\n def _unary_op(f: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., \"DataArray\"]:\n @functools.wraps(f)\n def func(self, *args, **kwargs):\n with np.errstate(all=\"ignore\"):\n return self.__array_wrap__(f(self.variable.data, *args, **kwargs))\n\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._binary_op_DataArray._binary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": 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isinstance(other, (Dataset, groupby.GroupBy)):\n return NotImplemented\n if isinstance(other, DataArray):\n align_type = OPTIONS[\"arithmetic_join\"] if join is None else join\n self, other = align(self, other, join=align_type, copy=False)\n other_variable = getattr(other, \"variable\", other)\n other_coords = getattr(other, \"coords\", None)\n\n variable = (\n f(self.variable, other_variable)\n if not reflexive\n else f(other_variable, self.variable)\n )\n coords, indexes = self.coords._merge_raw(other_coords)\n name = self._result_name(other)\n\n return self._replace(variable, coords, name)\n\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._inplace_binary_op_DataArray._inplace_binary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._inplace_binary_op_DataArray._inplace_binary_op.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2519, "end_line": 2538, "span_ids": ["DataArray._inplace_binary_op"], "tokens": 197}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n @staticmethod\n def _inplace_binary_op(f: Callable) -> Callable[..., \"DataArray\"]:\n @functools.wraps(f)\n def func(self, other):\n if isinstance(other, groupby.GroupBy):\n raise TypeError(\n \"in-place operations between a DataArray and \"\n \"a grouped object are not permitted\"\n )\n # n.b. we can't align other to self (with other.reindex_like(self))\n # because `other` may be converted into floats, which would cause\n # in-place arithmetic to fail unpredictably. Instead, we simply\n # don't support automatic alignment with in-place arithmetic.\n other_coords = getattr(other, \"coords\", None)\n other_variable = getattr(other, \"variable\", other)\n with self.coords._merge_inplace(other_coords):\n f(self.variable, other_variable)\n return self\n\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._copy_attrs_from_DataArray.plot.return._PlotMethods_self_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._copy_attrs_from_DataArray.plot.return._PlotMethods_self_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2540, "end_line": 2560, "span_ids": ["DataArray.plot", "DataArray._copy_attrs_from"], "tokens": 136}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _copy_attrs_from(self, other: Union[\"DataArray\", Dataset, Variable]) -> None:\n self.attrs = other.attrs\n\n @property\n def plot(self) -> _PlotMethods:\n \"\"\"\n Access plotting functions\n\n >>> d = DataArray([[1, 2], [3, 4]])\n\n For convenience just call this directly\n\n >>> d.plot()\n\n Or use it as a namespace to use xarray.plot functions as\n DataArray methods\n\n >>> d.plot.imshow() # equivalent to xarray.plot.imshow(d)\n\n \"\"\"\n return _PlotMethods(self)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._title_for_slice_DataArray._title_for_slice.return.title": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray._title_for_slice_DataArray._title_for_slice.return.title", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2562, "end_line": 2589, "span_ids": ["DataArray._title_for_slice"], "tokens": 177}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _title_for_slice(self, truncate: int = 50) -> str:\n \"\"\"\n If the dataarray has 1 dimensional coordinates or comes from a slice\n we can show that info in the title\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n truncate : integer\n maximum number of characters for title\n\n Returns\n -------\n title : string\n Can be used for plot titles\n\n \"\"\"\n one_dims = []\n for dim, coord in self.coords.items():\n if coord.size == 1:\n one_dims.append(\n \"{dim} = {v}\".format(dim=dim, v=format_item(coord.values))\n )\n\n title = \", \".join(one_dims)\n if len(title) > truncate:\n title = title[: (truncate - 3)] + \"...\"\n\n return title", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.diff_DataArray.diff.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.diff_DataArray.diff.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2591, "end_line": 2630, "span_ids": ["DataArray.diff"], "tokens": 356}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def diff(self, dim: Hashable, n: int = 1, label: Hashable = \"upper\") -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Calculate the n-th order discrete difference along given axis.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : hashable, optional\n Dimension over which to calculate the finite difference.\n n : int, optional\n The number of times values are differenced.\n label : hashable, optional\n The new coordinate in dimension ``dim`` will have the\n values of either the minuend's or subtrahend's coordinate\n for values 'upper' and 'lower', respectively. Other\n values are not supported.\n\n Returns\n -------\n difference : same type as caller\n The n-th order finite difference of this object.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 5, 6, 6], [[1, 2, 3, 4]], ['x'])\n >>> arr.diff('x')\n \n array([0, 1, 0])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 2 3 4\n >>> arr.diff('x', 2)\n \n array([ 1, -1])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 3 4\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.differentiate\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().diff(n=n, dim=dim, label=label)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.shift_DataArray.shift.return.self__replace_variable_va": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.shift_DataArray.shift.return.self__replace_variable_va", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2632, "end_line": 2679, "span_ids": ["DataArray.shift"], "tokens": 354}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def shift(\n self,\n shifts: Mapping[Hashable, int] = None,\n fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,\n **shifts_kwargs: int\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Shift this array by an offset along one or more dimensions.\n\n Only the data is moved; coordinates stay in place. Values shifted from\n beyond array bounds are replaced by NaN. This is consistent with the\n behavior of ``shift`` in pandas.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n shifts : Mapping with the form of {dim: offset}\n Integer offset to shift along each of the given dimensions.\n Positive offsets shift to the right; negative offsets shift to the\n left.\n fill_value: scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n **shifts_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``shifts``.\n One of shifts or shifts_kwarg must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n shifted : DataArray\n DataArray with the same coordinates and attributes but shifted\n data.\n\n See also\n --------\n roll\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 6, 7], dims='x')\n >>> arr.shift(x=1)\n \n array([ nan, 5., 6.])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2\n \"\"\"\n variable = self.variable.shift(\n shifts=shifts, fill_value=fill_value, **shifts_kwargs\n )\n return self._replace(variable=variable)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.roll_DataArray.roll.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.roll_DataArray.roll.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2681, "end_line": 2729, "span_ids": ["DataArray.roll"], "tokens": 382}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def roll(\n self,\n shifts: Mapping[Hashable, int] = None,\n roll_coords: bool = None,\n **shifts_kwargs: int\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Roll this array by an offset along one or more dimensions.\n\n Unlike shift, roll may rotate all variables, including coordinates\n if specified. The direction of rotation is consistent with\n :py:func:`numpy.roll`.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n shifts : Mapping with the form of {dim: offset}\n Integer offset to rotate each of the given dimensions.\n Positive offsets roll to the right; negative offsets roll to the\n left.\n roll_coords : bool\n Indicates whether to roll the coordinates by the offset\n The current default of roll_coords (None, equivalent to True) is\n deprecated and will change to False in a future version.\n Explicitly pass roll_coords to silence the warning.\n **shifts_kwargs : The keyword arguments form of ``shifts``.\n One of shifts or shifts_kwarg must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n rolled : DataArray\n DataArray with the same attributes but rolled data and coordinates.\n\n See also\n --------\n shift\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 6, 7], dims='x')\n >>> arr.roll(x=1)\n \n array([7, 5, 6])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 2 0 1\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().roll(\n shifts=shifts, roll_coords=roll_coords, **shifts_kwargs\n )\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.real_DataArray.dot.return.computation_dot_self_oth": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.real_DataArray.dot.return.computation_dot_self_oth", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2731, "end_line": 2788, "span_ids": ["DataArray.real", "DataArray.dot", "DataArray.imag"], "tokens": 397}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n @property\n def real(self) -> \"DataArray\":\n return self._replace(self.variable.real)\n\n @property\n def imag(self) -> \"DataArray\":\n return self._replace(self.variable.imag)\n\n def dot(\n self, other: \"DataArray\", dims: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Perform dot product of two DataArrays along their shared dims.\n\n Equivalent to taking taking tensordot over all shared dims.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : DataArray\n The other array with which the dot product is performed.\n dims: hashable or sequence of hashables, optional\n Along which dimensions to be summed over. Default all the common\n dimensions are summed over.\n\n Returns\n -------\n result : DataArray\n Array resulting from the dot product over all shared dimensions.\n\n See also\n --------\n dot\n numpy.tensordot\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> da_vals = np.arange(6 * 5 * 4).reshape((6, 5, 4))\n >>> da = DataArray(da_vals, dims=['x', 'y', 'z'])\n >>> dm_vals = np.arange(4)\n >>> dm = DataArray(dm_vals, dims=['z'])\n\n >>> dm.dims\n ('z')\n >>> da.dims\n ('x', 'y', 'z')\n\n >>> dot_result = da.dot(dm)\n >>> dot_result.dims\n ('x', 'y')\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(other, Dataset):\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"dot products are not yet supported with Dataset objects.\"\n )\n if not isinstance(other, DataArray):\n raise TypeError(\"dot only operates on DataArrays.\")\n\n return computation.dot(self, other, dims=dims)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.sortby_DataArray.sortby.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.sortby_DataArray.sortby.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2790, "end_line": 2844, "span_ids": ["DataArray.sortby"], "tokens": 571}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def sortby(\n self,\n variables: Union[Hashable, \"DataArray\", Sequence[Union[Hashable, \"DataArray\"]]],\n ascending: bool = True,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Sort object by labels or values (along an axis).\n\n Sorts the dataarray, either along specified dimensions,\n or according to values of 1-D dataarrays that share dimension\n with calling object.\n\n If the input variables are dataarrays, then the dataarrays are aligned\n (via left-join) to the calling object prior to sorting by cell values.\n NaNs are sorted to the end, following Numpy convention.\n\n If multiple sorts along the same dimension is\n given, numpy's lexsort is performed along that dimension:\n https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.lexsort.html\n and the FIRST key in the sequence is used as the primary sort key,\n followed by the 2nd key, etc.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables: hashable, DataArray, or sequence of either\n 1D DataArray objects or name(s) of 1D variable(s) in\n coords whose values are used to sort this array.\n ascending: boolean, optional\n Whether to sort by ascending or descending order.\n\n Returns\n -------\n sorted: DataArray\n A new dataarray where all the specified dims are sorted by dim\n labels.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(5),\n ... coords=[pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=5)],\n ... dims='time')\n >>> da\n \n array([ 0.965471, 0.615637, 0.26532 , 0.270962, 0.552878])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 2000-01-03 ...\n\n >>> da.sortby(da)\n \n array([ 0.26532 , 0.270962, 0.552878, 0.615637, 0.965471])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-03 2000-01-04 2000-01-05 ...\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().sortby(variables, ascending=ascending)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.quantile_DataArray.quantile.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.quantile_DataArray.quantile.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2846, "end_line": 2897, "span_ids": ["DataArray.quantile"], "tokens": 488}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def quantile(\n self,\n q: Any,\n dim: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None,\n interpolation: str = \"linear\",\n keep_attrs: bool = None,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Compute the qth quantile of the data along the specified dimension.\n\n Returns the qth quantiles(s) of the array elements.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n q : float in range of [0,1] or array-like of floats\n Quantile to compute, which must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.\n dim : hashable or sequence of hashable, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply quantile.\n interpolation : {'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint', 'nearest'}\n This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to\n use when the desired quantile lies between two data points\n ``i < j``:\n\n - linear: ``i + (j - i) * fraction``, where ``fraction`` is\n the fractional part of the index surrounded by ``i`` and\n ``j``.\n - lower: ``i``.\n - higher: ``j``.\n - nearest: ``i`` or ``j``, whichever is nearest.\n - midpoint: ``(i + j) / 2``.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n\n Returns\n -------\n quantiles : DataArray\n If `q` is a single quantile, then the result\n is a scalar. If multiple percentiles are given, first axis of\n the result corresponds to the quantile and a quantile dimension\n is added to the return array. The other dimensions are the\n dimensions that remain after the reduction of the array.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.nanpercentile, pandas.Series.quantile, Dataset.quantile\n \"\"\"\n\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().quantile(\n q, dim=dim, keep_attrs=keep_attrs, interpolation=interpolation\n )\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.rank_DataArray.rank.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.rank_DataArray.rank.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2899, "end_line": 2939, "span_ids": ["DataArray.rank"], "tokens": 338}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def rank(\n self, dim: Hashable, pct: bool = False, keep_attrs: bool = None\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Ranks the data.\n\n Equal values are assigned a rank that is the average of the ranks that\n would have been otherwise assigned to all of the values within that\n set. Ranks begin at 1, not 0. If pct, computes percentage ranks.\n\n NaNs in the input array are returned as NaNs.\n\n The `bottleneck` library is required.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : hashable\n Dimension over which to compute rank.\n pct : bool, optional\n If True, compute percentage ranks, otherwise compute integer ranks.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n\n Returns\n -------\n ranked : DataArray\n DataArray with the same coordinates and dtype 'float64'.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 6, 7], dims='x')\n >>> arr.rank('x')\n \n array([ 1., 2., 3.])\n Dimensions without coordinates: x\n \"\"\"\n\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().rank(dim, pct=pct, keep_attrs=keep_attrs)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.differentiate_DataArray.differentiate.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.differentiate_DataArray.differentiate.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2941, "end_line": 2995, "span_ids": ["DataArray.differentiate"], "tokens": 548}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def differentiate(\n self, coord: Hashable, edge_order: int = 1, datetime_unit: str = None\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\" Differentiate the array with the second order accurate central\n differences.\n\n .. note::\n This feature is limited to simple cartesian geometry, i.e. coord\n must be one dimensional.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n coord: hashable\n The coordinate to be used to compute the gradient.\n edge_order: 1 or 2. Default 1\n N-th order accurate differences at the boundaries.\n datetime_unit: None or any of {'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms',\n 'us', 'ns', 'ps', 'fs', 'as'}\n Unit to compute gradient. Only valid for datetime coordinate.\n\n Returns\n -------\n differentiated: DataArray\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.gradient: corresponding numpy function\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3), dims=['x', 'y'],\n ... coords={'x': [0, 0.1, 1.1, 1.2]})\n >>> da\n \n array([[ 0, 1, 2],\n [ 3, 4, 5],\n [ 6, 7, 8],\n [ 9, 10, 11]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) float64 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.2\n Dimensions without coordinates: y\n >>>\n >>> da.differentiate('x')\n \n array([[30. , 30. , 30. ],\n [27.545455, 27.545455, 27.545455],\n [27.545455, 27.545455, 27.545455],\n [30. , 30. , 30. ]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) float64 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.2\n Dimensions without coordinates: y\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().differentiate(coord, edge_order, datetime_unit)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.integrate_DataArray.unify_chunks.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.integrate_DataArray.unify_chunks.return.self__from_temp_dataset_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2997, "end_line": 3060, "span_ids": ["DataArray.unify_chunks", "DataArray.integrate"], "tokens": 526}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def integrate(\n self, dim: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]], datetime_unit: str = None\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\" integrate the array with the trapezoidal rule.\n\n .. note::\n This feature is limited to simple cartesian geometry, i.e. coord\n must be one dimensional.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim: hashable, or a sequence of hashable\n Coordinate(s) used for the integration.\n datetime_unit: str, optional\n Can be used to specify the unit if datetime coordinate is used.\n One of {'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns',\n 'ps', 'fs', 'as'}\n\n Returns\n -------\n integrated: DataArray\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.trapz: corresponding numpy function\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3), dims=['x', 'y'],\n ... coords={'x': [0, 0.1, 1.1, 1.2]})\n >>> da\n \n array([[ 0, 1, 2],\n [ 3, 4, 5],\n [ 6, 7, 8],\n [ 9, 10, 11]])\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) float64 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.2\n Dimensions without coordinates: y\n >>>\n >>> da.integrate('x')\n \n array([5.4, 6.6, 7.8])\n Dimensions without coordinates: y\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().integrate(dim, datetime_unit)\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)\n\n def unify_chunks(self) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\" Unify chunk size along all chunked dimensions of this DataArray.\n\n Returns\n -------\n\n DataArray with consistent chunk sizes for all dask-array variables\n\n See Also\n --------\n\n dask.array.core.unify_chunks\n \"\"\"\n ds = self._to_temp_dataset().unify_chunks()\n return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.map_blocks_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataarray.py_DataArray.map_blocks_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataarray.py", "file_name": "dataarray.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3062, "end_line": 3126, "span_ids": ["DataArray:26", "DataArray.map_blocks", "impl:18"], "tokens": 574}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords):\n\n def map_blocks(\n self,\n func: \"Callable[..., T_DSorDA]\",\n args: Sequence[Any] = (),\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n ) -> \"T_DSorDA\":\n \"\"\"\n Apply a function to each chunk of this DataArray. This method is experimental\n and its signature may change.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func: callable\n User-provided function that accepts a DataArray as its first parameter. The\n function will receive a subset of this DataArray, corresponding to one chunk\n along each chunked dimension. ``func`` will be executed as\n ``func(obj_subset, *args, **kwargs)``.\n\n The function will be first run on mocked-up data, that looks like this array\n but has sizes 0, to determine properties of the returned object such as\n dtype, variable names, new dimensions and new indexes (if any).\n\n This function must return either a single DataArray or a single Dataset.\n\n This function cannot change size of existing dimensions, or add new chunked\n dimensions.\n args: Sequence\n Passed verbatim to func after unpacking, after the sliced DataArray. xarray\n objects, if any, will not be split by chunks. Passing dask collections is\n not allowed.\n kwargs: Mapping\n Passed verbatim to func after unpacking. xarray objects, if any, will not be\n split by chunks. Passing dask collections is not allowed.\n\n Returns\n -------\n A single DataArray or Dataset with dask backend, reassembled from the outputs of\n the function.\n\n Notes\n -----\n This method is designed for when one needs to manipulate a whole xarray object\n within each chunk. In the more common case where one can work on numpy arrays,\n it is recommended to use apply_ufunc.\n\n If none of the variables in this DataArray is backed by dask, calling this\n method is equivalent to calling ``func(self, *args, **kwargs)``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.map_blocks, xarray.apply_ufunc, xarray.map_blocks,\n xarray.Dataset.map_blocks\n \"\"\"\n from .parallel import map_blocks\n\n return map_blocks(func, self, args, kwargs)\n\n # this needs to be at the end, or mypy will confuse with `str`\n # https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/common_issues.html#dealing-with-conflicting-names\n str = property(StringAccessor)\n\n\n# priority most be higher than Variable to properly work with binary ufuncs\nops.inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods(DataArray, priority=60)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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import (\n TYPE_CHECKING,\n Any,\n Callable,\n DefaultDict,\n Dict,\n Hashable,\n Iterable,\n Iterator,\n List,\n Mapping,\n MutableMapping,\n Optional,\n Sequence,\n Set,\n Tuple,\n TypeVar,\n Union,\n cast,\n overload,\n)\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom ..coding.cftimeindex import _parse_array_of_cftime_strings\nfrom ..plot.dataset_plot import _Dataset_PlotMethods\nfrom . import (\n alignment,\n dtypes,\n duck_array_ops,\n formatting,\n groupby,\n ops,\n resample,\n rolling,\n utils,\n)\nfrom .alignment import _broadcast_helper, _get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords, align\nfrom .common import (\n ALL_DIMS,\n DataWithCoords,\n ImplementsDatasetReduce,\n _contains_datetime_like_objects,\n)\nfrom .coordinates import (\n DatasetCoordinates,\n LevelCoordinatesSource,\n assert_coordinate_consistent,\n remap_label_indexers,\n)\nfrom .duck_array_ops import datetime_to_numeric\nfrom .indexes import Indexes, default_indexes, isel_variable_and_index, roll_index\nfrom .merge import (\n dataset_merge_method,\n dataset_update_method,\n merge_coordinates_without_align,\n merge_data_and_coords,\n)\nfrom .options import OPTIONS, _get_keep_attrs\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom .utils import (\n Frozen,\n SortedKeysDict,\n _check_inplace,\n decode_numpy_dict_values,\n either_dict_or_kwargs,\n hashable,\n is_dict_like,\n is_list_like,\n maybe_wrap_array,\n)\nfrom .variable import IndexVariable, Variable, as_variable, broadcast_variables\n\nif TYPE_CHECKING:\n from ..backends import AbstractDataStore, ZarrStore\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .merge import CoercibleMapping\n\n T_DSorDA = TypeVar(\"T_DSorDA\", DataArray, \"Dataset\")\n\n try:\n from dask.delayed import Delayed\n except ImportError:\n Delayed = None\n\n\n# list of attributes of pd.DatetimeIndex that are ndarrays of time info\n_DATETIMEINDEX_COMPONENTS = [\n \"year\",\n \"month\",\n \"day\",\n \"hour\",\n \"minute\",\n \"second\",\n \"microsecond\",\n \"nanosecond\",\n \"date\",\n \"time\",\n \"dayofyear\",\n \"weekofyear\",\n \"dayofweek\",\n \"quarter\",\n]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py__get_virtual_variable__get_virtual_variable.return.ref_name_var_name_virtu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py__get_virtual_variable__get_virtual_variable.return.ref_name_var_name_virtu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 116, "end_line": 161, "span_ids": ["_get_virtual_variable"], "tokens": 356}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_virtual_variable(\n variables, key: Hashable, level_vars: Mapping = None, dim_sizes: Mapping = None\n) -> Tuple[Hashable, Hashable, Variable]:\n \"\"\"Get a virtual variable (e.g., 'time.year' or a MultiIndex level)\n from a dict of xarray.Variable objects (if possible)\n \"\"\"\n if level_vars is None:\n level_vars = {}\n if dim_sizes is None:\n dim_sizes = {}\n\n if key in dim_sizes:\n data = pd.Index(range(dim_sizes[key]), name=key)\n variable = IndexVariable((key,), data)\n return key, key, variable\n\n if not isinstance(key, str):\n raise KeyError(key)\n\n split_key = key.split(\".\", 1)\n var_name: Optional[str]\n if len(split_key) == 2:\n ref_name, var_name = split_key\n elif len(split_key) == 1:\n ref_name, var_name = key, None\n else:\n raise KeyError(key)\n\n if ref_name in level_vars:\n dim_var = variables[level_vars[ref_name]]\n ref_var = dim_var.to_index_variable().get_level_variable(ref_name)\n else:\n ref_var = variables[ref_name]\n\n if var_name is None:\n virtual_var = ref_var\n var_name = key\n else:\n if _contains_datetime_like_objects(ref_var):\n ref_var = xr.DataArray(ref_var)\n data = getattr(ref_var.dt, var_name).data\n else:\n data = getattr(ref_var, var_name).data\n virtual_var = Variable(ref_var.dims, data)\n\n return ref_name, var_name, virtual_var", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_calculate_dimensions_calculate_dimensions.return.dims": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_calculate_dimensions_calculate_dimensions.return.dims", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 164, "end_line": 188, "span_ids": ["calculate_dimensions"], "tokens": 229}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def calculate_dimensions(variables: Mapping[Hashable, Variable]) -> Dict[Hashable, int]:\n \"\"\"Calculate the dimensions corresponding to a set of variables.\n\n Returns dictionary mapping from dimension names to sizes. Raises ValueError\n if any of the dimension sizes conflict.\n \"\"\"\n dims: Dict[Hashable, int] = {}\n last_used = {}\n scalar_vars = {k for k, v in variables.items() if not v.dims}\n for k, var in variables.items():\n for dim, size in zip(var.dims, var.shape):\n if dim in scalar_vars:\n raise ValueError(\n \"dimension %r already exists as a scalar \" \"variable\" % dim\n )\n if dim not in dims:\n dims[dim] = size\n last_used[dim] = k\n elif dims[dim] != size:\n raise ValueError(\n \"conflicting sizes for dimension %r: \"\n \"length %s on %r and length %s on %r\"\n % (dim, size, k, dims[dim], last_used[dim])\n )\n return dims", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_merge_indexes_merge_indexes.return.new_variables_new_coord_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_merge_indexes_merge_indexes.return.new_variables_new_coord_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 191, "end_line": 265, "span_ids": ["merge_indexes"], "tokens": 574}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def merge_indexes(\n indexes: Mapping[Hashable, Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]]],\n variables: Mapping[Hashable, Variable],\n coord_names: Set[Hashable],\n append: bool = False,\n) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Variable], Set[Hashable]]:\n \"\"\"Merge variables into multi-indexes.\n\n Not public API. Used in Dataset and DataArray set_index\n methods.\n \"\"\"\n vars_to_replace: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n vars_to_remove: List[Hashable] = []\n error_msg = \"{} is not the name of an existing variable.\"\n\n for dim, var_names in indexes.items():\n if isinstance(var_names, str) or not isinstance(var_names, Sequence):\n var_names = [var_names]\n\n names: List[Hashable] = []\n codes: List[List[int]] = []\n levels: List[List[int]] = []\n current_index_variable = variables.get(dim)\n\n for n in var_names:\n try:\n var = variables[n]\n except KeyError:\n raise ValueError(error_msg.format(n))\n if (\n current_index_variable is not None\n and var.dims != current_index_variable.dims\n ):\n raise ValueError(\n \"dimension mismatch between %r %s and %r %s\"\n % (dim, current_index_variable.dims, n, var.dims)\n )\n\n if current_index_variable is not None and append:\n current_index = current_index_variable.to_index()\n if isinstance(current_index, pd.MultiIndex):\n names.extend(current_index.names)\n codes.extend(current_index.codes)\n levels.extend(current_index.levels)\n else:\n names.append(\"%s_level_0\" % dim)\n cat = pd.Categorical(current_index.values, ordered=True)\n codes.append(cat.codes)\n levels.append(cat.categories)\n\n if not len(names) and len(var_names) == 1:\n idx = pd.Index(variables[var_names[0]].values)\n\n else:\n for n in var_names:\n try:\n var = variables[n]\n except KeyError:\n raise ValueError(error_msg.format(n))\n names.append(n)\n cat = pd.Categorical(var.values, ordered=True)\n codes.append(cat.codes)\n levels.append(cat.categories)\n\n idx = pd.MultiIndex(levels, codes, names=names)\n\n vars_to_replace[dim] = IndexVariable(dim, idx)\n vars_to_remove.extend(var_names)\n\n new_variables = {k: v for k, v in variables.items() if k not in vars_to_remove}\n new_variables.update(vars_to_replace)\n new_coord_names = coord_names | set(vars_to_replace)\n new_coord_names -= set(vars_to_remove)\n\n return new_variables, new_coord_names", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_split_indexes_split_indexes.return.new_variables_new_coord_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_split_indexes_split_indexes.return.new_variables_new_coord_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 268, "end_line": 323, "span_ids": ["split_indexes"], "tokens": 442}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def split_indexes(\n dims_or_levels: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]],\n variables: Mapping[Hashable, Variable],\n coord_names: Set[Hashable],\n level_coords: Mapping[Hashable, Hashable],\n drop: bool = False,\n) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Variable], Set[Hashable]]:\n \"\"\"Extract (multi-)indexes (levels) as variables.\n\n Not public API. Used in Dataset and DataArray reset_index\n methods.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(dims_or_levels, str) or not isinstance(dims_or_levels, Sequence):\n dims_or_levels = [dims_or_levels]\n\n dim_levels: DefaultDict[Any, List[Hashable]] = defaultdict(list)\n dims = []\n for k in dims_or_levels:\n if k in level_coords:\n dim_levels[level_coords[k]].append(k)\n else:\n dims.append(k)\n\n vars_to_replace = {}\n vars_to_create: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n vars_to_remove = []\n\n for d in dims:\n index = variables[d].to_index()\n if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n dim_levels[d] = index.names\n else:\n vars_to_remove.append(d)\n if not drop:\n vars_to_create[str(d) + \"_\"] = Variable(d, index)\n\n for d, levs in dim_levels.items():\n index = variables[d].to_index()\n if len(levs) == index.nlevels:\n vars_to_remove.append(d)\n else:\n vars_to_replace[d] = IndexVariable(d, index.droplevel(levs))\n\n if not drop:\n for lev in levs:\n idx = index.get_level_values(lev)\n vars_to_create[idx.name] = Variable(d, idx)\n\n new_variables = dict(variables)\n for v in set(vars_to_remove):\n del new_variables[v]\n new_variables.update(vars_to_replace)\n new_variables.update(vars_to_create)\n new_coord_names = (coord_names | set(vars_to_create)) - set(vars_to_remove)\n\n return new_variables, new_coord_names", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py__assert_empty_as_dataset.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py__assert_empty_as_dataset.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 326, "end_line": 341, "span_ids": ["_assert_empty", "as_dataset"], "tokens": 115}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _assert_empty(args: tuple, msg: str = \"%s\") -> None:\n if args:\n raise ValueError(msg % args)\n\n\ndef as_dataset(obj: Any) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Cast the given object to a Dataset.\n\n Handles Datasets, DataArrays and dictionaries of variables. A new Dataset\n object is only created if the provided object is not already one.\n \"\"\"\n if hasattr(obj, \"to_dataset\"):\n obj = obj.to_dataset()\n if not isinstance(obj, Dataset):\n obj = Dataset(obj)\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_DataVariables_DataVariables._ipython_key_completions_.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_DataVariables_DataVariables._ipython_key_completions_.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 344, "end_line": 382, "span_ids": ["DataVariables", "DataVariables.__repr__", "DataVariables.__contains__", "DataVariables.__iter__", "DataVariables.variables", "DataVariables._ipython_key_completions_", "DataVariables.__len__", "DataVariables.__getitem__"], "tokens": 317}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataVariables(Mapping[Hashable, \"DataArray\"]):\n __slots__ = (\"_dataset\",)\n\n def __init__(self, dataset: \"Dataset\"):\n self._dataset = dataset\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Hashable]:\n return (\n key\n for key in self._dataset._variables\n if key not in self._dataset._coord_names\n )\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self._dataset._variables) - len(self._dataset._coord_names)\n\n def __contains__(self, key: Hashable) -> bool:\n return key in self._dataset._variables and key not in self._dataset._coord_names\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> \"DataArray\":\n if key not in self._dataset._coord_names:\n return cast(\"DataArray\", self._dataset[key])\n raise KeyError(key)\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return formatting.data_vars_repr(self)\n\n @property\n def variables(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, Variable]:\n all_variables = self._dataset.variables\n return Frozen({k: all_variables[k] for k in self})\n\n def _ipython_key_completions_(self):\n \"\"\"Provide method for the key-autocompletions in IPython. \"\"\"\n return [\n key\n for key in self._dataset._ipython_key_completions_()\n if key not in self._dataset._coord_names\n ]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py__LocIndexer_Dataset._resample_cls.resample_DatasetResample": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py__LocIndexer_Dataset._resample_cls.resample_DatasetResample", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 385, "end_line": 434, "span_ids": ["Dataset", "_LocIndexer.__getitem__", "_LocIndexer"], "tokens": 368}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class _LocIndexer:\n __slots__ = (\"dataset\",)\n\n def __init__(self, dataset: \"Dataset\"):\n self.dataset = dataset\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> \"Dataset\":\n if not utils.is_dict_like(key):\n raise TypeError(\"can only lookup dictionaries from Dataset.loc\")\n return self.dataset.sel(key)\n\n\nclass Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n \"\"\"A multi-dimensional, in memory, array database.\n\n A dataset resembles an in-memory representation of a NetCDF file, and\n consists of variables, coordinates and attributes which together form a\n self describing dataset.\n\n Dataset implements the mapping interface with keys given by variable names\n and values given by DataArray objects for each variable name.\n\n One dimensional variables with name equal to their dimension are index\n coordinates used for label based indexing.\n \"\"\"\n\n _accessors: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]\n _attrs: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Any]]\n _coord_names: Set[Hashable]\n _dims: Dict[Hashable, int]\n _encoding: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Any]]\n _indexes: Optional[Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]]\n _variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable]\n\n __slots__ = (\n \"_accessors\",\n \"_attrs\",\n \"_coord_names\",\n \"_dims\",\n \"_encoding\",\n \"_file_obj\",\n \"_indexes\",\n \"_variables\",\n \"__weakref__\",\n )\n\n _groupby_cls = groupby.DatasetGroupBy\n _rolling_cls = rolling.DatasetRolling\n _coarsen_cls = rolling.DatasetCoarsen\n _resample_cls = resample.DatasetResample", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__init___Dataset.__init__.self._indexes.indexes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__init___Dataset.__init__.self._indexes.indexes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 436, "end_line": 534, "span_ids": ["Dataset"], "tokens": 815}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __init__(\n self,\n # could make a VariableArgs to use more generally, and refine these\n # categories\n data_vars: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n attrs: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n compat=None,\n ):\n \"\"\"To load data from a file or file-like object, use the `open_dataset`\n function.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data_vars : dict-like, optional\n A mapping from variable names to :py:class:`~xarray.DataArray`\n objects, :py:class:`~xarray.Variable` objects or to tuples of the\n form ``(dims, data[, attrs])`` which can be used as arguments to\n create a new ``Variable``. Each dimension must have the same length\n in all variables in which it appears.\n\n The following notations are accepted:\n\n - mapping {var name: DataArray}\n - mapping {var name: Variable}\n - mapping {var name: (dimension name, array-like)}\n - mapping {var name: (tuple of dimension names, array-like)}\n - mapping {dimension name: array-like}\n (it will be automatically moved to coords, see below)\n\n Each dimension must have the same length in all variables in which\n it appears.\n coords : dict-like, optional\n Another mapping in similar form as the `data_vars` argument,\n except the each item is saved on the dataset as a \"coordinate\".\n These variables have an associated meaning: they describe\n constant/fixed/independent quantities, unlike the\n varying/measured/dependent quantities that belong in `variables`.\n Coordinates values may be given by 1-dimensional arrays or scalars,\n in which case `dims` do not need to be supplied: 1D arrays will be\n assumed to give index values along the dimension with the same\n name.\n\n The following notations are accepted:\n\n - mapping {coord name: DataArray}\n - mapping {coord name: Variable}\n - mapping {coord name: (dimension name, array-like)}\n - mapping {coord name: (tuple of dimension names, array-like)}\n - mapping {dimension name: array-like}\n (the dimension name is implicitly set to be the same as the coord name)\n\n The last notation implies that the coord name is the same as the\n dimension name.\n\n attrs : dict-like, optional\n Global attributes to save on this dataset.\n compat : deprecated\n \"\"\"\n if compat is not None:\n warnings.warn(\n \"The `compat` argument to Dataset is deprecated and will be \"\n \"removed in 0.15.\"\n \"Instead, use `merge` to control how variables are combined\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n else:\n compat = \"broadcast_equals\"\n\n # TODO(shoyer): expose indexes as a public argument in __init__\n\n if data_vars is None:\n data_vars = {}\n if coords is None:\n coords = {}\n\n both_data_and_coords = set(data_vars) & set(coords)\n if both_data_and_coords:\n raise ValueError(\n \"variables %r are found in both data_vars and coords\"\n % both_data_and_coords\n )\n\n if isinstance(coords, Dataset):\n coords = coords.variables\n\n variables, coord_names, dims, indexes = merge_data_and_coords(\n data_vars, coords, compat=compat\n )\n\n self._accessors = None\n self._attrs = dict(attrs) if attrs is not None else None\n self._file_obj = None\n self._encoding = None\n self._variables = variables\n self._coord_names = coord_names\n self._dims = dims\n self._indexes = indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.load_store_Dataset.sizes.return.self_dims": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.load_store_Dataset.sizes.return.self_dims", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 536, "end_line": 608, "span_ids": ["Dataset.attrs_3", "Dataset.sizes", "Dataset.encoding", "Dataset.dims", "Dataset.attrs", "Dataset.variables", "Dataset.encoding_5", "Dataset.load_store"], "tokens": 502}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @classmethod\n def load_store(cls, store, decoder=None) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Create a new dataset from the contents of a backends.*DataStore\n object\n \"\"\"\n variables, attributes = store.load()\n if decoder:\n variables, attributes = decoder(variables, attributes)\n obj = cls(variables, attrs=attributes)\n obj._file_obj = store\n return obj\n\n @property\n def variables(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, Variable]:\n \"\"\"Low level interface to Dataset contents as dict of Variable objects.\n\n This ordered dictionary is frozen to prevent mutation that could\n violate Dataset invariants. It contains all variable objects\n constituting the Dataset, including both data variables and\n coordinates.\n \"\"\"\n return Frozen(self._variables)\n\n @property\n def attrs(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Any]:\n \"\"\"Dictionary of global attributes on this dataset\n \"\"\"\n if self._attrs is None:\n self._attrs = {}\n return self._attrs\n\n @attrs.setter\n def attrs(self, value: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> None:\n self._attrs = dict(value)\n\n @property\n def encoding(self) -> Dict:\n \"\"\"Dictionary of global encoding attributes on this dataset\n \"\"\"\n if self._encoding is None:\n self._encoding = {}\n return self._encoding\n\n @encoding.setter\n def encoding(self, value: Mapping) -> None:\n self._encoding = dict(value)\n\n @property\n def dims(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, int]:\n \"\"\"Mapping from dimension names to lengths.\n\n Cannot be modified directly, but is updated when adding new variables.\n\n Note that type of this object differs from `DataArray.dims`.\n See `Dataset.sizes` and `DataArray.sizes` for consistently named\n properties.\n \"\"\"\n return Frozen(SortedKeysDict(self._dims))\n\n @property\n def sizes(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, int]:\n \"\"\"Mapping from dimension names to lengths.\n\n Cannot be modified directly, but is updated when adding new variables.\n\n This is an alias for `Dataset.dims` provided for the benefit of\n consistency with `DataArray.sizes`.\n\n See also\n --------\n DataArray.sizes\n \"\"\"\n return self.dims", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.load_Dataset.load.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.load_Dataset.load.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 610, "end_line": 649, "span_ids": ["Dataset.load"], "tokens": 301}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def load(self, **kwargs) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Manually trigger loading and/or computation of this dataset's data\n from disk or a remote source into memory and return this dataset.\n Unlike compute, the original dataset is modified and returned.\n\n Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code,\n because all xarray functions should either work on deferred data or\n load data automatically. However, this method can be necessary when\n working with many file objects on disk.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.array.compute``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.compute\n \"\"\"\n # access .data to coerce everything to numpy or dask arrays\n lazy_data = {\n k: v._data\n for k, v in self.variables.items()\n if isinstance(v._data, dask_array_type)\n }\n if lazy_data:\n import dask.array as da\n\n # evaluate all the dask arrays simultaneously\n evaluated_data = da.compute(*lazy_data.values(), **kwargs)\n\n for k, data in zip(lazy_data, evaluated_data):\n self.variables[k].data = data\n\n # load everything else sequentially\n for k, v in self.variables.items():\n if k not in lazy_data:\n v.load()\n\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__dask_graph___Dataset.__dask_scheduler__.return.da_Array___dask_scheduler": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__dask_graph___Dataset.__dask_scheduler__.return.da_Array___dask_scheduler", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 651, "end_line": 697, "span_ids": ["Dataset.__dask_layers__", "Dataset.__dask_keys__", "Dataset.__dask_scheduler__", "Dataset.__dask_optimize__", "Dataset.__dask_graph__"], "tokens": 279}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __dask_graph__(self):\n graphs = {k: v.__dask_graph__() for k, v in self.variables.items()}\n graphs = {k: v for k, v in graphs.items() if v is not None}\n if not graphs:\n return None\n else:\n try:\n from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph\n\n return HighLevelGraph.merge(*graphs.values())\n except ImportError:\n from dask import sharedict\n\n return sharedict.merge(*graphs.values())\n\n def __dask_keys__(self):\n import dask\n\n return [\n v.__dask_keys__()\n for v in self.variables.values()\n if dask.is_dask_collection(v)\n ]\n\n def __dask_layers__(self):\n import dask\n\n return sum(\n [\n v.__dask_layers__()\n for v in self.variables.values()\n if dask.is_dask_collection(v)\n ],\n (),\n )\n\n @property\n def __dask_optimize__(self):\n import dask.array as da\n\n return da.Array.__dask_optimize__\n\n @property\n def __dask_scheduler__(self):\n import dask.array as da\n\n return da.Array.__dask_scheduler__", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__dask_postcompute___Dataset.__dask_postcompute__.return.self__dask_postcompute_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__dask_postcompute___Dataset.__dask_postcompute__.return.self__dask_postcompute_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 699, "end_line": 717, "span_ids": ["Dataset.__dask_postcompute__"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __dask_postcompute__(self):\n import dask\n\n info = [\n (True, k, v.__dask_postcompute__())\n if dask.is_dask_collection(v)\n else (False, k, v)\n for k, v in self._variables.items()\n ]\n args = (\n info,\n self._coord_names,\n self._dims,\n self._attrs,\n self._indexes,\n self._encoding,\n self._file_obj,\n )\n return self._dask_postcompute, args", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__dask_postpersist___Dataset.__dask_postpersist__.return.self__dask_postpersist_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__dask_postpersist___Dataset.__dask_postpersist__.return.self__dask_postpersist_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 719, "end_line": 737, "span_ids": ["Dataset.__dask_postpersist__"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __dask_postpersist__(self):\n import dask\n\n info = [\n (True, k, v.__dask_postpersist__())\n if dask.is_dask_collection(v)\n else (False, k, v)\n for k, v in self._variables.items()\n ]\n args = (\n info,\n self._coord_names,\n self._dims,\n self._attrs,\n self._indexes,\n self._encoding,\n self._file_obj,\n )\n return self._dask_postpersist, args", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._dask_postcompute_Dataset._dask_postpersist.return.Dataset__construct_direct": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._dask_postcompute_Dataset._dask_postpersist.return.Dataset__construct_direct", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 739, "end_line": 766, "span_ids": ["Dataset._dask_postpersist", "Dataset._dask_postcompute"], "tokens": 206}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @staticmethod\n def _dask_postcompute(results, info, *args):\n variables = {}\n results2 = list(results[::-1])\n for is_dask, k, v in info:\n if is_dask:\n func, args2 = v\n r = results2.pop()\n result = func(r, *args2)\n else:\n result = v\n variables[k] = result\n\n final = Dataset._construct_direct(variables, *args)\n return final\n\n @staticmethod\n def _dask_postpersist(dsk, info, *args):\n variables = {}\n for is_dask, k, v in info:\n if is_dask:\n func, args2 = v\n result = func(dsk, *args2)\n else:\n result = v\n variables[k] = result\n\n return Dataset._construct_direct(variables, *args)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.compute_Dataset.compute.return.new_load_kwargs_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.compute_Dataset.compute.return.new_load_kwargs_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 768, "end_line": 788, "span_ids": ["Dataset.compute"], "tokens": 176}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def compute(self, **kwargs) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Manually trigger loading and/or computation of this dataset's data\n from disk or a remote source into memory and return a new dataset.\n Unlike load, the original dataset is left unaltered.\n\n Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code,\n because all xarray functions should either work on deferred data or\n load data automatically. However, this method can be necessary when\n working with many file objects on disk.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.array.compute``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.compute\n \"\"\"\n new = self.copy(deep=False)\n return new.load(**kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._persist_inplace_Dataset._persist_inplace.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._persist_inplace_Dataset._persist_inplace.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 790, "end_line": 808, "span_ids": ["Dataset._persist_inplace"], "tokens": 152}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _persist_inplace(self, **kwargs) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Persist all Dask arrays in memory\n \"\"\"\n # access .data to coerce everything to numpy or dask arrays\n lazy_data = {\n k: v._data\n for k, v in self.variables.items()\n if isinstance(v._data, dask_array_type)\n }\n if lazy_data:\n import dask\n\n # evaluate all the dask arrays simultaneously\n evaluated_data = dask.persist(*lazy_data.values(), **kwargs)\n\n for k, data in zip(lazy_data, evaluated_data):\n self.variables[k].data = data\n\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.persist_Dataset.persist.return.new__persist_inplace_kw": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.persist_Dataset.persist.return.new__persist_inplace_kw", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 810, "end_line": 829, "span_ids": ["Dataset.persist"], "tokens": 168}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def persist(self, **kwargs) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\" Trigger computation, keeping data as dask arrays\n\n This operation can be used to trigger computation on underlying dask\n arrays, similar to ``.compute()`` or ``.load()``. However this\n operation keeps the data as dask arrays. This is particularly useful\n when using the dask.distributed scheduler and you want to load a large\n amount of data into distributed memory.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.persist``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.persist\n \"\"\"\n new = self.copy(deep=False)\n return new._persist_inplace(**kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._construct_direct_Dataset._https_github_com_pyth": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._construct_direct_Dataset._https_github_com_pyth", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 831, "end_line": 866, "span_ids": ["Dataset._from_vars_and_coord_names", "Dataset._construct_direct", "Dataset:20"], "tokens": 256}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @classmethod\n def _construct_direct(\n cls,\n variables,\n coord_names,\n dims=None,\n attrs=None,\n indexes=None,\n encoding=None,\n file_obj=None,\n ):\n \"\"\"Shortcut around __init__ for internal use when we want to skip\n costly validation\n \"\"\"\n if dims is None:\n dims = calculate_dimensions(variables)\n obj = object.__new__(cls)\n obj._variables = variables\n obj._coord_names = coord_names\n obj._dims = dims\n obj._indexes = indexes\n obj._attrs = attrs\n obj._file_obj = file_obj\n obj._encoding = encoding\n obj._accessors = None\n return obj\n\n __default = object()\n\n @classmethod\n def _from_vars_and_coord_names(cls, variables, coord_names, attrs=None):\n return cls._construct_direct(variables, coord_names, attrs=attrs)\n\n # TODO(shoyer): renable type checking on this signature when pytype has a\n # good way to handle defaulting arguments to a sentinel value:\n # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/1803", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._replace_Dataset._replace.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._replace_Dataset._replace.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 867, "end_line": 915, "span_ids": ["Dataset._replace"], "tokens": 408}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n def _replace( # type: ignore\n self,\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = None,\n coord_names: Set[Hashable] = None,\n dims: Dict[Any, int] = None,\n attrs: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Any]] = __default,\n indexes: Optional[Dict[Any, pd.Index]] = __default,\n encoding: Optional[dict] = __default,\n inplace: bool = False,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Fastpath constructor for internal use.\n\n Returns an object with optionally with replaced attributes.\n\n Explicitly passed arguments are *not* copied when placed on the new\n dataset. It is up to the caller to ensure that they have the right type\n and are not used elsewhere.\n \"\"\"\n if inplace:\n if variables is not None:\n self._variables = variables\n if coord_names is not None:\n self._coord_names = coord_names\n if dims is not None:\n self._dims = dims\n if attrs is not self.__default:\n self._attrs = attrs\n if indexes is not self.__default:\n self._indexes = indexes\n if encoding is not self.__default:\n self._encoding = encoding\n obj = self\n else:\n if variables is None:\n variables = self._variables.copy()\n if coord_names is None:\n coord_names = self._coord_names.copy()\n if dims is None:\n dims = self._dims.copy()\n if attrs is self.__default:\n attrs = copy.copy(self._attrs)\n if indexes is self.__default:\n indexes = copy.copy(self._indexes)\n if encoding is self.__default:\n encoding = copy.copy(self._encoding)\n obj = self._construct_direct(\n variables, coord_names, dims, attrs, indexes, encoding\n )\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._replace_with_new_dims_Dataset._replace_with_new_dims.return.self__replace_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._replace_with_new_dims_Dataset._replace_with_new_dims.return.self__replace_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 917, "end_line": 929, "span_ids": ["Dataset._replace_with_new_dims"], "tokens": 133}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _replace_with_new_dims( # type: ignore\n self,\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable],\n coord_names: set = None,\n attrs: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Any]] = __default,\n indexes: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = __default,\n inplace: bool = False,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Replace variables with recalculated dimensions.\"\"\"\n dims = calculate_dimensions(variables)\n return self._replace(\n variables, coord_names, dims, attrs, indexes, inplace=inplace\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._replace_vars_and_dims_Dataset._replace_vars_and_dims.return.self__replace_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._replace_vars_and_dims_Dataset._replace_vars_and_dims.return.self__replace_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 931, "end_line": 948, "span_ids": ["Dataset._replace_vars_and_dims"], "tokens": 161}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _replace_vars_and_dims( # type: ignore\n self,\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable],\n coord_names: set = None,\n dims: Dict[Hashable, int] = None,\n attrs: Dict[Hashable, Any] = __default,\n inplace: bool = False,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Deprecated version of _replace_with_new_dims().\n\n Unlike _replace_with_new_dims(), this method always recalculates\n indexes from variables.\n \"\"\"\n if dims is None:\n dims = calculate_dimensions(variables)\n return self._replace(\n variables, coord_names, dims, attrs, indexes=None, inplace=inplace\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._overwrite_indexes_Dataset._overwrite_indexes.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._overwrite_indexes_Dataset._overwrite_indexes.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 950, "end_line": 968, "span_ids": ["Dataset._overwrite_indexes"], "tokens": 174}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _overwrite_indexes(self, indexes: Mapping[Any, pd.Index]) -> \"Dataset\":\n if not indexes:\n return self\n\n variables = self._variables.copy()\n new_indexes = dict(self.indexes)\n for name, idx in indexes.items():\n variables[name] = IndexVariable(name, idx)\n new_indexes[name] = idx\n obj = self._replace(variables, indexes=new_indexes)\n\n # switch from dimension to level names, if necessary\n dim_names: Dict[Hashable, str] = {}\n for dim, idx in indexes.items():\n if not isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex) and idx.name != dim:\n dim_names[dim] = idx.name\n if dim_names:\n obj = obj.rename(dim_names)\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.copy_Dataset.copy._Returns_a_copy_of_this": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.copy_Dataset.copy._Returns_a_copy_of_this", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 970, "end_line": 1062, "span_ids": ["Dataset.copy"], "tokens": 1038}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def copy(self, deep: bool = False, data: Mapping = None) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a copy of this dataset.\n\n If `deep=True`, a deep copy is made of each of the component variables.\n Otherwise, a shallow copy of each of the component variable is made, so\n that the underlying memory region of the new dataset is the same as in\n the original dataset.\n\n Use `data` to create a new object with the same structure as\n original but entirely new data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n deep : bool, optional\n Whether each component variable is loaded into memory and copied onto\n the new object. Default is False.\n data : dict-like, optional\n Data to use in the new object. Each item in `data` must have same\n shape as corresponding data variable in original. When `data` is\n used, `deep` is ignored for the data variables and only used for\n coords.\n\n Returns\n -------\n object : Dataset\n New object with dimensions, attributes, coordinates, name, encoding,\n and optionally data copied from original.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n Shallow copy versus deep copy\n\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.random.randn(2, 3))\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'foo': da, 'bar': ('x', [-1, 2])},\n coords={'x': ['one', 'two']})\n >>> ds.copy()\n \n Dimensions: (dim_0: 2, dim_1: 3, x: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> ds_0 = ds.copy(deep=False)\n >>> ds_0['foo'][0, 0] = 7\n >>> ds_0\n \n Dimensions: (dim_0: 2, dim_1: 3, x: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> ds\n \n Dimensions: (dim_0: 2, dim_1: 3, x: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> ds.copy(data={'foo': np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3), 'bar': ['a', 'b']})\n \n Dimensions: (dim_0: 2, dim_1: 3, x: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> ds\n \n Dimensions: (dim_0: 2, dim_1: 3, x: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) \"Dataset\":\n if data is None:\n variables = {k: v.copy(deep=deep) for k, v in self._variables.items()}\n elif not utils.is_dict_like(data):\n raise ValueError(\"Data must be dict-like\")\n else:\n var_keys = set(self.data_vars.keys())\n data_keys = set(data.keys())\n keys_not_in_vars = data_keys - var_keys\n if keys_not_in_vars:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Data must only contain variables in original \"\n \"dataset. Extra variables: {}\".format(keys_not_in_vars)\n )\n keys_missing_from_data = var_keys - data_keys\n if keys_missing_from_data:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Data must contain all variables in original \"\n \"dataset. Data is missing {}\".format(keys_missing_from_data)\n )\n variables = {\n k: v.copy(deep=deep, data=data.get(k))\n for k, v in self._variables.items()\n }\n\n attrs = copy.deepcopy(self._attrs) if deep else copy.copy(self._attrs)\n\n return self._replace(variables, attrs=attrs)\n\n @property\n def _level_coords(self) -> Dict[str, Hashable]:\n \"\"\"Return a mapping of all MultiIndex levels and their corresponding\n coordinate name.\n \"\"\"\n level_coords: Dict[str, Hashable] = {}\n for name, index in self.indexes.items():\n if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n level_names = index.names\n (dim,) = self.variables[name].dims\n level_coords.update({lname: dim for lname in level_names})\n return level_coords", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._copy_listed_Dataset._copy_listed.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._copy_listed_Dataset._copy_listed.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1104, "end_line": 1138, "span_ids": ["Dataset._copy_listed"], "tokens": 316}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _copy_listed(self, names: Iterable[Hashable]) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Create a new Dataset with the listed variables from this dataset and\n the all relevant coordinates. Skips all validation.\n \"\"\"\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n coord_names = set()\n indexes: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = {}\n\n for name in names:\n try:\n variables[name] = self._variables[name]\n except KeyError:\n ref_name, var_name, var = _get_virtual_variable(\n self._variables, name, self._level_coords, self.dims\n )\n variables[var_name] = var\n if ref_name in self._coord_names or ref_name in self.dims:\n coord_names.add(var_name)\n if (var_name,) == var.dims:\n indexes[var_name] = var.to_index()\n\n needed_dims: Set[Hashable] = set()\n for v in variables.values():\n needed_dims.update(v.dims)\n\n dims = {k: self.dims[k] for k in needed_dims}\n\n for k in self._coord_names:\n if set(self.variables[k].dims) <= needed_dims:\n variables[k] = self._variables[k]\n coord_names.add(k)\n if k in self.indexes:\n indexes[k] = self.indexes[k]\n\n return self._replace(variables, coord_names, dims, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._construct_dataarray_Dataset._construct_dataarray.return.DataArray_variable_coord": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._construct_dataarray_Dataset._construct_dataarray.return.DataArray_variable_coord", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1140, "end_line": 1164, "span_ids": ["Dataset._construct_dataarray"], "tokens": 204}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _construct_dataarray(self, name: Hashable) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Construct a DataArray by indexing this dataset\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n try:\n variable = self._variables[name]\n except KeyError:\n _, name, variable = _get_virtual_variable(\n self._variables, name, self._level_coords, self.dims\n )\n\n needed_dims = set(variable.dims)\n\n coords: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n for k in self.coords:\n if set(self.variables[k].dims) <= needed_dims:\n coords[k] = self.variables[k]\n\n if self._indexes is None:\n indexes = None\n else:\n indexes = {k: v for k, v in self._indexes.items() if k in coords}\n\n return DataArray(variable, coords, name=name, indexes=indexes, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__copy___Dataset.loc.return._LocIndexer_self_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__copy___Dataset.loc.return._LocIndexer_self_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1166, "end_line": 1223, "span_ids": ["Dataset.__deepcopy__", "Dataset.__bool__", "Dataset.__contains__", "Dataset._attr_sources", "Dataset.__len__", "Dataset.__iter__", "Dataset.nbytes", "Dataset.__copy__", "Dataset.loc", "Dataset._item_sources", "Dataset.__array__"], "tokens": 444}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __copy__(self) -> \"Dataset\":\n return self.copy(deep=False)\n\n def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None) -> \"Dataset\":\n # memo does nothing but is required for compatibility with\n # copy.deepcopy\n return self.copy(deep=True)\n\n @property\n def _attr_sources(self) -> List[Mapping[Hashable, Any]]:\n \"\"\"List of places to look-up items for attribute-style access\n \"\"\"\n return self._item_sources + [self.attrs]\n\n @property\n def _item_sources(self) -> List[Mapping[Hashable, Any]]:\n \"\"\"List of places to look-up items for key-completion\n \"\"\"\n return [\n self.data_vars,\n self.coords,\n {d: self[d] for d in self.dims},\n LevelCoordinatesSource(self),\n ]\n\n def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:\n \"\"\"The 'in' operator will return true or false depending on whether\n 'key' is an array in the dataset or not.\n \"\"\"\n return key in self._variables\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self.data_vars)\n\n def __bool__(self) -> bool:\n return bool(self.data_vars)\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Hashable]:\n return iter(self.data_vars)\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n raise TypeError(\n \"cannot directly convert an xarray.Dataset into a \"\n \"numpy array. Instead, create an xarray.DataArray \"\n \"first, either with indexing on the Dataset or by \"\n \"invoking the `to_array()` method.\"\n )\n\n @property\n def nbytes(self) -> int:\n return sum(v.nbytes for v in self.variables.values())\n\n @property\n def loc(self) -> _LocIndexer:\n \"\"\"Attribute for location based indexing. Only supports __getitem__,\n and only when the key is a dict of the form {dim: labels}.\n \"\"\"\n return _LocIndexer(self)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__getitem___Dataset.__getitem__.if_hashable_key_.else_.return.self__copy_listed_np_asar": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__getitem___Dataset.__getitem__.if_hashable_key_.else_.return.self__copy_listed_np_asar", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1225, "end_line": 1238, "span_ids": ["Dataset.__getitem__"], "tokens": 145}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", 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"class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__setitem___Dataset.__setitem__.self_update_key_value_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__setitem___Dataset.__setitem__.self_update_key_value_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1240, "end_line": 1256, "span_ids": ["Dataset.__setitem__"], "tokens": 157}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value) -> None:\n \"\"\"Add an array to this dataset.\n\n If value is a `DataArray`, call its `select_vars()` method, rename it\n to `key` and merge the contents of the resulting dataset into this\n dataset.\n\n If value is an `Variable` object (or tuple of form\n ``(dims, data[, attrs])``), add it to this dataset as a new\n variable.\n \"\"\"\n if utils.is_dict_like(key):\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"cannot yet use a dictionary as a key \" \"to set Dataset values\"\n )\n\n self.update({key: value})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__delitem___Dataset._all_compat.return.self__coord_names_othe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__delitem___Dataset._all_compat.return.self__coord_names_othe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1258, "end_line": 1283, "span_ids": ["Dataset.__delitem__", "Dataset:22", "Dataset._all_compat"], "tokens": 242}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> None:\n \"\"\"Remove a variable from this dataset.\n \"\"\"\n del self._variables[key]\n self._coord_names.discard(key)\n if key in self.indexes:\n assert self._indexes is not None\n del self._indexes[key]\n self._dims = calculate_dimensions(self._variables)\n\n # mutable objects should not be hashable\n # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4266\n __hash__ = None # type: ignore\n\n def _all_compat(self, other: \"Dataset\", compat_str: str) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Helper function for equals and identical\n \"\"\"\n\n # some stores (e.g., scipy) do not seem to preserve order, so don't\n # require matching order for equality\n def compat(x: Variable, y: Variable) -> bool:\n return getattr(x, compat_str)(y)\n\n return self._coord_names == other._coord_names and utils.dict_equiv(\n self._variables, other._variables, compat=compat\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.broadcast_equals_Dataset.broadcast_equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.broadcast_equals_Dataset.broadcast_equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1285, "end_line": 1301, "span_ids": ["Dataset.broadcast_equals"], "tokens": 130}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def broadcast_equals(self, other: \"Dataset\") -> bool:\n \"\"\"Two Datasets are broadcast equal if they are equal after\n broadcasting all variables against each other.\n\n For example, variables that are scalar in one dataset but non-scalar in\n the other dataset can still be broadcast equal if the the non-scalar\n variable is a constant.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.equals\n Dataset.identical\n \"\"\"\n try:\n return self._all_compat(other, \"broadcast_equals\")\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.equals_Dataset.equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.equals_Dataset.equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1303, "end_line": 1321, "span_ids": ["Dataset.equals"], "tokens": 143}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def equals(self, other: \"Dataset\") -> bool:\n \"\"\"Two Datasets are equal if they have matching variables and\n coordinates, all of which are equal.\n\n Datasets can still be equal (like pandas objects) if they have NaN\n values in the same locations.\n\n This method is necessary because `v1 == v2` for ``Dataset``\n does element-wise comparisons (like numpy.ndarrays).\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.broadcast_equals\n Dataset.identical\n \"\"\"\n try:\n return self._all_compat(other, \"equals\")\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.identical_Dataset.data_vars.return.DataVariables_self_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.identical_Dataset.data_vars.return.DataVariables_self_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1323, "end_line": 1358, "span_ids": ["Dataset.data_vars", "Dataset.coords", "Dataset.identical", "Dataset.indexes"], "tokens": 235}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def identical(self, other: \"Dataset\") -> bool:\n \"\"\"Like equals, but also checks all dataset attributes and the\n attributes on all variables and coordinates.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.broadcast_equals\n Dataset.equals\n \"\"\"\n try:\n return utils.dict_equiv(self.attrs, other.attrs) and self._all_compat(\n other, \"identical\"\n )\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False\n\n @property\n def indexes(self) -> Indexes:\n \"\"\"Mapping of pandas.Index objects used for label based indexing\n \"\"\"\n if self._indexes is None:\n self._indexes = default_indexes(self._variables, self._dims)\n return Indexes(self._indexes)\n\n @property\n def coords(self) -> DatasetCoordinates:\n \"\"\"Dictionary of xarray.DataArray objects corresponding to coordinate\n variables\n \"\"\"\n return DatasetCoordinates(self)\n\n @property\n def data_vars(self) -> DataVariables:\n \"\"\"Dictionary of DataArray objects corresponding to data variables\n \"\"\"\n return DataVariables(self)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.set_coords_Dataset.set_coords.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.set_coords_Dataset.set_coords.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1360, "end_line": 1390, "span_ids": ["Dataset.set_coords"], "tokens": 222}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def set_coords(\n self, names: \"Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]]\", inplace: bool = None\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Given names of one or more variables, set them as coordinates\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n names : hashable or iterable of hashables\n Name(s) of variables in this dataset to convert into coordinates.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.swap_dims\n \"\"\"\n # TODO: allow inserting new coordinates with this method, like\n # DataFrame.set_index?\n # nb. check in self._variables, not self.data_vars to insure that the\n # operation is idempotent\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n if isinstance(names, str) or not isinstance(names, Iterable):\n names = [names]\n else:\n names = list(names)\n self._assert_all_in_dataset(names)\n obj = self.copy()\n obj._coord_names.update(names)\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reset_coords_Dataset.dump_to_store.dump_to_store_self_store": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reset_coords_Dataset.dump_to_store.dump_to_store_self_store", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1392, "end_line": 1441, "span_ids": ["Dataset.dump_to_store", "Dataset.reset_coords"], "tokens": 378}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reset_coords(\n self,\n names: \"Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable], None]\" = None,\n drop: bool = False,\n inplace: bool = None,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Given names of coordinates, reset them to become variables\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n names : hashable or iterable of hashables, optional\n Name(s) of non-index coordinates in this dataset to reset into\n variables. By default, all non-index coordinates are reset.\n drop : bool, optional\n If True, remove coordinates instead of converting them into\n variables.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n if names is None:\n names = self._coord_names - set(self.dims)\n else:\n if isinstance(names, str) or not isinstance(names, Iterable):\n names = [names]\n else:\n names = list(names)\n self._assert_all_in_dataset(names)\n bad_coords = set(names) & set(self.dims)\n if bad_coords:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot remove index coordinates with reset_coords: %s\" % bad_coords\n )\n obj = self.copy()\n obj._coord_names.difference_update(names)\n if drop:\n for name in names:\n del obj._variables[name]\n return obj\n\n def dump_to_store(self, store: \"AbstractDataStore\", **kwargs) -> None:\n \"\"\"Store dataset contents to a backends.*DataStore object.\n \"\"\"\n from ..backends.api import dump_to_store\n\n # TODO: rename and/or cleanup this method to make it more consistent\n # with to_netcdf()\n dump_to_store(self, store, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_netcdf_Dataset.to_netcdf.return.to_netcdf_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_netcdf_Dataset.to_netcdf.return.to_netcdf_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1443, "end_line": 1537, "span_ids": ["Dataset.to_netcdf"], "tokens": 1014}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_netcdf(\n self,\n path=None,\n mode: str = \"w\",\n format: str = None,\n group: str = None,\n engine: str = None,\n encoding: Mapping = None,\n unlimited_dims: Iterable[Hashable] = None,\n compute: bool = True,\n invalid_netcdf: bool = False,\n ) -> Union[bytes, \"Delayed\", None]:\n \"\"\"Write dataset contents to a netCDF file.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n path : str, Path or file-like object, optional\n Path to which to save this dataset. File-like objects are only\n supported by the scipy engine. If no path is provided, this\n function returns the resulting netCDF file as bytes; in this case,\n we need to use scipy, which does not support netCDF version 4 (the\n default format becomes NETCDF3_64BIT).\n mode : {'w', 'a'}, optional\n Write ('w') or append ('a') mode. If mode='w', any existing file at\n this location will be overwritten. If mode='a', existing variables\n will be overwritten.\n format : {'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT',\n 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC'}, optional\n File format for the resulting netCDF file:\n\n * NETCDF4: Data is stored in an HDF5 file, using netCDF4 API\n features.\n * NETCDF4_CLASSIC: Data is stored in an HDF5 file, using only\n netCDF 3 compatible API features.\n * NETCDF3_64BIT: 64-bit offset version of the netCDF 3 file format,\n which fully supports 2+ GB files, but is only compatible with\n clients linked against netCDF version 3.6.0 or later.\n * NETCDF3_CLASSIC: The classic netCDF 3 file format. It does not\n handle 2+ GB files very well.\n\n All formats are supported by the netCDF4-python library.\n scipy.io.netcdf only supports the last two formats.\n\n The default format is NETCDF4 if you are saving a file to disk and\n have the netCDF4-python library available. Otherwise, xarray falls\n back to using scipy to write netCDF files and defaults to the\n NETCDF3_64BIT format (scipy does not support netCDF4).\n group : str, optional\n Path to the netCDF4 group in the given file to open (only works for\n format='NETCDF4'). The group(s) will be created if necessary.\n engine : {'netcdf4', 'scipy', 'h5netcdf'}, optional\n Engine to use when writing netCDF files. If not provided, the\n default engine is chosen based on available dependencies, with a\n preference for 'netcdf4' if writing to a file on disk.\n encoding : dict, optional\n Nested dictionary with variable names as keys and dictionaries of\n variable specific encodings as values, e.g.,\n ``{'my_variable': {'dtype': 'int16', 'scale_factor': 0.1,\n 'zlib': True}, ...}``\n\n The `h5netcdf` engine supports both the NetCDF4-style compression\n encoding parameters ``{'zlib': True, 'complevel': 9}`` and the h5py\n ones ``{'compression': 'gzip', 'compression_opts': 9}``.\n This allows using any compression plugin installed in the HDF5\n library, e.g. LZF.\n\n unlimited_dims : iterable of hashable, optional\n Dimension(s) that should be serialized as unlimited dimensions.\n By default, no dimensions are treated as unlimited dimensions.\n Note that unlimited_dims may also be set via\n ``dataset.encoding['unlimited_dims']``.\n compute: boolean\n If true compute immediately, otherwise return a\n ``dask.delayed.Delayed`` object that can be computed later.\n invalid_netcdf: boolean\n Only valid along with engine='h5netcdf'. If True, allow writing\n hdf5 files which are valid netcdf as described in\n https://github.com/shoyer/h5netcdf. Default: False.\n \"\"\"\n if encoding is None:\n encoding = {}\n from ..backends.api import to_netcdf\n\n return to_netcdf(\n self,\n path,\n mode,\n format=format,\n group=group,\n engine=engine,\n encoding=encoding,\n unlimited_dims=unlimited_dims,\n compute=compute,\n invalid_netcdf=invalid_netcdf,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_zarr_Dataset.to_zarr.return.to_zarr_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_zarr_Dataset.to_zarr.return.to_zarr_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1539, "end_line": 1617, "span_ids": ["Dataset.to_zarr"], "tokens": 669}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_zarr(\n self,\n store: Union[MutableMapping, str, Path] = None,\n mode: str = None,\n synchronizer=None,\n group: str = None,\n encoding: Mapping = None,\n compute: bool = True,\n consolidated: bool = False,\n append_dim: Hashable = None,\n ) -> \"ZarrStore\":\n \"\"\"Write dataset contents to a zarr group.\n\n .. note:: Experimental\n The Zarr backend is new and experimental. Please report any\n unexpected behavior via github issues.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n store : MutableMapping, str or Path, optional\n Store or path to directory in file system.\n mode : {'w', 'w-', 'a', None}\n Persistence mode: 'w' means create (overwrite if exists);\n 'w-' means create (fail if exists);\n 'a' means append (create if does not exist).\n If ``append_dim`` is set, ``mode`` can be omitted as it is\n internally set to ``'a'``. Otherwise, ``mode`` will default to\n `w-` if not set.\n synchronizer : object, optional\n Array synchronizer\n group : str, optional\n Group path. (a.k.a. `path` in zarr terminology.)\n encoding : dict, optional\n Nested dictionary with variable names as keys and dictionaries of\n variable specific encodings as values, e.g.,\n ``{'my_variable': {'dtype': 'int16', 'scale_factor': 0.1,}, ...}``\n compute: bool, optional\n If True compute immediately, otherwise return a\n ``dask.delayed.Delayed`` object that can be computed later.\n consolidated: bool, optional\n If True, apply zarr's `consolidate_metadata` function to the store\n after writing.\n append_dim: hashable, optional\n If set, the dimension on which the data will be appended.\n\n References\n ----------\n https://zarr.readthedocs.io/\n \"\"\"\n if encoding is None:\n encoding = {}\n if (mode == \"a\") or (append_dim is not None):\n if mode is None:\n mode = \"a\"\n elif mode != \"a\":\n raise ValueError(\n \"append_dim was set along with mode='{}', either set \"\n \"mode='a' or don't set it.\".format(mode)\n )\n elif mode is None:\n mode = \"w-\"\n if mode not in [\"w\", \"w-\", \"a\"]:\n # TODO: figure out how to handle 'r+'\n raise ValueError(\n \"The only supported options for mode are 'w',\" \"'w-' and 'a'.\"\n )\n from ..backends.api import to_zarr\n\n return to_zarr(\n self,\n store=store,\n mode=mode,\n synchronizer=synchronizer,\n group=group,\n encoding=encoding,\n compute=compute,\n consolidated=consolidated,\n append_dim=append_dim,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__repr___Dataset.info.buf_write_n_join_lines": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.__repr___Dataset.info.buf_write_n_join_lines", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1619, "end_line": 1656, "span_ids": ["Dataset.__repr__", "Dataset.info"], "tokens": 314}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return formatting.dataset_repr(self)\n\n def info(self, buf=None) -> None:\n \"\"\"\n Concise summary of a Dataset variables and attributes.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n buf : writable buffer, defaults to sys.stdout\n\n See Also\n --------\n pandas.DataFrame.assign\n ncdump: netCDF's ncdump\n \"\"\"\n if buf is None: # pragma: no cover\n buf = sys.stdout\n\n lines = []\n lines.append(\"xarray.Dataset {\")\n lines.append(\"dimensions:\")\n for name, size in self.dims.items():\n lines.append(\"\\t{name} = {size} ;\".format(name=name, size=size))\n lines.append(\"\\nvariables:\")\n for name, da in self.variables.items():\n dims = \", \".join(da.dims)\n lines.append(\n \"\\t{type} {name}({dims}) ;\".format(type=da.dtype, name=name, dims=dims)\n )\n for k, v in da.attrs.items():\n lines.append(\"\\t\\t{name}:{k} = {v} ;\".format(name=name, k=k, v=v))\n lines.append(\"\\n// global attributes:\")\n for k, v in self.attrs.items():\n lines.append(\"\\t:{k} = {v} ;\".format(k=k, v=v))\n lines.append(\"}\")\n\n buf.write(\"\\n\".join(lines))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.chunks_Dataset.chunks.return.Frozen_SortedKeysDict_chu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.chunks_Dataset.chunks.return.Frozen_SortedKeysDict_chu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1658, "end_line": 1673, "span_ids": ["Dataset.chunks"], "tokens": 163}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @property\n def chunks(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, Tuple[int, ...]]:\n \"\"\"Block dimensions for this dataset's data or None if it's not a dask\n array.\n \"\"\"\n chunks: Dict[Hashable, Tuple[int, ...]] = {}\n for v in self.variables.values():\n if v.chunks is not None:\n for dim, c in zip(v.dims, v.chunks):\n if dim in chunks and c != chunks[dim]:\n raise ValueError(\n f\"Object has inconsistent chunks along dimension {dim}. \"\n \"This can be fixed by calling unify_chunks().\"\n )\n chunks[dim] = c\n return Frozen(SortedKeysDict(chunks))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.chunk_Dataset.chunk.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.chunk_Dataset.chunk.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1675, "end_line": 1741, "span_ids": ["Dataset.chunk"], "tokens": 552}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def chunk(\n self,\n chunks: Union[\n None, Number, Mapping[Hashable, Union[None, Number, Tuple[Number, ...]]]\n ] = None,\n name_prefix: str = \"xarray-\",\n token: str = None,\n lock: bool = False,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Coerce all arrays in this dataset into dask arrays with the given\n chunks.\n\n Non-dask arrays in this dataset will be converted to dask arrays. Dask\n arrays will be rechunked to the given chunk sizes.\n\n If neither chunks is not provided for one or more dimensions, chunk\n sizes along that dimension will not be updated; non-dask arrays will be\n converted into dask arrays with a single block.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n chunks : int or mapping, optional\n Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5`` or\n ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``.\n name_prefix : str, optional\n Prefix for the name of any new dask arrays.\n token : str, optional\n Token uniquely identifying this dataset.\n lock : optional\n Passed on to :py:func:`dask.array.from_array`, if the array is not\n already as dask array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n chunked : xarray.Dataset\n \"\"\"\n from dask.base import tokenize\n\n if isinstance(chunks, Number):\n chunks = dict.fromkeys(self.dims, chunks)\n\n if chunks is not None:\n bad_dims = chunks.keys() - self.dims.keys()\n if bad_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"some chunks keys are not dimensions on this \"\n \"object: %s\" % bad_dims\n )\n\n def selkeys(dict_, keys):\n if dict_ is None:\n return None\n return {d: dict_[d] for d in keys if d in dict_}\n\n def maybe_chunk(name, var, chunks):\n chunks = selkeys(chunks, var.dims)\n if not chunks:\n chunks = None\n if var.ndim > 0:\n token2 = tokenize(name, token if token else var._data)\n name2 = \"%s%s-%s\" % (name_prefix, name, token2)\n return var.chunk(chunks, name=name2, lock=lock)\n else:\n return var\n\n variables = {k: maybe_chunk(k, v, chunks) for k, v in self.variables.items()}\n return self._replace(variables)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._validate_indexers_Dataset._validate_indexers.for_k_v_in_indexers_item.if_isinstance_v_int_sl.else_.yield_k_v": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._validate_indexers_Dataset._validate_indexers.for_k_v_in_indexers_item.if_isinstance_v_int_sl.else_.yield_k_v", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1743, "end_line": 1785, "span_ids": ["Dataset._validate_indexers"], "tokens": 388}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _validate_indexers(\n self, indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any]\n ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Hashable, Union[int, slice, np.ndarray, Variable]]]:\n \"\"\" Here we make sure\n + indexer has a valid keys\n + indexer is in a valid data type\n + string indexers are cast to the appropriate date type if the\n associated index is a DatetimeIndex or CFTimeIndex\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n invalid = indexers.keys() - self.dims.keys()\n if invalid:\n raise ValueError(\"dimensions %r do not exist\" % invalid)\n\n # all indexers should be int, slice, np.ndarrays, or Variable\n for k, v in indexers.items():\n if isinstance(v, (int, slice, Variable)):\n yield k, v\n elif isinstance(v, DataArray):\n yield k, v.variable\n elif isinstance(v, tuple):\n yield k, as_variable(v)\n elif isinstance(v, Dataset):\n raise TypeError(\"cannot use a Dataset as an indexer\")\n elif isinstance(v, Sequence) and len(v) == 0:\n yield k, np.empty((0,), dtype=\"int64\")\n else:\n v = np.asarray(v)\n\n if v.dtype.kind in \"US\":\n index = self.indexes[k]\n if isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex):\n v = v.astype(\"datetime64[ns]\")\n elif isinstance(index, xr.CFTimeIndex):\n v = _parse_array_of_cftime_strings(v, index.date_type)\n\n if v.ndim > 1:\n raise IndexError(\n \"Unlabeled multi-dimensional array cannot be \"\n \"used for indexing: {}\".format(k)\n )\n yield k, v", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._validate_interp_indexers_Dataset._validate_interp_indexers.for_k_v_in_self__validat.if_isinstance_v_Variable.else_.raise_TypeError_type_v_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._validate_interp_indexers_Dataset._validate_interp_indexers.for_k_v_in_self__validat.if_isinstance_v_Variable.else_.raise_TypeError_type_v_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1787, "end_line": 1808, "span_ids": ["Dataset._validate_interp_indexers"], "tokens": 195}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _validate_interp_indexers(\n self, indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any]\n ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Hashable, Variable]]:\n \"\"\"Variant of _validate_indexers to be used for interpolation\n \"\"\"\n for k, v in self._validate_indexers(indexers):\n if isinstance(v, Variable):\n if v.ndim == 1:\n yield k, v.to_index_variable()\n else:\n yield k, v\n elif isinstance(v, int):\n yield k, Variable((), v)\n elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray):\n if v.ndim == 0:\n yield k, Variable((), v)\n elif v.ndim == 1:\n yield k, IndexVariable((k,), v)\n else:\n raise AssertionError() # Already tested by _validate_indexers\n else:\n raise TypeError(type(v))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._get_indexers_coords_and_indexes_Dataset._get_indexers_coords_and_indexes.return.attached_coords_attached": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._get_indexers_coords_and_indexes_Dataset._get_indexers_coords_and_indexes.return.attached_coords_attached", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1810, "end_line": 1846, "span_ids": ["Dataset._get_indexers_coords_and_indexes"], "tokens": 338}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _get_indexers_coords_and_indexes(self, indexers):\n \"\"\"Extract coordinates and indexes from indexers.\n\n Only coordinate with a name different from any of self.variables will\n be attached.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n coords_list = []\n for k, v in indexers.items():\n if isinstance(v, DataArray):\n if v.dtype.kind == \"b\":\n if v.ndim != 1: # we only support 1-d boolean array\n raise ValueError(\n \"{:d}d-boolean array is used for indexing along \"\n \"dimension {!r}, but only 1d boolean arrays are \"\n \"supported.\".format(v.ndim, k)\n )\n # Make sure in case of boolean DataArray, its\n # coordinate also should be indexed.\n v_coords = v[v.values.nonzero()[0]].coords\n else:\n v_coords = v.coords\n coords_list.append(v_coords)\n\n # we don't need to call align() explicitly or check indexes for\n # alignment, because merge_variables already checks for exact alignment\n # between dimension coordinates\n coords, indexes = merge_coordinates_without_align(coords_list)\n assert_coordinate_consistent(self, coords)\n\n # silently drop the conflicted variables.\n attached_coords = {k: v for k, v in coords.items() if k not in self._variables}\n attached_indexes = {\n k: v for k, v in indexes.items() if k not in self._variables\n }\n return attached_coords, attached_indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.isel_Dataset.isel.return.self__replace_with_new_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.isel_Dataset.isel.return.self__replace_with_new_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1848, "end_line": 1927, "span_ids": ["Dataset.isel"], "tokens": 724}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def isel(\n self,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n drop: bool = False,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new dataset with each array indexed along the specified\n dimension(s).\n\n This method selects values from each array using its `__getitem__`\n method, except this method does not require knowing the order of\n each array's dimensions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexers : dict, optional\n A dict with keys matching dimensions and values given\n by integers, slice objects or arrays.\n indexer can be a integer, slice, array-like or DataArray.\n If DataArrays are passed as indexers, xarray-style indexing will be\n carried out. See :ref:`indexing` for the details.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n drop : bool, optional\n If ``drop=True``, drop coordinates variables indexed by integers\n instead of making them scalar.\n **indexers_kwarg : {dim: indexer, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : Dataset\n A new Dataset with the same contents as this dataset, except each\n array and dimension is indexed by the appropriate indexers.\n If indexer DataArrays have coordinates that do not conflict with\n this object, then these coordinates will be attached.\n In general, each array's data will be a view of the array's data\n in this dataset, unless vectorized indexing was triggered by using\n an array indexer, in which case the data will be a copy.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.sel\n DataArray.isel\n \"\"\"\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"isel\")\n # Note: we need to preserve the original indexers variable in order to merge the\n # coords below\n indexers_list = list(self._validate_indexers(indexers))\n\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n indexes: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = {}\n\n for name, var in self.variables.items():\n var_indexers = {k: v for k, v in indexers_list if k in var.dims}\n if drop and name in var_indexers:\n continue # drop this variable\n\n if name in self.indexes:\n new_var, new_index = isel_variable_and_index(\n name, var, self.indexes[name], var_indexers\n )\n if new_index is not None:\n indexes[name] = new_index\n elif var_indexers:\n new_var = var.isel(indexers=var_indexers)\n else:\n new_var = var.copy(deep=False)\n\n variables[name] = new_var\n\n coord_names = self._coord_names & variables.keys()\n selected = self._replace_with_new_dims(variables, coord_names, indexes)\n\n # Extract coordinates from indexers\n coord_vars, new_indexes = selected._get_indexers_coords_and_indexes(indexers)\n variables.update(coord_vars)\n indexes.update(new_indexes)\n coord_names = self._coord_names & variables.keys() | coord_vars.keys()\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(variables, coord_names, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.sel_Dataset.sel.return.result__overwrite_indexes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.sel_Dataset.sel.return.result__overwrite_indexes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1929, "end_line": 2003, "span_ids": ["Dataset.sel"], "tokens": 735}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def sel(\n self,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = None,\n tolerance: Number = None,\n drop: bool = False,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new dataset with each array indexed by tick labels\n along the specified dimension(s).\n\n In contrast to `Dataset.isel`, indexers for this method should use\n labels instead of integers.\n\n Under the hood, this method is powered by using pandas's powerful Index\n objects. This makes label based indexing essentially just as fast as\n using integer indexing.\n\n It also means this method uses pandas's (well documented) logic for\n indexing. This means you can use string shortcuts for datetime indexes\n (e.g., '2000-01' to select all values in January 2000). It also means\n that slices are treated as inclusive of both the start and stop values,\n unlike normal Python indexing.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexers : dict, optional\n A dict with keys matching dimensions and values given\n by scalars, slices or arrays of tick labels. For dimensions with\n multi-index, the indexer may also be a dict-like object with keys\n matching index level names.\n If DataArrays are passed as indexers, xarray-style indexing will be\n carried out. See :ref:`indexing` for the details.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional\n Method to use for inexact matches:\n\n * None (default): only exact matches\n * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward\n * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward\n * nearest: use nearest valid index value\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact\n matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must\n satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.\n drop : bool, optional\n If ``drop=True``, drop coordinates variables in `indexers` instead\n of making them scalar.\n **indexers_kwarg : {dim: indexer, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : Dataset\n A new Dataset with the same contents as this dataset, except each\n variable and dimension is indexed by the appropriate indexers.\n If indexer DataArrays have coordinates that do not conflict with\n this object, then these coordinates will be attached.\n In general, each array's data will be a view of the array's data\n in this dataset, unless vectorized indexing was triggered by using\n an array indexer, in which case the data will be a copy.\n\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.isel\n DataArray.sel\n \"\"\"\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"sel\")\n pos_indexers, new_indexes = remap_label_indexers(\n self, indexers=indexers, method=method, tolerance=tolerance\n )\n result = self.isel(indexers=pos_indexers, drop=drop)\n return result._overwrite_indexes(new_indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.head_Dataset.head.return.self_isel_indexers_slices": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.head_Dataset.head.return.self_isel_indexers_slices", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2005, "end_line": 2050, "span_ids": ["Dataset.head"], "tokens": 406}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def head(\n self,\n indexers: Union[Mapping[Hashable, int], int] = None,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new dataset with the first `n` values of each array\n for the specified dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexers : dict or int, default: 5\n A dict with keys matching dimensions and integer values `n`\n or a single integer `n` applied over all dimensions.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n **indexers_kwargs : {dim: n, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.tail\n Dataset.thin\n DataArray.head\n \"\"\"\n if not indexers_kwargs:\n if indexers is None:\n indexers = 5\n if not isinstance(indexers, int) and not is_dict_like(indexers):\n raise TypeError(\"indexers must be either dict-like or a single integer\")\n if isinstance(indexers, int):\n indexers = {dim: indexers for dim in self.dims}\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"head\")\n for k, v in indexers.items():\n if not isinstance(v, int):\n raise TypeError(\n \"expected integer type indexer for \"\n \"dimension %r, found %r\" % (k, type(v))\n )\n elif v < 0:\n raise ValueError(\n \"expected positive integer as indexer \"\n \"for dimension %r, found %s\" % (k, v)\n )\n indexers_slices = {k: slice(val) for k, val in indexers.items()}\n return self.isel(indexers_slices)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.tail_Dataset.tail.return.self_isel_indexers_slices": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.tail_Dataset.tail.return.self_isel_indexers_slices", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2052, "end_line": 2100, "span_ids": ["Dataset.tail"], "tokens": 422}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def tail(\n self,\n indexers: Union[Mapping[Hashable, int], int] = None,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new dataset with the last `n` values of each array\n for the specified dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexers : dict or int, default: 5\n A dict with keys matching dimensions and integer values `n`\n or a single integer `n` applied over all dimensions.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n **indexers_kwargs : {dim: n, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.head\n Dataset.thin\n DataArray.tail\n \"\"\"\n if not indexers_kwargs:\n if indexers is None:\n indexers = 5\n if not isinstance(indexers, int) and not is_dict_like(indexers):\n raise TypeError(\"indexers must be either dict-like or a single integer\")\n if isinstance(indexers, int):\n indexers = {dim: indexers for dim in self.dims}\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"tail\")\n for k, v in indexers.items():\n if not isinstance(v, int):\n raise TypeError(\n \"expected integer type indexer for \"\n \"dimension %r, found %r\" % (k, type(v))\n )\n elif v < 0:\n raise ValueError(\n \"expected positive integer as indexer \"\n \"for dimension %r, found %s\" % (k, v)\n )\n indexers_slices = {\n k: slice(-val, None) if val != 0 else slice(val)\n for k, val in indexers.items()\n }\n return self.isel(indexers_slices)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.thin_Dataset.thin.return.self_isel_indexers_slices": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.thin_Dataset.thin.return.self_isel_indexers_slices", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2102, "end_line": 2150, "span_ids": ["Dataset.thin"], "tokens": 418}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def thin(\n self,\n indexers: Union[Mapping[Hashable, int], int] = None,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new dataset with each array indexed along every `n`th\n value for the specified dimension(s)\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexers : dict or int, default: 5\n A dict with keys matching dimensions and integer values `n`\n or a single integer `n` applied over all dimensions.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n **indexers_kwargs : {dim: n, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.head\n Dataset.tail\n DataArray.thin\n \"\"\"\n if (\n not indexers_kwargs\n and not isinstance(indexers, int)\n and not is_dict_like(indexers)\n ):\n raise TypeError(\"indexers must be either dict-like or a single integer\")\n if isinstance(indexers, int):\n indexers = {dim: indexers for dim in self.dims}\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"thin\")\n for k, v in indexers.items():\n if not isinstance(v, int):\n raise TypeError(\n \"expected integer type indexer for \"\n \"dimension %r, found %r\" % (k, type(v))\n )\n elif v < 0:\n raise ValueError(\n \"expected positive integer as indexer \"\n \"for dimension %r, found %s\" % (k, v)\n )\n elif v == 0:\n raise ValueError(\"step cannot be zero\")\n indexers_slices = {k: slice(None, None, val) for k, val in indexers.items()}\n return self.isel(indexers_slices)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.broadcast_like_Dataset.broadcast_like.return._broadcast_helper_args_1_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.broadcast_like_Dataset.broadcast_like.return._broadcast_helper_args_1_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2152, "end_line": 2174, "span_ids": ["Dataset.broadcast_like"], "tokens": 191}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def broadcast_like(\n self, other: Union[\"Dataset\", \"DataArray\"], exclude: Iterable[Hashable] = None\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Broadcast this DataArray against another Dataset or DataArray.\n This is equivalent to xr.broadcast(other, self)[1]\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset or DataArray\n Object against which to broadcast this array.\n exclude : iterable of hashable, optional\n Dimensions that must not be broadcasted\n\n \"\"\"\n if exclude is None:\n exclude = set()\n else:\n exclude = set(exclude)\n args = align(other, self, join=\"outer\", copy=False, exclude=exclude)\n\n dims_map, common_coords = _get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords(args, exclude)\n\n return _broadcast_helper(args[1], exclude, dims_map, common_coords)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reindex_like_Dataset.reindex": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reindex_like_Dataset.reindex", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2176, "end_line": 2436, "span_ids": ["Dataset.reindex_like", "Dataset.reindex"], "tokens": 602}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reindex_like(\n self,\n other: Union[\"Dataset\", \"DataArray\"],\n method: str = None,\n tolerance: Number = None,\n copy: bool = True,\n fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, filling in\n missing values with ``fill_value``. The default fill value is NaN.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset or DataArray\n Object with an 'indexes' attribute giving a mapping from dimension\n names to pandas.Index objects, which provides coordinates upon\n which to index the variables in this dataset. The indexes on this\n other object need not be the same as the indexes on this\n dataset. Any mis-matched index values will be filled in with\n NaN, and any mis-matched dimension names will simply be ignored.\n method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional\n Method to use for filling index values from other not found in this\n dataset:\n\n * None (default): don't fill gaps\n * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward\n * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward\n * nearest: use nearest valid index value\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact\n matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must\n satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.\n copy : bool, optional\n If ``copy=True``, data in the return value is always copied. If\n ``copy=False`` and reindexing is unnecessary, or can be performed\n with only slice operations, then the output may share memory with\n the input. In either case, a new xarray object is always returned.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n\n Returns\n -------\n reindexed : Dataset\n Another dataset, with this dataset's data but coordinates from the\n other object.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.reindex\n align\n \"\"\"\n indexers = alignment.reindex_like_indexers(self, other)\n return self.reindex(\n indexers=indexers,\n method=method,\n copy=copy,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n tolerance=tolerance,\n )\n\n def reindex(\n self,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = None,\n tolerance: Number = None,\n copy: bool = True,\n fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reindex._Conform_this_object_on_Dataset.reindex._Conform_this_object_on": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reindex._Conform_this_object_on_Dataset.reindex._Conform_this_object_on", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2245, "end_line": 2417, "span_ids": ["Dataset.reindex"], "tokens": 2065}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reindex(\n self,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = None,\n tolerance: Number = None,\n copy: bool = True,\n fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Conform this object onto a new set of indexes, filling in\n missing values with ``fill_value``. The default fill value is NaN.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexers : dict. optional\n Dictionary with keys given by dimension names and values given by\n arrays of coordinates tick labels. Any mis-matched coordinate\n values will be filled in with NaN, and any mis-matched dimension\n names will simply be ignored.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional\n Method to use for filling index values in ``indexers`` not found in\n this dataset:\n\n * None (default): don't fill gaps\n * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward\n * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward\n * nearest: use nearest valid index value\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact\n matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must\n satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.\n copy : bool, optional\n If ``copy=True``, data in the return value is always copied. If\n ``copy=False`` and reindexing is unnecessary, or can be performed\n with only slice operations, then the output may share memory with\n the input. In either case, a new xarray object is always returned.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n **indexers_kwarg : {dim: indexer, ...}, optional\n Keyword arguments in the same form as ``indexers``.\n One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reindexed : Dataset\n Another dataset, with this dataset's data but replaced coordinates.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.reindex_like\n align\n pandas.Index.get_indexer\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n Create a dataset with some fictional data.\n\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> import pandas as pd\n >>> x = xr.Dataset(\n ... {\n ... \"temperature\": (\"station\", 20 * np.random.rand(4)),\n ... \"pressure\": (\"station\", 500 * np.random.rand(4))\n ... },\n ... coords={\"station\": [\"boston\", \"nyc\", \"seattle\", \"denver\"]})\n >>> x\n \n Dimensions: (station: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * station (station) >> x.indexes\n station: Index(['boston', 'nyc', 'seattle', 'denver'], dtype='object', name='station')\n\n Create a new index and reindex the dataset. By default values in the new index that\n do not have corresponding records in the dataset are assigned `NaN`.\n\n >>> new_index = ['boston', 'austin', 'seattle', 'lincoln']\n >>> x.reindex({'station': new_index})\n \n Dimensions: (station: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * station (station) object 'boston' 'austin' 'seattle' 'lincoln'\n Data variables:\n temperature (station) float64 18.84 nan 19.22 nan\n pressure (station) float64 324.1 nan 122.8 nan\n\n We can fill in the missing values by passing a value to the keyword `fill_value`.\n\n >>> x.reindex({'station': new_index}, fill_value=0)\n \n Dimensions: (station: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * station (station) object 'boston' 'austin' 'seattle' 'lincoln'\n Data variables:\n temperature (station) float64 18.84 0.0 19.22 0.0\n pressure (station) float64 324.1 0.0 122.8 0.0\n\n Because the index is not monotonically increasing or decreasing, we cannot use arguments\n to the keyword method to fill the `NaN` values.\n\n >>> x.reindex({'station': new_index}, method='nearest')\n Traceback (most recent call last):\n ...\n raise ValueError('index must be monotonic increasing or decreasing')\n ValueError: index must be monotonic increasing or decreasing\n\n To further illustrate the filling functionality in reindex, we will create a\n dataset with a monotonically increasing index (for example, a sequence of dates).\n\n >>> x2 = xr.Dataset(\n ... {\n ... \"temperature\": (\"time\", [15.57, 12.77, np.nan, 0.3081, 16.59, 15.12]),\n ... \"pressure\": (\"time\", 500 * np.random.rand(6))\n ... },\n ... coords={\"time\": pd.date_range('01/01/2019', periods=6, freq='D')})\n >>> x2\n \n Dimensions: (time: 6)\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-01-01 2019-01-02 ... 2019-01-06\n Data variables:\n temperature (time) float64 15.57 12.77 nan 0.3081 16.59 15.12\n pressure (time) float64 103.4 122.7 452.0 444.0 399.2 486.0\n\n Suppose we decide to expand the dataset to cover a wider date range.\n\n >>> time_index2 = pd.date_range('12/29/2018', periods=10, freq='D')\n >>> x2.reindex({'time': time_index2})\n \n Dimensions: (time: 10)\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2018-12-29 2018-12-30 ... 2019-01-07\n Data variables:\n temperature (time) float64 nan nan nan 15.57 ... 0.3081 16.59 15.12 nan\n pressure (time) float64 nan nan nan 103.4 ... 444.0 399.2 486.0 nan\n\n The index entries that did not have a value in the original data frame (for example, `2018-12-29`)\n are by default filled with NaN. If desired, we can fill in the missing values using one of several options.\n\n For example, to back-propagate the last valid value to fill the `NaN` values,\n pass `bfill` as an argument to the `method` keyword.\n\n >>> x3 = x2.reindex({'time': time_index2}, method='bfill')\n >>> x3\n \n Dimensions: (time: 10)\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2018-12-29 2018-12-30 ... 2019-01-07\n Data variables:\n temperature (time) float64 15.57 15.57 15.57 15.57 ... 16.59 15.12 nan\n pressure (time) float64 103.4 103.4 103.4 103.4 ... 399.2 486.0 nan\n\n Please note that the `NaN` value present in the original dataset (at index value `2019-01-03`)\n will not be filled by any of the value propagation schemes.\n\n >>> x2.where(x2.temperature.isnull(), drop=True)\n \n Dimensions: (time: 1)\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-01-03\n Data variables:\n temperature (time) float64 nan\n pressure (time) float64 452.0\n >>> x3.where(x3.temperature.isnull(), drop=True)\n \n Dimensions: (time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2019-01-03 2019-01-07\n Data variables:\n temperature (time) float64 nan nan\n pressure (time) float64 452.0 nan\n\n This is because filling while reindexing does not look at dataset values, but only compares\n the original and desired indexes. If you do want to fill in the `NaN` values present in the\n original dataset, use the :py:meth:`~Dataset.fillna()` method.\n\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reindex.indexers_Dataset.reindex.return.self__replace_with_new_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reindex.indexers_Dataset.reindex.return.self__replace_with_new_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2418, "end_line": 2436, "span_ids": ["Dataset.reindex"], "tokens": 225}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reindex(\n self,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = None,\n tolerance: Number = None,\n copy: bool = True,\n fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n indexers = utils.either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"reindex\")\n\n bad_dims = [d for d in indexers if d not in self.dims]\n if bad_dims:\n raise ValueError(\"invalid reindex dimensions: %s\" % bad_dims)\n\n variables, indexes = alignment.reindex_variables(\n self.variables,\n self.sizes,\n self.indexes,\n indexers,\n method,\n tolerance,\n copy=copy,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n )\n coord_names = set(self._coord_names)\n coord_names.update(indexers)\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(variables, coord_names, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interp_Dataset.interp.maybe_variable.try_.except_KeyError_.return.as_variable_k_range_obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interp_Dataset.interp.maybe_variable.try_.except_KeyError_.return.as_variable_k_range_obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2438, "end_line": 2499, "span_ids": ["Dataset.interp"], "tokens": 466}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def interp(\n self,\n coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = \"linear\",\n assume_sorted: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n **coords_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\" Multidimensional interpolation of Dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n coords : dict, optional\n Mapping from dimension names to the new coordinates.\n New coordinate can be a scalar, array-like or DataArray.\n If DataArrays are passed as new coordates, their dimensions are\n used for the broadcasting.\n method: string, optional.\n {'linear', 'nearest'} for multidimensional array,\n {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'}\n for 1-dimensional array. 'linear' is used by default.\n assume_sorted: boolean, optional\n If False, values of coordinates that are interpolated over can be\n in any order and they are sorted first. If True, interpolated\n coordinates are assumed to be an array of monotonically increasing\n values.\n kwargs: dictionary, optional\n Additional keyword passed to scipy's interpolator.\n **coords_kwarg : {dim: coordinate, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``coords``.\n One of coords or coords_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n interpolated: xr.Dataset\n New dataset on the new coordinates.\n\n Notes\n -----\n scipy is required.\n\n See Also\n --------\n scipy.interpolate.interp1d\n scipy.interpolate.interpn\n \"\"\"\n from . import missing\n\n if kwargs is None:\n kwargs = {}\n\n coords = either_dict_or_kwargs(coords, coords_kwargs, \"interp\")\n indexers = dict(self._validate_interp_indexers(coords))\n\n obj = self if assume_sorted else self.sortby([k for k in coords])\n\n def maybe_variable(obj, k):\n # workaround to get variable for dimension without coordinate.\n try:\n return obj._variables[k]\n except KeyError:\n return as_variable((k, range(obj.dims[k])))\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interp._validate_interp_indexer_Dataset.interp._validate_interp_indexer.return.x_new_x": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interp._validate_interp_indexer_Dataset.interp._validate_interp_indexer.return.x_new_x", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2501, "end_line": 2515, "span_ids": ["Dataset.interp"], "tokens": 225}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def interp(\n self,\n coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = \"linear\",\n assume_sorted: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n **coords_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n # ... other code\n\n def _validate_interp_indexer(x, new_x):\n # In the case of datetimes, the restrictions placed on indexers\n # used with interp are stronger than those which are placed on\n # isel, so we need an additional check after _validate_indexers.\n if _contains_datetime_like_objects(\n x\n ) and not _contains_datetime_like_objects(new_x):\n raise TypeError(\n \"When interpolating over a datetime-like \"\n \"coordinate, the coordinates to \"\n \"interpolate to must be either datetime \"\n \"strings or datetimes. \"\n \"Instead got\\n{}\".format(new_x)\n )\n return x, new_x\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interp.variables_Dataset.interp.return.self__replace_with_new_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interp.variables_Dataset.interp.return.self__replace_with_new_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2517, "end_line": 2552, "span_ids": ["Dataset.interp"], "tokens": 394}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def interp(\n self,\n coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n method: str = \"linear\",\n assume_sorted: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n **coords_kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n # ... other code\n\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n for name, var in obj._variables.items():\n if name in indexers:\n continue\n\n if var.dtype.kind in \"uifc\":\n var_indexers = {\n k: _validate_interp_indexer(maybe_variable(obj, k), v)\n for k, v in indexers.items()\n if k in var.dims\n }\n variables[name] = missing.interp(var, var_indexers, method, **kwargs)\n elif all(d not in indexers for d in var.dims):\n # keep unrelated object array\n variables[name] = var\n\n coord_names = obj._coord_names & variables.keys()\n indexes = {k: v for k, v in obj.indexes.items() if k not in indexers}\n selected = self._replace_with_new_dims(\n variables.copy(), coord_names, indexes=indexes\n )\n\n # attach indexer as coordinate\n variables.update(indexers)\n for k, v in indexers.items():\n assert isinstance(v, Variable)\n if v.dims == (k,):\n indexes[k] = v.to_index()\n\n # Extract coordinates from indexers\n coord_vars, new_indexes = selected._get_indexers_coords_and_indexes(coords)\n variables.update(coord_vars)\n indexes.update(new_indexes)\n\n coord_names = obj._coord_names & variables.keys() | coord_vars.keys()\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(variables, coord_names, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interp_like_Dataset.interp_like.return.ds_interp_numeric_coords_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interp_like_Dataset.interp_like.return.ds_interp_numeric_coords_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2554, "end_line": 2616, "span_ids": ["Dataset.interp_like"], "tokens": 494}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def interp_like(\n self,\n other: Union[\"Dataset\", \"DataArray\"],\n method: str = \"linear\",\n assume_sorted: bool = False,\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Interpolate this object onto the coordinates of another object,\n filling the out of range values with NaN.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset or DataArray\n Object with an 'indexes' attribute giving a mapping from dimension\n names to an 1d array-like, which provides coordinates upon\n which to index the variables in this dataset.\n method: string, optional.\n {'linear', 'nearest'} for multidimensional array,\n {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'}\n for 1-dimensional array. 'linear' is used by default.\n assume_sorted: boolean, optional\n If False, values of coordinates that are interpolated over can be\n in any order and they are sorted first. If True, interpolated\n coordinates are assumed to be an array of monotonically increasing\n values.\n kwargs: dictionary, optional\n Additional keyword passed to scipy's interpolator.\n\n Returns\n -------\n interpolated: xr.Dataset\n Another dataset by interpolating this dataset's data along the\n coordinates of the other object.\n\n Notes\n -----\n scipy is required.\n If the dataset has object-type coordinates, reindex is used for these\n coordinates instead of the interpolation.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.interp\n Dataset.reindex_like\n \"\"\"\n if kwargs is None:\n kwargs = {}\n coords = alignment.reindex_like_indexers(self, other)\n\n numeric_coords: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = {}\n object_coords: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = {}\n for k, v in coords.items():\n if v.dtype.kind in \"uifcMm\":\n numeric_coords[k] = v\n else:\n object_coords[k] = v\n\n ds = self\n if object_coords:\n # We do not support interpolation along object coordinate.\n # reindex instead.\n ds = self.reindex(object_coords)\n return ds.interp(numeric_coords, method, assume_sorted, kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._Helper_methods_for_rena_Dataset._rename_dims.return._name_dict_get_k_k_v_f": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._Helper_methods_for_rena_Dataset._rename_dims.return._name_dict_get_k_k_v_f", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2618, "end_line": 2634, "span_ids": ["Dataset._rename_vars", "Dataset._rename_dims", "Dataset.interp_like"], "tokens": 174}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", 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"{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._rename_indexes_Dataset._rename_all.return.variables_coord_names_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._rename_indexes_Dataset._rename_all.return.variables_coord_names_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2636, "end_line": 2662, "span_ids": ["Dataset._rename_indexes", "Dataset._rename_all"], "tokens": 225}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _rename_indexes(self, name_dict, dims_set):\n if self._indexes is None:\n return None\n indexes = {}\n for k, v in self.indexes.items():\n new_name = name_dict.get(k, k)\n if new_name not in dims_set:\n continue\n if isinstance(v, pd.MultiIndex):\n new_names = [name_dict.get(k, k) for k in v.names]\n index = pd.MultiIndex(\n v.levels,\n v.labels,\n v.sortorder,\n names=new_names,\n verify_integrity=False,\n )\n else:\n index = pd.Index(v, name=new_name)\n indexes[new_name] = index\n return indexes\n\n def _rename_all(self, name_dict, dims_dict):\n variables, coord_names = self._rename_vars(name_dict, dims_dict)\n dims = self._rename_dims(dims_dict)\n indexes = self._rename_indexes(name_dict, dims.keys())\n return variables, coord_names, dims, indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.rename_Dataset.rename.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.rename_Dataset.rename.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2664, "end_line": 2705, "span_ids": ["Dataset.rename"], "tokens": 295}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def rename(\n self,\n name_dict: Mapping[Hashable, Hashable] = None,\n inplace: bool = None,\n **names: Hashable,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new object with renamed variables and dimensions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n name_dict : dict-like, optional\n Dictionary whose keys are current variable or dimension names and\n whose values are the desired names.\n **names, optional\n Keyword form of ``name_dict``.\n One of name_dict or names must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n renamed : Dataset\n Dataset with renamed variables and dimensions.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.swap_dims\n Dataset.rename_vars\n Dataset.rename_dims\n DataArray.rename\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n name_dict = either_dict_or_kwargs(name_dict, names, \"rename\")\n for k in name_dict.keys():\n if k not in self and k not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot rename %r because it is not a \"\n \"variable or dimension in this dataset\" % k\n )\n\n variables, coord_names, dims, indexes = self._rename_all(\n name_dict=name_dict, dims_dict=name_dict\n )\n return self._replace(variables, coord_names, dims=dims, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.rename_dims_Dataset.rename_dims.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.rename_dims_Dataset.rename_dims.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2707, "end_line": 2744, "span_ids": ["Dataset.rename_dims"], "tokens": 267}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def rename_dims(\n self, dims_dict: Mapping[Hashable, Hashable] = None, **dims: Hashable\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new object with renamed dimensions only.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dims_dict : dict-like, optional\n Dictionary whose keys are current dimension names and\n whose values are the desired names.\n **dims, optional\n Keyword form of ``dims_dict``.\n One of dims_dict or dims must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n renamed : Dataset\n Dataset with renamed dimensions.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.swap_dims\n Dataset.rename\n Dataset.rename_vars\n DataArray.rename\n \"\"\"\n dims_dict = either_dict_or_kwargs(dims_dict, dims, \"rename_dims\")\n for k in dims_dict:\n if k not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot rename %r because it is not a \"\n \"dimension in this dataset\" % k\n )\n\n variables, coord_names, sizes, indexes = self._rename_all(\n name_dict={}, dims_dict=dims_dict\n )\n return self._replace(variables, coord_names, dims=sizes, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.rename_vars_Dataset.rename_vars.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.rename_vars_Dataset.rename_vars.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2746, "end_line": 2782, "span_ids": ["Dataset.rename_vars"], "tokens": 270}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def rename_vars(\n self, name_dict: Mapping[Hashable, Hashable] = None, **names: Hashable\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new object with renamed variables including coordinates\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n name_dict : dict-like, optional\n Dictionary whose keys are current variable or coordinate names and\n whose values are the desired names.\n **names, optional\n Keyword form of ``name_dict``.\n One of name_dict or names must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n renamed : Dataset\n Dataset with renamed variables including coordinates\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.swap_dims\n Dataset.rename\n Dataset.rename_dims\n DataArray.rename\n \"\"\"\n name_dict = either_dict_or_kwargs(name_dict, names, \"rename_vars\")\n for k in name_dict:\n if k not in self:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot rename %r because it is not a \"\n \"variable or coordinate in this dataset\" % k\n )\n variables, coord_names, dims, indexes = self._rename_all(\n name_dict=name_dict, dims_dict={}\n )\n return self._replace(variables, coord_names, dims=dims, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.swap_dims_Dataset.swap_dims.return.self__replace_with_new_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.swap_dims_Dataset.swap_dims.return.self__replace_with_new_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2784, "end_line": 2865, "span_ids": ["Dataset.swap_dims"], "tokens": 686}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def swap_dims(\n self, dims_dict: Mapping[Hashable, Hashable], inplace: bool = None\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Returns a new object with swapped dimensions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dims_dict : dict-like\n Dictionary whose keys are current dimension names and whose values\n are new names. Each value must already be a variable in the\n dataset.\n\n Returns\n -------\n swapped : Dataset\n Dataset with swapped dimensions.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars={\"a\": (\"x\", [5, 7]), \"b\": (\"x\", [0.1, 2.4])},\n coords={\"x\": [\"a\", \"b\"], \"y\": (\"x\", [0, 1])})\n >>> ds\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) >> ds.swap_dims({\"x\": \"y\"})\n \n Dimensions: (y: 2)\n Coordinates:\n x (y) \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Return a new object with an additional axis (or axes) inserted at\n the corresponding position in the array shape. The new object is a\n view into the underlying array, not a copy.\n\n If dim is already a scalar coordinate, it will be promoted to a 1D\n coordinate consisting of a single value.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : hashable, sequence of hashable, mapping, or None\n Dimensions to include on the new variable. If provided as hashable\n or sequence of hashable, then dimensions are inserted with length\n 1. If provided as a mapping, then the keys are the new dimensions\n and the values are either integers (giving the length of the new\n dimensions) or array-like (giving the coordinates of the new\n dimensions).\n axis : integer, sequence of integers, or None\n Axis position(s) where new axis is to be inserted (position(s) on\n the result array). If a list (or tuple) of integers is passed,\n multiple axes are inserted. In this case, dim arguments should be\n same length list. If axis=None is passed, all the axes will be\n inserted to the start of the result array.\n **dim_kwargs : int or sequence/ndarray\n The keywords are arbitrary dimensions being inserted and the values\n are either the lengths of the new dims (if int is given), or their\n coordinates. Note, this is an alternative to passing a dict to the\n dim kwarg and will only be used if dim is None.\n\n Returns\n -------\n expanded : same type as caller\n This object, but with an additional dimension(s).\n \"\"\"\n if dim is None:\n pass\n elif isinstance(dim, Mapping):\n # We're later going to modify dim in place; don't tamper with\n # the input\n dim = dict(dim)\n elif isinstance(dim, int):\n raise TypeError(\n \"dim should be hashable or sequence of hashables or mapping\"\n )\n elif isinstance(dim, str) or not isinstance(dim, Sequence):\n dim = {dim: 1}\n elif isinstance(dim, Sequence):\n if len(dim) != len(set(dim)):\n raise ValueError(\"dims should not contain duplicate values.\")\n dim = {d: 1 for d in dim}\n\n dim = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim, dim_kwargs, \"expand_dims\")\n assert isinstance(dim, MutableMapping)\n\n if axis is None:\n axis = list(range(len(dim)))\n elif not isinstance(axis, Sequence):\n axis = [axis]\n\n if len(dim) != len(axis):\n raise ValueError(\"lengths of dim and axis should be identical.\")\n for d in dim:\n if d in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"Dimension {dim} already exists.\".format(dim=d))\n if d in self._variables and not utils.is_scalar(self._variables[d]):\n raise ValueError(\n \"{dim} already exists as coordinate or\"\n \" variable name.\".format(dim=d)\n )\n\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n coord_names = self._coord_names.copy()\n # If dim is a dict, then ensure that the values are either integers\n # or iterables.\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.expand_dims.for_k_v_in_dim_items__Dataset.expand_dims.return.self__replace_vars_and_di": {"__data__": {"id_": 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\"Dataset\":\n # ... other code\n for k, v in dim.items():\n if hasattr(v, \"__iter__\"):\n # If the value for the new dimension is an iterable, then\n # save the coordinates to the variables dict, and set the\n # value within the dim dict to the length of the iterable\n # for later use.\n variables[k] = xr.IndexVariable((k,), v)\n coord_names.add(k)\n dim[k] = variables[k].size\n elif isinstance(v, int):\n pass # Do nothing if the dimensions value is just an int\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"The value of new dimension {k} must be \"\n \"an iterable or an int\".format(k=k)\n )\n\n for k, v in self._variables.items():\n if k not in dim:\n if k in coord_names: # Do not change coordinates\n variables[k] = v\n else:\n result_ndim = len(v.dims) + len(axis)\n for a in axis:\n if a < -result_ndim or result_ndim - 1 < a:\n raise IndexError(\n \"Axis {a} is out of bounds of the expanded\"\n \" dimension size {dim}.\".format(\n a=a, v=k, dim=result_ndim\n )\n )\n\n axis_pos = [a if a >= 0 else result_ndim + a for a in axis]\n if len(axis_pos) != len(set(axis_pos)):\n raise ValueError(\"axis should not contain duplicate\" \" values.\")\n # We need to sort them to make sure `axis` equals to the\n # axis positions of the result array.\n zip_axis_dim = sorted(zip(axis_pos, dim.items()))\n\n all_dims = list(zip(v.dims, v.shape))\n for d, c in zip_axis_dim:\n all_dims.insert(d, c)\n variables[k] = v.set_dims(dict(all_dims))\n else:\n # If dims includes a label of a non-dimension coordinate,\n # it will be promoted to a 1D coordinate with a single value.\n variables[k] = v.set_dims(k).to_index_variable()\n\n new_dims = self._dims.copy()\n new_dims.update(dim)\n\n return self._replace_vars_and_dims(\n variables, dims=new_dims, coord_names=coord_names\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.set_index_Dataset.set_index.return.self__replace_vars_and_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.set_index_Dataset.set_index.return.self__replace_vars_and_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3001, "end_line": 3066, "span_ids": ["Dataset.set_index"], "tokens": 611}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def set_index(\n self,\n indexes: Mapping[Hashable, Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]]] = None,\n append: bool = False,\n inplace: bool = None,\n **indexes_kwargs: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]],\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Set Dataset (multi-)indexes using one or more existing coordinates\n or variables.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexes : {dim: index, ...}\n Mapping from names matching dimensions and values given\n by (lists of) the names of existing coordinates or variables to set\n as new (multi-)index.\n append : bool, optional\n If True, append the supplied index(es) to the existing index(es).\n Otherwise replace the existing index(es) (default).\n **indexes_kwargs: optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``indexes``.\n One of indexes or indexes_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : Dataset\n Another dataset, with this dataset's data but replaced coordinates.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> arr = xr.DataArray(data=np.ones((2, 3)),\n ... dims=['x', 'y'],\n ... coords={'x':\n ... range(2), 'y':\n ... range(3), 'a': ('x', [3, 4])\n ... })\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'v': arr})\n >>> ds\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2, y: 3)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2\n a (x) int64 3 4\n Data variables:\n v (x, y) float64 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\n >>> ds.set_index(x='a')\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2, y: 3)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 3 4\n * y (y) int64 0 1 2\n Data variables:\n v (x, y) float64 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.reset_index\n Dataset.swap_dims\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n indexes = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexes, indexes_kwargs, \"set_index\")\n variables, coord_names = merge_indexes(\n indexes, self._variables, self._coord_names, append=append\n )\n return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables, coord_names=coord_names)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reset_index_Dataset.reset_index.return.self__replace_vars_and_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reset_index_Dataset.reset_index.return.self__replace_vars_and_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3068, "end_line": 3102, "span_ids": ["Dataset.reset_index"], "tokens": 249}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reset_index(\n self,\n dims_or_levels: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]],\n drop: bool = False,\n inplace: bool = None,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Reset the specified index(es) or multi-index level(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dims_or_levels : str or list\n Name(s) of the dimension(s) and/or multi-index level(s) that will\n be reset.\n drop : bool, optional\n If True, remove the specified indexes and/or multi-index levels\n instead of extracting them as new coordinates (default: False).\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : Dataset\n Another dataset, with this dataset's data but replaced coordinates.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.set_index\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n variables, coord_names = split_indexes(\n dims_or_levels,\n self._variables,\n self._coord_names,\n cast(Mapping[Hashable, Hashable], self._level_coords),\n drop=drop,\n )\n return self._replace_vars_and_dims(variables, coord_names=coord_names)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reorder_levels_Dataset.reorder_levels.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reorder_levels_Dataset.reorder_levels.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3104, "end_line": 3141, "span_ids": ["Dataset.reorder_levels"], "tokens": 306}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reorder_levels(\n self,\n dim_order: Mapping[Hashable, Sequence[int]] = None,\n inplace: bool = None,\n **dim_order_kwargs: Sequence[int],\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Rearrange index levels using input order.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim_order : optional\n Mapping from names matching dimensions and values given\n by lists representing new level orders. Every given dimension\n must have a multi-index.\n **dim_order_kwargs: optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``dim_order``.\n One of dim_order or dim_order_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : Dataset\n Another dataset, with this dataset's data but replaced\n coordinates.\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n dim_order = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim_order, dim_order_kwargs, \"reorder_levels\")\n variables = self._variables.copy()\n indexes = dict(self.indexes)\n for dim, order in dim_order.items():\n coord = self._variables[dim]\n index = self.indexes[dim]\n if not isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n raise ValueError(\"coordinate %r has no MultiIndex\" % dim)\n new_index = index.reorder_levels(order)\n variables[dim] = IndexVariable(coord.dims, new_index)\n indexes[dim] = new_index\n\n return self._replace(variables, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._stack_once_Dataset._stack_once.return.self__replace_with_new_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._stack_once_Dataset._stack_once.return.self__replace_with_new_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3143, "end_line": 3169, "span_ids": ["Dataset._stack_once"], "tokens": 279}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _stack_once(self, dims, new_dim):\n variables = {}\n for name, var in self.variables.items():\n if name not in dims:\n if any(d in var.dims for d in dims):\n add_dims = [d for d in dims if d not in var.dims]\n vdims = list(var.dims) + add_dims\n shape = [self.dims[d] for d in vdims]\n exp_var = var.set_dims(vdims, shape)\n stacked_var = exp_var.stack(**{new_dim: dims})\n variables[name] = stacked_var\n else:\n variables[name] = var.copy(deep=False)\n\n # consider dropping levels that are unused?\n levels = [self.get_index(dim) for dim in dims]\n idx = utils.multiindex_from_product_levels(levels, names=dims)\n variables[new_dim] = IndexVariable(new_dim, idx)\n\n coord_names = set(self._coord_names) - set(dims) | {new_dim}\n\n indexes = {k: v for k, v in self.indexes.items() if k not in dims}\n indexes[new_dim] = idx\n\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(\n variables, coord_names=coord_names, indexes=indexes\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.stack_Dataset.stack.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.stack_Dataset.stack.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3171, "end_line": 3204, "span_ids": ["Dataset.stack"], "tokens": 232}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def stack(\n self,\n dimensions: Mapping[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,\n **dimensions_kwargs: Sequence[Hashable],\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"\n Stack any number of existing dimensions into a single new dimension.\n\n New dimensions will be added at the end, and the corresponding\n coordinate variables will be combined into a MultiIndex.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dimensions : Mapping of the form new_name=(dim1, dim2, ...)\n Names of new dimensions, and the existing dimensions that they\n replace.\n **dimensions_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``dimensions``.\n One of dimensions or dimensions_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stacked : Dataset\n Dataset with stacked data.\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.unstack\n \"\"\"\n dimensions = either_dict_or_kwargs(dimensions, dimensions_kwargs, \"stack\")\n result = self\n for new_dim, dims in dimensions.items():\n result = result._stack_once(dims, new_dim)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_stacked_array_Dataset.to_stacked_array.for_variable_in_self_.if_not_dims_include_sampl.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_stacked_array_Dataset.to_stacked_array.for_variable_in_self_.if_not_dims_include_sampl.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3206, "end_line": 3286, "span_ids": ["Dataset.to_stacked_array"], "tokens": 681}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_stacked_array(\n self,\n new_dim: Hashable,\n sample_dims: Sequence[Hashable],\n variable_dim: str = \"variable\",\n name: Hashable = None,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n \"\"\"Combine variables of differing dimensionality into a DataArray\n without broadcasting.\n\n This method is similar to Dataset.to_array but does not broadcast the\n variables.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n new_dim : Hashable\n Name of the new stacked coordinate\n sample_dims : Sequence[Hashable]\n Dimensions that **will not** be stacked. Each array in the dataset\n must share these dimensions. For machine learning applications,\n these define the dimensions over which samples are drawn.\n variable_dim : str, optional\n Name of the level in the stacked coordinate which corresponds to\n the variables.\n name : str, optional\n Name of the new data array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stacked : DataArray\n DataArray with the specified dimensions and data variables\n stacked together. The stacked coordinate is named ``new_dim``\n and represented by a MultiIndex object with a level containing the\n data variable names. The name of this level is controlled using\n the ``variable_dim`` argument.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.to_array\n Dataset.stack\n DataArray.to_unstacked_dataset\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> data = Dataset(\n ... data_vars={'a': (('x', 'y'), [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]),\n ... 'b': ('x', [6, 7])},\n ... coords={'y': ['u', 'v', 'w']}\n ... )\n\n >>> data\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2, y: 3)\n Coordinates:\n * y (y) >> data.to_stacked_array(\"z\", sample_dims=['x'])\n \n array([[0, 1, 2, 6],\n [3, 4, 5, 7]])\n Coordinates:\n * z (z) MultiIndex\n - variable (z) object 'a' 'a' 'a' 'b'\n - y (z) object 'u' 'v' 'w' nan\n Dimensions without coordinates: x\n\n \"\"\"\n stacking_dims = tuple(dim for dim in self.dims if dim not in sample_dims)\n\n for variable in self:\n dims = self[variable].dims\n dims_include_sample_dims = set(sample_dims) <= set(dims)\n if not dims_include_sample_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"All variables in the dataset must contain the \"\n \"dimensions {}.\".format(dims)\n )\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_stacked_array.ensure_stackable_Dataset.to_stacked_array.ensure_stackable.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_stacked_array.ensure_stackable_Dataset.to_stacked_array.ensure_stackable.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3288, "end_line": 3303, "span_ids": ["Dataset.to_stacked_array"], "tokens": 193}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_stacked_array(\n self,\n new_dim: Hashable,\n sample_dims: Sequence[Hashable],\n variable_dim: str = \"variable\",\n name: Hashable = None,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n # ... other code\n\n def ensure_stackable(val):\n assign_coords = {variable_dim: val.name}\n for dim in stacking_dims:\n if dim not in val.dims:\n assign_coords[dim] = None\n\n expand_dims = set(stacking_dims).difference(set(val.dims))\n expand_dims.add(variable_dim)\n # must be list for .expand_dims\n expand_dims = list(expand_dims)\n\n return (\n val.assign_coords(**assign_coords)\n .expand_dims(expand_dims)\n .stack({new_dim: (variable_dim,) + stacking_dims})\n )\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_stacked_array._concatenate_the_arrays_Dataset.to_stacked_array.return.data_array": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_stacked_array._concatenate_the_arrays_Dataset.to_stacked_array.return.data_array", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3305, "end_line": 3322, "span_ids": ["Dataset.to_stacked_array"], "tokens": 230}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_stacked_array(\n self,\n new_dim: Hashable,\n sample_dims: Sequence[Hashable],\n variable_dim: str = \"variable\",\n name: Hashable = None,\n ) -> \"DataArray\":\n\n # concatenate the arrays\n stackable_vars = [ensure_stackable(self[key]) for key in self.data_vars]\n data_array = xr.concat(stackable_vars, dim=new_dim)\n\n # coerce the levels of the MultiIndex to have the same type as the\n # input dimensions. This code is messy, so it might be better to just\n # input a dummy value for the singleton dimension.\n idx = data_array.indexes[new_dim]\n levels = [idx.levels[0]] + [\n level.astype(self[level.name].dtype) for level in idx.levels[1:]\n ]\n new_idx = idx.set_levels(levels)\n data_array[new_dim] = IndexVariable(new_dim, new_idx)\n\n if name is not None:\n data_array.name = name\n\n return data_array", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._unstack_once_Dataset._unstack_once.return.self__replace_with_new_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._unstack_once_Dataset._unstack_once.return.self__replace_with_new_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3324, "end_line": 3357, "span_ids": ["Dataset._unstack_once"], "tokens": 300}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _unstack_once(self, dim: Hashable) -> \"Dataset\":\n index = self.get_index(dim)\n index = index.remove_unused_levels()\n full_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(index.levels, names=index.names)\n\n # take a shortcut in case the MultiIndex was not modified.\n if index.equals(full_idx):\n obj = self\n else:\n obj = self.reindex({dim: full_idx}, copy=False)\n\n new_dim_names = index.names\n new_dim_sizes = [lev.size for lev in index.levels]\n\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n indexes = {k: v for k, v in self.indexes.items() if k != dim}\n\n for name, var in obj.variables.items():\n if name != dim:\n if dim in var.dims:\n new_dims = dict(zip(new_dim_names, new_dim_sizes))\n variables[name] = var.unstack({dim: new_dims})\n else:\n variables[name] = var\n\n for name, lev in zip(new_dim_names, index.levels):\n variables[name] = IndexVariable(name, lev)\n indexes[name] = lev\n\n coord_names = set(self._coord_names) - {dim} | set(new_dim_names)\n\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(\n variables, coord_names=coord_names, indexes=indexes\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.unstack_Dataset.unstack.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.unstack_Dataset.unstack.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3359, "end_line": 3409, "span_ids": ["Dataset.unstack"], "tokens": 336}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def unstack(self, dim: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]] = None) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"\n Unstack existing dimensions corresponding to MultiIndexes into\n multiple new dimensions.\n\n New dimensions will be added at the end.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : Hashable or iterable of Hashable, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to unstack. By default unstacks all\n MultiIndexes.\n\n Returns\n -------\n unstacked : Dataset\n Dataset with unstacked data.\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.stack\n \"\"\"\n if dim is None:\n dims = [\n d for d in self.dims if isinstance(self.get_index(d), pd.MultiIndex)\n ]\n else:\n if isinstance(dim, str) or not isinstance(dim, Iterable):\n dims = [dim]\n else:\n dims = list(dim)\n\n missing_dims = [d for d in dims if d not in self.dims]\n if missing_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Dataset does not contain the dimensions: %s\" % missing_dims\n )\n\n non_multi_dims = [\n d for d in dims if not isinstance(self.get_index(d), pd.MultiIndex)\n ]\n if non_multi_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot unstack dimensions that do not \"\n \"have a MultiIndex: %s\" % non_multi_dims\n )\n\n result = self.copy(deep=False)\n for dim in dims:\n result = result._unstack_once(dim)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.update_Dataset.update.return.self__replace_inplace_Tru": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.update_Dataset.update.return.self__replace_inplace_Tru", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3411, "end_line": 3439, "span_ids": ["Dataset.update"], "tokens": 203}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def update(self, other: \"CoercibleMapping\", inplace: bool = None) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Update this dataset's variables with those from another dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset or castable to Dataset\n Variables with which to update this dataset. One of:\n\n - Dataset\n - mapping {var name: DataArray}\n - mapping {var name: Variable}\n - mapping {var name: (dimension name, array-like)}\n - mapping {var name: (tuple of dimension names, array-like)}\n\n\n Returns\n -------\n updated : Dataset\n Updated dataset.\n\n Raises\n ------\n ValueError\n If any dimensions would have inconsistent sizes in the updated\n dataset.\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n merge_result = dataset_update_method(self, other)\n return self._replace(inplace=True, **merge_result._asdict())", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.merge_Dataset.merge.return.self__replace_merge_res": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.merge_Dataset.merge.return.self__replace_merge_res", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3441, "end_line": 3506, "span_ids": ["Dataset.merge"], "tokens": 553}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def merge(\n self,\n other: \"CoercibleMapping\",\n inplace: bool = None,\n overwrite_vars: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]] = frozenset(),\n compat: str = \"no_conflicts\",\n join: str = \"outer\",\n fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Merge the arrays of two datasets into a single dataset.\n\n This method generally does not allow for overriding data, with the\n exception of attributes, which are ignored on the second dataset.\n Variables with the same name are checked for conflicts via the equals\n or identical methods.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset or castable to Dataset\n Dataset or variables to merge with this dataset.\n overwrite_vars : Hashable or iterable of Hashable, optional\n If provided, update variables of these name(s) without checking for\n conflicts in this dataset.\n compat : {'broadcast_equals', 'equals', 'identical',\n 'no_conflicts'}, optional\n String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for\n potential conflicts:\n - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are\n broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions.\n - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same.\n - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the\n same.\n - 'no_conflicts': only values which are not null in both datasets\n must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination\n of all non-null values.\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional\n Method for joining ``self`` and ``other`` along shared dimensions:\n\n - 'outer': use the union of the indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of the indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from ``self``\n - 'right': use indexes from ``other``\n - 'exact': error instead of aligning non-equal indexes\n fill_value: scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n\n Returns\n -------\n merged : Dataset\n Merged dataset.\n\n Raises\n ------\n MergeError\n If any variables conflict (see ``compat``).\n \"\"\"\n _check_inplace(inplace)\n merge_result = dataset_merge_method(\n self,\n other,\n overwrite_vars=overwrite_vars,\n compat=compat,\n join=join,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n )\n return self._replace(**merge_result._asdict())", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._assert_all_in_dataset_Dataset.drop_95._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._assert_all_in_dataset_Dataset.drop_95._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3508, "end_line": 3532, "span_ids": ["Dataset.drop", "Dataset._assert_all_in_dataset", "Dataset.drop_95"], "tokens": 208}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _assert_all_in_dataset(\n self, names: Iterable[Hashable], virtual_okay: bool = False\n ) -> None:\n bad_names = set(names) - set(self._variables)\n if virtual_okay:\n bad_names -= self.virtual_variables\n if bad_names:\n raise ValueError(\n \"One or more of the specified variables \"\n \"cannot be found in this dataset\"\n )\n\n # Drop variables\n @overload # noqa: F811\n def drop(\n self, labels: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]], *, errors: str = \"raise\"\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n ...\n\n # Drop index labels along dimension\n @overload # noqa: F811\n def drop(\n self, labels: Any, dim: Hashable, *, errors: str = \"raise\" # array-like\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n ...", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.drop_96_Dataset.drop_96.if_labels_kwargs_or_isins.else_.return.self__drop_labels_labels_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.drop_96_Dataset.drop_96.if_labels_kwargs_or_isins.else_.return.self__drop_labels_labels_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3534, "end_line": 3614, "span_ids": ["Dataset.drop_96"], "tokens": 737}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def drop( # noqa: F811\n self, labels=None, dim=None, *, errors=\"raise\", **labels_kwargs\n ):\n \"\"\"Drop variables or index labels from this dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n labels : hashable or iterable of hashables\n Name(s) of variables or index labels to drop.\n If dim is not None, labels can be any array-like.\n dim : None or hashable, optional\n Dimension along which to drop index labels. By default (if\n ``dim is None``), drops variables rather than index labels.\n errors: {'raise', 'ignore'}, optional\n If 'raise' (default), raises a ValueError error if\n any of the variable or index labels passed are not\n in the dataset. If 'ignore', any given labels that are in the\n dataset are dropped and no error is raised.\n **labels_kwargs : {dim: label, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``dim`` and ``labels``.\n\n Returns\n -------\n dropped : Dataset\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> data = np.random.randn(2, 3)\n >>> labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'A': (['x', 'y'], data), 'y': labels})\n >>> ds.drop(y=['a', 'c'])\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2, y: 1)\n Coordinates:\n * y (y) >> ds.drop(y='b')\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2, y: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * y (y) \"Dataset\":\n if errors == \"raise\":\n self._assert_all_in_dataset(names)\n\n variables = {k: v for k, v in self._variables.items() if k not in names}\n coord_names = {k for k in self._coord_names if k in variables}\n indexes = {k: v for k, v in self.indexes.items() if k not in names}\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(\n variables, coord_names=coord_names, indexes=indexes\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.drop_dims_Dataset.drop_dims.return.self__drop_vars_drop_vars": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.drop_dims_Dataset.drop_dims.return.self__drop_vars_drop_vars", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3640, "end_line": 3681, "span_ids": ["Dataset.drop_dims"], "tokens": 375}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def drop_dims(\n self, drop_dims: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]], *, errors: str = \"raise\"\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Drop dimensions and associated variables from this dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n drop_dims : hashable or iterable of hashable\n Dimension or dimensions to drop.\n errors: {'raise', 'ignore'}, optional\n If 'raise' (default), raises a ValueError error if any of the\n dimensions passed are not in the dataset. If 'ignore', any given\n labels that are in the dataset are dropped and no error is raised.\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : Dataset\n The dataset without the given dimensions (or any variables\n containing those dimensions)\n errors: {'raise', 'ignore'}, optional\n If 'raise' (default), raises a ValueError error if\n any of the dimensions passed are not\n in the dataset. If 'ignore', any given dimensions that are in the\n dataset are dropped and no error is raised.\n \"\"\"\n if errors not in [\"raise\", \"ignore\"]:\n raise ValueError('errors must be either \"raise\" or \"ignore\"')\n\n if isinstance(drop_dims, str) or not isinstance(drop_dims, Iterable):\n drop_dims = {drop_dims}\n else:\n drop_dims = set(drop_dims)\n\n if errors == \"raise\":\n missing_dims = drop_dims - set(self.dims)\n if missing_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Dataset does not contain the dimensions: %s\" % missing_dims\n )\n\n drop_vars = {k for k, v in self._variables.items() if set(v.dims) & drop_dims}\n return self._drop_vars(drop_vars)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.transpose_Dataset.transpose.return.ds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.transpose_Dataset.transpose.return.ds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3683, "end_line": 3722, "span_ids": ["Dataset.transpose"], "tokens": 301}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def transpose(self, *dims: Hashable) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Return a new Dataset object with all array dimensions transposed.\n\n Although the order of dimensions on each array will change, the dataset\n dimensions themselves will remain in fixed (sorted) order.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n *dims : Hashable, optional\n By default, reverse the dimensions on each array. Otherwise,\n reorder the dimensions to this order.\n\n Returns\n -------\n transposed : Dataset\n Each array in the dataset (including) coordinates will be\n transposed to the given order.\n\n Notes\n -----\n This operation returns a view of each array's data. It is\n lazy for dask-backed DataArrays but not for numpy-backed DataArrays\n -- the data will be fully loaded into memory.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.transpose\n DataArray.transpose\n \"\"\"\n if dims:\n if set(dims) ^ set(self.dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"arguments to transpose (%s) must be \"\n \"permuted dataset dimensions (%s)\" % (dims, tuple(self.dims))\n )\n ds = self.copy()\n for name, var in self._variables.items():\n var_dims = tuple(dim for dim in dims if dim in var.dims)\n ds._variables[name] = var.transpose(*var_dims)\n return ds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.dropna_Dataset.dropna.return.self_isel_dim_mask_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.dropna_Dataset.dropna.return.self_isel_dim_mask_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3724, "end_line": 3783, "span_ids": ["Dataset.dropna"], "tokens": 469}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def dropna(\n self,\n dim: Hashable,\n how: str = \"any\",\n thresh: int = None,\n subset: Iterable[Hashable] = None,\n ):\n \"\"\"Returns a new dataset with dropped labels for missing values along\n the provided dimension.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : Hashable\n Dimension along which to drop missing values. Dropping along\n multiple dimensions simultaneously is not yet supported.\n how : {'any', 'all'}, optional\n * any : if any NA values are present, drop that label\n * all : if all values are NA, drop that label\n thresh : int, default None\n If supplied, require this many non-NA values.\n subset : iterable of hashable, optional\n Which variables to check for missing values. By default, all\n variables in the dataset are checked.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset\n \"\"\"\n # TODO: consider supporting multiple dimensions? Or not, given that\n # there are some ugly edge cases, e.g., pandas's dropna differs\n # depending on the order of the supplied axes.\n\n if dim not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"%s must be a single dataset dimension\" % dim)\n\n if subset is None:\n subset = iter(self.data_vars)\n\n count = np.zeros(self.dims[dim], dtype=np.int64)\n size = 0\n\n for k in subset:\n array = self._variables[k]\n if dim in array.dims:\n dims = [d for d in array.dims if d != dim]\n count += np.asarray(array.count(dims)) # type: ignore\n size += np.prod([self.dims[d] for d in dims])\n\n if thresh is not None:\n mask = count >= thresh\n elif how == \"any\":\n mask = count == size\n elif how == \"all\":\n mask = count > 0\n elif how is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"invalid how option: %s\" % how)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"must specify how or thresh\")\n\n return self.isel({dim: mask})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.fillna_Dataset.fillna.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.fillna_Dataset.fillna.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3785, "end_line": 3865, "span_ids": ["Dataset.fillna"], "tokens": 897}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def fillna(self, value: Any) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Fill missing values in this object.\n\n This operation follows the normal broadcasting and alignment rules that\n xarray uses for binary arithmetic, except the result is aligned to this\n object (``join='left'``) instead of aligned to the intersection of\n index coordinates (``join='inner'``).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n value : scalar, ndarray, DataArray, dict or Dataset\n Used to fill all matching missing values in this dataset's data\n variables. Scalars, ndarrays or DataArrays arguments are used to\n fill all data with aligned coordinates (for DataArrays).\n Dictionaries or datasets match data variables and then align\n coordinates if necessary.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset(\n ... {\n ... \"A\": (\"x\", [np.nan, 2, np.nan, 0]),\n ... \"B\": (\"x\", [3, 4, np.nan, 1]),\n ... \"C\": (\"x\", [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 5]),\n ... \"D\": (\"x\", [np.nan, 3, np.nan, 4])\n ... },\n ... coords={\"x\": [0, 1, 2, 3]})\n >>> ds\n \n Dimensions: (x: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2 3\n Data variables:\n A (x) float64 nan 2.0 nan 0.0\n B (x) float64 3.0 4.0 nan 1.0\n C (x) float64 nan nan nan 5.0\n D (x) float64 nan 3.0 nan 4.0\n\n Replace all `NaN` values with 0s.\n\n >>> ds.fillna(0)\n \n Dimensions: (x: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2 3\n Data variables:\n A (x) float64 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0\n B (x) float64 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0\n C (x) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0\n D (x) float64 0.0 3.0 0.0 4.0\n\n Replace all `NaN` elements in column \u2018A\u2019, \u2018B\u2019, \u2018C\u2019, and \u2018D\u2019, with 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively.\n\n >>> values = {'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3}\n >>> ds.fillna(value=values)\n \n Dimensions: (x: 4)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2 3\n Data variables:\n A (x) float64 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0\n B (x) float64 3.0 4.0 1.0 1.0\n C (x) float64 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0\n D (x) float64 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0\n \"\"\"\n if utils.is_dict_like(value):\n value_keys = getattr(value, \"data_vars\", value).keys()\n if not set(value_keys) <= set(self.data_vars.keys()):\n raise ValueError(\n \"all variables in the argument to `fillna` \"\n \"must be contained in the original dataset\"\n )\n out = ops.fillna(self, value)\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interpolate_na_Dataset.interpolate_na.return.new": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.interpolate_na_Dataset.interpolate_na.return.new", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3867, "end_line": 3926, "span_ids": ["Dataset.interpolate_na"], "tokens": 505}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def interpolate_na(\n self,\n dim: Hashable = None,\n method: str = \"linear\",\n limit: int = None,\n use_coordinate: Union[bool, Hashable] = True,\n **kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Interpolate values according to different methods.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : Hashable\n Specifies the dimension along which to interpolate.\n method : {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic',\n 'polynomial', 'barycentric', 'krog', 'pchip',\n 'spline'}, optional\n String indicating which method to use for interpolation:\n\n - 'linear': linear interpolation (Default). Additional keyword\n arguments are passed to ``numpy.interp``\n - 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic',\n 'polynomial': are passed to ``scipy.interpolate.interp1d``. If\n method=='polynomial', the ``order`` keyword argument must also be\n provided.\n - 'barycentric', 'krog', 'pchip', 'spline': use their respective\n ``scipy.interpolate`` classes.\n use_coordinate : boolean or str, default True\n Specifies which index to use as the x values in the interpolation\n formulated as `y = f(x)`. If False, values are treated as if\n eqaully-spaced along `dim`. If True, the IndexVariable `dim` is\n used. If use_coordinate is a string, it specifies the name of a\n coordinate variariable to use as the index.\n limit : int, default None\n Maximum number of consecutive NaNs to fill. Must be greater than 0\n or None for no limit.\n kwargs : any\n parameters passed verbatim to the underlying interplation function\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.interp\n scipy.interpolate\n \"\"\"\n from .missing import interp_na, _apply_over_vars_with_dim\n\n new = _apply_over_vars_with_dim(\n interp_na,\n self,\n dim=dim,\n method=method,\n limit=limit,\n use_coordinate=use_coordinate,\n **kwargs,\n )\n return new", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.ffill_Dataset.ffill.return.new": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.ffill_Dataset.ffill.return.new", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3928, "end_line": 3951, "span_ids": ["Dataset.ffill"], "tokens": 190}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def ffill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Fill NaN values by propogating values forward\n\n *Requires bottleneck.*\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : Hashable\n Specifies the dimension along which to propagate values when\n filling.\n limit : int, default None\n The maximum number of consecutive NaN values to forward fill. In\n other words, if there is a gap with more than this number of\n consecutive NaNs, it will only be partially filled. Must be greater\n than 0 or None for no limit.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset\n \"\"\"\n from .missing import ffill, _apply_over_vars_with_dim\n\n new = _apply_over_vars_with_dim(ffill, self, dim=dim, limit=limit)\n return new", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.bfill_Dataset.bfill.return.new": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.bfill_Dataset.bfill.return.new", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3953, "end_line": 3976, "span_ids": ["Dataset.bfill"], "tokens": 189}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def bfill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Fill NaN values by propogating values backward\n\n *Requires bottleneck.*\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str\n Specifies the dimension along which to propagate values when\n filling.\n limit : int, default None\n The maximum number of consecutive NaN values to backward fill. In\n other words, if there is a gap with more than this number of\n consecutive NaNs, it will only be partially filled. Must be greater\n than 0 or None for no limit.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset\n \"\"\"\n from .missing import bfill, _apply_over_vars_with_dim\n\n new = _apply_over_vars_with_dim(bfill, self, dim=dim, limit=limit)\n return new", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.combine_first_Dataset.combine_first.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.combine_first_Dataset.combine_first.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3978, "end_line": 3995, "span_ids": ["Dataset.combine_first"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def combine_first(self, other: \"Dataset\") -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Combine two Datasets, default to data_vars of self.\n\n The new coordinates follow the normal broadcasting and alignment rules\n of ``join='outer'``. Vacant cells in the expanded coordinates are\n filled with np.nan.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n other : Dataset\n Used to fill all matching missing values in this array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n DataArray\n \"\"\"\n out = ops.fillna(self, other, join=\"outer\", dataset_join=\"outer\")\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reduce_Dataset.reduce.return.self__replace_with_new_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.reduce_Dataset.reduce.return.self__replace_with_new_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 3997, "end_line": 4088, "span_ids": ["Dataset.reduce"], "tokens": 784}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def reduce(\n self,\n func: Callable,\n dim: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]] = None,\n keep_attrs: bool = None,\n keepdims: bool = False,\n numeric_only: bool = False,\n allow_lazy: bool = False,\n **kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Reduce this dataset by applying `func` along some dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : callable\n Function which can be called in the form\n `f(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of reducing an\n np.ndarray over an integer valued axis.\n dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`. By default `func` is\n applied over all dimensions.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n keepdims : bool, default False\n If True, the dimensions which are reduced are left in the result\n as dimensions of size one. Coordinates that use these dimensions\n are removed.\n numeric_only : bool, optional\n If True, only apply ``func`` to variables with a numeric dtype.\n **kwargs : Any\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``func``.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reduced : Dataset\n Dataset with this object's DataArrays replaced with new DataArrays\n of summarized data and the indicated dimension(s) removed.\n \"\"\"\n if dim is None or dim is ALL_DIMS:\n dims = set(self.dims)\n elif isinstance(dim, str) or not isinstance(dim, Iterable):\n dims = {dim}\n else:\n dims = set(dim)\n\n missing_dimensions = [d for d in dims if d not in self.dims]\n if missing_dimensions:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Dataset does not contain the dimensions: %s\" % missing_dimensions\n )\n\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n for name, var in self._variables.items():\n reduce_dims = [d for d in var.dims if d in dims]\n if name in self.coords:\n if not reduce_dims:\n variables[name] = var\n else:\n if (\n not numeric_only\n or np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.number)\n or (var.dtype == np.bool_)\n ):\n if len(reduce_dims) == 1:\n # unpack dimensions for the benefit of functions\n # like np.argmin which can't handle tuple arguments\n reduce_dims, = reduce_dims\n elif len(reduce_dims) == var.ndim:\n # prefer to aggregate over axis=None rather than\n # axis=(0, 1) if they will be equivalent, because\n # the former is often more efficient\n reduce_dims = None # type: ignore\n variables[name] = var.reduce(\n func,\n dim=reduce_dims,\n keep_attrs=keep_attrs,\n keepdims=keepdims,\n allow_lazy=allow_lazy,\n **kwargs,\n )\n\n coord_names = {k for k in self.coords if k in variables}\n indexes = {k: v for k, v in self.indexes.items() if k in variables}\n attrs = self.attrs if keep_attrs else None\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(\n variables, coord_names=coord_names, attrs=attrs, indexes=indexes\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.apply_Dataset.apply.return.type_self_variables_att": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.apply_Dataset.apply.return.type_self_variables_att", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4090, "end_line": 4145, "span_ids": ["Dataset.apply"], "tokens": 562}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def apply(\n self,\n func: Callable,\n keep_attrs: bool = None,\n args: Iterable[Any] = (),\n **kwargs: Any,\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Apply a function over the data variables in this dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : callable\n Function which can be called in the form `func(x, *args, **kwargs)`\n to transform each DataArray `x` in this dataset into another\n DataArray.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False, the new object will\n be returned without attributes.\n args : tuple, optional\n Positional arguments passed on to `func`.\n **kwargs : Any\n Keyword arguments passed on to `func`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n applied : Dataset\n Resulting dataset from applying ``func`` over each data variable.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.random.randn(2, 3))\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'foo': da, 'bar': ('x', [-1, 2])})\n >>> ds\n \n Dimensions: (dim_0: 2, dim_1: 3, x: 2)\n Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0, dim_1, x\n Data variables:\n foo (dim_0, dim_1) float64 -0.3751 -1.951 -1.945 0.2948 0.711 -0.3948\n bar (x) int64 -1 2\n >>> ds.apply(np.fabs)\n \n Dimensions: (dim_0: 2, dim_1: 3, x: 2)\n Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0, dim_1, x\n Data variables:\n foo (dim_0, dim_1) float64 0.3751 1.951 1.945 0.2948 0.711 0.3948\n bar (x) float64 1.0 2.0\n \"\"\"\n variables = {\n k: maybe_wrap_array(v, func(v, *args, **kwargs))\n for k, v in self.data_vars.items()\n }\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n attrs = self.attrs if keep_attrs else None\n return type(self)(variables, attrs=attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.assign_Dataset.assign.return.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.assign_Dataset.assign.return.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4147, "end_line": 4236, "span_ids": ["Dataset.assign"], "tokens": 937}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def assign(\n self, variables: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, **variables_kwargs: Hashable\n ) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Assign new data variables to a Dataset, returning a new object\n with all the original variables in addition to the new ones.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : mapping, value pairs\n Mapping from variables names to the new values. If the new values\n are callable, they are computed on the Dataset and assigned to new\n data variables. If the values are not callable, (e.g. a DataArray,\n scalar, or array), they are simply assigned.\n **variables_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``variables``.\n One of variables or variables_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n ds : Dataset\n A new Dataset with the new variables in addition to all the\n existing variables.\n\n Notes\n -----\n Since ``kwargs`` is a dictionary, the order of your arguments may not\n be preserved, and so the order of the new variables is not well\n defined. Assigning multiple variables within the same ``assign`` is\n possible, but you cannot reference other variables created within the\n same ``assign`` call.\n\n See Also\n --------\n pandas.DataFrame.assign\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> x = xr.Dataset(\n ... {\n ... \"temperature_c\": ((\"lat\", \"lon\"), 20 * np.random.rand(4).reshape(2, 2)),\n ... \"precipitation\": ((\"lat\", \"lon\"), np.random.rand(4).reshape(2, 2)),\n ... },\n ... coords={\"lat\": [10, 20], \"lon\": [150, 160]},\n ... )\n >>> x\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 2, lon: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 10 20\n * lon (lon) int64 150 160\n Data variables:\n temperature_c (lat, lon) float64 18.04 12.51 17.64 9.313\n precipitation (lat, lon) float64 0.4751 0.6827 0.3697 0.03524\n\n Where the value is a callable, evaluated on dataset:\n\n >>> x.assign(temperature_f = lambda x: x.temperature_c * 9 / 5 + 32)\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 2, lon: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 10 20\n * lon (lon) int64 150 160\n Data variables:\n temperature_c (lat, lon) float64 18.04 12.51 17.64 9.313\n precipitation (lat, lon) float64 0.4751 0.6827 0.3697 0.03524\n temperature_f (lat, lon) float64 64.47 54.51 63.75 48.76\n\n Alternatively, the same behavior can be achieved by directly referencing an existing dataarray:\n\n >>> x.assign(temperature_f=x[\"temperature_c\"] * 9 / 5 + 32)\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 2, lon: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) int64 10 20\n * lon (lon) int64 150 160\n Data variables:\n temperature_c (lat, lon) float64 18.04 12.51 17.64 9.313\n precipitation (lat, lon) float64 0.4751 0.6827 0.3697 0.03524\n temperature_f (lat, lon) float64 64.47 54.51 63.75 48.76\n\n \"\"\"\n variables = either_dict_or_kwargs(variables, variables_kwargs, \"assign\")\n data = self.copy()\n # do all calculations first...\n results = data._calc_assign_results(variables)\n # ... and then assign\n data.update(results)\n return data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_array_Dataset.to_array.return.DataArray_data_coords_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_array_Dataset.to_array.return.DataArray_data_coords_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4238, "end_line": 4267, "span_ids": ["Dataset.to_array"], "tokens": 227}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_array(self, dim=\"variable\", name=None):\n \"\"\"Convert this dataset into an xarray.DataArray\n\n The data variables of this dataset will be broadcast against each other\n and stacked along the first axis of the new array. All coordinates of\n this dataset will remain coordinates.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str, optional\n Name of the new dimension.\n name : str, optional\n Name of the new data array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n array : xarray.DataArray\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n data_vars = [self.variables[k] for k in self.data_vars]\n broadcast_vars = broadcast_variables(*data_vars)\n data = duck_array_ops.stack([b.data for b in broadcast_vars], axis=0)\n\n coords = dict(self.coords)\n coords[dim] = list(self.data_vars)\n\n dims = (dim,) + broadcast_vars[0].dims\n\n return DataArray(data, coords, dims, attrs=self.attrs, name=name)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._to_dataframe_Dataset.to_dataframe.return.self__to_dataframe_self_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._to_dataframe_Dataset.to_dataframe.return.self__to_dataframe_self_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4269, "end_line": 4285, "span_ids": ["Dataset._to_dataframe", "Dataset.to_dataframe"], "tokens": 155}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _to_dataframe(self, ordered_dims):\n columns = [k for k in self.variables if k not in self.dims]\n data = [\n self._variables[k].set_dims(ordered_dims).values.reshape(-1)\n for k in columns\n ]\n index = self.coords.to_index(ordered_dims)\n return pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(columns, data)), index=index)\n\n def to_dataframe(self):\n \"\"\"Convert this dataset into a pandas.DataFrame.\n\n Non-index variables in this dataset form the columns of the\n DataFrame. The DataFrame is be indexed by the Cartesian product of\n this dataset's indices.\n \"\"\"\n return self._to_dataframe(self.dims)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._set_sparse_data_from_dataframe_Dataset._set_sparse_data_from_dataframe.for_name_series_in_dataf.self_name_dims_data_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._set_sparse_data_from_dataframe_Dataset._set_sparse_data_from_dataframe.for_name_series_in_dataf.self_name_dims_data_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4287, "end_line": 4325, "span_ids": ["Dataset._set_sparse_data_from_dataframe"], "tokens": 321}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _set_sparse_data_from_dataframe(\n self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, dims: tuple, shape: Tuple[int, ...]\n ) -> None:\n from sparse import COO\n\n idx = dataframe.index\n if isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex):\n try:\n codes = idx.codes\n except AttributeError:\n # deprecated since pandas 0.24\n codes = idx.labels\n coords = np.stack([np.asarray(code) for code in codes], axis=0)\n is_sorted = idx.is_lexsorted\n else:\n coords = np.arange(idx.size).reshape(1, -1)\n is_sorted = True\n\n for name, series in dataframe.items():\n # Cast to a NumPy array first, in case the Series is a pandas\n # Extension array (which doesn't have a valid NumPy dtype)\n values = np.asarray(series)\n\n # In virtually all real use cases, the sparse array will now have\n # missing values and needs a fill_value. For consistency, don't\n # special case the rare exceptions (e.g., dtype=int without a\n # MultiIndex).\n dtype, fill_value = dtypes.maybe_promote(values.dtype)\n values = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype)\n\n data = COO(\n coords,\n values,\n shape,\n has_duplicates=False,\n sorted=is_sorted,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n )\n self[name] = (dims, data)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._set_numpy_data_from_dataframe_Dataset._set_numpy_data_from_dataframe.for_name_series_in_dataf.self_name_dims_data_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._set_numpy_data_from_dataframe_Dataset._set_numpy_data_from_dataframe.for_name_series_in_dataf.self_name_dims_data_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4327, "end_line": 4338, "span_ids": ["Dataset._set_numpy_data_from_dataframe"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _set_numpy_data_from_dataframe(\n self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, dims: tuple, shape: Tuple[int, ...]\n ) -> None:\n idx = dataframe.index\n if isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex):\n # expand the DataFrame to include the product of all levels\n full_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(idx.levels, names=idx.names)\n dataframe = dataframe.reindex(full_idx)\n\n for name, series in dataframe.items():\n data = np.asarray(series).reshape(shape)\n self[name] = (dims, data)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.from_dataframe_Dataset.from_dataframe.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.from_dataframe_Dataset.from_dataframe.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4340, "end_line": 4397, "span_ids": ["Dataset.from_dataframe"], "tokens": 476}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @classmethod\n def from_dataframe(cls, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, sparse: bool = False) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Convert a pandas.DataFrame into an xarray.Dataset\n\n Each column will be converted into an independent variable in the\n Dataset. If the dataframe's index is a MultiIndex, it will be expanded\n into a tensor product of one-dimensional indices (filling in missing\n values with NaN). This method will produce a Dataset very similar to\n that on which the 'to_dataframe' method was called, except with\n possibly redundant dimensions (since all dataset variables will have\n the same dimensionality)\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dataframe : pandas.DataFrame\n DataFrame from which to copy data and indices.\n sparse : bool\n If true, create a sparse arrays instead of dense numpy arrays. This\n can potentially save a large amount of memory if the DataFrame has\n a MultiIndex. Requires the sparse package (sparse.pydata.org).\n\n Returns\n -------\n New Dataset.\n\n See also\n --------\n xarray.DataArray.from_series\n \"\"\"\n # TODO: Add an option to remove dimensions along which the variables\n # are constant, to enable consistent serialization to/from a dataframe,\n # even if some variables have different dimensionality.\n\n if not dataframe.columns.is_unique:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot convert DataFrame with non-unique columns\")\n\n idx = dataframe.index\n obj = cls()\n\n if isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex):\n dims = tuple(\n name if name is not None else \"level_%i\" % n\n for n, name in enumerate(idx.names)\n )\n for dim, lev in zip(dims, idx.levels):\n obj[dim] = (dim, lev)\n shape = tuple(lev.size for lev in idx.levels)\n else:\n index_name = idx.name if idx.name is not None else \"index\"\n dims = (index_name,)\n obj[index_name] = (dims, idx)\n shape = (idx.size,)\n\n if sparse:\n obj._set_sparse_data_from_dataframe(dataframe, dims, shape)\n else:\n obj._set_numpy_data_from_dataframe(dataframe, dims, shape)\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_dask_dataframe_Dataset.to_dask_dataframe.return.df": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_dask_dataframe_Dataset.to_dask_dataframe.return.df", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4399, "end_line": 4474, "span_ids": ["Dataset.to_dask_dataframe"], "tokens": 582}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_dask_dataframe(self, dim_order=None, set_index=False):\n \"\"\"\n Convert this dataset into a dask.dataframe.DataFrame.\n\n The dimensions, coordinates and data variables in this dataset form\n the columns of the DataFrame.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim_order : list, optional\n Hierarchical dimension order for the resulting dataframe. All\n arrays are transposed to this order and then written out as flat\n vectors in contiguous order, so the last dimension in this list\n will be contiguous in the resulting DataFrame. This has a major\n influence on which operations are efficient on the resulting dask\n dataframe.\n\n If provided, must include all dimensions on this dataset. By\n default, dimensions are sorted alphabetically.\n set_index : bool, optional\n If set_index=True, the dask DataFrame is indexed by this dataset's\n coordinate. Since dask DataFrames to not support multi-indexes,\n set_index only works if the dataset only contains one dimension.\n\n Returns\n -------\n dask.dataframe.DataFrame\n \"\"\"\n\n import dask.array as da\n import dask.dataframe as dd\n\n if dim_order is None:\n dim_order = list(self.dims)\n elif set(dim_order) != set(self.dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"dim_order {} does not match the set of dimensions on this \"\n \"Dataset: {}\".format(dim_order, list(self.dims))\n )\n\n ordered_dims = {k: self.dims[k] for k in dim_order}\n\n columns = list(ordered_dims)\n columns.extend(k for k in self.coords if k not in self.dims)\n columns.extend(self.data_vars)\n\n series_list = []\n for name in columns:\n try:\n var = self.variables[name]\n except KeyError:\n # dimension without a matching coordinate\n size = self.dims[name]\n data = da.arange(size, chunks=size, dtype=np.int64)\n var = Variable((name,), data)\n\n # IndexVariable objects have a dummy .chunk() method\n if isinstance(var, IndexVariable):\n var = var.to_base_variable()\n\n dask_array = var.set_dims(ordered_dims).chunk(self.chunks).data\n series = dd.from_array(dask_array.reshape(-1), columns=[name])\n series_list.append(series)\n\n df = dd.concat(series_list, axis=1)\n\n if set_index:\n if len(dim_order) == 1:\n (dim,) = dim_order\n df = df.set_index(dim)\n else:\n # triggers an error about multi-indexes, even if only one\n # dimension is passed\n df = df.set_index(dim_order)\n\n return df", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_dict_Dataset.to_dict.return.d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.to_dict_Dataset.to_dict.return.d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4476, "end_line": 4505, "span_ids": ["Dataset.to_dict"], "tokens": 219}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def to_dict(self, data=True):\n \"\"\"\n Convert this dataset to a dictionary following xarray naming\n conventions.\n\n Converts all variables and attributes to native Python objects\n Useful for coverting to json. To avoid datetime incompatibility\n use decode_times=False kwarg in xarrray.open_dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n data : bool, optional\n Whether to include the actual data in the dictionary. When set to\n False, returns just the schema.\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.from_dict\n \"\"\"\n d = {\n \"coords\": {},\n \"attrs\": decode_numpy_dict_values(self.attrs),\n \"dims\": dict(self.dims),\n \"data_vars\": {},\n }\n for k in self.coords:\n d[\"coords\"].update({k: self[k].variable.to_dict(data=data)})\n for k in self.data_vars:\n d[\"data_vars\"].update({k: self[k].variable.to_dict(data=data)})\n return d", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.from_dict_Dataset.from_dict.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.from_dict_Dataset.from_dict.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4507, "end_line": 4569, "span_ids": ["Dataset.from_dict"], "tokens": 476}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @classmethod\n def from_dict(cls, d):\n \"\"\"\n Convert a dictionary into an xarray.Dataset.\n\n Input dict can take several forms::\n\n d = {'t': {'dims': ('t'), 'data': t},\n 'a': {'dims': ('t'), 'data': x},\n 'b': {'dims': ('t'), 'data': y}}\n\n d = {'coords': {'t': {'dims': 't', 'data': t,\n 'attrs': {'units':'s'}}},\n 'attrs': {'title': 'air temperature'},\n 'dims': 't',\n 'data_vars': {'a': {'dims': 't', 'data': x, },\n 'b': {'dims': 't', 'data': y}}}\n\n where 't' is the name of the dimesion, 'a' and 'b' are names of data\n variables and t, x, and y are lists, numpy.arrays or pandas objects.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n d : dict, with a minimum structure of {'var_0': {'dims': [..], \\\n 'data': [..]}, \\\n ...}\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : xarray.Dataset\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.to_dict\n DataArray.from_dict\n \"\"\"\n\n if not {\"coords\", \"data_vars\"}.issubset(set(d)):\n variables = d.items()\n else:\n import itertools\n\n variables = itertools.chain(\n d.get(\"coords\", {}).items(), d.get(\"data_vars\", {}).items()\n )\n try:\n variable_dict = {\n k: (v[\"dims\"], v[\"data\"], v.get(\"attrs\")) for k, v in variables\n }\n except KeyError as e:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot convert dict without the key \"\n \"'{dims_data}'\".format(dims_data=str(e.args[0]))\n )\n obj = cls(variable_dict)\n\n # what if coords aren't dims?\n coords = set(d.get(\"coords\", {})) - set(d.get(\"dims\", {}))\n obj = obj.set_coords(coords)\n\n obj.attrs.update(d.get(\"attrs\", {}))\n\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._unary_op_Dataset._unary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._unary_op_Dataset._unary_op.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4571, "end_line": 4584, "span_ids": ["Dataset._unary_op"], "tokens": 127}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @staticmethod\n def _unary_op(f, keep_attrs=False):\n @functools.wraps(f)\n def func(self, *args, **kwargs):\n variables = {}\n for k, v in self._variables.items():\n if k in self._coord_names:\n variables[k] = v\n else:\n variables[k] = f(v, *args, **kwargs)\n attrs = self._attrs if keep_attrs else None\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(variables, attrs=attrs)\n\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._binary_op_Dataset._binary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._binary_op_Dataset._binary_op.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4586, "end_line": 4601, "span_ids": ["Dataset._binary_op"], "tokens": 159}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @staticmethod\n def _binary_op(f, reflexive=False, join=None):\n @functools.wraps(f)\n def func(self, other):\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n if isinstance(other, groupby.GroupBy):\n return NotImplemented\n align_type = OPTIONS[\"arithmetic_join\"] if join is None else join\n if isinstance(other, (DataArray, Dataset)):\n self, other = align(self, other, join=align_type, copy=False)\n g = f if not reflexive else lambda x, y: f(y, x)\n ds = self._calculate_binary_op(g, other, join=align_type)\n return ds\n\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._inplace_binary_op_Dataset._inplace_binary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._inplace_binary_op_Dataset._inplace_binary_op.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4603, "end_line": 4629, "span_ids": ["Dataset._inplace_binary_op"], "tokens": 209}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @staticmethod\n def _inplace_binary_op(f):\n @functools.wraps(f)\n def func(self, other):\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n if isinstance(other, groupby.GroupBy):\n raise TypeError(\n \"in-place operations between a Dataset and \"\n \"a grouped object are not permitted\"\n )\n # we don't actually modify arrays in-place with in-place Dataset\n # arithmetic -- this lets us automatically align things\n if isinstance(other, (DataArray, Dataset)):\n other = other.reindex_like(self, copy=False)\n g = ops.inplace_to_noninplace_op(f)\n ds = self._calculate_binary_op(g, other, inplace=True)\n self._replace_with_new_dims(\n ds._variables,\n ds._coord_names,\n attrs=ds._attrs,\n indexes=ds._indexes,\n inplace=True,\n )\n return self\n\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._calculate_binary_op_Dataset._calculate_binary_op.apply_over_both.return.dest_vars": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._calculate_binary_op_Dataset._calculate_binary_op.apply_over_both.return.dest_vars", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4631, "end_line": 4650, "span_ids": ["Dataset._calculate_binary_op"], "tokens": 217}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _calculate_binary_op(self, f, other, join=\"inner\", inplace=False):\n def apply_over_both(lhs_data_vars, rhs_data_vars, lhs_vars, rhs_vars):\n if inplace and set(lhs_data_vars) != set(rhs_data_vars):\n raise ValueError(\n \"datasets must have the same data variables \"\n \"for in-place arithmetic operations: %s, %s\"\n % (list(lhs_data_vars), list(rhs_data_vars))\n )\n\n dest_vars = {}\n\n for k in lhs_data_vars:\n if k in rhs_data_vars:\n dest_vars[k] = f(lhs_vars[k], rhs_vars[k])\n elif join in [\"left\", \"outer\"]:\n dest_vars[k] = f(lhs_vars[k], np.nan)\n for k in rhs_data_vars:\n if k not in dest_vars and join in [\"right\", \"outer\"]:\n dest_vars[k] = f(rhs_vars[k], np.nan)\n return dest_vars\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._calculate_binary_op.if_utils_is_dict_like_oth_Dataset._copy_attrs_from.for_v_in_other_variables_.if_v_in_self_variables_.self.variables[v].attrs.other_variables_v_attrs": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._calculate_binary_op.if_utils_is_dict_like_oth_Dataset._copy_attrs_from.for_v_in_other_variables_.if_v_in_self_variables_.self.variables[v].attrs.other_variables_v_attrs", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4652, "end_line": 4678, "span_ids": ["Dataset._calculate_binary_op", "Dataset._copy_attrs_from"], "tokens": 267}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _calculate_binary_op(self, f, other, join=\"inner\", inplace=False):\n # ... other code\n\n if utils.is_dict_like(other) and not isinstance(other, Dataset):\n # can't use our shortcut of doing the binary operation with\n # Variable objects, so apply over our data vars instead.\n new_data_vars = apply_over_both(\n self.data_vars, other, self.data_vars, other\n )\n return Dataset(new_data_vars)\n\n other_coords = getattr(other, \"coords\", None)\n ds = self.coords.merge(other_coords)\n\n if isinstance(other, Dataset):\n new_vars = apply_over_both(\n self.data_vars, other.data_vars, self.variables, other.variables\n )\n else:\n other_variable = getattr(other, \"variable\", other)\n new_vars = {k: f(self.variables[k], other_variable) for k in self.data_vars}\n ds._variables.update(new_vars)\n ds._dims = calculate_dimensions(ds._variables)\n return ds\n\n def _copy_attrs_from(self, other):\n self.attrs = other.attrs\n for v in other.variables:\n if v in self.variables:\n self.variables[v].attrs = other.variables[v].attrs", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.diff_Dataset.diff.if_n_1_.else_.return.difference": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.diff_Dataset.diff.if_n_1_.else_.return.difference", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4680, "end_line": 4761, "span_ids": ["Dataset.diff"], "tokens": 597}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def diff(self, dim, n=1, label=\"upper\"):\n \"\"\"Calculate the n-th order discrete difference along given axis.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str, optional\n Dimension over which to calculate the finite difference.\n n : int, optional\n The number of times values are differenced.\n label : str, optional\n The new coordinate in dimension ``dim`` will have the\n values of either the minuend's or subtrahend's coordinate\n for values 'upper' and 'lower', respectively. Other\n values are not supported.\n\n Returns\n -------\n difference : same type as caller\n The n-th order finite difference of this object.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'foo': ('x', [5, 5, 6, 6])})\n >>> ds.diff('x')\n \n Dimensions: (x: 3)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 1 2 3\n Data variables:\n foo (x) int64 0 1 0\n >>> ds.diff('x', 2)\n \n Dimensions: (x: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 2 3\n Data variables:\n foo (x) int64 1 -1\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.differentiate\n \"\"\"\n if n == 0:\n return self\n if n < 0:\n raise ValueError(\"order `n` must be non-negative but got {}\".format(n))\n\n # prepare slices\n kwargs_start = {dim: slice(None, -1)}\n kwargs_end = {dim: slice(1, None)}\n\n # prepare new coordinate\n if label == \"upper\":\n kwargs_new = kwargs_end\n elif label == \"lower\":\n kwargs_new = kwargs_start\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"The 'label' argument has to be either \" \"'upper' or 'lower'\"\n )\n\n variables = {}\n\n for name, var in self.variables.items():\n if dim in var.dims:\n if name in self.data_vars:\n variables[name] = var.isel(**kwargs_end) - var.isel(**kwargs_start)\n else:\n variables[name] = var.isel(**kwargs_new)\n else:\n variables[name] = var\n\n indexes = dict(self.indexes)\n if dim in indexes:\n indexes[dim] = indexes[dim][kwargs_new[dim]]\n\n difference = self._replace_with_new_dims(variables, indexes=indexes)\n\n if n > 1:\n return difference.diff(dim, n - 1)\n else:\n return difference", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.shift_Dataset.shift.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.shift_Dataset.shift.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4763, "end_line": 4816, "span_ids": ["Dataset.shift"], "tokens": 431}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def shift(self, shifts=None, fill_value=dtypes.NA, **shifts_kwargs):\n \"\"\"Shift this dataset by an offset along one or more dimensions.\n\n Only data variables are moved; coordinates stay in place. This is\n consistent with the behavior of ``shift`` in pandas.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n shifts : Mapping with the form of {dim: offset}\n Integer offset to shift along each of the given dimensions.\n Positive offsets shift to the right; negative offsets shift to the\n left.\n fill_value: scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n **shifts_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``shifts``.\n One of shifts or shifts_kwarg must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n shifted : Dataset\n Dataset with the same coordinates and attributes but shifted data\n variables.\n\n See also\n --------\n roll\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'foo': ('x', list('abcde'))})\n >>> ds.shift(x=2)\n \n Dimensions: (x: 5)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2 3 4\n Data variables:\n foo (x) object nan nan 'a' 'b' 'c'\n \"\"\"\n shifts = either_dict_or_kwargs(shifts, shifts_kwargs, \"shift\")\n invalid = [k for k in shifts if k not in self.dims]\n if invalid:\n raise ValueError(\"dimensions %r do not exist\" % invalid)\n\n variables = {}\n for name, var in self.variables.items():\n if name in self.data_vars:\n var_shifts = {k: v for k, v in shifts.items() if k in var.dims}\n variables[name] = var.shift(fill_value=fill_value, shifts=var_shifts)\n else:\n variables[name] = var\n\n return self._replace(variables)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.roll_Dataset.roll.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.roll_Dataset.roll.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4818, "end_line": 4896, "span_ids": ["Dataset.roll"], "tokens": 608}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def roll(self, shifts=None, roll_coords=None, **shifts_kwargs):\n \"\"\"Roll this dataset by an offset along one or more dimensions.\n\n Unlike shift, roll may rotate all variables, including coordinates\n if specified. The direction of rotation is consistent with\n :py:func:`numpy.roll`.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n\n shifts : dict, optional\n A dict with keys matching dimensions and values given\n by integers to rotate each of the given dimensions. Positive\n offsets roll to the right; negative offsets roll to the left.\n roll_coords : bool\n Indicates whether to roll the coordinates by the offset\n The current default of roll_coords (None, equivalent to True) is\n deprecated and will change to False in a future version.\n Explicitly pass roll_coords to silence the warning.\n **shifts_kwargs : {dim: offset, ...}, optional\n The keyword arguments form of ``shifts``.\n One of shifts or shifts_kwargs must be provided.\n Returns\n -------\n rolled : Dataset\n Dataset with the same coordinates and attributes but rolled\n variables.\n\n See also\n --------\n shift\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'foo': ('x', list('abcde'))})\n >>> ds.roll(x=2)\n \n Dimensions: (x: 5)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 3 4 0 1 2\n Data variables:\n foo (x) object 'd' 'e' 'a' 'b' 'c'\n \"\"\"\n shifts = either_dict_or_kwargs(shifts, shifts_kwargs, \"roll\")\n invalid = [k for k in shifts if k not in self.dims]\n if invalid:\n raise ValueError(\"dimensions %r do not exist\" % invalid)\n\n if roll_coords is None:\n warnings.warn(\n \"roll_coords will be set to False in the future.\"\n \" Explicitly set roll_coords to silence warning.\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n roll_coords = True\n\n unrolled_vars = () if roll_coords else self.coords\n\n variables = {}\n for k, v in self.variables.items():\n if k not in unrolled_vars:\n variables[k] = v.roll(\n **{k: s for k, s in shifts.items() if k in v.dims}\n )\n else:\n variables[k] = v\n\n if roll_coords:\n indexes = {}\n for k, v in self.indexes.items():\n (dim,) = self.variables[k].dims\n if dim in shifts:\n indexes[k] = roll_index(v, shifts[dim])\n else:\n indexes = dict(self.indexes)\n\n return self._replace(variables, indexes=indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.sortby_Dataset.sortby.return.aligned_self_isel_indic": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.sortby_Dataset.sortby.return.aligned_self_isel_indic", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4898, "end_line": 4951, "span_ids": ["Dataset.sortby"], "tokens": 476}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def sortby(self, variables, ascending=True):\n \"\"\"\n Sort object by labels or values (along an axis).\n\n Sorts the dataset, either along specified dimensions,\n or according to values of 1-D dataarrays that share dimension\n with calling object.\n\n If the input variables are dataarrays, then the dataarrays are aligned\n (via left-join) to the calling object prior to sorting by cell values.\n NaNs are sorted to the end, following Numpy convention.\n\n If multiple sorts along the same dimension is\n given, numpy's lexsort is performed along that dimension:\n https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.lexsort.html\n and the FIRST key in the sequence is used as the primary sort key,\n followed by the 2nd key, etc.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables: str, DataArray, or list of either\n 1D DataArray objects or name(s) of 1D variable(s) in\n coords/data_vars whose values are used to sort the dataset.\n ascending: boolean, optional\n Whether to sort by ascending or descending order.\n\n Returns\n -------\n sorted: Dataset\n A new dataset where all the specified dims are sorted by dim\n labels.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n if not isinstance(variables, list):\n variables = [variables]\n else:\n variables = variables\n variables = [v if isinstance(v, DataArray) else self[v] for v in variables]\n aligned_vars = align(self, *variables, join=\"left\")\n aligned_self = aligned_vars[0]\n aligned_other_vars = aligned_vars[1:]\n vars_by_dim = defaultdict(list)\n for data_array in aligned_other_vars:\n if data_array.ndim != 1:\n raise ValueError(\"Input DataArray is not 1-D.\")\n (key,) = data_array.dims\n vars_by_dim[key].append(data_array)\n\n indices = {}\n for key, arrays in vars_by_dim.items():\n order = np.lexsort(tuple(reversed(arrays)))\n indices[key] = order if ascending else order[::-1]\n return aligned_self.isel(**indices)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.quantile_Dataset.quantile.return.new": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.quantile_Dataset.quantile.return.new", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 4953, "end_line": 5052, "span_ids": ["Dataset.quantile"], "tokens": 869}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def quantile(\n self, q, dim=None, interpolation=\"linear\", numeric_only=False, keep_attrs=None\n ):\n \"\"\"Compute the qth quantile of the data along the specified dimension.\n\n Returns the qth quantiles(s) of the array elements for each variable\n in the Dataset.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n q : float in range of [0,1] or array-like of floats\n Quantile to compute, which must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.\n dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply quantile.\n interpolation : {'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint', 'nearest'}\n This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to\n use when the desired quantile lies between two data points\n ``i < j``:\n\n * linear: ``i + (j - i) * fraction``, where ``fraction`` is\n the fractional part of the index surrounded by ``i`` and\n ``j``.\n * lower: ``i``.\n * higher: ``j``.\n * nearest: ``i`` or ``j``, whichever is nearest.\n * midpoint: ``(i + j) / 2``.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n numeric_only : bool, optional\n If True, only apply ``func`` to variables with a numeric dtype.\n\n Returns\n -------\n quantiles : Dataset\n If `q` is a single quantile, then the result is a scalar for each\n variable in data_vars. If multiple percentiles are given, first\n axis of the result corresponds to the quantile and a quantile\n dimension is added to the return Dataset. The other dimensions are\n the dimensions that remain after the reduction of the array.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.nanpercentile, pandas.Series.quantile, DataArray.quantile\n \"\"\"\n\n if isinstance(dim, str):\n dims = {dim}\n elif dim is None or dim is ALL_DIMS:\n dims = set(self.dims)\n else:\n dims = set(dim)\n\n _assert_empty(\n [d for d in dims if d not in self.dims],\n \"Dataset does not contain the dimensions: %s\",\n )\n\n q = np.asarray(q, dtype=np.float64)\n\n variables = {}\n for name, var in self.variables.items():\n reduce_dims = [d for d in var.dims if d in dims]\n if reduce_dims or not var.dims:\n if name not in self.coords:\n if (\n not numeric_only\n or np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.number)\n or var.dtype == np.bool_\n ):\n if len(reduce_dims) == var.ndim:\n # prefer to aggregate over axis=None rather than\n # axis=(0, 1) if they will be equivalent, because\n # the former is often more efficient\n reduce_dims = None\n variables[name] = var.quantile(\n q,\n dim=reduce_dims,\n interpolation=interpolation,\n keep_attrs=keep_attrs,\n )\n\n else:\n variables[name] = var\n\n # construct the new dataset\n coord_names = {k for k in self.coords if k in variables}\n indexes = {k: v for k, v in self.indexes.items() if k in variables}\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n attrs = self.attrs if keep_attrs else None\n new = self._replace_with_new_dims(\n variables, coord_names=coord_names, attrs=attrs, indexes=indexes\n )\n if \"quantile\" in new.dims:\n new.coords[\"quantile\"] = Variable(\"quantile\", q)\n else:\n new.coords[\"quantile\"] = q\n return new", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.rank_Dataset.rank.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.rank_Dataset.rank.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 5054, "end_line": 5097, "span_ids": ["Dataset.rank"], "tokens": 356}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def rank(self, dim, pct=False, keep_attrs=None):\n \"\"\"Ranks the data.\n\n Equal values are assigned a rank that is the average of the ranks that\n would have been otherwise assigned to all of the values within\n that set.\n Ranks begin at 1, not 0. If pct is True, computes percentage ranks.\n\n NaNs in the input array are returned as NaNs.\n\n The `bottleneck` library is required.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str\n Dimension over which to compute rank.\n pct : bool, optional\n If True, compute percentage ranks, otherwise compute integer ranks.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n\n Returns\n -------\n ranked : Dataset\n Variables that do not depend on `dim` are dropped.\n \"\"\"\n if dim not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"Dataset does not contain the dimension: %s\" % dim)\n\n variables = {}\n for name, var in self.variables.items():\n if name in self.data_vars:\n if dim in var.dims:\n variables[name] = var.rank(dim, pct=pct)\n else:\n variables[name] = var\n\n coord_names = set(self.coords)\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n attrs = self.attrs if keep_attrs else None\n return self._replace(variables, coord_names, attrs=attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.differentiate_Dataset.differentiate.return.self__replace_variables_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.differentiate_Dataset.differentiate.return.self__replace_variables_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 5099, "end_line": 5156, "span_ids": ["Dataset.differentiate"], "tokens": 485}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def differentiate(self, coord, edge_order=1, datetime_unit=None):\n \"\"\" Differentiate with the second order accurate central\n differences.\n\n .. note::\n This feature is limited to simple cartesian geometry, i.e. coord\n must be one dimensional.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n coord: str\n The coordinate to be used to compute the gradient.\n edge_order: 1 or 2. Default 1\n N-th order accurate differences at the boundaries.\n datetime_unit: None or any of {'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms',\n 'us', 'ns', 'ps', 'fs', 'as'}\n Unit to compute gradient. Only valid for datetime coordinate.\n\n Returns\n -------\n differentiated: Dataset\n\n See also\n --------\n numpy.gradient: corresponding numpy function\n \"\"\"\n from .variable import Variable\n\n if coord not in self.variables and coord not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"Coordinate {} does not exist.\".format(coord))\n\n coord_var = self[coord].variable\n if coord_var.ndim != 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Coordinate {} must be 1 dimensional but is {}\"\n \" dimensional\".format(coord, coord_var.ndim)\n )\n\n dim = coord_var.dims[0]\n if _contains_datetime_like_objects(coord_var):\n if coord_var.dtype.kind in \"mM\" and datetime_unit is None:\n datetime_unit, _ = np.datetime_data(coord_var.dtype)\n elif datetime_unit is None:\n datetime_unit = \"s\" # Default to seconds for cftime objects\n coord_var = coord_var._to_numeric(datetime_unit=datetime_unit)\n\n variables = {}\n for k, v in self.variables.items():\n if k in self.data_vars and dim in v.dims and k not in self.coords:\n if _contains_datetime_like_objects(v):\n v = v._to_numeric(datetime_unit=datetime_unit)\n grad = duck_array_ops.gradient(\n v.data, coord_var, edge_order=edge_order, axis=v.get_axis_num(dim)\n )\n variables[k] = Variable(v.dims, grad)\n else:\n variables[k] = v\n return self._replace(variables)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.integrate_Dataset.integrate.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.integrate_Dataset.integrate.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 5158, "end_line": 5188, "span_ids": ["Dataset.integrate"], "tokens": 227}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def integrate(self, coord, datetime_unit=None):\n \"\"\" integrate the array with the trapezoidal rule.\n\n .. note::\n This feature is limited to simple cartesian geometry, i.e. coord\n must be one dimensional.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim: str, or a sequence of str\n Coordinate(s) used for the integration.\n datetime_unit\n Can be specify the unit if datetime coordinate is used. One of\n {'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns', 'ps', 'fs',\n 'as'}\n\n Returns\n -------\n integrated: Dataset\n\n See also\n --------\n DataArray.integrate\n numpy.trapz: corresponding numpy function\n \"\"\"\n if not isinstance(coord, (list, tuple)):\n coord = (coord,)\n result = self\n for c in coord:\n result = result._integrate_one(c, datetime_unit=datetime_unit)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._integrate_one_Dataset._integrate_one.return.self__replace_with_new_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset._integrate_one_Dataset._integrate_one.return.self__replace_with_new_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 5190, "end_line": 5233, "span_ids": ["Dataset._integrate_one"], "tokens": 397}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def _integrate_one(self, coord, datetime_unit=None):\n from .variable import Variable\n\n if coord not in self.variables and coord not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"Coordinate {} does not exist.\".format(coord))\n\n coord_var = self[coord].variable\n if coord_var.ndim != 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Coordinate {} must be 1 dimensional but is {}\"\n \" dimensional\".format(coord, coord_var.ndim)\n )\n\n dim = coord_var.dims[0]\n if _contains_datetime_like_objects(coord_var):\n if coord_var.dtype.kind in \"mM\" and datetime_unit is None:\n datetime_unit, _ = np.datetime_data(coord_var.dtype)\n elif datetime_unit is None:\n datetime_unit = \"s\" # Default to seconds for cftime objects\n coord_var = datetime_to_numeric(coord_var, datetime_unit=datetime_unit)\n\n variables = {}\n coord_names = set()\n for k, v in self.variables.items():\n if k in self.coords:\n if dim not in v.dims:\n variables[k] = v\n coord_names.add(k)\n else:\n if k in self.data_vars and dim in v.dims:\n if _contains_datetime_like_objects(v):\n v = datetime_to_numeric(v, datetime_unit=datetime_unit)\n integ = duck_array_ops.trapz(\n v.data, coord_var.data, axis=v.get_axis_num(dim)\n )\n v_dims = list(v.dims)\n v_dims.remove(dim)\n variables[k] = Variable(v_dims, integ)\n else:\n variables[k] = v\n indexes = {k: v for k, v in self.indexes.items() if k in variables}\n return self._replace_with_new_dims(\n variables, coord_names=coord_names, indexes=indexes\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.real_Dataset.plot.return._Dataset_PlotMethods_self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.real_Dataset.plot.return._Dataset_PlotMethods_self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 5235, "end_line": 5252, "span_ids": ["Dataset.plot", "Dataset.real", "Dataset.imag"], "tokens": 130}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n @property\n def real(self):\n return self._unary_op(lambda x: x.real, keep_attrs=True)(self)\n\n @property\n def imag(self):\n return self._unary_op(lambda x: x.imag, keep_attrs=True)(self)\n\n @property\n def plot(self):\n \"\"\"\n Access plotting functions. Use it as a namespace to use\n xarray.plot functions as Dataset methods\n\n >>> ds.plot.scatter(...) # equivalent to xarray.plot.scatter(ds,...)\n\n \"\"\"\n return _Dataset_PlotMethods(self)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.filter_by_attrs_Dataset.filter_by_attrs.return.self_selection_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.filter_by_attrs_Dataset.filter_by_attrs.return.self_selection_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 5254, "end_line": 5344, "span_ids": ["Dataset.filter_by_attrs"], "tokens": 1134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def filter_by_attrs(self, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Returns a ``Dataset`` with variables that match specific conditions.\n\n Can pass in ``key=value`` or ``key=callable``. A Dataset is returned\n containing only the variables for which all the filter tests pass.\n These tests are either ``key=value`` for which the attribute ``key``\n has the exact value ``value`` or the callable passed into\n ``key=callable`` returns True. The callable will be passed a single\n value, either the value of the attribute ``key`` or ``None`` if the\n DataArray does not have an attribute with the name ``key``.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : key=value\n key : str\n Attribute name.\n value : callable or obj\n If value is a callable, it should return a boolean in the form\n of bool = func(attr) where attr is da.attrs[key].\n Otherwise, value will be compared to the each\n DataArray's attrs[key].\n\n Returns\n -------\n new : Dataset\n New dataset with variables filtered by attribute.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> # Create an example dataset:\n >>> import numpy as np\n >>> import pandas as pd\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> temp = 15 + 8 * np.random.randn(2, 2, 3)\n >>> precip = 10 * np.random.rand(2, 2, 3)\n >>> lon = [[-99.83, -99.32], [-99.79, -99.23]]\n >>> lat = [[42.25, 42.21], [42.63, 42.59]]\n >>> dims = ['x', 'y', 'time']\n >>> temp_attr = dict(standard_name='air_potential_temperature')\n >>> precip_attr = dict(standard_name='convective_precipitation_flux')\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({\n ... 'temperature': (dims, temp, temp_attr),\n ... 'precipitation': (dims, precip, precip_attr)},\n ... coords={\n ... 'lon': (['x', 'y'], lon),\n ... 'lat': (['x', 'y'], lat),\n ... 'time': pd.date_range('2014-09-06', periods=3),\n ... 'reference_time': pd.Timestamp('2014-09-05')})\n >>> # Get variables matching a specific standard_name.\n >>> ds.filter_by_attrs(standard_name='convective_precipitation_flux')\n \n Dimensions: (time: 3, x: 2, y: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2014-09-06 2014-09-07 2014-09-08\n lat (x, y) float64 42.25 42.21 42.63 42.59\n * y (y) int64 0 1\n reference_time datetime64[ns] 2014-09-05\n lon (x, y) float64 -99.83 -99.32 -99.79 -99.23\n Data variables:\n precipitation (x, y, time) float64 4.178 2.307 6.041 6.046 0.06648 ...\n >>> # Get all variables that have a standard_name attribute.\n >>> standard_name = lambda v: v is not None\n >>> ds.filter_by_attrs(standard_name=standard_name)\n \n Dimensions: (time: 3, x: 2, y: 2)\n Coordinates:\n lon (x, y) float64 -99.83 -99.32 -99.79 -99.23\n lat (x, y) float64 42.25 42.21 42.63 42.59\n * x (x) int64 0 1\n * y (y) int64 0 1\n * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2014-09-06 2014-09-07 2014-09-08\n reference_time datetime64[ns] 2014-09-05\n Data variables:\n temperature (x, y, time) float64 25.86 20.82 6.954 23.13 10.25 11.68 ...\n precipitation (x, y, time) float64 5.702 0.9422 2.075 1.178 3.284 ...\n\n \"\"\"\n selection = []\n for var_name, variable in self.variables.items():\n has_value_flag = False\n for attr_name, pattern in kwargs.items():\n attr_value = variable.attrs.get(attr_name)\n if (callable(pattern) and pattern(attr_value)) or attr_value == pattern:\n has_value_flag = True\n else:\n has_value_flag = False\n break\n if has_value_flag is True:\n selection.append(var_name)\n return self[selection]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.unify_chunks_Dataset.unify_chunks.return.ds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.unify_chunks_Dataset.unify_chunks.return.ds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 5346, "end_line": 5390, "span_ids": ["Dataset.unify_chunks"], "tokens": 319}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def unify_chunks(self) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\" Unify chunk size along all chunked dimensions of this Dataset.\n\n Returns\n -------\n\n Dataset with consistent chunk sizes for all dask-array variables\n\n See Also\n --------\n\n dask.array.core.unify_chunks\n \"\"\"\n\n try:\n self.chunks\n except ValueError: # \"inconsistent chunks\"\n pass\n else:\n # No variables with dask backend, or all chunks are already aligned\n return self.copy()\n\n # import dask is placed after the quick exit test above to allow\n # running this method if dask isn't installed and there are no chunks\n import dask.array\n\n ds = self.copy()\n\n dims_pos_map = {dim: index for index, dim in enumerate(ds.dims)}\n\n dask_array_names = []\n dask_unify_args = []\n for name, variable in ds.variables.items():\n if isinstance(variable.data, dask.array.Array):\n dims_tuple = [dims_pos_map[dim] for dim in variable.dims]\n dask_array_names.append(name)\n dask_unify_args.append(variable.data)\n dask_unify_args.append(dims_tuple)\n\n _, rechunked_arrays = dask.array.core.unify_chunks(*dask_unify_args)\n\n for name, new_array in zip(dask_array_names, rechunked_arrays):\n ds.variables[name]._data = new_array\n\n return ds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.map_blocks_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dataset.py_Dataset.map_blocks_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dataset.py", "file_name": "dataset.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 5392, "end_line": 5451, "span_ids": ["Dataset.map_blocks", "impl:10"], "tokens": 510}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Dataset(Mapping, ImplementsDatasetReduce, DataWithCoords):\n\n def map_blocks(\n self,\n func: \"Callable[..., T_DSorDA]\",\n args: Sequence[Any] = (),\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n ) -> \"T_DSorDA\":\n \"\"\"\n Apply a function to each chunk of this Dataset. This method is experimental and\n its signature may change.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func: callable\n User-provided function that accepts a Dataset as its first parameter. The\n function will receive a subset of this Dataset, corresponding to one chunk\n along each chunked dimension. ``func`` will be executed as\n ``func(obj_subset, *args, **kwargs)``.\n\n The function will be first run on mocked-up data, that looks like this\n Dataset but has sizes 0, to determine properties of the returned object such\n as dtype, variable names, new dimensions and new indexes (if any).\n\n This function must return either a single DataArray or a single Dataset.\n\n This function cannot change size of existing dimensions, or add new chunked\n dimensions.\n args: Sequence\n Passed verbatim to func after unpacking, after the sliced DataArray. xarray\n objects, if any, will not be split by chunks. Passing dask collections is\n not allowed.\n kwargs: Mapping\n Passed verbatim to func after unpacking. xarray objects, if any, will not be\n split by chunks. Passing dask collections is not allowed.\n\n Returns\n -------\n A single DataArray or Dataset with dask backend, reassembled from the outputs of\n the function.\n\n Notes\n -----\n This method is designed for when one needs to manipulate a whole xarray object\n within each chunk. In the more common case where one can work on numpy arrays,\n it is recommended to use apply_ufunc.\n\n If none of the variables in this Dataset is backed by dask, calling this method\n is equivalent to calling ``func(self, *args, **kwargs)``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.map_blocks, xarray.apply_ufunc, xarray.map_blocks,\n xarray.DataArray.map_blocks\n \"\"\"\n from .parallel import map_blocks\n\n return map_blocks(func, self, args, kwargs)\n\n\nops.inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods(Dataset, array_only=False)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dtypes.py_functools_PROMOTE_TO_OBJECT._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dtypes.py_functools_PROMOTE_TO_OBJECT._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dtypes.py", "file_name": "dtypes.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 42, "span_ids": ["impl", "AlwaysLessThan.__eq__", "AlwaysLessThan.__lt__", "AlwaysGreaterThan.__gt__", "AlwaysGreaterThan.__eq__", "imports", "AlwaysGreaterThan", "impl:3", "AlwaysLessThan"], "tokens": 277}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import functools\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom . import utils\n\n# Use as a sentinel value to indicate a dtype appropriate NA value.\nNA = utils.ReprObject(\"\")\n\n\n@functools.total_ordering\nclass AlwaysGreaterThan:\n def __gt__(self, other):\n return True\n\n def __eq__(self, other):\n return isinstance(other, type(self))\n\n\n@functools.total_ordering\nclass AlwaysLessThan:\n def __lt__(self, other):\n return True\n\n def __eq__(self, other):\n return isinstance(other, type(self))\n\n\n# Equivalence to np.inf (-np.inf) for object-type\nINF = AlwaysGreaterThan()\nNINF = AlwaysLessThan()\n\n\n# Pairs of types that, if both found, should be promoted to object dtype\n# instead of following NumPy's own type-promotion rules. These type promotion\n# rules match pandas instead. For reference, see the NumPy type hierarchy:\n# https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/arrays.scalars.html\nPROMOTE_TO_OBJECT = [\n {np.number, np.character}, # numpy promotes to character\n {np.bool_, np.character}, # numpy promotes to character\n {np.bytes_, np.unicode_}, # numpy promotes to unicode\n]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dtypes.py_maybe_promote_maybe_promote.return.np_dtype_dtype_fill_val": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dtypes.py_maybe_promote_maybe_promote.return.np_dtype_dtype_fill_val", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dtypes.py", "file_name": "dtypes.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 45, "end_line": 78, "span_ids": ["maybe_promote"], "tokens": 278}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def maybe_promote(dtype):\n \"\"\"Simpler equivalent of pandas.core.common._maybe_promote\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dtype : np.dtype\n\n Returns\n -------\n dtype : Promoted dtype that can hold missing values.\n fill_value : Valid missing value for the promoted dtype.\n \"\"\"\n # N.B. these casting rules should match pandas\n if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):\n fill_value = np.nan\n elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.timedelta64):\n # See https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/10685\n # np.timedelta64 is a subclass of np.integer\n # Check np.timedelta64 before np.integer\n fill_value = np.timedelta64(\"NaT\")\n elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):\n if dtype.itemsize <= 2:\n dtype = np.float32\n else:\n dtype = np.float64\n fill_value = np.nan\n elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):\n fill_value = np.nan + np.nan * 1j\n elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.datetime64):\n fill_value = np.datetime64(\"NaT\")\n else:\n dtype = object\n fill_value = np.nan\n return np.dtype(dtype), fill_value", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dtypes.py_NAT_TYPES_is_datetime_like.return.np_issubdtype_dtype_np_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dtypes.py_NAT_TYPES_is_datetime_like.return.np_issubdtype_dtype_np_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dtypes.py", "file_name": "dtypes.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 81, "end_line": 142, "span_ids": ["get_neg_infinity", "get_fill_value", "impl:9", "is_datetime_like", "get_pos_infinity"], "tokens": 326}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "NAT_TYPES = (np.datetime64(\"NaT\"), np.timedelta64(\"NaT\"))\n\n\ndef get_fill_value(dtype):\n \"\"\"Return an appropriate fill value for this dtype.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dtype : np.dtype\n\n Returns\n -------\n fill_value : Missing value corresponding to this dtype.\n \"\"\"\n _, fill_value = maybe_promote(dtype)\n return fill_value\n\n\ndef get_pos_infinity(dtype):\n \"\"\"Return an appropriate positive infinity for this dtype.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dtype : np.dtype\n\n Returns\n -------\n fill_value : positive infinity value corresponding to this dtype.\n \"\"\"\n if issubclass(dtype.type, (np.floating, np.integer)):\n return np.inf\n\n if issubclass(dtype.type, np.complexfloating):\n return np.inf + 1j * np.inf\n\n return INF\n\n\ndef get_neg_infinity(dtype):\n \"\"\"Return an appropriate positive infinity for this dtype.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dtype : np.dtype\n\n Returns\n -------\n fill_value : positive infinity value corresponding to this dtype.\n \"\"\"\n if issubclass(dtype.type, (np.floating, np.integer)):\n return -np.inf\n\n if issubclass(dtype.type, np.complexfloating):\n return -np.inf - 1j * np.inf\n\n return NINF\n\n\ndef is_datetime_like(dtype):\n \"\"\"Check if a dtype is a subclass of the numpy datetime types\n \"\"\"\n return np.issubdtype(dtype, np.datetime64) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.timedelta64)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dtypes.py_result_type_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/dtypes.py_result_type_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/dtypes.py", "file_name": "dtypes.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 145, "end_line": 170, "span_ids": ["result_type"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def result_type(*arrays_and_dtypes):\n \"\"\"Like np.result_type, but with type promotion rules matching pandas.\n\n Examples of changed behavior:\n number + string -> object (not string)\n bytes + unicode -> object (not unicode)\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n *arrays_and_dtypes : list of arrays and dtypes\n The dtype is extracted from both numpy and dask arrays.\n\n Returns\n -------\n numpy.dtype for the result.\n \"\"\"\n types = {np.result_type(t).type for t in arrays_and_dtypes}\n\n for left, right in PROMOTE_TO_OBJECT:\n if any(issubclass(t, left) for t in types) and any(\n issubclass(t, right) for t in types\n ):\n return np.dtype(object)\n\n return np.result_type(*arrays_and_dtypes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__Compatibility_module_d_try_.except_ImportError_._type_ignore": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__Compatibility_module_d_try_.except_ImportError_._type_ignore", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 21, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports:10", "impl:2", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 127}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Compatibility module defining operations on duck numpy-arrays.\n\nCurrently, this means Dask or NumPy arrays. None of these functions should\naccept or return xarray objects.\n\"\"\"\nimport contextlib\nimport inspect\nimport warnings\nfrom functools import partial\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import dask_array_ops, dtypes, npcompat, nputils\nfrom .nputils import nanfirst, nanlast\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type\n\ntry:\n import dask.array as dask_array\nexcept ImportError:\n dask_array = None # type: ignore", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__dask_or_eager_func__dask_or_eager_func.return.f": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__dask_or_eager_func__dask_or_eager_func.return.f", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 24, "end_line": 54, "span_ids": ["_dask_or_eager_func"], "tokens": 214}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dask_or_eager_func(\n name,\n eager_module=np,\n dask_module=dask_array,\n list_of_args=False,\n array_args=slice(1),\n requires_dask=None,\n):\n \"\"\"Create a function that dispatches to dask for dask array inputs.\"\"\"\n if dask_module is not None:\n\n def f(*args, **kwargs):\n if list_of_args:\n dispatch_args = args[0]\n else:\n dispatch_args = args[array_args]\n if any(isinstance(a, dask_array.Array) for a in dispatch_args):\n try:\n wrapped = getattr(dask_module, name)\n except AttributeError as e:\n raise AttributeError(\"%s: requires dask >=%s\" % (e, requires_dask))\n else:\n wrapped = getattr(eager_module, name)\n return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)\n\n else:\n\n def f(*args, **kwargs):\n return getattr(eager_module, name)(*args, **kwargs)\n\n return f", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_fail_on_dask_array_input_pandas_isnull._dask_or_eager_func_isnu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_fail_on_dask_array_input_pandas_isnull._dask_or_eager_func_isnu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 57, "end_line": 86, "span_ids": ["fail_on_dask_array_input", "impl:5"], "tokens": 277}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def fail_on_dask_array_input(values, msg=None, func_name=None):\n if isinstance(values, dask_array_type):\n if msg is None:\n msg = \"%r is not yet a valid method on dask arrays\"\n if func_name is None:\n func_name = inspect.stack()[1][3]\n raise NotImplementedError(msg % func_name)\n\n\n# switch to use dask.array / __array_function__ version when dask supports it:\n# https://github.com/dask/dask/pull/4822\nmoveaxis = npcompat.moveaxis\n\naround = _dask_or_eager_func(\"around\")\nisclose = _dask_or_eager_func(\"isclose\")\n\n\nif hasattr(np, \"isnat\") and (\n dask_array is None or hasattr(dask_array_type, \"__array_ufunc__\")\n):\n # np.isnat is available since NumPy 1.13, so __array_ufunc__ is always\n # supported.\n isnat = np.isnat\nelse:\n isnat = _dask_or_eager_func(\"isnull\", eager_module=pd)\nisnan = _dask_or_eager_func(\"isnan\")\nzeros_like = _dask_or_eager_func(\"zeros_like\")\n\n\npandas_isnull = _dask_or_eager_func(\"isnull\", eager_module=pd)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_isnull_isnull.if_issubclass_scalar_type.else_.if_isinstance_data_np_n.else_.return.data_data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_isnull_isnull.if_issubclass_scalar_type.else_.if_isinstance_data_np_n.else_.return.data_data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 89, "end_line": 112, "span_ids": ["isnull"], "tokens": 245}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def isnull(data):\n data = asarray(data)\n scalar_type = data.dtype.type\n if issubclass(scalar_type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):\n # datetime types use NaT for null\n # note: must check timedelta64 before integers, because currently\n # timedelta64 inherits from np.integer\n return isnat(data)\n elif issubclass(scalar_type, np.inexact):\n # float types use NaN for null\n return isnan(data)\n elif issubclass(scalar_type, (np.bool_, np.integer, np.character, np.void)):\n # these types cannot represent missing values\n return zeros_like(data, dtype=bool)\n else:\n # at this point, array should have dtype=object\n if isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, dask_array_type)):\n return pandas_isnull(data)\n else:\n # Not reachable yet, but intended for use with other duck array\n # types. For full consistency with pandas, we should accept None as\n # a null value as well as NaN, but it isn't clear how to do this\n # with duck typing.\n return data != data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_notnull_gradient.return.np_gradient_x_coord_axi": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_notnull_gradient.return.np_gradient_x_coord_axi", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 115, "end_line": 138, "span_ids": ["impl:23", "gradient", "notnull"], "tokens": 255}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", 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return dask_array.gradient(x, coord, axis=axis, edge_order=edge_order)\n return np.gradient(x, coord, axis=axis, edge_order=edge_order)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_trapz_trapz.return.sum_integrand_axis_axis_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_trapz_trapz.return.sum_integrand_axis_axis_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 141, "end_line": 150, "span_ids": ["trapz"], "tokens": 172}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", 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else np.asarray(data)\n )\n\n\ndef as_shared_dtype(scalars_or_arrays):\n \"\"\"Cast a arrays to a shared dtype using xarray's type promotion rules.\"\"\"\n arrays = [asarray(x) for x in scalars_or_arrays]\n # Pass arrays directly instead of dtypes to result_type so scalars\n # get handled properly.\n # Note that result_type() safely gets the dtype from dask arrays without\n # evaluating them.\n out_type = dtypes.result_type(*arrays)\n return [x.astype(out_type, copy=False) for x in arrays]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_allclose_or_equiv_allclose_or_equiv.return.bool_isclose_arr1_arr2_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_allclose_or_equiv_allclose_or_equiv.return.bool_isclose_arr1_arr2_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 177, "end_line": 184, "span_ids": ["allclose_or_equiv"], "tokens": 107}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def allclose_or_equiv(arr1, arr2, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8):\n \"\"\"Like np.allclose, but also allows values to be NaN in both arrays\n \"\"\"\n arr1 = asarray(arr1)\n arr2 = asarray(arr2)\n if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:\n return False\n return bool(isclose(arr1, arr2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=True).all())", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", 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"metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 200, "end_line": 211, "span_ids": ["array_notnull_equiv"], "tokens": 121}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def array_notnull_equiv(arr1, arr2):\n \"\"\"Like np.array_equal, but also allows values to be NaN in either or both\n arrays\n \"\"\"\n arr1 = asarray(arr1)\n arr2 = asarray(arr2)\n if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:\n return False\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", \"In the future, 'NAT == x'\")\n flag_array = (arr1 == arr2) | isnull(arr1) | isnull(arr2)\n return bool(flag_array.all())", 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axis=axis)\n\n\n@contextlib.contextmanager\ndef _ignore_warnings_if(condition):\n if condition:\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n warnings.simplefilter(\"ignore\")\n yield\n else:\n yield", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__create_nan_agg_method__create_nan_agg_method.return.f": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__create_nan_agg_method__create_nan_agg_method.return.f", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 255, "end_line": 292, "span_ids": ["_create_nan_agg_method"], "tokens": 320}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", 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func does not accept dtype, then raises TypeError\n return func(values, axis=axis, dtype=values.dtype, **kwargs)\n except (AttributeError, TypeError):\n msg = \"%s is not yet implemented on dask arrays\" % name\n else:\n msg = (\n \"%s is not available with skipna=False with the \"\n \"installed version of numpy; upgrade to numpy 1.12 \"\n \"or newer to use skipna=True or skipna=None\" % name\n )\n raise NotImplementedError(msg)\n\n f.__name__ = name\n return f", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__Attributes_numeric_onl__mean._create_nan_agg_method_m": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__Attributes_numeric_onl__mean._create_nan_agg_method_m", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 295, "end_line": 319, "span_ids": ["_create_nan_agg_method", "impl:47"], "tokens": 244}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# Attributes `numeric_only`, `available_min_count` is used for docs.\n# See ops.inject_reduce_methods\nargmax = _create_nan_agg_method(\"argmax\", coerce_strings=True)\nargmin = _create_nan_agg_method(\"argmin\", coerce_strings=True)\nmax = _create_nan_agg_method(\"max\", coerce_strings=True)\nmin = _create_nan_agg_method(\"min\", coerce_strings=True)\nsum = _create_nan_agg_method(\"sum\")\nsum.numeric_only = True\nsum.available_min_count = True\nstd = _create_nan_agg_method(\"std\")\nstd.numeric_only = True\nvar = _create_nan_agg_method(\"var\")\nvar.numeric_only = True\nmedian = _create_nan_agg_method(\"median\")\nmedian.numeric_only = True\nprod = _create_nan_agg_method(\"prod\")\nprod.numeric_only = True\nsum.available_min_count = True\ncumprod_1d = _create_nan_agg_method(\"cumprod\")\ncumprod_1d.numeric_only = True\ncumsum_1d = _create_nan_agg_method(\"cumsum\")\ncumsum_1d.numeric_only = True\n\n\n_mean = _create_nan_agg_method(\"mean\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_datetime_to_numeric_datetime_to_numeric.return.array_astype_dtype_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_datetime_to_numeric_datetime_to_numeric.return.array_astype_dtype_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 322, "end_line": 357, "span_ids": ["datetime_to_numeric"], "tokens": 287}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def datetime_to_numeric(array, offset=None, datetime_unit=None, dtype=float):\n \"\"\"Convert an array containing datetime-like data to an array of floats.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n da : np.array\n Input data\n offset: Scalar with the same type of array or None\n If None, subtract minimum values to reduce round off error\n datetime_unit: None or any of {'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms',\n 'us', 'ns', 'ps', 'fs', 'as'}\n dtype: target dtype\n\n Returns\n -------\n array\n \"\"\"\n # TODO: make this function dask-compatible?\n if offset is None:\n offset = array.min()\n array = array - offset\n\n if not hasattr(array, \"dtype\"): # scalar is converted to 0d-array\n array = np.array(array)\n\n if array.dtype.kind in \"O\":\n # possibly convert object array containing datetime.timedelta\n array = np.asarray(pd.Series(array.ravel())).reshape(array.shape)\n\n if datetime_unit:\n array = array / np.timedelta64(1, datetime_unit)\n\n # convert np.NaT to np.nan\n if array.dtype.kind in \"mM\":\n return np.where(isnull(array), np.nan, array.astype(dtype))\n return array.astype(dtype)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__to_pytimedelta_mean.if_array_dtype_kind_in_M.else_.return._mean_array_axis_axis_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py__to_pytimedelta_mean.if_array_dtype_kind_in_M.else_.return._mean_array_axis_axis_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 360, "end_line": 393, "span_ids": ["mean", "_to_pytimedelta"], "tokens": 321}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _to_pytimedelta(array, unit=\"us\"):\n index = pd.TimedeltaIndex(array.ravel(), unit=unit)\n return index.to_pytimedelta().reshape(array.shape)\n\n\ndef mean(array, axis=None, skipna=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"inhouse mean that can handle np.datetime64 or cftime.datetime\n dtypes\"\"\"\n from .common import _contains_cftime_datetimes\n\n array = asarray(array)\n if array.dtype.kind in \"Mm\":\n offset = min(array)\n # xarray always uses np.datetime64[ns] for np.datetime64 data\n dtype = \"timedelta64[ns]\"\n return (\n _mean(\n datetime_to_numeric(array, offset), axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwargs\n ).astype(dtype)\n + offset\n )\n elif _contains_cftime_datetimes(array):\n if isinstance(array, dask_array_type):\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"Computing the mean of an array containing \"\n \"cftime.datetime objects is not yet implemented on \"\n \"dask arrays.\"\n )\n offset = min(array)\n timedeltas = datetime_to_numeric(array, offset, datetime_unit=\"us\")\n mean_timedeltas = _mean(timedeltas, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwargs)\n return _to_pytimedelta(mean_timedeltas, unit=\"us\") + offset\n else:\n return _mean(array, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_mean.numeric_only_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py_mean.numeric_only_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/duck_array_ops.py", "file_name": "duck_array_ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 396, "end_line": 457, "span_ids": ["last", "_nd_cum_func", "impl:89", "impl:91", "rolling_window", "first", "cumprod", "cumsum"], "tokens": 496}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", 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arrays\",\n)\n\n\ndef first(values, axis, skipna=None):\n \"\"\"Return the first non-NA elements in this array along the given axis\n \"\"\"\n if (skipna or skipna is None) and values.dtype.kind not in \"iSU\":\n # only bother for dtypes that can hold NaN\n _fail_on_dask_array_input_skipna(values)\n return nanfirst(values, axis)\n return take(values, 0, axis=axis)\n\n\ndef last(values, axis, skipna=None):\n \"\"\"Return the last non-NA elements in this array along the given axis\n \"\"\"\n if (skipna or skipna is None) and values.dtype.kind not in \"iSU\":\n # only bother for dtypes that can hold NaN\n _fail_on_dask_array_input_skipna(values)\n return nanlast(values, axis)\n return take(values, -1, axis=axis)\n\n\ndef rolling_window(array, axis, window, center, fill_value):\n \"\"\"\n Make an ndarray with a rolling window of axis-th dimension.\n The rolling dimension will be placed at the last dimension.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(array, dask_array_type):\n return dask_array_ops.rolling_window(array, axis, window, center, fill_value)\n else: # np.ndarray\n return nputils.rolling_window(array, axis, window, center, fill_value)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/extensions.py_warnings__CachedAccessor.__get__.return.accessor_obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/extensions.py_warnings__CachedAccessor.__get__.return.accessor_obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/extensions.py", "file_name": "extensions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 39, "span_ids": ["_CachedAccessor.__get__", "imports", "_CachedAccessor", "AccessorRegistrationWarning"], "tokens": 238}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", 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# __getattr__ on data object will swallow any AttributeErrors\n # raised when initializing the accessor, so we need to raise as\n # something else (GH933):\n raise RuntimeError(\"error initializing %r accessor.\" % self._name)\n\n obj._accessors[self._name] = accessor_obj\n return accessor_obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/extensions.py__register_accessor_register_dataarray_accessor.return._register_accessor_name_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/extensions.py__register_accessor_register_dataarray_accessor.return._register_accessor_name_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/extensions.py", "file_name": "extensions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 42, "end_line": 71, "span_ids": ["register_dataarray_accessor", "_register_accessor"], "tokens": 179}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _register_accessor(name, cls):\n def decorator(accessor):\n if hasattr(cls, name):\n warnings.warn(\n \"registration of accessor %r under name %r for type %r is \"\n \"overriding a preexisting attribute with the same name.\"\n % (accessor, name, cls),\n AccessorRegistrationWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n setattr(cls, name, _CachedAccessor(name, accessor))\n return accessor\n\n return decorator\n\n\ndef register_dataarray_accessor(name):\n \"\"\"Register a custom accessor on xarray.DataArray objects.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n name : str\n Name under which the accessor should be registered. A warning is issued\n if this name conflicts with a preexisting attribute.\n\n See also\n --------\n register_dataset_accessor\n \"\"\"\n return _register_accessor(name, DataArray)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/extensions.py_register_dataset_accessor_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/extensions.py_register_dataset_accessor_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/extensions.py", "file_name": "extensions.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 74, "end_line": 120, "span_ids": ["register_dataset_accessor"], "tokens": 275}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def register_dataset_accessor(name):\n \"\"\"Register a custom property on xarray.Dataset objects.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n name : str\n Name under which the accessor should be registered. A warning is issued\n if this name conflicts with a preexisting attribute.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n In your library code::\n\n import xarray as xr\n\n @xr.register_dataset_accessor('geo')\n class GeoAccessor:\n def __init__(self, xarray_obj):\n self._obj = xarray_obj\n\n @property\n def center(self):\n # return the geographic center point of this dataset\n lon = self._obj.latitude\n lat = self._obj.longitude\n return (float(lon.mean()), float(lat.mean()))\n\n def plot(self):\n # plot this array's data on a map, e.g., using Cartopy\n pass\n\n Back in an interactive IPython session:\n\n >>> ds = xarray.Dataset({'longitude': np.linspace(0, 10),\n ... 'latitude': np.linspace(0, 20)})\n >>> ds.geo.center\n (5.0, 10.0)\n >>> ds.geo.plot()\n # plots data on a map\n\n See also\n --------\n register_dataarray_accessor\n \"\"\"\n return _register_accessor(name, Dataset)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__String_formatting_rout_wrap_indent.return.start_indent_join_x_for": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__String_formatting_rout_wrap_indent.return.start_indent_join_x_for", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 37, "span_ids": ["docstring", "pretty_print", "imports", "maybe_truncate", "wrap_indent"], "tokens": 252}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"String formatting routines for __repr__.\n\"\"\"\nimport contextlib\nimport functools\nfrom datetime import datetime, timedelta\nfrom itertools import zip_longest\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nfrom pandas.errors import OutOfBoundsDatetime\n\nfrom .duck_array_ops import array_equiv\nfrom .options import OPTIONS\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type, sparse_array_type\n\n\ndef pretty_print(x, numchars):\n \"\"\"Given an object `x`, call `str(x)` and format the returned string so\n that it is numchars long, padding with trailing spaces or truncating with\n ellipses as necessary\n \"\"\"\n s = maybe_truncate(x, numchars)\n return s + \" \" * max(numchars - len(s), 0)\n\n\ndef maybe_truncate(obj, maxlen=500):\n s = str(obj)\n if len(s) > maxlen:\n s = s[: (maxlen - 3)] + \"...\"\n return s\n\n\ndef wrap_indent(text, start=\"\", length=None):\n if length is None:\n length = len(start)\n indent = \"\\n\" + \" \" * length\n return start + indent.join(x for x in text.splitlines())", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__get_indexer_at_least_n_items__get_indexer_at_least_n_items.return.indexer": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__get_indexer_at_least_n_items__get_indexer_at_least_n_items.return.indexer", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 40, "end_line": 50, "span_ids": ["_get_indexer_at_least_n_items"], "tokens": 140}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_indexer_at_least_n_items(shape, n_desired, from_end):\n assert 0 < n_desired <= np.prod(shape)\n cum_items = np.cumprod(shape[::-1])\n n_steps = np.argmax(cum_items >= n_desired)\n stop = int(np.ceil(float(n_desired) / np.r_[1, cum_items][n_steps]))\n indexer = (\n ((-1 if from_end else 0),) * (len(shape) - 1 - n_steps)\n + ((slice(-stop, None) if from_end else slice(stop)),)\n + (slice(None),) * n_steps\n )\n return indexer", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_first_n_items_first_n_items.return.np_asarray_array_flat_n": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_first_n_items_first_n_items.return.np_asarray_array_flat_n", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 53, "end_line": 69, "span_ids": ["first_n_items"], "tokens": 203}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def first_n_items(array, n_desired):\n \"\"\"Returns the first n_desired items of an array\"\"\"\n # Unfortunately, we can't just do array.flat[:n_desired] here because it\n # might not be a numpy.ndarray. Moreover, access to elements of the array\n # could be very expensive (e.g. if it's only available over DAP), so go out\n # of our way to get them in a single call to __getitem__ using only slices.\n if n_desired < 1:\n raise ValueError(\"must request at least one item\")\n\n if array.size == 0:\n # work around for https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5195\n return []\n\n if n_desired < array.size:\n indexer = _get_indexer_at_least_n_items(array.shape, n_desired, from_end=False)\n array = array[indexer]\n return np.asarray(array).flat[:n_desired]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_last_n_items_last_n_items.return.np_asarray_array_flat_n": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_last_n_items_last_n_items.return.np_asarray_array_flat_n", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 72, "end_line": 84, "span_ids": ["last_n_items"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def last_n_items(array, n_desired):\n \"\"\"Returns the last n_desired items of an array\"\"\"\n # Unfortunately, we can't just do array.flat[-n_desired:] here because it\n # might not be a numpy.ndarray. Moreover, access to elements of the array\n # could be very expensive (e.g. if it's only available over DAP), so go out\n # of our way to get them in a single call to __getitem__ using only slices.\n if (n_desired == 0) or (array.size == 0):\n return []\n\n if n_desired < array.size:\n indexer = _get_indexer_at_least_n_items(array.shape, n_desired, from_end=True)\n array = array[indexer]\n return np.asarray(array).flat[-n_desired:]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_last_item_format_timestamp.None_1.else_.if_time_str_00_00_00_.else_.return._T_format_date_str_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_last_item_format_timestamp.None_1.else_.if_time_str_00_00_00_.else_.return._T_format_date_str_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 87, "end_line": 114, "span_ids": ["format_timestamp", "last_item"], "tokens": 210}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def last_item(array):\n \"\"\"Returns the last item of an array in a list or an empty list.\"\"\"\n if array.size == 0:\n # work around for https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5195\n return []\n\n indexer = (slice(-1, None),) * array.ndim\n return np.ravel(np.asarray(array[indexer])).tolist()\n\n\ndef format_timestamp(t):\n \"\"\"Cast given object to a Timestamp and return a nicely formatted string\"\"\"\n # Timestamp is only valid for 1678 to 2262\n try:\n datetime_str = str(pd.Timestamp(t))\n except OutOfBoundsDatetime:\n datetime_str = str(t)\n\n try:\n date_str, time_str = datetime_str.split()\n except ValueError:\n # catch NaT and others that don't split nicely\n return datetime_str\n else:\n if time_str == \"00:00:00\":\n return date_str\n else:\n return \"{}T{}\".format(date_str, time_str)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_format_timedelta_format_timedelta.try_.else_.if_timedelta_format_d.else_.return.timedelta_str": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_format_timedelta_format_timedelta.try_.else_.if_timedelta_format_d.else_.return.timedelta_str", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 117, "end_line": 131, "span_ids": ["format_timedelta"], "tokens": 113}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def format_timedelta(t, timedelta_format=None):\n \"\"\"Cast given object to a Timestamp and return a nicely formatted string\"\"\"\n timedelta_str = str(pd.Timedelta(t))\n try:\n days_str, time_str = timedelta_str.split(\" days \")\n except ValueError:\n # catch NaT and others that don't split nicely\n return timedelta_str\n else:\n if timedelta_format == \"date\":\n return days_str + \" days\"\n elif timedelta_format == \"time\":\n return time_str\n else:\n return timedelta_str", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_format_item_format_item.if_isinstance_x_np_time.else_.return.str_x_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_format_item_format_item.if_isinstance_x_np_time.else_.return.str_x_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 134, "end_line": 145, "span_ids": ["format_item"], "tokens": 119}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def format_item(x, timedelta_format=None, quote_strings=True):\n \"\"\"Returns a succinct summary of an object as a string\"\"\"\n if isinstance(x, (np.datetime64, datetime)):\n return format_timestamp(x)\n if isinstance(x, (np.timedelta64, timedelta)):\n return format_timedelta(x, timedelta_format=timedelta_format)\n elif isinstance(x, (str, bytes)):\n return repr(x) if quote_strings else x\n elif isinstance(x, (float, np.float)):\n return \"{:.4}\".format(x)\n else:\n return str(x)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_format_items_format_items.return.formatted": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_format_items_format_items.return.formatted", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 148, "end_line": 163, "span_ids": ["format_items"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def format_items(x):\n \"\"\"Returns a succinct summaries of all items in a sequence as strings\"\"\"\n x = np.asarray(x)\n timedelta_format = \"datetime\"\n if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.timedelta64):\n x = np.asarray(x, dtype=\"timedelta64[ns]\")\n day_part = x[~pd.isnull(x)].astype(\"timedelta64[D]\").astype(\"timedelta64[ns]\")\n time_needed = x[~pd.isnull(x)] != day_part\n day_needed = day_part != np.timedelta64(0, \"ns\")\n if np.logical_not(day_needed).all():\n timedelta_format = \"time\"\n elif np.logical_not(time_needed).all():\n timedelta_format = \"date\"\n\n formatted = [format_item(xi, timedelta_format) for xi in x]\n return formatted", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_format_array_flat_format_array_flat.return.pprint_str": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_format_array_flat_format_array_flat.return.pprint_str", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 166, "end_line": 206, "span_ids": ["format_array_flat"], "tokens": 435}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def format_array_flat(array, max_width):\n \"\"\"Return a formatted string for as many items in the flattened version of\n array that will fit within max_width characters.\n \"\"\"\n # every item will take up at least two characters, but we always want to\n # print at least first and last items\n max_possibly_relevant = min(\n max(array.size, 1), max(int(np.ceil(max_width / 2.0)), 2)\n )\n relevant_front_items = format_items(\n first_n_items(array, (max_possibly_relevant + 1) // 2)\n )\n relevant_back_items = format_items(last_n_items(array, max_possibly_relevant // 2))\n # interleave relevant front and back items:\n # [a, b, c] and [y, z] -> [a, z, b, y, c]\n relevant_items = sum(\n zip_longest(relevant_front_items, reversed(relevant_back_items)), ()\n )[:max_possibly_relevant]\n\n cum_len = np.cumsum([len(s) + 1 for s in relevant_items]) - 1\n if (array.size > 2) and (\n (max_possibly_relevant < array.size) or (cum_len > max_width).any()\n ):\n padding = \" ... \"\n count = min(\n array.size, max(np.argmax(cum_len + len(padding) - 1 > max_width), 2)\n )\n else:\n count = array.size\n padding = \"\" if (count <= 1) else \" \"\n\n num_front = (count + 1) // 2\n num_back = count - num_front\n # note that num_back is 0 <--> array.size is 0 or 1\n # <--> relevant_back_items is []\n pprint_str = (\n \" \".join(relevant_front_items[:num_front])\n + padding\n + \" \".join(relevant_back_items[-num_back:])\n )\n return pprint_str", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__KNOWN_TYPE_REPRS_inline_dask_repr.return._dask_array_chunksize_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__KNOWN_TYPE_REPRS_inline_dask_repr.return._dask_array_chunksize_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 209, "end_line": 235, "span_ids": ["impl", "inline_dask_repr"], "tokens": 206}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "_KNOWN_TYPE_REPRS = {np.ndarray: \"np.ndarray\"}\nwith contextlib.suppress(ImportError):\n import sparse\n\n _KNOWN_TYPE_REPRS[sparse.COO] = \"sparse.COO\"\n\n\ndef inline_dask_repr(array):\n \"\"\"Similar to dask.array.DataArray.__repr__, but without\n redundant information that's already printed by the repr\n function of the xarray wrapper.\n \"\"\"\n assert isinstance(array, dask_array_type), array\n\n chunksize = tuple(c[0] for c in array.chunks)\n\n if hasattr(array, \"_meta\"):\n meta = array._meta\n if type(meta) in _KNOWN_TYPE_REPRS:\n meta_repr = _KNOWN_TYPE_REPRS[type(meta)]\n else:\n meta_repr = type(meta).__name__\n meta_string = \", meta={}\".format(meta_repr)\n else:\n meta_string = \"\"\n\n return \"dask.array\".format(chunksize, meta_string)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_inline_sparse_repr_inline_variable_array_repr.if_var__in_memory_.else_.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_inline_sparse_repr_inline_variable_array_repr.if_var__in_memory_.else_.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 238, "end_line": 258, "span_ids": ["inline_sparse_repr", "inline_variable_array_repr"], "tokens": 197}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def inline_sparse_repr(array):\n \"\"\"Similar to sparse.COO.__repr__, but without the redundant shape/dtype.\"\"\"\n assert isinstance(array, sparse_array_type), array\n return \"<{}: nnz={:d}, fill_value={!s}>\".format(\n type(array).__name__, array.nnz, array.fill_value\n )\n\n\ndef inline_variable_array_repr(var, max_width):\n \"\"\"Build a one-line summary of a variable's data.\"\"\"\n if var._in_memory:\n return format_array_flat(var, max_width)\n elif isinstance(var._data, dask_array_type):\n return inline_dask_repr(var.data)\n elif isinstance(var._data, sparse_array_type):\n return inline_sparse_repr(var.data)\n elif hasattr(var._data, \"__array_function__\"):\n return maybe_truncate(repr(var._data).replace(\"\\n\", \" \"), max_width)\n else:\n # internal xarray array type\n return \"...\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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Dataset.__repr__.\"\"\"\n if max_width is None:\n max_width = OPTIONS[\"display_width\"]\n first_col = pretty_print(\" {} {} \".format(marker, name), col_width)\n if var.dims:\n dims_str = \"({}) \".format(\", \".join(map(str, var.dims)))\n else:\n dims_str = \"\"\n front_str = \"{}{}{} \".format(first_col, dims_str, var.dtype)\n\n values_width = max_width - len(front_str)\n values_str = inline_variable_array_repr(var, values_width)\n\n return front_str + values_str", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__summarize_coord_multiindex_summarize_datavar.return.summarize_variable_name_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__summarize_coord_multiindex_summarize_datavar.return.summarize_variable_name_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 278, "end_line": 295, "span_ids": ["_summarize_coord_multiindex", "_summarize_coord_levels", "summarize_datavar"], "tokens": 137}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _summarize_coord_multiindex(coord, col_width, marker):\n first_col = pretty_print(\" {} {} \".format(marker, coord.name), col_width)\n return \"{}({}) MultiIndex\".format(first_col, str(coord.dims[0]))\n\n\ndef _summarize_coord_levels(coord, col_width, marker=\"-\"):\n return \"\\n\".join(\n [\n summarize_variable(\n lname, coord.get_level_variable(lname), col_width, marker=marker\n )\n for lname in coord.level_names\n ]\n )\n\n\ndef summarize_datavar(name, var, col_width):\n return summarize_variable(name, var.variable, col_width)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_summarize_coord_summarize_coord.return.summarize_variable_name_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_summarize_coord_summarize_coord.return.summarize_variable_name_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 298, "end_line": 310, "span_ids": ["summarize_coord"], "tokens": 107}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", 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{"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_summarize_attr_summarize_attr.return.maybe_truncate_fo", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 313, "end_line": 322, "span_ids": ["summarize_attr"], "tokens": 149}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def summarize_attr(key, value, col_width=None):\n \"\"\"Summary for __repr__ - use ``X.attrs[key]`` for full value.\"\"\"\n # Indent key and add ':', then right-pad if col_width is not None\n k_str = \" {}:\".format(key)\n if col_width is not None:\n k_str = pretty_print(k_str, col_width)\n # Replace tabs and newlines, so we print on one line in known width\n v_str = str(value).replace(\"\\t\", \"\\\\t\").replace(\"\\n\", \"\\\\n\")\n # Finally, truncate to the desired display width\n return maybe_truncate(\"{} {}\".format(k_str, v_str), OPTIONS[\"display_width\"])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_EMPTY_REPR_set_numpy_options.try_.finally_.np_set_printoptions_ori": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_EMPTY_REPR_set_numpy_options.try_.finally_.np_set_printoptions_ori", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 325, "end_line": 408, "span_ids": ["impl:8", "_get_col_items", "unindexed_dims_repr", "coords_repr", "set_numpy_options", "impl:6", "_mapping_repr", "indexes_repr", "dim_summary", "_calculate_col_width"], "tokens": 568}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "EMPTY_REPR = \" *empty*\"\n\n\ndef _get_col_items(mapping):\n \"\"\"Get all column items to format, including both keys of `mapping`\n and MultiIndex levels if any.\n \"\"\"\n from .variable import IndexVariable\n\n col_items = []\n for k, v in mapping.items():\n col_items.append(k)\n var = getattr(v, \"variable\", v)\n if isinstance(var, IndexVariable):\n level_names = var.to_index_variable().level_names\n if level_names is not None:\n col_items += list(level_names)\n return col_items\n\n\ndef _calculate_col_width(col_items):\n max_name_length = max(len(str(s)) for s in col_items) if col_items else 0\n col_width = max(max_name_length, 7) + 6\n return col_width\n\n\ndef _mapping_repr(mapping, title, summarizer, col_width=None):\n if col_width is None:\n col_width = _calculate_col_width(mapping)\n summary = [\"{}:\".format(title)]\n if mapping:\n summary += [summarizer(k, v, col_width) for k, v in mapping.items()]\n else:\n summary += [EMPTY_REPR]\n return \"\\n\".join(summary)\n\n\ndata_vars_repr = functools.partial(\n _mapping_repr, title=\"Data variables\", summarizer=summarize_datavar\n)\n\n\nattrs_repr = functools.partial(\n _mapping_repr, title=\"Attributes\", summarizer=summarize_attr\n)\n\n\ndef coords_repr(coords, col_width=None):\n if col_width is None:\n col_width = _calculate_col_width(_get_col_items(coords))\n return _mapping_repr(\n coords, title=\"Coordinates\", summarizer=summarize_coord, col_width=col_width\n )\n\n\ndef indexes_repr(indexes):\n summary = []\n for k, v in indexes.items():\n summary.append(wrap_indent(repr(v), \"{}: \".format(k)))\n return \"\\n\".join(summary)\n\n\ndef dim_summary(obj):\n elements = [\"{}: {}\".format(k, v) for k, v in obj.sizes.items()]\n return \", \".join(elements)\n\n\ndef unindexed_dims_repr(dims, coords):\n unindexed_dims = [d for d in dims if d not in coords]\n if unindexed_dims:\n dims_str = \", \".join(\"{}\".format(d) for d in unindexed_dims)\n return \"Dimensions without coordinates: \" + dims_str\n else:\n return None\n\n\n@contextlib.contextmanager\ndef set_numpy_options(*args, **kwargs):\n original = np.get_printoptions()\n np.set_printoptions(*args, **kwargs)\n try:\n yield\n finally:\n np.set_printoptions(**original)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_short_numpy_repr_short_numpy_repr.with_set_numpy_options_.return.repr_array_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_short_numpy_repr_short_numpy_repr.with_set_numpy_options_.return.repr_array_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 411, "end_line": 425, "span_ids": ["short_numpy_repr"], "tokens": 127}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def short_numpy_repr(array):\n array = np.asarray(array)\n\n # default to lower precision so a full (abbreviated) line can fit on\n # one line with the default display_width\n options = {\"precision\": 6, \"linewidth\": OPTIONS[\"display_width\"], \"threshold\": 200}\n if array.ndim < 3:\n edgeitems = 3\n elif array.ndim == 3:\n edgeitems = 2\n else:\n edgeitems = 1\n options[\"edgeitems\"] = edgeitems\n with set_numpy_options(**options):\n return repr(array)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_short_data_repr_short_data_repr.if_isinstance_array_np_n.else_.return._values_with_dtype_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_short_data_repr_short_data_repr.if_isinstance_array_np_n.else_.return._values_with_dtype_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 428, "end_line": 441, "span_ids": ["short_data_repr"], "tokens": 128}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def short_data_repr(array):\n \"\"\"Format \"data\" for DataArray and Variable.\"\"\"\n internal_data = getattr(array, \"variable\", array)._data\n if isinstance(array, np.ndarray):\n return short_numpy_repr(array)\n elif hasattr(internal_data, \"__array_function__\") or isinstance(\n internal_data, dask_array_type\n ):\n return repr(array.data)\n elif array._in_memory or array.size < 1e5:\n return short_numpy_repr(array)\n else:\n # internal xarray array type\n return \"[{} values with dtype={}]\".format(array.size, array.dtype)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_array_repr_array_repr.return._n_join_summary_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_array_repr_array_repr.return._n_join_summary_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 444, "end_line": 467, "span_ids": ["array_repr"], "tokens": 162}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def array_repr(arr):\n # used for DataArray, Variable and IndexVariable\n if hasattr(arr, \"name\") and arr.name is not None:\n name_str = \"{!r} \".format(arr.name)\n else:\n name_str = \"\"\n\n summary = [\n \"\".format(type(arr).__name__, name_str, dim_summary(arr)),\n short_data_repr(arr),\n ]\n\n if hasattr(arr, \"coords\"):\n if arr.coords:\n summary.append(repr(arr.coords))\n\n unindexed_dims_str = unindexed_dims_repr(arr.dims, arr.coords)\n if unindexed_dims_str:\n summary.append(unindexed_dims_str)\n\n if arr.attrs:\n summary.append(attrs_repr(arr.attrs))\n\n return \"\\n\".join(summary)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_dataset_repr_diff_dim_summary.if_a_dims_b_dims_.else_.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_dataset_repr_diff_dim_summary.if_a_dims_b_dims_.else_.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 470, "end_line": 499, "span_ids": ["dataset_repr", "diff_dim_summary"], "tokens": 206}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def dataset_repr(ds):\n summary = [\"\".format(type(ds).__name__)]\n\n col_width = _calculate_col_width(_get_col_items(ds.variables))\n\n dims_start = pretty_print(\"Dimensions:\", col_width)\n summary.append(\"{}({})\".format(dims_start, dim_summary(ds)))\n\n if ds.coords:\n summary.append(coords_repr(ds.coords, col_width=col_width))\n\n unindexed_dims_str = unindexed_dims_repr(ds.dims, ds.coords)\n if unindexed_dims_str:\n summary.append(unindexed_dims_str)\n\n summary.append(data_vars_repr(ds.data_vars, col_width=col_width))\n\n if ds.attrs:\n summary.append(attrs_repr(ds.attrs))\n\n return \"\\n\".join(summary)\n\n\ndef diff_dim_summary(a, b):\n if a.dims != b.dims:\n return \"Differing dimensions:\\n ({}) != ({})\".format(\n dim_summary(a), dim_summary(b)\n )\n else:\n return \"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py__diff_mapping_repr__diff_mapping_repr.return._n_join_summary_": {"__data__": {"id_": 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ab_side)\n return [header] + extra_repr\n else:\n return []\n\n a_keys = set(a_mapping)\n b_keys = set(b_mapping)\n\n summary = []\n\n diff_items = []\n\n for k in a_keys & b_keys:\n try:\n # compare xarray variable\n compatible = getattr(a_mapping[k], compat)(b_mapping[k])\n is_variable = True\n except AttributeError:\n # compare attribute value\n compatible = a_mapping[k] == b_mapping[k]\n is_variable = False\n\n if not compatible:\n temp = [\n summarizer(k, vars[k], col_width) for vars in (a_mapping, b_mapping)\n ]\n\n if compat == \"identical\" and is_variable:\n attrs_summary = []\n\n for m in (a_mapping, b_mapping):\n attr_s = \"\\n\".join(\n [summarize_attr(ak, av) for ak, av in m[k].attrs.items()]\n )\n attrs_summary.append(attr_s)\n\n temp = [\n \"\\n\".join([var_s, attr_s]) if attr_s else var_s\n for var_s, attr_s in zip(temp, attrs_summary)\n ]\n\n diff_items += [ab_side + s[1:] for ab_side, s in zip((\"L\", \"R\"), temp)]\n\n if diff_items:\n summary += [\"Differing {}:\".format(title.lower())] + diff_items\n\n summary += extra_items_repr(a_keys - b_keys, a_mapping, \"left\")\n summary += extra_items_repr(b_keys - a_keys, b_mapping, \"right\")\n\n return \"\\n\".join(summary)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_diff_coords_repr__compat_to_str.if_compat_equals_.else_.return.compat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_diff_coords_repr__compat_to_str.if_compat_equals_.else_.return.compat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 558, "end_line": 577, "span_ids": ["_compat_to_str", "impl:12"], "tokens": 104}, 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"/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_diff_array_repr_diff_array_repr.return._n_join_summary_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_diff_array_repr_diff_array_repr.return._n_join_summary_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 580, "end_line": 607, "span_ids": ["diff_array_repr"], "tokens": 231}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def diff_array_repr(a, b, compat):\n # used for DataArray, Variable and IndexVariable\n summary = [\n \"Left and right {} objects are not {}\".format(\n type(a).__name__, _compat_to_str(compat)\n )\n ]\n\n summary.append(diff_dim_summary(a, b))\n\n if not array_equiv(a.data, b.data):\n temp = [wrap_indent(short_numpy_repr(obj), start=\" \") for obj in (a, b)]\n diff_data_repr = [\n ab_side + \"\\n\" + ab_data_repr\n for ab_side, ab_data_repr in zip((\"L\", \"R\"), temp)\n ]\n summary += [\"Differing values:\"] + diff_data_repr\n\n if hasattr(a, \"coords\"):\n col_width = _calculate_col_width(set(a.coords) | set(b.coords))\n summary.append(\n diff_coords_repr(a.coords, b.coords, compat, col_width=col_width)\n )\n\n if compat == \"identical\":\n summary.append(diff_attrs_repr(a.attrs, b.attrs, compat))\n\n return \"\\n\".join(summary)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_diff_dataset_repr_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/formatting.py_diff_dataset_repr_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/formatting.py", "file_name": "formatting.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 610, "end_line": 631, "span_ids": ["diff_dataset_repr"], "tokens": 158}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def diff_dataset_repr(a, b, compat):\n summary = [\n \"Left and right {} objects are not {}\".format(\n type(a).__name__, _compat_to_str(compat)\n )\n ]\n\n col_width = _calculate_col_width(\n set(_get_col_items(a.variables) + _get_col_items(b.variables))\n )\n\n summary.append(diff_dim_summary(a, b))\n summary.append(diff_coords_repr(a.coords, b.coords, compat, col_width=col_width))\n summary.append(\n diff_data_vars_repr(a.data_vars, b.data_vars, compat, col_width=col_width)\n )\n\n if compat == \"identical\":\n summary.append(diff_attrs_repr(a.attrs, b.attrs, compat))\n\n return \"\\n\".join(summary)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_datetime_IndexVariable": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_datetime_IndexVariable", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 22, "span_ids": ["imports"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", 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"metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_unique_value_groups_unique_value_groups.return.values_groups": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_unique_value_groups_unique_value_groups.return.values_groups", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 25, "end_line": 49, "span_ids": ["unique_value_groups"], "tokens": 194}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def unique_value_groups(ar, sort=True):\n \"\"\"Group an array by its unique values.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n ar : array-like\n Input array. This will be flattened if it is not already 1-D.\n sort : boolean, optional\n Whether or not to sort unique values.\n\n Returns\n -------\n values : np.ndarray\n Sorted, unique values as returned by `np.unique`.\n indices : list of lists of int\n Each element provides the integer indices in `ar` with values given by\n the corresponding value in `unique_values`.\n \"\"\"\n inverse, values = pd.factorize(ar, sort=sort)\n groups = [[] for _ in range(len(values))]\n for n, g in enumerate(inverse):\n if g >= 0:\n # pandas uses -1 to mark NaN, but doesn't include them in values\n groups[g].append(n)\n return values, groups", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__dummy_copy__dummy_copy.return.res": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__dummy_copy__dummy_copy.return.res", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 52, "end_line": 83, "span_ids": ["_dummy_copy"], "tokens": 214}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dummy_copy(xarray_obj):\n from .dataset import Dataset\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n if isinstance(xarray_obj, Dataset):\n res = Dataset(\n {\n k: dtypes.get_fill_value(v.dtype)\n for k, v in xarray_obj.data_vars.items()\n },\n {\n k: dtypes.get_fill_value(v.dtype)\n for k, v in xarray_obj.coords.items()\n if k not in xarray_obj.dims\n },\n xarray_obj.attrs,\n )\n elif isinstance(xarray_obj, DataArray):\n res = DataArray(\n dtypes.get_fill_value(xarray_obj.dtype),\n {\n k: dtypes.get_fill_value(v.dtype)\n for k, v in xarray_obj.coords.items()\n if k not in xarray_obj.dims\n },\n dims=[],\n name=xarray_obj.name,\n attrs=xarray_obj.attrs,\n )\n else: # pragma: no cover\n raise AssertionError\n return res", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__is_one_or_none__consolidate_slices.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__is_one_or_none__consolidate_slices.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 86, "end_line": 109, "span_ids": ["_consolidate_slices", "_is_one_or_none"], "tokens": 169}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _is_one_or_none(obj):\n return obj == 1 or obj is None\n\n\ndef _consolidate_slices(slices):\n \"\"\"Consolidate adjacent slices in a list of slices.\n \"\"\"\n result = []\n last_slice = slice(None)\n for slice_ in slices:\n if not isinstance(slice_, slice):\n raise ValueError(\"list element is not a slice: %r\" % slice_)\n if (\n result\n and last_slice.stop == slice_.start\n and _is_one_or_none(last_slice.step)\n and _is_one_or_none(slice_.step)\n ):\n last_slice = slice(last_slice.start, slice_.stop, slice_.step)\n result[-1] = last_slice\n else:\n result.append(slice_)\n last_slice = slice_\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__inverse_permutation_indices__inverse_permutation_indices.return.indices": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__inverse_permutation_indices__inverse_permutation_indices.return.indices", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 112, "end_line": 134, "span_ids": ["_inverse_permutation_indices"], "tokens": 148}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _inverse_permutation_indices(positions):\n \"\"\"Like inverse_permutation, but also handles slices.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n positions : list of np.ndarray or slice objects.\n If slice objects, all are assumed to be slices.\n\n Returns\n -------\n np.ndarray of indices or None, if no permutation is necessary.\n \"\"\"\n if not positions:\n return None\n\n if isinstance(positions[0], slice):\n positions = _consolidate_slices(positions)\n if positions == slice(None):\n return None\n positions = [np.arange(sl.start, sl.stop, sl.step) for sl in positions]\n\n indices = nputils.inverse_permutation(np.concatenate(positions))\n return indices", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__DummyGroup__DummyGroup.__getitem__.return.self_values_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__DummyGroup__DummyGroup.__getitem__.return.self_values_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 137, "end_line": 169, "span_ids": ["_DummyGroup", "_DummyGroup.values", "_DummyGroup.shape", "_DummyGroup.__getitem__", "_DummyGroup.dims", "_DummyGroup.ndim"], "tokens": 165}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class _DummyGroup:\n \"\"\"Class for keeping track of grouped dimensions without coordinates.\n\n Should not be user visible.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"name\", \"coords\", \"size\")\n\n def __init__(self, obj, name, coords):\n self.name = name\n self.coords = coords\n self.size = obj.sizes[name]\n\n @property\n def dims(self):\n return (self.name,)\n\n @property\n def ndim(self):\n return 1\n\n @property\n def values(self):\n return range(self.size)\n\n @property\n def shape(self):\n return (self.size,)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n if isinstance(key, tuple):\n key = key[0]\n return self.values[key]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__ensure_1d__ensure_1d.return.group_obj_stacked_dim_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__ensure_1d__ensure_1d.return.group_obj_stacked_dim_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 172, "end_line": 186, "span_ids": ["_ensure_1d"], "tokens": 174}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _ensure_1d(group, obj):\n if group.ndim != 1:\n # try to stack the dims of the group into a single dim\n orig_dims = group.dims\n stacked_dim = \"stacked_\" + \"_\".join(orig_dims)\n # these dimensions get created by the stack operation\n inserted_dims = [dim for dim in group.dims if dim not in group.coords]\n # the copy is necessary here, otherwise read only array raises error\n # in pandas: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/12813\n group = group.stack(**{stacked_dim: orig_dims}).copy()\n obj = obj.stack(**{stacked_dim: orig_dims})\n else:\n stacked_dim = None\n inserted_dims = []\n return group, obj, stacked_dim, inserted_dims", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__unique_and_monotonic__apply_loffset.grouper.loffset.None": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py__unique_and_monotonic__apply_loffset.grouper.loffset.None", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 189, "end_line": 220, "span_ids": ["_unique_and_monotonic", "_apply_loffset"], "tokens": 189}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _unique_and_monotonic(group):\n if isinstance(group, _DummyGroup):\n return True\n else:\n index = safe_cast_to_index(group)\n return index.is_unique and index.is_monotonic\n\n\ndef _apply_loffset(grouper, result):\n \"\"\"\n (copied from pandas)\n if loffset is set, offset the result index\n\n This is NOT an idempotent routine, it will be applied\n exactly once to the result.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n result : Series or DataFrame\n the result of resample\n \"\"\"\n\n needs_offset = (\n isinstance(grouper.loffset, (pd.DateOffset, datetime.timedelta))\n and isinstance(result.index, pd.DatetimeIndex)\n and len(result.index) > 0\n )\n\n if needs_offset:\n result.index = result.index + grouper.loffset\n\n grouper.loffset = None", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy_GroupBy.__slots__._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy_GroupBy.__slots__._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 223, "end_line": 252, "span_ids": ["GroupBy"], "tokens": 201}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class GroupBy(SupportsArithmetic):\n \"\"\"A object that implements the split-apply-combine pattern.\n\n Modeled after `pandas.GroupBy`. The `GroupBy` object can be iterated over\n (unique_value, grouped_array) pairs, but the main way to interact with a\n groupby object are with the `apply` or `reduce` methods. You can also\n directly call numpy methods like `mean` or `std`.\n\n You should create a GroupBy object by using the `DataArray.groupby` or\n `Dataset.groupby` methods.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.groupby\n DataArray.groupby\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\n \"_full_index\",\n \"_inserted_dims\",\n \"_group\",\n \"_group_dim\",\n \"_group_indices\",\n \"_groups\",\n \"_obj\",\n \"_restore_coord_dims\",\n \"_stacked_dim\",\n \"_unique_coord\",\n \"_dims\",\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy.__init___GroupBy.__init__.self._dims.None": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy.__init___GroupBy.__init__.self._dims.None", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 254, "end_line": 395, "span_ids": ["GroupBy"], "tokens": 1142}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class GroupBy(SupportsArithmetic):\n\n def __init__(\n self,\n obj,\n group,\n squeeze=False,\n grouper=None,\n bins=None,\n restore_coord_dims=None,\n cut_kwargs={},\n ):\n \"\"\"Create a GroupBy object\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n obj : Dataset or DataArray\n Object to group.\n group : DataArray\n Array with the group values.\n squeeze : boolean, optional\n If \"group\" is a coordinate of object, `squeeze` controls whether\n the subarrays have a dimension of length 1 along that coordinate or\n if the dimension is squeezed out.\n grouper : pd.Grouper, optional\n Used for grouping values along the `group` array.\n bins : array-like, optional\n If `bins` is specified, the groups will be discretized into the\n specified bins by `pandas.cut`.\n restore_coord_dims : bool, optional\n If True, also restore the dimension order of multi-dimensional\n coordinates.\n cut_kwargs : dict, optional\n Extra keyword arguments to pass to `pandas.cut`\n\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n if grouper is not None and bins is not None:\n raise TypeError(\"can't specify both `grouper` and `bins`\")\n\n if not isinstance(group, (DataArray, IndexVariable)):\n if not hashable(group):\n raise TypeError(\n \"`group` must be an xarray.DataArray or the \"\n \"name of an xarray variable or dimension\"\n )\n group = obj[group]\n if len(group) == 0:\n raise ValueError(\"{} must not be empty\".format(group.name))\n\n if group.name not in obj.coords and group.name in obj.dims:\n # DummyGroups should not appear on groupby results\n group = _DummyGroup(obj, group.name, group.coords)\n\n if getattr(group, \"name\", None) is None:\n raise ValueError(\"`group` must have a name\")\n\n group, obj, stacked_dim, inserted_dims = _ensure_1d(group, obj)\n group_dim, = group.dims\n\n expected_size = obj.sizes[group_dim]\n if group.size != expected_size:\n raise ValueError(\n \"the group variable's length does not \"\n \"match the length of this variable along its \"\n \"dimension\"\n )\n\n full_index = None\n\n if bins is not None:\n if np.isnan(bins).all():\n raise ValueError(\"All bin edges are NaN.\")\n binned = pd.cut(group.values, bins, **cut_kwargs)\n new_dim_name = group.name + \"_bins\"\n group = DataArray(binned, group.coords, name=new_dim_name)\n full_index = binned.categories\n\n if grouper is not None:\n index = safe_cast_to_index(group)\n if not index.is_monotonic:\n # TODO: sort instead of raising an error\n raise ValueError(\"index must be monotonic for resampling\")\n full_index, first_items = self._get_index_and_items(index, grouper)\n sbins = first_items.values.astype(np.int64)\n group_indices = [slice(i, j) for i, j in zip(sbins[:-1], sbins[1:])] + [\n slice(sbins[-1], None)\n ]\n unique_coord = IndexVariable(group.name, first_items.index)\n elif group.dims == (group.name,) and _unique_and_monotonic(group):\n # no need to factorize\n group_indices = np.arange(group.size)\n if not squeeze:\n # use slices to do views instead of fancy indexing\n # equivalent to: group_indices = group_indices.reshape(-1, 1)\n group_indices = [slice(i, i + 1) for i in group_indices]\n unique_coord = group\n else:\n # look through group to find the unique values\n unique_values, group_indices = unique_value_groups(\n safe_cast_to_index(group), sort=(bins is None)\n )\n unique_coord = IndexVariable(group.name, unique_values)\n\n if len(group_indices) == 0:\n if bins is not None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"None of the data falls within bins with edges %r\" % bins\n )\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Failed to group data. Are you grouping by a variable that is all NaN?\"\n )\n\n if (\n isinstance(obj, DataArray)\n and restore_coord_dims is None\n and any(obj[c].ndim > 1 for c in obj.coords)\n ):\n warnings.warn(\n \"This DataArray contains multi-dimensional \"\n \"coordinates. In the future, the dimension order \"\n \"of these coordinates will be restored as well \"\n \"unless you specify restore_coord_dims=False.\",\n FutureWarning,\n stacklevel=2,\n )\n restore_coord_dims = False\n\n # specification for the groupby operation\n self._obj = obj\n self._group = group\n self._group_dim = group_dim\n self._group_indices = group_indices\n self._unique_coord = unique_coord\n self._stacked_dim = stacked_dim\n self._inserted_dims = inserted_dims\n self._full_index = full_index\n self._restore_coord_dims = restore_coord_dims\n\n # cached attributes\n self._groups = None\n self._dims = None", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy.dims_GroupBy.__repr__.return._s_grouped_over_r_n_r": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy.dims_GroupBy.__repr__.return._s_grouped_over_r_n_r", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 397, "end_line": 425, "span_ids": ["GroupBy.dims", "GroupBy.__len__", "GroupBy.groups", "GroupBy.__repr__", "GroupBy.__iter__"], "tokens": 216}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class GroupBy(SupportsArithmetic):\n\n @property\n def dims(self):\n if self._dims is None:\n self._dims = self._obj.isel(\n **{self._group_dim: self._group_indices[0]}\n ).dims\n\n return self._dims\n\n @property\n def groups(self):\n # provided to mimic pandas.groupby\n if self._groups is None:\n self._groups = dict(zip(self._unique_coord.values, self._group_indices))\n return self._groups\n\n def __len__(self):\n return self._unique_coord.size\n\n def __iter__(self):\n return zip(self._unique_coord.values, self._iter_grouped())\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"%s, grouped over %r \\n%r groups with labels %s.\" % (\n self.__class__.__name__,\n self._unique_coord.name,\n self._unique_coord.size,\n \", \".join(format_array_flat(self._unique_coord, 30).split()),\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._get_index_and_items_GroupBy._get_index_and_items.return.full_index_first_items": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._get_index_and_items_GroupBy._get_index_and_items.return.full_index_first_items", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 427, "end_line": 439, "span_ids": ["GroupBy._get_index_and_items"], "tokens": 132}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class GroupBy(SupportsArithmetic):\n\n def _get_index_and_items(self, index, grouper):\n from .resample_cftime import CFTimeGrouper\n\n s = pd.Series(np.arange(index.size), index)\n if isinstance(grouper, CFTimeGrouper):\n first_items = grouper.first_items(index)\n else:\n first_items = s.groupby(grouper).first()\n _apply_loffset(grouper, first_items)\n full_index = first_items.index\n if first_items.isnull().any():\n first_items = first_items.dropna()\n return full_index, first_items", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._iter_grouped_GroupBy._binary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._iter_grouped_GroupBy._binary_op.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 441, "end_line": 467, "span_ids": ["GroupBy._infer_concat_args", "GroupBy._binary_op", "GroupBy._iter_grouped"], "tokens": 220}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class GroupBy(SupportsArithmetic):\n\n def _iter_grouped(self):\n \"\"\"Iterate over each element in this group\"\"\"\n for indices in self._group_indices:\n yield self._obj.isel(**{self._group_dim: indices})\n\n def _infer_concat_args(self, applied_example):\n if self._group_dim in applied_example.dims:\n coord = self._group\n positions = self._group_indices\n else:\n coord = self._unique_coord\n positions = None\n dim, = coord.dims\n if isinstance(coord, _DummyGroup):\n coord = None\n return coord, dim, positions\n\n @staticmethod\n def _binary_op(f, reflexive=False, **ignored_kwargs):\n @functools.wraps(f)\n def func(self, other):\n g = f if not reflexive else lambda x, y: f(y, x)\n applied = self._yield_binary_applied(g, other)\n combined = self._combine(applied)\n return combined\n\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._yield_binary_applied_GroupBy._yield_binary_applied.for_group_value_obj_in_s.yield_result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._yield_binary_applied_GroupBy._yield_binary_applied.for_group_value_obj_in_s.yield_result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 469, "end_line": 493, "span_ids": ["GroupBy._yield_binary_applied"], "tokens": 186}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": 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func(obj, other_sel)\n yield result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._maybe_restore_empty_groups_GroupBy._maybe_unstack.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._maybe_restore_empty_groups_GroupBy._maybe_unstack.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 495, "end_line": 512, "span_ids": ["GroupBy._maybe_restore_empty_groups", "GroupBy._maybe_unstack"], "tokens": 192}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class GroupBy(SupportsArithmetic):\n\n def _maybe_restore_empty_groups(self, combined):\n \"\"\"Our index contained empty groups (e.g., from a resampling). If we\n reduced on that dimension, we want to restore the full index.\n \"\"\"\n if self._full_index is not None and self._group.name in combined.dims:\n indexers = {self._group.name: self._full_index}\n combined = combined.reindex(**indexers)\n return combined\n\n def _maybe_unstack(self, obj):\n \"\"\"This gets called if we are applying on an array with a\n multidimensional group.\"\"\"\n if self._stacked_dim is not None and self._stacked_dim in obj.dims:\n obj = obj.unstack(self._stacked_dim)\n for dim in self._inserted_dims:\n if dim in obj.coords:\n del obj.coords[dim]\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy.fillna_GroupBy.fillna.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy.fillna_GroupBy.fillna.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 514, "end_line": 537, "span_ids": ["GroupBy.fillna"], "tokens": 160}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class GroupBy(SupportsArithmetic):\n\n def fillna(self, value):\n \"\"\"Fill missing values in this object by group.\n\n This operation follows the normal broadcasting and alignment rules that\n xarray uses for binary arithmetic, except the result is aligned to this\n object (``join='left'``) instead of aligned to the intersection of\n index coordinates (``join='inner'``).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n value : valid type for the grouped object's fillna method\n Used to fill all matching missing values by group.\n\n Returns\n -------\n same type as the grouped object\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.fillna\n DataArray.fillna\n \"\"\"\n out = ops.fillna(self, value)\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy.where_GroupBy.where.return.ops_where_method_self_co": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy.where_GroupBy.where.return.ops_where_method_self_co", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 539, "end_line": 558, "span_ids": ["GroupBy.where"], "tokens": 138}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class GroupBy(SupportsArithmetic):\n\n def where(self, cond, other=dtypes.NA):\n \"\"\"Return elements from `self` or `other` depending on `cond`.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n cond : DataArray or Dataset with boolean dtype\n Locations at which to preserve this objects values.\n other : scalar, DataArray or Dataset, optional\n Value to use for locations in this object where ``cond`` is False.\n By default, inserts missing values.\n\n Returns\n -------\n same type as the grouped object\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.where\n \"\"\"\n return ops.where_method(self, cond, other)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._first_or_last__maybe_reorder.if_order_is_None_.else_.return.xarray_obj_dim_order_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_GroupBy._first_or_last__maybe_reorder.if_order_is_None_.else_.return.xarray_obj_dim_order_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 560, "end_line": 599, "span_ids": ["GroupBy.last", "GroupBy.assign_coords", "GroupBy.first", "_maybe_reorder", "GroupBy._first_or_last"], "tokens": 326}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", 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self._first_or_last(duck_array_ops.last, skipna, keep_attrs)\n\n def assign_coords(self, coords=None, **coords_kwargs):\n \"\"\"Assign coordinates by group.\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.assign_coords\n Dataset.swap_dims\n \"\"\"\n coords_kwargs = either_dict_or_kwargs(coords, coords_kwargs, \"assign_coords\")\n return self.apply(lambda ds: ds.assign_coords(**coords_kwargs))\n\n\ndef _maybe_reorder(xarray_obj, dim, positions):\n order = _inverse_permutation_indices(positions)\n\n if order is None:\n return xarray_obj\n else:\n return xarray_obj[{dim: order}]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy_DataArrayGroupBy._restore_dim_order.return.stacked_transpose_new_or": {"__data__": {"id_": 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_iter_grouped_shortcut(self):\n \"\"\"Fast version of `_iter_grouped` that yields Variables without\n metadata\n \"\"\"\n var = self._obj.variable\n for indices in self._group_indices:\n yield var[{self._group_dim: indices}]\n\n def _concat_shortcut(self, applied, dim, positions=None):\n # nb. don't worry too much about maintaining this method -- it does\n # speed things up, but it's not very interpretable and there are much\n # faster alternatives (e.g., doing the grouped aggregation in a\n # compiled language)\n stacked = Variable.concat(applied, dim, shortcut=True)\n reordered = _maybe_reorder(stacked, dim, positions)\n result = self._obj._replace_maybe_drop_dims(reordered)\n return result\n\n def _restore_dim_order(self, stacked):\n def lookup_order(dimension):\n if dimension == self._group.name:\n dimension, = self._group.dims\n if dimension in self._obj.dims:\n axis = self._obj.get_axis_num(dimension)\n else:\n axis = 1e6 # some arbitrarily high value\n return axis\n\n new_order = sorted(stacked.dims, key=lookup_order)\n return stacked.transpose(*new_order, transpose_coords=self._restore_coord_dims)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy.apply_DataArrayGroupBy.apply.return.self__combine_applied_sh": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy.apply_DataArrayGroupBy.apply.return.self__combine_applied_sh", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 637, "end_line": 682, "span_ids": ["DataArrayGroupBy.apply"], "tokens": 440}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", 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The rule is:\n\n 1. If the dimension along which the group coordinate is defined is\n still in the first grouped array after applying `func`, then stack\n over this dimension.\n 2. Otherwise, stack over the new dimension given by name of this\n grouping (the argument to the `groupby` function).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Callable to apply to each array.\n shortcut : bool, optional\n Whether or not to shortcut evaluation under the assumptions that:\n (1) The action of `func` does not depend on any of the array\n metadata (attributes or coordinates) but only on the data and\n dimensions.\n (2) The action of `func` creates arrays with homogeneous metadata,\n that is, with the same dimensions and attributes.\n If these conditions are satisfied `shortcut` provides significant\n speedup. This should be the case for many common groupby operations\n (e.g., applying numpy ufuncs).\n args : tuple, optional\n Positional arguments passed to `func`.\n **kwargs\n Used to call `func(ar, **kwargs)` for each array `ar`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n applied : DataArray or DataArray\n The result of splitting, applying and combining this array.\n \"\"\"\n if shortcut:\n grouped = self._iter_grouped_shortcut()\n else:\n grouped = self._iter_grouped()\n applied = (maybe_wrap_array(arr, func(arr, *args, **kwargs)) for arr in grouped)\n return self._combine(applied, shortcut=shortcut)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy._combine_DataArrayGroupBy._combine.return.combined": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy._combine_DataArrayGroupBy._combine.return.combined", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 684, "end_line": 704, "span_ids": ["DataArrayGroupBy._combine"], "tokens": 205}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayGroupBy(GroupBy, ImplementsArrayReduce):\n\n def _combine(self, applied, restore_coord_dims=False, shortcut=False):\n \"\"\"Recombine the applied objects like the original.\"\"\"\n applied_example, applied = peek_at(applied)\n coord, dim, positions = self._infer_concat_args(applied_example)\n if shortcut:\n combined = self._concat_shortcut(applied, dim, positions)\n else:\n combined = concat(applied, dim)\n combined = _maybe_reorder(combined, dim, positions)\n\n if isinstance(combined, type(self._obj)):\n # only restore dimension order for arrays\n combined = self._restore_dim_order(combined)\n if coord is not None:\n if shortcut:\n combined._coords[coord.name] = as_variable(coord)\n else:\n combined.coords[coord.name] = coord\n combined = self._maybe_restore_empty_groups(combined)\n combined = self._maybe_unstack(combined)\n return combined", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy.quantile_DataArrayGroupBy.quantile.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy.quantile_DataArrayGroupBy.quantile.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 706, "end_line": 758, "span_ids": ["DataArrayGroupBy.quantile"], "tokens": 464}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayGroupBy(GroupBy, ImplementsArrayReduce):\n\n def quantile(self, q, dim=None, interpolation=\"linear\", keep_attrs=None):\n \"\"\"Compute the qth quantile over each array in the groups and\n concatenate them together into a new array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n q : float in range of [0,1] (or sequence of floats)\n Quantile to compute, which must be between 0 and 1\n inclusive.\n dim : xarray.ALL_DIMS, str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply quantile.\n Defaults to the grouped dimension.\n interpolation : {'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint', 'nearest'}\n This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to\n use when the desired quantile lies between two data points\n ``i < j``:\n * linear: ``i + (j - i) * fraction``, where ``fraction`` is\n the fractional part of the index surrounded by ``i`` and\n ``j``.\n * lower: ``i``.\n * higher: ``j``.\n * nearest: ``i`` or ``j``, whichever is nearest.\n * midpoint: ``(i + j) / 2``.\n\n Returns\n -------\n quantiles : Variable\n If `q` is a single quantile, then the result\n is a scalar. If multiple percentiles are given, first axis of\n the result corresponds to the quantile and a quantile dimension\n is added to the return array. The other dimensions are the\n dimensions that remain after the reduction of the array.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.nanpercentile, pandas.Series.quantile, Dataset.quantile,\n DataArray.quantile\n \"\"\"\n if dim is None:\n dim = self._group_dim\n\n out = self.apply(\n self._obj.__class__.quantile,\n shortcut=False,\n q=q,\n dim=dim,\n interpolation=interpolation,\n keep_attrs=keep_attrs,\n )\n\n if np.asarray(q, dtype=np.float64).ndim == 0:\n out = out.drop(\"quantile\")\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy.reduce_DataArrayGroupBy.reduce.return.self_apply_reduce_array_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DataArrayGroupBy.reduce_DataArrayGroupBy.reduce.return.self_apply_reduce_array_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 760, "end_line": 806, "span_ids": ["DataArrayGroupBy.reduce"], "tokens": 417}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayGroupBy(GroupBy, ImplementsArrayReduce):\n\n def reduce(\n self, func, dim=None, axis=None, keep_attrs=None, shortcut=True, **kwargs\n ):\n \"\"\"Reduce the items in this group by applying `func` along some\n dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Function which can be called in the form\n `func(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of collapsing\n an np.ndarray over an integer valued axis.\n dim : xarray.ALL_DIMS, str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`.\n axis : int or sequence of int, optional\n Axis(es) over which to apply `func`. Only one of the 'dimension'\n and 'axis' arguments can be supplied. If neither are supplied, then\n `func` is calculated over all dimension for each group item.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the datasets's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reduced : Array\n Array with summarized data and the indicated dimension(s)\n removed.\n \"\"\"\n if dim is None:\n dim = self._group_dim\n\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n\n if dim is not ALL_DIMS and dim not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot reduce over dimension %r. expected either xarray.ALL_DIMS to reduce over all dimensions or one or more of %r.\"\n % (dim, self.dims)\n )\n\n def reduce_array(ar):\n return ar.reduce(func, dim, axis, keep_attrs=keep_attrs, **kwargs)\n\n return self.apply(reduce_array, shortcut=shortcut)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_ops_inject_reduce_methods_DatasetGroupBy.apply.return.self__combine_applied_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_ops_inject_reduce_methods_DatasetGroupBy.apply.return.self__combine_applied_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 809, "end_line": 846, "span_ids": ["DatasetGroupBy", "impl", "DatasetGroupBy.apply"], "tokens": 319}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "ops.inject_reduce_methods(DataArrayGroupBy)\nops.inject_binary_ops(DataArrayGroupBy)\n\n\nclass DatasetGroupBy(GroupBy, ImplementsDatasetReduce):\n def apply(self, func, args=(), shortcut=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Apply a function over each Dataset in the group and concatenate them\n together into a new Dataset.\n\n `func` is called like `func(ds, *args, **kwargs)` for each dataset `ds`\n in this group.\n\n Apply uses heuristics (like `pandas.GroupBy.apply`) to figure out how\n to stack together the datasets. The rule is:\n\n 1. If the dimension along which the group coordinate is defined is\n still in the first grouped item after applying `func`, then stack\n over this dimension.\n 2. Otherwise, stack over the new dimension given by name of this\n grouping (the argument to the `groupby` function).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Callable to apply to each sub-dataset.\n args : tuple, optional\n Positional arguments to pass to `func`.\n **kwargs\n Used to call `func(ds, **kwargs)` for each sub-dataset `ar`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n applied : Dataset or DataArray\n The result of splitting, applying and combining this dataset.\n \"\"\"\n # ignore shortcut if set (for now)\n applied = (func(ds, *args, **kwargs) for ds in self._iter_grouped())\n return self._combine(applied)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DatasetGroupBy._combine_DatasetGroupBy._combine.return.combined": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DatasetGroupBy._combine_DatasetGroupBy._combine.return.combined", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 848, "end_line": 858, "span_ids": ["DatasetGroupBy._combine"], "tokens": 122}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetGroupBy(GroupBy, ImplementsDatasetReduce):\n\n def _combine(self, applied):\n \"\"\"Recombine the applied objects like the original.\"\"\"\n applied_example, applied = peek_at(applied)\n coord, dim, positions = self._infer_concat_args(applied_example)\n combined = concat(applied, dim)\n combined = _maybe_reorder(combined, dim, positions)\n if coord is not None:\n combined[coord.name] = coord\n combined = self._maybe_restore_empty_groups(combined)\n combined = self._maybe_unstack(combined)\n return combined", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DatasetGroupBy.reduce_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/groupby.py_DatasetGroupBy.reduce_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/groupby.py", "file_name": "groupby.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 860, "end_line": 918, "span_ids": ["DatasetGroupBy.assign", "impl:3", "DatasetGroupBy.reduce"], "tokens": 455}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetGroupBy(GroupBy, ImplementsDatasetReduce):\n\n def reduce(self, func, dim=None, keep_attrs=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Reduce the items in this group by applying `func` along some\n dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Function which can be called in the form\n `func(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of collapsing\n an np.ndarray over an integer valued axis.\n dim : xarray.ALL_DIMS, str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`.\n axis : int or sequence of int, optional\n Axis(es) over which to apply `func`. Only one of the 'dimension'\n and 'axis' arguments can be supplied. If neither are supplied, then\n `func` is calculated over all dimension for each group item.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the datasets's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reduced : Array\n Array with summarized data and the indicated dimension(s)\n removed.\n \"\"\"\n if dim is None:\n dim = self._group_dim\n\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n\n def reduce_dataset(ds):\n return ds.reduce(func, dim, keep_attrs, **kwargs)\n\n if dim is not ALL_DIMS and dim not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot reduce over dimension %r. expected either xarray.ALL_DIMS to reduce over all dimensions or one or more of %r.\"\n % (dim, self.dims)\n )\n\n return self.apply(reduce_dataset)\n\n def assign(self, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Assign data variables by group.\n\n See also\n --------\n Dataset.assign\n \"\"\"\n return self.apply(lambda ds: ds.assign(**kwargs))\n\n\nops.inject_reduce_methods(DatasetGroupBy)\nops.inject_binary_ops(DatasetGroupBy)", "start_char_idx": 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formatting.indexes_repr(self)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexes.py_default_indexes_default_indexes.return._key_coords_key_to_inde": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexes.py_default_indexes_default_indexes.return._key_coords_key_to_inde", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexes.py", "file_name": "indexes.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 42, "end_line": 59, "span_ids": ["default_indexes"], "tokens": 121}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def default_indexes(\n coords: Mapping[Any, Variable], dims: Iterable\n) -> Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]:\n \"\"\"Default indexes for a Dataset/DataArray.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n coords : Mapping[Any, xarray.Variable]\n Coordinate variables from which to draw default indexes.\n dims : iterable\n Iterable of dimension names.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Mapping from indexing keys (levels/dimension names) to indexes used for\n indexing along that dimension.\n \"\"\"\n return {key: coords[key].to_index() for key in dims if key in coords}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexes.py_isel_variable_and_index_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexes.py_isel_variable_and_index_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexes.py", "file_name": "indexes.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 62, "end_line": 100, "span_ids": ["isel_variable_and_index", "roll_index"], "tokens": 279}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def isel_variable_and_index(\n name: Hashable,\n variable: Variable,\n index: pd.Index,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Union[int, slice, np.ndarray, Variable]],\n) -> Tuple[Variable, Optional[pd.Index]]:\n \"\"\"Index a Variable and pandas.Index together.\"\"\"\n if not indexers:\n # nothing to index\n return variable.copy(deep=False), index\n\n if len(variable.dims) > 1:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"indexing multi-dimensional variable with indexes is not \" \"supported yet\"\n )\n\n new_variable = variable.isel(indexers)\n\n if new_variable.dims != (name,):\n # can't preserve a index if result has new dimensions\n return new_variable, None\n\n # we need to compute the new index\n (dim,) = variable.dims\n indexer = indexers[dim]\n if isinstance(indexer, Variable):\n indexer = indexer.data\n new_index = index[indexer]\n return new_variable, new_index\n\n\ndef roll_index(index: pd.Index, count: int, axis: int = 0) -> pd.Index:\n \"\"\"Roll an pandas.Index.\"\"\"\n count %= index.shape[0]\n if count != 0:\n return index[-count:].append(index[:-count])\n else:\n return index[:]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_enum_expanded_indexer.return.tuple_new_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_enum_expanded_indexer.return.tuple_new_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 45, "span_ids": ["imports", "expanded_indexer"], "tokens": 365}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import enum\nimport functools\nimport operator\nfrom collections import defaultdict\nfrom contextlib import suppress\nfrom datetime import timedelta\nfrom typing import Any, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Union\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import duck_array_ops, nputils, utils\nfrom .npcompat import DTypeLike\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type, integer_types, sparse_array_type\nfrom .utils import is_dict_like, maybe_cast_to_coords_dtype\n\n\ndef expanded_indexer(key, ndim):\n \"\"\"Given a key for indexing an ndarray, return an equivalent key which is a\n tuple with length equal to the number of dimensions.\n\n The expansion is done by replacing all `Ellipsis` items with the right\n number of full slices and then padding the key with full slices so that it\n reaches the appropriate dimensionality.\n \"\"\"\n if not isinstance(key, tuple):\n # numpy treats non-tuple keys equivalent to tuples of length 1\n key = (key,)\n new_key = []\n # handling Ellipsis right is a little tricky, see:\n # http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.indexing.html#advanced-indexing\n found_ellipsis = False\n for k in key:\n if k is Ellipsis:\n if not found_ellipsis:\n new_key.extend((ndim + 1 - len(key)) * [slice(None)])\n found_ellipsis = True\n else:\n new_key.append(slice(None))\n else:\n new_key.append(k)\n if len(new_key) > ndim:\n raise IndexError(\"too many indices\")\n new_key.extend((ndim - len(new_key)) * [slice(None)])\n return tuple(new_key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__expand_slice__sanitize_slice_element.return.x": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__expand_slice__sanitize_slice_element.return.x", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 48, "end_line": 72, "span_ids": ["_expand_slice", "_sanitize_slice_element"], "tokens": 159}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _expand_slice(slice_, size):\n return np.arange(*slice_.indices(size))\n\n\ndef _sanitize_slice_element(x):\n from .variable import Variable\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n if isinstance(x, (Variable, DataArray)):\n x = x.values\n\n if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):\n if x.ndim != 0:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot use non-scalar arrays in a slice for \"\n \"xarray indexing: {}\".format(x)\n )\n x = x[()]\n\n if isinstance(x, np.timedelta64):\n # pandas does not support indexing with np.timedelta64 yet:\n # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/20393\n x = pd.Timedelta(x)\n\n return x", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__asarray_tuplesafe_get_indexer_nd.return.indexer": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__asarray_tuplesafe_get_indexer_nd.return.indexer", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 75, "end_line": 106, "span_ids": ["get_indexer_nd", "_asarray_tuplesafe", "_is_nested_tuple"], "tokens": 227}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _asarray_tuplesafe(values):\n \"\"\"\n Convert values into a numpy array of at most 1-dimension, while preserving\n tuples.\n\n Adapted from pandas.core.common._asarray_tuplesafe\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(values, tuple):\n result = utils.to_0d_object_array(values)\n else:\n result = np.asarray(values)\n if result.ndim == 2:\n result = np.empty(len(values), dtype=object)\n result[:] = values\n\n return result\n\n\ndef _is_nested_tuple(possible_tuple):\n return isinstance(possible_tuple, tuple) and any(\n isinstance(value, (tuple, list, slice)) for value in possible_tuple\n )\n\n\ndef get_indexer_nd(index, labels, method=None, tolerance=None):\n \"\"\"Wrapper around :meth:`pandas.Index.get_indexer` supporting n-dimensional\n labels\n \"\"\"\n flat_labels = np.ravel(labels)\n flat_indexer = index.get_indexer(flat_labels, method=method, tolerance=tolerance)\n indexer = flat_indexer.reshape(labels.shape)\n return indexer", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_convert_label_indexer_convert_label_indexer.return.indexer_new_index": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_convert_label_indexer_convert_label_indexer.return.indexer_new_index", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 109, "end_line": 194, "span_ids": ["convert_label_indexer"], "tokens": 759}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def convert_label_indexer(index, label, index_name=\"\", method=None, tolerance=None):\n \"\"\"Given a pandas.Index and labels (e.g., from __getitem__) for one\n dimension, return an indexer suitable for indexing an ndarray along that\n dimension. If `index` is a pandas.MultiIndex and depending on `label`,\n return a new pandas.Index or pandas.MultiIndex (otherwise return None).\n \"\"\"\n new_index = None\n\n if isinstance(label, slice):\n if method is not None or tolerance is not None:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"cannot use ``method`` argument if any indexers are \" \"slice objects\"\n )\n indexer = index.slice_indexer(\n _sanitize_slice_element(label.start),\n _sanitize_slice_element(label.stop),\n _sanitize_slice_element(label.step),\n )\n if not isinstance(indexer, slice):\n # unlike pandas, in xarray we never want to silently convert a\n # slice indexer into an array indexer\n raise KeyError(\n \"cannot represent labeled-based slice indexer for \"\n \"dimension %r with a slice over integer positions; \"\n \"the index is unsorted or non-unique\" % index_name\n )\n\n elif is_dict_like(label):\n is_nested_vals = _is_nested_tuple(tuple(label.values()))\n if not isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot use a dict-like object for selection on \"\n \"a dimension that does not have a MultiIndex\"\n )\n elif len(label) == index.nlevels and not is_nested_vals:\n indexer = index.get_loc(tuple(label[k] for k in index.names))\n else:\n for k, v in label.items():\n # index should be an item (i.e. Hashable) not an array-like\n if isinstance(v, Sequence) and not isinstance(v, str):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Vectorized selection is not \"\n \"available along level variable: \" + k\n )\n indexer, new_index = index.get_loc_level(\n tuple(label.values()), level=tuple(label.keys())\n )\n\n # GH2619. Raise a KeyError if nothing is chosen\n if indexer.dtype.kind == \"b\" and indexer.sum() == 0:\n raise KeyError(\"{} not found\".format(label))\n\n elif isinstance(label, tuple) and isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n if _is_nested_tuple(label):\n indexer = index.get_locs(label)\n elif len(label) == index.nlevels:\n indexer = index.get_loc(label)\n else:\n indexer, new_index = index.get_loc_level(\n label, level=list(range(len(label)))\n )\n else:\n label = (\n label\n if getattr(label, \"ndim\", 1) > 1 # vectorized-indexing\n else _asarray_tuplesafe(label)\n )\n if label.ndim == 0:\n if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n indexer, new_index = index.get_loc_level(label.item(), level=0)\n else:\n indexer = index.get_loc(\n label.item(), method=method, tolerance=tolerance\n )\n elif label.dtype.kind == \"b\":\n indexer = label\n else:\n if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex) and label.ndim > 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Vectorized selection is not available along \"\n \"MultiIndex variable: \" + index_name\n )\n indexer = get_indexer_nd(index, label, method, tolerance)\n if np.any(indexer < 0):\n raise KeyError(\"not all values found in index %r\" % index_name)\n return indexer, new_index", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_get_dim_indexers_get_dim_indexers.return.dim_indexers": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_get_dim_indexers_get_dim_indexers.return.dim_indexers", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 197, "end_line": 231, "span_ids": ["get_dim_indexers"], "tokens": 274}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_dim_indexers(data_obj, indexers):\n \"\"\"Given a xarray data object and label based indexers, return a mapping\n of label indexers with only dimension names as keys.\n\n It groups multiple level indexers given on a multi-index dimension\n into a single, dictionary indexer for that dimension (Raise a ValueError\n if it is not possible).\n \"\"\"\n invalid = [\n k\n for k in indexers\n if k not in data_obj.dims and k not in data_obj._level_coords\n ]\n if invalid:\n raise ValueError(\"dimensions or multi-index levels %r do not exist\" % invalid)\n\n level_indexers = defaultdict(dict)\n dim_indexers = {}\n for key, label in indexers.items():\n dim, = data_obj[key].dims\n if key != dim:\n # assume here multi-index level indexer\n level_indexers[dim][key] = label\n else:\n dim_indexers[key] = label\n\n for dim, level_labels in level_indexers.items():\n if dim_indexers.get(dim, False):\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot combine multi-index level indexers \"\n \"with an indexer for dimension %s\" % dim\n )\n dim_indexers[dim] = level_labels\n\n return dim_indexers", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_remap_label_indexers_remap_label_indexers.return.pos_indexers_new_indexes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_remap_label_indexers_remap_label_indexers.return.pos_indexers_new_indexes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 234, "end_line": 266, "span_ids": ["remap_label_indexers"], "tokens": 297}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def remap_label_indexers(data_obj, indexers, method=None, tolerance=None):\n \"\"\"Given an xarray data object and label based indexers, return a mapping\n of equivalent location based indexers. Also return a mapping of updated\n pandas index objects (in case of multi-index level drop).\n \"\"\"\n if method is not None and not isinstance(method, str):\n raise TypeError(\"``method`` must be a string\")\n\n pos_indexers = {}\n new_indexes = {}\n\n dim_indexers = get_dim_indexers(data_obj, indexers)\n for dim, label in dim_indexers.items():\n try:\n index = data_obj.indexes[dim]\n except KeyError:\n # no index for this dimension: reuse the provided labels\n if method is not None or tolerance is not None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot supply ``method`` or ``tolerance`` \"\n \"when the indexed dimension does not have \"\n \"an associated coordinate.\"\n )\n pos_indexers[dim] = label\n else:\n coords_dtype = data_obj.coords[dim].dtype\n label = maybe_cast_to_coords_dtype(label, coords_dtype)\n idxr, new_idx = convert_label_indexer(index, label, dim, method, tolerance)\n pos_indexers[dim] = idxr\n if new_idx is not None:\n new_indexes[dim] = new_idx\n\n return pos_indexers, new_indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_slice_slice_slice_slice.return.slice_start_stop_step_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_slice_slice_slice_slice.return.slice_start_stop_step_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 269, "end_line": 288, "span_ids": ["slice_slice"], "tokens": 201}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def slice_slice(old_slice, applied_slice, size):\n \"\"\"Given a slice and the size of the dimension to which it will be applied,\n index it with another slice to return a new slice equivalent to applying\n the slices sequentially\n \"\"\"\n step = (old_slice.step or 1) * (applied_slice.step or 1)\n\n # For now, use the hack of turning old_slice into an ndarray to reconstruct\n # the slice start and stop. This is not entirely ideal, but it is still\n # definitely better than leaving the indexer as an array.\n items = _expand_slice(old_slice, size)[applied_slice]\n if len(items) > 0:\n start = items[0]\n stop = items[-1] + int(np.sign(step))\n if stop < 0:\n stop = None\n else:\n start = 0\n stop = 0\n return slice(start, stop, step)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__index_indexer_1d__index_indexer_1d.return.indexer": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__index_indexer_1d__index_indexer_1d.return.indexer", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 291, "end_line": 303, "span_ids": ["_index_indexer_1d"], "tokens": 139}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _index_indexer_1d(old_indexer, applied_indexer, size):\n assert isinstance(applied_indexer, integer_types + (slice, np.ndarray))\n if isinstance(applied_indexer, slice) and applied_indexer == slice(None):\n # shortcut for the usual case\n return old_indexer\n if isinstance(old_indexer, slice):\n if isinstance(applied_indexer, slice):\n indexer = slice_slice(old_indexer, applied_indexer, size)\n else:\n indexer = _expand_slice(old_indexer, size)[applied_indexer]\n else:\n indexer = old_indexer[applied_indexer]\n return indexer", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_ExplicitIndexer_as_integer_slice.return.slice_start_stop_step_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_ExplicitIndexer_as_integer_slice.return.slice_start_stop_step_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 306, "end_line": 340, "span_ids": ["ExplicitIndexer.tuple", "ExplicitIndexer.__repr__", "ExplicitIndexer", "as_integer_slice", "as_integer_or_none"], "tokens": 239}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ExplicitIndexer:\n \"\"\"Base class for explicit indexer objects.\n\n ExplicitIndexer objects wrap a tuple of values given by their ``tuple``\n property. These tuples should always have length equal to the number of\n dimensions on the indexed array.\n\n Do not instantiate BaseIndexer objects directly: instead, use one of the\n sub-classes BasicIndexer, OuterIndexer or VectorizedIndexer.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_key\",)\n\n def __init__(self, key):\n if type(self) is ExplicitIndexer:\n raise TypeError(\"cannot instantiate base ExplicitIndexer objects\")\n self._key = tuple(key)\n\n @property\n def tuple(self):\n return self._key\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"{}({})\".format(type(self).__name__, self.tuple)\n\n\ndef as_integer_or_none(value):\n return None if value is None else operator.index(value)\n\n\ndef as_integer_slice(value):\n start = as_integer_or_none(value.start)\n stop = as_integer_or_none(value.stop)\n step = as_integer_or_none(value.step)\n return slice(start, stop, step)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_BasicIndexer_BasicIndexer.__init__.super___init___new_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_BasicIndexer_BasicIndexer.__init__.super___init___new_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 343, "end_line": 371, "span_ids": ["BasicIndexer"], "tokens": 184}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class BasicIndexer(ExplicitIndexer):\n \"\"\"Tuple for basic indexing.\n\n All elements should be int or slice objects. Indexing follows NumPy's\n rules for basic indexing: each axis is independently sliced and axes\n indexed with an integer are dropped from the result.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __init__(self, key):\n if not isinstance(key, tuple):\n raise TypeError(\"key must be a tuple: {!r}\".format(key))\n\n new_key = []\n for k in key:\n if isinstance(k, integer_types):\n k = int(k)\n elif isinstance(k, slice):\n k = as_integer_slice(k)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"unexpected indexer type for {}: {!r}\".format(\n type(self).__name__, k\n )\n )\n new_key.append(k)\n\n super().__init__(new_key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_OuterIndexer_OuterIndexer.__init__.super___init___new_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_OuterIndexer_OuterIndexer.__init__.super___init___new_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 374, "end_line": 415, "span_ids": ["OuterIndexer"], "tokens": 305}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class OuterIndexer(ExplicitIndexer):\n \"\"\"Tuple for outer/orthogonal indexing.\n\n All elements should be int, slice or 1-dimensional np.ndarray objects with\n an integer dtype. Indexing is applied independently along each axis, and\n axes indexed with an integer are dropped from the result. This type of\n indexing works like MATLAB/Fortran.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __init__(self, key):\n if not isinstance(key, tuple):\n raise TypeError(\"key must be a tuple: {!r}\".format(key))\n\n new_key = []\n for k in key:\n if isinstance(k, integer_types):\n k = int(k)\n elif isinstance(k, slice):\n k = as_integer_slice(k)\n elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray):\n if not np.issubdtype(k.dtype, np.integer):\n raise TypeError(\n \"invalid indexer array, does not have \"\n \"integer dtype: {!r}\".format(k)\n )\n if k.ndim != 1:\n raise TypeError(\n \"invalid indexer array for {}, must have \"\n \"exactly 1 dimension: \".format(type(self).__name__, k)\n )\n k = np.asarray(k, dtype=np.int64)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"unexpected indexer type for {}: {!r}\".format(\n type(self).__name__, k\n )\n )\n new_key.append(k)\n\n super().__init__(new_key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_VectorizedIndexer_VectorizedIndexer.__init__.super___init___new_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_VectorizedIndexer_VectorizedIndexer.__init__.super___init___new_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 418, "end_line": 462, "span_ids": ["VectorizedIndexer"], "tokens": 342}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class VectorizedIndexer(ExplicitIndexer):\n \"\"\"Tuple for vectorized indexing.\n\n All elements should be slice or N-dimensional np.ndarray objects with an\n integer dtype and the same number of dimensions. Indexing follows proposed\n rules for np.ndarray.vindex, which matches NumPy's advanced indexing rules\n (including broadcasting) except sliced axes are always moved to the end:\n https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/6256\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __init__(self, key):\n if not isinstance(key, tuple):\n raise TypeError(\"key must be a tuple: {!r}\".format(key))\n\n new_key = []\n ndim = None\n for k in key:\n if isinstance(k, slice):\n k = as_integer_slice(k)\n elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray):\n if not np.issubdtype(k.dtype, np.integer):\n raise TypeError(\n \"invalid indexer array, does not have \"\n \"integer dtype: {!r}\".format(k)\n )\n if ndim is None:\n ndim = k.ndim\n elif ndim != k.ndim:\n ndims = [k.ndim for k in key if isinstance(k, np.ndarray)]\n raise ValueError(\n \"invalid indexer key: ndarray arguments \"\n \"have different numbers of dimensions: {}\".format(ndims)\n )\n k = np.asarray(k, dtype=np.int64)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"unexpected indexer type for {}: {!r}\".format(\n type(self).__name__, k\n )\n )\n new_key.append(k)\n\n super().__init__(new_key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_ExplicitlyIndexed_ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter.__getitem__.if_isinstance_result_Exp.else_.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_ExplicitlyIndexed_ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter.__getitem__.if_isinstance_result_Exp.else_.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 465, "end_line": 500, "span_ids": ["ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter.__getitem__", "ExplicitlyIndexed", "ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter", "ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin.__array__", "ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter.__array__", "ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin"], "tokens": 256}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ExplicitlyIndexed:\n \"\"\"Mixin to mark support for Indexer subclasses in indexing.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n\nclass ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin(utils.NDArrayMixin, ExplicitlyIndexed):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n key = BasicIndexer((slice(None),) * self.ndim)\n return np.asarray(self[key], dtype=dtype)\n\n\nclass ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter(utils.NDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Wrap an array, converting tuples into the indicated explicit indexer.\"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"array\", \"indexer_cls\")\n\n def __init__(self, array, indexer_cls=BasicIndexer):\n self.array = as_indexable(array)\n self.indexer_cls = indexer_cls\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n return np.asarray(self.array, dtype=dtype)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n key = expanded_indexer(key, self.ndim)\n result = self.array[self.indexer_cls(key)]\n if isinstance(result, ExplicitlyIndexed):\n return type(self)(result, self.indexer_cls)\n else:\n # Sometimes explicitly indexed arrays return NumPy arrays or\n # scalars.\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_LazilyOuterIndexedArray_LazilyOuterIndexedArray.__init__.self.key.key": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_LazilyOuterIndexedArray_LazilyOuterIndexedArray.__init__.self.key.key", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 503, "end_line": 528, "span_ids": ["LazilyOuterIndexedArray"], "tokens": 167}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class LazilyOuterIndexedArray(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Wrap an array to make basic and outer indexing lazy.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"array\", \"key\")\n\n def __init__(self, array, key=None):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n array : array_like\n Array like object to index.\n key : ExplicitIndexer, optional\n Array indexer. If provided, it is assumed to already be in\n canonical expanded form.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(array, type(self)) and key is None:\n # unwrap\n key = array.key\n array = array.array\n\n if key is None:\n key = BasicIndexer((slice(None),) * array.ndim)\n\n self.array = as_indexable(array)\n self.key = key", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_LazilyOuterIndexedArray._updated_key_LazilyOuterIndexedArray._updated_key.return.OuterIndexer_full_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_LazilyOuterIndexedArray._updated_key_LazilyOuterIndexedArray._updated_key.return.OuterIndexer_full_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 530, "end_line": 542, "span_ids": ["LazilyOuterIndexedArray._updated_key"], "tokens": 143}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class LazilyOuterIndexedArray(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n\n def _updated_key(self, new_key):\n iter_new_key = iter(expanded_indexer(new_key.tuple, self.ndim))\n full_key = []\n for size, k in zip(self.array.shape, self.key.tuple):\n if isinstance(k, integer_types):\n full_key.append(k)\n else:\n full_key.append(_index_indexer_1d(k, next(iter_new_key), size))\n full_key = tuple(full_key)\n\n if all(isinstance(k, integer_types + (slice,)) for k in full_key):\n return BasicIndexer(full_key)\n return OuterIndexer(full_key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_LazilyOuterIndexedArray.shape_LazilyOuterIndexedArray.__repr__.return._s_array_r_key_r_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_LazilyOuterIndexedArray.shape_LazilyOuterIndexedArray.__repr__.return._s_array_r_key_r_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 544, "end_line": 577, "span_ids": ["LazilyOuterIndexedArray.__repr__", "LazilyOuterIndexedArray.__array__", "LazilyOuterIndexedArray.shape", "LazilyOuterIndexedArray.__setitem__", "LazilyOuterIndexedArray.transpose", "LazilyOuterIndexedArray.__getitem__"], "tokens": 299}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class LazilyOuterIndexedArray(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n\n @property\n def shape(self):\n shape = []\n for size, k in zip(self.array.shape, self.key.tuple):\n if isinstance(k, slice):\n shape.append(len(range(*k.indices(size))))\n elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray):\n shape.append(k.size)\n return tuple(shape)\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n array = as_indexable(self.array)\n return np.asarray(array[self.key], dtype=None)\n\n def transpose(self, order):\n return LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray(self.array, self.key).transpose(order)\n\n def __getitem__(self, indexer):\n if isinstance(indexer, VectorizedIndexer):\n array = LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray(self.array, self.key)\n return array[indexer]\n return type(self)(self.array, self._updated_key(indexer))\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n if isinstance(key, VectorizedIndexer):\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"Lazy item assignment with the vectorized indexer is not yet \"\n \"implemented. Load your data first by .load() or compute().\"\n )\n full_key = self._updated_key(key)\n self.array[full_key] = value\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"%s(array=%r, key=%r)\" % (type(self).__name__, self.array, self.key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray_LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray.__repr__.return._s_array_r_key_r_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray_LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray.__repr__.return._s_array_r_key_r_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 580, "end_line": 628, "span_ids": ["LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray", "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray.shape", "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray.transpose", "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray._updated_key", "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray.__setitem__", "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray.__getitem__", "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray.__repr__", "LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray.__array__"], "tokens": 414}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class LazilyVectorizedIndexedArray(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Wrap an array to make vectorized indexing lazy.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"array\", \"key\")\n\n def __init__(self, array, key):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n array : array_like\n Array like object to index.\n key : VectorizedIndexer\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(key, (BasicIndexer, OuterIndexer)):\n self.key = _outer_to_vectorized_indexer(key, array.shape)\n else:\n self.key = _arrayize_vectorized_indexer(key, array.shape)\n self.array = as_indexable(array)\n\n @property\n def shape(self):\n return np.broadcast(*self.key.tuple).shape\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n return np.asarray(self.array[self.key], dtype=None)\n\n def _updated_key(self, new_key):\n return _combine_indexers(self.key, self.shape, new_key)\n\n def __getitem__(self, indexer):\n # If the indexed array becomes a scalar, return LazilyOuterIndexedArray\n if all(isinstance(ind, integer_types) for ind in indexer.tuple):\n key = BasicIndexer(tuple(k[indexer.tuple] for k in self.key.tuple))\n return LazilyOuterIndexedArray(self.array, key)\n return type(self)(self.array, self._updated_key(indexer))\n\n def transpose(self, order):\n key = VectorizedIndexer(tuple(k.transpose(order) for k in self.key.tuple))\n return type(self)(self.array, key)\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"Lazy item assignment with the vectorized indexer is not yet \"\n \"implemented. Load your data first by .load() or compute().\"\n )\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"%s(array=%r, key=%r)\" % (type(self).__name__, self.array, self.key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__wrap_numpy_scalars_CopyOnWriteArray.__setitem__.self_array_key_value": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__wrap_numpy_scalars_CopyOnWriteArray.__setitem__.self_array_key_value", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 631, "end_line": 662, "span_ids": ["CopyOnWriteArray.__setitem__", "CopyOnWriteArray", "CopyOnWriteArray.__getitem__", "_wrap_numpy_scalars", "CopyOnWriteArray._ensure_copied", "CopyOnWriteArray.__array__", "CopyOnWriteArray.transpose"], "tokens": 214}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _wrap_numpy_scalars(array):\n \"\"\"Wrap NumPy scalars in 0d arrays.\"\"\"\n if np.isscalar(array):\n return np.array(array)\n else:\n return array\n\n\nclass CopyOnWriteArray(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n __slots__ = (\"array\", \"_copied\")\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n self.array = as_indexable(array)\n self._copied = False\n\n def _ensure_copied(self):\n if not self._copied:\n self.array = as_indexable(np.array(self.array))\n self._copied = True\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n return np.asarray(self.array, dtype=dtype)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return type(self)(_wrap_numpy_scalars(self.array[key]))\n\n def transpose(self, order):\n return self.array.transpose(order)\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n self._ensure_copied()\n self.array[key] = value", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_MemoryCachedArray_MemoryCachedArray.__setitem__.self_array_key_value": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_MemoryCachedArray_MemoryCachedArray.__setitem__.self_array_key_value", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 665, "end_line": 686, "span_ids": ["MemoryCachedArray.__setitem__", "MemoryCachedArray._ensure_cached", "MemoryCachedArray.transpose", "MemoryCachedArray.__getitem__", "MemoryCachedArray.__array__", "MemoryCachedArray"], "tokens": 160}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class MemoryCachedArray(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n __slots__ = (\"array\",)\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n self.array = _wrap_numpy_scalars(as_indexable(array))\n\n def _ensure_cached(self):\n if not isinstance(self.array, NumpyIndexingAdapter):\n self.array = NumpyIndexingAdapter(np.asarray(self.array))\n\n def __array__(self, dtype=None):\n self._ensure_cached()\n return np.asarray(self.array, dtype=dtype)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return type(self)(_wrap_numpy_scalars(self.array[key]))\n\n def transpose(self, order):\n return self.array.transpose(order)\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n self.array[key] = value", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_as_indexable_as_indexable.raise_TypeError_Invalid_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_as_indexable_as_indexable.raise_TypeError_Invalid_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 689, "end_line": 706, "span_ids": ["as_indexable"], "tokens": 136}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def as_indexable(array):\n \"\"\"\n This function always returns a ExplicitlyIndexed subclass,\n so that the vectorized indexing is always possible with the returned\n object.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(array, ExplicitlyIndexed):\n return array\n if isinstance(array, np.ndarray):\n return NumpyIndexingAdapter(array)\n if isinstance(array, pd.Index):\n return PandasIndexAdapter(array)\n if isinstance(array, dask_array_type):\n return DaskIndexingAdapter(array)\n if hasattr(array, \"__array_function__\"):\n return NdArrayLikeIndexingAdapter(array)\n\n raise TypeError(\"Invalid array type: {}\".format(type(array)))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__outer_to_vectorized_indexer__outer_to_vectorized_indexer.return.VectorizedIndexer_tuple_n": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__outer_to_vectorized_indexer__outer_to_vectorized_indexer.return.VectorizedIndexer_tuple_n", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 709, "end_line": 741, "span_ids": ["_outer_to_vectorized_indexer"], "tokens": 275}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _outer_to_vectorized_indexer(key, shape):\n \"\"\"Convert an OuterIndexer into an vectorized indexer.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n key : Outer/Basic Indexer\n An indexer to convert.\n shape : tuple\n Shape of the array subject to the indexing.\n\n Returns\n -------\n VectorizedIndexer\n Tuple suitable for use to index a NumPy array with vectorized indexing.\n Each element is an array: broadcasting them together gives the shape\n of the result.\n \"\"\"\n key = key.tuple\n\n n_dim = len([k for k in key if not isinstance(k, integer_types)])\n i_dim = 0\n new_key = []\n for k, size in zip(key, shape):\n if isinstance(k, integer_types):\n new_key.append(np.array(k).reshape((1,) * n_dim))\n else: # np.ndarray or slice\n if isinstance(k, slice):\n k = np.arange(*k.indices(size))\n assert k.dtype.kind in {\"i\", \"u\"}\n shape = [(1,) * i_dim + (k.size,) + (1,) * (n_dim - i_dim - 1)]\n new_key.append(k.reshape(*shape))\n i_dim += 1\n return VectorizedIndexer(tuple(new_key))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__outer_to_numpy_indexer__outer_to_numpy_indexer.if_len_k_for_k_in_key_tu.else_.return._outer_to_vectorized_inde": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__outer_to_numpy_indexer__outer_to_numpy_indexer.if_len_k_for_k_in_key_tu.else_.return._outer_to_vectorized_inde", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 744, "end_line": 765, "span_ids": ["_outer_to_numpy_indexer"], "tokens": 167}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _outer_to_numpy_indexer(key, shape):\n \"\"\"Convert an OuterIndexer into an indexer for NumPy.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n key : Basic/OuterIndexer\n An indexer to convert.\n shape : tuple\n Shape of the array subject to the indexing.\n\n Returns\n -------\n tuple\n Tuple suitable for use to index a NumPy array.\n \"\"\"\n if len([k for k in key.tuple if not isinstance(k, slice)]) <= 1:\n # If there is only one vector and all others are slice,\n # it can be safely used in mixed basic/advanced indexing.\n # Boolean index should already be converted to integer array.\n return key.tuple\n else:\n return _outer_to_vectorized_indexer(key, shape).tuple", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__combine_indexers_IndexingSupport.VECTORIZED.3": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__combine_indexers_IndexingSupport.VECTORIZED.3", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 768, "end_line": 805, "span_ids": ["IndexingSupport", "_combine_indexers"], "tokens": 305}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _combine_indexers(old_key, shape, new_key):\n \"\"\" Combine two indexers.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n old_key: ExplicitIndexer\n The first indexer for the original array\n shape: tuple of ints\n Shape of the original array to be indexed by old_key\n new_key:\n The second indexer for indexing original[old_key]\n \"\"\"\n if not isinstance(old_key, VectorizedIndexer):\n old_key = _outer_to_vectorized_indexer(old_key, shape)\n if len(old_key.tuple) == 0:\n return new_key\n\n new_shape = np.broadcast(*old_key.tuple).shape\n if isinstance(new_key, VectorizedIndexer):\n new_key = _arrayize_vectorized_indexer(new_key, new_shape)\n else:\n new_key = _outer_to_vectorized_indexer(new_key, new_shape)\n\n return VectorizedIndexer(\n tuple(o[new_key.tuple] for o in np.broadcast_arrays(*old_key.tuple))\n )\n\n\n@enum.unique\nclass IndexingSupport(enum.Enum):\n # for backends that support only basic indexer\n BASIC = 0\n # for backends that support basic / outer indexer\n OUTER = 1\n # for backends that support outer indexer including at most 1 vector.\n OUTER_1VECTOR = 2\n # for backends that support full vectorized indexer.\n VECTORIZED = 3", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_explicit_indexing_adapter_explicit_indexing_adapter.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_explicit_indexing_adapter_explicit_indexing_adapter.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 808, "end_line": 840, "span_ids": ["explicit_indexing_adapter"], "tokens": 249}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def explicit_indexing_adapter(\n key: ExplicitIndexer,\n shape: Tuple[int, ...],\n indexing_support: IndexingSupport,\n raw_indexing_method: Callable,\n) -> Any:\n \"\"\"Support explicit indexing by delegating to a raw indexing method.\n\n Outer and/or vectorized indexers are supported by indexing a second time\n with a NumPy array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n key : ExplicitIndexer\n Explicit indexing object.\n shape : Tuple[int, ...]\n Shape of the indexed array.\n indexing_support : IndexingSupport enum\n Form of indexing supported by raw_indexing_method.\n raw_indexing_method: callable\n Function (like ndarray.__getitem__) that when called with indexing key\n in the form of a tuple returns an indexed array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Indexing result, in the form of a duck numpy-array.\n \"\"\"\n raw_key, numpy_indices = decompose_indexer(key, shape, indexing_support)\n result = raw_indexing_method(raw_key.tuple)\n if numpy_indices.tuple:\n # index the loaded np.ndarray\n result = NumpyIndexingAdapter(np.asarray(result))[numpy_indices]\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_decompose_indexer_decompose_indexer.raise_TypeError_unexpect": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_decompose_indexer_decompose_indexer.raise_TypeError_unexpect", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 843, "end_line": 850, "span_ids": ["decompose_indexer"], "tokens": 111}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def decompose_indexer(\n indexer: ExplicitIndexer, shape: Tuple[int, ...], indexing_support: IndexingSupport\n) -> Tuple[ExplicitIndexer, ExplicitIndexer]:\n if isinstance(indexer, VectorizedIndexer):\n return _decompose_vectorized_indexer(indexer, shape, indexing_support)\n if isinstance(indexer, (BasicIndexer, OuterIndexer)):\n return _decompose_outer_indexer(indexer, shape, indexing_support)\n raise TypeError(\"unexpected key type: {}\".format(indexer))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__decompose_slice__decompose_slice.if_step_0_.else_.return.slice_start_stop_step_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__decompose_slice__decompose_slice.if_step_0_.else_.return.slice_start_stop_step_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 853, "end_line": 866, "span_ids": ["_decompose_slice"], "tokens": 166}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _decompose_slice(key, size):\n \"\"\" convert a slice to successive two slices. The first slice always has\n a positive step.\n \"\"\"\n start, stop, step = key.indices(size)\n if step > 0:\n # If key already has a positive step, use it as is in the backend\n return key, slice(None)\n else:\n # determine stop precisely for step > 1 case\n # e.g. [98:2:-2] -> [98:3:-2]\n stop = start + int((stop - start - 1) / step) * step + 1\n start, stop = stop + 1, start + 1\n return slice(start, stop, -step), slice(None, None, -1)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__decompose_vectorized_indexer__decompose_vectorized_indexer.return.backend_indexer1_np_inde": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__decompose_vectorized_indexer__decompose_vectorized_indexer.return.backend_indexer1_np_inde", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 869, "end_line": 944, "span_ids": ["_decompose_vectorized_indexer"], "tokens": 756}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _decompose_vectorized_indexer(\n indexer: VectorizedIndexer,\n shape: Tuple[int, ...],\n indexing_support: IndexingSupport,\n) -> Tuple[ExplicitIndexer, ExplicitIndexer]:\n \"\"\"\n Decompose vectorized indexer to the successive two indexers, where the\n first indexer will be used to index backend arrays, while the second one\n is used to index loaded on-memory np.ndarray.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexer: VectorizedIndexer\n indexing_support: one of IndexerSupport entries\n\n Returns\n -------\n backend_indexer: OuterIndexer or BasicIndexer\n np_indexers: an ExplicitIndexer (VectorizedIndexer / BasicIndexer)\n\n Notes\n -----\n This function is used to realize the vectorized indexing for the backend\n arrays that only support basic or outer indexing.\n\n As an example, let us consider to index a few elements from a backend array\n with a vectorized indexer ([0, 3, 1], [2, 3, 2]).\n Even if the backend array only supports outer indexing, it is more\n efficient to load a subslice of the array than loading the entire array,\n\n >>> backend_indexer = OuterIndexer([0, 1, 3], [2, 3])\n >>> array = array[backend_indexer] # load subslice of the array\n >>> np_indexer = VectorizedIndexer([0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 0])\n >>> array[np_indexer] # vectorized indexing for on-memory np.ndarray.\n \"\"\"\n assert isinstance(indexer, VectorizedIndexer)\n\n if indexing_support is IndexingSupport.VECTORIZED:\n return indexer, BasicIndexer(())\n\n backend_indexer_elems = []\n np_indexer_elems = []\n # convert negative indices\n indexer_elems = [\n np.where(k < 0, k + s, k) if isinstance(k, np.ndarray) else k\n for k, s in zip(indexer.tuple, shape)\n ]\n\n for k, s in zip(indexer_elems, shape):\n if isinstance(k, slice):\n # If it is a slice, then we will slice it as-is\n # (but make its step positive) in the backend,\n # and then use all of it (slice(None)) for the in-memory portion.\n bk_slice, np_slice = _decompose_slice(k, s)\n backend_indexer_elems.append(bk_slice)\n np_indexer_elems.append(np_slice)\n else:\n # If it is a (multidimensional) np.ndarray, just pickup the used\n # keys without duplication and store them as a 1d-np.ndarray.\n oind, vind = np.unique(k, return_inverse=True)\n backend_indexer_elems.append(oind)\n np_indexer_elems.append(vind.reshape(*k.shape))\n\n backend_indexer = OuterIndexer(tuple(backend_indexer_elems))\n np_indexer = VectorizedIndexer(tuple(np_indexer_elems))\n\n if indexing_support is IndexingSupport.OUTER:\n return backend_indexer, np_indexer\n\n # If the backend does not support outer indexing,\n # backend_indexer (OuterIndexer) is also decomposed.\n backend_indexer1, np_indexer1 = _decompose_outer_indexer(\n backend_indexer, shape, indexing_support\n )\n np_indexer = _combine_indexers(np_indexer1, shape, np_indexer)\n return backend_indexer1, np_indexer", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__decompose_outer_indexer__decompose_outer_indexer.indexer_elems.pos_indexer": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__decompose_outer_indexer__decompose_outer_indexer.indexer_elems.pos_indexer", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 947, "end_line": 997, "span_ids": ["_decompose_outer_indexer"], "tokens": 495}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _decompose_outer_indexer(\n indexer: Union[BasicIndexer, OuterIndexer],\n shape: Tuple[int, ...],\n indexing_support: IndexingSupport,\n) -> Tuple[ExplicitIndexer, ExplicitIndexer]:\n \"\"\"\n Decompose outer indexer to the successive two indexers, where the\n first indexer will be used to index backend arrays, while the second one\n is used to index the loaded on-memory np.ndarray.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexer: OuterIndexer or BasicIndexer\n indexing_support: One of the entries of IndexingSupport\n\n Returns\n -------\n backend_indexer: OuterIndexer or BasicIndexer\n np_indexers: an ExplicitIndexer (OuterIndexer / BasicIndexer)\n\n Notes\n -----\n This function is used to realize the vectorized indexing for the backend\n arrays that only support basic or outer indexing.\n\n As an example, let us consider to index a few elements from a backend array\n with a orthogonal indexer ([0, 3, 1], [2, 3, 2]).\n Even if the backend array only supports basic indexing, it is more\n efficient to load a subslice of the array than loading the entire array,\n\n >>> backend_indexer = BasicIndexer(slice(0, 3), slice(2, 3))\n >>> array = array[backend_indexer] # load subslice of the array\n >>> np_indexer = OuterIndexer([0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 0])\n >>> array[np_indexer] # outer indexing for on-memory np.ndarray.\n \"\"\"\n if indexing_support == IndexingSupport.VECTORIZED:\n return indexer, BasicIndexer(())\n assert isinstance(indexer, (OuterIndexer, BasicIndexer))\n\n backend_indexer = []\n np_indexer = []\n # make indexer positive\n pos_indexer = []\n for k, s in zip(indexer.tuple, shape):\n if isinstance(k, np.ndarray):\n pos_indexer.append(np.where(k < 0, k + s, k))\n elif isinstance(k, integer_types) and k < 0:\n pos_indexer.append(k + s)\n else:\n pos_indexer.append(k)\n indexer_elems = pos_indexer\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__decompose_outer_indexer.if_indexing_support_is_In__decompose_outer_indexer.return._BasicIndexer_tuple_backe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__decompose_outer_indexer.if_indexing_support_is_In__decompose_outer_indexer.return._BasicIndexer_tuple_backe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 999, "end_line": 1066, "span_ids": ["_decompose_outer_indexer"], "tokens": 746}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _decompose_outer_indexer(\n indexer: Union[BasicIndexer, OuterIndexer],\n shape: Tuple[int, ...],\n indexing_support: IndexingSupport,\n) -> Tuple[ExplicitIndexer, ExplicitIndexer]:\n # ... other code\n\n if indexing_support is IndexingSupport.OUTER_1VECTOR:\n # some backends such as h5py supports only 1 vector in indexers\n # We choose the most efficient axis\n gains = [\n (np.max(k) - np.min(k) + 1.0) / len(np.unique(k))\n if isinstance(k, np.ndarray)\n else 0\n for k in indexer_elems\n ]\n array_index = np.argmax(np.array(gains)) if len(gains) > 0 else None\n\n for i, (k, s) in enumerate(zip(indexer_elems, shape)):\n if isinstance(k, np.ndarray) and i != array_index:\n # np.ndarray key is converted to slice that covers the entire\n # entries of this key.\n backend_indexer.append(slice(np.min(k), np.max(k) + 1))\n np_indexer.append(k - np.min(k))\n elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray):\n # Remove duplicates and sort them in the increasing order\n pkey, ekey = np.unique(k, return_inverse=True)\n backend_indexer.append(pkey)\n np_indexer.append(ekey)\n elif isinstance(k, integer_types):\n backend_indexer.append(k)\n else: # slice: convert positive step slice for backend\n bk_slice, np_slice = _decompose_slice(k, s)\n backend_indexer.append(bk_slice)\n np_indexer.append(np_slice)\n\n return (OuterIndexer(tuple(backend_indexer)), OuterIndexer(tuple(np_indexer)))\n\n if indexing_support == IndexingSupport.OUTER:\n for k, s in zip(indexer_elems, shape):\n if isinstance(k, slice):\n # slice: convert positive step slice for backend\n bk_slice, np_slice = _decompose_slice(k, s)\n backend_indexer.append(bk_slice)\n np_indexer.append(np_slice)\n elif isinstance(k, integer_types):\n backend_indexer.append(k)\n elif isinstance(k, np.ndarray) and (np.diff(k) >= 0).all():\n backend_indexer.append(k)\n np_indexer.append(slice(None))\n else:\n # Remove duplicates and sort them in the increasing order\n oind, vind = np.unique(k, return_inverse=True)\n backend_indexer.append(oind)\n np_indexer.append(vind.reshape(*k.shape))\n\n return (OuterIndexer(tuple(backend_indexer)), OuterIndexer(tuple(np_indexer)))\n\n # basic indexer\n assert indexing_support == IndexingSupport.BASIC\n\n for k, s in zip(indexer_elems, shape):\n if isinstance(k, np.ndarray):\n # np.ndarray key is converted to slice that covers the entire\n # entries of this key.\n backend_indexer.append(slice(np.min(k), np.max(k) + 1))\n np_indexer.append(k - np.min(k))\n elif isinstance(k, integer_types):\n backend_indexer.append(k)\n else: # slice: convert positive step slice for backend\n bk_slice, np_slice = _decompose_slice(k, s)\n backend_indexer.append(bk_slice)\n np_indexer.append(np_slice)\n\n return (BasicIndexer(tuple(backend_indexer)), OuterIndexer(tuple(np_indexer)))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__arrayize_vectorized_indexer__arrayize_vectorized_indexer.return.VectorizedIndexer_tuple_n": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__arrayize_vectorized_indexer__arrayize_vectorized_indexer.return.VectorizedIndexer_tuple_n", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1069, "end_line": 1086, "span_ids": ["_arrayize_vectorized_indexer"], "tokens": 224}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _arrayize_vectorized_indexer(indexer, shape):\n \"\"\" Return an identical vindex but slices are replaced by arrays \"\"\"\n slices = [v for v in indexer.tuple if isinstance(v, slice)]\n if len(slices) == 0:\n return indexer\n\n arrays = [v for v in indexer.tuple if isinstance(v, np.ndarray)]\n n_dim = arrays[0].ndim if len(arrays) > 0 else 0\n i_dim = 0\n new_key = []\n for v, size in zip(indexer.tuple, shape):\n if isinstance(v, np.ndarray):\n new_key.append(np.reshape(v, v.shape + (1,) * len(slices)))\n else: # slice\n shape = (1,) * (n_dim + i_dim) + (-1,) + (1,) * (len(slices) - i_dim - 1)\n new_key.append(np.arange(*v.indices(size)).reshape(shape))\n i_dim += 1\n return VectorizedIndexer(tuple(new_key))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__dask_array_with_chunks_hint__logical_any.return.functools_reduce_operator": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__dask_array_with_chunks_hint__logical_any.return.functools_reduce_operator", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1089, "end_line": 1102, "span_ids": ["_logical_any", "_dask_array_with_chunks_hint"], "tokens": 116}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dask_array_with_chunks_hint(array, chunks):\n \"\"\"Create a dask array using the chunks hint for dimensions of size > 1.\"\"\"\n import dask.array as da\n\n if len(chunks) < array.ndim:\n raise ValueError(\"not enough chunks in hint\")\n new_chunks = []\n for chunk, size in zip(chunks, array.shape):\n new_chunks.append(chunk if size > 1 else (1,))\n return da.from_array(array, new_chunks)\n\n\ndef _logical_any(args):\n return functools.reduce(operator.or_, args)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__masked_result_drop_slice__masked_result_drop_slice.return.mask": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__masked_result_drop_slice__masked_result_drop_slice.return.mask", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1105, "end_line": 1125, "span_ids": ["_masked_result_drop_slice"], "tokens": 146}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _masked_result_drop_slice(key, data=None):\n\n key = (k for k in key if not isinstance(k, slice))\n chunks_hint = getattr(data, \"chunks\", None)\n\n new_keys = []\n for k in key:\n if isinstance(k, np.ndarray):\n if isinstance(data, dask_array_type):\n new_keys.append(_dask_array_with_chunks_hint(k, chunks_hint))\n elif isinstance(data, sparse_array_type):\n import sparse\n\n new_keys.append(sparse.COO.from_numpy(k))\n else:\n new_keys.append(k)\n else:\n new_keys.append(k)\n\n mask = _logical_any(k == -1 for k in new_keys)\n return mask", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_create_mask_create_mask.return.mask": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_create_mask_create_mask.return.mask", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1128, "end_line": 1170, "span_ids": ["create_mask"], "tokens": 373}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def create_mask(indexer, shape, data=None):\n \"\"\"Create a mask for indexing with a fill-value.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexer : ExplicitIndexer\n Indexer with -1 in integer or ndarray value to indicate locations in\n the result that should be masked.\n shape : tuple\n Shape of the array being indexed.\n data : optional\n Data for which mask is being created. If data is a dask arrays, its chunks\n are used as a hint for chunks on the resulting mask. If data is a sparse\n array, the returned mask is also a sparse array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n mask : bool, np.ndarray, SparseArray or dask.array.Array with dtype=bool\n Same type as data. Has the same shape as the indexing result.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(indexer, OuterIndexer):\n key = _outer_to_vectorized_indexer(indexer, shape).tuple\n assert not any(isinstance(k, slice) for k in key)\n mask = _masked_result_drop_slice(key, data)\n\n elif isinstance(indexer, VectorizedIndexer):\n key = indexer.tuple\n base_mask = _masked_result_drop_slice(key, data)\n slice_shape = tuple(\n np.arange(*k.indices(size)).size\n for k, size in zip(key, shape)\n if isinstance(k, slice)\n )\n expanded_mask = base_mask[(Ellipsis,) + (np.newaxis,) * len(slice_shape)]\n mask = duck_array_ops.broadcast_to(expanded_mask, base_mask.shape + slice_shape)\n\n elif isinstance(indexer, BasicIndexer):\n mask = any(k == -1 for k in indexer.tuple)\n\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"unexpected key type: {}\".format(type(indexer)))\n\n return mask", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__posify_mask_subindexer__posify_mask_subindexer.return.new_index": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py__posify_mask_subindexer__posify_mask_subindexer.return.new_index", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1173, "end_line": 1196, "span_ids": ["_posify_mask_subindexer"], "tokens": 184}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _posify_mask_subindexer(index):\n \"\"\"Convert masked indices in a flat array to the nearest unmasked index.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n index : np.ndarray\n One dimensional ndarray with dtype=int.\n\n Returns\n -------\n np.ndarray\n One dimensional ndarray with all values equal to -1 replaced by an\n adjacent non-masked element.\n \"\"\"\n masked = index == -1\n unmasked_locs = np.flatnonzero(~masked)\n if not unmasked_locs.size:\n # indexing unmasked_locs is invalid\n return np.zeros_like(index)\n masked_locs = np.flatnonzero(masked)\n prev_value = np.maximum(0, np.searchsorted(unmasked_locs, masked_locs) - 1)\n new_index = index.copy()\n new_index[masked_locs] = index[unmasked_locs[prev_value]]\n return new_index", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_posify_mask_indexer_posify_mask_indexer.return.type_indexer_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_posify_mask_indexer_posify_mask_indexer.return.type_indexer_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1199, "end_line": 1222, "span_ids": ["posify_mask_indexer"], "tokens": 162}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def posify_mask_indexer(indexer):\n \"\"\"Convert masked values (-1) in an indexer to nearest unmasked values.\n\n This routine is useful for dask, where it can be much faster to index\n adjacent points than arbitrary points from the end of an array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indexer : ExplicitIndexer\n Input indexer.\n\n Returns\n -------\n ExplicitIndexer\n Same type of input, with all values in ndarray keys equal to -1\n replaced by an adjacent non-masked element.\n \"\"\"\n key = tuple(\n _posify_mask_subindexer(k.ravel()).reshape(k.shape)\n if isinstance(k, np.ndarray)\n else k\n for k in indexer.tuple\n )\n return type(indexer)(key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_NumpyIndexingAdapter_NumpyIndexingAdapter._indexing_array_and_key.return.array_key": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_NumpyIndexingAdapter_NumpyIndexingAdapter._indexing_array_and_key.return.array_key", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1225, "end_line": 1255, "span_ids": ["NumpyIndexingAdapter._indexing_array_and_key", "NumpyIndexingAdapter"], "tokens": 274}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NumpyIndexingAdapter(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Wrap a NumPy array to use explicit indexing.\"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"array\",)\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n # In NumpyIndexingAdapter we only allow to store bare np.ndarray\n if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray):\n raise TypeError(\n \"NumpyIndexingAdapter only wraps np.ndarray. \"\n \"Trying to wrap {}\".format(type(array))\n )\n self.array = array\n\n def _indexing_array_and_key(self, key):\n if isinstance(key, OuterIndexer):\n array = self.array\n key = _outer_to_numpy_indexer(key, self.array.shape)\n elif isinstance(key, VectorizedIndexer):\n array = nputils.NumpyVIndexAdapter(self.array)\n key = key.tuple\n elif isinstance(key, BasicIndexer):\n array = self.array\n # We want 0d slices rather than scalars. This is achieved by\n # appending an ellipsis (see\n # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.indexing.html#detailed-notes).\n key = key.tuple + (Ellipsis,)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"unexpected key type: {}\".format(type(key)))\n\n return array, key", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_NumpyIndexingAdapter.transpose_NdArrayLikeIndexingAdapter.__init__.self.array.array": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_NumpyIndexingAdapter.transpose_NdArrayLikeIndexingAdapter.__init__.self.array.array", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1257, "end_line": 1288, "span_ids": ["NdArrayLikeIndexingAdapter", "NumpyIndexingAdapter.__setitem__", "NumpyIndexingAdapter.__getitem__", "NumpyIndexingAdapter.transpose"], "tokens": 232}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NumpyIndexingAdapter(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n\n def transpose(self, order):\n return self.array.transpose(order)\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n array, key = self._indexing_array_and_key(key)\n return array[key]\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n array, key = self._indexing_array_and_key(key)\n try:\n array[key] = value\n except ValueError:\n # More informative exception if read-only view\n if not array.flags.writeable and not array.flags.owndata:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Assignment destination is a view. \"\n \"Do you want to .copy() array first?\"\n )\n else:\n raise\n\n\nclass NdArrayLikeIndexingAdapter(NumpyIndexingAdapter):\n __slots__ = (\"array\",)\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n if not hasattr(array, \"__array_function__\"):\n raise TypeError(\n \"NdArrayLikeIndexingAdapter must wrap an object that \"\n \"implements the __array_function__ protocol\"\n )\n self.array = array", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_DaskIndexingAdapter_DaskIndexingAdapter.transpose.return.self_array_transpose_orde": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_DaskIndexingAdapter_DaskIndexingAdapter.transpose.return.self_array_transpose_orde", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1291, "end_line": 1330, "span_ids": ["DaskIndexingAdapter.__getitem__", "DaskIndexingAdapter.transpose", "DaskIndexingAdapter.__setitem__", "DaskIndexingAdapter"], "tokens": 303}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DaskIndexingAdapter(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Wrap a dask array to support explicit indexing.\"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"array\",)\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n \"\"\" This adapter is created in Variable.__getitem__ in\n Variable._broadcast_indexes.\n \"\"\"\n self.array = array\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n if isinstance(key, BasicIndexer):\n return self.array[key.tuple]\n elif isinstance(key, VectorizedIndexer):\n return self.array.vindex[key.tuple]\n else:\n assert isinstance(key, OuterIndexer)\n key = key.tuple\n try:\n return self.array[key]\n except NotImplementedError:\n # manual orthogonal indexing.\n # TODO: port this upstream into dask in a saner way.\n value = self.array\n for axis, subkey in reversed(list(enumerate(key))):\n value = value[(slice(None),) * axis + (subkey,)]\n return value\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n raise TypeError(\n \"this variable's data is stored in a dask array, \"\n \"which does not support item assignment. To \"\n \"assign to this variable, you must first load it \"\n \"into memory explicitly using the .load() \"\n \"method or accessing its .values attribute.\"\n )\n\n def transpose(self, order):\n return self.array.transpose(order)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_PandasIndexAdapter_PandasIndexAdapter.shape.return._len_self_array_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_PandasIndexAdapter_PandasIndexAdapter.shape.return._len_self_array_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1333, "end_line": 1371, "span_ids": ["PandasIndexAdapter.dtype", "PandasIndexAdapter", "PandasIndexAdapter.__array__", "PandasIndexAdapter.shape"], "tokens": 286}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class PandasIndexAdapter(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n \"\"\"Wrap a pandas.Index to preserve dtypes and handle explicit indexing.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"array\", \"_dtype\")\n\n def __init__(self, array: Any, dtype: DTypeLike = None):\n self.array = utils.safe_cast_to_index(array)\n if dtype is None:\n if isinstance(array, pd.PeriodIndex):\n dtype = np.dtype(\"O\")\n elif hasattr(array, \"categories\"):\n # category isn't a real numpy dtype\n dtype = array.categories.dtype\n elif not utils.is_valid_numpy_dtype(array.dtype):\n dtype = np.dtype(\"O\")\n else:\n dtype = array.dtype\n else:\n dtype = np.dtype(dtype)\n self._dtype = dtype\n\n @property\n def dtype(self) -> np.dtype:\n return self._dtype\n\n def __array__(self, dtype: DTypeLike = None) -> np.ndarray:\n if dtype is None:\n dtype = self.dtype\n array = self.array\n if isinstance(array, pd.PeriodIndex):\n with suppress(AttributeError):\n # this might not be public API\n array = array.astype(\"object\")\n return np.asarray(array.values, dtype=dtype)\n\n @property\n def shape(self) -> Tuple[int]:\n return (len(self.array),)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_PandasIndexAdapter.__getitem___PandasIndexAdapter.__getitem__.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_PandasIndexAdapter.__getitem___PandasIndexAdapter.__getitem__.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1373, "end_line": 1410, "span_ids": ["PandasIndexAdapter.__getitem__"], "tokens": 381}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class PandasIndexAdapter(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n\n def __getitem__(\n self, indexer\n ) -> Union[NumpyIndexingAdapter, np.ndarray, np.datetime64, np.timedelta64]:\n key = indexer.tuple\n if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 1:\n # unpack key so it can index a pandas.Index object (pandas.Index\n # objects don't like tuples)\n key, = key\n\n if getattr(key, \"ndim\", 0) > 1: # Return np-array if multidimensional\n return NumpyIndexingAdapter(self.array.values)[indexer]\n\n result = self.array[key]\n\n if isinstance(result, pd.Index):\n result = PandasIndexAdapter(result, dtype=self.dtype)\n else:\n # result is a scalar\n if result is pd.NaT:\n # work around the impossibility of casting NaT with asarray\n # note: it probably would be better in general to return\n # pd.Timestamp rather np.than datetime64 but this is easier\n # (for now)\n result = np.datetime64(\"NaT\", \"ns\")\n elif isinstance(result, timedelta):\n result = np.timedelta64(getattr(result, \"value\", result), \"ns\")\n elif isinstance(result, pd.Timestamp):\n # Work around for GH: pydata/xarray#1932 and numpy/numpy#10668\n # numpy fails to convert pd.Timestamp to np.datetime64[ns]\n result = np.asarray(result.to_datetime64())\n elif self.dtype != object:\n result = np.asarray(result, dtype=self.dtype)\n\n # as for numpy.ndarray indexing, we always want the result to be\n # a NumPy array.\n result = utils.to_0d_array(result)\n\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_PandasIndexAdapter.transpose_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/indexing.py_PandasIndexAdapter.transpose_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/indexing.py", "file_name": "indexing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1412, "end_line": 1428, "span_ids": ["PandasIndexAdapter.copy", "PandasIndexAdapter.transpose", "PandasIndexAdapter.__repr__"], "tokens": 205}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class PandasIndexAdapter(ExplicitlyIndexedNDArrayMixin):\n\n def transpose(self, order) -> pd.Index:\n return self.array # self.array should be always one-dimensional\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return \"%s(array=%r, dtype=%r)\" % (type(self).__name__, self.array, self.dtype)\n\n def copy(self, deep: bool = True) -> \"PandasIndexAdapter\":\n # Not the same as just writing `self.array.copy(deep=deep)`, as\n # shallow copies of the underlying numpy.ndarrays become deep ones\n # upon pickling\n # >>> len(pickle.dumps((self.array, self.array)))\n # 4000281\n # >>> len(pickle.dumps((self.array, self.array.copy(deep=False))))\n # 8000341\n array = self.array.copy(deep=True) if deep else self.array\n return PandasIndexAdapter(array, self._dtype)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_from_typing_import__MergeError._TODO_move_this_to_an_x": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_from_typing_import__MergeError._TODO_move_this_to_an_x", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 77, "span_ids": ["impl", "broadcast_dimension_size", "MergeError", "impl:2", "imports", "imports:7"], "tokens": 485}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "from typing import (\n TYPE_CHECKING,\n AbstractSet,\n Any,\n Dict,\n Hashable,\n Iterable,\n List,\n Mapping,\n NamedTuple,\n Optional,\n Sequence,\n Set,\n Tuple,\n Union,\n)\n\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import dtypes, pdcompat\nfrom .alignment import deep_align\nfrom .utils import Frozen, dict_equiv\nfrom .variable import Variable, as_variable, assert_unique_multiindex_level_names\n\nif TYPE_CHECKING:\n from .coordinates import Coordinates\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n DimsLike = Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]]\n ArrayLike = Any\n VariableLike = Union[\n ArrayLike,\n Tuple[DimsLike, ArrayLike],\n Tuple[DimsLike, ArrayLike, Mapping],\n Tuple[DimsLike, ArrayLike, Mapping, Mapping],\n ]\n XarrayValue = Union[DataArray, Variable, VariableLike]\n DatasetLike = Union[Dataset, Mapping[Hashable, XarrayValue]]\n CoercibleValue = Union[XarrayValue, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]\n CoercibleMapping = Union[Dataset, Mapping[Hashable, CoercibleValue]]\n\n\nPANDAS_TYPES = (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pdcompat.Panel)\n\n_VALID_COMPAT = Frozen(\n {\n \"identical\": 0,\n \"equals\": 1,\n \"broadcast_equals\": 2,\n \"minimal\": 3,\n \"no_conflicts\": 4,\n \"override\": 5,\n }\n)\n\n\ndef broadcast_dimension_size(variables: List[Variable],) -> Dict[Hashable, int]:\n \"\"\"Extract dimension sizes from a dictionary of variables.\n\n Raises ValueError if any dimensions have different sizes.\n \"\"\"\n dims: Dict[Hashable, int] = {}\n for var in variables:\n for dim, size in zip(var.dims, var.shape):\n if dim in dims and size != dims[dim]:\n raise ValueError(\"index %r not aligned\" % dim)\n dims[dim] = size\n return dims\n\n\nclass MergeError(ValueError):\n \"\"\"Error class for merge failures due to incompatible arguments.\n \"\"\"\n\n # inherits from ValueError for backward compatibility\n # TODO: move this to an xarray.exceptions module?", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_unique_variable_MergeElement.Tuple_Variable_Optional_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_unique_variable_MergeElement.Tuple_Variable_Optional_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 80, "end_line": 150, "span_ids": ["unique_variable", "impl:20", "_assert_compat_valid"], "tokens": 433}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def unique_variable(\n name: Hashable,\n variables: List[Variable],\n compat: str = \"broadcast_equals\",\n equals: bool = None,\n) -> Variable:\n \"\"\"Return the unique variable from a list of variables or raise MergeError.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n name : hashable\n Name for this variable.\n variables : list of xarray.Variable\n List of Variable objects, all of which go by the same name in different\n inputs.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals', 'no_conflicts', 'override'}, optional\n Type of equality check to use.\n equals: None or bool,\n corresponding to result of compat test\n\n Returns\n -------\n Variable to use in the result.\n\n Raises\n ------\n MergeError: if any of the variables are not equal.\n \"\"\"\n out = variables[0]\n\n if len(variables) == 1 or compat == \"override\":\n return out\n\n combine_method = None\n\n if compat == \"minimal\":\n compat = \"broadcast_equals\"\n\n if compat == \"broadcast_equals\":\n dim_lengths = broadcast_dimension_size(variables)\n out = out.set_dims(dim_lengths)\n\n if compat == \"no_conflicts\":\n combine_method = \"fillna\"\n\n if equals is None:\n out = out.compute()\n for var in variables[1:]:\n equals = getattr(out, compat)(var)\n if not equals:\n break\n\n if not equals:\n raise MergeError(\n \"conflicting values for variable {!r} on objects to be combined. \"\n \"You can skip this check by specifying compat='override'.\".format(name)\n )\n\n if combine_method:\n for var in variables[1:]:\n out = getattr(out, combine_method)(var)\n\n return out\n\n\ndef _assert_compat_valid(compat):\n if compat not in _VALID_COMPAT:\n raise ValueError(\"compat=%r invalid: must be %s\" % (compat, set(_VALID_COMPAT)))\n\n\nMergeElement = Tuple[Variable, Optional[pd.Index]]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_collected_merge_collected.return.merged_vars_merged_index": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_collected_merge_collected.return.merged_vars_merged_index", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 153, "end_line": 224, "span_ids": ["merge_collected"], "tokens": 551}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def merge_collected(\n grouped: Dict[Hashable, List[MergeElement]],\n prioritized: Mapping[Hashable, MergeElement] = None,\n compat: str = \"minimal\",\n) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Variable], Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]]:\n \"\"\"Merge dicts of variables, while resolving conflicts appropriately.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n\n Type of equality check to use when checking for conflicts.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dict with keys taken by the union of keys on list_of_mappings,\n and Variable values corresponding to those that should be found on the\n merged result.\n \"\"\"\n if prioritized is None:\n prioritized = {}\n\n _assert_compat_valid(compat)\n\n merged_vars: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}\n merged_indexes: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = {}\n\n for name, elements_list in grouped.items():\n if name in prioritized:\n variable, index = prioritized[name]\n merged_vars[name] = variable\n if index is not None:\n merged_indexes[name] = index\n else:\n indexed_elements = [\n (variable, index)\n for variable, index in elements_list\n if index is not None\n ]\n\n if indexed_elements:\n # TODO(shoyer): consider adjusting this logic. Are we really\n # OK throwing away variable without an index in favor of\n # indexed variables, without even checking if values match?\n variable, index = indexed_elements[0]\n for _, other_index in indexed_elements[1:]:\n if not index.equals(other_index):\n raise MergeError(\n \"conflicting values for index %r on objects to be \"\n \"combined:\\nfirst value: %r\\nsecond value: %r\"\n % (name, index, other_index)\n )\n if compat == \"identical\":\n for other_variable, _ in indexed_elements[1:]:\n if not dict_equiv(variable.attrs, other_variable.attrs):\n raise MergeError(\n \"conflicting attribute values on combined \"\n \"variable %r:\\nfirst value: %r\\nsecond value: %r\"\n % (name, variable.attrs, other_variable.attrs)\n )\n merged_vars[name] = variable\n merged_indexes[name] = index\n else:\n variables = [variable for variable, _ in elements_list]\n try:\n merged_vars[name] = unique_variable(name, variables, compat)\n except MergeError:\n if compat != \"minimal\":\n # we need more than \"minimal\" compatibility (for which\n # we drop conflicting coordinates)\n raise\n\n return merged_vars, merged_indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_collect_variables_and_indexes_collect_variables_and_indexes.return.grouped": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_collect_variables_and_indexes_collect_variables_and_indexes.return.grouped", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 227, "end_line": 274, "span_ids": ["collect_variables_and_indexes"], "tokens": 351}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def collect_variables_and_indexes(\n list_of_mappings: \"List[DatasetLike]\",\n) -> Dict[Hashable, List[MergeElement]]:\n \"\"\"Collect variables and indexes from list of mappings of xarray objects.\n\n Mappings must either be Dataset objects, or have values of one of the\n following types:\n - an xarray.Variable\n - a tuple `(dims, data[, attrs[, encoding]])` that can be converted in\n an xarray.Variable\n - or an xarray.DataArray\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n grouped: Dict[Hashable, List[Tuple[Variable, pd.Index]]] = {}\n\n def append(name, variable, index):\n values = grouped.setdefault(name, [])\n values.append((variable, index))\n\n def append_all(variables, indexes):\n for name, variable in variables.items():\n append(name, variable, indexes.get(name))\n\n for mapping in list_of_mappings:\n if isinstance(mapping, Dataset):\n append_all(mapping.variables, mapping.indexes)\n continue\n\n for name, variable in mapping.items():\n if isinstance(variable, DataArray):\n coords = variable._coords.copy() # use private API for speed\n indexes = dict(variable.indexes)\n # explicitly overwritten variables should take precedence\n coords.pop(name, None)\n indexes.pop(name, None)\n append_all(coords, indexes)\n\n variable = as_variable(variable, name=name)\n if variable.dims == (name,):\n variable = variable.to_index_variable()\n index = variable.to_index()\n else:\n index = None\n append(name, variable, index)\n\n return grouped", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_collect_from_coordinates_collect_from_coordinates.return.grouped": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_collect_from_coordinates_collect_from_coordinates.return.grouped", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 277, "end_line": 289, "span_ids": ["collect_from_coordinates"], "tokens": 111}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def collect_from_coordinates(\n list_of_coords: \"List[Coordinates]\"\n) -> Dict[Hashable, List[MergeElement]]:\n \"\"\"Collect variables and indexes to be merged from Coordinate objects.\"\"\"\n grouped: Dict[Hashable, List[Tuple[Variable, pd.Index]]] = {}\n\n for coords in list_of_coords:\n variables = coords.variables\n indexes = coords.indexes\n for name, variable in variables.items():\n value = grouped.setdefault(name, [])\n value.append((variable, indexes.get(name)))\n return grouped", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_coordinates_without_align_merge_coordinates_without_align.return.merge_collected_filtered_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_coordinates_without_align_merge_coordinates_without_align.return.merge_collected_filtered_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 292, "end_line": 317, "span_ids": ["merge_coordinates_without_align"], "tokens": 190}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def merge_coordinates_without_align(\n objects: \"List[Coordinates]\",\n prioritized: Mapping[Hashable, MergeElement] = None,\n exclude_dims: AbstractSet = frozenset(),\n) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Variable], Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]]:\n \"\"\"Merge variables/indexes from coordinates without automatic alignments.\n\n This function is used for merging coordinate from pre-existing xarray\n objects.\n \"\"\"\n collected = collect_from_coordinates(objects)\n\n if exclude_dims:\n filtered: Dict[Hashable, List[MergeElement]] = {}\n for name, elements in collected.items():\n new_elements = [\n (variable, index)\n for variable, index in elements\n if exclude_dims.isdisjoint(variable.dims)\n ]\n if new_elements:\n filtered[name] = new_elements\n else:\n filtered = collected\n\n return merge_collected(filtered, prioritized)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_determine_coords_determine_coords.return.coord_names_noncoord_nam": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_determine_coords_determine_coords.return.coord_names_noncoord_nam", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 320, "end_line": 355, "span_ids": ["determine_coords"], "tokens": 259}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def determine_coords(\n list_of_mappings: Iterable[\"DatasetLike\"]\n) -> Tuple[Set[Hashable], Set[Hashable]]:\n \"\"\"Given a list of dicts with xarray object values, identify coordinates.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n list_of_mappings : list of dict or Dataset objects\n Of the same form as the arguments to expand_variable_dicts.\n\n Returns\n -------\n coord_names : set of variable names\n noncoord_names : set of variable names\n All variable found in the input should appear in either the set of\n coordinate or non-coordinate names.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n coord_names: Set[Hashable] = set()\n noncoord_names: Set[Hashable] = set()\n\n for mapping in list_of_mappings:\n if isinstance(mapping, Dataset):\n coord_names.update(mapping.coords)\n noncoord_names.update(mapping.data_vars)\n else:\n for name, var in mapping.items():\n if isinstance(var, DataArray):\n coords = set(var._coords) # use private API for speed\n # explicitly overwritten variables should take precedence\n coords.discard(name)\n coord_names.update(coords)\n\n return coord_names, noncoord_names", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_coerce_pandas_values_coerce_pandas_values.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_coerce_pandas_values_coerce_pandas_values.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 358, "end_line": 388, "span_ids": ["coerce_pandas_values"], "tokens": 218}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def coerce_pandas_values(objects: Iterable[\"CoercibleMapping\"]) -> List[\"DatasetLike\"]:\n \"\"\"Convert pandas values found in a list of labeled objects.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n objects : list of Dataset or mappings\n The mappings may contain any sort of objects coercible to\n xarray.Variables as keys, including pandas objects.\n\n Returns\n -------\n List of Dataset or dictionary objects. Any inputs or values in the inputs\n that were pandas objects have been converted into native xarray objects.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n out = []\n for obj in objects:\n if isinstance(obj, Dataset):\n variables: \"DatasetLike\" = obj\n else:\n variables = {}\n if isinstance(obj, PANDAS_TYPES):\n obj = dict(obj.iteritems())\n for k, v in obj.items():\n if isinstance(v, PANDAS_TYPES):\n v = DataArray(v)\n variables[k] = v\n out.append(variables)\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py__get_priority_vars_and_indexes__get_priority_vars_and_indexes.return.grouped": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py__get_priority_vars_and_indexes__get_priority_vars_and_indexes.return.grouped", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 391, "end_line": 421, "span_ids": ["_get_priority_vars_and_indexes"], "tokens": 260}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_priority_vars_and_indexes(\n objects: List[\"DatasetLike\"], priority_arg: Optional[int], compat: str = \"equals\"\n) -> Dict[Hashable, MergeElement]:\n \"\"\"Extract the priority variable from a list of mappings.\n\n We need this method because in some cases the priority argument itself\n might have conflicting values (e.g., if it is a dict with two DataArray\n values with conflicting coordinate values).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n objects : list of dictionaries of variables\n Dictionaries in which to find the priority variables.\n priority_arg : int or None\n Integer object whose variable should take priority.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals', 'no_conflicts'}, optional\n Compatibility checks to use when merging variables.\n\n Returns\n -------\n A dictionary of variables and associated indexes (if any) to prioritize.\n \"\"\"\n if priority_arg is None:\n return {}\n\n collected = collect_variables_and_indexes([objects[priority_arg]])\n variables, indexes = merge_collected(collected, compat=compat)\n grouped: Dict[Hashable, MergeElement] = {}\n for name, variable in variables.items():\n grouped[name] = (variable, indexes.get(name))\n return grouped", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_coords_merge_coords.return.variables_out_indexes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_coords_merge_coords.return.variables_out_indexes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 424, "end_line": 447, "span_ids": ["merge_coords"], "tokens": 240}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def merge_coords(\n objects: Iterable[\"CoercibleMapping\"],\n compat: str = \"minimal\",\n join: str = \"outer\",\n priority_arg: Optional[int] = None,\n indexes: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, pd.Index]] = None,\n fill_value: object = dtypes.NA,\n) -> Tuple[Dict[Hashable, Variable], Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]]:\n \"\"\"Merge coordinate variables.\n\n See merge_core below for argument descriptions. This works similarly to\n merge_core, except everything we don't worry about whether variables are\n coordinates or not.\n \"\"\"\n _assert_compat_valid(compat)\n coerced = coerce_pandas_values(objects)\n aligned = deep_align(\n coerced, join=join, copy=False, indexes=indexes, fill_value=fill_value\n )\n collected = collect_variables_and_indexes(aligned)\n prioritized = _get_priority_vars_and_indexes(aligned, priority_arg, compat=compat)\n variables, out_indexes = merge_collected(collected, prioritized, compat=compat)\n assert_unique_multiindex_level_names(variables)\n return variables, out_indexes", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_data_and_coords__extract_indexes_from_coords.for_name_variable_in_coo.if_variable_dims_name.yield_name_variable_to_i": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_data_and_coords__extract_indexes_from_coords.for_name_variable_in_coo.if_variable_dims_name.yield_name_variable_to_i", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 450, "end_line": 465, "span_ids": ["merge_data_and_coords", "_extract_indexes_from_coords"], "tokens": 139}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def merge_data_and_coords(data, coords, compat=\"broadcast_equals\", join=\"outer\"):\n \"\"\"Used in Dataset.__init__.\"\"\"\n objects = [data, coords]\n explicit_coords = coords.keys()\n indexes = dict(_extract_indexes_from_coords(coords))\n return merge_core(\n objects, compat, join, explicit_coords=explicit_coords, indexes=indexes\n )\n\n\ndef _extract_indexes_from_coords(coords):\n \"\"\"Yields the name & index of valid indexes from a mapping of coords\"\"\"\n for name, variable in coords.items():\n variable = as_variable(variable, name=name)\n if variable.dims == (name,):\n yield name, variable.to_index()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_assert_valid_explicit_coords__MergeResult.indexes": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_assert_valid_explicit_coords__MergeResult.indexes", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 468, "end_line": 487, "span_ids": ["_MergeResult", "assert_valid_explicit_coords"], "tokens": 177}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def assert_valid_explicit_coords(variables, dims, explicit_coords):\n \"\"\"Validate explicit coordinate names/dims.\n\n Raise a MergeError if an explicit coord shares a name with a dimension\n but is comprised of arbitrary dimensions.\n \"\"\"\n for coord_name in explicit_coords:\n if coord_name in dims and variables[coord_name].dims != (coord_name,):\n raise MergeError(\n \"coordinate %s shares a name with a dataset dimension, but is \"\n \"not a 1D variable along that dimension. This is disallowed \"\n \"by the xarray data model.\" % coord_name\n )\n\n\nclass _MergeResult(NamedTuple):\n variables: Dict[Hashable, Variable]\n coord_names: Set[Hashable]\n dims: Dict[Hashable, int]\n indexes: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_core_merge": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge_core_merge", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 490, "end_line": 784, "span_ids": ["merge_core", "merge"], "tokens": 634}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def merge_core(\n objects: Iterable[\"CoercibleMapping\"],\n compat: str = \"broadcast_equals\",\n join: str = \"outer\",\n priority_arg: Optional[int] = None,\n explicit_coords: Optional[Sequence] = None,\n indexes: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, pd.Index]] = None,\n fill_value: object = dtypes.NA,\n) -> _MergeResult:\n \"\"\"Core logic for merging labeled objects.\n\n This is not public API.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n objects : list of mappings\n All values must be convertable to labeled arrays.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals', 'no_conflicts', 'override'}, optional\n Compatibility checks to use when merging variables.\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right'}, optional\n How to combine objects with different indexes.\n priority_arg : integer, optional\n Optional argument in `objects` that takes precedence over the others.\n explicit_coords : set, optional\n An explicit list of variables from `objects` that are coordinates.\n indexes : dict, optional\n Dictionary with values given by pandas.Index objects.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n\n Returns\n -------\n variables : dict\n Dictionary of Variable objects.\n coord_names : set\n Set of coordinate names.\n dims : dict\n Dictionary mapping from dimension names to sizes.\n\n Raises\n ------\n MergeError if the merge cannot be done successfully.\n \"\"\"\n from .dataset import calculate_dimensions\n\n _assert_compat_valid(compat)\n\n coerced = coerce_pandas_values(objects)\n aligned = deep_align(\n coerced, join=join, copy=False, indexes=indexes, fill_value=fill_value\n )\n collected = collect_variables_and_indexes(aligned)\n\n prioritized = _get_priority_vars_and_indexes(aligned, priority_arg, compat=compat)\n variables, out_indexes = merge_collected(collected, prioritized, compat=compat)\n assert_unique_multiindex_level_names(variables)\n\n dims = calculate_dimensions(variables)\n\n coord_names, noncoord_names = determine_coords(coerced)\n if explicit_coords is not None:\n assert_valid_explicit_coords(variables, dims, explicit_coords)\n coord_names.update(explicit_coords)\n for dim, size in dims.items():\n if dim in variables:\n coord_names.add(dim)\n ambiguous_coords = coord_names.intersection(noncoord_names)\n if ambiguous_coords:\n raise MergeError(\n \"unable to determine if these variables should be \"\n \"coordinates or not in the merged result: %s\" % ambiguous_coords\n )\n\n return _MergeResult(variables, coord_names, dims, out_indexes)\n\n\ndef merge(\n objects: Iterable[Union[\"DataArray\", \"CoercibleMapping\"]],\n compat: str = \"no_conflicts\",\n join: str = \"outer\",\n fill_value: object = dtypes.NA,\n) -> \"Dataset\":\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge._Merge_any_number_of_xa_merge._Merge_any_number_of_xa": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge._Merge_any_number_of_xa_merge._Merge_any_number_of_xa", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 572, "end_line": 767, "span_ids": ["merge"], "tokens": 2583}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def merge(\n objects: Iterable[Union[\"DataArray\", \"CoercibleMapping\"]],\n compat: str = \"no_conflicts\",\n join: str = \"outer\",\n fill_value: object = dtypes.NA,\n) -> \"Dataset\":\n \"\"\"Merge any number of xarray objects into a single Dataset as variables.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n objects : Iterable[Union[xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray, dict]]\n Merge together all variables from these objects. If any of them are\n DataArray objects, they must have a name.\n compat : {'identical', 'equals', 'broadcast_equals', 'no_conflicts', 'override'}, optional\n String indicating how to compare variables of the same name for\n potential conflicts:\n\n - 'broadcast_equals': all values must be equal when variables are\n broadcast against each other to ensure common dimensions.\n - 'equals': all values and dimensions must be the same.\n - 'identical': all values, dimensions and attributes must be the\n same.\n - 'no_conflicts': only values which are not null in both datasets\n must be equal. The returned dataset then contains the combination\n of all non-null values.\n - 'override': skip comparing and pick variable from first dataset\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right', 'exact'}, optional\n String indicating how to combine differing indexes in objects.\n\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': instead of aligning, raise `ValueError` when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n - 'override': if indexes are of same size, rewrite indexes to be\n those of the first object with that dimension. Indexes for the same\n dimension must have the same size in all objects.\n fill_value : scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset\n Dataset with combined variables from each object.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> import xarray as xr\n >>> x = xr.DataArray(\n ... [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 5.0]],\n ... dims=(\"lat\", \"lon\"),\n ... coords={\"lat\": [35.0, 40.0], \"lon\": [100.0, 120.0]},\n ... name=\"var1\",\n ... )\n >>> y = xr.DataArray(\n ... [[5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0]],\n ... dims=(\"lat\", \"lon\"),\n ... coords={\"lat\": [35.0, 42.0], \"lon\": [100.0, 150.0]},\n ... name=\"var2\",\n ... )\n >>> z = xr.DataArray(\n ... [[0.0, 3.0], [4.0, 9.0]],\n ... dims=(\"time\", \"lon\"),\n ... coords={\"time\": [30.0, 60.0], \"lon\": [100.0, 150.0]},\n ... name=\"var3\",\n ... )\n\n >>> x\n \n array([[1., 2.],\n [3., 5.]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n\n >>> y\n \n array([[5., 6.],\n [7., 8.]])\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 150.0\n\n >>> z\n \n array([[0., 3.],\n [4., 9.]])\n Coordinates:\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 150.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z])\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 3, lon: 3, time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0 150.0\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n Data variables:\n var1 (lat, lon) float64 1.0 2.0 nan 3.0 5.0 nan nan nan nan\n var2 (lat, lon) float64 5.0 nan 6.0 nan nan nan 7.0 nan 8.0\n var3 (time, lon) float64 0.0 nan 3.0 4.0 nan 9.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z], compat='identical')\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 3, lon: 3, time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0 150.0\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n Data variables:\n var1 (lat, lon) float64 1.0 2.0 nan 3.0 5.0 nan nan nan nan\n var2 (lat, lon) float64 5.0 nan 6.0 nan nan nan 7.0 nan 8.0\n var3 (time, lon) float64 0.0 nan 3.0 4.0 nan 9.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z], compat='equals')\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 3, lon: 3, time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0 150.0\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n Data variables:\n var1 (lat, lon) float64 1.0 2.0 nan 3.0 5.0 nan nan nan nan\n var2 (lat, lon) float64 5.0 nan 6.0 nan nan nan 7.0 nan 8.0\n var3 (time, lon) float64 0.0 nan 3.0 4.0 nan 9.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z], compat='equals', fill_value=-999.)\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 3, lon: 3, time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0 150.0\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n Data variables:\n var1 (lat, lon) float64 1.0 2.0 -999.0 3.0 ... -999.0 -999.0 -999.0\n var2 (lat, lon) float64 5.0 -999.0 6.0 -999.0 ... -999.0 7.0 -999.0 8.0\n var3 (time, lon) float64 0.0 -999.0 3.0 4.0 -999.0 9.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z], join='override')\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 2, lon: 2, time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n Data variables:\n var1 (lat, lon) float64 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0\n var2 (lat, lon) float64 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0\n var3 (time, lon) float64 0.0 3.0 4.0 9.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z], join='inner')\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 1, lon: 1, time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n Data variables:\n var1 (lat, lon) float64 1.0\n var2 (lat, lon) float64 5.0\n var3 (time, lon) float64 0.0 4.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z], compat='identical', join='inner')\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 1, lon: 1, time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n Data variables:\n var1 (lat, lon) float64 1.0\n var2 (lat, lon) float64 5.0\n var3 (time, lon) float64 0.0 4.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z], compat='broadcast_equals', join='outer')\n \n Dimensions: (lat: 3, lon: 3, time: 2)\n Coordinates:\n * lat (lat) float64 35.0 40.0 42.0\n * lon (lon) float64 100.0 120.0 150.0\n * time (time) float64 30.0 60.0\n Data variables:\n var1 (lat, lon) float64 1.0 2.0 nan 3.0 5.0 nan nan nan nan\n var2 (lat, lon) float64 5.0 nan 6.0 nan nan nan 7.0 nan 8.0\n var3 (time, lon) float64 0.0 nan 3.0 4.0 nan 9.0\n\n >>> xr.merge([x, y, z], join='exact')\n Traceback (most recent call last):\n ...\n ValueError: indexes along dimension 'lat' are not equal\n\n Raises\n ------\n xarray.MergeError\n If any variables with the same name have conflicting values.\n\n See also\n --------\n concat\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge.DataArray_merge.return.merged": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_merge.DataArray_merge.return.merged", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 768, "end_line": 784, "span_ids": ["merge"], "tokens": 185}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def merge(\n objects: Iterable[Union[\"DataArray\", \"CoercibleMapping\"]],\n compat: str = \"no_conflicts\",\n join: str = \"outer\",\n fill_value: object = dtypes.NA,\n) -> \"Dataset\":\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n dict_like_objects = list()\n for obj in objects:\n if not isinstance(obj, (DataArray, Dataset, dict)):\n raise TypeError(\n \"objects must be an iterable containing only \"\n \"Dataset(s), DataArray(s), and dictionaries.\"\n )\n\n obj = obj.to_dataset() if isinstance(obj, DataArray) else obj\n dict_like_objects.append(obj)\n\n merge_result = merge_core(dict_like_objects, compat, join, fill_value=fill_value)\n merged = Dataset._construct_direct(**merge_result._asdict())\n return merged", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_dataset_merge_method_dataset_merge_method.return.merge_core_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_dataset_merge_method_dataset_merge_method.return.merge_core_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 787, "end_line": 825, "span_ids": ["dataset_merge_method"], "tokens": 305}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def dataset_merge_method(\n dataset: \"Dataset\",\n other: \"CoercibleMapping\",\n overwrite_vars: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]],\n compat: str,\n join: str,\n fill_value: Any,\n) -> _MergeResult:\n \"\"\"Guts of the Dataset.merge method.\n \"\"\"\n # we are locked into supporting overwrite_vars for the Dataset.merge\n # method due for backwards compatibility\n # TODO: consider deprecating it?\n\n if isinstance(overwrite_vars, Iterable) and not isinstance(overwrite_vars, str):\n overwrite_vars = set(overwrite_vars)\n else:\n overwrite_vars = {overwrite_vars}\n\n if not overwrite_vars:\n objs = [dataset, other]\n priority_arg = None\n elif overwrite_vars == set(other):\n objs = [dataset, other]\n priority_arg = 1\n else:\n other_overwrite: Dict[Hashable, CoercibleValue] = {}\n other_no_overwrite: Dict[Hashable, CoercibleValue] = {}\n for k, v in other.items():\n if k in overwrite_vars:\n other_overwrite[k] = v\n else:\n other_no_overwrite[k] = v\n objs = [dataset, other_no_overwrite, other_overwrite]\n priority_arg = 2\n\n return merge_core(\n objs, compat, join, priority_arg=priority_arg, fill_value=fill_value\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_dataset_update_method_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/merge.py_dataset_update_method_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/merge.py", "file_name": "merge.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 828, "end_line": 854, "span_ids": ["dataset_update_method"], "tokens": 202}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def dataset_update_method(\n dataset: \"Dataset\", other: \"CoercibleMapping\"\n) -> _MergeResult:\n \"\"\"Guts of the Dataset.update method.\n\n This drops a duplicated coordinates from `other` if `other` is not an\n `xarray.Dataset`, e.g., if it's a dict with DataArray values (GH2068,\n GH2180).\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n if not isinstance(other, Dataset):\n other = dict(other)\n for key, value in other.items():\n if isinstance(value, DataArray):\n # drop conflicting coordinates\n coord_names = [\n c\n for c in value.coords\n if c not in value.dims and c in dataset.coords\n ]\n if coord_names:\n other[key] = value.drop(coord_names)\n\n return merge_core([dataset, other], priority_arg=1, indexes=dataset.indexes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_warnings_BaseInterpolator.__repr__.return._type_method_method_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_warnings_BaseInterpolator.__repr__.return._type_method_method_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 31, "span_ids": ["BaseInterpolator.__repr__", "imports", "BaseInterpolator.__call__", "BaseInterpolator"], "tokens": 182}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import warnings\nfrom functools import partial\nfrom typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Sequence\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom . import utils\nfrom .common import _contains_datetime_like_objects\nfrom .computation import apply_ufunc\nfrom .duck_array_ops import dask_array_type\nfrom .utils import OrderedSet, is_scalar\nfrom .variable import Variable, broadcast_variables\n\n\nclass BaseInterpolator:\n \"\"\"Generic interpolator class for normalizing interpolation methods\n \"\"\"\n\n cons_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]\n call_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]\n f: Callable\n method: str\n\n def __call__(self, x):\n return self.f(x, **self.call_kwargs)\n\n def __repr__(self):\n return \"{type}: method={method}\".format(\n type=self.__class__.__name__, method=self.method\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_NumpyInterpolator_NumpyInterpolator.__call__.return.self_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_NumpyInterpolator_NumpyInterpolator.__call__.return.self_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 34, "end_line": 75, "span_ids": ["NumpyInterpolator.__call__", "NumpyInterpolator"], "tokens": 266}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NumpyInterpolator(BaseInterpolator):\n \"\"\"One-dimensional linear interpolation.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.interp\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, xi, yi, method=\"linear\", fill_value=None, period=None):\n\n if method != \"linear\":\n raise ValueError(\"only method `linear` is valid for the NumpyInterpolator\")\n\n self.method = method\n self.f = np.interp\n self.cons_kwargs = {}\n self.call_kwargs = {\"period\": period}\n\n self._xi = xi\n self._yi = yi\n\n if fill_value is None:\n self._left = np.nan\n self._right = np.nan\n elif isinstance(fill_value, Sequence) and len(fill_value) == 2:\n self._left = fill_value[0]\n self._right = fill_value[1]\n elif is_scalar(fill_value):\n self._left = fill_value\n self._right = fill_value\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"%s is not a valid fill_value\" % fill_value)\n\n def __call__(self, x):\n return self.f(\n x,\n self._xi,\n self._yi,\n left=self._left,\n right=self._right,\n **self.call_kwargs\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_ScipyInterpolator_ScipyInterpolator.__init__.self.f.interp1d_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_ScipyInterpolator_ScipyInterpolator.__init__.self.f.interp1d_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 78, "end_line": 130, "span_ids": ["ScipyInterpolator"], "tokens": 268}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ScipyInterpolator(BaseInterpolator):\n \"\"\"Interpolate a 1-D function using Scipy interp1d\n\n See Also\n --------\n scipy.interpolate.interp1d\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(\n self,\n xi,\n yi,\n method=None,\n fill_value=None,\n assume_sorted=True,\n copy=False,\n bounds_error=False,\n order=None,\n **kwargs\n ):\n from scipy.interpolate import interp1d\n\n if method is None:\n raise ValueError(\n \"method is a required argument, please supply a \"\n \"valid scipy.inter1d method (kind)\"\n )\n\n if method == \"polynomial\":\n if order is None:\n raise ValueError(\"order is required when method=polynomial\")\n method = order\n\n self.method = method\n\n self.cons_kwargs = kwargs\n self.call_kwargs = {}\n\n if fill_value is None and method == \"linear\":\n fill_value = np.nan, np.nan\n elif fill_value is None:\n fill_value = np.nan\n\n self.f = interp1d(\n xi,\n yi,\n kind=self.method,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n bounds_error=False,\n assume_sorted=assume_sorted,\n copy=copy,\n **self.cons_kwargs\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_SplineInterpolator__apply_over_vars_with_dim.return.ds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_SplineInterpolator__apply_over_vars_with_dim.return.ds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 133, "end_line": 178, "span_ids": ["SplineInterpolator", "_apply_over_vars_with_dim"], "tokens": 275}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class SplineInterpolator(BaseInterpolator):\n \"\"\"One-dimensional smoothing spline fit to a given set of data points.\n\n See Also\n --------\n scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(\n self,\n xi,\n yi,\n method=\"spline\",\n fill_value=None,\n order=3,\n nu=0,\n ext=None,\n **kwargs\n ):\n from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline\n\n if method != \"spline\":\n raise ValueError(\"only method `spline` is valid for the SplineInterpolator\")\n\n self.method = method\n self.cons_kwargs = kwargs\n self.call_kwargs = {\"nu\": nu, \"ext\": ext}\n\n if fill_value is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"SplineInterpolator does not support fill_value\")\n\n self.f = UnivariateSpline(xi, yi, k=order, **self.cons_kwargs)\n\n\ndef _apply_over_vars_with_dim(func, self, dim=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Wrapper for datasets\n \"\"\"\n ds = type(self)(coords=self.coords, attrs=self.attrs)\n\n for name, var in self.data_vars.items():\n if dim in var.dims:\n ds[name] = func(var, dim=dim, **kwargs)\n else:\n ds[name] = var\n\n return ds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_get_clean_interp_index_get_clean_interp_index.return.index": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_get_clean_interp_index_get_clean_interp_index.return.index", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 181, "end_line": 219, "span_ids": ["get_clean_interp_index"], "tokens": 312}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_clean_interp_index(arr, dim, use_coordinate=True):\n \"\"\"get index to use for x values in interpolation.\n\n If use_coordinate is True, the coordinate that shares the name of the\n dimension along which interpolation is being performed will be used as the\n x values.\n\n If use_coordinate is False, the x values are set as an equally spaced\n sequence.\n \"\"\"\n if use_coordinate:\n if use_coordinate is True:\n index = arr.get_index(dim)\n else:\n index = arr.coords[use_coordinate]\n if index.ndim != 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Coordinates used for interpolation must be 1D, \"\n \"%s is %dD.\" % (use_coordinate, index.ndim)\n )\n\n # raise if index cannot be cast to a float (e.g. MultiIndex)\n try:\n index = index.values.astype(np.float64)\n except (TypeError, ValueError):\n # pandas raises a TypeError\n # xarray/nuppy raise a ValueError\n raise TypeError(\n \"Index must be castable to float64 to support\"\n \"interpolation, got: %s\" % type(index)\n )\n # check index sorting now so we can skip it later\n if not (np.diff(index) > 0).all():\n raise ValueError(\"Index must be monotonicly increasing\")\n else:\n axis = arr.get_axis_num(dim)\n index = np.arange(arr.shape[axis], dtype=np.float64)\n\n return index", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_interp_na_interp_na.return.arr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_interp_na_interp_na.return.arr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 222, "end_line": 256, "span_ids": ["interp_na"], "tokens": 246}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def interp_na(\n self, dim=None, use_coordinate=True, method=\"linear\", limit=None, **kwargs\n):\n \"\"\"Interpolate values according to different methods.\n \"\"\"\n if dim is None:\n raise NotImplementedError(\"dim is a required argument\")\n\n if limit is not None:\n valids = _get_valid_fill_mask(self, dim, limit)\n\n # method\n index = get_clean_interp_index(self, dim, use_coordinate=use_coordinate)\n interp_class, kwargs = _get_interpolator(method, **kwargs)\n interpolator = partial(func_interpolate_na, interp_class, **kwargs)\n\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", \"overflow\", RuntimeWarning)\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", \"invalid value\", RuntimeWarning)\n arr = apply_ufunc(\n interpolator,\n index,\n self,\n input_core_dims=[[dim], [dim]],\n output_core_dims=[[dim]],\n output_dtypes=[self.dtype],\n dask=\"parallelized\",\n vectorize=True,\n keep_attrs=True,\n ).transpose(*self.dims)\n\n if limit is not None:\n arr = arr.where(valids)\n\n return arr", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_func_interpolate_na_func_interpolate_na.return.out": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_func_interpolate_na_func_interpolate_na.return.out", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 259, "end_line": 275, "span_ids": ["func_interpolate_na"], "tokens": 156}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def func_interpolate_na(interpolator, x, y, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"helper function to apply interpolation along 1 dimension\"\"\"\n # it would be nice if this wasn't necessary, works around:\n # \"ValueError: assignment destination is read-only\" in assignment below\n out = y.copy()\n\n nans = pd.isnull(y)\n nonans = ~nans\n\n # fast track for no-nans and all-nans cases\n n_nans = nans.sum()\n if n_nans == 0 or n_nans == len(y):\n return y\n\n f = interpolator(x[nonans], y[nonans], **kwargs)\n out[nans] = f(x[nans])\n return out", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__bfill_bfill.return.apply_ufunc_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__bfill_bfill.return.apply_ufunc_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 278, "end_line": 324, "span_ids": ["ffill", "_bfill", "bfill"], "tokens": 287}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _bfill(arr, n=None, axis=-1):\n \"\"\"inverse of ffill\"\"\"\n import bottleneck as bn\n\n arr = np.flip(arr, axis=axis)\n\n # fill\n arr = bn.push(arr, axis=axis, n=n)\n\n # reverse back to original\n return np.flip(arr, axis=axis)\n\n\ndef ffill(arr, dim=None, limit=None):\n \"\"\"forward fill missing values\"\"\"\n import bottleneck as bn\n\n axis = arr.get_axis_num(dim)\n\n # work around for bottleneck 178\n _limit = limit if limit is not None else arr.shape[axis]\n\n return apply_ufunc(\n bn.push,\n arr,\n dask=\"parallelized\",\n keep_attrs=True,\n output_dtypes=[arr.dtype],\n kwargs=dict(n=_limit, axis=axis),\n ).transpose(*arr.dims)\n\n\ndef bfill(arr, dim=None, limit=None):\n \"\"\"backfill missing values\"\"\"\n axis = arr.get_axis_num(dim)\n\n # work around for bottleneck 178\n _limit = limit if limit is not None else arr.shape[axis]\n\n return apply_ufunc(\n _bfill,\n arr,\n dask=\"parallelized\",\n keep_attrs=True,\n output_dtypes=[arr.dtype],\n kwargs=dict(n=_limit, axis=axis),\n ).transpose(*arr.dims)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__get_interpolator__get_interpolator.return.interp_class_kwargs": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__get_interpolator__get_interpolator.return.interp_class_kwargs", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 327, "end_line": 392, "span_ids": ["_get_interpolator"], "tokens": 442}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_interpolator(method, vectorizeable_only=False, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"helper function to select the appropriate interpolator class\n\n returns interpolator class and keyword arguments for the class\n \"\"\"\n interp1d_methods = [\n \"linear\",\n \"nearest\",\n \"zero\",\n \"slinear\",\n \"quadratic\",\n \"cubic\",\n \"polynomial\",\n ]\n valid_methods = interp1d_methods + [\n \"barycentric\",\n \"krog\",\n \"pchip\",\n \"spline\",\n \"akima\",\n ]\n\n has_scipy = True\n try:\n from scipy import interpolate\n except ImportError:\n has_scipy = False\n\n # prioritize scipy.interpolate\n if (\n method == \"linear\"\n and not kwargs.get(\"fill_value\", None) == \"extrapolate\"\n and not vectorizeable_only\n ):\n kwargs.update(method=method)\n interp_class = NumpyInterpolator\n\n elif method in valid_methods:\n if not has_scipy:\n raise ImportError(\"Interpolation with method `%s` requires scipy\" % method)\n\n if method in interp1d_methods:\n kwargs.update(method=method)\n interp_class = ScipyInterpolator\n elif vectorizeable_only:\n raise ValueError(\n \"{} is not a vectorizeable interpolator. \"\n \"Available methods are {}\".format(method, interp1d_methods)\n )\n elif method == \"barycentric\":\n interp_class = interpolate.BarycentricInterpolator\n elif method == \"krog\":\n interp_class = interpolate.KroghInterpolator\n elif method == \"pchip\":\n interp_class = interpolate.PchipInterpolator\n elif method == \"spline\":\n kwargs.update(method=method)\n interp_class = SplineInterpolator\n elif method == \"akima\":\n interp_class = interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"%s is not a valid scipy interpolator\" % method)\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"%s is not a valid interpolator\" % method)\n\n return interp_class, kwargs", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: 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\"\"\"helper function to select the appropriate interpolator class\n\n returns interpolator class and keyword arguments for the class\n \"\"\"\n valid_methods = [\"linear\", \"nearest\"]\n\n try:\n from scipy import interpolate\n except ImportError:\n raise ImportError(\"Interpolation with method `%s` requires scipy\" % method)\n\n if method in valid_methods:\n kwargs.update(method=method)\n interp_class = interpolate.interpn\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"%s is not a valid interpolator for interpolating \"\n \"over multiple dimensions.\" % method\n )\n\n return interp_class, kwargs", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__get_valid_fill_mask__assert_single_chunk.for_axis_in_axes_.if_len_var_chunks_axis_.raise_NotImplementedError": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__get_valid_fill_mask__assert_single_chunk.for_axis_in_axes_.if_len_var_chunks_axis_.raise_NotImplementedError", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 419, "end_line": 439, "span_ids": ["_get_valid_fill_mask", "_assert_single_chunk"], "tokens": 181}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_valid_fill_mask(arr, dim, limit):\n \"\"\"helper function to determine values that can be filled when limit is not\n None\"\"\"\n kw = {dim: limit + 1}\n # we explicitly use construct method to avoid copy.\n new_dim = utils.get_temp_dimname(arr.dims, \"_window\")\n return (\n arr.isnull()\n .rolling(min_periods=1, **kw)\n .construct(new_dim, fill_value=False)\n .sum(new_dim, skipna=False)\n ) <= limit\n\n\ndef _assert_single_chunk(var, axes):\n for axis in axes:\n if len(var.chunks[axis]) > 1 or var.chunks[axis][0] < var.shape[axis]:\n raise NotImplementedError(\n \"Chunking along the dimension to be interpolated \"\n \"({}) is not yet supported.\".format(axis)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__localize__localize.return.var_isel_indexes_inde": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__localize__localize.return.var_isel_indexes_inde", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 442, "end_line": 454, "span_ids": ["_localize"], "tokens": 142}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _localize(var, indexes_coords):\n \"\"\" Speed up for linear and nearest neighbor method.\n Only consider a subspace that is needed for the interpolation\n \"\"\"\n indexes = {}\n for dim, [x, new_x] in indexes_coords.items():\n index = x.to_index()\n imin = index.get_loc(np.min(new_x.values), method=\"nearest\")\n imax = index.get_loc(np.max(new_x.values), method=\"nearest\")\n\n indexes[dim] = slice(max(imin - 2, 0), imax + 2)\n indexes_coords[dim] = (x[indexes[dim]], new_x)\n return var.isel(**indexes), indexes_coords", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__floatize_x__floatize_x.return.x_new_x": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__floatize_x__floatize_x.return.x_new_x", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 457, "end_line": 474, "span_ids": ["_floatize_x"], "tokens": 199}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _floatize_x(x, new_x):\n \"\"\" Make x and new_x float.\n This is particulary useful for datetime dtype.\n x, new_x: tuple of np.ndarray\n \"\"\"\n x = list(x)\n new_x = list(new_x)\n for i in range(len(x)):\n if _contains_datetime_like_objects(x[i]):\n # Scipy casts coordinates to np.float64, which is not accurate\n # enough for datetime64 (uses 64bit integer).\n # We assume that the most of the bits are used to represent the\n # offset (min(x)) and the variation (x - min(x)) can be\n # represented by float.\n xmin = x[i].values.min()\n x[i] = x[i]._to_numeric(offset=xmin, dtype=np.float64)\n new_x[i] = new_x[i]._to_numeric(offset=xmin, dtype=np.float64)\n return x, new_x", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_interp_interp.return.result_transpose_tuple_o": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_interp_interp.return.result_transpose_tuple_o", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 477, "end_line": 535, "span_ids": ["interp"], "tokens": 423}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def interp(var, indexes_coords, method, **kwargs):\n \"\"\" Make an interpolation of Variable\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n var: Variable\n index_coords:\n Mapping from dimension name to a pair of original and new coordinates.\n Original coordinates should be sorted in strictly ascending order.\n Note that all the coordinates should be Variable objects.\n method: string\n One of {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic',\n 'cubic'}. For multidimensional interpolation, only\n {'linear', 'nearest'} can be used.\n **kwargs:\n keyword arguments to be passed to scipy.interpolate\n\n Returns\n -------\n Interpolated Variable\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.interp\n Dataset.interp\n \"\"\"\n if not indexes_coords:\n return var.copy()\n\n # simple speed up for the local interpolation\n if method in [\"linear\", \"nearest\"]:\n var, indexes_coords = _localize(var, indexes_coords)\n\n # default behavior\n kwargs[\"bounds_error\"] = kwargs.get(\"bounds_error\", False)\n\n # target dimensions\n dims = list(indexes_coords)\n x, new_x = zip(*[indexes_coords[d] for d in dims])\n destination = broadcast_variables(*new_x)\n\n # transpose to make the interpolated axis to the last position\n broadcast_dims = [d for d in var.dims if d not in dims]\n original_dims = broadcast_dims + dims\n new_dims = broadcast_dims + list(destination[0].dims)\n interped = interp_func(\n var.transpose(*original_dims).data, x, destination, method, kwargs\n )\n\n result = Variable(new_dims, interped, attrs=var.attrs)\n\n # dimension of the output array\n out_dims = OrderedSet()\n for d in var.dims:\n if d in dims:\n out_dims.update(indexes_coords[d][1].dims)\n else:\n out_dims.add(d)\n return result.transpose(*tuple(out_dims))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_interp_func_interp_func.return._interpnd_var_x_new_x_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py_interp_func_interp_func.return._interpnd_var_x_new_x_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 538, "end_line": 599, "span_ids": ["interp_func"], "tokens": 438}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def interp_func(var, x, new_x, method, kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n multi-dimensional interpolation for array-like. Interpolated axes should be\n located in the last position.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n var: np.ndarray or dask.array.Array\n Array to be interpolated. The final dimension is interpolated.\n x: a list of 1d array.\n Original coordinates. Should not contain NaN.\n new_x: a list of 1d array\n New coordinates. Should not contain NaN.\n method: string\n {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'} for\n 1-dimensional itnterpolation.\n {'linear', 'nearest'} for multidimensional interpolation\n **kwargs:\n Optional keyword arguments to be passed to scipy.interpolator\n\n Returns\n -------\n interpolated: array\n Interpolated array\n\n Note\n ----\n This requiers scipy installed.\n\n See Also\n --------\n scipy.interpolate.interp1d\n \"\"\"\n if not x:\n return var.copy()\n\n if len(x) == 1:\n func, kwargs = _get_interpolator(method, vectorizeable_only=True, **kwargs)\n else:\n func, kwargs = _get_interpolator_nd(method, **kwargs)\n\n if isinstance(var, dask_array_type):\n import dask.array as da\n\n _assert_single_chunk(var, range(var.ndim - len(x), var.ndim))\n chunks = var.chunks[: -len(x)] + new_x[0].shape\n drop_axis = range(var.ndim - len(x), var.ndim)\n new_axis = range(var.ndim - len(x), var.ndim - len(x) + new_x[0].ndim)\n return da.map_blocks(\n _interpnd,\n var,\n x,\n new_x,\n func,\n kwargs,\n dtype=var.dtype,\n chunks=chunks,\n new_axis=new_axis,\n drop_axis=drop_axis,\n )\n\n return _interpnd(var, x, new_x, func, kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__interp1d__interp1d.return.rslt": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__interp1d__interp1d.return.rslt", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 602, "end_line": 610, "span_ids": ["_interp1d"], "tokens": 110}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _interp1d(var, x, new_x, func, kwargs):\n # x, new_x are tuples of size 1.\n x, new_x = x[0], new_x[0]\n rslt = func(x, var, assume_sorted=True, **kwargs)(np.ravel(new_x))\n if new_x.ndim > 1:\n return rslt.reshape(var.shape[:-1] + new_x.shape)\n if new_x.ndim == 0:\n return rslt[..., -1]\n return rslt", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__interpnd_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/missing.py__interpnd_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/missing.py", "file_name": "missing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 613, "end_line": 627, "span_ids": ["_interpnd"], "tokens": 182}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _interpnd(var, x, new_x, func, kwargs):\n x, new_x = _floatize_x(x, new_x)\n\n if len(x) == 1:\n return _interp1d(var, x, new_x, func, kwargs)\n\n # move the interpolation axes to the start position\n var = var.transpose(range(-len(x), var.ndim - len(x)))\n # stack new_x to 1 vector, with reshape\n xi = np.stack([x1.values.ravel() for x1 in new_x], axis=-1)\n rslt = func(x, var, xi, **kwargs)\n # move back the interpolation axes to the last position\n rslt = rslt.transpose(range(-rslt.ndim + 1, 1))\n return rslt.reshape(rslt.shape[:-1] + new_x[0].shape)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py_np__replace_nan.return.where_method_val_mask_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py_np__replace_nan.return.where_method_val_mask_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nanops.py", "file_name": "nanops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 19, "span_ids": ["imports:5", "impl", "_replace_nan", "impl:2", "imports"], "tokens": 124}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\nfrom . import dtypes, nputils, utils\nfrom .duck_array_ops import _dask_or_eager_func, count, fillna, isnull, where_method\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type\n\ntry:\n import dask.array as dask_array\nexcept ImportError:\n dask_array = None\n\n\ndef _replace_nan(a, val):\n \"\"\"\n replace nan in a by val, and returns the replaced array and the nan\n position\n \"\"\"\n mask = isnull(a)\n return where_method(val, mask, a), mask", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py__maybe_null_out__maybe_null_out.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py__maybe_null_out__maybe_null_out.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nanops.py", "file_name": "nanops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 22, "end_line": 43, "span_ids": ["_maybe_null_out"], "tokens": 194}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _maybe_null_out(result, axis, mask, min_count=1):\n \"\"\"\n xarray version of pandas.core.nanops._maybe_null_out\n \"\"\"\n if hasattr(axis, \"__len__\"): # if tuple or list\n raise ValueError(\n \"min_count is not available for reduction \" \"with more than one dimensions.\"\n )\n\n if axis is not None and getattr(result, \"ndim\", False):\n null_mask = (mask.shape[axis] - mask.sum(axis) - min_count) < 0\n if null_mask.any():\n dtype, fill_value = dtypes.maybe_promote(result.dtype)\n result = result.astype(dtype)\n result[null_mask] = fill_value\n\n elif getattr(result, \"dtype\", None) not in dtypes.NAT_TYPES:\n null_mask = mask.size - mask.sum()\n if null_mask < min_count:\n result = np.nan\n\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py__nan_argminmax_object__nan_argminmax_object.return.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py__nan_argminmax_object__nan_argminmax_object.return.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nanops.py", "file_name": "nanops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 46, "end_line": 58, "span_ids": ["_nan_argminmax_object"], "tokens": 124}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _nan_argminmax_object(func, fill_value, value, axis=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\" In house nanargmin, nanargmax for object arrays. Always return integer\n type\n \"\"\"\n valid_count = count(value, axis=axis)\n value = fillna(value, fill_value)\n data = _dask_or_eager_func(func)(value, axis=axis, **kwargs)\n\n # TODO This will evaluate dask arrays and might be costly.\n if (valid_count == 0).any():\n raise ValueError(\"All-NaN slice encountered\")\n\n return data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py__nan_minmax_object__nan_minmax_object.return.where_method_data_valid_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py__nan_minmax_object__nan_minmax_object.return.where_method_data_valid_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nanops.py", "file_name": "nanops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 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null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py_nanmin_nansum.if_min_count_is_not_None_.else_.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py_nanmin_nansum.if_min_count_is_not_None_.else_.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nanops.py", "file_name": "nanops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 74, "end_line": 114, "span_ids": ["nanmin", "nanargmax", "nanmax", "nanargmin", "nansum"], "tokens": 400}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def nanmin(a, axis=None, out=None):\n if a.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n return _nan_minmax_object(\"min\", dtypes.get_pos_infinity(a.dtype), a, axis)\n\n module = dask_array if isinstance(a, dask_array_type) else nputils\n return module.nanmin(a, axis=axis)\n\n\ndef nanmax(a, axis=None, out=None):\n if a.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n return _nan_minmax_object(\"max\", dtypes.get_neg_infinity(a.dtype), a, axis)\n\n module = dask_array if isinstance(a, dask_array_type) else nputils\n return module.nanmax(a, axis=axis)\n\n\ndef nanargmin(a, axis=None):\n if a.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n fill_value = dtypes.get_pos_infinity(a.dtype)\n return _nan_argminmax_object(\"argmin\", fill_value, a, axis=axis)\n\n module = dask_array if isinstance(a, dask_array_type) else nputils\n return module.nanargmin(a, axis=axis)\n\n\ndef nanargmax(a, axis=None):\n if a.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n fill_value = dtypes.get_neg_infinity(a.dtype)\n return _nan_argminmax_object(\"argmax\", fill_value, a, axis=axis)\n\n module = dask_array if isinstance(a, dask_array_type) else nputils\n return module.nanargmax(a, axis=axis)\n\n\ndef nansum(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, min_count=None):\n a, mask = _replace_nan(a, 0)\n result = _dask_or_eager_func(\"sum\")(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)\n if min_count is not None:\n return _maybe_null_out(result, axis, mask, min_count)\n else:\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py__nanmean_ddof_object__nanmean_ddof_object.return.where_method_data_valid_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py__nanmean_ddof_object__nanmean_ddof_object.return.where_method_data_valid_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nanops.py", "file_name": "nanops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 117, "end_line": 130, "span_ids": ["_nanmean_ddof_object"], "tokens": 193}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _nanmean_ddof_object(ddof, value, axis=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\" In house nanmean. ddof argument will be used in _nanvar method \"\"\"\n from .duck_array_ops import count, fillna, _dask_or_eager_func, where_method\n\n valid_count = count(value, axis=axis)\n value = fillna(value, 0)\n # As dtype inference is impossible for object dtype, we assume float\n # https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/3162\n if dtype is None and value.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n dtype = value.dtype if value.dtype.kind in [\"cf\"] else float\n\n data = _dask_or_eager_func(\"sum\")(value, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)\n data = data / (valid_count - ddof)\n return where_method(data, valid_count != 0)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py_nanmean_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nanops.py_nanmean_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nanops.py", "file_name": "nanops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 133, "end_line": 189, "span_ids": ["nanvar", "nanstd", "nanprod", "nancumsum", "_nanvar_object", "nanmedian", "nanmean", "nancumprod"], "tokens": 554}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def nanmean(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None):\n if a.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n return _nanmean_ddof_object(0, a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)\n\n if isinstance(a, dask_array_type):\n return dask_array.nanmean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)\n\n return np.nanmean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)\n\n\ndef nanmedian(a, axis=None, out=None):\n return _dask_or_eager_func(\"nanmedian\", eager_module=nputils)(a, axis=axis)\n\n\ndef _nanvar_object(value, axis=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False, **kwargs):\n value_mean = _nanmean_ddof_object(\n ddof=0, value=value, axis=axis, keepdims=True, **kwargs\n )\n squared = (value.astype(value_mean.dtype) - value_mean) ** 2\n return _nanmean_ddof_object(ddof, squared, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, **kwargs)\n\n\ndef nanvar(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0):\n if a.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n return _nanvar_object(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, ddof=ddof)\n\n return _dask_or_eager_func(\"nanvar\", eager_module=nputils)(\n a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, ddof=ddof\n )\n\n\ndef nanstd(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0):\n return _dask_or_eager_func(\"nanstd\", eager_module=nputils)(\n a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, ddof=ddof\n )\n\n\ndef nanprod(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, min_count=None):\n a, mask = _replace_nan(a, 1)\n result = _dask_or_eager_func(\"nanprod\")(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out)\n if min_count is not None:\n return _maybe_null_out(result, axis, mask, min_count)\n else:\n return result\n\n\ndef nancumsum(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None):\n return _dask_or_eager_func(\"nancumsum\", eager_module=nputils)(\n a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype\n )\n\n\ndef nancumprod(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None):\n return _dask_or_eager_func(\"nancumprod\", eager_module=nputils)(\n a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/npcompat.py_builtins__validate_axis.return.axis": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/npcompat.py_builtins__validate_axis.return.axis", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/npcompat.py", "file_name": "npcompat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 31, "end_line": 50, "span_ids": ["_validate_axis", "imports"], "tokens": 171}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import builtins\nimport operator\nfrom typing import Union\n\nimport numpy as np\n\n\n# Vendored from NumPy 1.12; we need a version that support duck typing, even\n# on dask arrays with __array_function__ enabled.\ndef _validate_axis(axis, ndim, argname):\n try:\n axis = [operator.index(axis)]\n except TypeError:\n axis = list(axis)\n axis = [a + ndim if a < 0 else a for a in axis]\n if not builtins.all(0 <= a < ndim for a in axis):\n raise ValueError(\"invalid axis for this array in `%s` argument\" % argname)\n if len(set(axis)) != len(axis):\n raise ValueError(\"repeated axis in `%s` argument\" % argname)\n return axis", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/npcompat.py_moveaxis_moveaxis.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/npcompat.py_moveaxis_moveaxis.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/npcompat.py", "file_name": "npcompat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 53, "end_line": 75, "span_ids": ["moveaxis"], "tokens": 155}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def moveaxis(a, source, destination):\n try:\n # allow duck-array types if they define transpose\n transpose = a.transpose\n except AttributeError:\n a = np.asarray(a)\n transpose = a.transpose\n\n source = _validate_axis(source, a.ndim, \"source\")\n destination = _validate_axis(destination, a.ndim, \"destination\")\n if len(source) != len(destination):\n raise ValueError(\n \"`source` and `destination` arguments must have \"\n \"the same number of elements\"\n )\n\n order = [n for n in range(a.ndim) if n not in source]\n\n for dest, src in sorted(zip(destination, source)):\n order.insert(dest, src)\n\n result = transpose(order)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/npcompat.py__Type_annotations_stubs__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/npcompat.py__Type_annotations_stubs__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/npcompat.py", "file_name": "npcompat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 78, "end_line": 97, "span_ids": ["impl", "_is_nep18_active.A", "moveaxis", "impl:3", "_is_nep18_active", "_is_nep18_active.A.__array_function__"], "tokens": 119}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# Type annotations stubs. See also / to be replaced by:\n# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/7370\n# https://github.com/numpy/numpy-stubs/\nDTypeLike = Union[np.dtype, str]\n\n\n# from dask/array/utils.py\ndef _is_nep18_active():\n class A:\n def __array_function__(self, *args, **kwargs):\n return True\n\n try:\n return np.concatenate([A()])\n except ValueError:\n return False\n\n\nIS_NEP18_ACTIVE = _is_nep18_active()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_warnings_nanlast.return._select_along_axis_values": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_warnings_nanlast.return._select_along_axis_values", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 41, "span_ids": ["_validate_axis", "impl", "impl:2", "_select_along_axis", "nanfirst", "imports:4", "imports", "nanlast"], "tokens": 303}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import warnings\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\ntry:\n import bottleneck as bn\n\n _USE_BOTTLENECK = True\nexcept ImportError:\n # use numpy methods instead\n bn = np\n _USE_BOTTLENECK = False\n\n\ndef _validate_axis(data, axis):\n ndim = data.ndim\n if not -ndim <= axis < ndim:\n raise IndexError(\"axis %r out of bounds [-%r, %r)\" % (axis, ndim, ndim))\n if axis < 0:\n axis += ndim\n return axis\n\n\ndef _select_along_axis(values, idx, axis):\n other_ind = np.ix_(*[np.arange(s) for s in idx.shape])\n sl = other_ind[:axis] + (idx,) + other_ind[axis:]\n return values[sl]\n\n\ndef nanfirst(values, axis):\n axis = _validate_axis(values, axis)\n idx_first = np.argmax(~pd.isnull(values), axis=axis)\n return _select_along_axis(values, idx_first, axis)\n\n\ndef nanlast(values, axis):\n axis = _validate_axis(values, axis)\n rev = (slice(None),) * axis + (slice(None, None, -1),)\n idx_last = -1 - np.argmax(~pd.isnull(values)[rev], axis=axis)\n return _select_along_axis(values, idx_last, axis)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_inverse_permutation_inverse_permutation.return.inverse_permutation": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_inverse_permutation_inverse_permutation.return.inverse_permutation", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 44, "end_line": 61, "span_ids": ["inverse_permutation"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def inverse_permutation(indices):\n \"\"\"Return indices for an inverse permutation.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n indices : 1D np.ndarray with dtype=int\n Integer positions to assign elements to.\n\n Returns\n -------\n inverse_permutation : 1D np.ndarray with dtype=int\n Integer indices to take from the original array to create the\n permutation.\n \"\"\"\n # use intp instead of int64 because of windows :(\n inverse_permutation = np.empty(len(indices), dtype=np.intp)\n inverse_permutation[indices] = np.arange(len(indices), dtype=np.intp)\n return inverse_permutation", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py__ensure_bool_is_ndarray__ensure_bool_is_ndarray.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py__ensure_bool_is_ndarray__ensure_bool_is_ndarray.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 64, "end_line": 75, "span_ids": ["_ensure_bool_is_ndarray"], "tokens": 125}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _ensure_bool_is_ndarray(result, *args):\n # numpy will sometimes return a scalar value from binary comparisons if it\n # can't handle the comparison instead of broadcasting, e.g.,\n # In [10]: 1 == np.array(['a', 'b'])\n # Out[10]: False\n # This function ensures that the result is the appropriate shape in these\n # cases\n if isinstance(result, bool):\n shape = np.broadcast(*args).shape\n constructor = np.ones if result else np.zeros\n result = constructor(shape, dtype=bool)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_array_eq__is_contiguous.return.True": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_array_eq__is_contiguous.return.True", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 78, "end_line": 97, "span_ids": ["array_eq", "array_ne", "_is_contiguous"], "tokens": 146}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def array_eq(self, other):\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", r\"elementwise comparison failed\")\n return _ensure_bool_is_ndarray(self == other, self, other)\n\n\ndef array_ne(self, other):\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", r\"elementwise comparison failed\")\n return _ensure_bool_is_ndarray(self != other, self, other)\n\n\ndef _is_contiguous(positions):\n \"\"\"Given a non-empty list, does it consist of contiguous integers?\"\"\"\n previous = positions[0]\n for current in positions[1:]:\n if current != previous + 1:\n return False\n previous = current\n return True", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py__advanced_indexer_subspaces__advanced_indexer_subspaces.return.mixed_positions_vindex_p": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py__advanced_indexer_subspaces__advanced_indexer_subspaces.return.mixed_positions_vindex_p", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 100, "end_line": 120, "span_ids": ["_advanced_indexer_subspaces"], "tokens": 216}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _advanced_indexer_subspaces(key):\n \"\"\"Indices of the advanced indexes subspaces for mixed indexing and vindex.\n \"\"\"\n if not isinstance(key, tuple):\n key = (key,)\n advanced_index_positions = [\n i for i, k in enumerate(key) if not isinstance(k, slice)\n ]\n\n if not advanced_index_positions or not _is_contiguous(advanced_index_positions):\n # Nothing to reorder: dimensions on the indexing result are already\n # ordered like vindex. See NumPy's rule for \"Combining advanced and\n # basic indexing\":\n # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.indexing.html#combining-advanced-and-basic-indexing\n return (), ()\n\n non_slices = [k for k in key if not isinstance(k, slice)]\n ndim = len(np.broadcast(*non_slices).shape)\n mixed_positions = advanced_index_positions[0] + np.arange(ndim)\n vindex_positions = np.arange(ndim)\n return mixed_positions, vindex_positions", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_NumpyVIndexAdapter_NumpyVIndexAdapter.__setitem__.self__array_key_np_mov": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_NumpyVIndexAdapter_NumpyVIndexAdapter.__setitem__.self__array_key_np_mov", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 123, "end_line": 140, "span_ids": ["NumpyVIndexAdapter.__getitem__", "NumpyVIndexAdapter", "NumpyVIndexAdapter.__setitem__"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NumpyVIndexAdapter:\n \"\"\"Object that implements indexing like vindex on a np.ndarray.\n\n This is a pure Python implementation of (some of) the logic in this NumPy\n proposal: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/6256\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, array):\n self._array = array\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n mixed_positions, vindex_positions = _advanced_indexer_subspaces(key)\n return np.moveaxis(self._array[key], mixed_positions, vindex_positions)\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n \"\"\"Value must have dimensionality matching the key.\"\"\"\n mixed_positions, vindex_positions = _advanced_indexer_subspaces(key)\n self._array[key] = np.moveaxis(value, vindex_positions, mixed_positions)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_rolling_window_rolling_window.return._rolling_window_a_window": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_rolling_window_rolling_window.return._rolling_window_a_window", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 143, "end_line": 153, "span_ids": ["rolling_window"], "tokens": 132}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def rolling_window(a, axis, window, center, fill_value):\n \"\"\" rolling window with padding. \"\"\"\n pads = [(0, 0) for s in a.shape]\n if center:\n start = int(window / 2) # 10 -> 5, 9 -> 4\n end = window - 1 - start\n pads[axis] = (start, end)\n else:\n pads[axis] = (window - 1, 0)\n a = np.pad(a, pads, mode=\"constant\", constant_values=fill_value)\n return _rolling_window(a, window, axis)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py__rolling_window__rolling_window.return.np_swapaxes_rolling_2_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py__rolling_window__rolling_window.return.np_swapaxes_rolling_2_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 156, "end_line": 202, "span_ids": ["_rolling_window"], "tokens": 430}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _rolling_window(a, window, axis=-1):\n \"\"\"\n Make an ndarray with a rolling window along axis.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n a : array_like\n Array to add rolling window to\n axis: int\n axis position along which rolling window will be applied.\n window : int\n Size of rolling window\n\n Returns\n -------\n Array that is a view of the original array with a added dimension\n of size w.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> x=np.arange(10).reshape((2,5))\n >>> np.rolling_window(x, 3, axis=-1)\n array([[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]],\n [[5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9]]])\n\n Calculate rolling mean of last dimension:\n >>> np.mean(np.rolling_window(x, 3, axis=-1), -1)\n array([[ 1., 2., 3.],\n [ 6., 7., 8.]])\n\n This function is taken from https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/31\n but slightly modified to accept axis option.\n \"\"\"\n axis = _validate_axis(a, axis)\n a = np.swapaxes(a, axis, -1)\n\n if window < 1:\n raise ValueError(\"`window` must be at least 1. Given : {}\".format(window))\n if window > a.shape[-1]:\n raise ValueError(\"`window` is too long. Given : {}\".format(window))\n\n shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window)\n strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1],)\n rolling = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(\n a, shape=shape, strides=strides, writeable=False\n )\n return np.swapaxes(rolling, -2, axis)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py__create_bottleneck_method__create_bottleneck_method.return.f": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py__create_bottleneck_method__create_bottleneck_method.return.f", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 205, "end_line": 228, "span_ids": ["_create_bottleneck_method"], "tokens": 187}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _create_bottleneck_method(name, npmodule=np):\n def f(values, axis=None, **kwargs):\n dtype = kwargs.get(\"dtype\", None)\n bn_func = getattr(bn, name, None)\n\n if (\n _USE_BOTTLENECK\n and isinstance(values, np.ndarray)\n and bn_func is not None\n and not isinstance(axis, tuple)\n and values.dtype.kind in \"uifc\"\n and values.dtype.isnative\n and (dtype is None or np.dtype(dtype) == values.dtype)\n ):\n # bottleneck does not take care dtype, min_count\n kwargs.pop(\"dtype\", None)\n result = bn_func(values, axis=axis, **kwargs)\n else:\n result = getattr(npmodule, name)(values, axis=axis, **kwargs)\n\n return result\n\n f.__name__ = name\n return f", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_nanmin_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/nputils.py_nanmin_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/nputils.py", "file_name": "nputils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 231, "end_line": 242, "span_ids": ["impl:9"], "tokens": 155}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "nanmin = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanmin\")\nnanmax = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanmax\")\nnanmean = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanmean\")\nnanmedian = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanmedian\")\nnanvar = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanvar\")\nnanstd = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanstd\")\nnanprod = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanprod\")\nnancumsum = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nancumsum\")\nnancumprod = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nancumprod\")\nnanargmin = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanargmin\")\nnanargmax = _create_bottleneck_method(\"nanargmax\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py__Define_core_operations__CUM_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py__Define_core_operations__CUM_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 88, "span_ids": ["imports:5", "impl", "impl:2", "docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 593}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Define core operations for xarray objects.\n\nTODO(shoyer): rewrite this module, making use of xarray.core.computation,\nNumPy's __array_ufunc__ and mixin classes instead of the unintuitive \"inject\"\nfunctions.\n\"\"\"\n\nimport operator\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom . import dtypes, duck_array_ops\nfrom .nputils import array_eq, array_ne\n\ntry:\n import bottleneck as bn\n\n has_bottleneck = True\nexcept ImportError:\n # use numpy methods instead\n bn = np\n has_bottleneck = False\n\n\nUNARY_OPS = [\"neg\", \"pos\", \"abs\", \"invert\"]\nCMP_BINARY_OPS = [\"lt\", \"le\", \"ge\", \"gt\"]\nNUM_BINARY_OPS = [\n \"add\",\n \"sub\",\n \"mul\",\n \"truediv\",\n \"floordiv\",\n \"mod\",\n \"pow\",\n \"and\",\n \"xor\",\n \"or\",\n]\n\n# methods which pass on the numpy return value unchanged\n# be careful not to list methods that we would want to wrap later\nNUMPY_SAME_METHODS = [\"item\", \"searchsorted\"]\n# methods which don't modify the data shape, so the result should still be\n# wrapped in an Variable/DataArray\nNUMPY_UNARY_METHODS = [\"astype\", \"argsort\", \"clip\", \"conj\", \"conjugate\"]\nPANDAS_UNARY_FUNCTIONS = [\"isnull\", \"notnull\"]\n# methods which remove an axis\nREDUCE_METHODS = [\"all\", \"any\"]\nNAN_REDUCE_METHODS = [\n \"argmax\",\n \"argmin\",\n \"max\",\n \"min\",\n \"mean\",\n \"prod\",\n \"sum\",\n \"std\",\n \"var\",\n \"median\",\n]\nNAN_CUM_METHODS = [\"cumsum\", \"cumprod\"]\n# TODO: wrap take, dot, sort\n\n\n_CUM_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE = \"\"\"\\\nApply `{name}` along some dimension of {cls}.\n\nParameters\n----------\n{extra_args}\nskipna : bool, optional\n If True, skip missing values (as marked by NaN). By default, only\n skips missing values for float dtypes; other dtypes either do not\n have a sentinel missing value (int) or skipna=True has not been\n implemented (object, datetime64 or timedelta64).\nkeep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from the original\n object to the new one. If False (default), the new object will be\n returned without attributes.\n**kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `{name}`.\n\nReturns\n-------\ncumvalue : {cls}\n New {cls} object with `{name}` applied to its data along the\n indicated dimension.\n\"\"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py__REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE__COARSEN_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py__REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE__COARSEN_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 90, "end_line": 134, "span_ids": ["impl:2", "impl:31"], "tokens": 354}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE = \"\"\"\\\nReduce this {cls}'s data by applying `{name}` along some dimension(s).\n\nParameters\n----------\n{extra_args}\nskipna : bool, optional\n If True, skip missing values (as marked by NaN). By default, only\n skips missing values for float dtypes; other dtypes either do not\n have a sentinel missing value (int) or skipna=True has not been\n implemented (object, datetime64 or timedelta64).{min_count_docs}\nkeep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from the original\n object to the new one. If False (default), the new object will be\n returned without attributes.\n**kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to the appropriate array\n function for calculating `{name}` on this object's data.\n\nReturns\n-------\nreduced : {cls}\n New {cls} object with `{name}` applied to its data and the\n indicated dimension(s) removed.\n\"\"\"\n\n_MINCOUNT_DOCSTRING = \"\"\"\nmin_count : int, default None\n The required number of valid values to perform the operation.\n If fewer than min_count non-NA values are present the result will\n be NA. New in version 0.10.8: Added with the default being None.\"\"\"\n\n_COARSEN_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE = \"\"\"\\\nCoarsen this object by applying `{name}` along its dimensions.\n\nParameters\n----------\n**kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `{name}`.\n\nReturns\n-------\nreduced : DataArray or Dataset\n New object with `{name}` applied along its coasen dimnensions.\n\"\"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_fillna_fillna.return.apply_ufunc_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_fillna_fillna.return.apply_ufunc_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 137, "end_line": 171, "span_ids": ["fillna"], "tokens": 305}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def fillna(data, other, join=\"left\", dataset_join=\"left\"):\n \"\"\"Fill missing values in this object with data from the other object.\n Follows normal broadcasting and alignment rules.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right'}, optional\n Method for joining the indexes of the passed objects along each\n dimension\n - 'outer': use the union of object indexes\n - 'inner': use the intersection of object indexes\n - 'left': use indexes from the first object with each dimension\n - 'right': use indexes from the last object with each dimension\n - 'exact': raise `ValueError` instead of aligning when indexes to be\n aligned are not equal\n dataset_join : {'outer', 'inner', 'left', 'right'}, optional\n Method for joining variables of Dataset objects with mismatched\n data variables.\n - 'outer': take variables from both Dataset objects\n - 'inner': take only overlapped variables\n - 'left': take only variables from the first object\n - 'right': take only variables from the last object\n \"\"\"\n from .computation import apply_ufunc\n\n return apply_ufunc(\n duck_array_ops.fillna,\n data,\n other,\n join=join,\n dask=\"allowed\",\n dataset_join=dataset_join,\n dataset_fill_value=np.nan,\n keep_attrs=True,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_where_method_where_method.return.apply_ufunc_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_where_method_where_method.return.apply_ufunc_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 174, "end_line": 202, "span_ids": ["where_method"], "tokens": 197}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def where_method(self, cond, other=dtypes.NA):\n \"\"\"Return elements from `self` or `other` depending on `cond`.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n cond : DataArray or Dataset with boolean dtype\n Locations at which to preserve this objects values.\n other : scalar, DataArray or Dataset, optional\n Value to use for locations in this object where ``cond`` is False.\n By default, inserts missing values.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Same type as caller.\n \"\"\"\n from .computation import apply_ufunc\n\n # alignment for three arguments is complicated, so don't support it yet\n join = \"inner\" if other is dtypes.NA else \"exact\"\n return apply_ufunc(\n duck_array_ops.where_method,\n self,\n cond,\n other,\n join=join,\n dataset_join=join,\n dask=\"allowed\",\n keep_attrs=True,\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py__call_possibly_missing_method__method_wrapper.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py__call_possibly_missing_method__method_wrapper.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 205, "end_line": 232, "span_ids": ["_values_method_wrapper", "_method_wrapper", "_call_possibly_missing_method"], "tokens": 208}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _call_possibly_missing_method(arg, name, args, kwargs):\n try:\n method = getattr(arg, name)\n except AttributeError:\n duck_array_ops.fail_on_dask_array_input(arg, func_name=name)\n if hasattr(arg, \"data\"):\n duck_array_ops.fail_on_dask_array_input(arg.data, func_name=name)\n raise\n else:\n return method(*args, **kwargs)\n\n\ndef _values_method_wrapper(name):\n def func(self, *args, **kwargs):\n return _call_possibly_missing_method(self.data, name, args, kwargs)\n\n func.__name__ = name\n func.__doc__ = getattr(np.ndarray, name).__doc__\n return func\n\n\ndef _method_wrapper(name):\n def func(self, *args, **kwargs):\n return _call_possibly_missing_method(self, name, args, kwargs)\n\n func.__name__ = name\n func.__doc__ = getattr(np.ndarray, name).__doc__\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py__func_slash_method_wrapper__func_slash_method_wrapper.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py__func_slash_method_wrapper__func_slash_method_wrapper.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 235, "end_line": 250, "span_ids": ["_func_slash_method_wrapper"], "tokens": 126}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _func_slash_method_wrapper(f, name=None):\n # try to wrap a method, but if not found use the function\n # this is useful when patching in a function as both a DataArray and\n # Dataset method\n if name is None:\n name = f.__name__\n\n def func(self, *args, **kwargs):\n try:\n return getattr(self, name)(*args, **kwargs)\n except AttributeError:\n return f(self, *args, **kwargs)\n\n func.__name__ = name\n func.__doc__ = f.__doc__\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_inject_reduce_methods_inject_reduce_methods.for_name_f_include_skip.setattr_cls_name_func_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_inject_reduce_methods_inject_reduce_methods.for_name_f_include_skip.setattr_cls_name_func_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 253, "end_line": 275, "span_ids": ["inject_reduce_methods"], "tokens": 220}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def inject_reduce_methods(cls):\n methods = (\n [\n (name, getattr(duck_array_ops, \"array_%s\" % name), False)\n for name in REDUCE_METHODS\n ]\n + [(name, getattr(duck_array_ops, name), True) for name in NAN_REDUCE_METHODS]\n + [(\"count\", duck_array_ops.count, False)]\n )\n for name, f, include_skipna in methods:\n numeric_only = getattr(f, \"numeric_only\", False)\n available_min_count = getattr(f, \"available_min_count\", False)\n min_count_docs = _MINCOUNT_DOCSTRING if available_min_count else \"\"\n\n func = cls._reduce_method(f, include_skipna, numeric_only)\n func.__name__ = name\n func.__doc__ = _REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE.format(\n name=name,\n cls=cls.__name__,\n extra_args=cls._reduce_extra_args_docstring.format(name=name),\n min_count_docs=min_count_docs,\n )\n setattr(cls, name, func)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_inject_cum_methods_inplace_to_noninplace_op.return.NON_INPLACE_OP_f_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_inject_cum_methods_inplace_to_noninplace_op.return.NON_INPLACE_OP_f_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 278, "end_line": 304, "span_ids": ["op_str", "inject_cum_methods", "impl:35", "get_op", "inplace_to_noninplace_op"], "tokens": 202}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def inject_cum_methods(cls):\n methods = [(name, getattr(duck_array_ops, name), True) for name in NAN_CUM_METHODS]\n for name, f, include_skipna in methods:\n numeric_only = getattr(f, \"numeric_only\", False)\n func = cls._reduce_method(f, include_skipna, numeric_only)\n func.__name__ = name\n func.__doc__ = _CUM_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE.format(\n name=name,\n cls=cls.__name__,\n extra_args=cls._cum_extra_args_docstring.format(name=name),\n )\n setattr(cls, name, func)\n\n\ndef op_str(name):\n return \"__%s__\" % name\n\n\ndef get_op(name):\n return getattr(operator, op_str(name))\n\n\nNON_INPLACE_OP = {get_op(\"i\" + name): get_op(name) for name in NUM_BINARY_OPS}\n\n\ndef inplace_to_noninplace_op(f):\n return NON_INPLACE_OP[f]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_inject_binary_ops_inject_binary_ops.for_name_in_NUM_BINARY_OP.if_inplace_.setattr_cls_op_str_i_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_inject_binary_ops_inject_binary_ops.for_name_in_NUM_BINARY_OP.if_inplace_.setattr_cls_op_str_i_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 307, "end_line": 318, "span_ids": ["inject_binary_ops"], "tokens": 148}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def inject_binary_ops(cls, inplace=False):\n for name in CMP_BINARY_OPS + NUM_BINARY_OPS:\n setattr(cls, op_str(name), cls._binary_op(get_op(name)))\n\n for name, f in [(\"eq\", array_eq), (\"ne\", array_ne)]:\n setattr(cls, op_str(name), cls._binary_op(f))\n\n for name in NUM_BINARY_OPS:\n # only numeric operations have in-place and reflexive variants\n setattr(cls, op_str(\"r\" + name), cls._binary_op(get_op(name), reflexive=True))\n if inplace:\n setattr(cls, op_str(\"i\" + name), cls._inplace_binary_op(get_op(\"i\" + name)))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/ops.py_inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/ops.py", "file_name": "ops.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 321, "end_line": 360, "span_ids": ["inject_coarsen_methods", "inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods"], "tokens": 375}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods(cls, priority=50, array_only=True):\n # prioritize our operations over those of numpy.ndarray (priority=1)\n # and numpy.matrix (priority=10)\n cls.__array_priority__ = priority\n\n # patch in standard special operations\n for name in UNARY_OPS:\n setattr(cls, op_str(name), cls._unary_op(get_op(name)))\n inject_binary_ops(cls, inplace=True)\n\n # patch in numpy/pandas methods\n for name in NUMPY_UNARY_METHODS:\n setattr(cls, name, cls._unary_op(_method_wrapper(name)))\n\n for name in PANDAS_UNARY_FUNCTIONS:\n f = _func_slash_method_wrapper(getattr(duck_array_ops, name), name=name)\n setattr(cls, name, cls._unary_op(f))\n\n f = _func_slash_method_wrapper(duck_array_ops.around, name=\"round\")\n setattr(cls, \"round\", cls._unary_op(f))\n\n if array_only:\n # these methods don't return arrays of the same shape as the input, so\n # don't try to patch these in for Dataset objects\n for name in NUMPY_SAME_METHODS:\n setattr(cls, name, _values_method_wrapper(name))\n\n inject_reduce_methods(cls)\n inject_cum_methods(cls)\n\n\ndef inject_coarsen_methods(cls):\n # standard numpy reduce methods\n methods = [(name, getattr(duck_array_ops, name)) for name in NAN_REDUCE_METHODS]\n for name, f in methods:\n func = cls._reduce_method(f)\n func.__name__ = name\n func.__doc__ = _COARSEN_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE.format(name=func.__name__)\n setattr(cls, name, func)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/options.py_warnings__get_keep_attrs.if_global_choice_defa.else_.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/options.py_warnings__get_keep_attrs.if_global_choice_defa.else_.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/options.py", "file_name": "options.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 71, "span_ids": ["impl", "_get_keep_attrs", "impl:23", "_warn_on_setting_enable_cftimeindex", "imports", "impl:21", "_set_file_cache_maxsize", "_positive_integer"], "tokens": 487}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import warnings\n\nDISPLAY_WIDTH = \"display_width\"\nARITHMETIC_JOIN = \"arithmetic_join\"\nENABLE_CFTIMEINDEX = \"enable_cftimeindex\"\nFILE_CACHE_MAXSIZE = \"file_cache_maxsize\"\nWARN_FOR_UNCLOSED_FILES = \"warn_for_unclosed_files\"\nCMAP_SEQUENTIAL = \"cmap_sequential\"\nCMAP_DIVERGENT = \"cmap_divergent\"\nKEEP_ATTRS = \"keep_attrs\"\n\n\nOPTIONS = {\n DISPLAY_WIDTH: 80,\n ARITHMETIC_JOIN: \"inner\",\n ENABLE_CFTIMEINDEX: True,\n FILE_CACHE_MAXSIZE: 128,\n WARN_FOR_UNCLOSED_FILES: False,\n CMAP_SEQUENTIAL: \"viridis\",\n CMAP_DIVERGENT: \"RdBu_r\",\n KEEP_ATTRS: \"default\",\n}\n\n_JOIN_OPTIONS = frozenset([\"inner\", \"outer\", \"left\", \"right\", \"exact\"])\n\n\ndef _positive_integer(value):\n return isinstance(value, int) and value > 0\n\n\n_VALIDATORS = {\n DISPLAY_WIDTH: _positive_integer,\n ARITHMETIC_JOIN: _JOIN_OPTIONS.__contains__,\n ENABLE_CFTIMEINDEX: lambda value: isinstance(value, bool),\n FILE_CACHE_MAXSIZE: _positive_integer,\n WARN_FOR_UNCLOSED_FILES: lambda value: isinstance(value, bool),\n KEEP_ATTRS: lambda choice: choice in [True, False, \"default\"],\n}\n\n\ndef _set_file_cache_maxsize(value):\n from ..backends.file_manager import FILE_CACHE\n\n FILE_CACHE.maxsize = value\n\n\ndef _warn_on_setting_enable_cftimeindex(enable_cftimeindex):\n warnings.warn(\n \"The enable_cftimeindex option is now a no-op \"\n \"and will be removed in a future version of xarray.\",\n FutureWarning,\n )\n\n\n_SETTERS = {\n FILE_CACHE_MAXSIZE: _set_file_cache_maxsize,\n ENABLE_CFTIMEINDEX: _warn_on_setting_enable_cftimeindex,\n}\n\n\ndef _get_keep_attrs(default):\n global_choice = OPTIONS[\"keep_attrs\"]\n\n if global_choice == \"default\":\n return default\n elif global_choice in [True, False]:\n return global_choice\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"The global option keep_attrs must be one of\" \" True, False or 'default'.\"\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/options.py_set_options_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/options.py_set_options_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/options.py", "file_name": "options.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 74, "end_line": 143, "span_ids": ["set_options.__exit__", "set_options", "set_options.__enter__", "set_options._apply_update"], "tokens": 671}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class set_options:\n \"\"\"Set options for xarray in a controlled context.\n\n Currently supported options:\n\n - ``display_width``: maximum display width for ``repr`` on xarray objects.\n Default: ``80``.\n - ``arithmetic_join``: DataArray/Dataset alignment in binary operations.\n Default: ``'inner'``.\n - ``file_cache_maxsize``: maximum number of open files to hold in xarray's\n global least-recently-usage cached. This should be smaller than your\n system's per-process file descriptor limit, e.g., ``ulimit -n`` on Linux.\n Default: 128.\n - ``warn_for_unclosed_files``: whether or not to issue a warning when\n unclosed files are deallocated (default False). This is mostly useful\n for debugging.\n - ``cmap_sequential``: colormap to use for nondivergent data plots.\n Default: ``viridis``. If string, must be matplotlib built-in colormap.\n Can also be a Colormap object (e.g. mpl.cm.magma)\n - ``cmap_divergent``: colormap to use for divergent data plots.\n Default: ``RdBu_r``. If string, must be matplotlib built-in colormap.\n Can also be a Colormap object (e.g. mpl.cm.magma)\n - ``keep_attrs``: rule for whether to keep attributes on xarray\n Datasets/dataarrays after operations. Either ``True`` to always keep\n attrs, ``False`` to always discard them, or ``'default'`` to use original\n logic that attrs should only be kept in unambiguous circumstances.\n Default: ``'default'``.\n\n You can use ``set_options`` either as a context manager:\n\n >>> ds = xr.Dataset({'x': np.arange(1000)})\n >>> with xr.set_options(display_width=40):\n ... print(ds)\n \n Dimensions: (x: 1000)\n Coordinates:\n * x (x) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...\n Data variables:\n *empty*\n\n Or to set global options:\n\n >>> xr.set_options(display_width=80)\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, **kwargs):\n self.old = {}\n for k, v in kwargs.items():\n if k not in OPTIONS:\n raise ValueError(\n \"argument name %r is not in the set of valid options %r\"\n % (k, set(OPTIONS))\n )\n if k in _VALIDATORS and not _VALIDATORS[k](v):\n raise ValueError(\"option %r given an invalid value: %r\" % (k, v))\n self.old[k] = OPTIONS[k]\n self._apply_update(kwargs)\n\n def _apply_update(self, options_dict):\n for k, v in options_dict.items():\n if k in _SETTERS:\n _SETTERS[k](v)\n OPTIONS.update(options_dict)\n\n def __enter__(self):\n return\n\n def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):\n self._apply_update(self.old)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_try__dataset_to_dataarray.return.next_iter_obj_data_vars_v": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_try__dataset_to_dataarray.return.next_iter_obj_data_vars_v", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/parallel.py", "file_name": "parallel.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 41, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports:5", "impl:2", "imports", "dataset_to_dataarray", "impl:4"], "tokens": 198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "try:\n import dask\n import dask.array\n from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph\n from .dask_array_compat import meta_from_array\n\nexcept ImportError:\n pass\n\nimport itertools\nimport operator\nfrom typing import (\n Any,\n Callable,\n Dict,\n Hashable,\n Mapping,\n Sequence,\n Tuple,\n TypeVar,\n Union,\n)\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom .dataarray import DataArray\nfrom .dataset import Dataset\n\nT_DSorDA = TypeVar(\"T_DSorDA\", DataArray, Dataset)\n\n\ndef dataset_to_dataarray(obj: Dataset) -> DataArray:\n if not isinstance(obj, Dataset):\n raise TypeError(\"Expected Dataset, got %s\" % type(obj))\n\n if len(obj.data_vars) > 1:\n raise TypeError(\n \"Trying to convert Dataset with more than one data variable to DataArray\"\n )\n\n return next(iter(obj.data_vars.values()))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_make_meta_make_meta.return.meta": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_make_meta_make_meta.return.meta", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/parallel.py", "file_name": "parallel.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 44, "end_line": 67, "span_ids": ["make_meta"], "tokens": 195}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def make_meta(obj):\n \"\"\"If obj is a DataArray or Dataset, return a new object of the same type and with\n the same variables and dtypes, but where all variables have size 0 and numpy\n backend.\n If obj is neither a DataArray nor Dataset, return it unaltered.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(obj, DataArray):\n obj_array = obj\n obj = obj._to_temp_dataset()\n elif isinstance(obj, Dataset):\n obj_array = None\n else:\n return obj\n\n meta = Dataset()\n for name, variable in obj.variables.items():\n meta_obj = meta_from_array(variable.data, ndim=variable.ndim)\n meta[name] = (variable.dims, meta_obj, variable.attrs)\n meta.attrs = obj.attrs\n meta = meta.set_coords(obj.coords)\n\n if obj_array is not None:\n return obj_array._from_temp_dataset(meta)\n return meta", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_infer_template_make_dict.return._k_v_data_for_k_v_in_x_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_infer_template_make_dict.return._k_v_data_for_k_v_in_x_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/parallel.py", "file_name": "parallel.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 70, "end_line": 100, "span_ids": ["infer_template", "make_dict"], "tokens": 233}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def infer_template(\n func: Callable[..., T_DSorDA], obj: Union[DataArray, Dataset], *args, **kwargs\n) -> T_DSorDA:\n \"\"\"Infer return object by running the function on meta objects.\n \"\"\"\n meta_args = [make_meta(arg) for arg in (obj,) + args]\n\n try:\n template = func(*meta_args, **kwargs)\n except Exception as e:\n raise Exception(\n \"Cannot infer object returned from running user provided function.\"\n ) from e\n\n if not isinstance(template, (Dataset, DataArray)):\n raise TypeError(\n \"Function must return an xarray DataArray or Dataset. Instead it returned \"\n f\"{type(template)}\"\n )\n\n return template\n\n\ndef make_dict(x: Union[DataArray, Dataset]) -> Dict[Hashable, Any]:\n \"\"\"Map variable name to numpy(-like) data\n (Dataset.to_dict() is too complicated).\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(x, DataArray):\n x = x._to_temp_dataset()\n\n return {k: v.data for k, v in x.variables.items()}", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_map_blocks_map_blocks.if_not_dask_is_dask_colle.return.func_obj_args_kwargs": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_map_blocks_map_blocks.if_not_dask_is_dask_colle.return.func_obj_args_kwargs", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/parallel.py", "file_name": "parallel.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 103, "end_line": 188, "span_ids": ["map_blocks"], "tokens": 744}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def map_blocks(\n func: Callable[..., T_DSorDA],\n obj: Union[DataArray, Dataset],\n args: Sequence[Any] = (),\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n) -> T_DSorDA:\n \"\"\"Apply a function to each chunk of a DataArray or Dataset. This function is\n experimental and its signature may change.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func: callable\n User-provided function that accepts a DataArray or Dataset as its first\n parameter. The function will receive a subset of 'obj' (see below),\n corresponding to one chunk along each chunked dimension. ``func`` will be\n executed as ``func(obj_subset, *args, **kwargs)``.\n\n The function will be first run on mocked-up data, that looks like 'obj' but\n has sizes 0, to determine properties of the returned object such as dtype,\n variable names, new dimensions and new indexes (if any).\n\n This function must return either a single DataArray or a single Dataset.\n\n This function cannot change size of existing dimensions, or add new chunked\n dimensions.\n obj: DataArray, Dataset\n Passed to the function as its first argument, one dask chunk at a time.\n args: Sequence\n Passed verbatim to func after unpacking, after the sliced obj. xarray objects,\n if any, will not be split by chunks. Passing dask collections is not allowed.\n kwargs: Mapping\n Passed verbatim to func after unpacking. xarray objects, if any, will not be\n split by chunks. Passing dask collections is not allowed.\n\n Returns\n -------\n A single DataArray or Dataset with dask backend, reassembled from the outputs of the\n function.\n\n Notes\n -----\n This function is designed for when one needs to manipulate a whole xarray object\n within each chunk. In the more common case where one can work on numpy arrays, it is\n recommended to use apply_ufunc.\n\n If none of the variables in obj is backed by dask, calling this function is\n equivalent to calling ``func(obj, *args, **kwargs)``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.map_blocks, xarray.apply_ufunc, xarray.Dataset.map_blocks,\n xarray.DataArray.map_blocks\n \"\"\"\n\n def _wrapper(func, obj, to_array, args, kwargs):\n if to_array:\n obj = dataset_to_dataarray(obj)\n\n result = func(obj, *args, **kwargs)\n\n for name, index in result.indexes.items():\n if name in obj.indexes:\n if len(index) != len(obj.indexes[name]):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Length of the %r dimension has changed. This is not allowed.\"\n % name\n )\n\n return make_dict(result)\n\n if not isinstance(args, Sequence):\n raise TypeError(\"args must be a sequence (for example, a list or tuple).\")\n if kwargs is None:\n kwargs = {}\n elif not isinstance(kwargs, Mapping):\n raise TypeError(\"kwargs must be a mapping (for example, a dict)\")\n\n for value in list(args) + list(kwargs.values()):\n if dask.is_dask_collection(value):\n raise TypeError(\n \"Cannot pass dask collections in args or kwargs yet. Please compute or \"\n \"load values before passing to map_blocks.\"\n )\n\n if not dask.is_dask_collection(obj):\n return func(obj, *args, **kwargs)\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_map_blocks.if_isinstance_obj_DataAr_map_blocks._iterate_over_all_possib": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_map_blocks.if_isinstance_obj_DataAr_map_blocks._iterate_over_all_possib", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/parallel.py", "file_name": "parallel.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 190, "end_line": 237, "span_ids": ["map_blocks"], "tokens": 447}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def map_blocks(\n func: Callable[..., T_DSorDA],\n obj: Union[DataArray, Dataset],\n args: Sequence[Any] = (),\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n) -> T_DSorDA:\n # ... other code\n\n if isinstance(obj, DataArray):\n # only using _to_temp_dataset would break\n # func = lambda x: x.to_dataset()\n # since that relies on preserving name.\n if obj.name is None:\n dataset = obj._to_temp_dataset()\n else:\n dataset = obj.to_dataset()\n input_is_array = True\n else:\n dataset = obj\n input_is_array = False\n\n input_chunks = dataset.chunks\n\n template: Union[DataArray, Dataset] = infer_template(func, obj, *args, **kwargs)\n if isinstance(template, DataArray):\n result_is_array = True\n template_name = template.name\n template = template._to_temp_dataset()\n elif isinstance(template, Dataset):\n result_is_array = False\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n f\"func output must be DataArray or Dataset; got {type(template)}\"\n )\n\n template_indexes = set(template.indexes)\n dataset_indexes = set(dataset.indexes)\n preserved_indexes = template_indexes & dataset_indexes\n new_indexes = template_indexes - dataset_indexes\n indexes = {dim: dataset.indexes[dim] for dim in preserved_indexes}\n indexes.update({k: template.indexes[k] for k in new_indexes})\n\n graph: Dict[Any, Any] = {}\n gname = \"%s-%s\" % (\n dask.utils.funcname(func),\n dask.base.tokenize(dataset, args, kwargs),\n )\n\n # map dims to list of chunk indexes\n ichunk = {dim: range(len(chunks_v)) for dim, chunks_v in input_chunks.items()}\n # mapping from chunk index to slice bounds\n chunk_index_bounds = {\n dim: np.cumsum((0,) + chunks_v) for dim, chunks_v in input_chunks.items()\n }\n\n # iterate over all possible chunk combinations\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_map_blocks.for_v_in_itertools_produc_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/parallel.py_map_blocks.for_v_in_itertools_produc_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/parallel.py", "file_name": "parallel.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 238, "end_line": 340, "span_ids": ["map_blocks"], "tokens": 843}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def map_blocks(\n func: Callable[..., T_DSorDA],\n obj: Union[DataArray, Dataset],\n args: Sequence[Any] = (),\n kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,\n) -> T_DSorDA:\n # ... other code\n for v in itertools.product(*ichunk.values()):\n chunk_index_dict = dict(zip(dataset.dims, v))\n\n # this will become [[name1, variable1],\n # [name2, variable2],\n # ...]\n # which is passed to dict and then to Dataset\n data_vars = []\n coords = []\n\n for name, variable in dataset.variables.items():\n # make a task that creates tuple of (dims, chunk)\n if dask.is_dask_collection(variable.data):\n # recursively index into dask_keys nested list to get chunk\n chunk = variable.__dask_keys__()\n for dim in variable.dims:\n chunk = chunk[chunk_index_dict[dim]]\n\n chunk_variable_task = (\"%s-%s\" % (gname, chunk[0]),) + v\n graph[chunk_variable_task] = (\n tuple,\n [variable.dims, chunk, variable.attrs],\n )\n else:\n # non-dask array with possibly chunked dimensions\n # index into variable appropriately\n subsetter = {}\n for dim in variable.dims:\n if dim in chunk_index_dict:\n which_chunk = chunk_index_dict[dim]\n subsetter[dim] = slice(\n chunk_index_bounds[dim][which_chunk],\n chunk_index_bounds[dim][which_chunk + 1],\n )\n\n subset = variable.isel(subsetter)\n chunk_variable_task = (\n \"%s-%s\" % (gname, dask.base.tokenize(subset)),\n ) + v\n graph[chunk_variable_task] = (\n tuple,\n [subset.dims, subset, subset.attrs],\n )\n\n # this task creates dict mapping variable name to above tuple\n if name in dataset._coord_names:\n coords.append([name, chunk_variable_task])\n else:\n data_vars.append([name, chunk_variable_task])\n\n from_wrapper = (gname,) + v\n graph[from_wrapper] = (\n _wrapper,\n func,\n (Dataset, (dict, data_vars), (dict, coords), dataset.attrs),\n input_is_array,\n args,\n kwargs,\n )\n\n # mapping from variable name to dask graph key\n var_key_map: Dict[Hashable, str] = {}\n for name, variable in template.variables.items():\n if name in indexes:\n continue\n gname_l = \"%s-%s\" % (gname, name)\n var_key_map[name] = gname_l\n\n key: Tuple[Any, ...] = (gname_l,)\n for dim in variable.dims:\n if dim in chunk_index_dict:\n key += (chunk_index_dict[dim],)\n else:\n # unchunked dimensions in the input have one chunk in the result\n key += (0,)\n\n graph[key] = (operator.getitem, from_wrapper, name)\n\n graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(gname, graph, dependencies=[dataset])\n\n result = Dataset(coords=indexes, attrs=template.attrs)\n for name, gname_l in var_key_map.items():\n dims = template[name].dims\n var_chunks = []\n for dim in dims:\n if dim in input_chunks:\n var_chunks.append(input_chunks[dim])\n elif dim in indexes:\n var_chunks.append((len(indexes[dim]),))\n\n data = dask.array.Array(\n graph, name=gname_l, chunks=var_chunks, dtype=template[name].dtype\n )\n result[name] = (dims, data, template[name].attrs)\n\n result = result.set_coords(template._coord_names)\n\n if result_is_array:\n da = dataset_to_dataarray(result)\n da.name = template_name\n return da # type: ignore\n return result # type: ignore", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/pdcompat.py__The_remove_unused_level_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/pdcompat.py__The_remove_unused_level_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/pdcompat.py", "file_name": "pdcompat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 59, "span_ids": ["impl", "if_LooseVersion_pd___vers.else_.Panel", "if_LooseVersion_pd___vers.else_.Panel:docstring", "count_not_none", "docstring", "if_LooseVersion_pd___vers.else_.Panel:2", "imports"], "tokens": 143}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# The remove_unused_levels defined here was copied based on the source code\n# defined in pandas.core.indexes.muli.py\n\nfrom distutils.version import LooseVersion\n\nimport pandas as pd\n\n# allow ourselves to type checks for Panel even after it's removed\nif LooseVersion(pd.__version__) < \"0.25.0\":\n Panel = pd.Panel\nelse:\n\n class Panel: # type: ignore\n pass\n\n\ndef count_not_none(*args) -> int:\n \"\"\"Compute the number of non-None arguments.\n\n Copied from pandas.core.common.count_not_none (not part of the public API)\n \"\"\"\n return sum([arg is not None for arg in args])", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/pycompat.py__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/pycompat.py__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/pycompat.py", "file_name": "pycompat.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 20, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports", "impl:10", "imports:2", "imports:3", "impl:4"], "tokens": 98}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\ninteger_types = (int, np.integer)\n\ntry:\n # solely for isinstance checks\n import dask.array\n\n dask_array_type = (dask.array.Array,)\nexcept ImportError: # pragma: no cover\n dask_array_type = ()\n\ntry:\n # solely for isinstance checks\n import sparse\n\n sparse_array_type = (sparse.SparseArray,)\nexcept ImportError: # pragma: no cover\n sparse_array_type = ()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_ops_Resample._upsample.if_method_asfreq_.else_.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_ops_Resample._upsample.if_method_asfreq_.else_.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 67, "span_ids": ["Resample._upsample", "impl", "Resample", "imports"], "tokens": 452}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "from . import ops\nfrom .groupby import DataArrayGroupBy, DatasetGroupBy\n\nRESAMPLE_DIM = \"__resample_dim__\"\n\n\nclass Resample:\n \"\"\"An object that extends the `GroupBy` object with additional logic\n for handling specialized re-sampling operations.\n\n You should create a `Resample` object by using the `DataArray.resample` or\n `Dataset.resample` methods. The dimension along re-sampling\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.resample\n Dataset.resample\n\n \"\"\"\n\n def _upsample(self, method, *args, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Dispatch function to call appropriate up-sampling methods on\n data.\n\n This method should not be called directly; instead, use one of the\n wrapper functions supplied by `Resample`.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n method : str {'asfreq', 'pad', 'ffill', 'backfill', 'bfill', 'nearest',\n 'interpolate'}\n Method to use for up-sampling\n\n See Also\n --------\n Resample.asfreq\n Resample.pad\n Resample.backfill\n Resample.interpolate\n\n \"\"\"\n\n upsampled_index = self._full_index\n\n # Drop non-dimension coordinates along the resampled dimension\n for k, v in self._obj.coords.items():\n if k == self._dim:\n continue\n if self._dim in v.dims:\n self._obj = self._obj.drop(k)\n\n if method == \"asfreq\":\n return self.mean(self._dim)\n\n elif method in [\"pad\", \"ffill\", \"backfill\", \"bfill\", \"nearest\"]:\n kwargs = kwargs.copy()\n kwargs.update(**{self._dim: upsampled_index})\n return self._obj.reindex(method=method, *args, **kwargs)\n\n elif method == \"interpolate\":\n return self._interpolate(*args, **kwargs)\n\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n 'Specified method was \"{}\" but must be one of'\n '\"asfreq\", \"ffill\", \"bfill\", or \"interpolate\"'.format(method)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_Resample.asfreq_Resample.pad.return.self__upsample_pad_tol": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_Resample.asfreq_Resample.pad.return.self__upsample_pad_tol", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 69, "end_line": 88, "span_ids": ["Resample.asfreq", "Resample.pad"], "tokens": 167}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Resample:\n\n def asfreq(self):\n \"\"\"Return values of original object at the new up-sampling frequency;\n essentially a re-index with new times set to NaN.\n \"\"\"\n return self._upsample(\"asfreq\")\n\n def pad(self, tolerance=None):\n \"\"\"Forward fill new values at up-sampled frequency.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels to limit\n the up-sampling method.\n Up-sampled data with indices that satisfy the equation\n ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance`` are filled by\n new values. Data with indices that are outside the given\n tolerance are filled with ``NaN`` s\n \"\"\"\n return self._upsample(\"pad\", tolerance=tolerance)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_Resample.ffill_Resample.backfill.return.self__upsample_backfill_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_Resample.ffill_Resample.backfill.return.self__upsample_backfill_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 90, "end_line": 105, "span_ids": ["Resample:3", "Resample.backfill"], "tokens": 130}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Resample:\n\n ffill = pad\n\n def backfill(self, tolerance=None):\n \"\"\"Backward fill new values at up-sampled frequency.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels to limit\n the up-sampling method.\n Up-sampled data with indices that satisfy the equation\n ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance`` are filled by\n new values. Data with indices that are outside the given\n tolerance are filled with ``NaN`` s\n \"\"\"\n return self._upsample(\"backfill\", tolerance=tolerance)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_Resample.bfill_Resample.nearest.return.self__upsample_nearest_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_Resample.bfill_Resample.nearest.return.self__upsample_nearest_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 107, "end_line": 123, "span_ids": ["Resample.nearest", "Resample:5"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Resample:\n\n bfill = backfill\n\n def nearest(self, tolerance=None):\n \"\"\"Take new values from nearest original coordinate to up-sampled\n frequency coordinates.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n tolerance : optional\n Maximum distance between original and new labels to limit\n the up-sampling method.\n Up-sampled data with indices that satisfy the equation\n ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance`` are filled by\n new values. Data with indices that are outside the given\n tolerance are filled with ``NaN`` s\n \"\"\"\n return self._upsample(\"nearest\", tolerance=tolerance)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_Resample.interpolate_Resample._interpolate.return.dummy_interp_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_Resample.interpolate_Resample._interpolate.return.dummy_interp_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 125, "end_line": 155, "span_ids": ["Resample.interpolate", "Resample._interpolate"], "tokens": 218}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Resample:\n\n def interpolate(self, kind=\"linear\"):\n \"\"\"Interpolate up-sampled data using the original data\n as knots.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n kind : str {'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear',\n 'quadratic', 'cubic'}\n Interpolation scheme to use\n\n See Also\n --------\n scipy.interpolate.interp1d\n\n \"\"\"\n return self._interpolate(kind=kind)\n\n def _interpolate(self, kind=\"linear\"):\n \"\"\"Apply scipy.interpolate.interp1d along resampling dimension.\"\"\"\n # drop any existing non-dimension coordinates along the resampling\n # dimension\n dummy = self._obj.copy()\n for k, v in self._obj.coords.items():\n if k != self._dim and self._dim in v.dims:\n dummy = dummy.drop(k)\n return dummy.interp(\n assume_sorted=True,\n method=kind,\n kwargs={\"bounds_error\": False},\n **{self._dim: self._full_index}\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_DataArrayResample_DataArrayResample.__init__.super___init___args_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_DataArrayResample_DataArrayResample.__init__.super___init___args_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 158, "end_line": 174, "span_ids": ["DataArrayResample"], "tokens": 132}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayResample(DataArrayGroupBy, Resample):\n \"\"\"DataArrayGroupBy object specialized to time resampling operations over a\n specified dimension\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, *args, dim=None, resample_dim=None, **kwargs):\n\n if dim == resample_dim:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Proxy resampling dimension ('{}') \"\n \"cannot have the same name as actual dimension \"\n \"('{}')! \".format(resample_dim, dim)\n )\n self._dim = dim\n self._resample_dim = resample_dim\n\n super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_DataArrayResample.apply_DataArrayResample.apply.return.combined": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_DataArrayResample.apply_DataArrayResample.apply.return.combined", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 176, "end_line": 226, "span_ids": ["DataArrayResample.apply"], "tokens": 484}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayResample(DataArrayGroupBy, Resample):\n\n def apply(self, func, shortcut=False, args=(), **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Apply a function over each array in the group and concatenate them\n together into a new array.\n\n `func` is called like `func(ar, *args, **kwargs)` for each array `ar`\n in this group.\n\n Apply uses heuristics (like `pandas.GroupBy.apply`) to figure out how\n to stack together the array. The rule is:\n 1. If the dimension along which the group coordinate is defined is\n still in the first grouped array after applying `func`, then stack\n over this dimension.\n 2. Otherwise, stack over the new dimension given by name of this\n grouping (the argument to the `groupby` function).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Callable to apply to each array.\n shortcut : bool, optional\n Whether or not to shortcut evaluation under the assumptions that:\n (1) The action of `func` does not depend on any of the array\n metadata (attributes or coordinates) but only on the data and\n dimensions.\n (2) The action of `func` creates arrays with homogeneous metadata,\n that is, with the same dimensions and attributes.\n If these conditions are satisfied `shortcut` provides significant\n speedup. This should be the case for many common groupby operations\n (e.g., applying numpy ufuncs).\n args : tuple, optional\n Positional arguments passed on to `func`.\n **kwargs\n Used to call `func(ar, **kwargs)` for each array `ar`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n applied : DataArray or DataArray\n The result of splitting, applying and combining this array.\n \"\"\"\n combined = super().apply(func, shortcut=shortcut, args=args, **kwargs)\n\n # If the aggregation function didn't drop the original resampling\n # dimension, then we need to do so before we can rename the proxy\n # dimension we used.\n if self._dim in combined.coords:\n combined = combined.drop(self._dim)\n\n if self._resample_dim in combined.dims:\n combined = combined.rename({self._resample_dim: self._dim})\n\n return combined", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_ops_inject_reduce_methods_DatasetResample.__init__.super___init___args_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_ops_inject_reduce_methods_DatasetResample.__init__.super___init___args_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 229, "end_line": 248, "span_ids": ["DatasetResample", "impl:3"], "tokens": 143}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "ops.inject_reduce_methods(DataArrayResample)\nops.inject_binary_ops(DataArrayResample)\n\n\nclass DatasetResample(DatasetGroupBy, Resample):\n \"\"\"DatasetGroupBy object specialized to resampling a specified dimension\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, *args, dim=None, resample_dim=None, **kwargs):\n\n if dim == resample_dim:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Proxy resampling dimension ('{}') \"\n \"cannot have the same name as actual dimension \"\n \"('{}')! \".format(resample_dim, dim)\n )\n self._dim = dim\n self._resample_dim = resample_dim\n\n super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_DatasetResample.apply_DatasetResample.apply.return.combined_rename_self__re": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_DatasetResample.apply_DatasetResample.apply.return.combined_rename_self__re", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 250, "end_line": 283, "span_ids": ["DatasetResample.apply"], "tokens": 323}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetResample(DatasetGroupBy, Resample):\n\n def apply(self, func, args=(), shortcut=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Apply a function over each Dataset in the groups generated for\n resampling and concatenate them together into a new Dataset.\n\n `func` is called like `func(ds, *args, **kwargs)` for each dataset `ds`\n in this group.\n\n Apply uses heuristics (like `pandas.GroupBy.apply`) to figure out how\n to stack together the datasets. The rule is:\n 1. If the dimension along which the group coordinate is defined is\n still in the first grouped item after applying `func`, then stack\n over this dimension.\n 2. Otherwise, stack over the new dimension given by name of this\n grouping (the argument to the `groupby` function).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Callable to apply to each sub-dataset.\n args : tuple, optional\n Positional arguments passed on to `func`.\n **kwargs\n Used to call `func(ds, **kwargs)` for each sub-dataset `ar`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n applied : Dataset or DataArray\n The result of splitting, applying and combining this dataset.\n \"\"\"\n # ignore shortcut if set (for now)\n applied = (func(ds, *args, **kwargs) for ds in self._iter_grouped())\n combined = self._combine(applied)\n\n return combined.rename({self._resample_dim: self._dim})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_DatasetResample.reduce_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample.py_DatasetResample.reduce_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample.py", "file_name": "resample.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 285, "end_line": 315, "span_ids": ["DatasetResample.reduce", "impl:5"], "tokens": 248}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetResample(DatasetGroupBy, Resample):\n\n def reduce(self, func, dim=None, keep_attrs=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Reduce the items in this group by applying `func` along the\n pre-defined resampling dimension.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Function which can be called in the form\n `func(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of collapsing\n an np.ndarray over an integer valued axis.\n dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the datasets's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reduced : Array\n Array with summarized data and the indicated dimension(s)\n removed.\n \"\"\"\n return super().reduce(func, dim, keep_attrs, **kwargs)\n\n\nops.inject_reduce_methods(DatasetResample)\nops.inject_binary_ops(DatasetResample)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__Resampling_for_CFTimeI_CFTimeIndex": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__Resampling_for_CFTimeI_CFTimeIndex", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", "file_name": "resample_cftime.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 54, "span_ids": ["docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 110}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Resampling for CFTimeIndex. Does not support non-integer freq.\"\"\"\n# The mechanisms for resampling CFTimeIndex was copied and adapted from\n# the source code defined in pandas.core.resample\n#\n\nimport datetime\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom ..coding.cftime_offsets import (\n CFTIME_TICKS,\n Day,\n MonthEnd,\n QuarterEnd,\n YearEnd,\n cftime_range,\n normalize_date,\n to_offset,\n)\nfrom ..coding.cftimeindex import CFTimeIndex", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py_CFTimeGrouper_CFTimeGrouper.__init__.if_isinstance_self_freq_.else_.if_self_label_is_None_.self.label._left_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py_CFTimeGrouper_CFTimeGrouper.__init__.if_isinstance_self_freq_.else_.if_self_label_is_None_.self.label._left_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", "file_name": "resample_cftime.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 57, "end_line": 78, "span_ids": ["CFTimeGrouper"], "tokens": 191}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeGrouper:\n \"\"\"This is a simple container for the grouping parameters that implements a\n single method, the only one required for resampling in xarray. It cannot\n be used in a call to groupby like a pandas.Grouper object can.\"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, freq, closed=None, label=None, base=0, loffset=None):\n self.freq = to_offset(freq)\n self.closed = closed\n self.label = label\n self.base = base\n self.loffset = loffset\n\n if isinstance(self.freq, (MonthEnd, QuarterEnd, YearEnd)):\n if self.closed is None:\n self.closed = \"right\"\n if self.label is None:\n self.label = \"right\"\n else:\n if self.closed is None:\n self.closed = \"left\"\n if self.label is None:\n self.label = \"left\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py_CFTimeGrouper.first_items_CFTimeGrouper.first_items.return.first_items_where_non_dup": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py_CFTimeGrouper.first_items_CFTimeGrouper.first_items.return.first_items_where_non_dup", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", "file_name": "resample_cftime.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 80, "end_line": 110, "span_ids": ["CFTimeGrouper.first_items"], "tokens": 261}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFTimeGrouper:\n\n def first_items(self, index):\n \"\"\"Meant to reproduce the results of the following\n\n grouper = pandas.Grouper(...)\n first_items = pd.Series(np.arange(len(index)),\n index).groupby(grouper).first()\n\n with index being a CFTimeIndex instead of a DatetimeIndex.\n \"\"\"\n\n datetime_bins, labels = _get_time_bins(\n index, self.freq, self.closed, self.label, self.base\n )\n if self.loffset is not None:\n if isinstance(self.loffset, datetime.timedelta):\n labels = labels + self.loffset\n else:\n labels = labels + to_offset(self.loffset)\n\n # check binner fits data\n if index[0] < datetime_bins[0]:\n raise ValueError(\"Value falls before first bin\")\n if index[-1] > datetime_bins[-1]:\n raise ValueError(\"Value falls after last bin\")\n\n integer_bins = np.searchsorted(index, datetime_bins, side=self.closed)[:-1]\n first_items = pd.Series(integer_bins, labels)\n\n # Mask duplicate values with NaNs, preserving the last values\n non_duplicate = ~first_items.duplicated(\"last\")\n return first_items.where(non_duplicate)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__get_time_bins__get_time_bins.return.datetime_bins_labels": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__get_time_bins__get_time_bins.return.datetime_bins_labels", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", "file_name": "resample_cftime.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 113, "end_line": 175, "span_ids": ["_get_time_bins"], "tokens": 564}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_time_bins(index, freq, closed, label, base):\n \"\"\"Obtain the bins and their respective labels for resampling operations.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n index : CFTimeIndex\n Index object to be resampled (e.g., CFTimeIndex named 'time').\n freq : xarray.coding.cftime_offsets.BaseCFTimeOffset\n The offset object representing target conversion a.k.a. resampling\n frequency (e.g., 'MS', '2D', 'H', or '3T' with\n coding.cftime_offsets.to_offset() applied to it).\n closed : 'left' or 'right', optional\n Which side of bin interval is closed.\n The default is 'left' for all frequency offsets except for 'M' and 'A',\n which have a default of 'right'.\n label : 'left' or 'right', optional\n Which bin edge label to label bucket with.\n The default is 'left' for all frequency offsets except for 'M' and 'A',\n which have a default of 'right'.\n base : int, optional\n For frequencies that evenly subdivide 1 day, the \"origin\" of the\n aggregated intervals. For example, for '5min' frequency, base could\n range from 0 through 4. Defaults to 0.\n\n Returns\n -------\n datetime_bins : CFTimeIndex\n Defines the edge of resampling bins by which original index values will\n be grouped into.\n labels : CFTimeIndex\n Define what the user actually sees the bins labeled as.\n \"\"\"\n\n if not isinstance(index, CFTimeIndex):\n raise TypeError(\n \"index must be a CFTimeIndex, but got \"\n \"an instance of %r\" % type(index).__name__\n )\n if len(index) == 0:\n datetime_bins = labels = CFTimeIndex(data=[], name=index.name)\n return datetime_bins, labels\n\n first, last = _get_range_edges(\n index.min(), index.max(), freq, closed=closed, base=base\n )\n datetime_bins = labels = cftime_range(\n freq=freq, start=first, end=last, name=index.name\n )\n\n datetime_bins, labels = _adjust_bin_edges(\n datetime_bins, freq, closed, index, labels\n )\n\n if label == \"right\":\n labels = labels[1:]\n else:\n labels = labels[:-1]\n\n # TODO: when CFTimeIndex supports missing values, if the reference index\n # contains missing values, insert the appropriate NaN value at the\n # beginning of the datetime_bins and labels indexes.\n\n return datetime_bins, labels", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__adjust_bin_edges__adjust_bin_edges.return.datetime_bins_labels": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__adjust_bin_edges__adjust_bin_edges.return.datetime_bins_labels", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", "file_name": "resample_cftime.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 178, "end_line": 223, "span_ids": ["_adjust_bin_edges"], "tokens": 552}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _adjust_bin_edges(datetime_bins, offset, closed, index, labels):\n \"\"\"This is required for determining the bin edges resampling with\n daily frequencies greater than one day, month end, and year end\n frequencies.\n\n Consider the following example. Let's say you want to downsample the\n time series with the following coordinates to month end frequency:\n\n CFTimeIndex([2000-01-01 12:00:00, 2000-01-31 12:00:00,\n 2000-02-01 12:00:00], dtype='object')\n\n Without this adjustment, _get_time_bins with month-end frequency will\n return the following index for the bin edges (default closed='right' and\n label='right' in this case):\n\n CFTimeIndex([1999-12-31 00:00:00, 2000-01-31 00:00:00,\n 2000-02-29 00:00:00], dtype='object')\n\n If 2000-01-31 is used as a bound for a bin, the value on\n 2000-01-31T12:00:00 (at noon on January 31st), will not be included in the\n month of January. To account for this, pandas adds a day minus one worth\n of microseconds to the bin edges generated by cftime range, so that we do\n bin the value at noon on January 31st in the January bin. This results in\n an index with bin edges like the following:\n\n CFTimeIndex([1999-12-31 23:59:59, 2000-01-31 23:59:59,\n 2000-02-29 23:59:59], dtype='object')\n\n The labels are still:\n\n CFTimeIndex([2000-01-31 00:00:00, 2000-02-29 00:00:00], dtype='object')\n\n This is also required for daily frequencies longer than one day and\n year-end frequencies.\n \"\"\"\n is_super_daily = isinstance(offset, (MonthEnd, QuarterEnd, YearEnd)) or (\n isinstance(offset, Day) and offset.n > 1\n )\n if is_super_daily:\n if closed == \"right\":\n datetime_bins = datetime_bins + datetime.timedelta(days=1, microseconds=-1)\n if datetime_bins[-2] > index.max():\n datetime_bins = datetime_bins[:-1]\n labels = labels[:-1]\n\n return datetime_bins, labels", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__get_range_edges__get_range_edges.return.first_last": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__get_range_edges__get_range_edges.return.first_last", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", "file_name": "resample_cftime.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 226, "end_line": 271, "span_ids": ["_get_range_edges"], "tokens": 401}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_range_edges(first, last, offset, closed=\"left\", base=0):\n \"\"\" Get the correct starting and ending datetimes for the resampled\n CFTimeIndex range.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n first : cftime.datetime\n Uncorrected starting datetime object for resampled CFTimeIndex range.\n Usually the min of the original CFTimeIndex.\n last : cftime.datetime\n Uncorrected ending datetime object for resampled CFTimeIndex range.\n Usually the max of the original CFTimeIndex.\n offset : xarray.coding.cftime_offsets.BaseCFTimeOffset\n The offset object representing target conversion a.k.a. resampling\n frequency. Contains information on offset type (e.g. Day or 'D') and\n offset magnitude (e.g., n = 3).\n closed : 'left' or 'right', optional\n Which side of bin interval is closed. Defaults to 'left'.\n base : int, optional\n For frequencies that evenly subdivide 1 day, the \"origin\" of the\n aggregated intervals. For example, for '5min' frequency, base could\n range from 0 through 4. Defaults to 0.\n\n Returns\n -------\n first : cftime.datetime\n Corrected starting datetime object for resampled CFTimeIndex range.\n last : cftime.datetime\n Corrected ending datetime object for resampled CFTimeIndex range.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(offset, CFTIME_TICKS):\n first, last = _adjust_dates_anchored(\n first, last, offset, closed=closed, base=base\n )\n return first, last\n else:\n first = normalize_date(first)\n last = normalize_date(last)\n\n if closed == \"left\":\n first = offset.rollback(first)\n else:\n first = first - offset\n\n last = last + offset\n return first, last", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__adjust_dates_anchored__adjust_dates_anchored.return.fresult_lresult": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py__adjust_dates_anchored__adjust_dates_anchored.return.fresult_lresult", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", "file_name": "resample_cftime.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 274, "end_line": 333, "span_ids": ["_adjust_dates_anchored"], "tokens": 571}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _adjust_dates_anchored(first, last, offset, closed=\"right\", base=0):\n \"\"\" First and last offsets should be calculated from the start day to fix\n an error cause by resampling across multiple days when a one day period is\n not a multiple of the frequency.\n See https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/8683\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n first : cftime.datetime\n A datetime object representing the start of a CFTimeIndex range.\n last : cftime.datetime\n A datetime object representing the end of a CFTimeIndex range.\n offset : xarray.coding.cftime_offsets.BaseCFTimeOffset\n The offset object representing target conversion a.k.a. resampling\n frequency. Contains information on offset type (e.g. Day or 'D') and\n offset magnitude (e.g., n = 3).\n closed : 'left' or 'right', optional\n Which side of bin interval is closed. Defaults to 'right'.\n base : int, optional\n For frequencies that evenly subdivide 1 day, the \"origin\" of the\n aggregated intervals. For example, for '5min' frequency, base could\n range from 0 through 4. Defaults to 0.\n\n Returns\n -------\n fresult : cftime.datetime\n A datetime object representing the start of a date range that has been\n adjusted to fix resampling errors.\n lresult : cftime.datetime\n A datetime object representing the end of a date range that has been\n adjusted to fix resampling errors.\n \"\"\"\n\n base = base % offset.n\n start_day = normalize_date(first)\n base_td = type(offset)(n=base).as_timedelta()\n start_day += base_td\n foffset = exact_cftime_datetime_difference(start_day, first) % offset.as_timedelta()\n loffset = exact_cftime_datetime_difference(start_day, last) % offset.as_timedelta()\n if closed == \"right\":\n if foffset.total_seconds() > 0:\n fresult = first - foffset\n else:\n fresult = first - offset.as_timedelta()\n\n if loffset.total_seconds() > 0:\n lresult = last + (offset.as_timedelta() - loffset)\n else:\n lresult = last\n else:\n if foffset.total_seconds() > 0:\n fresult = first - foffset\n else:\n fresult = first\n\n if loffset.total_seconds() > 0:\n lresult = last + (offset.as_timedelta() - loffset)\n else:\n lresult = last + offset.as_timedelta()\n return fresult, lresult", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py_exact_cftime_datetime_difference_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/resample_cftime.py_exact_cftime_datetime_difference_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/resample_cftime.py", "file_name": "resample_cftime.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 336, "end_line": 374, "span_ids": ["exact_cftime_datetime_difference"], "tokens": 311}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def exact_cftime_datetime_difference(a, b):\n \"\"\"Exact computation of b - a\n\n Assumes:\n\n a = a_0 + a_m\n b = b_0 + b_m\n\n Here a_0, and b_0 represent the input dates rounded\n down to the nearest second, and a_m, and b_m represent\n the remaining microseconds associated with date a and\n date b.\n\n We can then express the value of b - a as:\n\n b - a = (b_0 + b_m) - (a_0 + a_m) = b_0 - a_0 + b_m - a_m\n\n By construction, we know that b_0 - a_0 must be a round number\n of seconds. Therefore we can take the result of b_0 - a_0 using\n ordinary cftime.datetime arithmetic and round to the nearest\n second. b_m - a_m is the remainder, in microseconds, and we\n can simply add this to the rounded timedelta.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n a : cftime.datetime\n Input datetime\n b : cftime.datetime\n Input datetime\n\n Returns\n -------\n datetime.timedelta\n \"\"\"\n seconds = b.replace(microsecond=0) - a.replace(microsecond=0)\n seconds = int(round(seconds.total_seconds()))\n microseconds = b.microsecond - a.microsecond\n return datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_functools__ROLLING_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_functools__ROLLING_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 29, "span_ids": ["impl:2", "impl", "imports", "imports:7"], "tokens": 147}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import functools\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom . import dtypes, duck_array_ops, utils\nfrom .dask_array_ops import dask_rolling_wrapper\nfrom .ops import inject_coarsen_methods\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type\n\ntry:\n import bottleneck\nexcept ImportError:\n # use numpy methods instead\n bottleneck = None\n\n\n_ROLLING_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE = \"\"\"\\\nReduce this object's data windows by applying `{name}` along its dimension.\n\nParameters\n----------\n**kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `{name}`.\n\nReturns\n-------\nreduced : same type as caller\n New object with `{name}` applied along its rolling dimnension.\n\"\"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_Rolling_Rolling.count.__doc__._ROLLING_REDUCE_DOCSTRING": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_Rolling_Rolling.count.__doc__._ROLLING_REDUCE_DOCSTRING", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 32, "end_line": 138, "span_ids": ["Rolling._min_periods", "Rolling.__len__", "Rolling.count", "Rolling:27", "Rolling._reduce_method", "Rolling:7", "Rolling.__repr__", "Rolling"], "tokens": 758}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Rolling:\n \"\"\"A object that implements the moving window pattern.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.groupby\n DataArray.groupby\n Dataset.rolling\n DataArray.rolling\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"obj\", \"window\", \"min_periods\", \"center\", \"dim\")\n _attributes = (\"window\", \"min_periods\", \"center\", \"dim\")\n\n def __init__(self, obj, windows, min_periods=None, center=False):\n \"\"\"\n Moving window object.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n obj : Dataset or DataArray\n Object to window.\n windows : A mapping from a dimension name to window size\n dim : str\n Name of the dimension to create the rolling iterator\n along (e.g., `time`).\n window : int\n Size of the moving window.\n min_periods : int, default None\n Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value\n (otherwise result is NA). The default, None, is equivalent to\n setting min_periods equal to the size of the window.\n center : boolean, default False\n Set the labels at the center of the window.\n\n Returns\n -------\n rolling : type of input argument\n \"\"\"\n if len(windows) != 1:\n raise ValueError(\"exactly one dim/window should be provided\")\n\n dim, window = next(iter(windows.items()))\n\n if window <= 0:\n raise ValueError(\"window must be > 0\")\n\n self.obj = obj\n\n # attributes\n self.window = window\n if min_periods is not None and min_periods <= 0:\n raise ValueError(\"min_periods must be greater than zero or None\")\n self.min_periods = min_periods\n\n self.center = center\n self.dim = dim\n\n @property\n def _min_periods(self):\n return self.min_periods if self.min_periods is not None else self.window\n\n def __repr__(self):\n \"\"\"provide a nice str repr of our rolling object\"\"\"\n\n attrs = [\n \"{k}->{v}\".format(k=k, v=getattr(self, k))\n for k in self._attributes\n if getattr(self, k, None) is not None\n ]\n return \"{klass} [{attrs}]\".format(\n klass=self.__class__.__name__, attrs=\",\".join(attrs)\n )\n\n def __len__(self):\n return self.obj.sizes[self.dim]\n\n def _reduce_method(name):\n array_agg_func = getattr(duck_array_ops, name)\n bottleneck_move_func = getattr(bottleneck, \"move_\" + name, None)\n\n def method(self, **kwargs):\n return self._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce(\n array_agg_func, bottleneck_move_func, **kwargs\n )\n\n method.__name__ = name\n method.__doc__ = _ROLLING_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE.format(name=name)\n return method\n\n argmax = _reduce_method(\"argmax\")\n argmin = _reduce_method(\"argmin\")\n max = _reduce_method(\"max\")\n min = _reduce_method(\"min\")\n mean = _reduce_method(\"mean\")\n prod = _reduce_method(\"prod\")\n sum = _reduce_method(\"sum\")\n std = _reduce_method(\"std\")\n var = _reduce_method(\"var\")\n median = _reduce_method(\"median\")\n\n def count(self):\n rolling_count = self._counts()\n enough_periods = rolling_count >= self._min_periods\n return rolling_count.where(enough_periods)\n\n count.__doc__ = _ROLLING_REDUCE_DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE.format(name=\"count\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling_DataArrayRolling.__iter__.for_label_start_stop_.yield_label_window_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling_DataArrayRolling.__iter__.for_label_start_stop_.yield_label_window_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 141, "end_line": 192, "span_ids": ["DataArrayRolling.__iter__", "DataArrayRolling"], "tokens": 383}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayRolling(Rolling):\n __slots__ = (\"window_labels\",)\n\n def __init__(self, obj, windows, min_periods=None, center=False):\n \"\"\"\n Moving window object for DataArray.\n You should use DataArray.rolling() method to construct this object\n instead of the class constructor.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n obj : DataArray\n Object to window.\n windows : A mapping from a dimension name to window size\n dim : str\n Name of the dimension to create the rolling iterator\n along (e.g., `time`).\n window : int\n Size of the moving window.\n min_periods : int, default None\n Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value\n (otherwise result is NA). The default, None, is equivalent to\n setting min_periods equal to the size of the window.\n center : boolean, default False\n Set the labels at the center of the window.\n\n Returns\n -------\n rolling : type of input argument\n\n See Also\n --------\n DataArray.rolling\n DataArray.groupby\n Dataset.rolling\n Dataset.groupby\n \"\"\"\n super().__init__(obj, windows, min_periods=min_periods, center=center)\n\n self.window_labels = self.obj[self.dim]\n\n def __iter__(self):\n stops = np.arange(1, len(self.window_labels) + 1)\n starts = stops - int(self.window)\n starts[: int(self.window)] = 0\n for (label, start, stop) in zip(self.window_labels, starts, stops):\n window = self.obj.isel(**{self.dim: slice(start, stop)})\n\n counts = window.count(dim=self.dim)\n window = window.where(counts >= self._min_periods)\n\n yield (label, window)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling.construct_DataArrayRolling.construct.return.result_isel_self_dim_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling.construct_DataArrayRolling.construct.return.result_isel_self_dim_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 194, "end_line": 240, "span_ids": ["DataArrayRolling.construct"], "tokens": 529}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayRolling(Rolling):\n\n def construct(self, window_dim, stride=1, fill_value=dtypes.NA):\n \"\"\"\n Convert this rolling object to xr.DataArray,\n where the window dimension is stacked as a new dimension\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n window_dim: str\n New name of the window dimension.\n stride: integer, optional\n Size of stride for the rolling window.\n fill_value: optional. Default dtypes.NA\n Filling value to match the dimension size.\n\n Returns\n -------\n DataArray that is a view of the original array. The returned array is\n not writeable.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> da = DataArray(np.arange(8).reshape(2, 4), dims=('a', 'b'))\n >>>\n >>> rolling = da.rolling(b=3)\n >>> rolling.construct('window_dim')\n \n array([[[np.nan, np.nan, 0], [np.nan, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]],\n [[np.nan, np.nan, 4], [np.nan, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7]]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: a, b, window_dim\n >>>\n >>> rolling = da.rolling(b=3, center=True)\n >>> rolling.construct('window_dim')\n \n array([[[np.nan, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, np.nan]],\n [[np.nan, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7], [6, 7, np.nan]]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: a, b, window_dim\n \"\"\"\n\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n window = self.obj.variable.rolling_window(\n self.dim, self.window, window_dim, self.center, fill_value=fill_value\n )\n result = DataArray(\n window, dims=self.obj.dims + (window_dim,), coords=self.obj.coords\n )\n return result.isel(**{self.dim: slice(None, None, stride)})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling.reduce_DataArrayRolling.reduce.return.result_where_counts_se": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling.reduce_DataArrayRolling.reduce.return.result_where_counts_se", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 242, "end_line": 289, "span_ids": ["DataArrayRolling.reduce"], "tokens": 502}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayRolling(Rolling):\n\n def reduce(self, func, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Reduce the items in this group by applying `func` along some\n dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Function which can be called in the form\n `func(x, **kwargs)` to return the result of collapsing an\n np.ndarray over an the rolling dimension.\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reduced : DataArray\n Array with summarized data.\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> da = DataArray(np.arange(8).reshape(2, 4), dims=('a', 'b'))\n >>>\n >>> rolling = da.rolling(b=3)\n >>> rolling.construct('window_dim')\n \n array([[[np.nan, np.nan, 0], [np.nan, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]],\n [[np.nan, np.nan, 4], [np.nan, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7]]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: a, b, window_dim\n >>>\n >>> rolling.reduce(np.sum)\n \n array([[nan, nan, 3., 6.],\n [nan, nan, 15., 18.]])\n Dimensions without coordinates: a, b\n >>>\n >>> rolling = da.rolling(b=3, min_periods=1)\n >>> rolling.reduce(np.nansum)\n \n array([[ 0., 1., 3., 6.],\n [ 4., 9., 15., 18.]])\n \"\"\"\n rolling_dim = utils.get_temp_dimname(self.obj.dims, \"_rolling_dim\")\n windows = self.construct(rolling_dim)\n result = windows.reduce(func, dim=rolling_dim, **kwargs)\n\n # Find valid windows based on count.\n counts = self._counts()\n return result.where(counts >= self._min_periods)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling._counts_DataArrayRolling._counts.return.counts": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling._counts_DataArrayRolling._counts.return.counts", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 291, "end_line": 305, "span_ids": ["DataArrayRolling._counts"], "tokens": 156}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayRolling(Rolling):\n\n def _counts(self):\n \"\"\" Number of non-nan entries in each rolling window. \"\"\"\n\n rolling_dim = utils.get_temp_dimname(self.obj.dims, \"_rolling_dim\")\n # We use False as the fill_value instead of np.nan, since boolean\n # array is faster to be reduced than object array.\n # The use of skipna==False is also faster since it does not need to\n # copy the strided array.\n counts = (\n self.obj.notnull()\n .rolling(center=self.center, **{self.dim: self.window})\n .construct(rolling_dim, fill_value=False)\n .sum(dim=rolling_dim, skipna=False)\n )\n return counts", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling._bottleneck_reduce_DataArrayRolling._bottleneck_reduce.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling._bottleneck_reduce_DataArrayRolling._bottleneck_reduce.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 307, "end_line": 348, "span_ids": ["DataArrayRolling._bottleneck_reduce"], "tokens": 364}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayRolling(Rolling):\n\n def _bottleneck_reduce(self, func, **kwargs):\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n # bottleneck doesn't allow min_count to be 0, although it should\n # work the same as if min_count = 1\n if self.min_periods is not None and self.min_periods == 0:\n min_count = 1\n else:\n min_count = self.min_periods\n\n axis = self.obj.get_axis_num(self.dim)\n\n padded = self.obj.variable\n if self.center:\n if isinstance(padded.data, dask_array_type):\n # Workaround to make the padded chunk size is larger than\n # self.window-1\n shift = -(self.window + 1) // 2\n offset = (self.window - 1) // 2\n valid = (slice(None),) * axis + (\n slice(offset, offset + self.obj.shape[axis]),\n )\n else:\n shift = (-self.window // 2) + 1\n valid = (slice(None),) * axis + (slice(-shift, None),)\n padded = padded.pad_with_fill_value({self.dim: (0, -shift)})\n\n if isinstance(padded.data, dask_array_type):\n raise AssertionError(\"should not be reachable\")\n values = dask_rolling_wrapper(\n func, padded.data, window=self.window, min_count=min_count, axis=axis\n )\n else:\n values = func(\n padded.data, window=self.window, min_count=min_count, axis=axis\n )\n\n if self.center:\n values = values[valid]\n result = DataArray(values, self.obj.coords)\n\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce_DataArrayRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce.if_bottleneck_move_func_i.else_.return.self_reduce_array_agg_fun": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce_DataArrayRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce.if_bottleneck_move_func_i.else_.return.self_reduce_array_agg_fun", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 350, "end_line": 361, "span_ids": ["DataArrayRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce"], "tokens": 125}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayRolling(Rolling):\n\n def _numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce(\n self, array_agg_func, bottleneck_move_func, **kwargs\n ):\n if bottleneck_move_func is not None and not isinstance(\n self.obj.data, dask_array_type\n ):\n # TODO: renable bottleneck with dask after the issues\n # underlying https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/2940 are\n # fixed.\n return self._bottleneck_reduce(bottleneck_move_func, **kwargs)\n else:\n return self.reduce(array_agg_func, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DatasetRolling_DatasetRolling._dataset_implementation.return.Dataset_reduced_coords_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DatasetRolling_DatasetRolling._dataset_implementation.return.Dataset_reduced_coords_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 364, "end_line": 420, "span_ids": ["DatasetRolling", "DatasetRolling._dataset_implementation"], "tokens": 427}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetRolling(Rolling):\n __slots__ = (\"rollings\",)\n\n def __init__(self, obj, windows, min_periods=None, center=False):\n \"\"\"\n Moving window object for Dataset.\n You should use Dataset.rolling() method to construct this object\n instead of the class constructor.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n obj : Dataset\n Object to window.\n windows : A mapping from a dimension name to window size\n dim : str\n Name of the dimension to create the rolling iterator\n along (e.g., `time`).\n window : int\n Size of the moving window.\n min_periods : int, default None\n Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value\n (otherwise result is NA). The default, None, is equivalent to\n setting min_periods equal to the size of the window.\n center : boolean, default False\n Set the labels at the center of the window.\n\n Returns\n -------\n rolling : type of input argument\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.rolling\n DataArray.rolling\n Dataset.groupby\n DataArray.groupby\n \"\"\"\n super().__init__(obj, windows, min_periods, center)\n if self.dim not in self.obj.dims:\n raise KeyError(self.dim)\n # Keep each Rolling object as a dictionary\n self.rollings = {}\n for key, da in self.obj.data_vars.items():\n # keeps rollings only for the dataset depending on slf.dim\n if self.dim in da.dims:\n self.rollings[key] = DataArrayRolling(da, windows, min_periods, center)\n\n def _dataset_implementation(self, func, **kwargs):\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n reduced = {}\n for key, da in self.obj.data_vars.items():\n if self.dim in da.dims:\n reduced[key] = func(self.rollings[key], **kwargs)\n else:\n reduced[key] = self.obj[key]\n return Dataset(reduced, coords=self.obj.coords)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DatasetRolling.reduce_DatasetRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce.return.self__dataset_implementat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DatasetRolling.reduce_DatasetRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce.return.self__dataset_implementat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 422, "end_line": 457, "span_ids": ["DatasetRolling._counts", "DatasetRolling.reduce", "DatasetRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce"], "tokens": 241}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetRolling(Rolling):\n\n def reduce(self, func, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Reduce the items in this group by applying `func` along some\n dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Function which can be called in the form\n `func(x, **kwargs)` to return the result of collapsing an\n np.ndarray over an the rolling dimension.\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reduced : DataArray\n Array with summarized data.\n \"\"\"\n return self._dataset_implementation(\n functools.partial(DataArrayRolling.reduce, func=func), **kwargs\n )\n\n def _counts(self):\n return self._dataset_implementation(DataArrayRolling._counts)\n\n def _numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce(\n self, array_agg_func, bottleneck_move_func, **kwargs\n ):\n return self._dataset_implementation(\n functools.partial(\n DataArrayRolling._numpy_or_bottleneck_reduce,\n array_agg_func=array_agg_func,\n bottleneck_move_func=bottleneck_move_func,\n ),\n **kwargs\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DatasetRolling.construct_DatasetRolling.construct.return.Dataset_dataset_coords_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DatasetRolling.construct_DatasetRolling.construct.return.Dataset_dataset_coords_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 459, "end_line": 490, "span_ids": ["DatasetRolling.construct"], "tokens": 217}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetRolling(Rolling):\n\n def construct(self, window_dim, stride=1, fill_value=dtypes.NA):\n \"\"\"\n Convert this rolling object to xr.Dataset,\n where the window dimension is stacked as a new dimension\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n window_dim: str\n New name of the window dimension.\n stride: integer, optional\n size of stride for the rolling window.\n fill_value: optional. Default dtypes.NA\n Filling value to match the dimension size.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Dataset with variables converted from rolling object.\n \"\"\"\n\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n dataset = {}\n for key, da in self.obj.data_vars.items():\n if self.dim in da.dims:\n dataset[key] = self.rollings[key].construct(\n window_dim, fill_value=fill_value\n )\n else:\n dataset[key] = da\n return Dataset(dataset, coords=self.obj.coords).isel(\n **{self.dim: slice(None, None, stride)}\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_Coarsen_Coarsen.__repr__.return._klass_attrs_forma": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_Coarsen_Coarsen.__repr__.return._klass_attrs_forma", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 493, "end_line": 552, "span_ids": ["Coarsen.__repr__", "Coarsen"], "tokens": 455}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Coarsen:\n \"\"\"A object that implements the coarsen.\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.coarsen\n DataArray.coarsen\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"obj\", \"boundary\", \"coord_func\", \"windows\", \"side\", \"trim_excess\")\n _attributes = (\"windows\", \"side\", \"trim_excess\")\n\n def __init__(self, obj, windows, boundary, side, coord_func):\n \"\"\"\n Moving window object.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n obj : Dataset or DataArray\n Object to window.\n windows : A mapping from a dimension name to window size\n dim : str\n Name of the dimension to create the rolling iterator\n along (e.g., `time`).\n window : int\n Size of the moving window.\n boundary : 'exact' | 'trim' | 'pad'\n If 'exact', a ValueError will be raised if dimension size is not a\n multiple of window size. If 'trim', the excess indexes are trimed.\n If 'pad', NA will be padded.\n side : 'left' or 'right' or mapping from dimension to 'left' or 'right'\n coord_func: mapping from coordinate name to func.\n\n Returns\n -------\n coarsen\n \"\"\"\n self.obj = obj\n self.windows = windows\n self.side = side\n self.boundary = boundary\n\n if not utils.is_dict_like(coord_func):\n coord_func = {d: coord_func for d in self.obj.dims}\n for c in self.obj.coords:\n if c not in coord_func:\n coord_func[c] = duck_array_ops.mean\n self.coord_func = coord_func\n\n def __repr__(self):\n \"\"\"provide a nice str repr of our coarsen object\"\"\"\n\n attrs = [\n \"{k}->{v}\".format(k=k, v=getattr(self, k))\n for k in self._attributes\n if getattr(self, k, None) is not None\n ]\n return \"{klass} [{attrs}]\".format(\n klass=self.__class__.__name__, attrs=\",\".join(attrs)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayCoarsen_DataArrayCoarsen._reduce_method.return.wrapped_func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DataArrayCoarsen_DataArrayCoarsen._reduce_method.return.wrapped_func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 555, "end_line": 584, "span_ids": ["DataArrayCoarsen", "DataArrayCoarsen._reduce_method"], "tokens": 203}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DataArrayCoarsen(Coarsen):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n @classmethod\n def _reduce_method(cls, func):\n \"\"\"\n Return a wrapped function for injecting numpy methods.\n see ops.inject_coarsen_methods\n \"\"\"\n\n def wrapped_func(self, **kwargs):\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n reduced = self.obj.variable.coarsen(\n self.windows, func, self.boundary, self.side\n )\n coords = {}\n for c, v in self.obj.coords.items():\n if c == self.obj.name:\n coords[c] = reduced\n else:\n if any(d in self.windows for d in v.dims):\n coords[c] = v.variable.coarsen(\n self.windows, self.coord_func[c], self.boundary, self.side\n )\n else:\n coords[c] = v\n return DataArray(reduced, dims=self.obj.dims, coords=coords)\n\n return wrapped_func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DatasetCoarsen_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling.py_DatasetCoarsen_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling.py", "file_name": "rolling.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 587, "end_line": 621, "span_ids": ["DatasetCoarsen", "DatasetCoarsen._reduce_method", "impl:7"], "tokens": 216}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetCoarsen(Coarsen):\n __slots__ = ()\n\n @classmethod\n def _reduce_method(cls, func):\n \"\"\"\n Return a wrapped function for injecting numpy methods.\n see ops.inject_coarsen_methods\n \"\"\"\n\n def wrapped_func(self, **kwargs):\n from .dataset import Dataset\n\n reduced = {}\n for key, da in self.obj.data_vars.items():\n reduced[key] = da.variable.coarsen(\n self.windows, func, self.boundary, self.side\n )\n\n coords = {}\n for c, v in self.obj.coords.items():\n if any(d in self.windows for d in v.dims):\n coords[c] = v.variable.coarsen(\n self.windows, self.coord_func[c], self.boundary, self.side\n )\n else:\n coords[c] = v.variable\n return Dataset(reduced, coords=coords)\n\n return wrapped_func\n\n\ninject_coarsen_methods(DataArrayCoarsen)\ninject_coarsen_methods(DatasetCoarsen)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling_exp.py_np_move_exp_nanmean.if_axis_.else_.return.numbagg_move_exp_nanmean_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling_exp.py_np_move_exp_nanmean.if_axis_.else_.return.numbagg_move_exp_nanmean_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", "file_name": "rolling_exp.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 23, "span_ids": ["move_exp_nanmean", "_get_alpha", "imports"], "tokens": 180}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\n\nfrom .pdcompat import count_not_none\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type\n\n\ndef _get_alpha(com=None, span=None, halflife=None, alpha=None):\n # pandas defines in terms of com (converting to alpha in the algo)\n # so use its function to get a com and then convert to alpha\n\n com = _get_center_of_mass(com, span, halflife, alpha)\n return 1 / (1 + com)\n\n\ndef move_exp_nanmean(array, *, axis, alpha):\n if isinstance(array, dask_array_type):\n raise TypeError(\"rolling_exp is not currently support for dask arrays\")\n import numbagg\n\n if axis == ():\n return array.astype(np.float64)\n else:\n return numbagg.move_exp_nanmean(array, axis=axis, alpha=alpha)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling_exp.py__get_center_of_mass__get_center_of_mass.return.float_comass_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling_exp.py__get_center_of_mass__get_center_of_mass.return.float_comass_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", "file_name": "rolling_exp.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 26, "end_line": 56, "span_ids": ["_get_center_of_mass"], "tokens": 302}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _get_center_of_mass(comass, span, halflife, alpha):\n valid_count = count_not_none(comass, span, halflife, alpha)\n if valid_count > 1:\n raise ValueError(\"comass, span, halflife, and alpha \" \"are mutually exclusive\")\n\n # Convert to center of mass; domain checks ensure 0 < alpha <= 1\n if comass is not None:\n if comass < 0:\n raise ValueError(\"comass must satisfy: comass >= 0\")\n elif span is not None:\n if span < 1:\n raise ValueError(\"span must satisfy: span >= 1\")\n comass = (span - 1) / 2.0\n elif halflife is not None:\n if halflife <= 0:\n raise ValueError(\"halflife must satisfy: halflife > 0\")\n decay = 1 - np.exp(np.log(0.5) / halflife)\n comass = 1 / decay - 1\n elif alpha is not None:\n if alpha <= 0 or alpha > 1:\n raise ValueError(\"alpha must satisfy: 0 < alpha <= 1\")\n comass = (1.0 - alpha) / alpha\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"Must pass one of comass, span, halflife, or alpha\")\n\n return float(comass)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling_exp.py_RollingExp_RollingExp.__init__.self.alpha._get_alpha_window_type": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling_exp.py_RollingExp_RollingExp.__init__.self.alpha._get_alpha_window_type", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", "file_name": "rolling_exp.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 59, "end_line": 89, "span_ids": ["RollingExp"], "tokens": 253}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class RollingExp:\n \"\"\"\n Exponentially-weighted moving window object.\n Similar to EWM in pandas\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n obj : Dataset or DataArray\n Object to window.\n windows : A single mapping from a single dimension name to window value\n dim : str\n Name of the dimension to create the rolling exponential window\n along (e.g., `time`).\n window : int\n Size of the moving window. The type of this is specified in\n `window_type`\n window_type : str, one of ['span', 'com', 'halflife', 'alpha'], default 'span'\n The format of the previously supplied window. Each is a simple\n numerical transformation of the others. Described in detail:\n https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.ewm.html\n\n Returns\n -------\n RollingExp : type of input argument\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, obj, windows, window_type=\"span\"):\n self.obj = obj\n dim, window = next(iter(windows.items()))\n self.dim = dim\n self.alpha = _get_alpha(**{window_type: window})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling_exp.py_RollingExp.mean_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/rolling_exp.py_RollingExp.mean_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/rolling_exp.py", "file_name": "rolling_exp.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 91, "end_line": 105, "span_ids": ["RollingExp.mean"], "tokens": 132}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class RollingExp:\n\n def mean(self):\n \"\"\"\n Exponentially weighted moving average\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> da = xr.DataArray([1,1,2,2,2], dims='x')\n >>> da.rolling_exp(x=2, window_type='span').mean()\n \n array([1. , 1. , 1.692308, 1.9 , 1.966942])\n Dimensions without coordinates: x\n \"\"\"\n\n return self.obj.reduce(move_exp_nanmean, dim=self.dim, alpha=self.alpha)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py__Internal_utilties_not_maybe_cast_to_coords_dtype.return.label": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py__Internal_utilties_not_maybe_cast_to_coords_dtype.return.label", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 81, "span_ids": ["alias_warning", "impl", "docstring", "_check_inplace", "alias_message", "imports", "alias", "maybe_cast_to_coords_dtype", "_maybe_cast_to_cftimeindex"], "tokens": 459}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"Internal utilties; not for external use\n\"\"\"\nimport contextlib\nimport functools\nimport itertools\nimport os.path\nimport re\nimport warnings\nfrom typing import (\n AbstractSet,\n Any,\n Callable,\n Container,\n Dict,\n Hashable,\n Iterable,\n Iterator,\n Mapping,\n MutableMapping,\n MutableSet,\n Optional,\n Sequence,\n Tuple,\n TypeVar,\n cast,\n)\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nK = TypeVar(\"K\")\nV = TypeVar(\"V\")\nT = TypeVar(\"T\")\n\n\ndef _check_inplace(inplace: Optional[bool]) -> None:\n if inplace is not None:\n raise TypeError(\n \"The `inplace` argument has been removed from xarray. \"\n \"You can achieve an identical effect with python's standard assignment.\"\n )\n\n\ndef alias_message(old_name: str, new_name: str) -> str:\n return \"%s has been deprecated. Use %s instead.\" % (old_name, new_name)\n\n\ndef alias_warning(old_name: str, new_name: str, stacklevel: int = 3) -> None:\n warnings.warn(\n alias_message(old_name, new_name), FutureWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel\n )\n\n\ndef alias(obj: Callable[..., T], old_name: str) -> Callable[..., T]:\n assert isinstance(old_name, str)\n\n @functools.wraps(obj)\n def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):\n alias_warning(old_name, obj.__name__)\n return obj(*args, **kwargs)\n\n wrapper.__doc__ = alias_message(old_name, obj.__name__)\n return wrapper\n\n\ndef _maybe_cast_to_cftimeindex(index: pd.Index) -> pd.Index:\n from ..coding.cftimeindex import CFTimeIndex\n\n if len(index) > 0 and index.dtype == \"O\":\n try:\n return CFTimeIndex(index)\n except (ImportError, TypeError):\n return index\n else:\n return index\n\n\ndef maybe_cast_to_coords_dtype(label, coords_dtype):\n if coords_dtype.kind == \"f\" and not isinstance(label, slice):\n label = np.asarray(label, dtype=coords_dtype)\n return label", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_safe_cast_to_index_safe_cast_to_index.return._maybe_cast_to_cftimeinde": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_safe_cast_to_index_safe_cast_to_index.return._maybe_cast_to_cftimeinde", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 84, "end_line": 102, "span_ids": ["safe_cast_to_index"], "tokens": 168}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def safe_cast_to_index(array: Any) -> pd.Index:\n \"\"\"Given an array, safely cast it to a pandas.Index.\n\n If it is already a pandas.Index, return it unchanged.\n\n Unlike pandas.Index, if the array has dtype=object or dtype=timedelta64,\n this function will not attempt to do automatic type conversion but will\n always return an index with dtype=object.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(array, pd.Index):\n index = array\n elif hasattr(array, \"to_index\"):\n index = array.to_index()\n else:\n kwargs = {}\n if hasattr(array, \"dtype\") and array.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n kwargs[\"dtype\"] = object\n index = pd.Index(np.asarray(array), **kwargs)\n return _maybe_cast_to_cftimeindex(index)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_multiindex_from_product_levels_multiindex_from_product_levels.return.pd_MultiIndex_levels_lab": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_multiindex_from_product_levels_multiindex_from_product_levels.return.pd_MultiIndex_levels_lab", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 105, "end_line": 129, "span_ids": ["multiindex_from_product_levels"], "tokens": 199}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def multiindex_from_product_levels(\n levels: Sequence[pd.Index], names: Sequence[str] = None\n) -> pd.MultiIndex:\n \"\"\"Creating a MultiIndex from a product without refactorizing levels.\n\n Keeping levels the same gives back the original labels when we unstack.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n levels : sequence of pd.Index\n Values for each MultiIndex level.\n names : optional sequence of objects\n Names for each level.\n\n Returns\n -------\n pandas.MultiIndex\n \"\"\"\n if any(not isinstance(lev, pd.Index) for lev in levels):\n raise TypeError(\"levels must be a list of pd.Index objects\")\n\n split_labels, levels = zip(*[lev.factorize() for lev in levels])\n labels_mesh = np.meshgrid(*split_labels, indexing=\"ij\")\n labels = [x.ravel() for x in labels_mesh]\n return pd.MultiIndex(levels, labels, sortorder=0, names=names)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_maybe_wrap_array_equivalent.if_isinstance_first_np_n.else_.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_maybe_wrap_array_equivalent.if_isinstance_first_np_n.else_.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 132, "end_line": 162, "span_ids": ["equivalent", "maybe_wrap_array"], "tokens": 260}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def maybe_wrap_array(original, new_array):\n \"\"\"Wrap a transformed array with __array_wrap__ is it can be done safely.\n\n This lets us treat arbitrary functions that take and return ndarray objects\n like ufuncs, as long as they return an array with the same shape.\n \"\"\"\n # in case func lost array's metadata\n if isinstance(new_array, np.ndarray) and new_array.shape == original.shape:\n return original.__array_wrap__(new_array)\n else:\n return new_array\n\n\ndef equivalent(first: T, second: T) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Compare two objects for equivalence (identity or equality), using\n array_equiv if either object is an ndarray. If both objects are lists,\n equivalent is sequentially called on all the elements.\n \"\"\"\n # TODO: refactor to avoid circular import\n from . import duck_array_ops\n\n if isinstance(first, np.ndarray) or isinstance(second, np.ndarray):\n return duck_array_ops.array_equiv(first, second)\n elif isinstance(first, list) or isinstance(second, list):\n return list_equiv(first, second)\n else:\n return (\n (first is second)\n or (first == second)\n or (pd.isnull(first) and pd.isnull(second))\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_list_equiv_peek_at.return.peek_itertools_chain_pe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_list_equiv_peek_at.return.peek_itertools_chain_pe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 165, "end_line": 181, "span_ids": ["list_equiv", "peek_at"], "tokens": 121}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def list_equiv(first, second):\n equiv = True\n if len(first) != len(second):\n return False\n else:\n for f, s in zip(first, second):\n equiv = equiv and equivalent(f, s)\n return equiv\n\n\ndef peek_at(iterable: Iterable[T]) -> Tuple[T, Iterator[T]]:\n \"\"\"Returns the first value from iterable, as well as a new iterator with\n the same content as the original iterable\n \"\"\"\n gen = iter(iterable)\n peek = next(gen)\n return peek, itertools.chain([peek], gen)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_update_safety_check_update_safety_check.for_k_v_in_second_dict_i.if_k_in_first_dict_and_no.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_update_safety_check_update_safety_check.for_k_v_in_second_dict_i.if_k_in_first_dict_and_no.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 184, "end_line": 209, "span_ids": ["update_safety_check"], "tokens": 208}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def update_safety_check(\n first_dict: MutableMapping[K, V],\n second_dict: Mapping[K, V],\n compat: Callable[[V, V], bool] = equivalent,\n) -> None:\n \"\"\"Check the safety of updating one dictionary with another.\n\n Raises ValueError if dictionaries have non-compatible values for any key,\n where compatibility is determined by identity (they are the same item) or\n the `compat` function.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n first_dict, second_dict : dict-like\n All items in the second dictionary are checked against for conflicts\n against items in the first dictionary.\n compat : function, optional\n Binary operator to determine if two values are compatible. By default,\n checks for equivalence.\n \"\"\"\n for k, v in second_dict.items():\n if k in first_dict and not compat(v, first_dict[k]):\n raise ValueError(\n \"unsafe to merge dictionaries without \"\n \"overriding values; conflicting key %r\" % k\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_remove_incompatible_items_is_list_like.return.isinstance_value_list_o": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_remove_incompatible_items_is_list_like.return.isinstance_value_list_o", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 212, "end_line": 244, "span_ids": ["remove_incompatible_items", "is_list_like", "is_dict_like", "is_full_slice"], "tokens": 231}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def remove_incompatible_items(\n first_dict: MutableMapping[K, V],\n second_dict: Mapping[K, V],\n compat: Callable[[V, V], bool] = equivalent,\n) -> None:\n \"\"\"Remove incompatible items from the first dictionary in-place.\n\n Items are retained if their keys are found in both dictionaries and the\n values are compatible.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n first_dict, second_dict : dict-like\n Mappings to merge.\n compat : function, optional\n Binary operator to determine if two values are compatible. By default,\n checks for equivalence.\n \"\"\"\n for k in list(first_dict):\n if k not in second_dict or not compat(first_dict[k], second_dict[k]):\n del first_dict[k]\n\n\ndef is_dict_like(value: Any) -> bool:\n return hasattr(value, \"keys\") and hasattr(value, \"__getitem__\")\n\n\ndef is_full_slice(value: Any) -> bool:\n return isinstance(value, slice) and value == slice(None)\n\n\ndef is_list_like(value: Any) -> bool:\n return isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_either_dict_or_kwargs_either_dict_or_kwargs.if_pos_kwargs_is_not_None.else_.return.cast_Mapping_Hashable_T_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_either_dict_or_kwargs_either_dict_or_kwargs.if_pos_kwargs_is_not_None.else_.return.cast_Mapping_Hashable_T_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 247, "end_line": 266, "span_ids": ["either_dict_or_kwargs"], "tokens": 171}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def either_dict_or_kwargs(\n pos_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, T]],\n kw_kwargs: Mapping[str, T],\n func_name: str,\n) -> Mapping[Hashable, T]:\n if pos_kwargs is not None:\n if not is_dict_like(pos_kwargs):\n raise ValueError(\n \"the first argument to .%s must be a dictionary\" % func_name\n )\n if kw_kwargs:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot specify both keyword and positional \"\n \"arguments to .%s\" % func_name\n )\n return pos_kwargs\n else:\n # Need an explicit cast to appease mypy due to invariance; see\n # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/6228\n return cast(Mapping[Hashable, T], kw_kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_is_scalar_is_scalar.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_is_scalar_is_scalar.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 269, "end_line": 285, "span_ids": ["is_scalar"], "tokens": 137}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def is_scalar(value: Any, include_0d: bool = True) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Whether to treat a value as a scalar.\n\n Any non-iterable, string, or 0-D array\n \"\"\"\n from .variable import NON_NUMPY_SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES\n\n if include_0d:\n include_0d = getattr(value, \"ndim\", None) == 0\n return (\n include_0d\n or isinstance(value, (str, bytes))\n or not (\n isinstance(value, (Iterable,) + NON_NUMPY_SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES)\n or hasattr(value, \"__array_function__\")\n )\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_is_valid_numpy_dtype_to_0d_array.if_np_isscalar_value_or_.else_.return.to_0d_object_array_value_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_is_valid_numpy_dtype_to_0d_array.if_np_isscalar_value_or_.else_.return.to_0d_object_array_value_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 288, "end_line": 311, "span_ids": ["is_valid_numpy_dtype", "to_0d_object_array", "to_0d_array"], "tokens": 172}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def is_valid_numpy_dtype(dtype: Any) -> bool:\n try:\n np.dtype(dtype)\n except (TypeError, ValueError):\n return False\n else:\n return True\n\n\ndef to_0d_object_array(value: Any) -> np.ndarray:\n \"\"\"Given a value, wrap it in a 0-D numpy.ndarray with dtype=object.\n \"\"\"\n result = np.empty((), dtype=object)\n result[()] = value\n return result\n\n\ndef to_0d_array(value: Any) -> np.ndarray:\n \"\"\"Given a value, wrap it in a 0-D numpy.ndarray.\n \"\"\"\n if np.isscalar(value) or (isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.ndim == 0):\n return np.array(value)\n else:\n return to_0d_object_array(value)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_dict_equiv_dict_equiv.return.True": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_dict_equiv_dict_equiv.return.True", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 314, "end_line": 341, "span_ids": ["dict_equiv"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def dict_equiv(\n first: Mapping[K, V],\n second: Mapping[K, V],\n compat: Callable[[V, V], bool] = equivalent,\n) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Test equivalence of two dict-like objects. If any of the values are\n numpy arrays, compare them correctly.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n first, second : dict-like\n Dictionaries to compare for equality\n compat : function, optional\n Binary operator to determine if two values are compatible. By default,\n checks for equivalence.\n\n Returns\n -------\n equals : bool\n True if the dictionaries are equal\n \"\"\"\n for k in first:\n if k not in second or not compat(first[k], second[k]):\n return False\n for k in second:\n if k not in first:\n return False\n return True", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_ordered_dict_intersection_ordered_dict_intersection.return.new_dict": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_ordered_dict_intersection_ordered_dict_intersection.return.new_dict", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 344, "end_line": 369, "span_ids": ["ordered_dict_intersection"], "tokens": 168}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def ordered_dict_intersection(\n first_dict: Mapping[K, V],\n second_dict: Mapping[K, V],\n compat: Callable[[V, V], bool] = equivalent,\n) -> MutableMapping[K, V]:\n \"\"\"Return the intersection of two dictionaries as a new dictionary.\n\n Items are retained if their keys are found in both dictionaries and the\n values are compatible.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n first_dict, second_dict : dict-like\n Mappings to merge.\n compat : function, optional\n Binary operator to determine if two values are compatible. By default,\n checks for equivalence.\n\n Returns\n -------\n intersection : dict\n Intersection of the contents.\n \"\"\"\n new_dict = dict(first_dict)\n remove_incompatible_items(new_dict, second_dict, compat)\n return new_dict", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_Frozen_FrozenDict.return.Frozen_dict_args_kwar": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_Frozen_FrozenDict.return.Frozen_dict_args_kwar", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 372, "end_line": 400, "span_ids": ["Frozen.__iter__", "Frozen", "Frozen.__getitem__", "Frozen.__len__", "Frozen.__repr__", "Frozen.__contains__", "FrozenDict"], "tokens": 202}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Frozen(Mapping[K, V]):\n \"\"\"Wrapper around an object implementing the mapping interface to make it\n immutable. If you really want to modify the mapping, the mutable version is\n saved under the `mapping` attribute.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"mapping\",)\n\n def __init__(self, mapping: Mapping[K, V]):\n self.mapping = mapping\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: K) -> V:\n return self.mapping[key]\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[K]:\n return iter(self.mapping)\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self.mapping)\n\n def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:\n return key in self.mapping\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return \"%s(%r)\" % (type(self).__name__, self.mapping)\n\n\ndef FrozenDict(*args, **kwargs) -> Frozen:\n return Frozen(dict(*args, **kwargs))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_SortedKeysDict_SortedKeysDict.__repr__.return._s_r_type_self___": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_SortedKeysDict_SortedKeysDict.__repr__.return._s_r_type_self___", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 403, "end_line": 433, "span_ids": ["SortedKeysDict", "SortedKeysDict.__delitem__", "SortedKeysDict.__repr__", "SortedKeysDict.__getitem__", "SortedKeysDict.__contains__", "SortedKeysDict.__setitem__", "SortedKeysDict.__len__", "SortedKeysDict.__iter__"], "tokens": 235}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class SortedKeysDict(MutableMapping[K, V]):\n \"\"\"An wrapper for dictionary-like objects that always iterates over its\n items in sorted order by key but is otherwise equivalent to the underlying\n mapping.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"mapping\",)\n\n def __init__(self, mapping: MutableMapping[K, V] = None):\n self.mapping = {} if mapping is None else mapping\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: K) -> V:\n return self.mapping[key]\n\n def __setitem__(self, key: K, value: V) -> None:\n self.mapping[key] = value\n\n def __delitem__(self, key: K) -> None:\n del self.mapping[key]\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[K]:\n return iter(sorted(self.mapping))\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self.mapping)\n\n def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:\n return key in self.mapping\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return \"%s(%r)\" % (type(self).__name__, self.mapping)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_OrderedSet_OrderedSet.__repr__.return._s_r_type_self___": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_OrderedSet_OrderedSet.__repr__.return._s_r_type_self___", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 436, "end_line": 479, "span_ids": ["OrderedSet.update", "OrderedSet.add", "OrderedSet.__repr__", "OrderedSet.__contains__", "OrderedSet.__len__", "OrderedSet", "OrderedSet.discard", "OrderedSet.__iter__"], "tokens": 325}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class OrderedSet(MutableSet[T]):\n \"\"\"A simple ordered set.\n\n The API matches the builtin set, but it preserves insertion order of elements, like\n a dict. Note that, unlike in an OrderedDict, equality tests are not order-sensitive.\n \"\"\"\n\n _d: Dict[T, None]\n\n __slots__ = (\"_d\",)\n\n def __init__(self, values: AbstractSet[T] = None):\n self._d = {}\n if values is not None:\n # Disable type checking - both mypy and PyCharm believe that\n # we're altering the type of self in place (see signature of\n # MutableSet.__ior__)\n self |= values # type: ignore\n\n # Required methods for MutableSet\n\n def __contains__(self, value: object) -> bool:\n return value in self._d\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]:\n return iter(self._d)\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n return len(self._d)\n\n def add(self, value: T) -> None:\n self._d[value] = None\n\n def discard(self, value: T) -> None:\n del self._d[value]\n\n # Additional methods\n\n def update(self, values: AbstractSet[T]) -> None:\n # See comment on __init__ re. type checking\n self |= values # type: ignore\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return \"%s(%r)\" % (type(self).__name__, list(self))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_NdimSizeLenMixin_NdimSizeLenMixin.__len__.try_.except_IndexError_.raise_TypeError_len_of": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_NdimSizeLenMixin_NdimSizeLenMixin.__len__.try_.except_IndexError_.raise_TypeError_len_of", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 482, "end_line": 502, "span_ids": ["NdimSizeLenMixin.ndim", "NdimSizeLenMixin", "NdimSizeLenMixin.__len__", "NdimSizeLenMixin.size"], "tokens": 147}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NdimSizeLenMixin:\n \"\"\"Mixin class that extends a class that defines a ``shape`` property to\n one that also defines ``ndim``, ``size`` and ``__len__``.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n @property\n def ndim(self: Any) -> int:\n return len(self.shape)\n\n @property\n def size(self: Any) -> int:\n # cast to int so that shape = () gives size = 1\n return int(np.prod(self.shape))\n\n def __len__(self: Any) -> int:\n try:\n return self.shape[0]\n except IndexError:\n raise TypeError(\"len() of unsized object\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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wrappers of N-dimensional arrays that conform to\n the ndarray interface required for the data argument to Variable objects.\n\n A subclass should set the `array` property and override one or more of\n `dtype`, `shape` and `__getitem__`.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n @property\n def dtype(self: Any) -> np.dtype:\n return self.array.dtype\n\n @property\n def shape(self: Any) -> Tuple[int]:\n return self.array.shape\n\n def __getitem__(self: Any, key):\n return self.array[key]\n\n def __repr__(self: Any) -> str:\n return \"%s(array=%r)\" % (type(self).__name__, self.array)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_ReprObject_ReprObject.__hash__.return.hash_ReprObject_self__v": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_ReprObject_ReprObject.__hash__.return.hash_ReprObject_self__v", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 530, "end_line": 548, "span_ids": ["ReprObject.__repr__", "ReprObject", "ReprObject.__hash__", "ReprObject.__eq__"], "tokens": 124}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class ReprObject:\n \"\"\"Object that prints as the given value, for use with sentinel values.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_value\",)\n\n def __init__(self, value: str):\n self._value = value\n\n def __repr__(self) -> str:\n return self._value\n\n def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:\n if isinstance(other, ReprObject):\n return self._value == other._value\n return False\n\n def __hash__(self) -> int:\n return hash((ReprObject, self._value))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_close_on_error_is_grib_path.return.ext_in_grib_grb_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_close_on_error_is_grib_path.return.ext_in_grib_grb_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 551, "end_line": 569, "span_ids": ["is_grib_path", "is_remote_uri", "close_on_error"], "tokens": 129}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", 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is_uniform_spaced(range(5))\n True\n >>> is_uniform_spaced([-4, 0, 100])\n False\n\n kwargs are additional arguments to ``np.isclose``\n \"\"\"\n arr = np.array(arr, dtype=float)\n diffs = np.diff(arr)\n return bool(np.isclose(diffs.min(), diffs.max(), **kwargs))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_hashable_ensure_us_time_resolution.return.val": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_hashable_ensure_us_time_resolution.return.val", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 587, "end_line": 621, "span_ids": ["hashable", "not_implemented", "decode_numpy_dict_values", "ensure_us_time_resolution"], "tokens": 235}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def hashable(v: Any) -> bool:\n \"\"\"Determine whether `v` can be hashed.\n \"\"\"\n try:\n hash(v)\n except TypeError:\n return False\n return True\n\n\ndef not_implemented(*args, **kwargs):\n return NotImplemented\n\n\ndef decode_numpy_dict_values(attrs: Mapping[K, V]) -> Dict[K, V]:\n \"\"\"Convert attribute values from numpy objects to native Python objects,\n for use in to_dict\n \"\"\"\n attrs = dict(attrs)\n for k, v in attrs.items():\n if isinstance(v, np.ndarray):\n attrs[k] = v.tolist()\n elif isinstance(v, np.generic):\n attrs[k] = v.item()\n return attrs\n\n\ndef ensure_us_time_resolution(val):\n \"\"\"Convert val out of numpy time, for use in to_dict.\n Needed because of numpy bug GH#7619\"\"\"\n if np.issubdtype(val.dtype, np.datetime64):\n val = val.astype(\"datetime64[us]\")\n elif np.issubdtype(val.dtype, np.timedelta64):\n val = val.astype(\"timedelta64[us]\")\n return val", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_HiddenKeyDict_HiddenKeyDict.__len__.return.len_self__data_num_hid": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_HiddenKeyDict_HiddenKeyDict.__len__.return.len_self__data_num_hid", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 624, "end_line": 660, "span_ids": ["HiddenKeyDict.__setitem__", "HiddenKeyDict.__delitem__", "HiddenKeyDict.__len__", "HiddenKeyDict._raise_if_hidden", "HiddenKeyDict.__iter__", "HiddenKeyDict", "HiddenKeyDict.__getitem__"], "tokens": 307}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class HiddenKeyDict(MutableMapping[K, V]):\n \"\"\"Acts like a normal dictionary, but hides certain keys.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_data\", \"_hidden_keys\")\n\n # ``__init__`` method required to create instance from class.\n\n def __init__(self, data: MutableMapping[K, V], hidden_keys: Iterable[K]):\n self._data = data\n self._hidden_keys = frozenset(hidden_keys)\n\n def _raise_if_hidden(self, key: K) -> None:\n if key in self._hidden_keys:\n raise KeyError(\"Key `%r` is hidden.\" % key)\n\n # The next five methods are requirements of the ABC.\n def __setitem__(self, key: K, value: V) -> None:\n self._raise_if_hidden(key)\n self._data[key] = value\n\n def __getitem__(self, key: K) -> V:\n self._raise_if_hidden(key)\n return self._data[key]\n\n def __delitem__(self, key: K) -> None:\n self._raise_if_hidden(key)\n del self._data[key]\n\n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[K]:\n for k in self._data:\n if k not in self._hidden_keys:\n yield k\n\n def __len__(self) -> int:\n num_hidden = len(self._hidden_keys & self._data.keys())\n return len(self._data) - num_hidden", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_get_temp_dimname_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/utils.py_get_temp_dimname_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 663, "end_line": 679, "span_ids": ["get_temp_dimname"], "tokens": 145}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def get_temp_dimname(dims: Container[Hashable], new_dim: Hashable) -> Hashable:\n \"\"\" Get an new dimension name based on new_dim, that is not used in dims.\n If the same name exists, we add an underscore(s) in the head.\n\n Example1:\n dims: ['a', 'b', 'c']\n new_dim: ['_rolling']\n -> ['_rolling']\n Example2:\n dims: ['a', 'b', 'c', '_rolling']\n new_dim: ['_rolling']\n -> ['__rolling']\n \"\"\"\n while new_dim in dims:\n new_dim = \"_\" + str(new_dim)\n return new_dim", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_functools_MissingDimensionsError._TODO_move_this_to_an_x": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_functools_MissingDimensionsError._TODO_move_this_to_an_x", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 62, "span_ids": ["impl", "MissingDimensionsError", "impl:2", "imports", "imports:16"], "tokens": 382}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import functools\nimport itertools\nfrom collections import defaultdict\nfrom datetime import timedelta\nfrom distutils.version import LooseVersion\nfrom typing import Any, Dict, Hashable, Mapping, TypeVar, Union\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nimport xarray as xr # only for Dataset and DataArray\n\nfrom . import arithmetic, common, dtypes, duck_array_ops, indexing, nputils, ops, utils\nfrom .indexing import (\n BasicIndexer,\n OuterIndexer,\n PandasIndexAdapter,\n VectorizedIndexer,\n as_indexable,\n)\nfrom .npcompat import IS_NEP18_ACTIVE\nfrom .options import _get_keep_attrs\nfrom .pycompat import dask_array_type, integer_types\nfrom .utils import (\n OrderedSet,\n decode_numpy_dict_values,\n either_dict_or_kwargs,\n ensure_us_time_resolution,\n)\n\ntry:\n import dask.array as da\nexcept ImportError:\n pass\n\n\nNON_NUMPY_SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES = (\n indexing.ExplicitlyIndexed,\n pd.Index,\n) + dask_array_type\n# https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/224\nBASIC_INDEXING_TYPES = integer_types + (slice,) # type: ignore\n\nVariableType = TypeVar(\"VariableType\", bound=\"Variable\")\n\"\"\"Type annotation to be used when methods of Variable return self or a copy of self.\nWhen called from an instance of a subclass, e.g. IndexVariable, mypy identifies the\noutput as an instance of the subclass.\n\nUsage::\n\n class Variable:\n def f(self: VariableType, ...) -> VariableType:\n ...\n\"\"\"\n\n\nclass MissingDimensionsError(ValueError):\n \"\"\"Error class used when we can't safely guess a dimension name.\n \"\"\"\n\n # inherits from ValueError for backward compatibility\n # TODO: move this to an xarray.exceptions module?", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_as_variable_as_variable.return.obj": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_as_variable_as_variable.return.obj", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 65, "end_line": 143, "span_ids": ["as_variable"], "tokens": 633}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def as_variable(obj, name=None) -> \"Union[Variable, IndexVariable]\":\n \"\"\"Convert an object into a Variable.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n obj : object\n Object to convert into a Variable.\n\n - If the object is already a Variable, return a shallow copy.\n - Otherwise, if the object has 'dims' and 'data' attributes, convert\n it into a new Variable.\n - If all else fails, attempt to convert the object into a Variable by\n unpacking it into the arguments for creating a new Variable.\n name : str, optional\n If provided:\n\n - `obj` can be a 1D array, which is assumed to label coordinate values\n along a dimension of this given name.\n - Variables with name matching one of their dimensions are converted\n into `IndexVariable` objects.\n\n Returns\n -------\n var : Variable\n The newly created variable.\n\n \"\"\"\n from .dataarray import DataArray\n\n # TODO: consider extending this method to automatically handle Iris and\n if isinstance(obj, DataArray):\n # extract the primary Variable from DataArrays\n obj = obj.variable\n\n if isinstance(obj, Variable):\n obj = obj.copy(deep=False)\n elif isinstance(obj, tuple):\n try:\n obj = Variable(*obj)\n except (TypeError, ValueError) as error:\n # use .format() instead of % because it handles tuples consistently\n raise error.__class__(\n \"Could not convert tuple of form \"\n \"(dims, data[, attrs, encoding]): \"\n \"{} to Variable.\".format(obj)\n )\n elif utils.is_scalar(obj):\n obj = Variable([], obj)\n elif isinstance(obj, (pd.Index, IndexVariable)) and obj.name is not None:\n obj = Variable(obj.name, obj)\n elif isinstance(obj, (set, dict)):\n raise TypeError(\"variable %r has invalid type %r\" % (name, type(obj)))\n elif name is not None:\n data = as_compatible_data(obj)\n if data.ndim != 1:\n raise MissingDimensionsError(\n \"cannot set variable %r with %r-dimensional data \"\n \"without explicit dimension names. Pass a tuple of \"\n \"(dims, data) instead.\" % (name, data.ndim)\n )\n obj = Variable(name, data, fastpath=True)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"unable to convert object into a variable without an \"\n \"explicit list of dimensions: %r\" % obj\n )\n\n if name is not None and name in obj.dims:\n # convert the Variable into an Index\n if obj.ndim != 1:\n raise MissingDimensionsError(\n \"%r has more than 1-dimension and the same name as one of its \"\n \"dimensions %r. xarray disallows such variables because they \"\n \"conflict with the coordinates used to label \"\n \"dimensions.\" % (name, obj.dims)\n )\n obj = obj.to_index_variable()\n\n return obj", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__maybe_wrap_data__possibly_convert_objects.return.np_asarray_pd_Series_valu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__maybe_wrap_data__possibly_convert_objects.return.np_asarray_pd_Series_valu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 146, "end_line": 163, "span_ids": ["_possibly_convert_objects", "_maybe_wrap_data"], "tokens": 125}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _maybe_wrap_data(data):\n \"\"\"\n Put pandas.Index and numpy.ndarray arguments in adapter objects to ensure\n they can be indexed properly.\n\n NumpyArrayAdapter, PandasIndexAdapter and LazilyOuterIndexedArray should\n all pass through unmodified.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(data, pd.Index):\n return PandasIndexAdapter(data)\n return data\n\n\ndef _possibly_convert_objects(values):\n \"\"\"Convert arrays of datetime.datetime and datetime.timedelta objects into\n datetime64 and timedelta64, according to the pandas convention.\n \"\"\"\n return np.asarray(pd.Series(values.ravel())).reshape(values.shape)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_as_compatible_data_as_compatible_data.return._maybe_wrap_data_data_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_as_compatible_data_as_compatible_data.return._maybe_wrap_data_data_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 166, "end_line": 233, "span_ids": ["as_compatible_data"], "tokens": 551}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def as_compatible_data(data, fastpath=False):\n \"\"\"Prepare and wrap data to put in a Variable.\n\n - If data does not have the necessary attributes, convert it to ndarray.\n - If data has dtype=datetime64, ensure that it has ns precision. If it's a\n pandas.Timestamp, convert it to datetime64.\n - If data is already a pandas or xarray object (other than an Index), just\n use the values.\n\n Finally, wrap it up with an adapter if necessary.\n \"\"\"\n if fastpath and getattr(data, \"ndim\", 0) > 0:\n # can't use fastpath (yet) for scalars\n return _maybe_wrap_data(data)\n\n if isinstance(data, Variable):\n return data.data\n\n if isinstance(data, NON_NUMPY_SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES):\n return _maybe_wrap_data(data)\n\n if isinstance(data, tuple):\n data = utils.to_0d_object_array(data)\n\n if isinstance(data, pd.Timestamp):\n # TODO: convert, handle datetime objects, too\n data = np.datetime64(data.value, \"ns\")\n\n if isinstance(data, timedelta):\n data = np.timedelta64(getattr(data, \"value\", data), \"ns\")\n\n # we don't want nested self-described arrays\n data = getattr(data, \"values\", data)\n\n if isinstance(data, np.ma.MaskedArray):\n mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(data)\n if mask.any():\n dtype, fill_value = dtypes.maybe_promote(data.dtype)\n data = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype)\n data[mask] = fill_value\n else:\n data = np.asarray(data)\n\n if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):\n if hasattr(data, \"__array_function__\"):\n if IS_NEP18_ACTIVE:\n return data\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"Got an NumPy-like array type providing the \"\n \"__array_function__ protocol but NEP18 is not enabled. \"\n \"Check that numpy >= v1.16 and that the environment \"\n 'variable \"NUMPY_EXPERIMENTAL_ARRAY_FUNCTION\" is set to '\n '\"1\"'\n )\n\n # validate whether the data is valid data types\n data = np.asarray(data)\n\n if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):\n if data.dtype.kind == \"O\":\n data = _possibly_convert_objects(data)\n elif data.dtype.kind == \"M\":\n data = np.asarray(data, \"datetime64[ns]\")\n elif data.dtype.kind == \"m\":\n data = np.asarray(data, \"timedelta64[ns]\")\n\n return _maybe_wrap_data(data)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__as_array_or_item__as_array_or_item.return.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__as_array_or_item__as_array_or_item.return.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 236, "end_line": 256, "span_ids": ["_as_array_or_item"], "tokens": 198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _as_array_or_item(data):\n \"\"\"Return the given values as a numpy array, or as an individual item if\n it's a 0d datetime64 or timedelta64 array.\n\n Importantly, this function does not copy data if it is already an ndarray -\n otherwise, it will not be possible to update Variable values in place.\n\n This function mostly exists because 0-dimensional ndarrays with\n dtype=datetime64 are broken :(\n https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/4337\n https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/7619\n\n TODO: remove this (replace with np.asarray) once these issues are fixed\n \"\"\"\n data = np.asarray(data)\n if data.ndim == 0:\n if data.dtype.kind == \"M\":\n data = np.datetime64(data, \"ns\")\n elif data.dtype.kind == \"m\":\n data = np.timedelta64(data, \"ns\")\n return data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable_Variable.data_5.self._data.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable_Variable.data_5.self._data.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 259, "end_line": 346, "span_ids": ["Variable.data_5", "Variable._in_memory", "Variable.shape", "Variable.data", "Variable", "Variable.dtype", "Variable.nbytes"], "tokens": 756}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n \"\"\"A netcdf-like variable consisting of dimensions, data and attributes\n which describe a single Array. A single Variable object is not fully\n described outside the context of its parent Dataset (if you want such a\n fully described object, use a DataArray instead).\n\n The main functional difference between Variables and numpy arrays is that\n numerical operations on Variables implement array broadcasting by dimension\n name. For example, adding an Variable with dimensions `('time',)` to\n another Variable with dimensions `('space',)` results in a new Variable\n with dimensions `('time', 'space')`. Furthermore, numpy reduce operations\n like ``mean`` or ``sum`` are overwritten to take a \"dimension\" argument\n instead of an \"axis\".\n\n Variables are light-weight objects used as the building block for datasets.\n They are more primitive objects, so operations with them provide marginally\n higher performance than using DataArrays. However, manipulating data in the\n form of a Dataset or DataArray should almost always be preferred, because\n they can use more complete metadata in context of coordinate labels.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_dims\", \"_data\", \"_attrs\", \"_encoding\")\n\n def __init__(self, dims, data, attrs=None, encoding=None, fastpath=False):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n dims : str or sequence of str\n Name(s) of the the data dimension(s). Must be either a string (only\n for 1D data) or a sequence of strings with length equal to the\n number of dimensions.\n data : array_like\n Data array which supports numpy-like data access.\n attrs : dict_like or None, optional\n Attributes to assign to the new variable. If None (default), an\n empty attribute dictionary is initialized.\n encoding : dict_like or None, optional\n Dictionary specifying how to encode this array's data into a\n serialized format like netCDF4. Currently used keys (for netCDF)\n include '_FillValue', 'scale_factor', 'add_offset' and 'dtype'.\n Well-behaved code to serialize a Variable should ignore\n unrecognized encoding items.\n \"\"\"\n self._data = as_compatible_data(data, fastpath=fastpath)\n self._dims = self._parse_dimensions(dims)\n self._attrs = None\n self._encoding = None\n if attrs is not None:\n self.attrs = attrs\n if encoding is not None:\n self.encoding = encoding\n\n @property\n def dtype(self):\n return self._data.dtype\n\n @property\n def shape(self):\n return self._data.shape\n\n @property\n def nbytes(self):\n return self.size * self.dtype.itemsize\n\n @property\n def _in_memory(self):\n return isinstance(self._data, (np.ndarray, np.number, PandasIndexAdapter)) or (\n isinstance(self._data, indexing.MemoryCachedArray)\n and isinstance(self._data.array, indexing.NumpyIndexingAdapter)\n )\n\n @property\n def data(self):\n if hasattr(self._data, \"__array_function__\") or isinstance(\n self._data, dask_array_type\n ):\n return self._data\n else:\n return self.values\n\n @data.setter\n def data(self, data):\n data = as_compatible_data(data)\n if data.shape != self.shape:\n raise ValueError(\"replacement data must match the Variable's shape\")\n self._data = data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.load_Variable.load.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.load_Variable.load.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 348, "end_line": 369, "span_ids": ["Variable.load"], "tokens": 185}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def load(self, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Manually trigger loading of this variable's data from disk or a\n remote source into memory and return this variable.\n\n Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code,\n because all xarray functions should either work on deferred data or\n load data automatically.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.array.compute``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.compute\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(self._data, dask_array_type):\n self._data = as_compatible_data(self._data.compute(**kwargs))\n elif not hasattr(self._data, \"__array_function__\"):\n self._data = np.asarray(self._data)\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.compute_Variable.compute.return.new_load_kwargs_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.compute_Variable.compute.return.new_load_kwargs_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 371, "end_line": 390, "span_ids": ["Variable.compute"], "tokens": 157}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def compute(self, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Manually trigger loading of this variable's data from disk or a\n remote source into memory and return a new variable. The original is\n left unaltered.\n\n Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code,\n because all xarray functions should either work on deferred data or\n load data automatically.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.array.compute``.\n\n See Also\n --------\n dask.array.compute\n \"\"\"\n new = self.copy(deep=False)\n return new.load(**kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.__dask_graph___Variable._item_key_to_tuple.if_utils_is_dict_like_key.else_.return.key": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.__dask_graph___Variable._item_key_to_tuple.if_utils_is_dict_like_key.else_.return.key", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 392, "end_line": 497, "span_ids": ["Variable.__dask_optimize__", "Variable.values", "Variable.__dask_layers__", "Variable:5", "Variable.__dask_graph__", "Variable._parse_dimensions", "Variable.to_index_variable", "Variable:7", "Variable.to_index", "Variable.__dask_scheduler__", "Variable._item_key_to_tuple", "Variable.to_dict", "Variable.to_base_variable", "Variable.dims_23", "Variable.__dask_postcompute__", "Variable.__dask_keys__", "Variable._dask_finalize", "Variable.__dask_postpersist__", "Variable.dims", "Variable.values_17"], "tokens": 809}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def __dask_graph__(self):\n if isinstance(self._data, dask_array_type):\n return self._data.__dask_graph__()\n else:\n return None\n\n def __dask_keys__(self):\n return self._data.__dask_keys__()\n\n def __dask_layers__(self):\n return self._data.__dask_layers__()\n\n @property\n def __dask_optimize__(self):\n return self._data.__dask_optimize__\n\n @property\n def __dask_scheduler__(self):\n return self._data.__dask_scheduler__\n\n def __dask_postcompute__(self):\n array_func, array_args = self._data.__dask_postcompute__()\n return (\n self._dask_finalize,\n (array_func, array_args, self._dims, self._attrs, self._encoding),\n )\n\n def __dask_postpersist__(self):\n array_func, array_args = self._data.__dask_postpersist__()\n return (\n self._dask_finalize,\n (array_func, array_args, self._dims, self._attrs, self._encoding),\n )\n\n @staticmethod\n def _dask_finalize(results, array_func, array_args, dims, attrs, encoding):\n if isinstance(results, dict): # persist case\n name = array_args[0]\n results = {k: v for k, v in results.items() if k[0] == name}\n data = array_func(results, *array_args)\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs=attrs, encoding=encoding)\n\n @property\n def values(self):\n \"\"\"The variable's data as a numpy.ndarray\"\"\"\n return _as_array_or_item(self._data)\n\n @values.setter\n def values(self, values):\n self.data = values\n\n def to_base_variable(self):\n \"\"\"Return this variable as a base xarray.Variable\"\"\"\n return Variable(\n self.dims, self._data, self._attrs, encoding=self._encoding, fastpath=True\n )\n\n to_variable = utils.alias(to_base_variable, \"to_variable\")\n\n def to_index_variable(self):\n \"\"\"Return this variable as an xarray.IndexVariable\"\"\"\n return IndexVariable(\n self.dims, self._data, self._attrs, encoding=self._encoding, fastpath=True\n )\n\n to_coord = utils.alias(to_index_variable, \"to_coord\")\n\n def to_index(self):\n \"\"\"Convert this variable to a pandas.Index\"\"\"\n return self.to_index_variable().to_index()\n\n def to_dict(self, data=True):\n \"\"\"Dictionary representation of variable.\"\"\"\n item = {\"dims\": self.dims, \"attrs\": decode_numpy_dict_values(self.attrs)}\n if data:\n item[\"data\"] = ensure_us_time_resolution(self.values).tolist()\n else:\n item.update({\"dtype\": str(self.dtype), \"shape\": self.shape})\n return item\n\n @property\n def dims(self):\n \"\"\"Tuple of dimension names with which this variable is associated.\n \"\"\"\n return self._dims\n\n @dims.setter\n def dims(self, value):\n self._dims = self._parse_dimensions(value)\n\n def _parse_dimensions(self, dims):\n if isinstance(dims, str):\n dims = (dims,)\n dims = tuple(dims)\n if len(dims) != self.ndim:\n raise ValueError(\n \"dimensions %s must have the same length as the \"\n \"number of data dimensions, ndim=%s\" % (dims, self.ndim)\n )\n return dims\n\n def _item_key_to_tuple(self, key):\n if utils.is_dict_like(key):\n return tuple(key.get(dim, slice(None)) for dim in self.dims)\n else:\n return key", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._broadcast_indexes_Variable._broadcast_indexes.return.self__broadcast_indexes_v": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._broadcast_indexes_Variable._broadcast_indexes.return.self__broadcast_indexes_v", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 499, "end_line": 555, "span_ids": ["Variable._broadcast_indexes"], "tokens": 530}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _broadcast_indexes(self, key):\n \"\"\"Prepare an indexing key for an indexing operation.\n\n Parameters\n -----------\n key: int, slice, array, dict or tuple of integer, slices and arrays\n Any valid input for indexing.\n\n Returns\n -------\n dims: tuple\n Dimension of the resultant variable.\n indexers: IndexingTuple subclass\n Tuple of integer, array-like, or slices to use when indexing\n self._data. The type of this argument indicates the type of\n indexing to perform, either basic, outer or vectorized.\n new_order : Optional[Sequence[int]]\n Optional reordering to do on the result of indexing. If not None,\n the first len(new_order) indexing should be moved to these\n positions.\n \"\"\"\n key = self._item_key_to_tuple(key) # key is a tuple\n # key is a tuple of full size\n key = indexing.expanded_indexer(key, self.ndim)\n # Convert a scalar Variable to an integer\n key = tuple(\n k.data.item() if isinstance(k, Variable) and k.ndim == 0 else k for k in key\n )\n # Convert a 0d-array to an integer\n key = tuple(\n k.item() if isinstance(k, np.ndarray) and k.ndim == 0 else k for k in key\n )\n\n if all(isinstance(k, BASIC_INDEXING_TYPES) for k in key):\n return self._broadcast_indexes_basic(key)\n\n self._validate_indexers(key)\n # Detect it can be mapped as an outer indexer\n # If all key is unlabeled, or\n # key can be mapped as an OuterIndexer.\n if all(not isinstance(k, Variable) for k in key):\n return self._broadcast_indexes_outer(key)\n\n # If all key is 1-dimensional and there are no duplicate labels,\n # key can be mapped as an OuterIndexer.\n dims = []\n for k, d in zip(key, self.dims):\n if isinstance(k, Variable):\n if len(k.dims) > 1:\n return self._broadcast_indexes_vectorized(key)\n dims.append(k.dims[0])\n elif not isinstance(k, integer_types):\n dims.append(d)\n if len(set(dims)) == len(dims):\n return self._broadcast_indexes_outer(key)\n\n return self._broadcast_indexes_vectorized(key)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._broadcast_indexes_basic_Variable._validate_indexers.for_dim_k_in_zip_self_di.if_isinstance_k_BASIC_IN.else_.if_k_dtype_kind_b_.if_getattr_k_dims_di.raise_IndexError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._broadcast_indexes_basic_Variable._validate_indexers.for_dim_k_in_zip_self_di.if_isinstance_k_BASIC_IN.else_.if_k_dtype_kind_b_.if_getattr_k_dims_di.raise_IndexError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 557, "end_line": 594, "span_ids": ["Variable._broadcast_indexes_basic", "Variable._validate_indexers"], "tokens": 334}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _broadcast_indexes_basic(self, key):\n dims = tuple(\n dim for k, dim in zip(key, self.dims) if not isinstance(k, integer_types)\n )\n return dims, BasicIndexer(key), None\n\n def _validate_indexers(self, key):\n \"\"\" Make sanity checks \"\"\"\n for dim, k in zip(self.dims, key):\n if isinstance(k, BASIC_INDEXING_TYPES):\n pass\n else:\n if not isinstance(k, Variable):\n k = np.asarray(k)\n if k.ndim > 1:\n raise IndexError(\n \"Unlabeled multi-dimensional array cannot be \"\n \"used for indexing: {}\".format(k)\n )\n if k.dtype.kind == \"b\":\n if self.shape[self.get_axis_num(dim)] != len(k):\n raise IndexError(\n \"Boolean array size {:d} is used to index array \"\n \"with shape {:s}.\".format(len(k), str(self.shape))\n )\n if k.ndim > 1:\n raise IndexError(\n \"{}-dimensional boolean indexing is \"\n \"not supported. \".format(k.ndim)\n )\n if getattr(k, \"dims\", (dim,)) != (dim,):\n raise IndexError(\n \"Boolean indexer should be unlabeled or on the \"\n \"same dimension to the indexed array. Indexer is \"\n \"on {:s} but the target dimension is {:s}.\".format(\n str(k.dims), dim\n )\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._broadcast_indexes_outer_Variable._nonzero.return.tuple_Variable_dim_nz_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._broadcast_indexes_outer_Variable._nonzero.return.tuple_Variable_dim_nz_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 596, "end_line": 620, "span_ids": ["Variable._broadcast_indexes_outer", "Variable._nonzero"], "tokens": 243}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _broadcast_indexes_outer(self, key):\n dims = tuple(\n k.dims[0] if isinstance(k, Variable) else dim\n for k, dim in zip(key, self.dims)\n if not isinstance(k, integer_types)\n )\n\n new_key = []\n for k in key:\n if isinstance(k, Variable):\n k = k.data\n if not isinstance(k, BASIC_INDEXING_TYPES):\n k = np.asarray(k)\n if k.dtype.kind == \"b\":\n (k,) = np.nonzero(k)\n new_key.append(k)\n\n return dims, OuterIndexer(tuple(new_key)), None\n\n def _nonzero(self):\n \"\"\" Equivalent numpy's nonzero but returns a tuple of Varibles. \"\"\"\n # TODO we should replace dask's native nonzero\n # after https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/1076 is implemented.\n nonzeros = np.nonzero(self.data)\n return tuple(Variable((dim), nz) for nz, dim in zip(nonzeros, self.dims))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._broadcast_indexes_vectorized_Variable._broadcast_indexes_vectorized.return.out_dims_VectorizedIndex": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._broadcast_indexes_vectorized_Variable._broadcast_indexes_vectorized.return.out_dims_VectorizedIndex", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 622, "end_line": 676, "span_ids": ["Variable._broadcast_indexes_vectorized"], "tokens": 439}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _broadcast_indexes_vectorized(self, key):\n variables = []\n out_dims_set = OrderedSet()\n for dim, value in zip(self.dims, key):\n if isinstance(value, slice):\n out_dims_set.add(dim)\n else:\n variable = (\n value\n if isinstance(value, Variable)\n else as_variable(value, name=dim)\n )\n if variable.dtype.kind == \"b\": # boolean indexing case\n (variable,) = variable._nonzero()\n\n variables.append(variable)\n out_dims_set.update(variable.dims)\n\n variable_dims = set()\n for variable in variables:\n variable_dims.update(variable.dims)\n\n slices = []\n for i, (dim, value) in enumerate(zip(self.dims, key)):\n if isinstance(value, slice):\n if dim in variable_dims:\n # We only convert slice objects to variables if they share\n # a dimension with at least one other variable. Otherwise,\n # we can equivalently leave them as slices aknd transpose\n # the result. This is significantly faster/more efficient\n # for most array backends.\n values = np.arange(*value.indices(self.sizes[dim]))\n variables.insert(i - len(slices), Variable((dim,), values))\n else:\n slices.append((i, value))\n\n try:\n variables = _broadcast_compat_variables(*variables)\n except ValueError:\n raise IndexError(\"Dimensions of indexers mismatch: {}\".format(key))\n\n out_key = [variable.data for variable in variables]\n out_dims = tuple(out_dims_set)\n slice_positions = set()\n for i, value in slices:\n out_key.insert(i, value)\n new_position = out_dims.index(self.dims[i])\n slice_positions.add(new_position)\n\n if slice_positions:\n new_order = [i for i in range(len(out_dims)) if i not in slice_positions]\n else:\n new_order = None\n\n return out_dims, VectorizedIndexer(tuple(out_key)), new_order", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.__getitem___Variable._finalize_indexing_result.return.type_self_dims_data_se": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.__getitem___Variable._finalize_indexing_result.return.type_self_dims_data_se", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 678, "end_line": 700, "span_ids": ["Variable.__getitem__", "Variable._finalize_indexing_result"], "tokens": 291}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def __getitem__(self: VariableType, key) -> VariableType:\n \"\"\"Return a new Variable object whose contents are consistent with\n getting the provided key from the underlying data.\n\n NB. __getitem__ and __setitem__ implement xarray-style indexing,\n where if keys are unlabeled arrays, we index the array orthogonally\n with them. If keys are labeled array (such as Variables), they are\n broadcasted with our usual scheme and then the array is indexed with\n the broadcasted key, like numpy's fancy indexing.\n\n If you really want to do indexing like `x[x > 0]`, manipulate the numpy\n array `x.values` directly.\n \"\"\"\n dims, indexer, new_order = self._broadcast_indexes(key)\n data = as_indexable(self._data)[indexer]\n if new_order:\n data = duck_array_ops.moveaxis(data, range(len(new_order)), new_order)\n return self._finalize_indexing_result(dims, data)\n\n def _finalize_indexing_result(self: VariableType, dims, data) -> VariableType:\n \"\"\"Used by IndexVariable to return IndexVariable objects when possible.\n \"\"\"\n return type(self)(dims, data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._getitem_with_mask_Variable._getitem_with_mask.return.self__finalize_indexing_r": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._getitem_with_mask_Variable._getitem_with_mask.return.self__finalize_indexing_r", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 702, "end_line": 737, "span_ids": ["Variable._getitem_with_mask"], "tokens": 392}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _getitem_with_mask(self, key, fill_value=dtypes.NA):\n \"\"\"Index this Variable with -1 remapped to fill_value.\"\"\"\n # TODO(shoyer): expose this method in public API somewhere (isel?) and\n # use it for reindex.\n # TODO(shoyer): add a sanity check that all other integers are\n # non-negative\n # TODO(shoyer): add an optimization, remapping -1 to an adjacent value\n # that is actually indexed rather than mapping it to the last value\n # along each axis.\n\n if fill_value is dtypes.NA:\n fill_value = dtypes.get_fill_value(self.dtype)\n\n dims, indexer, new_order = self._broadcast_indexes(key)\n\n if self.size:\n if isinstance(self._data, dask_array_type):\n # dask's indexing is faster this way; also vindex does not\n # support negative indices yet:\n # https://github.com/dask/dask/pull/2967\n actual_indexer = indexing.posify_mask_indexer(indexer)\n else:\n actual_indexer = indexer\n\n data = as_indexable(self._data)[actual_indexer]\n mask = indexing.create_mask(indexer, self.shape, data)\n data = duck_array_ops.where(mask, fill_value, data)\n else:\n # array cannot be indexed along dimensions of size 0, so just\n # build the mask directly instead.\n mask = indexing.create_mask(indexer, self.shape)\n data = np.broadcast_to(fill_value, getattr(mask, \"shape\", ()))\n\n if new_order:\n data = duck_array_ops.moveaxis(data, range(len(new_order)), new_order)\n return self._finalize_indexing_result(dims, data)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.__setitem___Variable.__setitem__.indexable_index_tuple_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.__setitem___Variable.__setitem__.indexable_index_tuple_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 739, "end_line": 768, "span_ids": ["Variable.__setitem__"], "tokens": 272}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n \"\"\"__setitem__ is overloaded to access the underlying numpy values with\n orthogonal indexing.\n\n See __getitem__ for more details.\n \"\"\"\n dims, index_tuple, new_order = self._broadcast_indexes(key)\n\n if not isinstance(value, Variable):\n value = as_compatible_data(value)\n if value.ndim > len(dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"shape mismatch: value array of shape %s could not be \"\n \"broadcast to indexing result with %s dimensions\"\n % (value.shape, len(dims))\n )\n if value.ndim == 0:\n value = Variable((), value)\n else:\n value = Variable(dims[-value.ndim :], value)\n # broadcast to become assignable\n value = value.set_dims(dims).data\n\n if new_order:\n value = duck_array_ops.asarray(value)\n value = value[(len(dims) - value.ndim) * (np.newaxis,) + (Ellipsis,)]\n value = duck_array_ops.moveaxis(value, new_order, range(len(new_order)))\n\n indexable = as_indexable(self._data)\n indexable[index_tuple] = value", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.attrs_Variable.encoding_39.try_.except_ValueError_.raise_ValueError_encodin": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.attrs_Variable.encoding_39.try_.except_ValueError_.raise_ValueError_encodin", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 770, "end_line": 795, "span_ids": ["Variable.attrs", "Variable.encoding", "Variable.encoding_39", "Variable.attrs_37"], "tokens": 182}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n @property\n def attrs(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Any]:\n \"\"\"Dictionary of local attributes on this variable.\n \"\"\"\n if self._attrs is None:\n self._attrs = {}\n return self._attrs\n\n @attrs.setter\n def attrs(self, value: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> None:\n self._attrs = dict(value)\n\n @property\n def encoding(self):\n \"\"\"Dictionary of encodings on this variable.\n \"\"\"\n if self._encoding is None:\n self._encoding = {}\n return self._encoding\n\n @encoding.setter\n def encoding(self, value):\n try:\n self._encoding = dict(value)\n except ValueError:\n raise ValueError(\"encoding must be castable to a dictionary\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.copy_Variable.copy.return.type_self_self_dims_dat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.copy_Variable.copy.return.type_self_self_dims_dat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 797, "end_line": 881, "span_ids": ["Variable.copy"], "tokens": 660}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def copy(self, deep=True, data=None):\n \"\"\"Returns a copy of this object.\n\n If `deep=True`, the data array is loaded into memory and copied onto\n the new object. Dimensions, attributes and encodings are always copied.\n\n Use `data` to create a new object with the same structure as\n original but entirely new data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n deep : bool, optional\n Whether the data array is loaded into memory and copied onto\n the new object. Default is True.\n data : array_like, optional\n Data to use in the new object. Must have same shape as original.\n When `data` is used, `deep` is ignored.\n\n Returns\n -------\n object : Variable\n New object with dimensions, attributes, encodings, and optionally\n data copied from original.\n\n Examples\n --------\n\n Shallow copy versus deep copy\n\n >>> var = xr.Variable(data=[1, 2, 3], dims='x')\n >>> var.copy()\n \n array([1, 2, 3])\n >>> var_0 = var.copy(deep=False)\n >>> var_0[0] = 7\n >>> var_0\n \n array([7, 2, 3])\n >>> var\n \n array([7, 2, 3])\n\n Changing the data using the ``data`` argument maintains the\n structure of the original object, but with the new data. Original\n object is unaffected.\n\n >>> var.copy(data=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])\n \n array([ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3])\n >>> var\n \n array([7, 2, 3])\n\n See Also\n --------\n pandas.DataFrame.copy\n \"\"\"\n if data is None:\n data = self._data\n\n if isinstance(data, indexing.MemoryCachedArray):\n # don't share caching between copies\n data = indexing.MemoryCachedArray(data.array)\n\n if deep:\n if hasattr(data, \"__array_function__\") or isinstance(\n data, dask_array_type\n ):\n data = data.copy()\n elif not isinstance(data, PandasIndexAdapter):\n # pandas.Index is immutable\n data = np.array(data)\n else:\n data = as_compatible_data(data)\n if self.shape != data.shape:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Data shape {} must match shape of object {}\".format(\n data.shape, self.shape\n )\n )\n\n # note:\n # dims is already an immutable tuple\n # attributes and encoding will be copied when the new Array is created\n return type(self)(self.dims, data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.__copy___Variable._array_counter.itertools_count_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.__copy___Variable._array_counter.itertools_count_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 883, "end_line": 902, "span_ids": ["Variable.chunks", "Variable.__copy__", "Variable:11", "Variable:9", "Variable.__deepcopy__"], "tokens": 162}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def __copy__(self):\n return self.copy(deep=False)\n\n def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):\n # memo does nothing but is required for compatibility with\n # copy.deepcopy\n return self.copy(deep=True)\n\n # mutable objects should not be hashable\n # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4266\n __hash__ = None # type: ignore\n\n @property\n def chunks(self):\n \"\"\"Block dimensions for this array's data or None if it's not a dask\n array.\n \"\"\"\n return getattr(self._data, \"chunks\", None)\n\n _array_counter = itertools.count()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.chunk_Variable.chunk.return.type_self_self_dims_dat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.chunk_Variable.chunk.return.type_self_self_dims_dat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 904, "end_line": 970, "span_ids": ["Variable.chunk"], "tokens": 651}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def chunk(self, chunks=None, name=None, lock=False):\n \"\"\"Coerce this array's data into a dask arrays with the given chunks.\n\n If this variable is a non-dask array, it will be converted to dask\n array. If it's a dask array, it will be rechunked to the given chunk\n sizes.\n\n If neither chunks is not provided for one or more dimensions, chunk\n sizes along that dimension will not be updated; non-dask arrays will be\n converted into dask arrays with a single block.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n chunks : int, tuple or dict, optional\n Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5``, ``(5, 5)`` or\n ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``.\n name : str, optional\n Used to generate the name for this array in the internal dask\n graph. Does not need not be unique.\n lock : optional\n Passed on to :py:func:`dask.array.from_array`, if the array is not\n already as dask array.\n\n Returns\n -------\n chunked : xarray.Variable\n \"\"\"\n import dask\n import dask.array as da\n\n if utils.is_dict_like(chunks):\n chunks = {self.get_axis_num(dim): chunk for dim, chunk in chunks.items()}\n\n if chunks is None:\n chunks = self.chunks or self.shape\n\n data = self._data\n if isinstance(data, da.Array):\n data = data.rechunk(chunks)\n else:\n if isinstance(data, indexing.ExplicitlyIndexed):\n # Unambiguously handle array storage backends (like NetCDF4 and h5py)\n # that can't handle general array indexing. For example, in netCDF4 you\n # can do \"outer\" indexing along two dimensions independent, which works\n # differently from how NumPy handles it.\n # da.from_array works by using lazy indexing with a tuple of slices.\n # Using OuterIndexer is a pragmatic choice: dask does not yet handle\n # different indexing types in an explicit way:\n # https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/2883\n data = indexing.ImplicitToExplicitIndexingAdapter(\n data, indexing.OuterIndexer\n )\n if LooseVersion(dask.__version__) < \"2.0.0\":\n kwargs = {}\n else:\n # All of our lazily loaded backend array classes should use NumPy\n # array operations.\n kwargs = {\"meta\": np.ndarray}\n else:\n kwargs = {}\n\n if utils.is_dict_like(chunks):\n chunks = tuple(chunks.get(n, s) for n, s in enumerate(self.shape))\n\n data = da.from_array(data, chunks, name=name, lock=lock, **kwargs)\n\n return type(self)(self.dims, data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.isel_Variable.isel.return.self_key_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.isel_Variable.isel.return.self_key_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 972, "end_line": 1000, "span_ids": ["Variable.isel"], "tokens": 252}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def isel(\n self: VariableType,\n indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None,\n **indexers_kwargs: Any\n ) -> VariableType:\n \"\"\"Return a new array indexed along the specified dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n **indexers : {dim: indexer, ...}\n Keyword arguments with names matching dimensions and values given\n by integers, slice objects or arrays.\n\n Returns\n -------\n obj : Array object\n A new Array with the selected data and dimensions. In general,\n the new variable's data will be a view of this variable's data,\n unless numpy fancy indexing was triggered by using an array\n indexer, in which case the data will be a copy.\n \"\"\"\n indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, \"isel\")\n\n invalid = indexers.keys() - set(self.dims)\n if invalid:\n raise ValueError(\"dimensions %r do not exist\" % invalid)\n\n key = tuple(indexers.get(dim, slice(None)) for dim in self.dims)\n return self[key]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.squeeze_Variable.squeeze.return.self_isel_d_0_for_d_in_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.squeeze_Variable.squeeze.return.self_isel_d_0_for_d_in_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1002, "end_line": 1023, "span_ids": ["Variable.squeeze"], "tokens": 173}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def squeeze(self, dim=None):\n \"\"\"Return a new object with squeezed data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : None or str or tuple of str, optional\n Selects a subset of the length one dimensions. If a dimension is\n selected with length greater than one, an error is raised. If\n None, all length one dimensions are squeezed.\n\n Returns\n -------\n squeezed : same type as caller\n This object, but with with all or a subset of the dimensions of\n length 1 removed.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.squeeze\n \"\"\"\n dims = common.get_squeeze_dims(self, dim)\n return self.isel({d: 0 for d in dims})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._shift_one_dim_Variable._shift_one_dim.return.type_self_self_dims_dat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._shift_one_dim_Variable._shift_one_dim.return.type_self_self_dims_dat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1025, "end_line": 1067, "span_ids": ["Variable._shift_one_dim"], "tokens": 355}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _shift_one_dim(self, dim, count, fill_value=dtypes.NA):\n axis = self.get_axis_num(dim)\n\n if count > 0:\n keep = slice(None, -count)\n elif count < 0:\n keep = slice(-count, None)\n else:\n keep = slice(None)\n\n trimmed_data = self[(slice(None),) * axis + (keep,)].data\n\n if fill_value is dtypes.NA:\n dtype, fill_value = dtypes.maybe_promote(self.dtype)\n else:\n dtype = self.dtype\n\n shape = list(self.shape)\n shape[axis] = min(abs(count), shape[axis])\n\n if isinstance(trimmed_data, dask_array_type):\n chunks = list(trimmed_data.chunks)\n chunks[axis] = (shape[axis],)\n full = functools.partial(da.full, chunks=chunks)\n else:\n full = np.full\n\n filler = full(shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype)\n\n if count > 0:\n arrays = [filler, trimmed_data]\n else:\n arrays = [trimmed_data, filler]\n\n data = duck_array_ops.concatenate(arrays, axis)\n\n if isinstance(data, dask_array_type):\n # chunked data should come out with the same chunks; this makes\n # it feasible to combine shifted and unshifted data\n # TODO: remove this once dask.array automatically aligns chunks\n data = data.rechunk(self.data.chunks)\n\n return type(self)(self.dims, data, self._attrs, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.shift_Variable.shift.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.shift_Variable.shift.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1069, "end_line": 1094, "span_ids": ["Variable.shift"], "tokens": 221}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def shift(self, shifts=None, fill_value=dtypes.NA, **shifts_kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Return a new Variable with shifted data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n shifts : mapping of the form {dim: offset}\n Integer offset to shift along each of the given dimensions.\n Positive offsets shift to the right; negative offsets shift to the\n left.\n fill_value: scalar, optional\n Value to use for newly missing values\n **shifts_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``shifts``.\n One of shifts or shifts_kwarg must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n shifted : Variable\n Variable with the same dimensions and attributes but shifted data.\n \"\"\"\n shifts = either_dict_or_kwargs(shifts, shifts_kwargs, \"shift\")\n result = self\n for dim, count in shifts.items():\n result = result._shift_one_dim(dim, count, fill_value=fill_value)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.pad_with_fill_value_Variable.pad_with_fill_value.return.type_self_self_dims_arr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.pad_with_fill_value_Variable.pad_with_fill_value.return.type_self_self_dims_arr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1096, "end_line": 1156, "span_ids": ["Variable.pad_with_fill_value"], "tokens": 496}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def pad_with_fill_value(\n self, pad_widths=None, fill_value=dtypes.NA, **pad_widths_kwargs\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Return a new Variable with paddings.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n pad_width: Mapping of the form {dim: (before, after)}\n Number of values padded to the edges of each dimension.\n **pad_widths_kwargs:\n Keyword argument for pad_widths\n \"\"\"\n pad_widths = either_dict_or_kwargs(pad_widths, pad_widths_kwargs, \"pad\")\n\n if fill_value is dtypes.NA:\n dtype, fill_value = dtypes.maybe_promote(self.dtype)\n else:\n dtype = self.dtype\n\n if isinstance(self.data, dask_array_type):\n array = self.data\n\n # Dask does not yet support pad. We manually implement it.\n # https://github.com/dask/dask/issues/1926\n for d, pad in pad_widths.items():\n axis = self.get_axis_num(d)\n before_shape = list(array.shape)\n before_shape[axis] = pad[0]\n before_chunks = list(array.chunks)\n before_chunks[axis] = (pad[0],)\n after_shape = list(array.shape)\n after_shape[axis] = pad[1]\n after_chunks = list(array.chunks)\n after_chunks[axis] = (pad[1],)\n\n arrays = []\n if pad[0] > 0:\n arrays.append(\n da.full(\n before_shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, chunks=before_chunks\n )\n )\n arrays.append(array)\n if pad[1] > 0:\n arrays.append(\n da.full(\n after_shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype, chunks=after_chunks\n )\n )\n if len(arrays) > 1:\n array = da.concatenate(arrays, axis=axis)\n else:\n pads = [(0, 0) if d not in pad_widths else pad_widths[d] for d in self.dims]\n array = np.pad(\n self.data.astype(dtype, copy=False),\n pads,\n mode=\"constant\",\n constant_values=fill_value,\n )\n return type(self)(self.dims, array)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._roll_one_dim_Variable._roll_one_dim.return.type_self_self_dims_dat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._roll_one_dim_Variable._roll_one_dim.return.type_self_self_dims_dat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1158, "end_line": 1177, "span_ids": ["Variable._roll_one_dim"], "tokens": 202}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _roll_one_dim(self, dim, count):\n axis = self.get_axis_num(dim)\n\n count %= self.shape[axis]\n if count != 0:\n indices = [slice(-count, None), slice(None, -count)]\n else:\n indices = [slice(None)]\n\n arrays = [self[(slice(None),) * axis + (idx,)].data for idx in indices]\n\n data = duck_array_ops.concatenate(arrays, axis)\n\n if isinstance(data, dask_array_type):\n # chunked data should come out with the same chunks; this makes\n # it feasible to combine shifted and unshifted data\n # TODO: remove this once dask.array automatically aligns chunks\n data = data.rechunk(self.data.chunks)\n\n return type(self)(self.dims, data, self._attrs, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.roll_Variable.roll.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.roll_Variable.roll.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1179, "end_line": 1203, "span_ids": ["Variable.roll"], "tokens": 191}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def roll(self, shifts=None, **shifts_kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Return a new Variable with rolld data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n shifts : mapping of the form {dim: offset}\n Integer offset to roll along each of the given dimensions.\n Positive offsets roll to the right; negative offsets roll to the\n left.\n **shifts_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``shifts``.\n One of shifts or shifts_kwarg must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n shifted : Variable\n Variable with the same dimensions and attributes but rolled data.\n \"\"\"\n shifts = either_dict_or_kwargs(shifts, shifts_kwargs, \"roll\")\n\n result = self\n for dim, count in shifts.items():\n result = result._roll_one_dim(dim, count)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.transpose_Variable.T.return.self_transpose_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.transpose_Variable.T.return.self_transpose_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1205, "end_line": 1240, "span_ids": ["Variable.T", "Variable.transpose"], "tokens": 266}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def transpose(self, *dims) -> \"Variable\":\n \"\"\"Return a new Variable object with transposed dimensions.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n *dims : str, optional\n By default, reverse the dimensions. Otherwise, reorder the\n dimensions to this order.\n\n Returns\n -------\n transposed : Variable\n The returned object has transposed data and dimensions with the\n same attributes as the original.\n\n Notes\n -----\n This operation returns a view of this variable's data. It is\n lazy for dask-backed Variables but not for numpy-backed Variables.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.transpose\n \"\"\"\n if len(dims) == 0:\n dims = self.dims[::-1]\n axes = self.get_axis_num(dims)\n if len(dims) < 2: # no need to transpose if only one dimension\n return self.copy(deep=False)\n\n data = as_indexable(self._data).transpose(axes)\n return type(self)(dims, data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True)\n\n @property\n def T(self) -> \"Variable\":\n return self.transpose()", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.set_dims_Variable.set_dims.return.expanded_var_transpose_d": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.set_dims_Variable.set_dims.return.expanded_var_transpose_d", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1242, "end_line": 1289, "span_ids": ["Variable.set_dims"], "tokens": 400}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def set_dims(self, dims, shape=None):\n \"\"\"Return a new variable with given set of dimensions.\n This method might be used to attach new dimension(s) to variable.\n\n When possible, this operation does not copy this variable's data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dims : str or sequence of str or dict\n Dimensions to include on the new variable. If a dict, values are\n used to provide the sizes of new dimensions; otherwise, new\n dimensions are inserted with length 1.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Variable\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(dims, str):\n dims = [dims]\n\n if shape is None and utils.is_dict_like(dims):\n shape = dims.values()\n\n missing_dims = set(self.dims) - set(dims)\n if missing_dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"new dimensions %r must be a superset of \"\n \"existing dimensions %r\" % (dims, self.dims)\n )\n\n self_dims = set(self.dims)\n expanded_dims = tuple(d for d in dims if d not in self_dims) + self.dims\n\n if self.dims == expanded_dims:\n # don't use broadcast_to unless necessary so the result remains\n # writeable if possible\n expanded_data = self.data\n elif shape is not None:\n dims_map = dict(zip(dims, shape))\n tmp_shape = tuple(dims_map[d] for d in expanded_dims)\n expanded_data = duck_array_ops.broadcast_to(self.data, tmp_shape)\n else:\n expanded_data = self.data[(None,) * (len(expanded_dims) - self.ndim)]\n\n expanded_var = Variable(\n expanded_dims, expanded_data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True\n )\n return expanded_var.transpose(*dims)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._stack_once_Variable._stack_once.return.Variable_new_dims_new_da": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._stack_once_Variable._stack_once.return.Variable_new_dims_new_da", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1291, "end_line": 1313, "span_ids": ["Variable._stack_once"], "tokens": 221}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _stack_once(self, dims, new_dim):\n if not set(dims) <= set(self.dims):\n raise ValueError(\"invalid existing dimensions: %s\" % dims)\n\n if new_dim in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot create a new dimension with the same \"\n \"name as an existing dimension\"\n )\n\n if len(dims) == 0:\n # don't stack\n return self.copy(deep=False)\n\n other_dims = [d for d in self.dims if d not in dims]\n dim_order = other_dims + list(dims)\n reordered = self.transpose(*dim_order)\n\n new_shape = reordered.shape[: len(other_dims)] + (-1,)\n new_data = reordered.data.reshape(new_shape)\n new_dims = reordered.dims[: len(other_dims)] + (new_dim,)\n\n return Variable(new_dims, new_data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.stack_Variable.stack.return.result": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.stack_Variable.stack.return.result", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1315, "end_line": 1344, "span_ids": ["Variable.stack"], "tokens": 223}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def stack(self, dimensions=None, **dimensions_kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Stack any number of existing dimensions into a single new dimension.\n\n New dimensions will be added at the end, and the order of the data\n along each new dimension will be in contiguous (C) order.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dimensions : Mapping of form new_name=(dim1, dim2, ...)\n Names of new dimensions, and the existing dimensions that they\n replace.\n **dimensions_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``dimensions``.\n One of dimensions or dimensions_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stacked : Variable\n Variable with the same attributes but stacked data.\n\n See also\n --------\n Variable.unstack\n \"\"\"\n dimensions = either_dict_or_kwargs(dimensions, dimensions_kwargs, \"stack\")\n result = self\n for new_dim, dims in dimensions.items():\n result = result._stack_once(dims, new_dim)\n return result", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._unstack_once_Variable._unstack_once.return.Variable_new_dims_new_da": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._unstack_once_Variable._unstack_once.return.Variable_new_dims_new_da", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1346, "end_line": 1373, "span_ids": ["Variable._unstack_once"], "tokens": 262}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _unstack_once(self, dims, old_dim):\n new_dim_names = tuple(dims.keys())\n new_dim_sizes = tuple(dims.values())\n\n if old_dim not in self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"invalid existing dimension: %s\" % old_dim)\n\n if set(new_dim_names).intersection(self.dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"cannot create a new dimension with the same \"\n \"name as an existing dimension\"\n )\n\n if np.prod(new_dim_sizes) != self.sizes[old_dim]:\n raise ValueError(\n \"the product of the new dimension sizes must \"\n \"equal the size of the old dimension\"\n )\n\n other_dims = [d for d in self.dims if d != old_dim]\n dim_order = other_dims + [old_dim]\n reordered = self.transpose(*dim_order)\n\n new_shape = reordered.shape[: len(other_dims)] + new_dim_sizes\n new_data = reordered.data.reshape(new_shape)\n new_dims = reordered.dims[: len(other_dims)] + new_dim_names\n\n return Variable(new_dims, new_data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.unstack_Variable.where.return.ops_where_method_self_co": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.unstack_Variable.where.return.ops_where_method_self_co", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1375, "end_line": 1410, "span_ids": ["Variable.where", "Variable.unstack", "Variable.fillna"], "tokens": 275}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def unstack(self, dimensions=None, **dimensions_kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Unstack an existing dimension into multiple new dimensions.\n\n New dimensions will be added at the end, and the order of the data\n along each new dimension will be in contiguous (C) order.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dimensions : mapping of the form old_dim={dim1: size1, ...}\n Names of existing dimensions, and the new dimensions and sizes\n that they map to.\n **dimensions_kwargs:\n The keyword arguments form of ``dimensions``.\n One of dimensions or dimensions_kwargs must be provided.\n\n Returns\n -------\n unstacked : Variable\n Variable with the same attributes but unstacked data.\n\n See also\n --------\n Variable.stack\n \"\"\"\n dimensions = either_dict_or_kwargs(dimensions, dimensions_kwargs, \"unstack\")\n result = self\n for old_dim, dims in dimensions.items():\n result = result._unstack_once(dims, old_dim)\n return result\n\n def fillna(self, value):\n return ops.fillna(self, value)\n\n def where(self, cond, other=dtypes.NA):\n return ops.where_method(self, cond, other)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.reduce_Variable.reduce.return.Variable_dims_data_attr": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.reduce_Variable.reduce.return.Variable_dims_data_attr", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1412, "end_line": 1493, "span_ids": ["Variable.reduce"], "tokens": 667}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def reduce(\n self,\n func,\n dim=None,\n axis=None,\n keep_attrs=None,\n keepdims=False,\n allow_lazy=False,\n **kwargs\n ):\n \"\"\"Reduce this array by applying `func` along some dimension(s).\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : function\n Function which can be called in the form\n `func(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of reducing an\n np.ndarray over an integer valued axis.\n dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`.\n axis : int or sequence of int, optional\n Axis(es) over which to apply `func`. Only one of the 'dim'\n and 'axis' arguments can be supplied. If neither are supplied, then\n the reduction is calculated over the flattened array (by calling\n `func(x)` without an axis argument).\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the variable's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n keepdims : bool, default False\n If True, the dimensions which are reduced are left in the result\n as dimensions of size one\n **kwargs : dict\n Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`.\n\n Returns\n -------\n reduced : Array\n Array with summarized data and the indicated dimension(s)\n removed.\n \"\"\"\n if dim is common.ALL_DIMS:\n dim = None\n if dim is not None and axis is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot supply both 'axis' and 'dim' arguments\")\n\n if dim is not None:\n axis = self.get_axis_num(dim)\n input_data = self.data if allow_lazy else self.values\n if axis is not None:\n data = func(input_data, axis=axis, **kwargs)\n else:\n data = func(input_data, **kwargs)\n\n if getattr(data, \"shape\", ()) == self.shape:\n dims = self.dims\n else:\n removed_axes = (\n range(self.ndim) if axis is None else np.atleast_1d(axis) % self.ndim\n )\n if keepdims:\n # Insert np.newaxis for removed dims\n slices = tuple(\n np.newaxis if i in removed_axes else slice(None, None)\n for i in range(self.ndim)\n )\n if getattr(data, \"shape\", None) is None:\n # Reduce has produced a scalar value, not an array-like\n data = np.asanyarray(data)[slices]\n else:\n data = data[slices]\n dims = self.dims\n else:\n dims = [\n adim for n, adim in enumerate(self.dims) if n not in removed_axes\n ]\n\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n attrs = self._attrs if keep_attrs else None\n\n return Variable(dims, data, attrs=attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.concat_Variable.concat.return.cls_dims_data_attrs_en": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.concat_Variable.concat.return.cls_dims_data_attrs_en", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1495, "end_line": 1558, "span_ids": ["Variable.concat"], "tokens": 562}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n @classmethod\n def concat(cls, variables, dim=\"concat_dim\", positions=None, shortcut=False):\n \"\"\"Concatenate variables along a new or existing dimension.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : iterable of Array\n Arrays to stack together. Each variable is expected to have\n matching dimensions and shape except for along the stacked\n dimension.\n dim : str or DataArray, optional\n Name of the dimension to stack along. This can either be a new\n dimension name, in which case it is added along axis=0, or an\n existing dimension name, in which case the location of the\n dimension is unchanged. Where to insert the new dimension is\n determined by the first variable.\n positions : None or list of integer arrays, optional\n List of integer arrays which specifies the integer positions to\n which to assign each dataset along the concatenated dimension.\n If not supplied, objects are concatenated in the provided order.\n shortcut : bool, optional\n This option is used internally to speed-up groupby operations.\n If `shortcut` is True, some checks of internal consistency between\n arrays to concatenate are skipped.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stacked : Variable\n Concatenated Variable formed by stacking all the supplied variables\n along the given dimension.\n \"\"\"\n if not isinstance(dim, str):\n dim, = dim.dims\n\n # can't do this lazily: we need to loop through variables at least\n # twice\n variables = list(variables)\n first_var = variables[0]\n\n arrays = [v.data for v in variables]\n\n if dim in first_var.dims:\n axis = first_var.get_axis_num(dim)\n dims = first_var.dims\n data = duck_array_ops.concatenate(arrays, axis=axis)\n if positions is not None:\n # TODO: deprecate this option -- we don't need it for groupby\n # any more.\n indices = nputils.inverse_permutation(np.concatenate(positions))\n data = duck_array_ops.take(data, indices, axis=axis)\n else:\n axis = 0\n dims = (dim,) + first_var.dims\n data = duck_array_ops.stack(arrays, axis=axis)\n\n attrs = dict(first_var.attrs)\n encoding = dict(first_var.encoding)\n if not shortcut:\n for var in variables:\n if var.dims != first_var.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"inconsistent dimensions\")\n utils.remove_incompatible_items(attrs, var.attrs)\n\n return cls(dims, data, attrs, encoding)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.equals_Variable.equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.equals_Variable.equals.try_.except_TypeError_Attrib.return.False", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1560, "end_line": 1576, "span_ids": ["Variable.equals"], "tokens": 159}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def equals(self, other, equiv=duck_array_ops.array_equiv):\n \"\"\"True if two Variables have the same dimensions and values;\n otherwise False.\n\n Variables can still be equal (like pandas objects) if they have NaN\n values in the same locations.\n\n This method is necessary because `v1 == v2` for Variables\n does element-wise comparisons (like numpy.ndarrays).\n \"\"\"\n other = getattr(other, \"variable\", other)\n try:\n return self.dims == other.dims and (\n self._data is other._data or equiv(self.data, other.data)\n )\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.broadcast_equals_Variable.no_conflicts.return.self_broadcast_equals_oth": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.broadcast_equals_Variable.no_conflicts.return.self_broadcast_equals_oth", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1578, "end_line": 1606, "span_ids": ["Variable.identical", "Variable.no_conflicts", "Variable.broadcast_equals"], "tokens": 240}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def broadcast_equals(self, other, equiv=duck_array_ops.array_equiv):\n \"\"\"True if two Variables have the values after being broadcast against\n each other; otherwise False.\n\n Variables can still be equal (like pandas objects) if they have NaN\n values in the same locations.\n \"\"\"\n try:\n self, other = broadcast_variables(self, other)\n except (ValueError, AttributeError):\n return False\n return self.equals(other, equiv=equiv)\n\n def identical(self, other):\n \"\"\"Like equals, but also checks attributes.\n \"\"\"\n try:\n return utils.dict_equiv(self.attrs, other.attrs) and self.equals(other)\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False\n\n def no_conflicts(self, other):\n \"\"\"True if the intersection of two Variable's non-null data is\n equal; otherwise false.\n\n Variables can thus still be equal if there are locations where either,\n or both, contain NaN values.\n \"\"\"\n return self.broadcast_equals(other, equiv=duck_array_ops.array_notnull_equiv)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.quantile_Variable.quantile.return.Variable_new_dims_qs_at": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.quantile_Variable.quantile.return.Variable_new_dims_qs_at", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1608, "end_line": 1683, "span_ids": ["Variable.quantile"], "tokens": 666}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def quantile(self, q, dim=None, interpolation=\"linear\", keep_attrs=None):\n \"\"\"Compute the qth quantile of the data along the specified dimension.\n\n Returns the qth quantiles(s) of the array elements.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n q : float in range of [0,1] (or sequence of floats)\n Quantile to compute, which must be between 0 and 1\n inclusive.\n dim : str or sequence of str, optional\n Dimension(s) over which to apply quantile.\n interpolation : {'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint', 'nearest'}\n This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to\n use when the desired quantile lies between two data points\n ``i < j``:\n * linear: ``i + (j - i) * fraction``, where ``fraction`` is\n the fractional part of the index surrounded by ``i`` and\n ``j``.\n * lower: ``i``.\n * higher: ``j``.\n * nearest: ``i`` or ``j``, whichever is nearest.\n * midpoint: ``(i + j) / 2``.\n keep_attrs : bool, optional\n If True, the variable's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from\n the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new\n object will be returned without attributes.\n\n Returns\n -------\n quantiles : Variable\n If `q` is a single quantile, then the result\n is a scalar. If multiple percentiles are given, first axis of\n the result corresponds to the quantile and a quantile dimension\n is added to the return array. The other dimensions are the\n dimensions that remain after the reduction of the array.\n\n See Also\n --------\n numpy.nanpercentile, pandas.Series.quantile, Dataset.quantile,\n DataArray.quantile\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(self.data, dask_array_type):\n raise TypeError(\n \"quantile does not work for arrays stored as dask \"\n \"arrays. Load the data via .compute() or .load() \"\n \"prior to calling this method.\"\n )\n\n q = np.asarray(q, dtype=np.float64)\n\n new_dims = list(self.dims)\n if dim is not None:\n axis = self.get_axis_num(dim)\n if utils.is_scalar(dim):\n new_dims.remove(dim)\n else:\n for d in dim:\n new_dims.remove(d)\n else:\n axis = None\n new_dims = []\n\n # Only add the quantile dimension if q is array-like\n if q.ndim != 0:\n new_dims = [\"quantile\"] + new_dims\n\n qs = np.nanpercentile(\n self.data, q * 100.0, axis=axis, interpolation=interpolation\n )\n\n if keep_attrs is None:\n keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=False)\n attrs = self._attrs if keep_attrs else None\n\n return Variable(new_dims, qs, attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.rank_Variable.rank.return.Variable_self_dims_ranke": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.rank_Variable.rank.return.Variable_self_dims_ranke", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1685, "end_line": 1732, "span_ids": ["Variable.rank"], "tokens": 350}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def rank(self, dim, pct=False):\n \"\"\"Ranks the data.\n\n Equal values are assigned a rank that is the average of the ranks that\n would have been otherwise assigned to all of the values within that\n set. Ranks begin at 1, not 0. If `pct`, computes percentage ranks.\n\n NaNs in the input array are returned as NaNs.\n\n The `bottleneck` library is required.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim : str\n Dimension over which to compute rank.\n pct : bool, optional\n If True, compute percentage ranks, otherwise compute integer ranks.\n\n Returns\n -------\n ranked : Variable\n\n See Also\n --------\n Dataset.rank, DataArray.rank\n \"\"\"\n import bottleneck as bn\n\n data = self.data\n\n if isinstance(data, dask_array_type):\n raise TypeError(\n \"rank does not work for arrays stored as dask \"\n \"arrays. Load the data via .compute() or .load() \"\n \"prior to calling this method.\"\n )\n elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):\n raise TypeError(\n \"rank is not implemented for {} objects.\".format(type(data))\n )\n\n axis = self.get_axis_num(dim)\n func = bn.nanrankdata if self.dtype.kind == \"f\" else bn.rankdata\n ranked = func(data, axis=axis)\n if pct:\n count = np.sum(~np.isnan(data), axis=axis, keepdims=True)\n ranked /= count\n return Variable(self.dims, ranked)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.rolling_window_Variable.rolling_window.return.Variable_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.rolling_window_Variable.rolling_window.return.Variable_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1734, "end_line": 1791, "span_ids": ["Variable.rolling_window"], "tokens": 586}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def rolling_window(\n self, dim, window, window_dim, center=False, fill_value=dtypes.NA\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Make a rolling_window along dim and add a new_dim to the last place.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n dim: str\n Dimension over which to compute rolling_window\n window: int\n Window size of the rolling\n window_dim: str\n New name of the window dimension.\n center: boolean. default False.\n If True, pad fill_value for both ends. Otherwise, pad in the head\n of the axis.\n fill_value:\n value to be filled.\n\n Returns\n -------\n Variable that is a view of the original array with a added dimension of\n size w.\n The return dim: self.dims + (window_dim, )\n The return shape: self.shape + (window, )\n\n Examples\n --------\n >>> v=Variable(('a', 'b'), np.arange(8).reshape((2,4)))\n >>> v.rolling_window(x, 'b', 3, 'window_dim')\n \n array([[[nan, nan, 0], [nan, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]],\n [[nan, nan, 4], [nan, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7]]])\n\n >>> v.rolling_window(x, 'b', 3, 'window_dim', center=True)\n \n array([[[nan, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, nan]],\n [[nan, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7], [6, 7, nan]]])\n \"\"\"\n if fill_value is dtypes.NA: # np.nan is passed\n dtype, fill_value = dtypes.maybe_promote(self.dtype)\n array = self.astype(dtype, copy=False).data\n else:\n dtype = self.dtype\n array = self.data\n\n new_dims = self.dims + (window_dim,)\n return Variable(\n new_dims,\n duck_array_ops.rolling_window(\n array,\n axis=self.get_axis_num(dim),\n window=window,\n center=center,\n fill_value=fill_value,\n ),\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.coarsen_Variable.coarsen.return.type_self_self_dims_fun": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.coarsen_Variable.coarsen.return.type_self_self_dims_fun", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1793, "end_line": 1807, "span_ids": ["Variable.coarsen"], "tokens": 167}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def coarsen(self, windows, func, boundary=\"exact\", side=\"left\"):\n \"\"\"\n Apply\n \"\"\"\n windows = {k: v for k, v in windows.items() if k in self.dims}\n if not windows:\n return self.copy()\n\n reshaped, axes = self._coarsen_reshape(windows, boundary, side)\n if isinstance(func, str):\n name = func\n func = getattr(duck_array_ops, name, None)\n if func is None:\n raise NameError(\"{} is not a valid method.\".format(name))\n return type(self)(self.dims, func(reshaped, axis=axes), self._attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._coarsen_reshape_Variable._coarsen_reshape.return.variable_data_reshape_sha": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._coarsen_reshape_Variable._coarsen_reshape.return.variable_data_reshape_sha", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1809, "end_line": 1872, "span_ids": ["Variable._coarsen_reshape"], "tokens": 540}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n def _coarsen_reshape(self, windows, boundary, side):\n \"\"\"\n Construct a reshaped-array for corsen\n \"\"\"\n if not utils.is_dict_like(boundary):\n boundary = {d: boundary for d in windows.keys()}\n\n if not utils.is_dict_like(side):\n side = {d: side for d in windows.keys()}\n\n # remove unrelated dimensions\n boundary = {k: v for k, v in boundary.items() if k in windows}\n side = {k: v for k, v in side.items() if k in windows}\n\n for d, window in windows.items():\n if window <= 0:\n raise ValueError(\"window must be > 0. Given {}\".format(window))\n\n variable = self\n for d, window in windows.items():\n # trim or pad the object\n size = variable.shape[self._get_axis_num(d)]\n n = int(size / window)\n if boundary[d] == \"exact\":\n if n * window != size:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Could not coarsen a dimension of size {} with \"\n \"window {}\".format(size, window)\n )\n elif boundary[d] == \"trim\":\n if side[d] == \"left\":\n variable = variable.isel({d: slice(0, window * n)})\n else:\n excess = size - window * n\n variable = variable.isel({d: slice(excess, None)})\n elif boundary[d] == \"pad\": # pad\n pad = window * n - size\n if pad < 0:\n pad += window\n if side[d] == \"left\":\n pad_widths = {d: (0, pad)}\n else:\n pad_widths = {d: (pad, 0)}\n variable = variable.pad_with_fill_value(pad_widths)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"{} is invalid for boundary. Valid option is 'exact', \"\n \"'trim' and 'pad'\".format(boundary[d])\n )\n\n shape = []\n axes = []\n axis_count = 0\n for i, d in enumerate(variable.dims):\n if d in windows:\n size = variable.shape[i]\n shape.append(int(size / windows[d]))\n shape.append(windows[d])\n axis_count += 1\n axes.append(i + axis_count)\n else:\n shape.append(variable.shape[i])\n\n return variable.data.reshape(shape), tuple(axes)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.real_Variable._unary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable.real_Variable._unary_op.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1874, "end_line": 1892, "span_ids": ["Variable.real", "Variable._unary_op", "Variable.imag", "Variable.__array_wrap__"], "tokens": 157}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n @property\n def real(self):\n return type(self)(self.dims, self.data.real, self._attrs)\n\n @property\n def imag(self):\n return type(self)(self.dims, self.data.imag, self._attrs)\n\n def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None):\n return Variable(self.dims, obj)\n\n @staticmethod\n def _unary_op(f):\n @functools.wraps(f)\n def func(self, *args, **kwargs):\n with np.errstate(all=\"ignore\"):\n return self.__array_wrap__(f(self.data, *args, **kwargs))\n\n return func", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._binary_op_Variable._binary_op.return.func": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._binary_op_Variable._binary_op.return.func", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1894, "end_line": 1912, "span_ids": ["Variable._binary_op"], "tokens": 174}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", 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"/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._inplace_binary_op_ops_inject_all_ops_and_re": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_Variable._inplace_binary_op_ops_inject_all_ops_and_re", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1914, "end_line": 1939, "span_ids": ["Variable._inplace_binary_op", "Variable._to_numeric", "impl:10"], "tokens": 233}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class Variable(\n common.AbstractArray, arithmetic.SupportsArithmetic, utils.NdimSizeLenMixin\n):\n\n @staticmethod\n def _inplace_binary_op(f):\n @functools.wraps(f)\n def func(self, other):\n if isinstance(other, xr.Dataset):\n raise TypeError(\"cannot add a Dataset to a Variable in-place\")\n self_data, other_data, dims = _broadcast_compat_data(self, other)\n if dims != self.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"dimensions cannot change for in-place \" \"operations\")\n with np.errstate(all=\"ignore\"):\n self.values = f(self_data, other_data)\n return self\n\n return func\n\n def _to_numeric(self, offset=None, datetime_unit=None, dtype=float):\n \"\"\" A (private) method to convert datetime array to numeric dtype\n See duck_array_ops.datetime_to_numeric\n \"\"\"\n numeric_array = duck_array_ops.datetime_to_numeric(\n self.data, offset, datetime_unit, dtype\n )\n return type(self)(self.dims, numeric_array, self._attrs)\n\n\nops.inject_all_ops_and_reduce_methods(Variable)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable_IndexVariable.__setitem__.raise_TypeError_s_value": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable_IndexVariable.__setitem__.raise_TypeError_s_value", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1942, "end_line": 1987, "span_ids": ["IndexVariable.data", "IndexVariable.load", "IndexVariable.chunk", "IndexVariable", "IndexVariable._finalize_indexing_result", "IndexVariable.__setitem__"], "tokens": 429}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IndexVariable(Variable):\n \"\"\"Wrapper for accommodating a pandas.Index in an xarray.Variable.\n\n IndexVariable preserve loaded values in the form of a pandas.Index instead\n of a NumPy array. Hence, their values are immutable and must always be one-\n dimensional.\n\n They also have a name property, which is the name of their sole dimension\n unless another name is given.\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = ()\n\n def __init__(self, dims, data, attrs=None, encoding=None, fastpath=False):\n super().__init__(dims, data, attrs, encoding, fastpath)\n if self.ndim != 1:\n raise ValueError(\"%s objects must be 1-dimensional\" % type(self).__name__)\n\n # Unlike in Variable, always eagerly load values into memory\n if not isinstance(self._data, PandasIndexAdapter):\n self._data = PandasIndexAdapter(self._data)\n\n def load(self):\n # data is already loaded into memory for IndexVariable\n return self\n\n # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/1465\n @Variable.data.setter # type: ignore\n def data(self, data):\n Variable.data.fset(self, data)\n if not isinstance(self._data, PandasIndexAdapter):\n self._data = PandasIndexAdapter(self._data)\n\n def chunk(self, chunks=None, name=None, lock=False):\n # Dummy - do not chunk. This method is invoked e.g. by Dataset.chunk()\n return self.copy(deep=False)\n\n def _finalize_indexing_result(self, dims, data):\n if getattr(data, \"ndim\", 0) != 1:\n # returns Variable rather than IndexVariable if multi-dimensional\n return Variable(dims, data, self._attrs, self._encoding)\n else:\n return type(self)(dims, data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True)\n\n def __setitem__(self, key, value):\n raise TypeError(\"%s values cannot be modified\" % type(self).__name__)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.concat_IndexVariable.concat.return.cls_first_var_dims_data_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.concat_IndexVariable.concat.return.cls_first_var_dims_data_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1989, "end_line": 2026, "span_ids": ["IndexVariable.concat"], "tokens": 261}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IndexVariable(Variable):\n\n @classmethod\n def concat(cls, variables, dim=\"concat_dim\", positions=None, shortcut=False):\n \"\"\"Specialized version of Variable.concat for IndexVariable objects.\n\n This exists because we want to avoid converting Index objects to NumPy\n arrays, if possible.\n \"\"\"\n if not isinstance(dim, str):\n dim, = dim.dims\n\n variables = list(variables)\n first_var = variables[0]\n\n if any(not isinstance(v, cls) for v in variables):\n raise TypeError(\n \"IndexVariable.concat requires that all input \"\n \"variables be IndexVariable objects\"\n )\n\n indexes = [v._data.array for v in variables]\n\n if not indexes:\n data = []\n else:\n data = indexes[0].append(indexes[1:])\n\n if positions is not None:\n indices = nputils.inverse_permutation(np.concatenate(positions))\n data = data.take(indices)\n\n attrs = dict(first_var.attrs)\n if not shortcut:\n for var in variables:\n if var.dims != first_var.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"inconsistent dimensions\")\n utils.remove_incompatible_items(attrs, var.attrs)\n\n return cls(first_var.dims, data, attrs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.copy_IndexVariable.copy.return.type_self_self_dims_dat": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.copy_IndexVariable.copy.return.type_self_self_dims_dat", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2028, "end_line": 2062, "span_ids": ["IndexVariable.copy"], "tokens": 272}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IndexVariable(Variable):\n\n def copy(self, deep=True, data=None):\n \"\"\"Returns a copy of this object.\n\n `deep` is ignored since data is stored in the form of\n pandas.Index, which is already immutable. Dimensions, attributes\n and encodings are always copied.\n\n Use `data` to create a new object with the same structure as\n original but entirely new data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n deep : bool, optional\n Deep is ignored when data is given. Whether the data array is\n loaded into memory and copied onto the new object. Default is True.\n data : array_like, optional\n Data to use in the new object. Must have same shape as original.\n\n Returns\n -------\n object : Variable\n New object with dimensions, attributes, encodings, and optionally\n data copied from original.\n \"\"\"\n if data is None:\n data = self._data.copy(deep=deep)\n else:\n data = as_compatible_data(data)\n if self.shape != data.shape:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Data shape {} must match shape of object {}\".format(\n data.shape, self.shape\n )\n )\n return type(self)(self.dims, data, self._attrs, self._encoding, fastpath=True)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.equals_IndexVariable.to_coord.utils_alias_to_index_vari": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.equals_IndexVariable.to_coord.utils_alias_to_index_vari", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2064, "end_line": 2083, "span_ids": ["IndexVariable.to_index_variable", "IndexVariable:5", "IndexVariable._data_equals", "IndexVariable.equals"], "tokens": 156}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IndexVariable(Variable):\n\n def equals(self, other, equiv=None):\n # if equiv is specified, super up\n if equiv is not None:\n return super().equals(other, equiv)\n\n # otherwise use the native index equals, rather than looking at _data\n other = getattr(other, \"variable\", other)\n try:\n return self.dims == other.dims and self._data_equals(other)\n except (TypeError, AttributeError):\n return False\n\n def _data_equals(self, other):\n return self.to_index().equals(other.to_index())\n\n def to_index_variable(self):\n \"\"\"Return this variable as an xarray.IndexVariable\"\"\"\n return self\n\n to_coord = utils.alias(to_index_variable, \"to_coord\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.to_index_IndexVariable.to_index.return.index": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.to_index_IndexVariable.to_index.return.index", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2085, "end_line": 2101, "span_ids": ["IndexVariable.to_index"], "tokens": 159}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IndexVariable(Variable):\n\n def to_index(self):\n \"\"\"Convert this variable to a pandas.Index\"\"\"\n # n.b. creating a new pandas.Index from an old pandas.Index is\n # basically free as pandas.Index objects are immutable\n assert self.ndim == 1\n index = self._data.array\n if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n # set default names for multi-index unnamed levels so that\n # we can safely rename dimension / coordinate later\n valid_level_names = [\n name or \"{}_level_{}\".format(self.dims[0], i)\n for i, name in enumerate(index.names)\n ]\n index = index.set_names(valid_level_names)\n else:\n index = index.set_names(self.name)\n return index", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.level_names_IndexVariable.name_14.raise_AttributeError_can": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_IndexVariable.level_names_IndexVariable.name_14.raise_AttributeError_can", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2103, "end_line": 2127, "span_ids": ["IndexVariable.name", "IndexVariable.name_14", "IndexVariable.get_level_variable", "IndexVariable.level_names"], "tokens": 178}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class IndexVariable(Variable):\n\n @property\n def level_names(self):\n \"\"\"Return MultiIndex level names or None if this IndexVariable has no\n MultiIndex.\n \"\"\"\n index = self.to_index()\n if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):\n return index.names\n else:\n return None\n\n def get_level_variable(self, level):\n \"\"\"Return a new IndexVariable from a given MultiIndex level.\"\"\"\n if self.level_names is None:\n raise ValueError(\"IndexVariable %r has no MultiIndex\" % self.name)\n index = self.to_index()\n return type(self)(self.dims, index.get_level_values(level))\n\n @property\n def name(self):\n return self.dims[0]\n\n @name.setter\n def name(self, value):\n raise AttributeError(\"cannot modify name of IndexVariable in-place\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__for_backwards_compatibi__unified_dims.return.all_dims": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__for_backwards_compatibi__unified_dims.return.all_dims", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2130, "end_line": 2153, "span_ids": ["IndexVariable.name_14", "_unified_dims", "impl:11"], "tokens": 167}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# for backwards compatibility\nCoordinate = utils.alias(IndexVariable, \"Coordinate\")\n\n\ndef _unified_dims(variables):\n # validate dimensions\n all_dims = {}\n for var in variables:\n var_dims = var.dims\n if len(set(var_dims)) < len(var_dims):\n raise ValueError(\n \"broadcasting cannot handle duplicate \"\n \"dimensions: %r\" % list(var_dims)\n )\n for d, s in zip(var_dims, var.shape):\n if d not in all_dims:\n all_dims[d] = s\n elif all_dims[d] != s:\n raise ValueError(\n \"operands cannot be broadcast together \"\n \"with mismatched lengths for dimension %r: %s\"\n % (d, (all_dims[d], s))\n )\n return all_dims", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__broadcast_compat_variables_broadcast_variables.return.tuple_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__broadcast_compat_variables_broadcast_variables.return.tuple_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2156, "end_line": 2180, "span_ids": ["broadcast_variables", "_broadcast_compat_variables"], "tokens": 227}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _broadcast_compat_variables(*variables):\n \"\"\"Create broadcast compatible variables, with the same dimensions.\n\n Unlike the result of broadcast_variables(), some variables may have\n dimensions of size 1 instead of the the size of the broadcast dimension.\n \"\"\"\n dims = tuple(_unified_dims(variables))\n return tuple(var.set_dims(dims) if var.dims != dims else var for var in variables)\n\n\ndef broadcast_variables(*variables):\n \"\"\"Given any number of variables, return variables with matching dimensions\n and broadcast data.\n\n The data on the returned variables will be a view of the data on the\n corresponding original arrays, but dimensions will be reordered and\n inserted so that both broadcast arrays have the same dimensions. The new\n dimensions are sorted in order of appearance in the first variable's\n dimensions followed by the second variable's dimensions.\n \"\"\"\n dims_map = _unified_dims(variables)\n dims_tuple = tuple(dims_map)\n return tuple(\n var.set_dims(dims_map) if var.dims != dims_tuple else var for var in variables\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__broadcast_compat_data__broadcast_compat_data.return.self_data_other_data_di": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py__broadcast_compat_data__broadcast_compat_data.return.self_data_other_data_di", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2183, "end_line": 2195, "span_ids": ["_broadcast_compat_data"], "tokens": 127}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _broadcast_compat_data(self, other):\n if all(hasattr(other, attr) for attr in [\"dims\", \"data\", \"shape\", \"encoding\"]):\n # `other` satisfies the necessary Variable API for broadcast_variables\n new_self, new_other = _broadcast_compat_variables(self, other)\n self_data = new_self.data\n other_data = new_other.data\n dims = new_self.dims\n else:\n # rely on numpy broadcasting rules\n self_data = self.data\n other_data = other\n dims = self.dims\n return self_data, other_data, dims", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_concat_concat.if_all_isinstance_v_Inde.else_.return.Variable_concat_variables": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_concat_concat.if_all_isinstance_v_Inde.else_.return.Variable_concat_variables", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2198, "end_line": 2232, "span_ids": ["concat"], "tokens": 317}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def concat(variables, dim=\"concat_dim\", positions=None, shortcut=False):\n \"\"\"Concatenate variables along a new or existing dimension.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n variables : iterable of Array\n Arrays to stack together. Each variable is expected to have\n matching dimensions and shape except for along the stacked\n dimension.\n dim : str or DataArray, optional\n Name of the dimension to stack along. This can either be a new\n dimension name, in which case it is added along axis=0, or an\n existing dimension name, in which case the location of the\n dimension is unchanged. Where to insert the new dimension is\n determined by the first variable.\n positions : None or list of integer arrays, optional\n List of integer arrays which specifies the integer positions to which\n to assign each dataset along the concatenated dimension. If not\n supplied, objects are concatenated in the provided order.\n shortcut : bool, optional\n This option is used internally to speed-up groupby operations.\n If `shortcut` is True, some checks of internal consistency between\n arrays to concatenate are skipped.\n\n Returns\n -------\n stacked : Variable\n Concatenated Variable formed by stacking all the supplied variables\n along the given dimension.\n \"\"\"\n variables = list(variables)\n if all(isinstance(v, IndexVariable) for v in variables):\n return IndexVariable.concat(variables, dim, positions, shortcut)\n else:\n return Variable.concat(variables, dim, positions, shortcut)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_assert_unique_multiindex_level_names_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/core/variable.py_assert_unique_multiindex_level_names_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/core/variable.py", "file_name": "variable.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 2235, "end_line": 2269, "span_ids": ["assert_unique_multiindex_level_names"], "tokens": 305}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def assert_unique_multiindex_level_names(variables):\n \"\"\"Check for uniqueness of MultiIndex level names in all given\n variables.\n\n Not public API. Used for checking consistency of DataArray and Dataset\n objects.\n \"\"\"\n level_names = defaultdict(list)\n all_level_names = set()\n for var_name, var in variables.items():\n if isinstance(var._data, PandasIndexAdapter):\n idx_level_names = var.to_index_variable().level_names\n if idx_level_names is not None:\n for n in idx_level_names:\n level_names[n].append(\"%r (%s)\" % (n, var_name))\n if idx_level_names:\n all_level_names.update(idx_level_names)\n\n for k, v in level_names.items():\n if k in variables:\n v.append(\"(%s)\" % k)\n\n duplicate_names = [v for v in level_names.values() if len(v) > 1]\n if duplicate_names:\n conflict_str = \"\\n\".join([\", \".join(v) for v in duplicate_names])\n raise ValueError(\"conflicting MultiIndex level name(s):\\n%s\" % conflict_str)\n # Check confliction between level names and dimensions GH:2299\n for k, v in variables.items():\n for d in v.dims:\n if d in all_level_names:\n raise ValueError(\n \"conflicting level / dimension names. {} \"\n \"already exists as a level name.\".format(d)\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/__init__.py__": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/__init__.py__", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/__init__.py", "file_name": "__init__.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 15, "span_ids": ["impl", "imports"], "tokens": 83}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "from .facetgrid import FacetGrid\nfrom .plot import contour, contourf, hist, imshow, line, pcolormesh, plot, step\n\n__all__ = [\n \"plot\",\n \"line\",\n \"step\",\n \"contour\",\n \"contourf\",\n \"hist\",\n \"imshow\",\n \"pcolormesh\",\n \"FacetGrid\",\n]", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py_functools__infer_meta_data.return._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py_functools__infer_meta_data.return._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", "file_name": "dataset_plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 76, "span_ids": ["_infer_meta_data", "impl", "imports"], "tokens": 518}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import functools\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom ..core.alignment import broadcast\nfrom .facetgrid import _easy_facetgrid\nfrom .utils import (\n _add_colorbar,\n _is_numeric,\n _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs,\n get_axis,\n label_from_attrs,\n)\n\n# copied from seaborn\n_MARKERSIZE_RANGE = np.array([18.0, 72.0])\n\n\ndef _infer_meta_data(ds, x, y, hue, hue_style, add_guide):\n dvars = set(ds.variables.keys())\n error_msg = \" must be one of ({0:s})\".format(\", \".join(dvars))\n\n if x not in dvars:\n raise ValueError(\"x\" + error_msg)\n\n if y not in dvars:\n raise ValueError(\"y\" + error_msg)\n\n if hue is not None and hue not in dvars:\n raise ValueError(\"hue\" + error_msg)\n\n if hue:\n hue_is_numeric = _is_numeric(ds[hue].values)\n\n if hue_style is None:\n hue_style = \"continuous\" if hue_is_numeric else \"discrete\"\n\n if not hue_is_numeric and (hue_style == \"continuous\"):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Cannot create a colorbar for a non numeric\" \" coordinate: \" + hue\n )\n\n if add_guide is None or add_guide is True:\n add_colorbar = True if hue_style == \"continuous\" else False\n add_legend = True if hue_style == \"discrete\" else False\n else:\n add_colorbar = False\n add_legend = False\n else:\n if add_guide is True:\n raise ValueError(\"Cannot set add_guide when hue is None.\")\n add_legend = False\n add_colorbar = False\n\n if hue_style is not None and hue_style not in [\"discrete\", \"continuous\"]:\n raise ValueError(\n \"hue_style must be either None, 'discrete' \" \"or 'continuous'.\"\n )\n\n if hue:\n hue_label = label_from_attrs(ds[hue])\n hue = ds[hue]\n else:\n hue_label = None\n hue = None\n\n return {\n \"add_colorbar\": add_colorbar,\n \"add_legend\": add_legend,\n \"hue_label\": hue_label,\n \"hue_style\": hue_style,\n \"xlabel\": label_from_attrs(ds[x]),\n \"ylabel\": label_from_attrs(ds[y]),\n \"hue\": hue,\n }", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py__infer_scatter_data__infer_scatter_data.return.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py__infer_scatter_data__infer_scatter_data.return.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", "file_name": "dataset_plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 79, "end_line": 107, "span_ids": ["_infer_scatter_data"], "tokens": 206}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", 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data=np.reshape(size_mapping.loc[size.values.ravel()].values, size.shape)\n )\n\n return data", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py_None_1__Dataset_PlotMethods.__call__.raise_ValueError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py_None_1__Dataset_PlotMethods.__call__.raise_ValueError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", "file_name": "dataset_plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 110, "end_line": 164, "span_ids": ["_Dataset_PlotMethods.__call__", "_parse_size", "_infer_scatter_data", "_Dataset_PlotMethods"], "tokens": 351}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# copied from seaborn\ndef _parse_size(data, norm):\n\n import matplotlib as mpl\n\n if data is None:\n return None\n\n data = data.values.flatten()\n\n if not _is_numeric(data):\n levels = np.unique(data)\n numbers = np.arange(1, 1 + len(levels))[::-1]\n else:\n levels = numbers = np.sort(np.unique(data))\n\n min_width, max_width = _MARKERSIZE_RANGE\n # width_range = min_width, max_width\n\n if norm is None:\n norm = mpl.colors.Normalize()\n elif isinstance(norm, tuple):\n norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(*norm)\n elif not isinstance(norm, mpl.colors.Normalize):\n err = \"``size_norm`` must be None, tuple, \" \"or Normalize object.\"\n raise ValueError(err)\n\n norm.clip = True\n if not norm.scaled():\n norm(np.asarray(numbers))\n # limits = norm.vmin, norm.vmax\n\n scl = norm(numbers)\n widths = np.asarray(min_width + scl * (max_width - min_width))\n if scl.mask.any():\n widths[scl.mask] = 0\n sizes = dict(zip(levels, widths))\n\n return pd.Series(sizes)\n\n\nclass _Dataset_PlotMethods(object):\n \"\"\"\n Enables use of xarray.plot functions as attributes on a Dataset.\n For example, Dataset.plot.scatter\n \"\"\"\n\n def __init__(self, dataset):\n self._ds = dataset\n\n def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Dataset.plot cannot be called directly. Use \"\n \"an explicit plot method, e.g. ds.plot.scatter(...)\"\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py__dsplot__dsplot.commondoc._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py__dsplot__dsplot.commondoc._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", "file_name": "dataset_plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 167, "end_line": 243, "span_ids": ["_dsplot"], "tokens": 931}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dsplot(plotfunc):\n commondoc = \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n\n ds : Dataset\n x, y : string\n Variable names for x, y axis.\n hue: str, optional\n Variable by which to color scattered points\n hue_style: str, optional\n Can be either 'discrete' (legend) or 'continuous' (color bar).\n markersize: str, optional (scatter only)\n Variably by which to vary size of scattered points\n size_norm: optional\n Either None or 'Norm' instance to normalize the 'markersize' variable.\n add_guide: bool, optional\n Add a guide that depends on hue_style\n - for \"discrete\", build a legend.\n This is the default for non-numeric `hue` variables.\n - for \"continuous\", build a colorbar\n row : string, optional\n If passed, make row faceted plots on this dimension name\n col : string, optional\n If passed, make column faceted plots on this dimension name\n col_wrap : integer, optional\n Use together with ``col`` to wrap faceted plots\n ax : matplotlib axes, optional\n If None, uses the current axis. Not applicable when using facets.\n subplot_kws : dict, optional\n Dictionary of keyword arguments for matplotlib subplots. Only applies\n to FacetGrid plotting.\n aspect : scalar, optional\n Aspect ratio of plot, so that ``aspect * size`` gives the width in\n inches. Only used if a ``size`` is provided.\n size : scalar, optional\n If provided, create a new figure for the plot with the given size.\n Height (in inches) of each plot. See also: ``aspect``.\n norm : ``matplotlib.colors.Normalize`` instance, optional\n If the ``norm`` has vmin or vmax specified, the corresponding kwarg\n must be None.\n vmin, vmax : floats, optional\n Values to anchor the colormap, otherwise they are inferred from the\n data and other keyword arguments. When a diverging dataset is inferred,\n setting one of these values will fix the other by symmetry around\n ``center``. Setting both values prevents use of a diverging colormap.\n If discrete levels are provided as an explicit list, both of these\n values are ignored.\n cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional\n The mapping from data values to color space. If not provided, this\n will be either be ``viridis`` (if the function infers a sequential\n dataset) or ``RdBu_r`` (if the function infers a diverging dataset).\n When `Seaborn` is installed, ``cmap`` may also be a `seaborn`\n color palette. If ``cmap`` is seaborn color palette and the plot type\n is not ``contour`` or ``contourf``, ``levels`` must also be specified.\n colors : discrete colors to plot, optional\n A single color or a list of colors. If the plot type is not ``contour``\n or ``contourf``, the ``levels`` argument is required.\n center : float, optional\n The value at which to center the colormap. Passing this value implies\n use of a diverging colormap. Setting it to ``False`` prevents use of a\n diverging colormap.\n robust : bool, optional\n If True and ``vmin`` or ``vmax`` are absent, the colormap range is\n computed with 2nd and 98th percentiles instead of the extreme values.\n extend : {'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, optional\n How to draw arrows extending the colorbar beyond its limits. If not\n provided, extend is inferred from vmin, vmax and the data limits.\n levels : int or list-like object, optional\n Split the colormap (cmap) into discrete color intervals. If an integer\n is provided, \"nice\" levels are chosen based on the data range: this can\n imply that the final number of levels is not exactly the expected one.\n Setting ``vmin`` and/or ``vmax`` with ``levels=N`` is equivalent to\n setting ``levels=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, N)``.\n **kwargs : optional\n Additional keyword arguments to matplotlib\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py__dsplot._Build_on_the_original_d__dsplot.newplotfunc.return.primitive": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py__dsplot._Build_on_the_original_d__dsplot.newplotfunc.return.primitive", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", "file_name": "dataset_plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 245, "end_line": 351, "span_ids": ["_dsplot"], "tokens": 770}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dsplot(plotfunc):\n\n # Build on the original docstring\n plotfunc.__doc__ = \"%s\\n%s\" % (plotfunc.__doc__, commondoc)\n\n @functools.wraps(plotfunc)\n def newplotfunc(\n ds,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n hue=None,\n hue_style=None,\n col=None,\n row=None,\n ax=None,\n figsize=None,\n size=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n sharex=True,\n sharey=True,\n aspect=None,\n subplot_kws=None,\n add_guide=None,\n cbar_kwargs=None,\n cbar_ax=None,\n vmin=None,\n vmax=None,\n norm=None,\n infer_intervals=None,\n center=None,\n levels=None,\n robust=None,\n colors=None,\n extend=None,\n cmap=None,\n **kwargs\n ):\n\n _is_facetgrid = kwargs.pop(\"_is_facetgrid\", False)\n if _is_facetgrid: # facetgrid call\n meta_data = kwargs.pop(\"meta_data\")\n else:\n meta_data = _infer_meta_data(ds, x, y, hue, hue_style, add_guide)\n\n hue_style = meta_data[\"hue_style\"]\n\n # handle facetgrids first\n if col or row:\n allargs = locals().copy()\n allargs[\"plotfunc\"] = globals()[plotfunc.__name__]\n allargs[\"data\"] = ds\n # TODO dcherian: why do I need to remove kwargs?\n for arg in [\"meta_data\", \"kwargs\", \"ds\"]:\n del allargs[arg]\n\n return _easy_facetgrid(kind=\"dataset\", **allargs, **kwargs)\n\n figsize = kwargs.pop(\"figsize\", None)\n ax = get_axis(figsize, size, aspect, ax)\n\n if hue_style == \"continuous\" and hue is not None:\n if _is_facetgrid:\n cbar_kwargs = meta_data[\"cbar_kwargs\"]\n cmap_params = meta_data[\"cmap_params\"]\n else:\n cmap_params, cbar_kwargs = _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs(\n plotfunc, ds[hue].values, **locals()\n )\n\n # subset that can be passed to scatter, hist2d\n cmap_params_subset = dict(\n (vv, cmap_params[vv]) for vv in [\"vmin\", \"vmax\", \"norm\", \"cmap\"]\n )\n\n else:\n cmap_params_subset = {}\n\n primitive = plotfunc(\n ds=ds,\n x=x,\n y=y,\n hue=hue,\n hue_style=hue_style,\n ax=ax,\n cmap_params=cmap_params_subset,\n **kwargs\n )\n\n if _is_facetgrid: # if this was called from Facetgrid.map_dataset,\n return primitive # finish here. Else, make labels\n\n if meta_data.get(\"xlabel\", None):\n ax.set_xlabel(meta_data.get(\"xlabel\"))\n if meta_data.get(\"ylabel\", None):\n ax.set_ylabel(meta_data.get(\"ylabel\"))\n\n if meta_data[\"add_legend\"]:\n ax.legend(\n handles=primitive,\n labels=list(meta_data[\"hue\"].values),\n title=meta_data.get(\"hue_label\", None),\n )\n if meta_data[\"add_colorbar\"]:\n cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else cbar_kwargs\n if \"label\" not in cbar_kwargs:\n cbar_kwargs[\"label\"] = meta_data.get(\"hue_label\", None)\n _add_colorbar(primitive, ax, cbar_ax, cbar_kwargs, cmap_params)\n\n return primitive\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py__dsplot.plotmethod__dsplot.return.newplotfunc": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py__dsplot.plotmethod__dsplot.return.newplotfunc", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", "file_name": "dataset_plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 353, "end_line": 401, "span_ids": ["_dsplot"], "tokens": 288}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _dsplot(plotfunc):\n # ... other code\n\n @functools.wraps(newplotfunc)\n def plotmethod(\n _PlotMethods_obj,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n hue=None,\n hue_style=None,\n col=None,\n row=None,\n ax=None,\n figsize=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n sharex=True,\n sharey=True,\n aspect=None,\n size=None,\n subplot_kws=None,\n add_guide=None,\n cbar_kwargs=None,\n cbar_ax=None,\n vmin=None,\n vmax=None,\n norm=None,\n infer_intervals=None,\n center=None,\n levels=None,\n robust=None,\n colors=None,\n extend=None,\n cmap=None,\n **kwargs\n ):\n \"\"\"\n The method should have the same signature as the function.\n\n This just makes the method work on Plotmethods objects,\n and passes all the other arguments straight through.\n \"\"\"\n allargs = locals()\n allargs[\"ds\"] = _PlotMethods_obj._ds\n allargs.update(kwargs)\n for arg in [\"_PlotMethods_obj\", \"newplotfunc\", \"kwargs\"]:\n del allargs[arg]\n return newplotfunc(**allargs)\n\n # Add to class _PlotMethods\n setattr(_Dataset_PlotMethods, plotmethod.__name__, plotmethod)\n\n return newplotfunc", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py_scatter_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py_scatter_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/dataset_plot.py", "file_name": "dataset_plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 404, "end_line": 454, "span_ids": ["scatter"], "tokens": 390}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@_dsplot\ndef scatter(ds, x, y, ax, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Scatter Dataset data variables against each other.\n \"\"\"\n\n if \"add_colorbar\" in kwargs or \"add_legend\" in kwargs:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Dataset.plot.scatter does not accept \"\n \"'add_colorbar' or 'add_legend'. \"\n \"Use 'add_guide' instead.\"\n )\n\n cmap_params = kwargs.pop(\"cmap_params\")\n hue = kwargs.pop(\"hue\")\n hue_style = kwargs.pop(\"hue_style\")\n markersize = kwargs.pop(\"markersize\", None)\n size_norm = kwargs.pop(\"size_norm\", None)\n size_mapping = kwargs.pop(\"size_mapping\", None) # set by facetgrid\n\n # need to infer size_mapping with full dataset\n data = _infer_scatter_data(ds, x, y, hue, markersize, size_norm, size_mapping)\n\n if hue_style == \"discrete\":\n primitive = []\n for label in np.unique(data[\"hue\"].values):\n mask = data[\"hue\"] == label\n if data[\"sizes\"] is not None:\n kwargs.update(s=data[\"sizes\"].where(mask, drop=True).values.flatten())\n\n primitive.append(\n ax.scatter(\n data[\"x\"].where(mask, drop=True).values.flatten(),\n data[\"y\"].where(mask, drop=True).values.flatten(),\n label=label,\n **kwargs\n )\n )\n\n elif hue is None or hue_style == \"continuous\":\n if data[\"sizes\"] is not None:\n kwargs.update(s=data[\"sizes\"].values.ravel())\n if data[\"hue\"] is not None:\n kwargs.update(c=data[\"hue\"].values.ravel())\n\n primitive = ax.scatter(\n data[\"x\"].values.ravel(), data[\"y\"].values.ravel(), **cmap_params, **kwargs\n )\n\n return primitive", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_functools__nicetitle.return.title": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_functools__nicetitle.return.title", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 32, "span_ids": ["impl", "_nicetitle", "imports"], "tokens": 186}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import functools\nimport itertools\nimport warnings\n\nimport numpy as np\n\nfrom ..core.formatting import format_item\nfrom .utils import (\n _infer_xy_labels,\n _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs,\n import_matplotlib_pyplot,\n label_from_attrs,\n)\n\n# Overrides axes.labelsize, xtick.major.size, ytick.major.size\n# from mpl.rcParams\n_FONTSIZE = \"small\"\n# For major ticks on x, y axes\n_NTICKS = 5\n\n\ndef _nicetitle(coord, value, maxchar, template):\n \"\"\"\n Put coord, value in template and truncate at maxchar\n \"\"\"\n prettyvalue = format_item(value, quote_strings=False)\n title = template.format(coord=coord, value=prettyvalue)\n\n if len(title) > maxchar:\n title = title[: (maxchar - 3)] + \"...\"\n\n return title", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid_FacetGrid._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid_FacetGrid._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 35, "end_line": 70, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid"], "tokens": 325}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n \"\"\"\n Initialize the matplotlib figure and FacetGrid object.\n\n The :class:`FacetGrid` is an object that links a xarray DataArray to\n a matplotlib figure with a particular structure.\n\n In particular, :class:`FacetGrid` is used to draw plots with multiple\n Axes where each Axes shows the same relationship conditioned on\n different levels of some dimension. It's possible to condition on up to\n two variables by assigning variables to the rows and columns of the\n grid.\n\n The general approach to plotting here is called \"small multiples\",\n where the same kind of plot is repeated multiple times, and the\n specific use of small multiples to display the same relationship\n conditioned on one ore more other variables is often called a \"trellis\n plot\".\n\n The basic workflow is to initialize the :class:`FacetGrid` object with\n the DataArray and the variable names that are used to structure the grid.\n Then plotting functions can be applied to each subset by calling\n :meth:`FacetGrid.map_dataarray` or :meth:`FacetGrid.map`.\n\n Attributes\n ----------\n axes : numpy object array\n Contains axes in corresponding position, as returned from\n plt.subplots\n fig : matplotlib.Figure\n The figure containing all the axes\n name_dicts : numpy object array\n Contains dictionaries mapping coordinate names to values. None is\n used as a sentinel value for axes which should remain empty, ie.\n sometimes the bottom right grid\n \"\"\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.__init___FacetGrid.__init__.self._finalized.False": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.__init___FacetGrid.__init__.self._finalized.False", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 72, "end_line": 207, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid"], "tokens": 1034}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def __init__(\n self,\n data,\n col=None,\n row=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n sharex=True,\n sharey=True,\n figsize=None,\n aspect=1,\n size=3,\n subplot_kws=None,\n ):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n data : DataArray\n xarray DataArray to be plotted\n row, col : strings\n Dimesion names that define subsets of the data, which will be drawn\n on separate facets in the grid.\n col_wrap : int, optional\n \"Wrap\" the column variable at this width, so that the column facets\n sharex : bool, optional\n If true, the facets will share x axes\n sharey : bool, optional\n If true, the facets will share y axes\n figsize : tuple, optional\n A tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches.\n If set, overrides ``size`` and ``aspect``.\n aspect : scalar, optional\n Aspect ratio of each facet, so that ``aspect * size`` gives the\n width of each facet in inches\n size : scalar, optional\n Height (in inches) of each facet. See also: ``aspect``\n subplot_kws : dict, optional\n Dictionary of keyword arguments for matplotlib subplots\n\n \"\"\"\n\n plt = import_matplotlib_pyplot()\n\n # Handle corner case of nonunique coordinates\n rep_col = col is not None and not data[col].to_index().is_unique\n rep_row = row is not None and not data[row].to_index().is_unique\n if rep_col or rep_row:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Coordinates used for faceting cannot \"\n \"contain repeated (nonunique) values.\"\n )\n\n # single_group is the grouping variable, if there is exactly one\n if col and row:\n single_group = False\n nrow = len(data[row])\n ncol = len(data[col])\n nfacet = nrow * ncol\n if col_wrap is not None:\n warnings.warn(\"Ignoring col_wrap since both col and row \" \"were passed\")\n elif row and not col:\n single_group = row\n elif not row and col:\n single_group = col\n else:\n raise ValueError(\"Pass a coordinate name as an argument for row or col\")\n\n # Compute grid shape\n if single_group:\n nfacet = len(data[single_group])\n if col:\n # idea - could add heuristic for nice shapes like 3x4\n ncol = nfacet\n if row:\n ncol = 1\n if col_wrap is not None:\n # Overrides previous settings\n ncol = col_wrap\n nrow = int(np.ceil(nfacet / ncol))\n\n # Set the subplot kwargs\n subplot_kws = {} if subplot_kws is None else subplot_kws\n\n if figsize is None:\n # Calculate the base figure size with extra horizontal space for a\n # colorbar\n cbar_space = 1\n figsize = (ncol * size * aspect + cbar_space, nrow * size)\n\n fig, axes = plt.subplots(\n nrow,\n ncol,\n sharex=sharex,\n sharey=sharey,\n squeeze=False,\n figsize=figsize,\n subplot_kw=subplot_kws,\n )\n\n # Set up the lists of names for the row and column facet variables\n col_names = list(data[col].values) if col else []\n row_names = list(data[row].values) if row else []\n\n if single_group:\n full = [{single_group: x} for x in data[single_group].values]\n empty = [None for x in range(nrow * ncol - len(full))]\n name_dicts = full + empty\n else:\n rowcols = itertools.product(row_names, col_names)\n name_dicts = [{row: r, col: c} for r, c in rowcols]\n\n name_dicts = np.array(name_dicts).reshape(nrow, ncol)\n\n # Set up the class attributes\n # ---------------------------\n\n # First the public API\n self.data = data\n self.name_dicts = name_dicts\n self.fig = fig\n self.axes = axes\n self.row_names = row_names\n self.col_names = col_names\n self.figlegend = None\n\n # Next the private variables\n self._single_group = single_group\n self._nrow = nrow\n self._row_var = row\n self._ncol = ncol\n self._col_var = col\n self._col_wrap = col_wrap\n self._x_var = None\n self._y_var = None\n self._cmap_extend = None\n self._mappables = []\n self._finalized = False", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid._left_axes_FacetGrid.map_dataarray.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid._left_axes_FacetGrid.map_dataarray.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 209, "end_line": 278, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid.map_dataarray", "FacetGrid._left_axes", "FacetGrid._bottom_axes"], "tokens": 488}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n @property\n def _left_axes(self):\n return self.axes[:, 0]\n\n @property\n def _bottom_axes(self):\n return self.axes[-1, :]\n\n def map_dataarray(self, func, x, y, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Apply a plotting function to a 2d facet's subset of the data.\n\n This is more convenient and less general than ``FacetGrid.map``\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : callable\n A plotting function with the same signature as a 2d xarray\n plotting method such as `xarray.plot.imshow`\n x, y : string\n Names of the coordinates to plot on x, y axes\n kwargs :\n additional keyword arguments to func\n\n Returns\n -------\n self : FacetGrid object\n\n \"\"\"\n\n if kwargs.get(\"cbar_ax\", None) is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"cbar_ax not supported by FacetGrid.\")\n\n cmap_params, cbar_kwargs = _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs(\n func, self.data.values, **kwargs\n )\n\n self._cmap_extend = cmap_params.get(\"extend\")\n\n # Order is important\n func_kwargs = {\n k: v\n for k, v in kwargs.items()\n if k not in {\"cmap\", \"colors\", \"cbar_kwargs\", \"levels\"}\n }\n func_kwargs.update(cmap_params)\n func_kwargs.update({\"add_colorbar\": False, \"add_labels\": False})\n\n # Get x, y labels for the first subplot\n x, y = _infer_xy_labels(\n darray=self.data.loc[self.name_dicts.flat[0]],\n x=x,\n y=y,\n imshow=func.__name__ == \"imshow\",\n rgb=kwargs.get(\"rgb\", None),\n )\n\n for d, ax in zip(self.name_dicts.flat, self.axes.flat):\n # None is the sentinel value\n if d is not None:\n subset = self.data.loc[d]\n mappable = func(subset, x=x, y=y, ax=ax, **func_kwargs)\n self._mappables.append(mappable)\n\n self._finalize_grid(x, y)\n\n if kwargs.get(\"add_colorbar\", True):\n self.add_colorbar(**cbar_kwargs)\n\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.map_dataarray_line_FacetGrid.map_dataarray_line.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.map_dataarray_line_FacetGrid.map_dataarray_line.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 280, "end_line": 312, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid.map_dataarray_line"], "tokens": 236}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def map_dataarray_line(\n self, func, x, y, hue, add_legend=True, _labels=None, **kwargs\n ):\n from .plot import _infer_line_data\n\n for d, ax in zip(self.name_dicts.flat, self.axes.flat):\n # None is the sentinel value\n if d is not None:\n subset = self.data.loc[d]\n mappable = func(\n subset,\n x=x,\n y=y,\n ax=ax,\n hue=hue,\n add_legend=False,\n _labels=False,\n **kwargs\n )\n self._mappables.append(mappable)\n\n _, _, hueplt, xlabel, ylabel, huelabel = _infer_line_data(\n darray=self.data.loc[self.name_dicts.flat[0]], x=x, y=y, hue=hue\n )\n\n self._hue_var = hueplt\n self._hue_label = huelabel\n self._finalize_grid(xlabel, ylabel)\n\n if add_legend and hueplt is not None and huelabel is not None:\n self.add_legend()\n\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.map_dataset_FacetGrid.map_dataset.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.map_dataset_FacetGrid.map_dataset.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 314, "end_line": 358, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid.map_dataset"], "tokens": 420}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def map_dataset(\n self, func, x=None, y=None, hue=None, hue_style=None, add_guide=None, **kwargs\n ):\n from .dataset_plot import _infer_meta_data, _parse_size\n\n kwargs[\"add_guide\"] = False\n kwargs[\"_is_facetgrid\"] = True\n\n if kwargs.get(\"markersize\", None):\n kwargs[\"size_mapping\"] = _parse_size(\n self.data[kwargs[\"markersize\"]], kwargs.pop(\"size_norm\", None)\n )\n\n meta_data = _infer_meta_data(self.data, x, y, hue, hue_style, add_guide)\n kwargs[\"meta_data\"] = meta_data\n\n if hue and meta_data[\"hue_style\"] == \"continuous\":\n cmap_params, cbar_kwargs = _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs(\n func, self.data[hue].values, **kwargs\n )\n kwargs[\"meta_data\"][\"cmap_params\"] = cmap_params\n kwargs[\"meta_data\"][\"cbar_kwargs\"] = cbar_kwargs\n\n for d, ax in zip(self.name_dicts.flat, self.axes.flat):\n # None is the sentinel value\n if d is not None:\n subset = self.data.loc[d]\n maybe_mappable = func(\n ds=subset, x=x, y=y, hue=hue, hue_style=hue_style, ax=ax, **kwargs\n )\n # TODO: this is needed to get legends to work.\n # but maybe_mappable is a list in that case :/\n self._mappables.append(maybe_mappable)\n\n self._finalize_grid(meta_data[\"xlabel\"], meta_data[\"ylabel\"])\n\n if hue:\n self._hue_label = meta_data.pop(\"hue_label\", None)\n if meta_data[\"add_legend\"]:\n self._hue_var = meta_data[\"hue\"]\n self.add_legend()\n elif meta_data[\"add_colorbar\"]:\n self.add_colorbar(label=self._hue_label, **cbar_kwargs)\n\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid._finalize_grid_FacetGrid.add_legend.self_fig_subplots_adjust_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid._finalize_grid_FacetGrid.add_legend.self_fig_subplots_adjust_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 360, "end_line": 402, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid._finalize_grid", "FacetGrid.add_legend"], "tokens": 354}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def _finalize_grid(self, *axlabels):\n \"\"\"Finalize the annotations and layout.\"\"\"\n if not self._finalized:\n self.set_axis_labels(*axlabels)\n self.set_titles()\n self.fig.tight_layout()\n\n for ax, namedict in zip(self.axes.flat, self.name_dicts.flat):\n if namedict is None:\n ax.set_visible(False)\n\n self._finalized = True\n\n def add_legend(self, **kwargs):\n figlegend = self.fig.legend(\n handles=self._mappables[-1],\n labels=list(self._hue_var.values),\n title=self._hue_label,\n loc=\"center right\",\n **kwargs\n )\n\n self.figlegend = figlegend\n # Draw the plot to set the bounding boxes correctly\n self.fig.draw(self.fig.canvas.get_renderer())\n\n # Calculate and set the new width of the figure so the legend fits\n legend_width = figlegend.get_window_extent().width / self.fig.dpi\n figure_width = self.fig.get_figwidth()\n self.fig.set_figwidth(figure_width + legend_width)\n\n # Draw the plot again to get the new transformations\n self.fig.draw(self.fig.canvas.get_renderer())\n\n # Now calculate how much space we need on the right side\n legend_width = figlegend.get_window_extent().width / self.fig.dpi\n space_needed = legend_width / (figure_width + legend_width) + 0.02\n # margin = .01\n # _space_needed = margin + space_needed\n right = 1 - space_needed\n\n # Place the subplot axes to give space for the legend\n self.fig.subplots_adjust(right=right)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.add_colorbar_FacetGrid.set_axis_labels.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.add_colorbar_FacetGrid.set_axis_labels.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 404, "end_line": 433, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid.set_axis_labels", "FacetGrid.add_colorbar"], "tokens": 249}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def add_colorbar(self, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Draw a colorbar\n \"\"\"\n kwargs = kwargs.copy()\n if self._cmap_extend is not None:\n kwargs.setdefault(\"extend\", self._cmap_extend)\n if \"label\" not in kwargs:\n kwargs.setdefault(\"label\", label_from_attrs(self.data))\n self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar(\n self._mappables[-1], ax=list(self.axes.flat), **kwargs\n )\n return self\n\n def set_axis_labels(self, x_var=None, y_var=None):\n \"\"\"Set axis labels on the left column and bottom row of the grid.\"\"\"\n if x_var is not None:\n if x_var in self.data.coords:\n self._x_var = x_var\n self.set_xlabels(label_from_attrs(self.data[x_var]))\n else:\n # x_var is a string\n self.set_xlabels(x_var)\n\n if y_var is not None:\n if y_var in self.data.coords:\n self._y_var = y_var\n self.set_ylabels(label_from_attrs(self.data[y_var]))\n else:\n self.set_ylabels(y_var)\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.set_xlabels_FacetGrid.set_ylabels.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.set_xlabels_FacetGrid.set_ylabels.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 435, "end_line": 449, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid.set_xlabels", "FacetGrid.set_ylabels"], "tokens": 140}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def set_xlabels(self, label=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Label the x axis on the bottom row of the grid.\"\"\"\n if label is None:\n label = label_from_attrs(self.data[self._x_var])\n for ax in self._bottom_axes:\n ax.set_xlabel(label, **kwargs)\n return self\n\n def set_ylabels(self, label=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"Label the y axis on the left column of the grid.\"\"\"\n if label is None:\n label = label_from_attrs(self.data[self._y_var])\n for ax in self._left_axes:\n ax.set_ylabel(label, **kwargs)\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.set_titles_FacetGrid.set_titles.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.set_titles_FacetGrid.set_titles.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 451, "end_line": 502, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid.set_titles"], "tokens": 397}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def set_titles(self, template=\"{coord} = {value}\", maxchar=30, size=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Draw titles either above each facet or on the grid margins.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n template : string\n Template for plot titles containing {coord} and {value}\n maxchar : int\n Truncate titles at maxchar\n kwargs : keyword args\n additional arguments to matplotlib.text\n\n Returns\n -------\n self: FacetGrid object\n\n \"\"\"\n import matplotlib as mpl\n\n if size is None:\n size = mpl.rcParams[\"axes.labelsize\"]\n\n nicetitle = functools.partial(_nicetitle, maxchar=maxchar, template=template)\n\n if self._single_group:\n for d, ax in zip(self.name_dicts.flat, self.axes.flat):\n # Only label the ones with data\n if d is not None:\n coord, value = list(d.items()).pop()\n title = nicetitle(coord, value, maxchar=maxchar)\n ax.set_title(title, size=size, **kwargs)\n else:\n # The row titles on the right edge of the grid\n for ax, row_name in zip(self.axes[:, -1], self.row_names):\n title = nicetitle(coord=self._row_var, value=row_name, maxchar=maxchar)\n ax.annotate(\n title,\n xy=(1.02, 0.5),\n xycoords=\"axes fraction\",\n rotation=270,\n ha=\"left\",\n va=\"center\",\n **kwargs\n )\n\n # The column titles on the top row\n for ax, col_name in zip(self.axes[0, :], self.col_names):\n title = nicetitle(coord=self._col_var, value=col_name, maxchar=maxchar)\n ax.set_title(title, size=size, **kwargs)\n\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.set_ticks_FacetGrid.set_ticks.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.set_ticks_FacetGrid.set_ticks.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 504, "end_line": 534, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid.set_ticks"], "tokens": 215}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def set_ticks(self, max_xticks=_NTICKS, max_yticks=_NTICKS, fontsize=_FONTSIZE):\n \"\"\"\n Set and control tick behavior\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n max_xticks, max_yticks : int, optional\n Maximum number of labeled ticks to plot on x, y axes\n fontsize : string or int\n Font size as used by matplotlib text\n\n Returns\n -------\n self : FacetGrid object\n\n \"\"\"\n from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator\n\n # Both are necessary\n x_major_locator = MaxNLocator(nbins=max_xticks)\n y_major_locator = MaxNLocator(nbins=max_yticks)\n\n for ax in self.axes.flat:\n ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(x_major_locator)\n ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(y_major_locator)\n for tick in itertools.chain(\n ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(), ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks()\n ):\n tick.label1.set_fontsize(fontsize)\n\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.map_FacetGrid.map.return.self": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py_FacetGrid.map_FacetGrid.map.return.self", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 536, "end_line": 574, "span_ids": ["FacetGrid.map"], "tokens": 349}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class FacetGrid:\n\n def map(self, func, *args, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Apply a plotting function to each facet's subset of the data.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n func : callable\n A plotting function that takes data and keyword arguments. It\n must plot to the currently active matplotlib Axes and take a\n `color` keyword argument. If faceting on the `hue` dimension,\n it must also take a `label` keyword argument.\n args : strings\n Column names in self.data that identify variables with data to\n plot. The data for each variable is passed to `func` in the\n order the variables are specified in the call.\n kwargs : keyword arguments\n All keyword arguments are passed to the plotting function.\n\n Returns\n -------\n self : FacetGrid object\n\n \"\"\"\n plt = import_matplotlib_pyplot()\n\n for ax, namedict in zip(self.axes.flat, self.name_dicts.flat):\n if namedict is not None:\n data = self.data.loc[namedict]\n plt.sca(ax)\n innerargs = [data[a].values for a in args]\n maybe_mappable = func(*innerargs, **kwargs)\n # TODO: better way to verify that an artist is mappable?\n # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33023036/is-it-possible-to-detect-if-a-matplotlib-artist-is-a-mappable-suitable-for-use-w#33023522\n if maybe_mappable and hasattr(maybe_mappable, \"autoscale_None\"):\n self._mappables.append(maybe_mappable)\n\n self._finalize_grid(*args[:2])\n\n return self", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py__easy_facetgrid_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/facetgrid.py__easy_facetgrid_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/facetgrid.py", "file_name": "facetgrid.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 577, "end_line": 630, "span_ids": ["_easy_facetgrid"], "tokens": 315}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _easy_facetgrid(\n data,\n plotfunc,\n kind,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n row=None,\n col=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n sharex=True,\n sharey=True,\n aspect=None,\n size=None,\n subplot_kws=None,\n ax=None,\n figsize=None,\n **kwargs\n):\n \"\"\"\n Convenience method to call xarray.plot.FacetGrid from 2d plotting methods\n\n kwargs are the arguments to 2d plotting method\n \"\"\"\n if ax is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"Can't use axes when making faceted plots.\")\n if aspect is None:\n aspect = 1\n if size is None:\n size = 3\n elif figsize is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot provide both `figsize` and `size` arguments\")\n\n g = FacetGrid(\n data=data,\n col=col,\n row=row,\n col_wrap=col_wrap,\n sharex=sharex,\n sharey=sharey,\n figsize=figsize,\n aspect=aspect,\n size=size,\n subplot_kws=subplot_kws,\n )\n\n if kind == \"line\":\n return g.map_dataarray_line(plotfunc, x, y, **kwargs)\n\n if kind == \"dataarray\":\n return g.map_dataarray(plotfunc, x, y, **kwargs)\n\n if kind == \"dataset\":\n return g.map_dataset(plotfunc, x, y, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py____add_colorbar": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py____add_colorbar", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 30, "span_ids": ["docstring", "imports"], "tokens": 164}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "\"\"\"\nUse this module directly:\n import xarray.plot as xplt\n\nOr use the methods on a DataArray or Dataset:\n DataArray.plot._____\n Dataset.plot._____\n\"\"\"\nimport functools\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom .facetgrid import _easy_facetgrid\nfrom .utils import (\n _add_colorbar,\n _ensure_plottable,\n _infer_interval_breaks,\n _infer_xy_labels,\n _interval_to_double_bound_points,\n _interval_to_mid_points,\n _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs,\n _rescale_imshow_rgb,\n _resolve_intervals_2dplot,\n _update_axes,\n _valid_other_type,\n get_axis,\n import_matplotlib_pyplot,\n label_from_attrs,\n)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__infer_line_data__infer_line_data.return.xplt_yplt_hueplt_xlabe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__infer_line_data__infer_line_data.return.xplt_yplt_hueplt_xlabe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 33, "end_line": 115, "span_ids": ["_infer_line_data"], "tokens": 755}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _infer_line_data(darray, x, y, hue):\n error_msg = \"must be either None or one of ({:s})\".format(\n \", \".join([repr(dd) for dd in darray.dims])\n )\n ndims = len(darray.dims)\n\n if x is not None and x not in darray.dims and x not in darray.coords:\n raise ValueError(\"x \" + error_msg)\n\n if y is not None and y not in darray.dims and y not in darray.coords:\n raise ValueError(\"y \" + error_msg)\n\n if x is not None and y is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"You cannot specify both x and y kwargs\" \"for line plots.\")\n\n if ndims == 1:\n huename = None\n hueplt = None\n huelabel = \"\"\n\n if x is not None:\n xplt = darray[x]\n yplt = darray\n\n elif y is not None:\n xplt = darray\n yplt = darray[y]\n\n else: # Both x & y are None\n dim = darray.dims[0]\n xplt = darray[dim]\n yplt = darray\n\n else:\n if x is None and y is None and hue is None:\n raise ValueError(\"For 2D inputs, please\" \"specify either hue, x or y.\")\n\n if y is None:\n xname, huename = _infer_xy_labels(darray=darray, x=x, y=hue)\n xplt = darray[xname]\n if xplt.ndim > 1:\n if huename in darray.dims:\n otherindex = 1 if darray.dims.index(huename) == 0 else 0\n otherdim = darray.dims[otherindex]\n yplt = darray.transpose(otherdim, huename, transpose_coords=False)\n xplt = xplt.transpose(otherdim, huename, transpose_coords=False)\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"For 2D inputs, hue must be a dimension\"\n \" i.e. one of \" + repr(darray.dims)\n )\n\n else:\n xdim, = darray[xname].dims\n huedim, = darray[huename].dims\n yplt = darray.transpose(xdim, huedim)\n\n else:\n yname, huename = _infer_xy_labels(darray=darray, x=y, y=hue)\n yplt = darray[yname]\n if yplt.ndim > 1:\n if huename in darray.dims:\n otherindex = 1 if darray.dims.index(huename) == 0 else 0\n otherdim = darray.dims[otherindex]\n xplt = darray.transpose(otherdim, huename, transpose_coords=False)\n else:\n raise ValueError(\n \"For 2D inputs, hue must be a dimension\"\n \" i.e. one of \" + repr(darray.dims)\n )\n\n else:\n ydim, = darray[yname].dims\n huedim, = darray[huename].dims\n xplt = darray.transpose(ydim, huedim)\n\n huelabel = label_from_attrs(darray[huename])\n hueplt = darray[huename]\n\n xlabel = label_from_attrs(xplt)\n ylabel = label_from_attrs(yplt)\n\n return xplt, yplt, hueplt, xlabel, ylabel, huelabel", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_plot_plot.return.plotfunc_darray_kwargs": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_plot_plot.return.plotfunc_darray_kwargs", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 118, "end_line": 202, "span_ids": ["plot"], "tokens": 585}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def plot(\n darray,\n row=None,\n col=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n ax=None,\n hue=None,\n rtol=0.01,\n subplot_kws=None,\n **kwargs\n):\n \"\"\"\n Default plot of DataArray using matplotlib.pyplot.\n\n Calls xarray plotting function based on the dimensions of\n darray.squeeze()\n\n =============== ===========================\n Dimensions Plotting function\n --------------- ---------------------------\n 1 :py:func:`xarray.plot.line`\n 2 :py:func:`xarray.plot.pcolormesh`\n Anything else :py:func:`xarray.plot.hist`\n =============== ===========================\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n darray : DataArray\n row : string, optional\n If passed, make row faceted plots on this dimension name\n col : string, optional\n If passed, make column faceted plots on this dimension name\n hue : string, optional\n If passed, make faceted line plots with hue on this dimension name\n col_wrap : integer, optional\n Use together with ``col`` to wrap faceted plots\n ax : matplotlib axes, optional\n If None, uses the current axis. Not applicable when using facets.\n rtol : number, optional\n Relative tolerance used to determine if the indexes\n are uniformly spaced. Usually a small positive number.\n subplot_kws : dict, optional\n Dictionary of keyword arguments for matplotlib subplots. Only applies\n to FacetGrid plotting.\n **kwargs : optional\n Additional keyword arguments to matplotlib\n\n \"\"\"\n darray = darray.squeeze().compute()\n\n plot_dims = set(darray.dims)\n plot_dims.discard(row)\n plot_dims.discard(col)\n plot_dims.discard(hue)\n\n ndims = len(plot_dims)\n\n error_msg = (\n \"Only 1d and 2d plots are supported for facets in xarray. \"\n \"See the package `Seaborn` for more options.\"\n )\n\n if ndims in [1, 2]:\n if row or col:\n kwargs[\"row\"] = row\n kwargs[\"col\"] = col\n kwargs[\"col_wrap\"] = col_wrap\n kwargs[\"subplot_kws\"] = subplot_kws\n if ndims == 1:\n plotfunc = line\n kwargs[\"hue\"] = hue\n elif ndims == 2:\n if hue:\n plotfunc = line\n kwargs[\"hue\"] = hue\n else:\n plotfunc = pcolormesh\n else:\n if row or col or hue:\n raise ValueError(error_msg)\n plotfunc = hist\n\n kwargs[\"ax\"] = ax\n\n return plotfunc(darray, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__This_function_signature_line.ax.get_axis_figsize_size_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__This_function_signature_line.ax.get_axis_figsize_size_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 205, "end_line": 296, "span_ids": ["line", "plot"], "tokens": 771}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# This function signature should not change so that it can use\n# matplotlib format strings\ndef line(\n darray,\n *args,\n row=None,\n col=None,\n figsize=None,\n aspect=None,\n size=None,\n ax=None,\n hue=None,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n xincrease=None,\n yincrease=None,\n xscale=None,\n yscale=None,\n xticks=None,\n yticks=None,\n xlim=None,\n ylim=None,\n add_legend=True,\n _labels=True,\n **kwargs\n):\n \"\"\"\n Line plot of DataArray index against values\n\n Wraps :func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.plot`\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n darray : DataArray\n Must be 1 dimensional\n figsize : tuple, optional\n A tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches.\n Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``ax``.\n aspect : scalar, optional\n Aspect ratio of plot, so that ``aspect * size`` gives the width in\n inches. Only used if a ``size`` is provided.\n size : scalar, optional\n If provided, create a new figure for the plot with the given size.\n Height (in inches) of each plot. See also: ``aspect``.\n ax : matplotlib axes object, optional\n Axis on which to plot this figure. By default, use the current axis.\n Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``figsize``.\n hue : string, optional\n Dimension or coordinate for which you want multiple lines plotted.\n If plotting against a 2D coordinate, ``hue`` must be a dimension.\n x, y : string, optional\n Dimensions or coordinates for x, y axis.\n Only one of these may be specified.\n The other coordinate plots values from the DataArray on which this\n plot method is called.\n xscale, yscale : 'linear', 'symlog', 'log', 'logit', optional\n Specifies scaling for the x- and y-axes respectively\n xticks, yticks : Specify tick locations for x- and y-axes\n xlim, ylim : Specify x- and y-axes limits\n xincrease : None, True, or False, optional\n Should the values on the x axes be increasing from left to right?\n if None, use the default for the matplotlib function.\n yincrease : None, True, or False, optional\n Should the values on the y axes be increasing from top to bottom?\n if None, use the default for the matplotlib function.\n add_legend : boolean, optional\n Add legend with y axis coordinates (2D inputs only).\n *args, **kwargs : optional\n Additional arguments to matplotlib.pyplot.plot\n \"\"\"\n # Handle facetgrids first\n if row or col:\n allargs = locals().copy()\n allargs.update(allargs.pop(\"kwargs\"))\n allargs.pop(\"darray\")\n return _easy_facetgrid(darray, line, kind=\"line\", **allargs)\n\n ndims = len(darray.dims)\n if ndims > 2:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Line plots are for 1- or 2-dimensional DataArrays. \"\n \"Passed DataArray has {ndims} \"\n \"dimensions\".format(ndims=ndims)\n )\n\n # The allargs dict passed to _easy_facetgrid above contains args\n if args is ():\n args = kwargs.pop(\"args\", ())\n else:\n assert \"args\" not in kwargs\n\n ax = get_axis(figsize, size, aspect, ax)\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_line.xplt_yplt_hueplt_xlabe_line.return.primitive": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_line.xplt_yplt_hueplt_xlabe_line.return.primitive", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 297, "end_line": 350, "span_ids": ["line"], "tokens": 592}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def line(\n darray,\n *args,\n row=None,\n col=None,\n figsize=None,\n aspect=None,\n size=None,\n ax=None,\n hue=None,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n xincrease=None,\n yincrease=None,\n xscale=None,\n yscale=None,\n xticks=None,\n yticks=None,\n xlim=None,\n ylim=None,\n add_legend=True,\n _labels=True,\n **kwargs\n):\n # ... other code\n xplt, yplt, hueplt, xlabel, ylabel, hue_label = _infer_line_data(darray, x, y, hue)\n\n # Remove pd.Intervals if contained in xplt.values.\n if _valid_other_type(xplt.values, [pd.Interval]):\n # Is it a step plot? (see matplotlib.Axes.step)\n if kwargs.get(\"linestyle\", \"\").startswith(\"steps-\"):\n xplt_val, yplt_val = _interval_to_double_bound_points(\n xplt.values, yplt.values\n )\n # Remove steps-* to be sure that matplotlib is not confused\n kwargs[\"linestyle\"] = (\n kwargs[\"linestyle\"]\n .replace(\"steps-pre\", \"\")\n .replace(\"steps-post\", \"\")\n .replace(\"steps-mid\", \"\")\n )\n if kwargs[\"linestyle\"] == \"\":\n del kwargs[\"linestyle\"]\n else:\n xplt_val = _interval_to_mid_points(xplt.values)\n yplt_val = yplt.values\n xlabel += \"_center\"\n else:\n xplt_val = xplt.values\n yplt_val = yplt.values\n\n _ensure_plottable(xplt_val, yplt_val)\n\n primitive = ax.plot(xplt_val, yplt_val, *args, **kwargs)\n\n if _labels:\n if xlabel is not None:\n ax.set_xlabel(xlabel)\n\n if ylabel is not None:\n ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)\n\n ax.set_title(darray._title_for_slice())\n\n if darray.ndim == 2 and add_legend:\n ax.legend(handles=primitive, labels=list(hueplt.values), title=hue_label)\n\n # Rotate dates on xlabels\n # Do this without calling autofmt_xdate so that x-axes ticks\n # on other subplots (if any) are not deleted.\n # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17430105/autofmt-xdate-deletes-x-axis-labels-of-all-subplots\n if np.issubdtype(xplt.dtype, np.datetime64):\n for xlabels in ax.get_xticklabels():\n xlabels.set_rotation(30)\n xlabels.set_ha(\"right\")\n\n _update_axes(ax, xincrease, yincrease, xscale, yscale, xticks, yticks, xlim, ylim)\n\n return primitive", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_step_step.return.line_darray_args_lines": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_step_step.return.line_darray_args_lines", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 353, "end_line": 390, "span_ids": ["step"], "tokens": 386}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def step(darray, *args, where=\"pre\", linestyle=None, ls=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Step plot of DataArray index against values\n\n Similar to :func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.step`\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n where : {'pre', 'post', 'mid'}, optional, default 'pre'\n Define where the steps should be placed:\n - 'pre': The y value is continued constantly to the left from\n every *x* position, i.e. the interval ``(x[i-1], x[i]]`` has the\n value ``y[i]``.\n - 'post': The y value is continued constantly to the right from\n every *x* position, i.e. the interval ``[x[i], x[i+1])`` has the\n value ``y[i]``.\n - 'mid': Steps occur half-way between the *x* positions.\n Note that this parameter is ignored if the x coordinate consists of\n :py:func:`pandas.Interval` values, e.g. as a result of\n :py:func:`xarray.Dataset.groupby_bins`. In this case, the actual\n boundaries of the interval are used.\n\n *args, **kwargs : optional\n Additional arguments following :py:func:`xarray.plot.line`\n \"\"\"\n if where not in {\"pre\", \"post\", \"mid\"}:\n raise ValueError(\"'where' argument to step must be \" \"'pre', 'post' or 'mid'\")\n\n if ls is not None:\n if linestyle is None:\n linestyle = ls\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"ls and linestyle are mutually exclusive\")\n if linestyle is None:\n linestyle = \"\"\n linestyle = \"steps-\" + where + linestyle\n\n return line(darray, *args, linestyle=linestyle, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_hist_hist.return.primitive": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_hist_hist.return.primitive", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 393, "end_line": 448, "span_ids": ["hist"], "tokens": 381}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def hist(\n darray,\n figsize=None,\n size=None,\n aspect=None,\n ax=None,\n xincrease=None,\n yincrease=None,\n xscale=None,\n yscale=None,\n xticks=None,\n yticks=None,\n xlim=None,\n ylim=None,\n **kwargs\n):\n \"\"\"\n Histogram of DataArray\n\n Wraps :func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.hist`\n\n Plots N dimensional arrays by first flattening the array.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n darray : DataArray\n Can be any dimension\n figsize : tuple, optional\n A tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches.\n Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``ax``.\n aspect : scalar, optional\n Aspect ratio of plot, so that ``aspect * size`` gives the width in\n inches. Only used if a ``size`` is provided.\n size : scalar, optional\n If provided, create a new figure for the plot with the given size.\n Height (in inches) of each plot. See also: ``aspect``.\n ax : matplotlib axes object, optional\n Axis on which to plot this figure. By default, use the current axis.\n Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``figsize``.\n **kwargs : optional\n Additional keyword arguments to matplotlib.pyplot.hist\n\n \"\"\"\n ax = get_axis(figsize, size, aspect, ax)\n\n no_nan = np.ravel(darray.values)\n no_nan = no_nan[pd.notnull(no_nan)]\n\n primitive = ax.hist(no_nan, **kwargs)\n\n ax.set_title(\"Histogram\")\n ax.set_xlabel(label_from_attrs(darray))\n\n _update_axes(ax, xincrease, yincrease, xscale, yscale, xticks, yticks, xlim, ylim)\n\n return primitive", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__MUST_run_before_any_2d___PlotMethods.step.return.step_self__da_args_k": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__MUST_run_before_any_2d___PlotMethods.step.return.step_self__da_args_k", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 451, "end_line": 477, "span_ids": ["_PlotMethods.hist", "_PlotMethods", "_PlotMethods.__call__", "_PlotMethods.line", "_PlotMethods.step", "hist"], "tokens": 206}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# MUST run before any 2d plotting functions are defined since\n# _plot2d decorator adds them as methods here.\nclass _PlotMethods:\n \"\"\"\n Enables use of xarray.plot functions as attributes on a DataArray.\n For example, DataArray.plot.imshow\n \"\"\"\n\n __slots__ = (\"_da\",)\n\n def __init__(self, darray):\n self._da = darray\n\n def __call__(self, **kwargs):\n return plot(self._da, **kwargs)\n\n @functools.wraps(hist)\n def hist(self, ax=None, **kwargs):\n return hist(self._da, ax=ax, **kwargs)\n\n @functools.wraps(line)\n def line(self, *args, **kwargs):\n return line(self._da, *args, **kwargs)\n\n @functools.wraps(step)\n def step(self, *args, **kwargs):\n return step(self._da, *args, **kwargs)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d__plot2d.commondoc._": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d__plot2d.commondoc._", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 480, "end_line": 584, "span_ids": ["_plot2d"], "tokens": 1237}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _plot2d(plotfunc):\n \"\"\"\n Decorator for common 2d plotting logic\n\n Also adds the 2d plot method to class _PlotMethods\n \"\"\"\n commondoc = \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ----------\n darray : DataArray\n Must be 2 dimensional, unless creating faceted plots\n x : string, optional\n Coordinate for x axis. If None use darray.dims[1]\n y : string, optional\n Coordinate for y axis. If None use darray.dims[0]\n figsize : tuple, optional\n A tuple (width, height) of the figure in inches.\n Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``ax``.\n aspect : scalar, optional\n Aspect ratio of plot, so that ``aspect * size`` gives the width in\n inches. Only used if a ``size`` is provided.\n size : scalar, optional\n If provided, create a new figure for the plot with the given size.\n Height (in inches) of each plot. See also: ``aspect``.\n ax : matplotlib axes object, optional\n Axis on which to plot this figure. By default, use the current axis.\n Mutually exclusive with ``size`` and ``figsize``.\n row : string, optional\n If passed, make row faceted plots on this dimension name\n col : string, optional\n If passed, make column faceted plots on this dimension name\n col_wrap : integer, optional\n Use together with ``col`` to wrap faceted plots\n xscale, yscale : 'linear', 'symlog', 'log', 'logit', optional\n Specifies scaling for the x- and y-axes respectively\n xticks, yticks : Specify tick locations for x- and y-axes\n xlim, ylim : Specify x- and y-axes limits\n xincrease : None, True, or False, optional\n Should the values on the x axes be increasing from left to right?\n if None, use the default for the matplotlib function.\n yincrease : None, True, or False, optional\n Should the values on the y axes be increasing from top to bottom?\n if None, use the default for the matplotlib function.\n add_colorbar : Boolean, optional\n Adds colorbar to axis\n add_labels : Boolean, optional\n Use xarray metadata to label axes\n norm : ``matplotlib.colors.Normalize`` instance, optional\n If the ``norm`` has vmin or vmax specified, the corresponding kwarg\n must be None.\n vmin, vmax : floats, optional\n Values to anchor the colormap, otherwise they are inferred from the\n data and other keyword arguments. When a diverging dataset is inferred,\n setting one of these values will fix the other by symmetry around\n ``center``. Setting both values prevents use of a diverging colormap.\n If discrete levels are provided as an explicit list, both of these\n values are ignored.\n cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional\n The mapping from data values to color space. If not provided, this\n will be either be ``viridis`` (if the function infers a sequential\n dataset) or ``RdBu_r`` (if the function infers a diverging dataset).\n When `Seaborn` is installed, ``cmap`` may also be a `seaborn`\n color palette. If ``cmap`` is seaborn color palette and the plot type\n is not ``contour`` or ``contourf``, ``levels`` must also be specified.\n colors : discrete colors to plot, optional\n A single color or a list of colors. If the plot type is not ``contour``\n or ``contourf``, the ``levels`` argument is required.\n center : float, optional\n The value at which to center the colormap. Passing this value implies\n use of a diverging colormap. Setting it to ``False`` prevents use of a\n diverging colormap.\n robust : bool, optional\n If True and ``vmin`` or ``vmax`` are absent, the colormap range is\n computed with 2nd and 98th percentiles instead of the extreme values.\n extend : {'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, optional\n How to draw arrows extending the colorbar beyond its limits. If not\n provided, extend is inferred from vmin, vmax and the data limits.\n levels : int or list-like object, optional\n Split the colormap (cmap) into discrete color intervals. If an integer\n is provided, \"nice\" levels are chosen based on the data range: this can\n imply that the final number of levels is not exactly the expected one.\n Setting ``vmin`` and/or ``vmax`` with ``levels=N`` is equivalent to\n setting ``levels=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, N)``.\n infer_intervals : bool, optional\n Only applies to pcolormesh. If True, the coordinate intervals are\n passed to pcolormesh. If False, the original coordinates are used\n (this can be useful for certain map projections). The default is to\n always infer intervals, unless the mesh is irregular and plotted on\n a map projection.\n subplot_kws : dict, optional\n Dictionary of keyword arguments for matplotlib subplots. Only applies\n to FacetGrid plotting.\n cbar_ax : matplotlib Axes, optional\n Axes in which to draw the colorbar.\n cbar_kwargs : dict, optional\n Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the colorbar.\n **kwargs : optional\n Additional arguments to wrapped matplotlib function\n\n Returns\n -------\n artist :\n The same type of primitive artist that the wrapped matplotlib\n function returns\n \"\"\"\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d._Build_on_the_original_d__plot2d.newplotfunc._xlab_may_be_the_name_of": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d._Build_on_the_original_d__plot2d.newplotfunc._xlab_may_be_the_name_of", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 586, "end_line": 681, "span_ids": ["_plot2d"], "tokens": 779}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _plot2d(plotfunc):\n\n # Build on the original docstring\n plotfunc.__doc__ = \"%s\\n%s\" % (plotfunc.__doc__, commondoc)\n\n @functools.wraps(plotfunc)\n def newplotfunc(\n darray,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n figsize=None,\n size=None,\n aspect=None,\n ax=None,\n row=None,\n col=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n xincrease=True,\n yincrease=True,\n add_colorbar=None,\n add_labels=True,\n vmin=None,\n vmax=None,\n cmap=None,\n center=None,\n robust=False,\n extend=None,\n levels=None,\n infer_intervals=None,\n colors=None,\n subplot_kws=None,\n cbar_ax=None,\n cbar_kwargs=None,\n xscale=None,\n yscale=None,\n xticks=None,\n yticks=None,\n xlim=None,\n ylim=None,\n norm=None,\n **kwargs\n ):\n # All 2d plots in xarray share this function signature.\n # Method signature below should be consistent.\n\n # Decide on a default for the colorbar before facetgrids\n if add_colorbar is None:\n add_colorbar = plotfunc.__name__ != \"contour\"\n imshow_rgb = plotfunc.__name__ == \"imshow\" and darray.ndim == (\n 3 + (row is not None) + (col is not None)\n )\n if imshow_rgb:\n # Don't add a colorbar when showing an image with explicit colors\n add_colorbar = False\n # Matplotlib does not support normalising RGB data, so do it here.\n # See eg. https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/10220\n if robust or vmax is not None or vmin is not None:\n darray = _rescale_imshow_rgb(darray, vmin, vmax, robust)\n vmin, vmax, robust = None, None, False\n\n # Handle facetgrids first\n if row or col:\n allargs = locals().copy()\n del allargs[\"darray\"]\n del allargs[\"imshow_rgb\"]\n allargs.update(allargs.pop(\"kwargs\"))\n # Need the decorated plotting function\n allargs[\"plotfunc\"] = globals()[plotfunc.__name__]\n return _easy_facetgrid(darray, kind=\"dataarray\", **allargs)\n\n plt = import_matplotlib_pyplot()\n\n rgb = kwargs.pop(\"rgb\", None)\n if rgb is not None and plotfunc.__name__ != \"imshow\":\n raise ValueError('The \"rgb\" keyword is only valid for imshow()')\n elif rgb is not None and not imshow_rgb:\n raise ValueError(\n 'The \"rgb\" keyword is only valid for imshow()'\n \"with a three-dimensional array (per facet)\"\n )\n\n xlab, ylab = _infer_xy_labels(\n darray=darray, x=x, y=y, imshow=imshow_rgb, rgb=rgb\n )\n\n # better to pass the ndarrays directly to plotting functions\n xval = darray[xlab].values\n yval = darray[ylab].values\n\n # check if we need to broadcast one dimension\n if xval.ndim < yval.ndim:\n xval = np.broadcast_to(xval, yval.shape)\n\n if yval.ndim < xval.ndim:\n yval = np.broadcast_to(yval, xval.shape)\n\n # May need to transpose for correct x, y labels\n # xlab may be the name of a coord, we have to check for dim names\n # ... other code\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d.newplotfunc.None_6__plot2d.newplotfunc.if_add_labels_.ax_set_title_darray__titl": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d.newplotfunc.None_6__plot2d.newplotfunc.if_add_labels_.ax_set_title_darray__titl", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 682, "end_line": 744, "span_ids": ["_plot2d"], "tokens": 803}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _plot2d(plotfunc):\n\n @functools.wraps(plotfunc)\n def newplotfunc(\n darray,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n figsize=None,\n size=None,\n aspect=None,\n ax=None,\n row=None,\n col=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n xincrease=True,\n yincrease=True,\n add_colorbar=None,\n add_labels=True,\n vmin=None,\n vmax=None,\n cmap=None,\n center=None,\n robust=False,\n extend=None,\n levels=None,\n infer_intervals=None,\n colors=None,\n subplot_kws=None,\n cbar_ax=None,\n cbar_kwargs=None,\n xscale=None,\n yscale=None,\n xticks=None,\n yticks=None,\n xlim=None,\n ylim=None,\n norm=None,\n **kwargs\n ):\n # ... other code\n if imshow_rgb:\n # For RGB[A] images, matplotlib requires the color dimension\n # to be last. In Xarray the order should be unimportant, so\n # we transpose to (y, x, color) to make this work.\n yx_dims = (ylab, xlab)\n dims = yx_dims + tuple(d for d in darray.dims if d not in yx_dims)\n if dims != darray.dims:\n darray = darray.transpose(*dims, transpose_coords=True)\n elif darray[xlab].dims[-1] == darray.dims[0]:\n darray = darray.transpose(transpose_coords=True)\n\n # Pass the data as a masked ndarray too\n zval = darray.to_masked_array(copy=False)\n\n # Replace pd.Intervals if contained in xval or yval.\n xplt, xlab_extra = _resolve_intervals_2dplot(xval, plotfunc.__name__)\n yplt, ylab_extra = _resolve_intervals_2dplot(yval, plotfunc.__name__)\n\n _ensure_plottable(xplt, yplt)\n\n cmap_params, cbar_kwargs = _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs(\n plotfunc, zval.data, **locals()\n )\n\n if \"contour\" in plotfunc.__name__:\n # extend is a keyword argument only for contour and contourf, but\n # passing it to the colorbar is sufficient for imshow and\n # pcolormesh\n kwargs[\"extend\"] = cmap_params[\"extend\"]\n kwargs[\"levels\"] = cmap_params[\"levels\"]\n # if colors == a single color, matplotlib draws dashed negative\n # contours. we lose this feature if we pass cmap and not colors\n if isinstance(colors, str):\n cmap_params[\"cmap\"] = None\n kwargs[\"colors\"] = colors\n\n if \"pcolormesh\" == plotfunc.__name__:\n kwargs[\"infer_intervals\"] = infer_intervals\n\n if \"imshow\" == plotfunc.__name__ and isinstance(aspect, str):\n # forbid usage of mpl strings\n raise ValueError(\n \"plt.imshow's `aspect` kwarg is not available \" \"in xarray\"\n )\n\n ax = get_axis(figsize, size, aspect, ax)\n primitive = plotfunc(\n xplt,\n yplt,\n zval,\n ax=ax,\n cmap=cmap_params[\"cmap\"],\n vmin=cmap_params[\"vmin\"],\n vmax=cmap_params[\"vmax\"],\n norm=cmap_params[\"norm\"],\n **kwargs\n )\n\n # Label the plot with metadata\n if add_labels:\n ax.set_xlabel(label_from_attrs(darray[xlab], xlab_extra))\n ax.set_ylabel(label_from_attrs(darray[ylab], ylab_extra))\n ax.set_title(darray._title_for_slice())\n # ... other code\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d.newplotfunc.if_add_colorbar___plot2d._For_use_as_DataArray_pl": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d.newplotfunc.if_add_colorbar___plot2d._For_use_as_DataArray_pl", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 746, "end_line": 775, "span_ids": ["_plot2d"], "tokens": 480}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _plot2d(plotfunc):\n\n @functools.wraps(plotfunc)\n def newplotfunc(\n darray,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n figsize=None,\n size=None,\n aspect=None,\n ax=None,\n row=None,\n col=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n xincrease=True,\n yincrease=True,\n add_colorbar=None,\n add_labels=True,\n vmin=None,\n vmax=None,\n cmap=None,\n center=None,\n robust=False,\n extend=None,\n levels=None,\n infer_intervals=None,\n colors=None,\n subplot_kws=None,\n cbar_ax=None,\n cbar_kwargs=None,\n xscale=None,\n yscale=None,\n xticks=None,\n yticks=None,\n xlim=None,\n ylim=None,\n norm=None,\n **kwargs\n ):\n # ... other code\n\n if add_colorbar:\n if add_labels and \"label\" not in cbar_kwargs:\n cbar_kwargs[\"label\"] = label_from_attrs(darray)\n cbar = _add_colorbar(primitive, ax, cbar_ax, cbar_kwargs, cmap_params)\n elif cbar_ax is not None or cbar_kwargs:\n # inform the user about keywords which aren't used\n raise ValueError(\n \"cbar_ax and cbar_kwargs can't be used with \" \"add_colorbar=False.\"\n )\n\n # origin kwarg overrides yincrease\n if \"origin\" in kwargs:\n yincrease = None\n\n _update_axes(\n ax, xincrease, yincrease, xscale, yscale, xticks, yticks, xlim, ylim\n )\n\n # Rotate dates on xlabels\n # Do this without calling autofmt_xdate so that x-axes ticks\n # on other subplots (if any) are not deleted.\n # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17430105/autofmt-xdate-deletes-x-axis-labels-of-all-subplots\n if np.issubdtype(xplt.dtype, np.datetime64):\n for xlabels in ax.get_xticklabels():\n xlabels.set_rotation(30)\n xlabels.set_ha(\"right\")\n\n return primitive\n\n # For use as DataArray.plot.plotmethod\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d.plotmethod__plot2d.return.newplotfunc": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py__plot2d.plotmethod__plot2d.return.newplotfunc", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 776, "end_line": 829, "span_ids": ["_plot2d"], "tokens": 313}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _plot2d(plotfunc):\n # ... other code\n @functools.wraps(newplotfunc)\n def plotmethod(\n _PlotMethods_obj,\n x=None,\n y=None,\n figsize=None,\n size=None,\n aspect=None,\n ax=None,\n row=None,\n col=None,\n col_wrap=None,\n xincrease=True,\n yincrease=True,\n add_colorbar=None,\n add_labels=True,\n vmin=None,\n vmax=None,\n cmap=None,\n colors=None,\n center=None,\n robust=False,\n extend=None,\n levels=None,\n infer_intervals=None,\n subplot_kws=None,\n cbar_ax=None,\n cbar_kwargs=None,\n xscale=None,\n yscale=None,\n xticks=None,\n yticks=None,\n xlim=None,\n ylim=None,\n norm=None,\n **kwargs\n ):\n \"\"\"\n The method should have the same signature as the function.\n\n This just makes the method work on Plotmethods objects,\n and passes all the other arguments straight through.\n \"\"\"\n allargs = locals()\n allargs[\"darray\"] = _PlotMethods_obj._da\n allargs.update(kwargs)\n for arg in [\"_PlotMethods_obj\", \"newplotfunc\", \"kwargs\"]:\n del allargs[arg]\n return newplotfunc(**allargs)\n\n # Add to class _PlotMethods\n setattr(_PlotMethods, plotmethod.__name__, plotmethod)\n\n return newplotfunc", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_imshow_imshow.return.primitive": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_imshow_imshow.return.primitive", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 832, "end_line": 904, "span_ids": ["imshow"], "tokens": 681}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@_plot2d\ndef imshow(x, y, z, ax, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Image plot of 2d DataArray using matplotlib.pyplot\n\n Wraps :func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`\n\n While other plot methods require the DataArray to be strictly\n two-dimensional, ``imshow`` also accepts a 3D array where some\n dimension can be interpreted as RGB or RGBA color channels and\n allows this dimension to be specified via the kwarg ``rgb=``.\n\n Unlike matplotlib, Xarray can apply ``vmin`` and ``vmax`` to RGB or RGBA\n data, by applying a single scaling factor and offset to all bands.\n Passing ``robust=True`` infers ``vmin`` and ``vmax``\n :ref:`in the usual way `.\n\n .. note::\n This function needs uniformly spaced coordinates to\n properly label the axes. Call DataArray.plot() to check.\n\n The pixels are centered on the coordinates values. Ie, if the coordinate\n value is 3.2 then the pixels for those coordinates will be centered on 3.2.\n \"\"\"\n\n if x.ndim != 1 or y.ndim != 1:\n raise ValueError(\n \"imshow requires 1D coordinates, try using \" \"pcolormesh or contour(f)\"\n )\n\n # Centering the pixels- Assumes uniform spacing\n try:\n xstep = (x[1] - x[0]) / 2.0\n except IndexError:\n # Arbitrary default value, similar to matplotlib behaviour\n xstep = 0.1\n try:\n ystep = (y[1] - y[0]) / 2.0\n except IndexError:\n ystep = 0.1\n left, right = x[0] - xstep, x[-1] + xstep\n bottom, top = y[-1] + ystep, y[0] - ystep\n\n defaults = {\"origin\": \"upper\", \"interpolation\": \"nearest\"}\n\n if not hasattr(ax, \"projection\"):\n # not for cartopy geoaxes\n defaults[\"aspect\"] = \"auto\"\n\n # Allow user to override these defaults\n defaults.update(kwargs)\n\n if defaults[\"origin\"] == \"upper\":\n defaults[\"extent\"] = [left, right, bottom, top]\n else:\n defaults[\"extent\"] = [left, right, top, bottom]\n\n if z.ndim == 3:\n # matplotlib imshow uses black for missing data, but Xarray makes\n # missing data transparent. We therefore add an alpha channel if\n # there isn't one, and set it to transparent where data is masked.\n if z.shape[-1] == 3:\n alpha = np.ma.ones(z.shape[:2] + (1,), dtype=z.dtype)\n if np.issubdtype(z.dtype, np.integer):\n alpha *= 255\n z = np.ma.concatenate((z, alpha), axis=2)\n else:\n z = z.copy()\n z[np.any(z.mask, axis=-1), -1] = 0\n\n primitive = ax.imshow(z, **defaults)\n\n return primitive", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_contour_contourf.return.primitive": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_contour_contourf.return.primitive", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 907, "end_line": 926, "span_ids": ["contourf", "contour"], "tokens": 135}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@_plot2d\ndef contour(x, y, z, ax, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Contour plot of 2d DataArray\n\n Wraps :func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.contour`\n \"\"\"\n primitive = ax.contour(x, y, z, **kwargs)\n return primitive\n\n\n@_plot2d\ndef contourf(x, y, z, ax, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Filled contour plot of 2d DataArray\n\n Wraps :func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.contourf`\n \"\"\"\n primitive = ax.contourf(x, y, z, **kwargs)\n return primitive", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_pcolormesh_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/plot.py_pcolormesh_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/plot.py", "file_name": "plot.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 929, "end_line": 977, "span_ids": ["pcolormesh"], "tokens": 437}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@_plot2d\ndef pcolormesh(x, y, z, ax, infer_intervals=None, **kwargs):\n \"\"\"\n Pseudocolor plot of 2d DataArray\n\n Wraps :func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`\n \"\"\"\n\n # decide on a default for infer_intervals (GH781)\n x = np.asarray(x)\n if infer_intervals is None:\n if hasattr(ax, \"projection\"):\n if len(x.shape) == 1:\n infer_intervals = True\n else:\n infer_intervals = False\n else:\n infer_intervals = True\n\n if infer_intervals and (\n (np.shape(x)[0] == np.shape(z)[1])\n or ((x.ndim > 1) and (np.shape(x)[1] == np.shape(z)[1]))\n ):\n if len(x.shape) == 1:\n x = _infer_interval_breaks(x, check_monotonic=True)\n else:\n # we have to infer the intervals on both axes\n x = _infer_interval_breaks(x, axis=1)\n x = _infer_interval_breaks(x, axis=0)\n\n if infer_intervals and (np.shape(y)[0] == np.shape(z)[0]):\n if len(y.shape) == 1:\n y = _infer_interval_breaks(y, check_monotonic=True)\n else:\n # we have to infer the intervals on both axes\n y = _infer_interval_breaks(y, axis=1)\n y = _infer_interval_breaks(y, axis=0)\n\n primitive = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, **kwargs)\n\n # by default, pcolormesh picks \"round\" values for bounds\n # this results in ugly looking plots with lots of surrounding whitespace\n if not hasattr(ax, \"projection\") and x.ndim == 1 and y.ndim == 1:\n # not a cartopy geoaxis\n ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])\n ax.set_ylim(y[0], y[-1])\n\n return primitive", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py_itertools__determine_extend.return.extend": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py_itertools__determine_extend.return.extend", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 74, "span_ids": ["import_seaborn", "impl", "impl:2", "docstring", "_determine_extend", "imports:11", "import_matplotlib_pyplot", "impl:9", "register_pandas_datetime_converter_if_needed", "imports"], "tokens": 399}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import itertools\nimport textwrap\nimport warnings\nfrom datetime import datetime\nfrom inspect import getfullargspec\nfrom typing import Any, Iterable, Mapping, Tuple, Union\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\n\nfrom ..core.options import OPTIONS\nfrom ..core.utils import is_scalar\n\ntry:\n import nc_time_axis # noqa: F401\n\n nc_time_axis_available = True\nexcept ImportError:\n nc_time_axis_available = False\n\nROBUST_PERCENTILE = 2.0\n\n\ndef import_seaborn():\n \"\"\"import seaborn and handle deprecation of apionly module\"\"\"\n with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:\n warnings.simplefilter(\"always\")\n try:\n import seaborn.apionly as sns\n\n if (\n w\n and issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning)\n and (\"seaborn.apionly module\" in str(w[-1].message))\n ):\n raise ImportError\n except ImportError:\n import seaborn as sns\n finally:\n warnings.resetwarnings()\n return sns\n\n\n_registered = False\n\n\ndef register_pandas_datetime_converter_if_needed():\n # based on https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/pull/17710\n global _registered\n if not _registered:\n pd.plotting.register_matplotlib_converters()\n _registered = True\n\n\ndef import_matplotlib_pyplot():\n \"\"\"Import pyplot as register appropriate converters.\"\"\"\n register_pandas_datetime_converter_if_needed()\n import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\n return plt\n\n\ndef _determine_extend(calc_data, vmin, vmax):\n extend_min = calc_data.min() < vmin\n extend_max = calc_data.max() > vmax\n if extend_min and extend_max:\n extend = \"both\"\n elif extend_min:\n extend = \"min\"\n elif extend_max:\n extend = \"max\"\n else:\n extend = \"neither\"\n return extend", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__build_discrete_cmap__build_discrete_cmap.return.new_cmap_cnorm": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__build_discrete_cmap__build_discrete_cmap.return.new_cmap_cnorm", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 77, "end_line": 101, "span_ids": ["_build_discrete_cmap"], "tokens": 179}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _build_discrete_cmap(cmap, levels, extend, filled):\n \"\"\"\n Build a discrete colormap and normalization of the data.\n \"\"\"\n import matplotlib as mpl\n\n if not filled:\n # non-filled contour plots\n extend = \"max\"\n\n if extend == \"both\":\n ext_n = 2\n elif extend in [\"min\", \"max\"]:\n ext_n = 1\n else:\n ext_n = 0\n\n n_colors = len(levels) + ext_n - 1\n pal = _color_palette(cmap, n_colors)\n\n new_cmap, cnorm = mpl.colors.from_levels_and_colors(levels, pal, extend=extend)\n # copy the old cmap name, for easier testing\n new_cmap.name = getattr(cmap, \"name\", cmap)\n\n return new_cmap, cnorm", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__color_palette__color_palette.return.pal": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__color_palette__color_palette.return.pal", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 104, "end_line": 133, "span_ids": ["_color_palette"], "tokens": 248}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _color_palette(cmap, n_colors):\n import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap\n\n colors_i = np.linspace(0, 1.0, n_colors)\n if isinstance(cmap, (list, tuple)):\n # we have a list of colors\n cmap = ListedColormap(cmap, N=n_colors)\n pal = cmap(colors_i)\n elif isinstance(cmap, str):\n # we have some sort of named palette\n try:\n # is this a matplotlib cmap?\n cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)\n pal = cmap(colors_i)\n except ValueError:\n # ValueError happens when mpl doesn't like a colormap, try seaborn\n try:\n from seaborn.apionly import color_palette\n\n pal = color_palette(cmap, n_colors=n_colors)\n except (ValueError, ImportError):\n # or maybe we just got a single color as a string\n cmap = ListedColormap([cmap], N=n_colors)\n pal = cmap(colors_i)\n else:\n # cmap better be a LinearSegmentedColormap (e.g. viridis)\n pal = cmap(colors_i)\n\n return pal", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py___determine_cmap_params___determine_cmap_params._Handle_discrete_levels": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py___determine_cmap_params___determine_cmap_params._Handle_discrete_levels", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 136, "end_line": 261, "span_ids": ["_color_palette", "_determine_cmap_params"], "tokens": 861}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# _determine_cmap_params is adapted from Seaborn:\n# https://github.com/mwaskom/seaborn/blob/v0.6/seaborn/matrix.py#L158\n\n\ndef _determine_cmap_params(\n plot_data,\n vmin=None,\n vmax=None,\n cmap=None,\n center=None,\n robust=False,\n extend=None,\n levels=None,\n filled=True,\n norm=None,\n):\n \"\"\"\n Use some heuristics to set good defaults for colorbar and range.\n\n Parameters\n ==========\n plot_data: Numpy array\n Doesn't handle xarray objects\n\n Returns\n =======\n cmap_params : dict\n Use depends on the type of the plotting function\n \"\"\"\n import matplotlib as mpl\n\n calc_data = np.ravel(plot_data[np.isfinite(plot_data)])\n\n # Handle all-NaN input data gracefully\n if calc_data.size == 0:\n # Arbitrary default for when all values are NaN\n calc_data = np.array(0.0)\n\n # Setting center=False prevents a divergent cmap\n possibly_divergent = center is not False\n\n # Set center to 0 so math below makes sense but remember its state\n center_is_none = False\n if center is None:\n center = 0\n center_is_none = True\n\n # Setting both vmin and vmax prevents a divergent cmap\n if (vmin is not None) and (vmax is not None):\n possibly_divergent = False\n\n # Setting vmin or vmax implies linspaced levels\n user_minmax = (vmin is not None) or (vmax is not None)\n\n # vlim might be computed below\n vlim = None\n\n # save state; needed later\n vmin_was_none = vmin is None\n vmax_was_none = vmax is None\n\n if vmin is None:\n if robust:\n vmin = np.percentile(calc_data, ROBUST_PERCENTILE)\n else:\n vmin = calc_data.min()\n elif possibly_divergent:\n vlim = abs(vmin - center)\n\n if vmax is None:\n if robust:\n vmax = np.percentile(calc_data, 100 - ROBUST_PERCENTILE)\n else:\n vmax = calc_data.max()\n elif possibly_divergent:\n vlim = abs(vmax - center)\n\n if possibly_divergent:\n # kwargs not specific about divergent or not: infer defaults from data\n divergent = ((vmin < 0) and (vmax > 0)) or not center_is_none\n else:\n divergent = False\n\n # A divergent map should be symmetric around the center value\n if divergent:\n if vlim is None:\n vlim = max(abs(vmin - center), abs(vmax - center))\n vmin, vmax = -vlim, vlim\n\n # Now add in the centering value and set the limits\n vmin += center\n vmax += center\n\n # now check norm and harmonize with vmin, vmax\n if norm is not None:\n if norm.vmin is None:\n norm.vmin = vmin\n else:\n if not vmin_was_none and vmin != norm.vmin:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Cannot supply vmin and a norm\" + \" with a different vmin.\"\n )\n vmin = norm.vmin\n\n if norm.vmax is None:\n norm.vmax = vmax\n else:\n if not vmax_was_none and vmax != norm.vmax:\n raise ValueError(\n \"Cannot supply vmax and a norm\" + \" with a different vmax.\"\n )\n vmax = norm.vmax\n\n # if BoundaryNorm, then set levels\n if isinstance(norm, mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm):\n levels = norm.boundaries\n\n # Choose default colormaps if not provided\n if cmap is None:\n if divergent:\n cmap = OPTIONS[\"cmap_divergent\"]\n else:\n cmap = OPTIONS[\"cmap_sequential\"]\n\n # Handle discrete levels\n # ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__determine_cmap_params.if_levels_is_not_None_and__determine_cmap_params.return.dict_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__determine_cmap_params.if_levels_is_not_None_and__determine_cmap_params.return.dict_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 262, "end_line": 283, "span_ids": ["_determine_cmap_params"], "tokens": 267}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _determine_cmap_params(\n plot_data,\n vmin=None,\n vmax=None,\n cmap=None,\n center=None,\n robust=False,\n extend=None,\n levels=None,\n filled=True,\n norm=None,\n):\n # ... other code\n if levels is not None and norm is None:\n if is_scalar(levels):\n if user_minmax:\n levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, levels)\n elif levels == 1:\n levels = np.asarray([(vmin + vmax) / 2])\n else:\n # N in MaxNLocator refers to bins, not ticks\n ticker = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(levels - 1)\n levels = ticker.tick_values(vmin, vmax)\n vmin, vmax = levels[0], levels[-1]\n\n if extend is None:\n extend = _determine_extend(calc_data, vmin, vmax)\n\n if levels is not None or isinstance(norm, mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm):\n cmap, newnorm = _build_discrete_cmap(cmap, levels, extend, filled)\n norm = newnorm if norm is None else norm\n\n return dict(\n vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, extend=extend, levels=levels, norm=norm\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__infer_xy_labels_3d__infer_xy_labels_3d.return._infer_xy_labels_darray_i": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__infer_xy_labels_3d__infer_xy_labels_3d.return._infer_xy_labels_darray_i", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 286, "end_line": 341, "span_ids": ["_infer_xy_labels_3d"], "tokens": 589}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _infer_xy_labels_3d(darray, x, y, rgb):\n \"\"\"\n Determine x and y labels for showing RGB images.\n\n Attempts to infer which dimension is RGB/RGBA by size and order of dims.\n\n \"\"\"\n assert rgb is None or rgb != x\n assert rgb is None or rgb != y\n # Start by detecting and reporting invalid combinations of arguments\n assert darray.ndim == 3\n not_none = [a for a in (x, y, rgb) if a is not None]\n if len(set(not_none)) < len(not_none):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Dimension names must be None or unique strings, but imshow was \"\n \"passed x=%r, y=%r, and rgb=%r.\" % (x, y, rgb)\n )\n for label in not_none:\n if label not in darray.dims:\n raise ValueError(\"%r is not a dimension\" % (label,))\n\n # Then calculate rgb dimension if certain and check validity\n could_be_color = [\n label\n for label in darray.dims\n if darray[label].size in (3, 4) and label not in (x, y)\n ]\n if rgb is None and not could_be_color:\n raise ValueError(\n \"A 3-dimensional array was passed to imshow(), but there is no \"\n \"dimension that could be color. At least one dimension must be \"\n \"of size 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA), and not given as x or y.\"\n )\n if rgb is None and len(could_be_color) == 1:\n rgb = could_be_color[0]\n if rgb is not None and darray[rgb].size not in (3, 4):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Cannot interpret dim %r of size %s as RGB or RGBA.\"\n % (rgb, darray[rgb].size)\n )\n\n # If rgb dimension is still unknown, there must be two or three dimensions\n # in could_be_color. We therefore warn, and use a heuristic to break ties.\n if rgb is None:\n assert len(could_be_color) in (2, 3)\n rgb = could_be_color[-1]\n warnings.warn(\n \"Several dimensions of this array could be colors. Xarray \"\n \"will use the last possible dimension (%r) to match \"\n \"matplotlib.pyplot.imshow. You can pass names of x, y, \"\n \"and/or rgb dimensions to override this guess.\" % rgb\n )\n assert rgb is not None\n\n # Finally, we pick out the red slice and delegate to the 2D version:\n return _infer_xy_labels(darray.isel(**{rgb: 0}), x, y)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__infer_xy_labels__infer_xy_labels.return.x_y": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__infer_xy_labels__infer_xy_labels.return.x_y", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 344, "end_line": 368, "span_ids": ["_infer_xy_labels"], "tokens": 313}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _infer_xy_labels(darray, x, y, imshow=False, rgb=None):\n \"\"\"\n Determine x and y labels. For use in _plot2d\n\n darray must be a 2 dimensional data array, or 3d for imshow only.\n \"\"\"\n assert x is None or x != y\n if imshow and darray.ndim == 3:\n return _infer_xy_labels_3d(darray, x, y, rgb)\n\n if x is None and y is None:\n if darray.ndim != 2:\n raise ValueError(\"DataArray must be 2d\")\n y, x = darray.dims\n elif x is None:\n if y not in darray.dims and y not in darray.coords:\n raise ValueError(\"y must be a dimension name if x is not supplied\")\n x = darray.dims[0] if y == darray.dims[1] else darray.dims[1]\n elif y is None:\n if x not in darray.dims and x not in darray.coords:\n raise ValueError(\"x must be a dimension name if y is not supplied\")\n y = darray.dims[0] if x == darray.dims[1] else darray.dims[1]\n elif any(k not in darray.coords and k not in darray.dims for k in (x, y)):\n raise ValueError(\"x and y must be coordinate variables\")\n return x, y", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", 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None:\n if ax is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot provide both `figsize` and \" \"`ax` arguments\")\n if size is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot provide both `figsize` and \" \"`size` arguments\")\n _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)\n elif size is not None:\n if ax is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot provide both `size` and `ax` arguments\")\n if aspect is None:\n width, height = mpl.rcParams[\"figure.figsize\"]\n aspect = width / height\n figsize = (size * aspect, size)\n _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)\n elif aspect is not None:\n raise ValueError(\"cannot provide `aspect` argument without `size`\")\n\n if ax is None:\n ax = plt.gca()\n\n return ax", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, 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da.attrs.get(\"long_name\"):\n name = da.attrs[\"long_name\"]\n elif da.attrs.get(\"standard_name\"):\n name = da.attrs[\"standard_name\"]\n elif da.name is not None:\n name = da.name\n else:\n name = \"\"\n\n if da.attrs.get(\"units\"):\n units = \" [{}]\".format(da.attrs[\"units\"])\n else:\n units = \"\"\n\n return \"\\n\".join(textwrap.wrap(name + extra + units, 30))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__interval_to_mid_points__interval_to_bound_points.return.array_boundaries": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__interval_to_mid_points__interval_to_bound_points.return.array_boundaries", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 419, "end_line": 437, "span_ids": ["_interval_to_bound_points", "_interval_to_mid_points"], "tokens": 111}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _interval_to_mid_points(array):\n \"\"\"\n Helper function which returns an array\n with the Intervals' mid points.\n \"\"\"\n\n return np.array([x.mid for x in array])\n\n\ndef _interval_to_bound_points(array):\n \"\"\"\n Helper function which returns an array\n with the Intervals' boundaries.\n \"\"\"\n\n array_boundaries = np.array([x.left for x in array])\n array_boundaries = np.concatenate((array_boundaries, np.array([array[-1].right])))\n\n return array_boundaries", "start_char_idx": null, 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"creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _interval_to_double_bound_points(xarray, yarray):\n \"\"\"\n Helper function to deal with a xarray consisting of pd.Intervals. Each\n interval is replaced with both boundaries. I.e. the length of xarray\n doubles. yarray is modified so it matches the new shape of xarray.\n \"\"\"\n\n xarray1 = np.array([x.left for x in xarray])\n xarray2 = np.array([x.right for x in xarray])\n\n xarray = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(zip(xarray1, xarray2)))\n yarray = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(zip(yarray, yarray)))\n\n return xarray, yarray", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__resolve_intervals_2dplot__resolve_intervals_2dplot.return.val_label_extra": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__resolve_intervals_2dplot__resolve_intervals_2dplot.return.val_label_extra", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 456, "end_line": 470, "span_ids": ["_resolve_intervals_2dplot"], "tokens": 119}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _resolve_intervals_2dplot(val, func_name):\n \"\"\"\n Helper function to replace the values of a coordinate array containing\n pd.Interval with their mid-points or - for pcolormesh - boundaries which\n increases length by 1.\n \"\"\"\n label_extra = \"\"\n if _valid_other_type(val, [pd.Interval]):\n if func_name == \"pcolormesh\":\n val = _interval_to_bound_points(val)\n else:\n val = _interval_to_mid_points(val)\n label_extra = \"_center\"\n\n return val, label_extra", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__valid_other_type__valid_numpy_subdtype.return.any_np_issubdtype_x_dtype": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__valid_other_type__valid_numpy_subdtype.return.any_np_issubdtype_x_dtype", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 473, "end_line": 489, "span_ids": ["_valid_numpy_subdtype", "_valid_other_type"], "tokens": 147}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _valid_other_type(x, types):\n \"\"\"\n Do all elements of x have a type from types?\n \"\"\"\n return all(any(isinstance(el, t) for t in types) for el in np.ravel(x))\n\n\ndef _valid_numpy_subdtype(x, numpy_types):\n \"\"\"\n Is any dtype from numpy_types superior to the dtype of x?\n \"\"\"\n # If any of the types given in numpy_types is understood as numpy.generic,\n # all possible x will be considered valid. This is probably unwanted.\n for t in numpy_types:\n assert not np.issubdtype(np.generic, t)\n\n return any(np.issubdtype(x.dtype, t) for t in numpy_types)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__ensure_plottable__ensure_plottable.for_x_in_args_.if_.raise_ImportError_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__ensure_plottable__ensure_plottable.for_x_in_args_.if_.raise_ImportError_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 492, "end_line": 527, "span_ids": ["_ensure_plottable"], "tokens": 264}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _ensure_plottable(*args):\n \"\"\"\n Raise exception if there is anything in args that can't be plotted on an\n axis by matplotlib.\n \"\"\"\n numpy_types = [np.floating, np.integer, np.timedelta64, np.datetime64]\n other_types = [datetime]\n try:\n import cftime\n\n cftime_datetime = [cftime.datetime]\n except ImportError:\n cftime_datetime = []\n other_types = other_types + cftime_datetime\n for x in args:\n if not (\n _valid_numpy_subdtype(np.array(x), numpy_types)\n or _valid_other_type(np.array(x), other_types)\n ):\n raise TypeError(\n \"Plotting requires coordinates to be numeric \"\n \"or dates of type np.datetime64, \"\n \"datetime.datetime, cftime.datetime or \"\n \"pd.Interval.\"\n )\n if (\n _valid_other_type(np.array(x), cftime_datetime)\n and not nc_time_axis_available\n ):\n raise ImportError(\n \"Plotting of arrays of cftime.datetime \"\n \"objects or arrays indexed by \"\n \"cftime.datetime objects requires the \"\n \"optional `nc-time-axis` (v1.2.0 or later) \"\n \"package.\"\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__is_numeric__add_colorbar.return.cbar": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__is_numeric__add_colorbar.return.cbar", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 530, "end_line": 545, "span_ids": ["_add_colorbar", "_is_numeric"], "tokens": 125}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _is_numeric(arr):\n numpy_types = [np.floating, np.integer]\n return _valid_numpy_subdtype(arr, numpy_types)\n\n\ndef _add_colorbar(primitive, ax, cbar_ax, cbar_kwargs, cmap_params):\n plt = import_matplotlib_pyplot()\n cbar_kwargs.setdefault(\"extend\", cmap_params[\"extend\"])\n if cbar_ax is None:\n cbar_kwargs.setdefault(\"ax\", ax)\n else:\n cbar_kwargs.setdefault(\"cax\", cbar_ax)\n\n cbar = plt.colorbar(primitive, **cbar_kwargs)\n\n return cbar", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__rescale_imshow_rgb__rescale_imshow_rgb.with_warnings_catch_warni.return.minimum_maximum_darray_0": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__rescale_imshow_rgb__rescale_imshow_rgb.with_warnings_catch_warni.return.minimum_maximum_darray_0", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 548, "end_line": 584, "span_ids": ["_rescale_imshow_rgb"], "tokens": 458}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _rescale_imshow_rgb(darray, vmin, vmax, robust):\n assert robust or vmin is not None or vmax is not None\n # TODO: remove when min numpy version is bumped to 1.13\n # There's a cyclic dependency via DataArray, so we can't import from\n # xarray.ufuncs in global scope.\n from xarray.ufuncs import maximum, minimum\n\n # Calculate vmin and vmax automatically for `robust=True`\n if robust:\n if vmax is None:\n vmax = np.nanpercentile(darray, 100 - ROBUST_PERCENTILE)\n if vmin is None:\n vmin = np.nanpercentile(darray, ROBUST_PERCENTILE)\n # If not robust and one bound is None, calculate the default other bound\n # and check that an interval between them exists.\n elif vmax is None:\n vmax = 255 if np.issubdtype(darray.dtype, np.integer) else 1\n if vmax < vmin:\n raise ValueError(\n \"vmin=%r is less than the default vmax (%r) - you must supply \"\n \"a vmax > vmin in this case.\" % (vmin, vmax)\n )\n elif vmin is None:\n vmin = 0\n if vmin > vmax:\n raise ValueError(\n \"vmax=%r is less than the default vmin (0) - you must supply \"\n \"a vmin < vmax in this case.\" % vmax\n )\n # Scale interval [vmin .. vmax] to [0 .. 1], with darray as 64-bit float\n # to avoid precision loss, integer over/underflow, etc with extreme inputs.\n # After scaling, downcast to 32-bit float. This substantially reduces\n # memory usage after we hand `darray` off to matplotlib.\n darray = ((darray.astype(\"f8\") - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)).astype(\"f4\")\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", \"xarray.ufuncs\", PendingDeprecationWarning)\n return minimum(maximum(darray, 0), 1)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__update_axes__update_axes.if_ylim_is_not_None_.ax_set_ylim_ylim_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__update_axes__update_axes.if_ylim_is_not_None_.ax_set_ylim_ylim_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 587, "end_line": 633, "span_ids": ["_update_axes"], "tokens": 320}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _update_axes(\n ax,\n xincrease,\n yincrease,\n xscale=None,\n yscale=None,\n xticks=None,\n yticks=None,\n xlim=None,\n ylim=None,\n):\n \"\"\"\n Update axes with provided parameters\n \"\"\"\n if xincrease is None:\n pass\n elif xincrease and ax.xaxis_inverted():\n ax.invert_xaxis()\n elif not xincrease and not ax.xaxis_inverted():\n ax.invert_xaxis()\n\n if yincrease is None:\n pass\n elif yincrease and ax.yaxis_inverted():\n ax.invert_yaxis()\n elif not yincrease and not ax.yaxis_inverted():\n ax.invert_yaxis()\n\n # The default xscale, yscale needs to be None.\n # If we set a scale it resets the axes formatters,\n # This means that set_xscale('linear') on a datetime axis\n # will remove the date labels. So only set the scale when explicitly\n # asked to. https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/8740\n if xscale is not None:\n ax.set_xscale(xscale)\n if yscale is not None:\n ax.set_yscale(yscale)\n\n if xticks is not None:\n ax.set_xticks(xticks)\n if yticks is not None:\n ax.set_yticks(yticks)\n\n if xlim is not None:\n ax.set_xlim(xlim)\n if ylim is not None:\n ax.set_ylim(ylim)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__is_monotonic__is_monotonic.if_coord_shape_axis_3_.else_.return.np_all_delta_pos_or_np_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__is_monotonic__is_monotonic.if_coord_shape_axis_3_.else_.return.np_all_delta_pos_or_np_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 636, "end_line": 655, "span_ids": ["_is_monotonic"], "tokens": 192}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _is_monotonic(coord, axis=0):\n \"\"\"\n >>> _is_monotonic(np.array([0, 1, 2]))\n True\n >>> _is_monotonic(np.array([2, 1, 0]))\n True\n >>> _is_monotonic(np.array([0, 2, 1]))\n False\n \"\"\"\n if coord.shape[axis] < 3:\n return True\n else:\n n = coord.shape[axis]\n delta_pos = coord.take(np.arange(1, n), axis=axis) >= coord.take(\n np.arange(0, n - 1), axis=axis\n )\n delta_neg = coord.take(np.arange(1, n), axis=axis) <= coord.take(\n np.arange(0, n - 1), axis=axis\n )\n return np.all(delta_pos) or np.all(delta_neg)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__infer_interval_breaks__infer_interval_breaks.return.np_concatenate_first_co": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__infer_interval_breaks__infer_interval_breaks.return.np_concatenate_first_co", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 658, "end_line": 686, "span_ids": ["_infer_interval_breaks"], "tokens": 384}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _infer_interval_breaks(coord, axis=0, check_monotonic=False):\n \"\"\"\n >>> _infer_interval_breaks(np.arange(5))\n array([-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5])\n >>> _infer_interval_breaks([[0, 1], [3, 4]], axis=1)\n array([[-0.5, 0.5, 1.5],\n [ 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]])\n \"\"\"\n coord = np.asarray(coord)\n\n if check_monotonic and not _is_monotonic(coord, axis=axis):\n raise ValueError(\n \"The input coordinate is not sorted in increasing \"\n \"order along axis %d. This can lead to unexpected \"\n \"results. Consider calling the `sortby` method on \"\n \"the input DataArray. To plot data with categorical \"\n \"axes, consider using the `heatmap` function from \"\n \"the `seaborn` statistical plotting library.\" % axis\n )\n\n deltas = 0.5 * np.diff(coord, axis=axis)\n if deltas.size == 0:\n deltas = np.array(0.0)\n first = np.take(coord, [0], axis=axis) - np.take(deltas, [0], axis=axis)\n last = np.take(coord, [-1], axis=axis) + np.take(deltas, [-1], axis=axis)\n trim_last = tuple(\n slice(None, -1) if n == axis else slice(None) for n in range(coord.ndim)\n )\n return np.concatenate([first, coord[trim_last] + deltas, last], axis=axis)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__process_cmap_cbar_kwargs_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/plot/utils.py__process_cmap_cbar_kwargs_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/plot/utils.py", "file_name": "utils.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 689, "end_line": 745, "span_ids": ["_process_cmap_cbar_kwargs"], "tokens": 394}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _process_cmap_cbar_kwargs(\n func,\n data,\n cmap=None,\n colors=None,\n cbar_kwargs: Union[Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]], Mapping[str, Any]] = None,\n levels=None,\n **kwargs\n):\n \"\"\"\n Parameters\n ==========\n func : plotting function\n data : ndarray,\n Data values\n\n Returns\n =======\n cmap_params\n\n cbar_kwargs\n \"\"\"\n cbar_kwargs = {} if cbar_kwargs is None else dict(cbar_kwargs)\n\n if \"contour\" in func.__name__ and levels is None:\n levels = 7 # this is the matplotlib default\n\n # colors is mutually exclusive with cmap\n if cmap and colors:\n raise ValueError(\"Can't specify both cmap and colors.\")\n\n # colors is only valid when levels is supplied or the plot is of type\n # contour or contourf\n if colors and ((\"contour\" not in func.__name__) and (levels is None)):\n raise ValueError(\"Can only specify colors with contour or levels\")\n\n # we should not be getting a list of colors in cmap anymore\n # is there a better way to do this test?\n if isinstance(cmap, (list, tuple)):\n raise ValueError(\n \"Specifying a list of colors in cmap is deprecated. \"\n \"Use colors keyword instead.\"\n )\n\n cmap_kwargs = {\n \"plot_data\": data,\n \"levels\": levels,\n \"cmap\": colors if colors else cmap,\n \"filled\": func.__name__ != \"contour\",\n }\n\n cmap_args = getfullargspec(_determine_cmap_params).args\n cmap_kwargs.update((a, kwargs[a]) for a in cmap_args if a in kwargs)\n cmap_params = _determine_cmap_params(**cmap_kwargs)\n\n return cmap_params, cbar_kwargs", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__Testing_functions_expo__decode_string_data.return.data": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__Testing_functions_expo__decode_string_data.return.data", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 17, "span_ids": ["docstring", "imports", "_decode_string_data"], "tokens": 116}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": 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"/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__data_allclose_or_equiv__data_allclose_or_equiv.if_any_arr_dtype_kind_in_.else_.return.duck_array_ops_allclose_o": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__data_allclose_or_equiv__data_allclose_or_equiv.if_any_arr_dtype_kind_in_.else_.return.duck_array_ops_allclose_o", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 20, "end_line": 28, "span_ids": ["_data_allclose_or_equiv"], "tokens": 160}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _data_allclose_or_equiv(arr1, arr2, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, decode_bytes=True):\n if any(arr.dtype.kind == \"S\" for arr in [arr1, arr2]) and decode_bytes:\n arr1 = _decode_string_data(arr1)\n arr2 = _decode_string_data(arr2)\n exact_dtypes = [\"M\", \"m\", \"O\", \"S\", \"U\"]\n if any(arr.dtype.kind in exact_dtypes for arr in [arr1, arr2]):\n return duck_array_ops.array_equiv(arr1, arr2)\n else:\n return duck_array_ops.allclose_or_equiv(arr1, arr2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py_assert_equal_assert_equal.if_isinstance_a_Variabl.else_.raise_TypeError_not_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py_assert_equal_assert_equal.if_isinstance_a_Variabl.else_.raise_TypeError_not_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 31, "end_line": 59, "span_ids": ["assert_equal"], "tokens": 253}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def assert_equal(a, b):\n \"\"\"Like :py:func:`numpy.testing.assert_array_equal`, but for xarray\n objects.\n\n Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal. This will match\n data values, dimensions and coordinates, but not names or attributes\n (except for Dataset objects for which the variable names must match).\n Arrays with NaN in the same location are considered equal.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n a : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray or xarray.Variable\n The first object to compare.\n b : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray or xarray.Variable\n The second object to compare.\n\n See also\n --------\n assert_identical, assert_allclose, Dataset.equals, DataArray.equals,\n numpy.testing.assert_array_equal\n \"\"\"\n __tracebackhide__ = True\n assert type(a) == type(b)\n if isinstance(a, (Variable, DataArray)):\n assert a.equals(b), formatting.diff_array_repr(a, b, \"equals\")\n elif isinstance(a, Dataset):\n assert a.equals(b), formatting.diff_dataset_repr(a, b, \"equals\")\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"{} not supported by assertion comparison\".format(type(a)))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py_assert_identical_assert_identical.if_isinstance_a_Variable.else_.raise_TypeError_not_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py_assert_identical_assert_identical.if_isinstance_a_Variable.else_.raise_TypeError_not_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 62, "end_line": 89, "span_ids": ["assert_identical"], "tokens": 244}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def assert_identical(a, b):\n \"\"\"Like :py:func:`xarray.testing.assert_equal`, but also matches the\n objects' names and attributes.\n\n Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not identical.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n a : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray or xarray.Variable\n The first object to compare.\n b : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray or xarray.Variable\n The second object to compare.\n\n See also\n --------\n assert_equal, assert_allclose, Dataset.equals, DataArray.equals\n \"\"\"\n __tracebackhide__ = True\n assert type(a) == type(b)\n if isinstance(a, Variable):\n assert a.identical(b), formatting.diff_array_repr(a, b, \"identical\")\n elif isinstance(a, DataArray):\n assert a.name == b.name\n assert a.identical(b), formatting.diff_array_repr(a, b, \"identical\")\n elif isinstance(a, (Dataset, Variable)):\n assert a.identical(b), formatting.diff_dataset_repr(a, b, \"identical\")\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"{} not supported by assertion comparison\".format(type(a)))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py_assert_allclose_assert_allclose.if_isinstance_a_Variable.else_.raise_TypeError_not_s": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py_assert_allclose_assert_allclose.if_isinstance_a_Variable.else_.raise_TypeError_not_s", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 92, "end_line": 141, "span_ids": ["assert_allclose"], "tokens": 492}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def assert_allclose(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, decode_bytes=True):\n \"\"\"Like :py:func:`numpy.testing.assert_allclose`, but for xarray objects.\n\n Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal up to desired\n tolerance.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n a : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray or xarray.Variable\n The first object to compare.\n b : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray or xarray.Variable\n The second object to compare.\n rtol : float, optional\n Relative tolerance.\n atol : float, optional\n Absolute tolerance.\n decode_bytes : bool, optional\n Whether byte dtypes should be decoded to strings as UTF-8 or not.\n This is useful for testing serialization methods on Python 3 that\n return saved strings as bytes.\n\n See also\n --------\n assert_identical, assert_equal, numpy.testing.assert_allclose\n \"\"\"\n __tracebackhide__ = True\n assert type(a) == type(b)\n kwargs = dict(rtol=rtol, atol=atol, decode_bytes=decode_bytes)\n if isinstance(a, Variable):\n assert a.dims == b.dims\n allclose = _data_allclose_or_equiv(a.values, b.values, **kwargs)\n assert allclose, \"{}\\n{}\".format(a.values, b.values)\n elif isinstance(a, DataArray):\n assert_allclose(a.variable, b.variable, **kwargs)\n assert set(a.coords) == set(b.coords)\n for v in a.coords.variables:\n # can't recurse with this function as coord is sometimes a\n # DataArray, so call into _data_allclose_or_equiv directly\n allclose = _data_allclose_or_equiv(\n a.coords[v].values, b.coords[v].values, **kwargs\n )\n assert allclose, \"{}\\n{}\".format(a.coords[v].values, b.coords[v].values)\n elif isinstance(a, Dataset):\n assert set(a.data_vars) == set(b.data_vars)\n assert set(a.coords) == set(b.coords)\n for k in list(a.variables) + list(a.coords):\n assert_allclose(a[k], b[k], **kwargs)\n\n else:\n raise TypeError(\"{} not supported by assertion comparison\".format(type(a)))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py_assert_chunks_equal_assert_chunks_equal.assert_left_chunks_rig": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py_assert_chunks_equal_assert_chunks_equal.assert_left_chunks_rig", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 144, "end_line": 161, "span_ids": ["assert_chunks_equal"], "tokens": 119}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def assert_chunks_equal(a, b):\n \"\"\"\n Assert that chunksizes along chunked dimensions are equal.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n a : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray\n The first object to compare.\n b : xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray\n The second object to compare.\n \"\"\"\n\n if isinstance(a, DataArray) != isinstance(b, DataArray):\n raise TypeError(\"a and b have mismatched types\")\n\n left = a.unify_chunks()\n right = b.unify_chunks()\n assert left.chunks == right.chunks", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_indexes_invariants_checks__assert_indexes_invariants_checks.assert_all_v_equals_defau": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_indexes_invariants_checks__assert_indexes_invariants_checks.assert_all_v_equals_defau", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 164, "end_line": 179, "span_ids": ["_assert_indexes_invariants_checks"], "tokens": 175}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _assert_indexes_invariants_checks(indexes, possible_coord_variables, dims):\n assert isinstance(indexes, dict), indexes\n assert all(isinstance(v, pd.Index) for v in indexes.values()), {\n k: type(v) for k, v in indexes.items()\n }\n\n index_vars = {\n k for k, v in possible_coord_variables.items() if isinstance(v, IndexVariable)\n }\n assert indexes.keys() <= index_vars, (set(indexes), index_vars)\n\n # Note: when we support non-default indexes, these checks should be opt-in\n # only!\n defaults = default_indexes(possible_coord_variables, dims)\n assert indexes.keys() == defaults.keys(), (set(indexes), set(defaults))\n assert all(v.equals(defaults[k]) for k, v in indexes.items()), (indexes, defaults)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_variable_invariants__assert_variable_invariants.assert_isinstance_var__at": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_variable_invariants__assert_variable_invariants.assert_isinstance_var__at", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 182, "end_line": 195, "span_ids": ["_assert_variable_invariants"], "tokens": 139}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _assert_variable_invariants(var: Variable, name: Hashable = None):\n if name is None:\n name_or_empty: tuple = ()\n else:\n name_or_empty = (name,)\n assert isinstance(var._dims, tuple), name_or_empty + (var._dims,)\n assert len(var._dims) == len(var._data.shape), name_or_empty + (\n var._dims,\n var._data.shape,\n )\n assert isinstance(var._encoding, (type(None), dict)), name_or_empty + (\n var._encoding,\n )\n assert isinstance(var._attrs, (type(None), dict)), name_or_empty + (var._attrs,)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_dataarray_invariants__assert_dataarray_invariants.if_da__indexes_is_not_Non._assert_indexes_invariant": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_dataarray_invariants__assert_dataarray_invariants.if_da__indexes_is_not_Non._assert_indexes_invariant", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 198, "end_line": 215, "span_ids": ["_assert_dataarray_invariants"], "tokens": 213}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _assert_dataarray_invariants(da: DataArray):\n assert isinstance(da._variable, Variable), da._variable\n _assert_variable_invariants(da._variable)\n\n assert isinstance(da._coords, dict), da._coords\n assert all(isinstance(v, Variable) for v in da._coords.values()), da._coords\n assert all(set(v.dims) <= set(da.dims) for v in da._coords.values()), (\n da.dims,\n {k: v.dims for k, v in da._coords.items()},\n )\n assert all(\n isinstance(v, IndexVariable) for (k, v) in da._coords.items() if v.dims == (k,)\n ), {k: type(v) for k, v in da._coords.items()}\n for k, v in da._coords.items():\n _assert_variable_invariants(v, k)\n\n if da._indexes is not None:\n _assert_indexes_invariants_checks(da._indexes, da._coords, da.dims)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_dataset_invariants__assert_dataset_invariants.assert_isinstance_ds__att": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_dataset_invariants__assert_dataset_invariants.assert_isinstance_ds__att", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 218, "end_line": 252, "span_ids": ["_assert_dataset_invariants"], "tokens": 413}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _assert_dataset_invariants(ds: Dataset):\n assert isinstance(ds._variables, dict), type(ds._variables)\n assert all(isinstance(v, Variable) for v in ds._variables.values()), ds._variables\n for k, v in ds._variables.items():\n _assert_variable_invariants(v, k)\n\n assert isinstance(ds._coord_names, set), ds._coord_names\n assert ds._coord_names <= ds._variables.keys(), (\n ds._coord_names,\n set(ds._variables),\n )\n\n assert type(ds._dims) is dict, ds._dims\n assert all(isinstance(v, int) for v in ds._dims.values()), ds._dims\n var_dims: Set[Hashable] = set()\n for v in ds._variables.values():\n var_dims.update(v.dims)\n assert ds._dims.keys() == var_dims, (set(ds._dims), var_dims)\n assert all(\n ds._dims[k] == v.sizes[k] for v in ds._variables.values() for k in v.sizes\n ), (ds._dims, {k: v.sizes for k, v in ds._variables.items()})\n assert all(\n isinstance(v, IndexVariable)\n for (k, v) in ds._variables.items()\n if v.dims == (k,)\n ), {k: type(v) for k, v in ds._variables.items() if v.dims == (k,)}\n assert all(v.dims == (k,) for (k, v) in ds._variables.items() if k in ds._dims), {\n k: v.dims for k, v in ds._variables.items() if k in ds._dims\n }\n\n if ds._indexes is not None:\n _assert_indexes_invariants_checks(ds._indexes, ds._variables, ds._dims)\n\n assert isinstance(ds._encoding, (type(None), dict))\n assert isinstance(ds._attrs, (type(None), dict))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_internal_invariants_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/testing.py__assert_internal_invariants_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/testing.py", "file_name": "testing.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "implementation", "start_line": 255, "end_line": 274, "span_ids": ["_assert_internal_invariants"], "tokens": 170}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def _assert_internal_invariants(xarray_obj: Union[DataArray, Dataset, Variable],):\n \"\"\"Validate that an xarray object satisfies its own internal invariants.\n\n This exists for the benefit of xarray's own test suite, but may be useful\n in external projects if they (ill-advisedly) create objects using xarray's\n private APIs.\n \"\"\"\n if isinstance(xarray_obj, Variable):\n _assert_variable_invariants(xarray_obj)\n elif isinstance(xarray_obj, DataArray):\n _assert_dataarray_invariants(xarray_obj)\n elif isinstance(xarray_obj, Dataset):\n _assert_dataset_invariants(xarray_obj)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"{} is not a supported type for xarray invariant checks\".format(\n type(xarray_obj)\n )\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/__init__.py_importlib_requires_cftime_or_netCDF4.pytest_mark_skipif_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/__init__.py_importlib_requires_cftime_or_netCDF4.pytest_mark_skipif_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/__init__.py", "file_name": "__init__.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 84, "span_ids": ["LooseVersion", "impl", "impl:2", "impl:7", "docstring", "_importorskip", "imports", "imports:18"], "tokens": 789}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import importlib\nimport platform\nimport re\nimport warnings\nfrom contextlib import contextmanager\nfrom distutils import version\nfrom unittest import mock # noqa: F401\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pytest\nfrom numpy.testing import assert_array_equal # noqa: F401\nfrom pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal # noqa: F401\n\nimport xarray.testing\nfrom xarray.core import utils\nfrom xarray.core.duck_array_ops import allclose_or_equiv # noqa: F401\nfrom xarray.core.indexing import ExplicitlyIndexed\nfrom xarray.core.options import set_options\nfrom xarray.plot.utils import import_seaborn\n\n# import mpl and change the backend before other mpl imports\ntry:\n import matplotlib as mpl\n\n # Order of imports is important here.\n # Using a different backend makes Travis CI work\n mpl.use(\"Agg\")\nexcept ImportError:\n pass\n\n\narm_xfail = pytest.mark.xfail(\n platform.machine() == \"aarch64\" or \"arm\" in platform.machine(),\n reason=\"expected failure on ARM\",\n)\n\n\ndef _importorskip(modname, minversion=None):\n try:\n mod = importlib.import_module(modname)\n has = True\n if minversion is not None:\n if LooseVersion(mod.__version__) < LooseVersion(minversion):\n raise ImportError(\"Minimum version not satisfied\")\n except ImportError:\n has = False\n func = pytest.mark.skipif(not has, reason=\"requires {}\".format(modname))\n return has, func\n\n\ndef LooseVersion(vstring):\n # Our development version is something like '0.10.9+aac7bfc'\n # This function just ignored the git commit id.\n vstring = vstring.split(\"+\")[0]\n return version.LooseVersion(vstring)\n\n\nhas_matplotlib, requires_matplotlib = _importorskip(\"matplotlib\")\nhas_scipy, requires_scipy = _importorskip(\"scipy\")\nhas_pydap, requires_pydap = _importorskip(\"pydap.client\")\nhas_netCDF4, requires_netCDF4 = _importorskip(\"netCDF4\")\nhas_h5netcdf, requires_h5netcdf = _importorskip(\"h5netcdf\")\nhas_pynio, requires_pynio = _importorskip(\"Nio\")\nhas_pseudonetcdf, requires_pseudonetcdf = _importorskip(\"PseudoNetCDF\")\nhas_cftime, requires_cftime = _importorskip(\"cftime\")\nhas_dask, requires_dask = _importorskip(\"dask\")\nhas_bottleneck, requires_bottleneck = _importorskip(\"bottleneck\")\nhas_nc_time_axis, requires_nc_time_axis = _importorskip(\"nc_time_axis\")\nhas_rasterio, requires_rasterio = _importorskip(\"rasterio\")\nhas_zarr, requires_zarr = _importorskip(\"zarr\")\nhas_iris, requires_iris = _importorskip(\"iris\")\nhas_cfgrib, requires_cfgrib = _importorskip(\"cfgrib\")\nhas_numbagg, requires_numbagg = _importorskip(\"numbagg\")\nhas_sparse, requires_sparse = _importorskip(\"sparse\")\n\n# some special cases\nhas_scipy_or_netCDF4 = has_scipy or has_netCDF4\nrequires_scipy_or_netCDF4 = pytest.mark.skipif(\n not has_scipy_or_netCDF4, reason=\"requires scipy or netCDF4\"\n)\nhas_cftime_or_netCDF4 = has_cftime or has_netCDF4\nrequires_cftime_or_netCDF4 = pytest.mark.skipif(\n not has_cftime_or_netCDF4, reason=\"requires cftime or netCDF4\"\n)\ntry:\n# ... other code", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/__init__.py_None_1_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/__init__.py_None_1_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/__init__.py", "file_name": "__init__.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 85, "end_line": 176, "span_ids": ["InaccessibleArray", "assert_allclose", "ReturnItem.__getitem__", "assert_identical", "impl:7", "IndexerMaker.__getitem__", "source_ndarray", "InaccessibleArray.__getitem__", "UnexpectedDataAccess", "assert_equal", "IndexerMaker", "ReturnItem", "raises_regex"], "tokens": 551}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": " # noqa: F401\ntry:\n import_seaborn()\n has_seaborn = True\nexcept ImportError:\n has_seaborn = False\nrequires_seaborn = pytest.mark.skipif(not has_seaborn, reason=\"requires seaborn\")\n\n# change some global options for tests\nset_options(warn_for_unclosed_files=True)\n\nif has_dask:\n import dask\n\n dask.config.set(scheduler=\"single-threaded\")\n\nflaky = pytest.mark.flaky\nnetwork = pytest.mark.network\n\n\n@contextmanager\ndef raises_regex(error, pattern):\n __tracebackhide__ = True\n with pytest.raises(error) as excinfo:\n yield\n message = str(excinfo.value)\n if not re.search(pattern, message):\n raise AssertionError(\n \"exception %r did not match pattern %r\" % (excinfo.value, pattern)\n )\n\n\nclass UnexpectedDataAccess(Exception):\n pass\n\n\nclass InaccessibleArray(utils.NDArrayMixin, ExplicitlyIndexed):\n def __init__(self, array):\n self.array = array\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n raise UnexpectedDataAccess(\"Tried accessing data\")\n\n\nclass ReturnItem:\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n return key\n\n\nclass IndexerMaker:\n def __init__(self, indexer_cls):\n self._indexer_cls = indexer_cls\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n if not isinstance(key, tuple):\n key = (key,)\n return self._indexer_cls(key)\n\n\ndef source_ndarray(array):\n \"\"\"Given an ndarray, return the base object which holds its memory, or the\n object itself.\n \"\"\"\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", \"DatetimeIndex.base\")\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", \"TimedeltaIndex.base\")\n base = getattr(array, \"base\", np.asarray(array).base)\n if base is None:\n base = array\n return base\n\n\n# Internal versions of xarray's test functions that validate additional\n# invariants\n\n\ndef assert_equal(a, b):\n xarray.testing.assert_equal(a, b)\n xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(a)\n xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(b)\n\n\ndef assert_identical(a, b):\n xarray.testing.assert_identical(a, b)\n xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(a)\n xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(b)\n\n\ndef assert_allclose(a, b, **kwargs):\n xarray.testing.assert_allclose(a, b, **kwargs)\n xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(a)\n xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(b)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_np_TestDatetimeAccessor.setup.self.times_data.xr_DataArray_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_np_TestDatetimeAccessor.setup.self.times_data.xr_DataArray_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 40, "span_ids": ["TestDatetimeAccessor.setup", "TestDatetimeAccessor", "imports"], "tokens": 259}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport pytest\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom . import (\n assert_array_equal,\n assert_equal,\n has_cftime,\n has_cftime_or_netCDF4,\n has_dask,\n raises_regex,\n requires_dask,\n)\n\n\nclass TestDatetimeAccessor:\n @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)\n def setup(self):\n nt = 100\n data = np.random.rand(10, 10, nt)\n lons = np.linspace(0, 11, 10)\n lats = np.linspace(0, 20, 10)\n self.times = pd.date_range(start=\"2000/01/01\", freq=\"H\", periods=nt)\n\n self.data = xr.DataArray(\n data,\n coords=[lons, lats, self.times],\n dims=[\"lon\", \"lat\", \"time\"],\n name=\"data\",\n )\n\n self.times_arr = np.random.choice(self.times, size=(10, 10, nt))\n self.times_data = xr.DataArray(\n self.times_arr,\n coords=[lons, lats, self.times],\n dims=[\"lon\", \"lat\", \"time\"],\n name=\"data\",\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_field_access_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_field_access.assert_equal_hours_self_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_field_access_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_field_access.assert_equal_hours_self_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 42, "end_line": 59, "span_ids": ["TestDatetimeAccessor.test_field_access"], "tokens": 166}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class TestDatetimeAccessor:\n\n def test_field_access(self):\n years = xr.DataArray(\n self.times.year, name=\"year\", coords=[self.times], dims=[\"time\"]\n )\n months = xr.DataArray(\n self.times.month, name=\"month\", coords=[self.times], dims=[\"time\"]\n )\n days = xr.DataArray(\n self.times.day, name=\"day\", coords=[self.times], dims=[\"time\"]\n )\n hours = xr.DataArray(\n self.times.hour, name=\"hour\", coords=[self.times], dims=[\"time\"]\n )\n\n assert_equal(years, self.data.time.dt.year)\n assert_equal(months, self.data.time.dt.month)\n assert_equal(days, self.data.time.dt.day)\n assert_equal(hours, self.data.time.dt.hour)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_strftime_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_not_datetime_type.with_raises_regex_TypeErr.nontime_data_time_dt": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_strftime_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_not_datetime_type.with_raises_regex_TypeErr.nontime_data_time_dt", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 61, "end_line": 71, "span_ids": ["TestDatetimeAccessor.test_not_datetime_type", "TestDatetimeAccessor.test_strftime"], "tokens": 116}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class TestDatetimeAccessor:\n\n def test_strftime(self):\n assert (\n \"2000-01-01 01:00:00\" == self.data.time.dt.strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\")[1]\n )\n\n def test_not_datetime_type(self):\n nontime_data = self.data.copy()\n int_data = np.arange(len(self.data.time)).astype(\"int8\")\n nontime_data[\"time\"].values = int_data\n with raises_regex(TypeError, \"dt\"):\n nontime_data.time.dt", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_dask_field_access_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_dask_field_access.assert_equal_strftime_da": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_dask_field_access_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_dask_field_access.assert_equal_strftime_da", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 73, "end_line": 122, "span_ids": ["TestDatetimeAccessor.test_dask_field_access"], "tokens": 563}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class TestDatetimeAccessor:\n\n @requires_dask\n def test_dask_field_access(self):\n import dask.array as da\n\n years = self.times_data.dt.year\n months = self.times_data.dt.month\n hours = self.times_data.dt.hour\n days = self.times_data.dt.day\n floor = self.times_data.dt.floor(\"D\")\n ceil = self.times_data.dt.ceil(\"D\")\n round = self.times_data.dt.round(\"D\")\n strftime = self.times_data.dt.strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\")\n\n dask_times_arr = da.from_array(self.times_arr, chunks=(5, 5, 50))\n dask_times_2d = xr.DataArray(\n dask_times_arr, coords=self.data.coords, dims=self.data.dims, name=\"data\"\n )\n dask_year = dask_times_2d.dt.year\n dask_month = dask_times_2d.dt.month\n dask_day = dask_times_2d.dt.day\n dask_hour = dask_times_2d.dt.hour\n dask_floor = dask_times_2d.dt.floor(\"D\")\n dask_ceil = dask_times_2d.dt.ceil(\"D\")\n dask_round = dask_times_2d.dt.round(\"D\")\n dask_strftime = dask_times_2d.dt.strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\")\n\n # Test that the data isn't eagerly evaluated\n assert isinstance(dask_year.data, da.Array)\n assert isinstance(dask_month.data, da.Array)\n assert isinstance(dask_day.data, da.Array)\n assert isinstance(dask_hour.data, da.Array)\n assert isinstance(dask_strftime.data, da.Array)\n\n # Double check that outcome chunksize is unchanged\n dask_chunks = dask_times_2d.chunks\n assert dask_year.data.chunks == dask_chunks\n assert dask_month.data.chunks == dask_chunks\n assert dask_day.data.chunks == dask_chunks\n assert dask_hour.data.chunks == dask_chunks\n assert dask_strftime.data.chunks == dask_chunks\n\n # Check the actual output from the accessors\n assert_equal(years, dask_year.compute())\n assert_equal(months, dask_month.compute())\n assert_equal(days, dask_day.compute())\n assert_equal(hours, dask_hour.compute())\n assert_equal(floor, dask_floor.compute())\n assert_equal(ceil, dask_ceil.compute())\n assert_equal(round, dask_round.compute())\n assert_equal(strftime, dask_strftime.compute())", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_seasons_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_seasons.assert_array_equal_season": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_seasons_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_seasons.assert_array_equal_season", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 124, "end_line": 143, "span_ids": ["TestDatetimeAccessor.test_seasons"], "tokens": 130}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class TestDatetimeAccessor:\n\n def test_seasons(self):\n dates = pd.date_range(start=\"2000/01/01\", freq=\"M\", periods=12)\n dates = xr.DataArray(dates)\n seasons = [\n \"DJF\",\n \"DJF\",\n \"MAM\",\n \"MAM\",\n \"MAM\",\n \"JJA\",\n \"JJA\",\n \"JJA\",\n \"SON\",\n \"SON\",\n \"SON\",\n \"DJF\",\n ]\n seasons = xr.DataArray(seasons)\n\n assert_array_equal(seasons.values, dates.dt.season.values)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_rounders_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_rounders.None_2": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_rounders_TestDatetimeAccessor.test_rounders.None_2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 145, "end_line": 150, "span_ids": ["TestDatetimeAccessor.test_rounders"], "tokens": 125}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class TestDatetimeAccessor:\n\n def test_rounders(self):\n dates = pd.date_range(\"2014-01-01\", \"2014-05-01\", freq=\"H\")\n xdates = xr.DataArray(np.arange(len(dates)), dims=[\"time\"], coords=[dates])\n assert_array_equal(dates.floor(\"D\").values, xdates.time.dt.floor(\"D\").values)\n assert_array_equal(dates.ceil(\"D\").values, xdates.time.dt.ceil(\"D\").values)\n assert_array_equal(dates.round(\"D\").values, xdates.time.dt.round(\"D\").values)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py__CFTIME_CALENDARS_times_3d.return.xr_DataArray_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py__CFTIME_CALENDARS_times_3d.return.xr_DataArray_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 153, "end_line": 199, "span_ids": ["impl", "times", "data", "calendar", "times_3d"], "tokens": 314}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "_CFTIME_CALENDARS = [\n \"365_day\",\n \"360_day\",\n \"julian\",\n \"all_leap\",\n \"366_day\",\n \"gregorian\",\n \"proleptic_gregorian\",\n]\n_NT = 100\n\n\n@pytest.fixture(params=_CFTIME_CALENDARS)\ndef calendar(request):\n return request.param\n\n\n@pytest.fixture()\ndef times(calendar):\n import cftime\n\n return cftime.num2date(\n np.arange(_NT),\n units=\"hours since 2000-01-01\",\n calendar=calendar,\n only_use_cftime_datetimes=True,\n )\n\n\n@pytest.fixture()\ndef data(times):\n data = np.random.rand(10, 10, _NT)\n lons = np.linspace(0, 11, 10)\n lats = np.linspace(0, 20, 10)\n return xr.DataArray(\n data, coords=[lons, lats, times], dims=[\"lon\", \"lat\", \"time\"], name=\"data\"\n )\n\n\n@pytest.fixture()\ndef times_3d(times):\n lons = np.linspace(0, 11, 10)\n lats = np.linspace(0, 20, 10)\n times_arr = np.random.choice(times, size=(10, 10, _NT))\n return xr.DataArray(\n times_arr, coords=[lons, lats, times], dims=[\"lon\", \"lat\", \"time\"], name=\"data\"\n )", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_test_field_access_test_field_access.assert_equal_result_expe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_test_field_access_test_field_access.assert_equal_result_expe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 202, "end_line": 217, "span_ids": ["test_field_access"], "tokens": 155}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_cftime, reason=\"cftime not installed\")\n@pytest.mark.parametrize(\n \"field\", [\"year\", \"month\", \"day\", \"hour\", \"dayofyear\", \"dayofweek\"]\n)\ndef test_field_access(data, field):\n if field == \"dayofyear\" or field == \"dayofweek\":\n pytest.importorskip(\"cftime\", minversion=\"\")\n result = getattr(data.time.dt, field)\n expected = xr.DataArray(\n getattr(xr.coding.cftimeindex.CFTimeIndex(data.time.values), field),\n name=field,\n coords=data.time.coords,\n dims=data.time.dims,\n )\n\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_test_cftime_strftime_access_test_cftime_strftime_access.assert_equal_result_expe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_test_cftime_strftime_access_test_cftime_strftime_access.assert_equal_result_expe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 220, "end_line": 232, "span_ids": ["test_cftime_strftime_access"], "tokens": 120}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_cftime, reason=\"cftime not installed\")\ndef test_cftime_strftime_access(data):\n \"\"\" compare cftime formatting against datetime formatting \"\"\"\n date_format = \"%Y%m%d%H\"\n result = data.time.dt.strftime(date_format)\n datetime_array = xr.DataArray(\n xr.coding.cftimeindex.CFTimeIndex(data.time.values).to_datetimeindex(),\n name=\"stftime\",\n coords=data.time.coords,\n dims=data.time.dims,\n )\n expected = datetime_array.dt.strftime(date_format)\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_test_dask_field_access_1d_test_dask_field_access_1d.assert_equal_result_compu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_test_dask_field_access_1d_test_dask_field_access_1d.assert_equal_result_compu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 235, "end_line": 254, "span_ids": ["test_dask_field_access_1d"], "tokens": 216}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_dask, reason=\"dask not installed\")\n@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_cftime, reason=\"cftime not installed\")\n@pytest.mark.parametrize(\n \"field\", [\"year\", \"month\", \"day\", \"hour\", \"dayofyear\", \"dayofweek\"]\n)\ndef test_dask_field_access_1d(data, field):\n import dask.array as da\n\n if field == \"dayofyear\" or field == \"dayofweek\":\n pytest.importorskip(\"cftime\", minversion=\"\")\n expected = xr.DataArray(\n getattr(xr.coding.cftimeindex.CFTimeIndex(data.time.values), field),\n name=field,\n dims=[\"time\"],\n )\n times = xr.DataArray(data.time.values, dims=[\"time\"]).chunk({\"time\": 50})\n result = getattr(times.dt, field)\n assert isinstance(result.data, da.Array)\n assert result.chunks == times.chunks\n assert_equal(result.compute(), expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_test_dask_field_access_test_dask_field_access.assert_equal_result_compu": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_test_dask_field_access_test_dask_field_access.assert_equal_result_compu", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 257, "end_line": 279, "span_ids": ["test_dask_field_access"], "tokens": 259}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_dask, reason=\"dask not installed\")\n@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_cftime, reason=\"cftime not installed\")\n@pytest.mark.parametrize(\n \"field\", [\"year\", \"month\", \"day\", \"hour\", \"dayofyear\", \"dayofweek\"]\n)\ndef test_dask_field_access(times_3d, data, field):\n import dask.array as da\n\n if field == \"dayofyear\" or field == \"dayofweek\":\n pytest.importorskip(\"cftime\", minversion=\"\")\n expected = xr.DataArray(\n getattr(\n xr.coding.cftimeindex.CFTimeIndex(times_3d.values.ravel()), field\n ).reshape(times_3d.shape),\n name=field,\n coords=times_3d.coords,\n dims=times_3d.dims,\n )\n times_3d = times_3d.chunk({\"lon\": 5, \"lat\": 5, \"time\": 50})\n result = getattr(times_3d.dt, field)\n assert isinstance(result.data, da.Array)\n assert result.chunks == times_3d.chunks\n assert_equal(result.compute(), expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_cftime_date_type_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py_cftime_date_type_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_dt.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_dt.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 282, "end_line": 322, "span_ids": ["test_seasons", "cftime_date_type", "test_dt_accessor_error_netCDF4"], "tokens": 288}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "@pytest.fixture()\ndef cftime_date_type(calendar):\n from .test_coding_times import _all_cftime_date_types\n\n return _all_cftime_date_types()[calendar]\n\n\n@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_cftime, reason=\"cftime not installed\")\ndef test_seasons(cftime_date_type):\n dates = np.array([cftime_date_type(2000, month, 15) for month in range(1, 13)])\n dates = xr.DataArray(dates)\n seasons = [\n \"DJF\",\n \"DJF\",\n \"MAM\",\n \"MAM\",\n \"MAM\",\n \"JJA\",\n \"JJA\",\n \"JJA\",\n \"SON\",\n \"SON\",\n \"SON\",\n \"DJF\",\n ]\n seasons = xr.DataArray(seasons)\n\n assert_array_equal(seasons.values, dates.dt.season.values)\n\n\n@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_cftime_or_netCDF4, reason=\"cftime or netCDF4 not installed\")\ndef test_dt_accessor_error_netCDF4(cftime_date_type):\n da = xr.DataArray(\n [cftime_date_type(1, 1, 1), cftime_date_type(2, 1, 1)], dims=[\"time\"]\n )\n if not has_cftime:\n with pytest.raises(TypeError):\n da.dt.month\n else:\n da.dt.month", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py__Tests_for_the_str_acc_test_count.assert_equal_result_expe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py__Tests_for_the_str_acc_test_count.assert_equal_result_expe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 71, "span_ids": ["test_dask", "dtype", "docstring", "test_count", "imports"], "tokens": 208}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "# Tests for the `str` accessor are derived from the original\n# pandas string accessor tests.\n\nimport re\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pytest\n\nimport xarray as xr\n\nfrom . import assert_equal, requires_dask\n\n\n@pytest.fixture(params=[np.str_, np.bytes_])\ndef dtype(request):\n return request.param\n\n\n@requires_dask\ndef test_dask():\n import dask.array as da\n\n arr = da.from_array([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"], chunks=-1)\n xarr = xr.DataArray(arr)\n\n result = xarr.str.len().compute()\n expected = xr.DataArray([1, 1, 1])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n\ndef test_count(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"foo\", \"foofoo\", \"foooofooofommmfoo\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.count(\"f[o]+\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 4])\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_contains_test_starts_ends_with.None_1": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_contains_test_starts_ends_with.None_1", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 74, "end_line": 93, "span_ids": ["test_starts_ends_with", "test_contains"], "tokens": 225}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_contains(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"Foo\", \"xYz\", \"fOOomMm__fOo\", \"MMM_\"]).astype(dtype)\n # case insensitive using regex\n result = values.str.contains(\"FOO|mmm\", case=False)\n expected = xr.DataArray([True, False, True, True])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n # case insensitive without regex\n result = values.str.contains(\"foo\", regex=False, case=False)\n expected = xr.DataArray([True, False, True, False])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n\ndef test_starts_ends_with(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"om\", \"foo_nom\", \"nom\", \"bar_foo\", \"foo\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.startswith(\"foo\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([False, True, False, False, True])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n result = values.str.endswith(\"foo\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([False, False, False, True, True])\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_case_test_case.assert_equal_da_str_upper": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_case_test_case.assert_equal_da_str_upper", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 96, "end_line": 107, "span_ids": ["test_case"], "tokens": 134}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_case(dtype):\n da = xr.DataArray([\"SOme word\"]).astype(dtype)\n capitalized = xr.DataArray([\"Some word\"]).astype(dtype)\n lowered = xr.DataArray([\"some word\"]).astype(dtype)\n swapped = xr.DataArray([\"soME WORD\"]).astype(dtype)\n titled = xr.DataArray([\"Some Word\"]).astype(dtype)\n uppered = xr.DataArray([\"SOME WORD\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(da.str.capitalize(), capitalized)\n assert_equal(da.str.lower(), lowered)\n assert_equal(da.str.swapcase(), swapped)\n assert_equal(da.str.title(), titled)\n assert_equal(da.str.upper(), uppered)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_replace_test_replace.None_4": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_replace_test_replace.None_4", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 110, "end_line": 139, "span_ids": ["test_replace"], "tokens": 341}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_replace(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"fooBAD__barBAD\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.replace(\"BAD[_]*\", \"\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"foobar\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.replace(\"BAD[_]*\", \"\", n=1)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"foobarBAD\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n s = xr.DataArray([\"A\", \"B\", \"C\", \"Aaba\", \"Baca\", \"\", \"CABA\", \"dog\", \"cat\"]).astype(\n dtype\n )\n result = s.str.replace(\"A\", \"YYY\")\n expected = xr.DataArray(\n [\"YYY\", \"B\", \"C\", \"YYYaba\", \"Baca\", \"\", \"CYYYBYYY\", \"dog\", \"cat\"]\n ).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = s.str.replace(\"A\", \"YYY\", case=False)\n expected = xr.DataArray(\n [\"YYY\", \"B\", \"C\", \"YYYYYYbYYY\", \"BYYYcYYY\", \"\", \"CYYYBYYY\", \"dog\", \"cYYYt\"]\n ).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = s.str.replace(\"^.a|dog\", \"XX-XX \", case=False)\n expected = xr.DataArray(\n [\"A\", \"B\", \"C\", \"XX-XX ba\", \"XX-XX ca\", \"\", \"XX-XX BA\", \"XX-XX \", \"XX-XX t\"]\n ).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_replace_callable_test_replace_unicode.assert_equal_result_expe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_replace_callable_test_replace_unicode.assert_equal_result_expe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 142, "end_line": 164, "span_ids": ["test_replace_callable", "test_replace_unicode"], "tokens": 265}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_replace_callable():\n values = xr.DataArray([\"fooBAD__barBAD\"])\n # test with callable\n repl = lambda m: m.group(0).swapcase()\n result = values.str.replace(\"[a-z][A-Z]{2}\", repl, n=2)\n exp = xr.DataArray([\"foObaD__baRbaD\"])\n assert_equal(result, exp)\n # test regex named groups\n values = xr.DataArray([\"Foo Bar Baz\"])\n pat = r\"(?P\\w+) (?P\\w+) (?P\\w+)\"\n repl = lambda m: m.group(\"middle\").swapcase()\n result = values.str.replace(pat, repl)\n exp = xr.DataArray([\"bAR\"])\n assert_equal(result, exp)\n\n\ndef test_replace_unicode():\n # flags + unicode\n values = xr.DataArray([b\"abcd,\\xc3\\xa0\".decode(\"utf-8\")])\n expected = xr.DataArray([b\"abcd, \\xc3\\xa0\".decode(\"utf-8\")])\n pat = re.compile(r\"(?<=\\w),(?=\\w)\", flags=re.UNICODE)\n result = values.str.replace(pat, \", \")\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_replace_compiled_regex_test_replace_compiled_regex.None_2": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_replace_compiled_regex_test_replace_compiled_regex.None_2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 167, "end_line": 199, "span_ids": ["test_replace_compiled_regex"], "tokens": 326}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_replace_compiled_regex(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"fooBAD__barBAD\"]).astype(dtype)\n # test with compiled regex\n pat = re.compile(dtype(\"BAD[_]*\"))\n result = values.str.replace(pat, \"\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"foobar\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.replace(pat, \"\", n=1)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"foobarBAD\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n # case and flags provided to str.replace will have no effect\n # and will produce warnings\n values = xr.DataArray([\"fooBAD__barBAD__bad\"]).astype(dtype)\n pat = re.compile(dtype(\"BAD[_]*\"))\n\n with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=\"case and flags cannot be\"):\n result = values.str.replace(pat, \"\", flags=re.IGNORECASE)\n\n with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=\"case and flags cannot be\"):\n result = values.str.replace(pat, \"\", case=False)\n\n with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=\"case and flags cannot be\"):\n result = values.str.replace(pat, \"\", case=True)\n\n # test with callable\n values = xr.DataArray([\"fooBAD__barBAD\"]).astype(dtype)\n repl = lambda m: m.group(0).swapcase()\n pat = re.compile(dtype(\"[a-z][A-Z]{2}\"))\n result = values.str.replace(pat, repl, n=2)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"foObaD__baRbaD\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_replace_literal_test_replace_literal.None_1.values_str_replace_compil": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_replace_literal_test_replace_literal.None_1.values_str_replace_compil", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 202, "end_line": 224, "span_ids": ["test_replace_literal"], "tokens": 230}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_replace_literal(dtype):\n # GH16808 literal replace (regex=False vs regex=True)\n values = xr.DataArray([\"f.o\", \"foo\"]).astype(dtype)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"bao\", \"bao\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.replace(\"f.\", \"ba\")\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"bao\", \"foo\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.replace(\"f.\", \"ba\", regex=False)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n # Cannot do a literal replace if given a callable repl or compiled\n # pattern\n callable_repl = lambda m: m.group(0).swapcase()\n compiled_pat = re.compile(\"[a-z][A-Z]{2}\")\n\n msg = \"Cannot use a callable replacement when regex=False\"\n with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):\n values.str.replace(\"abc\", callable_repl, regex=False)\n\n msg = \"Cannot use a compiled regex as replacement pattern with regex=False\"\n with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):\n values.str.replace(compiled_pat, \"\", regex=False)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_repeat_test_match.None_1": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_repeat_test_match.None_1", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 227, "end_line": 244, "span_ids": ["test_repeat", "test_match"], "tokens": 183}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_repeat(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.repeat(3)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"aaa\", \"bbb\", \"ccc\", \"ddd\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n\ndef test_match(dtype):\n # New match behavior introduced in 0.13\n values = xr.DataArray([\"fooBAD__barBAD\", \"foo\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.match(\".*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([True, False])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n values = xr.DataArray([\"fooBAD__barBAD\", \"foo\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.match(\".*BAD[_]+.*BAD\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([True, False])\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_empty_str_methods_test_empty_str_methods.None_35": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_empty_str_methods_test_empty_str_methods.None_35", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 247, "end_line": 290, "span_ids": ["test_empty_str_methods"], "tokens": 504}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_empty_str_methods():\n empty = xr.DataArray(np.empty(shape=(0,), dtype=\"U\"))\n empty_str = empty\n empty_int = xr.DataArray(np.empty(shape=(0,), dtype=int))\n empty_bool = xr.DataArray(np.empty(shape=(0,), dtype=bool))\n empty_bytes = xr.DataArray(np.empty(shape=(0,), dtype=\"S\"))\n\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.title())\n assert_equal(empty_int, empty.str.count(\"a\"))\n assert_equal(empty_bool, empty.str.contains(\"a\"))\n assert_equal(empty_bool, empty.str.startswith(\"a\"))\n assert_equal(empty_bool, empty.str.endswith(\"a\"))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.lower())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.upper())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.replace(\"a\", \"b\"))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.repeat(3))\n assert_equal(empty_bool, empty.str.match(\"^a\"))\n assert_equal(empty_int, empty.str.len())\n assert_equal(empty_int, empty.str.find(\"a\"))\n assert_equal(empty_int, empty.str.rfind(\"a\"))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.pad(42))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.center(42))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.slice(stop=1))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.slice(step=1))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.strip())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.lstrip())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.rstrip())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.wrap(42))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.get(0))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty_bytes.str.decode(\"ascii\"))\n assert_equal(empty_bytes, empty.str.encode(\"ascii\"))\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isalnum())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isalpha())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isdigit())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isspace())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.islower())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isupper())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.istitle())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isnumeric())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isdecimal())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.capitalize())\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.swapcase())\n table = str.maketrans(\"a\", \"b\")\n assert_equal(empty_str, empty.str.translate(table))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_ismethods_test_ismethods.None_6": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_ismethods_test_ismethods.None_6", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 293, "end_line": 310, "span_ids": ["test_ismethods"], "tokens": 336}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_ismethods(dtype):\n values = [\"A\", \"b\", \"Xy\", \"4\", \"3A\", \"\", \"TT\", \"55\", \"-\", \" \"]\n str_s = xr.DataArray(values).astype(dtype)\n alnum_e = [True, True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False, False]\n alpha_e = [True, True, True, False, False, False, True, False, False, False]\n digit_e = [False, False, False, True, False, False, False, True, False, False]\n space_e = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True]\n lower_e = [False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]\n upper_e = [True, False, False, False, True, False, True, False, False, False]\n title_e = [True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False]\n\n assert_equal(str_s.str.isalnum(), xr.DataArray(alnum_e))\n assert_equal(str_s.str.isalpha(), xr.DataArray(alpha_e))\n assert_equal(str_s.str.isdigit(), xr.DataArray(digit_e))\n assert_equal(str_s.str.isspace(), xr.DataArray(space_e))\n assert_equal(str_s.str.islower(), xr.DataArray(lower_e))\n assert_equal(str_s.str.isupper(), xr.DataArray(upper_e))\n assert_equal(str_s.str.istitle(), xr.DataArray(title_e))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_isnumeric_test_len.assert_equal_result_expe": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_isnumeric_test_len.assert_equal_result_expe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 313, "end_line": 330, "span_ids": ["test_len", "test_isnumeric"], "tokens": 234}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_isnumeric():\n # 0x00bc: \u00bc VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER\n # 0x2605: \u2605 not number\n # 0x1378: \u1378 ETHIOPIC NUMBER SEVENTY\n # 0xFF13: \uff13 Em 3\n values = [\"A\", \"3\", \"\u00bc\", \"\u2605\", \"\u1378\", \"\uff13\", \"four\"]\n s = xr.DataArray(values)\n numeric_e = [False, True, True, False, True, True, False]\n decimal_e = [False, True, False, False, False, True, False]\n assert_equal(s.str.isnumeric(), xr.DataArray(numeric_e))\n assert_equal(s.str.isdecimal(), xr.DataArray(decimal_e))\n\n\ndef test_len(dtype):\n values = [\"foo\", \"fooo\", \"fooooo\", \"fooooooo\"]\n result = xr.DataArray(values).astype(dtype).str.len()\n expected = xr.DataArray([len(x) for x in values])\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_find_test_find.assert_equal_result_xp_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_find_test_find.assert_equal_result_xp_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 333, "end_line": 364, "span_ids": ["test_find"], "tokens": 433}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_find(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"ABCDEFG\", \"BCDEFEF\", \"DEFGHIJEF\", \"EFGHEF\", \"XXX\"])\n values = values.astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.find(\"EF\")\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 3, 1, 0, -1]))\n expected = xr.DataArray([v.find(dtype(\"EF\")) for v in values.values])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.rfind(\"EF\")\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 5, 7, 4, -1]))\n expected = xr.DataArray([v.rfind(dtype(\"EF\")) for v in values.values])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.find(\"EF\", 3)\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 3, 7, 4, -1]))\n expected = xr.DataArray([v.find(dtype(\"EF\"), 3) for v in values.values])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.rfind(\"EF\", 3)\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 5, 7, 4, -1]))\n expected = xr.DataArray([v.rfind(dtype(\"EF\"), 3) for v in values.values])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.find(\"EF\", 3, 6)\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 3, -1, 4, -1]))\n expected = xr.DataArray([v.find(dtype(\"EF\"), 3, 6) for v in values.values])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.rfind(\"EF\", 3, 6)\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 3, -1, 4, -1]))\n xp = xr.DataArray([v.rfind(dtype(\"EF\"), 3, 6) for v in values.values])\n assert_equal(result, xp)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_index_test_index.with_pytest_raises_ValueE.result.s_str_index_DE_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_index_test_index.with_pytest_raises_ValueE.result.s_str_index_DE_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 367, "end_line": 389, "span_ids": ["test_index"], "tokens": 246}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_index(dtype):\n s = xr.DataArray([\"ABCDEFG\", \"BCDEFEF\", \"DEFGHIJEF\", \"EFGHEF\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n result = s.str.index(\"EF\")\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 3, 1, 0]))\n\n result = s.str.rindex(\"EF\")\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 5, 7, 4]))\n\n result = s.str.index(\"EF\", 3)\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 3, 7, 4]))\n\n result = s.str.rindex(\"EF\", 3)\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 5, 7, 4]))\n\n result = s.str.index(\"E\", 4, 8)\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 5, 7, 4]))\n\n result = s.str.rindex(\"E\", 0, 5)\n assert_equal(result, xr.DataArray([4, 3, 1, 4]))\n\n with pytest.raises(ValueError):\n result = s.str.index(\"DE\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_pad_test_pad.None_2": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_pad_test_pad.None_2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 392, "end_line": 405, "span_ids": ["test_pad"], "tokens": 165}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_pad(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n result = values.str.pad(5, side=\"left\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\" a\", \" b\", \" c\", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.pad(5, side=\"right\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"a \", \"b \", \"c \", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.pad(5, side=\"both\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\" a \", \" b \", \" c \", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_pad_fillchar_test_pad_fillchar.with_pytest_raises_TypeEr.result.values_str_pad_5_fillcha": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_pad_fillchar_test_pad_fillchar.with_pytest_raises_TypeEr.result.values_str_pad_5_fillcha", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 408, "end_line": 425, "span_ids": ["test_pad_fillchar"], "tokens": 219}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_pad_fillchar(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n result = values.str.pad(5, side=\"left\", fillchar=\"X\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"XXXXa\", \"XXXXb\", \"XXXXc\", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.pad(5, side=\"right\", fillchar=\"X\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"aXXXX\", \"bXXXX\", \"cXXXX\", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.pad(5, side=\"both\", fillchar=\"X\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"XXaXX\", \"XXbXX\", \"XXcXX\", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n msg = \"fillchar must be a character, not str\"\n with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):\n result = values.str.pad(5, fillchar=\"XY\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_translate_test_center_ljust_rjust.None_2": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_translate_test_center_ljust_rjust.None_2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 428, "end_line": 449, "span_ids": ["test_center_ljust_rjust", "test_translate"], "tokens": 244}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_translate():\n values = xr.DataArray([\"abcdefg\", \"abcc\", \"cdddfg\", \"cdefggg\"])\n table = str.maketrans(\"abc\", \"cde\")\n result = values.str.translate(table)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"cdedefg\", \"cdee\", \"edddfg\", \"edefggg\"])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n\ndef test_center_ljust_rjust(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n result = values.str.center(5)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\" a \", \" b \", \" c \", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.ljust(5)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"a \", \"b \", \"c \", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.rjust(5)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\" a\", \" b\", \" c\", \"eeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar_test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar.None_2.values_str_rjust_5_fillc": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar_test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar.None_2.values_str_rjust_5_fillc", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 452, "end_line": 478, "span_ids": ["test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar"], "tokens": 326}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"a\", \"bb\", \"cccc\", \"ddddd\", \"eeeeee\"]).astype(dtype)\n result = values.str.center(5, fillchar=\"X\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"XXaXX\", \"XXbbX\", \"Xcccc\", \"ddddd\", \"eeeeee\"])\n assert_equal(result, expected.astype(dtype))\n\n result = values.str.ljust(5, fillchar=\"X\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"aXXXX\", \"bbXXX\", \"ccccX\", \"ddddd\", \"eeeeee\"])\n assert_equal(result, expected.astype(dtype))\n\n result = values.str.rjust(5, fillchar=\"X\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"XXXXa\", \"XXXbb\", \"Xcccc\", \"ddddd\", \"eeeeee\"])\n assert_equal(result, expected.astype(dtype))\n\n # If fillchar is not a charatter, normal str raises TypeError\n # 'aaa'.ljust(5, 'XY')\n # TypeError: must be char, not str\n template = \"fillchar must be a character, not {dtype}\"\n\n with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=template.format(dtype=\"str\")):\n values.str.center(5, fillchar=\"XY\")\n\n with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=template.format(dtype=\"str\")):\n values.str.ljust(5, fillchar=\"XY\")\n\n with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=template.format(dtype=\"str\")):\n values.str.rjust(5, fillchar=\"XY\")", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_zfill_test_zfill.None_1": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_zfill_test_zfill.None_1", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 481, "end_line": 490, "span_ids": ["test_zfill"], "tokens": 117}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_zfill(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"1\", \"22\", \"aaa\", \"333\", \"45678\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n result = values.str.zfill(5)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"00001\", \"00022\", \"00aaa\", \"00333\", \"45678\"])\n assert_equal(result, expected.astype(dtype))\n\n result = values.str.zfill(3)\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"001\", \"022\", \"aaa\", \"333\", \"45678\"])\n assert_equal(result, expected.astype(dtype))", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_slice_test_slice.for_start_stop_step_in_.try_.except_IndexError_.raise": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_slice_test_slice.for_start_stop_step_in_.try_.except_IndexError_.raise", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 493, "end_line": 507, "span_ids": ["test_slice"], "tokens": 180}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_slice(dtype):\n arr = xr.DataArray([\"aafootwo\", \"aabartwo\", \"aabazqux\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n result = arr.str.slice(2, 5)\n exp = xr.DataArray([\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, exp)\n\n for start, stop, step in [(0, 3, -1), (None, None, -1), (3, 10, 2), (3, 0, -1)]:\n try:\n result = arr.str[start:stop:step]\n expected = xr.DataArray([s[start:stop:step] for s in arr.values])\n assert_equal(result, expected.astype(dtype))\n except IndexError:\n print(\"failed on %s:%s:%s\" % (start, stop, step))\n raise", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_slice_replace_test_slice_replace.None_7": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_slice_replace_test_slice_replace.None_7", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 510, "end_line": 544, "span_ids": ["test_slice_replace"], "tokens": 412}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_slice_replace(dtype):\n da = lambda x: xr.DataArray(x).astype(dtype)\n values = da([\"short\", \"a bit longer\", \"evenlongerthanthat\", \"\"])\n\n expected = da([\"shrt\", \"a it longer\", \"evnlongerthanthat\", \"\"])\n result = values.str.slice_replace(2, 3)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n expected = da([\"shzrt\", \"a zit longer\", \"evznlongerthanthat\", \"z\"])\n result = values.str.slice_replace(2, 3, \"z\")\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n expected = da([\"shzort\", \"a zbit longer\", \"evzenlongerthanthat\", \"z\"])\n result = values.str.slice_replace(2, 2, \"z\")\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n expected = da([\"shzort\", \"a zbit longer\", \"evzenlongerthanthat\", \"z\"])\n result = values.str.slice_replace(2, 1, \"z\")\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n expected = da([\"shorz\", \"a bit longez\", \"evenlongerthanthaz\", \"z\"])\n result = values.str.slice_replace(-1, None, \"z\")\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n expected = da([\"zrt\", \"zer\", \"zat\", \"z\"])\n result = values.str.slice_replace(None, -2, \"z\")\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n expected = da([\"shortz\", \"a bit znger\", \"evenlozerthanthat\", \"z\"])\n result = values.str.slice_replace(6, 8, \"z\")\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n expected = da([\"zrt\", \"a zit longer\", \"evenlongzerthanthat\", \"z\"])\n result = values.str.slice_replace(-10, 3, \"z\")\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_test_strip_lstrip_rstrip.None_2": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_test_strip_lstrip_rstrip.None_2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 547, "end_line": 560, "span_ids": ["test_strip_lstrip_rstrip"], "tokens": 136}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_strip_lstrip_rstrip(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\" aa \", \" bb \\n\", \"cc \"]).astype(dtype)\n\n result = values.str.strip()\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"aa\", \"bb\", \"cc\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.lstrip()\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"aa \", \"bb \\n\", \"cc \"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n result = values.str.rstrip()\n expected = xr.DataArray([\" aa\", \" bb\", \"cc\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args_test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args.None_2": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args_test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args.None_2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 563, "end_line": 576, "span_ids": ["test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args"], "tokens": 161}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"xxABCxx\", \"xx BNSD\", \"LDFJH xx\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n rs = values.str.strip(\"x\")\n xp = xr.DataArray([\"ABC\", \" BNSD\", \"LDFJH \"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(rs, xp)\n\n rs = values.str.lstrip(\"x\")\n xp = xr.DataArray([\"ABCxx\", \" BNSD\", \"LDFJH xx\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(rs, xp)\n\n rs = values.str.rstrip(\"x\")\n xp = xr.DataArray([\"xxABC\", \"xx BNSD\", \"LDFJH \"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(rs, xp)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_wrap_test_wrap.None_1": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_wrap_test_wrap.None_1", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 579, "end_line": 621, "span_ids": ["test_wrap"], "tokens": 312}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_wrap():\n # test values are: two words less than width, two words equal to width,\n # two words greater than width, one word less than width, one word\n # equal to width, one word greater than width, multiple tokens with\n # trailing whitespace equal to width\n values = xr.DataArray(\n [\n \"hello world\",\n \"hello world!\",\n \"hello world!!\",\n \"abcdefabcde\",\n \"abcdefabcdef\",\n \"abcdefabcdefa\",\n \"ab ab ab ab \",\n \"ab ab ab ab a\",\n \"\\t\",\n ]\n )\n\n # expected values\n xp = xr.DataArray(\n [\n \"hello world\",\n \"hello world!\",\n \"hello\\nworld!!\",\n \"abcdefabcde\",\n \"abcdefabcdef\",\n \"abcdefabcdef\\na\",\n \"ab ab ab ab\",\n \"ab ab ab ab\\na\",\n \"\",\n ]\n )\n\n rs = values.str.wrap(12, break_long_words=True)\n assert_equal(rs, xp)\n\n # test with pre and post whitespace (non-unicode), NaN, and non-ascii\n # Unicode\n values = xr.DataArray([\" pre \", \"\\xac\\u20ac\\U00008000 abadcafe\"])\n xp = xr.DataArray([\" pre\", \"\\xac\\u20ac\\U00008000 ab\\nadcafe\"])\n rs = values.str.wrap(6)\n assert_equal(rs, xp)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_get_test_encode_decode.assert_equal_data_decode": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_get_test_encode_decode.assert_equal_data_decode", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 624, "end_line": 649, "span_ids": ["test_encode_decode", "test_get"], "tokens": 225}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_get(dtype):\n values = xr.DataArray([\"a_b_c\", \"c_d_e\", \"f_g_h\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n result = values.str[2]\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"b\", \"d\", \"g\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n # bounds testing\n values = xr.DataArray([\"1_2_3_4_5\", \"6_7_8_9_10\", \"11_12\"]).astype(dtype)\n\n # positive index\n result = values.str[5]\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"_\", \"_\", \"\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n # negative index\n result = values.str[-6]\n expected = xr.DataArray([\"_\", \"8\", \"\"]).astype(dtype)\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n\ndef test_encode_decode():\n data = xr.DataArray([\"a\", \"b\", \"a\\xe4\"])\n encoded = data.str.encode(\"utf-8\")\n decoded = encoded.str.decode(\"utf-8\")\n assert_equal(data, decoded)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_encode_decode_errors_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py_test_encode_decode_errors_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_accessor_str.py", "file_name": "test_accessor_str.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 652, "end_line": 680, "span_ids": ["test_encode_decode_errors"], "tokens": 271}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def test_encode_decode_errors():\n encodeBase = xr.DataArray([\"a\", \"b\", \"a\\x9d\"])\n\n msg = (\n r\"'charmap' codec can't encode character '\\\\x9d' in position 1:\"\n \" character maps to \"\n )\n with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError, match=msg):\n encodeBase.str.encode(\"cp1252\")\n\n f = lambda x: x.encode(\"cp1252\", \"ignore\")\n result = encodeBase.str.encode(\"cp1252\", \"ignore\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([f(x) for x in encodeBase.values.tolist()])\n assert_equal(result, expected)\n\n decodeBase = xr.DataArray([b\"a\", b\"b\", b\"a\\x9d\"])\n\n msg = (\n \"'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 1:\"\n \" character maps to \"\n )\n with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError, match=msg):\n decodeBase.str.decode(\"cp1252\")\n\n f = lambda x: x.decode(\"cp1252\", \"ignore\")\n result = decodeBase.str.decode(\"cp1252\", \"ignore\")\n expected = xr.DataArray([f(x) for x in decodeBase.values.tolist()])\n assert_equal(result, expected)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_contextlib_create_encoded_masked_and_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_np_in": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_contextlib_create_encoded_masked_and_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_np_in", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 1, "end_line": 112, "span_ids": ["open_example_mfdataset", "create_masked_and_scaled_data", "impl", "impl:2", "create_encoded_masked_and_scaled_data", "open_example_dataset", "imports:31", "imports", "imports:32", "impl:5"], "tokens": 684}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "import contextlib\nimport itertools\nimport math\nimport os.path\nimport pickle\nimport shutil\nimport sys\nimport tempfile\nimport warnings\nfrom contextlib import ExitStack\nfrom io import BytesIO\nfrom pathlib import Path\nfrom typing import Optional\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport pytest\nfrom pandas.errors import OutOfBoundsDatetime\n\nimport xarray as xr\nfrom xarray import (\n DataArray,\n Dataset,\n backends,\n load_dataarray,\n load_dataset,\n open_dataarray,\n open_dataset,\n open_mfdataset,\n save_mfdataset,\n)\nfrom xarray.backends.common import robust_getitem\nfrom xarray.backends.netCDF4_ import _extract_nc4_variable_encoding\nfrom xarray.backends.pydap_ import PydapDataStore\nfrom xarray.coding.variables import SerializationWarning\nfrom xarray.core import indexing\nfrom xarray.core.options import set_options\nfrom xarray.core.pycompat import dask_array_type\nfrom xarray.tests import mock\n\nfrom . import (\n arm_xfail,\n assert_allclose,\n assert_array_equal,\n assert_equal,\n assert_identical,\n has_dask,\n has_netCDF4,\n has_scipy,\n network,\n raises_regex,\n requires_cfgrib,\n requires_cftime,\n requires_dask,\n requires_h5netcdf,\n requires_netCDF4,\n requires_pseudonetcdf,\n requires_pydap,\n requires_pynio,\n requires_rasterio,\n requires_scipy,\n requires_scipy_or_netCDF4,\n requires_zarr,\n)\nfrom .test_coding_times import (\n _ALL_CALENDARS,\n _NON_STANDARD_CALENDARS,\n _STANDARD_CALENDARS,\n)\nfrom .test_dataset import create_append_test_data, create_test_data\n\ntry:\n import netCDF4 as nc4\nexcept ImportError:\n pass\n\ntry:\n import dask.array as da\nexcept ImportError:\n pass\n\nON_WINDOWS = sys.platform == \"win32\"\n\n\ndef open_example_dataset(name, *args, **kwargs):\n return open_dataset(\n os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), \"data\", name), *args, **kwargs\n )\n\n\ndef open_example_mfdataset(names, *args, **kwargs):\n return open_mfdataset(\n [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), \"data\", name) for name in names],\n *args,\n **kwargs\n )\n\n\ndef create_masked_and_scaled_data():\n x = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, 10, 10.1, 10.2], dtype=np.float32)\n encoding = {\n \"_FillValue\": -1,\n \"add_offset\": 10,\n \"scale_factor\": np.float32(0.1),\n \"dtype\": \"i2\",\n }\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", x, {}, encoding)})\n\n\ndef create_encoded_masked_and_scaled_data():\n attributes = {\"_FillValue\": -1, \"add_offset\": 10, \"scale_factor\": np.float32(0.1)}\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", np.int16([-1, -1, 0, 1, 2]), attributes)})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data_create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_x_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data_create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_x_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 115, "end_line": 124, "span_ids": ["create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data"], "tokens": 105}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data():\n encoding = {\n \"_FillValue\": 255,\n \"_Unsigned\": \"true\",\n \"dtype\": \"i1\",\n \"add_offset\": 10,\n \"scale_factor\": np.float32(0.1),\n }\n x = np.array([10.0, 10.1, 22.7, 22.8, np.nan], dtype=np.float32)\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", x, {}, encoding)})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data_create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_sb_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data_create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_sb_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 127, "end_line": 138, "span_ids": ["create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data"], "tokens": 139}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data():\n # These are values as written to the file: the _FillValue will\n # be represented in the signed form.\n attributes = {\n \"_FillValue\": -1,\n \"_Unsigned\": \"true\",\n \"add_offset\": 10,\n \"scale_factor\": np.float32(0.1),\n }\n # Create unsigned data corresponding to [0, 1, 127, 128, 255] unsigned\n sb = np.asarray([0, 1, 127, -128, -1], dtype=\"i1\")\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", sb, attributes)})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data_create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_x_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data_create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_x_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 141, "end_line": 150, "span_ids": ["create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data"], "tokens": 105}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data():\n encoding = {\n \"_FillValue\": 255,\n \"_Unsigned\": True,\n \"dtype\": \"i1\",\n \"add_offset\": 10,\n \"scale_factor\": np.float32(0.1),\n }\n x = np.array([10.0, 10.1, 22.7, 22.8, np.nan], dtype=np.float32)\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", x, {}, encoding)})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data_create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_sb_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data_create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_sb_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 153, "end_line": 164, "span_ids": ["create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data"], "tokens": 139}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data():\n # These are values as written to the file: the _FillValue will\n # be represented in the signed form.\n attributes = {\n \"_FillValue\": -1,\n \"_Unsigned\": True,\n \"add_offset\": 10,\n \"scale_factor\": np.float32(0.1),\n }\n # Create signed data corresponding to [0, 1, 127, 128, 255] unsigned\n sb = np.asarray([0, 1, 127, -128, -1], dtype=\"i1\")\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", sb, attributes)})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_signed_masked_scaled_data_create_encoded_signed_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_sb_a": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_signed_masked_scaled_data_create_encoded_signed_masked_scaled_data.return.Dataset_x_t_sb_a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 167, "end_line": 190, "span_ids": ["create_encoded_signed_masked_scaled_data", "create_signed_masked_scaled_data"], "tokens": 237}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def create_signed_masked_scaled_data():\n encoding = {\n \"_FillValue\": -127,\n \"_Unsigned\": \"false\",\n \"dtype\": \"i1\",\n \"add_offset\": 10,\n \"scale_factor\": np.float32(0.1),\n }\n x = np.array([-1.0, 10.1, 22.7, np.nan], dtype=np.float32)\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", x, {}, encoding)})\n\n\ndef create_encoded_signed_masked_scaled_data():\n # These are values as written to the file: the _FillValue will\n # be represented in the signed form.\n attributes = {\n \"_FillValue\": -127,\n \"_Unsigned\": \"false\",\n \"add_offset\": 10,\n \"scale_factor\": np.float32(0.1),\n }\n # Create signed data corresponding to [0, 1, 127, 128, 255] unsigned\n sb = np.asarray([-110, 1, 127, -127], dtype=\"i1\")\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", sb, attributes)})", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_boolean_data_TestCommon.test_robust_getitem.assert_actual_0": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_create_boolean_data_TestCommon.test_robust_getitem.assert_actual_0", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 193, "end_line": 220, "span_ids": ["TestCommon.test_robust_getitem.UnreliableArray", "TestCommon.test_robust_getitem", "TestCommon.test_robust_getitem.UnreliableArrayFailure", "create_boolean_data", "TestCommon", "TestCommon.test_robust_getitem.UnreliableArrayFailure:2", "TestCommon.test_robust_getitem.UnreliableArray.__init__"], "tokens": 198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "def create_boolean_data():\n attributes = {\"units\": \"-\"}\n return Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", [True, False, False, True], attributes)})\n\n\nclass TestCommon:\n def test_robust_getitem(self):\n class UnreliableArrayFailure(Exception):\n pass\n\n class UnreliableArray:\n def __init__(self, array, failures=1):\n self.array = array\n self.failures = failures\n\n def __getitem__(self, key):\n if self.failures > 0:\n self.failures -= 1\n raise UnreliableArrayFailure\n return self.array[key]\n\n array = UnreliableArray([0])\n with pytest.raises(UnreliableArrayFailure):\n array[0]\n assert array[0] == 0\n\n actual = robust_getitem(array, 0, catch=UnreliableArrayFailure, initial_delay=0)\n assert actual == 0", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_NetCDF3Only_DatasetIOBase.roundtrip.with_create_tmp_file_allo.with_self_open_path_op.yield_ds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_NetCDF3Only_DatasetIOBase.roundtrip.with_create_tmp_file_allo.with_self_open_path_op.yield_ds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 223, "end_line": 245, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase", "NetCDF3Only", "DatasetIOBase.roundtrip", "DatasetIOBase.create_store"], "tokens": 143}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class NetCDF3Only:\n pass\n\n\nclass DatasetIOBase:\n engine: Optional[str] = None\n file_format: Optional[str] = None\n\n def create_store(self):\n raise NotImplementedError()\n\n @contextlib.contextmanager\n def roundtrip(\n self, data, save_kwargs=None, open_kwargs=None, allow_cleanup_failure=False\n ):\n if save_kwargs is None:\n save_kwargs = {}\n if open_kwargs is None:\n open_kwargs = {}\n with create_tmp_file(allow_cleanup_failure=allow_cleanup_failure) as path:\n self.save(data, path, **save_kwargs)\n with self.open(path, **open_kwargs) as ds:\n yield ds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.roundtrip_append_DatasetIOBase.roundtrip_append.with_create_tmp_file_allo.with_self_open_path_op.yield_ds": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.roundtrip_append_DatasetIOBase.roundtrip_append.with_create_tmp_file_allo.with_self_open_path_op.yield_ds", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 247, "end_line": 260, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.roundtrip_append"], "tokens": 137}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n @contextlib.contextmanager\n def roundtrip_append(\n self, data, save_kwargs=None, open_kwargs=None, allow_cleanup_failure=False\n ):\n if save_kwargs is None:\n save_kwargs = {}\n if open_kwargs is None:\n open_kwargs = {}\n with create_tmp_file(allow_cleanup_failure=allow_cleanup_failure) as path:\n for i, key in enumerate(data.variables):\n mode = \"a\" if i > 0 else \"w\"\n self.save(data[[key]], path, mode=mode, **save_kwargs)\n with self.open(path, **open_kwargs) as ds:\n yield ds", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase._The_save_open_methods_m_DatasetIOBase.test_write_store.with_self_create_store_.with_xr_decode_cf_store_.assert_allclose_expected_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase._The_save_open_methods_m_DatasetIOBase.test_write_store.with_self_create_store_.with_xr_decode_cf_store_.assert_allclose_expected_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 262, "end_line": 288, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_zero_dimensional_variable", "DatasetIOBase.roundtrip_append", "DatasetIOBase.save", "DatasetIOBase.open", "DatasetIOBase.test_write_store"], "tokens": 243}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n # The save/open methods may be overwritten below\n def save(self, dataset, path, **kwargs):\n return dataset.to_netcdf(\n path, engine=self.engine, format=self.file_format, **kwargs\n )\n\n @contextlib.contextmanager\n def open(self, path, **kwargs):\n with open_dataset(path, engine=self.engine, **kwargs) as ds:\n yield ds\n\n def test_zero_dimensional_variable(self):\n expected = create_test_data()\n expected[\"float_var\"] = ([], 1.0e9, {\"units\": \"units of awesome\"})\n expected[\"bytes_var\"] = ([], b\"foobar\")\n expected[\"string_var\"] = ([], \"foobar\")\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n def test_write_store(self):\n expected = create_test_data()\n with self.create_store() as store:\n expected.dump_to_store(store)\n # we need to cf decode the store because it has time and\n # non-dimension coordinates\n with xr.decode_cf(store) as actual:\n assert_allclose(expected, actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.check_dtypes_roundtripped_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_test_data.with_self_roundtrip_expec.assert_identical_expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.check_dtypes_roundtripped_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_test_data.with_self_roundtrip_expec.assert_identical_expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 290, "end_line": 308, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.check_dtypes_roundtripped", "DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_test_data"], "tokens": 183}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def check_dtypes_roundtripped(self, expected, actual):\n for k in expected.variables:\n expected_dtype = expected.variables[k].dtype\n if isinstance(self, NetCDF3Only) and expected_dtype == \"int64\":\n # downcast\n expected_dtype = np.dtype(\"int32\")\n actual_dtype = actual.variables[k].dtype\n # TODO: check expected behavior for string dtypes more carefully\n string_kinds = {\"O\", \"S\", \"U\"}\n assert expected_dtype == actual_dtype or (\n expected_dtype.kind in string_kinds\n and actual_dtype.kind in string_kinds\n )\n\n def test_roundtrip_test_data(self):\n expected = create_test_data()\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n self.check_dtypes_roundtripped(expected, actual)\n assert_identical(expected, actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_load_DatasetIOBase.test_load.assert_identical_expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_load_DatasetIOBase.test_load.assert_identical_expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 310, "end_line": 341, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_load"], "tokens": 232}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_load(self):\n expected = create_test_data()\n\n @contextlib.contextmanager\n def assert_loads(vars=None):\n if vars is None:\n vars = expected\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n for k, v in actual.variables.items():\n # IndexVariables are eagerly loaded into memory\n assert v._in_memory == (k in actual.dims)\n yield actual\n for k, v in actual.variables.items():\n if k in vars:\n assert v._in_memory\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n with pytest.raises(AssertionError):\n # make sure the contextmanager works!\n with assert_loads() as ds:\n pass\n\n with assert_loads() as ds:\n ds.load()\n\n with assert_loads([\"var1\", \"dim1\", \"dim2\"]) as ds:\n ds[\"var1\"].load()\n\n # verify we can read data even after closing the file\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as ds:\n actual = ds.load()\n assert_identical(expected, actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_dataset_compute_DatasetIOBase.test_dataset_compute.with_self_roundtrip_expec.None_1": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_dataset_compute_DatasetIOBase.test_dataset_compute.with_self_roundtrip_expec.None_1", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 343, "end_line": 360, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_dataset_compute"], "tokens": 128}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_dataset_compute(self):\n expected = create_test_data()\n\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n # Test Dataset.compute()\n for k, v in actual.variables.items():\n # IndexVariables are eagerly cached\n assert v._in_memory == (k in actual.dims)\n\n computed = actual.compute()\n\n for k, v in actual.variables.items():\n assert v._in_memory == (k in actual.dims)\n for v in computed.variables.values():\n assert v._in_memory\n\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n assert_identical(expected, computed)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_pickle_DatasetIOBase.test_pickle.with_self_roundtrip_expec.with_pickle_loads_raw_pic.assert_identical_expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_pickle_DatasetIOBase.test_pickle.with_self_roundtrip_expec.with_pickle_loads_raw_pic.assert_identical_expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 362, "end_line": 371, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_pickle"], "tokens": 117}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_pickle(self):\n if not has_dask:\n pytest.xfail(\"pickling requires dask for SerializableLock\")\n expected = Dataset({\"foo\": (\"x\", [42])})\n with self.roundtrip(expected, allow_cleanup_failure=ON_WINDOWS) as roundtripped:\n with roundtripped:\n # Windows doesn't like reopening an already open file\n raw_pickle = pickle.dumps(roundtripped)\n with pickle.loads(raw_pickle) as unpickled_ds:\n assert_identical(expected, unpickled_ds)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_pickle_dataarray_DatasetIOBase.test_pickle_dataarray.with_self_roundtrip_expec.assert_identical_expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_pickle_dataarray_DatasetIOBase.test_pickle_dataarray.with_self_roundtrip_expec.assert_identical_expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 373, "end_line": 384, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_pickle_dataarray"], "tokens": 145}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n @pytest.mark.filterwarnings(\"ignore:deallocating CachingFileManager\")\n def test_pickle_dataarray(self):\n if not has_dask:\n pytest.xfail(\"pickling requires dask for SerializableLock\")\n expected = Dataset({\"foo\": (\"x\", [42])})\n with self.roundtrip(expected, allow_cleanup_failure=ON_WINDOWS) as roundtripped:\n with roundtripped:\n raw_pickle = pickle.dumps(roundtripped[\"foo\"])\n # TODO: figure out how to explicitly close the file for the\n # unpickled DataArray?\n unpickled = pickle.loads(raw_pickle)\n assert_identical(expected[\"foo\"], unpickled)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_dataset_caching_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_None_variable.with_self_roundtrip_expec.assert_identical_expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_dataset_caching_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_None_variable.with_self_roundtrip_expec.assert_identical_expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 386, "end_line": 403, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_None_variable", "DatasetIOBase.test_dataset_caching"], "tokens": 198}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_dataset_caching(self):\n expected = Dataset({\"foo\": (\"x\", [5, 6, 7])})\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n assert isinstance(actual.foo.variable._data, indexing.MemoryCachedArray)\n assert not actual.foo.variable._in_memory\n actual.foo.values # cache\n assert actual.foo.variable._in_memory\n\n with self.roundtrip(expected, open_kwargs={\"cache\": False}) as actual:\n assert isinstance(actual.foo.variable._data, indexing.CopyOnWriteArray)\n assert not actual.foo.variable._in_memory\n actual.foo.values # no caching\n assert not actual.foo.variable._in_memory\n\n def test_roundtrip_None_variable(self):\n expected = Dataset({None: ((\"x\", \"y\"), [[0, 1], [2, 3]])})\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_object_dtype_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_object_dtype.with_self_roundtrip_origi.try_.except_AssertionError_.assert_identical_expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_object_dtype_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_object_dtype.with_self_roundtrip_origi.try_.except_AssertionError_.assert_identical_expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 405, "end_line": 438, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_object_dtype"], "tokens": 431}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_roundtrip_object_dtype(self):\n floats = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype=object)\n floats_nans = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype=object)\n bytes_ = np.array([b\"ab\", b\"cdef\", b\"g\"], dtype=object)\n bytes_nans = np.array([b\"ab\", b\"cdef\", np.nan], dtype=object)\n strings = np.array([\"ab\", \"cdef\", \"g\"], dtype=object)\n strings_nans = np.array([\"ab\", \"cdef\", np.nan], dtype=object)\n all_nans = np.array([np.nan, np.nan], dtype=object)\n original = Dataset(\n {\n \"floats\": (\"a\", floats),\n \"floats_nans\": (\"a\", floats_nans),\n \"bytes\": (\"b\", bytes_),\n \"bytes_nans\": (\"b\", bytes_nans),\n \"strings\": (\"b\", strings),\n \"strings_nans\": (\"b\", strings_nans),\n \"all_nans\": (\"c\", all_nans),\n \"nan\": ([], np.nan),\n }\n )\n expected = original.copy(deep=True)\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n try:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n except AssertionError:\n # Most stores use '' for nans in strings, but some don't.\n # First try the ideal case (where the store returns exactly)\n # the original Dataset), then try a more realistic case.\n # This currently includes all netCDF files when encoding is not\n # explicitly set.\n # https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/1647\n expected[\"bytes_nans\"][-1] = b\"\"\n expected[\"strings_nans\"][-1] = \"\"\n assert_identical(expected, actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_string_data_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_string_encoded_characters.None_1.assert_actual_x_encodi": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_string_data_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_string_encoded_characters.None_1.assert_actual_x_encodi", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 440, "end_line": 455, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_string_data", "DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_string_encoded_characters"], "tokens": 171}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_roundtrip_string_data(self):\n expected = Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", [\"ab\", \"cdef\"])})\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n def test_roundtrip_string_encoded_characters(self):\n expected = Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", [\"ab\", \"cdef\"])})\n expected[\"x\"].encoding[\"dtype\"] = \"S1\"\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n assert actual[\"x\"].encoding[\"_Encoding\"] == \"utf-8\"\n\n expected[\"x\"].encoding[\"_Encoding\"] = \"ascii\"\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n assert actual[\"x\"].encoding[\"_Encoding\"] == \"ascii\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data.with_self_roundtrip_expec.assert_actual_t0_encoding": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data.with_self_roundtrip_expec.assert_actual_t0_encoding", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 457, "end_line": 464, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data"], "tokens": 136}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n @arm_xfail\n def test_roundtrip_numpy_datetime_data(self):\n times = pd.to_datetime([\"2000-01-01\", \"2000-01-02\", \"NaT\"])\n expected = Dataset({\"t\": (\"t\", times), \"t0\": times[0]})\n kwargs = {\"encoding\": {\"t0\": {\"units\": \"days since 1950-01-01\"}}}\n with self.roundtrip(expected, save_kwargs=kwargs) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n assert actual.t0.encoding[\"units\"] == \"days since 1950-01-01\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data.for_date_type_in_date_typ.with_warnings_catch_warni.with_self_roundtrip_expec.None_5": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data.for_date_type_in_date_typ.with_warnings_catch_warni.with_self_roundtrip_expec.None_5", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 466, "end_line": 495, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data"], "tokens": 364}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n @requires_cftime\n def test_roundtrip_cftime_datetime_data(self):\n from .test_coding_times import _all_cftime_date_types\n\n date_types = _all_cftime_date_types()\n for date_type in date_types.values():\n times = [date_type(1, 1, 1), date_type(1, 1, 2)]\n expected = Dataset({\"t\": (\"t\", times), \"t0\": times[0]})\n kwargs = {\"encoding\": {\"t0\": {\"units\": \"days since 0001-01-01\"}}}\n expected_decoded_t = np.array(times)\n expected_decoded_t0 = np.array([date_type(1, 1, 1)])\n expected_calendar = times[0].calendar\n\n with warnings.catch_warnings():\n if expected_calendar in {\"proleptic_gregorian\", \"gregorian\"}:\n warnings.filterwarnings(\"ignore\", \"Unable to decode time axis\")\n\n with self.roundtrip(expected, save_kwargs=kwargs) as actual:\n abs_diff = abs(actual.t.values - expected_decoded_t)\n assert (abs_diff <= np.timedelta64(1, \"s\")).all()\n assert (\n actual.t.encoding[\"units\"]\n == \"days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00.000000\"\n )\n assert actual.t.encoding[\"calendar\"] == expected_calendar\n\n abs_diff = abs(actual.t0.values - expected_decoded_t0)\n assert (abs_diff <= np.timedelta64(1, \"s\")).all()\n assert actual.t0.encoding[\"units\"] == \"days since 0001-01-01\"\n assert actual.t.encoding[\"calendar\"] == expected_calendar", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_timedelta_data_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_boolean_dtype.with_self_roundtrip_origi.assert_actual_x_dtype_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_timedelta_data_DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_boolean_dtype.with_self_roundtrip_origi.assert_actual_x_dtype_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 497, "end_line": 542, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_global_coordinates", "DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_float64_data", "DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_coordinates", "DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_example_1_netcdf", "DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_boolean_dtype", "DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_timedelta_data", "DatasetIOBase.test_roundtrip_coordinates_with_space"], "tokens": 493}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_roundtrip_timedelta_data(self):\n time_deltas = pd.to_timedelta([\"1h\", \"2h\", \"NaT\"])\n expected = Dataset({\"td\": (\"td\", time_deltas), \"td0\": time_deltas[0]})\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n def test_roundtrip_float64_data(self):\n expected = Dataset({\"x\": (\"y\", np.array([1.0, 2.0, np.pi], dtype=\"float64\"))})\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n def test_roundtrip_example_1_netcdf(self):\n with open_example_dataset(\"example_1.nc\") as expected:\n with self.roundtrip(expected) as actual:\n # we allow the attributes to differ since that\n # will depend on the encoding used. For example,\n # without CF encoding 'actual' will end up with\n # a dtype attribute.\n assert_equal(expected, actual)\n\n def test_roundtrip_coordinates(self):\n original = Dataset(\n {\"foo\": (\"x\", [0, 1])}, {\"x\": [2, 3], \"y\": (\"a\", [42]), \"z\": (\"x\", [4, 5])}\n )\n\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n assert_identical(original, actual)\n\n def test_roundtrip_global_coordinates(self):\n original = Dataset({\"x\": [2, 3], \"y\": (\"a\", [42]), \"z\": (\"x\", [4, 5])})\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n assert_identical(original, actual)\n\n def test_roundtrip_coordinates_with_space(self):\n original = Dataset(coords={\"x\": 0, \"y z\": 1})\n expected = Dataset({\"y z\": 1}, {\"x\": 0})\n with pytest.warns(xr.SerializationWarning):\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n def test_roundtrip_boolean_dtype(self):\n original = create_boolean_data()\n assert original[\"x\"].dtype == \"bool\"\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n assert_identical(original, actual)\n assert actual[\"x\"].dtype == \"bool\"", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_orthogonal_indexing_DatasetIOBase.test_orthogonal_indexing.with_self_roundtrip_in_me.None_1": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_orthogonal_indexing_DatasetIOBase.test_orthogonal_indexing.with_self_roundtrip_in_me.None_1", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 544, "end_line": 556, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_orthogonal_indexing"], "tokens": 177}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_orthogonal_indexing(self):\n in_memory = create_test_data()\n with self.roundtrip(in_memory) as on_disk:\n indexers = {\"dim1\": [1, 2, 0], \"dim2\": [3, 2, 0, 3], \"dim3\": np.arange(5)}\n expected = in_memory.isel(**indexers)\n actual = on_disk.isel(**indexers)\n # make sure the array is not yet loaded into memory\n assert not actual[\"var1\"].variable._in_memory\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n # do it twice, to make sure we're switched from orthogonal -> numpy\n # when we cached the values\n actual = on_disk.isel(**indexers)\n assert_identical(expected, actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_vectorized_indexing_DatasetIOBase.test_vectorized_indexing.None_5": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_vectorized_indexing_DatasetIOBase.test_vectorized_indexing.None_5", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 558, "end_line": 638, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_vectorized_indexing"], "tokens": 778}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_vectorized_indexing(self):\n in_memory = create_test_data()\n with self.roundtrip(in_memory) as on_disk:\n indexers = {\n \"dim1\": DataArray([0, 2, 0], dims=\"a\"),\n \"dim2\": DataArray([0, 2, 3], dims=\"a\"),\n }\n expected = in_memory.isel(**indexers)\n actual = on_disk.isel(**indexers)\n # make sure the array is not yet loaded into memory\n assert not actual[\"var1\"].variable._in_memory\n assert_identical(expected, actual.load())\n # do it twice, to make sure we're switched from\n # vectorized -> numpy when we cached the values\n actual = on_disk.isel(**indexers)\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n def multiple_indexing(indexers):\n # make sure a sequence of lazy indexings certainly works.\n with self.roundtrip(in_memory) as on_disk:\n actual = on_disk[\"var3\"]\n expected = in_memory[\"var3\"]\n for ind in indexers:\n actual = actual.isel(**ind)\n expected = expected.isel(**ind)\n # make sure the array is not yet loaded into memory\n assert not actual.variable._in_memory\n assert_identical(expected, actual.load())\n\n # two-staged vectorized-indexing\n indexers = [\n {\n \"dim1\": DataArray([[0, 7], [2, 6], [3, 5]], dims=[\"a\", \"b\"]),\n \"dim3\": DataArray([[0, 4], [1, 3], [2, 2]], dims=[\"a\", \"b\"]),\n },\n {\"a\": DataArray([0, 1], dims=[\"c\"]), \"b\": DataArray([0, 1], dims=[\"c\"])},\n ]\n multiple_indexing(indexers)\n\n # vectorized-slice mixed\n indexers = [\n {\n \"dim1\": DataArray([[0, 7], [2, 6], [3, 5]], dims=[\"a\", \"b\"]),\n \"dim3\": slice(None, 10),\n }\n ]\n multiple_indexing(indexers)\n\n # vectorized-integer mixed\n indexers = [\n {\"dim3\": 0},\n {\"dim1\": DataArray([[0, 7], [2, 6], [3, 5]], dims=[\"a\", \"b\"])},\n {\"a\": slice(None, None, 2)},\n ]\n multiple_indexing(indexers)\n\n # vectorized-integer mixed\n indexers = [\n {\"dim3\": 0},\n {\"dim1\": DataArray([[0, 7], [2, 6], [3, 5]], dims=[\"a\", \"b\"])},\n {\"a\": 1, \"b\": 0},\n ]\n multiple_indexing(indexers)\n\n # with negative step slice.\n indexers = [\n {\n \"dim1\": DataArray([[0, 7], [2, 6], [3, 5]], dims=[\"a\", \"b\"]),\n \"dim3\": slice(-1, 1, -1),\n }\n ]\n multiple_indexing(indexers)\n\n # with negative step slice.\n indexers = [\n {\n \"dim1\": DataArray([[0, 7], [2, 6], [3, 5]], dims=[\"a\", \"b\"]),\n \"dim3\": slice(-1, 1, -2),\n }\n ]\n multiple_indexing(indexers)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_isel_dataarray_DatasetIOBase.validate_array_type.for_k_v_in_ds_variables_.find_and_validate_array_v": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_isel_dataarray_DatasetIOBase.validate_array_type.for_k_v_in_ds_variables_.find_and_validate_array_v", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 640, "end_line": 668, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.validate_array_type", "DatasetIOBase.test_isel_dataarray"], "tokens": 282}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_isel_dataarray(self):\n # Make sure isel works lazily. GH:issue:1688\n in_memory = create_test_data()\n with self.roundtrip(in_memory) as on_disk:\n expected = in_memory.isel(dim2=in_memory[\"dim2\"] < 3)\n actual = on_disk.isel(dim2=on_disk[\"dim2\"] < 3)\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n def validate_array_type(self, ds):\n # Make sure that only NumpyIndexingAdapter stores a bare np.ndarray.\n def find_and_validate_array(obj):\n # recursively called function. obj: array or array wrapper.\n if hasattr(obj, \"array\"):\n if isinstance(obj.array, indexing.ExplicitlyIndexed):\n find_and_validate_array(obj.array)\n else:\n if isinstance(obj.array, np.ndarray):\n assert isinstance(obj, indexing.NumpyIndexingAdapter)\n elif isinstance(obj.array, dask_array_type):\n assert isinstance(obj, indexing.DaskIndexingAdapter)\n elif isinstance(obj.array, pd.Index):\n assert isinstance(obj, indexing.PandasIndexAdapter)\n else:\n raise TypeError(\n \"{} is wrapped by {}\".format(type(obj.array), type(obj))\n )\n\n for k, v in ds.variables.items():\n find_and_validate_array(v._data)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_array_type_after_indexing_DatasetIOBase.test_array_type_after_indexing.with_self_roundtrip_in_me.None_4": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_array_type_after_indexing_DatasetIOBase.test_array_type_after_indexing.with_self_roundtrip_in_me.None_4", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 670, "end_line": 683, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_array_type_after_indexing"], "tokens": 173}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_array_type_after_indexing(self):\n in_memory = create_test_data()\n with self.roundtrip(in_memory) as on_disk:\n self.validate_array_type(on_disk)\n indexers = {\"dim1\": [1, 2, 0], \"dim2\": [3, 2, 0, 3], \"dim3\": np.arange(5)}\n expected = in_memory.isel(**indexers)\n actual = on_disk.isel(**indexers)\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n self.validate_array_type(actual)\n # do it twice, to make sure we're switched from orthogonal -> numpy\n # when we cached the values\n actual = on_disk.isel(**indexers)\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n self.validate_array_type(actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_dropna_DatasetIOBase.test_ondisk_after_print.with_self_roundtrip_in_me.assert_not_on_disk_var1_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_DatasetIOBase.test_dropna_DatasetIOBase.test_ondisk_after_print.with_self_roundtrip_in_me.assert_not_on_disk_var1_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 685, "end_line": 708, "span_ids": ["DatasetIOBase.test_ondisk_after_print", "DatasetIOBase.test_dropna"], "tokens": 225}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class DatasetIOBase:\n\n def test_dropna(self):\n # regression test for GH:issue:1694\n a = np.random.randn(4, 3)\n a[1, 1] = np.NaN\n in_memory = xr.Dataset(\n {\"a\": ((\"y\", \"x\"), a)}, coords={\"y\": np.arange(4), \"x\": np.arange(3)}\n )\n\n assert_identical(\n in_memory.dropna(dim=\"x\"), in_memory.isel(x=slice(None, None, 2))\n )\n\n with self.roundtrip(in_memory) as on_disk:\n self.validate_array_type(on_disk)\n expected = in_memory.dropna(dim=\"x\")\n actual = on_disk.dropna(dim=\"x\")\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n def test_ondisk_after_print(self):\n \"\"\" Make sure print does not load file into memory \"\"\"\n in_memory = create_test_data()\n with self.roundtrip(in_memory) as on_disk:\n repr(on_disk)\n assert not on_disk[\"var1\"]._in_memory", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_bytes_with_fill_value.None_1.assert_identical_expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_bytes_with_fill_value.None_1.assert_identical_expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 711, "end_line": 722, "span_ids": ["CFEncodedBase", "CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_bytes_with_fill_value"], "tokens": 142}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFEncodedBase(DatasetIOBase):\n def test_roundtrip_bytes_with_fill_value(self):\n values = np.array([b\"ab\", b\"cdef\", np.nan], dtype=object)\n encoding = {\"_FillValue\": b\"X\", \"dtype\": \"S1\"}\n original = Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", values, {}, encoding)})\n expected = original.copy(deep=True)\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)\n\n original = Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", values, {}, {\"_FillValue\": b\"\"})})\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_nchar_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_nchar.with_pytest_raises_NotImp.with_self_roundtrip_origi.assert_identical_expected": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_nchar_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_nchar.with_pytest_raises_NotImp.with_self_roundtrip_origi.assert_identical_expected", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 724, "end_line": 733, "span_ids": ["CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_nchar"], "tokens": 120}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFEncodedBase(DatasetIOBase):\n\n def test_roundtrip_string_with_fill_value_nchar(self):\n values = np.array([\"ab\", \"cdef\", np.nan], dtype=object)\n expected = Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", values)})\n\n encoding = {\"dtype\": \"S1\", \"_FillValue\": b\"X\"}\n original = Dataset({\"x\": (\"t\", values, {}, encoding)})\n # Not supported yet.\n with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n assert_identical(expected, actual)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_mask_and_scale_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_mask_and_scale.None_3.assert_allclose_decoded_": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_mask_and_scale_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_mask_and_scale.None_3.assert_allclose_decoded_", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 735, "end_line": 782, "span_ids": ["CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_mask_and_scale"], "tokens": 401}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFEncodedBase(DatasetIOBase):\n\n @pytest.mark.parametrize(\n \"decoded_fn, encoded_fn\",\n [\n (\n create_unsigned_masked_scaled_data,\n create_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data,\n ),\n pytest.param(\n create_bad_unsigned_masked_scaled_data,\n create_bad_encoded_unsigned_masked_scaled_data,\n marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason=\"Bad _Unsigned attribute.\"),\n ),\n (\n create_signed_masked_scaled_data,\n create_encoded_signed_masked_scaled_data,\n ),\n (create_masked_and_scaled_data, create_encoded_masked_and_scaled_data),\n ],\n )\n def test_roundtrip_mask_and_scale(self, decoded_fn, encoded_fn):\n decoded = decoded_fn()\n encoded = encoded_fn()\n\n with self.roundtrip(decoded) as actual:\n for k in decoded.variables:\n assert decoded.variables[k].dtype == actual.variables[k].dtype\n assert_allclose(decoded, actual, decode_bytes=False)\n\n with self.roundtrip(decoded, open_kwargs=dict(decode_cf=False)) as actual:\n # TODO: this assumes that all roundtrips will first\n # encode. Is that something we want to test for?\n for k in encoded.variables:\n assert encoded.variables[k].dtype == actual.variables[k].dtype\n assert_allclose(encoded, actual, decode_bytes=False)\n\n with self.roundtrip(encoded, open_kwargs=dict(decode_cf=False)) as actual:\n for k in encoded.variables:\n assert encoded.variables[k].dtype == actual.variables[k].dtype\n assert_allclose(encoded, actual, decode_bytes=False)\n\n # make sure roundtrip encoding didn't change the\n # original dataset.\n assert_allclose(encoded, encoded_fn(), decode_bytes=False)\n\n with self.roundtrip(encoded) as actual:\n for k in decoded.variables:\n assert decoded.variables[k].dtype == actual.variables[k].dtype\n assert_allclose(decoded, actual, decode_bytes=False)", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase.test_coordinates_encoding_CFEncodedBase.test_coordinates_encoding.None_3.with_open_dataset_tmp_fil.None_2": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase.test_coordinates_encoding_CFEncodedBase.test_coordinates_encoding.None_3.with_open_dataset_tmp_fil.None_2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 784, "end_line": 811, "span_ids": ["CFEncodedBase.test_coordinates_encoding"], "tokens": 311}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFEncodedBase(DatasetIOBase):\n\n def test_coordinates_encoding(self):\n def equals_latlon(obj):\n return obj == \"lat lon\" or obj == \"lon lat\"\n\n original = Dataset(\n {\"temp\": (\"x\", [0, 1]), \"precip\": (\"x\", [0, -1])},\n {\"lat\": (\"x\", [2, 3]), \"lon\": (\"x\", [4, 5])},\n )\n with self.roundtrip(original) as actual:\n assert_identical(actual, original)\n with create_tmp_file() as tmp_file:\n original.to_netcdf(tmp_file)\n with open_dataset(tmp_file, decode_coords=False) as ds:\n assert equals_latlon(ds[\"temp\"].attrs[\"coordinates\"])\n assert equals_latlon(ds[\"precip\"].attrs[\"coordinates\"])\n assert \"coordinates\" not in ds.attrs\n assert \"coordinates\" not in ds[\"lat\"].attrs\n assert \"coordinates\" not in ds[\"lon\"].attrs\n\n modified = original.drop([\"temp\", \"precip\"])\n with self.roundtrip(modified) as actual:\n assert_identical(actual, modified)\n with create_tmp_file() as tmp_file:\n modified.to_netcdf(tmp_file)\n with open_dataset(tmp_file, decode_coords=False) as ds:\n assert equals_latlon(ds.attrs[\"coordinates\"])\n assert \"coordinates\" not in ds[\"lat\"].attrs\n assert \"coordinates\" not in ds[\"lon\"].attrs", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "{metadata_str}\n\n{content}", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n", "class_name": "TextNode"}, "__type__": "1"}, "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_endian_CFEncodedBase.test_invalid_dataarray_names_raise.for_name_e_in_zip_0_4.with_raises_regex_e_.with_self_roundtrip_ds_.pass": {"__data__": {"id_": "/tmp/repos/swe-bench_pydata__xarray/xarray/tests/test_backends.py_CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_endian_CFEncodedBase.test_invalid_dataarray_names_raise.for_name_e_in_zip_0_4.with_raises_regex_e_.with_self_roundtrip_ds_.pass", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"file_path": "xarray/tests/test_backends.py", "file_name": "test_backends.py", "file_type": "text/x-python", "category": "test", "start_line": 813, "end_line": 845, "span_ids": ["CFEncodedBase.test_invalid_dataarray_names_raise", "CFEncodedBase.test_roundtrip_endian"], "tokens": 320}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date", "start_line", "end_line", "tokens"], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["file_name", "file_type", "file_size", "creation_date", "last_modified_date", "last_accessed_date"], "relationships": {}, "text": "class CFEncodedBase(DatasetIOBase):\n\n def test_roundtrip_endian(self):\n ds = Dataset(\n {\n \"x\": np.arange(3, 10, dtype=\">i2\"),\n \"y\": np.arange(3, 20, dtype=\"